JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
En San José
P. 7
PUBLIC OPINION JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
Televisión Digital Por Meredith Baker a transición a la televisión digital, que está cada vez más cerca, les ofrecerá a los consumidores una imagen más clara y más opciones de programación. Los propietarios de televisores análogos que funcionan con una antena fijada o de techo corren el riesgo de perder la señal televisiva si no toman medidas. La Dirección Nacional de Telecomunicaciones e Información (NTIA) del Departamento de Comercio de EE.UU., que tiene a su cargo el Programa de Cupones para Caja Convertidora de Televisor, está proporcionando hasta dos cupones por hogar previa solicitud, y recomienda dar los tres pasos si guientes: Paso 1: Solicite Solicite hoy su cupón para comprar una caja convertidora. Los cupones están disponibles por orden de solicitud. Cada hogar puede solicitar hasta dos cupones visitando el sitio web www.DTV2009.gov, llamando al número
A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109 99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113
telefónico 1-888-DTV-2009 (1-888-3882009), enviando un fax al número 1-877DTV-4ME2 (1-877-388-4632), o por correo: PO Box 2000, Portland, OR 9720. Las personas con problemas de audición deben llamar al 1- 877-530-2634 (TTY en inglés) o 1-866-495-1161 (TTY en español). Paso 2: Compre Los consumidores deben comprar su caja convertidora en cuanto les lleguen los cupones por correo postal. En el mismo sobre de los cupones se les enviará una relación de los minoristas participantes donde podrá adquirir la caja convertidora . Es necesario hacer la investigación correspondiente para realizar una compra idónea y oportuna. Los cupones se vencen a los 90 días después de la fecha impresa en la tarjeta. Paso 3: Pruebe Una vez que el consumidor haya comprado la caja convertidora, debe probarla instalándola en su televisor análogo. Esto le dará la oportunidad de
poner a prueba su funcionamiento, y solucionar cualquier problema potencial antes de la fecha de la transición. La instalación de la caja convertidora proporciona los beneficios inmediatos de una imagen más clara y más canales, donde estén disponibles. Si necesita más ayuda técnica, la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC, por sus siglas en inglés) le proporciona una guía útil en el sitio Web http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/tr oubleshootguide.html. Aunque cada situación es única, los consumidores deben esperar de seis semanas como mínimo para garantizar que siguen recibiendo la señal de televisión antes de que se realice la transición a las transmisiones televisivas digitales en todo el país, el 17 de febrero del 2009. Exhorto a todos los consumidores a solicitar, comprar y probar hoy mismo. (Meredith Baker es vice secretaria y administradora interina de comunicaciones e información del Departamento de Comercio de EE.UU. Información obtenida del sitio web www.DTV2009.gov ) Δ
EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.
By Gil Villagrán, MSW
Hilbert Morales, EL OBSERVADOR down to local school districts and other jurisdictions. The Federal level of government is in transition. The 111th Congress is beginning to establish itself: The Senate will have enough Democratic votes to stave off any stonewalling filibuster attempt by the Republican partisan remnant. The House of Representatives has a Democratic majority, however, bipartisan collaboration will be needed where a two-thirds vote is required. This fact will ensure a bipartisan sensitivity, which must be effective in having a sufficient number of Republican Representatives to cross the aisle when they vote on legislation. The House is currently being diverted by the appointing-seating process. The Governor of the State of Illinois has appointed Mr. Burris (an African-American) to the vacant Senate seat once occupied by President-elect Barack Obama. All this would have been avoided had a special election been held in the State of Illinois to permit the voting citizens of that state to elect their senatorial replacement. The light at the end of the sun-setting George W. Bush Republican Administration is that Presidentelect Barack Obama will be installed as the Chief Executive Officer of America. So far, efforts to divert him from making excellent appointments have failed. For once, the best, brightest, and most experienced public servants are being appointed to the proposed cabinet. Many proposed appointments are superb: Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Leon Panetta as head of CIA
are perfect examples. The bright light at the end of the current Bush Administration is that when installed as President, Mr. Obama will have in Congress a Senate and a House that can enact the legislation being prepared now. Appreciate the high intellectual ability and experience of proposed policy changes that will serve the people of America, rather than the wealthy. Federal funding must be authorized to enable states, counties, cities, and school districts to be adequately funded with respect to most mandated programs. The public must expect that deficit spending by the Federal level of government is what will enable job creation. And taxes must be paid to fund required infrastructure repairs and improvements. The use of robotics and automation must be deferred when their use eliminates too many employees. Capitalism must be redefined so that corporations and their officials include, in their stewardship focus, not only the profit making potential of the enterprise being directed and managed, but also its contribution to maintaining full employment of the American work force, (at a 95 percent level of employment), to ensure that individuals may have honorable employment which includes a bit of discretionary income. It is the American consumer that is responsible for 70 percent of the domestic economy. Meanwhile, we wait to see what will evolve. God Bless us all in this American Nation. This is what is going on today.Δ
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
ll levels of our government, national, state, county, and local, are very concerned and impacted by policy decisions being made. Let’s begin at the local level. The City of San Jose has adapted a balanced budget of sorts, however, it will be changed by the allocations coming from Sacramento (state level) where the State legislature is being hampered by a partisan Republican minority that is against raising any tax revenues. At the Santa Clara County level, a provisional budget has been established, but again, officials have hedged their expenditure plans because the ‘State monies’ have not been officially determined. The community safety net (social services and health care services) will be compromised. Reductions required by funding levels at hand now require layoffs. The undocumented and uninsured will have difficulty in accessing services when really necessary. For example, The Mental Health Department, will soon meet its requirement to reduce its budget by $22.5 million which can be done by reduction of county employees and using more contractors to provide services whose cost is about one-third lower than ‘county employees’ because it costs $1.30 to use a county union employee as compared to $1 for a private contract employee. In California, the Governor and its Assembly have not yet established an official state budget. It simply has not happened. So no allocations of monies have been established which trickle
gain Israel, a nation of 7.4 million, is engaged in battle with the Palestinian Hamas militia in Gaza, smaller in area than San Jose, with a 1.5 million population. Israel, a highly developed nation, has jet fighters, helicopters, missiles, rockets, and tanks, even nuclear weapons. Hamas has a limited number of smuggled as well as homemade rockets made of sewer pipe and explosives without guidance systems, grenades, and improvised explosives devices. Battles between vastly unequal adversaries are asymmetrical warfare, where there is often no question which side will prevail if all-out fighting takes place. However, the fight is not just between soldiers using weapons and courage. This battle takes place in one of the most densely populated areas on Earth—in cities, homes, schools, markets, and job sites. Explosions kill humans and destroy infrastructure, and in this age of Internet videos, everyone everywhere can see and hear the grotesque scenes of gashed bodies with missing limbs, terrified children pulling at dead parents, shrieking parents lifting pieces of their children. If you can manage it, view only a few minutes of the battle at this link: (http://muslimtv.magnify.net/video/ISRAEL-CARNAGECIVILIANS-CHILDR). Imagine this in your neighborhood. Israel will kill many militia, but in doing so, will kill hundreds of women, children and other non-combatants. Many survivors will become the next generation of Hamas fighters eager for the next fight. Would you, if your family was killed? It seems hopeless for Hamas to fire inferior rockets into Israeli land to goad Israel into a fight, but while superior weapons may win battles, Pyrrhic victories lose wars. Consider that France lost to Algeria, the U.S. to Vietnam. Presently we are winning every battle in Iraq and Afghanistan-yet losing these wars, as the British did a century ago. So if the final outcome of an all-out battle is obvious, why does Hamas, and before Hamas, the former Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) engage its vastly superior enemy in battle? Since 1948 when the state of Israeli was established in Palestine, there has been perennial war between these two people trying to occupy the same land, with tragic consequences born of each people’s tragic history, leading to the present reality. My daughter, Becky, a history graduate student explains: “After World War II and the horrific Holocaust (where six million Jews were killed for being Jewish), a wave of sympathy by the British and the U.N. mandated that Palestine be turned into a Jewish state. Palestinians were rightly upset about losing their homes. They fought, were defeated, their homeland occupied by millions of European Jews. Fearing for their lives, many Palestinians were forced to migrate. Forced migration was wrong when Andrew Jackson evicted the Cherokees in the Trail of Tears, wrong when the Nazis forced Jews-like cattle to slaughter at concentration camps, wrong when FDR forced Japanese-Americans to re-location camps, wrong when Eisenhower deported a million Mexicans (some U.S. born) in Operation Wetback. It was wrong what Israel did to the people of Palestine. The oppressed became the oppressors.” But certainly, after the Holocaust, surviving Jews needed a protected place to live. Germany took their wealth and property in its genocidal frenzy of hate. Germany should have ceded part of its territory to form a new Jewish state, along with the prime real estate of concentration camps. However, since loss of land and reparations after World War I was the NAZI excuse, blaming Jews for Germany’s loss, to initiate WWII, the world sought to prevent another war born of recrimination. So the easy answer was: give Palestine to the Jews. What about the Palestinians? It seemed at the time that they were powerless and no one would care. Tragically, that is what Hitler said of the Jews, “They are powerless and no one will care.” So what is the answer today to this tragic vortex of 60 years of war between Israel and Palestine? As King Solomon decreed to two women claiming a disputed child: “Divide the land in two, each gets half.” Without war to take lives and waste resources, and with intelligence, renewable technology, and world cooperation, both nations could create two Gardens of Eden on this place once called The Holy Land. Δ
What is Going on Today?
Historical Trajectory Pulls Israel and Palestine into Tragic Vortex
San José condena situación de Gaza litares de Israel en Hamas. La cita prevista para el mediodía se extendió pasada las dos de la tarde y los protestantes hicieron un recorrido por la zona exclusiva de Santana Row de esa ciudad. Pancartas como, “Gaza está muriendo, alto al bloqueo Israelí” “Libertad a Gaza y Alto al Cinismo” fueron los lemas que miles de manifestantes expresaron durante la
Por Rosario Vital (Foto de Carlos Chuquín)
as esquinas de Winchester y Stevens Creek una de las principales calles en la ciudad de San José fueron puntos de concentración de un promedio de 1,200 protestantes que salieron a expresar su enojo por las acciones mi
protesta. La marcha que tuvo lugar el pasado 4 de enero contó con la participación de familias completas quienes asistieron con jóvenes y niños a esta importante demostración. El conflicto entre Israel y Hamas se inicio el 27 de diciembre de 2008. Hasta el momento hay 707 muertos y miles de personas heridas entre ellas miles de inocentes niños. Δ
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JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
Toma ventaja de lo que ofrecemos:
Heald Student
AN JOSE - As part of its comprehensive dam safety program, the Santa Clara Valley Water District staff routinely monitors and studies the condition of each of its ten dams to ensure public safety. Although all of the dams have withstood earthquakes in the past, analyzing their seismic safety is ongoing as new technology and geologic information becomes available. The water district recently received results of a preliminary evaluation showing how Anderson Dam could be affected if a major earth-
quake were to hit the Calaveras or Coyote Creek faults. The water district staff will continue to restrict water levels to at least 30 feet below the crest of the dam until future engineering studies deem such a restriction is no longer warranted. Further, the water district will undertake a comprehensive study of Anderson Dam in the near future to seek additional data. “Anderson Dam has played an important role in our ability to capture and store water for nearly sixty years,” said water district CEO,
Olga Martin Steele. “Seismic studies help us understand what steps we need to take to keep it in top condition for future generations.” The water district staff is coordinating with the California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD), which conducts annual inspections of all dams; and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which also has jurisdiction over Anderson Dam. “The water district board of directors will review the dam safety program at its next meeting on January 13th,” said water district board
chair, Rosemary Kamei. The water district plans to complete seismic safety evaluations on eight of its dams by 2013. The reservoirs are an important component of Santa Clara County’s water supply, but also provide environmental benefits and recreation. In addition, the reservoirs help provide flood protection for homes and businesses downstream. The water level restrictions at Anderson Reservoir will not impact water delivery to homes or businesses.Δ
Santa Clara Valley Water Districtʼs Dam Safety Program
Kinder en Redwood City Orion, deben primero solicitar inscripción en la escuela que les corresponde de acuerdo a su domicilio. Quienes no puedan asistir a la inscripción por anticipado para el kinder, pueden inscribirse en la escuela que les corresponde de acuerdo a su domicilio, del 2 al 27 de febrero de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. Los padres de familia pueden encontrar información detallada sobre la inscripción al kinder, incluyendo información sobre la escuela a la que ha sido asignado su hijo; en la sección de inscripciones del la página de Internet del distrito escolar: www.rcsdk8.net o llamando al 650-423-2237.
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
or primera vez, Redwood City está ofreciendo a los padres de familia la ins cripción por anticipado para el kinder el día 31 de enero de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Los padres podrán inscribir a sus hijos en la escuela Clifford, Roy Cloud, John Gill, Roosevelt, Hawes y Henry Ford en el salón de usos múltiples en la escuela MIT/Academia North Star ubicada en el 400 de la calle Duane en Redwood City. Los padres de familia que se inscriban a la escuela Fair Oaks, Hoover, Taft y Selby Lane, pueden inscribirlos en el salón de usos múltiples de la escuela Taft, ubicada en el 903 de la décima avenida. Los padres de familia de niños que están solicitando inscripción a la escuela Adelante u
he Santa Clara County Democratic Party welcomed Vice Chair Alexendra Gallardo-Rooker at the home of Councilmember Ash Kalra on Friday, December 19. Guests donated canned food for the Second Harvest Food Bank. On hand to welcome the Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party L-R: San Jose Councilmember Rose Herrera, Olivia Mendiola, Barbara Boone, Darcie Green, Alexandra GallardoRooker and Linda Snook. Δ
Public Awareness on Smoking Ban in San JosĂŠ Parks
he City of San JosÊ brings in the New Year with a program to educate the public on the city’s ordinance banning smoking in city parks beginning this month. A series of televised public service announcements, radio public service announcements, billboards and educational cards are being used to help assist city staff in informing the public to enjoy smoke free parks in San JosÊ. The program is designed to utilize this educational strategy to induce compliance in positive ap-
proaches and interaction with the community. The ordinance bans smoking in any area owned, leased, or occupied by the City including; sidewalks, trails and pathways in or around park facilities, park strips and other grounds of any park and within 25 ft. of any entrance, exit, operable window, or intake opening of any golf course, community center or library. Signage has been installed in all parks in San Jose, citing the no smoking ban in the park rules.Δ
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
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Special thanks to our sponsors: Metro A Trust Fund, Peterson Power Systems, Wells Fargo, Cisco, The Mercury News, Silicon Silicon Valley Community Newspapers, El Observador, Observaddor, NBC 11, 94.5 KBAY, KSJO 92.3 FM, Clear Channel Outdoor Outdooor and VTA Telemundo 48, MIX 106.5, 94.5 In partnership with the San Jose Redevelopment Agency and Office of Cultural Affairs A
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
an Diego(Notimex).- Un legislador de California propuso que se eleve el costo de los cigarrillos para reunir fondos y financiar servicios de salud y educación pública, a pesar de la crisis financiera por la que atraviesa el estado. El asambleísta Tom Torlakson presentó una propuesta, que de aprobarse aumentaría los impuestos por cada cajetilla de cigarros que se venda en California en 87 centavos de dólar, para alcanzar 2.10 dólares por cajetilla. Torlakson estimó que con ello, el precio se elevaría cerca de ocho dólares, pero aseguró que proporcionaría al Estado unos dos mil millones de dólares anuales para cubrir costos de salud y educación infantil, y reducir gastos estatales en atención a enfermos directos e indirectos por el tabaquismo. Advirtió que actualmente hay en California unos 700 mil menores de edad sin ningún tipo de seguro médico, y dijo que el aumento a los cigarros aportaría por lo menos mil millones de dólares anuales para programas de salud infantil, y una cantidad similar para educación. Cada año, California registra unos 31 mil ataques de asma infantil relacionados con el hábito de fumar, según el legislador demócrata de California. Explicó que desde que California aprobó el último aumento a impuestos a cigarrillos hace once años, 42 estados han aumentado ese gravamen, y de ellos 33 lo han elevado por arriba del impuesto de California. Δ
COMMUNITY COMUNIDAD JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
Yesterday We Voted Today We March
Copwatch 2.0: Cell Phones and Youtube Usher in New Era of Police Accountability By Raj Jayadev
AKLAND — From the eye of a cell phone, an outraged and shocked public witnessed the shooting death of 22-year-old Oscar Grant at a Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station in Oakland, Calif., by a police officer in the early morning hours of the first day of 2009. And now, as a result, a tragically common starting point of an American story — young black male killed by law enforcement — may be headed toward an uncommon ending point: justice being served. On YouTube, and now local news stations that aired the cell phone videos, viewers watched a young Oscar Grant apparently pleading for his life, while belly-down on the ground with one officer’s knee on his upper back or head, and another officer around his legs area. That officer, without any obvious provocation, stands up, pulls out his gun, and shoots Grant in his back. While local Bay Area activists and journalists rightfully point out that Grant’s death shows the need for oversight of the BART police - an agency that has no accountability mechanism such as civilian oversight or an independent auditing system - what has been evidenced by Grant’s case is the changed landscape of law enforcement accountability in a Web 2.0 era. The narratives of officer-involved shootings usually conflict with the accounts of what supporters of the deceased say occurred. “The victim was unarmed and had his back turned,” (which was the case with Grant) becomes, “He looked like he was reaching for something.” Objects such as cell phones seem like weapons in the heat of the moment. By the time grand jury testimonies are delivered, clear examples of a quick-triggered officer killing an innocent civilian get re-interpreted to validate the actions of the officer. Every city knows the story of an Oscar Grant, and the almost automatic anti-climactic ending when the case hits the courts. The officers are found innocent, go back to work, and the family of the victim is left without a son, father or brother. A community suffers the indignity of knowing a grave injustice has been done without any consequence. Oscar Grant, however, has something Gerald Hall (killed by a BART officer in 1992) did not: thousands of witnesses worldwide. The officer who shot Oscar Grant has still, a week after the incident, refused to give his account of the shooting. And in keeping with the pattern of officer-involved shootings, that well-vetted account, when released, will be laden with all of the legal devices to vindicate his actions. The videos captured by onlookers at the BART station when Grant was killed may be the saving grace for the Grant family, which has initiated a civil suit and is pressing for criminal charges against the officer. Any reinventions of the incident that try to paint Grant as anything other than a victim will have the sizable challenge of having to contradict actual video footage. The video-makers and YouTube producers, Karina Vargas and other unidentified civilians, have become “copwatchers” - a term referring to the activists who monitor police practices as a way to reduce law enforcement violence. Regardless of the how this particular case plays out BART police officers will know that they can become a YouTube star in a heartbeat for being overly aggressive, violent or lethal. Lives may literally be saved from the communication potential of our 2.0 reality.
By Rossa Doño El Observador
s a reminder to PresidentElect Barack Obama, Latinos and Immigrants in San Jose are coming together to demand and stress the importance of having a comprehensive immigration reform that includes the DREAM ACT, respect for civil, labor and human rights, and the immediate end of deportations and ICE raids that cause family separation. Cesar Juarez, member of Student Advocates for Higher Education at San Jose State University, expressed that one of the reasons why President-Elect Barack Obama was elected president was due to the historic number of Latinos and immigrants that voted for him and it is now time for him to do what he promised in his campaign. “This march will take place outside of Mi Pueblo Market at Story and King Roads on January 21 at 5 p.m.” said Juarez, “The day after the first day on the
job for the new president. This will really send a message that the Latino Immigrant voice really really wants a comprehensive immigration reform.” Adamant about bringing about Obama’s “change,” it is highly encouraged for all people to attend. “Immigrants come from all over the world to this country,” expressed Cesar Juarez, “We’re different colors, ethnicities and races. So it’s important for all people to join the fight to have a just and comprehensive immigration reform.” Jose Sandoval, from Voluntarios de la Comunidad, added that people need to organize themselves to present a strong message. “We want a just and humane immigration reform. We want just wages, to live well, and a stop to the ICE raids,” said Sandoval. “The president has the power to say yes or no to the bills and laws presented to him, he’s said to give us what we’ve wanted, now we must come together to remind him.” Δ
Obama inicia contactos para impulsar reforma migratoria
ashington, (Notimex).- Miembros del equipo de transición del presidente estadounidense electo Barack Obama y de su grupo asesor sobre migración iniciaron contactos con grupos comunitarios nacionales para empezar a moldear su propuesta de reforma migratoria. Aunque el equipo de Obama no hizo compromisos específicos de fechas o del contenido de la propuesta migratoria, las organizaciones pidieron que el futuro presidente ponga fin inmediato a las redadas migratorias y deportaciones. “Les entregamos una lista de medidas administrativas urgentes, que no necesitan pasar por la aprobación del Congreso y que pueden ser adoptadas con una orden ejecutiva, como suspender las redadas y deportaciones”, dijo Ricardo Juárez, del grupo Mexicanos Sin Fronteras. Los grupos pidieron además que se incorpore a los inmigrantes indocumentados en los planes de reforma del seguro médico y de los planes de asistencia a víctimas de embargos inmobiliarios, que afectan de manera desproporcionada a la comunidad hispana. Asimismo pidieron que se renegocie el Tratado de Libre Comercio con México y Canadá. Los representantes de Obama dijeron que esa es su intención. En deferencia al gobierno entrante, las organizaciones decidieron suspender la movilización nacional migratoria del 21 de enero y en su lugar realizarán sólo una vigila frente a las oficinas del Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) en
Washington. “Varios grupos consideraron que eso era lo más apropiado como un gesto al nuevo gobierno”, explicó Juárez. El encuentro estuvo encabezado por el jefe del grupo asesor de política migratoria de Obama, Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, un nieto de inmigrantes mexicanos de Tamaulipas, y por el asesor de Obama para temas migratorios y laborales, Danny Sepúlveda. Entre los grupos se encontraban 17 representantes de la Alianza Nacional de Comunidades de América Latina y el Caribe (NALACC), que agrupa a más de 100 organizaciones de defensa de migrantes de Illinois, Massachusetts, California, y Florida, entre otros. Aún cuando los representantes de Obama no
dieron fechas especificas para una reforma migratoria, dijeron que el próximo presidente está en la disposición de cumplir con su oferta de campaña de impulsar la reforma migratoria en su primer año de gobierno, dijo Juárez. “Creo que es significativo que en estos momentos de la crisis económica. el hecho de que se nos invite a hablar con el equipo de migración quiere decir que no están dejando de lado el tema de la reforma migratoria”, añadió. Los representantes de Obama y de los grupos migrantes acordaron seguir en contacto sobre el tema en los próximos meses. “Aunque consideramos que es positivo, no debemos hacernos falsas ilusione de que esto va a ocurrir pronto”, acotó Juárez.
By Rosario Vital El Observador
Alcalde Reed y Richard Lowenthal CEO de CouLomb Technologies revisan el proceso de recargar un auto eléctrico en el primer “punto de carga” instalado en San José.
En San José
ELECTRIZANTE COMIENZO Por Rosario Vital-El Observador
omienza hacerse realidad las instalaciones de recarga para autos eléctricos en la ciudad de San José. Un estación de carga eléctrica frente al Municipio de esta ciudad y otra en la calle Cuarta fueron los primeros pasos como parte del proyecto de Green Vision (Vision Verde) que tiene como objetivo implementar la Alcaldía. “Los vehículos eléctricos son un componente clave del proyecto Green Vision, una de nuestras metas es ser el líder mundial de innovación en tecnologías limpias y reducir nuestra emisiones de gases y nuestra dependencia del petróleo extranjero”, dijo Chuck Reed, Alcalde de la Ciudad de San José . “Estamos contentos de asociarnos con Coulomb Technologies para ofrecer esta demostración y ayudar a crear la infraestructura necesaria para transformar nuestra ciudad”, agrega Reed. Por su parte Richard Lowenthal, CEO de Coulumb Technologies dijo que el 2009 es el año en el se incrementará la infraestructura de estaciones para vehículos de recarga eléctrica.
“Vamos a tener más puntos de carga en la ciudad de San José. Esto va en aumento”, indicó Lowenthal. Recargas con suscripción El “ChargePoint Network” (Red de punto de carga) ha sido desarrollado para ser el más fácil del mundo y al mismo tiempo cuenta con la más avanzada infraestructura de vehículos de carga. Esta red está diseñada para proporcionar a los conductores de los vehículos híbridos una proceso de fácil acceso a los centros de recargas en la vía pública. Suscriptores pueden registrarse y ver las opciones para adaptarse a un moderno estilo de vida incluyendo una oferta de tiempo limitado “Acceso Básico” plan de suscripción, que incluye libre de carga hasta el 2009. “Este es el primero pero de seguro contaremos con más en la medida que la industria automotriz de este tipo de vehículos vaya incrementando. Deseamos que más se unan al uso de este tipo de vehículos”, dijo Reed luego de comprobar a través de una simple tarjeta el uso de recarga de estos vehículos. Las personas que cuenten con vehículos eléctricos pueden visitar el sitio web www.mychargepoint.net . Δ
he first electrical charging stations for vehicles are now installed and available for charging in downtown San Jose. The first electrical car outlets are placed in front of San Jose City Hall and Fourth Street. “Electric vehicles are a key component of San Jose’s Green Vision goal to be the world leader in clean tech innovation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our dependence on foreign oil,” said San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed. “We are delighted to partner with Coulomb to provide this demonstration charging network and help create the infrastructure to transform the way residents drive.” Richard Lowenthal, CEO of Coulomb Technologies, feels that 2009 is the year of the emergence of smart electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and is thrilled to be part of San Jose’s progressive Green Mobility initiative. “We value learning from the experience of early adopters of the
electric vehicle movement,” explained Lowenthal. “In anticipation of the rollout of a nationwide network of charging stations, we encourage people to visit the ChargePoint website, learn about the Coulomb Technologies network of smart charging stations, and provide feedback and suggestions.” Subscribing to Charge The “ChargePoint Network” is developed to be the easiest in the world while at the same time being up-to-date with the most advance electrical charging vehicles. The ChargePoint Network is designed to provide drivers of plug-in vehicles convenient, affordable, and safe access to public chargins. Those who would like to subscribe, can sign up for a plan that fits their lifestyle, including a limited time offer “Basic Access” subscription plan that includes free charging through 2009. “This is the first, but I’m sure we can count on more, as the number of electrical vehicles in the automobile industry increases. We hope more people can own these types of vehicles,” said Reed after demonstrating with a simple card how to charge a vehicle. If you have an electric car and would like more information, please visit: www.mychargepoint.net. Δ
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
In San Jose
Community 4 Contemporary Fiber Art Masters When: Nov.18-Jan.25 Where: San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles 520 S. First St. San Jose, 95113 Info: sjquiltmuseum.org or 408.971.0323 Downtown Ice Skating
When: Until Jan.11 Where: Circle of Palms in downtown San Jose, on South Market Street across from Plaza de Cesar Chavez (Christmas in the Park) Info: Web site: www.sjdowntown.com Rink phone: (408) 291-0525 Educational Workshop on Silicon Valley’s Toxic His-
tory, Environmental Justice Movement & Current Issues When: Jan. 21 at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Where: Joyce Ellington Public Library, 491 E. Empire St. in San Jose Info: Milina Jovanovic at 408.792.2342 or email at Milina.jovanovic@aohr.sccgov.org
Cash For College UCSC Educational Partnership Center San Jose Cal-SOAP & EAOP 408-531-6124 epc.ucsc.edu Movimiento Cosmico Free Ingininous Dance Classes Tuesdays, 7PM MACLA San Jose wwww.maclaarte.org Galeria Tonantzin's "Images of the Virgin" Art Exhibit Through January 18 115 3rd Street, San Juan Bautista
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
Legends of Latin Rock Fight For Autism January 24, Warfield Theater, San Francisco WAR, Azteca, El Chicano DrBGMalo@aol.com 415-775-7722
California Academy of Success When: Now Open Where: 55 Music Concourse Dr., Golden Gate Park, SF, 94118 Info: 415.379.8000 or visit: www.calacademy.org. She Made It! The Tradition of Women’s Arts & Crafts in Santa Clara
Valley Where: History Park in Kelley Park 1650 Senter Road, San José. CA 95112 Leonard and David McKay Gallery at the Pasetta House Free Workshops Concerned about your kids spending too much time with media? Wondering why they want to be plugged all the time? Do you want to learn more about the impact of the media in our kids’ lives? Common Sense Media, a nonprofit, non-partisan organization offers free workshops in schools and community centers. The goal is to educate about these issues and give the parents tools to handle their children media environment. To make a request, call Laura Martinez, Outreach Manager at 4155536732 or email her lmartinez@commonsensemedia.org Ohlone College Super Flea Market When: Jan. 10 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Where: Ohlone College43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539 Info: Vendor spaces are $30same day registration is $35. Visa and Mastercard on phone orders only with a $5 processing fee. Admission is free. Visitor parking is $2 per vehicle. All proceeds support Ohlone College programs.
Contact Elaine Nagel 510.659.6285 or email: enagel@ohlone.edu Latino Peace Officers’ Association of Santa Clara Presents the 35th Anniversary Red Carpet Scholarship Gala When: Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. Where: The Wyndham Hotel1350 N. First St. San Jose, 95112 Info: $100 per person or $1000 per table (seats 10). Reserve by calling L.P.O.A. Office at 408.289.1057 or by email: Gala@LatinoPOA.orgΔ Celebre 80 Aniversario de Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Exhibiciones, exposiciones y presentaciones musicales Días 15 y 17 de enero Lugar: Biblioteca Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Días: 14 de febrero Lugar: 150 E. San Fernando St. San Jose Info: (408) 808-2397 Downtown Ice Pista de patinaje sobre hielo Día: Hasta el 11 de enero. Lugar: Calle Market entre el Museo Arte de San José Los pasajeros de VTA podrán recibir un descuento exclusivo de $2 cuando compren su boleto para patinar en hielo y tengan un pase de tranvía o autobús de VTA. Tome el tranvía de VTA (bájese en la parada de Paseo de San Antonio o la estación de
Convention Center) y las líneas de autobús 11, 22, 23, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 72, 73, 81, 82 , 180, 304, 522, Highway 17 o DASH para llegar a la pista de hielo.
Talleres informativos para pagar la Ciudadanía Día: 10 de enero a las Hora: 8:45 am. Día: 14 y 28 de enero Hora: 5:30 pm Día: 7 de febrero Hora: 5:30pm Lugar: CET 701 Vine St. San José CA, 95110. Nutrición y ejercicio Programa Familiar de Nutrición y Ejercicios de la Universidad de Stanford. Dirigido para niños de edad pre-escolar y sus mamas Día: Jueves 29 de de enero Hora: 12-1pm Lugar: Tully Community Branch Library 880 Tully R d. Informes: Juanita Peña Velasco (408) 398-3635. Clases Para Futuros Padres de Crianza y de Adopción Capacitación de cinco semanas ayudará a residentes interesados en familiarizarse con proceso de cuidado de crianza y adopción Cuando: Enero 3, 10, 17, 24 y 31 de 2009 Donde: Asian Pacific Family Resource Center (Centro de
Recursos Familiares) 625 Wool Creek Dr. Suite F. San Jose, Ca. 95112 Info: (408) 299-1566. Inscripciones:(408)299-5437 Academia de Ciencias en California Abierto lunes a sábado Hora: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Domingos Hora: 11 a.m. a 5 p.m. Lugar: 55 Music Concourse Dr. Golden Park San Francisco, CA 94118 Info:(415)379-8000 Misterios de las 13 lunas Misterios de las sangres, ceremonia y limpia Día: 24 de enero Hora: 10:00 a 5:00 p,m Lugar: 2130 The Alameda, San José Ca (5126 Costo: $100 Informes: (408) 720-9669 Jóvenes Talentos Se buscan jóvenes que puedan ayudar a otros Visitar: Asian American Recovery Services 1340 Tully Road suite 304 San Jose, CA 95122 La Familia ¿Problemas de Violencia Doméstica? Llame al (408) 541-6100 ext. 144 o al (408) 541-6100 ext. 143 Δ
l 26 de noviembre de 1956, Fidel Castro parte rumbo a Cuba en una embarcación junto a ocho rebeldes. Uno de ellos es Ernesto “Che” Guevara, un doctor argentino con quien Fidel comparte una meta en común - sacar del poder al corrupto dictador Fulgencio Batista. Che se convierte en un luchador indispensable y rápidamente aprende el arte de la guerrilla y sus tácticas de lucha. Al mismo tiempo que se va comprometiendo en la batalla, descubre que sus compañeros y el pueblo cubano comienzan a tomarlo como un líder. Este filme ilustra la transición del CHE en la Revolución Cubana, de doctor, a comandante, a héroe revolucionario. SINOPSIS - CHE Part Two Tras la Revolución Cubana, Che se encuentra en la cúspide del poder y la fama. Desaparece por un tiempo para luego re-
aparecer incógnito en Bolivia, donde comienza a organizar a un pequeño grupo de colegas cubanos y reclutas bolivianos para comenzar la Gran Revolución Latinoamericana. La historia de la campaña en Bolivia es un cuento de tenacidad, sacrificio, ideales y de la lucha de una guerrilla que al final, fracasa, llevando al Che a su muerte. Es através de esta historia donde podemos entender la razón por la cual Che aun continua siendo un símbolo de ideales y heroísmo, latente en los corazones de gente de todo el mundo Dirigido por: Steven Soderbergh Producido por: Laura Bickford y Benicio Del Toro Elenco: Benicio Del Toro, Demián Bichir, Santiago Cabrera, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Julia Ormond, Rodrigo Santoro, Lou Diamond Phillips, Franka Potente, Edgar Ramirez, y Victor Rasuk. Δ
Get ready for a DOGGONE good time at a special screening in San Jose! To register for a chance to receive a family-pack of passes, call the offices of El Observador at (408) 938-1700, x2003 or log on to el-observador.com beginning Friday, January 9th, between the hours of 9am–5pm.
invites you and your family to a special screening in San Jose.
Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. Limit two, admit two, passes per person/household. No purchase necessary.
Special screening takes place on Tuesday, January 20th.
Special screening will take place on Saturday, January 10th. Passes are in limited supply and will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Limit two Admit Two passes per person/household.
Text HOWLIN and YOUR ZIP CODE to 43549!
(4) Lucky Winners will receive “Friday’s Tale” Book kids.simonandschuster.com
(1) Grand Prize Winner will receive the AND HOTEL FOR DOGS Soundtrack Soundtrack album available January 13th on Razor & Tie.
This text is free of charge though standard rates may apply. One entry per person. Entries accepted until Friday, January 16th. Winner will be notified by text.
This film is rated PG-13 FOR FANTASY ADVENTURE ACTION, SOME SCARY MOMENTS AND BRIEF LANGUAGE. PARENTAL GUIDANCE IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED FOR CHILDREN 13 & UNDER. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee you a seat at the theatre. Seating is on a first come first serve basis. Except for members of the reviewing press. Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Warner Bros. Pictures, Terry Hines & Associates, El Observador, and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors their employees & family members and their agencies are not eligible.TICKETS RECEIVED THROUGH THIS PROMOTION ARE NOT FOR RESALE.
in theatres everywhere January, 23!
This film is rated PG. Please note: Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee you a seat at the theatre. Seating is on a first come first serve basis. Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Paramount Pictures, El Observador, Razor and Tie, Simon Spotlight, Scribbles, Terry Hines & Associates and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law.
W W W. H O T E L F O R D O G S M O V I E . C O M
O P E N S JA N UA RY 1 6 T H !
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
For your chance to receive a family four pack of passes to a special screening of , contact the offices of EL OBSERVADOR beginning today, Friday, January 9 between the hours of 9am – 5pm. Call us at (408) 938-1700 x2003 and tell us your name and daytime phone number or go to www.el-observador.com and click on movie
“Un Día Mas” con Reik
¿Qué es el ascendente?
iami, FL,.- Reik, la banda de música pop que ha logrado cautivar a miles de fanáticos por toda Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos, estrena su segundo corte promocional titulado “Fui”, tema que forma parte de su más reciente producción discográfica, “Un Día Más”. Esta interpretación muestra el lado más romántico y melancólico de Jesús, Julio y Bibi, integrantes de esta popular agrupación de origen mexicana y autores de todas las composiciones que conforman este álbum. Las filmaciones del video clip de este tema se iniciarán la próxima semana en la ciudad de México, y se estrenará en los principales canales de música e Internet, a finales de este mes. Δ
Por Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador
Travolta destrozado por la muerte de hijo
iami, (Notimex).- El actor estadounidense John Travolta y su pareja Kelly Preston regresaron a Florida, luego de que les fueron entregadas las cenizas de su primogénito Jett Travolta, quien falleció en Bahamas. Jett Travolta falleció en la casa vacacional de la pareja en Grand Bahama, y aunque médicos en las Bahamas realizaron la autopsia para determinar las causas del deceso, no revelaron resultado alguno. En un comunicado emitido el domingo,
el protagonista del filme “Contracara” y su esposa dijeron estar “desconsolados de que nuestro tiempo con él fue tan breve”. En tanto, los abogados de la familia, Michael McDermott y Michael Ossi explicaron a una revista que “Travolta intentó revivir a su hijo mediante reanimación cardiopulmonar y Jett habría muerto en sus brazos antes que un técnico médico de emergencias se hiciera cargo”. Además de Jett, la pareja también tiene una hija de ocho años, Ella Bleu. Δ
JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
te invitan a ganar boletos y/o artículos promocionales exclusivos de la película
El preestreno será el jueves 15 de enero a las 7:30pm. Apúrate, los boletos y artículos promociónales son limitados y se entregarán hasta su terminación.
EL número de boletos y materiales promociónales disponibles son limitados. Los Boletos recibidos a través de esta promoción no le aseguran un lugar en el cine. Los asientos serán asignados según el orden de llegada. CON EXCEPCION DE LOS MIEMBROS DE LA PRENSA. Los boletos distribuidos sobrepasan substancialmente la capacidad de asientos del cine a fin de asegurar una sala completa. No se permitirá el acceso a la sala luego del comienzo de la película. Todas las regulaciones federales, estatales y locales son aplicables. EL poseedor de un boleto asume cualquier y todos los riesgos relacionados al uso del mismo, y acepta cualquier restricción requerida por el proveedor de pases. Sony Pictures, Columbia Pictures, El Observador, Terry Hines & Assoc. y sus afiliados no serán responsables o culpables en relación con cualquier perdida o accidente ocurrido en relación con el uso de un premio. Los boletos no pueden ser cambiados, transferidos o intercambiados por dinero en todo o en parte. No existirá responsabilidad por pérdida, atrasos o error en el direccionamiento de la entrada. Todos los impuestos federales y locales son responsabilidad del ganador. No se requiere compra . Los patrocinadores participantes, sus empleados y familiares, y sus agencias no son elegibles para participar. LOS BOLETOS RECIBIDOS POR ESTA PROMOCION NO SON PARA SU VENTA. No se requiere compra.
Hipwaders he Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) at Finn Center in Mountain View continues its free Family Concerts sponsored by Applied Materials, with media sponsorship from 102.1 KDFC and support from Target, on Sunday, January 11, 2009, at 2 and 4 pm with the Hipwaders, Children’s Pop Rock. These self-proclaimed performers of hip music for kids have been called, “the musical equivalent of a Pixar movie that appeals to all ages.” With their original, pop-rock music, Tito Uquillas, D.J. Kinville and Nick Baca have been Lollapalooza performers and Parents’ Choice Award winners, as well as being XM Satellite Radio 2005 nominees as one of the best new kids music acts. For more than 20 years, CSMA’s popular Family Concert series has been presenting multi-cultural performances that are interactive, educational, and entertaining. This season (through May 2009) the series will present 12 Sunday afternoon concerts. Limited, open seating (approx. 200) in CSMA’s Tateuchi Hall, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View, is available on a first-come, first-serve basis on the day of the event only, with tickets distributed beginning one hour prior to show time. All concerts are free and open to the public, with voluntary donations greatly appreciated to help CSMA ensure the future of its free and accessible programs. For more info, please call 650-917-6800, ext. 314 or see www.arts4all.org . Δ
muchas personas les han preguntado a qué signo pertenecen, y quizá cuando contestan: soy Géminis, quién les pregunta les responde estaba seguro que eras Libra. Esto tiene una explicación. Todo se debe al “ascendente”. El ascendente es el signo que se eleva en el horizonte a la hora del nacimiento. Todos sabemos nuestro signo solar, pero es el “ascendente” nuestra carta de presentación ante el mundo. El ascendente es la primera impresión que tienen los demás cuando nos conocen. Nuestra personalidad se define como una combinación del ascendente y nuestro signo solar. Durante siglos se consideró al ascendente como nuestro reflejo astrológico más importante. Para encontrar su ascendente visite www.sitiohispano.com donde puede obtener su ascendente totalmente gratis, únicamente necesita saber la hora exacta de su nacimiento. Ascendente Aries: Goza la aventura, le gusta ser el pionero y jefe. Tiene don de mando aunque le falta tolerancia. Sabe hacer el bien. Debe aprender a pensar antes de actuar. Ascendente Tauro: Enérgico, decidido y ambicioso, gusta de comodidades, los lujos y platillos exquisitos. También es terco y el amor puede ser su talón de Aquiles. Ascendente Géminis: Está en constante movimiento, desea estar al tanto de todo lo que pasa a su alrededor, directo y eficaz en su manera de hablar. Puedes ser indeciso y tener un carácter muy variable. Ascendente Cáncer: Posee habilidades financieras, sensible, cálido, preocupado siempre por la familia. Sabio al elegir amistades. Puede ser inconstante, desordenado y tímido con el sexo opuesto. Ascendente Leo: Gusta ser el centro de atención, tiene habilidades artísticas, bondadoso y posee un gran atractivo físico. A veces puede mostrarse arrogante, irritable y desconsiderado. Ascendente en Virgo: Es inteligente, maduro, tenaz y está bien ubicado en el mundo. Tiene una presencia impecable. Puede ser demasiado crítico inclusive consigo mismo. Ascendente Libra: Agradable, sociable, ingenioso, suertudo, posee un encanto sensual y tiene muchos admiradores. A veces puedes ser sarcástico, y tiene arranques de ira. Ascendente Escorpio: Siempre será bienvenido en todas partes, es intenso, tiene fuerza de voluntad, le sobran los recursos y siempre consigue lo que se propone. Cuando se enfada puede ser cruel. Ascendente Sagitario: El futuro siempre luce prometedor y logrará conservarse joven por mucho tiempo, la suerte le llega por medio de cónyuges o extranjeros. ¡Cuidado con las adicciones! Ascendente Capricornio: Se prepara académicamente para enfrentar la vida, puede llegar a ser un líder y con seguridad ocupará puestos importantes. Es probable que se case varias veces y que tienda a deprimirse. Ascendente Acuario: Moderno, vanguardista y genial. Los amores se le dan con facilidad y sabe atraer romance y fortuna. Puede mostrarse muy excéntrico, intolerante y falto de tacto. Ascendente Piscis: Hará muchos viajes en su vida, le conocerán por ser inteligente y perseverante. Destaca en el trabajo y en el sexo. Puede actuar de manera vengativa y descuidar su apariencia. Δ
1/06/2009 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 518406 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Huong Xua, 2122 Mckee Road, San Jose, CA 95116. Filed in Santa Clara County on 12/29/2008. under file no. 518303. JOHN THANH DO, 1396 OLD STONE WAY, SAN JOSE, CA 95132. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) JOHN THANH DO January 9, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/31/2008 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV131959 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Rosalba Lucero Mejia TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Rosalba Lucero Mejia has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gerardy Ross Rivera Lucero to Gerardy Ross Lucero THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-24-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 05, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV132095 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: VICTOR VALDEZ AND VIRGINIA GAYTAN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners VICTOR VALDEZ AND VIRGINIA GAYTAN have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. REYMUNDO VALDEZ GAYTAN TO REYMUNDO VALDEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-24-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 07, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli
Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 108CV127649 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Brandon Sreang Kim Jang TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Brandon Sreang Kim Jang has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Brandon Sreang Kim Jang to Sreang Kim THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-24-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 31, 2008 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV131861 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Abdurahman Yahya Hassan Alhadi TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Abdurahman Yahya Hassan Alhadi has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Abdurahman Yahya Hassan Alhadi aka Abdurahman Alhadi to Dee Alhadi THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-17-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 31, 2008 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517767 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: 1. Comunidad Mexicana, INC., A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, 2. Comunidad Mexicana, 3. Voluntarios de la Comunidad Mexicana, 520. S. 2nd Street, San Jose, Ca 95112, Santa Clara Co. Comunidad Mexicana, Inc., a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, 520 S. 2nd Street, San Jose, CA 95112 . This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Comunidad Mexicana, INC.,
A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corp. Maria Inez Quiñonez Ortiz/Secretary Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518121 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ORGANISACION SUPER ESE, 1020 ELM ST#23 San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Jose Luis Sanchez Lopez, 1020 Elm St#23, San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Luis Sanchez Lopez Dec. 26; Jan. 2, 12, 19, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/22/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
NO. 518056 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ANDANTE Studio, 1945 Latham St Apt 11, Mountain View, CA 94040 Santa Clara Co. Edit Mihaly, 1945 Latham St. Apt. 11, Mountain View, CA 94040, Gabor Simon, 1945 Latham St. Apt. 11, Mountain View, CA 94040. This business is conducted by as husband and wife. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Edit Mihaly Dec. 26; Jan. 02, 12, 19, 09 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/19/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518057 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: JJP Concrete Pumping, 40415 Marcia St. Fremont, CA 94538, Alameda Co. Jose Juan Perez, 40415 Marcias St., Fremont, CA 94538. This business is conducted by an individual.
Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Juan Perez Dec. 26; Jan. 02, 12, 19, 09 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/19/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517964 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Dried Food Solutions, 1067 Roewill Dr. Apt#4, San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. Oliver Fritz Leopold, 1067 Roewill Dr. Apt#4, San Jose, CA 95117. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Oliver Fritz Leopold Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the
County of Santa Clara on 12/17/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517237 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Subway Sandwiches & Salads, 2105 Old Middlefield Way # F, Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara Co. G.S.M. Enterprises Inc, 950 Meridian Ave Apt 60, San Jose, CA 95126 This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) G.S.M. Enterprises Inc, Gurpreet S. Marwah Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/26/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517738 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Vasquez Insurance Agency, 2695 Moorpark Ave
NO. 517772 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: FANTASTIC SAMS, 1659 BRAHAM LANE, SUITE E, SAN JOSE, CA 95118, Santa Clara Co. KC ORGANIC HAIR LLC, 2517 HERON COURT, SAN JOSE, CA 95133. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) KC ORGANIC HAIR LLC CHETAN P. KHETANI Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/12/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518200 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Yale Investment Co., 438 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara Co. Jerome L. Strom, Inc., 438 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/01/1986. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jerome L. Strom Inc. Jerome L. Strom President & C.E.O. Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/24/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518304 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: AVIÑA-ORTIZ FURNITURE FINISHING, 520 SO. 2ND Street, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Maria Inez Quinonez Ortiz, 2052 Gold St., Sp. 162, Alviso, CA 95002. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria Inez Quinonez Ortiz Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/29/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518566 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: PLAZA JEWELERS, 160 S. JACKSON AVE., SAN JOSE, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. GUILLERMINA ALVAREZ. 3608 PLEASANT CREST DR., SAN JOSE, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/06/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) GUILLERMINA ALVAREZ Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on
Now accepting names for Interest Lists ONLY
Winchester Blvd. Near Magliocco Drive, San Jose, CA 2, 3 & 4 bedroom Apartments Maximum Annual Income
1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people
$37,150.00 $42,450.00 $47,750.00 $53,050.00
5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people
$57,300.00 $61,550.00 $65,800.00 $70,050.00
Maximum income limits are subject to change.
Credit checks and criminal background checks will be performed on all adult applicants.
Mail or Fax this Interest Form to: FAX (408) 361-4664
Property Management, Inc. Attn: Huff Garden Apartments 100 Great Oaks Blvd., Suite B San Jose, CA 95119
THIS IS NOT A RENTAL APPLICATION – The interest list form must be completed and MAILED to the above address. When a vacancy needs to be filled, persons from the interest list will than be contacted to fill out an application. The wait before receiving an application can be one year or more. We will contact interest list registrants in the order their interest list form was received.
______________________________________________________________________________ Head of Household Last Name
First Name
Middle Initial
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address
___________________________ Date of Birth (
Home Telephone Number
Number of People In Household
Total Annual Household Income
Ethnicity: (circle one, used only for statistical purposes)
Native American
List all family members who will live with you (use other side if you need more space):
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
(Circle YES or NO for below questions)
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
Is the Head of Household, or spouse, or any of the other household members listed above a person with a disability? YES or NO If yes, do you require a disabled/modified unit? YES or NO (i.e. wheelchair accessible, roll in shower, etc.) Has your household been displaced by Government Action or a Presidential declared disaster? YES or NO Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
JANUARY 09 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518525 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Antojitos Los Amigos, 2651 Senter Rd., San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Marisol Ramos-Rico, 3159 Mt. Isabel Ct., San Jose, CA. 95148. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Marisol Ramos-Rico Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/05/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518187 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: RAMOS MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC, 167 MCCREERY, SAN JOSE, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. JOSE RAMOS RAMOS 167 MCCREERY, SAN JOSE, CA 95116. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 12/23/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) JOSE RAMOS RAMOS Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/23/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517806 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Kerbo System, 1416 Birchmeadow Ln., San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara Co. Scott S. Lee, 1416 Birchmeadow Ln., San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 12/12/2008. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Scott S Lee Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/12/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518481 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: NGO’S MILLENNIUM CHIROPRACTIC, 2114 Senter Rd., #4, SAN JOSE, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. NGO TUAN KIM, 583 ANGUS DR., MILPITAS, CA 95035. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/05/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) TUAN K NGO Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/05/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
Suite 111, San Jose, Ca 95128, Santa Clara Co. Maria Vasquez 161 Wilton Dr #1, Campbell, Ca 95008, Adrian Vasquez, 161 Wilton Dr.#1, Campbell, Ca 95008. This business is conducted by husband & wife. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 09/01/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria Vasquez Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517362 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Alpine Tree Services, 252 Eastside Dr., San Jose, CA 95127 Santa Clara Co. Jose Luis Martinez, 252 Eastside Dr., San Jose, CA 95127. This
business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 12/01/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Luis Martinez Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/03/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517887 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: TNF TRANSPORT, 4090 BARRYMORE DRIVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. ALBERTO LUIS AGUILERA, 4090 BARRYMORE DRIVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95117. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on
Broker’s Mortgage Inc Michael M. Mendoza Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517926 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: S & L Associates, 755 E. Capitol Ave #0304, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Steve Leung, 755 E Capitol Ave # 0304, Milpitas, CA 95035, Sherina Li, 755 E. Capitol Ave # 0304, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 12/16/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sherina Li Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009
12/16/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) ALBERTO LUIS AGUILERA Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/16/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517768 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Broker’s Mortgage, 115 Race St., San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Broker’s Mortgage Inc., 115 Race St., San Jose, Ca 95126. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
application of: Marcedalia Bocanegra, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Marcedalia Bocanegra, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yaier Bautista Bocanegra to Yair Lozano Bocanegra, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 01-20-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Nov 20, 2008 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec 12, 19, 26; Jan, 02, 2009
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517491 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ALT.CMOS, 1465 S MARY AVE, SUNNYVALE, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co. AMAR PAL SINGH RANA, 1465 S. MARY AVE, SUNNYVALE, CA 94087. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Amar Pal Dingh Rana Dec. 12, 19, 26; Jan. 02, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/04/2008 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 108CV128246 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the
HUD Section 8 & 236 APARTMENTS
VILLA GARCIA APARTMENTS On Clarendon off DeAnza Blvd., San Jose Studio, 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom Apartments Maximum Annual Income
1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people
$37,150.00 $42,450.00 $47,750.00 $53,050.00
5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people
Mail or Fax this Interest Form to: FAX (408) 361-4664
Maximum income limits are subject to change.
Mail or Fax this Interest Form to: FAX (408) 361-4664
______________________________________________________________________________ First Name
Middle Initial
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Date of Birth (
Home Telephone Number
Number of People In Household
Total Annual Household Income
Ethnicity: (circle one, used only for statistical purposes)
Native American
List all family members who will live with you (use other side if you need more space):
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
(Circle YES or NO for below questions)
Relationship to Head of Household
$37,150.00 $42,450.00 $47,750.00 $53,050.00
5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people
$57,300.00 $61,550.00 $65,800.00 $70,050.00
Maximum income limits are subject to change.
Credit checks and criminal background checks will be performed on all adult applicants.
THIS IS NOT A RENTAL APPLICATION – The interest list form must be completed and MAILED to the above address. When a vacancy needs to be filled, persons from the interest list will than be contacted to fill out an application. The wait before receiving an application can be one year or more. We will contact interest list registrants in the order their interest list form was received.
Street Address
Near Monterey Road and Roeder Road San Jose, CA 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom Apartments Maximum Annual Income
1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people
Property Management, Inc. Attn: Villa Garcia Apartments 100 Great Oaks Blvd., Suite B San Jose, CA 95119
Head of Household Last Name
Now accepting names for Interest Lists ONLY
$57,300.00 $61,550.00 $65,800.00 $70,050.00
Credit checks and criminal background checks will be performed on all adult applicants.
JANUARY 09 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: David Alan Turco TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner David Alan Turco, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. David Alan Turco to David Alan Sedano, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-03-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 11, 2008 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09, 2009
Now accepting names for Interest Lists ONLY
This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/16/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517982 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Berrios Couriers Services, 3198 E. Hills Dr., San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. Carlos Berrios, 3198 E. Hills Dr. San Jose, CA 95127 This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Carlos Berrios Dec. 19, 26; Jan. 02, 09 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/18/2008 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 108CV129982
Date of Birth
Property Management, Inc. Attn: Villa San Pedro Apartments 100 Great Oaks Blvd. Suite B San Jose, CA 95119
THIS IS NOT A RENTAL APPLICATION – The interest list form must be completed and MAILED to the above address. When a vacancy needs to be filled, persons from the interest list will than be contacted to fill out an application. The wait before receiving an application can be one year or more. We will contact interest list registrants in the order their interest list form was received.
______________________________________________________________________________ Head of Household Last Name
First Name
Middle Initial
Street Address
___________________________ Date of Birth (
Home Telephone Number
Number of People in Household
Total Annual Household Income
Ethnicity: (circle one, used only for statistical purposes)
List all family members who will live with you (use other side if you need more space):
Native American
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
Relationship to Head of Household
Date of Birth
Is the Head of Household, or spouse, or any of the other household members listed above a person with a disability? YES or NO
(Circle YES or NO for below questions) Is the Head of Household, or spouse, or any of the other household members listed above a person with a disability? YES or NO
Has your household been displaced by Government Action or a Presidential declared disaster? YES or NO
Has your household been displaced by Government Action or a Presidential declared disaster? YES or NO
If yes, do you require a disabled/modified unit? YES or NO (i.e. wheelchair accessible, roll in shower, etc.)
Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
If yes, do you require a disabled/modified unit? YES or NO (i.e. wheelchair accessible, roll in shower, etc.)
Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
1bdrm/1bth, Near Santana Row. NICELY maintained Complex located at 515 Boynton Ave., SJ
$1,195/ MO CALL JAY @
(650) 483-8973
Mujeres Que Quieran GANAR DINERO Extra Por Semana, Medio Tiempo/Tiempo Completo. No Necesita Experiencia, Nosotros Le EnseĂąamos.
Llame para una entrevista
(408) 216-9566
HOUSE FOR RENT IN LOS BAĂ‘OS 3br/ 2ba/ 2 car gar. Lg. Yard w/ Shed Back/ Side Patio $1100 mo/ $1000 dep. Section 8 Negotiable Available Immediately 107 Vincent Dr. Los Banos, CA 93635 Contact Liz/ or Nnette Garcia 408.802-9634/ 408.823.9927
Tener transportacion.
NO InglĂŠs nec. Tener propio carro.
4 08 • 7 34 • 0 70 2
.$0(5$ .251(5
)2&86 21 9$/8( 48$/,7< 6(59,&(
650â&#x20AC;˘954â&#x20AC;˘6739 SE SOLICITA SEĂ&#x2018; ORA
Para limpieza del hogar de Tiempo Completo, 4 dias a la semana para trabajar en San Jose.Se requiere que sepa cocinar y planchar. Se ofrece salario, comidas y vivienda si se necesita. Para mas informacion Llame a Victor al
&$6+ )25 86(' &$0(5$6
0HULGLDQ $YH ( 6DQ -RVH DRYCLEANERSINSARATOGAIS HIRING ! ÂĄPresser & Clothes Bagger NEEDED! Full & Part Time, Experience ONLY.
Call and ask for David @ 408â&#x20AC;˘802â&#x20AC;˘7867
No necesita experiencia! Llame al 408-216-9566 para una entrevista
DO YOU FEEL PASSION FOR GOOD MEXICAN FOOD? You want to invest a little & earn a lot
more? A food certificate (serve-safe) Master on Mexican Cuisine, looking for partner-sponsor or set-up â&#x20AC;&#x153;The New Up-Scale Mexican Food Businessâ&#x20AC;? plus the traditional â&#x20AC;&#x153;South of the Borderâ&#x20AC;? dishes. Call me if you are interested at
Time Cd Necesita Hombres Y
(408) 723-2604 or fernando0765@gmail.com
InscrĂbase en el East Valley Family YMCA. Programas individuales y actividades para toda la familia. Para mas informaciĂłn llame al: 408-715-6500
CELEBRA TU EVENTO ESPECIAL con EMBASSY SUITES EN MILPITAS! Bodas, QuinceaĂąeras, Aniversarios, Fiesta de cumpleaĂąos o ReuniĂłn familiar. Llame para mas informaciĂłn al 408-876-3008
Entrena para una carrera que esta en demanda! Asistencia financiera para aquellos que califiquen. Llama Ahoy! Inicio de clases ahora!
ÂżTe Han Discriminado?
DiscriminaciĂłn en la vivienda es ILEGAL! Llama a la â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vivienda Justaâ&#x20AC;? al 650-327-1718
We pay CASH for used cameras! Camera repairs & digital camera classes. Student Specials! 408-292-7468
ÂżTiene problemas de la vista? Hay ayuda. Para asistencia gratis llame al: Desde el cĂłdigo de ĂĄrea 408, llame al 1-800-660-2009 X128 desde el cĂłdigo 831, Llame al 1-800-705-2970 X128 STATE FARM estĂĄ contigo . Juntos pĂłdran planear y encontrar la mejor forma de que tengas mĂĄs tiempo y dinero par ti y tu negocio. Empieza a ahorrar desde hoy. LlĂĄmame para darte una cotizaciĂłn. Se habla espaĂąol. Burch Boehner 408-287-8190
Llama a la â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vivienda Justaâ&#x20AC;?
al (650) 327-1718
MECĂ NICO A DOMICILIO Motores, Transmisiones, Clutch, Cabezas, Cadena De Tiempo, etc. Al Mobile Mechanic
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JANUARY 09 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
UPDATED Apartment Available Now!
DEPORTES SPORTS JAN 9 - 15, 2009 www.el-observador.com
Earthquakes to Hold Second Annual Tryout Tour in January
AN JOSE, Calif. - The San Jose Earthquakes announced today the club will hold open tryouts in three cities across the Bay Area this winter: San Francisco, Danville and Santa Clara. The tour will start on Jan. 17 and will finish on January 24. The tryout tour will give hundreds of people the opportunity of a lifetime, to try out for a professional soccer team. Each tryout will last from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will be overseen by the Earthquakes coaching staff. A maximum of 200 participants will be allowed to try out in each city. The tryout fee has been reduced this year to $100 per person. In addition to the tryout, the participant will also receive an adidas sack
pack, a ticket to see an Earthquakes game, a water bottle and a tryout t-shirt. Registration began on December 15 and are available through the Earthquakes website at sjearthquakes.com or by calling (408) 5567700. Financial assistance will be given to people that qualify. Participants must be 16 years or older and must not be eligible to participate in any high school soccer league during the time of the tryout tour. The schedule for the tryout tour is as follows: San Francisco Crocker Amazon Fields January 17, 2009 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Danville - MTV Fields January 18, 2009 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Santa Clara - Stanton Field at SCU January 24, 2009 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.Î&#x201D;