Vol. 03 No. 04
July- Sep 2013
Rs. 200/-
Registered in the Department of Posts of Sri Lanka under No. QD/18/News/2013
Pg. 12
Pg. 44
Careers A passion to create well-being
Pg. 24
Pg. 40
Think afresh Pg. 48
fzzp epuyhf;f nkhopfs;
Pg. 54
fyolug wjYH úYajdikSh msßila
FOr; nraw;ghL
iafõÉPd fiajh
Mrs. Sujatha Gunawardana
Endorsed by the Ministry of Education
Contents 40. HR
jir ueo EDEX EXPO m%o¾Ykh............04
06. Pinnacle IT
Bringing hope to lives ..........................06 Ôú;hg kj wre;la................................08 tho;f;ifapy; ek;gpf;iffis nfhz;LtUjy; .......................................10
12. Careers
A passion to create well-being ...........12
fndfyda fofkl=g wd.ka;=l jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj..................................................14
Medical laboratory technologists and scientists ........................................16
ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ka iy úoHd{hka ........................................18 kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; tpQ;Qhdpfs;............................................................20
FOr; nraw;ghL;........................................40
Kamal Abeysinghe Chairman
41. Education The exciting healthcare industry..........41 An investment for life............................42
Pharmacist : A professional to trust....26 Careers Chart........................................28 Caring for the vision of others ............30 Alternative medical health careers......32 A career in radiography........................34 eNdh njhopy;El;gKk; vjpHfhyKk;;!............. 35 Empowering life by empowering your career ............................................36
Education is a life long affair and is also a year round process, one we may call a 365 day affair. There are no particular seasons in a year, within which only that education is talked about. It also the same for one’s career. Career development occurs right around the clock, with possibilities for opportunities to emerge at anytime.
Think afresh and save on your bill.......44 #uparf;jp %ykhd kpd;gpwg;ghf;fKk; mjd; mj;jpahtrpaKk;; ...........................45
48. IT
fzzp epuyhf;f nkhopfs;........................48
That is one compelling reason for EDEX, the decade long national educational and careers expo which usually opens its doors in January to launch a mid year version, to serve our nation’s youth better. Our youth are now increasingly becoming aware of diverse career options available. They are also becoming more rapid thinkers, making vital decisions early. The trend of awaiting one’s advanced level examination results is now changing, with many students, parents and teachers preferring to make career decisions soon after completion of exam. A responsible platform that delivers quality information soon after advanced level examinations had been a long felt need for sometime now. Though there are various mushrooming entities with expos that deliver fancy imitation jewellery through ‘educational and careers expos’, there existed a vacuum for a responsible national platform. EDEX Mid year Expo intends to fill that vacuum, with unmatched quality that is synonymous with EDEX. It is launched for your convenience, to empower you to make early decisions in your life, soon after facing the advanced level examinations.
Nandun Fernando Editor
M. Kanapathipillai Editorial Consultant Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan Assistant Editor Nirojini Kanapathipillai Kusum Nandika Gunawardhane Editorial Assistants Deepal Malalasekara Graphic/Page Layout Designer
50. Youth All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ..............................................50 Productive use of youth energy through volunteerism............................52
iafõÉPd fiajh ;=<ska ;reK cjh M,odhS f,i Ndú;h.................................54 njhz;lh; NritapD}lhf ,isQh; rf;jpapid gad;gLj;jy; ..........................56
wOHdmkh hkq mqoa.,hl= yd ksn|j Èúh mqrd ne§ ;sfnkakla' we;af;kau Èk 365 l wLKav wOHdmkhla wms Èúh mqrdu ,nkjd' j¾Ihl§ wOHdmkh tl >D;=jlg muKla iSud l, yelalla fkdfõ' tl >D;=jl§ muKla l;dny jkaklao fkdfõ' tksihs wOHdmkh Èk 365 l wLKav w;a±lSula jkafka' fuu lreK flfkl=f.a jD;a;sh iïnkaOjo w;sk; neo.kakla' jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqjo wOHdmkh fuka uq¿ jir mqrd wLKavj isÿjkakla' jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqjg we;s wjia:d lskï fudfyd;l u;=fõ ±hs lsj fkdyelalla' fuu m%n, fya;=j ksidu ;uhs idudkHfhka ckjdßfha l< t,s nisk ,xldfõ m%uqL;u yd §¾>;u wOHdmk yd jD;a;Sh m%o¾Ykh jk EDEX EXPO m%o¾YKh fuu jif¾§ ,dxlSh ;reKHhg fiajdjla f,i jir ueo m%o¾Ykhla mj;ajkq ,nkafka' wmf.a ;reK ;reKshka úúO jQ jD;a;Sh wjia:djka j, fmrg jvd fyd| wjfndaOhlska isák nj lsj hq;=hs' tfukau fuu wjfndaOh ksidu Tjqka jeo.;a ;SrK blauKska fydÈka ys;dn,d .kakd mqoa.,hska njg m;aj ;sfnkjd' Wiia fm, m%ÓM, ,efnk f;la lsisjla fkdlr n,disàfï mqreoao ±ka fjkiafjñka mj;skjd' fndfya YsIHhska" foudmshka iy .=rejreka úNd.h wjika jkjd;a iuÕu ;u wkd.; jD;a;sh ms,sn|j ;SrK .ekSfï m%jK;djhla ±ka we;sù ;sfnkjd' tu ksidu jD;a;Shuh jYfhka jeo.;ajk lreKq ldrKd ±k.; yels fydo mokula imhk uQ,dY%hla fuu ld,hg fkdue;s ùu §¾> ld,hla ;siafia ;snqKq m%YaKhla" wjYH;djla' ;ek ;ek y;= msfmkakdfia fuu ld,hg ysi Tijk m%o¾YKhka ,xldj mqrd mej;sh;a tjeks msg Tmhg muKla iSudjQ m%o¾yKhkaf.ka Tíng f.dia ienE fiajdjla úfYaIfhkau Wiia fm, úNd.hg fmkSisá YsIH YsIHdjkag ,ndfok cd;sl uÜgfï j.lSula iys; m%o¾Ykhl wvqj fï olajd mej;sks' EDEX j¾I uOH m%o¾Ykh fuu mdvqj imqrd §ug;a tu.ska EDEX ku yd ne§ mj;sk woaú;Sh ;;aj iy;slh ,dxlSh ;dreKHhg ,nd§ug;a wm ;SrKh lf<uq' Tnf.a myiqj Wfoid Wiia fm, úNd.h yodrd Tn ;ksju fomhska ke.sg Ôú;fha kj w;a±lSï j,g uqyqK§ug iqodkï jk wjia:dfõ§ Tnj ksjerÈ ;SrK j,g n, .ekaùu Wfoid EDEX j¾I udOH m%o¾YKh fujr m%:u jrg l<t,s olskq we;'
Abhaya Amaradasa Consultant
Sharlene de Chickera Manager - Career Services
44. Green
kUe;jfk; : ek;gfj;jd;ik kpf;f xU njhopy;.. 22
T!IOfõ§ka( fyolug wjYH úYajdikSh msßila.....................................24
Published by EDEX Secretariat RCU Skills Centre Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail: magazine@edex.lk
Mrphpak; fy;tpahdJ xU tho;f;fif tptfhuk; MFk;. xU Mz;L Rw;W nrad;Kiwahifahy; ,jid 365 ehs; tptfhuk; vd;Wk; $w KbAk;. xU Mz;by; ve;j Fwpg;gpl;l gUtj;jpYk; fy;tp gw;wp kl;Lk; fijf;fg;gLtJ fpilahJ. ,J xUthpd; njhopw; Jiwf;Fk; Vw;GilajhFk;. ve;j Neuj;jpYk; tha;g;Gfs; fpilf;Fk; tifapy; njhopw;Jiw cs;sJ. ,JNt xU jrhg;j fhy ntw;wpia fz;l [dthp khjj;jpy; eilngWk; fy;tp kw;Wk; njhopy; tha;g;G fz;fhl;rpapd; Edex ,id tUl kj;jpa gFjpapy; xOq;F nra;tjw;fhd fhuzk; MFk;. Mjpf mstpy; Ftpe;J fplf;Fk; njhopy; tha;g;Gfs; gw;wp vq;fs; ,isQh;fs; ed;Nw mwpe;Js;shh;fs;. mth;fs; tpiuthf KbntLf;Fk; tpiuthd rpe;jidahsh;fshfp tUfpd;wdh;. cah;ju ghPl;ir KbTfis vjph; ghh;j;J fhj;jpUf;Fk; Kiwik khwp jw;nghOJ> ghPl;irfspd; gpd;dNu njhopy; rk;kge;jkhd KbTfis vLf;FkhW ngw;Nwhh;fshYk; Mrphpah;fshYk; mwpTWj;jg;gLfpd;wdh;. xU nghWg;ghd jskhdJ cah;jug; ghPl;irfspd; gpd;dh; mikf;fg;gl Ntz;ba ,d;iwa fhyj;jpd; Njitahf cs;sJ. fy;tp kw;Wk; njhopy; fz;fhl;rp vd;w Nghh;itapy; fhshd;fis Nghy Kisj;J gy fz;fhl;rpfs; ,Ue;jhYk;> Njrpa mstpyhd xU jsj;jpw;F vd;Wk; ,ilntsp ,Ue;j tz;zk; cs;sJ. Edex I xj;j cah; juj;jpyhd fy;tp fz;fhl;rpahd Edex Midyer Expo %yk; ,e;j ,ilntspia epug;g KbAk;. cq;fs; tho;f;if juj;ij Nkk;gLj;jTk;> KbTfis kpfTk; tpiuthf cah;jug; ghPh;ifspd; gpd;dh; Nkw;nfhs;s trjpahfTk; Edex Midyear Expo Muk;gpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ.
Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.
Read the trilingual e-version @ www.magazine.edex.lk
jir ueo EDEX EXPO m%o¾Ykh Wiia fm< wjika lrk isiq mrmqrg uyÕ= w;aje,la
È,arela o is,ajd ksfhdacH iNdm;s - EDEX
idlÉPd igyk wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks
m% ( EDEX b;sydih yd th wdrïN lsÍug fya;=mdol jQ miqìu .ek hula lsõfjd;a @ EDEX hkq jir oyhlg jvd jeä b;sydihla we;s iÔù l%shdoduhla' wOHdmksl ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajfha Y%S ,dxlSh mqfrda.dóka wmshs' th b;d l=vdjg mgkaf.k mq¿,a f,i jHdma; jQ l%shdj,shla' wo fjkfldg th b;d mq¿,a ±laula yd jmißhlska iukaú; l%shdoduhla f,i úldYKh ù ;sfnkjd' Y%S ,dxlSh wOHdmk fCIa;%fha yd /lshd fj<|mf,a we;s ;s%fldaKsl mr;rh wms ±lafla 1990 ;rï wE; ld,hl§hs' tu mr;rh wms ÿgqfõ mdie,aj,ska msgjk isiqkaf.a wkd.;h ms<sn| mßl,amkh" ksis m%ñ;sfhka hq;= mdGud,d mj;ajk wdh;k yd /lshd fj<|mf,a wjYH;d hk ;=ka wE÷;= wxY w;rhs' ta ú;rla fkdfõ' m%d:ñl wOHdmkfha isg úúO wÈhr j,§ isiqka mdie,a yer hk w;r b;d Nhdkl m%jK;djh olskakg we;af;a oaú;Shl wOHdmkfhka miqjhs' 250"000 muK jk isiqkaf.ka rdcH wxYfha úYaj úoHd, ;=<g Wlyd .kakd b;d iq¿ msßi yerek úg w;suy;a nyq;rhg w;ajk brKu wm tod isg ±lald' iuyr úg úYaj úoHd, ;=<§ mjd isiqka jerÈ f,i mdGud,d f;drd.kakd wjia:d ;snqKd' WodyrKhla f,i l,d Wmdêh yodrd Ñ;% Ys,amh ms<sn| ksmqK;ajh we;s whg b;d wdl¾YKSh fCIa;%hla jk .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh ye±Íug yels nj fkd±k l,d Wmdêhg we;=,;a jQ isiqka wmg yuq Wkd' ksis wjfndaOhla fkdue;slu ksid;a ksis f,i ;u wkd.;h ie,iqï lrfkd.ekSu
ksid;a jk wlr;eínhg hula l< hq;= hehs wm wêIaGdk lr.;a;d' 1990 ld,fha isg rdclSh úoHd,Sh isiqkag ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajh §fï w;a±lSï wmg ;snqKd' ta jf.au fuu l%shdj,shg ish jD;a;Sh ±kqu iy ld,h lem lrkakg úYd, wdÈYsIH msßila wm iu. w;aje,a ne|f.k isáhd' wOHdmk wud;HdxYh" Wiia wOHdmk wud;HdxYh" ;D;Shsl wOHdmk wud;HdYh jeks rdcH wdh;k j,ska ksno iyfhda.h wmg ,enqKd' 2003 § EDEX Wm; isÿjkafka fï mßirh ;=<hs'
m% ( EDEX ys j¾;udk l%shdldß;ajh fln÷o@ ud l,ska i|yka l<d jf.a EDEX hkq yqfola wOHdmksl m%o¾Ykhla fkdfõ' wms wOHdmk m%o¾Yk j, mqfrda.dóka nj we;a;' kuq;a wo EDEX Bg jvd b;d mq¿,a ±laulska l%shd;aul jk tlla' EDEX m%o¾Ykh hkq wmf.a hdka;%Kfha wxY yfhka tlla muKla nj lsj hq;=hs' EDEX Careers hkq isiqkag /lshd fj<|m, y÷kajd fok jevigykla' EDEX Thinkgreen hkq mßirh iu. iyÔjkfhka ;udf.a ÈhqKqj <.dlr .ekSu .ek W.kajk jevigykla' EDEX iÕrdj ,xldfõ .ï okõ isidrd wmf.a mKsjqvh f.k hk NdId ;=fkkau ;=kaudislj m,jk iÕrdjhs' ,xldfõ wE; msáir iuyr mdie,aj,g ndysr f,dalfhka mKsjqvhla f.k hk tlu udOHh fuh nj lsõfjd;a Tn mqÿu fjhs' fudk ;rï wOHdmksl wjia:d
;snqK;a mdie,aj, uQ,sl myiqlï ke;akï isiqkag ±kqu ksismßÈ ,nd . kakg neß fjkjd' LYD ^Tfí isyskh ;=< Ôj;ajkak& u.ska myiqlï wvq mdie,a j,g uQ,sl myiqlï ,nd fokakg wms l%shd lrkjd' rgmqrd úisÍ we;s wju myiqlï we;s mdie,a úYd, .kKlg mqia;ld," mqgq nexl=" f.dvke.s,s wd§ myiqlï wm ,nd § ;sfnkjd' idïm%odhsl wOHdmkhg wu;rj Ñ;%l,dj jeks fohl ksr;ùug Èß .ekaùug EDEX is;=jï u.ska isÿ flfrkjd' fï wkqj Tng f;afrkjd we;s EDEX lshkafka yqfola wOHdmksl
m%o¾Ykhlska Tíng .sh mq¿,a l%shdj,shla nj ,dxlsl YsIH mrmqr by, ;,hlg Tijd ;eîu wmf.a wruqKhs'
m% ( EDEX m%o¾Ykh wfkl=;a wOHdmksl m%o¾Yk j,ska fjkia jkafka flfiao@ wm f.ka miq wOHdmksl m%o¾YK /,a,la we;sù ;sfnk nj we;a;' kuq;a wmf.a m%Odk fjki wm mq¿,a ±laula iys; l%shdj,shla ùuhs' EDEX m%o¾Ykh tys tla wx.hla muKhs' ;j lreKq /ila ug lsj yelshs' wmf.a wruqK uqo,a f.jd bf.k .; yels" uqo,a hyñka we;s whg .e,fmk
mdGud,d m%pdrKh fkdfõ' wm rdcH wxYfha úYaj úoHd," ld¾ñl úoHd," ;D;ShSl wOHdmk wdh;k ish,a, iu. iómj lghq;= lrkjd' wm fuu wdh;kj,g fkdñf,a l=á ,nd fokjd' ;udf.a wkd.; wOHdmk ie,iqï fï ;=< bgqlr.; yelafla flfiao lshd Tjqkag fuys§ ±k.kakg mq¿jka' WodyrKhla f,i rdcH wxYfha úYaj úoHd, yd wfkl=;a wdh;k j, o w¨;ska mdGud,d úYd, jYfhka wdrïN lr ;sfnkjd' mß>Kl úoHdj" f;dr;=re ;dCIKh" fudia;r ks¾udKh" ,Snvq ks¾udKh wd§ mq¿,a mrdihl w¨;a mdGud,d ±ka rdcH úYaj
úoHd,j,go y÷kajd § ;sfnkjd' fï .ek wjfndaOhla ke;s Wfkd;a ;udg we;s jákd wjia:d wysñ ù hkakg bv ;sfnkjd' WodyrKhla f,i miq.sh m%o¾Ykhl§ ug yuq jQ YsIHfhl= mejiqfõ Ôj úoHd úIh Odrdj yodrd fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha f;dr;=re ;dCIKh mdGud,dj yeoEßh yels nj ±k .ekSu u.ska Tyqf.a Ôú;h fjk;a uÕlg .uka l< njhs' th Tyqg ksismßÈ uÕ fmkajQfha ke;akï Tyqg tu wjia:dj wysñ jkakg bv ;snqKd' wfk;a jeo.;a lreK ;uhs m%ñ;sh' wmf.a m%o¾YKhg
meñfKk wdh;k ksis m%ñ;sfhka hq;= wOHdmk mdGud,d imhkjdo hkak wm ks;r fidhd n,kjd' Tn okakjd wOHdmkh lshkafka fj<| NdKavhla' tys úúO m%ñ;sfhka hq;= mdGud,d ;sìh yelshs' l+g jHdmdr o mej;sh yelshs' 100] yels fkdjqK;a tjeks wdh;k wmf.a m%o¾YKhg tau j,lajkak wm Wmßu W;aidy lrkjd' jrla ug u;lhs tla fj<| l=áhla ,nd.;a wdh;khla ;=< ;j;a wdh;khla mj;ajk mdGud,djla m%pdrKh l<d' wm jyd th k;r l<d' ;jo fj<o l=á kej; úl=Kkakg wmfokafka keye' fï u.ska wmf.a .=Kd;aulnj mj;ajd .kakg wm W;aidy lrkjd' ;j;a lreKla kï wm fuu.ska hï ,dNhla ,nkjd kï thska úYd, m%udKhla wmf.a EDEX l%shdoduh Yla;su;aj jHdma; lrkakg m%;s wdfhdackh lrkjd' tu.ska wm iuia; ,dxlsl isiq mrmqrgu úYd, fiajhla i,ikjd'
m% ( EDEX m%o¾Yk w;rg jir ueo EDEX kñka w¨;a m%o¾Ykhla mj;ajkakg woyia lf<a wehs @ Tõ' wms idudkHfhka EDEX m%o¾YKh ckjdß j,§ mj;ajkafka Wiia fm< m%ÓM, j,ska miq isiqka wkd.;h .ek is;kakg mgka .kakjd hk Wml,amkh u;hs' kuq;a Wiia fm<g fmkS isák isiqka w;r úYd, nyq;rhla isákjd úNd.hg jdäù wjikajQ ú.i rdcH úYaj úoHd, fyda wdh;k j,g we;=,;a jkakg woyi w;ayer ouk' WodrKhla f,i wfhla .=jka kshuqfjla jkakg isysk olskjd úh yelshs' Bg wu;rj rdcH wxYfhau
;dCIKsl ksmqK;ajh ,nd.ekSug we;s wdh;k j,g we;=,;ajkakg leu;s who isáh yelshs' ksis mqyqKqjla ,enq fj,aäka lrejka" fïikajreka fyda jvq ndiajrekag w;s úYd, b,a¨ula ;sfnkjd' fláfhka lsõfjd;a wm jir ueo EDEX u.ska n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka Wiiafm< ksujQ miq úl,am wOHdmksl wjia:d ms<sn| leue;a;la olajk isiqka" Tjqkaf.a foudmshka yd .=rejrekag ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajh iemhSuhs'
m% ( th idudkH EXPO m%o¾Ykhg jvd l=vd m%udKfha tlla o@ lsisfia;a keye' th idudkH m%o¾Ykfha .=K rej tf,iu mj;ajdf.k ie,iqï lrkjd' tys ielhla keye' fjki wfma b,lal.; lKavdhu muKhs' kuq;a ud lsj hq;=hs th ksielju iuia; isiq mrmqrg yd foudmshkag uyÕ= w;a±lSula jkq we;s nj' EXPO
m% ( wjidk jYfhka Tng lshkak ;sfnkafka l=ulao @ Tõ' EDEX iún, .kajkafka b;d m,,a yd Wiska hq;= jHdmdr iels,a,la u.ska úYsIaG;u jD;a;slhka úYd, .Kkla thg fkdñf,a Y%u odhl;ajh fokjd' wOHdmksl ud¾f.damfoaYKfha fmr .ukalrejka jkakg wmg yels ù we;af;a ta ksihs' ud iuia; isiq mrmqrg" foudmshkag yd .=re mrmqrg wdrdOkd lrkjd ,nk iema;eïn¾ 14" 15 Èk j, rdclSh úÿy,a mßY%fha meje;afjk jir ueo EXPO m%o¾Ykh krUd ta kjuq w;a±lSu ,nd.kakd f,i'
Bringing hope to lives A career that kindles hope, builds capacities and inculcates a sense of strength among others
After completing my A/Ls, I proceeded to complete a two year Diploma in Occupational Therapy (OT) from the Colombo General Hospital, as it was known then. I completed my one year internship at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) for Children. I belong to the pioneering group of Occupational Therapists in Sri Lanka, and have been serving the LRH for the past 35 years. At the time I joined the field, there were only 4 - 5 Therapists. All of them have qualified from Mumbai in India and other overseas places.
Q: What does OT offer to physically and mentally impaired persons?
Interviewed and narrated by Sharlene De Chickera, Srinath Wijayakumara and Nirojini Kanapathipillai
Occupational Therapy (OT) helps regeneration of physical and mental (cognitive) faculties of impaired persons, empowering them to try and do normal functions. EDEX Magazine speaks to a pioneering Sri Lankan Occupational Therapist, to reveal a rewarding career that certainly is fulfilling.
Q: When did you enter the field of Occupational Therapy?
We conduct a host of activities. We assess what level of treatment is needed and then decide the salient therapy. The therapy is purposeful and aimed at making each patient independent. We always look at the disability and capacity of each individual. Some have serious issues such as head injuries. There are those who have developmental delays and we utilize age-appropriate activities to help them become physically and mentally balanced, and grasp their environments better. We treat those who have suffered from serious illnesses such as ATH Syndrome, Autism, Down’s syndrome and neurological disabilities to regain their normal lives.
Q: How is an Occupational Therapist viewed by other medical care-givers?
Sujatha Gunawardana Diploma in Occupational Therapy, Certificate in Cleft Palate Speech Therapy; Chief Occupational Therapist at Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) for Children; Clinical Tutor in Occupational Therapy, Clinician in Special Seating.
Belonging to the pioneering batch of locally qualified Occupational Therapists, Sujatha Gunawardana has 35 years of experience on the job. Being the very first Occupational Therapist who was deployed at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital (LRH) for Children, she established and gradually developed its Clinic for deserving children, literally from scratch. It now stands prominently among country’s fully developed Occupational Therapy Clinics, serving the physically and mentally disabled.
We are much in demand. Many pediatricians, psychiatrists and neurologists seek our assistance to restore normalcy or near normalcy in to lives of patients. A recent trend has been the implementation of Early Intervention Programme that incorporates team-work among pediatricians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, teachers, neurologists and speech and language therapists as a core care-giver team.
Q: What is the appeal of this profession that made you stay on? The bonus is job satisfaction. I gain immense satisfaction in seeing how small children gradually pick their lives
This is one of the professions in Sri Lanka and even internationally, in which the demand is much higher than the available supply. This is due to very limited qualified professionals being found in this field
up, after having become disabled. It is no miracle, but giving hope to those feel that they have no future.
Q: Are there opportunities for youth to become Occupational Therapists? One can study while working and sky’s the limit in terms of meaningful work and opportunities. This is one of the professions in Sri Lanka and even internationally, in which the demand is much higher than the available supply. This is due to very limited qualified professionals being found in this field. As a result, it offers 100% job guarantee, rewarding income levels compared to most other occupations and satisfaction in terms of services provided when considering the humanitarian aspect it serves.
Most diplomats passing out of the College of Physiotherapy have left the country via skilled migration schemes especially to Europe and other developed countries. Consequently, Sri Lanka loses a large number of qualified professionals in this field. From the first batch of Occupational Therapists only one individual other than me remains in Sri Lanka at present. The future looks very bright in both local as well as international contexts as it is rapidly developing and highly demanded. Currently, patients from neighboring countries such as the Maldives come to Sri Lanka in large numbers particularly in search of Occupational Therapy services by paying premium costs.
Ôú;hg kj wre;la
fï fCIa;%fha rg ;=< fukau wka;¾cd;sl jYfhka b;d by< b,a¨ula mj;skjd' iqÿiqlï,;a Ñls;ailhkaf.a ysÕh ksid 100] /lshd wjia:d ,eîu iy;sl úh yelshs
idlÉcd igyk Yd,ska o Ñflard" Y%Skd;a úchl=udr yd ksfrdckS lkm;sms,afka úisks' mßj¾;kh wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd' jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj (Occupational Therapy) YdÍßl udkisl j¾Okfha W!K;d we;a;jqkag idudkH iudcfha Ôj;ajkakg mqyqKqlrk l%u fõohhs' fuu jD;a;slhka f.a fiajh fujeks wjYH;d we;s whg wre;anr Ôú;hla ,nd fokakg w;fohs' EDEX iÕrdj ,xldfõ m%uqL jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailfhl= jk iqcd;d .=Kj¾Ok uy;añh iuÕ meje;ajQ iïuqL idlÉPdjla my; m<fõ'
iqcd;d .=Kj¾Ok Diploma in Occupational Therapy, Certificate in Cleft Palate Speech Therapy;
ßÊfõ wd¾hd <ud frdayf,a m%Odk jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail" jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj ms<sn| idhksl mqyqKqlre
iqcd;d .=Kj¾Ok uy;añh Y%S ,xldfõ mqyqKqj ,enQ m<uq jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailhkaf.a lKavdhfï flfkls' wehg tu fCIa;%fha jir ;siamyl muK §¾>ld,Sk m<mqreoaola ;sfí' ßÊfõ wd¾hd <ud frday,g m;al< m<uq jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailjßh jkafkao wehhs' ,xldfõ fujeks wjYH;dj,ska fmf<kjqka i|yd weh mqfrda.dó fufyjrl fh§ ;sfí'
m% ( Tn fï fCIa;%hg msúiqfka flfiao @ ud Wiiafm<ska miqj fld<U cd;sl frday, mj;ajkq ,enQ jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj ms<sn| oE wjqreÿ ämaf,daudj yeoErejd' ug jirl idhksl mqyqKqj ,enqfka ßÊfõ wd¾hd <ud frdayf,a § hs' ud ,xldfõ uq,au jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailhska lKavdhug we;=,;a Wkd' ta fjkfldg bkaÈhdfõ yd fjk;a úfoaY rgj, mqyqKqj ,enQ fujeks Ñls;ailhska y;r miafokhs ysáfha' ±ka uf.a fiajd ld,h jir ;siamyla muKfjkjd'
m% ( jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailfhl= ldhsl yd udkisl wjYH;d we;s wfhl=g m%;sldr lrk l%ufõoh ir,j úia;r lf<d;a''''@ ta i|yd úúO l%ufõo mdúÉÑ lrkjd' frda.shdf.a ;;a;ajh wm m<uqfjkau ;lafiare lrkjd' wjYH m%;sldr l%ufõo ;SrKh jkafka ta wkqjhs' tys§ W!K;djfha iajNdjh fukau frda.shdf.a yelshdjka o ksismßÈ y÷kd .ekSu b;d jeo.;a' iuyrekag ysfiys ;=jd, jeks b;d widOH ;;a;aj mj;skakg mq¨jka' ;j;a iuyfrl= ksis l,g wjYH j¾Ok lvbï miqlr ke;s wh úh yelshs' ta jf.au ATH syndrome, Autism, Down's syndrome yd iakdhq.; wdndO we;a;jqkag idudkH Ôú;hla f.k hdug wmf.a m%;sldr bjy,a fjkjd'
m% ( wfkl=;a ffjoH Ñls;ailhka yd Tnf.a fCIa;%h w;r iyiïnkaOh flfiao @ <ud frda. úfYaI{hka" udkisl frda. úfYaI{hka yd iakdhq frda. úfYaI{hka wmf.a fiajh ks;r ,nd.kakjd' we;a; jYfhkau <ud frda. úfYaI{hka" fN!;sl Ñls;ailhska" jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailhska" .=rejreka" iakdhq frda. úfYaI{hka yd l:k Ñls;ailhka lKavdhula f,i l%shdlrñka fujeks wjYH;d we;s orejka l,ska y÷kdf.k m%;sldr lsÍu kj;u m%jK;djh ù ;sfnkjd' fujeks ;;a;aj l,a we;=j y÷kd.ekSu u.ska jvd;a id¾:lj m%;sldr l, yels ùu Bg fya;=jhs'
m% ( Tn fï /lshdfjka ,nk ;Dma;sh flnÿ o@ we;a;gu fuu /lshdfõ fh§fuka ud úYd, ;Dma;shla ,nkjd' úfYaIfhka fujeks wjYH;d we;s orejka l%ufhka idudkH Ôú;hla .; lrkakg
mqreÿfjk wkaou iy Tjqka ;=< fjk;a orejkag fukau wkd.;h ms<sn| iqNjd§ n,dfmdfrd;a;= we;sfjk whqre ±lSu úYd, i;=gla'
m% ( jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailhka ùug ;reK mrmqrg we;s wjia:d flnÿo @ fï fCIa;%fha rg ;=< fukau wka;¾cd;sl jYfhka o b;d by< b,a¨ula mj;skjd' iqÿiqlï,;a Ñls;ailhkaf.a ysÕh ksid 100] /lshd wjia:d ,eîu iy;sl úh yelshs' fuu jD;a;sfha we;s udkqIsl iajNdjh ksid by, ;Dma;shla o ,eìh yelshs' Bg wu;rj fydo wdodhulao ,efnkjd' mqyqKqj ,nd msgjk fndfyda jD;a;Sh Ñls;ailhka mqyqKq Y%ñlhka f,i hqfrdamh yd ÈhqKq rgj,g /lshd i|yd f.dia isákjd' fuu fCIa;%fha wkd.;h b;d iqNjd§ tlla' fuu jD;a;slhska f.a wjYH;dj Èfkka Èk by< hk w;ru wka;¾cd;sl jYfhka we;s ms<s.ekSu yd wdodhï m%udKo by, hñka mj;skjd'
tho;f;ifapy; ek;gpf;iffis
fUizaw;w ek;gpf;iffs; jFjpfis tsh;g;gJ kw;Wk; kw;wth;fSf;fpilNa gyk; tha;e;j czh;tpid Vw;gLj;Jjy;. Neh;Kf tprhuiz kw;Wk; Mf;fk; epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is> \hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk; =ehj; tp[aFkhu ePq;fs; clw;nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jtj; Jiwapy; vg;NghJ cs;Eioe;jPh;fs;?
nraw;g;ghl;L kUj;Jtk; cly; kw;Wk; cs hPjpahf xUtUf;F kWgpwg;G Vw;gLj;jp mth;fis VidNahh; Nghd;W rhjuz nraw;ghLfis nra;tjw;f;F tYT+l;Lfpd;wJ. vnlf;]; rQ;rpif ,yq;ifapd; Kd; nrd;W topelj;Jk; nrw;g;ghl;L epGzh; njhlh;ghf Ngrp mth;fspd; G+uzj;Jtk; tha;e;j njhopypw;F ngUik Nrh;f;fpd;wJ. R[hjh Fzth;j;jd clw; nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzj;Jt bg;Nshkh> gpse;jtz;zk; ciu kUj;Jtr; rhd;wpjo;> rpWth;fSf;fhd Nyb wpl;r; Nt itj;jparhiyapd; gpujhd clw; nraw;g;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzh;> clw; nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzj;Jtk; gw;wpa itj;jparhiy Nghjfh;> tpNrl ,Uf;if miktpd; rpfpr;ir kUj;Jth;.
Kd; nrd;W topelj;Jk; cs;ehl;L jFjpngw;w clw; nraw;ghl;L epGzh;fspy; cs;slq;fpa R[hjh Fzth;j;jd njhopypy; 35 tUl fhy mDgtj;jpid nfhz;Ls;shh;. kpfTk; Kjd;ikahd clw; nraw;ghl;L epGzuhf ,Ue;jjdhy; ,th; rpWth;fSf;fhd Nyb wpl;r; Nt itj;jparhiyapy; Ntiyapy; mkh;j;jg;gl;lJld; NjitAs;s rpWth;fSf;fhf Gjpa mk;rq;fis cUthf;fpaJld; gbKiwahf mbg;gil trjpapypUe;J itj;jparhiyapid tpUj;jpailar; nra;jhh;. ,J jw;NghJ ehLfSf;fpilNa Kw;whf tpUj;jp ngw;w clw;nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt itj;jparhiyahf jpfo;tJld; cly; kw;Wk; cs hPjpahf ghjpf;fg;gl;lth;fSf;F Nritahw;Wfpd;wJ.
vd;Dila cah;juq;fis epiwT nra;jJk; midthpdhYk; mwpag;gl;l nfhOk;G Njrpa itj;jparhiyapd; 2 tUl clw; nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzj;Jt bg;Nshkhtpid epiwTnra;Njd;. ehd; 1 tUl jw;fhypf cs;sf njhopw;gapw;rpapid rpWth;fsf;fhd Nyb wpl;r; Nt itj;jparhiyapy; ngw;Wf;nfhz;Nld;.ehd; ,yq;ifapd; Kjy; Kd;dpiy clw;nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt topelj;Jdh; FOtpd; mq;fj;jth; kw;Wk; fle;j 35 tUlq;fshf Nyb wpl;r; Nt itj;jparhiyapy; flikahw;wp tUfpd;Nwd;. ehd; ,j;Jiwapy; Eioe;j NghJ ntWkNd 4-5 kUj;Jt epGzh;fNs fhzg;gl;ldh;. mth;fspy; ngUk;ghyhdth;fs; ,e;jpahtpy; Kk;ghapy; jFjp ngw;wth;fSk; ntspehLfspy; jFjp ngw;wth;fSkhthh;.
clw; nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzh; cly; cs hPjpahf xg;gpl Kbahjth;fSf;F vtw;iw toq;Ffpd;wJ? ehk; rpy nraw;ghLfis Nehahsh;fSf;fhf elj;JNthk;. mjd; %yk; vt;thwhd kUj;Jt rpfpr;ir Njit vd;gij jPh;khdpg;Nghk;.xU Fwpf;Nfhspid Nehf;fkhf nfhz;l rpfpr;ir Kiw Nehaspfis Rje;jpuKilath;fshf;fpd;wJ. ehk; vg;NghJk; jdpnahUthpd; ,ayhik kw;Wk; jFjpapidNa ftdpg;Nghk;. xU rpyUf;F jiyapy; fhak; Nghd;w mghafukhd gpur;rpidfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. VNjDk; mgptpUj;jpfspy; jhkjk; Vw;gLk; gl;rj;jpy; mth;fsJ cs kw;Wk; cly; epiyfspy; ey;epiyapid Vw;g;gLj;jp mth;fsJ #oYld; ed;F xd;wpj;J thof; $bathf cUthf;Ffpd;wdh;. ehk; ATH Neha;> xl;brk>; Fiwe;j Neha; mwpfwpfs; kw;Wk; euk;Gg; gpur;rpidfs; Nghd;w ,ayhikfis rhp nra;J mth;fis rhjhuz tho;f;if Kiwf;F ,l;Lr; nry;fpd;wJ.
nra;w;g;ghl;L kUj;jt epGzh;fs; Vida kUj;Jt Nrit toq;Fdh;fshy; vt;thW Nehf;fg;Lfpd;wdh;? ehk; mNef NjitfSld; cs;Nshk;. mNef Foe;ij kUj;Jth; cstpayhsh;fs; kw;Wk; euk;gpayhsh;fs; Nehaspfis rhjhuz tho;f;iff;F nfhz;L tUtjw;f;F vkJ cjtpfis ehLfpd;wdh;. mz;ikf;
fhyq;fspy; cs;s Nghf;fhdJ Fwpj;j fhyj;jpw;f;F Kd; Foe;ij kUj;Jth; cstpayhsh;fs; nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzh;fs; Mrphpah;fs;; euk;gpayhsh;fs; kw;Wk; ciuahly; kw;Wk; nkhop epGzh;fspd; $l;L njhopw;ghl;bdhy; epfo;r;rpj;jpl;lq;fis toq;fp ghJfhg;G toq;Fk; FOthf njhopw;gLfpd;wdh;.
,j; njhopypy; ePq;fs; njhlh;e;J jq;fp ,Ug;gjw;f;F mDkjpj;jJ vJ? njhopy; jpUj;jpNa ,jd; ntFkjp. ,athikapypUf;Fk; kpfr; rpwpa rpWth;fs; vt;thW gbg;gbahf jkJ tho;tpy; Kd;Ndwp tUfpd;wdh; vd;gij ghh;f;ifapy; xU tpj jpUg;jp fpilf;fpd;wJ. ,jpy; vjph;fhyNk ,y;iy vd;W epidg;Nghh;f;F ek;gpf;ifapid nfhLg;gjpy; vt;tpj mjpraKk; ,y;iy.
,isQh;fSf;F nra;w;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzh;fshtjw;fhd tha;g;Gfs; ,Uf;fpd;wdth? xUth; Ntiyapy; ,Ue;jthNw fy;tpid Nkw;nfhs;stJld; thdNk mh;j;jKs;s Ntiy kw;Wk; re;jh;g;gq;fSf;F vy;iyahFk;. ,j; njhopy; ,yq;if kw;Wk; rh;tNjr mstpy; ,Uf;fpd;w toq;fiy tpl cah; Nfs;tpapid nfhz;Ls;sJ.,jw;f;F fhuzk; ,j;Jiwapy; Fiwe;jsT jFjp tha;e;jth;fNs fhzg;gLfpd;wikahFk;. ,Wjpapy; ,J 100 tPj njhopy; cj;juthjk Vid njhopy;fSld; xg;gpLifapy; ghul;lj;jf;f tUkhd epiy kw;Wk; kdpj cah;fSf;F cjTk; Nriapd; epkpj;jk; fpilf;Fk; jpUg;jp. mNef bg;NshkhTld; fy;Y}hpfspypUe;J ntspNawpa clw;gapw;rp epGzh;fs; vkJ ehl;bypUe;J ntspNawp INuhg;gpa ehLfspYk; Vida mgptpUj;jp ehLfspYk; njhopy; Ghpfpd;wdh;. njhlh;r;rpahf ,yq;if jFjp ngw;w njhopyhsh;fis ,j;Jiwapy; ,oe;Nj tUfpd;wJ. Muk;g nraw;ghl;L kUj;Jt epGzh;fs; FOtpypUe;J vd;idj; jtpu midtUk; ,yq;ifapypUe;J ntspNawptpl;ldh;. ,jd; tsh;r;rp kw;Wk; Njitapd; fhuzkhf cs;ehl;L hPjpapYk; rh;tNr hPjpapYk; vjph;fhyj;jpy; tsh;r;rpaile;J tUk; JiwahfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. mz;ikapy; khiyjPT Nghd;w ehLfspypUe;J ,yq;iff;F clw;gapw;rp epGzh;fis ehb Fiwe;j ntFkjpf;fhf mNef Nehahspfs; r%fkspf;fpd;wdh;.
A passion to create well-being By Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipillai.
Physiotherapy is an interaction between the therapist, patient, health care professionals, family of the patient and other care givers in a process where movement potential is assessed, diagnosed and goals are agreed upon. Physiotherapists often work together to provide treatment for patients. Through physiotherapy, patients work on simple to complex exercises to re-bulid their nerves and physical co-ordination. Physiotherapists diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, from infants to the oldest, who have medical problems, health-related conditions, illnesses or injuries that limit their movements and daily activities. Physiotherapy commonly includes specific exercises, manipulation and other interventions. In addition, physiotherapists work with individuals to prevent loss of mobility before it occurs by
developing fitness and wellnessoriented programmes for healthier and more active lifestyles, providing services to individuals and populations to develop maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout their lives. This includes circumstances where movement and functions are threatened by age, injury, disease or environmental factors. Physiotherapy has many specialties including sports, wound care, neurologic, orthopaedic, paediatrics, etc. Physiotherapists practice in many settings, such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, health and wellness clinics, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, nursing facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, education and research centres, schools, industrial workplaces or other occupational environments, fitness centres and sports training facilities. Physiotherapists also practice in non-patient care roles such as health insurance and administration. Physiotherapists are involved in medico-legal field serving as experts, performing peer review and independent medical examinations.
Physiotherapy is a field within context of Para Medical Sciences, branching out further in to Occupational therapy, Prosthetics or Orthotics
Physiotherapy is a field within context of Para Medical Sciences, branching out further in to Occupational therapy, Prosthetics or Orthotics. A Physiotherapist is highly qualified in treating people in spinal cord injuries and engages in short-term and long-term rehabilitation.
School of Physiotherapy :
For comprehensive courses in physiotherapy and occupational therapy By Sharlene De Chickera, Nirojini Kanapathipillai and Srinath Wijayakumara
“Essence of physiotherapy is that it relies on natural treatments, not medicines,” said Mr. G. G. P. Herath, Chief Physiotherapist at Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Hospital at Ragama. For those who wish to enter this wonderful, life-giving world of paramedics, the hope that lies on the other side of the rainbow is worth the effort.
School of Physiotherapy in Colombo comes under the purview of Department of Health Services. “School of Physiotherapy was set up in 1957 and the School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy was set up in 1976,” said Mr. Rohana Perera, Principal of the school. “Because of the appeal of the qualification, even BSc Graduates join these programmes. Also, everyone who qualifies as physiotherapists get mental satisfaction as they do something beneficial by treating patients to make them better,” he opines. An aspiring physiotherapist
has to complete A/Ls with Physics as a compulsory subject. The Diploma in Physiotherapy is for duration of 2 years, plus one year in terms of clinical work. Those who qualify may get recruited in to state hospitals. Universities of Colombo and Peradeniya also offer a bachelor’s degree programme of 3 years with an internship. There are opportunities to venture in to sports medicine as well. “We give the best quality education for the students and Invite specialists in medicine and Rheumatology. There are 4 faculty members and part-time lecturers,” said Mr. Perera.
fndfyda fofkl=g wd.ka;=l
jD;a;sh Ñls;aidfõ m%;sldruh wruqKq YdÍßl wdndê; jQjka ioyd m%;sldr lsÍfïoS (treatment) m%:ufhka frda.shdf.a udkisl ;;ajh .ek we.hSula isÿ lrkq ,efí' È.=l,a frday,a .; ùu" kE ys; ñ;=rkaf.ka wE;aùu" mjqf,a ;udg ysñj ;snq ia:dkh wysñ ùu" wka wh u; hefmkakg isÿ ùu hkdoS lreKq ksid fndfyda frda.Ska ;=< udkisl miqnEula" msßySula olakg ,efnk w;r tu ;;ajh h:d ;;ajhg f.k tau jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail ks,Odßhd i;= m%:u ld¾hh jk w;r" Tyq ta ioyd ;ud i;= udkisl fCIa;%fha isoaOdka; yd uq,O¾u Wmfhda.s lr.kS'
jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj mS' ã' hdmd úisks
jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj hkq ngysr ffjoH l%uhg wh;a jk m%;sldr l%uhls' fï u.ska ldhsl frda. iy ldhslj wdndê; jQ frda.Skag fukau udkisl frda. iy udkislj wdndê; jQ frda.Ska i|yd m%;sldr lsÍu yd mqkre;a:dmkh isÿ lrkq ,nhs' tf,iu jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidfõ uqLH mrud¾:h jkafka frda.shdf.a we;sjk iy we;súh yels my; i|yka frda. ,CIK ^.eg¨& j,g jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail l%ufõoh ;=,ska m%;sldr lsÍuhs'
tu .eg¨ • ;ud iïnkaOj mj;sk (Intra Personal)
• ;ud iy wfkl=;a wh iïnkaOfhka mj;sk (Intra Personal)
• ixfõ§;djh iïnkaOfhka (sensory)
• p,k ls%hdldrlï iïnkaOfhka (Motor) • nqoaêuh ls%hdldrlï iïnkaOfhka (Cognitive) • tÈfkod ;ukaf.a jev lghq;= lr.ekSu iïnkaOfhka (Activities of Daily Living)
• úfkdaod;aul ls%hdldrlï iïnkaOfhka (Leisure) • jD;a;Suh lghq;= iïnkaOfhka (Work)
tf,iu jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj úúO rgj, my; i|yka whqßka w¾: ksrEmkh fldg we;' 01' jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidfõ wruqK iajdêk;ajhhs Occupational Therapy means independence
02' Ôj;a ùu keue;s l,djg wjYH yelshdjka W;amdokh lsÍu jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidjhs Skills for the art of living
03' w¾:j;a Ôú;hl ienE iïnkaO;djh jD;a;sh Ñls;aidjhs Vital link to productive living
fï ish,q lreKq ;=,ska jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj ;ukaf.a tÈfkod Ôú;hg fld;rï ióm m%;sldr l%uhlaoehs ks.ukh l< yel' ldhsl yd udkisl frda.j,g Ndckh jQ mqoa.,hka m<uqfjkau we.hSulg Ndckh fldg (Assessment) tu.ska fidhd.;a frda. ;;ajhkag m%;sldr lsÍu;a (Treatment) wdndê; ;;ajhg m;a jQ mqoa.,hka mqkre;a:dmkh lsÍfuka (Rehabilitation) Tjqka iudcfha kej; ia:dms; lsÍu;a (Resettlement) jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail ks,Odßhl= i;= m%Odk ld¾h Nd¾hh fõ' fuu.ska woyia lrkqfha frda.S $ wdndê; ;;ajhg m;a mqoa,hdf.a .Dyia;uh wjYH;d" iudcuh wjYH;d" wOHdmk yd jD;a;suh wjYH;d iy Tyqg wdfõKsl mqoa.,sl wjYH;d ;=, Wmßu whqßka iajdëkj ls%hdYS,s ;;ajfhka lr .eksug yels ;;ajhg m;a fldg iudchg kej;;a jevodhs mqoa.,hl= f,i msúiSug wjia:dj i,id §uhs'
jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidfõ m%;sldr udOH m%;sldr udOH jkafka ls%hdldrlïh (Activities). ksYaÑ; wruqKla iys;j m%;sM,hla iys; ´kEu ld¾hhl ksr; ùu ls%hdldrlula f,i yeÈkaúh yels w;r frda.s hdf.A m%;sldruh wruqK bgqjk whqßka ls%hdldrlula f;dard .ekSu (Selection) fjkia lsßu (Changing) iy ia:dk .; lsÍu (Positioning) fukau wdfoaYl fhdod .ekSuo (Alternation) jD;a;sh Ñls;ailjrhd i;= mQ¾K j.lSula jk w;r fuysoS frda.shdf.a jhi" ia;S% mqreI Ndjh" wOHdmksl ;;ajh" /lshdj hkd§ ish,a, ie,ls,a,g .; hq;= fõ' ls%hdldrlul we;s jeo.;alu f,i fmkajd Èh yelafla frda.shdf.a fõokdj iukh fldg th i;=gla njg mßj¾;kh lsÍug we;s yelshdjhs (to Convert pain to joy). tf,iu ;udf.a ;ju;a ;sfnk oCI;djhka .ek ;udg wjfndaO ùfuka ,efnk wd;au ;Dma;sh yd udkisl ia:djr Ndjh ;=,ska ;udf.a frda.S ;;ajhg ,efnk úiÿu hkdÈho fmkajd Èh yel'
wfkl=;a m%;sldruh wruqKq jkafka frdaa.shdf.a ke;s ù .sh$ ydks ù .sh u;l Yla;sh" Odrk Yla;sh" yev;,hla yÿkd.ekSfï wmyiq nj" ikaksfõok lghq;=" oekSu iïnkaO m%Yak wdoS fud<hg iïnkaê; ls%hdldrlï kej; h:d;;ajhg m;a lsÍuhs' tf,iu wdndOh iu. Ôj;a ùfïoS tu ;;ajh jeä fkdjk whqßka tÈfkod jev lghq;= j,§ wkq.ukh l, hq;= úfYaI bßhõ iy Wml%u .ek Wmfoia ,ndoSu
yd tajd m%.=K lsÍu o m%Odk ;ekla .kS' úfYaIs; wdndO ksid ikaêj, yg.;a úlD;s ùï h:d ;;ajhg m;a lsÍu fyda ;j ÿrg;a úlD;s ùï j,g f.dÿre fkdù j,lajd .ekSu ioyd wdOdrl m;=re ks¾udKh lsÍu (splints) yd tajd Ndú;d lrùu jD;a;sh Ñls;ail ks,Odßfhl= i;= m%Odk j.lSula jk w;r tu.ska ,efnk m%;sM, w;s úYd, nj ioyka l< hq;=h'
olajd Èfjk oïje,la f,i jD;a;sh Ñls;ail ks,Odßfhl= yeÈkaúh yel'
jD;a;sh Ñls;aidfõ wjidk wruqK jkafka frda.S $ wdndê; ;;ajhg m;a jQ ;eke;a;d ^Ydßßl $ udkisl& mQ¾K jYfhka iajdêkj iudcfha kej; ia:dms; (Resettlement) lsÍuhs' fuys§ ffjoH mqkre;a:dmkfha isg iudcuh mqkre;a:dmkh
^mS' ã' hdmd jD;a;sh Ñls;aidj ms<sno ämaf,daud Odßfhls' Tyq rd.u mqkre;a:dmk frdayf,a jevn,k jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail wêldß jk w;r Y%S ,xld jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail jD;a;Shfõ§kaf.a ix.ufha f,alï jrhdo fõ'&
fuys§ úúOdldr .eg¨j,g uqyqK §ug jD;a;sh Ñls;ail ks,Odßhdg isÿjk w;r fïjd ksrdlrKh lr .ekSu ioyd úfYaIfhkau Tyqg frda.shdf.a ksji ksÍCIKh lsÍug isÿ fõ (Home visit)' tys§ i;H jYfhkau frda.shdg uqyqK §ug isÿjk .eg¨ wjfndaO lr.;h yels úfYaIfhkau udkislj frda.S w;r ^.Dy ks¾udk ndOl& tf,iskau jqKq fyda wdndê; ;;ajhg m;a jQ frda.shd yd iïnkaO wfkl=;a ;eke;af;l=g jD;a;sh Ñls;ail .eg¨ o tkï N+ñ msysàï ndOl iy m%;sldr ioyd ksismßÈ fhduq ùu ;=<ska frda.hg wdfõKsl wmyiqldß fmdÿ iudÔh ndOl wjfndaO lr frda. ,CIK j,ska neyerj .ekSug Wmldß jkq we;' fï whqßka kej;;a ish Ôú;h iqmqreÿ lghq;= fidhd.;a .eg¨ j,g ;udf.ka ioyd ukd wd;au úYajdihlska fukau" mqkre;a:dmk lKavhfï hq;=j uqyqK §ug yelshdj ,efnk wfkl=;a idudðlhka u.skao w;ru" kej; kej; udkisl frda. iduqyslj ms<shï fh§fuka wdndê; ;;ajhkg f.dÿre ùfï wjodku ;;ajhg m;a jQ ;eke;a;d id¾:l wju lr .ekSu ioyd ms<smeÈh f,iska iudcfha kej; ia:dms; hq;= hym;a udkisl fi!LH mqreÿ fldg iudchg jevodhs mqoa.,hl= ms<sno oekqj;a ùugo wjldY ie,fikq we;' njg mßj¾;kh l< yelsh'
frda.S mqkre;a:dmkfhaoS ks;r wefik fudkjo fï "Activities of Daily living" fkdfyd;a tÈfkod
jev lghq;= (ADL) ?
jD;a;Sh Ñls;aidj u.ska YdÍßl wdndê; frda.Ska fukau udkisl wdndê; frda.Ska i|yd m%;sldr iy mqkre;a:dmkh lsÍfï§ ks;ru wefik ks;ru olsk tlajeo.;a fldgils tÈfkod jev lghq;= fkdfyd;aa Activities of daily living (ADL). fuh meyeÈ,s lsÍfï§ ;j ÿrg;a i|yka jkafka jD;a;Sh Ñls;aid m%;sldr l%ufha wjidk wruqKla jkafka frda.shd ;udf.a tosfkod jev lghq;= fyj;a (ADL) Activities of Daily living j,ska ksoyia iajdëk ;;ajhg m;a lsÍuhs ^;udg ;ksju lr.; yels ;;ajhg&'
Medical laboratory technologists and scientists By Kusum Nandika Gunawardhena assisted
by Sharlene De Chickera, Nirojini Kanapathipillai and Akhila Dahanayake
Who are they and what they do... Medical laboratory technologists and scientists play a very important role in the medical sector as healthcare professionals. Commonly known as MLTs, they conduct a wide range of tests and analysis of blood, urine, stools, tissues body fluids, etc. These technologists work in clinical laboratories at hospitals, blood banks, biotechnology laboratories etc. Tests and analysis they conduct vary from simple blood tests to complex tests such as those necessary to detect deceases such as AIDS and cancer. MLTs also ensure that testing samples of patients are collected in a hygienic manner and labeled and stored properly. The technologists carry out testing, analyze specimens and provide reports based on results. These reports are examined by pathologists and other qualified medical practitioners to diagnose diseases. Hence, the accuracy of reports is of utmost importance since they aid in diagnosis and subsequent treatment of a patient which may be critical to the wellbeing of a patient. A medical laboratory technologist can specialize in areas such as: Clinical Bio Chemistry- conducting Bio Chemical tests on blood and other body fluid; Clinical Microbiology – culturing of samples such as urine to identify micro-organisms and determining antibiotic sensitivity;
Haematology – analyzing blood, blood forming organs such as bone marrow that help in prevention, detection and cure of various blood related deceases such as haemophilia, Leukaemia and Sickle cell disease; Histopathology - dealing with body tissues taken from biopsies or surgically removed samples of a patient such as tumours.
Important personal traits required to succeed in this field.... A background in science especially Chemistry is needed to become an MLT. Apart from qualifications required (which are listed at the Careers Chart elsewhere in this magazine) there are a few desired personal traits required to succeed in this profession. The work involved is by nature repetitive and hence you need to be able to concentrate for long periods and to do detailed work while maintaining a high level of accuracy. At all times the professional should follow strict clinical protocols and procedures designed to ensure accuracy and quality of output while not loosing focus. Good motor skills, observation and record keeping skills are essential. The individual must be well organized, methodical and should be able to handle multi tasks.
How can you qualify? With a good Z-score in the biological science stream at the GCE Advanced Level examination, you can get enrolled in to Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Medical Laboratory Science degree programmes offered at certain state universities such as Ruhuna, Peradeniya, Jaffna and Sri Jayawardenapura to become a specialized medical science technologist. A similar degree programme is also available from The Open University of Sri Lanka. Additionally, there are training programmes conducted by the Medical Research Institute (MRI) to train medical laboratory technologists who are directly absorbed in to the government sector, at most of the time. The Institute of Chemistry conducts a two year Diploma programme in Laboratory Technology which carries weight due to the fact that certification is issued by a professional body.
There are also many other private institutes that offer various programmes that enable qualification as a Medical Laboratory Technologist.
Opportunities for you … It can be said that medical laboratory technologist/ scientist is a very rewarding career that has a great impact on wellbeing of the society. So much so that April 15th has been declared as the "International Biomedical Laboratory Science Day". In Sri Lanka there are many opportunities available locally in both private and public sectors as well as internationally for qualified MLTs. According to Mr. Kithsiri Vithanage, Superintendent Medical Laboratory Technologist of the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, around 2 - 2.5 million investigations are conducted annually by the MLT Department of the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. To join a state hospital as a Medical Laboratory Technologist the entry qualification is three passes at GCE. Advanced Level examination in Bio Science stream with a compulsory credit pass for Chemistry. Prospective candidates recruited by Ministry of Health will undergo a two year training programme at the end of which they will sit for a diploma level examination.
The Diploma programme is conducted at three locations (Peradeniya, Colombo and Kalutara), while obtaining allowance for interns during training. Absorption in to state hospitals will be based on final exam results and vacancies. (Assistance rendered in preparation of above article by Director, National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Dr. Anil Jasinghe and Mr. Kithsiri Vithanage, Superintendent Medical Laboratory Technologist, National Hospital of Sri Lanka are appreciated with gratitude.)
jD;a;sh tfukau ieuúgu ksrjoH;dj iy Wiia m%ñ;sh ;yjqre lsßu i|yd jQ ls%hdmámdáhla yd l%ufõohla wkq.ukh lsÍuo b;d jeo.;a' tfukau fuu flaIa;%fha jD;a;slhska l%udkql+, f,i ms,sfj,lg jevlsßu iy ld¾hhka lsysmhla tlúg isÿlsÍug fydo yelshdjla ;sìh hq;=hs'
Tn fuu iqÿiqlï ,nd.kafka flfiao @
ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr
;dlaIKfõ§ka iy úoHd{hka
igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard" ksfrdackS lkm;sms,af,a" wls, oykdhl iy l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks mßj¾:kh Y%Skd;a úchl=udr
Tjqka ljqo@ fudkjo lrkafka @ fi!LHdrlaIK jD;a;slka f,i ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ka iy úoHd{hka ffjoH lafIa;%fha b;d jeo.;a ld¾hNdrhla bgqlr;s' fmdÿfõ MLT kï flá kdufhka y÷kajk fudjqka reêr" uq;%" u," mgl mÍlaId yd úYaf,aIKhka we;=¨ úúOdldr mÍlaIK yd úYaf,aIK úYd, m%udKhla l%shd;aul lr;s' fuu ;dlaIKfõ§ka frday,a idhksl m¾fhaIKd.drhka" reêr nexl= yd ffjoH m¾fhaIKd. drhkays wkqhqla;j fiajh lr;s' ir, reêr mÍlaIKhl isg AIDS fyda ms,sld y÷kd.ekSï jeks ixlS¾K mÍlaId olajd m¾fhaIK yd úYaf,aIK úYd, m%udKhla Tjqka w;ska isÿ lrhs' frda.skaf. ka ,nd.kakd ish¨u idïm, ikSmdrlaIs; f,i ,nd.kakd njg ;yjqre lrk w;ru tajdfha ksjerÈ kï igyka lsÍu (Label) iy iqrlaIs;j .nvd lsÍu fuu
;dlaIKfõ§kaf.a ;j;a hq;=luls' mßlaIK jd¾;d ksl=;aflfrkafka Tjqka úiska isÿlrk mÍlaIK yd kso¾Yl úYaf,aIKh mokï lr f.khs' jHd: fõÈka (Pathologists) iy iqÿiqlï ,;a ffjoH jD;a;Shfõ§ka frda. úksYaphka ,nd fokafka fuu mÍlaIK jd¾;djka mokï lrf.khs' frda. úkaYaph" m%;sldr ks¾foaYh fukau frda.Skaf.a hym;a YÍr fi!LHh r|jd.ekSu iïnkaOfhka fuu mÍlaIK jd¾;d j, ksrjoH;djhg w;ajkafka Wmßu jeo.;a luls' ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ka yg (MLT) úfYaI{;djhka ,eìh yels lafIa;% kï • idhksl ffcj ridhksl lghq;= (Clinial BIo Chemistry) ( reêr iy ldhsl ;r, ffcj ridhksl mÍlaIK meje;aùu • idhksl laIqø ÔjúoHd (Clinical Microbiology) - laIqøÔúka y÷kd .ekSu yd m%;sÔjl ixfõ§;dj ksYaph lr.ekSug idïm, frdamkh lsÍu'
• rla;fõ§h lghq;= (Haematology) - ysfudms,shd" ,shqflañhd iy rla;ySk;djh jeks frda. y÷kd .ekSug" ksjdrKhg iy frda. iqjlsÍu i|yd reêr iy weg ñÿÆ jeks wjhj úYaf,aIKh lsÍu' • mglfõ§ka (Histopathology) - Y,Hl¾u u.ska bj;a l, mgl yd YÍr f.ä (Tumor) úYaf,aIKh lsÍu' lafIa;%fha id¾:l;ajh i|yd jeo.;au jk mqoa., .;s ,laIK ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.drh ;dlaIKfõ§hl= (MLT) ùug úoHd wxYfha" úfYaIfhkau ridhk úoHd miqìu b;d jeo.;afõ' ueo msgqfõ we;s jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlï j.=fõ i|yka iqÿiqlï j,g wu;rj fuys jD;a;Sh id¾;l;ajhg ßis mqoa., .;s ,laIK lsysmhla we;' fuu jD;a;Sh iajNdjfhkau mqk¾j¾;S ld¾hhka .yk tlla neúka È.= ld,hla iúia;rd;aul ld¾hhka b;d ksjerÈj hq;=j isÿlsÍug udkisl tald.%;dj (Concentation) mj;ajd.;hq;=h'
reyqK" fmardfoKsh" hdmkh" iy Y%S chj¾Okmqr jeks cd;sl úYajúoHd, lsysmhl ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr úoHd Wmdê mdGud,dj (BSc) mj;ajk w;r w'fmd'i Wiia fm< ÔjúoHd úNd. fhka i;=gq odhl Z- w.hla ,nd.ekSfuka ta ioyd ,shdmÈxÑ ùug Tng yel' ;jo Y%S ,xld újD; úYajúoHd,fhao fujeks Wmdê mdGud,djka meje;afõ' fuhg wu;rj ffjoH m¾fhaIK wdh;kh (MRI) u.ska ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ka mqyqKq lsÍfï mdGud,d mj;ajk w;r thska iu;ajkakka rdcH wxYhg iDcqju n|jd .kS' fujeks iqÿiqlï ,nd.;yels mdGud,d lsysmhla mqoa.,sl wdh;k úiskao mj;ajkq ,efí'
Tng lÈu wjia:djla ''''''' iqÿiqlï ,o ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§kag rdcH iy fm!oa.,sl wxYfha o úfoaYhkays o fndfyda /lshd wjia:d mj;sk w;r th jD;a;Sh f.!rjkSh fufyjrla fukau mqoa.,sl ;Dma;sh yd wd¾Ól m%;s,dN w;ska o w.kd m%;sM, ,ndfok jD;a;sh ud¾.hls' wfm%a,a ui 15 jeksod cd;Hka;r ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr úoHd Èkh f,i kï lr we;af;ao iudc Wkak;sh i|yd fuu jD;a;Sh ;=<ska bgqjk Wodr fufyjr we.hSughs' ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIIfõ§kaf.a wOHlaI ls;aisß ú;dkf.a uy;d mjik mßÈ jirlg ñ,shk 2;a 2'5;a w;r
mÍlaIdlsÍï m%udKhla fld<U cd;sl frday, u.ska muKla mj;ajhs' ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§hl= f,i rdcH frday,a fiajhg neÈug wju iqÿiqlï jYfhka w'fmd'i Wiia fm< ÔjúoHd wxYfhka ridhk úoHdjg wksjd¾h iïudk idud¾:hla iu.ska úIhka ;=kla iu;aúhhq;= w;r wfmalaIs;
b,a¨ïlrejka fojirl mqyqKq mdGud,djlg fi!LH wud;HdxYh úiska n|jd .kq ,efí' fuu mqyqKq mdGud,dj wjidkfha ämaf,daud úNd.hg fmkS isáh hq;=h' ^fuu ,smsh ieliSu i|yd fld<U cd;sl frdayf,a wOHlaI ffjoH wks,a chisxy iy ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§kaf.a wOHlaI ls;aisß ú;dkf.a hk uy;auhka ,nd ÿka ldreKsl wkq.%yh w.h fldg i,luq&
H o j f f o , ï l q i ÿ q i m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§kag rdcHha f Y x w l s , . a o ! m f y i da y df n f o s y a k h Y a o úfo S ; j m d : a i j w d h s /l
Affordable Diplomas to aid you in your Career Choice
kUj;Jt Ma;T$l
njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; tpQ;Qhdpfs;
kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; kw;Wk; mwptpayhsh;fs; kUj;Jt JiwAld; Rfhjhu ghJfhg;G njhopy;j;JiwapYk; Kf;fpa gq;fpid tfpf;fpd;wJ. nghJthf kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; ,uj;jk; rpWePufk; kyk; ,ioaq;fs; clypYs;s jputq;fs; Nghd;wtw;wpy; ghhpa mstpy; ghpNrhjidfisAk; Muha;r;rpfisAk; Nkw;nfhs;fpd;wdh;.,t;thwhd njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; itj;jparhiyfspd; Ma;T $lq;fspYk; ,uj;j tq;fpfs; caphpay; njhopy;El;g Ma;T$lq;fspy; flikahw;Wfpd;wdh;. ghpNrhjid kw;Wk; Muha;r;rpfspd; NghJ rhjhuz ,uj;j ghpNrhjidapy; Muk;gpj;J nghpa Neha;fshd Gw;WNeha; vapl;]; Nghd;w njhw;W Neha;fis fz;Lgpbg;gjw;f;Fk; ,th;fs; cjTfpd;wdh;. kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; NehahspfspypUe;J vLf;fg;gl;l ghpNrhjid nghUl;fis Rj;jkhd Kiwapy; milj;J itj;J ghJfhj;J itg;gjpYk; gq;fspg;G nrYj;Jfpd;wdh;. njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; ghpNrhjidfs; kw;Wk; Muha;Tfis nfhz;L ngWNgWfspd; mbg;gilapy; mwpf;iffs; toq;FtjpYk; gq;fspg;Gr; nra;fpd;wdh;.,t;twpf;iffs; %yk; ehbf; fzpg;ghsh; kw;Wk; Njh;r;rp ngw;w kUj;Jt gapw;rpahshpdhy; Neha;fs; fz;Lgpbf;fg;gLfpd;wd. ,Ue;Jk; mwpf;ifapd; Jy;ypakhd jd;ikahdJ Neha;fis fz;Lgpbj;jy; kw;Wk; Nehahspfspd; NtWgl;l elj;ijapYk; mth;fSf;fhd njhlh;rpahd kUj;Jtj;ij toq;;f cjTfpd;wJ. xU kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;tpayhsh;fs; gpd;tUk; Jiwfspy; tpNrlj;Jtj;jpid ngw KbAk; mitahtd:
• cly; caphpay; ,urhadtpayhsh;
- caphpay; ,urhad ghpNrhjidfis ,uj;jk; kw;Wk; Vida clw; ghfq;fspy; Nkw;nfhs;Sjy;.
• cly; Ez;Zaphpay; -
rpWePufj;jpy; cs;s Ez;Zaphpaypid fz;Lgpbj;jy; kw;Wk; gf;Bhpahf;fis mopf;fty;y ,rhad nghUspd; czh;tpid fz;Lgpbj;jy;.
• ,uj;j the;jp -
,uj;j Ma;T > ,uj;jj;pid cUthf;Fk; vOk;G Cd; jil nra;a cjTfpd;wJ > gy;NtWgl;l ,uj;jk; njhlh;ghd Neha;fshd ,uj;jk; ciwahik Yf;Nfkpah kw;Wk; mhpf;Fk; Ez;Zaph;fspid fz;Lgpbj;jy; kw;Wk; Fzg;gLj;jy;.
• Neha; ehb Neha; Kjy; ehb
fhZk; mwptpay; - Nehahspfspd fl;bfs; mjd; JZf;Ff;fs; gw;wpa Ma;Tr; Nrhjidfs; kw;Wk; cly; Ez;ZaphpfSld; njhlh;GWfpd;wJ.
,j;Jiwapy; ntw;wpngw Njitahd kpfKf;fpakhd jdpg;gl;l tpNrlFzq;fs; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fSf;F tpQ;Qhdj;Jiwapy; ,urhadtpay; gpz;zdp kpfTk; mtrpakhdjhFk;. mijj;jtpu (,e;j rQ;rpifapy; toq;fg;gl;l njhopw; gl;bay;) jFjpfSk; NjitahdJld; ,j;njhopy; ntw;wpngw rpy tpNrlj;Jt jFjpfSk; mtrpakhdjhFk;. ,j; njhopypy; ,aw;ifahd kPw;nra;if ,Ug;gJld; ePz;l fhy mtjhdk; juTfSldhd kpf El;gkhf Ntiyapid njhlh;e;J nra;tjpy; cah; epiy nfhzbUj;jy;. vg;NghJk; ,j;njhopyhsh;fs; fz;bg;G epiwe;j newpKiw kw;Wk; xOq;FKiwapid gpd;gw;wp tpisTfspd; El;gKiw kw;Wk; jFjpfis mtjhdk; rpjwhJ nra;jpUg;gjpid cWjpg;gLj;jy;. rpwe;j ,af;fj; jpwd;fs;, mtjhdk; kw;Wk; gjpTfis itj;jpuf;fk; jpwd;fs; Kf;fpakhditahFk;. xUth; ed;F xOq;fikf;fg;gl;ltuhfTk; nra;ghl;L Kiwikapid nfhz;ltuhfTk; kw;Wk; gy;NtWgl;l Ntiyfis ifahsf; $bauhftk; ,Uj;jy;.
vt;thW ePq;fs; jFjpailtPh;fs;? tpQ;Qhdg;gphptpy; rpwe;j Z – Gs;spfis cah;juj;jpy; ngWtijj; njhlh;e;J ,sq;fiy tpQ;Qhdkhdpapid tpQ;Qhd Ma;T$lg; gl;l newpapy; UFd nguNjdpah ahog;ghzk; kw;Wk; = n[ath;j;jd Gu gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; kUj;j Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsuhf cUthf KbAk;. ,Nj Nghd;w
Apart from the qualifications that we offer via our affiliations and partnerships, ESOFT also has a range of Diploma Programmes that are specially designed to cater for the requirements of school leavers who need hands-on knowledge and experience in the latest technologies in order to prepare them for the local and international job market.
fz;fSf;F Gyg;glhJ Fzg;gLj;j cjTk; cjtpf;fuq;fs; Mf;fk; epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;;is cjtpahsh;fs; ~hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh FRk; Fzth;j;jd kw;Wk; mfpy jfehaf;f
mth;fs; ahh; kw;Wk; mth;fs; vd;d nra;fpd;wdh;.
you for higher studies in Software Engineering. It covers development in the .Net environment and by itself is a valuable qualification for those that seek employment
ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT and Business. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students.
gl;lg;gbg;Gr; nraw;j;jpl;lk; ,yq;ifapy; jpwe;j gy;fiyf;fofq;fspYk; ngwKbAk;.
The more popular programmes we have on offer include:
mjidj; njhlh;e;J kUj;Jt Ma;Tf; fy;tp epiyaj;jpdhy; $Ljyhd gapw;rp epfo;Tj;jpl;lq;fs; elj;jg;gLtJld; $Ljyhd kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; muRld; Neubahf cs;thq;fg;gLfpd;wdh;.
NkYk; ,it jtpu mNefkhd jdpahh; fy;tp epiyaq;fs; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;tpayhsUf;fhd jFjpfis toq;Fk; epfo;r;rpj;jpl;lq;fis toq;Ffpd;wJ.
Diploma in Information Technology (DITEC) – this is a 4 month Diploma that covers everything from the basics of computing to operating systems to office productivity applications, as well as computer programming, web designing and multimedia.
Diploma in Software Engineering (DISE) – a 6 month programme that prepares
Diploma in Web Engineering (DIWE) – a 6 month intensive programme that covers web designing and development using PHP as the main programming technology. Successful candidates will be able to engage is self employment or find employment in the industry. Diploma in Business Management (DIBM) – Ideal for those that wish to progress in the field of Business Management for their higher studies. This presents the ideal groundwork for those that are new to the field. Covers a wide spectrum and can be completed in 6 months. Diploma in English – A programme specially designed by ESOFT since we saw that language skills is an area where students need specialist help. English is a must for those that seek employment today as it is a life skill. ESOFT also offers international certification via the City and Guilds programmes.
ESOFT also offers a range of courses and programmes for young kids, school leavers, and professionals. Qualifications range from primary ICT classes for kids to Masters Degrees for those that have already completed their first degree or have suitable working experience. One of the reasons for the success of ESOFT students is that ESOFT has a dedicated full-time academic panel including those with Degrees and Masters, as well as professional qualifications.
www.esoft.lk for more details
cq;fSf;fhd re;jh;g;gq;fs;?; rKjhaj;jpd; xOf;ftpaypyhd jhf;fj;jpy; kUj;jt Ma;T $l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; / tpQ;Qhdpfspd; njhopy; ghul;lj;jf;fJk; Kf;fpak; tha;e;jjhFk;. mjdhy; jhd; Vg;uy; khjk; 15k; jpfjp rh;tNjr caphpay; kUj;Jt tpQ;Qhd Ma;T$l jpdkhf nfhz;lhlg;gLfpd;wJ. ,yq;ifapy; cs;ehl;L hPjpapy; jdpahh; kw;Wk; muR JiwfspYk; kw;Wk; rh;tNjr JiwfspYk; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsUf;F $Ljyhd re;jh;g;gq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. jpU. fpj;rpwp tpjhdNf Njrpa itj;jparhiyapd; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fspd; Rg;gpwpz;ld;l; $Wifapy; tUlj;jpw;f;F 2 – 2.5 kpy;ypad; Gydha;T Njrpa itj;jparhiyapd; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpayhsh;fs; jpizf;fsfj;jpdhy; topelj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. Njrpa itj;jparhiyapy; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopypl;El;gtpayhsUtjw;fhd jFjpfs; fh.ngh.j cah; jug;ghPl;irapy; tpQ;Qhdg;gphptpy; %d;W rpj;jpfSld; ,urhadtpaypy; rpwg;G rpj;jpapid ngw;wpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. nghUj;jkhd njhopyhsh;fs; Rfhjhu mikr;rpdhy; mkh;j;jg;gLtJld; 2 tUl gapw;rp epfo;r;rpj; jpl;llj;jpy; gq;Fgw;WtJld; ,Wjp tUlk; bg;Nshkh epiy ghPl;irapy; mkh;thh;fs;. (,t; Mf;fj;jpw;fhd midj;J cjtpfSk; Njrpa itj;jparhiy jiyth; lhf;lh;.mdpy; n[arpq;f kw;Wk; jpU. fpj;rpwp tpjhdNf Rg;wpz;ld; kUj;Jt Ma;T$l njhopy;El;gtpahyhsh; ,yq;if Njrpa itj;jparhiy MfpNahUf;F ed;wpfs;)
APIIT – is a renowned higher education provider in Sri Lanka. APIIT Sri Lanka focuses on 5 important Dimensions which are known as unique advantages of Studying at APIIT.
Global Reputation for Academic Excellence APIIT - Sri Lanka offers several degree programmes in Computing/IT, Business Management and Law in collaboration With Staffordshire University in the UK. These are internationally Accredited internal degree programmes. Innovative Learning, Teaching and Assessment Close interaction with international partner organizations helps APIIT keep abreast of international developments and trends in Higher education. APIIT adopts international best practices that Promote high quality of teaching and learning and a high degree Of integrity and reliability of assessments.
High Quality Staff Committed to Student Success Students’ academic achievement is the primary focus of the Entire operation at APIIT. In order to support outstanding Student achievement, APIIT places great significance on the Recruitment, development and retention of high quality staff Who are committed to student success. Cutting-edge Technology and Premium Facilities Being a modern and futuristic higher education institution, APIIT - Sri Lanka readily embraces latest technological advances To facilitate its teaching/ learning process as well as academic Management.
Professional Culture and Value System APIIT possesses a distinctive professional culture and value System. Students are trained from day one to conduct Themselves like professionals.
Conclusion APIIT’s vision is to be a leading provider of top-quality Higher education in the region with an objective to Produce professionals who are immediately employable upon Graduation and enjoy rewarding careers in life.
kUe; j fk; : ek;gfj;jd;ik kpf;f xU njhopy; Mf;fk; - epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is cjtpfs; \hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk; mfpy jfehaf;f
kUe;jhsh; njhopyhdJ rKjhaj;jpid rpwg;ghf itj;jpUg;gjpy; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ngw;Ws;sJ. xU kUe;jhsh; Nehahspfspd; tho;tpy; ghhpa gq;fpid tfpg;gJld; itj;jpahpdhy; MNyhrpf;fg;gLk; kUe;Jfis toq;fp ghJfhf;fpd;wdh;.xUth; kUe;jhsuhf tu Ntz;Lkhapd; re;ijapYs;s midj;J kUe;Jfs; njhlh;ghd mwptpid ngw;wpUg;gJld; mj;jfty;fspy; $ba mtjhdj;jpid ngw;wpUg;gJ mghafukhd kUe;Jfis jtph;j;J Nehahspfis ghJfhf;f cjTfpd;wJ. xU ehspy; E} w;Wf;Fk; Nkw;g;gl;l kUe;J epakq;fs; jFjp ngw;w kUe;jhsuhpdhy; ifahsg;gLfpd;wJ. cz;ikapNyNa ,J cah;e;j njhopy; vd;gJld; ,yq;ifapy; kl;Lky;yhJ ntspehLfspYk; cz;ikj; jd;ikAk; Neh;ikAk; nfhz;l cah; jFjp ngw;w njhopyhf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. xU kUe;jhsh;; rKjhaj;jpy; cah; ek;gfj;jd;ik nfhz;l eguhf fhzg;gLtJld; mtdpd;+ my;yJ mtspd;; njhopy; jFjpapYk; nfhz;Ls;sJ. kUe;jhsh;fspd; gq;fhdJ itj;jpaj;Jiwapy; tiuaWf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. mj;Jld; NehahspfSf;F kUe;Jfis vt;thW vg;NghJ rpwe;j gpujpgyd;fis ngWtjw;f;F vLj;jy; Nghd;w ngWkjpahd MNyhridfis toq;FtJld; gf;f tpisT njhlh;ghd MNyhridfis toq;FtJld; gf;f tpistpid msg;gjw;fhd msT KiwfisAk; rhpahd itj;jpa gad;ghl;bw;fhd rhjdq;fshd ,d;`Pyh;]; epGiyrh;]; kw;Wk; Crp Nghd;w itj;jpaj;Jiwapy; ifahSk; fUtpfs; njhlh;ghd rhpahd MNyhridfis toq;FtJkhFk;.
mNefkhd kUe;jhsh; kf;fSld; jpdrhp njhlh;gpid itj;jpUg;gJld; rpwe;j njhlh;ghlyhsuhfTk; mtjhdpf;Fk; jpwd; nfhz;ltuhfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. ,J vjid Fwpf;fpd;wjhapd; kUejhsh;; xUthpd; rpwe;j njhlh;ghly; jpwd; kw;Wk; MNyhridj; jpwikfNs ,j; njhopypd; ntw;wpahFk;. mj;Jld; kUe;jhsh; NehaspAld; jplkhd ek;gpf;ifkpf;f njhlh;gpid itj;jpUg;gJ mtrpakhFk;. njhlh;e;J fw;wypy; Mh;tk;> mwptpid GJg;gpj;jy;> rpwe;j Qhgf rf;jp> Muha;Tj;jpwd; kw;Wk; jfty;fspy; mtjhdk; Nghd;wit Njitahd jpwd;fshFk;. xUth; tpahghu Jiwapyhd kUe;jhsuhapd; kUe;Jfs; kw;Wk; itj;jpaJiwapy; Muha;rp nra;J ghpNrhjidfSf;F cjTtJld; kUe;Jf; fk;gdpfspy; Gjpa kUe;Jfis cUthf;fp mgptpUj;jp nra;thh;fs;. ,yq;ifapy; kUe;jhsuhtjw;F gy;NtW topKiwfs; cs;sd. ehk; ghhpa mstpy; epidtpy; itj;jpUf;f Ntz;ba tplak; ahnjdpy; ,yq;ifapy; kUe;jhsuhf gapw;rp vLf;f Ntz;Lkhapd; ,yq;if kUj;Jt fy;Y}hp rq;fj;jpy; gjpT nra;jpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. murpdh; itj;jparhiyapy; njhopy; GhpAk; kUe;jhsh;; Neubahf Rfhjhu mikr;rpdhy; epakpf;fg;gLfpd;wdh;.cl; nry;Ytjw;fhd mbg;gil jFjpfshtd fh.ngh.j. rhjhuzjug; ghPl;irapy; Mq;fpy ghlj;jpy; rpj;jp ngw;wpUg;gJld; fh.ngh.j. cah;juj;jpy; %d;W ghlq;fspy; rpj;jp ngwW ,urhadtpaypy; rpj;jp
ngw;wpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. mt;thwhdth;fs; 2 tUl gapw;rpj; jpl;lj;jpw;f;F Njh;r;rp ngw;wtuhfpd;wdh; mjpy; xd;wiu tUlq;fs; fy;tpj;jpl;lKk; mjidj; njhlh;e;Js;s 6 khjq;fs; gapw;rpfSk; toq;fg;gLfpd;wJ.mjidj; njhlh;e;J ,yq;if kUj;Jt fy;Y} hp rq;fj;jpdhy; elhj;jg;gLk; kUe;jhsh;; ghPl;irapy; mkh;jy; Ntz;Lk;.,jpy; ntw;wpngw;wth;fSf;F ,yq;if kUj;Jt fy;Y}hp rq;fj;jpdhy; toq;fg;gLk; jFjp tha;e;j rhd;wpjo; toq;fg;gLk;. ntspthhpahd kUe;jhsh; my;yJ r%f kUe;jhsh; jFjpailtjw;f;F NtWgl;l Kiwikapid ifahs;fpd;wdh;. Kjypy; xUth; kUe;jhsuhf tpUk;gpd; kUe;jhsuhf gzpGhpa Ntz;Lk;.mt;thW mtNdh my;yJ mtNsh gzpGhpa Ntz;Lkhapd; fh.ngh.j. rhjhuzjug; ghPl;irapy; Mq;fpy ghlj;jpy; rpj;jp ngw;wpUg;gJld; fh.ngh.j. cah;juj;jpy; %d;W ghlq;fspy; rpj;jp ngw;W ,urhadtpaypy; rpj;jp ngw;wpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. ,t;thW fw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; kUe;jhsh;; xU jyik kUe;jhshpd; fPo; 2 tUlq;fs; gzpGhpa Ntz;Lk; mj;Jld; ,yq;if kUj;Jt fy;Y}hp rq;fj;jpdhy; elhj;jg;gLk; ghPl;irapy; mkh;jy; Ntz;Lk; ntw;wpngw;wth;fSf;F jFjp ngw;wjw;fhd rhd;wpjo; toq;fg;gLtJld; jFjpngw;w kUe;jhsuhf gjpT nra;ag;gLthh;fs;. ,ijj;jtpu fhzg;gLk; topKiwahdJ ,yq;ifapy; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;l gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; tpQ;Qhdg;gl;lj;jpid kUe;jfj;Jiwapy; ngw;wpUj;jyhFk;. gl;lg;gbg;gpidj; njhlh;e;J tpz;zg;gjhhpfs; ,yq;if kUj;Jt fy;Y}hp rq;fj;jpy; gjpT nra;ag;gl;bUg;gJld; kUe;jhsuhf jFjp ngWfpd;wdh;. n[ath;j;jdGu nguNjdpah nfhOk;G UFd kw;Wk; ,yq;ifapd; jpwe;j gy;fiyf;fofq;fs; kUe;jf gl;lg;gbg;gpid nfhz;Ls;sJ. xUth; ntspehl;L gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; gl;lg;gbg;gpid ngw;wpUg;gpd; ,yq;if kUj;Jtf; fy;Y}hapy; tpz;zg;gpj;jpUf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; mth;fsJ jFjpfs; Muhag;gLtJld; Vw;Wf;nfhs;Skplj;J gapw;rp toq;fg;gLtJld; jFjpr; rhd;wpjo; tpN\l ghPl;irapd; gpd;dh; toq;fg;gLk;. (NkYs;s jfty;fs; ,yq;if Njrpa itj;jparhiy gpuhjd eph;thf];jh; lhf;lh;. mzpy; n[arpq;f kw;Wk; gpujhd kUe;jhsh;; jpUkjp W.M.K. tp[ajpyf fz;fhdpg;G kUe;jhsh; jpUkjp D.D.uj;dfyh kw;Wk; kUe;jhsh; jpU. K.L.D. mNry Njrpa itj;jparhiy midtUf;Fk ,j;jUzj;jpy;; ngUikAld; ed;wp etpy;fpd;Nwhk;)
T!IOfõ§ka( fyolug wjYH
úYajdikSh msßila igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard" ksfrdackS lkm;sms,af,a" wls, oykdhl iy l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks mßj¾;kh ufyaIsld fm%aupkaø
ish jD;a;Sh YlH;dj u; T!IOfõ§hd iudcfha úYajdi lghq;= mqoa.,fhl= f,i ie,fla' Tyqf.a N+ñldj T!IO ñY% lsÍug iSud fkdfõ' Wmßu m%;sm, ,nd.ekSug úúO T!IO .;hq;= wdldrh fukau" tys w;=reM, yd ta i|yd ms<shïo úfYaI ffjoH WmlrKhkays ksjerÈ fh§u yd Ndú;h ms<sn|j frda.shd ±kqj;a lsÍuo Tyqf.a ;j;a jeo.;a ld¾hHhka lsysmhls
T!IOfõ§ jD;a;sh iudcfha hymeje;aug jeo.;a fõ' frda.Skag ;u T!IO u.ska Wmßu m%Óm, ,nd.ekSug fukau ffjoH ks¾foaYs; iqrCIs; T!IO Ndú;fha jeo.;alu ms<sn| ±kqj;a lsÍfï§ m%Odk ld©hla Tjqka u.ska isÿ fõ' T!IOfõÈhl= ùug kï Tn i;=j fj<|fmdf,a mj;sk fnfy;a j¾. ms<sn| mq¿,a wjfndaOhla iy frda.skaf.a Ôj; wjOdkulg ,la fkdjk mßÈ iEu f;dr;=rlau úYaf,aIKh lsÍfï yelshdjla ;sîu b;d jeo.;ah' iqÿiqlï ,;a T!IOfõ§ka w;ska ffokslj ish.kka m%f,aLk ^fnfy;a jÜfgdare& i|yd T!IO ksl=;a flf¾' th foia úfoia lS¾;shg ,la jQ úYajdikSh iy wjxl jD;a;shls' ish jD;a;Sh YlH;dj u; T!IOfõ§hd iudcfha úYajdi lghq;= mqoa.,fhl= f,i ie,fla' Tyqf.a N+ñldj T!IO ñY% lsÍug iSud fkdfõ' Wmßu m%;sm, ,nd.ekSug úúO T!IO .;hq;= wdldrh fukau" tys w;=reM, yd ta i|yd ms<shïo úfYaI ffjoH WmlrKhkays ksjerÈ fh§u yd Ndú;h ms<sn|j frda.shd ±kqj;a lsÍuo Tyqf.a ;j;a jeo.;a ld©hka lsysmhls' nyq;rhla T!IOfõ§ka úúO mqoa.,hka iu. ks;sm;d .kqfoKq lrk neúka ikaksfõokh iy ijka §u b;d jeo.;ah' tneúka oCI
T!IOfõ§hl= ùug hym;a ikaksfõok" wka;¾ mqoa., yd WmfoaYk ksmqk;d ukd msájy,ls' tu.ska ;u frda.Ska iu. úYajdih iy meye§u u; mokï jQ úfYaI in|;djla mj;ajd .; yel' tfiau ika;ksl yd hdj;ald,Sk ±kSu" ;shqKq u;lh" úYaf,aIKh yd ish¨ lreKq j,g wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu ;jÿrg;a wfmaCIs; .=Kdx. lsysmhls' fj<| iud.ï ys ld¾ñl T!IOfõ§hl= f,i T!IO yd fnfy;a j¾. msßlaiSu fyda kj T!IO ms<sn| m¾fhaIKh yd jeäÈhqKq lsßu o úl,am T!IOfõ§ CIa;%hls' Y%S ,xldj ;=, T!IOfõÈhl= ùug l%u lsysmhls' kuq;a jeo.;a lreK jkafka hful=g Y%S ,xldfõ T!IOfõÈhl= ùug wjYH kï Ceylon Medical College ys iqÿiqlï ,;a T!IOfõÈhl= f,i ,shdmÈxÑ ùu wksjd¾h fõ' wNHka;r T!IOfõ§ka hkq fi!LH wu;HxYfhka n|jd .;a cd;sl frday,a j, /lshdfõ kshq;= mqoa.,hka h' ta i|yd m%fõY iqÿiqlï kï w'fmd'i' id$fm< bx.%Sis i|yd idudkH idud¾:hla yd w'fmd'i W$fm< ridhk úoHdj C idud¾:hla we;=¨j idud¾: ;=kls' fuu wdOqkslhka wjqreÿ 1 udi 6 l wOHhk mdGud,djla iy
T!IOfõÈhl= ùug kï Tn i;=j fj<|fmdf,a mj;sk fnfy;a j¾. ms<sn| mq¿,a wjfndaOhla iy frda.skaf.a Ôú; wjOdkulg ,la fkdjk mßÈ iEu f;dr;=rlau úYaf,aIKh lsÍfï yelshdjla ;sîu b;d jeo.;ah ;j;a udi 6l mqyqKq mdGud,djla we;=¨j iïmQ¾K wjqreÿ 2l jevigyklg fhduq flf¾' bkamiqj Tjqka Sri Lanka Medical Council u.ska mj;ajk Internal Pharmacists' Examination úNd.hg uqyqK fok w;r id¾:l wfmaCIlhka yg Ceylon Medical College Council u.ska T!IOfõ§ ,shdmÈxÑ Ndjh u; mokï jQ m%ùK;d iy;slhla ksl=;a flf¾' ndysr T!IOfõ§ fyda fmdÿ T!IOfõ§ iqÿiqlï ,eîug fjk;a l%shdud¾.hla wkq.ukh lrhs' m<uqj T!IOfõÈhl= ùug woyia lrkakd wdOqksl T!IOfõÈhl= f,i mqyqKq fõ' ta i|yd m%fõY iqÿiqlï kï w'fmd'i id$fmd< bx.%Sis ioyd idudkH idud¾:hla yd w'fmd'i W$fm< ridhk úoHdj we;=¨j idud¾: ;=kls' fuu wdOqksl T!IOfõ§ka iqÿiqlï ,;a T!IOfõ§hl= hgf;a wjqreÿ 2la mqyqKq úh hq;= w;r bkamiqj Tjqka
Ceylon Medical College Council (SLMC)
u.ska mj;ajk úNd.hg uqyqK Èh hq;= fõ' id¾:l wfmaCIlhka yg ksmqk;d iy;slhla ksl=;a lrk w;r bkamiqj iqÿiqlï ,;a T!IOfõÈhl= f,i ,shdmÈxÑ úh yel' ;j;a ud¾.hla kï Y%S ,xldfõ ms<s.;a úYaj úoHd,hlska T!IOfõ§ Wmdêh ,nd .ekSuhs' bkamiqj Tng CMMC ys iqÿiqlï ,;a T!IOfõÈhl= f,i ,shdmÈxÑ úh yel' Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,h" fmardfoKsh" fld<U" reyqKq" iy Y%S ,xld újD; úYaj úoHd,h T!IOfõ§ Wmdê mdGud,d mj;ajhs' hï mqoa.,fhl= i;=j úfoaY úYaj úoHd,hl Wmdêhla we;akï CMMC tu b,a,Su we.hqï lr th ms<s.; yelskï m%ùK;d iy;slhla ,nd .ekSug úfYaI úNd.hlg bÈßm;a ùug wjir ,nd foa'
A professional to trust
By Kusum Nandika Gunawardhena assisted by Sharlene De Chickera, Nirojini Kanapathipillai and Akhila Dahanayake
programme consisting of one and a half year study programme followed by a six months internship. They have to then sit for the internal pharmacists’ examination conducted by Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC). Successful candidates are issued a certificate of proficiency based on which registration as a qualified pharmacist can be obtained from the Ceylon Medical College Council. External pharmacists or communal pharmacists follow a different route to qualify. Initially a person interested in becoming a pharmacist has to work as an apprentice pharmacist. To do so he or she needs a credit pass in English at the GCE Ordinary Level examination and three passes at the GCE Advanced Level examination with Chemistry as a compulsory subject. These apprentice pharmacists have to work for two years under the supervision of a qualified pharmacist and sit for the pharmacists’ examination conducted by the SLMC. A successful candidate will be awarded a
Pharmacist’s profession is important for the wellbeing of the society. Pharmacists play a vital role in helping patients get the best results from their medication and promote safe use of medicines prescribed by a medical practitioner. To become a pharmacist one must have a through knowledge of drugs in the market and pay great attention to details so as not to make mistakes that would endanger lives of patients. Hundreds of prescriptions are daily processed by qualified pharmacists. It’s a truly noble profession of trust and integrity that has a high reputation both in Sri Lanka and abroad. A pharmacist is a highly trusted person in the society, in his or her professional capacity. Pharmacists’ role is not limited to dispensing medication. They also provide valuable advice to patients on how and when to take medicine
to maximize benefits, advise on side effects and measures to mitigate such side effects and about correct usage of special medical instruments such as inhalers, Nebulizers and syringes in administering medication. Most pharmacists interact with people on a regular basis and hence they should be good communicators as well as good listeners. This means you need to have good communication, interpersonal and counseling skills to succeed in this profession. Furthermore, pharmacists must maintain a special relationship of trust and confidence with their patients. Interest in continuous learning to update knowledge, a good memory, analytical skills and attention to details are a few other desired attributes. One can also be an industrial pharmacist conducting research on drugs and medications and
help test and develop new drugs at pharmaceutical companies. There are several ways to become a pharmacist in Sri Lanka. Vital aspect is to remember that to practice as a pharmacist in Sri Lanka one should obtain registration as qualified pharmacist from the Ceylon Medical College Council (CMMC). The internal pharmacists are those employed in state sector hospitals recruited directly by the Ministry of Health. The entry qualifications include passing of GCE Ordinary level examination with a credit pass for English and 3 passes at GCE Advanced Level examination with a credit pass for Chemistry and the required Z-score. The training programme is conducted at the School of Pharmacy of National Hospital of Sri Lanka and at the and Kalutara Nagoda Hospital. These recruits undergo a two year training
Most pharmacists interact with people on a regular basis and hence they should be good communicators as well as good listeners. This means you need to have good communication, interpersonal and counseling skills to succeed in this profession
certificate of efficiency and thereafter, can register as a qualified pharmacist. The other path is to graduate from a recognized Sri Lankan university with a BSc Degree in Pharmacy. Following graduation candidates are eligible to obtain registration from the CMMC as qualified pharmacists. Universities of Sri Jayawardenapura, Peradeniya, Colombo, Ruhuna and the Open University of Sri Lanka conduct BSc Degree programmes in Pharmacy. If a person possesses a degree granted by a foreign university, the CMMC upon application will evaluate qualifications and trainings and if acceptable, will allow sitting for a special examination to obtain a certificate of efficiency. (Assistance rendered in preparation of above article by Director, National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Dr. Anil Jasinghe, and by Chief Pharmacist Mrs. W. M. K Wijethilaka, Superintendent Pharmacist Mrs. D. D. Rathnakala and Pharmacist Mr. K. L. D Asela of National Hospital of Sri Lanka are appreciated with gratitude.)
ffjoH fkdjk fi!LH fiajd fCIa;%fha we;s jD;a;Sh wjia:djka lsysmhla fCIa;%h
fN!;Ñls;aidj Physiotherapy
T!IOfõ§ fiajdj Pharmacy
ffjoH mAfhaIKd.dr fiajdj
/lshdj ms<sno yeÈkaùu / JOB DESCRIPTION
ffjoH ;dlaIK
Medical technology
Non Medical health services iq}iqlï $ m,mqreoao
ffjoH wëlaIKh hgf;a YÍrfha lelal=ï" ;e,Sï jeks YdÍrdndOhkag m%;sl¾u lsÍu" mYapd;a Y,Hl¾u wjêfha frda.shd iqjm;a lsÍug iydh ùu" ldhsl yd udkisl wdndê; mqoa.,hskaf.a fN!;Ñls;ail $ jD;a;Sh Ñls;ail Ôú; kÕd isgqùug yd Tjqkag iajdëkj lghq;= lsÍug WmldÍ ùu' Physiotherapist/ Non medical cure of certain aches, pains under medical supervision; assisting Occupational Therapist in post surgical recovery processes, improving lives of physically & mentally disabled, empowering them to be independant; assist in sports medicine
fN!; Ñls;ail mdie, úiska mj;ajkq ,nk jir 2l ämaf,daudj yd jirl mqyqKqj ,nd ;sîu iu. w'fmd'i Wiia fm, fN!;sl úoHdj i|yd idud¾:hla ;sîu fyda fN!; Ñls;aidj ms<sn|j Wmdêhla ;sîu' Completion of 2 year Diploma and 1 year post qualifying internship at School of Physiotherapy with a pass in physics at GCE Adavance Level; OR a Degree in Physiotherapy
iyldr T!IOfõ§ Assistant Pharmacist
ks¾foaYs; T!IO ,nd§u Despensing prescribed medicines
Ceylon Medical College Council ys T!IOfõÈhl= f,i ,shdmÈxÑ ù ;sìu' Registered as a Pharmacist with the Ceylon Medical College Council
T!IOfõ§ Pharmacist
T!IOy, $ äiafmkaißh Ndrj lghq;= lsÍu In charge of a pharmacy/ dispensary
jir 3lg jeä ld,hla iyldr T!IOfõ§ ;k;=rl jevlr ,nd we;s m<mqreoao fyda Ceylon Medical College Council ys ,shdmÈxÑ ù ;sîu yd ms,s.;a úYaj úoHd,hlska T!IOfõ§ Wmdêhla ,nd ;sîu' Assistant Pharmacist with more than 3 years experience; OR Registered Pharmacist of the Ceylon Medical College Council with a BSc Degree in Pharmacy, obtained from a recognised university
reêr idïm,a /ialrkakka Phlebotomist
reêr idïm, ,nd.ekSu yd mÍlaIK i|yd tajd iqrlaIs;j .nvd lsÍu Collection of blood samples from patients and storage of samples for testing
ms,s.;a fyÈ mqyqKq wdh;khl ämaf,daud iy;slhla ;sîu yd /lshdfõ jirl mqyqKqj Diploma from a recognized nurses training institution with 1 year training
ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ka Medical Laboratary Technician
m¾fhaIKd.drhg ,efnk Ôj ridhk idïm, mßlaIdj Conducting laboratory tests
ms,s.;a úYaj úoHd,hlska ridhk úoHdj úIhla f,i we;s Wmdêhla fyda ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ Wmdêhla ,nd ;sîu fyda ffjoH m¾fhaIK wdh;kh u.ska ,nd.;a ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ ämaf,daudjla ;sîu fyda Y%S ,xld ffjoH ljqkais,fha ,shdmÈxÑ ms,s.;a wdh;khla uÕska mj;ajkq ,nk ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr ;dlaIKfõ§ HND mdGud,djla yodrd ;sîu' ämaf,daud yd HND mdGud,d i|yd w'fmd'i Wiia fm< ridhk úoHdj i|yd idud¾:hla yd w'fmd'i idudkH fm, bx.%Sis úIh i|yd idud¾:hla ;sìh hq;=h' tfukau Ôj ridhk" rla;fõ§ fyda uq;% idïm,a úYaf,aIKh lsßfï m,mqreoao /lshdfõ bÈß m%.;sh ioyd WmldÍ jkq we;' BSc. Degree in Medical Laboratory Science with Chemistry as a subject from a recognised university; OR a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from Medical Research Institute; OR HND in Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognised institute, with Sri Lanka Medical Council registration. For Diplomas and HND, a pass in Chemistry at GCE ALs and a pass in English at GCE OLs is needed; Experience in bio-chemistry, haematology or urine analysis will be advantageous for career advancement
lKsIaG m¾fhaIKd.dr úoHd{hska Junior Laboratory Scientist
ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr jd¾;dj, ksrjoH;dj ;yjqre lsÍu" ;;aj mßlaIdjka isÿlsÍu Verifying accuracy of medical reports, conducting quality checks
ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr $ cdk bxðfkare $ Ôj ridhk úoHdj $ Ôj ffjoH úoHdj wdY%s; fCIa;%hlg wod,j ms<s.;a úYaj úoHd,hlska ,;a Wmdêhla ;sîu BSc Degree in Medical Laboratory Science/ Genetics/ Biotechnology or a related field of Biomedical Sciences from a recognised university
Medical laboratory services
Choices, Options and Opportunities in
ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr úoHd{hska ffjoH m¾fhaIKd.dr lghq;= iïnkaO iuia: md,kh Medical Laboratary Scientist Overall in charge of a medical laboratory
ffjoH m%fõKS úoHdjg wod,j M.Sc. fyda Bg by, iqÿiqlï imqrd ;sîu M.Sc. or higher qualification in a field related to Medical Genetics.
wlaIs úfYaI{hska Optometrist
wlaIs mßlaIdjka isÿlsÍu yd wlaIs WmlrK ks¾foaY lsÍu Conducting eye tests and recommeding optical equipments for patients
Y%S ,xld oDIaáñ;sl ix.ufha HND mdGud,djla yodrd ;sîu' Higher National Diploma from Sri Lanka Optometric Association
Ôj ffjoH ld¾ñl Ys,amS Bio Medical Technician
ffjoH WmlrK j, msßisÿ Ndjh ;yjqre lsÍu yd ksis kv;a;=j Ensuring higene and proper maintenance of bio medical equipment
NDT/ HNDE/ ATI fyda iudk iqÿiqlula ;sîu yd bf,lafg%dksl wxYhg wod,j NVQ we.hqu ,nd ;sîu' Ôj ffjoH WmlrK j,g wod, m<mqreoao wu;r iqÿiqluls' NDT/ HNDE/ ATI or equivalent qualification with proper NVQ rating in Electronics, preferably with experience related to bio medical equipment
úlrKYs,amSka $ X- lsrK Ys,amSka X - Ray Technician/ Radiographer
X- lsrK m¾fhaIKd.drh Ndrj lghq;= lsÍu Overall incharge of X-ray laboratory
úlsrK Ys,amshl= f,i ,shdmÈxÑ ù ;sîu Registered as a Radiographer with the Sri Lanka Medical Council
m¾fhaIKd.dr fiajd l<uKdlre Manager - Laboratory Services
m¾fhaIKd.dr fiajdj iïnkaO iuia: j.lSu Overall incharge of laboratory services
úoHdj" Ôj ridhk úoHdj fyda wKql úoHdj ms<sn|j Wmdêhla ms,s.;a úYaj úoHd,hlska ,nd ;sîu' Degree in Science, Bio Chemistry or Molecular Biology from a recognized university. A Master’s degree in any of the above will be a definite advantage
Job descriptions may change based on services rendered. Salary figures have been omitted, as they vary significantly among private and public sectors, among public sector entities and also among employed and private practitioners. igyk - fiajd iajrEmh u; ;k;=rekdu fjkia úh yel' rdcH iy fm!oa.,sl wxY w;f¾;a" rdcH wxYfhau úúO wdh;k w;f¾;a iy iajdëk jD;a;Slhka w;f¾;a wdodhï uÜgï úYd, jYfhka tlsfklg fjkia jk neúka jegqma iy$fyda wdodhï f;dr;=re ioyka lr fkdue;' Notes:
Caring for the vision of others By Sharlene De Chickera, Nirojini Kanapathipillai and Akhila Dahanayake
Optometrists’ role includes not only fitting of corrective eyeglasses but also treatment of visual disorders, eye diseases, infections and trauma. They also attend to treatment of those diagnosed with eye diseases such as Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration.
Optometrists work in conjunction with eye surgeons (ophthalmologists), where patients need consultation on more serious conditions that require specialised testing or surgical intervention. Generally ophthalmologists
Moulding professional optometrists By Sharlene De Chickera and Dinuka De Soyza The Sri Lanka Optometric Association (SLOA) was formed in May 1961 as Ceylon Optometric Association. During early stages, its members who were from traditional optometry family businesses used to meet informally in houses and hotels. From an early initiative, it has now become more formalised. It has formed and an alliance with the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute to conduct courses for those interested in the field. “We find that many students are genuinely interested in eye care,” said Jehan Rajapakse, Deputy Chairman of SLOA.
Currently many courses are available for youth who have completed their O/Ls and have credit passes for English and Maths. Classes are conducted on Sundays. “We find that a lot of students are interested in this field but most lack basic communication skills in English,” he said. Some available courses are: Foundation Course in Optometry A 6 months foundation course conducted at SLOA College premises for student members. Passing of A/Ls in Science stream or passing of O/Ls
with credit passes for Science, Mathematics & English, together with not less than five years work experience in optometry are significant entry criterion. Higher National Diploma in Optometry Higher National Diploma in Optometry course is conducted in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute. Only Full Members, Associate Members and Dispensing Opticians of Sri Lanka Optometric Association are enrolled in to this course. Duration of the course is about two and half years.
focus on their specialty; most times sending patients back to an optometrist for prescription of eyeglasses or contact lenses. In this way, optometrists and ophthalmologists create a partnership to provide the best care for patients. Optometrists’ role also includes medical management hypertension and diabetes as well, which affect the eyes or retina. Optometrists sometimes detect early signs of diseases even before a patient has been diagnosed. He affirms that optometry is one that is akin to being a doctor, and that in terms of eye care, the first point of contact is an optometrist who then refers the patient to a doctor.
A vision to care “One of our objectives is to train students in Optometry and Dispensing Optics in terms of eye care, with an
ancillary training in Audiometry,” said Mr. Manural Laknatha, Manager Business Development of Vision Care, who has over 28 years of experience as an optometrist.
The academy There are opportunities for students who have passed all subjects in the bio science or maths streams at GCE Advanced Level examination, with a credit pass for English at GCE Ordinary Level examination, to qualify as optometrists at the Vision Care Academy. The academy is a part of the Ceylon Council of Optometry and Orthotics, which includes organizations such as Sri Lanka Optometry Association and Eye Care Institute. Competency in English is required, as lectures deal with English terms and
almost all research books on the subject are available only in English. The academy at Maradana, Colombo offers a 2 year Diploma in Optometry and a Certificate in Ophthalmic Technology. Diplomats can become Optic Dispensers. Local and foreign lecturers are on board. The lecture panel comprises of those who have both academic qualifications and professional expertise in optometry. Many students have been gainfully employed locally, while others have got appointments overseas.
Alternative medical
health careers By Nalin Goonewardene
Here, are a few alternatives they may wish to explore: Dental Laboratory Technician Dental laboratory technicians specialize in different areas of dental and orthodontic work. Their jobs usually include making and repairing dentures, crowns and braces. They work in dental schools, commercial dental laboratories, hospitals, dental clinics and for manufacturers of dental devices. Basic educational requirements are Science, Maths and English with further education in a vocational school or dental school to learn skills which includes dental laboratory training.
Medical Illustrator Medical illustrators are highly skilled artists with some medical knowledge. They create graphics for textbooks, journals, magazines and educational films in the medical field. Their drawings span a wide range from microorganisms to body parts. Some prepare illustrations that aid in research or creation of artificial body parts. They may be required to use modelling skills to create artificial ears, noses etc for patients that are deformed or have undergone certain surgeries.
There are many A/Level students studying Physics, Chemistry and Biology for whom it is important to consider many attractive career options that are possible with the subjects they study.
Basic educational requirements are in both Arts and Science. Further training (if desired) includes courses similar to those required for medical school leading to a Master's degree in this field from a recognized university.
Biomedical Engineer Biomedical Engineers analyse and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving quality and effectiveness of patient care. They are at the intersection and integration of biology, medicine, physics,
mathematics, engineering science and human communication using their expertise to solve biological and medical problems. Challenges created by diversity and complexity of living systems require high calibre multi-disciplined creative, knowledgeable and imaginative people. They may use mathematical models and statistics to study signals generated by organs such as brain, heart and skeletal muscles. Some may build artificial organs, limbs, heart valves, dental implants etc to replace lost functions. Others may grow living tissues to replace failing organs. The educational foundation for a successful career begins at A/Levels in biology, chemistry, and physics followed by a first degree as well as a good grounding in English. This needs to be enhanced by engineering disciplines, such as provided in electrical, mechanical or chemical engineering as well as technical writing, ethics and humanities (such as history, psychology). All this is tied together within Biomedical Engineering courses offered by certain universities. This is a very exciting field with a wide scope that is continuing to evolve at a fast pace. It is demanding but rewarding, providing high income careers. It is not for everyone as there is a lot of hard work involved, but the two prime requirements are talent and in-depth interest.
Conclusion There is a variety of careers available in the medical/ healthcare field enabling use of specific and different skills. The key to success is to select that which closely matches interests and capability of each individual and then work hard to achieve established goals.
Chose yours wisely.
A career in radiography By Kusum Nandika Gunawardhena assisted by Sharlene De Chickera,
Nirojini Kanapathipillai and Akhila Dahanayake.
Radiography is a challenging career and is at the heart of modern medical technology. There are two main types of radiographers (also called radiological technologists), as diagnostic radiographers and therapeutic radiographers. Diagnostic radiographers employ a range of equipment and imaging techniques including X rays, ultrasound that uses high frequencies of sounds, CT scans, MRI scans, radioactive isotopes etc. Technology associated with radiography is continuously evolving and now it encompasses advanced imaging techniques and nuclear medicines as well. A therapeutic radiographer provides radio therapy treatments to patients using a wide range of technical equipment in the field of oncology. They are trained to accurately direct these treatments to tumors and other cancerous tissues while minimizing radiation exposure to normal healthy tissues. Radiographers service is not only limited to administering above mentioned techniques for diagnosis and treatment purposes. They also ensure that all radiological equipment function properly and maintained regularly while taking protective measures in accordance with National Atomic Energy Standards.
According to Mr S.Jayasinghe, Superintendent, Radiography Department National Hospital of Sri Lanka, four main areas coming under a radiography department may consist of; 1. 2. 3. 4.
Plain radiography (Such as X-rays) Special investigations CT scanning MRI scanning
According to Mr Jayasinghe there is great potential for radiographers in Sri Lanka. There are a lot of opportunities in government and private sector hospitals enabling aspiring youth to join a fulfilling and challenging career in radiography.
The Sri Lanka School of Radiography, located within premises of National Hospital of Sri Lanka conducts training programmes in radiography, BSc degree programmes in radiography and radiotherapy is also available at the faculty of Allied Health Sciences of University of Peradeniya. (Assistance rendered in preparation of above article by Director, National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Dr. Anil Jasinghe and Mr. Kithsiri Vithanage, Superintendent Medical Laboratory Technologist, National Hospital of Sri Lanka are appreciated with gratitude.)
eNdh njhopy;El;gKk; vjpHfhyKk;! Mf;fk; - ,utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad; eNdh njhopy;El;gk; vd;gJ ngd;rpy; fup (fpuigl;) ,d; xw;iw fhgd; gilia gha; Nghy; RUl;b cUthf;Fk; kpf Ez;zpa eNdh (10^-9 m) tpl;lk; nfhz;l kpd;rhuj;ij kw;Wk; ntg;gj;ij flj;jf; $ba cWjpahd ghuk; Fiwe;j ,iofisf; Fwpg;gJ. ,yj;jpudpay; cyfpy; ,jd; ghtid VyNt ngupa gq;fhw;w Muk;gpj;Jtpl;lJ. ,urhadtpaypYk;> capupaypYk;> ngsjPftpaypYk;> nghUs; tbtikg;G> cUthf;fj;jpYk; ,tw;wpd; gq;fspg;G ,Uf;fpd;wd. ,d;W cNyhff; flj;jpfs; nfhz;L cUthf;fg;gLk; xg;gPl;lstpy; ngupa ,yj;jpudpay; Rw;Wfis ,e;j eNdh flj;jpfs; nfhz;L xU iftpuy; mstpy; cUthf;fp tpl KbAk;. kiwe;j ];Bt; n[hg;]; cUthf;fpa mg;gps; epWtdk; ,j;njhopy;El;gj;ij ghtpf;f Muk;gpj;Jtpl;lJ. ,j;Jiwapy; gbg;gJ tpQ;Qhdk; rhHe;j vy;yh JiwfspYk; gadspf;Fk;. Fwpg;ghf ,yj;jpudpay; rk;ge;jg;gl;l njhopy;epWtdq;fs; vjpHfhyj;jpy; Nghl;bNghl;L mKy;gLj;Jk; mupa fz;Lgpbg;Gf;fis> tbtikg;Gf;fis ,e;j njhopy;El;gk; cUthf;Fk; vd;gJ epr;rak;. mNjNtis kUj;Jt cyfpYk; ,jd; ghtid mjpfupg;gNjhL clYf;Fs; ,aq;f itf;fg;gLk; itj;jpaH $l ,jd; %yk; cUthf;fg;glyhk; vd vjpHT $wg;gLfpwJ. eNdh njhopy;El;gkhdJ xU tpupe;j ghlg;gug;G. ,jpy; eNdh kUj;Jtj; njhopy;El;gNk kpf tpupthdJ. ,jpy; kUj;Jtg; ngsjPftpay; (Medical physics) kUj;Jtg; nghwpapay; (Medical Engineering).. kUj;Jt capupay; njhopy;El;gk; (Bio technology)> kugZg; nghwpapay; (Genetic engineering)> kUj;Jt capupay; tpQ;Qhdk; (Biomedical science) vd;W gy gpupTfs; cz;L. kUe;J jahupg;G> tbtikg;gpYk; eNdh njhopy;El;gj;jpd; gq;F Kf;fpak; ngWfpwJ. kUj;Jt cgfuzq;fs; fz;Lgpbg;G tbtikg;G Nkk;ghL ,it njhlHghd gbg;Gfs;. (X-ray, NMR,
CT scanner, Ultra sonic, UV therapy, Endoscope, Dental technology and so on)> capupay; gpwg;Gupik rpfpr;irfs;
%yk; Neha;fis ,y;yhJ xopj;jy; ([Pd; njugp - Gene therapy) ,g;gb epiwa 21/22 k; E}w;whz;bw;Fupa ghlg;gug;Gf;fs; ,jpy; cs;sd. ,tw;wpnyy;yhk; vjpHfhyj;jpy; eNdh njhopy;El;gk; Kf;fpak; ngWk; vd tpQ;Qhdpfs; vjpHT $WfpwhHfs;. eNdh njhopy;El;gj;jpd; kpf tpupthd gug;gpd; fhuzkhf ,j;Jiwfspy; Ntiy tha;g;G mjpfk; vd;gij czu KbfpwJ. Mdhy; ,j;Jiwapy; cs;stHfs; jq;fspd; mwpit vg;NghJk; GJg;gpj;Jf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. fhuzk;. tpiuthd khw;wq;fSk; tsHr;rpfSk; ,q;Fz;L. ntWk; gl;lg;gbg;G> gl;lNkw;gbg;Gf;fNshL epd;WtplhJ Fwpj;j Jiwapy; ,Uf;Fk; JiwrhH epGzj;Jt mq;fPfhuk; mspf;Fk; epWtdq;fspy; (Professional body eg: Institute of Biomedical Science) cWg;gpduhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. xt;nthU ehl;bYk; ,it ,Uf;fpd;wd. mj;NjhL ntspehl;L JiwrhH epGzj;Jt mikg;Gf;fspYk; mq;fj;Jtk; ngWjYk; Kf;fpak;. me;je;j ehl;L rl;lq;fSf;F NjitfSf;F Vw;g cq;fs; mwpit mit Nkk;gLj;j cjTk;. kUj;Jt cyfpy; (MRCP, FRCP, MRCS, FRCS, FRCOG) ,Ug;gJ Nghy tpQ;Qhdj;jpd; ,ju gpupTfspYk; ,t;thwhd Professional qualifications ,Uf;fpd;wd. Nkw;gb epWtdq;fs; cq;fspd; fy;tpj; jfik> mDgtk;> JiwrhHe;j mwpT GJg;gpg;G Nghd;w tplaq;fis rpwg;ghf Kd;Ndw;w cjTk;. ,tw;iwg; ngWtJ gjtp kw;Wk; rk;gs caHtpw;F kl;Lkd;wp cq;fspd; mwptpd; caHtpw;Fk; gad;ghl;L tpUj;jpf;Fk; cjTk;. vdNt eNdh nghwpapay; kw;Wk; eNdh kUj;Jt njhopy;El;gq;fspy; cq;fs; Neuj;ij mwpthw;wiy KjyPL nra;tJ tPzhfhJ. vjpHfhy cyfpy; eNdh njhopy;El;gk; Kf;fpa ,lk;ngWk; vd;gjpy; vt;tpj Iag;ghLk; ,y;iy.
kUe;J jahupg;G> tbtikg;gpYk; eNdh njhopy;El;gj;jpd; gq;F Kf;fpak; ngWfpwJ
Empowering life
by empowering your career
Does your job suits you? Before you decide to pursue any career think about whether you like doing that job all day, every day for many years. Because if you are unhappy with the type of job you perform, it’s eventually going to have a bad effect on all aspects of your life. Find your strengths because it’s easier to do a job by knowing your strengths than to compensate for weakness. Discover your
You have to take a hard look at your finances before entering the job market or thinking about a change of career. Decide on what sort of lifestyle is really important to you. Then think about how much money you need to make to support yourself in such a lifestyle
By Maheshika Premachandra
instructions and will help build rapport with others.
Everybody wants their life to be perfect. Defining “Perfect Life” may be hard, but there are some things in your life which could lead you there. Take your job for an example; it may be the most important thing in your life or it may not be. But there's no arguing, though, that it certainly is a significant part of it. Because most will spend at least 40 hours at work each week, trying to make a living. Apart from that it must be something you value, something that you want to do and something that gives you a sense of purpose. So if you struggle at your work it makes huge impact on your life, including your general outlook and demeanour, your physical and mental health and quality of your relationships. Perhaps this may be the time to looking in to your career and see what is missing.
Market yourself The best employees are not always the ones selected for the new job. The workers who get ahead are the ones who track their accomplishments and make sure their employers are aware of them; either through informal discussions or during annual reviews. Also, consider becoming an expert by collecting additional skills. Follow a course or read for another degree if it is necessary. career passion, your career purpose and develop a plan for achieving it. And it is important to research corporate cultures of organizations where you want to work to make sure they fit with your values.
Hard working or over doing? There is a huge difference between being ambitious and hard working and over doing something. It is your life and your career so it will be so much easy if you can find a balance between work and home. Because retaining a happy and healthy career means proper identification of the right balance between family life and work.
How is your attitude? Having a positive attitude not only makes the work place happy, it also makes you the person everyone wants to work with. Some people see only the negative side of things and they always find something to complain about. If you be that person you will bring yourself down and you’ll bring others also down with you. Try to maintain a positive bearing, as it helps you to fix problems instead of ignoring them.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know To accomplish your career targets make
sure to build strong network of people who can help you with targets. Most people will see right through you and it will harm your career rather than help. So make genuine relationships with your peers and people in your company. Also, golden opportunities occur outside your immediate team and you need to be well connected to be informed of such opportunities.
How much money you need to make? You have to take a hard look at your finances before entering the job market or thinking about a change of career. Decide on what sort of lifestyle is really important to you. Then think about how much money you need to make to support yourself in such a lifestyle.
Is it what you hear or what you listen? You hear an earful of things every day. It is an inborn ability which doesn’t cost you anything. But listening may need a hard try and concentration. Also it’s worth a try because you can learn a lot by listening. Whether your employer is explaining a project to you or telling you about his weekend, it is important that you understand what he is saying. Careful listening will keep you away from misunderstanding of
Ask for help and praise the helper As much as you think you know, you don't know it all. There are people who are more experienced than you. With that experience comes knowledge. In order to have access to that knowledge, make sure your network includes contacts other than your peers. More experienced contacts can help you with things such as learning more about an occupation or solving a problem at work. Always be grateful to those who offer you assistance. It’s truly a significant gesture. Whether someone gives you five minutes of his time or an introduction to a potential employer, it's important you let him know that you appreciate it. When that person needs help, you can return the favour.
Be in charge of your career Who cares about your career more than you do? It is very unlikely that someone will go out of his way to make sure you are successful. So you need to take the necessary steps to get to where you want to be. You have to decide how you want your career to end.
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
0Interested in building a globally mobile career? Now is the time to invest your talents on furthering your education of a career of your choice. The days of having a single professional qualification to get one’s foot in the corporate door are coming to an end; in today’s competitive job market, having more qualifications means having a sharper edge that will take you further up the ladder faster. Qualification
For whom
Useful Information
ACCA Professional Qualification
Post A/L students (2 C passes in A/L & 3 C passes in O/L including math & English) and graduates who want to purse a globally mobile career as a finance professional
Exams – Comprise 14 papers Ethics – Students need to complete an online ethics module prior to applying for membership. Experience – 3 years relevant practical experience during, before or after exams.
Introductory Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting Intermediate Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting
Comprise 2 papers Post O/L students
Diploma in Accounting and Business
Comprise 2 papers Comprise 3 papers
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Students over 16 years of age
BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University UK
ACCA Professional scheme students
CAT provides an early start to the young student who can use CAT as a foundation for the ACCA Professional qualification or as the basis for seeking employment complete the first 9 papers of the ACCA examinations + a research project + an ethics module
Contact the ACCA Sri Lanka
#424, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3. 2301920/2301923 E mail info@lk.accaglobal.com www.accaglobal.com
The exciting
rup. jdpahf xUtH Ntiy nra; t ij tpl FOthf Ntiy nra;tJ Vd; rpwe;jJ? ,jw;F gy topfspy; tpil $wyhk;. Kjyhtjhf gyH xd;W $b xU Ntiyia nra;Ak; NghJ mq;F kdpj tY mjpfupf;fpwJ. jdpahf xUtH rpe;jpg;gij tpl gyH NrHe;J rpe;jpf;Fk; NghJ GJ GJ NahridfSk; gpwf;fyhk; Vw;glf;$ba rpW rpW jtWfSk; jtpHf;fg;glyhk;. ,it vy; y htw; i wAk; tpl> xU Ntiyia rpW rpW gFjpfshf gyH gpupj;J nra;Ak; NghJ> Fwpj;j xU gFjp Ntiyapy; xUtH rpwg;Gj;NjHr;rp milfpwhH. mjd; NghJ me;j Fwpj;j Ntiy nra;Ak; tpiuTk; mt;Ntiyapy; EZf;fKk; Vw;gLfpwJ. ,J ,Wjp Kbit NkYk; rpwe;jjhf;FfpwJ. ,J jdpahf xU Ntiy nra;Ak; NghJ va;j Kbahj xU rpwg;gk;rkhFk;. FOr; nraw;ghl;bd; ey; t pisTfis ,d; i wa cyfk; ed;F czHe;J nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,jd; tpisthfNt ehk; vq;F nrd;whYk; FOr; nraw;ghl;bidf; fhzf;$bajhf cs; s J. mjhtJ FOf; f Sld; ,ize; J nraw; g l; L g; goFjy; ,d; i wa ,isa rKjhaj; j pw; F mj;jpahtrpakhd xd;whf tpsq;FfpwJ vdyhk;. vdNt rpwe;j tha;g;Gfs; fpilf; F k; rkaq; f spy; FOthf ,ize;J nraw;gl;L nra;Ak; Ntiyia ,yFthf; f pf; nfhs; t Jld; rpwe; j mDgtq;fisAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tJ ghlrhiyf;fhyj;jpypUe;Nj khztHfs; jk;kpilNa tsHj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;ba Kf;fpakhd gz;ghFk;. cq;fs; tho;ehspy; vg;NghjhtJ xU jlitahtJ FOr; nraw; g hL vDk; jiyg;gpy; mjd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; tpsq;fpNah> tpsq;fhkNyh vOjpahtJ> thrpj;jhtJ ,Ug;gPHfs;. me;jsTf;F FOr; nraw;ghL Kf;fpakhdjh? vd;why; "epr; r akhf" vd; W ek; g pf; i fAld; gjpyspf;fyhk; . gyH epidg;gJ Nghy; tpisahl; L fspy; kl; L k; FOf; f s; ,y;iy. ,d;iwa ehl;fspy; tq;fp njhlq;fp kUj;Jtkid tiu rfy nraw;ghLfSk; FOf;fshNyNa Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLfpd;wd. jkpo; mfuhjpfspy; FO vd;why; xU Fwpj;j nraw;ghl;bid g+Hj;jp nra;a xd;Wf;F Nkw;gl;NlhH ,ize;J nra;ag;gLk; myF vd;W $wg; g l; L s; s J. ,J xU FOTf; F ,Uf; f Ntz; b a kpf Kf; f pakhd ,ay; g pid vLj; J f; fhl; L fpwJ. FOtpy; ,Uf;Fk; xt;nthUtupdJk; Nehf;fk; xd;whf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJ khWgLk; ,lj;J FOtpd; nraw;ghNl Nfs;tpFwp Mfyhk;.
cWg;gpdHfspd; xUkpj;j Nehf;fk; FOtpd; ntw;wpapy; ngUk; gq; F tfpj; j hYk; > FOtpd; ntw; w p gpujhdkhfj; jPHkhdpf;fg;gLtJ mjd; jiyikj;Jtj;jpd; jd;ikapdhy; jhd;. 'murd; vt;top - Fbfs; mt;top" vd; g J Nghy FOtpd; jiytd; fl;Lf;Nfhg;ghf FOtpid top elj;jf; $batdhfTk;> nghWikrhypahfTk;> tpiuthf KbT vLg; g tdhfTk; ,Ue;jjhy;> me;j FO xU ntw;wp kpf FOthf ,Uf;Fk; tha;g;G kpf mjpfk;. rpwe;j cWgpdHfisf; nfhz;bUe;jhYk; Nkhrkhd jiyikj;Jtj;jpd; fhuzkhf njhlH Njhy;tp milAk; tpisahl;L mzpfs; gy> jiyikj; J tj; j pd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;jpw;F rpwe;j cjhuzk;. Mdhy; FOtpd; jiyikj;Jtk; vd;gJ 'fl;lisapLk;" mjpfhuk; my;y. rpwe;j Kd;Djhuzkhf ,Ue;J> FOtpdUld; ruprkkhff; fye;J> FOthf ntw;wpailtjw;fhd xU ce;Jrf;jpg; Gs;spahfj;jhd; FOr; nraw;ghLfspy; jiyikj; J tk; mikaNtz; L k; . ,d;iwa njhopw;re;ijapy; ngUk;ghYk; vjpHghHf;fg;gLtJ ,e;jj; jFjpiaj;jhd;.
healthcare industry By Nalin Goonewardene Normally, one would not call the healthcare industry exciting as it deals with people who are ‘sick’. But things have changed and will continue to change into an industry that is both exciting and rewarding. The healthcare industry has boomed over the last few years, growing twice as fast as the national economy in many countries despite 'difficult' conditions. This is set to continue with an annual 3% growth until 2020 - a dramatic growth rate compared to other sectors. There are several reasons for this. People are living longer, so increasing numbers are requiring healthcare. New discoveries are enhancing cutting-edge technology and new surgical techniques, while advanced research enables development of more effective new drugs. These in turn help people live longer and the cycle moves on, resulting in continuing demand for quality healthcare professionals at all levels.
Exciting developments The most exciting developments are in 'bio-tech" which has many spin offs driving innovation in medicine and healthcare by bringing together multi-disciplinary groups consisting of researchers, engineers, managers and practitioners from the medical arena. They work together exchanging knowledge and information to resolve issues relating to an ageing population as well as general health. The latest focus is on how modern ‘intelligent’ systems and 'smart'
Those starting A/Levels today are at an advantage because they can target a career in this field which will develop providing new opportunities for advancement, discovery and income growth technology can be applied to resolve issues relating to medicine, surgery and healthcare. A wide variety of topics are under investigation such as: • Intelligent interpretation of x-ray images • Smart medical devices, sensors and sensor systems • Use of Robotics for artificial joints as well as surgical assistants The vast advances in IT industry are being actively pursued for integration with developments in the field of medicine and healthcare. These include advanced topics such as: • Medical data mining; medical informatics and smart patient record systems • Expert and case-based reasoning for medical diagnosis and decision support • Neural networks, fuzzy paradigms and genetic algorithms
There is also keen interest in subjects such as: • Innovation in Regenerative Medicine • Medical Diagnostics and Biomarkers • Advanced Medical Materials Technology
Impact on your career In developed countries, the industry is investing in service jobs with new positions to meet the need. Sooner rather than later, this trend will hit Sri Lanka as well. All of this points to a growth industry that cannot be ignored and will continue to be important in the future. Those starting A/Levels today are at an advantage because they can target a career in this field which will develop providing new opportunities for advancement, discovery and income growth. Think of what it will be in the next 5 years when you are considering your career.
An investment for life Consider risks involved By Vinura Welgama
Education is an investment that is much more important than a financial investment A better section of our lives is spent engaging in the process of education. The pay off from this investment is big; a good education can lead to a great life as we are constantly reminded. Yet, at certain times the validity of this statement can be questioned. Especially in Sri Lanka we see graduates protesting on streets with no jobs and future. Around the world we see people unsatisfied with their work and existing in a state of apathy and despair. In the face of all this it is natural for us to question the role that education plays in our lives.
However, what many of those people fail to realize is the very nature of an investment. There is no such thing as an investment that will pay off for sure. When a banker makes a financial investment a great deal of time and effort is spent investigating and researching on the prospective investment. Education is an investment that is much more important than a financial investment. Yet paradoxically, especially in Sri Lanka, we see that very little fore thinking and investigation goes on into the nature of this investment. A good education is far more than getting a child into a good school or a university. It is a strategic decision that should take into account the personal preferences and skills of a child alongside the demand and supply in the employment market. Each individual has a unique set of abilities; be it a way with numbers, an ability to speak or a skill at painting. The most important thing to ensure a good investment is to identify where a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skills lie. A person engaging in a profession in his natural element would have an edge over others and thereby gain the potential to succeed. However, it is important that proper
encouragement and support be given to allow one to follow his natural talent. Today an aspiration to become a chef or a writer is looked at with disdain. Therefore, a person might be forced to ignore his or her natural skills in the face of social pressure. It is of utmost importance that this be changed. If not, those very same superstar chefs that we respect or those iconic authors might never exist in the future. In the modern world you find that there are certain professions with a high demand with or without an adequate supply. Either way the end result is that engaging in these professions can be a lucrative choice for an individual. There is a necessity for an individual to consider what he or she likes and decide in a trade off as to the income potential and work satisfaction. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka, above decision making process is generally concluded with many adverse effects. We see that there is competition for a certain type of spheres and virtually no competition for other fields. With the competitive education system in Sri Lanka this ensures that the majority of students are in a conundrum unless they perform exceptionally well in their examinations. As such it is of utmost importance that we treat education as an investment. Proper attention has to be paid to details as a priority to prevent a life full of regret. We need to understand that there is an opportunity cost and an inherent risk present in the choice of education. That is an inescapable nature of an investment.
Electricity Think afresh and save on your bill By Kusum Nandika Gunawardhena
Electricity has become more and more expensive over the years in Sri Lanka and around the world. It’s important to save electricity not only because it costs you a good chunk of your income. Fossil fuels used for electricity generation such as coal and natural gases cause environmental effects such as air pollution and global warming. Further, these fuel sources will not last forever. So it’s important to conserve energy for the wellbeing of the future generations.
You are acting as a responsible global citizen in protecting scarce resources for the benefit of future generations and help protect the environment
Apart from switching off unnecessary lights and electricity consuming electronic equipments when not needed, we have to look into other proactive measures that could reduce household consumption of electricity. The objective of this article is to explore possible ways of reducing energy consumption at homes which we may not be aware of. Some electronic and electrical equipment that we use have programmed stand by functions that are active even if you them switch off. This is true for devices such as DVD players, TV’s, stereos and many kitchen appliances where energy consumption in idle mode can be significantly high. Therefore, when such units are not in use it’s better to keep them unplugged. When it comes to lighting it’s better to have one large light bulb with a higher capacity than having several in a room. Further, in areas where you don’t need bright lighting you can use a bulb that consumes less energy. If you can invest on new bulbs its worth to buy LED bulbs that would save electricity. You can remove an LED bulb any time from its holder because it is not hot even when switched on for a long time compared to CFL and ordinary bulbs indicating that less energy is wasted by way of heat.
One of the main ways in which we lose energy from a refrigerator is by opening and closing the door frequently. By being a little bit more organized we could reduce the number of times we open a fridge and the duration that we leave it open. First of all we must be organized in storing food items. We should have a plan to store similar items together in a logical order so that we know where to look for an item as soon as we open the door of a fridge. Further, you should think on what you need before opening the door of a fridge or a freezer so that you will not waste energy by keeping the door open while you decide what you need. Check whether the refrigerator door in sealing properly as temperature will reduce inside a fridge if insulation is not properly in place. Further,
place items inside a fridge in such a way that air circulation outlets are not blocked.
the iron and use the heat that’s there to finish off any light clothes that you at the end.
Ceiling fans consume as much as twice the energy of a pedestal fan. Regularly remove dust from the blades of a ceiling fan and the cover of a pedestal fan.
By sharing these tips with your family and friends you can help them save their hard earned money as well as the country to collectively reduce costs of power generation. But most importantly you are acting as a responsible global citizen in protecting scarce resources for the benefit of future generations and help protect the environment as well.
In the kitchen by using pressure cookers and microwaves you can save electricity as well as cooking time. Further, by using pots with lids where possible will reduce food preparation time. You can iron your school clothes and casual clothes all at once for an entire week’s requirement. This way you can avoid having to reheat the iron several times a week. Also don’t iron clothes that are wet or partially dried. You can switch off
Think deeply on the meaning and realize the wisdom of words Red Indian Chief Seattle who once said: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
#uparf;jp %ykhd kpd;gpwg;ghf;fKk; mjd; mj;jpahtrpaKk;; Mf;fk; - tp.tpkyhjpj;jd;.
ek;Kila g+Nfhsk; gyjug;gl;l tsq;fisj; jd;dfj;Nj nfhz;bUf;fpd;wJ. mtw;wpy; rpy ms;s ms;sf; Fiwahj tsq;fs;. rpy cgNahfpf;f cgNahfpf;f Fiwe;J nry;Yfpd;w tsq;fs;. fhw;W> #upa rf;jp Nghd;wtw;iw Fiwahj tsq;fSf;F cjhuzkhf nrhy;yyhk;. ngw;Nwhypak; fdpkg;nghUl;fs; Mfpad Fiwe;J nry;Yk; tsq;fshf ,Uf;fpd;wd. ek;Kila rf;jpj;NjitfSf;F ehk; ngUk;ghYk; Fiwe;J nry;yf;$ba tsq;fisNa ek;gp ,Uf;fpd;Nwhk;. njhopw;rhiyfs; ,aq;Ftjw;F> thfdq;fs; XLtjw;F> JiwKfq;fs; ,aq;Ftjw;F kl;Lkpy;yhJ ekJ kpfr;rpwpa NjitfSf;Fk; ehk; rf;jpia ehb ,Uf;fpd;Nwhk;. kpd;rhuk; %ykhfNth my;yJ vupnghUis vupj;J mjd;%yk; fpilf;Fk; rf;jp %ykhfNth ekJ Njitfs; g+Hj;jp nra;J nfhs;sg;gLfpd;wd.
tUfpd;wd. ,it kpff;fLikahd vjpHg;GfSf;Fk; cs;shfptUtij ehk; fhzf;$bajhf cs;sJ. mZ kpd; ciyfspy; ,Ue;J ntspg;gLk; fjpHtPr;rhdJ Rw;Wg;Gwj;jpy; thOk; kf;fis> tpyq;Ffis jhtuq;fis kpff;fLikahfg; ghjpf;fpd;wJ. mg;ghjpg;Gfs; mtw;wpd; re;jjpfspYk; njhlHtJ jhd; ,jd; cr;rfl;lf; nfhLik. ,it jtpuTk; fhw;W %ykhf kpd;gpwg;ghf;fk;> flyiy%ykhd kpd;gpwg;ghf;fk; Nghd;wdTk; rpwpa mstpy; nraw;gl;L tUfpd;wd. Mdhy; mtw;wpd; %yk; ngupa mstpy; kpd; cw;gj;jp fpilg;gjpy;iy. mj;NjhL mit vy;yhf;fhyq;fspYk; njhlHr;rpahf kpd;gpwg;ghf;fk; nra;Ak; vd;gijAk; cWjpahf $w KbahJ cs;sJ. ,t;tifahd kpd;gpwg;ghf;fq;fspy; vy;yhk; kpfr;rpwe;jJk; Rw;Wr;#oYf;F vt;tpjg;ghjpg;igAk; ju KbahjJkhd
kpd;gpwg;ghf;f KiwNa #upa xspiag;gad;gLj;jp kpd;rhuj;ij cw;gj;jp nra;Ak; Kiw MFk;. #upa xsp vq;fSf;F ,ytrkhff; fpilf;Fk; xU tpiykjpg;gw;w tsk; vd;gij kf;fs; ,d;Dk; Gupe;J nfhs;stpy;iy. #upa xspapd; %yk; ntspg;gLk; rf;jpia fpufpj;J '#upag; gly;fs;" kpd;gpwg;ghf;fk; nra;fpd;wd. Muk;gr; nryit kl;LNk %yjdkhff; Nfl;Fk; ,e;j #upag;gly;fs; njhlHr;rpahf vkf;F kpd;gpwg;ghf;fj;ij nra;J> kpd;rf;jpia je;j tz;zNk ,Ug;git MFk;. Mdhy;> ,tw;wpd; cw;gj;jpr; nryT xg;gPl;lstpy; rw;W caHe;jjhf ,Ug;gJ cz;ikNa. MdhYk; Njit ,y;yhky; vtw;Wf;Nfh vy;yhk; nryT nra;J kf;fspd; tupg;gzj;ij tPzhf;Ffpd;w muRfs; epr;rakhf #upag;gly; %ykhd kpd;gpwg;ghf;fj; jpl;lq;fSf;F gzk; toq;fpr; nraw;gLj;jyhk;.
vd;Nwh xU ehs; mUtpfspy; ePHtUk; %yk; tw;wyhk;. vupnghUSk; xU ehs; jPHe;J Nghfyhk;. MdhYk; vd;Wk; jPuhj ngUtskhd #upa xspiag; gad;gLj;jp ehk; vkJ kpd;rf;jp cw;gj;jp nra;af;$ba nfhs;iffis tFf;f Ntz;Lk;. gy ehLfs; jkf;Fj;Njitahd rf;jpiag; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;Fk; vjpHfhyj;jpw;Fj; Njitg;gLk; rf;jpia ngWk; topfs; Fwpj;Jk; rPuhd nfhs;iffis tFj;J itj;jpUf;fpd;wd. mtw;wpd;ghy; mit ,aq;Ffpd;wd. Mdhy; ek;kplk; rf;jpg;gpur;ridf;Fj; jPHitj;juf;$ba nfhs;iffs; ,y;yhkw;NghdJ xU tUe;jj;jf;f tplaNk. #upa rf;jpiag;gad;gLj;jp vt;thW gy ehLfs; kpd;gpwg;ghf;fj;ijr; nra;fpd;wd vd;gij ehk; ftdpf;f Ntz;Lk;. rpy ehLfs; #upa xsp kpFjpahf fpilf;Fk; tuz;l ghiytdq;fspy; vy;yhk; kpd; epiyaq;fis cUthf;Ffpd;wd. ngUe;njhifahd Vf;fH gug;Gfspy; #upag;gly;fis> xsptpOk; jpir Nehf;fp mLf;fp> xU fl;likg;ig Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wd. mf;fl;likg;Gf;fspy; cs;s yl;rf;fzf;fhd #upag;gly;fs; #upa xsp fpilf;Fk; jpir Nehf;fp jk;ik jpUg;gp mtw;iwg; ngwf;$ba jd;ik cs;sdthf fl;likf;fg;gl;L cs;sd. ,t;thwhf fl;likg;gpd; Clhf ngUksT kpd;rhuj;ij me;j kpd;epiyaq;fs; gpwg;gpf;fpd;wd.
,t;thwhd ghiytdq;fs; ,y;yhj ehLfs; jq;fsJ efuq;fspy; ,Uf;Fk; fl;llq;fs; tPLfs; njUf;fs; Mfpatw;wpy; #upag;gly;fis epWtp kpd;rf;jpia gpwg;gpf;fpd;whHfs;. fopT ePH XLk; fhy;tha;fs;> Xilfs; kPJ #upag;gly;fs; nfhz;l $iuia mikf;fpd;whHfs;. ,jd; %ykhf mg;gFjpia moFgLj;Jk; fl;likg;G Vw;gLtNjhL mJ kpd;gpwg;ghf;fj;jpw;F fzprkhd msT cjTfpd;wJ. tPjpfspd; xUGwKk; fk;gk; el;L tPjpapd; Nky; Fwpj;j msT ,ilntspapy; gy #upag;gly;fs; nfhz;l njhFjpfis mikg;gjhy; tPjpapd; gug;gstpy; fzprkhd ,lj;ij #upag;gly; fl;likg;gpw;fhf gad;gLj;jf;$bajhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ. ,t;thwhf vq;nfq;Nf vy;yhk; #upa xsp fpilf;ff;$ba ntw;wplq;fs; fpilf;fpd;wNjh> me;j ,lq;fspy; vy;yhk; #upag;gly; njhFjpfis epWtp> kpd;rhuj;ij ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; ehLfspy; ,Ue;J ehk; ,r; nrad;Kiwfisf; fw;f Ntz;Lk;. xt;nthU tUlKk; vupnghUisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;fhf ehk; me;epa ehLfSf;F nfhLf;Fk; ngUe;njhifg;gzKk; ek;Kila tupg;gzk; vd;gij ehk; ,e;jj;jUzj;jpy; Qhgfk; itj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. xt;nthU Mz;Lk; my;yJ mbf;fb vupnghUspd; tpiy mjpfupj;jtz;zk; cs;sJ. xU tsk; Fiwaf; Fiwa mjd; kPjhd re;ij kjpg;G mjpfupj;Jr; nry;tJ ,ay;G. vupnghUs; tsj;jpw;Fk; ,e;j epiyNa Vw;gl;bUf;fpd;wJ. khw;W tskhf #uparf;jp ek;kpilNa ,Uf;Fk; NghJ> ekJ rf;jpg;gpwg;ghf;ff; nfhs;iffis mij Nehf;fpj; jpUg;ghky;
ekJ Njitfisg; g+Hj;jpnra;J nfhz;bUf;Fk; rf;jp ekf;F vq;fpUe;J fpilf;fpd;wJ vd;gij ehk; cw;W Nehf;f Ntz;Lk;. kpd;rhu rf;jp gy tpjq;fspy; gpwg;gpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. ,aw;ifahfj; Njhd;wpa mUtpfspd; fPo; kpd;gpwg;ghf;fpfis itj;J tpOk;ePupd; Ntfj;ijg;gad;gLj;jp kpd;rf;jpia cUthf;Ffpd;whHfs;. nraw;ifahf ePiuj;Njf;fpf; fl;lg;gl;l ngUk; mizf;fl;Lf;fspd; ePH tha;fspd; fPNo kpd;gpwg;ghf;fpfis itj;J fLikahd mOj;jj;jpy; Ntfkhf rPwptUk; ePiug;gad;gLj;jp> mk; kpd;gpwg;ghf;fpfis ,aq;f itj;J kpd;rhuk; ngwg;gLfpd;wJ. ,t;topahf kpd;rhuk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gLtjhy; Rw;Wr;#oYf;F vt;tpjj;jPq;Fk; Vw;gLtjpy;iy. Mdhy; vupnghUis vupj;J mjd;%yk; kpd;rhuk; ngwg;gLk; nraw;ghl;bdhy;> Rw;Wr;#oYf;F fhgd; il xf;irl; vd;W miof;fg;gLk; fupakpy thA ntsptplg;gLfpd;wJ. jtpuTk; fhgd; Jzpf;iffSk; tspkz;lyj;jpy; fyf;fpd;wd. vupnghUl;fopTfs; ePHepiyfspy; fyf;f tplg;gLfpd;wd. Rw;Wr;#oiy mopj;njhopf;Fk; nraw;ghl;il ,t;tifahd kpd; gpwg;ghf;fk; Gupfpd;wJ. mZ ciyfspd; %ykhf kpd;id gpwg;gpf;Fk; nraw;ghLfs; fle;j ,UgJ Mz;Lfspy; kpfg;gutyhf elj;jg;gl;L
njhopw;rhiyfs; ,aq;Ftjw;F> thfdq;fs; XLtjw;F> JiwKfq;fs; ,aq;Ftjw;F kl;Lkpy;yhJ ekJ kpfr;rpwpa NjitfSf;Fk; ehk; rf;jpia ehb ,Uf;fpd;Nwhk;
tpl;NlhNkahdhy;> ekJ nfhs;iffspy; khw;wj;ijf; nfhz;L tuhkw; NghapNdhkhdhy;> ekJ re;jjpfSf;F mij tplg; ngupa jPq;nfhd;iw ehk; nra;aj; Njit ,y;iy. ,yq;ifapy; #upa xspahdJ njhlHr;rpahf tpof;$baJk; tuz;l jupR epyq;fshf ,Ug;gdTkhd> epyq;fs; vt;tsNth cs;sd. mj;jF epyq;fspy;> #upa rf;jpiag;gad;gLj;jp kpd; cw;gj;jp nra;Ak; gpuk;khz;lkhd kpd;epiyaq;fis Vw;gLj;jpdhy; mijg;Nghy xU kf;fs; njhz;L NtW VJk; ,y;iy. jtpuTk; ,yq;ifapd; efuq;fs; fpuhkq;fspy; #upagly; njhFjpfis tPjpfs; NjhWk; epWTjy;> fl;llq;fspd; Nkw;Gwj;jpy; ,j;njhFjpfis mikj;jy; Mfpatw;iw fl;lhakhdjhf;f Ntz;Lk;. tPLfspy; epWtf;$ba #upag;gly; njhFjpfis khdpa tpiyapy; kf;fSf;F tpw;gNjhL> mij mtHfs; thq;Ftjw;F fld; cjtp nra;jy; rpwg;ghdJ. ,yq;ifapy; gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; khw;Wr;rf;jpf;fhd Ma;TfisAk; #upa rf;jpiag;gad;gLj;Jk; kpd;gpwg;ghf;fk; gw;wpa Ma;TfisAk; KLf;fp tpLjy; Kf;fpakhdnjhd;whFk;. ,j;Jiwapy; jj;jk; Ma;Tfisr; nra;atUk; Ma;thsHfSf;F Ma;Tepjp mspj;J mtHfis Cf;fg;gLj;Jjy; ,d;wpaikahj xd;whFk;. ,d;iwa NjitiaAk; ehisa NjitiaAk; xd;wha; eptHj;jp nra;af;$ba #upa rf;jp %ykhd kpd; gpwg;ghf;fk; vt;tsT Kf;fpakhdJ vd;gij ekJ ehL czHe;J nfhs;shjtiu jdf;fhd GijFopia jhNd njhlHe;Jk; ntl;batz;zNk ,Uf;Fk; vd;gjpy; Iakpy;iy.
fzzp epuyhf;f nkhopfs; Mf;fk; - mutpe;jd; fpUghde;j%Hj;jp
,d;iwa jfty; njhopy;El;g cyfkhdJ gy;NtWgl;l rpe;jidfs; kw;Wk; nrayhf;fq;fspd; KjyPl;by; fzj;jpw;F fzk; gy Gjpa fz;Lgpbg;Gf;fSld; Ntfkhf tsHr;rp ngw;w tz;zk; cs;sJ. xt;nthU ehSk; ngwg;gLk; GJg;GJ mDgtq;fspdhYk; rthy;fspdhYk; mtw;iw vjpHnfhs;sg;ngwg;gLk; jPHTfspd;fhuzkhfTk; kdpjDk; fhykhw;wj;jpw;F ,irthf;fg;gl;ltdha; ,Uf;fNtz;ba epHg;ge;jj;jpy; fhzg;gLfpwhd;. khw;wq;fSf;Nfw;g khWgtd; vjpHtUk; #oiy rkhspj;jtz;zk; vjpHg;gLk; rthy;fis Kwpabj;j tz;zKk; Kd;Ndwpf;nfhz;bUf;fpwhd;. khw;wq;fSf;F Kuzhdtd;
fhyNthl;lj;jpy; mbj;Jr;nry;yg;gLfpwhd;. ,t;Tyfpy; gy;NtWgl;l ghijfspy; khw;wq;fSld; gyUk; gazpj;Jf;nfhz;bUe;jhYk; jfty;njhopy;El;gtpaYld; njhlHGgl;ltHfs; jkJ Ntiyfis jf;fitj;Jf;nfhs;tjw;fhfTk; md;whl jfty; njhopy;El;gk; rhHe;j rthy;fis vjpHnfhs;tjw;fhfTk; md;whlk; cyfpy; jfty; njhopy;El;gk; rhHe;j khw;wq;fis mtjhdpj;Jf;nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;baJ ,d;wpaikahjJ MFk;. jw;NghJ ehSf;F ehs; jfty; njhopy;El;gfw;ifnewpfspy; ehl;lk; nfhs;gtHfspd; vz;zpf;if mjpfupf;f mjpfupf;f Ntiy nra;gtHfs; jq;fs; jpwid ehSf;F ehs; mjpfupf;f Ntz;ba fl;lha #o;epiy Njhw;wk; ngw;Ws;sJ. fzzpj; Jiwia nghUj;jtiuf;Fk; nkd;nghUl;fs; vd;git kpfTk; ,d;wpaikahjit. xU tifapy; nrhy;yg;Nghdhy;> nkd;nghUl;fspd; tUiff;Fg; gpd;dNu> fzpzpg; ghtid kpfTk; ,yF gLj;jg;gl;L> rhjhuz kf;fSk; gad;gLj;Jk; msTf;F gy;fpg; ngUfpaJ. rpwe;j vLj;Jf;fhl;lhf tpd;Nlh]; ,aq;Fjsk; kpfTk; gpugykhdjw;F mjd; tiuglg; gadH ,ilKfg;G (GUI) k; mjidr; rhHe;J cUthf;fg;gl;l nkd;nghUl;fSk; jhd; fhuzk; vd;W nrhy;yyhk;. ,e;j nkd;nghUl;fs; rpwpa mstpy; ,Ue;J> gy klf;F ghupa> kpfTk; rpf;fyhd tifapy; ,Uf;fpd;wd. Fwpg;ghf nkd;nghUl;fis cUthf;f gytifahd njhFg;ghd;fs; (editors) gad;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wd. kpfTk; rpuj;ijAld;> gy rpwg;gpay;Gfisr; NrHj;J cUthf;fg;gLfpd;w xU nraypNa nkd;nghUshf;fg; gzpr;#oy; (Integrated Development Environment). jw;Nghija nkd;nghUl; re;ijapy;> gy;NtWgl;l nkd;nghUshf;fg; gzpr;#oy; nraypfs;> jpwe;j %ykhfNth my;yJ %ba %ykhfNth> ,ytrkhfNth my;yJ tHj;jf KiwapNyh ntspaplg;gLfpd;wd. nghJthf epuyhf;f nkhopfSld; (Programming Languages) njhlHGgl;l Ntiyapy; ,Ug;gtHfs; kpf kpf mtjhdkhf ,Uf;fNtz;ba epiy fhzg;gLfpwJ. xd;W> jw;Nghja fhyfl;lj;jpy; midj;J thbf;ifahsHfSk; jkf;F Njitahd nkd;nghUl;fs; (Software) gw;wpNah my;yJ nraw;jpl;lq;fs; (Projects) gw;wpNah ntt;NtW vz;zg;ghLfSlDk; ntt;NtW trjpfSlDk; Nfl;Fk; NghJk; mtHfspd; midj;J vz;zg;ghLfisAk; epiwT nra;af;$ba tifapy; nghUj;jkhdnjhU epuyhf;f nkhopapdhy; Fwpj;j nkd;nghUspid mikj;jy; jhd; rpwe;j tpahghuj;jpw;F tpj;jpLk;. fhuzk; ,q;F thbf;ifahsHfspd; jpUg;jpNa tpahghuq;fis epHzapf;fpwJ. rpy Neuq;fspy; Java nghUj;jkhdjhf fhzg;gLk; mNjNtis C++, C#, Python, php Nghd;w nkhopfSk; asp.net Nghd;w njhopy;El;gq;fSk; ntt;NtW Njitfis g+Hj;jp nra;gitahfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wd. mj;Jld; Muk;gfhyk; Kjy; nfhz;L rpy
iuf;Fk; t j ; j hU ng a wi i J ; pj z fz kpfTk; nkd;nghUl;fs; vd;git t fapy; ,d;wpaikahjit. xU ghiUl;fspd; nrhy;yg;Nghdhy;> nkd;nzpzpg; tUiff;Fg; gpd;dNu> f gLj;jg;gl;L> ghtid kpfTk; ,yF ;gLj;Jk; rhjhuz kf;fSk; gadpaJ msTf;F gy;fpg; ngUf epuyhf;f nkhopfspy; fhyj;jpw;F fhyk; rpy Gjpa vz;zf;fUf;fs; GFj;jg;gl;L Nkk;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wd. fhuzk; fhyk; nry;yr;nry;y Gjpa Gjpa khw;wq;fs; fhzg;gl;lhy;jhd; mit re;ijapy; gpugykhff;$bajhf ,Uf;Fk;. XH nkhop gad;ghl;by; ,Ug;gJTk; ,y;yhky; NghtJk; mjid gad;gLj;JgtHfsplk; jhd; jq;fpapUf;fpwJ. jw;NghJ ghtidapy; ,Uf;Fk; epuyhf;f nkhopfs; midj;Jk; vjpHfhyj;jpy; fhzg;gLkh vd;why; ,y;iy vd;Nw nrhy;yyhk;. fhuzk; ngUk;ghyhdit Nkk;gLj;jgl;l tz;zk; vjpHfhyj;NjitfisAk; g+Hj;jpnra;j tz;zk; fhzg;gLk;. ,d;Dk; rpy Nkk;gLj;jg;gLk; jd;ik Fiwe;J Fiwe;J fhyg;Nghf;fpy; gad;ghl;lhsHfs; ,y;yhky; ,Uf;Fk;. Vidait Nkk;gLj;jg;glhky; ntWkNd gad;gLj;jg;gLk; jd;ik Fiwe;J Nghfg;Nghf <w;wpy; ,we;j nkhop (Dead Language) vd;w epiyapid vl;btpLk;.
mj;Jld; xU cd;dj epuyhf;f nkhopapid (Programming Language) newpaho;gtH fle;j fhy epuyhf;f mDgq;fSlDk; epfo;fhy epuyhf;f mwpTlDk; gazpg;gtuhf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. mj;Jld; epuyhf;f nkhop (Programming Language) Nkk;ghl;L nrad;Kiwfspy; tpidj;jpwdhf nraw;gl vk;khy; epuyhf;fk; gw;wp vd;ndd;d mwpa KbfpwNjh mj;jidiaAk; mwpaKw;glNtz;Lk;. epuyhf;f #oiyg;nghWj;jtiu ve;jnthU nkhopahdhYk; rup ve;jnthU gjpg;ghdhYk; rup mit Njitapy;iy vd;w fUj;Jld; xUNghJk; NruhJ. MfNt Kbe;jstpy; gad;ghl;bYs;s Kf;fpakhd midj;Jf; fzzp epuyhf;f nkhopfisAk; mwpe;Jnfhs;tJ> Fwpg;ghf fzzpg; nghwpapay;> fzzp tpQ;Qhdj;Jiw> epuyhf;fk; Nghd;w Jiwfspy; <LgltpUk;GtHfSf;F mtrpakhdJ.
All work and no play By Dinuka de Zoysa
Modern day research shows that most school children, striving to be successful in a vastly competitive world, spend their time only engaging in endless tuition classes and doing loads of academic work with no time for various other leisure activities to enjoy the beautiful period of childhood We have all heard of this very famous age old proverb. Although much thought may not have gone into it, it may be true. Imagine a world without leisure and enjoyment! I can only imagine people with bowed shoulders and lowered eyes, people who have no spark in their eyes and no hope in their world. Modern day research shows that most school children, striving to be successful in a vastly competitive world, spend their time only engaging in endless tuition classes and doing loads of academic work with no time for various other leisure activities to enjoy the beautiful period of childhood. They would surely grow up to be “drudges” with no means of leisure. Also the possibility of getting many medical
complications such as heart attacks, high blood pressure and obesity are rather high, when compared with those engaging in recreational activities. Thus, the need for recreation and sports as part of our lives is vital. A child’s education without extra and co-curricular activities is always incomplete. Education does not mean only studying and learning. It is a combination of academic skills, social and physical wellbeing. If one engages only in studying, although his or her results sheet may be impressive, we cannot say such a person is ‘complete’ as a human being. To be successful and complete one must balance between studies and proper co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, undoubtedly through sports and aesthetics.
Sports are invaluable to the life of a young student. It instills lessons that are essential in for a person’s life. Sports play a pivotal role in the makeup of a young person. Where else can a young, impressionable youth learn values such as discipline, responsibility, selfconfidence, and sacrifice? Television, which may be the most influential tool in the lives of young adults, does not show enough of these qualities, nor is it on the Internet, or radio. Rather it is up to parents, teachers, sports teams, school clubs and societies to mould, develop and instill these qualities into the lives of students through sports and recreation. When children play team sports, be it Cricket or Rugby, they learn to work in groups. They learn that if the team wins, they win and if the team loses, they lose. They learn to accept victory or defeat, equally. They also learn how to work in groups, understanding what team spirit is. When they grow and start working, it will help them immensely to build relationships with their co-workers and also work in harmony with others. Children and adolescents ooze with physical energy. When they are involved in sports, their physical energies are used up in a constructive way, without being destructive. Even for children who spend much time on their studies it is a pleasing and relaxing experience to spend at least a short time away from their busy schedules on some means of sport and leisure. In this way we can step out of the rat race and engage in something more productive than studying 24/ 7. But all that does not mean that one should lose his or her focus on studies. On the contrary, striking a balance between studies and leisure, knowing your priorities will be more helpful. We must learn to play the game, the Game of Life, as “Both Work and Play will make Jack a Bright Boy”.
Productive use of youth energy through volunteerism By Kusum Nandika Gunawardhane
Volunteering is to provide your valuable time and efforts for the betterment of community, neighbourhood or even your own school to make a difference. Services are provided by volunteers with love, care and true commitment and therefore, the value of a service cannot be matched with paid services. The bond that it creates and unity that it generates go beyond physical changes that are visible to the outside world.
be expensive. A simple act such as helping some neighbourhood kids to improve their English or help them solve tricky math problems once a week are examples of simple voluntary project you as a student or undergraduate can undertake. If you have completed your Advanced Level exam you can use your spare time to guide another student who is sitting for the exam next year by becoming a mentor and guiding him through your own experiences.
Anybody can be a volunteer. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the time or money that really matters. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the passion, the sense of duty and commitment that really counts. The projects need not be huge nor
There are benefits in volunteerism for you, too. Volunteering and working with like minded people and sharing new experiences broaden your experiences. It helps develop your
interpersonal, leadership and social skills and helps to get to know new friends and contacts which may be helpful to you in future. It also helps you channel your energy and free time for a more productive cause. By experiencing the difficulties others face in life you will become more humble and understanding. The sense of achievement in improving lives of others and doing a service to the community will always console you. One of the most important benefits that a volunteer can derive from his or her work is that it can help you develop a career and teach you valuable job skills. For example, if you volunteer to teach or give lectures to a group of deserving students you will develop your presentation,
lecturing and communication skills and you can use that experience to develop a new or alternative career in Teaching or Lecturing. If you are good at a sport you can help kids in your school or community by coaching them free of charge and develop your coaching skills for the future. Further, if you include voluntary activities in your CV your chances of employability, too, may increase as some companies tend to value such work and commitment made by you and identify you as
a valuable person. You may even be lucky to find yourself employed in a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) division of a company doing voluntary work on behalf of the company as part of their CSR initiatives!! If you want a more organized approach and be part of a large volunteer institution there are many organizations to join. Or else you can establish your own volunteer project such as conserving the beach
One of the most important benefits that a volunteer can derive from his or her work is that it can help you develop a career and teach you valuable job skills
near your home by enlisting your friends, friends of your friends and their families or you could get your classmates or batch mates to start up your own volunteer project at school or university. By becoming an energetic young volunteer who cares for the society and gives back something to the society you will achieve more in life than what you could gain through money, education or career. More and more people are volunteering for worthy causes. If you have not done so far, now is the time to start a new and fulfilling voyage in life.
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njhz;lh; NritapD}lhf
,isQh; rf;jpapid gad;gLj;jy; vOjpath; - FRk; ee;jpf Fzth;j;jd nkhopkhw;wk;:- epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is
njhz;lh; Ntitapdhy; cq;fSf;Fk; ed;ikAz;L. kd tpUg;Gs;s kf;fSld; njhz;lh; Nritahw;WtJk; Ntiyfis nra;tJk; mDgtq;fis gfph;e;J nfhs;tJk; ckJ ghl mwpit NkYk; tphpTgLj;JfpwJ. ,J jiyikj;Jtk;> Mspilj; njhlh;Gfs;> r%fj;jpwd;fs; Nghd;wtw;iw tpUj;jp nra;tJld; vkJ vjph;fhyj;jpw;F gad;juf; $ba Gjpa ez;gh;fspd; njhlh;Gk; fpl;lr; nra;fpwJ mj;Jld; ckJ Neuj;ijAk; rf;jpiaAk; NkYk; tpidj;jpwDilajhf;Fk; tifapy; topg;gLj;JfpwJ. tho;f;ifapy; kw;wth;fs; Kfk; nfhLf;fpd;w gpur;rpidfis mwpe;J nfhs;tjd; %yk; ePq;fSk; rfpg;Gj;jd;ikAilatuhfTk; Ghpe;Jzh;Ts;sth;fshfTk; ,Ug;gPh;fs; mLj;jth;fspd; tho;f;ifia Kd;Ndw;wp mjpy; mile;J nfhs;Sk; kd czh;TfSk; r%fj;jpw;F Nrit nra;jYk; vg;nghOJk; cq;fis MWjy;gLj;Jk;. jkJ njhopiy tpUj;jp nra;J njhopypy; ngWkjpahd jpwd;fis fw;Wf; nfhs;sy; vd;gJ njhz;lh; xUth; jdJ Ntiyapd; %yk; ngw;Wf; nfhs;Sk; kpf Kf;fpa ed;ikahFk;. cjhuzkhf jFjpAs;s khzth; FOnthd;Wf;F ePq;fs; tphpTiuahw;Wjy; my;yJ fw;g;gpj;jy; %yk; njhz;L Ghpa Ntz;bapUg;gpd; ePq;fs; ckJ rkh;g;gpf;Fk;> Rw;Wj; njhlh;ghly; Mw;wy;fis tpUj;jp nra;J nfhs;tPh;fs; ,e;j mDgtj;ij
ePh; fw;gpj;jy;> tphpTiuahw;wy; nra;a Ntz;ba ,d;ndhU re;jh;g;gj;jpy; gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;s KbAk;. ePh; tpisahl;by; jpwikAs;stuhf ,Ue;jhy; ckJ ghlrhiy> r%fj;jpy; cs;s Foe;ijfSf;F ,ytrkhf gapw;rpaspg;gjd; %yk; vjph;fhyj;jpy; ckJ gapw;Wtpf;fk; jpwid NkYk; tpUj;jp nra;J nfhs;syhk;. NkYk; Ntiy NjLk; NghJ Ratpguf;Nfhitapy; njhz;lh; Nrit gw;wp Fwpg;gpl;lhy; rpy epWtdq;fs; ckJ mh;g;gzpg;ghd Nritia kjpj;J ck;ik ngWkjpahd xUtuhf fUjp
nghpa njhz;lh; epWtdq;fspd; gq;fhspahfNth my;yJ kpf xOq;fikf;fg;gl;l mZFKiwapy; Ntitahw;wNth ePh; tpUk;gpdhy; Nrh;j;Jf; nfhs;sf; $ba gy mikg;Gf;fs; cz;L my;yJ ePh; nrhe;j nraw;wpl;lj;ij tpUj;jp nra;a tpUk;gpd; ckJ tFg;G ez;gh;fs; mth;fspd; ez;gh;fs; mth;fspd; FLk;gj;jpdh; MfpNahiur; Nrh;j;Jf; nfhz;L ckJ tPl;Lf;F mz;ikapYs;s flw;fiuiag; ghJfhj;jy; Nghd;w nraw;j;jpl;lq;fis ghlrhiyapNyh gy;fiyf;fofj;jpNyh Muk;gpf;fyhk;. r%fj;jpy; mf;fiw cs;s r%fj;Jf;F rpytw;iw jpUg;gpf; nfhLf;fpd;w rf;jp tha;e;j xU njhz;luhf tUtjd; %yk; gzj;jpdhNyh njhopypdhNyh fy;tpapdhNyh mila Kbahtw;iw ePh; ckJ tho;tpy; mile;J nfhs;syhk; NkYk; mjpfstpyhd kf;fs; nkr;rj;jf;f Jiwfspy; njhz;lh;fshf Nritahw;Wfpd;wdh;. ,Jtiu ePq;fs; mt;thW nra;ahtpl;lhy; tho;f;ifapy; GjpaJk; G+uzkhdJkhd ghijia Muk;gpf;f ,JNt rhpahd jUzkhFk;.
No. 08, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.
vtNuDk; njhz;luhf ,Uf;f KbAk; gzNkh my;yJ NeuNkh ,q;F cz;ikapy; xU tplaky;y. ,J flikAzh;Tk;> mh;g;gzpg;Gk; nfhz;l ehl;lKs;s tplaNk. nraw;j;jpl;lkhdJ kpfg;nghpajhfNth nryT $bajhfNth ,Uf;f Ntz;ba mtrpakpy;iy. fpoikf;F xU jilt may;tPl;r; rpWth;fSf;F Mq;fpy mwptpid Nkk;gLj;jy; my;yJ fzpjghlj;jpy; cs;s gpur;rpidfis jPh;f;f rpy El;gq;fis fw;Wf;nfhLj;jy; Nghd;wit ePq;fs; gl;l newpfis gapYk; NghJ $l nra;af;$ba nraw;wpl;lq;fSf;F cjhuzq;fshFk;. ePh; fh.ngh.j cah;juj;jpid g+h;j;jp nra;jtuhapd; ckJ Neuj;jpd; xU gFjpia ,d;ndhU khztDf;F mLj;jtUlk; nra;atpUf;Fk; ghPl;irf;F topfhl;lTk; ckJ mDgtq;fspD}lhf mtiu newpg;gLj;jTk; gad;gLj;jyhk;.
vtNuDk; njhz;luhf ,Uf;f KbAk; gzNkh my;yJ NeuNkh ,q;F cz;ikapy; xU tplaky;y. ,J flikAzh;Tk;> mh;g;gzpg;Gk; nfhz;l ehl;lKs;s tplaNk.
Nrh;j;Jf; nfhs;SjYk; mjpfhpf;fyhk;. njhz;lh; nrit nra;tjd; %yk; cq;fs; epWtdj;jpd; CSR vdg;gLk; $l;Lwthd r%fg; nghWg;Gzh;T gphptpy; epWtdk; rhh;ghf gq;fhsuhf ,Uf;Fk; mjp\;lj;ijAk; rpyNtisfspy; ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;.
njhz;lh; Nrit vd;gJ ckJ ngWkjpahd Neuk; Kaw;rp vd;gtw;iw rKjhak;> mayth;fs;> ghlrhiy Nghd;wtw;wpd; ed;ikf;fhf toq;fp mtw;wpy; khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;jyhFk;. njhz;lh;fshy; md;G> fhprid> mh;g;gzpg;G vd;gtw;NwhL ,r; Nritfs; toq;fg;gLtjhy; ,jd; ngWkjpia fl;lzk; nrYj;Jk; NritAld; xg;gpl KbahJ.ngsjPf khw;wq;fSf;F Nkyhf ,jd; %yk; cUthf;fg;gLk; gpizg;Gf;fs; xw;Wik vd;git ntspAyfj;jpdUf;F Gyg;glf;$bajhf cs;sJ.
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