EO May 15th Edition

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25th Anniversary Teatro Vision Celebrates

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MAY 15 - 21 , 2009 www.el-observador.com



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A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109 99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113










EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.


ace unos días se conmemoraba en territorio mexicano y estadounidense la batalla del 5 de mayo, una de las batallas que formaron parte de nuestra historia nacional, y que sin duda es un episodio que nos da aliento a todos los mexicanos y que nos enseña a alcanzar nuevos triunfos en la defensa de los intereses nacionales. Hoy en día, como lo ha afirmado nuestro presidente Felipe Calderón, México ha defendido a toda la humanidad de la propagación del virus de la influenza A H1N1 presente en nuestro país, al actuar con firmeza y prontitud, con la prioridad de proteger a todos los mexicanos. Ahora es la oportunidad para reconocer a aquellos que actuaron con actitud valiente y han salvado muchas vidas: todos los médicos, enfermeras, especialistas, trabajadores del sector salud, autoridades y todos aquellos que han actuado con una respuesta ejemplar. Como representante de nuestro país reconozco que todos tenemos una responsabilidad que cumplir para superar esta situación, para prevalecer ante cada amenaza y riesgo que enfrente nuestra nación. Para proteger la vida de nuestros ciudadanos dentro y fuera de nuestro territorio, porque donde quiera que haya un mexicano, ahí estará México. Las experiencias similares que se han registrado en la humanidad en distintas épocas, es decir, asociadas al surgimiento de nuevos y desconocidos virus de influenza en otros países, han dejado, en la mayoría de los casos, cifras muy elevadas de personas afectadas. Hoy en día, tomando en cuenta en que se seguirán las estrategias preventivas, nuestro gobierno ha decidió la reactivación paulatina de las actividades que se vieron afectadas por la epidemia de la influenza A H1N1, todas las actividades laborales, comerciales y escolares regresarán a la normalidad poco a poco. De acuerdo a información emitida por la Secretaría de Salud, la epidemia de influenza por el virus A H1N1 ha registrado una tendencia a la baja en México, sobre todo en el estado de México y el Distrito Federal, en donde la cantidad de casos nuevos se han reducido 80%. Las acciones de todos los que han trabajado sin descanso en estas semanas en nuestro país, salvando la vida de miles de personas demuestran una actitud heroica. Todos debemos sentirnos muy orgullosos de la forma en que nuestra nación esta enfrentando y superando este difícil desafió. Esta no es la primera vez que México enfrenta estas pruebas y probablemente no será la última, pero todos los mexicanos estamos convencidos de que son precisamente las adversidades las que forjan el carácter de las personas y el carácter de nuestros pueblos.

By Hilbert Morales

Provided by the California High Speed Rail Authority


ecently, President Obama asked Congress to accept his proposal to create a national high-speed rail system. The California voters have already approved the preliminary preparations to have a high-speed rail system, which goes from San Diego/Anaheim (southern terminals) to Sacramento/San Francisco/San Jose (the northern terminals). Government transportation agencies, as well as private business sector companies, are starting to realize that a high-speed rail system will make our transportation system more accessible, serviceable and useful. Simply building more freeways and airports will not provide the necessary service capacity for which our future population and economy need to transport people and materials to their desired destinations. Rod Diridon, Sr., a local mass transit visionary, was the keynote speaker at a recent Rotary Club of San Jose meeting. He spoke enthusiastically about the California High Speed Rail Authority, which had already initiated the preliminary steps to have the needed Environmental Impact Report approved. Diridon displayed the very same graphics used when he made a similar presentation in India (which trains over 100,000 engineers each year). During his presentation, Diridon stated that the California High Speed Rail Authority project is so big that it would use all the concrete the world produces over a three-year period. That also holds true for the construction steel and rails needed. Diridon was enthusiastic about this proposed project. “It would require so many professional en-

gineers that we will have to import many from overseas,” he said. This past December, Tony Daniels, Program Director for the California High Speed Railroad Authority (HSRA), presented a document to the board of the HSRA which stated: “Ensures that the Team delivers a safe and reliable high speed railway system that meets the Authority’s objective and complies with applicable state and federal regulations.” This high-speed rail system installation is already a work in progress if one accepts the preliminary steps as its initiation. The report defines key elements of the project in broad terms; the “Roles and Responsibilities”, the “Target for the next Three Years”, the “Plan for Revenue Service by the year 2020” and the “Organizational Structure to Deliver”. This straight forward project management approach is flawed because what is not projected or estimated is the make-up of future staff needs to build and ultimately operate this high-speed railway system. Simply stated, there is no projection for future staffing requirements. Why project future staffing requirements? Because this is the time for our educational system to train and produce the human capitol needed to not only build this high speed rail system, but also to create a uniquely American high speed rail system, which our nation currently does not possess. Japan initiated their high-speed rail systems back in the 1960s. China, Taiwan and France have existing high-speed rail systems and expertise. The United States as a nation, as well as the state of California, have an opportunity to estimate the numbers of the various different professionals needed to plan, build and put into service this electric powered high speed rail system. Currently, the preliminary plans and specifications for the route (bridges, culverts, road preparation, etc) are being broadly defined. All

this preparatory work requires planners, different types of engineers (civil, electrical, soil structural, regional, and central operations), executives (local, regional and central office), maintenance specialists, operators, office personnel, janitors, etc. Also, infrastructural elements such as train stations, parking lots, electic power grids, etc. With today’s information technology, it is possible to virtually model the required operations at various stages of development for the purpose of estimating the number of skilled individuals (four to twelve years from now) needed to build California’s high speed railway system. That lead-time permits our education and training systems to recruit students who may be unskilled today, but can be made available when needed. This effort is needed now in order to minimize the future need to import labor from nations such as China and India. It seems logical to have the ‘human capitol need ‘ projections estimated and communicated to our educational system. A major flaw in the present planning of the future California high-speed rail system is that these future staffing estimates are not being made. That information is needed to provide our own residents, especially disadvantaged ethnic persons, with the vision and hope of being employed by the California high-speed railway system. We need the staffing estimates soon in order to have our own educational system inform students who will want to take advantage of these career opportunities being created now by the California High Speed Railroad Authority. Let’s ensure that our local youth have access to these opportunities so that we can minimize imported expertise from China and India. After all our taxes are paying the tab. Δ

Vote on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 California Special Election Based on input from disgruntled and disappointed constituencies, the following recommendations are made regarding Propositions 1A through 1F: PROPOSITION 1A: ‘Rainy Day Fund....VOTE NO PROPOSITION 1B: Restores funding levels for K-12 + Community colleges: VOTE NO PROPOSITION 1C: Pemits CA to borrow funds from Lottery: VOTE NO PROPOSITION 1D: Raids special funds for child development: VOTE NO PROPOSITION 1E: Uses special funds intended for Mental Health services: VOTE NO

PROPOSITION 1F: Stops elected official’s pay raises when CA has a deficit: VOTE YES All constituencies are not pleased at all with the inability of our elected legislators to: a) make essential compromises required for negotiations to succeed. b) cut state programs as required to reduce expenses. c) take advantage of existing opportunities to increase effectiveness and efficiencies. For example, in the ‘justice’ arena, modify ‘Three Strikes’ to mitigate injustices; require program development permitting release of 70,000 non-violent prison inmates coupled with requirement for community

service in lieu of incarceration; study criminal activities to find ways to tax their illegal business transactions; find a way to license growth of marijuana which is largest cash crop in CA, but is not taxed as a result of being “illegal”; Fix the Jarvis-Gann Proposition so only elderly on fixed incomes benefit as originally intended. Corporation owned properties are getting a free ride (i.e., No property taxes being paid on Corporate owned property using current market values) on increased property values. Let the California Governor and Legislature know that their constituents are less than pleased with their effectiveness in taking care of the people’s business.

MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com

Por David Figueroa Cónsul General de México en San José



Actitudes valientes que han salvado vidas



¿Vino a manipular el voto? Por Rosario Vital - El Observador l gobernador Arnold Schwarzenegger visitó la ciudad de San José el pasado 12 de mayo y se reunió con una serie de concejales de diferentes ciudades como Hollister, Los Altos, Sunnyvale,Saratoga, San José entre otros. El gobernador explicó a los concejales sobre la situación desastrosa que viene enfrentando el presupuesto estatal. El gobernador dijo a los líderes de la comunidad de sus ciudades se verán afectadas económicamente aún más, si las proposiciones del presupuesto no pasan la semana que viene. “Si los californianos rechazan las proposiciones no estarán castigando a los políticos sino a los maestros, estudiantes, bomberos, policías”, dijo el gobernador Schwarzenegger El anuncio lo hizo en el marco de una serie de reuniones ha sostenido con alcaldes y conce-


jales en California durante los últimos días California ha ido empeorando su situación fiscal en los últimos meses. El déficit presupuestario que California tiene que enfrentar es de $21.3 mil millones de dólares si los votantes rechazan seis medidas claves en las próximas elecciones especiales del 19 de mayo el déficit quedaría a $ 15,4 mil millones. Grupos han comentado que el gobernador está tratando de asustar a los votantes con esta teoría. Una solución para llenar ese vacio del déficit es prestarse dinero de los condados y de las ciudades. San José tendría que prestar más o menos el 8% de sus los ingresos de impuestos por propiedad. “Si antes teníamos $ 20 millones ahora tendríamos 17 millones lo que significa que se tendrán que hacer recortes recorte de inmediato en los servicios y despedir a algunos empleados”,

dijo el Alcalde de San José, Chuck Reed. Además de la recaudación de impuestos de propiedad, el presupuesto del gobernador tiene otras soluciones como la liberación de 19,000 delincuentes de bajo riesgo de las prisiones estatales ,los recortes a la educación, entre ellas el despido de más de 50 mil maestros y el cierre de escuelas por 18 días. El plan de presupuesto se basa en seis medidas votación, que incluyen préstamos contra futuras ventas de lotería y la inmersión en los fondos especiales. Los críticos creen que el gobernador está teniendo estas mesas redondas de presupuesto preelectoral para asustar a los votantes a apoyar las medidas, muchos dicen que aunque las medidas pasen los ingresos no serán suficientes para solucionar el déficit presupuestario. El gobernardor habló por 40 minutos y estuvo 10 minutos al final de su reunión disponible para los medios de comunicación locales. Alcalde de San José, Chuck Reed y Gobernador Schwarzenegger en la Plaza de la Herencia Mexicana.

Elecciones especiales este 19 de mayo Por Rosario Vital - El Observador l próximo 19 de mayo los votantes tendrán que volver a las urnas para elegir el futuro del presupuesto de California. Se estima que la participación será baja. El Registro de Votantes del Condado de Santa Clara ha enviado más de medio millón de balotas y 30 mil de estas

MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com



fueron devueltas. Los votantes tendrán que elegir entre 6 proposiciones que a continuación reproducimos: 1A Presupuesto del Estado. Cambia el proceso de preparación del presupuesto de California. Limita el gasto estatal. Aumenta el fondo de estabilización presupuestaria para tiempos de necesidad. Cambia el proceso presupuestario. Podría limitar los

futuros déficits y gastos al aumentar el tamaño del fondo del estado para los tiempos de necesidad y requiere que se depositen recaudaciones superiores al promedio en ese fondo, para uso durante períodos de bajón económico y para otros propósitos. Impacto fiscal: Mayores recaudaciones impositivas para el estado de unos $16 mil millones desde 2010-11 hasta 2012-13. A lo largo del tiempo, mayores cantidades de dinero en la reserva del estado para los tiempos de necesidad y potencialmente menos altibajos en el gasto del estado. 1B Financiamento de la educación. Plan de pago Requiere pagos suplementarios a los distritos escolares y a las universidades comunitarias locales para enfrentar los recortes presupuestarios recientes. Impacto fiscal: Posibles ahorros para el estado de varios miles de millones de dólares en 2009-10 y en 2010-11. Posibles costos para el estado de miles de millones de dólares anuales a partir de entonces. 1C Ley de modernización de la lotería Permite que la lotería del estado sea moder nizada para mejorar su desempeño mediante ma yores pagos, mejor comercialización y administración efectiva. Requiere que el estado siga siendo propie tario de la lotería y autoriza medidas adicionales de rendición de cuentas. Protege los niveles de financiamiento de las escuelas que proporcionan actualmente las recaudaciones de la lotería. Las mayores recaudaciones de la lotería se emplearán para reducir el déficit presupuestario actual y reducir la necesidad de aumentos impositivos adicionales y de recortes en programas estatales. Impacto fiscal: Permite que se tomen en préstamos $5 mil millones de las ganancias futuras de la lotería para ayudar a equilibrar el presupuesto estatal para el 2009-10. Los pagos del servicio de la deuda correpondientes a este préstamo y los pagos más elevados para la educación probablemente dificultarían equilibrar los presupuestos estatales futuros. 1D Protege el financiamiento de servicios para niños ayuda a equilibrar el presupuesto del estado. Proporciona temporalmente mayor flexibilidad del financiamiento para preservar los servicios de

salud y humanos para niños pequeños y, a la vez, ayudar a equilibrar el presupuesto estatal en una economía difícil. Impacto fiscal: Ahorros para el Fondo General del Estado de hasta $608 millones en 2009-10 y de $268 millones anuales a partir de 201011 hasta fines de de 2013-14. Reducciones correspondientes en el financiamiento de programas de desarrollo de la primera infancia proporcionados por el Programa de niños y Familias de California. 1E Financiamiento de los servicios de salud mental reasignación temporal. Ayuda a equilibrar el presupuesto del estado. Ayuda a equilibrar el presupuesto estatal al enmendar la Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental (la pro puesta 63 de 2004) para transferir fondos, por dos años, para pagar los servicios de salud mental provistos a través del Programa de Detección Temprana y Periódica, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento para niños y adultos jóvenes. Imapacto fiscal: Ahorros para el Fondo General del Estado de unos $ 230 millones anuales por dos años (2009-10 y 2010-11). Reducción equivalente del financiamiento disponible para programas de la Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental 1F Salarios funcionaros electos, previene aumentos de salarios en años de deficit presupuestario. Estimula los presupuestos estatales equilibrados al prevenir que los miembros de la Legislatura y los funcionarios constitucionales de estado electos, incluyendo al gobernador, reciban aumentos salariales en años en que el presupuesto estatal esté en déficit. Requiere que el Director de Finanzas determine si un año ddetermnado es un año deficitario. Previene que la Comisión de Remuneración Formada por Ciudadanos aumente los salarios de funcionarios electos en años en que el Fondo Especial del esta para Incertidumbres Económicas esté en terreno negativo en una cantidad equivalente, al o mayor que, el uno por ciento del Fondo General, Impacto fiscal: Ahorros menores para el estado relacionados con los salarios de los funcionarios del estado electos en algunos casos en que se espere que el estado finalice el año con un déficit presupuestario. (información de la Guía de Votantes)


Katherine Comesana

Reconocen a policía latino en Mountain View

Custodians Demand Justice


an Jose. - Hundreds of residents of San Jose from various religious groups, community organizations, and social service agencies joined 75 laid-off janitors outside of the Cisco Systems’ corporate headquarters to escalate protests of the hi-tech company’s treatment of low-wage, contracted service workers. Since April 30, janitors who were laid off by Cisco’s contractor, American Building Management (ABM) have been camping around the clock in front of the company’s main corporate headquarters to expose the injustice of these layoffs in the face of Cisco’s $34 billion cash surplus. Cisco was named the world’s fourth most profitable technology company by Fortune magazine last month. Δ

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MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com


ace un año El Observador escribió la vida de Marcos García, un joven rebelde que se convirtió en policía de su ciudad. Ahora García convertido en un oficial de la policía de de Mountain View fue nombrado como “Campiones de la Juventud” a lado de la Oficial Katherine Comesana. Los oficiales fueron honrados el pasado 13 de mayo en el Reunión Anual de Campeones para Jóvenes en la ciudad de Mountain Vew. García y Comesana fueron elegidos por dife rentes organizaciones comunitarias que se dedican a apoyar a la juventud de Mountain View, Los Altos y Los Altos Hills. Aunque estos oficiales han tenido que trabajar y obligar a los jóvenes a cumplir la ley, ellos fueron elegidos porque dedican su esfuerzo en ayudar a jóvenes fuera de su carrera policial. Algo que merece ser reconcido. El oficial García inició su carrera con el departamento de policía en el 2008 y ha culminado con éxito su entrenamiento como oficial. Antes de convertirse en policía, García se desempeñaba como Supervisor de Jóvenes de Alto Riesgo en la escuela Graham Middle School. Este trabajo le per-

mitió conectarse y establecer una gran relación con cientos de niños y jóvenes. García quien durante su adolescencia le dio dolores de cabeza a su familia debido a los problemas en que se metía. Hoy está comprometido a ayudar a jóvenes y niños. García recuerda lo difícil que fue su niñez y adolescencia por eso quiere prevenirlos del peligro y alejar a los muchachos de las actividades criminales. García es vice presidente de Mesa de la Comunidad, una organización sin fines de lucro que ayuda a los latinos en Mountain View. También es entrenador de los programas de fútbol, de MVPAL. García compartió la portada del 26 de septiembre de 2008 en El Observador a lado de su familia. Los García fueron reconocidos como la “Familia del Año”. Entonces ya sabemos de donde viene la pasión y compromiso por ayudar a los demás. Por su parte la oficial Comesana fue asignada a la Escuela de Recursos de Oficiales la cual le ha permitido conectarse con más jóvenes de su comunidad. A ella le encanta el deporte ecuestre y es propietaria de tres caballos que los comparte en sus ratos libres con los jóvenes de su comunidad. También la oficial es una aficionada al fútobl y apoya a la liga deportiva MVPAL. ¡Felicidades por este reconocimiento!


Por Rosario Vital - El Observador



Solar Power For Low-income Families By Osvaldo Castillo- El Observador


uring these difficult economic times, it is important to find various ways to save money as well as energy. One of these ways is by using solar power. On Saturday, May 9, Applied Materials teamed up with GRID Alternatives to install rooftop solar panels on the homes of three low-income families at the new Habitat for Humanity Silicon Valley development site in Santa Clara. Over forty Applied Materials employees volunteered to install the solar panels. “The volunteers were trained on Friday and received some additional training on Saturday,” said Zach Franklin, Development Director for GRID Alternatives. “The work is highly supervised.” Franklin added that the work usually progresses smoothly and that it takes one to two days to install the solar panels onto the homes. The solar panels should fully provide clean, renewable energy to homes (2.4 kW per house) and

should fully cover each family’s, electric bill, saving the residents hundreds of dollars each year and thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the home. “The fuel is free, sunshine is free,” Franklin said. “You don’t have to dig for gas or oil. We are able to produce the energy where it is needed.” GRID Alternatives is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2001 by Erica Mackie, P.E., and Tim Sears, P.E., two engineering professionals who were implementing large-scale renewable energy and energy efficiency projects for the private sector. The two wanted to develop a model to make this technology practical for low-income communities that need the savings the most. GRID Alternatives’ Solar Affordable Housing Program began in 2004 with two solar installations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. In its first five years, GRID Alternatives has grown to over 200 installations throughout California and has prevented 10,357 tons of greenhouse emissions. Aside from working with Habitat for Humanity, the organization has also worked with the Home

Zach Franklin, Development Director for GRID Alternatives explains how solar panels works Depot Foundation, Pacific Gas and Electric Company and SunPower Corporation. “Most of the work we do is installing solar panels,” Franklin said. “We do work throughout the

state of California. For more information visit www.appliedmaterials.com or www.gridalternatives.org.Δ

San Jose’s World Garden By Osvaldo Castillo - El Observador


MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com

ummer is just around the corner and people everywhere will be looking for an activity to do, which will help them enjoy the warmer weather outdoors. One of the more popular activities is gardening. For some, gardening is a summer tradition, for others it’s a


new endeavor. For those who observe nature’s wonders, they will observe the plant’s chlorophyll system, which is present in all green plants and which takes in carbon dioxide and water when using solar energy to combine these two to form carbohydrates such as sugars and fibrous cellulose such as wood or cotton. Also, an essential byproduct is oxygen, which is released by plants into the air.

For those who are not familiar with gardening, there are workshops designed to help them learn how to get started. One of these programs is Metropolitan Education District’s ‘Growing Your Own Cutting Garden’ workshop. “Once a month, we hold these workshops to help people learn about the different aspects of gardening,” said Michelle Alaimo, Communication Specialist for the

Metropolitan Education District. “We bring a Master Gardener each month, who is certified by the County of Santa Clara, to teach these classes. The Master Gardener specializes in one specific area of gardening.” Alaimo added that over one hundred people attended recent workshops. This indicates that there is a growing interest in urban gardening. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, around fifteen percent of the world’s food is now grown in urban areas. City and suburban agriculture takes on the form of backyard garden plots and container gardening on rooftops and balconies; Community gardens located in vacant lots and parking lots; roadside urban fringe agriculture and livestock grazing in open space. “People are starting to see that when they have their own gardens, their food provides more nutrition when it’s fresher, and is healthier for them to eat,” Alaimo said. “People are also starting to realize healthy exercise; expand their food supply while saving money when they engage in gardening.” Community members and Erikson Elementary School Students have started the World Garden. Metropolitan Adult Education Program features 50 Plus Older Adult Program Gardening classes. Participants of these classes will maintain the community World Garden and keep it attended to successfully. A good ‘crop’ is the adult/student interactions resulting in friendly relationships. San Jose’s World Garden is located at the Erikson Adult ED Center Auditorium site at 4849 Pearl Ave., San Jose. To learn and sign up for workshops, call (408) 723-6450 or email ritab@metroed.net.

MORE BENEFITS OF GARDENING: a) Gardening results in healthy outdoor activity where one’s skin gets tanned while making Vitamin D b) An observant gardener see chlorophyll system at work...this helps the Global Warming situation c) Adults and students is a good relationship & friendship result wherein the youth get a chance to relate to an experience elderly person (and hopefully learn culture and values while this happens in a non-formal instructional setting. d) Gardening does expand one’s food budget...I focused on the ‘expansion’ aspects rather than the ‘saving of money’ aspect. e) Gardening provides an opportunity for the astute observant person to witness a major natural phenomenon: the chlorophyll system at work...without it many of our things would not exist: homes, furniture, foods, clothing fiber, etc. f) As an offshoot...too many do not realize that many items we take for granted were identified (domesticated and made part of agriculture) by the indigents of North, Central and South America! Just consider the following... Maize (corn) Wild rice (someday Google the International Rice Research Institute, Monterrey, Mexico) Pumpkins (calabazas) Marijuana Chicle (gum) Rubber (ule) Cocaine Tobacco Peyote Curare natural muscle relaxants (without which modern surgery would be impossible)...these natural plant anesthetics were used by indigenous Brazilian natives to paralyze their blowgun targets (monkeys). Birth control (yams from Sonora desert, having high content of 17-ketohydroxysteroids which is the effective agent in prevention of ovum release in female reproductive systems)...developed commercially by Syntex, S.A., Mexico City Hammocks (Brazil) Tomatoes Potatoes Peppers Precision stone cutting permitting construction-using stone without mortar (e.g. Machu Picchu) Native Americans have made many contributions to what is now modern civilization.Δ

Audiobook Narrator Wanda McCaddon at Berkeley Public Library When: May 23, 2-3:30 pm Where: Berkeley Public Library, 2090 Kittredge at Shattuck, in the 3rd floor Community Meeting Room Info: 510-981-6241 or www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org Rose Garden Knitting Circle When: Tuesday, May 19, 6:30 pm 7:45 pm Where: Rose Garden Library Branch Info: www.sjlibrary.org

Scion’s Music in the Park Concert Series Evolution and Long Gone Bon When: Thursday, June 4

A LA CARTE & ART When: MAY 16-17, 2009 — 10 AM TO 6 PM Where: CASTRO STREET — MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA Info: 650-964-3395 or visit www.miramarevents.com Dia de Portugal Festival

When: Saturday, June 13, from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm Where: History Park in Kelley Park in San Jose Info: 415-302-2934 or www.DiadePortugalCA.org COLSON WHITEHEAD In celebration of his new book Sag Harbor When: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 7:00 PM Where: Berkeley Public Library, 3rd floor Community Meeting Room 2090 Kittredge Street at Shattuck Info: 510-981-6107 or alb2@ci.berkeley.ca.us AZTEC DANCE! When: Every Tuesday From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Where: MACLA Theater 510 South 51h Street, San Jose Info: (408) 998-2783 or www.maclaarte.org Manipulating the Unwanted: Labor, War and Public Policy When: Now Through June 30. M,T,Th 11-6; W 11-8, F, 11-5;

Peter Fletcher, Classical Guitarist When: Tuesday, May 12, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Where: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, Room 229/225, 2nd Floor Info: (408) 808-2397 SAVE THE DATE MACSA-Celebrating 45 Years of Community Service When: June 27, 2009. 5 p.m. to Midnight Where: Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose Info: (408)928-1122 ext. 1134Δ San Francisco Events: Dine About Town San Francisco Returns June 1-15, 2009 San Francisco’s Golden Gate is the Golden Ticket for Summer Art Scene Carnaval, California’s Largest Annual Multi-Cultural Event, Slated for May 23-24, 2009 Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams: Natural Affinities”: SFMOMA Unites Two Celebrated Artists May 30Sept. 7, 2009 Broadway Revival of “South Pacific” Headed for San Francisco in September 2009 ING Bay to Breakers on May 17 Info: 415.227-2651 or email

thouseman@sanfrancisco.travelΔ Calendario ¿Cómo iniciar un negocio? En un taller gratuito aprenderá las técnicas . Día: Jueves 21 de mayo Hora: 6:00 pm a 8:30 pm Lugar: Biblioteca de Campbell 77 harrison Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Informes: (408)866-1991 Clases gratuitas para Padres 5 claves para criar un niño feliz Lugar: Biblioteca Tully 880 Tully Rd. San José, CA 95111 Informes: (408)-874-1723 Exhibición de arte Hasta el 19 de junio Hora: Lunes a Viernes Hasta 8pm Lugar: Orchard Commercial North First ARTS space 2665 N. First St. San Jose, CA 95134 SCORE Consejeros para los Pequeños negocios de América Lugar: 84 West Santa Clara St, San Jose Info: www.svscore.org

Hora: 9:30 a.m.- 5p.m. Domingos: Hora: 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Lugar: 55 Music Concourse Dr. Gloden Park San Francisco CA 94118 Info: (415) 379-8000 Pruebas Confidenciales de SIDA Centro CRANE 976 Lenzen Ave. Suite 15008 San Jose, 95126 Info: (408) 792-5030 Visite: www.scccenter.org


Community Downtown San Jose Farmers’ Market at San Pedro Square When: Friday, May 1 -Dec. 18,2009 Where: San Pedro Square (along San Pedro Street between Santa Clara and St. John streets). Info: (408) 279-1775 or visit www.sjdowntown.com

Dine Downtown San Jose When: June 3-13 Where: Downtown San Jose Info: http://www.sjdowntown.com/dinedowntown.html

Sat. 1-5 Where: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library. San Jose Info: (408) 808-2061

Contacto con el cosmos Días: Miércoles y Domingos Lugar: Centro Holístico Vocacional 2130 The Alameda San Jose, CA Info: 408 720-9669 Co-dependientes Anónimos ¿Se considera una persona con muchas dependencias? ¿No puede vivir porque el amor de su vida lo dejó? ¿No puede controlar sus celos?. Este grupo para latinos le ayudará. Informes: (408)561-6726 La Familia ¿Problemas de Violencia Doméstica? Llame al (408) 541-6100 ext. 144 o al (408) 541-6100 ext. 143Δ Δ

Academia de Ciencias en California Abierto lunes a sabado

MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com

Where: Plaza de Cesar Chavez, Market and San Fernando streets, downtown San Jose Info: (408) 279-1775 or www.sjdowntown.com


COMMUNITY COMUNIDAD MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com


Luchando desde las tablas por 25 años Por Osvaldo Castillo El Observador

Theatre Company Celebrates 25th Anniversary By Osvaldo Castillo


as injusticias sociales han sido expuestas y explicadas a la sociedad a través de la música y película. El mensaje también ha sido llevado a través de varios tipos de obras de teatro. Teatro Visión de San José es una compañía que ha puesto de conocimiento público las diversas luchas humanas en los últimos 25 años. “La empresa comenzó como el Teatro de la gente”, dijo Elisa Marina Alvarado, directora artística de Teatro Visión. “Empezamos con los mítines y fueron bien recibidas por la comunidad.” Alvarado, junto con Irene Burgos, David Termenal, Liz Robinson y Rosa Mendoza inició la compañía de teatro en 1984 y sus obras se centraron en las cuestiones sociales, tales como los derechos de inmigración, derechos laborales y los derechos de los agricultores. La empresa pasó a incluir las cuestiones que afectan a los individuos a nivel personal.

ocial injustices have been explain and exposed to society through music and movies. They have also been exposed through various sorts of plays performed at rallies, churches and backyards. Teatro Vision is a San Jose Based theatre company that has been making the public of aware of various human struggles for the past 25 years. “The company started out as Teatro de la Gente,” said Elisa Marina Alvarado, artistic director for Teatro Vision. “We started out at rallies and were well received by the community.” Alvarado, along with Irene Burgos, David Termenal, Liz Robinson and Rose Mendoza started the theatre company in 1984 and focused their plays on social issues such as immigration rights, labor rights and farmers’ rights. The company went on to include issues that affected individuals on a personal level. “We wanted to expand on our creativity, “Alvarado said. “We were starting to become interested in people’s values and culture.” This fall, the theatre company will be presenting three different plays, which will be performed from September 2009-June 2010. Ghost of the River/Fantasmas del Rio, by Octavio Solis, is a story about life along the Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas border. “This is a unique play because we use a technique called shadow puppets,” Alvarado said. “The technique is such were a bright light shines behind a big screen and shows the shadows of the puppets. It’s like watching an animated film.” The second play that will be presented is Taking Flight, a one-person performance written by and staring Adriana Sevan. The story is about the journey of mental and physical recovery shared by two women in the wake of the 9/11 tragedies. Finally, there is La Perla de la Luna, by Leonard Madrid. It is the story of a New Mexico woman who stalls her marriage in order to find her father so that he can be present at her wedding. “This play is important to me because I am directing it,” Alvarado said. “I want to capture the colors and light of the earth in New Mexico.’ Teatro Vision is also working with the community through programs such as the Codices Project and the Instituto de Teatro program. “Through the Codices Project, we want to incorporate theatre techniques into everyday lives so that people can handle issues such as parenting,” Alvarado said. “And through the Instituto de Teatro program, we want to develop, work and give recognition to up and coming Latino artist.” Teatro Vision has professional Affiliations with groups such as SOMOS Mayfair, First 5 Santa Clara County and Native Family Outreach and Education. Teatro Vision’s 25th Anniversary celebration will be held on Saturday, May 30 at The Mexican Heritage Plaza in San Jose. Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers of America, will be the evening’s special guest. For more information call (408) 2729926 or visit www.teatrovision.orgΔ


Detrás de los telones, aquí aparece el equipo de Teatro Visión.

“Queríamos ampliar nuestra creatividad,” dice Alvarado. “Estábamos comenzando a interesarse en los valores y la cultura.” Por último, es La Perla de la Luna, por Leonard Madrid. Es la historia de una mujer de Nuevo México que detiene su matrimonio con el fin de encontrar a su padre para que él pueda estar presente en su boda. “Esta obra es importante para mí porque la estoy dirigiendo,” dice Alvarado. “Quiero capturar los colores y la luz de la tierra en Nuevo México.” Teatro Visión también está trabajando con la comunidad a través de programas como el Proyecto Códices y el Instituto de Teatro programa. “A través del proyecto códices, queremos incorporar técnicas de teatro en la vida coti diana para que las personas puedan ocuparse de cuestiones tales como la crianza de los hijos,” dice Alvarado. “Y a través del Instituto de Teatro del programa, queremos desarrollar, el trabajo y dar reconocimiento a los salientes artista latinos”. Teatro Visión tiene afiliaciones profesionales con grupos como SOMOS Mayfair, Primeros First 5 del Condado de Santa Clara y Familia nativo de Extensión y Educación. Una gran celebración Teatro Visión celebra su 25 ° aniversario el próximo sábado 30 de mayo. Al evento asis tirá Dolores Huerta, Co-Fundadora del Sindicato de Campesinos de America Unida, Jorge Huerta, Canciller asociado del Teatro Chicano y flaco Jiménez, conjunto de género Tex Mex y ganador de múltiples premios Grammy. La celebración tendrá lugar en la Plaza de la Herencia Mexicana en San José. Para más información llame al (408) 272-9926 o visite www.teatrovision.org



La Ansiedad por la Separación en los Niños

Gana $$$ Extra



Medio tiempo - temporal. Diseña tu propio horario!

¿Qué es? * Es un tipo de ansiedad (angustia, malestar, tensión y temor) que experimentan los niños cuando se separan o alejan de los adultos a quienes están más apegados, típicamente sus padres o encargados. * El niño se aferra al adulto, se niega a apartarse, rechaza a otras personas, se tensa, se queja, llora, grita. ¿Es normal? * Sí, es un fenómeno observado a través de la historia y alrededor del mundo. * Ya que los niños pequeños no pueden sobrevivir sin adultos que los cuiden, la ansiedad por la separación es un temor básico del ser humano que nos sirve para mantenernos a salvo. * Aunque es una experiencia desagradable, es un buen indicador, ya que señala que el niño reconoce a quienes le cuidan y que ha establecido vínculos afectuosos con éstos. * La ansiedad por la separación es una etapa normal del desarrollo infantil; la mayoría de los niños la experimentan en la infancia. * Pudiera representar un trastorno emocional en niños de más de 18 meses de edad. ¿A qué edades? * Frecuentemente los bebés de unos 6 meses lloran y gritan al quedarse solos, para llamar la atención de los adultos. * Gran parte de los infantes muestran síntomas de ansiedad por la separación de sus padres o encargados entre los 8 y los 18 meses, pues al no saber que regresarán, se sienten inseguros y vulnerables. * La ansiedad mengua alrededor del 2do cumpleaños; suele cesar una vez que los niños comprenden que sus padres no han desapare-

cido y que han de regresar. * Al apartarse de sus padres o encargados, muchos niños entre los 2 y 3 años hacen berrinches como muestra de angustia y para tratar de influenciar a los adultos. * Entre los 3 y los 5 años usualmente los niños demuestran sentirse ansiosos al separarse de sus padres o encargados al comenzar el preescolar o la escuela. * La ansiedad que experimentan muchos niños al comienzo de la guardería o la escuela cede cuando se sienten suficientemente seguros en el nuevo entorno y son capaces de confiar en otros adultos aparte de sus padres. ¿A qué se debe? * Los bebés y niños pequeños no tienen noción del tiempo, por lo que piensan que lo que ya no ven, ha desaparecido. * En medida que los niños se sienten seguros en compañía de sus padres o encargados, se sienten inseguros al separarse de éstos, especialmente fuera del entorno familiar del hogar. * Hay niños cuyo temperamento alto en reactividad y bajo en adaptabilidad les hace más propensos a experimentar ansiedad. * Los niños pueden heredar una tendencia a responder a las situaciones novedosas con niveles altos de tensión, preocupación, y temor. En las próximas columnas presentaremos cómo responder ante la ansiedad de separación infantil. Escuche a la Doctora Marisol en “Nuestros Niños” los domingos de 8 a 9 AM en La Kalle 100.7/105.7 FM, KBBF La Nuestra 89.1 FM, Tricolor 99.5 FM, José 107.1 FM y KMBX 700 AM. Para más información, llame al 1-866-99NINOS y visite www.nuestrosninos.com.

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MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com

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“One of Zacatecas Many Sons” By Rhonda Garcia - El Observador


acatecas, Mexico has brought forth many sons of culture such as Ismael Guardado, Pedro Colonel and Ramon Lopez Velarde, just to name a few. Now, Jose Tovar Acevedo is making his mark in the US. Born in 1956 Zacatecas, Mexico, Acevedo was one of 12 children. Acevedo says that while life was tough growing up, he was always happy and loved life. Acevedo grew up on a farm harvesting beans and says he always sang for his father. He has been obsessed with music and art ever since he was a child. His family moved to Mexico City in 1967, where he had to quit school and begin working to help his family financially. He made small cakes and sold them as a vendor. In 1978 Acevedo migrated to the United States and settled in Northern California, where he took on various jobs from construction to drywall painting. “Anything to make a buck and survive, with few clothes, nothing to eat at times,” Jose says. It was a huge struggle but he was fortunate to have met a lot of people who were willing to help him out. His American friends encouraged Acevedo

to learn English and succeed. In 1980 Acevedo was employed by the City of Mountain View as a Park Inspector and still works with the city. Acevedo says he loves working in the parks because it allows him to express his artistic abilities through landscapes, murals, etc. Acevedo works with oils and does anywhere from 30 to 40 paintings per year. He has received several awards and his work has been exhibited and reached admiring audiences all around. “It has taken me many years,” Acevedo says. “But the hard work is finally paying off.” Acevedo lives in Santa Clara with his wife Carmen of 25 years, their son Jose and their grandson Santiago. His work is all carved by hand and structured from plexi glass. Several of his paintings have been incorporated into the cities in miniature form. Acevedo says that after he retires, he will move forward with his art and hopefully one day he will be able to have all of his beautiful creations moved to his hometown of Zacatecas, Mexico, where they can be placed on exhibit for all to see. For more information on Jose Tovar Acevedo and his art, visit: http://www.myspace.com/hijodezacatecasΔ

Eros Ramazzotti is back with his new album “Alas y Raíces”

MAY 15 - 22, 2009 www.el-observador.com



iami, FL,.- Eros Ramazzotti, one of the most popular and successful Italian artists to conquer the coveted Latin music market in the United States, now returns with his newest release “Alas y Raíces”. The much anticipated release, available at music stores and digitally on June 2nd, consists of 11 new songs written by Ramazzotti, himself, and Adelio Cogliati, under the musical production of Claudio Guidetti and Michele Canova. The album’s first promotional single, “Dímelo a Mí”, will be on rotation in all major Latin market radio stations and web channels in the US and Puerto Rico. The music video, an outstanding artistic piece directed by Marc Klasfeld, takes the vibrant streets of Los Angeles as its backdrop. With a successful 25-year career, Ramazzotti boasts 15 albums under his belt and well over 50 million album copies sold world-wide,

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“Dejen en Paz al Padre Alberto”


na gran conmoción entre la comunidad católica han causado las fotografías del Padre Alberto Cutié, en las que aparentemente se encontraba en una escena romántica con una chica guatemalteca. Los programitas de chismes han explotado la noticia al máximo, los presentadores de dichos programitas han dicho que se siente lastimados espiritualmente, y yo me pregunto ¿quiénes son ellos para juzgar? Que tire la primera piedra quién este libre de pecado. En realidad lo que está saliendo a luz es la hipocresía con la que por siglos nos ha mantenido el clero católico. Todo el mundo lo sabe, es un secreto a voces que un gran número de sacerdotes “tienen mujer’. No entiendo por qué el gran asombro y el cursi sentimiento de tristeza que algunos muestran al haberse hechos públicas las fotografías del Padre Alberto. Este hecho ha puesto de manifiesto y en tela de juicio el “aparente celibato que profesa los sacerdotes y las mojas”. Lo más importante

de este caso es que el Vaticano debe tomar cartas en el asunto, sería un gran paso adelante el declarar el celibato como un voto “obsoleto”. Deberían permitir que los sacerdotes y las monjas se puedan casar, en pleno siglo XXI, es hasta ridículo que nos quieran hacer creer que esos hombres y mujeres se mantienen célibes por el resto de su vida. Que se casen, que sean felices y así podrán servir a Dios aún mejor. Se acabarían quizá los casos de pedofilia, y el velo de la hipocresía que se ha vivido durante siglos. Lo verdaderamente indigno de este situación no son las fotografías del Padre, sino el cinismo de la revista que las hizo públicas. Debería haber restricciones en contra de los paparazzis. La muerte de la princesa Diana de Gales fue ocasionada por el asedio de estos papaparazzis que son capaces de vender su alma al demonio con tal de conseguir fotos morbosas. Dejen en paz al padre Alberto, él es un hombre de bien, su vida sentimental en nada afecta los años de entrega y sacrificio que ha dado a la comunidad que tanto le aprecia. Δ

FREE Thursday Concerts June 4 – Aug. 27 5:30 – 9:15 p.m.

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July 23

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Pop/Rock MIX 106.5 FM July 30

June 11

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Colin Hay of Men at Work Pop/Rock 94.5 KBAY August 6

Anthony David Contemporary R&B KBLX 102.9 FM August 13

Better Than Ezra Pop/Rock MIX 106.5 FM August 20

July 2

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The Tubes featuring Fee Waybill

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TBD July 9

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July 16

Pato Banton & The Now Generation Reggae KSJO 92.3 La Preciosa

A San Jose Downtown Association Production | Supported in part by a Cultural Affairs grant from the City of San Jose

MAY 15 - 22, 2009 www.el-observador.com

Por Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador



Angeles y Demonios: Misterios del Vaticano


l equipo detrás del fenómeno mundial de The Da Vinci Code regresa en la esperadísima Angels & Demons, basada en el best seller de Dan Brown. Tom Hanks retoma su papel de Robert Langdon, el experto en simbología de Harvard que se encuentra, una vez más, con que existen fuerzas ancestrales dispuestas a todo, incluso a matar, con tal de alcanzar sus objetivos. Ron Howard vuelve a ser el director de la película, producida por Brian Grazer, Ron Howard y John Calley. El guión es de David Koepp y Akiva Goldsman. Cuando Langdon halla pruebas del resurgimiento de una legendaria hermandad secreta conocida como los Illuminati -la organización clandestina más poderosa de la historia- también debe hacerle frente a una amenaza mortal para la supervivencia del mayor enemigo de la organi-

zación secreta: la iglesia católica. Tras descubrir que los Illuminati han instalado una bomba de tiempo que está a punto de estallar, Langdon viaja a Roma, donde une fuerzas con Vittoria Vetra, una bella y enigmática científica italiana. En una frenética persecución llena de acción a través de criptas cerradas, peligrosas catacumbas, catedrales desiertas e incluso el corazón de la bóveda más secreta del mundo, Langdon y Vetra seguirán el antiquísimo Sendero de la Iluminación, que representa la única esperanza de salvación para el Vaticano. Angels & Demons ha sido calificada como PG-13 por la Motion Picture Association of America por escenas de violencia, imágenes perturbadoras y el tratamiento de ciertos temas. La película se estrenará en todas las salas de cine del país el 15 de mayo del 2009.

MAY 15 - 22, 2009 www.el-observador.com

Terminator Salvation: Acción y suspenso






l Día del Juicio Final vino y se fue, nivelando la civilización moderna. Un ejército de Terminators ronda el paisaje post-apocalíptico, matando y llevándose a los humanos de los lugares en donde se esconden, en ciudades desoladas y desiertos. Los pequeños grupos de sobrevivientes han organizado una resistencia, y sus miembros se ocultan en refugios subterráneos, y salen en batidas cuando pueden, tratando de vencer a una fuerza enemiga que los supera varias veces en número. Sólo un hombre pudo darse cuenta que venía el día del juicio final. Un hombre, cuyo destino siempre había estado ligado al destino de la existencia humana: John Connor. En la película actúan: Christian Bale (“The

Dark Knight”), Sam Worthington (“Avatar”), Anton Yelchin (“Star Trek”), Moon Bloodgood (“What Just Happened”), Bryce Dallas Howard (“Spider-Man 3”), Common (“Wanted”), Jane Alexander (“The Unborn”) y Helena Bonham Carter (“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”). Esta película ha sido clasificada PG-13 por la asociación MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) - Parents Strongly Cautioned= Advertencia Especial para Padres. Parte del material puede ser poco adecuado para menores de 13 años, dada la intensidad de algunas escenas de acción, la violencia de ciencia-ficción y por su lenguaje.

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MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com



NOTICIAS LEGALES LEGAL NOTICES MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 524093 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Silicon Valley Business Group, 1754 Technology Dr., San Jose, CA 95110, Santa Clara Co. Diversified Financial Group LLC., 2107 N First St., #400, San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by a limited liability company registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 05/11/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Diversified Financial Group LLC Richard Chin/Manager May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/11/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 524061 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: SCOLARS LEARNING CENTER, 2728 RENO DR., SAN JOSE, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. AARTI AGGARWAL, 2728 RENO DR., SAN JOSE, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) AARTI AGGRAWAL May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/08/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 524159 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: All Bay Hardwood Floors, 1114 Delna Manor Ln. # 4, San Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Tu Van Dang, 1114 Delna Manor Ln., #4, San Jose, CA 95128. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Tu Van Dang May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/12/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 524074 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: NTMS Engineering and Management Solutions, 3160 Homestead Rd #4, Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. Majid Suljic, 3160 Homestead Rd. 4, Santa Clara, CA 95051. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 05/11/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Majid Suljic May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/11/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

NO. 524024 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Happy Hearts Childcare, 1574 Clayton Rd., San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. Julia Cruz, 1574 Clayton Rd, San Jose, CA 95127. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Julia Cruz May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/08/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV142264 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: ALBERTO VILLAMORA VICTA TO ALL INTERESTED PERSON: The court finds that petitioner ALBERTO VILLAMORA VICTA has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. ALBERTO VILLAMORA VICTA TO ALBERT JON LI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 7-07-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 12, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV142376 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ling Qian Lu TO ALL INTERESTED PERSON: The court finds that petitioner Li Qian Lu has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ling Qian Lu to Jennifer Ling Qian Lu THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 7-07-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 13, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV142274 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Gabriela Calderon & Antonio Hernandez TO ALL INTERESTED PERSON: The court finds that petitioners Gabriela Calderon & Antonio Hernandez have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gabriela Calderon to Gabriela

Hernandez Calderon THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 7-07-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 12, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 15, 22, 29; June 5, 2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 521995 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Main St. Bagels, 17300 Monterey Rd, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Santa Clara Co. Newland Investment LLC., 4507 Middlepark Dr, San Jose, CA 95135 .This business is conducted by a limited liability partnership registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Newerland Investment LLC Kam Suy/Manager April 17, 24; May 1, 8, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 3/27/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523840 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ADAMIMEX, 418 Galleria Drive #3, San Jose, CA 95134, Santa Clara Co. Rkia Gouizi, 418 Galleria Drive #3, San Jose, CA 95134, William John Ovenstone, 418 Galleria Drive #3, San Jose, CA 95134. This business is conducted by husband and wife registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 05/22/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Rkia Gouizi May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/04/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523879 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: SENNA MOTORS, 1500 W San Carlos St., San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Rodrigo M Matos, 47460 Mantis St., Fremont Ca 94539. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Rodrigo M Matos May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/05/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523971 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: MORE MOBILE RV SERVICE, 1340 s 1st G25, Gilroy, CA 95020, Santa Clara Co. Donald C Moore Jr. 1590 Rocks

Rd., San Juan Bautista, CA 95045. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 02/19/04. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Donald C Moore Jr. May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/06/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523863 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Crazy Jumpers, 4175 San Bernardino Wy, San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Jenny D Manzano, 4175 San Bernardino Wy, San Jose, CA 95111. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/03/03. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jenny Manzano May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 05/04/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523240 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: AAMCO Transmissions, 1652 S Main St Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Osvaldo Fierro, 13511 Westboro Dr, San Jose, CA 95127, aracely Fierro, 13511 Westboro Dr, San Jose, CA 95127. This business is conducted by husband and wife registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/20/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Osvaldo Fierro May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 04/20/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 522699 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: 1. Barto Capital, 2. Maxim Realty, 85 Saratoga Ave #130, Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. Barto Investments, 85 Saratoga Ave #130, Santa Clara, CA 95051. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 1. 12/10/2003, 2. 2004. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Barto Investments Sridhara R. Kosuru/President May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 04/09/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 522936 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Cielito Lindo Restaurant, 195 E Taylor St., San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Ruben Lopez, 3318 Marten Ave, San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business

under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 03/18/93. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ruben Lopez May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 04/14/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523708 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Oysters Place, 2323 Trinity Hills Ct., San Jose, CA 95138, Santa Clara Co. Lisa Luu, 2323 Trinity Hills Ct., San Jose, CA 95138. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Lisa Luu May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 04/30/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV141891 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: HONG-YEN LEONARD TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner HONG-YEN LEONARD have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Xuan Hong Le to Tiffany Le. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 630-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 7, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV141535 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: HUIYUAN YU TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner HUIYUAN YU has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. HUIYUAN YU TO ALLISON HUIYUAN YU. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 6-30-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. May 7, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

NO. 523702 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Monter Towing, 657 S 10th St San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. fermin Monter Anaya, 657 S10th St., San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 1998. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Fermin Monter Anaya May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/30/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 522287 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Desnet Network Services, 336 Crestridge Ct., San Jose, CA 95138, Santa Clara Co. Alejandro Nepita, 336 Crestridge Ct., San Jose, CA 95138. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Alejandro Nepita May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/02/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523664 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: BEYA IMAGEN FOTO Y VIDEO, 2164 SULLIVAN AVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95122, Santa Clara Co. MANUEL DE JESUS, 2164 SULLIVAN AVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95122. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Manuel de Jesus May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/30/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 522996 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: AB Press, 615 Stockton Ave, San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Nora Joseph, 369 Madison Dr., San Jose, CA 95123, Fred Alkakos, 1400 Abbott Ave, Campbell, CA 95008. This business is conducted by a general partnership registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/26/04. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Nora Joseph May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/15/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523567 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: FACE RECESSION SPA, FACE IT BEAUTY SPA, THE MAKE-UP STUDIO, 496 North 7th St., San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Maritza Fonseca, 496 N 7th St., San Jose, CA 95112. This business is con-

ducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon . “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maritza Fonseca May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/28/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523382 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: KAWEH, 688 Gish Road, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Kaweh Guido Zolfaghar, 77 patterson Ave, Mountain House, CA 95391. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Kaweh G. Zolfaghar May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/22/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523504 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: J Robles Cleaning Co., 656 N 19th St., San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Jose Robles, 656 N 19th St., San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 05/01/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Rrobles May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/27/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523425 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: A1 HAIR AND NAILS, 44 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara Co. TIFFANY NGUYEN, 1520 E CAPITOL EXP #50, SAN JOSE, CA 95121. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) TIFFANY NGUYEN May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/23/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523433 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Bay Area Fabric Restoration, 4500 The Woods Dr., #3303, San Jose, CA 95136, Santa Clara Co. Kamran Ganjavi, 400 W Rincon #274, Campbell, CA 95008. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/23/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Kamran Ganjavi May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the

County of Santa Clara on 4/23/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523432 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Kebab Catering Co., 4500 The Woods Dr., #3303, San Jose, CA 95136, Santa Clara Co. Kamran Ganjavi, 400 W Rincon #274, Campbell, CA 95008. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/28/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Kamran Ganjavi May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/23/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523431 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Corporate Valet Cleaners & Americ Laundry & Dry Cleaning, 4500 The Woods Dr., #3303, San Jose, CA 95136, Santa Clara Co. Kamran Ganjavi, 400 W Rincon #274, Campbell, CA 95008. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 11/03/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Kamran Ganjavi May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/23/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523529 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Nuñez Precision Welding, Inc., 1763 Houret Court, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Nunez Precision Welding, Inc., 1763 Houret, Milpitas, CA 95035, This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Nuñez Precision Welding, Inc. Carlos G. Nunez May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/27/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523460 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Mr. Tello The Magazine, 1034 Spencer Ave, San Jose, CA 95125, Santa Clara Co. Jose Tello, 1034 Spencer Ave, San Jose, CA 95125. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Tello May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/24/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523443 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Fundacion Rancho San Nicolas, MPIO. Santiago Papasquiaro, Duango. A Califor-

NAME STATEMENT NO. 523296 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOLAR TECHNOLOGY, 1771 ALBERT AVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95124, Santa Clara Co. MEHDI RAHMANI, 1771 ALBERT AVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95124, SHAHLA SABOURI, 1771 ALBERT AVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95124. This business is conducted by copartners registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/21/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Shahla Sabouri April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/21/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523338 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: DAZZLING DISPLAY, 2852 Betsy Way, San Jose, CA 95133, Santa Clara Co. Esmeralda Barahona, 2852 Betsy Way, San Jose, CA 95133. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Esmeralda Barahona April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/22/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 522394 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: SPECIAL DENTAL HYGIENE CARE, INC., 16470 W La Chiquita Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95032, Santa Clara Co. SPECIAL DENTAL HYGIENE CARE INC., 16470 W. La Chiquita Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95032. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SPECIAL DENTAL HYGIENE CARE INC. Laurel Loomer/President April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/06/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523133 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Mediterranean Wraps Bistro, 209 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara Co. Blue Fig LLC., 441 Waverley St, Palo Alto, CA 94301. This business is conducted by a limited liability company registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/20/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Blue Fig LLC Abraham Khalil/Managing Member April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/16/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523132

The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Kan Zeman Catering, 209 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara Co. Blue Fig LLC., 441 Waverley St, Palo Alto, CA 94301. This business is conducted by a limited liability company registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/20/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Blue Fig LLC Abraham Khalil/Managing Member April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/16/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523111 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Chavez Tree Experts, 1189 Mastic St., San Jose, CA 95110, Santa Clara Co. Carlos Chavez, 1189 Mastic St., San Jose, CA 95110, Omar Chavez, 111 Humdolt St., San Jose, CA 95110. This business is conducted by a general partnership registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/16/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Omar Chavez April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/16/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523351 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Lejion Handyman, 2632 OTHELLO AVE, San Jose, CA 95122, Santa Clara Co. Sergio Alaniz, 2632 Othello Ave, San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sergio Alaniz April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/22/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV140173 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Leslie Sarah Sherman TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Leslie Sarah Sherman has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Leslie Sarah Sherman to Leslie Sarah Lucia Sherman. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 602-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. APRIL 16, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV140183 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Veronica Rojas Trejo /Yovani Pineda TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Veronica Rojas/Yovani Pineda have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Alexa Yamileth Rojas Trejo to Alexa Yamileth Pineda-Rojas. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 602-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. APRIL 16, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV140276 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Cynthia Janet Symancyk TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Cynthia Janet Symancyk has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Cynthia Janet Symancyk to Cynthia Joy Starborn. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 616-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. APRIL 17, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV138639 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Sandra Gamino TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Sandra Gamino has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Dominic Carlos Alexander Gamino Maldonado to Dominic Gamino. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 5-19-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. APRIL 1, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court


El Corridor Joint Powers Board de la Península,considerará incrementos a la tarifa y suspensión de servicios en una audiencia pública que tendrá lugar el día 4 de Junio de 2009 a las 10:00 AM en la oficina administrativa de Caltrain ubicada en el 1250 de la Avenida San Carlos en la ciudad de San Carlos para abordar comentarios sobre la declaración de emergencia fiscal. Además, se sostendrá una serie de reuniones publicas para informar al publico sobre los detalles de los incrementos de tarifa, suspensión de servicio y se aceptaran comentarios.


application of: Thi Nhu Thuy Le TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Thi Nhu Thuy Le has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Thi Nhu Thuy Le to Alexis Le THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 6-09-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. April 17, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523362 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: RSR Soccer Academy, 459 Los Encinos Street, San Jose, CA 95134, Santa Clara Co. Savio Carrijo, 20800 Homestead Road Apt 17C, Cupertino, CA 95014, Rafael Soares, 459 Los Encinos Street, San Jose, CA 95134, Rodrigo Baptista, 4745 Boxwood Way, Dublin, CA 94568. This business is conducted by a general partnership registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/22/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Savio Carrijo April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/22/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523381 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: S&G Enterprises, 9336 Vintner Circle, Patterson, CA 95363, Santa Clara Co. Sam Gulley, 9336 Vintner Circle, Patterson, CA 95363. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sam Gulley April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/22/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 523380 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: W&V Enterprises, 6150 Heathercreek Way, San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. Walter Vilca, 6150 Heathercreek Way, San Jose, CA 95123. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Walter Vilca April 24; May 1, 8, 15, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/22/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS

Las siguientes propuestas serán consideradas: • Incrementar la base de la tarifa Integral de Viaje Sencillo (Full Fare One-way) y/o aumentar la tarifa por zona 25 centavos • Incrementar todas las tarifas Integrales (Full Fare One-way) y las tarifas de Descuento Elegibles (Eligible Discount) en proporción al incremento de la tarifa Integral de Viaje Sencillo. • Incrementar el precio del Go Pass hasta el equivalente de la tarifa integral del Pase Mensual de la zona tres • Incrementar la tarifa de participación del Go Pass hasta el equivalente de 100 pases • Incrementar tarifas de estacionamiento • Suspender todos los servicios de fin de semana • Reducir servicios de mediodía a 1 hora • Suspender servicio a Gilroy

Las reuniones publicas se sostendrán el Miércoles 27 de Mayo a las 6 P.M. En los siguientes lugares: 25 Van Ness Ave. Salón de Conferencias Planta Baja San Francisco San Mateo County Transit District 1250 San Carlos Ave. San Carlos VTA Administrative Offices Auditorio 331 North First St. San Jose

Comentarios pueden ser enviados por correo electrónico: changes@caltrain.com Telefono: 1.800.660.4287 TTY: 650.508.6448 Por correo: Caltrain c/o JBP Secretary PO Box 3006 San Carlos, CA 94070-1306

Las personas sordas y que no hablan Inglés, que deseen ofrecer comentarios en la audiencia publica o en las reuniones publicas pueden pedir asistencia de lenguaje de señas y traductores llamando al 650.508.6242 por los menos tres dias hábiles antes de la audiencia o reuniones publicas.

MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com

nia Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, CALLE PRINCIPAL DEL POBLADO SAN NICOLAS, SGO. PA., DURANGO, 12 So. First Street Suite 512, San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara Co. Fundacion Rancho San Nicolas, MPIO , Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, 12 So. First Street, #512, San Jose, CA 95113. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Fundacion Rancho San Nicolas, Mpio Santiago Papasquiaro,A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Maria Inez Quiñonez Ortiz/Secretary May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 4/24/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV141227 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Yung Hui Chang/Li Hua Lin TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Li Hua Lin/Yung Hui Chang have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Sheng Chang Chang to Simon Sheng Chang Chang THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 616-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. April 29, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV141201 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Joseph Mathew Aranda TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Joseph Mathew Aranda has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Joseph Mathew Aranda to Joseph Mathew Guerra THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 6-16-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. April 29, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV140237 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the



‘¡TODOS EN BICI! Por Rosario Vital - El Observador ¡Todos en bicicleta! Fue una gran celebración que tuvo lugar el pasado 14 de mayo en San José. A esta especial celebración se unieron trabajadores y autoridades locales. El Observador encontró al Concejal Sam Liccardo entre la calle Cuarta y San Fernando quien nos confesó usa su bicicleta tres veces por semana. “Uno ahorra mucha gas, se cuida la salud y cuidamos el medio ambiente”, aseguró. El Concejal del Distrito 3 instó a su comunidad a usar la bicicleta como medio de transporte. En los próximos días tiene programado entregar cascos a los estudiantes de Washington Elementary School. “El número de pacientes con diabetes está creciendo y queremos tener niños sanos”, dijo Lic-

cardo. En la ciudad de San José, un promedio de 20 mil personas usan la bicicleta como medio de transporte. En el día de “todos en bici”, salieron 40 mil ciclistas en la ciudad del valle del silicio. Por su parte la ciudad regaló cascos

a todos los ciclistas que pasaron por la Biblioteca de Martín Luther King. El Condado de Santa Clara instaló 60 estaciones energizantes, las cuales proveía agua, fruta y pan para los viajeros.


Concejal del Distrito 3 Sam Liccardo

“No fue pérdida total”

MAY 15 - 21, 2009 www.el-observador.com

¿Tienes el seguro de auto correcto? Mejor habla con un agente de State Farm, alguien que sí va a estar ahí cuando lo necesites. Obtén la protección que necesitas y AHORRA UN PROMEDIO DE $480 al año, sin cargos escondidos.* Llama ya.


Burch W Boehner Tressa L Williams Alexandra M Anderson Patricia L Money Aaron Sessions Insurance Lic. #: 0E02751 Insurance Lic. #: 0C81294 Insurance Lic. #: 0C11579 Insurance Lic. #: 0830118 Insurance Lic. #: 0F89400 3001 Winchester Blvd, Ste B 164 Los Gatos-Saratoga Rd 980 El Camino Real, Ste 350 1171 Homestead Rd, Ste 115 201 East Taylor Street, Ste 2 San Jose, CA 95112 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Campbell, CA 95008 Bus: 408-287-8190 Bus: 408-243-4400 Bus: 408-244-4400 Bus: 408-399-6669 Bus: 408-866-7766

Beatriz E Quezada Insurance Lic. #: 0F87618 111 N Market St, Ste 116 San Jose, CA 95113 Bus: 408-295-2900

P090060CA 4/09

Gabriela Ruvalcaba Insurance Lic. #: 0F70727 2180 Story Rd, Ste 203 San Jose, CA 95122 Bus: 408-251-8886

Michael P Murillo Insurance Lic. #: 0594606 1449 Park Ave, Ste 3 San Jose, CA 95126 Bus: 408-295-0554

Rose Mary Nuñes Frank Shao Insurance Lic. #: 0D55756 Insurance Lic. #: 0C54690 3467 McKee Rd 2690 South White Rd, Ste 230 San Jose, CA 95127 San Jose, CA 95148 Bus: 408-928-2828 Bus: 408-532-6680

*Puedes optar por pagar tu prima en cuotas por un cargo mensual de servicio de $1. Ahorros anuales promedio por casa basados en un estudio en California realizado a asegurados nuevos en el 2008 quienes reportaron haber ahorrado al cambiarse a State Farm. Las pólizas, formularios y notificaciones de State Farm están escritas en inglés. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL.

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