Elders Seasons Magazine - Summer 21

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Autumn 2021
















Routine check the turning point FOR CATTLE STATION

A Word from the CEO Autumn really is the start of the season, whether you’re a grain grower looking to make the most of your subsoil moisture or a livestock producer seeing pastures come back to their best. With the weather and the markets largely on our side now, it’s the perfect time to invest and plan for growth. But don’t feel you have to do it all on your own. If there’s one thing that’s obvious from this edition of Seasons magazine, it’s that there are plenty of people who can sit down to discuss the big picture or sort out all the little things that make any farm business tick. A long-term investment in research has paid off with the accreditation of Alestar malt barley by Barley Australia in February. It’s been almost a decade in the making and the benefits for growers really are exciting. In the heat of an emergency, we’ve got your back, too. In this edition, Elders technical services manager Maree Crawford offers some nuanced advice about dealing with fall armyworm infestations. This is real, on-farm expertise you can bank on. All the best for season 2021.

Mark Allison

Contents Nearly A Decade Of Weed Control Strength With Sakura Herbicide


Stamina Grazing Tolerant Lucerne With True Grazing Tolerance.


Controlling Green Peach Aphid In Canola


Gallagher Animal Performance Software


Improving The Outlook Through The Pre-Emergent Window


Winter Crop Nutrition For 2021


Overwatch® Herbicide


Stress Damage – What’s It Doing To Your Yield?


New Pulse Herbicide In Field Of Its Own


Cydectin® Platinum Dual Active Lv Pour-On


Kill-All No Cure-All For Fall Armyworm


Considering A Soil Carbon Project – What You Need To Know?


Effective Snail Control Starts Now In Vines


Fertigation Now Readily Accessible


Wetout® A New Generation 100% Non-Ionic Surfactant


Genomic Gains And Farming Management Efficiencies


Updating The Way You Treat Seeds


Lots Of Grunt To The 46 Joule Energizer


Mycorrhizae Fungi Inoculation Lifts Broadacre Crop Yields


How Arrowquip Facilitates Easier Livestock Handling


Growing The Future


Optimise Conception Rates With Blueprint® Lift


SA Grain Growers Reap Benefits From Seed Treatment Combo


New Malt Barley Variety Wins Accreditation


Secure Your Boundaries From External Pests


Poly Silos, Clearly A Better Solution


Monitoring Worm Burdens


The Latest Chelation System Improves Crop Nutrient Uptake


Routine Check The Turning Point For Cattle Station


Cyclone Troughs – A Better Performing Trough!


Pioneering On-Farm Program Returns Positive Results


Fennec Doubles Down On Lice Protection


Inoculation You Can Bank On


A Persistent Alternative To Perennial Ryegrass


Is There Room For Farmland Prices To Keep Rising?


Diesel Essential Portable Ute Packs


Keep Your Eyes On This.


Plasson Customers Highly Satisfied With Product Reliability


All Clear DS; Save Your Farmer Unwanted Damage


Milk Warming Best Practice


Opportunity To Win A Polaris Ranger!


Why Should We Warm Calf Milk?


It’s Time To Take A Stand Against Resistant Sheep Lice


Sustained Selenium Supplementation


Twice A Year Shearing Breakthrough And Wool Clipping Pregnancy Test


For the herbicide with a reputation for reliability, look to Sakura . Its long-lasting, pre-emergent control of grass weeds sets you up for the season ahead, helping your crops reach their full potential. ®

With nearly a decade of consistent results, Sakura: • Still sets the standard for the control of annual ryegrass, and other problematic grass weeds, in wheat (except durum wheat), triticale, chickpeas, field peas, lentils and lupins • Is available in granular 850 WG and liquid 480 SC formulations, and in a range of convenient pack sizes

Sakura. No doubt. For more information, visit sakuraherbicide.com.au Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd ABN 87 000 226 022 Level 1, 8 Redfern Road, Hawthorn East, Vic 3123. Technical Enquiries: 1800 804 479 enquiries.australia@bayer.com Sakura® and AXEEV® are Registered Trademarks of Kumiai Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. © 2020 Bayer Group. BAY0606

Crop Protection

NEARLY A DECADE OF WEED CONTROL STRENGTH WITH SAKURA HERBICIDE Over past decades of cereal cropping in Australia, only a few pre-emergent herbicides may come to mind when considering effectiveness over an extended period of time – think trifluralin. As we head into 2021, Sakura® herbicide celebrates its tenth year as the benchmark preemergent grass control tool for the nation’s wheat growers, and it appears its success is not about to fade anytime soon.

A dozen trials in wheat crops across Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland this season have continued to reinforce its advantages for annual ryegrass control when compared with established and recently introduced preemergent herbicides. On average across all 12 trials, Sakura Flow, the suspension concentrate (SC) formulation of the herbicide, applied at 210 mL/ ha, achieved 86 percent control of annual ryegrass. Boxer Gold® at 2.5 L/ha recorded 80 percent control, Luximax® at 500 mL/ha achieved 75percent control and trifluralin at 2 L/ha averaged 73 percent control. Bayer NSW Market Development Agronomist Gus Maclennan said four of the fully replicated trials were located between Temora, Culcairn and Corowa in Southern NSW. The sites featured moderate annual ryegrass pressure, together with other weed species, and ideal seasonal conditions allowed for good control from pre-planting knockdown herbicide applications and good residual control from the pre-emergent herbicides. Gus said the frequent rainfall events, however, also resulted in conditions conducive to breaking down herbicide activity, which, in turn, highlighted the longer residual control provided by Sakura. “With continued rainfall events, we saw ryegrass germinations appear throughout the season,’’ Gus said. “As the trials demonstrated, you often don’t see a lot of difference in control between the different herbicides included in the trials during the initial stages of the growing season; they are all reasonably effective in the first few weeks after application. “Beyond that is when you see the activity from some herbicides

breaking down and new germinations growing through. The longer residual control provided by Sakura then becomes evident, with most of the late germinating weeds in those treatments being controlled.’’ Annual ryegrass control at the trial sites was typically assessed four to six weeks after seeding and again 12-16 weeks after seeding. Gus said the longer residual control provided by Sakura was one of its distinguishing characteristics, but there are also several other attributes that are particularly suited to current farming systems in Australia. “Its near-ideal soil adhesion and stubble binding properties mean that after application it is available in sufficient quantity in most Australian soils to control weeds in a way well suited to our no-till and stubble retention farming systems,’’ he said. “Boxer Gold and Luximax can give good early control, but typically do not give the length of residual control that Sakura does. “Sakura also achieves this without compromising crop safety. It plays a critical role in getting crops off to a really good start and it typically doesn’t set crops back.’’ Conditions were not the same at a number of trials in WA due to a dry start to the season in the State, but it still served to highlight the longer residual control of annual ryegrass with Sakura. “Following knockdown applications, we had a dry opening to the season for a month to six weeks before we started to get good moisture in the soil profile from late July-August,’’ said Bayer WA Market Development Agronomist and Field Leader of Integrated Weed Management in Australia, Craig White. “At some sites, we were dealing with ryegrass plant densities of 600-800 per square metre and late germinations. “When the later rains came, the level of control between the


different herbicides started to separate and you could see the longer residual control with Sakura. “As the season continued, there were very visual differences in the weed control between Sakura and the other herbicides. The ryegrass in the other plots was just not as well controlled.’’

Sakura provides up to 12 weeks residual control of annual ryegrass and effective control of barley grass, annual phalaris, silver grass and toad rush in wheat (except durum wheat), triticale, chickpeas, field peas, lentils and lupins, as well as suppression of great brome and wild oats.

In a reflection of the last decade within farming systems, Craig said Sakura once again showed its proven, strong and consistent performance. Fellow Market Development Agronomist in WA’s northern agricultural region, Matt Willis, reiterated the strong performance of Sakura in local trials this season. “Some of the other products looked very good early, but then lacked the residual control,’’ Matt said. “The trials really showed just how long the residual control of Sakura is when compared with some other products.’’

Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science fields of healthcare and agriculture. Its products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. It has operated in Australia since 1925 and has a long term commitment to the health of Australians. Locally, Bayer currently employs almost 900people across the country and is dedicated to servicing the needs of rural Australia and the local community. Bayer is deeply committed to research and development and has a strong tradition of innovation. The company’s focus on people, partnerships and innovation underpins all aspects of its operations, consistent with its mission, “Bayer: Science For A Better Life.” Contact: Lachlan Bird, phone +61 407 885 209 Email: lachlan.bird@bayer.com Rohan Howatson, Howatson PR Communications, phone +61 407 428 459 Email: rohan@howatsonpr.com.au



Crop Protection


With most cropping areas across Australia experiencing a wetter summer this year, and the forecast of further rains ahead, many canola growers are looking forward to another bumper crop in 2021. While the weather outlook is positive, Corteva technical specialist Chris Brown says that growers should bear in mind that the wetter conditions are likely to create a ‘green bridge’ of weeds that harbour insect pests such as green peach aphids (GPA). GPA will persist over-summer on a variety of hosts, including wild radish, turnips, mustard, volunteer canola and many other broadleaf weeds. Green peach aphid is the most important vector of turnip yellows virus (TuYV) (96% transmission efficiency) but cabbage aphid can also transmit it (14% transmission efficiency), as can cowpea aphid. Certain strains of TuYV can infect pulse crops in southern Western Australia, New South Wales and South Australia, while other strains are canola specific. Chris advises that “Canola is most susceptible to TuYV up to the rosette stage, and infections at this point can lead to significant yield losses. Infections after the rosette stage generally have less economic impact but yield losses are likely up to approximately the mid-podding stage. Infection after mid-podding usually results in minimal yield loss, although oil quality can be affected.” Compounding these issues is the increasing presence of insecticide resistance in many GPA populations. Ongoing GPA research by Cesar Australia is finding high levels of resistance to carbamates (e.g. pirimicarb) 8


and pyrethroids across Australia. Resistance to organophosphates and neonicotinoids (e.g. imidacloprid) have also been observed in many populations. Transform ® WG insecticide containing Isoclast® active remains the most effective post emergent treatment for GPA. Growers are encouraged to integrate chemical controls with cultural and biological controls to help manage and prevent further resistance issues. Understanding how Transform works and adhering strictly to the resistance management strategy for Transform will help delay GPA resistance to this insecticide. Best management practices for controlling GPA and TuYV include eliminating the green bridge in and around the target paddocks a minimum of 14 days before sowing. Where possible, sow into standing stubble as aphids tend to fly into crops when they see plants against the backdrop of exposed earth; they are more attracted to open rows of plants with bare earth visible between crop rows. Selecting hybrid varieties that achieve early crop establishment and canopy closure can also help reduce aphid pressure. Where the risk of aphid pressure is high, a seed treatment can be considered. Neonicotinoid based seed treatments can provide adequate protection early however, duration of control is dependent on seasonal conditions. In years where germination is delayed due to a late break the activity of these treatments may be reduced. In such cases, seed

treatments can fail to provide adequate control up to the critical rosette growth stage. Vigilant crop monitoring will determine if or when a foliar insecticide application is warranted. Sensitivity shifts to Transform have recently been found in a small number of GPA populations in Western Australia, showing the potential for low-level resistance evolution to this active ingredient. For now, Transform remains an effective foliar-applied insecticide for GPA control in Australia. A sustainable long-term strategy for the control of GPA needs to be considered to manage the resistance risk by integrating selective chemical controls with practical cultural and biological controls. Where monitoring indicates that chemical intervention is required, A soft, selective product such as Transform WG Insecticide will provide effective control of GPA while having low impact on beneficial insects leaving them free to help control later season pest outbreaks such as Diamondback moth. Like all insecticides, Transform WG should be used only at the recommended label rates and according to the labelled resistance management strategy. Ensure spray applications achieve good coverage by using correct nozzles, high water volumes and appropriate ground speeds. Correct application will help prolong the useful life of this very important GPA / TuYV control option.



Isoclast® active INSECTICIDE


Transform® WG insecticide containing Isoclast® active remains the most effective post emergent treatment for Green Peach Aphid in Canola crops Visit us at corteva.com.au ®™ Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer and their affiliated companies or respective owners. Copyright © 2021 Corteva Agriscience.

CONFIDENCE IS BEING ONE STEP AHEAD OF ANNUAL RYEGRASS. ✓ The first new MoA in a generation ✓ Very high levels of pre-emergent annual ryegrass control in wheat* ✓ Control of ARG populations with known resistance to other modes of action ✓ Up to 12 weeks’ residual control ✓ Excellent crop rotation flexibility GROUP




Find out more by scanning this code with your phone camera or contact your local BASF representative on 1800 558 399. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © Copyright BASF 2021 ® Registered trademark of BASF. W100920 01.2021

*Not Durum

Crop Protection

IMPROVING THE OUTLOOK THROUGH THE PRE-EMERGENT WINDOW Most cereal growers now rely on the lasting control of premium pre-emergent annual ryegrass herbicides to set up a successful season. In the last 18 months BASF have released two new ‘blockbuster’ products that have widened that pre-plant application window to include an entirely new mode of action for ARG control and a uniquely versatile new broadleaf weed herbicide. Together they can help you extend your chemical rotation and achieve more comprehensive weed control. The launch of Luximax ® in 2019 introduced the first new mode of action for herbicides in a generation. As the one and only ‘cineole’ FAT inhibitor, Luximax is literally in a class of its own: the newly created Group T. “What’s really exciting about Luximax is that new mode of action,” says BASF Area Sales Manager Murray McCartney, “so it’s controlling ryegrass biotypes with resistance to current modes of action in the market now.” Not that you need to be already having trouble with resistant weeds to get great value from Luximax. It’s competitively priced and will match or in some instances better the performance of whatever you’re using now, so you can add it to the herbicide rotation options in wheat with the aim of slowing the development of resistance to those other herbicides without any loss of control. “In grower-scale demos and replicated trials from York to Yuna we’ve seen consistently high levels of ryegrass control standalone or in tank-mixtures, comparable to the current standard,” Murray says. Grower experience last year backed that up. You’ll get your first chance to try BASF’s other new product, Voraxor®, this year. The simplest way to sum it up is that it can fill some important gaps in your pre-plant and preemergent weed control program.

em tank-mix includes glyphosate or paraquat, Voraxor will complement them to knock down glyphosate-resistant ARG. If you’re using Voraxor on light-textured soils, its registration for residual suppression of ARG can also enhance the ryegrass control you’ll get from any of the specialist grass weed pre-ems. On top of all that, Voraxor will help ease reliance and resistance pressure on post-emergent broadleaf herbicides. “Voraxor has the only herbicidal mode of action that is still fully effective throughout all our cropping zones,” says BASF Senior Portfolio Manager Stuart McLaverty. “While resistance to some of the other modes of action remains limited to particular weeds in specific areas, growers have seen in recent years how quickly it can spread and increase. The only way of slowing that process is by taking a truly integrated approach to weed management. And one of the classic mistakes people make is to keep new chemistry in reserve until the situation is critical. “Voraxor can solve several specific weed control problems for growers as well as contributing to your overall resistance management strategies. We encourage you to try it in a few paddocks in 2021 so you can get a handle on its fit for your weed spectrum and conditions while enjoying the added security of our Satisfaction Guarantee.”

Voraxor’s main role is delivering robust pre-emergent residual control of key broadleaf weeds in cereals for up to 12 weeks following incorporation by sowing with knifepoints and press wheels. That use pattern is backed by the Voraxor Satisfaction Guarantee, which reflects BASF’s enormous confidence in the product. (You can check the full terms and conditions on the BASF website.) And Voraxor offers some very handy fringe benefits as well. It will also control young broadleaf weeds that have already emerged when you apply it in the pre-em window. If your pre-


See ryegrass and other

weeds differently

FMC's Overwatch® Herbicide is about to revolutionise your pre-emergent treatment of annual ryegrass, as well as bifora, sowthistle, silver grass, wireweed and a wide range of others. With up to 12 weeks of control, crop safety and operational flexibility, FMC’s Overwatch® Herbicide is set to change the way you see weeds in wheat, barley and canola.

SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN THE PADDOCK. Contact your local FMC representative for more information, or go to

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FMC and Overwatch are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. ©2020 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved 04/21

Crop Protection

OVERWATCH ® HERBICIDE Overwatch® Herbicide from Agricultural Sciences Company FMC is a pre-emergent herbicide option for the control of Annual ryegrass and control and suppression of a wide range of other grass and broadleaf weeds in Wheat, Barley and Canola. Classified as a Group Q mode of action, Overwatch® provides Australian growers with a unique tool in the fight against herbicide resistant weeds. As part of an integrated weed management program, Overwatch® herbicide will assist in slowing down the development of further herbicide resistance. “What we see with Overwatch® is that it’s up there to being equivalent in efficacy to our current standard, which is exciting in the sense that we can combat some of the group K resistance which we have with ryegrass,” said Lyndon May, Elders Technical Services Manager South Australia. “Having a new Group Q chemistry gives growers a lot of confidence that they can actually have a multi-product approach, especially to their ryegrass control across all their rotation within their cropping program,” adds Bill Moore, Elders Technical Services Manager Western Australia. Alongside controlling Annual ryegrass, Overwatch® also controls weeds including Silvergrass, Bifora, Sowthistle, Hogweed and Lesser loosestrife. “The other element that is interesting about the herbicide, apart from the change in chemistry away from group k is the broadleaf control,” explains May. “Bifora is one of those broadleaf weeds that we have challenges with and Overwatch® has proven its strength and flexibility across Wheat, Barley and Canola. The new choice of chemistry provides the long-term ability to control ryegrass whilst also picking up the broadleaf weeds,” says Moore. Because Overwatch® is registered in three key winter crops, it provides

greater options for crop rotations. With a large number of weeds registered for suppression on the label, including Barley grass, Bedstraw, Brome grass, Capeweed, Phalaris, Prickly lettuce, Wild oat and Wild radish, Overwatch® has an excellent fit in many paddocks. “Overwatch® provides good early season control and allows flexibility in rotations in all three key winter crops,” explains Moore. “What’s exciting about the new chemistry coming to market is that we can start offering a lot more value to those particular crops and start showing growers that the crop can become a really important part of the rotation, without compromising their weed control, and steer away from some of the other chemistry that they’ve been relying on for a really long time.” “Ultimately it’s the value proposition of how we manage the older chemistry,” explains May. “There will be strategic seasons where it’s more conducive to use one or the other, or when dealing with high numbers in particular paddocks, Overwatch® provides great flexibility to work through that.” Demonstration sites across the country have been used by FMC in recent years to show agronomists and growers through Overwatch® trial plots and demonstrate the unique herbicides robust performance across a wide range of locations and conditions. “From the trials observed Overwatch® appears as a safe product, we know it doesn’t affect soil metabolism or cell division,” says May. Residual herbicides have been challenged with dry conditions in recent years so the introduction of Overwatch® means growers can have more flexibility with regard to

following crop safety. Many trials have been conducted by FMC to demonstrate the ability of the crops to metabolise the herbicide and continue to grow. The unique mode of action of Overwatch® certainly had growers and agronomists taking note at trials, as the plants germinate and come out of the ground, they turn a striking magenta colour before they desiccate. “The bleaching component of Overwatch® can be seen as a positive to many growers, it indicates the product is actually getting into the plant and that you have enough solubility in the system,” explains May. “As we often sow dry and not sure how much moisture we need for the herbicide to be activated, with Overwatch® we have a tracker with the bleaching that gives you the idea of how much soil moisture is in there.” “The work we’ve done in our own trials at our sites in Victoria and South Australia, we noticed the bleaching early on but there was no crop impact, no difference in biomass. Supporting yield data that FMC have collected over time has proven that.” We’re definitely in an exciting space and the new chemistries coming to market have all got slightly different niches and features that will give you a reason to use it. I can see on one individual farm that they could use all the various chemistry in any one year,” explains May. Good supplies of Overwatch® Herbicide are expected to be available for the 2021 winter cropping season with the product being manufactured in Australia, at FMC’s Wyong plant, on the New South Wales Central Coast. 13

Crop Protection

NEW PULSE HERBICIDE IN FIELD OF ITS OWN THE opportunity for winter grain growers to control problem grass weeds and mitigate herbicide resistance in the pulse phase of cropping programs, as well as increase pulse returns has been given a boost. ADAMA Australia has announced the introduction of a pre-emergent herbicide with a new mode of action (Group E) for 2021. Ultro® controls annual ryegrass as well as barley grass and brome grass in pulse crops, the latter of which have become more difficult to control in various areas due to the limited herbicide options available against these grass weeds. The new herbicide is registered for use with faba beans, lentils, field peas, chickpeas, lupins, vetch and broad beans, and can also be used with winter fallows. ADAMA Australia General Manager Marketing, Stuart Moncrieff, said pulse crops were an important component of cropping rotations. “Pulses not only offer a vital disease break, but, with advances in plant breeding, agronomy and weed control strategies, they are also now proving to be a profitable component of rotations,” Stuart said. “Weed control in pulses has historically been a challenge due to the poor crop competition and lack of registered herbicide options available to growers and advisers.

“As a Group E mode of action pre-emergent herbicide, Ultro introduces an alternative herbicide tool for annual grass weed control, helping reduce the pressure on commonly-used options in grain legumes, such as trifluralin and propyzamide.’’ Ultro has been trialled throughout Australia’s winter cropping regions since 2013. “Trials have been conducted in a wide range of soil moisture and rainfall situations across a range of soil textures and we have been extremely happy with the results and versatility of Ultro,’’ said Market Development Manager with ADAMA Australia in Victoria and Tasmania, Alistair Crawford. “Soil moisture is critical to activating pre-emergent herbicides and commencing weed control. Ultro requires less rainfall and soil moisture to activate than some industry standards, which is why we have seen strong results when conditions can be less-than-ideal at planting.’’ For further information on the new Ultro pre-emergent herbicide, contact your local Elders agronomist or branch.

Photo - Left: Untreated control plot annual ryegrass in lentils ADAMA Australia Solutions Site Roseworthy SA 2020 Photo - Right: Ultro applied IBS at 1.7kg/ha in lentils controlling annual ryegrass, ADAMA Australia Solutions Site, Roseworthy SA 2020 14




In a field of its own.

New Ultro herbicide from ADAMA introduces a new class of chemistry (Group E) for the pre-emergent control of annual grass weeds in winter pulse crops.

Scan here for more information

• Controls annual ryegrass, barley grass and brome grass • Registered in broad beans, chickpeas, faba beans, field peas, lentils, lupins, vetch and winter fallow • Important tool for herbicide resistance management • Incorporate by sowing or via rainfall within seven days

HERBICIDE ®Registered trademark of an ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Company. ADA20393


✓ Up to 12 weeks’ residual control of broadleaf weeds, guaranteed! THE

✓ Bonus activity on annual ryegrass




✓ Rapid pre-sowing knockdown of broadleaf weeds


✓ Helps to delay and may simplify the post-emergent program



Find out more by scanning this code with your phone camera or contact your local BASF representative on 1800 558 399. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © Copyright BASF 2021 ® Registered trademark of BASF. W100920 01.2021

* Terms and conditions apply

Crop Protection

KILL-ALL NO CURE - ALL FOR FALL ARMYWORM Australia’s voracious new pest, the fall armyworm, is rapidly spreading south and a leading front-line industry advisor says while drastic extermination measures often fail, a more integrated approach is preserving crop yields. Toowoomba technical services manager Maree Crawford is spearheading Elders’ response to the fall armyworm, after it was detected in February this year at Georgetown, Queensland, in a maize trial site. “This pest is a serious threat to some crops and there is a tendency for growers and advisors to overuse synthetic pyrethroids up front and this approach is not proving successful,” Ms Crawford said. “Elders agronomists address fall armyworm outbreaks in a very structured way using an integrated pest management approach based on the individual circumstances. “You have to take a lot of factors into account, like the weather, the lifecycle stage, the crop species and its risk profile, and the extent of the infestation.” Ms Crawford said the greatest challenge was to get adequate coverage of the larvae with pesticides because they burrowed deep into plant, increasing the risk of chemical resistance. For that reason, as well as their devastating impact on beneficial insect populations, Ms Crawford advised against blanket applications of synthetic pyrethroids. “If you nuke everything, you’re not going to have the beneficials to clean up new egg lays and hatchings underneath the leaf where your sprays have failed to reach all the fall armyworms,” she said. “Where people have tried a total knockdown approach, we’re seeing them back there in big numbers in as little as 14 to 21 days, depending on temperature and day length.” Rotating chemicals that preserved beneficial insects like the predatory Cotesia and Trichogramma wasps in conjunction with

biotech products like Magnet, which targeted moths and reduced the amount of eggs laid, worked very successfully when infestations were caught early, Ms Crawford said. Once fall armyworms got past the 10 millimetre-long third instar stage, Ms Crawford said, it was almost impossible to prevent large-scale crop damage. “When they are transitioning from the third to the fourth instar, we find them inside the whorl of the plant,” she said. “They cover themselves down in the whorl with frass, which is their waste, and the chemical can’t penetrate that, it just sits on top and doesn’t get to them.” It was critical to spray in the evening, when the largely nocturnal larvae were out feeding, Ms Crawford said. Water rates needed to be exceptionally high, too, and she said Elders was working with a spray company to develop a new nozzle application specifically targeting fall armyworms in maize crops. The pests seemed to favour all types of maize crops, as well as sweet forage sorghum, she said, and could move up to 500 kilometres in as little as two days in the right conditions. “We watch weather fronts, moth flights, and work out where the most likely incursions are going to be,” Ms Crawford said. “With this particular pest, you can’t afford to take anything for granted. You need to be scouting constantly to get onto moths and hatchings at the early stages. If you get a change in the weather, get out with a head torch and look for them every night for about a week.” Elders advisors were also using satellite technology and drones to scout for crop damage, deploying trap networks and teaming with government entomologists to track new infestations.

The fall armyworm may make it as far south as Adelaide and Ms Crawford said it had already been detected in the southern wheatbelt of Western Australia and into southern New South Wales. In the northern regions, fall armyworm would be a year-round challenge but she said outbreaks would be limited to summertime further south. Partofthe challenge wasto correctlydistinguish the fall armyworm from the also voracious but still less devastating northern armyworm. In the first instars, the two looked extremely similar but four raised spots on the hind quarters of the fall armyworm grubs and pale patches near the moths’ wingtips were the tell-tale signs. And, while experts were still divided on the right threshold for spraying, Ms Crawford said as few as two larvae per plant in maize crops could cause “a fair bit of grief”. “We have seen up to 80 per cent leaf surface area damage and barren plants due to the damage to reproductive tissue,” she said. The good news was that, unlike sorghum, maize crops with high levels of leaf damage were still able to yield well if reproductive tissue comprising silks and tassels were intact, Ms Crawford said. “It is essential to use an integrated pest management approach to fall armyworm infestations from the outset, using a wide range of strategies such as soft chemistry, biotechnology, Magnet and beneficials to protect the reproductive tissue so there is less likelihood of major damage to cobs,” she said. “It’s been a concern, but I think it’s manageable, I really do. “With proactive, vigilant practices and the array of chemistry that we’ve got access to, we can manage the pest in most crops and limit damage.” 17


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Crop Protection


Many grape growers have had a long battle with snails this season. Last autumn through to spring, conditions were ideal for snail breeding in vineyards across Southern Australia. Grape growers have seen high numbers of snails in vine canopies, on posts and on trunks this growing season. The pending autumn 2021 rains and the changing season will now trigger even greater snail activity. Therefore, immediately postharvest is the perfect time to implement a vineyard baiting program; snails are active and feeding but haven’t yet begun to lay eggs. Snails generally shelter in the vine canopy from late spring through summer to escape the heat. This can result in major contamination issues at harvest. Common garden snail (Cornu aspersum), white Italian snail (Theba pisana) and vineyard or common white snail (Cernuella virgata) are regular culprits; however this varies between wine growing regions. Up to five species cause problems across southern Australia; the small pointed snail (Prietocella barbara) causes issues by blocking irrigation sprinklers. Snails lay eggs from autumn through to spring, with some species laying up to 1500 eggs in small batches throughout the season. Most species live for one to two years, however the common garden snail can live beyond five years. Eggs hatch within two weeks and juvenile snails can grow quickly to join existing populations to feed on new buds and young leaves. Snail bait is the best form of control, with baits needing to be applied when snails are active and feeding. An effective bait needs to be attractive and palatable to snails, as well as being persistent and resistant to rain and weathering during autumn. Vineyards should be monitored throughout the season to ensure the baiting program is controlling snail populations effectively, and flag potential “hotspots” for next season’s control strategy. Post-harvest autumn baiting is more effective than a program in spring and summer, despite the fact that snails and

their damage are most visible at that time. The aim is to control the population before they lay their eggs; every snail killed in autumn before it has the chance to lay eggs prevents thousands entering the vineyard during the next two seasons. Controlling populations now lowers the number left to breed, and hence reduces feeding damage and contamination issues next season. The choice of bait is critical to an effective result. The product must spread easily and evenly across the vineyard to reduce both application time and the need for constant and costly reapplication. The product must also be attractive so that snails are drawn to it in preference to other food sources, and does not rely on snails finding it by chance. This is the difference between a true bait and an old-fashioned bran pellet. The bait also needs to be palatable so that snails will eat enough to ingest a lethal dose. Avoid bran pellets with low quality ingredients and low levels of active ingredient. The bait must be able to withstand rain, then heat, then rain again, yet still continue to work. Research by SARDI and others has demonstrated that commonly used bran pellets have a short lifespan and don’t work after rainfall. Metarex Inov all weather slug & snail bait developed from science & nature providing superior control based on unique Colzactive technology for enhanced delivery. Metarex Inov represents a breakthrough in snail control with less active and lower rates than Metarex. Yet Metarex Inov provides maximum attractiveness, enhanced palatability and faster effective kill over Metarex, while still having the well known long-lasting protection, being IPM friendly and having excellent ballistics.

There is really only one choice for an effective snail bait in vineyards: Metarex Inov. Only Metarex Inov has what it takes to control snails when the pressure is on. Effective slug & snail control starts now in Broadacre crops The optimal slug and snail breeding conditions over this past winter and spring is the reason you have to be on top of slug and snail control early, as numbers will be high this autumn. Slugs and snails cause major damage to Australian crops, with a range of destructive species found across large parts of the country. They pose a significant threat to the successful establishment of many crops and pastures. Slugs and snails cause crop damage to newly emerging crop and snails also pose a major contamination threat to both broadacre and horticultural crops. Monitoring slug and snail populations is an important first step in the control process. Baiting early at sowing is essential; slugs and snails are discriminating eaters and it is the quality of the bait, particularly its palatability, which is important. An attractive product will ensure slugs and snails will encounter a bait. Metarex Inov has had extensive testing in Australian conditions to prove its efficacy against slugs and snails. The key to good control is to apply Metarex Inov before breeding starts. The application window for optimal control varies from district to district and is also dependent on local environmental conditions such as weather and field parameters. There is really only one choice for an effective slug and snail bait in broadacre crops: Metarex Inov. Only Metarex Inov has what it takes to control slugs and snails when the pressure is on. For further information, contact your local Elders agronomist or branch.



WETOUT ® A NEW GENERATION 100% NON-IONIC SURFACTANT For decades BS1000 has been the leading non-ionic surfactant standard across Australia and New Zealand. After extensive research, SST has developed a new standard – a new generation non-ionic surfactant ‘Wetout®’. Wetout® is a unique proprietary formulation of vegetable based surfactants that improves efficacy in every aspect while reducing unwanted negatives such as drift. The Benefits of Using WETOUT® > SUPERIOR SPREADING – Better coverage > BETTER DEPOSITION – More product on the target > LESS DRIFT – Less loss and better compliance > INCREASED EFFICACY – Less weeds > INCREASED VERSATILITY – Less products needed > LOW USER RATES – Less handling and storage, very cost effective > ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – Biodegradable SPREADING: Wetout® reaches levels of spreading that were previously only possible by using very expensive organosilicones. When it comes to spreading, Wetout® can truly be considered so advanced that it is not even in the same league as conventional non-ionic surfactants. Despite spreading thin, Wetout® retains a long drying and humectancy period, which is important for uptake of glyphosate products. BETTER DEPOSITION: To achieve best deposition, a surfactant needs to travel to the surface of the droplet fast – the time it takes from leaving the nozzle tip to hitting the target. Wetout® is fast and therefore achieves excellent adhesion to the surface when it hits the target. As a result, bounce and splashingoff is greatly reduced. More product stays on the target! LESS DRIFT: Drift is an ever-increasing important topic in modern spray application. It does not only have environmental impacts, but also means loss of product (= loss of efficacy and money). While the old benchmark non-ionic surfactants such as BS1000 increase drift dramatically, the unique blend of Wetout® does NOT. It reduces drift at around the same level as a well-known lecithin or oil containing drift reduction adjuvants.

Independent trials show Wetout® improves the spray pattern of an EXTREMELY COARSE spray using Turbodrop XL-D 02 at 100L/ha, 3.2 bar. The addition of Wetout® almost tripled the number of droplets to 78 droplets/cm2 compared to 28 droplets/ cm2 when water was used. INCREASED EFFICACY AND VERSATILITY: The proprietary formulation of surfactants in Wetout® are more versatile than a single surfactant formulation in the old standard non-ionic wetters. Wetout® achieves the same or better efficacy at lower rates. It even outperforms specialized wetter such as Wetter TX* on Annual Ryegrass. This means also increased versatility. Wetout® is the only all-season non-ionic surfactant that is needed. It is ideal for summer spraying because it increases uptake of glyphosate, spreading of paraquat, and helps to overcome some of the disadvantages of the new EXTREMELY COARSE spray quality regulations for 24-D products. LOWER USE RATES: The old standard wetters are used at 200ml/100L. Wetout® is so superior it can be used at half the rate at 100ml/100L and achieve similar or better results. This means half the volume handled, transported and stored. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: Wetout® is a uniquely targeted surfactant package, based on a green, sustainable raw material backbone. Unlike many adjuvants on the market across ANZ, Wetout® is also free from nonyl phenol ethoxylates#. All the ingredients in Wetout® are biodegradable, meaning they break down into simple, harmless compounds over time, meaning our greener approach today will ensure a greener tomorrow. #

NPE’s are banned across Europe and North America because they are endocrine disruptors.





A new generation 100% Non-ionic surfactant

The benefits of using WETOUT


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– Less loss and better compliance


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SPREADING Wetout® reaches levels of spreading that were previously only possible by using very expensive organosilicones. Wetout® retains a long drying and humectancy period, important for uptake of glyphosate products.

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Left: BS1000 at 100mL/100L;

Hairy surface, Middle: Wetout® at 100mL/100L; 0.1mL droplets: Right: No surfactant, water only.

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Crop Protection

UPDATING THE WAY YOU TREAT SEEDS Do you rely on using the same combination of seed treatments on the same crops year after year? With some damaging diseases becoming less sensitive to certain fungicidal modes of action, that can be a problem. In both wheat and canola, BASF now offers alternatives to the standard treatments that can improve disease management and provide a solid return on your investment in them.

For canola growers, blackleg has always been the biggest disease threat, both because it can cause so much loss of yield and it’s been so hard to control.

Systiva® quickly established itself as the leading seed treatment for barley and now it has an important role to play in protecting wheat crops as well. Systiva was already registered for control of bunt and suppression of rhizoctonia in wheat, but this year it can also be used to control Septoria tritici blotch (STB) – a disease that has rapidly progressed from a minor irritation to a significant drag on wheat yields.

The launch of ILeVO® seed treatment raised the bar by establishing a higher level of effectiveness, protecting healthy crop establishment and introducing a new sub-class of SDHI chemistry to extend the chemical rotation options. The subsequent release of other recent competitor products ticked some of the same boxes, but ILeVO retains a price advantage.

“Over the last few seasons, Septoria tritici blotch has been getting both more widespread and more severe in higher rainfall areas,” says Shannon Altomare, BASF’s Portfolio Manager for seed treatments. “So wheat growers who haven’t traditionally bothered with a seed dressing for STB should reconsider the potential damage they’re risking – especially in a year when some areas are predicted to get more rainfall and stubble loads may be higher, with a potential for increased stubble inoculum. “Some growers who do use seed dressings in wheat have been traditionally depending on triazoles. Jockey* Stayer* has done a great job of suppression over the years, but now that there are identified strains of disease around that are resistant to some Group 3 fungicides, switching to Systiva will help take the pressure off the older chemistry with no loss of efficacy. That will protect the young crop against STB, rhizoctonia and smut; promote more vigorous establishment; and help extend the useful life of older products. “So Systiva is now a great option to help growers protect their investment in both wheat and barley with extra confidence.”

“If you take a close look at its trial results versus industry standards, or even better if you give it a try, we think you will agree that ILeVO is a very cost-effective option to protect seedling canola against blackleg,” Shannon Altomare explains. “Trials have shown that it is more effective than Jockey Stayer, with proven yield benefits, and it’s on a par with the other newer chemistry without the big price tag. There’s no compulsion to buy ILeVO with a second treatment, which keeps the minimum cost down if blackleg is the only disease threat. If there is pressure from multiple diseases, growers can use a combination of products specifically tailored to deal with them. “Extensive trials have confirmed that ILeVO has no negative impact on germination rates or hypocotyl length. It will help boost yield, not limit it. So any way you look at it, ILeVO is great value for money.” Why not talk to your local Elders store about updating your seed treatment program to include extra options aimed at improving disease control and easing the pressure on older chemistry?


Crop Protection

MYCORRHIZAE FUNGI INOCULATION LIFTS BROADACRE CROP YIELDS Modern agricultural practices, particularly in our broadacre grain production systems are often detrimental to key aspects of soil health. Improved agronomics and genetics over recent years has meant we are producing larger yields that require more inputs of both water and nutrients, and this places higher demands on our soils. We add the required nutrients via synthetic fertilisers but neglect the critical aspect of what’s happening with our soil biology. A key component to soil health and achieving high yields is being aware of the beneficial microbial life in our soils and ensuring the most beneficial species are present at adequate levels. One important factor that growers should be aware of is that the majority of grain crops are what is called mycorrhizal, which means they rely significantly on the relationship they have with soil based beneficial fungi called mycorrhizae to grow to their full potential. Native mycorrhizae species are present in most soils although cropping practices often result in their levels being severely reduced, which can limit the crops ability to achieve its full potential. The use of fallow and long fallow periods for building soil moisture combined with wetting and drying cycles through these periods severely depletes the level of mycorrhizae in the soil. Because mycorrhizae require a living host to sustain itself in the soil, these periods of fallow mean its levels quickly drop and take some time to build up again to adequate levels. Other ways these beneficial fungi can be removed from the system is by growing non-mycorrhizal crops like canola and lupins and through cultivating the soil. Mycorrhizae increases the health and improves the growth of crops by colonising the roots and extending vast networks of hyphae well beyond where the root themselves finish. This helps the plant forage for and access soil nutrients and moisture that are otherwise inaccessible to the crop. Eighty per cent of agricultural crops form a bond with mycorrhizae and farmers should be aware that ensuring crops have adequate mycorrhizae in the soil will help maximise their growth. Another benefit of ensuring crops have a strong colonisation of mycorrhizae is the ability to maximise the efficient capture and uptake of applied fertiliser. Farmers invest significant dollars on synthetic fertilisers and a strong network of mycorrhizae in the soil will ensure that the uptake of these nutrients is maximised and their 24




leeching outside the rootzone is minimised. Mycorrhizae also help with overall soil health by secreting a carbon rich glue-like substance known as glomalin that over time helps build soil structure, increases organic carbon percentage and overall soil health. Until recently, the technology to produce high quality, concentrated, easy to use and cost-effective mycorrhizae inoculants hasn’t been available. Unlike their rhizobium bacterial inoculant cousins that get applied to legume crops and pastures, mycorrhizae have proved more difficult to develop into similarly successful inoculants. Until now. Sumitomo Agrosolutions, over recent years has focused considerable efforts into producing high quality, highly useable and affordable mycorrhizae inoculants for use in a range of crops. Sumitomo brings considerable experience with biological products, being the first company to develop Bt insecticides decades ago with brands like Dipel and XenTari, among others. Sumitomo now has a new highly concentrated liquid mycorrhizae inoculant called EndoFuse that can be easily applied to planting seed or in-furrow with a rate range as low as 10-15 mL per ha and mixed with rhizobium inoculants at equivalent rates when treating grain legumes or legume pastures. Given the yield and quality improvements that have been seen in recent trials, the relatively low cost per hectare of EndoFuse provides an excellent return of investment, especially when you factor in that you are also building your long-term soil health.

More resilience, more productivity, powered by biology


EndoFuse from Sumitomo Chemical is a plant and soil enhancement product that contains arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF). Mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that naturally exist in soils colonising the root systems of plants. EndoFuse includes 4 high performing endo-mycorrhizae species that have been proven to increase crop resilience, productivity and overall plant and soil health. ™

• Crop resilience under plant stress conditions • Reduce long fallow disorder • Crop yield • Root and shoot biomass • N, P, K and trace mineral uptake • Water uptake during moisture stress • Soil health • Re-populate mycorrhizae following cultivation

www.sumitomo-chem.com.au ™ EndoFuse is the trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Australia.



The next generation of agronomists are in their first weeks at Elders, carrying on a 181-year tradition. While we have a solid team of technical specialists, servicing agronomy and livestock production services, our eyes are always on the horizon, looking for opportunities to grow. Recruiting and developing the next generation of agronomists is crucial. The Thomas Elder Institute manages the Elders Graduate Agronomy Program, which puts aspiring agronomists through a two-year program of on-the-job learning. Graduates work in rotations across the branch network, covering horticulture and broadacre industries. Exposing developing agronomists to a variety of crop sectors and regions provides them with a holistic learning experience. In many cases, participants enter the program believing they will work in a particular sector but, exposed to the alternatives, they change the crop type, sector or region of focus. The success of graduate development is underpinned by the involvement of senior agronomic Elders staff across Australia. Their mentorship and guidance support the development of graduates as they grow. Exposure to multiple mentors throughout the program provides perspective on different strategies to provide agronomic services and support clients. The graduate program has a history of leading to career success, with many previous participants going on to successful roles in agronomy or diversifying their involvement in the business into rural products management or branch management roles. Entering the program in 2015, Diana George relished the opportunity to explore different farming systems and build connections with mentors. “Mentors I dealt with were extremely switched-on agronomists with so much experience in the area, and they really wanted to help,” Ms George said. “I originally come from central-west New South Wales, so the Darling Downs was something I’d never experienced before, and I really enjoyed it. They’d go from a summer crop to winter crop and back into a summer crop, 26


weather permitting. Then I moved down into Ballarat and the Mortlake area, which is effectively a high rainfall zone. “The program gave me a understanding of agriculture from south-east Queensland down to southwest Victoria, which is important so that you don’t get tunnel vision in one area.”

“Mentors I dealt with were extremely switchedon agronomists with so much experience in the area, and they really wanted to help.”

Ms George has since returned home to become Nyngan’s rural products sales manager but still keeps in touch with the network of colleagues she met up and down Australia during the agronomy program. “The program has also helped me build contacts in all these different regions who might have a fresh idea that you didn’t even think of to solve a problem,” she said. Elders was delighted that 150 hopefuls applied for the 2021 intake. After an arduous interviewing process, nine outstanding graduates started their journey to agronomic excellence. The Elders Graduate Agronomy program is open to tertiary students who have graduated in the last three years. Applications for the 2022 intake will open in June this year. For more information, please contact Michael Wilkes, head of the Thomas Elder Institute.





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Crop Protection

SA GRAIN GROWERS REAP BENEFITS FROM SEED TREATMENT COMBO Protecting your cereal crop during the vulnerable establishment stage is a strategy that has paid off for SA grain growers Simon and Nick McCormack.

Simon and Nick, of McCormack Farming in Barunga Gap, are fifth generation on their farm which was established in 1873. Their father Paul is still actively involved in the mixed farming operation, consisting of 2,100 hectares of cropping and 500 hectares of hill country for running sheep. “We’ve been no-till farming since 2001 and zero till for the past five years,” said Simon. “We are also a full CTF farming system with no livestock on cropping paddocks.” With an average rainfall of 400 mm, the McCormack’s cropping program consists of lentils, wheat, canola and barley, with benchmark returns of 4t/ha on cereals & 2t/ha on lentils and canola. Their wheat this past season was sown in early May at 80kg/ha with in-furrow fertiliser. Following grading, their Scepter wheat seed is graded and treated with Rancona® Dimension at 3.2L/t (ipconazole/metalaxyl), Guardian® at 1.2L/t (imidacloprid) and Zincflo® Plus at 3L/t (trace element), to protect the seedling during the establishment stage. “We’ve seen improvements in the crop standing as well as higher yields using this seed treatment program,” Simon added, “which all leads to increased profits at the end of the day.” “We’ve used Rancona Dimension for several seasons,” said Simon. “It’s been effective in managing our target crop diseases – rhizoctonia and crown rot – and it’s really easy to handle and use.” Comprising two powerful active

ingredients, Rancona Dimension offers premium protection against crown rot and rhizoctonia root rot, as well as control of smuts, pythium and bunt in wheat, barley and oats. Combined with excellent seed safety, it allows faster emergence, ideal seedling establishment and healthier and more vigorous plants. SEED PREPARATION KEY TO GOOD START IN NSW Getting your crop off to a good start begins with quality inputs and seed preparation according to New South Wales grain grower Peter Finlayson. Peter and Eleanor Finlayson are dryland broadacre crop and sheep farmers from Berrigan in NSW. Their annual cropping program consists of up to 1400 hectares of wheat, 3–400 hectares of barley, 600 hectares of lupins and 700 hectares of canola on rotation. The Finlayson’s also run 1,200 merino ewes, which also contribute to their cropping program by eating out paddocks containing hard to manage weeds. Peter said every farmer has their own philosophies on how to do things but believes that quality inputs upfront are critical to getting crops off to a good start. “We believe seed preparation is one of the most important parts of our cropping operation.” Peter uses lower sowing rates than most recommendations of 80kg/ ha for the area, sowing at 60kg/ha on his grey ground and 50kg/ha on the red ground, which has delivered consistently good results over the years.

For the last four years the Finlayson’s have used a trio of seed treatments at planting – Rancona Dimension, Guardian and Zincflo Plus. Rancona Dimension is used to target smuts and bunt; Guardian for aphid control; and Zincflo Plus is used as the soils in their area are zinc deficient. Zinc is an essential micronutrient that enhances disease resistance and improves plant vigour. When applied in the chelate form as a seed treatment, zinc is delivered directly on the seed in the most highly concentrated form where it is required for growth and development of the plant. “I get more bang for my buck from applying zinc on the seed rather than as a foliar application later on,” he said.“I’m really happy using the trio of products on the seed as our crops have always gotten off to a good start using this combination.” The combination of seed treatments starts working the moment your wheat or barley seed is planted, protecting the seedling during the vulnerable establishment stage for faster emergence, excellent seedling establishment, and healthier and more vigorous plants for maximum yield potential. The seed treatments are also easy-toapply, low dust formulations for minimal dust-off during application and handling, and easier clean down.

Photo - Simon McCormack, Mick Coleman (Hannaford) and Nick McCormack



SECURE YOUR BOUNDARIES FROM EXTERNAL PESTS AND DISEASE WITH WARATAH FENCING SOLUTIONS Reducing the bio security risks associated with feral and wild animals is an essential step in managing your farming enterprise. Scott Balsille’s property in St George was facing significant pressure from feral animals destroying their large-scale irrigation crop containing hectares of cotton, wheat, sorghum, oats, chickpeas and more, with substantial pressure on cotton. They would often find pigs rooting all the dirt from the top of the row bed and down onto the furrow causing the running syphons to pool, which would kill the cotton. The pigs also liked to come along and chew the soft seeds when the boll is maturing. At its worst, Scott said, “a couple of hectares were flattened to the ground by wild pigs. It didn’t matter how much you tried to eradicate them they just kept popping up!”. Wild pigs can also cause major biosecurity threats to the property and often carry diseases that can infect crops. With Scott’s farming enterprise facing a loss of 30-40 hectares each crop he urgently needed to find a solution. To gain more control, Scott implemented a Waratah exclusion fencing system. The Longlife Blue ® colour technology 15/150/15 Stocksafe-T ® wire fence with the additional security of the Stocksafe-T ® apron and 1.8mm barb on top, gave Scott the most effective barrier against digging, climbing & jumping feral threats. Supported by Waratah’s 225cm Blue latch™ posts that make for a quick and simple installation. After installing the fence, Scott noticed the number of feral pigs entering the property had significantly reduced and allowed for the crops to grow without damage. “We’ve had a lot of feral animals trying to get out and get back in, and we’ve seen them hit up against the fence and it doesn’t move at all”. This fence has saved the property thousands of dollars through increased productivity, while also saving time and man power. Waratah provide a top-quality steel exclusion fencing solution that you can trust.



Scott’s advice, “Exclusion fencing is something you can’t afford NOT to do!”. For more information on how Waratah fencing can help you, visit www.waratahfencing.com.au or watch Scott’s story on Waratah’s YouTube page https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=09pKRD4bhJk


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“There’s so much on the land beyond our control, Waratah’s fencing solutions provide security.”





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Information in your hands


Animal Health

MONITORING WORM BURDENS THROUGH WORM EGG COUNT TESTS IN CATTLE FOLLOWING THE RECENT BREAK IN THE SEASON Dr Lee Taylor, Senior Veterinary Technical Manager Livestock, Zoetis Recent rainfall and warmer conditions means that worm burdens will be increasing. It is important that you monitor young cattle in particular for signs of worm infestation. Cattle that are low in condition as a result of drought and now grazing short, green pasture are at risk of contracting worms. WORM EGG COUNTS: Zoetis provides a worm egg count (WEC) monitoring service, via your local Elders store, which is conducted by an independent parasitology laboratory. The sampling process involves collection of faecal samples from 10 animals at random in the target group of cattle. To date, over 70,000 samples have been tested, collected from cattle around Australia. This service provides information to the producer on the number of worm eggs per gram of faeces in sampled cattle. When there are a sufficient number of worm eggs present, these samples are cultured to larvae stage and the worm species determined. This provides valuable information allowing cattle producers to make informed drenching decisions, such as selection of the drench that has the best efficacy against the worm burden present, and determining the best timing of drench treatments. These results have been summarised via Wormtrax™ - visit www.wormtrax.com.au and enter your postcode.

SAMPLING YOUNG AND OCCASIONALLY OLDER CATTLE: Sampling has typically been biased towards weaner and growing cattle as these are the animal groups at most risk of significant parasite infections. Older cattle that have been born and bred in these same regions and had previous exposure to the mix of internal parasites common to these areas should have developed effective immunity. It is important to note though, that older cattle may be at risk of parasitism if they have had no or limited exposure to worms as young animals due to drought or if they have been relocated from drier inland areas where worm burdens are lower. In these circumstances, monitoring older cattle can be of value and some strategic drenching may be required until they develop immunity. REVIEW WORM BURDEN RESULTS: Zoetis worm egg count data show that worm egg counts and worm types vary significantly across Australia. The most common parasite type encountered is Cooperia spp (small intestinal worm) followed by either Haemonchus spp (Barber’s pole worm) and Oesophagostomum spp (Large Bowel worm) in summer rainfall regions, or Ostertagia spp (Small brown stomach worm) and Trichostrongylus spp (Black Scour worm) in winter rainfall regions.1 While the wormtrax data can provide a guide for your region, the only way to

know for sure what is happening on your farm is to test the right groups of animals. SELECT THE MOST SUITABLE DRENCH: Cooperia spp (small intestinal worm) are the most difficult of this mix of worms to control with the macrocyclic lactone group of chemicals, which includes ivermectin, abamectin, moxidectin, eprinomectin and doramectin. Of this group, doramectin, the active ingredient of Dectomax®, gives the most sustained and effective control of Cooperia spp as well as controlling the common worms listed above providing uniform levels of sustained activity across the spectrum of worm types. BUFFALO FLY: Dectomax Pour-On applied in the autumn months can be used to provide strategic control of buffalo fly, especially as an end of season treatment after use of SP/OP based fly tags or backrubbers. Dectomax injectable and Pour-On also control cattle tick where this parasite is a concern. For more on the worm egg count testing program or for advice on drench selection, speak to your local Elders Livestock Production Advisor or head into your nearest Elders branch. References: 1. Taylor LF, Hodge A. Descriptive findings from analysis of a large database of cattle worm egg count and larval culture results collected across Australia between 2002 and 2012. Vet. Parasitol. 204 (2014) 269–278.





Contact your local Elders Branch or visit elders.com.au

Farm Management

ROUTINE CHECK THE TURNING POINT FOR CATTLE STATION Pip Houghton, Livestock Production Consultant Thomas Elder Consulting A meeting to discuss feed tactics proved to be a turning point for a West Australian cattle station. With the property in the grip of severe drought, the station’s owners had called in Thomas Elder Consultant Pip Houghton for a fresh perspective. She found difficult infrastructure was distracting managers from making the big decisions, leaving the cattle station in a precarious position. “A drought pressure-tests all your systems and soon exposes any weak points,” Ms Houghton said. “You can’t help but feel for anyone dealing with drought but it’s a lot easier for clients who have planned for all possible scenarios than those having to make tough decisions under pressure. “Identifying your thresholds prior to a drought allows a sensible and systematic response, resulting in more predictable outcomes.” Ms Houghton and TEC colleague Bruce Creek spent a day and a half with the manager on a thorough review that included the management strategy, infrastructure, animal health and welfare, genetics and the breeding program, feed on offer, sustainability, carrying capacity and efficiency.

“It was clear that managerial interventions were minimal due to other competing priorities, so we developed a strategy to achieve sustainable numbers based on the available water and vegetation,” she said. “Just maintaining water points was taking up an entire labour unit.” Progressively switching from the near-derelict windmills to solar and implementing technology such as Farmbot water point sensors drastically reduced the time spent dealing with breakdowns. TEC and the station are currently assessing the viability of installing cameras at key sites. The carefully budgeted infrastructure upgrades were part of a comprehensive management strategy to improve welfare, safety, sustainability and productivity to make the station more resilient financially. The station sits near the border of what may be considered the line of viable vs non-viable country for a cattle scenario, Ms Houghton said.


Farm Management

After some COVID-19 related delays, TEC organised and coordinated a full station muster with a contract ground crew and aerial team. TEC and the station developed realistic guidelines for the drafting process.

The region’s long-term average annual rainfall for the region is about 240 millimetres but, in 2019, only 67mm of rain was recorded and up to the start of muster in November 2020, only 115mm had fallen. “The drought put immense pressure on the vegetation around the fixed water points and a hard approach was the only appropriate action to take,” Ms Houghton said. A partial destock would take advantage of favourable prices as the east restocked, while reducing supplementary feeding requirements throughout summer, improving the productivity of the remaining herd, and realigning the stocking rate with the carrying capacity as the station slipped deeper into drought.



If the feed on offer allowed, the team would hold onto some of the better types of young steers and/or micky bulls depending on the targeted market. “Due to the severity of the drought conditions at the station, we sold all mickies, big bulls, steers and bullocks with the exception of the two herd bulls with decent genetic merit that were still in working order,” Ms Houghton said. The team spayed all older cows of reasonable type but in poor condition so they could recover some condition and be sold empty the following year. Heifers that did not fit the type were sold and those held over for the next muster would also be spayed. “While the removal of breeders possessing some characteristics, such as heritable structural deformities,

Farm Management

should always be non-negotiable, how hard you select for favourable types can be adjusted to suit your stocking rate goals and/or the speed of change you would like to see in your herd,” Ms Houghton said. “Overall, this year’s cattle muster was a success with about two thirds of the herd being removed for sale, reducing the potential welfare issues of undernourished cattle and deaths due to low nutrition, with the added benefit of letting the vegetation surrounding water points regenerate.” The muster activity was completed within 13 days with no lost time injuries or medical treatments recorded for any staff associated with the muster. As part of the process, all of the retained cattle were vaccinated, drenched, tagged and relocated to waterpoints according to their requirements and feed availability.



Cattle produce more today than 14 years ago. That’s why new Multimin® Evolution delivers 29%* more trace minerals to meet the demands of modern cattle. Get your herd performance ready with an optimised formula to top up antioxidant levels, before high-demand periods, which enhances health and fertility.1-3

GET YOUR CATTLE PERFORMANCE READY WITH MULTIMIN EVOLUTION For a free info pack about Multimin® Evolution contact 1800 242 100 au.virbac.com/evolution 1. Vedovatto et al (2020), Trop Anim Health Prod, 52(2), 881-886 2. Bittar et al (2020), Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 110055 3. Mundell et al (2012), PAS, 28:82-88 ®Multimin is a registered trademark of Virbac. *29% more minerals compared to the market leader

Animal Health

PIONEERING ON-FARM PROGRAM RETURNS POSITIVE RESULTS FOR LIVESTOCK HEALTH AND FERTILIT Y RATES ACROSS THE COUNTRY Virbac’s Multimin Performance Ready Challenge, is focused on the effective use of trace mineral injections for cattle and sheep. The Challenge has been underway throughout 2020 and is currently in the final round with producers competing for their chance to win a share of prizes valued at over $19,000. Dr. Jerry Liu, Multimin Marketing Manager, said: “The Challengers have been selected from an overwhelming number of applications, all of them top-quality beef, sheep and dairy producers.” The previous rounds have seen some excellent results achieved by the challengers across key areas of health and fertility. Challengers will be using Multimin to test the effects on animal fertility, health, and, ultimately, their financial bottom-line throughout each of their 3-month rounds. Dr. Liu says that he is expecting round four Challengers to continue this positive trend, as they are guided through the Challenge with expert support from veterinarians and livestock nutrition experts, while also working closely with their local Virbac representative. Some highlights from the Challenge so far include: James Burge (“Windella”, NSW) spoke about his observation from using Multimin, and the fewer dry sheep, fewer singles, more twins, and more foetuses scanned overall. When asked his thoughts on the results, he said: “The results are favourable given the marginal season through joining. Overall, the results are really positive for us.” > Jodie Solomons (“Donovans Dairy”, SA) reported improved weaning weights from improved stress and disease management: “I did find that the ones that did not get Multimin seemed to be a lot worse off with the scours, whereas the ones with Multimin recovered quicker. I’m happy with the result and will continue to use Multimin.” > Tim Reid (“Melon Pastoral”, NSW) explained how Multimin fits in with his repro program, “We have been using Multimin for the last 3 years in our embryo transfer program and have seen a big difference in the conception rates. Out of 143 cows on a 4-week joining, we had a 10% higher pregnancy rate in cattle that were injected with Multimin” Tim said. “It shows that using Multimin is paying off for us”.

Round 4 is underway with an amazing variety of beef, dairy and sheep producers from VIC, SA, NSW, QLD and the NT: Christopher Thomson, Strathbogie VIC, Renée Drysdale Ruffy VIC, Angie Decker Glen Creek VIC, Sam Bell Millicent SA, Narlisa Cooper Marulan NSW, Mumblebone Merino Stud Wellington NSW, Dianna Stewart Bathurst NSW, Cynthia Stark Gayndah QLD, Brad Inglis Sturt Plains Station NT, Bec McKeering Augathella QLD, Brenda King Glenfern QLD, Steven Maher Warwick QLD. Round 4 of the Challenge promises to be exciting, as for the first time, the Challengers will now have access to the recently launched, Multimin Evolution Injection for Cattle. Multimin Evolution is the latest innovation for cutting-edge performance, delivering 29% more trace minerals compared to Multimin Cattle, the current market leader. You can follow the Challengers’ journeys and read more about their operations and results via the dedicated Multimin Performance Ready Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/multimin

Top Image - James Burge appreciates the value delivered by Multimin, as part of his comprehensive animal health program. Bottom Image - Jodie Solomons (left) uses a two-dose program, one at birth and one at weaning to help improve the health of the calves at Donovans Dairy, SA. 39


INOCULATION YOU CAN BANK ON If grain legumes are part of your crop rotation, you’re probably already using seed-applied (peat) or soil-applied in-furrow (granule) inoculants to boost the yield from those pulses and save on fertiliser costs. For an investment of just a few dollars per hectare, they can generate residual nitrogen worth hundreds. The Australian Inoculants Research Group (AIRG) estimates that using inoculants saves farms across the country about $4 billion every year.

That’s a mighty good return on a surprisingly small investment, especially if you also save on labour by applying a granular inoculant through the seeder at sowing. The one possible difficulty until now has been getting top-quality inoculants if you and everyone else want them at the same time. The number of hectares planted to pulses fluctuates enormously from year to year depending on market and agronomic conditions, and at times growers can leave it until the last minute to order their inoculant supply. Dealing with that sort of late rush has been an issue for all suppliers from time to time, especially now that granular inoculants manufactured overseas dominate the market. Luckily BASF have solved that problem for the foreseeable future. It’s just over twelve months since the company completed a $1.6 million upgrade of their BioTech Solutions facility at Somersby on the NSW Central Coast, where the iconic Nodulaid® brand has been produced for decades. BASF also make Nodulator®, a market-leading granular inoculant. Following the expansion of its production capacity, both Nodulaid and Nodulator are now entirely produced at Somersby. So Elders customers all over Australia can be confident they’ll both be readily available when you want them.

“We only started granular production in January 2020 and were able to meet the whole of last year’s demand in the first quarter,” says Somersby Site Manager Kathleen Johns. “So we’re now in a really good position for 2021. Forecasts are up and so is production. We’ve processed the early orders and looked at the forecasts and planned accordingly. Our products are starting to go out now and we expect the whole process to go very smoothly.” The switch to local manufacture has made Nodulator the first and only granular inoculant on the market that offers both the extra convenience and accuracy of granules and the added quality assurance of an AIRG Green Tick, showing that it has been independently tested and approved for use in Australian conditions. For most growers who have always used peat-based inoculants, the Nodulaid® range remains ‘the original and the best’. It’s been around since 1953 – much longer than any of the alternatives – and the processes BASF uses to manufacture it and test its levels of active rhizobia have been regularly updated to ensure it remains the pacesetter. “We’re proud of the heritage of this Somersby plant and the big investment BASF have made in local production,” says Kathleen Johns and we hope Elders customers will continue to choose them because they know they can rely both on their quality and ready availability.”

Photo - The BASF team at the Somersby production facility (before social distancing began) 40



IS THERE ROOM FOR FARMLAND PRICES TO KEEP RISING? As discussed in the last edition of Seasons, land values are primarily driven by two things: the net value of the agricultural products the land can produce over time and the cost of funding its purchase. The cost of funding agricultural land is ultimately driven by the rate of return for alternative uses of capital adjusted for the relative risk of the investment. In other words, the opportunity cost.

The earnings capacity of the land is influenced by several factors. One of the most important is the rate of productivity growth, which is the ratio of outputs produced to inputs used. At present, the cost of funding agricultural land is historically low (see Chart 1). As interest rates have been low for some time, and with limited capacity to reduce further, it is likely that these rates are now fully priced into land values. This means they will support land prices while they remain low but are unlikely to contribute to further rises. Alternative investment returns are also low, with future returns uncertain as economies adjust to the impact of

COVID 19, and the COVID 19 “normal”, whatever that will be, among other things. Of interest is the more recent low rates of productivity growth, largely attributed to dry conditions in most areas of Australia, at a time of rapid increases in land values (see Chart 2). The recent rises in farm values have come from a convergence of low funding costs and improved commodity prices relative to the cost of inputs. The rate of productivity growth over time compared to farmers’ terms of trade (output prices relative to input prices) is shown in Chart 3. That is, the prices received by farms have increased faster that the prices paid for inputs. This has been a key driver of increased farm returns.

Chart 1 Reserve Bank of Australia Interest Rates, Source: RBA, ABARES AgSurf Data Base


News In a low interest rate environment, future land price appreciation will be more reliant on increases in growth in earnings capacity. The rate of productivity growth in Australian agriculture has been approximately 1 per cent for the last 40 years (ABARES 2020). However, this rate of growth has been highly variable across commodities and over time (see Chart and 2 Chart 4). Sources of productivity growth vary but one of the most important recently has been scale – as enterprises expand, they improve productivity as overhead costs are spread over larger operations and they have greater capacity to invest in new technology.

Chart 2: Total Factor Productivity Growth, Average 7 – Yearly Change, Broadacre Industries, Australia, 1977 – 78 to 2018 - 19

Over time, productivity growth has come from a range of sources. Some of the more important have been plant genetics (dwarf cereal varieties, improvements in break crops, animal genetics and much larger capacity machinery). It is widely believed that the next round of productivity growth will come from harnessing the value of big data and the ag-tech innovations that come with it. Future land price appreciation will require an increase in the rate of productivity growth by Australian farmers. The recent rapid appreciation in land value should not allow farmers and their research organisation to become complacent. We need to continue to drive productivity growth to remain competitive in international commodity markets and to attract and retain capital.

Chart 3: Agricultural Total Factor Productivity and Farmers Terms of Trade, Australia, 1948-49 to 2013-14

Chart 4: Total Factor Productivity x Broad Acre Industry



Marke t Insights

KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS. Matt Dalgleish, Thomas Elder Markets. A short summary of key factors to keep an eye on in red meat markets during the 2021 season.



Tight supply and more favourable seasonal conditions have seen Australian cattle prices reach for the stars during 2020, eliminating the normal premium spread held by US cattle. Further to the strong domestic cattle prices, the Australian dollar has appreciated significantly, eroding our international competitiveness in global beef markets.

Don’t expect the Chinese Australian trade tensions to fade into 2021. The Biden administration in the USA are committed to keeping the Trump Phase One trade deal with China, which has already seen a significant increase in US beef flows to China during the 2020 season at the expense of Australian beef exporters.

The prospect of an Australian dollar into the high 70US cent region, or even above 80US cents into 2021 will act as an additional headwind on cattle prices. Furthermore, Australian beef processors have been battling with negative profit margins for much of the 2020 season. This tough trading environment for beef processors is not expected to ease into 2021, given the forecast for the lowest beef herd in nearly thirty years. Therefore, there will be limited opportunity for Aussie finished cattle prices to continue to climb higher into 2021. Despite the strong desire to restock, young cattle prices will also be limited as to how far they can extend higher too, without finished cattle prices moving higher.

Australia’s frosty relations with China appear unlikely to thaw out anytime soon. In 2010 China put Norway in the trade “sin bin”, cutting off their salmon exports and the trade spat between them lasted for about six years. Expect China to continue to make an example of Australia in 2021 with beef exports remaining in Chinese sights as one of several trade targets to punish us. SLOW HERD REBUILD AND THE RETURN OF DROUGHT The female slaughter ratio has been slow to return to levels consistent with a herd rebuild, despite some obvious restocker activity in southern regions. A prolonged herd rebuild is a concern given the potential for the Australian climate to switch back into drought mode.


Market Insights

Analysis of the last century of rainfall indicates that much wetter than normal seasons (like what is being experienced currently) don’t last very long, often switching back to drought conditions within a two-to-four-year period. Missing the current opportunity to rebuild the herd (off of nearly thirty-year lows) poses the risk that a return of drought by, or before, 2025. This could see the herd sink to even lower historic levels should the current rebuild phase stall. While the low supply will be good for prices, it won’t be great for maintaining our export market share in key destinations and risks the long-term viability of the industry. SHEEP MARKET CHINA PIG PRICES AND MEAT IMPORT VOLUMES Speculation that the Chinese pig herd and pork production is back near pre- African Swine Fever levels is questionable. Rather than relying on the official word from the Chinese authorities keep a close watch on the pork price in China and the level of Chinese meat import flows. While prices remain elevated and meat imports (of all types and from various source countries) remains high this suggests that the pork production deficit in China remains. During 2020 Chinese demand for Australian sheep meat remained strong. Despite some recent suggestions that China may be targeting Aussie sheep meat in an escalation of trade tensions there has been little evidence of this occurring. Given the reliance the global sheep meat export sector has on Australian sheep meat (circa 40% of global sheep meat demand is satisfied by Australia) there is limited scope for China to shun the Aussie supply, particularly while their pork meat production gap remains.



NZ SHEEP FLOCK The sheep flock in NZ has been in steady decline for more than three decades with sixteen of the last eighteen seasons posting an annual decline in the number of breeding ewes. The forecast from Beef & Lamb New Zealand for the 2020/21 season shows the first increase in breeding ewe numbers since 2006. The NZ breeding ewe flock is anticipated to grow 0.1% from 16.85 million head to 16.86 million head. Despite the increase to breeding ewe numbers the NZ lamb crop is expected to reduce by 4.3% from 22.3 million head in 2020 to 22.3 million head in 2021. New Zealand is Australia’s only real export competitor in the sheep meat export space and while they continue to see a decline in sheep numbers, lamb crop, sheep meat production and export volumes they provide an opportunity for Australian producers and Aussie sheep meat exports to increase market share.

Marke t Insights

ONGOING COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS Sheep meat export demand is susceptible to decreased economic growth levels, so the pace of the global recovery is key to supporting lamb/sheep prices into 2021. The outbreak of a more contagious variant COVID-19 in the UK has forced parts of the country back into a strict lockdown, despite the rolling out of a vaccination program. While the UK aren’t a huge proportion of Australia’s sheep meat export program the prospect of a new variant wave of Covid-19 spreading around the globe in 2021 could delay the economic recovery in many regions that are key sheep meat trade partners. Already the more contagious UK variant of COVID-19 has been discovered in the USA and there is a South African strain also beginning to spread into Europe and Asia that is equally highly contagious. Additionally, there is a risk of a US lockdown phase early in the new year after the Biden administration takes over. During the first US lockdown phase in 2019 Australian sheep meat export volumes suffered a few months of reduced flows, particularly impacting domestic prices paid for heavy lambs. Remember around 60% of Australian sheep meat exports to the USA go to the food service sector and 60% of these flows end up in the fine-dining restaurants (which will likely be the first food sector participants to be locked down and last to re-open).



ALL CLEAR DS; SAVE YOUR FARMER UNWANTED DAMAGE The wet conditions in the first half of summer means there may be fallow spraying over the next month or two. Get ready for autumn plantings — get your boom sprayers out and give them a good clean with All Clear DS. A dirty sprayer can mean: > Significant damage, delayed maturity and yield loss in winter crops > Damaging breaches of MRLs > Blocked lines and filters > Equipment corrosion These are just some of the costly issues arising from herbicide residues remaining in boom sprayers. Each year, poor boom sprayer hygiene causes significant, yet avoidable, financial losses to growers. The entire spraying system, including filters and lines as well as the main tank, require effective cleaning Otherwise, growers could spend valuable time dealing with blocked filters and lines, equipment corrosion, uneven spray applications or worse still, crop damage. Previously, to remove damaging residues from boom sprayers, growers needed to use many different decontamination products, depending on the situation. This was confusing and costly. But All Clear DS makes the choice of tank cleaner simple because it works on a wide range of crop protection chemicals. Not only will All Clear DS perform as well as the cleaning agent recommended on the labels of numerous products, but laboratory data shows that All Clear DS will often do a better job. For example, the ability of All Clear DS to remove residues of Logran B-Power was tested. The Logran B-Power label recommends using a solution of household cleaning bleach containing 4% chlorine.

Water rinsing alone removed 60% of the residue. Following the chlorine recommendation on the label removed little more, resulting in a 69% clean. But water rinsing followed by All Clear DS resulted in an effective 97% clean. Similarly, in tests to remove Hammer and Roundup residues, All Clear DS removed 22% more than OMO, the cleaning agent recommended on the product labels. All Clear DS also showed great results on Tigrex, Spinnaker, Sakura, Boxer Gold, 2,4-D Ester 800, Glean, Lontrel, Broadstrike and Valor. In all AgNova tests, All Clear DS was the most consistent tank cleaner, giving either a similar or better clean than other commercial cleaners tested, irrespective of the type of herbicide. All Clear DS is ideal for cleaning out tank mixes where one product’s label recommends a chlorine cleaner and the other product’s label recommends an alkaline cleaner. But chlorine and alkaline cleaners cannot be used together. All Clear DS is the perfect choice for rural retailers and growers, being effective, convenient, safe to use, not restricted by a short shelf life and still active from one season to the next. So, growers should be cleaning their booms now and when they come in to buy their postemergent herbicides, they should also grab a pack of All Clear DS. Keep it simple - you only need to recommend one tank and boom cleaner for a range of products, and that’s All Clear DS. Stick with All Clear DS – because little else does!



Suction filter cleaned with All Clear DS.

Suction filter washed with water.

You’ll stick with Because little else does! When it comes to removing damaging residues from your boom sprayer, All Clear DS outperforms other tank cleaners on the widest range of products. Feature


Single dilution rate

Convenient and simple to use

Not a Dangerous Good

Safety in handling and mixing


No equipment damage

Low foam

Easy to empty spray tank

Long shelf life

Carry over season to season



SURFACTANTS DETERGENTS SEQUESTRANTS To solubilise To lock up To physically and break molecules remove residues down residues and improve and stop rinse out re-sticking

Innovation. Quality. Solutions.

® Registered trademark of AgNova Technologies Pty Ltd. 210121


RAIN + WARMTH + GRASS = PESTS AND PARASITES + OPPORTUNIT Y TO WIN A POLARIS RANGER! What a welcome change in the weather patterns that La Nina have brought across most of the country, delivering significant rain events turning the countryside green with pasture. The abundance of grass and moisture has brought new pest challenges, with flies affecting both sheep and cattle throughout the country over Summer and worm challenges increasing earlier than usual over the Autumn months. The continued rain over Summer meant that fly challenges were higher than previous years and potentially will last into Autumn. For sheep producers, in some areas residual fly pressure will need to be sorted, while Autumn shearers will be thinking about lice control off shears. The Pastoral Ag and Hunter River Company range (HRC) of products, available at Elders, includes long and mid-term fly protection products with Pastoral Ag Strikelab (Dicyclanil), Cyrolab Spray-On and Liquid (Cyromazine), and Iverlab Blowfly and Lice (Ivermectin). For off shears lice control, Pastoral Ag Imidalab Pour-On (Imidacloprid) is ideal. Talk to your local Elders branch (animal health expert) about the best choice of protection that will fit your needs taking into consideration wool length, application methods, length of protection and importantly meat and wool withholding periods. For sheep worm treatment and control Moxilab Oral + Selenium – contains Moxidectin providing broad spectrum action against a wide range of intestinal worms. If resistant Barbers



pole is causing concern, consider a strategic treatment of HRC Pole-axe (Napthalaphos). For beef cattle farmers, the Autumn period is the time to treat for worms to prevent pasture build up and ensure stock, including Autumn calvers, going into Winter are in optimal condition. In areas where liver fluke is prevalent – consider a combination fluke treatment such as HRC Abatech Ultra Pour-On (Triclabendazole and Abamectin) which treats all three stages of liver fluke as well as internal worms in the convenience of a pour-on. For general internal and external parasite control in cattle, there is a range of broad spectrum pour-ons with the flexibility of nil meat (and or milk) withholds such as Pastoral Ag Moxilab Pour-On (Moxidectin), Eprinolab Pour-On (Eprinomectin) or Doramectin Pour-On. For a value pour-on with fast but shorter action Iverlab Pour-On (Ivermectin) is a good choice. If you are in a tick prone area – the new Pastoral Ag Tickgard Pour-On (Fluazuron) or Tickgard Duo Pour-On (Fluazuron + Ivermectin) are ideal options for strategic tick control.

You might ask why are there so many different choices? It all comes down to preference and what active ingredient has worked on your property or in your area. Each of the above products are comparable to the original brands containing the same actives. All products are made in Australia for Australian farmers. For more information drop in or give your local Elders branch a call, or check out www.pastoralag.com.au or www.hunterriverco.com.au As an Autumn bonus, purchases of Pastoral Ag or Hunter River Company products at Elders go into the draw to win 1 of 6 Polaris Ranger 570s loaded with extras to a total value of $25,584 each. Terms and conditions apply. Find out more at www.pastoralag.com.au.



To enter your state draw, purchase any selected Pastoral Ag or Hunter River Company animal health product from an Elders branch between 1st February and 31st May 2021. Receive an automatic* draw ticket per $100 spent. Terms and conditions apply. Visit pastoralag.com.au for more information and to view the terms and conditions. * Automatic entry is for Elders Account Holders only. Non-Elders Account Holders can enter via the online entry form on pastoralag.com.au

Talk to your local Elders team to find out more.


1 x Polaris Ranger 570 prize for each of the following jurisdictions: SA [T21/31], NSW [TP/00659] & ACT [TP 21/00033], QLD & NT [TLP1102], WA, VIC & TAS.

Viper® is the only pour-on lousicide for sheep that contains thiacloprid, next-generation chemistry that is up to six times more potent against sheep lice than imidacloprid.1,2,3 • 100% rapid knockdown 2 when applied <24 hours of shearing • Now registered for unshorn lambs (2 weeks to 2 months) • 4 weeks’ protection against reinfestation* • Flexible off-shears application • User-friendly formulation Call 1800 678 368 or visit growsolutions.com.au and find out why it’s time to upgrade to Viper.

Bayer Animal Health is now part of Elanco

Always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal lice control. References: 1. BAH Laboratory Study 6106008 2006. 2. BAH Laboratory Study 6108010 2008. 3. BAH Laboratory Study 6105020 2005. Viper contains 10 g/L thiacloprid. ®Registered trademark. Elanco and the diagonal bar are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2021 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-20-0442. EAH20479A

Animal Health

IT’S TIME TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST RESISTANT SHEEP LICE Animal health advisors are urged to encourage sheep and wool producers to adopt effective rotation programs to maintain the efficacy of all available sheep lousicides. While producers have access to almost 20 off-shears lousicides, these products belong to just four chemical classes with different modes of action: neonicotinoids (e.g. imidacloprid, thiacloprid), spinosyns (e.g. spinosad), macrocyclic lactones (MLs) (e.g. abamectin) and organophosphates (e.g. temephos, diazinon). Elanco Australasia Senior Brand Manager, Dr Kathryn Humphries, says resistance can develop to any chemical if it is used continuously. “Using the same product every year means sheep lice populations are potentially being repeatedly exposed to the same mode of action,” she says. “Just as there is resistance to some drenches and blowfly preventatives, history has shown that resistance can – and will – develop to sheep lousicides.” Dr Humphries says the continual use of neonicotinoids and spinosyn for off-shears lice control is of particular concern. “Products containing neonicotinoids and spinosyn account for nearly 70 percent of all off-shears treatments,” she says. “The potential development of resistance to neonicotinoids or spinosyn would increase selection pressure for resistance to the other, placing both modes of action at risk.” Industry guidelines discourage the consecutive use of lousicides with the same mode of action or the use of the same mode of action for lice control and flystrike prevention in the same season.1 If consecutive use of the same mode of action is required for lice control, careful attention should be paid to achieving eradication after treatment to help prevent the establishment of a resistant lice population.

“Australian sheep and wool producers have relied upon Avenge® and Extinosad™ Pour-On for the last decade as their ‘goto’ lousicides. Now it is time to establish a rotation regime to protect these molecules from the development of potential resistance,” Kathryn says. “Producers who have been using Extinosad Pour-On should consider rotating to Viper®, while producers who have been using neonicotinoids, MLs or organophosphates should consider rotating to Extinosad PourOn.” Viper is registered for application to shorn sheep up to seven days after shearing or to unshorn lambs from two weeks to two months of age. “Viper is the only pour-on lousicide that contains thiacloprid, second-generation neonicotinoid chemistry that is up to six times more potent2,3,4 against sheep lice than imidacloprid,” Kathryn says. “Using a more potent active ingredient will help to ensure optimal lice control and reduce resistance selection pressure on neonicotinoid chemistry. “Viper provides rapid knockdown3 control of neonicotinoid susceptible and IGR resistant strains of sheep body lice. “It continues to kill adult lice and emerging nymphs that hatch from eggs for four weeks after treatment, when applied within 24 hours of shearing.” Viper is a low odour, low viscosity and suspensible formulation that is easy to apply with the recommended applicator and clean up after use. It incorporates Lano-Lock® formulation technology for optimal dose delivery and distribution around the sheep’s body.

Dr Humphries says Extinosad Pour-On is an ideal rotation partner for neonicotinoids, MLs or organophosphates. “Its unique mode of action5 provides robust knockdown control6 of lice with minimal impact on your management or marketing options,” she says. “Extinosad Pour-On can be applied up to seven days off-shears, to unshorn suckling lambs or to long wool sheep with more than six months wool growth. “It has no wool withholding period in all usage situations and a relatively short export slaughter interval of 21 days when applied off-shears or to unshorn suckling lambs.” Elanco guarantees sheep will be lice-free six months after Extinosad Pour-On is applied off-shears when applied in accordance with label directions. * Extinosad Pour-On has an odourless, waterbased formulation that poses minimal risk to livestock, shearers, farm workers or the environment, when used as directed. It is an “allowable input” in Organic programmes certified by Australian Certified Organic. Remember to always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal lice control. *Visit extinosad.com.au for terms and conditions. References: 1. James, P. (2013). Preventing resistance in sheep lice, liceboss.com.au (AWI, Sheep CRC). 2. BAH Laboratory Study 6106008 2006. 3. BAH Laboratory Study 6108010 2008. 4. BAH Laboratory Study 6105020 2005. 5. Cisneros, J. et al. (2002). Toxic effects of spinosad on predatory insects. Biological Control. 23:156-163. 6. Levot, G. (2008). Speed of action and in vitro efficacy of spinosad against sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis, resistant to pyrethroid, organophosphate or insect growth regulator insecticides. Aust J. Ent. 47:251-255. ®Registered trademarks. Elanco, Extinosad™ and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2021 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-21-0018. EAH20552


Animal Health

SUSTAINED SELENIUM SUPPLEMENTATION SUPPORTS GOOD HEALTH, PRODUCTIVIT Y AND PROFITABILIT Y IN CATTLE AND SHEEP Many parts of Australia including much of coastal southern Australia and up the eastern seaboard is selenium deficient. Selenium deficiency can be complicated and affected by various factors and presents an ongoing challenge for farmers across the country. Many parts of Australia including much of coastal southern Australia and up the eastern seaboard is selenium deficient. Selenium deficiency can be complicated and affected by various factors and presents an ongoing challenge for farmers across the country.

this more proactive investigative approach which involves collecting blood samples from the herd for accurate diagnosis and, if indicated, treatment with Selovin LA,”

According to Dr Rick White, Grow livestock agronomist “selenium levels can vary seasonally and geographically – even from property to property – so producers may not know whether selenium intake is sufficient until there are obvious health issues that draw their attention to a deficiency.” However by the time there are clinical signs of deficiency, a large proportion of the herd are underperforming in terms of productivity and reproduction parameters.

“We need to ensure cattle and sheep breeders are at their healthiest and production is maximised through supplementation with a longacting product such as Selovin LA, which gives producers longterm management of selenium deficiency.”

Selenium is an essential trace element for ruminants, including cattle and sheep, and is required for normal growth and fertility and to help prevent health problems such as mastitis and scours. Clinical disease in sheep is known as White muscle disease, whilst sub-clinical symptoms include suboptimal milk production, sub-optimal fertility, premature and weak calves and mastitis. The first step towards addressing a potential deficiency is knowing the selenium status of your stock. “Levels of selenium are identified via blood testing a sample number of animals and testing glutathione peroxidase levels. This enzyme level is an accurate reflection of the selenium status of the animal so it provides a cost effective way to determine the requirement for treatment. Our team work closely with producers to encourage 52


Research has shown that the offspring from deficient animals are also born deficient, and that offspring from supplemented animals are not deficient, so supplementing breeders not only improves their production potential, but also prevents deficiency in the young animal.1 Supplementation of replacement females and growing animals should also be performed in deficient areas, with an MLA review of cattle supplementation in deficient areas showing an impressive benefit:cost ratio of between 3:1 and 18:1, depending on the trial site. Selovin LA is used for the treatment and prevention of selenium deficiency in cattle and sheep. It protects against selenium deficiency in cattle for up to 12 months and in sheep for up to 18 months. Selovin LA contains barium selenate, which slowly releases selenium into the

Figure 1 Clinical vs subclinical effects of selenium deficiency

body after injecting under the skin. It works to elevate and maintain selenium blood and tissue levels in deficient states and ensures sustained adequate selenium levels to maintain fertility, immunity and prevent production losses associated with selenium deficiency. “Selovin LA provides cost effective management of selenium deficiency in a convenient and safe form of supplement due to the slow release of selenium following administration. Importantly there are no withhold periods.” To find out more about Selovin LA or selenium deficiency visit growsolutions.elanco.com or enquire at your local Elders store. 1 References: (N. D. Grace, S. O. Knowles, and D. M. West, “Dose-response effects of long-acting injectable vitamin B12 plus selenium (Se) on the vitamin B12 and Se status of ewes and their lambs,” New Zealand Veterinary Journal, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 67–72, 2006)

Grow their potential. Don’t let trace element deficiencies limit the potential of your livestock. Support growth and productivity with long acting selenium supplementation. Selovin® LA provides safe and cost effective long term management of selenium deficiency Selovin® LA Injection treats and prevents selenium deficiency in cattle for 12 months and sheep for 18 months The best assurance against deficiency-related setbacks

Good nutrition is good business. © 2021 Elanco or its affiliates. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PD - 02512

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The power of 2 actives offering: 4 Outstanding efficacy 4 Class leading 5-weeks protection from re-infestation 4 The best way to fight lice resistance

PURCHASE 16 DRUMS OF FENNEC POUR-ON FOR SHEEP AND RECEIVE A GENESIS POWER DOSER™ VALUED AT $680^ Visit www.ahredeem.com.au to redeem your Power Doser™ Ask in store for more information. Promotional period 1 January to 30 June 2021, while stocks last. T&C’s apply.

*Compared to other knockdown lice control products when applied within 24 hours after shearing. See product label for full claim details and directions for use. ^Claim Power Doser™ by redemption through www.ahredeem.com.au, T&C’s apply. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. GENESIS POWER DOSER is a trade mark of Genesis Industries Pty Ltd. ®FENNEC is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. AU-OVI-0006-2021.

Animal Health

TWICE A YEAR SHEARING BREAKTHROUGH AND WOOL CLIPPING PREGNANCY TEST Pregnant Merino ewes that are shorn twice a year spend more time grazing, put on more weight and are likely to have healthier lambs with finer fleeces, researchers from The University of Queensland and Elders have found. Research report co-author and Elders Central Western NSW district wool manager and livestock production advisor Gregory Sawyer said earlier trials during the same research at commercial farms in the NSW Tablelands, also revealed a new noninvasive pregnancy test for ewes.

into higher body condition scores (BCS). The BCS of ewes shorn once decreased continuously throughout pregnancy, while twice-shorn ewe BCS increased between pre-joining and mid-pregnancy, followed by a slight decrease between mid- and late pregnancy.

“We discovered that you can identify the current pregnancy status of a ewe by analysing the progesterone levels in a wool clipping from the top knot, which is an easy spot to access on sheep in a race,” Mr Sawyer said.

Mr Sawyer said the higher BCS of a twice-shorn ewe would also help boost lamb survival rates.

“It’s a world first and you can use wool samples collected during normal shearing or any other time you have them in a race to check pregnancy.” Wool samples can also be used to measure levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. The researchers collected samples throughout the different stages of pregnancy and found cortisol levels were significantly lower in twice-shorn ewes. “We believe the animal actually feels more relaxed with less wool to carry and is comfortable to graze more,” Mr Sawyer said. Digibale smart-tag data showed the twice-shorn ewes spent 46 per cent of their time grazing, compared to just 35pc for those shorn once. That extra feeding time converted

“Because its mother is eating more, there is getting a greater plane of nutrition coming through and the lamb is likely to benefit from a higher birthweight and a better milk supply,” he said. Assessment of the lambs showed those with twice-shorn mothers had visually finer wool by 0.8 microns with higher average comfort factor and the spinning fineness difference between shearing frequency groups was 0.9 microns. Mr Sawyer said the research showed shearing twice a year had the potential to reap large benefits for woolgrowers in the right circumstances.

“At 16.9 microns, wool is worth 1846 cents a kilogram but at 16.3 microns it jumps to 2030. The visual differences might not be statistically significant for a small sample size like this trial but they are very significant to growers financially. “It’s certainly worth trailing on commercial farms if you have the right set up and season to support shearing ewes twice,” Mr Sawyer said. While the experiment needed to be replicated with larger mobs of sheep to generate further statistically significant results, Mr Sawyer said even very small differences in wool phenotype quality had the potential for large benefits to growers. Mr Sawyer is currently undertaking part-time doctorate studies into remote monitoring of ewe and lamb behaviour for reproductive success through the University of Sydney. For expert advice, speak to your local Elders Livestock Production Advisor or head into your nearest Elders branch.

“If you shear every six months and can get 65 to 70 millimetres, that gives you 140mm a year, whereas those sheep would normally only cut you 100-110mm,” he said.



STAMINA GRAZING TOLERANT LUCERNE WITH TRUE GRAZING TOLERANCE When identifying lucerne cultivars for true grazing tolerance, ensure you choose cultivars that are evaluated here in Australia under the internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucerne. When choosing a variety for grazing, Stamina® GT varieties are the ultimate choices for a grazing tolerant lucerne. Stamina GT varieties will persist under set stocked grazing for prolonged periods and have been trialled over many years under the internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucerne. The Stamina range of grazing tolerant lucernes provide: > high yields and strong stand density > improved traffic tolerance > lower crown height causing less stress on crowns > long term, reliable feed (5 plus years of grazing) > persistence under multiple grazings > reduced risk of weed invasion by maintaining stand density for longer > high return on investment > strong recovery from drought > the ability to tolerate pests and diseases such as aphids, Sitona Weevil, fungi and viruses > quality hay production The Stamina range of grazing tolerant lucernes offers premium quality hay and TRUE grazing tolerance. This range features Stamina GT5, Stamina GT6 and a NEW highly winter active, grazing tolerant Lucerne, Stamina Torrens GT8 (limited quantities available). TORRENS GT8, A TRUE DUAL-PURPOSE LUCERNE By combining winter activity and grazing tolerance, Torrens GT8 provides flexibility not previously available. The low crown height offers protection to the plant from heavy grazing, high tyre traffic or hoof damage. This means that Torrens GT8 fits a wide range of farm systems from hay production and crop rotations, to grazing enterprises. It also gives producers more management options and the ability to respond to variable conditions. Isaac Berry, National product Development Manager says “The new Torrens GT8 is an exciting, highly winter active lucerne for the PGG Wrightson Seeds portfolio. In recent grazing tolerance trials, it was a true standout for persistence and ground cover compared to other winter 56


active lucerne cultivars. After 2 years of consistent periods of set stocking, Torrens GT8 was the only highly winter active lucerne remaining. This gives farmers confidence that while grazing during times of feed shortages, Torrens GT8 can persist.” Stamina GT5 and Stamina GT6 are also great options for your farm this Autumn. These varieties will persist under set stocked grazing for prolonged periods and will produce premium quality hay.. Check out what local Australian farmers have to say about Stamina grazing tolerant lucerne varieties. Robert Cameron from Barrabool Victoria, a Stamina GT5 grower says, “If you are after grazing tolerance, Stamina GT5 is the way to go. I am in my fourth year of grazing and it keeps persisting regardless of how hard we graze it. Choosing a grazing tolerant lucerne is a decision that should not be made lightly, and is something you really want to investigate yourself as opposed to just following what that glossy advertising suggests. For my operation, lucerne is a 7 to 10 year investment and Stamina GT5 was definitely the right investment.” David Ferguson from New South Wales discusses Stamina GT6 “We are particularly happy with how GT6 established in very tough conditions, the strike was terrific. Persistence under heavy grazing is great, that’s why Stamina GT6 is our preferred variety when looking for a long term lucerne stand.” Ultimately, the Stamina range of TRUE grazing tolerant lucernes offer premium quality hay, water use efficiency, grazing for several plus years, persistence under multiple grazings and more. Remember that there is lucerne that tolerates grazing and there is grazing tolerant lucerne. For TRUE grazing tolerance ensure you choose cultivars that are evaluated here in Australia under the Internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol by Smith & Bouton in 1998.

Uses Beef





Sowing Rate 5-25kg/ha


Ready to Graze 90-120 days

Rainfall / Irrigation Minimum 350mm p.a


Torrens GT8 (8)




Torrens GT8 is the first grazing tolerant, highly winter active lucerne to be released to the Australian market*. This product was selected from highly winter active survivors in grazing tolerance trials at Leigh Creek (Victoria) and Gundagai (New South Wales). With a high leaf to stem ratio and fine stems it produces high quality forage for premium hay production or grazing.

Stamina GT5 is a high performing lucerne variety that will produce quality hay and grazing opportunities for seven to ten years. While grazing for lamb finishing should be rotational grazing, Stamina GT5 is a true grazing tolerant lucerne which has been trialled over many years under the internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucernes.

Stamina GT6 combines useful winter growth, great persistence and the ability to tolerate set stocking of sheep (though not recommended for lamb finishing). It provides excellent yield and quality during warmer growing months. Stamina GT6 was the first lucerne released for Australian farmers trialled under the internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucernes.

NEW VARIETY: LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE * Torrens GT8 is the first highly winter active, grazing tolerant lucerne to be released to the Australian market that has been tested under the Internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucerne.

Follow us on Facebook for more information on the Stamina lucerne range, and other PGG Wrightson Seeds varieties. Contact us today by visiting pggwrightsonseeds.com.au or by calling us on 1800 619 910.

Animal Performance Software Farming may be the ‘good life’, but it’s certainly not easy. When it comes to managing your animal data and making the hard decisions, we’ve got your back. With meaningful insights and simple data analysis tools, Animal Performance Software allows you to make more informed business decisions. Download the Animal Performance App from the App Store or Google Play to get started today.


Farm Management

GALLAGHER ANIMAL PERFORMANCE SOFTWARE SENDING ON-FARM DECISION MAKING SKY HIGH WITH A NEW CLOUD-BASED SOLUTION This month, Gallagher releases the latest addition to their growing suite of technology solutions designed to provide customers with meaningful animal performance insights, allowing them to make more informed business decisions with an aim of improving their on-farm productivity. The Gallagher Animal Performance app completes the Gallagher Weighing and EID ecosystem, allowing users to access the same animal data stored on the cloudbased software from in the yards using their Weighing and EID hardware, anywhere on or off farm using a smartphone or in the office on a computer. Weighing and EID Business Development Manager Mike Hemsley says: “Gallagher Animal Performance Software is cloud-based, so the beauty of it is that you can synchronise between the smartphone app, your Weigh Scale or EID Tag Reader and the cloud.” “It means that wherever you are you can view your animal performance data, allowing you to make quick and accurate management decisions.” One of the obvious differences between the new Gallagher Animal Performance Software and previous offerings from the company is that the customer is no longer required to run a PC program to be able to view their data - they can connect their compatible weighing and EID hardware to WiFi and upload data immediately to the cloud. The new software has had the same research and development put into it by the in-house product development team at Gallagher, who are responsible for designing the existing range of Gallagher Weighing and EID hardware. This has resulted in a product ecosystem that is simple to use and provides real benefits for customers. “You can search for a tag number either on your Weighing and EID hardware or on the app on your phone and add in notes against that particular animal which can then be synched immediately to the cloud for others to view”. “But the real benefit comes from removing the need to be logged into your computer back at the office in order to

do important work, such as completing NLIS transfers”. NLIS database transfers can be completed on the app or using the cloud software. In providing this feature, Gallagher have removed the need to trapse back and forth between yards and office to get real work done. The simple upload of data can be done at the completion of a session, whilst still in the yards, with immediate access available to anyone, including stock agents, who have access to the app and the customer’s account. “This offers some really interesting possibilities in the future for our corporate clients who run multiple farms, with managers spread out across each location.” “For all of their animal management data to be stored on the cloud and to be able to be updated and accessed by anyone in the organisation at any time – it really is quite game changing when you think of the possible time savings and ease of decision making.” Importantly, the software can be continually updated as more features become available. The Gallagher Animal Performance Software updates automatically, and users can set up reminders on their smartphone to update the App when needed. Additionally, users will receive reminders to update the software on their hardware, ensuring that they are always working with the most up to date version. Whilst this software solution is intuitive and easy to use, it is backed by the same personalised support of the Gallagher Customer Service Teams. Customers can be assured that they can receive assistance in getting started and getting the most of new Gallagher Animal Performance Software. Get started by downloading the Gallagher Animal Performance App from the App Store or Google Play. For help or support, customers can speak to the Gallagher team on 1800 425 524.



WINTER CROP NUTRITION FOR 2021 Jim Laycock, IPF Technical Agronomist By August 2020, after a number of below average seasons and in many areas no crop at all, the winter crop yield potential in many areas was one of the best seen. On the east coast, a good autumn break meant crops were planted on time; soil nitrogen levels were above average as a result of carry-over nitrogen and good late summer-autumn mineralisation; and rainfall was above average. By harvest, many areas had achieved above average yields. The only dark spot was the frost damage, quality downgrades due to weather damage and yield reductions due to a dry September experienced in some areas. As we plan for the 2021 winter season it is likely that those areas that achieved above average yields last year will see crop nutrition issues that have not been seen for a number of seasons. The key questions for 2021 are: > Is your current soil-testing program adequate? > What amount of nutrients were removal last year? > Have you mined your phosphorus? > How much nitrogen will you require and what is the best time of application? > Is stubble your friend or foe? SOIL TESTING PROGRAM Our experience and data indicate that, for winter cereal cropping, random sampling at 0-10 cm depth for macro (except nitrogen) and micro nutrients is still the recommendation. In northern vertosols, include BSES P, Colwell P and PBI at 10-30 cm depth as part of the soil sampling/nutrition management plan if it has not been done previously. It is important to sample to consistent depth, avoid any non-representative areas of the paddock (such as headlands, residual fertiliser). Take a minimum of 30 cores and mix thoroughly before despatching the representative sample to Nutrient Advantage Laboratory Services for analysis. For nitrogen, deep N testing can commence as soon as practical. In cropping paddocks that have not had a deep N for 3 or 4 years, split the profile into layers to assist in identifying any sub-soil constraints and also to identify at what depth the nitrogen is located in the



profile after above average crop yields. What has changed is the ability to geo-locate soil samples and use the data as a layer in regional and farm mapping programs. The Incitec Pivot LabSTREAM soil sampling app allows you to log and record sampling coordinates in the paddock. We also continue our work to assess the correlation between sampling depth, location and access to residual fertiliser bands under control traffic minimum tillage sub two-centimetre RTK guidance farming systems. PHOSPHORUS IN 2021 Planting is the only opportunity to apply plant available watersoluble phosphorus in annual cropping systems to ensure it does not limit yield potential. If phosphorus availability in winter cereals is restricted in the first six to eight weeks of growth, full yield potential may not be realised. The build-up of phosphorus over several dry, low-yielding years presented the opportunity to reduce rates in 2020 without major economic impact. However, as the grain nutrient removal data in Table 1 shows, removal rates from the high-yielding 2020 harvest are likely to be very high. Therefore, at a minimum, the strategy should be to replace all macro nutrients to avoid soil nutrient mining. NITROGEN REQUIREMENT AND TIMING Deep N soil testing is a useful tool for assessing the potential for crop nitrogen availability, but it is not the only tool. Crop modelling, nitrogen budgeting, decision support systems, tiller densities, tiller nitrogen, NDVI’s can all be used at various stages of crop growth.


For those paddocks in 2020 that returned high yields and proteins less than 11%, nitrogen may be limiting. So, consider an early application of pre-plant nitrogen in 2021 especially in grazing cereals. STUBBLE – FRIEND OR FOE? Definitely friend! Retention of stubble over summer provides ground cover, assists in moisture retention, maintains cooler soil temperatures and improves soil structure. These soil conditions will maximise the mineralisation of organic nitrogen into plant-available N. Stubble retention can create a temporary nitrogen lag during early crop growth stages, as microbes ‘borrow’ soil nitrogen to break down the stubble from the previous crop. This is known as nitrogen tie-up or immobilisation. Nitrogen tie-up can leave the current crop short on available nitrogen during the initial stages of plant growth if adequate fertiliser nitrogen is not supplied. A rough rule of thumb is that every tonne per hectare of cereal or canola stubble will tie-up 5 kg/ha of nitrogen. The type of stubble, in addition to the amount of stubble, also influences the extent and duration of nitrogen tie-up. Nitrogen tied-up in microbes will be freed up later in the season (4-8 weeks) and could contribute to later season growth depending on seasonal conditions. Additional nitrogen at sowing helps to provide the nutrition required to break down the previous stubble and also makes sure the germinating crop has sufficient nitrogen to establish, which ultimately helps maintain yield potential (Kirkegaard, 2018). Remember that any successful farming system relies on a multitude of factors. Soil testing and the resultant fertiliser recommendation is only one facet of that system.





































85 g

29 g

87 g


2 grams

10 g

18 g

54 g


3 grams

15 g

3.2 g

9.6 g


40 grams

200 g

53 g

159 g

Source: Incitec Pivot Fertilisers Grenfell long-term trial site – wheat 2016 and canola 2020. 61

We add something extra to all our fertiliser blends. Our single-minded focus on soil and plant health is the unique ingredient that sets us apart.




From our state-of-the-art Nutrient Advantage® soil, water and plant tissue testing services with the new LabSTREAM sampling app for analysis, NA Pro to select custom blends and enhanced efficiency fertilisers, to our expert agronomic advice, we make realising your productive potential a reality.


If that’s a unique blend that interests you, let’s talk. Call 1800 009 832 today. incitecpivotfertilisers.com.au

Defend your crops against stress this season.


Solidify the emergence and establishment of your crop with Stoller Seed Treatment solutions! Stress Factors can include...

Stoller’s Simple Solution...

Abiotic Stresses n n n n

For Strong Root Growth

Heat/Cold Flooding/Drought Frost Imbalance of nutrients/salts

BIO-FORGE @ 2.5 L/Tonne per tonne of seed

Biotic Stresses n Pathogens n Insects

+ WL ZINC Chelate



69.5% w/w WATER 30.5% w/w

GENERAL INFORMATION WL ZINC Chelate is a seed, foliar or soil applied micronutrient and is non-phytotoxic when used as directed. It is completely available and absorbed by the leaf surface or the root system because of the natural complexing properties of its proven phenolic acid chelating complex.The benefit of Stoller’s ZINC Chelate is its availability in the soil and in tank mixes. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS WL ZINC Chelate will disperse in water with little agitation. Many chemicals can be added for spraying or seed coating. Refer to chemical supplier or Stoller for compatibility advice. WL ZINC Chelate can be used as a seed and foliar treatment in combination with Bio-Forge. When foliar spraying WL ZINC Chelate through conventional sprayers, use a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare.When spraying with low volume equipment, 50 litres of water per hectare is usually sufficent. If less water is used, slight burning of the foliage may occur. A maximum of 5 litres per hectare, per application is recommended. Aerial applications should not exceed 1 litre per 4 litres of water. If used as a seed treatment the product can be applied neat or with sufficient water for good coverage. WL ZINC Chelate is manufactured to rigid controls at the highest possible concentration for effective usage.Any residue in this container is water soluable. Rinse the containers with water and add to spray tank.


CAUTION: Always Conduct a “Jar Test” using all products in proper proportion in order to establish physical compatibility. SHAKE WELL BEFORE MIXING STORE IN A COOL PLACE OUT OF DIRECT SUNLIGHT BMP0119

Find out today how Stoller solutions can help improve your crop yield, quality and return on investment.


C N te ZI ela Ch

1 Creswell Rd Phone (08) 8169 0900 Largs Bay Fax (08) 8169 0909 South Australia 5016 www.stoller.com.au




200 800 1000 LITRES


CAUTION Harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin, eyes & clothing.Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Avoid breathing spray mist. Use gloves and goggles.


%w/v 11.0% 5.0%

Derived from: Zinc Sulphate and Phenolic Acid Chelate




2-3 litres per hectare

Trees, Fruits and Nuts

2-4 litres per hectare


3-5 litres per hectare

Field Crops

1-4 litres per hectare


Incorporate WL ZINC Chelate into the normal program If tree crops are sprayed several times a year, the amount can be split into more numerous applications. Split applications are considered more beneficial than single applications. Best applied in 2-3 applications pre-flowering

@ 2.5 L/Tonne

Apply when plants are young. Can be used with Herbicides. DO NOT MIX with AMINES.When using AMINES use Stoller SP ZINC EDTA Chelate. SEED/FOLIAR TREATMENTS

Grain, Cerals, Wheat, Barley

3-9 litres per tonne of seed

1-4 litres per hectare each foliar spray

Maize, Corn, Rice, Legumes

5-9 litres per tonne of seed

3-7 litres per hectare each foliar spray


5-9 litres per tonne of seed

2-4 litres per hectare each foliar spray


8-12 litres per tonne of seed

2-4 litres per hectare each foliar spray

For use with Bio-Forge, apply 2.5 litres of WL ZINC Chelate with 2.5 litres of Bio-Forge per tonne of seed Maintenance application Moderate deficiency Heavy micronutrient deficiency

per tonne of seed

SOIL APPLICATION 2 litres per hectare 4-9 litres per hectare 9-18 litres per hectare

Trees,Vines, Horticulture (soil)

9 litres per hectare for fertigation application

Apply through dripper or micro-irrigation.Alternatively band under tree/vine row and water in

Field Crops

3-15 litres per hectare

Best applied direct with seed in furrow

CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Seller warrants that this product consists of the ingredients specified and is reasonably fit for the purpose stated on this label when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions of use. No one, other than an officer of Seller, is authorised to make any warranty, guarantee or direction concerning this product. 2. Because the time, place, rate of application and other conditions of use are beyond Seller’s control, Seller’s liability from handling, storage and use of this product is limited to replacement of product or refund of purchase price.

Batch No:


Contact Stoller on FREECALL 1800 337 845 or info@stoller.com.au

Soil Nutrition


As farmers we all aim to achieve the highest yield possible. In Australia year on year we face challenges with crop constraints due to soil conditions, lack of moisture, too much moisture, excessive heat, varied temperatures, and weed management. This is always a balancing act for any farmer in any industry. With these varied conditions, this can trigger changes in the balance of plant hormones, which can irreversibly reduce yield and quality. However the correct nutrition program can support crops to keep growing throughout these stress events. Whether your crop is broadacre, horticulture, or tree and vine, Stoller’s plant nutrition solutions can help to reduce the stress impacts. When plants are stressed they generate an excess of a gas called ethylene, which regulates hormone movement throughout the plant. Ethylene is essential for cells to function but when cells are under stress, the oversupply of ethylene can cause premature cell death and plant damage. Stoller’s Integrated Nutrient Solutions will help protect a variety of crops against the harmful effects of ethylene in frost recovery, heat stress and herbicide stress by restoring nutrient status and normal plant growth. Stoller’s seed treatment solutions can help: > Crops emerge quicker > Improve early plant growth > Enhance root development > Increase nutrient uptake > Improve stress tolerance Stoller have demonstrated nutritional vigour increases and additional tiller density in cereal crops. With farmers using the grain and graze model in high rainfall zones, this early tillering has allowed them to carry higher stock numbers before locking the paddock up for hay or grain. Our liquid

nutrition will promote healthy root growth, fast and healthy top growth, and uniformity in crops. Bio-Forge seed treatments have been used to aid in seedling establishment. When crops are under pressure from compacted soils, insect attack, and weed competition, the ability to help young crops to establish is critical for any farming enterprise. Applications of Stoller’s Integrated Solutions as a foliar spray will allow your crop to be better managed and help with plant nutrition during the growing season. For horticulture and tree and vine crops that have received higher levels of stress, Stoller’s Stress Program, which incorporate Bio-Forge, Foli-Zyme, and WL Zinc Chelate, aims to maintain the genetic potential of plants, improve growth, and increase yield. The plant has direct access to the nutrient applied through the leaf surface which rectifies traditional nutrient tie up in specific soils. This is especially helpful for solanaceous vegetables such as potatoes and tomatoes as they come into the emergence and growth stage. Increase in Bio-Forge usage throughout the viticulture and tree crop industry has been something of a revelation to these industries. Most notably has been its effect on frost recovery in vines, allowing for new shoot growth and reduced yield damage. We have seen many Australian farmers utilise this program over the past 25 years with substantial plant recovery from harsh conditions. With Australian weather conditions we are having to deal with higher stress load in the growing season.

Many farmers are utilizing our stress program to help respond to damage but this comes with its shortfalls. If farmers are not prepared for upcoming stress events, then their potential crop loss can be substantial. Stoller Australia is addressing the time challenges that all farmers face by recommending the incorporation of Bio-Forge, Foli-Zyme, and WL Zinc Chelate as part of their crop maintenance program. By being proactive rather than reactive in the application of our Stress Program, this is an added insurance for farmers’ crops. Stoller Australia’s Lead Technical Officer, Emily Rudd, has conducted an extensive number of trials on BioForge and Stoller’s Stress Program. “Bio-Forge, especially when used in conjunction with our Stress Program, is a powerful tool in aiding crops to reach their maximum potential. I’ve seen it help growers across a variety of crops around Australia to support their crop against stress events and receive maximum return on investment.” – Emily Rudd, Lead Technical Officer, Stoller Australia. 65

Animal Health


Australian cattle producers require more than just highly effective Animal Health products. They need reliability, trust and peace-of-mind that the products they choose work the way they’re intended. They need healthier, more productive cattle as well as safer pastures. Most are strapped for time and need to be ready to move when the market does. But most importantly, they need products that are safe to use and are well tolerated by their animals.

absorption of the actives into the body and reduces absorption variability between animals. Cydectin® Platinum is rainfast and does not cause irritation to the skin or damage the hide when used as directed.

THE NEXT GENERATION HAS ARRIVED: Cydectin® Platinum is the world’s first dual active cattle drench containing moxidectin and levamisole that ticks the boxes for Australian cattle producers. Virbac’s latest addition to the Cydectin ® franchise, Cydectin ® Platinum, offers the potency and the persistency of Moxidectin as well as the broad spectrum activity of dual actives. It delivers reduced pasture contamination for 21-35 days, a short meat WHP and ESI and is non-irritant, all in the convenience of a low volume pour-on 1

WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY ABOUT PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICACY: Leaving worms behind in cattle can lead to significant productivity losses. A number of studies have shown that the use of dual active drenches against resistant worms increased productivity compared to popular single active endectocide drenches.2,3 To protect productivity, producers should always use a drench with the highest efficacy.

THE MOST RECENTLY TRIALLED CATTLE DRENCH IN AUSTRALIA: Cydectin® Platinum is the most recently developed and trialled drench to hit the Australian market. It has been rigorously tested in registration trials around Australia against current worm strains from key cattle regions. You can be confident in recommending Cydectin ® Platinum as a product that will perform under current Australian field conditions. Product

Registered* Age of Product

Ivomec Pour-on Cydectin® Pour-on Dectomax® Pour-on Eprinex® Pour-on Eclipse® Pour-on Cydectin® Platinum ®

1994 1996 1997 1998 2011 2020

26 years 24 years 23 years 22 years 9 years -

*Pubcris, APVMA

INNOVATION TO THE CORE: Innovative DMI-SorbTM Technology provides a pour-on that stays-on. Although it’s the first veterinary use of its kind in Australia, DMI (dimethyl isorbide) is well known and widely used in the human cosmetic industry. DMISorb™ keeps the product concentrated to the areas where it is applied, with less run-off or spread, it enhances 66


The research behind dual actives and ‘combination theory’ support the use of Cydectin® Platinum as the choice for all treatment points.,4,5 Cydectin® Platinum should be used wherever a single active drench (including Cydectin Pour-on) is currently used. SWITCHING TO A DUAL ACTIVE CATTLE DRENCH HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER: Farmers can now move to a combination drench to improve worm control, delay resistance AND keep the benefits they’ve come to expect - potency, persistency, short WHPs with no known impact on dung beetles. Cydectin® Platinum is proudly Australian made at Virbac’s manufacturing facility at Penrith, NSW and supports Australian jobs. MORE INFORMATION: au.virbac.com/platinum | 1800 242 100 REFERENCES: 1 Refer to registered label 2 Canton et., al. (2019) Impact on beef cattle productivity of infection with anthelmintic-resistant nematodes, New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 68:3, 187-192. 3 Fazzio et., al, (2014). The effect of anthelmintic resistance on the productivity in feedlot cattle. Veterinary Parasitology, 206. 4 Kaplan (2020) Biology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management of Anthelmintic Resistance in Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Livestock, Veterinary Clinics of North America Food Practice, Vol 36, Issue 1 17-30 5 Leathwick and Besier (2014), The management of anthelmintic resistance in grazing ruminants in Australasia – strategies and experiences. Veterinary Parasitology, 204(1):44-54.


CONSIDERING A SOIL CARBON PROJECT – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW? Peter Spies, Agricultural Consultant Thomas Elder Consulting

Soil Organic Carbon represents the largest terrestrial sink for carbon stocks and is directly linked to agricultural productivity – the higher the SOC level, the more productive the land. Soil carbon projects offer a no-regrets pathway to scalable sequestration because they avoid the negative carbon/ land use trade-offs of tree planting schemes. Major soil disturbance results in the loss of SOC. This happens quickly under long fallow and conventional tillage but complete ground cover with green growing plants can reverse SOC loss. Consequently, there is widespread interest in pasture cropping and zero, no-till and conservation farming practices. Improved grazing practices have the potential to sequester carbon in extensive native pastures, particularly deep-rooted perennial grasses and legumes. Based on previous studies, a conservative estimate of the expected rates of sequestration applicable to Australia appears to be around 0.5 to 1 tonne carbon per hectare per year through improved grazing practices (such as rotational cell grazing, deep rooted perennial pasture species). However, sequestration may be higher or lower depending on soil type, climate and management practices. I can provide guidance here. 68


HOW TO REBUILD SOIL CARBON The Australian Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) offers incentives for the establishment of eligible greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement projects through emissions avoidance or increased carbon sequestration. The Measurement of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems Methodology creates the opportunity for all eligible farming enterprises, including appropriate grazing, cropping and horticulture, to increase soil sequestration and create carbon credits. I believe with applied biology, increase/ changes to deep rooted perennial legumes, and forages in rotation, we will be able to increase soil carbon considerably in cultivation country and extensive grazing areas. These changes would be applicable under “material change of practice” and eligible as a soil carbon project.

The activities will need to be implemented following project registration and include: > Applying nutrients, lime or gypsum to improve soil health. > Installing new irrigation with water sourced from privately-funded farm water efficiency savings. > Re-establishing or rejuvenating a pasture by seeding. > Establishing and maintaining a pasture where there was previously no pasture (cropland or bare fallow). > Altering stocking rate, duration or intensity of grazing. > Retaining stubble after crop is harvested. > Converting from intensive tilling to reduced or no tilling practices. > Modifying landscape features to remediate soils. > Using mechanical means to add or redistribute soil through the soil profile. PRODUCTIVITY WINS However, this is just the ‘icing on the cake’. The more tangible and direct benefits from increased soil carbon include yield


“Soil carbon projects consequently offer a no-regrets pathway to scalable sequestration” gains in crop or pasture through increased moisture holding capacity and ability to hold nutrient through better cation exchange capacity. Certain types of soil organic matter can hold up to 20 times their weight in water. Research has shown that for each 1 per cent increase in soil organic matter, the available water holding capacity in the soil increases by 3.7pc. CALCULATE YOUR GAINS For every tonne of soil organic carbon sequestered, we multiply it by 3.67 to get tonnes carbon dioxide (C O2) equivalent sequestered. The latest spot price for ACCU’s is $16.50/tonne CO2. If, for example, we start with a soil weight of 1.4 grams per cubic centimetre and convert this across 1 hectare to 0.2 metres deep, that equates to 2,800 tonnes of soil per hectare. If we get a change in soil carbon from say 1pc to 1.1pc, that is an extra 2.8 T/ha carbon in that soil or 10.276 tonnes/ha of CO2 equivalent. That is ambitious. It also depends on sequestration rates and change of practice. Being more conservative, let’s

say 1T/ha of carbon sequestered per year x 3.67 x $16.50/tonne = $60.55 /ha/yr. START-UP COSTS Baselining is the first significant step in a soil carbon project and involves quantifying soil carbon stocks on the proposed project area. The initial carbon stocks are used to determine any prospective soil carbon sequestration, so the earlier baselining occurs, the more soil carbon, potentially, will be available to trade. The cost of baselining depends on the size of the property. As a guide, around 200ha would cost about $5,000 (ex GST), whereas around 400-500ha costs around $10,000 (ex GST). DEMAND PRECISION Thomas Elder Consulting’s baselining will not limit soil sampling to 300 millimetres. There is often more soil carbon below 300mm than above and this carbon is likely to be very stable. Furthermore, properly managed land is expected to promote deeper soil carbon. We also undertake detailed soil mapping, with

Peter specialised in this area. Many other providers only estimate the total amount of soil carbon and don’t provide any information about how soil carbon varies across paddocks. TEC, however, will locate the better spots for carbon sequestration, and the connections between management practice and the carbon level. Your TEC consultant will precisely assess soil variation to a depth of 1 to 2m, which significantly improves the accuracy of the soil carbon measurement. The more accurate the measurement, the more carbon is saleable, thanks to less variation in the projected carbon yield. Peter Spies is an approved adviser under the Land Restoration Fund - Carbon Farming Advice Rebate program in Queensland. This is to assist eligible applicants with the cost of accessing eligible advice about undertaking a carbon farming project on their land through the Land Restoration Fund. https://www.qrida.qld.gov.au/program/approvedadviser-program-under-carbon-farming-advicerebate-program The Carbon Farming Advice Rebate Program provides landholders with rebates of up to $10,000 to offset the cost of obtaining relevant advice related to carbon farming projects. Peter can also advise producers in other states.


The top drop for fertigation YaraRega water-soluble NPK compound fertilisers are developed specifically for delivery using pivot, sprinkler, low-tech drip or furrow irrigation systems. YaraRega features a special coating that protects granules during handling and storage yet dissolves readily in water. Delivering a balanced supply of plant-available macro and micro nutrients, YaraRega is suitable for use in a wide range of fruit and vegetable crops. Contact Yara and find out how YaraRega can turn your irrigation water into a top drop.

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Fer tiliser

FERTIGATION NOW READILY ACCESSIBLE GLOBAL crop nutrition leader, Yara, has released a new range of highly soluble NPK compound granular fertilisers that can be applied via ‘simple’ irrigation systems.

YaraRega fertilisers – derived from the old Norse word for ‘rain’ – feature a special coating that protects the granules during storage and handling yet dissolves readily in water. Yara Crop Nutrition Commercial Manager, Paul Eitzen, says the technology means fertigation is now readily accessible to all vegetable and fruit growers. “YaraRega is a great concept,” he says. “They deliver a balanced and efficient source of essential macro- and micro-nutrients for optimal growth and quality. “More importantly, they are highly water soluble and can be delivered via macro, micro and overhead sprinklers or furrow irrigation systems. “This means fertigation is now a practical and costeffective option for all producers. “Alternatively, they can be broadcast as a soil application before anticipated rainfall or irrigation. “We have received great feedback from producers who have already incorporated YaraRega into their management program.” YaraRega 13-2-21 contains a balance of nitrogen (13%), phosphorus (1.75%) and potassium (20.8%), as well as the micronutrients, sulphur (9%), magnesium (0.42%), boron (0.08%) and zinc (0.08%). “This balance is ideal for crops that require high amounts of nitrogen and potassium but have low phosphorus requirements, such as tree crops and bananas,” Paul says. “40 percent of the nitrogen is present as ammonium nitrate, meaning it is available for immediate plant uptake and reducing nitrogen losses caused by volatilisation.

“This can improve fertiliser use efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. “Another advantage of the low phosphorus content is that it helps to protect water quality in reef catchments. “As a compound fertiliser, there is no nutrient segregation during shipping, handling or spreading.” Other formulations include 9-0-30 +S and 15-7-13 +S, Mg, Boron and Zinc. YaraRega formulations are 99% soluble, with any residues having a negligible particle size of less than 100 microns. “By comparison, standard granular fertilisers can contain up to 20 percent ‘fillers’, coarse and insoluble particles that can block filters and drips,” Paul says. “Some others also have special coatings that help to improve their handling or spreading as dry granules but once dissolved in water, these waxes and oils are released into the solution and can create blockages. “Once added to water, YaraRega dissolves quickly meaning water flow rates are not affected during fertigation. “Nevertheless, it is not recommended for use in hydroponic irrigation systems.” YaraRega complements the rest of the Yara range, including YaraTera watersoluble NPK crystalline fertilisers for use in hydroponic systems, YaraVita foliar micronutrient fertilisers, YaraLiva calcium nitrate fertilisers, YaraMila NPK compound fertilisers and Yara Liquids fertilisers. Yara fertilisers are supported by range of innovative decision-making tools to provide a complete crop nutrition solution for all production systems. “Our objective is to help growers get the very best results from their investment in quality crop nutrition solutions,” Paul says.



GENOMIC GAINS AND FARMING MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCIES IN LIVESTOCK DNA TESTING Livestock genomics or genetic testing has significantly evolved over the past decade, as a result of advances in scientific research into herd genomics, DNA testing capabilities and industry demand for more reliable techniques. Traditionally, producers relied on blood card and hair pulling techniques to gather DNA from their herd to find out information on parentage, hereditary traits, and genetic defects. However, calls for efficiencies and product development have enabled new technologies such as Allflex’s Tissue Sampling Units (TSU’s) to emerge.

vial with unique 2D barcodes, which mean that they can be seamlessly linked to an electronic ID ear tag.

New scientific discoveries of DNA markers linked to certain traits in livestock, such as resistance to common diseases, has also driven a demand for more advanced testing methods to help producers improve their economics through selective breeding for milk quality and productivity, meat quality, fleece quality and longevity.

Another added benefit is that the samples contain a large quantity of high-quality (wet) DNA material as a result of the unique liquid buffer that the tissue sample is deposited into. The buffer solution itself becomes the sample used for DNA testing and can be stored and re-sampled for additional testing at a later stage.

Allflex Australia, Area Sales Manager, Wal White, who has had significant experience on both sheep and cattle farms across regional New South Wales said, “Having worked with blood card and tail hair methods before and seeing firsthand the experiences of producers when out on farm; hair pulling and blood cards can be problematic. Both methods can be labour intensive, have a high contamination risk; can result in insufficient sample size and sample failure; and be at risk of misidentification when samples are mistakenly sent to the lab without the correct IDs.”

“The TSU system, streamlines the sampling and testing process, and automates the processing in labs, meaning faster results, and a reduced need for resampling.”

Allflex TSU’s offer a quick, reliable and accurate genetic testing method that manages these common testing challenges. “More and more producers and stud owners are moving to TSU’s to make things quick, simple and reliable,” said Wal. TSU’s are gaining market share compared with traditional approaches, with a take-up rate in sheep markets of 90%, and 50% in cattle markets according to one of the largest DNA testing services. Allflex’s TSU system enables farmers to easily collect small, high-quality tissue samples from an animal’s ear that are instantly transferred into a self-contained, pre-labelled



The system delivers this tissue in a format that makes it easier for laboratories to test and automate some of their laboratory procedures reducing cost and processing times.

Another benefit is that producers and studs don’t need to wait up to 6-months for hair follicles to mature (for a quality sample). TSU’s are clean, fast and can be done within minutes after the animal is born. “This gives producers a time advantage by being able to make informed breeding and farm management decisions straight after birth not 6-months down the track.” Tissue sampling and DNA testing will continue to be a significant growth area in the livestock and food industries. Changing global needs such as providing quality animal protein for a growing population; improving sustainability and welfare in animal agriculture; and meeting a growing consumer and governmental demand for traceable, ethical and eco-friendly products will continue to drive the search for new identifiable genetic traits in livestock and linking back to those individual unique identifiers. For expert advice, head into your nearest Elders branch.

TSUs make collecting a genetic sample so much easier & faster than hair tail and we can take it at an earlier age knowing it’s a quality sample. We are now planning to implement the TSU matched management tag sets too and that will take the process to an even higher level of efficiency all round.” Amy Dickens, JAD Speckle Park

- Highest quality sample method - Vials fit in standard lab well plate (96 vials) - Efficient and cost effective - Available with paired NLIS & management tags CON TACT YOUR LOCA L E LD E RS S TORE FOR ORDERI NG AN D IN FO RM AT I ON!


The NEW Injectable Trace Mineral with Vitamin B12 for cattle in a convenient single dose. For further information, contact your local territory manager or call Boehringer Ingelheim Customer Care on 1800 808 691.



*See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. MARKS-MIN ® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2020 All rights reserved. AU-BOV-0009-2020 P


Marks-Min – Trace Mineral with vitamin B12 in a convenient single dose What is Marks-Min? Marks-Min is a trace mineral injection for cattle that contains the trace minerals copper, manganese, zinc and selenium along with vitamin B12, which are required for optimal health, production and fertility. Optimising trace mineral and vitamin B12 levels at critical times, like calving, mating and drying off, can have a positive impact on health, immune status and reproductive capacity of livestock. Marks-Min provides trace minerals and vitamin B12 in one convenient rapidly absorbed injection, ensuring essential trace minerals for optimal health are available together with energy provided by vitamin B12 to help support the best response to trace mineral supplementation.

Why are trace minerals important? Trace minerals are essential to body function, but are only required in very small amounts per day. These minerals may make up only a small portion of an animals diet; but play an important role in everyday life, especially for the key functions of growth, reproduction and immune defence.

Why is B12 important? Vitamin B12 is important for energy production in ruminants. Ruminants cannot directly utilise energy from their diet and so, need to make their own. Vitamin B12 is an important part of this process. Ruminants also cannot utilise B12 directly from their diet. They must first take up cobalt through the diet, where it is then converted by rumen microorganism to B12. If cobalt levels are low in pasture, B12 levels can fall and this can limit energy available for body processes.

Why put Trace Minerals and Vitamin B12 together? The key processes of growth, reproduction and immune defence require large amount of energy to function well. Providing trace minerals and vitamin B12 together ensures the trace mineral building blocks for optimal health are available along with energy from vitamin B12 to help support the best response to trace mineral supplementation.

SUPPORTING OPTIMAL HEALTH AND SUPPORTING OPTIMAL HEALTH PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE GROWTH Marks-Min provides elements that support growth by aiding bone, joint and muscle development and function (Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Selenium (Se)) and energy metabolism (Vitamin B12)

REPRODUCTION Marks-Min provides elements that support reproduction by aiding the development of male and female reproductive systems, the process of fertilization and also the maintenance of pregnancy (Cu, Mn, Zn, Se)

IMMUNE DEFENCE Marks-Min provides elements that support immune defence by aiding function of the immune system and white blood cells that help resist establishment of infection

ENERGY Vitamin B12 plays a key role for the production of energy in livestock. Energy is required for all body processes and it is the backbone of all production.

To find out more about Marks-Min head to: marksmin.com.au *See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. Marks-Min® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. AU-BOV-0006-2020



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Kerry and Tracy Tristram have been farming on the West Coast of New Zealand’s North Island for the last 17 years.

Kerry and Tracey milk a herd of 220 dairy cows across a milking platform of 120 hectares. The farm had a lot of old fencing, so Kerry simplified and moved to two-wire electric. He says installing the 46 Joule Energizer was a no brainer. It charges fencing across the majority of the milking platform, but Kerry says it could go even further. “There’s ample voltage, it has a lot of grunt.” Kerry says the 46J Energizer and Datamars Livestock Farm App have given him the “luxury” to control voltage from anywhere on the farm. “You can be on the tractor with your phone and you just hit the app to turn the fence off.” He says this instant ability is especially handy for doing quick little jobs and frees up time.

couple of times a week and it’s been easy to operate. He says the Datamars Livestock team has been on hand for support and to answer any burning technical questions. The 46J Energizer gets the tick of approval from Kerry and Tracy. A more connected farm has given them the freedom to get on with more important jobs and manage their dairy herd. Kerry says, “It’s the way of the future.” “Our first ‘smart’ energizer is designed to provide peace of mind and save time for farmers, while powering 460 kilometres of fence. This is the first cab off the rank in our plans to provide a connected farm to our customers and it’s great to see farmers like Kerry embracing the technology,” adds Mark.

Datamars Livestock Head of Sales, Mark Peters says that Kerry’s experience with the energizer highlights how handy it is to be able to control the energizer from your phone. “Our energizers have been a hallmark of the farming community for decades, with the 36 Joule Energizer an iconic favourite across the country. We are delighted that our smarter, more powerful 46 Joule Energizer is living up to its predecessor and doing the hard yards in the paddock.” Kerry says that the app gets put to good use a




All of Arrowquip’s products are designed, manufactured, and sold, with the purpose of making handling animals easier, quicker, and safer. We approach this a number of ways, from utilising what we know about animal psychology, to engineering our designs to make them as easy to use as possible. One product that specifically showcases this approach is our Bud Flow cattle forcing tub. THE BUD FLOW The Bud Flow forcing yard is a good example of how research, engineering, and design can converge to create a product that not only makes handling cattle a breeze but also makes it much safer. The Bud Flow utilises known cattle behaviour, namely the fact that cattle like to move toward the location they originated. To take advantage of that fact, the Bud Flow is designed so that cattle move into the tub, turn around inside it, and move into the race. This means that in most instances, the cattle with move through the tub and into the races smoothly without much external goading. However, with more stubborn cattle, the Bud Flow’s crowding gate allows you to apply pressure behind the animal, moving them toward the race entry. This gate is a single rotating gate that pivots around the centre of the Bud Flow and swings towards the exit point of the tub. By operating the gate, you ‘crowd’ the cattle and move them toward the race. Cattle are large and powerful animals and can push back against the crowd gate with force, with the potential to cause injury to the handlers. Therefore, in the Arrowquip Bud Flow, we’ve also added safety features to prevent that from happening, namely the ratcheting handle, that locks against the tub as you move the gate and prevents it from being pushed back too far. These features all combine with quality manufacturing to make a product that makes cattle handling easier and safer. Our products are made to be safe, reliable, and work well, but making livestock handling easier applies to more than just individual products. It also applies to the design and production of stockyards, as a whole. Individual components need to come together in the right ways, to make the entire yard system work seamlessly. Our Stockyard Packages Booklet is a collection of yard designs like this, that we’ve put together, which are based on science and are proven to work. The sheep stockyard packages demonstrate this approach to complete stockyard design.



SHEEP YARD DESIGN Looking into history, there were a lot of yards which were built between the ’70-’90s which were mostly square designs with mesh fencing. These designs don’t make sheep handling easy. What we know from years of research and on-the-ground testing is that yards with bugle layout designs and that use an oval rail fence, are the best for easier, faster, and more efficient sheep handling. To function correctly, however, the bugle layout needs to be designed correctly, and there are three design principles when designing bugles. The first principle is to make sure the sheep can see where you want them to go. It sounds very simple, but if the sheep can’t see when you are trying to move them, it is going to be hard work right from the start. The second principle is don’t make the bugle too wide. A width between 4-5 metres is ideal. This gives one person the ability to increase or decrease the flow of sheep without the need for extra men. Thirdly, the bugle yards’ capacity should be multiples of the capacity of the drenching race or the draft. This means that when you are working the sheep, the pen numbers flow into each other without having leftover sheep that can’t fit into your working area. After the drafting pens, you should always consider a laneway to remove the sheep out of the yards without interfering with the flow of sheep into the yards. This way you can keep the handling operation going while penning up and letting sheep back out to pasture. Design principles like these are used by our team to create yard designs that are effective, efficient, and make for easier livestock handling. These yards, and the design components that make them up, have been proved to work over many years of real-world use. We use animal science and behavioural psychology to build designs that are backed by science, and we’ve proven their worth and their utility in real situations with real farmers like you.


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YOUR LIVESTOCK DEPEND ON YOU. PERFORMANCE DEPENDS ON THE RIGHT TRACE MINERAL. Do it right with the BLUEPRINT® NUTRITION PROGRAM for better absorption, less waste and optimum health.

Trust the world’s largest producer of organic trace minerals to support your livestock’s health and performance with the Blueprint® Nutrition Program. Important in all stages of production, trace minerals support the animal’s defence system and growth, as well as your profitability.

Learn more today, call 1800 649 231 to be put in touch with your local Alltech Lienert production expert.

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Animal Nutrition

OPTIMISE CONCEPTION RATES WITH BLUEPRINT ® LIFT Correct management of stock prior to joining has a large influence on the conception rates of your flock. Ewe nutrition is key to joining success. When ewes are in an optimal body condition at joining, their ovulation rate and chance of conceiving twins (fecundity) increases. Ram preparation is also crucial – rams must be healthy and in the best condition possible. Lambing potential is maximised when rams can work and have viable sperm throughout the joining period. Ideally, aim to begin preparation of rams eight weeks prior to joining, as it takes seven weeks for sperm to develop. Both ewes and rams will benefit from a flush of high protein and energy from grain or pastures prior to joining. If rams are on a low protein ration or dry paddock feed, they could benefit from the inclusion of lupins in their diet, up to 750 grams per head per day, for eight weeks leading up to joining. If the rams are on better quality pastures, we can assist with adjusting the quantity of lupins or make recommendations depending on the protein sources available. Ideally rams should be between condition score three and four at joining. Ewes can also benefit from supplementary feeding with grain such as lupins, prior to joining. Feeding levels will vary depending on the condition of the ewes but could benefit from up to 500 grams per head per day, for at least 7 days prior to the rams going in. Ewes should be in condition score three and on a rising plane of nutrition to optimise their fertility at joining. To supplement pasture and grain intake, a vitamin and mineral loose lick such as Blueprint© Lift – a granulated, weather resistant loose lick, will assist to boost levels of vitamins, macro and micro minerals, prior to joining, to optimise reproductive success. Blueprint Lift contains Bioplex© chelated trace minerals and Sel-Plex© from Alltech © that mimic the way minerals are delivered through plants and offers significantly higher bioavailability to the animals than traditional mineral salt sources. Manganese, zinc and selenium are all crucial in the reproductive process – deficiencies have been associated with silent heat, poor conception, early embryonic death and weak or stillborn progeny.

Blueprint Lift is a balanced blend which can help to overcome deficiencies and optimise the fertility of your flock. It also contains Alltech technologies to assist with rumen health and the feed efficiency of your animals. An example of supplementing ewes with Blueprint Lift in maximising the potential progeny (as scanned embryos) and the farm’s economic profit comes from producer Tom, in the Goulburn region of New South Wales. His ewes, when joined, were in a transition period adjusting to green feed after a break in a prolonged dry spell, where they were receiving a full feed ration. Tom was still supplementary feeding grain through this period as well as giving access to good quality hay ad-lib and Blueprint Lift on a rapidly growing pasture. Scanning for triplets gave Tom the following results: > 190% in Merino x Merino > 146% in Maiden Merino x Merino > 173% in Border Leicester x Merino > 207% in Poll Dorsett x Cross breed ewes > 126% in Cross breed ewe lambs (optional joining at 7 months to fill gap in numbers after drought de-stocking) Off the back of two years of very heavy drought, Tom was able to feed his ewes to better reach their genetic potential, in addition to correct management practices and the inclusion of essential vitamins and minerals in the form of Blueprint Lift. These numbers put Tom in a good position to capitalise on what has turned out to be a very good season. This joining program made sure the ewes were in an appropriate condition score, had access to good quality protein and energy sources as well as essential vitamins and minerals. For expert advice, speak to your local Elders Livestock Production Advisor or head into your nearest Elders branch.


FENNEC® DOUBLES DOWN ON LICE PROTECTION While dual action drenches for worm control are widely accepted by sheep producers, there has not been a combination product for lice control – until now. Fennec, Australia’s first dual action lice treatment, also offers 5-weeks protection from reinfestation.* Fennec’s dual active ingredients – imidacloprid and abamectin, have given producers a new weapon in the war against lice which costs the industry $120 million a year. Dr Yan Laurenson, senior research fellow with the School of Environmental and Rural Science at the University of New England, says using a double active is “the responsible thing to do”. Dr Laurenson, whose research areas include parasite drug resistance, says the chance of lice developing resistance to two actives given at the same time as “very, very small”. “This is a step beyond using a traditional rotation, which may inadvertently allow resistance to build,” Dr Laurenson says. “With lice, the goal is complete eradication. Any lice that may be resistant to the first active will be killed by the second active.” Boehringer Ingelheim’s Cattle and Sheep Technical Manager, Dr Gareth Kelly, says the efficacy of Fennec’s dual action will resonate with sheep producers looking for a simple and easy to use treatment to eradicate lice and prevent wool cut losses. “The combination offers sheep producers a solution to safeguard their flock from lice and most importantly preserve the efficacy of current actives for much longer. History has shown that sheep lice are highly capable of developing resistance to single active lousicides. The use of a dual action product can decrease the chance of resistance building up,” he says.

Imidacloprid and FENNEC POUR-ON abamectin both cause FOR SHEEP paralysis of the lice, but studies have shown that the actives act in different ways. So Fennec offers a twopronged attack against IMIDACLOPRID ABAMECTIN 35 mg/mL 4 mg/mL lice. In addition, the actives do not have a common resistance pathway. This is important, as it is less likely that lice will develop resistance to either active when used together than to one of them alone, which in turn can slow the onset of resistance on a farm.” Dr Kelly says effective lice control is not just an economic consideration for the producer, but also a big issue for the industry, so a product that can do the job effectively while keeping resistance at bay is a big step forward. If left unchecked, sheep lice infestations can cause reductions in wool cut of up to 1 kilogram per head. They downgrade wool quality by reducing yield and increasing the amount of wool placed in inferior lines because of un-scourable colour and cotting. Fennec is quick acting and long lasting. Sheep are protected from reinfestation for five weeks after application, making it the longest protection knock-down pour-on on the market when applied within 24 hours of shearing. “While the science behind Fennec is more complex, it is just as simple and easy to use as traditional pour-ons, but its dual active ingredients pack a much bigger punch,” Dr Kelly says.

To find out more about Fennec Pour-On, head to www.fennecpouron.com.au *Compared to other knockdown lice control products when applied within 24 hours after shearing. 1. Lice in sheep – Victorian Farmers Federation www.vff.org.au › Factsheet_Livestock_LiceinsheepV2. 2. http://www.liceboss.com.au/sheep-goats/about-lice.php Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. Fennec® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. AU-OVI-0049-2020


NEW MALT BARLEY VARIETY WINS ACCREDITATION Alestar was accredited by Barley Australia just this week but growers like Mark Humphrey were already planning to sow hundreds of hectares to the new malt barley backed by Elders and Coopers Brewery. In 2019, Mr Humphrey planted 20 hectares as a trial and was so impressed, he sowed another 90ha in 2020. This year, he’s allocating around 400ha to Alestar. The property Mr Humphrey farms with parents Robert and Jenny near Murray Bridge, South Australia, averages 375 millimetres of annual rainfall but was “fairly dry” in 2019. Even so, Alestar hit his target of three tonnes per hectare, protein levels were “spot on” for malt barley and it was easy to reap. It produced a similar yield again last year despite a sixweek dry spell during the growing season. “The dry spell stunted the other variety of barley I grew, whereas the Alestar still kept growing and didn’t seem to suffer through that dry spell,” he said. “The other variety also dropped a lot of heads before we harvested and we lost a lot of barley on the ground but the Alestar seemed to hang onto the heads better. “The Alestar yielded 3t/ha but the other variety was only 2-2.5t/ha.” Elders seed manager Colin Smith wasn’t surprised to hear how reliably Alestar performed at Murray Bridge, pointing to other successful crops across New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and southern Queensland. “It just seems to be very versatile in where it will grow,” Mr Smith said. “Alestar has performed very consistently in Southern NSW around Oaklands and

Lockhart and into the Riverina over the past three years, where it has consistently achieved Malt 1 specification. “Following enquiry from as far afield as Tasmania, we have decided to do some larger scale trial paddocks in Tasmania to see how it performs in the higher rainfall zones as well. “In 2019, most of the malt barley growing regions of the country had a very tight finish, which increased the screenings at harvest but Alestar has shown that it tolerates these tight finishes better than a lot of varieties and consistently has shown low screening levels.” Alestar has been trialled extensively across a wide spectrum of growing regions and has shown excellent straw strength, a good disease package and good head retention, Mr Smith said. The malting and brewing industry has shown good interest in Alestar due to its high-quality malt and the consistency and evenness of the way it malted, he said. Coopers Brewery, Boortmalt and Barret Burston Malt have expressed interest in securing crop from the 2021 planting, Mr Smith said, while several smaller Brewers like the Armidale based Welders Dog brewery are already using Alestar as their main malt.


Stakka Bin Planting season is around the corner and your customers will be needing a bulk bin for their fertiliser and seed. Why not introduce them to the Enmach Stakka Bin…


➟ Stackable ➟ Extendable legs ➟ Integrated ladder ➟ Full gal steel frame ➟ Stainless steel lid latches ➟ 40 deg + discharge angles ➟ 1.75m3 / 1.3 tonne capacity ➟ UV stabilised polyethylene bin ➟ Stainless steel “no buckle” outlet ➟ Multi-purpose feed or fertiliser storage ➟ Australian made from Australian products ➟ 2 lid options - full top open or 400mm dia lid

Scan for video




POLY SILOS, CLEARLY A BETTER SOLUTION Australian manufacturer Enmach offers silos with extraordinary durability and a 20-year plus lifespan. The harsh Australian climate can have a devastating impact on the equipment we utilise in our outdoor occupations and lifestyles. A spokesman for Enmach says the Bundaberg-based company has reinvented and redesigned products made from traditional materials and manufactures them from materials such as polyethylene and stainless-steel to extend lifespan and durability. Enmach have the largest range of Poly Silos in the world and is the only roto-moulder in Australia dedicated to manufacturing and installation of independently F.E.A engineered Poly Silos that are cyclonic wind rated and load tested. Enmach poly products are lighter than the steel products they replace, have one of the world’s best UV protection ratings, resist rust and have compounded colour that will not fade or scratch off. Ultimately, Enmach has created the poly advantage – unbeatable durability. The company has been in operation for 30 years and offers a range of silos in capacities from 1 tonne to 50 tonnes or 1.75m3 to 60m3. The silos are suitable for bulk storage of a variety of products and can be used in any industry, from mining to farming, water clarification to breweries, fertiliser to coffee bean storage.

Polyethylene has proved to be a winner in the manufacture of silos. Sweating is greatly reduced or removed as the insulation properties of polyethylene keeps your feed cooler resulting in reduced incidence of sweating. All silos heat up during the day and then on nightfall the outer steel skin of a steel silo cools rapidly. Poly silos are thicker than steel, 10 to 30 millimetres thick to be exact, and this thickness helps to keep your feed cooler during the day and then on nightfall, the temperature change is more gradual resulting in a slower dissipation of stored heat and less or no incidence of sweating.

The range starts with the industry leading Stakka Bin. The innovative Stakka Bins are the biggest in their class at 1.75m3 which will store around 1.3 ton of wheat and fertiliser. They have a full galvanised steel frame with extendable legs, an integrated ladder as standard and a stainless-steel knife gate that will not buckle when the bin is full. There are two heavy duty forklift pockets at the base of the unit complete with a safety chain and a fully removable lid. The largest silo in the range is the massive 60m3 silo that will contain 46 tonnes of wheat or fertiliser. Some of Enmach’s poly silo range are unique in the fact that they can be added to at a later date simply by adding further rings to the silo thus increasing the capacity. Another great feature of the Poly Silos is the ability to configure the silos to store liquid.

Having a silo made with polyethylene also gives you peace of mind by removing the threat of degeneration through rusting. The poly silo bin is encapsulated in a galvanized steel frame with a stainless-steel knife gate at the base of the silo and the silo is delivered fully assembled. Any bolts through the silo wall are all stainless steel to further enhance our no corrosion claim. To stand behind this, Enmach offers a 10-year warranty on their Poly Silos, “Where else do you get a warranty like that on a silo?”

The flagship of the liquid storage range is the 35000 litre Liquid Storage silo. This silo will hold up to 50 ton of liquid, great for storing molasses or liquid supplement for feeding cattle in the dry times. The liquid silos can also be configured for service in water clarification and separation. The range of Patented 60-degree cone silos which encompasses storage sizes from 27m3 to 57m3 are ideally suited to the storage of feed pellets and slow flowing products. This design has a unique reverse angle top section for increased flow.

Enmach will deliver and install its range of poly silos Australia wide with crane-equipped trucks and trained drivers who can erect and bolt down a silo within hours. They also offer a full custom manufacturing service for polyethylene molded and steel fabricated products. Enmach combines innovation and durability with a highly equipped, in-house research and development department and a focus on service. Head into your nearest Elders branch to explore the range of Enmach solutions.



THE LATEST CHELATION SYSTEM IMPROVES CROP NUTRIENT UPTAKE Chelated trace element applications are critical to maximise winter crop yield and it’s important to know how to get the best return on your investment in foliar applied nutrients. The latest development in trace elements was launched by Omnia Specialities in 2020 and last year demand exceeded production capacity. With a recent production capacity upgrade, Omnia is confident it can match demand for the upcoming autumn, winter and spring markets, for both horticulture and broadacre. The new OmniSure ® range of trace elements was developed using the latest chelation system, which is unique to Omnia. It has significant advantages over EDTA chelates and ordinary sulphate salts of trace elements. The chelation system mimics the behaviour of natural organic substances in the plant’s translocation system which means faster uptake and less crop damage. It is highly recommended for foliar applications but has the flexibility to suit soil application also. Omnia Sales and Marketing Manager, Darren Thomas said, “Older chelation technology like EDTA is OK but some research has shown the EDTA chelate can bioaccumulate in the soil and in the plant itself leading to some plant toxicity which can manifest visually as leaf necrosis. Our novel chelation system mimics the way metal elements are transported in plants by mother nature, this is expressed through faster and more efficient uptake and less crop damage than older systems.” Picture illustrates how OmniSureCop outperformed EDTA copper regarding crop damage in wheat trial when mixed with the fungicide propiconazole. Experienced growers know that once you can see trace element deficiency symptoms in your crop, yield potential has already been lost. Sap testing at key crop stages is the most efficient way to monitor plant nutrient levels so that necessary adjustments can be made. A crop with a balanced nutrient profile in the sap is more likely to deliver better yield and quality at harvest. Trace elements applied to the soil with planting fertiliser can be rendered unavailable to the plant, especially if the soil pH is not within the preferred range. Foliar applications of OmniSure in winter crops are a convenient, efficient and cost-effective tool to overcome deficiencies. OmniSure is easy to tank-mix with many chemicals which reduces application costs and enables applications in a timely manner. 86


Copper EDTA + Propiconazole

OmniSureCop + Propiconazole

Mr Thomas added, “We know growers need to make applications as efficiently as possible. In winter the number of available spray days can be low due to weather conditions and reduced daylight hours. By combining your OmniSure application with your cereal fungicide you are well placed to get both products on at the right time. The unique chelation system allows much better tank-mix compatibility compared to sulphates and older chelates.” Growers who anticipate trace element deficiencies should contact their local Elders Agronomist to establish a monitoring program and formulate a plan including the OmniSure range which covers Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Boron, Multi and Zinc/Manganese/Copper combination. “It’s the simple and cost-effective way to make sure the money you invest in trace elements delivers the return you need through improved nutrient uptake, less passes with the sprayer, compatibility with many chemicals and more money in the bank at the end of the year. With lower use rates than other chelated trace elements, OmniSure is cost effective and technically superior to ordinary products, a rare combination these days,” Mr Thomas concluded. For more information contact your local Elders Agronomist.




High uptake, unmatched compatibility and cost effective. • Unique chelation system maximises plant uptake • High levels of compatibility with agricultural chemicals and fertilisers

• Low rates and cost effective Gradients

• Recommended for foliar or soil application

Be sure with OmniSure 1800 4 OMNIA

www.omnia.com.au ® Omnisure is a registered trademark of Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd EM0121



P: 1800 199 450 E: sales@cycloneproducts.com.au W: www.cycloneproducts.com.au


CYCLONE TROUGHS – A BETTER PERFORMING TROUGH! Cyclone prides themselves on providing its customers with affordable, quality steel products. Cyclone troughs are a better performing trough especially when compared to poly or concrete. Cyclone steel troughs can be used as both a permanent (like concrete) and temporary (like poly troughs) depending on your needs. The hot dipped galvanised steel troughs are built tough, while also being significantly more light weight and portable than concrete troughs. This steel design also prevents common issues such as cracking and puncturing which can often occur with conventional troughs. Steel is also a superior thermal conductor compared to both poly and concrete troughs allowing water to cool a lot quicker at the end of the day. Cyclone troughs also have hot dipped galvanised removable feet, these feet can be attached and removed to suit your needs. If used these feet allow the trough to sit above ground level allowing air to flow around the trough. This airflow allows the water in the trough to stay cooler which is perfect for hot days. When attached these feet can also make installation and levelling easier with less ground preparation requirements. Peg down points in the feet can also assist with anchoring down the trough. Cyclone troughs also feature a 4.5” bung, this allows for quick and efficient water removal, making cleaning a breeze. The trough also has a steel valve cover, this cover prevents valve damage by livestock while also giving you easy access to adjust the float. Cyclone troughs are available in a range of sizes to suit your needs. Standard troughs are available in sizes ranging from 2m with 210L capacity to 5m with 535L capacity, and are ideal for sheep. Cyclones supa trough range is larger and deeper and can hold more water or feed, and are ideal for cattle. The supa troughs are available in sizes ranging from 2m with 390L capacity to 5.8M with 1140L capacity.

“This steel design also prevents common issues such as cracking and puncturing which can often occur with conventional troughs. Steel is also a superior thermal conductor compared to both poly and concrete troughs allowing water to cool a lot quicker at the end of the day.”

Cyclone troughs are available now, visit your local Cyclone stockist to get a better trough on your farm today! Head into your nearest Elders branch to explore the range of Cyclone troughs.


Animal Health


Combination worm control has been widely accepted as a worm management tool for sheep producers for some time, but there has not been a combination product for lice control available – until now. Fennec, Australia’s first dual combination lice treatment, is quick acting and also offers five-weeks of protection against reinfestation.* Fennec’s combination of two active ingredients – imidacloprid and abamectin – have given producers a new weapon in the war against lice, which costs the industry $120 million a year1. Boehringer Ingelheim’s Cattle and Sheep Technical Manager, Dr Gareth Kelly, says the efficacy of these actives in combination within Fennec will resonate with sheep producers looking for a simple and easy to use treatment to control lice and prevent wool cut losses. “The combination in Fennec offers sheep producers a solution to safeguard their flock from lice. History has shown that sheep lice are highly capable of developing resistance to single active lousicides, so the use of a combination product can decrease the chance of resistance building up, and help preserve the efficacy of current actives for much longer,” he says. Dr Yan Laurenson, senior research fellow with the School of Environmental and Rural Science at the University of New England, agrees and says using a dual active is “the responsible thing to do”. Dr Laurenson, whose research areas include parasite drug resistance, says the chances of lice developing resistance to two actives given at the same time is “very, very small”, and less than if rotating between the use of single active products. “This (the use of a combination lousicide), is a step beyond using a traditional rotation of single actives, which may inadvertently allow resistance to build,” Dr Laurenson says. “With lice, the goal is complete eradication. Any lice that may be resistant to the first active will be killed by the second active.”



Dr Kelly adds that effective lice control is not just an economic consideration for the producer, but also a big issue for the industry, so a product that can do the job effectively while keeping resistance at bay is a big step forward. If left unchecked, sheep lice infestations can cause reductions in wool cut of up to 1 kilogram per head. They also downgrade wool quality by increasing the amount of wool placed in inferior lines because of un-scourable colour and cotting.2 Fennec is quick acting and long lasting. Sheep are protected from reinfestation for five weeks after application, making it the longest protection knockdown pour-on on the market when applied within 24 hours of shearing. “While the science behind Fennec is more complex, it is just as simple and easy to use as traditional pour-on’s, and its combination of two active ingredients packs a much bigger punch,” Dr Kelly says. To find out more about Fennec Pour-On, head to www.fennecpouron.com.au *Compared to other knockdown lice control products when applied within 24 hours after shearing. 1 Lice in sheep - Victorian Farmers Federation www.vff.org.au > Factsheet_Livestock_LiceinsheepV2 2 http://www.liceboss.com.au/sheep-goats/about-lice.php

One giant leap for Lambkind

Looking for the next leap in finishing your grain fed lambs faster? Nutrimax is scientifically formulated to enhance the nutritional value of a cereal grain diet so that you can take your lambs’ growth rates to the next level. Nutrimax provides a complete package of protein, essential vitamins and minerals, and buffers to help unlock the genetic potential of your lambs.

Push into new frontiers with your grain fed lamb growth rates. Contact Rivalea on 02 6033 8000 or your local reseller. Visit nutrimaxgrainadditive.com.au

The proven performer in Australian conditions A highly palatable and robust tall fescue, Hummer tall fescue with MaxP® endophyte persists through both wet and dry conditions. Hummer is ideal for dairy, sheep or beef grazing systems. • Increased livestock acceptance • Faster liveweight gain • Tolerant to insect pressure, using MaxP® endophyte

Available at your local Elders store today or contact AusWest Seeds / Stephen Pasture Seeds



A PERSISTENT ALTERNATIVE TO PERENNIAL RYEGRASS A growing number of graziers from the New England Tablelands to Victoria’s dairy country and across Australia are switching to Hummer tall fescue because it has shown to be more productive and persistent than perennial ryegrass. Hummer handles the heat and provides a lot more highquality feed for dairy, beef and sheep than ryegrass, according to Hamish Best, National Product Development Manager with AusWest - Stephen Pasture Seeds.

“The drought in 2019 around the New England proved be a good test of pastures resown to Hummer in 2018. After the rain arrived in January 2020, those paddocks recovered to produce plenty of feed within six weeks.”

Hamish said Hummer had been bred for softer leaves and high tiller density, making it more palatable and far easier to manage than coarser type fescues.

Hamish said this demonstrated the resilience and persistence of Hummer in drought conditions, outperforming ryegrass in the toughest circumstances.

“A deep-rooted perennial, Hummer tall fescue with MaxP® endophyte is highly productive and persistent summer-active perennial grass that is a great alternative to ryegrass, which can maintain its density and growing for longer under tough conditions.” he said.

In prime dairying country in Victoria, dairy farmers are also turning to Hummer tall fescue to provide better sustainability and persistence.

“MaxP® is a novel tall fescue endophyte that improves the ability of tall fescue pastures to handle pest attack and moisture stress. “MaxP endophyte is a fungus that lives in the grass that has no detrimental effects on sheep or cattle, but really drives the persistence of Hummer. “In our trials, we are seeing a big difference in persistence between varieties treated with and without MaxP®.” Hamish added that Hummer can tolerate heavy, wet and moderately saline soils, and is flexible for use in irrigated or dryland conditions. In the New England, graziers are choosing Hummer because it responds well to moisture, producing a lot of high-quality feed over the spring and summer to take advantage of the summer-dominant rainfall pattern. Hamish said feed quality was particularly important for heifers and steers to drive weight gains.

“Dairy farmers often find ryegrass pastures are often not robust enough to handle the rigours of extreme climatic conditions or the high stocking rates they need to maintain profitability,” Hamish said, adding that producers know it is costly to replant their pastures every year. “Our field team is helping a growing number of dairy farmers who want dense pastures with good persistence that don’t need a truckload of fertiliser every month.” “These newer release fescue varieties like Hummer are softer and more palatable for cows than the older style varieties that would often cut tongues when chewed.” Hamish said. Not only does Hummer provide plenty of high-quality feed, but it can also be cut for silage to keep up with the growth. It can also be mixed with other pasture species such as white clover to suit different conditions and soil types. “Hummer is a versatile performer across a range of conditions,” Hamish said. For more information about Hummer tall fescue, talk to your local Elders branch.

“Pastures sown with Hummer have much higher leaf to stem ratios, higher growth rates and higher feed quality which are great for fattening cattle,” he said. 93



A versatile and robust ute pack designed and manufactured in Australia to safely store and dispense your diesel.

These tanks are strong and manufactured to withstand the treatment in the back of the ute. A strong, reliable Italian designed pump will deliver the diesel every time, with an auto-shutoff nozzle to ensure you don’t overfill. Ranging from 100ltr to 800ltr, these units are all equipped with Piusi designed pumps and are perfect for the back of the ute. The ‘Cube-style’ sits perfectly in the tub of a dual cab and can be fitted with a secondary bund for added security.

From February we are including a FREE pair of ProFit Non Slip Work Gloves with every purchase of a Diesel Essential Ute Pack. These gloves are breathable, abrasion resistant, have reinforced palms and are made for comfort, they are the ideal glove you need when handling Diesel.

Includes: > Upto 50LPM Piusi Diesel Pump > 5 year warranty > Lockable lid – protects all components > UV protected > Earth strap > Auto trigger nozzle > 4mtr Diesel-grade hose > Isolation switch > Alligator clips

The Polymaster customer service team are also a helpful bunch and more than happy to sort out any of your questions on 1300 062 064



To get your hands on the Essential Ute Pack from Polymaster Diesel Tanks, simply drop into your local Elders store or jump onto the Polymaster website for more information – polymaster.com.au.


Up to 50LPM Piusi Diesel Pump Diesel Auto Trigger Nozzle 5 Year Warranty Lockable Lid UV Protected

• • • •

Earth Strap Isolation Switch 4M Diesel Hose Alligator Clips






FREE GIFT ProFit Non Slip Work Gloves Breathable, abrasion resistant, with reinforced palms, made for comfort and ideal for handling Diesel.

FREE with purchase of a Diesel Essential Ute Pack. *Limited stock.


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Water Management

PLASSON CUSTOMERS HIGHLY SATISFIED WITH PRODUCT RELIABILIT Y, QUALIT Y AND THE TEAM Plasson Australia has undertaken a customer survey that was executed by Bold Discovery in July this year. Plasson sent the survey to 5,220 customers taken from the Plasson customer database. Consistent with the last health check 2018, the overall customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score (NPS) are well above the industry average. Plasson was able to increase their NPS rating by almost 10%. The key reasons to recommend Plasson are Reliability, Quality, Market Trust and the Team. In 2018, the business started a health check against several areas across the company. It was important for Plasson to set measurable performance targets for the overall experience, and the NPS was used to track this. The NPS metric focuses on how likely customers are to recommend Plasson to a friend. FINDINGS When asked which factors are most satisfying, Plasson customers mentioned product quality & reliability as well as stock availability and service delivery. “We are incredibly pleased that we are outperforming our competitors, and these results speak to an industryleading position, certainly in the minds of our current customers,” says Joshua Kirton, CEO Plasson Australia. He continues, “At Plasson, we are committed to putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. It is great to see that our efforts are paying off.” IMPROVEMENTS AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW TOOLS & PLATFORMS Although the results sound promising, Kirton says that it is an ongoing journey to stay on top of the game. “We listened to our customer feedback from the last survey in 2018 and have improved our available training tools, online presence, and in-store promotional activities.

Plasson have developed a series of detailed step-by-step installations videos that show the correct procedure to assembly Plasson products. Customers can use these video tutorials to train store staff or share these videos with their customers. Furthermore, Plasson have held many successful live online session with customers where the sales teams answer all questions on the spot. More online tools are to be developed. For further information, please contact: Sabrina Ehrle Marketing Manager PLASSON Australia Pty Ltd Ph: +61 2 8279 3506 E: sehrle@plasson.com.au

Plasson Australia have actioned several projects including the launch of an eCommerce platform, further development of their social media presence with targeted end-user campaigns to help their merchants with in-store customer traffic as well as improved availability on product information & training. 97


MILK WARMING BEST PRACTICE WHY SHOULD WE WARM CALF MILK? As temperatures cool into autumn and through winter, newborn calves lacking the body fat of older calves become particularly susceptible to cold stress. When temperatures fall below 15 degrees calves begin using their own body heat to stay warm which can lead to stress loss of body heat and body weight and condition.

Milk or milk replacer is the most efficient and palatable source of feed for calves. Feeding milk replacer colder than 38.5°C wastes energy since the calf has to expend calories to warm the milk to body temperature after drinking to effectively process it. Milk replacer at 38.5°C or warmer stimulates closure of the oesophageal groove, preventing milk replacer from entering the rumen and causing digestive disturbances. Both colder and hotter temperatures can also reduce the calf’s willingness to drink. It is also important to feed calves at the same temperature for every feed to avoid the risk of upsetting digestion. It makes sense that milk warmers and heat exchangers are a handy addition to any farm where calves are being milk-fed to encourage long term optimal health benefits in calf rearing. Any build-up of milk solids on the heating element of older style nonTeflon coated warmers acts as an insulation barrier to heat transfer when not used correctly. By implementing the use of a heat exchanger with your milk warmer you can efficiently warm milk and prevent the build-up common on older style, non-Teflon coated milk warmers not maintained correctly or used without heat exchangers.



Shoof’s all-stainless Heat Exchanger is filled with warm water and then placed into the full milk container. Occasional stirring will encourage heat efficiency and prevent fat build-up. The heat exchanger heats more slowly than the direct immersion of a milk warmer but saves you time and money by eliminating the tedious clean up and the risk of element failure. The Heat Exchanger Thermal Cap significantly reduces the time in heating milk and reduces steam and vapour entering the milk warmer electrics almost eliminating condensation failures. For efficient, convenient and consistent milk and/or milk replacer feeding in your calves, talk to your local Elders store about Shoof’s range of milk warmers, heat exchangers and our new Heat Exchanger Thermal Cap to reduce milk warming times by 25% and raise happy, healthy calves in optimal condition.

GET AHEAD ON AUTUMN CALVING Give your calves a head start this autumn.

Milk Warming for Prime Condition

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Visit your local Elders store for more information or view the Shoof catalogue. Advertised offer valid from 1 March – 31 May 2021. www.shoof.com.au.

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Contains Permethrin Dilute 10mL into a spray bottle with 400mL of water Protects for up to 2 weeks. Zone Control: Apply to kennels, bedding, stables, rugs and floats






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Articles inside

New Malt Barley Variety Wins Accreditation

pages 81-82

Diesel Essential Portable Ute Packs

pages 92-94

Fennec Doubles Down On Lice Protection

pages 88-90

The Latest Chelation System Improves Crop Nutrient Uptake

pages 84-86

Poly Silos, Clearly A Better Solution

page 83

How Arrowquip Facilitates Easier Livestock Handling

pages 76-78

Lots Of Grunt To The 46 Joule Energizer

page 75

Fertigation Now Readily Accessible

page 69

Genomic Gains And Farming Management Efficiencies

pages 70-74

Winter Crop Nutrition For 2021

pages 60-62

Considering A Soil Carbon Project – What You Need To Know?

pages 66-68

Gallagher Animal Performance Software

page 59

Sustained Selenium Supplementation

pages 52-54

Twice A Year Shearing Breakthrough And Wool Clipping Pregnancy Test

page 55

Stamina Grazing Tolerant Lucerne With True Grazing Tolerance

pages 56-58

It’s Time To Take A Stand Against Resistant Sheep Lice

page 51

Opportunity To Win A Polaris Ranger

pages 48-50

All Clear DS; Save Your Farmer Unwanted Damage

pages 46-47

Keep Your Eyes On This

pages 43-45

Routine Check The Turning Point For Cattle Station

pages 35-38

Is There Room For Farmland Prices To Keep Rising?

pages 41-42

Monitoring Worm Burdens

pages 33-34

Pioneering On-Farm Program Returns Positive Results

page 39

Inoculation You Can Bank On

page 40

Secure Your Boundaries From External Pests

pages 30-32

Mycorrhizae Fungi Inoculation Lifts Broadacre Crop Yields

pages 24-25

Overwatch Herbicide

page 13

SA Grain Growers Reap Benefits From Seed Treatment Combo

page 29

Updating The Way You Treat Seeds

page 23

New Pulse Herbicide In Field Of Its Own

pages 14-16

Controlling Green Peach Aphid In Canola

pages 8-10

Kill-All No Cure-All For Fall Armyworm

pages 17-18

Improving The Outlook Through The Pre-Emergent Window

pages 11-12
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