The Captain & Kuch Bring Home the Cup
his has been a big year
putts holed from a combined 80
for PGA TOUR golf
feet on No. 8, incredible shot mak-
pros that make St.
ing, and exuberant shows of emo-
Simons Island their
tion, it was an incredible thing to
home! After Matt Kuchar won a
watch! Phil Mickelson and Sergio
bronze medal for Team USA Golf
Garcia, 20 year rivals, upped their
at the Olympics in Rio, he, Zach
singles game too, with Garcia mak-
Johnson, and Brandt Snedeker
ing 9 birdies and Mickelson mak-
were all part of the triumphant Ry-
ing ten. It was Ryan Moore, the last
der Cup Team USA captained by
player picked for Team USA that
Davis Love III. Love and his stellar
clinched the win with a two putt on
team stormed Hazeltine National
the final green, following an eagle
and brought the Cup home to the
and a birdie. Numerous commenta-
United States for the first time since
tors and columnists have remarked
2008. Following disappointment at
on the depth and incredible cama-
Medinah in 2012 and Gleneagles
raderie of Team USA.
in 2014, and in the face of doubt that the U.S. could ever win again,
We may be partial, but we also
Team USA won by the largest mar-
think it might have something to
gin since 1981. It was definitely a
do with the fact that Southern Soul
team effort; for the first time since
Barbeque accompanied the team to
1975 every player won a match and
Hazeltine and fed them well. They
10 of the 12 players earned two or
also had a strong contingent of SSI
more points. Of course, this feat is
friends and family there to support
even more impressive considering
them and cheer them to victory. We
the top-ranked European was none
know the after party sure looked
other than Rory McIlroy. Sunday’s
fun! Congratulations to Davis and
match between McIlroy and Pat-
all of Team USA for their win and
rick Reed was one for the ages. Two
showing the world some great golf.
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Davis Love and Matt Kuchar arriving with the Ryder Cup;
Matt and Glynn Academy Girl’s Gold Team members with Robin Love; family matriarch Penta Love was on hand to meet her son; Davis and Matt with members of the Glynn Academy Marching Band.