VOLUME 31 NUMBER 41 OCT 8 - 14, 2010 www.el-observador.com
|2| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
30 años sirviendo a nuestra comunidad “No fue pérdida total”
Por Rosario Vital El Observador n 17 de septiembre de 1980 se estableció en el Área de la Bahía el semanario “El Observador”. Hilbert y Betty Morales invirtieron en un pe riódico que en aquel entonces atravesaba problemas económicos. En 1986 los Morales decidieron tomar las riendas de este medio impreso de comunicación. “Estaba cansado de ver a la comunidad latina maltratada por los medios de comunicación quienes elaboraban reportajes negativos sobre nosotros”, dijo Hilbert Morales. “La información sesgada o parcial es propaganda, al establecer un periódico tuvimos la oportunidad de informar a la comunidad latina acerca de los problemas que nos afectan, así como la oportunidad de dar a conocer a la comunidad en general sobre quienes son los nuestros, cuáles son nuestras esperanzas y sueños, qué tipo de valores te nemos y cuan trabajadores somos. Establecer El Observador fue una oportunidad para ce lebrar semana a semana nuestros éxitos”, agregó Morales. El Observador se ha mantenido en las últimas tres décadas como un “observador” y “testigo” de todos los importantes eventos locales que han transformado el Norte de California. Este medio ha cubierto situaciones difíciles y momentos de algarabía reportando con arítculos bilingües a nuestra comunidad. Debido a la diversidad que existe en San
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*Puedes optar por pagar tu prima en cuotas por un cargo mensual de servicio de $1. Ahorros anuales promedio por casa basados en un estudio en California realizado a asegurados nuevos en el 2009 quienes reportaron haber ahorrado al cambiarse a State Farm. Las pólizas, formularios y notificaciones de State Farm están escritas en inglés. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL. P090076CA
About the cover The editorial team knew this week’s cover had to be one of the most special ones, with that idea in mind, the use of pearls indicates EO’s 30th anniversary. Notice the past editions and how much the cover alone has evolved. EO is truly a treasure of knowledge. As it turned out, it was a very fun cover to photograph. Enjoy!
José y todo el Área de la Bahía el periódico está dirigido a quienes recién llegan y solo hablan español y a quienes viven aquí hablando el inglés con fuertes raíces latinas o aquellos simpatizantes de nuestra cultura, ta lento e historia. El Observador es un periódico de igual acceso para ambos grupos. En esta edición especial le ofrecemos un recuento general de los importantes eventos que El Observador ha cubierto en los úlltimas tres décadas. Los temas de inmigración, educación, salud, elecciones, lucha por las causas justas han sido siempre motivo de portadas en sus más de 1,560 ediciones que se han publicado sin parar y han estado en manos de nuestros lectores de manera gratuita. El Observador cumple con un rol importante en la vida de los inmigrantes y en la comunidad latina en general. En su más de 1,560 ediciones ha ilustrado a través de la fotografía la rica historia de gente que largamente contribuye en este país. En estas décadas se ha logrado mantener unida a nuestra comunidad y al mismo tiempo a preservar nuestra herencia cultural a través de edito riales teniendo un liderazgo, fortaleciendo a comunidades en sus movimientos sociales. A pesar de momentos críticos El Observador ha salido adelante y ha mantenido informada a nuestra comunidad. ¡Gracias por su preferencia! ¡Gracias por su apoyo!. Δ
Acerca de la portada El equipo editorial preparó esta portada especial que representa las “Bodas de Perla” de EO y el gran “tesoro” informativo que tiene nuestro periódico. EO cuenta con un material valioso de la historia del Área de la Bahía.
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |3|
EO: Thirty Years Later By Hilbert Morales l Observador newspaper archives contained the most complete historical record of the evolutionary development of the local HispanicLatino community. This collection of recorded information unlike electronic media, is available in the public domain to all who make the effort to review it. It is an amazing amount of information that needs to be made known to the general community because, unlike mainstream media, it continually focused on the concerns and challenges faced by Latinos. EO’s staff members are encouraged to become board members of local Latino community based non-governmental organizations. This information network permits EO to address current events and topics of interest to Latinos. An outcome is that EO was the local media to support the development of events such as Cinco de Mayo, Fiestas Patrias, Hispanic Charity Ball, Mariachi Festivals, Hispanic Development Corporation (Portraits of Success) and the San Jose GI Forum Scholarship Foundation. The focus of El Observador has been to provide, whenever possible, information on 1) ECONOMICS: especially jobs and business opportunities; 2) EDUCATION: access to and how to become a professional educator therein; 3) MEDICAL CARE: access to and how to become a professional therein); 4) PUBLIC POLICY: as interpreted and applied by civil servants and elected officials in order to require accountability; 5) ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS: especially job site safety and toxics information and 6) SOCIAL ISSUES: such as racism, bias, bigotry, prejudice, violence, etc. During the 1980’s we advocated for traffic lights along King Road in order to prevent speeding which killed two kids. El Observador, with the help of La Raza Lawyers’s Association, distributed cards that informed individuals that they had a right to not respond to questions asked by INS agents (La Migra) who would stop individuals walking along the sidewalks of our community.
EO has advocated for the legalization of marijuana and drugs because drug trafficking is a “business enterprise” which does not pay any taxes which are then used to maintain the infrastructures used (roads, airports, harbors, etc.) as well as help pay for the medical care required by drug users. Home foreclosures is a major economic issue in the Latino community. Mortgages currently protect the lenders while containing no protective considerations for the home buyer. Too many individuals are being deprived of the home equity which took years to accumulate. Considerations for home-buyers need urgent inclusion. Why were we interested at all? It was because of the many public policy, social and economic issues being faced by many within the local Latino community. There seemed to be no end of challenges to resolve with truthful and factual information. What was going on? Individuals of Mexican heritage were being mistreated and held in contempt by certain racist Anglos who had migrated to this area. The education level of many Latinos was much below accepted standards. More important many Latinos were not taught the mental rigor required to be logical and objective. Many lacked ‘fiscal literacy.’ In the field of HEALTH CARE: EO presented much information in a timely manner. The AIDS/SIDA presentation was used by many local clinics and was sent to the U.S. Surgeon Gen-
PUBLISHERS: HILBERT & BETTY MORALES HMORALES@EL-OBSERVADOR.COM A weekly newspaper serving Latinos in the San Francisco Bay Area. P.O. Box 1990, San Jose, CA 95109 99 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, California 95113
eral. Information about obesity, diabetes, and other diseases were presented. Good nutrition and exercise are essential to good health as is knowledge about maintaining your body. The body is a biological machine that must be exercised to be healthy. El Observador became an advocate to many important issues. For example, during the San Jose City budget deliberations (1990’s), a proposal was
made to close the Biblioteca LatinoAmericana, which is the major archive of Spanish language materials. EO advocated to continue its funding because Latinos need to connect with their historical and cultural heritage. In 1985, as President, Mexican American Chamber of Commerce, with the support of John Torres, Executive Director, and its board whose membership contained Val De Leon and Ismael “Vic” Zavala, the Office of Economic DISTRIBUTION CIRCULATION JAIME LARIOS JAIME@EL-OBSERVADOR.COM EDITORIAL: ROSARIO VITAL SPANISH.EDITOR@EL-OBSERVADOR.COM
Development, City of San Jose agreed to a performance based contract totaling $125,000 now awarded annually to the Silicon Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has benefitted from the annual renewals of this contract since. The program funding is used to train and develop small businesses in the community. Recently that effort focused on assisting the 2,000 small businesses who are located at the San Jose Flea Market. Many enterprises in the Latino community have had their startup plans and efforts assisted by this economic development funding. The work of Joaquin Vila, Esq., an attorney who committed his life to the establishment of political empowerment, was instrumental in the changes from “at large” elections to representational city districts. What followed was the election to civic offices of Latinos such as Blanca Alvarado. Information is essential to coping very well. Many jobs today are based on information technology that require that our youth learn to use computers, understand computer programs, and be able to operate in a society whose economy is based on having information and using it to one’s advantage. Through the EL OBSERVADOR FOUNDATION, INC. (IRS Section 501-c-3) more than 100 of our youth have been trained towards this objective. There is a need for the corporation known today as El Observador to con-
tinue to provide the information needs of this Latino community and to record its contributions to the local economy, society, and its governance. It has earned much good will, community acceptance and reliance. EO has been recognized for its excellence in presentation of information. Its many awards include recognition by the Center for Employment Training (CET) and the Mexican Association of Community Services Agency (MACSA-San Jose). Its many awards are still in boxes because of lack of wall space on which to hang them. The National Association of Hispanic Publications (Washington, D.C.) has often recognized EO as a leader in this field of endeavor. One of our rights as citizens and residents is to benefit from the freedom of the press as well as the power of the press. The written word has recorded our activities and endures as a record of our involvement and commitment. Who will step forward to support and continue these efforts that we have begun? Cesar E. Chavez has demonstrated that ‘Si se Puede’ exists in us. In the future it will take a group to accomplish what may be possible. Therefore, the new Latino mantra needs to be “Juntos lo hacemos” (together we will accomplish). If you are interested and curious, make yourself known to the present EO publisher, Hilbert Morales. Just phone 408-938-1700 (ext. 104) and leave your name, email address and phone number. Meanwhile EO will keep on keeping on. While those whose sun is rising make themselves and their interest known to us, the present leadership group knows that their sun is setting. An objective is to have a reasonable transition of ownership and responsibility while acquiring an opportunity to be a source of valid information coupled with being an advocate for what is right. It is a very interesting journey you will experience as has the current leadership. Knowledge based on facts and good information will always be useful.
EL OBSERVADOR was founded in 1980 to serve the informational needs of the Hispanic community in the San Francisco Bay Area, with special focus on San Jose, the capital of Silicon Valley. All Rights Reserved: No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, this includes photo copying recording, or by an information storage and retrieval systems, electronic or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publishers. Opinions espressed in El Observador by persons submitting articles are not necessarily the opinions of the publishers.
|4| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Se Habla Español
Consulta Gratis
(408) 279-2730
Capítulo 7 - Capítulo 13
(423) 471-0596 Para Atención en Español
93 Devine St., Suite 100 • San Jose, CA 95110 Somos una agencia de alivio de deudas. Ayudamos a la gente que tramite la bancarrota bajo el Código de la Bancarrota.
¡Si se puede!
Yes we can
El movimiento sindical de los campesinos de César Chavez ha dejado huella y seguidores que hasta la fecha utilizan el lema “Si se puede”. Lema orginalmente creado por Dolores Huerta compañera de lucha de César Chavez. Los trabajadores del campo siguen enfrentando problemas de abuso laboral, mientras tanto la lucha sigue en pie pese a que Chavez nos dejó a muy temprana edad. El legado de Chávez según lo ha demostrado la historia se ha quedado perenne en nuestras sociedades. Δ
The movement created alongside Cesar Chaves and the United Farm Workers (UFW), have left their mark and Chavez supporters up to this day still use their powerful slogan ‘Si se Puede’ or ‘Yes we Can.’ Co-founder of UFW Dolores Huerta came up with the meaningful slogan. Farm workers continue to face problems of labor abuse, while the fight remains despite the early death of Chavez. But his legacy continues in the communities.
La Tropicana
Read Us Online www.el-observador.com
ajo la norma “Dominio eminente” se quiso expropiar las tiendas comerciales del centro comercial latino. Por 10 años los propietarios pelearon sus derechos y ganaron. El 18 de septiembre del año en curso “La Tropicana” culmina la reconstrucción y remodelación de este centro comercial por su cuenta.Δ
he Tropicana Shopping Center was deemed a blighted area. It became the target for inappropriate eminent domain actions by the Redevelopment Agency. El Observador published an editorial that informed the 90 small businesses about the true definition of eminent domain along with a suggestion that they organize and oppose this action. Dennis Fong, landowner and Jose Mendoza, proprietor, San Jose Clothiers led a group of small businesses which successfully thwarted this redevelopment effort. The City of San Jose paid out about $7 million and today Tropicana Shopping Center has been developed by private capital totaling about $14 million. Across the street is the Plaza de San Jose that was developed by Redevelopment Agency at a much higher cost using public funding. Δ
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |5|
Blanca Alvarado an honorable Latina
he first Latina to serve on the San Jose City Council as well as on the Santa Clara County board of Supervisors. Alvarado was well known by the time she ran for City Council, while serving
in local politics for 28 years. She is easily considered a local Latino civil rights pioneer. In 1989, El Observador published and article about her recognition as the first Latina Vice mayor in San Jose.
Blanco Alvarado un orgullo latino
a primera latina que ocupó cargos públicos en el Concilio de la Ciudad de San José así como en la Junta de los Supervisores del Condado de Santa Clara es un orgullo para la comunidad latina.
Blanca Alvarado estuvo 28 años apoyando múltiples causas sociales. En este reporte periodístico de EO de 1989 se le reconoce como la primera latina que ocupa el cargo de vice alcalde en la ciudad de San José. Δ
|6| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Promoting and educating the Latino voters
ver the years, El Observador has taken on the task of promoting the Latino vote by providing the proper information needed and emphasizing the importance of voting. In the 90s, much attention was placed in civic engagement, which to date is in each election and the number of voters has increased in the last decade. The challenge today is to motivate the Latino citizen to register to vote, learn about the issues and then vote in his/her own interest.
Promoviendo y educando el voto latino
fin de que los latinos participen en el proceso electoral, El Observador ayudó a difundir la importancia del voto latino. En la década de los 90
se hizo mucho hincapié a participar cívicamente, algo que a la fecha se hace en cada elección y cuyo número de votantes se ha incrementado en la última década. Δ
Ley de Cuidado de la Salud ¿Qué hay en ella para las Pequeñas Empresas? En California, las pequeñas empresas, o los negocios que emplean a menos de 100 personas, componen más del 90% de los empleadores del sector privado, dan empleo a más de 5 millones de Californianos, y pagaron más de un tercio de las planillas del sector privado del estado. A nivel nacional, las pequeñas empresas dan trabajo a más de 50 por ciento de todos los trabajadores del sector privado en los EE.UU. y han generado dos tercios de los nuevos empleos en nuestra economía durante la recesión. ¿Qué está haciendo la nueva ley de reforma de cuidado de la salud para ayudar a este crucial sector de nuestra economía?
cal de hasta 35 por ciento del monto con el que contribuye a las primas de los empleados, para los impuestos presentados entre el 2010 y el 2013. Entre el 2014 y el 2016, el crédito fiscal se incrementará para cubrir hasta el 50 por ciento de la contribución a las primas para las pequeñas empresas elegibles.
Segundo, la ley de salud exige a los estados crear intercambios de seguro que podrían dar a las pequeñas empresas más opciones e influencia al comprar un seguro. El intercambio para el estado de California permitirá a las pequeñas empresas aliarse para comprar seguros, dándoles el tipo de influencia del que las Robert Phillips de The California Endow- grandes empresas disfrutan al negociar ment y Sara Collins del Commonwealth cobertura. En California, 3.76 millones de Fund, ambas fundaciones privadas con empleados de pequeñas empresas y sus sede en California y Nueva York respecti- dependientes, y 840,000 personas auvamente, se enfocan en dar respuesta a las toempleadas serán elegibles para adquirir preocupaciones sobre políticas de salud. un seguro a través de este intercambio. Aquí mostramos algunas preguntas que Soy un emprendedor coreano-estason formuladas por los dueños de negodounidense que opera una pequeña agencios en California. cia de viaje en San Jose. Tengo siete Yo tengo una tienda de sándwiches en empleados. A uno se le diagnosticó San Francisco con cinco empleados de cáncer al hígado pero nuestro proveedor tiempo completo. ¿La nueva ley de de seguros ha estipulado un límite en el cuidado de la salud me exige darles un costo que va a asumir. ¿Qué alternativas seguro? Si es así, podría verme obligada a tengo? ¿Puede ayudarme la nueva ley de cerrar – Son ka Wu, emprendedor vietna- cuidado de la salud? -- Lianna Kim mita Respuesta: La ley de cuidado de la salud Respuesta: La ley no hace obligatorio hace ilegal la negación de un seguro a proveer cobertura a las pequeñas empre- aquellos con condiciones preexistentes. sas con 50 empleados o menos. Pero este cambio no entrará en pleno vigor hasta el 2014. Sin embargo, aquelYo tengo una rosticería (BBQ) en Orange los ciudadanos estadounidenses e inmiCounty con 13 empleados a tiempo comgrantes ilegales que tuvieran condiciones pleto. El costo de mi seguro ha aumenpreexistentes y no hayan tenido cobertura tado de entre el 5 y 6 por ciento de mis de un seguro durante al menos seis meses gastos totales a más del 12 por ciento duserán elegibles para inscribirse en la rante los últimos cuatro años. Pronto tennueva Póliza de Seguro con Condiciones dré que optar por dejar de proveer Preexistentes (PCIP, por sus siglas en inseguros de salud. ¿No puede la ley ayuglés) que viene ofreciéndose a través del darme a reducir mis costos de seguro de Directorio de Riesgo Médico y Riesgo de salud? – Liz Parker. Seguro de California (MRMIB, por sus Respuesta: Dos disposiciones le ayudan a siglas en inglés). El monto máximo de reducir primas. La primera, si usted tiene costo compartido con los inscritos será de $5,950 para individuos y de $11,900 para menos de 25 empleados que ganan un sueldo promedio menor a los $50,000 al familias, por año. año, usted es elegible para un crédito fis-
Desde el 23 de setiembre, la ley prohíbe a todos los planes de salud imponer límites en los montos vitalicios en el pago de beneficios. Esta provisión se aplica tanto a las antiguas como a las nuevas pólizas de seguro. Para quienes hayan excedido sus límites vitalicios antes del 23 de setiembre, la póliza debe entregar notificación de que el límite vitalicio ya no aplica y proveer un periodo de inscripción para aquellos que hayan sido sacados (ya no estén inscritos) de su póliza de salud. Soy un emprendedor hispano a cargo de un restaurante mejicano en San Jose, con 10 empleados. No tengo el tiempo ni los conocimientos para averiguar cuál es la cobertura más conveniente y apropiada para mis empleados. ¿La nueva ley simplifica el proceso de compra de un seguro? - Jose Rios Respuesta: Se exige a California crear nuevos intercambios de seguros para las pequeñas empresas como la suya y para personas naturales comenzando en el 2014. Esto tiene como finalidad hacer más simple a los individuos y las pequeñas empresas comparar diferentes pólizas, haciendo obligatorio para los aseguradores participantes alcanzar un conjunto de estándares federales de beneficios esenciales. Se requerirá que ningún plan tenga límites vitalicios o anuales en cuanto a lo que un asegurador pueda pagar, y debe limitar el gasto propio a $5,950 para un individuo y $11,900 por una familia. Los deducibles de las pequeñas empresas no pueden ser mayores a $2,000 por cada póliza individual o $4,000 por cada póliza familiar. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre las reformas a los cuidados de la salud, pregunte a un experto llamando al: (800) 871-9012 Email: asktheexpert@newamericamedia.org o por correo regular al: P.O. Box 410447, San Francisco CA 94141-0447 www.calendow.org/healthlaw o www.GetCoveredCA.org
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |7|
Biblioteca Latinoamericana
n este reporte se anuncia el nombramiento de Linda Mendez-Ortiz quien por 31 aùos estuvo trabajó en el servicio de bibliotecas públicas de la ciudad de San JosÊ y en sus últimos aùos los dedicó a la Biblioteca Latinoamericana. Esta biblioteca es una joya como fuente de información porque cuenta con materiales en espaùol y cuenta hasta la fecha con un personal bilingße. La Biblioteca Latinoamericana se ha distinguido por preservar la cultura hispana. El Observador ha continuado destacando sus actividades y festividades que cada aùo realizan. Δ
inda Mendez-Ortiz worked in public libraries for 31 years in the city of San Jose. She dedicated her last years working at the Biblioteca Latinoamericana branch library. The library is considered a gem, as it is a source of information because of the abundant material in Spanish. It also continues to be staffed with bilingual personnel since its open-
ing. This branch is distinguished for preserving Hispanic culture. During the San Jose City budget deliberations (1990’s), a proposal was made to close the Biblioteca Latino-Americana, which is the major archive of Spanish language materials. EO advocated to continue its funding because Latinos need to connect with their historical and cultural heritage.
Abuso policial no es nada nuevo
n dÊcadas pasadas los latinos hemos sido objeto de abuso policial. Nada ha cambiado en el milenio. En los últimos dos aùos los latinos enfrentamos el mismo maltrato que ha sido denunciado en su momento.Δ
Police abuse is nothing new
n the past decades, Latinos have been subjected to police abuse. Nothing has changed; police brutality remains prevalent in the millennium. In the last two years, the maltreatment continues to be reported.
Por Favor Reelija a la Concejal Concilio de la Ciudad de San JosĂŠ, Distrito 7
(408) 613-4616 friendsofmadison@yahoo.com
www.madisonnguyen.com Paid for by: Re-Elect Madison Nguyen for City Council 2010, PO Box 18494, San Jose, CA 95158 FPPC# 1322714
|8| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Dr. Roberto Cruz
nown as the founder of National Hispanic University, Dr. B. Roberto Cruz was a visionary. His efforts for a better education system made a huge impact in the Latino community. Dr. Cruz died in 2002 but his legacy lives on. In the photo above, he was recognized for his work in education by 1998.
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Audiencia Pública Ordenanza Propuesta para Un Incremento en la Compensación de Directores ©2010 The Coca-Cola Company.
Se ha hecho el llamado para un una na audiencia pública que se llevará a cabo en el despacho del buró de directores en el 5700 Almaden Expressway, Expressway y, Headquarters Headquarters Building, Build ding, San José, California, California, el 12 de octubre del 2010, a las 6:10 p.m. en referencia a lo siguiente: SE PROPONE UNA ORDENANZ ORDENANZA ZA PARA PA ARA OTORGAR UN INCREMENTO EN LA COMPENSACION DE LOS S DIRECTORES DE SANTA SANTTA CLARA VALLEY V ALLEY W A WATER ATTER DISTRICT SIGUIE SIGUIENDO ENDO EL CAPITULO 2, DIVISION 10 CALIFORNIA DEL CODIGO DEL AGUA DE CA ALIFORNIA DENTRO DE LA AUDIENCIA PUBLICA. El buró de Directores de Santa C Clara Valley Va alley W Water ater a District ordena lo siguiente:
r. B. Roberto Cruz, fue el presidente fundador de la National Hispanic Universisty (NHU) y tuvo una gran visión académica que ayudó a formar a nuevos estudiantes hispanos. En la foto durante un importante reconcimiento que tuvo en el año 1998. El Dr. Roberto Cruz falleció en el 2002 y su legado continúa para forjar más estudiantes. Δ
adoptada siguiendo el capitulo PRIMERA: Esta ordenanza es a 2, división 10, sección 20200 y siguiendo el código del agua de California. Califor nia. calendario, a la SEGUNDA: Por SEGUNDA P cada d año ñ cale lendario, d i siguiente i i l fecha f h efectiva f i de esta ordenanza, la presente ccompensación de doscientos sesenta ($260.03) dólares con tres centavos ($260 .03) por día otorgado a cada miembro del buró de distrito por cada día a de asistencia a las reuniones del buró, servicio prestado ó por cada día de ser r vicio v prest tado como miembro del buró a petición del buró es incrementado por un n monto igual al diez (10) por ciento ochenta por un total de doscientos ochen nta y seis dólares con tres centavos primero ($286.03), comenzando el prim mero de Enero del año 2011. El aumento es de acuerdo con eel Código del Agua de California, California, Sección 20202 que autoriza al buró a incrementar la compensación hasta en un año (5) cinco por ciento por cada añ ño calendario siguiendo el último ordenanza. incremento adoptado por orden nanza. El último aumento adoptado por un monto la ordenanza 08-02 para p el año o calendario 2009 representó p sobre igual al diez (10) por ciento sob bre la compensación del 2007, cinco (5) por ciento por el año calendario o 2008 y cinco (5) por ciento por el año calendario 2009. deberá considerar la autorización TERCERA: Esta ordenanza no d de una compensación por más de diez (10) días en cualquier mes calendario. CUARTA: deberá CUART TA: A Esta ordenanza debe erá ser efectiva no menos de 60 días de la fecha de su aprobación final, a dicha aprobación final le debe ser seguida una audiencia pública. A la audiencia publica todas lass personas pueden asistir y ser escuchadas escuchadas. 9/2010_GS
El Observador Foundation Needs Your Donation During the past 25 years, EO Foundation has assisted several community-based organizations and over 100 individuals in need, keeping with its purpose as stipulated in its non-profit IRS charter of 1983. Your tax-deductible donations of any amount will enable us to continue our efforts. Just use the PayPal account by going to EL OBSERVADOR’S FOUNDATION INC’s Web site, www.elobservadorfoundation.org to make your donation.
Reforma y lucha migratoria
l Observador ha sido testigo de tres eventos importantes en cuanto a tema de inmigración se refiere. EO hizo cobertura durante la amnistía de 1986. También hubo amenaza a inmigrantes con el Gobernador Pete Wilson en 1994,la propuesta 187 fue criticada duramente. Similar acción fue tomada en el 2006 cuando se quiso aprobar la medida HR4437 que criminalizaba a los inmigrantes indocumentados situación en la cual a nivel nacional la comunidad inmigrante protestó dejando un claro mensaje. Δ
mmigration reform was a public policy issue back in 1986 and remains so today. It impacts 13 million undocumented residents who continue to live in the shadows of our society and economy. Too many exploit the undocumented worker paying low wages and providing no benefits. Today, there are ‘day-worker programs’ which ensure that these day-workers get paid a fair wage.
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |9|
|10| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
La historia de EO
The history of El Observador
l Observador se fundó el 17 de septiembre de 1980. En la década de las 80 las primeras ediciones publicadas contenían cuatro páginas. En los siguientes años el periódico fue creciendo en páginas. Las impresiones fueron publicados en blanco y negro y a falta de fotografía buenas fueron las ilustraciones que acompañaron a las notas comunitarias.
l Observador was founded on September 17, 1980. In its early years, the weekly editions it published were four pages long. (Over the years these pages were increasing). Like any newspaper of that time, the bilingual paper was printed in black and white and had illustrations to accompany its news articles.
Formatos El Observador se inició en formato tabloide. En 1989 se convirtió a un periódico de gran formato. En marzo de 2008 regresó al formato tabloide ofreciendo portadas con diseños modernos.
Formats El Observador used a tabloid format and by 1989 it converted to typical broadsheet format. On March 2008, it returned to its tabloid format, only this time the covers are dedicated to original and modern designs.
El logo El logo fue modificado en cuatro ocasiones. En la fotografía se muestra el primer logo que predominó en la década de los 80. En la década de los 90 fue modificado dos veces y fue publicado a dos colores. En el 2008 se lanzó el actual logo de EO diseñado por Wilson Barrios.
The Logo The logo has been modified on four different occasions. In the photo above, you will notice the set font type during the 80s. While in the 90s it changed twice, with small modifications, including the distinct red color. In 2008, the recent logo was introduced by Wilson Barrios.
A color Hasta el año 2003 El Observador fue publicado en blanco y negro. A partir de entonces las publicaciones fueron hechas a color ofreciendo mucho material fotográfico.
Color Until 2003 El Observador was published in blank and white. Since then the publication has been published in color, providing more photographs.
Ahora EO EO son las iniciales de El Observador y en los últimos años se procedió al cambio para una identificación rápida. En los tiempos modernos a través de mensajes de texto, correos electrónicos entre otros modernos sistemas de comunicación dos letras identifican una marca.
EO Now EO are El Observador's obvious initials and in the last two years it the logo was modified to be readily identified by its readers. In times like theses, where people are bombarded with text messages and emails, two letters to identify the newspaper couldn't come at a better time.
Versión Internet Antes de iniciar el milenio El Observador instaló su sitio web www.el-observador.com. Desde entonces la versión internet contiene más material informativo. El Observador ha iniciado con éxito video reportajes. La versión en internet nos ha permitido conectar ampliamente con personas de todo el mundo. Gratis El semanario “El Observador” tiene un gran mérito al sobrevivir grandes crisis. Nuestros lectores obtienen ediciones gratuitas desde su creación. Latino Life Es un tabloide de entretenimiento que funciona bajo la dirección de El Observador, fue creado en octubre del año 2003. Este tabloide cuenta con artículos, videos y fotografías de entretenimiento. Se destacan los talentos artísticos y todo lo referente a las noticias culturales. Los amantes del entretenimiento y diversión pueden visitar LatinoLife.net y se pueden enterar de lo último en el mundo de la farándula. La Fundación El Observador El Observador Foundation, Inc se fundó en 1983 con el propósito de ayudar a la comunidad hispana que reside actualmente en el Área de la Bahía que incluye San Francisco, San José y Oakland. La Fundación El Observador proporciona ayuda a jóvenes que están concluyendo su carrera de periodismo. Ellos tienen la oportunidad de adquirir la experiencia profesional y al mismo tiempo son remunerados por los fondos que llegan de donaciones a través de becas. A través de esta organización no lucrativa se han ayudado a cientos de jóvenes a vivir de cerca la carrera de periodismo. Reconocimientos Nos sentimos muy honrados que El Observador desde su circulación en el Área de la Bahía ha recibido con humildad innumerables premios. Estos reconocimientos nos han motivado e inspirado para continuar con nuestra tarea de informar.
Online Before the start of the millennium, El Observador launched their Web site www.el-observador.com. Since then, the Internet allowed El Observador to provide more material that otherwise wouldn't be available on the print version. It has also successfully launched a section for videos. Being online has enabled El Observador to fully connect with people around the globe. Free EO has a great merit to survive major economic crises. The readers get free editions every week since its inception. Latino Life An entertainment tabloid established in October 2003, works under the direction of El Observador to highlight local talent. The tabloid also has provides a collection of articles, videos and photos relating to entertainment. The entertainment and fun lovers can visit www.LatinoLife.net and find out about the latest news in the industry. El Observador Foundation The foundation provides assistance to students with mentoring, internships, referral to apprentice programs and scholarships needed to complete the degree requirements of their four year academic programs. This assistance enables those assisted to not become drop-outs and to enter the work force as trained professionals with earned academic degrees in their chosen field of expertise. Awards EO has been honored since it began circulating throughout the Bay Area and has received countless awards with humility. The awards have motivated and inspired the newspaper to continue its task of informing the community.
OCT 8 - 14, 2010 www.Latino Life.net
|12| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Latino Life
Jose Luis Orozco
l maestro que enseña español a través de las canciones, asi como el que conserva la herencia cultural hispana siempre ha estado en la noticia. Jose Luis Orozco es conocido por sus canciones y composiciones en español, motivando a los niños a involucrarse con los libros y la música. José-Luis Orozco, es un maestro bilingüe que continua promoviendo la educación para ayudar a más latinos a ser tan grande como él.Δ
he teacher who teaches Spanish through songs while preserving the Hispanic heritage has always been in the news. Jose Luis Orozco is known for his songs and compositions in Spanish, encouraging children to engage in books and music. Orozco is a bilingual teacher who continues to promote education to help more Latinos to be like him.
Jaime Escalante: a great teacher
Manuel Romero
t age 20, singing sensation Manuel Romero continues to share his music and his unique presence. Many are enchanted by Romero's voice as he adapts to a wide range of musical styles, ranging from mariachi and ballads in Spanish, to a classical Ave Maria and Christian contemporary, as well as pop and romantic songs in English. Δ
l Observador highlights the honors achieved by a great teacher, Jaime Escalante. As a math teacher, Escalante left a great mark on society. Escalante of Bolivian origin died on March 30, 2010 and achieved fame and distinction through his work at Garfield High School East Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, California, teaching Calculus to minority and low-income students from 1974 to 1991. This article was written in 1989. Δ
Jaime Escalante un gran maestro El Observador destacó los honores alcanzados por este gran educador. El profesor de matemáticas Jaime Escalante dejó una gran huella en nuestra sociedad. Jaime Escalante de origen boliviano falleció el 30 de marzo de 2010 y logró renombre y distinción a través de su trabajo en la Escuela Preparatoria Garfield de Este de Los Ángeles, Condado de Los Ángeles, California, al enseñar de 1974 a 1991 la cátedra de Cálculo a una minoría de estudiantes de bajos recursos. Este artículo fue escrito en 1989.Δ
he EO tabloid has featured the great effort and recognition of Latinos in the arts, as in the sciences, education, and politics. Jose Hernandez, NASA astronaut, son of peasants from the land of the fields has done very notable work. In the photo below, Hernandez's first achievements out of this world are acknowledged and in August 2009 he was the first Mexican who went into space to see the planet Earth. Δ
Orgullo latino
l gran esfuerzo y reconocimiento de los latinos tanto en las artes, como en las ciencias, en la educación y la política fue destacado por este tabloide. En la fotografía José Hernández en sus primeros logros en 1995. Quién diría que 14 años después, en agosto de 2009 se convirtió en el primer mexican, hijo de campesinos que subió al espacio para ver el planeta llamado “Tierra”. Δ
Latino Life
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |13|
¡Celebración con mucho color!
n los últimos 28 años la comunidad Mexicana ha celebrado el tradicional desfile del Cinco de Mayo y Fiestas Patrias gracias a la organización del GI Forum. Año tras año las familias han disfrutado de estas celebraciones y al mismo tiempo el GI Forum logró generar fondos para la ciudad, departamento de policía y centros de estacionamiento. Una oportunidad para todos, porque los pequeños negocios han tenido la posiblidad de vender sus productos y otras agencias no lucrativas han logrado promover sus servicios. Cinco de Mayo y Fiestas Patrias (Septiembre) es un mes que trae mucha alegría, color y fiesta a nuestra comunidad. El
Colorful celebrations
n the last 28 years, the Mexican community has had the opportunity to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Independence with parades and festivals, mainly sponsored by the American GI Forum, San Jose Chapter. Year after year hundreds of families have enjoyed the celebrations while the GI Forum generates funds for the city, police department and parking facilities. An equal chance is also given to small businesses and non-profit agencies that sell or expose their products during the events.
Cinco de Mayo and Fiestas Patrias (in September), Hispanic Charity Ball, The San Jose International Mariachi Festival, and other events were first supported and promoted by El Observador. Those are times that bring much joy, color and good vibes to the community. Over the years, El Observador
Day of the Dead lives on
was the first media partner that promoted events, which were ideas then and are now established annual events that are closely followed festivities.
Festival del Mariachi
e ha desarrollado con gran éxito el Festival de Mariachi en San José. Esta es la primera nota pu blicada del primer festival que se inició
he Mexican customs and celebrations do not hesitate to cross the border. One of the biggest celebrations that connects the Latino community is the celebration of “Dia de los
Muertos,” or 'Day of the Dead.' El Observador has always joined in on the celebration between the rituals and depictions of sugar skulls while covering the interactions among the living and dead. Δ
Día de los Muertos más vivo que nunca
a costumbres y celebraciones mexicanas no dudaron en cruzar las fronteras. Una de las celebraciones más grandes que une a la comunidad
hace 19 años en esta ciudad. Ahora el festival ha extendido sus presentaciones con la visita de grandes figuras internacionales y del espectáculo. Δ
latina es la celebración del Día de los Muertos. El Observador siempre se ha unido a estas celebraciones y entre calacas y rituales ha estado tras el lente de la noticia. Δ
Mariachi Festival
he annual mariachi festival has successfully developed in San Jose. Above is the first story published on its first celebration, 19 years
ago. Now, the festival has extended its program by putting together major presentations and the continued performances with international figures.
|14| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Latino Life
“Teatro Campesino” en la noticia
uis Valdez reconocido como el padre del teatro Chicano ha logrado mucho éxito con “El Teatro Campesino”. Valdez ha siempre brillado por su talento en las tarimas y por su esfuerzo en reflejar en sus obras los movimientos sociales de nuestras sociedades. Hijo de trabajadores agrícolas
migrantes se graduó a mucho esfuerzo y honra de la Universidad Estatal de San José (SJSU) a través de una beca para las matemáticas y la física. Más tarde cambió su especialidad y obtuvo una licenciatura en Inglés en 1964. En la fotografía uno de sus grandes esfuerzos por reubicar el Teatro Chicano en otro lugar. Δ
Teatro Campesino
ecognized as the father of Chicano theater, Luis Valdez has achieved much success with El Teatro Campesino (Peasant Theater). Valdez has always been known for his talent on stage and for his works that reflect the social movements of society. His par-
ents were migrant farm workers, with a lot of effort and honor he graduated from San Jose State University (SJSU) through a scholarship for mathematics and physics. He later changed his major and earned a degree in English in 1964. Valdes was always in the news. Δ
El fenómeno “Piolín”
n el año 2002 un locutor en la radio en San José había cautivado a muchos radioyentes. El programa de radio de “Piolín por la mañana” era el pan de cada día. El popular locutor fue duramente criticado por su informalidad, para algunos grosero y para otros divertido, lo cierto fue, que Eduardo Sotelo conocido como “Piolín” alcanzó una gran popularidad. El Observador lo entrevistó en octubre de 2002 y las copias de aquella edición se agotaron, algo histórico para EO. Sotelo poco tiempo después ingresó a las filas de Univision Radio y ahora es considerado uno de los latinos más influyentes en los Estados Unidos. Δ
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |15|
ormer California Assembly member Domenic L. Cortese has a history of public service dating back to 1980 until 1996. Most of his actions led community members to view his as moderate democrat. In 1989, El Observador reviewed his work of passing a law that guarantees translators will do their job in court.
Judge LaDoris Cordell
aDoris Hazzard Cordell is a 1974 graduate of Stanford Law School. She is a native born at Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Since 1971 she resides in California. For five years, she practiced law in East Palo Alto, California establishing her-
self as the first lawyer to open a private law practice there. She was appointed as a Judge, Superior Court, County of Santa Clara and today is the Independent Police Auditor, City of San Jose, CA.
Políticos que siempre apoyaron a los latinos
omenicc L. Cortese ex asambleísta del Estado de California trabajó para el gobierno desde 1980 hasta 1996. Gran parte de su carrera Cortese fue identificado como un demócrata
moderado. En este artículo escrito por El Observador en 1989 se destaca su labor por pasar una ley de intérprete que garantize un buen trabajo de intérpretes en la corte. Δ
Congresitas de corazón latino Jueza LaDoris Cordell
a Jueza LaDoris Hazzard Cordell tiene una larga trayectoria con la comunidad. Ella es graduada de la Escuela de Leyes de Stanford. Nació en Pensilvania y reside en California desde 1971. Por cinco años ha ejercido la ley en el Este de Palo Alto, Cal-
ike Honda y Zoe Lofgren han vigilado constantemente el tema de inmigración Ambos son conocidos por su apoyo abierto a una reforma migratoria. También han hecho mucho esfuerzo en sus cargos públicos por ayudar a los más necesitados. Lofgren y Honda por décadas han ayudado a nuestra comunidad. Por esta razón la comunidad les tiene un especial aprecio. El Observador desde su fundación ha destacado en reportajes el trabajo de los ahora congresistas Lofgren y Honda.
Lofgren nació en San Mateo California y enseñó Leyes de Inmigración en la Universidad de Santa Clara. Fue Supervisora del Condado de Santa Clara y ahora es la Jefa del SubComité de Inmigración bajo la administración de Obama. Mike Honda fue asambleísta y ahora es Congresista del Distrito 15 que comprende la ciudad de San José y el Valle del Silicio. Honda es conocido porque habla español, idioma que lo aprendió cuando estuvo en el Cuerpo de Paz y visitó El Salvador. Δ
ifornia logrando establecer por si misma una oficina privada de abogados en este lugar. Actualmente es la Auditora Independiente de la Policía en San Jose. En la foto aparece con Hilbert Morales en un evento realizado en marzo de 1988.
Candidate endorsements
Politicians with a Latino heart
ike Honda and Zoe Lofgren have closely monitored the issue of immigration and both are known for their open support for immigration reform. They have also made great efforts in their public positions to help the needy. Lofgren and Honda for decades have helped the community. For this reason the community has a special appreciation to them. Since its founding, El Observadr has excelled in reporting the work of current congress members Lofgren and Honda.
Lofgren was born in San Mateo California and taught Immigration Law at the University of Santa Clara. Was Supervisor of Santa Clara County and is now the Head of the subcommittee on Immigration under the Obama administration. Mike Honda started out as an assemblyman and is now congressman of District 15, which includes the city of San Jose and Silicon Valley. Honda is known for speaking Spanish, which he learned when he was in the Peace Corps and went to El Salvador.
he following individuals served on El Observador’s election panel, which interviewed and endorsed candidates during 1984. They represented a broad cross-section of the community. Chairing the panel was Monica Amador along with Jose Villa, Barbara Borrego, Gil Rodriguez, Serafin Corchado,
Jesse Delgado, Andy Arias, Esequiel “Zeke” Olazaba, Dr. Luis Rodriguez, Antonio Estremera, Leonard Ramirez, Robert Navarro, Dr. Consuelo Rodriguez, and Adrian Vargas. Panelists emphasized they represented themselves as individuals when interviewing candidates rather than the companies for which they work.
|16| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
Celebrating Our 30th Anniversary
Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary of El Observador Newspaper! The Latino and Hispanic community represents a significant portion applaud this paper for its efforts to educate and provide a voice for the Latino community. Felicitaciones por 30 aĂąos de buen trabajo. Sincerely,
Congressman Mike Honda Member, Committee on Appropriations
The City of San JosĂŠ and Councilmember Kansen Chu
C Congratulate El Observador or on their 30th Anniversary!! A http://www.sanjoseca.gov Paid for by the City of San JosĂŠ
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | 17 |
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Legal Notices FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542256 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Baystop, 1975 McKee Road, San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. Geonet Realty, 3104 Florence Ct., San Jose, C A 95127. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) GeoNet Realty Harjinder Singh/President Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542275 The following person(s) is(are) doing business GeniFleur, 3175 Ross Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, Santa Clara Co. Eugene Kvitko, 3175 Ross Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303. This business is c onducted by an individual , registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 08/01/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Eugene Kvitko Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543200 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Jasmine Art Studio, 902 Rockefeller Dr., Apt # 6B, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co. Jasmine D Chhadwa, 902 Rockefeller Dr., Apt # 6B, Sunnuvale, CA 94087. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 08/01/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jasmine D Chhadwa Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/05/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542484 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Realty World Foothill Estates, Foothill Financial Services, 950 Phyllis Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040, Santa Clara Co. Tram Bui, 28437 Christopher Ln., Los Altos Hills, Ca 94022. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 09/15/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Tram Bui Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542428 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Phoenix Alternatives, 10225 Parrish View Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020, Santa Clara Co. Todd Leal, 10225 Parrish View Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Todd Leal Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/14/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542959 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Advanced Acupuncture & Health Care, 3283 Hostetter Rd., San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara Co. Chi Di Chen, 418 Appian Way, Union City, CA 94587. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Chi-Di Chen Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/28/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543111 The following person(s) is(are) doing business De Anza Valero, 1188 S. De Anza Blvd., San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara Co. MK – A tkar P roperty Inc ., 1188 S D e Anza Blvd., San Jose, CA 95129. This business is conducted b y a c orporation, r egistrant began business under the fic titious business name or names list ed her e in 10/01/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) MK – Atkar Property Inc. Mike Atkar/President Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/01/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542325 The following person(s) is(are) doing business, Lil Jazz Boutique, 1111 Reed Ave #B, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Santa Clara Co. Jasmine Smith, 1111 Reed Ave #B, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jasmine Smith Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542326 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Birchwood Apartments, 4125 Blackford A venue, Suit e 200, S an Jose , C A 95117, Santa Clara C o. Huff A venue Investors LLC., 4125 Blackford Ave, Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95117. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed her e in 02/05/1996. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Huff Avenue Investors LLC David Chui/CEO Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542327 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Blackford Apartments, 10690 South Stelling Road, Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. DNB Ventures LLC., 10690 South Stelling Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 07/09/2010. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) DNB Ventures LLC David Chui/CEO Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010
This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542858 The following person(s) is(are) doing business D elta Hai C onstruction C o., 4833 Cloud Dr., San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Nguyen Hai M, 4833 Cloud D r., S an Jose, CA 95111. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 02/20/01. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Nguyen Hai Minh Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/24/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543230 The following person(s) is(are) doing business 1 Limo Services, A1 Afforable Limos, 643 Fairmont Ave Suite “A”, Mountain View, CA 94041, Santa Clara Co. Linda Haol, 643 Fairmont Ave., Suite A, Mountain View, CA 94041, Jorge Amaro, 643 Fairmont Ave., Suite A, Mountain View, CA 94041. This business is c onducted b y husband and wife, registrants have not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jorge Amaro Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/05/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543209 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Universal Brokers, PDR, 732 River Falls Dr., San Jose, CA 95111, S anta Clara Co. Percy D Rice, 732 River Falls Dr., San Jose, CA 95111. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Percy D Rice Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/05/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543079 The following person(s) is(are) doing business C alifornia C atering C afe, 232 S. Hillview Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035, S anta Clara C o. South Bay Mobile, Ltd. 232 S Hillview Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrants have not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) South Bay Mobile, LTD Steven A Goldstone/CEO Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 9/30/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543076 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Infinite Infrastructure Systems, 3436 Gavota Ave, San Jose, CA 95124, S anta Clara C o. Cliffor d K enji Har ada, 3436 Gavota Ave, San Jose, CA 95124. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
Clifford Kenji Harada Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/30/10.
Reina Paran Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/05/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543173 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Chikomekoatl, 825 E. William St., San Jose, CA 95116, Santa Clara Co. Maria Angelica D elgado, 825 E. William St ., S an Jose, CA 95116, Sergio I. Martinez, 825 E. William St., San Jose, CA 95116. This business is conducted by husband and wife , registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 9/01/10. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Maria Angelica Delgado Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/04/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542273 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Playground, 863 San Pablo Ave., Sunnyvale, C A 94085, S anta Clar a C o. Palvinder Jagait, 863 San Pablo Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 03/25/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Palvinder Jagait Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543097 The following person(s) is(are) doing business S erenity Homecar e S ervices, 3653 Copperfield D rive #107, S an Jose , C A 95136, Santa Clara Co. Sandra F. Warnsley, 3653 Copperfield Drive #107, San Jose, CA 95136. This business is conducted by an individual, registrants have not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sandra Warnsley Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/01/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543252 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Southern Kitchen Rest., 3378 Monterey Rd., San Jose, CA 95136, Santa Clara Co. Juliana Horna, 4395 Silverberry Dr., San Jose, CA 95136, Zarabael Horna, 4395 Silverberry Dr., San Jose, CA 95136. This business is conducted by husband and wife , registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 01-09-2006. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Zarabael Horna Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/06/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543137 The following person(s) is(are) doing business The Tee, 4329 Tony Ave., San Jose, CA 95124, Santa Clara Co. Gerald Durham, 4929 Tony Ave., San Jose, CA 95124. This business is c onducted by an individual , registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 10-01-2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Gerald Durham Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/01/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543185 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Island Kultura, 1300, Starlite Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Reina Paran, 1300 Starlit e D r., Milpitas , C A 95035. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 03/31/2010. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543162 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Pause for Paws, 1265 N Capitol Ave #207, San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara Co. Sonya Martinez, 1265 N Capitol Ave #207, San Jose, CA 95132, Gina L opez, 1265 N Capitol Ave #207, San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrants have not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sonya Martinez Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 10/04/10. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV184007 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Ying Fang Su, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Ying F ang Su , has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Ying Fang Su to Cindy Ying-Fang Su. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indica ted below to show cause, if an y, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 12/07/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Oct. 01, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV184036 Superior C ourt of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Michael Thai Duc Nguyen & Chi Kim Nguyen, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Michael Thai Duc Nguyen & Chi Kim Nguyen, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this c ourt for a decr ee changing names as follo ws: a. Thanh Vincent Duc Nguyen to Vincent Duc Nguyen. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear befor e this c ourt a t the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 12/21/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the c ounty of Santa Clara. Oct. 01, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain
Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV184291 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Bowl Min Chin, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Bowl Min Chin, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Anqi Qin to Angie Chin. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear befor e this c ourt a t the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 12/28/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the c ounty of Santa Clara. Oct. 06, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV1843983 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Carol M Hammond, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner Carol M. Hammond, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. C arol Marie Hammond t o Carol Marie Di Salvo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in terested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 12/21/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of gener al circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Oct. 01, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV181467 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of : Maryelt Fonseca, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner Maryelt Fonseca, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follo ws: a. Mar yelt R. F onseca, aka Maryelt Rubeli Fonseca to Maryelt Fonseca Smith. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indica ted below to show cause, if an y, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sept. 2, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV184094 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Letitia Alison Parich, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner LetitiaAlison Parich, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Letitia Alison Parich, aka Alison Letitia Parich, aka L. Alison P arich to Sunny Alison Parich Jefferson. THE COURT
ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear befor e this c ourt a t the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 12/21/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the c ounty of Santa Clara. Oct. 04, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 543080 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fic titious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fic titious business name sta tement tha t w as filed a t the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. California Catering Café, 2009 S. B ascom Ave., Campbell, CA 95008. Filed in Santa Clara County on 03/02/07, under file no . 490657. Malcolm McAfee, 1017 Ramona Ave., San Jose, CA 95125. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and correct (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Malcolm McAfee Oct. 08, 15, 22, 29, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/30/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541680 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Envy Hair & Skin Salon, 124 Blossom Hill Rd., #J, San Jose, CA 95123, S anta Clara Co. Mari Lee Pham, 2400 F oxcroft Cir., Roseville, CA 95747, Tho Nguyen, 743 Portswood Dr., San Jose, CA 95120. This business is conducted by a general partnership, registrants have not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mari Lee Pham Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/24/10.
of Santa Clara on 09/16/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542867 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Infobay, 1370 Floyd Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, S anta Clara Co. Calvin Wang, 1370 Floyd Ave, Sunnyvale, C A 94087, Michelle Wu, 1370 Floyd Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, registrants has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Calvin Wang Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/27/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542969 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Daggy, 2256 Deborah Dr “D”, Santa Clara, CA 95050, Santa Clara Co. Hector M. Flores, 2256 Deborah Dr., “D”, Santa Clara, CA 95050. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 03/23/10. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hector Flores Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/28/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542022 The following person(s) is(are) doing business QQ Noodle, 416 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Big Hand Inc, 416 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is c onducted by a c orporation, registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Qiang Wu Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542339 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Techspecs, T hindicator, 687 Valley Way, Santa Clara, CA 95051, S anta Clara Co. Chris Haidinyak, 687 Valley Way, Santa Clara, C A 95051. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Chris Haidinyak Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/23/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542774 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Barrio Fiesta Restaurant, The Original Barrio Fiesta Restaurant of Manila, 1790 Milmont Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035, S anta Clara Co. Barrio Fiesta, LLC., 1659 N Capitol Ave Unit 321, S an Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, registrants have not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Barrio Fiesta, LLC June Francis A. Rono/President Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542572 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Bengali Sweets, 783 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, C A 94587, S anta Clar a C o. Sakoon Sweets Inc. 306 Mission Tierra, Fremont, C A 94538. This business is c onducted by a corporation, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 07/15/10. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sakoon Sweets Inc. Gurdeep S. Bidwal/Secretary Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542782 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Visia Productions, Visia, 4432 Laird Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054, Santa Clara Co. Br ent Hoo, 4432 Lair d Cir cle, S anta Clara, CA 95054, Timothy Hui, 118 Rosilie Street, San Mateo, Ca 94403, Ian D exter Pascua, 172 Ayer Lane, Milpitas, Ca 95035, Jackson Thach, 9955 Amulet Place, Sacramento, CA 95829, Jesse Suen, 4425 lair d Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054, Derek Tong, 181 Cymbidium Circle, S. San Francisco, CA 94080, Christina Suen, 4425 Lair d Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054. This business is conducted by a gener al par tnership, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed her e in
|18| OCT 8 - 14, 2010, | www.el-observador.com 09/18/10. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ian Dexter Pascua Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/23/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 543025 The following person(s) is(are) doing business The Nordic Group, Nordic Bicycle Products, 20183 somerset Sr ., Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Steven M. Scharf, 20183 Somerset Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 9/29/10. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Steven M. Scharf Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/29/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542482 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Ernies Liquors, Ernies Wines & Liquors, 3401 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306, Santa Clara Co. Mathew Chacko, 142 Kenbrook Cir., San Jose, Ca 95111. This business is c onducted b y an individual , registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mathew Chacko Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542763 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Inflowtek Ltd., 3751 Trina Way, San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. Andre Arcilla, 6326 Paso los Cerritos, San Jose, CA 95120. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 04/01/2005. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Andre Arcilla Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542010 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Unit ed Handyman S ervices, 763 Mabury Rd #1, San Jose, CA 95133, Santa Clara Co. Ramon Bustamante, 17975 Monterey Rd #4, Morgan Hill, Ca 95037. This business is c onducted by an individual , registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Ramon Bustamante Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542902 The following person(s) is(are) doing business The Q ueen Cleaning House , 1380 Fruitdale A ve., Apt 38, S an Jose , C A 95126, S anta Clar a C o. Reyna C oronel, 1380 Fruitdale Ave., Apt #38, San Jose, CA 95126. This business is conducted by an individual , r egistrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Reyna Coronel Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/27/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542258 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Buzzfish, Buzzfish.com, 530 Showers Dr., Suit e 7-243, Moun tain View, C A 94046, Santa Clara Co. Victor Yang, 500 E Calaveras Blvd., #309, Milpitas, CA 95035, Louis Chiong 1235 Wildwood Ave #109, Sunnyvale, Ca 94089, Matthew Lau, 5561 Via Lugano, Fremont, CA 94555. This business is conducted by a joint venture, registrants has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Victor Yang Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542730 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Be Clean Go Green, 1179 Curtner Av., San Jose, CA 95125, Santa Clara Co. Liliana Cutura, 1179 C urtner A v, S an Jose , C A 95125. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Liliana Cutura Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV183351 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Thuy Hoang Doan Pham, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Thuy Hoang D oan Pham, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follo ws: a. Thuy Hoang D oan Pham to Cindy Thuy Pham. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in terested in this matter appear befor e this c ourt a t the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 12/14/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the c ounty of Santa Clara. Sept. 23, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV181707 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Almaz Kahsu, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Almaz Kahsu , has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. R ahwa Aregawi Gebremicael to Rosalynn Almaz Kahsu . THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in terested in this matter appear befor e this c ourt a t the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 11/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the c ounty of Santa Clara. Sept. 07, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Oct. 01, 08, 15, 22, 2010. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO. 542339 The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fic titious business name(s). The information given below is as it appeared on the fic titious business name sta tement tha t w as filed a t the County Clerk-Recorder’s office. Dona C omputer S ervice & C onsulting, DCSC, 1542 Chabot Way, S an Jose , C A 95122. F iled in S anta Clar a C ounty on 10/07/2005, under file no. 468523. Mario A Dona, 1542 Chabot Way, San Jose, CA 95122. This business was conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (A registrant who declar es as true informa tion which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Mario A. Dona Oct.01, 08, 15, 22, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542000 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Yong Kim Chir opractic, 2656 E l Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara C o. Yong Hyeon Kim, 99 Oak A ve #219, South San Francisco, CA 94080. This business is c onducted by an individual , registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Yong Hyeon Kim Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/31/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541915 The following person(s) is(are) doing business The J Bradley Group, 59 N Santa Cruz Ave, Ste. R., Los Gatos, CA 95030, S anta Clara Co. Brad Marshall, 200 Winchester Circle #F21, Los Gatos, CA 95032. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Brad Marshall Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/30/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542784 The following person(s) is(are) doing business TEVA S olutions, 973 Amador A ve, Sunnyvale, C A 94085, S anta Clara C o. Nichelle Craig, 973 Amador Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 9/20/10. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Nichelle Craig Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/23/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542728 The following person(s) is(are) doing business QuikCase, 1775 Monterey Road #40A, San Jose, CA 95112, S anta Clara C o. Window Trim Kits , Inc ., 1775 Mon terey Road #409-A, San Jose, CA 95112. This
Legal Notices business is c onducted by a c orporation, registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Window Trim Kits Inc. Knut Schroeder/CEO Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/22/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541757 The following person(s) is(are) doing business T & N ATM Service, 417 Gosser St., Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Sinh Tran, 417 Gosser St., Milpitas, CA 95035. This business is c onducted by an individual , registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Tran Phuc Sinh Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/25/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542631 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Rosas House Cleaning, 3220 Garden Ave., San Jose, CA 95111, Santa Clara Co. Rosalina Rosas , 3220 Gar den A ve., S an Jose, CA 95111. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 01/01/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Rosalina Rosas Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542660 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Bay Area Fashionista, The Bay Area Fashionista, 37 Sunnyside Ave., Campbell, CA 95008, S anta Clara Co. Amir Kashfia, 37 Sunnyside Ave., Campbell, CA 95008. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 05/2009. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542633 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Granzo Realty & Financial Services, 1692 Lucca Place, S an Jose, C A 95138, Santa Clara Co. Lillian W Xia, 1692 Lucca Place, San Jose, CA 95138. This business is conducted b y an individual , r egistrant began business under the fic titious business name or names list ed her e in 09/06/2005. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Lillian W. Xia Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541892 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Tony’s Janitorial Service, 869 S. Winchester Blvd. #57, S an Jose, CA 95128, Santa Clara Co. Antonio Real, 869 S. Winchester Blvd # 57, San Jose, CA 95128. This business is c onducted by an individual , registrant began business under the fictitious business name or names listed here in 04/29/10. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Antonio Real Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/27/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542376 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Net work Cr escent S ystems In vestment Trust, 6214 Joaquin Murieta A ve. Unit B, Nework, CA 94560, Santa Clara Co. Ke Zhu, 6214 Joaquin Murieta Ave. Unit B, Newark, CA 94560. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jin Yang Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542181 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Water Mart, B + J’s what nots, 631 1 St. Street, Gilroy, CA 95020, S an , Santa Clara Co. Janet Nelson, 2091 hastings Dr., Los Baños, CA 93635, Brian Nelson, 2091 Hastings Dr., Los Baños, CA 93635. This business is c onducted b y husband and wife, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 08/22/10. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Janet Nelson Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty
of Santa Clara on 09/07/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542125 The following person(s) is(are) doing business B ay Ar ea Singing L essons, 1 West Campbell, Ave Building K59, Campbell, CA 95008, Santa Clara Co. Amanda Dieck, 115 Towne Terrace #4, Los Gatos, CA 95032. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Amanda Dieck Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/03/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542142 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Hope for Outdoor People, 586 N First St #102, San Jose, CA 95112, Santa Clara Co. Cornelius Solomon, 80 S. Market St., San Jose, CA 95113, Ronald Harrison, 80 S. Market St., San Jose, CA 95113. This business is conducted by an unincorporated association other than a par tnership, registrants have not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Cornelius Solomon Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/07/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542524 The following person(s) is(are) doing business K’s crepes & café, 126 E Fremont Ave., Sunnyvale, C A 94087, S anta Clar a C o. Gabriel Galeana, 271 Garner D r., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 10/05/10. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Gabriel Galeana Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542673 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Gala Str ategy, 10835 Willowbrook Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, Santa Clara Co. Hsiuwen Cheng, 10835 Willowbrook Way, Cupertino, CA 95014. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hsiuwen Cheng Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/20/10. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV175931 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Elsa Dinorah Gousheh, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Elsa Dinorah Gousheh, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this c ourt for a decr ee changing names as follows: a.Elsa Dinorah Gousheh to Dinorah Gousheh. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in terested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/23/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of gener al circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sep 7, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV182147 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Bryant Ceja-Garcia, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner Bryant Ceja-Garcia, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Bryant Ceja-Garcia to Bryan Jesus Ceja Preciado. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons in terested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/30/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in El Observador, a newspaper of gener al circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sept. 10, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV182260 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Maissam Sam Noori, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner Maissam Sam Noori, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Maissam S am Noori to Sam
Noori. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indica ted below to show cause, if an y, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/30/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sept. 13, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010. AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV176530 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of : C armen C abrera & Valentin N. Lopez, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Carmen Cabrera & Valentin N. Lopez, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Jerry Lopez to Jerry Lopez Cabrera. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indica ted below to show cause, if an y, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/09/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sept. 16, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV182914 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of : Lisa C ampanella, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner Lisa Campanella, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Gianni Campanella Martinez to Gianni Martinez Campanella. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear befor e this c ourt a t the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 12/14/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the c ounty of Santa Clara. Sept. 20, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 24; Oct. 01, 08, 15, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541617 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Little Angel’s Family Daycare, 3105 Florence Ct., San Jose, CA 95127, S anta Clara Co. Elizabeth A Sanchez, 3105 Florence Ct., San Jose, CA 95127. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names list ed her e in 5/12/05. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Elizabeth A. Sanchez Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541635 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Lantian Software, 900 Llagas Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, S anta Clara Co. Juanita Hun Mah, 900 Llagas Road , Morgan Hill, CA 95037. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Juanita Hun Mah Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/23/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542077 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Varsha Indian Vegetarian Food, 263 W Calaveras Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035, Santa Clara Co. Varsha Rad, 920 Tamarack Lane Apt#4, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Varsha Rad Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/02/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542007 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Bridge Medical Innovation, LLC., 1429 Trestlewood Dr., San Jose, CA 95138, Santa Clara Co. Bridge Medical Innovation LLC., 1429 Trestlewood Dr., San Jose, CA 95138. This business is conducted by a limited liability c ompany, r egistrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
Bridge Medical Innovation LLC Faouzi Kallel/President & CEO Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541540 The following person(s) is(are) doing business New Sitai Restaur ant, 5223 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051, Santa Clara Co. Lisa Pham, 2987 F enwick Way, San Jose, CA 95148. This business is conducted by an individual , registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 08/20/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Lisa Pham Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/20/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541891 The following person(s) is(are) doing business B ay Ar ea Rug Galler y, 201 W E l Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co. MF Bay Area Rug Gallery Incorp., 201 West El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. This business is conducted by a corporation, r egistrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) MF Bay Area Rug Gallery Incorp. Marita Lahijanian/CFO Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/27/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542021 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Triumph Property Services, Triumph Notary Services, 3101 Middlefield Road Unit 3, Palo Alto, CA 94306, S anta Clara Co. Ka trina E dwards, 3101 Middlefield Road #3, Palo Alto, CA 94308. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names list ed her e in 04/18/2005. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Katrina Edwards Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/01/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542302 The following person(s) is(are) doing business AB Party Rentals, 487 North Lake Dr., #103, San Jose, CA 95117, Santa Clara Co. Adriana Barragan, 487 Northlake Dr. #103, San Jose, CA 95117. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 9/10/2010. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Adriana Barragan Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542350 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Hemp Daddy Mobile Dispensary, 2570 North F irst St . Suit e 200, S an Jose , C A 95131, Santa Clara C o. CapFlow Investments, I., 3100 Turk Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94118. This business is conducted by a corporation, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) CapFlow Investments, Inc Phillip Zakhour/Secretary Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541607 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Little Seeds Children’s Center and Natural Family Resources, 500 West 10th St. Spc. 70, Gilroy, CA 95020, Santa Clara Co. Theresa Webb-Harding, 500 West 10th St. Spc. 70, Gilroy, CA 95020, Ian Webb-Harding, 500 West 10th St. Spc. 70, Gilroy, CA 95020. This business is conducted by husband and wife, registrants began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 08/13/10. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Theresa Webb-Harding Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 8/23/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542415 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Home Shoppers Gr oup, 1582 Br anham Lane, San Jose, CA 95118, Santa Clara Co. Jeff Szafransky, 4960 Almaden Expressway, #303, San Jose, CA 95118. This business is c onducted b y an individual , registrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jeff Szafransky Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541440 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Better Schoolhouse, Point Doubler, 115 E verett A venue, 3F , P alo Alt o, C A 95125, Santa Clara Co. Lucky Pacific LLC., 1065 Spencer Ave., San Jose, CA 95125. This business is conducted by a limited liability c ompany, r egistrant has not y et begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Lucky Pacific LLC, Jeffrey A Unze/Manager Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/18/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542393 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Sunriser Landcore Investments, Sunriser Real Estate, 13349 Mcculloch Avenue, Saratoga, C A 95070, S anta Clar a C o. Hesam Tooloee, 13349 Mcculloch Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Hesam Tooloee Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/13/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542346 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Garcia’s Tires, 458 S King Rd., San Jose, CA 95116, S anta Clara Co. Tobias Garcia, 10307 Finglenton, San Jose, CA 95111. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Tobias Garcia Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542251 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Unique Nail, 991 Saratoga Ave., Suite 150, San Jose, CA 95129, Santa Clara Co. Thientrang Nguyen, 1663 Pala Ranch Circle, San Jose, CA 95133. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Thientrang Nguyen Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/08/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542280 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Vargas A uto Upholst ery, 675 E E l Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, Santa Clara Co. Luis Mendez Garcia, 828 Morse Ave #32, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names list ed hereon. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Luis Mendez Garcia Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542294 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Bengie & Bomber Services, 751 Lakewood D r., Sunnyvale, C A 94089, S anta Clara Co. Marleny Ortiz, 751 Lakewood Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 09/09/10. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Marleny Ortiz Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/09/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541800 The following person(s) is(are) doing business CK-Systems, 193 N Murph y Ave Apt. #4, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Santa Clara Co. Chuck Kunz, 193 N Murphy Ave., Apt# 4, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all information in this sta tement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Chuck Kunz Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/26/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542522 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Native Heart Landscapes, 1190 Locust St., San Jose, CA 95110, S anta Clara Co.
Debbie Ballentine, 1190 L ocust St., San Jose, CA 95110. This business is conducted by an individual, registrant began business under the fic titious business name or names listed here in 9/15/10. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Debbie Ballentine Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/15/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 541871 The following person(s) is(are) doing business All Star D rywall, 3477 Sweigert Rd., San Jose, CA 95132, Santa Clara Co. Jose Carlos Silveira, 3477 S weigert Rd., S an Jose, CA 95132, Mar y L. A. Silveira, 3477 Sweigert Rd., San Jose, CA 95132. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, registrants began business under the fictitious business name or names list ed here in 03/31/1990. “I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.” (A registrant who declar es as true information which he or she kno ws to be false is guilty of a crime.) Jose Carlos Silveira Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 08/27/10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NO. 542296 The following person(s) is(are) doing business Ultimate Photobooth, 4245 Atlantic Ct., Santa Clara, CA 95054, Santa Clara Co. Dalan Chan, 4245 Atlantic CT., Santa Clara, CA 95054. This business is c onducted by an individual, registrant has not yet begun business under the fic titious business name or names listed hereon. “I declare that all informa tion in this sta tement is true and c orrect.” (A registrant who de clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Dalan Chan Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010 This statement was filed with the C ounty of Santa Clara on 09/10/10. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV180914 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of: Roberto Carlos Ahumada, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioner Roberto Carlos Ahumanda, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Rober to Carlos Ahumada to Roberto Carlos Hernandez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indica ted belo w t o sho w cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be gr anted on 11/09/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A copy of the Order to Show cause shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Obser vador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Aug. 25, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV182300 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of : Marina Kazarian, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The c ourt finds tha t petitioner Marina Kazarian, has filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Roya Kazarian to Alexandra Raya Kazarian. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/30/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the O rder to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sept. 13, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME NO. 110CV182094 Superior Court of C alifornia, County of Santa Clara-In the matter of the application of : Jaime D e Los R ios and Jan McCutcheon, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The court finds that petitioners Jaime D e Los Rios and Jan McCutcheon, have filed a petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for a decree changing names as follows: a. Fiona Marta De los Rios, McCutcheon to Fiona Marta De Los Rios-McCutcheon. THE C OURT ORDERS tha t all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of names should not be granted on 11/30/2010 at 8:45 am, Room 107: located at 191 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. A c opy of the O rder to Show cause shall be published a t least once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in E l Observador, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the county of Santa Clara. Sept. 10, 2010 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 01, 08, 2010.
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |19|
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|20| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
ÂżQuĂŠ le dicen los astros a EO? Por Mario JimĂŠnez El Observador
Š Disney
e acuerdo a los astros se vienen aĂąos productivos y buenos. JĂşpiter augura crecimiento y expansiĂłn. Los astros marcan a EO mĂĄs anunciantes y una gran audiencia en el internet. A mitad del aĂąo 2011 llegarĂĄ un inversionista que revolucionarĂĄ ĂŠsta casa editora. HabrĂĄ cambios internos del personal. Treinta aĂąos se dice fĂĄcil pero no lo es, ha sido toda una vida llena de muchos desafĂos. Durante los Ăşltimos diez aĂąos he sido parte del grupo de colaboradores de El Observador, he sido testigo del enorme compromiso que se tiene con la comunidad y el deseo de seguir siendo uno de los medios escritos preferidos por los hispanos del condado de Santa Clara. “Hilbert y Betty Moralesâ€? son un claro ejemplo de lealtad, disciplina y el deseo de seguir adelante informando a nuestra comunidad. En los Ăşltimos aĂąos es de todos sabido que nos afecta en todo el paĂs una grave crisis
ÂĄLa magia comienza a $15! ÂŹ ÂŹ ÂŹDEÂŹ/#4 MiĂŠr. 13 de OCT. ( 7:30 PM
ÂĄNoche De Estreno Boletos $15!*
Jue. Vier. SĂĄb. Dom. 14 de OCT. 15 de OCT. 16 de OCT. 17 de OCT. 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM
*(No tiene valor en los asientos de Primera Fila ni VIP.)
ÂŹ ÂŹ ÂŹDEÂŹ/#4 MiĂŠr. 20 de OCT. ( 7:30 PM
ÂĄNoche De Estreno Boletos $15!*
Jue. Vier. SĂĄb. Dom. 21 de OCT. 22 de OCT. 23 de OCT. 24 de OCT. 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
*(No tiene valor en los asientos de Primera Fila ni VIP.)
Compre boletos en www.disneyonice.com, , taquillas de las arenas, o con tarjeta de crĂŠdito por telĂŠfono 0RECIOÂŹ2EGULARÂŹDEÂŹ"OLETOS ÂŹÂŹ ÂŹsÂŹ ÂŹsÂŹ ÂŹ6)0ÂŹsÂŹ ÂŹ0RIMERAÂŹ&ILA (Cargos adicionales pueden aplicar. Vea Ticketmaster.com para detalles.)
econĂłmica, la recesiĂłn no ha perdonado a nadie, con tristeza hemos visto desaparecer en el Ă rea de la BahĂa a varios periĂłdicos, entre ellos el semanario Nuevo Mundo del Mercury News. Ha sido una calamidad y una gran perdida que lamenta toda la comunidad. El Observador es un guerrero que ha sabido salir a flote aun en la tempestad que afecta a todos los medios de comunicaciĂłn, la buena voluntad de sus trabajadores y colaboradores se hace cada vez mĂĄs evidente con el paso del tiempo. Los prĂłximos dos aĂąos estarĂĄn llenos de retos, sin embargo la posiciĂłn de los astros serĂĄ benĂŠfica para las comunicaciones y los pocos medios escritos que quedan en espaĂąol lograrĂĄn sobrevivir, siendo El Observador uno de los mĂĄs afortunados gracias en parte a los aciertos editoriales. Los tiempos venideros traen retos, solamente los mĂĄs fuertes sobrevivirĂĄn y El Observador es y seguirĂĄ siendo fuerte, seguirĂĄ distinguiĂŠndose con el paso de los aĂąos como el mejor semanario bilingĂźe del Ă rea de la BahĂa. “Feliz 30 aniversario para EOâ€?.
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |21|
News in Photo
Constructing an advertising team: Monica Amador
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ollowing in her father’s footsteps, Monica Amador, former Director of Bay Area Construction Opportunity Program, helped minorities and women get into trades where these were under represented. While serving on the board of directors of the Mexican American Chamber of Commerce, Amador met Alice Valenzuela, co-founder of El Observador and Hilbert Morales, current publisher. “I came on board and I knew the community,” said Amador, advertising director for EO. “At that time (1986) I had just started with a different company, I wasn’t too crazy about it and gave sales a shot.” Amador comes to work every day because she sees the need of getting information out to the community and believes the newspaper delivers.
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sonas de bajos recursos. En 1,987 CET celebró 20 años ayudando a miles de personas a capacitarse y hoy supera a los más de 100,00 mil
personas favorecidas con este entrenamiento. El Observador le dedicó un especial en la década de las 80 por esta notable labor.
Center of Employment Training for Latinos
Maykel Solas and Karen Gabay. Photo RJ Muna.
ET fundado hace 43 años desempeñó y seguirá desempeñando una pieza clave para educar a las per-
he Center for Employment Training (CET) was founded 43 years with a goal to promote human development and education by providing people with mar-
ketable skills, essential training and supportive services that contribute to self-sufficiency. In 1987, CET celebrates it 20 year of helping thousands of people enter entry-level positions and
today that numbered has surpassed 100,000. El Observador recognized the outstanding progress it had made by the 1980s. Δ
balletsj.org bal letsj.org
|22| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
“FĂştbolâ€?: deporte de pasiones y celebraciones
408.342.4136 Encuentra tu nĂşmero local: 1.800.777.8000 18+ www.interactivemale.com
Lea mĂĄs sobre la historia de estos 30 aĂąos online www.el-observador.com Read more about the history of the Bay Area at www.el-observador.com AS San Jose Jose Do Downtown wntown Association Production Production
a pasiĂłn del FĂştbol se vive en cada rincĂłn del mundo. El Observador desde su fundaciĂłn ha presenciado ocho mundiales de fĂştbol. La fiesta del fĂştbol fue creciendo a nivel local y el interĂŠs por publicar mĂĄs artĂculos del fĂştbol es algo que hemos promovido a fin de
informar a nuestros lectores. A nivel local La PolicĂa de San JosĂŠ fundĂł en 1967 el programa deportivo PAL (Liga de Actividades de la PolicĂa) el cual incluye el deporte mĂĄs popular que es el fĂştbol. Miles de niĂąos y ahora convertidos en hombres han sido parte de estas competencias deportivas.
La comunidad por su parte ha creado sus propias ligas de fĂştbol, tal es el caso de la Liga PacĂfico FĂştbol 8 quien une esfuerzos con El Observador Foundation para promover campeonatos de fĂştbol. Una oportunidad para que todas las familias disfruten de una sana competencia. Δ
FFARMERS AARMERS’ MARKET MARKET presented pr r es ent ed bbyy
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ENJOY ENJO Y FRESHNESS FRESHNESS From farm to market to home, usually From usua ally picked within 24 hours before before you see se ee it
RIDE R IDE VT VTA A LIGHT LIGHT RAIL Receive $1 inn Carrot Carrot Cash when you show your valid VTA VT TA Light Rail Ra ail or Bus pass at the information informa ation table
GET V VALIDATED A ALIDATED Receive uup to two hours of validated parking parking Ma arket and San Pedro Pedro Street Street Garage Ga arage at the Market
Soccer: sport of passion and celebration
he passion of soccer is lived in every corner of the world. Since its foundation, El Observador has seen eight soccer world cups. While the interest for soccer has grown locally, the interest of publishing more articles about soccer is something the newspaper has promoted in order to keep the readers informed.
At the local level, the police department in San Jose founded the Police Activities League (PAL) program in 1967. The program now includes the most popular sport, soccer. Thousands of boys, now men have been participated in some of these sporting events.
The community in turn has created their own soccer leagues, as is the case of the Pacific League Soccer 8 that joins forces with El Observador Foundation to hold soccer championships matches. An opportunity for all families to enjoy healthy competition. Δ
www.el-observador.com | OCT 8 - 14, 2010 |23|
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1 Basado en est. EPA. 2 Ejemplo basado en encuesta. Cada concesionario establece su precio. Tus pagos pueden variar. Los pagos son para un Malibu LS del 2011 con un MSRP de $22,695. 39 pagos mensuales para un total de pagos de $8,322. Opción de compra al final del arrendamiento por cantidad a ser determinada a la firma del contrato de arrendamiento. Ally debe aprobar el arrendamiento. Recibe entrega antes de 11/1/10. Cargo por millaje de $.20 la milla en exceso de 39,000 millas. Cargos por exceso de millaje y desgaste excesivo aplican. No disponible con otras ofertas. Restricciones de residencia aplican. 3 No compatible con otras ofertas privadas. Recibe entrega antes del 11/1/10. 4 Visita onstar.com/espanol para detalles y limitaciones del sistema. Los servicios varían por modelos y condiciones. Onstar actúa como enlace a proveedores existentes de servicios de emergencia. Malibu, Camaro y Chevrolet son marcas registradas de General Motors. ©2010 General Motors. ¡Abróchate! ¡Tu cinturón es tu vida! El sello de “Mejor Compra” es una marca registrada de Consumers Digest Communications, LLC., usado bajo licencia. ©2010 OnStar. Todos los derechos reservados.
|24| OCT 8 - 14, 2010 | www.el-observador.com
El Observador informs about whom we are as Latinos, our hopes and dreams, our values and efforts, and celebrates our successes.
C CERO ERO DDolor, olor, CCERO ERO CCirugia, irugia, SSin in NNecesidad ecesidad ddee RReposo eposo R Reduzca eduzca grasa grasa obstinada obstinada en en su su estomago, estomago, espalda, espalda,
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El Observador informa quiénes somos los Latinos, nuestras esperanzas y sueños, nuestros valores y fortaleza laboral, tambien celebra nuestros éxitos. Δ