el observador Feb. 18th

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Photo By Rosario Vital

VOLUME 32 NUMBER 8 FEB 18 - 24 2011 www.el-observador.com



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|2| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

Llegaron las tarjetas inteligentes “Clipper” Por Rosario Vital El Observador


a Autoridad del Transporte del Valle de Santa Clara ha puesto en marcha el sistema de tarjetas inteligentes. Las tarjetas denominadas “clippers” harán que su viaje sea más práctico a la hora de comprar pases y sus pasajes a diario. Clipper es una tarjeta inteligente que permite a los clientes cargar en efectivo los pases mensuales para pagar los viajes en VTA o cualquier otro sistema de tránsito en el área de la bahía que aceptan estas tarjetas. Clipper es conveniente para los viajeros porque les permite ahorra su tiempo al realizar menos papeleo y hacer transferencias en las diferentes agencias. A toda prueba Una de las características claves de estas tarjetas es que tienen la capacidad de reemplazar el valor de dinero que tiene dentro. Puede ser que la pierda o se la roben y si está registrada no hay problema y recupera una nueva y el dinero que cargaba. Es decir funciona como una tarjeta de crédito, se reemplaza automáticamente por otro plástico el valor en efectivo o pases mensuales mediante la vinculación de una tarjeta de crédito / débito o cuenta bancaria a la tarjeta de Clipper. Uso en otros servicios de transporte Clipper también reconoce otro servicio de transporte como Caltrain, BART y AC. Los usuarios ya sean adultos, personas de la tercera edad o jóvenes también pueden empezar a cargar sus pases mensuales que pueden utilizar a partir del 1 de marzo. "Desde el inicio del programa, VTA se ha asociado con la Comisión Metropolitana de Transporte para llevar a los viajeros las tarjetas Clipper", dijo el gerente general de ATV Michael T. Burns. "El lanzamiento de Clipper es una nueva forma de hacer negocios, este sistema digital ofrece mayor comodidad para los pasajeros tomando el autobús de VTA y tren ligero." “Clipper es fácil de usar. El cliente simplemente pasa su tarjeta una vez por el dispositivo en los autobuses o en la plataforma del paradero. Una señal le indicará que ya puede subir a cualquier transporte público del VTA. Ese es el comprobante de pago. Cada vez que un cliente las pase, el dispositivo Clipper mostrará el importe cobrado por el viaje y el saldo de su tarjeta de Clipper”, dijo Lupe Solis vocera de VTA. Los clientes pueden adquirir tarjetas de Clipper en el centro de servicios y oficinas del VTA. Habrá personal de VTA en estos sitios para ayudar a los clientes con preguntas sobre las tarjetas “clipper”, también habrá estaciones con Internet para que los ususarios se inscriban y carguen automáticamente su tarjeta. Las tarjetas se pueden obtener en tiendas Walgreens. Muy pronto se ampliará la red de tiendas en el Condado de Santa Clara para que sea más conveniente para los clientes a obtener una tarjeta. Una está disponible al visitar www.clippercard.com/al por menor. Para obtener más información, por favor visite www.vta.org / clipper o llame al Servicio de VTA al 408-321-2300 o visite www.clippercard.com Clipper o llame al Servicio al Cliente 877-878-8883.

VTA Riders Will Be Able to Use Clipper Card


an José, Calif. –VTA customers will now be able to pay for rides using their Clipper card.

The Clipper card is a smart card which allows customers to load cash value and monthly passes to pay for rides on VTA or any transit system in the Bay Area that accepts Clipper. Clipper is a convenience for customers who will save time by carrying fewer paper passes and making transfers from different agencies more efficient. Other key features include the ability to replace the value of a lost/stolen card if the Clipper card is registered, and the ability to automatically load cash value or monthly passes by linking a credit/debit card or bank account to the Clipper card. VTA customers will be able to load cash value on their Clipper card and use it as fare on VTA bus and light rail. Clipper will also automatically recognize transfers from other transit agencies (from nearby Caltrain, BART, and AC Transit) on VTA bus and light rail. Customers can also begin to load (adult, senior, and youth) monthly passes which they can use beginning March 1, 2011. “From the program’s inception, VTA has partnered with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to bring Clipper to VTA customers,” said VTA General Manager Michael T. Burns. “Launching Clipper is a new way of doing business; this digital system offers further convenience for riders taking VTA bus and light rail.” Clipper is easy to use. The customer simply tags their Clipper card once on the Clipper device on the VTA light rail platform before boarding a light rail vehicle or tag as they get on a VTA bus. The tag is proof of payment. Every time a customer tags, the Clipper device will show the amount charged for the ride and the balance of their Clipper card. Customers can acquire Clipper cards at the VTA Downtown Customer Service Center and at the VTA River Oaks Administrative Offices. There will be VTA staff at these locations to help customers with questions about Clipper; there will also be Internet-enabled kiosks available for customers to sign-up for Clipper’s autoload feature. Clipper cards can be obtained from Clipper retailers, including Walgreens. VTA and Clipper are expanding the network of retailers in Santa Clara County to make it more convenient for customers to get a Clipper card. A current list is available by visiting www.clippercard.com/retail. For more information, please visit www.vta.org/clipper or call VTA’s Customer Service at 408-321-2300 or www.clippercard.com or call Clipper Customer Service at 877-878-8883. ∆


www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |3|

Collect our History Founding Families


It had amazing participation from youth and their schools. They were so pleased to see themselves reflected in this exhibit. Our county is a diverse blend of communities. Unfortunately, all history is not preserved with equal funding. Historical societies have traditionally preserved skewed contributions of some while overlooking the major contributions of others. The time to correct this distortion of history is now. Soon the youth who do not see themselves as part of history won’t bother to care. I know all of us care. What are the next steps? San Jose is also considered a cradle of history for northern and southern California because so many of the local natives were migrant workers who traveled up and down the state to find work. A history, that honors all, preserves the unity in this state. The youth will only learn the lessons of history if they see themselves included and connected to that past and included and connected to an inclusive vision of our collective future as an inclusive diverse community Publisher’s Note: Mrs. Teresa R. Hernandez is a kindergarten teacher at George Mayne School, Milpitas which is within the Santa Clara Unified School District. We hope it generates enough interest to attract funding. Tax-deductible contributions may be made to EL OBSERVADOR FOUNDATION, INC. founded 1983 as a community based non-profit organization. We have a program which would teach our youth to interview (in both English and Spanish languages) in order to collect the oral histories of elderly Latinos using new technologies, especially videographic journalism. Ideally, the historical experiences of all should be recorded and preserved so as to document the model of how Latinos have co-existed here in Santa Clara Valley for at least four centuries. Through the years things have been improving gradually. As in the historic Mexican Consulate/San Jose Independent Police Auditor Memorandum of Agreement.


ecent historical events have happened regarding local natives of Santa Clara County and/or the San Francisco Bay Area. Unfortunately, the youth no longer get their information from traditional print sources. It is for this reason that our local city and county leaders must begin to preserve the local past and present history in an online accessible site. Ideally an actual exhibit to engage the audience of all ages would be the best venue and a great tourist attraction too. The technologies of today with video display such as the “Museum of Tolerance” in Los Angles would be an awesome venue. I am a research person by nature and personal passion. I share the news of relevance whenever I can. However, most teachers, students or community members don’t have the time or training to do so. I want to have the diverse stories which mention local heroes (or victims) preserved as our community’s historical record. Our youth cannot learn from lessons of the past via history when those stories are not taught at school. The local school’s textbooks are generated in Texas. Local leaders, such as all of you, can have the most powerful impact on the future by letting our local youth know that they are a part of historical important developments. There are so many stories to share of significant historical importance right here in our community. Unfortunately, those historical figures honored are often remembered in an audience or venue directed at other adults. Who shares these stories with the youth of our community? Mr. Cortese, in your recent ‘State of the County’ you mentioned that this year 2011 is dedicated to the Child. I love the concept. I teach kindergarten students. These children absolutely love historical stories. However, as these children mature, they do not see their connection to history and soon lose interest. I am willing to work on a project based on the concept of ‘remembrances’. In Riverside, CA, my husband and I contributed to the historical presentation and exhibit of ‘Founding Families’ which contributed to local history. My husband’s (Benjamino Hernandez) family contributed artifacts and photos.

By Teresa R. Hernandez

By Hilbert Morales


he 2011 State of the City Address was delivered by Mayor Chuck Reed at the newly refurbished San Jose Civic Auditorium, 115 W. San Carlos Street, San Jose, CA 95113 on Thursday evening, February 17, 2011. The refurbishing was paid for using SJ Redevelopment funding and is an example of how civic funds are used to create jobs during recessionary times. After all the ‘Thank you’s were delivered, the Mayor presented the most important commentary towards the end of his address. In this economy, revenues have not increased while costs have continued to climb. One has to admire the leadership which was demonstrated by Mayor Reed in directly addressing the issue. He stated, “In the past 10 years, annual retirements increased by $90 million. In the next five years, they will increase by another $250 to $400 million and more on top of that in the future.” If current unfunded retirement contracts are not modified, then the majority of city revenues will be used to pay for retirement benefits. Can you imagine your taxes being used to pay for fewer civic services and more retirement benefits? It is a totally unacceptable vision of our future. Why is this so? It is because prior elected officials were willing to enter into contracts without having the full costs fully calculated and understood. The obligations entered into are ‘unfunded’ and pushed off into the future. Those former elected officials did not do their civic stewardship in a manner that took care of the people’s interest. Rather it is evident today that the special retirement interests of labor unions were more important than those of the city’s constituents who expect civic services delivered at reasonable costs. This is a microcosm of what has been going on for years at all levels of governments: Local jurisdictions (school boards, water districts, etc), city, county, state and federal levels. It is no wonder that certain jurisdictions have gone bankrupt. Fiscal reform is required now: sooner rather than later according to the information presented by the Mayor in graphic form for all to see and understand. During FY2010, the city’s work force was reduced by 800 positions; 150 individuals were demoted or laid off, including 49 firefighters and 25% of the remaining work force, including management took a 10% reduction in total compensation. While these may have been the frugal fiscal steps possible during

PUBLISHERS: HILBERT & BETTY MORALES HMORALES@EL-OBSERVADOR.COM A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109 99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113

2011 City of San Jose Challenges to be resolved







FY2010, this approach of cutting work force, demoting, and laying off workers is not the answer. The resolution of this pressing obligation also does not lie in the requirement of longer vesting periods and larger employee contributions. The answer lies in changing the current retirement plans: Elimination of bonuses & guaranteed increases of benefits; to require older retirement ages; early retirements result in reduced benefits; require higher employee contributions to retirement funds; and more. Another concept is to index payouts to the economic level being experienced. This also assumes that the global and national economies are operating at a sustainable level. This is not the case today. There are not guarantees in life. As our elected leader, the Mayor is to be commended for presenting detailed information which enables all to see why reform is necessary now. It is essential for any contract to be approved by the City Council members to have its full costs calculated and known prior to acceptance and enactment as policy. This is ‘transparency’ of a public issue at its best. The mayor stated reasonable boundaries for the future fiscal expenditures: a) Insolvency leading to bankruptcy is not acceptable; b) The recent civic experiences of Vallejo will not be repeated here; c) current retirement obligations will not be stopped; d) Unacceptable are an inadequate police and firefighter force, coupled with libraries and community centers being shut down. Essential public safety and civic services must be delivered. Now that the size and scope of this fiscal matter is on the table for all to see and understand, it is incumbent for all involved to step up to do the work needed for reasonable resolution. No less is required of all public and private leadership levels involved. Why should taxes be paid for civic services delivered in the past? Current budgeted funds paid into retirement escrow funds which grow over time through prudent investment, must be the source of retirement benefit payouts. The people are willing to vote if those involved cannot come to any reasonable agreement. And the informed voter is not willing to be exploited any longer. This is the main FY 2011 City of San Jose Challenges to be resolved.∆

EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.


|4| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

Affectionate twist to the emergency alert system By Cinthia Rodriguez – El Observador he County of Santa Clara launched the public awareness campaign “Who do you Love?” in 2010 and is slowly gaining momentum. They began the new year with a lovely strategy that allowed newlyweds to participate. Valentine’s Day continues to be a popular day to wed for couples in Santa Clara County. It’s also a day that many people associate with doing something special for loved ones. Couples that decided to get married during this year’s Valentine’s Day were given the opportunity to join the campaign that in the long run will show true love. “The County’s Emergency Alert Notification System is really important because we’ve noticed that natural disasters are happening everywhere, so we’re just trying to make sure that we’re ready to help the residents in Santa Clara County,” said Gwen Mitchell, Director of Public Affairs. As the newlyweds posed to be photographed, they were exposed to the latest way of encouraging friends and family to sign up for Alert Santa Clara County (SCC), the county’s emergency alert notification system. The photos are going to be on www.iloveyoupleasesignup.com, where the photo and a message can be sent. The photos will also be on display on the “Who do you Love” wall at the county building and on the county’s Facebook. AlertScc is a free, easy and confidential way to find out what to do and where to go during floods, fires, crime incidents, hazardous material incidents, infectious disease information and earthquakes. AlertSCC sends voice messages to all the land lines of Santa Clara County and can also send text messages once the number is registered. “We don’t want to over use it,” said Mitchell. “So if people get a message, it’s really serious.” The alert system has already been used in Morgan Hill to notify residents of the sexual assaults that were taking place in their community as well as a chemical spill in Sunnyvale. The county has also partnered with the Consulate of Mexico, making the alert system available in Spanish. Forty one couples tied the knot during this year’s Valentine’s Day. To schedule civil marriage ceremonies with the Office of the Clerk-Recorder, call (408) 299-5664 and for more information about the alert system, visit www.alertscc.com.


Domestic Violence Decreased in Santa Clara County T here were five (5) domestic violence related deaths in Santa Clara County last year according to the Santa Clara County Domestic Violence Death Review Committee. Of those 4 were murder/suicides (2 events) and 1 homicide. Of the five deaths, 2 were from the Asian community, 2 from the Caucasian community and one from the Hispanic community. No one from the African American or immigrant communities (less than 10 years in the U.S.) died this year. We also lost one person from our GLBT community. The ages of homicide victims ran from 28 to 70 years of age. One senior lost their life this year and this is the first such death in the senior community in over 5 years. No children lost their lives in domestic violence incidents this year and one child survived the loss of their only parent.

There was an indication of substance abuse in one case and in four cases the couples involved were separated, divorced or discussing either, at the time of the deaths. This continues to bolster the committee’s finding that the time of separation (or the discussion of it) is a very dangerous time for domestic violence victims. The Committee also discovered a number of similarities in the deaths. We have listed those as “red flags.” The list contains facts we deduced from the deaths we studied. They may not apply in every situation. These include: Separation or talk of it prior to the homicide. Extreme jealously, possessiveness. Prior unreported domestic violence. Unemployment or underemployment. Stalking behavior. Threats of suicide and or homicide.

Depression. Kidnapping or falsely imprisoning a victim. Perpetrators were also noted to be loners, with no real friends outside the relationship. Perpetrators controlled the victim financially and otherwise and became distraught at the discussion of any separation. The committee also noted that the perpetrators in these cases had attachment issues which started in their early years and early learning or emotional problems. Meticulous planning by the perpetrator prior to the death. Untreated and inadequately treated mental health issues. Access to handguns-legally obtained.

Newlyweds Harlan Howard and Angelita Howard from Sunnyvale.


www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |5|

Moore cumple lo que promete munidad, muchos de ellos activistas y otros residentes de esta zona que se ha visto afectada por la violencia y pandillas. Todos tuvieron la oportunidad de expresar sus inquietudes, sus preocupaciones. Moore respondió a todas las preguntas, creando con esto una buen punto de partida. Recordemos que Chris Moore en su primer discurso como Jefe de la Policía, dijo que desea recuperar la confianza con su comunidad. Al parecer Moore ya se puso manos a la obra y sentó a dialogar con los vecinos latinos. Moore admitió que su departamento necesita una cambio. También admitió que hay algunos policías no tratan bien a los residentes y va a tomar control sobre esto. El jefe policial también habló de las nuevas pólizas de incautación de vehículos. Dijo que no pueden cambiar cosas a nivel estatal. Sin embargo admitió que ellos tienen el poder de desvincular los chequeos de licencias con los

El Jefe de Policía de San José, Chris Moore se reunió con amigos y críticos en un encuentro informal en una residencia en el Este de San José. Por Rosario Vital El Observador


or primera vez en la historia de San José un jefe de policía acepta la invitación a la casa de un vecino en el Este de San José. Aarón Resendez invitó al Jefe de la Policía, Chris Moore para dialogar informalmente con miembros de la comunidad. Moore a pocos días de ser nombrado como Jefe del Departamento de Policía de San José, no dudó ningún instante en aceptar la invitación y compartió una plátic con los residentes durante dos horas. Reséndez ha sido crítico del departamento policial, sin embargo está abierto al diálogo. Para combatir a la delincuencia, a la violencia y hacer de San José una ciudad segura es importante trabajar en equipo. A la cita asistieron 30 miembros de la co-

Aarón Reséndez a lado de la oficial Diane Urban celebraron el éxito del diálogo entre la comunidad latina y el jefe de policía, Chris Moore.

B of A Grant Ensures Trainees’ Success


an Jose, CA: The Bank of America Charitable Foundation (B of A) awarded the Center for Employment Training (CET) a grant to provide support services to low income students attending job training at the CET Training Centers in Santa Clara County. The B of A support grant will help many trainees at CET currently facing daunting barriers to employment. Funds will pay for bus passes, uniforms and/or tools and materials, as

well as vouchers for meals. The support services grant represents an important resource and is vital to the success of many students who struggle with basic needs while attending daily training. Many of these students are unemployed, often with little or no means to support themselves while pursuing education and training. A long-standing belief of CET’s is: “We give a hand up, not a hand out.”

chequeos de ebriedad cada vez que pidan fondos a la Oficina de la Seguridad del Tráfico en California. Es decir que no sigan pidiendo licencias cuando el motivo es el control de la sobriedad. En los últimos años los retenes para control de conductores ebrios dieron como resultado una intimidación a la comunidad inmigrante sin licencias de conducir. “Estoy satisfecho que Moore conoce bastante bien a la comunidad. Fue una reunión que convocó a amigos y críticos y fue bastante productiva”, dijo Reséndez, quien por iniciativa propia inició este diálogo. La importancia no es hablar el idioma español sino entender a un grupo étnico. Eso parece indicar el encuentro informal de Moore con la comunidad latina. Moore no habla español pero sabe comunicarse bastante bien con los latinos y prueba de ello es la aceptación a la casa de los Reséndez en el Este de San José.


|6| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

Meeting the Tax Deadline


ashington, DC .-Penalties for late filing of tax returns can be harsh, but what can you do if you haven’t received the information you need from your employer or others? If you are waiting for

your Form W-2, mortgage interest statement, 1099 DIV or other documents that are necessary to complete your tax forms, it’s in your best interest to take action. IRS does not accept “failure to receive documents” as an excuse for failure

to file. If you haven’t received your W-2 form by January 31, it’s time to contact your employer. The IRS will be standing by to assist you at 800.829.1040 on that date and beyond. Before you make the

call, be sure you have the following information ready: your Social Security number, dates of employment and your employer’s name, address and phone number. IRS will not only contact your employer, but it will also send you a Form 4852 (a substitute Form W-2) to fill out in case you don’t receive the Form W-2 in time to make the tax deadline. In the old days, when the necessary tax documents didn’t arrive, there was no choice but to call your financial institution and spend what seemed like an eternity waiting on hold to speak to a customer service representative about retrieving the missing document. The Internet has changed

all that by allowing banks and mortgage lenders to post this information online. After you’ve established an online user name and password, most banks and mortgage lenders make the tax information you need available to you on their websites. Even if you accidentally tossed out some important tax documents along with the junk mail, you can easily access the numbers you need for your tax return. If you find you just can’t get the documentation together in time, another option is filing an extension. This will delay your filing deadline until October 17, 2011. With the penalty for not filing a tax return or an extension a stiff five percent

per month up to a maximum of 25 percent of the amount of tax due on the late-filed return, filing an extension is well worth the effort. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to file an extension for your state tax return. Please note: taxpayers should not confuse the extra six months the extension provides for filing with a postponement on paying. You’ll still need to estimate the taxes you may owe and submit that amount prior to April 18, 2011 along with Form 4868. To avoid paying a penalty, you must pay at least 90 percent of what you estimate you owe, or 100 percent of your 2009 tax liability. If you don’t pay in full, you’ll wind up owing four percent annual interest on the liability not covered. Filing a tax return can be daunting and stressful without the advice and guidance of a tax expert. A convenient, searchable directory of enrolled agents, the only federally-licensed tax practitioners, may be found at www.naea.org. Information provided by the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) is a nonprofit membership organization composed of tax specialists licensed by the US Department of the Treasury. NAEA members are dedicated to maintaining the highest professional standards and to increasing the integrity of the tax administration system.



he San Jose Giants will host their annual job fair on Saturday, March 5, 2011 from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM at Municipal Stadium. The San Jose Giants are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated individuals who are committed to providing our guests with a positive entertainment experience. Anyone interested in a part-time seasonal position on our game day staff must come to the stadium to complete the application and interview process.

Available positions include concessions staff, fun zone attendant, program and scorecard vendor, shift supervisor, ticket taker, Turkey Mike's BBQ staff and usher. Applications are available at Municipal Stadium or online at www.sjgiants.com. Anyone interested is encouraged to download the application and bring it with them to the job fair. For more information, contact the San Jose Giants at (408) 2971435 Ext. 45 or email info@sjgiants.com. All applicants must be a

minimum of 16 years of age. Employees will work a variety of events at Municipal Stadium, including San Jose Giants home games and special events from March through September. The two-time defending California League champion San Jose Giants begin the 2011 season on Thursday, April 7th at Lake Elsinore. The home opener at Municipal Stadium is scheduled for Thursday, April 14th against the Visalia Rawhide. For more information on tickets, please call (408) 297-1435 or visit www.sjgiants.com.


www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |7|

The Home Depot contratará más de 60,000 A

TLANTA, /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ -- The Home Depot®, el mayor vendedor de artículos para la mejora del hogar en el ámbito mundial, anunció hoy que contratará más de 60,000 asociados estacionales a tiempo para la celebración del segundo evento anual del Viernes Negro de Primavera. Al igual que el tradicional Viernes Negro que se celebra en la jornada siguiente al Día de Acción de Gracias con el propósito de dar comienzo en forma extraoficial a la temporada de compras para las fiestas, el Viernes Negro de Primavera de The Home Depot marca el comienzo de la temporada d e

compras más intensa para la mejora del hogar. Para hacer frente a la demanda, la compañía contratará y capacitará nuevos asociados estacionales en todos sus locales durante los meses de febrero y marzo. Asimismo, por segundo año consecutivo, The Home Depot estará agregando nuevos cargos permanentes de tiempo parcial y completo. "Como dijéramos anteriormente, la primavera es nuestra Navidad y nuestras actividades alcanzan su punto más alto durante esta temporada", manifestó Craig Menear, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Merchandising. "Contratar asociados estacionales y presentar ofertas irresistibles asegurará que nuestros clientes tengan todo el servicio, conocimiento profesional y valor que necesitan mientras procuran realizar proyectos en exteriores con el propósito de mejorar el aspecto de sus hogares". El Viernes Negro de Primavera será implementado en nuestros locales de un modo individual, sobre la base del clima y la geografía. Durante cuatro diferentes fines de semanas de primavera, los precios de cientos de los productos más buscados luego de la primavera serán rebajados significativamente, incluyendo una variedad de mercancías vivas y cuidado del césped; artículos eléctricos para uso en exteriores; productos de jardinería amigables con la ecología; artículos para patio y asadores. The Home Depot es el mayor vendedor al detalle de artículos para la mejora del hogar, con 2,247 tiendas en los 50 estados, el Distrito de Columbia, Puerto Rico, Islas Vírgenes de EE.UU., Guam, 10 provincias de Canadá, México y China. En el año fiscal 2009, The Home Depot tuvo ventas por $66,200 millones y utilidades provenientes de operaciones permanentes por $2,600 millones. La compañía emplea a más de 300,000 asociados. Las acciones de The Home Depot se cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York (NYSE: HD) y están incluidas en el promedio industrial Dow Jones y en el índice Standard & Poor's 500. (Foto proporcionada por prnewswire)


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Dreaming Nicaragua


Edward James Olmos

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|8| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

PG&E’s Employee Resource Groups Accepting Applications For 2011 College Scholarships


Una exhibición que educa

Los Olmecas en el Museo de Young


esoros de colecciones nacionales de México en exhibición en el Museo de Young. Considerada la “cultura madre” de Mesoamérica y reconocida como la civilización más antigua de América, los Olmecas desarrollaron un original y sofisticado estilo artístico durante el segundo milenio antes de Cristo. Los Olmecas son primordialmente conocidos por la creación de colosales cabezas, talladas en rocas gigantes, que han fascinado a los arqueólogos desde su primer descubrimiento a mediados del siglo XIX. Las cabezas monumentales continúan siendo de las más imponentes y hermosas obras maestras de la América antigua. La exhibición Los Olmecas que se quedará hasta mayo reúne por primera vez nuevos descubrimientos y monumentos que nunca han sido vistos por el público estadounidense y revela estudios de la cultura Olmeca y sus artefactos. El Museo de Young está localizado en el Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118.

AN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) today announced that its Employee Resource Groups (ERG) are now accepting scholarship applications from aspiring college students. The program will provide $500 to $5,000 in aid for college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary scholastic achievement and community leadership. All college-bound students living within PG&E’s Northern and Central California service area are welcome to apply. In 2010, the utility's Employee Resource Groups awarded $275,000 in scholarships to help 175 students with their college expenses. To apply for a scholarship, students need to complete a basic and supplemental application. Details, including award criteria and applications, are posted on the PG&E scholarship website at www.pge.com/about/community/scholarships/. Completed applications must be postmarked and mailed to the specific Employee Resource Group by February 28, 2011. This year, the following ERGs are providing substantive awards: · Black Employees Resource Group will award scholarships of $1,000 to $5,000 to at least 10 college-bound high school seniors and continuing students. ·InspirAsian Employees Resource Group will award $2,000 scholarships to at least 10 college-bound high school seniors. Latino Employees Resource Group will award scholarships of $500 to $1,000 to up to 30 eligible students. Samahan Employees Resource Group will award scholarships of $1,000 to $2,000 to at least 10 college-bound high school seniors. Pride Network Employees Resource Group will award $5,000 scholarships to at least five students for their service to the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender community. This application form is separate from the form mentioned above but is also available on our website. Women's Network Employees Resource Group will award multiple scholarships to deserving students. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, with 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of the nation’s cleanest energy to 15 million people in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit www.pge.com/about/newsroom.

Scholarships for Junior Students


tudents Rising Above is for the exceptional junior student who is “beating the odds” and dreams of going to college. Students must meet the following criteria: Strong strength of character. Have overcome obstacles that are not of their own making. From a low-income family. Can be highly recommended by a teacher,

counselor or mentor. Lives within the Bay Area. Committed to earning a four-year college degree. Willing to share their personal story. Maintaining a 3.0 or higher gpa. If you think your student, or you know of a student, who meets these criteria, have them apply online to www.studentsrisingabove.org. This is a

highly competitive scholarship. The deadline to apply is April 4, 2011. The Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship is for junior student-athletes who make positive contributions to their sports environments. These student-athletes help create positive contributions on three levels: Personal Mastery: Making oneself better. Leadership: Making one’s teammates better.

Honoring the Game: Making the game better. The award will encourage the application of skills learned ‘on the field’ towards a successful future. A personal statement, two letters of recommendation and a minimum 2.5 gpa are required. Ten applicants (5 boys and 5 girls) will receive $2,000 awards. To receive more information and the application go to www.positivecoach.org. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2011.


www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |9|

Register Now for April ACT Test


El Centro Latino Smithsonian anuncia las oportunidades de liderazgo


ASHINGTON, DC — El Centro Latino Smithsonian ya está aceptando solicitudes para el programa de Jóvenes Embajadores 2011, que tendrá lugar del 19 de junio al 29 de julio. La fecha límite para entregar las solicitudes será el viernes, 8 de abril, antes de las 5 p.m. EST. Para más información respecto al proceso, visite www.latino.si.edu/education. El programa de Jóvenes Embajadores es un programa nacional, interdisciplinario para el desarrollo del liderazgo que se ofrece para los estudiantes que se graduarán este año de la escuela secundaria, con el objetivo de fomentar el orgullo de la cultura latina y promover la educación superior, además de exponer a los estudiantes al arte, las ciencias y las humanidades, por medio de la Institución Smithsonian y sus recursos. Serán seleccionados hasta 24 estudiantes que participarán en un seminario de capacitación por una semana de duración en Washington D.C., seguido de una pasantía de cuatro semanas en un museo o institución cultural en sus comunidades locales. Los estudiantes se reúnen y trabajan con expertos en las

áreas de historia, ciencia y las artes. Además, el programa les ofrece la oportunidad de adquirir conocimientos y destrezas prácticas y transferibles que podrán aplicar a su educación y futuras carreras profesionales. “Sentimos que el programa de Jóvenes Embajadores les ofrece a los jóvenes una oportunidad única e importante para ampliar sus conocimientos e infundirles orgullo por su herencia latina”, comentó Eduardo Díaz, director del Centro Latino. “Además adquieren conocimientos acerca de posibles carreras que podrían seguir en el futuro. Estoy feliz del hecho que el Smithsonian, con el apoyo de Ford Motor Company Fund, continúa respaldando este proyecto”. La selección de los jóvenes se basa en el interés, el compromiso y la excelencia demostrada en las artes, ciencias y humanidades, así como en el expediente académico, las experiencias de liderazgo y la dedicación a la educación y al servicio a la comunidad. El programa de Jóvenes Embajadores está patrocinado por Ford Motor Co. Fund, e incluye alojamiento y comidas por la duración del seminario

de capacitación de una semana, el viaje ida y vuelta a Washington, D.C. y un estipendio de programa. “La educación es una de nuestras prioridades primordiales, por lo que estamos orgullosos de apoyar el progreso de los jóvenes líderes latinos y de poder ofrecerles esta oportunidad única en la vida, a través del complejo de museos del Smithsonian” expresó Jim Vella, presidente de Ford Motor Co. Fund and Community Services. El Centro Latino Smithsonian es una división de la Institución Smithsonian dedicada a asegurar que los aportes latinos a las artes, las ciencias y las humanidades sean destacados, comprendidos y promovidos. El Centro lleva a cabo esta labor mediante el desarrollo y apoyo de programas públicos, la investigación académica, las colecciones de museos y las oportunidades educativas en la Institución Smithsonian y sus organizaciones afiliadas en todos los Estados Unidos y en el ámbito internacional. Para más información sobre el programa Jóvenes Embajadores y el Centro Latino de Smithsonian, visite www.latino.si.edu.

OWA CITY, IOWA— Registration is now open for the April 9, 2011 ACT achievement test. Students who wish to take the college admission and placement exam must register before March 4, 2011. The ACT is a curriculumbased achievement exam. It tests what students have actually learned in school, not their aptitude for learning. The ACT also measures what students need to know to be ready for first year credit-bearing college courses based on ACT College Readiness Standards. Every student’s results can be tied directly to these consistent standards. The ACT has four sections—English, mathematics, reading and science—and takes about three hours to complete. Students who take the ACT Plus Writing complete an optional writing test that requires an additional 30 minutes. Unlike other exams, students are not penalized for guessing or answering all the questions on each test section. In fact, it is beneficial for test takers to answer all questions within the time allowed. During registration, students may select up to four universi-

ties to receive their score reports. ACT scores are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities across the United States. ACT reports scores only when requested to do so by the student. Additional score reports are available for a small fee. All students complete a detailed inventory of questions during ACT registration. Each test taker receives an ACT score report that includes a wide variety of information to assist with high school course selection, college readiness, career planning, and college admissions. The cost for the ACT test without writing is $33. When combined with the optional ACT Writing Test, the total cost is $48. Students who qualify

may apply for a fee waiver through their high school counselor. The ACT website, www.actstudent.org, has helpful information, free sample items, and options to order inexpensive test prep materials to assist test takers get ready for the exam. However, the best preparation is to take rigorous core courses in school, study hard, and learn the academic skills needed in college. Most students register online at www.actstudent.org. Students may also pick up registration forms from their high school counseling offices. Late registration is available until March 18, 2011 for an additional $21 fee.


|10| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

Have a heart – save homes

By Cinthia Rodriguez – El Observador


Read us Online www.el-observador.com

his Valentine’s Day, low-income tenants and their supporters spoke out against proposed cuts in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) budget at the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto. The president’s budget provides $41.7 billion to HUD. Funding for several program s will be reduced. This can include over 25,000 Section 8 tenants cut off from federal assistance in California, including several thousand families in Santa Clara County. It can also mean cuts to homelessness programs. “There are no programs for people that have no money but nobody needs to be on the streets,” said Joyce Osagiede, CoPresident, Tenants Council. Osagiede grew up in Palo Alto and is currently unhoused. She has been living at the Opportunity Center for two years while organizing against the proposed budget cuts. “Save our homes, we love you,” read the card. Opportunity Center Tenants Council, Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County and InnVision created and delivered Valentine’s Day cards addressing the housing problems to Assembly member Rich Gordon (D- Redwood City) and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D- San Jose). “I will continue to fight against these cuts so that those struggling in our community and across the country are given the assistance they need to weather this current economic crisis,” Zoe Lofgren, in a released statement. The action was part of a national movement organized by the National Alliance of HUD Tenants, in over 20 cities including Portland, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, and San Francisco. For more information, visit: www.saveourhomes.org.

www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |11|

|12| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com


New tips for opening the lines of communication with your doctor

(ARA) new year is here and for many baby boomer women, that means getting back on track with their health and wellness - eating right, exercising and scheduling those overdue doctor's appointments. However, a new survey reveals that boomer women may not be so quick to dial their doctor when it comes to issues with their personal health. Only 16 percent of baby boomer women are likely to discuss a taboo topic with a physician. Additionally, more than two-thirds are less likely to seek out a physician if they consider their condition to be a "normal part of aging," according to the TENA Boomer Women's Health Survey, conducted by TENA, the leader in incontinence products and services. In 2011, the first of the 77 million baby boomers will turn 65 years old. More than half of them are women, who as they age, may find themselves experiencing new and sometimes uncomfortable conditions which they consider to be a "normal part of aging." Many of the personal health conditions that


baby boomer women may experience however, such as bladder weakness and low sex drive, are not symptoms of aging and most can be managed with the help of a physician. Once boomer women are in the doctor's office, the stigma doesn't cease. The survey also found that over one quarter of women felt uncomfortable, embarrassed or judged when they discussed a personal health issue with their physician. Furthermore, although bladder weakness and low sex drive ranked as the top two most embarrassing conditions to discuss with doctors, the same two conditions also ranked as the issues that were brought up the least by physicians. "If doctors aren't asking and patients aren't speaking up, then women may needlessly suffer for years with what may in fact be a manageable condition," says Dr. Cynthia Hall, MD, FACOG, Founder and Director of the Center for Women's Continence and Pelvic Health at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. "I often have to coax information out of my patients to identify problems they may be experiencing, so I know that it is especially important that doctors spark the conversation

because their patients may be embarrassed or reluctant to." Nervous about talking to your doctor about your symptoms at your next check up? Here are some tips from TENA on communicating openly and honestly with your doctor: Don't be timid, be tenacious: Talking about taboo health conditions, such as bladder weakness, can be hard, but you deserve to live your life free from symptoms that hold you back. Speaking up about the symptoms you've been experiencing will help your doctor help you to manage your condition. Not ready to talk to your doctor yet? Work your way up by confiding in a friend or family member. Do your homework: Doing some research before your appointment could go a long way in helping you identify your condition and management options that you can ask your doctor about. Not sure where to start? Check out www.betenacious.net for information on the causes and symptoms of some common conditions that women experience, such as bladder weakness. Take notes: Keep track of your symptoms and the times when they are most prevalent and bring those notes with you when you visit your doctor. If you get nervous, having notes there will help you stay on topic and remember the little details. Also, having notes to share with your doctor will provide more background on the condition they may notice patterns that could indicate triggers or causes of your condition. For more information about and results from the TENA Boomer Women's Health Survey, visit www.betenacious.net.

Ultrasound: An Essential Part of Prenatal Care (NewsUSA) or many moms-to-be, a first ultrasound is a life changing experience -- it can also be a life saving moment for the child they're carrying. While ultrasounds have been used in prenatal care for many years, new technology is changing the face of obstetrical care. Today, doctors can use 3D and 4D imaging capabilities along with "conventional" 2D ultrasound, allowing them to examine everything from a baby's developing brain to its arms and legs. They can even see a fetal heart the size of a dime. These new capabilities can help doctors detect problems that could put babies at risk. "Thanks to early detection through prenatal care, medicine can often save at-risk babies who would have been lost a generation ago," said Dr. Jacques Abramowicz, Frances T. and Lester B. Knight professor, director of Ob/Gyn Ultrasound and Co-Director of the Rush Fetal and Neonatal Medicine Center in Chicago. "But we can only make a difference if moms take the initiative to see their doctors and see them early in their pregnancy." According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 4 million American women will give birth this year, and nearly one-third will experience some kind of complication. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration says babies born to mothers who receive no prenatal care are five times more likely to die and three times more likely to be born at low birth weight than those whose mothers receive prenatal care. Prenatal care provides a wide range of support, including medical care, education and counseling. Ultrasound is often a critical part of that all-important care. By providing pregnant women "with important information and sometimes an early warning if there could be a bump in the road ahead, ultrasound aids physicians in making better diagnoses, which helps moms make better choices for their babies and themselves," said Janice Blackwell, vice president, Ultrasound Global Marketing, for Philips Healthcare.



www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |13|

Office manager Carol Ong receives the Valentine’s Day card for Senator Elaine Alquist.

Preserving love during fiscal hardship By CinthiaRodriguez El Observador


s part of a Bay Area effort, Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) got together with members of a few south bay organizations to present a special Valentine’s Day card to state elected officials. Among the recipients were Senator Elaine Alquist (D-Santa Clara) and Assembly member Jim Beall (D-San Jose). “We love Medi-Cal, IHSS, CalWORKS, health care, and child,” read the card. Upon delivery, the coalition also sang to the recipients and made it clear that the card should serve as a reminder

against proposed budget cuts, especially health care and human services. The red homemade Valentine cards were signed by members of SIREN, Silicon Valley Independent Living Center, California Alliance for Retired Americans, and California Nurses Association, organizations fighting on behalf of California’s families, seniors, and people with disabilities and others for a California Family Recovery Budget. The California Family Recovery Budget strives to create and maintain jobs, provide a strong safety net when there are no jobs and bring in state and Federal funds for the relief of struggling families. “I’m worried about all of

the programs,” said Greg Miller, RN. “The legislature needs to find a way to raise revenue to preserve programs, which working people really depend on.” Along with supporting the revenue proposals by Governor Brown, the coalition would like to see even more additional revenue to mitigate cuts. In accepting the customized card, the representatives of the elected officials discussed the importance of the programs. The coalition referred to the programs as a matter of life and death. The members also urged the representatives to remind the elected officials to keep voting to save the essential services.


Mexicanos esperan con ansias a Enrique Iglesias


iami, (Notimex).- El cantante español Enrique Iglesias anunció que ofrecerá un tercer concierto de su gira “Euphoria” en la Ciudad de

México. La nueva fecha en el Auditorio Nacional será el próximo 2 de marzo y se añade a las presentaciones pautadas para el 28 de febrero y 1 de marzo en el “Coloso de Reforma”, mientras que los boletos saldrán a la venta este martes, según informó el cantante en su cuenta “Twitter”. La gira mexicana del intérprete de temas como “Cuando me enamoro”, “Tonight” y “I like it” iniciará el 23 de febrero en Monterrey, Nuevo león y después los días 25 y 26 en Guadalajara, Jalisco. Iglesias, de 35 años, inició su gira mundial en Puerto Rico el pasado 31 de enero y después de su visita a México continuará en un buen número de ciudades europeas incluidas Londres, París y Helsinki. En su más reciente actuación la semana pasada el Seminole Hard Rock Cafe & Casino de Miami además de su novia Ana Kournikova estuvo arropado por sus hermanos Julio José, así como Miguel, Rodrigo, Cristina y Victoria junto a su madre Miranda, la pareja de su padre Julio Iglesias.

“Daría todo por ti”

|14| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com


uego de una exitosa gira la Banda Pequeños Musical promueve su reciente producción discográfica llamada “DARIA TODO POR TI”, del cual se desprende el sencillo promocional homónimo. Asimismo, de éste tema se está dando a conocer un videoclip, que ha sido muy bien recibido por los

seguidores de este popular grupo. La banda está buscando la originalidad y el dinamismo en su estilo musical, este hecho los ha colocado en un lugar importante en el gusto del público. Un sitio bien merecido, que se han ganado a base de esfuerzo y perseverancia. ∆

Romeo nominado para los Billboard



Romeo de Aventura.

iami.-(F & F Media Corp.) Es muy famoso como el líder del grupo de bachata Aventura. Pero su labor no solo es sobresaliente como vocalista, Romeo es dueño de un gran talento como compositor y su obra se destaca, por su originalidad, como uno de los cantautores más importantes surgidos en los últimos años. Romeo se medirá en el renglón de “Compositor del Año” frente a figuras de gran reconocimiento en el campo de la composición. Entre los temas del cantautor de origen dominicano, se destacan “Obsesión”, “Dile al Amor”, “Por un Segundo”, “El Malo” y “Su Veneno”, entre muchas otras. Los Premios Billboard, que honran lo mejor de la música latina cada año, se realizarán durante una ceremonia que se transmitirá en directo el 28 de abril desde el BankUnited Center de la Universidad de Miami. Las nominaciones fueron anunciadas hoy jueves durante una transmisión especial en vivo del programa “Levántate” de la cadena Telemundo. Los galardones destacan a los discos, canciones y cantantes más populares en su género, basándose en las ventas, informes radiales y actividad en las redes sociales que componen la lista semanal de la revista Billboard.


www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |15|

America’s Movie By Cinthia Rodríguez – El Observador


ith very few movies to relate to, Latinos have something to look forward to during this year’s Cinequest Film Festival. They will be able to attend a world premiere of America, a film about

a hotel housekeeper in Puerto Rico. The 95 minute drama is based on the novel ‘America’s Dream’ by Esmeralda Santiago. Her second novel to be made into a feature film, the only difference from the first is that America is not biographical - yet it deals with real life events.

Cosas insignificantes

Es una producción de Guillermo del Toro y cuenta con la actuación de Barbara Mori

Both tell the story of America, a woman who works in a Vieques Hotel, lives with an alcoholic mother, her teenage daughter, while in a violent relationship with the father of her daughter. “Although the story takes place in the Caribbean, it’s not all sunshine, her story is a strong one,” said Frances Lausell, producer of

America during a phone interview with El Observador. Lausell worked with Mexican director Sonia Fritz while doing most of the filming in her home of Puerto Rico, and even though the duo finds it easy to identify with women stories, the director considered it one of the most challenging ones. Fritz, who has worked with immigrant issues wanted something without the stereotypical problems and referred to the film as an immigration story, but not the typical one. America, played by Lymari Nadal, decides to move to the United States willing to start a new life, learns to overcome difficult situations and chooses a healthier way of life. “I hope they can connect with a story about empowering,” said Fritz. Fritz also hopes people get inspired and leave the theater wanting to do better in life and taking any positive message they see on screen. “For us, it’s about opening doors not only for America but the Caribbean,” said Lausell. The world premiere of America will be on March 3, playing at the California Theater during the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose. It will premiere in Puerto Rico on March 10 and will also be featured in a film festival in Guadalajara, Mexico during the end of March. The duo considered that appropriate, considering March is Women’s month. “We had a good time and it shows at the end,” said Fritz. For more information about tickets and scheduling, visit: www.cinequest.org.

I am Number Four



a película se trata de Esmeralda, una niña de trece años que tiene una extraña obsesión: colecciona objetos perdidos u olvidados por gente que no conoce y los guarda en una caja debajo de su cama. Esta es la historia de tres objetos “insignificantes” y de la gente detrás de ellos, todos de alguna manera incapaces de conectarse con quienes más aman. “Cosas insignificantes” puede verlo por Cinelatino este sábado, 19 de febrero y este jueves, 24 de febrero.

hree are dead. He is Number Four. D.J. Caruso (“Eagle Eye,” “Disturbia”) helms an actionpacked thriller about an extraordinary young man, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), who is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events—his first love (Dianna Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.

|16| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

WWW.LATINOLIFE.NET FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548073 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Avalon, 900 Winchester Blvd. #3, San Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Frank Giacomelli, 151 Buckingham Dr. #215, Santa Clara, CA 95051. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Frank Giacomelli Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/15/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548042 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Sunnie Cleaning Service, 3007 Hills Dr., San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara C o. Francisco Mata, 3251 Monr oe St., Santa Clara, CA 95051. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Francisco Mata Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/14/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548065 The follo wing person(s) is(ar e) doing business , Coast2Coast, C oast2Coast Impe x, 530 La wrence Expwy, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, Santa Clara Co. Ravinder Singh, 1308 Bing Drive, San Jose, CA 95127. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ravinder Singh Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/14/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548009 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Alba’s Tours, 945 Thackeray Lane, San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. Alba M Lopez, 945 Thackeray Lane, San Jose, CA 95116. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 02/11/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Alba M. Lopez Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/11/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548005 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Fuji Garden Center, 1815 Mon terey Rd ., S an Jose , C A 95112, Santa Clara Co. Green Valley Landscape, Inc., 190 Espinosa Rd., Salinas, CA 93907. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 06/07/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Green Valley Landscape Inc. Mariana Mori/Secretary Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/11/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548013 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Giancarlo Bistro, 16180 Mon terey Rd., Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Santa Clara Co. Melissa R Garcia, 2261 Plummer Ave, San Jose, CA 95125. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Melissa R Garcia Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/11/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 548011 The follo wing person(s) is(ar e) doing business , Newmeyer Transporters, 5585 Eagles Ste #3, San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. Robert Newmeyer, 5585 Eagles Lane #3, San Jose, CA 95123. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 05/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Robert Newmeyer Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/11/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547966 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Readwright, Bijoux, Golden State Gift Baskets, Catalyst Industries, C atalyst Ar t Renditions Limit ed, 483 Alexander Wy, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Ghislaine Landre, 483 Alexander Way, Milpitas, CA 95035, Carl Baltrunas, 483 Alexander Way, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 11/21/91. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ghislaine Landre Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/10/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547906 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, PeopleBees, 1596 Peacock Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co. Nambi Sankaran, 1596 Peacock Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Geetha Veeramuthu, 1596 Peacock Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/03/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true informa tion which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Nambi Sankaran Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/09/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547900 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Las Lomas Apartments, 4525 Parker Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820, Santa Clara Co. Satya Kalra, 96 Rooster Ct., San Jose, CA 95136. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Satya Kalra Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/09/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547840 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Image Event Photography, 621 Tully Rd., Suite A211, San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Quyen Kim Tang, 1508 Berona Way, San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 02/08/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Quyen Kim Tang Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/08/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547772 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Shanghai Gar den, 1701 L undy Ave #110, S an Jose , C A 95131, Santa Clara Co. Lavender Investment Inc., 1715 Lundy Ave #168, San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Lavender Investment Inc Sujuan Li/President Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/07/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547750 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, West Coast Silicon, 879 S McGlincy Lane, Unit A, Campbell, CA 95008, Santa Clara Co. Wayne Campbell, 16331 Englewood Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95032, Gloria C ampbell, 16331 Englewood Ave., Los Gatos, CA 95032. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, registrants began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 04/01/01. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Wayne A Campbell Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/07/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547728 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, ODMD, 1027 W San Fernando St., San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Aaron Desmet, 1027 W. San Fernando St., San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an


individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed her e in 02/04/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Aaron Desmet Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/04/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547628 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Pacific Coast Legal Services, 772 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Krista Cantu, 772 N. First St. San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not y et begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Krista Cantu Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/03/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547556 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Santa Teresa Dental, 16160 Monterey Rd. Ste A, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Santa Clara Co. Andrew Huang, DMD, Professional Dental Group, 16160 Monterey Rd., Suite A, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed her e in 09/01/2005. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ann Lien Vice President Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/02/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547543 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Centro Espiritual, 621 Tully Rd. Suite A 141, San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara C o. Martha V. Bermudez, 358 Grandin Ct., San Jose, CA 95123. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Martha V. Bermudez Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/01/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547168 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Valley Wellness Health Group, 1066 Saratoga Ave., Suite 120, San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara Co. Tam Ly, 250 W El Camino Real #5211, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true information which he or sh e knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Tam Ly Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/26/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547042 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Cobra Legal Assistance, 111 Village Lane, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Santa Clara Co. William Filice, 111 Village Lane, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) William Filice Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/24/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546970 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Cherry Chase Dental, 647 S B ernard Ave, Sunnyvale, C A 94087, Santa Clara Co. Thu X Nguyen Trustee of DangNguyen Revocable Trust, 1280 Montclaire Way, Los Altos, CA 94021, Dan T. Dang Trustee of Dang-Nguyen Revocable Trust, 1280 Montclaire Way, Los Altos, CA 94024. This business is conducted by a Trust, registrants began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 12/01/1996. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Thu X Nguyen Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/21/11.

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV194352 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Jack Chu and Cynthia M Chu, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Jack Chu and Cynthia M. Chu have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Charlayne Jiami Chu to Charlay Jiami Chu. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/12/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four suc cessive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 15, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV194335 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Griselbi Hernandez, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Griselbi Hernandez has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Diana Hernandez Ruiz to Diana Ruiz Hernandez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indica ted below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 15, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV194335 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Farideh Zamani, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Farideh Zamani has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Farideh Zamani Esfahani aka Farideh Z amani Isfahani, aka F arideh Z amani t o Farideh Zamani, THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Observador, a newspaper of gener al cir culation, prin ted in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 10, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV194111 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the ma tter of the applica tion of : Shuxian L ou & Yanchun Zhou, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Shuxian Lou & Yanchun Zhou, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Shao zhi Lou to Andy Shaozhi Lou. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 10, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV194112 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Chi Thieu Hoang, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Ci Thieu Hoang has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Chi Thieu Hoang to Christine Chi Hoang. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Observador, a newspaper of gener al cir culation, prin ted in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 10, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain


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Discriminación en la vivienda es ILEGAL! Llama a la “Vivienda Justa” al




4408.439-8544 Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 547919 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Corporate Valet Cleaners & Americ Laundr y and Dry Cleaning, 4500 The Woods Dr.. # 3303, San Jose, CA 95136 . Filed in Santa Clara County on 06/26/2009 under file no. 525990. Alqueen Landsberg, 4500 The Woods Dr. # 3303, San Jose, CA 95136 . This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Alqueen Landsberg Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/09/2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 547905 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Lou Nails, 319 S. Monroe Street, San Jose, CA 95128. Filed in Santa Clara County on 05/28/08 under file no. 510009. Duong Nguyen, 11422 Garden Terrace Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014 . This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Duong T. Nguyen Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/09/2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 547164 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Avalon, 900 Winchester Blvd. #3, San Jose, CA 95128. Filed in Santa Clara County on 05/27/2008 under file no. 509200. Charles F innegan, 680 San Luisito Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 . This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Charles K Finnegan Feb. 18, 25; March 04, 11, 2011. This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/26/2011. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547740 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Chrismar, 10250 Johnson Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Claudia Alvarez, 10250 Johnson Ave, Campbell, CA 95014, Marcos Espitia, 10250 Johnson A ve, Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed her e in 1/01/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Claudia Alvarez Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/07/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547770 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Jovian Early Learning Center, 484 Sieber Court, San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Ngoc Van Do, 484 Sieber Court, San Jose, CA 95111, Jonathan Tran, 484 Sieber Ct., San Jose, CA 95111. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ngoc Van Do Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/07/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547707 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Rudebwoy 3ntertainment, 3288 Napa D r., S an Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Daniel Osi Perez, 3288 Napa Dr., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Daniel Osi Perez Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/04/11.

Legal Notices

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547680 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Thankful Strings, 1085 Tasman Dr. # 293, Sunn yvale, CA 94089, Santa Clara Co. Guang Ji, 1085 Tasman Dr. #293, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, Yuping Chen, 1085 Tasman Dr., #293, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 02/01/11. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Yuping Chen Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/04/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547619 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Chokeout Cancer, 301 E Santa Clara St. Suite D, San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara Co. Gina M Youssefpour, 301 E Santa Clara St. Suite D, San Jose, CA 95113. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Gina Youssefpour Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/03/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547585 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, United Test and B alance, 777 F irst Street #129, Gilr oy, CA 95020, Santa Clara Co. Thomas Hinmon, 777 First St. #129, Gilroy, CA 95020. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Thomas Hinmon Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/02/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547540 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Frequent Flosser, 7348 Phinney Way, San Jose, CA 95139, Santa Clara Co. William Lien, 7348 Phinney Way, San Jose, CA 95139. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) William Lien Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 2/01/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547469 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Hana Mineral, 1551 McCarthy Blvd. Suite 201, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Hana Micron America, Inc. 1551 McCarthy Blvd., Suite 201, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Soon Beom Lee Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/31/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547468 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Icon Vision Care, Icon Vision Care Optometry, 4155 Moorpark Ave #21, San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. Nguyen Optometric Corporation, 510 S. Keyes #401, San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sheknows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Nguyen Optometric Corporation Son T. Nguyen/President Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/31/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547309 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Happy Valley Florist, 18564 Prospect Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070, Santa Clara Co. Ramin Shirazi, 239 Carlton Ave., San Jose, CA 95124. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 01/01/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of

a crime.) Ramin Shirazi Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/28/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547099 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Astarcleaners.com, Astardrycleaners.com, 3440 Piemont Ct., San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Mohammad Beheshiaein, 3440 Piedmonte Ct., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mohammad Beheshiaein Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546913 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Thien Ly Buu Toa, 12695 S ycamore Ave., San Martin, CA 95046, Santa Clara Co. Cao Dai Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do Huynh Dao Thien Khai Thien Ly Buu Toa, 12695 Sycamore Ave., San Martin, CA 95046. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Cao Dai Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do Huynh Dao Thien Khai Thien Buu Toa Don Dang/General Secretary Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/24/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546913 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Warrior Spirit Martial Arts, 979 Fremont Ave., Los Altos Hills, CA 94024, Santa Clara Co. Warrior Spirit Martial Arts, 14085 Mulberry Ln, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022. This business is c onducted by a c orporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/17/11. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Warrior Spirit Martial Arts Suzanne Goodman/President. CEO Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/20/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546759 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Procon Concrete Construction, 19190 Calle Monis, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, S anta Clara C o. Jimmy Ledesma, 19190 Calle Moniz, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by a an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 05/22/1998. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true informa tion which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jimmy Ledesma Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/18/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546745 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Sexy Salon, 1199 King Rd., Suite 50, San Jose, CA 95122, Santa Clara Co. Gualberto Candia, 2353 Dobern Ave., San Jose, CA 95116. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/04/11. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Gaulberto Candia Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/18/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546737 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, The Good Fellows A/C & Heating, 3402 Antonacci Ct., San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Vanessa A. Lopez, 3402 Antonacci Ct., San Jose, CA 95148, Eduardo G. Medina, 3402 Antonacci Ct., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by copartners, registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.”(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Vanessa A Lopez Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/14/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546616 The follo wing person(s) is(ar e) doing business ,

NephoScale, Inc., 95 S Market St., Ste. 648, San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara Co. Silicon Valley Web Hosting, Inc., 95 S. Market St., Ste 648, San Jose, CA 95113. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 12/24/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Silicon Valley Web Hosting, Inc Bruce Templeton/CEO Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/13/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546579 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Angeles Jewelry, 3054 Alum Rock Ave., San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. Maria de los Angeles Contreras, 179 Nancy Lane, #11, San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or sh e knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria de los Angeles Contreras Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/12/11. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193925 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the applica tion of : David Kuohsien Chung, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, David Kuohsien Chung, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decr ee changing names as follo ws: a. Da vid Kuohsien Chung to David Kuo Chung. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four suc cessive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 08, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193905 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the ma tter of the applica tion of : D ean L ewis Stankiewicz, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Dean Lewis Stankiewicz, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Dean Lewis Stankiewicz to Dean Edward Lewis. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four suc cessive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 08, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193860 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Tina Ingrid Malm, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Tina Ingrid Malm, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Tina Ingrid Malm to Tina Ingrid Burke. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Observador, a newspaper of gener al cir culation, prin ted in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 08, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193879 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the applica tion of: Nora Isela L opez Ureña, Efrain Medina Lopez, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Nora Isela Lopez Ureña & Efrain Medina Lopez, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Efrain Medina Jr. to (first) Efrain (middle) Jr. (last) Medina Lopez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/15/11

Legal Notices at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 08, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193802 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Imran Husain, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Imran Husain, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Imran Husain to Isaac Huston. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 04/05/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 07, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV189393 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Neela Akbarzadeh, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Neela Akbarzadeh, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Neela Akbarzadeh to Neela Giana Dell’Amore. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/08/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 07, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192700 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ngoc Tram Thuy Le, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Ngoc Tram Thuy Le, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Han Hoang to Hanah Le. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/15/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 27, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192578 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Salvador de Jesus Garcia Martinez, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Salvador de Jesus Garcia Martinez, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Salvador de Jesus Garcia Martinez to Salvador de Jesus Garcia Olea. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 26, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV186702 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Hilda Islas Zamora, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Hilda Islas Zamora, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Angel Zaid Islas Aspier to Angel Zaid Aspier Islas. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 26, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 547310 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Happy Vally Florist, 18564 Prospect Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070. Filed in Santa Clara County on 01/09/2009 under file no. 518702. Luis V. Sanchez, 5057 Cordoy Lane, San Jose, CA 95124 . This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Luis V Sanchez Feb. 11, 18, 25; March 04, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/28/2011. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546486 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Asyst Robotic, LLC, 4214 Kingspark Drive, San Jose, CA 95136, Santa Clara Co. Asyst Robotic LLC, 4214 Kingspark Drive, San Jose, CA 95136. This business is

conducted by a limited liability corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Asyst Robotic LLC Dong Tran/President Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/10/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546370 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, The Screen Guys, 780 Union Ave., Campbell, CA 95008, Santa Clara Co. Chris Houge, 780 Union Ave, Campbell, CA 95008. This business is conducted by an individual , registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 11/1/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Chris Houge Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/06/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546497 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, America’s Tire Co., 75 Iron Point Road, Folsom, CA 95630, Santa Clara Co. Southern California Discount Tire Co., Inc, 13801 Danielson St., Poway, CA 92064. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 12/09/1982. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Southern California Discount Tire Co., Inc Douglas S. Wilson/Secretary Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/11/11.

under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 02/01/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Space Machining Inc Quang Vo/President Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/27/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547266 The following person(s) is(are) d oing business, East Side Hope Community Church, 2308 Ruby Ave., San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Manuael Mendoza, 2308 Ruby Ave, San Jose, CA 95148, Ronald A Ramos, 3491 Marten Ave., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an incorporated association other than a partnership, registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ronald A Ramos Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/27/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547324 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Pete’s Meats of San Jose, 6758 Endmoor Drive, San Jose, CA 95119, Santa Clara Co. Peter Schooley, 6758 Endmoor Drive, San Jose, CA 95119. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/01/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Peter Schooley Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/28/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546629 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, ARA Technology, Product Solutions, 1286 Anvilwood Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, Santa Clara Co. The MHC Group, 1286 Anvilwood Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/01/2006. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) The MHC Group Mardig Chakalian/President Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/13/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547335 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, DPMI Services, 813 Vista Del Mar, Aptos, CA 95003, Santa Clara Co. Della Penna Motorsports Inc., 813 Vista Del Mar, Aptos, CA 95003. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 1/25/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Della Penna Motorsports John Della Penna/President Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/28/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546834 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, DFC Auto Repair, 1025 S Winchester Blvd., San Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Hai Tra n, 397 Rudyard Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/01/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hai Tran Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/19/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547381 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Silicon Valley Estate Sales, 190 Stacia Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030, Santa Clara Co. Heather Johnstone, 190 Stacia Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030, Diana Kennedy, 16984, Frank Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95032. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 1/28/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Heather Johnstone Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/28/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546963 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, art Gallery at Oakridge, 925 Blossom Hill Road, #1382, San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. Yvette Ki, 1994 Garden Bing Cir., San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 12/09/1982. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Yvette Kim Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/21/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547083 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Smart Mobile Solutions Inc., 700 S Winchester Blvd., San Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Smart Mobile Solutions Inc., 700 S Winchester Blvd., San Jose, CA 95128. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 11/23/10. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Smart Mobile Solutions Inc. Allen Naderi Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/25/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547199 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Construction Performance Builders, 1361 S Winchester Blvd., Ste 103, San Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Terrence G. Osuga, 970B La Mesa Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 1/12/11. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Terrence G Osuga Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/26/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547201 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, West Bay Auto Dealer, 3005 Silver Creek Road, Ste 194, San Jose, CA 95121, Santa Clara Co. Brad Hung Le, 1615 Arguello Ct., Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Brad Hung Le Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/26/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547205 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Space Machining, 372 Martin Ave Unit 4, Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara Co. Space Maching, 372 Martin Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95050. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant began business

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547330 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Shiki Wok, 1060 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Kok Hwa Tan, 1505 De Rose Way, # 79, San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 10/08/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Kok Hwa Tan Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/28/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547426 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, KROM Software Solutions, Nebusoft Technologies, 909 Primrose Ave, Sunnyvale, Ca 94086, Santa Clara Co. Rahul, Kharkar, 909 Primrose Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Rahul Kharkar Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/31/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547410 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, South Bay Technologies, 28155 Christophers Lane, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, Santa Clara Co. Anna Tsao Lee, 28155 Christophers Lane, Los Altos, CA 94022. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 12/23/1996. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Anna Tsao Lee Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/31/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547429 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, M & C Appraisals, 6084 Dunn Ave., San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. Mark Sova, 6084 Dunn Ave, San Jose, CA 95123. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 7/16/2004. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mark Sova Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/31/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547403 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Memo’s Garden Service, 231- N San Tomas Aquino Rd., Campbell, CA 95008, Santa Clara Co. Rogelio Sanchez, 231-N San Tomas Aquino Rd., Campbell, CA 95008. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare

www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | 17 | that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Rogelio Sanchez Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/31/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547515 The following person(s) is(are) doing bus iness, BizDynamics, BizMentors, 1321 Winchester Blvd., Suite 220, San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. Kosmix Marketing Corp, 1321 S Winchester Blvd., Suite 220, San Jose, CA 95128. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ranjith Thiagarajan Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 2/01/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547201 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, P.C. Delivery Service, 445 Nelo St., Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara Co. Pedro Cruz, 2393 Donner Pl., Santa Clara, CA 95050. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 02/02/11. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Pedro Cruz Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 2/02/11. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192821 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ajith C Rohini/Leshmi C Nair, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Ajith C. Rohini/Leshmi C Nair , have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Chandra M Nair to Sekhar M Nair. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.27, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192790 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Joel Steven Vaughn, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Joel Steven Vaughn, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Joel Steven Vaughn to Joel Vaughn Cursaro. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.27, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV186579 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Vanessa Calderon & Kurtis John Young Jr., TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Vanessa Calderon & Kurtis John Young Jr., have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Kurtis John Young Jr. to Khalid Kajeme Aziz b. Alizé Attallah Aziz c. Crystale Lynette Young to Kristal Assata Aziz d. Maya Icess Young to Maya Isis Aziz. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.18, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192497 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Francisco Javier Navarro Jr., TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Francisco Javier Navarro Jr., has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Francisco Javier Navarro Jr. to Francisco Javier Navarro. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.25, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192816 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ricardo Reynoso Mercado/Graciela Reynoso, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Ricardo Reynoso Mercado/Graciela Reynoso, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ricardo Reynoso Mercado to Ricardo Reynoso b.Diego Reynoso De La Torre to Diego Reynoso c. Santiago Reynoso De La Torre to Santiago Reynoso. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107:

located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.27, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192945 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Fredy M Diaz Juarez y Rigoberta F. Juarez Mejia, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Fredy M Diaz Juarez y Rigoberta Juarez, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ashley Meleidy Juarez Mejia to Ashley Mileidy Diaz Juarez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.28, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192419 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Elvira Sanchez TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Elvira Sanchez, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Elvira Sanchez to Cynthia Sanchez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/22/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 31, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193074 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Choo Meng Ng, Huey Shian Yep, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Choo Meng Ng, Huey Shian Yep, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Keyah Ng to Ehong Ng. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/29/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.31, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV193362 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Hamid M Elshareif Mohamed, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Hamid M Elshareif Mohamed, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Hamid M Elshareif Mohamed to Hamid Mahmoud Elshareif. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/29/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Feb. 02, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 546998 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Hawaiian BBQ, 6233 Santa Teresa Blvd., San Jose, CA 95119. Filed in Santa Clara County on 07/03/2006 under file no. 480274. Chen Zhong, 17835 Calle Central, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Wang Xiu Mei, 17835 Calle Central, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business was conducted by husband and wife. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Xiu Mei Wang Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/24/2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 547397 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Donya Shipping Consulting, Donya Logistics, 222 Escuela Avenue #39, Mountain View, CA 94040. Filed in Santa Clara County on 09/09/2008 under file no. 513939. Mohsen Moohammadi, 222 Escuela Avenue #39, Mountain View, CA 94040, Nicole Christon, 222 Escuela Avenue #39, Mountain View, CA 94040 . This business was conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mohsen Mohammadi Feb. 04, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/31/2011. STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUISNESS NAME FILE NO. 547171 The following person(s)/entity(ies) has/have with-

drawn as a general partner(s) from the partnership operating under the following fictitious business name(s). USA Appliance Services, 2094 Royal Dr #7, Santa Clara, CA 95050. Filed in Santa Clara County on 02/04/2008 under file no.505034. Angelica Hernandez, 7406 Pegasus Way, San Jose, CA . I/We declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.(A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Angelica Hernandez Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2011 This Statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 01/26/2011 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546202 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Lucy’s Tamale Factory, Lucy’s Tamales, Tamales Lucy’s, LTF Food Products, 3739 Madeline Dr., San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. Damaris Lopez, 2745 Coltwood Dr., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by husband and wife, registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Damaris Lopez Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/03/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546113 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Pre ferred Legal Services, 2068 Walnut Grove Ave., San Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Anthony Catalina, 2068 Walnut Grove Ave., San Jose, CA 95128. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Anthony Catalina Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/29/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546158 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Butterfly Dental Care, Dental Practice of Jianye Chen Dental Corp., 4302 Moorpark Ave., San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara Co. Jianye Chen Dental Corp, 34924 Belvedere Ter., Fremont, CA 94555. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jianye Chen Dental Care Jianye Chen/President Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/30/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546143 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Emetus Business, 360 Meridian Ave, #210, San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Chrysantus Ogamba, 360 Meridian, San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Chrysantus Ogamba Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/30/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546522 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Pixel Layers, 1481 Japaul Lane, San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara Co. Steven Bui, 1481 Japaul Lane, San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/11/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Steven Bui Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/11/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546628 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Indo Spirit Trading Co., 1305 Blewett Ave, San Jose, CA 95125, Santa Clara Co. Johanna Lam, 1305 Blewett Ave., San Jose, CA 95125. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this state ment is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Johanna Lam Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/13/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546735 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, West Coast Classics + Customs, 1236 Thorpe Ct., Los Altos, CA 94024, Santa Clara Co. Brian Gomez, 1236 Thorpe Ct., Los Altos, CA 94024, Erica Stiles, 1236 Thorpe Ct., Los Altos, CA 94024. This business is conducted by husband and wife, registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Brian Gomez and Erica Stiles Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/14/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547289 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Reach Fitness Club, 707 High St., Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara Co. Reach Fitness Club, 1755 E Bayshore Rd. #8b, Redwood City, CA 94063. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Reach Fitness Club Darryl Brandon/President Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/27/11.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546825 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Gold Investments & Realty, 4300 Stevens Creek Blvd #270, San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara Co. Hen Shin Lu, 454 Harris Rd. Apt 1, Hayward, CA 94544. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 09/25/2006. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hen Shin Lu Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/19/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546964 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Alpha Notary Services, 3095 Edenbrook Dr., San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. John M Gutierrez, 3095 Edenbrook Dr., San Jose, CA 95148, Blanca E Gutierrez, 3095 Edenbrook, San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by husband and wife, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 02/25/2007. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) John Gutierrez Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/21/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547002 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Skyline Farms, 20514 Gist Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033, Santa Clara Co. Hans Johsens, 20514 Gist Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95033, Donna Ducca-Johsens, 20514 Gist Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95033. This business is conducted by husband and wife, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 09/30/2005. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hans Johsens Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/24/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547128 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Pets Konnect, 1481 Japaul Ln., San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara Co. Steven Bui, 1481 Japaul, Lane, San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/25/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Steven Bui Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/25/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547095 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, College Plus Consulting, 10265 Virginia Swan Place, Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Chaifen Jain, 10265 Virginia Swan Place, Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/20/2011. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Chaifen Jain Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/25/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547082 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Viru Delivery Services, 1939 Minto Dr., San Jose, CA 95132. Santa Clara Co. Virendra Patel, 1939 Minto Dr., San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Virendra Patel Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/25/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 546733 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Giga Network Services, 1901 OToole Way, San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara Co. Made By Desi INC., 1901 OToole Way, San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/14/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Made by Desi INC Manish Kadakia/CFO - Director Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/14/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547088 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, SJFITTED, 3454 Monroe St. 4 Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. Phu Duong, 3454 Monroe St 4 Santa Clara, CA 95051. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01/27/11. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Phu Duong Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/25/11. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 547159 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Silicon Valley Compucycle , SVC, 1498 Seareel Lane, San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara Co. Shervin Roohparvar, 11907 Woodhill Ct., Cupertino, CA 95014, Rodney Wang, 1202 Olivera Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/13/10. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Shervin Roohparvar Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/26/11.


ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV191125 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Yunxiang Guo, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Yunxiang Guo, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yunxiang Guo to Lisa Guo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/01/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.05, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV192263 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Dalia Borrego, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, Dalia Borrego, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Angel Eduardo Almazan Borrego to Angel Eduardo Cuevas Borrego. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the he aring indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/15/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.20, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV1912329 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Nutao Jiang and Wenjun Liu, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners, Nutao Jiang and Wenjun Liu, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Mya Songlan Jiang to Mia Songlan Jiang. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/15/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.21, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 111CV1912444 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: HongYen N. Flippen, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner, HongYen N. Flippen, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. HongYen N. Flippen to Sandy Flippen Nguyen. TH E COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/29/11 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan.24, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 546503 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Elegant Corner, 125 Bernal Rd #70, San Jose, CA 95119. Filed in Santa Clara County on 11/28/2005 under file no. 472231. Cynthia L Simmons, 3970 The Woods, Dr. #611, San Jose, CA 95119, Curtis J Simmons, 4133 De Mille Drive, San Jose, CA 95117, Cheryl McCloud, 784 Upton Ct., San Jose, CA 95136, James McCloud, 784 Upton Ct., San Jose, CA 95136. This business was conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Cynthia Simmons January 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/11/2011. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 547093 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Smart Bar Solutions, 12 S 1St Street, Suite 720, San Jose, CA 95113. Filed in Santa Clara County on 01/04/2011 under file no. 546269. Tom Thomatos, 1231 Valley Quail Circle, San Jose, CA 95120. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Tom Thomatos January 28; Feb. 04, 11, 18, 2011 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 1/25/2011. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 545941 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Global Auto D epot, 4950 Cherr y Ave. #46, S an Jose , C A 95118, Santa Clara Co. Cory Hunt, 4950 Cherry Ave., #46, San Jose, CA 95118. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Cory Hunt Jan. 21, 28; Feb. 04, 11, 2011. This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/22/10.

|18| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

Free Pruning Lessons Date: February 19 Time: 9:00am Location: Heritage Rose Garden Spring and Taylor Streets San Jose, CA 95110 Info: (408) 298-7657 Homebuyer Education Class Date: February 23 Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Location: Evergreen Library 2635 Aborn Rd. San Jose, CA 95148 Info: Doesn’t satisfy the requirement for certification that requires the 8 hour class Presentation: Dr. King’s Views Date: February 23 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Location: Room 525 MLK Library 150 East San Fernando Street San Jose, CA 95112 Free Women’s Health Forum Date: February 26 Time: 9:00am - 12:30pm Location: Sunnyvale Senior Center 550 E. Remington Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Info: (408) 286-8318 Coffee with Jim Beall Date: February 26 Time: 10:00am - 11:30am Location: Cup N Saucer 1375 Blossom Hill Rd. San Jose, CA 95118 Info: RSVP (408) 282-8920 or online www.asm.ca.gov/beall 70th Annual Camellia Show Date: February 26 Time: 2:30pm - 5:00pm Location: Community Rec. Center 969 Kiely Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 95051 Info: (408) 615-3080 CTC Flea Market Date: February 27 Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm Location: 749 Story Rd. San Jose, CA 95122 Info: Proceeds go to the CTC student fund Reflections on Spanish Conquest Date: February 27 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Location: Oakland Museum of California 1000 Oak St. Oakland, CA 94607 Info: www.museumca.org Preparing your dog for a new baby Date: March 3 Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Classroom B HSSV Animal Community Center 901 Ames Ave. Milpitas, CA 95035 Info: register at www.hssv.org/calendar

Exhibición española Explore el arte de las misiones del Norte de Nueva España Del 26 de febrero al 29 de mayo Oakland Museum Lugar: :Museo de California 1000 Oak St. Oakland, CA 94607 www.museumca.org/press-landing


Free Exhibition: Eye can Dance Date: February 18 - March 27 Time: M-F 9am-7pm Sat 9am-3pm Location: Community School of Music and Arts Mohr Gallery Finn Center 230 San Antonio Circle Mountain View, CA 94040 Info: www.arts4all.org

Recrption & talk with Favianna Rodriguez Date: March 4 Time: 7:00pm Location: MACLA 510 S. First Street San Jose, CA 95113 Gallery hours: www.maclaarte.org

Atlacualo (The Ceasing of Water) Date: March 10 - March 12 Time: 8:00pm Location: YBCA Forum 701 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Tix info: (415) 978-2787 or visit www.ybca.org Wills and Trusts Seminar Date: March 14 Time: 5:3opm - 6:30pm Location: Santa Clara Central Library 2635 Homestead Rd. Santa Clara, CA 95051 Info: RSVP (408) 850-6129 or email azube@billwilsoncenter.org Tattoo Removalthe city helps youth remove tattoo, between 14 and 25 years of age Info: (408) 251-7757 Need Food? Info: 1-800-984-3663 www.SecondHarvestFood.org

Clínica de salud gratuita The Pacific Free clinic No preguntan estado migratorio y son para Personas que no tienen seguro médico Lugar: Overfelt High School 1835 Cunningham Avenue. Informes: 1-888-321-9972. Verde en casa Entrenamiento de voluntarios Chica Chic La estética de Arte Chicano Día: Hasta el 18 de marzo Lugar: Instituto de Estudios Integrales de Californa 1453 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Exhibición “Fiesta Sensorial” Días: Hasta 24 de febrero Hora: 6:00- 9:00pm Lugar: SOMArts Cultural Center 934 Brannan St., San Francisco Informes: www.somarts.org Ingreso gratuito

Exhibición pública Construcciones a base de lego Día: Domingo 27 de marzo Hora: 10:00 am- 4:00pm Lugar: Hyatt Regency Santa Clara? 5101 Great America Parkway?Santa Clara, CA 95054 Ingreo: $8

Calendar / Vibras

Jade: Buena para los juegos de azar

Yancuic Xihuitl Ceremonia Mexica Día: 12 y 13 de marzo Lugar: Universidad Hispana 14271 Story Rd. San Jose, Ca 95127 Info: (408)254-6900 Caminata contra el Cancer Este año en Alviso. Habrá feria de salud Entretenimiento y sorteo Día: Domingo Mayo 7 Hora: 8am-2pm $25 Adultos $15 Children, Gratis 1 camiseta ?Mayores informes: (408) 280-0811?o lccoffice@yahoo.org Talleres gratuitos sobre impuestos? Día: 19 de febrero hasta el 16 de abril Todo los sábados en adelante Hora: 10:00 a 1pm Lugar: East San José Carnegie Branch 1102 E. Santa Clara Street de la ciudad San Jose, CA 95116. Informe; 408-808-2130 o al 408-3075. ¿Quieres sacarte el tatuaje? La ciudad ayuda a remover los tatuajes a jóvenes entre los 14 y 25 años de edad. Informes (408) 251-7757 Dpto de Salud Mental Llame al 1(800) 704-0900 o (408) 885-5673 y reciba ayuda Done celulares y pagers Lugar: Happy Hollow 1300 Senter Road Hora: 10:00am - 5:00 pm San Jose, CA 95112 Informes (408) 794-6404

¿Necesita Comida? Informes: 1-800-984-3663 SecondHarvestFood.org

Servicios de Inmigracion Organización de San José que ayuda a inmigrantes S.I.R.E.N Lugar: 1425 Koll Circle Suite 109 Teléfono: (408) 453-3003 San Jose CA 95112 www.siren-bayarea.org Registre su celular Reciba alertas de emergencia en español visite www.alertscc.gov

Clínicas Móviles Para donar sangre Donantes participarán en sorteo de 1 3D Plasma HDTV Informes1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-7332767) visite redcrossblood.org.

Por Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador Ágata: Atrae triunfo en los juegos de azar y habilidad para los deportes, se dice que quien la posee tiende a rejuvenecer. Amatista: Es utilizada como talismán de buena suerte en los negocios y comercios. Procura tranquilidad espiritual, facilita el aprendizaje y además protege contra la mala voluntad. Esta piedra es dedicada a Ganesh. Coral: A quien le usa le aleja de tempestades y terremotos. Ayuda a conservar el justo racionamiento y la prudencia. Se aconseja ponerle una pulsera de corales a los recién nacidos, les sirve como protección contra el mal de ojo y los malos espíritus. Cristal de Cuarzo: Estimula la concentración y acentúa las virtudes extrasensoriales. Cuarzo de una punta: Incrementa la potencia sexual en los hombres. Cuarzo de dos puntas: Aumenta el deseo sexual en las mujeres.

gales. Malaquita: Brinda éxito en actividades comerciales y buena suerte con los extranjeros, debe ser utilizada en todo tipo de negocios, ya que atrae clientes y fortuna. Ojo de gato: Siempre se le ha considerado como un talismán de buena suerte para la atracción del dinero y los bienes materiales, se recomienda poseer tres para tener salud, amor y dinero. Ojo de tigre: Promueve el amor a la naturaleza y a los animales, incrementa la calidad humana, ahuyenta a la mala suerte y aleja a su usuario de peligros e intrigas.

Cuarzo rosa: Cura los padecimientos espirituales y se usa como talismán para encontrar y conservar el amor.

Piedra de luna: Buen talismán para una mujer, le infunde encanto personal y le ayuda a elevar el autoestima. Cuando se adquiere una se pide un deseo.

Hematita: Fue considerada como una piedra sagrada por griegos y romanos. Actualmente se dice que previene y cura afecciones del sistema sanguíneo. Se le considera como un talismán para encontrar el amor.

Rodocrosita: De un hermoso color rosa, esta piedra junto al cuarzo rosa se aprecia como uno de los mejores talismanes cuando se anda en busca de un nuevo amor. Es la piedra de Cupido.

Jade: Esta piedra ha sido considerada como un símbolo de la buena suerte, atrae abundancia y paz al hogar. Es uno de los mejores talismanes para los juegos de azar.

Topacio: Los destellos de su brillantez atraen nuevas y convenientes relaciones, habilidad para las artes manuales y se dice que previene enfermedades del sistema respiratorio.

Lapislázuli: Cura la tristeza, aplaca la depresión y destierra los malos recuerdos. Se cree que brinda alegría a su usuario. También se usa para curar la fiebre y las alergias de estación.

Turquesa: Se le conoce como un amuleto para los viajeros y personas que manejan varias horas al día. Inspira buen juicio, serenidad y buena orientación. A las mujeres les incrementa la belleza. También se cree que sana enfermedades.

Madreperla: Se usa para atraer riqueza, ganancias, aumentos de bienes materiales, herencias. También ayuda a resolver asuntos le-


www.el-observador.com | FEB 18 - 24, 2011 |19|

¡A golear se ha dicho!

Supervisor Dave Cortese, dio “la jugada” de honor para dar inicio a esta temporada deportiva. Por Rosario Vital - El Observador e inició la temporada deportiva de la “Hispanic Soccer League”. Al acto inaugural llegó el Presidente de la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Santa Clara, Dave Cortese quién felicitó a los más de 50 equipos que se han unido por segundo año consecutivo a esta contienda deportiva. La Hispanic Soccer League inició esta temporada que tendrá una duración de tres meses. Durante esta fiesta deportivos pequeños entre los 6 y 10 años de edad participarán domingo a domingo para alcanzar su anhelado trofeo. “Es una fiesta para toda la familia y queremos que celebremos estos partidos y alentemos a nuestros equipos”, dijo Lalo Morales, miembro de la Hispanic Soccer League. Por su parte Luis Flores dijo que se sentía orgulloso de celebrar una vez más estos partidos con todos los pequeños.


“En el marco de la celebración del Año del Niño, queremos seguir apoyando al deportes y por su puesto a la niñez”, dijo Dave Cortes. Recordemos que el pasado mes de enero el Presidente de la Junta de Supervisores declaró el 2011 como el Año del Niño. Cortese afirmó que la humanidad debe al niño lo mejor que se le pueda dar. Las expresiones y el entusiasmo de estos pequeños fueron de alegría. Así lo demostraron David, José, Matthews de diferentes equipos procedentes de Milpitas, Mtn. View y San José. Por su parte los padres de familia expresaron su conformidad de que las autoridades y la comunidad en general apoyen el deporte para de esta manera prevenir a nuestros hijos de vicios y de la ociosidad. Los encuentros se harán sábados y domingos en las escuelas primarias Washington, Anne Darling y Christopher de la ciudad de San José.

El América no convence

Las Aguilas del América no convence para algunos sin embargo hay mucho camino por recorrer. México, (Notimex) a victoria que obtuvo el América por 2-0 frente a Nacional de Uruguay en Copa Libertadores generó reacciones divididas en la prensa deportiva mexicana, pues a pesar de que las Aguilas ganaron en su debut como local, no lo hicieron de forma convincente. La Afición y Cancha, suplementos deportivos de los diarios Milenio y Reforma resaltaron la tradición del cuadro de Coapa de iniciar ganando en el certamen continental (lo hicieron en sus seis participaciones previas) y que mantuvo en esta ocasión.


El equipo representativo de Washington celebra otro año de participación en este torneo 2011.

Pero ambos diarios coincideron en la discplicencia de la escuadra charrúa, que no opuso resistencia al partido planteado por el chileno Carlos Reinoso, director técnico del América. El diario Esto, de la Organización Editorial Mexicana fue muy crítico hacia el equipo y lamentó las fallas de los delanteros americanistas Tony López y el argentino Matías Vuoso. Mientras, El Universal se mostró mucho más duro con la escuadra capitalina y puso en tela de juicio una aparente mejoría en los azulcrema desde la llegada de Reinoso a la dirección técnica, en sustitución de Manuel Lapuente.

|20| FEB 18 - 24, 2011 | www.el-observador.com

















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1 Ejemplo basado en encuesta. Cada concesionario establece su propio precio. Tus pagos pueden variar. Los pagos son para un Chevrolet Malibu LS 2011 con MSRP de $22,695. 39 pagos mensuales para un total de $6,963. Aplican restricciones de residencia. Los pagos son para un Chevrolet Cruze LS 2011 con transmisión automática y MSRP de $17,920. 39 pagos mensuales para un total de $7,527. Opción de compra al término del arrendamiento por una cantidad determinada al firmar el arrendamiento. Ally Financial, Inc. debe aprobar el arrendamiento. Cargo por millaje de $.20 por milla en exceso de 39,000 millas. El arrendatario paga por uso/desgaste excesivo. No disponible con otras ofertas. Recibe entrega antes del 28 de febrero de 2011. 2 Radio XM requiere de una subscripción que XM vende por separado al terminar el período de prueba. Sólo está disponible en los 48 Estados Unidos contiguos y el Distrito de Columbia. Visita xm.xmradio.com para detalles. 3 Según la EPA. 4 Siempre usa cinturones de seguridad y sistema de sujeción para niños. Los niños están más seguros cuando están sentados en un asiento apropiado para niños e infantes y sujetados adecuadamente al asiento trasero del vehículo. Consulta el Manual del Propietario para más información. 5 Visita onstar.com/espanol para ver el mapa de cobertura, detalles y limitaciones del sistema. Los servicios varían por modelo y condiciones. OnStar actúa como un enlace a servicios de emergencia existentes. El Sello de “Mejor Compra” es una marca registrada de Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, usado bajo licencia. © 2011 OnStar. Todos los derechos reservados © 2011 General Motors.

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