DM Special Sial 2022

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2022 October


2022 October

SUMMARY 3 13 4 22 Global food transition on stage at Sial 2022 The Italian agri-food exports continue to rise In the spotlights of change Higher consumers’ expectations on food DM Magazine insert October 2022 Edited by Contact Advertising Creative Director Editor Editor-in-chief Armando Brescia Fabio Massi Sara Mauri Phone 02/20480344 Sales office: Phone: 02/20480344 There is no guarantee that we will publish the original versions or any part of submissions (texts, articles, news, images, data, charts, research, etc.) sent by authors outside the Edi torial Board. Submissions may, how ever, be published in a revised form for editorial reasons. It should also be noted that sending a submission constitutes an automatic authorisa tion by Edizioni DM Srl to publish it free of charge in all its publications. Edizioni DM Srl Via A.Costa, 2 20131 Milano P. Iva 08954140961 Stefania Lorusso Jcs - Language Services Maria Teresa Manuelli Editorial director Translation Editorial coordination COME & MEET US! STAND 5B J 018
We are more than flours.
High protein content products for every meal of the day!

Global food transition Sial 2022

on stage at

Renewal and change are the watchwords for the Sial 2022 edition in Paris, the largest internation al trade show dedicated to the agri-food industry. After a (forced) four-year break due to the challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, the trade show will be back to the French capital on October 15-19. Now more than ever, the Parisian event is the perfect place to hold meetings and debates, to inspire and outline the food ecosystem of the immediate future. This, in light of the major transformations recorded in the international food & beverage industry and market in recent months.

In these five-day expo a number of topics will be in the spotlights: from the need for a transi tion in the agri-food industry on a global scale, to changes in consumer habits, more eco-friend ly, cruelty-free agro-food production strategies, emerging start-ups with new business models, up to the very latest innovations in terms of servic es and products. These aspects are all represented by ‘Own the change’, the main theme of Sial 2022. The theme conveys in fact a strong mes sage: the need of a turnaround to achieve an agrifood transition everywhere and accessible to all.

A revolution that will be the fruit of a joint effort where every industry player, through their own ac tions and innovations, is expected to participate. Paving the way, the +300,000 visitors expected for this edition of the trade show at the Parc des Espositons de Paris-Nord Villepinte who will find more than 7,000 exhibitors from about 130 countries (17 of them for their first time ever), with Italy standing out as the second most represented nation, just behind France, the host.

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In the spotlights of change

The Parisian Sial of this year has played a more relevant role compared to the previous editions, not only because it represents - as usual - the most distinguished inter national showcase for the food & beverage segment, but also because it is an unmissable occasion to reflect on this fast evolving market, influenced by international events. “Since the 2020 edition was postponed because of the Covid-19 emergency - affirms Audrey Ashworth, Director of Sial 2022 - we saw this forced break as an opportunity to innovate and expand the exhibition. In fact, we believe that a crisis is a great moment to boost change or invent new business models. And this year is going to be full of innovations.” In terms of figures, the 2022 edition will be very similar to the 2018 edition: more than 7,000 exhibitors from 130 countries are ex pected to come and present over 450,000 products in an exhibition area of about 250,000 square meters, that is to say, equal to 100 supermarkets altogether. “Even the pre-registration rate of visitors is promising - continues Audrey Ashworth - so we’re very optimistic on the total number of visitors. We expect an exhibition, like the one we’re used to, with around 300,000 participants from all over the world.” The edition of this year focuses on change and the need for a global transition in the agrifood industry, as well as changing the consumer habits and strategies for a more environmental and animal- sus tainable agriculture and food & beverage production.

“Sial reflects the agri-food market and, at the same time, the observatory of change - explains Audrey Ashworthand this has speeded up over the last pandemic period. In line with the theme ‘Own the change’ introduced in 2020, the exhibition retraces these evolutions, changes and metamorphosis. Our most important event will be Sial Innovation, which will showcase the best world food innovations, while a jury of experts will award the compa nies with the most innovative products in 15 categories.

“We believe that a crisis is a great moment to boost change or invent new business models.

And this year is going to be full of innovations.”

More than 7,000 exhibitors from 130 countries are expected to come and present over 450,000 products in an exhibition area of about 250,000 square meters and 300,000 participants from all over the world.


Then, we’ll present the Sial Insights’ results, which col lect exclusive studies on consumer expectations, product innovation and out-of-home catering. On the other hand, with FutureLab we’ll invite visitors to travel in time, in the future of the food industry, from today to 2030: this en gaging and striking experience, oriented to the future, will cover the main trends of agriculture, distribution and diet.” The latest news of this year concerns the launch of new areas, such as Startup Village and Business Lounge. Startup Village will feature a selection of startups in col laboration with Startup Sesame and FoodTech, while Business Lounge will provide buyers, professionals and exhibitors with a more relaxed environment. What is more, Sial Talks boasts a program rich in conferences: more than 100 international speakers and 60 conferences will pro vide a deeper analysis on the latest news and the main trends of the global agri-food industry. “This year, we’re happy to present amazing innovations such as the Cxmp marketplace - concludes Audrey Ashworth - a platform designed to bring our buyers and exhibitors togeth er and help them close deals. But this is not all, Cxmp will: help visitors find companies and products that suit their tastes, organize their trade show experience, allow buyers to keep in contact with the international agrifood community and, last but least, help them order the products they need whenever they need them.”

Sial Innovation, which will showcase the best world food innovations. Cxmp Marketplace is a platform designed to bring our buyers and exhibitors together and help them close deals.

SIAL 2022 5

Bucci, Boost your business flies to Sial Paris 2022

With particular reference to abroad, on the other hand, we demonstrated a growing and constant demand for ready to use sause cherry and datterino products at the expense of the “traditional” market, going for 330g and 350g retail formats.

The expectations and enthusiasm are high for this edition of SIAL Paris2022 and Bucci

Boost your Business could not possibly miss it.

Sial Paris has always been and will continue to be a global benchmark of food fairs, and this first edition, following the difficult and highly challenging period that has affected the en tire food sector so severely, will be the perfect opportunity to once again give our companies an international scope. We therefore expect to resume a massive foreign trade penetration, putting our three-year business plans into ac tion and going out to materialize all opportunities

The most inter esting trend we have seen is the huge exponential growth that the pinsa sector has experienced. With an increase in demand of al most 200 percent more, pinsa ranks as one of the most popular trends in recent years.

In this edition we will first present the rebrand ing that our company has experienced, mov ing from a brokerage agency to an all-round consulting company. We will also testify the transition from Bucci srl to Bucci boost your business, a consulting reality structured in business units led by industry professionals ready to assist and guide you in every com mercial and creative aspect.

Speaking of product novelties, on the other hand, you will have the chance to taste the latest trends in food such as our protein pin sa bases, sauces and yellow cherry purees and low-salt anchovies with colorful and attractive packaging.

Many products to taste during the show-cook ing with the international celebrity guest: chef Pasquale Torrente. We look for ward to seeing you in Hall 5B, booth K-154.


Italian food companies back to their international outlook

According to Paolo Bucci, CEO at Bucci Boost Your Business, Sial in Paris has always been, and will continue to be, a reference point for food exhibitions worldwide: “This edi tion, which comes after the difficult and extremely challeng ing period that has strongly impacted the entire food sector, will be the perfect opportunity for companies to go back to their international scope. We therefore expect to ‘resume’ a massive foreign trade penetration, implementing our threeyear plans and turning all the opportunities - until now on hold - into actual actions. We believe that the most interest ing trend is the exponential growth of pinsa, the Roman flat bread. As a matter of fact, with almost a 200% demand in crease, pinsa seems to be one of the most popular trends of recent years. When it comes to the international market, however, we’ve seen a constant, grow ing demand for red cherry and plum products, with 330 g retail formats winning over the 350 g ones.”

Rebranding and new products

At Sial the company will first and foremost present its rebrand ing: from a brokerage agency to an all-round consulting company.

“The audience will see the transition from Bucci to Bucci Boost Your Business,” explains Paolo Bucci, “a consulting company based on business units led by industry professionals, who assist and guide brands in every commercial and creative step. Speaking of new products, instead, at the trade show, visitors will have the chance to taste the latest trends in food, such as our protein pinsa bases, our yellow cherry sauces and tomato puree, as well as, our low-salt anchovies with colorful and eye-catching packaging.”

SIAL 2022 7

Authentic sweetness, every single slice.

Every slice of Prosciutto di Parma has the same centuries-old authentic taste and is an expression of our ancient tradition. For generations, we have worked every day with passion to give you a unique and distinctive taste experience.

It’s not just ham, it’s Prosciutto di Parma.

Ready to re-establish international players a dialogue with

Alessandro Utini, President of the Parma Ham Consortium, believes that Sial 2022 is an unmissable op portunity to re-establish in-person dialogue with pro fessional players of the sector: “Four years after the last edition, in this completely different socio-economic scenario, our hope is to go back to the fruitful meeting and exchange opportunities typical of this event that we were once used to. The health emergency, as wide ly known, has redesigned interpersonal relationships, forcefully shifting them to a virtual setting. Yet, as far as we are concerned, we have never compromised on a direct relationship with our interlocutors (buyers, restaurateurs, consumers), to have a clear pic ture of foreign market trends. And it is precisely in this spirit that we’re approaching the event. In fact, driven by our significant performance in exports, in the case of Parma Ham meant a 13% increase in 2021, we will provide our producers with a space to meet customers and players.”

Focusing on current affairs

Parma Ham Consortium’s approach does not disregard the bigger picture, of course: “A severe energy crisis, a high cost of raw materials and an inflationary spiral are determining an emergency situation, diffi cult to foresee,” explains Alessandro Utini, “and that is creating great difficulty to all the players in the supply chain with major consequences on the sector. Sial 2022 will be an important opportunity to test the in ternational market, with a close look at the measures put in place by governments and actors across Europe.”

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A great commitment to environmental and animal


Giovanni D’Ambruoso, President of Delizia, shows great enthusiasm for his participation in Sial: “We are looking forward to meeting and greeting our customers. Trade shows are for us an open door to the world, as they significantly enrich us. Our main expectation is to have the chance to present and convey to our interlocutors all our innovations, not only product-related. We have been committed to promoting environmental and animal sustainability for years now. And it is no coincidence, in fact, that we were the first dairy company to be Mpqp cer tified (Marchio Prodotto Qualità Puglia), which includes multiple animal health controls by the supervisory authority of the Region. Moreover, through the renovation of our photovoltaic and water recovery systems, we are now obtaining significant results in terms of energy savings. As I like to say, respecting customers, quality stand ards and the environment is Deliziosa’s delicious re sponsibility.”

A 18-month quality and freshness guarantee

One of the star products at the trade show in Paris will be the extraordinary Frozen Burrata by Deiliziosa. “Every and each of our burrata is unique because it is hand-made using only the best local raw milk,” explains Giovan ni D’Ambruoso, “and to bring the inimitable taste of this delicacy all over the world, we set up a plant for freezing each burrata im mediately after being shaped, for 18 months of guaranteed quality and freshness. A com mitment that is in line with the idea of pro moting our land’s flavors all over the world.”

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The Italian agri-food continue to riseexports

After its record in 2021, when the export of Italian agri-food exceeded 52 billion euros, in the first seven months of 2022, the Italian domestic export - accord ing to data from the report on foreign trade elaborated by Ismea- domestic exports showed a significantly pos itive trend, growing by 17.6% yearly and thus reaching 34.5 million euros. If this trend is confirmed also in the following months, exports of made-in-Italy agri-food could reach 60 billion euro by the end of the year. Con sequently, there was a strong increase in the value of the agri-food imports, which reached 34.9 billion euro (+29.2%) also following the international price increase of the agri commodity. This trend has brought the Italian agri-food balance to a deficit of 381 billion euro. Going back to exports, the domestic food industry products outlined a much more substantial growth compared to the foodstuffs (+19.5% vs +7.1%). In terms of markets, made-in-Italy food & beverage exports increased rather uniformly to all major destination countries. In particular, Germany, the United States and France showed a dynamic trend, absorbing 38% of national ex ports, between January and June 2022. Exports to Hun gary (+66.5%), Poland (39.2%) and Check Republic (+33%) also recorded excellent performances, while the only two negative trends were in China (-22.8%) and Japan (-10%), mainly due to the contraction of export of bottled still wines and food doughs respectively, and of tobacco products. Germany is once again the first and best valued foreign market for our agri-food export (4,6 billion euros), with a 10.9% growth and a 15.6% share on the total, mainly due to the great results seen for products like dry food doughs (+41%), roasted cof fee (+23%), bakery, pastry and biscuit products (11%), seasoned cheese (+5%) and bottled still wines (+4.5%).

In 2021, the export of Italian agri-food exceeded 52 billion euros and reach 60 billion euro by the end of the year.

SIAL 2022 13
Hall 5 A Booth Rigoni di Asiago E 108 COME TO TASTE IT AT SIAL! NEW Find out more on and NATURAL TASTE BRINGING INNOVATION TO THE CATEGORY. In four delicious flavors, Natù is the new organic fruit spreads range without added sugar of Rigoni di Asiago. Natù is the natural ally for those who choose a healthy and active lifestyle. • 95% FRUITS • PRESERVATIVE FREE • NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS • 12 Kcal PER SERVING (15g)** • FONTE DI FIBRE *naturally contains sugars **51 KJ / 12 Kcal per serving (15g); 339 KJ / 80 Kcal per 100 g NO ADDED SUGAR*

Exports to the United States, ranking second, showed a relevant growth (+20.9%) almost reaching 3.3 billion euros: dry food doughs (+53%), seasoned cheese (+18%), sparkling wines (+18%), extra virgin olive oil (+15%) and bottled still wines (+12%) are the best per forming segments in terms of value. France ranks third among the markets importing agri-food products from Italy , and it grew by 17.7% reaching 3.2 billion euros, with increases especially in food doughs (+40%), fresh cheese (30%) and seasoned cheese (+29%). An overall dynamic trend across all segments (+18.7%) emerges from the analysis of the Italian agri-food exports by pro duction sector in the first semester of 2022, with the only

fresh and processed fruit slightly decreasing (-1.5%). The main product segment for the Italian food exports is cereal, rice and by-products, which increased by 31,7%, reaching 4.8 billion euros, especially due to food doughs (+44%) and bakery, pastry and biscuit prod ucts (+15%). Wines and musts almost reached 3.8 bil lion euros and increased by 13.5%, with positive trends also when it comes to both bottled still wines (+10.3%) and sparkling wines (+25.5%). Among the most inter esting increases of the main exported national prod ucts there’s also roasted coffee (+29.7%), confirmed by its turnover that reached almost one billion euros.

The main product segment for the Italian food exports is cereal, rice and by-products, which increased by 31,7%, reaching 4.8 billion euros.

SIAL 2022

The flavor of novelty

Meet us at Sial, the international food fair.

Hall 1 - Stand 1G 93 Paris, 15 - 19 October


Greater attention to eating


The one in Paris – according to Michele Dell’Aquila, Granoro’s Foreign Office Manager – is to be seen one of the world’s lead ing food trade shows, where producers and importers from all continents come with the aim of establishing business partner ships: “This year, perhaps more than the previous editions, the expectations are high and strictly linked to the desire to meet face-to-face with traders after the pandemic outbreak. Lately, we have seen changes in the food trends of consumers, who are fully embracing the motto “Eat healthy, eat better.” This is the response to our ‘Dedicato’ line’s success of the last months, pasta made with 100% Apulian wheat, both on the tables of Italian and foreign consumers. In addition, the consumption of healthy food lines such as organic pasta, organic whole wheat, barley pasta and gluten free pasta is growing steadily and continuously.”

New pack in Fsc-certified paper

At Sial, Granoro will present the new 100% recyclable Fsc-certified paper pack of the ‘Dedicato’ line. “The use of a paper pack” - explains Michele Dell’Aquila - “is part of a sustainability path that the company has un dertaken for some time now. Aiming both at reducing its environmental impact - also through investments in trigeneration plants - as well as at promoting a new social model, the path envisages the establishment of ethical and sustainable working relationships with its employees and the strengthening of supply chain agreements, for the economic sustainability of Apulian cereal farming.”

SIAL 2022 17

6 organic chocolate bars, made with an incredible and unique Uganda cocoa from Bundibugyo cooperatives, where ICAM founded a company to support the cultivation and harvesting process of cocoa. Uganda organic bars respect Nature at 360°: they are born with an industrially compostable wrapping made up of 80% renewable raw materials.

Passion for taste, love for the planet!
VANINI is a registered trademark of ICAM Cioccolato
S.p.A. Come and visit us 15th-19th October 2022 Hall 5A Stand 5A D 145

Growing demand for

organic chocolate

For Giovanni Agostoni, Owner and Commer cial Director at Icam, the Parisian Sial is certainly a prominent showcase on the international scene: “This is a market where in recent years we have been growing, while consolidating our positioning thanks to a premium and innovative product supply, in line with the demands of consumers, who are increas ingly attentive to social and environmental issues. In addition, we are seeing a growing market trend to ward organic products, a segment that we have been covering since 1997. Providing this type of product has two advantages for us: on the one hand, it sat isfies consumers who are increasingly committed to conscious consumption choices; on the other hand, it strengthens our nature of “sustainable natives,” working in the interest of the planet. In this direction, our Vanini brand is the emblem of Italian excellencealso in the organic sector - thanks to its unique and refined chocolate and extraordinary cocoa from care fully selected plantations.”

Cocoa with unique organoleptic properties

It is precisely its latest line of Vanini Monorigine Uganda Organic tablets with compostable packaging that Icam will present at the trade show. “These bars are made with fine organic cocoa produced by Icam Uganda, a company set up to support the Ugandan district of Bundibugyo. Here the Group has in fact built a cocoa collection center to ensure unique organoleptic properties. In fact, this co coa is characterized by sweet, fragrant and low acidity notes. The line, on which the company has worked in the last months, features six dark chocolate and gianduja-based references with strictly organic ingredients: hazelnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and caramel, and salted pistachios.”

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Authentic Italian spirit,wellness and organic boost the market

According to Diodato Ferraioli, Export Sales Direc tor at La Doria – this new edition of Sial will be a step further toward the ordinary life we all aspire to: “As usual, it will certainly be an opportunity to meet current and potential customers, listen to their needs and share our news. In terms of trends, looking at the most recent market data, there are growth prospects in the organic and premium segment. Ever-larger and dynamic, this segment is indeed full of new and in creasingly sought-after niche products, where the Ital ian spirit and quality raw materials are the distinctive elements. The customer is turning more and more to healthy products, functional for the body’s well-be ing, and made from organic farming, and low in salt. Our business model is mainly focused on private labels. Therefore, we work closely with our customers to meet their needs for product innovation and to interpret the emerging trends of the market in our target sectors.”

All-round product innovation

Doria is constantly striving to innovate its products according to market demands, by working on different aspects. “We have been working on developing new white and red sauces for the U.S. market, and created vegan recipes and ‘free-from’ ver sions of our products, which are already widespread in several foreign markets, such as Northern Europe” explains Diodato Ferraioli. “As regards packaging- adds Ferrarioli- research is aimed at increasingly sustainable materials and solutions to limit waste, such as reducing the weight of glass containers as well as plastic in secondary packaging, while using Fsc-certi fied paper and Pvc-free capsules.”

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Higher consumers’

expectations on food

Consumers show increasingly higher expectations on the agri-food products they eat, especially in terms of authenticity, health, localism, sustainability, but also of sensorial pleasure. According to the results of the latest ‘Food 360’ research, carried out by Kantar in collabora tion with Sial Paris every two years 7 consumers out of 10 modified their food habits worldwide. This change already aftoot in the European Countries, is now reaching Asia, the Middle East and the United States. Today, 72% of the respondents (73% in 2020) prefer buying colorant and preservative-free, natural products, while 63% think the choice of food is a social commitment, a responsibility in terms of health and environmental impact. “Actually, the change in consumer habits toward food started between 2018 and 2020, so even before the covid-19 pandemicaffirms Matteo Roccio, Fmcg & Wellbeing Client Par tner at Kantar - and now we’re in a period of transfor mation, with phenomena that will strongly evolve, and with other trends that are, instead, destined to fade. Con sumer expectations are growing on natural products and carry health benefits, localism or ethnicity and a low environmental impact. Italy is the country with the highest percentage of people who consider buying 100% natural products ‘a must-have that has become a basic’ (80%).” According to the research - coordinated by Karin Perrot, Expert Food Director at Kantar - Italy is the only country in Europe where changes in eating habits are accelerating compared to 2020, especially in terms of ecological and ethical commitment. “On the one hand, we are facing phenomena and trends - conti nues Matteo Rossio - that are changing our consumption habits of some products or specific categories, such as the constant reduction of meat consumption (48% of Italians claim to have reduced or excluded meat from their diet). On the other hand, however, the percentage of consu mers who believe their food choices are civic behaviors, impacting the world they want to live in is rising as well.

“Consumer expectations are growing on natural products and carry health benefits, localism or ethnicity and a low environmental impact.”

Italy is the only country in Europe where changes in eating habits are accelerating compared to 2020, especially in terms of ecological and ethical commitment.

Matteo Roccio, Fmcg & Wellbeing Client Partner at Kantar

At the same time, what is also on rise is the search for foods seen as little luxuries or small pleasures. This is a food-indulgence trend that has accelerated during the pandemic and it’s not slowing down.” The study, in fact, shows that 71% of consumers (69% in 2020) admit they can’t help but buy products considered too ‘rich’ in fats, sugar or salt, sometimes. Another aspect, that has incre asingly gained foothold in the last two years, is the redi scovery of home cooking, with 56% of the respondents affirming to spend more time in their kitchens (61% in Italy). “Consumers, since the pandemic, have also chan ged their cooking habits - explains Matteo Roccio - they do it more and they do it at home. This is another conse quence of the pandemic that will endure also after this period, due to its strong link with other trends, such as the budget or ingredient control and the pleasure of sharing.” Manufacturing companies obviously play an essential role within the food & beverage market and 8 consumers out of 10 acknowledge the efforts made in the last two years by brand industries to improve the overall quality of food. “The brand players of the food industry are considered dynamic protagonists - concludes Matteo Roccio - and are changing or facing the change: companies started to step in, on themes linked to food security, raw material processing, and ethical aspects However, for the consumer there’s still much more to do.”

The brand players of the food industry are considered dynamic protagonists and are changing or facing the change.

SIAL 2022 23

consumer of an increasingly demanding Conquering the heart

The Parisian Sial - for Sante Ludovico, CEO at La Pizza +1 - is the perfect trade show for finding inspiration: “There will be a number of meetings with current and new customers, as well as the latest trends, innovations, and inventions of our market. Among the main trends of distribution channels in the last months, there is certainly the strong consolidation of largescale distribution alongside the spread of local stores and tra ditional cuisine. Not to mention, with regard to consumption, the increasingly key role of healthy food, in light of the growing purchase of organic products and of the so-called ‘free from’ products, which are usually considered healthy. Today, people prefer responsible consumption and reward, above all, those companies that are able to guarantee, through their supplies, sustainability, traceability and innovation, in addition to quality, local products.”

The next level of crispy ready to be tasted

At the Paris Fair, LaPizza +1 will present a couple of really tasty and easyto-eat ideas. “We will bring our crispy pinsa packaged in Atm at fixed weight and that don’t need to be stored - explains Sante Ludovico. The long leavening process and our natural sourdough starter make this an cient specialty particularly light and digestible, plus it is preservative-free, cooked on stone and suitable for vegan diets. But this is not all, we will also present our new lingue croccanti, our latest baked, crispy snack, made from 100% Italian flour, extra virgin olive, and preservative-free, perfect for happy hours, tapas and appetizers.”

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artisan specialties and their

Highly practical and convenient power stronger persuasive

The Parisian trade show represents a significant showcase, especially for those companies wishing to make their specialties known outside their national borders. “It’s our very first time at Sial,” explains Rossella Palladini, Marketing Manager at Pinsami, “and we expect to win the hearts of an increasingly international audience. In Italy, in around a few years, we have contributed, with the quality of our artisan pinsa, to create a real trendsetting. To date, the for eign market has proved curiosity and interest in this new Italian baked product, the goal now is to pro mote the unique and distinctive features of pinsa compared to the better-known pizza and, above all, to make people appreciate the excellent quality of our products. So far, we have been heaped with praise from overseas - Therefore, we are confident that also at Sial we’ll manage to meet the favor of the public who will be experiencing the unique and distinctive peculiarities of our pinsa, also through our gourmet tasting journey.”

A pinsa for every occasion

At the Parisian event, the company’s focus will be on the latest references: Pinsami Gelo and Mini Pinsa Pinsami. “With Pinsami Gelo” - explains Rossella Palladini - “pinsa can be stored in the freezer at -18° for up to 18 months and can be prepared and filled with thawed or even with a frozen base. Mini Pinsa Pin sami, on the other hand, is the single-serve, space-saving ver sion of pinsa, designed precisely for smaller families and for new occasions and consumption habits, without compromising on lightness (25 percent lighter than pizza), digestibility (contains 80 percent water) and versatility.”

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HERE COMES YOUR VEGGY COFFEE: Enjoy the energy of an espresso in this mix of rice and spring water –with no added sugars.

up Coffee

One of Italy’s leading producers of 100% vegan and organic vegetable drinks , desserts and cooking creams since 1994, The Bridge uses only carefully selected and certified ingredients.

Located in San Pietro Mussolino, in the beautiful set ting of the Lessini Mountains in the province of Vi cenza, the company has expanded over the years, although always closely guarding its family touch. Pas sion , innovation and sustainability are its hallmarks.

Every day the company strives to study new recipes that can meet the ever-changing demands of its customers worldwide. At the end of 2020, the company invested 6 million euros in a brand-new plant for a dessert assort ment with a new, even creamier recipe and for the de velopment of a completely fresh section: a line of fresh products such as yogurts , strictly 100% vegan and or ganic . Industrial tests are currently being carried out on three different bases: coconut, soy and gluten-free oats , both on natural and different fruit flavors . Their launch is scheduled in September 2022.


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