JAN 1 - 7 , 2010 www.el-observador.com
Photo by Rosario Vital
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|2|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Propósitos Positivos por Nuestros Niños Marisol Muñoz-Kiehne, PhD “De ahora en adelante...” “Nunca más...” Muchos aprovechamos el principio de año para declarar nuestras intenciones sobre lo que deseamos cambiar o mejorar en nuestras vidas. Hacemos propósitos de empezar o reforzar hábitos constructivos, y terminar o reducir los destructivos. Fijamos metas a corto y a largo plazo, y trazamos planes dirigidos al alcance de estas metas. Pensando en nuestro bienestar, y en el de nuestros niños y familias, hacemos promesas, con la mejor intención de cumplirlas. Sin embargo, son pocos los que logran mantener las llamadas resoluciones de año nuevo. “El infierno está lleno de buenas intenciones.” “Lo que mucho vale, mucho cuesta.” No es
nada fácil hacer cambios. El desarrollo de un hábito conlleva un mínimo de 21 días consecutivos. Y toma un promedio de siete intentos serios el poder dejar un hábito establecido. Cuando de adicciones se trata, es aún más difícil. “Sí se puede.” Con determinación, persistencia, apoyo, y ayuda profesional cuando sea pertinente, podemos convertir nuestras intenciones en acciones, y alcanzar nuestras metas. “Lo prometido es deuda.” Tomemos conciencia de lo que deseamos cambiar, y decidamos comprometernos a estos propósitos. Propósitos positivos para la Salud Física: • Más frutas y verduras • Menos golosinas • Ejercicio diario • Suficiente descanso
• Reducir o eliminar alcohol, cigarro, y otras sustancias dañinas Propósitos positivos para el Desarrollo Mental: • Leer diariamente • Aprender inglés • Practicar arte, música, deportes • Visitar lugares educativos (bibliotecas, museos, teatros, naturaleza) • Reducir actividades pasivas (televisión) Propósitos positivos para el Bienestar Emocional: • Expresarle afecto a los niños diariamente • Dedicarle a cada niño tiempo especial regularmente • Pasar tiempo divertido con la familia regularmente • Reducir la desorganización en el ambiente familiar • Eliminar el maltrato y la violencia familiar “El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta.” Comenzar emprendiendo pocos cambios simultáneamente, e ir aumentando según los nuevos hábitos se vayan cimentando. “Las palabras se las lleva el viento.” Es importante tomar acción. Decidir tomar medidas específicas y realistas que podamos llevar a cabo
regularmente, integradas a nuestro diario vivir. Sentar metas diarias, semanales, mensuales, según sea apropiado. Identificar las circunstancias que facilitan y las que obstaculizan el mantenernos fiel a nuestras intenciones. Aumentar la presencia de los factores facilitadores, y evitar las personas, lugares y situaciones que interfieren con nuestros propósitos. “La fe mueve montañas.” Buscar inspiración y ánimo, para fortalecer la determinación. Mantener la meta en la mirilla. Conservar una actitud optimista. Celebrar cuando nos comportamos de acuerdo a nuestros propósitos, y las aproximaciones a nuestras metas. “Paso a paso, se llega lejos.” La persistencia paga. Habrá obstáculos, deslices, y recaídas. Lo crucial es volver a emprender la marcha. “Para atrás, ni para coger impulso.” Escuche a la Doctora Marisol en Nuestros Niños los domingos de 8 a 9 AM en La Kalle 100.7/105.7 FM, KBBF La Nuestra 89.1 FM, KLOK Tricolor 99.5 FM, José 107.1 FM y KMBX 700 AM. Para más información, llame al 1-866-99NINOS y visite www.nuestrosninos.com.
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Violencia intrafamiliar Por David Figueroa -Cónsul General de México en San Jose
a migración es uno de los más grandes y complejos temas de la actualidad. Hombres y mujeres rebasan las fronteras para construir un sueño en un país nuevo, ajeno, y desconocido. Tanto hombres como mujeres dejan un vacío en su hogar y se enfrentan, en muchos casos, a realidades hostiles. Dentro de esas realidades hostiles, existe un hecho que viven muchas familias de migrantes: la violencia doméstica, la cual puede tomar muchas formas y al ser un comportamiento tan común en la sociedad actual, mucha gente se ha hecho insensible a este tema. Es muy importante hacerles saber que el abuso no es causado por la víctima, es el resultado de una elección hecha por el victimario. Nadie, absolutamente nadie, tiene el derecho a dañarlo o abusar de usted, ya sea por medio de abuso físico, sexual, económico, emocional o sicológico. En primer lugar se debe reconocer que existe el problema cometido por un miembro de la familia en contra de una pareja, hijos u otros familiares, a través del uso de la fuerza, de la intimidación o las amenazas. Ese comportamiento agresivo puede ser sutil o severo; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, aumenta la probabilidad de que se convierta en una costumbre. El Consulado General de México en San José, ha realizado en conjunto con la organización Support Network una guía para ayudar a las personas afectadas a que identifiquen el problema por el que están viviendo, lo enfrenten y pongan fin al abuso. Principales temores Muchas personas tienen miedo de hacer denuncias porque sus parejas las chantajean, por ejemplo les dicen que nunca volverán a ver a sus hijos, o que las denunciarán a migración para que sean deportadas. Queremos hacerles saber que hay leyes protegen a las víctimas y que ningún chantaje puede llevarse a cabo. En casos de violencia doméstica la ley de manera muy clara impide la deportación de las víctimas. Ante otro tipo de amenazas, las autoridades tomarán medidas muy concretas, como impedir que su pareja se le acerque (“Restraining order”). La policía es la autoridad facultada para
actuar de inmediato en los casos de violencia doméstica, por lo que es necesario que la víctima coopere y aporte la mayor cantidad de datos. Le sugerimos considerar lo siguiente: * Muestre al oficial de policía una identificación suya con fotografía (puede ser su Matricula Consular o Pasaporte). * Ser claro cuando narre los hechos a la policía, sin omitir ningún dato. * De ser el caso, solicitar a la policía que tome fotografías de sus lesiones. * Tomar usted mismo(a) fotografías de sus lesiones y conservarlas. Pueden ser de utilidad en un futuro. * Acudir al departamento de policía para solicitar un reporte por escrito de los hechos, por lo general se puede solicitar el reporte después de transcurrida una semana a partir de que se reportaron los hechos. * Proporcionar la mayor cantidad de datos y documentos del victimario, tales como fotografías, identificaciones, lugar de trabajo, placas de su vehículo, etc., sobre todo cuando ha huido del lugar de los hechos. * Si usted cuenta con una orden de restricción mostrarla al policía al momento de la entrevista. Debe estar preparado(a) para responder cualquier pregunta que le haga la policía y no omitir ningún dato. En casos como estos cualquier información es IMPORTANTE. Recuerde que no importa su calidad migratoria, si usted ha sido víctima de violencia doméstica, tiene el derecho de reportarlo y recibir asistencia que garantice su seguridad. Si usted conoce en su entorno a una persona abusada, déle su apoyo y convénzala de hacer una denuncia. Si tiene dudas sobre este procedimiento o requiere de asistencia consular, puede contactar al Departamento de Protección del Consulado General de México en San José, acudiendo a nuestra oficina en un horario de 8:00 a 13:00 horas, ubicada en 540 North First Street, San José, CA 95112, o comunicándose al (408) 294-3414, extensiones122,124 y 141.
PUBLISHERS: HILBERT & BETTY MORALES HMORALES@EL-OBSERVADOR.COM ADVERTISING/PROMOTION DIRECTOR MONICA AMADOR,COO SALES@EL-OBSERVADOR.COM A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109 99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113
www.el-observador.com | JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | 3
ADDRESS THIS CHALLENGE DURING 2010 By Hilbert Morales - El Observador
l Observador’s accomplishment during the past year 2009 has been to continue to perform its community information distribution service during a very severe economic recession. Among many adjustments, one achievement was to launch our Website (www.elobservador.com), which has been receiving more than 700,000 hits per month. A second web site (www.LatinoLifeOnline.com) is now a work in progress. In addition, our editor Rosario Vital delivers news and commentary on the radio. The information newsgathering and distribution system of this community and the nation is responding to many changes and developments in information technology. In collaboration with San Jose State University’s Journalism and Mass Communication Department, we have continued to provide internships to Hispanic individuals who need the ‘hands-on’ experience provided. All these communications specialists have graduated from SJSU with their four-year degrees. EO also sponsored two soccer leagues as a community outreach effort. Tournament trophies were provided and awarded to the tournament winners. This sport needs to become very involved in providing physical activity and sportsmanship training to more of our youth. We ask that more businesses step up with their sponsorships, which will be coupled with promotions of their professions and businesses. Our community needs to learn to work together, play together, and look out for each other’s safety. Involvement with sports teaches one fair play rules and good sportsmanship. Lifetime relationships are initiated which invariably help our families and community. You need to know that EO’s community involvement includes reporting on the activities of the many community-based organizations that exist. One observation made by Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley’s CEO Ron Gonzales is the need to identify, train and include Hispanic youth into the ranks of our community’s leadership circles. “Too many times I am ‘the one’ Hispanic attending a high level meeting. I look about and realize that I am the only one there. And, I do not see any younger Hispanic leaders at those meetings of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group whose membership are 300+ local corporations.” A concern of the local captains of industry is the development of the future labor force needed
in Silicon Valley. It is not possible to have full employment here without a labor force that is capable of being trained and developed. At every meeting of local corporate executives this challenge receives attention. A conclusion often reached is that our public school systems do not adequately prepare youth for employment in local industry. The major challenge to be faced directly during 2010 New Year is that of finding a way to improve awareness of opportunities coupled with economic reality. Hispanic youth must be encouraged to prepare for the challenges to be faced in the future. These changes must begin with Hispanic parents who are justly proud when their child earns a high school diploma. Yet, that achievement goal is too low. From the beginning, Hispanic parents must guide their children to become fully prepared to learn about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and the biomedical sciences. School officials must focus on ensuring that every child learns the basics in reading, writing, and math in addition to communication and social skills needed for teamwork. The current metric, which is based on ‘how many of our students go to college,’ is a distraction to the real objective of primary and secondary education. The correct objective is to learn the skills that enable ‘learning for life from life.’ Parents, especially the mother, are the ones who begin training their child in relationship skills, communications (language), and logic skills, which include ethics, morals, religious, historical and cultural norms. If our children are to be able to earn a living here, close to home, then their parents, civic officials, and corporate interests need to encourage and enable their preparation for the jobs that will continue to be available here. The very important 2010 New Year’s challenge to our community, especially Hispanics and others, is to become involved, supportive and engaged in addressing this major issue: How do we address the training of local youth to become the local labor force needed by local industry? There is a need to get beyond the distractions of gang violence and vandalism, police miss-use of force, and many special interest issues. There is need to focus on this really important challenge: Let’s train our youth for their futures.Δ
EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the capital of SiliconValley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.
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|4|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
San José Public Library Introduces “Inclusive Story Times”
2010 VTA Board of Directors Public Meetings
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors welcomes you to attend the following VTA Board of Directors public meetings: Thursday, January 7.................... 5:30 p.m. Thursday, February 4 .................. 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meetings will be held at: Board of Supervisors’ Chambers County Government Center 70 W. Hedding Street, San Jose This location is served by VTA Light Rail and Bus Lines 61, 62, 66, and 181. Please call the Office of the Board Secretary at (408) 321-5680 or email board.secretary@vta.org to confirm dates and locations.
For more information on meeting agendas and schedules of other VTA Committee meetings, please visit www.vta.org.
s 449 s www.vta.org
AN JOSE, Calif. - San José Public Library introduces a new story time module-”Inclusive Story Times”-that employs unique strategies to engage children of varying abilities and learning styles. Children of all backgrounds and abilities are welcome to participate in the belief that each child is a valuable member of the community and that learning together fosters appreciation and respect for differences. “Inclusive Story Times” will be offered at all San José library locations, For details, visit the “Story Times” section of the Kids pages at www.sjlibrary.org, call your neighborhood branch library or King Library Youth Services at (408) 808-2183. The inspiration for “Inclusive Story Times” arose from an experiment by two San José branch librarians. Over the course of a year, they conducted story times specifically for children with autism and other disabilities. “We found that parents/caregivers at these story times were more comfortable in a setting where they felt understood by the other families and in turn could relax and enjoy the experience with their children,” states Ila Langner, a youth services librarian who understands both sides of the picture as a parent of a child with autism. In Santa Clara County, of which San José represents 54% of the population, at least 13,000 children between the ages of 0 to 5 have identified disabilities or special needs. Although library story times and similar experiences in child care settings are intended for all children, there are a number of modifications and adaptations that can make them more inclusive of and beneficial
for children with autism and other disabilities. These include: · Use of a pictorial schedule to help children with the many transitions involved in a story time, · Adapted books that help match words with pictures so children have a more active role in the reading, and · Creating a defined space to make it easier for children to sit in a group such as using carpet squares. These same adaptations have also proven effective with helping English language learners master early literacy skills. This is particularly relevant in San José, where 6,338 kindergarten students were classified as English learners (EL) in 2007-2008; 63% of the county’s EL kindergarten population. This program, a collaboration between the Library and the Inclusion Collaborative (IC) of Santa Clara County, will build on the success of our early literacy programs by providing specific story times for families of children ages 0 to 8 with autism and other disabilities, modifying all story times so that they are more inclusive of every child, including adaptation of early literacy resources currently provided to early educators in 245 local child care sites. This program is supported in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian and through collaboration between the San José Public Library, Inclusion Collaborative and Santa Clara County Office of Education.
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¡Oferta Especial!1
Comience ya su propio plan de recuperación económica. Abra hoy mismo una Cuenta de cheques Signature Banking y podría ganar un bono de hasta $200 cuando use depósito directo, pago de facturas online, o haga compras con su tarjeta de débito . Y con Signature Banking, usted tendrá todas las herramientas necesarias para hacer operaciones bancarias más inteligentes con privilegios como caja de seguridad gratis , cajeros libres de cargo y más . Es tiempo que comience su propia recuperación económica. Deje que Union Bank sea su guía. SM
H1N1 Vaccine Declared Safe By County By Osvaldo Castillo El Observador
couple of weeks ago, I asked my younger brother Alex (5th grade), if he had gotten or planned on getting a swine flu shot. “No, I don’t want to take the risk of getting paralyzed,” he said. Apparently, this and other similar rumors about the swine flu vaccine have been floating around social circles everywhere. “Vaccines are the safest intervention,” said Sara Cody of the Santa Clara County Public Health Department Disease Prevention and Control. The vaccine is made in the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine.” As of December 18, 2009, there have been 419 deaths and 7,794 hospitalizations due to the swine flu influenza. “4.3 million people in California have been infected with H1N1,” said Mike Sicilia of the California Department of Public Health. “We want to get at least half of the state vaccinated. Ten and a half million people have been vaccinated so far.” Santa Clara County is urging younger individuals to get vaccinated. “Over 90 percent of deaths from seasonal flu infections are suffered by people age 65 or older,” Cody said. “H1N1 is the complete opposite. We are working closely with schools since they are the ones that are most at-risk of
getting ill.” For infants under the age of 6 months who cannot get a vaccination, the County suggests the “cocoon” affect, in which everyone that is around the infant get vaccinated. Those suffering from diabetes and asthma, as well as caregivers, are also at risk of contracting H1N1. “Healthcare workers need to get vaccinated because of the environment in which they are working,” Cody said. For some, the H1N1 pandemic threat may seem to have died off. However, the state and county are warning its residents not stop watching out for warning signs. “We may have dodged a bullet this time, but we still need to get as many people vaccinated as possible,” Sicilia said. The H1N1 warning signs for children are fast breathing, bluish skin color, not drinking enough fluids, not waking up or not interacting, being so irritable that the child does not want to be held, and a fever with rash. For adults, the symptoms include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion and severe or persistent vomiting. So far, the latest data shows that Latinos are the ones who have been hospitalized the most due to H1N1. For more information visit www.flu.gov.
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|6|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Nuevas leyes entraron en vigor S ACRAMENTO - El senador Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) es autor de varios proyectos de ley que entraron en efecto este año. Estas nuevas leyes abarcan una amplia gama de asuntos: protegen los consumidores y los niños, dan una mayor transparencia del estado y de gobierno local. En total, nueve nuevas leyes por Yee tomarán efecto el primer día del año. “Estas nuevas leyes ayudarán a los niños y niñas; traerán un gobierno más transparente; protegerá a los consumidores; salvaguardará al medio ambiente y mejorará nuestra economía,” dijo Yee. Hoy en día, y más a menudo, los consumidores hagan compras de una-vez o reciben un producto gratis, sólo para luego recibir productos adicionales y cargos a su tarjeta de crédito. Con SB 340, terminará esta práctica común de negocios engañosos. Éste ley exige que las empresas digan claramente y visiblemente todos los términos de la oferta de renovación automática y obtengan el consentimiento afirmativo del cliente en el momento del acuerdo. La ley también requerirá que les avisan de la póliza de cancelación al mismo tiempo y las empresas tienen que proporcionar una manera fácil de cancelarlo. El SB 447 reforma la póliza de la comprobación de antecedentes criminales en aproximadamente 36,000 de las organizaciones juveniles y agencias de recursos humanos que trabajan con los niños y otras poblaciones vulnerables. Estas organizaciones, incluso los Boy Scouts y las ligas de fútbol juvenil, actualmente verifican los antecedentes criminales de su personal y miembros. Sin embargo, la persona responsable de la revisión, un “Custodio de Registros,” revisa su propia comprobación. La nueva ley crea un programa donde el Departamento de Justicia examinará la información del registro criminal de los que solicitan para ser Custodio de Registros y confirmará si sean aptos para la posición. El SB 786 protegerá el derecho de las personas a hacen cumplir las leyes de un gobierno abierto sin tener miedo de una carga financiera significativa y también garantizará que las entidades gubernamentales actúan con una mayor
transparencia. Le nueva ley prohíbe los entidades públicas de recuperar los honorarios del abogado de los individuos que demandaron al estado, específicamente si demandaron a hacer cumplir las leyes de gobierno abierto como el Acto de Registros Públicos de California (CPRA), el Acto de Reuniones Abiertos de Bagley-Keene, y el Acto de Ralph M. Brown. La ley permitirá que tales agencias públicas recuperen los costos del caso si el Tribunal encuentra el juicio era frívolo. A responder al Barco Cosco Busan de 2007 que chocó con el puente de la bahía y derramó 53.000 galones de petróleo en la Bahía de San Francisco, una segunda ley escrito por Yee tomará efecto. Con SB 300, mejores equipos de navegación serían actualizados para los pilotos de la Bahía de San Francisco - los pilotos marítimos que atienden a los cargueros viajando en aguas de la bahía. Se permitirá un cargo de $20$25 por cada barco que cubrirá el costo del software de navegación, hardware, y equipo auxiliar. Las investigaciones y reuniones de la Junta Nacional de la Seguridad de Transportación, los Guardacostas, y la Junta de Pilotos Comisionados, revelaron que un factor que contribuyó a la derrama de petróleo en 2007 era la falta de instalar equipo de navegación estándar requerido por la Organización Internacional de Marítimo. En el 2008, Yee logró a aprobar SB 1217 que proporcionó una mayor supervisión pública de la junta que regula a los pilotos de San Francisco. La ley también exige que la barra de los pilotos de la junta nombra a un médico para evaluar los efectos de las medicinas que talvez están tomando los pilotos. La ley también requiere que el médico determina si el individuo sigue apto para realizar sus funciones de un piloto. La legislación introducida por el senador Yee, SB 3, restauró 16,3 millones de dólares para 94 refugios y centros para víctimas de violencia doméstica en todo California - ya fue aprobado como ley. Otros proyectos de ley que Yee introdujo incluye: • El SB 131 que ayuda la Orquesta Sinfónica de San Francisco en dar a la organización una exención, que permite a los vinicultores donar a la
LA FUNDACIÓN EL OBSERVADOR NECESITA TU DONACIÓN Durante los últimos 25 años,la Fundación EO ha prestado asistencia a varias organizaciones comunitarias de base y a más de 100 personas necesitadas manteniéndose en sus propósitos como lo ha estipulado en su organización no lucrativa de la carta de IRS de1983. Sus donaciones deducibles de impuestos de cualquier cantidad nos permitirá continuar con nuestros esfuerzos. Sólo tiene que usar la cuenta de PayPal en la página www.elobservadorfoundation.org para hacer su donación.
institución sin ánimo de lucro. • El SB 819 adopta la norma nacional que requieren 150 créditos de educación para ser certificado como un contador público (CPA). Permite a los CPAs de California que continúan sirviendo a clientes que hacen sus negocios en otros estados. • SCR 41 declara oficialmente julio como el mes del desarrollo de microempresas de California. Con SCR 48, California era el primer estado a declarar oficialmente el mes de octubre como mes de la historia filipina-estadounidense. Como resultado de sus esfuerzos legislativos, varias organizaciones honró Yee como “El Legislador del Año,” incluso la Federación Esta-
dounidense de Empleados Estatales, Condados y Municipales (AFSCME Local 3299), la Sociedad de Contadores Públicos de California, los Estudiantes de La Universidad de California (Davis), y el Comité Político de Las Mujeres de San Francisco. Yee también fue galardonado con el Premio del Periodismo Escolástico por la Asociación de La Educación del Periodismo, el Premio al Liderazgo por la Asociación de Animales de California y el Premio Beacon por la Coalición de La Primera Enmienda. Desde el 2003, cuando Yee comenzó a servir en la legislatura estatal, ha logrado pasar 110 piezas de la legislación, y 82 de ésos han sido aprobados a ley.
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Beautiful Sights By Osvaldo Castillo El Observador “Downtown San Jose should not be a place where trucks pass through to unload supplies and merchandise,” said Sam Liccardo, San Jose Council Member (Dist. 3). “The downtown should be a place where people can come and enjoy the moment.” Liccardo was referring to the improvement in scenery thanks to the Groundwerx agency, which worked on the downtown areas between South First Street and San Carlos and San Fernando streets. “This beautification of downtown is something that should be celebrated because it is something that the area really needs right now,” said Scott Knies of the San Jose Downtown Association. Knies and the San Jose Downtown Association have been working with the San Jose Downtown Property Association in order to make the beautification possible. “We made sure we got everyone on board in order to make this a reality,” Knies said. “We even got the federal government involved.” Knies was referring to the Federal Building on S. First Street. Kathy Finley of Finley Landscape Design was hired to create a look that is both consistent
with the elements of the other South First projects and unique to the San Fernando-San Carlos Street stretch. “When working with her we drew inspiration from Santana Row,” Knies said. “It has a good design and we wanted to bring it downtown.” The beautification of downtown San Jose was divided into three phases. Phase one was called the “demonstration project” and began in 2008. This phase included 64 planters, one fountain planter, 22 hanging flower baskets, 45 pots of bamboo, 1 mural and LED tree lights for 50 trees. Finley plans on tightening a few elements of this phase. She wants to rearrange the planter groupings at First and Santa Clara, a maintenance challenge because of the heavy pedestrian traffic. Phase Two began in 2009 and included 43 planters (19 custom), four fountain planters, 22 wall mounted planters, one mural, one fully irrigated vine bed, four hanging baskets at the Paseo and LED tree lights for 55 more trees. The final stage also began in 2009 and focused on the SoFA district of downtown San Jose. This phase included 195 planters, 2 murals, LED lights for 20 trees and three sidewalk extensions for outdoor seating and programming.
San Jose Public Library Receives 4-Star Rating
AN JOSE, Calif. -Library Journal announced its second Index of Public Library Service and once again San Jose Public Library received 4 stars, placing it in the top 10 of indexed libraries with annual budgets of $30m+ nationwide (see chart below). The rating system compares per capita output measures in four areas: visitors, circulation, program attendance and public computer use. The second round was based on statistical data from 2007. Thirty-six libraries fell into the $30m+ category, but only 15 received stars ranging from three to five. San Jose Public Library is the only Northern California library to achieve this distinction in its category. It compared favorably to the mean averages for the group, with a particular strength in circulation (14.4 per capita vs 5.3). The Index rated the performance of 7,268 public libraries overall, in nine spending categories. Still in its infancy, the LJ Index Star rating system is quickly becoming the standard by which libraries measure their performance against peers. A fresh index will be published as soon as more recent data becomes available.
The cost of the beautification of downtown San Jose will be $300,000, which is about onesixth of the annual Groundwerx budget. Most
of the money will go towards sidewalk cleanup and ambassador services.
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|8|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Through Hard Work, Anything is Possible By Osvaldo Castillo El Observador
e all face different challenges throughout our lives. Some of us are taller or shorter than others, or face certain medical conditions and ailments. Some of us are unable to compete on an athletic field, and some of us cannot compete for white collar jobs. Despite these difficulties, many have been able to achieve their goals in life. Alina Bermudez, a ninth grader in the Santa Clara County is one of these individuals who has overcome obstacles in her life in order to achieve her goals. Despite having dyslexia, she is earning As and Bs. Her teachers say that soccer has helped improve her self-esteem and that she turns frustrations in the classroom into success on the soccer field. Bermudez is featured in a new book by Jill Lauren titled “That’s Like Me!”. The book features young people and adults who have overcome learning disabilities to achieve their dreams and act as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges. Lauren said that it was delightful to meet Alina when she was working on her book. “She is a gentle and strong person,” Lauren said. “She carefully and softly explained how difficult school was for her, and she also shared how she was determined to do well, no matter how hard she needed to work.” Lauren went on to say that Alina is a seri-
ous girl who takes great pride in her accomplishments and carries herself with grace and maturity. “Alina is someone to look up to — she is definitely a role model for kids who learn differently. She epitomizes the idea of “work hard, play hard.” Lauren said. “Alina’s eyes lit up when she talked about soccer, especially when she discussed the joy she felt working with teammates.” Lauren said her first criteria for choosing people for the book was that they were able to discuss their learning differences openly and honestly and were working hard to face the challenge those differences presented. Secondly, she wanted to meet people who found hobbies or pursued passions that made them happy, thereby creating a balance of hard work and lots of fun. When she asked Lisa Kalmanash, a special education teacher, if she had worked with a student who fit this description, she immediately thought of Alina. Lauren has been teaching for over 25 years, and has seen how real life success stories inspire and comfort her students with learning disabilities. One student suggested that there should be a book profiling such stories, so she set out to write a books. “I wanted to put a face on LD by telling my students about real people, like them, who were doing just fine despite their LD,” Lauren said. For more information on this book visit www.jilllauren.com.
El Senador Yee Recibió una Calificación de ‘A’ Por Parte del Sierra Club
AN FRANCISCO - En el 2009, el senador Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) fue uno de sólo cinco senadores que recibió una calificación de ‘A’ en el reporte de evaluación del Sierra Club. También recibió una ‘A’ por parte de la Liga de Votantes de Conservación del 2009. La tarjeta de puntación de la Sierra Club evalúa como votan los legisladores en proyectos de ley de varios asuntos como nuevas excavaciones de petrolera en mar abierto y hasta un gobierno nuevo de agua. El reporte de evaluación también examinó las votaciones sobre la energía limpia, la contaminación del aire, la justicia ambiental, los parques estatales, los productos tóxicos y la conservación del agua. Los otros miembros que ganaron una calificación de ‘A,’ igual como Yee fueron los senadores Ellen Corbett (D-San Leandro), Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley), Patricia Wiggins (DSanta Rosa) y Mark DeSaulnier (D-Antioquía). Las Asambleístas Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), Bill Monning (D-Santa Cruz), Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), Wes Chesbro (D-Eureka) y Mariko Yamada (D-Davis) también recibieron una calificación de ‘A.’ El Sierra Club marcó el gobernador Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Los Ángeles) con una calificación de ‘F’ porque estuvo de acuerdo con en sólo 2 proyectos de ley. “Estoy muy orgulloso que pude apoyar el Sierra Club sobre sus soluciones de los problemas del medio ambiente más importantes que
California enfrenta, incluyendo el agua, la excavaciones de petrolera en mar abierto y la energía limpia,” dijo Yee. “El senador Yee encabezó el movimiento contra el paquete de ‘la reforma del agua’ que no hubiera arreglado los problemas del agua en California ni hubiera reparado el ecosistema de la Bahía-Delta,” dijo el abogado mayor del Sierra Club, Jim Metropulos. “Este paquete de agua ni tiene un mecanismo eficaz para lograr la conservación real del agua o cambio real para el medio ambiente y es probable que resultará en otra capa de burocracia y más litigios,” dijo Yee. “Este paquete de agua injustamente da cargas a los que menos pueden aguantarlo. Es erróneo financiar esta transacción de agua totalmente a través de los bonos obligatorios del presupuesto general. Sólo dará lugar a nuevos recortes a la red de seguridad de nuestro presupuesto estatal.” El Sierra Club es la organización mayor de asuntos ambientales en California, con aproximadamente 170.000 miembros. El club se ha convertido y cada vez más se involucra en otras cuestiones políticas del medio ambiente, tales como la lucha contra la contaminación, las pólizas energéticas, la polución, las sustancias tóxicas y el medio ambiente urbano, a nivel local, estatal y nacional. En actualidad, hay unos 800.000 miembros de Sierra Club en todo el mundo.
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Abierta la inscripción para el examen de ACT de febrero de 2010
OWA CITY, IOWA-Ya comenzó el período de inscripción para el examen de aprovechamiento académico ACT, el cual se administrará el 6 de febrero de 2010. Los estudiantes que deseen tomar esta prueba de admisión a la universidad deben inscribirse antes del 5 de enero de 2009. Para este examen no habrá centros de exámenes en el estado de Nueva York. El ACT es un examen de aprovechamiento académico basado en el currículo. El mismo examina lo que los estudiantes han aprendido en la escuela, no su capacidad para aprender. El ACT también mide lo que los estudiantes necesitan aprender para estar listos para los cursos introductorios de universidad, a partir de los estándares conocidos como ACT College Readiness Standards(tm). Los resultados de cada estudiante pueden relacionarse directamente con estos estándares. El ACT consta de cuatro secciones-inglés, matemática, lectura y ciencia-y completar el mismo toma aproximadamente tres horas. Los estudiantes que toman el ACT Plus Writing, también toman un examen opcional de redacción que toma unos 30 minutos adicionales. Contrario a otros exámenes, el ACT no penaliza a los estudiantes por adivinar y contestar todas las preguntas en cada sección. De hecho, contestar todas las preguntas en el tiempo asignado, es incluso beneficioso para los estudiantes que toman el examen. Durante la inscripción, los estudiantes pueden seleccionar hasta cuatro universidades las cuales recibirán los resultados o puntuaciones del examen. Todas las universidades de cuatro años y colegios de comunidad de Estados Unidos aceptan los resultados o puntuaciones de la prueba ACT. ACT informa los resultados de la prueba solamente cuando el estudiante así lo ha solicitado. Por un costo mínimo, el estudiante puede enviar sus resultados a más de cuatro universidades o colegios de comunidad. Al inscribirse, todos los examinados contestan una serie detallada de preguntas. Cada estudiante recibe un informe que incluye amplia información para asistirle en la selección de cursos de secundaria, en cómo prepararse para la universidad y la carrera profesional y para la admisión a la universidad. El costo del ACT, sin la parte opcional de redacción, es de $32. Cuando se toma con el ACT Plus Writing, el mismo cuesta $47. Los estudiantes que cualifiquen, pueden solicitar un relevo de pago de costa a través de su consejero académico. El sitio en la Red de ACT, www.actstudent.org, ofrece valiosa información, artículos sin costo, y formas para ordenar, a un bajo costo, materiales de ayuda para el examen. Sin embargo, la mejor forma de prepararse para el examen es tomando cursos rigurosos en la escuela, estudiando, y aprendiendo las destrezas necesarias típicas que se necesitan en la universidad. La mayoría de los estudiantes se inscriben en línea en www.actstudent.org, o pueden recoger los formularios de inscripción en la oficina del consejero académico de su escuela. Los formularios deben estar fechados por la Oficina de Correo el 5 de enero de 2010. La inscripción tardía está disponible hasta el 15 de enero por un costo adicional de $21.
FCC New Rules: Network Neutrality Hilbert Morales, EL OBSERVADOR he Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is now considering new rules that would protect the current fundamental principle of “Network Neutrality” from now on. The current “Network Neutrality” prohibits Internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking, discriminating against, or deterring Internet users for political reasons. The Internet provides our communities with a medium to access services, find jobs, connect with friends, make inexpensive international phone calls, etc. It is one of the benefits of information technology, which permits free access to information, enhances interchange of ideas and enables communications. Currently, lobbyists representing AT & T, Comcast, and Verizon are pressuring FCC to change the rules, which now permit the current Internet free access. They favor new rules, which enable ISPs to require the public to “pay to play”. Evidently, current profitable levels generated by the current ‘free’ Internet are not enough. These major communications giants want the power to make even more money by being able to charge for access. What’s at stake here? First of all, an Internet that is free and fully accessible to all who have computer access. Who are the stakeholders? Every ordinary citizen, every student, every ethnic
community, every disadvantaged group, every civil rights organization and all who value this democracy and its form of ‘republic’ governance. If these major communication corporations are given the power to be the ‘gatekeeper’ to those who use the Internet, then they will control political access and power. Can you imagine the election of President Obama without his Internet campaign organization, which collected $178 million? The average contribution was $109. This made President Obama unique because of the ‘monetary support’ from ordinary citizens exceeded that of lobbyists (special interests) and corporations. Currently, Internet neutrality prohibits ISPs from blocking any communication. The power to charge for services now provided for free and currently supported by advertisement revenues may be likened to a ‘toll road tax’ that would limit access only to those who could ‘pay to play’. Current Internet neutrality policy ensures free access by all regardless of social, economic, and political beliefs. Let’s keep it that way.... fully accessible and free. RECOMMENDATION: Think about this a bit and then communicate your thoughts to your congressional representative (both Senators and member of the House).
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|10|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
¿Cuántos Somos? Sepa por qué tiene que ser contado en el CENSO Por Rosario Vital - El Observador
stamos a puerta del Censo Nacional en todos los Estados Unidos. El conteo se iniciará en marzo próximo con el envío a los domicilios de cuestionarios que constan de 10 sencillas preguntas en diversos idiomas, los cuales deberán devolverse por correo el 1 de abril. Aunque esto se inicie en marzo el tiempo queda corto para movilizar a las personas a que participen en el conteo. EO a inicios de abril de 2009 corroboró que muchas personas tienen temor a abrir la puertas por asuntos migratorios. Ahora con el problema de la crisis económica sumado a los embargos de viviendas el CENSO tiene una dura tarea. Además de las altas tasas de desempleo en San José, a menudo las familias se preocupan más por sobrevivir día a dia en vez de llenar y devolver el cuestionario. El Condado de Santa Clara tiene un superior a la media de la población inmigrante, y recién llegadas de los destinos donde hay miedo a las encuestas de gobierno. Más del cincuenta por ciento de los residentes de nuestro condado hablan otro idioma en los hogares, que no sea Inglés, y muchos están lingüísticamente aisladas de la corriente principal de nuestra sociedad. ¿Por qué se tiene que hacer contar? “No entiendo por qué nos quieren contar si no tengo documentos y de nada me sirven los programas o creo que no califico a ninguno. Las autoridades nos quieren contar para agarrar dinero pero para repartir no califico, entonces para qué?, dijo Danilo Cruz del Este de San José quien trabaja como concerje. Cruz debe saber que el dinero o los fondos federales se distribuyen en hospitales, cualquier persona es recibida en un hospital y en los servicios de emergencia, y cuando los hijos van a escuelas, no se pregunta estado migratorio. También se asignan a centros de entrenamientos de trabajo, a proyectos como puentes y carreteras que se benefician todos. El 28 de septiembre se inauguró el local en San José, el Director Admnistrativo, Jim Kamenelis sostuvo que el censo no comparte información privada con agencia de inmigración. “Cuanto más dinero mejores servicios para personas de bajos recursos entre ellos indocumentados”, dijo a EO. En otras palabras más de $ 400 mil millones en fondos federales se distribuyen anualmente, en base a los datos del censo para pagar programas y servicios locales tales como el almuerzo gratuito para estudiantes de bajos ingresos, formación profesional, construcción de carreteras y servicios de emergencia. Estos datos determina la distribución de fondos para los próximos diez años por un total de más de 4,36 billón de dólares. En promedio, California recibe unos 1,200 dólares anuales, o 12,000 dólares más de una década, para cada persona en el censo, o pierde si no se cuentan. Para una familia de cinco años, la comunidad perdería más de $ 60,000 por familia hasta que el recuento decenal siguiente. Los datos del Censo de EE.UU. determina los límites estatales y locales distritos legislativos y congresionales. Califor-
nia podría perder un escaño en el Congreso después del censo del año que viene por primera v e z
en la historia. Si el Estado pierde un escaño, debilitará la influencia de California en Washington y reducir la cantidad de dinero federal que desemboca en el estado. Personas que están promoviendo el censo esperan no se repita lo ocurrido el ultimo conteo, en la que más de tres millones de hispanos no fueron contados, lo que afectó el envío de recursos a sus comunidades. Se calcula que en Estados Unidos viven más de 45 millones 500 mil hispanos, por lo que constituyen la más grande minoría en el país, además de ser la de la mayor crecimiento en las últimas décadas en comparación con otros grupos minoritarios. Se estima que para 2050 la población hispana llegará a los 132 millones 800 mil habitantes, con lo que representará el 30 por ciento de la población. California es el estado con el mayor número de hispanos en el país, con más de 13 millones 200 mil, seguido por Texas con ocho millones 600 mil habitantes. En cada censo, los latinos corren el riesgo de no ser contados por las barreras del idioma, su situación migratoria o desconocimiento sobre el proceso, entre otros factores.
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HUNDREDS OF NEEDY STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES RECEIVED HOLIDAY GIFTS FROM SANTA Thanks to generous donations from the community at Evergreen Valley College
s fees go up and college students are facing more expenses, there is one group that was not forgotten this holiday sea-
The students at Evergreen Valley College’s (EVC) Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOP&S) and the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) are some of EVC’s neediest and had the opportunity to bring their families to celebrate in the holiday season on Friday, December 18. The students were greeted with food, special gifts, and a visit from Santa Claus. EVC President David Wain Coon said, “It is our responsibility to serve our students, and we recognize many are facing particularly difficult times this holiday season, so this is one way
Consejos para la crianza de hijos
amilias mezcladas son formadas por el matrimonio de dos personas con hijos de los matrimonios previos. En este taller los padres aprenderán la importancia de las reglas familiares y estrategias efectivas para su familia. Identifique las interacciones positivas en la familia y a veces los cambios difíciles. Se llevarán pasos para mantener una familia fuerte y unida. El taller será dirigida por Alicia Becerra Mendoza, Trabajadora Social con Licencia y acreditada como terapeuta, Children’s Health Council. El taller informativo tendrá ugar el próximo miércoles 13 de enero entre 6:30 a 8:00 pm. La reunión tendrá lugar en el Columbia Middle School, 739 Morse Avenue, Sunnyvale, En la Clase 33. Las personas pueden llamar al 408-523-8150 o pueden enviar un correo electronico al childcareresources@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us.
of showing we truly care and keeping them motivated. It’s also a great opportunity for our faculty and staff to personally contribute on this special occasion.” The EOPS &S, along with the CARE students receive financial aid, emergency loans, grants/book vouchers, and counseling and transfer information while enrolled at EVC. Nearly 1,000 students participate in the programs, which allow for more opportunities in education. The holiday celebration took place at EVC’s Gullo II room, located at 3095 Yerba Buena Road in San José.
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|12|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
San José: Paintings by Wayne Jiang When: Until May 30, 2010 Where: History Park in San Jose Info: www.historysanjose.org or call 408 287 2290.
Francisco “Pancho” Jimenez, Ceramic Sculptures WHEN: Until January 24, 2010 WHERE: Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA), 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View COST: FREE INFO: 650-917-6800, ext. 306, or see www.arts4all.org AZTEC DANCE! When: Every Tuesday From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
E Sunday evenings at 7:00 pm (Jan 31 & Feb 7) Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm (Feb 14 & 21) Where: City Lights Theater Company 529 South Second St. San Jose, CA 95112 Info: (408) 295-4200 or visit us online at www.cltc.org
Where: MACLA Theater 510 South 51h Street, San Jose Info: (408) 998-2783 or www.maclaarte.org
Sustainable Vegetable Gardening Wednesdays, February 10th - March 17th, 7:00 - 9:00pm Where: Guadalupe River Park & Gardens Visitor & Education Center Info: (408) 298-7657 or visit www.grpg.org
Cultural Disjuncture When: Until January 2, 2010 Where: MACLA San Jose Info: www.maclaarte.com
Downtown Ice When: Until Jan. 18 Where: Circle of Palms, off Market Street in Downtown San Jose Info: www.sjdowntown.com or (408) 279-1775
LIL’ REV When: Saturday, January 9, at 8 p.m Where: Sunnyvale Theatre is located at the Community Center, 550 E. Remington Drive Info: arts.inSunnyvale.com
CET Provides Legal Support for Elderly Citizenship Applicants When: January 19, 1:00 pm. January 14, 21 and 26 at 5:30 pm. February 6, 1:00 pm. February 11, and 18 at 5:30 pm Where: 701 Vine St., San Jose Info: (408) 534-5215
San Francisco Events: Filmmaker George Kuchar And Mexican Artist Miguel Calderon When: Until JAN 10, 2010 Where: YBCA, Gallery 3, 701 Mission St, San Francisco, CA. Info: 415.978.2787 or www.ybca.org
City Lights Theater Company of San Jose Presents: Dead Man Walking By Tim Robbins (Based on the book Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean) In partnership with Notre Dame High School When: January 21, 2010 - February 21, 2010 Thursdays - Saturdays at 8 pm
A Bit of Brazilian Music on Film When: When: Thu, Jan 14, 7:30 pm: Sweet Barbarians (Os Doces Bárbaros) by Jom Tob Azulay Sat, Jan 16, 7:30 & 9:30 pm: Beyond Ipanema: Brazilian Waves in Global Music by Guto Barra & Béco Dranoff
Sat, Jan 23, 7:30 pm: Favela on Blast by Leandro HBL & Wesley Pentz Sun, Jan 24, 4:30 pm: Discovery of Brazil (Descobrimento do Brasil) by Humberto Mauro Info: 415-978-2787 or www.ybca.org When Lives Become Form: Scholar’s Roundtable When: Saturday, Jan 16, 2010: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Where: 701 Mission St., San Francisco CA 94103 - YBCA Large Conference Room Info: 415.978.2787 or www.ybca.org Taller de Ciudadanía Día: 14 y 21 de enero Hora: 5:30 pm Lugar: CET 701 Vine St. San Jose, CA 95110 Arte del Vidrio Día: Viernes 8 de enero Hora: Lugar 6pm a 8pm Lugar: Community School of Music & Arts 230 san antonio circle Mtn view, ca 94040 Info: 408.993.2244 Consejos para la crianza de hijos Día: Miércoles 13 de nero Hora: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Lugar: Columbia Middle School 739 Morse Avenue, Sunnyvale Info:408-523-8150 childcareresources@ci.sunnyvale.ca.us.
THIS FILM IS RATED R. RESTRICTED. Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent Or Adult Guardian. Please note: Run-of-engagement passes are good Monday - Thursday (excluding holidays). Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee you a seat at the theatre. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and theatre is open to paying customers. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Lionsgate, El Observadorand their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors, their employees and family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!
¿Compones temas musicales latinos? Participa en el concurso anual “peermusic” a cargo de la fundación BMI. Participan : Jóvenes de 16 y 24 años (tienen que permanecer a una Escuela o Universidad) Fecha límite: 8 de febrero de 2010
Informes: Porfirio Piña Director, peermusic Latin Scholarship BMI Foundation, Inc. Los Angeles 8730 Sunset Blvd. 3rd Flr West West Hollywood, CA 90069-2211 (310) 659-9109 Meditaciones a colores Dirigido a seres humanos responsables y enfocados en su crecimiento personal, espiritual y colectivo para crear un mundo de armonía, educación y amor. Días: Miércoles 8-9pm Domingos 11- 12pm Lugar: 2175 The Alameda S. 105 San Jose CA 95126 Informes: (408) 720-9669 Donativo: $5 Tutankhamun y la Edad de Oro Exhibición majestuosa en el Museo de Young Días: Hasta marzo 2010 Lugar: Museo de Young 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive John F. Kennedy Drive, Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA Info: (415)750-3600 www.tutsanfrancisco.org SCORE Consejeros para los Pequeños negocios de América Lugar: 84 West Santa Clara St, San Jose Info: www.svscore.org Servicios de Inmigración Organización de San José que ayuda a inmigrantes S.I.R.E.N Lugar: 1425 Koll Circle Suite 109 Teléfono: (408) 453-3003 San Jose, CA 95112
(Entre la 4ta. Y Gish) www.siren-bayarea.org TOLTEKAYOTL: Raíces Indígenas Exhibición a cargo del historiador Luis Gova Día: Martes a sábado De: 10 am a 4pm Hasta enero de 2010 Lugar: San Jose City College 2100 Moorpark (esquina con Bascom) A espaldas de las canchas de Raquetball Taller de las Chacras Explora, identifica, vive los 7 chacras en cada ejercicio Aprenda cómo alinear los chacras Hora: 7:00-9:00 pm Costo: $ 140.00 Informacion: 408 720-9669 Registre su CELULAR Para recibir alertas en caso de emergencia La información se recibe en español visite www.alertscc.gov Patinaje sobre hielo Días: Hasta 18 de enero 2010 Lugar: Círculo de Palmas (Entre el hotel Fairmont y Museo de Arte de San José) Entrada: $13 (0-12) $15 (13 en adelante) Nuestra Escuelita www.nuestraescuelita.org Ayuda a que sus hijos sigan desarrollando el Español Lugar: 405 South 10th Street San José CA 95112
El Observador Foundation Needs Your Donation During the past 25 years, EO Foundation has assisted several community-based organizations and over 100 individuals in need, keeping with its purpose as stipulated in its non-profit IRS charter of 1983. Your tax-deductible donations of any amount will enable us to continue our efforts. Just use the PayPal account by going to EL OBSERVADOR’S FOUNDATION INC’s Web site, www.elobservadorfoundation.org to make your donation.
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Horóscopo 2010 Aries Tienes muchos sueños y metas que conquistar y comenzando en enero debes volverte más dinámico, luchar y trabajar para lograr todos tus propósitos. Contarás con mucha popularidad y hasta serás modelo a seguir por personas que te conocen y te admiran. El 2009 no fue un año bueno para tu economía, pero el 2010 promete ser un año de grandes oportunidades para ti, especialmente porque Júpiter te visitará, y por ello una gran oportunidad ha de cruzarse en tu camino a mediados de año.
Tauro. Parece ser que tus planes últimamente no han resultado como lo tenías pensado, sin embargo, a veces la no acción es la mejor acción de todas. Lo que mereces y lo que más te conviene se irá presentando en tu camino sin necesidad que hagas nada. Por fin se resuelven situaciones y problemas que venías arrastrando desde meses atrás. En tu vida ha de imponerse la paz y la armonía.
Géminis En ocasiones lo que verdaderamente nos conviene no es aquello que más deseamos, y esto aplica a tu persona. A estas alturas ya sabes muy bien lo que es mejor para ti, sabes que a tu alrededor existe una persona cuya relación o amistad no te es conveniente, ya otras personas te han aconsejado y ahora es momento de hacer tu decisión. Estas pasando por un tiempo de lucha en la que tú serás el vencedor. Vivirás momentos felices al lado de familiares y amigos.
Cáncer Aunque exista mucha guerra y controversias a tu alrededor, se tú quien ponga la paz. Te vienen buenas noticias del extranjero y de familiares que viven a la distancia. En cuestiones sentimentales tendrás que tomar decisiones, navega con la corriente y no te permitas actuar bajo presión. Económicamente irás superando obstáculos y habrás de notar que tus ganancias aumentan. Te mantendrás saludable y optimista, ingredientes que te harán sentir feliz.
Leo De enero en adelante te espera mucho tra-
bajo por hacer, ahora el viento sopla a tu favor y cualquier meta que te propongas lograrás alcanzarla, tu salud se mantendrá estable y el amor estará allí, fiel a tu lado. Parece ser que el sector económico es el objetivo principal durante este mes y durante todo el 2010. Es momento para reponerte financieramente, ahora que ya aprendiste a manejar mejor tu economía y no actuar por impulsos y corazonadas, entonces podrás recuperar la posición que te mereces.
Virgo En tu vida viene en camino un renacimiento, todo lo novedoso ha de imponerse. Deja atrás pesares y perdidas porque en breve la buena fortuna ha de hacerse presente y tus arcas volverán a llenarse. El 2010 representa para ti una puerta que se abre con nuevas y mejores oportunidades para sobresalir y ser feliz. Amigos verdaderos te demostraran lo mucho que te aprecian y siempre estarán dispuestos a favorecerte cuando más lo necesites.
Libra Inicias un ciclo de luchas y grandes desafíos tanto en tu vida privada como en el sector laboral. Sentimentalmente atravesarás por varias pruebas que en cierto momento te harán pensar si de verdad estas enamorado(a) de la persona que tienes junto a ti. Tienes a Saturno navegando en tu signo, por lo tanto se vislumbran grandes cambios en tu forma de pensar, de ser y de sentir. Los contactos que establezcas en las próximas fechas serán para tu beneficio en el futuro cercano.
Escorpio Las relaciones sentimentales y tu sector romántico se mantendrá muy activo durante todo el 2010. Es probable que sientas amor por dos personas, pues alguien del ayer todavía late fuerte en tu corazón. Te espera una época festiva en la que afloraran tus más sublimes sentimientos. En el amor actúa conforme tu corazón lo indique. Financieramente pasarás por un buen momento. Ten cuidado con las adicciones.
Sagitario La persona que amas, te ama de igual manera pero para que la relación funcione debes ceder un poco, recuerda que hay que dar para recibir. Durante casi todo el 2009 padeciste al-
tibajos con el dinero, y desde comience el 2010, el sector financiero comenzará a darte satisfacciones ya que se te ocurrirán ideas e inventarás medios para aumentar tus ingresos.
Capricornio Los augurios para el 2010 no pueden ser mejores, la estrella te invita a esperar lo mejor en todos los sentidos de tu existencia. Tu vida romántica pasará por momentos felices en los que quedarán atrás los celos y la desconfianza. Se vislumbran viajes, celebraciones y veladas estupendas que te acercarán aún más con familiares y amigos a los que aprecias. En el trabajo te esperan cambios que te resultaran favorables. Moldea tu carácter y olvida penas del ayer.
Acuario Tu vida ha comenzado a florecer, todos tus proyectos marchan de lo mejor, pero en ocasiones te tocará lidiar con personas quiénes tienden a complicarse y a complicar la vida de
los demás. Actúa con discreción y no te inmiscuyas en problemas ajenos que tú no puedes ni debes de resolver. En el amor puedes llegar a experimentar desconfianza, todo debido a conjeturas equívocas. Tu pareja te es totalmente fiel. El 2010 será de buena suerte para ti, especialmente en el sector económico que se verá influenciado por Júpiter, el planeta de la expansión.
Piscis En esta etapa de tu vida se impondrá lo inesperado, conocerás a dos personas que se convertirán rápidamente en tus buenos amigos. Aunque tu vida romántica no sea la mejor en este momento, los astros indican que tendrás motivos para ser feliz y le tendrás más confianza al ser amado. En el trabajo te esperan luchas insospechadas pero siempre saldrás airoso de cualquier dificultad. Es probable que realices un par de viajes.
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|14|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Mixing Alcohol and Medications Can Make a Risky Cocktail
0RIVATE 0ARTIES Groups and Sponsorships (408) 279-1775
Hourss, Prices Hours, AND )NFORMATION ) AND )NFORMATION (408)) 291-0525 sjdow wntown.com sjdowntown.com A San Jose Downtown Associat Association tion Production
B ONE, GET ONE FREE BUY Receive One Free Child oorr Adult Admission with One Paid Adultt Admission Valid: Nov Nov.. 23–25, Nov Nov.. 30–Dec. 30–Dec. 3, Dec. 7–10, 4–7*, Dec.14–17, Jan. 4–7* *, Jan. 11–14 ,IMIT ONE FREE ADMISSION WITH ONE PAID ADULT ADMISSION PER COUPON ,IM MIT ONE FREE ADMISSION WITH ONE PAID ADULT ADMISSION PER COUPON .OT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS OR PROMOTIONS %/ .OT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNTTS OR PROMOTIONS %/ * On Jan. 7 the rink will open to the t public at 6:30 p.m.
(NewsUSA) - Antibiotics, pain relievers and alcohol: What do these have in common? Consumed together, they can produce dangerous results. According to a recent survey commissioned by Medicine Shoppe Pharmacies, 28 percent of respondents admit ignoring instructions not to drink alcohol while taking certain medications. Of those, 42 percent have experienced a negative physical reaction as a result. “Consuming alcohol while taking medications can result in serious health complications,� said Bill Bailey, director of Specialized Care Centers for Medicine Shoppe International Inc. “Pharmacists are medication experts and great resources for discussing how alcohol may interact with your medications.� However, the survey revealed that only 32 percent of respondents discuss potential interactions or side effects with their pharmacist or doctor each time they begin a new medication. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, even small amounts of alcohol intake can influence the effectiveness of medication in several ways: * Alcohol may diminish a drug’s ability to be broken down in the bloodstream by competing for
the same set of metabolizing enzymes, thus prolonging the drug’s time in the body and increasing the risk of harmful reactions. * Alcohol can magnify the effects of sedative and narcotic drugs on the brain, making daily tasks challenging and sometimes dangerous. * Some drugs slow the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol, increasing susceptibility to intoxication. The effects can be serious. For example, the interaction of alcohol with allergy medicines and painkillers can impair central nervous system functions, which results in fatigue, confusion and poor judgment. Interactions involving antidepressants, sleep aids and blood pressure medicines can create blood pressure problems. For those on arthritis medicines, alcohol consumption can cause possible liver damage. “The best thing to do is read the instruction label on your medication, ask questions if they seem unclear and always follow the advice of your doctor and pharmacist,� said Bailey. For more information about alcohol and drug interactions, or to find the nearest Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy in your area, visit www.medicineshoppe.com.
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www.el-observador.com | JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | 15
Todos esperamos la llegada los Tres Reyes Magos Por Rosario Vital - El Observador
a llegada de los Tres Reyes Magos simboliza uno de las celebraciones que ha sido mantenida por los feligreses católicos y que ha dado motivo para que los negocios sigan buscando motivos para vender. Los “magos”, según la creencia Católica, eran representantes de religiones paganas de pueblos vecinos y por eso ve en el Evangelio, las primicias de las naciones que acogen, por la Encarnación, la Buena Nueva de la salvación.[ En algunos países existe la tradición de representar a los reyes trayendo los regalos que los niños les han pedido en sus cartas durante la noche anterior a la Epifanía. Pero en otros países se le llama “Pesebre” a toda esta representación. La figura católica de los Reyes Magos tiene su origen en los relatos del nacimiento de Jesús, algunos, fueron integrados de los evangelios canónicos que hoy conforman el Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia.
Three Wise Reasons for Gifts
Celebraciones en San José El próximo 9 y 10 de enero se celebrará El Dia de Los Tres Reyes Magos en las instalaciones del Children’s Discovery Museum de San Jose localizado en la 180 Woz Way. Las familias están invitadas a participar entre las 10:00 am y 5:00pm. El ingreso es gratuito con su entrada pagada al Museo $10.00 para personas entre 1 -59 años y $9.00 para personas de 60 años y mayores. Niños menores de un año entran gratis. Se ha previsto para el Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose una serie de atracciones tradicionales de México y entretenimiento local. Con música Mariachi juvenil, bailes Folklóricos y varios artistas locales esta celebración promete ser divertida para toda la familia. Los visitantes tendrán la oportunidad de aprender manualidades tradicionales como papel picadoy hacer muñequitos hechos conhojas de elote. El Museo también estará ofreciendo probaditas del pan tradicional, Rosca de Reyes. Voluntarios vestidos como los personajes de Los Tres Reyes Magos caminarán por todo el Museo para una foto.
By Cinthia Rodriguez
here’s something about a gift that can make my day. It’s a way of someone showing his or her appreciation towards me and then there’s the element of surprise. Underneath the bows and ribbons there can be anything. I was born in the middle of December, so I’m used to people forgetting about my birthday and I realized that the chances of me getting any gifts are slimmer every year. As a kid, I realized that Christmas was around the corner, so this time a present was secure, but sometimes my parents couldn’t afford to buy extravagant gifts. I then learned that I had a third chance of receiving a gift. Every January 6, there is a celebration on behalf of the three wise men. I was raised to believe that if I left my shoe with a letter to the three wise men, I would get something in return, as long as I had been a good daughter. It is believed that Melchior, King of Arabia, gave the Christ Child gold; Gaspar, King of Tarsus, gave Him myrrh; and Balthasar, King of Ethiopia, gave Him frankincense. The wise men came from the east by following a bright star that led them to Bethlehem. The gifts brought to the Christ Child by the wise men may well have been the origin of our present day custom of gift giving at Christmas or a desire to emulate the unselfishness of Christ. Whatever the reason is for giving out presents, it is a universal act and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. It is here to stay. The importance of the three wise men is tied up in Mexican tradition because of the huge celebrations in Spain. Along with the gifts, certain bread topped with fruit is enjoyed with a cup of hot chocolate. This year, my mom sent me a birthday card, my brother got me a vinyl record, my best friend texted me, and I got a Wii controller for Christmas. I should really consider writing a letter and stuffing it in my “chuck taylor” for the three wise men and to start off a good gift-receiving year. Just as long as I don’t get gold, I’m allergic.
El Día de e los TTres rres Reyess Magos Admisión al Museo: Admisión • $10.00 por persona de 1–59 años de edad • $9.00 $9 00 por persona de 60 años de edad y mayores ma yores miembros • BBebes ebes y miembr os del entran gratis Museo en tran gr atis
Sábado y Do Domingo omingo 9 y 10 de enero, ene ero, 2010 Niños, N iños, niñas y adultos adultos o disfrutaran disfrutaran Bailes ffolklóricos olk o lóricos y música M Mariachi ariachi juvenile juv enile PProbar robar una Rosca de Rey Reyes es
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classjan1:eo 12/30/09 1:11 PM Page 1
|16| JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
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¿Te Han Discriminado?
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LEGAL NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532386 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ABF Clean, 978 Vermont St., San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Ana B Flores, 978 Vermont St., San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 10/16/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
Ana B Flores Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/28/2009
Superior Court of California, County of Santa ClaraIn the matter of the application of: Yekaterina Zaslavsky/Dmitry Khalyavin, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Yekatrina Zaslavsky/Dmitry Khalyavin, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yekatrina Zaslavsky to Yekatrina Halavin b. Dmitry Khalyavin to Dmitry Halavin THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532273 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Hana Innosys, 1551 McCarthy Blvd., Ste 201, Milpitas, CA 95035 Santa Clara Co. Hana Micron America, Inc., 1551 McCarthy Blvd., Ste 201, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hana Micron America Inc Soon Beom Lee/General Manager Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/23/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532373 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Integrity Real Estate, 18585 Monterey Rd Ste 140, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Santa Clara Co. PPSV & Associates INC., 18585 Monterey Rd., Ste 140, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 12/28/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) PPSV & Associates INC Heidi Mendoza Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/28/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532214 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Hotpot Palace Buffet, 1628 Hostetter Rd. #F & G, San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara Co. Southeast Investment SYNB, INC., 115 E Gish Rd., #246, San Jose, CA 95112. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Southeast Investment SYNB. INC Nancy Hoang/Treasurer Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/21/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532202 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: VMC Solutions Tom Wynn, 279 Whitclem Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara Co. Thanh Cong Nguyen, 279 Whitclem Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 0101/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true
Thanh Cong Nguyen Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/21/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159200
Dec. 11, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE Date of Filing Application: December 28, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: The Name of the Applicant is/are: Spatola Giuseppe Spatola Veronica Uribe The applicant listed above is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 350 W Julian St Bldg 1 San Jose, CA 95110-2305 Type of license applied for: 41-ON-SALE BEER AND WINE - EATING PLACE Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control 100 Paseo de San Antonio Room 119, San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 277-1200 Published on January 1, 8, 15, 22, 2009
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531420 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: El Mercadito, 3054 Alum Rock Ave Suite A, San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. Maria Elena S. Cisneros, 166 Revey Ave #4, San Jose, CA 95128, Maria Eugenia S. Cisneros, 2217 Manhathan Way, Modesto, CA 95358. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrants have not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria Elena S. Cisneros Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/24/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532107 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Altos Real Estate, 10795 Penisular Ave, Cupertino, Ca 95014, Santa Clara Co. Harrison Spear, INC., 10795 Peninsular Ave, San Jose, CA 95014. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
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www.el-observador.com | JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | 17 Harrison Spear INC. Stephen A. Elich/President Dec. 25; Jan. 1, 8, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/17/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159607 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Acoka Haryanto, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Acoka Haryanto, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Acoka Haryanto to Harry Acoka Haryanto THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03/02/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 18, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 25; Jan. 01, 08, 15, 2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159526 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Bianca Marie Fregona, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Bianca Marie Fregona, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Bianca Marie Fregona to Betty Mary Freeman THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 17, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 25; Jan. 01, 08, 15, 2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV158557 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Shanmugam Namasivayam Parasuraman, Kanaga Kannappan, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Shanmugam Namasivayam Parasuraman, Kanaga Kannappan, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Shanmugam Namasivayam Parasuraman to Shanmugam Raman, b. Kanaga Kannappan to Kanaga Shanmugam THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/09/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at
least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 02, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531363 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Medina’s Kitchen, 911 A East Duane Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089, Santa Clara Co. Elena Chacon, 648 Lakewood Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Elena Chacon Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/23/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531937 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Rio Adobe, 10525 S De Anza Blvd #100, Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Sage Management Group Inc., 10525 S De Anza Blvd #100, Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sage Mangement Group Inc James Cargill/President Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531938 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: House Family Winery, 13340 Old Oak Way, Saratoga, CA 95070, Santa Clara Co. Old Oak Vineyard Inc., 13340 Old Oak Way, Saratoga, CA 95070. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Old Oak Vineyard Inc David House/President Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531957 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Super Fashion, 3321 Cortese Cir., San Jose, CA 95127, Santa Clara Co. Saul Sepulveda Flores, 3321 Cortese Cir., San Jose, CA 95127. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who de-
clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Saul Sepulveda Flores Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531621 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: G7 Communication, 5689 Paglia Ct., San Jose, CA 95138, Santa Clara Co. Martin Lee, 5689 Paglia Ct., San Jose, CA 95138. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Martin Lee Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/02/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 532027 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: New Laurel’s Delights, 333 West Santa Clara, 3rd Floor, San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara Co. Billie Tan Uy, 1230 Mayberry Lane, San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Billie Tan Uy Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/15/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531919 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Global Business Consulters, 1494 La Boheme St., San Jose, CA 95121, Santa Clara Co. Alejandro Rios D, 1494 La Boheme St, San Jose, CA 95121. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Alejandro Rios D. Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/10/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531874 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Club Caribe, Caribe Night Club, Mundo International Promotions, 1001 South First St., San Jose, CA 95110, Santa Clara Co. La Cumbre Enterprises Inc., 1001 South First St., San Jose, CA 95110. This business is conducted by a corporation registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in January 1996. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
La Cumbre Enterprises Inc. Ari Avanessian/President Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/09/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531312 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Realty World Cal Coast & Associates, 17295 Monterey Rd. Ste. #1, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Santa Clara Co. Yamin M. Rodriguez, 17295 Monterey Rd. Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 10/12/05. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Yazmin M. Rodriguez Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/20/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531313 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Yazmin Realty, 17295 Monterey Rd. Ste. #1, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, Santa Clara Co. Yamin M. Rodriguez, 17295 Monterey Rd. Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Yazmin M. Rodriguez Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/20/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531928 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Knox Bookkeeping, 1041 Clifford Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Christina Knox, 1041 Clifford Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Christina Knox Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 1, 8, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159167 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Magdi Alexander Masry, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Magdi Alezander Masry, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Magdi Alexander Masry to Christopher Alexander Koeper THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order
to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 11, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 01, 08, 2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159266 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Nadezda Malenko, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Nadezda Malenko, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Nadezda Malenko to Nadya Malenko THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 14, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 01, 08, 2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159277 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Daljit Singh, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Daljit Singh, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Daljit Singh to Daljit Sign Purewal THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/16/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 14, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 01, 08, 2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV159422 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Deepika Sebastian, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Deepika Sebastian, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Shreya Kakulavarapu to Shreya Kakulavarapu Sebastian THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for
four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 15, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 01, 08, 2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 531362 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Medina’s Catering, 911 “A” Duane, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. Filed in Santa Clara County on 08/24/09. under file no. 528128. Maria Medina, 710 Nido Dr Apt 24, Campbell, CA 95008. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria Medina Dec. 18, 25; Jan. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/03/2007 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 525695 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Kim’s Nails Spa, 16555 De Anza Blvd, Cupertino CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Kim Anh Le. 1814 Sageland Dr., San Jose, CA 95131, Kim Dung Le, 269 N Temple Dr. Milipitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by a general partnership registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 06/15/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Kim Anh Le June 26; July 3, 10, 17, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 06/19/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531694 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Value Carpet Cleaning , LLC., 12 South First Street Suite 501, San Jose, CA 95113, Santa Clara Co. Value Carpet Cleaning, LLC., 12 South First Street, Suite 501, San Jose, CA 95113. This business is conducted by a limited liability company registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Value Carpet Cleaning LLC Martin Lazo Cuevas/Manager Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/04/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531747 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: HRAC Quality Services, 2186 El Capitan Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara Co. Marisol Necochea, 2186 El Capitan Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santos A Vega, 2094 Royal Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95050. This business is conducted by a general partnership registrants
have not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Marisol Necochea Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/07/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531465 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Your ‘Cessories, 5230 War Wagon Court, San Jose, CA 95136, Santa Clara Co. Pauline C Behlen, 5230 War Wagon Ct., San Jose, CA 95136. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 7/16/1999. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Pauline C Behlen Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 11/25/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531756 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Styles-4-U, 925 Blossom Hill Rd., #U7, San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. Ayesha A Bina, 2428 Hilltop Mall Rd., Richmond, CA 94806, Mohammed Khan, 2428 Hilltop Mall Rd., Richmond, CA 94806. This business is conducted by a husband and wife registrants began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 11/01/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mohammed Khan Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/07/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531779 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Silvia’s Decorations, 280 S 22nd St, San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. Silvia Zamora, 280 S 22nd St., San Jose, CA 95116. This business is conducted by an individual registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 4/01/96. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Silvia Zamora Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/08/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531733 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Value Transportation, 157 Banana Grove Ln., San Jose, CA 95123, Santa Clara Co. Raul Marin, 157 Banana Ln., San Jose, CA 95123. This busines is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and cor-
rect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Raul Marin Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/07/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 531757 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Seven Oceans Marketing, 11647 Cedar Spring Ct,. Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Yu C Liaw, 11647 Cedar Spring Ct., Cupertino, CA 95014. This busines is conducted by an individual registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Yi Fan Chen Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 1, 2010 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/07/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV158787 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Kim Thanh Thi Tran, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Kim Thanh Thi Tran, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Kim Thanh Thi Tran to Janet K. T. Tran THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/16/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 07, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 01, 2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV158697 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Yu Tang, Mei Yan, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Yu Tang, Mei Yan, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Yijia Tang to Lynda Yijia Tang THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02/09/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 04, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Dec. 11, 18, 25; Jan. 01, 2010
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|18|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
AN JOSE, Calif. - Well-known San Francisco, CA-based gallery owner, Micaela Van Zwoll, will give an interactive lecture focused on fine art glass buying and collecting on Sunday, January 8, 2010, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., at the Finn Center, Community School of Music & Arts, 230 San Antonio Circle, in Mountain View, CA. The lecture is presented by the Bay Area Glass Institute as part of its mission to make the celebration of glass art accessible to all, and to provide continued artistic and educational growth to artists, patrons and the community. “Connections, Cul-
Márquez y Jonathan los primeros mexicanos en ganar un Mundial
éxico, (Notimex).- El defensa Rafael Márquez y el volante Jonathan Dos Santos, se convirtieron este día en los primeros futbolistas mexicanos en consagrarse campeones en un Mundial de Clubes. El Barcelona, que llegó al Mundial de Clubes 2009, como campeón de la Liga de Campeones de Europa, disputó dos encuentros, la semifinal donde venció 3-1 al Atlante de México y el antes mencionado contra el cuadro Pincharrata. Rafael Márquez, pudo ser campeón de este torneo en la edición del 2006 pero el Internacional de Porto Alegre, de Brasil no lo permitió ya que en aquella ocasión cuando el torneo se jugó en Japón, venció en la final 1-0 al Barcelona. Por su parte, Jonathan Dos Santos, no vio actividad en ninguno de los dos partidos, pero el viaje y las concentraciones sirvieron para que el volante poco a poco vaya adquiriendo experiencia con el primer equipo.
ture, Collecting ... A Contemporary View of Buying Art,” will provide both the novice and more experienced glass collector with insights on starting a glass collection as well as enhancing and/or expanding an existing one. The evening will begin with a reception featuring light hors d’oeuvres and wine, followed by the lecture and a questions and answers session. The lecture is open to the public, but space is limited so reservations are required. To RSVP or obtain more information, please contact BAGI at 408.993.2244, or visit the BAGI website: www.bagi.org.
Teatro Visión Continues Season
AN JOSE, CA— Teatro Visión has waited ten years to stage a one-person play at the Mexican Heritage Plaza. Critical praise for the upcoming Taking Flight indicates that the wait’s been well worth it. In January, Teatro Visión will present Taking Flight,, the company’s first one-person show since 1999, a critically acclaimed play described by Pulitzer-Prize winning playwright Nilo Cruz as “a magnificent piece of theatre...and an allegory for our time.” Written by and starring Adriana Sevahn Nichols, the play will run January 28 to February 14, 2010, at the Mexican Heritage Plaza in San José. Taking Flight centers on the friendship between Adriana and her best friend Rhonda, who struggle to overcome a tragedy that changes the world and their lives. Playing a variety of characters ranging from a Haitian cab driver to a sexy 90-year-old grandmother, Adriana offers up a hilarious, compelling, and sexy play that celebrates the soul of friendship, the sacrifice of care giving, and the resilience of the human spirit. Backstage described Adriana’s work as “honest and unafraid to jump radically from dark moments to humorous ones....a celebration of life.” Adriana Sevahn Nichols is a New York-born artist of Armenian, Dominican, and Basque ancestry currently living in Los Angeles. Taking Flight came out of a two week-intensive training in 2005 with Diane Rodríguez at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, as well as a commitment to workshop and hone the play with director Tony Plana (Ugly Betty). Taking Flight premiered in 2006 in Los Angeles, and was subsequently named one of the 10 best plays of the year by the L.A. Daily News. The play was broadcasted nationally on Public Radio for the series, “The Play’s The Thing”, before moving to San Diego Repertory and garnering a 2007 San Diego Theatre Critics Award. Tickets can be purchased in person at the box office, by phone at (408) 272-9926 or online at www.teatrovision.org. This play will be performed in English only. Δ
José Alfredo Jiménez escribe canción para festejos del Bicentenario México, (Notimex).- El compositor José Alfredo Jiménez hijo escribió una canción que retrata el folclore de México, y espera que forme parte de las celebraciones del Bicentenario de la Independencia y el Centenario de la Revolución Mexicana en 2010. El compositor dijo que fue canalizado a Promoción Turística, con la finalidad de que puedan incorporar la canción en alguno de los programas diseñados. Asimismo, dijo que el tema lo es-
cuchó Pedro Fernández, el actor que actualmente protagoniza la telenovela “Hasta que el dinero nos separe”, y le agradó mucho. “Pedro tiene ya la maqueta y me dijo: ‘Compadre, esta canción yo la tengo que cantar’”, así que José Alfredo Jiménez hijo espera que la propuesta pueda concretarse y la canción se escuche. El hijo del compositor de temas como “El rey” y “Si nos dejan”, añadió que en cierta forma le está haciendo
competencia a Pepe Guizar, que aunque ya murió, sus canciones sobre México siguen escuchándose en las emisoras radiofónicas o en eventos especiales. La publicación incluiría una especie de cancionero, así como los platillos predilectos de José Alfredo, carteles de sus películas y fotografías con algunos celebridades. José Alfredo hijo no vio con malos ojos que el libro pudiera tener pasajes de la Independencia y ser lanzado durante la conmemoración del 2010.
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www.el-observador.com | JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | 19
Gloria Trevi hace un sueño realidad
Eva Longoria en video con Alejandro Sanz
onterrey(Notimex).Los primeros acordes del tema “Sin miedo a perderte”, de Alex Ubago, fueron el preludio de una noche inolvidable para la cantante Gloria Trevi, tras su enlace religioso con Armando Gómez, al que describió como “un sueño hecho realidad”. Radiante y a punto de las lágrimas, Trevi expresó su deseo de tener otro hijo, así como su tristeza por no tener a su madre en su boda, con quien se man-
tuvo en comunicación constante durante el día de ayer. Al brindar por su felicidad, la pareja dio a conocer sus proyectos a largo plazo, entre los cuales mencionaron el deseo de tener un hijo. Sin embargo, Trevi dijo: “Pero ahorita tengo el compromiso del disco nuevo, estamos preparando las nuevas canciones, la nueva producción, pero ya estamos trabajando en eso”.
éxico, (Notimex).- El cantante español Alejandro Sanz estrenó “Desde cuando”, segundo sencillo de su más reciente álbum “Paraíso express”, cuyo video fue engalanado por la actriz Eva Longoria. El video tuvo como escenario un ambiente campirano con un río y donde Longoria y Sanz van en bicicleta, duermen juntos y tienen un actitud romántica y cómplice en todo momento. Sanz explicó que trabajar junto a la protago-
nista de la serie de televisión “Esposas desesperadas” fue “un placer, porque es una gran amiga y también porque le ha ayudado a hacer un video más creíble. Alejandro Sanz ofrecerá en México dos conciertos en febrero próximo en la capital mexicana como parte de su gira mundial y luego actuará el 4 de marzo en Guadalajara, Jalisco, y dos días después en Monterrey, Nuevo León.
Marc y JLo más apasionados que nunca S
antiago,. (Notimex).- Como una verdadera “tarjeta postal” calificó la prensa chilena la presentación anoche de Marc Anthony y Jennifer López, durante la inauguración del Hotel Monticelli, en la localidad de San Francisco de Mostazal, en el sur de esta capital. “Los temas ‘No me ames’ y ‘Escapémonos’, dos canciones repartidas en el catálogo de ambos, fueron la excusa para la postal que soñaban los organizadores: la de este matrimonio que juntos potencian algo que es casi una marca”, señaló este viernes el diario “La Tercera”. La crónica del concierto subrayó que “Jennifer López mostró pasión y “glamour” en “show” con Marc Anthony”, y agregó que ella “salió pasada la medianoche, bailando salsa y besando a su marido ante más de siete mil personas”. El diario “El Mercurio”, en tanto, detalló “el agitado día en Chile de los latinos más top” y apuntó que ella “encargó un bikini, chicle y un VHS”, destacando la férrea seguridad que rodea a la pareja, que ayer permaneció en sus habitaciones a la espera del espectáculo. Por su parte, el diario “Las Ultimas Noticias” titula su nota sobre el concierto: “El candente ‘regaloneo’ (dar cariño) de la guapa JLo y su esposo Marc”, señalando que hubo “besos, caricias, risas cómplices y tomadas de mano” de la pareja sobre el escenario.
Tickets available at the arena ticket offices, online at ticketmaster.com or charge by phone at (408) 998-TIXS, (415) 421-TIXS or (510) 625-TIXS . www.harlemglobetrotters.com
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|20|JAN 1 - 7, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
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