Edex mag april 2015 final

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Knowledge Process Outsourcing Industry.......................................................... 4 oekqu l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrKh l¾udka;h........................................................... 5 mwpT ntsptoq;fy; Jiw ........................................................................................ 6

Front inner - VTA (Advertorial Page 48)

Careers f.da,Sh wjYH;djg wNsfhda. l< ;reK oekqu............................................. 8 Creating a Paradigm Shift in Youth Attitudes..................................................... 10 mwpT nra;Kiw ntsptoq;fy; ................................................................................ 12 Tellida Where Sunrise and Sunset does not Define Talent............................... 14 nly;yplh R+upNahjaKk; R+upam];jkdKk; jpwikfis epu;zak; nra;ahJ......... 16 fg,Svd ksmqK;ajfha f;da;ekak.............................................................................. 18 Igniting a Spark in Rural Youth IT Connects the Impossible............................ 19 .%dóh ;dreKHh Èßfhka oe,ajQ f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh................................... 20 fpuhkpa ,isQu; tho;tpy; Rlu; xsp ,ayhikia ,izf;Fk; jfty; njhopy;El;gk;....... 21 Weighing the Scales of Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO)................................ 22 kS;s l%shdoduhka nyS¾lrKh kj udj;lg...................................................... 24 rl;l nra;Kiw ntsptoq;fypd mstpidr; rPu;J}f;fy;........................................... 26 Careers Chart............................................................................................................. 28

Education Ôj;afjkak bf.k.kak............................................................................................ 30 Live to Learn Everyday............................................................................................ 32

Sustainability fodïfm frday,g msúiSu wdYajdokSh w;a±lSuls............................................ 34 Dompe Hospital A Case Study in Change Management.................................. 36 Gjpa khw;wj;ijg; ngw;Ws;s njhk;Ng itj;jparhiy.............................................. 38 ;sridr Ndjfha kj f,dalhla lrd''' uq¿ Èúhgu ,o w;a±lSula .......... 39 xU tho; ehs; mDgtk;: raj; vjpHfhy rf;jp guprpy;.............................................. 40 The Experience of a Life-time: Zayed Future Energy Prize .............................. 41 VEGA ........................................................................................................................................... 42 kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fs; (EVs)................................................................................................. 43 úoHq;a jdyk........................................................................................................................................... 44

Features fdTfis Jupjg;gLj;Jq;fs;....................................................................................... 50 isyskh iuÕ fõ.j;ajkak...................................................................................... 51 Accelerate Your Dreams.......................................................................................... 52 EDEX is;=jï............................................................................................................ 53 Feedback.................................................................................................................... 56

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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Kamal Abeysinghe - Chairman Dr. Nandaka Molagoda - Editor Editorial Afser Nazeer Anushan Suppaih Ashokbharan Nalliah Kumaraguruparan Aruna Perera Kusum Gunawardena Maheshika Premachandra Nalin Goonewardene Navaka Navaratne Rafhan Rifan Sharlene De Chickera Srinath Wijayakumar Tharaka Amarasena Thavisha Perera-Gomez Vanuja Herath Dharshan Cooray (Contributor) Design Deepal Thusitha Malalasekera Marketing Sharlene De Chickera Shafin Iqbal Photography Vanuja Herath Heshan Seneviratne

Royal College Photography Society

Deepal Malalasekera

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EDEX Secretariat, Royal College Union, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail: magazine@edex.lk




Knowledge Process Outsourcing Industry:

A Sustainable niche for Sri Lanka By Dharshan Cooray

Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) is the allocation of relatively high-level tasks to an outside organisation or a different group in a different geographic location. Examples of KPO include long-term jobs for intellectual, analytical and knowledgeable people within industries such as research and development, financial consultancy and services, business and technical analysis and many others (www. investopedia.com). Sri Lanka has strived to enable sustainable economic development through industries that possess the capability to establish and develop a long term national competitive advantage. “With the Government’s aggressive agenda to become a USD 100 billion economy in the near future, the service sector is anticipated to play a significant role. The IT-Business process management (BPM) sector is identified as a priority sector for economic development and the country’s development plan focuses extensively on the improvement of both infrastructure and social overheads” (SLASSCOMPWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014). The knowledge process outsourcing sector is and will be a key driver of economic and social growth given the unique national competitive advantage Sri Lanka possesses in terms of a niche pool of talent in accounting, IT and management professions operating in favourable business conditions. Examples of knowledge services offered in Sri Lanka include high end analytical work in legal, finance, engineering and design, research and development, strategy consulting, web development and mobile/cloud based applications which have the potential to be customised).In this respect, priority markets Sri Lanka will focus on in the next 8 years will include Japan, Norway, the Middle East, Africa, UK, Australia and Canada(SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014).

Sri Lanka’s skill availability for the KPO industry ‘Nearly 50% of the students who have finished their higher education are trained in technical and business disciplines. English is widely spoken in urban cities and is commonly used for education, business and commercial purposes’(SLASSCOM-PWC, 2014).The above statements signify Sri Lanka’s skill proficiency considering the needs of the global knowledge process outsourcing industry where employees possessing advanced domain knowledge, formal qualifications relevant to ITBPM industries as well as English proficiency are needed. Sri Lanka has 23 accredited universities and numerous private higher education institutes offering globally recognised degree programs. More than 7000 ICT graduates were produced in 2014 increasing from a capacity of 6611 in 2013. According to the National ICT workforce survey conducted in 2013, 63% of the ICT workforce held graduate or post graduate level qualifications (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014). Furthermore, Sri Lanka possessing second largest population of CIMA qualified Management accountants paves the way for capacity creation in advanced finance analytics, research and reporting related knowledge service provision.

At the tertiary level, Sri Lanka’s management schools are ranked among the best in Asia. Multinational companies including Intel and Microsoft are involved in efforts to prepare teachers and supply related content, software and internet connectivity to enhance the country’s technology based competencies and footprint.Steps to improve IT literacy such as introduction of IT education in the school curriculum, conducting IT skill development courses and installation of IT labs in primary and secondary schools have been carried out by the private and public sector (AT Kearney, 2012).The University of Moratuwa, a leading institute for higher education in technological studies has been ranked number 1 for nine consecutive years in the Google summer of code for the highest number of students from a single university. (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014).This validates that Sri Lanka is well positioned to handle high end, knowledge based services from a skill perspective.

Knowledge process outsourcing: Global trends and opportunities for Sri Lanka

KPMG (2014), identify that tech sector innovation and data analytics growth will be seen in the next 2-3 years where it is evident that cloud and mobile are key drivers in the tech sector based on a survey conducted with 100 tech industry leaders in 2014. Applications and platforms account for 73% of growth in mobile revenue according to KPMG (2014). It is evident that 51% of survey respondents perceive data and analytics to be the biggest source of revenue in the next 12 months. The other key drivers include mobile (including devices) which is at 41%, Cloud computing (40%), security (28%), internet of things (19%) followed by consumerisation of IT which is at 19% as well. Sri Lanka is capitalising the trend towards mobile/social/cloud-based apps which are opening more opportunities for customised solutions by smaller providers versus universal packages controlled by large corporations (SLASSCOM-PWC industry review, 2014). Furthermore, as per the SLASSCOM-PWC report. In 2013, the global Finance and Accounting Outsourcing sub-sector grew at the second fastest pace at 6.9% over the previous year, an increase from USD 12.5 to 13.5 billion. The global FAO industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8% between 2012 and 2017 and surpass USD 34 billion by 2017.This presents great potential for the country which is known for its high caliber pool of accountants where 78% of 120,000 employees in the FAO industry are fully or partly qualified in accounting and finance (SLASSCOM-PWC, 2013). The global BPM market, a critical sector for Sri Lanka, is expected to touch USD 209 billion by 2017, (expected CAGR over 201217 at 5.7%). Traditionally, verticals such as BFSI, Manufacturing, communication and Media held around 50% of the market share. However, emerging verticals such as healthcare and retail are expected to grow 1.5 times faster than the more mature traditional verticals owing to changing landscape in regulations and adoption of newer services. Sri Lanka’s capacity of highly skilled doctors and retail sector growth can capitalise on such market opportunities.

“A massive shift in technology is predicted to alter the business landscape and with it a shift in technology requirements. IT spend is expected to be guided by increased Research & Development around technologies focused on automation, human-machineinterface and green technologies. The ‘app’ economy phenomena by itself is to yield over USD 150 billion by 2017 with the overall economic impact exceeding USD 14 trillion by 2025. Already with mobile internet, cloud technology, advanced robotics and even automation of knowledge work becoming ubiquitous, the demand for product engineering services in particular would be tremendous” (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014).

Conclusion “With its unique combination of linguistic skills and professional qualifications Sri Lanka offers companies the opportunity to deliver high end finance, accounting, legal and other services in multiple languages” (AT Kearney, 2012). Sri Lanka was recognised as a Global Center of Excellence for Financial Accounting Outsourcing by Global Services in 2012 which validates Sri Lanka’s capability as a high end finance and accounting outsourcing services provider ranked favorably in processes such as treasury, risk management, reporting, analysis as well as budgeting and forecasting. From an IT perspective it is evident that 5% of IT graduates are directly admitted to post graduate studies in top universities (Cambridge, Imperial, MIT, Purdue, Indiana). This signifies the quality of Sri Lankan software engineers and the potential to develop technology based products which would be categorised as knowledge services. Sri Lanka’s niche in product engineering, finance and accounting outsourcing signifies the importance and need for the country to be positioned as knowledge hub in a global context to sustain a national competitive advantage. Knowledge process outsourcing is identified as a key sector that drives the IT-BPM industry in Sri Lanka by SLASSCOM the industry chamber which acts as a catalyst for its growth. This is achieved by facilitating trade and business, propagation of education and employment, encouragement of research and innovation, and by supporting the creation of a progressive national policy framework. Sri Lanka’s IT-BPM industry has set its vision to achieve USD 5 billion in exports by 2022 while generating 200,000 jobs and facilitating 1000 startups in the country. References 1) Knowledge process outsourcing definition available at http://www.investopedia.com. 2) PWC, SLASSCOM (2013) ‘Finance and Accounting Outsourcing in Sri Lanka’. Available online at http://www.slasscom.lk/reports. 3) PWC, SLASSCOM (2014) ‘Sri Lankan IT-BPM industry 2014 Review’Available online at http://www.slasscom.lk/reports. 4) AT Kearney, Inc.(2012) ‘Competitive benchmarking: Sri Lanka Knowledge Services’.

oekqu l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrKh l¾udka;h :

Y%S ,xldj ;=< mj;sk wjldYh igyk o¾Yka l=f¾

oekqu l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrKh hkq N+f.da,Sh jYfhka fjk;a m%foaYhl msysá fjk;a ixúOdkhlg fyda ndysr lKavdhulg idfmalaIj by< uÜgfï l¾;jHhka bgq lsÍug bv yeÍuhs' KPO i|yd WodyrK f,i nqoaêu;a úYaf,aIKd;aul ñksiqka fj; ,efnk m¾fhaIK yd ixj¾Okh" uQ,H Wmfoia iemhSu yd fiajd" jHdmdr yd ;dlaIKsl úYaf,aIKh yd fjk;a fndfyda l¾udka; ;=< ,efnk È.= ld,Sk /lshd ie,lsh yelsh' È.= ld,Sk cd;sl uÜgfï ;r.ldÍ m%;s,dN ioyd wjia:djla ,nd.ekSug yd ÈhqKq lsÍug yels l¾udka; ;=<ska Y%S ,xldjg oeßh yels uÜgfï wd¾Ól ÈhqKqjla ,nd.ekSug Y%S ,dxldj W;aidy ord we;' b;d uE; wkd.;h ;=< wefußldkq fvd,¾ ì,shk 100l wd¾Ólhla ysñ lr.ekSug rch úiska l%shd;aul lrk ;rula wdl%uKYS,S jQ kHdh m;%h ;=<§ fiajd wxYh u.ska tys jeo.;a ld¾hhla bgq lrkq we;s njg wfmalaId flf¾' há;, myiqlï yd idudchSh myiqlï hk folu jeäÈhqKq lsßu b,lal lr.;a Èjhsfka ixj¾Ok ie,iqï ioydo wd¾:slh ÈhqKq lsÍfï ie,iqï ioydo b;d jeo.;alula Èh hq;= wxYhla f,i IT-BPM wxYh yÿkdf.k we;' (SLASSCOM PWC IT-BPM industry review - 2014) ys;lr jHdmdßl ;;a;aj hgf;a l%shd;aul jk .sKqïlrK" f;dr;=re ;dlaIK yd l<uKdlrK jD;a;Ska ys olaI;d msß f;da;ekakla njg furgg ,eî we;af;a rfÜ wd¾Ól yd iudchSh ixj¾Okhg fya;= jQ oekqï l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrKh lsÍfï wxYh fya;=fjks' fuf,i iemfhk oekqï fiajd ioyd WodyrK f,i ffk;sl l%shd iïnkaO by< uÜgfï úYaf,aIK" uQ,Huh" bxðfkare yd ie,iqïlrK" mÍlaIK yd ixj¾Ok fjí wvú ks¾udKh oelaúh yelsh' fïjdg wkqj bÈß jir 8 ;=< Y%S ,xldj u.ska m%uqLia:dkhla ,ndfok fjf<|fmd< f,ig cmdkh" fkd¾fõ" ueo fmrÈ." wm%sldj" tx.,ka;h" Tiafg%,shdj yd lekvdj ie,lsh yelsh' (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review 2015)

oekqï l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrK l¾udka;hg Y%S ,xldj ;=< mj;sk yelshdjka furg Wiia wOHdmkh wjika lrk isiqkaf.ka 50]lg wdikak isiqka m%udKhla ;dlaIKsl yd jHdmdr hk wxYj,ska mqyqKqjla ,enqjka fj;s' k.rno m%foaYj, bx.%Sis NdIdj mq¿,a f,i Ndú;djk w;r m%pdrK" wOHdmksl yd jHdmdßl lghq;= j,go nyq,j Ndú; fõ' (SLASCOM-PWC - 2014) by; m%ldYh u.ska .uH jkafka f,dal oekqï l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrK l¾udka;hg wod,j ms<s.;a iqÿiqlï yd bx.%Sis ksmqK;ajh hk wjYH;d i,lñka tajd ,xldj ;=< mj;sk wdldrhhs' f,dalh ;=< ms<s.kakd Wmdë mdGud,d ,ndfok ms<s.;a úYaj úoHd, 23la yd fm!oa.,sl Wiia wOHdmk wdh;k úYd, m%udKhla Y%S ,xldj ;=< we;' 2013 jif¾ ìys l< f;dr;=re ;dlaIK WmdêOdÍka 6611 l w.h blaujñka 2014 jir;=< tu w.h 7000 o blaujd hdula oelsh yel' cd;sl f;dr;=re ;dlaIKsl jD;a;slhka w;r 2013 jif¾È meje;ajQ ix.Kkh u.ska f;dr;=re ;dlaIKsl jD;a;slhska w;ßka 63] muK WmdêOdÍka fyda mYapd;a WmdêOdÍka jk nj yÿkdf.k we;' (SLASSCOM-PWC - 2014) ;jo" f,dj fojk ia:dkh úYd,;u CIM iqÿiqlï,;a l<uKdlrK .sKqïlrejka msßila isákafka o furgh' fuu.ska by< uÜgfï uQ,H úYaf,aIK" m¾fhaIK yd

jd¾:dlrK hk oekqï l%shdj,Ska yd iïnkaO wxYj,g wjia:djla ie,fia' f;jk uÜgfï§ Y%S ,xldfõ l<uKdlrK mdi,a wdishdfõ fydou mdi,a iu. fY%aKs.; ùug iu;aj we;' furgg wka;¾cd, iïnkaO;dj yd uDÿldx. imhñka" .=rejreka yd ta wod, wjYH;d imqrd,ñka rfgys ;dlaIKsl yelshdj jeäÈhqKq lsÍug intel yd Microsoft jeks nyqcd;sl iud.ï bÈßm;a ù we;' f;dr;=re ;dlaIlK idlaIr;dj by< kexùug wjYH mshjr f,i mdi,a wOHdmk l%uhg f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh úIhla f,i yÿkajd §u" f;dr;=re ;dlaIK yelshd j¾Okh lrk mdGud,d meje;aùu" m%d:ñl yd oaú;Shsl mdi,a j,g mß.Kl úoHd.dr ,nd§u jeks l%shdud¾. fm!oa.,sl yd rdcH hk wxY foflkau bgq lrkq ,nhs' (At Kearney- 2012) ;dlaIKsl wOHdmk wdh;k w;ßka Èjhsfka m%uqL fmf,a wdh;khla jk fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,h tla úYaj úoHd,hlska ìyslrk jeäu isiqka m%udKh ìys lsÍug wod,j Google Summer code ys fkdlvjd jir 09la uq¿,af,a m<uqjk ia:dkhg m;aùug iu;aj we;' (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM Industry Review - 2014) by; lreK uÕska by< uÜgfï oekqï l%shdj,Ska mokï lr.;a fiajd iemhSug iqÿiqlï iys; ia:dkhl Y%S ,xldj mj;sk nj ;yjqre fõ'

oekqï l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrKh ( f,dalfha kj keUqre;d iy Y%S ,xldjg we;s wjia:d ;dlaIKsl l¾udka;fha m%uqLhka 100la muK fhdodf.k 2014 jif¾ § isÿl< ix.Kkhl m%;sM,hla f,i ;dlaIKsl wxYfha m%Odk fh§ï f,ig mobile computing yd cloud computing m;aj we;s ksid bÈß jir 2-3 ;=< ;dlaIKSl wxYfha kjHlrKhla yd o;a; úYf,aIK wxYfha j¾Okhla oelsh yels nj KPMG ^2014& u.ska yÿkdf.k we;' cx.u wdodhfï 73]l muK j¾Okhlg fya;=jQfha application yd platforms fõ' bÈß udi 12 we;=<; úYd,;u wdodhï ud¾.h f,i o;a; úYaf,aIKh ie,lsh yels nj 51] muK ix.Kk jd¾:d ;yjqre lrkq ,nhs' óg wu;rj mobile u.ska 41]lao cloud computing u.ska 40]o wdrlaIl lghq;= 28] o wka;¾cd,h 19] o yd f;dr;=re ;dlaIK Ndú;h 19]o f,i we;=,;a fõ' f,dalfha weiqreïlrK iïnkaO úYd, wdh;k yd úiÿï imhk l=vd iemhqïlrejka u.ska wjia:d .Kkla újD; lrk apps f,i iudÔhsh mobile yd cloud mokï jQ apps yeÈkaúh yels w;r Y%S ,xldjo tajd fj; keUqre fjñka mj;S' (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM Industry Review - 2014)

;jo SLASSCOM-PWC jd¾:djg wkqj fmr j¾Ihg jvd 6'9] l fojeks jeäu fõ.j;a j¾Okhla fmkajñka f.da,Sh uQ,H yd .sKqïlrK nys¾lrKh hk wkq wxYh j¾Okh ù we;' th we'fvd' 12'5 isg 13'5 olajd jQ jeä ùuls' f,dal jHdma; FAQ l¾udka;h 2012 yd 2017 j¾I w;r 8] l j¾Okhla fmkajñka we'fvd ì,shk 34 blaujd hEula wfmalaId lrhs' fuu.ska .sKqïlrK fiajlhska 120"000la w;ßka 78] la muK iïmQ¾Kj fyda .sKqïlrk yd uQ,H lafIa;% j, iqÿiqlï ,enQjka isáknjg yÿkd.;a rglg úYd, Yla;shla i;= nj fmkakqï lrhs' wjodkï wxYhla jk f,dal BPM fjf<ofmd< ,xldj ;=< 2017 jk úg we'fvd' ì,shk 209la fj; <.dùug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fõ' (AGR over 2012-17 at 5.7%) fjf<ofmd< fldgia w;ßka 5]la muK wh;a jQfha

mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

PFSI jeks ixialD;sluh lafIa;%" ksIamdok" ikaksfõokh yd udOHh u.sks' flfia jqj;a w¨;ska ìysjk lafIa;% jk fi!LH yd is,a,r jeks tall" jeä m%udKhla mßK; tall fuka 1'5 l j¾Ok fõ.hla fmkajkq we;ehs wfmalaIs;hs' ;jo fïjd kj fiajd ìyslsÍug yd ta iïnkaO fr.=,dis ;ekSug o odhl jkq we;' tjeks fjf<ofmd< wjia:djka uQ,sl fldg wjOdkh fhduq lsÍug ,xldj ;=< j¾Okh jk wxYhg yd olaI ffjoHjrekag yelshdj we;' ;dlaIKfha isÿjQ uyd mßudK fjki" jHdmdr f,dalhg n,mEula lrkq we;ehs fukau ;dlaIKsl wjYH;dj, fjkila isÿ lrkq we;ehs wkqudk lr we;' yß; ;dlaIKh" iajhxl%ShlrKh" human machine interface hk wxY b,lal lr.;a ;dlaIKh mokï jQ m¾fhaIKj, yd ixj¾Okfha ÈhqKqjla f;dr;=re ;dlaIKfha fh§ula iu. isÿfj;ehs wfmalaId flf¾' Economy Phenomena hk app tl u.ska 2017 jif¾§ weußldkq fvd,¾ ì,shk 150l muK wiajekakla ,ndf.k we;' oekqu l%shdj,s iajhxl%Shlrkhla iu. ksIamdok bxðfkare fiajd fj; iEu ;eklskau ,efnk úYd, b,aÆu iu. wd¾:slh flfrys we;slrk iuia: n,mEu weußldkq fvd,¾ á%,shk 14 blaujhs'

ks.uk Y%S ,xldj u.ska úúO wdh;k fj; Wiia uÜgfï uQ,Huh" .sKqïlrK" ffk;sl yd wfkl=;a fiajd j,g nyq NdId j,g wod, wjia:djka furgg ,nd§ug yelshdjla i,idfokafka" furgg wdfõKsl jQ úúO yelshdjkaf.ka yd jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlï hk foflys ixl,khla ;ud i;= nj úoyd olajñks' 2012 jif¾§ Global Services u.ska Y%S ,xldj uQ,Huh .sKqïlrK nys¾lrKh iïnkaO úYsIag f,dal uOHia:dkhla nj yÿkdf.k we;' ;jo fuu.ska uqo,a lghq;=" wdmod l<ukdlrKh" úYaf,aIK jd¾:dlrKh fukau whjeh ieliSu yd mqfrdal:kh jeks l¾;jHhka j,§ fydo ia:dkj, fY%aKs.; ùug fya;=jk Wiia uÜgfï uQ,Huh yd .sKqïlrK nys¾lrk fiajd iemhSfï § Y%S ,xldj i;= yelshdj ms<snoj o idlaIs orhs' tfukau f;dr;=re ;dlaIK WmdêOdÍka w;ßka 5] iDcqju fydou úYajúoHd, j, ;u mYapd;a Wmdëh fj; fhduqjk nj f;dr;=re ;dlaIK ix.Kkhlska ;yjqre ú we;' ^Cambridge, Imperia, MIT, Purdue, Indiana& fuu.ska Y%S ,xldfõ iSñ; uDÿldx. bxðfkarejka yd oekqï fiajd f,i j¾.SlrKh l< yels ;dlaIKh mokï jQ ksIamdok yelshdjo úysod olajhs' Y%S ,xldj ;=< we;s ksIamdok bxðfkare" uQ,Huh yd .sKqïlrK nys¾lrKh u.ska ,xldj f,dalfha oekqï uOHia:dkh f,i ia:dms; ùu ;=<ska cd;sl uÜgfï ;r.ldÍ m%;s,dNhla ,eîfï jeo.;alu lshd mdhs' SLASSCOM u.ska ,xldfõ IT-BPM l¾udka;fha ÈhqKqj W;afm%arKh lrk m%Odk wxYh f,i KPO fyj;a oekqï l%shdj,Ska nys¾lrKh yÿkdf.k we;' fuu ;;a;aj Wodlrf.k we;af;a fj<odu yd jHdmdr ioyd wjia:d iemhSu" wOHdmkh ÈhqKq lsÍu" fiajl ia:dmkh" mÍlaIK lsÍu yd kjHlrKh Èß.ekaùu hk l%shd ud¾. u.ska ÈhqKqfjñka mj;sk cd;sl m%;sm;a;sh iE§u Wmldr lrñks' 200"000 l muK /lshd wjia:d ìys lrñka kjlhska 1000lg muK wjia:d i,iñka 2022 jir jk úg weußldkq fvd,¾ ì,shk 5l wmkhk isÿlsÍu Y%S ,xldfõ l¾udka;fha oelau fõ'




mwpT ntsptoq;fy; Jiw ,yq;ifapd; epiyngw;w Kf;fpa Jiw jkpopy; : utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad; Translated to Tamil by Ashokbharan Nalliah Kumaraguruparan & Arunothayan Ravendran

mwpT ntsptoq;fy; nra;Kiw - Knowledge vdg;gLtJ Fwpj;j ]; j hgfj; j pd; cau; f l; l eltbf; i ffis NtW xU Gtpapay; mikg;gpidr; Nru;e;j NtW FOtplNkh epWtdj;jplNkh KOikahfNth gFjpahfNth xg;gilg;gJ MFk;. cjhuzkhf> KPO mwpthw; w y; kpf; f > jpwik cila> Muha;e;J jPu;T fhzf;$ba ,isQu;fSf;F ePz;lfhy Mjhak; toq;ff;$ba - Muha;r;rp kw; W k; tsu; r ; r p> epjp MNyhrid> Nrit> tpahghuk; kw; W k; Ez; z ha; T j; Jiwahf jd;id tp];jPuzg;gLj;JfpwJ. vjpu; t Uk; tUlq; f spy; ,yq; i fapd; nghUshjhuk; 100 gpy; y pad; mnkupf; f nlhyuhf mjpfupg;gjw;fhd murhq;fj;jpd; Gjpa jpl;lq;fspd; mbg;gilahf KO tPrR ; ld; ,aq;Fk; Nritj;JiwNa ,Uf;fpwJ. mjpYk; IT-BPM JiwahdJ nghUshjhu mgptpUj;jpf;F kpfTk; mj;jpahtrpakhd Jiwahf fUjg;gLfpwJ. ,e;ehl;bd; mgptpUj;jpj; jpl;lq;fs; fl;Lkhd kw; W k; r%fj; N jit rhu; e ; j tpUj; j papid mbg; g bahff; nfhz; N l fl; b vOg; g l; L ,Uf;fpd;wd. (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry Process Outsourcing - (KPO)

review, 2014).

,yq;if jpUehl;bd; nghUshjhu r%f tsu; r ; r pf; F KPO xU gpujhd Cf; f pahf mikfpwJ. fzf;fpay;> jfty; njhopy;El;gtpay; kw;Wk; Kfhikj;Jt Jiwfspy; juk; tha;e;j jpwikahsHfisf; nfhz;bUf;fpd;wikahdJ ,yq;if ehl;bidg; nghWj;j kl;by; xU gyj;j ed;ik MFk;. cjhuzkhf caupa Ma;Tj;jpwd; nfhz;l rl;lj;Jiw> epjpj;Jiw> nghwpapay;Jiw> Muha;r;rpj;Jiw> jpl;lkply; MNyhrid> ,izaj;js mgptpUj;jp vd;gdtw;wpy; ,yq;if MNyhrid Nritfs; ngupJk; cau; kl;lj;jpy; cs;sd. [g;ghd;> Nehu;N t> kj; jpafpof;F> Mgpupf; fh> If; fpa uhr;rpak;> mT];Nuypah kw;Wk; fdlh Nghd;w ehLfspd; KPO re;ijfspy; ,yq;if mLj;j 8 tUlq; f Sf; F s; fhy; j lk; gjpf; f yhk; . (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014).

KPO Jiwapy;

,yq;ifapy; jpwd; fpiljifik cau;fy;tp Kbj;j khztu;fspy; 50rjtPjkhNdhu; tpahghu njhopy;El;g Jiwfspy; gapw;rp ngWfpd;wdu;. efuq;fspy; Mq;fpyk; nghJg; ghtidapy; ,Ug; g Jld; > fy; t p> tpahghuj; NjitfSf; F ghtpf; f g; g LfpwJ. ru;tNjr KPO gw;wpa vk; ehl;bd; epiyikapid njupe;J nfhs;s Nkw;fz;l $w;Wfs; rhd;W gfUfpd;wd. cupa Kiwapy; mjid gad;gLj;jp mwpTrhu; jfikapid tsu;j;Jf; nfhs;sTk; Mq; f py mwpitg; ngUf; f pf; nfhs; s Tk; Jiwf;fy;tpapidj; Njbf;nfhs;sTk; Njit ,Uf;fpwJ. ,yq;ifapy; 23 mur mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w gy;fiyf;fofq;fSk; NtW gyjug;gl;l jdpahu; cau;fy;tp epWtdq;fSk; ru;tNjr juj;jpyhd gl;lg;gbg;gpid toq;Ffpd;wd. 2013-,y; 6611-Mf ,Ue;j Gjpa ICT gl;ljhupfspd; njhif 2014-,y; 7000I tplTk; mjpfk; vd fUjg;gLfpwJ. 2013,y; Njrpa ICT gzpahsu;fsplk; elhj;jg;gl;l fUj; J f; f zpg; g py; 63 %-Md gzpahsu; f s; gl;lg;gbg;ig Kbj;jtu;fNsh mjw;Fk; Nky; gbj;jtu;fshfNth cs;sdu;. CIMA Kfhikj;Jt fw;if newpapy; cyfpd; ,uz;lhtJ mjpf gl; l jhupfisf; nfhz; l ehlhf ,yq; i f jpfo; f pwikahdJ cau; epjpaha; T kw; W k; mwpf;ifaply; Nghd;w mwpTg; gupkhw;w Nrit toq;Feu;fSf;F cjtp nra;fpwJ. ,yq;ifapd; ghlrhiyfspy; toq;fg;gLfpd;w

Kfhikj;Jtf; fy;tpfs; Mrpa fz;lj;jpNyNa rpwe; j juk; tha; e ; j itahf ,Uf; f pd; w d. gd;dhl;Lf; fk;gdpfshd Intel, Microsoft Nghd;w epWtdq; f s; jk; k hy; Kbe; j sT Kaw; r p vLj; J Mrpupau; f is tplag; g ug; G f; F Vw; g jahu;gLj;jTk;> tsq;fs; njhlu;ghd mwpT> nkd;nghUs; kw;Wk; ,izaf;fy;tp vd;gdtw;iw Nkk;gLj;JtjD}lhf ehl;bd; njhopEl;gk; rhu; jFjpahyu;fis cUthf;fTk; ciof;fpd;wd. ghlrhiyapy; jfty; njhopy;El;gf; fy;tp> jfty; njhopy;El;g jpwd; tsu;r;rp> ghlrhiyfspy; jfty; njhopy;El;g Ma;T$l trjpfs; vd;gd mur jdpahu; njhz; L epWtdq; f spdhy; nra; J nfhLf; f g; g Lfpd; w d. njhopy; E l; g g; gl; l f; f y; t papd; jiyrpwe; j toq; F duhd nkhul;Lt gy;fiyf;fofk; njhlu;rr ; pahd xd;gJ Mz;Lfshf tUlj;jpw;F mjpf khztu;fs; gl;lk; ngWfpd;w gy;fiyf;fofkhf Google summer of code - ,dhy; njupT nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ. (SLASSCOM-PWC IT-BPM industry review, 2014) . Nkw; f z; l fUj; J fs; ,yq; i f ehlhdJ cau; mwpT rhu; Nritfis mjPj jpwDld; toq;Ftjw;fhd jfikfisf; nfhz;bUg;gij ntspf;fhl;LfpwJ.

,yq;iff;F cyfshtpa uPjpapyhd eilKiwg;Nghf;F kw;Wk; tha;g;Gfs; KPMG ( 2 0 1 4 ) mikg;gpdhy; 100 Kd;dpiyj; njhopy;El;g njhopyhsu;fSf;F kj; j papy; elhj; j g; g l; l fzf; n fLg; g pd; %yk; njhopy;El;gj;Jiw Gj;jhf;fk; kw;Wk; juTg; g Fg; g ha; T Mfpad vjpu; t Uk; 2-3 tUlq;fspy; tsu;r;rp fhZk; vdTk; mjw;F Kf;fpa fhuzpfshf Nkff;fzzpa kw;Wk; ifalf; f j; njhiyNgrp ghtid Mfpa ,uz;Lk; mikAk; vdTk; njupa te;Js;sJ. NkYk; ifalf;fj;njhiyNgrp tUthapd; 73% tsu;r;rpf;F nrad;Kiw (application) kw;Wk; mbj;jsk; (platform) Mfpad fhuzq;fshf mikAk; vdTk; KPMG mikg;G njuptpj;Js;sJ. fzf;nfLg;gpd; gq;fspg;ghsu;fspy; 51 % MNdhupd; fUj;J epiyg;ghl;bd; gb vjpu;tUk; 12 khjq;fSf;Fs; kpfg;ngupa tUkhd %yfkhf juTfs; gFg; g ha; T j; J iu mikAk; . gpw Kf;fpa fhuzpfshf ifalf;fj;njhiyNgrp ghtid (41 %)>Nkff; fzpdpj; J iw (40 %)> ghJfhg;Gj;Jiw> ,izaj;Jiw kw;Wk; jfty; njhopy;El;g Efu;T Nghd;witAk; mikAk;. ,yq; i f rpW toq; F dUf; F k; gpujhd $l;LepWtdq;fshy; fl;Lg;gLj;jg;gLk; ru;tNjr toq;FdUf;Fk; ,ilapyhd jdpg;gadhf;fg;gl;l jPu;tpw;fhd itg;gpid cUthf;Fk; ifalf;fj;njhiyNgrp ghtid / r%f tiyj;js ghtid / Nkff;fzzpa rhu; nray;tbtq;fs; Mfpatw;wpd; eilKiwg;ghtidia jpwk;gl cgNahfpf;fpd;wJ. (SLASSCOM-PWC njhopyf gFg;gha;T> 2014) NkYk;> mt;twpf;ifapd;gb 2013Mk; Mz;by; ru;tNjr epjpaply; kw;Wk; fzf;fply; ntsp toq; f y; cg Jiw nrd; w tUlj; j pYk; ghu;f;f 6.9% Md tsu;r;rp fz;Ls;sJ. ,J ,uz;lhtJ mjp Ntf tsu;rr ; pAk; xU kpy;ypad; mnkupf;f lhyu; cau;Tk; MFk;. ru;tNjr FAO njhopy; e piyak; 2012-2017 ,w; F s; CAGR; tsu;r;rpiaf;fhl;Lk; vdTk; 2017 Mk; Mz;by; US$34 kpy;ypaidj; jhz;Lk; vdTk; vjpu;ghu;ff ; g;gLfpwJ. ,J kpfr;rpwe;j gz;ghw;wy; nfhz;l fzf;fhsu;fis cs;slf;fpa ehl;Lf;F kpfg;ngupa jpwikia ntspf;fhl;Lk; jsk; mikj;Jf; nfhLj;Js;sJ. ,yq;ifapd; Kf;fpa njhFjpahd ru;tNjr

BPM re; i j 2017,y; US $209 gpy; y paid vl;Lk; vd vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. (2012-2017 cs;shd vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gl;l CAGR tsu;r;rp 5.7% fhyq;fhykhf BFSI cUthf;fy; njhlu;ghly; kw;Wk; Clf Jiwfs; re;ijg;gq;fPl;bd; 50%I jf;fitj;Jf; nfhz;lJ. vdpDk; tsUk; Jiwfshd Rfhjhuj;Jiw kw;Wk; rpy;yiw tu; j ; j fj; J iw 1.5 klq; F tsu; r ; r papid vjpu;ghu;j;Js;sJ. ,t;tsu;r;rp xOq;FgLj;jy; kw;Wk; Gjpa NritfSf;F ,irthf;fkile;jjpy; ngsjP f khw; w q; f isf; nfhz; L tuf; $ ba rhj;jpaf;$Wfis cUthf;fpAs;sJ. ,yq;ifapy; fhzg;gLk; mjpAau; jpwikahd itj;jpau;fs; kw;Wk; rpy;yiw thzpgj;Jiwapd; tsu; r ; r p ,j; j ifa re; i j tha; g ; G fis nrt;tNd gad;gLj;jpf;nfhs;s cjTk;. njhopy;El;gj;jpy; ,lk;ngw ,Uf;Fk; khngUk; khw;wk; njhopw;Jiwapy; kpfg;ngUk; ngsjPf khw;wj;ijAk; njhopy;El;g Njitg;ghLfspy; ghupa khw;wj;ijAk; nfhz;LtUk;. jd;dpaf;fk;> kdpj - cgfuz ,ilKfk; (interface) kw;Wk; R+oy; el;Gj; njhopy;El;gk; kPjhd jpwdha;T kw;Wk; tsu;rr ; p jfty; njhopy; El;g nrytpj;jpl;lj;ij top elhj;Jk; vd vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLfpwJ."App" nghUshjhuk; 2017 ,y; US $150 gpy;ypad;> 2025,y; US $14 l;upy;ypad; tiu njhLk;. jw;Nghija Nkff; f zzpa njhopy; E l; g k>; ifalf; f j; njhiyNgrp njhopy; E l; g k; ve; j putpay; kw; W k; jd; d paf; f j; n jhopy; E l; g k; Mfpad KbTg;nghUs; nghwpapayhsu;fspd; Nfs;tpia mjpfupf;fj; njhlq;fpAs;sJ. (SLASSCOM-PWC njhopyf gFg;gha;T> 2014)

KbT jdJ nkhop Mw;wy; kw;Wk; njhopy;uPjpahd jifikfs; %yk; ,yq;ifahdJ njhopy; epWtdq;fSf;F cau; epjpf;fl;Lg;ghL fzf;fply; rl;lG+u;tkhd kw;Wk; ,ju Nritfis gy; nkhop %yk; toq;ff;$ba tha;g;gpid toq;fpAs;sJ. (AT Kearney, 2012). ,yq; i f 2012-,y; epjpj; j pl; l kply; > fzf;fply;> ntsptoq;fy; Nrit toq;Fduhf ru;tNjr epiyaj;jpdhy; rpwg;G nfsutg;gl;lk; ngw;wJ.,jd;%yk; epjpj;jpl;lkply;> fzf;fply;> ntsptoq;fy; Nrit toq;Fdu; Jiwapy; ,yq; i fapd; ty; y ikia ep&gpg; g NjhL nghJtUtha;j;Jiw Mgj;J-fl;Lg;ghL (risk management) jfty; toq; f y; > gFg; g ha; T > epjpj; j pl; l kply; > kw; W k; vjpu; T $wy; Mfpa Jiwfspy; ,yq;ifapd; jdpj;Jtj;ijAk; Rl;b epw;fpwJ. ,yq;ifapy; fhzg;gLk; tpisTg;nghwpapay;> epjpj;jpl;lkply; kw;Wk; fzf;fply;> ntsptoq;fy; Mfpatw;Wf;fhd MNuhf;fpakhd R+o;epiyahdJ ru;tNjr jdpj;Jtk; kpf;f jfty; epiyakhf ,yq;if gpufhrpf;ff;$bajd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij fhl;LtNjhL Njrpa uPjpapyhd Nghl;bj;jd;ikahd ed;dpiyia jf;fitj;Jf;nfhs;sTk; cjtp GupfpwJ. jfty; ntsptoq;fyhdJ jfty; njhopy; E l; g k; / BPM njhopy; e piyaq; f is ,aq;f itf;ff; $ba Kf;fpa fhuzpahf ,yq; i fapy; fhzg; g LtJld; SLASSCOM mjd; Kf;fpa gFjpahf nraw;gLfpwJ. ,jid elhj;jf; fhuzkhf miktJ tu;j;jfk; fy;tp kw;Wk; Ntiy tha;g;G mjpfupj;j Gj;jhf;f rpe;jidf;F ,lkspj;jy; kw;Wk; Njrpa rpe;jid fl;Lkhdj;jpw;F cjtp Gupjy; %yNkahFk;. ,yq;if jfty; njhopy;El;gk njhopy;epiyaj;jpd; ,yf;fhdJ 2022-,y; US $5 gpy;ypad;-fis Vw;Wkjpahf miltNjhL 200>000 njhopy; tha;gG ; kw;Wk; 1000 Muk;gq;fis ehl;by; cUthf;FtJkhFk;.




.kqfokqlrejka ;Dma; lsÍug b;du by, uÜgfï m%ñ;shla wms wkq.ukh lrkjd' ta ta fiajdodhlhskag wkqj ilia jqkq fiajdjka jHdmdr ksmqK;dj yd foaYSh olaI;djka u; f.dvkexùu ksid b;d by, uÜgfï fiajdjla ;dlaIKsl yd wfkl=;a wxY i|yd ,nd§ug wmg wjldYh ie,iS ;sfnkjd

f.da,Sh wjYH;djg

wNsfhda. l<

;reK oekqu igyk wdpd¾h kkaol fud,f.dv yd Yd,Ska ä Ñflard úisks mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

Y%S ,dxflah úYaj úoHd, yd wOHdmk l%ufõo ;=<ska ;u oekqu ia:djr lr.;a ;reK ;reKshka fndfydafofkla oekqï l%shdj,ska nyS¾lrK jHdmD;s yryd ;u yelshdj úoyd mdñka ffjoH lafIa;%fha fla; fh§u yd ì,am;a l%shdj,Ska ieliSu hk f.da,Sh wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK foñka isà

Y%S ,dxflah úYaj úoHd, yd wOHdmk l%ufõo ;=<ska ;u oekqu ia:djr lr.;a ;reK ;reKshka fndfydafofkla oekqï l%shdj,ska nyS¾lrK jHdmD;s yryd ;u yelshdj úoyd mdñka ffjoH lafIa;%fha fla; fh§u yd ì,am;a l%shdj,Ska ieliSu hk f.da,Sh wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK foñka isà' weußld tlai;a ckmofhys fuu lafIa;%fha mj;sk nyq, wjia:d wjfndaO lr.ksñka jHjidhlhska ;sfofkl= úiska SYNERGEN Health Pvt Ltd' wdh;kh ia:dmkh ,§' 140 lg wêl ;reK msßila úiska fuu oekqï l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKh lsÍfï l%shdj,sfha ksr;j isá' kuq;a jHdmdr l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKh yd oekqï l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKh lsÍu w;ska SYNERGEN fjkia jkafka flfiao@ fuh yqÿ jHdmdr l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKhla fkdfõ''''' zzwmf.a fiajlhska lsisu flfkla o;a; leùu muKla lrk wh fkfjhs' fudlo fi!LH l%shdoduhka jHdmdr nyS¾lrk l%shdj,Ska iqßkao .=Kj¾Ok

hg;g .efkkafka ke' fuys fiajlhska wksjd¾hfhkau m%:u Wmdêhlska fyda Bg iudk fjk;a iqÿiqlulska hqla;hs' fï i|yd úYd, hdj;ald,Sk jQ oekqula wjYH hs' wms yeu fokdu Wkkaÿ lrkjd fkdlvjdu oekqu j¾Okh lr.ekSug' wm iuÕ jev lrk fndfyda wh fudrgqj" fmardfoKsh" Y%S chj¾Okmqr wd§ úYaj úoHd, j, bf.kqu ,enQ wh' wms wÆf;ka wmf.a lKavdhug n|jd.kak whg i;s foll mq¿,a mqyqKqjla ,nd fokjd' wk;=rej udi ;=klg wêl ld,hla /lshd mqyqKqjla ,nd fokjd' fï ksid wmf.a wdh;kfha M,odhS;djh b;du by, kexùug yelshdj ,eî ;sfnkjdZZ hhs fuys l<uKdldr wOHlaI iqßkao .=Kj¾Ok uy;d mejiSh' wodhï W;amdokh" f.ùï iy fi!LH ysñlï jeks l%shdjka wodhï pl% l<ukdlrKhg wh;a fõ' fuys§ bgqjk l%shdoduhka b;du iQlaIuj ksÍlaIKh lrk w;r fi!LH fiajd imhk wdh;k j, iïnkaO;dj b;du jeo.;a' fuh l=vd iq¿ m%udKfha isg uyd mßudkfha frday,a jHdma; ù ;sfí' zzweußldkq .kqfokqlrejka ;Dma; lsÍug b;du by, uÜgfï m%ñ;shla wms wkq.ukh lrkjd' ta ta fiajdodhlhskag wkqj ilia jqkq fiajdjka jHdmdr ksmqk;dj yd foaYSh olaI;djka u; f.dvkexùu ksid b;d by, uÜgfï fiajdjla ;dlaIKsl yd wfkl=;a

wxY i|yd ,nd§ug wmg wjldYh ie,iS ;sfnkjdZZ hhs .=Kj¾Ok uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh' oekqï l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKh bÈßhg f.khkafka l=ulao @ zzfuys§ wmf.a fiajlhskag iudk l%uhkag wkqj ieliqkq b;d by, jegqmla wms f.jkq ,nkjd' jD;a;Sh ixj¾Okh wksjd¾fhkau isÿlrkjd' yeufokdf.au uDÿ l=i,;d j¾Okh i|yd wjYH mqyqKq lsÍï flfrys wmf.a ksrka;r wjOdkh fhduqj ;sfnkjd'ZZ hhs .=Kj¾Ok uy;d lreKq fy<s lrñka mejiSh'

jD;a;Sh wjia:djka fuu wdh;kh ;=< b;du meyeÈ,s ;k;=re OQrdj,shla ;sfí' tys§ b;du my< uÜgfï isg l<ukdldÍ;ajh olajd Wiia uÜgulg t<ôh yelshs' fiajlhskaf.a fm!oa.,sl yd /lshd Ôú; w;r iu;=,s;;dj mj;ajd .ekSug wjYH jev lsÍfï ixialD;sh" mßirh ksrka;rj fuys ieliS ;sfí' zzkuq;a fuu oekqï l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKh ms<sn|j iudcfha ;sfnkafka b;du w,am oekqula' tu ksidu fndfyda fofkla .sKqïlrK fyda fjk;a iqÿiqlula ,nd fujeks lafIa;%hlg wj;S¾K jkjdg jvd idïm%odhslj .KldêldÍjrfhla ùughs leu;s' kuq;a ish,a, foi mq¿,aj ne,Su;a tfukau kj wjia:djka fidhdhdu;a jeo.;aZZ lshñka .=Kj¾Ok uy;d wmg iuq ÿkafkah'





Creating a Paradigm Shift in

Youth Attitudes By Dr. Nandaka Molagoda and Sharlene De Chickera

Cashing in on the lucrative opportunities available in the US Health Industry in Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), three local entrepreneurs decided to establish SYNERGEN Health Pvt Ltd, in the heart of a popular suburb in Colombo. Over140 youth hailing from urban and rural milieus, tackle the nitty-gritty of offering knowledge based solutions to American health care providers at SYNERGEN Health. These youngsters are enthused, energised and enjoy well-paid, interesting, shift based jobs.

Capitalising on the intelligentsia from the local university system and qualified professionals, KPOs (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) have been empowering Sri Lankan youth for the past four years in taking up the global challenge in Revenue Cycle Management

But what makes working at SYNERGEN Health so different? Is there a competitive edge to a KPO as opposed to a BPO?

Not a mere BPO “At SYNERGEN, our employees do more than just data entry. That’s because SYNERGEN Health does not fall under the purview of traditional BPOs. You could say that over 75 % of the work done would fit under a KPO, which means that we rely on the intellect, emotional intelligence, training and expertise of the employee. We thus select young and energetic individuals with strong academic backgrounds. All our employees possess either a degree from a recognised University or equivalent educational qualifications. They are highly disciplined and have the drive and passion to learn continuously”, opines Surinda Gunawardena, Managing Director of SYNERGEN Health.

of Moratuwa, Perdeniya and Sri Jayawardenapura. Professionally qualified candidates from disciplines such as Engineering, CIMA and ACCA and other Management degree holders have also joined our ranks”, he observes. “All our new recruits go through an intensive yet comprehensive induction program that lasts about two weeks. This is followed by a further 2-3 months of training on the job, geared to reduce the learning curve and adopt industry best practices in healthcare revenue cycle management. Our training programme has proved to be very successful. With excellent ergonomic work conditions, we consistently exceed our productivity targets month after month”, he notes.

Best Practices Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is the process that manages healthcare claims processing, payment and revenue generation. A key part of the cycle is to keep track of the claims process at every point of its life – a step that SYNERGEN Health prides itself in excelling at. This is done so in order to follow the process closely and address any issues, allowing for a steady stream of revenue for the healthcare providers in the US. The cycle ends when the balance due from the insurance (to the providers) is zero.

From small healthcare practices to large hospitals, SYNERGEN Health draws in the best opportunities from within the US. “We are aligned with the best practices of global KPOs catering to American clientele. The Management has combined its business acumen and has aligned the local talent to the specific customer requirements. With an in-depth knowledge in medical coding and a vast experience in Revenue Cycle Transformation solutions and technical processes, the team is further trained in a variety of fields and specialties in the corporate arena that enables them to surpass the high standards set for customer service”, stated Gunawardena.

The onus then, is on the youth engaged in KPO, who knows that he or she is sitting on a ‘pot of Gold’, which is a US $ 300 billion industry, to engage in this high energy and lucrative career option

A Level Playing Field What propels this KPO forward? It can be explained in one word Synergy. “We have a flat structure in place at SYNERGEN and offer our employees remunerations that are well above industry standards. Career progression is a norm – which is integral to our overall performance and evaluation process. From coaching and mentoring to soft skills training and development of the English language, we are on par with client expectations”, he informs.

CSR – bringing Joy to others as a work ethic SYNERGEN Health takes pride in its Social Responsibility Projects. All staff members get involved in caring for those with special needs, or whose lives need a little extra care and concern. The projects are usually those that aim to give health-care free. “Usually the word gets around and more people come than expected, but we try to help them as best as we can”, smiles Gunawardena, recollecting a hearing-aid project.

“A large number of our employees hail from prestigious Universities such as the University Surinda Gunawardena


Career Opportunities An individual entering the world of KPO at SYNERGEN Health can aspire to climb the hierarchical ladder from an Associate to a Senior Associate and then to a Team Leader, eventually working his/her way further up by becoming an Assistant Manager, Manager and so on. SYNERGEN Health goes to great lengths to ensure that the culture, work environment and work-life balance at the company is conducive to their team’s performance. “KPOs have been greatly misunderstood. A change in attitude is in order, especially amongst youth and parents. This is critical for the growth and sustenance of this industry. KPOs provide a lucrative career path for many Sri Lankans looking to make their foray into the corporate world, especially right after their first degree and/or professional qualification. We’ve seen many graduates in the past with various qualifications as CIMA and ACCA who have shown a great interest in joining a KPO, but are debarred from pursuing this line, as the more traditional path of becoming an Accountant is chosen instead”, Gunawardena surmises.



mwpT nra;Kiw ntsptoq;fy; ,isQu;fspilNa kduPjpahd khw;wj;jpidf; nfhz;L tUjy; - itj;jpaH. ee;jf nkhynfhl> rhHyPd; B rpf;Nfuh - jkpopy; - utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;

mwpT ntsptoq;fy; nra;KiwahdJ fle;j ehd;F tUlq;fshf mur gy;fiyf;fofq;fspdJk; Vida jdpahu; njhopy;rhu; epGzu;fspdJk; jpwikrhu; cjtpfspd; %yk; vk; ehl;L ,isQu;fis ru;tNjr kUj;Jtj;JiwrhH rthy;fSf;F Kfk;nfhLf;Fk; Kiwapy; tbtikj;J tUfpwJ. If;fpa mnkupf;fhtpd; Rfhjhu Jiwapy; tUkhd Row;rp Nkyhz;ikA+lhf KjypLtjd; %yk; ,yq;if ehl;bidr; Nru;e;j %d;W Ngu; jk; Kaw;rpahz;ik %yk; nfhOk;G khefupd; kj;jpapy; epWtpa mikg;Ng SYNERGEN Health Pvt Ltd MFk;. trjp Fiwe;j gpuNjrq;fspypUe;J jpul;b vLf;fg;gl;l Vwj;jhs 140f;Fk; Nkw;gl;l ,isQu;fs; ,e;epWtdj;jpD} lhf mnkupf;f Rfhjhu NjitfSf;F jPu;T fz;L nfhz;bUf;fpwhu;fs;. ,t;tikg;gpy; Ntiy nra;tJ Vd; rhjhuz NtiyfspYk; ghu;f;f NtWgl;lJ? tpahghu ntsptoq;fYf;Fk; mwpT ntsptoq;fYf;Fk; ,ilNaahd NtWghLfs; vd;d? 'vk; epWtdj;jpy; Ntiy nra;gtu;fs; juT gjpNtw;wiy tplTk; Nkyjpf gzpahw;Wfpwhu;fs;. vdNtjhd; ,J tpahghu nra;Kiw ntsptoq;fypYk; ghu;f;f NtWgLfpwJ. 75 rjtPjj;jpw;Fk; mjpfkhd Ntiy gzpahsupd; jpwik> mwpthw;wy;> czu;r;rp fl;Lg;ghL vd;gd rhu;e;J cs;sJ. vdNtjhd; jFe;j fy;tp trjp nfhz;lJk; jpwik kpf;f RWRWg;ghd ,isQu; rKjhaj;jpid ehk; njupfpNwhk;. mur gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; ,Ue;Njh jFjp tha;e;j epWtdq;fsplkpUe;Njh gl;l gbg;G ngw;w ,isQu;fisNa ehk; njupT nra;fpNwhk;. mtu;fsplk; njhlu;e;J fw;W jk;ik cWjpg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;tjw;fhd Ntl;if epiwaNt ,Uf;fpwJ" vd;W SYNERGEN Health mikg;gpd; epu;thf ,af;Fdu; Rupe;j Fztu;j;jd njuptpj;jhu;. Gfo; ngw;w nkhul;Lit> Nguhjid> = n[atu;j;jdGu Mfpa gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; ,Ue;Nj gy gl;ljhupfs; jk;kplk; Ntiy ghu;g;gjhfTk; nghwpapay;> Kfhikj;Jtk; kw;Wk; CIMA, ACCA fy;tpj;jfikfis nfhz;bUg;gtu;fs; jk;Kld; njhlu;r;rpahf ,ize;J nfhz;ljhfTk; mtu; njuptpj;jhu;.

Gjpjhf Ntiyf;F ,ize;jtu;fs; Fiwe;jgl;rk; ,U thuq;fSf;fhtJ gpuj;jpNaf J}z;ly; nra;Kiw xd;wpw;F mku;j;jg;gLtu;. ,jidj; njhlu;e;J 2-3 khjq;fSf;F mtUf;F Ntiyg;gapw;rp fhy mtfhrk; toq;fg;gLk;. ,Wjpapy;> fw;ifnewpfs; Fiwf;fg;gl;L Jiwapd; rpwe;j gapw;rpKiwfspd; %yk; tUkhd Row;rp Kfhikj;Jt gz;Gfis tsu;j;Jf; nfhs;sf;$ba tha;g;Gfs; fpl;Lk;. ,j;jpl;lkply; Kiw kpf ntw;wpfukhf ,Ue;jJ. ,jd;%yk; fle;j fhyq;fspy; vk; cw;gj;jp ,yf;fpid kpQ;rpa tpidj;jpwDld; $ba ntspg;ghLfs; fpilf;fg;ngw;wd. tUkhd Row;rp Kfhikj;Jt Kiw %yk; Rfhjhu epjpf;Nfhupf;if> nrad;Kiw> epjpf;fl;lzk; kw;Wk; tUkhd cw;gj;jp vd;gdtw;wpid Kfhik nra;a KbAk;. Nfhug;gl;l epjpf;fhd gioa Fwpg;Gfis ePz;lfhyk; ghtpf;ff; $ba Kiwapy; Nrkpj;J itj;jpUg;gJ SYNERGEN Health ngUikAld; Kd;ndLf;Fk; eltbf;ifahFk;. njhlu;r;rpahdJk; jsu;tw;wJkhd tUkhdj;ijg; ngWtjw;F mnkupf;f Rfhjhu cj;jpNahfj;ju;fs; tUkhd Row;rpKfhikj;Jtj;jpid tpUk;Gfpwhu;fs;. 'ru;tNjr mq;fPfhuk; nfhz;l mwpT ntsptoq;fy; kw;Wk; gupkhw;wy; Kiw %yk; mnkupf;fu;fSf;F crpjkhd rpwe;j gapw;rpfis ehq;fs; gpd;gw;WfpNwhk;. epu;thfk; jd; tpahghuj;jpd; %yk; cs;ehl;L jpwikahsu;fis ntspAyFf;F milahsk; fhl;LfpwJ. Rfhjhu Jiwapy; Mokhd mwpTk; tUkhd Row;rp khw;wPl;L jPu;T kw;Wk; EZf;fq;fspy; gue;j mDgtKk; nfhz;l ,t;tzp njhlu;e;Jk; gy gapw;rpj;jpl;lq;fspy; gq;Fgw;wp thbf;ifahsu;fspd; Njitfis kpf rpwe;j Kiwapy; eptu;j;jp nra;a KidfpwJ." vd Fztu;j;jd njuptpj;jhu;. 'vk; epWtdj;jpy; xU njspthd mikg;G ,Uf;fpwJ. gzp Copak; ,Nj Jiwapy; NtW epWtq;fspy; Ntiy nra;gtu;fisf; fhl;bYk; fzprkhd msT mjpfkhfNt cs;sJ. xt;nthU gzpahsupdJk; RaKd;Ndw;wk; epWtdj;jpd; nkhj;j tpidj;jpwid mjpfupf;Fk; vd ek;GfpNwhk;. gapw;rpnewp> topg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy nkhopg;gapw;rp vd;gd thbf;ifahsupd;

vjpghu;g;ig G+u;j;jp nra;fpd;wd" vdTk; njuptpj;jhu;. SYNERGEN Health epWtdj;jpDs; Eiofpd;w jdpegu; xU cjtp gzpahsuhf Muk;gpj;J> rpNu~;l cjtp gzpahsu;> mzpj;jiytu; vd;wthwhf Kd;Ndwp cjtp Kfhikahsu;> Kfhikahsu; vd jd;id tsu;j;Jf; nfhs;s KbAk;. ,e;epWtdk; xU mzpapDila tpidj;jpwDldhd Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;F fyhrhuk;> R+oy; mikg;G> Ntiy - tho;f;if rkepiyj;jd;ik vd;gd kpf mtrpak; vd fUJfpwJ. mwpT ntsptoq;fy; jtwhf Gupe;J nfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sJ. rpe;jid khw;wk; ,isQu;fsplkpUe;J vo Ntz;Lk;. epiwa ,yq;if jpUehl;bd; ,isQu;fSf;F - mjpYk; Gjpjhf gl;ljhup gbg;ig epiwT nra;jtu;fSf;F - ,k;Kiw %yk; rpwe;j tho;f;ifr; R+oiy mikj;Jf; nfhs;s re;ju;g;gk; fpilj;Js;sJ. CIMA, ACCA Nghd;w fy;tpj; jifikfs; nfhz;bUe;j epiwa ,isQu;fs; njhlu;e;J ,iza tpUk;gpa NghJk; fzf;fhsuhf jk; tho;itj; njhlu tha;g;Gfs; fpilj;jjhf Fztu;j;jd njuptpj;jhu;. mwpT ntsptoq;fy; nra;KiwahdJ 300 gpy;ypad; mnkupf;f lhyu;fSf;Fk; mjpfkhd re;ijapidf; nfhz;l 'jq;ff; Flk;" Nghd;w JiwahFk;. ,jpNy kpf ntw;wpfukhd xU vjpu;fhyk; epiwa ,isQu;fSf;F fhj;jpUf;fpwJ.




Where Sunrise and Sunset

does not

Define Talent By Sharlene De Chickera and Dr. Nandaka Molagoda

The young Sri Lankans manning the call centre, legal and finance operations at Tellida work in teams, are motivated and focused whilst keeping to different time zones across the world. Many of the cream of intelligentsia from the university and professional system are assigned specific clients from around the world, the USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Norway and Saudi Arabia, in order to satisfy customers who have different requirements under purview of Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO). Imran Mohommed, the Manager of the Call Centre shows the EDEX Magazine Team, around state-of-the-art terminals, where youth had been meticulously trained to handle requirements of patient Entertainment Company, in Australia. “These days the Cricket World Cup is in full swing, and we get requests from patients to watch the matches. We can offer them Channel 9 whereby they can view the Australian clashes, and the final as well”, he says with a smile. Requirements range from television, to phone calls, to technical support and also in one hospital the Wi-Fi. Sri Lankans have a sense of being innately courteous and this quality is conducive to work of the call centre. Closely monitored screens show the calls answered or dropped and the efficiency levels. A “wall of fame” shows the number of stars earned by the call centre personnel, which takes in to account factors such as discipline, attendance, and the manner in which calls are answered efficiently. Omar Fatharally

From enjoying listening to a call being handled, we walked in to the finance and accounting operations, which deals in bookkeeping, accounts receivable, accounts payables, banking, reports and ad-hoc reconciliations, advice using analytical reports on management accounting and profit maximising strategies for clientele from the UK, Australia, the Middle East and other Southeast Asian Countries such as Singapore and Thailand. “The credibility of Tellida is in the quality work output produced, as the clients do not really know its name, but trust the staff to be professional and efficient. Most of the clients we have won have been hard-won through networking”, states the Director and CEO of Tellida, Omar Fatharally. We meet the young Accountants who are trained to produce the finance documents of the clients. The whole gamut of management reports, data entry, profit and loss, accountancy and management finance is managed to client specifications.

Global Appeal Danidu Ekanayake, a CIMA finalist, is preparing Accounts for a UK client. Akshika Suriyakumara is another bright young lady who has bagged the World Prize for “Advanced Performance Management” from ACCA. Currently she is doing accounting for a client based in Saudi Arabia. “There is a demand for CIMA/ ACCA Professionals in the MiddleEast”, and there is potential for the qualified professionals to go to other countries with their talent and skills, notes Fatharally. Another colleague, JegathaKumarakuru, a CIMA Student is engrossed in her workstation, catering to a Thai client.Kiruthiga Sithamparesan and Junaid Azri cater to another UK client, whilst Abirami Pakianatha, a CIMA Graduate is handling a UK legal Client. The range of clientele and the professional qualifications, training and experience mean that these young men and women are able to adhere to the best practices in Finance and

Accountancy Process Outsourcing, whilst completing their respective qualifications and being off for their social lives at 5.50 p.m. There is a serious focus on Information Security and all staff go through an in depth training on information security. Tellida is an ISO 27001 information security certified organisation. As such, working for Tellida is lucrative, engaging and leaves time for the youth to study or indulge in leisure activities too. We were then introduced to the Legal Team interestingly headed by a Science Graduate, Khasththuri Sarveswaran. Most of the staff in this team had their LLBs from Royal Institute, the Open University, and one had an Attorneys as well. One youth was proficient in Information Technology, having qualified from ESOFT. “What we do here is handle many clients in terms of their respective cases, legal requirements, such as documentation, title checks, and manual work”, noted Khasththuri. The legal expertise is on par with international standards of law.

Global Tutor Adding a feather to the cap of the different processes of Tellida, the Global Tutor is set to make the virtual tuition room come alive with live interaction, as the tutor takes on the challenge of teaching the student online. “This process is a concept akin to live tuition, and is on a one-to-one basis. The student or parent can login and benefit from ‘calendar feed’, classes, discussion forums, reports, questions and answers, visualisation and summarised content”, states Fawaz Mohommed, Director of Global Tutor. The process is set to take the home by storm and is a tool whereby students can avail themselves of tuition, at their convenience, even for example after a Rugger practice at 7.00 p.m. The Global Tutor is being fine-tuned at the moment and will be made available to the public shortly.

The credibility

of Tellida is in the quality work output produced, as the clients do not really know its name, but trust the staff to be professional and efficient. Most of the clients we have won have been hard-won through networking






R+upNahjaKk; R+upam];jkdKk; jpwikfis epuz ; ak; nra;ahJ fz;Lfspg;gjw;fhd trjpiaAk; nra;J nfhLj;Js;Nshk;." vd Gd;difAld; mtu; $wpdhu;. NjitfSf;fhd tuk;G xd;Wf;nfhd;W tpj;jpahrg;gl;lJ. rpy ,lq;fspy; njhiyfhl;rp NtW rpy ,lq;fspy; njhiyNgrp> rpy ,lq;fspy; njhopy;El;g trjp kw;WnkhU kUj;Jtkidapy; fk;gpapy;yh ,izak; Njitg;gl;bUe;jJ.

,t; thbf;ifahsu;fSf;fhd mwpf;iffs;> Kfhikj;Jtk; kw;Wk; epjpj; jfty;fs; kw;Wk; ,yhg el;lk;> juTg;gjpT Nghd;wtw;iw guhkupj;J Nkw;nfhs;Sk; ,sikahd fzf;fhsu;fis ehk; re;jpj;Njhk;.

jkpopy; : utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;

If;fpa mnkupf;fh> If;fpa ,uhr;rpak;> M];jpNuypah> rpq;fg;G+u;> jha;yhe;J> Nehu;Nt> rTjp mNugpah Nghd;w ehLfspy; ,Uf;fpd;w thbf;ifahsu;fspd; NtWgl;l Njitfis jpUg;jp gLj;j gy;fiyf;fofq;fspd; mwpT [PtpfSk; njhopy;rhu;e;j nghwpKiwfSk; xJf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. miog;G ikaj;jpd; Kfhikahsu; ,k;uhd; K`k;kj;. vnlf;]; rQ;rpif Fohj;jpw;F M];jpNuypahtpy; cs;s> Nehahspfspd; nghOJ Nghf;Ffspw;fhd fk;gdpf;fhf ,isQu;fs; kpf cd;dpg;ghf gapw;Wtpf;fg;gLk; fiy Kidikfspd; epiyikfisf; fhl;bdhu;. 'jw;NghJ M];jpNuypahtpy; fpupf;fl; cyff;Nfhg;ig R+L gpbj;Js;sJ. Mifahy; Nehahsu;fsplk; ,Ue;J mg; Nghl;bfis fz;Lfspf;f Nfhupf;iffs; vOe;j tz;zk; cs;sd. MfNt miytupir 9 ,D} lhf mtu;fSf;F M];jpNuypahtpd; rfy;Nghl;bfis fhz;gjw;fhd trjpfisAk; ,Wjpg; Nghbapidf;

'nly;yplh tpd; ek;gfj;jd;ikahdJ mjd; jukhd ntspaPLfspNyNa jq;fpAs;sJ> Vnddpy; thbf;ifahsu;fSf;F ,e;epWtdj;jpd; ngau; njupahJ. Mdhy; mtu;fs; vkJ Copau;fis njhopy; gz;gl;ltu;fshfTk; tpidjpwdhdtu;fshfTk; ,Uf;f ek;Gfpd;wdu;. vkJ mNdf thbf;ifahsu;fs; tiyaikg;ghf fbdkhf njhopw;gl;ljdhy; fpilj;jtu;fNs" vd nly;yplh tpd; gpujk epiwNtw;W mjpfhup Xku; ghjuy;yP njuptpf;fpwhu;.

By Sharlene De Chickera and Dr. Nandaka Molagoda Translated to Tamil by Ashokbharan Nalliah Kumaraguruparan & Arunothayan Ravendran

'nly;yplh"tpNy miog;Gikaq;fspy; rl;l kw;Wk; epjpj; Jiwfspy; gzpGupAk; ,yq;ifapd; ,isNahu; cyfpd; NtWgl;l fhytyaq;fis fUj;jpw;nfhz;L ce;JjYld; nraw;gLfpd;wdu;.

jha;yhe;J rpq;fg;G+u; Nghd;w fpof;F ehLfspd; thbf;ifahsu;fSf;fhd Ma;twpf;iffs; kw;Wk; jw;fhypfkhf jpUj;jg;gl;l $w;Wfs; vd;gtw;iw epu;tfpf;Fk; epjpg; gpuptpw;Fs; Eioe;Njhk;.

,yq;ifau;fSf;F ,aw;ifahfNt fhzg;gLk; fz;zpakhf ele;Jnfhs;Sk; gz;G miog;Gikaq;fSf;F cfe;jjhFk;. cd;dpg;ghf ftdpf;fg;gLk; jpiufs; cs;te;j kw;Wk; tplg;gl;l miog;GfisAk;> mtw;wpd; tpidj;jpwd; kl;lq;fisAk; fhl;Lfpd;wJ. miog;Gfis nghWj;jkl;by; xOf;fk;> tuT kw;Wk; ele;J nfhs;Sk; ghq;F my;yJ miog;Gfis tpidj;jpwdhf ifahSk; Kiwik vd;gtw;iwf; fUj;jpw;nfhz;L miog;G ika gzpahsu; xUtupw;F 'thy; xg; Ngk;" vd;w Kiwikapy; ];lhu;fs; toq;fg;gLk;. xU miog;G vt;thW ifahsg; gLfpd;wJ vd;gij mtjhdpj;j ehk; mLj;jjhf Gj;jfq;fs; guhkupj;jy;> mwpf;iffisf; ifahsy;> tq;fpf; fzf;Ffs;> fld; nfhLdu;> ngWdu; kw;Wk; If;fpa ,uhr;rpak;> kj;jpa fpof;F kw;Wk;

ngUfp tUk; cyf Kiwik CIMA fw;if newpapd; ,Wjpj; Nju;thsu; xUtuhd jdpJ Vfehaf;f I.,uhr;rpa thbf;ifahsu; xUtUf;fhd fzf;Ffis jahupf;fpwhu;. ACCA fw;if newpapd; 'advanced performance management" ghlj;jpw;fhf cyf tpUjpid ngw;Wf;nfhz;l mf;~pfh R+upaFkhu; ,d;ndhU jpwikahdh Atjpahthu;. ,tu; jw;rkak; rTjp mNugpahtpYs;s xU thbf;ifahsUf;fhd fzf;Ffis nra;Jnfhz;Ls;shu;. CIMA kw;Wk; ACCA fw;if newpfspy; Nju;r;rp mile;jtu;fSf;F kj;jpafpof;fpy; ey;y Nfs;tp epyTfpwJ mj;NjhL gpwehLfSf;F

nrd;W jkJ jpwd;fspd; %yk; rpwg;ghf gzpahw;wf;$ba ty;yikAk; ,tu;fSf;F cz;L." vd ghjuy;yP Fwpg;gpl;lhu;. NkYk; rf Copau;fshd CIMA fw;ifnewp khztpahd n[fjh FkuFU xU jha;yhe;J thbf;ifahsUf;F Nrit toq;Fk; mNjNtis fpUj;jpfh rpjk;gNurd; kw;Wk; [{idj; Mr;up If;fpa ,uhr;rpa thbf;ifahsUf;F Nrit toq;Ffpd;wdu;. kw;WnkhU CIMA newp gl;ljhupahd mgpuhkp ghf;fpaehjd; If;fpa ,uhr;rpa rl;l thbf;ifahsu; xUtiu ifahSfpwhu;. ,isQu; Atjpfspd; njhopy;Kiw jFjp> gapw;rp kw;Wk; mDgtk; vd;git fzf;F kw;Wk; epjpr;Nritfis ntsp %yg; gLj;JjypD}L jkJ thbf;ifahsu; FOkj;jpw;fhd rpwe;j Nritfis toq;f cjtp Gupfpd;wJ. mj;Jld; khiy 5.50 kzpastpy; ,tu;fis r%f tho;ifapy; <LgLtjw;fhf Xa;itAk; toq;Ffpd;wJ. jfty; ghJfhg;gpw;fhd cau; ftdk; ,q;F fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. midj;J Copau;fSk; jfty; ghJfhg;gpidg; gw;wpa Mokhd gapw;rpf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wdu;. nly;yplh epWtdkhdJ ISO 27001 jfty; ghJfhg;G rhd;wpjo; ngw;w xU epWtdkhFk; nly;yplh epWtdj;jpw;fhf gzpGuptJ ,yhgfukhdJk; mNj rkak;> ,isQu;fSf;F gbg;gjw;fhfTk; kw;Wk; Xa;tpw;fhfTk; Neuj;jpid xJf;fpf; nfhLf;ff; $baJkhFk;. ,jd; gpwF epWtdj;jpd; rl;lf; Fohj;jpw;F ehk; mwpKfg; gLj;jgl;Nlhk;. Rthu];akhf ,f;FOthdJ tpQ;Qhd gl;ljhup xUtuhd f];J}up ru;Nt];tuid jiyikahff; nfhz;L ,aq;Ffpd;wJ. ,f;FOtpYs;s mNefkhNdhu; jkJ LLB gl;lj;jpid uhay; ,d;];bl;A+l; kw;Wk; jpwe;j

gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; ngw;Ws;sdu;. mj;NjhL xU tof;fwpQUk; cs;shu;. ,d;ndhU ,isQu; <nrhg;l; epWtdj;jpy; fy;tp gapd;W jfty; njhopy;El;gj;jpy; ifNju;e;jtuhf cs;shu;. ',q;F ehk; thbf;ifahsu;fspd; tof;Ffs; rl;lj;Njitfs; Mtzg;gLj;Jjy; jiyg;G Nrhjidfs; kw;Wk; kdpj rpuj;ij gzpfs; Mfpatw;iwf; ifahSfpd;Nwhk;" vd f];J}up Fwpg;gpl;lhu;. ,q;F fhzg;gLk; rl;l epGzj;Jtk; ru;tNjr rl;lj; juj;jpw;F ,izahf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.

cyfshtpa Mrpupau; nly;yplh epWtdj;jpd; gy;NtW njhopw;ghLfspy; jw;NghJ cyfshtpa uPjpapy; fw;gpj;jy; eltbf;iffSk; Kd;ndLf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. Neubahf ,izak; %yk; nka;epfu; fy;tp miwapy; njhlu;G nfhz;L fw;gpj;jy; eltbf;iffs; Kd;ndLf;fg;gLfpd;wd. ',e;j gapw;rp toptif NeubahdJk; kw;Wk; xUtUf;F xUtu; ghzpapYk; mike;Js;sJ. xU khztNuh my;yJ ngw;NwhNuh ,izaj;jpD}L njhlu;G nfhz;L tFg;Gfs;> fUj;jhly;fs;> mwpf;iffs;> Nfs;tpfs; kw;Wk; gjpy;fs;> fhl;rpg;gLj;jy;fs; RUf;fkhd tplag;gug;G Nghd;wtw;wpdhy; ed;ik mila KbAk;." vd cyfshtpa Mrpupau; mq;fj;jpd; ,af;Fdu; gth]; K`k;kj; njuptpj;jhu;. ,e;j eltbf;ifahdJ NkyjpftFg;gpy; <LghLila khztu;fSf;F nefpo;Tj;jd;ik $ba xd;whFk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F xU ufu; tpisahl;Lg; gapw;rpapd; gpd;du; khiy 7 kzp Ntisfspy; $l cyfshtpa Mrpupaupdhy; ed;ik milayhk;.






ksmqK;ajfha f;da;ekak igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard iy kkaol fud,f.dv úisks

Tud *dyrd,s

wmf.a úfYaI;ajh kï wmf.a fndfyda fiajdodhlhka wmj lsisod ±l ke;s jqj;a wmf.a ld¾hY+r;ajh yd ksmqK;ajh ksid Tjqkaf.a ksn| úYajdih Èkdf.k isàug yels ù ;sìuh

fg,svdys fiajh lrk ;reK ;reKsfhda ;uka iqúfYaIslrKh jQ fCIa;%hkag wod, lKavdhï f,i lghq;= lr;s' Tjqyq ish,af,dau úYaj úoHd, fyda jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlï imqrd isák msßils' Tjqkaf.a fiajdodhlhska wefußldj" tlai;a rdcOdksh" TiafÜ%,shdj isx.mamQrej jeks f,dalh mqrd úúO rgj,g wh;a iud.ï fjhs' fg,svdys weu;=ï uOHia:dk l<uKdlre bïrdka fudfyduâ frda.Skag úfkdaoh imhk iud.ul ld¾hhka f.a ksr;jk ;reK msßila tfvlaia iÕrd lKavdhug fmkajhs' zzfï Èkj, f,dal l=i,dk l%slÜ WKqiqï iu. wmg frda.Skaf.ka ;rÕ keröu i|yd úYd, jYfhka b,a,Sï ,efnkjd' wm Tjqkag pek,a 9 yryd fiajdjka imhkjdZZ Tyq meyeÈ,s lrhs' Y%S ,dxlslhka i;= Tjqkaf.a ixialD;sluh odhdohka jk iqyoYS,S nj Tjqkaf.a /lshdfõ .=Kd;aul njg kj wre;la tla lr we;a;d fiah' iúlr we;s úYd, äðg,a mqjrej, ksr;=reju fiajl u~q,af,a /lshdfõ .=Kd;aul nj uksk úúO o¾Yl j, uÜgï fmkakqï lrhs' wms .sKqïlrK lghq;=" nexl=lrKh" jd¾;dlrKh wd§ úúO wxYj, lghq;= j, ksr;jk lKavdhï ÿgqfjuq' zzwmf.a úfYaI;ajh kï wmf.a fndfyda fiajdodhlhka wmj lsisod ±l ke;s jqj;a wmf.a ld¾hY+r;ajh

mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

yd ksmqK;ajh ksid Tjqkaf.a ksn| úYajdih Èkdf.k isàug yels ù ;sìuhsZZ jD;a;sh l<uKdlrk .KldêldÍ mdGud,dfõ (CIMA) wjika wÈhr yodrk oksÿ talkdhl tlai;a rdcOdksfha fiajdodhlhl=f.a .sKqï jd¾;d iliñka isà' ACCA mdGud,dfõ tla úIhla i|yd f,dal iïudkh Èkd isák wCIsld iqßhl=udr ksr;j isákqfha iõÈ wrdìfha iud.ul .sKqïlrK lghq;a;lh' f;dr;=re wdrCId lr .ekSu ms<sn|j fg,svd ys úYd, wjOdkhla fhduq lr we;' Tjqka ta ms<sn| ISO 27001 ;;a;aj iy;slh ,nd isákafka ta ksiduh' fg,svdys fiajh lsÍu ;=<ska úúO rgj,aj,g wh;a ld¾hhka ys ksr; ùu;=,ska kùk;u jD;a;Sh ;;a;aj hgf;a lghq;= lsÍfï ÿ,n w;a±lSu ,nd.; yelsh' fg,svd fï Èkj, w¨;a wxYhla ish fiajdjka w;rg tla lsÍfï ksr;j isà' th f.or isgu úúO wOHhk lghq;= j, ksr; úh yels ;dCIKsl l%u fõohls' fï u.ska w;soCI .=rejreka úiska bÈßm;a lrk mka;s idlÉPd m%Yafkda;a;r wdÈhg lsisÿ ndOdjlska f;drj f,dalfha ´kEu ;ekl isg iún, úh yelsh' fuh y÷kajdÿka miq isiqkag ;ukaf.a iqmqreÿ l%shdldrlï j,g ndOdjla fkdjk mßÈ ndysr mka;s j,g f.or isgu iún, jkakg yelsÈkh w;,Õ nj mejish yelsh'

Igniting a spark in Rural Youth

IT connects

the impossible…

Our focus is on excellence and employment. We train these youth, to think on behalf of the customer. We also give them the confidence to liaise with the client and find creative and unique solutions

Mangala Karunaratne

By Dr. Nandaka Molagoda and Sharlene De Chickera

A treasure store of fauna and flora found in Sinharaja, a heritage site, is also the unseeming location for an e-village, created to champion rural youth’s innate talents, and infuse a passion for modern technology and excellence. Meet, Mangala Karunaratne. Director of FARO – The Foundation for Advancing Rural Opportunity in Sri Lanka, and more aptly the Founder and CEO of Calcey Technologies. He sits poised at the edge of his chair, in the midst of an array of technological gadgets,alive to new ideas to uplift the youth. A connoisseur of many adventures, he delights in the weekly visit to Sinharaja forest, where 10 computers have transformed the lives of youth in a rural village of Sinharaja forest. He hopes that more computers will be gifted soon. That is not all. He has also endeavoured to create competency and business acumen for many youth in Seenigama, Mahavilachchi and Jaffna, under the IT/BPO Industry.

“This endeavour means empowerment, employment and a livelihood for many, who have been marginalised by the ravages of a thirty year war”, he notes. Our focus is on excellence and employment. We train these youth, to think on behalf of the customer. We also give them the confidence to liaise with the client and find creative and unique solutions, he informs.

Origins Starting out in his father’s office space twenty years ago, Mangala never gave up on his passion in IT and its creative powers of transformation. “In 2002, I started with only 2 people. I was overseas, in the USA, and the exposure I gained was invaluable to the business enterprise I started later in Sri Lanka. After an initial period of work, I did some tsunami charity work in-between and then got back on the IT track”. Today he is at the helm of around 70 employees.

My aim is to boost the youth and Sri Lanka as being IT Savvy, to emerge as a middle income country which embraces modern technology.

Applauding being ‘Weird’ We also conduct a spate of programmes for youth and school children in our leisure at Calcey Technologies. These include programmes such as designing the ‘ideal water bottle’, and many other interesting and quirky programmes that make children think ‘out-of-thebox’, work in teams and appreciate the relevance and importance of IT education, he says. I also encourage my employees to think differently, be innovative and enterprising, he encourages. The fact that turnover is minimal speaks volumes for youth choosing the right sphere and working with passion. Within Colombo district 32 employees Outside Colombo district 30 employees Gender: Age: Women – 9 25 years or younger – Men – 53 26 to 34 years – 35 to 44 years – 45 to 54 years – 55 years or older –

15 38 5 3 1





.%dóh ;dreKHh

fpuhkpa ,isQu; tho;tpy; Rlu; xsp.....

Èßfhka oe,ajQ

f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh igyk kkaol fud,f.dv iy Yd,Ska ä Ñflard úisks mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

kjH ;dlaIKfhka úYsIag;ajhg m;aùfï oeä wYdjlska hq;a ;reK lKavdhul iyc m%;sNdj ukdj Tmakkajñka jákd YdL yd i;a;aj m%cdjl ksc N+ñh jk isxyrdch o kj úoHq;a .ïudkhlg f;da;ekakla ù ;sfí' ux., lreKdr;ak uy;d" wOHlaI" FARO " .%dóh wjia:djka f.dvkexùu ms<sn| ,xld moku ^The Foundation for Advancing Rural Opportunity& tmuKlao fkdj Calcey Technologies wdh;kfha m<uq m%Odk úOdhl ks,OdÍ jkafkao Tyqhs' Y%S ,xldfõ .%dóh ;reK m%cdjf.a kj woyia j,g Ôjh iemhSug Tyq olajk odhl;ajh m%YxikSh fõ' úõOjQ úl%udkaú; l%shdjkayS m%sh lrkafkla jk Tyq i;shlg jrla isxyrdchg msúfikafka ;reK lKavdhïj, Ôú; fjkia l, mß.Kl moaO;sh ksÍlaIkhghs' ;j;a mß.Kl Tjqkg blaukskau ióm lsÍug Tyq lghq;= fhdoñka isáhs' tfukau iSks.u" uyú,ÉÑ iy hdmkh m%foaYhkaj, f;dr;=re ;dlaIK jHdmdr nyS¾lrK jHdmD;s yryd ;reK yelshdjka yd jHdmdr ms<sn| oekqu j¾Okhgo wjia:dj ilid ;sfí' fï ms<sn|j woyia m<lrñka ux., lreKdr;ak uy;d m%ldY lr isáfha" fuu W;aidyh yqfola jir ;syl l=ßre hqqoaOfha

fÄojdplhka yryd fjlrk,o thg f.dÿrejQ fndfyda fokdf.a wkd.;h Tmakexùu i|yd jk njhs' tfukau /lshdj yd úYsIag;ajh uQ,sl wruqK jk nj;a" ;reK mrmqr mdßfNda.slhd fjkqfjka is;Sug fm<Uùu;a Tjqkf.a wjYH;d i|yd ks¾udKYS,S úi÷ï ,nd§u;a wfmalaId flf¾'

werUqu ish mshdf.a ld¾hd,fha fldgil jir úiailg fmr" f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh yd tys ;sfnk fjkiaùu i|yd jk ks¾udKYS,S n,h flfrys ;enQ úYajdih lsisÈfkl w;afkdyf<ah' zzjir 2002 § uu fuu jHdmdrh wdrïN lf,a fofofkl=f.ka' miq l,l§ ud úiska ,xldfõ wdrïN lsÍug fhÿkq jHdmdrh i|yd weußld tlai;a ckmofhka ud ,nd.;a w;aoelSï úYd, f,i bjy,a Wkd' uQ,sl jevlghq;= j,ska miq uu iqkdñ iyk lghq;= lsysmhl ksr; ùfuka miq kej;;a f;dr;=re ;dlaIK lafIa;%hg wj;S¾K Wkd'ZZ hhs woyia m, l, ta uy;d iu. j¾;udkfha 70 jlg wêl m%udKhla fiajfhys ksr; fjhs' Tyqf.a l%shdodufha m%Odk wruqK jkafka uOH wodhï iys; rgla f,i ;reK mrmqr f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh yryd iúu;a lsÍuhs'

iqúfYaIS ùfï we.hSu Calcey Technologies wdh;kh úiska ;reK yd mdi,a orejka k.disgqùu i|yd úYd, jevfldgila bIag lrñka mj;S' idïm%odhl;ajfhka is;Sug fm<Uùu fukau lKavdhula f,i jev lsÍug wjldYh ie,iSu fukau f;dr;=re ;dlaIK wOHdmkh fhdod .ekSu ms<sn|j wjOdkh fhduqù ;sfí' ux., lreKdr;ak uy;d m%ldY lr isáfha ;ukaf.a jD;a;slhkag mjd fjkiaf,i is;Sug" kfjd;amdokhg Èߧu yryd ksjerÈ wjldYh f;dardf.k wYdfjka jevlsÍug wjldYh i,id ;sfnk njhs'

,ayhikia ,izf;Fk; jfty; njhopyE ; l;gk;.....

,aw;if vopy; nfhQ;Rk; rpq;fuh[h td kj;jpapy; fz;fSf;F Gyg;glhj e-fpuhkk;> fpuhkpa ,isQu;fspd; ,ay;ghu;e;j jpwikfis tsu;f;fTk; etPd njhopy;El;gq;fspd; kPjhd Mu;tj;jpid mjpfupf;fTk; cUthf;fg;gl;lJ. fpuhkpa tha;g;Gf;fis mjpfupg;gjw;fhd epWtdj;jpd; (FARO) jiytUk; Calcey Technologies epUtdj;jpd; ];jhgfUk; jiyik epu;thf mjpfhupAkhd kq;fy fUzhuj;Nd mtu;fs;> ,isQu;fis tsg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd Gjpa jpl;lq;fSld; etPd njhopy;El;g rhjdq;fSf;F kj;jpapy; epiwTld; jpfOk; xU MSikahFk;. ,aw;if rhfrq;fspd; urpfdhd mtu;> rpq;fuh[h tdj;jpd; kj;jpapy; cs;s fpuhkj;jpy; thOk; ,isQu;fspd; tho;f;ifapd; ey;khw;wj;jpw;fhf 10 fzdpfis ed;nfhilahf toq;fpaJld; ,d;Dk; ed;nfhilfs; toq;fTk; ehl;lk; nfhz;Ls;shu;. ,J kl;Lky;y. rPdpfhkk;> kftpyr;rpa kw;Wk; aho;g;ghzk; Mfpa ,lq;fspYs;s ,isQu;fspd; Nju;r;rp kw;Wk; tpahghu kjp$u;ikia tsu;g;gjw;fhd Kaw;rpfis jfty; njhopy;El;gk;/ BPO (tpahghu nray;Kiw Gwxg;gilg;G) mbg;gilapy; Nkw;nfhz;Ls;shu;. '30 tUl Aj;jj;jhy; Xuq;fl;lg;gl;ltu;fSf;F mjpfhuk;> njhopy; kw;Wk; tho;thjhukspj;jiy ,k;Kaw;rp gpujpgypf;fpd;wJ." 'vq;fSila Nehf;fk;> Nkk;ghL kw;Wk; njhopy;tha;g;G kPNjahFk;. thbf;ifahsu;fSf;F rhu;ghf rpe;jpf;fTk; ehq;fs; ,isQu;fis gapw;Wtpf;fpd;Nwhk;. mj;Jld; thbf;ifahsUld; ew;nwhlu;ig Vw;gLj;jTk; mtu;fSf;F Mf;fG+u;tkhd> jdpj;Jtkhd jPu;Tfis toq;fTk; ehk; ek;gpf;ifaspf;fpd;Nwhk;" vd NkYk; $wpdhu;.

Njhw;wk; 20 tUlq;fSf;F Kd; je;ijapd; mYtyfj;jpy; jd; njhopiy Muk;gpj;jjpypUe;J> jfty; njhopy;El;gj;jpd; kPjhd jd; Mu;tj;ijAk; khw;wq;fis

cUthf;Fk; mjd; Mf;fG+u;tkhd rf;jpiaAk; xU NghJk; tpl;Lf; nfhLf;ftpy;iy. '2002 Mk; Mz;by; ,uz;L Copau;fSld; Muk;gpj;Njd;. ehd; ntspehl;by; ,Ue;jJld; mq;F ngw;w mDgtk; gpw;fhyj;jpy; ,yq;ifapy; tzpf epWtdj;ij Muk;gpf;Fk; NghJ mjpf gaidf; nfhLj;jJ. rpW fhyj;jpw;Fg; gpwF Rdhkp mwg;gzpfspy; <Lgl;lJld; gpwF kPz;Lk; jfty; njhopy;El;gj;Jiwf;Fj; jpUk;gpNdd;." ,g;NghJ mtu; 70 Copau;fSf;Fj; jiytuhfj; jpfo;fpwhu;.

tpj;jpahrj;jpw;F ghuhl;Ljy;fs; 'mj;NjhL Calcey Technologies epWtdj;jpy; vq;fSila Xa;T Neuq;fspy; ,isQu;fs; kw;Wk; rpWtu;fSf;fhd epfo;r;rpfisAk; elj;Jfpd;Nwhk;. ,e;epfo;r;rpfspy; 'rpwe;jjz;zPu; Nghj;jiy" tbtikj;jy; kw;Wk; ,d;Dk; gy Rthu];akhd tpNdhjkhd> rpWtu;fis 'ngl;bf;F ntspNa" rpe;jpf;fTk; FOthf nraw;glTk; toptFf;ff; $bakw;Wk; jfty; njhopy;El;g fy;tpapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij czu;j;jf; $ba epfo;r;rpfs; cs;slq;Ffpd;wd." vdTk; $wpdhu;. 'ehDk; vd;Dila Copau;fis tpj;jpahrkhfTk; Mf;fG+u;tkhfTk; rpe;jpf;f Cf;Ftpf;fpd;Nwd;" vd Cf;fkspj;jhu;. cz;ikahnjdpy; rupahd ,lj;ij njupT nra;tJ gw;wpAk; Mu;tj;Jld; njhopy; nra;tJ gw;wpAk; <l;Lk; tUkhdk;> ,isQu;fis Nehf;fpf; FiwthfNt NgRfpwJ.





Weighing the Scales of Legal

Process Outsourcing (LPO) By Sharlene De Chickera and Dr. Nandaka Molagoda

Mr. SudathPerera

Meeting Ali Tyebkhan and SudathPerera at LegalBase, a Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) Firm, gave EDEX Magazine a number of insights and revealed some interesting facts that youth can leverage on LegalBase, located in a pleasant suburb, deals with high end legal processes for a plethora of clients in the USA, Europe, UK and the Gulf, whereby clients are given exacting solutions to their legal issues Speaking to EDEX Magazine, Tyebkhan noted that the LPO recruited law graduates from the Law Faculty of Sri Lanka or their equivalent counterparts from reputed local institutes with qualifications from affiliated foreign universities. “We have been impressed with the caliber of students from international schools, and the cream of Colombo schools, but are yet to find students who fit the bill from rural schools”, state Mr. Tyebkhan. One of the drawbacks seems to be the lack of confidence

in terms of English language competence. “We find students coming for interviews and they simply say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, and do not interact further. This does not show potential hires in the best light.”

of employment, and he says that there is potential talent in Colombo as well as rural areas. Still, students require training to groom themselves to face the corporate world in this challenging environment.

Having been in the profession for over 25 years, Mr. Perera established his own law firm over a decade ago. His firm, Sudath Perera Associates, is housed in its own elegant and cheerful building, and his long years of experience make him an eagle-eye to scout talent. Mr. Perera has created a substantial amount

“I started this firm with nothing. But I have worked hard to reach this pinnacle and engage in continuous improvement for myself and my colleagues. Nothing is impossible if you have the right mind-set and work hard”, he says. “I now even have time to dabble in wild-life photography,” he laughs.

LPOs Differ Establish the LPO

“The origins of LegalBase were in 2008, and the ethnic conflict prevalent in the country at that time was detrimental in gaining the confidence of the international clientele, as every now and then bombs were going off”, Mr. Perera says, dead-pan. “However after securing our first international client of repute, through our own ingenuity and hard-work we were able to gain the confidence of a few more. Word of mouth recommendations were vital and our credibility and business acumen stood us in good stead”, he reminisces. “Our proficiency is in Intellectual Property, Customs Recordation and Commercial Contracts. We have established high-end clientele over the years including a number of well-known and admired international brands, some of which are Fortune 500 Companies. These international clients are based in Europe the UK, USA and Latin America, and require a high level of professionalism, competency and networking to organise international lawyers and legal professionals when required,” he informed us. LegalBase has won international accolades from the “International Association for Outsourcing Professionals” as one of the top outsourcing companies in the world. Mr. Perera shows the certificate to us from a row of others, which have been won for excellence achievement in legal services and outsourcing.

LPOs differ from one to other with some focused on less complicated, more volume based work and others focused on higher-end, complex legal work. This is a traditional division in the outsourcing industry with Business Process Outsourcers (BPOs) on the lower end and Knowledge Process Outsourcers (KPO) on the higher end. In the LPO segment, more BPOstyle work includes processing legal claims, document review and collecting materials for due diligence. Training is still required, but the educational requirements are not as stringent and legal certifications often are not necessary. Higher-end LPOs are required to fit in to the echelons of advisory, such as in the case of corporate, commercial and Intellectual property, opines Perera. These more complicated KPO services require more substantial legal training and education. International exposure and experience are critical to LegalBase’s service model, and LegalBase offers that through its partners who have exposure to the British and American legal systems. “We come across students who have studies abroad or taken internal law courses which are helpful in their work contexts. Excellence in English language and presentation skills are valuable”, he notes. “We offer on the job training to bring them on par,” he adds. There has been an attraction to LPO because of the pay and also the scope of work. “Many come back to Sri Lanka after qualifying overseas, like in London and join us locally,” he says.

Mr. Alli Tyebkhan

“Our youngest recruit is just 21 years old, and we have around 15 in the team at present, with the majority being female”, he smiles. “The impetus is to work in a competing industry that has global appeal, scope and also the change to be paid well whilst having job satisfaction,” he muses. Following are some Sri Lankan advantages for youth interested to join the ranks of LPO, as per the findings of the Legal Centre for Excellence. Sri Lanka has post-war economic growth and stability, a degree of English proficiency and common law tradition, outsourcing experience (BPO, F&A and Software), a talent pool of professionals and lawyers, have lower wage costs than India and adequate infrastructure. Also, as per the same source, the essentials for youth are; English proficiency, good analytical skills, computer literacy and ability to adapt to various software interfaces and platforms, ability to work well in teams, legal qualifications, such as LLB. Some projects require licensed attorneys but Legal education is a plus but not always essential, as in low-end LPOs.





wmf.a m%:q, ksmqK;djh nqoaêuh foam< Í;Ska yd jdksc .súiqï j,g wj;S¾K ùu;a iu. b;du ckm%sh yd m%lg iud.ï rdYshlg fiajd iemhsug wmg wjldYh ,enqKd' weußldj" hqfrdamh" tlai;a rdcOdksh jeks rgj,g fiajd iemhSfï§ b;du by< uÜgfï jD;a;ShuhNdjhla yd YlH;djla ksrEmKh lsßu ;=< fiajdfõ ia:djr;ajh r|d mj;skjd

iqo;a fmf¾rd

kS;s l%shdoduhka

nyS¾lrKh kj udj;lg igyk wpd¾h kkaol fud,f.dv yd úisks mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

;reKHhg kj jD;a;Sh l%fudamdh /ila ms<sn| wjfndaOh iu. Legal Base kï kS;s l%shdoduhka nyS¾lrK iud.ul w,S gdhdíldka yd iqo;a fmf¾rd by< ±kqï yd ±laula ,nd§ug iu;aúh' fuu m%lg iud.u" weußld tlai;a ckmoh" hqfrdamh" tlai;a rdcOdksh" .,a*a l,dmh wd§ f.da,Shj úisreKq kS;s Wmfoia wjeis fndfyda ck;djg ;u fiajh imhñka isà' fuys§ fuu wdh;k i|yd Y%S ,xldfõ yd úfoaYSh úYaj úoHd,j, kS;s WmdêOrhka n|jd.kq ,nk w;r Tjqkaf.a jD;a;Sh wkd.;h yd tys mj;sk id¾:l;ajh u;

mYapd;a hqO iufha we;sjQ wd¾Ól j¾Okh yd rfÜ f.dvkexù ;sfnk ia:djr;ajh u; ukd NdId ksmqK;dj yd kS;s lafIa;%fha ±kqu fuu b;du by< uÜgfï jD;a;Sh wjia:djka u;= lrkq we;

fï ms<sn|j woyia m<lrñka iqo;a fmf¾rd uy;d m%ldY lr isáfha ;uka fuu iud.u wdrïN lrkúg ;ukag lsisjla fkd;snqKq j;a ;ukaf.a wêl lemùu yd ffO¾hh" Tyqf.a iy Tyqf.a iudkhkaf.a ±lau u; ;uka fuu ia:dkhg <.djQ njhs' jir 25 l kS;s lafIa;%fha w;a±lSï iys;j ;u jHdmdrhg wj;SrK jQ iqo;a fmf¾rd uy;d mq¿,a úIh ±kqu yd m%fhda.sl w;a±lSï iys;j b;d by< uÜgulg ;u jHdmdrh m;afldg ;sfí' tmuKlao fkdj j¾;udkfha§ fndfyda .%dóh yd kd.ßl m%cdjg ;u yelshdfjka fiajdjka yd /lshd wjia:djka rdYshla imhd ;sfí'

kS;s l%shdoduhka ia:dmkh ùu

w,S gdhdíldka

b;du wdl¾YkSh lafIa;%hla jk fï i|yd .%dóh ;reK ;reKshka mjd we§ tñka mj;S' kuq;a fuys§ fndfyda fokdg .eg¨jla ù ;sfnkafka bx.%Sis NdIdj ms<sn| m%ùK;ajhhs'

j¾I 2008 § muK ckjd¾.sl w¾nqo ld, iSudfõ§ cd;Hka;rj kS;suh wdOdr iemhSug Tjqkg wjldY ,enqks' b;du ÿIalr ld,hl§ tu ld¾hhka id¾:l;ajhg m;aúu iu. fiajd ,nd.;a whf.a ks¾foaYhka yd fyd| fiajdjka iemhSfuys m%;sM, ,enqKq nj fmf¾rd uy;d m%ldY lf<a w;S;h wdj¾ckh lrñks'

zzwmf.a m%:q, ksmqK;djh nqoaêuh foam< Í;Ska yd jdKsc .súiqï j,g wj;S¾K ùu;a iu. b;du ckm%sh yd m%lg iud.ï rdYshlg fiajd iemhsug wmg wjldYh ,enqKd' weußldj" hqfrdamh" tlai;a rdcOdksh jeks rgj,g fiajd iemhSfï§ b;du by< uÜgfï jD;a;ShuhNdjhla yd YlH;djla ksrEmKh lsßu ;=< fiajdfõ ia:djr;ajh r|d mj;skjdZZ fmf¾rd uy;d ;jÿrg;a m%ldY lf<ah' fï wdldrhg kS;s l%shdj,Ska nyS¾lrKh lsßu tllska tllg fjkia iajrEmhla .kS' tys§ iuyrla .eUqre kS;suh ldrKd jk w;r iuyrla tfia fkdfõ' tys§ jHdmdr l%shdj,ska nysrlrKh m%d:ñla ldrKdjla jk w;r ±kqï l%shdj,ska nyS¾lrKh fuys by< wka;hla mj;S' tu l%shdj,sfha§ kS;s ysñlï" ,smsf.dkq iólaIKh yd tla/ia lsßu jHdmdr l%shdj,ska nyS¾lrKh lsßug wod, jk w;r Tnf.a kHdhd;aul ±kqu fuhg wod,jkafka b;du iq¿ jYfhks' kuq;a th nqoaêuh foam<" jdKsc kS;suh ldrKd j,§ by< uÜgfï kS;suh ±kqula wjYH jk nj fmkShhs' wka;¾cd;sl w;a±lSu yd kS;suh YlHd;dj, ksmqK;dj

weußld yd ì%;dkH ks;s l%shdj,ska wOHhkh lsßu ;=< ,nd.ekSu l< yelsh' wka;¾cd;slj Tn ,nk wOHdmkh lafIa;%fha ia:djr úug ukd msgqjy,la nj Tjqkf.a u;hhs' tys§ ;u fiajdlhskag /lshd mqyqKq ,ndÈu yryd m%ñ;s.; fiajlhska ks¾udKh lsßu l< yelsh' tys ld¾hNdrh yd f.úï ms<sn| i,lk úg fuh wdl¾YkSh lafIa;%hla njg m;aj ;sfí' zzwmf.a ,nd,u /lshd,dNshdg jhi wjqreÿ 21hs' 13 fofkla muK fiajfha fh§isákjd' ta w;ßka fndfyda fofkla ldka;djkaZZ Tyq iskyfjñka mejeish' mYapd;a hqO iufha we;sjQ wd¾Ól j¾Okh yd rfÜ f.dvkexù ;sfnk ia:djr;ajh u; ukd NdId ksmqK;dj yd kS;s lafIa;%fha ±kqu fuu b;du by< uÜgfï jD;a;Sh wjia:djka u;= lrkq we;' mß.Kl wjfndaOh" úYaf,aIKuh fl!Y,Hh fukau Tn kS;s{fhl= f,i m%ùK;ajhg meñKsu Tnf.a jD;a;Suh ia:djr;ajh ia:dms; lrkq we;'




rl;l nra;Kiw ntsptoq;fypd; mstpidr; rPu;J}f;fy; - -

~hHyPd; B rpf;Nfuh> itj;jpaH> ee;jf nkhynfhl jkpopy; - utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;

myp ilngu;fhd; kw;Wk; Rjj; ngNuuh MfpNahiu LawBase vd;fpw rl;l nra;Kiw ntsptoq;Fk; (Legal Process Outsourcing - 'LPO') epWtdk; xd;wpy; re;jpj;j Ntisapy; EDEX rQ;rpiff;fhd re;jpj;jNghJ vspikahdJk; Mokhd fUj;jhly; nfhz;lJk; ,isQu;fSf;F jPu;f;fkhd rpe;jidfisj; jUtpf;f $baJkhd mDgtk; xd;wpid ngwf;$bajhf ,Ue;jJ.

njhlu;r;rpahd ciog;gpd; %yNk ,e;j msTf;Ff; fl;b vOg;gp ,Uf;fpNwhk;. Neu;ikahd rpe;jidAk; Fiyahj Nehf;Fk; ,Ue;jhy; cyfpy; vJTNk rhj;jpak;" vd;Wk; njuptpj;jhu;.

kpf cau;ju rl;l nrad;KiwfisAk; njspthdJk; nghUj;jkdhdJkhd rl;l jPu;TfisAk; mnkupf;f> INuhg;gpa ehLfspd; thbf;ifahsu;fSf;F toq;Ffpd;w epWtdNk LegalBase MFk;. EDEX rQ;rpiff;fhd nrt;tpapy;> ,yq;if rl;lgPlq;fspy; ,Ue;Jk; my;yJ mjw;F epfuhd ju rl;lg; gbg;gpidf; nfhz;l jdpahu; epWtq;fspy; ,Ue;Jk; epiwa gl;ljhupfs; jk;Kld; ,ize;J nfhs;tjhf myp ilngu;fhd; njuptpj;jhu;.

,Ue;J ru;tNjr gl;lk; ngw;Wf; nfhz;lij epidT $Wk; NghJ mij jhd; kpfTk; nfsutk; tha;e;j jUzkhf fUJtjhfTk; jk; Nritf;F fpilj;j mq;fPfhuNkd;Wk; njuptpj;jhu;.

jukhd rl;l mwpT nfhz;l khztu;fs; ru;tNjr ghlrhiyfs; kw;Wk; nfhOk;G ghlrhiyfspy; ,Ue;J fpilf;fpd;w NghJk; trjp Fiwe;j khtl;lg; ghlrhiyfspy; ,Ue;J fpilf;fpd;w msT kpff;FiwT vd;Wk; mtu; Fwpg;gpl;lhu;.

MdhYk; KjyhtJ ru;tNjr thbf;ifahsUf;F Fwpj;j fhyj;jpw;Fs; jpwikahd Kiwapy; rl;l ntsptoq;fy; jPu;tpid ngw;Wf; nfhLj;j gpwF Ra ek;gpf;if tsu;e;jjhfTk; ru;tNjrr; re;ijapid tpupT gLj;j cjtpajhfTk; njuptpj;jhu;.

Mq;fpy mwptpd; kPjhd gak; ek;gpf;ifapd;ikiaj; Njhw;Wtpg;gjhf mtu; njuptpj;jhu;. 'Mk;"> ',y;iy" vd;gij jhz;b Ngr rpy Neu;fhzypy; gq;Fgw;Wk; khztu;fs; $r;rg;gLtjhfTk; njuptpj;jhu;.'ehq;fs; Fwpj;j kl;lj;jpyhd Neu;ikahd rpe;jidiaAk; vjpu;ghu;fpNwhk;" vd ngNuuh njuptpj;jhu;. mtu; trjp Fiwe;j khtl;l khztu;fspy; rl;lf; fy;tp eydpy; Kd;Ndw;wj;ijf; nfhz;L tu KbAkhd midj;J eltbf;iffisAk; nra;a tpUg;gg;gLtjhf njuptpj;jhu;.

'mwpTrhu; nrhj;J> xg;ge;jq;fs;> Rq;f mDkjp Nghd;wd vq;fspd; gpujhd rl;l mq;fq;fs;. 'Fortune 500" epWtdq;fs;> ru;tNjr Gfo;tha;e;j gd;dhl;Lf; fk;gdpfSf;F INuhg;gpa mnkupf;f yj;jPd; mnkupf;f ehLfSf;F mjp cau; njhopy;El;g trjpfSld; $ba njhopy; Neu;j;jpkpf;f G+uz jukhd jFjp tha;e;j Nritfis toq;FfpNwhk;" vdTk; njuptpj;jhu;.

25 tUlq;fs; gioikahd epWtdj;jpd; kpf Kf;fpa nghWg;gpy; ,Uf;fpd;w ngNuuh jukhd gapw;Wtpj;jy; %yk; jpwikahd vjpu;fhy jiyKiwia fl;b vOg;gyhk; vd ek;Gfpwhu;. ',e;j epWtdk; Muk;gpf;Fk; NghJ vd;dplk; vJTNk ,Uf;ftpy;iy. vd;DilaJk; ez;gu;fSilaJk;

ngNuuhtpd; gpuj;jpNaf miw mtUila ePz;lfhy jd;dpfuw;w fbd ciog;Gf;Fk; rhjidf;Fk; rhd;W gfu;e;jJ. 'International Association for Outsourcing Professionals" mikg;gplk;

LegalBase LPO cUthf;fk; ',e;epWtdk; 2008k; Mz;L cUthf;fg;gl;lNghJ elg;gpypUe;j cs;ehl;L ,dg;gpsT Aj;jk; fhuzkhf ru;tNjr thbf;ifahsu;fspd; ftdj;ij <u;g;gJ fbdkhf ,Ue;jJ." vd ngNuuh njuptpj;jhu;.

LPO epWtdq;fs; jk;Ks; NtWgl;lit. rpy epWtdq;fs; Fiwe;j gl;r mwpT epuk;gYld; nraw;glf; $bait. Mtzg;gLj;jy;> ,izg;gpid Vw;gLj;jy; Nghd;w mbg;gil Nritfis toq;Fgit. ,tw;Wf;Fg; Nghjpa tpidj;jpwDld; nraw;glNt rl;l gpd;GyKs;s ,isQu;fs; Njitg;gLfpwhu;fs;.


Nrit toq;Fdu;fshd

LPO epWtdq;fs; rl;l mwpTiu>

epWtd> tpahghu> mwpTrhu; rl;l cjtpfis toq;Ffpd;wd vd NkYk; njuptpj;jhu;. mnkupf;f ,q;fpyhe;J rl;l mikg;gpid njupe;J nfhz;Ls;s jk; gq;Fjhuu;fs; %yk; ru;tNjr re;ijapy; fhy;jlk; gjpj;jj;ik %yk; rl;l mDgtq;fs; epiwa fpilj;jjhf njuptpj;jhu;. jukhd ,isQu;fisj; Nju;e;njLj;J njhopy; gapw;rp toq;FtjhfTk; njuptpj;jhu;. ey;y rk;gsk; kw;Wk; jpwikahd Ntiy fhuzkhf LPO epWtq;fspd; Nky; gyj;j ftu;r;rp ,Ug;gJld; gy ntspehl;by; gl;lg;gbg;G Kbe;j gl;ljhupfs; ,yq;iff;F jpUk;gp tUk;NghJ jk;Kld; ,ize;J nfhs;tjhfTk; njuptpj;jhu;. Vwj;jhs 15 Ngu; nfhz;l mzpapd; taJ Fiwe;j egu; 21 taNj epuk;gpajhfTk; ngUk;ghd;ik ngz;fNs ,Ug;gjhfTk; mtu; njuptpj;jhu;. ru;tNjr mq;fPfhuk; kpf;f Nghl;b epiwe;j re;ijapy; cj;Ntfj;Jld; nraw;gl J}z;Ljyhd kfpo;r;rp epiwe;j mikg;ghf jhd; ,Ug;gjhfTk; mtu; njuptpj;jhu;. LPO epWtdq;fspy; ,iza tpUk;Gk; cs;ehl;L ,isQu;fSf;F fpilf;f$ba ed;ikfs;>

Aj;jj;jpd; gpd;duhd rPu; nghUshjhu tsu;r;rp> Mq;fpy mwpT kw;Wk; nghJ rl;l Nju;r;rp> ntsptoq;fs; mDgtk;> jukhd rl;l ty;Ydu;fs;> NghJkhd fl;Lkhd trjp kw;Wk; Fiwe;j nryT. ,isQu;fSf;fhd fl;lhaj; Njitfs;: Mq;fpy mwpT> MuhAk; jpwd;> fzpdp mwpT> ntt;NtW nkd;nghUspidg; ghtpf;Fk; mDgtk;> FO xw;Wik> rl;l jFjp (LLB). rpy nraw;wpl;lq;fspd; nghJ rl;l uPjpapy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l ty;Ydu;fs; kl;LNk gq;Fngw KbAk;. MapDk; rl;l fy;tp rpy mbg;gil Njit rhu; epWtq;fspy; xU Fiwe;j gl;r NjitahfNt ,Uf;fpwJ. LPO, KPO, BPO vd;gdtw;wpy; Nkyjpf jfty;fisg; ngw tpUk;GNthu; ,t;tpjopd; MrpupaUld; njhlu;G nfhs;s KbAk;.


Careers Chart

Careers chart

KPO fCIa;%fha /lshd wjia:d lsysmhla KPO Jiwfspy; Ntiytha;g;G wxYh Jiw Sector

wxYh Jiw Sector

toptiffs; Avenues in KPO

wdrïNl ;k;=r njhlf;fg;Gs;sp Starting Position

wjYH iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoao jFjp / mDgtk; Qualifications/ experience required

jegqm ^remsh,a& rk;gsk; (LKR) Salary LKR

Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:d cau; gjtp tha;g;Gfs; Promotional prospects and career options

uQ,H .sKqïlrKh epjp fzf;fpay; Financial Accounting

.sKqï iydhl cjtp fzf;fhsu; Accounts Associate

CIMA fldgil iqÿiqlï imsÍu ACCA, ICASL Wmdêh fyda wod, jD;a;shuh iqÿiqlï iu. wju jYfhka udi 6l m<mqreoao CIMA, ACCA, ICASL gFjp jifik my;yJ nghUj;jkhd gl;l/njhopy; jifik Fiwe;jgl;rk; MW khj mDgtj;Jld; Part qualified in CIMA, ACCA, ICASL, Degree or relevant professional qualification - with at least 6 months experience

15,000 – 75,000

fcHIaG .sKqï iydhl isg l<uKdlre olajd rpNu\;l fzf;fhsu; / Kfhikahsu; Snr Accounts Associate to Manager

uQ,H m¾fhaIK epjpaha;T Financial Research

úYaf,aIl Ma;thsu; Analyst

CFA, CPA, CIMA, ACCA, CA iqÿiqlï, jifik, qualification

40,000 – 300,000

úYaf,aIl isg ksl=;a lsÍï l<uKdlre olajd mrdihl wjia:d / Ma;thsu; Kjy; tpepNahf Kfhikahsu; tiu / Ranges from Analyst to Delivery Manager

m%udKd;aul m¾fhaIK mstpay; Ma;T Quantitative Research

úYaf,aIl Ma;thsu; Analyst

.Ks;h wd¾Ól úoHdj" ixLHdk úoHdj fyda bxðfkare iïnkaê; Wmdê fzpjk;> nghUspay;> Gs;spapay; kw;Wk; nghwpapay; rhu; gl;lq;fs; Mathematics, Economics, Statistics or engineering related degrees

50,000 – 350,000

úYaf,aIl isg ksl=;a lsÍï l<uKdlre olajd mrdihl wjia:d / Ma;thsu; Kjy; tpepNahf Kfhikahsu; tiu Ranges from Analyst to Delivery Manager

merd - ffk;sl wkq.%yh rl;l cjtp Para – Legal support

ks;s iyhl $ fcHIaG kS;s iydhl rl;l cjtpahsu; / rpNu\;l rl;l cjtpahsu; Legal Associate / Snr Legal Associate

jHla; bx.%Sis NdId yelshdj iu. kS;s Wmdêh fyda kS;s Wmdê wfmaCIlfhl= ùu rl;l gl;ljhup / ,sepiy gl;ljhup> rpwe;j Mq;fpy mwpT Undergraduate or fresh graduate in Law with exceptional English language skills

20,000 – 50,000 ^wOHdmk uÜgu yd ikaksfõok yelshdj u; fuu jegqma m%udK fjkiaafõ& / 20>000 - 50>000 (fy;tp> njhlu;ghly; jpwd;fspy; jq;fpAs;sJ) 20,000 – 50,000 (depends on educational level and communication skills)

fcHIaG iyldr $ õfYaI{ / rl;l ty;Yeu; Snr Associate / Specialist

ffjoH kUj;Jtk; Medical

iyldr $ fÊHIG iyldr cjtpahsu; / rpNu\;l cjtpahsu; Associate / Snr Associate

bxðfkare $ f;dr;=re ;dCIKh $ l<uKdlrK $ udkj iïm;a $ .sKqïlrK $ uQ,H $ Ôj - ffjoH wxYj, Wmdê wfmaCIlfhl= ùu iu. ukd bx.%Sis NdId ikaksfõok yelshdj / nghwpapay; / IT / Kfhikj;Jtk; / kdpjtsk; / fzf;fpay; / epjp / kUj;Jt ,sepiy gl;ljhup> Nju;e;j Mq;fpy mwpT / Undergraduate in Engineering/ IT/Management/HR/ Accounting/Finance/Bio-Medical with good communication skills in English.

30,000 – 75,000

lKavdhï kdhl $ õfYaI{ / mzpj;jiytu; / Kfhikahsu; Team Lead/Manager

f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh

ÿria: ;dCIK wkq.%y iyldr njhiynjhopy;El;g cjtpahsu; Remote Tech Support Associate

mdßfNda.sl $ ;dCIKsl iydhlfhl= f,i wju jYfhka jir 1-2 l m<mqreoao" jHla; bx.%Sis NdId yelshdj iy fodaIdfõCIK yelshdj / thbf;ifahsu;> njhopy;El;g Nritapy; Fwpj;j gl;rk; 1-2 tUl mDgtk;> Mq;fpy mwpT> gOJ ePf;Fk; jpwd; At least 1 – 2 years’ experience in customer / technical support, Exceptional English language and troubleshooting skills

uQ,H yd .sKqïlrKh epjp / fzf;fpay; Finance & Accounting

KPO ys uxfm;a KPO %ykhd

wkq wxYh cg Jiw Sub-sector

ffk;sl rl;lk; Legal

Information Technology

uDÿldx. m%j¾Ol / nkd;nghUs; mikg;ghsu; / Software Development ;;a;aj wdrCIl / ju Ma;thsu; Quality Assurance

mß>Kl úoHdjg iïnkaê; bxðfkareuh Wmdê fzpdpj;Jiw rhu; nghwpapay; gl;lf; fy;tp Computer science related Engineering degree

30,000 – 50,000

úúO wod, ;k;=re njhlu;Gila gy;NtW gjtpfs; Various related roles

40,000 – 400,000

uDÿldx. m%j¾Ol - uDÿldx. ks¾udK Ys,amS nkd;nghUs; tbtikg;ghsu; / cw;gj;jpahsu; Software Developer - Software Architect

p,k Ñ;%mg mK.kajkakd gl mikg;ghsu; / Movie Animators ie,iqï ks¾udK tbtikg;G Design


%ykhd toptiffs; Avenues in BPO/ KPO

iïnkaOlrK uOHia:dk njhlu;G epiyak; Contact Centre

jdia;= úoHdj fl;blf;fiy Architecture

mqyqKqjk jdia;= úoHd{ / fl;blf;fiy gapYdu; Trainee Architect

jdia;= úoHdj ms<sn| úoHdfõ§ Wmdêh ^fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,h - lgqneoao& î wd¾É fyda jdia;= úoHd mdGud,dfõ m<uq fldgi ^isá ial+,a Tma wd¾lsfglag¾ CSA& fm!oa.,sl / B.Sc Architecture (nkhul;Lt gy;fiyf;fofk;); B Arch my;yJ gFjpfs; (City School of Architecture - CSA) Private / B.Sc Architecture (University of Moratuwa at Katubedde) B Arch or Part 1 of the Course (City School of Architecture - CSA) Private

iïnkaOlrK uOHia:dk iyldr njhlu;G epiya cjtpahsu; Contact Centre Associate

mdßfNda.sl fiajdj ms<sn| l=i,;djh iu. jHla; bx.%Sis NdId yelshdj Nju;e;j Mq;fpy mwpT> thbf;ifahsu; Nrit vz;zk; Exceptional English language skills with aptitude for customer service

fcHIaG iïnkaOlrK uOHia:dk iyldr rpNu\;l njhlu;G epiya cjtpahsu; Snr Contact Centre Associate

ÿrl:k ms<sn| mdßfNda.sl fiajdj iïnkaOj wju jYfhka jirl iqúfYaIS m<mqreoao / njhiyNgrpA+lhd xU tUl thbf;ifahsu; Nrit mDgtk;> Nju;e;j Mq;fpy mwpT At least 1 year experience in phone based customer services work, Exceptional English language skills with aptitude for customer service.

;;a;aj wdrCIl / ju Ma;thsu; Quality Assurance

mdßfNda.sl fiajdj ms<sn| wju jYfhka jir 2l m<mqreoao" jHla; bx.%%Sis NdId yelshdj iy úYaf,aIl $ mqyqKq lsÍï yelshdj / ,U tUl thbf;ifahsu; Nrit mDgtk;> Nju;e;j Mq;fpy mwpT> gapw;Wdu; jpwd; / At least 2 years’ experience in customer services work, Exceptional English language skills and analytical / coaching skills


20,000 – 25,000

25,000 – 35,000

30,000 – 40,000

jr,;a jdia;= úoHd{ gl;la epu;khzpg;ghsu; Chartered Architect

fcHIaG iïnkaOlrK uOHia:dk iyldr rpNu\;l njhlu;G epiya cjtpahsu; Snr Contact Centre Associate lKavdhï kdhl $ iyldr lKavdhï kdhl fyda ;;a;aj wdrCIl mzpj;jiytu; / gpujp mzpj;jiytu; Team Leader / Asst Team Leader lKavdhï kdhl mzpj;jiytu; Team Leader




Ôj;afjkak bf.k.kak igyk ;drl wurfiak úisks

f,dalfha Ôj;ajk yeu i;ajfhlau uefrk fudfyd; jkf;lau bf.kSul fhfokjd' <orefjl= ;u ujf.ka lsß Wrdfndk fudfydf;a mgkau l=ula fyda Ys,amhl m%ùk;ajh ,nñka ;uka bkakd ;ekska bÈßhg meñkSughs W;aidy lrkafka' tys§ ;uka Wm;ska /f.k tk iyc l=i,;d" úúO l%ufõo yryd tuÕska Tmakxjd .ekSug mqoa.,hd ksrka;rj fufyhjkafka ksrka;rfhka oekqu fiùug Tjqka ;=< mj;akd l=;=y,h ksihs' ta wkqj mqoa.,fhl= ;uka Wmka fudfydf;a mgka urKSh fudfyd; olajdu w;aú¢k w;aoelSï Ys,amSh {dkhla f,i j¾Okh ùug w;HjYHu idOlh jkafka oekqu flakaø lr.;a bf.kSuhs' j¾;udk l%ufõo" wOHdmk m%;sm;a;s Èy n,kfldg bf.kSu lshkafka Ôú;fhau fldgila fkdj ;j;a tla fldgila muKhs' tys§ udkjhd ;=< ienE bf.kSfï udkisl;ajhla we;slsÍu fjkqjg lsÍug fm<ö ;sfnkafka flfia fyda yUd f.dia w;am;a lr.ekSfï udkisl;ajhlg k;= lsÍuhs' tys§ tla tla ;r.hka yd n,dfmdfrd;a;= f.dkakla orefjl=g ,nd§ Tyq fyda weh ta flfrys flúglska ;,d fyda fufyhùula ;uhs wmg oel.; yelsjkafka' tfyu ke;=j tu orejdg fuu b.ekqfï uQ,sl wruqK jgyd §ula isÿ fkdjk ;rï' fndfydaúg hdka;%sl" iajdNdúl fkdjQ ñksiqka ìysùug uQ,slu fya;=j njg m;aj ;sfnkafka fuhhs' mka;s ldurfha§ ks¾udkYS,sfhl= fkdjk flfkla ljodj;a ld¾hd,fha§ fyda iudcfha§ ks¾udkYS,sfhla fjkafka kE' fudlo fya;=j Ôú;fha uq,a wjêfhau ta orejdf.a ks¾udKYS,S ishÆ l=i,;d wmúiskau fudg lsÍu úh yelsh' wfma uq¿ wOHdmk l%uhu iliafj,d ;sfhkafka jrola lf,d;a ovqjï lrk wdldrhg muKhs' ovqjï l< hq;af;a jeßÈ yß lrkjg fkdfjhs' fkdlr bkakjg' kuq;a wms yeuodu w;ajer§ï j,g fyda fodaIj,g o~qjï lsÍu ksidu orejkaf.a ks¾udKYS,S l=i,;d bÈßhg tkak bvla yo,d kE' ta yskaod ;uhs wfma mka;s ldurj, bkafka fydog jevlrk <uhs lsysmfokhs' ta <uhs yeuodu bkafka biairy kuq;a wks;a <uhs biairyg tkafka ljodo @ wkak todg ;uhs oekqu lshk idOlh uQ,sl;ajh ,nd.kafka'

ta ksid bf.kSu lshk ud;Dldjg fjkia w¾:l;k ,nd§fï ld,h t<ö ;sfnkjd' bf.kSu iïnkaOfhka UNESCO úiska wjOdrkhg fhduqlr lreKq 4la my; ±lafõ' bka m<uqjekak ;uhs oek.ekSug bf.kSu ^Learning to Know&' wfma uq¿ wOHdmk l%ufõohu iliaúh hq;af;a fukak fï m<uq wruqK bIag lr.ekSughs' tkï ´kEu wfhla bf.kSu l,hq;af;a oek.ekSughs' tys§ ir<ju .;fyd;a fydÈka oek.ekSu b;d jeo.;a' fuys§;a uQ,sl lreKq lsysmhla flfrys wjOdkh fhduqlsÍu jákjd' ta ;uhs ;uka fkdokakd foa ms<sn|j oek.ekSug bf.kSu" okakd ksjerÈ foa jvd j¾Okh lr.ekSug bf.kSu" oekisá jerÈ foa ksjerÈ lr.ekSug bf.kSu hk ldrKd fï w;r m%Odk;u ldrKd úêhg i,lkak mq¿jka' fï ishÆ wruqKq i|yd fydÈka oek.ekSug bf.kSfuys fhfok flfkla wksjd¾hfhkau kj oekqu fidhkafkla njg m;afjkjd' wms ld¾hd,j, wkka; wm%udKj oel, ;sfhkjd l,ska lrmq ksid wms fï úÈhg lruq lsh, lrk wh ´kE ;rï' wms Bfh;a lf<a fïl fï úÈhguhs' kuq;a Bfha lshkafka ms¿Kq jqk ojila ñil w¨;a ojila fkfuhs' oekqu;a tfiauhs' fojeks ldrKh ;uhs lsÍug bf.kSu ^Learning to do&' wms w;f¾ Ôj;ajk fndfydafofkla W;aidy lrkafka hula lsÍug fkdfjhs' th fkdlsÍughs' tla w;lg fuh;a mdi,a ld,fha isgu yqrejk fohla' Tnu ys;, n,kak Tng l=vd ld,fha§ Tn hula lrkak W;aidy lrkfldg lSfofkla Tng tmd lsh, ;sfhkjo@ t;ekskau Tnf.a w;ayodne,Sï l=i,;dj uÕ yefrkjd' wOHdmkh lshkafka ksjerÈj lsÍug bf.kSuhs' tys§ uq,§ jrÈk foa ksjerÈ lrf.k bÈßfha§ th ;j;a fyd¢ka lsÍug wjldYh ie,iSu b;du jeo.;a' ta wkqj wms hula lrkafka oekqñka kï wfma w;ayodne,Sï ldgj;a ydkslr hula fjkafka kE' tal f,dalhu uú; lrjk kj ks¾udKhla ùfï wjldYh fndfydu jeähs' ;=kajk ldrKdj ;uhs tlg Ôj;aùug bf.kSu^Learning to live together&' f,dalh fyda b;du l=vd iudc tall ms<sn|j wjOdkh

fhduql<;a fuu iuÕsh yd iudodkh lshk ldrkdj neyer lsÍug fkdyels ldrKhla' tlu mjq,l idudðlhska w;f¾ mjd ;sfnk úrilùï yd wjfYaI ldrKd foi ie,ls,su;aj neÆfjd;a we;a;gu wms tlg iyfhda. fhka Ôj;afj,d ;sfhkafka b;du iSñ; ld,hla muKhs' tal we;a;gu l=vd ld,fha isgu wmsj ksr; lrjk wOHdmk l%ufhau m%Yakhla' l=vdl, isgu orejdg fouõmshka yqrelrjkafka ;rÕldÍ wOHdmk rgdjlg' ta lshkafka wksjd¾hfhkau wfkldg jvd tl ,l=Kla yß .; hq;=hs lshk udkisl;ajhghs' tl w;lg wOHdmk wjia:d b;du úr, rgl fouõmshka ;ukaf.a orejka ms<sn|j tfia is;Su jrola fkdfjhs' tfy;a iyfhda.h" iyÔjkh yd iyuka;%Kh W.kajkafka fkdue;s wOHdmk l%uhl§ wmg wkd.;h .ek ys;kakg fjkafka w;sYh r¿ yeÕSulska' ta ksid wOHdmk l%uh ;=<§u zzoekquZZ yqjudre udOHhla lr.; fyd;a fï lshk ish,q wNsfhda. wmg ch.%yKh lsÍfï wjldYh ;sfnkjd' y;rjk ldrKh ;uhs Èú meje;aug bf.kSu ^Learning to be& fuh by; ldrKd ;%s;ajfhysu ixl,khla ksjerÈ' flfkla ksjerÈj oek.;af;d;a" ksjerÈ foa muKla lf<d;a" iyfhda.fhka yd iyÔjkfhka Ôj;a jqfKd;a b;du fyd| Ôú;hla .; lsÍu ta ;rï wudre ldrKdjla fkfuhs' tys§ Tn ie,ls,su;a ùug wjYH jkafka wka whg" iudchg lrorhla fkdù Ôj;aùug Tn fld;rï fmdfydi;ao hkakhs' fï ish,a, wkqj j¾;udkfha wOHdmkh ;=< oekqu b;du flakaøSh NQñldjla ksrEmKh lrk nj meyeÈ,shs' ta ksidu oekqu uq,a;ekg m;ajk iudchl wjYH;dj jkafka nyq fldaKSh ^Multi Dimentional& olaI;d j,ska ukqIHfhl== ìyslsÍuhs' ;j;a wldrfhka lsjfyd;a Tn wkd.;fha is;sh hq;af;a bmhSu .ek fkdj bmhSug wjYH oekqfuka ;uka fmdfydi;ao hk j.hs' fuu lreK rialska my; mßÈ ukdj .,md we;' zzwOHdmkfha ienE mrud¾:h l¿fldaÜ oeuq cx.u ;¾l .%ka:hla ìyslsÍug fkdj" wd;au YslaIKfhka fyì Wodr mqoa.,fhl= fodrg jeãuhsZZ



Live to Learn By Tharaka Amarasena. Translated by Sharlene De Chickera

From birth to grave, human beings are engaged in a continuous learning process. From infancy, when a baby suckles its mother and drinks milk, to the time he or she grows and becomes a professional one day, learning is an integral part of life. As human beings we are born with intrinsic talents, and the insatiable need in life seems to be a curiosity to learn. As such, the innate desire we human beings possess from ‘womb’ to ‘tomb’ and through skills development, is an inherent drive to experience life and have a worthwhile education. When we evaluate modern systems, and education systems we note that education is not life in its entirety, but a facet of life only. The desire for education should be inculcated in the child, and the pursuit of education should not be negatively conditioned, with detrimental punishments. The process of educating a child should be systematic and positively conditioned. One reason for children or youth to be ‘robotic-like’, is because of artificial conditioning of the mind. A child’s creativity should not be curbed in the class-room, as this creativity should flow seamlessly in to other spheres of later life, even in the office or in society at large. The negative aspect of our education system seems to be geared to punish a child for a wrong done. The ideal is not to keep punishing a child, but to refrain a child from doing the wrong in the first place. This orientation could result in

stifling the creativity of children. This is why we seem to have a few select students doing well in class. The other talents and creativity does not get championed. It is time that we need to change our attitude towards education and its true value. This article explores 4 ways that will create an attitudinal change as described by UNESCO's four pillars of Education.

Learning to Know

This aspect is fundamental and conducive to learning. The first step should be based on learning to know, to acquire knowledge. This premise has scope to learn what we do not know, also to develop what we know, to know better, and to correct the wrong, be it wrong thinking, or, wrong ways of learning. This principle helps people to put aside old ways of thinking, and embrace new ways of doing things effectively.

Learning to Do

In this context, we are motivated to do something, to take action. Most often than not we are inactive and passive. This principle spurs us in to action. Thin back a moment on your own childhood, and how you may have been deterred from doing something? Within the context of education, learning to do, guides a person to do the right thing. There is also freedom to pursue the right path, being educated and also enlightened. A youth can also create and be innovative if he or she learns to do the right thing.

Learning to Live Together Learning to live together in peace and harmony is the hallmark of being educated. Most often people can live or work together for a short span of time. The reason for that is children are pushed by their parents to be competitive and to win at all odds. However, a robust education system has to incorporate togetherness, unity and solidarity to ensure students are successful in a collective societal context. Thus, education should be the conduit that forges communities together to live and work in peace and harmony.

Learning to Be Learning to be encompasses the above three and creates an enlightened mind to live and work efficiently and effectively in a holistic way. Correct thinking, behaviour and attitudes become the norm. It is based on these principles that a person can evolve to becoming a multi-dimensional individual who is self-actualised. As John Ruskin so aptly said, “Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.”



Sustainability frda.Skaf.a fmda,sï ixLHdj y;r isg fol olajd wvqù ;sfí' frda.skakg meñK fyda ish cx.u ÿrl:kh yryd m%;sldr i|yd fõ,djla fjkalr .ekSug ,shdmÈxÑ ùu l< yelsh' zzidudkHfhka mehl ld, mrdihla i|yd wm frda.Ska mia fokfl=g wjia:dj fjka lrkjd' Èklg frda.Ska we;=<;alr .ekSï 50la muKo idudkHfhka isÿflfrk w;r jrlg frda.Ska 80 la iuÕ fkajdislj m%;sldr ,nkjd' Èklg frday,g meñfKk 400 - 450 la muK jk frda.Ska ish,af,dau fuu l%ufhka m%;s,dN ,nkjdZZ hehs ffjoH l=,;s,l uy;d wm yd mejiSh' frdayf,a wêldÍ;ajh úiska 2015 jir zzM,odhs;d jirZZ f,i kï lr we;'

fodïfm frday,g msúiSu

wdYa j dokS h w;a±lSuls

;dCIKsl wkq.%yh

ffjoH iuka l=,;s,l

mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

fodïfm - fo,af.dv ud¾.fha merKs mkakfha f.dvke.s,s iuQyhlska iukaú;j ;=re jÿ<ska fijk jQ wlalr myl N+ñ Nd.hl fuu frday, msysgd we;' ffjoHjreka 10 fofkl= yd 38 fofkl=f.ka iukaú;jQ fyo ld¾h uKav,hla úiska Èkm;d frda.Ska 50-60l muK m%udKhlg m%;sldr ie,fik fuu frdayf,a lukSh mßirh B-frday,la jYfhka ld¾hCIu f;dr;=re ;dCIK moaO;shlska mßmQ¾K fõ' kj B- frday,a ixl,amh Y%S ,xldfõ cd;sl frday,a moaO;sfha úYsIaG l%shdldß;ajhg kj w¾:l;khka imhhs' weußld tlai;a ckmofha yd iajiag¾,ka;fha fi!LH fiajd wxYfha m%ùKhska mjd fodïfm frdayf,a w;a±lSï ;=<ska wOHhkh i|yd tys meñK ;sfí' ffjoH iuka l=,;s,l uy;d yd Tyqf.a ld¾h uKav,h úiska fuys isÿjk l%shdj,sh ms<sn|j;a ta ;=,ska frda.ska yd ld¾h uKav,hg taldldrfhkau w;ajk m%;s,dN ms<sn|j;a isÿl, fy<sorõjg wms ijka ÿksuq' zzwm fuu l%shd ms<sn| wdrïN lf<a 2010 j¾Ifha § ffjoHjreka fofofkl= yd fyo ld¾h uKav,h lsysm fofkl=f.ks' fï jk úg ffjoHjreka 10 fofkl= yd fyo ld¾h uKav,h 38 fofkl=f.ka hqla;j wmyg Wmßu ld, l<uKdlrKfhka yd frda.skag mQ¾K fiajdjkaf.ka hqla;j ld¾hCIuj l%shd;aul jk B-frday,la id¾:lj ia:dms; lsÍfï yelshdj ,eî ;sfnkjdZZ' hkqfjka fuu l<uKdlrK fmr,sfha mqfrda.dñfhl= jk ffjoH iuka l=,;s,l uy;d wm iu. mejiSh'

m%udohka isÿùu wvq lsÍfuys,d fuu B-l%uh fnfyúka id¾:lh' ,smsf.dkq w;ska yiqrjkq ,nk ÿyqú,af,ka .ejiS.sh jd¾:dldur Ndú;d jkqfha l<d;=rlsks' wjYH wjia:d j,§u ffjoHjrekag yd fyo ld¾huKav,hg frda.skaf.a jd¾;d iemfha kï" frda. úksYaph yd m%;sldr idhksl ld¾hCIu;djfhka isÿlsßu m%j¾Okhg yelshdj ie,fia' frda.sfhl= frday,g msúfikjd;a iu.u Tyqg fyda wehg bf,lafg%dkslj ye÷kqï ixfla;hla ,nd fokq ,nk w;r Tjqkg nd^¾&fldavhla iys; m;%sldjla fyda kej; Ndú;d l< yels B-ldâm;la ,ndfokq ,efí' ffjojrhd úiska fuu nd^¾& fldavh mßf,dalkh ^scan& lrk w;r túg frda.shdf.a fï jk úg isÿlr we;s frda. úksYaph yd ,nd§ we;s T!IO we;=,;a frda.shdf.a b;sydih ,emafgdma mß.Kl ;srh u; CIKslj o¾Ykh fõ' blaì;sj wjYH frda. úksYaph yd m%;sldr úia;r ffjoHjrhd úiska fuu moaO;shg we;=,;a lrkq ,efí' bkamiq frda.shd úiska B<Õ úOdkhka Tiafia hñka" jeäÿr m%;sldr fyda fT!IO ljq¿j fj; fhduqjk w;r wjidkfha§ nd^¾& fldaâ m;%sldj T!IO ,nd .eksu i|yd kej; ndr fokq ,efí' fuu B-l%ufha fndfyda w;sf¾l m%;s,dN olakg ,efí' fodïfm frday, fkdkj;ajdu jvd;a m%dfhda.sl yd M,odhS Ndú;hka tl;=lrñka fuu l%uh jeäÈhqKq lrñka isà' fuu l%uh u.ska CIKslj T!IO f;d. mÍCId lrñka wjYH T!IO m%udK ,nd .ekSug m%udKj;a ld, iSudjla ,nd§u yd ffjoHjrekg .; yels úl,amhka fmkajd Èu isÿlrhs' T!IO ljq¿ Ndr ks<OdÍka úiska wjYH jk úgl" frda.Skaf.a fnfy;a ;=Kavq

ffjojrekaf.a Wmfoia mßÈ l%uj;a wdldrhlg fojrla mÍCId lrkq ,nhs'


fuu mßj¾;kh isÿjkqfha ffjoH l=,;s,l uy;d iy Tyqf.a iydhlhska mej;s l%uh wl%uj;a yd iïu; kshuhkag fkdjk nj jgyd .eksu;a iu.h' lvodhs Ndú;fhka f;dr frday,la o we;slsÍu ffjoH l=,;s,l uy;df.a wfmaCIdjhs' zzwmg ;onohg yd m%udohg ms<shï fiùugo yÈis f,vqkayg blauka m%;sldr ,nd §ugo ms<shula fidhd .ekSug wjYH jqKd' wmg jvd;au wjYH jQfha f;dr;=re ;dCIK wxYfha ms<shula' wm jevlf<a tu l%shdj,sh u; msysgdhsZZ fyf;u mejiSh' iïu;fhka mßndysr B-ms<shula lrjke,a, frday,ska fidhd .ekSug fodïfm lKavdhug yelsúh' tys id¾:l;ajh fyda wid¾:l;ajh .ek wOHhkh lsÍug fkdj fï ms<sn|j ;u ld¾h uKav,hg ta;a;= .ekaùfï wNsfhda.h Tjqkg jegysKs' wjidkfha§ ffjoH l=,;s,l uy;d iy Tyqf.a lKavdhfï zzl< yelshsZZ hk yeÕSfuka ikakoaO jQ lemùu;=,ska ie,iqï lrk ,o outbounding programe tl ish¿ ld¾h uKav,h tlu wruqKla yd wNsu:d¾:hla lrd W;afm%arKh ùu fya;=fjka" fuu l%uh id¾:lj l%shd;aul lsÍug;a fya;= mdolúh' fuu wdhdih wojkúg uy;a ms<s.ekSulg ,laù we;s w;r fodïfm frday, zzcd;sl úYsIag;u B-fldkafgkaÜ ;Hd.hZZ f.k we;s w;r B-fi!LH yd mßirh ch.%dylhd njg o m;ajisà' fuu l%uh fya;=fjka frda.sfhl= m%;sldr ,nd.ekSug /§isáh hq;= ld,h ñks;a;= úiailska muK wvqù we;s w;r

f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dCIK ixúOdkh ^ICTA& ;dCIKsl iylrejl= jk w;r oDvdx. cd,lrKh iy ;dlaIKsl m%ùKNdjh i|yd remsh,a ñ,shk 4'15 ks¾foaY iyfhda.hla i,id fok ,§' ;jo há;, myiqlï wjYH;d i|yd fjk;a ys;j;=kaf.a odhl;ajh ,eìKs'

bf,lafg%dksl fmda,sï yeisrúu fï jk úg l%shd;aul moao;sh l%shdlrkqfha frda.s fi!LH ldâm; yrydh' th wfhl=g Ôú; ld,h ;=,u Ndú;d jk tlu fhduqj njg m;aù ;sfí' bx.%Sisfhka fla;dhk lr we;s fuu ldâ mf;ys frda.shdf.a ku" ye÷kqïm;a wxlh" Wmka Èkh iy fgdalk wxlh we;=<;ah' ,shdmÈxÑ lsÍfï l%shdj,sh idudkH l%uhg jvd oi .=Khlska fõ.j;a jk w;r ta i|yd .; jkqfha Wmßu ñks;a;= 01 la jeks iq¿ ld,hls' frda.s fi!LH ldâm; we;s whg fuys§ m%uqL;djh ysñfõ' wms ffjoHjrhdf.a l=áfha isg fuu l%shdj,sh ksÍCIKh lf<uq' tla tla frda.shd ld¾hCIu f,i T!IO kshu lsÍu yd frda. ks¾Kh ,nd§ msg;a lrkq ,nhs' M-Channelling wka;¾cd, msgqj ld,h b;sßlrk ir,j fufyhúh yels f,i ilid we;s nj olakg ,eìKs'

ld¾hCIu B - ldâm;

fuu kj ldâ l%ufha ld¾CIu;djh jkqfha tu.ska frda.Skaf.a wkkH;djh yd frda. b;sydih CIKslj fidhd.; yelsùuhs' fuu l%uh ffjoH wkq.%ymQ¾j; l%uhlg ne£ fkdue;' ÿrl:k weu;=ï u; rdcldßfha ^on call& isák ffjoHjrekag mjd fuu l%ufha§ úoHd.dr mßCIK" tkak;a ,nd§u fyda ;=jd, j,g fnfy;a ±óu wdÈhg mjd frda.shdf.a wjYH;djh u; kshu lsßu isÿl, yelsh' frda.shdgo ÿrl:k weu;=ula ,nd§u fyda frday,g meñK ;u wNsu;h isÿ lsÍug yelshdj mj;S' wm

fuys§ ldâ m; w;e;s nd, uy¿ fndfyda fokd isákq ±l .eksug yelsúh' bf,lafg%dksl fmda,sï yeisrùï l%uh fya;=fjka frda.Skaf.a fõ,djg idOdrKhla bgqjk nj olakg ,eìKs' ffjoHjrekg wu;rj fyo ld¾h uKav,ho fuu l%uhg mqyqKq lrk ,o w;r Tjqka b;d Wkkaÿfjka thg yev .eiS we;s nj ffjoH l=,;s,l uy;d mejiSh' fyo ld¾hhuKav,fha î' tï' t,a' ìhkaú, yd tia' Èidkdhl hk uy;aóka mjik wdldrhg fuu mß.Kl Ndú;fhka rdcldß bgq lsÍu myiqjla ie,iS we;s njhs' fuu ldâ l%uh frday,a fnfy;ay, iu.o iïnkaê; neúka ksrjoH f;d. .Kkh myiq ù we;'

fi!LH jd¾;d wdrCId lsÍu" ie,iqï lsÍu yd mqyqKqj

ffjoHjrekago ,emafgdma mß.Kl imhd we;' fyo ld¾HuKav,fha lsysm fofkl=g frdayf,a úúO fldgia j, we;s ld¾h ia:dk j, iïnkaO lr we;' fuu moaO;sh mßYs,kh lrk ish¨ fokdyg meyeÈ,sj ks¾jpkh jQ frda.s jd¾;dj,g we;=¿ùfï uÜgu iys; kduhka ^Password & Login&yd we;=<;a lr we;' ld¾huKav,fha ish,a,ka fuu l%uh ms<sn|j mqyqKqjla ,en we;s w;r e-l%uh Ndú;d lr rdcldß yeisrùug mqyqKq lr we;' zzud Èkla fyda folla muK mqyqKq jqKd' Bg miafi fuu l%uh ug fndfyda yqre mqreÿ jqKd'ZZ hehs Èklg frda.ska 80-100 la muK mßCId lrk ffjoH Wfoaks Oïñld mjihs' ndysr frda.s wxYho ms<sj,lg ilialr ;sfnk neúka tla ffjoHjrfhl= tljrlg frda.Ska mia fofkl= mukhs mÍCId lrkafka" thska fndfyda È.= fmda<sï fya;=fjka we;sjk wd;;sh wvq ùu isÿfõ' miq.sh udi 6 l mqrdjg fodïfm frdayf,a o;a; we;=<;alsÍfï ks<Odßkshka jYfhka fiajh lrk 21 yeúßÈ Ydksld ú,dYksjo wmg tysÈ yuqjqkd' weh úYdld nd,sld úoHd,fha wdÈ YsIHdjla' weh Wiiafm, úNd.fha b;d fyd| m%;sM, ,dNsfhla' weh fuu l%uhg mQ¾K jYfhka yqremqreÿ ù we;' kj mjq,a ldhsl frda. úfYa{fhl=o fuu lKavdhug tlaùisà' fuu l%uh mj;ajdf.k hdu yd bÈß m%j¾Okh i|yd n,dhkh lrk ,o uOH yd oaú;sh lKavdhï iys; meyeÈ,s bÈß ie,iqulao ilialr we;' meyeÈ,s f,iu f,aLK.; lrk ,o yÈis wOdrl ^Backup& iy m%;sidOl ^Recovery&" ie,iqulao Ndú;d lr we;' fuu B-l%uh ixia:d.; lrk ,o fyd|u Ndú;djg ifydaor frday,a j,g mßj¾;kh lr we;' fodïfm iy .ïmy frday,a ;dlaIKh yqjudre lrf.k we;s w;r ta yd

iudkju wúiaidfõ,a, iy fydaud.u o mdkÿr iy fydrK hk frday,a hq., lr ;sfí'

msßjeh - M,odhS;djh fuu l%ufha§ msßjeh M,odhs øjH Ndú; fõ' meñKsfï jdr .Kkh lrk ;=Kavq remsh,a 60 muK ñ,jQ lvodis frdaa,a j,ska ilid.kq ,efí' frdayf,a myiqlï w;r we|ka 1002 l Odß;djh" jHdmD;s ldurhla" tkak;a ldurhla" ufkdaffjoH jdÜgqj;a yÈis m%;sldr jdÜgqjla iy 10 KVh úÿ,s W;amdol hka;%hlao we;=<;a fõ' wojkúg frday,g meñfKk frda.ska b;d ld¾hCIuj mßCId lrkq ,nk w;r Tjqyq iskdj;ska hqla;j msgfj;s' fuu l%uh iïmQ¾Kfhkau újD; m%Nj uDÿldx. ^Open-Source Soft ware& u.ska l%shd;aul fõ' tneúka th ysñldr uDÿldx. ^proprietary software& j,g úYd, úhoula orkjdg jvd iemhqïldr iïm;a fhdod.eksula fõ' fiajd iemhqïlrejka i;=j ^“LAMP” stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP& mj;sk w;r fiajd,dNshdf.a mß.Kl ^ffjoHjrhdf.a ,emafgdmh& i|yd Tjqka “Ubuntu” operating system tl jYfhka fhdod .kS'

bÈß ie,iqï fuu l%uh jHdma; l%uhla jYfhka bÈß wkd.;fha§ Ndú; l< yelsh' fuu.ska ffjoHjrekg frda.skaf.a jd¾;d tla frday,l isg ;j;a tllg fõ.j;a yd wdrCIs; f,i f.khdug wjia:dj ,nd fokq we;'

ld¾huKav, iqnidOkh ld¾huKav,fha iqn iqnidOkho fuysÈ m%uqL;djfhka i,ld n,kq ,efí' Out bound jevigyka yd mqyqKq wjia:d i|yd wjia:d ie,fia' fuu fiajdj ms<sn| Okd;aul wdl,am j,ska hq;= jqj;a wfkl=;a ld¾h uKav,h wNsfm%arKh lrjk wdo¾Ylhla f,i i,lkq ,efí' 5 tia l%uh úYsIag;u l%shdud¾.h f,i i,lkq ,nhs' mßirh mú;% jk w;r jdÜgq m%hukdm fõ' bÈßfha§ ;j ;j;a frday,a fuu zB-n.aZ l%uh .%yKh lr.ksñka jvd;a wdYdfjka yd Woafhda.fhka .ïn| frday,a j, ;;a;ajh kÕd isgqùug lghq;= lrkq we;ehs wfmaCId flf¾'





Dompe Hospital A Case Study in Change Management

By Sharlene De Chickera, Pasan Thilakasiri and Dr. Nandaka Molagoda Pix by Deepal Malalasekera

We started this system in 2010 with 2 doctors and a few nurses. Today, with 10 doctors and 38 nurses, we have been able to successfully implement an e-Hospital that is run efficiently with time maximisation and total patient care Visiting Dompe Hospital was an inspiring experience. Situated along Dompe-Delgoda Road, it is nestled on 5 acres of land shaded with trees, amidst old-fashioned buildings. The charming environment complement an efficient IT system benefitting the e-Hospital that has a steady flow of about 50-60 patients at any given time during the day, cared for by 10 doctors and 38 nursing staff. The new e-hospital re-defines best practices in the national hospital system in Sri Lanka. USA and Swiss healthcare industry experts have visited Dompe hospital to learn from their experiences. We followed Dr. SamanKulathilaka and his team who disclosed the process operated, and how it benefits patients and staff alike.

“We started this system in 2010 with 2 doctors and a few nurses. Today, with 10 doctors and 38 nurses, we have been able to successfully implement an e-Hospital that is run efficiently with time maximisation and total patient care”, stated Dr. SamanKulathilaka, a pioneer of change management process. The e-system is successful in mitigating delays. A dusty old record room, where files were maintained manually, is rarely used. Patient records are available real-time to doctors and nursing staff, improving diagnosis and treatment with clinical efficiency. As a patient walks into the hospital, he or she is electronically tagged and given a piece of barcoded paper or a re-usable e-card. The doctor scans the barcode where the patient’s history including

past diagnosis and medication instantly appear on the laptop screen. Thereafter, necessary diagnosis and medication is entered in the system by the doctor. The patient then follows through the next set of directives, either for further treatment or to the medication counter, finally surrendering the barcoded paper or card to collect medication. There are many spillover benefits to the e-system. Dompe hospital is continuously re-engineering and leveraging the system incrementally, adding more practical and beneficial applications. The system instantly monitors drug stocks, giving sufficient

lead time to replenish stocks and or provide alternative choices for doctors. Drug counter clerks, if need be, double check patient prescriptions in consultation with doctors in a seamless orderly manner.


The transformation takes place when Dr. Kulathilaka and his colleagues realise that processes are haphazard and not up to standard. Dr. Kulathilaka also envisions a paperless hospital. “We wanted to find a solution for congestion, delays and cater to emergency patients. What we critically needed was an IT solution, and we worked on this process”, he informs. The Dompe team finds an outof-the-box e-solution in Karawanella Hospital. Despite studying successes and failures at Karawanella, the team finds it challenging to convince staff. Finally, through dedication and armed with a “can-do” attitude of Dr. Kulathilaka and his team, a custom designed out bound programme becomes the catalyst in solidifying shared mission and goals of all employees, and the successful implementation. The efforts, to date, have been duly recognised as the Dompe Hospital has been awarded the “National Best e-Content Award”, and the winner e-Health & Environment. The system has reduced waiting time for patients by about 20 minutes and the number of queues from four to two. Patients register for an appointment via mobile or walk-in. “Generally we have 5 appointments per time slot, for hourly bands. We usually have about 50 admissions per day and about 80 inhouse patients”. The 400-450 patients that come to the hospital daily are all beneficiaries”, informs Dr. Kulathilaka. The hospital authority designated 2015 as the “Year of Productivity”.

Technical Support

The Information and Communication Technology Association (ICTA) is a Technology Partner and generously channeled Rs. 4.15 million for hardware, networking and technical expertise. Infrastructure requirements have been donated by well-wishers as well.

Electronic Queue Management

The system currently implemented operates on a Patient Health Card, which in turn becomes a once in a lifetime reference. Coded in English, it includes the Name, Patient ID, Date of Birth and Token Number. The registration process is ten times faster taking not more than two minutes. Those with the Patient Health Card are given priority.

We viewed the process from the Doctor’s Chamber. Each patient was efficiently discharged in terms of the prescription and a diagnosis given. The “M-chanelling”, web interface, was seen as time saving and simple to manipulate. We investigated the system at the OPD and deducted that given appointments in Green symbolised the ‘given’ status, and Blue, ‘waiting’ status, amongst other.

Efficient e-Card

The efficiency of the new card systems means that the patient’s ID and History can be retrieved instantly, minimising errors. The system does not adhere to a doctor preferential system. The doctor on call can also order a lab test, injection or a wound dressing as per the patient’s requirement. The patient has the option of calling in or walking in to the hospital. We noted the many patients with the card in hand, both young and old. The electronic queue management system seems to do justice to hospice. Apart from the doctors, the nurses are trained on the system and have adapted with enthusiasm, observed Dr. Kulathilaka. Nurse B.K.L. Biyanwila and S. Dissanayake were at work when we stopped a moment to speak to them, and opined that it was easy to work on the computer as they had got requisite training. The card system also connects the in-house pharmacy, enabling accurate stock-taking.

Protecting Health Records, Succession Planning and Training Doctors are provided with laptop computers. Several nursing staff man workstations in different parts of the hospital. All users have a user name and login, with clearly defined levels of access to patient records. Each staff member has been trained on the system and is equipped to handle work using the e-system. “I trained for about a day or two, and then the system became familiar to me”, says Dr. UdeniDhammika, who sees about 80-100 patients a day. The OPD is also arranged so that the doctor sees only 5 patients seated at a time, minimising stress levels over long waiting lines. We also met Shanika Vilasinee, 21,a Data Entry Officer, who has been working for the past six months at Dompe Hospital. A past student of Vishaka Girls’ College, she has secured excellent results for her A/Ls. She is fully familiar with the system. A new Consultant Family Physician has also joined the team. There is a clear succession

plan, with core and secondary teams empowered to maintain and further develop the system. A clearly documented emergency backup and recovery plan is also in place. The e-system has translated to incorporating best practices in sister hospitals. Dompe and Gampaha Hospitals share knowledge and information. Similarly, Avissawella and Homagama and Panadura and Horana are paired off.


The system uses cost effective materials. The number of visits are captured on ‘chits’ that are generated from a paper roll costing Rs. 60/-. The facility has 1002 bed capacity, a project room, an injection room, psychiatric ward, emergency ward, and a new 10 Kvh generator. The patients who come today are cared for efficiently, and leave the hospital with a smile on their face. The system entirely runs on opensource software, from the server side to the client side. Therefore it saves resources than spend large sums for proprietary software. The server is equipped with a “LAMP” stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) and for the client machines (doctors’ laptops) they use “Ubuntu” as their operating system.

Future plans

This system can be deployed as a distributed system in the near future. It will allow doctors to transport patient records from one hospital to another in a faster, secure manner.

Staff Welfare

The well-being of the staff is also looked after as a priority. Out-bound programmes compliment training. Those with positive attitudes are looked upon as role-models to motivate other staff. “Mentoring and development is something we do at the hospital”, stated Dr. Kulathilaka. 5S is treated as a best practice. The environs are clean and the wards are pleasant. It is hoped that more hospitals will catch the ‘e-bug’ and have matching passion and enthusiasm to lift the health standards of rural hospitals.





Gjpa khw;wj;ijg; ngw;Ws;s

njhk;Ng itj;jparhiy

;sridr Ndjfha kj f,dalhla lrd''''

- ~hHyPd; b rpf;Nfuh> grd; jpyf;rpup> itj;jpaH ee;jf nkhynfhl - jkpopy; utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;

mjd; gpd; Gjpa Neha; Ma;twpf;if kw;Wk; rpfpr;ir tpguq;fs; mjpy; gjpNtw;wg;gLk;. ,ij njhlu;e;J Nehahsp mLj;j fl;lkhf Nkyjpf rpfpr;irf;F cs;shf;fg;gly; my;yJ kUe;Jfis thq;Fjy; Mfpa eltbf;iffis Kd;ndLg;gu;. ,e;j barcode paper my;yJ e-card I kUe;Jfs; thq;Fk; ,lj;jpy; rku;g;gpj;J kUe;Jfis ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. ,e;j ,yj;jpudpay; itj;jparhiy Kiw %yk; Vuhskhd ed;ikfs; cs;sJ. clDf;Fldhd kUe;J Nrkpg;gfj;jpd; juTg; gjpNtw;wy; %yk; fhyjhkjkw;w kUe;J kPs; epug;gy; elhj;jg;gLfpwJ. Nehahspf;fhd kUe;jsT Copau; xUtuhy; kPs; guprPyid nra;ag;gLfpd;wik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. njhk;Ng itj;jparhiyf;fhd tp[akhdJ kwf;f Kbahj mDgtkhf mike;jJ. njhk;Nf-njy;nfhl tPjp topNa> epoy; jUk; kuq;fshYk; goik glu;e;j fl;llq;fshYk; Vwj;jho 5 Vf;fu; epyg;gug;gpy; mike;Js;s ,e;j itj;jparhiy> 10 itj;jpau;fSlDk; 38 jhjpaUlDk; Nritahw;wpf; nfhz;Ls;sJ. NkYk; ehspd; vg;nghOJk; rPuhf ,Uf;Fk; 50 njhlf;fk; 60 tiuahd Nehahspfspd; tuthdJ ,yj;jpudpay; itj;jparhiy njhopy;El;g gpupthy; tpidj;jpwdhf ifahsg;gLfpwJ. ,yq;ifapd; Njrpa itj;jparhiy KiwikahdJ ,g;Gjpa ,yj;jpudpay; itj;jparhiy Kiw %yk; rpwg;ghd gupzhkj;ij mile;Js;sik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. NkYk; mnkupf;f kw;Wk; Rtp]; itj;jpa Jiw rhu;e;j tpw;gd;du;fspd; tUifahy; gy Gjpa tplaq;fis mtu;fspd; mDgtj;jpypUe;J fw;Wf;nfhs;s $bajhf cs;sJ. itj;jpaH. rkd; Fyjpyf kw;Wk; mtuJ FOtpdu; itj;jparhiyapd; eilKiwfisAk; mtw;why; Nehahspfs; kw;Wk; Copau;fSf;F tpisAk; ed;ikfs; gw;wpAk; vLj;jpak;Gfpd;wdu;. 'ehq;fs; ,e;j Kiwikia 2010k; Mz;by; 2 itj;jpau;fSlDk; xU rpy jhjpaUlDk; Muk;gpj;Njhk;. ,d;W 10 itj;jpau;fSlDk; 38 jhjpkhUlDk; ,yj;jpudpay; itj;jparhiyia tpidj;jpwdhd KiwapYk; mNjNtisapy; Nehahspfspd; jpUg;jpAlDk; vq;fshy; elhj;jf; $bajhf cs;sik Fwpgplj;jf;fJ." vd ,e;j khw;wJf;fhd Kd;Ndhbahd itj;jpaH. rkd; Fyjpyf mtu;fs; njuptpj;jhu;. fhyjhkjj;ij jtpu;g;gjw;F ,yj;jpudpay; itj;jparhiy rpwg;ghd topahFk;. Copau;fshy; gjpNtw;wgl;L Nrkpj;J itf;fg;gLk; J}R gbe;j gjpT miwapYs;s Nfhg;Gfs; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; re;ju;g;gq;fs; ntF FiwT vd;Nw $wyhk;. Nehahspfs; rk;ge;jg;gl;l tpguq;fs; clDf;Fld; itj;jpau;fs; kw;Wk; jhjpauhy; gad;gLj;jf; $bajhf ,Ug;gJld; Neha; Ma;T kw;Wk; rpfpr;ir tpidj;jpwdhd Kiwapy; elhj;jg;gLfpwJ.xU Nehahsp itj;jparhiyf;F te;jTlNdNa barcode paper my;yJ kPs;ghtid ,yj;jpudpy; ml;ilahdJ mtUf;F toq;fg;gLfpwJ. ,ij ];Nfd; nra;tjd; %yk; kUj;JtUf;F Nehahspapd; Ke;jpa Neha; Ma;T mwpf;if kw;Wk; rpfpr;ir tpguq;fis kbf;fzzp jpiuapy; mZff; $bajhf ,Uf;Fk;.

khw;wk; itj;jpaH. Fyjpyf xU tpidj;jpwDld; $ba ghupa khw;wj;ij vjpughu;j;jhu;. vOj;J%y Mtzq;fs; VJk; mw;w xU itj;jparhiyia mtu; fdh fz;lhu;. fhy jhkjk;> mtru rpfpr;ir NehahspfSf;F G+uz xj;Jiog;G ,d;ik Nghd;wtw;iw eptu;j;jpnra;a jfty; njhopy;El;g khw;wPL Njit vd;gij czue;jhu;. njhk;Ng itj;jparhiyf;F xU njspthd ,yj;jpudpay; jPu;it njhk;Ng mzp fz;lwpe;jJ. itj;jparhiy gzpahsu;fspd; nefpo;Tj;jd;ik gpur;ridahf ,Ue;jJ. nra;a KbAk; vd;w ek;gpf;ifAk; fLikahd ciog;Gk; midj;J Copau;fspd; eyd; kw;Wk; Fwpf;Nfhs; fUjp Kd;ndLj;j nraw;jpl;lq;fs; %yk; ntw;wpfukhf ,k;Kiw mKy;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. ,f;fbd ciog;ghdJ “National Best e-Content Award” Nghd;w tpUJfs; %yk; KOikahf mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;lJ. fhj;jpUg;G Neuj;ij ,k;Kiw %yk; 20 epkplq;fshy; Fiwf;f KbAk;. ifalf;f njhiyNgrp %ykhfNt itj;jpau; re;jpg;G mDkjpapid ngw KbAk;. xU kzpj;jpahyj;jpy; 5 re;jpg;Gfs; vd;wthW gpupf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. xU ehSf;F 400-450 Nehahspfs; ,jd;%yk;; gadilfpwhu;fs; vd itj;jpaH Fyjpyf njuptpj;jhu;.

njhopy;El;g cjtp epWtdj;jhu; njhopy;El;g cjtp toq;fpaJld; td;nghUs; kw;Wk; ,iza cjtp> jpl;lkply;> mwpTrhu; cjtpfs; Nghd;wtw;wpf;fhf 4.15 kpy;ypad; &gha; kl;LNk ngw;Wf;nfhz;lhu;fs;. cl;fl;likg;G trjpfs; mDruiz nra;ag;gl;ld.

toq;fg;gLfpwJ. midj;Jg; ghtidahUf;Fk; jdpj;jdpNa ,iza fzf;Ffs; toq;fg;gLfpwJ. ,jd;%yk; itj;jpa mjpfhupfs; Nehahspfspd; fle;j fhy itj;jpa gjpTfisg; ghu;itapl KbAk;. midj;J itj;jparhiy cj;jpNahfj;ju;fSf;Fkhd G+uz gapw;Wtpj;jy; eilngWk;. 'ehd; ,U ehl;fs; njhlu;r;rpahf gapw;Wtpf;fg;gl;Nld;. ehSf;F 80-100 Nehahspfisg; ghu;itapLfpNwd;. ,g;NghJ kpf ,yFthf ghtid ,Uf;fpwJ." vd;W itj;jpaH. cNjdp jk;kpf> njuptpj;jhu;. itj;jpau;fspd; ghu;itf;F xU Neuj;jpy; Ie;J Nehahspfs; fhj;jpUf;Fk; fhl;rp tof;fkhd ePz;l tupirfis ghu;g;gij tplTk; csuPjpahd kfpo;r;rpiaj; jUfpwJ. fle;j MWkhj fhykhf itj;jparhiyapy; juNtw;Wk; Ntiy GupAk; 21 taJ epuk;gpa tprhfh fy;Y}upapy; fy;tp fw;W cau;juj;jpy; rpwe;j kjpg;ngz;fisg; ngw;w ~dpfh tpyhrpdp ,k;Kiw epue;ju ed;ik jUtjhf njuptpj;jhu;. njspthd njhlu;r;rpahd jpl;lkply; ,Ue;jJ. kj;jpa kw;Wk; ,uz;lhk; ju mzpfs; ,k;Kiwiaj; njhlu;e;J tpupT gLj;j Ntz;b nraw;gLfpwhu;fs;. juTfs; njhiye;J Nghtijj; jtpu;f;f Nkyjpf ,izantspapYk; Nrkpj;J itf;fg;gLfpwJ. kPsg;ngwf;$ba trjpfSk; eilngWfpwJ. rpwe;j eilKiwfis ,e;j Kl;il mw;wpKfg;gLj;jp ,Uf;fpwJ. ntt;NtW itj;jparhiyfs; mwpTg;gw;wpkhw;wk; nra;aTk; ,k;Kiw top rikf;fpwJ. mtprhtis> fk;g`h> N`hkhfk. ghze;Jiw kw;Wk; n`hud itj;jparhiyfSk; ,k;Kiw %yk; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.

epjpf; fl;Lg;ghL 60 &gha; tpuaKs;s fljhrp RUspd; %yk; tUiffspd; vz;zpf;if jPu;khdpf;fg;gLfpwJ. 1002 fl;by; trjp cl;gl epue;j trjpAs;s itj;njharhiyf;F tUfpd;w Nehahspfs; kfpo;r;rpAld; tpilngWtijf; fhzf;fpilf;fpwJ. jpwe;j %y nkd;nghUs; ghtid %yNk midj;J fzpdpfSk; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. vdNt jdpnahU nkd;nghUs; nfhs;tdTf;fhd nryT ,y;yhJ nra;ag;gLfpwJ. toq;fp fzzp “LAMP” stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) trjp nfhz;bUf;fpwJ. itj;jpau;fspd; kbf;fzpdpapy; “Ubuntu" ,aq;Fjsk; ghtpf;fg;gLfpwJ.

,yj;jpudpay; tupir Kfhikj;Jtk;

vjpu;fhy jpl;lq;fs;

NehahspfSf;fhd Rfhjhu ml;il xt;nthU Nehahspf;Fk; tho;ehSf;F xU jlitahf jUtpf;fg;gLfpwJ. Mq;fpyj;jpy; ngau;> ml;il ,yf;fk;> gpwe;j jpfjp vd;gd mr;rplg;gl;L mt;tl;il Kf;fpaj;Jtkhdjhf fUjg;gLk;. gjpT nra;fpd;w eltbf;if ,U epkplq;fSf;F FiwthfNt mikf;fg;gl;L ,Uf;fpwJ. M-chanelling %yk; Nehahspfs; rupahd Kiwapy; kUe;Jfs; toq;fg;gl;L Fiwe;j Neuj;jpy; ntspNaWtJld; ntt;NtW epwq;fs; %yk; ntt;NtW nraw;ghLfisf; Fwpj;J Nehahspfspd; eltbf;iffis ,yFthf;fp njspthf;fp tpidj;jpwid mjpfupf;fyhk;.

,j;jpl;lk; njhlu;r;rpahd Nkk;gLj;jYfSf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ. ntt;NtW itj;jparhiyfspy; Nehahspfspd; Rfhjhu tuyhWfisg; ghu;itaplf;$ba ,izg;G Vw;gLj;j Kaw;rpfs; eilngWfpd;wd.

Rfhjhu gjpTfis ghJfhj;jy;> njhlu;r;rpahd jpl;lkply;> gapw;Wtpj;jy; itj;jpau;fSf;F kbf;fzpdp

gzpahsu; eyd; gzpahsu; eyd; kpf Kf;fpa Fwpf;NfhshFk;. gapw;Wtpj;jy; %yk; jPu;f;fkhd re;ju;g;gq;fspy; MNuhf;fpakhd KbTfis vLf;Fk; rpe;jidia tsu;g;gJld; Vidatu;fSf;Fk; cjTk; kdg;ghq;if tsu;g;gJk; mtrpak;. 5S jpl;lk; eilKiwgLj;jg;gLfpwJ. R+oy; Rj;jkhf ,Uf;fpwJ. NtW trjp Fiwe;j itj;jparhiyfSk; vjpu;fhyj;jpy; ,k;Kiw %yk; gaDs;s> tpidj;jpwd; epiwe;j> jPu;f;fkhdJk; MNuhf;fpakhdJkhd vjpu;fhyj;ij fl;bnaOg;g Kd;tu Ntz;Lk;.

uq¿ Èúhgu ,o w;a±lSula igyk iyka f;ack mSßia úisks

2015 ckjdß 18 isg 24 olajd ld,h "Zayed Future Energy Prize 2015" i|yd rdclSh úoHd,h ksfhdackh lrñka bÈßm;aúug yelshdj ,eîu ud ,| b;du Nd.Hhls' tys wjidk ;rÕlrejka w;rg ud m;aúh' f,dal n,Yla;s ;sridr;ajh ms<sn|j iuq¿ yd wka;¾cd;sl c, iuq¿jg fukau f,dal mßißl wjNdú; hk iuq¿;a ksfhdackh lsßug wjldYh ,enqKs'

;sridrj Ôj;aùu hkq ;sridr iudchls' iaj wjOdkh iudc wjOdkh yd mßißl wjOdkh hk ldrKd flfrys rdclSh ;sridr wdo¾YmdGh ud mdßißl wxYh flfrys fhduq lf<ah' WodyrKhla f,i wms wjfndaOlr.; hq;af;a wmg wmf.a mdßfNdack wjYH;d i|yd f,dj uq¿ c,mßudfjka we;af;a 1] la muKs' ta ksid ffoksl tÈfkod wjYH;d i|yd mßfNdackfha§ c,h Ndú;h b;d mßiaifuka l< hq;=h' ;reKfhl= f,i fujeks lreKq .ek wjOdkh fhduq

lrñka fuu iuq¿ j,g iyNd.S;ajh m<lsßug wjldYh i,id§u udf.a Ôú;fha jeo.;a ixêia:dkhls' fuu Wf<f,ys§ f,dal m%cdj úiska mdrißl yd iudc m%ñ;s .ek úúO jHdmD;s bÈßm;a lrk ,§' tys§ wnqvdì ys l=ure" tlai;a wrdì tó¾ rdcHfha ksfhdacH fY%aIaG wKfok ks,OdÍ yd ;j;a iïNdjkSh wuq;a;ka /ila iyNd.S úh' tys§ fjk;a rgj,a ksfhdackh lrñka meñKs fndfyda iudðlhka yuqfjñka fjkia ixialD;Ska" fjkia wd.ï" fjkia NdId /il wdY%h ,eîug ud yg wjldYh ,enqKs' iyfhda.h woyia yqjudrej yryd fmr w;a±lSï ch.%dylhska ish,a, yqjudre úh' ta wkqj 8500l rdclShka w;ßka fuu wjia:dj ud yg ,eìu w;sYh wdvïnrhg ldrKdjls' fuys§ w;sYh ks¾udKYs,S l%shdoduhl

mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

w;a±lSï ú¢ug udyg yelshdj ,enqKs' cmka iud.ula úiska iQ¾h n,Yla;sh wdY%fhka b;d by< m%foaYhlg n,Yla;sh ,ndÈh yels l%ufõohla ilia fldg ;snqKs' ud mqÿuhg m;alf<a tu ;reK ;dlaIKsl Ndú;hhs' kej; Ndú;h" wju lsßu yd kej; ixrlaIKh lsßu f,dj m%lg ixl,amhls' fuh wmf.a rgg;a kdia;sh wju lsßug Ndú; l<yelsh' fï wdldrhg fuu iuq¿ j,g iyNd.S úu ksid ud ,nd.;a w;a±lSu iq¿mgq fkdfõ' fuf,i ;sridr;ajh lsßug ta ish¨ foa Ndú; lsßu w;HjYH fõ'





Creating a New World in Sustainability The Experience of a Life-time:

NgzpaYif tha;e;j cyiff; fl;b vOg;Gjy;

xU tho; ehs; mDgtk;:

raj; vjpHfhy rf;jp guprpy; - r`d; Nj[d gPup]; - jkpopy; - utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;

[dtup khjk; 18Mk; jpfjp Kjy; 24Mk; jpfjp tiuahd fhyg;gFjpapy; ehd; vd; ghlrhiy nfh/Nwhay; fy;Y}upiag; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jp 'raj; vjpHfhy rf;jp guprpy; 2015" Nghl;bapy; fye;J ,Wjpr; Rw;Wf;Fj; njupthdikahdJ vd; tho;tpy; xU kpfg;ngupa tpj;jpahrj;ij Vw;gLj;jpaJ. NkYk; vd; tho;ehspy; kpfr;rpwe;j mDgtg; gfpu;it mGjhgp epiyj;J ePbj;jy; thuk;> cyf vjpu;fhy rf;jp khehL> ru;tNjr FbePu; khehL kw;Wk; cyf R+oy; fopT khehL Nghd;wtw;wpy; gq;Fgw;wf; fpilj;j tha;g;Gfspd; %yk; ngw;Wf; nfhz;Nld;.

iky;fy; MFk;. mq;F tUif je;jpUe;j jdp egu;fs;> epWtd mikg;Gfs; ahtUNk elg;G R+oy; kw;Wk; r%f gpur;ridfspy; ,Ue;J kf;fis kPl;L vLg;gjw;fhd rpwe;j Ntiyj;jpl;lq;fisAk; Ma;TfisAk; Kd;itj;jpUe;jdu;. ,e;epfo;Tfspd; NghJ mGjhgpapd; Kbf;Fupa ,sturu; N~f; K`k;kJ gpd; rh`pJ my; e`;ad;> If;fpa muG uhr;rpaj;jpd; Kg;gilfSf;Fkhd cg jsgjp> vfpg;jpa mjpgu;> If;fpa mnkupf;fhtpd; cg [dhjpgjp cl;gl gy gpuKfu;fis re;jpf;fTk; tha;g;G fpilj;jJ.

Nwhay; fy;Y}upapd; NgzpaYif fw;ifapd; Fwpf;NfhshdJ jdpegu;> r%fk; kw;Wk; R+oy; vd %d;W gpupTfis cs;slf;fpaJ. R+oy; ghJfhg;G gw;wpa Ra tpopg;Gzu;it ehd; tsu;j;Jf;nfhs;s ,f;fw;ifnewp cjtp nra;jJ.

je;jtu;fSld; cwthl tha;g;Gf; fpilj;jJ. vjpu;fhyj;ijf; jpUj;jpf; fl;b vOg;g xd;wpize;j ,isQu;fshf ehk; czu;e;Njhk;. xUtUf;nfhUtu; Nghl;b vd;fpd;w vz;zk; jtpu;j;J xNu FLk;gk; Nghy midtuplKk; rkkhd fUj;Jg; gupkhwy;fs;> NtW nraw;jpl;lk; gw;wpa vz;zg;gjpTfs; epiwaNt gupkhwpf; nfhz;Nlhk;. ,e;epfo;tpy; 8500 Nwhay; fy;Y}up khztu;fisg; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jp ehd; fye;J nfhz;likia vd; tho;tpd; kpf gaDs;s jUzkhf vz;ZfpNwd;.

,isQu;fspd; gq;F NgzpaYif %y tho;Nt NgzpaYif ehL> fyhrhuk;> kjk;> nkhop %y r%fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jk;. Ngjq;fs; fle;J epfo;Tf;F tUif

cjhuzkhf> cyf ePu;tsj;jpy; E}w;Wf;F xU tPjNk FbePu;. kpFjp 97 tPjk; rKj;jpuq;fspYk; 2 tPjk; ciwe;J gdpg;ghiwfshfTk; gadpd;wp ,Uf;fpd;wJ. rhjhuz tho;tpy; Fohiaj; jpwe;jgb gy; Jyf;Ftjd; NghJ kl;Lkhf epkplj;Jf;F 6 yPl;lu; jz;zPu; tpiuakhtjhf fzpg;G cz;L. ,t;tifapyhd tPz;tpuaj;ijf; Fiwg;gJ cyf rdj;njhifapy; xd;gjpy; xUtUf;F FbePu; fpilf;f vJthf mikAk;. vd; gazj;jpd; gpd;du; Kbe;jtiu vd;dhyhd tPz;tpuaq;fisf; Fiwf;f Kaw;rpf;fpNwd;. gjpndl;lhtJ tajpy; ,e;epfo;tpy; fye;J nfhz;lJ vd; tho;ehspy; xU

Nru;f;Fk; nraw;jpl;lk;. thd;kz;lyj;Jf;F mDg;gg;gl;l ngupa nra;kjp xd;wpd; %yk; R+upa xspia Nrkpj;J Ez;ziyfshf jpupj;J [g;ghd; ehl;bd; gpujhd kpd;toq;fp NfhGuj;jpy; thq;fpf; nfhs;thu;fs;. me;j Ntiyj;jpl;lj;jpd; tp];jPuzk; vd;id tpag;Gf;Fs;shf;fpaJ.

kPs;ghtid Fiwghtid kPSUthf;fk; (Reuse,Reduce,Recycle) 3R-,dJ gad;ghL cyfk; KOf;f tpahgpj;J ,Uf;fpd;w xNu jhuf ke;jpuk;. fz;fhl;rp muq;ifr; Rw;wpg; ghu;j;jjpy; 3R gad;ghl;bd; tupirf;fpukj;ijj; njupe;J nfhs;sf;$bajhf ,Ue;jJ. KbAkhdtiu cgNahfpj;j nghUl;fis kPs;ghtidf;F (Reuse) cl;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. mt;thW cl;gLj;j Kbahj nghUl;fis Fiwghtid (Reduce) nra;a Ntz;Lk;. tpistpy; fopTg;nghUl;fs; jpul;lg;gl;L NtW tbtpy; kPSUthf;fk; (Recycle) nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;.

,e;epfo;tpy; gq;F nfhz;ljd; %yk; ghupa mDgtk; xd;iwg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s tha;g;G fpilj;jJ. vjpu;fhyj;ij fl;b vOg;Gtjpy; ,isQu; rKjhak; kpf cd;djkhd flg;ghbidf; nfhz;bUg;gJld; vjpu;fhyj; jiytu;fshf rpe;jpf;f Ntz;ba jhu;kPf mGjhgp Njrpa fz;fhl;rp muq;fpy; nghWg;igAk; nfhz;bUf;fpwJ. gRikahd [g;ghdpa fk;gdp xd;why; cUtikf;fg;gl;L Ntu;fisf; nfhz;l kuq;fs; ,dpg;ghd ,Ue;j Ntiyj;jpl;lj;jpd;ghy; <u;f;fg;gl;Nld;. fdpfisj; jUtijg; Nghy rPu; fy;tpAk; Vwf;Fiwa 2 fp.kP. 3 fp.kP. mstpyhd MNuhf;fpaKkhd rpe;jidAk; nfhz;l $iug;gug;gpy; mikf;fg;gl;L ,Ue;j ,isQu; r%fNk gpufhrkhd vjpu;fhyj;jpw;F R+upaf;fyq;fspd; %yk; R+upa rf;jpiar; VJthf mikAk;. ,t;tha;g;G vd; tho;ehspy; Nru;j;njLj;J kpd;rf;jpahf khw;wp kwf;f Kbahj mDgtk;. ,t;tha;g;ig kpf tprhykhd kf;fSf;F nfhz;L vdf;Fj; je;j midtUf;Fk; ed;wp.

Zayed Future Energy Prize By Sahan Thejana Peiris

January 18th to 24th 2015 was a time period that made a huge difference in my life as I was privileged enough to represent Royal College at the “Zayed Future Energy Prize 2015”, as one of the finalists at the competition. It was also a great experience to attend the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, World Future Energy Summit, International Water Summit and World Eco Waste Summit. “Sustainable living is a Sustainable Society” The sustainability motto of Royal College concentrates on selfconsciousness, social consciousness and environmental consciousness. This helped me to develop my self-awareness and to be more vigilant about environmental issues. As an example, only 1% of the world’s water supply is usable as 97% is in the oceans and another 2% is frozen. When people keep the tap open while brushing their teeth, they waste 6 liters of water per minute. Minimising the waste would have meant one in nine people had access to drinking water. I was one of those who wasted water without knowing the tragic consequences. But thanks to awareness, now I am an active catalyst for change. As a teenager, attending the Zayed Future Energy Prize was one milestone in my life. The individuals, institutions and organisations which were present at the Zayed Future Energy Prize giving 2015 had proactive projects and ideas to overcome persisting environmental and social issues. I had the honour of meeting His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Mr. Al Gore the 45th Vice President of the United States, Co-founder and Chairman of Generation Investment Management, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr.Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson the President of Iceland and many other exceptional individuals.

The younger generation plays a significant role in building the future world as they are the individuals who will become leaders and control the world in the future Teenagers bond in a global cause I had the opportunity of interacting with representatives of other countries, different cultures, different religions, who spoke different languages. We were like members of a family from around the world who came together to change the future. More than competitors we were friends. We helped each other, discussed about their projects, discussed about future ambitions and problems of teenagers. The winners shared their experiences with everyone. This is where I realised how fortunate I was, to represent Royal College at the prestigious Zayed Future Energy Prize. Honestly, I am really glad to say that out of 8,500 Royalists, I had the pleasure of representing every one of them at this Global occasion.

Innovation At the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center I came across an interesting project exhibit which was done by a Japanese

Company. The main intention of this project was to distribute electricity to a large area with the use of Solar Power, positioned on a building, 2km x 3km in extent with Solar PV panels on each side. The gigantic satellite sent to outer space captures the light of the sun, convert it to microwaves and transmits the waves to the main transmission tower in Japan. I was impressed by the magnitude and innovation of this project and was eager to share this experience with my like-minded friends.

Re-use, Reduce and Recycle The concept of 3R is very popular globally in terms of Waste Management. By exploring the Exhibition Center I realised why it follows the order Re-use, Reduce and Recycle. First, we should try to re-use the possible waste. Then reduce the amount of waste which is dumped. Recycling waste comes next. Ideally, we should manage our waste according to this concept. I gained a lot of knowledge and experience by attending the Zayed Future Energy Prize 2015. The younger generation plays a significant role in building the future world as they are the individuals who will become leaders and control the world in the future. If the roots of a tree are strong and healthy, the tree will bear fine fruit. If the young generation of the world is well educated and have positive thoughts, the future will be bright. I am fortunate enough to be at an occasion where representatives around the world got together to discuss about world environmental issues. I thank everyone who made this dream tour a reality!






kpthfdq; d;dfpas;f;f (EVs)

By Nalin Goonewardene and Navaka Navaratne

Electric Vehicles (EVs) Sustainability of the environment is now a key issue that is receiving worldwide attention. A major polluter is the fossil fuel using motor vehicle of which there are millions on the road. To make it worse, fossil fuels are becoming a scarce resource, urging mankind to switch to more sustainable means of utilizing it. In the light of this, use of electric vehicles with near zero emissions are becoming more acceptable, giving rise to an 'intermediate' solution - the hybrid vehicle. The ideal full Electric Vehicle (EV) and for the masses (such as Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S), despite rising sales globally, is still some way off due to drawbacks and restrictions such as high price, 'range anxiety' (how far you can travel before the batteries peter out), availability of re-charging facilities and the time to recharge. The jury is out regarding resale value as this is dependent on the 'athlete’s foot' of these vehicles - the batteries. The additional benefits however are impressive. We are gradually moving into a new era where Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) will bring a revolution in the motoring world. Gone will be the need for changing engine oil, filters, spark plugs, coolants (except perhaps for batteries) as well as the tune-ups and in fact little regular maintenance as we know it. Electric motors are clean, extremely reliable and long-lived, and can even run for a long period without maintenance. Apart from being all electric, modern passenger EVs are generally 'managed' by software that can configure and react to signals from a variety of sensors. They can recover energy through control of regenerative braking and even possess personalised facilities (such as security) through recognition of fingerprinting, voiceprinting or videoprinting as appropriate. They can be remotely monitored (theft recovery) and their performance can be regulated by using different configurations of batteries. Major auto manufacturers however, need to make large numbers of small to medium multi-purpose EVs for profitability. Overcoming the practical difficulties of building vehicles which are not heavy or slow when compared to their fossil fuel powered counterparts, Automobile Manufacturers have succeeded in building models such as the Mitsubishi i-MiEV and BMW i3. Further, automotive giants have ventured into more powerful versions such as the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive, Citroën Survolt and Dodge EV, with some failing to go past the prototype stage. To popularise electric cars, the Formula-e all electric world championship races are run in city centres worldwide. Due to rangerestrictions, drivers have a pit stop after 30 minutes to change cars, which make EVs

Dr Harsha Subasinghe (CEO of CodeGen)

more acceptable but also highlight their weaknesses. In this environment, introduction of a new fast EV is always of interest. As it is built entirely in Sri Lanka, questions like is it a toy, are they serious, will it survive need answers, so let’s take a look at it.

VEGA The machine is called VEGA - a sleek, low slung, attractive 2 seater BEV Coupe mainly of carbon-fibre construction whose Lithium-ferrous phosphate battery modules have a number of innovations in packaging, safety, battery management, system hardware, firmware and software. It employs twin electric motors producing a combined 900 horsepower to power the rear wheels, with ample torque delivered through a unique differential system to enable the car to adapt to different road/driving conditions and achieve a 0-60 MPH time around 3.6 seconds. Targeted to deliver a top speed of 250 kph with a range of 240 km, Vega will be able to travel across Sri Lanka before a recharge is necessary. This puts Vega firmly into the EV Supercar category with competitors like Tesla Roadster, Lightning GT and Rimac. These machines cannot be compared with environment unfriendly fuel guzzling Ferraris, Lamborghinis or Aston Martins which also have incredibly expensive maintenance requirements. At this level, price (though high) is not the main impediment to success. It is how well it overcomes inherent EV obstacles, how it performs, is put together (bits don’t fall off), availability of spares and knowledgeable dealers.

So why would Vega survive when others have failed? Sri Lanka is not noted to be at the top of the world in anything - bar perhaps cricket. A modern EV is all about electronic control where computer software plays a big part. What better than a successful software development company (in this case, CodeGen) to provide this software? The project is realistic in addressing a major impediment to their success, namely charging capability. While developing the Vega, this innovative team has already brought to market home based EV chargers varying from 3.3 to 15kW and a 'super' charger of 25 or 50 kW for commercial use. These take 30 minutes to fully charge a Vega or any

other EV. Various guarantees ensure that this is a serious marketing effort. Just imagine the convenience of not queuing up at petrol stations, and paying for use through your monthly electricity bill. Surely, this in itself is worth an award for innovation, helping to popularise EVs and reduce carbon emissions at the same time. Availability & future development of batteries is another obstacle to be cleared - not manufactured here and not likely to be either. While other options may exist, right now, an ample supply of batteries is 'guaranteed' by the massive Tesla Gigafactory being established in Storey County, Nevada. So the Vega is not a toy or a ‘pipe-dream' but a reality.

The Team Last but not least, the credentials and capabilities of the team behind Vega is what will make it a success. The amazing thing is from concept to design to production, the Vega project is an all Sri Lankan effort produced by the ingenuity, skill, expertise and dedication of a small band of engineers lead by Dr Harsha Subasinghe, CEO of CodeGen, who wanted to create something to grab the world’s attention and to show that Sri Lankans can also 'do it' produce something that is a world beater! He is ably supported by Dr Tilak Dissanayake, with a background in aerodynamics and airplane design together with Dr Dashantha Gunaratne, formerly at Lotus and Dr Beshan Kulapala, formerly at Intel, a truly appropriate multi-talented team. They modelled several prototypes before arriving at the final stage. Working in a small garage in Sri Lanka’s new ‘IT Park’, looking like something out of Fast and Furious, this team has shown that ‘if there is a will, there is a way’. They have tenaciously stuck with it, overcoming limitations and finding solutions, so every sign is that they will be successful, where others have failed.

Conclusion Vega is a fantastic EV targeted at Sri Lanka and the Middle East. At some point, it will need to take on the Tesla Roadster in its own backyard, the USA, to be recognized as a world beater. Importantly, it is an inspiration to Sri Lankans, showing that our IT and engineering skills can have many unusual applications to compete with the best of the world. Sri Lanka is not short of talent, just opportunities.

Well done Vega.

,d;W cyfyhtpa uPjpapy; ftdj;ij <u;j;Js;s gpur;rpid R+oypd; ePbj;j epyTifj;jd;ik (Sustainability) MFk;. ,jpy; jhf;fk; nrYj;Jk; kpfg;ngupa #oy; khrilthf;Fk; fhuzp thfdq;fspy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; njhy; vr;r vupnghUs; MFk;. NkYk; njhy; vr;r vupnghUshdJ mUfp tUtJld; kf;fs; ,jid ePbj;j ghtidf;fhf Nrkpj;J itf;f Ntd;ba fl;lhaj;jpy; cs;sdu;. ,g; gpur;rpidf;F 'jw;fhypf"j; jPu;thf> vupnghUs; ckpo;tw;w kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fs; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sJ- fyg;GUthf;f thfdq;fs; (hybrid vehicles). vdpDk; ngUfp tUk; tpw;gidiaj;jhd;b> kpd;dpaf;f thfdf;fs; kw;Wk; gpujhd thfd njhopyfq;fs; (Nissan Leaf, Tesla Model S) cau; tpiy> kpd;fy gad;gLiff;fhyk;> kPs; kpd;fy Vw;w trjpfs;> kPs; kpd;fy Vw;w fhyk; Mfpa ,lu;fis re;jpj;J tUfpwJ. xOq;fikf;fg;gl;l eLtu; Fohk; kpd;fy kPs; tpw;gid gw;wpa Ma;Tfis Nkw;nfhs;fpwJ. ,tw;iwj;jhz;b gy ed;ikfs; fpilf;fg;ngWfpd;wd. ,ae;jpu vz;nza;> jPg;nghwpr;nrUfp> tbfyk; Mfpa thfdg;gFjpfis khw;Wjy;> Nkk;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk; NgZjy; vDk; fhy fl;lj;jpypUe;J> kpd;fy kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fs; (BEVs) Nkhl;lhu; thfd cw;gj;jpf;F Gjpa gupzhkk; mspf;Fk; GjpanjhU fhy fl;lj;jpw;F nrd;W nfhd;bUf;fpd;Nwhk;. kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fs;> ek;gfj;jd;ik tha;e;jJld; ePbj;j fhyk; ,aq;ff;$baJ; NgZif (maintainance) nra;a Ntz;ba mtrpakw;wJ. etPd gazu; kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fs; kpd;dpaf;fkhdJld; irif kw;Wk; czupfSf;F Jyq;fiyf;fhl;lf;$bait. NkYk;> kPs; cUthf;fj; jLg;ghd;fs; %yk; rf;jpia kPl;ff;$ba jd;ikiaAk; tpuy; gjpT> Fuy; gjpT> fhnzhspg;gjpT NkYk; ghJfhg;Gj;jd;ikiaAk; nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,t;thfdq;fspd; nraw;jpwd; Nkw;ghu;itaplf;$baJk; (theft security) MFk;. vdpDk; gpujhd thfd cw;gj;jpahsu;fs; yhgj;jpw;fhf rpwpa kw;Wk; eLj;ju gy;Njit kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fis cUthf;f Ntz;ba Njit cs;sJ. njhy; vr;r vupnghUs; thfdq;fisg;Nghd;w ghuky;yhj Ntfkhf nry;yf;$ba thfdq;fis cUthf;f Ntz;ba fl;lhaKk; fhzg;gLfpwJ. Mitsubishi i-MiEV kw;Wk; BMW i3 Mfpa thfd cw;gj;jpapd;%yk; gpujhd thfd cw;gj;jpahsu;fs; ,jid rhj;jpag;gLj;jpAs;sdu;. NkYk; Jzpe;J Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive Citroën Survolt kw;Wk; Dodge EV Mfpa rf;jp tha;e;j thfdq;fis cw;gj;jp nra;Js;sdu;> vdpDk; xU rpy thfdq;fs; Muk;g fl;l Nrhjidfisj; jhz;ltpy;iy. kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fis NkYk; gpugyg;gLj;j> cyfshtpa uPjpapy; Nghl;bfs;

eilngWfpd;wd. vdpDk; ,g;Nghl;bfspy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; fhu;fs; 30 epkplq;fSf;F xUKiw khw;wg;gl Ntz;Lk;. ,J kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fspy; fhzg;gLk; xU rpy FiwghLfis vLj;Jf;fhl;LfpwJ. ,d;iwa R+o;epiyapy; etPd mjpAau; Ntf kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fspd; mwpKfk; tuNtw;fj;jf;f xd;whFk;. vdpDk; mg;gbnahU thfdj;ij KOikahf ,yq;ifapy; cUthf;FtJ rhj;jpakh?

vdpDk;> jw;Nghija fhyj;Jf;F Tesla Gigafactory, Storey County> Nevada ,ypUe;J kpd;fy tpepNahfk; cWjp nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ.


• Dr Harsha Subasinghe (CEO of CodeGen) • Dr Tilak Dissanayake (Aerodynamics and airplane design) • Dr Dashantha Gunaratne (formerly at Lotus ) • Dr Beshan Kulapala (formerly at Intel)

VEGA- fhgd; ehu; fl;LkhdKila ypjpAk; ngu]; ngh];Ngw; kpd;fy mikg;Gfis cila kpd;fy Nkw;ghu;it> ghJfhg;G trjp> mikg;G td;nghUs;> epiynghUs;> nkd;nghUs; trjpfSila rPuhd> Vw;w cauKila> 2 ,Uf;if kpd;fy kpd;dpaf;f thfdk; . ,U kpd;dpay; Nkhl;lhu;fisf;nfhz;l ,t;thfdk; 900 Fjpiu tYr;rf;jpia gpd; rpy;YfSf;F toq;ff; $baJk;> gy;NtW tPjpaikg;Gf;fs; kw;Wk; epiyikfspy; nry;yf;$baJk;> 0- 60 MPH I 3.5 nrf;fdpy; milaf;$baJk;> 250KPH ,y; gazk; nra;af;$baJkhd ,t;thfdk; ,yq;if KOJk; gazk; nra;J KbAk; tiu kPs; kpd;Ndw;wk; nra;a Ntz;ba mtrpakw;wJ. ,J Vega tpid Tesla Roadster> Lightning GT kw;Wk; Rimac Mfpa epWtdq;fSld; Nghl;bapl itj;Js;sJ. ,t; thfdq;fs; R+oYf;F ghjpg;G tpistpf;fhj> mjpfk; nrytspf;fj; Njitaw;w> kw;Wk; rpwe;j nraw;jpwDila tifapy; ,Ug;gNj ,tw;wpd; ntw;wpahFk;.

VEGA vg;gb epiyj;J epw;Fk;? etPd kpd;dpaf;f thfdq;fspd; jpwd; kpd;dpaf;ff; fl;Lg;ghl;by; jq;fpapUg;gJld; mjpy; Kf;fpa jhf;fk; nrYj;JtJ fzpdp nkd;nghUs; MFk;. Vega tpw;F nkd;nghUs; Nkk;ghl;L trjpfis toq;FtJ ‘Code Gen’ vdg;gLk; gpugy nkd;nghUs; epWtdkhFk;. ,f;FOthdJ Vega tpid Nkk;gLj;j re;ijapypUe;J 3.3- 15 kW kpd;dpaf;f thfd kpd;D}l;bfisAk;> 25- 50 kW super kpd;D}l;bfisAk; thq;fpAs;sJ. ,it Vega my;yJ xU rhjhuz kpd;dpaf;f thfdj;ij kpd;D}l;l ntWk; 30 tpehbfisna vLf;Fk;. ,J xU ghupa re;ij Kaw;rp MFk;. ,jd; %yk; Gj;jhf;fj;jpwd; Gjpa gupzhkj;ij miltJld;> R+oy; ghjpg;ig Vw;gLj;Jk; fhgd; ckpo;Tk; jLf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. kpd;fyq;fspd; fpilf;Fk; jd;ik kw;Wk; Nkk;ghL vdg;gLtJ xU gpd;dilT

Vega eilKiwr; rhj;jpakhdJ.

nraw; FO Vega tpd; nrayzp Kw;W KOjhf ,yq;ifau;fisNa cs;slf;fpajhFk;.

kpfTk; jpwikahd mDgtkpf;f nrayzpahy; nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; Muk;g fl;l Vw;ghLfspd; ,Wjpg;gFjp ,yq;if ‘IT Park’ ,y; KOikahf;fg;gLk;. jPu;Tfisf;fhzy; kw;Wk; jkJ milT kl;lq;fis njhlu;e;J cau;j;jpf;nfhz;L nry;yy; vd;gdNt Vega tpd; ntw;wpahFk;.

,Wjpr; RUf;fk; Vega vd;gJ Xu; mUikahd kpd;dpaf;f thfdk; MFk;. ,yq;if kw;Wk; kj;jpa Mrpa thbf;ifahsu;fSf;nfd cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. rpwe;j kpd;dpaf;f thfd cw;gj;jpfSld; Nghl;b NghLk; msTf;fhd nraw;jpwid nfhz;lJ. Fwpg;ghf> ,J ,yq;ifaupd; Kw;W KOjhd Kaw;rp MFk;.,yq;ifaupd; jfty; njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; nghwpapay; jpwik cyf ty;Yeu;fSld; Nghl;b Nghlf;$baJ vd;gjw;F rupahdnjhU vLj;Jf;fhl;Nl ,e;j Vega. ,yq;ifapy; jpwikf;Ff; Fiwtpy;iy. tha;g;GfNs mupJ. Vega NkYk; tsk; ngwl;Lk;.





úoHq;a jdyk igyk k,Ska .=Kj¾Ok iy kjl kjr;ak úisks

isks÷" wvq n/;s" is;a .kakd iq¿ wdik j,ska iukaú;" ldnka *hsn¾ j,ska ksmojd we;s" jy< yl=<k fodr 2 la we;s" ,s;shï f*ria fmdiafmaÜ negß j,ska hqla; jQ iy weiqreïlrKh" wdrlaIdj" negß l<uKdlrKh" oDVldx." iaÓrdx. yd uDÿldx. hkd§ jQ kùk mkakfha l%u j,ska iukaú; hka;%h zfõ.dZ f,i ye¢kaúh yelsh mdßißl ia:r;djh f,dj mqrd wjOdkh Èkd f.k we;s uqLH ldrKhls' mßirfha m%Odk ¥Ilhd njg m;ajkafka ñ,shk .Kkska jQ ud¾.ia: jdyk úiska Ndú; lrkq ,nk fmdis, bkaOkhs' fmdis, bkaOk Èfkka Èk ysÕ iïm;la njg m;afjñka ;sfnk w;r thu ñksia j¾.hdg jvd;a iaÓridr ud¾. hla f,i Ndú;d lsÍug fm<UùU ksid thd krl w;g yeÍ we;' tu ksid jdhq úfudapkh ìxÿjg wdikak jvd;a ms<s.; yels wka;¾udOH úi÷ula f,i úoHq;h uÕska Odjkh jk yhsì%â jdyk Ndú; lrhs' ñ, by< hdï" fld;rï ÿrg negßfha wdhq ld,h wvqùug fmr Odjkh l< yelso hk .eg¿j" th kej; wdfrdamkh lsÍug .; jk ld,h iy kej; wdfrdamKh lsÍug myiqlï ie,iSug yelso hk .eg¨ wdÈh jvd;au Wmfhda.S úoHq;a jdyk iy ksIamdol j¾. i|yd f,dal jHdma; fjf<odï isÿjk fkdi,ld yeÍïj,g" ndOl yd miqneiaùï j,g fya;=ka h' fuu jdyk j, kej; úlsKSfï ñ, hefmkafka tu jdyk Odjkh l< ld, iSudj u; fkdj" th r|d mj;skafka negßfha wdhq ld,h u;h' flfia fj;;a thska w;sf¾lj ,efnk m%fhdack is;a weo .kakd iq¿ fõ' fudag¾ r: f,dj úma,ùh fjkilg uq, mqrk" negß úoHq;a jdyk Ndú; lrkakdjQ kj hq.hlg wkql%ufhka hqla;j wms mshk.ñka

isáuq' wms okakd wdldrhg úoHq;a fkdjk jdyk j, tkaðka f;,a udre lsÍu" jdhq fmrk" iamd¾la ma,a.aia" tkaðka isis,k wdÈh udre lsÍï" iqir lsÍï l< hq;= w;r iq¿ jYfhka ks;sm;dlrK kv;a;= lsÍïo l< hq;=h' úoHq;a jdyk msßisÿh" úYajdi l< yels" §¾> ld<skj mßyrKh l< yels w;r tfiau kv;a;=jlska f;drj È.= l,la Ndú;d l< yelsh' ta yefrkakg ish¨u kQ;k uÕSka /f.k hd yels úoHq;a jdyk idudkHfhka l<uKdlrKh jkafka úúO ixfõolhka Wmfhda.S lr.ksñka ilialrk ,o udÿldx. uÕsks' tfiau fuu uDÿldx. moaO;sh uÕska fm!oa.,sl wjYH;djhka jk wdrlaIdj jeks ldrKdfiau" weÕs,s i,l=Kq uÕska y÷kd .ekSï" lgy~ uÕska y÷kd .ekSï" rEm uÕska y÷kd .ekSï wdÈh y÷kd .; yelsh' fïjd ÿria:j md,kh l< yels w;ru ^fidrlï j,ska wdrlaIdùu i|yd& fïjdfha l%shdlrlï kshdukh lsÍu i|yd fjkia wdlD;Ska j,ska hqla;jQ negß tys fjhs' flfia kuq;a m%Odk jdyk ksIamdolhska úiska" l=vd isg uOHu mßudKh olajd jQ nyqld¾h jdyk jvd;a ,dNodhS f,i ksmoúh hq;=j we;' fmdis, bkaOk n,fhka hq;a m%;suQ¾;Ska yd ixixokh l< úg nr yd ukao.dó núka f;dr jdyk ksYamdokfha§ tk m%dfhda.s

l wmyiq;d uevmeje;aùu i|yd iy BMW i3 jeks wdlD;s iys; jdyk ksmoùug fudag¾ r: ksIamdolhska iu;a ù we;' ;jÿrg;a jdyk l¾udka;fha ±jeka;hska wênj jdyk wdlD;Ska jk Mercedes - Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive Citroen Survolt iy Dodge úoHq;a jdyk fidhd f.k we;' fï ;;a;ajhka folu w;S;fha mej;s fj<|fmd< j, ;snQ NdKavj,g iudka;rj mejf;k ksIamdokhka lSmhlg yer fjf<|fmd< Èkd .ekSug wiu;a ù ;sfí' f,dalh mqrd k.r uOHfha jvd;a ckm%sh ;rÕdj,shla f,i Formula E ;rÕdj,sh ye¢kaúh yelsh' fuys m%Odk wruqK jkafka úoHq;a jdyk i|yd m%isoaêhla ,nd §uhs' ÿr hk iïndOlh fya;=fjka úkdä 30 lg ierhla jdyk fjkia lsÍu i|yd k;r lsÍug ia:dk we; thska úoHq;a jdykj, ;;a;ajh ;jÿrg;a ms<s.; yels jk kuq;a thska tajdfha ÿ¾j,;djhka jvd;a fyd¢ka lemS fmfkhs' j¾;udk mßirh kj fõ.j;a úoHq;a jdyk y÷kajd§ug jeä leue;a;la olajhs' tajd iïmQ¾Kfhkau Y%S ,xldfõ ksIamdokh lrkafkakï" fuh fi,a,ï nvqjlao @ fuh jeo.;a fohlao @ fuh mj;Súo hk mekj,g ms<s;=re wjYH fõ' tneúka wms ta foi fk;a fhduq lruq' Mutusubishi i-Miev

fõ.d - VEGA isks÷" wvq n/;s" is;a .kakd iq¿ wdik j,ska iukaú;" ldnka *hsn¾ j,ska ksmojd we;s" jy< yl=<k fodr 2 la we;s" ,s;shï f*ria fmdiafmaÜ negß j,ska hqla; jQ iy weiqreïlrKh" wdrlaIdj" negß l<uKdlrKh" oDVldx." iaÓrdx. yd uDÿldx. hkd§ jQ kùk mkakfha l%u j,ska iukaú; hka;%h zfõ.dZ f,i ye¢kaúh yelsh' miqmi frdao i|yd n,h ,nd fokafka wYaj n, 900 l n,hla we;s oaú;aj úoHq;a fudag¾ uÕsks' th úúO ud¾. ;;a;ajhka hgf;a Odjkh l< yels jk w;r ;mamr 3'6 l§ 0-60mph ld, mrdihlska Odjkh l<yelsh' mehg ls' ó' 240-250 olajd by, fõ.hlska Odjkh l< yels jk w;r fuu zfõ.dZ ldrh kej; wdfrdamKhlska f;drj ,xldj mqrd .uka lsÍug iqÿiqh' ta fya;=fjka fï fõ.d ldrh f,dj wfkl=;a iqmsß ;rÕldÍ jdyk jk Tesla Roodster, Lightning GT yd Rimac Ferraring, Lamborghinis fyda Aston marting wdosh iuÕ ixixokh l< úg§ tajd mßir ys;ldó;ajfhka f;dr neúka yd kv;a;= úhoñka b;d wêlh' fï uÜgfï§ i,ld ne,Sfï§" fuys id¾:l;ajhg n,mdk ndOl j,ska uqo, uqLH idOlh fkdjkafkah' úoHq;a jdykj,gu wdfõKsl jQ ndOl hgm;a lr .ekSu" l%shdjg kexùu" wu;r fldgia ,nd .e; yels ùu iy ±kqu iys; ksfhdað;hska fidhd .kafka flfiao hk .eg¨ úoHq;a jdyk j, Wreu jQ ndOlhka fõ'

zfõ.dZ msgqmi we;s id¾:l;ajhg fya;=j jkafka tu lKavdhfï we;s yelshdjka iy ms<s.ekSuh wfkla tajd wid¾:l ùfï§ fõ.d mej;sh hq;af;a wehs @ iuyrúg" l%slÜ yefrkakg Y%S ,xldfõ by,g hk lafIa;%hla fkdúh yelsh' úoHq;a jdyk bf,lafg%dksla mßm: iy mß>kl uDÿldx. uÕska úYd, jYfhka md,kh flf¾' fuu uDÿldx.h ±kg imhk wdh;khg jvd jvd;a id¾:l uDÿldx. ksmojk wdh;khla jqjfyd;a flfia fõo @ fuu jHdmD;sh id¾:l lr .ekSu i|yd jk m%Odk ldrKh jkafka m%;s wdfrdamkh lsÍfï yelhdjhs' fõ.d j¾Okh lrk w;r;=r fuu kj W;amdok lKavdhu jdKsc iy .Dyia: Ndú;h i|yd 3'3KW isg 15KW olajd iy 25KW isg 50Kw olajd w;r mrdifha iqmsß wdfrdaml fjf<|fmd<g y÷kajd § we;' fuu wdfrdamk úkdä 30l muK ld,hlska fõ.d fyda wfkl=;a úoHq;a jdyk iïmQ¾Kfhka wdfrdamKh lrhs' fuu W;aidy b;du;a nrm;< fj<| fmd< W;aidyhla f,i iy;sl lrhs' bkaOk msrjqï y,aj, fmda,sï j, /§ isàug wjYH ke;s jk úg we;s jk myiqlu iy úÿ,s ì, uÕska fuu ì,am;a f.ùug we;s myiqj ms<sn| u|la is;d n,kak' we;a; jYfhkau" fuh kj W;amdokhg iïudk ,efnkakdjQ fidhd.ekSula úh yelsh' tfiau úÿ,s ld¾ m%p,s; lsÍug;a ldnka úfudapkh wvq lsÍug;a fuh odhl jkq we;' wm úi|d .; hq;= wfkla ldrKh kï negß we;s yelshdj iy tys u;= ÈhqKqj ms<sn| ndOlhhs' wfkla ;;a;ajhka tfia mej;sh;a fu;eka isg b;d úYd, jYfhka

iy;sl l< yels negß ksmoùu iafgdaß rfÜ fkfõvdys fgia,d l¾udka; Yd,dfõ ksmojhs' tfiakï zfõ.dzz hkq isyskhla fkdj ienEjls'

lKavdhu -

(The team) wjidkh jqj;a fuh tys wjidkh fkdfõ' zfõ.dZ msgqmi we;s id¾:l;ajhg fya;=j jkafka tu lKavdhfï we;s yelshdjka iy ms<s.ekSuhs' uQ, O¾ufha isgu ksIamdokh olajdu fõ.d jHdmD;sh Y%S ,dxlslhkaf.a W;aiyhla ùu úYauhcklh' yelshdfjka" m%ùK;ajfhka yd lemùfuka hq;= b;d l=vd bxðfkare lKavdhu fufyhjkq ,nkafka wdpd¾h y¾I iqNisxy úisks' (CEO of CodeGen& wdpd¾h y¾I iqNisxyf.a wjYH;djhla jkqfha Y%S ,dxlslhkag hula l< yelshs hkak f,djg fmkaùu uÕska f,dj mqrd wjOdkh ,xldjg ,nd .ekSuhs' wdpd¾h ;s,la Èidkdhl" wdpd¾h oYka; .=Kr;ak" wdpd¾h fnYdka l=,md, hk wh wdpd¾h y¾I iqNisxyg fndfyda wdldrfhka WmldÍ jkafkdah' Tjqka úiska wjidk wjêhg <Õd ùug fmr fudvqhq, lSmhla ks¾udKh lrk ,§' ,xldfõ l=vd .rdchl jev lrñka Tjqka zzwêIaGdkh we;akï udj;la ;sfíhZZ hkak ikd: l,y' Tjqyq ta ;=< b;du;a ±äj Ôj;a jQy' ndOl j,g ndOd lrñka wfkl=;a wh ì|jegqK ia:dkhkays Tjqka u;= Èkl id¾:l jkq we;'

ks.ukh fõ.d hkq Y%S ,xldjg iy ueo fmrÈ. rgj,g wruqKq l<djQ wreu mqÿu ks¾udKhls' th u;= Èkl fgia,d frdaâiag¾ g jvd fyd| ks¾udKhla jkq we;' jvd;a jeo.;a jkafka f,dj wfkl=;a wh iuÕ ;rÕ lsÍug wfma bxðfkarejkag we;s yelshdj iy Tjqkaf.a ;dlaIKsl ±kquhs' ,xldfõ ÿ¾,N jkafka yelshdjka fkdj" wjia:djkah'


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AIA is the best multi-national to work for in Sri Lanka AIA Sri Lanka was adjudged as one of the best 15 companies to work for in Sri Lanka in the globally renowned Great Place To Work® study in 2014. The Company was also adjudged as the best multi-national company to work for in Sri Lanka and also the best in the medium enterprise category (200-1000 employees). AIA Insurance was also recognized for best practices in involving employees in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – for wholeheartedly believing in contributing to society through CSR activities and employee volunteerism.

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In 2014 the Company’s Poson Safety Programme conducted for the 21st successive year in Anuradhapura, was among the top 5 Best Sustainability Projects awarded by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. AIA Sri Lanka

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Call ANC on 777 44 99 55 to register Start Ahead. Decide on your child’s future after O/Levels After O/L there are three alternatives open for you and your child Continue with local A/Levels? This takes three or more years of continuous study, a highly competitive final exam to gain entrance to local university with no guarantee of the preferred degree. Statistics show that a shocking 93% of A/Level students will not be offered a placement in local university.

The second option is to follow London AL in an international school and after two years of study and exams with adequate A/Level results, pursue university education overseas, most popularly in the UK, US or Australia. The third option is joining a university foundation program. Foundation programs which has been developed by universities which is internationally recognized and enable students after O/Levels to complete foundation studies in 1 year and directly transfer overseas for further studies. Foundation programs have been delivered globally for over 20 years and are becoming increasingly popular among Sri Lankan parents and students due its timesaving of over 2 Years compared to A/ Levels which would take approximately 3 years of study. The Monash University Foundation Year(MUFY) offered by ANC Education is a twelve month program designed by Monash University that prepares students for their desired destination degree in a variety of areas including Engineering, Business, Information Technology, Medicine, Biosciences, Law, Psychology, Communications and much more. The Monash University Foundation Year – a bold step towards making your dream into a reality call 77 38 444 38

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fdTfis Jupjg;gLj;Jq;fs; jkpopy; - utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;

,e;j cyfpd; kpf ntw;wpfukhd Ra njhopy;KidNthu; jkJ ,stajpNyNa mjw;fhd rkpf;iQfis fhl;bAs;sdu;. jdJ je;ij kw;Wk; ghl;ldhu; Mfpa ,UtUk; Milj; njhopypy; njhopyjpgu;fshf ,Ue;jikahy; Njtrpfhkzp uhk;Fkhu; xU ,sk; njhopyjpgu;fSf;fhd mk;rq;fs; midj;ijAk; nfhz;bUe;jhu;. vnlf;]; rQ;rpifapd; kNf~pfh gpNukr;re;jpu kw;Wk; ~hu;yPd; b rpf;Nfuh> jdJ FLk;g Ff;fp (tpRf;Nfhj;J) jahupg;G epWtdj;jpid ,yq;ifapy; rpwe;j epWtdkhf cUthf;Ftjw;F Kad;W nfhz;bUf;Fk; jpU Njtrpfhkzpia re;jpj;jdu;. 'xt;nthU ehSk; vdJ epWtdj;jpw;F vijahtJ xd;iw Gjpjhf NrHj;Jf;nfhs;sNt Kay;fpd;Nwd;. mJ xU kpd;dQ;ry; mDg;Gtjhf ,Uf;fl;Lk; my;yJ xU tUq;fhy thbf;ifahsUf;fhd xU njhiyNgrp miog;ghf ,Uf;fl;Lk; ,Wjpapy; vdJ tpahghuj;jpw;F rpy Kd;Ndw;wk; Vw;gLtjdhy; ehd; kfpo;r;rpailNtd;" vd;fpd;whu; Njth. mtUila njhopYf;fhd Mu;tKk; cw;rhfKk;> tpiutpy; xU ,yhgfukhd njhopw;Jiwahf tug;Nghfpd;w xU Jiwapy; Kide;Js;shu; vd;gjid cWjpg;gLj;jpaJ. mtUila epWtdkhd" Nuh]; Ngf;fu;];" ,yq;ifapy; cs;s Kjd;ikahd rpwg;G tPl;by; jahupf;Fk; Ff;fp (tpRf;Nfhj;J) epWtdkhFk;. czTf; ifj;njhopypy; Rit vd;gJ xU $W khj;jpuNk MFk;. ngWkjp Nru;j;jy;> myq;fhug;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk; Cl;lr;rj;J vd;git Kf;fpakhditfshFk;. cq;fs; ifapYs;s cw;gj;jp ,t;tk;rq;fs; ahtw;iwAk; nfhz;bUf;Fk; vdpy; ,aw;ifahfNt mJ tpw;fg;gLk;. mNefkhd Ranjhopy; KidNthiug; Nghd;Nw NjthTk; Kaw;rpahz;ikia jdJ nrhe;j fdTfis edthf;fpf;nfhs;sNt gpd;gw;Wfpwhu;. mtu; cyfpw;Fk; jdf;Fk; ep&gpf;f xd;iw itj;Js;shu;. mtUf;F xU Jzpfukhd mNjrkak; tpj;jpahrkhd ghijia cUthf;Ftjw;fhd cs kw;Wk; mwpT jpwd; cs;sJ.

'vdJ jhahNu ,e;j tzpfj;jpid ehd; njhlq;Ftjw;F nry;thf;F nrYj;jpdhu;. mtu; ntJg;gfg;gLj;jpa czTfis jahupg;gjpy; rpwg;Gj; Nju;r;rp mile;jpUe;jhu;. mj;NjhL mtu; mtw;iw rpW gz;bif epfo;r;rpfSf;Fk; toq;fpte;jhu;. mjd; gpd; ehd; ,g;gb xU Nahridia Kd;itj;Njd;" vd epidT $Wfpwhu; Njtrpfhkzp. xU Kaw;rpahsdhf khw;wk; xd;wpid Vw;gLj;JtJ ntFkjpaspf;ff;$baJ ,jid midj;J RaKaw;rpahsu;fSk; xg;Gf;nfhs;tu;. vt;thwhapDk; Njtrpfhkzpiag; nghUj;jtiu xU cz;ikahd khw;wj;jpidf; nfhz;LtUtJ fbdkhdJk; rthy; kpf;fJkhdjhFk;. mjw;F tpj;jpahrkhd xU kdg;Nghf;F Njitg;gLk;. ,J ntWkNd gzkPl;LjNyh my;yJ GfoiltNjh my;yJ Gj;jhf;fj;ijNah mbg;gilahff; nfhz;ljy;y. khwp tUk; cyfpy; Kaw;r;rpahz;ikf;fhd tiutpyf;fzk; khw;wk; xd;iw cUthf;Ftjw;fhd Njit vd;whfptpl;lJ. cq;fSila nrhe;j tzpfj;jpid njhlq;Ftjw;F cq;fsplk; Nghjpa gzNkh trjpfNsh ,y;iy vd;W ePq;fs; epidg;gPu;fNsahdhy; mj;NjhL cq;fs; fijahdJ Kbtile;JtpLk;. ePq;fs; Rakhf njhopy;Kida tpUk;gpdPu;fNsahdhy; Vidatw;iw tpLj;J cq;fsplk; ,Uf;fpd;w Fiwe;j tsq;fisf; nfhz;L Muk;gpAq;fs;. cq;fsJ tpahghuk; tsUk;NghJ tiyaikg;ghf njhopw;gly;> %Nyhghaj;Jld; rpe;jpj;jy;> Kfhikj;Jt gz;Gfs;> tzpf mwpT> jdpg;gl;l jpwikfs;> mj;Jld; tsq;fis rupahd Kiwapy; mZFjy; Nghd;w Fzhk;rq;fs; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ngWgitahf mikAk;. njhlu;ghly; vd;gJ ve;j xU tzpfj;jpd; eilKiwf;Fk;> njhlu;e;J nfhz;Lnry;yypw;Fk;> tsu;r;rpf;Fk; mj;jpahtrpakhdjhFk;. nkhopahdJ nkhop rhu;e;j njhlu;G kw;Wk; jfty; njhlu;Gfspy; Kf;fpa gq;F tfpf;fpd;wJ. tzpf cyfpy;> Mq;fpy nkhop Mjpf;fk; nrYj;JfpwJ MfNt xU Ra Kaw;rpahsUf;F Mq;fpyj;jpy; Nju;r;rpaile;J ,Ug;gJ tuNtw;fj;jf;fJ. mdhy; Njthitg; nghUj;jkl;by; cq;fsplk; xU jukhd rpwe;j cw;gj;jp fhzg;gLNkahdhy; nkhop vd;gJ Mjpf;fk; nrYj;jhJ.

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isiuÕ yskh

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jHdmdrhl§ fyda tys id¾:l;ajh uekSfï§ yd Okh fyda uqo,a u; muKla ;SrKh l< fkdyelsh' tys§ uQ,H jákdlug jvd jeo.;aNdjhla we;af;a ±kqu" l=i,;d Tn i;= iaÓridr wdl,am yd tys iudc jeo.;aluhs igyk ufyaIsld fm%aupkaø iy Yd,Ska ä Ñflard úisks mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks

zzj¾;udk fjf<|fmd< jd;djrKh wkqj bx.%Sis NdIdj m%Odk idOlhla ta ksidu bx.%Sis NdIdj ksmqK;ajh fkdue;súu fndfydafokd wffO¾hu;a lrkakla úhyelshs' kuq;a Tni;=j b;du by, m%ñ;sfha NdKavhla ;sfíkï Tn wffO¾hu;a úh hq;=u kEZZ f;ajisx.ukS mejiSh' jHdmdrhl§ fyda tys id¾:l;ajh uekSfï§ yd Okh fyda uqo,a u; muKla ;SrKh l< fkdyelsh' tys§ uQ,H jákdlug jvd jeo.;aNdjhla we;af;a ±kqu" l=i,;d Tn i;= iaÓridr wdl,am yd tys iudc jeo.;alu nj fuys§ wjOdß; ldrKdjls' id¾:l jHjidhlhka i|yd wjYH jkafka mshjfrka mshjr w;am;a lr.kakd ÈhqKqjls' ta Wfoid id¾:l ±laula wjYH fõ' wkd.; j¾Okhka i|yd id¾:l Wmdhud¾. ;SrKh lsßu;a meyeÈ,sj ;uka wfmalaIdfõ ksrka;rfhka ksu.ak ùuhs' Ôú;fha id¾:l;ajh ienEjgu rodmj;skafka Tn leue;s foa Tn lsßu ;=< muKhs'

f;ajdisx.ukS rdïl=ud¾





Accelerate Pix by Vanuja herath

your dreams...


igyk fk¾u, ir;apkaø iy wreK fmf¾rd úisks

By Maheshika Premachandra and Sharlene De Chickera

Thevasigamany Ramkumar

If you think you don’t have enough money or facilities to start a business; that will be the end of your story. If you ever want to become an entrepreneur, forget everything and start with the minimum resources you have

Most successful entrepreneurs in the world started showing signs of being an entrepreneur at a very young age. With his father and grandfather as entrepreneurs in the apparel industry, Thevasigamany Ramkumar had all of the makings of a young entrepreneur. EDEX magazine’s Maheshika Premachandra and Sharlene De Chickera met Mr. Thevasigamany, this ambitious young entrepreneur striving to make his family cookie manufacturing company the best in Sri Lanka, to share his inspiring story with our young readers. “Day by day, I try to add something to my company. Even if it is sending an email to a prospective client or making a confirmation call at the end of the day, I’m happy making some progress to my business,” says Theva. This enthusiasm and passion towards his cause has ensured that he is at the rudder of an industry which will soon become a lucrative business. His company, Rose Bakers is the foremost local specialized cookie manufacturer in Sri Lanka. Taste is just one component in the food industry. Adding value, beautification and nutrition are really important. If the product in your hand owns all of these features - it sells itself. Like many entrepreneurs, Theva pursues entrepreneurship to fulfill his personal dreams. He has something to prove to the world and to himself. He has the mental and intellectual capacity, the drive and the resourcefulness to invent and to create a differentiating venture. “My mother was the influence for me to start up this business. She specialises in baking foods and was supplying baked foods for small festive occasions. I told her we’ll do it this way so it could be unique and more productive,” he recalls. Making a difference as an entrepreneur can be very rewarding - as all great entrepreneurs will ubiquitously agree. However, according to Theva, making a real difference perhaps is also the hardest thing to do and the most challenging. It requires a different kind of mindset. It is not about just making money, or becoming famous, or inventing new things. In our changing world, the definition of entrepreneurship has evolved as the need to "make a difference". “If you think you don’t have enough money or facilities to start a business;

that will be the end of your story. If you ever want to become an entrepreneur, forget everything and start with the minimum resources you have”, Theva recalls. When the business is growing you have to have the ability to network, to think strategically, to gain access to resources, business knowledge and acumen, interpersonal skills and people management capabilities as well. Communication is necessary for the establishment, survival and growth of any business enterprise. Language plays a significant part in both verbal and nonverbal communication. In the world of business, English language dominates, and for an emerging entrepreneur not knowing to communicate in English might be discouraging. But the way Theva explains, it is promising “If you have a good product in your hand, it doesn’t matter which language you speak,” he recalls. The definition of wealth, capital, and value has changed forever. Money is no longer the only currency or the valuation of a company. Beyond financial value, entrepreneurs need to create ‘wealth’ with knowledge, sustainable assets, and social impact. In his words “Both knowledge and experience are important and money is something else and so does the passion”. Most entrepreneurs are driven by an overriding purpose when starting their own business. Successful entrepreneurs take it one step further and develop a vision for future growth. This vision helps to guide day-to-day operations and strategic decision-making necessary to achieve success. Theva’s vision is to become Sri Lanka’s number one cookie manufacturer, and to reach that, he is planning to do product and brand modifications and recruit more employees in the future. He is also looking forward to explore potential business opportunities in the near future and to own cookie manufacturing factories not only in Sri Lanka, but in China and India as well. There is no exact formula for entrepreneurship. It is unique for each individual. You cannot follow someone else’s journey to success, either. That journey is uniquely yours and yours only. So as Theva says “Do what you like rather than following someone else’s path.”


rdclSh úoHd,hSh ix.uh u.ska ;dreKHh n, .ekaùfï wruqK fmroeß fldg Èh;a lrk ,o EDEX EXPO jHdmD;sfha ;j;a tla wx.hla f,i wdrïN lrk ,o EDEX is;=jï §m jHdma; Ñ;% ;rÕdj,sh wo jk úg oefha ¥orejka w;r ckm%sh wx.hla njg m;aù ;sfí' orejka ;=< ieÕj we;s Ñ;% l,d l=i,;d y÷kd. ekSu;a" th bÈßm;a lsÍug fõÈldjla ;kd §u;a" Tjqkf.a yelshdjka we.hSug ,la lsÍu iy th jeä ÈhqKq lsÍug wjYH Wmfoia iy Wmldr ,nd §u;a wruqKq fldgf.k jir mqrd úúO jevlghq;= ixúOdkh lsÍu EDEX is;=jï jHdmD;sh uÕska isÿlrkq ,efí' wOhdmk wud;HxYfha wkque;sh iy wdYS¾jdoh iys;j wgjeks jrg;a Èh;a flrekq EDEX is;=jï 2015 w;sid¾:l whqßka miq.sh ckjdß ui wjika flßk' Èjhsfka i;r È.aNd.hu wdjrKh jk mßÈ 17000 wêl is;=jïm%udKhla EDEX is;=jï fj; ,enqkq w;r m%ùK úksYaph uKav,hla uÕska jhia LdKav y;rla hgf;a ch.%ylhska f;dard .ekSu isÿlr.kakd ,§' m%:u" fojk" f;jk ia:dkhkag wu;rj úfYaI l=i,;d iy úksYaph uKav,fha úfYaI we.hSï LdKav hgf;a f;dard.;a fyd|u ks¾udK foiShla muK EDEX EXPO m%o¾Ykhg iu.dój EDEX is;=jï Ñ;% l=áfha§ miq.sh ckjdß ui 23" 24" 25 hk ÈkhkayS§ m%o¾Ykh flßk' fuhg iu.dój ch.%ylhska i|yd ;Hd. m%Odfkda;aijh ckjdß ui 24 jk Èk uydpd¾h c.;a

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EdEx - Primary Category

1st place - Nethma Nathan Krukulasoori 2nd place - Ilmi Yasara Madigasekara Rahula Primary College, Mathara

Tidy Kids Per School, Uyandana

EdEx - Junior Category

3rd place - H.G Nethumi Dulansa Musaeus College

EdEx - Intermediate Category

1st place - A.K Ewmini Minthara Perera 2nd place - Bodhitha Hasantha Visaka Vidyalaya, Colombo 05

Kurikotuwa Kanishta Vidyalaya,Veyangoda


1st place - J.K Yasasi Hansina

Sri Sangamittha Girls' School, Maradana

2nd place - Sathma Methsadi Athukorala 3rd place - Swetha Samadhi Ranasinghe, Museaus College, Colombo 07

Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo 05

EdEx - Senior Category

3rd place - M.E Yenuli Boyagoda Maliyadeva Girls school, Kurunagala

1st place - Kavidu Deneth Wickramasinghe 2nd place - Lasmitha Samaraweera NCEF Buddhist College, Mulleriyawa

Drmaraja College, Kandy

3rd place - K.A Jeewa Nayanamali Maliyadeva Girls' School, Kurunagala

With a vision “To be the most innovative education and training partner, catering to the local and global human resource demands, and to empower them to enter the knowledge society to become world class professionals”, since 1981,IDM has been the Nation’s premier private sector ICT service provider. The successful achievements of IDM are based on its revolutionizing innovations, professionalism and direction towards excellence. The accomplishments in the high quality delivery of knowledge and transfer of required skills and positive attitudes, reflect in the dedication IDM’s management and permeates to all levels of service. IDM is an innovative and resourceful institution with international affiliations intended to offer a range of high quality

student–centered academic programmers which are geared to students becoming competitive, whilst the conducive learning environment ensures both academic achievement and future employability. We are proud of our strength in research capabilities, enterprise and the world– class standing of our centers of academic excellence through our teaching skills to make a significant contribution to the personal and professional development of students, the economy and society at large. IDM has over 25 study centres island-wide, and is affiliated to Six Universities in UK. Two external Degree programmes by two Sri Lankan Universities. In all IDM conducts more that 200 study programmes, including 3 Masters, 7 Programs, 8 Higher Nation Diploma Programs, 4 Nation Computing Center - UK Programs and 30 Diploma Programmes.

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