Contents Pinnacle
03 Rising throught the ranks 06 ksjerÈ wdl,amhka f.ka jD;a;Sfha ksïf;rg 09 gbg;gbahdKd;Ndw;wk;
Careers 12 12 15 18 19 22 24 26 28
Opportunities in telecommunications industry
12 18
úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h ;=< /lshd wjia:djka kshdukh ;=,ska jD;a;sh werUqula Compliance / A career in the making Help others to do business
nyqúO yelshd ;=,ska bÈßhg Be portable and desirable Careers Chart
30 An eye for being an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship 30 32 jHjidhlhl=f.a oelau 34 xU Kaw;rpahsDf;fhd ghHit!
MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp mspg;gjD}L r%fj;jpw;F cjtp nra;jy;
37 38 Helping the society through mentoring 40 iudchg fi; i,ik ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajh
IT 42 42
,yj;jpudpay njhiyj;njhlHghly; xU RUf;fkhd mwpKfk;
43 ifg;Ngrpf; fopTfs; ! 44 Managing M-waste
46 What to do after A/L ?
48 Mobile etiquette : Are you a responsible user ? ifalf;fj;njhiyNgrpapd nghWg;GkpF ghtid@ 49 ePq;fs; xU nghWg;Gkpf;f ghtidahsuh? 50 An active mind through mind sports 52 ufkdauQ,sl l%Svd ;=<ska l%shdYS,S ukila rpe;jid tpisahl;Lf;fspypUe;J xU RWRWg;ghd 54 kdepiyiag;ngwy;
55 moúh Y%S mqr YsIH ud¾f.damfoaYK jevuq¿j
Abhaya Amaradasa
Nandun Fernando
Sharlene de Chickera
M. Kanapathipillai
Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan
Manager - Career Services
Editorial Consultant
Kusum Nandika Gunawardena Aruna Chandralal Perera.
Assistant Editor
Deepal Malalasekara Graphic/Page Layout Designer
Editorial Assistants
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EDEX Secretariat, Royal College Union, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail:
Rising through
the ranks Telecommunication sector is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. EDEX Magazine speaks to a prominent and pioneering veteran in the industry to expose its opportunities for Sri Lankan youth. Interviewed and narrated by Sharlene de Chickera, Nandun Fernando and Aruna Chandralal Perera.
Q: How did you enter this Industry? It was in 1987, along with the introduction of mobile telecommunications to the country. At that time, I was to sit for the final year exam of BSc degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering at the University of Moratuwa. Just as we commenced our exams, universities were closed due to civil disturbances at that time. Though I could not sit for the final year exam at that time, since I had adequate knowledge, I was interested in gaining some experience in the field.
Dumindra Ratnayaka BSc in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering with 1st class honours; CEO and Board Director of Etisalat Lanka (Pvt) Limited; Vice President of American Chamber of Commerce during 2002/ 2003.
Dumindra was a pioneering member of Sri Lankaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first mobile telecommunications services provider, who rose through the ranks to become its CEO in 2001. He is a person who has seen, felt and experienced the growth of telecommunications sector and guided his company towards that growth.
I got an opportunity to join Celltel at that time, just when they were getting ready to launch. I was initially engaged as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nobodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, at the level of an engineering assistant with no specific designation or salary. But I had the opportunity to learn different aspects of the industry during my time there. When universities reopened, we went back to complete our degrees. Afterwards for a short period I worked elsewhere and while being there, Celltel offered me a job as an engineer with a salary of Rs. 12,000 and a vehicle. The Journey that I started on that day continues to date.
Q: What are the secrets behind your career success? I will say that honesty, determination and hard work are the key ingredients in my success. We have to face situations where we have to take various decisions in our life. We take those decisions based on the prevailing situation and data that are available at that moment of time. Such decisions can lead to different outcomes in future. The ability to ensure that such decisions bring success is entirely within us. There are no right decisions or wrong decisions as such. It is not the decision that will be faulty, but how would one choose to follow up with a decision made. For example, I could have joined the academic staff of the university after completing my degree, as my results were impressive. But I selected a different path. I choose a field that was entirely new at that time, with no examples to follow. Some of my colleagues who selected the academic field have reached higher positions in their respective jobs. I too, have reached a fair distance in my career path. Your future in terms of your selected career path will depend on honesty, determination and the will to succeed you have.
Q: What were the reasons for you to remain in this sector? This is a rapidly developing sector. This sector also provides numerous innovative services to the society. Mobile phones today act as a tool to connect to your bank account, to internet, etc. Other times it may be a camera. It can also get GPS coordinates of a location. Who can say that a mobile phone will not be able to prepare a tasty meal in future? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true to say that mobile phones have become a primary necessity today. These features of telecommunications sector made me remain in this industry.
Q: What are the job opportunities available in this sector for youth? I represent a mobile telecommunications service provider. Even though telecommunications is the backbone of the company, as a
finance are some. When you reach out to people these are of equal importance. Thus, the opportunities are enormous.
Q: What are the personal characteristics that are helpful to succeed in this field? It is important to have the correct attitude to succeed. Even if you are born with talent it is difficult to move forward without the right attitude. For example, if a communication tower becomes faulty what is important is to visit and rectify the problem immediately. Rather than dressing up properly and waiting for an official vehicle, an engineer with correct attitude will go quickly to the site even in a taxi without delay and correct the fault. Thus, youth with right attitudes to go ahead and develop skills in many related areas have a good chance to succeed in this field. Furthermore, in this sector
service provider it has numerous other
you have to be armed with a
equally important aspects to it. Sales,
multitude of skills. The reason is that telecommunications sector goes
marketing, information technology,
hand in hand with a number of other technologies. Even the call centre staff should be adequately aware of all related areas. Employees need not only relevant professional and academic qualifications but experience and competencies also to succeed in this field. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like the foundation and walls of a building. The foundation is the educational and professional qualifications and walls are the experience and competencies acquired. If the foundation is not sound, walls will fall when facing strong winds. On the other hand, if walls are weaker no matter how strong your foundation is there will be no use of both. Another important thing is to have a sound understanding of the service sector. One must realize that what is offered is a service and not just a device. For example, an employee at the governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passport office should not limit his job just for the matter of issuing a passport but realize that his services are required for our people to go abroad, in a wider service angle. In any organization from top to bottom, it is important for all employees to have such a focus. It is also important to state that your academic, professional and other skills need to be backed by an ability to communicate in a global language.
Employees need not only relevant professional and academic qualifications but experience and competencies also to succeed in this field. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like the foundation and walls of a building. The foundation is the educational and professional qualifications and walls are the experience and competencies acquired entrepreneurship. With the growth of internet the opportunities for entrepreneurship has also grown in leaps and bounds. There are students who earn thousands of rupees by writing software programmes for mobile phones. Therefore, youth in Sri Lankan should be encouraged to take up endless opportunities that exist in the business world by starting their own businesses.
In any case, one must always remember that if one works honestly and tirelessly, he or she would one day be able to achieve success in whatever field.
Q: Is there a message that you can give for youth who want to take up a career in this sector? First of all everybody should
Also, to build a career in this sector you need not be employed in a company. Actually, we cannot be satisfied with the vision that our youth have for becoming entrepreneurs. The vision of somehow trying to obtain a job in a governmental or private institution is somewhat outdated. There is a global trend in embracing
Pics by Deepal Malalasekera
understand that this is a broad, rapidly expanding sector.
ksjerÈ wdl,amhka f.ka jD;a;Sfha ksïf;rg idlÉcd igyk Yd,ska o Ñflard" k÷ka m%kdkaÿ iy wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks
úÿ,s ixfoaY ;dCIKh f,dalfha wêl;u cjhlska ÈhqKqjk fCIa;%hls' 1876 § ;rï fg,sf*dakh fidhd.;a wef,laiekav¾ .%yeï fn,a fyda Bg ishjilg ;rï miqj cx.u ÿrl:kh ks¾udKh l< udáka l+m¾ fyda fuu ;dCIKh iudch ;=< fumuK ÿrla .uka lrdú±hs is;=jd hkak iel iys;h' fuu wisßu;a fCIa;%h ;=< Y%S ,dxlSh ;reK ;reKshkag we;s /lshd ud¾. .ek ±k .ekSug ,xldfõ tu fCIa;%fha ±jeka;fhl= jk tái,dÜ ys Y%S ,dxlsl m%Odk úOdhl ks,OdÍ ÿñkaø r;akdhl uy;d uqK .eiqfkuq'
ÿñkaø r;akdhl bf,lafg%dksl yd úÿ,s ixfoaY bxðfkare úoHd m<uq fm, f.!rj Wmdêh( tái,dÜ ,xld fm!oa.,sl iud.fï m%Odk úOdhl iy wOHlaIl uKav, idudðl ( 2002$2003 jirj,§ weußldkq jdKsc uxv,fha ksfhdacH iNdm;s'
Y%S ,xldfõ m%:u cx.u úÿ,s ixfoaY fiajd imhk wdh;kfha wdrïNfha isgu mqfrda.dó idudðlhl= jk ÿñkaø tys úúO OQrhka orñka 2001 jif¾§ m%Odk úOdhl ks,OdÍ njg m;aúh' Tyq furg úÿ,s ixfoaY fCIa;%fha todfuod ;=r isÿjQ iS>% j¾Okhka fydÈka w;aú| ;u wdh;kho tn÷u j¾Okhla lrd fufyhjQ ;eke;af;ls'
m%( Tn fuu fCIa;%hg msúiqfka flfiao @ 1987 § muK ud fudrgqj úYaj úoHd,fha bxðfkare mSGfha wjidk jir úNd.hg uQyqK foñka isák jljdkqfõ úYaj úoHd,h yÈisfha jid ±uqjd' ud yodrñka isáfha bf,lafg%dksl yd úÿ,s ixfoaY fCIa;%hhs' ta jk úg;a úNd.h yefrkakg Wmdêhg wod, ish¿ iqÿiqlï imqrd isá neúka ug fi,afg,a wdh;kfha wdOqksl bxðfkarejrfhl= f,i nefokakg yels jqkd' tfy;a ta lsisÿ f.ùula fkdue;sjhs' fuu fCIa;%fha úúO wxY ms<sn|j yodrkakg th uyÕ= wjia:djla jqjd' bkamiq ud ál l,la DMS bkaðkshßka wdh;kfha fiajh l<d' fï ld,fha fi,afg,a wdh;kh remsh,a fodf,dia oyil jegqmla yd jdykhla iu. udj kej; /lshdjg le|jQjd' ;reK bxðfkarejrfhl= f,i tod ud werUQ .uk fl,jr jQfha tys m%Odk úOdhl ks,Odßhd f,i m;aùu ;=,skqhs'
m% ( Tnf.a jD;a;Sh Ôú;fha id¾:l;ajfha ryi l=ula o@ fláfhka lsõfjd;a wjxl nj" lemùu yd uykaisù jevlsÍu f,i olajkak mq¨jka' wmg Ôú;fha úúO ;SrK .kakg isÿfjkjd' tajd .kafka wm ta wjia:dfõ isák miqìu yd mj;sk o;a; mokï lr f.khs' tu ;SrK miqj úúO ÈYdjka Tiafia .uka l< yelshs' tu ;SrK id¾:l;ajh;ajh lrd fufyhùfï yelshdj mj;skafka wmguhs' WodyrKhla f,i ud Wmdêh ,nd.;a miqj úYaj úoHd,fha wOHhk ld¾h uKav,hg nefokakg yelshdj ;snqKd' kuq;a ud fjk;a ud¾.hla f;dard .;a;d' l,ska lS ud¾.h f;dard.;a uf.a iuld,skhka iuyfrla ±ka by, ks, j,g m;a ù isákjd' ud o uf.a jD;a;Sh Ôú;fha hï ÿrla meñK ;sfnkjd' ;ud .uka lrk ljr fyda ud¾.hl
ÈYdk;sh ;srKh jkafka ;u wruqK fjkqfjka wjxlj lrk W;aidyh;a lemùu;a ;=<skqhs'
m% ( Tn fï fCIa;%fha /§ isàug fya;=jQ lreKq fudkjdo @ fuh b;du;a fõ.fhka ÈhqKqjk fCIa;%hla' fuu fCIa;%fha fiajdjka fndfyda úg iudchg fmru. olajk nj lsj yelshs' cx.u ÿrl:k wo fldhs;rï fiajd imhk Wmdx.hla njg m;a fj,do @ úfgl th Tn Tfí nexl= .sKqug iïnkaO lrk uDÿldx. fiajhla i,ikjd' bkagfkÜ fiajd imhkjd' ;j;a úg leurdjla' Tn isák ;ek GPS o;a; mjd Tng ta Tiafia n,d.kak mq¿jka' fï álla ú;rhs' Èkm;du fuu fiajdjka w¨;ska tl;= fjkjd' wkd.;fha cx.u ÿrl:khlska lEu msiSug yels fkdfj;ehs lsj yelafla ldgo @ cx.u ÿrl:kh wo ck;djf.a uQ,sl wjYH;djhla ;rug m;afj,d lsõfjd;a th ksjerÈhs' úÿ,s ixfoaY fiajh ;=<g leálr.;a fï .=Kdx. ud tys /|ùug fya;= jQjd hehs lsj yelshs'
m% ( fuu fCIa;%fha ;reK mrmqrg we;s /lshd wjia:d fudkjdo @ ud ksfhdackh lrkafka cx.u ÿrl:k fiajd imhk wdh;khla'
úÿ,s ixfoaY ;dCIKh tys fldÿkdráh jqj;a ck;djg fiajh i,ik wdh;khla f,i tys ;j;a tjeksu jeo.;a wxY .kKdjla ;sfnkjd' wf,úlrKh" mdß fiajd" mß.Kl ;dCIKh yd .sKqïlrKh Bg WodyrKhs' ck;dj fj; .uka lsÍfï§ fï ish,a,u tlfia jeo.;a' cx.u ÿrl:k fyda úÿ,s ixfoaY fiajd imhk wdh;khlg iïnkaO jk bxðfkarefjla mjd by; ±lajQ úúO fCIa;% ms<sn| fyd| wjfndaOhla ;sîu b;d jeo.;a' WodyrKhla jYfhka jD;a;Sh bxðfkarejrfhl=g jqj;a .sKqï m%ldYkhla w¾: .ekaùug yelsùu b;d m%fhdackj;a' b;ska fujeks wdl,am we;s ;reK ;reKshkag fuu fCIa;%h ;=< ud úia;r l< ish¿u fCIa;%j,ska bÈßhg .uka lsÍug uyÕ= wjia:d mj;skjd'
m% ( fuu fCIa;%hg msúiSfï§ jeo.;ajk mqoa.,sl .=Kdx. lsisjla ;sfío @ ;reK ;reKshka ;=< hym;a wdl,am mej;Su b;d jeo.;a" W.;a l=i,;d iys; flfkl=g jqj;a hym;a wdl,am ke;skï bÈßhg hdug fkdyelshs' WodyrKhla f,i ikaksfõok
l=¨kla fodaIhlg ,lajQ wjia:djl fydÈka ye| me,|f.k th ksjerÈ lrkakg hk bxðfkarefjl=g jvd jeo.;a jkafka ;%Sú,hlska fyda t;ekg f.dia jyd th ksjerÈ lrkakg W;aiql jk bxðfkarefjla' wksl fiajd fCIa;%h ms<sn|j mq¿,a ±laulska miqùu ±laúh yelshs' mdiafmdaÜ lkaf;darejl fiajlfhl= Tyq mdiafmdaÜ tlla ksl=;a lrk fiajhla i,ik wfhl= f,i fkdj ck;djg úfoaY.; ùug myiqlï i,ik wfhl= f,i mq¿,a ±laula iys;j isàu b;d jevodhl fjkjd' wm wdh;kfha my, isg by,g ish¿u fiajlhka ;=< by; ±laula iys; ùu b;d jeo.;a' tfiau úÿ,s ixfoaY fCIa;%fha fiajlhska yelshdjka .Kkdjlska ikakoaO úh hq;=hs' cx.u ÿrl:k ;dCIKh" mß.Kl uDÿldx. ;dCIKh yd oDvdx. ;dCIK iu. ne§ mej;Su Bg fya;=jhs' th úÿ,s" isú,a fyda hdka;%sl bxðfkare Ys,am j,g jvd fjkia jkakg tla fya;=jla' úfYaIfhka weu;=ï uOHia:dk fiajlhskag mjd fï ish¿ wxY .ek m%udKj;a mßÈ ±kqj;a j isàu jeo.;a' Bg wu;rj ;ud yodrK fCIa;%h
;=< jD;a;Sh yd wOHdmksl iqÿiqlï iu. u w;a±lSu yd l=i,;d tlf,i mj;ajd .; hq;=hs' th yßhgu ksfjil w;a;sjdrï yd ì;a;s jdf.hs' fyd| w;a;sjdrula ud Wmud lrkafka wOHdmksl yd jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlï j,ghs' ì;a;s w;a±lSï yd l=i,;d jf.a' fyd| w;a;sjdrula fkdue;sj fld;rï w.kd f,i ì;a;s nekao;a ;o iq<Õla wdúg th ìug md;a fjkjd' ta fld;rï Yla;su;a w;a;sjdrula u; jqj;a ÿ¾j, f,i ì;a;s ne§fuka m,la keye'
m% ( fï fCIa;%fha /lshdjla i|yd leu;s ;reK ;reKhkag Tng Èh yels hï mKsjqvhla ;sfí o@ fuu fCIa;%h b;d mq¿,a fukau fjkiajk iq¿ tlla nj f;areï .; hq;=hs' Bg wu;rj fuu fCIa;%fha /lshdjla i|yd hï wdh;khlg ne§u w;HjYH keye' we;a; jYfhkau jHjidlhska ùu ms<sn| wmf.a ;reK ;reKshkag we;s ±lau .ek i;=gqúh fkdyelshs' wdKavqfõ fyda ljr fyda wdh;khl rlaIdjla lsÍu hk n,dfmdfrd;a;=j ;rula h,a mek .sh tlla' f,dalh mqrdu jHjidhl;ajh ms<sn| mq¿,a msì§ula ;sfnkjd' wka;¾cd,h
cx.u ÿrl:k i|yd mß.Kl uDÿldx. ,shd uilg remsh,a ,CI .kkla fydhk YsIHhka mjd bkakjd' ld hgf;a fyda /lshdjla lsÍug is;kjdg wu;rj ; jHdmdrhla ;=<ska jHdmdßl f,dalfha wiSudka;sl ksï j<¨ fidhd hkakg ;reK ;reKshka ;j ;j;a Wkkaÿ ùu jeo.;a iu. fuu wjia:d b;du;a mq¿,a ù ;sfnkjd' cx.u ÿrl:k i|yd mß.Kl uDÿldx. ,shd uilg remsh,a ,CI .kkla fydhk YsIHhka mjd bkakjd' ld hgf;a fyda /lshdjla lsÍug is;kjdg wu;rj ; jHdmdrhla ;=<ska jHdmdßl f,dalfha wiSudka;sl ksï j<¨ fidhd hkakg ;reK ;reKshka ;j ;j;a Wkkaÿ ùu jeo.;a' tfiau ;u wruqK fjkqfjka wjxlj wm%;sy; ffO¾Hfhka l%shd lsÍu ljr fyda fohl id¾:l;ajhg n,mdk nj u;l ;nd.; hq;=hs'
gbg;gbahd Kd;Ndw;wk; NeHfhzy; -
~hHypd; b rpf;Nfuh> ee;Jd; gHzhz;Nlh kw;Wk; mUzre;j;uyhy; ngNuuh. jkpopy; - Rg;igah mD~d;
cyfpy; Jupjkhf tsHe;J tUk; Jiwfspy; njhiyj; njhlHghly; JiwAk; xd;whFk;. vnlf;]; rQ;rpifahdJ ,yq;ifapd; ,isa jiy KiwapdUf;fhf ,j;JiwapNy Kf;fpakhd mDgtkpf;f mNjrkak; GJ NahridfisAk; cila xUtUld; elhj;jpa nrt;tp. ,e;j JiwapDs; vt;thW te;jPHfs;? 1987 ,Ny ehl;bNy ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpfSf;fhd njhiyj; njhlHghly; mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. me;j fhyfl;lj;jpy;jhd; ehd;> ,yj;jpudpay; kw;Wk; njhiyj; njhlHghlw;Wiwapy; vdJ BSc gl;lj;ij ngWtjw;fhd ,Wjp guPl;iria nkhuLt gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; vOjtpUe;Njd;. vkJ guPl;irfs; Muk;gkhfp rpy fhyj;jpNyNa gy;fiyf;fofq;fshdJ cs;ehl;L gpur;rpidfs; fUjp %lg;gl;lJ. vdJ ,Wjpg; guPl;iria vOj KbahJ NghdhYk; ,j;Jiwapy; vdf;F NghJkhd mwpT ,Ue;jikapdhy; ,j;Jiwapy; vdJ mDgtj;ijg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjpy; MHtk; fhl;bNdd;. Celltel epWtdkhdJ mg;NghJjhd;
tpahghuj;jpy; ,wq;Ftjw;F jahuhf ,Ue;jJ. ,e;epWtdj;Jld; ,ize;J nfhs;tjw;F vdf;F tha;g;G fpilj;jJ. Muk;gj;jpy; ve;jnthU gjtpAk; ,y;yhJ tUkhdKk; Nghjhky; nghwpapayhsH xUtUf;F cjtpahsH vd;fpw kl;lj;jpNyNa ,Ue;Njd;. Mdhy; ,jd; %yk; ,j;JiwapdJ ntt;NtWgl;l Nfhzq;fis njupe;J nfhs;Sk; tha;g;G fpilj;jJ.
gy;fiyf;fofq;fs; kPsjpwf;fg;gl;lJk; vdJ ,Wjpg; guPl;iria Kbj;Njd;. mjd; gpwF NtnwhU ,lj;jpy; rpwpJ fhyj;jpw;F Ntiy nra;Njd;. ,jd; NghJ Celltel epWtdkhdJ vdf;F 12000 &gha; rk;gsKk; thfdj;JlDk; $ba cj;jpNahfj;jpid mspj;jJ. ,d;Wtiu me;jg; gazk; njhlHfpwJ.
cq;fsJ ntw;wpf;F gpd;dhYs;s ,ufrpaq;fs; vd;;d ? mjw;F ehd; NeHikahfNt gjpy; $WfpNwd;. rhjpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;fpd;w vz;zKk; fbd ciog;GNk vdJ ntw;wpf;F fhuzq;fs;. ntt;NtWgl;l KbTfis vLf;f Ntz;ba vt;tsNth #o;epiyfis vkJ tho;tpNy re;jpf;f NeupLk;. me;j Fwpg;gpl;l Neuj;jpy; ,Uf;f$ba juTfis itj;Jf; nfhz;L ,Uf;fpd;w #o;epiyf;F Vw;wthwhd KbTfisNa ehk; vLf;fpd;Nwhk;. mt;thW ehk; vLf;Fk; KbTfs; vjpHfhyj;jpy; tpj;jpahrg;gl;l KbTfis jUfpd;wd. ntw;wpfis nfhz;L tuf;$ba jPHkhdq;fis vLg;gJ Kw;WKOjhf vkJ iffspNyNa jq;fpAs;sJ. rupahd jPHkhdq;fs; gpioahd jPHkhdq;fs; vd xd;Wk; fpilahJ. jPHkhdq;fs; gpioahditfshf miktjpy;iy. Mdhy; vLj;j jPHkhdj;jpid vt;thW njhlHe;J nfhz;L nry;tJ vd;gJ Kf;fpakhdJ.
Jkpe;j;u uj;dhaf;f BSc ,yj;jpudpay; kw;Wk; njhiyj;njhlu;ghly; (Kjw;ju nfsutk;) jiyik epiwNtw;W mjpfhup kw;Wk; Etisalat Lanka (jdpahu; epWtdk;) Fohk; ,af;Fdh; cg jiytu; American Chamber of Commerce 2002/ 2003.
Jkpd;e;jpu ,yq;ifapd; Kjy; ifg;NgrpfSf;fhd njhiyj;njhlHG Nrit toq;Fdupd; mq;fj;jtH. gbg;gbahf Kd;Ndwp 2001 ,y; mjd; CEO MdhH. njhiyj; njhlHghly; JiwapdJ tsHr;rpia ghHj;J czHe;J mDgtpj;j xUtuhtH. ,jDL mtHjd; fk;gdpia tsHr;rpg; ghijf;F topelj;jpatH MthH>
Pinnacle Kf;fpakhditfshFk;. xU fl;blj;jpd; m];jpthuKk; RtHfSk; Nghd;witNa ,it.
cjhuzj;jpw;F vdJ ngWNgWfs; kpfr; rpwg;ghditfshf ,Ue;jikapdhy; vdJ ,Wjp guPl;irapd; gpd; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; fy;tprhH eltbf;iffspy; <Lglf;$ba xU cj;jpNahfj;jpy; ,ize;jpUf;fyhk;.
njhopy;rhH jfikfSk; fy;tprhH jfikfSk; m];jpthuk; Nghd;wJ. ntw;wpailtJ vg;gb vd;w rpe;jidAk; mDgtKk; RtHfis Nghd;wit.
Mdhy; ehd; xU Gjpa Jiwapid njupT nra;Njd;. Kd;Djhuzq;fsw;w xUJiwapid njupT nra;Njd;. vdJ rfhf;fspy; rpyH fy;tprhH eltbf;iffspy; cj;jpNahfk; Gupe;J rpwg;ghd epiyikapid mile;jpUf;fpd;wdH.
m];jpthuk; gykhf ,y;iynadpy; RtHfs; gykhd fhw;wpid jhf;Fgpbf;f KbahJ tpOe;JtpLk;. mNjNghy; RtHfs; gytPdkhf ,Ue;jhy; m];jpthuk; vt;tsT cWjpahf ,Ue;Jk; Ntiyapy;iy. ,uz;LNk gpd;dpg;gpize;jit.
vdJ njhopy; tho;f;ifapYk; fzprkhd J}uj;jpid fle;J te;Js;Nsd;. NeHik kw;Wk; rhjpf;fj; Jbf;Fk; vz;zk; vd;gitfspNy cq;fsJ vjpHfhy njhopy; tho;f;if jq;fpAs;sJ.
,d;DnkhU kpfKf;fpakhd tplakhf miktJ Nritj;Jiw njhlHghf xOq;fhd njsptpidf; nfhz;bUj;jy; MFk;.
,e;jj; JiwapNyNa ePq;fs; njhlHe;J ,Ug;gjw;fhd fhuzk; vd;d?
ehk; toq;FtJ nghUsy;y> Nrit vd;gij xUtH czu Ntz;Lk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F> flTr;rPl;L fhupahyaj;jpy; gzpGupLk; xUtUf;F jhk; kf;fSf;F flTr;rPl;Lfis toq;FfpNwhk; vd;gjidj; jhz;b ehk; toq;Fk; ,f; flTr;rPl;Lf;fs; kf;fs; ntspehL nrd;Wtu mj;jpahtrpakhdit vd;gjid czHe;J njhopw;gl Ntz;Lk;.
,J kpfg;gutyhf Kd;Ndwpf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; xUJiw. r%fj;jpw;F ,j;Jiw gy;NtWgl;l Gj;jhf;f rpe;jidfis toq;FfpwJ. ,d;W ifg;Ngrpfs; cq;fsJ tq;fpf; fzf;F> ,izag; ghthid Nghd;wtw;NwhL ,ize;jpUg;gjw;fhd xU fUtpahf gad;gLfpwJ. mJ kl;Lky;yhJ xU Gifg;glf; fUtpahfTk; GPS vdg;gLk; etPd ,lq;fis topfhl;Lk; fUtpahfTk; njhopw;gLfpwJ.
vy;yh epWtdq;fspYk; mbkl;lj;jpy; ,Ue;J caHkl;lk; tiu midtUk; ,e;j Nehf;if nfhz;bUj;jy; mtrpakhFk;.
vjpHfhyj;jpy; ,e;jf; ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpfshy; Ritahd czT jahH nra;ag;gLk; vd;whYk; mJ Mr;rupak; ,y;iy.
vkJ jfikfs; midj;jpw;Fk; cjtpahf rHtNjr uPjpapy; njhlHghly; nra;tjw;fhd nkhopapdpy; NjHr;rp mile;jpUg;gJk; Kf;fpakhdjhFk;.
ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpfs; ,d;W mj;jpahtrpa NjitfSs; xd;whf khwptpl;lJ cz;ikNa. ,J Nghd;w tplaq;fs; vd;id ,j;JiwapNyNa njhlHe;J jq;fitf;fpd;wd.
,e;jj; Jiwia NjHT nra;Ak; ,isQHfSf;F VNjDk; mwpTiu toq;f KbAkh?
,isa jiyKwapdUf;F ,j;JiwapNy ,Uf;f$ba Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fs; ahit? ehndhU ifg;NgrpfSf;fhd njhiyj; njhlHghly; Nrit toq;Fdiu gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;JfpNwd;. ,f;fk;gdpapd; KJnfYk;ghf njhiyj; njhlHG tpsq;fpdhYk; xUNrit toq;Fduhf ,d;Dk; gyKf;fpakhd tplaq;fis ,J nfhz;bUf;fpd;wJ. tpw;gid> re;ijg;gLj;Jjy;> jfty; njhlHghly;> epjp Nghd;wit mtw;Wl; rpy. kf;fis mZFk;NghJ ,T njhiy njhlHghlYf;F epfuhd Kf;fpaj;Jtj;jpid ngWfpd;wd. MfNt tha;g;Gf;fs; Vuhsk;.
,e;j Jiwapdpy; ntw;wp miltjw;F jdpg;gl;l uPjpapyhf nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;ba ,ay;Gfs; ahit? rupahd mZF Kiwapid nfhz;bUj;jy; ntw;wpailtjw;F mtrpakhdjhFk;. cq;fSf;F ,aw;ifahfNt jpwikfs; ,Ug;gpDk; rupahd mZFKiw cq;fsplk; ,y;iynadpy;> Kd;NdWtJ kpff;fbdk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F> xU njhlHghly; NfhGuk; nraypoe;Jtpl;lJ vditj;Jf;
nfhs;Nthk; me;j ,lj;jpw;F tpiue;J mij ghHitapl;L gpiofis jpUj;j Ntz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. ,jw;F khwhf ed;whf jk;ik myq;fupj;Jf; nfhz;L epWtdkhdJ jhk; gazpf;f xU thfdj;ij mDg;Gk;tiu fhj;jpUg;gJ rupahd mZFKiw my;y. rupahd mZFKiwapidAila nghwpapayhsH xUtH xU thlif tz;bapyhtJ Fwpg;gpl;l ,lj;jpw;F tpiue;J mij jpUj;JthH. MfNt rupahd mZFKiwapid nfhz;bUf;ff; $ba ,isQHfs; jkJ jpwd;fis tsHj;Jf; nfhz;L Kd;NdWtjw;F ,j;JiwapNyNa ey;y itg;Gf;fs; cs;sd. mJ kl;Lky;yhJ ,e;;jj; JiwapNy ePq;fs; gytpjkhd jpwd;fis nfhz;bUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. njhiyj; njhlHghly; JiwahdJ ,d;Dk; gynjhopy; El;gq;fSld; iff;NfhHj;Jf; nfhs;tNj ,jw;fhd fhuzkhFk;. miog;G ikaq;fspy; gzpGupNthH $l mtw;Wld; rk;ge;jg;gl;l vy;yh JiwfNshLk; fzprkhd ftdj;jpid nfhz;bUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. njhopy; GupNthH ntWkNd ,j;Jiwapyhd njhopy; jfikfisAk; fy;tpj; jifkfisAk; nfhz;bUf;fhJ ,t;Ntiyia ntw;wpfukhf nra;tJ vg;gb vd;w mwpTk; mDgtKk; ,j;JiwapNy ntw;wp miltjw;F
Kjypy; ,j;JiwahdJ gpuk;khz;lkha; gutyile;J tUk; xUJiw vd;gij midtUk; Gupe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld; xUnjhopy; tho;ifia fl;baikf;f xU fk;gdpapy; ePq;fs; xU njhopiy Njbf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. cz;ikapy; Ranjhopy; Kaw;rpahz;ik njhlHghf ,isQHfs; nfhz;bUf;Fk; Nehf;fpdhy; ehk; jpUg;jp mila KbahJ. mur epWtdNkh jdpahH epWtdNkh VNjDk; xd;wpy; vg;gbahtJ Kjypy; Ntiynahd;iw ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vDk; Nehf;fk; jw;NghJ fhyhtjpahfptpl;lJ. jw;NghJ cyfshtpa uPjpapy; Ranjhopy; Kaw;rpahd;ik Cf;Ftpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. ,izaj;jpd; tsHr;rpNahL NrHe;J ,JTk; gd;klq;F tsHe;Js;sJ. ifg;NgrpfSf;fhd nkd;nghUs;fis tbtikj;J mjD}lhf Mapuf;fzf;fpy; rk;ghjpf;Fk; khztHfs; ,d;W Vuhsk; cs;sdH. MfNt ,yq;if ,isQUk; ,d;W tHj;jf cyfpYs;s vz;zw;w tha;g;Gf;fis gad;gLj;jp jkf;nfd jdptpahghuq;fis Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhs;s Cf;Ftpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. NeHikahf mauhJ cioj;jhy; ve;jj;JiwapYk; ntw;wpailayhk; vd;gij ve;jnthU re;jHgj;jpYk; xUtH Qhgfk; itj;jpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.
Opportunities in telecommunications
industry By Nalin Goonewardene
The development and use of technology grew astronomically during past 40 years providing new and unimagined opportunities for business activities, jobs and careers in many fields. One of these is telecommunications industry which until a few years ago was driven by requirements of businesses to be more productive. Now exciting new developments are taking place, fuelled by growth in 'social revolution', driving requirements from the public for more convenient and easier communications. Experts predict this will give rise to another wave of opportunities for people with skills required to meet challenges ahead.
The future
Mobile phones have become commonplace, optical fibres have improved long distance communications and digital techniques have made networks much more sophisticated. Digital equipment has allowed programmable products to deliver far reaching facilities which have changed the user base as well as operational environments. New terms have been introduced such as iPod, Android, 4G, mobile web, AppStore, PlayStore, Webinar etc.
The experts say that telecommunications will be at the heart of everything that happens. The Smartphone is here already â&#x20AC;&#x201C; converging the mobile phone, camera, personal computer and Internet into a new medium which is aware of its location, direction and speed.
Businesses that provide facilities in this dynamically changing world are outstripping relatively traditional businesses and need trained people to meet new challenges.
Wireless communication will be common place enabling devices to capture information and transmit it to centres via multi-node high speed networks for analysis and feedback (Info-communications). This in turn will require more powerful and sophisticated infrastructure and equipment.
More types of users will join this evolution including creative industries utilising mobile media for video production, documentaries etc. with technology extending into medical areas. In turn, new materials, techniques and products will help deliver quality, performance and volumes of information expected. For all these, there needs to be skilled, capable, trained and qualified people who can deliver, maintain and manage this moving environment. Most major developments are taking place outside Sri Lanka but even here there are growing opportunities for those with 'right' skills.
Careers The right skills are those that are required by an industry that is constantly moving forward. Whether at Ordinary or Advanced level at the moment, there will be a minimum of five years of solid education and training ahead in 'relevantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; fields. Therefore, it is important to discover your capabilities and interests as well as take note of what experts say: Chose wisely. Globally competitive career opportunities will be available primarily with telecommunications operators, equipment manufacturers and service providers. While established skills such as technical engineering, maintenance and service delivery will continue, new additional skills will also be required such as in law, accountancy and management all of which will need to keep pace with changes in the industry. As development, utilization and servicing of products will be in the global market place, a good command of English is essential.
Where do we start? Firstly, people are good at different things (horses for courses), so we have to understand our own skills, interests
Globally competitive career opportunities will be available primarily with telecommunications operators, equipment manufacturers and service providers and social requirements. There are three basic levels of skills specific to the industry - technician, engineer and consultant/ manager. Secondly, available training and education courses cover what is current as of today. These skills will need to be constantly updated with new courses which will be available as technology expands. Thirdly, a lot of investment is required which only the biggest players can afford. Therefore, most advanced jobs and training will be provided by them. There will always be a place for an entrepreneur, who will have to match his ambitions to what he can achieve in a fast changing world. The people who will be at the fore front of the industry will need practical experience and theoretical studies together with an understanding of changes taking place. As professionals they will require to study all their lives to keep up with developments.
Education and training Most importantly, you have to be an 'engineer' at heart. So, a good base to start is education in programming, mobile communications, telecoms security and IP telephony. For this you will normally need to pass
Advanced level at the minimum. Some hands-on learning in the field would be of immense benefit later on. If you get fascinated by the technology you may wish to remain a Technician, advancing your knowledge as technology progresses, but let this be a positive decision. Your next step would be to follow a degree course to become an Engineer in relevant subjects of interest. You can short-cut this by taking a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;bridgingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; course after Ordinary levels but you would miss the experience gained by the former route. You should join the most relevant professional society for your chosen field. It will also provide a good base for networking business contacts. Very few are good at being consultants and managers. This is because consultants deal firstly with technology and secondly with people, while with managers, it is the other way round. In either case, additional education, training, skills and experience are required. To become a respected consultant, you will need further study ideally to an MSc level, with a relevant MBA being a second choice. In addition, you need to become known by presenting papers to learned bodies and participating in group discussions on important subjects. To become a manager, you will need an inherent skill in managing people. This needs to be augmented by an MBA and specific education in areas within the sphere of HR today.
Conclusions Telecommunications is a rapidly developing industry, globally. To capitalize on this and be competitive in a global context, one need to target education, training and experience to be relevant in an industry that is changing fast.
úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h
;=< /lshd wjia:djka
igyk k,Ska .=Kj¾Ok mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
;dlaIKsl j¾Okh yd Ndú;h jir 40l muk ld,h ;=< buy;a j¾Okhla isÿjqk lafIa;%hla f,i ye¢kaúh yel' tu ;dlaIKsl kfjdaoh lafIa;%hka .Kkdjlg ñka by; fkdis;= úre jHdmdßl" /lshd yd jD;a;Suh wjia:djka rdYshla Wodlr § we;' fuf,i ÈhqKq jQ tla lafIa;%hla f,i úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h úfYaIfhka lemS fmfka' óg jir lsysmhlg fmr jHdmdßl M,odj jeälrk fiajd imhk lafIa;%hla f,i fuu lafIa;%h bÈßhg meñkqks' ;j lemS fmfkk ÈhqKqùï fuu lafIa;%h ;=, isÿfjñka mj;sk w;r j¾;udk iudÔh mßj¾;kh ;=,ska tu j¾Okhka i|yd kj mkakrhla o ,eî ;sfí' ta ;=<ska mdßfNda.slhkag jvd myiq fiajdjla ie,eisug úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h ie§ meye§ we;' lafIa;%fha m%ùKhka fmkajdfok mßÈ ksis iqÿiqlï iys; yd bÈß wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK Èh yels ;reK ;reKshkag bÈßfha§ /lshd wjia:d rdYshla ìysjkjd ksielh'
miqìu wo cx.u ÿrl:k Ndú;h idudkH fohla njg m;aj we;s w;r Tmaál,a (optical) /yeka yryd ÿria: ia:dk w;r ikaksfõokh uy;a fia j¾Okh ù we;' tfukau äðg,a ;dlaIKh Tiafia ikaksfõok cd,hkao fmrg jvd ixlS¾K ù we;' äðg,a ;dlaIKh fya;=fldg f.k mß>kl .;l, jevigyka yryd w;suy;a fiajdjka rdYshla wo ,nd§ug yelsùu ;=<ska j¾;udk mdß cd, ixhq;sfha fukau l%shdldß mßirfha o buy;a fjkialï /ila isÿ ù ;sfí' i pad, Android, 4G cx.u ÿrl:k wka;¾cd, msúÿï" úúO uDÿldx. j,g .;yels cx.u ÿrl:k .nvd (App store, Play store) hkd§ jYfhka kj;djfhka hq;= úúO wxf.damdx. wo Èkfha l,t<s nei we;' mdrïmßl jHdmdrhka wNsnjd fuu ;dlaIKsl ÈhqKqj;a iu. fjkia jQ mßirhkag WÑ; fiajd imhk kj jHdmdrhka fmrg meñK we;s w;r tjeks jHdmdrj, wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK §ug yels mqyqKq mqoa.,hskag ±ä b,a¨ula ;sfnkq ±lsh yelsh'
wkd.;h m%ùKhka mjik mßÈ bÈßfha§ we;sjk ish¨u isÿùï ;=, úoaHq;a ikaksfõokh jeo.;a ld¾hNdrhla isÿlrkq we;' WodyrKhla f,i cx.u ÿrl: leurdj" mß>klh yd wka;¾cd,h tla fldg.;a Smart Phone tl ±laúh yel' /yeka rys;j flfrk (wireless) ikaksfõokh bÈßfhaÈ idudkH fohla njg m;ajk w;r tu.ska ,nd.kakd f;dr;=re nyqúO wêfõ.S cd,hka yryd wOHhkh yd u; úuiqï i|yd heùï b;d myiq jkq we;' fï l%shdj,sh i|yd ;j;a n,j;a" ixlS¾K WmlrK yd há;, myiqlï j, wjYH;djh u;=jkq we;' fuu ;dlaIKsl úma,jh yd w;aje,a ne|.ekSug ;j ;j;a kj wxYhkays mdßfNda.slhka tl;=jk we;' ta w;rg meñKsh yels
lafIa;%hka f,i cx.u ÿrl:k udOH Wmfhda.S lr.kakd ùäfhda o;a; f,aLk.; lsßu" ffjoH úoHdj jeks kj lafIa;%hka WodyrK f,i f.kyer ±laúh yel' kj WmlrK l%ufõohka yd ksmehqï ;=,ska bÈßfha§ yelshdjka yd f;dr;=re mßudjkaj, jeä ÈhqKq ùula wfmalaId l< yel' fï ish,a, i|yd fujeks ;dlaIKsl mßirhlg iqÿiq l=i,;djka" l<uKdlrk yelshdjka we;s olaI ksmqK;djhka f.ka fyì mqyqKq iqÿiqlï ,;a mqoa.,hskaf.a wjYH;djhla u;=jkq we;' wo jk úg fuu lafIa;%hg wod<j úYd, ixj¾Okhla Y%s ,xldjg mßndysrj isÿjk kuqÿ wmrg ;=,;a iqÿiq ksmqK;d we;s mqoa.,hkag ksielfhka wjia:d /ila u;=fjñka mj;S'
jD;a;sh iqÿiq ksmqK;d hkq lafIa;%hg wjYH iy lafIa;%hka iu. ksr;=reju j¾Okh jk ksmqK;djhkah' ±ka Tn isákafka w'fmd'i' W'fm< fyda w'fmd'i idudkH fm< jqj;a wvqu ;rfï ;j;a jir 5l muK ld,hla bÈßhg Tng wOHdmkh yd mqyqKqj iqÿiq wxYhlska ,nd .ekSug yels jkq we;' tu ksidu Tnf.a olaI;djhka fudkjd±hs ±k .ekSu;a m%ùKhka úiska lrkq ,nk wkdjels ms<sn|j ±kf.k isàu;a jeo.;ah' tu ksid fydÈka is;d n,d ksjerÈj ;SrKhla .ekSu Tn i;=h' wka;¾cd;slj ;rÕldÍ /lshd wjia:djka uQ,sl jYfhka isáh hq;= ikaksfõok l%shdldÍka" WmlrK ksIamdolhska iy fiajd imhkakka w;ßka u;=jkq we;' fydÈka okakd wkq.; jqk ksmqK;djhla jk ld¾ñl" bxðfkare" kv;a;= yd fiajd iemhqï lafIa;% bÈßhg;a mj;skq we;s w;r" bka Tíng .sh kS;sh" .Kldêlrkh" l<uKdlrkh jeks kj w;sf¾l ksmqK;djhka ish,a, ±kg mj;sk fuu
lafIa;%fha isÿjk mßj¾;khkag uqyqK §ug bÈßfha§ m%.=K lr ;sîu w;HjYH jkq we;' tfukau kj fiajd yd WmlrK ksIamdokh" mßyrKh yd kùlrKh wka;¾cd;sl uÜgulska flfrk neúka bx.%Sis NdIdj fydÈka yeisrùfï yelshdjo w;HjYH jkq we;'
werUqu fld;eko @ tla tla mqoa.,hkaf.a yelshdj úúOhs' tu ksid wm wmf.a ksmqK;djhka" wNs,dIhka yd idudÔh wjYH;djhka fydÈka f;areï .; hq;=h' fuu lafIa;%hg wod, jQ uQ,sl ksmqKdjhka 3la ;sfnkjd' tjd kï ;dlaIKsl" bxðfkare yd l<uKdlrk hk wxYhs' ±kg mj;sk wOHdmk yd mqyqK mdGud,d u.ska ,ndfokafka ;;ald,sk ±kquhs' fï ksid ;dlaIKsl ÈhqKqùu iu. w¿;ajk mdGud,d m%.=K lr ;u ±kqu yd ksmqK;d ksr;=reju w¿;a lr .ekSu jeo.;ah' fuu lafIa;%h ;=, úYd, wdfhdackhka isÿl< hq;=h' tkuq;a th l, yelafla Yla;su;a úYd, wdh;k w;f,diailg muKhs' tu ksidu jvd;a ÈhqKq /lshd yd mqyqKq wjia:d ,nd Èh yelafla;a Tjqkag muKhs' tfukau kj jHjidhlhskag fuu lafIa;%h ;=, bÈßhg hd yelsh' ta ;u wNsu;d¾:hka fõ.fhka j¾Okh jk fjkia jk mßirhlg WÑ; yd <Õdúh yels b,lalhka njg m;alr .;af;d;a muKhs' fuu lafIa;%fha bÈßfhka isàug wjYH mqoa.,hskag w;a±lSï" ksis ±kqu iu. lafIa;%fha isÿjk fjkiaùï ms<sn|j fydo wjfndaOhla ;sìh hq;=h' fuu lafIa;%fha jD;a;slhska f,i Tjqkag ;u Ôú; ld,h mqrdjg lafIa;%fha isÿjk fjkiaùï .ek fyd| wOHhkhla lsßug isÿfõ'
wOHhkh yd mqyqKqj jvd;au jeo.;a jkafka yoj;skau Tn bxðfkarejrfhl= ùuhs' tu ksid uDÿldx. ks¾udKh" cx.u ikaksfõokh úoaHq;a ;dlaIK
iqrlaIs;Ndjh yd wka;¾cd, jHqyh (IP telephony) ms<sn|j úêu;a wOHdmkhla ;sîu hym;a wdrïNhla' fï i|yd idudkHfhka w'fmd'i' W'fm< iu;aj ;sîu wjYH jkjd' tfukau flaIa;%h ;=, mqyqKqjla ,nd ;sîu;a bÈß Èkhl§ Tng w;aje,la jkjd ksielh' Tn ;dlaIKh ms<sn| ienE wdYdjka we;af;la kï ;dlaIKsl Ys,amsfhl= f,i fuu flaIa;%h ;=< bÈßhg hd yelsh' th Okd;aul ;SrKhla lr .ekSu Tn i;=h' Tnf.a B<Õ mshjr úh hq;af;a Tn leu;s wxYhlska bxðfkarejrfhl= ùug Wmdêhla yeoEÍuhs' Tng w'fmd'i' id' fm< yodrd wu;r mdGud,djla ;=<ska flá l,lska fuu ia:dkhg meñKsh yels jqj;a by;ska ±lajQ ud¾.h Tiafia l%udkql+,j fuu b,lalh lrd tafï§ Tng ,efnk
w;a±lSu Tng wysñ ù hkq we;' tfukau Tn f;dard.;a lafIa;%hg fnfyúkau wod< jD;a;Suh wdh;k yd w;aje,a ne|.ekSu;a jeo.;ah' ta ;=,ska jHdmdßl in|;d f.dvk.d .ekSug msájy,la Tng ,efnkq we;' WmfoaYk fiajd iemhSu yd l<uKdldÍ;ajh hk fol ioyd yelshdj we;af;a wmf.ka iq¿ msßilg muKs' fuhg fya;=j WmfoaYlhska ;dlaIKh ms<sn|j m<uqj;a mqoa.,hka ms<sn|j fojkqj;a wjOdkh fhduqlrk w;r l<uKdlrejka i|yd tu wjOdkh m%;súreoaO f,i jeo.;ajk ksidh' ta ;k;=re folu i|yd wu;r wOHdmkh" mqyqKqj" ksmqK;dj yd w;a±lSï wjYHhs' m%ùK WmfoaYljrfhl= ùug wjYH kï Tfí m<uq f;dard .ekSu úh hq;af;a Msc iqÿiqlula ,nd .ekSuhs' M.B.A tlla i|yd hEu fojeks f;dard .ekSula muKhs' tfukau lafIa;%h ;=< kula Èkd.ekSug kï"
jD;a;Sh wdh;k j,g ;u rpkdjka bÈßm;a lsÍug;a jeo.;a ud;Dldjla Tiafia mj;ajk iuQy idlÉPd i|yd iyNd.S ùu;a jeo.;ah' l<uKdlrefjl= njg m;aùu i|yd Tng mqoa., md,kh ms<sno iyc l=i,;djhla ;sìh hq;=h' th M.B.A iqÿiqlula u.ska ;j;a Yla;su;a úh hq;= w;r udkj iïm;a l<uKdlrkh ms<sn|j wod, wxYhkaf.ka ksis wOHdmkhla ,nd ;sîu;a jeo.;ah'
ks.ukh úoahq;a ikaksfõokh f.da,shj b;d iS>%j ixj¾Okh jk lafIa;%hla ksid wjia:dfjka Wmßu m%fhdack ,nd wka;¾cd;sl ;,fhka ;rÕldßj isàug kï wOHdmkh" mqyqKqj yd w;a±lSï lafIa;%hg wod< f,i m%.=K lsÍu yd ksrka;rj isÿjk fjkia ùï j,g fydÈka uqyqKq §ug ;u ±kqu" mqyqKqj yd w;a±lSu ksrka;rfhka w¿;a lr .ekSu jeo.;ah'
kshdukh ;=,ska jD;a;Sh werUqula
j¾;udkfha Y%s ,xldfõ wd¾Ólh ;=< jeo.;a fufyjrla bgqlrk úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h b;d fõ.j;aj mq¿,a jk lafIa;%hla' fuu lafIa;%fha j¾Okh;a iu. kshdukh yd wkql=,;dj ms<sn|j we;s wjYH;dj úÿ,s ixfoaY kshduk fldñika iNdj msysgq ùug uq,a jQ nj lsh hq;=h' ir,j mejiqfjd;a wkql=, ùu hkq jr,;a wdh;khla u.ska mkjkq ,nk kS;sÍ;s" fr.=,dis" wkmk;a l%ufõohkag wkql=, ùuh' kshdukh yd wkql=,;dj ´kEu lafIa;%hl m%ñ;sh ksismßÈ mj;ajd f.k hdug WmldÍ jk w;ru ms<s.;a wdpdr O¾u lv lrñka isÿlrkq ,nk widOdrK ñ, m%;sm;a;s" mdßfNda.slhka fkdu. heùu iy ukd ;;ajhlska f;dr NdKav yd fiajd iemhSï wdÈh j<lajd .eksug;a WmldÍ fõ' lafIa;%h ks;e;ska j¾Okh ùu i|yd iydh lafIa;%h yd iïnkaO mqoa.,hka f.ka ,nd.ekSug yd Tjqkaf.a úYajdih Èkd.ekSug kshdukh ufydamldÍ fõ' fr.=,dis yd kshdukh lafIa;%hg iïnkaO wdh;kj,g idOdrK ;rÕldÍ wjia:djka ,ndfokjd muKla fkdj fiajd iemhSfï§ ksis m%ñ;sh mj;ajd .ekSug o WmldÍ fõ'
wh l%uhka kshdukh lsÍu" kS;sÍ;s wkq.ukh lsÍu" kshdukh lsÍu" kshñ; f¾äfhda ;rx.ud,d Wmfhda.S lsÍu yd fidhdne,Su" mdß meñKs,s iïnkaOj lghq;= lsÍu yd tajd iïnkaOj mÍlaIK meje;aùu" Y%S ,xldfõ úÿ,s ixfoaY kshduk fldñika iNdj u.ska isÿlrk kshduk ld¾hNdrhka f.ka iuyfrls' kshdukh Y%s ,xldfõ úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h ;=, u;=fjñka mj;sk wxYhla' ñ, mámdáhkag wod<j WmfoaYhka wkq.ukh lsßu" jHdmdr wdpdr O¾u ksisf,i mj;ajd .ekSu" há;, myiqlï ixj¾Okh lsÍu" ukd mdßfNda.s l fiajdjla ,nd§u yd mdßfNda.s l meñKs,s .ek fidhdn,d .eg¿ ksrdlrKh lsÍu wdÈh fuu lafIa;%h ;=, l%shd;aul jk ish¨ wdh;k úiska j.lsfuka hq;=j isÿl<hq;= nj fmkajd Èh hq;=h' wkd.;fhaÈ kshdukh wog;a jvd m%uqL ;,hlg fuu lafIa;%h ;=< j¾Okh jkq we;' fujeks wdh;kj, úu¾IK lKavdhï i|yd iïnkaOj /lshdjla lsßug ukd ksmqK;djhla we;s mqoa.,hkag wjia:d rdYshla Wodjkjd fkdwkqudkh' ta ;=,ska Tjqkag kS;shg mgyeks yd wdpdrO¾u lvlrk l%shdj,ska je,elaùu i|yd
wjxl" nyqúO ksmqK;d we;s ;dlaIksl ±kqfuka mßmQ¾K ukd ikaksfõok yd mß.Kl ±kqu iys; mqoa.,hkag bÈßfha § úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h ;=, kshdukhg wod<j by, b,a¨ula we;sjkq we; odhl ùug yelshdj ,efnkq we;' kshdukh wxY .Kkdjla yd iïnkaê; l%shdj,shla' tu ksidu ;dlaIKsl ±kqu we;s mqoa.,hkag muKla th iSud jkafka ke;' kS;s úYdrohska" wd¾Ól úoHd{hska ixLHdf,aLk úfYaI{hska" uQ,H wxYj,g iïnkaO mqoa.,hka jeks úúO jq mqoa.,hkag kshduk lafIa;%fha /lshd wjia:d Wodjkq we;' úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%fha we;s wdh;k ;uka ksisf,i wkql+,;djhlska lghq;= lrkafkao hkak ms<sn|j úu¾Ykh i|ydo /lshd wjia:d Wodjkq we;' wjxl" nyqúO ksmqK;d we;s ;dlaIksl ±kqfuka mßmQ¾K ukd ikaksfõok yd mß.Kl ±kqu iys; mqoa.,hkag bÈßfha § úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%h ;=, kshdukhg wod<j by, b,a¨ula we;sjkq we;' kshdukh wkd.;fha§ m%uqL ld¾hNdrhla isÿlrk jeo.;a wxYhla njg m;ajkq fkdwkqudkh' ta ksidu fuu wjia:dfjka Wmßu M, ,eîug ;ukaf.a ksmqK;djhka jeäÈhqKq lr.ksñka ;u yelshdjka j¾Okh lr fuu wxYh ;=<ska ;u jD;a;sh bÈßhg f.khdug wÈgkska lghq;= lsßu jeo.;a' ^fuu ,smsh ilia lsßu i|yd úÿ,sixfoaY kshduk fldñika iNdfõ iyldr wOHlaIljrfhl= jk ksYdka; m,syjvk uy;df.ka ,o iyh wm uy;afia w.hfldg i<luq'&
A career in the making Currently the telecommunication industry of Sri Lanka is rapidly expanding and is one of the key industries in the Sri Lankan economy. With the growth of the sector, need for regulation and compliance resulted in establishment of Telecommunications Regulatory Commission. In general, compliance means conforming to rules, regulations, policies, laws and standards set by a relevant authority. Regulation and compliance play an important role to standardize an industry and prevent unethical practices such as unfair pricing, exploitation of customers and providing of sub standard product or services. It helps to build the trust of stakeholders involved and helps an industry to grow seamlessly. Regulation and compliance ensure a level playing field and improve quality of service delivery. Regulation of tariffs, monitoring and ensuring compliance with relevant laws, ensuring proper utilization of radio frequency spectrums, responding to consumer complaints and holding inquiries/ investigations etc, are some compliance activities currently carried out by the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. Regulations and compliance are emerging sectors in telecommunication industry in Sri Lanka. Specific guidelines relating
People with a high level of integrity, multi disciplinary skills, technology suaveness, good communication and ICT skills will have a huge demand in coming years in the telecommunications sector in relation to compliance to tariff structures, ethical business practices, infrastructure development, customer care and dispute resolution need to be adhered to by all in the industry. In future compliance will play a major role within the industry. Highly skilled people will have the opportunity to join investigation units to detect and prevent unlawful and unethical practices. As compliance extends to several areas, not only people with technical knowledge, but others fields like legal experts, economists, statisticians, finance personnel etc, would also be able to join the industry. Further, from companiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; perspectives, to ensure compliance with regulations also there
will be lot of similar opportunities arising in related companies as well. People with a high level of integrity, multi disciplinary skills, technology suaveness, good communication and ICT skills will have a huge demand in coming years in the telecommunications sector in relation to compliance. Compliance is a key futuristic area which would grow in importance in years to come. So take on the opportunity, develop your skills and focus on developing yourself for a position in this sector. As the saying goes, early bird catches the worm. (Assistance rendered by Nishantha Palihawadana, Assistant Director of Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka, in preparation of this article is greatly appreciated.)
iu. w;aje,a ne| .ksuq f;jila mqrdjgu Y%S ,dxlSh ;reK ;reKshkag buy;a fiajdjla wm iÕrdj u.ska ,nd§ we;af;uq' wmf.a mdGlhska jk Tnf.a woyia" ,sms" fhdackd iu.ska fuu iÕrdj ;j;a bÈßhg f.khkakg;a ta ;=,ska Tn yd wm w;r we;s ine¢hdj ;j;a Yla;su;a lrkakg;a wms is;=fjuq' ta i|yd Tng lrk wdrdOkdjhs fï' Tn mdief,a" úYaj úoHd,fha fyda wdh;kfha we;s úúO l%shdldrlï PdhdrEm iu. wm fj; tjkak' úúO jQ jevigyka Tn úiska tl;=ù isÿlrk nj wms okafkuq' tjeks jeo.;a jevigykl f;dr;=re wm yryd rggu bÈßm;a lsßug fuu.ska Tng bv ie,fikjd we;'
mdie,a YsIH YsIHdjka iy ;reK ;reKshka f,i Tng úúOjQ yelshdjka we;s nj wms oksuq' tksidu wmf.a iÕrdfõ t,s±laùu i|yd iqÿiq iy .e,fmk ,sms Tn úiska wmfj; tjkafkakï tajd Tn kñka m,lsÍugo wm iqodkï' tfukau fi!kao¾hd;aul w.hlska hq;= Tn úiska .kakd ,o PdhdrEm fj;akï tajd wm úiska bÈßfha§ m,lrk l,dm ;=, Tn kñka m<lsÍug;a wm iQodkï' fuu mKsúvh Tn Tnf.a ñ;=rkag;a okajkak' ta ;=<ska Tjqkaf.a o yelshdjka ;jÿrg;a Yla;su;a lsÍug Tjqkago wjia:dj ,efnkq we;' Tnf.a ish¨ ,sms" PdhdrEm" fhdackd yd woyia my; ,smskhg tjkak'
Editor, EDEX Magazine, EDEX Secretariat, RCU Skills Centre, Royal College Union, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07.
úoahq;a ;eme,a ,smskh
Aim for a Fruitful Degree now that your A/L’s are over 20,000 students select ESOFT as their preferred learning partner each year. After A/L Students can select our popular Diploma Courses or commence their Degree Studies via our local and international options Now that the A/L exams are over, it’s time to focus your attention on your future career. ESOFT offers a range of undergraduate programmes in the fields of IT, Business Management, and Engineering. With a trusted track record of 13 years, the following are our trusted and recognized qualifications on offer. Edexcel HND and Top-up Degrees Students can enter into the Edexcel Higher National Diploma (HND) Programme choosing either the Computing, Business Management, or Engineering (Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical) fields. This is a modular programme that can be completed in a period of 1 ½ to 2 years. Thereafter, students can complete their Bachelors Degree via the partnership that ESOFT has with the Kingston University (for Engineering Degrees). Top-up and full three year degrees will also be available in the IT and Business streams via the new partner that we will be unveiling in the coming days. Compared to the option of sending children to overseas universities, this option is several times more economical and it is safer as well as your loved ones stay close to home.
BCS (British Computer Society) HEQ ESOFT is the only Accredited Course Provider in Sri Lanka for offering the BCS Higher Educational Qualifications (HEQ) and have produced over 35 Sri Lankan and World prizes. This is a valued qualification as it can be completed within a period of 18 months and is also approved by the University Grants Commission. We offer the BCS HEQ as a fulltime Degree programme under the designation of BCS-Plus. The course is conducted full time, on all weekdays and covers the BCS subjects as well as additional modules including Java, MCTS, CCNA, Web Designing, Hardware and Networking, and more. The exams can be completed in 18 to 20 months and thereby provides a fast track to gainful employment or entrance into a Masters Programme such as an M.Sc or MBA. BIT Degree (University of Colombo) BIT is a Three Year Academic Degree that is awarded by the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC). All examinations are conducted by the UCSC and various training organisations provide the material delivery to prepare the students for the exams. ESOFT is the #1 Course Provider in Sri Lanka for the BIT External Degree offered by the University of Colombo
School of Computing (UCSC) because ESOFT students became the batch top for the five consecutive years. We also offer incentives to existing local university students by offering them a discount on the course fees when registering for the BIT Degree. Government school teachers will also receive a discount for this degree. Short Term Diploma Programmes For those students that have just completed their A/L exams we offer a number of short term courses to start them in their development. The most popular programme that we offer is the Diploma in Information Technology (DITEC) which is an internationally recognized diploma programme due to the Edexcel UK certification that is provided. It gives an all round knowledge of ICT and is a valued qualification, whichever your ultimate field may be. We also offer Diploma in Software Engineering (DISE), Diploma in Web Engineering (DIWE), Diploma in Computerised Accounting (DICA), Diploma in Business Management (DIBM), and Diploma in English (DiE) as other popular options. All of these Diplomas are also Edexcel Assured, meaning that the successful student will receive an Internationally recognized certificate issued by Edexcel UK. Whether your choice is management, accounting, law, medicine, engineering, or
whichever it may be, it is essential that you have a sound knowledge of the use of ICT as it will be important to your education and employment. Although ICT by itself is a lucrative area to focus your career on, ESOFT caters to a wider range of the Sri Lankan population as well. ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT, Business, Engineering, and English. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students, and also because we have taken education to the rural areas of Sri Lanka as well via our branch network of over 45 locations which also includes the North and the East. One of the reasons for the success of ESOFT students is that ESOFT has a dedicated full-time academic panel including those with Degrees and Masters, as well as professional qualifications. Students will also have unlimited access to our state of the art computing labs. Come and talk to our counselors and see what ESOFT has to offer. You can also visit for more details, or call us on our islandwide hotline at 011 7 55 55 45.
APIIT – is a renowned higher education provider in Sri Lanka. APIIT Sri Lanka focuses on 5 important Dimensions which are known as unique advantages of Studying at APIIT.
Global Reputation for Academic Excellence APIIT - Sri Lanka offers several degree programmes in Computing/IT, Business Management and Law in collaboration With Staffordshire University in the UK. These are internationally Accredited internal degree programmes. Innovative Learning, Teaching and Assessment Close interaction with international partner organizations helps APIIT keep abreast of international developments and trends in Higher education. APIIT adopts international best practices that Promote high quality of teaching and learning and a high degree Of integrity and reliability of assessments.
High Quality Staff Committed to Student Success Students’ academic achievement is the primary focus of the Entire operation at APIIT. In order to support outstanding Student achievement, APIIT places great significance on the Recruitment, development and retention of high quality staff Who are committed to student success. Cutting-edge Technology and Premium Facilities Being a modern and futuristic higher education institution, APIIT - Sri Lanka readily embraces latest technological advances To facilitate its teaching/ learning process as well as academic Management.
Professional Culture and Value System APIIT possesses a distinctive professional culture and value System. Students are trained from day one to conduct Themselves like professionals.
Conclusion APIIT’s vision is to be a leading provider of top-quality Higher education in the region with an objective to Produce professionals who are immediately employable upon Graduation and enjoy rewarding careers in life.
Help others
to do business Be a leasing consultant By Nalin Goonewardene
Often, a career in finance means working in the banking industry. However, there are many opportunities outside this that can be very attractive. One of these is in Leasing. Leasing is a process through which the use of an asset can be obtained without buying or renting it. Leasable assets include motor vehicles, property, equipment and machinery of many kinds. There are many advantages in leasing against outright purchase including requirement for less capital, quicker process to get use of the asset and more freedom to change. It is a contractual agreement for a fixed period, with known periodic payments and tax benefits. Today, it is a well established process, with standardised solutions in an
If you have an outgoing personality with basic qualifications, but willing to learn and work hard, this could well be a career worth considering industry where training is provided and talented people can prosper.
addition to knowledge about a company's leasing products.
Leasing consultant
People skills are primarily to be patient, attentive, use positive language, 'read' the customer's personality and have a calming presence at meetings. Some people are naturally good at this, but these skills can be learnt.
An important role in this environment is that of a leasing consultant, who meets customers to describe available options, compute costs, set up contracts and accept payment. Most leasing consultants are expected to have good skills at dealing with people, communication and business, in
Communication skills include listening, speaking clearly, offering alternatives, persuading customers to make up their minds
and negotiating to reconcile differences and achieve results. These skills can be acquired by following relevant courses. Business skills include in general being computer literate, understanding accounts and managing your time. A general understanding is sufficient, so a degree or MBA is not required but educational qualifications with acceptable Ordinary or Advanced level passes that include these aspects would be helpful. Leasing, like other financial
environments can change due to world events, government regulations and taxation. So it is useful that many of these skills can be used in other sales/ marketing/ consulting environments, so if leasing does not fit, cross over to a more lucrative career is always possible.
is important because all formal documents and transactions are in English.
Is this for you?
If you have an outgoing personality with basic qualifications, but willing to learn and work hard, this could well be a career worth considering.
Those interested in becoming leasing consultants need an educational background which includes at least A/ levels in Maths and English. Reading, speaking and understanding English
Firms offer remuneration packages which include benefits in addition to salary. Some travelling and working late hours can be expected.
nyq;=ú,Oska yels h d bÈßhg ufyaIsld fm%aupkaø úisks
iuyr lKavdhï wid¾:l jk úg ;j;a lKavdhï id¾:l jkafka wehs @ lKavdhï l%Svlfhl= f,i ish oCI;djka yd ÿ¾j,lï wjfndaO lr .ekSu o Tng id¾:l jD;a;slfhl= ùug u. mdohs Tfí l=i,;djka mqoa., úfYaISlrKhg yd mqoa., jákdlu jeä lsÍug bjy,a fõ' kuq;a wmg ukdj l< yels foa wm w;ska fkdie<ls,a,g ,la jk fyhska tu úYsIag oCI;d y÷kd .ekSu fndfyda ÿrg wmyiqfõ' Tnf.a kkaúO oCI;d w;=ßka y÷kd .ekSug w;sYh wmyiq jkafka o" nyqúO yelshd fyj;a
úúO fCIa;% yd /lshd wjia:d i|yd fhdod.; yels ksmqK;djka h' óg fya;=j fndfydaúg tajd wmf.a iqúfYaIS ld¾H ine¢ l=i,;djka ;rï m%lg fkdùuhs' Tn úfYaIs; ixúOdkd;aul yelshdjla iys; mß.Kl cd, ilikafkl= hehs is;kak' cd, ilikafkl= f,i tu yelshdjka fjí f.dkq ieliSug
yd iuqoaOrKhg bjy,a fõ' tfiau fuu yelshdjka fjk;a /lshd i|yd o fhdod .; yel' ksoiqkla f,i Tng jHdmD;s l<ukdlrejl= ùug wjYH kï Tfí ukd ixúOdkd;aul yelshdjka Bg úYd, msájy,la jkq we;s' tfiau Tfí yelshdjka /lshd ia:dkfha úúO wxY flfrys
fhdojd ;u M,odhS;dj kexùu ;jÿrg;a /lshdfõ wNsfhda.ckl nj yd M,odhS nj ÈhqKq lrhs' wu;r l=i,;djka iuÕ wdh;kh ;=, ;u m%.ukhg we;s wjia:dj jeä fõ' tfiau jákd jD;a;slhka fiajdfhdaclhkaf.a m%Yxidjg ,la jk fyhska nyqúO yelshdjka tu M, fk,d .ekSug Tng bjy,a jkq we;s'
Tn fyd| ikaksfõolfhla o @ óg ,sùu" l:kh yd wka;¾ mqoa., yelshdjka we;=,;a fõ' mrudo¾YS fiajdkshqla;slhdg ;u woyia ieflúka yd ixúOdkd;aulj bÈßm;a l, yel' /lshdjlg n|jd .ekSï l%shdj,sfha § lr<shl l:k l=i,;dj Tfí id¾:l;ajhg fya;= fõ' Tn ks;r msßila bÈßmsg l;d lrkjdo @ Tnf.a u;hg wka wh kïjd .ekSug Tng yelso@ fiajdfhdaclhka wjika f,i n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka is;a weo.kakd iq¿ iy;aa mqoa.,fhls' wka wh iuÕ fukau ;ud n|jd .kakd mqoa.,hd iuÕ iïnkaO ùug Tnf.a we;s yelshdj Tnf.a wka;¾ mqoa., in|;d fl!Y,H úoyd olajhs' l=i,;djla f,i .eg¿ ksrdlrKh lsÍu' .eg¿ ksrjq,a lsÍu m%Odk ksmqK;djla jk w;r tuÕska Tfí jD;a;Sh wNsjDoaêhg úYd, jeo.;a lula tla lrhs' Tn /lshd ia:dkfha § uqyqK ÿka .eg¿jla ms<sn|j is;kak' Tn úi÷ulg meñKsfha flfiao@ fndfyda fiajdfhdaclfhda ks¾udKd;aul úi÷ï i|yd kùk yd kejqï Wmdh ud¾. fidh;s' kejqï yd ks¾udKYS,S woyia u.ska Tng Tnf.a m¾fhaIK ffkmqKH biau;= lr ±laúh yel' tuÕska Tn ;SrKhlg t<fUkafka flfiao hkak o meyeÈ,s l< yel'
lKavdhï l%Svlfhl= jkak' ^lKavdhï yeÕSu& ;udg w.h tl;= lsÍu i|yd Tng l< yels jeo.;au foh j.lSï fnod.ekSug yd wka wh iuÕ tlaj jev lsÍug yqre ùuhs' lKavdhul Tn w;aú| we;s pß; fudkjdo @ mdi,a lKavdhï jHdmD;s" l%Svd lKavdhï" isiq ixúOdk ms<sn|j is;kak' lKavdhï id¾:l;ajhg odhl jQ uQ,sldx. fudkjdo@ lKavdhula f,i wid¾:l jQ úg Tn bf.k.;af;a l=ulao@ iuyr lKavdhï wid¾:l jk úg ;j;a lKavdhï id¾:l jkafka wehs @ lKavdhï l%Svlfhl= f,i ish oCI;djka yd ÿ¾j,lï wjfndaO lr .ekSu o Tng id¾:l jD;a;slfhl= ùug u. mdohs'
Tng fl;rï kuHhYs,S úh yelsho@ /lshd f,dalh wp, m%jdyhl mj;S' fiajdfhdaclhka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka mßj¾;kh bÈßfha wl¾uKH fkdù ;j;a Yla;su;a jk mqoa.,hka msßils' Tjqka th újD; ukilska hq;= ùu f,i olajhs' ñka woyia jkafka ish .uka uÕ fjkia lrñka kj kS;sSka yg wkqj¾;kh ùug Tn i;=gq njhs' úm¾hdihkag wkqj¾;kh ùug Tn ;=, we;s yelshdj Tnf.a m<mqreoao uÕska ksrEmKh jkafka flfiao @
Tnf.a iudc l=i,;djka §ma;su;a lr .kak' fndfyda ÿrg iudc l=i,;djka ksjfia§ W.kajhs' tfiau fuu ixrplfha ;j;a me;a;la Ñ;a; nqoaêh yd m<mqreoao u; fyda fjk;a whqrlska we;s fõ' iqÿiq iudc l=i,;djka jD;a;Sh Ôú;hg fukau fm!oa.,sl Ôú;hgo jeo.;a fõ' tneúka
/lshd ia:dkfha wka wh iuÕ lghq;= lsÍfï§ ieu úgu is;al¿j yd lD;{;dj iys;j yeisfrkak' Tnf.a ia:dkh ±kf.k iqÿiq wka;¾ mqoa., in|;d úoyd mdñka wka wh iuÕ lghq;= lrkak'
jHjidhl;aj ffp;islhla f.dvkÕd .ekSu' bv m%ia;djka Tn lrd tkf;la fyda Tnf.ka úuik f;la fkdisákak' fndfyda úg Tngu Tnf.a bv m%ia;djka ks¾udKh lr .ekSug isÿ jk w;r tys§ hï hï ld¾hka i|yd Tng uq,msÍug isÿjkq we;' wdh;kh ÈhqKq l, yelafla flfiao hkak ms<sn| Tnf.a m%Odkshd iuÕ idlÉPd lsÍug ìh fkdjkak' Tyq Tnf.a woyig tlÕ jkafka kï th l%shd;aul lsÍfï j.lSu o Tng Ndr Èh yel' flfia fj;;a Tn wdh;kh ms,sn| ie,ls,su;a jk nj yd tys l%shdj,Ska g Tn l%ShdldÍj ueÈy;a jk nj bka .uH fõ' ;u wNsjDoaêh ms,sn| muKla ie,ls,su;aùu fjkqjg Tnf.a ±kqu yd yelshdjka wdh;kfha ÈhqKqj yd m%;s,dNh i|yd fhdojkak'
nyqúO yelshd iuÕ id¾:l;ajh' Tn m%ùK;ajhla olajk wxY úia;S¾Kh yd nyqúO yelshd mrdihla we;s lr .ekSu ;=,ska Tn ;rÕldÍ;ajh wNsnjd bÈßhg fhduq lr wjidkfha§ ld¾H ;Dma;sh kxjd,hs' /lshdfõ§ kuHYS,S ùu uÕska Tnf.a m%Odkshdf.a úYajdih yd f.!rjh Èkd.ekSu g yels jk w;r m%Odkshd woyia úuik m%:u mqoa.,hd njg Tn m;a fõ' fujeks nyqúO yelshd mrdihla we;s lr .ekSu ;=,ska Tn m%Odkshdg ke;sju neß wdh;kh ;=, ;jÿrg;a id¾:l;ajhg m;a mqoa.,fhl= njg m;a fõ'
Be portable
and desirable By Maheshika Premachandra
Becoming skilled at sharing responsibility and working with others is an important thing you can do to add to your value
Skills make you different and marketable. But identifying those specific skills could be more challenging, because we often take what we do well for granted. Portable skills Of various types of skills, you can carry and use portable skills across a wide range of fields and jobs. Yet they are often the most difficult to identify. That is because they often are not as obvious as our more specific jobrelated skills. Let’s say you are a web designer with exceptional organizational skills. These skills would be important for organizing and retrieving web files. You can use such skills not only in web designing but in other jobs as well. For an example, if you want to become a project manager, your organizational skills would be a major selling point. Ability to transfer your skills and become useful in different areas of a workplace will make your career challenging and rewarding. Often you will discover that with additional skills there are more prospects of advancing in a career. As employers reward valuable employees, portable skills will help you reap such benefits.
Are you a good communicator? Communication includes writing, speaking and interpersonal communication skills. An 'ideal employee' has the ability to articulate their ideas in an organized and concise format. Platform skills, ability to address a larger audience, will also contribute to your success in a hiring process. How often have you spoken in front of a group? Can you be persuasive in your presentation of a concept? Employers are looking for those who are engaging and enthusiastic.
Problem solving as a skill
Problem solving is a key skill. It can make a huge difference to your career. Think of a problem that you encountered at your workplace. How did you arrive at a solution? Most employers search for new and fresh resources with creative solutions. You can highlight your experience by providing fresh and creative ideas.
Be a team player or go home Becoming skilled at sharing responsibility and working with others is an important thing you can do to add to your value. What role have you played in teams? Use examples of school group projects, sports teams and student organizations. What are the elements that contributed to team success? What did you learn when you failed as a team? Why do some teams succeed and others fail? Looking in to your own strengths and weaknesses as a team player also will encourage you to be successful as an employee.
How flexible can you be? The world of work is in a constant flux. Employers are looking for people who thrive on change and are not paralyzed by it. Very often employers will describe this as being 'open minded.' In fact, it means you are willing to change course and adapt to new rules quickly. How does your experience demonstrate your ability to adapt to change?
Fire up your social skills To a large extent, social skills are taught at home. Then again, part of this component is based on emotional intelligence, experience or is otherwise intuited. Appropriate
social skills apply to the professional world and of course in your personal life. Employers don’t care how much we know as much as they know how much we care. So when dealing with others in your work place, always expresses graciousness and gratitude. Know your place and exhibit appropriate interpersonal and intrapersonal boundaries when dealing with other employers.
Develop an entrepreneurial spirit Do not wait for opportunities to come to you or for the boss to ask. Often you can create your own opportunities. That requires you to take the initiative on certain tasks. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas about how to improve the company with your boss. He or she may really like your idea and put you in charge in implementing. In any event, he or she will certainly realise that you really care about the company and will make sure that you are a part of it. Rather than looking only at your advancement, look for ways by which your knowledge and expertise can grow and benefit the company.
Succeed with portable skills By extending your areas of expertise and gaining a range of portable skills you are putting yourself ahead of competition. Ultimately, you will also improve your level of job satisfaction. Being flexible within a job means you will be the first person your employer will call upon as a person who has gained trust and earned respect. By having such a range of skills you will become the person that your employer cannot do without and you will also grow with the company.
úÿ,s ixfoaY lafIa;%fha we;s jD;a;Sh wjia:djka lsysmhla lafIa;%h$ gpupT
;k;=r$ gjtp epiy bxðfkare nghwpapayhsu;
ikaksfõok cd, ie,iqï yd fufyhùu tiyaikg;G jpl;lkplYk; eltbf;iffSk;
ld¾ñl njhopy;El;g mjpfhup bxðfkare nghwpapayhsu;
/lshd iajNdjh $
nghWg;Gf;fs; cd, wëlaIKh" cd, jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu yd kv;a;= lsÍu tiyaikg;ig fz;fhzpj;jy;> rpwe;j ntspg;ghl;il juf;$ba tifapy; NgZjy;>mDkjp ngwy;/nrYj;Jjy;/kpd; cgfuzq;fis NgZjy;.
bxðfkare iydhl
nghwpapayhsUf;F cjTjy;
tiya Nkyj
ikaksfõok cd, wdrïNl jHdmD;s fufyhùu tiyaikg;G jpl;lq;fis Nkw;g;ghu;it nr a;jy;
bf,l wxYh
tiy nfhz
ikaksfõok cd, ixj¾Ok l<ukdlrKh tiyaikg;G mgptpUj;jp Kfhikj;Jtk;
bf,l wxYh
;dlaIK ks,Odß njhopy;El;g mjpfhup
bxðfkare iydh
WmlrK md,kh$ñ,§ .ekSu
úfYaI{ rpwg;G Nju;r;rpahsu;
kj ksmhqï ks¾udKh" ñ,g .ekSu" iemhqï l<ukdlrKh yd iemhqïlrejka úIaf,aYKh cw;gj;jp mgptpUj;jp> tsq;fis toq;Fjy;> tpw;gid Kfhikj;Jtk;> tpw;gid kjpg;gPL
Kfhi rq;fpy
l<uKdlrK o;a; úIaf,aYl
jHdmdr úYaf,aIl tzpf Ma;thsu;
l,dm úIaf,aYKh" jHdmdr" WmlrK yd mdß wxY úIaf,aYkh
Jiwfis Muha;jy;> tzpfk;> fpisfspd; nraw;ghL
Kfhi tpQ;Q
kj ;dlaIKhka úIaf,aIKh iy kj NdKav yd fiajd ks¾udKh yd jeäÈhqKq lsÍu tsu;e;JtUk; njhopy;El;gq;fis kjpg;gPL nra;jy;>
rhjd Kfhikj;Jtk;/ tsq;fis toq;Fjy; Kfhikj;Jt Ma;T
WmlrK yd fiajd kjHlrKh
cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; Gj;jhf;fNrit
úfYaI{ rpwg;G Nju;r;rpahsu; bxðfkare nghwpapayhsu;
;dlaIKsl iydhl fiajd njhopy;El;g cjtp
m%dfoaYSh cd, há;,h gpuhe;jpa tiyaikg;G cl;fl;likg;G
ngWkjp Nru;f;fg;gl;l Nritfs;
wka;¾cd;sl fufyhqï
Muha;r;rp kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jp
Gjpa cw;gj;jp Nritfis mgptpUj;jp nra;jy;
kj ksmhqï ;dlaIKslj we.hsu" UAT mÍlaIdj" ;;aj iy;slh
Gjpa njhopy;El;gq;fis kjpg;gPL nra;jy;> Gjpa cw;gj;jp UAT Nrhjid> juj;jpid cWjp nra;jy;
Kfhi tpQ;Q
bf,l ;sîu'
m%dfoaYSh cd, l<ukdlre gpuhe;jpa tiyaikg;G Kfhikahsu;
ikaksfõok cd, kv;a;=j" jeäÈhqKq lsÍu" m%Odk b,lal wêlaIKh" m%dfoaYSh cd, fufyhqu
bf,l m<mqr
guhkupg;gpid Nkw;ghu;itaply;> tiyaikg;gpd; nraw;ghL> gpuhe;jpa tiyaikg;G eltbf;iffis Kd;ndLj;jy;
bxðfkare iydh
nghwpapayhsUf;F cjTjy;
ikaksfõok ud¾. ks¾udKh yd jeäÈhqKq lsÍu" kj cd,hka wdrïN lsÍu
bf,l yd Fi
;dlaIK ks,OdÍ njhopy;El;g mjpfhup
;dlaIK ks,OdÍ njhopy;El;g mjpfhup úfYaI{ rpwg;G Nju;r;rpahsu; ks,OdÍ mjpfhup bxðfkare nghwpapayhsu;
ru;tNjr eltbf;iffs;
m¾fhaIK yd jeäohqKq lsÍu
bxðfkare iydh
ikaksfõok ie,iqï lsÍu
w.h jeälrk fiajd
;dlaIK ks,OdÍ njhopy;El;g mjpfhup
bxðfkare nghwpapayhsu;
nrYj;Jjypw;fhd jpl;lkply;
nghwpapayhsUf;F cjTjy;
bxðfkare nghwpapayhsu;
igyk - fiajd iajrEmh u; ;k;=re kdu fjkia úh yel' toq;fg;gLk; NritfSf;F mika njhopy; rhu;e;j tpsf;fq;fs; khWglyhk;.
nghwpapayhsUf;F cjTjy;
nrYj;Jjypw;fhd ghijfis tbtikj;J rpwe;j ngWNgw;wpid toq;Fjy;> nrYj;Jjypw;fhd tiyaikg;G tiuglj;ij cUthf;Fjy;
,yj;j Ez;z
bxðfkare iydh
nghwpapayhsUf;F cjTjy;
w.h jeä lsÍfï fiajd ks¾udKh yd wdrïN lsÍu" cd, l<uKdlrkh
bf,l m,mqr
ngWkjp Nru;f;fg;gl;l Nritfis tbtikj;jYk; mKy;gLj;jYk;> tiyaikg;G Kfhikj;Jtk;
w.h jeä lsÍfï fiajd ks¾udKh yd wdrïN lsÍu" cd, l<uKdlrkh
ngWkjp Nru;f;fg;gl;l Nritfis tbtikj;jYk; mKy;gLj;jYk;> tiyaikg;G Kfhikj;Jtk;
wka;¾cd;sl cd, l<uKdlrKh yd fufyhqï lsÍu cyh tUk; tiyaikg;Gf;fis Kfhikj;Jtk; nra;jy;> ru;tNjr ifg;Ngrp eltbf;iffs;
kj ;dlaIKhka ms<sn|j m¾fhaIK lsÍu yd ÈhqKq lsÍu Gjpa njhopy;El;gq;fspYk; mgptpUj;jpapYk; Muha;r;rp nra;jy;
bf,l m,mqr
bf,l m,mqr
xU rpy njhopy; tha;g;Gfs; udisl jegqm
iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoao$ Njitg;gLk; jFjpfs; kw;Wk; mDgtk;
re'$ rk;gsk; (,yq;if \&ghapy;)
lafg%dksl" úoaHq;a ;dlaIK" ikaksfõok cd, ms<sno Wmdêhla ;sîu" jir 2l m<mqreoao" uQ,H h ms,sn|j m,mqreoao wu;r iqÿiqluls' ,yj;jpudpay; my;yJ njhiyj;njhlu;ghly; my;yJ
Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:d
gjtp cau;T tha;g;Gf;fs;
30"000'00 80"000'00
m%Odk bxðfkare" wxY m%OdkS
15"000'00 25"000'00
úOdhl" fcHIaG úOdhl" iyldr l<uKdlre
a njhopy;El;g bg;Nshkh
lafg%dksl" úoahq;a ;dlaIK" ikaksfõok cd, ms<sno Wmdêhla ;sîu" jir 2l m<mqreoao" uQ,H h ms,sn|j m,mqreoao wu;r iqÿiqluls' ,yj;jpudpay; my;yJ njhiyj;njhlu;ghly; my;yJ
50"000'00 100"000'00
%j;j nghwpapayhsu; > jpizf;fs jiytu;
aikg;G Jiwapy; BSc gl;lk;. ,uz;L tUl mDgtk;. epjpj; Jiwapy; mDgtk; nfhz;bUj;jy; jpfr; rpwg;G
;dlaIKsl lafIa;%fha ms,s.;a ämaf,daudjla fyda ms,s.; yels NVQ iy;slhla ;sîu'
cj;jpNahfj;ju;> %j;j cj;jpNahfj;ju;>cjtp Kfhikahsu; Nghd;wd.
m%Odk bxðfkare" wxY m%OdkS %j;j nghwpapayhsu;> jpizf;fs jiytu;
yaikg;G Jiwapy; tpQ;Qhd ,skhdpg;gl;lk;. ,uz;L tUl mDgtk;. epjpj; Jiwapy; mDgtk; z;bUj;jy; Nkyjpfr; rpwg;G
;dlaIKsl lafIa;%fha ms,s.;a ämaf,daudjla fyda ms,s.; yels NVQ iy;slhla ;sîu'
a njhopy;El;g bg;Nshkh
Kdlrkh" iemhqï cd, l<uKdlrKh ms,sno Wmdêh fyda jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlula imqrd ;sîu'
ikj;Jtj;jpy; ,skhdpg;gl;lk; my;yJ njhopy; rhu; jifik> jfty; njhlu;ghly;> yp Kfhikj;Jtk;
Kdlrkh f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh" mß.Kl úoHdj ms,sno Wmdêhla fyda jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlula ;sîu'
ikj;Jtj;jpy; ,skhdpg;gl;lk; my;yJ njhopy; rhu; jifik> jfty; njhlu;ghly;> fzpdp Qhdk;
Kdlrkh f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh" mß.Kl úoHdj ms,sno Wmdêhla fyda jD;a;Sh iqÿiqlula ;sîu'
ikj;Jtj;jpy; ,skhdpg;gl;lk; my;yJ njhopy; rhu; jifik> jfty; njhlu;ghly;> fzpdp Qhdk;
lafg%dksl úoHdj" úoaHq;a ;dlaIKh" ikaksfõok cd, ms,sn|j Wmdêh" jir 2l w;a±lSï imqrd '
jpudpaypy; BSc gl;lk;> njhiyj;njhlu;G >tiyaikg;G> 2 tUl mDgtk;
;dlaIKsl lafIa;%fha ms,s.;a ämaf,daudjla fyda ms,s.; yels NVQ iy;slhla ;sîu'
a njhopy;El;g bg;Nshkh
lafg%dksl úoHdj" úoaHq;a ;dlaIKh" ikaksfõok cd, ms<sno Wmdêhla ;sîu" jir 5l wju reoao jpudpaypy; BSc gl;lk;> njhiyj;njhlu;G >tiyaikg;G> Fiwe;jJ 5tUl mDgtk;
;dlaIKsl lafIa;%fha ms,s.;a ämaf,daudjla fyda ms,s.; yels NVQ iy;slhla ;sîu'
15"000'00 25"000'00
úOdhl" fcHIaG úOdhl" iyldr l<uKdlre
30"000'00 55"000'00
l<uKdlre" fcHIaG l<uKdlre
30"000'00 80"000'00
m%Odk jHdmdr úIaf,aYl
30"000'00 80"000'00
l<uKdlre" fcHIaG l<uKdlre
40"000'00 65"000'00
m%Odk bxðfkare" wxY m%OdkS
15"000'00 25"000'00
úOdhl" fcHIaG úOdhl" iyldr l<uKdlre
60"000'00 120"000'00
cj;jpNahfj;ju;> %j;j cj;jpNahfj;ju;>cjtp Kfhikahsu; Nghd;wd.
%j;j tzpf Ma;thsu;
%j;j nghwpapayhsu; > jpizf;fs jiytu;
cj;jpNahfj;ju;> %j;j cj;jpNahfj;ju;>cjtp Kfhikahsu; Nghd;wd.
fÊIaG l<uKdlre" wxY m%OdkS %j;j
Kfhikahsu;> jiytu;
15"000'00 25"000'00
úOdhl" fcHIaG úOdhl" iyldr l<uKdlre
a njhopy;El;g bg;Nshkh
lafg%dksl úoHdj" úoaHq;a ;dlaIKh" ikaksfõok cd, ms<sn| Wmdêh' jir 3l m<mqreoao" uhsfl%dfõõ ibre optics cd, ms,snoj m,mqreoao'
30"000'00 80"000'00
m%Odk bxðfkare" wxY m%OdkS
15"000'00 25"000'00
úOdhl fcHIaG úOdhl" iyldr l<uKdlre
a njhopy;El;g bg;Nshkh
lafg%dksla úoHdj iy úoahq;a ikaksfõokh ms<sn| Wmdêh" uDÿldx. ks¾udKh ms,sn|j we;s reoao wu;r iqÿiqluls' ,yj;jpudpaypy; BSc gl;lk;> njhiyj;njhlu;G> nkd;nghUs;
40"000'00 80"000'00
l<uKdlre" fcHIaG l<uKdlre
15"000'00 25"000'00
úOdhl" fcHIaG úOdhl" iyldr l<uKdlre
jpudpaypy; BSc gl;lk;> njhiyj;njhlu;G >tiyaikg;G> Fiwe;jJ 3tUl mDgtk;> ziyfs; kw;Wk; xspehu; njhlu;ghd NghJkhd mwptpid nfhz;bUj;jy;
;dlaIKsl lafIa;%fha ms,s.;a ämaf,daudjla fyda ms,s.; yels NVQ iy;slhla ;sîu'
cj;jpNahfj;ju;> %j;j cj;jpNahfj;ju;>cjtp Kfhikahsu; Nghd;wd. %j;j nghwpapayhsu;> jpizf;fs jiytu;
cj;jpNahfj;ju;> %j;j cj;jpNahfj;ju;>cjtp Kfhikahsu; Nghd;wd. Kfhikahsu;>%j;j
tpUj;jp njhlu;ghd mDgtj;ij nfhz;bUj;jy; eyk;
d'i Wiia fm< iy uDÿldx. ks¾udKh juk; + nkd;nghUs; mgptpUj;jp
lafg%dksla úoHdj iy úoahq;a ikaksfõokh ms<sn| Wmdêh" uDÿldx. ks¾udKh ms,sn|j we;s reoao wu;r iqÿiqluls' ,yj;jpudpaypy; BSc gl;lk;> njhiyj;njhlu;G> nkd;nghUs; mgptpUj;jp
40"000'00 80"000'00
cj;jpNahfj;ju;> %j;j cj;jpNahfj;ju;>cjtp Kfhikahsu; Nghd;wd.
m%Odk bxðfkare" wxY m%Odks %j;j nghwpapayhsu;> jpizf;fs jiytu;
lu;ghd mDgtj;ij nfhz;bUj;jy; eyk;
lafg%dksla úoHdj iy úoahq;a ikaksfõokh ms<sn| Wmdêh" uDÿldx. ks¾udKh ms,sn|j we;s reoao wu;r iqÿiqluls' ,yj;jpudpaypy; BSc gl;lk;> njhiyj;njhlu;G> nkd;nghUs; mgptpUj;jp
lu;ghd mDgtj;ij nfhz;bUj;jy; eyk;
40"000'00 80"000'00
m%Odk bxðfkare" wxY m%Odks %j;j nghwpapayhsu;> jpizf;fs jiytu;
An eye for being
Entrepreneur Dasantha Fonseka is the Founder Chairman of Vision Care, a leading retailer in eye-care in Sri Lanka today. Starting as an entrepreneur who only had the will to succeed, he has led it to be an entity with a strong brand identity and an expansive business of 28 branches, a factory and teaching academy in Colombo. He speaks to EDEX Magazine touching on entrepreneurship, unleashing a world filled with a host of options for youth with right attitude. Interviewed and narrated by Sharlene De Chickera, Nirojini Kanapathipillai and Akhila Dahanayake.
Q: How did Vision Care start and progress? Our vision was simple – to transform the concept of being ‘spectacle sellers’ to ‘best in eyecare’ covering the total gamut of services. At the outset we occupied only a 10’x10’ room. We had many dreams and a vision to reach the top one day. With this vision in mind, my wife and a colleague started this journey in Optometry. Our quest was quality. As such we worked diligently to bring in quality, care and value added services. The processes we set in motion ensured that we used best techniques, established standards and processes in order to produce best lenses, frames and cosmetic eyes. The treatment we gave our customers was of the highest in order.
Q: Who and what inspired you? A genuine interest in eye care. I had a vision of creating a service that included more than just selling of spectacles. I did not have a particular role model. But there are some respected people in the market that served as benchmarks. They include Rohan Rajapakse, Joseph Subasinghe, Jayantha Gunaratne, George Gunarathne, Ruparatne Wijetunge and Dr. Ian of British Optics.
Pics by Deepal Malalasekera
I always had high hopes of doing well. My vision was to be the best in optometry. Along the way we invested in machinery, good workers and kept precision focus on the end product, under constant monitoring. I am happy the way my career has progressed.
Our vision was to be of service and have a business as well. In retrospect, we can be proud that we have achieved both. Our brand is established and we are recognised in the market. At the heart of this is the desire to serve people with eye problems and offer them the best care. At the outset our primary target group was the middle-class. We believed in capturing the loyalty of middle class. Little by little we began to climb up in the business ladder. We progressed by venturing in to alliances with reputed brand names in terms of spectacles such as Ray ban, D&G, Caroline Herera, Gucci, Nina Ricci, Polo, Ralph Lauren, to name a few. We cater to the retail market and thus,
have added a portfolio of attractive brands that cater to an up market clientele as well.
Q: What were the milestones in that journey of successful entrepreneurship? A World Health Organisation (WHO) representative who visited our company was impressed with our standards. This was important to our reputation and made us feel good. We were able to win the confidence of a leading international French brand Essilor who selected us as their preferred partner in Sri Lanka. This is high recognition for a Sri Lankan company and we are proud of this.
Q: What is your advice for youth who wish to pursue a career in optometry or make a successful business out of it? A professional attitude and a genuine love for people is a requisite. Ethics, values and hard work cannot be compromised. You have to have the right attitude of being service oriented. You also have to be able to serve the customer or patient and recommend a change only if you need it. The service and business are inter-twined. The qualities of products have to be in par with international standards, keeping in mind that the ultimate consumer has to have the best eye care. From the beginning a youth should cultivate an attitude of professionalism. We need to champion our youth to obtain a BSc degree in optometry rather than Diploma courses, to be fully-fledged professionals.
Entrepreneurship Careers
igyk Yd,Ska ä Ñflard" ksfrdackS lkm;sms,af,a iy wls, oykdhl úisks mßj¾;kh fla' wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd
oDIaÀ úfYaI{ fCIa;%h ;=, oika; f*dkafiald lemS fmfkk kula i,l=Kq l< jHjidhlfhls' zzúIka flhd¾ZZ wdh;kfha iudrïNl iNdm;s Tyqh' id¾:l jHjidhlfhl= ùfï ;sr wÈgkska fuu fCIa;%hg md ;enq Tyq zzúIka flhd¾ZZ Y%s ,xldj ;=< by,ska u ms<s.efkk fj<|kduhla f,i Tijd ;nkakg iu;aj ;sfnkjd' th YdLd 28 lska mqyqKq wdh;khlska iy l¾udka; Yd,djlskao iukaú;h' m% ( zzúIka flhd¾ZZ wdh;kfha wdrïNh yd .ukau. .ek hula úia;r lrkak' wm wkq.; jQ o¾Ykh b;d ir, tlla' wm weia lKakdä fj<odu hk ixl,amh fjkqjg fyd|u wCIs fiajd imhkakd úhhq;=h hk o¾Ykh ;=< .uka l<d' wCIs fiajd hkakg weia wdYs%; ish¿u wdndO ;;aj wdjrKh fjkjd' wm fuh mgka .;af;a 10' x 10' ldurhlhs' ljod fyda fï fCIa;%fha m%uqLhka ùfï
isyskh wm ;=< ksn|ju ;snqKd' wm fhdod.kakd l%ufõo" fuj,ï ld¾h uKav,h .=Kd;aul njlska hq;=j ks;ru mj;ajd .;a;d' wm ieuúgu .=Kd;aulNdjh ms,sn|j ie,ls,su;a jqkd' mdßfNda.slhkag by, fiajdjla imhk w;ru wmf.a jHdmdßl wruqKq lrd .uka lrkakg o wmg yelsjQ nj wNsudkfhka i|yka l< yelshs' zzúIka flhd¾ZZ fj<| kduhg rg ;=< ,eî ;sfnk by, ms<s.ekSu u.ska th ;yjqre fjkjd' uOHu mka;slhska
b,lal lrñka werô .uk wo Ray ban, D & G, Carolina Herrera, Gucci,
jeks lS¾;su;a fj<| kdu iu. iïnkaO fjñka ta ;=<ska fuu jHdmdrh by, mdka;sl mdßfNda.slhkag;a wdl¾IKSh jk f,i bÈßhg f.khdug wmg yelsjqkd'
Nina Ricci, Polo, Ralph Lauren
m%( Tn meñKs .uka uf.ys jeo.;a ux i,l=Kq fudkjd o@ jrla f,dal fi!LH ixúOdk ksfhdað;fhl= wm wdh;khg
Careers Entrepreneurship
jHjidhl;ajh ;=<ska Tyq w;am;a lr.;a id¾:l;ajh ms<sn|j EDEX mdGlhka ±kqj;a lrkq jia wms Tyq uqK .eiqfkuq' Tyq jHjidhl;ajh ms<sno iajlSh w;a±lSï iuQyh Tn fj;g fnodfoñka ksjerÈ ±laula we;s ;reK ;reKshkag jHjidhlhska ùug wjia:d rdYshla we;snj i|yka lf,ah' meñK wmf.a .=Kd;aul nj we.hSug ,la l<d' ta ksid wm jvd;a ffO¾hu;a jqjd muKla fkdj wmg fyd| m%;srEmhla o ,enqKd' m%xYfha m%uqL fj<o kduhla jk Essilor ys Y%S ,dxlsl ksfhdað; f,i ls%hd lrkakg f;dard.;a wjia:djo wu;l l< fkdyelshs' ,xldfõ wdh;khlg ,enqKq fuu by, ms,s.ekSu ms,sn|j wm wdvïnr fjkjd'
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hïlsis o¾Ykhla ;=< wmßñ; W;aidyfhka jevlsÍu ´kEu fCIa;%hl id¾:l;ajhg n,mdkjd
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m% ( fuu fCIa;%hg jD;a;shuhj fyda jHdmdßlj
msúiSug woyia lrk ;reK ;reKshkag Tng Èhyels Wmfoia fudkjdo @
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ghHit! NeHfhzy;- rhHypd; b rpf;Nfuh> epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is> mrpy jd ehaf;f
,d;W fz; guhkupg;G Kd;Ndhb epWtdkhd tp\d; nfahH epWtdj;ij Muk;gpj;jtH jre;j nghd;Nrfh MtH. jd;dk;gpf;ifiaAk; ntw;wpngw Ntz;Lk; vd;w vz;zj;ijAk; kl;LNk jd;dfj;Nj itj;J xU Kaw;rpahsuhf Muk;gpj;j ,tH jdJ epWtdjpw;nfd ew;ngaiu r%fj;jpy; rk;ghjpj;Js;shH. 28 fpisfs;> xU njhopw;rhiy kw;Wk; xU fy;tpafj;ijAk; nfhz;l xU kpfg;ngupa tpahghukhf tpahgpj;Js;shH. Kaw;rpahz;ik kw;Wk; xOq;fhd Ra ghq;Fs;s ,isQHfSf;F cyF vt;thwhd re;jHg;gq;fis itj;Js;sJ vd;W vnlf;]; rQ;rpiff;F toq;fpa xU tpNrl NeHfhzy;
Vision Care epWtdk;
vg;gb tpahghujpidAk; mNj rkak; cUthfp mgptpUj;jpaile;jJ? mij NritahfTk; nra;tNj vkJ Nehf;F vspikahdjha; ,Ue;jJ. %f;Ff;fz;zhb tpahghupfspy; ,Ue;J fz;guhkupg;gpy; jiy rpwe;Njhuha; khwtz;Lk; vd;gNj mJ. Muk;gj;jpy; xU 10x10 miwNa vk;kplk; ,Ue;jJ. Mdhy; vk;kplk; gy fdTfSk; cr;rj;ij mila Ntz;Lk; vd;w xU Nehf;Fk; ,Ue;jJ. ,e;j Nehf;Fld; ehd; vdJ kidtpAlDk; rfhf;fSlDk; ,ize;J ,e;j njhopy; gazj;ij njhlq;fpNdd;. vkJ Njly; jukhdjha; ,Ue;jJ. jukhd guhkupg;Gf;Fk;> ngWkjpahd NritfSf;Fk; ehk; mauhJ cioj;Njhk;. vkJ eltbf;iffs; ehk; rpwe;j El;gq;fis ifahSfpNwhk; vd;gij cWjpg;gLj;jpaJ. rpwe;j fz;tpy;iyfis jahH nra;aTk; fz;fSf;fhd moF nkU$l;liy fz;fhzpf;fTk; rpwe;j juhjuj;jpid nfhz;bUe;Njhk; thbf;ifahsHfSf;F rpwe;j Nritapid toq;fpNdhk;.
vkJ Nehf;fhf ,Ue;jJ ehk; mt;tpU ,yf;FfisAk; mile;J tpl;Nlhk; vd;gjpy; ngUikg;gLfpd;Nwhk;. re;ijapy; vkJ tHj;jff;Fwp epiyg;ngw;W jukwpag;gl;lJ. ,jd; gpd;dzpapy; kf;fSf;F rpwe;j NritapidAk;> fz; njhlHghd gpur;ridfSf;F jPHT fhz Ntz;Lk; vd;w vz;zKNk ,Ue;jJ. Muk;gj;jpy; vkJ ,yf;fhf ,Ue;jJ kj;jpaju tFg;gpdHjhd;. ehk; mtHfSila ek;gpf;ifia rk;ghjpg;gjpy; ek;gpf;if nfhz;bUe;Njhk; rpwpJ rpwpjhf tpahghuk; vDk; Vzpapy; Vwj;njhlq;fpNdhk;. %f;Ff;fz;zhb tpahghuj;jpy; ngaHNghd tHj;jf Fwpfshd Rayban, D&G, Caroline, Herera, Gucci, Nina Ricci, Polo, Ralph lauren Nghd;witfSld;
,izg;gpid Vw;gLj;jpf;nfhz;L Kd;NdwpNdhk;.
Ranjhopy; Kaw;rpapd; ,e;j ntw;wpg;gazj;jpy; mile;j iky;fw;fs; ahit? cyf Rfhjhu epWtdj;jpypUe;J tUif je;jpUe;j gpujpepjp xUtH vkJ juhjuj;ij ghHj;J ngupJk; ftug;gl;lhH. ,J Kf;fpakhd iky;fy; kl;Lky;yhJ kl;lw;w kfpo;r;rpiaAk; mspj;jJ. rHtNjr uPjpapy; Kd;dzp juf;Fwpfspy; xd;whf gpnuQ;R ehl;il NrHe;j epWtdj;jpd; ek;gpf;ifia ehk; ngw;Nwhk;. ,jdhy; mtHfs; ,yq;iff;fhd gq;Flikahsuhf vk;ik NjHe;NjLj;jdH. xU ,yq;iff; fk;gdpf;F fpilj;j xU mq;fPfhukhf ehk; ,ij fUJfpNwhk;. ,jdhy; ngUikailfpNwhk;.
ahH kw;Wk; vJ cq;fSf;F J}z;Ljyha; mike;jJ? fz; guhkupg;gpy; ,Ue;j tpUg;gk;jhd; J}z;LjyhdJ. ntWk; %f;Ff;fz;zhbfis tpw;gijj;jhz;b xU Nritapid Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vd;w xU ,yf;F vd;dplk; ,Ue;jJ. vdf;nfd;W jdpahd Kd;Djhuzj;jpid ehd; nfhz;bUf;ftpy;iy
,e;j fz; guhkupg;Gj; Jiwapy; <Lgl tpUk;Gk; my;yJ ntw;wpfukhd tpahghuj;jpid elhj;jp nry;y tpUk;Gk; ,isQHfSf;F cq;fsJ MNyhrid vd;d? xU njhopy; rhHe;j vz;zg;Nghf;Fk; tpUg;gKk; mj;jpahtrpakhFk; rpwe;j vz;zq;fSk; tpOkpaq;fSk; fbd ciog;Gk; fl;lhakhdit. Nritkdg;ghd;ikAk; ,isQH nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. khw;wq;fs; Njitg;gbd; khWjYf;F jahuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. NritAk; tpahghuKk; xd;iwnahd;W gpd;dpg;gpize;jit. EfHNthH jiyrpwe;j fz; guhkupg;ig ngwNtz;Lk; Mjyhy; cw;gj;jpfspd; juk; rHtNjr juq;fSld; xg;gpLk; tifapy; mikjy; Ntz;Lk; Muk;gj;jpypUe;J xU ,isQd; njhopy; rhHe;j vz;zg;Nghf;fpid jd;Ds; tpijj;Jf;nfhs;sNtz;Lk;
rHtNjr uPjpapy; Kd;dzp juf;Fwpfspy; xd;whf gpnuQ;R ehl;il NrHe;j epWtdj;jpd; ek;gpf;ifia ehk; ngw;Nwhk;. ,jdhy; mtHfs; ,yq;iff;fhd gq;Flikahsuhf vk;ik NjHe;NjLj;jdH
njhopy; KOikngw Ntz;Lkhapd; ,isQHfs; Optemetrics Jiwapy; Diploma fw;if newpfis tpl Bsc gl;lj;jpid nfhz;bUg;gJ rhyr;rpwe;jJ.
mdhy; vdf;Fupa juhjuj;jpid epHzapf;f rpy kjpg;G kpf;ftHfs; ,Ue;jdH. Rohan Rajapakse,
ehd; rpwg;ghf nray;gLtJ gw;wp caHe;j ek;gpf;iffis nfhz;bUe;Njd;. ,e;j Jiwapy; jiyrpwe;jtdhf Ntz;Lk; vd;gNj vdJ Nehf;fhf ,Ue;jJ. ehk; fle;J te;J nfhz;bUe;j ghijapy; nghwpfspYk;> rpwe;j CopaHfspYk; ehk; Kjypl jtwtpy;iy> ,Wjp cw;gj;jpapy; cd;dpg;ghf ,Ue;Njhk;. vdJ njhopy; tho;f;ifapd; ,k; Kd;Ndw;wk; njhlHghf ehd; kfpo;r;rp milfpNwd;.
Pics by Deepal Malalasekera
Joseph Subasinghe, Jayantha Gunaratne, George Gunarathne, Ruparatne Wijetunge and Dr. Ian of British optics Nghd;nwhNu.
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
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For whom
Useful Information
ACCA Professional Qualification
Post A/L students (2 C passes in A/L & 3 C passes in O/L including math & English) and graduates who want to purse a globally mobile career as a finance professional
Exams – Comprise 14 papers Ethics – Students need to complete an online ethics module prior to applying for membership. Experience – 3 years relevant practical experience during, before or after exams.
Introductory Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting Intermediate Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting
Comprise 2 papers Post O/L students
Diploma in Accounting and Business
Comprise 2 papers Comprise 3 papers
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Students over 16 years of age
BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University UK
ACCA Professional scheme students
CAT provides an early start to the young student who can use CAT as a foundation for the ACCA Professional qualification or as the basis for seeking employment complete the first 9 papers of the ACCA examinations + a research project + an ethics module
Contact the ACCA Sri Lanka
#424, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3. 2301920/2301923 E mail
MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapwr; p mspgg; jD}L r%fj;jpw;F cjtp nra;jy; FRk; vd;. FztHj;jd
jkpopy; - mD~d; Rg;igah
,e;j MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp toq;fy;> njhlHghliy mjpfsT cs;thq;fpAs;sJ. Kfj;Jf;F Kfk; ghHj;J NeubahfNth my;yJ njhlHghly; topfshy; kpd;dQ;ry;> njhiyNgrp> ,izaj;jpD}lhd fhnzhsp xd;W$ly; Nghd;witfSk; Kf;fpagq;F tfpf;fpd;wd. MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp ngw tUgtHfs; tho;ifapy; ntt;NtWg;gl;l epiyfspypUe;J tUgtHfs;. mtHfSila mwpTkl;lk; tpj;jpahrg;glyhk;> jpwikfSk; tpj;jpahrg;glyhk;. ,J toq;FdUf;F tplg;gLk; xU rthyhFk;. ngWgtHfsJ epiyf;Nfw;g jd;Dila njhlHghliy mtH rpU~;bj;Jf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,J mtUila njhlHghlw; jpwikfis Kd;Ndw;Wk;. MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rpaspj;jy; vd;gJ xU jd;dpiwthd nraw;ghL. ,jd; %yk; ,ytrf; fy;tp kw;Wk; caH fy;tp Nghd;w ed;ikfis mDgtpj;j xUtH r%fjpw;F vijahtJ jpUg;gpf; nfhLf;f KbAk;. xU MNyhridahsuhfTk; mNj rkak; gapw;rpahsuhfTk; ,Ug;gtH jd;dplk; MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp ngw te;jpUg;gtupd; tho;ehs; ,yf;Ffis Nehf;fp topelj;JthH. ,e;j MNyhrid gapw;rp mspj;jy; vd;gJ ,UtUf;fpilNaahd njhopy; uPjpahd mNjrkak; jdpg;gl;l cwTkhFk;. ,J xUtH kPJ xUtH itj;jpUf;Fk; jhHkPf ek;gpf;if kw;Wk; ed;kjpg;gpD}L fl;b vOg;gg;gl;ljhFk;. MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp toq;FgtHfs; jk;kplk; ,Uf;Fk; mwpT> mDgtk; kw;Wk; NjHr;rp vd;gitfspd; cjtpapD}L MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp ngw te;jpUg;gtHfSf;F cjtTk; topelj;jTk; KbAk;. njhopy;rhH ed;ikfNshL jdpg;gl;l ed;ikfisAk; ,U rhuhUk; ,jD}L milayhk;. ,jD}L MSikg;gz;Gfis tpUj;jpnra;Ak; mNjNtis gapw;rp ngWgtHfs; VidNahUf;Fk; $l cjtp nra;a KbAk;. toq;FgtH ngWgtH vd ,U rhuhUk; ed;ik miltjhy; ,J
mtHfsJ jpwikfisAk;> gyq;fisAk;> gytPdq;fisAk; mwpe;J vjpHfhyj;jpy; Kd;Ndw rpwe;j tha;g;gpid toq;Fk;. xU MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp toq;Fduhf ,Ug;gtUf;F fpilf;Fk; Kf;fpakhd ed;ik kdj;jpUg;jpahFk;. xUtUila gbg;G> njhopy;> tho;f;if Kd;Ndw;wk;> njhopy;> tho;f;if kjpg;gPL my;yJ njhopypNyh tho;f;ifapNyh rupahd jPHkhdj;ij vLf;f cjTjy;> ,Wjpapy; jd;dplk; gapw;rp ngw;wtH ntw;wpfukhd tho;ifia elhj;Jjiy ghHj;jy; Nghd;wit toq;FdUf;F fpilf;Fk; jpUg;jpfukhd guprhFk;. Kfhikj;Jtj;jpid Nehf;fpdhy; xUtUila jpwikia Cf;fg;gLj;jYk; mij tuNtw;wYk; Kd;Ndw;WjYk; Kf;fpakhd MSikg;gz;GfshFk;. MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp ngWjy; ,jw;F ntFthfNt JizGupfpwJ. ,jD}L xU rpwe;j KfhikahsuhfNth my;yJ VNjDk; xU mzpapy; rpwe;j tPuuhfNth ,Uf;fKbAk;.
nrtpkLj;jy; kw;Wk; Nfs;tp Nfl;Fk; jpwd; mj;Jld; NeHfhzy; nra;Ak; jpwd; Nghd;wtw;iwAk; xUtH tsHj;Jf;nfhs;syhk;. ,d;W ,isQHfSf;nfd gy gapw;rp kw;Wk; MNyhridj; jpl;lq;fs; ghlrhiy kl;lj;jpYk; gy;fiyf;fof kl;lj;jpYk; ,Uf;fpd;wd. ,jD}L khztH xUtUf;F rpwe;j MNyhridfisAk; tho;f;if kw;Wk; njhopy;fspy; Gjpa Nfhzq;fisAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. MNyhridfs; %yk; jpwikfis tpUj;jpnra;J mtUila ghijia Kd;Ndw;wpf;nfhs;sTk; KbAk;. xUtuJ tho;ifapy; ngw;NwhUk; MrpupaHfSNk Kjy; MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp mspg;Nghuhf tUgtHfshtH. MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp mspf;Fk; tha;g;Gf;fspspUe;J tpyfpr; nry;tij tpl xUtH jd;Dila nrhe;j eyDf;fhf tha;g;Gf;fis ,U iffSld; gw;wpf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp toq;FdH xU kdpjdhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lnkd;w mtrpakpy;iy. ePq;fs; jw;NghJ thrpj;Jf;nfhz;bUf;Fk; ,e;j edex rQ;rpifNa MNyhrid kw;Wk; gapw;rp mspg;gjw;F xU rpwe;j cjhuzkhFk;. ,isa jiyKiwapdiu Kd;Ndw;w mHg;gzpg;NghL nraw;gLk; mzpapd; ntspg;ghNl ,r;rQ;rpifahFk;. ,jpypUe;J fpilf;Fk; mwptpid cq;fsJ ez;gHfs; ngw;NwhHfnsd midtuplKk; gfpHe;J edex rQ;rpifapypUe;J mD$yj;jpid ngw;Wf;nfhs;sr; nra;Aq;fs;.
Helping the society
through mentoring By Kusum N. Gunawardena
potential or assisting to make a correct career choice. Seeing a mentee succeed in life is a reward itself.
Mentoring is a very fulfilling activity where one can give back something to the society in return for derived benefits such as free education gained as a student whilst schooling and pursuing higher studies. As a mentor a person will guide another (mentee) to achieve their lifelong ambitions for which they and their parents have invested valuable time, money and effort. Mentoring is a professional and personal relationship between two people. It is based on mutual trust and respect for one another. Mentors support and encourage mentees by providing guidance by sharing knowledge, experience and expertise. It offers personal and professional advantages to both parties. Mentoring helps one to develop leadership skills and intern mentees can help others to learn, develop and improve academically and professionally. It helps both mentee and mentor to recognize their abilities and drawbacks and thereby highlight areas that should be developed in future. As a mentor one of the most important benefits one obtains is self satisfaction gained by helping a student or a junior colleague in studies, career development, evaluating career
It also enables a person to develop his or her abilities to motivate and encourage others which is an important leadership skill when it comes to management. This can help to become a better manager and a good team player as well. Mentoring also involves lot of communication either directly face to face or through communication means such as email, telephone or video conferencing using tools such as Skype. Mentees may come from different walks of life with different levels of knowledge and skills. This poses a challenge to a mentor as he or she has to find different ways to communicate with different people which in turn will improve communication skills. Listening and questioning skills as well as interviewing skills as a whole can be improved whilst helping a mentee. It is an ideal way to overcome any communication barriers that a person has which would be
There are many mentoring schemes available for youth at both school and university levels. One shall take advantage of these schemes to gain valuable advice, learn new perspectives and through such advice develop skills to advance own career important in such personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s professional development. Furthermore, a person will meet lot of new people and one can develop his or her own network of personal and professional contacts. There are many mentoring schemes available for youth at both school and university levels. One shall take advantage of these schemes to gain valuable advice, learn new perspectives and through such advice and develop skills to advance own career. Parents and teachers are the first mentors who shape a person at early stages of life. Rather than shying away from opportunities for mentoring, one needs to grab such opportunities with both hands for oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own advantage.
The mentor need not be a human being The EDEX Magazine that you are reading just now is an example of the love and commitment of its dedicated team members who want to help and guide aspiring youth to develop their careers. Share the knowledge you gain through EDEX Magazine and educate your friends and family about EDEX Magazine and let them also take advantage of EDEX Magazine.
fi; i,ik ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajh
e,a i d m g a k h s ;reK ;reKd,hSh uÜgfï H yd úYaj úo foaYk fiajdjka dam úúO ud¾f. jia:dj we;' jákd w ,nd.ekSug nd .ekSug" l=i,;d , WmfoaYhka iy wka oDIaáfldaK ixj¾Okhg bf.k .ekSu ;=,ska g j,ska ne,Su .a jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqj Tng Tnf tjeks fiajdjka ,nd.ekSug jkq we; WmldÍ
l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks
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fomd¾Yjhgu jdis w;alr fokakla' Tng Tnf.a kdhl;aj yelshdjka jeä ÈhqKq lr.ekSug bv ie,fikjd fukau Tnf.a YsIHhkag jD;a;Suh yd wOHdmksl f,i j¾Okh ùug;a ;u ksmqK;d jeäÈhqKq lr.ekSug yd ÿ¾j,;d uÕyrjd .ekSug;a" jeä ÈhqKq úh hq;= wxY y÷kd.ekSug;a ud¾f.damfoaYkh WmldÍ fõ' ud¾f.damfoaYl;aj fiajd iemhSu ;=,ska Tng ,eìh yels jeo.;au m%;s,dNh jkafka Tng bka w;ajk i;=ghs' ;u YsIHhkaf.a wOHdmkhg Woõ lr" Tjqkaf.a jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqjg w;aje,la ùu yd ksjerÈ jD;a;sh ;SrK .ekSug WmldÍ ùu ;=, Tnf.a ud¾f.damfoaYkh ,nd.kakd ;eke;a;d flÈkl fyda ÈhqKq ù iudch ;=, Wiia ;ekla ,nd.kakjd ±lSu Tng ,nd.; yels by<u m%;s,dNhhs' ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajfha § ikaksfõokh jeo.;ah' th iDcqju uqyqKg uqyqK isÿlrk ixjdohla úh yel' tfia;a ke;skï úoaHq;a ;eme," ÿrl:k" ùäfhda ixjdo (skype) jeks nyqúO udOH ;=,ska úh yel' Tn WmfoaYkh imhkq ,nk ;eke;a;ka iudcfha úúO ia:r
j, isákd úúO uÜgfï nqoaêuh yd ksmqK;d j,ska fyì mqoa.,hka úh yel' ta ksidu Tjqka iuÕ jvd;au WÑ; f,i iïnkaO úh yels udOHh yd l%ufõo fidhd .ekSu wNsfhda.hla' fï ksidu Tnf.a ikaksfõok yelshdjka uy;afia ÈhqKq lr .ekSug Tng bv ie,fikjd fkdwkqudkhs' ud¾f.damfoaYl;aj fiajd iemhSu ;=,ska Tng úúO mqoa.,hska yuqjk w;r ta ;=,ska Tnf.a mqoa.,sl yd jD;a;Sh iïnkaO;djhka jeä lr.ekSug yelshdj ,efnkq we;' ;reK ;reKshkag mdie,a yd úYaj úoHd,hSh uÜgfï úúO ud¾f.damfoaYk fiajdjka ,nd.ekSug wjia:dj we;' jákd WmfoaYhka ,nd .ekSug" l=i,;d ixj¾Okhg iy wka oDIaáfldaK j,ska ne,Sug bf.k .ekSu ;=,ska Tng Tnf.a jD;a;Sh ÈhqKqj ,nd.ekSug tjeks fiajdjka WmldÍ jkq we;' Tnf.a m<uq ud¾f.damfoaYlhska jk Tnf.a foudõmshka yd .=rejreka Tn wo isákd ;ekg Tnj m;a lsßug uyÕ= f,i odhl ù we;' tksidu tjeks ud¾f.damfoaYk fiajd ,nd.ekSug mels,Sulska f;drj tajdhska Wmßu m%fhdack ,nd .ekSug W;aiy .; hq;=h'
ud¾f.damfoaYl;aj fiajd imhkq ,nkakd Ôú whl= úh hq;= ke;' Tn ±ka lshjk EDEX iÕrdj;a tnÿ ud¾f.damfoaYk fiajd imhkafkla' rdclSh úoHd,hSh wdÈ YsIHhskaf.a iafkayh yd lemùu ;=,ska mKfmjQ EDEX iÕrdj furg ;reK ;reKshkaf.a jD;a;Suh Ôú; ixj¾Okh Wfoid imhkq ,nk fiajdj ud¾f.damfoaYl;aj fiajdjla f,i ye¢kaúh yel' ta ksidu fuu iÕrdj ;=,ska Tn ,nk ±kqu wka whg;a fnod§u Wfoid Tnf.a ñ;=rka" mjqf,a idudðlhka yg wmf.a iÕrdj ms<sn|j ±kqj;a lr Tjqkag;a fuu iÕrdj úiska imhk m%;s,dN N=la;sú§ug wjldY i,id fokak'
xU RUf;fkhd mwpKfk; Mf;fk; - <. rguPrd;
SMS jfty; gupkhw;wk; nghJthf ehk; midtUk; gad;gLj;jpapUf;f $banjhd;W. Short Message Service MdJ jlitf;F 160 character fis kl;LNk nfhz;bUf;f $ba jfty; gupkhw;wk;. ehk; gad;gLj;Jk; ifalf;f njhiyNgrpfs; ve;NeuKk; jj;jkJ Sim fSf;Fupa njhiyNgrp tiyaikg;GfSld; (cjhuzkhf Etisalat, Mobite, Dialog, Airtel, Hutch) jfty;fis ntspNa
Gyg;glhj tifapy; gupkhwpa tz;zNk fhzg;gLk;. tiyaikg;GfSldhd mj;jfty; gupkhw;w top 'Control Channel' vd miof;fg;gLk;. cjhuzkhf ePq;fs; cq;fsJ ez;gUf;F SMS mDg;gpa gpd;dH mt; SMS njhiyNgrp tiyaikg;gpYs;s Short Message Service Centre (SMSC)
Ntfkhf mgptpUj;jp mile;J tUk; ,d;iwa etPd cyfpy;>,yj;jpudpay; njhiyj;njhlHghly; rhHe;j mwpT ,d;wpaikahj xd;whf fhzg;gLfpwJ. ,d;W gutyhf fhzg;gLk; njhiyj;njhlHghly; Kiwfspy; sms, skype, viber, whats app Nghd;wtw;iw Fwpg;gplyhk;. SMS Kiwikia jtpHe;j Vida Kiwikfspd; nghJthd rpwg;gk;rq;fshf mtw;wpd; ,yF jd;ikiaAk;> mjPj rpf;fdjd;ikiaAk; Fwpg;gplyhk;.
vdg;gLk; xUtif fl;likg;gpD}lhf nrd;W Fwpj;j tiyaikg;gpd; tower I milAk;. gpd;dH mt; SMS, Packet data vdg;gLk; xU tbtj;jpw;F khw;wg;gl;L Control Channel ,D}lhf cq;fs; ez;gupd; ifNgrpia nrd;wilAk;. Mdhy;> skype, viber, whatsapp Nghd;w jfty; gupkhw;w nkd;nghUl;fs; (softwares)>SMS ,ypUe;J rw;W NtWgl;l njhopDl;gj;ijNa nfhz;Ls;sd. ,it VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) vDk; njhopDl;gj;ij rhHe;jit. ,k;nkd;nghUl;fis ,iza trjpia gad;gLj;jf;$ba njhiyNgrpfs; kw;Wk; fzzpfSf;fpilapy; kl;LNk gad;gLj;jyhk;. ,tw;wpd; rpwg;gk;rq;fshf Kd;G $wpaJ Nghy; ,yF> rpf;fdk;>video gupkhw;wk; Mfpatw;iw Fwpg;gplf;$ba mNj Neuk; ,tw;iw gad;gLj;Jtjpy; ghtidahsH
vjpHNehf;Fk; Kf;fpa gpur;rpidahf Muk;g nryit Fwpg;gplyhk;. mjhtJ ,iza trjpia gad;gLj;jf;$ba ifnjhiyNgrpfspd; tpiy> rhjhuz ifNgrpfspYk; ghHf;f Fwpg;gplj;jf;f msT mjpfk;. ,k;nkd;nghUl;fspy; gad;gLk; njhopEl;gk; gw;wp RUf;fkhf $WtNjahdhy; short messages, audio calls, video calls vd;gd Kjypy; b[pl;ly; information nghwpfs; Mf khw;wg;gl;L gpd;dH Fwpj;j ngWdgupd; njhiyNgrpf;F my;yJ fzdpf;F
internet protocol (IP) packets Mf packet switched network vdg;gLk; xU tif
tiyaikg;gpD}lhf CLflj;jg;gLk;. ,jw;fpilapy; signaling,channel
setup,digitalization, of the analog vice signals,encoding Mfpa gbKiwfSk;
ifg;Ngrpf; fopTfs; !
FRk; vd;. FztHj;jd jkpopy; - mD~d; Rg;igah
njw;fhrpahtpd; Kjy; ifj;njhiyNgrpr; Nritia ,yq;ifapy; 1989,y; Muk;gpj;jjpy; ,Ue;J ,yq;ifapd; njhiyj;njhlHG Nrit mRu tsHr;rp mile;J tUfpwJ. ,yq;ifapd; njhiyj;njhlHG fl;Lg;ghl;L Mizak; ntspapl;l mwpf;ifahdJ Mf];l;> 2013 jpfjpapDs; ,yq;ifapy; 19.5 kpy;ypad; ifj;njhiyNgrpg; ghtidahsHfs; ,Ug;gjhf njuptpj;Js;sJ. mNjNtis cyf tq;fp ntspapl;l mwpf;ifahdJ 2012,y; cyf ifg;Ngrp ghtidahdJ 6 gpy;ypaid jhz;bAs;sjhf njuptpf;fpwJ. njhiyj;njhlHG Nritapd; ,e;j tpaj;jF tsHr;rpahdJ 'nkhigy; fopT' vd;fpw xU Gjpa gpur;rpidia ,yq;ifapy; Njhw;Wtpj;Js;sJ. 'nkhigy; fopT' vd;gJ gad;gLj;jg;gl;L rupahf kPs;Row;rp nra;ahky; Rw;whlypy; vwpag;gl;l ifj;njhiyNgrpfs; my;yJ cgfuzq;fspd; fopTfs; MFk;. ,e;j rpf;fyhdJ> nghypj;jPd; #oYf;F tpistpf;Fk; jPq;fpd; msTf;F epfuhd xU ghupa gpur;rpidahf khwpAs;sJ. #oypy; vwpag;gLk; ifg;Ngrp fopTfs; #oypd; capHfSf;Fk; jhtuq;fSf;Fk; jPq;F tpistpf;ff;$ba ,urhadq;fis ntspapLfpwJ. ,e;j ,urhadq;fs; MWfs;> Fsq;fspy; fye;J kdpjHfSf;Fk; ghupa jPq;fpid tpistpf;fpwJ. ifg;Ngrpfspy; cs;s gpsh];bf; Nghd;w cf;fhjgFjpfs; vk;ik #oTs;s kz;izAk; ePiuAk; khRgLj;Jfpd;wd. ,it ghupa mstpy; gutp> tsHe;J tUtjhy; ,J xU kpfg;ngupa Rfhjhug; gpur;rpidahf tsHe;jpUf;fpwJ. NkYk; ,uz;L tUlq;fshf ,Ue;j ifg;Ngrpapd; ruhrup ghtid fhyk;> mjPj njhopy;El;g tsHr;rpahy; Fiwe;J tUfpwJ. ,J ifj;njhiyNgrpf; fopTfis NkYk; mjpfupf;fr; nra;fpwJ.
#oypy; vwpag;gLk; ifg;Ngrp fopTfs; #oypd; capHfSf;Fk; jhtuq;fSf;Fk; jPq;F tpistpf;ff;$ba ,urhadq;fis ntspapLfpwJ. ,e;j ,urhadq;fs; MWfs;> Fsq;fspy; fye;J kdpjHfSf;Fk; ghupa jPq;fpid tpistpf;fpwJ. ,yq;ifapy; nkhigy; kPs;Row;rp epiyak; xd;W ,y;yhj fhuzj;jpdhy;> rpy Kd;dzp njhiyj;njhlHG Nrit toq;FdHfs;> xU Gjpa Kaw;rpahf> '$l;LwT r%fg; nghWg;G' vd;fpw gpupit mtHfSila Nrit epiyaq;fspy; mikj;J ifg;Ngrp fopTfis Nrfupj;J ntspehLfspy; cs;s kPs;Row;rp epiyaq;fSf;F mDg;gp tUfpd;wdH. vdpDk; ,yq;ifapd; ifg;Ngrp ghtidahsHfspd; vz;zpf;ifNahL xg;gpLk; nghOJ> ,e;j Nritapy; gq;F nfhs;Sk; kf;fspd; vz;zpf;if NghJkhdjhf ,y;iy.
mw;W fhzg;gLfpwhHfs;. tpopg;GzHthdJ ifg;Ngrp ghtidahyHfspilNa nkhigy; fopT gw;wpAk;> mjdplkpUe;J #oiyg; ghJfhg;gjpy; mtHfSf;F ,Uf;f$ba flikiag; gw;wpAk; czHj;Jtjhf mikAk;.
ehl;bd; nghWg;G kpf;f gpui[fs; vd;fpw tifapy; ,e;j nkhigy; foptpypUe;J #oiy ghJfhf;f ehk; vd;d nra;a Ntz;Lk;?
gy;fiyfofq;fspy;> cq;fs; mYtfq;fspy; my;yJ cq;fs; r%fj;jpy; xU Gjpa Kaw;rpahf rpy ez;gHfSld; NrHe;J rpwpa nkhigy; fopT Nrfupg;G epiyaq;fis cUthf;fp Njitaw;w ifg;Ngrp fopTfis Nrfupf;fyhk;. NkYk; gy rpwpa Nrfupg;G epiyaq;fis cUthf;fp cq;fs; r%fq;fspNy khw;wq;fis nfhz;L tuyhk;. ,e;jr; rpwpa khw;wq;fs; ehl;bd; nkhigy; fopTfis fl;LgLj;Jtjpy; kpfg;ngupa jhf;fj;ij nrYj;Jk; vd;gij epidtpy; epWj;jpnfhs;Sq;fs;.
,e;j nkhigy; fopT gw;wp rf khztHfSf;Fk;> CopaHfSf;Fk;> tpopg;GzHT Cl;Lfpd;w tpjj;jpyhd nraw;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. ngUk;ghyhdtHfs; ,e;j nkhigy; fopT gw;wpAk; mJ tpistpf;Fk; jPq;fpidg; gw;wpAkhd tpopg;GzHT
'cyfpy; ePq;fs; fhz tpUk;Gfpd;w khw;wkhf ePq;fs; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;' vd;gJ kfhj;kh fhe;jpapd; thHj;ijfs; MFk;. MfNt ifg;Ngrp fopTfspy; tpidj;jpwdhd khw;wq;fs; nra;J #oiy ghJfhf;f ehk; midtUk; gq;fspg;Nghk;.
Managing M lead the change By Kusum Nandika Gunawardena
The telecommunications industry in Sri Lanka has grown rapidly since becoming the first South Asian nation to start mobile services way back in 1989. Almost 15 years onwards the latest data published by the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka which is the governing body for telecommunication in the country, indicates that as of August 2013 there are a staggering 19.5 million mobile subscribers in Sri Lanka. This compares with global data such as that published by the World Bank which shows global mobile penetration as 6 billion users worldwide as of 2012. This amazing development of telecommunications sector has resulted in a new type of environmental issue to arise in Sri Lanka, namely mobile waste or M-waste. M-waste is simply the mobiles and accessories that are beyond use and discarded to the environment without proper recycling; causing damage to environment in a scale that is
increasingly approaching the level of effects caused by polythene. The dumping of mobile waste into environment has resulted in discharge of toxic chemicals harmful to fauna and flora of a country. Collection of these toxic materials in rivers and water wells may cause harm to health of humans as well. The non degradable materials such as plastic components in mobile phones and accessories pollute soil and water systems around us. M-waste is becoming a health hazard and the scale of the problem is growing rapidly with rapid expansion of the industry. Further, average life of a mobile phone used to be 2 years before but technological advancements are making them obsolete at a rapid pace, shortening their life cycles. Sri Lanka does not have a mobile waste recycling plant. As an initiative, some leading telecommunications service providers have launched corporate social responsibility (CSR) schemes setting up collection points
M-waste is becoming a health hazard and the scale of the problem is growing rapidly with rapid expansion of the industry
M-waste at their service centers to collect mobile waste and send them to recycling plants abroad. However, current level of public participation in these schemes is not sufficient, given the scale of mobile users in Sri Lanka. As responsible citizens, what contribution can we make to help protect our environment from M-waste? We could organize activities to educate fellow students or employees about dangers of mobile waste. Most people are unaware of M-waste and dangers it poses to environment. Education helps mobile users to understand their responsibilities towards protecting the environment from M-waste. At school level students can educate fellow students on harmful effects of mobile waste and how to correctly dispose unwanted phones and accessories such as batteries and charges by
handing them over to collection centers around Sri Lanka who in turn can educate their families and friends. In universities, your office or within your communities as an initiative a group of friends can join together and set up mobile waste collection points to gather unwanted mobiles and accessories. Thus, you could create so many small collection centers and become a change agent within your own communities. Remember that such little help when taken together makes a big contribution towards management of M-waste in the country. Mahathma Gandhi once famously mentioned you must be the change you wish to see in the world. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actively participate to manage M-waste effectively for the betterment of our environment.
What to do Is it fun
By Ayesha Indeewari De Silva At the moment after you hand over the final question paper in the A/L examination with what would your mind come up? After going through hardships for about two years, after struggling with books for hours, being apart from all other things for many days, now it’s free time to have funwill that be an answer? Then this is for you to think about. When you were little your teacher would have asked whom you want to be in future. Now, after your A/L s if the same is asked again most probably your answer will be different from what you told then. That’s because now you have at least a slight idea about to where your life has been directed and which pathways are more suitable. Perhaps you have planned your life to achieve set goals in next five years, ten years and so on. Anyway you belong to the future workforce who will walk into the world of work, replacing old generation. Do you have wings to fly over the river that runs between education and the world of work? It is not only paper qualifications of education that gives you wings to fly. Your skills, attitudes and work experience will also be helpful.
According to many employers, employability skills are the most important but what majority of school leavers and graduates lack. This reflects a bitter truth that output of our educational system doesn’t fulfil what the world of work requires as it is not career focussed. Although it is said that our educational system is based on “3H” concept which means a balanced education among Head, Heart and Hand it is doubtful as increasing competition compels students to be exam oriented and get away from all other skills. So they become Muppets with no creativity to do something on their own. This is the bottle neck where many get stuck in finding a job; they have best educational qualifications but none of other abilities to do the job, they know theories but don’t know how and where to apply those. Many employers think that experience without learning is better than learning without experience because
after A/L
educational qualifications alone are not adequate. For them, a good employee is built up through other skills. So, it is better to fine tune your education with specific interests and related skills from now on. After A/L, you get at least about one year of free time unless you have a negative impact on your performance and are considering about re-sitting the exam. This is the time for you to consider apprenticeships, employment opportunities which you can earn and learn at the same time and seek basic skills that are incredibly important for your personal and professional development. First of all you should have a clear vision to consolidate your future as every shoe does not fit every foot. So find out your shoe with the help of career guidance counselling. With that help, you will be able to consider carefully what
You have to plan your life to achieve set goals in next five years, ten years and so on. Anyway you belong to the future workforce who will walk into the world of work, replacing old generation you want to do. On the other hand, whatever your future profession is going to be, it is worth to achieve fluency in English the global language and information technology during this free time. Once you get such wings you will realise that sky is the limit. Instead of wasting time, you can get the maximum use of this golden opportunity that you may not get again in your life. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up to you to decide whether you spend next 12 months; 364 days; 8736 hours; 31, 449, 600 seconds or invest it. One cannot put back the clock so you can either collect your wings today to fly over the river tomorrow or you can wait by the river forever.
Mobile etiquette :
Are you a
responsible user ? By Kusum N. Gunawardena
A mobile phone is a powerful tool that enables you to do just about anything a conventional PC would offer. Advancement in mobile technologies have given rise to a wide range of sophisticated devices which in turn has made us technoloagically savvy with access to unlimited knowledge resources at our fingertips. From a devise tasked with simple operations such as calling and SMS, telephony technology has evolved by leaps and bounds. What was once a privileged tool has now become an essential device to all and sundry. However, with so many mobiles around us, it is apt to learn some essential etiquette relating to use of mobile devices. No matter how busy one can be there are manners that you should be aware of and practice. You may know through experience how irritating it is when people speak too loudly in public places especially in public transport. We have seen people wasting other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time by being on the phone whilst serving customers or customers themselves engaging in mobile conversations whilst sales assistants wait and other customers in a queue get annoyed. The golden rule in mobile etiquette is that something that seeks appropriate to you may be irritating to someone else.
We have seen people wasting other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time by being on the phone whilst serving customers or customers themselves engaging in mobile conversations whilst sales assistants wait and other customers in a queue get annoyed Here are some tips on mobile etiquette. Personal space is relative at public places. Hence, always be aware of others around you and what you speak in public. Always try to move away a safe distance and speak. Make it brief, speak softly and keep the receiver volume down to ensure that what you hear is not heard by others as well. Personal matters that are close to your heart should be kept as it is and hence be careful when discussing in public.
Also do not discuss matters relating to your company especially any confidential information. Further, negative remarks about your school, university or company should not be made in public. One of the most disrespectful things that have even been punished legally is engaging in inappropriate or offensive conversation of explicit or religious nature and watching inappropriate images and videos whilst in public places such as public transport. When you are taking photos which may capture others always make it a point to get permission before taking a photo. This is also true for videos as well. Adjust your ringtones to suit the environment that you are in. Silent or vibrating ringtone is more appropriate at meetings, religious places of worship, theaters and movie halls, hospitals and designated silent areas. Do not use the phone for unethical activities such as cheating at exams or quizzes. Further, the use of mobile phones may risk lives of others in certain places such as airplanes, operating theaters and other locations where radio signals may interrupt or disrupt performance of vital equipment. Become a responsible mobile user and a good citizen.
ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpapd;
nghWg;GkpF ghtid
ePq;fs; xU nghWg;Gkpf;f ghtidahsuh? xU ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrp vd;gJ nghJthf xU fzzp nra;af;$ba mj;jid rPHg;ghLfisAk; nra;a ty;y xU rf;jpkpf;f rhjdkhFk;. ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpfspd; njhopy;El;g Kd;Ndw;wkhdJ ,d;W rpf;fyhd rhjdq;fSf;F tpj;jpl;lNjhL vkJ njhopy;El;g mwpit Nkk;gLj;jp vz;zw;w jfty;fis vkJ tpuy;Edpfspy; itj;Jf; nfhs;Skstpw;F Kd;Ndw;wk; mile;Js;sJ. ntWk; miog;Gfis Vw;gLj;Jtjw;Fk; FWQ;nra;jpfis gupkhw;wTk; cgNahfg;gl;L te;j ,it ,d;W rpwe;j Kiwapy; $Hg;gile;Js;sd. xUfhyj;jpy; fpilg;gjw;fupjhf ,Ue;j ifj;njhiyNgrpfs; ,d;W midtUf;Fk; mj;jpahtrpakhdnjhd;whfptpl;lJ. ,d;W gyjug;gl;l ifg;Ngrpfs; vk;ikr;Rw;wp ,Ue;jhYk; ifj;njhiyNgrpapd; xOq;fhd ghtidg; gw;wp ehk; njupe;J itj;jpUg;gJ Kf;fpakhdJ. vt;tsT Ntiyg;gStpd; kj;jpapYk; ehk; filgpbf;fNtz;ba rpy gof;ftof;fq;fs; cs;sd. nghJ ,lq;fspy; mJTk; Fwpg;ghf Nghf;Ftuj;jpd; NghJ rpyH jkJ ifg;Ngrpfspy; kpfTk; rj;jkhfg; NgRtJ vt;tsT mnrsfupakhdJ vd;gij ePq;fs; cq;fsJ nrhe;j mDgtq;fspNyNa czHe;jpUf;fyhk;. vt;tsNth ,lq;fspy; rpyH jkJ ifj;njhiyNgrpapy; ftdj;ij itj;Jf; nfhz;L jkJ thbf;ifahsHfis xOq;fhf ftdpf;fhjj;ij ehk; fhz;fpNwhk;.
ifj;njhiyNgrpapy; ciuahbf;nfhz;L thbf;ifahsHfisAk;.rpyrkak; tpahghupfisAk; $l Gwf;fzpj;J mtHfis Kfk; Rspf;f itg;gtHfisAk; fhz;fpNwhk;. xOq;fhd ifj;njhiyNgrpapd; kpf Kf;fpakhd tpjp ahnjdpy; vkf;F Kf;fpakhfj; Njhd;Wk; xd;W ,d;ndhUtUf;F mUtUg;ghfNth ,ilQ;ryhfNth Njhd;wyhk;. rupahd Kiwapy; ,tw;iw cgNahfpg;gJ njhlHghd rpy MNyhridfs; ,Njh.... nghJ ,lq;fspy; vt;thW ele;J nfhs;fpNwhk; vd;gJ njhlHgpy; ehk; tpopg;Gld; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. ahH vk;ikr; #oTs;sdH ehk; vd;d NgRfpNwhk; vd;W ftdkhf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;.vg;NghJk; jdpikahf tpyfp epd;W NgRjNy ed;W. mjpf rj;jkpy;yhkYk; RUf;fkhfTk; NgRk; mNjNtis ifg;Ngrpapd; rj;jj;jpid Fiwj;J itj;jpUj;jYk; mtrpak;. ,jd; %yk; vkf;F ifj;njhiyNgrpapy; Nfl;git ,d;ndhUtUf;F Nfl;fhky; jLf;fyhk;. nrhe;jtplaq;fis nghJ ,lq;fspy; NgRjiy jtpHj;jy; eyk;. mg;gbNa NgrpdhYk; ftdj;Jld; ele;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld; ePq;fs; Ntiy nra;Ak; epWtdk; njhlHghd tplaq;fNsh my;yJ kpf ,ufrpakhd tplaq;fs; gw;wpNah NgRjy; Kw;wpYk; jtpHf;fg; gl Ntz;Lk;. ,ijj; jhz;b cq;fsJ ghlrhiy njhlHghfNth gy;fiyf;fofk; njhlHghfNth my;yJ njhopy; epiyak; njhlHghfNth vjpHkiwf; fUj;Jf;fisf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; gl;rj;jpy; mit nghJ ,lq;fspy; Ngrg;gLjy; jtpHf;fg;glNtz;Lk;.
fLikahd thHj;ijg;gpuNahfk;> kjq;fis> ek;gpf;iffisj; jhf;fpg; NgRjy; Njtaw;w fhnzhspfs; kw;Wk; glq;fisg; ghHj;jy; vd;gd kpf ,opthd tplaq;fshff; fUjg;gLtNjhL rpy rkaq;fspy; rl;luPjpahf jz;lidfSk; fpilf;fg;ngwyhk;. fhnzhspfs; kw;Wk; Gifg;glq;fs; vLf;Fk;NghJ gpwUk; mjpy; cs;slq;FthHfnsdpy; mij vLf;FKd; mtHfsplk; njupag;gLj;Jjy; ed;W. miog;Gkzpapid ePq;fs; ,Uf;Fk; #oypw;F nghUj;jkhdjha; itj;Jf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. KO eprg;j epiyapNyh my;yJ mjpHTfis khj;jpuk; miog;GfSf;fhf itj;jpUg;gJ Kf;fpakhd re;jpg;Gf;fs;> topghl;blq;fs;> jpiumuq;Ffs;> itj;jparhiyfs; kw;Wk; mikjpia ehLk; ,lq;fSf;F kpfg;nghUj;jkhdjhFk;. ifg;Ngrpfis guPl;irfspy; jtwhd Kiwapy; gad;gLj;jNth my;yJ nghJ mwpTg;Nghl;bfspy; gad;gLj;jyhfhJ. ,tw;iwtpl rpy ,lq;fspy; ifg;Ngrp capuhgj;JfisAk; tpistpj;JtpLk;. tpkhdk; kw;Wk; rj;jpurpfpr;irg;gpupT Nghd;w ,lq;fspy; ifg;Ngrpg;ghtid fhe;j miyfis ClWj;J mq;fpUf;Fk; VNjDk; Kf;fpakhd nghUspd; nraw;ghl;Lf;F gq;fk; tpistpf;fyhk;. xU nghWg;Gs;s ifalf;fj;njhiyNgrp ghtidahsuhf ,Ue;J ehl;Lf;F xU ew;gpui[ahFq;fs;.
An active through By Kusum N. Gunawardena
A healthy body and a healthy mind go a long way to ensure wellbeing of a person. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to keep your mind active as you grow up and become adults. An active mind helps to be physically active as well. As the body needs nutrients from a well balanced diet and plenty of physical activity to stay in shape the mind also needs food to sustain its activeness and defy symptoms of old age as we progress in life. Reading and doing mental activities such as crossword puzzles, Sudoku and brain teasers are ways in which we could keep our brain cells ticking in our day to day life. Also mind sports can be pursued as a lifelong hobby that would help you stay mentally fit throughout your life unlike other physical sports where age becomes a barrier over time.
What are mind sports? Mind sports involve use of your brain power to think strategically and learn and absorb information quickly to gain competitive advantage over your rivals. Two of the main minds sports in Sri Lanka are Chess and Quizzing. Both sports have their own local governing bodies and there are many annual events open to students, employees of organization as well as general public. Chess has been popular for many years in Sri Lanka and quizzing as a sport is gaining popularity among young and the old. Mind sports can raise your level of IQ through learning new skills and improving strategic ways that you think. They also
veh mind mind sports increase your awareness about the world in which you live and help you to quickly respond to situations that arises in your day to day activities. Also, the hidden creative side of you may flourish by stimulating your brain cells and giving it food for thought. For your studies as well as professional development a mind sport such as quizzing will be an additional advantage as it helps to get to know many things about the world that you live in. It can be information relating to geography, business, current affairs, sports, literature and a whole lot of other areas that may be helpful to your studies or work you do. It also encourages reading habits which intern is helpful for studies and life in general. In addition to above advantages, self satisfaction, self esteem and confidence you get by participating in quizzes and chess tournaments are boundless. They make you a more educated individual with a wider horizon of knowledge and skills than your colleagues, classmates and friends and help your mind not to idle and age over time once schooling or university days are over. Medically too, there are benefits of mind sports. It has been found that you can avoid certain types of age related degeneration
of brain such as Alzheimer's and dementia by keeping your brain active through mind sports over the years. Brain needs exercise just as your muscles need physical exercise to be healthy and ward off injuries. Finally, we all live a very busy life and we sometime care less for our body and especially our mind. To get rid of the monotony that we face at some point of life, having a challenging hobby would be of great assistance to you. Take advantage of opportunities around and become an active mind sportsperson.
Mind sports can raise your level of IQ through learning new skills and improving strategic ways that you think. They also increase your awareness about the world in which you live and help you to quickly respond to situations that arises in your day to day activities
;=<ska l ukila igyk l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks mßj¾;kh ufyaIsld fm%aupkaø
mqoa., hymeje;afuys ,d YdÍßl ksfrda.S;djh fukau udkisl ksfrda.S;djh o w;sYh jeo.;a fõ' mqoa.,hd j¾Okh ùfï§ fukau jeäysá úhg meñKSfï§;a WfoHda.Su;a ukila mj;ajd .ekSu jeo.;ah' l%shdYS,S uki ls%hdldÍ isrerlg ukd msájy,ls'
kSfrda.S isrerla i|yd iunr wdydr fõ,lska fmdaIKh iy ksis ldhsl l%shdldrlï u.ska jHdhdu wjYH jkakd fiau ukig o ish ld¾hYs,Snj fkdkeiS mj;ajd .ekSug iy jfhdajDoaONdjfhka we;s jk frda. ,CIK u. yrjd .ekSug jHdhdu wjYH fõ' lshùu (reading) yd m%fya<sld msrùu (Crossword puzzles), iqfvdal= (Sudoku), ufkdauh .eg¿ (brain teasers) wd§ udkisl
l%shdYS,S l%shdldrlï ffoksl Ôú;fha § fud<fha ffi, m%dKj;a j ;nd .; yels l%u lsysmhls' tfiau ksh; f,iu miqld,Skj jhi ndOlhla jk ldhsl l%Svd fuka fkdj udkisl l%Svd fkdlvjd úfkdaodxYhla f,i mj;ajd .; yels w;r tu.ska Ôú; ld,h mqrd Tnf.a udkisl fi!LHh wdrCId lr .;yel'
udkisl l%Svd hkq fudkjdo @ WmdhYS,Sj is;Sug iy CIKslj f;dr;=re úYaf,aIKhg yd .%ykh lr .ekSug ish fud<h fufyhùu u.ska Tnf.a m%;sjdÈhdg tfrysj ;rÕldÍ jdishla ,nd .ekSu udkisl l%Svd lsÍfï§ isÿfõ' Y%S ,xldfõ m%Odk udkisl l%Svd hq.,hla jkafka fpia (Chess) iy m%Yak úpdÍuhs (Quizzing). fuu l%Svdjka fol i|ydu foaYSh md,k wdh;k we;s w;r isiqkag" jD;a;slhkag fukau uyck;djg újD; jQ ;rÕ wjia:d /ila jd¾Islj meje;afõ' fpia l%Svdj jir .Kkla ;siafia ,xldfõ m%p,s;j mj;sk w;r j¾;udkfha m%Yak úpdÍu o l%ufhka ;reK" uy¿ fNaohlska f;drj m%p,s; fjñka mj;S'
kj l=i,;d yeoEÍu yd is;Sfï ;d¾lsl l%u ÈhqKq lsÍu u.ska udkisl l%Svd Tnf.a nqoaêh j¾Okh lrhs' tfiau Tn wjg f,dalh ms<sn| ±kqu jvjd ffoksl Ôú;fha mek úúO ;;ajhkag CIKslj m%;spdr ±laùug th Wmldr lrhs' ;jÿrg;a" is;=ú,s uQ,hka ,nd § fud<fha ffi, W;af;ackh lsÍfuka ufkda l%Svd Tnf.a ie.jqkq ks¾udKYS,S;ajh Tma kxjhs' m%Yak úpdÍu jeks udkisl l%Svdjlska hful= ish ndysr mßirh ms<sn| o;a; rdYshla Wlyd .kakd fyhska Tnf.a wOHdmksl fukau jD;a;sh ixj¾Okhg th wu;r msájy,la fõ' th Tnf.a /lshdjg fyda úIh Odrdjg wod, jQ N+f.da,h" ld,Sk f;dr;=re" l%Svd" idys;H fyda fjk;a wdldrhl f;dr;=re úh yel' tfiau tu.ska wOHdmkhg fukau iuia: Ôú;hg jeo.;a jk lshùfï ,eÈhdj o kxjd,hs' by; Wmfhda.S;djkag wu;rj m%Yak úpdÍu iy fpia ;,Ska g iyNd.S ùfuka ,efnk wd;au ;Dma;sh iy wd;au úYajdih wm%fïh fõ' fuu .=Kdx. Tn Tnf.a ys; ñ;=rka yd i.hka g idfmaCIj jvd mq¿,a ±kqï iïNdrhlska hq;a jvd úh;a mqoa.,fhl= njg m;a lrk w;r mdi,a
fyda úYaj úoHd, Èúh wjika jQ miq Tnf.a uki wl¾ukH ùug fyda úhm;a ùug bv fkd;nhs' ffjoH úoHd;aulj o udkisl l%Svd j,ska ,efnk m%;s,dN /ils' jfhdajDoaO úfï§ fud<fha mßydksh fya;=fjka yg .kakd we,aihsu¾ia (Alzheimer's), Ñ;a; úlaIsma;h (Dementia) jeks frda.hka l,la ;siafia udkisl l%Svd ;=<ska fud<fha ffi, il%Shj mj;ajd .ekSfuka u. yrjd .; yels nj fidhdf.k we;' fi!LH iïmkakj isàug iy wk;=re u.yrjd .ekSug isref¾ fmaYSka yg ksrka;rfhka YdÍßl jHdhdu lsÍu w;HjYH jkakd fiau fud<hg o jHdhdu w;HjYH fõ' wm iefjdu f.jk ld¾hnyq, Ôjk rgdj fya;=fldg f.k wm isrer iy úfYaIfhkau uki" ms,sn|j wm ie,ls,su;ajkjd fnfyúka wvqh' Ôú;fha tla;rd wjia:djl wm ieug uqyqK mEug isÿ jk taldldÍ nj u.yrjd .ekSug o wNsfhda.Su;a úfkdaodxYhla Tng ukd msájy,la jkq fkdwkqudkhs' tneúka Tn wjg we;s bv m%ia:d m%fhdackhg f.k ld¾hY+r ukila ysñ l%SvdYS,S mqoa.,fhl= njg m;ajkak'
ffjoH úoHd;aulj o udkisl l%Svd j,ska ,efnk m%;s,dN /ils' jfhdajDoaO úfï§ fud<fha mßydksh fya;=fjka yg .kakd we,aihsu¾ia (Alzheimers), Ñ;a; úlaIsma;h (Dementia) jeks frda.hka l,la ;siafia udkisl l%Svd ;=<ska fud<fha ffi, il%Shj mj;ajd .ekSfuka u. yrjd .; yels nj fidhdf.k we;
rpej ; id
xU RWRWg;ghd kdepiyiag;ngwy; xU MNuhf;fpakhd clYk; MNuhf;fpakhd kdepiyAk; xU kdpjdpd; kdepiyapYk; kdpjdpd; eyj;jpy; ngUk; gq;F tfpf;fpd;wJ tsHe;J ngupatHfshFk;NghJ kdepiyia RWRWg;ghf itj;jpUj;jy; Kf;fpakhdjhfpwJ. RWRWg;ghd kdepiy cliyAk; MNuhf;fpakhf itj;jpUf;fpd;wJ. cliy MNuhf;fpakhf itj;jpUg;gjw;F vt;thW epiwAzTk; ngsjPf nraw;gghLfSk; mtrpakhfpwNjh mNj Nghd;W kdepiyf;Fk; RWRWg;ghf ,aq;fTk; KjpHrp miljYf;fhd mwpFwpfis ,dq;fhzTk; xUtif 'czT" mtrpakhfpwJ. thrpg;G kw;Wk; mwpTf;F Ntiyjuf; $ba tplaq;fshd FWf;nfOj;J> RNlhF puzzles kw;Wk; brainteasers vd;git %isf; fhyq;fSf;F Ntiy nfhLf;Fk; md;whl eltbf;iffshFk;. mj;Jld; rpe;jidia J}z;Lk; tpisahl;Lf;fs; cq;fs; tho;ehs; KOtJk; nghOJNghf;fhf ,Ug;gJld; kl;Lky;yhky; cq;fs; kdepiyia jplkhf itj;jpUf;f cjTk; Mdhy; ngsjPf
tpisahl;Lf;fspy; taJ xU jilahf mike;Jtplyhk;. rpe;jid tpisahl;Lf;fs; vd;why; vd;d? rpe;jid tpisahl;Lf;fs; %isapd; rpe;jid rf;jpfis cs;slf;fp jpl;lq;fis jPl;lTk; mjpypUe;J gbj;Jf;nfhs;sTk;> jfty;fis Jupjkhf cs;thq;fp vjpHNghl;bahsiu Kwpabf;f cjTfpd;wd. ,yq;ifapy; ,uz;L gpujhd rpe;jid tpisahl;Lf;fs;
fplf;Fk; Mf;fg; g+Htkhd rpe;jidfis Kd;Ndw;wTk; JizGupfpd;wd. cq;fsJ gbg;gpw;Fk; mNjrkak; njhopy; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;Fk; nghJ mwpTg;Nghl;b Nghd;w rpe;jidia J} z;Lk; tpisahl;Lf;fs; Nkyjpfkhd ed;ikfis juty;yd. ,it ehk; thOk; cyfk; njhlHghd gy tplaq;fis mwpaj;jUk;. cq;fsJ gbg;G my;yJ
kak; njhopy; r Nj m ; k F ; w p g g; gb cq;fsJ wpTg;Nghl;b Nghd;w m J gh n ; k F ; w p j ; j w Kd;Ndw; ; tpisahl;Lf;fs; k L ; }z J a i d i j ; rpe fis juty;yd Nkyjpfkhd ed;ik cs;sd. rJuq;fKk; tpdhtpilg; Nghl;bAk; mitahFk;. ,uz;bw;FNk jdpj;jdp epHthf myFfSk; khztHfSf;nfd> njhopy; GupNthUf;nfd> nghJ kf;fSf;nfd epfo;Tfisf; nfhz;Ls;sd. rJuq;fk; gy tUlq;fshf ,yq;ifapy; gpugy;akhdjhFk;. tpdhtpilg; Nghl;b xU tpisahl;lhf jw;fhyq;fspy; ,isNahupypUe;J KjpNahH tiu gpugy;ak; mile;J tUfpwJ. rpe;jidiaj; J}z;Lk; tpisahl;Lf;fs; Gjpa jpwikfis fw;Wf;nfhs;s> Gjpa jpl;lk; jPl;l cjTtjd; %yk; cq;fsJ IQ kl;lj;jpid caHj;j ty;yd. mJ kl;Lky;yhJ ehk; thOk; ,t;Tyifg;gw;wp tpopg;NghL ,Uf;fTk; ehshe;j eltbf;iffspy; re;jHg;gq;fSf;F Vw;wthW Jyq;Ftjw;Fk; kw;Wk; vk;Ks; kiwe;J
Ntiyf;F cjtf;$ba Gtpapay;> tHj;jf> mz;ikf;fhy eltbf;iffs;> tpisahl;L> ,yf;fpak; vd cgNahfkhd gy tplaq;fis ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. mj;NjhL ,J thrpg;Gg; gof;fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjhy; nghJthd tho;f;iff;F cgNahfkhdjhf ,Uf;Fk;. Nkw;$wpa ed;ikfis jhz;b rJuq;fk; kw;Wk; tpdhtpilg; Nghl;bfshy; jpUg;jp Rakdg;ghq;F tpUj;jp jd;dk;gpf;if tsHr;rp vd;gd ghupastpy; Vw;gLk;> ,it vkJ rfhf;fs;> tFg;G khztHfs;>ez;gHfis tpl mwpTs;s xUtuhf vk;ik khw;Wk;. MfNt ghlrhiy my;yJ gy;fiyf;fofk; epiwTw;wJk; ,tw;Wf;F ehk; KOf;F Nghl;LtplyhfhJ. kUj;Jt uPjpahfTk; ,e;j rpe;jid tpisahl;Lf;fshy; ed;ikfs; cs;sd. rpe;jidiaj; J}z;Lk; tpisahl;Lf;fspd; Clhf kdepiyia RWRWg;ghf itj;jpUg;gjd; %yk; taJ KjpHr;rp fhuzkhf ALZHEIMER'S kw;Wk; DEMENTIA Nghd;wNeha;fis jLf;fyhnkd ,dq;fhzg;gl;Ls;sJ. vkJ cliy MNuhf;fpakhf itj;jpUf;f clw;gapw;rp vt;thW mtrpaNkh mNj Nghd;W kdepiyia MNuhf;fpakhf itf;f %isf;F gapw;rp mtrpak;. ,Wjpahf ehkidtUk; Ntiyg;gS $ba xU tho;f;ifia tho;e;Jnfhz;bUf;fpNwhk; cliyg; gw;wp ehk; mjpfk; ftdk; nfhs;tjpy;iy. Fwpg;ghf kdepiyg; gw;wp ftdnkLg;gNj ,y;iy. ,jpypUe;J tpLgl xU rthyhd nghOJNghf;fpid itj;jpUg;gJ cjtp nra;Ak;. Rw;wpAs;s tha;g;Gfis gad;gLj;jp xU jplfhj;jpukhd kdepiyAila tpisahl;L tPuuhFq;fs;.
moúh Y%S mqr
YsIH ud¾f.damfoaYK jevuq¿j igyk risl .,mam;a;s
ixialrKh wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks
a' zzwOHdmkh fyd| wkd.;hl wksjd¾h idOlhl qfKka wm wru §fï rdclSh úÿyf,a isiq orejkag ud¾f.damfoaYKh ,nd th wm wvq myiqlï iys; Èh;a l< fuu jev ms<sfj,g oYlhla msfrk ;ek .kajd .ekSu i|yd ÿIalr mdie,a lrdo jHdma; lf<a wOHdmkh yev u tjeks mdie,aj,g ,nd .ekSug ud¾f.damfoaYKfha we;s jeo.;a lu;a tu myiql we;s ÿIalr;djh;a jgyd.;a ksihs'ZZ m, lf<a moúh Y%S mqr chka;s EDEX iNdm;s lu,a wfíisxy uy;d fuu woyia ñks' fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha uyd úÿyf,a YsIH ud¾f.damfoaYk jevuq¿jla wu; iïm;a chiqkaor" fld<U ndysr lÓldpd¾h hSenid wdh;kfha wOHlaIl dks wð;a chj¾Ok" jD;a;Sh úYaj úoHd,fha jD;a;Sh ud¾f.damfoaYk wxY m%O ,l hk uy;ajrekaf.a mqyqKq wêldßfha jevigyka ks,OdÍ ixÔj l=,;s iyNd.S;ajfhka tu jevigyk meje;aúk'
EDEX m%jK;d ms<sn|jo .%dóh YsIHhd ±kqj;a lsÍu ldf,daÑ; nj uu is;ñZZ Tyq mejiSh' ixÔj l=,;s,l uy;d jeä wjOdkhla fhduq lf<a úl,am /lshd wjia:d ms<sn|jh' zzWiiafm< fyda idudkH fm, ksul< ú.i kqmqyqKq /lshdjlg fhduqùu iuyr ;reK ;reKshka isÿlrk jereoaols' kqmqyqKq /lshd wjia:d nyq, jqj;a tajdfha jegqma b;d wvq uÜgul mj;sk w;ru Wiiaùfï wjia:do iSud iys; fõ'ZZ zz;siajirl hqoaOfhka miq läkï ixj¾Okhlg fhduqù we;s furfgys w¨;ska bÈjk jrdh" .=jkaf;dgqm," wêfõ.S ud¾. wdÈh iu. fiajd wxYfha w;súYd, /lshd fj<|m,la ìysù we;' bÈlsÍï" ixpdrl yd mß>Kl fCIa;%fha we;s msì§u o wk.snjkSh fõ' mdie,a wOHdmkh ,nk Tn fï ;;a;ajhka .ek jvd;a wjfndaOfhka miqúh hq;=h'ZZ zzfndfyda /lshdj, iajrEmh fjkia ù we;s njo ie,ls,a,g .; hq;= lreKls'ZZ zztod jvq ld¾ñlhd Ndú;d l< m%d:ñl wdïmkak j, ia:dkh úúO hka;% iQ;% u.ska veyef.k we;' jvq ld¾ñlhd ksi.fhkau jvd;a iïNdjkSh jD;a;Sh ;,hlg Tijd ;nd we;' ëjr l¾udka;h" f.dú ;ek wd§ wfkl=;a fCIa;%j, ;;a;ajho tf,iu fõ' Y%S ,xld jD;a;Sh mqyqKq wêldßh yryd fujeks fCIa;% j, Wmdê uÜgu olajd wOHdmkh ,nd .; yelsh'ZZ EDEX Careers jHdmD;s wOHCI ä,dka rdcmCI" isyskhg Ôjhla jHdmD;s iyh wOHCI risl .,mam;a;s" m%Odk fufyhqï ks,OdÍ rxð;a wurisxy uy;d we;=¿ wdÈ rdclShhka msßila fuu jevuq¿jg iyNd.s jQy'
No. 08, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.
zzbiair wms lsõfõ ys;;a" w;;a" yoj;;a Èhqkq lsÍu mdief,a wruqK njhs' ta;a fï woyi wo álla h,amek .syska lsh,hs ug ysf;kafka' jHjidhl;ajh yd jD;a;Sh mqyqKq wjia:d .ek;a Tn ±kqj;a úh hq;=uhs' úYaj úoHd, wOHdmkhg jD;a;Sh wOHdmkhg fyda jD;a;Sh mqyqKqjlg miq fyd| /lshdjla fyda ; jHdmdrhla lsÍug Tn ldg;a fodr újD;j ;sfnkjd' túg Tng ;j;a fndfyda fofkl=g Woõ lrkakg;a ms,sjka' yßhg f,dl= .ylska fijk ,nK l=vd .ia je,a jf.a' ljfrl= fyda uf.ka weiqfjd;a id¾:l wkd.;hlg we;s ud¾.h l=ulao lshd ud lshkafka mq¿jka ;rï isysk olskakg lsh,hs' fjk jpk j,ska lsõfjd;a wyfia ud,s.d yokak lsh,hs' ìu boka .fvd,ska .fvd, ta ud, ienEjla lr.ekSfï Yla;sh Tn yeu ;=< ksielju mj;skjd'ZZ ;uhs hym;a wdl,am' th yßhg iq<Õ jf.a' .skakla wjq¨jkakg;a ksj, oukakg;a thg mq¿jka' Tn ;=<ska cks;jk iq,Õ keu;s wdl,am ksis f,i yiqrejd .;af;d;a wOHdmkh keu;s .sks o¿j ukdj yiqrejd .ksñka f,dl= jev lr.kak mq¿jks'ZZ Y%S ,dxlsl mdie,a moaO;sh ;=< úêu;a YsIH ud¾f.damfoaYkhl wvqj È,xl rx.k uy;d wjOdrKh lf<ah' fï ksidu ;rÕldÍ úNd. j,ska miq jD;a;shlg msh ke.Sfï§ úúO ndOl j,g ksn|ju uqyqK §ug isÿjk nj Tyq m%ldY lf<ah' zzmdie, yd jD;a;Sh f,dalh w;r we;s md,u úêu;aaj ms<silr lsÍu w;HjYH fõ' fuys,d Edex ys odhl;ajh wk.sNjkShhs' fï ;=<ska yß; f,dalfha kj;u /lshd
fuys§ iïm;a chiqkaor uy;d bÈßm;a lrk ,oafoa fujka woyia fm,ls' zzY%S ,xldj ;=< isiq orejkg mshke.Sug yels /lshd fCIa;% úYd, .kkla uE;l§ ìysù we;' fndfyda orejka iïm%odhdkql+,j ms<s.;a jD;a;Ska jk ffjoH" bxðfkare" kS;s{ wd§ jD;a;Ska .ek muKla Wkkaÿjla ±lajQj;a tajdg jvd w;sYhska wdl¾YKSh jD;a;Sh wjia:d /lshd fj<|m, ;=< ìysù we;s nj fkdi,ld yeÍu b;d lK.dgqodhlh' jvd;a jeo.;a jkafka ;ud jvd;a we¨ï lrk yd iycfhka yelshdjka iys; fCIa;%h ksjerÈj y÷kd .ekSuhs' wfhl= Ñ;% Ys,amh" .dhkh l%Svdj fyda fjk;a Ys,amhlg Wm;ska oCI úh yelsh' tu fCIa;%h Tiafia ld,dka;rhla ;siafia ksjerÈj mqyqKqj ,nd.ekSu ;=<ska cd;Hka;rhg mjd hd yels fm!reIhla f.dvk.d .; yelaflah' tjeks WodyrK ´kE;rï wm wjg we;' fuys§ ;ud ;=< we;s yelshdjka ;ud úiskau ksjerÈj úksYaph lr .ekSu w;sYhska ;SrKd;aul fjhs' tjeks ±laula iys;j uÕfmkajkq ,enQ orefjl=g wkd.; f,dalh ch .ekSu wmyiq fkdfõ' mß.Kl fCIa;%h .;fyd;a l=vd ld,fha§u mß.Kl Ñ;%lrKh fyda jevigyka ks¾udKh m%.=K lr .;fyd;a miqj l%udkql+,j tu fCIa;%fha wOHdmkh ,nd cd;Hka;r uÜgfï jD;a;slfhl= ùug Wjukd ;rï bvm%ia:d we;'ZZ isiq ore±ßhka weu;= wð;a chj¾Ok uy;d fufia mejiSh' zzmsfmk u,a" .,k Èh ux" f;rla fkdfmfkk fl;aj;= yoj;a j, f,dl= bvla we;s ñksiqka fndfydauhla moúh Y%S mqr § wmg yuqfjkjd' Tjqka wfmka n,dfmdfrd;a;=jkafka wkqlïmdj fkdfjhs' we;a;gu Tjqka fndfyda wxY j,ska wmg;a jvd msßmqka' Tjqkag wvq ksjerÈ ud¾f.damfoaYKh lsh,hs ug ysf;kafka' Bg fya;=j tjeks ud¾f.damfoaYlhka ke;s lu fyda tjekakka fidhd hkakg fkdokakdlu úh yelshs' b;ska fï msfmk u,alel=¿ jka orejkag wjYH u. fmkajñka w;ys; §u wmf.a hq;=luhs'ZZ
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