Contents 4. Pinnacle Achieving high, weathering many storms .......................4
fndfyda l=Kdgq chf.k úYsIaG f,i ch.%yKh lsÍu....................8 rhjidfs; gy Gay;fisAk; jilfisAk; fle;J cah;tile;jJ .........11
15. Careers l:dlrk yeÕSï ......................................15
Many facets of media with a glimpse of future ..................................16 Journalism profession like no other ..........................................18 ,jopay; ,izaw;w cah; njhopy; .............. 19 Benchmarking Journalism as a profession......................................20 A modern and professional journalist................................................23 ,yj;jpudpay; ClfKk;> tha;g;Gf;fSk;! ... 24 Radio broadcasting A worthy profession..............................26 Careers Chart........................................28 Lights, camera and act on for a host of opportunities...............30
34. Entrepreneurship
,dxlslfhl= fuka is;kak" l%shd lrkak.....34
Kamal Abeysinghe Chairman
,yq;ifah;fshf rpe;jpj;J nrayhw;Wq;fs;. .....36
Abhaya Amaradasa Consultant
40. IT New opportunities in IT worth chasing . .................................40 Ôú;h ch.kak EDEX.............................41
42. Green mgptpUj;jpAk;> Rw;Wr;#oYk; njhlHGfSk;> Kuz;fSk;!............................42
Nandun Fernando Editor Sharlene de Chickera Manager - Career Services Tharaka Amarasena Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan Assistant Editors M. Kanapathipillai Editorial Consultant
A letter to all the people ......................44
Nirojini Kanapathipillai Editorial Assistant
48. Education Z-score- a necessary evil ? .................48 yß mqÿu biafldaf,a..................................50
Deepal Malalasekara Graphic/Page Layout Designer Published by
52. Youth
EDEX Secretariat RCU Skills Centre Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha Colombo 07
nqoaêh;a yoj;;a yd ne§ yrj;a ikaksfõokhla Wfoid udOHfha odhl;ajh.....52
wjia:d rdYshla fjkqfjka wdf,dalh leurd yd iQodkï . .....31
r%f Clfq;fs;! . .....................................54
Social Media the newest form of mass media..........32
,isQu;fSk; ,izak; vDk; khngUk; ClfKk;!...................................................56
Have you been in doubt ? ....................55
Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail:
Mrphpak; Success in a career arrives in many forms. It may just land at your doorstep, may be after well crafted journey, or wholly unexpectedly. It may come your way through expected as well as unintended channels. But so long as you remain committed to your goals, knows what you are doing and has the drive to surge forward against all odds, success will be yours. Lack of resources and facilities is almost sure to be there to greet you, just as you enter the path to your career’s success. Material things will not be around, just when you need to use them. You may notice that many others are making rapid advances, while you lag behind due to inadequate resources. But so long as you stay committed, giving more than 100%, success will be yours. That’s the truth behind the success of Pradeep Sanjaya, who was a Lance Corporal when we featured him in the last issue and now Sergeant, who ran with his heart out to win Sri Lanka’s first ever paraolympics medal despite all shortcomings. Criticism is bound to occur; it may be constructive or destructive and wholly discouraging. Yet, your genuine commitment, passion for what you do will make sure that you tread the path of success at some point of your career. Believe in what you do; have faith and trust in yourself. Success will certainly be yours.
wmsg fmfkk f,dalh w;sYh fjkia ta f,dalh wms olsk wdldrh b;du;au fjkia' ta wms tlsfkld ys;k úÈy fjkia ksidu fkdfuhs' wms olskak mqreÿfj,d ;sfhk úÈy fjkia ksid' ta mqreÿ" ye.Sï ish,a, wms bmÿK od mgkau wmsg ,efnk w;aoelSï iuÕ iDcqju iïnkaO fjkjd' ta ú;rla fkdfuhs fï w;aoelsï Tlafldu wmsg ikaksfõokh fjk wdldrh wkqj th ;jÿrg;a fjkia fjkjd' ta fjk lsisjla ksid fkdfjhs ñksiaiqkag fmfkk foa ta wh .%yKh lr.kak wdldrh b;du ishqï ksid' tafoa iuyrúg ;d¾lslhs" iuyrúg w;d¾;slhs' ta yskaod wms f,dalhdg f;areïlrkak wjYH f,dalfha wmsg fmfkk foa ;d¾lslj olskak ksjerÈj ish,a, ikaksfõokh lr.kak wdldrhhs' ta yskaou ;uhs f,dalfha udkj ikaksfõokh b;du flakaøSh N+ñldjla ksrEmkh lrkafk' woyia úúO udOHhka yryd iudchg .,df.k tkfldg tajd ksjerÈj ms<s.kak iudch iQodkï úh hq;=hs' tfyu fkdjqfkd;a uq¿ uy;a iudchu uxuq,djl jefÜú' wog;a wmsg ta ms<sn|j ú.%y lrkak WodyrK ´kE;rï ;sfnkjd' fukak fï ksidu ;uhs ikaksfõokh yd udOH Ndú;h .ek Tn;=< l;sldjla f.dvkexúu wjYHhs lsh,d EDEX wms ys;kafk' ta l;sldj ;=< Tng flakaøSh N+ñldjla ksrEmKh lrkak wjYH l<uKd ish,a, fujr EDEX iÕrdj ;=< ;sfnk njg lsisÿ ielhla keye'
njhopw;Jiwapy; ntw;wp vd;gJ gytopfspy; tuf;$Lk;. mJ cq;fs; thry;gbapy; fhzg;glyhk; my;yJ ePz;l nrk;ikahf nrJf;fpa gazj;jpd; Kbtpy; tuyhk; my;yJ ePq;fs; vjph;ghh;f;fhj khh;f;fj;jpd; Clhf tuyhk;. mJ vjph;ghh;f;Fk; topfspD}lhfTk; tuyhk; my;yJ vjph;ghuhj topfspD}lhfTk; tuyhk;. ePq;fs; cq;fs; ,yf;Ffis Nehf;fp mh;g;gzpg;NghL nraw;gLk;tiu> ePq;fs; vd;d nra;fpwPh;fs; vd;gij mwpe;J czh;e;J nra;Ak; tiu> ntw;wpia Nehf;fpa gazj;jpy; jilfisf; fle;J vjph;ePr;ry; NghLk;tiu> ePq;fs; ntw;wp ntWtJ rh;t epr;rak;. ePq;fs; cq;fs; ntw;wpf;fhd gazj;jpd; thapypy; EioifapNyNa tsg;gw;whf;FiwAk; trjpfspd; gw;whf;FiwAk; cq;fis tuNtw;Fk;. cq;fSf;F xd;W kpfj;Njitahf cs;s nghOjpy; mJ fpilf;fhky; NghFk;. cq;fNshL te;jtHfs; tpiutpy; Kd;dfh;tijAk;> tsg;gw;whf;Fiwahy; ePq;fs; gpd;jq;fp epw;gijAk; czh;tPh;fs;. MapDk; ePq;fs; cq;fs; ,iyf;if Nehf;fp E} W tPjk; mh;g;gzpg;Gld; nraw;gl;lhy;> ntw;wp tpiutpy; cq;fSilajhFk;. ,JNt gpujPg; rQ;ratpd; ntw;wpr; #j;jpukhFk;. fle;j ,jopy; gpujPg; rQ;ra gw;wp ehk; vOjpa nghOJ mth; xU yhd;]; Nfhh;nghuy;> ,d;W mth; rhh;[d;. gpujPg; rQ;ra - ,yq;iff;F guh-xypk;gpf;];-,y; KjyhtJ gjf;fj;ij ntd;W je;j tPuh;. rfy rthy;fs;> tsg;gw;whf;Fiwfs;> trjpf;FiwTfs; vy;yhtw;iwAk; fle;J rhjpj;j xU rhjidahsd;. tpkh;rdq;fs; jtph;f;fg;gl Kbahjit. mit cq;fis Mjhpj;J Cf;Ftpf;fyhk; my;yJ mijhpag;gLj;jp Cf;fkpog;Gr; nra;ayhk;. mJ vt;thW mikapDk; cq;fSila cz;ikahd mhpg;gzpg;Gk;> ePq;fs; nra;Ak; njhopypy; Mh;tKk;> tplh Kaw;r;rpAk; vd;whtJ xUehs; cq;fis ntw;wpapd; cr;rj;jpy; ,Uj;jpitf;Fk;. ePq;fs; vijr;nra;fpwPh;fNsh mjpy; ek;gpf;ifAk; gw;WWjpAk; nfhs;Sq;fs;; cq;fs; kPJ ek;gpf;ifAk; tpRthrKk; nfhs;Sq;fs; - ntw;wp epr;rak; cq;fSilaNj!
Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.
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Achieving high,
many storms Narrated by Nandun Fernando and Sharlene De Chickera
In an industry that can make or break not only individual lives but entire nations, becoming a high end achiever while being responsible is by no means an easy task. In an interview with Team EDEX Magazine, popular media personality Bandula Padmakumara divulges secrets of success in media industry spanning from cinema, print media to electronic media.
Bandula Padmakumara Former Director â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Editorial and present Chairman of Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited, known as Lake House. Founder Member of Free Media Movement and Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Guild of Sri Lanka. Founder Director of Sri Lanka Press Institute and Sri Lanka College of Journalism.
While studying for ALs, he and a few others made Nimwalalla, a Sinhala film that was screened at several international film festivals. He had been an Assistant Director in many other films. He pioneered the art of journalism for youth with Kumari and also launched Sarasi, Samudura and Rajina. Though heavily criticized, all those papers were well received by target readership and subsequently imitated by many. He moved in to broadsheet papers on his own, launching Lakbima, blending tabloids together with national broadsheets. He initiated Mul Pituwa a TV programme that blends print and electronic media in a uniquely local style capturing audiences everyday. Having been an amateur director, assistant director and a critic in cinema, a journalist, columnist and an editor in print media and an announcer, presenter and producer in electronic media, Bandula Padmakumara is an acclaimed media personality in Sri Lanka.
Q: How would you describe the media industry today? Media industry is about dissemination of information. It may be raw, unclassified or well-edited, but news. Print media has always been catalyst in delivering news to the doorstep. But now other forms of media have overtaken this traditional form. Dissemination of information via a basic media such as newspaper, radio and TV has now changed to complex multi media channels, largely due to innovations and developments in ICT. ICT is used heavily from origination to ultimate delivery of news. From beginning to end, it has now become a tech-savvy process. In Asia, specially in Sri Lanka and India, print media industry is still thriving. With the rise of middle class more people buy newspapers as a practice. But in Western countries most newspapers are ceasing their printing processes and going on-line. Also, from what used to be a combined team effort of many individuals, dissemination of news has evolved in to an industry where an individual plays many roles, as a multi faceted character. Today we see an individual who discovers a news item himself writing, editing and even presenting it, together with background images. Delivery times have shortened considerably.
Q: How did you start your career in the media industry? It was as an A/ L student, when a few class-mates and I decided to produce a full-length feature film. We were lucky as youngsters to have financial backing to pursue our dream, which culminated with the making of Nimwalalla. Being interested in cinema, we enjoyed viewing movies shown at certain embassies such as of USA, France and Germany. Those days there were many good films of those countries that were often screened. While attending to view such films, which also had a good serving of foods, we met many personalities in the caliber of Dr. Lester James Pieris, late Dr. Tissa Abeysekera, Sarath Amunugama and Freddy Ranasinghe. While being in the audiences, they accommodated us well and were excellent mentors and guides to us as youth. We learned from them and relish their succinct comments and opinions. With a passionate interest for films and exposure in to opinions
In media industry, one needs to be innovative and creative. All the time you need to come up with new innovations and strategies. The youth have to seamlessly integrate with use of technology of veterans, I moved ahead in cinema, becoming an Assistant Director in about 10 films. At the same time, I started to write about the film industry and its latest releases, which brought me immense personal satisfaction and thus, I found a niche. I became a well-known film review columnist, and was encouraged to keep on reviewing films. My foray in to print media occurred when the then publishers of highly successful “Siththara” paper invited me to start a print periodical appealing to masses. With that, the idea was born to publish “Kumari” for the typical idealistic feminine girl of rural Sri Lanka. It enjoyed an instant bonding with Sri Lankans.
Q: What do you view as key milestones in your media career? Though criticism was high about “Kumari”, it was well imitated and copied. Its wider circulation opened the eyes of others to explore such niche markets in media. With that, I moved in to start certain other newspapers, which were also targeted at niches. Some of them were “Samudura” which contained translations and “Rajina”, a newspaper aimed at women. I was then invited to start a national newspaper, to compete with established
Sinhala weekend newspapers. It saw the birth of “Lakbima” which was then published only as a weekend newspaper. With the launch of “Lakbima”, I started a new practice of inserting a tabloid into the usual broadsheet paper. It was also well copied, becoming almost a trend. Now almost all national newspapers provide separate tabloids, sometimes even with daily newspapers. I was very desirous to combine print news with the electronic media and thus, came up with a programme titled “Mul Pituwa”, It provides daily news elements in a snippet form. This gained a tremendous response from people as they can ‘catch the news’ on the run. It was a unique programme that reached every household, delivering news in an interesting form. That too, was adopted by many others. These innovations were well received and duplicated by many in the local media industry. I am happy to say that I have become a popular icon within the industry, through “Mul Pituwa”. I am happy that people recognize me wherever in Sri Lanka or abroad.
Q: When considering a career in media, what level of commitment is needed as against another field of career? This is where it differs with other professions. News doesn’t have a fixed time. It originates on its own. Media personnel should be on alert 24/ 7 and be watchful 365 days of the year to know where news is. This means you need to be committed to your profession. For instance, I wake-up at 2 o’clock in the morning everyday for my programme “Mul Pituwa.” All newspapers are printed in the night and on weekends, too. Radio, TV and web sites are active everyday of the year, around the clock. That speaks for itself. Don’t forget that excellence and commitment is always rewarded. For a career in media industry, there shall be a commitment to provide 24x7x365 hours an year to your profession. It is certainly rewarding but needs loads of patience.
Q: What is the role of technology in media? Technology is used extensively in media today. Basically you should be comfortable with computer applications,
capturing images through photography or other input devices, have a good knowledge of archiving, editing and finally make the final output on print, electronic or social media. Such allrounders with skills in all forms of media will win the race. With use of technology facets of media has become extremely hightech. More information can now be disseminated rapidly. Also technology has brought about many short-cuts that ensure faster and more accurate information reaching the audiences. Technology facilitates better performance of your tasks while keeping with busy schedules. Traditional forms of print and electronic media such as newspapers, radio and TV will continue with ups and downs. Emerging trends would be social networking forums such as Facebook, Twitter etc. or any other social media network. Avalanche of social media has brought many changes. Some trends even affect traditional norms and forms of language. For instance, certain words are no longer spelled in their true form, but appear to be “shortened”, such as “da” for “the” and “thk u” for “thank you.” Does this mean that language’s usage will suffer for technology to thrive? These questions need to be addressed for the youth to benefit from traditional norms, while embracing, new technology.
Q: It is perceived that media industry generally requires minimal entry qualifications or none at all. What is your opinion? “Yes” to some extent. One should be very inquisitive to go after a source of information, intuitively. For that you do not require any qualification. There are reporters of that kind. However, answer will also be “No”, as to succeed further, one shall acquire knowledge, skills and other required competencies to be a good media person, specially when there is tremendous dynamism with changing technology. One must know about many aspects of a news item, such as its sensitivity, legal implications, etc., before it is reported in its raw form.
and whom. Media personnel should get formal education and training in respect of those areas. One should be creative, with reading, writing and presentation skills. Those soft skills can be acquired through media education. I also feel that institutions that offer programmes in media should have a plan and be well-structured. There are many gaps that need to be filled, to mould a professional in media. These have to filled by veterans who have a genuine love to ensure that media is recognized on par with others professions.
Q: How can a youth progress in a career in media? One shall develop a unique own identity and niche, carve out a personality that is unique. For example when I created the concept for “Mul Pituwa”, I mastered a way to create a relationship with viewers. So even if a person is busy in a morning, he or she is enticed in to watching at least a snippet. It may be in your presentation style, items you present or even how you dress. I learnt the fine-art of presenting, smiling and “flirting with a camera”, yet deliver the news capturing the attention of viewers. Youth have to be versatile and “learn the ropes on the job” and continuously improve on that.
news and information that will enrich vocabulary, enhance knowledge and empower them to deliver all-round insights and newsworthy articles. Essentially, for a career in media one should possess skills, knowledge and experience to understand what is readable, audible and viewable content. They should be well read, knowledgeable in diverse aspects and moulded as a sensitive person who appreciates and understands inner feelings of others. It is necessary to be technically smart and learn ICT skills useful for media. They shall be able to get to the right source, at shortest possible time using most advanced, speediest channels and compile a story, forward a report or transmit a video clipping. Such a person is rightly equipped to take on a career in media. The onus is on the youth to create a culture of all-round and responsible media men and women who will take the industry forward and to greater heights. Since there is an impetus to offer training courses and there is a wealth of opportunities in media, youth should grab these chances and forge ahead, whilst maintaining best practices and quality output.
In media industry, one needs to be innovative and creative. All the time you need to come up with new innovations and strategies. The youth have to seamlessly integrate with use of technology. It is essential that you become tech-savvy. It may be use of internet, newest forms of software, camera operations, etc.
Q: What advice you wish to give to an aspiring youth who considers media as a future career option? Be inquisitive but fairminded and be proficient in ‘language’. Youth should cultivate the fine art of reading and keeping abreast with
It is better to acquire professional competency through formal education, but skills need to be sharpened through practical exposure. No pencil writes well sans sharpening. What is important is to get the right content. For that you need to know answers to what, how, when Pix by - Deepal Malalasekara
fndfyda l= K dgq
úYsIaG f,i ch.%yKh lsÍu
idlÉPd igyk" k÷ka m%kdkaÿ yd Yd,Ska ã' Ñflard" mßj¾:kh ,larejks fmf¾rd úisks'
m%' j;auka udOH lafIa;%h Tn olskafka fldfyduo @ udOH l¾udka;h lshkafka mqj;a m%pdrKh lsÍu' tajd ilia fkdl<" j¾. fkdl< fyda fyd¢ka ixialrKh lrk ,o tajd fjkak mq¿jka' kuq;a tajd mqj;a fjkak ´k' fndfydaúg wfma fodrlvg mqj;a f.k tk ld¾h lf<a uqøs; udOHhhs' kuq;a wo jk úg wfkla udOH m%Njhka fuu idïm%odhsl l%uh miq lrf.k weú,a,d ;sfhkjd' mqj;am;a" .=jka úÿ,sh" rEmjdysksh jeks uQ,sl udOH yryd isÿ lrmq mqj;a m%pdrKh wo jk úg ixlS¾K nyq udOH kd,sld olajd fjkia fj,d ;sfhkjd' f.dvla ÿrg fï foa isÿfj,d ;sfhkafka f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIKfha kjH;d yd ÈhqKqj;a tlal' wo jkúg mqj;la ìysjqKq fudfydf;a isg tys m%pdrKh olajdu úYd, jYfhka f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIKh fhdod .kakjd' werUqfï isg wjidkh olajdu wo th ;dlaIKh iu. iïnkaO jqK l%shdj,shla njg m;a fj,d ;sfhkjd' wdishdfõ úfYaIfhka u Y%S ,xldfõ yd bkaÈhdfõ ;ju;a uqøs; udOH l¾udka;h Yla;su;a uÜgul ;sfnkjd' uOHu mka;sfha keÕS tau;a tlal f.dvla ñksiaiq mqreoaola úÈyg mqj;am;a ñ,§ .kakjd' kuq;a ngysr rgj, fndfydauhla mqj;am;a ;u uqøK lghq;= kj;ñka fl<skau wka;¾cd,h yd iïnkaO lsÍu lrkjd' ta l<ska mqoa.,hska lSmfofkl=f.a W;aiyfhka isÿ lrmq m%jD;a;s m%pdrKh wo tla mqoa.,fhla úiska úúO uqyqKqjßka .;a pß;hkaf.a N+ñld rÕolajñka l< yels ùu olajd úldYkh
fj,d ;sfhkjd' ;uka u mqj;a wkdjrKh lrf.k" th rpkh yd ixialrKh lr" miqìï rEm iuÕ bÈßm;a lsÍu o lrk wh wo wmsg oel.kak ,efnkjd' fï ksid mqj;a m%pdrKhg jehjk ld,h ie,lsh hq;= ;rulska wvq lr.ekSug yels ù ;sfnkjd' m%' udOH lafIa;%h ;=< Tnf.a jD;a;sh wdrïN lf<a fldfyduo @ ta uu Wiia fm< yodrñka isák w;r;=r§' uuhs" uf.a mka;sfha hy¿jka lsysm fofkl=hs jD;a;dka; Ñ;%mghla lsÍug ;SrKh l,d' ;reKhska úÈyg wfma ySkh ienE lr.kak ;rï uqo,a wmg ;snqkd' tys wjika m%;sM,h úÈyg ;uhs —ksïj<,a,˜ yeÿfK' iskudjg ;snqKq leue;a; ksidu weußld" m%xY" c¾udkq jeks ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,j, fmkajmq Ñ;%mg n,ñka wms f,dl= úkaokhla ,enqjd' ta ld,fha tu rgj, ;ekqKq b;d fyd| Ñ;%mg .Kkdjlau ks;r ;sr.; jqKd' tfyu Ñ;%mg n,kak .shdu fyd| fNdack ix.%y ,enqKd wdpd¾h f,iag¾ fÊïia mSßia" wdpd¾h ;siai wfífialr" ir;a wuqKq.u" f*%ã rKisxy jeks mqoa.,hska yuqfjkak wjia:djl=;a ,enqKd' Tjqka fm%alaIld.drfha ys¢ñka wms jf.a ;reKhskag b;d jeo.;a Wmfoia foñka" uÕ fmkajñka Wmldr l<d' wms ta whf.ka hula W.;a;d ta whf.a ixlaIsma; úfõpk yd u; j,ska f,dl= wdiajdohla ,enqjd' Ñ;%mg .ek ;snqKq wdYdj;a" ta jf.a fndfyda m<mqreÿ mqoa.,hskaf.a weiqr ,eîu;a yskaod iskud lafIa;%h ;=< by<g mshjr ;shkak;a Ñ;%mg 10l muK iyh wOHCIl ;k;=r orkak;a ug mq¿jka jqKd'
ta;a tlalu ;uhs uu Ñ;%mg l¾udka;h hs tys kj;u t<soelaùï .ekhs ,shkak mgka .;af;' fuh ug f,dl= wd;au ;Dma;shla f.kÿkakd wjldYhl=;a ,nd ÿkakd' thska uu m%lg Ñ;%mg úpdrl ;Sre f,aLlfhla jqKd È.ska È.gu Ñ;%mg úpdrkh lrkak wkqn,;a ,enqKd' uqøs; udOHg uf.a wd.ukh isoao jQfKa b;d id¾:l m%ldYkhla jqK —is;a;r˜ mqj;amf;a m%ldYlhkaf. ka is;a.kakd iq¿ jdr iÕrdjla uqøKh lrkak lsh,d ug lrmq wdrdOkdj;a tlal' ta wjia:dfõ§ ;uhs ,dxlSh mrudo¾YS fldau, .eñ ;reKsh fjkqfjka —l=u͘ m%ldYkh lrkak woyi wdfõ' tal b;d blaukska ,dxlslhka tlal in|;djla f.dvk.d .;a;d' m%' Tnf.a udOH jD;a;sfha b;d jeo.;a ixêia:dk f,i Tn olskafka fudkjdo @ —l=u͘ .ek úfõpk wêl jqK;a tal fndfyda fihska wkqlrKh l,d' —l=u͘ b;d mq¿,a úÈyg m%pdrh jQK ksid tjeks foa i|yd we;s fj<| fmd< .ek wfkla whf.;a fofk;a újr lrjkak mq¿jka jqKd' ta;a tlalu ta jf.a wjldY b,lal lr.;a; fjk;a mqj;am;a wdrïN lrkak;a uu fm<UqKd' ldka;djka b,lal lr.;a —/ðK˜ ;a mßj¾;k we;=<;a jqK —iuqÿr;a˜ ta jf.a mqj;am;a folla' i;swka; isxy, mqj;am;a tlal ;r. lrkak mq¿jka cd;sl mqj;am;la wdrïN lrkak ug wjia:dj ,enqkd' tf,i wdrïN jqK —,laìu˜ mqj;am;;a tlal idudkH m;a;rhla we;=<g l=vd m%udKfha
tla mqoa.,fhl=f.a Ôú;h muKla fkdj uq¿ uy;a cd;shlau f.dvke.Su fukau ì|fy,Su o l< yels lafIa;%hl" j.lSï iy.; fjñka úch.%yKh lsÍu lsisu wdldrhlska myiq l¾;jHhhla fkdjkafka h' udOH l¾udka;fha kshef,kafkl= f,i iskudfjka uqøs; udOH fj; meñKSu;a" thska úoHq;a udOH fj;;a wd .uka ufÕa§ ,o id¾:l;ajfha ryia ckm%sh udOHfõÈhl= jk nkaÿ, moaul=udr uy;d EDEX iÕrdj iu. mej;ajQ iïuqL idlÉPdjl § fy<s lf<ah' m;a;rhla we;=<;a lsÍfï iïm%odhlaa mgka .;a;d' tal;a ú,dis;djla fjk ;rugu wkqlrKh l<d' wo jk úg yeu cd;sl mqj;am;lau mqxÑ m;a;rhla imhkjd' iuyr Èkm;d mqj;am;a o fï jf.a m;a;r ,ndfokjd' ug úoHq;a udOHhhs" uqøs; udOHhhs tlg iïnkaO lrkak f,dl= jqjukdjla ;snqKd' tafla m%;sM,hla úÈyg ;uhs Èkm;d mqj;am;aj, m%jD;a;s ¨yqçka oek.kak mq¿jka úÈfy jevigykla jk —uq,a msgqj˜ mgka .;af;' fïlg ñksiaiqkaf.ka f.dvla m%;spdr ;snqfKa thd,g ÿjk .uka ´k lrk m%jD;a;s oek.kak yelshdjla fuhska ,enqK yskaohs' tal yeu f.orlgu wdl¾IKSh úÈyg m%jD;a;s wrf.k .sh iajdëk jevigykla' fïl;a f.dvla wh wkqlrKh l<d' foaYSh udOH lafIa;%fha ysgmq f.dvla wh fï jf.a kjH;d wkqlrKh l<d' uq,a msgqj ;=<ska uu lafIa;%h we;=f< f.dvla ckm%sh rEmhla
fj,d ;sfhkjd lsh,d lshkak;a i;=gqhs' ta yskaod ,xldfjÈ msgrg§;a ñksiaiq udj w÷r .kak tl ug f,dl= i;=gla' m%' wfkla jD;a;sfhl kshef,kafkl=g jvd udOH lafIa;%fha jD;a;shl kshef,kafkl= lrkak ´k lemùï fudkjdo @ fu;kÈ ;uhs udOH jD;a;sh wfkla jD;a;Shhkaf.ka fjkia fjkafk' m%jD;a;s j,g tl fj,djla lsh,d kE' mqj;a we;sfjkafka tajg ´k fj,dj,aj,g' udOHfõÈfhla jqKdu ojfia meh 24 uhs" wjqreoafoa ojia 365 uhs m%jD;a;shla we;sfjkafk fldfyo lsh,d úmrñka bkak ´k' ta lshkafk ;ukaf.a /lshdj fjkqfjka lemfjkak ´k lshk tl' WodyrKhla úÈyg .;af;d;a uf.a zzuq,a msgqjZZ jevigyk yskao ux yeuodu mdkaor 2'00 g ke.sákjd' yeu m;a;rhlau uqøKh lrkafk ?ghs' i;s wka; j,hs' ojfi meh úisy;ru f¾äfhda" rEmjdyskS" fjí wvú l%shd;aul fjkjd' tajd ;u wdh;k fjkqfjka
nkaÿ, moaul=udr uy;d f,ala yjqia fyj;a ,xlfõ iSudiys; tlai;a m%jD;a;s m;% iud.fï j;auka iNdm;s iy ysgmq l;D uKav, wOHlaIl" ksoyia udOH jHdmdrfha iy Y%S ,xld l;D ixiofha wdrïNl idudðl" Y%S ,xld mqj;am;a wdh;kfha iy Y%S ,xld udOH úoHd,fha wdrïNl wOHlaIl'
mdie,a wOHdmkh wjika lsÍug;a fmr wdOqksl Ñ;%mghla ksIamdokhg odhl jQ Tyq tjlg isá iskudfõ oejeka;hkaf.a weiqrg fhduq jqkd' miqj Ñ;%mg úpdrlfhla f,iska uqøs; udOH l,djg msh ke.+ Tyq ;reK mrmqf¾ wNs,dYhka .%yKhg ,la l, kj mrmqf¾ mqj;a m;a .Kkdjla rgg y÷kajd§ug uQ,sl;ajh f.k ls%hd l,d' wk;=rej tjlg uq,a nei .;a cd;sl mqj;a m;a ish,a,g wNsfhda.hla lrñka Èkm;d iy i;s wka; cd;sl mqj;am;a .Kkdjla rgg y÷kajd ÿkakd' bka wk;=rej úoaHq;a udOH fj;g mshk.k Tyq rfÜ nd," ;reK" jeäysá yd uy¿ ish¿ fokdf.a buy;a m%idoh Èkd.ksñka rEmjdysKs udOHfha fmr,sldr jev igykla jq —uq,a msgqj˜ yÿkajd fokjd' wdOqksl iskud lrefjl=" Ñ;%mg úpdrlhl=" mqj;a m;a l;D jrfhl=" f,aLlfhl=" rEmjdysks kssfõolhl=" rEmjdysks jevigyka ksIamdolhl= yd mqj;a m;a wdh;k wêm;sfhl= f,i ish udOH Ôú;fha úúO lvhsï miql< Tyq j¾Kj;a fukau wkafod,d;aul N+ñldjka miqlrñka udOH lafIa;%fha by,gu meñk isà'
Pinnacle l;d lrkjd' wu;l lrkak tmd úYsIag;ajhhs" lemùuhs" ksr;=reju we.hSug ,lafjkjd lsh,d' udOH lafIa;%fha /lshdjla lrk flfkla wjqreoaolg meh 24 X 7 X 365 la ú;r lemlrkak isoaO fjkjd' tal we.hSulg ,lafjkjd' ta jqK;a talg f.dvla bjikak ´k' m%' udOH lafIa;%h ;=< ;dlaIKfha N+ñldj fudllao @ wo udOH lafIa;%h ;=< ;dlaIKh úYd, jYfhka fhdod .kakjd' flfkl=g mß.Kl oekqu yd tys lghq;= myiqfjka lrkak mq¿jka lu;a PdhdrEm l,dj fhdodf.k PdhdrEm .kak mq¿jka lu;a" f,aLk.; lsÍu yd ixialrKh .ek fyd| oekqula ;sîu;a" uqøs; y úoHq;a udOH j,ska m%pdrh lrkak mq¿jka ksIamdokhka lrkak mq¿jka yelshdj;a ;sfhkak ´k' tajf.a yeu wxYhlu yelshdjka ;sfhk whg fï lafIa;%fha ch.%Kh lrkak mq¿jka' ;dlaIKh Ndú;h;a tlal udOH lafIa;%h b;d wê;dlaIKsl ;;a;ajhlg weú;a ;sfhkjd' úYd, f;dr;=re m%udKhla b;d fõ.fhka" tlmdr m%pdrh lrkak mq¿jka fj,d ;sfhkjd' fm%alaIlhskag b;d ksjerÈ f;dr;=re fõ.fhka fokak mq¿jka úÈyg flá ux iEfykak m%udKhla ;dlaIKh;a tlal wmg ,eì,d ;sfhkjd' ld¾hnyq, ld,igykla ;snqK;a wmf.a ld¾hh b;d fyd¢ka ksu lrkak ;dlaIKh ksid wo mq¿jka fj,d ;sfhkjd' idïm%odhsl Y%jH oDYH udOH úÈyg .=jka úÿ,s kd,sld rEmjdyskS kd,sld Wia my;a ùï tlal mj;ajdf.k hkjd' ta w¿;ska we;sjqK m%jK;d úÈyg FACEbook, Twitter jf.a iudc fjí wvú y÷kajkak mq¿jka' iudc fjí wvúj, keÕS tafuka udOH lafIa;%h we;=f< f.dvla fjkialï isoaOjqKd' fïl idïm%odhslj mej;=Kq NdIdj, fjkialula we;s lrkak;a fya;=jla jqKd' iuyr jpk tajdfha kshu wl=re mdúÉÑ lr,d fkd,shk tl tjeks ;;a;ajhla' ta fjkqjg Ndú; fjkafka ta jpk fjkqjg flálr .;a; jpk' WodyrK úÈyg —the˜ fjkqjg —da˜" —thank you˜ fjkqjg —thk u˜ jf.a tajd fmkajkak mq¿jka' fïjhska woyia lrkafka ;dlaIKfha ÈhqKqjg NdIdj jkaÈ f.jkak ´k lshk tl o@ kj ;dlaIKh je<| .kakjd idïm%odhsl foaj, m%fhdack;a ,nd.kak ´k kï fï jf.a m%Yak ;dreKH fj; fhduq lrkak ´k'
m%' jD;a;shla yeáhg udOH flaIa;%h f;dard .ekSfuka úfYaIs; wjia:djka ysïfjkjdo @ flfklag tla w;lg wkkH;djhla fï yryd f.dvkxjd .kak mq¿jka' WodyrKhla úoshg uu uq,a msgqj ixl,amh l%shd;aul lroa§ uu fm%alaIlhka iuÕ in|;djka f.dvkxjd .ekSug Wkkaÿ jqkd' WoEik b;du ld¾hnyq, flfklag Wk;a fldgila" fudfyd;lg yß ne,sug wjldYh ,ndosh hq;=hs' tal iuyr jsg Tfí bosrsm;a lsßfï ffY,sh úh yelshs' iuyrúg weÿï me<ÿï úh yelshs' uu iuyr úg leurdjg yskdfjkjd tallrkafka fm%alaIlhd wdl¾Ykh lr.ekSughs' ;reKhka mjd fjkia fjñka j¾Okh úuhs jeo.;a fjkafka' udOH lafIa;%fhaoS wms wksjd¾fhkau b;du ks¾udKYS,s úh hq;=hs' yeu fudfyd;lu kj Wmdhka fiúh hq;=hs' ;dlaIKh iuÕ tlaldiq úh hq;=hs' m%' udOH lafIa;%hg we;=¿ fjkak b;d wju uÜgul iqÿiqlï ;sîu m%udKj;a tfia;a ke;akï iqÿiqlï wkjYH njg ms<s.ekSula ;sfhkjd' fï ms<sn| Tnf.a woyi l=ula o@ hï lsis iSudjla fjklï —Tõ˜' flfklag f;dr;=re miafi hkak iycfhkau m%Yak úpdÍfï leue;a;la ;sfhkak ´k' talg flfklag iqÿiqlï ´k fjkafk kE' tajf.a jd¾;dlrefjd bkakjd' fldfydu jqK;a W;a;f¾ —kE˜ fjkak;a mq¿jka' wkd.;h id¾:l fjkakkï oekqu l=i,;d jeä lr.kakd fyd| udOHfõÈfhla fjkak ´klrk wfkl=;a wjYH;d imqrd .kak;a ´k" úfYaIfhkau fjkiafjk ;dlaIKh;a tlal f,dl= fjkialï fjoaÈ flfkla m%jD;a;shla ixialrKh fkdl< whqßka jd¾;d lrkak l,ska ta mqj; tl tl oDIaáfldaK j,ska n,kak ´k' WodyrKhla úÈyg tys ixfõ§ me;a;" kS;suh iïnkaOh jf. foaj,a' jD;a;Shuh ksmqK;ajh l%uj;a wOHdmkhla ;=<ska ,nd.kak tl fyd|hs' ta;a yelshdjka l%shdldrlï j,ska uqjy;a lr.kak ´k' fyd¢ka uqjy;a lf<a ke;akï mekai,la jQK;a ,shfjkafk kE' yßhg isÿjqk foa l=ulao @ fldfyduo@ ljoo@ ljqo@ hk m%Yak j,g W;a;r oek.kak ´k' udOHfõÈfhla fï jf.a úIh ÈhqKq lrkak l%uj;a wOHdmkhla ,nkak ´k' ta wh lshùu" ,sùu" bÈßm;a lsÍu jf.a
yelshdjka j,È ks¾udKYS,S fjkak ´k' udOH wOHdmkfhka ta jf.a ishqï yelshdjka ,nd.kak mq¿jka' ta uu ys;kjd udOH jevigyka lrk wdh;k fyd| ieleiaulska yd ie,eiaulska hq;= fjkak ´k lsh,d' udOH lafIa;%fha jD;a;ShfõÈfhla ;kkak mqrjkak ´k ysia;eka f.dvla ;sfhkjd' ta ysveia mqrjkak wfkla jD;a;Ska iu. iudk ms<s.ekSula udOHfõ§kag;a we;slrkak yoj;skau leu;s m<mqreÿ mqoa.,hska wjYHhs' m%' ;u wkd.; jD;a;sh f,i udOH lafIa;%h f;dard .ekSug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk ;reKhskag Tng §ug ;sfnk WmfoaYh l=ulao@ NdIdj yeisrùfï olaIfhla fjkak¦ idOdrK ukilska hqla; fjkak¦ m%Yak weiSug leue;a;la olajkak' ;reK mrïmrdj m%jD;a;shs f;dr;=rehs tl <Õska ;shd.kak ishqï l,djla m%.=K lrkak ´k' fuh Tjqkaf.a Yío fldaIh fmdaIKh lrdú¦ oekqu jeä lrdú' lshúh yels" weish yels" oelsh yels m%udK .ek f;areï .kak oekqula m<mqreoaola udOH lafIa;%fha /lshdj lrkafkl= i;=j ;sfhkaku ´k' fï wh wfkla whf.a yeÕSï f;areï .kak mq¿jka" flfkla fjkak ´k úúO oDIaÀ fldaK .ek lshj,d ;sfhk oekqu ;sfhk wh fjkak;a ´k' udOH fhdod.kakd f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK l=i,;d yd ;dlaIKsl oekqu we;s flfkla fjk tl;a jeo.;a' jvd;a ÈhqKqu fõ.j;au l%uj,ska wvqu ld,hlska ksjerÈ ia:dkhg hkak;a ùäfhda o¾Ykhla fyda jd¾;djla yels blaukska ,ndfokak;a mq¿jka fjkak ´k' ta jf.a mqoa.,fhla udOH lafIa;%fha /lshdjla ,nkak b;du;a iqÿiq fjkjd' w¿;a udOH ixialD;shla ìys lsÍfï yd j.lSfuka hq;= udOHfõ§ka yd udOHfõÈkshka fjñka fï l¾udka;h by<g f.k hdfï j.lSu mejß,d ;sfhkafk ;dreKHhghs' mqyqKq mdGud,d udOH ;=< wjia:do nyq, ksid ;dreKH l<hq;= jkafka fuu wjia:d ,ndf.k b;d fyd¢ka mqyqKq fjñka ;;a;ajfhka Wiia ksuejqï bÈßm;a lsÍuhs' ^PdhdrEm - §md,a u,,fialr&
rhjidfs; gy
Gay;fisAk; jilfisAk;
fle;J cah;tile;jJ
Neh; fz;L tpghpg;gJ:ee;Jd; gh;zhd;Nlh, \hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh, epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is kw;Wk; ep[e;jd; n[aFkhh;
jdpegh;fis kl;Lky;yhJ KOehLfisNa khw;wpaikf;ff;$ba xU Jiwapy;> xU nghWg;Gkpf;f cah; rhjidahsuhf cUthFtnjd;gJ xd;Wk; mt;tsT ,yFthd tplakd;W. EDEX EDEX rQ;rpifAldhd Neh;fhzypd; NghJ rpdpkh> mr;R Clfk; kw;Wk; ,yj;jpudpay; Clfk; vdg; gue;J tphpe;j Clfj; Jiwapy; jdJ ntw;wpapd; ufrpaq;fisg; gw;wpf; $Wfpwhh;> gpugy Clfj; Jiwrhh; rhjidahsh; jpU. ge;Jy gj;kFkhu.
ge;Jy gj;kFkhu gj;jphpf;iffSld; rpW ,iz rQ;rpiffis njhFj;J tpepNahfpf;Fk; fiyia mwpKfg;gLj;jp tsh;j;jjpy; mtuJ gq;F msg;ghpaJ. "Kumari" "Rajina" kw;Wk; "Samudra" vd;gtw;wpd; Clhf mth; ,ij epiwNtw;wpdhh;. Muk;g fhyj;jpy; ,it midj;Jk; fLk; tpkh;rdj;jpw;Fs;shd NghjpYk; fhyg;Nghf;fpy; mit Nehf;fhff; nfhz;l thrfh;fis mile;jJld; NtW gy epWtdq;fshYk; gpd;gw;wg;glj; njhlq;fpd. KO mstpyhd gj;jphpf;ifj;Jiwapy; mtuJ "Lakbima" gj;jphpf;if mjPj tsh;r;rp fz;lJ. "Mul Pituwa" njhiyf;fhl;rp epfo;r;rp ghhpa cs;s+h; urpfh;fis ,d;wsTk; nfhz;bUg;gJ rpwg;gk;rkhFk;. Lake House vdg; gutyhf mwpag;gl;l Ceylon Associated Newspapers Ltd y; Muk;g fhyj;jpy; Mrphpah;fSf;Fj; jiytuhf epakpf;fg;gl;l ,th; ,d;W me;j KO epWtdj;jpw;FNk jiyik tfpj;jJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. ,th; xU ,af;FduhfTk;> cjtp ,af;FduhfTk;> rpdpkh tpkh;rfuhfTk;> ClftpayhsuhfTk;> mr;R Clf MrphpauhfTk;> thndhyp mwptpg;ghsuhfTk;> njhFg;ghsuhfTk;> ,yj;jpudpay; Clfj;jpy; jahhpg;ghsuhfTk; gy ghj;jpuq;fis Vw;Ws;sik tpNrl mk;rkhFk;.
Nf: jw;fhy Clfj;Jiwia vt;thW tpghpg;gPh;fs;? Clfj;JiwahdJ jfty; nfhLj;jiyAk; ngWjiyAk; mbg;gilahf nfhz;Ls;sJ. mit mbg;gilahdjhfNth my;yJ ghFgLj;jg;glhjjhfNth my;yJ ed;F xUq;fikf;fg;gl;Nlh cs;s nra;jpfisf; nfhz;Ls;sit nra;jpfis toq; F tjpy; mr; R Clfj; j pd; Nrit msg;ghpaJ. Mdhy; ,d;W ,g; ghuk;ghpa Jiwia tpl ntt;NtW tifahd etPd Clf Kiwfs; Kd;NdwpAs;sd. jfty; njhopy;El;gj;jpd; mghu tsh;r;rp fhuzkhf ,d;W gj;jphpf;if thndhyp> njhiyf;fhl;rp Mfpait gue;jstpy; Kd;NdwpAs;sd. Mrpahtpy; Fwpg;ghf ,yq;if> ,e;jpah Nghd; w ehLfspy; ,d; D k; Kd; N dwp tUk; epiyikNa fhzg; g Lfpd; w J. eLj;ju th;f;fj;jpd; Kd;Ndw;wk; fhuzkhf gj;jphpf;if nfhs;tdthdJ xU tof;fkhfNt khwptpl;lJ. Mdhy; Nkw;Fy ehLfspy; ,izag; g htiz fhuzkhf gj; j phpf; i fj; Jiw mr; R Wj; j iy vjph; Nehf;Ffpd;wJ. FOthf Nrh;eJ ; toq;Fk; Kiwik khwp ,d;W xU jdp kdpjd; ,j; Jiwapy; gy ghj;jpuq;fis tfpf;f Ntz;b ,Uf;fpd;wJ. ,d; W xU jdp kdpjNd nra; j pia Nrfhpj;J mtw;iw tbfl;b xOq;fikj;J r%fj;jpw;F toq;fTk; nra;fpwhd;. nra;jpfs; chpath;fis nrd;wila vLf;Fk; Neuk; ntFthff; Fiwtile;Js;sJ.
Nf: cq;fs; Clfj;Jiw tho;f;ifia vt;thW njhlq;fpdPh;fs;? ehd; xU cah;ju khztdhf ,Ue;j fhyj;jpy; vd; ez;gh;fSld; ,ize;J KO ePsj; jpiug;glk; xd;iw jahhpf;f KbT nra;Njhk;. vkJ fdTfis edthf; F tjw; f hd nghUshjhu gpz;zzpahdJ "Nimwallala" tpd; cUthf;fj;Jld; fpilj;jJ. rpdpkhtpy; ,Ue;j Mh;tj;jpd; fhuzkhf mnkhpf;fh> gpuhd;]; kw;Wk; N[h;kdp Mfpa ehLfspd; J}juq; f shy; jpiuaplg; g l; l jpiug; g lq; f isg; ghh; j ; J urpj; N jhk; . mf;fhyfl;lj;jpy; me;ehLfspd; kpfr; rpwe;j jpiug;glq;fs; ntFthfNt jpiuaplg;gl;ld. ,j; jpiug;glq;fisg; ghh;f;f nrd;w NghJ Dr.Lester N[k;]; gPhp]; mkuh;];]> mNgNrfu> ruj; mKDfk kw;Wk; Freddi Ranasinghe Mfpa gpugyq;fis re;jpf;Fk; tha; g ; G fpilj; j J. mth; f Ns vkJ topfhl;bfshf mike;jdh;. mth;fsplkpUe;J ehq;fs; fw;Wf; nfhz;lJ kl;Lky;yhky; rpwe;j fUj;Jf;fisg; ngw;Wf;nfhz;Nlhk;. ,j; j piug; g lq; f s; kP j pUe; j Mh; t j; j pd; fhuzkhfTk; gpugyq;fsJ fUj;Jf;fspd; cjtpNahLk; rpdpkhj;Jiwapy; Eioe;j ehd; Vwj;jho gj;J jpiug;glq;fspd; cjtp ,af;Fduhf flikahw;wpNdd;. mNjNtisapy; ehd; rpdpkhj;Jiwiag; gw;wpAk; mjd; Gjpa ntspaPLfs; gw;wpAk; vOj Muk;gpj;Njd;. mjd; %yk; ehd; kpFe;j jpUg;jpaile;jJld; vdf;nfd jdpahd xU thrfh; $l;lj;ij ntd;nwLj;Njd;. ,t; t hwhf ehndhU gpugykhd rpdpkh Clftpayhsuhf cUntLj;Njd;.
Clftpayhsh; xUth; XU ehspy; 24 kzpNeuKk; 365 ehl;fSk; tpopg;Gzh;NthL nra;jpfis jpul;bf; nfhz;Nl ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; Mf; f hyj; j py; gpugykhd rpj; j huh gj;jphpf;if FOtpduhy; miof;fg;gl;lJld; vdJ mr;R Clf tho;f;if Muk;gkhdJ. mjd; gpd; ,yq;ifapd; fpuhkpa ngz; f Sf; f hf 'Fkhhp" I ntspapl njhlq;fpNdd;.
Nf: cq;fsJ Clfj;Jiw tho;tpy; iky;fw;fshf vtw;iwf; fUJtPh;fs;? 'Fkhhp" f;fhd tpkh;rdq;fs; mjpfkhf fhzg;gl;lhYk; mJ mjpfkhf gpujpnaLf;fg;gl;lJ. 'Fkhhp" rQ;rpifapd; gue;j tpepNahfkhdJ ,j;jifa rpwe;j tpahghu Kiwfis mwpKfg;gLj;Jtjpy; kw;wth;fSila mwpTf; fz;iz jpwe;jJ. mj;NjhL ehd; NtW rpy gj;jphpf;iffisAk; njhlq;fpNdd;. mtw;wpy; nkhopngah;gg ; pid cs;slq;fpa 'rKj;jpuh" vd;gJk; ngz;fis Nehf;fhff; nfhz;l Rajna Tk; Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. gpw; g hL kpfr; r pwe; j rpq; f s thu ntspaPLfSld; Nghl;bapLKfkhf XU Gjpa gj;jphpf;ifia njhlf;f miof;fg;gl;Nld;. mjd; %yk; mf;fhyj;jpy; thuntspaPlhfNt kl;Lk; ,Ue;j Lakbima gj; j phpf; i f Muk; g pf; f g; g l; l J. "Lakbima" tpd; mwpKfj; J ld; xd; w pize; j rpW gj;jphpiffis ,izj;J tpepNahfpf;Fk; Kiwia mwpKfg; g Lj; j pNdd; mJTk; rpwe;j tuNtw;igg;ngw;W gy;NtW Njrpag; gj;jphpf;iffshYk; gpd;gw;wg;gl;lJ.
mr;R Clfj;ijAk; ,yj;jpudpay; Clfj;ijAk; xd;wpizf;Fk; Mh;tj;jpy; ,Ue; j ehd; "Mul Pituwa" epfo; r ; r pia Muk;gpj;Njd;. mJ jpdrhp nra;jpfis FWfpa tbtpy; je;jJ. nra;jpfis kpf ,yFthf ngw; W f; nfhs; s f; $bajhf ,Ue;jikahy; kf;fsplk; mjPj tuNtw;igg; ngw;wJ. ,g;Gjpa Kaw;rpahdJ gy cs;s+h; Clftpayhsuhy; gpd; g w; w g; g l; l J. ,j;Jiwapy; gpugykhdij Kd;dpl;L ngUkfpo;r;rp milfpNwd;. "Mul Pituwa" epfo;r;rpapd; Clhf cs;s+hpYk; ntspA+hpYk; gpugykile;jij Kd;dpl;Lk; kfpo;r;rpailfpNwd;.
Nf: kw;iwa Jiwfspy; fhl;lg;gLk; <LghLfis tpl Clfj;Jiwapdpy; fhl; l Ntz; b a <LghL mjp f khf ,Uf;f Njitg;gLtJ ahJ? ,q;Nf jhd; kw;wj; JiwfSf;Fk; Clfj;jpw;Fkhd NtWghL fhzg; g Lfpd; w J. nra; j pfSf; n fd XU Fwpg; g pl; l Neuk; fpilahJ. Clftpayhsh; xUth; XU ehspy; 24 kzpNeuKk; 365 ehl;fSk; tpopg;Gzh;NthL nra;jpfis jpul;bf; nfhz;Nl ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mjhtJ jkJ Kw;W KOjhd <Lghl;ilAk; jdJ ,j;JiwapNyNa nrYj;j Ntz;Lk; Cjhuzkhf:- ehd; vdJ "Mul Pituwa" epfo;rr ; pf;fhf mjpfhiy 2kzpf;Nf vOe;J tpLNtd;. vy;yh nra;jpj; jhs;fSNk es;sputpy;jhd; mr;rplg;gLk;. cq;fisg; Nghd; N w thndhyp> njhiyf; f hl; r p> ,izak; vd;gitAk; Xa;tpd;wp jpdrhp Ntiy nra;J nfhz;Nl ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. RUf;fkhf nrhd;dhy; ,j;Jiwapy; cs;s xUth; rjhrh;t fhyKk; ,ijg; g w; w pa rpe; j idAzh; T lNdNa fhzg; g l Ntz; L k; . ,jw; F mth; nghWikrhypahf ,Uj;jy; mtrpak;.
Nf: Clfq;fspy; njhopy;El;gj;jpd; gq;fspg;G vj;jifaJ?
,d;iwa Clfq;fspy; njhopy;El;gk; gue; j stpy; cgNahfpf; f g; g Lfpd; w J. fzdpapd; nkd; n ghUl; f s; njhlh; g hd mwpT Gifg;glnkLj;jy;> jpUj;jpaikj;jy; Nghd;wit mbg;gilahdit. njhopy;El;g mwptpy; rpwe;J epw;Fk; Clftpayhsh;fs; epr; r ak; milahsg; g Lj; j g; g Lthh; f s; vd;gjpy; [akpy;iy. ,d;W Clfqfs;; njhopy;El;g kag;gl;Nl fhzg;gLfpd;wd. $ba jfty;fis ,tw;wpd; %yk; tpepNahfpf; f f; $ bajhf cs; s J. mJkl;Lky;yhky; cz;ikahd jfty;fis kf; f Sf; F clDf; F ld; mwpaj; j Uk; nraw; g hlhdJ njhopy; E l; g k; %yk; ,yFthf;fg;gl;bUf;fpd;wJ. vkJ md;whl Ntiyfis my;yJ Vida Ntiyfspy; ,Uf;Fk; NghJ $l jfty;fisg; ngwTk; tpepNahfpf;fTk; Kbfpd;wik ,j;jfty; njhopy;El;g cjtpahNyNa MFk;. ghuk;ghpa mr;R Clf KiwNah my;yJ thndhyp njhiyf; f hl; r pfNs Vw; w ,wf; f q; f is re;jpj;j tz;zNk cs;sd. ,d;W r%f tiyj; j sq; f s; nra; j pg; ghpkhw; w j; j py; Kjd;ik tfpf;fpd;wd cjhuzk;:- Facebook, Twitter
,e;j r%f Clfq;fs; kpfg; gpuk;khz;lkhd mstpy; ,d;W cUntLj;Js;sd. ,tw;why; Vw;gl;l Vw;gLfpd;w khw;wq;fs; Vuhsk;. cjhuzkhf:- ghuk;ghpa vOj;J Kiwfs; ,yf;fzq;fs; gpd;gw;wg;gLtjpy;iy (Thank you -> Thk u) ,tw;why; nkhop ghjpg;gilAkh? tsh; f ; f g; g Lkh? vd; g it ,isQUf; F tplg;gLk; Nfs;tpfshFk;.
Nf: Clfj; J iwap D s; tUtjw; F Fiwe;jsT jFjpfNs Njit my;yJ jFjp f Ns Njitap y ; i y vd; n whU fUj; J fhzg; g Lfp w J. ,ijg; g w; w p jq;fs; fUj;njd;d? Mk; jfty;fis Mh;tj;NjhL Muha;eJ ; Muha;eJ ; nry;tJ jhd; Clfj;Jiw ,jw;F nghpastpyhf jFjpfs; Njitapy;iy vd;Nw $w KbAk; Mdhy; mNjNtisapy; ,y;iy vd;Wk; $w KbAk;. NkYk; NkYk; Kd; N dw; w fukhd ghijapy; nry; t jw; F mwpTj; jpwd; f s; Nghl; b j; j d; i kfs; mj;jpahtrpakhdit Fwpg;ghf njhopy;El;gk; Ml;rp nra;Ak; ,f;fhyfl;lj;jpy; jFjpfs; Njitg; g lj; j hd; nra; f pd; w d. ClftpayhsnuhUth; nra;jpj;jpul;Ltijg; gw;wp gy fhuzpfspy; ftdk; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. nra;jpapd; jd;ik> cWjpj;jd;ik> rl;lG+h;tk; vd;git nra;jpfs; Nrfhpf;f Kd;ghf fUj;jpw; nfhs;s Ntz;bait. Kiwrhh;e;j fy;tp gapd;W. njhopy; J iwf; F s; EiotNj rpwe; j J. MdhYk; jpwd;fs; mDgtk; %ykhfNt tsh; j ; J f; nfhs; s f; $bait. xU Clftpayhsd; Kiwahd fy;tpapidf; fw;W rpwe;j ,lj;jpy; mDgt hPjpahfTk; gapw;Wtpf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;. Mf;fG+h;tkhf rpe; j idahsdhfTk; > thrpg; G gof; f k; cs;sdthfTk; fUj;Jf;fisNah my;yJ jd; d plKs; s jpwd; f is ntspf; f hl; l f; $batuhfNth ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. ,it Clff; fy;tpapy; toq;fg;gLk;.
Clff; f y; t pia toq; F k; fy; t p epWtdq;fs; jkf;nfd jdpj; jpl;lkpliyAk; fl;likg;igAk; nfhz;bUg;gJ ey;ynjd ehd; epidf;fpNwd;. Clfj;Jiwapy; rpwe;j xUtiu cUthf;f gy ,ilntspfis G+uzg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. Vida JiwfSld; xg;gpLk; NghJ Clfj;Jiw jdp milahsk; nfhLf; F k; > Clfj; J iwf; n fd jdpf; fhjiy itj;jpUf;Fk; gpugyq;fshNy ,t; ,ilntspfs; epug;gg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
Nf: ,isQh;fSf;F Clfj;Jiwapy; vt; t hwhdnjhU tsh; r p i ag; ngw KbAk;? ,isQd; XUtd; jdf; n fd; n whU jdp milahsj;ij nfhz;bUf;f Ntz; L k; . jdf; n fd XU jdpj; J tKk; jdf;nfd $l;lKk; nfhz;bUg;gtdhNyNa ,j;Jiwapy; rhjpf;f KbAk;. cjhuzkhf "Mul Pituwa" it ehd; Muk; g pj; j NghJ vdf; F k; ghh; i tahsUf; F kpilNaahd cwit tYg;gLj;jpf; nfhz;Nld;. xUth; mjpfhiyapy; Ntiy mtruj;jpy; ,Ue;jhYk; ,jpy;; xU rpwpa gFjpiaahtJ ghh; f ; f j; j tWtjpy; i y ,jw; F fhuzk; ,J xU rkh;g;gz Kiwahf ,Uf;fyhk;. my; y J Mil myq; f huq; f shff; $l ,Uf; f yhk; . ehd; Xspg; g jpT ngl; b f; F Kd;dhy; vd; epfo;rpia njhFj;J toq;f rphpf; f ghh; i tahsUld; goff; fw; W f; nfhz;Nld;. ,it vy;yhtw;iwAk; jhz;b jfty;fis ghh;g;Nghhpd; ftdj;ij ftUk; tifapy; nfhz;L Nrh;j;Njd;. ,isa rKjhak; gyjpwd;fis cs;slf;fpath;fshf ,Uj;jNyhL njhopypy; fhzg;glf; $ba jilfisAk; mwpe;J itj; j pUf; f Ntz; L k; . ,jd; %yk; mth;fshy; njhlh;rr ; pahd Kd;Ndw;wq;fisf; fhz KbAk;. Clfj;Jiwrhh; njhopy; GhpAk; XUth; GJikahf rpe;jpf;fTk; etPdkhd rpU\;bf;fTk; $batuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Xt;nthU KiwAk; xU Gjpa rpe;jidAld; nray; g Lk; Mw; w iyf; nfhz; b Uf; f Ntz;Lk;. ,isQh;fs; njhopy;El;gj;jpd; cjtpNahL njhlh;r;rpahf jfty;fisj; jpul;l Ntz;Lk;. ,isQh;fs; njhopy;El;g mwpitf; nfhz;bUg;gJ ,d;wpaikahjJ. njhopy;El;g mwpT vDk; gl;rj;jpy; mJ ,izag; ghtizahfNth my;yJ Gjpa nkd; nghUl;fisf; ifahs;tNjh my;yJ Gifg;glf; fUtpapd; ghtizahfNth $l ,Uf;fyhk;.
Nf: Clfj;Jiwia jdJ vjph;fhy njhopyhff; nfhz;L nry; y tpUk; G k; ,isQh;fSf;F ePq;fs; $w tpUk;GtJ vd;d? kpFe;j mwpTj; NjlYs;stuhfTk; nkhopg; Gyik nfhz;ltuhfTk; ,Uq;fs;. ,isQh;fs; Kbe;jsT thrpg;gij mjpfg;gLj;JtNjhL Gjpa nrhw;fis mwpaTk;> jkJ mwpTj; jpwid tsh;f;fTk; gy;NtW Jiwrhh; mwpitg;
ngw;Wj;juf; $baJkhdtw;iw thrpg;gJ rhyr; rpwe;jJ. Fwpg;ghf xUth; thrpj;jy;> Nfl;ly;> Nehf;Fjy; %yk; xU tplaj;ij Ghpe; J nfhs; s f; $ba jpwik kw; W k; mDgtj;jpidAk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,isQh;fs; ,yFthff; Ghpe;J nfhs; s f; $bath; f shfTk; mwpthh; e ; j fUj;Jf;fis nfhz;lth;fshfTk; kw;wth;fSila cs;shh;e;j czh;Tfis Ghpe; J nfhz; L mth; f isg; ghuhl; L k; ew;FzKilath;fshfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. njhopy;El;g mwptpy; rpwe;J tpsq;FtNjhL fzdp njhlh;ghd jpwikfisf; iff;nfhz;bUj;jy; mj;jpahtrpakhdJ. Clfj;Jiw tpUk;Gk; xt; n thU ,isQDk; xU nra; j papd; %yj; i j mjp tpiuthf milaTk; nra;jpfis tpiuthf njhFf;fTk; njhFj;j jahhpj;j nra;jpia tpiuthf mwpf;ifgLj;jpNah my;yJ fhnzhspahf cUthf;fpNah mDg;Gk; jpwidf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,j;jifa jpwikfisf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; xU egh; Clfj;Jiwf;F kpfTk; nghUj;jkhd xUtuhf ,dq;fhzg;gLthh;. Clfj; J iwapDs; xU gy; J iwf; fyhrhuj; i j cUthf; F k; nghWg; G kpf; f Clftpayhsh; f is cUthf; F tJk; mjd; %yk; Clfj;Jiwia nkd;NkYk; Kd;Ndhf;fpf; nfhz;L nry;tJk; ,isQh;fspd; nghWg;NgahFk;. Mh;tj;ij Vw;gLj;Jk; gapw;rp tFg;Gf;fs; nfhQ;rKk; Fiwtpy;yhj tha;g;gf;fs; Nghd;wtw;iw ,isQh;fs; rhpahd Kiwapy; gad;gLj;jp Clfj;Jiwapd; juj;ij Fiwa tplhky; rhpahd ghijapy; Kd;Ndwpr; nry;y Ntz;Lk;.
Affordable Diplomas to aid you in your Career Choice you for higher studies in Software Engineering. It covers development in the .Net environment and by itself is a valuable qualification for those that seek employment
ESOFT is a trusted name in Sri Lanka for providing high quality education focusing on ICT and Business. This is due in part to the fact that ESOFT builds partnerships with reputed organisations in the education sector in order to provide the best opportunities to Sri Lankan Students.
Apart from the qualifications that we offer via our affiliations and partnerships, ESOFT also has a range of Diploma Programmes that are specially designed to cater for the requirements of school leavers who need hands-on knowledge and experience in the latest technologies in order to prepare them for the local and international job market.
The more popular programmes we have on offer include: •
Diploma in Information Technology (DITEC) – this is a 4 month Diploma that covers everything from the basics of computing to operating systems to office productivity applications, as well as computer programming, web designing and multimedia.
Diploma in Software Engineering (DISE) – a 6 month programme that prepares
Diploma in Web Engineering (DIWE) – a 6 month intensive programme that covers web designing and development using PHP as the main programming technology. Successful candidates will be able to engage is self employment or find employment in the industry. Diploma in Business Management (DIBM) – Ideal for those that wish to progress in the field of Business Management for their higher studies. This presents the ideal groundwork for those that are new to the field. Covers a wide spectrum and can be completed in 6 months. Diploma in English – A programme specially designed by ESOFT since we saw that language skills is an area where students need specialist help. English is a must for those that seek employment today as it is a life skill. ESOFT also offers international certification via the City and Guilds programmes.
ESOFT also offers a range of courses and programmes for young kids, school leavers, and professionals. Qualifications range from primary ICT classes for kids to Masters Degrees for those that have already completed their first degree or have suitable working experience. One of the reasons for the success of ESOFT students is that ESOFT has a dedicated full-time academic panel including those with Degrees and Masters, as well as professional qualifications.
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APIIT – is a renowned higher education provider in Sri Lanka. APIIT Sri Lanka focuses on 5 important Dimensions which are known as unique advantages of Studying at APIIT.
Global Reputation for Academic Excellence APIIT - Sri Lanka offers several degree programmes in Computing/IT, Business Management and Law in collaboration With Staffordshire University in the UK. These are internationally Accredited internal degree programmes. Innovative Learning, Teaching and Assessment Close interaction with international partner organizations helps APIIT keep abreast of international developments and trends in Higher education. APIIT adopts international best practices that Promote high quality of teaching and learning and a high degree Of integrity and reliability of assessments.
High Quality Staff Committed to Student Success Students’ academic achievement is the primary focus of the Entire operation at APIIT. In order to support outstanding Student achievement, APIIT places great significance on the Recruitment, development and retention of high quality staff Who are committed to student success. Cutting-edge Technology and Premium Facilities Being a modern and futuristic higher education institution, APIIT - Sri Lanka readily embraces latest technological advances To facilitate its teaching/ learning process as well as academic Management.
Professional Culture and Value System APIIT possesses a distinctive professional culture and value System. Students are trained from day one to conduct Themselves like professionals.
Conclusion APIIT’s vision is to be a leading provider of top-quality Higher education in the region with an objective to Produce professionals who are immediately employable upon Graduation and enjoy rewarding careers in life.
kshu .e<fmk rgdj" Ôjh ,ndÈu wksjd¾hhs' fï wdldrhg wdh;khlg hjk Ôjo;a; m;%sldfj;a Tn n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjk foa ksis úoshg iïfm%aIKh fkdjqfKd;a fudlo fjkafka @ Tn /lshdjg fkdf;aÍ hkjd' taksidu n,k whg biafi,du Tn fï /lshdjg .e<fmkjd lshk yeÕSu we;sfjkak ´k' ta whg tu ye.Su tkak kx ta úoshg kshu jpk .e<fmkak ´k' b;sx kslx jpk f.dvlg yeÕSula tl;=ùu jD;a;Sh ðú;hg t<fUk Tng b;du jeo.;a fkao@
yeÕSï''' ;drl wurfiak
zzl:djZZ lshkafka" wms fï f,daflg bmÿKq fudfydf;a mgka lrk" lrkak W;aidy lrk l¾;jHhla' yefudau ys;=jg wms bmÿKq fudfydf;a§ bo,u l:d lrkafka kE lsh,d" wms wfma l:dj mgka.;af;a yhsfhka f,daflgu wefykak w~,d' tfyu mgka.kak l:dj wïudf.a ;K mqvqj,ska wms lsß ìxÿj" ìxÿj Wrd fndkfldg weiaj,ska lrk l:djla njg mßj¾;kh fjkjd' ta l;dj f.dvdla ixfõ§ fjkafk weia j,ska lrk l:djla yskaou fkfuhs' tal yryd f.dvdla ióm yeÕSï yqjudrejk yskaod' fukak fï ldrKdj .ek Tn fudfyd;lg ys;=jdo @ fïl wms yefudaf.u Ôú;j, wms fkdys;k me;a;la' fudlo ye.Sï yqjudrejk l:djlg wms fkdt<fUk ;dlal,a wmsg ljodj;a fyd| ikaksfõokhla f.dvk.d .kak nE' ta ksidu ´kEu ;ekl§ wfma l:dj fudlla Wk;a talg wksjd¾hfhkau ye.Sï tl;=fj,d ta l:djg mk fokak wjYHhs' wms yeu flfklau fmdä ldf,Èu fï wdldrhg l:djg yeÕSï tl;=lr,d fyd| ikaksfõokhla ixfõ§j f.dvk.kak Wm;skau Ys,amh wrf.k tkjd' ta;a iudch tlal uqyqfjkak mgka.;a; od boka újD; ixjdohlg jvd ye.Sï yx.f.k" wkjYH fndfyda foa wfma lrf.k ujdf.k wms lghq;= lrkjd' we;a;gu wfma ðú;h jD;a;shla kï tafla uqÿka uq, ;uhs wms Ndú; lrk ikaksfõokh' wms mdúÉÑlrk yeu wl=rlau" jpkhlau" jdlHhlau
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Many facets
The popular conception of media is that it embraces newspapers and TV. Stepping beyond that, below we explore the scope of media, where it is going in future and identify key aspects of careers in this fast growing field. What is media? In general 'media' refers to mechanisms of mass communication to reach large audiences. It has many forms, offering creative and exciting opportunities for globally competitive youth. Initially, there was only the 'print media' which used physical objects for delivering information, such as newspapers, magazines and books. This was followed by the 'recording media' which used sound as the medium through gramophone records, magnetic tapes, cassettes etc, to entertain, educate and provide references. Then came 'cinematic media' which delivered news in motion pictures and
'radio media' to reach out to distant audiences. This, combined with the 'television media' transmitted pictures with sound into peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s homes. With the development of technology, a new mechanism came into affect known widely as 'electronic media', which improved quality and quantity of transmissions through use of electromechanical energy and greater bandwidth. This opened up the industry beyond television to video and audio recordings, multimedia presentations and online content. Further development of new techniques added the 'Internet media' to deliver mass media objects through its many services such as email, websites and blogging while its easy accessibility enabled information to be broadcast world wide, simultaneously and cost effectively. Then there is 'outdoor media' which uses placards on buildings, shops and buses, flying billboards towed by airplanes, blimps etc, to get its message across. Each mass media has its own type of content, its own creative artists and technicians and its own business models.
They are also country, language and culture dependent as they have to be acceptable to the public.
Impact of social media Originally, 'media' was used to deliver news, then information. Today, in addition, it is heavily used to advertise and sell products and services as well as for recruiting. In these types of media, a 'provider' collates information and passes it on. We now have a new phenomenon called 'social media' where public provide each other, dynamic up-to-the second information from what they experience. For example, during the Olympics, traditional media channels depended on social media provided by millions who attended, to inform everybody of up-tothe-minute news and viewer reports. Social media uses web and mobile based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities, and individuals. Social media websites invite people to interact with their site and visitors to their site. The popularity of social media has driven the development and use of
of media With a glimpse
of future
By Nalin Goonewardene
an interactive 'digital media'. This has changed the face of television, where previous analogue technology has been entirely replaced in the UK and will soon have a major impact in India. New devices such as Tablet PCs and Smartphones have emerged to enable social media to be used effectively. According to Kaplan and Haenlein there are six different types of social media: collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter), content communities (e.g., YouTube), social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), virtual game worlds (e.g., World of Warcraft) and virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life). Specific new technologies include picture and music sharing, ‘wall’-postings, instant messaging, ‘crowdsourcing’ and voice over IP, to name a few. Social media services focus on some or all of seven functional building blocks, which help understand the engagement needs of social media audience such as identity, conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups.
Future of media Clearly, the media sector is rapidly changing due to effects of digitalisation and need to satisfy an ever increasing demand for ‘choice’. The use of interactive media is increasing, where online player websites enable broadening the appeal and availability of their offerings. Radio is moving forwards with relatively cheap licensing of internet based radio broadcasts. The trend towards social media monitoring tools enable users to share reviews of products before purchase. This will have a big impact on marketing and PR through essential changes being required to their business models. It can
also affect those working in Sales and human resource management as well as research and development. While the global economic crisis has adversely affected some areas, others such as independent TV production, animation and interactive media are continuing to grow, introducing new facilities and terminology as well as expanding the scope of what is called ‘media’. The UK is now the global leader in exploiting format rights internationally and is also an important driver of world growth in co-productions between companies in different countries. This is helped by the global importance of English language and \ popularity of UK programmes and formats. In 2005, there were reports of satellite receivers being present in some of the most remote and inaccessible regions of China. The media industry is growing in India at a rate of 20 percent per annum. In the UK, media
sector already employs 550,000 people providing opportunities in animation, computer games, film production, interactive media, radio and television. The changing media will soon impact many countries outside the western world, including Sri Lanka. India already offers degrees in Media Studies in addition to those on Journalism etc. As with every valuable career there are 3 things that are important - basic education, developing a skill set and work experience. Basic education to a first degree or at least A/Levels is required with further skills and experience developed through on-the-job training. It goes without saying that, due to dynamic developments in media industry, keeping in touch with changing times is of paramount importance.
Though a wide variety of jobs have become available across many disciplines of media, basic tenets are rooted in reporting, in its many forms. So, learning how to deliver a good story is a critical skill to acquire in areas such as: Journalism - knowing which questions to ask and how to ask, whether following a news story or conducting a Q&A. Writing – knowing how to craft a clear and concise story of interest to readers, within context. Photography – knowing how to get the best out of a camera, dealing with lighting and capturing scenes on the fly that give a message. Understanding and using growing new technology is also vital for careers in media.
A profession
like no other By Shihar Aneez
Curiosity is the key for news. If you are keen about what is happening around you and have an interest to narrate or convey incidences to others in a very interesting way, you definitely have the first qualification. Since journalism nowadays has many forms unlike only print media in mid 20th century, there is a wide range of opportunities to choose in journalism. Language, writing ability as well as better communication skills is the most essential qualifications for a media personality and sky is the limit for you. A journalistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role is more powerful than a politician or top civil servant, though the main responsibility is to serve the public. He or she may report from highlighting a poor road construction to investigating into while collar crimes. Today, a journalistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role reaches beyond mere reporting of news. A journalist can effectively create opinions, analyze an issue with relevant knowledge he has, enhanced by expert comments and in depth stories. It is not an easy job to sit in an office and write or produce for print or electronic media. It is a profession involved with the public. One need to go out of the office, talk to people, raise issues with relevant authorities, get the real picture and analyze a situation before
Journalists who can understand and write well about finances, economics, stock markets, budgets, sports, commodities, precious metals and politics are much in demand than those who merely report general spot news writing a fine piece of news. Yet, you will enjoy the job, if you are really interested in it as a profession. Claims of journalism drawing poor salaries in Sri Lanka are becoming history now. There is a strong demand for journalists in every news media now as there is a huge competition for those who can produce news that could be read, viewed and heard by millions of people instead of a few thousands. You can be a feature writer or you can just be a freelance reporter and get trained to be a professional journalist. There
is a niche market for journalists with technical knowledge. Journalists who can understand and write well about finances, economics, stock markets, budgets, sports, commodities, precious metals and politics are much in demand than those who merely report general spot news. So one secret of success in journalism is to gain expert knowledge over one particular area of interest, rather than trying to do everything. But nevertheless, knowing everything in general will be a definite advantage for a journalist to excel in his or her career and climb up the ladder of success. Journalism is an on-the-jobtraining career. A journalist cannot and will not have two similar stories in his or her life time. All the reports that a journalist writes or produces are unique. They become part of the history, written by that journalist during his or her life time. As already said, sky is the limit in journalism, provided that you have the right attitude without an ego. There are journalists who started their career as mere news presenters or freelance reporters, now heading world media organizations such as Reuters. What it takes to reach such heights are extra enthusiasm, patience, dedication and motivation.
(The writer is a Correspondent attached to Colombo office of a reputed international media organization.)
,jopay; ,izaw;w
cah; njhopy;
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xd;iwj; njhpe;J nfhs;tjw;fhd Mh;tNk nra;jpapd; jpwT NfhshFk;. cq;fis #o vd;d elf;fpd;wJ vd;gjpy; Mh;tk; nfhz;ltuhfTk; mt;thwd epfo;Tfis Ritahf tpghpj;J vLj;Jiuf;f KbAkhapd; epr;rakhf cq;fSf;Nf Kjd;ikj; jFjp cs;sJ. 20k; E}w;whz;bd; eLg;gFjpapy; mr;Rg;gjpthf kl;LNk ,Ue;j ,jopay; ,d;W gy;NtW tbtq;fspy; ,Uf;fpd;wJ. ,jopaiyj; njhpT nra;tjw;F gutyhd tha;g;Gf;fs; cs;sd. nkhop vOJtjw;fhd Mw;wy; njhlh;ghlYf;fhd cah; jpwd;fs; vd;gd ,jopayhsh;fSf;F fl;lhakhf ,Uf;f Ntz;ba jFjpfshFk; vd;gJld; thdNk ,jw;F vy;iyahFk;. nghJ kf;fSf;F Nrit nra;tNj nghWg;ghff; fhzg;gl;lhYk;> Xh; ,jopayhsh; murpay;thjpfs; kw;Wk; rptpy; cj;jpNahfj;jh;fis tplTk; rf;jp tha;e;jth;. Xh; ,jopayhsh; juk; Fiwthf eph;khzpf;fg;gl;l ghij xd;iwg; gw;wp tprhuiz nra;J> mtw;iw Fwpg;gpl;L mwpf;ifapLtjd; %yk; cah; gjtpapy; cs;sth;fs; nra;Ak; Fw;wq;fis $l ntspr;rj;jpw;F nfhz;L tu KbAk;. ,d;W ,jopayhsh;fspd; gq;F ntWk; nra;jpfis mwpf;ifapLtjidAk; jhz;br; nry;fpd;wJ. Xh; ,jopayhsd; fhj;jpukhf fUj;Jf;fis cUthf;f KbAk;. mtuJ mwpTf;Nfw;g gpur;rpidfis gFg;gha;T nra;a KbAk;. Mokhd nra;jpfis tpNrlj;Jt fUj;J njhpTg;Gf;fs; %yk; tpupTgLj;j KbAk;. ,jopay; vd;gJ xU fhhpahyaj;jpy; mkh;e;J nfhz;L mr;#lfj;jpw;F nra;jpfis vOJfpd;w my;yJ ,yj;jpudpay; Clfj;jpw;F jahhpf;Fk; xh; ,yFthd njhopyy;y mJ kf;fSld; njhlh;Gila Xh; cah; njhopyhFk;. XU jukhd nra;jpia vOJtjw;F Kd;dh; fhhpahyaj;jpw;F ntspNa nrd;W kf;fSld; fijf;f Ntz;Lk;. chpa mjpfhu rigfsplk; gpur;rpidfis cUthf;f Ntz;Lk;. nra;jpapd; rhpahd Njhw;wj;jpy; ,itfs; Ntz;Lk;.mofhd nra;jpnahd;iw vOJtjw;F Kd; mtw;iw gFg;gha;T nra;a Ntz;Lk;. cz;ikapy; ePq;fs; ,t; cah; njhopypy; Mh;tKs;stuhf ,Ug;gpd;; epr;rakhf ,j;njhopypy; kfpo;r;rpAld; ,Ug;gPh;fs;. ,yq;ifapy; ,jopayhsh;fs; Fiwe;j rk;gsj;ijg; ngWfpd;wdh; vd;gJ
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Journalism as a profession By Sharlene De Chickera and Nandun Fernando
Journalism is a noble profession Anuradha Herath
Director of Sri Lanka College of Journalism
Is there a long term career in journalism? This is a serious question that confuses many youthful minds. When looking at the number of journalists with short term careers, such confusion is reasonable. It then leads to an assumption that journalism is only a launching pad, to sail in to a different career. “Journalism shall be looked on to as a proper profession, one that provides a long term career,” says Anuradha Herath, Director of Sri Lanka College of Journalism. In fact, journalism provides a life long career to any aspiring youth; provided they come equipped with proper training, right attitude and adequate commitment. “The strength to stay committed to a journalistic career despite many obstacles that one may face is important,” says Herath.
Not only is journalism a proper profession to engage in, it is indeed a profession that offers opportunities to serve the society with passion and dedication. As with any other profession, some form of formal education is necessary for journalism too, inculcating basic but adequate knowledge over related subject matters. Established in 2004, Sri Lanka College of Journalism (SLCJ) aims to equip youth with proper training and right attitude, if they have the commitment to stay on. SLCJ views lack of proper training as a significant reason that lowers the identity of journalism as a worthy career. It is endeavouring to uplift standards of journalism in to the levels of a well recognised profession, by providing proper academic and adequate training programmes. SLCJ’s Diploma in journalism is designed to achieve that.
Diploma in Journalism It is a year long programme that provides exposure to academic learning such as lectures, exams and also amalgamates a host of practical work such as writing articles, making video edits, voice cuts, filming, studio training and internships at leading media institutions. Students are taught the basics in print and electronic media. Social media is also included into the curriculum to keep abreast with emerging trends. An aspiring youth can seek to enlist for SLCJ’s Diploma in journalism programme with a minimum of 3 A/L passes, when applications are called through public notices. One has to sit for a written test and also face an interview. According to Herath, “such a process is devised to identify hidden journalistic skills and more importantly, to recognize whether one has the commitment to become a professional journalist.”
Exposure to the fine art of media Aspiring journalists get a first-hand idea of all media through SLCJ’s diploma programme. Media laws, ethics and social responsibility are also woven into it, so that at the end a student strives to be a better journalist, upholding profession. “We want our students to become socially responsible journalists,” said
Lots of young journalists expect to get a quick by-line. They shall, once they learn the ropes of profession and work hard with lot of commitment Herath. The aim is to make journalism a recognized profession worthy of being in the limelight. Technical skills that form an intricate part of reporting are also taught, such as how to use a camera and handle it effectively. There is encouragement for aspiring photo-journalists to keep ‘snapping’ from their cameras and create a story through pictures. Initiatives to market oneself through blogs and use of social media are also encouraged. “It is a good and positive thing that students take the initiative to contact those who have made a name in the profession and get their feedback to improve their work. There are a lot of veterans in the profession who like to help,” revealed Herath. SLCJ’s faculty comprises of many working journalists who travel the extra mile in moulding young minds, lending their expertise.
a “post conflict reporting” programme that was conducted for journalists of Northern and Eastern provinces. Most of these programmes draw in sponsors. “Provincial journalists severely lack opportunities to enhance their skills or gain additional knowledge. It is infact a neglected area. The thirst for additional knowledge among provincial journalists is manifest by the fact that they themselves bring in many participants to these programmes. We accommodate about 20 persons at a time for each programme,” said Herath.
Additional courses
There are short term courses conducted separately for working journalists to enhance their skills as well. These are conducted for ‘mid-stream’ journalists on specific areas as three day workshops. These workshops are open for even those employed in some other career paths to gain exposure in to journalism.
SLCJ also conducts short term provincial programmes, on selected areas of study. For example, there was
According to SLCJ statistics, currently there is a demand for Sinhala print media journalists.
Heart of the matter through the eye of a camera By Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipillai
Tharaka Basnayaka
“Photo-journalism is a powerful to capture the concepts correctly medium. A photo shall speak loud and get a unique perspective. for itself, with minimal writing; Tharaka encourages all youngsters may be just a phrase,” says who have an inherent desire to get Tharaka Basnayaka who at 23 has into this field to work with their already worked at three national conscience and make sure that it newspapers, after passing out evolved from within into something from the Sri Lanka College of worthwhile. He advices that though Journalism. He was also one of four emotions are good at times for Sri Lankans out of a group of 180 better photographs to be generated, photo-journalists who visited the they have to be controlled. USA to fine-tune their skills. Hailing from Anuradhapura, Tharaka stated that photoTharaka was encouraged to journalists should not just skim become a doctor when he passed the surface of a photograph but A/Ls through the Science stream. delve deep to produce quality Instead, he became a photophotos and corresponding stories. journalist, realizing a dream closer He is of opinion that though with to his heart. Tharaka thanked the the assistance of sophisticated SLCJ and the American Centre for cameras one can do a better job, the opportunities he got to learn the onus is on the photo-journalist more about photography.
A youthful face with a passion for media By Sharlene De Chickera and Nirojini Kanapathipillai Prarthana Tennakoon, is a young face on television, appearing on prime time Sinhala news bulletins of a popular local network. Yet she is a dramatist, artist and an aspiring author, as well. Having a great love to write since her school days at Sujatha Vidyalaya, she won an allisland poetry competition titled “Evening” in 2006. Her portrayal of an old man in the twilight of his life, symbolic of youth in a mirror-image of future, grabbed the attention and imagination of judges. She joined the media industry as a Journalist of a well circulated, popular local daily, becoming a journalist by the age of 20. Tennakoon stepped into television in 2012 and is already hosting a signature programme of a popular local network.
“To make headway in media, he or she should be vigilant and alert to every nuance. Don’t put one foot forward and take one foot back. Media is good in many ways. One shall not get in to it just for glamour or money. It shall be for love and pure passion,” said Tennakoon. She gestured with a swing of her hands in an artistic manner to say that “opportunities are blowing in the wind. You have to grasp them!” Tennakoon however, advised that you need a good personality and dress well, with an ability to communicate well. She also feels that being tri-lingual helps. Tennakoon expressed gratitude to her alma mater and Sri Lanka College of Journalism for support and encouragement. Prarthana Tennakoon
A modern and professional journalist By Sharlene De Chickera
The Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) is benchmarking the ‘journalist’ in line with its mandate to create a body of professional journalists who are responsible and accountable to public. It views that journalism shall be regarded as a first class career by choice, where people do not drop out after being engaged for a couple of years. One way to raise the standard is to raise the levels of available professional qualifications because with a qualification that requires a high level of commitment, a long term vision for an extended career will be born. It is envisaged that a professional qualification will lead to career progression and increased employability as well. "SLPI Professional Qualification for Journalists is for the ‘modern’ professional working journalist. It will be good for the industry, as the impetus is to upgrade skills and gain recognition,” said Chief Operating Officer, SLPI, Mr. Imran Furkhan. It is a qualification that will enable being recognized as a ‘Professional Journalist’. Its all-round curriculum is oriented to produce multiskilled and flexible journalists who can meet industry demands. It is designed to ensure that a journalist gathers knowledge and skills whilst being part of a professional body. The pre-requisites to enter this programme are a minimum
of 15 years experience in media with no basic educational qualifications. Other criterion is a minimum of 3 years full time work experience with GCE A/Ls. “The subject areas cater to the needs of a ‘modern journalist’, enhancing reporting and editing skills. Most of the learning is to be done while you are on the job. Though there are text books, most skills will have to be acquired practically,” said Furkhan. Exams are conducted twice a year. A candidate has to complete the course within five years or will have to re-apply. There are 12 subjects, comprising of 7 compulsory subjects and 5 electives. To obtain a pass in each subject, one shall score at least 50%. It is also necessary to maintain a log-book of work. To obtain membership of SLPI, one shall pass a viva voce examination before a panel of eminent media professionals. Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) was established by Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka, Free Media Movement and Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association to provide leadership in media related activities. This includes the Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka, which encourages self-regulation and accountability and provides readers a right to challenge or seek correct reporting. It strongly advocates professionalism and media freedom.
Mandatory subjects include aspects of reporting, editing, broadcasting, photography, graphics, legal and ethical aspects related to media, research and analysis skills, information technology relating to media including use of social media platforms, principles of politics and English. Electives on offer are lifestyle features, social and gender issues, sports or business journalism, international affairs, science and technology, writing skills, investigative journalism, defense coverage, developmental journalism, political journalism, arts and culture journalism, environmental journalism, newsroom management. Electives in terms of electronic media are anchoring, art of interviewing, technical editing and DJ’ing and music.
Clfk; vd;why; ahJ? fhyj;jpw;Nfw;g mjd; nghUs; khw;wkile;Nj nry;fpwJ. RUf;fkhfr; nrhd;dhy; xU tplaj;ij vLj;J gyUf;F njupag;gLj;Jk; nraw;ghNl “Clfk;” vd ,yFthfr; nrhy;yyhk;. jw;NghJ ehk; cgNahfpf;Fk; ifj;njhiyNgrpapypUe;J gyUf;F xyp xsp tbtj;ij gq;fPLtJ njhlf;fk; Kfg;Gj;jfj;jpy; vkJ vz;zg;gjpTfis epiyg;gjpTnra;J gq;fpLtJtiu ,g;NghJ ClfKiwik vkJ tpuy;fSf;F gupkhwg;gl;Ls;sJ. Mdhy; ntF[d Clfq;fs; vd;gJ NtwhFk;. khdplHfspd; fiy> mwptpay;> ,ir>jfty;> nghOJNghf;F> rkfhytplaq;fis gupkhWtjhf ,J mikfpwJ. xU fhyfl;lj;jpw;F Kd;dH ,U tifahd Clfg;gpupNt ,Ue;J te;jJ vdpDk; jw;rkak; ,izaKk; ,tw;Wld; NrHe;Js;sJ. vdJ mDgtkhdJ kpd;dpay; Clfj;Jld; rhHe;J ,Ug;gjdhy; ehd; kpd;dpay; Clfq;fspy; ,Uf;ff;$ba tha;Gf;fs;> mjpYk; Fwpg;ghf thndhyp Clfj;jpYs;s tha;g;Gf;fs; gw;wp ,e;jf; fl;Liuapy; mwpaj;jUfpNwd;. thndhypapd; tbtq;fs; mJ nraw;gLk; Kiwiag;nghWj;J NtWgLfpd;wJ. 1. gy;nghUs; mq;fhb> re;ijj;njhFjp> Ng&e;J epiyaq;fspy; kpd;dpizg;Gf;fs; %yk; ,aq;Fk; Nritfs;. 2. jpUtpohf;fs;> ghlrhiy epfo;Tfspy; jw;fhypfkhf ,aq;Fk; thndhypfs;. 3. ,iza thndhypfs; / Online Radio. 4. FM/AM/SW/MW thndhypfs; ,tw;wpNy njhopy;uPjpahf mur mDkjpAld; tpsk; g uj; i j tUkhdkhf ngw; W ,aq; F k; thndhypahdij FM Radio’s vd miog;gH. ,it$l ,yq;if KOtJkhf my; y J gpuhe; j pathupahf jdJ Nritapid elhj;Jfpd;wd Fwpg;ghf $Wtjhf ,Ue; j hy; mfpy ,yq; i f Nritapid elhj;Jk; thndhypfs; jkJ 24 kzp Neu Nritia ,izaj;jpYk; jto tpLfpd;wd. xUfhyfl;lj;jpy; thndhyp epiyaj;jpDs; gy;NtW gpupTfs; ,Ue;jd Mdhy; jw; f hy njhopEl; g tsHrpahy; ,it khw;wkile;Js;sd. vdNt jw;fhy nthndhyp epiyaq;fspd; nraw;ghLfisAk; mjpy; cs;s tha;g;Gfs; gw;wpAk; ehk; ghHg;Nghk;. vdJ fiyaf njhiyNgrp ,yf;fj;jpw;F mjpfk; tUk; miog;Gfs; mjpfk; mioj; J tUk; tplakhdJ “ mz; z h cq;fs; TV/Radio tpy vacancies ,Uf;fpwjh" vd;gijj;jhd;. clNd ehd; ,J njhlHghf cq; f Sf; F mDgtk; ,Uf; f pwjh? vd
,yj;jpudpay; ClfKk;> tha;g;Gf;fSk;! Mf;fk; - f[Kfd; Iahj;Jiu
Nfl;lhy; vdf;F tUk; Top 10 gjpy;fs; ,itjhd; : 1. School Stage ,y NgrpapUf;Nfd;. 2. CH jpUtpohf;fs;/ tpisahl;Lk; Nghl;bfspy; NgrpapUf;Nfd;. 3. vdf; F rpd; d tarpNyHe; J Announcer MfpwJjhd; vd; fdT. 4. rpdpkh vz;lh capH rpdpkhTy vy;yh tpraKk; vdf;F njupAk;. 5. Media course gbj;Jf;nfhz;L ,Uf;fpwd;. 6. vd;Dila friends elj;Jk; online radio-y; Ntiy nra;fpNwd;. 7. vy;NyhUk; vdf;F ey;y Fuy; vd;W nrhy;Ytpdk;. 8. ehd; NwbNah Btp epfo;rpfspy; gq;F ngw;wpapUf;Nfd;. 9. g h l r h i y t p t h j g ; N g h l ; b f s p Y k ; gl;bkd;wq;fspYk; gq;Fgw;wpapUf;Nfd;. 10. Journalism course gbj;Jtpl;L ,g;NghJ Ntiyia vjpHghHj;jpUf;fpNwd;. ,itjhd; vdf;F fpilf;Fk; tpilfs;. ,f;fhyfl;l;j;jpy; rhjhudkhf xU gyruf;Ffilapy; Ntiy nra;tjw;F$l fy; t papid vjpHghHf; F k; epiyapy; gyyl;rf;fzf;fhd kf;fis <Hf;Fk; njhopy; vd;why; vt;tsT njupe;jpUf;fNtz;Lk;? MHtKs;s jpiwikahdtHfs; $l mwptpg;ghsHfs;> epfo;rp njhFg;ghsHfs; vd; w tiuaiwf; F s; N sNa cs; s dH. ,tw;iw njspTgLj;JtNj ,f;fl;Liuapd; Nehf; f khFk; . Kjypy; etP d thndhyp epfo; r pg; g pupTf; F s; mlq; f f; $ ba gjtp epiyfis mtjhdpg;Nghk;. 1. mwptpg;ghsH - Radio Jockey. 2. thndhyp jahupg;ghsH- Radio Producer. 3. ,irf;fl;Lg;ghl;lhsH - Music Controller. 4. tpsk;gu epfo;rr ; p Kd;Ndhl;l jahupg;ghsHPromo Producer.
5. nghJg; nghwpapayhsH - Engineer. 6. epfo;r;rpj; jiytH - Programming Head. 7. fsQ;rpag;nghWg;ghsH - Librarian. 8. tpw;gid gpujpepjp - Sales Representative. 9. tpupthf;fw; gpujpepjp - Promotional Representative.
xt; n thU thndhyp epiyaq; f spd; gug;igg; nghWj;J NkNy Fwpg;gplg;gl;l gjtpfspd; epiyfspYk; ngaHfspYk; vz;zpf;ifapYk; khw;wk; Vw;glyhk;. Mdhy; ehk; vg;NghjhtJ kpd;dpay; Clfq;fspy; tha;g;GNjLk;NghJ ,Jgw;wp Muha;e;jpUf;fpd;Nwhkh? vkf;F mwptpg;G kw;Wk; njhFg;Ggw;wpNa mjpfkhf MHtkpUf;Fk; Mdhy; mwptpg;Gj;jtpu Vida midj;J gjtpfSk; cyfyhtpauPjpapy; gue;Jfplf;fpd;wJ vd;gJk; mjw;F ehk; jahuhftpy;iy vd;gJk;jhd; cz;ik. rup ,g;gjtpfSf;F vk;ik jahHgLj;Jt njd; w hy; ehk; vd; d nra; a Ntz; L k; ? VjhtJ fw;ifnewpfs; cs;sdth? vd ePq;fs; Nfl;gJ GupfpwJ. mJ gw;wp ,g;NghJ ghHg;Nghk;.
(Radio Jockey)
thndhyp mwpg;ghsHfisNa Mq;fpyj;jpy;
Radio Jockey vd $Wfpd;wdH. xU Fjpiuia
Fjpiuapd; kNdhepiyawpe;J nry;yNtz;ba ,yf;if Nehf;fp rPuhd Ntfj;jpy; Fjpiu Xl;LeH vg;gb topelj;jp nry;fpd;whNuh mNj gjj;jpdbg;gilapNyNa XH thndhyp epiyaj;ij me;j fiyafj;jpypUe;J top elj;jNtz;Lk; vd;w mHj;jj;jpy; ,r;nrhy; mikfpwJ. thndhyp epiyaq; f spy; mwptpg; g hsuhf gzpGupgtHfs; RJ vd RUf;fkhf ,dk;fhzg;gLfpd;wdH. ,f;fhyj;jpy; fiyafj;jpy; ,Uf;ff;$ba midj;Jtifahd kpd;dpay; cgfuzq;fisAk; ,af;ff;$ba MSik>
Careers jkpo; Mq;fpy nkhopg;Gyik> kdpjhgpkhd gz;G> rkNahrpj;jd;ik mjpfKs;s xUtNu kf;fsplk; gpugyk; milaf;$ba RJ ahf tyk;tuKbAk;. mJ xd;Wk; ,yFthd fhupak; ,y; i y Vnddpy; ,J etP d fhyk; vy; N yhUila iffspYk; smart phone cs; s d. vy; N yhUk; facebook, twitter ,y; online ,NyNa ,Uf; f pd; w dH. nra;jpfs; clDf;Fld; FWQ;nra;jpahf tUfpd;wd. I Pod fSk; MP3 Players fSk; vy;yh ,lq;fspYk; kpf kypthd tpiyapy; fpilf;fpd;wd. vdNt jkf;FNjitahd ,iriaAk; ghly; f isAk; ve; j tpj fbdKkpd;wp ngw;Wf;nfhs;sTk; nra;fpd;wdH. ,g; g bapUf; i fapy; ,t; t hndhypahdJ ,yq;if khj;jpuky;y mnkupf;fh> [g;ghd; Nghd; w ehLfsps; ,d; W k; ntw; w pngw; w Clfkhf tyk;tUtjw;F fhuzk; ,y;yhkYkpy;iy. ,aq;Fk;gilnahd;wpw;F ,ila+W ,y;yhky; nrtpjDf;F mjpfg;gbahd jpUg;jpjidf; nfhLg;gJjhd; ,jd; ufrpak;. thndhypapy; gzpahw;wf;$ba RJ rpWtajpypUe; N j ,ir urizia ,aw;ifahf tpUk;Gfpd;wtdhfTk; ghly;fs;gw;wpa mwpTs;stdhfTk; ,Uf;f Ntz; L k; . jfty; Njlypy; Fwpg; g pl; l Jiwjhz;ba ehl;lKs;stdhf ,Uf; f Ntz; L k; . r%fj; j pypUe; J jhd; midj; J tpilaq; f Sk; ngwg; g Lfpd; w d vd;w cz;ikawpe;J r%fNjlypy; tpUg;Gs;stuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mg;NghJ jhd; fhy kNdhepiyawpe;J NeaHfSld; ciuahLtjw;Fk; jd;Jd;gj;jpYk; epfo; r ; r pfis rpwg; g hf gilf; f KbAk; . fzzpawpTk; nkd; n ghUs; ,af; F k; jpwikAk; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; (nkd;nghUs; gw;wpa gy gapw;rp newpfs; gy ,lq;fspYk; gutyhf kype;J fplf;fpd;wd). midtH tpUk;Gk; Fuy;> NgRk; ghq;F> tpiuthd njspthd cr;rupg;Gk; $l cs;stNu rpwe;j mwptpg;ghsdhf KbAk;. vdNt mwptpg; g hsUf; f hd gapw; r p newpfis gpd;gw;Wtij tpl;Ltpl;L MHtk; te;jTld; ehd; Nkw;$wpa tplaq;fis njupe;Jnfhs;s Kaw;rp nra;tjD}lhfNt fdtpid edthf;fyhk;.
thndhyp jahupg;ghsH
- Radio
jahupg;ghsH gzp kpfTk; fbdkhdJkl;Lky;y $Ljyhd kf;fshYk; NeaHfshYk; ghuhl; l g; g lhjJkhFk; . Vndd; w hy; [duQ; r fj; i j tpUk; G fpd; w kpd; d paY}lf CopaHfs; ,t; t ifahd njhopiy mjpfk; tpUk; G tJ ,y; i y. ,Ug; g pDk; XH epWtdj; j pd; juj; i j epHzapg;gJ mt;thndhyp epWtd gilg;ghw;wy; jpwDk; mjd; jdpj;JtKk;jhd; ,t;tpuz;ilAk; jPHkhdpg;gtH jahupg;ghsNu. XH jahupg; g hsH MdtH RahjP d khf Njhd; w KbahJ. khDltpaypd; xyp czHtpid ,aw; i fahfNt urpf; F k; jd;ikAk;> juk;gpupj;J fhy#oYf;Nfw;g vy;NyhUk; tpUk;Gk;tifapy; vOj;jhf;fk; nfhz;ltuhfTk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. fy;tp epiyAld; epd;WtplhJ ,yf;fpa> ,yf;fz nkhopawpT> epfo;rpfis tbtikf;ff;$ba MSik> vy;yh fiyQHfisAk; ,af; F k; j pwik> gilg; G rhHe; N jhupd; njhlHGfs; > ,irf; f yit cj; j pfs; vd; g dTk; mwpe; j ; j pUf; f Ntz; L k; . XH thndhypapy; jahupg;ghsuhf tutpUk;Gk; MHtyHfs; cq; f s; jpwikjid Gjpa rpe;jidg;gilg;Gf;fs; cUthf;Ftjd; %yk; ngUf;fpf;nfhs;syhk;. FWfpa fhyj;jpDs; njupe; J nfhs; t J vd; g J fbdkhdJ. kPz;Lk; kPz;Lk; gapw;rpngWtjd; %yk; jukhd gilg;Gfis cUthf;FkhSikia ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;.
XH thndhypapd; njhlHrpahd NeaH ,Ug;Gk;> mjpfk; kf;fshy; tpUk;gg;gLtjd; %yk; Kjy; epiyia cWjpg;gLj;JtJ mt;thndhypapy; xypf;Fk; ghly;fNs vd;gJ cyfpd; gy Muha; r ; r pfspd; thapyhf ngwg; g l; l cz; i kahFk; . mjdhy; j hd; (more music less talk- mjpf ,ir Fiwthd Ngr;R) vd;w rHtNjr gjk; cUthdJ. ,jpypUe;J njuptJ vd;dntd;why; xU thndhypapd; NeaH ,Ug;G ghly;fspy;jhd; jq;fpAs;sJ. MfNt thndhyp epiyaj;jpd; midj;J ghly;fisAk; jpl;lkpLk; epHtfpf;Fk; ,irf;fl;Lg;ghl;lhsH vd;why; Rk;khth vd;d! ,yq;ifapd; midj;J nkhop thndhypfspYk; kpfTk; Ntz;lj;jf;f gjtpahdJ ,Jjhd;. ,g;gjtpf;F tutpUk; G gtHfs; nfhz; b Uf; f Ntz; b a jfikfs; : 1. xNu Neuj;jpyidj;J tanjy;iyiar; NrHe;j NeaHfisAk; fhiy njhlf;fk; khiy tiu ftHe; J itj; j pUf; F k; RitkpF uridj;jd;ik. 2. ghly;fs; gw;wpa mwpT. 3. x t ; n t h U tanjy;iyiar; NrHe;jtHfSf;fhd tpUg;Gg; ghly;fs; gw;wpa mwpT. 4. Neuj;jpw;Nfw;w tifapyhd ,irczHit nfhz;bUj;jy;. 5. epfo;rpfSf;Nfw;w ghly; njhFg;G jpwik. ,irj; n jupntd; g J mDgtk; rhHe;jtplak; vd;W vd; mDgtk; $wpDk; mf;fpdpf; FQ;Rfs; vd; mDgtj;ijAk; khw;wptpLthHfs;. cq;fspy; vj;jid NgUf;F xU thndhypapd; ghly; f is fl; L g; g Lj; J k; tpUg;G cs;sJ. ,g;NghjpUe;Nj jahuhFq;fs;.
tpsk;gu epfo;r;rp Kd;Ndhl;l jahupg;ghsH - Promo Producer Sound engineering v d ; W
$wg;gLk; fy; t pahdJ ,g; g jtpapid tfpg; g jw; F rhyg;nghUe;Jk;. xU thndhypapy; xypf;fpd;w epiya tpsk;guq;fs;> epfo;r;rp Kd;Ndhl;lq;fs; vy;yhk; ,g;gjtp tfpg;gtupdhNy cUthf;fg;gLk;. vdNt ,ir mwpT> gilg;ghw;wy; vd;gd ,g;gjtpapid tfpg;gtUf;F mtrpakhdJ. mJkhj;jpukd;wp fzdp mwpTk; njhopEl;gKk; fl;lhakhdJ.
- Engineer.
ehk; thndhyp vd;wTld; epfo;rr ; pnghUslf;fj;ij khj;jpuNk fUj;jpw; nfhs;fpNwhk; Mdhy; ehk; gilf;Fk; epfo;rr ; pia xyp %ykhf vLj;J nry;tjw;F Njitahd ,ae; j puq; f s; me; j ,ae; j puq; f spdhy; ntspaplg; g Lk; Xiria miy%ykhf vy; y hjpirfSf; F k; nfhz; L nry; Y k; ( Transmitter- miyflj; j p) cgfuzq; f s; ,it vy;yhtw;iwAk; nghUj;Jtjw;Fk;> ,af;Ftjw;Fk; kpd;dpay; nghwpapay; mwpT Kf;fpakhdJ ,it thndhyp xypgug;gpw;F khj; j pukd; w p Vida vy; y htifahd kpd;dpay; NritfSf;Fk; NjitahdJ. ,yq;;ifapd; gpugy kw;Wk; cyfpd; gpugy gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; nghwpapay;Jiwfspy; gl;lk; ngWtjdhNyNah mt;thW Vida kpd; d pay; gapw; r ; r pjsq; f spy; fw; g jD} lhfNth ,g;gjtpf;fhd jFjpapid ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. epfo;r;rpj;jiytH - Programming Head. ,g; g jtpahdJ thndhypj; J iwapy; kpfTk; NjHr;rpkpf;f mDgtkpf;f xUtupdhy; khj;jpuNk tfpf;f KbAk;. vdNt Gjpjhf thndhypapy; tha;g;Gf;fhf vjpHghHg;gtHfs;
epfo;r;rpj;jiytuhf Ntz;Lnkd;w fdtpidNa Rke;jpUq;fs; mg;NghJjhd; cq;fSf;F kpfr;rpwe;j xypgug;ghsUf;fhd jd; i kia vjpHfhyj; j py; Vw; f KbAk; . vj;Jiwapy; cs; EioAk;NghJk; Jiw rk; g e; j khd caupa epiyapid mila fdTfhd;gNj rpwg;ghdJ. vdNt xypgug; g hsdhf fhyb vLj; J itf; f tpUk;Gk; xt;nthUtUk; epfo;r;rpj;jiytH vd;w fdNthL thUq;fs;.
fsQ;rpag; nghWg;ghsH
- Librarian.
thndhyp epiyaj; j pw; F kpfTk; Kf;fpakhdJ. me;j epiyaj;jpy; gad; g Lj; j g; g Lk; epfo; r ; r pfs; > gjpTfs; ,tw;iw fsQ;rpag;gLj;Jk; nghWg;Gtha;e;j gjtpNa ,JthFk;. jw;fhyj;jpy; fzdpkag; g Lj; j g; g l; l Nrkpg; G topfs; ,Ug;gpDk; $l back up ,w;F fsQ;rparhiy Kf;fpakhdJ. fsQ;rpa my;yJ E}y; epiya nghWg;ghsUf;fhd gy fw;ifnewpfSk; gapw;rpnewpfSk; jw;NghJ gy ,lq;fspy; gl; l g; ; gbg; g hf nraw; g Lj; j g; g Ltjdhy; mf;fw;if newpfis fw;gjd;%yk; ,g;gjtpf;fhd ntw;wplq;fis epug;gyhk;.
- Sales
vt;tsTjhd; thndhypfspd; nraw;ghLfs; ,Ug;gpDk; tpw;gidAk; gzKk; ,y;iynadpy; epiyak; ,aq;fhJ.,t;Tyfpd; midj;J fz;Lgpbg;Gf;fSk; nraw;ghLfSk; ,yhg Nehf; f k; fUjpNa ,aq; F fpwJ vd; g jhy; epfo; r ; r pfis nghUs; kw; W k; Nrit toq;FeHfSf;F tpw;gid nra;tjd; %yNk ,yhgj;jpid milayhk;. MfNt mj; n jhopypy; <LgLtjw; F gy gapw;rpnewpfSk; fw;ifnewpfSk; cyfk; KOtJk; tpahgpj;Jf;fplf;fpd;wJ. mtw;iw gapy; t jd; %yKk; tpw; g id gpujpepjp Kd;dDgtj;jpd; %yKk; ,g;gjtpf;fhd ntw;wplq;fis epug;gyhk;.
tpupthf;fy; gpujpepjp
- Promotion
nghOJNghf;F epfo;r;rpfis toq;Fk; thndhypapDilantw;wpahdJ kf;fsplk; NeubahfNt thndhypdpiyaj;jpd; nraw;ghLfisf;nfhz;L nry;tjd; %yNk mikAk;. Nghl;bfs; epfo;rr ; pfs; elj;Jtjd; %yk; epiyaj;jpd; epfo;r;rpg;ngaHjid Mzpj;jukhfg; gjpTnra;ayhk;. ,g;gjtpf;F fLKiog;G> gpuhe;jpaq;fs; gw;wpa gue;j mwpT kw; W k; gupr; r pak; > tplhKaw; r p Kk;nkhopahOik>kf;fSld; vspikahd jd;ikAld; goFjy; Nghd;wit ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,Jtiu ehk; thndhyp epfo;r;rpg;gpuptpy; ,Uf; f f; $ banjhopy; tha; g ; G f; f isAk; mJrk; g e; j khd mwpTfisg; n gwf; $ ba topfisAk; fz; b Ue; N jhk; ,w; i wf; F 15 tUlq;fspd; Kd;G thndhyp epiyankhd; w py; fhzg; g l; l gpupTfis ,q;F ehd; Rl;bf;fhl;l tpUk;Gfpd;Nwd;. Fwpg;ghf thndhyp nraw;ghl;L gpupthdJ. 1. epfo;r;rp. 2. nra;jp. 3. ehlfk;. 4. ,ir 5. tpisahl;L 6. fy;tp vd gpupTfisf; nfhz;bUe;jJ. Mdhy; nra;jpg;gpupitj;jtpu jw;fhy thndhypfspd; Vida nraw;ghLfs; epfo;r;r;rpg;gpupNthL xd;wpj;Jtpl;lJ. ,d;ndhU tpupthd fl;Liuapy; nra;jpg;gpupTgw;wpAk;> Vida ,yj;jpudpay; Clfq;fs; gw;wpAk; fhz;Nghk;.
Radio broadcasting -
A worthy professio
Veteran broadcaster Arun Dias Bandaranaike critically and honestly evaluates the radio broadcasting profession in Sri Lanka, emphasising on the need for more â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;professionalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; radio broadcasters "(Sri Lanka) is a rapidly under-developing country"(Late) Prof. A. J. Goonewardene The above, somewhat facetious remark made about 10 years ago was in the presence of Trilicia Goonewardene, the renowned artiste, dancer and actress and myself, in the context of a discussion of lamentable quality of news broadcasts on radio. All three of us recognized there was once a 'golden era' which is now passed, never to return. Trilicia and her husband, the late Prof. A. J. Goonewardene (AJ) both would remember representatives of the British Crown handing over the reins of office to Ceylonese leaders on February 4th 1948. Trilicia, as a youth was amongst the bevy of dancers who performed that day at Independence Square. AJ would also remember the times when in that same square mile another independent institution was taking shape and form, offering promise of a winsome opportunity to 'be ourselves', an institution fit enough to establish a cultural impress that would place Ceylon on the map of the world: I refer to the beginning of Radio Ceylon.
Careers in broadcast related spheres are not limited to girls and boys childishly and senselessly talking on-air in between songs and commercial spots. Opportunities are many for well trained professional aspirants Lampson and Dodd were the foreign professionals who set up Radio Ceylon. They trained and instructed others and brought on board only the best in terms of talent and skill. Within a decade, Radio Ceylon beamed and transmitted an image of Ceylon that was resplendent enough to convince audiences in Mumbai and Singapore (via shortwave transmission) that Radio Ceylon was preferable over any radio station in their lands! What Lampson and Dodd brought to Ceylon was a tightly knit, well-oiled machine in terms of engineering, programming and presentation. This was not meant to be a 'money spinner',
rather a broadcast service that served the intellectual and artistic aspirations of a nascent nation. But it was eminently sustainable, even profitable. The structure that spelt success
The pioneering radio station was modelled on professional organisations that existed in the developed world. All personnel were expected to and were able to conform to what was acceptable in London or Sydney, no less. Whether Tamil or Sinhala did not matter-the methods were the same, grammar, syntax, pronunciation and elegance were insisted upon. Trainers were brought from the BBC, Radio Deutsche Welle, Radio Nederland or from CBC Canada.
professional aspirants, as discussed above.
These personnel were able to influence different elements that made up the organisation. Broadly, the elements were: engineering and maintenance, audience research, management including procurement and transport services, training and skills development, programming and planning, spoken word, drama and music units (within each language service, which were served by experienced Directors and Producers) and news/ current affairs division including a sports unit. Opportunities
Clearly there was need then and there remains the need for people of stature to fill these positions in any radio station worthy of that name. What is meant
by 'people of stature'? This would allude to a personal capacity in addition to suitable qualifications (university degree, diploma, etc) a successful radio station needs in its people. Especially in the realm of spoken word, drama, music and news there is a vital necessity to obtain the services of personnel who are erudite, able to think and use their power of reason, can clearly identify matters of good taste as opposed to the vulgar and weird, distinguish between falsehood and truth, news from propaganda, theories and opinions as opposed to proven facts. Careers in broadcast related spheres are not limited to girls and boys childishly and senselessly talking on-air in between songs and commercial spots. Opportunities are many for well trained
A nationally [Not nationalistic!] oriented, sober, inclusive, well-designed and carefully structured organisation is good. When channels imitate and mindlessly ape styles from other societies, they never progress beyond being 'mindless'! Establishing a 'web presence' does not in anyway mitigate the poor quality in broadcast skills. Popularity is no index of acceptability.
Sadly, the courses in mass communications that are on offer from academia currently do not match the needs of modern radio nor of society. There is an urgent need to demand such training and skills development. If that does not happen, Prof. A. J. Goonewardene's prophecy may have been fulfilled!
Choices, Options and Opportunities in
Media industry
We outline below a few career opportunities in media industry, in its most visible for Sector
Sub sector
Print Media Editing
Electronic Media
Camera/ Lighting/ Recording
Social Media/ Internet International Media Free lance
Planning/ Management
Qualifications/ experience required
Trainee Journalist/ Journalist
At least O/Ls with necessary attitude, interest in current affairs, specif economics, arts, features, etc. Study of media or media related subjec
Senior Journalist
3 to 5 years experience as a trianee journalist/ journalist; preferably w academic qualification.
Sub Editor
Experience as a journalist, good command of language with enhanced ability to understand new language trends, legal aspects, etc.
Chief Sub Editor
More than 5 years experience as a sub editor, with suitable media rela Degree in media, language preferred.
Editor/ Chief Editor
10 to 20 years of experience as a journalist/ sub editor, preferably with sociology, political science, economics, arts, etc.
Trainee Production Assistant/ Trainee Assistant Producer/ Trainee Assistant Editor
3 passes in A/Ls; Diploma or Certificate in video production/ filming fr such as SLTTI/ National Youth Services Council/ technical colleges
Production Assistant/ Above, with 2 or more years of related work experience Assistant Producer/ Assistant Editor Producer/ Editor
Above, with more than 7 years of specifically work related experience Editor; OR Degree in Mass Media
Trainee Cameraman/ Trainee Recordist/ Trainee Lighting Assistant
3 passes in A/Ls; Diploma or Certificate in video filming/ lighting from as SLTTI/ National Youth Services Council/ technical colleges
Cameraman/ Recordist/ Lighting Technician
Above, with 2 or more years of related work experience
Senior or Executive Cameraman/ Recordist
Above, with 10 or more years of related work experience
News Reader/ News Anchor/ Presenter/ Announcer
A/L or a relevant Degree from a recognised university, based on instit vocabulory with ability to communicate efectively; pleasing apperance
Trianee Technical Officer
Diploma in electronics from a reputed organisation such as NDT, HND Diploma, with 6 months or more in-plant training
Technical Officer
Above, with more than 5 years of specifically work related experience
Assistant Engineer/ Engineer
Degree in Electronics from a reputed organisation.
Online Customer Service Representative
Good communication and language skills
Blogger/ Creative Writer
Work includes writing content on blogs and social media; needs a goo Diploma/ experience in literature, journalism will be an added advanta
Social Media Strategist/ Social Media Architect
Work is to plan social media strategy; needs a good understanding of a degree/ experience in IT or marketing will be an added advantage
Community Manager
Planning social media strategy; Good team management and leadersh experience in literature, journalism or mass communication
More than 4 years experience as a journalist, in a particular field such current affairs, features, sports, etc,; with a degree in related field.
Senior Correspondent
More than 3 years experience as a correspondent
Free lance Journalist/ Columnist
Adequate experience as a journalist, acceptable to retaining organisat as economics, politics, current affairs, sports, etc
Job descriptions may vary, based on services rendered. Salary figures are approximate values. In addition to above, administrative, logistical and mechanical positions also exist. (Assistance rendered by Mr. Rakhitha Abeygunawardhana, Mr. Susitha Raju Fernando, Mr. Namini Gunasena, Mr. Shihar Aneez and Dr. P. N compilation of above data is highly appreciated.)
rms. Salary LKR
Promotional prospects and career options
10,000.00 - 20,000.00
Senior Journalist
with suitable media related
25,000.00 - 50,000.00
Editor. Also, get overseas appointments or retained by international/ foriegn media organisations; can diversify in to project report writing, copy writing in advertising, public relations fields.
d vocabulary, spellings;
20,000.00 - 40,000.00
Journalist, Chief Sub Editor, Editor
ated academic qualification.
30,000.00 - 60,000.00
Senior Journalist, Editor
h a degree in media, law,
50,000.00 - 200,000.00
Overseas appointments; retained by international/ foriegn media organisations;
rom a reputed organisation
15,000. 00 - 20,000. 00
Production Assistant/ Assistant Producer/ Assistant Editor
22,000. 00 - 30,000. 00
Producer/ Editor
e as an Asst. Producer/ Asst.
35,000. 00 - 50,000. 00
Assistant Manager/ Manager of Production
m a reputed organisation such
15,000. 00 - 20,000. 00
Cameraman/ Recordist/ Lighting Technician
20,000. 00 - 25,000. 00
Senior or Executive Cameraman/ Recordist/ Lighting Technician
30,000. 00 - 75,000. 00
Senior Cameraman/ Recordist, well known and respected; may get retained by international media organisations
tutional requirements; good e
20,000. 00 - above
Senior/ Executive position, based on further interests
DE, City & Guilds or OUSL
12,000. 00 - 20,000. 00
Technical Officer
25,000. 00 - 35,000. 00
Assistant Engineer, overseas career opportunities
30,000. 00 - above
Engineer/ Manager, overseas career opportunities
20,000.00 - above
Social Media Strategist/ Social Media Architect
od writing ability; a Degree/ age
20,000.00 - above
Social Media Strategist/ Social Media Architect
f social media and creativity;
40,000.00 - above
Social Media Strategist/ Social Media Architect
hip skills with a Degree/
50,000.00 - above
Creative Director/ Marketing Director
h as economics, politics,
50,000.00 - above
Senior Correspondent, overseas deployment
100,000.00 - above
Bureau Chief, overseas deployment
Paid on basis of event/ item or assignment
Overseas appointments; retained by international/ foriegn media organisations;
fic fileds such as sports, cts will be added advantage.
tion in a relevant field such
N. Meegaswatte in
Lights, camera and act on
for a host of opportunities By Sharlene De Chickera
Practical knowledge in electronic media from
Sri Lanka Television Training Institute (SLTTI) Sri Lanka Television Training Institute (SLTTI) situated in a lush green environment just behind the Independence Square, was established in 1984 with German collaboration to provide training to crew who were to join the Sri Lanka Rupavahini. It infact is the pioneering electronic media training institute in Sri Lanka. Chairman, SLTTI, Mr. Devapriya Abeysinghe described the entire facility in a nutshell saying “it is a state-ofthe art facility for youth to gain hands on knowledge in areas such as use of professional cameras, television editing, production, news presenting, screenwriting and graphics.” The courses on offer range from three months to two years, in terms of duration. There are short term certificate courses in audio visual equipment operations and script writing for television and cinema. There are also diploma courses such as the one-year Media Diploma and the twoyear Diploma in Cinema and Film. SLTTI also conducts workshops in tele-drama production. “It is a national media training institute where those who have completed their O/Ls or A/Ls and interested or engaged in electronic media can join to learn technicalities and enhance skills,” said Abeysinghe.
The ‘third-eye’ Camera Work in Television and Non-linear Video Editing courses are conducted for those who have completed their O/Ls. Youth who have completed
their A/Ls can opt for the Diploma in Television Media and Communication or the two-year Higher Diploma in Film Direction, if they are interested in the film industry. All these courses are conducted in Sinhala. Diploma in Television Media and Communication course comprises of a compulsory core curriculum and intensive training related to camera work in television, non-linear video editing and television programme and news production. Higher Diploma in Film Direction is conducted in four semesters through which students learn screenwriting, directing, cinematography, editing and post production from a director’s perspective. Students also receive additional training in scripting, editing, sound, lighting and camera movement. Each student directs one short film or a documentary and a commercial or a music video while working on many other productions. For youth with a creative streak and love cartoons and animation, Diploma in Animation and also a general course in Graphic Design are available in both English and Sinhala languages. There is also the Television Programme Production course conducted in Sinhala for those who wish to learn about television production.
Faces of future A six month course is conducted in both Sinhala and Tamil languages titled News Reading and Presentation for those who aspire to be TV presenters, to learn
the fine-art of presenting and gather strength and confidence to be the face in front of a camera. Short term ancillary courses such as Lighting, Script Writing and Make-Up Artist are conducted for durations of three months, for youth who have completed their O/Ls. A nine month course in Media Studies is available in Tamil language for youth who have completed their A/Ls. “We ensure that students gain more practical knowledge through all of our courses. As such, almost 75% of our courses contain practical work. We generally get those who have expertise in the industry in to our panel of lecturers,” said Abeysinghe. Describing about SLTTI’s logistical capacities, Abeysinghe said that “currently there are about 500 students, who attend various courses on offer. Those who reside in Colombo have easy access to the institute, but others need to travel or find suitable accommodation as we do not have accommodation.” The studios that are equipped with the latest technology cater to the demands of the industry. Separate studios for Graphic Design, Editing and Camera provide the necessary back-up for students to engage in their respective areas of study. SLTTI is embarking on an ambitious plan to create an alliance with a local university by year 2013, and further create an alliance with a foreign university by the year 2014 to offer a world recognized undergraduate degree in media, to discerning students who wish to gain a higher qualification.
jD;a ;sh Careers
wjia:d rdYshla fjkqfjka
wdf,dalh leurd yd iQodkï Y%S ,xld rEmjdysks mqyqKq wdh;kh fj;ska úoHq;a udOH ms<sn| oekqu ,nd.kak igyk - Yd,ska ä' Ñflard" mßj¾;kh ;drl wurfiak úisks'
ksoyia p;=ri%h msgqmi iY%Sl fld< meye;s mßirhl msysgd we;s Y%S ,xld remjdyskS mqyqKq wdh;kh 1984 § ia:dms; lrkq ,enqfõ c¾udkq iyfhda.h we;sj Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS wdh;khg nef|k msßig mqyqKqjla ,nd §ugh' we;a; jYfhkau lshf;d;a Y%S ,xldfõ we;s mqfrda.dó úoHq;a udOH mqyqKq wdh;kh th fõ' Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS mqyqKq wdh;kfha iNdm;s foajm%sh wfìisxy uy;d fuys we;s ish¨ myiqlï tl ñglg f.k úia;r l< mߢ fuh leurd" rEmjdyskS ixialrKh" ksIamdokh" m%jD;a;s bÈßm;a lsÍu" ;sr rpkh yd Ñ;arl (Graphics) wd§ lafIa;% ms<sn|j oekqula ,nd.; yels l,d;aul myiqlï we;s ia:dkhls' jdr ld, iSud wkqj udi ;=fka isg wjqreÿ ;=k olajd jQ mrdihla ;=< mdGud,d meje;afõ' Y%jH" oDYH WmlrK l%shdlrùu" rEmjdyskS ;srmsgm;a rpkh yd iskudj ms<sn| flá ld,Sk iy;slm;a msßkuk mdGud,d we;' fuys tla wjqreÿ udOH ämaf,daudj yd oE wjqreÿ iskud yd Ñ;%mg ämaf,daudj jeks ämaf,daud mdGud,do we;' fuu Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS mqyqKq wdh;kh fg,s kdgH ksIamdokh ms<sn| jevuq¿o mj;ajhs' zzfuh idudkh fm< yd Wiia fm< iïmQ¾K lrk úoHq;a udOH ms<sn|j leue;a;la we;s whg yd tys oekgu;a kshe,S isákakkag ;dlaIKsl wOHkhla ,nd.ekSu yd l=i,;d jeä lr.ekSug yels cd;sl udOH mqyqKq wdh;khlsZZ wfíisxy uy;d mejiSh'
mdGud,d meje;afõ' Wiia fm< wjika l< ;reK ;reKshkag udi 9 l udOH wOHhkh ms<sn| mdGud,djla fou< NdIdfjka fufyhjkq ,efí'
f;jk wei idudkH fm< iïmQ¾K l< whg rEmjdysks leurd ;dlaIKh yd úäfhda ixialrKh ms<sn| mdGud,d meje;afõ' Wiia fm< wjika lrk ,o isiqkag Ñ;%mg l¾udka;hg leu;s jkafka kï rEmjdyskS udOH yd ikaksfõokh ms<sn| ämaf,daudj fyda oEjqreÿ Ñ;%mg wOHlaIKh ms<sn| Wiia ämaf,daudj f;dard.; yelsh' fuu ish¨ mdGud,d meje;afjkqfha isxyf,ks' ks¾udKYS,S yelshdjla we;s" ldgQka yd iÔùlrKh (Animation) flfrys leue;a;la o we;s ;reKhska i|yd iÔùlrKh ms<sn| ämaf,daud fukau Ñ;%l ks¾udKh ms<sn| mdGud,d o bx.%Sis yd isxy, NdIdj,ska meje;afõ' rEmjdyskS ksIamdokh ms<sn| bf.kSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk whg rEmjdyskS jevigyka ksIamdokh ms<sn| mdGud,djla o isxy, NdIdfjka fufyhjkq ,efí'
wkd.; uqyqKqjr rEmjdyskS ksfõolhl= ùug wfmalaId lrkakkag leurdj bÈßfha uqyqKq §u i|yd wjYH ishqï l,dj" wd;auúYajdih yd Yla;sh tla;eka lr.kakd wdldrh ms<sn|j bf.kSug m%jD;a;s m%ldYl yd bÈßm;a lsÍu hk f;audj hgf;a isxy, yd fou< NdIdj,ska ihuia mdGud,d fufyhkq ,efí' idudkH fm< wjika l< ;reK ;reKshkag wf,dallrKh" ;sr msgm;a rpkh yd fõI ksrEmK Ys,amh wdÈh ms<sn| flá ld,Sk tlsfkl yd ne÷Kq f;uia ld,Sk
zzwmf.a mdGud,d ish,a,kaf. kau isiqkag jeä oekqula ,nd.; yels nj iy;sl l< yelsh' wmf.a mdGud,dj, 75] la muK iïmQ¾Kfhkau mdfya l%shdldrlï we;=<;a fõ' wms idudkHfhka fuu l¾udka;h ;=< m%ùKhka wmf.a lÓldpd¾h uKav,hg n|jd .kafkauqZZ hs wfíisxy uy;d mejiSh' Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS mqyqKq wdh;kfha ixúOd;aul Odß;djh úia;r lsÍfï§" wfíisxy uy;d mejiqfõ oekg isiqka 500lg wêl m%udKhla úúO mdGud,dj, fh§ isá;s' fld<U m%foaYfha mÈxÑ lrejkag b;d myiqfjka wdh;khg myiqfjka meñKsh yels jqj;a ÿrneyer isákakkag iqÿiq mßÈ kjd;eka myiqlï i,id .; hq;=jkafka wdh;kh i;=j kjdke;a myiqlï fkdue;s neúks' l¾udka;fha b,a¨ug iß,k mßÈ Ñ;%d.dr kùk ;dlaIKsl WmlrKj,ska iukaú;lr we;' Ñ;%l ks¾udKhkag" ixialrkhg yd leurd wOHhkh fjka fjka jYfhka Ñ;%d.dr we;s neúka isiqkag ;u ;ukaf.a wod, mrdihka wOHhkh lsÍug wjYH msájy, imhd we;' 2013 isg furg úYajúoHd, iuÕ o ;jo 2014 isg úfoaYSh úYajúoHd, iuÕo ñ;%;ajhla we;s lr .ekSfuka Wiia iqÿiqlï ,nd .ekSug wfmalaId lrk nqoaêu;a isiqkag f,dalh ;=< ms<s.ekSula we;s udOH Wmdêhla ,nd§ug Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS mqyqKq wdh;kh n,dfmdfrd;a;= iy.; ie,iqula we;sj lghq;= lrkq ,nhs'
Social Media â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the newest form of mass media By Namini Gunasena
What is the most visited internet website in Sri Lanka? The answer is Facebook. It may be fun and games, a place to associate with old friends, share photos and catch up on gossip. For whatever reason, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the most popular website among young and old alike. What does that mean? When more people gather around something it brings more business opportunities! This form of business developed around Facebook and other similar web portals have formed the greater concept of social media. Today social media is thriving business. It has brought about many employment opportunities and even new careers. Marketing, branding, PR, service provisioning, customer support are just a few business operations that has moved from their traditional forms into social media, taking advantage of its reach to a wider market. This is increasing with new social media platforms being developed targeting
Today social media is thriving business. It has brought about many employment opportunities and even new careers. Marketing, branding, PR, service provisioning, customer support are just a few business operations different groups such as professionals, students, photographers, etc. With this massive growth, organizations are in need of people to create and develop presence of their brands in social media, market their products and reach out to customers. Due to this need, there are many opportunities for everyone ranging from school leavers to seasoned marketing professionals. There are many roles and designations in social media that vary from
organization to organization. Most common of these include Social media strategist. As the title indicates Social media strategists are responsible for developing, maintaining and expanding an organization’s presence in social media. This may include increasing fan base and making them more interactive, gaining customer feedback, updating online profiles, launching new products and optimizing use of social media to gain company targets. There is no formal process on selecting people for this role as it is as new as the concept of social media. Due to this, people from different backgrounds are chosen. These could be veteran marketing professionals with a good knowledge in branding or fresh graduates with a knack for technology and writing. In any event it should be the people with a firm understanding on how different types of social media platforms work and those who have already established a presence in these platforms. Naturally when applying for a job one must showcase one’s talents. In this case there is no better way to show ones online presence than your Facebook page, Linkedin profile, Twitter or Blog. Therefore, if you are interested in moving in as a Social media strategist, you should start by building your online persona and craft an impressive personal brand which you can market
to a potential employer. Social media strategist maybe the most prominent and common job but it is not the only job in social media. Online customer service representatives are a new form of customer service representatives that we may find in call centres or customer support help desks. With social media becoming interactive and many people spending more time on these platforms, organizations use them as a medium to communicate with its customers. Now customers are encouraged to directly post questions and make remarks on social media to which answers are provided in realtime. This service is provided by Online customer service representatives who now have a greater role to play in the organization’s public relations. Another role that has emerged is for Content writers and Developers for social media. These could be bloggers, creative writers, graphic designers and artists who develop content to be posted. These may range from small phrases and messages to larger articles on blogs to art work of advertisements. The demand is high for people with right skills. You don’t have to be a graduate in literature or a master artist to do this work. There is work for part time or freelance professionals and students.
Social media managers or Online community managers is a new term used to describe persons who are responsible for overseeing or moderating an online community associated with an organization’s online presence. This could be described as online housekeeping, preventing potential problems or embarrassments to organizations within their presence on social media. Therefore, work of a Social media manager is very important. Primary use of social media by commercial organizations today is to market their products and services. To this end roles of traditional marketing managers and brand managers have gone online with the use social media for marketing. As in all forms of marketing, social media has its own problems and solutions. Thus, a new breed of marketing specialists is growing just as for television and print media in the past. Many universities and professional bodies are developing newer education programmes to prepare and educate people who are already in this field as well as those who want to enter for the first time. Social media is a fast growing field with many opportunities popping up on a daily basis. It’s fun and an exciting field to enter into and would be a rewarding career in many ways.
Internet & social media
it’s the future By Sharlene De Chickera
“Internet is a great leveler for all journalists, as there is no distinction when a person is on-line. It is making a more level field for all. That is the future for journalism,” opined Chief Operating Officer, Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI), Mr. Imran Furkhan. There is a lot of space to write on social media, with no constraints. When considering a traditional mode such as newsprint, it always offers a limited space; one may have to curtail the number of words or minimize use of graphics, when expressing an idea.
Commenting on the trends of social media and especially of its relevance to rural areas he observed that as of the moment, language has become a great dividing barrier. Furkhan suggests that “we either need to get everyone to communicate in English or need to put content in the vernacular.” “Social media is not fully integrated in terms of technology. The technology has to be used. Older people do not generally go on the web. It is the younger people putting content for the younger people,” he observed.
Mr. Imran Furkhan
,dxlslfhl= fuka is;kak" l%shd lrkak
m%isoaO m%pdrK yd udOH jHjidhsldjl jk jreKs wuqKq.u m%kdkaÿ —id¾:l jHjidhl;ajh˜ ms<sn| wef.a woyia wm iuÕ fnod.;af;a wo jk;=re wef.a N+ñldj ms<sn| miq;eùulska f;drjh' jreKs wuqKq.u m%kdkaÿ kS;s{" m%pdrKh ms<sn| ämaf,daud
m%isoaO jHjidhsldjl jk jreKs" Triad ys yjq,a l<uKdldr wOHlaIjßhls' 1993 § ia:dms; m%pdrk wdh;khla jk th —Y%S ,xldjg yelsh˜ hk Okd;aul wdl,amh iuÕ cd;sl yd cd;Hka;r jYfhka úYd, iïudk .Kkla Èkdf.k we;' wo jk úg th úúO lafIa;% yryd ÈhqKq ù we;af;a rEmjdyskS kd,sld" .=jka úÿ,s kd,sld" udOH ksIamdok" fydag,a jeks wdh;k 15lg;a jeä .Kkl iuQyhla jYfhks' Y%S ,dxlsl;ajh ;=< ks¾udKYS,S ùu jreKsg iajëk;ajhla ,nd § we;s w;r foaYSh fukau úfoaYSh ms<s.ekSu;a iuÕ jD;a;shuh ;Dma;su;aNdjhla o ,nd § we;' idlÉPd igyk" k÷ka m%kdkaÿ yd Yd,Ska ã' Ñflard úisks' m%' Tn bf.k.;a jD;a;sfhka mßndysr jQ m%pdrKh flfrys leue;a;la we;sjQfka fldfyduo @ ks¾udKYS,S mqoa.,fhla úÈyg m%pdrKh uf.a is;a .;a;d' ug wjqreÿ úiafiÈ ú;r úYajúoHd,fha kS;s lafIa;%fhka uf.a Wiia wOHdmkh lrf.k hoaÈ ;uhs uu fï flaIa;%hg msúiqfKa' tal b;d uQ,sl mqyqKqùï uÜgfï tlla jqKd" we;a;gu t;kska ;uhs uu uQ,sl foaj,a bf.k .;af;a' uf.a fï ueÈy;aùu ug lsh,d ÿkakd fldfyduo fï flaIa;%fha —foaj,a fjkafka˜ lsh,d' t;kska miafi uu wdmyq yerfK kE' m%pdrKh .ek leue;a;lska" wdYdjlska ysgmq ud iuÕ tjlg úYajúoHd,fha tlg isá iudk woyia ;snqKq iyDofhla tl;=jqkd' wms tl;=fj,d ;uhs úYajúoHd,fha bf.k.kak .uka Triad ia:dms;
lrk wjodku .;af;' wms ldurhla l=,shg wrf.k wfma jevlghq;= t;ek lrf.k .shd' wmsg uq,skau ;snqfK wms Wmhmq yeu i;hlau b;sß lrkak lsh,d odmq uqo,a fmÜáhla ú;rhs' ta;a wo fjkfldg tal rEmjdyskS wdh;k" uqøKd, jeks w;sf¾l wdh;k 19 lska hqla; fjkjd' m%' úfYaI lafIa;%hla jqK m%pdrKfhÈ Tn fldfyduo Tfí fiajdjg uq,a fjf<|fmd< ;kd .;af; @ tod wog;a foaYSh m%pdrk wdh;khla jk Triad ia:dms; lroa§ m%pdrKfha wdêm;H ;snqfK cd;Hka;r m%pdrK wdh;k wf;a' ta whg cd;Hka;r WmlrK" úfYaI{hska yd Wml%uj,g ksrdjrKh ùu;a ;snqKd' ta ldf,a thd,g ;snqK jdish ;uhs úfoaYSh WmfoaYljrekaf.ka Wmfoia .kak mq¿jka fjÉp tl'
uu;a tlal úYaj úoHd,fha tlg ysgmq wks;a whg;a ´k jqfKa iïu;h ì|,d m%pdrKh ms<sn| Y%S ,dxflah yqrejla f.k tkakhs' wmsg ´k jqfka /lshdj ú¢k .uka ks¾udKYS,S fjñka isysk yUd hk msßila' wms ljodj;au —Y%S ,xldjg mq¿jka˜ lshk wdl,amfhka j;a iïmQ¾Kfhkau ,dxlsl ùfukaj;a wE;a jQfKa kE' m%' Tn f;dard.;a lafIa;%h ;=< Tnj fyd| jHjidhlfhla njg m;a lf<a fudkjdo @ wms Triad ia:dms; lrkak jHjidhl;aj ;SrKh .ksoaÈ wfma wf;a uql=;a ;snqfKa kE' ;snqfKa ,dxlsl;ajhghs ks¾udKYS,S;ajhghs ;snqKq wdorh ú;rhs' wfma wdh;khg ;snqfKa —wmsg mq¿jka" ,xldjg mq¿jka˜ lshk úYajdih ú;rhs' ta jpk
.ek ys;oa§ ug;a uf.;a tlal jev lrmq È,s;a chùrg;a fmkqkd fyd| fjf<|fmd<la ;sfhk nj;a fjkila lrkak mq¿jka iajdëk;ajhla ta jpkj, ;sfhkjd lsh,;a' idïm%odhsl Ñka;khg wNsfhda. lrkak ta oelau Yla;shla jqKd' ug ,xldfõ ixialD;sh yd tys jákdlï ksrEmKh fjk úÈyg f;audjka ks¾udKh lrkak Wreu fjÉp yelshdjla ;sfhkjd' úfoaYSh foa úYsIag yd wiuiu f,i ms<s.;a ia:djr m%;srEmh ì|fy,Su uÕska idïm%odhsl iïu;h wNsnjd is;Su ud ;=< ysgmq jHjidhlhd wjÈ l<d' m%' Tnf.a úfYaI yelshdjka f,i olskafka fudkjdo @ Triad ys§ wms fhduqjqfka foaYsh;ajh ms<sìUq lrk m%pdrk l,djla fj;ghs' wmsg wdvïnr úh yels wmgu wdfõksl foaYsh Ñka;khka u; mokï jqk zzwmsZZ hk ixl,amfha wms ysáhd' th ;uhs wmf.a Y%S ,dxfla;ajh' ienúkau wms foaYsh m%pdrk wdh;khla' flfia kuq;a ta ta wjYH;djhkg .e,fmk mßos m%pdrk lghq;= lr.kakd úfoaYSh fiajd ,dNSkq;a wmg isákjd' m%' Tn uqyqK ÿka .eg¨ fudkjdo @ ia:djr m%pdrK wdh;k j,ska oeä f,i ;rÕldß;ajhla t,a, jqKd' ,dxflah m%pdrK wdh;khla úÈyg fhda.H wjldYhla fk,d.kak wmg isoaO jqKd' th úma,jjd§ jqj;a tu.ska úplaYkYS,s úpdrlhskag ksjerÈ úi÷ï ,nd ÿkakd' ksjerÈ wdl,am we;s lKavdhula úÈyg jev l<d' ta yryd wd;aud¾:ldó woyia we;s fkdùh' wms ngysr iïu;hkaj, oeäj t,aU f.k fkdisáh yskaod ksjerÈ wdl,amj,ska hq;= ksjerÈ ñksiaiq fydhd.kak wudre jqKd' Tjqka ;=<" úfYaIfhkau ;dreKH ;=< tjeks jákdlï" idrO¾u yd .=Kdx. we;s lsÍug wmyiq jqKd' fjf<| m%pdrKhg frdlafjk fndfyda ;reK msßia j,g ngysr yd fmrÈ. idïm%odhka ñY% j n,mEï we;s lr ;snqKd' jeämqru we;s fj,d ;snqfKa ngysr n,mEï' fldfydu Wk;a Tjqka me<| bkak fndre f,an,a .,jd oeïuu ,dxlslhska úÈyg Wreu jqKq foh Tjqka ;=< b;sßj ;sínd' m%' jHjidhlhl= f,i meyeÈ,s Tng ;snqkdo @ tfyu ke;akï ndOl ;snqkdo @ jHjidhlfhla úÈyg iuyrla
bf.k .;a;d' Tyq yeu úgu ksy;udkS ùfï jeo.;alu lshd ÿkakd' Tyq ;=, ;snQ ir,;ajh ug osß.ekaùula jqkd' ta uu fn!oaO o¾Ykh w.hkjd' nqÿka jykafiaf.a b.ekaùï ug uÕ fmkajkjd' ta ks¾udKYS,S;ajfha mrf;rg m;a uf.a iyDohd jk os,s;a chùrj;a ioyka lrkak leu;shs' m%' Tnj id¾:l jHjidhlfhla njg m;al, idOl yeáhg Tn olskafka fudkjdo @ uQ,slju zz,xldfõ wmsg mq¿jkaZZ lshk yeÕSuhs' t;a tlalu wfma ixialD;sh úfYaIs; fj,djg mjq,a Ôú;h;a tlal iunr jákdlfulska hqla; nj;a th my;a fkdjk njg;a jk woyihs' lr.ekSu wmyiq jqKd' idïm%odhsl wms w;f¾ ;sfnk ne§ï iy yd ixlD;sluh jYfhka l< pdß;% ngysr ixialD;shla ;=,§ hq;= lghq;= rdYshla wm iudcfha we.fhkafka keye' WodyrKhla fjfik ldka;djka i;= fjkjd' f,i jeäysáhkag wm olajk ta wmf.a ixúOdkh;a f.!rjh Tjqka w;f¾ m%p,s; keye' iuÕ ne÷Kq ld¾hNd¾hhka yd j.lSïoduhla o ;sfhkjd' kuq;a fïjd ;uhs wmf.a úfYaI ,la I k tfukau Yla;Ska jkafka' m%' Tn tajd uÕ yrjd .;af;a wjxl;a jh iy iDcq nj wmj È.ska flfiao @ È.gu bÈßhg idOlhka uu yeuúgu Okd;aul Wkd' úÈyg ys;=jd yeu foalu m%' jHjidhl;ajh ms<sno Tnf.a Okjd§ me;a; ne¨jd' uu uf.a woyia fudkjdo @ mjq,a Ôú;h yd jD;a;Sh Ôú;h lshk folu iunrj ;shdf.k jHjidhl;ajh hkq ysáfha wjidkfha ta foflkau kjks¾udK" woyia iy yelshdjka ug ;Dma;shla ,efnk úÈyg' uu .eíjqk fohla" thg ksmqK;djka tal id¾:l jHjidhl;ajhl= ùug iy fjk;a úfYaIs; jákdlï tl;= n,mE idOlhla f,i ys;kjd' fjkjd' wjodku;a fï yd neÿkq fohla' jHjidhl;ajh hkq mj;akd m%' Tnj fï lafIa;%h ;=< we| ne| ;nd .ekSug iu;ajQ idOl fudkjdo @ wjYH;djhkag iqÿiq ks¾udKYS,s úiÿï fiùu ioyd Tnf.a i;H jYfhkau ,dxlsl yelshdjka" Ñka;khka iy Yla;Ska jQ ,dxlsl kulskao hq;= jqK fhoùuhs' ixúOdkhl fldgialrefjl= fjñka" ixialD;sl Wreuhka" iïu;hka" idrO¾u bÈßhg f.k tau oelau lrf.k tkak ,eîu;a ks¾udKYS,S;ajh ;=<ska ,xldfõ ixialD;sh f,djg fmkajk levm;la f,i l%shdlrkak ,eîu;a udj fuhg wdl¾IKh lr,d ;shd.;a;d' m%' jHjidhlfhla úÈyg Tn wdo¾Yhg .;a mqoa.,hka bkakjdo @ mqoa.,fhla jYfhka uf.a mshdf.ka fndfydafoa
ug ,xldfõ ixialD;sh yd tys jákdlï ksrEmKh fjk úÈyg f;audjka ks¾udKh lrkak Wreu fjÉp yelshdjla ;sfhkjd' úfoaYSh foa úYsIaG yd wiuiu f,i ms<s.;a ia:djr m%;srEmh ì|fy,Su uÕska idïm%odhsl iïu;h wNsnjd is;Su ud ;=< ysgmq jHjidhlhd wjÈ l<d
,dxfla;ajh Wreu ùu yd mjq,a tallhl jákdlï wjOdrKh id¾:l;ajhg u.hs
,yq;ifah;fshf rpe;jpj;J
Neh; fz;L tpghpg;gJ:- ee;Jd; gh;zhd;Nlh, ~hh;ypd; B rpf;Nfuh kw;Wk; epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is jkpopy;:- ep[e;jd; n[aFkhh; kw;Wk; epNuh[pdp fzgjpg;gps;is
kpfg; gpugy tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; Clf Kaw;rpahsuhd tUzp mKDfk gh;zhd;Nlh> (,d;W tiu jhd; vLj;j KbTfs; gw;wp vt;tifapYk; tUe;jhjtuhf) "ntw;wpfukhd Kaw;rpahz;ik" njhlh;ghf jdJ fUj;Jf;fis ntspg;gLj;Jfpwhh;.
,ay;gpNyNa ,yq;ifauhf ,Ue;jhYk; FLk;g tpOkpaq;fis kdjpy; gjpa itj;jpUj;jNy ntw;wpf;fhd jpwTNfhshFk; vd;fpwhh;. Nf: ePq;fs; fw;w njhopYf;F Kuzhf tpsk;gug;gLj;jypy; ePq;fs; vt;thW Mh;tk; nfhz;Bh;fs;?
“tUzp mKDfk gh;zhd;Nlh” tof;fwpQh;> rl;lj;Jiwapd; gl;ljhhp vd;gJld; tpsk;guj;Jiwapy; bg;NshkhtpidAk; ngw;Ws;shh;. ed;F mwpag;gl;l Kaw;rpahsuhd tUzp l;up-ml; (Triad) epWtdj;jpd; ,iz epiwNtw;Wg; gzpg;ghsh; Mth;. 1933y; epWtg;gl;L> cs;ehl;bYk; rh;tNjr hPjpapYk; gy tpUJfisg; ngw;w (Triad) epWtdkhdJ “,yq;ifahy; KbAk;" vd;w cWjpahd rKjha vz;zf;fUit epiyehl;bAs;sJ. jw;NghJ mJ 15 fk;ngdpfis cs;slf;fpa XU njhFjpahf gpugy thndhyp njhiyf;fhl;rp jlq;fs; Clhf cw;gj;jp epiyaq;fs; vd;gtw;Wld; gy ghpkhdq;fspy; tsh;r;rpaile;Js;sJ. ,yq;ifah;fspd; ghzpapy; Gj;jhf;f eltbf;iffspy; <LgLtJ tUzpia Rje;jpukhdtuhf> njhopw;jpUg;jp nfhz;ltuhf cyfshtpa hPjpahd mq;fPfhuj;ijg; ngw;Wf; nfhLj;Js;sJ.
Nf: tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; jdf;Fhpa ,ay;Gfisf; nfhz;l Kf;fpakhd njhopyhFk;. cq;fs; NritfSf;fhd re;ijia Muk;gj;jjpy; vt;thW cUthf;fpdhP ;fs;? Triad
epWtdk; Muk; g pf; f g; g l; l NghJ tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; Jiwapy; rh;tNjr tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; epWtdq;fs; Mjpf;fk; nrYj;jpf; nfhz;bUe;jd. mth;fsplk; gy tpjkhd rh;tNjr fUtpfs;> rpwg;gwpTj;jd;ik> ntspf;fhl;Ljy;fs;> tpA+fq;fs; fhzg; g l; l d. ntspehl; L mwpTiuahsh; f s; ,yFthf mZf Kbe;jik mth;fSf;F ngUk; rhjfkhf mike;jJ. ehDk; vdJ rf gy;fiyf;fof khztUk; ,ize;J ,e;epiyia xopjJ ; tpsk;gug;gLj;jYf;F ,yq;ifapd; mjph;it Nrh;f;f tpUk;gpNdhk;. njhopw; jpUg;jpailtNjhL jkJ fdTfis gpd; g w; W gth; f shfTk; Gj; J Uthf; f j; j py; <LgLgth;fshfTk; ,Ug;gth;fis <h;gg ; jw;F ehk; Kd; te;Njhk;. ehk; ve;epiyapYk; “,yq;ifahy; KbAk;" vd;w vz;zf;fUtpypUe;J tpyfhky; KOikahd ,yq;ifah;fshf nraw;gl;Nlhk;. Nf: ePq;fs; Njh;e;njLj;j ,j;Jiwapy; rhjhuz xU gzpahsuhftd;wp xU Kaw;rpahsuhtjw;F vd;d toptFj;jJ?
ifapy; vJTkpd;wp ,yq;if Mf;fq;fSf;Fhpa MirAlDk; Gj; J Uthf; f q; f SlDk; ( Triad) epWtdj;ij Muk;gpj;j Xh; Kaw;rpahshpd; KbT jhd; “vk;khy; KbAk;" “,yq;ifahy; KbAk;" vd;w cWjpahd ek;gpfi ; fAld; nraw;gl;ljdhNy ehDk; vdJ rf khztdhd bypj; n[atPuTk; vkJ jdpj;Jtkhd Nritf;F kiwe;jpUf;Fk; re;ij tha;gg ; pid mwpe;Njhk;> me;jg; ghh;it rhjhuz Kiwapy; tof;fkhf Nahrpg;gth;fSf;F Nghl;bahf nray; g l gy%l; b aJ. xU Kaw; r pahsuhf tof;fj;jpw;F khwhf nraw;gl Ntz;Lk; vd ek; G fpd; N wd; . ,yq; i fapd; fyhrhuj; i jAk; ,aw;ifahd kjpg;igAk; gpujpgypf;Fk; Kfkhf vz;zf;fUf;fis cUthf;Ftjw;F vd;dplk; gilg;ghf;fj;jpwd; cs;sJ. “ntspehL"> ntspehl;L cw; g j; j pfs; vkJ cs; e hl; L Mf; f q; f is tpl rpwe; j it vd; w jtwhd vz; z j; i j mfw;wpaikNa vd;Ds; ,Ue;j Kaw;rpahsiu J}z;baJ.
vg;NghJk; Gj;jhf;f eltbf;iffspy; <LgLk; ehd; tpsk;gug;gLj;jypy; <h; f ; f g; g l; N ld; . gy; f iyf; f ofj; j py; vdJ cah; fy; t pahf rl;lg;gbg;Gf;fis gpd;gw;Wk; NghJ ehd; tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; Jiwapdpy; gq;F nfhz;Nld;. mJNt vdf;F kpf mbg;gilahd gapw;rpj; jukhf mike;jJ cz;ikapy; me;epiyapNyNa ehd; midj;J mbg;gil tplaq;fisAk; mwpe;J nfhz;Nld;. me;j <LghL Ntiyfis vg;gb nra;tJ vd;gij vdf;F fw;Wf; nfhLj;jJ. gy; f iyf; f ofj; j pNy ,Uf; F k; NghJ vd; i dg; Nghy; tpsk;gug;gLj;jypy; Mh;tk; nfhz;bUe;j rfkhztUld; ,ize;J mghaq;fis vjph;nfhz;L (Triad) epWtdj;ij epWtpNdhk;. ehk; xU miwia thliff;F ngw;Wf; nfhz;L vkJ Kjy; nrhj;jhf ehk; ciof;Fk; gzj;ij Nrkpg;gjw;fhf xU fhRg;ngl;b ,Ue;jJ. ,d;W mJ xU njhiyf;fhl;rp epiyaj;ijAk; mr;rfj;ijAk; cs;slf;fpa 19 cgfk;gdpahf khwpAs;sJ.
Nf: ePq;fs; kpf mjpfk; mf;fiw fhl;Lk; gFjp vJ? cq;fis jPtpukhf nraw;gLj;JtJ vd;d? Triad y ; F w p j ; j n t h U g F j p f ; F h p a tpsk;gug;gLj;jypy; ehk; Mh;tk; nfhz;Nlhk;. ,yq;iff;NfAhpa KOikahd Kd;Ndhf;Fila jj;Jtq;fspy; “Api" (ehk;) vd;Dk; vz;zf;fU ,yq; i fapd; jdpj; J tkhd ngUikf; F hpa Gdpjkhd Nfhl;ghl;bd; xU fpisahFk;. ehk; mjid SriLankans vd milahsg;gLj;Jfpd;Nwhk;. ehk; cs;ehl;Lg; gpujpepjpapd; rhukhFk;.
Nf: ePq;fs; vjph; Nehf;fpa gpur;rpidfs; vit?
ed;F ];jhgpf;fg;gl;l Vida Kfth;fSld; fLk; Nghl; b fhzg; g l; l J. ehk; cs; s +h; epWtdkhf fhzg; g l; l jhy; jdpj; J tkhd Kiwapy; nraw;gl Ntz;bapUe;jJ mJ jPtpukhf fhzg; g l; l hYk; vkJ thbf; i fahsh; f Sf; F rhpahd jPhT ; fis toq;fpd. Neuhd rpe;jidAk; xj;j kdg;ghq;Filath;fSk; epakpf;fg;gl;L xU FOthf nraw;gl Ntz;bapUe;jJ. MfNt jdpahh; Gfo;rr ; p cw;rhfg;gLj;jg;gltpy;iy. ehk; Nkw; f j; i ja nfhs; i ffis gpd; g w; w tpy; i y vd;gjdhy; rhpahd kdg;ghq;Fila kf;fis milahsk; fhz;gjw;F f~;lkhf ,Ue;jJ. mNj tpOkpaq;fis ,isQh;fsplk; cUthf;ftJ fbdkhf ,Ue;jJ. tpsk;guj;Jiwapy; ,izAk; mjpfkhd ,isQh;fs; Nkiyj;Nja fPoj;Nja tpsk; g uj; j pdhy; jhf; f j; j pw; F l; g l; l tuhf fhzg;gl;ldh;. rpy rkaq;fspy; $LjyhNdhh; Nkw;f;fj;ija tpOkpaq;fis ntspf;fhl;bdh; vt;thwhapDk; mk;Nkw;Nghh;itia ePff ; paTld; mth;fs; ,ay;ghfNt KOikahd ,yq;ifauhf khwptpLfpd;wdh;.
Nf: Kaw;rpahsuhf ePq;fs; fhy; itj;jJ Neuhd ghijapyh my;yJ fbdkhd #oYf;F js;sg;gl;Bh;fsh? rpy re;jh;g;gq;fspy; Kaw;rpahsuhf FLk;g tho;f;ifAld; rkepiyiag; Ngz fbdkhf ,Ue;jJ vkJ rKjhaj;jpy; xU ngz; gy fyhrhuq;fisAk; ghuk;ghpaq;fisAk; mDrhpf;f Ntz;bAs;sJ. mNj tifapy; vkJ epWtdKk; g y mD g t q ;fi s A k; N r hji d fi s A k; nfhz;Ls;sJ. Nf: me;e rthy;fis ePqf ; s; vt;thW vjphn ; fhz;Bh;fs;?
ehd; vg; N ghJk; Neuhd kdg; g hq; F lNd
nraw;gl;Ls;Nsd;. vdJ njhopiyAk; jdpg;gl;l tho;f;ifapidAk; XOq;fhd Kiwapy; xd;wpizj;Js;Nsd;. MfNt ,U ,lq;fspYk; ehd; jpUg; j pailNtd; . xU ntw; w pfukhd Kaw; r pahsdhtjw; F ,J xU kpf Kf; f pa gz;ghFk;. Nf: ePqf ; s; ,g;gzpapy; njhlh;eJ ; <Lglitj;jJ vd;d?
,yq;iff;Fhpa ngaUld; ,yq;ifapd; kuGfs; fyhrhuq;fs; vd;gtw;iw ntspf;nfhz;L tUk; Gj; j hf; f j; j py; <LgLk; xOq; f ikg; g pd; xU gFjpahf ,Uf;fpd;wik. Nf: Kaw;rpahsuhf fhzg;gl;ldh;?
cq;fSf;F ahh; Kd;khjphpahf
jho;ej ; ey;nyhOf;fq;fis vdf;f mwpT+l;ba vdJ je;ij vd; kPJ jdpj;Jtkhd jhf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;jpAs;shh;. mtuJ vspik vd;id gy tiffspy; J}z;bAs;sJ. mj;Jld; ehd; ngsj;j jj;Jtq;fisAk; fl;lisfisAk; gpd;gw;WtNjhL Gj;j ngUkhid topfhl;bahf nfhz;L elf;fpNwd;. vd;Dld; Ntiy nra;Ak; bypj; n[atPuitAk; Ez;zwpT kpf;f Gj;JUthf;f jpwDilath; vd;gijAk; vLj;Jiuf;f tpUk;GfpNwd;. Nf: cq;fspd; fUj;Jg;gb cq;fis ntw;wpfukhd Kaw;rpahsuhf;fpa tpNrl gz;Gfs; vit? “,yq;ifahy; KbAk;" vd;w vz;zk; vkJ fyhrhuk; jdpj;JtkhdJ kjpg;GilaJ ehk; jho;ej ; th;fs; my;y vd;w ek;gpf;if. Nkiyj;Nja fyhrhuq;fis Nehf;FNthkhapd; mit vkJ fyhrhuj; i jg; Nghy; FLk; g tpOkpaq; f is cah; j ; J tjpy; i y. Mdhy; mit Nghd; w tpOkpaq;fNs vk;ikj; jdpahf NtWgLj;Jfpd;wd> ,JNt vkJ gyk;. Neh;ik> xw;Wik> Mfpa ,U J}z;fSNk vkJ gyj;ij mjpfhpj;jJ ntw;wpia cWjpg;gLj;jpAs;sJ.
Nf: Kaw;rpahz;ik njhlh;ghd cq;fsJ fUj;J vd;d?
Gjpa vz;zq;fs;> Gj;JUthf;fk; jpwikfs; vd;gtw;Wld; gy;NtWgl;l ed;kjpg;G jpwd;fshy; cUthf;fg;gl;l xOq;fikg;G mjpypUe;J tpLgl Kbahj mghaq;fs; vd;gtw;iwNa Kaw;rpahz;ik ntspg; g Lj; J fpd; w J. cq; f s; rf; j p jpwik Kd;Ndhf;F vd;gtw;iw Mf;fG+ht ; khd jPhT ; fspid mwpa jpirg;gLj;jNy Kaw;rpahz;ikahFk;.
is the Bridge for curving the Student as Employee Background Vocational Training Authority (VTA) of Sri Lanka was established in 1995, consisting of 6 National Vocational Training Institutes, 22 District Vocational Training Centers and 232 Vocational training centers. VTA is operating under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Developments. The main objective is providing the skills training for youth, while implementing the skills development programs under various fields. The main objective of the VTA is to pave the way for youth to acquire skills needed to gain employment and thus lead a contended life and contribute towards the country's economic development. Training offered at VTA will help the students to get employed in Sri Lanka or foreign. According to Ministry of Education, in year 2010 there were around 4 million students are studying at 9675 schools. As stated in the objective, VTA helps the students to acquire the knowledge and skills, which are needed for the employment. The following Asian Development Bank (ADB) report (2011) shows that VTA is the largest training network, with more than 270 training centers nationwide, focusing mainly on youth.
Table 1 Student Admission to Full-Time Courses in Training Networks, 2009 DTET 12,175
NAITA Institutes
DTET = Department of Technical Education and Training, NAITA = National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority, NYSC = National Youth Services Council, SLIATE = Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education, VTA = Vocational Training Authority.
IT Education at VTA There is an extensive demand gap in the supply of ICT professional in Sri Lanka. IT industry is seeking capable professionals to fill this demand gap. Considering the demand in the global scenario and foreign revenue generation options, the VTA has established the National Information Technology Center (NITC) to meet the ICT demand of the country. IT courses at VTA mainly categorized as courses that, - leads to obtain an IT degree - leads to obtain internationally recognized professional IT qualifications - leads to fulfill specific requirement (Specialized courses) VTA also identified the gap between “learning” and “working” in IT industry. To address this gap VTA engaged with employers (SLASSCOM) to develop employer led curriculum with work-based learning arrangement. VTA is the only training institute in Sri Lanka, who is offering wide range of internationally recognized professional IT qualifications. To provide this service VTA engaged with many IT Academies.
IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification) The IC3 is a global certification program that is designed to certify an individual's digital literacy skills associated with basic computer and Internet use.
CISCO Networking Academy The Networking Academy program delivers ICT training to help improve career and educational opportunities for individuals.
FOSS Academy FOSS Academy is a unique program developed by VTA, which offers many FOSS certifications. Including LPIC for Linux.
Microsoft Advanced IT Academy The Microsoft IT Academy Program offers a comprehensive technology curriculum to help students learn the IT skills they need.
Adobe Academy Provides a range of training for digital media creation and editing, multimedia authoring, and web development.
VMware Academy The VMware IT Academy Program is designed to introduce students to VMware technologies and equip them with VMware technical skills to compliment their chosen fields of study. IT labs at VTA are fully equipped with updated technologies like high-end computers, projectors, sound system and instructor PCs with high-speed internet access. There are a number of facilities equipped with digital interactive boards for better teaching and learning between instructors and students.
New opportunities in
IT worth chasing By Shriwanthi Amarasinghe
Among many interesting new jobs in information technology field are Data scientist and Mobile Technology Expert.
Data scientist Big data, that is, oversupply of formless or semi-structured information produced by web click streams, system logs and other event-driven activities -represents a huge opportunity. Hidden in that mountain of data may be priceless bits about customer behaviour, security risks, potential system failures and more. But when you're talking terabytes that double in volume every 18 months, where do you start? That's where the Data scientist comes in. On the business side, Data scientists can open up new opportunities by uncovering hidden patterns in unstructured data such as customer behaviour or market cycles. On the
It is said that "data is the new oil." A career in refining that raw material is a good bet developerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side, a Data scientist can use deep data trends to optimize websites for better customer retention. Within the IT department, a skilled Data scientist can spot potential storage cluster failures early or track down security threats through forensic analysis. Data science jobs require workers with a spectrum of skills from entry-level data cleaners to high-level statisticians, yielding a range of opportunities for newcomers. As the business world gets increasingly social, demand for people to plumb the depths of all social networking data will only increase.
Mobile technology expert It is said that mobile is the biggest factor changing IT right now. Building mobile applications, architecting mobile strategies and securing those devices are the top concerns facing the enterprises today. When considering listings appearing on IT employment sites, above is an understatement. Most common among new titles visible on IT job sites is Mobile technology expert. It requires serious IT experience in deploying and managing fleets of BlackBerry, Android and iOS devices. Companies seek people to evaluate mobile platforms for enterprise use, research and draft device specifications and support users and developers within an enterprise. (Information sourced from:
h ; Ôú ch.kak
fjí wvúh Tnf.a wkd.; jD;a;Sh udj; f;dard .ekSu i|yd ish¨ fiajd tlg leá jQ wk¾. jD;a;Sh fodrgqjls —EDEX Careers˜ jD;a;Sh ud¾. WmfoaYl fiajdj" EDEX wdh;kh u.ska Y%S ,xldfõ ;reK mrmqr fj; bgq lrk fiajd w;ßka ;j;a tla wk.s fiajdjls' —EDEX Careers www.edexcareers. com fjí wvúh Tnf.a wkd.; jD;a;Sh udj; i,id .ekSu i|yd wjYH wOHdmk" jD;a;Sh mqyqKq yd /lshd fj<| fmd< wjia:d f;dard .ekSu i|yd ish¨ fiajd tlg leá jQ wk¾. jD;a;Sh fodrgqjls' Y%S ,xldfõ mdie,a isiqka" mdie,a yer hkakka" /lshd úrys; wh fukau ;ukaf.a iqÿiqlï j,g wod, / lshdjla fkd,o whf.ka Wiia wOHdmk yd jD;a;Sh mqyqKq mdGud,d i|yd w;sYh úYd, b,a¨ula mj;S' tu b,a¨u imqrd,Sug fkdfhl=;a rdcH yd mqoa.,l wdh;k j,ska úúOdldrfha mdGud,d iemhSug iqodkñka isà' kuq;a fuu fomd¾Yjhu yuqùug iqÿiq miq;,hla ,xldfõ fkd;sìks' fï wdldrhgu rdcH yd mqoa.,sl wdh;k j, we;s /lshd mqrmamdvq j,g iqÿiqlï ,;a wh i|yd úYd, b,a¨ula mj;sk w;r" tu b,a,Sug iemhSula f,i mdie,a yerhkakka" /lshd úrys; wh yd ;ukaf.a iqÿiqlï j,g /lshdjla fkdue;s wh rdYshla ,xldfõ isà' fï fomd¾Yjhgo yuqùug iqÿiq miq;,hla ,xldfõ fkd;sìKs'
´kEu flfkl=g EDEX Careers .sKqula fkdñf,au újD; l<yels w;r Tnf.a Ôj o;a; igyk ^Bio data& ta fj; fhduql< hq;=h' Tnf.a Face Book fyda LinkedIn .sKqu fj; EDEX Careers .sKquo ks;ru hdj;a ld,Sk (update) lrñka ksjerÈ yd ld,Sk f;dr;=re j,ska hq;=j ;nd .ekSfuka Tng fuu fjí wvúfha Wmßu M, fk,d .; yel' Tnf.a Ôj o;a; igyk we;=¿ l< iekska fjí wvúh Tnf.a wjYH;dj wkqj Tng .e<fmk /lshd fyda mdGud,d iajhxl%Sh .e,mSula isÿlrhs' Tnf.a Ôj o;a; igyk iïmQ¾K lsÍfuka yd yels muK f;dr;=re we;=<;a lsÍfuka fuu iajhxl%Sh .e<mSfï ls%hdj,sfha ld¾hCIu;dj Wmßu l< yel' iajhxl%Sh .e<mqug wu;rj Tngu wjYH mdGud,d fyda /lshd fiùu (Search) yd fmrd.ekSu (Filter) l< yelsh' kj /lshdjla fyda mdGud,djla fjí wvúhg we;=,;a jk iEu wjia:djl§u fidhd n,k w;r .e,fmakï úoahq;a ;emE, (email) u.ska CIkslj ta nj Tng oekqï fohs' bÈßfha§ flá mKsúv (SMS) u.ska o CIKslj Tng fuu f;dr;=re ,nd§ug EDEX Careers n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjhs'
yS ;j;a jákd fiajd /il fï cd;sl wjYH;djh y÷kd.;a Wreulrefjlaùfï —EDEX Careers˜ Tjqkaf.a wjia:dj Tng we;' fjí wvúh ld,fhka ld,hg ,xldjg y÷kajd§u u.ska by; fjkiajk oekqu úia;r lrk ,o b,a¨u yd iemhqu iu. .Kqfokq w;r we;s mr;rh wju lrñka lrñka kjH;djhg Tjqkag yuqùfï fõÈldjla ;kd wkql+,jQ mdGud,d fok ,§' fuu fjí wvúh fj; yd /lshd f;dr;=re msúiSug Tng wjYHjkafka jD;a;Sh ud¾. wka;¾cd, myiqlï iys; ´kEu WmfoaYkhg mß.klhla" TABLET j¾.fha wod, jQ kejqï WmlrKhla (iPad) fydaa cx.u f;dr;=re hk ÿrl:khla muKs' ojfia meh 24 mqrdu fuu fiajdj fkdñf,a újD;j wdÈh ,nd .ekSfï mj;S' Tnf.a jD;a;Sh ud¾. WmfoaYl yelshdj" fuu fjí wvúh Tng fohs' fiajd ish,a, tlu ia:dkhl§ imqrd §u —EDEX Careers˜ fjí wvúfha fjí wvúh yryd ufkda ñ;sl mÍIKhlg mrud¾:hhs' EDEX Careers
(Psychomatric Test) iyNd.s ù Tnf.a oekqu" yelshdj .;smej;=ï yd reÑwreÑlï j,g wkqj Tn lskï wdldrfha mqoa.,fhlao Tng jvd;au iqÿiq /lshdj l=ulao hkdÈh fidhd .; yel' tmuKlao fkdj Tng jD;a;Sh udj; f;dard .ekSu iïnkaOfhka hï fo.sähdjla we;akï ta ioyd wjYH ud¾. WmfoaYk fiajd iemhSugo EDEX Careers iQodkñka isà' kqÿre Èkl§u fjí wvúfha ish¨u f;dr;=re isxy," fou< yd bx.%Sis hk ff;%hs NdIdfjkau m, lsÍug EDEX Careers lghq;= iïmdokh lrñka isà' EDEX Careers fjí wvúh hkq ienúkau wkd.;h foi b;du iqNjd§j m%cdj fhduq lrk kj ;dlaIKfha Woafõ.lr udOHhls' th jD;a;Sh l<uKdlrkhg muKla fkdj úfkdaodiajdoh yd i;=g tlg tla;eka jQ iudcYS,S fjí wvúhls' (Social Website) fuhska jvd;a m%;HlaI lrkafka wkd.;fha§ úfkdaoh yd wOHdmkh tlg leál< fjí Ndú;djl j¾;udk m%;sM,hhs' Tnf.a wkd.; wfmaCIdj woaú;Sh jD;a;Sh udj;g wj;S¾K ùu kï ta i|yd Tng iyfhda.hla fjñka Tn <Õskau isàug EDEX Careers ksnoju iQodkñka isà'
mgptpUj;jpAk;> Rw;Wr;#oYk; njhlHGfSk;> Kuz;fSk;!
Mf;fk; - Nah.fhe;jPgd;
kdpjidr; Rw;wpAs;s ,aw;ifapd; nkhj; j mk; r q; f s; ~#oy; " vdyhk; . ehs; N jhWk; ehk; fhz; f pd; w vk; i kr; Rw;wpAs;s rfy mk;rq;fisAk; #oy; vd; g J Fwpj; J epw; F k; . me; j tifapy; ~#oy;" vd;gJ capHthOk; mq;fpfSf;F ( ORGANISISMS) ,ilapy; fhzg; g Lk; epiyikfspd; nkhj;j $l;L vd tiuaWf;fgLk;. capuw;wdthfpa ngsjPf> ,urhad mNrjdq; f Sf; F k; ( ABIOTIC) capH thOk; Nrjdq; f spd; ( BIOTIC) gupkhzq;fSf;Fk; ,ilapyhd ,ilaP L fspd; tpisNt ,r; # oy; epiyikfshFk; . ,r; # oy; ,uz; L tifg;gLk;. 01. ngsjPfr; #oy; / ,aw;if #oy; 02. gz; g hl; L r; #oy; / kdpjdhy; cUthf;fg;gLk; #oy; ngsjPf#oy; vDk;NghJ jiuj;Njhw;wk;> tbfhyikg;G> fhyepiyj;jd;ikfs;> jhtuq;fs; vd;gd mlq;Ffpd;wd. gz;ghl;Lr;#oy; vDk;NghJ gapHr; n ra; i f mk; r q; f s; > efur; #oy; mk; r q; f s; > kdpjdhy; cUthf; f g; g l; l njUf; f s; vd; g dtw; N whL ,tw; w py; thOfpd; w r%fr; # oy; mk; r q; f isAk; Fwpf;Fk;. #oy; vDk; gjkhdJ tpguz uP j pahf ,yFthf tpsq; f pf; nfhs; s KbAk;. Mdhy; mij tiuaiw nra;tJ kpfTk; fbdkhFk;. mz;ikf;fhyq;fspy;
#oy; vd;Dk; tplaj;jpy; #oypay; > #oy; > #ow; n whFjp Nghd; w nrhw;gjq;fs; Kf;fpakhdit. #oypay; vd; g J #oYf; N fw; g capupdq; f spd; ,irthf;fk; gw;wpa mwpit toq;Ffpd;w fw;ifnewpahFk;. 19Mk; E}w;whz;bNyNa #oypay; gw; w pa fUj; J f; f s; typik ngw; w hYk; > 1868Mk; Mz; L N[Hkdpa capupayhsuhd VHdw; N`Hf;fPy; (ERNST HAECKEL) vd; g tNu Kjd; K jypy; ,J gw;wp fUj;J njuptpj;jhH. “jhtuq;fSk; #oYldhd mtw;wpd; njhlHGfSk;" vd;w Ma;tpy; gad;gLj;jg;gl;lLs;sJ.
mq;fpfspd; guty; njhopw;ghL> mtw;wpd; vz;zpf;if> #oYf;Fk; mq;fpfSf;Fk; ,ilNa cs;s njhlHG vd;gd #oypaypy; Kf; f pak; ngWfpd; w d #ow; n whFjpia Nehf;fpd; ahjhapDk; tiuaiwf;Fl;gl;l gpuNjrj;jpy; epyTfpd;w ngsjPfr; #oiyAk; mr;#oypd; ,ay;Gf;Nfw;g thOk; midj;J mq;fpfisAk;> mt;tq;fpfSf;Fk; #oYf;Fk; ,ilNa fhzg;gLk; midj;J ,ilj;njhlHGfisAk; $l;lhf Nehf; F tjhFk; . kpy; y pad; fzf; f hd jhtu> tpyq;fpd Ez;ZapHfspd; ,izTj;jd;ikapNyNa g+kpapy; thOk; tho;f;if jq;fpAs;sJ. capupdj; Njhw;wj;jpw;Fk; epiwNtw;Wj; jd;ikf;Fk; #oyikg; N g fhuzkhFk; . gy; N tW tifg; g l; l Jk; > njhlHr; r pahdJkhd njhlHGfs; %yk; jd;idj;jhNd rkg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;fpd;wJ.
, r ; n r h y ; y h d J OIKOS (House) > vd;w ,U fpNuf;f nrhw;fspy; ,Ue; J ngwg; g l; l J. mjd; fUj; J tho;tjw;fhd tPL my;yJ ,lk; vd;gijf; Fwpg; g jhFk; . #oypw; fhzg; g Lfpd; w
cyfshtpa uPjpapy; mNef Jiwfspy; ,d;W #oy; fy;tp Kf;fpa ,lk;ngWfpd;wJ. ,jw;F mbg;gilf;fhuzk; mz;ikf;fhy cyf #oy; neUf;fbahFk;. rHtNjr r%fj;jpd; #oy; gw;wpa <Lghl;il
kdpjidr; #o;e;J fhzg;gLk; ngsjPf> gz; g hl; L mk; r q; f Sf; F toq; f g; g Lk; kWngaNu #oy; vdg;gLk;. Rw;Wr;#oy;> Rw;whly;> #oy; vd;gd xNu fUj;Jila nrhw;fshf toq;fp tUfpd;wd.
,dq;fhz If;fpa ehLfs; rigapdhy; 1972 k; Mz;L ];Nuhf;fk; efupy; eilngw;w KjyhtJ #oy; khehl;ilj; njhlHe;J gpufldg;gLj;jg;gl;l cyf #oy; jpdkhd [_d; 5 ck; > 1992 Mk; Mz; L [_d; khjk; wpNahbn[dpNuhtpy; eilngw; w GtpAr;rp khehLk; Fwpg;gplj;jf;f epfo;Tfs; MFk; . cyfpd; Rw; W g; G w #o; e piyia Nehf; F Nthkhf ,Ue; j hy; 1960 fspd; Kw;gFjpapy; kdpjd; Kjd;Kjyhf jd;Dila Rw;Wr; #oiyj; njhlHGgLj;jp mf; f iwahf rpe; j pf; f j; njhlq; f pdhd; . md; W njhlf; f k; ,d; W tiu kdpjd; kpf ePz;l fhykhf Rw;Wr; #oiyg;gw;wp tpthjpj; J tUfpwhd; . ,d; W nfhs; i f tFj; j ypd; ntt; N tW re; j Hg; g j; j pYk; gpuNahfpf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. ,aw; i fiaAk; Rw; W r; #oiyAk; kdpj ,dj;jpd; Rftho;Tf;F gad;gLj;jy; vd;w nraw;ghlhdJ jw;NghJ Kf;fpakhd xU tplakhf khwp tUfpd; w J. ,J mgptpUj; j p vd miof; f g; g Lfpd; w J. ,aw;if tsq;fisAk; Rw;Wr; #oiyAk; ve;jj; Njitf;Fg; gad;gLj;Jk; NghJk; #oypay; kw;Wk; Rw;Wr; #oypay; Mfpatw;wpd; mbg;gilj; jj;Jtq;fSf;F mikthfNt nraw;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ vt;tsT czug;gl;Ls;sNjh mNj msTf;F mit gad; g Lj; J k; NghJk; nghUspd; gd; K fg; g Lj; j g; g l; l kw; W k; rpf; f yhd Nfhl;ghLfs; murpay; kw;Wk; r%ftpay; Nghd;w JiwfisAk; fUj;jpy; vLj;Jf; nfhs;sy; Ntz;Lk;. ,q;F ,it midj;jpdJ $l;Lr;NrHf;ifapd; tpisthf Rw;Wr;#oypy; xU rpf;fyhd epiy Njhd;Wfpd;wJ. ,jd; tpisthf jw;fhyj;jpy; mgptpUj;jp gw;wpg; Ngrg;gLk; Nghnjy;yhk; Rw;Wr;#oy; kpfTk; Kf;fpakhd ,lj;ijg; gpbj;Jf; nfhs;fpd;wJ. ,e;j tplaj;jpy; cs;s rpf;fy;jd;ik> ghjfj;jd;ik kw;Wk; ,jd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; Mfpa midj;Jk; ,yq;if Nghd;w mgptpUj;jp mile;JtUk; ehLfSf;F ghupa mOj;jj;ijf; nfhLf; f pd; w J. mgptpUj; j piag; gw; w pf; fUJk;NghJ nghUshjhu> murpay; kw;Wk; r%ftpay; r hH mOj; j q; f s; mtw; i wj; jP Hkhdpf;Fk; fhuzpfshf mikAk; mNj Ntis me;jf; fhuzpfs; kpfTk; rpf; f y; jd; i k tha; e ; j jhfTk; vk; k hy; rpwpasNt tpsq;fp nfhs;sg;gl;litahfTk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. Rw;Wr;#oy; vd;w tplaj;jpw;Fk; mgptpUj;jpf;Fk; ,ilapyhd njhlHG njsptw; w jhfTk; tpsq;fpf; nfhs;tjw;F fbdkhdjhfTk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,jw;F fhuzk; kdpjd; Rw;Wr; #oypd; ,aw;ifr; rkepiyiag;gw;wp g+uzkhf mwpahky; ,Ug;gjhFk;. mz;ikf; fhyq;fspy; tpQ;Qhdj;JiwahdJ kpfTk; Kd;Ndw;wk; mile;Js;s NghjpYk; vk;khy; #oypay; kw;Wk; Rw;Wr; #oypay; njhlh;ghd mwpit ,d; D k; g+uzkhf ngw; W f; nfhs; s Kbahj epiy fhzg; g Lfpd; w J. mJkl;Lky;y ,e;j mwpit tsq;fisg; gad;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk; mtw;wpidg; NgZjy; Nghd;wtw;wpYk; kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jp> epd;W epiyf;Fk; gad;ghL Nghd;wtw;wpYk; $l vk;khy; g+uzkhf gad;gLj;j Kbahky; ,Uf;fpd;wJ. cyfshtpa uPjpapy; ehLfis nghJthf mgptpUj; j paile; j ehLfs; > mgptpUj; j paile; J tUk; ehLfs; > vd
gpupf;f KbAk;. ,j;jifa ,uz;L tifahd ehLfspYk; Fbj;njhif mjpfupg;G> efuhf;ftpUj;jp> ifj;njhopy; kakhf;fk; vd;gJ nghJthff; fhzg;gLk; tplakhFk;. Fbj;njhifg; ngUf;fj;jpw;F Vw;g NjitfSk; mjpfupj;Jf; nfhz;Nl nry;fpd;wJ. vdNt kdpjd; jdf;F Vw;gLk; Njitfis eptHj; j p nra; a Kw; g Lk; NghJ mjd; tpisthf gy; N tWgl; l gpur;rpidfSf;Fk; Kfk; nfhLf;f Ntz;b Vw;gLfpd;wJ. ,j;jifa gpur;rpidfspy; xd; w hfNt #oy; khriljy; vd; g J fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.
tUfpd;wJ. Fwpg;ghf ehLfspd; efHg;Gw mgptpUj;jp fhuzkhf ,d;W efur;#oy; ngUkstpy; jhf; f j; j pw; F cs; s hfp tUfpd; w ij mtjhdpf; f Kbfpd; w J. efuq;fspy; trjptha;g;Gf;fs; mjpfkhff; fhzg;gLtjd; fhuzkhf fpuhkg;Gw kf;fs; efHg;gFjpfis Nehf;fp ,lk;ngaHfpd;wdH. nkhj;j Fbj;njhifapy; 40 tPjkhd kf;fs; efug;gFjpfis Nehf;fp ,lk;ngaHfpd;wdH. ,jd; fhuzkhf fpuhkq;fis tpl Fbj;njhifr;nrwpT efuq;fspy; mjpfkhf cs;sJld;> #oy; khriljy; gpur;rpidfSk; mjpfkhf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,e;j tifapy;
#oy; khriljiyj; jLf;f xt;nthUtupdJ xj;Jiog;Gk; mtrpakhdjhFk;. RaxOf;fk;> tpopg;GzHTldhd elj;ij vd;gtw;wpd; %yNk ePz;lfhy Nehf;fpyhd #oy; ghJfhg;G jPHkhdpf;fg;gLk;
gpd;tUk; tifapy; #oy; khriljy; ,lk;ngWfpd;wJ.
,aw; i fr; rkepiy VjhtJ xU fhuzj;jhy; Fog;gg;gLk; NghJ mJ #oy; njhFjpapy; my;yJ Rw;whlypy; ghjfkhd tpisTfis Vw;gLj;Jk;. me;j tifapy; #oy; njhFjpapy; kdpjd; Neubahf my;yJ kiwKfkhf Vw; g Lj; J k; tpUk; g j; j fhj my;yJ ghjfkhd ngUk;khYk; kPs Kbahj tpisTfs; #oy; khriljy; vdg;gLk;. ,d;ndhU tifapy; $wpdhy; ,aw;if #oy; vd;gJ J}a;ikahdJ> Mdhy; gytifg;gl;l kdpj eltbf;iffspdhy; mr;#oyhdJ khRgLj;jg;gly; my;yJ ,aw;if tl;lq;fs; my;yJ ,aw;if rkepiy ghjpf;fgLjyhdJ. #oy; khriljy; vdg;gLk;. mgptpUj;jp Nehf;fpa kdpj elj;ijapdhy; ,d;W #oy; mjpfstpy; khrile; J tUfpd; w J. me; j tifapy; #oypw;F tplg;gLk; gjhHj;jq;fs; my;yJ thAf;fs; my;yJ mq;F jhtu tpyq;fpdq;fs; tho;tjw;F nghUj;jkpy;yhj khw;wq;fs; Vw;gLj;jg;glyhk;. vt;thW ,Ue;Jk; NkNy $wg; g l; l tiutpyf; f zj; j pid xUgb Kd;Ndhf;fp ghHj;jhy; #oy; khriljy; vd;gjw;F kpfg;nghUj;jkhd tiutpyf;fzk; gpd;tUkhW Kd;itf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. “njhFjpapy; my;yJ #oypy; Vw;gLj;jg;gLk; ngsjPf ,urhad capupay; ,ay;Gfspd; tpUk;gj;jfhj khw;wk; my;yJ Vw;gLj;jg;gLk; Mgj;jhd er;RtpisTfspd; njhw;WifNa #oy; khriljy;" vdg;gLk;. ,t;thW #oy; khriltjd; tpisthf #oypy; cs; s kdpjDf; F k; > Vida capupdq;fSk; gy;NtWgl;l ghjpg;Gf;fs; Vw;gLfpd;wd. ,jd; tpisthf jw;Nghija fhyfl;lj;jpy; Rw;Wr; #oYf;F rHtNjr uPjpapy; mjpf Kf;fpaj;Jtk; nfhLf;fg;gl;L
epyk; khriljy; ePH khriljy; tsp khriljy; xyp khriljy; %d; w hk; kz; l y ehLfspd; r%f nghUshjhuk; gpd;jq;fpa epiyik fhuzkhf mit #oiy fUj;jpy; nfhs; s hJ mgptpUj; j pia Nehf; f hff; nfhz; L nraw; g Lfpd; w d. ,e; e hLfspy; xd;whd ,yq;ifapYk; ,t;thwhd nraw;ghL fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ghuk;gupa Rw;whlYf;F toq; f g; g l; l kupahij> mJ gw; w pa vz;zf;fU mijtpl Nkyhf ,aw;ifAld; el; G wthd eltbf; i f %ykhf Guhjd ,yq; i fapd; r%fj; j py; xUq; f pize; j gFjpahf fhzg;gl;l Rw;whliyg; Ngzy; vd;gd etehfuPf ,yq;ifapy; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ,oe;J tUfpd;wJ. nghUshjhu mgptpUj;jp Rfhjhukhd Rw;whlypy; jq;fpAs;sJ. Kf;fpakhf ehl;bd; cw;gj;jpia mgptpUj;jp nra;jy; kw;Wk; Nritfis toq; F k; ifj; n jhopy; f s; Fwpg;ghf Rw;Wyhj;Jiw Nghd;wdtw;tw;iw Fwpg;gplyhk;. ehl;bd; nghUshjhu kw;Wk; r%f mgptpUj; j pia Mgj; j py; ,Ue; J jLg;gjw;F ehL vjpHnfhs;Sk; gytifahd #oy; gpur; r pidfis ntspg; g Lj; J tJ Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. mjhtJ rdj;njhiff;F Vw;w tpjj;jpy; tsq;fspd; EfHT mjpfupj;J tUtJld; gz;ghl;L NritfSk; tp]; j upf; f g; g Lfpd; w d. ,jdhy; ,d; W #oy; gpur; r pidfSk; gz; g hl; L r; # oy; gpur;rpidahf fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,jdhy; gy Rw;whly; gpur;rpidfSk; efuq;fspy; Njhd;wpAs;sd. 14.05.2001 ,y; mnkupf;fhtpy; eilngw;w #oy; khehl;by; 60 njw;fhrpa gpujpepjpfs; cl; g l; l If; f pa ehl; L gpuKfHfSk; fye;J nfhz;l ,k;khehl;by; 10 ehLfspy; rpwe;j Rw;whly; efukhf nfhOk;G njupT nra;ag;gl;L gupRk; toq;fg;gl;lJ vdpDk; ,yq;ifapy; Rw;whly; gpur;rpidfs; fhzg;gLtJ jtpHf;fKbahjjhfp tpl;lJ. #oy; khriljiyj; jLf;f xt;nthUtupdJ xj;Jiog;Gk; mtrpakhdjhFk;. RaxOf;fk;> tpopg; G zHTldhd elj; i j vd; g tw; w pd; %yNk eP z ; l fhy Nehf; f pyhd #oy; ghJfhg;G jPHkhdpf;fg;gLk;. vdNt ,yq;ifaHfs; ehk;> #oy; gw;wpa g+uz mwpTlDk; tpopg;GzHTlDk; nraw;gl;L> ehk; #oiy vt;thW mDgtpf;fpd;NwhNkh> mt;thNw vk; mLj;j jiyKiwf;Fk; tpl;Lr; nry;Nthk; vd jPHkhdpg;Nghkhf.
A letter to
all the people
Chief Seattle, Chief of the Suquamish Indians in Northern America allegedly wrote to the American Government in the 1800's. Way back in those days, he is said to have written about true aspects of sustainable living â&#x20AC;&#x201C; eco friendly lifestyles, which we so painfully try to introduce today. In his alleged letter, he wrote of many noble concepts that should be instilled in hearts and minds of every person of this world.
Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth
The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? The land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, every humming insect. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. We know the sap which courses through the trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the dew in the meadow, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family. The shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you our land, you must remember that it is sacred. Each glossy reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events
and memories in the life of my people. The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father. The rivers are our brothers. They quench our thirst. They carry our canoes and feed our children. So you must give the rivers the kindness that you would give any brother. If we sell you our land, remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life that it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also received his last sigh. The wind also gives our children the spirit of life. So if we sell our land, you must keep it apart and sacred, as a place where man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow flowers. Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. One thing we know: our God is also your God. The earth is precious to him
and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator. Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered? The wild horses tamed? What will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills is blotted with talking wires? Where will the thicket be? Gone! Where will the eagle be? Gone! And what is to say goodbye to the swift pony and then hunt? The end of living and the beginning of survival. When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here? Will there be any of the spirit of my people left? We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land for all children, and love it, as God loves us. As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you. One thing we know - there is only one God. No man, be he Red man or White man, can be apart. We are all brothers after all.
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
0Interested in building a globally mobile career? Now is the time to invest your talents on furthering your education of a career of your choice. The days of having a single professional qualification to get one’s foot in the corporate door are coming to an end; in today’s competitive job market, having more qualifications means having a sharper edge that will take you further up the ladder faster. Qualification
For whom
Useful Information
ACCA Professional Qualification
Post A/L students (2 C passes in A/L & 3 C passes in O/L including math & English) and graduates who want to purse a globally mobile career as a finance professional
Exams – Comprise 14 papers Ethics – Students need to complete an online ethics module prior to applying for membership. Experience – 3 years relevant practical experience during, before or after exams.
Introductory Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting Intermediate Certificate in Finance & Management Accounting
Comprise 2 papers Post O/L students
Diploma in Accounting and Business
Comprise 2 papers Comprise 3 papers
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)
Students over 16 years of age
BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University UK
ACCA Professional scheme students
CAT provides an early start to the young student who can use CAT as a foundation for the ACCA Professional qualification or as the basis for seeking employment complete the first 9 papers of the ACCA examinations + a research project + an ethics module
Contact the ACCA Sri Lanka
#424, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3. 2301920/2301923 E mail
Laying the foundation with WCMT Campus for a solid degree in Engineering, Computing or Business Marking yet another milestone in transnational education in Sri Lanka, the WCMT Campus announced their latest partnership with Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra, Ranchi, which is one of the top range engineering universities in India. WCMT will operate as the Sri Lanka Campus for BIT offering solid four year degree programmes in engineering, namely Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics and Electronics and Communications which leads to earn a Bachelor of Engineering degree (B.E) which qualifies the students to seek the recognition for membership with the IESL, The prestigious Engineering Council of Sri Lanka. Further BIT Sri Lanka Campus at WCMT will extend the programmes to Computing and Business too, offering a BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) and BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) three year
degree programmes under the faculties of Computing and Management. WCMT Campus has many other higher study options also on offer in both Engineering and Management specializing in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and also HND in Business leading to a topup degree from the University of Bolton, UK. Both local and international lecturers at the WCMT Campus are committed to enhancing skills of students by devising modern teaching techniques and also provide students with up-to-date course material. The campus is also equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, comprising with laboratories, library facilities and Wi-Fi coverage all of which facilitate up to date learning of students and successful pass rates.
Call in at the WCMT Campus at 54, Galle Road, Mount Lavinia. visit the WCMT Campus website or
call us on 0777727106 for more details.
Z-score -
a necessary evil? By Nalin Goonewardene
Recent events regarding the calculation of Z-Scores and all island rankings for A/Level results have caused the student population, teachers and parents anguish and disappointment leaving them confused and angry. After all, these are the measures by which the youth of this country obtain access to the most important education period of their lives, at graduate level.
The main issues appear to be: 1. Errors in district and island rankings 2. Issues raised by experts regarding the formula used to calculate the Z-score. The objective of a Z-score is to ‘equate’ the results of examinations taken for university entrance by considering the difficulty level of subjects such as Maths and Science from subjects such as Media Studies and Geography. Once a Z-score is established, it is ranked in numerical order which eventually determines who does and who doesn't go to a state university. This is why a non-controversial and reliable Z-score is all important in today's context.
Rationalising easy/ difficult subjects Various bodies here and abroad believe that some subjects are harder than others. In the UK, research commissioned by Institute of Physics and its Royal Society ‘found’ that the hardest subjects are Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Maths, French, German and History. They claim that some of the easiest subjects are: Film studies, Media, Photography, Drama, English and Geography. At the same time other studies claim that the UK Government and the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority say ‘there is no such thing as an easy or hard A-level’. This is the other philosophy that says if it suits you it is easier than if it didn’t.
Career selection There are several age-old sayings that proclaim you need to be suited to what you do. Some of these are "a square peg in a round hole", "horses for courses", "one man's meat is another's poison." What these indicate is that we are all gifted at birth to be good at something. The trick is to appreciate this and to find out what is your true calling. So, if you are good at Chemistry, you will find it easy while another who is not, will find it difficult. Before trying harder to pass in Chemistry perhaps you should ask yourself, "is this for me?" or “is there something else that I am really good at?" Some wise men
The Z-score uses highly mathematical formulae which will need to cope with these subjects, to be fair to all and to enable the brightest to lead Sri Lanka into the future say that "you are what you are good at doing."
to lead Sri Lanka into the future. Mathematicians and Scientists will agree that not everything can be measured mathematically, there may be no solution to some problems and that precise mathematical formulae cannot always deal with human elements. Very few people understand the complicated formulae used in calculating the Z-score today. How many will be available over time to 'adjust' these and how many to verify that adjustments reflect true values of scores? Apart from scores themselves areas where errors can creep in are their entry into computers, calculation programmes themselves and human procedures that operate these programmes. Major factors such as auditing and quality standards are required to get accuracy that can be relied upon.
If such an approach is followed diligently, you will be doing well consistently and there will be less aggravation with Z-scores. However, as higher studies require a combination of subjects, you have to be lucky to find your strength to be in all the subjects that are required for a particular career path.
Is there an alternative?
Is "Z-score" the right tool?
One such system (there may be others) is used in the UK, called a Uniform Mark Scale (UMS), which enables converting raw marks to a standard scale, allowing comparison of scores on level terms.
All educational institutes have capacity constraints, and there will always be more students vying for admission than there are places. So, there has to be a selection process which will take only the 'best' to fill the places available, hence a ranking is required. In this constantly changing world, important new subjects continue to emerge. Right now, to name just two are microbiology and nanotechnology. But new discoveries cross the barriers we have artificially imposed between say Physics, Chemistry and Maths as they are related in specific areas. So how will these be judged? Career selection is difficult enough right now and will become increasingly more difficult, except for those who follow the traditional paths of doctor, lawyer, accountant etc. The new developments are exciting, pay well and carry much prestige, so parents (teachers and students as well), will want to direct their efforts in these directions. The Z-score uses highly mathematical formulae which will need to cope with these subjects, to be fair to all and to enable the brightest
A better alternative could be a scheme that is easier for the public to understand, flexible enough to cope with the changing world but enables raw marks attained per subject to be 'converted' to a standard measure.
Grades such as A, B, C, D are then calculated using grade boundaries set at particular UMS scores. Both scores and boundaries can be adjusted depending on growth of knowledge, complexities in subjects and exam papers and even places available at higher learning institutes. An adaptation of this to suit local conditions could be worth serious consideration.
Conclusions The objective of Z-Scores is admirable in that it attempts to equate exam results from diverse subjects into a single standard. It is based on complicated formulae understood by a few, and requires rigour in entry of results, analysis and computation, all of which needs careful auditing. Enabling it to be fair to all in coping with unpredictable changes taking place is a daunting task. Perhaps it is time to consider a more flexible alternative.
yß mqÿu
biafldaf,a''' bkaÈl nKavdr wfífldaka
<uhska .ek uE;l§ lrk ,o iólaIKhl§ fy,s jQK lreKla weyqfjd;a Thd mqÿu fõú' ta iólaIKhg iyNd.s lr.;a orefjda jeä fofkla lsh,d ;sfhk úÈhg thd,f.a fyd|u hd¿jd fj,d ;sfhkafka f.or ;sfhk rEmjdyskshhs' fï iólaIKhg wkqj wo orefjla Èklg meh 3 - 6 w;r ld,hla rEmjdysksh bÈßfha .; lrkjd' jhi wjqreÿ 6 - 8 ld,h ;=<§ orefjla wju jYfhka rEmjdysksh bÈßfha meh 16000 la muK .; lr ;sfnkjd' ta;a fï jhfia orefjla mdif,a .; lr ;sfnkafka meh 13000 l ld,hla muKhs' mdi,g" fouõmshkag" jeäysáhka orejka flfrys we;s l< yels n,mEu b;d wvq w.hla .kakd úg" ;ud l< hq;= foa" fkdl< hq;= foa .ek ;SrK .kak orejkag jeä n,mEula lrkafk;a rEmjdysksh nj fuu iólaIKfha§ fy<s fj,d ;sfhkjd'
lshk ldrKh ´kEu wïfula" ;d;af;la" .=rejrfhla lrk fpdaokdjla' ta;a m%Yakh ta weíneyss lu fkfjhs' —rEmjdysksh bÈßfha iqj myiq wiqkl jdäfj,d Thdf.a orejd n,kafka fudkjdo @˜ lshk fohhs' jvd;a m%lg fpdaokdj ;uhs rEmjdysksh u.ska m%pKav ls%hd" ysxik ls%hd we;=¿ fjk;a fkdukd foa fndfyduhla orejkaf.a <má is;a j,g ldjoaokakg lghq;= lrk nj'
weußldkq iólaIK jd¾;djla fmkajd fok wdldrhg weußldkq orefjla ;u m%d:ñl wOHdmk ld,h ;=< rEmjdysksh Tiafia m%pKavldÍ ñkSuereï 18000la muK krUkjd' jhi wjqreÿ 16 jk úg rEmjdysksh Tiafia wvqu ;rfï m%pKav ls%hd 200"000 la krUkak weußldkq orefjl=g isÿ fjkjd' weußldkq úfYaI fikÜ iNd lñgqjla bÈßfha idlaIs ÿka Ñldf.da b,skqjd iriúfha wdpd¾h f,kdâ wjqreÿ 100 l ld,h ;=< trka lshd isáfha fuu ;;ajh ckikaksfõokfha úYd, ÈhqKqjla orejkag muKla iSud fkdjk isÿ jqKd' b;d flá ld,hla njhs' wdpd¾h trka g wkqj yeu ;=< mq¿,a lr.;a ckudOH w;r jhia ldKavhlau rEmjdyskS fmr<sldrhd jqfKa rEmjdyskshhs' m%pKav;ajfha f.dÿrla fjkjd' Y%jH - oDYH udOH folska u rEmjdysksh u.ska m%pKav;ajh ksjfia ldg;a fmdÿfõ riúkaokh fmkajkjd ú;rla fkfjhs" ùr iy f;dr;=re imhkakd ùu ksid pß; yryd ta m%pKav;ajh hqla;s rEmjdysksh" mjqf,a idudðlfhla iy.; lrkjd' b;sx" orefjda ;rug u wmg ióm jqKd' wo jk rEmjdysksfha fmkS bkak fujeks úg nd," uy¿ fNaohlska f;drj ùrhka wkqlrKh lrkak W;aidy rEmjdysksh ldf.a;a ióm; u i.hd lrkjd' m%lg ufkda úoHd{fhla fj,d' jk Urie Bronfenbrenner lshk úÈyg orejdf.a wNHka;r is;sú,s j,g wo jk úg orejka wkjYH m%n, n,mEula lrkak fï ;rï rEmjdydkshg weíneys fj,d wkqlrK p¾hd rgdjka iu;ajkjd'
rEmjdysksh u.ska m%pKav;ajh hqla;siy.; l< úg orefjda ta m%pKav pß; tlal wkkH fj,d m%pKv;ajh ;ukag;a mjrd .kakjd' weußldjg ú;rla fkfjhs" YS% ,xldj we;=¿ f,dalfha yeu rglgu fï ;;ajh fmdÿhs' rEmjdysksh u.ska orejkaf.a Ôjk rgdj" ixialD;sl yeisÍï úlD;s lr,d Tjqkaf.a wkkH;djhka ke;s lr,d odkjd lshk fpdaokdj;a wo jeä jYfhka t,a, fjkak mgka wrka" fj<| oekaùï iy úúO jevigyka fï ls%hdj,shg Rcq f,i;a" jl% f,i;a odhl fj,d ;sfhkjd' WodyrKhla ú;rla lshkakï' fï ojiaj, rEmjdysks kd,sldjl fmkajk ldgQka tll ùrhd ks;ru ÿka jeáhla Wrkjd' ^fï ldgQka tl f,dalm%isoaO ÿï jeá iud. ula ish m%pdrK lghq;= fjkqfjka u ks¾udKh lrk ,oaola nj tal n,k orefjda" fouõmsfhda ;nd ta ldgQka tl fmkajk furg kd,sldfõ whj;a okafka ke;sj we;s& ldgqka tfla ùrhd ÿï jeá Wrkjd olsk orejd tal wkqlrKh lrkjd' wkd.;fha ÿïjeá Ndú;d lsÍug wjYH uq,au W;af;ackh orejdg ,efnkafka ldgQka tllska nj fouõmshka jqK;a ySfklska j;a ys;kafka keyefka' ta;a wo jk úg rEmjdyskS fj<| m%pdrK l,dj t;rï iQlaIuhs' weußldkq iud.ï wjqreoaolg fvd,¾ ì,shk 15lg wdikak uqo,la úhoï lrkafka wjqreÿ 12ka my< <uqka i|yd jQ fj<| oekaùï yokakhs' ;;amr 30 l fj<| oekaùulg Tfí ;=ref,a ke,fjk wjqreÿ 2la ;rï <dnd,
jhfia miqjk orejl=f.a ukig jqK;a n,mEï lrkak mq¿jka' wo wfma rfÜ <uhskag rEmjdysksh Tiafia krUkak ,efnk <ud jevigyka ienúkau <ud jevigyka f,i y÷kajkak mq¿jkao lshk tl kï .eg¿ iy.;hs' l=vd <ufhla jevigyfka ksfõolhd fyda ksfõÈldj jQ muKska ta jevigyk <ud jevigykla fjkafka keye' jeo.;a fjkafka jevigyfka wka;¾.;h l=ulao hkakhs' ta; wo wfma rfÜ <uhska fjkqfjka ks¾udKh lrk nj fmkajk fndfyda jevigyka jeäysá wjYH;d bgq lr .kak orejka fhdod.kakd jevigyka muKla nj ta .ek fyd¢ka úu¾IKh lrk flfkl=g wjfndaO fõú' <ud jevigyka j,ska fndfyda ÿrg jeäysáhkaf.a woyia" <uqkaf.a woyia f,i fm%alaIlhka fj;g f.k tkjd' fuhska isÿ jkafka jeäysá ukila we;s <uqka msßila ìysjk tlhs' úfoia rgj, rEmjdyskS jevigyka wuq wuqfõ fldms lr ;kk iuyr jevigyka yqfola u fj<o wruqKq bgqlr .ekSfï mrud¾:fhka u úldYh jk nj fmfkaú' ßhe,sá jix.;h <ud jevigyka j,go ßx.jd" orejka —;re˜ njg m;a lsÍfï uqjdfjka iud.ï yd udOH wdh;k ;u nexl= .sKqï ;rlr .ksñka isákjd' fï jevigyka j,ska ch.;a orejka fldf;la ÿrg ;u wkd.;h id¾:l lrf.k ;sfnkjdo hkak fidhd ne,sh hq;=hs' ta fï jevigyka j,g iyNd.s ùu ksid ;u wOHdmk lghq;= w;miq lr.;a orejka .ek;a fidhd ne,Su" fujeks jevigyka j,g ;u orejka iyNd.s lrjkakg n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk foudmshkaf.a hq;=lula'
orejka —;re˜ njg m;a lsÍfï jevigyka j,ska ch.;a orejka fldf;la ÿrg ;u wkd.;h id¾:l lrf.k ;sfnkjdo @ fujeks úIhhka .ek oekqula ;sfío hkak iel iys;hs' ÈhqKq rgj, mdi,a wOHdmk l%uh ;=< udOH riúkaokh ms<sno oekqula orejdg ,nd fokjd' ta ksid ;ukag iqÿiq jevigyka f;dard fírdf.k keröfï yelshdj ks;e;skau orejkag ,efnkjd' ta;a wfma wOHdmk l%uh ;=< udOH ms<sn|j fyda udOH riúkaokh ms<sn| oekqula orejkag ,nd fokafka keye' ta ksid orejka yriqka rEmjdyskS jevigyka krUkak fm<fUkafka bfíguhs' <ud jevigyka úldYh lrk fõ,dj;a b;d jeo.;a' <ud jevigyka úldYh jk fõ,djka ;=< <uqkag rEmjdysksh krUkak bv fkd,efnk nj;a" ta fõ,djka j,§ orefjda fndfyda fofkla isákafka wu;r mka;s j, nj;a uE;l§ wfma rfÜ isÿ l< iólaIKhl§ fy<s jqKd'
iu;a jQKd' fï wdldrhg <uhdf.a wOHdmksl" iudchSh" udkisl ixj¾Okh we;slsÍug rEmjdysksh id¾:l fuj,ula f,i Ndú; lrkak mq¿jka'
<uhdf.a iudcdkqfhdack l%shdj,sh ;=< rEmjdysksh m%uqL udOH j,g jeo.;a ia:dkhla ysñ jk nj wújdÈ;hs' ta ksid wfma rgg <ud jevigyka ks¾udKh lsÍu ms<sn| meyeÈ,s m%;sm;a;shla" wvqu ;rfï meyeÈ,s oelaula we;s lsÍu w;HdjYH nj fï ish¨ lreKq j,ska Tmamq fjkjd' rEmjdysksh orejdf.a hym; fjkqfjka fhdod .ekSu" wkd.;fha hym;a iudchla we;s lsÍfï moku o jkjd' ta;a rEmjdysksh jerÈ f,i Ndú;d lf<d;a" tys úmdl ú¢kak fjkafk;a wmguhs' rfÜ wkd.;h ms<sn| ;SrK .kak" m%;sm;a;s iïmdokh lrk wh;a fuys§ f,dl= j.lSula orkjd' rEmjdysksh flfia fj;;a rEmjdyskshg fï orejdf.a iqnfi; fjkqfjka jk úg wfma orejka weíneys ù yev.eiaúh hq;af;a flfiao hkak we;s nj wms ms<s.; hq;=hs' fujeks .ek oekaj;a is;sh hq;= njhs uf.a ;;ajhla ;=< wm l< hq;af;a ;yxÑ yeÕSu' wu;l lrkak tmd" oeka oeka oud orejdj rEmjdysksfhka wE;a wfma orefjda mß.Klh tlal ;sfhk lrk tl fkdfjhs' rEmjdyssksh wdY%h;a áflka ál jeä lrf.k' orejdg jvd;a ióm udOHh jk ta ksid wkd.f;a ojil orejkaf.a ksid th orejdf.a wOHdmkh" oekqu" hym; fjkqfjka l=i,;d" wdl,am wdÈh ixj¾Okh FACEBOOK fhdod lsÍu i|yd fhdod .ekSu ;uhs .; hq;af;a jvd;a úi÷u' idïm%odhsl fldfyduo lshk ldrfKa .ek;a wOHdmk jevigyka l%ufhka oeka b|,u neyer fj,d ta fjkqjg jvd;a ys;=fjd;a ks ¾ udKd;a u l l% u fõolhlg cmdkh" lekvdj" ´iafÜ%,shdj fyd|hs' wOHdmk jevigyka bÈßm;a jeks rgj,a rEmjdysksh orejdf.a lrkjdkï rEmjdysksh;a yß mqÿu hym; fjkqfjka fhdod .kakd biaflda,hla fõú' f,dalfha fndfyda wdldrh ms<sn| wm jeks rgj,g f,dl= wdo¾Yhla imhkjd' fndfyda rgj, wog;a ckm%sh Sesame Street jeks jevigyka" ixlS¾K wOHdmksl ÈhqKq rgj, <uqka fjkqfjkau lreKq ir< wldrfhka" orejkaf.a fjka jQKq rEmjdyskS kd,sld u;lfha /fok wdldrfhka bÈßm;a oel.kak mq¿jka' ta rgj, <ud lrkak iu;a jqKd' ,shqula ,shk jevigyka ks¾udKh lrkafka yeá" mK;a flgqïm;la kS;shla njg udOH ms<sn|j fukau" wOHdmk ufkdaúoHdj" <ud ufkdaúoHdj wd§ m;ajk wdldrh <uhs bf.k .;af;a biafldaf,ka fkdfjhss' fujeks úIhhka ms<sno oekqula ;sfnk rEmjdyskS jevigyka j,ska' l,lg whhs' fï ksid wka;¾.;h w;ska by;§ cd;sl kd,sldfõ úldYh fï jevigyka ienúka u <ud jQ —ksï j<¨˜ kï jevigyk u.ska jevigyka f,i kï l< yels kdgHuh wdlD;shla ;=< ixlS¾K ;;ajhl ;sfhkjd' kuq;a wfma .Ks; yd úoHd úIhh lreKq rfÜ rEmjdyskS kd,sld ;=< <ud <uhskag ir<j meyeÈ,s lr fokakg jevigyka ksIamdokh lrk whg
nqoaêh;a yoj;;a yd ne§ yrj;a ikaksfõokhla
Wfoid udOHfha odhl;ajh u,s;s isf.ard
ñksidf.a wdrïNh isÿjQfha lskï Èklo tod isgu f;dr;=re ikaksfõok wjYH;djh ñksid i;=j mej;=ks' ukao Tjqka iduQysl jdihg ,eÈ i;aj úfYaIhls' hful=f.a isf;ys my, jk is;=ú,a,la ;jfll= yd m%ldY fldg tajd fnod yod .eksfuka fofokdu th orkakka njg m;aùfï l%shdj,sh ikaksfõokhhs' fï i|yd wjia:d W;amdokh fldg thg odhl ùu udOHfha ld¾H Nd¾Hhhs' iajhx fmdaIKh uq,afldg .;a ir< jQQ Ôjk ffY,sh yuqfõ wd§ udkjhd f,ka Ñ;%" mlaISka" ÿï ix{d" iq,Õ" .,a mqjre wdÈ iajdNdúl mßirfha yrj;a udOHhka odhl fldg ikaksfõok wjYH;d imqrd .;ay' tfy;a ld,h keue;s isfhd;=kaf.a fkdksñ .uka u. yuqfõ újr jQ ld¾ólrK uxudj;a Tiafia ;u ;SCIK nqoaêh;a yelshdj;a úoyd mE ñksid ;dCIKh kï iev mjfkys u.fmkaùu hgf;a mq¿,a jQ úYaj .ïudkhla lrd Èj .sfhah'
úoHq;a udOHh m%:u jrg ;u NdIduh yelshdj j¾Okh lr.;a ñksid ;,am;a" mqiafld, wdÈh udOH fldg úúO oE igyka l,y' tfy;a tjeks oE jeä fofkl= w;r fnod yeÍug fkdyels ùfuka wlaIr ms<sn| oekqu hï msßilg muKla iSud jkakg úh' fuys m%;sM,hla f,i ìys jQ uqøK Ys,amh mokï fldg uqøK hka;%h ksmojQ ñksid fmd;am;a" mqj;am;a" ,sms f,aLK wd§ udOHhka yryd ;u oekqu f;dr;=re w;aoelSï wdÈh oyila fokd yd ikaksfõokh lsßfï ,d ksr; úh' fuu.ska hï msßilg muKla iSudj ;snQ wlaIr ms<sn| oekqu mq¿,a f,i me;sr f.dia lshùfï yd ,sùfï yelshdj j¾Okh jkakg úh' ;jo jdIamSh n,fhka l%shd lrk keõ" ÿïßh wdÈ udOH Wmfhda. fldg ihqre f;r yryd uqøs; mKsúv heùugo ñksid iu;a úh' bka miq ÿr neyer m%foaY yd rgj,a w;r f;dr;=re yqjudre l< yels fia úÿ,s iamkaol /yeka Èf.a ;s;a bß ixfla; heùï fidhd.ksñka fg,s.%d*aÜ udOHho" bka wk;=rej ixfla; fjkqjg /yeka Tiafia úÿ,s oyrd ksl=;a fldg iDcqj ;u yv heúh yels mßÈ fg,sf*dakho" bf,lafg%dksl mokï fldg /yeka rys;j mKsúv heúh yels fia .=jka úÿ,s udOHo bka miq rEmjdysksho hkdÈ w;s kùk ikaksfõok udOH ksmojñka úYaj .ïudkh lrd is>%fhka <.d ùug ñksid iu;a úh' wjidkfha pkaøsld ;dCIKh Tiafia .=jka ;,fhyso ;u wdêm;Hh m;=rejd yeß ñksid ihsn¾ wjldYh ks¾udKh lsßug iu;a úh' tu.ska rgj,a w;r mj;akd N+f.da,Sh yd ixialD;sl ÿria: nj ke;sù f.dia Y%uh" m%d.aOkh" oekqu" f;dr;=re" ixialD;sldx." NdKav yd fiajd hkdÈh rgj,a w;r ixp,kh ùu fyj;a f.da,shlrKh kï jQ úYaj .ïudkh fj; meñKSfï úYaóhckl úch.%ykh j¾;udkfha ñksid N=la;s úÈñka mj;S' j;auka ñksidf.a nqoaêh fldf;lao h;a ;udo udOH fldg .;a ñksid ;u ye.sï oekqï mokï fldg frdfnda hka;% ksmoùugo iu;=ka úh' tyd fuyd /f.k hd yels fia
ksmojQ cx.u ÿrl:kho flá mKsúv yd wka;¾cd, myiqlï wdoS ;dCIKsl fiajd /ila iu.ska ks¾udKh lsßug ñksid iu;a úh' tu ksid cx.u ÿrl:kh j;auka ñksidf.a ol=K; njg m;aj we;' ;jo m%n, jQ flan,a moaO;s yryd úúO rgj,ays úldYk udOHhka rEmjdysks ;srh Tiafia fk;a wNshig f.k taug ;rï ;dCIKh ÈhqKq ù we;' fuu ÈhqKq ;dCIKsl udOHhka u.ska tÈfkod jevlghq;= myiqfjka yd ld¾hCIuj bgqlr .eksug;a" úúO wOHdmksl l%ufõo Tiafia oekqu yelshdj j¾Okh lr.eksug;a" wka;¾cd,fha mj;akd iudc ikaksfõok fjí wvú (Facebook, myspace, skype) Tiafia f,dj fld;ekl fyda isák wfhl= yd CIKhlska iïnkaO ùug ñksidg yelshdj ,eî we;' tfy;a remjdysks ixhqla; ;eá" iskudYd,d" úäfhda mg" idudÔhSh fjí wvú jeks udOHhkaf.a iS>%.dó j¾Okh;a iu. iodpdrd;aul yd .=Kd;aul Ndjfhka f;dr udOH ìysùfï m%jK;djo j;auka iudch ;=< j¾Okh fjñka mj;S' fï fya;=fjka idudÔhSh" kS;suh yd ixialD;sl jYfhka fndfyda .eg¿ldrKd mekkeÕSu w;s fidapkSh ;;ajhls' tu ksid m%udKd;aulj yd .=Kd;aulj j¾Okh jQ yrj;a udOH ixialD;shlg wkql+,j udOH yiqrjd,Sfï w;suy;a ld¾hHNdrh f.da,ShlrK iudc jgmsgdj yuqfõ j;auka udOHfõÈkag mejÍ we;s j.lsuls' tfiau whym;a hym;a foa wjfndaO fldg .=Kj;a yrj;a oE muKla mßyrKh lsßfï ,d nqoaêh fufyhùu f.da,Sh mqrjeishka jk wmo oek.; hq;= ldrKdjls' tu.ska fujeks .eg¿ldß;ajhkaf.ka ñ§ hym;a .=Kj;a mqrjeishka f,i Ôj;a ùug wmgo yelshdj ,efnkq we;' je,sleghla ;rfï ld,fõ,djlÈ id.rhla wldYhla ;rï oekqu f;dr;=re OdrKh lr.ksñka wOHdmksl l%ufõo Tiafia nqoaêfha mrf;rg msyskd hdug úoHq;a udOH isudldÍ ù we;' fï ksid úoHq;a udOH nqoaêh yd ikaksfõokh lsßfï ,d ne|S isák udOH f,i yeÈkafõ' wiajdNdúl hdka;%slrK jgmsgdfjka fyì ihsn¾ wjldY rduqjlg fldgq jQ ñksidg ;u isf;ys WmÈkakd
jQ udkqIsh is;=ú,s fukau ÿl" i;=g" wdorh" lreKdj" ohdj jeks udkqISh ikaksfõok wjYH;d wkHhkaf.a yoj;a ;=<g ldjefok fia m%ldY fldg fnod yod .eksu i|yd yrj;a jQ;a hym;a jQ;a udOHhl wjYH;djh mek keÕS we;' fï i|yd úoHq;a udOHh iym;a udOHla fkdjkafka th nqoaêh yd ikaksfõokhg muKla iSud jQ udOHhla ksidfjks' tu ksid úoHq;a udOHh mfil,d fuhg ms<shï f,i iyDo udOH y÷kajd Èh yel' udOHh kï ú,af;f¾ ld¾ólrK uvf.dyqßka msìÈ mshqula f,i iyDo udOH y÷kajd Èh yel' tys .S;h" lúh kï iqóysß iqjo ukqIH yojf;a fodr ljq¿ újr fldg yud f.dia ukqIH;ajh wjÈ lsÍug iu;a fjhs' wdkkaofhka wdrïN ù m%{dfjka wjika jk fi!kao¾hd;aul iudchla ìyslsßug;a ukqIH yoj; yd neÈ hym;a ikaksfõokhla Wfoid;a lúh .S;fhka bgq jkakd jQ w;suy;a ld¾Hh fufia y÷kajd Èh yel'
iyDo udOHh lúh l=vd Èh W,am;la uyd .x.djla njg m;aù id.rh ;=<g m%úYag jkakd fiau úúO rgj, idys;H úYaj idys;Hhg tlaùfï .uka u. fla' ch;s,l Y+Íka úiska fuf,i fmkajd § we;' fuys m<uq Èh W,am; f,i y÷kajd Èh yels moH idys;Hh fyj;a lúh .S;hg jvd wE; w;S;hlg Wreulï lshhs' lúfhys mj;akd w¾: rih yd moH rih tlsfklg fjka l< fkdyels fia taldnoaOj mej;Su Wiia moH ks¾udKhl ,CIKhla f,i i,lhs' ñksid ;=< mj;akd wdodrh" ùr;ajh" ìh" lreKdj" fYdalh nj" ydiHh" fr!ø nj" ielh hkdÈ ri kuhlg wkqj moH idys;Hfha w¾: rih biau;= fõ' fuysÈ Wmud,xldrh" W;afm%aCId,xldrh ^mK we;s ke;s jia;=ka j, mj;akd iajdNdúl;ajh úoyd mEu&" jHdx.d¾:h jYfhka úúO w,xlrK l%u Ndú;d lrñka lúhd ;u udkqIsh yeÕ=uka tlsfkldf.a yoj;a yd ikaksfõokh lsßfï ,d lúh udOH fldg .ks' mjik oE yS rih biau;= jk fia w¾:j;a jQ úúO Yío ri Tiafiao lúh iyDo yoj;a lrd weÈ hhs' lúh ms<sn| yrj;a ksoiqka lsysmhla my; ioyka fldg we;' n,õ fmdf,dkakre wkqrdmqr is;õ mej;s ksoyi fuys fmr k.ú ;j ;j;a ;srir ;reK jfrõ huõ ke.sáõ fkdmshú
fmfoi oji f.di fowei
wka foaYhla jqj ms<sn|jo w;suy;a jQ wdor f.!rjfhka tys wNsudkj;a jQ fmr .uka uf.a wisßh úoyd mdk áfnÜ cd;sl weia' uyskao ysñfhda wd.u" cd;sh flfrys jQ Nla;su;a nj fmroeß fldg i;=rdg tfrysj oeäj l%shd;aul jk njg ;=kafy, iyDo yoj;a ys wKil m;=rjd,ñka ùr;ajh wjÈ lsßu ioyd lúh wdhqOhla jeks m%N, udOHhla fldg .;a njg fuu.ska fmkS hhs' fm%afï Èh .,d lreKd isÿ ismaÈh re,a, kxjd ú;a ch .=K oï Tjd ñKs mqo§ u;= .=re uõ kqUu úh ihqrl f,i
;=<g îug Èkg fuug
;ud flfrys jQ wdor Nla;sfhka hq;=j ;u wOHdmkh id¾:l lr .eksug;a .=Koï" Tjoka È Èúu. ireidr lsßug;a uyÕ= w;aje,la jQ ;u .=re ujf.a .=K l| ihqrlg Wmud l< hym;a YsIfhl= ;u isf;ys WmÈkakd jQ ta ,hdkaú; is;=ú,s iyDo yoj;a lrd f.k f.dia .=re f.!rjh Wmoùu i|yd lúh udOH fldg .;a nj fuhska fmkajd foa' fï whqßka lúfha odhl;ajh yrj;a jkjd fiau .S;ho lúh fuka udkQISh is;=ú,s wjÈ lrñka yoj; yd neÈ yrj;a ikaksfõokhlg odhl fõ'
.S;h lúh úldYkh ù ;kqjlao iu.ska .S;h ks¾udKh ù we;' lúh fuka w¾: rih .S;hlg wjYH jqj;a Yío rih biau;= fjkafka fhdod we;s ;kqj fyj;a ;d,h wkqjh' lúh fuka tlu ;d,hlg fkdj úúO ;d, ri wkqj .S; bÈßm;a l< yel' jdoH NdKav jdokfhka kef.k bñysß Yío ri fhdod.ksñka w¾:fha iajdNdjh wkqj hï ;kqjla jefhk l, tu ix.S;h Tiafia .S;fha wre; iyDo yoj;a m;a,g .,df.k hkq we;' tu ksid .S;ho ukqIH;ajh wjÈ lsßug iu;a riiajd§ tfukau fi!kao¾hd;aul udOHhla f,i yeÈkaúh yel' ÿfõ kqU uf.a m%dKhhs - ienE jqk iqn isyskhhs fifkyiska l=,f.g mshk.kafka - ikqyf¾ wNsudkhhs ux u,la f,i kqU fkdyeÿfõ - fm;s ye,s mrfjk ksihs ÿl Èkd yskefyk yeá ÿfõ - kqU oek W.;a mdvu ;uhs —ohdnr ÈhKsfha Tn bmÿkq uq,au Èkh ug ienE jQ isyskhla nÿh' tod isg fï olajd uf.a mK fofjks fldg ud kqUg ie,l=fjñ' uf,la msmS iqj| m;=rjñka miqj fm;s ye,s mrj hkakd fiau kqfò Èúho u,la fuka msmS mrj hd fkd§ ÿla lïlfgd¿ ueÈka jqjo Ôú;fha iskyj wjÈ lr.kakd yeá wjfndaO lr.ksñka ikqyf¾ wh f,a oyÈh fy,ñka rel.;a W;=ï wNsudkj;a jQ ÈhKshla f,iska kqU wo l=,f.g mshk.k nj˜ ohdnr msfhl= úiska mjik fia rplhd úiska .S;h rpkd fldg we;' iyDo yoj;a ;=<ska W;=rd hk Odrl fifkyi;a" msfhl= flfrys jQ wisßu;a wdor Nla;sh;a wjÈ lsßug fï .S;h udOHh fldg .kñka rplhd W;aidy ord we;' fjrf,a lsß ljä fidhd - flfkla mq;=g f.k tkjd ;j;a flfkla mdg mdg - mn¿ lfvka f.k tkjd ta ljähs fï mn¿hs - tl kQf,a wuqKkjd tajdhska yjä ;kd - mq;=f.a bfka m,okjd .=Kfiak .,mam;a;s uy;df.a uqyqÿ mq;a;= kdgHh weiqfrka rÑ; .S;hl fldgila jk fuys wre; jHx.¾:j ^i.jd& m%ldY lr we;' fuys È tla mqoa.,fhl= ljä f.fkk f,i;a ;j;a wfhl= mn¿ f.ak f,i;a m%ldY lrkafka ;u iajdóhd mq;=f.a ienE msh Wreuh fkdjk nj;a mshd wúksYaÑ; mqoa.,fhl= nj;ah' fjr< ;srhla jgd we;s iajdNdúl oE Wmud fldg b;d ks¾udKYs,Sj hï iudc .eg¨ldÍ ;;a;ajhla fkdoefkk fia tfy;a biau;= jk fia fuu.ska m%ldY fldg we;' fï whqßka iyDo udOHh ukqIHhdf.a yoj;a ;=,g ióm ù ukqIH;ajh wjÈ lsßug iu;a m%n, ikaksfõok udOHhla f,i yÿkajdÈh yel' fuu.ska fmkS hkafka úoHq;a udOHh nqoaêh Wfoid iyDo udOHh yoj; Wfoid;a yrj;a ikaksfõokhlg w.kd odhl;ajhla imhk njhs' tfy;a j¾;udkfha úoHq;a udOH u.ska .S;h jeks oE kùlrKh fldg úúO jQ bf,lafg%daksl bv moaO;Ska fhdod.ksñka tys w¾:j;a Ndjhg;a ridiajdohg;a ydks jk fia bÈßm;a lrñka j;auka ;reK mrmqr fkdu. heùug l%shd lsßu Wod ù we;s fidajksh ;;ajhls' ÈhqKq ;dCIKh ìys lsÍug iu;a ñksidf.a w.kd jQ {dkdf,dalh ;dCIKh úiska ksjd oeóug fjr oeßu jÈkak .sh foajdf,a bfya lvka jegqkd hkak Wmud l< yel' tu ksid fujka f.da,ShlrKh jQ iudchla ;=< yoj;ska úuid nqoaêfhka wjfndaO fldg l%shd lrk yrj;a w¾:odhs udOH ìyslsßug;a tajd ksishdldrj mßyrKh fldg w¾:j;a wdo¾Yu;a Èúhlg yqre ùug j;auka iudch W;aidy l< hq;=h'
Clfq;fs;! Mf;fk; - GUN[hj;jkd; jq;fkapy;
Clfk; vd;gJ kf;fspd; gpur;rpidfis kf;fsplKk; mjd; rhu;G epWtdq;fsplKk; nfhz;L Nru;g;gJ. mjd; kpfTk; vspa tbtNk r%f Clfq;fs; cyfpd; md;whl khw;wq;fs; epfo;Tfs; Fwpj; j mg; g l; l khd tpku; r dk; kw; W k; fUj;Jf;fis tPupakhfTk;> tpiuthfTk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vd;why; Fwpg;gpl;l fhyk; tiuapy; rY}d; fil mul;ilfs;> Kr;re;jp re;jpg;Gf;fspy; fye;J nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJ ek;%u; Fsj;jb fhjypy; ,Ue;J tpf;fpyPf;]; MrhQ;Nr> mnkupf;f epoy; Aj;jk; tiuapy; myrg;gLk;. gy jUzq; f spy; rpupg; i g tuioj; j hYk; Fwpg; g pl; l sT Neu; i kahd fUj; J f; f s; ,g;gbahd mul;ilfspypUe;Jjhd; fpilf; f pd; w d. ,g; g bahd mul; i lfs; > re;jpg;Gf;fs; jhd; r%f Clfq;fspd; (Social Media) Njhw;wg;ghl;bd; mbg;gil. cyfj;ij ,izaKk;> mjd; rhu;g;G njhopy;El;gKk; thup RUl;b itj;Js;s ,d;iwa fhy fl;lj;jpy; r%f Clfq;fs; (Social Media) my;yJ etPd Clfq;fspd; (New Media) tsu; r ; r p vd; g J kpfTk; NtfkhdJ. mNjNeuk; tprpj;jpukhdJk; $l. Ng];Gf;> Utpw;wu;> tiyg;gjpTfs; cs;spl;l r%f tiyj;jsq;fsq;fspd; (Social networking sites) Mjpf;fk;. miyNgrp FWe;;jfty; Nrit (SMS)> epow;gl gfpu;Tj; jsq;fs;> kpd;dQ;ry; (E- mail)> ,izatsp ciuahly;fspd; (Skype tifawh) kpf mjpfg;gbahd ghtid vd;W kf;fis r%f Clfq; f spd; $Wfs; jd; D s; itj;jpUf;fpd;wd. r%f Clfj;jpd; njhlu;ghly; $whf rY}d; filfSk;> Kr;re;jp mul;ilfSk;> ,d; d gpw re; j pg; G f; f Sk; ,Ue; j epiy khwp ,izak; rhu;G njhopEl;gq;fs; r%f Clfj; j pd; ngUk; g hd; i k tsu; r ; r pia jd; D s; vLj; J f; nfhz; b Uf; f pd; w d. NjeP u ; fil re; j pg; G f; f spy; Fwpg; g pl; l gpuNjrj;Jf;Fs; ,Uf;fpw rpyNu kP z ; L k; kP z ; L k; re; j pj; J ciuahLk; trjpia toq;fpapUe;jJ. Mdhy;> r%f tiyj; j sq; f s; cs; s pl; l ,izak; rhu;G njhopy;El;gk; cyfshtpa uPjpapy; fUj; J f; f isAk; > fUj; j hly; f isAk; mul;ilfisAk; nra;a trjp tha;gG ; f;fisr; nra;jJ. mjd; njhlu;r;rpjhd; Ng];Gf;> Utpw;wu; cs;spl;l jsq;fspy; tPupakhf njhlu;fpwJ.
guhf; xghkhtpd; nghUshjhu jpl; l q; f spy; ,Uf; f pw FiwghLfs; > nraw; j pwd; ,d; i kfspy; Muk; g pj; J m[pj;jpd; gpy;yh 2 ve;j Mq;fpyg;glj;jpd; jOty; vd;gJ tiuapy; NgRtjw;F r%f Clfk; fsk; mikj;Jf; nfhLj;jpUf;fpwJ. r%f Clfq;fspd; jhuf ke;jpuk; vd;gJ “Ntfk;;> RUf;fk;> Neu;j;jp> GjpJ” vd;fpw mbg; g ilapyhd fUj; J g; gfpu; j y; f s; jfty; g upkhw; w q; f Ns. jfty; gupkhw; w k; vd;gJ kdpjdpd; Muk;g fhyj;jpy; ,Ue;J iriffs;> xypfs;> rpj;jpuq;fspy; Muk;gpj;J gpd;duhf fhyj;jpy; nkhop vd;fpw nkUNfwpa tbtj;Jf;F te;j gpd;du; kpf Ntfkhf tsu Muk;gpj;jJ. njhlu;ghlYf;F nkhop mtrpak; vd;fpw epiy Mdgpd;du; mjd; topNa Clfq;fspd; jhf;fk; mjpfupj;jJ. mjd; tpisT mr;R> ,yj;jpuzpay; Clfq;fspd; mjPj tsu;rr ; p tiu nfhz;L te;J Nru;jj ; J. ,d;W mJ mLj;j fl;lkhd ,izak; rhu;G Clfq;fs; tiuapy; te;J epw;fpwJ. mr;R> ,yj;jpudpay; Clfq;fs; ,g;NghJ ,iza Clfq; f Sld; (Internet Media) Nghl;bNghl Ntz;bapUf;fpwJ. MdhYk;> me;jg; Nghl;bAk; $l ,iza Clfq;fspd; Fwpg;gpl;lsthd gq;fspg;GlNdNa epfo Ntz;bapUf;fpwJ. jw;NghJ r%f Clfq;fs; (Social Media) vd;W ehk; Fwpgg ; pLfpdw ; dtw;wpy; mjpfkhdit> Vd; 90 tPjkhdit ,iza rhu;G Clfq;fNs (Internet Media). vg; N ghJNk vy; N yhUf; F k; Rakhd fUj;jpay;> tpUg;G ntWg;Gf;fs; ,Uf;fpd;wd. mjid ntspg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd Clfq;fisAk;- re;ju;g;gq;fisAk; vjpu;ghu;f;fpd;Nwhk;. 2000k; Mz;Lf;F Kd;du; mJ mt;tsT rhj;jpakhf ,Uf;ftpy;iy. mjpfk; rY}d; fil> NjeP H f; fil> flw; f iuNahu re; j pg; G f; f Sl; d Kbe; J NghdJ. Mdhy;> 2000k; Mz;Lf;Fg; gpd;du; ntspAyfj;jpdUldhd fUj;J gfpu;jy; vd;gJ ,yFthfptpl;lJ. fUj;J ntspgg; Lj;jiy ,yFthf;fpajpy; r%f tiyj;jsq;fspd; gq;F kpfg;gpujhdkhdJ. Neubahd Ngr;Rf;fs; vd;gJ Fiwe;J vOj;jpd; %yNk 'fUj;J ntspg;ghLk;- gjpy; nrhy;yYk;vjpu;tpidfSk;- MjuTk;” vd;w epiyia
,e;j jsq;fs; mjpfstpy; Cf;Ftpf;fpd;wd. Neubahf nghJ ,lj; j py; NgRtjw; F $r;r Rghtk; cs;stu;fs; $l ,yFthf r%f tiyj; j sq; f spy; fUj; J f; f is ntspapLfpd;wdu;. ,jdhYk; Fwpg;gpl;lsT rjtP j khdtu; f s; tpUg; g j; J ld; fUj; J Nkhjy;fspYk;- gfpu;jy;fspYk; <LgLfpd;wdu;. fz Neuj;Jf;Fs;NsNa ,e;j fUj; J g; gfpu; j y; f s; gpuNjrq; f is> ehLfis> fz;lq;fisj; jhz;b nrd; W tpLfpd; w d. ,JTk; $l jfty; gupkhw; w j; j pd; cr; r epiyia. me; j cr; r epiyia ,izag; g htidiaf; nfhz; b Uf; f pwtu; f spd; fpl; l j; j l; l 70 tPjj;Jf;F mjpfkhNdhu; Nkw;nfhs;fpd;wdu;. mjw;Fs; Fwpg;gpl;lsthNdhu; NtW tifapy; rpf;fp gpur;rpidiaAk; vjpu;nfhs;fpd;wdu;. cyfj;jpy; ehk;. ek; tpuy;fspy; cyfk;. cyfpy; ,we;J Nghdtd; ,izaj;jpy; capNuhbUf;fyhk;. ntspNa MzhapUg;gtd; mq;Nf ngz;zhapUf;fyhk;. ,q;F vJTNk rhj;jpak;! ,Wjp tup jtpu;e;J> ,e;jf; ftpijia ‘ trp ’ vd; f pw tiyg; g jptu; vOjpaJ. ‘,izak; ’ vd; f pw ,z; l hk; cyfj; i j
,ijj;jtpu vspa tbtpy; $wptpl KbahJ. vg;NghJNk mofpaiyAk;> Mr;ru;aq;fisAk;> mrk;ghtpjq;fisAk;> mj;JkPwy;fisAk; cs;slf;fpaNj cyfk;. mijnahj;jNj ,izak; rhu;e;j cyfKk; ClfKk;. Clfk; vd;gJ kf;fspd; gpur;rpidfis kf;fsplKk; mjd; rhu;G epWtdq;fsplKk; nfhz;L Nru;g;gJ. mjd; kpfTk; vspa tbtNk r%f Clfq;fs;. mJ me;jf;fhy mul;ilfspD}lhd fUj;Jg; gfpu;jyhf ,Ue;jhy; vd;d ,d;iwa fhy r%f tiyj; j sq; f spDhlhd fUj; J ntspg;ghLfshf ,Ue;jhy; vd;d. r%f Clfj; j pd; jd; i kapy; njhopEl; g j; j py; Ntz; L khdhy; mt; t g; N ghJ khw; w q; f s; te; j pUf; f yhk; . Mdhy; > mjd; gaDk; > kf;fspd; kdq;fSk; mt;tsthf khwptpltpy;iy.
Have you been in
By Lekha Basnayake Udugama
Fried egg or boiled? Blue shirt or white? Striped tie or checkered? Chinese medicine or chemotherapy? From the moment we open our eyes every morning, we have decisions to make – be they trivial or tremendously important. Sometimes our decisions are right and sometimes not. Then there are times when it remains unanswered as to who or what is right; even after we have acted on a decision already made. Whatever we decide, we have to bear the consequences. When things turn out right, we celebrate - but when things go wrong….. That’s a different story. “Making up your mind is very simple,” you often hear from another (usually in an exasperated tone and an impatient manner). Yet, decision making is a process that involves many different competencies. These competencies have to be acquired – they are not hereditary. Most of our childhood decisions were made by others. We had little or no say in matters, which affected rest of our lives. One may say “how can a child decide when he doesn’t understand what the issues are?” Though it is a valid statement, involving a child in making decisions regarding his future (even if at first he is merely listening) gives him an insight into decision making. It is certainly no easy task, but vital for his personal growth. “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night - to make you what everybody else is, means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” - E.E. Cummings Let me take you through some points which helped me when I was unsure but could not put off deciding.
Foremostly, be certain about the desired outcome. It means you need a vision, dream or goal to aim for. Decisions are not merely reactions to occurrences or situations. A decision can initiate a trend - get the ball rolling, so to speak. Hence you need to ‘tune in’ to the inner voice and be clear about what your heart desires. Even when a decision is a mere response to stimuli, one should envision the best outcome before committing oneself. Once a target is identified, next item for consideration is the path. Different approaches can achieve the same outcome. Hence decide what method or direction an action should take. Imagine that you decided to get a driving license: you can practice with a parent, friend or attend a driver-training school. Whichever the option, one shall have to go through all motions and attend the driving test. That brings us to ownership or personal responsibility of an entire circus-act of implementing a decision you made. Real responsibility is to accept both pros and cons of a task. This requires a degree of bravery or self assurance. But “how can you be self-assured when you are in doubt?” It seems a contradiction. A simple solution is to have faith in oneself and approach an issue at hand with a firm conviction of an acceptable end. Certain issues belong not to us but to time. Just as mother-nature sets pace for waning and waxing of moon, there is a time for anything. So timing is also important. Hence “is it the right time to take ballroom dance lessons?” is just as important as “I need a new hobby to relax and workout at the same time.”
One should also have an ability to look at issues objectively. It is a tough task, because when a person is wrapped up in an issue it is very difficult to see clearly. Treat every matter as if it were a separate entity, and give it due regard – your objectivity will enable you to come up with the most fair judgment. Result-oriented approach needs a time frame to achieve a task. This is different to timing your actions. Here what needs to be looked at is the period of time you require to implement or reap results. Benefits of setting a goal to a specific time frame are twofold: it actually acts as a prompt to complete the task and prioritize everything. In the same vein you need to be aware of scope of a decision. Consider a scope with respect to the degree of your involvement, amount of time spent on it and financial commitments. For example, you decide to change your look – this means new clothes, shoes, accessories, bag and haircut (at least). You will need to spend some time choosing the right thing (probably with someone who has good taste). Of course there is a cost: just how great will depend on the value and quality of what you buy. In this way, when you have an idea of what your decision will need, set yourself manageable limitations. Impulse decisions or “gut feeling” are part and parcel of our ability to make the right move. It is decision-making on fast forward mode. Here a word of warning: savvy marketers exploit this area and lead consumers to make unnecessary purchases – hence switch on “self control” and stick to the shopping list! “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” - J.K. Rowling, creator of Harry Potter
,izak; vDk; khngUk; ClfKk;! Mf;fk; -;
,izak; vd;w nrhy;Yf;F ,g;nghOJ cyfshtpa uPjpapy; gpugyk; mjpfupj;jpUf;fpwJ. Mdhy;> ,e;j ,izaj;jpd; rpwg;ig ek;ktHfs; ahUk; ,d;Dk; rupahfg; Gupe;Jnfhs;stpy;iy. Fwpg;ghf> gbf;fpd;w gps;isfs; ,izag; g f; f k; NghdhNy ngw; N whu; Nfhgk; nfhs; f pd; w dH. ,J mNefkhf vy;NyhUila tPl;bYk; md;whlk; elf;fpd;w xU tplak;jhd;. ngw;Nwhiug; nghWj;jkl;by; jkJ gps;isfs; vg;nghOJk; Gj; j fKk; ifAkhf ,Uf; f Ntz; L k; vd;Nw epidg;ghu;fs;. jkJ gps;isfspd; vjpu;fhyj;jpidf; fUj;jpw;nfhz;L ngw;Nwhu; mg;gb elf;fpd;wdu;. ntWk; Gj;jfg; gbg;G kl; L k; jk; gps; i sfSf; F NghJnkd ngw;Nwhu; epidg;gJ mtu;fs; gf;f epahak;. MdhYk;> ntWk; Gj;jf gbg;G kl;Lk; gps; i sfSf; F NghJkhdjh vd; w hy; > ,g;Nghija #o;epiyapy; NghjhJ vd;Nw $wNtz;Lk;. gbf;fpd;w fhyj;jpy; Gj;jf gbg; g py; ftdk; nrYj; j Ntz; L k; vd; w tplak; cz; i kahdJjhd; . MdhYk; Vida mDgtg; gbg;GfisAk; khztu;fs; gpd;njhlu Ntz;Lk;. mNefkhd tPLfspy; khiyNeu nra; j pfisf; $ l gps; i sfis ghu; f ; f tpLtjpy; i y. njhiyf; f hl; r p ghu; j ; j hy; gps;isapd; gbg;G nfl;LtpLk; vd;W ngw;Nwhu; gak; nfhs;fpd;wdu;. njhiyf;fhl;rpapid ghu;gg ; jhy; xU khztdhy; cyfpd; gy;NtW jfty;fspd; jpul;bid miu kzp Neuj;jpy; ghu;ff ; pd;w re;ju;gg ; k; mjpfupf;fpd;wJ. ,jw;F ngw;Nwhu; ,lkspf;f Ntz;Lk;. mNjNghy; gj; j pupif ghu; g ; g jw; F k; > Gj; j fq; f s; thrpg;gjw;Fk; rpWtajpypUe;Nj gps;isfis Cf;Ftpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,e;j tplaq;fSf;Fj; jilNghLtjhy; cq;fsJ gps;isfs; ntWk; Gj;jfg; g+r;rpfshf kl;LNk tsu;thu;fs; vd;gij Qhgfj;jpy; itj;Jf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. ,it vy; y htw; i wAk; t pl jw; f hy khztu; f spd; vjpu; f hyj; j pw; F kpfTk; gaDs; s jhf khwpapUg; g J ,izag; ghtid vd; w hy; mJ kpifahfhJ. kzpf; f zf; f ha; Njbg; gbj; J jfty; mwpe; j fhyk; kiyNawptpl; l J. tpuy; Edpapy; cyfk; vd;wsTf;F njhopy;El;gk; neUf;fkhfptpl;lJ. tsu;eJ ; tUk; njhopy;El;g Ntfj;jpw;F vkJ ,sk; re;jjpAk; jahuhf
Ntz;Lk;. me;j jahu;gLj;jYf;F ngw;NwhUk; cWJizaha; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,Jjhd; ,d;iwa ajhu;j;jk;. ,izag; ghtid vd;gJ gue;Jgl;lJ. ey;y tplaq;fs; vt;tsT ,Uf;fpd;wdNth mNj msT jPa tplaq;fSk; ,izaj;jpy; gue;J fplf;fpd;wd. ,jpy; ey;y tplaq;fis kl; L k; j hd; ,isa rKjhak; ghu; f ; f Ntz;Lk; vd;W epidg;gJ ajhHj;jj;jpy; rhj;jpakpy;yhj tplak;. ,Ug;gpDk;> vkJ vjpu; f hyj; j pw; F vd; d Njit vd ehk; czu;fpd;NwhNkh> mjid NjLtJ vkJ Gj;jprhypj;jdk;. Muk;g fhyj;jpy; Clfq;fSf;F nra; j pfs; nrd; w iltnjd; g jpy; ghupa rpukq;fs; epytpd. Fwpg;ghf – gpuhe;jpa nra;jpfis gj;jpupif fhupahyaq;fSf;F mDg;GtJ> Gifg;glq;fis gpujpgz;ZtJ vd gy rpukq;fs; epytpd. Mdhy; ,d;iwa Clfq;fspd; epiy NtW. Xu; ,lj;jpy; Fwpg; g pl; l njhU rk; g tk; epfOkhdhy; mjid Jupj fjpapy; ngwf;$ba trjpfs; ,Uf;fpd;wd. kpd;dQ;ry; (E-mail)> FWe; j fty; ( SMS)> MMS Nghd; w gy topfspy; jfty;fis clDf;Fld; ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. Mifapdhy;> ghlrhiy fhyq;fspNyNa kpd;dQ;ry; ghtid gw;wpAk; mjd; njhopy; E l; g tpUj; jpfs; gw; w pAk; cq; f sJ mwpit jP l ; b f; n fhs; S q; f s; . khztg; gUtj;jpy; ePqf ; s; ,e;j gapw;rpfis Kiwahf gpd; g w; w pdhy; vjpu; f hyj; j py; kpfTk; gaDs;sjhf ,Uf;Fk; vd;gjpy; re;Njfj;jpw;fplkpy;iy. mNjNghy; PhotoShop vdg; g Lfpd; w my;yJ mijnahj;j NtW nkd;nghUis ifahs;tjw;Fk; gofpf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Vnddpy; ve; j nthU Gifg; g lj; j pid vLj;Jf; nfhz;lhYk; mjid moFgLj;jp rPu;gLj;jf;$ba El;gq;fs; ,e;j nkd; n ghUspNy ,Uf; f pd; w d. b[pl; l y; cyfpy; ehq;fs; tho;eJ ; nfhz;bUf;fpd;Nwhk;. ifj; njhiyNgrpfspy; vLf;fpd;w Gifg;glq;fis clDf;Fld; kw;iwatu;fSf;F mDg;gf;$ba trjpfs; ,Uf;fpd;wd. Mdhy;> Clf newpfSf;Fl;gl;L glq;fis nrk;ikg;gLj;j Ntz;Lkhdhy; ,e; j PhotoShop ,d; cjtp fz; b g; g hf Njit vd; g ij kdjpy; nfhs; S q; f s; . ,e;j nkd;nghUspD}lhf gy;NtWgl;l gl [hyq;fis ePq;fs; Gupayhk;. mNjNghy;
rpwe;j tiufiy epGzuhf tUtjw;Fk; ,e;j nkd;nghUs; cWJizahapUf;Fk;. mLj;jjhf> jkpopy; jl;lr;R nra;tjw;F gofpf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. jkpo; vOj;Jf;fisg; gad; g Lj; j p mjid Kiwg; g b jl; l r; R nra; t jw; F fw; W f; n fhs; S q; f s; . ,J> vjpu; f hyj; j py; eP q ; f s; vOj; J j; J iwapy; eP b g; g jw; F Kd; D jhuzkhf tpsq; F k; . , i t j t p u , i z a j ; j p y ; Unicode vdg;gLk; vOj;JU ,Uf;fpd;wJ. rhjhuzkhf eP q ; f s; ilg; nra; f pd; w jkpo; vOj;Jf;fis ,izaj;jpy; thrpf;f KbahJ. Mifapdhy; mjid ,e; j AdpNfhl; Kiwf;F khw;wpf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. AdpNfhl; Kiwf; F khw; w pajd; gpd; d u; ,izaj; j py; gjptpl; l hy; mjid ve; j fzpdpapYk; ghu;f;ff;$bajhapUf;Fk;. ,e;j vOj;JU khw;wpfis ePq;fs; ,izaj;jpy; gjptpwf;fk; nra;Jnfhs;syhk;. Neubahf ePq;fs; AdpNfhl;by; ilg; nra;tjw;Fupa nkd;nghUs;fSk; ,izaj;jpy; fpilf;fpd;wd. Fwpg;ghf NHM Writer vd;w nkd;nghUis gjptpwf;fk; nra;Jnfhz;lhy; AdpNfhl; Kiwapy; jkpo; nkhopapy; ilg; nra;tJ ,yFthf ,Uf;Fk;. ,e;j nkd; n ghUspy; jkpq; f pyp]; KiwapYk; ilg; nra;J KOikahd jkpo; nrhw;fis cUthf;f KbAk;. cjhuzkhf amma vd;D ilg; nra;jhy; ‘mk;kh’ vd;W jkpopy; Njhd;Wk;. mjhtJ jkpo; cr;rupg;Gfis Mq; f pyj; j py; ilg; nra; j hy; jkpopy; nrhw;fs; Njhd;Wk;. ,k;Kiw GjpatHfSf;F ,yFthdjhf ,Ue; j hYk; > ,J vkJ nkhopiag; nghWj; j tiuapy; mt; t sT ey;y Kiway;y. jkpio Mq;fpyj;jpD}lhf mZfp vOJjy; jkpOf;F> jkpo; tuptbtpd; vjpHfhyj;jpw;F ey;yjy;y MfNt ghkpdp vOj;JU KiwiaNah> jkpo;99 vOj;JU KiwiaNah fw;Wf;nfhs;tNj rhyr;rpwe;jJ. vdNt ,e;j jl;lr;R Kiwfis fz;bg;ghf ePq;fs; mwpe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,it jtpu xyp> xsp gjpg; g pj; j y; (Audio> Video Editing) njhlh;ghfTk; khzt gUtj;jpy; fw;Wf;nfhs;tJ rpwe;jJ. ,JTk; gpw;fhyj;jpy; gy NtiyfSf;F mbg;gilahf ,Uf;Fk;. ,jpy; ePqf ; s; ghz;bj;jpak; ngw;why; jpiug; g l gjpg; g pj; j ypYk; fhy; gjpf; f KbAk;. ,izaj;jpy; nra;jpfis juNtw;wk; nra;tjw;F ,e;j gjpg;gpj;jy;; fw;iffs; cq;fSf;F vg;nghOJk; ifnfhLf;Fk;. ,it vy;yhtw;iwAk; tpl ,izaj;js NjLjsq;fs; gw;wp ed;F mwpeJ ; itj;jpUq;fs;. ,izaj;jpd; NjL nghwpfspy; vd;ndd;d tplaq;fs; NjitNah mj;jidiaAk; Njbg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. cq;fs; Njly;fSf;F epr;rakhf ,e;j NjLjsq;fs; jPdpNghLk;. cq; f s; Njly; f spD}lhf mwptpid tsu; j ; J f; nfhs; t jw; F epr; r ak; ,J cjTk;. Fwpg;ghf ePq;fs; xU fl;Liuia vOjtpisfpwPu;fs; vdpy;> mjw;Fj; Njitahd cs;slf;fq;fis rupghu;gg ; jw;Fk; jfty; f is ngw; W f; n fhs; t jw; F k; ,e; j NjLnghwpfis gad;gLj;JtJ rhyr;rpwe;jJ. Mifapdhy;> gbf;fpd;w fhyj;jpy; ntWk; Gj;jfg; g+r;rpfshf khj;jpuk; ,Uf;fhky; cq;fs; vjpu;fhyj;ij jpl;lkplf;$ba rhJ} upaj; j d; i kAilatu; f shfTk; ,Uf; f g; goFq;fs;. ,sk; tajpNyNa vjpu;fhyk; gw;wpj; jpl;lkplj; njhlq;fpdPu;fNsahdhy; epr; r akhf cq; f s; vjpu; f hyk; rpwg; g hf ,Uf;Fk;.
Printed by - Sarvodaya Vishvalekha, Moratuwa.