EDEX Magazine April 2012

Page 1



3. Pinnacle Having conquered, paving the way for others . .......................................3

fid÷re jD;a;shl" Èßfhka ch.;a uÕ wka whg;a újr lr §u............................6


8. Green

33. IT

EDEX Sithuwam . ...............................8

12. Careers


Crowning glory in a jewel of a profession .............................................13

iaj¾Kuh jD;a;Shhl lsre¿ m,ka wNsudkh . ..............................................14 Time to aspire for greater heights at niche markets..........................................16 Serving the nation with designers and designs . .......................18

cd;shg ks¾udKlrejka yd ks¾udK ìyslrk Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha fufyjr. ...........................20 Tn Ôú;hg iqÿiqo @ Ôú;h Tng iqÿiqo @. ..22 Are you a pioneer ?.................................23 etPdkhf Nehf;fy; .....................................24 gq;Fr;re;ij : XH mwpKfk .....................26 Careers Chart...........................................28

30. HR l<ukdlrefjl= jHdmdßl mßirhg wkql+, úh hq;af;a wehs @. ...........................30

Kamal Abeysinghe Chairman Abhaya Amaradasa Consultant Prabath Fernando

38. Green

Director - EDEX Careers

Solar Energy in Tunisia..........................38

Sharlene de Chickera Manager - Career Services

ÿïnr rgdfjka w,xldrjk Y%S ,xldfõ w;ahka;% frÈms<s l¾udka;h ...................42

Nandun Fernando Editor

mUFk; gRik!.........................................40

nghd;dhd njhopnyhd;wpw;F .................12


One stop shop for all your career needs .........................................33 Social Media..........................................34

Rain water harvesting...........................44

Janitha Senevirathne Associate Editor Tharaka Amarasena Assistant Editor/ Sinhala

46. Education fjku u,la fia msfmkakg bvfokak........46 Education beyond barriers...................48

;dCIKsl m%.ukhka Tiafia biau;=jq wOHdmksl úma,jh ...................49 Changing emphasis on career planning......................................50

Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan Assistant Editor/ Tamil M. Kanapathipillai Editorial Consultant Deepal Malalasekara Graphic/Page Layout Designer

52. Youth

Published by

iskudfjka ms<sìUq jk ;dreKHfha h:d¾:h...................................52 ez;gd; jpiug;glKk; rkfhy fy;tp KiwAk;!. .........................54 Choosing Shoes.. & Relationships !.......................................56

EDEX Secretariat RCU Skills Centre Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail: lpmc@rcu.lk

Mrphpah Sri Lanka is now evolving beyond its role of being tailors to the world. For years we tailored many suits to others’ designs. That trend is now changing with many aspects of consumerism advancing rapidly. Not only in clothing, but in all spheres of manufacturing, there is an increasing trend to admire and pay a premium price for better designs. With the advance of tourism, there are more opportunities to market various types of products, even those that had been manufactured for years. It is pertinent to note that shopping is an essential item in any tourist’s agenda. To cater to such needs, creation of suitable designs to any marketable product is very important. Change of designs is inevitable as its human nature to continuously embrace changing designs. It’s time for our youth to realise the potential in being a designer, of opportunities available in this industry which lay dormant for more than two decades. It’s time to re-think, to see the unknown designer in you. Though you may not have realised, there may be a designer in you that is yet to emerge.

rEmKh ksrEmkhla njg m;ajkafka ñksidf.a isf;a wefok is;=ú,s j,g wkqjh' tu is;=ú,s ñksid úúO wdldrfhka m%;sks¾udKh lrhs' th lú .S; l;d Ñ;% wd§ l=uk wdldrhg jqj;a uq,a;ekg tkafka is;=ú,s j, .eíj mj;akd ks¾udKYS,S yelshdjhs' fujr EDEX iÕrdj ;=,skao wm biau;= lrkakg fjr orkafka tjeks is;=ú,s j, m%;sks¾udKh lsÍfï woaú;Sh oCI;djhs' f,dalfha is;=ú,s m%;sks¾udKh lsÍu jD;a;Sh jYfhka wdodhï Wmhd.; yels ud¾.hla njg m;a lr.;af;da ;u ks¾udKYS,S yelshdj fndfyda fokdf.a ;Dma;sh msKsi fhdod .ks;s' th fuf,i f,djg fy<s lsÍfuka ;j;a fndfyda fofkl=g wkd.; jD;a;Ssh udj; újr lrkq we;'

ntspehl;ltHfspd; tbj;jpw;F ,yq;if cUf;nfhLj;j fhyk; Ngha; ,d;W ,yq;ifaNu tbtikg;gpy; rhjpf;Fk; fhyj;jpy; ,Uf;fpNwhk;. fhykhw;wj;jpw;Nfw;wg EfHNthH NjitfSk; tpUg;gq;fSk; khw;wkile;J tUfpd;wd. ,j;NjitfisAk; tpUg;gq;fisAk; G+Hj;jpnra;a rfy cw;gj;jpj; JiwfSf;Fk; etPd> Gj;jhf;f tbtikg;Gf;fs; mtrpakhfpd;wd> rpwe;j tbtikg;Gf;fSf;F caHe;j tpiyAk; fpilf;fpwJ. ,yq;ifg; nghUshjhuj;jpw;F Rw;Wyhj;Jiw kpf Kf;fpakhdJ. tsHe;J tUk; Rw;Wyhj;Jiwahy; mjpfupj;J tUk; tzpfj;Jiwapd; Gj;jhf;ff; Nfs;tpf;F <LnfhLf;f etPd> Gj;jhf;f tbtikg;Gf;fs; mtrpakhfpwJ. Gj;jhf;f cw;gj;jpfSf;F kl;Lkd;wp mit rpwg;ghf re;ijg;gLj;jg;glTk; etPd tbtikg;G mtrpakhfpwJ. khw;wj;ij tpUk;Gk; kdpjdpd; ,ay;gpw;F <LnfhLf;f Gjpa tbtikg;Gf;fs; te;Jnfhz;NlapUf;fNtz;baJ mtrpakhfpwJ. ,j;jifa rpwg;GkpF tbtikg;Gj;Jiw gw;wp vkJ ,isQHfspilNa tpopg;GzHT Vw;gLj;Jjy; mtrpakhfpwJ. tbtikg;Gj; JiwapYs;s tha;g;Gf;fs;> njhopy; tpguq;fs;> tbtikg;Gj; Jiw mDgtq;fs; Ngd;w jfty;fisj; jhq;fp ,e;j ,jo; ntsptUfpwJ. ,isQHfNs! ePq;fNs mwpahky; cq;fSf;Fs; cwq;fpf;nfhz;bUf;Fk; tbtikg;ghsiu mwpe;Jnfhs;Sq;fs;!

Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.

Read the trilingual e-version @ www.careers.edex.lk



Having conquered, paving the way for others Sharlene De Chickera and Prabath Fernando interview Linda Speldewinde exploring the dynamic world of design education, discovering brands and concepts that bring creative designers of Sri Lanka into international recognition. Q. How would you describe your foray in to the world of design?

self was a milestone, followed by setting

I guess for me it came from my

up of an academy dedicated to design.

educational background. I am a believer

As an entrepreneur, I saw a need in the

in ‘power of education’. I embarked into

market for design education. The first

the world of design in my twenties and

thing as an entrepreneur, in this industry

never looked back. I always wanted to

or any other is that you have to recognize

be an entrepreneur and ambassador for

needs very correctly. After starting out as

the industry. I was the pioneer in my

an entrepreneur for the first two years, I

family viz–a-viz design. It was always a

was working on a blank canvass. There

challenge to do something from scratch,

was no pioneer so I had to carve out my

and that indeed was a challenge.

own ideas in the industry. Also there is a

Q: In your view, what were your career milestones in the fields of design?

I would say, pursuing this field it

lot of responsibility that goes with it, so basically the first two years was about laying the foundation. Then getting into

Ms. Linda Speldewinde - MBA, Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing (CIM-UK)

She is the Founder Director and leading personality at Design for Sustainable Development Foundation, a non-profit organization aiming for socio economic development. Linda is the Founder Director of the Sri Lanka National Design Festival, which brings many budding designers in to the limelight. She is also the Founder/ Managing Director of Academy of Design. She was the Winner of British Council's Young Fashion Entrepreneur Award in 2009 for Sri Lanka. She is the recipient of a Special International Commendation for Changing Society through Design Education, in recognition of services rendered to socio-economic upliftment through design education.



nitty-gritty details and working with the

The design industry is traditionally

happening in Sri Lanka and the demand



is high. Sri Lankans can also aspire to be

Council started their Young Fashion

integration of ‘creativity’ it becomes

in demand in the international platform,

Entrepreneur award. I won this Award

‘design’ industry. It is basically an

too, specially in South Asian countries.

in 2009 and as a result got to know all

industry driven by individuals, individual

Thus, existing as well as emerging

these creative industries. As a winner of

ideas and patenting. It is led by creativity

opportunities are so many.

this award they encouraged me to go and

as opposed to traditional professions. It

study the UK fashion industry, which is

is correct to say design industry, but since

considered the ‘hub’ of the design world.

it entails many other factors or elements

I was more interested in what the award

to it, the more appropriate term would be

was offering, than the title itself.

‘creative’ industry.

Q: What were the positive gains of the award and ensuing exposure?

Q: How do you see the progress of Sri Lankan design industry?

What it entailed was that they

In Sri Lanka, it started out as a

made this whole tailor–made itinerary

manufacturing industry. With vertical

for the network, within UK industry.

integration it developed and emerged

UK being the ‘world’s creative hub’

from sketches to designers working in

I got to meet so many people in the

international companies and showcasing

creative industry, which was exciting and

at London Fashion Week and even

broadened my horizons. I went for the

an annual National Design Festival

award conceptualizing Sri Lanka Design

through which many aspiring youth gain

Festival. That was the benchmark and the

exposure. Now there is a lot of forward

framework to showcase creative concepts

integration, with opportunities for local

of Sri Lanka viz–a–viz UK.

designers to work in fashion capitals

apparel industry. In 2007, the British


I realized that if there is a major impact to be made in the industry, I had to work with the government. This award also helped to influence those involved in government policy making, in the area. Initial response of the government was conducive and it was not difficult to





stakeholders as the design industry is vibrant. Following suit, the government was invited to join the design festival as a key stakeholder.

Q: What in essence is the ‘design’ industry? Is it correct to term it as an ‘industry’?


There are designers who have created their own brands and use the different aspects of Sri Lanka to uplift the market. There are opportunities for graduates locally as well as overseas at reputed companies. With the immerging talent of youth and the backing it receives, young designers only have to think as global entrepreneurs and bring recognition to Sri Lanka. They can also venture out on their own and carve out a career for themselves. For example we have a graduate who has started her own shop to showcase not only her designs but of other designers, too. She accommodates other designers also and sells their different designs and products. We





such as London and New York. There are

competition at national level titled

graduates of design working overseas, as

‘Creative Wave’ to champion budding

their appeal and demand is quite high.

designers from all schools in the island.

Q: What are the opportunities and scope for youth to enter the world of ‘design’? Every design is unique and should be marketed. There are many facets of designing from fashion to jewellery

We plan to conduct this competition with the collaboration of Ministry of Education to bring out talents of school children in the realms of design.

Q: What are the emerging trends in the Industry?

to hand-made items. Even in fashion

With the global and local moves

industry alone, there are different areas

for sustainability, there is a demand

such as fashion marketing, fashion


journalism, fashion styling, etc. There


are so many emerging sub sectors such

moving away from energy use. In that,

as handicrafts, for instance. There is a lot

our traditional handicrafts and related

sustainable of




more items,


heritage comes to the forefront. It will be unique to bring our traditional products in a contemporary way. So this ‘low-tech’ industry is getting in to the spotlight. When it comes to apparel industry there is a push for ‘ethical’ and ‘eco’ fashions. Sri Lanka is a leader in the area in producing “garments without guilt” which is a term coined by the garment industry. We can take this initiative as a genuine move to promote the industry. Their principle of “children belong to class-rooms and not to industries” lends

The design industry is traditionally a manufacturing industry. With integration of ‘creativity’ it becomes ‘design’ industry. It is basically an industry driven by individuals, individual ideas and patenting It must also be mentioned that

finishes when students get proper jobs

there are a lot of people working in

and the industry gets correct kind of

designs and this is a plus point for them,

development of handicrafts and such

talent it needs. The education institutes

being in line with emerging concerns in

villages and towns are getting an impetus

that provide design education need to

the design industry.

to boost their products. However, it must

work closely with the industry so that all

be noted that certain areas specialize

parties benefit. Credibility is also vital.

to project a positive image. There are designers who use ‘eco’ concepts in their

Q: How do you see the spread of ‘design industry’ in the country, specially in North and East as you have been personally involved in promotion of design driven education and craft in the North?

in certain traditional crafts and there should not be an attempt to mismatch the designs. For example Palmyrah produce and its designs flourish in the North and may not take root in a place like Batticaloa.

Q: What characteristics can mould a successful designer? From an international perspective, one need to know what is happening in the world outside. Designers can’t be

Q: What in your view are the drawbacks for our youth to enter in to the design industry?

‘frogs in the well’, so one of the challenges

is to use designs which people can use

Culturally, they don’t see fashion

to maximum. They need to check out

in their products and also help them

designing as a first preference and

Singapore for example, to increase their

market those products. There is a

professional careers like being a doctor,

knowledge on contemporary trends.

‘Palmyrah’ project started in association

lawyer, etc., are considered better. To

From a local perspective they need to

with the hotel and tourism industry to

cite an example we found a girl from

blend with culture and be a part of nature,

market items made of Palmyrah leaves.

Embilipitiya who was very talented

raw materials and touch base with arts

Certain hotels came forward and placed

in designing and had done well in

and crafts of certain regions.

orders for large quantities. These orders

her O/Ls and A/Ls. Her mother was

are sometimes enough to sustain the

championing her designs but her father

designer for three months. Items such as

thought otherwise. It will be good for

coasters, baskets, bottle-holders, etc, are

her to return to the village and become

designed and produced for niche markets

an entrepreneur, as there is a whole

giving an impetus to the designer and

handloom industry out there.

There restoration




of in

livelihood the


and East. Also, there are projects for sustainable development. One initiative

promoting the region where the raw material originates from.

There needs to be a matching of talented youth in to the creative industry,

There is much less number of

as ‘creativity’ is also necessary. When

students coming from North and East.

design is seen as a required skill, then

There needs to be a lot of personal

there should be a meeting of these

monitoring and mentoring to develop

needs. Since those who have got in to the

their skills and talents. Design students

industry have done well, there should be

from Colombo travel to North to interact

a liking to join this industry.

and work together to develop their

of a young designer is to keep abreast of what is happening, through the Internet, probably using the social networks

Q: How can youth ‘designers’ gain a competitive edge over established names? You should have a vision and ambition to be an entrepreneur. Realize that you can use Sri Lanka as a ‘blank canvass’ and do a lot of things that you cannot do in the rest of the world. This is a generation that can do something for the upliftment of our economy. They have to understand the context they are operating in and be gutsy. Also they should look out for new needs that they can fulfill. Innovation is a key, both in

concepts as there seems to be a dearth of

In the field of design we can create

terms of new designs and new products.

youth entrenched in design industry in

a graduate, but the job is not done when

When you are young, you should have a

the North.

the student takes a piece of paper. It

sense of adventure.




fid÷re jD;a ; s h l

Èßfhka ch.;a uÕ wka whg;a újr lr §u

Y%S ,dxflah fudaia;r ks¾udKlrkfha lsre¿ m<ka ,skavd iafm,avúkaâ iuÕ Yd,ska ä Ñflard iy m%Nd;a m%kdJÿ úiska meje;ajQ idlÉPd igykls' m%' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh fj;g Tnf.a msúiSu flfia isÿù o@ ud olsk úÈyg th wOHdmksl miqìu ;=,ska ysñjQ fohla' wOHdmkfhka ,nk foa ms<sn|j fydo úYajdihla ud ;=, ;sfnkjd' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKhg uu msúiqfka jhi wjqreÿ úis .kka j,§hs' t;eka isg wo jk úg b;d È.= .ukla uu meñk isákjd' fuu lafIa;%fha jHjidhlhl= ùug;a lafIa;%h m%p,s; lr,Sug;a uu yeu úgu Wkkaÿ jqkd' uf.a mjqf,a fï lafIa;%hg msúis m<uqjekakd uuhs' taksidu yeu fohlau uq, isgu bf.kSug isÿùu tla;rd wNsfhda.hla jqkd' m%' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh ;=, jD;a;Shuh .uka uf.a jeo.;a ikaêia:dk f,ig Tn olskafka fudkjdo @ fuu lafIa;%hg msúiSuu;a bkamiqj lafIa;%hgu lemjQ wOHdmksl wdh;khla msysgqùu;a" jeo.;a ikaêia:dk f,ig uu olskjd' jHjidhlfhl= jYfhka fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKhg wod, wOHdmksl wjia:d i|yd we;s b,a¨u uu y÷kd.;a;d' l=uk lafIa;%hl jqj;a jHjidhlhl= jYfhka jeo.;a jkafka ta ta lafIa;%hkays wjYH;djhka y÷kd

.ekSuhs' jHjidhlhl= f,i fuu lafIa;%hg msúis jir 2 muK .;jQ miqj;a ug jevlrf.k hdug bvlv ;snqkd' ug fmr fï .uk meñKs jHjidhlhl= fkdisá neúka hd hq;= uÕ ugu fy,slr.ekSug isÿjqkd' mgka .;a jevlghq;= j, j.lSï iys; Ndjh ksidu" uq,a jir fol .;jQfha Yla;su;a mokula f.dvkÕd .ekSughs' jvd;a ixlS¾K foa lrd fhduqjQfka bka wk;=rejhs' fuu lafIa;%fha fydou ;reK jHjidhlhka f;dard .ekSfï jevigykla ì%;dkH ljqkais,h úiska 2007 § wdrïN l,d' tu jev igyfka 2009 jif¾ fyd|u ;reK jHjidhlhd jqfka uuhs' tu jevigyk ;=,ska ks¾udKlrKfha úúO me;slv ug oek.ekSug ,enqkd' tu ch.%ykh u; f,dal fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKfha flakaøia:dkh n÷ tlai;a rdcOdksh fj; f.dia ;j ÿrg;a bf.k .ekSug Tjqka udj Wkkaÿ l,d' m%' tlS ch.%ykh iy tu.ska újD¾; jQ wjia:djka f.ka ,o m%;sM, fudkjdo @ tu jevigyk ilid ;snqfka ks¾udKlrKfha ish¿ me;slvhka iïNkaO jk f,ighs' f,dal fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKfha flakaøia:dkh nÿ jQ tlai;a rdcOdksfha § fuu lafIa;%hg wod, úYd, msßila ug yuqjqkd' th

fydo w;aoelSula jf.au uf.a oekqu mrdih mq¿,a lr,Sug;a Wmldrhla jqkd' ch.%ykh ,enQ jevigykg uu bÈßm;a lf,a Y%S ,xld fudaia;r Wf<,la ms<sn| woyila' tu woyi ;=,ska Y%S ,dxlSh ks¾udK tlai;a rdcOdksh fj;g f.khdug;a uQ,sl mokula jegqkd' fuu lafIa;%h ;=, oefkk hula lsÍug kï rcfha iyh ,nd.; hq;=hs' ud ,o by; lS ch.%ykh fuu lafIa;%hg wod, rcfha md¾Yapjhka iuÕ lghq;= lsÍug úYd, msgqjy,la jqkd' uQ,sl idlÉPdjka id¾:l ùu;a fuu lafIa;%fha wdl¾IkShNdjh;a rcfha md¾Yapjhka iuÕ lghq;= lr,Su myiq l,d' ud bÈßm;a l, Y%S ,xld fudaia;r Wf<,la ms<sn| woyi l%shd;aul lsÍug rcho tlalr .ekSug uu lghq;= l,d' m%' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh hkq l=ulao @ th l¾udka;hla f,i ye¢kaùu ksjerÈo @ fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh;a idïm%odhsl rduqj ;=,§ ksIamdok l¾udka;hla' —ks¾udKlrKh˜ u.ska th fudaia;r ks¾udK l¾udka;hla njg m;ajkjd' th úúO mqoa.,hka Tjqkaf.a ks¾udKlrK woyia yd tu woyia j, kS;shdkql+, whs;sh


u; mokïjk l¾udka;hla' ks¾udKlrKh uQ,sl jk ksid th wksl=;a idïm%odhsl jD;a;Shkaf.ka fjkia' thg fudaia;r ks¾udK l¾udka;h f,i lSu ksjrÈ jqj;a ta ;=, we;s wksl=;a wxY ie,lSfï§ jvd;a iqÿiq jkqfha —ks¾udKlrK l¾udka;h ˜ f,i yeÈkaùuhs' m%' Y%S ,dxflah fudaia;r ks¾udKlrK l¾udka;fha .uk Tn olskafka flfiao @ th Y%S ,xldj ;=, jHdma; jqfka ksIamdok l¾udka;hla f,ighs' l%ufhka Èhqkq fjñka th fï jkúg jvd;a mq¿,a mrdihla ;=, me;sr ;sfnkjd' furáka ìysjQ ks¾udKlrejkag cd;Hka;r fudaia;r ks¾udK iud.ï j, fiajh lsÍug;a we;eï whg ;u ks¾udK ,kavka fudaia;r i;sh jeks cd;Hka;r Wf<,j,a j,g bÈßm;a lsÍug;a wjia:dj ,eî ;sfnkjd' cd;sl fudaia;r Wf<,la mjd oeka meje;afjkjd' tf,i fndfyda wjia:djka újD; ù ;sfnkjd' we;eï ks¾udKlrejkag ks¾udKlrKhgu m%p,s; ,kavka yd ksõfhdala jeks k.r j, mjd /lshd ,eî ;sfnkjd' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh W.;a foaYSh WmdêodÍkag úfoaY /lshdjka ,eî ;sfnkjd' Tjqkag we;s b,a¨u b;d by,hs' m%' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrK lafIa;%h ;=, furg ;reK ;reKshkag we;s wjia:d fudkjdo @ yeu fudaia;rhlau w¿;a' tajd fydÈka wf,úl, hq;=hs' fudaia;rlrKfha úúO me;slv ;sfnkjd' weÿï fudaia;r ks¾udKfha isg wdNrK iy w;alï Ndkav ks¾udKlrKh olajd th me;sfrkjd' weÿï fudaia;r ks¾udK lsÍfï lafIa;%h .ek muKla is;=j;a th ;=,;a úúO wjia:d ;sfnkjd' fudaia;r wf,úlrKh" ksrEmkh" ta yd iïnkaO udOH lghq;= jeks úúO foa ;sfnkjd' tfukau w;alï Ndkav ks¾udKh jeks idïm%odhsl iy úfYaI jQ lafIa;%hkao ;sfnkjd' Y%S ,xldj ;=, jqj;a tf,i we;s wjia:djka iy b,a¨u b;d by,hs' cd;Hka;r jYfhkq;a jHdma; ùug wfma ;reK ;reKshkag wjia:dj ;sfnkjd" úfYaIfhkau ol=Kq wdishd;sl rgj,a ;=,' tf,i oekgu;a mj;sk iy bÈßfha§ we;súh yels wjia:d b;d úYd,nj lsj yelshs'

;ukaf.au fj<| kduhla f.dv kxjdf.k úúO wxY ;=,ska fj<|m, ch.;a Y%S ,dxlSh ks¾udKlrejka isákjd' foaYSh fukau úfoaYsh iqm;, iud.ï ;=, fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKhg wod, /lshdjka ;sfnkjd' wfma ;reK ;reKshkag Tjqka i;= yelshdjka Wmfhda.S lrf.k fuu lafIa;%h i|yd ,efnk wkq.%yho u; cd;Hka;r ms<s.ekSula we;s fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKfha jHjidhlhka f,ig uq¿ rggu lS¾;shla w;alr §ug wjia:dj ;sfnkjd' Tjqkag ;ukaf.au jHdmdr f.dvkxjd mj;ajdf.k hd yelshs' Èjhsfka mdi,a ;=,ska ìysjk fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh ms<sn| yelshdfjka hq;= isiqka y÷kd.ekSg;a Tjqkaj Èß.ekaùug;a —ks¾udK /,a,˜ kñka cd;sl uÜgfï ;rÕdj,shla wdrïNlr ;sfnkjd' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh ms<sno mdi,a orejkaf.a l=i,;d Tmakekaùug fuu ;rÕdj,sh wOHdmk wud;HxYfha iyh we;sj meje;aùug lghq;= lr ;sfnkjd' m%' furg ;=, úfYaIfhka W;=re yd kef.kysr m,d;a ;=, fuu lafIa;%fha jHdma;sh .ek Tnf.a woyia fudkjdo @ W;=re m,df;a fuu lafIa;%hg wod, wOHdmk yd l¾udka; lghq;= kexùug mqoa.,slju odhl jk wfhl= yeáhg Tnf.a w;aoelSï fudkjdo @ W;=re yd kef.kysr m,d;a j, oekg Ôjk;;aj kexùfï jHdmD;s /ila l%shd;aul fjkjd' tfukau ;=,kd;aul ixj¾Okhla i|yd wjYH jHdmD;so l%shd;aul fjkjd' tys tla wx.hla jkqfha ;u ksIamdok j,g iqÿiq fudaia;r ks¾udK tu m%foaYj, ksIamdolhkag y÷kajd §u;a Tjqkaf.a ks¾udK ioyd fj<om,la ,nd§u;ah' ;,afld< wdYs; ksIamdok m%pdrKh iy wf,úh i|yd ixpdrl l¾udka;h iuÕ tlg tlaj wdrïN l, jHdmD;shla ;sfnkjd' iuyr fydag,a úiska thg fydÈka m%;spdr olajd ;sfnkjd' Tjqka úYd, f;d. wekjqï ,nd § ;sfnkjd' tjeks we;eï wekjqï iuyr ks¾udKlrejkaf.a udi ;=kl iuia: ksIamdokh i|ydu m%udKj;a' .uka u¨" fnda;,a r|jk jeks úúO ksIamdok kj fudaia;r rgd iuÕ bÈßm;a lsÍug;a tajd by, ia:rhkaf.a msysá iqúfYaIs fj<om, fj; fhduq

lrùug;a uÕfmkajk w;r tu.ska fudaia;r ks¾udKYs,amshdg fukau wuqøjH imhk m%foaY j,g;a fyd| Èß.ekaùula ,efnkjd' flfia fj;; W;=re yd kef.kysr m,d;a ;=,ska fuu lafIa;%hg we;=¿jk isiqka msßi b;d wvqhs' fuu lafIa;%h tu m%foaYj, ;reK msßia w;r jHdma; lsÍug kï ta yd iïnkaO Èß.ekaùï iy fufyhùï mqoa., flakaøSh f,ig isÿlr hq;= fjkjd' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKh i|yd W;=re m,df;ka tk isiqkaf.a ysÕh ksid we;eï úg fld<ôka hk isiqka tu m%foaYj, ks¾udKlrejka yd tl;=ù Tjqkaf.a ksIamdokj,g wod, fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKhka isÿlrkjd' fuys§ úfYaIfhkau lsjhq;= foa ;uhs rgmqrd úysÿkq w;alï Ndkav ksIamdok .ïudk msysánj' tu w;alï Ndkav ksIamdok lghq;= kexùug;a msshjr f.k we;s w;r fuu .ïudk j,g;a tf,i Èßhla ,ndfokjd' flfia kuq;a we;eï ksIamdok lghq;= hï m%foaY wdYs;j jHdma;j we;s neúka fudaia;r ks¾udKlrKho Bg wod,j isÿúh hq;=hs' WodyrKhla f,ig ;,a wdYs; ksIamdok jHdmdr W;=re m,df;a nyq,j ;snqk;a uvl,mqj jeks m%foaYhl§ wod, wuqøjH iq,Nj ;snqkd jqj;a tjeks lghq;= id¾:l fkdúh yelsh' m%' id¾:l fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejl= ùug flfkl= i;=úh hq;= .=Kdx. fudkjdo @ wka;¾cd;sl ;,fha isg ne¨jfyd;a f,dalfha isÿjk foa ms,sn|j fydo wjfndaOhla ;sìh hq;=hs' fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejka <sx ueä udkisl;ajfhka hq;= wh fkdúh hq;=hs' ;reK fudaia;r ks¾udKlrefjl=g we;s tl wNsfhda. hla kï kj m%jK;djhka ms<sno fydo wjfndaOhlska hqla; ùuhs' iuyr úg wka;¾cd,h jeks udOH yryd ta oekqu ,nd .; yelshs' isx.mamQrej jeks rgj,a wOHhkh lsÍu uÕska kj m%jk;djhka ms<sn| oekqu jeälr.; yelshs' foaYShj ne¨j fyd;a ixialD;sh iuÕ .e,mSug yelsúh hq;=hs' iajNdj O¾uhg ,xj isàu jvd;a jeo.;a jk w;r wuqøjH ms<snoj;a" m%dfoaYShj úisr we;s idïm%odhsl l¾udka; ms<sn|j wjfndaOhlska hqla; ùu;a jeo.;a'



EDEX - is ; = j ï

2012 ch.%dylhska isjqjk j;djg;a mj;ajk ,o EDEX is;=jï §mjHdma; Ñ;% ;rÕdj,sfha ch.%dylhska fï jk úg;a f;dard wjika jk w;r ish¿ ch.%dylhska fj; ;E.s iy l=i,;d iy;slm;a msßkeóu rdclSh úoHd,hSh ix.ufha ksmqk;d ixj¾Ok uOHia:dkfha meje;aùug lghq;= fhdod we;' fuu ;rÕh i|yd Ñ;% bÈßm;a l< ish¿ isiq ore oeßhka iy Tjqkag Èßhla jQ ish¿ foudmshka yd .=rejr .=rejßhkag;a wmf.a ia;+;sh mssß kud isáuq'

wka;AuOHu wxYh

m%d:ñl wxYh

2012 jif¾ iïudk ,dNS isiq ore oeßhka my; fy,slr isákafkuq'

m%:u ia:dkh

fojk ia:dkh

f;jk ia:dkh

fÊ' tï' iks;aud fiyka;s chiQßh

rkaÈks mnú ,shkf.a

ví,sõ'ta' wxc,S ;reIsld m%kdkaÿ

lekaÙ .%eu¾ cd;Hka;r mdi, - uykqjr

wkqr úoHd,h" ud;r

fyda,s *eñ,s m%d:ñl nd,sld úoHd,h" fjkakmamqj

m%:u ia:dkh

fojk ia:dkh

ví,sõ' mS' Yhsks pñld O¾ur;ak

ksmqks Wodßld chiQßh

Y=oaO jq mjqf,a nd,sld úoHd,h - l=reKE.,

jhT rdclSh úÿy, l=reKE.,

f;jk ia:dkh i|,S m%shkajod uqo,sf.a

lKsIaG wxYh

u,shfoaj nd,sld úoHd,h" l=reKE.,

m%:u ia:dkh

fojk ia:dkh

fla'fla kú÷ ikað; ,laIdka

Isïrd kõIdÙ ifilaia úÿy, - nÿ,a,

ßÉukaâ úoHd,h" .d,a,

f;jk ia:dkh ã'fla' ;=Idka úfkdaoa chisxy

fÊHIaG wxYh

ckdêm;s úoHd,h" uyr.u

m%:u ia:dkh ã' mS' cS' tï' iS' î' fikúr;ak mqIamodk nd,sld úoHd,h" uykqjr

fojk ia:dkh

f;jk ia:dkh

tï' cS' tka' ks,aj,d Wvqrdjk

whs' ;rx.d l=udß wfíisxy

uykqjr wdo¾Y úoHd,h - uykqjr

O¾udf,dal kfjdaoHd úoHd,h" me,auvq,a,

by; ;rÕfha ;Hd. iy iy;sl m;a m%Odkh lsÍfï W;aijh 2012 uehs ui§ meje;afjk w;r ish¿u ch.%dylhkag ta ms<sn|j mq¾j oekqï §ula lrkq ,efí' A ceremony will be held in May 2012 at Royal College Union Skills Development Centre, Colombo 07, to award certificates and prizes to the winners and they will be notified well in advance.

Affordable Diplomas to aid you in your Career Choice ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT and Business. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students. Apart from the qualifications that we offer via our affiliations and partnerships, ESOFT also has a range of Diploma Programmes that are specially designed to cater for the requirements of school leavers who need hands-on knowledge and experience in the latest technologies in order to prepare them for the local and international job market.

you for higher studies in Software Engineering. It covers development in the .Net environment and by itself is a valuable qualification for those that seek employment •

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ESOFT also offers a range of courses and programmes for young kids, school leavers, and professionals. Qualifications range from primary ICT classes for kids to Masters Degrees for those that have already completed their first degree or have suitable working experience. One of the reasons for the success of ESOFT students is that ESOFT has a dedicated full-time academic panel including those with Degrees and Masters, as well as professional qualifications.


www.esoft.lk for more details

Opens Registration for next intake

Fashion Designing

at Raffles Institute of Higher Education with International Lecture Panel Incubating raw talents and nurturing them into respectable professionals has always being the aim of Raffles Institute of Higher Education. With the initial offering of six distinctive 2-year Advanced Diploma programs in Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing & Management, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design and Jewellery Design, Raffles is poised to raise the bar for the designing sector in Sri Lanka. Rather than being purely academic, the Fashion Design program at Raffles Institute of Higher Education operates more like a design studio - where there are many practical elements taught to support creative thinking skills. Students are exposed to practical skills which they need to know in order to make clothes properly, from designing to sewing, at a level which is ‘Couture’ standard - preparing them for entering into a billion dollar industry. Students graduating from our fashion design courses have been winning awards in fashion competitions and Raffles is the only fashion college from Asia outside of Japan to achieve this top 50 global ranking. Choice, flexibility and individuality are key concepts for Raffles. The staff – the lecturers and the dedicated team supporting them – really wants to inspire students to get the most out of the courses. They make the effort to get to know students and encourage them to do their best and realize their potential. At Raffles, learners are equipped with a strong foundation in technical proficiency and a good eye for market trends. With the assistance of our international lecturers, the students will be able to adapt to ever-changing market needs, technological developments and be ready to assume professional work the moment they graduate. The international pool of lecturers prepares students for the global and Sri Lankan markets and shapes them into designers who pursue their own belief. This differentiates Raffles Designers from the mainstream designers in the industry. Dare to dream and you will realize that there are ample opportunities out there – waiting!

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nghd;dhd njhopnyhd;wpw;F fpuPlk; mzptpj;jhw; Nghd;w mgpkhdk; ngau; - mkpy mj;Juypa gpwe;j jpfjp - 1977 gpwe;j ,lk; - fhyp fy;Y}up - k`pe;j fy;Y}up> fhyp (1983 - 1993) njhopy;El;gf; fy;Y}up> kUjhid (1998-1999) Ntiy mDgtk; bghrp (Tifashi), rTjp mNugpah (2000-2005)

Nthf; (Vogue) [_tyup (2006 Kjy; ,d;W tiu)

FLk;gk; - jpUkzkhdtu; (xU kfs;) tpUJfs; - Facets: tpUJ - ,uz;lhkplk; - 2010 Gj;jhf;f (Innovative) eif tbtikg;ghsu; tpUJ 2011 ,yl;rpak; - cyfpd; jiy rpwe;j eif tbtikg;ghsuhf Ntz;Lk;.

tpUJntd;w eif tbtikg;ghsu; mkpy mj;Juypa mtu;fsplk; Edex rQ;rpiff;F eif tbtikg;gpy; MHtk; kw;Wk; ,j;Jiwapy; ,isQu;fSf;fhd re;ju;g;gq;fs; gw;wp Nfl;lNghJ. Mf;fk; - ~hypd; b rpf;Nfuh jkpopy; - n[af;FkhH ep[e;jd;

Nfs;tp : cq;fSila tpUjpid gw;wp nfhQ;rk; tpsf;fk; juKbAkh?

Neu;j;jpahf cUthf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwJ vd;gij cWjpg;gLj;j cjtpahf ,Uf;Fk;.

xU ,yq;ifauhf ,t;tpUjpidg; gw;wp vt;thW czu;fpwPu;fs;?

Nfs;tp : ,j;Jiw Mu;tkhdJ. vt;thW cq;fs; njhopyhf khwpaJ?

tpil : xU ,yq;ifau;> njd;dk;; G+ tbt eiff;fhf GJik tbtikg;ghsu; tpUijg; ngw;wJ ,JNt Kjw;jlitahFk;. rTjp> `q;Nfup kw;Wk; ghfp];jhd; Nghd;w ehLfspypUe;J MW Nghl;bahsu;fs; ,Wjpr;Rw;Wf;F njupthfp ,Ue;jdu;. ,t; tpUjhdJ vdf;F fpilf;Fnkd ehd; rw;Wk; vjpu;ghu;f;ftpy;iy

tpil : fhyp> k`pe;j fy;Y}upapy; vd; cau;juj;ij Kbj;j gpd; vdJ khkh jpU. r. kjptpyhtpd; topfhl;lypd; fPo; kUjhid njhopy; El;gf; fy;Y}upapy; ,ize;J nfhz;Nld;. vdJ khkhTk; tbtikg;G nra;tjpy; jpwikrhyp.

,t;tbtikg;gpid Nkw;nfhs;tjw;F vdf;F ce;Jrf;jpahf ,Ue;jJ ,aw;ifNa. ehd; nghJthfNt ,aw;ifapypUe;J jhd; vdJ tbtq;fis mikj;Jf; nfhs;Ntd;. ,yq;ifapy; nghJg; gad;ghl;bYs;s xU G+it ikakhff; nfhz;L ,j;jifa xU mofhd tbtikg;ig ehd; cUthf;fpaij Kd;dpl;L ngUkfpo;r;rp milfpd;Nwd;. ,e;j tpUjpD}lhf ru;tNjr muq;fpy; ,yq;iff;Fk; xU ,lj;ij RtPfupj;jjpy; vdf;F ,ul;il kfpo;r;rp. Nfs;tp : eiffis tbtikg;gjpy; cq;fSf;F vt;thW Mu;tk; Vw;gl;lJ?

tpil : vdf;F Xtpaq;fspy; myhjpg;gpupak;. kw;Wk; ehd; xU XtpaDk; $l. ,e;j Xtpa Mu;tk; vdf;F ,aw;ifapd; gy;NtW tbtq;fis Muha;tjw;F J}z;LNfhyha; ,Ue;jJ. vd; nrhe;j Cupy; flw;fiu Xukhf ele;J ,aw;if moif urpj;jy; vd; nghOJ Nghf;fhFk;. ,e; Neuq;fspy; rpg;gpfs; kw;Wk; XLfisg; ghu;j;J eif tbtq;fis tbtikg;Ngd;. 2010 Facets fz;fhl;rpapy; vd;Dila tpUJntd;w fz;fhl;rpg; nghUs; gyuJ ftdj;ij <u;j;jJ. ghuhl;Lf;fisAk; ngw;wJ. mg; nghUs; xU ePu;tPo;r;rpia ikag;gLj;jpj; jahupf;fg;gl;ljhFk;. ,t;thW ,aw;ifiaAk;> vkJ md;whl tho;f;ifiaAk; tbtikg;Gf;fspd; %yk; ,izg;gJ vdf;F kpfTk; gpbf;Fk;. ,aw;ifapid ikakhff; nfhz;L mjpypUe;J gy;NtW tbtq;fis vLj;J mjd; %yk; vd; ,Wjp tbtikg;ig G+u;j;jp nra;Ntd;. mJ kl;Lky;yhJ eiffis cw;gj;jp nra;gtu;fNshL Nru;e;J ehDk; Ntiy nra;Ntd;. ,J vd; tbtk; kpfTk;

,uz;L tUl njhopy;El;gf;fy;Y}up vd; jpwikfis rPuhf;fp vd;id rpwe;j fiyQdhf khw;wpaJ. fy;Y}up tho;f;ifapd; gpd;du; fy;Y} upapD}lhf Jghapy; vdf;F xU Ntiy fpilj;jJ. vdJ ez;gu;fSf;F cs;ehl;by; Ntiy fpilj;j NghJk; vdf;F ntspehl;by; Ntiy fpilj;jJ mjp~;lNk. Jgha; vdf;F mDgtj;ij <l;bj;je;jJ. vd;Dila eif tbtikg;Gf;fs; ngUk;ghYk; muhgpau;fshNyNa thq;fg;gl;lJ. vd; eiffspy; tpiyAau;e;j J}a fw;fisAk;> fyg;Gf; fw;fisAk; cgNahfpg;Ngd;. jdpg;gl;l thbf;ifahsu;fSf;F ehd; tbtikg;gjpy;iy. Nfs;tp : ,isQu;fs; ,j;Jiwapy; ,iztjw;F ve;jnje;j tplaq;fspy; ftdk; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;?

tpil : xUtd; jpwikAk;> MSikAk; nfhz;L fLikahf cioj;jhy; ,j;Jiwapy; n[apf;fyhk;. fbd ciog;Gf;F khw;wPNl fpilahJ. cq;fsJ mwpit vg;nghOJk; jPl;bf;nfhz;Nl ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Xt;nthUehSk; GJg;GJ tplaq;fis fw;f Ntz;Lk;. mDgtKk; mDgtj;jpd; ntspf;fhl;lYk; Kf;fpakhdit. fly; fle;J ehd; ngw;w mDgtq;fNs vd; GJikahd rpe;jidfspy; ghupa gq;F tfpf;fpd;wJ. Nfs;tp : ,isQu;fSf;F vt;thwhd njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs; ,g;ghijapy; cs;sd?

tpil : nkhwl;Litg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpdhy; tbtikj;jYf;fhd gl;lk; toq;fg;gLfpwJ. Ie;J tUlf; fy;tpahdJ eif> Mil tbtikg;G> fl;likg;G tbtikj;jy;> fpuhgpf; Nghd;wtw;iw mbg;gilahf nfhz;lJ. mJ kl;Lky;yhJ khztu;fs; mbf;fb ,lk; ngWk; fz;fhl;rpfSf;F tp[ak; nra;J Gjpa tbtikg;Gf;fisAk;> GJr; rpe;jidfisAk; mwpe;J itj;jpUj;jy; mtrpakhFk;.


Crowning glory in a jewel of a

profession By Sharlene De Chickera

Q: What does this award mean to you as a Sri Lankan? Winning the Best Innovative Design Award for the “Glamour of Flowing Kapok�, means the world to me as it is the first time a Sri Lankan won this award. There were five other finalists from Gulf Region, Hungary and Pakistan. The inspiration for this award was nature, and I generally derive ideas from nature. I was inspired by cotton fiber that comes out from Kapok pod to create a beautiful design. I am happy to say that through this award, not just me but entire Sri Lanka gets showcased to the world. I think that itself is an achievement.

Q: What characteristics, do you think moulded an award winning jewellery designer in you? I love art, and am a good artist. I love nature and get inspired by its many facets. I used to walk along the beach in my home-town and pick up shells etc., and sketch jewellery pieces. One of my earlier awards at FACETS 2010 exhibition was based on a flowing waterfall, which was inspired by iridescent water.

I also love to include themes ordinary day-to-day life that inspire me and translate them into sketches and finally into a design. I work closely with jewellery manufacturers to ensure that the design I have in mind takes perfect shape.

Q: How did those initial interests progress into a fully fledged career? After completing my Advanced Level examination, I joined the Maradana Technical College, with the guidance of my uncle, Mr. S. Madiwila, who knew of my talents in designing. The two years that I spent at the Technical College sharpened my skills and inherent talent. Thereafter, the College enabled me to pursue further by placing me with a jewellery manufacturer in Saudi Arabia. Similarly, they placed my colleagues in other local companies, though I was lucky to go abroad. I spent five years in Saudi Arabia and gained a wealth of experience, working for a mass market jewellery company. My designs were bought mostly by Arabs and I used precious and semi-precious stones in my designs.

Amila Athuraliya is the first ever Sri Lankan to have won the coveted International Award for Innovative Jewellery Design, in 2011 at Dubai International Jewellery Week. Born in Galle, in 1977, Amila learnt the fine skills of jewellery design at the Technical College of Maradana. He gained a wealth of experience from Tifashi, Saudi Arabia, where he was previously employed. Having won the Runner up Award for Diamond Necklace Design Category at 2010 FACETS, Amila wants to be the best Jewellery Designer in the world. Q: What are the factors that our youth should consider if they are to join this industry? If you see a potential talent and ability in yourself, further that path and work hard. I believe that there is no substitute to hard work. You may possess the talent but you have to sharpen it and learn something new every day. Exposure and experience add value. My overseas exposure in jewellery design helped to further enhance my creativity. One shall also visit exhibitions that take place in the market to keep abreast with the latest designs and innovations. (Assistance rendered by Ms. Ruchera Jayawardena is noted with appreciation.)




iaj¾Kuh jD;a;Shhl lsre¿ m,ka wNsudkh

igyk Yd,ska ä Ñflard" mßj¾;kh y¾I chfialr úisks

iïudk,dNS iaj¾KdNrK fudaia;r ks¾udK Ys,amS wñ, w;=r,sh" iaj¾KdNrK fudaia;r ks¾udK Ys,amhg we;s ,eÈhdj yd fuu lafIa;%fha we;s wjia:djka ms<sn|j EDEX iÕrdjg fufia woyia olajhs' 2011 jif¾§ kfjda;amdol iaj¾KdNrK fudaia;r ks¾udK Ys,amh ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïudkfhka msÿï ,enQ m<uq iy tlu YS% ,dxlslhd wñ, w;=r,shhs' 1977 j¾Ifha§ .d,af,a§ Wm; ,o wñ," iaj¾KdNrK fudai;r ks¾udK Ys,amfha l=i,;d Tmakxjd .kq ,enqfõ urodk ld¾ñl úoHd,fhks' Tyq ijqÈ wrdìh ysÈ fuu jD;a;sfhys fh§ oekqï iïNdrhla ,ndf.k we;' 2010 FACETS ys§ fyd|u oshuka;s ud, ks¾udKh ms<sn| fojk ia:dkh Èkd.;a Tyqf.a wNsm%dh f,dj fyd|u iaj¾KdNrK fudaia;r ks¾udK Ys,amshd njg m;aùuhs' m%( YS% ,dxlslfhl= jYfhka fuu iïudkh ms<sn| Tnf.a yeÕSu l=ulao @ uf.a —fid÷re lmq u,l wisßh˜ ks¾udKh fyd|u kfjda;amdol fudaia;r ks¾udKh f,i iïudkfhka msÿï ,eîu tn÷ iïudkhla ,enQ m<uq YS% ,dxlslhd ud ùu ksidu b;d jákd wjia:djla' ijqÈ wrdìh" ykaf.aßhdj" mlsia:dkh jeks rgj,a j,ska wjika jghg ;j;a lsysm fofkla f;aÍ m;aù isáhd' fuu iïudkhg moku iajNdjO¾uhhs' ux idudkHfhka udf.a ks¾udK j,g woyia ,nd .kafka iajNdjO¾ufhka' YS% ,xldfõ nyq,j olskakg ,efnk iqkaor u,la jk zlmq u,Z fuu ks¾udKhg fya;=

jqKd' fuu iïudkh u.ska ud muKla fkdj uq¿ uy;a YS% ,xldju f,djg u;=ù fmfkkakg fya;= jqKd' ud is;kjd th ud ,o ch.%yKhla lshd' m%( Tn is;k wkaoug iïudk,dNS iaj¾KdNrK fudaia;r ks¾udK Ys,amsfhl= ùug Tn i;=j ,laIK fudkjdo @ ud l<djg wdofrhs" uu fyd| l,dlrefjla' ud iajNdjO¾uhg wdofrhs' tfiau tys úúO wxY j,ska ud uy;a m%fndaOhg m;afjkjd' ud uf.a .ï m%foaYfha§ uqyqÿ fjrf<A weú§ug mqreÿ ú isáhd' tfia weúÈñka wyq,.kak ismams lgq jeks foaj,a u; mokïj wdNrK j, lgq igyka wekaod' 2010 g fmr;a uf. ks¾udKhlg FACETS iïudkhla ,enqkd' c,fha we;s uq;=jka meyeh tu ks¾udKh lsÍug uf.a is; fhduq l<d' ud tÈfkod Ôú;fha§ idudkHfhka uqK .efik f;audjla Tiafia ks¾udK isÿ lsÍug b;d leue;a;la olajkjd' uq,ska tAjd lgq igyka fldg wk;=rej tajdhska fudaia;r ks¾udKh lrkq ,nkjd' ud wdNrK ksIamdolhka iuÕ iñmj lghq;= lrñka ud is;eÕs mßÈ ks¾udKh l, fudai;r tf,iu ksIamdokh jkafka oehs ;yjqre lr.kq ,nkjd' m%( fuu uQ,sl wdYdjka mQ¾K jD;a;shla njg m;ajqfka flfiao@ wfmdi Wiia fm< úNd.h wjika ùfuka wk;=rej ud urodk ld¾ñl úoHd,h yd iïnkaO jqKd' ta i|yd ug wjYH Wmfoia udf.a udud flfkl= jk S. udÈfj, uy;df.ka ,enqKd' Tyq uf.a fudaia;r ks¾udKfha ;snQ oCI;d ms<sn| oekqj;aj isáhd' ld¾ñl úoHd,fha .; l, jir 2 l ld,h ;=, udf.a ksmqK;d iy

Wm;skau ,enqKq oCI;d m%.=K lrkq ,enqjd' bka wk;=rej úoHd,h u.ska ud ;j ÿrg;a lafIa;%fha wjfndaOhla ,nd .ekSug vqndhs wdNrK ksIamdolfhl= yd iïnkaO lrkq ,enqjd' ud úfoaY .; ùug Nd.Hh Wod lr.;a w;r fuu mdGud,dj yeoerE wfkl=;a i.hska yg foaYSh wdh;k j, /lshd wjia:d ld¾ñl úoHd,fhka ,Õd lr fokq ,enqjd' vqndhs ys§ mia jirla wdNrK wdh;khl fiajh fldg úYd, w;aoelSï iuqodhla ud ,nd .kq ,enjd' udf.a ks¾udK fndfyduhla wrdì cd;slhka úiska ñ,g .kq ,enQ w;r tu ks¾udK i|yd b;d jákd iy w¾O jákdlula we;s ueKsla ud úiska fhdod .kq ,enqjd' m%( wmf.a ;reK m%cdj fuu lafIa;%hg msúiSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkjd kï wjOdkh fhduq l, hq;= lreKq fudkjdo@ Tn ;=, hï l=i,;djhla" yelshdjla ;sfnkjd kï ;jÿrg;a tu yelshdj ÈhqKq lr .ekSug uykaisù lghq;= lrkak' ud úYajdi lrkjd uykaisù lemù jev lsÍug fjk;a úl,amhla ke;s njg' Tng hï yelshdjla ;snqK;a tu yelshdj Tma kxjd .ekSug iEu Èklu w¨;a fohla W.; hq;=hs' kj f,djg újD; ùu iy w;aoelSï Tng jákdlula tl;= lrkq we;' ud ,o úfoaYSh w;aoelSï wdNrK fudaia;r ks¾udK Ys,amfha ks¾udKYS,s;dj ;jÿrg;a by, kexùug fya;= odhl jqKd' hful=g j;auka fj<|fmdf,ys t<s oelafjk m%o¾Yk keröug hdfuka kùk;u fudaia;r ks¾udK yd kj wx. ms<sn| wjfndaOhla ,nd .; yelsjkjd'

by; ,smsh ieliSfï § refprd chj¾Ok fukúh úiska oelajQ iyfhda.h w.h fldg i,luq'




Sri Lankan design graduates of University of Moratuwa

Time to aspire for greater heights at niche markets By Sharlene De Chickera and Nandun Fernando Ceramic Design

Bachelors’ degree in Design offered by the Department of Integrated Design at University of Moratuwa offers special study areas into five disciplines of design, namely, Ceramic, Fashion and Textile, Furniture, Graphic and Communications and Jewellery for discerning students who wish to pursue a career in design. “This degree shapes a “designer” to consider more detailed aspects of a design, keeping in mind the fine artistic values as well,” said Mr. Prasanna Pitigala Liyanage, Head of Department of Integrated Design. “For example when designing a shoe, the aesthetic aspects as well as the ergonomics including aspects such as comfort, climatic conditions of end user’s environment, etc are considered,” he said.

Currently the course is being re-structured into three segments of Lifestyle, Product and Media and Communications. The lifestyle segment will comprise of Fashion and Jewellery design and Product segment will include Ceramics, Furniture and Packaging. Media and Communications segment will include Graphic and Communications design

Degree programme in designing commenced at University of Moratuwa 12 years ago. Since then more than seven batches have passed out, with good prospects for almost all in the industry. In terms of “designing” as an industry, opportunities exist both locally and globally, as almost every product and service has a potential for a “design”, whether in product itself or its packaging, promotional material etc. “With the exposure and knowledge given at this degree programme, our students are encouraged to cater to niche markets, creating their own labels. A label in essence is the recognition and personal stamp of a good designer. Sri Lanka has to clinch the niche markets as the mass


market is not for them,” Pitigala Liyanage said. Pitigala Liyanage sees a good potential in markets around us for such “labels”, as people increasingly appreciate “value additions” of designing. “What we need at this point of time are good sponsors to be linked to students’ designs for them to be promoted and reach markets. We hold an annual exhibition enabling our undergraduates, specially those completing the four year degree programme, to showcase their work. It is usually held at the National Art Gallery. By that exhibition, we create a platform for our own undergraduates to be ‘job creators’ rather than job-seekers, where their skill, talent and craftsmanship speak for themselves. Their designs open more opportunities to craftsmen catering to mass markets,” he emphasized. Department of Integrated Design at University of Moratuwa has formed strategic alliances with other rural and traditional artisans to develop village economies. Undergraduates of department engage positively with craftsmen involved in traditional design related industries and help them with new designs that cater to mass markets, while accumulating much coveted traditional “design” related knowledge as well. It has already implemented one such project at Randawadunna, famous for ‘Peduru’ weaving industry. Another very successful project was recently concluded at Wewaldeniya, famous for cane crafts. Newly introduced designs for those craftsmen include utility items, unique designs and even cane jewellery! The fact that it was well assisted by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing under its “Gamata marketing” programme speaks for its value, recognition and services rendered. It has been a tremendous success as traditional craftsmen have readily embraced the ideas that were inculcated.


and there are only a few who actually see its enormous potential”, Pitigala Liyanage noted. Designing is a dynamic industry. Its norms and requirements keep on changing often. An academic programme in such a dynamic industry also has to cater to such changes, well in time. Thus, the degree programme is constantly updated to suit the changing environment of the industry. Currently the course is being restructured into three segments of Lifestyle, Product and Media and Communications. The lifestyle segment will comprise of Fashion and Jewellery design and Product segment will include Ceramics, Furniture and Packaging. Media and Communications segment will include Graphic and Communications design. Restructuring will broaden the knowledge base, providing wider range of options to future undergraduates who specialise in selected segments.

Jewellery Design

Department of Integrated Design at University of Moratuwa has formed strategic alliances with other rural and traditional artisans to develop village economies. Undergraduates of department engage positively with craftsmen involved in traditional design related industries and help them with new designs that cater to mass markets, while accumulating much coveted traditional “design” related knowledge as well

The department also maintains partnerships with Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and Export Development Board in developing and promoting designs on special assignment. “Our undergraduates mainly come from urban areas such as Colombo, Kandy and Kurunegala. It may be due to that the concept of design is still not in full bloom Fashion & Textile Design



Sri Lanka National Design Centre Higher National Diploma in Design for youth with or without A/L

Serving the nation with designers and designs By Sharlene De Chickera and Nandun Fernando

Sri Lanka National Design Centre in Moratuwa caters to talented, budding designers by conducting a two year course of Higher National Diploma in Design. It is conducted as a two year full-time course or as a three-year course for part timers, offering flexibility to even those already in employment. As an industry oriented course of study, it is significant to note that even those who are unsuccessful at their Advanced Level examinations can study for the course without being debarred. “We realize that those who have an inherent talent for designing may not be academically oriented and want to absorb them into this programme. That is why we have structured the HND in Design course in such manner that even those who do not have enough passes at A/Ls can join with O/L qualifications,� said Mr. Sugath Chandrasiri, Director, Sri Lanka National Design Centre at De Mel Road, Katubedda, Moratuwa. The course combines and integrates skills and talents of youth from urban and

The course combines and integrates skills and talents of youth from urban and rural areas, teaching and guiding students on how to broad-base their knowledge and their understanding of concepts of design


rural areas, teaching and guiding students on how to broad-base their knowledge and their understanding of concepts of design. This includes exposure to materials and use of these materials in products. The all-round exposure to concepts of a given design and amalgamation of materials into designs provides an added knowledge of crafts. “There is a noted dearth of well trained and experienced designers in Sri Lanka at the moment. We aim to open more doors to amateur designers through our two year programme of Higher National Diploma in Design by providing them with fundamental training and skills. We strive to produce professional designers,” said Mr. A. A. Gamini, Assistant Director (Design Education and Training) of Sri Lanka National Design Centre. An annual exhibition is held to showcase students’ talents, generally at the BMICH, at the conclusion of the two year diploma. “We strive to empower the youth by moulding them to discover their hidden talents in designing, so that they are self-sufficient with skills in this trade to earn for themselves. We have made youth designers who already have made a mark with their designs. We want the young designers to create their own brands. Recognition for a designer comes about with a brand name,” stated Mr. Chandrasiri. Incorporated through an Act of Parliament, the Sri Lanka National Design Centre’s services to the nation are much broader and far reaching. It may be the only national organization that has a permanent group of experienced designers on service, at full time basis. These experienced designers not only guide and mould the budding designers who enroll for the HND in Design course, they constantly add value to traditional handicrafts of Sri Lanka with new, innovative and market oriented designs. These designs developed through extensive market research are provided to traditional craftsmen to develop their products. Traditional handicraft villages are given maximum support by the Sri Lanka National Design Centre which is

Empowering the youth by moulding them to discover their hidden talents in designing, so that they become self-sufficient with skills to earn for themselves aligned to the Ministry of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprises Development. Elaborating on its broader aspects of services, Mr. Marshall Janatha, Chairman, Sri Lanka National Design Centre said “our main objective is to provide traditional handicraftsmen of Sri Lanka with new and innovative designs enabling them to conquer local and international markets.” “It is a design that will add value and create a market for any product. To design, you need creative talent. Most of our traditional craftsmen are well trained in their respective trades, but lack creativity. But if they do not become more creative their talents and skills also will fade away. Abundantly available raw materials can be made to generate more income by thinking differently to innovate and create products and designs that are right for the changing times,” said Mr. M. A. S. Gamlath, Assistant Director (Design Development) of Sri Lanka National Design Centre. Thalagune, a village in Dumbara Valley that for years has been traditionally involved in weaving of clothes was given new lease of life through dedicated service of expert panel of designers at the Sri Lanka National Design Centre. They personally visited this village and provided valuable inputs to those traditional craftsmen to revive a slowly but definitely a dying traditional industry with a new market oriented vigour. Henewela, a village that has so many traditional leather industry related craftsmen is another such example. Those traditional leather craftsmen were provided with valuable

expertise and advice of experienced panel of designers at of Sri Lanka National Design Centre. Together, they ushered in a welcome change to monotonous and routine designs that were callously repeated over the years. “Everything created for use of people is in essence a design. Designers generally have a good idea of designs in their minds and we give them insights into how they can add value to these designs. By adding new dimensions to existing designs, products that embody these designs are made more marketable,” opined Mr. Chandrasiri. The designs promoted by Sri Lanka National Design Centre are artistically and carefully crafted after market research with added expert advice and guidance of its experienced panel of designers. As such the final product is both innovative yet practical and can find good use in society, both in home and office. “We have a great opportunity to develop the handicrafts industry sideby-side with the tourism industry. We hope to showcase designer handicrafts at different forums to gain attention of tourism industry and promote designs. We need products that are designed to find voice in markets and invite those who are interested in designs to visit us at the Sri Lanka National Design Centre,” Mr. Chandrasiri said.



jD;a;sh msßks¾udKlrKh ms<sno Wiia cd;sl ämaf,daud mdGud,dj iuÕska

cd;shg ks¾udKlrejka yd ks¾udK ìyslrk Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha fufyjr Yd,ska ä Ñflard iuÕ k÷ka m%kdJÿ


foaYSh fukau úfoaYSh fj<|fmd< ch.; yels kj fudaia;r mrïmßl yia; l¾udka; Ys,amSka fj;g ,nd§u fuu wdh;kfha uQ,sl wruqKhs Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha iNdm;s udI,a ck;d uy;d

fojdißl msßks¾udKlrKh ms<sno Wiia cd;sl ämaf,daud mdGud,dj ^HND in Design& ;=,ska fudaia;rlrKh ms<sno Wkkaÿjla olajk ;reK ;reKshka fj;g Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkh Wodlr fokafka uy.= wjia:djla' fulS mdGud,dj w¾O ld,Sk mdGud,djla f,i jir 3 lska ksu l, yels neúka /lshdjl fhÈñka Wj;a fuh yeoEÍug wjia:dj ;sfnkjd' fudaia;rlrKh ms<sn|j oekg we;s mdGud,d w;=ßka fuu mdGud,dj jvd;a jeo.;a jkafka tys we;s m%dfhda.sl Ndjh fukau fuu mdGud,dj yeoEÍug wfmdi idudkH fm< iu;a ùu muKla m%udKj;a ùu ksihs' ta ms<sn|j woyia olajñka fudrgqj"

lgqneoafoa äfu,a mdf¾ msysá Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha wOHlaIl iq.;a pkaøisß uy;d lshd isáfha" —wOHdmksl jYfhka wiu;a jQj;a fudaia;rlrKh ms<sn|j Wmka yelshdjka ;sfnk wh;a wm w;r isákjd' Tjqkag;a fuu lafIa;%fha bÈßhg hdug wjia:djla ;sìh hq;=hs' ta i|yd ;uhs wfma fuu mdGud,dj idudkH fm< iu;a jkakkag we;=¿ úh yels f,ig ilia lr we;af;a"˜ f,ihs' fulS mdGud,dj ;=,ska kd.ßl fukau .ïno ;reK ;reKshkag;a tl f,iska ;u yelshdjka tl;= lr oelaùug wjia:djla ,efnk w;r fudaia;rlrKh ms<sn| uQ,sl kHdhka iy wod, oekqu mq¿,a f,i talrdYS lr .ekSug wjYH ud¾.ho idod fokq ,nkjd' úúO wuqøjH fukau tlS wuqøjH Ndú;h ms<sn|j;a Tjqkag bf.kSug wjia:dj ,efnkjd'

—olaI iy m,mqreÿ fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejkaf.a ysÕhla oekg Y%S ,xldj ;=, we;sù ;sfnkjd' tlS ysÕh ;=,ska wdOqkslhkag jvd;a fydo wjia:djka Wodlr §ug wmf.a fuu mdGud,dj ;=<ska wm n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' ta i|yd fuu mdGud,dj u.ska uQ,sl oekqula fukau m%fhda.sl yelshdjla ,ndfokjd' wfma W;aidyh

jD;a;sh jD;a;Sh uÜgfï ks¾udK lrejka ìyslsÍughs"˜ Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha iyldr wOHlaIl ^fudaia;r wOHdmk yd mqyqKq& ta' ta' .dñkS uy;d m%ldY lr isáhd' fuu fojdißl mdGud,dj wjidkfha isiqkag m%o¾Ykhla yryd ;u yelshdjka t,soelaùug wjia:djla ,efnkjd' fuu jd¾Isl m%o¾YKh idudkHfhka nKavdrkdhl wkqiaurK cd;Hka;r iïuka;%K Yd,dfõ§ meje;afjkjd' —wms W;aidy lrkafka fudaia;rlrKh ms<sn|j ;u ieÕjqKq yelshdjka y÷kd.eksug yelsjk f,ig ;reK ;reKshkaj iún, .ekaùuhs' tu.ska Tjqka yelshdjkaf. ka i¾j iïmQ¾Kj by, wdodhï bmhSug yels wh njg m;afjkjd' fï jkúg;a wfma mdGud,dj ;=,ska ìys jQ olaI ;reK fudaia;r ks¾udK lrejka msßila isákjd' wmg wjYH ;reK fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejka ;ukaf.au fj<|kduhka ìysl, yels wh njg m;a lsÍughs' we;af;kau fudaia;r ks¾udKlrefjl=g fyd| m%;spdr ,efnkafka ;ukaf.au fj<| kduhla we;sùu ;=,skqhs"˜ pkaøisß uy;d lshd isáhd' flfia kuq;a md¾,sfïka;= mK;lska ìysjQ Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha fiajdjka mdGud,d fufyhùug wu;rj jvd;a mq¿,a mrdihl me;sr mj;skjd' we;eï úg mQ¾K ld,Skj" iaÒr moku u; fiajfha fh§ isák fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejka úYd, msßila isák tlu cd;sl wdh;kh fuh úh yelsh' fuu m,mqreÿ ks¾udKlrejka mdGud,djg we;=,;ajk wdOqkslhska ksis uÕg fhduq lrkjd fukau Y%S ,xldfõ mdrïmßl yia; l¾udka; j,g kfjda;amdol iy fj<o fmd<g Tìk fudaia;r y÷kajd foñka tajdfhys w.hkao by, oeóug odhl jkjd' jvd;a ixlS¾K fj<|fmd< wOHhkhka ;=,ska ìys lrkq ,nk kj fudaia;r ks¾udK Tjqka úiska yia; l¾udka; Ys,amSkag Tjqkaf.a ksIamdok ÈhqKq lr .ekSu i|yd ,nd fokjd' mdrïmßl l¾udka; iy l=vd jHjidh ixj¾Ok wud;HxYh hgf;a we;s fuu wdh;kh úiska mdrïmßl yia; l¾udka; Ys,amSkaf.a .ïudk j,g m%n, iyfhda.hla ,ndfokjd' Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha mq¿,a fiajd mrdih ms<sn|j woyia olajñka tys iNdm;s

udI,a ck;d uy;d m%ldY lr isáfha" —foaYSh fukau úfoaYSh fj<|fmd< ch.; yels kj fudaia;r mrïmßl yia; l¾udka; Ys,amSka fj;g ,nd§u fuu wdh;kfha uQ,sl wruqKla˜ njhs' ˜´kEu ksIamdokhlg jákdlula tl;= jkafka;a ta i|yd fj<|fmd<la we;sjkafka;a thg wod, fudaia;rh ;=,skqhs' fudaia;rhla ìyslsÍug ks¾udKlrKh ms<sn| Ys,amSh yelshdjla ;sìh hq;=hs' nyq;rhla yia; l¾udka; YS,amSka ta ta lafIa;%fha w;s olaIhka jQj;a Tjqkaf.a ks¾udKlrKh ms<sn| yelshdjka wvqhs' Tjqka jvd;a fydo ks¾udKlrejka njg m;ajkafka ke;akï Tjqkaf.a Ys,amSh olaI;djhka yd yelshdjka o ld,h;a iuÕ uelShdug ,lafjkjd' wm i;= wm%udK wuqøjH ;=,ska by, wdodhula ,eîug yelsjkafka fjkia wdldrhg is;ñka kjH iy ld,hg Tìk ks¾udK ìyslsÍu ;=,ska"˜ Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha iyldr wOHlaIl ^fudaia;r ixj¾Ok&" tï' ta' tia' .ï,;a uy;d m%ldY lr isáhd' fuu wdh;kfha m<mqreÿ fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejkaf.a lemùfuka hq;= fiajh ;=,ska kj mkla ,enQ tla mdrïmßl yia; l¾udka; Ys,amSh .ïudkhla jkqfha frÈ úúug m%isoaO ÿïnr ñáhdjf;a ;,.=fka .uhs' fyñka fyñka wNdjhg hñka ;snQ tu foaYSh l¾udka;h fjf<om<g WÑ; wdldrfhka ke.S isáfha fuu wdh;kfha fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejka .u fj;gu f.dia fnodÿka oekqu ksidhs' ;j;a WodyrKhla jkqfha mdrïmßl iïNdkav l¾udka;fha kshqla;j isák fyafkafj, .uhs' Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkfha fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejka tu .ïudkfha mdrïmßl iïNdkav ksIamdok Ys,amSkag;a tf,i ;u oekqu ,ndÿkakd' Tjqkaf.a tluq;=j jir .Kkla ;siafia w,i f,i tl f,igu mj;ajd f.k wd tldldÍ ks¾udKhka fjkialr kejqï fjkila tu .ïudkfha mdrïmßl iï Ndkav j,g ,Õdlr ÿkakd' —ñksiqkaf.a



ksmojk ´kEu fohla ;=, fudaia;rhla ;sfnkjd' idudkfhka ;u ksIamdokfha fudaia;rh ms<sno fydo wjfndaOhla tys ks¾udKlrejdg ;sfnkjd' wm ,ndfok oekqu ;=,ska tu fudaia;rfha w.h jeälsÍug Tjqkag wjia:dj ,efnkjd' mj;akd fudaia;rhka kjHlrKh ;=,ska tu fudaia;r we;=,;a ks¾udK i|yd jvd;a fyd| fj<om<la ìyslr .;yels fjkjd"˜ pkaøisß uy;d m%ldY l,d' Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkh úiska y÷kajdfokq ,nk fudaia;r tys m<mqreÿ fudaia;r ks¾udKlrejkaf.a úfYaI{ oekqu iy mq¿,a fj<ofmd, wOHhkhka u; mokïj l,d;aulj iy ie,ls,af,ka hq;=j ìys lr ,o tajdhs' tneúka tu fudaia;r u; mokï jk ks¾udKhka jvd;a kjH yd fldhs ;ekg;a Tìk m%fhda.sl jákdlulska hq;= tajd fjkjd' —ixpdrl l¾udka;hg iu.dój foaYSh yia; l¾udka; ÈhqKq lr ,Sug wmg uyÕ= wjia:djla ,eî ;sfnkjd' úúO wxY yryd fudaia;rlrKh ;=,ska kjHjQ yia; l¾udka; ks¾udK ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=, m%p,s; lsÍug;a kj fudaia;r ks¾udKhka m%p,s; lsÍug;a wm n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkjd' fj<ofmd< ;=, y~la ke.sh yels ks¾udK wmg wjYHhs' ta i|yd fudaia;r ms<sn|j Wkkaÿjk ish¿ fokdg Y%S ,xld cd;sl fudaia;r uOHia:dkh fj;g meñK wm yd tlajk f,ig wm wdrdOkd lrkjd"˜ pkaøisß uy;d jeä ÿrg;a m%ldYlr isáhd'




Tn Ôú;hg iqÿiqo @ Ôú;h Tng iqÿiqo @ iEu úgu wm n,dfmdfrd;a;=jkafka i;=áka" iekiSfuka ld,h .; lsÍughs' tu i;=g" iekiSu fyda wmf.a Ôú; ;Dma;sh ;SrKh jkafka wm fl;rï ÿrg" is;g leu;s foa lrkjdo hk ldrKdj u;hs' fld;rï l< hq;= jqj;a" fld;rï id¾:lj ksulf<a jqj;a wm wod, ld¾hh ;=< ;Dma;su;a jkafka tu ld¾hh lsÍug wmf.a .; is; olajk leue;a; wkqjhs' leue;a; ;Dma;sh tl yd iu.dój wfkHdkH ne£ulska hqla; jkafka hïfiao id¾:l;ajh yd lemùuo iyino;djhlska Ôú;fha úmq, m, fk,d .ekSug wjYH udj; i,id foa' flfkla <ud ld,h" ;reK ld,h fyda jeäysá ld,h fyda l=uk ld,hl§ jqj;a ;u Ôú;fha ;Dma;sh rÞmj;afka leu;a;" ;Dma;sh" lemùu yd id¾:l;ajh Ôú;fha ish¨ ld¾hhka i|yd fhdod.kakd uÜgu wkqjhs' tu uÜguo tlsfkldf.a Ôú; YlH;dj u; ;SrKh fõ' flfia fyda fõjd fm!oa.,sl Ôú;j, oekqu" l=i,;d yd iudchSh ixfõ§ wdl,am j, Odß;dj fï i|yd wjYH Ôjk fmdaIKh ,ndfoa' wm flfia fldhs wdldrfhka l;d l<o fndfyda fok ;u Ôú;h .; lrkafka ;Dma;sfhkao@ ienúkau Tn Tfí Ôú;h ;=< id¾:lo@ thg Tõ fyda ke; fyda ms<s;=r ;SrKh jkafka Tn Tfí leu;a; u; Tn lrk ld¾hfhys fh§ isákafka kï muKs' tfia fkdjqkfyd;a Tn lrk /lshdj" tfukau wfkla ish¨ l¾;jHka kHdhslj" fN!;slj fld;rï id¾:l jqj;a udkislj yd wOHd;añlj Tn b;du wid¾:l mqoa.,fhl= njg m;afõ' Tn Tng .e<fmk /lshdj f;dard.ekSug m%:ufhka i,ld ne,sh hq;af;a Tng .e,fmk wOHdmk lafIa;%hl ksr;jkafkao" ksr;jQfhao lshhs' tys§ wm wjOdrKh lr.; hq;af;a" Tnf.a ldhsl udkisl yelshdjka" lemùfï Odß;dj muKla fkdj iajrEmhkao tl yd iudkj .e<fmkafkao hk njhs' ta wkqj wfhla ks;ru ;dlaIKsl" kHdhsl l%shdldrlï j,g jeä leue;a;la olajkafka jqj;a foudmsh n,lsÍug kS;S{fhl= ùug wOHdmkh yodrkafka kï th ;u Ôú;h ys;du;du w÷f¾ fy,d.ekSuls' fuh wfkla w;go tfiauh' ;ukag wfkalúO l,d

;drl wurfiak

yelshdjka ;sìh§ tu yelshdjka flfrys wjOdkh fhduq fkdfldg ffjoHjrfhl= ùug bf.kSuo fï yd iudkh' tmuKlao fkdfõ" ;ukag ;u wOHdmkh i|yd" m¾fhaIKh i|yd fldmuK ld,hla .; l< yelso@ fláfhkau Èklg ;ukag fld;rï ld,hla wOHk l¾Hhfhys ksr;úh yelso @ hk ldrKdo m%fhda.slj b;d jeo.;a fõ' ta ksidu /lshdfõ ;Dma;sh fyda id¾:l;ajh wOHdmkfha leu;a; u;o ;SrKh lr.; hq;=h' tfy;a ;u wjYH;dj yd W;aidyh há is; ;=<skau wjOdrKh jk úg ffjoHjrfhl=g jqjo ix.S;{fhl= ùfï wjldYh ke;=jd fkdfõ' /lshd wjia:dfõ§ fuh b;du jeo.;a ldrKdjla fõ' ;uka leu;s /lshdj fyda ;u yelshdjg" YlH;djg .e<fmk /lshdj lsÍu wksjd¾h jkafka tfia fkdue;s úfgl§ ;ukag wjidkfha Ôjk ;Dma;shu wysñùhdfï wjodkula fï ;=< jk ksihs' tfy;a we;a; jYfhkau f,dalfha ish¨ fokdgu ;uka W.;a foag .e<fmk" thg iu.dó jk leu;su /lshdj ,efío @ ke;' tfia kï wm l< hq;af;a ,efnk /lshdj ;ukag iqÿiqu /lshdj njg fmr<d .ekSuhs' ta i|yd wm l< hq;af;a l=ulao @ m<uqj Tn lrk ´kEu fohla ;ukaf.au jevla f,i is;Su w;HjYH fõ' th Tng mjrkafka fjk;a flfkla jqj;a" tfukau wjidkfha ta yryd lS¾;s kduh ,nkafka ljqre jqj;a Tn is;sh hq;af;a Tfí fldgi ksis f,i yudr fldg §uhs' th j.lSulg jvd hq;=lula f,i ie,lSu fï i|yd Tng mdr lshkq we;' wm ´kEu úfgl


;ukaf.a jevla wvqmdvqjla fkdue;sj lsÍug leue;a;la olajhs' tksid ;ukag ,efnk ish¨ foa ;ukaf.au f,i ie,lSu ksre;aiyslju leue;a; ckkh ùug fya;=fõ' fojkqj ;ukaf.au jevla f,i is;k foa wdYdfjka lsÍug Tn keUqrejkafka kï tu ld¾hh id¾:l jqkd fyda fkdjqkd fyda th Tng udkisl mSvkhla fyda w;jrhla fkdlrkakla njg m;afõ' ta ukaoh;a wm lrkq ,nk ´kEu ld¾hhlg wmf.a fm!oa.,sl udkisl W;af;ackh wjYH ksidfjks' f;jkqj Tn l< hq;af;a ;ukag kshu jk /lshdj ms<sn|j miq úmrul ksr;ùuhs' iaj miq mÍlaIKhl ksr;fjñka l< ld¾hfha ;ukag jerÿkq ;ek ms<sn|j úu¾Ykhl fh§u th ;jÿrg;a ksjeros lr .ekSug ufydamldÍ fõ' tfia úu¾Ykh lrkakd ;ukag jerÿKq ;ek ksjerÈj y÷kdf.k ksrka;rj tajd ksjerÈ lr f.k ;u jro wjfndaO lr.ekSu b;du jà' tfukau fï yryd ;uka id¾:l jQ ia:dk jgyd .ekSu ;u wkd.; wNsjDoaêh msKsi uy;a msgqjy,la imhhs' ;uka lrk ,o ld¾hhla foi n,d ;uka ;Dma;su;a ùu udkislj ;jÿrg;a bÈßhg hdug wjldYh i,ihs' ta wkqj oeka Tn ;SrKh l< hq;af;a Tng iqÿiq /lshdj fyda ld¾h Ndrh fidhd .ekSuo @ tfia fkdue;s kï Tn ´kEu ld¾hlg iqÿiq ùuo @ Tn ksrka;rj Tng iqÿiq foau fidhkafka kï Tn bmÿkq ñksfils' tfy;a Tn kqiqÿiq foa iqÿiq foa njg fmr<kafka kï Tn bm§ Ôj;ajk ñksfils'


Are you a

pioneer? Not everyone is the same. Some are good at following an established path and others are good at creating a path to follow - Pioneers. The word pioneer is usually associated with covered wagons of farmers going out to unknown ‘wild' west to set up farmlands in the 19th century. They went prepared to endure hardships and even death, looking for a better life. Although the word pioneer became popular at that time, there have been pioneers before and after. Galileo and Socrates were pioneers in their time, well before ‘the west was won’.

Who is a pioneer? Various definitions have been put forward including: - One who opens up new areas of thought, research or development. - An innovator or developer of something new. Sometimes we confuse ourselves with other titles such as founder, leader, innovator, explorer, colonizer etc, but a pure pioneer is the one who goes into the unknown and manages to make success of it, despite hardships associated with breaking away from established thinking.

Is a pioneer the same as an entrepreneur? The dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and outcome. He is an ambitious leader who combines land, labour and capital to often create and market new

goods or services.” So a pioneer may be an entrepreneur as well, if he developed his findings successfully. Likewise, an entrepreneur may also be a pioneer, if his success was because he broke away from current thinking.

Modern pioneers In modern times we consider Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as pioneers. Bill Gates started his business career at age 13 but his business capabilities did not surface until he developed the first practical computer software while in high school. He realized that the computer industry was still evolving and saw an opportunity to utilize his programming skills to build a business that could grow exponentially. He even sacrificed his education at Harvard University as a student lawyer to achieve this. Today, despite the advent of many competitors, the largest number of computers in the world run under Microsoft owned operating systems, Office and internet browsers. Steve Jobs broke all rules by creating the first Macintosh computer that went against corporate controls at the time. He had a curiosity and love of design par none. His developments have had a heavy impact on architecture, graphic design, movie making and several areas outside straight computer programming. Steve failed many times in his short life but each time came back stronger from lessons he had learned. His well known address to graduates at Stanford included “Your time

By Nalin Goonewardene

"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown out your own inner voice" is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

How about you? You do not need to be a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to be a successful pioneer, but you do need to know that IS what you are and that you are prepared to take on any hardship to succeed. Examine your own life to see if you are missing out by following the established path. Do you know yourself so well that you know you are a follower and not a ‘trail blazer’? Is there a pioneer hidden deep inside you?




fpug;gpf;birdpq; vd;why; vd;d? ,ij (Graphic Desining) jkpopy;; tiufiy vd;Nghk;.

Mf;fk; - Mh;.RNue;jpud

fzdp ghtidf;F te;jgpwF ,e;j tiufiy vDk; nrhy;Yk; gutyhf Ngrg;gLfpwJ. tiufiy vd;why; vd;d? gyUf;F ,d;Dk; GjpuhfNt cs;sJ. fzdpapd; cjtpAld; kl;Lk; tiuag;gLtJ tbtikf;fg;gLtJ kl;Lky;y tiufiy. ifapdhYk; (Manualy) tbtiff;fg;gl;L fhl;rpg;gLj;JtJk; tiufiy jhd;. nray; jpwd; kpf;f fl;Gy njhlh;ghliy (visual communication) Nkw;nfhz;L gadhsh;fis mjhtJ thbf;ifahsh;fis fth;tJ> tiufiyapd; cjtpNahL; mth;fSld; njhlu;G nfhs;tJ> Nghd;wd ,e;j tiufiyapd;; Kf;fpa gq;fhFk;. cjhuzkhf gadhsh; xUtiu xU nghUis thq;Ftjw;F J} z;LtJ> kf;fis xU epWtdj;Jld; njhlh;Gnfhs;s itg;gjw;F> nra;jpfs; njhlh;gpyhd jfty;fs;> kw;Wk; juTfis ,yFtpy; kf;fis nrd;wilar; nra;tJ> rpyNtiyfspy; kf;fspd; gpujpepjpnahUtiu kf;fshy; njhpT nra;a itg;gjw;Fk; ,e;j fpug;gpf; birdpq; ntFthf gad;gLj;jg;gl;L tUfpwJ. gyUk; tiufiy; vd;wTld; rpj;jpuk;> tiujy; Nghd;w jFjpAs;sth;fs; jhd; ,ij nra;ayhk; vd;w Nfhl;ghLf;Fs;

tiufiy MdJ xt;nthU r%fj;JlDk;> mth;fspd; fiy> gz;ghl;L> fyhrhuj;JlDk; xd;wpaike;jJ tUfpwhh;fs;> 'rpj;jpuKk; ifg;gof;fk;......" vd;gijj;jhz;b fzpdpia cgNahfpf;fj; njhpe;j xt;nthUtUk; fpug;gpf;]; nra;ayhk; vd;gJjhd; fzdpAld; ,e;j tiufiy; xd;Wglf;fhuzkhf mike;jJ vdyhk;.

tiufiyapd; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fs; mjpNtfkhf Kd;NdwptUfpd;w njhlh;ghly; Jiwapy; ,e;j fl;Gyj;; njhlh;ghly;(visual communication) KiwikahdJ Kd;dpiy tfpf;fpd;wJ. rpj;jpuk;> tiujy; (Art), fhl;rp xOq;FgLj;jy; (Visual organizing)> Gifg;glq;fs; kw;Wk; glq;fis

njhpTnra;J mij khw;wpaikj;J Njitf;Nfw;g ifahSjy; (Photo manipulation)> vOj;JU kw;Wk; mjd; jd;ikfis fUj;jpy; nfhz;L chpa Kiwapy; ifahSjy; (Typography)> th;zq;fspd; jd;ikfis czh;e;J mtw;iw cgNahfpf;Fk; tpjk; (Colours and meanings) Nghd;wd tiufiyapy; Kf;fpa mk;rq;fshFk;. tiufiy MdJ xt;nthU r%fj;JlDk;> mth;fspd; fiy> gz;ghl;L> fyhrhuj;JlDk; xd;wpaike;jJ. INuhg;gpa fyhrhuj;Jld; $ba tiufiy Mrpa fyhrhuj;Jld; $ba tiufiy; > Nkiyj;Nja> fPioj;Nja tiufiy vd;Wk;


,d;iwa etPd cyfj;jpd; Kf;fpakhd JiwfSs; xd;whf tiufiyj; Jiw cUthfpapUf;fpwJ vd;gjpy; IaNkapy;iy ,tw;wpy; gupr;raKilatHfSf;fhd njhopy;tha;g;Gf;fs; gy ,d;WUthfpapUf;fpd;wd. jpwikahd> Gj;jhf;f vz;zKilatHfSf;F epiwa tha;g;Gf;fs; ,g;NghJ tiufiyj;JiwapYs;sJ.

tiufiy tbtikg;Gj; (Graphic Designing) njhopy; tha;g;Gfs; tPl;bypUe;jgbNa Ranjhopyhf tiufiyapy; <Lgl KbAk;. ,iza%lhfNt gytha;g;Gf;fs; fhj;jpUf;fpd;wd. ,ijtpl tpsk;gu Kfth; epiyaq;fspy;> jdpahH epWtdq;fspy;> re;ijg;gLj;jy; Jiwapy;> mr;rfq;fspy;> gj;jpupiffspy;> rQ;rpiffspy;> tbtikg;G epWtdq;fspy; vd gytw;wpYk; tiufiy njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs; epiwaTs;sd. Fwpg;ghfg; gj;jphpif kw;Wk; Clfj;Jiwapy; tiufiy njhopy;tha;g;Gf;fs; epiwaNt fhzg;gLfpd;wd. gj;jphpiaapy; fl;Gy njhlh;ghly;(visual communication) Kjd;ikahf fUjg;gLfpwJ. gj;jphpifapy; tpsk;guq;fis nra;tjw;Fk;> nra;jpfis tiuglq;fis nfhz;L 'jfty; tiufiy'(Infographic) %yk; ntspg;gLj;Jtjw;Wk; ,e;j tiufiy gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. ,tw;iwtpl njhiyf;fhl;rp Clfj;jpy; tiufiy epGzHfSf;fhd Njit ,d;W mjpfupj;Js;sJ. NkYk;> rpdpkh (cinema), Interior designing, fl;bl eph;khzk; Building constructions kw;Wk; fl;blf;fiy

tifg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;syhk;. cjhuzkhf INuhg;ghtpy; tpw;gidnra;ag;gLk; xU nghUSf;fhf mq;F tbtikf;fg;gLk; tpsk;gur; Rtnuhl;bia MrpahTf;fhf kPs tbtikj;J Mrpa kf;fspd; uridf; Nfw;wtpjj;jpy; gpuRhpj;jy; Nghd;wtw;iw ek; ehshe;j tho;tpy; fhzyhk;. ,d;iwf;F tiufiyahdJ rfyJiwfSf;Fk; Njitahd xU Jiwahf khwpapUg;gJld;> Gj;jhf;f tbtikg;Gj; jpwDilNahHfSf;fhd NjitAk; tiufiyj;Jiwapy; mjpfkhf Vw;gl;Lf;nfhz;bUf;fpwJ. xNu khjpupahd tbtikg;Gf;fSf;F ,d;iwa re;ijapy; ,lkpy;iy. Gj;jhf;fq;fSk;> Gjpa vz;zq;fSNk tiufiyj; Jiwapd; ,d;iwa Njit!

tiufiy nkd;nghUl;fs; (Softwares) ,d;iwf;F fzzp ika tiufiyj; Jiwapy; tiufiy nkd;nghUl;fs; Kf;fpak; ngWfpwJ. ,e;jj; Jiwapy; jlk; gjpg;gjw;F tiufiy nkd;nghUs; gw;wpa mwpTk;> mDgtKk; Kf;fpak;. Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe fireworks, Corel Draw, Corel Photopaint, 3d Max, Maya

kw;Wk; Kw;wpYk; ,ytrkhf ngwf;$ba nkd;nghUl;fshd (Open source softwares) Gimp, Blender, Mypaint, Inkscape, Google Sktchup vd;gd ,tw;Ws;


(Architecture) Nghd;w njhopy;JiwfspYk; tiufiy ,d;wpaikahjnjhd;whf fhzg;gLfpwJ. ,itfis vy;yhk; jhz;b mjpNtfkhf Kd;NdwptUfpd;wJ ,izak;> ,e;j ,izaj;js tbtikg;gpy; 70 tPjk; tiu tiufiy Ntiytha;g;Gfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. tPl;by; ,Ue;jthWk;; tiufiy njhopy;tha;Gfis ,izaj;jpDhlh ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. ,idzj;js NjLjsq;fspd; cjtpAld; Online Graphic Designing Jobs Njbg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. ,d;iwa etPd cyfj;jpd; Kf;fpakhd JiwfSs; xd;whf tiufiyj; Jiw cUthfpapUf;fpwJ vd;gjpy; IaNkapy;iy.




Mf;fk; - =uq;fd; mr;Rjd

gq;Fr; re;ij vdg;gLk; Share Market gw;wpg; Ngr;nrLj;jhNy xU rhuhUf;F cw;rhfk; Cw;nwLf;Fk;. Mdhy; mjpy; MHtKs;stHfs; jtpu kw;w gyUk; fhl;Lk; xNu vjpHtpid "gq;Fr;re;ijah? mJ #jhl;lk; khjpupay;Nyh?".. cz;ikiar; nrhd;dhy;... mJ mg;gb ,y;iy....> (Mdhy; fpl;lj;jl;l mg;gbj;jhd;). gq;Fr; re;ij gw;wp Vd; ,e;jf; Fog;gk;? gak;? ,J Njitah? epahakhfr; nrhd;dhy; ,e;jg; gak; NjitNa ,y;iy. nghUl;fis thq;fTk; tpw;fTk; gyUk; $Lkplk; re;ij vdg;gLtJ Nghy> gq;Ffis thq;fTk; tpw;fTkhd ,lNk gq;Fr; re;ij vdg;gLk;. Mdhy;> fha;fwpf;Nfh> kw;w nghUl;fSf;Nfh Njitg;gLtJ Nghy> gq;Fr;re;ijf;F xU Fwpg;gpl;l ,Ug;gplk; (Physical presence) Njitapy;iy. fzpdp %ykhfTk;> KftHfs; (Brokers) %ykhfTk; gq;Ffis thq;fNth tpw;fNth KbAk;. ,d;iwa jpfjpapy; cyfg; nghUshjhuk; gq;Fr;re;ijiag; ngUk;ghYk; rhHe;Js;sJ vd;why; mJ kpifad;W. vdNt gq;Fr; re;ijiag; gw;wp ehk; mwpe;Jnfhs;tJ ,d;wpaikahjhfpwJ.

gq;Fr;re;ijiag; gw;wp Nkw;nfhz;L njhlUKd;> gq;Fr;re;ij vg;NghJ Njhd;wpaJ vd;w tptuj;ij mwpe;Jnfhs;syhk;. 14Mk; E}w;whz;by;> ntdp]; efu Ml;rpaHfs;> jhk; gpw ehLfspy; thq;fpa fld;fisj;jpUg;gpj; ju trjpapy;yhjjhy;> kf;fspilNa fld; gj;jpuq;fis tpepNahfpj;jdH. mg;gj;jpuq;fs; tpahghupfshYk;> epy cupikahsHfshYk; thq;fp> tpw;fg;gl;ld. gpd; cyfj;jpy; cs;s midj;J ehLfSk;> ,j;jifa gj;jpuq;fis murpd; gw;whf;Fiwfspd; NghJ ntspaplj;njhlq;fpd. gpd;> 1693k; Mz;L njhlq;fp> yz;ldpy; ,t;tifg; gj;jpuq;fis muRk;> gpw ngU epWtdq;fSk; ntspapl;ld. mij thq;fp> tpw;f tpUk;gpatHfs;> mjw;fhd KftHfs; MfpNahH> cztfq;fspy; $bdH. ehs;gl> ehs;gl guptHj;jidfs; mjpfupj;jgpd;dH> 1773y; Kjd;Kjypy; KftHfs; midtUk; 'tpw;gidf;fhd fofk; xd;iwj; Jtq;fpdH. 1801y; yz;ldpy; trpj;j KftHfs; 20000 gTz;Lfisj; jpul;b London Stock Exchange (LSE) Ij; njhlq;fpdH. ,Nj rkaj;jpy; mnkupf;fhtpYk; ,j;jifda gq;FtHj;jf eltbf;iffs; njhlHe;jd. 1817y; New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Jtq;fg;gl;lJ. ,itapuz;LNk cyfpd; kpfg; goikahd gq;F tHj;jf rigfshFk;. ,yq;ifapy; gq;Fr; re;ij eltbf;iffSf;F nghWg;ghd XH epWtdk; nfhOk;G gq;F guptHj;jidahFk; (Colombo Stock Exchange). nfhOk;G gq;F guptHj;jid cj;juthjj;jhy; tiuaWf;fg;gl;lJk; 1982k; Mz;L 17k; ,yf;f fk;gdpr; rl;lj;jpd; fPo; cUthf;fg;gl;lJk;>,yq;ifapy; gq;Fg;guptHj;jidahf nraw;gLtjw;F gpizfs; gupkhw;W Mizf;FOtpdhy; cupkk; toq;fg;gl;lJkhd XH fk;gdpahFk;. nfhOk;G gq;F guptHj;jid (CSE) jw;nghOJ 272 gl;bay; gLj;jg;gl;l fk;gdpfisAk; 15 mq;fj;Jt epWtdq;fisAk; kw;Wk; 13 tpahghu mq;fj;jtHfisAk; jd;dfj;Nj nfhz;Ls;sJ. nfhOk;G gq;Fr;re;ijapdhy; (CSE) ,U gpujhd tpiyr;Rl;bfs; gpuRupf;fg;gLfpd;wd. midj;Jg; gq;FfSf;Fkhd tpiyr;Rl;bAk; (ASPI-All Share Price Index) kpyq;f tpiyr;Rl;bAk;


(Milanka Price Index -MPI) ,U gpujhd tpiyr;Rl;bfshFk;. ,t;tpuz;L tpiyr; Rl;bfSk; epiwaplg;gl;l gq;F tpiyr;Rl;bfshFk;.,itfs; gw;wpa tpsf;fq;fs; fPNo jug;gl;Ls;sd.

midj;Jg; gq;FfSf;Fkhd tpiyr;Rl;b (ASPI-All Share Price Index)

nfhOk;G gq;Fr; re;ijapy; gl;bayplg;gl;Ls;s midj;Jf; fk;gdpfspd; nkhj;j re;ij Kjyhf;fw; ngWkjpia mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L midj;Jg; gq;FfSf;Fkhd tpiyr;Rl;b (ASPI-All Share Price Index) jahupf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. gq;Fr;re;ijapd; gq;Ffspd; nkhj;j tpiyia mstpLtjw;F gad;gLj;jg;gLk; XNu mstPlhf ,r;Rl;b fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.1985 Mk; Mz;bd; Muk;gj;jpy; nkhj;j re;ij Kjyhf;fw; ngWkjpia mbg;gUt ngWkhdkhfTk; 100 I mbg;gUtr; Rl;bahfTk; itj;J ,r;Rl;b jahupf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.1985 Idtup 2Mk; jpfjp Kjy; xt;nthU jpdj;jpw;Fk; ,r;Rl;b fzpf;fg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ.

kpyq;fh tpiyr;Rl;b

(Milanka Price Index -MPI)

1999 Idtup 4 Kjy; mwpKfk; nra;ag;gl;Ls;s ,r;Rl;b %yk; nfhOk;G gq;Fr; re;ijapy; gl;bayplg;gl;Ls;s tprhyj;jd;ikAk; kpfj; jputj;jd;ikAk; tha;e;j 25 fk;gdpfsJ gq;Ffspd; tpiy kl;lq;fs; mstpLtjw;Fg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. fk;gdpnahd;wpd; tprhyj;jd;ikia (Size) mjd; re;ij Kjyhf;fiy mstpLtjd; %yk; fzpf;fyhk;.mf; fk;gdpapd; jputj;jd;ikahdJ (Liquidity) ifkhw;wk;nra;ag;gl;l gq;Ffspd; vz;zpf;ifAk; gq;Ffspd; ngWkjpAk; re;ij %yjdj;jpd; rjtPjkhff; fzpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. kpyq;fh tpiyr;Rl;bapd; mbg;gUtk; 1998 brk;gH 31 MfTk;>mjd; mbg;gUtr; Rl;b 1000 MfTk; vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gLfpd;wJ.kpyq;fh tpiyr;Rl;bia fzpg;gjw;F nfhOk;G gq;Fr; re;ijahdJ xt;nthU fhyhz;Lk; mjDs; cs;slf;fg;gl;l Ntz;ba fk;gdpfis njupT nra;J nfhs;fpd;wJ. gq;Fr; re;ijia ,uz;L tifahfg; gpupf;fyhk;. mitahtd

xU Njrj;jpd; tsHr;rpapy; ,d;iwa etPd fhyfl;lj;jpy; gq;FtHj;jfk; kpf Kf;fpa ,lj;ijg; ngWfpwJ 1. Kjd;ikg; gq;Fr; re;ij (Primary Market) 2. ,uz;lhk; epiy gq;Fr; re;ij (Secondary Market)

Kjd;ikg; gq;Fr; re;ij xU epWtdk; Neubahfg; gq;Ffis ntspapLtjw;F Kjd;ikg; gq;Fr; re;ij vd;W ngaH. nghJg;gq;F epWtdq;fs;> muR epWtdq;fs; Kjypait> epjp jpul;Lk;nghUl;L> gq;Ffis ntspapLfpd;wd. me;epWtdj;jpd; gq;Ffis thq;f tpUk;GgtHfs;> mjw;fhd gbtq;fis epug;gp> KjyPL nra;a tpUk;Gk; njhiff;fhd fhNrhiy (Cheque) my;yJ tiuNthiyia (Demand Draft) ,izj;J> KftHfs; %ykhf tpz;zg;gpg;ghHfs;. mt;tpz;zg;gq;fs; guprPypf;fg; gl;L> gq;Ffs; xJf;fPL nra;ag; glyhk; my;yJ tpz;zg;gq;fs; epuhfupf;fg; glyhk;. xU epWtdk; Kjd;Kjypy; gq;Ffis tpw;gid nra;tij 'Kjy; gq;F ntspaPL' (Initial Public Offer- IPO) vd miog;gH. mjw;Fg; gpd;dH ntspapLk; gq;Ffis 'njhlH gq;F ntspaPL' (Follow on Public Offer- FPO) vd;gH. gq;Ffspd; mbg;gil tpiy 'Kf kjpg;G ' (Face value) vd miof;fg;gLk;. mjhtJ> xU gq;fpd; tpiy &gha; 10 vd epHzapf;fg;gl;lhy;> mg;gq;fpd; Kf kjpg;G &.10.00 MFk;. kPz;Lk; gq;Ffis tpw;Fk; nghOJ> mg;gq;FfSf;fhd Njit my;yJ fpuhf;fp (Demand) vt;thW cs;sNjh mjw;Nfw;wthW Kf kjpg;igtpl mjpfkhfNth (Premium)> FiwthfNth

(Discount) mNj mstpNyh (At Par)

epHzapf;fg; glyhk;.

,uz;lhk; epiy gq;Fr; re;ij Kjd;ikr; re;ijapy; gq;Ffis thq;fpatHfs;> jk; gq;Ffis tpw;fNth> kw;wtHfs; thq;fNth mZFtJ ,uz;lhk; epiyg; gq;Fr; re;ij my;yJ ntspr;re;ij MFk;. gq;Fr; re;ijapy; gl;bayplg;gl;l gq;Ffis (Listed shares) kl;LNk thq;fNth tpw;fNth ,aYk;. mjhtJ> gq;Ffis ntspapl;l epWtdq;fs;> tpjpKiwg;gb gq;Fr; re;ijapy; jq;fs; gq;Ffisg; gjpT nra;J> gl;baypy; NrHf;fr; nra;a Ntz;Lk;. gpd;Ng mg;gq;Ffspd; guptHj;jid eilngWk;. gq;Ffspd; tpiy> epWtdj;jpd; juj;jpw;Fk;> re;ijapd; gy;NtW fhuzpfisg; nghWj;Jk;> re;ijapy; mg;gq;FfSf;fhd Njitiag; (Demand) nghWj;Jk; khwpf;nfhz;Nl ,Uf;Fk; (volatile). guptHj;jid nra;a tpUk;GgtH> re;ij epytuj;jpw;Nfw;w tpiyiaf; nfhLj;J gq;Ffis thq;fNth> my;yJ tpiyiag; ngw;Wf;nfhz;L tpw;fNth nra;thH. xU Fwpg;gpl;l epWtdj;jpd; gq;Ffis itj;jpUg;gtH me;epWtdj;jpd; gq;FjhuH vdg;gLthH. gq;FjhuUf;F> epWtdj;jpd; yhgj;ijg; nghWj;J <Tj;njhif / gq;fhjhak; (Dividend) fpilf;Fk;. Njitahd nghOJ> jufHfs; %ykhf> gq;Ffis tpw;Wg; gzkhf;fpf; nfhs;sTk; nra;ayhk;.

gq;Fj;jufHfs; (Stock Brokers): gq;Fr; re;ijapy;> gq;Ffis Neubahf thq;fNth tpw;fNth KbahJ. mjw;nfd cs;s> gq;Fr; re;ijapd; cupkk; ngw;w cWg;gpdHfs; %ykhfNt guptHj;jid nra;a KbAk;. ,e;j cWg;gpdHfNs jufHfs; (Brokers) vdg;gLtH. gq;Fr; re;ijapy; KjyPL nra;aNth> guptHj;jid (Trading) nra;aNth tpUk;GgtHfs;; ,j;jifa jufHfsplk; fzf;Ffisj; njhlq;f Ntz;Lk;. xU Njrj;jpd; tsHr;rpapy; ,d;iwa etPd fhyfl;lj;jpy; gq;FtHj;jfk; kpf Kf;fpa ,lj;ijg; ngWfpwJ MdhYk; gq;F tHj;jfk; vd;gNj ntWkNd ngupa KjyPl;lhsHfSf;Fk;> tpahghupfSf;Fk;> epWtdq;fSf;Fk; kl;LNkAupajy;y> ,jpy; jdpegH KjyPLfSk; Kf;fpak; ngWfpwJ. gq;F tHj;jfk; gw;wpAk;> gq;F tHj;jfj;jpD}lhf ,yhgk; <l;LtJ gw;wpAk; ,d;ndhU Mf;fj;jpy; ghHg;Nghk;.




Choices, Options and Opportunities in

Design Industry Sector

Fashion design


Qualifications/ experience required

Fashion Illustrator

Diploma or relevant professional qualification in design

Retail Merchandiser

Diploma or relevant professional qualification in design

Visual Merchandiser

Diploma or relevant professional qualification in design

Fashion Designer

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design

Textile Designer

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design/ textile design


Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design

Costume/ Wardrobe Designer

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design

for TV/ Cinema

Interior design Graphics design

Interior Designer

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in interior design

Furniture Designer

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in interior design

Hospitality/ Resort Designer

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in interior design

Set Designer for TV/ Cinema

Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in interior design

Graphic Designer

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in graphic design

Cartoonist/ Caricature

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in


graphic design

Editorial Designer for books,

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in

magazines and newspapers

graphic design


Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design/ graphic design/ advertising


Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design/ graphic design/ advertising


Corporate Identity Designer

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design/ graphic design/ advertising

Advertising/ Media Strategist

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design/ graphic design/ advertising

Creative/ Art Director

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design/ graphic design/ advertising


Jewellary Designer

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design

Ceramic/ Tile Designer

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design

Footwear Designer

Diploma, Bachelor's degree or relevant professional qualification in design

Notes: Job descriptions may vary, based on services rendered. Salary figures are approximate values. In advertiisng, generally those who participate in designing are all included in 'creative departments' in varying capacities/ positions. In addition to above, positions titled Designer/ Head of Design etc, related to filelds of designing may exist in every industry. Though promotional aspects may appear limited, for those with creative talent higest levels of career progression may culminate at creation/ establishment of own brands, trade names etc, with distinctive identity. (Assistance rendered by Ms. Shamalee De Silva in compilation of above data is highly appreciated.)


Salary LKR

Promotional prospects and career options

35,000.00 - 65,000.00

Fashion Designer

40,000.00 - 80,000.00

Head of Merchandising/ Buying

40,000.00 - 150,000.00

Head of Merchandising

40,000.00 - 150,000.00

Chief Designer, Design Manager

40,000.00 - 90,000.00

Chief Designer, Design Manager

40,000.00 - 100,000.00

Chief Stylist

50,000.00 - above, based on projects 40,000.00 - 200,000.00

Head of Design

40,000.00 - 200,000.00

Head of Design

100,000.00 - above, based on projects 50,000.00 - above, based on projects 40,000.00 - 100,000.00

Head of Design

40,000.00 - 100,000.00

Head of Design

40,000.00 - above, based on projects

Head of Design/ Design Director

40,000.00 - 200,000.00

Head of Media/ PR, Creative/ Art Director

40,000.00 - 200,000.00

Head of Media/ PR, Creative/ Art Director

60,000.00 - 200,000.00

Head of Media/ PR, Creative/ Art Director

40,000.00 - 200,000.01

Head of Media/ PR/ Advertising, Creative/ Art Director

80,000.00 - 250,000.00 40,000.00 - above, based on projects 40,000.00 - above, based on projects 40,000.00 - above, based on projects



udkj iïm;a

l<ukdlrefjl= jHdmdßl mßirhg wkql+, úh hq;af;a wehs @ iuka ks iuka;;s rdukdhl s rdukdhlúis úisks

jHdmdßl wruqKq <Õdlr .ekSu i|yd n,mdkakdjQ;a" tu.ska jHdmdrfha meje;au ;SrKh lrkakdjQ;a ish¨u idOlhkaf.a tl;=j jHdmdßl mßirh fõ' fuu jHdmdßl mßirh wNHka;r mßirh yd ndysr mßirh f,i ie,lsh yelsh' wNHka;r mßirh hkq jHdmdrh flfrys n,mEï

we;slrkakdjQ jHdmdrh ;=< mj;sk mßir idOkhkah' tkï whs;slrejka" fiajlhka" l<ukdlrejka jeks Ôù idOlhka fukau wfkl=;a fN!;sl idOl" uQ,H iy f;dr;=re wd§ jYfhka fõ' wdh;kfha ixialD;sh" wÕkdlï" úYajdihka" m%;sm;a;Ska" uQ,O¾u iy wdl,amhka jHdmdr wruqKq <Õdlr .ekSfï§ b;du;a m%N,j n,mdhS'

ndysr mßir idOlhka jYfhka foaYmd,k ;;ajhka" wd¾Ól ;;ajhka" ;dCIKsl ;;ajhka" ffk;sl ;;ajhka yd iudc idOl fukau wm wjg we;s iajdNdúl mßirhka jeo.;afõ' jHdmdßl f,dalhg ndysr mßirfha foaYmd,k wia:djr;ajhka" wd¾Ól lvd jeàï" ;dCIKfha wêl fõ.h" iy fjkia ùï" iajdNdúl

udkj iïm;a

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one stop shop

for all your www.careers.edex.lk career needs

The EDEX Careers Portal is a one stop shop for all your career related requirements. EDEX Careers Portal contains a large database of educational courses, vocational training courses and job vacancies that can be searched by visitors. Prospective youth can benefit by registering with the EDEX Careers Portal and submitting their CVs to the portal. In addition to main services mentioned above, EDEX Careers Portal offers a host of other valuable services and information that will benefit anyone looking to enhance their careers. EDEX Careers Portal has an online psychometric test that can be used by any visitor to the site. A psychometric test is a mechanism to find the best suited career path

for an individual based on answers given to a set of simple questions. The psychometric test provided in EDEX Careers Portal is very simple to take and provides immediate feedback based on answers provided. The EDEX Careers Portal offers a separate section containing useful links and web resources providing a large collection of valuable articles on various career and education related topics. The web links are selected from official web sites of many reputed universities, research institutes and other organizations in education. The web resources are arranged under different categories like Study Skills, Language Skills, Career Guidance, Personal Effectiveness and other useful topics.

EDEX Careers Portal also contains a section for latest news articles on education, career guidance and other related areas. The news articles can be searched based on published date. Anyone looking for latest developments and opinion about a specific topic can browse through articles and find related information. In addition to the news articles, EDEX Careers Portal also has a section on latest events. This section highlights up and coming events in education, career guidance and other related areas. Anyone looking forward to future events in education can visit EDEX Careers Portal and get the required information.




Social Media opening new oportunities in IT By Shriwanthi Amarasinghe

Among new emerging jobs with a great growth potential in IT, is the position of Social Media Architect Social media is a tool to boost business. We are in an age where employers recruit employees through websites such as LinkedIn and go to FaceBook to find all their needs in a second. However, social media is not limited to FaceBook, LinkedIn or Twitter anymore. IBM, Jive and Yammer are also emerging as social media tools for companies which seek such media for business. This creates a demand for IT professionals with a specialized knowledge to build secure groups within a commercial network and between productions and customers.

top-floor business partnerships, partnerconnected workflows and customer support services.

Social web tools and services are now being used in businesses at every level, from back-office IT communications to

Because it is still at an early emerging status, range of job titles varies widely. But by now it has matured beyond generalized,

As the involvedness of social business develops, companies need experts to make it all work. In large companies, a company's social infrastructure can include multiple social platforms. Designing an infrastructure in which all related applications at all platforms can work together will require IT professionals with specific capabilities on social media.

marketing-centered titles such as "social media strategist" and "social media manager" to more specific job titles that range from “director of social business technology” and “director of enterprise collaboration strategy” to more focused “social media architect.” Some of the responsibilities of a social media architect may include, among others: • Help the growth of social media practices. • Develop and deliver enterprise level social business strategies to clients. • Build and support branded communities. • Develop social listening and responding capabilities for clients. • Drive insight into marketing strategies through social listening for clients. • Participate in business development efforts and strategy engagements. (Certain information sourced from www.infoworld.com.)


is the Bridge for curving the Student as Employee Background Vocational Training Authority (VTA) of Sri Lanka was established in 1995, consisting of 6 National Vocational Training Institutes, 22 District Vocational Training Centers and 232 Vocational training centers. VTA is operating under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Developments. The main objective is providing the skills training for youth, while implementing the skills development programs under various fields. The main objective of the VTA is to pave the way for youth to acquire skills needed to gain employment and thus lead a contended life and contribute towards the country's economic development. Training offered at VTA will help the students to get employed in Sri Lanka or foreign. According to Ministry of Education, in year 2010 there were around 4 million students are studying at 9675 schools. As stated in the objective, VTA helps the students to acquire the knowledge and skills, which are needed for the employment. The following Asian Development Bank (ADB) report (2011) shows that VTA is the largest training network, with more than 270 training centers nationwide, focusing mainly on youth.

Table 1 Student Admission to Full-Time Courses in Training Networks, 2009 DTET 12,175

NAITA Institutes












DTET = Department of Technical Education and Training, NAITA = National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority, NYSC = National Youth Services Council, SLIATE = Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education, VTA = Vocational Training Authority.

IT Education at VTA There is an extensive demand gap in the supply of ICT professional in Sri Lanka. IT industry is seeking capable professionals to fill this demand gap. Considering the demand in the global scenario and foreign revenue generation options, the VTA has established the National Information Technology Center (NITC) to meet the ICT demand of the country. IT courses at VTA mainly categorized as courses that, - leads to obtain an IT degree - leads to obtain internationally recognized professional IT qualifications - leads to fulfill specific requirement (Specialized courses) VTA also identified the gap between “learning” and “working” in IT industry. To address this gap VTA engaged with employers (SLASSCOM) to develop employer led curriculum with work-based learning arrangement. VTA is the only training institute in Sri Lanka, who is offering wide range of internationally recognized professional IT qualifications. To provide this service VTA engaged with many IT Academies.

IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification) The IC3 is a global certification program that is designed to certify an individual's digital literacy skills associated with basic computer and Internet use.

CISCO Networking Academy The Networking Academy program delivers ICT training to help improve career and educational opportunities for individuals.

FOSS Academy FOSS Academy is a unique program developed by VTA, which offers many FOSS certifications. Including LPIC for Linux.

Microsoft Advanced IT Academy The Microsoft IT Academy Program offers a comprehensive technology curriculum to help students learn the IT skills they need.

Adobe Academy Provides a range of training for digital media creation and editing, multimedia authoring, and web development.

VMware Academy The VMware IT Academy Program is designed to introduce students to VMware technologies and equip them with VMware technical skills to compliment their chosen fields of study. IT labs at VTA are fully equipped with updated technologies like high-end computers, projectors, sound system and instructor PCs with high-speed internet access. There are a number of facilities equipped with digital interactive boards for better teaching and learning between instructors and students.



To reduce the country’s dependence on oil and gas, Tunisia’s government has undertaken steps to promote the development and use of renewable energy. A law establishing an “energy conservation system” on energy management in 2005 was immediately followed with the creation of a funding mechanism – the National Fund for Energy Management – to support increased capacity in renewable energy technologies and also improved energy efficiency. The replenishment of this Fund is based on a duty levied on the first registration of private, petrol-powered and diesel powered cars and on import duty or local production duty of air-conditioning equipments with the exclusion of those produced for exports.


Between 2005 to 2008, clean energy plans have already allowed the government to save $1.1 billion in energy bills, relative to initial investments of $200 million in clean energy infrastructure. Primary energy consumption from renewables, together with savings from energy efficiency, are expected to reach 20 per cent of total energy consumption in 2011. In December 2009, the government presented the first national Solar Energy Plan and other complementary plans with the objective of increasing the share of renewable energy sources from just under 1 per cent to 4.3 per cent in 2014. The plan includes the use of solar photovoltaic systems, solar water heating systems and solar concentrated power units for electricity generation. Total financial resources to implement the plan have been estimated at $2.5 billion, including $175 million from the National Fund, $530 million from the public sector, $1,660 million from private sector funds, and $24 million from international cooperation, all to be spent by 2016 on 40 renewable energy projects. Approximately 40 per cent of the resources are devoted to the development of energy export infrastructure. The energy savings expected to result from the Solar Energy Plan could

reach 22 per cent for 2016, with a reduction of 1.3 million tonnes per year of CO². Solar water heating systems – the PROSOL programme The Tunisian Solar Programme (PROSOL) – a joint initiative of the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME), the state utility Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et de Gaz (STEG), the United Nations Environment Programme and the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea – provides an example of solar thermal market development. Financial and fiscal support combines a capital grant qualifying for a VAT exemption, customs duty reduction and a bank loan with a reduced interest rate. Repayment of the loan is organized through the regular utility bill of the state electric utility STEG, with local banks receiving support that allows them to finance SWH projects with reduced interest rates. This arrangement has generated direct financial benefits for the end users, when comparing the size of the monthly instalments for a SWH system to the earlier electricity bills. A complementary interest rate subsidy was available during the first 2 years (2005-2006) of the programme, reducing the interest rate of the loan

to 0 per cent to the final end user. This support was removed in 2007 and annual interest rates for loan repayment have been 6.5 per cent. The government provides a subsidy of 20 per cent of the system cost or $75 per square meter, while customers are expected to finance a minimum of 10 per cent of the purchase and installation costs. Over 50,000 Tunisian families now get their hot water from the sun based on loans amounting to more than $5 million in 2005 and $7.8 million in 2006 – a substantial leverage to PROSOL’s initial cost of $2.5 million. With installed surface of the programme reaching 400 000 m2 , the government has now set a more ambitious target of 750,000 m2 for the period 2010-2014, a level comparable to much larger countries such as Spain or Italy. As of 2008, PROSOL helped avoid 214,000 tonnes of cumulative CO² emissions. Jobs have been created as 42 technology suppliers were officially registered and at least 1000 companies installed the systems. In conclusion, the experience in Tunisia demonstrates the potential returns on investing in renewable energy, creating new jobs, and reducing dependency on fuel imports. Courtesy : United Nations Environment Programme (2010)




mUFk; gRik! Mf;fk; - tpkyhjpj;jd; tpkydhjd

ekJ Kd;NdhHfspd; tho;tpy; ,Ue;j gRikf;Fk; ekf;Fkhd ,ilntsp mjpfupj;Jf;nfhz;Nl nry;fpd;wJ ,aw;ifapd; ePz;L gue;j NghHitapy; Jisfs; tpOj;jp fe;jy; Jzpahf khw;Wk; fhyj; j py; ekJ tho; f ; i f efHfpd; w J. ,aw;ifiaj; jpd;W nfhz;L ekJ kdpj ,dk; vOr;rp fz;lJ. kdpjdpd; jw;fhg;G czHTf;F cWJizahf rpe;jid vd;Dk; MAjk; epw;fj;njhlq;fpa fzj;jpy; ,Ue;J> ,aw;ifapd; mopTf;F mbf;fy; ehl;lg;gl;lJ. nkJthfTk; kpf

kpf nkJthfTk; mJ ele;jJ. Gj;jfk; xd;iw fiwahd; mupg;gijg;Nghy kdpj rKjha Kd;Ndw;wk; fhLfis mupj;jJ. ehNlhbfsha;j; jpupe;j kdpjHfs; xU ,lj;jpy; thoj;njhlq;fpdhHfs;. fhLfis mopj;J jkf; f hd thoplq; f is mikj; j hHfs; . thoplq; f s; eP z ; l fhy ,ilntspapy; fpuhkq;fshf cUg;ngw;wd. kdpjHfspd; rpe;jid tsHr;rp mtHfSf;F nky;y nky;y ,aw;ifia fl;b Ms;fpd;w ty;yikia nfhLj;jJ. ,aw;if tsq;fisf; nfhz;L


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vq;fspy; xUtUf;Fk; mJ njupahJ. mijg; g w; w pa mf; f iwAk; vq; f splk; fpilahJ. ekJ thOk; cupikia epiy ehl;Ltjw;fhf> vj;jidNah capupdq;fspd; thOk; cupikiaAk; tsq; f isAk; cwpQ;rpNdhk;. fhyj;jpd; ePskhd ntspapy;> ekf;Fs;shd rz;ilfisAk; fUtWg;GfisAk; fhjiyAk; fdTfisAk; fl;bnaOg;gp itj;jpUe;Njhk;. ek;ktHfs; mij ehfupfk; vd;W mioj;J kfpo;ej ; hHfs;. ejpf;fiufspy; ek;ikAk; ekJ ehfupfk; tsHj;J te;j me;j ejpfs; ,y;yhkNyh> my; y J ehisf; F r; rhitj; Njbj; Jk;Kk; Nehahspf;fpotidg;Nghy eype;Njh Ngha;f;fplf;fpd;wd. ek;Kila fdTfs; ngUj;j grpiaf; nfhz;lit. mtw;Wf;F jPdpahf efuq;fs; vOe; j d. mtw; w py; tpz; Z aHe; j khb kidfSk; NfhGuq;fSk; vOe;jd. kh d pl r ; r pye ; j pf s ; e P z; l mj pN t f g ; ngUe; n jUf; f is vq; F k; tiyahfg; gpd; d p itj; j d. vjw; F ,it vd; w Nfs;tpfis GJg; GJ etPdf; fdTfs; jpd; W fopj; j d. eP H kwe; j Fsq; f spd; NkYk; cztspf;Fk; epyq;fspd; NkYk; fl; b lr; n rbfis tsHj; J > ngU kuk; Mf;fpNdhk;. fhl;bd; Fsj;jpd; fy;yiwfspd; Nky; ekJ $Lfs; mLf;fg;gl;ld. ek;Kila Foe;ijfSf;Fk; ,Nj NghyNt fdTfhz nrhy;ypf;nfhLj;Njhk;. me;jf; fdTfSk; grp ciladthfNt ,Uf;FkhW ghHj;Jf;nfhz;l;Nlhk;. ehk; ,dp xU NghJk; gpd; N dhf; f pg; Nghf Kbahj tz; z k; > Kbe;JNghd fdTfis itj;J NghFk; topfis milj;Njhk;. ,dp ekf;F xU topg;ghij jhd;. ,aw;ifNahL ,ize;J tho;e;jjhfr; nrhy;yg;gl;l xU tho;f;if ,dp ekf;F> ek;khy; kWf;fg;gl;lJ. ,dpahtJ ,aw;ifia Nrjg;gLj;jhky; ,Ug; g tw; i wg; gw; w p rw; W Nahrpg; N ghk; . Nahrpg; g ijahtJ ehk; nra; N thkh? Nahridapy; ,Ue; J jhd; nray; f s; fUf;nfhs;fpd;wd. mz;ikapy; nld;khHf;fpy; ele; j Rw; W r; # oy; khehL Njhy; t papy; Kbe;jJ. ,t;tsTfhykha; #oiyj;jpd;W tsHe;j tsHr;rpaile;j ehLfs;> #oiy khRgLj; J k; nray; f is epWj; J khW tsHe;JtUk; ehLfSf;F cgNjrk; gz;zpd. cgNjrk; J}f; f pnawpag; g l; l J. vt; t pj

xg;GjYf;Fk; tu Kbahky; Nfhgd;N`fd; #oy; khehL Njhw;wJ.

nrhe; j khdJ. me; j ek; g pf; i fia ehk; kjpg;Nghk;.

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ÿïnr rgdfjka w,xldrjk Y%S ,xldfõ

idú;s% rKisxy



Y%S ,xldj ksrka;rfhkau ixialD;sluh jákdlï fmrgq.dó lr .ksñka ish bÈß udj; ilia lr.kakd rgls' tajdhskq;a .%dóh l¾udka; j,g ysñjkafka woaú;Sh ia:dkhls' ta ukaoh;a ta ;=< cd;sl wkkH;dj .eíj mj;sk ksidfjks' .eñ ldka;dj i|ydu jQ w;ahka;% frÈms<s l¾udka;h" Y%S ,xldfõ ixialD;sh" l,d;aul fudaia;r iy j¾K iqixfhdackh ksid wm rggu wdfõKsl jQ iqúfYaI;ajhlska hqla; fõ' Y%S ,dxlsl YsIagdpdrh ìysùug;a fmr mej;s l¾udka;hla jYfhka fuh ye¢kaúh yelsh' uyd jxYhg wkqj úch l=uref.a wd.ukfha § Tyqg l=fõKSh uqK .efikqfha weh lmq láñka isák úg§h' ukq rcqf.a md,kh mej;s wjêfha § lmq Ydlh Y%S ,xldfõ frdamKh l< nj lshfõ' uyd jxYh" :qm jxYh iy §m jxYh jeks .%ka:j, lmq frÈ úùu iïnkaOj lreKq rdYshla olajd we;' rdudhKfhys frÈ úhkakka —;ka;=jdhka˜ f,i y÷kajd we;' isxy, rcjrekaf.a md,kh mej;s ld, jljdkqj, fuu l¾udka;h jvd;a wdrCIs;j iy ÈhqKqj mej;s nj wkdjrKj we;' bkaÈhdfjka f.kjd .;a —i,d.uhska˜ f,i ye¢ka jQ ck fldgila fuu l¾udka;h i|ydu fhojQ nj lshfõ' 1912 § Y%S ,xldj ;=<u frÈms<s ksIamdok w;ahka;%hla ksIamdokh lsÍug Wlal=nKavd fod<ms,af,a iu;a ùu;a iuÕ fuu l¾udka;fha kj m%fndaOhla we;s úh' 1912 jif¾§u rdc.sßfha § fmaY

l¾udka; mqyqKq mdi, wdrïN ùu iy 1913 § ;j;a fmaY l¾udka; mqyqKq mdi,a 3la wdrïN ùu fuu l¾udka;fha jeo.;a ikaêia:dkhls' w;ahka;% frÈ ms<s ksIamdokh Y%u Y+laIu l¾udka;hls' fuu l¾udka;h i|yd Ndú;d lrkqfha w;ahka;% 3la muKs' tkï jhsäu ^kQ,a T;k hka;%h&" fjdama frda, ^j¾K ixfhda. lr kQ,a ilia lsÍug Ndú;d jk hka;%h& iy frÈ úùu i|yd Ndú;d lrk w;ahka;%hhs' idß" ifrdaka" we| we;sß,s" fïi we;sß,s" ;sr frÈ" ;=jd" idgl" mdmsis iy iqÿ frÈ hkdÈ úúO jQ frÈ ms<s fuu w;ahka;% u.ska ksu flf¾' 1977 § Y%S ,xldjg újD; wd¾Ólh yÿkajd §fuka miqj fuu w;ahka;% frÈ ms<s l¾udka;h fndfyda ÿrg miq.dó úh' kuq;a 2000 oYlfha isg fuu l¾udka;fha Okd;aul m%jK;djla we;s fjñka mj;S' ñksid mßir ys;ldñ ksIamdok j,g fhduq úh hq;=hs hk woyi biau;=ùu óg fya;= jQ m%Odk idOlhhs' mßir ¥IKhg b;du;a wju jYfhka odhl jk l¾udka;hla jYfhka fuh yÿkd.; yelsh' cd;Hka;rj ;r. l< yels ksIamdolhska ìysùu" foaYSh frÈ ms<s Ndú;fhka wNsudkhla f.dvke.Su" Wiia iudc ;;a;ajhla ,eîug fya;= jk idOlhka ùu hkdÈh o óg fya;= jQ lreKq fõ' j¾;udkh jk úg Èjhsfkys l=vd" uOHu iy úYd, hk ;%súO mßudKhkag wh;a w;ahka;% frÈms<s ksIamdok l¾udka; 962la yÿkdf.k we;' fuu lafIa;%fhys kshef,k Y%ñl ixLHdj 15"000ls' b;d,sh" m%xYh" tlai;a rdcOdksh" fkda¾fõ" fko¾,ka;h" ud,Èjhsk iy ;dhs,ka;h Y%S ,xldfõ w;ahka;% frÈ ms<s ksIamdok ñ,§ .kakd rgj,a w;r m%uqL fõ' fuu w;ahka;% frÈ ms,s ksIamdok hqfrdamSh ;;a;aj iy;sl iy weußldkq ;;a;aj iy;slh o ,ndf.k we;' uE;l §

2000 oYlfha isg fuu l¾udka;fha Okd;aul m%jK;djla we;s fjñka mj;S' ñksid mßir ys;ldñ ksIamdok j,g fhduq úh hq;=hs hk woyi biau;=ùu óg fya;= jQ m%Odk idOlhhs' mßir ¥IKhg b;du;a wju jYfhka odhl jk l¾udka;hla jYfhka fuh yÿkd.; yelsh ,kavkfha § mj;ajk ,o fjf<| m%o¾Yk i|yd Y%S ,dxlsl w;ahka;% frÈms<s ksIamdolhska iyNd.S ùu lemS fmfka' Y%S ,xldfõ w;ahka;% frÈms<s l¾udka;fha bÈß .ukg fya;= jQ m%Odk lreKla jkqfha Y%S ,xldjg wfõKsl zÿïnr rgdZ keu;s fudaia;r l,dj fhdod .ekSuhs' kqjr Èia;%slalfha ÿïnr ñáhdjf;ys .Dyia; lmq frÈ ksIamdokh wdY%s;j fuu ÿïnr rgdjka fhdod f.k ;sfí' fuu ÿïnr rgdjka fhdod .ekSfuka ksuejqï i|yd b;d wdl¾IKSh fmkqula ,ndfoa' r;=" ;eô,s" l¿" iy fld< hk j¾K muKla fhdod f.k ÿïnr rgd ueùug fy< ck fldgia mqreÿ mqyqKqj isáfhah' j¾;udkfha § cd;Hka;rh ch.;a Y%S ,dxlsl frÈms<s l¾udka;h ÿïnr rgdjka mokï lr.;a úúO fudaia;r ks¾udKh lrñka úúO j¾K iqixfhdackh lrñka ld,hg WÑ; tfy;a foaYSh;ajh o /l.ksñka w;s wdl¾IKSh ksIamdokj, kshef,a'




Rain water harvesting

in the heart of the city

Forefathers of Sir Lanka had a principle of not letting even a drop of water go wasted. From earliest days, knowing that water is life, Sri Lankans adopted many novel methods to collect and store rain water for agricultural purposes as well as for consumption. Nowadays it has become even more essential to store rain water for the needs of human beings while facilitating sustainable living. Stepping in to the right direction, novel but unique rain water harvesting schemes was launched recently by students of Mahabodhi College, Maradana, Colombo and Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Kotte. They were well supported and assisted by students of Royal College,

Colombo and Republic Polytechnic Singapore. Rain water storage tanks with a capacity of 8,000 litres were constructed at premises of Mahabodhi College, Maradana, Colombo and Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Kotte, together with all necessary accessories and facilities for effective use of harvested rain water. Collected rain water is expected to be used mainly for schools’ agricultural purposes, and also for cleaning and other uses. By channelling rain water that usually go wasted in to productive use, the projects are certain to reduce schools’ water bills and further save public funds that otherwise need to be spent on chemical treatment of pipe borne water. Execution of the project also

provided an unforgettable experience to students in the city. The project was implemented as a part of Service Learning Project of EDEX Think Green initiative that educates, activates and engages Sri Lankan youth on sustainable living. The Service Learning Project is conducted by EDEX Think Green in partnership with Republic Polytechnic Singapore. It provides a meaningful way for students to meet real community

needs by using their skills, knowledge and expertise, be it from the classroom or beyond. In the process, they get to reflect and learn deeply from their experiences and apply what they learnt for others benefit. The project seeks to nurture students to become compassionate, responsible and most importantly, right thinking citizens.

The need for value and career based education has taken root in Sri Lanka and the need of the hour is to provide and equip young school leavers with education and knowledge to face the ever growing challenges in their professional and personal lives. With this in mind, Horizon Campus brings knowledge based education system, which is accredited and recognized by Academic bodies like University Grants Commission (UGC) and Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) of Sri Lanka. In 2009 Mr. UpulDaranagama the CEO/MD of Horizon College and Horizon Campus envisaged a center of learning where students received pre- school, secondary and higher education. To this effect he established Horizon College International and Horizon Campus in the beautiful, stress free environment and landscape of Malabe. Horizon Campus was inaugurated in January 2011 in the presence of the Minister for Higher Education, Honorable S.B. Dissanayake. It is a BOI approved institution in affiliation with Karnataka State Open University, India and the programs have received approvals from UGC and TVEC. The programs offered include Psychology, Education and Teaching as Post Graduate, Under Graduate and

Diploma certifications. With an experienced and well qualified staff from Sri Lanka and India including Dr. R.M Premaratne(PhD, M. Phil, PGDE, BA (Ceylon) as the Head of the Department of Education and Prof. Madhusoodan MSc. (Psychology) as the Head of the Department of Psychology, Horizon Campus provides students with state of the art amenities to ensure that their learning atmosphere is aided with required facilities. So take the time to visit Horizon College and Campus, meet the faculties, view the facilities and understand that the professional and vocational orientation, the flexibility in choice of courses offered at Horizon are the definite requirements for the students and teachers of tomorrow.

Contact details are:

Horizon Campus Millennium Drive, Malabe, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 240 7777 Hotline: +94 71 240 7777 Fax: +94 11 2413610 Email: info@horizoncampus.edu.lk Web: www.horizoncampus.edu.lk



fjku u,la fia msfmkakg bvfokak

bkaÈl nKavdr wfífldaka


úIhhkag wvq ,l=Kq ,eîu fya;=fjka —wolaIhska˜ f,i kï lsÍu lsisfia;a u iqÿiq l%shdjla fkdfjhs'

wms yefudau ñksiaiq nj we;a;' ta jqK;a yeu ñksidu tlsfkldf.ka fjkia' ndysr iajrEmh" is;=ï me;=ï" .;s.=K" woyia" ú;rla fkfjhs" tlsfkldf.a olaI;djka" YlH;djka fï yeufoau fjkia' fï l;dj wo Bfha fidhd .;a w¨;a fohla fkfjhs" wE; w;S;fha isgu wms yefudau okak ir< ldrKdjla' ta jqK;a iuyr wjia:d j,È wmg fï nj wu;l fjkjd' iuyr úg is;du;d u wms fï foaj,a wu;l lrkjd' wfma rfÜ wOHdmk lafIa;%h ;=<;a fï ir< h:d¾:h is;du;d u wu;l lr we;s njhs fmfkkakg ;sfhkafka' úúO nqoaê uÜgï j,ska hq;= <uqka /ila tlu mka;s ldurhlg oud" tlu úIh ud,djla tlu úÈyg W.kajd" wjidkfha mj;ajk úNd.fha§ ta ish¨ fokd ,nd .kakd ,l=Kq j, b,lalï j,ska ta orejkaf.a Ôú;h iy wkd.;h úi|k wOHdmk ixialD;shl

;ju;a wms isrù isákjd' jvd;au ne?reï ldrKdj jkafka ta ta <uhd ,nd .;a b,lalï ixikaokh lrñka — jeäu ,l=Kq .;a <uhd jf.a yefudaagu ,l=Kq .kak neß wehs @˜ lshk w;sYh w;d¾lsl m%Yakh k.kak wfma fouõmshka fukau .=rejrkao mqreÿj isàuhs' mx;s ldurfha W.kajk w;sYh iSud iys; úIh ud,djlg ,nd .kakd ,l=Kq m%udKh wvq ùfuka hï orefjl= wolaI" wkqjK wfhl= úÈyg kï lsÍu fldf;la ÿrg idOdrKo hkak o h<s úuid ne,sh hq;=hs' fu;k§ —w;sYh iSud iys; úIh ud,djla˜ kï fhÿu Ndú; lf<a fya;=jla we;sjhs' mx;s ldurfha W.kajk úIh ud,dj iy Bg wod, úNd. l%uh ;=< orejdf.a l,d yd ks¾udKd;aul yelshdjka" l%Svd fl!I,Hhka wdÈh uek ne,Sula isÿ jkafka keye' ta ksidu l%Svdjg" rx.khg" l;djg" .S; .dhkhg" lú rpkhg olaI orejka mx;sfha W.kajk

wjdikdjlg fuka wfma rfÜ wOHdmk lafIa;%h ;=< úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï j,g ,eî ;sfnkafka b;d wvq ie,ls,a,la' mx;sldur wOHdmkfha we;s w;sYh ;r.ldÍnj ksid ;u orejka úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï j,ska wE;a lr fmdf;a mf;a wOHdmkhg muKla fhduq lrùug fndfyda fouõmshka W;aidy lrkjd' ;r.ldÍ wOHdmk l%uh ;=< orejdg ysñ úh hq;= ksoyi" iajdëk;ajh fouõmshka iy .=rejreka úiska meyerf.k ;sfnk njla fmfkkakg ;sfhkjd' nyq;rhla fouõmsfhda W;aidy lrkafka ;uqkaf.a orejd ffjoHjrfhla" bxðfkarefjla" kS;s{fhla" Wiia mßmd,k ks,Odßfhla lrkakhs' ta W;aidyfha lsisu jrola keye' ta;a fouõmsfhda u;l ;nd .; hq;= foa ;uhs yefudagu ta wjia:dj ,efnkafka ke;s nj' wfma rfÜ úYajúoHd, j, ffjoH" bxðfkare" kS;s mSG j,g jirlg we;=<;a lr.kafka b;d iSñ; msßila muKhs' ta msßig we;=¿ fjkak b;du ;rÕldÍ úNd.hlg uqyqK §,d' úNd.h w;sYh ;r.ldÍ ksid yeu ndysr jevla u kj;aj,d bf.kSug ú;rla ys; fhdojkak ´fka' fï wjia:dfõ§ ndysr lghq;= j,ska orejdj wE;a lsÍu isÿ fjkjd' fï wE;a lsÍu ksid orejdf.a wkd.;g isÿjkafka úYd, ydkshla' 18 iy 19 jk ishjiaj, tx.,ka;fha iy weußldfõ úYajúoHd, wdY%s;j ;uhs uq,skau úIh ndysr ls%hdldrlï ms<sn| ixl,amh wdrïN ù ;sfnkafka' idys;H ix.ï"


újdo lKavdhï" úúO l%Svd lKavdhï j,g ne£ lghq;= lrkak tl, tu úYajúoHd, j, Wmdê wfmalaIlhkaj Èßu;a lrkq ,enqjd' miqj tu rgj, Wiia úoHd, j,g;a fï l%shdldrlï jHdma; lr ;sfnkjd' hg;aúð; hq.fha§ wfma Wiia mdi,a j,g;a fï úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï y÷kajdfokq ,enqjd' wojk úg úúO wdldrfha úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï rdYshla wfma mdi,a moaO;sh ;=< l%shd;aul fjkjd' úIh ndysr lghq;= j,g ;uqkaf.a <uhska iyNd.S lrùug wlue;s fouõmshka k.k tl ;¾lhla ;uhs ;uqkaf.a orejdj ta úIh ndysr l%shdldrlug wod, /lshdjlg fhduq lsÍug ;uqkaf.a woyila ke;ehs lshk tl' mdi,a kdgHhlg rÕmE hq;af;a wkd.;fha§ k¿fjla fyda ks<shla ùug woyia lrk wfhl= u fkdfjhs' mdie,a l%slÜ lKavdhfï l%Svd l< hq;af;a wkd.;fha§ jD;a;Sh l%slÜ l%Svlfhl= ùug wfmalaId lrk wfhl= muKla fkdfjhs' fláfhka u lshkjdkï mdif,a§ úIh ndysr l%shdldrlula lrkafka wkd.;fha§ thg wod, / lshdjlg hdug u fkdfjhs' tfykï úIh ndysr l%shdldrlul ksr; ùfuka orefjl=g ,efnk M,m%fhdackh fudllao @ wo wfma rfÜ wOHdmk l%uh u.ska ìyslrkafka udkislj;a" YdÍrlj;a frda.S jQ ore msßila nj lSfuys lsisÿ jrola keye' ;r.ldÍ wOHdmk rgdj Tiafia oeä udkisl mSvkhlg orejd ,la ù isàu ksid Tyq ks;e;skau udkisl jYfhka jHdl+, ;;a;ajhlg m;a jkjd' oji mqrd mdif,a§;a" wu;r mka;s j,§;a" ksjfia§;a fjfyig m;aùu" wdydr ms<sn| ie,ls,su;a ùug w;miq ùu wdÈh ksid YdÍßlj;a orejd ÿ¾j, ù isákjd' úIh ndysr lghq;= Tiafia fulS YdÍßl yd udkisl jHdl+,;ajh uo muKlg fyda ÿre lr.ekSug orejdg bv ,efnkjd' l%Svdfõ§" l,d fyda fjk;a ks¾udKd;aul lghq;= j,§ orejdf.a il%Sh;ajh udkisl yd YdÍßl jYfhka Tyqj ksfrda.S mqoa.,fhl= njg m;a lrkjd' tÈfkod lghq;= j,ska fyïn;aj isák orejdg úIh ndysr lghq;= j,§ hï udkisl iykhla" úfõlhla ,efnkjd' tmuKla fkdfjhs" mx;s ldurfha§ TmuÜgï fkdjk iy biau;= fkdjk orejdf.a ks¾udKd;aul yelshdjkag úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï j,§ jeä bvla ,efnkjd' orejdf.a fm!reI j¾Okhg o fuu.ska ,efnkafka úYd, msájy,la' orejdf.a úkh" lKavdhï yeÕSu" iyfhda .Sj lghq;= lsÍu" ch mrdch ú|ord .ekSu" j.lSïiy.; nj jeks úúO .=Kdx.

mqreÿ mqyqKq jk ;lai,dj njg m;a jkafka;a mx;s ldurfhka neyerj orejd iïnkaO jk ndysr l%shdldrluhs' fï wkqj yqÿ /lshdjlg jvd fndfyda jeo.;a" jákd foa úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï Tiafia orejdg ,efnk nj fouõmshka wjfndaO lr.; hq;=hs' orejd l=uk jD;a;shla f;dard .;a;o by; lS .=Kdx. iys; wfhl= ùu jeo.;a nj f;areï .; hq;=h' mqoa.,sl fukau rcfha /lshd i|yd;a f;dard .ekSfï§ úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï l< whg m%uqL;djh ,nd fokafka ;k;=re i|yd f;dard .kq ,nk ;eke;a;d tlS .=Kdx. iys; wfhl= ùu" wOHdmk iqÿiqlï w;ska by<gu hdug jvd jeo.;a ksidh' tksid ;u orejd hym;a /lshdjlg fhduq lrùug wfmalaId lrk fouõmshka l< hq;af;a orejdj úIh ndysr lghq;= j,ska bj;a lsÍu fkdj" tajdg iïnkaO ùug orejdj Èß.ekaùuhs' wfma wOHdmk l%ufha yeáhg ffjoHjrfhl= fyda bxðfkarefjl=g lsis ojil .dhlfhl= fyda k¿fjl= fjkak neye' tlsfklg fjkia lafIa;% foll fh§u wfma whg mqÿuhlg;a jvd úys¿jla ù ;sfnk njhs fmfkkafka' orejka úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï j,g fhduq lrùfï jeo.;alu f;aud lr.;a kd,l iaj¾K;s,lf.a —uu fjku u,la˜ kdgHfha rÕmdk msßñ orefjl=f.ka — wkd.;fha ljqre fjkjdoe˜ hs Tyqf.a fidfydhqßh úuikjd' fï wjia:dfõ§ tu orejd f.a W;a;rh fjkafka —uu f,dl= jqKdu mshdfkda maf,a lrk lïmshqg¾ bxðksh¾ flfkla fjkjd˜ hkakhs' mqÿuhg ldrKh kï fuu foni lSu;a iu.u uq¿ fm%alaIld. drhu iskdfikakg mgka .ekSuhs' fuhska wfma wdl,am ms<sn|jo hï ;;a;ajhla ms<sìUq flfrkjd' —wfma rfÜ mshdfkdaj jdokh lrk bxðfkarejka bkak úÈyla keye˜ fm%alaIld.drfha we;sjQ iskyfjka woyia fjkafka th fkdfõo @ t;a wfma rfÜ tlsfklg fjkia lafIa;% j, lghq;= lrk m%ùkhska ´kE;rï isákjd' wfma rfÜ isá olaI;u ffjoHjrfhla jQ uydpd¾h kkaoodi fldaodf.dv uy;d w;s olaI jh,Ska jdok Ys,amsfhla' ysgmq yuqod udOH m%ldYljrfhl= jQ fïc¾ fckrd,a iqks,a f;kakfldaka uy;d .=jka úÿ,sfha ta fY%aksfha .dhlfhla' ysgmq l%slÜ kdhl l=udr ix.laldr fld<U úYajúoHd,fha kS;smSGhg f;aÍ m;a jQKq YsIHfhla' ix.laldr .ek ie,lSfï§ Tyqj fï ;rï jeo.;a wfhl= njg m;a lr ;sfnkafka Tyq ksr; jQ

ndysr l%shdldrlu úiska nj fmfkaú' ix.laldr mx;s ldurfha wOHdmkh muKla f;dard .;a;d kï iuyr úg Tyq fï rfÜ bkakd oyia .Kkla jQ kS;S{jrekaf.ka ;j;a tlaflfkla muKla ùug bv ;snqKd' ta;a Tyqj f,dal mQð; wfhl= njg m;a lf<a l%slÜ l%Svdjhs' úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï ksid orejkaf.a wOHdmkh lvdlmam,a jk njg lrk fpdaokdj mokï úrys;hs' úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï j, ksr; jk orejkaf.a bf.kqï YlH;djka tjeks foalg iïnkaO fkdjk orejkag jvd jeä nj m¾fhaIlhska úiska fidhdf.k ;sfnkjd' kuq;a iSudj blaujd" wOHdmkhg lsisÿ nrla fkd§ ndysr lghq;= muKla lsÍfuka kï bf.kSfï lghq;= lvdlmam,a fjkak mq¿jka' fuys§ fouõmshka l< hq;af;a ;u orejkag fï folu iunrj lrf.k hkak u.fmkaùuhs' orejd iudcdkqfhdackh lsÍfï l%shdj,sfha jeo.;a ld¾hNdrhla úIh ndysr lghq;= j,g orejd fhduq lrùfuka bgq lr .; yels nj fï wkqj fmkS hkjd' úIh ndysr l%shdldrlï j,g orejka fhduq lrùfuka úúO;ajhlska hq;= orejka msßila jf.au" úúO yelshdjkaf.ka hqla; orefjl=o iudchg ìysfjk nj meyeÈ,shs' wms yefudau tlu foa lrk" tlu foa ys;k msßila jQKd kï fï úYajh fudk;rï taldldÍ jkq we;ao @ tfia jQjd kï ljodj;a w¨;a ks¾udK ìysfkdjkq we;" f,dalh tl;ek k;rjkq we;' wfma orejka fmd;m;g muKla iSud jQ msßila muKla ùfuka isÿ fjkafka;a fï fohuhs' fï ksid ;uhs úúO;ajh wmg jeo.;a fjkafka' úúO olaI;d" yelshdjkaf.ka hq;= ñksiqka msßila wjYH jkafka' yenehs ta úúO;ajh fidhd .kak kï mx;s ldurfhka t<shg mshukskak wfma orejka Wkkaÿ l< hq;=hs' mdi, weÍ ksjig fyda wu;r mx;shlg ÿjk orefjla fjkqjg l%Svd msáhlg fyda fõÈldjlg fyda Èj hk orefjl= ìysl< hq;=hs' f,dalh ,iaik fjkak kï tl tl mdg ;sfhk" tlsfklg fjkia iqj| yuk u,a msfmkak ´fka' ta jf.au ta u,aj,g msfmkak" iqj| úysÿjkak bv fokak;a ´fka' frdaiuf,a iqj| msÉp uf,ka ,nd .kak neye' msÉp uf,a iqj| frdai uf,ka ,nd .kak;a neye' ta;a ta folu u,a" ta folu fï f,daflg ´fka' Tfí orejdf.a iqúfYaIs yelshdjka y÷kd .kak' ta yelshdjkag jefvkak w; fokak' Tfí orejdg fjku u,la f,i msfmkak bv fokak'




Education beyond barriers By Neranjala Karunanayake

An educational revolution brought by technological advancements Globalization and information technology (IT) scaffold today’s educational sphere without any doubts. The modem era could hardly be compared to the avenues of learning that existed in the past.

limited to affluent segments of the society. The well known legend of Sri Lankan poetess Gajaman Nona in male clothing is a fine example to prove that doors of such institutions were opened only to a fortunate few and not to the desired.

The famous stories of Disapamok from the neighbouring India and our own Gurugedara set up reveals the hardships that prevailed in the past, in gaining access to education. The ancient learner had to stay with his educators, attend to the house hold chores of the educator and tolerate many difficulties in order to quench the thirst for knowledge. The local pirivena mode of education was highly gender biased and was

Even ancient philosophers like Plato believed that academic learning must be limited to the ruling class and the gifted. Such discriminative beliefs influenced many educational policy makers all over the world eliminating the average masses from the great gift of education altogether. Even the colonial British education system was coloured by such philosophy until the realization that the majority of population was being rendered illiterate, limiting their contribution to the economy. A rare exception was the “education for all� policy of late Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara, who wisely foresaw the future. However, a majority of present generations of global citizens are fortunate for being able to reap the immense benefits of easy access to learning without any barriers or discrimination. Now there are many avenues and opportunities to follow in ones own pace and enjoy privileges of education, while contributing to the society one lives. Expansion of knowledge in the post industrial era is more significant than in

any era in the history. This has created a whirlwind in the filed of education globally and locally creating significant changes along with new technological advancements. The influence of technology as a powerful tool in the field of education has immensely benefited the mankind. The most significant novelty in the field of education is the easy reach of World Wide Web to each and every learner. This has taken both the educator and learner to new dimensions. The mode of obtaining knowledge is faster and easier than ever before in the history, as latest information on anything under the Sun could be obtained from home without any obstacle or delay, provided one is competent in language of communication and computer literate. Many opportunities in online learning and modes of distant teaching, learning, communication and even distant working are the modern benefits that has sprang alone with the advancement information technology. Significantly, the role of traditional teacher has changed immensely due to emergence of self directed, life long learning of students with global citizenship. The teacher has become a co-learner instead of being the sole source of knowledge, a facilitator in the modern context. IT forms a core part of present day modes of education facilitating learning and teaching beyond barriers and geographical boundaries.


;dCIKsl m%.ukhka Tiafia biau;=jq wOHdmksl úma,jh igyk fkrkac,d lreKdkdhl" mßj¾;kh y¾I chfialr úisks

kQ;k wOHdmksl l%ufõoh flf¾ f.da,ShlrKh yd f;dr;=re ;dCIKh úYd, n,mEula ù we;s njg lsisÿ ielhla ke;' j¾;udkfha wOHdmkh ,nd .ekSfï ud¾. w;S;fha meje;s tajd iu. ixikaokh l< fkdyels ;rïh' wmf.a wi,ajeis bkaÈhdfõ meje;s zÈidmdfudlaZ ms<sn| m%isoaO jD;dka; wmf.a rfÜ meje;s z.=ref.orZ ms<sn| igyka wdÈfhka tl, wOHdmkh ,nd .ekSug mej;s ndOd ms<sn| ukd f,i wkdjrKh fõ' w;S;fha wOHdmkh yeoEre isiqka yg Tjqkaf.a oekqu msmdih ixis÷jd .ekSug .=rejreka iuÕu /£ isg wOHdmkh yeoEÍug isÿjQ w;r .=rejrhdf.a ksjfia jev lghq;= bgq lr foñka fndfyda ndOd lïfldg¨o bjid ord isàug isÿúh' foaYShj meje;s msßfjka wOHdmk l%ufõoh o mqreI md¾Yjhg muKla iSudjQ w;r tho Okj;a Wiia me,eka;shg iSudúh' iqm%isoaO .cuka fkdakd ms<sn| l;d mqj;" tkï wehg msßñ we÷ñka ieriS tjeks msßfjkl wOHdmkh ,eîug isÿùu Bg lÈu ksoiqkls' tfiau tjka ia:dk j, wOHdmkh ,eîug yelsjQfha iq¿ msßilg muKla jQ w;r wOHdmkh ,eîug uy;afia we¨ï l, fndfyduhlg ta wjia:dj fkd,eî .sh njo thska mila fõ' mqrd;k od¾Ykslhl= jk maf,afgda úYajdi l, wkaoug mjd wOHdmkh Okj;a yd m%N+ me,eka;shg muKla iSud úh hq;= úh' tn÷ widOdrK u;jdo f,dj mqrd wOHdmk yeoEÍfï

wjia:dj weysÍug uÕmdokakg úh' ì%;dkH hg;a úð; iufha wOHdmkh mjd tn÷ l%ufõohla wkq.ukh lf<ah' ck;djf.ka nyq;rhla W!k idCIr;djfhka hqla; ùfuka wd¾Ólhg Tjqkaf.a odhl;ajh wvq jk nj jgyd .kak f;lau tn÷ o¾Ykhlska iukaú; úh' wdpd¾h iS' ví' ví' lkakka.rhka kqjKska hq;=j wkd.;h foi ne,Sfuka f.k wd zieug wOHdmkhZ m%;sm;a;sh ÿ,N fjkialula úh' flfia fj;;a j;auka f.da,Sh mqrjeishkaf.ka nyq;rhla lsisÿ ndOdjlska fyda widOdrKhlska f;drj myiqfjka wOHdmkh ,nd .ekSfï m%;s,dN fk,d .ekSug jdikdjka; ù we;' wo jk úg hful=g iajlSh wNsu;hg wkqj wOHdmkfha jrm%ido N=la;s ú¢ñka iudchg odhlFjhla iemhSug wjia:djla we;' mdYapd;a ld¾ñl iufha oekqu jHdma; ùu b;sydifha wka ljr hq.hlg;a jvd jeo.;alula Wiq,hs' foaYSh yd cd;Hka;r wOHdmk lafIA;%fha kj ;dCIKsl m%.ukhka iuÕska lemS fmfkk fjkialï we;s ù we;' ;dCIKfha n,mEu" wOHdmk lafIa;%fha m%n, Wmdx.hla f,i udkj j¾.hdf.a Wkak;shg fya;= ù we;' wOHdmk lafIA;%fha jeo.;au kj;u wx.h iEu wOHdmkh yodrkafkl= ygu wka;¾cd,h iuÕ b;d myiqfjka iïnkaO ùug yels ùuhs' fuh YsIhHd fukau .=rejrhd kj u.lg f.k

;uka úiskau md,kh jk f.da,Sh mqrjeisNdjh iys; hdj;ald,Sk wOHdmkh ,nk isiqka ksid iïm%odhsl .=rejrhdf.a N+ñldj iqúYd, fjkilg n÷kaù we; hk ,§' br y| hg mj;sk ´kEu kejqï f;dr;=rla lsisÿ ndOdjlska fyda m%udohlska f;drj ksjfia isgu NdId oekqula iy mß>kl idCIr;dj we;s ´kEu wfhl=g ,nd .;yels ksid oekqu ,nd .ekSfï wdldrh w;S;fha lsisÿ fkdjQ úrE f,i fõ.j;a iy myiq ù we;' online - wOHdmkh" ÿria: b.ekqï yd b.ekaùï ikaksfõokh iy ÿria: fiajd iemhSu mjd f;dr;=re ;dCIKfha m%.ukh iuÕ u;=jQ jdishkah' ;uka úiskau md,kh jk f.da,Sh mqrjeisNdjh iys; hdj;ald,Sk wOHdmkh ,nk isiqka ksid iïm%odhsl .=rejrhdf.a N+ñldj iqúYd, fjkilg n÷kaù we;' .=rejrhd oekqu imhk tlu mqoa.,hd fkdfõ' iyfhda.Sj wOHdmkh ,nd fokafkl= myiqlï imhkafkl= njg j;auka iudcfha§ .=rejrhd m;aj we;'

f;dr;=re ;dCIKh j¾;udkfha bf.kSug iy b.ekaùug myiqlï imhñka N+f.da,Sh iSud udhsï j,g Tífnka we;s wOHdmkfha m%n, idOlhla njg m;aj we;'




Changing emphasis on career planning The education system is being overhauled for implementation from 2013 onwards. Here we examine the implications for Ordinary Level (O/L) and Advanced Level (A/L) students.

By Nalin Goonewardene

In the present system of education it is mandatory for a student to study 6 core subjects along with 3 other subjects selected from 3 different subject baskets at O/L. Having passed these, the student then selects the subjects of interest for A/L, based broadly on an assessment of their skills, desires and career prospects.


L / A

Advantages of this system are that the process of identifying a career starts after O/L, when their maturity will help students chose wisely. For some people a career choice may be difficult even then. Disadvantages are that they have a vast scope of knowledge to acquire from basics to university entrance level in a very short time. Some even skip basics as they seem trivial to a 16 year old, jeopardising the foundations of their knowledge in chosen subjects which could lead to disappointment later on in life. This is because selection from the subject basket for O/L bears no relevance to their A/L studies. Minister of Education has announced that he wants to change this from 2013 onwards. The new system will require a student to identify the subjects likely to be taken at A/L first. Then chose the relevant optional subjects at O/L. Selection at O/L will be 6 mandatory core subjects and 3 optional subjects relevant to their A/L selection. Mandatory core subjects will be mother tongue (Sinhala or Tamil), second language (English), mathematics, science & technology, religion and history. The optional studies will provide a basic understanding of subjects to be chosen for A/L. Examples options are:




- For Science stream select Physics, Chemistry and Biology. - For Maths stream select Combined Maths, Physics and Chemistry. - For Commerce stream select Economic Science, Commerce and Accounts. - For Arts stream select Languages, Buddhist Culture, Drama & Theatre Studies.

The benefits of this approach are that preparation for university entrance is spread over a longer period, where basics are learned at O/L, making it easier to grapple with complexities during A/L study. This should mean less overall stress and more chances for success. It also means that subject selections will be made at grade 9 aged about 14, a relatively tender age to consider a likely career. However, it is clear that each generation is more advanced in their capabilities than the previous, also, worldwide competition is intense, and Sri Lankans must compete in this arena to survive. So, considering their future at a younger age will help students ‘grow-up’ and mature earlier than in the past. Good news - if we are to help "empower the Sri Lankan youth to be globally competitive". Most of the processes and tools around are for helping A/L students

find their ideal career. These are not so relevant for students of a younger age, where on average; they are less serious and less certain of what they want to do. But a changed approach can resolve this. The very first step in career planning is 'self assessment'- knowing yourself. From an early age, parents talking and playing with their children will know what sort of a person their child is, e.g. he is an outdoors person, good at drawing but hates reading etc. These 'traits' give an initial insight into his character and capabilities. This in turn will give clues as to the 'direction' in which he will be most comfortable. Each person has strong and weak points. When they work within their strong points, they do well and shine, encouraging them to continue. This makes them both happy and successful - what more can one want for one’s child?

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

About Us ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique core values:

opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity and accountability. We believe that accountants bring value to economies in all stages of development. We aim to develop capacity in the profession and encourage the adoption of consistent global standards. Our values are aligned to the needs of employers in all sectors and we ensure that, through our qualifications, we prepare accountants for business. We work to open up the profession to people of all backgrounds and remove artificial barriers to entry, ensuring that our qualifications and their delivery meet the diverse needs of trainee professionals and their employers. We support our 147,000 members and 424,000 students in 170 countries, helping them to develop successful careers in accounting and business, and equipping them with the skills required by employers. We work through a network of 83 offices and centres and more than 8,500 Approved Employers worldwide, who provide high standards of employee learning and development. Through our public interest remit, we promote the appropriate regulation of accounting. We also conduct relevant research to ensure that the reputation and influence of the accountancy profession continues to grow, proving its public value in society.

University of Bolton comes to Sri Lanka Having emerged as a university with strict focus on quality and clarity, University of Bolton is a highly reputed provider of education in the United Kingdom. With a proud history spreading not only to the United Kingdom but other countries as well, the University is one of the most sought after educational destinations in the world. With the entry of the University of Bolton, students in Sri Lanka have the explicit opportunity of following a broad range of courses which have been globally accepted for being well-structured and responsive to modern educational needs. These courses cater to the needs

of undergraduates and postgraduates alike. Through their ‘Flying Faculty Programme’, students will have firsthand face to face interactions with well experienced and renowned lecturers from the University of Bolton. Access to a virtual learning environment and the University Library with large collection of eBooks and eJournals will also be available to students. And what’s more, the University is committed to develop its students as the business leaders of the future. Keeping in line with its’ motto of “Empowerment through Education”, steps will be taken to develop in each student, 10 core employability skills which have been

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nUr j<,a, iskud mgh weiqfrka flfrk ú.%yhla tÉ' ta' Ȩï r;akud,d


j¾;udk f,dalh kkaúO wr.,hkaf.ka nyq, jQjls' tneúka udkj Ôú;h wjYHfhka u w;Dma;su;a h" wiykldÍ h" mSvdWmojk iq¨h' tmuKla fkdj fulS jd;djrKh ñksid fkdu. heùfuys udj;la o újr lr fokafka fjhs' fuu iudc úmßKdufha m%n,;u n,mEug ,la jkafka ;reK msßihs' fh!jkhska flfrys iycfhka u mj;skakd jQ jyd m%;spdr oelaùfï m%jK;dj" fjkig iy kùk;ajh Wfoid jk udkisl <eÈlu wd§ idOl ksid by; ;;a;ajh Woa.; ù we;s nj y÷kd.; yelsh'

i;Hh mfil ;sìh § udhdjg uq,a;ek fokakka w;r i;H .fõIKh fldg talS i;Hh iudch bÈßfha m%;sks¾udKh lrk ienE l,dlrefjda .kÿre ? wyi nn<jk iq§ma; ;drld jekaky' úfYaIfhka u uxuq,d jQ fhdjqka ¥ mq;=kag mdr lshk ;re i,l=Kq n÷h

iudch Ndr¥r fuka u ÿIalr wählg weo jegqKq wjia:djl l,dlrejdf.a j.lSï Ndrh ;jÿrg;a j¾Okh fjhs' fï Ndr¥r wjia:dfõ ;u N+ñldj ukd f,i y÷kd .kakd l,dlrefjda w,amh y' rislhdf.a ukfod< mqrjkq ßiska iudch jidf.k mj;sk fulS lgql i;Hh

iÕjd rid,scs; fm%aï cjksld" úlg cjksld" hqouh ;;a;aj" uOHu mka;sfha mjq,a ixia:djka yd ne÷Kq Ôjk mqj;a" udmsh yd odrl fm%auh jeks iq,n f;aud iqkaor jQ f.;a;ulska bÈßm;a lrk l,dlrefjda fndfyda fj;s' i;Hh mfil ;sìh §

udhdjg uq,a;ek fokakka w;r i;H .fõIKh fldg talS i;Hh iudch bÈßfha m%;sks¾udKh lrk ienE l,dlrefjda .kÿre ? wyi nn<jk iq§ma; ;drld jekaky' úfYaIfhka u uxuq,d jQ fhdjqka ¥ mq;=kag mdr lshk ;re i,l=Kq n÷h' ;reK mrmqr rgla i;= m%n,;u n,fõ.hhs' Okjd§ w¾: l%ufha we;eï wl%ñl;d ksid ud yeÕs ;reK Ôú; wjdikdjka; brKïj,g f.dÿre fjhs' cdjdrïlrejkaf.a;a" ñkSurejkaf.a;a" md;d, kdhlhskaf.a;a hg;g m;a jk we;eï ;reKhskaf.a Ôú; ta mdmldÍ l%shdldrlïj,gu Èhdre ù hhs' nUr johla weúiaiqKq lf,l nUreka tld miq mi je, fkdleã N%uKh jkakd fia fulS ;reKfhda nUr j<,af,ka msg mek .; fkdyS ta u; u ys¢ñka w.dOhg u h;s' j¾;udk iudcfha ;reKhka uqyqK fok fulS h:d¾:h w;=, ,shkf.a —nUr j<,a,˜ Ñ;%máfha §


;reK mrmqr rgla i;= m%n,;u n,fõ.hhs' Okjd§ w¾: l%ufha we;eï wl%ñl;d ksid ud yeÕs ;reK Ôú; wjdikdjka; brKïj,g f.dÿre fjhs' cdjdrïlrejkaf.a;a" ñkSurejkaf.a;a" md;d, kdhlhskaf.a;a hg;g m;a jk we;eï ;reKhskaf.a Ôú; ta mdmldÍ l%shdldrlïj,gu Èhdre ù hhs' nUr johla weúiaiqKq lf,l nUreka tld miq mi je, fkdleã N%uKh jkakd fia fulS ;reKfhda nUr j<,af,ka msg mek .; fkdyS ta u; u ys¢ñka w.dOhg u h;s idlÉPd lrhs' fuys tk ;reKhd —fmdä tld˜ hk wkaj¾: kdufhka ye¢kafjhs' urKSh ;=jd, ,nd u. wi,l jeà isák Tyqf.a Ôú;h .,jd .kafka ue,a uy;auhd h' ue,af.a ndysr Ôú;h idOq p¾hdfjka iqÿ meye .eka ù we;;a we;=<dka;h ÿ.| yuk uv f.dfydrejls' ue,a" ;reKhdf.a Ôú;h .,jd .kafka ish wkd.; wNsjDoaêh ms<sn| hï wfmaCIdjla is; hg ;jrd f.k h' ñkS fmÜá idmamqjl ysñlrefjl= jk ue,a ;ud fj; tk wirKhkag msysg fjhs' hg;a fiajlhkag fyd¢ka ix.%y lrhs' tmuKla fkdj fiajlhka w;r iduh iu.sh /l §ug ks;r fjfyfihs' fmdä tld ue,aj olskafka fufia h' fm%aCIlhd ue,a y÷kd .kafka;a tfiau h' fm%aCIlhd h:d¾:h ^ue,af.a Ôú; iajNdjh& l%ufhka wjfndaO lr .ekSfï udj;g msúfia' tfy;a fmdä tld''' fÄohls" Tyq ue,af.a mdmfhys nef|hs' Tyqg wjYH ue,ag Wmldr lsÍughs' ta ;udg Ôú;h §u fjkqfjka flfrk m%;s Wmldrhls' tneúka fmdä tld ue,af.a wjYH;djkag wkqrEmj fufyh fjhs' tlS l%shdjka ;=< we;s W;a;%dih kï fmdä tld ta ish,a, iajleue;af;ka bgq lsÍuh' ue,a uy;a;hd fjkqfjka fmdä tld lrk uyÕ= Wmldrh ue,af.a m%;sjd§

ñkSfmÜá jHdmdßlhd >d;kh lsÍuhs' fï Wmldrh fya;=fjka ish,a, mßj¾;khlg n÷ka fjhs' ieneúka u th úmßj¾;khls' kS;sfhka jika ùug fmdä tld f.d¨ ;reKshl muKla isák" ue,a f.a u ÿrneyer ksjilg msgux flf¾' ;reKsh f.d¨ fkdjk nj;a wE ue,a w;ska wkd: jQ tlshl nj;a fmdä tld oek.;a ksfïIfha Tyq ue,af.a we;=¿ yo y÷kd .kS' ue,a fjkqfjka nrm;, fidrlula lsÍug fmdä tldg kshu fjhs' fï uqo,a fld,a,fha § Tyqf.a i.hd urd oukakg fmdä tldg isÿ fjhs' fuh fmdä tld iuÕ u yudr l< hq;= ryila njg ue,a ;SrKh lrhs' kuq;a ue,af.a ie,iqu jH¾: fjhs' fmdä tld ueÍug hk ue,a Tyqf.a u hg;a fiajlfhl= w;ska uereï lhs' fmdä tld f;jeks jrg;a Ôú;h ,nhs' tfy;a Tyq lerflkafka nUr j<,a, jgduh' fjkila ke;' oeka jHdmdrh fydnjkafka fmdä tld h' f;dard .ekSug wka u.la fkdue;s j wirK jk fndfyda ;reKfhda fujeks fÄojdplhkays Wreulrejka ù isá;s' kuq;a fulS iudc ika;dj iQCIu mßÈ úúO Wml%u Ndú;fhka uqjd lrkq ,en we;' ienE l,dlrefjl=f.a j.lSu iksgqyka lr.;a iskud

ks¾udKlrejd Wla; fÄodka;h újrKh lrhs' fmdä tldg Wreu jk Ôú;hg mdr ;efkkafka wyUq f,isks' kuq;a fufia u. ;efkkq miqìu ifya;=lj ks¾udKh lsÍug l,dlrejd iu;a ù we;' orefjl=f.a nd, wjêh Tyqf.a Ôú;h flfrys È.ska È.g u n,mEï lrhs' hï mqoa.,fhl=f.a wkd.;fha ;Srlhd jkafka nd, úfha§ Tyq ,nk iudcdkqfhdackhhs' fmdä tld wkqfhdackh jk iudch fid÷re fldfoõjla fkdfõ' Tyqg mdi,a wOHdmkh ,nd §ug Tyqf.a ujg j;alula ke;' fmdä tld ks;r olskafka fodïkig yd mSvdjg m;a ujf.a;a wlaldf.a;a uqyqKqh' fï w;r Èkl iq¿ mshd úiska ¥IKh lrk ,ÿj wlald ish Èú kid .kS' iq¿ mshd úiska fï wlghq;a; isÿ lrk ,o nj fmdä tld m%;HlaI lr .kS' ujf.a isys úl,a fjhs' fmdä tld w;ska iq¿ mshd uereï lk w;r fmdä tld ;reKfhl= jkafka nkaOkd.drfha § h' woH;k iudcfha ks¾Ok ñksiqkaf.a Ôú; oßø;dj fya;=fjka Wvq hál=re jk wdldrh;a kshu wdldrfha iudckqfhdackhla fkd,eîu uq,a ùfuka mqoa.,fhl=f.a iuia; Ôú;hu w.dOhg ;,a¨ ù hk ieá;a l,d;aul rfida>hlska bÈßm;a lr we;'




jw;NghJ jkpopy; ntspte;jpUf;Fk; xU jpiug;glk; jhd; 'ez;gd;". `pe;jpapy; nfhQ;r fhyj;Jf;F Kd;dH ntspte;j 'j;uP ,bal;];' vd;w jpiug;glj;ij jOtp jkpopNy vLf;fg;gl;l ,e;jg; glj;Jf;F jpUk;Gfpd;w jpirfspy; ,Ue;J vy;yhk; nfhj;J nfhj;jhf tpkHrdq;fs; te;J topfpd;wd. ,e;jf; fl;Liu mitahtw;wpYk; ,Ue;J NtWgl;lJ. ,J mj;jpiug;glj;jpDila tpkHrdk; md;W. khwhf me;j jpiug;glk; Mokhf Nt&d;wp nrhy;y tUfpd;w fUj;ij ,d;iwa rkfhy ek;ehl;L fy;tpj;jpl;lj;Jld; xg;gpl;Lg; ghHf;Fk; xU Kaw;rp

Mf;fk; - ,utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;


xJf;FtNj ,y;iy. ftiy Njk; g pa cz; i k vd; d ntd; w hy; > ,g; g bahf vz;zpg;ghHf;f fhuzkhf ,Ug;gJ mtHfs; mtd; Nky; itj;jpUf;Fk; mjP j ghrk;jhd;. 'vd; kfDf;F ,e;j cLg;G mofha; ,Uf; F k; > mtDf; F ,e; j nrUg; G mofha; ,Uf;Fk;' vd;W njhlq;fp mtdJ vjpHfhyk; tiu njupT nra; g tHfs; > gps;isfspd; kdjpy; ,Uf;fpd;w Mirfis kw e ; J t pL f pw h H f s ; > m y ; y J m e ; j ghrk; mij kiwj;J tpLfpwJ. me;jg; gps;isfs; ,d;ndhUtUila tho;f;ifia tho; t jw; F epHg; g e; j pf; f g; gLfpwhHfs; . mg;Jy; fyhk; mtHfs; ,isQHfisf; fdT fhzr;nrhd;dhH Mdhy; ,d;iwf;Fg; ngUk;ghYk; ,isQHfs; jq;fsJ ngw;NwhHfspd; fdtpNyNa tho;fpwhHfs;!

jkf;F tpUk;gpa Jiwia jhNk NjHe;njLj;J mjpNy ,\;lg;gl;L f\;lg;gl;L n[apj;J tho;f;ifia mDgtpj;J tho; rup> ez;gd; glk; nrhy;y tUfpd;w fUj; J j; j hd; vd; d ? 'jkf; F tpUk; g pa Jiwia jhNk NjHe; n jLj; J mjpNy ,\;lg;gl;L f\;lg;gl;L n[apj;J tho;f;ifia mDgtpj;J tho;" vd;W nrhy;ypf; nfhLf; f pwJ fijf; f sk; . ntt; N tW fjhg;ghj;jpuq;fs; ,e;j fsj;ij ntt;NtW tpjq; f spy; cs; t hq; f p ntspg; g Lj; J k; NghJ Rthu];akhf glk; ghHf;f KbfpwJ. MdhYk; me;j Rthu];aj;jpYk; mbg;gilf; fUj; J mopahky; milfhj; J g; glk; nfhLj;jpUf;fpwhH ,af;FdH. rpdpkh ,d;iwa jkpo; rKjhaj; j pd; xU typikahd Clfkhf khwp tpl;l ,e;epiyapy; ,g;gbahd fUj;jk;rk; $ba glq;fshy; r%f muq;fpy; ghupa khw;wq;fisf; nfhz;L tu KbAk; vd;w ek;gpf;if JspH tpLfpwJ. rkfhy khztr; rKjhak; vd;gJ xU Nehahsp tHf; f khf khwpf; n fhz; L NghfpwJ. ,e;j ,Ugj;njhuhk; E}w;whz;by; vy; y hNk ifNaL fk; g pa+l; l NuL vd; W te;j gpwF ez;gH cwtpdHfNshL cl;fhHe;J fijf;ff;$l ehk; Neuk; xJf;f Nahrpf; f g; gofp tpl; N lhk; . vdNt ek; gps; i sfisAk; cyf tsHr; r pf; F <L nfhLf;f rpWtajpypUe;Nj gof;fj; njhlq;fp tpLfpNwhk;. mjhtJ tho;f;if vd;gij xU ge;jakhf;fp> gps;isfis mjpy; Xl itf;fpd;Nwhk;. ,J rkfhyj;jpy; rf[khd xU Nghf;fhfptpl;lJ. mJNt ngw;NwhHfspd; flikAk; MfpwJ vd; f pw vz; z g; g hL cUthfptpl; l J. tsHr; r pia Nehf; f pa ge;jaj;jpy; Xlitg;gJ vy;yhk; rupjhd; Mdhy; gpur; r id vq; N f Muk; g pf; f pwJ vd;W ghHf;fg; Nghdhy; mjpHr;rp. ngw;Nwhupd; flik vJtiu vd;gij ngw;NwhHfs; rupahf tpsq;fpf;nfhs;shky; NghFk;NghNj gpur;rid Muk;gpf;fpwJ. ,e;j Foe;ijAk; cyfpy; Nghl;b Nghl;L n[apf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W

rpe;jpf;fpd;w ngw;NwhH jk;ik mwpahkNyNa mf; F oe; i j vg; g b n[apf; f Ntz; L k; vd;gijAk; jPHkhdpj;J tpLfpd;wdH. ,e;jf; fl;Liuia ePqf ; s; thrpj;Jf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; ,e; j Fwpj; j fzj; j pYk; vq; N fh xU ,lj;jpy; xU [Ptd; Foe;ijahf md;wp xU vd; [ pdpauhfNth> nlhf; l uhfNth gpwe;jpUf;Fk;. nghwpapayhsH> kUj;JtH vd;w ,U njhopy; f Sf; F k; ,e; j r; rKjhaj; j py; vq;fpUe;J mq;ff P huk; te;jNjh njupatpy;iy> ngUk; g hYk; vy; y hg; ngupatHfSf; F k; jq;fs; Foe;ijfis ,e;j njhopy;fspy; cl;fhu itj;Jtpl Ntz;Lk; vd;w vz;zk; te;J tpLfpwJ. ,jdhy; tsUk; nghONj> mtd; ehnshU itj;jpaUk; nghOnjhU vd;[pdpaUkhfNt tsHfpwhd;. eP ,g;gbj;jhd; Mf Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ mtDf;F tpjpf;fg;gl;L mtd; KJfpy; xU ngUk; %l; i lahf fl;lg;gl;Lk; tpLfpwJ. ,JNt> mtDf;Fk; gpbj; j khd njhopyhf ,Uf; F k; vd; W vd;Dk; NghJjhd; ,e;j ngupatHfs; NghLk; jg;Gf; fzf;F g+jhfhukhf ntspg;gLfpwJ. mtDf;Fs; xU Mir> vz;zk; ,Uf;Fk; vd;W vz;zpg; ghHf;f ngw;NwhHfs; Neuk;

vJ rup> gpio vd;gij nrhy;ypf; nfhLf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W nrhy;yp tpl; L jdf; F g; gpbj; j tw; i w rupnad tiutpyf;fzg;gLj;Jk; kdpj ,ay;gpdhy; fl; L z; L vy; i yaw; w ghrj; j hy; jk; Foe;ijapd; vjpHfhyj;ij vupj;J tpLfpwhHfs; mtHfs;. cjhuzj;jpw;F jq;fs; gps;isfsplKs;s jpwikia> Mw;wy;fis> tpUg;gq;fis mwpe;J mjw;Nfw;w Jiwapy; mtHfis <LgLj;Jtjw;Fg; gjpyhf> jhq;fs; tpUk;gpa Jiwapy; gps;isfisg; gbf;f tw;GWj;JtJtjhdJ me;jg;gps;isfspd; Mw;wy;fs; kw;Wk; jpwikfis KOikahf ntsptuKbahky; nra;tjd; %yk; Njrj;jpd; tsHr;rpiaAk; ghjpg;gilar; nra;fpwhu;fs;. ,g;gbahd eilKiw Nghf;Ffis rpj; j upf; f pwhd; 'ez; g d; ' . xUtDila cs;sf;fplf;iffis Gupe;J nfhs;shky; epkpu KjNy mtd; KJfpy; FLk; g r; Rikia fl;b tpLfpd;w ngw;NwhH xU Gwk;> xUtDila tpUg; g q; f is fz; Z f; F j; njupahky; kiwf;Fk; ghrf;fhu je;ijapd; kfd; xU Gwk; vd fij ,Jtiu milahsk; fhl; l g; g lhj mtyq; f is rpj; j upf; f pwJ. ,ijj; jhz;b> fy;tpj;jpl;lj;jpd; Fiwfs;> Gj;jprhypfis tpl kdg;ghlk; nra;gtUf;Ff; fpilf;Fk; mq;fPfhuk; vd;W fij KOf;f khztH mtyq;fis mofhf Rl;bf;fhl;b ,Uf;fpwhH ,af;FdH. ,Wjpahf Xd;W> ,J midtUk; ghHf;f Ntz;ba glk;jhd;> Mdhy; ngw;NwhHfNs> glk; Kbe;J ntspNa tUk; NghJ cq;fs; kfDf;Fk; xU cs;sk; ,Uf;fpwJ> mjw;Fs; $l xU Mir> fdT ,Uf;fpwJ vd;gij czHe;J nfhs;Sq;fs;! Vndd; w hy; xU jpwikAk; MHtKkw; w itj; j padhf ,Ug; g jpYk; jpwikahd> epGzj;Jtk; ngw;w Gifg;glf;fiyQdhfNth> ghlfdhfNth ,Ug; g J Nky; ! ,d; i wa r%fk; khwptpl;lJ> mjw;Nfw;whw; Nghy ehKk; khwNtz;Lk;.



Choosing Shoes..&

Relationships! By Lekha Basnayake

Shoes protect your feet, make you taller and provide comfort, warmth and style. Your attitude is reflected by the shoes you wear. Slippers make you laid back and slouchy; soft-padded walking shoes give you a bounce, patent leather covered shoes make you dignified and reserved and stiletto heels make you bold and racy. Then there are shoes that are part and parcel of uniforms – leaving a wearer with no options.

Our relationships are also like the shoes we use. Some childhood friends are held dear like those old, worn out leather sandals that are so comfortable. You are completely relaxed with them and know that whatever they may look like, no matter how many times they’ve been to the cobbler, they are really part of you and will always get you where you are going safely! Our family is rather like those shoes that are compulsory accompaniment to uniforms. We don’t have a say over the make, brand or image they project. Of

We sometimes seek out certain types of shoe that is in sync with our lifestyles, such as clubs we join or websites we frequently visit. We can outgrow these trends and end up with lot of junk, but then what will be of the thrill of experimentation? Such exploration and association is not altogether wasted. On the contrary, they form the basis of our individual identity. In other words: we find out what works for us. Then comes a day when we decide to have shoes tailor made – just right, just so, just what we always had in mind but never found on a shelf. A perfect fit that costs more, but is still worth the several visits to the shoemaker. If we need satisfaction we shall make the specifications clear, with no mixed messages or assumptions. It is neither luck that guarantees success nor bad luck that brings disappointment. It’s what we choose. We decided and thus, we shall live with the consequences. So, when choosing shoes - think ahead. Even in relationships, it’s not different. Choose to associate with those who bring out the best in us, not the worst. Some shoes, it is said, make you feel like flying. The right friends can make you soar.

No. 08, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.

Shopping for shoes is best done physically and not by mail order or proxy. Product catalogues, and media advertisements may lure and create interest, but nothing beats walking around a shoe shop and actually trying the pair you want – your feet will tell you exactly if they feel right or tight. Choosing to ignore what your feet tell can lead to much discomfort or dissatisfaction.

Gone are the days when a person had one pair of shoes. Now a person can have one-closet of shoes. Some even have different pairs for each outfit. There are Hollywood celebrities who have their shoes encrusted with diamonds. There are expensive shoes which can even be collector’s items or memorabilia, such as of late Michael Jackson’s or Michael Jordan’s. These may never again be used, but serve as personal treasures that have great intrinsic value.

course, such footwear is usually durable and tends to grow with us, so that we get used to them. We can even improve by polishing and taking care to ensure that they are in good condition. You learn that those bratty little brothers and sisters can actually be good company - given a chance!

It’s something we do all our lives. Not every day, but frequently enough to be considered an essential part of shopping. It has a degree of excitement and expectation that makes it more special than mundane grocery shopping.

Different footwear suits different occasions. Flat sandals are ideal for park or beach. Punjab slip-ons with their beads, threads and glitter are comfy and adequately stylish for a coffee morning or high tea. Combat boots are ideal when trekking or in the battle field. Sporting arena too, depends on specialized footwear which enhances performances. Our favourite stars set footwear trends that are devoutly followed – platform heels, glass heels, peep-toes, square-toes and those time-consuming (yet interesting and creative)lace-ups etc.

Printed by - Wijeya Newspapers Ltd.


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