Lesson 2
• Understand information to follow steps.
What is the importance of following steps? 1.
Have you ever played this game? How do you know the order of squares you have to jump to? Do you like this game? Share your experiences with the class.
Work in pairs. Read the illustrated guide and determine the most important things to consider when you want to skip a stone.
• How do you know what order to follow?
How to skip a stone 1.
First, choose a light flat sto ne that fits in the palm of you hand.
2. Second, hold the stone between your thumb and middle finger with your ind ex finger placed like this. 3. Next, stand facing the water at and angle, and pu ll your arm back ready to thr ow. You can crouch down if you like. 4. Pull your wrist back and then flick it forwards as yo u throw the stone. 5. Finall y, watch your stone skip over the water. Our record is 19 skips!
Discuss the questions below in groups. Do you think it is important to follow the steps in order? Why?
Follow an ilustrated guide to solve a problem.