The Dream Becomes Reality
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
P. 11
Resolver la otra crisis del cuidado de la salud no puede esperar.
A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109 99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113
California necesita trabajadores de la salud. El tener acceso a la atención médica es una crisis para muchos californianos, pero nuestro estado encara otra crisis en el campo de la salud: una escasez de trabajadores. Y el problema empeorará a medida que la población crece y envejece. Este problema es especialmente nefasto en la cantidad de trabajadores que se requieren en las profesiones vocacionales – laboratoristas JAN 16 - 22, 2009
técnicos, asistentes médicos y demás posiciones que conforman
la columna vertebral de nuestro sistema de atención médica. Reconocer la necesidad, proveer entrenamiento y reclutar
EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.
Environmental Impact Report/Statement (EIR/EIS)
Proposed California High-Speed Rail Project San Francisco to San Jose Section
NOTICE OF PREPARATION AND PUBLIC SCOPING MEETINGS The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) will jointly prepare a project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the San Francisco to San Jose section of the Authority’s proposed California High-Speed Train (HST) system in compliance with relevant state and federal laws, in particular the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Authority has published a Notice of Preparation (NOP). The FRA has also published a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register, announcing the agency’s intention to initiate the federal environmental review process for this section of the HST project. In 2008, the Authority and FRA selected the Pacheco Pass alternative serving San Francisco and San Jose termini, as well as preferred corridor alignments and station location options. The selected alignment uses the Caltrain rail right-of-way, between San Francisco and San Jose along the San Francisco Peninsula. Stations are proposed in San Francisco, Millbrae and San Jose with another potential station in Redwood City or Palo Alto.
del problema. ¿Las alcanzaremos a tiempo?
All written comments on the scope of the San Francisco to San Jose HST Project EIR/EIS should be sent to Mr. Dan Leavitt, Deputy Director, ATTN. San Francisco to San Jose, California HighSpeed Rail Authority, 925 L Street, Suite 1425, Sacramento, CA 95814, or via e-mail with subject line “San Francisco to San Jose HST” to: by March 6, 2009. Comments may also be provided orally or in writing at the scoping meetings.
Para obtener más información acerca de la otra
Join us at the scoping meetings below to learn more about this proposed project and provide input into the environmental process.
nuevos profesionales para las vacantes laborales disponibles son acciones críticas en la solución
crisis del cuidado de la salud, visite la página de Internet
Este aviso publicitario fue pagado por Fenton Communications con una subvención otorgada por The California Wellness Foundation.
PUBLIC SCOPING MEETINGS San Mateo County January 22, 2009 SamTrans 1250 San Carlos Ave. SamTrans Auditorium San Carlos, CA
3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Santa Clara County January 29, 2009 Santa Clara Convention Cntr. 5001 Great America Parkway Great America Meeting Rms.1&2 Santa Clara, CA
San Francisco County January 27, 2009 SF State University 835 Market Street, 6th Floor (Rooms 673-674) San Francisco, CA
For more information regarding these meetings call (510) 587-8640 or visit the Authority’s website at
What About MLK’s Dream?
The Prime Task for President Obama: Restore Our Constitution By Gil Villagrán, MSW
Hilbert Morales, EL OBSERVADOR
n Monday, Jan. 19, 2009 we honor the leadership in the field of civil rights, which Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King provided during the 1950s and ‘60s. His “I have a Dream” oratory delivered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. was instrumental in moving Congress to pass the civil rights legislation needed for Americans of color to begin to have access to education, health care services, and all manner of community services. The right to have access to information regarding candidates, public policy and many civic issues began to be utilized by ethnic peoples soon afterwards. This is all a ‘work in progress’ that all residents of our community must know about, understand, be involved in, and engaged in from now on. On Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the 44th
President of the United States of America. This individual has already changed the way political campaigns will be funded because he and his campaign advisors mobilized and utilized the internet to raise funds ($170 million) which exceeded the special interest monies provided to his opponent, John McCain. The average donation from residents was $109. This approach undercut the influence of special interests. The millions of people who contributed modest amounts to the Obama Victory Fund also provided a landslide vote to elect Obama as our next president. What would Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar E. Chavez, and John F. Kennedy think about these accomplishments? Surely, they’re all smiling. However, we must all remember that ‘we have not arrived, but we are on our way. There is still much to do. For example, the purpose of corpo-
rations and the concept of capitalism must be extended to include not only the creation of wealth through profit-oriented enterprises, but also the provision of honorable employment providing a living wage to workers who want to and will earn their way through life. We must correct the extensive damage resulting from an ‘anything goes’ approach to government. The problem is not big government; it is leaders who want to be autocratic decision-makers and who divert the stewardship of good government towards the personal gain of influential and wealthy associates. We must define a new balance between business, government and the needs of our nation’s residents. What about the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream? We must all realize that it is and will be a continual ‘work in progress.’ Our new 44th president has already emphasized that reality.Δ
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
s the nation inaugurates our new president, we look forward with enthusiasm for a renewal of the best that America can be, as a nation ruled by law, once again. With great optimism, I have an expectation for a responsible federal government after the eight years of lawlessness, lies, and gross negligence at the highest level of our government-the Office of the President. It was in the Oval Office that the Bush presidency conspired to disregard the Constitution, which all school children and immigrants studying for their citizenship test know, is the Supreme Law of the Land. The disregard includes warrantless searches of people’s homes, offices, bank records, and secret surveillance of phones and emails. With probable cause these practices can be legally done under a court order, but the Bush attitude and practice was: “why bother?” Furthermore, the kidnap of American and foreign citizens, rendition to secret prisons, arrests and interrogation without legal requirements, detention without charges, court procedures, or legal representation continue to take place. The Bush team claims that the 9-11 attacks initiated the so-called War on Terrorism, as a new kind of war calling for new tactics, and as Vice-President Dick Cheney put it, “we have to go to the dark side, if you will, to protect our nation.” The dark side meant torture and indefinite detention. All these practices are illegal by our Constitution, by international treaties, and most egregious of all-against the Geneva Convention of which our nation is a signatory, making it a part of our nation’s Constitution. Bush took our nation into Cheney’s dark side of torture, in the same neighborhood of Nazi Germany, the Stalinist Gulag of the Soviet Union, Fascist Italy and Spain, Agusto Pinochet’s Chilean torture chambers, all using the time-tested torture of the Spanish Inquisition (complete with waterboarding, prisoners shackled and interrogated nude). Being a high tech nation, our torturers added 24-hour high pitched sound and bright lights, extreme cold or heat in jail cells-all to psychologically impair the prisoners-and “soften them up” for the interrogators. Our nation was brought down the slippery slope of brutal inhumanity by Bush and company. Some will claim it was necessary to keep our country safe, and to be sure-keeping our nation safe from attack is critical, and Bush has done that. But a nation is more than the land and people; it is also the customs, ideals, the rule of law, and cooperation between citizens to create a good society for all. Our Constitution, as imperfect as it may be, which originally legalized slavery, excluded women from voting, disregarded the rights of the native population; but held for 222 years to the idea that “a more perfect union (could) established justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty...” In just eight years, the Bush presidency reduced our nation to a state ruled conveniently by decree using “signing statements” which boldly declare laws to be disregarded, “claiming executive privilege” to refuse to testify before Congress, channeled funds allocated to pursue Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan to an undeclared war of choice (based on falsified information) in Iraq, enabling bin Laden escape to Pakistan. On top of all the illegal actions of the Bush presidency, these two wars that have tragically cost more than 4,200 lives and tens of thousands lifelong critical injuries, have depleted our military, and will cost by some estimates upwards of three trillion dollars. And now after years of de-regulation of the nation’s financial institutions, a gross negligence with an equally complicit Congress catering to a grotesque swarm of lobbyists, is a massive implosion of Wall Street also falling upon Main Street as Bush exits Washington. Bush is the party-boy who burns down the frat house after a final blowout party. The prime task for President Obama will be to restore the rule of law by a full Restoration of our Constitution. Δ
Dave Cortese Sworn in as County Supervisor
Dominic Cortese (Dave’s fathers), Dave Cortese Supervisor District 3 and Maria Marinos, Clerk of the Board.
By Osvaldo Castillo -El Observador n 1968, the United States was experiencing and era of uncertainty, but also of hope. That year, Dominic Cortese was elected to The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors (Dist.3). Fast-forward forty years to 2008 the United States is once again in an era of uncertainty and hope. This time around, Dominic’s son, Dave will help lead Santa
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Clara County into a better tomorrow. Dominic had the privilege to swear in his son as a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 12. Like his father, Dave Cortese will also represent Santa Clara County’s Third District. Cortese recalled seeing his father being sworn in to office when he was a child and was inspired to want to pursue a career in public service. He also reminded the audience of the difficult times the country is currently in. “We need to dedicate ourselves to a new form of activism for a new millennium,” Cortese said. Having grown up in San Jose, Cortese attended Bellarmine and Santa Clara University. He has served on the East Side Union High School Board of Trustees from 1992-2000. He then went on to serve in San Jose’s City Council and more recently served as San Jose’s Vice-mayor. Cortese has also been a strong vocal advocate for road improvements on Highway 101 near Tully, Capitol and Yerba Buena. “He has always been on the right side of the issues,” said Maha El-Genaidi, founder and president of the Islamic Networks Groups. “He has participated in Marches for immigrant rights and has observed the month of Ramadan.” El-Genaidi added that Cortese believes in affordable healthcare and that all children receive a good education. Santa Clara County’s District 3 includes parts of San Jose, Sunnyvale and Milpitas.Δ
Estudiante de San José se reune con Obama Por Rosario Vital
eronica Cabanayan (14) una joven estudiante de la escuela secundaria Notre Dame en la ciudad de San José asistirá a la ceremonia de inauguración del Presidente 44 de los Estados Unidos. Cabanayan se unirá a otros jóvenes escolares provenientes de diferentes estados para participar en la Conferencia Inaugural Presidencial de Jóvenes Líderes que se llevará a cabo del 17 al 21 de enero. La joven estudiante sera testigo de la juramentación del primer afroamericano que gobernará los Estados Unidos. “Me siento muy emocionada de participar en un evento que hace historia en todo el mundo. Es un orgullo ser parte de este momento histórico.
En esta visita tendré la oportunidad de hablar a miembros del congreso, expertos en política” Veronica Cabanayan fue seleccionada cuando fue nominada al Concilio de Liderago Juvenil del Congreso por su maestra Ms. Kathleen Cook de la Escuela St. John Vianney de San Jose. Gracias a su generosa recomendación y duro trabajo de los padres ha sido posible que esta joven estudiante participe en este histórico evento. Cabanayan quiere ser una abogada y a la vez practicar el arte. La joven tiene claro su vocación por servir a la comunidad a mejorar su nación “Deseo igualdad en nuestra nación. Me gustaría decirle a Obama que tenga un plan que de de oportunidades a todas las personas sin distinción de origen”, dice la joven estudiante.Δ
Aviso sobre Reuniones Públicas del 21 al 29 de enero de 2009 Plan de Servicio de Transporte Propuesto para 2009 La VTA llevará a cabo ocho reuniones públicas con el propósito de comunicar los cambios propuestos para 2009 en el servicio de autobuses y obtener los comentarios del público. El principal objetivo de esta propuesta, la cual tiene un costo neutral, es reasignar el servicio que no se utiliza con mayor eficacia, así como mejorar e incrementar el servicio a las líneas de autobuses que transportan un mayor número de pasajeros. A continuación se indican las líneas de autobús que se verán afectadas por los cambios propuestos:
dijo Roerty. “Es posible que más personas intentaran ir a trabajar en bicicleta si sus empresas lo apoyaran, incluso en este nivel básico”. Roerty enfatizó que los empleadores pueden otorgar el reembolso libre de impuestos a los empleados por gastos que incluyen la compra de la bicicleta y accesorios, estacionamiento para bicicletas, reparación, instalaciones para ducharse, y depósito. “Es fundamental entender que la medida solo proporciona una oportunidad para que el empleador extienda el beneficio por ir al trabajo en bicicleta”, dijo Roerty. La legislación del beneficio para las personas que van al trabajo en bicicleta fue introducido originalmente hace casi siete años por el Representante Earl Blumenauer (demócrata, de Oregón). “Por largo tiempo se han ofrecido incentivos económicos a personas que se trasladan al trabajo en otros medios de transporte; es hora de nivelar el campo de juego incluyendo a los ciclistas en el Beneficio laboral de transporte de la IRS (Servicio de impuestos internos)”, dice Blumenauer en su sitio web. Irónicamente, luego de muchos años de impulsar los beneficios para las personas que van al trabajo en bicicleta, el Representante Blumenauer se vio obligado a votar en contra de la legislación que fomentaba el uso de bicicletas debido a su oposición a los elementos de la más amplia ley de estabilización económica en la cual estaban incluidos. Los empleadores solo deben decidir si ofrecerán el programa como subsidio, en el que el empleador paga el costo, o como parte de un programa de nómina, en que se realiza a los empleados una deducción previa a los impuestos de sus salarios. Muchas empresas ya han puesto en práctica el Artículo 132(f) para gastos de transporte, como por ejemplo WageWorks y ADP. Accor Services ha introducido recientemente el CommuterCheck para el sistema de cupones para el traslado en bicicleta para empresas que no quieren crear su propio sistema de reembolso. “Esto no debe ser una carga administrativa para los empleadores ni para los empleados”, dijo Harkness. “Estos beneficios para el trasporte para ciclistas deben ofrecerlos todas las empresas, las grandes y las pequeñas”. El NCBW ha publicado una página con vínculos que contienen información adicional respecto del beneficio para el traslado en bicicleta en
Lugares en donde se llevarán a cabo las reuniones Miércoles 21 de enero 2:00 p.m.
Martes 27 de enero 7:00 p.m.
Alum Rock Youth Center Sala de conferencias para la comunidad 137 N. White Road San José
Fremont Community Center Teen Center 39770 Paseo Padre Parkway Fremont
A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando las Líneas de Autobuses 25, 45 y 71 de la VTA.
A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando las Líneas de Transporte 214 y 218 de AC Transit.
Lunes 26 de enero 4:00 p.m.
Miércoles 28 de enero 3:00 p.m. y 7:00 p.m.
Centro comunitario Lucie Stern Community Center Sala de conferencias para la comunidad 1305 Middlefield Road Palo Alto
Condado de Santa Clara Sala Isaac Newton 70 West Hedding Street San José
A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando la Línea de Autobuses 35 de la VTA.
A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando el tranvía y las Líneas de Autobuses 61, 62, 66, 180 y 181 de la VTA.
Martes 27 de enero 2:00 p.m.
Jueves 29 de enero 4:00 p.m.
Campbell Community Center Roosevelt Community Room 1 West Campbell Avenue Campbell A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando las Líneas de Autobuses 26 y 60 de VTA.
Si necesita algún servicio especial para poder participar en las reuniones, por favor comuníquese con la VTA (ver más abajo) al menos cinco días antes de la fecha de la reunión. Para mayor Información Si desea una lista detallada de los cambios propuestos, comuníquese con el departamento de Servicio al Pasajero de la VTA.
Morgan Hill Community & Cultural Center Sala Hiram Morgan Hill 17000 Monterey Road Morgan Hill A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando la Línea de Autobuses 68 de la VTA. Jueves 29 de enero 7:00 p.m.
Ayuntamiento de Gilroy Salones del Concejo 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy A este lugar se puede llegar utilizando la Línea de Autobuses 19 de la VTA. s s 449
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
partir del 1º de enero de 2009, los empleados que utilicen regularmente sus bicicletas para ir a trabajar califican para recibir un reembolso libre de impuestos de parte de sus empleadores de $20 al mes por gastos relacionados con el uso de la bicicleta. Los empleadores podrán deducir los gastos oportunamente de sus impuestos federales. “Nos enteramos de que muchos empleadores no saben nada de la disposición para el uso de bicicletas para ir a trabajar, ni que entró en vigencia el 1º de enero”, dijo Peter Harkness, presidente del National Center for Bicycling & Walking (Centro nacional para caminatas y paseos en bicicleta, NCBW por sus siglas en inglés). “Esta disposición es una cuestión de igualdad; les da a las personas que van a trabajar en bicicleta beneficios similares a aquellos que ya disfrutan las personas que van en auto o toman el transporte público para ir al trabajo”. La ley para el uso de bicicletas para ir al trabajo (Bicycle Commuter Act) fue parte de un conjunto más amplio de Iniciativas de crédito fiscal por energía renovable incluidas en la ley de estabilización económica de emergencia (Emergency Economic Stabilization Act) de 2008, aprobada por el presidente Bush a principios de octubre de 2008. El artículo 211 de dicha ley dispone un “reembolso restringido por transportarse en bicicleta al trabajo” para “gastos razonables en los que incurra el empleado... para la compra de una bicicleta y mejoras, reparación, y depósito de la misma, si ésta fuera utilizada regularmente para el traslado entre el hogar del empleado y el lugar de trabajo”. La ley para el uso de bicicletas para ir al trabajo es una extensión de una ley de beneficios laborales para el traslado que otorga a los empleados reducciones de impuestos por compartir el auto o la camioneta con compañeros de trabajo para ir a trabajar y otros planes para reducir la congestión del tránsito. El costo que se prevé que tendrá esta disposición, estimado por el Joint Committee on Taxation (comité tributario), es de un modesto millón de dólares al año, en comparación con el costo anual de $4.4 billones de los actuales programas de estacionamiento de autos y beneficios de tránsito. “No es un programa perfecto, pero es un buen comienzo”, reconoce Sharon Roerty, directora ejecutiva de NCBW. “Existen muchas formas no costosas de fomentar el uso de bicicletas para ir a trabajar, y este beneficio podría impulsar los esfuerzos en esa dirección”,
Cambios menores Líneas de Autobuses de la VTA 10, 13, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31, 33, 46, 48, 49, 52, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77, 81, 82, 330 y DASH.
Si anda en bici tendrá reembolso de impuestos
Cambios mayores Líneas de Autobuses de la VTA 14, 15, 17, 37, 45, 63, 64, 66, 68, 88, 89, 180, 181 y una nueva línea de autobuses comunitarios que dará servicio a Kaiser Santa Clara.
: A C S U B SE
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
ig Brothers Big Sisters está rea lizando una búsqueda nacional para un “Big” con un gran corazón que se ha ganado el titulo -Ciudadano Big del Año
de América (America’s Big Citizen of the Year). Big Brothers Big Sisters esta introduciendo el premio Ciudadano Big del Año para reconocer el Mes Nacional de Mentoría,
niños en riesgo. El ganador será aquel nominado que recibe los máximos votos en el Internet. El nuevo premio se creo de los lideres, donantes, profesionales, empleados y voluntarios de Big Brothers Big Sisters que han visto de primera mano la urgente necesidad de lo que el movimiento logra y lo relevante que es para las comunidades a través del país. Con el aumento de presiones económicas en familias por todo el país, la necesidad de animar a que niños sean mejores estudiantes y ciudadanos tal vez nunca ha sido más grande. Para nominar a alguien que usted conoce para el premio Ciudadano Big del Año Big Brothers Big Sisters, por favor visite Las nominaciones serán visibles en el sitio web durante el mes de enero, cuando el publico podrá votar por el ciudadano que creen que se merezca el premio. La comida “Big Celebridad” se tomara acabo en Miami en junio, durante la conferencia nacional de Big Brothers Big Sisters. Para aprender más sobre Big Brothers Big Sisters y cómo usted puede cambiar cómo nuestros niños crecen por favor visite Δ
San Francisco San José Hayward Concord
Entrena AHORA para una carrera en
¡Prepárate para asistir a abogados, como también en el departamento legal de corporaciones, bancos, compañías aseguradoras y más!
Disponibilidad de programa varia de acuerdo a el campus o trimestre Benefíciate: Ayuda financiera para aquellos que califique Clases en la mañana y en la tarde. Asistencia para encontrar trabajo para graduados de por vida ¡O escoja
LLAME AHORA ¡Inicio de Clases Ahora!
entrenamiento Legal en Justicia Criminal!
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
celebrado en enero. Big Brothers Big Sisters es el socio principal en el Mes Nacional de Mentoría, liderado por el Proyecto de Mentoría Harvard de la Escuela de Salud Pública de Harvard, MENTOR/Sociedad Nacional de Mentoría y la Sociedad de Servicio Comunitario y Nacional. El tema para el 2009 es “Expande Tu Universo: Se un Mentor para un Niño”. El Mes de Mentoría incluye el Día de Agradecimiento de Mentores, el cual en 2009 se observará el 22 de enero. El premio Ciudadano Big del Año es una manera para Big Brothers Big Sisters’ de expandir su universo, demostrando que el cambiar como nuestros niños crecen en este país es un movimiento de todos los ciudadanos que ofrece oportunidades para que todos se involucren. El Ciudadano Big del Año será nominado y seleccionado por el público por medio de Nominaciones serán aceptadas por estadounidenses a través del país en forma de un escrito de 50-100 palabras describiendo como las acciones de un ciudadano tuvieron un impacto positivo en las vidas de
Campus en el Área de la Bahía:
Heald Student
Community 4 Contemporary Fiber Art Masters When: Through Jan.25 Where: San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles 520 S. First St. San Jose, 95113 Info: or 408.971.0323 County of Santa Clara Offers Workshops Training to Help Interested Residents Become Familiar with Foster Care and Adoption Process When: Saturdays: Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Where: Gilroy Family Resource Center, 8833 Monterey Rd, Gilroy, CA Info: Training Workshops for prospective foster and adoptive parents. Interested residents must attend all classes offered on Saturdays (five classes, 6.5 hours each class). Yesterday We Voted, Today We March! When: Jan. 21 at 5 p.m. Where: Mi Pueblo Shopping Plaza. Starting on Story and King and ending at San Jose City Hall. Educational Workshop on Silicon Valley’s Toxic History, Environmental Justice Movement & Current Issues When: Jan. 21 at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Where: Joyce Ellington Public Library, 491 E. Empire St. in San Jose Info: Milina Jovanovic at 408.792.2342 or email at Ballet San Jose Audition Tour - For 2009-10 Season When: Jan. 25 and Mar. 15 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Where: Ballet San Jose
40 N. First Street, San Jose, CA Info: (408) 288-2820 (for directions) Latino Peace Officers’ Association of Santa Clara Presents the 35th Anniversary Red Carpet Scholarship Gala When: Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. Where: The Wyndham Hotel-1350 N. First St. San Jose, 95112 Info: $100 per person or $1000 per table (seats 10). Reserve by calling L.P.O.A. Office at 408.289.1057 or by email: Scholarship Fundraiser ft. NEA, 2007 National Heritage Fellow Agustin Lira & ALMA. Presenting their musical program: Cesar Chavez - His Life & Times When: Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Morris Daily Auditorium at San Jose State University Info: General $25/Students $10. Cal 408.924.1488 or email Discovering Robeson: How a dead man came into my life and changed it for ever. When: Feb.13 at 7 p.m. Where: Morris Daily Auditorium at San Jose State University. Info: Email: $5 Admission Δ Calendario Celebre 80 Aniversario de Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Exhibiciones, exposiciones y presentaciones musicales Días 15 y 17 de enero Lugar: Biblioteca Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Días: 14 de febrero Lugar: 150 E. San Fernando St. San Jose Info: (408) 808-2397
COMO PREPARAR TUS IMPUESTOS A cargo de Abel Barragán (H&R BLOCK) Día: Sábado 17 de Enero Hora: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Lugar: Consulado General del Perú 870 Market St., Suite 1067 San Francisco, CA Info: 1-877 490 7378, 925-286-6198 o Talleres informativos para pagar la Ciudadanía Día: 28 de enero Hora: 5:30 pm Día: 7 de febrero Hora: 5:30pm Lugar: CET 701 Vine St. San José CA, 95110. Nutrición y ejercicio Programa Familiar de Nutrición y Ejercicios de la Universidad de Stanford. Dirigido para niños de edad preescolar y sus mamas Día: Jueves 29 de de enero Hora: 12-1pm Lugar: Tully Community Branch Library 880 Tully R d. Informes: Juanita Peña Velasco (408) 398-3635. Clases Para Futuros Padres de Crianza y de Adopción Capacitación de cinco semanas ayudará a residentes interesados en familiarizarse con proceso de cuidado de crianza y adopción Cuando: Enero 3, 10, 17, 24 y 31 de 2009 Donde: Asian Pacific Family Resource Center (Centro de Recursos Familiares) 625 Wool Creek Dr. Suite F. San Jose, Ca. 95112 Info: (408) 299-1566. Inscripciones:(408)299-5437
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Taller sobre el aborto Dirigido: A todas las mujeres que han tenido la experiencia.
Las participantes trabajarán a niveles profundos para liberar esas ondas de energia densas que aun no han sido transmutadas o transformadas en esferas de perdon para luego vanzar hacia el encuentro amoroso hacia el alma del feto, desde el corazón. Decidete a sacar ese capitulo de tu vida para que puedas realizarte como un ser humano-espiritual que eres. Este es un taller de liberación espiritual. Donde: 2130 The Alameda San Jose, Ca 95126 Cuando: 21 de Febrero, 2009 Horario: 10:00- 3:00pm Cuanto: $ 25.00 dólares Registración: 720-9669 Academia de Ciencias en California Abierto lunes a sábado Hora: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Domingos Hora: 11 a.m. a 5 p.m. Lugar: 55 Music Concourse Dr. Golden Park San Francisco, CA 94118 Info:(415)379-8000 Misterios de las 13 lunas Misterios de las sangres, ceremonia y limpia Día: 24 de enero Hora: 10:00 a 5:00 p,m Lugar: 2130 The Alameda, San José Ca (5126 Costo: $100 Informes: (408) 720-9669 Jóvenes Talentos Se buscan jóvenes que puedan ayudar a otros Visitar: Asian American Recovery Services 1340 Tully Road suite 304 San Jose, CA 95122 La Familia ¿Problemas de Violencia Doméstica? Llame al (408) 541-6100 ext. 144 o al (408) 541-6100 ext. 143 Δ
Por Rosario Vital - El Observador
partir de este momento es obligatorio que se ofrezcan los servicios médicos, y los materiales que proporcionan, en el idioma principal de los miembros con planes de salud HMO. Además, la ley requiere que cada vez que se reciba un servicio, ya sea en un consultorio, laboratorio o instalaciones de terapia, haya servicios de un intérprete para asistir a aquellos que no hablan inglés. Esta ley histórica tendrá un impacto positivo en la manera en que millones de residentes californianos con un conocimiento limitado del inglés se comunican con su doctor. “Esta ley asegurará que los miembros con planes HMO reciban servicios en el idioma que hablan y entienden. Se hará uso de la tecnología y los intérpretes no tienen necesariamente que estar presentes en la cita, esto puede hacer por teléfono o video conferencia” dijo Sandra Pérez de la Ofi cina del Defensor del Paciente en California “En el complejo mundo médico es crucial que los pacientes entiendan a los médicos y los médicos entiendan a sus pacientes cuando la barrera es el idioma. Es responsabilidad del paciente avisar que requier un intérprete para que de esta manera no se vean perjudicado”, dijo Pérez En el momento en que hagan una cita, si los miembros con planes HMO necesitan un intérprete, deben avisar a su plan de salud, doctor u otro proveedor de cuidado. La mayoría de los hospitales ya tienen estos servicios, incluso en las salas de emergencia. Si algún paciente tiene problemas en conseguir un intérprete, puede llamar a la línea de ayuda al 1-888-466-2219 o presentar una queja al El Departamento de Atención Médica Administrada es la única agencia que vigila los planes de salud HMO en la nación, la cual afecta a más de 21 millones de personas inscritas. La DMHC asiste a más de 800,000 californianos a resolver sus pro blemas con su plan de salud HMO por medio de su
Centro de Ayuda - las 24 horas al día - educando a consumidores sobre sus derechos y responsabilidades de salud. Al mismo tiempo coopera con los planes HMO para asegurar un sistema de cuidado médico solvente y estable.
conocer a las personas y organizaciones por su labor a lo largo de los años para lograr que estos reglamentos se volvieran posibles”, dijo Sandra Perez, directora de la Oficina del Defensor del Paciente. “Por fin, más con-
sumidores recibirán su servicios médicos en su propio idioma. Si el paciente o consumidor tiene alguna pregunta o problema, los invito a que se comuniquen con nuestra oficina”.
Los recientes estudios de RAND, por los investigadores Allen Fremont y Nicole Lurie, han sugerido que la calidad de cuidado de salud en ciertas áreas del estado tiene una conexión directa con los bajos niveles de competencia lingüística de los residentes de esa área. Los estudios demuestran que la asistencia lingüística no es solamente necesaria por razones médicas, sino también para formular legislación. Cuando la ley SB 853 fue aprobada, el Departamento de Atención Médica Administrada desarrolló el proceso más grande en la historia del Departamento sobre cómo se iba a implementar. Solicitó la participación del público para formar los requisitos de los planes de salud necesarios para que cumplieran con la ley. Más de 80 planes de salud, regulados por el DMHC, presentaron sus propuestas para implementar la nueva ley, detallando los idiomas de su membresía, los servicios que proveen, entrenamiento de personal, y cómo asegurar de que esos servicios realmente se proporcionen. “Me da mucho gusto re-
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Nueva ley garantiza servicios de intérpretes en clínicas y consultorios
Oakland Protests Transit police shooting of Oscar Grant By David Bacon OAKLAND, CA .-A rally protesting the killing of Oscar Grant, a young African American supermarket worker, by an officer of the Bay Area Rapid Transit police. Protesters lie on the ground, and shout out “Don’t Shoot!” to remind onlookers of the way Grant and other victims of police shootings have died. Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums tells the crowd that their protests helped to ensure that the officer who shot Grant was finally arrested for murder. Δ
Group Asks Rep. Lofgren to Support Obamaʼs Economic Recovery Plan
Children from Cesar Chavez School Get Bikes for Hard Work Honorable Mexican Consulate General David Figueroa and Greater San Jose Chamber of Commerce President Carlos Figueroa joined Interim Superintendent José Manzo and Cesar Chavez Principal Rene Sanchez to congratulate children that have shown excellent performance, attendance, perseverance and hard work. Through the generosity of the Consulate General and Greater San Jose Chamber of Commerce President, each student received a bicycle and the district distributed certificates of recognition.Δ
By Osvaldo Castillo ispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley board of directors congratulate Councilmember Ash Kalra at his inaugural festivities, on Tuesday, January 13. L-R: Miguel Olivo, HCCSV-BOD, HPAC, Councilmember District 8, Ash Kalra, Monica Amador and James Duran, HPAC.
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
10 members gathered on Wednesday to deliver a petition the District Director of Representative Zoe Lofgren, Sandra Soto, showing their support for Presidentelect Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Plan. “We need to pass Obama’s economic plan because we have had enough of Bush’s failed policies,” said J. Manuel Herrera, MoveOn Coordinator for San Jose/Silicon Valley. “After eight years of Bush’s mismanagement and with the economy in a death spiral, President-elect Obama has put forward a plan that finally works for all Americans and will create 3,000,000 new jobs.” According to MoveOn, President –elect Obama’s economic recovery plan invests in green jobs, health care and clean energy, which is what the economy needs and what most Americans want for longterm stability. Standing in the way of Obama’s economic recovery plan are the Republicans, said Herrera. “Right-wing Republicans in Congress are letting politics-as-usual get in the way of progress,” Herrera said. “They’re pushing to cut important parts of the economic recovery plan, make it smaller and eliminate these important investments that will strengthen our economy in the long run. This is the failed ideology that got us into this mess and we need a new vision.” Craig Dunkerley, a real estate worker, is a supporter of Obama’s economic recovery. “My phone doesn’t ring anymore and in good conscience, I have to tell people that right now is not a good time to buy a home,” Dunkerley said. “Fortunately, I have my savings to rely on, but that will not last forever.” Shanon Orrock, who lost her job as a music teacher, said she also believes Obama’s economic recovery plan will benefit the country as well the arts in our schools. “Obama addressed the arts and their importance to a child’s education,” Orrock said. “We need to keep teaching our children about the arts.” Herrera said that MoveOn has so far collected about 400 hundred signatures to get Representative Lofgren to urge Congress to pass President-elect Obama’s Economic Recovery Plan. “Representative Lofgren has been a supporter of Barack Obama since last January and will do her best to make sure his economic recovery plan passes,” said Sandra Soto, District Director of Representative Lofgren. For more information on the progress of President-elect Obama’s economic recovery plan, visit
L-R: Monica Amador, El Observador; Rose Herrera, District 8 Councilmember; Rose Amador, CEO Center for Training & Careers; Sylvia Alvarez, Evergreen School District Board Member at the Swearing in ceremony for Councilmember Rose Herrera.
East San Jose Resident Defies Odds By Osvaldo Castillo ddie Magana is a star defensive lineman at Bellarmine Prep. “I have been playing on Bellarmine’s football team for the past three years,” Magana said. But football is not the only sport Magana enjoys. “I also participate in other contact sports such as wrestling and rugby,” Magana said. Magana said the reason why he was unable to play sports all four years at Bellarmine was because he had to help his mother pay rent. “I worked at Raging Waters my freshman year,” he said. Magana was born in Turlock and
lives with his mother Sylvia, and his sister Michelle. “We used to have to move from shelter to shelter,” he said. Despite having to work 25 hours a week, Magana still managed to keep his grade point average above 3.0 throughout his high school career. Magana works as a community representative for Lee Madson Middle School. “I work on developing courses and managing the school’s budget,” Magana said. He also spends time serving food to the homeless and St. Patrick’s Church on Santa Clara St. and has even traveled to Tijuana, Mexico to help build houses for the city’s less fortunate.
As for the future, Magana said he is looking into attending either Santa Clara University or Loyola Marymount University. “I plan to major in either psychology or political science,” Magana said. “But my goal is to one day become a lawyer. Hopefully I can achieve that goal within the next ten years.”Δ
Por Rosario Vital - El Observador
istórico momento se vive en los Estados Unidos. Las palabras “Tengo un sueño” expresadas por el Reverendo Martin Luther King Jr. hoy se hacen realidad. Tras años de lucha en contra de la segregación racial y derechos civiles se logró conmemorar el día de su nacimiento como un feriado nacional. Bajo el gobierno de Ronald Reagan se determinó celebrar ese día el tercer lunes de enero, en lugar de enero 15, fecha del cumpleaños de King. Quien diría que años después un ciudadano afroamericano iba a juramentar en esta fecha la Presidencia de EU. Barack Obama asume el mando como el Presidente número 44 de los y como el primer afroamericano que alcanza el poder. El país tiene esperanza en la administración de Obama y espera que pronto se resuelva el problema de la crisis económica que viene afectando al país asi como el tema migratorio entre otros, Pero un país con muchas dificultades esperan a Obama. Existen sin embargo muchas expectativas por el nuevo rumbo de EU. Más de dos millones de personas asistirán a la ceremonia histórica mientras tanto otros
millones guardan esperanzas por la mejora de este país. “Obama va a lograr cambios y tengo fe en su palabras y cada discurso que ofrece en algunas de sus conferencias” dijo Miriam Salas residentes de Mtn. View. De otro lado José Santos confía que todo va a cambiar para bien. “Tenemos que apoyar a este Presidente”. “Obama es símbolo del cambio. Gracias a su mensaje de democracia nos ha renacido las esperanzas de anhelar algún día alguna reforma migratoria”, indica el joven estudiante César Juarez. Obama dijo que su gobierno revisará las redadas de inmigrantes indocumentados, porque quiere cerciorarse de que esa política funcione “de una manera humana”. Expectativa del mundo El presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama tendrá una larga agenda y los otros gobernantes esperan su posición. Hay buenas vibras para el nuevo gobernante de EU. Demócratas celebran asunción de Obama El martes 20 de enero de 8am a 12 se llevará a cabo el Forum titulado “Be the
Change” (Se parte del cambio) en las instalaciones de la Plaza de la Herencia Mexicana. (1700 Alum Rock Ave.) Por su parte El Partido Demócrata del Condado de Santa Clara ha previsto una fiesta inaugural para celebrar este importante acontecimiento. La celebración tendrá lugar en el IBEW Hall, ubicado en el 2125 Canoas Garden Ave. La cita es a las 6:00pm. En todo el mundo Miembros de la organización “Demócratas en el Exterior” celebrarán de Tokio a Toronto la asunción de Barack Obama como presidente de Estados Unidos el próximo 20 de enero, “Planeamos celebrar la asunción del presidente Barack Obama en cada rincón del mundo y unirnos para renovar la promesa estadounidense”, dijo Christine Schon Márques, presidenta internacional de la agrupación, en comunicado. Con más de 100 celebraciones planeadas en lugares tan remotos como Zambia, la organización indicó que el evento de mayor relevancia se llevará a cabo en Londres con una gala inaugural a la que asistirán 800 invitados. Δ (Nota con datos de Notimex)
The Dream Becomes Reality By Rossa Doño - El Observador n an unprecedented move the United States of America chose an African American to run our country. A feeling of intense happiness ran through half of the U.S as we began to look forward to a new country and
new struggles left from the previous presidency. With a tough couple of years coming up, Obama will attempt to reunite the country through a recession and an unexplainable war. Optimistic, Obama brings hope to the people who have voted for him, as well as a feeling that maybe this country has moved forward into what Martin Luther King Jr. called his Dream. For years children of all races and colors have played on the playground together, but to put a “minority” into a position of high power is most definitely a new America. Martin Luther King Jr. brought hope to the people of America when he gave his “I have a Dream” speech, and fought hard to bring equality to a divided nation. And now Obama sits at a much higher chair that Martin Luther King Jr. ever sat in and will attempt to bring the same thing. Although we were founded on immigration, many African Americans and Latinos have worked hard to achieve this American Dream of freedom and happiness through hard work, persistence and dedication. Obama has reached both his and many other people’s Dream and now he will have to work even harder. To support this man in of-
fice as he attempts to prove to those opposed to his presidency that he can and will be a just president, would show how grateful the Latino people are to be a part of this historical moment. Celebrations On Jan. 20 from 8 p.m. to midnight, a forum entitled “Be the Change” will take place at the Mexican Heritage Center. Celebrating the unprecedented presidential victory of Barack Obama and the thousands of volunteers who worked for him and the Democratic ticket in our county, the Santa Clara County Democratic Party is hosting an evening Inauguration Day Viewing Event so working people can enjoy videotaped coverage of his swearing in. The celebration at the IBEW Hall, 2125 Canoas Garden Ave., in San Jose will include a video montage from the presidential campaign beginning at 6 p.m. on Jan. 20, preceding a tapedelayed presentation of President Obama’s inauguration on the West Steps of the U.S. Capitol. The celebration is free and open to the public, but the IBEW Hall has a capacity of 400, so celebrants should arrive early. Around the World Members of the organization “Democrats in their Exterior”will celebrate from Tokyo to Toronto. “We plan to celebrate Barack Obama’s Inauguration in every part of the world, and unite to renovate the promise of the United States,” said Christine Schon Marques, President of the organization. With more than 100 celebrations planned in places as remote as Zambia, the organization indicated that the most formal event will take place in London with a gala of 800 people.Δ
“Dream to Reality - Evening Tribute to Dr. King” 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m., Hal Todd Theater, Hugh Gillis Hall Gospel music, drum drama, youth song and dance, rendition of “I Have a Dream.” Reception follows. Saturday, Feb. 14 Story Time 11 - 11:30 a.m., King Library, Children’s Room, Ground Fl. Explore the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as themes of peace, friendship and diversity through books and songs, featuring Jacqueline Woodson’s The Other Side.
Celebrations Honoring the 80th Birthday and Legacy of Civil Rights Leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will take place on the following dates: Saturday, Jan. 17 11 - 11:30 a.m., King Library, Children’s Room, Ground Fl. Story Time - Explore the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as themes of peace, friendship and diversity through books and songs, featuring Jacqueline Woodson’s The Other Side. Community Resource Faire 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., King Library, 4th St. Lobby, Ground Fl. A gathering of civil rights and social service agencies share information on available resources. - American Civil Liberties Union - Anti-Defamation League - Arab American Cultural Center - Asian Americans for Community Involvement - California Department of Fair Employment and Housing - County Office of Human Relations - Network for Hate Free Community ( please put together at same table with MLK Association of Santa Clara Valley) - League of Women Voters - MLK Association of Santa Clara Valley - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - Partners in Reading - Silicon Valley Conference for Community and Justice Jali-tyme 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., King Library, Children’s Room, Ground Fl. In Celebration of African/African American Art and Literary contributions, Jaliya, Inc. presents the Guardians of the Word and their oral, music, and Arts and Crafts showcase.
Freedom March 11:15 a.m. - 1 p.m., SJSU campus starting from King Library, 4th St. Lobby Community participation invited in this re-enactment of a civil rights march designed to highlight the power of exercising the First Amendment right to free assembly to effect social change, non-violently. Jaliya 1 - 2 p.m., Hal Todd Theater, Hugh Gillis Hall A 40-minute drum-drama highlighting events such as the 15001800’s enslavement and emancipation of Africans; 1900’s Civil Rights War and 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott trial. “Reinterpreting King’s Dream for the 21st Century” 2:25 - 4:15 p.m., Hal Todd Theater, Hugh Gillis Hall A multicultural community panel discusses Dr. King’s legacy in the context of current events. “Dream to Reality - Evening Tribute to Dr. King” 5:30 - 9 p.m., Hal Todd Theater, Hugh Gillis Hall Gospel music, drum drama, youth song and dance, rendition of “I Have a Dream.” Reception follows. Thursday, Feb. 19 “Post-Traumatic Slavery Syndrome” 5 - 9 p.m., King Library, Rms. 225/229, 2nd Fl. Part I: Banished, a film screening of a documentary examining ethnic and social cleansing in society. Start time: 5 p.m. Part II: Lecture by Derethia DuVal, Ph.D, examining how perceptions of slavery shape attitudes and behaviors of most Americans, past and present. Start time: 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.Δ
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Esperado sueño ya es una realidad
“Dream to Reality”
¿Cómo lucirá el mundo en el 2016
Por Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador
ada vez más se escuchan comentarios de lo que sucederá en el año 2012. Por un lado se teme por que el día 21 de Diciembre de ese año, el calendario Maya llega a su fin, por otra parte las profecías catastróficas de Nostradamus y Edgar Cayce. Incluso, ya se pueden ver mapas en la internet, de cómo lucirá la tierra después del 2016. Las noticias son sumamente alarmantes, aunque nadie puede predecir con exactitud cuándo y que será lo que sucederá con nuestro planeta. Lo que sí es cierto, es que los glaciares se están derritiendo, la nieve del polo norte y Groenlandia ha disminuido su volumen; hasta en Siberia, una de las regiones más frías del mundo, el clima ha comenzado a dar señales de variación. Según los presagios, muchas islas desaparecerán, serán tragadas por los océanos, especialmente aquellas que se encuentran en archipiélagos. El continente africano quedaría divido en tres
grandes islas, China y Rusia perderían una cuarta parte de su territorio. Se cree que Mongolia llegaría a tener costas. Europa perdería parte de su territorio norte, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Islandia y Dinamarca, serían los países más afectados. También Italia, Holanda, Inglaterra, España, Grecia y Portugal sufrirían perdidas de islas, islotes e incluso parte de su territorio continental. Israel y Líbano verán su territorio reducido a la mitad. Cientos de islas en Oceanía desparecerían, también islas de Japón y las islas de menor territorio en las Filipinas. La extensión de las islas Hawaii se reduciría en un tercio. En nuestro continente, el clima en Canadá dejaría de ser tan frío, los desiertos volverían a ser lo que antes fueron: “porciones del fondo del mar”. California, Florida, Maine y Nueva York, podrían ser estados-isla. En México, sería Baja California, Veracruz, Campeche, Yucatán, Chiapas, Tabasco y Oaxaca los estados más afectados. Centroamérica quedaría reducido en varias islas y del Caribe, solamente se salvarían las Antillas mayores. En
América del Sur, la mayoría de naciones con salida al mar se reducirían; Bolivia y Paraguay tendrían costas. Aunque la catástrofe es inimaginable, existen naciones que se verían beneficiadas, como es el caso de Chile y Argentina, que al contrario de la mayoría de naciones en el mundo, aumentarían su extensión territorial. Chile por ejemplo, posee mas de 2 millones de kilómetros cuadrados en la Antártica, continente que en el futuro será habitable. Ambas naciones del cono sur, según los augurios llegarán a estar entre las quince naciones más prosperas en el nuevo orden mundial. Las predicciones pueden ser verdaderamente funestas, nadie sabe a ciencia cierta qué ocurrirá, lo que si sabemos es que aún estamos a tiempo de salvar nuestro planeta de ese cambio tan terrible, de cada uno de nosotros depende que nos convirtamos en héroes ecológicos o en verdugos de la tierra. Contactos o visite Δ
Grace Napolitano
¡La televisión digital se acerca!
¿¿Está listo??
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Lo que usted debe saber
¿Utiliza usted antenas de conejo o antena aérea para poder recibir la señal de televisión en su televisor analógico? Si es así, lo más probable es que usted no pueda seguir recibiendo esta señal después de la “transición a la televisión digital.” Después del 17 de febrero de 2009, el gobierno ordenará que todas las estaciones comerciales de televisión se cambien a la señal digital. Usted deberá hacer algunos cambios para poder recibir la nueva señal digital y así poder continuar viendo sus estaciones favoritas de televisión. Tome una decisión ahora y asegúrese de no quedarse sin señal.
¡Prepárese ahora!
El gobierno dice, no pierda tiempo, “¡Solicite, Compre y Ensaye!” SOLICITE llamando al 1-888-DTV-2009 o visite la página Web para solicitar hasta dos cupones de $40, que entrega el gobierno, para que ahorre dinero en los nuevos convertidores. COMPRE su convertidor en una tienda minorista de electrónicos dentro de los 90 días después de haber recibido los cupones… lléveselos a casa y ENSAYELOS conectándolos a su televisor con antena de conejo… y disfrute de la mejor imagen y sonido de la televisión digital.
No olvide la antena
Se necesita la antena indicada para poder recibir la mejor recepción de señal digital. Pregunte en su tienda de electrónicos o visite la pagina Web para más información acerca de su antena de televisión. Es muy probable que usted necesite una nueva antena para que su televisor analógico funcione con el convertidor.
Es probable que ya esté listo…
SI todos sus televisores están conectados al servicio de cable o satélite… o si usted tiene una nueva televisión con un sintonizador digital… usted ya está listo para la transición a la televisión digital. Llame a su operador de cable local para saber más información, o visite la página Web en español Patrocinado por la National Cable & Telecommunications Association
Por Martin del Palacio
os que durante aĂąos siguieron con entusiasmo las desventuras cotidianas de Doug Hefferman, el neoyorquino de clase trabajadora que hizo reir a los televidentes a travĂŠs de los 206 episodios emitidos de “The King of Queensâ€?, siempre supieron que ese seĂąor grandote y expresivo tenĂa todo lo que se necesitaba para pasar algĂşn dĂa a la pantalla grande y convertirse en una gran estrella. No se equivocaron. Ya desde que apareciĂł como el cliente imposible del asesor de conquistas que interpretaba Will Smith en “Hitchâ€? quedĂł en claro que el cine le sentaba bien. Y cuando volviĂł a demostrar su talento como el bombero que finge una relaciĂłn sentimental con Adam Sandler para poder cobrar los beneficios familiares en “I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larryâ€? fue evidente que Kevin James se merecĂa ser el absoluto protagonista de una comedia. Ese es el caso de “Paul Blart: Mall Copâ€?, el disparatado filme dirigido por Steve Carr y que ha escrito el propio James, en donde el macizo comediante encarna al personaje del tĂtulo, un guardia de seguridad de un mall que se toma demasiado en serio su trabajo. A pesar del uniforme que lleva con tanto orgullo, es poca la autoridad real que ostenta el pobre Blart, aunque eso no le impide sobrepasarse un poco con sus atribuciones. Todo cambia, claro, cuando un grupo de delincuentes decide da un golpe en el mall en el que trabaja. Es entonces que Paul, a pesar de una notable torpeza y un cuerpo que no lo ayuda a la hora de las acciones heroĂcas, decide demostrar por quĂŠ se siente un policĂa de verdad y enfrentar ĂŠl solo a los bandidos. Una de las curiosidades de “Paul Blart: Mall Copâ€?, es que Carr decidiĂł rodar la pelĂcula en un mall autĂŠntico, y no solo eso, sino que lo hizo mientras el gigantesco centro comercial estaba
en funcionamiento. Claro que como la historia transcurre en el dĂa posterior a Thanksgiving y la filmaciĂłn fue realizada en pleno mayo, los clientes del lugar se encontraron con las tiendas decoradas para Navidad con meses y meses de anticipaciĂłn. Otro detalle llamativo es que para resaltar la torpeza fĂsica que vuelve a Paul Blart tan divertido, el director no tuvo mejor idea que convocar a un
grupo de eximios deportistas para que encarnaran a los villanos, entre los que se cuentan un par de celebridades latinas, como Mike Escamilla y Victor López, campeones de BMX y free running, respectivamente. TambiÊn pertenece a nuestra comunidad la niùa Raini Rodriguez, quien interpreta a la hija de Kevin James en el filme. Δ
Paul Blart Mall Cop: Kevin James, Aspirante A Policia
Cash For College UCSC Educational Partnership Center San Jose Cal-SOAP & EAOP 408-531-6124 Movimiento Cosmico Free Ingininous Dance Classes Tuesdays, 7PM MACLA San Jose Galeria Tonantzin's "Images of the Virgin" Art Exhibit Through January 18 115 3rd Street, San Juan Bautista Legends of Latin Rock Fight For Autism January 24, Warfield Theater, San Francisco WAR, Azteca, El Chicano 415-775-7722 "The Woman Who Fell From The Sky" January 22 Through Feb. 28 Teatro Vision, San Jose Latino Education Summit January 24, 8AM, Cal State East Bay FREE!
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JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Book Commemorates Mexicans In San Jose
Young Film Maker Premieres Documentary on Day Worker Center n original documentary, “El Centro Obrero,” by young Mountain View filmmaker, Lorenza Shabe, premieres on Friday, January 16 at Notre Dame High School in San Jose, and on Saturday, January 17 at St. Joseph Parish Church in Mountain View. “I didn’t know much about the workers, but I knew that they are considered to be invisible by most of society. By making this documentary, I learned about the struggles that all immigrants experience when they first come to America. My goal for this documentary is for people to recognize the workers’ humanity, and how California’s economy and society benefit from their labor. “I’m hoping to study film in college, and one day, and release the documentary to a wider audience, so more people get to know the workers’ stories, experiences, and challenges.” Seventeen-year-old Shabe is a graduate of St. Joseph’s School, and is currently a senior at Notre Dame High School. She warmly invites all members of the public to the premieres, especially students and young people: January 16, 5-7 p.m. Library, Notre Dame High School in San Jose 596 South Second St., San Jose, CA 95112 408-294-1113 January 17, 7-9 p.m. St. Joseph Parish Church, Father Doyle Hall 582 Hope Street, Mountain View, CA 94041 (650) 967-3831 Suggested donation is $5.00. For more information, call Maria Marroquin (650) 903-4102.Δ
AN JOSE, Calif. - When a teenager named Arturo Villarreal was toiling in the fields and canneries of San Jose, he had no idea he was making history by helping his native city blossom into the flourishing metropolis it is today. He also had no idea that 40 years later, he would be making history-quite literally-by writing about it. The idea for the upcoming book, Mexicans In San Jose, came to Evergreen Valley College Professor Nannette Regua when she saw a similar image book by Arcadia Publishing called Filipinos in Stockton. Turns out, no one had done a photo history book of Mexicans in San Jose. So Regua sold the idea to the publisher and talked Villarreal, a professor of Ethnic Studies and Anthropology, into
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
co-authoring the book. Unsung heroes, those who sweated and toiled in the industries that built San Jose’s economy and infrastructure, are the subjects of their book. “Women, in particular, were extremely effective as community organizers and church leaders, so women are a major focus of the book,” says Regua. To find relevant subjects, the two professors asked community leaders for recommendations. They have also been soliciting photos of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans working, meeting, organizing, teaching, celebrating and socializing, from the larger San Jose community as well as from their students at the college. With one-third of its population being Latino, EVC is a natural starting point. “I want readers of this book to come away with
pride about the many historical contributions and values we Mexicans and Mexican-Americans have brought to San Jose,” says Regua, an adjunct professor of History. “We see the book as a form of cultural recognition, encouraging confidence and pride among the population that built this city.” Villarreal agrees: “When you know your history, your rightful place in society, you feel empowered by it.” The book will feature sections on Arts and Entertainment, Church and Family, Leaders of Organizations and San Jose’s cultural history dating from 1777. Those with photographs, anecdotes or interview subjects to share are encouraged to contact Professors Regua and Villarreal at 408-274-7900, extension 2053 and extension 6609 respectively.Δ
Patrocinadores oficiales de la Federación Mexicana de Fútbol
© 2008 SUM™. All Rights Reserved. © 2008 FMF™. Todos los derechos reservados. Jugadores y horario por confirmar.
Photo By Dave Lepori
The Woman Who Fell From the Sky (La Mujer Que Cayó Del Cielo)
ased on a true story of an indigenous Rarámuri (Tarahumara) woman who was institutionalized for 12 years in the U.S., The Woman Who Fell From the Sky is a staggering look at insensitivity in the health profession and at a woman who spirit is sustained by her memories of home. This play will be performed in English with Spanish subtitles. La Mujer que Cayó del Cielo es una mirada asombrosa a la insensibilidad cultural entre los que están el poder y la diversidad entre las comunidades desposeídas. Basada en la historia verídica de una mujer Rarámuri al haber pasado 12 años en un manicomio de E.E.U.U por que su cultura indígena fue mal entendida. Esta obra se presentará en inglés con subtitulos en español. Special events: Thursday, Jan. 22, Friday January 23, 8 p.m: Previews- Discounted $12 adult and $7 student tickets. Teachers plus a guest FREE. RSVP with Friday, January 22- 6 p.m: The Tarahumara: A presentation on the history, culture and current issues of the Rarámuri (Tarahumara) people of northern Mexico, by special guest speaker Teresa Todos Los Santos from Chihuahua, Mexico. Saturday, Jan. 24, 8 p.m; Opening Night: The complete theater experience that includes a post-show catered reception with the cast. Sunday, Jan. 25, 2pm; Domingo De Teatro: A free performance of The Woman Who Fell From the Sky. Followed by a post show talkback with Teresa Todos Los Santos. Tickets distributed on a first come, first serve
basis beginning one hour before the performance. The play will run from Jan. 22 through Feb. 8, 2009 Thursdays through Sundays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at The Mexican Heritage Plaza Theater located at 1700 Alum Rock Ave. in San José. For Ticket Reservations: call (408) 272-9926 or visit Δ
otras figuras del medio, siguieran sus pasos en ese sentido. El histrión, estudio en Estados Unidos y logró su primer protagónico en “Santa” (1943). Durante los años 40 y 50 fue famoso por personajes como “Amante Latino”, en filmes como “Fiesta brava” (1947),. En televisión participó en “Star trek” y “How the west was won” éste último con el cual logró un Emmy por su destacada actuación Entre sus labores altruistas se encuentra la fundación de la organización Nosotros, en 1973, que se enfocó a la representación de latinos en la industria de Hollywood, así como su autobiografía “Reflections: A life in two worlds” que escribió en 1980. En el 2000 recibió un premio del “Lifetime achievement award” por su carrera en Hollywood y su labor en pro del progreso y ascenso de latinos en la industria del entretenimiento. Cuatro años después inauguró un teatro que lleva su nombre en Hollywood, aunque debió llegar en silla de ruedas, debido a una dolencia que aquejaba a su espalda desde años atrás, a causa de una lesión en la columna vertebral. Δ
La Mujer Que Cayó del Cielo The Woman Who Fell From the Sky UNA OBRA DE TEATRO POR
Basada en la historia verídica de una mujer al haber pasado 12 años en un manicomio por que su cultura indígena fue mal entendida. Esta obra será en inglés con traducción en español.
de enero 22 a febrero 8, 2009
Mexican Heritage Plaza Theater 1700 Alum Rock Avenue en San José
To register for a chance to win a pass (for you and a friend), to see
on January 22, please call the offices of EL OBSERVADOR at (408) 938-1700, x2003 or log on to beginning today, Friday, January 16th, between the hours of 9am-5pm.
This film is rated R. Please note: Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee you a seat at the theatre. Seating is on a first come first serve basis. Except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Screen Gems, Terry Hines & Associates, El Observador and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PHONE CALLS!
Sponsors: Applied Materials, Chevron, Wells Fargo, Ebay Foundation, Arts Council Silicon Valley, City of San Jose, Telefutura 66, Univision 14, the Mercury News
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
éxico, (Notimex).- El actor mexicano Ricardo Montalbán, mejor conocido como “El Amante Latino” y quien saltó a la fama con el estelar del “Señor Roarke” en la serie “La isla de la fantasía”, falleció el 14 de enero en su casa de Los Angeles, California. Fuentes cercanas a la familia confirmaron la muerte de Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán Merino, quien nació el 25 de noviembre de 1920 y cosiderado como el primer actor mexicano que triunfó en Hollywood. Entre sus últimos trabajos se encuentran la película infantile “Ant bully”, filme animado producido por Tom Hanks y en el que Montalbán prestó su voz a una hormiga; además de su trabajo en televisión en el melodrama “Querida enemiga” (2008). “El Amante Latino” nació el 25 de noviembre de 1920 en la ciudad de México, viajó a Hollywood, lugar donde desarrolló la mayor parte de sus más de 60 años de trayectoria, tras iniciarse en el teatro en Broadway, para después actuar en algunas películas mexicanas. El actor fue reconocido por encabezar un movimiento a favor de los actores hispanos en Hollywood, a quienes organizó en pro de la igualdad de derechos y asignación de personajes en la pantalla. Consiguió que otros actores como Edward James Olmos, Antonio Banderas y
Nos dejó el “Amante Latino”
HPAC welcomes community leaders
Acontecimientos en el Distrito Escolar de Evergreen.
El Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Evergreen Clif Black y el Buro de Fiduciarios presentaron el segundo retiro estratégico anual de verano en Septiembre del 2008. El Propósito del retiro fue revisar la misión y visión del Distrito y para monitorear el progreso en sus metas de tres años. Los participantes en el evento incluyeron padres, miembros de la comunidad, maestros, personal calificado, administradores del Distrito y administradores de la Union del Distrito Escolar de Preparatoria del Este y El Colegio Evergreen. Facilitado por Marilyn Snider de Snider y Associados, los treinta y seis participantes comenzaron identificando la fortaleza y los cumplimientos desde el retiro estratégico planeado, que tuvo lugar en Septiembre del 2007 y después avanzaron a indentificar las debilidades del Distrito. El grupo trabajó extremadamente bien y después de mucha discusión reflectiva, se acordó que las cinco metas que fueron desarrolladas el último verano, aun permanecen aplicables y deben permanecer, estas metas son:
• • • • •
Acercarse al margen de cumplimiento Mantener la calidad del personal Lograr la salud fiscal
Avanzar en la comunicación y las relaciones internas y externas Avanzar en la calidad y el liderazgo en todos los niveles
Planes de acción fueron desarrollados para ayudar al Distito a cumplir sus metas y a regular sus actualizaciones sobre los progresos que se harán en las reuniones del Buro de Distritos.
L-R: Councilmember Ash Kalra, Dist. 2; Monica Amador, Chair of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley; Dennis King, Executive Director of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley; Councilmember Rose Herrera, District 8; Santa Clara County Board of Supervisor George Shirakawa, District 2; Santa Clara County Board of Supervisor Dave Cortese, District 3; James Duran, Vice Chair HPAC and HCCSV Executive Board; Julio Baisa, HPAC and HCCSV Executive Board.
The Hispanic Political Action Committee (HPAC) held a luncheon on Friday, December 19, for the purpose of updating community leaders of the HPAC endeavors.
JANUARY 16 - 22, 2009
En otra nota, en la reunión de Diciembre 4, del 2008, después de mucho trabajo, deliberación y consideración, el Buro de Fiduciarios del Distrito Escolar de Evergreen aprobó cambios para la línea divisoria de varios distritos escolares. Estos cambios de colindancia afectarán a estudiantes en catorce de las dieciocho escuelas del Distrito Escolar (estudiantes en Millbrook, Holly Oak, J.F. Smith y Silver Oak no son afectados). Para saber si estos cambios afectarán a sus estudiantes por favor visite el enlace de alineamiento de colindancia en la red del Distrito en Los cambios aprovados y la implementación del plan pueden ser vistos bajo el enlace de Diciembre del 2008. Mapas de las áreas afectadas por los cambios pueden ser vistas bajo el enlace de Octubre del 2008. Información sobre el proceso de transición serán enviados a las familias a finales de Enero.
Produced by SCOTT HAMILTON Created & Directed by JEF BILLINGS
Special Guest JEFFREY BUTTLE, 2008 World Champion
Tickets: 408-998-TIXS, 415-421-TIXS and 510-625-TIXS Groups(10+): 408-999-5841 • Kids and Senior Discounts Boys & Girls Clubs of America will receive a donation for every ticket sold. Date and skaters subject to change. Smucker’s is a registered trademark of The J.M. Smucker Company. Stars on Ice and logo are trademarks of International Merchandising Corporation. ©2009 All Rights Reserved.
false is guilty of a crime.) Comunidad Mexicana, INC., A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corp. Maria Inez Quiñonez Ortiz/Secretary Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/11/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518121 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ORGANISACION SUPER ESE, 1020 ELM ST#23 San Jose, CA 95126, Santa Clara Co. Jose Luis Sanchez Lopez, 1020 Elm St#23, San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Luis Sanchez Lopez Dec. 26; Jan. 02, 09, 16, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/22/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518056 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ANDANTE Studio, 1945 Latham St Apt 11, Mountain View, CA 94040 Santa Clara Co. Edit Mihaly, 1945 Latham St. Apt. 11, Mountain View, CA 94040, Gabor Simon, 1945 Latham St. Apt. 11, Mountain View, CA 94040. This business is conducted by as husband and wife. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Edit Mihaly Dec. 26; Jan. 02, 09, 16, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/19/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518057 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: JJP Concrete Pumping, 40415 Marcia St. Fremont, CA 94538, Alameda Co. Jose Juan Perez, 40415 Marcias St., Fremont, CA 94538. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Juan Perez Dec. 26; Jan. 02, 09, 16, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/19/2008
follows: a. Brandon Sreang Kim Jang to Sreang Kim THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-24-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 31, 2008 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV131861 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Abdurahman Yahya Hassan Alhadi TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Abdurahman Yahya Hassan Alhadi has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Abdurahman Yahya Hassan Alhadi aka Abdurahman Alhadi to Dee Alhadi THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-17-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Dec. 31, 2008 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517767 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: 1. Comunidad Mexicana, INC., A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, 2. Comunidad Mexicana, 3. Voluntarios de la Comunidad Mexicana, 520. S. 2nd Street, San Jose, Ca 95112, Santa Clara Co. Comunidad Mexicana, Inc., a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, 520 S. 2nd Street, San Jose, CA 95112 . This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be
Committee for Transit Accessibility The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is seeking Santa Clara County residents to serve on its Committee for Transit Accessibility (CTA). The Committee for Transit Accessibility advises VTA’s Board of Directors on matters related to accessible transit services for persons with disabilities. Applications may be obtained by visiting VTA’s website at or by calling the Office of the Board Secretary at 408-321-5680. Completed applications will be accepted until Friday, February 13, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.
JANUARY 16 - 22, 2009
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV131959 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Rosalba Lucero Mejia TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Rosalba Lucero Mejia has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gerardy Ross Rivera Lucero to Gerardy Ross Lucero THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-2409 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 05, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV132095 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: VICTOR VALDEZ AND VIRGINIA GAYTAN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners VICTOR VALDEZ AND VIRGINIA GAYTAN have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. REYMUNDO VALDEZ GAYTAN TO REYMUNDO VALDEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 02-24-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 07, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 108CV127649 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Brandon Sreang Kim Jang TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Brandon Sreang Kim Jang has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 518915 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County Clerk Recorder’s office. FRIENDLY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER, 4130 B. MONTEREY ROAD, SAN JOSE, CA 95121 Filed in Santa Clara County on 11/18/2004. under file no. 453544. TUAN A DINH, 4130 B MONTERY RD., SAN JOSE, CA 95111. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) TUAN DINH Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 06, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/15/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518917 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: FRIENDLY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER, 4130 b MONTEREY RD., SAN Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. ANN TRAN, 105 SERRA WAY #198, MILPITAS, CA 95035. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/15/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) ANN TRAN Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/15/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518866 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: ADVANCE SECURITY CAMERAS, 666 COMMERCIAL ST., SAN JOSE, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. JAVIER GOMEZ, 666 COMMERICAL ST, SAN JOSE, CA 95112. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/14/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) JAVIER GOMEZ Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/14/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518794 The following person(s) is(are)
doing business as: UBYAN NEW & USED BABY AND KIDS STUFF, 540 S. BASCOM AVE, SAN JOSE, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. LILIAN FLORES, 2400 ENBORG LN#1, SAN JOSE, CA 95128. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/01/1997. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) LILIAN FLORES Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/13/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518799 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: JD Associates, 487 Hewes Ct., San Jose, CA 95138, Santa Clara Co. David DeVere, 487 Hewes Ct., San Jose, CA 95138, Juan Sotelo, 14544 Margate St., #10, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) David DeVere Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/13/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518787 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Teltech ID Systems, 2622 Glen Farm Ct., San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Pawandeep Phangureh, 2622 Glen Farm Ct., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Pawandeep Phangureh Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/12/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518788 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 1. AREMCOM REAL ESTATE SERVICES, 2. AREMCOM FINANCIAL, 2670 S. WHITE Rd. #145, San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Pawandeep Phangureh, 2622 Glen Farm Ct., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an in-
dividual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Pawandeep Phangureh Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/12/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518652 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Great Janitorial Service, 1893 Lanai Ave., San Jose, CA 95122, Santa Clara Co. Daniel Romero Sanchez, 1893 Lanai Ave., San Jose, CA 95122, Alicia Romero, 1893 Lanai Ave., San Jose, CA 95122. This business is conducted by husband & wife. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Daniel Romero Sanchez Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/07/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518598 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: MG&D ENTERPRISE, 3072 Valleywood Ct., San Jose, CA 95148, Santa Clara Co. Molly GarciaDiaz, 3072 Valleywood Ct., San Jose, CA 95148, Dianna D-Garcia, 3072 Valleywood Ct., San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/10/09. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Molly Garcia-Diaz Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/06/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518838 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Bizshark, 1685 Pymouth Street, Suite 200, Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara Co. Spokeo, Inc, 1685 Plymouth Street, Suite 200, Mountain View, CA 94043. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to
be false is guilty of a crime.) Spokeo Inc. Harrison Tang/President Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/13/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517968 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Joyeria El Alcatraz, 158 S. Jackson Ave., San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. Maria M Salceda, 860 Galahad Ave., San Jose, CA 95116. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 12/17/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria M Salceda Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/17/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518720 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: HEALTH ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC, 1015 Nandina Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Santa Clara Co. Hyeong ja Byun, 1015 Nandina Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hyeong Ja Byun Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/09/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518702 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: HAPPY VALLEY FLORIST, 18564 PROSPECT RD., SARATOGA, CA 95070, Santa Clara Co. Luis V. Sanchez, 5057 Cordoy Lane, San Jose, CA 95124. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Luis V. Sanchez Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/09/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518777 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Alamo
Landscape and Maintenance, 375 Cedro St., San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Jose Ochoa, 375 Cedro St., San Jose, CA 95111, Jesus A. Ochoa, 375 Cedro St., San Jose, CA 95111. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jesus Ochoa Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/06/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518656 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: 1. For Sale By Owner, 2. Cars & Trucks For Sale By Owner, 2585 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. All Seasons Car Wash, LLc., 20990 Homestead Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) All Seasons Car Wash, LLC Gregory Malley/Managing Member Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 6, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/07/2009 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 109CV132259 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Brian Jhong Hsieh TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Brian Jhong Hsieh, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Brian Jhong Hsieh to Brian Zhong Xue THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 03-03-09 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95133. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Jan. 12, 2009 Mary Ann Grilli Judge of the Superior Court Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb. 06, 2009
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518525 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Antojitos Los Amigos, 2651 Senter Rd., San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Marisol Ramos-Rico, 3159 Mt. Isabel Ct., San Jose, CA. 95148. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Marisol Ramos-Rico Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/05/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518187 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: RAMOS MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC, 167 MCCREERY, SAN JOSE, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. JOSE RAMOS RAMOS 167 MCCREERY, SAN JOSE, CA 95116. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 12/23/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) JOSE RAMOS RAMOS Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/23/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517862 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: EJ Tax & Accounting, 15043 Oriole Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070, Santa Clara Co. Estella Johnson, 15043 Oriole Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 10/12/08. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Estella Johnson Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/15/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517806 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Kerbo System, 1416 Birchmeadow Ln., San Jose, CA 95131, Santa Clara Co. Scott S. Lee, 1416 Birchmeadow Ln., San Jose, CA 95131. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business
name or names listed here on 12/12/2008. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Scott S Lee Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/12/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518481 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: NGO’S MILLENNIUM CHIROPRACTIC, 2114 Senter Rd., #4, SAN JOSE, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. NGO TUAN KIM, 583 ANGUS DR., MILPITAS, CA 95035. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/05/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) TUAN K NGO Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/05/2009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 517772 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: FANTASTIC SAMS, 1659 BRAHAM LANE, SUITE E, SAN JOSE, CA 95118, Santa Clara Co. KC ORGANIC HAIR LLC, 2517 HERON COURT, SAN JOSE, CA 95133. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) KC ORGANIC HAIR LLC CHETAN P. KHETANI Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/12/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518200 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Yale Investment Co., 438 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara Co. Jerome L. Strom, Inc., 438 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/01/1986. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jerome L. Strom Inc. Jerome L. Strom
President & C.E.O. Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/24/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518304 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: AVIÑAORTIZ FURNITURE FINISHING, 520 SO. 2ND Street, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Maria Inez Quinonez Ortiz, 2052 Gold St., Sp. 162, Alviso, CA 95002. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria Inez Quinonez Ortiz Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/29/2008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 518566 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: PLAZA JEWELERS, 160 S. JACKSON AVE., SAN JOSE, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. GUILLERMINA ALVAREZ. 3608 PLEASANT CREST DR., SAN JOSE, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant began doing business under the fictitious business name or names listed here on 01/06/2009. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) GUILLERMINA ALVAREZ Jan. 09, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 1/06/2009 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 518406 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business name statement that was filed at the County ClerkRecorder’s office. Huong Xua, 2122 Mckee Road, San Jose, CA 95116. Filed in Santa Clara County on 12/29/2008. under file no. 518303. JOHN THANH DO, 1396 OLD STONE WAY, SAN JOSE, CA 95132. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct ( A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) JOHN THANH DO January 9, 16, 23, 30, 2009 This statement was filed with the County of Santa Clara on 12/31/2008
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México ante Suecia en Oakland
PARTICIPA Y GANA Nombre _______________________ Teléfono: _______________________ Envia este cupón a: PO Box 1990 San José 95109
JAN 16 - 22, 2009
Para participar en el sorteo de boletos para el partido Mexico Vs Suecia.
AN JOSE, California - Los Earthquakes de San José, junto con la Fe deración Mexicana de Fútbol (FMF), y el Mercado de Fútbol Unido (SUM) unen esfuerzos para llevar a cabo el Tour 2009 de a Selección Nacional Mexicana. Este evento deportivo se inicia el próximo miércoles 28 de enero donde el TRI enfrentará al equipo nacional sueco en el Coliseo de Oakland a las 7:30 pm. El partido se transmitirá en Telemundo y en la radio de Fútbol de Primera. Entradas a $ 20. Informes al 1-800-225-2277 y 1-877-QUAKE-01.
Mexico y Suecia se han enfrentado en ocho ocasiones con dos victorias y tres empates para el “Tricolor”. El último partido entre los dos equipos fue en el territorio estadounidense el 26 de enero de 2004 en San Diego, California, que terminó 0 a 0. Mexico regresa en enero a Oakland, donde ha jugado muchas veces, más recientemente, en una victoria sobre 4 a 2 frente a Ecuador el 28 de marzo de 2007 frente a una multitud de 47 mil aficionados. El 2 de marzo de 2008, los equipos sub-23 de Mexico y Australia quedaron 1 a 1 en el entonces denominado McAfee Coliseum. Δ