2 minute read
PROJECT 2 Learning with Movies
from Ways - 9º Ano
by Editora FTD
Na unidade 2, você falou sobre igualdade de direitos e, na unidade 8, sobre filmes. Agora, leia as orientações de TASK 1 para realizar a primeira etapa do Project 2, Learning with Movies
TASK 1 In small groups, work on a short movie script based on scenes from different inspirational movies you have already seen or heard of. Select the most interesting dialogs related to the topic “equal rights for all” and arrange them together to create a coherent script. You can add some short sentences of your own to make the transition from one scene to another. You are not supposed to create a whole new movie script, but make a compilation of scenes that should last from 5 to 10 minutes when performed. Make your script really moving and don’t forget to choose an appealing title.
Suggested movies about equal rights for all.
Selma. Directed by Ava DuVernay. USA, 2014.
O script de um filme, peça, novela ou programa de rádio é um roteiro com falas, informações sobre a cena, o som, a imagem etc. Um script baseado na compilação de cenas já existentes é um roteiro organizado a partir de um eixo temático que dá sentido ao conjunto de cenas selecionadas.
A chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965.
IMDB. Selma. 1990-2022. Disponível em: www.imdb.com/title/tt1020072. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022.
The Help. Directed by Tate Taylor. USA, 2011.
An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids’ point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis.
IMDB. The help. 1990-2022. Disponível em: www.imdb.com/title/tt1454029. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. In this part of the project, it is only necessary to write a first draft. Later, you are going to improve your text and perform it.
Leia as orientações de TASK 2 e siga as instruções para realizar a segunda etapa do Project 2, Learning with Movies
TASK 2 After having prepared an inspiring short script with selected movies scenes, it is time to perform it to your local community and share it with the world!
1. Produce it! In groups, review the draft you and your classmates wrote in the first part of this project. Then get ready to perform it! Assign roles, plan settings, gather props and rehearse the script. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the script. Don’t forget to choose songs and/or incidental music to accompany the script.
2. Share it locally! Organize a drama event at your school to share the performance that you and your classmates have been working on. Invite teachers, family members, friends, and other people from your community to watch your performance.
3. Share it globally! If you feel comfortable, you can video or audiotape your performance and publish the video or podcast on the school website. Publish it on the Internet and let people all over the world get inspired by your video!
Think about it!
Respostas pessoais.
Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir.
• Como você se sentiu ao selecionar cenas para criar um roteiro inspirador? E ao fazer a apresentação?
• Como foi a apresentação na escola?
• Como as pessoas reagiram ao trabalho publicado na internet?
• Você faria alguma coisa de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê?
• Você acredita que a sua apresentação possa transformar, de alguma forma, a vida das pessoas na sua comunidade?