Contents EDEX
03 EDEX w¿;a uÕl -
06 Gleaming with happiness in a unique industry 08 ;Dma;su;a jD;a;Sh Èúhl l;dj 10 xUjdpj;Jtk; kpf;fnjhopy; Jiwapy;kpspHTld; kfpo;jy;!
Careers 14 14 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 33 34
14 16
The Construction industry fl;Lkhdj;njhopy;
Abundant opportunities for the right minded
ksjeros oelaula we;akï wjia:do tugh wNsudKj;a /lshdjlg bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h Rewarding career for the tough Opportunities for all fzpa mstpay;
m%udK ióCIKh
Careers Chart QS - Earn well in your youth - Opportunities galore
wiSñ; fCIa;%hla
The sky is not the limit
myiqlï l<uKdlrkh hkq È.=l,a mj;sk lafIa;%hl jD;a;shla
35 FM - Emerging and long lasting 36 Greening the city, professionally
38 w¨;a is;sú,s Tiafia osßfhka jev lrkak 40 Think differently - Drive hard
IT 42
42 BIM ;dlaIKh ;=<ska bÈlsÍï lafIa;%fha isÿjk jD;a;Shuh fjkia ùï
44 Expanding IT related career opportunities with advent of BIM
46 iïuqL mÍlaIK ch .ekSug WmfoaYhka lsysmhla 47 Work place negativity
50 Living Green - Simple things to do 51 yß;uh Èúhlg ir,
52 Importance of technical education 53 ;dlaIKsl wOHdmkh jeo.;a wehs @ 54 njhopy;El;gf;fy;tpapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk
55 Making effective new year resolutions 56 kj jif¾ b,lalhka iM, lr .ksuq Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.
Read the trilingual e-version @
Kamal Abeysinghe
Abhaya Amaradasa
Sharlene de Chickera
Kusum Nandika Gunawardena Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan Assistant Editor Aruna Chandralal Perera Srinath Wijayakumara S.M.N. Maheshika Premachandra
Manager - Career Services
Editorial Assistants
Deepal Malalasekara
Graphic/Page Layout Designer
Published by
EDEX Secretariat, Royal College Union, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail:
w¿;a uÕl
/lshd fmd< Tng ixjdo igyk liqka ;ßÿ m%kdkaÿ úisks
Y%S ,xldfõ m%uqL;u wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykh jk EDEX wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykhg fujr EDEX /lshd fmd< kñka w¿;a wx.hla tl;=fjkjd' ta iïnkaOj EDEX iNdm;s lu,a wfíisxy uy;d olajk woyia lsysmhla'
,xldfõ meje;afjk m%uqL;u wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykhhs' ta .ek hula ioyka lf,d;a @ EDEX
wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykh fï iurkafka 11 jeks jirhs' jißka jir wOHdmksl yd jD;a;Sh ud¾f.damfoaYk wxYfha .=Kd;aul j¾Okhla we;s lrkakg odhl fjñka" ta i|yd wfma ;reK fm<g kdhl;ajh imhñka ,enQ w;a±lSï yd m%;spdr u; EDEX m%o¾Ykh j¾Ihla mdidu kejqï uqyqKqjrlska bÈßm;a lrkakg EDEX ixúOdhl lñgqj .;yels iEu W;aiyhlau .kakjd' furg meje;afjk wfkl=;a wOHdmksl m%o¾Yk yd iiok l, EDEX m%o¾Ykfha ;sfnk iqúfYaIS nj;a thuhs' wfkla w;g wOHdmksl EDEX
m%o¾Yk lafIa;%fha m%uqLhd f,i EDEX ixúOdhl lñgqjg by<u m%ñ;sfhka hq;= m%o¾Ykhla ,dxflah ;reKfm<g bÈßm;a lsÍfï j.lSu;a mejÍ ;sfnkjd' wm fuh olskafka cd;sl j.lSula bgq lsÍula yeáhghs' wm úYajdi lrk yeáhg tjka uyÕ= ld¾Hhla bgql, yelafla zzj.lSfukaZZ lghq;= lrk msßilg muKhs' EDEX ixúOdhl lñgqj iukaú; jkafka tjka iafõÉPd idudðlhka iuQyhlska' Tjqka EDEX m%o¾Ykh ;=,ska ,xldfõ iudc jHjidhl;ajh ms<sn|j Èhyels fyd|u WodyrKh imhñka isákjd' th wmg ksy;udksj wdvïnr úh yels lreKla' EDEX m%o¾Ykfha uQ,sl wx. ish,a,u /l.ksñka fujr m%o¾Ykhg tla iqúfYaI wx.hl=;a tl;=fjkjd' ta /lshd fmd<la'
EDEX wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykhg /lshd fmd<la tl;= lsÍug fya;=jQ ldrKd fudkjdo @
,xldfõ W.;a ;reK fm< tkï wjqreÿ 15-24 w;r jhia Ldkavfha wh w;r ú/lshdj 18]lg jvd jeä w.hla .kakjd' th úiÿï fiúh hq;= .eg¿jla f,ihs wm olskafk' th tla md¾Yapjhlg muKla úiÿï ,ndÈh yels .eg¿jla fkfuhs' fojekak wkd.; w¾Ól wfmalaIdjka bgqlr .ekSug ,xldj ilid ;sfnk ie,iqï' rg;=, by< tal mqoa., wdodhï w.hla we;sùug kï wksjd¾hfhkau rg;=, yd rg;=,g tk jHjidhlhskag ish wfmalaId bgqlr.; yels wdldrfha fiajlhka msßil=;a
.ek wjfndaOhla fï m%o¾Ykh yryd ´kEu flfkl=g ,nd.; yels fjkjd' ta i|yd jD;a;sh WmfoaYkh imhk wdh;ko tlafjkjd' isáh hq;=hs' meyeÈ,s f,iu jHjidhlhskag ;ukag wjYH lrk mqyqKq Y%ñlhska fidhd .ekSug fyd| fõÈldjla ;sìh hq;=hs' fï ish,a,gu tl jy,la hg§ fodrgq újr lsÍuhs" EDEX /lshd fmd< u.ska wm n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka'
m%( ,xldfõ /lshd fmd< Tn olskafk fldhs wdldrhgo @ we;a;gu ,xldfõ /lshd fj<ofmd< yß ixlS¾Khs' tla fldgila /lshd wfmalaIdfjka ;ukaf.a wOHdmk lghq;= j, ksr; fjkjd' ;j;a fldgila ;uka ,enQ wOHdmkhg iß,k úÈfya /lshdjla fkdue;s lñka mSvdjg m;aj isákjd' ksis wOHdmkhla fkd,nd ksis l=i,;d rys; úfoaY /lshd fj; fhduq fjk úYd, fldgil=;a isákjd' wfkla w;g jHjidhlhkaf.a me;af;ka /lshd ;snqK;a Tjqkag wjYH yelshdjla iys; Y%ñlhka
fidhd .ekSu úYd, .eg¿jla fj,d ;sfnkjd' iuyr wdh;k j,g ta fjkqfjka úYd, uqo,la úhoï lsÍug mjd isÿj ;sfnkjd' ud ,xldfõ /lshd fj<o fmd< ixlS¾Khs lshd uq,ska lSfõ ta ksihs' fï mj;sk ixlS¾K;ajh tlu fõÈldjl§ zir,Z zmyiqZ lsÍuhs EDEX /lshd fmdf<a wruqK'
/lshd fmd< i|yd iyNd.S jk wdh;k fudkjdo @ EDEX
fï i|yd wmg ,xldfõ ms,s.;a wdh;k /ilu iydh ,efnkjd' ixpdrl" mKsjqv yqjudre" udOH" ld¾ñl" bxðfkare" uQ,H" rCIK" lDIsld¾ñl" fi!LH" wdydr ;dCIksl" ú,dis;d" f.dvke.s,s ie,iqï yd w,xlrk hk wxY /ilu iyNd.S;ajh fuhg ,efnkjd' tmuKla fkdfjhs ;ukag Ôj o;a; igykla ilid.kafka fldfyduo" iïuqL mÍlaIkhlg id¾:lj uqyqK fokafk fldfyduo lshk tl
/lshd fmd< meje;afjkafka Wiia wOHdmkhla ,enQ whg muK o@ fldfy;au keye' ´kEu uÜgul wOHdmkhla ,enQ whg fï /lshd fmd<g meñksh yelshs' WodyrKhla f,i cd;sl jHjidhl;aj mqyqKq iy;slh ^NVQ& we;s whg" idudkH fm<" Wiia fm< iu;=kg /lshd wjia:d újrlr fokag wfma W;aidyh msgqjy,la fõú' ta ú;rla fkdfjhs" /lshdjl ±kg ksr; fj,d bkakjdkï wOHdmkh yd yelshdjka u; w¿;a /lshdjla fidhd .kak;a fuhska bv ie,fikjd' flfkl= /f.k tk Ôj o;a; (Bio Data) igyka m%o¾Ykh ;=,§ tjf,au o;a; .nvdjlg we;=,;alr .kakjd' tuksid /lshd fmd<g iyNd.Sjk ieugu Ôjo;a; igyka /f.k tkak lsh,d wms wdrdOkd lrkjd' tmuKla fkdfjhs" wdh;k rdYshlau m%o¾Ykh ;=,§u
iïuqL mÍlaIK mj;ajkag;a lghq;= iïmdokh lr ;sfnkjd'
iyNd.S jk ieugu ,xldfõ m%uqL;u wdh;kj, udkj iïm;a l<uKdlrejka yd jD;a;slhka yuqfjkakg bvlv ie,iSu wfma wruqKhs
fï Èkj, /lshd fmdf<a jeäu b,a¨ula mj;sk /lshd fudkjdo" ta /lshd wjia:d ,nd.ekSug imsßhhq;= iqÿiqlï fudkjdo hkak iyNd.s jk iEu flfkl=gu wjfndaO jk wdldrfha m%o¾Ykhla yd jevms<sfj,l=hs wm mj;ajkakg woyia lrf.k isákafka' iyNd.S jk ieugu ,xldfõ m%uqL;u wdh;kj, udkj iïm;a l<uKdlrejka yd jD;a;slhka yuqfjkakg bvlv ie,iSu wfma wruqKhs'
odhl;ajhla ,nd fokjd' ta Tjqka l%shdldÍ f,i fï ioyd iyNd.S fjkjd' ,xld jdKsc uKav,h;a wmg fuys§ iyfhda.h ,nd fokjd'
/lshd fmd< ioyd iqúfYaIS odhl;ajhla ,ndfok ;j;a wdh;k ;sfnkjdo@
fuu m%o¾Ykh meje;afjk oskh yd fj,dj wm u;la lf,d;a'''
meyeÈ,sju Tõ' wfma jevms<sfj,g wka;¾ cd;sl lïlre ixúOdkh (ILO) úfYaI
EDEX wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykhg iu.dój meje;afjk EDEX /lshd fmd< meje;afjkafka 2014
ckjdß 17 - 18 - 19 hk Èkhkays nKavdrKdhl wkqiaurK cd;Hka;r iïuka;%K Yd,dfõ' by; lS Èk ;=fka§u m%o¾Ykh WoEik 10'00 isg 6'30 olajd uyck;djg újD;j mj;skjd' wjidk jYfhka EDEX wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykhg iyNd.Sjk f,ig tys ixúOdhl uKav,h fjkqfjka Tn ieug újD; wdrdOkdjla lsÍug leu;shs'
Gleaming with happiness in a unique
Pics by Miran Dabare
Interviewed and narrated by Nandun Fernando, Sharlene De Chickera, Aruna Chandralal Perera and Maheshika Premachandra.
Having developed an interest in to architecture in 1940s when her father engaged a semi-professional to design houses for his daughters, Professor Chitra Weddikkara is happy to provide insights in to a unique industry that offers many opportunities to youth. Q: How did your entry into construction industry happen? As a school-girl, I was enthralled by the wonders of Architecture. Architecture was my first choice. I started as an aspiring young architect from the present University Grants Commission office at Ward Place, where Architecture Faculty was then housed. I qualified in Architecture and since then, there has been no looking back, though there have been many ups and downs, which are characteristic of the construction industry at large and field of Architecture as well.
Having chosen Architecture as a career, my mother-in-law who was a Maths teacher helped me to learn measuring. My father-in-law encouraged me to study Quantity Surveying. After qualifying in Architecture, I took into that area as well and became a Chartered Architect and a Chartered Quantity Surveyor. I always love challenges. If you set your target you can achieve anything!
Q: How would you describe the construction industry? The construction industry is versatile. At any given moment there
Archt. Prof. Chitra Weddikkara Chartered Architect/ Chartered Quantity Surveyor; BSc BE (SL), A.Arch. (Aust), BSc QS (Aust), MSc Bldg (Aust), PhD (Law).
Prof. Chitra is a Chartered Architect and Chartered Quantity Surveyor by profession and also an Academic. She is the Incumbent President of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects and also its first lady President. Prof. Chitra is also the President of Commonwealth Association of Surveyors and Land Economists (CASLE) and the Immediate Past President of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL). She is a former Head of the Department of Building Economics and a former Dean of Faculty of Architecture at University of Moratuwa. She is a member of many professional institutes both in Sri Lanka and abroad, namely; Fellow of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) UK, Member of Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS), Fellow of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL), Fellow of Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA), Fellow of Institute of Project Managers, Sri Lanka (IPM-SL), Member of Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA), Associate of Australian Institute of Builders (AIOB), Member of Alternative Dispute Resolution Board in Sydney, Australia (LEADR).
is work for anyone. It is an eternal profession that has longevity since dawn of civilization when people began building their abodes, from a simple mud hut to sophisticated skyscrapers, which has seen an evolution of imagination, craft and a plethora of work. Everyone needs a place to live in. Whether it is a hut, a cave or a house, it has to be built. So the construction industry comes in. If there is a building coming up there is work. It is a “happening” industry. A person can bring his or her dream design to life. Its products are never constant. They keep changing and evolving. Each project is one off and unique. So this industry can be special every single minute as well as on a sustained basis. Right now in the market, trend is for eco-friendly buildings and the drive is to change buildings into sustainable living environments. It is a strenuous one but the earning potential is great. Even an ordinary worker can earn a lot. The pay is good for both skilled and non-skilled categories of workmen and women. A person coming in to the industry can work locally or abroad.
Q: What is inspirational about this industry? You can help people to bring their dreams in to reality. This is so in the case of an Architect. The architect is the dreamweaver and can spin a web of beauty and craftsmanship. He or she can give life and shape to a person’s idea and translate it in to a house or building. It is an industry that shapes lives. Peoples’ lifestyles can be changed through built environment. Look at many jogging tracks and places such as Urban Wetland Park at Nugegoda. Many people now take evening walks and also do not litter. The construction industry will make youth extrovert. It has a mixed bag of skilled people and wizards as well. We need all levels of people. These include youth and seniors, men and women. You constantly have to work with people and engage with them in teams, so your personality develops. You can also work from home.
Q: What are the opportunities that youth have? Lot of young people do not understand the industry. They think it is hard. It is not always like that. Even if you are just after O/Ls you can go in to so many trades, without being limited to one thing. You can start from any point and rise through. It is not limited. The industry can absorb many and entry level is not necessarily based on a professional qualification. You can enter the industry
as a school leaver and work your way through the NVQ system and achieve even a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, or you can come through a discipline with formal education. If the need is alive for construction then there will always be opportunities. You can start with a skill and then upgrade that skill. Youth can be challenged in this industry and set benchmarks for themselves, too. My advice to any youth entering the industry is set your target and then you can achieve it! Even if you set very high targets in this industry, you can achieve it. Whatever you set your hand to in the industry you can progress. It is a dynamic and ever alive industry and youth can be an integral part of it. They can be stakeholders and take the onus and responsibility in shaping the built environment. There are beautiful places in the country. You have to be part of it and make the youth want to be part of it and build it further.
Q: Is there room for women in construction industry? Women can be an integral part of it. There is ample scope for middlerung workers to take on challenges that currently men take up. For example, an industrious woman I knew used to lay concrete on roofing slabs at night, with a group of fellow workers and earn well. This is an example of entrepreneurship at its best. The construction industry can embrace women even in terms of jobs such as plastering, painting and electrical jobs. This is not a difficult job. They can of course, do well even at a professional level. Women are essentially multitasking and can take on these types of jobs.
Q: What is the future? The construction industry has to be branded. It has to be given an image and each craftsman or craftswoman an image, so that one does not feel as doing menial work, but rather creating something. That has got to be respected. The young people need it to change. May be we can start by having our craftsmen to wear a nice uniform. It lies in the hands of all who love this country and want to build it as a team, to welcome youth in to its fold and nurture their skills and craft to the maximum potential. Take a look at Lovamahapaya for instance. There is a wealth of construction from historic times. There was pride in construction at that time. From father to son skill was transferred. It has died down because there is no image. The image has been lost. That is why youth do not want to be carpenters, brick layers or bar benders.
There is demand. There is also the skill but one need to get proper qualifications. The school system also has a large part to inculcate youth to join the construction industry. We have to educate our youth about options and potential, especially about the NVQ system and its pathway for higher qualifications together with skill and ability as inherent talents or social conditioning. We have to build the capacity. Really speaking, one cannot say there is unemployment, when considering available vacant positions in construction industry. You have to make maximum use of the environment that is conducive to construction. We don’t have enough number of people coming in to the construction industry from our large population. It is not working in the mud. There has to be dignity of labour. For example in Australia a brick-layer, or ‘Brikky’, comes in a van and does the job and then drives off. He or she is just another person doing his or her job with all the requisite tools. In Sri Lanka we have to aspire to come to that level. Of course we have had a setback in terms of thirty year war, but now that the construction industry is taking off, it is the best time to change the image.
Q: What are the traits or qualities required to succeed in this industry? Discipline. Passion for industry. Love for people. There has to be an intrinsic pride in the job and a sense of belonging and ownership. The mindset of a person and culture has to change. “It is a Blue Collar job,” kind of attitude need to change. The construction industry is one that requires you to love people and be a team-player. Youth can experience working not with one person but with many. There should also be a passion to revive dying art. For example the ‘Mal lalla’, is an intricate piece of craftsmanship that speaks volumes for the artisan. With more championing of craftsmen the industry can do well with our local pool of talent. It has to be sharpened and fine-tuned with information, knowledge, awareness and choices and options in the industry. Construction industry provides a well-established career path in which you can find lots of job opportunities all over the world. In my opinion the construction industry is one of the best in the world. It is so exciting and glamorous. At the same time, it is risky, but it ticks you. For a youth it is an interesting industry in the world to get in to. If there is a will there is a way, and definitely so in construction industry.
xUjdpjJ ; tk; glq;fs; %yk; kpuhd; jhNgu
kpff ; njhopy; Jiwapyk ; pspHTld;
kfpo;jy;! NeHfhzy; -
~hHypd; b rpf;Nfuh> ee;Jd; gHzhz;Nlh kw;Wk; mUzre;j;uyhy; ngNuuh. jkpopy; - Rg;igah mD~d;
NguhrpupaHrpj;uh ntbf;fhu gl;laf; fl;blfiyQH/gl;lafzpamstpayhsH BSc BE (SL),A.Arch. (Aust), BSc QS (Aust), MSc Bldg (Aust), PhD (Law).
NguhrpupaHrpj;uhxUnjhopy; uPjpahdgl;laf; fl;blf; fiyQUk; fzpamstpayhsUk; MtNjhLxUfy;tpkhDk; MthH. ,tH ,yq;iffl;blf; fiyQHfs; rq;fj;jpd; jw;NghijajiytUk; mr;rq;fj;jpd; Kjy; ngz; jiytUkhthHvd;gJFwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. NguhrpupaHrpj;uhmsitahsHkw;Wk; epy nghUspayhsH fSf;fhdnghJey tharq;fj;jpd; (CASLE)jiytUk; ,yq;if fzpamstpa yhsHrq;fj;jpd; (IQSSL)Kd;dhs; jiytUk; MthH. ,tHfl;blnghUspay; jpizf;fsj;jpd; Kd;dhs; jiytUk; nkhwl;Litgy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fl;blf;fiygpuptpd; Kd;dhs; Kjy;tUk; MthH> ,tHIf;fpa ,uhr;rpaj;jpd; ,tHIf;fpa ,uhr;rpaj;jpd; gl;la msitahsH fSf;fhdmu repWtfk;> gl;la msitahsH fSf;fhdmT];jp NuypaepWtfk;> ,yq;iffzpa mstpa yhsH fspd; rq;fk;> ,yq;iffl; blf; fiyQHfspd; rq;fk;> ,yq;ifjpl;l KfhikahsH fspd; epWtfk;> mT];jpNuypamurpd; fl;blf; fiyQH fSf;fhdepW tfk; Mfpatw;wpd; cWg;gpdUk; MthH.
1940 fspNyjdJje;ij %yk; tbtikg;GEl;gj;jpy; MHtk; nfhz;l NguhrpupaH rpj;uh ntbf;fhu> ,j; jdpj;Jtkpf;ftbtikg;Gj; Jiwapdpy; (Architecture) ,Uf;ff; $ba tha;g;GfisAk; cs;Nehf;FfisAk; kfpo;r;rpAld; gfpHe;Jnfhs;fpwhH. fl;Lkhdj;njhopypDs; jq;fspd; cl;gpuNtrk; vg;gbepfo;e;jJ?
Vw;w ,wf;fq;fs; fl;Lkhdj;njhopy; Jiwapd; gz;GfshFk;.
xU gs;sp khztpahf tbtikg;G Jiwapd; mg+Htq;fis fz;L tpae;jpUf;fpNwd;. fl;bl tbtikg;Ng vdJ Kjy; njupthf ,Ue;jJ.
tbtikg;gpid vdJ njhopy;Jiwahf njupT nra;jJk; fzpj Mrpupiaahd vdJ khkpahH vdf;F msit njhlHghd mwpt+l;bdhH. vdJ khkdhH vd;id fzpa mstpay; (Quantity Surveying) gbg;gjw;F cw;rhf%l;bdhH. tbtikg;gpy; jFjp ngw;w gpd;dH ehd; ,j;JiwapYk; ftdk; nrYj;jp mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gl;la tbtikg;ghsuhfTk;> mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gl;la fzpa mstpayhsuhfTk; MNdd;.
thHl; ,lj;jpy; ,d;Wg y;fiyf;fofq;fs; khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FO ,Uf;Fk; ,lj;jpy; xU MHtKila ,sk; tbtikg;ghsuhf vdJ gazj;ijj; njhlq;fpNdd;. md;W mt;tplj;jpy; jhd; fl;bltbtikg;Gg; gPlk; ,Ue;jJ. ehd; tbtikg;gpw;F jFjp ngw;wjpypUe;J gy Vw;w ,wf;fq;fis re;jpj;Js;Nsd; Mdhy; Kd;itj;j fhiyg; gpd;itj;jjpy;iy. ,t;
ehd; rthy;fis vg;NghJNk tpUk;GNtd;. cq;fsJ ,yf;Ffis
rupahff; Fwpitj;jhy; vij Ntz;LkhdhYk; cq;fshy; milaKbAk;.
fl;Lkhd njhopy;Jiwia gw;wp ePq;fs; vt;thW tpsf;FtPHfs;? fl;Lkhdj; JiwahdJ gy Jiwfis cs;slf;fpaJ. ve;j xU re;jHg;gj;jpYk; vy;NyhUf;Fk; Ntiy ,Ue;Jnfhz;Nl ,Uf;ff;$ba JiwahFk;. kpf ePz;ltuyhw;iw nfhz;lJk; MFk;. kdpj ehfuPfk; Muk;gkhd fhyj;jpypUe;JMyaq;fs; fl;LtjpypUe;J fspkz; Fbirfs; Kjy; khl khspiffs; kw;Wk; ,d;W ePz;L caHe;J epw;Fk; thDaH fl;blq;fs; fl;LtJ tiuf;Fk; mjd; Njitfs; ,Ue;J te;Js;sJ. kdpjdpd; fw;gidapd; gadhf gupzhkk; mile;J tUfpwJ fl;Lkhdj;njhopy;. ciwAs; ahtUf;Fk; Njitg;gLk; xd;W. FbirNah NfhGuNkh my;yJ FifNah> mJ fl;lg;gLjy; Ntz;Lk;. MfNt fl;Lkhdj;njhopy; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ngWfpwJ. xUtH jd;Dila fdT tbtikg;ig edthf;f KbAk;. ,jd; cw;gj;jpfs; khupypfshf ,Ug;gjpy;iy. mit vg;NghJNk khw;wkilAk;. xt;nthU nraw;wpl;lKk; xd;wpypUe;njhd;W NtWgl;lit. MfNt ,j; JiwahdJ xt;nthU epkplKk; rpwg;ghdjhAk; mNj rikAk; ePbj;J epiyg;gitahfTk; ,Uf;Fk;. #oYf;F el;ghdjhf mikaf;$ba fl;blq;fSk; ePz;l ghtidia cila fl;blq;fSf;FNk jw;Nghija re;ijapy; mjpf Nfs;tpia Vw;gLj;jpAs;sd. ,J tplhKaw;rp mjpfk; Njitg;gLfpd;w xU Jiw mNj rkak; ey;y Cjpaq;fSf;fhd rhj;jpaj;jpidAk; nfhz;l xU JiwahFk;. xU rhjhuz gzpahsH $l ey;y Cjpaj;jpidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;. NjHr;rpAila> NjHr;rpaw;w ,U rhuhUf;FNk ed;ikaspf;ff; $ba JiwahFk;. ,j;Jiwf;Fs; tUk; egH cs;ehl;bNyhmy;yJ ntspehl;bNyh gzpGupa KbAk;.
,j;Jiw njhlHghd mfj;J} z;ly;fs; vit? egHfspd; fdTfis nka;g;gl itf;f KbAk;. Fwpg;ghf xU tbtikg;ghsuhy; ,J KbAk;. fiy eaj;jpNdhL NrHe;j mofpid tbtikg;ghsuhy; khj;jpuNk nfhz;L tu ,aYk;. xU kdpjdJ fdtpw;F capH nfhLj;J tPlhfNth my;yJ mtH tpUk;Gk; VjhtNjhH tbtikg;ghfNth khw;WtJ tbtikg;gpd; rpwg;gk;rkhFk;. ,f; fl;blf; fiyapD}lhf kf;fspd; tho;f;if Kiwik khw;wkilAk;. ENfnfhl gFjpapy; cs;s efug; g+q;fhit ehk; cjhuzkhff; nfhz;lhy; jw;NghJ khiy Ntisfspy; mq;F gyHclw;gapw;rpapy; <Lgl;bUg;gijf; fhzyhk;> mj;NjhL ahUk; Fg;ig NghLtJkpy;iy. NjHr;rpahsHfs;> gFjpj; NjHr;rpahsHfs;> mjp rpwe;j NjHr;rpahsHfs; vd rfyiuAk; cs;slf;fpaJ ,f; fl;Lkhdj;Jiw. rpwpatH ngupatH Mz; ngz; Nghd;w Ngjkpd;wp midtNuhLk; NrHe;J Ntiy nra;tjhy; vkJ Ra kdg;ghq;Fk; MSikAk; Kd;NdWk;. tPl;bypUe;jthNw gzpGupaTk; KbAk;.
,isQHfSf;fhd re;jHg;gq;fs; ahit? gy ,isQHfs; ,j; njhopy;Jiwiag;gw;wpxOq;fhfj; njupe;J itj;jpUg;gJ ,y;iy. ,ijf; fbdkhdJvdf; fUJfpd;wdH. ,j;Jiwepr;rakhff; fbdkhd xd;wy;y. cq;fspd; O/L guPl;ir Kbe;jJNk gy njhopy;fspy; cq;fshy; ,d;W <Lgl KbAk;. ve;j xU ,lj;jpYk; Muk;gpj;J cq;fshy; Kd;Ndw KbAk;. fl;Lkhdj;njhopyhdJ gyiu cs;thq;ff;$baJ ,j;JiwapDs; Eiotjw;F njhopy; Kiw jFjpnahd;W mbg;gilahdjy;y. ghlrhiyapypUe;J tpyfpa khj;jpuj;jpNyNa cq;fSf;F ,j;JiwapDs; Eioe;J NVQ jpl;lj;jpD}lhf BSc my;yJ MSc gl;ljpidNah ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbAk;. fl;Lkhdj;jpw;fhd Njitfs; ,Uf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; tha;g;GfSk; ,Uf;Fk;. ,isQHfs; rthYf;Fl;gLj;jg;gLthHfs; ,jD}L mtHfspd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; czug;gLk;. cq;fsJ ,yf;FfisepHzAq;fs; mJNt ,isQHfSf;Fehd; nfhLf;Fk; mwpTiuahFk;. mJ vt;tsT ngupa ,yf;fhf ,Ug;gpDk; rup mij cq;fshy; mila KbAk;. ,isQHfs; ,g; gzpapd; XH Kf;fpagFjpahthHfs;. vkJ ehl;bNy mofhd ,lq;fs; gy cs;sd mtw;wpd; xU mq;fkhfTk; mij nkd;NkYk; nkU$l;lTk; ,isQHfs; Njit.
fl;Lkhdnjhopypy; ngz;fSf;fhd tha;g;Gfs; cs;sdth? ngz;fSf;Fk; ,j; njhopy; Jiwapd; xUq;fpize;j gFjpahfg; gzpGupaKbAk;. jw;NghJ Mz;fs; nra;Ak; gy kj;jpa kl;l Ntiyfis ngz;fs; ghHg;gjw;fhd tha;Gfs; epiwacs;sd. cjhuzj;jpw;F vdf;F njupe;j ngz;kzpnahUtH> ,uTNeuq;fspy; $iufspy; nfhd;fpuPl; rhe;J g+rp ey;y Cjpaj;jpidg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;fpwhH. g+r;R g+Rjy; g;sh];lupq; kw;Wk; kpd;dZ NtiyfSf;Fk; ngz;fisg; gad;gLj;jyhk;. ,it fbdkhdit my;y. nrt;tNd ,t;Ntiyfisr; nra;aKbAk;.
mJthFk;. me;j fhyfl;lj;jpy; fl;Lkhdj;jpw;F ey;y fpuhf;fp ,Ue;Js;sJ. je;ijapypUe;J kfDf;F njhopyhdJ flj;jg;gl;L te;jpUf;fpd;wJ. vdpDk; mjw;fhd milahsj;jpid njhiyj;Jtpl;ljdhNyNa ,d;W ,isQHfs; jr;R njhopy; ghHgjw;Nfh my;yJ ,Uk;G tisg;gjw;;Nfh Kd;tUtjpy;iy. Nfs;tpAk; ,Uf;fpd;wJ jpwDk; ,Uf;fpd;wJ Mdhy; xUtH jdJ jfikfis Kiwtug; ngw;Wf;nfhs;sy; Ntz;Lk;. fl;Lkhdj;Jiw njhlHghf ghlrhiyf; fy;tpj;jpl;ljpYk; fw;gpf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. fpilf;fg; gWk; tha;g;Gfs; NjHr;rpfs;> jpl;lq;fs; Fwpg;ghf NVQ jpl;lq;fs; njhlHghf ,isQHfSf;F mwpt+l;lgly; Ntz;Lk;. fl;Lkhdj;Jiwiag; nghUj;jkl;by; NtiyfSf;fhd nfhs;ssit ehq;fNs cUthf;fpnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.gy tpjkhd NtiyfSf;fhd ,lq;fs; ntw;wplkhf ,Uf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; Ntiytha;g;gpd;ik vd;w Ngr;Rf;F ehk; ,lkspf;ff; $lhJ. fzprkhd msthd kf;fs; fl;Lkhdj;njhopYf;Fs; tUtjpy;iy vd;gNj cz;ikahFk;. Nrw;wpy; nra;fpd;wNtiyay;y ,J. ,t; Ntiyf;nfd xU nfsutk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F M];jpNuypahtpy; nrq;fy; nra;gtH jd;Dila NkhHl;lhH tz;bapy; te;J Njitahd ,lq;fSf;F nrq;fy; tpepNahfpj;J nry;thH. Mdhy; ,yq;ifapy; mNj Ntiy nra;Ak; egupd; epiy NtW tpjkhdJ. Aj;jk; epiwtile;j epiyapy; ,JNt ,yq;iff;fhd rupahd re;jHg;gkhFk;.
,j;Jiwapy; ntw;wpngWtjw;fhfn fhz;bUf;fNtz;baFztpay;Gfs; ahit? xOf;fk;> njhopy; czHT> kf;fs; kPjhdtpUg;G.
tUq;fhyk; vt;thwhdJ?
njhopy; kPJ xU cs;shHe;j ngUikAk; xU cupik czHTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. ,j; njhopy; njhlHghf xUtH nfhz;bUf;Fk; kdepiy khw Ntz;Lk;. FOthf nraw;gl fw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
fl;Lkhdj; njhopYf;nfd Fwpaply; Njitg;gLfpd;wJ.
mUfptUk; fiyia ghJfhf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;w czHT vo Ntz;Lk;
xnthU iftpidQUf;Fk; xU mq;fPfhuk; toq;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. ,ij ,isQHfNs cUthf;f Ntz;Lk;. iftpidQHfSf;nfd gpuj;jpNaf rPUilfs; toq;fg;gl;L mtHfSf;F Cfkspg;gjD}L tpidj;jpwdhd KbTfspidg; ngwyhk;. mtHfH nra;Ak; njhopy; xd;Wk; Fiwthd njhopyy;y mJ cl;fl;likg;Gf;fis Mf;Fk; mw;Gjj; njhopy; vd;gij mtHfSf;F czHe;j Ntz;Lk;. ,J ahTNk ,e;ehl;bid Nerpj;J> ehl;bidmLj;j fl;lj;jpw;F vLj;Jr;nry;yNtz;Lk; vd;w vz;zKlNahuhy; khj;jpuNk KbAk;.
cjhuzjpw;F 'ky; yhy;y" itf; $wyhk;. ,d;Dk; gy jpwikahd iftpidQHfNshL jfty;>mwpT> tpopg;GzHT> kw;Wk; topfs; vd;gtw;iwf; iff;nfhz;L ,j;JiwahdJ gl;iljPl;lg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. fl;Lkhdj;Jiwapy; cyfk; KOtJk; tha;g;Gfs; epiwacs;sd. ,J rpwe;jepiyahd thof;;ifnahd;wpid toq;Fk;. vdJ fUj;jpd; gb fl;Lkhdj;Jiw cyfpy; ,Uf;ff;$ba ftHr;rpfukhd> gugug;ghd rpwe;j JiwfSs; xd;whFk;. mNj rkak; Mgj;jhdJk; $l. xU ,isQDf;F ,J MHtKla xU njhopyhf,Uf;fyhk;. kdKz;lhy; ,lKz;L. fl;Lkhdj;Jiwf;F ,J tpjptpyf;fy;y.
cjhuzj;jpw;F Nyhtk`hghait vLj;Jf;nfhs;Nthk;. fl;Lkhdj;jpw;F ngaHNghd tuyhw;W nghf;fp~Nk
jD;a;Sh Èúhl
PdhdrEm ñrdka odnf¾
idlÉcd igyk k÷ka m%kdkaÿ" Yd,ska o Ñflard" wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd iy ufyaIsld fm%aupkaø úisks
uydpd¾h Ñ;%d fjälaldr uy;añh .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh yd fmï nekafoa 1940 muk wE; ld,hl isghs' .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh fiau m%udK ióCIK fCIa;%fha o È.= .ukl kshe¨Kq weh" EDEX mdGlhka fjkqfjka uqK .eiqk wms iu. l< l;d ny weiqfrka my; igyk ;nkafkuq'
.Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS uydpd¾h Ñ;%d fjälaldr jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS" jr,;a m%udK iólaIl"
BSc BE (SL), A.Arch. (Aust), BSc QS (Aust), MSc Bldg (Aust), PhD (Law).
uydpd¾h Ñ;%d fjälaldr uy;añh jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amsksfhl=" jr,;a m%udK iólaIl jD;a;slfhl= fiau lS¾;su;a wOHdmk fõoskshl o jkakSh' weh YS% ,xld .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a wdh;kfha (SLIA) iNdm;sksh jkafka tu ;k;=rg m;ajQ m<uq ldka;dj f,isks' weh fmdÿ rdcH uKav,Sh uekqïlrejkaf.a yd bvï wd¾Ólfõ§kaf.a ixúOdkfha (CASLE) o iNdm;s;ajh fydnjkakSh' weh YS% ,xld m%udK iólaIlhkaf.a wdh;kfha (IQSSL) iNdm;sksh f,io" fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s wd¾Ól úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=fõ m%Odkshd f,io .Dy ks¾udK Ys,am mSGfha mSGdêm;sksh f,io lghq;= lr we;' Bg wu;rj weh YS% ,xldfõ yd wka;¾ cd;sl fndfyda .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS wdh;k j, idudcsl;ajh fydnjkakSh' weh YS% ,xld jHdmD;s l<uKdlrejkaf.a wdh;kfha (IPM-SL) wê idudðl;ajho rdclSh ´iafÜ%,shd .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a ix.uh (RAIA) wd§ ix.ï .Kkdjl idudcsl;ajho fydnjhs'
m%( Tn;=ñh fuu fCIa;%hg wj;S¾K jQfha flfia o@ mdie,a ±ßhl f,i .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh flf¾ uf.a uy;a we,aula ;snqKd' ud tjlg .Dy ks¾udK Ys,am mSGh mej;s fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha fldgilaj ;snQ ±kg úYaj úoHd, m%;smdok iNd fldñiu msysá f.dvke.s,a, ;=,ska uq,a jrg ,xldfõ § fuu fCIa;%hg msúiqkd' úúO ye,yemamSï ;=< jqj;a bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h ;=< fkdkej;s È.= .ukl kshef,kakg ug yels jqkd' .Ks; .=rejßhla jQ uf.a uj ud uekqï fCIa;%hg msúfikakg fm<Ujqjd' uduKaähf.a u.fmkaùfuka m%udK ióCIK fCIa;%hg o msúfikakg ug yels jqkd' jr,;a .Dyks¾udK Ys,amskshl fukau jr,;a m%udK ióCIsldjla f,io ud iqÿiqlï ,enqjd'
m%( bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h Tn olskafka flfiao@ wm ñksiqkaf.a isysk ienE f,dalfha ks¾udK njg m;alrkakg Woõ lrkjd' úfYaIfhka .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amsfhl= lrkafka is; ;=< f.dvkef.k ks¾udKhla isfuka;s .fvd,a j,ska uy fmd,j u; h:d¾;hla lsÍug uQ,drïNh ,nd §uhs' th ;j;a w;lska jeo.;a ld¾hNdrhla jkafka ´kEu ñksfil=g Ôj;aùug wjYH wju udkqIsl wjYH;djhla jk ysig jy,la ks¾udKh lrkafka bÈlsÍï fCIa;%fha kshef,kakka w;ska ùu ksihs' ta tu fCIa;%h ;=< yeu úgu hula isÿfjkjd' bÈfjk ks¾udK folla iudk jkafka b;du l,d;=rlska' tfukau yeuúgu fuu fCIa;%hg w¨;ska ±kqu yd ixl,am tl;= fjkjd' yß; f.dvke.s,s bka tla ixl,amhla' tfiau fCIa;%h ;=< bmehSfï yelshdjka b;d by< uÜgul mj;skjd' jD;a;slhka mqyqKq kqmqyqKq Y%ñlhka wd§ úúO udkj,ska fuu fCIa;%fha Y%u n,ldh iukaú; jkjd' by< bmehSfï yelshdjl=;a fï ;=< mj;skjd'
fndfyda fofkl=g fuu fCIa;%h ms<sn| ukd jegySula kE' fï ;=< ;rula fjfyiS jevlsÍug wjYH jqj;a ta yd .e,fmk m%;s,dN fndfyduhla o ;sfnkjd' fyd| bmehSulg wu;rj" b;d my< ;,hl isg b;d by< ;,hg .uka lsÍug ud¾.h újD;j mej;Suo úfYaIhs m%( fï fCIa;%h ;=< úfYaI wdl¾YKSh njla ;sfnkjd o@ fuu fCIa;%fha uQ,drïNh udkj YsIaGdpdrfha wdrïNh ;rïu wE;g Èjhkjd' udkj YsIaGdpdrfha ÈhqKqfõ ux i,l=Kq iEu tlla iu.u bÈlÍï fCIa;%h ne§ mj;skjd' ñksiqkaf.a jdiia:dk" k.r" WoHdk wd§ ks¾udK ;=<ska flfkl= Ôj;ajk mßirh m%;sks¾udKh lsÍfï Ndr¥r lghq;a; mejfrkafka o bÈlsÍï fCIa;%hghs' kqf. af.dv kd.ßl f;;aìï WoHdkh jeks ia:dk u.ska k.rfha wdl¾YKhg lr we;s n,mEu w;suy;a' ck;dj tjeks ia:dk Ndú;d lsÍug;a wkjYH f,i wmsßisÿ fkdlsÍug;a yqreù ;sfnk nj meyeÈ,shs'
m%( ;reK mrmqrg tys we;s wjia:d fudkjd o@ fndfyda fofkl=g fuu fCIa;%h ms<sn| ukd jegySula kE' fï ;=< ;rula fjfyiS jevlsÍug wjYH jqj;a ta yd .e,fmk m%;s,dN fndfyduhla o ;sfnkjd' fyd| bmehSulg wu;rj" b;d my< ;,hl isg b;d by< ;,hg .uka lsÍug ud¾.h újD;j mej;Suo úfYaIhs' WodyrKhla f,i ksjerÈ ksmqK;d uÜgu uekf.k l%udkql+,j th Wmdêhla fyda mYapd;a Wmdêhla fyda olajd j¾Okh lr.kakg ud¾.h mj;skjd' ;ud ksjerÈ
b,lalhla lrd Wml%ñlj .uka lsÍu ;=<ska b;d by<g .uka lrkakg mq¿jka'
m%( ldka;djkag bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h ;=< we;s bv m%ia:d fudkjdo@ ldka;djkag ksrka;rfhka tys wjia:d mj;skjd' jD;a;Sh fCIa;%h .;fyd;a ±kgu;a ldka;d ksfhdackh ms<sn|j i;=gq ùug mq¿jka' my< ia:r .;a;;a ldka;djka i|yd fyd| b,a¨ula mj;skjd' WodyrKhla f,i ;Ska; wdf,amkh" c,k, t,Su" jhßka lsÍu jeks wxYj,g ldka;djkag myiqfjka we;=¿ úh yelshs' ud okakd tla ldka;djla ;j;a fiajl lKavdhula iu. rd;%S ld,fha fldkal%SÜ ia,eí we;sÍfï kshq;= fjkjd' fmof¾re jev" fïika jev wdÈh mjd ldka;djkag l< yelshs'
m%( fï fCIa;%fha wkd.;h fln÷ o@ fï fCIa;%fha úúO ;,j, isák Y%ñlhkag ksjerÈ m%;srEmhla ,nd§u b;d jeo.;a fjkjd' Tjqkaf.a iqÿiqlï m%ñ;slrKh yd Tjqkaf.a ndysr m%;srEmh f.dvke.Su hk folu l< hq;=hs' tu.ska ;reK ;reKshka fï fCIa;%h ioyd wdl¾YKh lr.; yelshs' w;S;fha§ fï fCIa;%fha yelshdjka mshdf.ka mq;dg Wreulr ÿkak;a wo tjekakla isÿjkafka keye' w;S;fha wm f,dajdudydmdh jeks úialï ks¾udK lrkakg ;rï l=i,;dmQ¾Kj isáhd' ta yelshdjka wog;a wfma ck;dj ;=, ;sfnkjd' wm l,hq;= jkafka ta yelshdjka biau;= lr,Su;a fï fCIa;%h ;=, Tjqkag wNsudKj;a njla ,nd §u;a' túg wkd.;h b;d iqNjd§ nj lsj yelshs'
m%( fuu fCIa;%fha id¾:l;ajh i|yd wjYH .=Kdx. fukjdo @ úkh" fCIa;%hg we;s we,au yd ñksiqka iu. jevlsÍug yelsùu hk ;=k uf.a u;lhg tkjd' lKavdhula f,i l%shd lsÍu ;=<ska ;uhs úYd, ks¾udK t<solskakg yels jkafka' by; .=Kdx. iu.ska wêIaGdkh yd lemùu iys; ;reK ;reKshkg fuh chìula lr.; yelshs'
Aim for a Fruitful Degree now that your A/L’s are over 20,000 students select ESOFT as their preferred learning partner each year. After A/L Students can select our popular Diploma Courses or commence their Degree Studies via our local and international options Now that the A/L exams are over, it’s time to focus your attention on your future career. ESOFT offers a range of undergraduate programmes in the fields of IT, Business Management, and Engineering. With a trusted track record of 13 years, the following are our trusted and recognized qualifications on offer. Edexcel HND and Top-up Degrees Students can enter into the Edexcel Higher National Diploma (HND) Programme choosing either the Computing, Business Management, or Engineering (Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical) fields. This is a modular programme that can be completed in a period of 1 ½ to 2 years. Thereafter, students can complete their Bachelors Degree via the partnership that ESOFT has with the Kingston University (for Engineering Degrees). Top-up and full three year degrees will also be available in the IT and Business streams via the new partner that we will be unveiling in the coming days. Compared to the option of sending children to overseas universities, this option is several times more economical and it is safer as well as your loved ones stay close to home.
BCS (British Computer Society) HEQ ESOFT is the only Accredited Course Provider in Sri Lanka for offering the BCS Higher Educational Qualifications (HEQ) and have produced over 35 Sri Lankan and World prizes. This is a valued qualification as it can be completed within a period of 18 months and is also approved by the University Grants Commission. We offer the BCS HEQ as a fulltime Degree programme under the designation of BCS-Plus. The course is conducted full time, on all weekdays and covers the BCS subjects as well as additional modules including Java, MCTS, CCNA, Web Designing, Hardware and Networking, and more. The exams can be completed in 18 to 20 months and thereby provides a fast track to gainful employment or entrance into a Masters Programme such as an M.Sc or MBA. BIT Degree (University of Colombo) BIT is a Three Year Academic Degree that is awarded by the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC). All examinations are conducted by the UCSC and various training organisations provide the material delivery to prepare the students for the exams. ESOFT is the #1 Course Provider in Sri Lanka for the BIT External Degree offered by the University of Colombo
School of Computing (UCSC) because ESOFT students became the batch top for the five consecutive years. We also offer incentives to existing local university students by offering them a discount on the course fees when registering for the BIT Degree. Government school teachers will also receive a discount for this degree. Short Term Diploma Programmes For those students that have just completed their A/L exams we offer a number of short term courses to start them in their development. The most popular programme that we offer is the Diploma in Information Technology (DITEC) which is an internationally recognized diploma programme due to the Edexcel UK certification that is provided. It gives an all round knowledge of ICT and is a valued qualification, whichever your ultimate field may be. We also offer Diploma in Software Engineering (DISE), Diploma in Web Engineering (DIWE), Diploma in Computerised Accounting (DICA), Diploma in Business Management (DIBM), and Diploma in English (DiE) as other popular options. All of these Diplomas are also Edexcel Assured, meaning that the successful student will receive an Internationally recognized certificate issued by Edexcel UK. Whether your choice is management, accounting, law, medicine, engineering, or
whichever it may be, it is essential that you have a sound knowledge of the use of ICT as it will be important to your education and employment. Although ICT by itself is a lucrative area to focus your career on, ESOFT caters to a wider range of the Sri Lankan population as well. ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT, Business, Engineering, and English. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students, and also because we have taken education to the rural areas of Sri Lanka as well via our branch network of over 45 locations which also includes the North and the East. One of the reasons for the success of ESOFT students is that ESOFT has a dedicated full-time academic panel including those with Degrees and Masters, as well as professional qualifications. Students will also have unlimited access to our state of the art computing labs. Come and talk to our counselors and see what ESOFT has to offer. You can also visit for more details, or call us on our islandwide hotline at 011 7 55 55 45.
APIIT – is a renowned higher education provider in Sri Lanka. APIIT Sri Lanka focuses on 5 important Dimensions which are known as unique advantages of Studying at APIIT.
Global Reputation for Academic Excellence APIIT - Sri Lanka offers several degree programmes in Computing/IT, Business Management and Law in collaboration With Staffordshire University in the UK. These are internationally Accredited internal degree programmes. Innovative Learning, Teaching and Assessment Close interaction with international partner organizations helps APIIT keep abreast of international developments and trends in Higher education. APIIT adopts international best practices that Promote high quality of teaching and learning and a high degree Of integrity and reliability of assessments.
High Quality Staff Committed to Student Success Students’ academic achievement is the primary focus of the Entire operation at APIIT. In order to support outstanding Student achievement, APIIT places great significance on the Recruitment, development and retention of high quality staff Who are committed to student success. Cutting-edge Technology and Premium Facilities Being a modern and futuristic higher education institution, APIIT - Sri Lanka readily embraces latest technological advances To facilitate its teaching/ learning process as well as academic Management.
Professional Culture and Value System APIIT possesses a distinctive professional culture and value System. Students are trained from day one to conduct Themselves like professionals.
Conclusion APIIT’s vision is to be a leading provider of top-quality Higher education in the region with an objective to Produce professionals who are immediately employable upon Graduation and enjoy rewarding careers in life.
The Construction
industry By Nalin Goonewardene
The construction industry deals with projects involving a wide range of activities to build or make alterations, repairs and demolitions to solid structures such as buildings, roads, pavements, bridges etc. It concerns using appropriate material by trained workers within an overall plan that conforms to building standards and legal requirements while being closely related to a budget. Hence, experts in design, cost management, finance, engineering and legal aspects must interact, interrelate and overlap tasks to complete projects on time, within budgets to expected quality. Safety is also an important issue as construction workers may be exposed to serious hazards, such as falling off rooftops, electrocutions and being struck by heavy construction equipment.
Careers The three main levels of careers in the industry based on educational background and training are:
Unskilled and semi-skilled -general site labour with little or no construction qualifications. Workers often start as unskilled labourers to learn the basics of trade, then refine their skills by learning a specialized construction craft, such as floor or wall installation.
Skilled- these are craftsmen such as carpenters, electricians, plumbers, ironworkers etc who have gained capability through training, apprenticeships and work experience, as well as on-site managers who possess extensive working knowledge and experience. Technical and management those with higher educational qualifications, trained to design, manage and instruct the construction process and in consequence hold legal responsibility for their actions.
Careers These include:
Building Services Engineer-
Land Surveyor- marks the land boundaries, i.e. lines that run between properties. They confirm existing boundaries, create new ones when land is subdivided or a development is being planned and provide advice on boundary issues. Surveyors use equipment such as Theodolites (to measure angles), electronic distance meters, tapes and GPS units to measure land and define boundaries. Once they have surveyed a property, they draw up a plan for their client.
designs and installs all elements of a building which bring it to life, from lighting and acoustics to lifts, escalators and security systems. He works collaboratively with architects and other construction professionals. In the past, engineers installed all services within space allocated by the architect. Today, they are involved at early stages of design to provide expertise in sustainability aspects. So, they may influence shape and orientation of a building to make the best use of local conditions and maximise renewable technologies available.
Quantity Surveyor- manages all costs relating to construction projects, from initial calculations to final figures. He seeks to minimise costs of a project and enhance value for money, while still achieving required standards and quality as well as adhering to statutory regulations. When the project is in progress, they keep track of any variations to the contract that may affect costs and report any impact on profitability.
Architect- a qualified architect may have many roles depending on size and complexity of a project. These roles vary from technical such as site evaluation, feasibility study, preliminary design, to management and range from coordinating work between different consultants to project management.
Civil Engineer- there are many specialties within the civil engineering field, such as structural engineers, geotechnical engineers, hydraulic engineers, and environmental engineers. Civil engineers develop drawings and plans which, for a large building will require a number of engineers with different specialties such as: Structural Engineerdesigns the structure, making calculations to ensure it will stand up to wind loads, live loads, earthquakes and other safety issues. Then he selects sizes, shapes and compositions (wood, concrete etc) for the structural components, and makes drawings showing how everything is to be put together.
Mechanical Engineerdesigns the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Electrical Engineerdesigns the electrical system, and the Hydraulic Engineer designs the water distribution and sewage collection system.
Safety Manager- Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, incurring more occupational fatalities than any other sector. A safety manager works on construction sites to prevent accidents. He determines the risk that working in a specific environment poses, then implements protection policies and procedures for workers.
Project Manager- has the overall responsibility for successful planning and execution of activities on a project. He must possess a combination of skills including an ability to ask penetrating questions, detect unstated assumptions and resolve interpersonal conflicts as well as more systematic management skills. The key to his success depends on how he identifies, assesses and defines risks as well as effectiveness of mitigating processes he puts in place.
The future A recent survey indicates that the global marketplace is changing rapidly and construction firms must be agile, efficient and customer-focused to stay ahead of competition. The global construction industry in emerging markets is expected to double within next 10 years and become a $6.7 trillion business by 2020. This growth will be to satisfy the needs of 'megacities' and their attendant urban developments as well as infrastructure renewal especially in rapidly emerging economies of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. With global warming on the rise, more homebuyers are demanding green homes and home builders are looking
for cost-effective, sustainable ways to deliver them. Recent advances in green building technologies are bringing carbon-neutral and zero net-energy homes closer to reality. This has led to development of new materials, new ways of constructing structures, increasing the use of pre-manufactured modules and improving infrastructure monitoring for maintenance. Some of these 'green' building techniques include external walls made of thick, insulated concrete to protect interiors from temperature fluctuations, geothermal wells capturing water warmed by rooftop solar panels and circulating it through radiant heated floor systems or closedloop cooling systems. Roofs may be V-shaped to collect water and hide solar panels from view. While most of this development will take place outside Sri Lanka, cost effective construction, advances in working methods and redundancy of older materials will before long come to Sri Lanka as well. Already we see many large high rise buildings in Colombo and more development has been earmarked for Kandy and Galle by both local and foreign contractors. Today, construction companies take on Civil Engineers, Electrical & Electronic Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Quantity Surveyors with minimum qualifications. In the new world a higher level of knowledge, experience and skills will be required leading to the minimum qualification being a degree in their area of expertise. Already there is a great demand worldwide for well qualified staff, so anyone with the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;rightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; qualifications will be in great demand. You can make yourself be one of them!
fl;Lkhdj;njhopy; By -
espd; FztHj;jd jkpopy; : Rg;igahmD\d;
fl;Lkhdj;njhopyhdJ fl;blq;fs;> ghijfs;> eilghijfs;> ghyq;fs; Nghd;wtw;wpd; jpUj;jq;fs;> nkUNfw;wy;fs; vd kpfg; gue;Jgl;l eltbf;iffis cs;slf;fpaJ. fl;Lkhdj;njhopyhdJ nghUj;jkhd cgfuzq;fisf; nfhz;L gapw;rp ngw;Nwhupdhy; rl;luPjpahf tuTnryTfSf;Nfw;wthW fl;Lkhdq;fis Nkw;nfhs;Stij fUj;jpw;nfhs;fpwJ. MfNt tbtikg;G> nghUshjhuk;> nghwpapay;> kw;Wk; rl;l ty;YdHfspd; jiyaPL fl;Lkhdj; jpl;lq;fis Neuj;jpw;Fl;gl;lthW mNj Neuk; tuTnryTj;jpl;ljpw;Fk; Vw;wtifapy; rpwe;j juj;Jld; epiwNtw;w VJthdjhf ,Uf;Fk;. fl;Lkhdj;njhopypy; gzpGupgtHfspd; ghJfhg;G rthYf;Fl;gl;lJ. caHe;j ,lq;fspy; ,Ue;J tpOjy;> kpd;rhu tpgj;J> my;yJ ghupa fl;Lkhd cgfuzq;fshy; Vw;gLk; tpgj;Jfs; vd;gd mtw;Wl; rpy. MfNt ghJfhg;Gk; fl;Lkhdj;njhopypy; xU Kf;fpa gq;fpid tfpf;fpwJ.
njhopy; tha;g;Gfs; fy;tpkw;Wk; gapw;rp rhHe;j njhopy; tha;g;Gfspd; 3 epiyfSk; gpd;tUkhW.
,J gpd;tUtdtw;iw cs;slf;FfpwJ
epy msitahsH. epy vy;iyfis jPHkhdpj;jy;. jw;NghJ ,Uf;Fk; epyj;jpd; vy;iyfis jPHkhdpj;jy;. jpl;lk; nraw;gLj;jg;gLk;NghJ GJ vy;iyfis jPHkhdpj;jy;. epy msitfs; njhlHghd mwpTiufs; mspj;jy;. epy msitahsHfs;> Theodalites fUtpfisAk;> kpd; msit fUtpfisAk;> GPS fUtpfisAk; gad;gLj;JthHfs;. epyj;ij mse;j gpd;dH xU jpl;lj;ij tiue;J nfhs;thHfs;.
fzpa mstpayhsHfs; fl;Lkhdj; jpl;lj;jpd; midj;J tpjkhd nryTfisAk; Kfhikg;gLj;JgtH ,tuhthH. rl;ljpl;lq;fSf;F Vw;w tifapy; mNj rkak; juf; FiwT ,y;yhkYk; Fiwe;jnrytpy; $bagyidg; ngwitg;gNj ,tHfspd; NtiyahFk;. jpl;lkhdJ nraypy; ,Uf;Fk;NghJ mJ jpl;lkplypypUe;J tpyfpdhNyh my;yJ tUkhdj;jpy; ghjpg;ig Vw;gLj;jpdhNyh mij cldbahfj; njupag;gLj;jp rup nra;a MNyhridAk; toq;FtH.
NjHr;rp ngwhNjhH kw;Wk; gFjpahf NjHr;rp ngw;NwhH -
fl;bl tiuQH -
rpwpastpyhd fl;Lkhd jifikNah my;yJ jifikfs; mw;w nghJthd js CopaH. mbg;gilapy; ,Ue;J Muk;gpf;Fk; ,t; CopaHfs; ehsiltpy; jiu kw;Wk; RtHfis epHkhzpg;NghHfshf NjHr;rpailtH.
xU NjHr;rpaile;j tiuQUf;F jpl;lj;jpd; msT kw;Wk; tpjj;jpidg; nghWj;J gy tplaq;fis cs;slf;f NeupLk;. ,it njhopy;El;gk;> jsmstPL> kw;Wk; tbtikg;G vd khWgLk;.
fl;blg; nghwpapayhsH.-
jr;Rj;njhopy;> kpd;rhuk; rhHe;j gzpahsHfs;> Foha; jpUj;JgtHfs;> ,Uk;Gj;njhopyhsHfs;> Nghd;w NjHr;rp ngw;w gzpahsHfs; ,jpy; cs;slq;FthHfs;.
fl;blg; nghwpapaypDs; gpuj;jpNafkhd gy nghwpapay;fs; cs;sd. fl;Lkhd nghwpapayhsHfs;> Gtpapay; nghwpapayhsHfs;> ePH rk;ge;jkhd nghwpapayhsHfs;> Rw;whly; nghwpapayhsHfs; vd;gdmtw;Wl;rpy.
njhopy; rhHe;j mwpTk; mDgtKk; ,tHfsplj;jpy; fhzg;gLk;.
njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; Kfhikj;Jtk; caH fy;tp jifikAilNahH. tbtikj;jYf;F Kfhikj;Jtj;jpw;F epHkhzq;fs; njhlHghd mwpTWj;jy;fSf;F> rl;l uPjpahd eltbf;iffSf;nfd gpuj;jpNafkha; gapw;rp ngw;NwhH.
fl;;blg; nghwpapayhsHfs; ghupa fl;blq;fis epHkhzpg;gjw;nfd tiuglq;fisAk; jpl;lq;fisAk; jahupg;ghHfs;. ,it gy;NtWgl;l nghwpapayhsHfshy; gad;gLj;jg;gLk;.
fl;Lkhdg;nghwpapayhsHfl;Lkhdj;ij tbtikj;jy;. fhw;wpd;
mOj;jk; jhq;fy; kw;Wk; ghuk; jhq;Fjy;> GtpeLf;fj;jpypUe;J ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk; gpw ghJfhg;G njhlHghd fzpg;Gfis Nkw;nfhs;sy;. ,jd; gpd; gUkd; tbtk; kw;Wk; cs;slf;fk; (gyifmy;yJrPnke;Jrhe;J) vd;gtw;iw NjHe;njLj;J vt;thW mit xOq;FgLj;jg;gLk; vd Fwpj;J itj;Jf;nfhs;sy;.
,ae;jpug; nghwpapayhsHntg;gNkw;wy;> fhw;WGftply;> kw;Wk; tspg;gjdhf;fk; njhlHghd mikg;Gf;fis cUthf;Fjy;. kpd; nghwpapayhsH kpd; mikg;ig tbtikj;jy;. ePH njhlHghd nghwpapayhsH ePH tpepNahfk; kw;Wk; foptfw;wy; jpl;lk; vd;gtw;iw nghWg;Ngw;ghH.
fl;bl Nritfs; nghwpapayhsH fl;blj;ij g+uzg;gLj;Jtjw;Fz;lhd kpd; Fkpo;> ghue;J}f;fpapypUe;J ghJfhg;G mikg;G tiu rfyijAk; tbtikj;Jg; nghUj;Jjy;. fl;bl tiuQH kw;Wk; Vida gzpahsHfSld; ,ize;J gzpahw;WthH. Kd;dH tiuQHfs; tpjpj;j ,lq;fspNyNa nghwpapayhsHfs; jkJ Nritfis Gupe;jdH. Mdhy; ,d;W tbtikg;gpd; Muk;gj;jpNyNa tiuQUld; ,ize;J gzpahw;wp tpidj;jpwdhd tbtikg;Gf;fis ngw;Wf;nfhs;s KbfpwJ.
ghJfhg;G KfhikahsH cyfpd; mghafukhd njhopy;fSs; fl;Lkhdj; njhopYk; xd;whFk;. fl;Lkhdj;jsj;jpy; ghJfhg;gpid cWjpg;gLj;JjNy ghJfhg;G Kfhikahsupd; gzpahFk;. xUFwpg;gpl;l #oypy; Ntiy nra;Ak;NghJ Vw;glf;$ba mghaq;fis mwpe;J mtw;Wf;Nfw;w ghJfhg;G eltbf;iffisAk; cghaq;fisAk; Nkw;nfhs;thH.
jpl;l KfhikahsH ntw;wpfukhd jpl;lkply; kw;Wk; midj;J eltbf;iffisAk; nray;gLj;Jtjw;fhd g+uz nghWg;G ,tiur;rhHe;jjhFk;. gyjug;gl;l Mw;wy;fs; cila xUtuhf
,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. Fwpg;ghf jpl;lq;fs; njhlHghd rpwe;j Nfs;tpfis Nfl;fpd;w jpwd; ,tuplk; fhzg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Fwpg;gplg;glhj vLNfhs;fis ,dq;fhz Ntz;Lk;. jsj;jpDs; Vw;gLk; Kuz;ghLfis jPHg;gtuhfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. ,dq;fhzy; nghUj;jkhd KbTfis vLj;jy; kw;Wk; tpidj;jpwDld; nray; ghly; Nghd;wtw;wpNyNa ,tupd; ntw;wp jq;fpAs;sJ.
Gtp ntg;gkakhjy; mjpfupj;Jf;nfhz;L tUk; ,f;fhyj;jpy; #oYf;F el;ghd tPLfs; kw;Wk; Fiwe;j nryTfspy; fpilf;Fk; tPLfSf;fhd Nfs;tp mjpfupj;Jtpl;lJ. #oy; el;G tPLfis epHkhzpf;Fk; njhopy;El;gj;jpy; Vw;gl;l rkPgj;jpa tsHr;rpahdJ #oypy; fhHgd; msitf; fl;LgLj;jp Ntz;ba msTf;F mij ,optsthf;Ftij nka;g;gpj;jpUf;fpd;wJ. ,J ,d;Dk; gy Gjpa Kaw;rpfSf;F mbapl;bUf;fpd;wJ.
ntspr;RtHfis ed;F jbkdhd rPnke;J rhe;jpD}L vOg;Gtjd; %yk; RtHfis ghJfhg;gNjhL ntg;gj;jpypUe;Jk; vk;ik ghj;Jf;nfhsyhk;. [pNah njHky; nty;]; vdg;gLk; ePHj;jhq;fpfs; $iuapypUe;J ntg;gj;ij ,Oj;J ePiu #lhf;f ty;yd. tPl;bDs; nghUj;jg;gLk; Fspuhf;fy; mikg;gpDL ,t;thW $iuapypUe;J ngwg;gLk; ntg;gj;ij vkf;F Vw;w tifapy; ifahsyhk;. $iufs; V tbtpy; mikf;fg;gl;L #upaf;fyq;fs; ghJfhf;fg;gLk;. ,it ahTNk Gjpa El;gq;fspd; ntspg;ghLfs;. ,tw;Ws; ngUk;ghyhdit ,yq;iff;F ntspapy; ele;jhYk; ,it ,yq;iff;F tUtjw;F mjpf ehl;fspy;iy. Vw;fdNt ,g;NghJ ,yq;ifapy; ngUk; fl;blq;fs; gd;dhl;L fk;gdpfshy; cUthf;fg;gl;L tUfpd;wd. Fwpg;ghf nfhOk;G fz;b fhyp Nghd;w ,lq;fspy; ,tw;iwf; fhzyhk;.
cyf re;ij gue;j khw;wq;fis re;jpj;J tUtjhy;;> fl;Lkhd epWtdq;fs; tpidj;jpwDld; $ba nefpo;r;rpj;jd;ik nfhz;ldthfTk; thbf;ifahsHfis <Hf;Fk; tz;zKk; njhopw;gl Ntz;Lk;. mg;NghJjhd; cyf re;ijapd; Nghl;bapy; Kd; epw;f KbAk; vd rkPgj;jpa Ma;twpf;if xd;W $WfpwJ. mLj;j 10 tUlq;fspy; cyf fl;Lkhdj;njhopyhdJ tsHe;J tUk; re;ijapy; ,ul;bg;ghFk; mj;Jld; 2020 ,y; 6.7 l;upy;ypad; tzpfkhf tsHr;rpailAk;. ,t; tsHr;rpahdJ Mrpa> yj;jPd; mnkupf;f> kj;jpa fpof;F> Mgpupf;f> kw;Wk; fpof;F INuhg;gpa ehLfspy; ghupa efu epHkhdq;fspd; Njit kw;Wk; efukakhf;fypd; Njit kw;Wk; efu cl;fl;likg;G> kPs;jpUj;jk; Nghd;wtw;wpd; Njitfis eptHj;jp nra;tjha; mikAk;.
,d;W fl;Lkhdf; fk;gdpfs; gyjug;gl;l nghwpapayhsHfisAk;> fzpa mstpayhsHfisAk; Fiwe;jsT jfikAld; cs;thq;Ffpd;wd. Gjpa cyfpNy caHe;jmwpT> mDgtk;> NjHr;rp vd;gd; Njitg;gLfpd;wd. ,tw;Wf;F mbg;gilj; jifikahf gl;lg;gbg;Ng fhzg;gLfpwJ. Vw;fdNt rpwe;j jifikAilNahUf;F cyfshtpa uPjpapy; ghupa Nfs;tp epyTfpd;wJ. MfNt 'rupahd" jifkAlNahUf;F Nfs;tp vg;NghJNk ,Uf;Fk;. mj;jifa xUtuhf cq;fis cUthf;fpf;nfhs;Sq;fs;.
mLj;j 10 tUlq;fspy; cyf fl;Lkhdj;njhopyhdJ tsHe;J tUk; re;ijapy; ,ul;bg;ghFk; mj;Jld; 2020 ,y; 6.7 l;upy;ypad; tzpfkhf tsHr;rpailAk;.
Abundant opportunities for the right minded By Sharlene De Chickera
The construction industry is booming and an ideal workground exists in it for youth, specially for the skilled. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a huge potential for young people in the construction industry to become Architects, Interior Designers, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Mechanics, Plumbers, Electricians and many more. With new technology to aid them, they can aspire to reach the zenith. Youth are also globally connected, from Tokyo, New York, Paris and London to Colombo and can work for upliftment of the industry globally,â&#x20AC;? stated Chartered Architect Dr. Surath Wickremasinghe, who wishes he grew up with abundance of facilities on offer for present day youth, together with a plethora of opportunities in the resilient construction industry. Construction industry is so demanding that a good workforce is required for a myriad of projects both in Sri Lanka and overseas. There are always opportunities
Chartered Architect, Planner, Dr. Surath Wickremasinghe is the President of Sri Lanka Chamber of Construction Industry, the umbrella organisation representing most stakeholders of Sri Lankan construction industry. He is also a Past President of Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPA), Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA) and Institute of Town Planners of Sri Lanka (ITPSL). He is the Chairman/ Principal Architect of Surath Wickremasinghe Associates and also Principal Architect and Urban Planner at Surath Wickremasinghe Associates Consulting (Pvt) Ltd.
available, but in as much as there are jobs, there should be eager youth to fill them.
experience, exposure and English language skills, as English is vital,” opined Dr. Wickremasinghe.
Attitudinal change
According to Dr. Wickremasinghe, some do not like the construction industry as one has to get his or her ‘hands dirty’. There must be a change in the image of a skilled labourer, but Dr. Wickremasinghe insisted that the right attitude also matters.
Dr. Wickremasinghe informed that currently there are more than 160 hotel projects undergoing various stages of construction processes in Sri Lanka. There are ample opportunities at places like Pasikudah, Hambantota and in the Colombo city, along with city beautification projects.
“When I am on projects, I work hard night and day. No great work of art comes without a certain sacrifice. Youth shall have an attitude to work hard and not to take things lightly, even though technology is at the tip of their fingers. This is a work ethic that has to be cultivated,” he advised.
“The other aspect of the construction industry is if there is an excess of workers, personnel can always find job opportunities overseas,” said Dr. Wickremasinghe. There is a lot of promise for them in the future. The construction industry should be made a future profession for our youth. It is also becoming more modern and ever changing.
“Industry requires technically qualified personnel like welders, masons, fabricators, technicians and more. Potential is fantastic for this cadre of personnel. There is a big demand for trained technicians. However, I have often noticed that our youth prefer jobs in IT sector most, or at least some job that enables working in an air conditioned environment, rather than getting dirty and sweaty. To meet with dust and get sweaty is an inherent feature of the construction industry,” he informed. “Though sweaty and dusty, potential to earn is high in construction industry. What must be done is to eradicate the stigma associated with construction labour and give them some pride in their work. We are trying to promote labour cadre to wear uniforms with tool kits. Image matters to everyone,” Dr. Wickremasinghe further said. “The youth of Sri Lanka are intrinsically smart. What they need is right attitude to gain right
Training empowers It is necessary for our youth to be empowered with rights skills suited for the construction industry. They must be well trained in particular skills. Everyone is looking for some kind of skilled personnel always. “We have to focus on technical skills of lower rungs like fabricators. The top tier of professionals is more or less qualified. Middle and lower rungs shall also get adequate opportunities to get trained as technology has also come in to play. We often desperately search for skilled craftsmen as they are rare,” he said. “So you have good job opportunities, wages and safety, and all you have to do is put your head down and work.” he affirmed. (Above article is prepared based on an interview conducted with Chartered Architect, Planner, Dr. Surath Wickremasinghe.)
The youth of Sri Lanka are intrinsically smart. What they need is right attitude to gain right experience, exposure and English language skills, as English is vital
ksjeros oelaula we;akï
wjia:do tugh igyk Yd,Ska o Ñflard mßj¾;kh wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks
wdl,amuh fjkila wdpd¾h iqr;a úl%uisxyg wkqj fndfyda fofkl= boslsÍï flaIa;%hg fkdmsúiSug fya;=j tu jD;a;sh yd ne|S we;s lgql;ajhhs' kuq;a fuu wdl,amh fjkia lr,Sug ld,h meñK we;s nj wdpd¾h iqr;a úl%uisxyf.a woyihs' —uu bosslsÍï jHdmD;shl ksr; ù isák úg osjd ? uykais fkd,nd jev lrkak mqreÿj isákjd' Tfí lghq;a; fyd|skau lrkakg kï lemùula w;HdjYHhs' fï Ñka;kh b;d jeo.;a"˜ Tyq mjihs' —fuu flaIa;%hg jE,aäka lrejka" fïikajreka wdoS fndfyda flaIa;%j, l=i,;d mQ¾K wh wjYHhhs' ukd mqyqKqj ,enQ ;dlaIK Ys,amSkag we;s b,a¨qu wêlhs' kuq;a ug idudkHfhka fmkS hkafka fndfyda ;reKhka oyäh ±óula fkdue;sj jevl,yels f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh jeks flaIa;% lSysmhlg fldgq ù isák njhs"˜ wdpd¾h úl%uisxy uy;d mejiSh' fuu flaIa;%h ;=< ÿyqú,a, iy oyosh iu. álla .; lrkakg
isÿjqj;a fndfyda uqo,la Wmhkakg yels flaIa;%hla' wm fï flaIa;%fha Y%ñlhkag wNsudkhla ,nd osh yels l%u fidhd.; hq;=hs' WodyrKhla f,i fyd| hqksf*daï tlla .; yelshs"˜ Tyq ;jÿrg;a mejiSh' —wfma ;reKhka iajNdjfhkau olaIhs' wjYH jkafka ksjeros wdl,am ;=<ska ksjeros m<mqreoaola w;am;a lr .ekSuhs' bx.S%is NdIdfõ we;s jeo.;alu;a lsisfia;a wu;l l< fkdyelshs'˜
wjia:djka rg ;=< nyq, jYfhka boslsÍï flaIa;%fha wjia:d ìys fjk nj wdpd¾h iqr;a úl%uisxy m%ldY lrhs' Tyq i|yka lrkafka fydag,a jHdmD;s 160 lg jeä m%udKhla we;=¿j fndfyda boslsÍï jHdmD;s rgmqrd werfUñka mj;sk njhs' —wfkla lreK kï ,xldfõ jeämqr isák Y%ñlhkag ueofmros. wd§ úfoaY j, ksn|ju /lshd wjia:d mj;skjd'˜ wkd.;h ;j;a iqnodhl jkq we;s njo Tyqf.a u;hhs'
wdpd¾h iqr;a úl%uisxy jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amsfhl= yd ie,iqïlrefjl= o jk w;r ,xld boslsÍï l¾udka; uKav,fha j;auka iNdm;sjrhd o fõ' Tyq YS% ,xld jD;a;Sh ix.ï tluq;=fõ (OPA)" Y%S ,xld .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a ix.ufha (SLIA) yd Y%S ,xld k.r ie,iqïlrejkaf.a wdh;kfha (ITPSL) jif¾ iNdm;s;ajh oeÍh' Tyq iqr;a úl%uisxy wefidaisfhaÜia ys iNdm;s yd m%Odk .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amshd jk w;r iqr;a úl%uisxy wefidaisfhaÜ WmfoaYk wdh;kfha m%Odk .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amshd yd k.r ie,iqïlreo fõ' mqyqKqj u.ska n,iïmkak ùu wmf.a ;reKhka ksjeros l=i,;d j,ska mrsmQ¾K lr,Su b;d jeo.;a nj Tyq isysm;a lrhs' —wmf.a by< ;,fha isák jD;a;slhskaf.a l=i,;d yd iqÿiqlï .ek iEySulg m;aúh yels kuq;a hgu ;,h .ek t;rï i;=gq úh fkdyelshs' Tjqka ksjerÈ l=i,;dj,ska fmdfydi;a lsÍu w;HdjYHhs"˜ Tyq mjihs' —fuu flaIa;%h ;=< fyd| wjia:d" jegqma yd wdrlaIdj mj;skjd' Tn l< hq;af;a uykaisù jev lr tys m%;sM, ,nd .ekSuhs"˜ ta uy;d mejiSh' ^wdpd¾h iqr;a úl%uisxy uy;d iu. mj;ajk ,o idlÉPdjla u; mokïj by; ,smsh ilid we;'&
wNsudkj;a /lshdjlg bÈlsÍï fCIa;%h
igyk Yd,Ska o Ñflard mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
kj ms<s.ekSula oikdhl uy;d lshk mßÈ idïm%odhslj iudch u.ska fujeks mqoa.,hskag wvq ;lafiarefõ ,d ie,lSu ksidu fujeks /lshd i|yd kj mrïmrdfõ ;reK ;reKshka fhduqùug mels,S ;sfnkjd' zztu ksidu Tõka fj; ms,s.ekSula fukau fuu jD;a;Sh ms,sn|j wdvïnrhlao we;s l, hq;=hs' we;af;kau bÈlsÍï Ys,amSkaf.a lemùu yd yelshdjka cd;sl ;,fha§ mjd we.hSulg ,laù ;sfnkjd' wmg wjYH Tõkaf.a orejka ;u mshd bÈlsÍï Ys,amshl= hehs wdvïnrfhka yvk.d mejish yels jgmsgdjla f.dvkexùu ;=,ska Tõkago fuu flaIa;%h ;=, mqqyqKq bÈlsÍï Ys,amshl= f,i bÈßhg taug wdYdjla we;slsÍughs"ZZ hkqfjka oikdhl uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh' ta uy;d mjik mßÈ bÈlsÍï flaIa;%fha we;sù ;sfnk msì§u;a iu. fuu jD;a;Sh ms<snoj iudc ms,s.ekSuo j¾Okh lrkakg ±ka iqÿiq ld,h t<U ;sfí' rg fjkqfjka bÈlr" rfÜ wd¾Ólhg odhl ùug wjia:dj ,eîu ms<snoj cd;sl uÜgfï ms<s.ekSula fuu jD;a;slhska fjkqfjka we;súh hq;=hs' fujeks Ys,amSkag jD;a;Sh wOHdmkh ioydo wjia:d újr ù mj;S' mqyqKq jD;a;slhka fndfydauhla NVQ iy;sl wÈhr 3 fyda 4ys iqÿiqlï ,nd isák w;r" Tõkag l%ufhka NVQ wÈhr 7 tkï Wmdêhlg iu ;;ajhlg l%ufhka .uka l< yelshs'
ICTAD wdh;kfha iNdm;s wkqr oikdhl uy;d
fuu flaIa;%hg w'fmd'i Wiia fm< yodr msúfik YsIHhl=g uqo,a Wmhk .ukau jD;a;sh jYfhka mqyqKqj yd wOHdmkh ,nd.ekSug;a tu.ska fuu flafIa;%fha bÈßhg meñKSug;a yelsù ;sfnkjd'
uydNsudkS iïudkh iudch ;=, bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka zzndiaZZ hk wkaj¾: kdufhka yeÈkaùu ;reK mrmqr fuu flaIa;%fhka bj;aj hEug fya;=ù ;sfnkjd' tuksidu fïikajreka" jvqld¾ñlhska" c,k, ld¾ñlhska" ghs,a ld¾ñlhska" mska;drejreka jeks flaIa;% .Kkdjl ms,s.ekSu jeäÈhqKq lsÍug rch W;aiy orkjd' Tõka ish¿ fokdu wo fmdÿfõ y÷kajkafka bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka f,ihs' tfukau by; ±lajQ iEu flaIa;%hla ioyd olaI;d olajk ,xldj mqrd úisß isák bÈlsÍï Ys,amSkaf.a olaI;d we.hSfï jevigykl=;a ls%hd;aul jk nj oikdhl uy;d wkdjrKh lf,ah' zzuydNsudkS iïudk f,i kï flreKq fuu we.hSï ;=,ska olaI bÈlsÍï Ys,amSkaj y÷kdf.k Tjqkaj we.hsulg ,lalr ta ;=,ska ms,s.ekSula ,nd§ug lghq;= lrkjd' tys uq,a wÈhr foieïnrfha§ ckdêm;s ;=udf.a m%Odk;ajfhka id¾:lj meje;ajQjd' fuu iïudk m%Odkh jd¾Islj isÿlrkak lghq;= lrf.k hkjd'ZZ fuu flafIa;%h ;=, jD;a;shla f.dvkexùu wjYH ms<s.ekSu we;sùu yd ta;=,ska flaIa;%h ;=, bÈßhg hEug we;s yelshdj ksid olaI;d we;s ;reK ;reKshka iajleue;af;ka bÈßfha§ fuu flafIa;%hg msúfikq we;' ^fuu ,smsh bÈlsÍï mqyqKq yd ixj¾Ok wdh;kh (ICTAD) ys iNdm;s wkqr oikdhl uy;d iu. flreKq iïuqL idlÉPdjla mokï lrf.k ieliqks'&
PdhdrEm ku,a .=Kmd, lreKdr;ak
zzY%S ,dxlSh ;reK ;reKshskag bÈlsÍï flaIa;%hg msúiSfï wjia:d .Kkdjla ;sfnkjd' ta m%udK iólaIljreka" isú,a bxðfkarejreka fyda .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSka f,i muKlau fkdfõ' wo bÈlsÍï Ys,amSkag;a (Craftsman) fyd| ms<s.ekSula fukau NVQ iy;slh yryd jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlulao ,nd.ekSug yelsù ;sfnkjd'ZZ fuf,i wm yd woyia ±lajQfha bÈlsÍï mqyqKq yd ixj¾Ok wdh;kfha (ICTAD) iNdm;s wkqr oikdhl uy;dhs' wo bÈlsÍï flaIa;%fha fmrg jvd msì§ula we;s ù ;sfnkjd' w;S;fha o< foaYSh ksIamdÈ;fhka 4-5] muK j¾Okhla fmkakqï l< fuu flaIa;%h ld,fha§ 21'6] úYd, j¾Okhla ,nd ;sfnkjd' we;a;gu fuu j¾Okh iS>% tlla jqj;a 10]la 12] la w;r ia:djr j¾Okhla bÈßfha§;a wfmalaId l, yelshs' fï ksidu ;j j¾I .Kkdjla hkf;la mqyqKq bÈlÍï Ys,amSkag buy;a b,a¨ula mj;sù' fï ksidu ;uhs mqyqKq bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka ld¾hlaIuj flaIa;%hg ,nd.ekSug lghq;= l< hq;= jkafka' flfia jqj;a ld,fha isÿjQfha bÈlsÍï flaIa;%fha lsishï tla wxYhlg muKla mqyqKqj ,enQ Y%ñlhska ìysùuhs' tu ksidu Tõka wjia:dj ,enqkfyd;a fuu flaIa;%h yerhkq olakg ,enqKd' tu ksid ;uhs mqyqKq bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka i|yd ´kEu úgl ys.hla ±lsh yelsjkafka'
Rewarding career
for the tough By Sharlene De Chickera
equally for Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering. It is a four year degree programme. Currently Department of Civil Engineering has 500 undergraduates, consisting 125 students in each respective batch and nearly 100 fulltime and parttime post graduate students,” informed Prof. Nanayakkara.
This is not a White Collar job. Any student who aspires to take up Civil Engineering must have passion, endurance and grit to stick on to the course
“Currently there is a boom in construction industry and a shortage of Civil Engineers,” said Professor S. M. A. Nanayakkara, Head of Department of Civil Engineering at University of Moratuwa. There is ample opportunity for youth in construction industry. If you have a passion for construction and getting your boots muddy and hands dirty do not deter you, then Civil Engineering is a profession worthy of pursuing. There are many perks on offer, integrated with interesting projects in Civil Engineering. Though it is hard work, it is rewarding. “This is not a White Collar job. Any student who aspires to take up Civil Engineering must have passion, endurance and grit to stick on to the course,” Prof. Nanayakkara added. Students who successfully pass A/Ls in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry can gain entry to state owned Universities of Moratuwa, Peradeniya and Ruhuna, which offers many disciplines of Civil Engineering. “The third highest demand at University of Moratuwa is spread
Field of Civil Engineering is extremely broad, covering many areas such as planning, designing and construction of buildings, highways, bridges, irrigation schemes, water supply and sewerage schemes, power plants, transmission systems, tunnels and underground structures. Qualified Civil Engineers can work in both private and state sectors. Career opportunities for Civil Engineering graduates range from small companies employing less than half a dozen to international companies with branches in many parts of the world, employing thousands in diverse projects. Civil engineers can work for a client, consultant or contractor. Clients own or commission projects. Consultants plan and design projects. They translate a client’s requirements in to a feasible, effective project. Much of the work in a consulting firm is office based and would typically include preparation of drawings and design calculations. Contractors are those who employ labour, equipment and materials and transform consultants’ drawings in to reality within a required time frame. (Above article is prepared based on an interview conducted with Prof. S. M. A. Nanayakkara, Head of Department of Civil Engineering at University of Moratuwa)
for all
Construction industry offers vast potential for youth, in terms of careers and career advancement. It is one industry where a person can enter income earning ranks even just as a school leaver and gradually climb up the ladder, both in terms of earning capacity and rank. It is not only Engineers that are in demand, but even technically qualified people and craftsmen. In fact, the industry needs more craftsmen and middle level technically qualified people such as Technicians, Technical Officers and Engineering Assistants. Qualified Engineers, both academic and professional, ensure safety, maintainability, sustainability and buildability of structures at design and implementation. Technicians and Technical Officers assist the process with practical implementation and supervision of craftsmen who actually execute works. “Civil engineering in construction industry offers ample opportunity for those who are practical and ready to get one’s hands soiled to get a job done. You can enter within unskilled or skilled categories and gradually acquire more skills and knowledge. The Open University of Sri Lanka facilitates continuous education of many in the industry. Our programmes are designed to cater to the employed, to qualify while being bread winners,” said Eng.
Professor T. M. Pallewatte, Head of Department of Civil Engineering at The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), who is also a Council Member of Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) and Editor of “Engineer”, the journal of IESL which is a refereed professional publication.
Academic path – for employed Those who have passed A/Ls and having a sound mathematical knowledge can enter the OUSL’s engineering programmes and obtain qualifications of Advanced Certificate, Diploma and even Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. These Advanced Certificate and Diploma in Civil Engineering programmes are structured in such a way that those who qualify are directly absorbable in to the construction industry as Technicians, Technical Officers and Engineering Assistants. While being employed in such categories, they can thereafter, gradually progress towards a recognized degree in Civil Engineering. For those who have not passed A/Ls, the process starts with a Foundation Programme.
Professional path Qualifying as a Chartered Engineer of the Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) is the professional path
Prof. T. M. Pallewatte to success. One can directly progress through staged examinations conducted by IESL to become a Chartered Engineer, or obtain recognized academic qualifications and gain adequate work experience to qualify as a Chartered Engineer. It is offered to those with not less than four years of post qualifying work experience. IESL has accredited degree programmes in Engineering offered by Universities of Moratuwa, Peradeniya, Ruhuna and the OUSL. “IESL, established in 1906, is a provisional signatory to the Washington Accord, which provides for international regulatory authority of professional engineers. Its basic requirement is a four year accredited degree. Even India has not been granted provisional status as yet,” elaborated Prof. Pallewatte. (Above article is prepared based on an interview conducted with Prof. T.M. Pallewatte, Head of Department of Civil Engineering at Open University of Sri Lanka)
fzpa mstpay; (Quantity Surveying)
- fl;Lkhdj;Jiwapy; Jupjkhf tsu;e;JtUk; njhopw;Wiw. Mf;fk; - jNte;jpud; fgpyd;
,yq;ifapd; nghUshjhu tsu;r;rpapy; fl;Lkhdj;Jiw (construction industry) Kf;fpa gq;fhw;wp tUfpd;wJ. fl;Lkhdj;Jiw ghuk;gupakhf Architect, Structural Engineers, Service Engineers, Civil Engineers, Nghd;w Jiwrhu; epGzu;fspd; (professionals)
gq;fspg;Gld; ,aq;fp te;Js;sJ. fhy Xl;lj;jpy; fl;Lkhdj;Jiwapd; mgupkpjkhd tsu;r;rpapdhy; ngUkstpyhd KjyPLfs; ,j;Jiwapid Nehf;fp te;jile;jJ. ngUkstpyhd epjp ,j;Jiwapy; jq;fpapUg;gjhYk;> gz tpuak; (Cost overrun)> Neu tpuak; (Time overrun)> Nghd;w gpur;rpidfSf;F Kfk; nfhLf;f Neu;tjdhYk; ,j;Jiwapd; rpf;fy;jd;ik (Complexity) mjpfupj;Js;sikapdhYk;> Jiw rhu; tpw;gdu;fspilNa gpzf;Ffs; (Conflicts Between Stakeholders) mjpfupj;Js;skapdhYk; ,it ahtw;iwAk; ikag;gLj;jpNa fzpa mstpay; (Quantity Surveying) vDk; njhopw;Wiw (Profession) cUthf;fg;gl;lJ. fl;Lkhdg; gzp kjpg;gply;> tbtikr;Rr; RUf;fk;> fUj;jhf;fk;> tbtikg;G mgptpUj;jp> njhopy;El;g tbtikg;G> jahupg;Gf;fhd jfty;> Vyf;Fj;jif Mtzq;fs;> Vyf;Fj;jif eltbf;if> mirthf;fk;> fl;Lkhdk; Kjy; eilKiwuPjpahd epiwT> eilKiwuPjpahd epiwTf;F gpd;gjhdit (gpd;D}l;lk;) vd 11 gbepiyfisf; nfhz;ljhf mike;Js;sJ. ,d;W fzpa mstpayhsupd; gq;fspg;G fl;Lkhdg; gzpapd; Muk;gk; (inception) Kjy; ,Wjp (final completion of the building) tiu midj;J kl;lq;fspYk; Kf;fpa gq;fhw;Wfpd;wJ. xU KjyPl;lhsu; (client) jd;Dila Njitg;ghLfis (construction requirements) MNyhrfu; xUtuplk; $wp mjw;fhd Muk;g fl;l jpl;l tiuglj;jpypUe;J Vyf;Fj;ji eltbf;if (Tender Action) tiuahd fl;Lkhdj;Jf;F Ke;ja nraw;ghLfspd; NghJ fzpa mstpay; MNyhrfu; (Consultant Quantity Surveyor) ,d; gq;fspg;G kpf Kf;fpakhdJ.
fl;Lkhdj;Jf;F Ke;ja gbepiyapd; NghJ thbf;ifahsupd; (Client) ,d; Njitg;ghLfSf;F Vw;g jpl;l tiuglk; (Design) tiuag;gl;l NghjpYk; mit thbf;ifahsupd; ghjPl;L msT (Budget Limit) ,Ds; mlq;fpajhf miktjpNy fzpa mstpayhsu; mjpf ftdk; nrYj;Jthu;. ,jd;NghJ tiutikg;Gf;FOTld; (Design Team) Nru;e;J NtWgl;l khw;W tiuglq;fis Muha;J thbf;ifahsupw;F nryTf;fpua MNyhrid (Cost Advice) toq;FtJ xU Kf;fpa gzpahFk;. ,jd; mLj;j gbepiyahf Vyf;Fj;jif Mtzq;fs; (Tender Document) jahupf;Fk; nghWg;G fzpa mstpayhyiuNa rhUk;. ,jd; NghJ fl;Lkhdj;jpd; mj;jpthuk; NghLtjpy; Muk;gpj;J ,Wjpf;fl;l Ntiyg;ghLfs; tiu midj;Jtpjkhd nryTfSf;Fkhd Engineering Estimate jahupj;jy; kw;Wk; xt;nthU nraw; jpl;lj;Jf;Fkhd midj;Jtpjkhd nghUl;fspd; msTfs; mlq;fpa msitg;gl;bay; (Bill of Quantities) jahupj;jy; vd;gd mlq;Fk;. ,jd; mLj;j fl;lkhf Vyf;Fj;jifr; nraw;ghL (Tendering Process) eilngw;w gpd;du; NtWgl;l Fj;jiff;fhuUila Vyf;Fj;jif Mtzq;fs; ngwg;gl;L mit fzpa mstpayhsupdhy; kjpg;gha;T nra;ag;gl;L thbf;ifahsupw;F Fwpj;j fl;Lkhdj;ij elhj;Jtjw;F nghUj;jkhd Fj;jiff;fhuu; xUtu; gupe;Jiuf;fg;gLthu;. ,jd; mLj;j fl;lkhf thbf;ifahsupw;Fk; Fj;jiff;fhuupw;Fk; ,ilNa xg;ge;j Mtzq;fspy; ifr;rhj;jplg;gLk;. fl;Lkhdk; Muk;gpj;jjd; gpd;du; fl;Lkhdk; rupahf eilngWtjid cWjpg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; ,ilf;fhy khjhe;j epYitj; njhif fl;lzk; (Interim Bill Payment) nrYj;jy; ,Wjp epYitj; njhif nrYj;jy; (Final Bill Payment) Nghd;w gzpfSk; Consultant QS ,idNa rhUk;. ,jdpilNa Fwpj;j xU fl;Lkhdg;gzp Vyf;Fj;jiff;F tplg;gl;ljpypUe;J Contractor QS ,d; gzp Muk;gkhFk;. ,jd;NghJ Contractor QS jkf;F fpilj;j Vyf;Fj;jif Mtzq;fis tpiykjpg;gply; nra;J jkJ fl;Lkhdf; fk;gdpapDila Fwpj;j fl;Lkhdj;Jf;fhd
Vyf;Fj;jifg; ngWkjp epu;zapf;fg;gLk;. ,jd; mLj;j fl;lkhf jq;fs; epWtdk; me;j fl;Lkhdj;Jf;fhf njupT nra;ag;gl;lhy; mjd; gpd;duhd khjhe;j Interim Bill Claiming Fwpj;j epWtdj;jpd; QS ,izNa rhUk;. mj;Jld; fl;Lkhdk; rupahf eilngWfpd;wjh vd Nkw;ghu;it nra;jy; kw;Wk; jkJ epWtd nryTfis fl;Lg;gLj;jy; vd;gd fl;Lkhdk; KbAk; tiuapy; Contractor QS ,izNa rhUk;. Nkw; Fwpg;gpl;l fzpa mstpayhsupd; flikfis nrt;tNd nra;tjw;F mtu;fs; rpy Fwpj;j jpwd;fis (skills) cilatu;fshf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. The Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors
(1971)> Male (1990) fzpa mstpayhyupd; tpNrl jpwikfs; gw;wpf; Fwpg;gpLk;NghJ msitAk; ngUkjpaplYk; vd typAWj;JtNjhL vjpu;$ty; Ma;T jpl;lkply; fl;Lg;gLj;jy; fzf;fpay; Mfpatw;iwAk; Rl;bf; fhl;Lfpd;wdu;. ,d;wsTk; epy mstpay; (Building Surveying) kw;Wk; fzpa mstpay; ,uz;ilAk; xd;nwd vz;Zk; jtwhd Gupjy; ek; kj;jpapy; ,Ue;J tUfpd;wJ. fzpa mstpayhsUf;fhd Nfs;tp njhopw; re;ijapy; ,d;W xU jdp ,lk; tfpj;J tUtJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. kj;jpa fpof;F ehLfs; kw;Wk; fl;Lkhdg; gzpfs; njhlu;r;rpahf eilngw;W tUfpd;w ehLfspy; Fwpg;ghf Jupj tsu;r;rp mile;J tUk; ehLfspy; ,j;Jiwf;F mjpf Nfs;tp fhzg;gLfpwJ. fzpa mstpaYf;fhd gl;lf; fw;if newp ,yq;if mur gy;fiyf;fofkhd nkhwl;Lit gy;fiyf;foj;jpy; fw;gpf;fg;gLfpwJ. NkYk; fzpa mstpay; gl;lf;fy;tpAk;> gl;laf; fy;tpAk; gy jdpahu; fy;tp epWtdq;fspYk; toq;fg;gLtJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. fzpa mstpay; gapy;gtu;fs;> mjNdhL ,ize;J fl;Lkhdg; nghwpapy; fw;gJk; my;yJ fzf;fha;Tf; fw;if newpfspy; <LgLtJk;> my;yJ rl;lk; gapy;tJk; nghJthf fhzf;$bajhfTs;sJ. ,it fzpa mstpayhsu;fs; jk;ik tYg;gLj;jpf;nfhs;sTk;> etPd cyfj;jpd; njhopw;re;ijg; Nghl;bfspy; ntw;wpngwTk; Kd;ndLf;Fk; cj;jpfshFk;. ePq;fs; fzpa mstpayhsuhf tpUk;GfpwPu;fsh?
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Interested in building a globally mobile career? Now is the time to invest on your talents in furthering your education of a career of your choice. The days of having a single professional qualification to get one’s foot in to the corporate world is coming to an end; in today’s competitive job market, having more qualifications means having a sharper edge that will take you further up the ladder faster. Qualification
For whom
Useful Information
ACCA Professional Qualification
Post A/L students (2 C passes in A/L & 3 C passes in O/L including math & English) and graduates who want to purse a globally mobile career as a finance professional
Exams – Comprise 14 papers Ethics – Students need to complete an online ethics module prior to applying for membership. Experience – 3 years relevant practical experience during, before or after exams.
Introductory Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting Intermediate Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting
Comprise 2 papers Post O/L students
Diploma in Accounting and Business
Comprise 2 papers Comprise 3 papers
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Students over 16 years of age
BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University UK
ACCA Professional scheme students
CAT provides an early start to the young student who can use CAT as a foundation for the ACCA Professional qualification or as the basis for seeking employment complete the first 9 papers of the ACCA examinations + a research project + an ethics module
Contact the ACCA Sri Lanka
#424, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3. 2301920/2301923 E mail
m%udK ióCIKh (Quantity Surveying) hkq .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amhg fyda isú,a bxðfkare Ys,amh iu. iei§fïÈ ;ju;a ke.S tk wjêhl miqjk jD;a;shla" f,i ie,lsh yelsh' blaukska fjkiajk iq¿" ixlS¾K tfukau w;suy;a mrdihla we;s nyqúO ksmqK;djhka wjYH jkakd jQ" kj jD;a;shla f,i m%udK ióCIKh wo fmruqKg meñK ;sfnk w;r" Y%S ,dxlSh ;reK ;reKshkag tu jD;a;sfha kshe,Su ;=,ska Wiia wkd.;hla Wodlr.; yels nj Y%s ,xld m%udK ióCIljrekaf.a wdh;kfha ^IQSSL& iNdm;s fyauka; wfmdakaiq uy;df.a woyihs' ukd iqÿiqlï ,enQ m%udK ióCIlhl=g furg § fukau úfoaYhka ys mjd b;du flá ld,hla ;=, fydo /lshdjla ,nd .ekSu b;du;a myiqhs' ta ula ksido h;a is>%j fjkiajk bÈ lsÍï Ys,amh ;=, m%udK ióCIlhka w;r ú/lshd ;;ajhla fkdmj;sk ksid' m%udK ióCIKh ^QS& bÈlsÍï lafIa;%h ;=, buy;a m%;s,dN w;alr.;yels jD;a;shla f,i fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s wd¾Ól úoHd wxY m%Odks bÿks,a fifkúr;ak uy;d y÷kajhs' zzwmf.a Wmdê wfmalaIlhska fndfydauhla wfmalaId lrkafka ueo fmrÈ.g f.dia /lshdjl ksr; ùughs' Tjqka okakjd ueo fmrÈ. rgj, QS jD;a;shg wod,j
ióCIKh igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
m%udK iólaIljreka yg f.dvke.s,s ms<sn| ukd úYaf,aIkd;aul ±kqula ;sìh hq;= w;r Tyq fyda weh lkavdhï yeÕSfuka l%shdlrk ;eke;af;l= úh hq;=h úfYaI /lshd wjia:d mj;sk nj' wmf.a wjika jir Wmdê wfmalaIlhska 80 fokdf.ka 53ka fofkl=g ueofmrÈ. rgj,ska /lshd i|yd wdrdOkd ±kgu;a ,eî ;sfnkjd' wdrïNl udisl jegqm Èrdï 10"000 la muK jkjd' ,xldj ;=,;a wjYH iqÿiqlï ,enQ WmdêOdßfhl=f.a wdrïNl jegqm re' 50"000 la muK fjkjd' tfukau iEu jir 2 - 3 jrlau úYd, jegqma jeäùula o ,efnkjd"ZZ hehs ta uy;d jeä ÿrg;a mejiSh' Y%S ,xld m%udK iólaIljrekaf.a wdh;kfha ^IQSSL& iyldr f,alï ,,s;a r;akdhl uy;d mjik mßÈ" zzm<uqj bÈlsÍï lafIa;%hg we,aula ;sîu jeo.;a' bÈlsÍï lafIa;%h ;=, fndfyda jD;a;Ska m%udKhla mj;skjd' uu j¾.SlrKhla l<fyd;a isysk olsk mßl,amk Yla;shla we;s ;reK ;reKshkag jvd;a iqÿiq jkafka ie,iqïlrejka fyda .Dyks¾udK Ys,amSka njg m;aùuhs' .Ks; úIh flfrys idud¾:;d we;s mqoa.,hska bxðfkarejka njg úfYaIfhka isú,a bxðfkarejka njg m;aùug ;e;alsßu iqÿiqhs' úhoï yd ;;aj md,khg we,aula we;s whg m%udK iólaIljreka f,i bÈßhg hd yelshs'ZZ
zzuqo,g iß,k jákdlula ,nd .ekSug wod, ish¨u lreKq ldrKd ms<sn|j ks¾foaYhka fiajd odhlhskag ,nd §ug yelshdj we;af;a m%udK iólaIljrekag muKhs' m%udK iólaIljreka fj<o l<uKdlrejka" fldka;%d;a l<uKdlrejka" fyda fldka;%d;a WmfoaYlhska f,i;a y÷kajkq ,nkjd' m%udK iólaIljreka ñ,la iQodkï lsÍu fyda ñ, fgkavrhla ieliSu isÿ lrkjd muKla fkdj jHdmD;shl úhoï ld¾hlaIu;dj by< kexùug;a lghq;= lrkjd"ZZ r;akdhl uy;d mejiSh' zztu ksid m%udK iólaIljreka yg f.dvke.s,s ms<sn| ukd úYaf,aIkd;aul ±kqula ;sìh hq;= w;r Tyq fyda weh lkavdhï yeÕSfuka l%shdlrk ;eke;af;l= úh hq;=hs"ZZ wfmdkaiq uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'
wOHdmksl u. fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha m%udK iólaIl Wmdê mdGud,djg we;=,;a ùu i|yd iqÿiqlï ,eîug w'fmd'i Wiia fm< .Ks; úIh Odrdj ye±ßh hq;=h' fydo ms<s.ekSula we;s jir 4l Wmdê mdGud,djla jk fuh udi 6l ld¾ñl mqyqKqjlska o iukaú;h' fuysÈ Wmdê wfmalaIlhska bÈlsÍï lafIa;%fha wdh;kj, fiajhg fhdojk w;r ta ;=,ska
PdhdrEm ;srka; cQâ iy ku,a .=Kmd,
,,s;a r;akdhl uy;d fyauka; wfmdakaiq uy;d
;u jD;a;sh ms<sn| woaù;sh w;a±lSula Tjqka ,nkjd' zzfuu jD;a;sh i|yd jQ b,a¨u fldf;lao h;a" fuu Wmdê wfmalaIlhska mqyqKqj ksulr jeä ÿr wOHdmkh i|yd úYaj úoHd,hg tk wjia:dj jkúg;a" ;ukaf.a wkd.; /lshdj ;yjqre lrf.khs bkafka' idudkHfhka jirj, m%;sM, ú.%y lsÍfï§ 1'8 lg jvd jk Z ,l=Kq m%udKhla ,eîu wjYHhhs' Wmdê mdGud,dj bx.%Sis NdIdfjka mj;ajkq ,nkjd' wmf.a YsIHhka hdmkh isg ud;r olajd ,xldfõ ieu m,d;lskau Wmdêh ,nd .ekSug meñfKkjd"ZZ fifkúr;ak uy;d jeä ÿrg;a mejiSh' úfoaYSh úYaj úoHd, iu. iïnkaOj ndysr Wmdê mdGud,d mj;ajk fm!oa.,sl wdh;k lsysmhl=;a Y%S ,xldfõ ;sfnkjd'
jD;a;sh u. Y%S ,xldfõ fuu lafIa;%h ;=, jD;a;shuh idudðl;ajh ,nd§u i|yd wjir we;s tlu ms,s.;a wdh;kh f,i Y%s ,xld m%udK iólaIljrekaf.a wdh;kh ^IQSSL& ie,flkjd' fuu wdh;kh yryd jr,;a m%udK iólaIljrfhl= njg m;aùug yelshdj ,nd.; yel' Y%S ,xldfõ jr,;a m%udK iólaIljreka we;=,;a lr.ekSug" Tjqkaf.a úkh lghq;= mÍlaId lsÍug yd Tjqkaf.a jD;a;sh lghq;= md,kh lsÍfï tlu wêldßh we;s wdh;kh f,i md¾,sfïka;= mk;la u.ska th
msysgqjd ;sfnkjd' fuu wdh;kfha YsIH" ;dlaIksl" wdOqksl yd WmdêOdÍ idudðl fY%aKsj, isg Associate iy Fellow fY%aKs olajd úysÿKq fY%aKs .Kkdjlska wod, idudðl;ajh ,nd .ekSug lafIa;%h yd iïnkaO iqÿiqlï,;a whg yelshdj ,eî ;sfnkjd' Associate iy Fellow hk idudðl fY%aKsj, whg muKla jr,;a m%udK iólaIl hk ;rd;sru ,nd.; yelsh' bÈlsßï l¾udka;h ;=, ,nd we;s wOHdmkh yd w;a±lSï uÜgu l=ula jqj;a úúO m:hka yryd Associate iy Fellow idudðl ;;ajhka ,nd.; yelsh' zzw'fmd'i id'fm< fyda Wiia fm< iqÿiqlï ,;a ;reK ;reKshkag wm iu. iïnkaO ù cd;sl uÜgfï ämaf,daud mdGud,djla ,ndf.k jr,;a m%udK iólaIljreka f,i iqÿiqlï ,eîu olajd .uka lsÍug bv m%ia:d i,id § ;sfnkjd' óg wu;rj ±kgu;a Wmdêhla yodrd we;s mqoa.,hskag IQSSL u.ska mj;ajk jD;a;sh jev igykaj,g we;=,;a ùug uxfm;a újr lr§ ;sfnkjd' uÜgï 3la ksulsÍu ;=,ska jD;a;sh jYfhka iqÿiqlï ,eîug yelshs"ZZ wfmdakaiq uy;d jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf,ah' zzwms wmf.a YsIHhskag jD;a;sh jevigyka ueoÈ jevigyk w;ayerhdug wkqn, fokafka keye' ta ulaksido h;a Tjqka ;ukag m%udKj;a ±kqula ;sfí hk ixl,amfha isáh;a we;af;kau
jD;a;sh ms<sn| mßmQ¾K ±kqula ,eîug kï jD;a;sh jevigyk iïmQ¾K lsÍu jeo.;a jk ksid' fï ksidu ;uhs wms ±kg m%udK ióCIljreka f,i úúO jQ Odß;djkaf.ka lghq;= lrk mqoa.,hskag wmf.a jD;a;sh mdGud,dj yodrd jr,;a m%udK iólaIljreka f,i iqÿiqlï ,eîug Wmfoia fokafka"ZZ hehs ta uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh' zzf.jqk oYl fol ;=, foaYshj;a ueofmrÈ.;a ,dxlSh ;reK ;reKhskag /lshd wjia:djka rdYshla ,eî ;sfnkjd' t;rï b,a¨ula fuu lafIa;%h ;=, mj;sk kuq;a fuu wêl b,a¨u ksid lafIa;%h ;=, ksis m%ñ;shlska f;drj jHdc iy;sl fok lsisÿ ms<s.ekSula fkdue;s wdh;k .Kkdjla y;= msfmkakd fia u;=jkq ±lsh yels jqkd' ta ksidu ;reK ;reKhska tjeks ksis m%ñ;shlska f;dr jevigykaj,g iïnkaO fkdù isáh hq;= w;r Tjqka ;ukag .e,fmk jevigyka f;dard .ekSug fnfyúka m%fõiï iy.; úh hq;=hs"ZZ r;akdhl uy;d mejiSh' ^fuu ,smsh ilialsÍu i|yd Y%s ,xld m%udK iólaIljrekaf.a wdh;kfha ^IQSSL& iNdm;s fyauka; wfmdakaiq uy;d yd tu wdh;kfha iyldr f,alï ,,s;a r;akdhl hk uy;ajreka iy fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s wd¾Ól úoHd mSGdÈm;s bÿks,a fifkúr;ak uy;d ±lajQ iyfhda.h wms uy;a fia w.h lruq'&
bÈlsÍï lafIa;%fha we;s jD;a;Sh wjia:djka lsysmhla wxYh
bÈlsÍï Ys,am Builders/ Building Trades
.Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh $ ks¾udKlrkh Architecture/ Designing
m%udK iólaIKh Quantity Surveying
bxðfkare ^isú,a $ jHqy& Engineering (Civil/ structural)
/lshd iajNdjh Job Description
bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka Tradespersons/ Craftsmen
jvq jev" fïikajre" c,k, ld¾ñl" úÿ,s ld¾ñl" je,aäkalrejka" jEoaÿïlrejka" jeks mqyqKq Ys,amhka Skilled trades such as carpentry/ masonry/ plumbing/ electrical/ welding/ bar bending etc
wod, wxYh m wdh;khl m Specially skil training/ skil
wëlaIljreka Supervisors
by; fCIa;% j,g wod, wëlaIk lghq;= Above, with a supervisory roll
by; iqÿiqlï Above, with
hka;% $ Wmlrk l%shdlrejka Machine/ Equipment Operators
hka;% yd WmlrK l%shdlrùu yd kv;a;=j Operation/ handling of specific equipment/ machinery,including maintenance
wod< hkaf;%dam lrùug wjY Recognised c machinery, w license/ med
ie,iqï igykalre Draughtsperson
.Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a fyda bxðfkarejkaf.a f;dr;=rej,g wkql+,j úpdrd;aul ks¾udK ieliSu' Preparation of detailed drawings, based on instructions of Architects, Engineers, etc.
ms<s.;a wdh; jD;a;Sh ämaf, Diploma/ cer from a reput
.Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS Architect
m%Odk .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amshdg iydh ùu" jev ìu mÍlaIdj" ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a jev mÍlaIdj" f.dvke.s,s ks¾udK lrkh Assisting Senior Architects, supervision of site/ drawing staff; designing of buildings
.Dy ks¾udKY wod, mYapd; mdGud,djka i Recognised d an Msc in Arc academic pro
jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS Chartered Architect
f.dvke.s,s ks¾udK lrkh" ks¾udK lrk l%shdj,s md,kh Designing of buildings/ management of design process
jr,;a .Dy k Chartered Ar
N+ o¾Yk ms<sn| ks¾udKYs,amS Landscape Architect
wjg mßirh yd fN!;sl N+o¾Ykh" ie,iqïlrkh" l<uKdlrkh" kv;a;= lsÍu Design, management, maintenance of physical landscape and outdoor environment
N+o¾Yk ks¾u 5g fkdwvq j Ys,amSfhl= ùu Recognised d than 5 years Architect
lKsIaG m%udK iólaIl $ m%udK iólaIl Junior Quantity Surveyor/ Quantity Surveyor
BOQ yd í,am;a ieliSu" ñ,lrkh" ;lafiarelrkh" ñKqïlrkh Engage in measurements/ pricing/ estimating/ preparations of BOQs/ bills
NCT (QS) $ lg fkdwvq wO ms<s.;a iy;sl NCT (QS) OR; or a recognis years of acad
fÊHIaG m%udK iólaIl $ m%Odk m%udK iólaIl Senior Quantity Surveyor/ Chief Quantity Surveyor
iuia: m%udK iólaIK l%shdj,sh wëlaIKh" jHdmD;shg wod< úhoï yd iïm;a l<uKdlrkh Overall supervision of QSs, manage costs and resources of construction projects
uQ,sl iqÿiqlï 2-10 w;r m Any of above depending o
jr,;a m%udK iólaIl $ fldka;%d;a l<uKdlre$m%udK iólaIl l<uKdlre Chartered Quantity Surveyor/ Managing Quantity Surveyor/ Contract Manager
iuia: m%udK iólaIK l%shdj,sh wëlaIKh" jHdmD;shg wod<j úhoï yd iïm;a l<uKdlrkh" fldka;%d;a l<uKdlrkh yd mßmd,kh Overall supervision of QS functions, manage costs and resources of construction projects, contract administration, contract management
jr,;a m%udK Wmdêhla iu Chartered QS 15 years expe
ld¾ñl Ys,amS $ jevìï mÍlaIl Supervisor/ Technician
wëlaIKh $ iïnkaêlrkh yd jevíï fiajlhskag yd ld¾ñl Ys,amSkag Wmfoia ,nd §u Supervision/ co-ordination and relay of instructions to groups of craftsmen/ worker gangs
NDT ^isú,a&$ NVQ 4g uÜ ;sîu $ újD; Wiia iy;slh NCT (Civil)/ N in Civil engin OR Advanced University of
ld¾ñl Ys,amS $ bxðfkare iydhl Technical Officer/ Engineering Assistant
wëlaIljreka yryd by; ish,a, isÿlsÍu iu. Bg jeä ksmqK;ajhla yd n,;, iys;j jevìï fufyhqï lghq;= Ndrj lghq;= lsÍu Same of above through Supervisors, with higher authority and skill capacity, in charge of site operations
NDT/NDE/H uÜgfï ´kEu isú,a bxðfkar NDT/ NDES/ diploma in ci from Open U
iydh bxðfkare Assistant Engineer
jevìu fiajlhka iïnkaëlrKh" bxðfkarejkag iydh ùu" ks¾udK lrkh yd bÈlsÍï l%shdj,sh wëlaIKh Co-ordination of site wokers, assist Engineers in designing and construction process supervision
jir 3lg fk úIh ms<sn| m Recognised d years of acad
bxðfkare Engineer
iuia: ks¾udKlrkh" bÈlsÍï l%shdj,sh wëlaIKh lsÍu yd bÈlsÍï ioyd fhdod .kakd wuqøjH we.hSu Overall desigining of engineering structures, supervision of construction processes, assesment of materials
jr,;a bxðfk ms<s.;a Wmdê Chartered En engineering
igyk - wOHdmksl yd jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlï u; iy m<mqreoao u; jegqma m%udK fjkia úh yel' fiajd iajrEmh u; ;k;=re kdu fjkia úh yel' bÈlsÍu Ys,am wxYj,§ mehl fyda Èkl moku u; .dia;= f.jkq ,efí' by; f;dr;=re ilia lsÍfï§ uydpd¾H à' tï' m,af,j;a;" bÿks,a fifkúr;ak" ,,s;a r;akdhl" pïmd ,shkf.a" fyiag¾ niakdhl iy .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS iqfk;a fmf¾rd hk uy;au uy;aóka úiska olajk ,o iyfhda.h w.h fldg i,luq'
iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoao
Qualifications/ Experience
udisl jegqm re' Salary LKR
Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:d Career advancements
ms<sn| úfYaI mqyqKqjla ;sìh hq;=h' ms<s.;a mqyqKq mqyqKq ;;aj iy;slhla ;sîu jeo.;ah lled in relevant trades, possession of a recognised lls assesment certificates will be an advantage
Èkl jegqm 1"200'00 1"750'00 1,200.00 - 1,750.00 per day
bÈlsÍï wxYfha wëlaIl $ iq¿ yd uOH mßudK jHjidhl $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Supervisor/ Small or medium scale entreprenuer in building services/ Overseas opportunities
ï iu. jir 5lg fkdwvq m<mqreoao not less than 5 years of experience
15"000'00 - 35"000'00
bÈlsÍï wxYfha iq¿ yd uOH mßudK jHjidhl $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Small or medium scale entreprenuer in building services/ Overseas opportunities
mlrK iïnkaOj ms<s.;a iy;slhla yd tajd l%shd YH n,m;% yd YdÍßl fhda.H;djh ;sîu certificate related to relevant equipment/ with necessary licenses/ approvals such as driving dical fitness,etc
mehlg re'200'00 - 400'00 fyda 20"000'00 - 45"000'00 200.00 - 400.00 per hour/ 20,000.00 - 45,000.00
úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Overseas opportunities
;khlska ks¾udKlrkh $ AUTO CAD ms<sn| j ,daud $ iy;sl m;% mdGud,djla yodrd ;sîu rtificate course in draughtsmanship/ AutoCAD ted institute;
20"000'00 - 30"000'00
úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Overseas opportunities/ Architectural Licentiate
YS,amh ms,sno ms,s.;a Wmdêhla iu. tu wxYhg ;a Wmdêhla fyda jir 5lg fkdwvq wOHdmk iys; MArcg Wmdêhla ;sîu degree in Architecture or Built Environment with chitecture OR; MArch, with not less than 5 years of ogrammes
40"000'00 isg by,g 40, 000.00 - above
úfoaY /lshd wjia:d $ jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS Overseas opportunities/ Chartered Architect
ks¾udK Ys,amsfhl= ùu rchitect
ks¾udKh u; mokïjk .dia;=jla Mostly an idependent practise, based on designs
WmfoaYl Consultant
udK Ys,amh ms<sn| ms<s.;a Wmdêhla iu. wjq jD;a;sh m<mqreoaola fyda jr,;a N+o¾Yk ks¾udK u degree in Landscape Architecture, with not less of workexperience OR; Chartered Landscape
35"000'00 isg by,g$ meh.Kk u; jegqm$ iuia: bÈlsÍï fyda ks¾udK fldka;%d;a;=fjka wkqu; jk m%;sY;hla 35,000.00 - above/ Hourly rates or agreed percentage of a total design or construction contract
WmfoaYl$ksoyia jD;a;Slfhl= f,i kshe,Su $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Consultant/ Independent professional practise/ Overseas opportunities
ms<s.;a ämaf,daud $ Wiia cd;sl ämaf,daud fyda jir 2 OHdmksl mdGud,djla iys; m%udK iólaIKh ms<sn| l m;%hla ;sîu $ ta iïnkaOj ms<s.;a Wmdêhla ;sîu ; a recognised Diploma, Higher National Diploma sed Certificate course in QS, with not less than 2 demic programmes OR; a recognised Degree in QS
20"000'00 - 50"000'00
fÊHIaG m%udK iólaIl $ m%Odk m%udK iólaIl $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Senior Quantity Surveyor/ Chief Quantity Surveyor/ Overseas opportunities
ï u; mokïj by; ´kEu iqÿiqlula iu. jir m<mqreoao e, with not less than 2 - 10 years of experience, on initial qualifications.
40"000'00 - 100"000'00
jr,;a m%udK iólaIl$ fldka;%d;a l<uKdlre$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Chartered Quantity Surveyor/ Contract Manager/ Overseas opportunities
K iólaIl ùu fyda m%udK iólaIkh ms<sn| ms<s.;a u. jir 15 lg fkdwvq m<mqreoao S OR; a recognised Degree in QS with not less than erience
100"000'00 - 350"000'00
WmfoaYl $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d$ ksoyia jD;a;slfhl= f,i lghq;= lsÍu Consultant/ Independent professional practise/ Overseas opportunities
NDET/NCET fyda isú,a bxðfkare úIh ms<sn| Ügu iudk ms<s.;a iy;sl m;% mdGud,djla yodrd ; úYaj úoHd,fha isú,a bxðfkare úoHdj ms<sn|j hla ,nd ;sîu NDET/ NCIT or a recognised certificate course neering practises, equivalent to NVQ Level 4; d Certificate in Civil engineering from Open f Sri Lanka
15"000'00 - 25"000'00
ld¾ñl ks<OdÍ $ bxðfkare iydhl $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Technical Officer/ Engineering Assistant/ Overseas opportunities
HNDE fyda isú,a bxðfkare lafIa;%hg iïnkaO cd;sl u ms<s.;a Wmdêhla ;sîu$ újD; úYaj úoHd,fha re ämaf,daud iy;slhla ,nd ;sîu HNDE or any other recognised National level ivil engineering; OR Diploma in civil engineering University of Sri Lanka
25"000'00 - 50"000'00
iydh bxðfkare $ bxðfkare $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Assistant Engineer/ Engineer/ Overseas opportunities
kdwvq wOHdmksl mdGud,djla iys; isú,a bxðfkare ms<s.;a Wmdêhla ;sîu degree in civil engineering with not less than 3 demic programmes
40"000'00 - 65"000'00
bxðfkarejka $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Engineer/ Overseas opportunities
75"000'00 - 250"000'00
m%Odk bxðfkare $ WmfoaYl $ ksoyia jD;a;slfhl= f,i lghq;= lsÍu $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Chief Engineer/ Consultant/ Independent professional practise/ Overseas opportunities
karejrfhl= ùu $ isú,a bxðfkare úoHdj ms<sn| êhla iu. jir 10lg fkdwvq m<mqreoao ngineer OR; a recognised Degree in civil with not less than 10 years experience
NOTE: Initial/ starting salaries vary, depending on academic/ professional qualifications, even though designations may be similar. In case of building trades, payments may be made on daily/ hourly basis. Assistance rendered in preparation of above by Prof. T. M. Pallewatte, Mr. Indunil Senevirathne, Mr. Lalith Rathnayake Mrs. Champa Liyanage, Mrs. Hester Basnayake and Arch. Suneth Perera is greately appreciated.
Earn well in your youth - Opportunities galore By Sharlene De Chickera
Quantity Surveying is a relatively young profession compared to Architecture or Civil Engineering, yet it is one of the most lucrative career paths for a Sri Lankan youth. Mr. Indunil Seneviratne
Within a short period a well qualified QS can find a good job locally or overseas, as unemployment level for Quantity Surveyors is zero
“Quantity Surveying is fast becoming the new profession for discerning youth. It is complicated, dynamic and engages a whole spectrum of skills. The scope is vast,” stated Hemantha Aponso, President of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL). Within a short period a well qualified Quantity Surveyor or a QS as popularly known, can find a good job locally or overseas, secure in the knowledge that unemployment level for Quantity Surveyors is zero in the dynamic construction industry. “Quantity Surveying is a lucrative profession in the construction industry,” opined Indunil Seneviratne, Head of the Department of Building Economics at University of Moratuwa. “Many of our university undergraduates aspire to go to the Middle East, as they know job opportunities there are excellent. In the current final year batch of Quantity Surveying undergraduates,
there are about 80 students to qualify in December, and already 53 have got job offers from the Middle East. Starting salary is about 10,000 Dhirams per month. Locally too, the starting salary for a just qualified graduate is around Rs. 50,000/- with major increases every 2-3 years,” he said. “You must love the construction industry in the first place,” said Lalith Rathnayake, Assistant Secretary of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka (IQSSL). “There are many professions in the construction industry. If I am to categorize; youth who are ‘dreamers’, should ideally become designers or Architects; those inclined towards Maths may suit to become Engineers, specially Civil Engineers, and a person who likes to be in control of cost and quality should become a Quantity Surveyor,” he added.
Challenging and dynamic A Quantity Surveyor (QS) is a person who manages the budget within a building project. As an Architect oversees the design aspects of a project, a Quantity Surveyor oversees the
finances. A Quantity Surveyor engages in management of costs to ensure that a project will be completed within its budget. “From client financing to completion and cost controlling, ‘value for money’ aspect is governed by a Quantity Surveyor. So, it yields authority. But one has to take up the responsibility that comes with it,” stated Aponso. Whatever the scope of the job is, a Quantity Surveyor has to be ethical in his or her work, as they are managing other peoples’ money. A Quantity Surveyor has a dynamic work life-cycle. For example, from the time a project commences to the final handing over of a building to a client, a Quantity Surveyor has a responsible role to play. From the foundation to completion of superstructure and in-between for bidding, preliminary estimating, tender documentation etc., a Quantity Surveyor has to get involved. “A Quantity Surveyor would make a cost plan for a project. He or she will also do some value engineering if costs exceed at certain areas of a project and try to complete within a given budget. A Quantity Surveyor would also recommend any main changes that need to be done at the beginning of a project, rather than at the end to save money,” Seneviratne elaborated. “A Quantity Surveyor is the one who can advice a client about everything regarding value for money. A Quantity Surveyor is also called a Commercial Manager, Contract Manager, or Contract Advisor. This person does not only prepare a bill or price a tender. He or she is the one who makes a project cost efficient,” emphasized Rathnayake. “Thus the QS should have good analytical knowledge of construction and should be a good team player, with integrity,” Aponso added.
The academic path A youth who aspires to gain admission to Quantity Surveying degree programme at the Moratuwa University must sit for Mathematics subjects at A/L. It is a well accredited four year degree programme that also encompasses more than six months of industrial training. Undergraduates are deployed in to industry as Trainees to learn the trade by gaining first hand experiences. The demand is such that when they return from their training places to continue with further academic programmes, many undergraduates have already got their future employment guaranteed. Generally a Z-Score of more than 1.8 is required, judging by previous years’ results. The degree programme is conducted in the English medium. “We have students from all parts of the island, from Jaffna to Matara,” Seneviratne noted. There are other private institutes also that offer degree programmes in Sri Lanka, in collaboration with foreign universities.
The professional path Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka is the only recognized body that can grant professional status, enabling one to become a Chartered Quantity Surveyor. Incorporated by an Act of Parliament, it is entrusted with the sole authority to enrol, discipline and regulate conduct of Chartered Quantity Surveyors. It has many categories of memberships starting from Student, Technical, Probationer, Graduate to Associate and Fellow. Associate and Fellow member categories provide the Chartered Quantity Surveyor status. There are many paths that lead to Associate and Fellow member categories, whatever the level of education and experience one has in the construction industry.
Mr. Lalith Rathnayake Mr. Hemantha Aponso
“We have provisions for youth who are post O/L or A/L qualified to join and obtain a higher national diploma, while progressing towards Chartered Quantity Surveyor status. There are pathways for even those who possess a degree to enter the professional programmes conducted by the IQSSL. There are three levels for completion,” said Aponso. “We do not encourage students to drop out mid-way, as they may think they have adequate knowledge. We want youth to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the trade, rather than bits and pieces. As such we encourage all those engaged in Quantity Surveying practises at various capacities to complete our professional programmes and qualify as Chartered Quantity Surveyors,” he advised. The last two decades has seen a big demand locally and in the Middle East, for youth to gain employment. This demand itself has created many unscrupulous elements to conduct ad hoc, unstructured and sham programmes in Quantity Surveying, offering certain certificates that are not recognized at all. “We have to protect our youth from sub-standard products and youth have to be cautious when selecting a proper programme. We get students from various villages. They are not aware of the full potential of Quantity Surveying. Our youth shall be well educated to reap the benefits,” Ratnayake mentioned. “If you follow a programme in Quantity Surveying your career is guaranteed as there are jobs. One will notice that in Sri Lanka it is difficult to retain a Quantity Surveyor as there are many opportunities in the Middle East. It may be a reason why more males keep joining this profession,” observed Senevirathne. For skilled migration also, Quantity Surveying is a recognised qualification as the University of Moratuwa and the Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka both are having affiliations with the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, thus recognising their respective qualifications. (Assistance rendered by Mr. Hemantha Aponso, President of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka, Mr. Lalith Rathnayake, Assistant Secretary of Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Sri Lanka and Mr. Indunil Seneviratne, Head of the Department of Building Economics at University of Moratuwa in preparation of above article is greatly appreciated.)
wiSñ; fCIa;%hla igyk wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks
iÕrdj fjkqfjka fudrgqj úYajúoHd,fha .Dy ks¾udk Ys,am wxYfha m%OdkS ã'mS' pkaøfialr uy;d yuqùug hk úg;a t;=ud isáfha wjika jir isiqkaf.a jHdmD;s bÈßm;a lsÍulg iyNd.s fjñks' —tkak fïl n,k tl Thf.d,a,kag f.dvla m%fhdackj;a fjhs'˜ lshñka t;=ud wm tu Yd,dj fj; le|jdf.k .sfha ldg;a wuq;=u w;aoelSula tl;= lrñks' wmf.a PhdrEm Ys,amS ku,ag PdhdrEm lsysmhla .ekSug wjir §ug o t;=ud ldreKsl úh' —fïl n,,u wfma l;dj mgka .ksuq" fïl ;uhs YDyks¾udK Ys,amh yodrk wjika jir isiqkaf.a wjidk jHdmD;s mÍlaIKh' wjqreÿ myl b.ekSfï wjidk M,h bosßm;a lrk wjia:dj ;uhs fïl˜ t;=ud úia;r lrkakg úh' tla YsIHdjla ì;a;sh os.g t,a,d ;snqK ishqï ie,iqï .Kkdjla tys isá úfoaYl mrSlaIlhka fom,g bosßm;a lrñka isáhdh' ta w;r ;j;a isiqka ;udf.a ks¾udK j,g wjidk id;a;=j ,nd foñka isáhy' tla mfil me,auvq,a, m%foaYfha ks¾udKh jk fydag,a ixlS¾Khl wdlD;shls" ;ekl yïnkaf;dg ud.ïmqr jrdfha wdlD;shls' tajd foi n,ñka fndfyda fj,djla .; l< yels jqj;a wmg ,nd§ ;snQ ld,h iSñ; neúka pkaøfialr uy;d iu. ;=kajk uyf,a t;=udf.a ldurh fj; .uka lf<a wisßu;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,am flaIa;%h ms<sn|j EDEX mdGlhkag úia;r ,nd .ekSu msKsih' —.Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh lshkafka b;du;a wdl¾YkSh flaIa;%hla' ta b;d fyd| wdodhula bmehsh yels jD;a;shla ˜ t;=ud l;dj mgka .;af;ah' —Wiia fm< .Ks;h fyda l,d wxYfha iuyr úIhhka yodrk ,o isiqkag fuys fodrgq újD; fjkjd' fuys§ bfiâ iaflda¾ tl wm úiska mj;ajk we;=<;aùfï mrSlaIKh mokï fjkjd' ta wkqj idudkH l%u fõoh wkqj osia;%sla moku wkqj fuu wxYhg isiqka f;dard .kq ,nkjd' fuys mdGud,d ld,h wjqreÿ myls' fuu wxYhg oekg isiqka mkyla we;=<;a lr .kakjd˜'
—wo iuyr b;d olaI isiqka fláld,Skj wdodhï bmhsh yels flaIa;% lsysmhlg fhduq ùug mqreÿù isákjd' kuq;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh jeks flaIa;% ish l=i,;d iu. by,g .uka l< yels flaIa;%hls' ta Tjqkag wkd.; f,dalfha oejeka; ld¾hNdrhla mejÍ ;sfnkjd˜" ta uy;d jeä ÿrg;a mejiSh' ^fuu ,smsh ilialsÍu i|yd fudrgqj úYajúoHd,fha .Dy ks¾udK Ys,am wxYfha m%OdkS ã'mS' pkaøfialr uy;d ±lajQ iyfhda.h wms uy;a fia w.h lruq'& PdhdrEm ku,a .=Kmd, lreKdr;ak
—fï flaIa;%fha bf.kSug wjYH hï úfYaI l=i,;djhla ;sfnkjdo˜@ ud m%Yak lf<a my, ud,fha ud l,ska ÿgq wlD;s yd is;=jï we|Su f,fyis fkdjk nj ug yeÕ=k neúks' —Tõ fï flaIa;%fha uQ,sl l=i,;d mÍlaIKhla mj;ajkafka ta ksihs' tys§ wm isiqkaf.a wjldYh ;=, ;%sudKj is;Sfï yelshdj wd§ l=i,;d .Kkdjla mÍlaIKhg ,la lrkjd' b;d jeo.;a foh kï tu l=i,;d fkdue;s flfkl=g fuu flaIa;%fha /|S isàu b;d wmyiq ùuhs˜' mia wjqreÿ mdGud,djg miq jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amshl= hgf;a jir foll ld,hla fiajh lr jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a wdh;kh u.ska mj;ajk mÍlaIKhlg fmkS isàfuka jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amsfhl= ùug mq¿jka' mYapd;a Wmdê mdGud,dj yeoErSug leu;s kï ;j;a by,g bf.k .ekSugo mq¿jka' ;jo úYaj úoHd,hg we;=<;a ùug jrï fkd,nk whg jr,;a .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amS wdh;kh u.ska mj;ajk úNd. j,g uqyqKoS iqÿiqlï imqrd .; yelshs' iuyr úfoaY úYaj úoHd,j, mdGud,d yeoEÍugo mq¿jka' tfy;a tajdfha úhoï b;d wêl nj lsj hq;=hs'˜ —fï flaIa;%fha b;d by< wdodhula ,nd .; yelshs' wm ráka ìysjQ .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSka fndfyda fofkl= fï jk úg cd;Hka;rj buy;a iïNdjkdjg ,laù ;sfnk njo lsj hq;=hs' fc*ars ndjd Tjqka w;r by<skau we;s kduhhs'˜
ã'mS' pkaøfialr uy;d
The sky is
not the limit
By Sharlene De Chickera
Architecture seems to be a profession for a chosen few. Yet the whole world is filled with creations of Architects both in traditional style and modern. Each country, city or town boasts of the grandeur of past and modern designs that reach the sky. “For those who love designing, Architecture and Town planning is a good option as a career,” opined Archt. D.P. Chandrasekara, Head of Department of Architecture at the University of Moratuwa. “Unless you like Architecture and have an inherent passion for it, you can’t do it. It is more demanding to become successful in this specific career, unlike other professions,” he added.
If you have studied Mathematics or certain Arts and Science subjects, you can enter this rewarding profession. But the key to this much sought after and recognised profession is passion. Being somewhat of a dreamer and having an artistic streak are value-additions. A youth who has the right combination of subjects can enter the University of Moratuwa, if being successful at an initial aptitude test conducted by the university, and gain a degree in Bachelor of Architecture. It is a 5 year undergraduate programme. After completion of the degree, a graduate can work under an Architect and start his or her own consultancy firm. To engage in an independent practice, one needs to gain the professional status of a Chartered Architect. It is to be obtained only from the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects. There are foreign universities also who offer degrees in this area at a much higher cost.
The profession has lot of job opportunities both locally and overseas. “Sri Lanka is abundant with nice open spaces and there is a dire need to develop outdoor spaces,” observed Chandrasekara, who is optimistic that land areas in Sri Lanka will be filled with beautiful buildings in the near future, some by his students. The University of Moratuwa produces only about 50 qualified graduates per year. Together with them, the construction industry requires the services professionally qualified Chartered Architects to take on the challenge and fill land areas with designer structures. Talking of the student mix at the University of Moratuwa, Chandrasekara said they represent many towns from around the country - Kandy, Kurunegala, Galle, and also from the North and East. Being a field that is innovating, constantly changing and creative, becoming an Architect depends on your ability and drive. “The bottom-line is if you have a deep passion, and willing to work extremely hard, you can create a name for yourself. And the potential to earn does not entail a limit,” he surmised. So dream, but realise it by taking the practical steps to make your dream a reality, and create dream homes, buildings or more for people who are not as talented as you. (Assistance rendered by Archt. D.P. Chandrasekara, Head of the Department of Architecture at University of Moratuwa in preparation of above article is greatly appreciated.)
An Architect is universal “We used to design on big boards, bending over, hence back aches,” said Chartered Architect, Planner, Dr. Surath Wickremasinghe in a lighter mood. “But with talent and technology combined, sky is not the limit for discerning youth. It is important to keep up with clients, as they too, are smart and well informed. To keep them happy, you have to be one step ahead,” said Dr. Wickremasinghe. “An Architect loves the world, and the world loves an Architect. With the advent of technology there is ample opportunity for youth to combine their talents and use technology to their designing advantage. In Dubai and Qatar, there are more than 100 Sri Lankan Architects gainfully employed. These cities in the Middle East are ever expanding and they can absorb more work force, including Architects,” he informed.
myiqlï l<uKdlrkh hkq È.=l,a mj;sk lafIa;%hl jD;a;shla igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
hqfrdamh m%uqL ixj¾ê; rgj, ukd ms<s.ekSula we;s jD;a;sh /lshd ud¾.hla f,i myiqlï l<uKdlrkh (Facilites Management) ye¢kaúh yelshs' ±ka ±ka fndfyda wdishdkq" ueofmrÈ. yd wksl=;a ixj¾Okh fjñka mj;sk rgj¨;a fuu lafIa;%fha we;s w.h jgyd .ksñka isákjd' f.dvke.s,s bÈlsÍï l¾udka;fha iS>% j¾Okh;a iu. nyq uy,aj,ska hq;a nyqúO mßYs,khka iys; ixlS¾K f.dvke.s,s fnfyúka bÈfjñka mj;sk hq.hl" myiqlï l<uKdlrkh u.ska imhkq ,nk fiajdj ;SrKd;aul tlla njg m;aj ;sfnkjd' m%udK iólaIljrfhl= f.dvke.s,s jHdmD;shla ksisl,g ksulr fiajdodhlhdg Ndr§ug;a" jHdmD;s úhoï weia;fïka;=.; l< uÜgu blaujd hd fkd§ Y%uh" wuqøjH yd jevìul ukd md,khla isÿlrkjd fiau" myiqlï l<uKdlrefjl= (Facilites Manager) f.dvke.s,a, ksujQ miq tys kv;a;=j ms<sn|j j.lSu Ndrf.k lghq;= lrkq ,nhs' myiqlï l<uKdlrefjl= f.dvke.s,a,la yd iïnkaO jHdmdr j,g lD;Hd;aul w;ska w;sYh jeo.;a fiajdjla ie,iSula isÿ lrhs' WodyrKhla f,i ;ud l<uKdlrkh lrkq ,nk f.dvke.s,a, iqmsß fj<| ixlS¾Khla kï myiqlï l<uKdlrejkaf.a l¾;jH jkafka tu fj<| ixlS¾Khg meñfkk mdßfNda.slhkag wjYH myiqlï yd fiajdjka imhd §uhs' fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s wd¾Ól úoHd wxYfha m%Odks bÿks,a fifkúr;ak uy;d
f.dvke.s,a,l bÈlsÍï wdrïNfha isg th hd hq;= u. ksujd Ndrfok wjia:dj ±kg fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s wd¾Ól úoHd olajd;a bka wk;=rej;a fomd¾;fïka;=jg wkqnoaê; lï l<uKdlrk WmdêOdÍ f.dvke.s,af,a iïmQ¾K myiq mdGud,djla mj;ajkq ,nhs' Ôjk ffY,sh yd iïnkaO m%udK iólaIl Wmdê mdGud,dj yd myiqlï l<uKdlrk Wmdê ish¨ lghq;= myiqlï mdGud,dj hk foflau m<uq l<uKdlrefjl= w;aska jir 2l tl yd iudkhs' f;fjks jif¾§ isiqkag tu wxY folska isÿfjhs tlla f;dardf.k m%.=K lsÍug m%ldY lrk mßÈ" f.dvke.s,a,l bÈlsÍï wdrïNfha isg th ksujd Ndrfok wjia:dj olajd;a bka wk;=rej;a f.dvke.s,af,a iïmQ¾K Ôjk ffY,sh yd iïnkaO ish¨ lghq;= myiqlï l<uKdlrefjl= w;aska isÿfjhs' tu ksidu Tyqf.a ld¾hNdrh m%udK iólaIljrfhl=g jvd jeä ld, mrdihl úys§ hkak;a Tjqkaf.a /lshdj Tjqka l<uKdlrkh lrk f.dvke.s,a, yd iïnkaO mj;sk ksid tu f.dvke.s,af,a kv;a;=j ms<sn| whs;sh mj;sk ;dlal,a iaÓrj tu /lshdfõ /§ isáug;a Tjqkag yelshs' zzlsishï flfkla wm fomd¾;fïka;=fõ myiqlï l<uKdlrkh jeks kj mdGud,djla yd iïnkaO jqjfyd;a Tyqg fyd| wodhula ,ndf.k .=Kd;aul Ôú;hla f.ùug bvlv ie,fik nj wmsg úYajdifhka hq;=j i|yka l< yelshs"ZZ fifkúr;a; uy;d mejiSh'
wjia:dj ,efnkjd' tu mdGud,d folu tx.,ka;fha rdclSh jr,;a iólaIljrekaf.a wdh;khg (RICS) wkqnoaê;hs' tu ksidu fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha fuu Wmdê mdGud,djka 2lska ´kEu tlla iïmQ¾K lsÍu u.ska tu jD;a;sh wdh;kfha jD;a;sh idudðl;ajh ,nd .ekSug o WmdêOdßkag yelshdj ,efnkjd' óg jir lsysmhlg fmr wdrïN jqk myiqlï l<uKdlrk Wmdê mdGud,djg we;=,;a ùu i|yd iqÿiqlï ,efnkqfha w'fmd'i' Wiia fm< i|yd jdKsc fyda .Ks; úIh Odrd yeoEre isiqkaghs' wo olajd Wmdê lKavdhï 6la ;u Wmdêh iïmQ¾K lr ;sfnkjd' úfoaY úYaj úoHd, iu. tlaj Wmdê mdGud,d mj;ajk fm!oa.,sl wdh;k lsysmhl=;a ,xldfõ ;sfnkjd' ^fuu ,smsh ilia lsÍu i|yd fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s wd¾Ól úoHd wxY m%OdkS bÿks,a fifkúr;ak uy;df.ka ,o iyh uy;a w.h fldg wms i<luq'&
FM -
Emerging and long lasting By Sharlene De Chickera
Facilities Management (FM) is a professional career path that is well recognised in European and other developed countries. Its value is now being felt in many Asian, Middle Eastern and other developing countries as well. Specially when construction industry develops and many complexed buildings are being built, often categorised as multi storey, multi user entities, facilities management is vital. A Quantity Surveyor will be worried about handing the building to a client after construction and will be managing costs having authority over its labour, material and plant during construction. A Facilities Manager will take over from the time a building is commissioned and maintain it thereafter. A Facilities Manger has to provide support services for core businesses or functions of a building. For example, if it is a shopping complex, a Facilities Manager has to make sure that shoppers have all required facilities and other utilities. “A Facilities Manager will be involved in the total lifestyle of a building from inception to commission to completion, so the work is longer in time than a Quantity Surveyor. Their job life is more permanent and once they get in to a facility they can stay there for a longer duration,” Senevirathne said. “We can confidently say that a youth who enters our Department to join a newer profession such as Facilities Management can get a better, quality lifestyle by earning well and thus live well,” said Seneviratne.
The path Currently the Department of Building Economics of the University of Moratuwa conducts an affiliate undergraduate programme in Facilities Management also. The first two years of both programmes are common. The respective students branch out in their third year of studies and specialize. These two courses
are affiliated to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors of United Kingdom. Students who qualify from the University of Moratuwa in these two degree programmes therefore, can get membership of this professional institute. Students who sit for their A/Ls in Commerce of Maths streams are eligible to follow the Facilities Management degree programme, which was launched a few years back. About 6 batches of graduates have qualified to date. There are other private institutes also that offer degree programmes in Sri Lanka, in collaboration with foreign universities. “We can confidently say that a youth who enters our Department to join a newer profession such as Facilities Management can get a better, quality lifestyle by earning well and thus live well,” said Seneviratne. (Assistance rendered by Mr. Indunil Seneviratne, Head of the Department of Building Economics at University of Moratuwa in preparation of above article is greatly appreciated.)
A Facilities Manager will be involved in the total lifestyle of a building from inception to commission to completion, so the work is longer in time than a Quantity Surveyor
the city, profess By Srinath Wijayakumara
A Landscape Architect ensures that outdoor environment is conducive to public health and well-being, environmentally friendly and also visually pleasing and integrating with nature
Chartered Landscape Architect Hester Basnayake M.A. in Landscape Architecture from University of Sheffield, UK; B.Sc. in Natural Sciences from University of Colombo; Founder President of Sri Lanka Institute of Landscape Architects, inaugurated in 2009. She was the first Director of Environment & Landscape Division of Urban Development Authority (UDA). She has extensive experience in landscape planning and design throughout Sri Lanka and formulated Specifications for Landscape Works in Sri Lanka Volume 1 for ICTAD, while at UDA. She formulated principles, concepts, guidelines and methodology for preparation and implementation of Urban Public Outdoor Recreation Space Plans, to be integrated with statutory Urban Development Plans. She has drawn the Recreation and Tourism Master Plan for Lake Gregory and its surroundings in Nuwara Eliya. She is currently an Independent Consultant.
What is Landscape Architecture? Landscape Architecture is planning and design of outdoor environment, both within and beyond built environment to meet functional requirements in an aesthetic and environmentally friendly manner. The planning and design tasks per se are at three levels or scales. The macro scale involves Landscape Planning and Assessment, where Landscape Architect works with other professionals like Physical or Urban Planners, to plan and regulate land-use. The middle scale is Site Planning, involving analysis of a site and project brief, sometimes involving teamwork, leading to
sionally overall site design which ensures best possible use of a site in relation to natural processes and social factors. This stage can sometimes include visual environmental impact assessment and design of mitigation measures. The micro scale is Detailed Landscape Design, where Landscape Architect selects and combines components and materials so that plants, paving, steps, walls, water features etc., are all in accordance with overall design concept. It also involves advising on landscape architectural aspects of GIS systems, remote sensing, law, landscape communication, interpretation and landscape ecology. It has similarities with Urban Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering and encompasses application of both Arts and Sciences in to society – one could say its dual slogans are “Design with Nature” and “Design for People”.
Landscape Architect A Landscape Architect ensures that outdoor environment is conducive to public health and well-being, environmentally friendly and also visually pleasing and integrating with nature. A good landscape design needs to be conducive to both physical and mental well-being. Landscape Architects design any area “open to sky”, from tiniest courtyard or home garden, to university complexes and major urban development projects. Furthermore, they need to be involved from inception in planning and designing landscape of large infrastructure projects such as expressways, road networks, airports, seaports, power and energy projects, electricity pylon routes, dams and reservoirs, telecommunication tower locations, waste management plants, etc.
Even location of commercial advertisements such as hoardings that blight too much of outdoor environment need to be handled by experienced, professional Landscape Architects, who should carefully identify only a few positions, preferably in urban or industrial locations.
Green infrastructure It is necessary to have a good distribution of public parks in an urban area, enabling urban dwellers to walk to a Community Park within five minutes, as well as to have large parks in central locations, easily accessible by public transport. It is accepted that views of trees from hospital windows help patients to get well and that shade trees along urban streets are necessary for healthy environments. A planned distribution of such land areas with vegetation cover is termed “Green Infrastructure”. It has been proven that integration of Green Infrastructure is more cost-effective than total reliance on conventional infrastructure. It is also proven that well-landscaped areas attract investment and increase productivity.
Careers, locally and internationally The profession is well-established internationally, for many decades. Locally, the profession and its services are now being recognized. In Sri Lanka, there is a perceived need for at least a thousand Landscape Architects in relevant organizations in public sector and a similar number in private sector. Currently, other professionals and even nonprofessionals who do not have the required training often carry out landscape architectural tasks due to absence of adequate professionally trained personnel – a trend that must and will change. Landscape Units comprising of Chartered Landscape Architects with supporting staff, is needed for every Provincial Counciland local government authority, as well as at many other public organizations. There is also room for a number of dedicated landscape architectural agencies in the private sector, besides planning and architectural companies which absorb professional Landscape Architects.
International Federation of Landscape Architects has long been in existence, with numerous institutes or societies throughout the world being members and there is a demand for Landscape Architects, internationally.
Knowledge & skills To become successful in this profession, it is necessary to study materials for both hard landscape (constructed landscape) and soft landscape (plants). Knowledge of landscape construction processes, plant and vegetation management, plant sciences, horticulture, forestry, ecology, geology, geomorphology, soils, environmental management, urban and rural planning, hydrology, surface drainage, etc., are critical for a professional service. It is also advantageous to be well aware of social and psychological factors related to Landscape Architecture. One needs to study outdoor environment and sketch it as much as possible. Observe plants and their growth whenever you can and develop a love for nature. University of Moratuwa it is the only university in Sri Lanka which offers a bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture. It is a full-time fouryear course that started in 2013 with 47 students. There is also a postgraduate degree course, M.Sc. in Landscape Design, which has been conducted at Moratuwa University for the past two and a half decades. To gain admission to that degree course, one needs to pass the GCE A/L with at least one subject of Art, Geography, Biology, Higher Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Mathematics or Agricultural Sciences. In addition, one must have passed in English at GCE O/ L examination and obtained a credit pass in Mathematics I or II at GCE O/ L examination or a pass in Mathematics at GCE A/ L examination. Proper academic qualifications with adequate industry based training, under supervision of a qualified Chartered Landscape Architect will enable a person to obtain recognised professional qualifications. (Above article is based on an interview conducted with Ms. Hester Basnayake.)
w¨;a is;sú,s Tiafia osßfhka jev lrkak .=Kd;aul nj jHdmdßl id¾:l;ajfha mokuhs igyk Yd,Ska o Ñflard mßj¾;kh wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks
fIydka fikúr;ak SMS fyda,aäka mqoa.,sl iud.fï l<uKdldr wOHlaIl fõ' SMS hkq ìï we;=reï .,a ksIamdokfha kshq;= mqfrda.dó iud.uhs' l,lg fmr ,xldfõ t;rï jHdma;j fkd;snQ ksIamdokhla jk th y÷kajd foñka tu jHdmdrh ;j;a fndfyda jHjidhlhkag;a újr lr ÿka kshuqjdo Tyquh' Tyqf.a iud.u 2013 CNCI l¾udka; ksmqK;d iïudk Wf<f,a rka iïudkfhkao tu jif¾§u .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSkaf.a wdh;kh u.ska fyd|u isfuka;s wdYs%; ksIamdokhg msfok iïudkfhkao msÿï ,eîh' isfuka;s ksIamdok blaujd hñka Tyq ;u jHdmdrsl jmißh ìï w,xlrKh yd j;= wdYs%; l¾udka; olajd jHdma; lr we;' fikúr;ak uy;d ICTAD wdh;kfha" ,xld cd;sl l¾udka; wdh;kfha" cd;sl boslsÍï fldka;%d;alrejkaf.a ix.ufha yd ;reK jHjidhlhkaf.a uKav,fha idudðl;ajh orhs'
fIydka fikúr;akhkaf.a ldurh fj; msh k.k úg wm ms<s.;af;a Tyqf.a ñ;%YS,S iskyj yd miqìfï we;s Tyqf.a id¾:l;ajh fmkajk l=i,dk iuQyhls' wo osk jHdmdr .Kkdjlg fijk fok SMS fyda,aäkaia ys by<u mqgqjl iqjmyiq f,i isák Tyq t;ekg meñKs l;dj ;=< wêIaGdkh" lgql;ajh" wjodkug uqyqK§ug we;s yelshdj wd§ fndfyda foa .eíj we;'
mdie,a wjosh .d,a, rsÉukaâ úoHd,fha Wiia fm< yeoErE Tyq Wiia wOHdmkhg ndOd isÿjQ neúka ujf.a wjjdo u; Wmka m%foaYh yer fld<Ug meñKsfha Ôjk ud¾.fha ux fm;a fidhñks' —1988 oS NSIKfhka ol=K .skshïj mj;sk úg uu ta mßirfhka wE;aj fld<Ug wdfõ Ôú;fha w,q;a udj;la fidhkakghs' ud Wiia wOHdmkh ,nkakg wdidfjka ysáh;a th fkd,eî hdu .ek t;rï ÿlla ke;af;a fjk;a ud¾.hla Tiafia id¾:l;ajh w;a lrf.k we;s ksihs"˜ Tyq lshhs' miq lf,l Tyqf.a jHdmdrhg iß,k ,xld újD; úYaj úoHd,fha ksIamdok yd jHdmdr mßmd,kh ms<sn|
ämaf,daudjla ,nd .kakg Tyq iu;a úh' cd;sl uÜgfï u,, lS%vlfhl= jQ Tyq tu mkakrhu ;u jHdmdßl wNs,dIhkaf.a ch lKqj miq lrkakgo msgqjy,la lr .;af;ah'
iq¿fjka mgkaf.k f,dl=jg isysk oelSu wdh;k lsysmhl fiajh lsÍfuka miq Tyq re' 1"75"000'00 wdfhdackh lrñka l=vd hka;%hla yd m¾pia 40 l bvula ñ<oS f.k fldÜgdj m%foaYfha ish jHdmdrh iq¿fjka wdrïN lf<ah' —ug ksIamdok úlsKSug yels fyd| fj<|m,la fidhd .kak úYd, fjfyila .kak isÿ jqKd' kuq;a ud lsisúgl miqng Wfka keye"˜ Tyqf.a y~ wêIaGdkh yd Yla;sh cks; lrjhs' —f,dl= wNsfhda.hla Wfka ìï we;=reï .,a t;rï m%p,s; ke;s wjêhl tajd boslsÍï flaIa;%h ;=<g y÷kajd oSuhs' ta wÉpq ilia lsÍu" ñY%Khg wjYH mou fidhd .ekSu wd§ ish¿ w;ayod ne,Sï wmgu lrkak isÿjqfka wmg ta .ek mQ¾jdo¾Yhla fkdue;s jQ ksihs"˜ Tyq w;S;h fj; .uka lrhs' —2004 jk úg fyd| hka;% lsysmhla ñ<§ f.k jvd;a
m%ñ;sfhka hq;= ksIamdok bosßm;a lrkakg wmg yelshdj ,enqKd' fuys§ ,xldfõ bkaÈhdkq f;,a iud.fuka ,enqK fldka;%d;a;=j wmf.a oshqKqjg úYd, msájy,la jqKd' Tjqka ,xldj ;=< ish msrjqï y,a jHdma; lrk úg wmf.a ìï we;=reï .,a iú lrkakg fhdod .;a;d' wo fjk fldg wmf.a ksIamdok tu iud.u i;= msrjqï y,a 100 lg jvd .Kkl fhdod .efkkjd' tys m<uqjekak jQfha fnd/,a, D.S. fiakdkdhl ykaÈfha msrjqï y,hs' th ÿgq fndfyda fokd wmf.a ksIamdok fj; we§ tkakg mgka .;a;d'˜
lsisúgl W;aidyh w;a fkdyßkak —wmf.a ;reKhkag ug §ug we;s wjjdohla kï lsis úgl W;aidyh w;a fkdyßkak hkakhs' ´kEu jHdmdrhla id¾:l lr .ekSu f,fyis lghq;a;la fkdfjhs' ud th ukdj w;a oel ;sfnkjd' kshu wjia:dj tk;=re bjiSfuka wêIaGdkYS,Sj ls%hd l<hq;=hs' Tng fj<| m,la ke;s úg§;a Tnf.a ksIamdok j,g fj<| m, fidhñka wêIaGdkYS,Sj .uka l< hq;=hs"˜ Tyq mjihs'
lemùfuka jev lrkak —;reK jHjidhlhskag ug fokak ;sfnk fojk mKsjqvh kï wm%;sy; ffO¾hfhka jev l< hq;= njhs' Tnf.a ksIamdok kshñ; oskg fj<|m, fj; f.k hdu fukau id¾:l;ajh fjkqfjka wmßñ; lemùfuka jev lsÍu w;HdjYHhs"˜ Tyq ,nd we;s w;aoelSï j,ska u mila jQ tajdh' —Tn oekaùï u;u hemsh hq;= keye' fyd|u m%pdrKh lg jpkhhs' uu ks;ru .=Kd;aul núka hq;= ksIamdok fj<| m,g f.k hkakg fjr orK w;r tys m%;sM,h lg jpkh u.ska bfíu me;sr hkjd' tu.ska Tng kj fj<|m,j,a fidhd fokjd' úfYaIfhkau l=vd jHdmdr i|yd fuh n,mdk fohla"˜ Tyq ta .ek ;jÿrg;a mjikafka fufiah' —m%ñ;sh yd .=Kd;aul nj tlfia jeo.;a' Tnf.a ksIamdok b;d w¨q;a jqj;a fï .=Kdx. mj;S
kï Tng fj<|m, ch .ekSug wmyiq keye'˜
Tnf.a wkkH;dj mj;ajd.kak —Tn yeu úgu wka wh wkq.ukh lsÍu wjYH keye' Tnf.a wkkH;dj u.ska l=vd fj<| m,j,a fidhd .; yels wjia:d tughs"˜ Tyq mjikafka th Tyq úiskau mila lr we;s ksidfjks' —Tn olaI l=ulgo @ ta ;=< wkkH;djla f.dv k.d .ekSug fjr oeßh hq;=hs' ud we;=reï.,a l¾udka;h úYd, ;,hlg f.k f.dia ;sfnkafka ta uQ,O¾u Tiafiahs' YS% ,dxlsl Tng ta nj yïnkaf;dg isg hdmkh olajdu w;aoelsh yelsh'˜ .=rejrfhl=o Wm úÿy,am;sjrfhl=o m<d;a wOHdmk wOHlaIjrfhl=o jQ Tyqf.a mshd;a .=rejßhl jQ uj;a Tyqf.a .=rejrekq;a ne;snrj isysm;a lrkafka Tyq ;=< we;s fndfyda .=Kdx. frdamKh lf<a Tjqkau jk neúks' —uf.a ìß| iy orejka iu. ld,h .; lsÍu uf.a f,dl=u iem;hs'˜ wjidk jYfhka Tyq lSfõh'
wmf.a ;reKhkag ug §ug we;s wjjdohla kï lsis úgl W;aidyh w;a fkdyßkak hkakhs' ´kEu jHdmdrhla id¾:l lr .ekSu f,fyis lghq;a;la fkdfjhs' ud th ukdj w;a oel ;sfnkjd' kshu wjia:dj tk;=re bjiSfuka wêIaGdkYS,Sj ls%hd l<hq;=hs' Tng fj<| m,la ke;s úg§;a Tnf.a ksIamdok j,g fj<| m, fidhñka wêIaGdkYS,Sj .uka l< hq;=hs
Think differen Drive hard
Quality products are a key to business success By Sharlene De Chickera
Shehan Senevirathne is the Managing Director of SMS Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, a well known manufacturer, and supplier of paving products in the construction industry. His company pioneered manufacturing of interlocking paving blocks in the country, which today is an indispensable landscaping and construction material for any type of construction. It was a relatively unknown product in Sri Lankan construction industry, for which he single handedly created an enormous market, paving the way for others as well. His company won the Gold Award for National Large Manufacturing Sector at CNCI Achiever of Industrial Excellence Awards 2013 and the Excellence Award in Cement Based Products Category at the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects 2013 Annual Sessions. Having started with paving, by now he has led his company in to soft landscaping with “The Greenery” and plantations through SMS Reality. Seneviratne holds memberships in Institute of Construction Training & Development (ICTAD), Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI) National Construction Contractors Association of Sri Lanka (NCCASL) and Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE). A row of glittering trophies and business accolades greet you as you enter the office of Shehan Seneviratne, whose friendly smiles belies his business acumen. Though he sits at the helm of many enterprises of SMS Holdings today, he had to work hard, bite the dust at times and take calculated risks to reach that position, having started a landscaping and paving company in year 2000, 13 years ago.
Schoolboy tumult Having completed his A/Ls at Richmond College Galle, and facing lack of opportunities to pursue higher education, he acceded to his mother’s advice to leave his native South and came to the commercial capitol Colombo, as a youth in search of work and a concrete dream to hold on to. “I was trying to escape social turmoil in Sri Lanka in 1988 and eager to come to Colombo and start a new lease of life. Though I did
want to study at the university, I was debarred, but have no regrets now, as I feel I have achieved recognition in business,” he said. Later in life he was able to complete a Diploma in Production and Business Management at Open University of Sri Lanka, complimentary to his line of work in the construction industry. Being a national level athlete aided his quest and provided him with determination and grit to run the race hard and succeed.
Starting small, dreaming big After working in a few companies, in year 2000, Seneviratne started his own business with just Rs. 175,000/and a one single small machine, at a 40 perch land in Kottawa. In comparison to even medium scaled manufacturing companies, this was a modest beginning. “I did not have ideal market conditions to market my products,
but I relentlessly strived hard to convince potential customers and never gave up,” he said. The real challenge was to convince the market that paving stones were the in thing, as paving was not famous at that time. “We had to design moulds, get the pigment right and mix cement, sand, quarry dust and chips of stone all by ourselves,” he recollected. “By 2004, I was able to invest in a good machine and hence able to deliver better quality. And then things worked out step by step, with more orders coming in. A good break that I got was from Lanka IOC in years 2003/ 2004, when they launched their retail operations. Being a global company, they knew the product. By today, my company has completed paving works at more than 100 of their retail filling stations around the world. The first one was at Borella, D. S. Senanayake junction. That job created an enormous marketing
ntly opportunity, with many Sri Lankans admiring the product,” Senevirathne said, in retrospect.
Don’t give up “I want to tell our youth to not to give up half way. You have to continuously strive. Have confidence in what you are doing. Don’t give up, especially when the scales are down. Sometimes you may not have ideal situations to promote your business, as I experienced. I had to struggle to find markets, but you must not cave in at the crucial time. Drive until it comes out right. Push the markets when circumstances are not conducive to you,” he stated. “I have had success by sticking to the business goals I had,” advised Senevirathne.
Work hard “This is my second message to our youthful entrepreneurs,” said Senevirathne. “You must work extremely hard to gain success and also deliver on time.”
managed to get many valuable clients, basically by not compromising quality,” he added.
Be unique “Another point that I would like to tell our entrepreneur youth of Sri Lanka is not to follow others. Carve your own niche,” Senevirathne said, having done it by himself in the construction industry. “This is something our youth can do as they are inherently talented. They have to find out what they are good at and then achieve with determination. I have been able to transform my business of stone beautification or stone paving in to a large scale business, encompassing the best in flooring solutions, on gullies, pits and walkways, paved to precision and exacting technology, ensuring fewer accidents My paving stones have reached the feet of Sri Lankans from Jaffna to Hambantota,” he elaborated.
The pillars of success
I want to tell our youth to not to give up half way. You have to continuously strive. Have confidence in what you are doing. Don’t give up, especially when the scales are down
He thanked his parents, father who was a school teacher, deputy principal and a provincial education director, and mother who was a teacher, for guidance given and tolerance they had. Apart from his many accolades, he has acquired three best ‘trophies’ in life, he said, referring to his wife, son and daughter. “I always spend time with my family and engage in sports as my family is very important,” he concluded.
“Markets talk. What I mean by this is that I did not have to rely on advertisements. I have always wanted to deliver quality products and I am proud that I have not compromised on this. For a small business, word of mouth recommendations is the best promotional mode,” he said. “One should benchmark quality when offering products. It is of important to maintain standards and quality consistently. By experience I can tell that you can win business clients by offering good quality, even if the product is totally new. I have
Mr. Shehan Senevirathne
BIM ;dlaIKh ^f.dvke.s,s f;dr;=re wdlD;slrk&
bÈlsÍï lafIa;%fha isÿjk
jD;a;Shuh fjkia ùï
igyk iqrx. chfiak mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks BIM (Building Information Modeling)
fyj;a f.dvke.s,s f;dr;=re wdlD;slrkh hkq bÈlsÍï l¾udka; lafIa;%hg w¿;ska tlajqkq f;dr;=re ;dlaIK uDÿldx. moaO;shla' iS>%j fjkiafjñka mßKduhkag ,lajk ;rÕldÍ jgmsgdjl" ;dlaIKsl kjHlrkh yryd ,efnk jdish we;af;kau jeo.;a' BIM moaO;shka bÈlsÍï lafIa;%h ;=, bÈßhg meñK we;s tjeks ;dlaIKsl kjHlrKhla' BIM hkq f.dvke.s,a,la fN!;sl yd l%shdldÍ .;s ,laIK ixLHd;aulj ksrEmKh lr" t;=,ska f.dvkef.k ±kqï iïNdrh lafIa;%hg iïnkaO ish,a,ka w;r fnod yod .ekSu;a" t;=,ska f.dvke.s,a,l Ôjk ld<h ;=, tkï uQ,sl bÈ lsÍï ie,iqïlrkfha isg f.dvke.s,a, ì| fy,Su olajd we;s ld< mrdih ;=, .kq ,nk ish¿u ;SrKhkag /l=,a fok úYajdiodhs f;dr;=re mokula ilid §ug b,lal lr.;a ;dlaIKhla f,i ye¢kaúh yel' taksidu f.dvke.s,s f;dr;=re igyka .; lsÍfï l%ufõofha buy;a fjkila isÿl, ;dlaIKhla f,i BIM moaO;sh ye¢kaúh yeu ksjerÈh' rEm igyka" iúia;rd;aul j.ka;s yd o;a; igyka jeks f;dr;=re igyka.; lsÍfï .;dkq.;sl l%ufõohka ;=,ska u;=jk iSudlrKhka ksidu f.dvke.s,s ie,iqïlrKh" b¢lsÍï yd l%shdldÍ;ajh hk ish¿u wjia:djkaj, ie,lsh hq;= wdl¾hlaIu;djhla ks¾udKh fjkjd' tjeks wld¾hlaIu;d uÕyeÍug ld,Sk úiÿula f,i y÷kajd ÿka" BIM ;dlaIkh u.ska bÈlsÍï l%shdj,sh yd
iïnkaO ish¿ md¾Yapjhkag ^fiajdodhlhska" .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amSka" bxðfkarejka" m%udK ;lafiare lrejka" bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka& iduQyslj f;dr;=re yqjudre lr.ekSu i|yd uOH.; f;dr;=re flakaøhla mj;ajd .ekSu yd t;=,ska f.dvke.s,s jHdmD;ska i|yd wjYH ish¿ f;dr;=re ,nd §ula isÿlrkq ,nhs' úuOH.; wdlD;sh f.dvk.d.; yels wdldrh ;=, jerÈ f;dr;=re wju lr.ekSug;a ;;ald,Sk f;dr;=re mj;ajd .ekSug;a myiq ù ;sfí' tuksid BIM ;dlaIKh ;=,ska f;dr;=re ckkh" fnodyeÍu iy mßyrKh hk wxYj, mßmQ¾K;ajhla m;alr .ekSug WmldÍ ù ;sfí' j¾;udkfha bÈlsÍï jHdmD;sj, úhoï úYd, f,i wvqlr.ekSug BIM WmldÍ ù ;sfnk w;r" tuksid fuu f;dr;=re ;dlaIK moaO;sh i|yd jk b,a¨u Èfkka Èk jeäfjñka mj;S' BIM iïm%dma;sh;a iu. cks; jQ kj jD;a;Sh wjia:djka foje±reï uqyqKqjrlska l,t,s nei ;sfí' j¾;udkfha lafIa;%h ;=, l%shd;aul jk úúO l%shdmámdàka BIM ;dlaIKhg wkql+, f,i mq¿,a ùu ;=,ska kj /lshd wjia:djka W;amdokh ùu bka m<uq jekakhs' kj jD;a;sh wjia:djka yd ;dlaIKsl fY%aKsfha /lshd wjia:djka ìysùu fojekakhs' BIM uQ,slj l%shd;aul jk f.dvke.s,s jHdmD;s j, M,odhs;dj kxjd,Su i|yd j¾;udk l%shdj,shka iïnkaOj ukd ±kqula ,nd ;sîug wu;rj BIM ;dlaIKh Ndú;h ms<sn|j fyd| YlH;djhla w;alr
;=<ska .ekSu o" wksjd¾hfhka isÿúh hq;a;la fuys§ jeo.;a jkafka BIM ;dlaIKh ms<sn|j .eUqre ±kSula fkdj ;uka jevlrk wxYhkag wod<j BIM mÈO;sfha we;s uDÿldx. Ndú;h m%.=K lsÍuhs' WodyrKhla f,i .Dyks¾udK Ys,amsfhl=g Archi CAD Microstation fyda Ravit Architecture jeks BIM moaO;shg wod<j uDÿldx. mßyrKh lsÍug ukd m%.=K;djhka we;akï Tyq fyda weh BIM iqodkï hk f,an,h iys; .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amsfhl= f,i ye¢kaúh yel' tf,iu jHqyd;aul bxðfkarejrfhl= BIM iqodkï ;eke;af;l= ùug Revit Structures fyda Ielka Structures jeks uDÿldx. Ndú;fhys iu¾:fhl= úh hq;=h' fï ish¨ uDÿldx. moaO;s Ndú;h i|yd wyUq w;=re uqyqK;la (Interface) iys; jk w;r fndfyda úg f.dvke.s,s yd tajdfha wxf.damdx. j, ;%sudK o¾Ykhka ,nd §u;a isÿ lrhs' uDÿldx. yryd uOH.; f;dr;=re moaO;sh iuÕ ikaksfõokh lsÍu ^f;dr;=re ,sùu yd lshùu& myiqfjka isÿlr.; yelsksid" iDcqj uOH.; moaO;sfha we;s f;dr;=re flakaøh hdj;ald,Sk lsßug lsisÿ wjYH;djla we;s fkdfõ' tu ksid BIM ;dlaIKfhys we;=,dka;h yeoEÍulska f;drj th Ndú;h muKla m%.=K lsÍu ;=,ska ;ukag wod< lafIa;%h ;=, BIM iqodkï mqoa.,fhl= njg m;aùug wjldY ie,fihs' ±kg bÈlsÍï lafIa;%hg iïnkaO ish¨u jD;a;slhska BIM iQodkï ;eke;af;la f,i ;u ±kqu hdj;ald,Sk lrkq we;ehs is;sh fkdyel' tu ksid we;sjk wvqj uld,Sug kj /lshd wjia:djka lafIa;%h ;=, ìysjkq we;snjg is;sh yel' CAD igyka ie,iqïlrefjl= (CAD Draughtsman) úiska CAD uDÿldx. yd iïm%odhsl ie,iqï ks¾udKlrefjl= w;r we;s
mr;rh mshjkjd fukau ie,iqï ks¾udKYS,amSka yd BIM uDÿldx. moaO;s w;r we;s mr;rh mshùug bÈßfha§ BIM m%.=Kl, Ys,amSka ;j;j;a ìysjkq we;' tkuq;a fujeks Ys,amSka f.dvke.s,s lafIa;%fha ieu wxYhlau fydÈka m%.=Kl< ;eke;af;la fkdù ;ukag úfYaIs; wxYhg wod, jQ uDÿldx. Ndú;hg idud¾:hla we;s ;eke;af;l= úh hq;=h' bÈlsÍï yelshdj ms<sn| úYaf,aIl (Constructability Analyst) hkq BIM ;dlaIKh yd ineÿkq kj úIh lafIa;%hla' Tjqka BIM uDÿldx. i;= yelshdjka Wmfhda.Slrf.k f.dvke.s,s ie,iqï j, we;s >Ügkhka" úixjdohka" myiqfjka wkdjrKh lr.ekSfï ksmqK;djh m%.=K l, msßila' fndfyda ÿrg BIM ;=,ska tjeks >Ügkhka wkdjrKh lsßu iajhxl%shj isÿ jk w;r tu uDÿldx. Ndú;h ;=,ska >¾gk wkdjrKh lr.ekSu bÈßfha§ fuu lafIa;%h ;=, úfYaIs; yelshdjla jkq we;s nj ksielh' BIM ;=,ska lafIa;%h ;=, isÿjk iS>% fjkiaùï j,g wu;rj kj jD;a;Sh wjia:djka rdYshla w¿;ska u;=fjñka mj;s' tajd kï BIM l,uKdlrkh yd BIM iïnkaëlrk ;k;=rehs' fuu f;dr;=re fol iudkhhs fndfyda fokd is;=j;a we;af;kau tlsfklg fjkia fufyjrla fuu ;k;=rej,ska isÿfõ' BIM iïnkaëldrjrfhl=f.a l%shdNdrh jHdmD;s lKavdhï iïnkaëlrkh lsÍuhs' tkï fiajdodhlhska" ie,iqï Ys,amSka" bÈlsÍï Ys,amSka yd iemhqïlrejka w;r iïnkaëlrk lghq;= l%shd;aul lsÍuhs' tfukau BIM fufyhqï ie,eiau ieliSu;a iïnkaêldrjrfhl= i;= ld¾h Ndrhla' BIM fufyhqï ie,eiau u.ska ksjerÈ f;dr;=re ksis wjia:dfõ § BIM moaO;shg fhduqjk nj ;yjqre lsßu;a isÿlrhs' fuys jeo.;alu jkqfha fodaI iy.; fyda wvqmdvq iy.; f;dr;=re BIM moaO;shg hEu ;=,ska we;sjk wvqmdvq uÕyrjd .ekSuhs' fï ksidu BIM iïnkaëldrjrfhl=f.a m%Odk;u ksmqK;dj jkafka BIM moaO;sh yd uDÿldx. ms<sn| fyd| ksmqK;djla iys;j f.dvke.s,s
ie,iqïlrkh yd bÈlsÍï lghq;= iïnkaëlrkh lsßuhs' BIM l<uKdlrefjl=f.a ld¾hNdrh fuhg fjkia' BIM moaO;sh l%shd;aul ùu i|yd wjYH há;, myiqlï ie,iqï lsÍu" ia:dms; lsÍu yd kv;a;= lsÍu Tyq i;= tla ld¾hNdrhla' tfukau uOH.; BIM moaO;sh yd iïnkaO úúO md¾Yapjhka u.ska fhdod.kakd uDÿldx. w;r we;s wka;¾ ine¢hdj ld¾hlaIu f,i mj;ajdf.k hdu ;yjqre lsÍu;a BIM l<uKdlrefjl= úiska isÿ lrhs' BIM l<uKdlrefjl= uQ,slju f;dr;=re ;dlaIK úIh ms<sn| ukd ±kqula ;sîu jeo.;a' f.dvke.s,s ie,iqïlrkh yd bÈlsÍï l%shd mámdá ms,sn|j i;=gqodhl uÜgfï ±kqula ;sîu m%udKj;a' jHdmD;s lKavdhï iïnkaëlrkh BIM l<uKdlrefjl= idudkHfhka isÿ fkdl,;a we;eïúg wod< md¾Yjhka w;r ;dlaIKsl m%Yakhka ksrdlrKh i|yd iïnkaëldrl l¾;jHhl ksr;ùug Tyqg isÿfjhs' tla md¾Yapjhlg kshñ; ld¾hhka lr wjika jkf;la fojeks md¾Yapjhg f;dr;=re mßYS,kh lsÍug keje;aùug Wmfoia ,nd§u WodyrKhla f,i ±laúh yel' tkuq;a fuu l%shdj,sho BIM iïnkaêldrl yryd isÿl, yelalla ksid we;a; jYfhkau fuu f;dr;=re fol iajdëkj hd yelshs' tu ksid BIM l<uKdlre ;dlaIKsl há;, myiqlï l<uKdlrkh lsÍu;a BIM iïnkaêldrl jHdmD;shg wod< mqoa., l<uKdlrkh lsÍu;a jYfhka tlsfklg fjkia ld¾hNdrhkays ksr;jk nj meyeÈ,shs' BIM ys mqfrda.ukh;a iu. bÈlsÍï lafIa;%h ;=, jD;a;sh yd ;dlaIKsl /lshd jHqyfha fjkila isÿj we;snj meyeÈ,shs' idrdxYhla f,i .;fyd;a BIM ;dlaIKh ksid isÿjQ jeo.;a fjkiaùï f,i BIM iqodkï jD;a;slhka yd ;dlaIKslfõÈka msßila ìysùu;a BIM moaO;sj, M,odhS l%shdldÍ;ajhg wjYH kj jD;a;Ska ìysùu;a ±laúh yel' ^iqrx. chfiak
BIMLab Network
ys m%Odk m¾fhaIljrfhla jk w;r fudrgqj úYajúoHd,fha f.dvke.s,s w¾Ól úoHd wxYfha fÊIaG lÓldpd¾hjrhl= fõ'&
Expanding IT related career opportunities
with advent of
By Suranga Jayasena
BIM is a paradigm shift of the way b information is recorded. Conventional recording about buildings which can be in of drawings, descriptive texts or tables have li and cause significant inefficiencies during d construction and operational phases
building information n forms imitations design,
As the world is transforming and developing at a very express pace, technologically innovative practices are increasing to achieve competitive advantages. BIM is one such innovative practice increasingly being adopted by construction industry in the world. BIM, or Building Information Modelling, is defined as digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a building creating a shared knowledge resource for information about it forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle, from earliest conception to demolition. BIM is a paradigm shift of the way building information is recorded. Conventional information recording about buildings which can be in forms of drawings, descriptive texts or tables have limitations and cause significant inefficiencies during design, construction and operational phases. BIM is introduced as a solution to overcome major inefficiencies by enabling all parties in the building process (Clients, Architects, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Builders) to collaborate through a central information model which will contain all necessary information about a building project. The structure of the central model is developed in such a way to minimize information errors and the central model assures that all parties work on most updated information. Therefore, BIM adoption is the search for perfection of information generation, sharing and consumption. BIM has already made significant cost savings in building projects making it more demanded day by day. Emerging career opportunities from advent of BIM are twofold. First are the expansions to current practices. Second is the emergence of new professions and technical positions. To work effectively in a BIM based building project, current practices will obviously have to add BIM
capabilities to their skill base. Interestingly, they will not be required to possess in-depth knowledge about BIM technology; instead, they will only need to develop skills in using BIM software tools specific to their specialization. For example, an Architect would become “BIM ready Architect” if he/she has a good command of a software such as ArchiCAD, Microstation or Revit Architecture; whereas software like Revit Structures or Tekla Structures makes a Structural Engineer “BIM ready”. All these software provides userfriendly interfaces (often with virtual 3-dimentional views of buildings and its elements) to work with, while the software communicates (read and write) with central information model from its backend. Since this eliminates the need for a user to communicate with the central model, a person can become “BIM ready” in their respective career paths without knowing much about BIM. This context will create distinct career paths within various professional domains with a “BIM ready” tag. Undoubtedly, not all practitioners will become BIM ready. This opens opportunities for new careers to emerge to bridge the gap. In the similar manner that CAD Draughtsmen bridge the gap between designers and CAD (Computer Aided Draughting) systems; a layer of BIM Modellers would bridge the gap between designers and BIM systems. However, not like CAD Draughtsmen; BIM Modellers would not be generic, but would be identified with the tag of software tool they specializein. Constructability Analyst is a new role emerging with invented power of BIM systems to easily detect clashes in building designs. In fact, a major portion of clash detection can be automated when BIM is used, and use of detection tools will be a specialization within the building discipline. In addition there are two other new professions emerging with BIM, namely BIM Managers and BIM Coordinators. While often
confused as synonyms these two are in fact dissimilar. The role of the BIM Coordinator is to coordinate the team – client, designers, builders and suppliers –to comply with agreed BIM Execution Plan. Coordinating the development of BIM Execution Plan would also be included in his role. BIM Execution Plan is needed to make sure necessary information is available for the BIM System at the right time. Being an IT solution, BIM Systems are less tolerable to missing or erroneous information. Therefore, BIM Coordinator’s primary knowledge domain will be “Building Design and Construction”, while possessing a fair knowledge about BIM Systems and tools. BIM Manager’s role is to design, setup and maintain the IT infrastructure for BIM System while assuring efficient interaction among various software tools used by parties with the central BIM. Thus, his primary knowledge domain is “Information Technology”, with a fair knowledge about building design and construction processes and practices. BIM Manager will not coordinate the project team, yet he may coordinate technological issues among parties, e.g. instructing a party to defer the processing of information until another party performs a specific task. However, this is likely to be coordinated through BIM Coordinator. Thus, it is clear that BIM Manager manages the BIM Technological Infrastructure while the BIM Coordinator manages people involved. It is clear that advent of BIM will create a shift in professional and technical career structures in construction industry. In summary, key changes are the identification of “BIM Ready” group of professions and technicians and few emerging careers primarily for effective functioning of BIM System. (The writer is Lead Researcher – BIMLab Network (www.bimlab. net), who is also a Senior Lecturer of Department of Building Economics of University of Moratuwa.)
iïuqL mÍlaIK ch .ekSug WmfoaYhka lsysmhla igyk rejka wfír;ak mßj¾;kh Y%Skd;a úchl=udr úisks
iïuqL mÍlaIKhla hkq l=ulao @ iïuqL mÍlaIKhka úúO f,i Tn fj; meñKsh yel' /lshdjlg hdfï§" YsIH kdhl;ajhla" iñ;s ix.ï jeks ;k;=re ,nd. ekSfï§ fukau Wiia wOHdmk yd mqyqKq lghq;= wdrïN lsÍfï § jeks úúO wjia:djkays fuu iïuqL mÍlaIK lvbu ch.ekSug Tng isÿúh yel' kj ;dlaIKh ksid iïm%odhsl uqyqKg uqyqK flfrk iïuqL mÍlaIK muKla fkdj ÿrl:k yd wka;¾cd, iïuqL mÍlaIK jeks úúO f,i kj l%ufõo Ndú;fha mj;S' iïuqL mÍlaIlhka jhia ldKav j,ska" ixialD;sl miqìfuka úúO úh yels w;r ;ksj fyda lKavdhï jYfhka isÿúh yel' flfia jqj;a fuh Tng Tnf.a olaI;djhka yd yelshdjka ikd; lsÍug ,efnk uy.= wjia:djla úhyel'
wehs @ Tng wOHdmk iy /lshd wdÈfha f;dr;=re mqoa., o;a; igykla
u;l ;nd.; hq;= lreK kï" iïuqL mÍlaIKhl§ id¾:l jkafka w;sYhska iqÿiqlï ,nd.;a ;eke;a;d fkdj ksjerÈj iqodkï jq WÑ; iqÿiqlï we;s ;eke;a;d hk j.hs
u.ska ,ndÈh yel' iïuqL mÍlaIKhl§ jeäu iqÿiqlï,dNshd muKla f;dard.kakjd hk ks.ukh ieuúg ksjerÈ fkdfõ' Tnj f;dard .kakjdo @ keoao @ hkak lreKq lsysmhla u.ska i,ld n,hs' tajdkï iïuqL mÍlaIKhg Tn uqyqKÿka wdldrh Tnf.a fmkqu fm!reI;aj ,laIK wd;au úYajdih m%ldYk yelshdj ksjerÈ ;SrK .ekSfï yelshdj by; lreKq u; Tni;= olaI;djhka iu. wdh;kfha iy wod, /lshdfõ ld¾hNdrhhka ie,ls,a,g .ekSfuka f;dard.ekSu ms,sn| ;SrKh isÿlrhs'
Tng we;s wNsfhda.h kï" wjia:dj ,enqk ú.i Tnf.a Wmßu yelshdjka Ndú;fhka olaI;djka fmkaùuhs' fmkqu iy fm!reI;ajh yereKq úg wfkla ,laIK ms,sn| Tfí yelshdjka ikd: lsÍug jdÑlj ms<s;=re §ug isÿúh yel' tuksid fmriqodku Tng jdisodhl úhyel' ^rejka wfír;ak uy;d Fentons mqoa.,sl wdh;kfha udkj iïm;a wxY m%OdkS ;k;=re fydnjhs'&
jeo.;a WmfoaYhka 10 la ljr wdldrfha iïuqL mÍlaIKhlao" ljqre fld;eko hk lreKq ms,sn| fidhdn,kak' Tng fhdod.;a fj,djg fyda Èkg yuqùug fkdyelskï fjk;a Èkhla b,a,Su WÑ; jk w;r ;jo th Okd;aul ,laIKhls' kshñ; fõ,djg Tn isáh hq;= fõ' ;jo" iïuqL mÍlaIKhg fmr iy miq m%udKj;a fj,djla ;nd.kak' wdh;kh yd wod, ;k;=r ms,snoj f;dr;=re fidhkak' tjeks wfmalaIlhkag wdh;k jeäleue;a;la olajk w;r ;jo th Tfí Wkkaÿj yd ie,ls,Su;anj fmkajk Okd;aul ,laIKhls' ;jo Tng tu jHdmdrh yd m%Odkska ms,sn| fukau m%Odk jHdmD;ska ms<sno oek.; yel' Tnf.a mqoa., o;a; igyk ms,sno oekqj;ajkak' wjYH jqjfyd;a újrKh lsÍug iqodkñka isákak' Tnf.a mqoa., o;a; igyk msgq lsysmhl flá igykla úh yels kuq;a th Tnf.a ishÆ f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lrhs' tksid Tnf.a mqoa., o;a; igyfka i|yka f;dr;=re ksjerÈj oek.;=hq;= fkdfõ o@ ta ksid wod, iy;sl" ks¾foaY ,sms jeksfoa iqodkï lr.; hq;=h' iïuqL mÍlaIKfh§ ksjerÈ we÷fuka" yeisÍfuka iy fmkqfuka hym;a yeÕSula cks; lrkak' Tnf.a Ndj m%ldYhka iy ish¨ wx. p,k ksÍlaIKhg ,lafjhs' myiq kuq;a úêu;a bßhõjl isákak" Tn Tjqka iu. weia iïnkaOh mj;ajd.kak' mÍlaIlf.a jpk j,g wjodkfhka ijka fokak ^b;d jeo.;a l=i,;djls& wjia:djla ,enqkfyd;a m%Yak lr wjYH lreKq meyeÈ,s lr.kak' lvjiï (SMART) ms<s;=re imhkak' mqyqKq yelshdjkag wod, m%Yak n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkak iy tjeks m%Yak j,g ms<s;=re §fï§ Tfí ienE w;a±lSu ksoiqka f,i f.k olajkak' ;jo ms<s;=re §fï§ meyeÈ,sj yd ieflúka fukau wjxl yd úkS;j ms<s;=re ,nd§ug W;aiy lrkak' túg Tfí yrhka yd wruqKq fukau ms<s;=re i|yd iqodkïùfï yelshdjo mÍlaIlhdg uek.; yel' iïuqL mÍlaIKh wjika lsÍu - wdpdrYS,S jkak" úYajdifhka isákak' iïuqL mÍlaIKfha m%;sM, m%;spdrh ±k.; yels Èk ms<sno úuikak' mÍlaIlhdg ia;=;s mqolrkak' iïuqL mÍlaIKh M,odhl f,i isÿlr.ekSug ,efnk ish¨u wjldYhka Ndú;d lrkak' Tfí Wmßuh lrkak" Okd;aul jkak" mq¿,a ±laula we;s.r.kak' ,efnk ish¨u wjia:djka m%fhdackhg f.k B<Õ wjia:dfõ§ fuhg jvd fydog lrkak'
Work place
negativity By Maheshika Premachandra Do co-workers make you feel distressed by their complaints? Have you ever felt exhausted by listening to gossip and lies of people you work with?” If so, you have probably experienced negativity in workplace. Negativity in workplace is becoming extremely common today. It impacts employee morale more than other matters. It may be because of disappointment that employees have with their jobs. Or due to highly sophisticated changes everyone is dealing with in a job. If it is not dealt with swiftly and positively, it will eventually destroy your team, reduce efficiency and productivity, and cause valuable staff members to seek employment elsewhere.
Let them communicate If people feel they will be heard and their feelings respected, they will positively communication. So make sure you provide opportunities for people to express their feelings about what's going on in the workplace. Regular staff meetings or regular one-on-one meetings can be a great start. Admire what should be admired It's easy for you to get caught up in only addressing things that are going
wrong. But it will not bring any good to your organization rather than chaos. By letting people know you notice their efforts to be positive will not bring more trouble than you want to handle. Let them know you appreciate their positive contributions and let others in your office know that someone has done some good.
Handle with care If you've identified negative behaviour at workplace, take necessary actions before it spreads among staff. Take the negative person aside and clearly address impacts of their behaviour at your workplace. Reward positive changes and repeat your expectations if changes have not taken place. If negativity continues you may need to make a tough decision about whether to keep that person. The damage they do may overshadow the value they provide.
Be the example If you want a positive workplace, you need to be positive. You cannot expect your staff to treat each other with kindness and respect if you're not doing the same. You cannot expect them not to gossip if you're talking about people behind their backs.
I versus you Always state your position based on how you view the situation to be, rather than assuming you know how others are feeling or thinking. For example, when conducting a workshop say, “Have I made myself clear?” instead of “Do you have any questions?” which puts them on
defensive. The responsibility is on you to make modifications on how you deliver a message.
Listen with your eyes We can see a message before we hear it and can pick up a message by body language. Be an active listener, rather than a passive listener. Passive listener doesn't say anything and is not 100% in conversation with you, sometimes drifting away during a conversation. They are not totally committed. An active listener demonstrates body language, like nodding head, with some eye contact, which may say, “This is what you said, I am with you.” Strong leadership shows through what you do more than what you say. Demonstrate the behaviour you want to see. Workplace negativity is not inevitable. By watching for signs and making an effort to deal with things you see, you can create a positive work environment where mutual respect is the law and negativity doesn't find a place to stand.
Imagine Studying in Canada Fast Facts About Canada - World’s second largest country (by area) - 34 million people in ten provinces and 3 territories - Stable parliamentary democracy - High quality of life that is safe and secure - Among the top OECD countries in spending per capita on postsecondary education - Ethnically diverse – Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, home to large immigrant populations - A world leader in postsecondary research, outpacing other G-7 countries on higher education investment - Education is the responsibility of the provinces and territories - Academic programs are offered in English or French, with some institutions offering instruction in both languages - International students are often eligible to work both on campus and off campus during their term of studies. Looking for an unforgettable experience that will last a lifetime?
Reasons to Choose Canada as a Study Destination • Qualifications valued around the world • Affordable education • Multicultural society • Healthy and safe communities
• World-class language education • Exciting campus life styles • Innovative and abundant research opportunities • Spectacular and varied scenery
Over 265,000 international students selected Canada in 2012 for a premier education, access to global career opportunities and an exciting cross-cultural experience. Choose from among Canada’s top-ranked colleges and universities for the highest quality education and return home with a globally recognized degree.
IMAGINE STUDYING IN CANADA – and visualize vibrant
cities, beautiful spaces and welcoming multi-cultural communities. Providing exceptional standards of living, safety and healthcare, Canada is also internationally recognized for a competency-based teaching approach that prepares students to be productive in the workplace immediately after graduation. Canadian universities and colleges are primarily publicly-funded and highly accountable for quality assurance in teaching, research and campus facilities. What’s more, tuition is affordable when you compare rates among the top destinations to study abroad.
Canada’s education system – Canada’s college and university system commences after high school. You can also choose to complete some or all of
your high school in Canada in either the public or private system. Both offer global graduation standards to continue post secondary studies, as well as exceptional student services. Beyond high school, career choices are endless with thousands of options to suit every interest!
How it works – Semesters typically run from September-December; January-April and some institutions offer May-August options. Colleges – Programs are taught by highly experienced faculty and take two or three years to complete, offering vocational credentials applicable to the workforce or qualifications to transfer on to university. Universities – Undergraduate studies run three-four years, providing options for in-depth research and progression to graduate-level masters or doctoral programs.
Professional programs – At
least two years of undergraduate study is often required before applying to programs like medicine or law. These programs are extremely competitive choose an undergraduate program based on your needs for the first few years. It’s important to excel in your studies before applying to a professional school.
Research Focus – Canada’s
universities are engaged in innovative research in the fields of health, nanotechnology, biotechnology, highperformance computing, environmental technologies, nutraceuticals and renewable fuels, among other sectors. R&D cross-funding between the private sector and universities is high by international standards. New economic research is also highlighting the important role of universities as knowledge hubs connecting business, government and universities with commercial firms that help deliver on discovery. If you’ve got ideas to change the world, we’ve got the programs to help you realize them!
Getting Started The admission process across Canada
Typically, admission to a Canadian university or college is granted upon successful high school graduation. Each university assesses applicant qualifications individually and a strong emphasis is placed on academic standing.
Language options
Canada excels in language instruction given diverse language communities. English is the language of instruction at most Canadian universities, however some teach in French and also offer
bilingual options. Take advantage to perfect your language skills in a comfortable and friendly environment!
Application deadlines
They vary between institutions, but traditionally range from January to June. Apply earlier than indicated to ensure all documents are received and that there is adequate time to get your study permit once your application is accepted. For specific admission requirements and applications, contact each university directly.
Budgeting for your stay
Canadian tuition offers excellent value compared to other countries. Depending on location and program choices, a recommended annual budget for an international student can range from CDN $17,700 to $27,700, which includes tuition, accommodation, books, supplies, health care and personal expenses.
Scholarships and financial aid
Scholarships are generally based on academic merit and are often awarded automatically at the time of admission. Some scholarships are specifically for international students and require a separate application outlining your extracurricular activities. Learn more:
Work-Study options
As a full-time international student, you can work to gain valuable experience or help finance your stay while you study in Canada. After graduation, you can apply to programs like the Canada Experience Class (CEC) which facilitates immigration for those who wish to stay and pursue a career in Canada. Balancing your academic achievement with direct
learning in a career-related job will give you an excellent advantage after you graduate. Learn more:
Immigration considerations
International students studying for more than six months must receive a study permit before arriving in Canada. In some cases, a temporary resident visa may also be required depending on your country of citizenship. Learn more about applications and requirements:
Explore the Possibilities Step up to make your contribution to the world and join the thousands of international students who choose Canada as a springboard to success! For additional details about studying in Canada, consult the Official Study in Canada portal. This includes a program finder, cost calculator, study permit information, and links to provincial, territorial and individual school information. By the High Commission of Canada in Sri Lanka
Simple things to do
By Kusum Nandika Gunawardena
Environment pollution, rising global temperatures and increasing emission of green house gases has become serious issues that may threaten our future existence. Even though we live in a small country we have a responsibility and obligation to individually protect our environment. From the food we eat to things we buy and what we waste, we contribute towards pollution of environment. Living green is about lifestyle choices we make. Little changes can indeed make a big impact on the world we live in.
Save natural resources
Save much as possible is our motto when it comes to natural resources. The message to turn off fans or lights when leaving a room or office has been passed on to us so many times. But do you think you did the same today? Perhaps you forgot or perhaps you thought some one else will do it. But in the end by not honouring our duties we are wasting precious resources. If you let the water run when shaving or brushing teeth you are wasting the water that Mother Nature has given. Reducing wastage and saving resources is a simple but effective way of living green.
Buy environmentally friendly products
When you buy products always make sure that they are environmentally friendly. For example, it may be convenient for you to go for lectures and buy a bottle of water rather than carrying the same from home. But you are not only purchasing water but also the plastic that you will eventually throw away and end up in the garbage bin. When you go shopping if you carry your own shopping bag or reusable bag it would help to reduce usage and wastage of polythene. When you buy light bulbs go for CFL bulbs that save energy. Buy electrical appliances that are energy efficient. By making right decisions you will not only be saving money but also helping to save environment.
Know your garbage Go through your garbage before you throw it away. You will be amazed by what you throw out and why things have ended up as garbage. May be you had bought vegetables, fruits and food items in quantities more than really needed. May be the way you stored food caused them to rot quickly or may be you actually did not need the items in first place. The lessons learnt could be used to reduce such mistakes in future and thereby reduce garbage that goes out from your house. Also separate recyclable items and non recyclable items. Organic material such as leaves, grass and certain food items can be stored in compost bin rather than throwing away so that you can have your own fertilizer for your garden.
Keep your home clean and environmentally friendly
Keep your surroundings clean. You can grow flowers and vegetables in your garden rather than just having grass. If space is there plant as much trees as possible. Have a compost bin to obtain
organic fertilizer for your garden. You can grow your own greens which will be chemical free and fresh than those purchased from the market.
Share your resources with family and friends One good example is if you have a vehicle, let your friends, family or colleagues who live close by also travel in your vehicle. You can pool your vehicles and go together rather than everybody going in their own vehicle. Another example is when you go to a market just check with your neighbours if they too, need anything so that you can purchase items for them, saving them a separate trip to the market and also building a good relationship with neighbours around you.
Have your own green community More and more people are feeling the need to protect environment and you can form a green community and initiate events such as beach or neighbourhood clean up or even awareness sessions at your own school, university, work place or neighbourhood. You will be amazed by what could be done when similar minded passionate individuals get together for a common cause.
As said before, living green is a lifestyle choice. Choose wisely and make the world a better place.
yß;uh Èúhlg
igyk l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
mdßißl ¥IKh jeä fjñka mj;sk f.da,Sh WIaK;ajh iy yß; jdhQka ys jeäùu wmf.a wkd.; meje;aug ;¾ckhla fjñka mj;S' wm l=vd rgl Ôj;a jQj;a f.da,Sh mqrjeishka f,i ;ks ;ksj wmf.a mßirh wdrlaId lsÍfï j.lSula wm i;=j mj;S' wmf.a wdydr" wm ñ,g .kakd NdKav yd wm bj;,k øjH hkd§ wm lrkq ,nk ish¿u foa ;=< mdßißl ¥IKhg wm o hï m%udKhl odhl;ajhla ,nd foa'
iajNdúl iïm;a wdrlaId lruq
/f.k mdi,g fyda úYajúoHd,hg hEug jvd ma,diaála j;=r fnda;,hla ñ, § .ekSu myiq hehs Tn is;=j;a" Tn ñ,g .kakd ma,diaála fnda;,h fl<jr jkafka wmøjH n÷kg tl;=ùu ;=<skqhs' tfukau Tn fj<|fmd<g hk úg ; nE.hla /f.k hkafka kï fmd,s;Skaj,ska isÿjk mßir ¥IKh wvq lsÍug Tn;a odhl fjhs' úÿ,s nqnq< ñ,g .kakd úg iS't*a't,a' n,anhla ñ,g .ekSu ;=<ska úÿ,sh kdia;sh wvq lsÍug Tn odhl fjhs' tfukau úÿ,s WmlrK ñ,g .ekSfï § tajd fl;rï ÿrg Yla;sh ld¾hlaIuj Ndú; lrkafka o hkak fidhd n,d ñ,g .ekSug jeo.;a' fuf,i Tn .kakd ksjerÈ ;SrK ;=<ska È.= ld,Skj Tng uqo,a b;sß lr .; yels w;ru mßirh iq/lSug odhlùug;a yels jkq we;'
iajNdúl iïm;a iïnkaOj wmf.a wdl,amh úh hq;af;a yels muK tajd wdrlaId lsÍuhs'
bj;,k le<s li< ms<sn| ±kqj;a jkak
wkjYH úÿ,s mxld ksjd oukakd fia ldurfhka kslau hk úg úÿ,s nqnq¿ ksjd ±óu jeks mKsúvh wmg ksrka;rj ,eî ;sfí' kuq;a wo Tn tf,i isÿ l<d±hs u|la fufkys lrkak' iuyr úg Tng wu;l jQjd úh yel' tfia;a ke;skï fjk flfkl= th lrkjd hehs Tn is;=jd o fjkak mq¿jks' fuf,i wm isÿ l< hq;= j.lSï bgq fkdlsÍu ;=,ska isÿ jkafka jákd iïm;a kdia;sùula muKhs' mßir yjq,la ixúOdkh lrkak
Tn /jq, lmk úg j;=r lrduh wer ;eîu ;=<ska fyda o;a uÈk úg j;=r lrduh wer ;eîu ;=<ska wmg iajNdjO¾uh ,ndÿka msßisÿ c,h wmf;a heùula isÿ lrkjd fkao@ wmf;a hdu wvq lsÍu yd tuÕska iajNdúl iïm;a iq/lSu ;=<ska Tng mßir ys;ldój Èú f.úug yelshdj ,efnkq we;'
bj;a lsÍug m%:u Tnf.a le<s li< fudkjd±hs u|la úuis,su;a jkak' Tn bj; ouk foa .ek Tng mqÿu isf;aú' we;af;kau fuf,i bj;a jk foaj,g fya;=j wjYH m%udKh blaujd t<j¿ m<;=re jeks oE ñ,g .ekSu fyda tajd ksis f,i .nvd fkdlsÍu úh yelsh' tfia;a ke;skï Tn ñ,g f.k we;af;a Tng we;af;kau wkjYH fohla úh yelsh' fuf,i bj;,k øjH mÍlaIdj uÕska wkd.;fha § tjka jerÈ uÕyrjd .ekSug ±kqj;a úh yels fiau wmøjH neyer jk le<s li< m%udKh wvq lr .ekSug;a yels jkq we;' ;Kfld<" .iaj, fld< yd w;= fukau iuyr wdydr øjHhka fldïfmdaiaÜ njg m;a lsÍu ;=<ska Tfí f.j;a; i|yd wjYH fmdfydr idod .ekSug Tng mq¿jk'
mßir ys;ldó NdKav ñ,g .kak
Tn Ôj;ajk jgmsgdj msßisÿj ;nd .kak
NdKav ñ,g .ekSfï § mßir ys;ldó NdKav ñ,g .ekSug wÈgka lr .kak' f.oßka j;=r
Tnf.a f.j;a; msßisÿj ;nd .kak' ;Kfld< fjkqjg u,a fyda t<j¿" m<;=re .ia j.d
uq,ska mejiQ mßÈ" mßir ys;ldñ;ajh wmf.a Ôjk rgdj yd ine\qkq fohla' ksjerÈ ;SrK .ekSu ;=<ska wm fjfik f,dj iq/lSug Tn;a odhl jkak'
mßir ys;ldój Ôj;aùu hkq wmf.a Ôjk rgdj iïnkaOj isÿ lrkq ,nk l=vd fjkialï ;=<ska wm Ôj;ajk mßirhg buy;a n,mEula we;s lsÍuhs'
lrkak' wjldYh ;sfí kï yels muK ;=re,;d jjkak' tfukau fj<|fmdf<ka ñ,g .kakd m<d fjkqjg f.j;af;a m<d j.d lsÍu uÕska ridhk øjHj,ska f;dr kejqï fld< j¾. wdydrhg tla lr .ekSug Tng yels fõ'
Tnf.a iïm;a fnod .kak fyd| WodyrKhla kï Tng;a Tnf.a hy¿jka fyda mjqf,a whg;a fjk fjku jdyk ;sfí kï jdyk lsysmhl hkjd fjkqjg udrefjka udrejg tla jdykhl yjqf,a .uka l< yelsh' tfukau Tn fj<|fmd<g hk úg Tnf.a wi,ajeishdg wjYH NdKav Tjqka fjkqfjka ñ, § .ekSu ;=<ska Tjqkag fjku tys hEug isÿùu j<lajd .; yels w;ru Tn w;r ñ;= ou o ;j;a Yla;su;a jkq we;'
mßir ys;ldñka tlaj mßirh fjkqfjka úúO jevigyka ixúOdkh lrhs' tf,i Tng;a Tnf.a kE ys;ñ;=rka yd tlaj mßir iq/lSfï ixúOdkhla idod ta ;=,ska fjr< fyda Tnf.a m%foaYh msßisÿ lsÍfï jevigyka ixúOdkh l< yelsh' tfukau Tn Ôj;ajk m%foaYfha fyda Tnf.a mdif,a fyda jevlrk ia:dkfha mßirh iq/lSu ms<sn|j ±kqj;a lsÍfï jevigyka o Tng meje;aúh yelsh' we;af;kau Tn jeks mßirhg we,aula we;s mqoa.,hka lsysm fofkl= tla jqjfyd;a isÿ l< yels fiajh ms<sn|j Tn;a mqÿuhg m;a fõú'
Importance of
technical education By Nalin Goonewardene
updating technical documentation, and generally assisting their principal engineer or team.
Traditionally, educational institutes and parents worldwide have focussed on post-secondary education leading to a degree. Hence, the value of vocational or technical education has not been appreciated. Within the Construction Industry, sustainability of environment, escalating costs and general advances in technology have lead to new ways of working, with new materials and processes that address these issues. The net result is change in the work place where an increased demand is being placed on capabilities of the work force. At the same time, educational institutes will upgrade their course content to include educational and training material in line with these changes. The demand is for highly skilled and well qualified graduates and post graduates, with an even greater demand for the next level of so-called "mid-skill' level as well as for the semiskilled. The mid-skill level likes to work in active engagement, having both practical and theoretical knowledge partially gained through vocational or technical education. Such people have the potential to enjoy higher earnings and more job and advancement opportunities for which they will need to have additional training and qualifications. For example take Engineering Assistants. In general, their tasks include creating project scheduling and tracking spreadsheets, providing engineering drawings, writing and
Currently, they would need a minimum of 3 years experience on top of qualifications such as NDT, HNDE, NCT etc, to gain employment at top companies. The industry needs these people to acquire more knowledge and education provided by civil engineering degree level programmes to fill the gap to semi-skilled level by understanding and utilizing new technologies associated with engineering functions. Take another example of Draughtsmen. In general, they take ideas, sketches and concepts from designers and turn them into detailed, accurate final drawings using computer-aided design software, primarily AutoCAD. To take advantage of demand, they need to expand their skill levels for example into other related IT subjects like storage/ retrieval of drawings from databases and transmitting drawings over networks. Additional areas could be in how to make ‘electronic sense’ of data and search data to find specific information in line with the latest IT developments in ‘Big’ Data. There is also a great demand for 'qualified' semi-skilled people who need to take advantage of opportunities coming up. Many craftsmen are skilled at their jobs through informal training and apprenticeships but have no formally recognized qualifications. Hence, employers cannot appreciate their skill level. Formal qualifications would change this as employers can be certain about knowledge associated with such qualifications.
The National Apprenticing and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) in Sri Lanka offer a very valuable method to move them on to formal qualifications. This consists of an assessment and testing process to recognize prior learning, establishing the extent to which competencies have been achieved against relevant National Skills Standard within the NVQ framework. Gaps identified are covered by courses for credit transfer, which can lead to a full NVQ Certificate recognized within the construction industry. This certificate opens a path leading to a National Diploma, Higher Diploma or degree level qualifications for those interested. Whichever level of skill you possess, you will need to be able to: • use critical thinking, innovation, and problem solving skills • make use of effective communication and collaboration skills • demonstrate a minimum level of industry-specific technical skills, in addition to formal qualifications. Now is the time to make your decisions and take appropriate action.
The mid-skill level likes to work in active engagement, having both practical and theoretical knowledge partially gained through vocational or technical education
;dlaIKsl wOHdmkh jeo.;a wehs @ igyk k,ska .=Kj¾Ok mßj¾;kh Y%Skd;a úchl=udr úisks
iïm%odhla f,i f,dalfha iEu ;eklu fouõmshka iy wOHdmksl wdh;k ;u wjOdkh fhduq lr we;af;a Wmdêh olajd úysÿkq mYapd;a oaú;Shsl wOHdmkhlgh' tjeks ;;ajhl§ jD;a;Sh iy ;dlaIKsl wOHdmkh i|yd we;s ms<s.ekSu iqÿiq uÜgul fkdmj;S' mßirfha ;sridr;ajh iy jeä jk msßjeh jeks bÈlsÍï l¾udka;h ;=, mj;sk .eg¿ yd wNsfhda. hka ch .ekSug ;dlaIKfha m%.ukh fya;=fjka kj øjH iy l%shdj,shka ìysù we;' tu ksid jeä YlH;djhka we;s Y%uh ioyd b,a¨u jeäfjñka mj;S' fuhg iu.dój wOHdmksl wdh;k ;u mdGud,djkag fuu wOHdmksl iy mqyqKq úIhka wka;¾.; lsÍug lghq;= lr we;' mqyqKq jQ iy iqÿiqlï,;a WmdêOdÍkag by, b,a¨ula we;s w;r" thg jeä b,a¨ula Bg miq ;,fha isák w¾O iy uOHu mqyqKq Y%ñlhkag we;' ;dlaIKsl iy jD;a;Shuh jYfhka w¾O iqÿiqlï ,o fuu uOHu mqyqKq Y%ñlhka l%shdldÍ ld¾hhka j, fh§ug jeä leue;a;la olajhs' jeäÿr mqyqKqùï iy wu;r iqÿiqlï ,nd.ekSu u.ska fudjqkag jdisodhl m%;s,dN fukau /lshdfõ jeä m%.;shla <Õd lr.; yel' WodyrKhla f,i bxðfkare iydhl" jD;a;sh .;fyd;a Tjqkaf.a idudkH ld¾hhka jkqfha jHdmD;s jevigyka ieliSu" me;=reï m;a hdj;ald, lsÍu" bxðfkare is;a;ï lsÍu" ;dlaIKsl f,aLk ,sùu yd hdj;ald, lsÍu iy m%Odk bxðfkarejrhdg fyda lKavdhug idudkH ld¾hhka i|yd iyh ùu jeks lghq;=h' fuu w¾O mqyqKq Y%ñlhka yg m%uqL fmf,a wdh;khl
/lshdjlg hdug NDT, HNDE fyda NCT jeks iqÿiqlï j,g wu;r wju jYfhka jir 03 m<mqreoaola ;sìh hq;=fõ' kj ;dlaIKh;a iu. lghq;= l<yels mßÈ isú,a bxðfkare Wmdê mdGud,djka yodrk w¾O mqyqKq Y%ñlhka fuu l¾udka;hg wjYHj we;' ;j;a WodyrKhla f,i ie,iqïlrK (Draughtsman) jD;a;sh .;yel' Tjqyq ie,iqï ks¾udKlrejdf.a woyia" ixl,am iy iels,a, u; mokïj AutoCAD jeks ks¾udK uDÿldx. Ndú;fhka wjika ks¾udK ie,iqu ilia lr;s' Tjqkaf.a ±kqu iy yelshdjka o;a; .nvd lsÍu iy ,nd.ekSu" cd, yryd ie,iqï f;dr;=re iïfm%aIKh jeks f;dr;=re ;dlaIKsl lafIa;% yg mq¿,a lsÍfuka m%;s,dN ,nd.; yel' o;a; iïnkaO bf,lafg%dksl wjfndaOh fyj;a ixlS¾K f;dr;=re f.dkq ;=,ska f;dr;=re fiùu iy ksh; f;dr;=re ,nd.ekSu wu;r yelshdjla f,i ±laúh yel' iqÿiqlï ,o w¾O-mqyqKq Y%ñlhska ygo b;d by, b,a¨ula mj;S' ±kg fuu l¾udka;h ;=, isák fndfyda Ys,amSka ksmqK;djh ,ndf.k we;af;a úêu;a iqÿiqlï j,ska fkdjk w;r wNHdi,dNs;ajh iy wjêu;a mqyqKqùu jeks wjêu;a l%u u.sks' tu ksid Tjqkaf.a ksmqK;d uÜgu fiajd fhdaclhka yg uek .ekSug fkdyels ù we;' úêu;a iqÿiqlï ,nd.ekSfuka fiajd fhdaclhka yg fuu Ys,amSkaf.a ±kqu iy iqÿiqlï ksYaph lr .ekSug myiq jkq we;' cd;sl wdOqksl;aj iy ld¾ñl mqyqKq wêldßh (NAITA) fujeks Ys,amSka yg úêu;a iqÿiqlï ,nd .;yels l%u i,id we;' cd;sl l=i,;d m%ñ;Ska ;=, isáñka fudjqka fmr wOHhkhka u.ska ±kg
,nd we;s ksmqK;djhka ;lafiare lsÍfï iy mÍlaId lsÍfï l%shdj,shla isÿlrhs' y÷kd.;a wvqmdvq iy mr;rhka mdGud,d u.ska wdjrKh lrk w;r tu.ska bÈlsÍï l¾udka;hg wod, ms,s.;a mQ¾K NVQ iy;sl m;a ,nd§u isÿlrkq ,nhs' fuu.ska cd;sl ämaf,daud by, ämaf,daud" fyda fyda Wmdê uÜgula olajd ux fm;a fy,s lr.; yel' Tn l=uk iqÿiqlï ;;ajhl isáh;a my; yelshdjka Tn i;= lr.; hq;=h' úpdrd;aulj is;Su" kfjda;amdokh iy .eg¿ úi§u" M,odhS ikaksfõokh iy iyfhda.s;ajh ms,n| yelshdj" úêu;a iqÿiqlïj,g wu;rj wju jqj;a meyeÈ,s" lafIa;%hg wod, ;dlaIKsl yelshdj' ksis l%shdj ksis fõ,djg lsÍu ;=,ska jD;a;sh ÈhqKqj ,nd.ekSug ±ka Tng wjia:dj t<U we;'
njhopyE ; l;gf;fy;ta p d p ; Kf;fpaj;Jtk jkpopy; -
espd; FztHj;jd jkpopy; Rg;igahmD\d;
ghuk;gupakhfNt ngw;NwhUk; fy;tp epWtdq;fSk; gl;lg;gbg;gpidg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;tjw;fhf ghlrhiyf; fy;tpf;F mLj;J Nkw;nfhs;Sk; caH fy;tpf;Fg; ghupa Kf;fpaj;Jtk; mspj;jpUf;fpd;wdH. mjdhy; xU Fwpg;gpl;l njhopy; rhHe;j my;yJ njhopy; El;gk; rhHe;j fy;tpahdJ Cf;Ftpf;fg; gltpy;iy vdyhk;. fl;Lkhdj; njhopYf;Fs; #oypd; Ngz;jifik> nryTf; fl;Lg;ghL cs;spl;l Kd;Ndw;wq;fs; Gjpa rpe;jidfSf;Fk; nraw;ghLfSf;Fk; tpj;jpl;Ls;sd. ,jd; tpisthf jw;NghJ> Ntiyj; jsq;fspy; jpwd;fSf;F Vw;whw; Nghd;W gzpahsHfSf;fhd Nfs;tp mjpfupj;Jtpl;lJ. mNj rkak; fy;tp epWtdq;fSk; ,jw;Nfw;wthW jkJ fy;tp KiwfisAk; gapw;rp newpfisAk; khw;wpaikf;Fk;. rpwe;j NjHr;rp cilatHfSf;F mjpf Nfs;tp fhzg;gLk; mNj Ntis> mjpAaH NjHr;rpAlatHfSf;F kpf mjpfkhd Nfs;tp fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. njhopy; rhHe;j kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g fy;tpapD}L fpilf;fg;ngWk; nraw;ghL rhHe;j kw;Wk; Nfhl;ghL rhHe;j mwptpidf; nfhz;L gFjpahd NjHr;rpAilatHfs; rk;ge;jg;gl;l njhopy;fspy; <Lgl tpUk;GthHfs;. ,tHfSf;F Nkyjpfkhd gapw;rp toq;fq;fg;gLk; NghJ Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhd tha;g;Gf;fs; mjpfupf;fpd;wd. cjhuzj;jpw;F nghwpapay; cjtpahsHfis vLj;Jf; nfhz;lhy; nghJthf jpl;lq;fis tifg;gLj;jy;> tpupjhs;fisf; fz;fhzpj;jy;> nghwpapay; tiuGfis toq;Fjy;> njhopy;El;gj; jfty;fisg; GJg;gpj;jy; kw;Wk; jiyik nghwpapayhsUf;F
cjtp nra;jy; Nghd;w Ntiyfisr; nra;thH. jw;Nghija epiyapy; rpwe;j fk;gdpfspy; cj;jpNahfj;jpidg; ngw mtHfSf;F 3 tUl mDgtj;Jld; NDT, HNDE, NCT Nghd;w caH jfikfs; Njitg;gLfpd;wd. Gjpa njhopy; El;gq;fisg; gad;gLjypd; %yKk; mJ njhlHghd mwptpidg; ngWjy; %yKk; NkYk; fl;blg; nghwpapay; gl;lg; gbg;gpD}lhff; fpilf;fg; ngWk; mwptpd; %yKk; gFjpahd NjHr;rpAlatHfspd; kl;lj;jpw;F ,tHfis caHj;Jjy; ,j;njhopypd; Njitahf khwptpl;lJ. ,d;ndhU cjhuzkhf tiuG epGzHfis vLj;Jf; nfhz;lhy;> nghJthf ,tHfs;> Xtpaq;fs;> vz;zf; fUf;fs;> kw;Wk; rpe;jidfs; vd;gtw;iw tbtikg;ghsHfsplk; ,Ue;J ngw;Wf; nfhs;thHfs;. mjd; gpd; mtw;iw fzpdp nkd;nghUl;fspd; cjtpapD}L tpupthd> rupahd> ,Wjp tiuGfshf khw;wpaikg;ghHfs;. Fwpg;ghf Auto CAD nkd;nghUs; ,jw;Fg; gad;gLk;. njhopw; re;ijf; Nfs;tpapid eptHj;jp nra;tjw;fhf ,tHfs; jq;fspd;> NjHr;rpfisAk;> jpwikfisAk; tsHj;Jf; nfhs;tJ mtrpakhfpwJ. cjhuzj;jpw;F> Vida fzpdp tplaq;fshd juTj; jsq;fspy; tiuGfis Nrkpj;jy; my;yJ kPsg; ngWjy;> tiuGfis tiyj; jsq;fSf;F flj;Jjy; vd;gtw;iwf; Fwpg;gplyhk;. Nkyjpf gug;ghf> juTfspy; vt;thW ,yj;jpudpay; mwptpid Vw;gLj;Jjy; Nghd;w jpwd;fisf; Fwpg;gplyhk;. tha;g;Gf;fisg; gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;s jahuhftpUf;Fk; jifikAila gFjpahd NjHr;rpahsHfspw;fhd mjpf Nfs;tp epyTfpd;wJ. epiwa
ifj;njhopyhsHfs;> gpugykhd jifikfs; VJkpy;yhky; jq;fSila gzpfspypUe;J fpilf;fngWk; mDgtj;ijAk; jpwikiaAk; nfhz;Nl gzpahw;WfpwhHfs;. ,jdhy; Ntiy toq;FdHfs; NjHr;rp kl;lj;jpid rw;Wf; FiwthfNt kjpg;gpLfpwhHfs;. MfNt mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l jfikfs; ,e;epiyia khw;wp mtHfspd; NjHr;rpf;F mHj;jj;jpid nfhLf;Fk;. ,yq;ifapd; Njrpa njhopy; fw;if kw;Wk; njhopy; gapw;rp mjpfhu rig (NAITA) jfikfisg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;tjw;fhd rpwe;j topnahd;wpid toq;FfpwJ. ,J Vw;fdNt fw;wtw;iw kjpg;gPL nra;J Nrhjidf;F cl;gLj;JfpwJ. ,J NVQ fl;likg;Gf;Fl;gl;l Njrpa NjHr;rp kl;lj;jpid cWjp nra;fpwJ. ntw;wplq;fis nghUj;jkhd fw;if newpfs; Clhf epug;Gtjd; %yk; fl;Lkhdj; njhopypy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l KOikahd NVQ rhd;wpjio ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;. ,r;rhd;wpjohdJ Njrpa gl;lak;> caH gl;lak;> my;yJ gl;lj; jifikfSf;F topNfhYk;. ePq;fs; ngw;Wf; nfhs;Sk; NjHr;rpahjhf ,Ug;gpDk;> ePq;fs;. jpwdha;T nra;gtuhfTk;> Gj;jhf;f rpe;jid cilatuhfTk;> gpur;rpidfis jPHf;f $ba jpwik ngw;wtuhf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. tpidj;jpwdhd njhlHghliyf; nfhz;bUg;gNjhL xj;Jiof;ff; $batuhfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.jfikfNshL NrHj;J njhopy; rk;ge;j;jg;gl;l njhopy; El;gj;jpwd;fis ntspg;gLj;jf; $batuhf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. ,J cq;fSf;fhd jPHkhdq;fis vLj;J rupahd eltbf;iffis vLg;gjw;fhd Neuk;.
Making effective
new year resolutions By Kusum Nandika Gunawardena
A new year is here with us. At the start of previous year, you may have made one or more new year resolutions. Now is the time to look back at those resolutions and see if you have actually achieved them. This is of course possible if you remember them in the first place! Most of us make resolutions in good faith and try to work towards achieving them. However, in the ensuing months you loose focus and sometimes simply forget about them towards the end of the year. You should look back at what you did and how you performed to develop yourself personally, academically or professionally. You should make a list of your successes and failures. Failing to achieve your new year resolutions may be a failure listed and may even be the only failure of the year for you. This means that you have not been realistic when setting your new year resolutions and that you have not been able to correctly identify what your achievements need to be at the start of the year. So, as a new year has just dawned itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best to take this experience and come up with simple yet effective new year resolutions for 2014. Making the new year resolutions simple and attainable, focussing on few areas may be a better approach. It would help you to improve your weaknesses and build strength to achieve your life dreams. For example if you are weak in English you can have a resolution to learn one new English word per day including its meaning, application and pronunciation. To this end you could watch one English news bulletin on TV each day or read a section of a newspaper that you have a special interest in such as sports,
business news or world news. This way you are not only achieving your target of learning a new word everyday but also you will get more familiarized with how sentences are constructed and grouped together to form articles or in case of watching TV, how to correctly pronounce and group words together to speak meaningfully in English. The same way you could improve your Mathematics or any other subject that you are weak at. One good way to make effective resolutions is to have a limited set of resolutions that would help you to focus better. One could actually limit it to two resolutions per year; one for personal development and one for academic/ career development. A personal goal can be to improve English language skills or save a small amount each month or to lead a healthier life style. Academic goals can be to obtain better grades than last year or setting targets to complete a professional educational course. A career goal can be to develop new skills important for a job or improving soft skills or even some things simpler such as trying to come at least 15 minutes early and leave 15 minutes later than usual times to complete daily tasks on same day and thereby avoid delays. New year resolutions if effectively formulated and efficiently followed will help you to focus on your personal and professional development and provide you confidence to achieve your life goals. It will continuously help you, year after year to better your self and make you a more successful person in life. Think well and plan well for the new year and make your self a shining star in year 2014.
Making the new year resolutions simple and attainable, focussing on few areas may be a better approach. It would help you to improve your weaknesses and build strength to achieve your life dreams
kj jif¾ l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
tu ksidu kj jirla t<ô fï fudfydf;a jißka ,;a w;a±lSï Wmfhda.S lrf.k 2014 jir i|yd M,odhS ir, b,lal f;dard .ekSu isÿ l< hq;=h' kj jir ±ka t<U we;' jir wdrïNfha § kj jir i|yd b,lalhka tlla fyda lsysmhla Tn isÿ l<djkakg mq¿jks' ±ka tu b,lalhka kej;;a wdj¾ckh lr tajd bgq lr .;a;d±hs fufkys lsÍug Tng yelshs' we;eï úg ta b,lalhka fudkjd±hs hkak mjd fï jk úg Tng wu;l ù ;sfnkakg mq¿jk' wm fndfyda fofkla fujeks b,lalhka id¾:l lr .ekSug wdrïNfha § fjfyikjd' kuq;a kj jif¾ udi lsysmhla .sh l< l%u l%ufhka ta i|yd l%shd lsÍu w;miq ù f.dia jir wjik tu b,lal u;lfhkq;a .s,syShEu ks;r isÿ fõ' f.ù .sh jif¾ § jD;a;Suh jYfhka fyda wOHdmksl jYfhka Tn <Õd lr .;a id¾:l m%;sM, yd wid¾:l;ajhka ,ehsia;= .; lsÍu jeo.;ah' kj jif¾ we;s lr.;a b,lal wid¾:lùu Tnf.a ,ehsia;=fõ ;sfnk tla wid¾:l;ajhla f.jd tlu wid¾:l;ajh o úh yelsh' thska fmkS hkafka Tn kj jif¾ b,lalhka f;dard f.k ;sfnkafka ksishdldrj fkdjk njhs' tfukau Tnf.a id¾:l;ajhka foi ne¨jfyd;a jir uq, § tajd
Tnf.a b,lalhka ir, yd <Õdúh yels tajd úh hq;=hs' tfukau ;u ÿ¾j,;djhka uÕyrjd .ekSug;a olaI;d ;jÿrg;a j¾Okh lr .ekSug;a tajd fhdod .; hq;=h' WodyrKhla f,i Tn bx.%Sis NdIdjg ÿ¾j, kï Tng .; yels tla b,lalhla jkqfha kj jif¾ È iEu Èklu tl kj bx.S%is jpkhla bf.k tys f;areu" Ndú;h yd Yío .ekaùu wd§ ish¿ wxYhka fyd¢ka f;areï .eksuhs' fï i|yd ffokslj tl bx.%Sis m%jD;a;s jevigykla keröu fyda bx.%Sis mqj;am;l l%Svd" jHdmdr f;dr;=re" úfoaY f;dr;=re úk Tn leu;s hï ud;Dldjla Tiafia m<uq mqj;a lshùu isÿ l< yelsh' fï ;=<ska ojilg Tn tl kj bx.%Sis jpkhla bf.k .kakjd muKla fkdj jdlH f.dvke.Su ms<sn|j;a ta ;=<ska m%jD;a;s jd¾;d f.dvkexfjk wdldrh;a W.; yelsh' tfukau rEmjdysks jevigyka keröu ;=<ska jpk Yío kÕk ksjerÈ wdldrh;a jpk .,md l:d lrk ksjerÈ wdldrh;a bf.k .; yelshs' uf,iu Tn ÿ¾j, .Ks;h jeks fjk;a ´kEu úIhhla jeä ÈhqKq lr .ekSug kj jifrys wêIaGdkh lr .; yelsh' kj wjqreÿ b,lalhka id¾:l lr .ekSug Wmldr jk ;j;a
lreKla kï b,lalhka .Kk iSñ;j ;nd .ekSuhs' fyd|u foa kï f;dard .;a b,lal tlla fyda folla muKla ;nd .ekSuhs' tuÕska tla fyda folla muKla ;nd .ekSuhs' thska tla b,lalhla fm!oa.,sl b,lalhka o úh yelsh' bx.%Sis NdIdj jeä ÈhqKq lr .ekSug udislj hï uqo,la b;sß lr .ekSu fyda fmrg jvd fi!LH iïmkak Ôú;hla .; lsÍu fm!oa.,sl b,lalhkag WodyrKhhs' fmr jirg jvd hï j¾Ihla i|yd ,l=Kq jeä lr .ekSu fyda wOHdmksl iqÿiqlula ,nd .ekSu wOHdmksl b,lalj,g WodyrK jk w;r wka;¾ ikaksfõok ksmqK;d jeäÈhqKq lsÍu fyda kj ksmqK;d ,nd .ekSu fyda tfia;a ke;skï úkdä 15la l,ska jevg meñK úkdä 15la miqj jev lsÍu ;=<ska jev l<g fõ,djg ksu lsÍu jeks ir, b,lalhka jD;a;Sh b,lalj,g WodyrK f,i .; yelsh' fuf,i kj wjqreÿ b,lal fyd¢ka f;dard .eksu ;=<ska Tnf.a fm!oa.,sl" wOHdmksl yd jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqjg WmldÍ jk w;ru b,lal imqrd .ekSug wjYH wd;au úYajdih o Tng ,nd foa' tfukau jißka jir fmrg jvd olaI" id¾:l mqoa.,hl=ùug;a th Tng WmldÍ fõ' fyd|ska is;d" fyd¢ka ie,iqï lr b,lal.; lghq;= lsÍu ;=<ska Wod jQ 2014 kj jir ;=< Tn Èÿ,k ;rejla njg m;aùug W;aidy .kak'
No. 08, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.
ms<sn|j;a Tng ksis jegySula fkd;snqK nj meyeÈ,shs'
b,lalhka iM, lr .ksuq
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