EDEX Magazine January 2015

Page 1


Contents Pinnacle


04 ;sridr ixj¾Okh yd yß; ixl,amh 06 Sustainable development and green concepts 08 NgzpaYif Nkk;ghL kw;Wk; gRikf; nfhs;iffs;



10 Ôú;hg isyskhla isyskhg Ôjhla 53 Edex sithuwam

Careers 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

Emerging green careers tsu;e;J tUk; gRikj; njhopy;fs;

Èk Èk t<s olsk yß; /lshd cy;yhrg;gazj;Jiwf;NfhH GJ tz;zk;

ixpdrl l¾udka;fha kj m%jK;djh The new colour of tourism ,isQh;fSf;fhd GJ jpwd;kjpg;gPL

New benchmarks for youth Careers chart Greening by action nray;fs; %yk; nropg;g+l;ly;


Creating new vocations ,isQh;fSf;fhd GJ jpwd;kjpg;gPL ,isQh;fSf;fhd



38 The good market



42 Entrepreneurship on the web

Green 44 44 From dark green to light green 46 Developing responsibly 48 Engaging youth to make a difference



50 Emerging green education



54 Greening the city school 56 Building you own network Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.

Read the trilingual e-version @ www.magazine.edex.lk


Abhaya Amaradasa

Nandun Fernando

Sharlene de Chickera

Kusum Nandika Gunawardena

Deepal Malalasekara



Manager - Career Services

Assistants Editorial


Graphic/Page Layout Designer

Srinath Wijayakumara S.M.N. Maheshika Premachandra Deepal Wijethillake Afsar Nazeer Rafhan Rifan Editorial Assistants

Published by

EDEX Secretariat, Royal College Union, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail: magazine@edex.lk



;s r idr ixj¾Okh yd

yß; ixl,amh mdßißl ixrCIK lghq;= ms<sn| úfYaI{ rú o is,ajd jvd;a meyenr" msú;=re" yß;uh Y%S ,xldjla Wfoid ;u ±lau fufia fy,s lrhs' rú o is,ajd úoHdfõ§ ^isú,a bxðfkare& mdßißl ixrlaIKh iy l<uKdlrk ms<sn| WmfoaYl - rú o is,ajd uy;d úl,am n,Yla;s iy yß; ixpdrl jHdmdßl lghq;= j,g wod,j úúO lreKq fjkqfjka ueÈy;a ù we;' ISO 14000 l%ufõoh ms<sn|j ukd mqyqKqjla ,nd we;s Tyq m%n, iajNdjO¾u fõÈfhla o fjhs' wmf.a tÈfkod Ôú; ;=, l, yels ir, lghq;= j,ska mjd mßirh iq/lsug uy;a fiajhla l, yels njg ±ä f,i úYajdi lrkafkls'

PdhdrEm wkack iÑka;

igyk Èmd,a úfÊ;s,l úisks



Tn fuu ;sridr ixj¾Ok ixl,amhg m%úYaG jkafka flfiao @


ud l=vdl, isgu mßir ys;ldó mqoa.,fhla' ud ye§ jevqKq .eñ mßirh úiska mßirh yd ud w;r we;sl< wOHd;añl ne£u ;=,skau mßirh wm úiska /l.; hq;=hs hk yeÕSu ud fj; fm%aIKh jqKd' tod l=vd orejl= jYfhka isáh§ mjd ud .yfld< jeúu wd§ mßir ys;ldó l%shdldrlï j, fh§ug mqreÿ ù isáhd'

Recycle -

miqlf<l jD;a;sfhka bxðfkarejrfhl= jk ud yg udf.a fuu mßir ys;ldó wdl,am l%shd;aul lsÍfï f;da;ekak 1992 j¾Ifha§ ud lKav,u fydag,h bÈlsÍfï jHdmD;sfha l<uKdlre jYfhka m;alsÍu;a iu.u ìysjqKd' tu jHdmD;sh werUqKq jljdkqfõ§ ta ms<sn|j ±äúfrdaOhla m%foaYjdiska yd rfÜ úúO md¾Yaj j,ska t,a, fjñka ;snqKd' tajdfha uQ,sl fpdaokdj jQfha fuu jHdmD;sh fya;=fjka lKav,u m%foaYfha uy;ajQ mßir ydkshla isÿjk njhs' kuq;a ud fuu u;h jerÈ nj jHdmD;sh ;=,skau m%dfhda.slj fmkakqjd' uu fuu .eg¿jg uqyqK §ug ud ;=, ;snQ .eñlu yd mßir ys;ldó nj ;=,skau wdrïNhla ,nd.;a;d' fuu jHdmD;sh mßir ys;ldój l< yels nj thg úreoaO jQ md¾Yaj j,g iómj lghq;= lrñka fmkajd ÿkakd'

Reduce Reuse


iïm;a wju Ndú;h bj;a lrk iïm;a kej; Ndú;h m%;spl%SlrKh

ud fuu ixl,amh ;j;a mq¿,alr 7R woyi bÈßm;a lr ;sfnkjd' tkï" wkjYH f,i iïm;a mßyrKhg fkd.ekSu Reduce - iïm;a wju Ndú;h Reuse - bj;a lrk iïm;a kej; Ndú;h Reclaim - uqojd .eksu - hul m%fhdackh g .; yels foa m%fhdackhg .ekSu Replace - wdfoaY lsÍu ^mßir ys;ldó wdfoaYl& Repaire - w¿;ajeähd lr Ndú;h Recycle - m%;spl%slrKh Reject -

fï jk úg ud úúO wdh;kj, wdrdOkd u; fuu ixl,amh iudcfha úúO uÜgï i|yd y÷kajdÈu u.ska ;sridr ixj¾Okhg yd yß; ixl,amh m%j¾okh g udf.a odhl;ajh i,ikjd'

Y%S ,xldfõ ixj¾Okhg yß; ixl,amh msúiqfka l=uk ld,fha§o@

úfrdaO;d yuqfõ fuu fydag,a jHdmD;sh kj;d oeóug ;SrKh fj;a§ ud ±ä úYajdifhka hq;=j fuu wNsfhda.j,g uqyqK § mßir ys;ldó yß; ixl,amhg wkq.; fjñka fuu jHdmD;sh id¾:lj ksulsÍug Wr ÿkakd' wo f,dj mqrd id¾:l yß; jHdmD;shla jYfhka fuh iïudkkhg md;% ù ;sfnkjd'

fuh uE;l Ndú;hg meñKsh;a wm rfÜ fuu ixl,amh b;sydifha isg wm uq;=ka ñ;a;ka w;r Ndú;fha mej;s nj lsj hq;=hs' rc ld,fha isgu iS.sßh" biqreuqKsh wd§ ia:dkj, ixj¾Ok lghq;= isÿjQfka mßir ys;ldó wdldrhghs' tajd wm rgg w¿;a foaj,a fkdfõ' kuq;a miqld,Sk mrdëk hq.j,§ fuu ixl,amh hgm;a jqKd' fuu ixl,amh wmsg kej;;a wfma rfÜ ixj¾Okfha§ l%shd;aul l< yelshs'

1992 j¾Ifha rgj,a 185la tl;= ù meje;ajQ ñys;, iuq¿fõ§ f.da,Sh WIaK;ajh jeäùu yd Tfidaka ia:rh CIh ùu jeks .eg¿ wNsuqj f,dj mßir iïm;a /l .ekSug l%uhla úuikq ,enqjd' tys§ 3R hk woyi bÈßm;a jqKd'

m%ùK jdia;= úoHd{ fc*aß ndjd uy;d isÿ lf<;a thuhs" mßirh yd wkq.;jk jdia;= úoHd;aul ks¾udK yryd ;sridr ixj¾Okhg t;=ud odhl;ajh iemhqjd' lKav,u fydag,a jHdmD;sfha§ wm jdia;= úoHdj muKla fkdfõ

we÷ï me,ÿï" wdydr mdk" c, l<uKdlrKh" ikSmdrCIl myiqlï mjd mßir ys;ldó ;sridr ixj¾Ok ixl,am j,g wkq.; jkfia ks¾udKh l<d' fï ;=,ska ,xld b;sydifha kj ld, mßÉfÊohla WodjQ nj lsj hq;=hs' úfYaIfhkau wm úYd, jYfhka LKsc f;,a jeks úfoaY úksuh jehjk n,Yla;s u; hefmk rgla jYfhka thska ñ§ug kï h,s Wmfhda.s n,Yla;s yels;dla Ndú;h yd wkjYH mßfNdackh wju lsßu ^ir, Èú meje;au& g yqreùu ;=,ska ;sridr ixj¾Okhg ,Õdúh yelshs' fï i|yd wfma uq;=ka ñ;a;kaf.a mßir ys;jd§ l%shd l,dmh .ek Woï wekSfuka fkdkej;S ta wdY%fhka ;sridr ixj¾Okhg kj l%fudamdhka fidhd f.k rg ÈhqKqjg m;a lsÍu l< hq;=hs' fïjd .ek wfma nd, mrïmrdj mdie,a wOHdmkh yryd ±kqj;a l< hq;=hs'

yß; ixl,amh Èfkka Èk w¿;ajk jHdmdr f,djg l=uk wdldrfha n,mEula isÿlr ;sfío @ ld¾ñl úma,jfhka miq jvd;a wjOdkhg ,lajQfha W;amdokh jq ;dCIKsl ÈhqKqj yryd jeäu ksIamdokhla lrd ,Õdùuhs' tys§ iïm;a úkdYh" mßir ÿIKh wdÈh .ek ie,ls,a,la fhduqjqfka kE' kuq;a jHdmdr f,dalfha ±ka fuu ;;a;ajh fjkia fjñka mj;skjd' mßir ys;ldó ksIamdok j,g fhduqùfï m%jK;djhla we;sfjñka mj;skjd' jHdmdr f,dalfha yeu w;skau Èfkka Èk ÈhqKqjk kùK ;dCIKh Ndú;d jk nj wmg ±l.; yelshs' flfia fj;;a fuu yß; ixl,amh yd ine÷kq ;sridr ixj¾Okh hgf;a jHdmD;s isÿlsÍfï§ isÿjk mßir ixrCIKh" bkaOk wju Ndú;h" m%;spl%slrKh" iïm;a kdia;sh wju lr Wmßu m%fhdack .eksu jeks l%ufõO Tiafia jHdmD;s l%shd;aul lsÍu ;=,ska fuu jHdmD;s ;sridrj mj;ajk tajd njg m;aù" wdfhdaclhdg úYd, m%;s,dNhla ie,fikjd'


fï .ek ±kqj;aNdjh ksid fï foig jHdmdr f,dalh ;=, úYd, keUqrejla olakg ,efnkjd' th ixj¾Okfha úúO biõ Tiafia Èfkka Èk me;sr hk nj lsj hq;=hs' fláfhka lsh;fyd;a ;sridr ixj¾Okhu jHdmdr i|yd ;sr mokula yd meje;aula ,ndfokjd' tneúka jHjidhlhska fuu ixl,am Ndú;hg fhduqjk nj lsj yelshs'

kj /lshd wjia:d ìyslsÍfï,d yß; ixl,amfha odhl;ajh fln÷o @ Èfkka Èk W.%jk mßir .eg¿ yd iajNdúl iïm;a iqNdú;fha yd /l.ekSfï wNsfhda. wNsuqLfha wo yß; yd ;sridr ixj¾Ok ixl,am j,g iEu lafIa;%hlu mdfya úYd, fhduqùula olakg ,efnkjd' ta Tiafia fuu lafIa;%fha /lshd wjia:d Èfkka Èk fndfyda fia W;amdokh fjñka mj;skjd' ´kEu jHdmdrhla ie,iqï lsÍu yd l%shd;aul lsÍu ksis mßÈ ;sridr ixj¾Ok ixl,am Tiafia hñka isÿjkjd kï ta ;=,ska fujeks /lshd wjia:d fndfyda ie,ish yelsshs' iEu lafIa;%hlu mßirhg jk ydksh j,lajk" iïm;a Wmßu wrmfriaifuka Ndú;d lrk f,i jHdmdr ixúOdkh lsÍfï§ tu lafIa;%fha /lshd ks;e;skau ìysfjkjd' iïmQ¾Kfhkau yß; /lshd fkdjqko fndfyda /lshd j, lsishï m%;sY;hla yß; ixl,am Ndú;hg .efkkjd' fuu ixl,am wkqj ;sridr ixj¾Okh idlaId;a lr .ekSfuys,d ksis wOHdmkh isÿlrñka kj ksmehqï fidhd.ekSï j,g fhduq ùu ;=,skq;a kj /lshd wjia:d W;amdokh fjkjd' fuu ixl,amh ;=<ska ks¾udKd;aul yelshdj we;s whg c,h jeks iïm;a m%;spl%slrKh" f.j;= ie,iqï" jiúi f;dr wdydr ksIamdokh" wmøjH md,kh jeks wxYj, /lshd wjia:d ,nd.; yelshs' yß; ixl,am Ndú;h .ek ±kqu" yelshdj we;s whg iEu lafIa;%hlu mdfya /lshd wjia:d W;amdokh fjñka mj;skjd'

jHdmdr f,dalfha yeu w;skau Èfkka Èk ÈhqKqjk kùK ;dCIKh Ndú;d jk nj wmg ±l.; yelshs' flfia fj;;a fuu yß; ixl,amh yd ine÷kq ;sridr ixj¾Okh hgf;a jHdmD;s isÿlsÍfï§ isÿjk mßir ixrCIKh" bkaOk wju Ndú;h" m%;spl%slrKh" iïm;a kdia;sh wju lr Wmßu m%fhdack .eksu ;=,ska fuu jHdmD;s ;sridrj mj;ajk tajd njg m;aù" wdfhdaclhdg úYd, m%;s,dNhla ie,fikjd yß; jHdmdr ixl,amh ms<sn|j Èfkka Èk ±kqj;ajk f,dj wNsuqLfhys fh!jkhkaf.a N+ñldj l=ulao @ we;af;kau jeäysá whg jvd fuu ixl,am ;reK mrïmrdjg iïfm%aIKh lsÍu myiqhs' Tjqka kùk ÈhqKq ;dCIKsl f,dalfha n,mEug ks;e;ska ,lajqK;a kùk ;dCIKh wm Wmfhda.S lr .; hq;af;a wmf.a ;snqKq idrO¾u m%fhdackhg .ksñka nj Tjqkg myiqfjka wjfndaO l< yelshs' ;dCIKh Ndú;fha§ ;sridr nj lrd ,Õdúh yelafla l=uk wdldrfha md,khla yd jegySulska hqla;j bÈßh flfrys ukd ±laulska hqla;j tajd Ndú;fhkao hkak jgyd Èh yelshs' wmf.a uq;=ka ñ;a;ka mßir ys;ldó ;dCIKsl l%u Ndú;dlr f,dj uú; jk ks¾udK tod l< yeá jgyd .kakd Tjqka wo mj;sk mßir ¥IKh yd iïm;a wjNdú;h fya;=fjka f,dj .uka lrk w.dOh .ek ±kqj;a jQ úg ks;e;ska ks¾udKYS,s /lshd wjia:d i|yd fhduqùu isÿfõú' f,dj mqrd mßir ys;ldó ixj¾Okhg ,eî

we;s m%uqL;djh y÷kd.kakd Tjqka ;ukaf.a oCI;d yryd thg odhl ùug wdl,am j¾Okh lr .kSú' wkd.;h ysñ fh!jkhkag neúka fuu ixl,amh ;=,g Tjqkaf.a m%úyag ùu f,dfõ ;sridr meje;aug w;HdjYH idOlhla nj lsj hq;=hs'

;sridr ixj¾Okh lrd f,dj tldjkaj fhduq úh hq;= wjêhl ta .ek kj mrmqrg Tn ,nd fok mKsjqvh l=ulao @ f,djla jYfhka wm wo Èk uqyqK md we;s Èfkka Èk CIh jk iïm;a yd mßir ¥IKh jeks .eg¿ j,g id¾:lj uqyqK § wm m%fhdackhg .kakd iïm;a yd mßirh ta whqßkau wkd.; mrïmrdjg Wreu lrÈu wm ieuf.a hq;=lula yd j.lSula nj wjfndaOlr .; hq;=hs' tneúka ta i|ydu wmf.a ish¿ l%shdjka ;sridr úh hq;=hs' wm fï iïm;a Khg f.k we;af;a wkd.; mrïmrdfjka nj isys ;ndf.k tu Kh fmd<sh;a iu.ska wdmiq f.úug wmf.a wdl,am yd l%shdjka fm,.iajd .; hq;=hs' iïm;a Ndú;fha§" ixj¾Ok l%shdodu j,È iïm;a kdia;sh wjulr tajdhska Wmßu m%fhdackh .eksug yels iEu úgu mshjr .; hq;=hs hk mKsjqvh ud Tjqkg §ug leu;shs'




green concepts

Sustainable development


By Deepal Wijethilake

Pics by Anjana Sachintha

Conservation expert Ravi de Silva reveals his vision for a greener and cleaner Sri Lanka

Ravi de Silva Ravi de Silva

BSc (Civil Engineering), Consultant in Environment Management and Conservation - is involved in raising awareness on issues such as alternate energy and eco-tourism. Well trained in ISO 14000 systems, he is a keen naturalist. He believes that our carbon footprint can be heavily reduced if we consistently remember to do simple things in our daily lives.

Pinnacle How do your interests in promoting sustainability emerge? Since my younger days, I loved the natural environment. The rural environment in which I grew up and its relationships with our lives created a necessity to protect the environment. Even as a small child I used to engage planting trees, aimed at protection of environment. Once qualified as an Engineer, I got a huge opportunity to give meaningful effect to these green concepts when appointed as the Project Manager of Kandalama Hotel project in year 1992. When that project was launched, there were a lot of protests against it. Main allegation was that it would cause severe environmental damage to surroundings. But I successfully proved otherwise. In meeting the challenges, I got a head start through my own rural background and environmentally friendly concepts. I proved to opposing parties that the project can be made environmentally friendly. When the project was almost to be scrapped, I confidently advised and guided all parties to successfully complete this project by aligning with green and sustainability concepts. Today it is an internationally acclaimed and much awarded for being an exemplary project completed with green concepts. In 1992, the Earth Summit attended by 185 countries dwelled on ways to protect natural resources, whre the 3Rs concept was born there. That is Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. I developed this concept further to present the 7Rs. That is: Reject, Reduce, Re-Use, Reclaim, Replace, Repair, Recycle. I am now engaged at spreading this concept of 7Rs among various social groups at the invitation of many organisations, to enhance sustainability in development and promote green concepts.

When did green concepts start to be considered in development aspects in Sri Lanka? Though it seems to have emerged recently, our ancestors adopted these concepts in early days. When we look at places such as Sigiriya and Isurumuniya, we can observe

We can observe that businesses are adopting new technology. By aligning with green concepts and sustainable approaches, investors can achieve more profitability as projects become more sustainable that development works were carried out in an environmentally friendly manner in ancient days. These concepts were not alien to us. But during colonial eras, these green concepts subdued. We can practise those ancient concepts in our development projects. That was what acclaimed Architect Geoffrey Bawa did. He provided for sustainable development through architectural designs that aligned with natural environment. At the Kandalama Hotel project, it was not just the architectural design that was made sustainable with environment but even clothing, foods, sanitation and water management. As a country that is dependant on imported fossil fuels for much energy needs, it is important to look at renewable energy sources and reduce unwanted energy usage to achieve sustainability in development. To achieve sustainability in development we cannot simply stop at hailing our ancestors’ commendable green concepts. We must strive to adopt those green concepts and invent new methods to develop our country sustainably. The younger generation must be educated of theses concepts through schools.

What effect are green concepts causing on business and commercial sectors? After the industrial revolution, focus was on increasing production through technological advancements. Depletion of natural resources and environmental damages were not considered. But that is changing now. There is an increasing trend towards more environmentally friendly products. We can observe that businesses are adopting new technology. By

aligning with green concepts and sustainable approaches, investors can achieve more profitability as projects become more sustainable. As many businessmen become aware of these, there is an increased trend in the business world towards sustainability. Sustainable development provides for long term survival of businesses. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are interested in these concepts.

What is the contribution of these concepts in creating new career opportunities? Increasing environmental issues and challenges faced with depleting natural resources has created awareness on green and sustainable concepts in many sectors. This leads to emergence of many new careers. There is opportunity in almost every sector for such green careers to emerge, if sustainability concepts are well adopted and managed. Though they may not be entirely green careers, there will be room to adopt many concepts. There is room for inventors and entrepreneurs to grow with new opportunities, promoting sustainability. There are many opportunities in sectors such as recycling of resources, natural food production, waste management, etc. There are careers emerging for anyone who is aware of and skilled in practically adopting green concepts.

What is the role for youth in an increasingly ‘greening’ world? It is easier to convey these concepts to the younger generation. As they adapt well to emerging new technologies, it is easier to educate them on more sustainable use of technology. When they see the difference between more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyles of our ancestors and modern trends towards depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution youth will be more innovative to achieve sustainability. They will change their attitudes to align with green concepts when they see how the world is increasingly adopting green concepts. As tomorrow belong to youth of today, it is imperative that they have a role to play in sustainability.




NgzpaYif Nkk;ghL kw;Wk; gRikf; nfhs;iffs; Mf;fk; : jPghy; tpN[jpyf

jkpopy; nkhopahf;fk; : mg;rhh; erhh;

ghJfhg;G epGzH utp b rpy;th gRik kw;Wk; J}a;ikahd ,yq;ifapid fl;bnaOg;Gtjw;fhf jdJ fUj;Jf;fis vk;Kld; gfpHe;Jnfhz;lhH.

NgzpaYifia Cf;fg;gLj;Jk; vz;zk; cq;fsplk; vt;thW Njhd;wpaJ?

Gifg;glk; : mQ;rd rrpe;j

ehd; vd; rpWtajpypUe;Nj ,aw;if #oiy Nerpf;f Muk;gpj;Njd;. ehd; tsHe;j vd; fpuhkg;Gw #oy; kw;Wk; mr;#oy; ek; tho;f;ifAld; nfhz;l cwT vd;gd Rw;Wr;#oiy ghJfhf;Fk; Njitia vk;kj;jpapy; cUthf;fpaJ. ehd; rpW tajpypUf;Fk; NghJ $l #oiy ghJfhf;Fk; Nehf;fj;jpy; gy rpW kuq;fis elTtjpy; <Lgl;Ls;Nsd;. xU nghwpapashyH vd;w jFjpia ngw;w gpd;dH, 1992 Mk; Mz;by; Kandalama Hotel jpl;lj;jpd; jpl;l Nkyhsuhf epakpf;fg;gl;l NghJ ,g;gRikf; fUj;Jf;fSf;F mHj;jKs;s tpisnthd;iwf; nfhLf;f ghupanjhU re;jHg;gk; fpilj;jJ.

utp b rpy;th BSc (Civil Engineering)

utp b rpy;th

Rw;Wr; #oy; Nkyhz;ik kw;Wk; Rw;Wr; #oy; ghJfhg;G MNyhrfH. ,tH #opay; Rw;Wyhj;Jiw, khw;W vuprf;jp Nghd;w gy Jiwfspy; tpopg;GzHit Vw;gLj;jpAs;shH. ,tH ISO 14000 Kiwikfspy; rpwe;j gapw;rpfisAk; ngw;Ws;shH. ,tH ngUk; MHtkpf;f ,aw;ifapayhsH. ehk; njhlHe;J ekJ md;whl tho;tpy; vspikahd tplaq;fis nra;J te;jhNy tspkz;lyj;jpy; fhgd; mstpid ngUksT Fiwf;f KbAk; vd ek;GfpwhH.


mj;jpl;lk; Muk;gpf;fg;gl;l nghOJ, mjw;F vjpuhf vjpHg;Gfs; gy fpsk;gpd. ,j;jpl;lkhdJ mjid Rw;wpAs;s Rw;Wg;Gw #oYf;F fLikahd ghjpg;Gfis cz;lhf;ff;$Lk; vd;gJ Kf;fpa Fw;wr;rhl;lhff; $wg;gl;lJ. Mdhy; mt;thW eilngwhJ vd ehd; ntw;wpfukhf ep&gpj;Njd;. ,t;thwhd fLk; rthy;fis vjpH Nehf;Fifapy;, vdJ nrhe;j fpuhkg;Gw gpd;dzp kw;Wk; #oy; el;G fUj;Jf;fs; Mfpad vdf;F xU rpwe;j mbj;jskhf mike;jJ. ,j;jpl;lj;ij el;Gr;Rw;Wg;Gw #oy; jp;l;lkhf (Environmental friendly Project) nray;gLj;j KbAk; vd vjpH rhuhUf;F ep&gpj;Njd;. ,j;jpl;lk; ,Wjpia milAk; jUthapy;, ,j;jpl;lj;ij ntw;wpfukhf, gRik kw;Wk; Ngz;jifik nfhs;iffSf;F mikthf epiwTnra;a midj;J rhuhUf;Fk; MNyhridiaAk; topfhl;LjiyAk; kpFe;j jd;dk;gpf;ifAld; toq;fpNdd;. ,d;W ,J gy rHtNjr tpUJfisAk; gyuJ ghuhl;Lf;fisAk; ngw;W gRikf;nfhs;iffisf; nfhz;L g+uzg;gLj;jg;gl;l jpl;lq;fSf;F xU Kd;khjpupahfj; jpfo;fpd;wJ. 1992 Mk; Mz;L eilngw;w Gtp cr;rp khehl;by; 185 ehLfs; gq;Fnfhz;L ,aw;if tsq;fis ghJfhf;f gy fUj;Jf;fis Kd;itj;jd. ,jd; NghNj 3R nfhs;if gpwg;ngLj;jJ. ,it Reduce (Fiwj;jy;), Re-use (kPs;-ghtid) and Recycle (kPs;-Row;rp) vd;gdthFk;. ,f;nfhs;ifapid NkYk; tpupTgLj;jp, 7R nfhs;ifahf ehd; Kd;itj;Njd;. mit: Reject (jtpHj;jy;), Reduce(Fiwj;jy;), Re-Use(kPs;-ghtid), Reclaim(kPsg;ngwy;), Replace(khw;wPL), Repair(gOJghHj;jy;), Recycle(kPs;-

Row;rp) ehd; jw;nghOJ, mgptpUj;jpapy; NgzpaYifia tpupTgLj;jTk; gRikf;nfhs;iffis Cf;Ftpf;fTk;, gy epWtdq;fspd; miog;gpd; Ngupy; gy;NtW r%f FOf;fs; kj;jpapy; 7R nfhs;ifapid gug;Gk; Kaw;rpapy; <Lgl;bUf;fpd;Nwd;.

vg;NghJ ,t;thwhd gRikf;nfhs;iffs; ,yq;ifapd; mgptpUj;jpf; fl;lq;fspy; fUj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gl Muk;gpf;fg;gl;lJ? ,J mz;ikf; fhyj;jpy; tsHr;rpiaf; fz;Ls;sjhf njd;gbDk; ek; Kd;NdhHfs; Muk;g fhyj;jpNyNa ,f;nfhs;iffis ifahz;Ls;shHfs;. rPfpupa ,RUKdpa Nghd;w ,lq;fis Nehf;Fifapy;, mgptpUj;jpg; gzpfs; #oYf;F ed;ik gaf;Fk; tpjj;jpNyNa ifahsg;gl;Ls;sij vk;khy; mtjhdpf;f KbfpwJ. ,f;nfhs;iffs; vkf;F xd;Wk; Gjpjy;y, fhyzpj;Jt Ml;rpf;fhyj;jpNyNa ,g;gRikf;

nfhs;iffs; mKy;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd. ,t;thwhd Guhjd nfhs;iffs; ,d;Wk; vkJ mgptpUj;jpj; jpl;lq;fspy; gpd;gw;wg;glyhk;. ,jidNa Gfo;ngw;w fl;bl epGzH [pg;fup ghth (Geoffrey Bawa) eilKiwgLj;jpf; fhl;bdhH. mtH ,aw;ifr;#oYld; xj;Jg;NghFk; tpjj;jpyhd fl;bl tbtikg;Gfs; %yk; epiyahd mgptpUj;jp topKiwnahd;iw mwpKfg;gLj;jpdhH. Kandalama Hotel jpl;lj;jpy;, #oy; NgzpaYifahdJ ntWk; fl;bl tbtikg;gpy; khj;jpukd;wp czT, cil, foptfw;wy;, ePH Kfhikj;Jtk; Nghd;w midj;J JiwfspYk; filgpbf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. rf;jp ts Njitfis epiwNtw;wpf;nfhs;s ,wf;Fkjp nra;ag;gLk; vupnghUl;fspNyNa mjpfk; jq;fpapUf;Fk; ehL vd;w uPjpapy;, Gjpg;gpf;fj;jf;f Mw;wy; nfhz;l rf;jp %yq;fis gad;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; Njitaw;w rf;jpg; gad;ghl;il Fiwj;jy; vd;gd epiyahd mgptpUj;jpia mile;Jnfhs;s Kf;fpakhFk;. mgptpUj;jpg; Ngz;jifikia mile;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lnkdpy; vk;Kd;NdhHfspd; gRikf;nfhs;iffis tpae;J ghHg;gNjhL khj;jpuk; epd;Wtplf;$lhJ. khwhf mf;nfhs;iffis cs;thq;fp vk; ehl;by; Ngz;jifik mgptpUj;jpia Vw;gLj;j GJ Kiwfis cUthf;f Kaw;rpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,isNahH rKjhaj;jpw;F ,f;nfhs;iffs; ghlrhiyfs; Clhf fw;gpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

gRikf; nfhs;iffs; tpahghu, tHj;jf Jiwfspy; vt;thwhd jhf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wd? ifj;njhopy; Gul;rpf;Fg; gpd;dH, njhopy;El;gj; Jiw tsHr;rp Clhf cw;gj;jpia mjpfupg;gjw;fhfNt mjpf ftdk; nrYj;jg;gl;lJ. ,aw;if tsr;Ruz;ly;, Rw;Wr;#oy; ghjpg;G vd;gd fUj;jpy; nfhs;sg;gltpy;iy. Mdhy; mJ jw;NghJ khw;wkile;J tUfpwJ. Rw;Wr;#oy; el;G nghUl;fis Nehf;fpa Nghf;F mjpfupj;J tUfpd;fpwJ. tpahghuj; Jiwfs;, Gjpa njhopy;El;gq;fis gpd;gw;Wtij vk;khy; mtjhdpf;f$bajhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ. gRikf;nfhs;iffs;, NgzpaYif Kiwikfs; Clhf jpl;lq;fs; Ngz;jifikia miltjdhy; KjyPl;lhsHfs; mjpf ,yhgq;fis mila$bajhf cs;sJ. mNef tzpfHfs; ,jidg;gw;wpa tpopg;GzHit ngw;wpUg;gjhy; NgzpaYifia Nehf;fpa Nghf;F tzpf cyfpy; mjpfupj;J fhzg;gLfpwJ. Ngz;jF tsHr;rpahdJ, tpahghuq;fSf;F ePz;lfhyk; ePbj;jpUg;gjw;fhd topKiw xd;iw

toq;Ftjhy; gy Kaw;rpahsHfs; ,f;nfhs;iffspy; kpFe;j MHtk; fhl;LfpwhHfs;.

Gjpa njhopy; thag;Gf;fis cUthf;Ftjpy; ,f;fUj;Jf;fspd; gq;fspg;G vd;d? mjpfupj;J tUk; Rw;Wr;#oy; rhu; gpur;rpidfs; kw;Wk; ,aw;if tsr;Ruz;ly; njhlHghf vjpu;Nehf;Fk; rthy;fs; vd;gd gRik, Ngz;jifik nfhs;iffs; njhlHghd tpopg;GzHit gy Jiwfspy; cUthf;fpAs;sd. ,J gy Gjpa njhopy;fspd; Njhw;wj;jpw;F Kd;Ndhbahf mike;Js;sJ. Ngz;jifik nfhs;iffs; jf;fthW cs;thq;fg;gl;L Kfhik nra;ag;gl;lhy;, ngUk;ghYk; vy;yhj;JiwfspYk; gRikj;Jiw xd;W cUthf mjpf tha;g;G cs;sJ. mit Kw;WKOjhf gRikj;Jiwfshff; fhzg;glhtpbDk;, ,t;thwhd nfhs;iffs; gpd;gw;wg;gl gy re;jHg;gq;fs; mq;F fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. Ngz;jifikia Cf;Ftpf;Fk; Gjpa tha;g;Gf;fis cUthf;f fz;Lgpbg;ghsHfSf;Fk; Kaw;rpahsHfSf;Fk; mjpf re;jHg;gq;fs; cs;sd. Fwpg;ghf tsq;fis kPs;-Row;rpahf;fy;, ,aw;if czT cw;gj;jp, fopT Kfhikj;Jtk; Nghd;w Jiwfspy; gy tha;g;Gfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. gRikf;nfhs;iffs; gw;wpa tpopg;GzHTk; mjid eilKiwgj;Jk; Mw;wYk; ,Uf;Fk; midtUf;Fk; gy njhopw;Jiwfs; cUthfpf;nfhz;Nl ,Uf;fpd;wd.

mjpfupj;J tUk; gRik cyfpy; ,isQHfspd; gq;F vd;d? ,isQH rKjhaj;jpw;F ,f;fUj;Jf;fis vLj;Jr;nrhy;tJ ,yFthdjhFk;. tsHe;J tUk; GJ njhopy;El;gq;fSf;Nfw;g mtHfs; ,irthFtjhy;, Ngz;jF njhopy;El;gg; ghtidiag; gw;wp mtHfSf;F fw;gpg;gJ ,yFthFk;. ek; Kd;NdhHfspd; Ngz;jifik kpf;f kw;Wk; #oYld; el;Gld; $ba tho;f;if Kiwf;Fk; ,aw;if tsr; Ruz;ly; kpFe;j Rw;Wg;Gwr; #oiy ghjpf;ff;$ba etPd Nghf;Ff;Fk; ,ilapyhd tpj;jpahrj;ij ghHf;Fk; NghJ, ,d;iwa ,isQHfs; Ngz;jifikia mile;Jnfhs;s gy GJ Kiwfis ifahSthHfs; vd;gJ jpz;zk;. ,t;Tyfk; vt;thW gRikf; nfhs;iffis filgpbj;J tUfpd;wJ vd;gij ghHf;Fk; nghOJ mtHfs; jq;fs; mZFKiwfis gRikf; nfhs;iffSf;Nfw;g khw;wpf; nfhs;thHfs;. vdNt ehisa cyfk; ,isQH iffspy; vd;gjw;Nfw;g, NgzpaYifia fl;bnaOg;g mtHfSf;F xU Kf;fpa gq;F fhzg;gLfpwJ.




Ôú;hg isyskhla

isyskhg Ôjhla igyk ;SlaIK r;akdhl úisks

fuf,dj jik iEu ñksfil=gu isyskhla we;' th f,!lsl fyda f,daflda;a;r úh yel' nqÿka jykafia" fÊiqia jykafia" kì ;=ud f,daflda;a;r isyskhka ÿgq w;r ud¾áka Æ;¾ lsx" fk,aika uekafv,d" tan%yï ,skalka wd§yq f,!lsl isysk ÿgy' tfy;a ta isysk h:d¾:hla fkd ù ñh hdug lsisfjla bv fkd ;enQy' wfkalúO ndOl lïlfgd¿ uOHfha Tjqyq ch .;ay' we;efula Ôú; mß;Hd. l<y' tfia isysk olskakka yg WÑ; w;a fmd;ls nßia mf,jdhsf.a zzienE ñksfil=f.a l;djlaZZ lD;sh' fomd fkdue;s j f,dal hqoaOhla ÈkQ ñksid f.a l;dj' flfia ù kuqÿ olsk isysk ienE lr .; fkd yels msßila o wm w;r u isák nj wm wu;l fkdl< hq;=h' oßø;djfhka wmuK mSvdjg m;a j l=ig wyr muKla fkdj ysig fijK" .;g j; yd

fud<hg ±kqu o wysñ jQ ñksiqka fjfik rgl wms fjfiuq' Tjqkaf.a isysk isysk u muKls' tfy;a th tfia úh hq;= o@ ke;' Tjqkag o isysk ±lSug fukau isysk ienE lr .ekSugo mru msú;=re whs;shla we;' tfy;a tl u .eg¨j fkd yelshdjhs' th Tjqkaf.a jrola o fkd fõ' ta fkd yelshdjg jrolrefjda ljq±hs lshd wms oYl .Kkdjla uq¿,af,a fijqfjuq' tlsfkldg weÕs,a, È.= lr .;suq' tfy;a ms<shï fkd lf<uq' fï W;aidyh isyskhkag Ôjhla fokakg fjr ork msßila ms<sn| j flá igykla ;nkakghs' Tjqka ug uqK .efikafka ud fiajfha kshq;= ud¾áka úl%uisxy Ndrldr uKav,h yryd h' ta Tjqkaf.a ioald¾hhg wm

wdh;kh o hï odhl;ajhla olajk ksid h' ta wfklla fkdj EDEX wdh;kh hs' ±hg keK wei mdokakg ;ukag yels iEu wdldrhlska u fjr ùßh ork tu wdh;kh wdÈ rdclShhkaf.a ksuejquls' fld<U iy uykqjr hk m%Odk k.r ys EDEX Expo kñka wOHdmksl m%o¾Yk ud,djla jir .Kkla mqrd ixúOdkh lrñka Wiia fm< yd idudkH fm< úNd.hka úiska w;a yßk ,o ÿjd orejka j fomhska isgqjkakg ork W;aidyh w;sYh w.h lghq;= h' isysk ke;s orejkag isysk ,nd fokakg;a tu isysk iM, lr fokakg;a fuu wdh;kh lem ù isáhs' ñka fo jirlg muK by; § ;u fiajdj jvd;a mq¿,a lsÍu Wfoid mdie,a mqia;ld, ixj¾Ok jHdmD;shla o fuu wdh;kh u.ska wdrïN lf<ah'


fuu.ska ÿIalr m<d;aj, muKla fkd j fld<U wjg wvq myiqlï ,dNS mdie,aj, o mqia;ld, ixj¾Okh lsÍug wjOdkh fhduq flf¾' fï jk úg lE.,a," kqjrt,sh" uykqjr" ls,sfkdÉÑh" ukakdru wd§ Èia;%slal /il mdie,a 56l mqia;ld, ixj¾Okh lr ;sfnkafka remsh,a ñ,shk 5g wêl uqo,la jeh lrñks' ,xldfõ mdie,a j¾.SlrKhla wOHdmk wud;HxYh bÈßm;a lr ;sfnk kuq;a m%dfhda.sl j tu j¾.SlrKhg ;j;a tla mdie,a j¾.hla tla ù ;sfí' tkï ÿIalr mdie,a hkakh' tjka meie,a ldKavhla ;sìh hq;= ke;' "EDEX isyskhg Ôjhla" jevigyk u.ska ,nd fok mß;Hd.hka iukaú; jkafka fmd;aj,ska muKla fkd fõ' mdie,a mqia;ld,j,g wjYH fmd;a fuka u l%Svd NdKav" mß.Kl iy fjk;a WmlrK o

fuu mß;Hd.hkag we;=<;a h' fï mß;Hd.hka fidhd .ekSu i|yd Tjqka ork ;e; iq¿ mgq fkd fõ' ;ukaf.a fm!oa.,sl Okh yd ienE udkj fm%aókaf.a mß;Hd.hka Tjqyq fï i|yd fhdod .ks;s' ,xldfõ úúO m%foaYj, úúO mqoa.,fhda w¨;a yd merKs fmd;a fï i|yd ,nd fo;s' tfy;a tu wdOdr m%udKh ish¨ wjYH;d iemsÍug m%udKj;a fkd fõ' tfy;a l=uk wmyiq;d uOHfha jqj o wmßñ; ffO¾hfhka lrkakd jQ fï iudc i;aldrh meiish hq;= h' lef,a msfmk u,a lef,a u mr ù hd fkd § f,dj u iqj|j;a lrñka mqnqokakg kï ta u,a lel=¿j,g isyskhla ,nd Èh hq;=h' ta isyskh yenE lrkakg ux ie,ish hq;=h' w;s ÿIalr mdie,a orejkaf.a fk;ska .eÆ l÷¿ úh<kak g wmgo l< yels hula we;' ta i|yd fyd|u w;a jdrej EDEX zzisyskhg ÔjhlaZZh'

lef,a msfmk u,a lef,a u mr ù hd fkd § f,dju iqj|j;a lrñka mqnqokakg kï ta u,a lel=¿j,g isyskhla ,nd Èh hq;= h' ta isyskh yenE lrkakg ux ie,ish hq;=h' w;s ÿIalr mdie,a orejkaf.a fk;ska .eÆ l÷¿ úh<kakg wmgo l< yels hula we;' ta i|yd fyd|u w;a jdrej EDEX zzisyskhg ÔjhlaZZ h'





Green careers By Nalin Goonewardene


Green Concepts What is called 'green concepts' covers an extremely wide range of topics, all of which relate to sustainability of the earth from deterioration and exhaustion of natural resources. It is well known that climate change due to unnatural build up of greenhouse gases is warming the earth's atmosphere everyday. The evidence worldwide is now indisputable with polar caps melting, weather patterns changing etc. This is expected to accelerate over the coming century. Emissions of carbon monoxide, methane and nitrous oxide caused by burning fossil fuels is the major source of greenhouse gases which are also air pollutants that cause significant health and environmental problems. The main push for action is now coming from the US, where climate change havoc has raised public concern to an all time high. Just recently, the US and China (the main perpetrators) have agreed to cap emissions and limit greenhouse gases through 2020 and beyond. This is a major change in attitude which will trigger more positive activity towards these goals worldwide including Sri Lanka. With intentions of becoming an important economic centre by developing the five strategic hubs, Sri Lanka will be part of the global community cooperating on low-carbon and environmentally friendly technologies, as well as standards and procedures agreed world wide on conservation and sustainability activities. With it, will come the concepts of ‘green collar’ careers.

Green collar careers

We are familiar with whitecollar workers – office workers such as lawyers, sales staff, bankers etc. Also blue-collar workers - machinists, electricians, construction workers etc, practicing with their trades primarily at factories and building sites. Green collar workers are transformed white and blue collar workers who have extended their skills into environmentally

sustainable activities within their own disciplines. All existing areas of work will be impacted by the surge of 'green collar' jobs. These include production, consumption and disposal of energy, materials, food and water as well as generation of waste and pollution. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) defines the concept of green jobs as both protecting the natural environment, supporting life on earth and providing decent work prospects during the rapid growth expected in sustainability of the environment. They state that there will be major risks and opportunities where additional jobs will be created, while some employment

products and services will double by 2020 to over $2.74 trillion with half of that market in efficient energy use. In Sri Lanka, many economic sectors with significant involvements in the natural environment and resources will be generating green jobs in industrial, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, energy, water, tourism and waste management sectors. A survey by the International Labour Organisation and the Employers' Federation of Ceylon has named seven Sri Lankan companies as having good practices in providing 'green' jobs that ensure environmental sustainability and ‘decent’ work for employees. They were judged on both implementing green initiatives and an evaluation of how green their actions really were.

The future for green jobs - also called sustainability seven companies recognised jobs, or environmental The were Hatton National Bank, Seylan jobs, is bright provided Bank, Heritance Kandalama, Cinnamon Lodge Hotel, CKT it suits your skills and Apparels, MAS Active (Pvt) Ltd and ambitions. They are Halgolle Estate of Kelani Valley expected to offer better Plantations. wages than equivalent What all this traditional jobs because means for you Climate change is here to stay. there will be a heavy To manage its impact requires demand for ‘right’ skills trained, skilled, qualified staff opportunities will be substituted, some jobs will be redundant and many existing professions will be transformed. New disciplines will emerge dealing with topics such as environmental dispute resolution, carbon credits and administering ‘cap and trade’ issues. New jobs such as Sustainability Analyst, Energy Efficiency Analyst, Renewable Energy Technician, Garbage Consultant, Fuel-Cell Entrepreneur will launch green careers unheard of before. Their common objective will be to contain and manage the environment at 'sustainable' levels. A UNEP funded Worldwatch Institute study stated that global efforts to tackle climate change could result in millions of green jobs and that environmental

with experience. In these early days of a young technology, discovery of new facts through experience, research, accidents and worldwide co-operation will change requirements, solutions, economies, attitudes, the scope of what can be done and how it can be done. The future for green jobs - also called sustainability jobs, or environmental jobs, is bright provided it suits your skills and ambitions. They are expected to offer better wages than equivalent traditional jobs because there will be a heavy demand for ‘right’ skills. Getting a foot-in-the-door now will enable you to take advantage of developments as they progress, and position you to benefit from the changes to come, so you can carve out a rewarding, lucrative career in time.




tsu;e;J tUk;

gRikj; njhopyf ; s; eyPd; Fztu;jd jkpo; nkhopahf;fk; : wg;`hd; wpghd;

Ngz;jifik Ma;thsu;> rf;jp jpwd; Ma;thsu;> Gjpg;gpf;fj; jf;f vuprf;jp njhopy;El;g ty;Ydu;> fopT Kfhikj;Jt MNyhrfu;> vupnghUs; fy njhopy;Kaw;rpahsu; Nghd;w Gjpa njhopy; cj;jpNahfq;fis gRikj; njhopy;fs; Gul;rp cUthf;fTs;sJ


gRik vz;zf;fUf;fs; gRikr; rpe;jidahdJ gue;J tpupe;j jiyg;Gf;fis cs;slf;fpajhFk;. mJ> ,aw;if tsq;fs; cyfpypUe;J moptile;J nry;tjpypUe;J ghJfhf;Fk; Ngz;jifikia rhu;e;J epw;fpd;wJ. ,aw;iff;F Gwk;ghff; fhzg;gLk; gr;rtPl;L thAf;fs; cyfpd; Nkw;gug;G ntg;gepiyia mjpfupf;fr; nra;fpd;wd. ,jid cz;ikg;gLj;Jk; tifapy; fhyepiyg; Nghf;fpy; Vw;gl;Ls;s khw;wq;fs;> JUtq;fspy; cs;s gdpg;ghiwfs; cUFjy; kw;Wk; ,d;Ndhud;d tplaq;fs; rhd;Wfshff; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ,g;Nghf;F> njhlUfpd;w jrhg;jjpy; ,d;Dk; Jupjkhfyhk; vdTk; vjpu;g;ghu;f;fg;gLfpwJ. ,jw;F Kf;fpa fhuzpahf cs;s gr;irtPl;L thAf;fs;> gbk vupnghUl;fspd; jfdj;jpdhy; ntspahFk; fhgNdhnuhl;irl;L> nkNjd; thA kw;Wk; iej;jpu]; xl;irl;L Nghd;wtw;wpdhy; cUthFtJld; ,t;thAf;fs; Rfhjhuj;Jf;Fk; R+oYf;Fk; NfL tpistpf;Fk; tsp khRgLj;jpfSkhFk;. ,g;Nghf;ifj; jzpf;fTk; Jupj eltbf;iffis Nkw;nfhs;sTk; kpf Kf;fpakhd ce;Jjiy If;fpa mnkupf;fh toq;Ffpd;wJ. fhyepiy khw;wq;fspdhy; Vw;gLk; mopitg; gw;wp kf;fs; mjpfkjpfkhff; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;tij ,J giwrhw;WfpwJ. kpf mz;ikapy; If;fpa mnkupf;fhTk; rPdhTk; gr;irtPl;L thAf;fis ntspNaw;Wtij 2020 f;Fs; kl;Lg;gLj;Jtjl;F cld;gl;ldu;. ,k;khw;wk;> ,yq;ifAl;gl cyf ehLfspy; rhjfkhd tpisTfis kpfj; Jupjkhf Vw;gLj;Jk;. ,yq;ifahdJ Ie;J %Nyhgha ikaq;fis mgptpUj;jp nra;tjD} lhf gpuhe;jpaj;jpd; Kf;fpa nghUshjhu Nfe;jpu];jskhfj; jpfo ehLfpd;wJ. ,jd; %yk; ,yq;if >Fiwe;j fhgd; kw;Wk; R+oYf;F rhjfkhd njhopy;El;gq;fis gad;gLj;Jtjw;F xj;Jiog;G toq;Fk; ru;tNjr r%fj;jpd; xU gFjpahf khwTs;sJ. mj;NjhL ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; Ngz;jifik rhu; nraw;ghLfSf;fhd> ru;tNjr uPjpahf Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;l juq;fs; kw;Wk; eilKiwfisAk; nraw;gLj;jTs;sJ. ,jidj; njhlu;e;J "gr;ir fhyu;" njhopy;fs; gw;wpa fUj;J tuTs;sJ.

gr;ir fhyu; njhopy;fs; (Green Collar Careers)

mYtyfj;jpy; NtiyGupgtu;fshd tof;fwpQu;fs;> tpw;gid Copau;fs; kw;Wk; tq;fpahsu;fs; Nghd;wtu;fisf; Fwpf;Fk; nts;isf; fhyu; njhopyhsu;fisg; gw;wp ehk; ed;F mwpNthk;. mJNghyNt njhopw;rhiyfspYk; fhl;bl jsq;fspYk; njhopy; Gupfpd;wtu;fshd ve;jpu tpidQu;fs;>

kpd;dpay; ty;Ydu;fs; kw;Wk; fl;Lkhd njhopyhsu;fisg; Nghd;wtu;fisf; Fwpf;Fk; ePyf; fhyu; njhopyhsu;fisg; gw;wpAk; ehk; mwpNthk;. ,t;tpU tifapdUk; jkJ jpwikfis jj;jk; JiwfSf;Nfw;g ,aw;iff;F rhjfkhd nraw;ghLfshf khw;Wk; NghJ mtu;fs; gr;irf; fhyu; njhopyhsu;fshf gupzkpf;fpd;wdu;. ,e;j gr;ir fhyu; njhopy; vOr;rpahdJ ,ju njhopy; Jiwfshd cw;gj;jp> Efu;T kw;Wk; rf;jpg; gad;ghL> nghUl;fs;> czT kw;Wk; ePu;> fopTg; nghUl;fs; kw;Wk; khRgLj;jy; Nghd;wtw;wpYk; jhf;fk; nrYj;Jfpd;wJ. If;fpa ehLfspd; R+oy; jpl;lj;Jf;F (UNEP) mika gRikj; njhopy;fs; gw;wpa vz;zf;fUthdJ R+oy; Ngz;jifikapy; vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLk; njhlu;r;rpahd tsu;r;rpapd; NghJ ,aw;ifr; R+oiyg; ghJfhj;jy;> G+kpapYs;s capu;fSf;F MjuT mspj;jy; kw;Wk; njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fis toq;Fjy; Nghd;w nraw;ghLfisr; rhu;e;J epw;fpd;wJ. ,k;khw;wj;jpd; %yk; ngUk; mghaq;fSk; tha;g;Gf;fSk; fhzg;gLtjhfTk; Nkyjpf njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs; cUthFnkdTk; mj;jpl;lk; Fwpg;gpLfpd;wJ. rpy njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs; khw;wPL nra;ag;gLk; vdTk; rpy njhopy;fs; ,y;yhky; NghFk; vdTk; jw;NghJs;s cj;jpNahfq;fs; khw;wj;Jf;Fs;shFk; vdTk; mj;jpl;lk; NkYk; Fwpg;gpl;Ls;sJ. R+oy; gpzf;Fj; jPu;T> fhgd; mDkjp> tu;j;jfk; kw;Wk; rl;l tuk;G rhu; tplaq;fis epu;tfpj;jy; Nghd;wtw;iw ifahy Gjpa njhopy; xOf;fq;fs; cUthfTs;sd. Ngz;jifik Ma;thsu;> rf;jp jpwd; Ma;thsu;> Gjpg;gpf;fj; jf;f vuprf;jp njhopy;El;g ty;Ydu;> fopT Kfhikj;Jt MNyhrfu;> vupnghUs; fy njhopy;Kaw;rpahsu; Nghd;w Gjpa njhopy; cj;jpNahfq;fis gRikj; njhopy;fs; Gul;rp cUthf;fTs;sJ. ,j;njhopy;fspd; nghJ ,yf;F R+oiy epiyahd Kiwapy; Kfhikj;Jtg;gLj;JtJk; mt;ntz;zf;fUf;fis cs;slf;FtJkhFk;. fhyepiy khw;wq;fisf; fl;Lg;gLj;j cyfstpy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; Kaw;rpfs;> Gjpa gRikj; njhopy;tha;g;Gf;fis cUthf;FnkdTk; R+oy; rhu; jahupg;Gf;fs; kw;Wk; Nritfspd; cw;gj;jp 2020 Mk; tUlj;jpy; ,U klq;fhFnkdTk; mjd; ngWkJ $2.74 jpupy;ypad; vdTk; mr;re;ijahdJ rf;jpg;ghtidapy; 50% jpwDld; nraw;gLk; vdTk;> UNEP apdhy; KjYjtp toq;fg;gLk; World Watch epWtdj;jpd; Ma;TKbTfs; $Ufpd;wd.

,yq;ifapy; gy nghUshjhuj; Jiwfs;> ,aw;ifr; R+oy; kw;Wk; tsq;fspy; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f <Lghl;il toq;Ftjdhy; ifj;njhopy; Jiw> kPd;gpbj; Jiw> tdj;Jiw> tptrhaj;Jiw> rf;jp> ePu;> Rw;Wyhj; Jiw> kw;Wk; fopT Kfhikj;Jtk; Nghd;w Jiwfspy; gRikj; njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs; cUthFk;. ru;tNjr njhopyhsu; mikg;G kw;Wk; ,yq;if Kjyhspkhu; rk;Nksdj;jpdhy; elj;jg;gl;l Ma;tpd; NghJ> Copau;fSf;F fz;zpakhd njhopiyAk; R+oy; Ngz;jifikiaAk; cWjp nra;Ak; gRikj; njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fis toq;Fk; VO ,yq;iff; fk;gdpfs; ,dq;fhzg;gl;ll;d. mf;fk;gdpfs;> gRik rhu; Kaw;rpfis nray;gLj;jd; mbg;gilapYk; mtu;fspd; nraw;gLfs; ve;jtstpw;F gRik rhu;e;jit vd;w kjpg;gPl;bd; mbg;gilapYk; njupTnra;ag;gl;ld. `l;ld; ne\dy; tq;fp> Nryhd; tq;fp> n`upld;]; fd;lyk> rpdkd; Nyhl;[; N`hl;ly;> CKT Milfs;> kh]; Mf;bt; jdpahu; fk;gdp> fydp gs;sj;jhf;F gapu;r;nra;ifapd; `y;nfhy;y v];Nll; vd;git mt;NtO fk;gdpfSkhFk;.

,it midj;Jk; cq;fSf;F vijf; $wtUfpd;wJ fhyepiy khw;wkhdJ epiyahfpd;wJ. ,jd; jhf;fj;ij Kfhikj;Jtg;gLj;j gapw;Wtpf;fg; gl;l> jpwikAs;s> jFjpAs;s> mDgtKs;s Copau;fs; Njitg;gLfpd;wdu;. etPd njhopl;El;gj;jpd; ,sikf; fhykhd ,f;fhyfl;lj;jpy; mDgtj;jpd; %yk; fz;Lgpbf;fg;gLk; Gjpa cz;ikfs;> Ma;Tfs;> tpgj;Jf;fs; kw;Wk; cyfyhtpa xj;Jiog;G Nghd;wit fhuzkhf Njitfs;> jPu;Tfs;> nghUshjuq;fs;> kdg;ghq;Ffs;> kw;Wk; nra;af; $baitfSk; nra;af; $ba KiwfSk; vjpu;fhyj;jpy; khwg;Nghfpd;wd. gRikj; njhopy;fs; my;yJ Ngz;jifikj; njhopy;fSf;fhd vjpu;fhyk; gpufhrkhdJ> cq;fSila jpwikfSlDk; ,yl;rpaq;fSlDk; nghUe;Jfpd;wd. nghUj;jkhd jpwikfSf;fhd Njit vjpu;fhyj;jpy; cau;thf ,Uf;Fnkd vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLtjdhy; gRikj; njhopy;fSf;F toq;fg;gLk; rk;gskhdJ ghuk;gupa njhopy;fis tpl mjpfkhf fhzg;gLk;. vjpu;fhyj;jpy; tutpUf;Fk; khw;wq;fis cs;thq;fTk; mtw;wpd; %yk; fpilf;Fk; eyq;fis ngwTk;> ,g;nghOjpypUe;Nj cq;fis ePq;fNs jahu;gLj;Jq;fs;. mjd; %yk; ntFkjpkpf;f ,yhgfukhd njhopy;tha;g;Gf;fs; cq;fis te;J NrUk;.




igyk k,Ska .=Kj¾Ok mßj¾;kh ( §md,a úfÊ;s,l úisks

yß; ixl,amh zzyß; ixl,amhZZ hkq l=ulao hk ldrKh iajNdúl iïm;a kdia;sh yd ¥IKfhka f;dr ;srir f,djla yd ne£ mj;sk w;s mq¿,a mrdihl ud;Dld f.dkakla hgf;a úuid ne,sh yelsh' widudkH f,i yß;d.dr jdhq ksmoùu fya;=fjka isÿjk foaY.=Ksl úm¾hdi f,dj jdhq f.da,h Èfkka Èk WKqiqïlrk nj fkdryils' f,dj uqyqKmd we;s ld,.=Ksl fjkiaùï iy O%ejdikak ysu ;Ügq Èhùu jeks .eg¿ yuqfõ fuu ;;a;ajh ukdj meyeÈ,sfõ' fuu m%jK;djh bÈß Y;j¾Ih mqrdjg ;j ÿrg;a j¾Okh jkq

we;ehs wfmaCId flf¾' fmdis, bkaOk oykh ksidfjka isÿjk ldnka fudfkdlaihsâ" óf;aka iy khsg%ia Tlaihsâ hk jdhq úfudapkh yß;d.drjdhq ksmoùfï m%Odk fya;=j jk w;r th m%Odk;u mdßißl yd fi!LH .eg¿ we;s lrk jdhq ¥Ilho fõ' foaY.=Ksl úm¾hdi .eg¿jg uyck;djf.a uy;ajQ úuiqug yeu úgu ,lajk tlai;a ckmoh m%Odk jYfhka fuu .eg¿jg blauka l%shdud¾. .ekSug fhduqù we;snj fmkShhs' b;d uE;l§ tlai;a ckmoh yd Ökh jir


2020 yd bka miqjg yß;d.dr jdhq iSñ; lsÍug yd úfudapkh md,kh lsÍug tlÕ;djh m,lr we;' fuu tlÕ;djh Y%S ,xldj we;=¿ f,dj mqrd rgj, fuu wruqK idCId;a lr .eksfuys,d jk jvd;a Okd;aul l%shdldrlï foig fhduq lrkakdjQ wdl,amuh fjkila jYfhka olajd,sh yelsh'

lñilrZZ /lshd j, ke.Sfuka ±kg mj;sk ish¿ l¾udka; lafIa;% j,g n,mEula we;sù ;sfí' fuu ;;a;ajh' ksIamdok" n,Yla;s Ndú;h iy jHmyrKh ^neyer lsÍu&" wuq øjH" wdydr yd c,h fukau wmøjH W;amdokh iy mßir ¥IKh hk lafIa;% ;=, olakg ,efí'

m%Odk Wml%ñl u¾uia:dk (Strategic hubs) mfya ÈhqKqj u.ska jeo.;a wd¾Ól uOHia:dkhla njg m;aùfï wruqK fmr±ßj" wvq ldnka úfudapkh yd mßir ys;ldó ;dCIKfhka hq;=j ixrCIK yd ;srir l%shdldrlï i|yd jk f.da,Sh m%jdyfha fldgila njg Y%S ,xldj m;ajkq we;'

tlai;a cd;skaf.a mßir jevigyk (UNEP) ks¾jpkh lrk wdldrhg yß; /lshd W;amdokh hkq iajNdúl mßirh iq/lSu" f,dj Ôjfha meje;aug WmldÍ ùu iy mdßißl ;sridr;ajfha wfmaCIs; YS>% j¾Okh w;r;=r .e,fmk /lshd wjia:d ,nd §uhs' Tjqka i|yka lrkafka fï ;=,ska we;eï /lshd fjkqjg fjk;a /lshd wjia:d biau;= úu" we;eï /lshd bj;a ùu" ±kg mj;sk fndfyda jD;a;Skaf.a fjkia ùï isÿùu iy wu;r /lshd wjia:d W;amdokh jeks wjia:d mek k.sk njhs'

yß; lñilr (Green Collar) /lshd Yafõ; lñilr (White Collar) fiajdkshqla;slhka - kS;S{hska" úl=Kqï ks<OdÍka" nexl= ks<OdÍka wd§ ld¾hd, ks<OdÍka iy kS, lñilr (Blue Collar) fiajdkshqla;slhka - hdka;%slhska" úÿ,s ld¾ñl Ys,amSka" bÈlsÍï fiajlhska wd§ l¾udka;Yd,d" bÈlsÍï wd§ m%d:ñl uÜgfï l¾udka; j, ld¾h uKav,h ms<sn|j wm oksuq' yß; lñilr (Green Collar) fiajdkshqla;slhska jkafka iajlSh yelshdjka mßir ys;ldó ;srir l%shdldrlï olajd iajYsCIKh ;=,ska j¾Okh lr .kakd by; Yafõ; lñilr (White Collar) yd ks, lñilr (Blue Collar) fiajd kshqla;slhkah' fuu zzyß;

mdßißl wr., úi¢u" ldnka iy;sl (credits) iy wdjrK yd fj<| (cap & trade) lreKq mßmd,kh hk f;aud ine¢ kj YsCIKhla fu;=,ska u;=jkq we;' ;sridr;aj úYaf,aIl" n,Yla;s ld¾hCIu;d úYaf,aIl" n,Yla;s kjHlrK (renewable) ld¾ñl Ys,amS" .rdÊ WmfoaYl" bkaOkfldaI jHjidhl jeks ñkafmr wid ke;s kj yß; /lshd wjia:d me;sÍ hkq we;' mßirh ;sridr uÜgul mj;ajdf.k hñka l<uKdlrKh lsÍu fuu /lshd j, fmdÿ wruqKq njg m;ajkq we;' jevigyk u.ska wruqo,a imhk World Watch wdh;kh úiska isÿlrk ,o m¾fhaIKhlg wkqj foaY.=ksl úm¾hdi md,kh lsÍfï f.da,Sh m%h;akhkays§ ñ,shk .Kkla /lshd wjia:djka W;amdokh fõ' tfukau tkhska jk mdßißl ksIamdok iy fiajd j, fj<| fmd<ska w¾Ohla ld¾hCIu n,Yla;s Ndú; lrk w;r jir 2020 jk úg we' fvd' ñ,shk 2'74 lg;a jeä jkfia fo.=K jk nj m%ldY lr we;'


Y%s ,xldfõ iajNdúl mßirh yd iïm;a iu.

ie,lsh hq;= in|;djhka we;s wd¾Ól wxY" l¾udka; wxY" ëjr l¾udka;h" jk iïm;a" lDIs ld¾udka;h" n,Yla;s" c,h" ixpdrl l¾udka;h iy li, l<uKdlrk wxYj, yß; /lshd W;amdokh jkq we;' wka;¾ cd;sl lïlre ixúOdkh (ILO) yd Y%s ,xld fiajdfhdacl ix.ufha (EFC) fiajd kshqla;slhka i|yd ;sridr;ajh yd ukd ld¾hhka i|yd iy;sl jk yß; /lshd imhk iud.ï 7la kïlr we;' tfia y÷kdf.k we;s iud.ï jkqfha yegka keIk,a nexl=j" fi,dka nexl=j" fyßgkaia lKav,u" iskuka f,dâÊ fydag,h" CKT wemr,aia" MAS welaáõ ^fm!oa& iud.u iy y,af.d,a, tiafÜÜ Tma le,Ks je,s ma,dkafÜIkaia hk tajdhs'

fïjdfha Tng wod,;ajh l=ulao @ f,dj foaY.=Ksl úm¾hdi È.ska È.gu isÿfjñka mj;S' tajdfha n,mEu yiqrejd .ekSu i|yd mqyqKq" yelshdj we;s" iqÿiqlï,;aa" m<mqreÿ ld¾h uKav,hla wjYHfõ' fuu yß; ;dCIKfha uq,a wjêfha§" m<mqreoao ;=,ska kj lreKq fidhd .ekSu" m¾fhaIK" w;ajer§u iy f.da,Sh iyfhda.h hk lreKq wjYH;d" úiÿï" wrmsßueiau" wdl,am" l< yelafla l=ulao hk isudj yd ta foh l< yelafla flfiao hk lreKq fjkia fõ' ;sridr;ajfha /lshd fyda mdßißl /lshd f,io ye¢kaúh yels yß; /lshd j, wkd.;h tajd Tnf.a yelshdjka yd wNs,dIhka yd .e,fmk úg jvd §ma;su;afõ' tajd i|yd fjk;a iudk idïm%odhsl /lshd j,g jvd fyd| fõ;k wfmaCId l< yelsjkfia fuu /lshd i|yd ksjerÈ yelshdj we;s whg úYd, b,a¨ula mj;S' fuu lafIa;%fha fodrläka ta ;=,g mshux lrk Tnyg tys m%.ukh iu. ixj¾Okfha jdis w;am;alr .ekSug yelshdj ,efnk w;r ta yryd bÈßfha§ jk fjkialï j,skao jdis ,eìug iqÿiq uÜgulg Tn r|jd ;nhs' taneúka Tng w.kd m%;sM,odhl" ,dN Wmojk" ld,Sk /lshd wjia:d u;= lr .ekSfï yelshdj ,efnkq we;'




GJ tz;zk; N\HyPd; b rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk; kNf\pf;fh g;Nukr;re;jpu MfpNahH vOjpaJ jkpo; nkhopahf;fk; : mg;rhh; erhh;

nghpa khw;wq;fis mspf;Fk; rpwpa Kidg;Gfs; ];jpuj;jd;ik kpFe;j my;yJ gRik tHj;jfk; Rw;Wr;#oYf;F kpff;Fiwe;jsT vjpHkiwj; jhf;fj;jpid Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wJ. gRik tHj;jfk; vd;gJ r%fk;> Rw;Wr;#oy; kw;Wk; epjp Mfpait xUq;fpize;j ];jpuj;jd;ik kpFe;j epiyahFk;. gRik eltbf;iffs; kw;Wk; gRikr; rhd;wpjo;fis ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; tifapy; gy rl;lG+Ht tpjpfs; cs;sd.

Gifg;glk; : mQ;rd rrpe;j


gRik tHj;jfk; kw;Wk; gRik my;yhj tHj;jfk; Mfpatw;Wf;fpilapyhd tpj;jpahrkhdJ> tHj;jfk; xd;W #oy; kw;Wk; r%f hPjpapy; rpwg;ghf nraw;gl;lhYk; $l> mjw;fikthf toq;fg;glNtz;Lk; vd;w fl;lhak; ,y;iy. Rw;Wyhj;JiwAld; rk;ge;jg;gl;l tHj;jfk; xd;W gRik eilKiwfis gpd;gw;w tpUk;gpdhy;> gRik Nghf;Ftuj;J KiwikfisAk; mJ filg;gpbf;f Ntz;Lk;. midj;J rpwe;j eilKiwfSk; gphpf;f Kbahj tifapy; xd;Wld; xd;W gpize;Js;sd

g;hpad; ngNuuh cld;


gRik eilKiwfisf; nfhz;L fl;likf;fg;gl;l Rw;Wr;#oy; rhH cy;yhrg;gazj;Jiw jw;fhyj;jpy; mjpfsT ngUfptUfpd;wJ. gRik cy;yhrg;gazj;Jiw my;yJ Ngz;jifikkpF Rw;Wyhj;JiwahdJ re;ijapy; Kf;fpa ,lj;ij ngw;Ws;sJ rHtNjrg; Nghf;Ffs; gRik Rw;Wyhj;Jiwf;fhd rhd;wpjiog; ngWjy; njhlHgpy; f;hPd; f;Nshg; rhd;wpjo; kw;Wk; VHj; nrf; (Green Globe Certificate and Earth Check) Mfpait cs;sd. ,e;j epajpfis gpd;gw;Wk; N`hl;ly;fs;> Rw;Wyh xOq;fikg;ghsHfs; cs;spl;l tHj;jf epWtdq;fs; cs;sd. gRik eilKiwfisf; nfhz;L fl;likf;fg;gl;l Rw;Wr;#oy; rhH cy;yhrg;gazj;Jiw jw;fhyj;jpy; mjpfsT ngUfptUfpd;wJ. gRik cy;yhrg;gazj;Jiw my;yJ Ngz;jifikkpF Rw;Wyhj;JiwahdJ re;ijapy; Kf;fpa ,lj;ij ngw;Ws;sJ. rHtNjr hPjpapy; gRikg;Nghf;Ff;F kpFe;j tuNtw;Gs;sJ. cy;yhrg;gazj;JiwahdJ thbf;ifahsHfis ikakhff; nfhz;ljhFk;. ,jpy; gRikg;Nghf;fpid xd;wpizg;gJ> mjpf thbf;ifahsHfis <Hf;Fk; vd;why; mJ kpifahfhJ. gRik eltbf;iffis iff;nfhs;Sk; N`hl;ly;fspy; jq;Fk;tifapy; mjpf gzk; nrYj;Jtjw;Fk; thbf;ifahsHfs; jahuhf cs;sdH. ,jd;fhuzkhfNt Rw;Wyhj; njhopw;Jiwapy; gRik tHj;jf Nghf;F mjpfhpj;J fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. Rw;Wr;#oYf;F cfe;j jq;Fk; tpLjpfs;> cy;yhrg;gazj; njhopw;Jiwapy; mjPj gpugy;ak; ngw;Ws;sd. rpwpanjhU Fbiria my;yJ ‘,aw;if gpuhe;jpak;’ xd;wpid Rw;Wyhg;gazpfs; ,aw;ifia urpj;J kfpOk; tz;zk; tpw;Fk; eilKiw jw;NghJ ngUfpAs;sJ

gRik ,yq;if nghOJNghf;F njhopw;JiwAld; rk;ge;jg;gl;l fl;ll fUj;JUthf;fq;fs;

gy Ngz;jifikia Kd;dpWj;jp gRik fl;ll fl;likg;ig iff;nfhs;fpd;wd. nghl;Bf; N`hl;ly;fs;> ,y;yq;fspy; jq;Fkpl trjp toq;FgtHfspd; kj;jpapYk; gRikg;Nghf;fpid iff;nfhs;jy; mjpfhpj;Js;sJ. fe;jsk N`hl;ly; yPl; rhd;wpjo; (Leed Certification) eilKiwfisf; iff;nfhs;jy; Clhf> gRik eilKiwfs; kw;Wk; Ngz;jifik Mfptw;Wf;fhd Kd;Djhuzkhf jpfo;fpd;wJ. ,e;j N`hl;lyhdJ ePH kw;Wk; rf;jp nraw;jpwd; nfhz;lJ. Rw;Wr;#oYf;F cfe;j mjd; tbtikg;G> Rw;way;Gwj;Jld; Jy;ypakhd Kiwapy; nghUe;jpAs;sJ. N`hl;ly; Kfhikj;JtkhdJ ];jpuj;jd;ikf;fhf cs;SH r%fj;jpNyNa jq;fpAs;sJ. gy %ypiffs;> gapHfs; kuq;fs; Mfpatw;iw mJ tsHj;Jtu> r%fkhdJ mjw;Fj; Njitahd ,aw;if cuj;jpid tho;thjhu Nehf;fpy; toq;fptUfpd;wJ. N`hl;lypy; cUthf;fg;gLk; gjhHj;jq;fSf;F Njitahd nghUl;fs; Rw;way;Gwj;jpypUe;Nj ngwg;gLfpd;wJ. N`hl;lYf;F tUk; tpUe;jpdHfSf;F Ngz;jifikia Kd;ndLf;Fk; rpwe;j eltbf;iffs; Fwpj;J mwpT+l;lg;gLfpd;wJ

gRik Ntiytha;g;Gfs; jw;rkak; =[atHjdGu gy;fiyf;fofk; ehlshtpa hPjpapy; gRik rhH gzpfs; Fwpj;J fzf;nfLg;nghd;iw Nkw;nfhz;L tUfpd;wJ. ,aw;ifapayhsH> epfo;r;rpj;jpl;l KfhikahsH – Ngz;jifik nraw;jpl;lq;fs;> rpNu~;l tphpTiuahsH - Rw;Wr;#oy; rhH cy;yhrg;gpuahzjJiw> gRik Rw;Wr;#oypayhsHfs; kw;Wk; gRik

tzpfHfs; Nghd;w gRik rhH gzpfs; Njhw;wk; ngw Muk;gpj;Js;sd. Rw;Wr;#oy; rhH cy;yhrg;gpuahzjJiwiag; nghWj;jtiuapy; ,aw;if ciungaHg;ghsH gzpapd; Njit mjpfhpj;J tUfpd;wJ. ,jpy; MHtKs;s jdpegHfs; Young Zoologists Nghd;w ,aw;if rhH FOf;fSld; ,ize;J> ,e;j Gjpa Nghf;Ffs; Fwpj;j njhlHr;rpahd fye;Jiuahly; epfo;Tfspy; fye;J jkJ mwpthw;wiy tpUj;jp nra;ayhk;. mNef ngw;NwhH kw;Wk; khztHfs; gRik cy;yhrg;gazj;Jiwapy; mjpfhpj;J tUk; tha;g;Gfs; Fwpj;J mwpahky;> ghuk;ghpa njhopy;fspy; kl;LNk jkJ ftdj;ij nrYj;jp tUfpd;wdH. ,e;j njhopw;Jiw Fwpj;j tpopg;GzHtpid NkYk; Cl;l Ntz;Lk;. cjhuzkhf> MHtKs;s khztHfs; tdtpay; kw;Wk; Rw;Wr;#oy; mwptpay; Mfpa Jiwfspy; gl;lg;gbg;ig Nkw;nfhs;syhk;. td rhd;wpjo; fw;ifnewpapidAk; khztHfshy; Kd;ndLf;f KbAk;. J}a;ikahd cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; rpwg;ghd foptfw;wy; Mfpatw;wpd; kPjhd nraw;jpwd; Gydha;T jzpf;iffs; kw;Wk; nraw;jpwd; jzpf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;Sk; fzf;fha;thsHfs; Nghd;w gzpfSk; jw;NghJ cs;sd. jz;zPH Fwpj;j jzpf;ifAk; jw;NghJ tsHe;JtUk; GjpanjhU njhopw;JiwahFk; (NkYs;s Mf;fkhdJ = [atHj;jdGu gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; rpNu~;l tdtpay; kw;Wk; Rw;Wr;#oy; mwptpay; tphpTiuahsH fyhepjp. g;hpad; ngNuuh cld; Nkw;nfhz;l fye;Jiuahlypd; mbg;gilapy; mike;jJ. ,tH mnkhpf;fhtpd; Y}rpahd ];Nll; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; jkJ tdtpay; KidtH gl;lj;jpid ngw;Ws;shH)




ixpdrl l¾udka;fha kj m%jK;djh l=vd werUqulska úi,a fjkila igyk Yd¾,ska ä Ñflard iy ufyaIsld fm%aupkaø mßj¾;kh §md,a úfÊ;s,l úisks

PdhdrEm wkack iÑka;

;sridr fyda yß; jHdmdr ;=,ska mßirhg isÿjkqfha wju whym;a n,mEuls' yß; jHdmdr ;=,ska iudch" mßirh yd uqo,a ;sridr;ajh lrd fm<.iajkq ,efí' yß; jHdmdr ;=, l¾udka; lafIa;%fha úYsIaG jHdmdrhla olakg ,efí' fndfyda jHdmdr wo Èk ;ukau yß; kduh wdfrdamKh lr .ksñka ta ;=,ska ;rÕldÍ jdis w;alr .ekSug fm<fUkq ±lsh yelsh' hïlsis jHdmdrhla mdßißl yd iudchSh wxYj,ska wfkl=;a jHdmdr j,g jvd hym;a l%shdldÍ;ajhla fmkakqï lrkafkakï tajd yß; jHdmdr f,i kï lsÍu idrOdrKSlrKh l< yelsh'

wdpd¾h m%shdka fmf¾rd uy;d

ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=, yß; ixl,amh Ndú;h Èfkka Èk ckm%shjk nj fmkShhs' úfYaIfhka kjd;eka" wdydr yd m%jdyk wxYj, fuu m%jK;djh ±l.; yelsh' fuu lafIa;%fha ish¿ úYsIaG jHdmdr yß; ixl,amh yd fjka fkdjk fia ne£ mj;S"

yß; ixpdrl l¾udka;h yß; uQ,O¾u u; msysgñka yß; ixpdrl l¾udka;h fuu lafIa;%fha ia:dms; fjñka mj;S' uyd mßudK ixpdrl lafIa;%fha f.da,Sh m%jK;djh f,i yß; ixl,amhg msúiSu olakg yelsh' .Kqfokqlrejka w;r yß; ixpdrl ksIamdok flfrys uy;ajQ b,a¨ula we;sù ;sfí' uE;l§ lrk ,o ióCIK j,g wkqj ixpdrl l¾udka;h yß; ixl,amh foig keUqreùug wjYH mßÈ ixpdrl fydag,a yev .efiakï .kqfokqlrejka ta i|yd jeäñ,la f.ùug jqjo


leue;a;la olajk nj fmkSf.dia we;' uyd mßudK ixpdrl l¾udka;fha ;sridr ixj¾Ok ;;a;aj iy;sl ,nd .ekSu chm%sh;ajhg m;aù ;sfí' Green Globe iy Earth Check hk ;;a;aj iy;sl fuys,d jvd;a ckm%shj we;s nj olakg ,efí' fï w;=ßka Green Globe iy;slh hkq pdßld yd ixpdrl jHdmdr yd iemhSï odu yjq,alrejka ineÈ ;sridr Ndú;fha úêu;a we.hSula fõ' fuys§ úúO ;sridr;ajfha ks¾Kdhl 41la Tiafia Ndú;jk wkql+,;d o¾Yl 337la we.hSug ,laflf¾' fuu Green Globe ;;a;aj iy;sl jirlg fojrla kej; úuid n,d h;dj;a lrkq ,efí' hkq pdßld yd ixpdrl ixúOdk i|yd jk m%uqL;u iy;sl lrefõ' fuu Earth Check ;;a;aj iy;slh ,nd.ekSu i|yd pdßld yd ixpdrl iud.ï ;u ;ukaf.a mdßißl ine¢hdj iajdëk ú.Kk wxY fj; jd¾;d lsÍug;a ta i|yd wka;¾cd;slj ms<s.kakd l%ufõo wkq.ukh lsÍug;a lghq;= l< hq;=h'

Earth Check

yß; f.dvke.s,s i|yd jk yd mdßißl l<uKdlrKh i|yd jk ISO 14001 iy;slh o fï iïnkaOfhka jk ckm%sh ;;a;aj iy;slfõ' úfkdaodYajdo wxYhg wod, fndfyda merKs yd kj bÈlsÍï j,È o tajdfha ;sridr;ajh i|yd yß; f.dvke.s,s ixl,amh Wmfhda.S lr.kakd nj olakg ,efí' fuu kj m%jK;djh l=vd fydag,a yd mdßißl kjd;eka (Eco-lodges) j,g mjd tlaj we;' fndfyda m%uqL ixpdrl fydag,a odu ;sridr ixpdrl l¾udka;hg wjYH fuu mdßißl ;;a;aj iy;sl ,ndf.k ;sfnk nj fmkShhs' LEED iy;slh

mdßißl ixpdrl l¾udka;h (Eco-tourism) uyd mßudK ixpdrl l¾udka;fha mdßißl yd iudc ixialD;sl iDKd;aul n,mEï lr,shg meñKsu;a iu.u úl,am ixpdrl l%ufõo j, wjYH;djh ±äúKs' tys m%;sM,hla jYfhka miq.sh oYl fol ;=rdjg mdßißl ixpdrl l¾udka;h we;=,;aj iajNdjO¾uh yd ineÈ ixpdrl

fuu lafIa;%h ;=, mdßißl ;;a;aj iy;sl ,ndfok wdh;kj, wod, ú.Kkh yd ld¾h o¾Yk ú.Kkh isÿlrk mdßißl ú.Kljre iy ksIamdok iy wmf;ahdu wju lsÍfï ld¾hCIu l%ufõo i|yd ;dCIKsl WmfoaYkd;aul fiajd imhka ;sridr WmfoaYljre jeks fjk;a iqúfYaIS /lshd wjia:do olakg ,efí l¾udka;fha YS>% ÈhqKqjla f.da,Sh jYfhka olakg ,eìKs' Y%s ,xldj jeks ffcj úúO;ajfhka fmdfydi;a >¾u l,dmSh rgj,g fuu mßir ys;ldó ixpdrl l¾udka;fha mq¿,a iïnkaOhla yg .eKsks' mdrißl ixpdrl l¾udka;h hkq mßirh ixrCIKh lrkd;=r m%dfoaYSh ck Ôú;h ÈhqKq jk mßÈ b;d j.lSï iy.; f,i iajNdúl l,dm lrd jk ixpdrl m%fõYhhs' mdßißl ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;ju;a l=vd fj<|fmd<la ±rejo th YS>%fhka ckm%sh fjñka mj;S' hqfrdamSh ixpdrlhka w;r mdßißl kjd;eka (Eco-lodges) lrd fhduq ùfï Okd;aul m%jK;djhla olakg ,efí' j;auk mjd fuu mdßißl kjd;eka mj;ajdf.k hkakka tu ir, kjd;eka ke;skï zziajNdúl wjldY (Nature spaces)" ixpdrlhkayg mßirh w;aú¢u i|yd ,ndÈfuka fyd| wdodhula ,nk nj olakg ,efí'

yß; /lshd fï jkúg Y%s chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,fha jkdka;r yd mßir úoHd wOHhk wxYfha (Department

of Forestry and Environmental Science) ;sridr flakaøh (Center for Sustainability) yß; /lshd

wjia:d ms<sn| mq¿,a ióCIKhla lrñka isà' iajNdj úoHd{hska" mßir úoHd{hska" ;sridr;aj l<uKdlrejka iy iajNdj O¾u

ud¾f.damfoaYlhska" w¾:l:lhska jeks /lshd wjia:d ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=,ska mek k.sñka mj;S' mdßißl ixpdrl l¾udka;h .;aúg iajNdj O¾u w¾:l:l (Nature interpreter) hkq m%uqL /lshd wjia:djla jk w;r ta i|yd idudkHfhka iajNdúl úoHdj ms<sn| Wmdê uÜgfï ukd yeoEÍula yd mqyqKqjla wjYH fõ' fï jk úg fujeks /lshd wjia:d b,lal lr.;a jD;a;sh mqyqKq jevigyka fkdue;' fï iïnkaOfhka Wkkaÿjla olajk whg iajwOHhkh ;=,skq;a ;reK i;a;aj úoHd{hskaf.a ix.uh iy ;reK WoaNso úoHd{hskaf.a ix.uh jeks lKavdhï yryd;a ±kqu ,nd.ekSug yelsh' yß; ixpdrl jHdmdrh ;=< jefvñka mj;akd /lshd wjia:d ms<sn|j fndfyda foudmshka iy YsIHhska ;=, ±kqj;aNdjhla olakg fkd,efí' fuu fkd±kqj;aNdjh fya;=fjka Tjqka idïm%odhsl /lshd wjia:djkays ne¢isák nj fmkS hhs' tneúka fuu úfYaIs; /lshd wjia:d ms<sn| ±kqj;a lsßu isÿl< hq;=fõ' ksoiqka jYfhka fndfyda Wiia fm, YsIHhska ;=, mßir úoHd WmdêOdÍkayg fu;=,ska ,efnk kdkdúO /lshd wjia:d ms<sn| ±kqj;a Ndjhla fkdue;' fuu lafIa;%h ;=, mdßißl ;;a;aj iy;sl ,ndfok wdh;kj, wod, ú.Kkh yd ld¾h o¾Yk ú.Kkh isÿlrk mdßißl ú.Kljre iy ksIamdok iy wmf;ahdu wju lsÍfï ld¾hCIu l%ufõo i|yd ;dCIKsl WmfoaYkd;aul fiajd imhka ;sridr WmfoaYljre jeks fjk;a iqúfYaIS /lshd wjia:do olakg ,efí' ^fuu ,smsh Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,fha jkdka;r yd mßir úoHd wOHhk wxYfha fÊHIaG lÓldpd¾h wdpd¾h m%shdka fmf¾rd uy;d iu. isÿlrk ,o iïuqL idlÉcdjla weiqßka ilia lrk ,§" Tyq jkdka;r ms<sn| wdpd¾h Wmdêh weußld tlai;a ckmofha ¨ishdkd m%dka; úYaj úoHd,fhka ,ndf.k we;'&



By Sharlene De Chickera and Maheshika Premachandra

Sustainable or green business makes minimal negative impact on environment. A green business in essence has society, environment and finances aligned to being sustainable. There are generally accepted industry-specific best-practices available for green businesses. Many businesses nowadays are trying to gain a competitive advantage by claiming themselves as �green�. As long as a particular businesss is performing better than the industry avarage in terms of environmental and social aspects, its green claims may be justified. Green practices are increasingly becoming popular in tourism industry, and these are mainly related to accommodation, food and transport sectors. All the best practices are inextricably linked.

Pics by Anjana Sachintha


Dr. Priyan Perera


Green tourism Green tourism founded on green principles is gaining ground. The global trend in the mass tourism sector is to go green. The demand for green tourism products stems from customers. Recent reports indicate that customers are willing to pay more even, if a hotel is adopting green practices giving an impetus for the industry to go green. Adoption of sustainable tourism certification has become popular in mass tourism industry. Green Globe and Earth Check are the most preferred certification standards. Green Globe certification is a structured assessment of sustainability performances of travel and tourism businesses and supply chain partners. It assesses 337 compliance indicators applied through 41 different sustainability criteria. The Green Globe standards are reviewed and updated twice a year. Earth Check is also a leading certifier of travel and tourism organisations. Travel and tourism companies have to report their environmental footprints to independent auditors and adhere to internationally recognised standard of best practices to gain Earth Check certification. LEED certification for green buildings and ISO 14001 certification for environmental management are also popular. Many new and existing constructions in leisure sector have incorporated green building concepts to be sustainable. Even among

boutique hotels and eco-lodges, this new trend is emerging. Several leading hotel chains have obtained such environmental certifications pertaining to sustainable tourism.

Eco-tourism As negative environmental and socio-cultural impacts of mass tourism become apparent, the appeal of alternative forms of tourism increases. As a result, significant growth in nature-related tourism including eco-tourismn is observed in the global tourism market during the past two decades. Ecotourism has wide implications for biodiversity-rich tropical countries such as Sri Lanka. Eco-tourism is the responsible travel to natural areas that conserves environment and improves well-being of local people. Although eco-tourism is still a niche market, it is rapidly gaining momentum, and there’s a positive trend among Europian tourists to seek accommodation in “eco-lodges”. Even at present, eco-lodge operators make good income by selling such simple accommodation facilities or ‘nature spaces’ for tourists to appreciate nature.

Green careers Currently the Center for Sustainability of Department of Forestry and Environmental Science of University of Sri Jayawardenepura is conducting an island-wide survey on green jobs. Naturalist, Environmentalist, Sustainability manager and Nature guides/

interpreters are among the emerging green collar jobs in the tourism sector. In terms of eco-tourism, Nature interpreter is an emerging job that require proper training and education, often at graduate level in natural sciences. At the moment, no vocational training programmes exist, targeting these types of careers. Interested individuals can gain knowledge through self-study or nature groups such as the Young Zoologists Association and Young Biologists Association. Most parents and students are not aware of growing opportunities in green tourism sector. Due to this lack of awareness, they stick to traditional professions. More awareness on specific careers has to be created. For instance, most A/L students are unaware of diverse career opportunities available for those with a degree in Environment sciences. There are other jobs such as Environmental Auditors who perform surveillance audits and performance audits for various certification bodies and sustainability consultants who provide technical advice on creating efficient methods for cleaner production and reduction of waste. (The above article is based on an interview conducted with Dr. Priyan Perera, Senior Lecturer at Department of Forestry & Environmental Sciences at University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He received his PhD in Forestry from Louisiana State University in USA.)




,isQh;fSf;fhd GJ

jpwd;kjpgg; L P jkpo; nkhopahf;fk; : mg;rhh; erhh;

~hypd; b nrf;uh kw;Wk; jtp\h Nfhk]; ngNuuh MfpNahH njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; njhopy; El;g mjpfhu rig (VTA) Nkyhz; ,af;Fdh; Ryhq;fdp ngNuuh I re;jpj;jdH.

,d;iwa r%fj;jpy; Fwpg;ghf ,isQh;fs; kj;jpapy; njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; njhopy; El;g fy;tp KiwikahdJ ghupa tsh;r;rpia fz;Ls;sJ. ,d;W ,isQh;fSf;F mjpf tha;g;Gfs; fhzg;gLfpd;w NghjpYk; mth;fsplk; Fwpj;j njhopy; jifikfis fhz KbahJs;sJ. ngUk;ghyhd ,isQh;fs; kpFe;j mwpthw;wy; nfhz;lth;fNs vdpDk; Fwpg;gpl;l njhopw; Jiwapy; NghjpasT mDgtj;jpid mth;fsplj;jpy; fhz KbahJs;sJ.

,d;iwa Nghf;F mNef ngw;Nwhh;fs; jq;fs; Foe;ijfs; cahpa juj;jpy; fUjg;gLk; Jiwfshd kUj;Jtk; nghwpapay; rl;lk; Nghd;w JiwfspNsNa <Lgl Ntz;Lk; vd epidf;fpwhh;fs;. ,JNt ngw;Nwhh;fspd; kdg;ghq;F ,Nj tpijiaNa mth;fs; jq;fs; gps;isfs; kdjpYk; tpijf;fpwhh;fs;. mth;fs; mt;thW Fwpj;j fdTfSlNdNa tho;fpwhh;fs;. mf;fdit epidthf;f Kbahj NghJ Vkhw;wkiltJ kl;Lky;yhJ gphpnjhU tpUg;gj;ij njhpT nra;aTk; jhkjpf;fpwhh;fs;. ,J Nghd;w ngw;Nwhh;fspdJk; ,isQh;fspdJk; kNdhepiy khw;wkila Ntz;Lk; vd njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g mjpfhurig (VTA) Nkyhz; ,af;Fdh; Ryhq;fdp ngNuuh $wpdhh;. vdNt njhopy; KiwfSf;F mtw;wpd; nfsutj;ij nfhLf;f Ntz;baJ fl;lhakhFk;. ,d;iwa ,isQh;fs; njhopy;fSf;F etPd gjtpg; ngaiu tpUk;Gfpwhh;fs;. cjhuzkhf “Nk];j;jpup” vDk; gioa gjtpg; ngaUf;F gjpyhf cjtpg; nghwpapayhsh; my;yJ

vkJ ,isQu;fs; njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g Jiwfspy; tha;g;Gfis cr;r mstpy; gad;gLj;j jtwpaikf;F fhuzk; mtu;fs; njhopw;Jiwf;F Njitahd NghjpasT mDgtj;jpid ngwhik MFk; vd ngNuuh vz;Zfpwhh;

cjtp fl;Lkhd];jH vDk; ngaupy; ehl;lk; nfhs;fpwhh;fs;. ,t;thwhd gjtpj; jiyg;Gfs; trPfuj;ijAk; Fwpj;j njhopYf;F xU rpwe;j mq;fPfhuq;fj;ijAk; toq;Ffpd;wJ. vkJ ,isQu;fs; njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g Jiwfspy; tha;g;Gfis cr;r mstpy; gad;gLj;j jtwpaikf;F fhuzk; mtu;fs; njhopw;Jiwf;F Njitahd NghjpasT mDgtj;jpid ngwhik MFk; vd ngNuuh vz;Zfpwhh;. fh.ngh.j. rhjhuz juj;jpy; khzth;fSf;F njhopy; El;gj;ij mwpKfg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf Fiwe;jgl;rk; xU ghltpjhdkhtJ fhzg;gLtJ mth;fs; jFe;j mDgtj;ij ngWtjw;F xU mbf;fy;yhf mikfpwJ. mj;Jld; fh.ngh.j. cah; juj;jpy; Gjpjhf njhopy;El;gJiw xd;wpid mwpKfg;gLj;jpapUg;gJk; tuNtw;f;fj;jf;f xU tplakhFk; vd ngNuuh $wpdhH.

jFe;j kl;lj;jpyhd jpwikfs; fh.ngh.j. cau;juk; tiuf;Fk; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;l jur;rhd;wpjo; xd;iw toq;Fk; xU fy;tp mikg;G ,q;F fhzg;gLfpwJ. vdpDk; mjd; gpd;dH gy;fiyfof mDkjpia jtwtpLk; khztd; xUtd; jdJ MSik kw;Wk; jpwikfis tpUj;jp nra;J nfhs;s xOq;fhdnjhU Kiwik ,q;F fhz;gjw;fpy;iy. njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; caHfy;tp fw;iffis toq;Fk; mjpfsthd jdpahH fy;tp epiyaq;fs; fhzg;gl;lhYk; jFe;j juk; nfhz;l mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;l jur;rhd;wpjo; xd;iw toq;ff;$ba jFe;j eilKiwfs; mtHfsplk; ,y;iy.

xU njhopy; toq;FdH ,k;khztHfis Ntiyf;F mkHj;j tpUk;gpdhy; ,tHfs; ntt;NtW juk; nfhz;l rhd;wpjo;fNshL tUtjhy; ,k;khztHfspd; jpwd;fis xg;gpl;L kjpg;gpl KbahJs;sJ. gy;fiyfof me;j];j;ij ,oe;j ,isQHfs; Mo;e;j kd mOj;jj;jpw;F cs;shfpd;whHfs;. ,t;thwhd epiyikfis rkhspf;fNt murhq;fk; Njrpa njhopw; gapw;rpjifik (NVQ) vDk; mikg;ig cUthf;fp njhopw; fy;tp gapw;rp newpfSf;F xU juj;jpl;lj;ij toq;Ffpd;wJ. ,J Kd;Ndw;wk; mile;J tUk; xU top KiwahFk;. mj;Jld; Fwpj;j xU me;j];j;ij milaf; $ba ey;ynjhU khw;Wk; topAk; MFk;. xU Fwpg;gpl;l Njrpa njhopy;El;g epiyf;F Vw;g ve;j xU rhd;wpjioAk; vk;khy; toq;f KbAk;. vd ngNuuh NkYk; Fwpg;gpl;lhu;. Njrpa njhopy; El;g epiyfs; VO kl;lq;fspy; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. mjpy; Ie;jhtJ epiy bg;NshkhTf;F epfuhdJk; Mwhk; epiy cau; Njrpa bg;Nshkh (HND) epiyAk; MFk;. Vohk; epiyahdJ gy;fiyfof ,skhdpgl;lj;Jf;F rkdhFk;. nghUj;jkhd ghl tpjhdq;fSf;F Vw;gl;lr; rhd;wpjo; xd;iw ngw;Wf; nfhs;s %d;W tUlq;fs; my;yJ ghltpjhdq;fSf;F Vw;g mjid tpl rw;W mjpffhyk; Njitg;gLk;. NVQ rhd;wpjohdJ Njrpa kw;Wk; ru;tNj ruPj;pay; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;Ls;s njhd;whFk;. ,yq;ifapy; NVQ mikg;gpd; Ie;jhtJ epiyahdJ gpwehl;L gy;fiyfofj;jpy; Kjyhk; Mz;L epiwTf;F epfuhdjhFk;. vdNt ,jid epiwT nra;j

25 Gifg;glk; : mQ;rd rrpe;j


khztd; xUtd; ntspehl;L gy;fiyfofq;fspy; Neubahf ,uz;lhk; tUl fw;ifia Muk;gpf;fKbAk;. njhopw; gapw;rp kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g mjpfhu rigapd; (VTA) gq;fspg;gpid tpgupf;Fifapy;> ehL g+uhfTk; mike;Js;s 252 gapw;rp ikaq;fspD}L 18 tHj;jfg; gphpTfis 84 ghl myFfs; Clhf eilKiw gLj;Jfpd;wJ. jw;fhy njhopy; tha;g;GfSf;F Njitahd jifikfis nfhz;l jpwikahd ,isQHfis cUthf;Ftjw;fhf re;ijf;Nfw;w tpjj;jpyhd ghlnewpfs; VTA ,dhy; toq;fg;gLfpJ. vkJ gpujhd ,yf;fhd fpuhkg;Gw ,isQHfs;> fpuhkpa gapw;rp ikaq;fspD}lhf Kf;fpa ftdk; nrYj;jg;gLfpd;wdH. mj;Jld; mtHfSf;F tho;f;if topfhl;ly; Kfhk;fSk; ghlrhiyfspy; elhj;jg;gl;L tUfpd;wJ. juk; 8 I g+Hj;jp nra;J nfhs;s Kbahj khztHfs; $l VTA ,y; ,ize;J jq;fs; fy;tpia fh.ngh.j. rhjhuz juk; my;yJ fh.ngh.j. cau; juk; tiu njhluyhk;. fh.ngh.j. rhjhuz juj;jpy; rpj;jp va;jpa khztHfs; Neubahf njhopy;El;g fw;if newpapd; %d;whk; epiyapNyh my;yJ moFf; fyhr;rhu fw;if newpapNyh mDkjp ngwyhk;. fzpa msitapay; fw;if newpia njupT nra;Ak; xU khztd; fh.ngh.j. cau; juj;jpy; rpj;jp ngw;wpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. NkYk; fl;bl fl;Lkhdk; my;yJ iftpid njhlHghd ,jufw;if newpfspYk; mtHfs; jq;fis ,izj;Jf; nfhs;s KbAk;.



New bench

for yo

Sharlene De Chickera and Thavisha Gomez Perera met Chulanganie Perera, Director General of Vocational Training Authority (VTA) which guides the youth through many courses.

It is necessary to give dignity to these professions. The modern youth prefer new titles to old fashioned titles




The concept of vocational and technical education emerged recently in the society, specially among youth, due to the fact that though there are a lot of opportunities for youth in different trades they are not professionally qualified. Most youth are not skillful and though they may have knowledge, they lack adequate hands-on experience in a given industry.

Current trends “Most parents want their children to be in careers deemed as higher ranked, such as medicine, engineering and law. That is the mentality of parents and they transfer this to children as well. They live with certain dreams

but when those dreams do not materialse they not only get disappointed but also are too late to consider alternate options. This mind-set of parents and youth needs to change,” said Chulanganie Perera, Director General of Vocational Training Authority (VTA).

It is necessary to give dignity to these professions. The modern youth prefer new titles to old fashioned titles such as Baasunahey. Thus some of these titles are being changed to Construction Assistant, Care Giver etc. These titles are attractive and create dignity for a given vocation. Perera opines that one reason for our youth failing to take up opportunities in vocational and technical sector is that they are not

Proper levels of skills Up to A/Ls there is a formal education system, which provides a recognised standard certificate. But thereafter, if a student is unable to enter the university system, they do not have a standardised process to gain skills. Though there are a lot of tertiary and vocational educational institutes in the private and

government sectors, most don’t have specific standards to offer recognised and acceptable certificates. “If a prospective employer wants to employ these students, they can’t assess the skills of these students as they come with various certificates. Youth get depressed when they can’t enter a university. To overcome this, the government created the NVQ system. That provides a standard for vocational training courses. It is a systematic way that has progression, an alternative path that even leads up to a degree. We can map any certificate to a given NVQ level,” stated Perera. There are seven NVQ levels. The 5th level is equivalent to a diploma and the 6th is the higher national diploma level. The 7th is equivalent to a university degree. Based on relevant subjects, it can take either three years or more to get a degree certificate. The NVQ certificate is accepted in Sri Lanka and overseas too. Level 5, in the NVQ

Pics by Anjana Sachintha


industry-ready with proper handson experience. She believes that introduction of Technology stream at A/Ls is a positive move, though even at O/Ls there is at least one subject that introduces technology to students, enabling them to get hands-on experience.

Chulanganie Perera

system in Sri Lanka is equal to the university year one in other countries. If a student completes this requisite level, one can go directly to foreign universities and get exceptions. Describing the role of VTA, Perera said that “through a network of 252 centres located island wide, the VTA focuses on 18 trades under which there are 84 subject areas. VTA adjusts its curriculum according to industry needs. Demand-oriented courses are being offered to produce skilled youth with matching requirements fit for employment. Among youth who seek foreign employment, areas related to the hotel sector, automobile trades, building construction, beauty culture and quantity surveying are popular and those qualified in these areas have gained many successes.” “VTA specially focuses on rural youth as they are our target, through our rural centers. We offer career guidance services at schools, too,” added Perera. The students have opportunity to join the VTA even if he or she has not completed grade 8 and up to OLs and ALs.



yß; yd ;sridr jHdmdr fCIa;

gRiktzpfk; Ngz;jifikr wxYh




iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoao

Njitg;gLk; jifikfs;/mDgtk;

m¾fhaIK iyldr cjtpMa;thsu;

mßirh$iajNdúl iïm;a l<uKdlrKhg wod, lafIa;%hl ms<s.;a Wmdêhla R+oy; / ,aw;if tsKfhikj;Jtk; rhu;e;jJiwfspy; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;wgl;lk;.

l:sldpd¾h$ ;sridr;aj yß; jHdmdr WmfoaYl gRiktzpfk;> Ngz;jifikrhu; Jiwfspy; tpupTiuahsu; / Nghjidahsu;;

by; Wmdêh" mx;s idud¾:hla fyda mYapd;a Wmdê iqÿiqlï iys;j fyda wod, lafIa;%fha m<mqreoao fyda jHdmdr mßmd,kh$ l<uKdlrKh ms<sno ms<s.;a Wmdêhla iu. jD;a;shuh mßir wOHdmkhla ,nd ;sîu' NkNyFwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sjifikfSld; Kjy; tFg;Ggl;lk; my;yJgl;lgpd; jFjpmy;yJJiwrhu; mDgtk; my;yJ; tzpfepu;thfk; / Kfhikj;Jtk; rhu;e;jgl;lj;Jld; njhopy;Kiwrhu; Rw;Wr; R+oy; jFjp

mßir úoHd{ Rw;Wr; R+oy; Ma;thsu;

mßirh$ iajNdúl iïm;a l<uKdlrKhg wod, lafIa;%hl ms<s.;a Wmdêhla" wod, mYapd;a Wmdê iqÿiqlï iy m<mqreoao úfYaI iqÿiqluls' R+oy;; / ,aw;iftsKfhikj;Jtk; rhu;e;jJiwfspy; Mq;fPfhuk; ngw;wxUgl;lk;> Kf;fpakhfgl;lg; gpd; jFjpmy;yJmDgtk;

mdßißl ú.Kl$ iy;sllre Rw;Wr; R+oy; jzpf;ifahsu; / rhd;wspg;ghsu;

mßirh $ iajNdúl iïm;a l<uKdlrKhg wod, lafIa;%hl ms<s.;a Wmdêhla" wod, m<mqreoao iy wod, jD;a;shuh$ iy;sl ,ndfok wdh;khl ms<s.ekSu R+oy; / ,aw;ifts Kfhikj;Jtk; rhu; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;w gl;lj;Jld; mDgtk;> kw;Wk; njhopy;Jiwrhu;/rhd;wpjo; toq;Fk; mikg;Gf;fspd; mq;fPfhuk;

mdßißl ;sridr;aj úOdhl ks,OdÍ $ ;sridr;aj ks,OdÍ Rw;Wr; R+oy; Ngz;jifikepu;thfp / Ngz;jifikmjpfhup

mßirh$ iajNdúl iïm;a l<uKdlrKhg wod, lafIa;%hl ms<s.;a Wmdêhla iu. wod, m<mqreoao R+oy; / ,aw;iftsKfhikj;Jtk; rhu; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;wgl;lj;Jld; mDgtk

;sridr;aj l<uKdlre ntspehl;Lnjhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

by; Wmdêh iu. jir mylg fkdwvq m<mqreoao fyda wod, mYapd;a Wmdê iqÿiqlï NkNyFwpg;gplg;gl;ljifikfSld; 5 tUlq;fSf;FFiwahjmDgtk; my;yJJiwrhu; gl;lg; gpd; jifikfs;

yß; jHdmdr WmfoaYl gr;irtzpfMNyhrfu;

by; Wmdêh iu. jir mylg fkdwvq m<mqreoao ¦ jHdmdr mßmd,kh$ l<uKdlrKh ms<sn| ms<s.;a iqÿiqlï fyda wod, jD;a;Shuh$ iy;sl ,ndfok wdh;khl ms<s.ekSu úfYaI iqÿiqluls' NkNyFwpg;gplg;gl;ljifikfSld; 5 tUlq;fSf;FFiwahjmDgtk; my;yJJiwrhu; gl;lg; gpd; jifikfs;tzpfepu;thfk;/Kfhikj;Jtk; rhu; Jiwfspy; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;wjFjp>njhopy;Jiwrhu; my;yJ rhd;wpjo; toq;Fk; mikg;Gf;fspd; mq;fPfhuk; rhjfkhf mikAk;.

yß; ixpdrl l¾udka;h

iajNdj úoHd{$ mdßißl ixpdrl l¾udka; w¾:l:l ,aw;ifahsu; / R+oy; Rw;Wohngau;g;ghsu;

mßirh$ iajNdúl iïm;a l<uKdlrKhg wod, lafIa;%hl ms<s.;a Wmdêhla fyda ¦ i;a;aj j¾.hd" Ydl ixy;sh" ffcj úúO;ajh wdÈh ms<sno m<mqreoao yd oekqu R+oy; my;yJ ,aw;iftsKfhikj;Jtk; rhu;e;jgl;lk; my;yJmDgtj;Jld; jhtuq;fs;> tpyq;Ffs; kw;Wk; R+oy; gy;tifikgw;wpamwpT

gr;irRw;Wyhj; Jiw

;sridr;aj ixpdrl l¾udka; iy;sllre $ ú.Kl Ngz;jifik Rw;Wyh rhd;wpjy;

mßirh$ iajNdúl iïm;a l<uKdlrKhg wod, lafIa;%hl ms<s.;a Wmdêhla iu. wod, m<mqreoao iy wod, jD;a;Shuh$ iy;sl ,ndfok wdh;khl ms<s.ekSu R+oy; / ,aw;iftsKfhikj;Jtk; rhu; mq;fPfhuk; ngw;wgl;lj;Jld; mDgtk;> kw;Wk; njhopy;Jiwrhu; / rhd;wpjo; toq;Fk; mikg;Gf;fspd; mq;fPfhuk;

Ydia;%sh fy;tp

yß; jHdmdr gr;irtzpfk;

toq;Fdu; / fzf;fha;thsu;

igyk -

) tlu ;k;=re ioyd jqjo" tajdfha uQ,sl$ wdrïNl j by; igyk ilia lsÍfuys,d wdpd¾h m%shdka fmf¾r lruq'

Fwpg;G: ) mikg;Gf;fs;>jFjpfSf;FVw;gTk; Kf;fpakhfnjhopy; ga f;fJizGupe;jlhf;lu;. gpupahd; ngNuuh jpU. utp`d;rre;jpujpyfkw;Wk; jpU. jpup\hd; ngNuuhMfpNah


;%fha /lshd wjia:d lsysmhla

rhh; Jiwfspy; Ntiytha;g;G udisl jegqm

Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:d

rk;gsk; (,yq;if &ghtpy;)

gjtpAau;T tha;g;Gf;fs; kw;Wk; njhopy; Nju;Tfs;

re' 35"000$) isg by<g &. 35000$) f;FNky;

mßir úoHd{$ m¾fhaIK yjq,alre$ lÓldpd¾h$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Rw;WR+oy; Mu;tyu; / Muha;r;rprf; / tpupTiuahsu; / ntspehl;L tha;g;Gf;fs;

re' 50"000$) isg by<g &. 50000$) f;FNky;

mßir úoHd{$ m¾fhaIK yjq,alre$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d rpNu\;l tpupTiuahsu;; / Muha;r;rprf / ntspehl;L njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

re' 50"000$) isg by<g &. 50000$) f;FNky;

fcHIaG WmfoaYl$ ;sridr;aj l<uKdlre$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d rpNu\;l tpupTiuahsu; / Ngz;jifikNkyhsu; / ntspehl;Lnjhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

re' 50"000$) isg by<g fyda ¦ ld¾hh mokï lr .;a .dia;=jla &. 50000$) f;FNky ;my;yJ epu;za mbg;gilapy; rk;gsk;

mdßirl iy;sl$ l<uKdlrK moaO;sj, m%Odk ú.Kl $ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Rw;Wr; R+oy; rhd;wpjo; toq;fypy; jiyik fzf;fha;tyu; / Kfhikj;Jt mikg;GKiw / ntspehl;Lnjhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

re' 60"000$) isg by<g &. 60000$) f;FNky;

;sridr;aj l<uKdlre$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Ngz;jifik Kfhikahsu; / ntspehl;Lnjhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

re' 80"000$) isg by<g &. 80000$) f;FNky;

WmfoaYl$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d MNyhrfu; / ntspehl;Lnjhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

ld¾hhka fyda iqÿiqlï$ lS¾;skduh mokï lr.;a .dia;=jla epu;zak; kw;Wk; jFjp/ed;kjpg;G mbg;gilapy; rk;gsk;

re' 30"000$) isg by<g fyda ld¾hh mokï lr.;a .dia;=jla &. 30000$) f;FNky; my;yJ epu;za mbg;gilapy; rk;gsk;

;sridr;aj l<uKdlre$ mßir ixpdr fufyhjkakd$ mdßißl ixpdrl l¾udka; jHjidhl Ngz;jifikKfhikahsu; / R+oy; Rw;Wyh ,af;Fdu; / R+oy; Rw;Wohnjhopyjpgu;

re' 40"000$) isg by<g fyda ld¾hh mokï lr.;a .dia;=jla &. 40000$) f;FNky; my;yJ epu;za mbg;gilapy; rk;gsk;

;sridr;aj l<uKdlre$ mdßißl iy;sl$ l<uKdlrK moaO;sj, m%Odk ú.Kl$ úfoaY /lshd wjia:d Ngz;jifikKfhikahsu; / Rw;Wr; R+oy; rhd;wpjo; toq;fypy; jiyikfzf;fha;tyu; / Kfhikj;Jt mikg;GKiw / ntspehl;Lnjhopy; tha;g;Gf;fs;

jegqm" fiajH wdh;kh" iqÿiqlï iy úfYaIfhkau m%fhda.sl mqyqKqj iy m<mqreoao u; fjkiafõ' rd" rúkaø pkaø;s,l uy;d iy á%Idka fmf¾rd uy;d úiska olajk ,o iyfhda.h uy;a fia w.h

apw;rpkw;Wk; mDgtj;jpw;FmikaTk; njhlf;frk;gsj;jpd; msTNtWglyhk;. Nkw;gbml;ltiziajahup

hu; kpfTk; ghuhl;lg;gLfpwhu;fs;.




Greening by action

Pics by Anjana Sachintha

By Sharlene De Chickera and Maheshika Premachandra

Prof. Hiran Amarasekara, Professor in Forestry and Environment Science at University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Patron of Young Biologists' Association shares his views on sustainability and the role of youth.

Careers they would be harmful to crops. He was ridiculed by many so called experts, but eventually he started yielding good crops. He was able to produce more than one variety of grain. This is a good example how people can grow crops without any artificial pesticides or fertilizers. But for there to be mass scale production, everyone should be like-minded and this is a big constraint. There is opportunity for many youth to engage in sustainable agriculture, growing fruits and vegetables in their own home plots. Even though it may be in a small scale initially it can grow later.

Own initiatives

From cradle to grave man impacts the environment. Most people use resources in a selfish manner. However, since of recent past, especially after concepts of sustainable development were recognized, many stakeholders worldwide try to create a new world, by looking to minimize use of natural resources, avoid fossil fuels and focus on renewable energies. These renewable energy sources are the future. This seems the most efficient and necessary way to use our resources without harming the environment. These new sources of energy can also generate new jobs for youth. Measures such as use of solar panels for domestic and commercial use, sustainable construction processes, green building projects, implementation of efficient water and energy systems and sustainable agricultural methods are areas which can ideally involve youth. Most jobs in those areas are termed green jobs and can use talents, skills and ingenuity of youth. These green jobs must also be sustainable. Together with planning and implementing the youth have to ensure that ethics and also worker health and safety measures are strictly adhered to.

Mankind has a responsibility to lessen their carbon footprints. Small measures are necessary and effective. In many cases, we leave the light on in at office, when we can make use of the natural light In implementing such green activities, due consideration of three key factors of sustainability, i.e., environment, economics and social contexts is necessary. International organisations such as the ILO can partner these green indicatives to reduce negative impacts on environment and make carbon footprints in each area ideally neutral.

Sustainable agriculture One local example of sustainable agriculture is an undergraduate of Forestry and Environment course at University of Sri Jayewardenepura who cultivated indigenous varieties of rice without using agro chemicals as

Mankind has a responsibility to lessen their carbon footprints. Small measures are necessary and effective. In many cases, we leave the light on in at office, when we can make use of the natural light. Why waste resources? Youth of Sri Lanka can be green ambassadors wherever they are. Even in day to day life, youth can eat foods which are healthy, have clean habits and act with civic conscientiousness about environment. (Above article is based on an interview conducted with Prof. Hiran Amarasekara.)



nray;fs; %yk; nropg;g+l;ly;

Gifg;glk; : mQ;rd rrpe;j


Mf;fk; : \hyPd; b nrf;uh, kNf\pfh g;Nukre;jpu jkpo; nkhopahf;fk; : mg;rhh; erhh;

= [atHjdGu gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; tdk; kw;Wk; Rw;whly; tpQ;Qhdg; gpupT tpup ciuahsuhd Prof. `puhd; mkuNrfu mtHfs; NgzpaYif gw;wpAk; mjpy; ,isQHfspd; gq;fspg;G gw;wpAk; jdJ fUj;Jf;fis gfpHe;Jnfhz;lhH. fUtiw njhlf;fk; fy;yiw tiuf;Fk; kdpj nraw;ghLfs; midj;Jk; ,aw;ifia ghjpf;Fk; tz;zNk mikfpd;wd. mNefkhNdhH tsq;fis jq;fs; Raeyj; NjitfSf;fhfNt gad;gLj;Jfpd;wdH. vdpDk; jw;fhyj;jpy; Fwpg;ghf NgzpaYifia gw;wpa wpNah khehl;Lf;F gpd;dH, cyfshtpa uPjpapy; gyH fzpa vz;nza; vwpnghUs; rf;jpf;F gjpyhf Gjpg;gpf;fj;jf;f Mw;wy; nfhz;l rf;jpia ikag;gLj;jpa GJ cyif cUthf;Fk; Kaw;rpapy; <Lgl;Lf;nfhz;bUf;fpd;wdH. ,t;thwhd GJg;gpf;fj;jf;f Mw;wy; nfhz;l rf;jp %yq;fNs cyfpd; vjpHfhykhFk;. ,e;j topKiwNa #oiy ghjpf;fhj tifapy; tsq;fis gad;gLj;jf;$ba tpidj;jpwd; kpf;f topKiwahf fhzg;gLfpwJ. ,Nj Nghd;w Gjpa rf;jp %yq;fs; ,isQHfSf;F

GJ Ntiytha;g;Gf;fisAk; cUthf;fpf;nfhLf;fpd;wJ. tPl;L> tpahghu NjitfSf;fhd #upa fy mLf;Ffspd; gad;ghL> NgzpaYif kpf;f fl;Lkhd nray;Kiwfs;> gRikf; fl;bl nray;jpl;lq;fs;> tpidj;jpwd; kpf;f ePH;> rf;jp toq;fy; mikg;Gfis eilKiwj;jy; kw;Wk; NgzpaYif tptrha Kiwfs; Nghd;w Jiwfs; ,isQHfspd; <Lghl;il Cf;fg;gLj;jf;$bad. ,t;thwhd Jiwfspy; mike;Js;s njhopy;fNs gRikj;njhopy; gjtpfs; vDk; ngaiu ngw;Ws;sd. mj;NjhL ,isQHfspd; Mw;wy;> jpwik kw;Wk; Gj;jpf;$Hik vd;gtw;iw cr;r mstpy; gad;gLj;jf;$badTk; MFk;. ,d;iwa ,isQHfs; jpl;lkply;> eilKiwgLj;jy; vd;gdtw;Wld; khj;jpuk; epd;WtplhJ jFe;j ed;ndwpfs;> rupahd njhopyhsH Rfhjhu jpl;lq;fs; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G eltbf;iffs; vd;gdTk; gpd;gw;wg;gLfpd;wd vd;gijAk; cWjpg;gLj;jpf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

,t;thwhd gRik eltbf;iffis eilKiwgLj;Jk; NghJ NgzpaYifapd; %d;W Kf;fpa gpupTfshd #oy; r%fk; kw;Wk; nghUshjhuk; vd;gdtw;iw fUj;jpy; nfhs;sNtz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. rHtNjr njhopyhsH mikg;G (ILO) Nghd;w rHtNjr epWtdq;fs; #oypy; vjpHkiwahd jhf;fj;ij Fiwf;ff;$ba ,t;thwhd gRikf; nray;jpl;lq;fspy; gq;Fjhuh;fshf ,ize;Jnfhs;fpd;wd.

NgzpaYif Ntshz;ik NgzpaYif Ntshz;ikf;F XH cjhuzkhf, xU rpWtd; gapHfSf;F jPq;F tpistpf;Fk; vd;gjw;fhf g+r;rpf;nfhy;ypfis gad;gLj;jhky; gy cs;ehl;L muprp tiffis rhFgb nra;jhd;. mtd; gy njhopy; ty;YdHfshYk; tpkHrpf;fg;gl;lhd;.


vdpDk; ,Wjpapy; mtd; gy ew;gapHfisNa ngw;Wf;nfhz;lhd;. mr;rpWtdhy; gy tifg;gl;l gapHfisAk; ,Nj Kiwapy; cw;gj;jp nra;a Kbe;jJ. ve;j tpj nraw;if ,urhad gjhHj;jq;fs; kw;Wk; g+r;rpf;nfhy;ypfisAk; gad;gLj;jhkNyNa rpwe;j gapHfis tsHf;f KbAk; vd;gjw;F ,J xU rpwe;j cjhuzkhFk;. vdpDk; ,Nj Kiwiaf;ifahz;L Ngustpy; cw;gj;jpia ngw Ntz;Lkhapd; midtUk; ,t;thwhd rpe;jidia nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. vdNt ,J xU ghupa rthyhfNt fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. gy ,isQHfs; NgzpaYif Ntshz;ikia jq;fs; tPl;Lj;Njhl;lj;jpy; goq;fs; fha;fwpfis gapupLtjd; %yk; <Lgl gy tha;g;Gf;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,J jw;fhyj;jpy; rpW mstpy; fhzg;gl;lhYk; ghupa tsHr;rpia ngWk; vd;gjpy; Iakpy;iy.

tPl;L> tpahghu NjitfSf;fhd #upa fy mLf;Ffspd; gad;ghL> NgzpaYif kpf;f fl;Lkhd nray;Kiwfs;> gRikf; fl;bl nray;jpl;lq;fs;> tpidj;jpwd; kpf;f ePH;> rf;jp toq;fy; mikg;Gfis eilKiwj;jy; Ra Kd;ndLg;Gf;fs; kw;Wk; NgzpaYif kdpjHfshdtHfs; fhgd; gad;ghl;il Fiwj;Jf;nfhs;s tptrha Kiwfs; Ntz;Lk; vd;W mtHfSf;F xU Nghd;w Jiwfs; jdp nghWg;G ,isQHfspd; <Lghl;il Cf;fg;gLj;jf;$bad

fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,jdbg;gilapy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; rpW rpW eltbf;iffs; NjitahdJk; gaDilaJk; MFk;. gy re;jHg;gq;fspy; fhupaq;fspy; ,aw;if xsp NghJkhdjhf ,Ue;j NghjpYk; ehk; nraw;if tpsf;FfisNa gad;gLj;Jfpd;Nwhk;. ,J Nghd;W Vd; ehk; tsq;fis tPzhf;f Ntz;Lk;? ,yq;ifiar; NrHe;j ,isQHfs; mtHfs; ,Uf;Fk; ,lj;jpypUe;J nfhz;NlNa gRikj; J}JtHfshf nray;gl KbAk;. mtHfs; ehshe;jk; MNuhf;fpa czTfis cz;z KbAk;> Rfhjhukhd gof;ftof;fq;fis filgpbf;f Ntz;Lk;, mj;Jld; #oy; gw;wpa flikAzHr;rpAlDk; nray;gl Ntz;Lk;. (,f;fl;LiuahdJ Prof. `puhd; mkuNrfu cld; eilngw;w NeHfhzypy; mtH njuptpj;j fUj;Jf;fis mbg;gilahff;nfhz;L tiuag;gl;Ls;sJ.)




Creating new vocations

Promoting sustainability By Sharlene De Chickera and Thavisha Gomez Perera

Vocational Training Authority (VTA) promotes sustainability through its various programmes. Our youth are destined to play a lead role in the country’s future. Youth are expected to be in the fore-front of positive change, having a good balance between their work and personal lives and be ethically minded to create a sustainable future.


Going green While students study in their respective courses, the Vocational Training Authority (VTA) makes them understand values of conservation and saving. For example, students who learn wood technology and wood carvings are specifically instructed not to waste any of their material. In welding courses, students are encouraged not to waste electricity. At its cookery classes, students are given ovens and electrical equipment that emit fewer pollutants and are encouraged not to add artificial flavours as a habit. In beauty culture, VTA promotes use of herbal cosmetics and more generally through all courses of study, the use of re-cycled paper. By such simple processes, the VTA intends to create conscientiousness among its youthful students to engage in sustainable livelihoods. The VTA also provides the youth with manuals on environmental hazards at motor mechanics courses. The students are trained to work in a sustainable manner, in terms of utilisation of power and water. This message is driven among students on a daily basis, requesting them to pass that message to their societies, too.

Greener careers The VTA currently conducts home gardening and landscaping courses providing more knowledge to its students on value of plants. Students are instructed to conserve the environment. It is panning to teach about hybrid cars as a compatible technology for sustainability. Whilst teaching about green methodologies, the VTA gets its students engaged in green activities as social groups. In the hotel sector, the positive changes in behaviour are environmentally friendly. The VTA is planning to introduce bio-gas, solar energy and rainwater harvesting systems in selected areas. In construction, it has introduced the green building concepts as being ideal.

The VTA also provides the youth with manuals on environmental hazards at motor mechanics courses. The students are trained to work in a sustainable manner, in terms of utilisation of power and water. This message is driven among students on a daily basis, requesting them to pass that message to their societies Opportunities Even by completing the NVQ level 4, youth are at a level considered as being qualified to start their own businesses. The VTA also assists entrepreneurs by encouraging those who have reached NVQ Level 5 to start up a business, and specially by promoting women in the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector to become entrepreneurs. From January 2015, it plans to start a pre-school teacher training programme for women in rural areas. It is observed that women though wanting to go for jobs, find it difficult to leave their toddlers. With this in mind the VTA intends to introduce a programme for pre-school teacher training, at a suitable NVQ level. (The above article and its ideas expressed herein are based on an interview conducted with Chulanganie Perera, Director General of Vocational Training Authority (VTA).




Gjpa njhopy; tha;g;Gf;fis Vw;gLj;jy;

Ngz;jifikia Cf;Ftpjj ; y rhu;yPd; b rpNfuh kw;Wk; jtP\ Nfhk]; ngNuuh jkpopy; wg;`hd; wpghd;

gy;NtWgl;l gapw;rp newpfis toq;FtjD} lhf ,yq;if njhopy; gapw;rp mjpfhurig (VTA) Ngz;jifikia Cf;Ftpf;fpwJ. ,d;iwa ,isQu;fNs vjpu;fhy ,yq;ifia topelj;jg; Nghfpd;wtu;fs;. mtu;fNs ey; khw;wq;fspd; NghJ Kd;dzpapy; gazpf;fg; Nghfpd;wtu;fs;. njhopy; tho;f;ifapYk; nrhe;j tho;f;ifapYk; ey;ynjhU rkepiyia Ngzp mwk; nra;Ak; kdJld; tskhd vjpu;fhyj;ij epiyepUj;jg; Nghfpd;wtu;fs;.

gRikia Nehf;fp..... khztu;fs; jkf;Fwpa gapw;rp newpfis njhlUifapy; > njhopy; gapw;rp mjpfhurigahdJ> mtu;fs; kj;jpapy; ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; Nrkpg;G rk;ge;jkhd tpopg;Gzu;it Vw;gLj;Jfpd;wJ. cjhuzkhf nraw;if kyu;fis jahupf;Fk; khztu;fSf;F nghUl;fis fr;rpjkhf gad;gLj;JkhW mwpTWj;jg;gLfpwJ. kpd;rhu gw;Wtpg;G gapw;rp newpfspy; kpd;rhuj;ij tPzhf;fhJ gad;gLj;jTk; rikay; tFg;Gfspy; R+oiy khrilar; nra;Ak; cgfuzq;fis gad;gLj;jhJ kpd; mLg;G Nghd;wtw;iwg; gad;gLj;jTk;>nraw;if RitA+l;bfis gad;gLj;jhJ ,Uf;fTk; Cf;Ftpf;fg; gLfpd;wJ. mj;Jld; myFf; fiyfspy; ,aw;if %yfq;fisg; gad;gLj;j VTA Cf;Ftpg;gNjhL> nghJthf vy;yh gapw;rp newpfspYk; kPs;Row;rp nra;ag;gl;l fljhrp gad;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ.


,JNghd;w kpf vspikahd nraw;ghLfspD}lhf VTA MdJ tskhd tho;thjhu Kiwfis cUthf;ff; $ba nraw;ghLfspy; flikAzhu;r;rpAld; nraw;glf; $ba ,isQu;fis cUthf;f ehLfpwJ. mj;NjhL Nkhl;lhu; ,af;ftpay; gapw;rpfspy; RoYf;F Vw;glf; $ba ghjpg;Gf;fis gw;wpahd gFjpfSk; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. mj;NjhL Ngz;jifik Nehf;fj;NjhL khztu;fSf;F gapw;rpfisfis toq;Fk; NghJ kpd;gad;ghL kw;Wk; ePu; rk;ge;jkhd tpopg;Gzu;it xt;nthU ehSk; toq;FfpwJ. mt;tpopg;Gzu;it mk;khztu;fs; thOk; gFjpfspy; cs;s kf;fSf;Fk; nfhz;L nry;YkhWk; Nfl;Lnfhs;sg;gLfpwJ.

gRikj; njhopy;fs; jw;NghJ VTA MdJ Njhl;lf;fiy kw;Wk; epyj;Njhw;wf; fiy rk;ge;jkhd fw;ifnewpfis Nkw;nfhs;tJld; mj;jifa fw;if newpfspd; %yk; khztu;fs; kj;jpapy; jhtq;fspd; ngUkjp gw;wpAk; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; gw;wpAk; mwpT+l;lg;gLfpd;wJ. mj;NjhL rpwe;j Ngz;jd;ikf;F gq;fspg;Gr; nra;af; $ba fyg;Gf; fhu;fs; (Hybrid Cars) gw;wpa mwpit toq;fTk; jpl;lq;fs; jPl;lg;gl;Ls;sd. mNj Neuk;> VTA> gRik rhu; nray;Kiwfis fw;gpg;gJld; epd;WtplhJ khztu;fis gRik rhu; nraw;ghLfspy; FOf;fshf ,ize;J <LglTk; tha;g;Gf;fis cUthf;fpAs;sJ.

kpd;rhu gw;Wtpg;G gapw;rp newpfspy; kpd;rhuj;ij tPzhf;fhJ gad;gLj;jTk; rikay; tFg;Gfspy; R+oiy khrilar; nra;Ak; cgfuzq;fis gad;gLj;jhJ kpd; mLg;G Nghd;wtw;iwg; gad;gLj;jTk;>nraw;if RitA+l;bfis gad;gLj;jhJ ,Uf;fTk; Cf;Ftpf;fg; gLfpd;wJ mj;NjhL N`hl;ly; Jiwapy; elj;ijapy; ey; khw;wf;fq;fis nfhz;L tUtjy;> R+oYf;F ed;ikia <l;bj; jUk;.

El;g njhopy; fy;tp kw;Wk; gapw;rpj; Jiwapy; ngz;Kaw;rpahsu;fis cUtf;Ftjw;Fk; cjtpfis ey;fpd;wJ.

,j;Jld; VTA MdJ capu; thA> R+upa rf;jp kw;Wk; kio ePu; gapu;r; nra;if Kiwfis kf;fs; kj;jpapy; mwpKfj;jTk; gy jpl;lq;fis tFj;Js;sJ. fl;blj; Jiwapy; gRikf; fl;blq;fs; gw;wpa vz;zf;fUitAk; mwpKfg;gLj;jpAs;sJ.

2015 [dtup khjj;jpypUe;J fpukg;Gw ngz;fSf;F Kd; gs;sp Mrpupa fw;if newpfisj; Jtq;f jpl;lq;fs; jPl;lg;gl;Ls;sd. ngz;fSf;F njhopy;fSf;F Nghf Ntz;ba ehl;lk; ,Ue;jhYk; Foe;ijfis tpl;Lr; nry;tjpy; f~;lq;fs; fhzg;gLtjdhy; mtu;fs; njhopy;fSf;F nry;tijj; jtpu;f;fpd;wdu;. ,jidf; fUj;jpy; nfhz;L VTA MdJ nghWj;jkhd NVQ juj;ijAila Kd;gs;sp Mrpupau; fw;if newpfisj; Jtq;f ehl;lk; nfhz;Ls;sJ.

tha;g;Gf;fs; NVQ

juk; 4 ,id rk;G+uzg;gLj;Jtjd; %yk; ,isQu;fs; jkf;Fupa Ra njhopiy Muk;gpf;ff; $ba jifikia ngWfpd;wdu;. mj;Jld; NVQ juk; 5 Kbj;jtu;fis njhopy;Kaw;rpahshu;fshf gbAau;j;j VTA cjtpfisAk; toq;FfpwJ. mj;Jld; njhopy;

(Nkw;gb fl;Liu kw;Wk; cs;slf;fq;fs;> njhopy; gapw;rp mjpfhu rigapd; jiyik ,af;Fdu;> R+yhq;fdP ngNuuh mtu;fSld; Nkw;nfhz;l Ngl;biaj; jOtpaitahFk;)



The Good Market A network for vendors and green careers By Sharlene De Chickera, Dr. Nandaka Molagoda and Navaka Navaratne


Pics by Anjana SachinthaPics by Anjana Sachintha


alking along the pavements in Colombo 07, we turned in to the charming ‘space’ that houses the Good Market office. At the boutique store housed in the same complex, rack upon rack is stacked with local organic produce, vegetables, jams, grain, cheese, dried fruit and a host of edibles that are produced, labeled, packeted and showcased to the conscious buyer who thinks of the holistic process of sustainability when buying these items.

Dr Amanda Kiessel


The Good Market operates on the ethos of “Good for the planet. Good for the country. Good for you”. The organization promotes concepts such as: ‘Buy local’, ‘Growth of the organic movement and ecology in Sri Lanka’ and ‘Zero waste’ Having completed two years in existence, the Good Market operates on the ethos of “Good for the planet. Good for the country. Good for you”. The organization promotes concepts such as: ‘Buy local’, ‘Growth of the organic movement and ecology in Sri Lanka’ and ‘Zero waste’. The Good Market started in December 2012 with a weekly Thursday event at Diyatha Uyana market in Battaramulla. There is now a Saturday market held at the Racecourse Promenade in Colombo and a shop open every day at Reid Avenue. The idea was to make a difference in the lives of discerning producers and consumers.

Sustainable concept The business model was developed with sustainability firmly in mind. Sri Lanka is now recognized as a middle income emerging market economy. Given the new status, a more sustainable volunteer driven self-financing business model was developed. In order to ensure that it operates as a social enterprise, the Good Market was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. Its motive is not-for-profit but intends to bring producers and consumers together under one roof, who shares similar values of sustainability and social responsibility. Any profits are re-invested by introducing better facilities and services for vendors who consider their small enclave here, convenient and a ‘homeaway-from-home’. “Initially we had only 32 vendors. Two years later, the concept has grown and we have 168 registered vendors,” Dr Amanda Kiessel, a co-founder and a volunteer of the Good Market stated. The Good Market remains self-funded, as its concept, appeal and popularity gains ground. “The Good Market is not just another ordinary fair or market. All of the vendors meet Good Market standards for their social, environmental or health benefits.

We encourage all our vendors to think of key aspects of sustainability, finding a niche market for products, developing branding and relating their story, which is key,” she added.

Creating a platform “The Good market in essence is a curated market. We have brought in crafts from local craftsmen, and want the vendors to be proud of their roots and heritage. Sri Lanka has a rich tradition of indigenous medicine and best practices in farming methods, so we encourage all those involved to connect with their past and be proud of it”, she emphasized. “We have also been instrumental in promoting people to start their own businesses. We help them network and brand their products through the association of the Good Market,” Dr. Amanda added.

Rewarding quality “We also get vendors and volunteers to socialise through social get-together, and established an awards system that recognises and rewards those who are aligned to the sustainable concepts. Last year, it gave awards for “Social Impact,” “Environmental Impact,” “Best Participation,” “Best Display,” and “Most Improved.” This year, another award for “Zero Waste” will also be awarded. “We always encourage people to grow in their home gardens and

make mindful choices. Every time we choose a product or service, we are voting for the kind of world we want to live in. We encourage vendors to improve their social and environmental impacts as they develop businesses. We have organic experts who guide the farmers in their endeavours. We also have experts on nutrition joining forces,” she said.

Future plans “Focus on Zero waste and using separate bins will be an area where children and adults alike can engage correctly. We also want to make people aware of their roots, culture and become integral part of inculcating green practices as a norm in farming, medicine, daily living and even in new and emerging careers in eco tourism and traditional Ayurveda,” she highlighted. “Our strength is in our network and connectivity of farmers and vendors. We trust more consumers will embrace the concept and share in an ideology which is the future,” she said.


Canada boasts of some of the best business schools in the world. Canada is among the world’s top 10 most competitive economies, according to the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2013. In 2013, Canada ranked number one in the G-7 as “the best place to do business over the next five years,” according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. Canada has the soundest banking system in the G-7, according to the Global Competitiveness Report for 2013-2014. Canada ranked first in the G-7 in a study of how well management education meets the needs of the business community, according to the IMD Global Competitiveness Report. Canada ranked first among the G-7 countries in HERD (Higher Education Expenditure on R&D-to-GDP) and ranked among the top 10 to 41 economies, according to the Science, Technology and Innovation Council’s State of the Nation Report 2012 (released in 2013).

Five Canadian Universities ranked among the Top 100 in The Times Higher Education 2013 World University Rankings: University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill University, University of Montreal, and McMaster University. Three others ranked among the Top 200: University of Alberta, University of Ottawa, and University of Victoria. Four Canadian Universities ranked among The Times Higher Education 2013 100 Under 50 World Ranking: University of Victoria, University of Calgary, Simon Fraser University, and University of Guelph. Four Canadian Universities ranked among the Top 100 of the 2013 ARWU Shanghai Ranking and 23 ranked in the Top 500. Three Canadian Universities ranked in the Top 50 of the 2013 QS University Rankings and 22 ranked in the Top 500.

Tuition fee ranges from CAD$35,000 – 96,000, which is comparatively less expensive than other international destinations.

Most MBA schools look at the quantative features of the application such as the GPA and EDT/GMAT/GRE score, as well as the quality of the essays, references, interview, academic background and international work / extra-curricular experiences. Two or three years full-time work experience, sometimes at a managerial level, is usually required. IELTS or TOFEL may also be required for admission and the visa process. Actual requirements may vary among schools. Please contact the school or check their website.

Start here: www.educationincanada.ca – Canada’s official website. A simple search will generate a list of universities, colleges and other post-secondary institutions offering the program you are interested in, along with the details on tuition and living costs etc.

Other Prominent business schools in Canada : School



Desautels Faculty of Management www.mcgill.ca/desautels

MaGill University - Montréal, Québec

C$75,500(Two years)

HEC Montreal www.hec.ca

University of Montréal - Montréal, Québec


Telfer School of Management wwwtelfer.uottawa.ca/

University of Ottawa - Ottawa, Ontario


Asper School of Business www.umanitoba.ca/asper/

University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Manitoba

C$44,000 (one year program)

Faculty of Business www.unb.ca/fredericton/business/

University of New Brunswick - St.John, New Brunswick

Per course basis

Sprott School of Business Sprott.carleton.co/

Carleton University - Ottawa, Ontario


Alberta School of Business www.business.ualberta.ca/

University of Alberta - Edmonton, Alberta

C$ 48,950

Beedie School of Business http://beedie.sfu.ca/

Simon Fraser University - Vancouver, B.C


** Fee indicated in this document are subject to change, Please consult individual schools for fee details and any additional or supplementary fee and living expenses.

All Sri Lankan Nationals require a visa to study in Canada.

We recommend you self-evaluate your eligibility for a visa by visiting www.cic.gc.ca




on the web By Sharlene De Chickera and Maheshika Premachandra

Some thoughts of Creator of

studentlanka.com website, Prof. Hiran Amarasekara.


A youth can learn lot of things on the internet on a specific career of their choice in few hours than they think. How to find reliable and accurate information on the web is the most important thing, Do not just use your online time entirely on Facebook

Creating an interactive website which generated feedback from students was a challenge. “It is a happy feeling to note that I have developed a tool that provides guidance to youth in selecting, courses, degrees and institutes whilst giving information on careers. There is much more to do in this sphere,” said Prof. Amarasekara. “At the initial stages when the concept of www.studentlanka.com was formulated there were first generation of websites without integration of social media. Access to internet was minimal. What I tried to do was to disseminate unbiased and reliable information. I was motivated by realizing the need of students to know information required for their study purposes. They need unbiased information to make choices,” he stated, recalling his memories. Success of this website lies in the fact that every endeavour has been made to provide reliable information, with content being information rich. He stated that for a website, content is critical with basic copy writing and use of photography and other technology are just enhancements.

Explaining some obstacles he faces, Prof. Amarasekara mentioned of the existence of spammers and lack of knowledge and confidence in selecting courses online by prospective students. Looking towards future, he said that so far no one has started a successful open source educational e-learning site offering free knowledge to Sri Lankan students which is very common in other countries as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) “I had no teacher on web design and development. I was self-taught by online learning. A youth can learn lot of things on the internet on a specific career of their choice in few hours than they think. How to find reliable and accurate information on the web is the most important thing, Do not just use your online time entirely on Facebook. Try to learn something new on the internet,” said Prof. Amarasekara. (Prof. Hiran Amarasekara is a Professor in Forestry and Environment Science at University of Sri Jayewardenepura.)




dark green From


By Dr. Kokila Lankathilake Konasinghe

light g

The history of life on earth is based on interaction and interdependency of different elements of Mother Nature. The man, as the most intelligent one among the animal species realized the importance of protection of environment. This was emphasized in Chief Seattle’s statement, believed to have been given in 1854; We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you.


Sustainable development concept has been the foundation for many environmental friendly development tools. For example, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Protection License (EPL) processes have been able to transform highly development focused projects into ecologically friendly projects

green It is recognized that maintenance of ecological balance is of utmost importance for survival on earth. The scarcity of natural resources poses a threat for needs of future generations unless present generation does not follow sustainable paths of resource usage. The shifting of focus of environmental protection from nature preservation to sustainable usage of natural resources indicates essentiality of present day society to sacrifice natural resources in the development process. The transition of nature-centered focus to development-centered focus of environmental protection is clearly indicated by main themes of global environmental conferences.

In 1972, the first global conference on environment took place in Stockholm on the theme of United Nations Conference on Human Environment. The theme of second global environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 took a different tone as United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. In 2002 in Johannesburg the theme was World Summit on Sustainable Development and in 2012, it was United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. In this context it is apparent that global efforts on environmental protection seek possible avenues to balance between environmental protection and development goals. To uplift the concept of sustainable usage of natural resources there are certain principles developed under international environmental laws, which can be adopted in a national environmental policy framework. Inter-generational equity is the principle that explains equitable distribution of natural resources between present and future generations. The usage of natural resources in present context should always take future development needs into consideration and make sure that equal portion of natural resources is preserved for the future. Sustainable development is another concept that promotes integration of environmental concerns into

development activities, i.e. greening development and industrial processes. Sustainable development concept has been the foundation for many environmental friendly development tools. For example, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Protection License (EPL) processes have been able to transform highly development focused projects into ecologically friendly projects. Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility also promotes equity among poor and rich nations. Ultimately it has been successful in making many industrialized countries to slow down development processes at least to a considerable pace. However, what is prescribed by the law will not be fruitful unless it is not effectively taking place at implementation level. In addition, attitudes of people play a vital role in effective application of environmental principles. The commitment towards environmental protection and preservation of nature should equally be shared among all levels of a society from grass root level to the highest authority of government. (Dr. Kokila Lankathilake Konasinghe, Attorney at Law, LL.B. (Colombo), LL.M. (Rotterdam), Ph.D. (Keele), SEDA (UK); is a Senior Lecturer of Department of Public and International Law of the Faculty of Law at University of Colombo).




Developing responsibly By Navaka Navarathne and Aruna Chandralal Perera

Many internationally talked green concepts of today originated in developed western countries which were into materialism when they were developing and industrializing, without being concerned about environmental issues and pollution. However, as time passed by, results of such actions were revealed and, understanding the gravity, they started to act aiming to reduce effects of environmental pollution.


Wrong approach These countries fund various activities against environmental pollution. Programmes such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD) and UNREDD+ provide various funding schemes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conduct reforestation. Sometimes, these countries provide funds to encourage reduction of green house gases in others countries while continuing with their usual lifestyles that cause large scale pollutions. When industrializing, we shall think of its consequences in the long run. The developed countries did not look at that aspect and that is where they went wrong. Though it is easy to industrialise with cheap labour and less concerns of environment, it is not possible to continue. Everyone needs to come forward and make it a collaborative effort to make things happen. The approach taken by developed countries was not sustainable. “A good example is the ‘aththam’ method of cultivation, where all people get together to work on all paddy fields. Today all focus on doing it on their own, spending large amounts of money on tractors etc,” said Prof. W. L. Sumathipala, Chairman, National Science Foundation. There are two ways to reduce effects of environmental pollution, namely, adaptation and mitigation. As an example, insurance companies encourage their clients to have health checkups to avoid paying

higher amounts in case of serious illnesses. Likewise, mitigation is better but when it is not possible, we need adaptation.

Power In Sri Lanka, greenhouse gas emissions occur mainly from power generation, especially from coal and fossil fuels. There are newer ways being proposed for greener energy production. As solar cells are expensive, scientists are seeking to use Chlorophyll which is available in trees. Similar to energy production process of plants, it should be possible to produce energy with that. It is less expensive than Silica and throwing away would not harm the environment. In case of energy, even if we discover fossil fuel deposits it is costly and will not last long. We need to search for lasting solutions, which are more efficient as well. In developed countries, there is Energy Labelling. The equipment imported will be rated and labelled according to their energy efficiency. If we take water pumps, most regular pumps in our country are not energy efficient. Therefore, we need to modernize or find solutions like powering them through solar panels or wind turbines. People can invent new

main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Sri Lanka is transportation. It is possible to reduce these emissions by use of hybrid and electric vehicles and electric trains

methods and improve present methods and equipment to be more efficient.

Transportation Another main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Sri Lanka is transportation. It is possible to reduce these emissions by use of hybrid and electric vehicles and electric trains. However, if electricity for trains is generated by burning of fossil fuels, it is not quite a good solution. Still, these modes are effective and energy efficient. Even in case of hybrid and electric vehicles, disposal of batteries pollute the environment. However, solutions such as developing lighter vehicles and more efficient batteries are being found. Also, the distance that an electrical vehicle can travel with one charge is increasing. It is proposed to set up battery stores, similar to fuel stations, to serve people on a complete journey where they can replace batteries on the way, as done with LP gas cylinders. Such stores can charge batteries regularly with solar power. (The above article is based on an interview conducted with Prof. W. L. Sumathipala, Chairman, National Science Foundation.)





youth to make a

difference By Sharlene De Chickera and Navaka Navaratne


nternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has strategic alliances with government, non-govt. and private sector to support Sri Lanka’s rapid development while making the process environmentally friendly. It wants to develop skills and talents of youth and engage them in conservation groups, to develop a larger programme to draw in the youth. There is a lot of opportunities for youth to get involved in conservation, get trained and expand. Youth can connect the traditions and history with nature, explain it and interpret it. This is a package the youth can market. People respect that youth who come from different backgrounds. They develop an interest. Some may pursue higher education, while others may join the government, private sector and NGOs to work on policy matters. There are also those who engage in tourism. Youth are engaged by teaching them in two aspects. While educating them about environment and conservation,

they are also taught to run a business and market these aspects. They are also trained in soft skills such as phone etiquette. It is currently working with global tour operators, in collaboration with University of Western Australia and local universities in a programme called “Nature and Heritage Interpretation�.

Youth as ambassadors Youth can act as ambassadors in sustainability, developing the eco system so that the natural capital can


be used and create sustainability. Sri Lankan youth have the opportunity to bring traditional knowledge and spirituality into conservation and good practices. Their cultural roots can be an aid.

enthused to view nature, insects plants and learn from it. In nature trails, current practise is to go in to the jungle and just come out. There is no systematic way of viewing the fauna and flora.

the community uses less chemicals in the paddy and vegetables and do more composting the water they drink and bath will be healthier and not only the fish but also the people will have less chance to get sick.

It is also necessary to show the adverse effects of bad habits to get the attention of youth and their communities, such as by showcasing the damage to health.

Nature is not just for the young. Even the elder generation can enjoy it, experiencing the nature positively. It helps to increase their health and control illnesses.

IUCN upgraded the school library to invest in the next generation and thereby save the eco-system with a young generation who understand the environmental issues better.

The students must be made part of these processes to make a difference by engaging them beyond the level of curriculum to appreciate nature. They must be

(The above article is based on an interview conducted with Dr. Ananda Mallawatanthri, Country Representative of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).)

Traditional knowledge and modern technology



International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) works with communities and adds value by teaching them facets related to eco-systems. IUCN successfully preserved the Bandula barb, a threatened fish species found only near Warakapola. IUCN taught the villagers the value of preserving and conserving the nature practically. Their team informed the villagers that the fish species is invaluable and had to be saved. When asked why these fish are getting extinct, they admitted that the fish were affected by fertilizer and pesticides they use. “Earlier there were other types of fish such as Dandiya and Thithtaya in paddy fields but now we do not see them,” they noted. Now the villagers are using less pesticides and take delight in counting the fish. As

IUCN is working in partnership with an international bank on a project called ‘Restoration of ancient tank Cascades’ in Rambewa. It is a system to stock rain water using household systems and a system of tanks to avoid droughts and floods. The ancient system of cascades keep water during rainy period, recharge ground water and provide stored water for cultivations, daily use and minimize droughts. In this project traditional knowledge was combined with universities and younger generation. People were encouraged to grow drought resistant crops, do composting and use fewer pesticides. It also focused on marketing aspects and supply chains.

Bio-diversity study In an environment assessment impact on the diversion of Kaluganga and the Moragahakanda reservoir projects, IUCN identified plants and animals that were to be affected. A lot of indigenous species were taken in to consideration in the evacuation process. Plants were uprooted for re-planting elsewhere. It also released effected fish to correct habitats at other areas. This was a total integration process that Sri Lanka can showcase to the world where village communities helped to evacuate plants and animals and to record how they lived in harmony with nature.





green education By Nalin Goonewardene

Green concepts are relatively new compared to other concepts of our environment such as food, clothing, shelter, health, economics etc for which there are well established educational facilities. This is a new ‘technology’ for which educational material is just being formulated. Hence, the number of courses for ‘sustainability’ are limited at the moment but fast growing to meet the demand.


Take the usual career planning approach to assess all your options holistically and realistically. That way, you will be satisfied with what ever choice you make.

Climate change forced us to deal with sustainability of our planet. This required definition, explanation and development of practices, processes, products and ‘educational’ material to address the issues discovered and continuing to be discovered.

Types of Education Education is available in three areas: Awareness and actions The 7Rs sustainability model describes key concepts and behaviours aligned to creating a sustainable future by conserving water and energy, and using raw materials wisely. The 7Rs are: REJECT - REDUCE - REUSE RECLAIM - REPLACE - REPAIR – RECYCLE. Methods and techniques Development of new products and processes for measurement, verification, data gathering and analysis (amongst others) of green criteria to establish effectiveness and value addition of initiatives. Skills and knowledge New capabilities to be included in multi-discipline curricula such as conservation, energy dynamics, effect of air quality, urban regeneration, sustainable planning, rainwater harvesting and designing outdoor learning spaces, to name a few.

Courses Because green education is changing all the time as more information, materials, techniques and products are discovered, course curricula will change and more courses will emerge. In Sri Lanka, there are a limited variety of courses available at different levels, samples of which are:

- Institute of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka (IEPSL). Professional Diploma in Corporate Environmental Management (PDCEM) for people working in development, conservation and management of environment in Sri Lanka. - University of Ruhuna - Diploma, M.Eng. in Civil / Structural / Water and Environment/ Highway and Transportation

Qualifications We know what to expect from accounting, engineering or medical qualifications. The green 'industry' however, is very young and still developing at a rapid pace. Qualifications such as BSc (Environmental Science) do exist, but as there is no established standard, the level and depth of skills acquired varies from course to course. Washington State (USA) has a solution to this called K-12 Integrated Environmental and Sustainability Education Learning Standards (ESE), which defines standards and their connections to science, social studies, English language arts and mathematics. There are no specific examinations to demonstrate knowledge of ESE because this is captured through assessments within the core content assessment process.

How to proceed Firstly, decide which specific area is of interest, for example engineering, technology, science, arts, economics or medicine.

- University of Sri Jayewardenepura – BSc in Forestry and Environmental Science

Surf the web in your area of interest. There is a lot of material out there. Some of it is out of date, some not what you are looking for. Be careful with the search phrases you use, particularly the order of the words. If you start with ‘Sri Lanka’ you will get a lot of tourist information even though your phrase includes other environmentally related words.

- Open University - MSc in Environmental Sciences. This is a multidisciplinary Program involving courses from four faculties - Natural Science, Engineering Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences & Education

If you are an A-level Science student, look at the BSc courses on environmental education from the universities mentioned above as well as others. If you are a graduate, assess the content of MSc courses mentioned above and search for others.

- University of Sri Jayewardenepura MSc in Forestry and Environmental Management.

Finally consider taking a course abroad, but be aware of the consequences. Apart from cost, and assuming you are successful, the chances are, there will be no relevant jobs available in your field in Sri Lanka, so you may have to live and work abroad. As a new ‘technology’ there will be significant developments in the future, so the chances are the gap will grow between jobs and prospects in Sri Lanka and abroad, so you may not return for a very long time.

- University of Ruhuna - BSc. (Eng) in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Uva Wellassa University – BSc in Environmental Science)

This is a multidisciplinary Program in Conservation, Management and Utilisation of Forest Resources and Preventive Environmental Approaches (Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimisation). Many reputed educational institutions abroad provide courses and certification at several levels.

Take the usual career planning approach to assess all your options holistically and realistically. That way, you will be satisfied with what ever choice you make.




Primary Category


Nethma Nathan Kurukulasooriya

Ilmi Yasara Madigasekara

Rahula Primary College, Matara

Junior Category


J.K. Yasasi Hansina


Sathma Methsadi Athukorala

Swetha Samadhi Ranasinghe

Musaeus College, Colombo 07

Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo 05


E.M. Yenuli Boyagoda

Koorikotuwa Kanishta Vidyalaya, Veyangoda


Senior Category


B.D. Bodhitha Hasantha

Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo 05

Kavindu Deneth Wickramasinghe NCEF Buddhist College, Mulleriyawa

Musaeus College, Colombo 07



A.K. Ewmini Minthara Perera


H.G. Nethumi Dulansa

Tidy Kids Pre School, Uyandana, Kurunegala

Sri Sangamitta Girls' School, Colombo 10

Intermediate Category


Maliyadeva Girls' School, Kurunegala


Lasmitha Dayaljith Samaraweera Dharmaraja College, Kandy


K. A. Jeewa Nayanamali

Maliyadeva Girls’ School, Kurunegala



y t i c e th

g n i n e e r G M

any blossoming green initiatives were launched with the firm intention to keep the school premises clean. Success was there from the first year itself, as great support was received from the Principal and other authorities.

The surrounding areas of the hostel were made clean and the place was beautified, making it a pleasant environment to live in. Agriculture was launched with growing of vegetables such as pumpkins, beans, bitter-gourd, snake-gourd, etc. In that process, drains were rearranged as water was getting logged. ThinkGreen initiative spearheaded by EDEX has been catalyst in creating a new mind-set amongst students, teachers, parents and the old boy fraternity. EDEX was instrumental in building a biogas plant in 2010 with the ready assistance of school authorities. One of the most inspiring projects is the garbage segregation project

EDEX Magazine’s Sharlene De Chickera speaks to Aruna De Silva, who has dedicatedly and lovingly nurtured the environs of Royal College with a vision to make the school a green zone that is a model of sustainability in society. and by doing so, making it a discipline of life. In that initiative, litter bins were introduced as an initial method at Royal College, by placing coloured bins around the grounds. After some time, the students got used to properly dispose garbage in to these bins. Then in 2009, waste segregation was started with the introduction of coloured bins. Degradable items such as paper and other items such as plastic are now recycled. Formally garbage was separated by paid workers. But it was felt that this should be done by students. Students in all classes at Royal


l o o h c s y College were motivated to dispose selected garbage properly in to colour coded bins. Colour codes are Green for degradable, Blue for paper and Orange for plastic/polythene. Assistance of the Central Environmental Authority for this was forthcoming. A yard was created to produce compost scientifically, getting manure from the Manning Market in Pettah. Most students don’t get a chance to see these processes in society. We believe in transforming students in society. There are around 8,600 households and their neighbours who were reached through students making a difference. Most of such information is shared with others through newspapers and on television. Another milestone was the introduction of solar power. In 2011, lamp-posts were fixed at the school premises, which are lighted with solar power generated electricity. The solar power panels are fixed on top of the roof of Nawarangahala. They even supply electricity to the National Grid,

saving more than Rs. 45,000/annually. Rain Water Harvesting was another project. Singapore Polytechnic University’s students who came to Royal College as part of a green education syllabus project, joined Royalists to install rain water tanks at Ananda Balika Vidyalaya, Kotte and Mahabodhi Vidyalaya, Colombo. Another green initiative implemented with EDEX ThinkGreen is the tree mapping at the Royal College, with the location and the botanical names.

Zayed Future Energy Prize There are alliances made with the Green School Alliance of the USA and Kitchen Garden School of the UK. Through them, information on the Zayed Future Energy Prize was received for which the Royal College applied with the ready assistance of the Principal, students and EDEX ThinkGreen members.

They made a collective effort to make Royal College reach the final four in the Asian schools category, which is highly commendable. Royal College is one of 4 finalists with UAE, the Maldives and India in the Asian category. The creation of the National Green Energy and Tech Centre will be a major attraction for students. Once implemented, people are expected to visit the centre as a first preference, like visiting the Planetarium. It will be the first Energy and Tech Centre in Sri Lanka and will be information rich, create an interest in research and education and be a great attraction to everyone because of its features and facets. The building will be totally solar powered and will house many educative green models. One attraction will be showcasing of solar power panels from archaic to new.



Building your own network By Kusum Nandika Gunawardena

Contacts A good and effective network of contacts will not only support you but also challenge you to reach new heights. A good network will consist of a mix of peers, subordinates and people who you can consider as your superiors in terms of career achievements or social standings. Concentrating on all big shots in Sri Lanka for example, will not build a

At school Networking can begin at school. You can associate with many students from your own grade and also build contacts with other students who are from different grades. Contacts from the school are more powerful because you are constantly in touch with them at school and you have the time to build strong bonds with them whilst at school. Also the bond of been a classmate or school mate is very powerful and this bond gets even more firm as we grow old. University is also a very helpful place to build quality contacts as you can associate with people with similar educational backgrounds and who as graduates will get employed all over the country and overseas in many different industries. In addition by joining the past

pupils’ organization of the school or university alumni you can get in touch with a lot of people and build good relationships. LinkedIn is a professional networking social media site that can be useful to build secondary contacts. By participating in volunteer projects also you would get the opportunity to work with and get to know many interesting people.

Keep in touch Getting to know people will lay the foundation of a good network but its strength will depend on how effective you are in keeping touch with all your contacts. You need to put an effort to keep yourself fresh in the minds of your contacts by regularly meeting up or chatting with them. One golden rule in networking is that you should refrain from having a “take all” attitude. You should be willing to give as much as you take. You should always respect and acknowledge each other. By building and nurturing your network you will be able to gain valuable support at crucial moments in life.

No. 08, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.

As you mature it’s important for you to build your own network of friends, acquaintances and colleagues. You should not limit your associations to your own little circle of friends at school or university and move and associate only with them. You need to come out of that bubble and actively build good, reliable network of contacts.

balanced network as sometimes we will have to seek help or advice from people at or below our social standing as they may be more important and more willing to help you in some circumstances. Also these contacts should cover as many industries as possible and if possible, have a global reach.

When we are growing up we rely on our parents for most of things. We are nurtured by our families and we live a cocooned comfortable life. All what we need is provided all that we have to do is to study and succeed at school. Your parents have built a good network of contacts over the years and you too, would get help from kind aunties and uncles in some way over the other.

Printed by - Wijeya Newspapers Ltd.


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