Audrey Cowan
Numerose attività di Listening con sezione dedicata al Listening for INVALSI.
Un progetto che punta a coinvolgere e includere tutti gli studenti della classe, grazie a una grafica chiara e pulita, ai materiali compensativi della sezione Real Simple e ai numerosi supporti multimediali. Materiali di supporto per le eccellenze nel volume Real Time for Grammar e nella sezione dedicata alle certificazioni già dal primo anno. 130 video: da guardare sul FLIP BOOK o comodamente sul tablet o sul telefono scaricando la APP gratuita ELI LINK.
Divertenti progetti per mettere in pratica le conoscenze acquisite e per sviluppare lo spirito di iniziativa e la capacità di lavorare in gruppo, con speciale attenzione alle Life skills e ai temi di Global Citizenship.
PER LO STUDENTE Student’s Book & Workbook 1 + CD + FLIP BOOK 1* + Dictionary & Maps + Real Time for Grammar Student’s Book & Workbook 2 + CD + FLIP BOOK 2* Student’s Book & Workbook 3 + CD + FLIP BOOK 3* Opzionale Real & Simple + CD – Volume inclusivo per lo studente
978-88-536-2946-3 978-88-536-2947-0 978-88-536-2948-7 978-88-536-2949-4
with Valentina M.Chen
Claire Moore
APPROFONDIMENTO SUL LESSICO Ampio e ricco percorso per apprendere il lessico relativo ai livelli A1-A2 del CEFR, con video, attività di consolidamento ed espansione, dizionario illustrato e mappe concettuali.
Paola Tite
Un FLIP POSTER per la classe (50x70cm) con meravigliose tavole illustrate porterà gli studenti ad apprendere e ampliare il nuovo lessico inglese in maniera ludica, inclusiva, multisensoriale.
Audrey Cowan Paola Tite Claire Moore
with Valentina M.Chen
Teacher’s Pack 1 (Teacher’s Book & Tests) Teacher’s Pack 2 (Teacher’s Book & Tests) Teacher’s Pack 3 (Teacher’s Book & Tests) Chiavetta USB con tutto il materiale audio e video 4 Poster per la classe 2 ELI Digital Games FLIP POSTER con dizionario illustrato per la classe Risorse online Tutti i video del corso The Story Musical
978-88-536-2950-0 978-88-536-2951-7 978-88-536-2952-4
Un vocabolario illustrato triennale per ogni studente, con una ricca sezione di immagini illustrate con la doppia lingua italiano-inglese, una sezione di mappe concettuali di ripasso con esercizi, una parte finale con il glossario bilingue dell’intero corso e la trascrizione fonetica di tutti i lemmi.
CAMPIONE GRATUITO FUORI COMMERCIO Fuori campo IVA (D. PR. 26 ottobre 1972, n. 633, art. 2, lett. d)
Il nuovo corso di inglese con un approccio graduale e multisensoriale, ideale per i diversi stili di apprendimento GUIDATO • pagine chiare, esposizione lineare • progressione accurata e graduale • ricco di esempi e schemi per le attività di produzione
INCLUSIVO • un unico testo per tutta la classe • una sezione per i DSA (Real Simple) e una per le eccellenze (Towards A2 Key for Schools) in un unico volume • Dictionary & Maps, dizionario illustrato con mappe concettuali • un FLIP POSTER per la classe, con bellissime tavole di lessico illustrato
LUDICO • attività stimolanti e divertenti, 130 video • giochi digitali sul FLIP BOOK • guarda e ascolta con la app ELI LINK su smartphone e tablet
* I FLIP BOOK sono scaricabili tramite codice dal sito
REAL TIME Dictionary & Maps
Learn English in
guida alla prova di Listening Comprehension dell’INVALSI preparazione all’A2 Key for Schools già dal primo anno lessico potenziato nel Dictionary & Maps grammatica triennale e sezione facoltativa di Extra Grammar verso il livello B1
• finestre sulle diverse culture e attenzione alle diversità • temi di importanza sociale e ambientale • competenza emozionale
Welcome to REAL TIME Com’è fatto il libro
Vocabulary & Video L’unità si apre con la presentazione del lessico per esercitarti con le parole nuove. Il VIDEO ti permetterà di vedere le parole nuove in un contesto comunicativo, aiutandoti così nella comprensione.
Real Simple Rimandi alla sezione di inclusive English Let’s All Revise alla fine delle unità per imparare tutti insieme.
Focus on functions: • presentazione ed esercitazioni sulle funzioni comunicative reali
Reading & Dialogue Work: 4 pagine per presentare la lingua, esercitarsi e produrre con le attività Write e Talk about it • un testo originale con la presentazione della lingua dell’unità
Focus on dialogues: • un gruppo di amici affronta situazioni e problematiche tipiche della tua età
Video Workshop: • una pagina dedicata Grammar Workshop: • schemi di presentazione della grammatica con rimandi al Grammar Bank • rimando ai VIDEO TUTORIALS e alle VIDEO MAPS nel FLIP BOOK • esercizi presentati per grado di difficoltà 2
t wo
1.06 Traccia audio disponibile sul FLIP BOOK e su ELI LINK
alla comunicazione e alla produzione orale, attivata da VIDEO interessanti e coinvolgenti
Filmato disponibile sul FLIP BOOK e su ELI LINK
Life & Language Skills: • approfondimenti di cultura e attualità
con attività sulle abilità linguistiche e focus sulla global citizenship • K , INV , T e ES : attività propedeutiche alle certificazioni internazionali, alle Prove INVALSI e all’Esame di Stato • box Competences con strategie e consigli per sviluppare le competenze linguistiche
L’Extra Book
• L’Extra Book contiene
approfondimenti di civiltà dei paesi anglofoni accompagnati da VIDEO, letture sulle festività anglosassoni, esempi di compiti di realtà e di percorsi sulle Life Skills dove mettere in pratica le competenze chiave e una sezione CLIL con Video BOX interattivi. Chiude il volume una sezione dedicata all’A2 Key for Schools.
Dictionary & Maps • Un picture dictionary che ti accompagnerà
nei tre anni, insieme a mappe riepilogative di lessico e il glossario del corso completo di traduzione e fonetica.
Student’s Book e Workbook interamente sfogliabili con esercizi interattivi, audio e video. Potrai attivare l’opzione karaoke nei dialoghi e l’opzione sottotitoli nei video e importare documenti, immagini o link. Grazie anche alle numerose risorse aggiuntive, approfondirai la tua conoscenza del mondo anglofono e della lingua inglese.
Come scaricare il tuo libro digitale • Vai sul sito
• Inserisci il codice che trovi su questo libro e accedi al FLIP BOOK
Resources • Pronunciation Workshop • Grammar VIDEO Lessons • Grammar Bank • Grammar VIDEO MAPS • Dictionary & Maps • VIDEO di civiltà • CLIL VIDEO BOX • Poster di fonetica con audio • Mappe del Regno Unito, degli Stati Uniti e del mondo anglofono • Flashcards • Extra Book
My Reader-friendly FLIP BOOK Accedendo al libro liquido, potrai scegliere lo sfondo e il carattere del tuo libro digitale e ascoltare la lettura dell’intero volume.
Contents Starter Unit Welcome! p. 8
Topics The alphabet • Greetings and goodbyes • Numbers • The time • Days of the week • Months and seasons • Colours • Animals • Personal possessions • Classroom objects • Classroom language
Grammar Workshop
1A New School
School equipment
Chiedere e dire l’ora
I pronomi personali soggetto
p. 18
Countries and nationalities
Il verbo be
School subjects
Le parole interrogative
VIDEO At the stationer’s
Gli aggettivi possessivi VIDEO VIDEO MAP Pronunciation Intonation in questions
2 Friends & Family
Physical appearance The family
Incontrarsi e presentare Il verbo have got altre persone Il genitivo sassone
VIDEO This is me
Il plurale dei nomi VIDEO VIDEO MAP
p. 30
Pronunciation The sound /h/
Progress Check 1-2
p. 42
3A t Home
Rooms in a house
p. 44
Chiedere informazioni
there is / there are
I dimostrativi
VIDEO The house
L’articolo indeterminativo a / an L’articolo determinativo the VIDEO Pronunciation The sounds /T/ and /D/
4 School Life p. 56
Places in a school Routines VIDEO At school
Proporre di fare qualcosa
Il Present simple: tutte le forme (1) Il Present simple con le parole interrogative VIDEO VIDEO MAP Pronunciation The sound /u…/
Progress Check 3-4
p. 68
Functions Fare lo spelling • Salutare e ricambiare i saluti • Dire l’ora • Riconoscere gli oggetti scolastici • Capire le indicazioni durante la lezione
Video Workshop
Life & Language Skills
VIDEO Welcome to my vlog! Reading Capire il contenuto di due post sulle cose importanti nella vita Speaking Listening Presentarsi e parlare di sé Capire un dialogo sull’iscrizione a un club Writing Completare un post sulle proprie cose preferite Spoken Interaction Preparare e condurre un’intervista per l’iscrizione a un club
Competences & Extra Book Competences • Reading Cercare informazioni specifiche Extra Book • Culture A One Kingdom, Four Nations VIDEO • Compito di realtà Il poster della classe
VIDEO Who’s pretty?
Reading Capire il contenuto di un album familiare sul web
Competences • Writing La punteggiatura
Speaking Descrivere qualcuno
Listening Capire una ragazza che descrive la propria famiglia
Extra Book • Culture B London in Numbers VIDEO
Writing Correggere la descrizione della famiglia Griffin
• Festivals A Halloween
Spoken Interaction Descrivere l’albero genealogico della propria famiglia
Listening for INVALSI
p. 43
VIDEO H ave you got a house or a flat?
Reading Capire la descrizione delle case tipiche inglesi
Speaking Preparare un’intervista
Listening Capire la descrizione di un appartamento londinese Writing Scrivere la descrizione della propria casa Speaking – Oral Presentation Descrivere la propria casa ai compagni
VIDEO D o you walk to school? Speaking Preparare un sondaggio sulla routine della classe
Reading Capire la descrizione di alcune scuole di fantasia Listening Capire la descrizione di una scuola speciale Writing Descrivere la propria scuola Spoken Interaction Descrivere la propria scuola a un nuovo compagno
Listening for INVALSI
Competences • Listening Comprendere informazioni specifiche: i numeri Extra Book • Culture E Home Sweet Home VIDEO • Festivals B Christmas
Competences • Writing Descrivere un luogo Extra Book • Culture F British School System VIDEO • Song ‘Friday I’m in love’
p. 69
f ive
Contents Unit
Grammar Workshop
5F ood & Drink
Food and drink
Ordinare in mensa o al ristorante
Il Present simple: tutte le forme (2)
p. 70
Expressions with have VIDEO At the café
Gli avverbi di frequenza Nomi numerabili e non numerabili some / any How much? / How many? VIDEO VIDEO MAP Pronunciation The stressed syllable
6M y Town p. 82
Places in town
Chiedere e dare indicazioni stradali
Prepositions of place VIDEO London tour
Il Present simple: tutte le forme (3) like, love, hate + -ing I pronomi personali complemento L’imperativo VIDEO VIDEO MAP Pronunciation The sound /eI/
Progress Check 5-6
7 Hobbies & Talents
p. 94 Free-time activities Technology VIDEO Leila’s free time
p. 96
8 Sports Champions
Indicare il grado di abilità
Il verbo modale can
Chiedere il permesso / Fare una richiesta
Gli avverbi di modo
Esprimere un’opinione
Parts of the body
play / do / go + attività sportive
Sports VIDEO The human body
Scusarsi e giustificarsi
p. 108
I gradi di abilità VIDEO Pronunciation The sounds /I/ and /i…/
Il Present continuous Il Present continuous con le parole interrogative VIDEO VIDEO MAP Pronunciation The unstressed syllable /´/
Progress Check 7-8
p. 120
Real Simple – Let’s All Revise!
pp. 122-155
Pronunciation Workshop
pp. 156-157
Speaking cards
p. 158
Functions Review
p. 159
Video Workshop
Life & Language Skills
Competences & Extra Book
VIDEO I love pizza!
Reading Capire un articolo sullo spreco alimentare
Speaking Completare una tabella specificando le proprie preferenze
Listening Ascoltare la descrizione di una ricetta
Competences • Writing Preparare un elenco di ingredienti
Writing Scrivere ingredienti e quantità della propria ricetta preferita
Extra Book • Culture D British Food VIDEO
Speaking – Oral Presentation Descrivere una ricetta tipica della propria regione VIDEO M y favourite theme park
Reading Localizzare e riconoscere i vari luoghi di un parco divertimenti
Competences • Writing Gli sms
Speaking Disegnare e descrivere il proprio parco divertimenti ideale
Listening Capire un dialogo tra due persone che si danno appuntamento in un luogo preciso
Extra Book • Festivals C Shrove Tuesday and Easter
Writing Scrivere un sms
• Compito di realtà Creare una guida turistica della città
Spoken Interaction Lasciare un messaggio vocale sul telefono
Listening for INVALSI VIDEO What’s that app? Speaking Descrivere le app
p. 95
Reading Capire un brano sul weekend di un ragazzo e della sua famiglia
Competences • Writing Parlare di eventi in sequenza
Listening Capire un ragazzo che parla del tempo libero
Extra Book • Life Skills Somiglianze e differenze
Writing Descrivere il proprio weekend ideale
• Song ‘Just the Way You Are’
Speaking – Oral Presentation Descrivere il proprio weekend ideale VIDEO We’ve got our team! Speaking Scegliere i componenti di una squadra
Reading Capire un articolo sulla campionessa olimpica inglese Jade Jones
Competences • Speaking Fare una presentazione orale
Listening Extra Book Capire la descrizione dell’allenamento di un atleta • Life Skills Adottare uno stile di vita sano Writing Descrivere il proprio sportivo preferito Speaking – Oral Presentation Presentare un campione sportivo
Listening for INVALSI
p. 121
Map of the United Kingdom
p. 160
pp. 161-231
Grammar Bank
pp. 232-237
Extra Book
p. 240 seven
QUIZ: Welcome to the world of English! 1 Pairwork Cosa sapete dell’inglese e dei paesi in cui è la lingua ufficiale? Fate il quiz a coppie e scopritelo.
1 In quale paese non si parla inglese?
A □ Australia B □ Regno Unito (UK) C □ Islanda
4 Quale di questi personaggi non era inglese?
2 La capitale del Regno Unito è A □ Los Angeles. B □ Londra. C □ New York.
Goodbye significa A □ ‘buongiorno’. B □ ‘benvenuto’. C □ ‘arrivederci’.
A □ Cristoforo Colombo.
B □ Robin Hood.
C □ William Shakespeare.
George, Charlotte e Louis sono A □ gli eredi al trono d’Inghilterra. B □ i protagonisti di Harry Potter. C □ i figli del Presidente degli Stati Uniti.
Listen and write
6 Se l’insegnante ti dice Listen and write devi A □ aprire la porta. B □ leggere il tuo libro. C □ ascoltare e scrivere.
7 La moneta britannica è A □ l’euro. B □ la sterlina. C □ il dollaro.
8 Rispondi alla domanda:
How old are you?
A □ I’m 11 years old.
B □ My name’s Luca.
C □ Fine, thanks.
10 Buckingham Palace è A □ la ruota panoramica di Londra. B □ la casa della regina. C □ la metropolitana di Londra.
9 Kangaroo, boomerang e kiwi sono parole che vengono da A □ Stati Uniti e Australia. B □ Regno Unito e Nuova Zelanda. C □ Australia e Nuova Zelanda.
Check your score
Pretty good!
Da 5 a 7 risposte esatte Bravi! È un ottimo punto di partenza ma c’è ancora tanto da scoprire. Do your best!
Meno di 5 risposte esatte Scoprirete tante cose sull’inglese e il suo mondo già dalle prime pagine del corso. Have fun!
6 C – Per aprire la porta l’insegnante ti dirà Open the door, per leggere il tuo libro ti dirà Read your book. 7 B – L’euro è la moneta dell’Unione Europea, il dollaro degli Stati Uniti d’America. 8 A – Le altre due domande sono What’s your name? e How are you? 9 C – Il canguro e il boomerang sono australiani mentre il kiwi è sia un animale sia il frutto nazionale della Nuova Zelanda. 10 B – La ruota panoramica si chiama London Eye. La metropolitana di Londra è chiamata The Tube (“il tubo”).
Da 8 a 10 risposte esatte Complimenti! Siete già dei piccoli esperti. Well done!
1 C – Non si parla inglese in Islanda. Si parla islandese. 2 B – Los Angeles e New York sono città degli Stati Uniti. 3 C – “Buongiorno” in inglese si dice Good Morning, “benvenuto” si dice Welcome. 4 A – Cristoforo Colombo era italiano. Robin Hood è un eroe popolare britannico che, secondo la leggenda, viveva nella foresta di Sherwood. William Shakespeare è stato il più grande poeta e drammaturgo del Regno Unito. 5A
Starter Unit
Welcome! Quando fai lo spelling e ci sono le doppie, dici ‘double’. Molly: M, O, double L, Y.
The alphabet 1 1.01 Osserva l’alfabeto inglese e scrivi le
lettere mancanti. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
_____ _____
Ascolta e ripeti il dialogo.
Rachel Hi! What’s your name? Lorenzo My name’s Lorenzo. Rachel How do you spell that? Lorenzo L-O-R-E-N-Z-O.
Quali lettere hanno lo stesso suono? Scrivile nel gruppo corrispondente. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1.02
, J, K
, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
, ___, ___, ___, ___
, ___
4 5 6
, ___, ___
5 Pairwork A coppie, ripetete il dialogo dell’esercizio 4 usando i vostri nomi.
Ascolta lo spelling e completa i nomi dei protagonisti del tuo corso. 1.03
1 2 3 4
JAKE L __ __ __ __ M __ __ __ __ Z __ __
6 Game Scrivi i nomi di tre compagni e coprili con la mano. Fai lo spelling al tuo compagno/alla tua compagna. Vince chi scrive lo spelling corretto.
1 ____________________________________ 2 ____________________________________ 3 ____________________________________
S Greetings and goodbyes 1 1.05 Completa le vignette con i saluti. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripetili con un compagno. Good morning • Bye • Hello _________, Ross! Hi, Felix.
_______________, Mrs Simpson.
_________, girls!
Goodbye, Mr Jones. 3
2 Abbina le parti della giornata in inglese alla loro traduzione in italiano. 1 2 3 4
morning afternoon evening night
a b c d
□ notte □ pomeriggio 1 mattina □ □ sera
3 Completa la tabella con i saluti.
Diciamo in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening e at night.
Good morning • Hello! • Good evening • Goodnight • Bye! • See you soon! Greetings
1 Hello!
4 __________________________
2 __________________________
Good afternoon
5 __________________________
3 __________________________
6 __________________________
Real Simple, p. 122
Starter Unit
Numbers 1 1.06 Ascolta e ripeti i numeri cardinali. 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty
1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten
2 Abbina i numeri alla parola corrispondente. Aiutati con i colori. 22 25 30 36 40 50 60 70 80 90 99 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a b c d e f g h i j k l
□ thirty-six □ ninety □ fifty □ thirty □ one hundred □ eighty □ twenty-five □ ninety-nine □ seventy □ forty □ sixty 1 twenty-two □
3 Scrivi il numero: 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 12
degli studenti della tua classe _____________________________________ delle pagine della Starter Unit _____________________________________ delle matite nel tuo astuccio _____________________________________ delle finestre della tua aula _____________________________________ dei banchi della tua aula _____________________________________ dell’età del tuo compagno di banco _____________________________________ 1.07
t welve
numeri ordinali. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1st ➜ the first 21st ➜ the twenty-first 2nd ➜ the second 22nd ➜ the twenty-second 3rd ➜ the third 23rd ➜ the twenty-third 4th ➜ the fourth 24th ➜ the twenty-fourth
5 Completa la tabella con i numeri ordinali dell’esercizio 4.
1st _______________ 2nd ______________ 3rd _______________ 4th _______________ 5th the fifth 6th the sixth 7th the seventh 8th the eighth 9th the ninth 10th the tenth 11th the eleventh 12th the twelfth 13th the thirteenth 14th the fourteenth 15th the fifteenth 16th the sixteenth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
17th the seventeenth 18th the eighteenth 19th the nineteenth 20th the twentieth 21st _______________ 22nd _______________ 23rd _______________ 24th _______________ 25th the twenty-fifth 26th the twenty-sixth 27th the twenty-seventh 28th the twenty-eighth 29th the twenty-ninth 30th the thirtieth 31st the thirty-first
Ascolta e sottolinea il numero che senti.
6 / 6th 9 / 19th 12 / 12th 15 / 15th 21 / 21st 23 / 23rd 30 / 30th 31st / 21st
the sixth _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
7 Ora scrivi il numero che hai sottolineato negli spazi.
It’s about time!
Ascolta e ripeti come si pronunciano i Real Simple, p. 122
Dictionary & Maps, p. 4
S 1
Ascolta, leggi e ripeti l’ora.
It’s four o’clock. Osserva gli orologi, ascolta e completa gli orari. It’s five past four.
It’s five to five.
It’s ten past four.
It’s ten to five.
It’s a quarter past four.
It’s a quarter to five.
It’s twenty past four.
It’s twenty to five.
It’s twenty-five past four.
It’s twenty-five to five.
It’s half past four.
Days of the week
10:00 1 It’s ten ___________.
2 It’s half ___________ six.
4 It’s ___________ past seven. 1.11
3 It’s ___________ to one.
07 15 3
12 45
5 It’s ___________ past three.
6 It’s _________ to twelve.
Song Ascolta la canzone e completa il testo. Monday (x2) • Friday (x3) • Sunday • Wednesday (x2) • Saturday • Thursday (x2) • Tuesday (x2)
Friday, I’m in Love
y a d n Mo
y a d s Thur
I don’t care if Monday’s blue, 1 _____________’s grey and 2_____________ too, 3 __________ I don’t care about you, It’s 4_____________ I’m in love. 5 _____________ you can fall apart, 6 _____________, 7_____________ break my heart, 8 _____________ doesn’t even start, It’s 9_____________ I’m in love. 10 _____________ - wait! And 11_____________ always comes too late, But 12_____________ never hesitate...
y a y d a s r d i u Fr Th sday y a e d r n Satu Wed Months and seasons
Real Simple, p. 122
thir teen
Starter Unit 1
Riordina i mesi dal primo all’ultimo dell’anno. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1.12
La data in inglese si scrive: 2nd October 2019 ma si legge: the second of October twenty nineteen.
□ June □ September □ December □ February □ January 1 May □ □ October
□ August □ March □ April □ November □ July
2 Scrivi per esteso il
giorno del tuo compleanno. My birthday is on _________________________________________________________________________
3 Abbina. winter • summer • autumn • spring
1 _________________
2 _________________
3 _________________
Colours 1 1.13 Song Ascolta e completa la canzone con le parole nel riquadro. grey • white • black • blue (x2) • orange • yellow • red • purple • pink • green
SING A RAINBOW R__d and ye__lo__ and pi__ __ and gr__ __n, O__a__ge and pu__p__e and bl__ __. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too. 14
four teen
In the sky at night, Bl__c__ and gr__y and w__ite, Stars and sky are beautiful too. But I love the rainbow, Love the rainbow, In the sky so bl__ __. Real Simple, p. 123
Dictionary & Maps, p. 3
S Animals
Wild animals
Farm animals
Scrivi il nome degli animali della fattoria. Poi ascolta e controlla. 1.14
Abbina le immagini (A-J) ai nomi degli animali (1-10). Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti. 1.15
1 2 3 4 5
dog • cow • horse • rabbit • chicken • sheep goat • goose • pig • turkey
H elephant □ □ lion □ snake □ giraffe □ tiger
6 □ crocodile 7 □ parrots 8 □ dolphins 9 □ monkey 10 □ zebras
1 dog
2 _________________
3 _________________
4 _________________
5 _________________
6 _________________
7 _________________
8 _________________
9 _________________ Dictionary & Maps, pp. 6-7, 45
10 _________________ Real Simple, p. 123
J f if teen
Starter Unit
My favourite things 1 1.16 Osserva le immagini (A-H) e abbinale ai nomi degli oggetti (1-8). Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
G a backpack 1 □ 5 □ a bus pass
2 □ a wallet 6 □ a brush
3 □ keys 7 □ a mobile phone
4 □ a memory stick 8 □ headphones
2 Leggi le descrizioni e scrivi i nomi degli oggetti prendendoli dall’esercizio 1. 1 They’re blue. They’re for my mobile phone. 2 It’s orange and blue. 3 It’s yellow and white. It’s for my computer.
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Classroom objects 1 1.17 Trova questi oggetti nel disegno. Poi ascolta e controlla. A door 1 □ 2 □ map 3 □ chair
4 □ cupboard 5 □ desk 6 □ IWB (Interactive Whiteboard)
7 □ bin 8 □ window 9 □ computer
six teen
Dictionary & Maps, pp. 5
S Classroom language 1 1.18 Scrivi le istruzioni sotto le immagini. Poi ascolta e controlla. Stand up. • Write. • Sit down. • Listen. • Close the door. • Close your book. Underline. • Open the window. • Look at the board. • Read. • Go to the board. • Open your book.
1 Stand up.
2 _________________
3 _________________
4 _________________
5 _________________
6 _________________
7 _________________
8 _________________
9 _________________
10 _________________
11 _________________
12 _________________
2 Abbina le domande inglesi alla loro traduzione italiana. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Can you repeat, please? Can I go to the toilet, please? How do you spell that? Can you help me, please? Excuse me, I don’t understand. What does ‘cupboard’ mean?
Real Simple, p. 123
a b c d e f
□ Come si scrive? □ Mi puoi / può aiutare, per favore? □ Cosa significa cupboard? □ Posso andare al bagno, per favore? □ 1 Puoi / Può ripetere, per favore? □ Scusa / Mi scusi, non capisco. seventeen
A New School
Vocabulary & Video Focus on words: School equipment 1 Trova gli oggetti nell’immagine e scrivi la lettera corrispondente accanto al nome.
□ exercise book A book □
Focus on VIDEO :At the stationer’s 4 Guarda il video senza audio e scrivi che cosa comprano gli studenti.
□ dictionary
□ calculator □ maths / geometry set
□ pencil sharpener
□ pencil
□ pen
Jake Molly Leila
□ ruler
□ rubber
6 2
Ascolta, controlla e ripeti gli oggetti della classe. 1.19
3 Game A coppie, guardatevi intorno, trovate un oggetto per ogni colore e scrivetene il nome. Avete due minuti di tempo! red 1 blue 2 pink 3 black 4 yellow 5 green 6 grey 7 white 8 orange 9 brown
a pencil case _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Dictionary & Maps, p. 2, 44
Real Simple, p. 124
School equipment
Guarda di nuovo il video e controlla. Ascolta di nuovo alcune frasi del video e completale. 1.20
1 Okay, so that’s a _______, four blue _______, two _______ _______ and a French ______________. 2 Okay, so that’s a geometry _______, a French dictionary and a _______ _______.
Talk about it 7 Pairwork Indovinate che cosa c’è nello zaino del vostro compagno. Poi apritelo e controllate! A ruler?
A rubber? No! imparare ad imparare
New friends
Focus on words: Countries and nationalities 1 Pairwork Scrivete le nazioni all’interno del continente di appartenenza. Germany • Senegal • Spain • Greece • Chile • Korea • New Zealand • Argentina • Canada • Japan Tunisia • India • Ecuador • Australia • Morocco • the USA Europe Germany S____________ G____________
Asia K____________ J____________ I____________
North America C______________ t_____ U______
Africa S____________ T____________ M____________ Oceania N____ Z_______ A____________
South America C____________ A____________ E____________
Focus on Texts 2 1.21 Leggi e ascolta le informazioni dei fumetti 1-4. Hi! I’m Cezar and he’s Ivan. We’re from Constanta in Romania. We’re Romanian. Hello. I’m Harry Kerr. I’m British. I’m from Manchester in Great Britain. 1
3 Hi! I’m Malika. I’m from Casablanca in Morocco. I’m Moroccan.
Hi! I’m Emerico and he’s Alonso. We’re from São Paulo in Brazil. We’re Brazilian.
3 Leggi nuovamente i fumetti e completa la tabella con le informazioni sui ragazzi. Name City Harry Manchester 2 3 ______________________ ______________________ Cezar and 4______________ Constanta Alonso and 6_____________ 7______________________ 20
t went y
Country ______________________ Morocco 5 ______________________ 8 ______________________ 1
Real Simple, p. 124
Dictionary & Maps, p. 3, 43
1 Trova 8 nazionalità e 6 paesi nella word cloud e completa la tabella. Poi ascolta e controlla.
be – affirmative form
What’s it for? Si usa il verbo be (= essere) per descrivere una persona o una cosa. Show me. I’m British. / I’m eleven years old. She’s American. We’re Romanian.
3 France 4
Sottolinea altri esempi del verbo be negli esercizi 2 e 5.
6 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 Great Britain 6
7 the USA 8
9 Romania 10
11 Italy
7 Leggi la presentazione di León e, quando possibile, completa le frasi con la forma affermativa contratta del verbo be.
12 Morocco 13
Hi, I am / are Danny from Glasgow. Harry is from Montreal. He is / are Canadian. My friend Sally is / are in class 7B. You are / am in my English class! We am / are Spanish. Crocodiles is / are green, not blue. Ecuador are / is in South America.
14 Brazil Subject pronouns
About me
What are they for? I pronomi personali soggetto si usano davanti al verbo e vanno sempre espressi. Show me. I’m from Casablanca in Morocco. / He’s Ivan. We’re from Constanta in Romania.
Hi, I’m León. I’m Spanish. I 1_____ from Madrid in Spain. I 2_____ eleven years old. My lucky number 3 _____ 8. My favourite colour 4_____ orange. My favourite animals 5_____ elephants and zebras.
5 Completa le frasi con i pronomi personali soggetto, i paesi e le nazionalità.
Sadie. She‘s from the USA. She‘s American. 1 Pierre. ____ ‘s from __________. _____ ‘s French. 2 Feng and Jian. _____ ‘re from China. _____ ‘re __________. 3 Irene. _____ ‘s from __________. _____ ‘s Greek. 4 I’m ___________. _____’m from ________. _____’m _____________. Real Simple, p. 125
Write about it 8 Scrivi una presentazione su di te. Usa il post
competenze sociali e civiche; spirito di iniziativa
dell’esercizio 7 come modello. Puoi incollare una tua foto per completare il post.
t went y-one
Dialogue Work
A new timetable
Focus on words: School subjects 1 1.23 Osserva le immagini e scrivi i nomi delle materie. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti. Maths • English • Geography • History • Science • Art • Music • French • Information Technology Physical Education • Design and Technology • Religious Education
1 ___________
2 ___________
3 ___________ 4 ___________
5 ___________
6 ___________ 7 ___________
8 ___________
9 ___________ 10 ___________
11 ___________
Focus on dialogues 2 1.24 Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. Che ore sono? Jake Hi Leila, I’m extremely late! Is it History now? Leila No, it isn’t. It’s the Geography lesson. Jake Geography? Aargh! When is the History lesson then? I’m lost! Leila History is on Tuesdays and Fridays, Jake! Calm down! Later with Molly, in the school hall Leila Molly Leila Molly Leila Molly
Are the other students in the classroom, Molly? No, they aren’t. What time is it? It’s two o’clock. They’re late, as usual. No, Leila! We’re early! We’re always early! New Words
Ascolta e leggi di nuovo il dialogo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1.24
The friends are at school. 1 Jake is nervous. 2 The History lessons are on Thursdays and Fridays. 3 Leila and Molly are in the classroom at one o’clock. 4 The other students are late. 5 Leila and Molly are early for the lessons. 6 They are always late for school. 22
t went y-t wo
T F ✓ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
late ___________ I’m lost! Mi sono perso! Calm down! Calmati! as usual come al solito early in anticipo always ___________ Cerca le parole mancanti nel Mini Dictionary e scrivi la traduzione. Real Simple, p. 126
1 be – negative and interrogative forms
Focus on functions
Negative It isn’t History now. They aren’t in the classroom.
Chiedere e dire l’ora
Interrogative Is it History now? No, it isn’t. Are they in the classroom? No, they aren’t.
4 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. The exercise book ‘m not / isn’t in my backpack. Sarah and Matt isn’t / aren’t in my class. I ‘m not / isn’t from China, I’m from Vietnam. The boys isn’t / aren’t American, they’re from Australia. 4 You isn’t / aren’t eleven, you’re twelve. 5 Marco ‘m not / isn’t from Rome, he’s from Bari. 6 We aren’t / isn’t always late. 1 2 3
5 Completa i dialoghi con la forma interrogativa del verbo be.
1 Mike Hi, Amy. Are you in my Maths class? Amy No, I’m not. My Maths lessons are on Tuesdays and Fridays. Mike 1_____ your teacher Miss Brandon? Amy Yes, she is. 2 Katie 2_____ Grace and Jane in class 1R2? Dan Yes, they are. Katie 3_____ you in class 1R2 too, Dan? Dan Yes, I am.
6 Rispondi alle domande in modo personale. Usa le risposte brevi. 1 2 3 4
Are you from Italy? ______________________________________ Are you 12 years old? ______________________________________ Is P.E. (Physical Education) on Friday? ______________________________________ Is your backpack blue? ______________________________________
Real Simple, p. 126
Questions Answers What time is it? It’s two o’clock. When is the History lesson? It’s at ten past eleven. When is your tennis lesson? It’s at half past three on Saturday.
7 Pairwork Scrivete tre orari sul quaderno. Poi fatevi domande e rispondete. What time is it? It’s a quarter to eleven.
8 Osserva l’orario scolastico di Leila e rispondi alle domande. 1 2 3 4
What time is Maths on Monday? It’s at ten to nine. When is the Science lesson? What time is History on Tuesday? When is English? What time is Music on Tuesday?
Name: Leila Morris Class: 7B2 Monday
Talk about it 9 Pairwork Prendete il vostro orario scolastico. Fate domande sugli orari delle materie.
When is Italian? It’s on Monday at 10 and on Wednesday at 9.
imparare ad imparare; competenza logico-matematica
t went y-three
Grammar Workshop I pronomi personali soggetto Subject pronouns I you he / she / it we you they
io tu lui / lei / esso, essa noi voi loro / essi, esse
VIDEO VIDEO MAP Ricorda che: I si scrive sempre con la maiuscola. You corrisponde a tu, voi e al formale Lei. He si usa per le persone di sesso maschile. She si usa per le persone di sesso femminile. It si usa per le cose e gli animali. We corrisponde alla prima persona plurale noi. They si riferisce a persone, cose, animali sia maschili che femminili. Grammar Bank, p. 232
Abbina. 1 2 3 4 5 6
she you it they he we
a □ mum and dad b □ Matt 1 Susan c □ d □ mobile phone e □ my friend and I f □ Zac and you
Il verbo be Forma affermativa Estesa I am you are he / she / it is we / you / they are Forma interrogativa Am Are Is Are
Sostituisci le parole evidenziate con il pronome personale soggetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Molly and Leila are from London. Zac is a British student. You and Marco are Italian. Molly and I are in the classroom. Geography is on Monday. Giulia is my friend. The headphones are for my mobile.
they _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Contratta I’m you’re he / she / it’s we / you / they’re I? you? he / she / it? we / you / they?
Forma negativa Estesa I am not you are not he / she / it is not we / you / they are not Risposte brevi Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we / you / they are.
Contratta I’m not you aren’t he / she / it isn’t we / you / they aren’t No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we / you / they aren’t. Grammar Bank, p. 232
Sottolinea la forma estesa corretta del verbo be. He is / am my friend Luca. 1 I am / are happy. 2 We is / are students. 3 It is / am a pencil case.
t went y-four
4 You are / is from France. 5 They is / are English. 6 She are / is in the classroom. Real Simple, p. 127
1 4
Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa contratta del verbo be. She’s from Brazil. 1 My name_____ Robert. 2 I_____ from Britain. 3 We_____ in class 1B. 4 They_____ from South Africa. 5 It_____ two o’clock.
Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. What time are / is it? 1 Melissa aren’t / isn’t 12 yet. 2 Are / Am Harry and you in the same class? 3 Is / Are Copenhagen in France? 4 When are / is Physical Education? 5 Maths and Music isn’t / aren’t on Tuesday morning. 6 Hannah is English, she aren’t / isn’t from Greece.
Grammar Bank, p. 232
Completa le frasi con la forma interrogativa e le risposte brevi del verbo be. ‘Is Charlie from New York?’ ‘Yes, he is.’ 1 ‘_____ Mae and Ben at home?’ ‘Yes, ________.’ 2 ‘_____ I late?’ ‘No, ________.’ 3 ‘_____ this music in your phone?’ ‘Yes, ______.’ 4 ‘_____ this your ID card?’ ‘No, ________.’ 5 ‘_____ dolphins mammals?’ ‘Yes, ________.’ 6 ‘_____ you and your friends at school on Saturdays?’ ‘No, ________.’
Real Simple, p. 127
Workbook, pp. 170-172
Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa le frasi con la forma negativa contratta del verbo be. Poi ascolta e controlla. We are early, we aren’t late. I’ _________ Spanish, I’m Italian. Joanna _________ my sister. She’s my mum. You _________ from China. Marina _________ at home. She’s at school. Amy and Mike _________ in my class. We’re 12 years old. We _________ 10.
Who is he? ➝ Chi è lui? Which is your pen? ➝ Qual è la tua penna? What is it? ➝ Che cos’è? Where are you from? ➝ Di dove sei? When is the break? ➝ Quand’è la ricreazione? Why are you here? ➝ Perché sei qui? How are you? ➝ Come stai? How old are you? ➝ Quanti anni hai?
1 2 3 4 5 6
Le parole interrogative
History / book / my / is / Where / ? Where is my History book? brother’s name / is / your / What / ? birthday / Linda’s / When / is / ? favourite / your / colour / is / Which / ? best friend / is / How old / your / ? is / in your class / the new boy / Who / ? the cat / on the sofa / Why / is / ?
Leggi le risposte e completa le domande con la parola interrogativa corretta. ‘Who is she?’ ‘My teacher.’ 1 ‘_________’s your name?’ ‘Francesca.’ 2 ‘_________ are you from?’ ‘Rome.’ 3 ‘_________ is your birthday?’ ‘In August.’ 4 ‘_________ is your favourite subject, Maths or Science?’ ‘It’s Science.’ 5 ‘_________ is your favourite singer?’ ‘Adele.’ 6 ‘_________ is your mobile awesome?’ ‘Because it’s a smartphone.’ 7 ‘_________ old are you?’ ‘I’m twelve years old.’ 8 ‘_________ are you?’ ‘I’m fine, thanks.’ t went y-f ive
Grammar Workshop Gli aggettivi possessivi
Possessive adjectives my il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie your il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue his il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lui) her il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lei) its il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (riferito a un oggetto o animale) our il nostro, la nostra, i nostri, le nostre your il vostro, la vostra, i vostri, le vostre their il loro, la loro, i loro, le loro
Grammar round-up 13 Completa con le parole nel riquadro. How • am • I • my • you • Who • from • old She • you • We • are • is Julie Steph
Julie Steph Julie
Ricorda che: • in inglese i possessivi concordano sempre con il possessore, non con la cosa posseduta: Molly and her backpack = Molly e il suo zaino Zac and his mother = Zac e sua madre
Rose Steph Julie
Grammar Bank, p. 232
Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6
They’re from the USA. Their / Our family is American. I’m Claire and her / my friend is Janine. Paul and Samantha are in their / his class. We are French: France is your / our country. George and her / his family are in Morocco. Dear friends, welcome to my / their blog. Hi Philip, where is your / his backpack?
Is this your backpack, Tom? (you) _____ favourite school subject is Maths. (I) _____ best friend is Freddie in class 1T2. (he) Is _____ teacher Miss Smith this year? (we) _____ pencil case is blue. (she) _____ memory sticks are different. (they)
Pronunciation: Intonation in questions 15 1.26 Ascolta le seguenti domande: l’intonazione sale o scende? 1 2 3 4 5
Translation Traduci in italiano. 1 2 3 4
Luis and Bella are from the USA. My backpack isn’t blue and white. Are your pens on the desk? Where is Laura? Is she in class 2A?
t went y-six
K Completa il post di Charlie su Justin Timberlake. Usa una sola parola. Who is my favourite pop star? Justin Timberlake! He’s 1_______ the USA, so he 2_________ American. 3________ ’s his full name? It’s Justin Randall Timberlake. My favourite song is ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling!’ from the film Trolls, 4_________ ’s fantastic! 5________ is 6_______ birthday? On 31st January, just like me!
Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi possessivi. 1 2 3 4 5
Steph Rose
Hi, I am Julie and 1________ am from France. Hi Julie, 2________ name’s Steph and I’m 3 ________ Germany. So, 4________ you French? Yes, I am. 5_______ old are you, Steph? I’m fourteen years 6_______, and you? I’m thirteen. This is my friend Rose. 7 ________ is from France, too. Hi Steph, nice to meet 8_________. Nice to meet you too. Are 9_______ in the same class? 10 ________ are in year 3 but not in the same class. I’m in 3B and she 11_______ in 3A. 12________ is your favourite teacher? Mr Severn. He’s so cool!
What’s your name? How old are you? When’s your birthday? Who’s your Science teacher? Where are you from? 1.26
Riascolta e ripeti. Pronunciation Workshop, p. 156 Real Simple, p. 127
Welcome to my vlog!
Video Workshop
Episode 1 • Place: Leila’s home • Situation: Leila’s introduces herself and her favourite things
Focus on VIDEO 1 Guarda e ascolta Leila fare lo spelling del suo nome completo. Scrivi il suo cognome. Name: Leila Surname: __ __ __ __ __ __
Guarda di nuovo e completa il factfile su Leila.
Leila’s favourites Favourite colour: Favourite singer: Favourite animal: Best friend: Lucky number:
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
competenza digitale; spirito di iniziativa
Ora ascolta un estratto del video e completalo con le parole mancanti. 1.27
My name’s Leila Morris, I’m 13 years 1________ and I’m 2________ London, the capital of the United Kingdom. I’m British-Moroccan because my dad is 3 ________, but my mum is 4________. She’s from Casablanca, in Morocco. What else… my favourite 5 ________ is blue, my favourite animal is the tiger – tigers 6________ so strong! My favourite singer is… Ed Sheeran! And my best 7________ is Molly, sweet Molly! Oh, and six is my lucky 8________!
Speaking 4 ES T Task – Saying something about
yourself Usa il testo di Leila come modello e prepara una breve presentazione su di te da condividere con i compagni.
• My name’s… • I’m… years old. • My favourite… Focus on digital • Registra la tua presentazione come ha fatto Leila e mostrala ai compagni. Quale è venuta meglio? t went y-seven
Life & Language Skills Before you read 1 Pairwork Leggete velocemente i brani e trovate: 1 2 3 4
Reading competences
il nome di una città: ________________ due materie scolastiche: ______________ and ______________ il nome di due nazioni: ______________ and ______________ tre colori: _____________, _____________ and _____________
Reading 2 Leggi il testo e completa la tabella.
Cercare informazioni specifiche • Non cercare di capire ogni parola del testo, non è necessario per svolgere il compito. • Scorri il testo e sottolinea tutte le parole che ti sembrano pertinenti alla domanda. • Rileggi le parole e assicurati che rispondano tutte alla domanda posta.
What’s important in your life? Send your photos to Blogspace Favourites!
Hi, I’m Jake. I’m thirteen years old. I’m crazy about music and it’s my favourite school subject. What’s my favourite thing? It’s my blue smartphone! Why? Because all of my music, photos and videos are on it. It’s my life! My favourite colour is red, like the sun in the evening. And you, what’s your favourite thing?
Hi, I’m Molly. Who’s this? She’s my best friend, Leila. We’re from London. We ♥ fashion! Our favourite school subject is Art. My favourite colour is green, but Leila’s favourite color is pink. What’s my favourite thing? It’s my blue backpack – it’s awesome! Why? Because it’s from America! Leila’s favourite thing is her pink wallet. It’s from France.
Jake ♥ Favourite thing Favourite colour
New Words fashion awesome crazy about life
_____________ bellissimo pazzo per _____________
3 Correggi le frasi. 1 2 3 28
Molly and Leila are from America. Molly and Leila are from London. Molly and Leila’s favourite subject is Music. 4 Jake is twelve years old. Molly’s favourite colour is blue. 5 His smartphone is green. Leila’s wallet is American. 6 His favourite subject is Photography.
t went y-eight
imparare ad imparare
1 Listening 4 1.28 INV Robbie è appassionato di libri e si iscrive al Book Club della sua scuola. Ascolta l’intervista e sottolinea le informazioni esatte.
1 Name rdon A Robert ‘Robbie’ Go bertson B Gordon ‘Robbie’ Ro 5 Favourite author A J.K. Rowling B Jeff Kinney C Roald Dahl
2 Age A 12 years old B 13 years old C 14 years old
3 Nationality A British B Irish C American
t 4 Favourite subjec A English B Music C History
things in life 6 Important ends A books, music and fri animals B books, friends and d music C books, animals an
Writing 5 Che cosa conta nella tua vita? Completa il post usando l’esercizio 2 come modello.
What’s important in your life? Hi, I’m 1_____________ from 2_____________ in 3_____________. I ♥ 4_____________ and my favourite school subject is 5_____________. What’s my favourite thing? It’s my 6_____________ (colour) 7_____________ (thing). Why is it my favourite? Because 8_____________.
Spoken Interaction 6 Pairwork Vi piacerebbe iscrivervi a un club della vostra scuola? A turno, scegliete dall’elenco e intervistatevi. Aiutatevi con i suggerimenti dati.
Book Club • Music Club • History Club • Sports Club
• Favourite author • Favourite singer / band • Favourite historic age • Favourite sports person What’s your name? My name’s Silvia. How old are you? I’m 12 years old. Who’s your favourite...?
t went y-nine
Friends & Family
Ben 30
thir t y
Vocabulary & Video Focus on words: Physical
appearance (1) 1 1.29 Osserva le foto e completa le descrizioni dei ragazzi. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
Focus on VIDEO :This is me 5 Guarda il video senza audio e completa le descrizioni.
blue • green • black • brown • blonde • red • blond Molly long, blonde hair 1 Zac _____________ eyes 2 Leila medium-length, _____________ hair 3 Jake short, _____________ hair 4 Ben _____________ eyes 5 Sophie _____________ eyes and _____________ hair
Ascolta le descrizioni dei capelli e ripeti.
1 straight hair
2 wavy hair
1 This is Tim. He’s 45. His _____________ is short and black and his eyes are brown. 2 This is Louise. She’s 42. Her hair is long and blonde. Her _____________ are blue. 3 Ellis is 12. His hair is short and _____________ and his eyes are green. 4 Olivia is 9. Her hair is long and _____________ and her eyes are brown.
3 curly hair
6 4 long hair
5 medium-length hair
6 short hair
Talk about it 7 Pairwork Pensate a una persona della classe e
3 Osserva nuovamente le foto della pagina accanto e scrivi i nomi dei ragazzi.
1 2 3
Guarda di nuovo il video e controlla.
His hair is short and wavy. Jake Her hair is medium-length and straight. ________ His hair is not very short. It’s curly. ________ Her hair is medium-length and wavy. ________
descrivetela al vostro compagno. Riuscite a indovinare di chi si tratta? She’s 11. Her hair is long and brown. Her eyes are blue. Giulia?
4 Trova le persone della tua classe con queste
caratteristiche. Poi scrivi i loro nomi. 1 2 3 4
She’s got short hair. ____________________ He’s got long hair. ____________________ He’s got blue eyes. ____________________ She’s got brown eyes. ____________________
Dictionary & Maps, p. 9
Real Simple, p. 128
imparare ad imparare
thir t y-one
He’s got black hair
Focus on words: Physical appearance (2) 1 Abbina le immagini (A-F) alle parole (1-6). B tall 1 □ 4 □ short (height)
2 5
□ plump □ thin
3 6
□ long □ short (hair)
Focus on texts 2 1.31 Leggi e ascolta il testo. Poi scrivi i nomi dei personaggi cinematografici.
Meet the villains Josh Brolin is an American actor. He is not very tall, and he has got short brown hair and a beard. In this photo he is Thanos, the supervillain in the film Avengers: Endgame. In the film, he is very tall and big, he is enormous! He is also very scary and aggressive.Thanos hasn’t got hair.
1 ______________
Josh Brolin
In the same film, American actress Zoe Saldana is Gamora. In real life, she’s got long black hair and brown eyes. She’s quite tall. Her character Gamora’s got long, dark pink hair and her skin is green. She’s very strong and good at martial arts. New Words
Zoe Saldana
2 ______________
3 INV Leggi di nuovo il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C). 1 Josh Brolin has got… A black hair. 2 Thanos is… A a superhero. 3 Zoe Saldana has got… A green skin. 32
thir t y-t wo
B brown hair. B not very tall. B dark hair.
supervillain supercattivo scary spaventoso skin _____________ martial arts _____________ C no hair. C a supervillain. C short hair. Real Simple, p. 128
Dictionary & Maps, p. 9
2 4
Abbina le immagini (A-D) alle parole (1-4). Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti. 1.32
C glasses 1 □ 3 □ braces A
2 4
□ a beard □ freckles
5 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5
My mum has / have got red hair. Has / Have your sisters got blue eyes? Our Geography teacher has / have got a beard. I haven’t / hasn’t got braces this year. Have / Has Rick and Harry got freckles? You haven’t / hasn’t got short hair.
6 Pairwork A turno, rispondete alle domande. 1 2 3 4 5 C
Has your best friend got black hair? No, he hasn’t. He’s got brown hair. What colour eyes has your mum got? Have you got long hair? Has your English teacher got glasses? Who has got freckles in your class? What colour hair have you got?
Talk about it 7 Role play Lo studente A disegna una persona e la colora, poi la descrive allo studente B che deve disegnarla. Confrontate i due disegni. Sono gli stessi? Poi scambiatevi i ruoli.
have / has got What are they for? Si usa have / has got (= avere) per parlare dell’aspetto fisico. Si usa has got per la terza persona singolare (he, she, it), have got per tutte le altre persone. Show me. He’s got short brown hair. Thanos hasn’t got hair ! Sottolinea altri esempi di have / has got nel testo dell’esercizio 2.
Real Simple, p. 129
consapevolezza ed espressione culturale
thir t y-three
Dialogue Work
Nice to meet you
Focus on words: The family 1 1.33 Osserva l’albero genealogico di Jake e completalo. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti. brother • grandmother • father • sister • mother • uncle • cousin (x2) • grandfather • aunt
John _________ Mike _________
Betty _________
Clare _________
Amy sister
Nick _________
Chris ________
Simon _________
Susan _________
Sarah ________
Focus on dialogues 2 1.34 Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. Chi arriva dall’America? Jake What time is it? Mum It’s a quarter past ten. Is the plane here? Dad Er... Yes, it is. Look. Mum Those people are American. Is that Zac? Has he got short, brown hair? Jake Yes, he has! Hey, Zac! Nice to see you. How are you? Zac Hi, Jake. I’m good, thanks. Jake This is my mum, Clare, and this is my dad, Mike. Mum Hello, Zac. Welcome to the UK. Nice to meet you. Zac Thanks, Mrs Robertson. Nice to meet you too.
New Words plane Look. suitcase 34
thir t y-four
_____________ Guarda. valigia
Dad Is this Zac’s bag, Jake? Jake I’m not sure. Have you got two bags, Zac? Zac No, I haven’t. I’ve just got my backpack. Jake Whose is this suitcase then? Dad Has it got a name on it? Jake Yes, it has. ‘Sophie Richards.’ Zac Oh yes, it’s my friend Sophie’s suitcase! Her suitcase is red. Real Simple, p. 130
Dictionary & Maps, p. 8
2 3
INV Leggi e ascolta di nuovo il dialogo. Scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C). 1.34
2 3 4
The time is… A 10.45. B 10.15. C Zac has got… A long, brown hair. B short, brown hair. C long, red hair. Clare is _____________ mum. A Zac’s. B Sophie’s. C Zac has got… A one bag. B two bags. C Sophie’s suitcase is… A red. B black. C
Jake’s. no bags. brown.
Possessive ’s and whose What are they for? Per esprimere il possesso, si aggiunge ’s al nome del possessore. Si usa whose per domandare a chi appartiene qualcosa. Show me. Is this Zac’s bag? Whose is this suitcase? It’s my friend Sophie’s suitcase!
4 Riscrivi le frasi aggiungendo ‘s. 1 2 3 4 5
This / is / Monica / smartphone. This is Monica’s smartphone. She / isn’t / Sophie / sister. Have / you / got / Jake / telephone number / ? They / aren’t / the teacher / glasses. Has / Sam / got / Jake / headphones / ? Is / your brother / backpack / blue / ?
5 Groupwork A gruppi di 4, mettete sul banco
Focus on functions Incontrarsi e presentare altre persone Hey/Hi, Zac! Nice to see you. How are you? Hi, Jake. I’m good, thanks. This is my mum, Clare. Hello, Zac. Nice to meet you. Thanks, Mrs Robertson. Nice to meet you too.
6 ES Completa i dialoghi con le frasi corrette. 1 2
Rob Tom Sandra Olivia
Sandra, this is my brother, Tom. Hi Sandra, ___________________ ____________________________ Hi Sophie, nice to see you. How are you? Sophie _____________________________ 3 Mr Smith Leo, this is your new teacher, Mr Turner. Mr Turner Hello, Leo. Welcome to my History class. Leo _____________________________
Talk about it 7 Role play A gruppi di 3, presentatevi usando il
dialogo come modello, inserendo i vostri nomi nelle parti mancanti. A Hi _______________, nice to see you. How are you? B Hi, _______________. I’m good, thanks. A This is my friend _______________. C Hello, _______________. Nice to meet you. B Hello, _____________. It’s nice to meet you too.
due oggetti ciascuno. Mischiateli, poi fate domande e date risposte. Whose is this ruler?
It’s Marco’s ruler. And whose is this pencil case ?
Real Simple, pp. 130-131
It’s Valentina’s pencil case.
competenze sociali e civiche
thir t y-f ive
Grammar Workshop Il verbo have got
Osserva gli esempi: I’ve got brown eyes. = Ho gli occhi castani. He’s got brown eyes. = Ha gli occhi castani. Forma affermativa Estesa I have got you have got he / she / it has got we / you / they have got
Ricorda che in italiano got non si traduce.
Forma negativa Contratta Estesa Contratta I’ve got I have not got I haven’t got you’ve got you have not got you haven’t got he / she / it’s got he / she / it has not got he / she / it hasn’t got we / you / they’ve got we / you / they have not got we / you / they haven’t got
Forma interrogativa Have I Have you Has he / she / it Have we / you / they
got? got? got? got?
Risposte brevi Yes, you have. Yes, I have. Yes, he / she / it has. Yes, we / you / they have.
No, you haven’t. No, I haven’t. No, he / she / it hasn’t. No, we / you / they haven’t. Grammar Bank, p. 233
Completa le frasi con have got / has got.
I have got short, brown hair. 1 They _____________ black hair. 2 You _____________ cool glasses. 3 My sister _____________ freckles. 4 They _____________ two English friends. 5 We _____________ three suitcases. 6 Peter _____________ two sisters.
Riscrivi le frasi dell’esercizio 1 alla forma contratta.
1 2 3 4 5
Completa le frasi con haven’t got / hasn’t got. We haven’t got long hair. 1 I _____________ braces. 2 He _____________ glasses. 3 She _____________ a blue backpack. 4 They _____________ suitcases. 5 You _____________ brothers or sisters. 6 It _____________ a name on it.
thir t y-six
got / the / James / Has / photos / ? Has James got the photos? Have / braces / got / you / ? I / got / a / History teacher / Have / new / ? grandfather / your / a / got / beard / Has / ? suitcases / their / they / got / Have / ? Has / sister / your / got / hair / long / ? Abbina le domande alle risposte brevi.
1 2 3 4 5
I’ve got short, brown hair.
Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande.
Have I got long hair? Have we got freckles in the family? Has your dad got a beard? Have they got blonde hair? Has your sister got blue eyes?
a □ No, he hasn’t. 1 No, you haven’t. b □ c □ Yes, they have. d □ Yes, we have. e □ Yes, she has.
Ascolta e controlla.
Real Simple, p. 131
2 Il genitivo sassone
Osserva gli esempi: Rob’s suitcase la valigia
Attenzione La s preceduta da apostrofo può essere: • la terza persona del verbo essere (= is): Terry’s from London. = Terry è di Londra. • la terza persona del verbo avere (= has): Terry’s got glasses. = Terry ha gli occhiali. • il genitivo sassone: Terry’s sister is pretty. = La sorella di Terry è carina.
di Rob
the teachers’ room l’aula
degli insegnanti
• In inglese, il nome del possessore precede sempre l’oggetto posseduto. • Per fare una domanda e per sapere a chi appartiene qualcosa usiamo whose. Osserva l’esempio:
‘Whose is this backpack?’ = “Di chi è questo zaino?” ‘It’s Jake’s backpack.’ = “È lo zaino di Jake.” Grammar Bank, p. 234
Correggi le frasi aggiungendo ’s al posto giusto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
This is Catherine tablet. This is Catherine’s tablet. She is Richard sister. That isn’t mum suitcase. Who has got Jim backpack? I haven’t got Joan telephone number. Have you got Patrick headphones? Where’s dad computer? It’s Valentina wallet. Gordon’s got Paula bicycle.
Scrivi se ’s corrisponde a is, has o al genitivo sassone. He’s my cousin Said. 1 Tom’s got a new backpack. 2 Jeremy’s hair is blond. 3 Who’s the girl with a red bag? 4 Georgia’s sisters have got glasses. 5 Where are your brother’s keys? 6 My uncle Tom’s got a big car. 7 A ‘Whose’s the red car in the garage? B ‘It’s uncle David’s car.’ 8 Sandrine’s got a pet rabbit.
Workbook, pp. 178-180
is __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____ , _____ __________
Osserva l’immagine. Fai domande con Whose is e Whose are. Poi rispondi.
the suitcase ‘Whose is the suitcase?’ ‘It’s Tim’s.’ 1 the backpack ___________________________? ____________________________________ 2 the glasses ____________________________? ____________________________________ 3 the smartphone _________________________? ____________________________________ 4 the books _____________________________? ____________________________________ 5 the red jeans ____________________________? ____________________________________ 6 the blue jeans __________________________? ____________________________________ thir t y-seven
Grammar Workshop Il plurale dei nomi La forma plurale si ottiene aggiungendo -s al nome singolare. one book ➝ two books a grey dolphin ➝ three grey dolphins Variazioni ortografiche class + es watch + es fox + es country + ies wolf + ves Plurali irregolari child man, woman person mouse foot fish sheep
classes watches foxes countries wolves children men, women people mice feet fish sheep Grammar Bank, p. 233
Riscrivi queste parole al plurale.
Grammar round-up 13 K Completa con l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
Meet the Foster family! They’re 1_____________. This is Paul. He’s Matt and Amy’s father. He 2 _____________ tall and he 3_____________ got short, brown hair and blue eyes. This is Louise. She’s Matt and Amy’s mother. She’s short and thin. She’s 4 _____________ long, black hair and her eyes are green. Matt and Amy 5_____________ Paul and Louise’s children. Amy is 11. She’s got short, brown hair and her eyes 6_____________ blue. Her brother Matt is 9. He’s got black hair and green eyes. 1 2 3 4 5 6
bus passes Leggi le frasi e sottolinea il nome corretto: singolare o plurale? 1 2 3 4 5
12 1 2 3 4 38
The three person / people in the classroom are teachers. My two pen / pens are in the pencil case. Spain is a European country / countries. The child / children in the photo are my brothers. Emma and Diego are my friend / friends. Your foot / feet are very big! Translation Traduci in italiano. I haven’t got a brother. Is Eric’s skateboard black and yellow? Whose is the blue backpack? My dad’s name’s George.
thir t y-eight
Britain has have have are have
British are is got have are
Italy is has are is is
Leggi il testo e completalo. Kate Here’s a photo of the students in my class. Greg Who’s that boy? Kate His name’s León. He’s Spanish. Greg He 1_____________ very short hair! Kate Yes, he 2_____________! And he 3 _____________ very big glasses too! Greg Is that girl your friend Linda? 4 ____________ she ________ black hair? Kate No, she 5_____________. Greg No? What colour hair 6_____________ she __________? Kate She 7_____________ long, red hair. That’s Linda in the photo with me. We 8 ___________ both __________ freckles!
bus pass • child • pen • woman • kiss • baby • box shelf • person • family • match • policeman
Pronunciation: The sound /h/ 15 1.36 Ascolta la pronuncia del suono /h/ in queste parole.
/h/ hair he his has hotel her
Ascolta di nuovo e ripeti. Pronunciation Workshop, p. 156
Video Workshop
Who’s pretty? A
Episode 2
• Place: at school • Situation: Jake and Leila talk about their favourite celebrities and their physical appearance
Focus on VIDEO 1 Conosci questi personaggi famosi? Abbina le immagini ai loro nomi. Poi guarda il video e controlla le tue risposte.
□ Katy Perry □ Jack Black 2
□ Harry Styles □ Jennifer Lawrence
Guarda di nuovo il video e completa la tabella. Jake
Famous boy Description Famous girl Description
Ascolta la registrazione del video e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1.37
1 Jennifer Lawrence is British. 2 She isn’t tall. 3 Harry Styles has got long hair. 4 Katy Perry is an actress. 5 Jack Black is an actor. 6 He’s tall and good-looking. competenza digitale; spirito di iniziativa
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Ora ascolta un estratto del video e completalo con le parole mancanti. 1.38
Intvw. Who is pretty in your opinion, Leila? Leila Er… probably Katy Perry, the pop star. She’s got black 1_____________ but her 2 _____________ are blue. She’s very 3 _____________. Intvw. And which boy is 4_____________, do you think? Leila He isn’t good-looking really, but I love Jack Black! Intvw. Jack Black the American actor?! Leila He’s 5_____________ and a bit 6 _____________, but he’s got lovely brown eyes and he’s very funny!
Speaking 5 ES Task – Describing someone Descrivi due
personaggi famosi (un uomo e una donna) che reputi attraenti usando gli aggettivi indicati.
• aggettivi per descrivere l’aspetto fisico • aggettivi per descrivere il colore e la lunghezza dei capelli • aggettivi per descrivere il colore degli occhi Focus on digital • Scarica e salva le foto dei tuoi personaggi e mostrale alla classe. thir t y-nine
Life & Language Skills Before you read 1 Leggi velocemente il testo sulla pagina web della famiglia di Sam. Quante persone ne fanno parte?
The Watson Family Album Moments together
New photos in our gallery…
Family diary week of September 22nd Day
2.00 p.m.
Katie’s birthday party!!
Monday Tuesday
1A ll the family in our garden – Mum, Dad, Sam and Katie.
Our new cousin, Rose. She’s just four weeks old. She’s got brown hair like Uncle Peter and brown eyes like her mum, Auntie Susan. She’s adorable.
11.00 a.m. Dad’s dentist appointment 5.00 p.m. Sam’s Maths lesson
Wednesday 4.30 p.m.
Katie’s piano lesson
7.30 p.m.
Mum’s yoga class
9.30 a.m.
Sam’s football match
Friday Saturday
Katie’s birthday wish list
2C hristmas in our house.
✔ new headphones ✔ a backpack for school ✔ black jeans ✔ a cat (please, Mum?)
The cake for Katie’s birthday on Sunday! (Thanks, Mum!)
New Words
3 Mother’s Day presents for our fantastic mum, Kirsten. Love you, Mum!
George, our dog, at Easter!
presents just like cake
_____________ appena come _____________
Reading 2 INV Leggi di nuovo il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 Kirsten is Katie’s sister. 2 Susan is Rose’s mother. 3 Katie has got one brother, George. 4 The cake is for Christmas. 40
for t y
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
T F □ □ 5 Katie’s birthday is on Sunday. 6 Sam has got a judo lesson on Thursday. □ □ 7 Sam’s football match is at 7.30 on Saturday. □ □ 8 Sam’s dad has got an appointment with the dentist. □ □
2 Listening 3 1.39 INV Ascolta il dialogo. Quale di queste immagini corrisponde alla famiglia di Olivia?
Writing Writing competences La punteggiatura
• In inglese, la lettera maiuscola (capital letter) si usa non soltanto all’inizio di una frase, ma anche per i nomi propri, le nazionalità, i giorni della settimana e le materie scolastiche. The cake for Katie’s birthday on Sunday! Sam’s Maths lesson. • Si usa il punto (full stop) quando termina una frase. She’s adorable. • Si usa la virgola (comma) per separare le parole di un elenco. I’ve got a notebook, a pencil case, a calculator and a ruler.
5 Leggi il testo su questa famiglia famosa e
aggiungi la punteggiatura (19 interventi totali). 1 this is the addams family 2 morticia and gomez addams are the father and the mother 3 morticia is tall and thin and she’s got black hair 4 the children are pugsley and wednesday 5 uncle fester is short and plump 6 grandmama is short plump with long grey hair 7 lurch the butler is very tall
K INV Ascolta di nuovo il dialogo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C). 1.39
1 2 3 4
Olivia’s sister is… A tall. B plump. C pretty. Olivia’s mum has got… A blonde hair. B glasses. C brown eyes. Olivia and her brother have got… A brown hair and eyes. B blond hair and blue eyes. C beards. Olivia’s dad has got… A freckles. B glasses. C a beard. imparare ad imparare
Spoken Interaction 6 Pairwork Disegna l’albero genealogico della tua famiglia e descrivilo al tuo compagno. Poi scambiatevi i ruoli. Mariangela is my mother. She’s 48 and she’s very pretty. I’ve got one sister, Luisa.
for t y-one
Progress Check
Grammar 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B, C o D). 1 Elephants _______ big and grey. A is B are C am D aren’t 2 ______ is your birthday? A Where B What C Who
D When
3 Susan is my friend. _______ favourite colour is blue. A His B Her C Their D Our 4 My uncle has got two _______. A children B childs C child D baby 5 My brothers ______ tall and thin. A have got B is C are D isn’t 6 ______ you got a brother in my class? A Has B Have C Is D Are 7 Karen’s ______ long, red hair. A has B got C have
D is
8 My mum and I ______ got blue eyes. A hasn’t B aren’t C haven’t D has 9 Have you got ______ backpack? A Jim’s B Jims’ C Jim D Jims 10 ______ is the red backpack? A Who’s B Who C Whose D Whos
2 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma affermativa (+),
negativa (-) o interrogativa (?). Usa la forma contratta dove possibile. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
They aren’t students. (+) They’re students. She’s 13 years old. (?) Sam is Spanish. (-) Neil and Jordan aren’t at school. (?) You’re from Greece. (-) Giraffes aren’t tall. (+) London’s in the United Kingdom. (?) Geography isn’t at 10. (+) Her birthday is in March. (?)
for t y-t wo
3 Completa con la forma contratta affermativa (✓) o negativa (✗) del verbo have got.
Fiona‘s got three sisters. (✓) 1 I ________ one brother. (✗) 2 They _______ a new skateboard. (✗) 3 We ________ a new Art teacher. (✓) 4 Joshua and Tom ________ new phones. (✗) 5 My dad _________ a new car. (✗) 6 Your sister _________ a new boyfriend. (✓) 7 Mark’s mother ________ a new scooter. (✗) 8 He _________ brown hair. (✓)
Vocabulary 4 Completa la tabella. Country Great Britain 1 __________________ France Spain 4 __________________ Ecuador Russia 7 __________________ 8 __________________
Nationality British Australian 2 __________________ 3 __________________ Chinese 5 __________________ 6 __________________ German American
5 Scrivi le parole nell’insieme corrispondente. beard • ruler • plump • pencil case • glasses • grandfather • sister • Maths • uncle • rubber • Music • aunt • P.E. • dictionary • Art • Geography • long • tall • cousin • exercise book School equipment ruler
Physical appearance
School subjects
Listening for INVALSI 6 Trova dieci nomi di parentela.
Question type: Matching names to pictures
What is it? In questo tipo di esercizio ascolterai la descrizione di un’immagine e dovrai scrivere negli appositi spazi i nomi delle persone descritte. Talvolta potresti anche trovare un’immagine con alcuni oggetti e, in questo caso, ti verrà richiesto di scrivere il nome del proprietario di ciascun oggetto nell’apposito spazio. Tip Osserva bene la foto e cerca degli indizi per indovinare chi sono le persone: è maschio o femmina? Adulto o ragazzo? Con o senza titolo (Ms, Mrs, Mr)?
1 Osserva la foto e scrivi quali sono, secondo te, i legami di parentela fra le persone. daughter 0 _____________ 3 _____________
Functions 7 ES Incontrarsi e presentare altre persone
1 _____________ 2 _____________
Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo tra Rob e Ben.
Rob saluta il suo amico Ben e gli chiede come sta. __________________ __________________ __________________
Rob presenta sua madre a Ben. __________________ __________________
La madre di Rob lo saluta e risponde che le fa piacere conoscerlo. __________________ __________________ __________________
2 Ben risponde al saluto di Rob, gli dice che sta bene e lo ringrazia. __________________ __________________ __________________
4 _____________ 5 _____________
Emma descrive la sua famiglia. Scrivi il rapporto di parentela nello spazio accanto a ciascun membro. 1.40
Emma 0 ________ 1 ________ 5 ________
Ben la saluta e le dice che gli fa piacere conoscerla. __________________ __________________ __________________
4 ________
2 ________ 3 ________
Ascolta di nuovo e verifica le tue risposte. Now you’re ready for the digital check!
for t y-three
At Home
E 44
F for t y-four
Vocabulary & Video Focus on words: Rooms in a house 1 1.41 Abbina le immagini (A-F) ai nomi delle stanze (1-6). Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
F living room 1 □ 2 □ utility room 3 □ kitchen
4 5 6
Focus on VIDEO :The house 3 Leggi le descrizioni delle case dei tre
ragazzi, poi guarda il video senza audio. Di chi è la casa che hai visto?
□ study □ bathroom □ bedroom
1.42 Completa le parole. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
0 ga r ag e
4 win__ __w
1 g__r__en
5 up__ __airs
2 r__ __f
6 downst__ __rs
3 doo__
7 gat__ Larry M y house has got a kitchen, a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a utility room and a studio. There’s also a garage and a lovely garden. Peggy We’ve got a small flat. There’s a kitchen, a small living room, my parents’ bedroom, my bedroom and a small bathroom. Tom Our house is really nice. There’s a big kitchen, a living room, my dad’s studio, two bedrooms and a small garden.
4 4
Guarda di nuovo il video e controlla.
Talk about it 5 Disegna la planimetria della tua casa e scrivi i
nomi delle stanze. Poi descrivila usando i testi dell’esercizio 3 come modello. This is my house. It’s got one kitchen, two bedrooms…
Dictionary & Maps, p. 10, 46
Real Simple, p. 132
consapevolezza ed espressione culturale
for t y-f ive
There is only one room
Focus on texts 1 Leggi velocemente il testo e abbina le immagini.
c i r t n e c c E s e m o H A a lighthouse in England
Is it true? Are all British homes small, identical houses with gardens? Of course not! British people love eccentric things and there are hundreds of unusual homes in Britain. Here are two of our favourites.
1 The Wallis family haven’t got a TV or Wi-Fi. They haven’t got a kitchen or bedrooms in their home. Their house is a yurt, a type of big tent from Mongolia. Inside the yurt there is only one room. This room is the living room, the kitchen, the study and all of the family’s bedrooms! There’s a door but it hasn’t got windows. There isn’t a bathroom but outside in the garden there is a toilet and an open-air hot tub. ‘When I’m in the hot tub at night there are hundreds of stars,’ says Matt Wallis, aged 11, ‘It’s so cool!’
B a yurt in Wales 2 Jane Norton and her parents have got a very unusual home in England: a lighthouse from 1850. It has got three floors. The entrance is on the ground floor. Downstairs, there is a living room, a small kitchen and a dining area. Upstairs, on the first floor, there’s Jane’s parents’ bedroom and a small bathroom. Jane’s room is very small and it’s on the second floor. ‘We’ve got photos of our lighthouse in 1852!’, says Jane, ‘It’s nearly 170 years old!’
1 2 3 4 5 46
INV Leggi e ascolta il testo. Poi scrivi i nomi delle persone.
Their home is from 1850. Their home is a type of tent. They haven’t got a TV or Wi-Fi. They’ve got a small bathroom in their home. She’s got a room on the second floor. He’s got a hot tub in the garden.
for t y-six
the Norton family ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
New Words inside _____________ outside _____________ open-air hot tub vasca all’aria aperta floors _____________ ground floor pianterreno
Real Simple, p. 133
3 3
ES INV Leggi e ascolta di nuovo il testo. Poi rispondi alle domande.
1 2 3 4 5
Which country is the Wallis family’s tent from? It’s from Mongolia. Has it got a kitchen? Where is the toilet? Is Jane’s home old or new? Where is the entrance? What photos has she got in her home?
Ascolta la descrizione della casa di Tim. A quale immagine corrisponde? 1.44
there is / there are What are they for? Usiamo there is / there are per indicare la presenza di persone o cose. Show me. There is only one room. There isn’t a bathroom.
Sottolinea altri esempi di there is / there are nel testo dell’esercizio 1.
4 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5
There is / are four bedrooms in our house. There is / are a garage. There is / are an Australian actor in this film. There is / are five children in our family. There is / are a black dog in the garden. There is / are a shower room but no bathroom.
5 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta di there is / there are.
A Is there a study in your house, Harry? B No, 1_____________. 2_____________ a big living room and 3_____________ a dining room but 4_____________ a study. A Have you got a shower room? B Yes, we have. We’ve got a bathroom and a shower room. 5_____________ six people in our family!
Talk about it 7 T Scrivi un elenco di 6 domande da fare al tuo compagno sulla sua casa.
Is there a kitchen in your house? Have you got a shower room?
8 Pairwork Fate le domande al vostro compagno e prendete nota delle risposte. Poi descrivete la sua casa al resto della classe. Marco’s house has got four bedrooms. There’s a big living room and…
Dictionary & Maps, pp. 10-11, 46
Real Simple, p. 133
imparare ad imparare; spirito di iniziativa
for t y-seven
Dialogue Work
This is the living room
Focus on words: Furniture 1 1.45 Abbina le immagini (A-N) alle parole (1-14). Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti. A sofa 1 □ 2 □ wardrobe 3 □ fridge 4 □ desk
5 6 7 8
□ bookcase □ sink □ cooker □ dishwasher
9 10 11
□ television □ washing machine □ table
12 13 14
□ chairs □ armchair □ bed
Focus on dialogues 2 1.46 Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. A Zac piace la casa di Jake? Jake Welcome to our house, Zac! This is the living room. Zac It’s really comfortable! Is there a television? Jake Yes, of course. It’s on the bookcase… and this is the kitchen-diner. Here’s the cooker, the fridge, and that’s the dishwasher. Zac What’s that? Is there a toilet in there? Jake No, there isn’t. That’s the utility room. Zac Sorry? What’s a ‘utility room’? Jake Er, well, the washing machine is in here… Zac Oh, the laundry room! Jake Yes, that’s right! And this room is your bedroom, Zac. Zac It’s fantastic! I haven’t got my own room at home – my brother Toby and I are in the same room. Jake Bad luck! Here you’ve got a New Words desk, a sofa, a television. And kitchen-diner cucina abitabile these towels are for the… in there lì Zac … bathroom, yes! Where is in here ____________ the bathroom, Jake? I’m own ____________ desperate! Bad luck! Che sfortuna! Jake It’s upstairs. Come on. towels ____________ Zac Thanks! 48
for t y-eight
Dictionary & Maps, pp. 10-11, 46
Real Simple, p. 134
3 3
INV Leggi e ascolta di nuovo il dialogo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1.46
T F There isn’t a television in Jake’s ✓ living room. □ □ 1 The kitchen and living room are in one big room. □ □ 2 The washing machine is in the kitchen. □ □ 3 Zac hasn’t got his own room in the USA. □ □ 4 There’s an armchair in Zac’s room. □ □ 5 The bathroom is upstairs. □ □ this, that, these, those What are they for? Usiamo this (singolare) e these (plurale) per indicare persone o cose vicine. Usiamo that (singolare) e those (plurale) per indicare persone o cose lontane. Show me. That’s the utility room. And these towels are for the… Sottolinea altri esempi di dimostrativi nel dialogo dell’esercizio 2.
4 Completa il dialogo con this / that / these /
Focus on functions Chiedere informazioni Questions Is there a toilet in there? Where is the bathroom?
Answers No, there isn’t. It’s upstairs.
5 Abbina le domande alle risposte. 1 Is there a utility room? 2 Is there a dining room in your house? 3 Where is your bedroom? a b c
□ No, there isn’t. We eat in the kitchen. □ Yes, there is. It’s downstairs. □ It’s next to my parents’ bedroom.
Talk about it 6 T Role play Lo studente A guarda la
planimetria della casa di Jake. Lo studente B guarda la planimetria a pag. 158, fa domande allo studente A e la completa. Confrontate le due planimetrie: sono le stesse?
Student A • Jake’s bedroom / kitchen / living room Yes, there is. It’s number 1.
Is there a utility room?
A Okay Teresa, this is our room. B Great. It’s really comfortable. A 1_____________ is your bed and 2 _____________’s my bed there. B Okay. What’s 3_____________ room in there? A 4_____________’s the shower room. B Oh, have we got our own shower room? Cool! A Yes, we have. 5_____________ are your towels. B Thanks.
4 7
Real Simple, p. 135
competenza logico-matematica
for t y-nine
Grammar Workshop there is / there are
Osserva gli esempi: Forma interrogativa Is there a television?
Forma affermativa
Forma negativa
There is (There’s) a fridge in the kitchen. There are two sofas in this room.
There is not (There isn’t) a shower. There are not (There aren’t) Are there two beds? any towels.
Risposte brevi Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
Quando posso usare queste espressioni? • Usale per chiedere o descrivere che cosa c’è in un luogo. There is significa “c’è”. There are significa “ci sono”. • Usa there is (there’s) se c’è una sola cosa, o per fare un elenco di cose se la prima è singolare. ‘Is there a sofa in this room?’ ‘There’s a sofa, a TV and two small tables.’ “C’è un divano in questa stanza?“ “C’è un divano, una TV e due tavolini.“ Grammar Bank, p. 234
Completa le frasi con there is / there are.
There are three bedrooms in our house. 1 ____________ a bookcase in my room. 2 ____________ a fridge and a cooker in our kitchen. 3 ____________ two bathrooms. 4 ____________ three bikes in the garage. 5 ____________ big windows in the living room. 6 ____________ two towels in the bathroom. 7 ____________ a sofa in my bedroom. 8 ____________ four chairs in the kitchen.
Completa la descrizione di questa strana casa con there isn’t / there aren’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
f if t y
there / bathroom / a / Is / caravan / in the / ? Is there a bathroom in the caravan? Are / bedrooms / two / there / ? there / shower / a / Is / ? a dining room / there / Is / ? Is / in the caravan / there / a / TV / ? there / Are / windows / four / ? problems / there / Are / ? Ora completa le risposte del commesso.
Yes, there is, it’s a very nice bathroom. 1 No, ____________ two bedrooms, but there are two beds. 2 Yes, ____________ a shower and a bath tub. 3 No, ____________, but there’s a kitchen. 4 No, ____________. 5 Yes, ____________ four small windows. 6 No, ____________. It’s a fantastic caravan.
There isn’t a TV. ____________ a kitchen. ____________ two bedrooms. ____________ Wi-Fi. ____________ a bathroom. ____________ big windows. ____________ a door.
Vuoi comprare una roulotte (= caravan). Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande che fai al commesso.
1.47 Ascolta i dialoghi degli esercizi 3 e 4 e controlla.
Real Simple, p. 133
3 I dimostrativi
Is this your room? 1 Is ____________ your desk? 2 Are ____________ your keys? 3 Is ____________ your bathroom? 4 Is ____________ your bed? 5 Whose are ____________ glasses?
this questo, questa This is my desk. The TV is in this room.
(pronome) (aggettivo)
Paul è in camera di Sue. Osserva l’immagine e completa le domande.
these questi, queste These are my books. My dad has got these CDs. that quello, quella, quel That is / That’s a nice room. That bed is nice. those quelli, quelle, quei, quegli Those are my mum’s glasses. My brother’s got those games. Grammar Bank, p. 234
Leggi le frasi e traduci le parole evidenziate. 1 2 3 4 5 6
This is my English book. This house hasn’t got a garden. That’s my bicycle. Those books are from the library. These are our beds. That woman is my mother. These towels aren’t clean!
Questo è __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Completa le frasi con this o these. Is this the teacher’s chair? 1 ________ exercise is difficult. 2 Are ________ pens red? 3 ________ women are my aunts. 4 Is ________ your mobile phone? 5 ________ aren’t my sunglasses. They’re black. 6 There are ___________ books on the desk. They’re Andrew’s school books. 7 A ‘____________ is my sister Loretta.’ B ‘Nice to meet you, Loretta.’
Workbook, pp. 186-188
Completa le frasi con that o those e la forma corretta del verbo be. Those glasses are grandpa’s reading glasses. ____________ girl ____________ in my class. Who _____________ boy? ____________ shoes ____________ really nice. ____________ your dog? ____________ Sandra’s bike. ____________ people in the garden ____________ my grandparents. 7 Whose _____________ car in the garage? It’s not my mum’s car. 8 Where _____________ girls from? They’re really pretty. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Trasforma le frasi al plurale e viceversa.
1 2 3 4
This pen is red. These pens are red. Those boys are French. That boy is French. This book is about the French Revolution. These girls are in my class. That boy is new in town. Those people are from Spain. f if t y-one
Grammar Workshop a / an, the
L’articolo indeterminativo a / an corrisponde a un, un’, uno, una.
Grammar round-up 14 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta di there is / there are.
1 Tim _____________ a desk in your bedroom, Colin? Colin No, 2_____________. 3_____________ a bed and 4_____________ two bookcases, but I haven’t got a desk. 5 Tim _____________ a lot of books in your room then? Colin Yes, 6_____________ – I love books! Tim Have you got a wardrobe? Colin Yes, I have. 7_____________ a big wardrobe in my bedroom and 8 _____________ an armchair too.
L’articolo determinativo in inglese ha un’unica forma, the, che corrisponde agli articoli il, lo, la, l’, i, gli, le in italiano. a sofa ➞ un divano the sofa ➞ il divano an armchair ➞ una poltrona the armchair ➞ la poltrona Grammar Bank, p. 234
Completa con a / an. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a computer an English book _____ country _____ orange smartphone _____ elephant _____ Italian student _____ pencil case _____ grey dolphin _____ washing machine _____ armchair
Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. There’s a / the studio in my house. 1 Our fridge is in a / the kitchen. 2 I’ve got a / the new English book. A / The book is on my desk. 3 What is a / the capital of Wales? 4 Maria has got a / the cat. A / The cat is black and white. 5 My grandparents have got a / the house in a / the mountains. 6 There’s a / the big window in my bedroom.
f if t y-t wo
Completa il testo. Poi ascolta e
there are • there’s • that • are there • this (x2) _____________ is a photo of Sandy Macpherson’s home. It’s a cabin in a forest in the north of Scotland. 2 _____________ just two big rooms in Sandy’s house but it’s got a lot of windows. 3____________’s the room downstairs and 4_____________ is the room upstairs. The room downstairs is Sandy’s kitchen and living room. The room upstairs is his bedroom and study. 5_____________ a bathroom upstairs too with a great view of the forest and the lake from the bath! 6_____________ problems with this unusual home in the forest? ‘No, there aren’t – I love it!’, says Sandy. 1
Pronunciation: The sounds /T/ and /D/ 16 1.49 Ascolta la pronuncia dei suoni /T/ e /D/ in queste parole. Come si pronuncia “th”? /T/ bath thin thing thanks
Translation Traduci in italiano. Sonia has got a beautiful room. There are two armchairs, a bed and a large desk. There isn’t a TV. These are the photos of her family and those are her computer games. That is her shower room.
/D/ mother there that the
Ascolta di nuovo e ripeti. Pronunciation Workshop, p. 156 Real Simple, p. 135
Have you got a house or a flat?
Video Workshop
Episode 3 • Place: around London • Situation: Molly, Leila and Zac talk about their houses
Focus on VIDEO 1 Guarda il video e completa la tabella. Molly
Intvw. 1_________________, Molly? Molly We’ve got a flat. Intvw. 2_________________? Molly It’s in North London. Intvw. 3_________________? Molly No, it isn’t, there are only two bedrooms. My sister Diane and I have got one bedroom and my parents have got the other. Then there’s a living room, a kitchen-diner, a utility room and a bathroom. 4 Intvw. _________________? Molly The living room, because the sofas are really comfortable!
house or flat? big or small? number of rooms? favourite room?
Ora ascolta un estratto del video e completa le domande. 1.50
Chi parla di queste cose? Scrivi i nomi, poi guarda di nuovo il video e controlla. 1 ___________
Speaking 4 T ES Task – Short interviews A coppie, 2 ___________
3 ___________ competenze sociali e civiche; competenza digitale; spirito di iniziativa
preparate un’intervista sulle stanze di casa seguendo il modello del video in questa pagina.
• Assegnate i ruoli. Lo studente A scrive le domande, lo studente B le pone. • Preparate insieme un elenco di 5 domande usando ciò che avete imparato in questa unità e altre parole o espressioni che conoscete. • Scegliete un’altra coppia e fate l’intervista.
f if t y-three
Life & Language Skills Before you read 1 Leggi velocemente i brani e completa le frasi con il nome corrispondente. 1 Liam and Katie are __________ brother and sister.
2 Joe and Ben are _____________ brothers.
Reading comprehension 2 ES INV Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Where is Claire from? Has she got a brother or a sister? What furniture is there in her bedroom? How old are Sean’s sister and brother?
Where is their flat? Has it got a garage? Is your home a house or a flat? Have you got your own bedroom?
Hi, my name’s Claire. I live in Oxford with my mum and dad, my two brothers Joe and Ben, and my grandmother. Our house is big and it’s got a garden. Upstairs there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a shower room. I’ve got my own room but my brothers are in the same room. My bedroom isn’t very big but it’s got a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. There’s a nice view of the garden from the window too. Downstairs there’s a living room, a kitchen-diner, a utility room, a toilet and my dad’s study. Outside we’ve got a garage for two cars. I’m Sean and I’m from Liverpool. I’ve got a sister, Katie, and a brother, Liam. They’re 9 and 14 and they’ve both got brown hair like me. We live in a flat in the city centre. It isn’t big but it’s got great views! My brother and I have got one bedroom but my sister has got her own room. My mum’s bedroom is next to the bathroom. We’ve got a nice living room with a balcony. There isn’t a garage but that isn’t important because we haven’t got a car!
f if t y-four
3 3 Rileggi i brani e completa le frasi. 1 Claire lives with her parents, her two brothers and her _____________. 2 Her house is very ____________. 3 Sean lives in a _____________. 4 There are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a shower room ____________. 5 His sister has got her _____________. 6 There’s a balcony but there isn’t a ____________.
Listening Listening competences Comprendere informazioni specifiche: i numeri Per capire i numeri all’interno di una conversazione è importante cercare di capire anche le parole che vengono prima e dopo il numero. Quando ascolti la prima volta, scrivi i numeri che senti sul quaderno. Quando ascolti la seconda volta, aggiungi le parole che vengono prima o dopo il numero per completare l’informazione.
INV Ascolta il brano sull’appartamento di Brandy a Londra. Abbina i numeri a ciò a cui si riferiscono. a □ number of bedrooms 1 3 1 age of the block of flats b □ 2 14 c □ number of bathrooms 3 450 d □ number of stairs 4 14th e □ floor of Brandy’s flat 5 2 f □ number of floors of the 6 1 block of flats
Riascolta e completa il brano con le parole mancanti. 1.51
Hi, I’m Brandy. My family’s flat is in London. It’s not big but it’s nice and it’s right in the 1_________ centre. The block of flats is modern, it’s only three years old. There are 2____________ floors in the block and there are 450 stairs! Our flat is on the fourteenth 3____________. There are two 4 ____________, one for my parents and one for me. Next to my parents’ room there’s a big 5 ____________ and next to the living room there’s a small 6____________. We’ve only got one 7____________, but there’s a bath and a shower in it. The special thing about my home is the 8 ____________. We’ve got a small garden on the roof of the flat. It’s got an amazing view over London.
Writing 6 Scrivi un breve testo (50-60 parole) sulla tua famiglia e sulla tua casa. Usa il testo dell’esercizio 5 come modello.
Speaking – Oral Presentation 7 ES Fai una breve presentazione orale del testo dell’esercizio 6. Cerca di ampliare le informazioni in esso contenute, poi esponi la tua presentazione alla classe e preparati a rispondere alle domande dei tuoi compagni.
competenza logico-matematica
f if t y-f ive
School Life A
Art studio
G 56
f if t y-six
Vocabulary & Video Focus on words: Places in a school 1 1.52 Osserva le immagini (A-H) e abbina i nomi alle aule (1-8). Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
Focus on VIDEO :At school 3 Guarda il video della scuola senza audio. Quali aule ci mostra?
1 □ library 2 □ Science lab A Art studio 3 □ 4 □ Language lab 5 □ canteen 6 □ Music room 7 □ IT classroom 8 □ classroom
2 In quali aule trovi questi oggetti? Scrivilo sotto le immagini.
1 dictionaries ______________
violin Music room
2 books ______________
3 food tray ______________
Guarda di nuovo il video e completa le frasi. 1 It’s a quarter to nine. I’m in Mr Turner’s _____________ for registration. 2 Now I’m in the _____________. I’ve got _____________ first this morning. 3 It’s lunchtime and I’m in the _____________ for lunch with my friends. 4 My last subject today is _____________. We’re in the _____________ on Mondays.
Talk about it 5 Pairwork Disegnate la vostra scuola con le
diverse aule. A turno, descrivetele e dite quali materie studiate in ognuna. This is the IT classroom. We’ve got our IT lesson there. It’s got a printer, computers, ...
4 brushes ______________
5 interactive whiteboard _______ , ______
6 microscope ______________
7 printer ______________
Dictionary & Maps, p. 12
Real Simple, p. 136
competenze sociali e civiche; consapevolezza ed espressione culturale
f if t y-seven
I walk to school
Focus on texts 1 1.53 Cerca questi verbi nell’articolo e sottolineali. Abbinali alla traduzione. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti.
1 2 3 4
start finish get up walk
a □ camminare b □ alzarsi 1 iniziare c □ d □ finire
September issue
5 6 7 8
e f g h
study stay play wear
□ rimanere □ studiare □ indossare □ giocare
Zac Bowman is here at Redland School on the Year 7 US Exchange Programme. Helen Kennedy asks him about a typical day at his school in Charlottesville, Virginia. In my school there are about 1,200 students, 300 in each grade or year. In the USA we start junior high school at 11 or 12 years old, and we finish at 15 years old. I’m in the 7th grade and there are 22 students in my class. My school day starts at 7.35 a.m. I get up at 6.15 a.m. I have breakfast and then I walk to school. I’ve got 8 different subjects on my timetable this year. I study Science, English, Maths, Spanish, History and Theatre Arts, then I’ve also got two optional subjects – Art and Physical Education. We don’t study Music in my school.
Students go home at 2 p.m., or they stay for an activity period – they do homework or extra study – and then go home at 3 p.m. We also stay after school two or three afternoons a week to play sports or go to clubs. Our lunch time is about 40 minutes. We have lunch in the school canteen. My sister is a senior student and she doesn’t have lunch in the canteen, she goes home. We don’t wear a uniform but there is a dress code – no short skirts, no ripped jeans. All of the students have got a locker at school for their books, backpack and personal possessions.
New Words asks __________ have breakfast __________ do homework __________
f if t y-eight
dress code codice di abbigliamento ripped strappati locker __________ imparare ad imparare
4 2
INV Leggi e ascolta il testo a pag. 58. Indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1.54
T F Zac is in 9th grade in his American ✓ school. □ □ 1 There are 300 students in Zac’s school. □ □ 2 Zac studies 7 subjects at his school. □ □ 3 The subjects all students study in his school are Art, P.E. and Music. □ □ 4 The activity period is after the normal school day. □ □ 5 All the students have lunch in the school canteen. □ □ 6 Zac’s school has got a uniform. □ □ Present simple – affirmative form What’s it for? Usiamo il Present simple per parlare di azioni quotidiane, abitudini e fatti. Show me. Students go home at 2 p.m. (azione quotidiana) My school day starts at 7.35 a.m. (fatto) Sottolinea altri esempi alla forma affermativa del Present simple nel testo di p. 58.
1.55 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.
I stay / stays at school on Wednesdays and Fridays to play sports. 1 You get / gets up at 7.00 a.m. on school days. 2 In my school lessons starts / start at nine o’clock. 3 The boys study / studies for two hours every night. 4 We finish / finishes school at half past three. 5 My friend walk / walks to school in the morning.
4 Pairwork Raccontatevi la vostra routine
quotidiana. Usate i verbi nel riquadro e le ore della giornata. get up • start school • have lunch • finish school do your homework • play On school days I get up at 7 a.m. School starts at… and finishes at… I have lunch at 1 o’clock at home…
Present simple – negative form Show me. We don’t study Music in my school. My sister doesn’t have lunch in the canteen. Sottolinea un altro esempio alla forma negativa del Present simple nel testo di p. 58.
5 Completa le frasi con la forma negativa dei verbi tra parentesi.
I don’t play (play) computer games. 1 Roberta _____________ (stay) at school after half past three. 2 We _____________ (study) Latin at my school. 3 My dad ___________ (finish) work at six o’clock. 4 You _____________ (ask) the right questions. 5 Our Maths lesson _____________ (start) at 2.30 p.m. today.
6 Pairwork Scrivi quattro azioni che NON fai a scuola, poi confrontale con quelle del tuo compagno. Sono le stesse? I don’t wear a uniform…
Write about it 7 Scrivi 6 frasi sulla scuola secondaria di primo
grado italiana usando come modello i suggerimenti qui sotto e le frasi degli esercizi 3 e 4.
• a che età inizi e finisci la scuola • a che ora iniziano e finiscono le lezioni • quante materie studi • quante lezioni hai ogni giorno In Italy we start ‘scuola secondaria di primo grado’ at 11 years old.
Real Simple, pp. 136-137
imparare ad imparare; competenze sociali e civiche
f if t y-nine
Dialogue Work
Let’s look at the IT classroom
Focus on words: Routines 1 1.56 Scrivi le espressioni sotto le immagini corrispondenti. Poi ascolta, controlla e ripeti. do gymnastics • work on projects • go home • watch videos • play sports • cook food
watch videos
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
Focus on dialogues 2 1.57 Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. Metti in ordine i 4 luoghi scolastici che Leila mostra a Zac. A
□ library
□ canteen
1 IT classroom C □
□ gym
Leila Okay Zac, let’s look at the IT classroom first. Zac Do all the students in the class work in here? Leila Yes, they do. Some students work on IT projects here after school too. And… this is the school canteen. The dinner ladies cook the food in the kitchen over there. Zac Do you have your lunch here, Leila? Leila Yes, I do. I love their pizza! Zac It smells good! Shall we have lunch now?! Leila This is our new library. Zac Wow, fantastic! When do you come here?
New Words dinner ladies cuoche It smells good! Profuma di buono! a lot of _____________ 60
six t y
want _____________ need _____________ Let’s ask him! Chiediamoglielo!
Leila We come here on Mondays. Some students do their homework here in the afternoon, before they go home. Zac There are a lot of good films. Do you watch videos in here? Girl Ssh! Leila Yes, but only with headphones! Shall we go to the gym? Zac Okay. What sports do you play there? Leila We play basketball, volleyball and we do gymnastics. We play other sports outside – hockey, football… Jake is the team captain. Zac I love soccer! I want to learn! Does he need an extra player? Leila I don’t know. Let’s ask him!
Real Simple, p. 138
Dictionary & Maps, p. 13, 47
4 3
INV Leggi e ascolta di nuovo il dialogo. Poi rispondi alle domande. 1.57
1 2 3 4 5
What do some students do after school in the IT classroom? They work on IT projects. What do the dinner ladies do in the canteen? What does Leila love for lunch? Write what students do in the library. Write four sports students play at the school. Which sport does Zac want to learn?
Focus on functions Proporre di fare qualcosa Suggestions Answers Let’s look at the IT classroom. Yes, okay. Shall we go to the gym? OK. Shall we have lunch now? Sorry, I’m not hungry. / Good idea!
6 Completa il dialogo con le espressioni del box. A B A B A B A B
Present simple – interrogative form Show me. Do all the students work in here? Yes, they do. When do you come here? On Mondays. Does he need an extra player? I don’t know.
7 Osserva le immagini e formula suggerimenti con le parole date.
Sottolinea altri esempi di domande al Present simple nel dialogo dell’esercizio 2.
play video games • have pizza • watch DVD play football
4 Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande. 1 2 3 4 5
I’ve got homework! 1 _____________ study together. Yes, 2_____________. What homework have you got? Maths and English. 3 _____________ we start with Maths? 4 _____________, I haven’t got my Maths book. No problem, I’ve got my book in my backpack.
your lessons / When / do / start / ? When do your lessons start? study / Where / the students / do / ? your best friend / play / Does / sports / ? go / you / When / to the gym / do / ? do / their homework / Do / they / at school / ? at home / you / have lunch / on Sundays / Do / ?
Shall we have pizza? Let’s have pizza.
1 __________________ __________________
2 __________________ __________________
3 __________________ __________________
5 Abbina le domande alle risposte brevi. 1 Does Sandra do gymnastics? 2 Does your phone use 4G? 3 Does Mr Granger work in your school? 4 Do Zac and Leila have lunch in the canteen? 5 Do you do your homework in the library? 6 Do the boys play football?
Real Simple, pp. 138-139
a □ Yes, they do. b □ No, I don’t. c □ No, they don’t. 1 Yes, she d □ does. e □ Y es, he does. f □ N o, it doesn’t.
Talk about it 8 Role play Lo studente A accompagna il nuovo studente B a fare un giro della scuola e gli propone 4 posti da vedere. Lo studente B risponde (2 risposte affermative e 2 risposte negative).
Let’s go to the music room.
imparare ad imparare; competenze sociali e civiche; spirito di iniziativa
Yes, okay. six t y-one
Grammar Workshop VIDEO VIDEO MAP
Il Present simple
Osserva gli esempi: I speak English. = Parlo inglese. She speaks English. = Parla inglese. Forma affermativa I speak you speak he / she / it speaks we / you / they speak Forma interrogativa Do I Do you Does he / she / it Do we / you / they Il Present simple è uguale per tutte le persone, tranne che alla terza persona singolare in cui si aggiunge una -s al verbo.
I don’t speak English. = Non parlo inglese. She doesn’t speak English. = Non parla inglese
speak? speak? speak? speak?
Forma negativa I you he / she / it we / you / they Risposte brevi Yes, you do. Yes, I do. Yes, he / she / it does. Yes, we / you / they do.
do not / don’t speak do not / don’t speak does not / doesn’t speak do not / don’t speak No, you don’t. No, I don’t. No, he / she / it doesn’t. No, we / you / they don’t.
Attenzione Alla terza persona singolare si aggiunge -es ai verbi che terminano in -o (do ➞ does), -ch (watch ➞ watches), -sh (wash ➞ washes), -ss (kiss ➞ kisses), -x (relax ➞ relaxes). I verbi che terminano in consonante + y cambiano la y in -ies (study ➞ studies). Grammar Bank, p. 235
Scrivi la terza persona singolare dei verbi. stay stays 1 play __________ 2 live __________ 3 study __________
Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa del Present simple.
Riscrivi le frasi dell’esercizio 2 alla forma negativa contratta. Jacob doesn’t live in London.
six t y-t wo
Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. You speaks / speak English at school. 1 Our school have got / has got a library. 2 Diane walk / walks to school. 3 She doesn’t / don’t study languages. 4 I get up / gets up at 7 a.m. 5 We doesn’t / don’t go to school on Saturday. 6 Do / Does you like History?
4 wash __________ 5 watch __________ 6 do __________
Jacob lives (live) in London. 1 Mrs Jones _____________ (work) in a school. 2 The dinner ladies _____________ (cook) our lunch. 3 We _____________ (like) pizza. 4 You _____________ (walk) to school. 5 She _____________ (teach) Science. 6 I _____________ (do) my homework at home.
Completa le frasi. studies • doesn’t • walk • listen • Do • Does • study talk • doesn’t She studies English but she doesn’t speak it. 1 _____________ you like your classroom? 2 I _____________ to rap music on my headphones when I _____________. 3 They _____________ home after school. 4 We _____________ on the phone every day. 5 He _____________ play football. 6 _____________ she work in the canteen? Real Simple, p. 139
4 6
Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
My school day starts / start at 8.40 a.m. I 1 gets up / get up at 7.15 a.m. I have breakfast and then I 2 doesn’t go / go to school by bicycle. I’m in my first year at high school and I’ve got 12 different subjects on my timetable this year! My favourite subjects are languages, French and Spanish (we 3 don’t study / doesn’t study German in my school). Our lunch time is 45 minutes. I 4 have / do lunch in the school canteen with my friends. My school day finishes at 3.40 p.m. There are a lot of different after-school clubs and some students 5 plays / play sports or do other activities like computers, drama or art.
Leggi le domande e scrivi le risposte brevi.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you walk to school? (✓) Yes, I do. Does Jim work in a restaurant? (✗) No, he doesn’t. Do Sarah and James go to school by bus? (✗) Does Jeremy play football? (✓) Do we want to watch TV? (✓) Does the teacher know your name? (✗) Do all the students eat in the canteen? (✓) Do you live in a flat? (✗)
Il Present simple con le parole interrogative Osserva: question words ausiliare soggetto When do they What time does school
verbo study? finish?
Grammar Bank, p. 235
Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa il testo con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. live • do • cook • have lunch (x2) play (x2) • watch • go My brother and I go to secondary school. My brother doesn’t 1_____________ in the canteen, he 2_____________ at home. We 3_____________ in a big house and after school we 4_____________ football in the garden. In the evenings, mum 5_____________ a big meal for the whole family. After dinner, we don’t 6 _____________ TV: I 7_____________ my homework and my brother 8_____________ computer games.
Ascolta e controlla.
Real Simple, p. 139
Workbook, pp. 194-196
do / live? / you / where Where do you live? do / we / When / start? go to bed? / What time / you / do get to school? / you / How / do have lunch? / Where / you / do your mother / Where / work? / does Jimmy / does / What / do at the weekend?
Scrivi domande sulla routine di Sasha con le parole date. 1 2 3 4 5 6
what time / Sasha / start / school? What time does Sasha start school? where / she / have breakfast? how / she / get to school? when / she / have lunch? what / she / do in the afternoon? when / she / do homework? where / she / spend the weekend? six t y-three
Grammar Workshop 12
Completa il dialogo. Where do you live? What subjects do you study? Do you like your school? What time do you go to bed? Do you watch TV after school? A B A B A B A B A B
13 14
dei verbi tra parentesi e le risposte brevi.
Teacher Okay boys and girls, let’s look at the school’s Art studio first… 1 Boy _____________ all the students in the Art class ___________ (study) in here? Teacher Yes, 2_____________. Some students 3 _____________ (work) on their Art projects here after school too. Boy Excuse me, what’s that room there? Teacher That’s the school canteen. Students 4 _____________ (have lunch) there. 5 _____________ the dinner ladies Boy _____________ (cook) the food here? Teacher No, 6_____________, but the food is very good.
Where do you live? I live in Scotland. 1 ____________________________________ Yes, I do. It’s in a very modern building. 2 ____________________________________ We study English, Maths and Science. 3 ____________________________________ No, I don’t. I play computer games. 4 ____________________________________ At nine o’clock. 1.59
Ascolta e controlla.
Completa le frasi con i verbi di routine.
Ora rispondi in modo personale alle domande dell’esercizio 12.
Grammar round-up 16 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
Translation Traduci in italiano. A What time does your school day start? B It starts at 8.30 and it finishes at 12.30. A Lucky you! We stay at school in the afternoon too. Do you like your teachers? B Yes, I do, especially Mr Benson. He teaches Science. A Do you wear a uniform? B Yes, I do and I’m not happy! A Where do you do your homework? B I do my homework at home, after dinner.
1 I _____________ home from school every day at 4 o’clock.
2 After school I _____________ videos in my bedroom.
3 In the evening I _____________ food with Mum.
4 After dinner, I _______ ______ my homework.
Pronunciation: The sound /u…/ 18 1.60 Ascolta la pronuncia del suono /u…/ in queste parole.
/u…/ school room blue you do true
Ascolta di nuovo e ripeti. Pronunciation Workshop, p. 156
six t y-four
Do you walk to school?
Video Workshop
Episode 4 • Place: at school • Situation: Molly, Jake and Zac talk about their daily routines
Focus on VIDEO 1 Guarda il video e sottolinea i verbi e/o le
espressioni di routine che vengono nominati. play sports get up start walk have breakfast listen finish study go home do homework
1.61 Completa la trascrizione del video con le domande. Poi ascolta e controlla.
Intvw. Molly Intvw. Molly Intvw. Molly
_____________ on school days? I usually get up at seven o’clock. 2 _____________ breakfast? Yes, I do. 3 _____________ to school? No, I don’t. 1
Zac 4 _____________ your school day Intvw. 5 _____________? Zac It starts at half past seven! Intvw. Wow, that’s really early! 6____________? Zac It finishes at two o’clock.
Jake 7 Intvw. _____________ after school to play sports? Jake Yes, I do. I always play basketball after school on Thursdays. 8 Intvw. _____________ to any clubs? Jake No, I don’t. Intvw. Thanks. Jake You’re welcome!
Speaking 3 T Task – A survey about routines A coppie, fate un sondaggio sulla routine della classe seguendo il modello del video.
• Aggiungete 3 domande al dialogo dell’esercizio 2. • A turno, intervistate altre coppie di compagni e annotate le loro risposte.
What time do you have lunch?
I have lunch at five to one.
• Sono le stesse per tutti? Ditelo alla classe.
Two students get up at half past seven. Three students play sports after school.
competenze sociali e civiche; spirito di iniziativa; competenza logico-matematica
six t y-f ive
Life & Language Skills
What type are you?
Birthday Numbers Quiz Take the Birthday Numbers Quiz and discover your secret personality! To calculate your birth number, add all the numbers of your birthday until there is only one number. For example, if your birthday is the 10th of June, 2004: 10 + 6 + 2010 = 2026 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 6 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 Your birth number in this example is 1, the originator. Ready? Go!
THE ORIGINATOR You are an original thinker and great at brilliant new ideas. Famous originators include Tom Hanks and Robert Redford.
THE PEACEMAKER You are a natural diplomat and a very good friend. Famous peacemakers include Madonna, Thomas Edison and Mozart.
THE IDEALIST You are very social and romantic. Famous idealists include Salvador Dalí and Jodie Foster.
Before you read 1 Trova la traduzione inglese di queste parole italiane nell’articolo. 1 pensatore 2 diplomatico
_______________ _______________
3 intrattenitore 4 obiettivo
_______________ _______________
Reading 2 Pairwork Leggete velocemente il testo e sottolineate i nomi dei personaggi famosi. Li conoscete tutti? Per cosa sono famosi?
3 INV Rileggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). Correggi le frasi false. 1 You take the Birthday Numbers Quiz to discover your age. 2 Original thinkers ask lots of questions. 3 The peacemaker is a natural diplomat. 4 The conservative is a good student. 5 The family is not important for a romantic. 6 The performer is unlucky.
T F □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Listening 4 1.62 Ascolta Jessica parlare della sua routine. Indica (✓) quali dei seguenti aggettivi senti nel testo. 1 2 66
□ brilliant □ important
six t y-six
3 4
□ □
good sporty
5 6
□ romantic □ nice
7 8
□ beautiful □ great
5 4
THE CONSERVATIVE You are traditional and a good student. Famous conservatives include Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tina Turner.
8 7
THE INTELLECTUAL You are a natural philosopher and ask lots of questions. Famous intellectuals include William Shakespeare, Michael Jackson and Princess Diana.
THE NON-CONFORMIST You are an explorer and love new situations. Famous non-conformists include Vincent van Gogh and Abraham Lincoln.
THE PROBLEM SOLVER You are very objective and decisive. Famous problem solvers include Pablo Picasso, George Harrison and Jane Fonda.
Writing Writing competences Descrivere un luogo Una descrizione fornisce dettagli sulle caratteristiche di un luogo. Si usano spesso there is / there are, have / has got, aggettivi e congiunzioni. Useful language There are desks and chairs and blackboards. The school hasn’t got a canteen because we have lunch at home.
imparare ad imparare; competenze sociali e civiche
You love art and music and your family is very important. Famous romantics include Albert Einstein, Christopher Columbus and Meryl Streep.
THE PERFORMER You are a natural entertainer and lucky in life.Famous performers include Harrison Ford and Elvis Presley.
New Words
INV K Ascolta di nuovo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
1 Where does Jessica live? A □ in the north of the city B □ in London C □ in Manchester 2 She has _____________ and then she goes to school. A □ breakfast B □ a lesson C □ a football match
add peacemaker decisive
somma pacificatore risoluto
3 She _____________ sports. A □ doesn’t like B □ likes C □ doesn’t play 4 She doesn’t play football _____________. A □ on Monday B □ on Friday C □ on Saturday
6 Descrivi la tua scuola usando le
espressioni del box Writing competences e le parole che hai studiato in questa unità.
• In quale zona della città si trova? • Quante aule ci sono? • Quali materie si studiano? • C’è un centro sportivo? Quali sport si praticano?
Spoken Interaction 7 Pairwork Incontri un nuovo amico che
vorrebbe iscriversi alla tua scuola. A turno, fate domande e rispondete sulla base di quanto avete scritto nell’esercizio 6.
six t y-seven
Progress Check
Grammar 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B, C o D). 1 There ______ four bedrooms in our house.
A are
B is
C have
D has
2 ______ there a bathroom downstairs?
A Are
B Is
C Has
D Have
3 ______ is my skateboard over there.
A Those B These C That A That
B This
4 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa.
C These D You
5 I ______ up at 7 a.m. on school days.
A does
B get
C gets
D goes
6 They _____ study languages at my sister’s school.
A doesn’t B don’t C are
D aren’t
7 David ______ go to school on Saturdays.
A doesn’t B isn’t
C don’t D aren’t
8 ______ you like History?
A Is
B Does C Doesn’t D Do
9 Where ______ Martha live?
A do
B is
C does
Betty don’t live / doesn’t live in a flat. 1 We don’t go / doesn’t go to school by bus. 2 John don’t have breakfast / doesn’t have breakfast in the morning. 3 My cousins don’t study / doesn’t study in the evenings. 4 My mother don’t speak / doesn’t speak English.
D Who
4 ______ are my favourite jeans.
3 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
D doesn’t
1 2 3 4 5 6
George’s mother works in a hotel. Does George’s mother work in a hotel? Simon does his homework in the evening. Jane and Paolo live in Milan. My cousin teaches English in Japan. Emma speaks Arabic. You like hamburgers. Harriet goes to school by bus.
Vocabulary 5 Completa l’immagine con i nomi delle stanze.
10 ‘Does your brother go to bed early?’ ‘Yes, he ______.’
A does
B don’t C do
D doesn’t
2 Completa il brano sulla routine di Clara con le
2 ___________ 1 ___________
3 ___________
parole nel riquadro.
go to work • go • have breakfast • get up • go to bed watch • have lunch • make dinner My favourite day of the week is Saturday. I don’t go to work on Saturdays, I relax – it’s great! I 1_________ late and I 2_________ at about 11.00. I don’t have breakfast in the kitchen, I have it in the living room and I 3_________ TV. Then I 4 _________ to the gym, I meet my friends and we 5 _________. In the afternoon I go to the shops. In the evening I don’t 6________, I go to a friend’s house, or to the cinema, or maybe to a party. I 7_________ late on Saturday night because the next day is Sunday and I don’t work on Sundays!
6 ___________
4 ___________
5 ___________ 68
six t y-eight
Listening for INVALSI 6 Completa con i nomi degli oggetti. sofa • bath • armchair • bed • cooker • shower • toilet desk • table • sink • wardrobe • bookcase Furniture kitchen
living room
Question type: Multiple matching with pictures What is it? In questo esercizio devi ascoltare alcune persone che parlano di sé e abbinare a ciascuno di loro un elemento raffigurato. Tip Durante il primo ascolto, cerca di fare più abbinamenti possibili. Non preoccuparti se un abbinamento non ti convince, potrai completare l’esercizio con il secondo ascolto.
Ascolterai sei brevi conversazioni. Abbina le illustrazioni (A-F) ai nomi dei ragazzi (1-5). 1.63
Functions 7 ES Proporre di fare qualcosa Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo.
Di’ al tuo amico che hai molti compiti. __________________ __________________
Di’ che è una buona idea e chiedi quali compiti ha da fare. __________________ __________________
Proponi di iniziare con storia. __________________ __________________
Di’ che non è un problema perché il libro ce l’hai tu. _________________ _________________
Rispondi che ne hai molti anche tu e gli proponi di studiare insieme. __________________ __________________ __________________
Rispondi che hai inglese e storia. __________________ __________________
Di’ che ti dispiace, ma che non hai il libro. __________________ __________________
0 Sam 1 Ben 2 Emma
B ______ ______ ______
3 Marta 4 Mark 5 Paul
______ ______ ______
Ascolta di nuovo e verifica le tue risposte.
Now you’re ready for the digital check!
six t y-nine
Grazia Cerulli Catrin E. Morris
TIME1 Contents Culture A Culture B Culture C Culture D Culture E Culture F
p. 241 p. 242 p. 244 p. 246 p. 248 p. 250
Festivals A Halloween Festivals B Christmas Festivals C Shrove Tuesday and Easter
p. 252
Compito di realtà: A poster of my class Compito di realtà: Welcome to my town Life Skills: Similarities and differences Life Skills: Healthy Henry
p. 256
Geography: Map Skills VIDEO BOX p. 264 Science: Earthquakes and Volcanoes VIDEO BOX p. 268
p. 254 p. 255
p. 258 p. 260 p. 262
Towards A2 Key for Schools
p. 272
p. 286
One Kingdom, Four Nations VIDEO London in Numbers VIDEO Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland VIDEO British Food VIDEO Home Sweet Home VIDEO British School System VIDEO
Tutti gli audio si trovano all’interno del Workbook CD.
t wo hundre d and for t y
Tutti i video si trovano nel FLIP BOOK e sono accessibili anche tramite la app gratuita ELI LINK
Culture A
One Kingdom, Four Nations
The United Kingdom
Great Britain
Before you read 1 Conosci la
differenza tra England, Great Britain e United Kingdom?
Reading comprehension 2 45 Ascolta e leggi i testi nei riquadri, poi abbinali alle nazioni sulle cartine.
1 Northern Ireland Population: 1.8 million Language: English National day: 17th March (St Patrick’s Day) Symbols: harp, shamrock
2 Scotland Population: 5.2 million Languages: English, Scottish Gaelic, Sco ts National day: 30th November (St And rew’s Day) Symbols: thistle, tartan 3 England Population: 49 million Language: English National day: 23rd April (St George’s Day) Symbols: red rose, lion, bulldog 4 Wales Population: 2.5 million Languages: English, Welsh National day: 1st March (St David’s Day) Symbols: dragon, leek, daffodil
3 Copri le cartine dell’esercizio 1 e i testi
dell’esercizio 2. Ti ricordi a quali nazioni si riferiscono queste informazioni?
1 Its population is 5.2 million. 2 St George is its patron saint. 3 One of its national symbols is the shamrock. 4 Cardiff is its capital city. 5 Its flag is blue and white.
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ CULTURE VIDEO
4 Che cosa sai dell’Italia? Cerca le seguenti informazioni. • Population:
_________________________ • Capital: _________________________ • Language(s): _________________________ • National day: _________________________ • Symbols: _________________________ • Flag: _________________________
5 Groupwork Fate una ricerca più approfondita
sugli argomenti dell’esercizio 4 e preparate una presentazione dell’Italia in inglese. t wo hundre d and for t y-one
Culture B
London in Numbers
Before you read 1 Osserva le foto e leggi i numeri. Riesci a indovinare a cosa si riferiscono?
2000 2000
,500 88,500
Founded by the Romans in 43 AD, London is two thousand years old. Nowadays the only existing Roman remains in the city is a fraction of its Roman wall.
The number of red buses in service in the city today. If you visit the London Transport Museum, you can see the old buses and the first trains of the transport system of London – some of them are 200 years old!
3333 These are the capsules of the London Eye – one for each borough. From the top of the wheel you can see a lot of the city, the River Thames and its bridges.
00,000 30,0 30,000,000 London attracts thirty million tourists every year. People travel from all over the world to see its monuments, visit its museums and galleries, watch shows at the theatres and go shopping in its busy streets.
8,50 8,500,000 The number of people who live in London. The majority of them are British, but there are a lot of immigrants from all over the world. 300 are the different languages people speak in London, and nearly 60,000 Italians are London residents.
The number of its museums. Everybody knows the British Museum with the Egyptian mummies, but equally popular are the National Gallery, the Natural History Museum with its incredible display of dinosaurs and fossils, the Science Museum, the Tate Gallery and the Tate Modern. Incredibly enough, most of them are free!
New Words
t wo hundre d and for t y-t wo
borough wheel deer woodpeckers
municipio ruota cervi picchi
88 The number of Royal Parks in the city. Among them there are Hyde Park with the Serpentine lake, St James’s Park, Green Park, Regent’s Park with its famous zoo, Kensington Gardens and the enormous Richmond Park where you can see squirrels and ducks but also deer, woodpeckers and snakes.
Culture B 270 270 So many are the stations of the London Underground. The ‘Tube’, its nickname, is the oldest and largest in the world.
55 You can say that London is a very big city by the number of its football clubs. Five of them are in the Premier League: Chelsea, Arsenal, Crystal Palace, Tottenham Hotspur and West Ham United.
4400 There are hundreds of theatres in London, but forty are in the centre. Here you can watch plays and musicals, some of which are so popular that they are still running after many years.
Reading comprehension 2 46 Ascolta, leggi i testi e controlla le tue risposte. 3 Completa le frasi con le informazioni mancanti. 1 London is of Roman origin. There is still a Roman __________ in the old part of the city. 2 The nickname of the London Underground is the __________. 3 The London Eye has got 33 ___________. 4 The name of the river in London is The ____________. 5 The majority of London residents are ____________. 6 London is a multicultural city. You can hear up to 300 ____________ in its streets. 7 You can visit the London zoo at ___________ Park. 8 Five ___________ clubs from London play in the Premier League.
ES Fai una ricerca sulla capitale del tuo paese. Prepara una presentazione orale aiutandoti con delle immagini e presentala alla classe. Trova queste informazioni. • Age • Number of residents • Number of tourists in a year • Main historic monuments • Number of museums • Type of tourist attractions • Number and name of its football clubs
t wo hundre d and for t y-three
Culture C
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Before you read 1 Conosci dei personaggi famosi nati in Scozia, Galles o Irlanda del Nord?
Reading comprehension 2 47 Ascolta e leggi i testi, poi abbinali alle immagini. 1
My name is Innes. It’s an old Celtic name, and it means ‘island’. The Celts were the ancient inhabitants of Scotland. Their language, Scottish Gaelic, is very different from English. Everybody knows Scotland for its beautiful mountains, forests, very old castles and lakes. I’m sure you know Loch Ness – loch in Scottish means ‘lake’ – famous for its monster Nessie. I live in the north, which is really wonderful. In summer it is light until 11.30 p.m. and in winter you can sometimes see the Northern Lights. I live in a very quiet place but most people live in big cities like Edinburgh, Glasgow – which is the biggest city in the country – or Aberdeen. The capital city is Edinburgh. I love it, especially in August, when there’s the International festival, with lots of music and dance in the streets. I come from a very proud Scottish family. My grandfather plays the traditional instrument, the bagpipes, my dad wears his kilt on special occasions, and I play shinty, the traditional game of the Highlands.
Hi, I’m Dylan, from Swansea. Like the Scots, the Welsh have Celtic origins – Dylan is the name of the god of the sea – and we love our traditions. We are a bilingual country, and Welsh is a compulsory subject for all children from 5 to 16. However, only a quarter of the people can speak it. Welsh is a difficult language, with many long and difficult words. In the past, Wales was important for its coal mines, but now the main industry is tourism. My favourite city is Cardiff, the capital. Tourists from all over the world come here to visit the medieval castle and the churches. But what I love most about Cardiff is the Millennium Stadium, the largest stadium in Wales, where I go to watch football and rugby matches.
t wo hundre d and for t y-four
Culture C 3 INV Indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T), false (F) o se l’informazione non è presente (NG).
T F NG 1 Scotland is an island. ◻ ◻ ◻ 2 Innes can speak both English and Scottish Gaelic. ◻ ◻ ◻ 3 In the north of Scotland you can see the Northern Lights. ◻ ◻ ◻ 4 The biggest city in Scotland is Edinburgh. ◻ ◻ ◻ 5 Children study Welsh at school. ◻ ◻ ◻ 6 Today the main industry in Wales is coal mining. ◻ ◻ ◻ 7 In Northern Ireland there are three languages. ◻ ◻ ◻ 8 The Giant’s Causeway is a volcano. ◻ ◻ ◻ 9 Scottish, Welsh and Irish are Celtic languages. ◻ ◻ ◻
4 Quali parole nominate nei testi dell’esercizio 2 si I’m Helen, from Belfast. 3 My name is not Celtic, but Northern Ireland has a rich Celtic culture. Our language is English, but some people also speak Irish while others speak Ulster Scots, which is similar to the language spoken in Scotland. There are many spectacular natural attractions in Northern Ireland, which explains why so many films and TV series like The Game of Thrones are filmed here. One of the most popular places is the Giant’s Causeway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its 40,000 columns formed after a volcanic eruption. A must-see in my city is Titanic Belfast, a kind of museum that tells the story of the famous ship from its construction to its tragic end. We are a young country – almost 46% of the people is under 30 years old – and we practise lots of sports, like football, rugby, cricket, and hurling, a New Words type of hockey. proud fiera, orgogliosa coal mines miniere di carbone must-see cosa imperdibile
nascondono dietro questi anagrammi?
Scotland 1 GLGSAWO ___________________________ 2 DEABEREN ___________________________ Wales 3 DIFCARF ___________________________ 4 SEASNAW ___________________________ Northern Ireland 5 FABSETL ___________________________ 6 CINITTA ___________________________
ES Scegli una regione italiana e cerca le informazioni richieste. Poi prepara una presentazione orale aiutandoti con delle immagini e presentala alla classe. • Name of the region: _____________________ • Main cities: • Population: • Dialect(s): • Celebrities: • Festivals:
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ t wo hundre d and for t y-f ive
Culture D
British Food
Before you read 1 Quali sono i cibi e le bevande tipici del Regno Unito? Reading comprehension 2 48 Ascolta e leggi i testi, poi abbinali alle foto dei piatti.
At Southbank Food Market, you can find food from China, India, France… and Britain, as well! It really reflects the many different cultures here. My favourite food is fish and chips. It’s not a very healthy meal, but it’s really part of our culture. My grandfather says that in some parts of Britain it is still traditional to eat fish and chips on Friday evenings. Families buy them from a shop and eat them at home. It is a cheap meal and everyone loves it.
There’s nothing like a full English breakfast – eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms. Of course I don’t have it every day, I sometimes have latte – a coffee drink with milk – and a French croissant. James, 39, engineer A
Nigel, 15, student
Do you want to try Irish stew? It’s made with lamb and lots of potatoes, which are easy to find in Ireland. But the recipe can change, depending on the ingredients you have.
Bob, 35, chef
New Words
lamb agnello minced tritato mashed potatoes purè di patate 246
t wo hundre d and for t y-six
Culture D 3 INV Rileggi i testi e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B, C o D).
When I come here, I have Thai green curry or Chinese rice noodles. But today I feel British and I’m going to have cottage pie – it’s made with minced beef and vegetables with mashed potatoes on top. Or maybe I’ll have shepherd’s pie – with beef instead of lamb. Tina, 51, teacher
We live in a globalised world. People like eating food from all over the world, or cooking traditional dishes with some new ingredients. This is traditional roast beef with za’atar, a spice mix from the Middle East. Tricia, 41, chef
1 2 3 4 5
Nigel says that fish and chips… A are very healthy. B are his family meal on Friday evenings. C are part of the British culture. D are not very cheap. James says that… A he eats various things at breakfast. B he has English breakfast every day. C he sometimes has a coffee drink and a croissant. D he never eats meat at breakfast. Bob says that Irish stew… A is a cheap dish. B has got only vegetables in it. C has got meat and vegetables in it. D has always got the same ingredients. Tina says that… A she’s going to have Thai, Chinese and British food. B cottage pie is a typical British dish. C the shepherd’s pie hasn’t got any meat in it. D she likes beef more than lamb. Tricia says that today… A there are no more traditional dishes. B people like cooking more than before. C people like mixing ingredients from different countries. D beef comes to Britain from the Middle East.
4 Quali sono i piatti tipici della tua città o regione? Quali D
sono i loro ingredienti principali? Quali sono i cibi e gli ingredienti non italiani che sono entrati nei nostri menù? • Typical dishes and main ingredients: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ • Foreign ingredients (spices, cheese, drinks, etc.): ________________________________________
________________________________________ • Foreign dishes and main ingredients: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ t wo hundre d and for t y-seven
Culture E
Home Sweet Home
Before you read 1 Come sono le case nel Regno Unito? Ne hai mai vista una dal vero o in televisione?
Reading comprehension 2 49 Ascolta e leggi velocemente le descrizioni (1-5) delle case dei ragazzi, poi abbina le foto (A-E) corrispondenti.
1 My family and I live in a detached house – it means it’s separate from the other houses. It’s got two floors. Downstairs there’s a kitchen, a small bathroom, a sitting room and a dining room. Upstairs there are three bedrooms – for me, my parents and my brother – and a bathroom. There’s a small garden in the front and a big one at the back.
3 Our house is part of a line of houses made of red bricks. Inside, it’s not very different from a detached or a semi-detached house but it’s got three floors! At the back, there’s a garden and a patio, where we eat when it’s warm.
THEO 2 My house is similar to Monica’s house, but it’s semi-detached – it means that we share a wall with another family! It’s got two floors, with the kitchen and sitting rooms downstairs and two bedrooms upstairs. And it’s got a garden, too.
New Words
bricks mattoni 248
t wo hundre d and for t y-eight
Culture E
4 My grandparents don’t like going up and down stairs – they live in a bungalow, which is on one floor. They don’t need a lot of space – they’ve got only two bedrooms. But they have a really big garden.
5 I live in a flat – the Americans call it ‘apartment’ – in a block of flats – the Americans call it ‘condominium’ or ‘condo’. A flat hasn’t usually got stairs or a garden!
3 Rileggi le descrizioni e indica (✓) chi ha detto queste frasi sulla propria casa.
Monica Theo
It’s on one floor. It’s got a garden. It’s got three bedrooms. It’s in a block of flats. It’s got two bedrooms. The kitchen is downstairs. The bedrooms are upstairs. It’s made of red bricks.
ES In Italia, conosci qualche casa famosa, qualche edificio storico italiano? Fai una ricerca su Internet e raccogli informazioni storiche e geografiche sull’edificio che hai scelto. Prepara una presentazione orale da esporre alla classe. Trova delle foto da allegare alla tua presentazione, che potrai far vedere sulla lavagna interattiva. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti.
Reggia di Caserta, Villa • Famous buildings: _______________________ Reale di Monza, Villa Doria Pamphilj… ______________________________________ • Where is it? ____________________________ ______________________________________ • How old is it? ___________________________ ______________________________________ • What types of rooms are there? _____________ ______________________________________ • Is there a garden? ________________________ ______________________________________ • When can you visit it? _____________________ ______________________________________ t wo hundre d and for t y-nine
Culture F
British School System
Before you read 1 Che cosa conosci del sistema scolastico nel Regno Unito? Reading comprehension 2 50 Ascolta e leggi, poi completa
live • private • September
Rachel is 11 and is in Year 7, her last year at primary school, but she can’t wait to start secondary school next 4__________. Rachel goes to a 5__________ school (which in Britain is called ‘public’!) where her parents have to pay. Her new school is an all-girl boarding school, where children 6 __________ as well as study.
4 exams • marks • college Ben is 16 and is in Year 11. This is his last year at school – in Britain, school is compulsory until you’re 16. His parents want to send him to a technical 10__________, but he wants to leave school and get a job. He’s a bit worried because in May there are 11__________ – the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) – with tests in many subjects, like Maths, English, Science, French and IT. He doesn’t care about good 12__________ – he hopes he gets a C in all subjects…
6 Brian is a primary school teacher. His pupils (and their parents) call him Mr Logan. His wife, Mary, teaches English in a secondary school. Her students call her Miss.
t wo hundre d and f if t y
logo • uniform • year
Oliver is 5 years old and is in his first 1 __________ at his local primary school. Like most children in the UK, he has a 2 __________ – black trousers, a white shirt and a blue sweater with the school 3 __________.
i racconti dei ragazzi con le parole nei riquadri.
clubs • subjects • teachers
Thomas is 13 and doesn’t go to school. This is possible in Britain, because education is compulsory, but school is not, so children can be educated at home. Thomas’s 7___________ are his parents. He studies all the 8 __________ that you learn at school – Maths, English, History, etc. He likes learning at home, but he misses the after-school 9__________, like Music or Drama.
final • free • pupil
Lisa is 17 and is in Year 13 at a state school – state schools in Britain are 13__________, which means that her parents don’t pay. She’s a brilliant 14__________ and after secondary school she wants to go to Cambridge University. To do so, she needs to get very good marks at her 15 __________ exams – the A levels. So she’s studying really hard to get an A (the best mark) in all subjects!
7 Henry is a school head at a grammar school. This kind of school is selective – for children who want to go to university. Before that, he was in a comprehensive school, which is not selective – when you finish you can decide to go to university or not.
New Words
have to devono boarding school convitto compulsory obbligatoria misses gli manca
Culture F 3 Leggi di nuovo i testi e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 In UK, schools start in September. 2 Public schools are free. 3 Primary school children are from 5 to 11 years old. 4 If you get your education at home, you can study the subjects you like. 5 Students normally take their GCSE exams when they are 11 years old. 6 Grammar schools are more difficult than comprehensive schools. 7 If you want to go to university, you must go to a grammar school. 8 You need many ‘As’ to go to Cambridge University.
◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
Ascolta e leggi l’intervista sulle vacanze scolastiche. Quante sono le settimane di vacanza totali? 51
◻ 12
◻ 13
◻ 14
School holidays Federica When are the school holidays in the UK? Sue In general, we get 2 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks in spring and 6 weeks in summer. Federica Is that everything? Sue No, we also get one week at the end of October, one in mid February, and one at the end of May. Federica It seems like you’re on holiday every month! Sue Yes, except November and June. Schools are open for 195 days each school year. Federica When does the school year start? Sue In England and Wales, we start in early September and finish in mid July. In Scotland, they start late August and finish the last week in June. Federica What do children do in their one-week holidays? Sue Some stay at home with their families. If they get bored, many schools offer trips, others take students to outdoor centres or organise courses in photography, computer game design or cinema. New Words
get bored
si annoiano
5 In cosa il sistema scolastico britannico è diverso da
quello italiano? Fai una breve ricerca e compila la tabella.
• Education is free and compulsory from 5 to 16. • Primary school is for children from 5 to 11. • Secondary schools are of two types, comprehensive (non selective) and grammar (selective). • At 16, pupils take an exam called GCSE. • Schools are of two main types: state (free) and public (paying). • At 17 or 18, pupils take an exam called ‘A levels’. • Schools are open for 195 days each school year.
t wo hundre d and f if t y-one
Festivals A
Halloween 1 Hai mai svuotato una zucca per fare Jack
O’Lantern? Leggi i passaggi (1-5) e riordina le foto (A-E). 1 2 3 4 5
American pe ople buy almost 4 mil lion pumpk ins at Hallowee n each year!
Choose a pumpkin that sits straight. Remove the top of the pumpkin with a knife. Remove all the contents. Carve the face with a knife: the eyes, the nose and the mouth. Put a candle in the pumpkin. Well done! A
Completa la filastrocca di Halloween. Poi ascolta e controlla. eat • trick • treat • play • friend
Trick or 1___________? 2___________ or treat? Give us something nice to 3___________! Give my 4___________ something too, Or we’ll 5___________ a trick on you!
t wo hundre d and f if t y-t wo
Festivals A 3 Abbina le seguenti parole ed espressioni inglesi alla loro traduzione italiana. 1 2 3 4
fancy dress trick or treat pumpkin All Saints Day
a b c d
◻ zucca ◻ dolcetto o scherzetto ◻ Ognissanti ◻ vestito in maschera
INV Ascolta e leggi il testo, poi indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T), false (F) o se l’informazione non è presente (NG). 53
T F NG 1 At Halloween, people play ‘trick or treat’ on their family. ◻ ◻ ◻ 2 People make lanterns out of pumpkins. ◻ ◻ ◻ 3 At Halloween, kids prefer chocolate to sweets. ◻ ◻ ◻ 4 The origin of Halloween is a Celtic festival to mark the end of winter. ◻ ◻ ◻ 5 The idea of fancy dress is to hide from the spirits. ◻ ◻ ◻ 6 Jack-o’-lantern is based on the legend of a generous man. ◻ ◻ ◻ 7 The origin of ‘trick or treat’ is keeping spirits away with food. ◻ ◻ ◻
Who doesn’t love Halloween? You can dress up as a witch, ghost, monster, vampire, zombie, mummy or skeleton; play ‘trick or treat’ on your neighbours; have a fancy dress party, play games and make your own pumpkin lantern to scare people with! But do you know the origin of this popular festival? It is celebrated on the 31st of October, the night before All Saints Day, and probably comes from an ancient Celtic celebration at the end of summer. The idea behind the fancy dress is to masquerade as one of the spirits on earth that night and hide from them! Pumpkin lanterns, also known as ‘jack-o’lanterns’, are based on an Irish legend of a mean man called Jack unable to enter heaven or hell and forced to a zombie-like existence. As for ‘trick or treat’, it probably comes from the custom of leaving food out for the spirits to keep them away. So now you know! New Words mean meschino, cattivo
5 ES Ti travesti per Halloween? Vai a una festa o giri per il quartiere con i tuoi amici? Rispondi alle domande, poi scrivi un breve testo in cui racconti cosa fai di solito. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do you usually go to a party? Do you hang around your neighbourhood with your friends? Do you usually dress up in costumes? Which is your favourite? Do you do trick or treat? Do you eat any special food? Do you stay up until very late at Halloween night?
t wo hundre d and f if t y-three
Festivals B
Christmas 1 Leggi i testi di tre famose canzoni di Natale. Abbinale alle immagini. Le parti in blu potranno aiutarti.
54 Ascolta e leggi la descrizione del Natale a casa di David. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.
2 3 4 5 6
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white.
We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas And a happy New Year. Good tidings we bring To you and your kin; Good tidings for Christmas And a happy New Year!
3 Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.
Christmas time is a magical holiday! As soon as the summer is over and autumn arrives, Christmas comes to town. I love it, but Mum never lets us decorate the house or put up the Christmas Christmas comes to town in tree until the beginning of December. Then we open the windows summer / autumn. on the Advent calendar and we send and receive Christmas David and his family decorate their cards. I don’t like singing Christmas carols at all, but every year house in autumn / we sing ‘Jingle Bells’ together at dinner, which I think is really at the beginning of December. nice. They send and receive Advent On Christmas Eve we hang our Christmas stockings out for calendars / Christmas cards. presents and leave a glass of sherry and a mince pie by the fireplace to warm Father Christmas when he comes down the The night before Christmas Day is chimney (well, if you believe in Father Christmas, of course). called Christmas Eve / Advent. On Christmas Day we open our presents and eat a big dinner David puts out a stocking for with Christmas pudding for dessert. The next day is Boxing Day, presents / Boxing Day. traditionally the day when the servants of rich people went They sing Christmas carols / home to their families, taking their Christmas boxes full of Jingle Bells. presents, food and money from their employers. David open his presents on Christmas time is great, especially if there’s snow! Well, we never Christmas Eve / Day. ride in a one-horse open sleigh because it doesn’t snow very often, but I usually ride my bike with my friends and it feels good! Do you think it is finished? No! It’s holiday New Words time until New Year. Isn’t it fantastic? sherry liquore alla ciliegia mince pie tortino di frutta secca chimney camino
t wo hundre d and f if t y-four
Festivals C
Shrove Tuesday and Easter 1 Osserva le immagini. Secondo te, quali riguardano il Martedì grasso (Shrove Tuesday) e quali la Pasqua (Easter)? C
Ascolta e leggi i testi, poi controlla le tue risposte. 55
As soon as Pancake Day is over, I can’t wait for Easter, forty days later! My grandparents always organise a big Easter egg hunt for all their grandchildren, when they hide chocolate eggs all over their house and garden! On Good Friday, people traditionally eat fish and delicious hot cross buns with melted butter. Food is great, but it is also very symbolic: the cross symbolises the crucifixion of Christ, and eggs are an ancient symbol of life and fertility. In fact, the word ‘Easter’ probably comes from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. Her symbol was a rabbit or hare, hence the traditional Easter Bunny! Easter Monday is also a time for strange customs like the Easter Egg Roll – rolling eggs down a hill without damage! They even do it every year at the White House in Washington DC! New Words
hunt goddess hare
caccia dea lepre
Personally, I love Shrove Tuesday, because it’s Pancake Day! Well, I actually love pancakes! It’s what we do on the last day before Lent, the forty days before Easter. Most people know it as Mardi Gras, a time for carnival in Rio and Venice, but the name ‘Shrove Tuesday’ probably comes from the ‘shriving bells’ calling people to church to confess their sins before the Christian period of abstinence from sugary or fatty foods. It is the last chance to eat pancakes, which are made of eggs, flour, butter and milk and filled with lemon and sugar. Mmm! Delicious! On Pancake Day, people do pancake races, when you run and toss a pancake at the same time. This is a tradition dating back to 1445. You can also play a 12th-century game called ‘mob football’. You just need two teams, with as many players as you want, one football and two goals some distance apart. Visit Atherstone in the Midlands to see it! New Words Lent Quaresima shriving bells campane della confessione sins peccati toss si lancia COMPARING CULTURES
ES Prepara una presentazione su una festa tipica del tuo paese, rispondendo alle domande. • What’s your favourite festival? Why? • Do you put up decorations and lights? • Do you sing songs? • What do you usually do on that day? • What’s the traditional dish on that day? t wo hundre d and f if t y-f ive
A poster of my class
Situation È arrivato il momento di preparare un poster con la composizione della classe da appendere in aula. Per ogni studente bisognerà preparare una scheda con i principali dati biografici (ID card) e allegare una foto. Il lavoro verrà svolto a coppie. Seguite le indicazioni fornite nei vari steps fino al completamento dell’opera. Buon lavoro!
Step 1 L’insegnante ti assegnerà un compagno di lavoro. Ognuno di voi dovrà preparare la ID card dell’altro.
Step 2 Per preparare una ID card è necessario che vi intervistiate a
vicenda. Completate il dialogo con le parole mancanti in modo da ripassare le funzioni comunicative necessarie.
Functions round-up • chiedere e dire il nome • chiedere e dire l’età • descriversi fisicamente • parlare dei propri gusti
subject • got • old • your • surname • when • colour • eyes Giulia What’s 1_____________ name? Luca My name’s Luca. Giulia And what’s your 2_____________? Luca Bianchi. Giulia How 3_____________ are you? Luca I’m 12. Giulia 4_____________ is your birthday? Luca It’s on the 6th of July. Giulia What 5_____________ hair have you got? Luca Brown. Giulia What colour 6_____________ have you got? Luca I’ve got blue eyes. Giulia Have you 7_____________ any brothers or sisters? Luca Yes, I’ve got one brother. Giulia What’s your favourite 8_____________? Luca Easy, it’s English!
Tools ■■ Dictionary
& Maps
Step 3 A turno, fatevi domande personali secondo il modello sopra e annotate le risposte sul quaderno. Seguite i suggerimenti nelle etichette.
Hair colour?
Name and surname? Age? Brothers or sisters?
Favourite subject?
Eye colour?
Step 4 Prendete un foglio di carta e preparate le ID cards. Potete utilizzare il modello della pagina a fianco e abbellirlo con colori e decori a vostro piacimento. Lasciate uno spazio dove incollerete le vostre foto.
Extra! Se avete accesso a un computer, preparate le ID cards utilizzando Microsoft Word. 256
t wo hundre d and f if t y-six
Compito di realtà Name: _______________________________ Surname: _____________________________ Age: _________________________________ Birthday: _____________________________ Brothers or sisters: _____________________________________________ Hair: ________________________________________________________ Eyes: ________________________________________________________ Favourite subject: _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Favourite __________ : _________________________________________
Step 5 Ritagliate le ID cards (o stampatele se le avete fatte al computer), compilatele e incollate le vostre foto. Ora sono pronte per essere incollate tutte insieme sul poster della classe. Well done!
Something more! Ci sono compagni nella vostra classe la cui famiglia è di origine straniera? Step 6 Raccogliete informazioni sulla loro nazione di origine e sulla lingua parlata in famiglia. Esempio: Giulia Where is your family from, Antonio? Antonio My family is from Peru. Giulia And what’s your parents’ first language? Antonio Spanish.
Functions round-up • chiedere e dire la nazionalità
Step 7 Indicate le nazioni nel planisfero, ritagliatelo e inseritelo nel poster. Elencate anche tutte le lingue che parla la classe. Avrete così prodotto il poster di una classe internazionale! Well done!
Competences round-up ■■ competenza
digitale ■■ imparare ad imparare ■■ competenze sociali e civiche ■■ spirito di iniziativa e imprenditorialità ■■ consapevolezza ed espressione culturale Languages Russian (Diana) Arabic (Said)
t wo hundre d and f if t y-seven
Welcome to my town
Situation È ora di uscire da scuola e andare alla scoperta della città! Tutta la classe parteciperà alla
creazione di una piccola guida turistica con informazioni utili a muoversi in città e a conoscerla meglio. Il lavoro verrà svolto in piccoli gruppi. Seguite le informazioni fornite nei vari steps fino al completamento dell’opera. Buon lavoro!
Step 1 L’insegnante ti indicherà i tuoi compagni di lavoro. Dovrete scegliere di quale sezione della guida occuparvi. Leggete il nome delle sezioni e decidete insieme, facendo proposte. Restaurants
Functions round-up • proporre di fare qualcosa
Services Education
Esempio: Giulia Which section shall we choose? Luca Let’s choose sport. It’s fun! Antonio No, I don’t like sport! Let’s write about leisure. Cinemas, fun parks… Silvia Good idea!
Step 2 Per iniziare, preparate un elenco dei luoghi e dei servizi da includere nella sezione della guida che avete scelto. Potete utilizzare una word web per facilitarvi il compito. LEISURE _______________
Tools ■■ Dictionary
& Maps ■■ mappa della città ■■ Internet
Step 3 Fate un elenco delle informazioni utili che dovrete includere nella vostra sezione. Per esempio, se avete scelto LEISURE, elencherete le strutture ricreative, gli orari di apertura, i mezzi per raggiungerle.
Step 4 Cercate le informazioni mancanti nell’elenco telefonico, su una cartina della città o, se avete accesso a Internet, sul sito del Comune.
Step 5 Ora scrivete tutto quello che avete raccolto. Potete farlo a mano o, se avete accesso a un
computer, utilizzando Microsoft Word o un altro programma di scrittura o presentazione come PowerPoint.
t wo hundre d and f if t y-eight
Compito di realtà Something more! Abbellite il vostro elaborato con immagini dei luoghi descritti o altre immagini rappresentative. Esempio di elaborato:
Welcome to
_____________ (name of town)
Section 3:
inema Odeon, via Roma 8. C Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 4 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. Tickets €5-€8
Bus n. 14
quapark, via Appia 11. A Open from May to September only, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets €10-€20
Buses n. 2, 7
Bowling, piazza Repubblica 20. Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets €5-€6,5
Bus n. 7
Step 6 Ora potete scambiare le informazioni sulla vostra sezione con quelle di un altro gruppo e in questo modo conoscere meglio la vostra città.
Antonio So, your section is Education. What kind of schools are there in town? Giovanni There are kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and a University. Antonio What kind of University? Giovanni Medicine and Natural Sciences. Antonio And where is it? Giovanni It’s near the train station, in via Verdi.
Functions round-up • chiedere e dare indicazioni stradali Competences round-up ■■ competenza
digitale ■■ imparare ad imparare ■■ competenze sociali e civiche ■■ spirito di iniziativa e imprenditorialità ■■ consapevolezza ed espressione culturale
Step 7 Mettete insieme tutte le sezioni in un unico elaborato o file, e avrete ottenuto una guida completa della città fatta da tutta la classe. Well done!
t wo hundre d and f if t y-nine
Similarities and differences
Situation Variety is the spice of life è un proverbio inglese che corrisponde al nostro “Il mondo è bello
perché è vario!”. Quante volte l’abbiamo sentito o usato? Risale alla notte dei tempi, ma è sempre attuale e vero. Oggi andremo alla scoperta delle somiglianze e delle differenze che ci sono all’interno della classe. Scoprirete di avere tante cose in comune con i compagni, ma che ognuno di voi è diverso dagli altri. Il lavoro verrà svolto a coppie. Seguite le indicazioni fornite nei vari steps fino al completamento dell’opera. Have fun!
Step 1 L’insegnante ti assegnerà un compagno. Dovrete fare un elenco delle somiglianze e delle
differenze che ci sono fra voi. Lavorate con le seguenti categorie e cercate di fare un elenco il più lungo possibile. PHYSICAL AND PERSONAL Hair colour? Skin colour? (fair, olive or brown) Eye colour? Right or left handed? Number of teeth? Freckles? Birthday? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
YOUR FAVOURITES Colours? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 260
t wo hundre d and six t y
What time do you get up? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Do you believe in ghosts? Are you a vegetarian? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Life Skills Step 2 Una volta completato l’elenco, intervistatevi per scoprire in cosa vi assomigliate e in cosa siete diversi. Esempio: Thomas Giulia Thomas Giulia Thomas Giulia Thomas
When is your birthday, Giulia? It’s on the 1st of May. My birthday is in May too, but on the 15th. What colour hair have you got? I’ve got brown hair. Me too! What about skin colour? I’ve got olive skin. I’ve got brown skin, so at the moment we’ve got two similarities and two differences.
Functions round-up • chiedere e dare informazioni personali • parlare dei propri gusti e delle proprie opinioni • chiedere e dare informazioni sulla propria routine
Step 3 Completate la tabella con i dati ottenuti dall’intervista. Attenzione! Per ogni differenza dovrete
trovare una somiglianza, in modo che le due liste all’interno della tabella siano della stessa lunghezza. Start!
All the things that are similar or the same about you and your partner.
All the things that are different about you and your partner.
Competences round-up ■■ imparare
ad imparare ■■ competenze sociali e civiche
t wo hundre d and six t y-one
Healthy Henry
Situation Riflettiamo sul nostro stile di vita. Siamo troppo sedentari? Mangiamo correttamente
facendo la giusta proporzione fra proteine, carboidrati, fibre e grassi? Dormiamo abbastanza? Che cosa possiamo fare per migliorare il nostro stile di vita quotidiano? Lo scopriremo grazie a Healthy Henry. Il lavoro verrà svolto a piccoli gruppi. Seguite le indicazioni fornite nei vari steps fino al completamento dell’opera. Have fun!
Step 1 L’insegnante vi indicherà i vostri compagni di lavoro. Insieme dovrete ricostruire la vita
quotidiana di Healthy Henry, uno studente universitario che cerca di vivere nel modo più sano possibile. Sarà utile ripassare le unità del libro in cui si parla di azioni quotidiane, di cibo e bevande, di attività del tempo libero e di sport.
Step 2 Che cosa fa Healthy Henry tutti i giorni per mantenere uno stile di vita sano? Leggete i punti
nella colonna sinistra della tabella. Per ogni punto, dovrete scrivere una descrizione di ciò che secondo voi rende Henry very healthy. Usate la descrizione del primo punto come modello. Start! What Henry does
Eating proteins (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, lentils, beans) Eating sugary and fatty foods (sweets, ice cream, pudding, chips and crisps, fast food, soft drinks) Eating fruit and vegetables Exercise and sport (walking/cycling or driving? lift or stairs?) Free-time activities Sleep Smoking and drinking alcohol Drinking water Stress (studying long hours? seeing friends? having fun?)
t wo hundre d and six t y-t wo
Henry usually eats yoghurt with cereal for breakfast. He always has a cheese and ham sandwich for lunch, or an egg sandwich. He often eats meat with lentils or beans for dinner and fish at the weekend.
Life Skills Step 3 E voi? Che cosa fate per condurre una vita sana? Completate la seconda colonna della tabella con le vostre abitudini.
Eating habits
What I do
What I can change
I usually… I never…
Eat more… Eat less…
Exercise and sport
Free-time activities
Drinking water
Step 4 Che cosa potete invece cambiare del vostro stile di vita per migliorarlo? Ponetevi degli obiettivi e scriveteli nella terza colonna della tabella.
Extra! Preparate un poster o la presentazione di una campagna di sensibilizzazione per uno stile di vita sano ed equilibrato. Usate Healthy Henry come testimonial. Potete fare un progetto cartaceo oppure, se avete accesso a un computer, utilizzare programmi come Microsoft Word o PowerPoint.
Competences round-up ■■ competenza
digitale ■■ imparare ad imparare ■■ competenze sociali e civiche
t wo hundre d and six t y-three
CLIL: Map Skills 1 Pairwork Quanti tipi di mappe o cartine conosci? Parlane con un compagno. 2
Leggi e ascolta il testo, poi verifica la tua risposta.
Maps are pictures of the Earth’s surface. In geography, they are very important tools that researchers, cartographers and students can use to analyse the entire Earth or a specific part of it. Maps can be of different types. They can show political boundaries, the locations of cities, geographical features, or, in the case of thematic maps, they can illustrate one particular topic.
A common type of political map showing the United States and its borders.
Political maps focus only on the state and national boundaries of a place and do not show any topographic features. They include the locations of capital cities and other large and small urban areas. Physical maps show the physical landscape features of a place. They generally show mountains, rivers and lakes, and water is always shown with blue. Mountains and elevation changes are usually shown using different colours and shades to show relief. Normally, on physical maps green shows lower elevations while browns show high elevations. Rivers, seas and oceans are in different shades of blue.
This is a physical map of the United Kingdom. Low elevation coastal regions are in green, while the high elevations go from orange to dark brown. Rivers are in blue.
This example of a thematic map shows the population density of Europe. The key on the left explains the colour code.
t wo hundre d and six t y-four
A road map of Paris shows the major highways as a wide orange line. Other large roads are shown as orange with minor streets as white.
Road maps are a very common type of map. They tell you how to go from one place to another and show major and minor highways and roads as well as things like airports, railway stations, city locations, parks and monuments. Major highways on road maps are generally red or orange, while minor roads are in light colours and are narrower. Thematic maps focus on a particular theme or special topic and they are different from the three maps above because they do not just show natural features like rivers, cities, political borders, elevations and highways. They can illustrate very specific topics such as demographic growth in a country, the average rainfall distribution for an area, or human migrations across one or more continents.
Geography 3 INV Leggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).
1 You can find the names of the cities in a political map. 2 You need a political map to see the borders between different countries. 3 A physical map shows how to get from one place to another. 4 To move around a big city you need a road map. 5 Road maps show roads in different colours. 6 You can see the oceans from a thematic map.
T F □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Leggi e ascolta il testo sulle coordinate geografiche, poi completa l’immagine con le parole mancanti. 57
We use the geographic coordinate system to find a place on a map. We measure the exact position of a place on a map using degrees of latitude and longitude. Latitude measures the distance north or south of the equator using lines. Each latitude line forms an imaginary circle around the Earth. We call these circles parallels. The equator is the middle line of latitude (degree 0) and it is halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole. The latitude of the North Pole is 90 degrees north, and that of the South Pole is 90 degrees south. The equator divides the surface into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
6 ___________ hemisphere
1 ________ Pole 2 Greenwich ____________
Longitude measures the distance east or west of an imaginary line running from the North Pole through Greenwich, England, to the South Pole. This imaginary line at 0 degrees longitude is the prime meridian, or Greenwich meridian. Longitude lines are meridians and they all meet at the North and South Poles. Parallels and 5 _______________ meridians form the geographic grid. For example, the city of _______________ Rome is in the northern hemisphere, 42° north of the equator and 12° east of Greenwich. We also use meridians to calculate the different time zones on the Earth.
3 ___________
4 ___________
5 ES Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. 1 2 3 4 5 6
What are parallels? What is the equator? What are the degrees of the South Pole? Which lines go from the North Pole to the South Pole? Where is meridian 0? What do we need to calculate the time zones on Earth?
Strange but true At the Royal Observatory in Greenwich you can stand on the prime meridian. You can have one foot in the eastern part and the other in the western one! The Royal Observatory at Greenwich, London, home of the prime meridian line.
t wo hundre d and six t y-f ive
CLIL: Map Skills 6 Pairwork Elencate tre diversi modi per trovare la direzione. 7
Ascoltate e leggete il testo, poi verificate le vostre risposte. Are you good at orienteering? Finding your way when travelling or visiting an unknown place is extremely important, not only for comfort but for your own safety too. If you don’t have a map with you or if Google Maps or your GPS in your smartphone don’t work, there are other ways to find your way. The first basic considerations involve the cardinal points and the time of the day. Always remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. At midday, in the northern hemisphere the sun indicates south. On a clear night in the northern hemisphere, if you can identify the North Star you know where north is, which means that opposite there is south, east is on your right and west is on your left. If you are in an area where mountains, trees or other objects are blocking the night sky, it can be difficult to use the North Star to find your direction. But if you look at the trunk of trees and you see moss, that side of the tree points north. In the southern hemisphere, the moss on the side of the tree points south.
If you have a compass, you don’t need to look at the stars or to look for moss on trees. The compass is a Chinese invention of the III century BC. It is a navigational tool that uses magnetism and has an arrow which points north. A compass is very useful for navigating on oceans and in deserts, or other places where there are few landmarks.
8 INV Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C). 1 2 3 4 5 6 266
If you are facing south, ________ is on your right. A north B west C east The sun rises in the… A west. B east. C north. The needle in the compass always points… A south. B west. C north. The sun at midday indicates… A the south. B the north. C the east. When you are in a forest, look at _________ to find the north. A the sun B the moss on trees C the road The compass is __________ invention. A a modern B an ancient C an American
t wo hundre d and six t y-six
CLILScience review 1 Di quale cartina si tratta? Scrivilo sotto le immagini.
4 Leggi le coordinate della città di San Francisco e completa il testo.
San Francisco is a big city on the west coast of the United States, in the state of California. It’s in the 1____________ hemisphere and its coordinates are 38 degrees 2____________ of the 3 ____________ and 122 4___________ 5____________ of 6 ____________.
1 __________________
2 _________________
38°N 122°W
5 Scrivi la parola corrispondente a ogni definizione.
3 __________________
4 _________________
2 Quale tipo di cartina usi in queste situazioni? 1 You arrive in Rome and you want to get from the station to the hotel. _____________________________________ 2 You want to know the mountains, rivers and lakes of a country. _____________________________________ 3 You want to find the capital city of a country. _____________________________________ 4 You want to know about human migrations in the world. _____________________________________
3 Trova l’intruso. 1 2 3 4
south, north, compass, east meridian, parallel, equator, Google Maps map, mountain, ocean, river GPS, North Star, moss, hemisphere
1 It divides the Earth into two hemispheres. e___________________________________ 2 Together they make a geographic grid. p________________, m________________ 3 It is a Chinese invention. c___________________________________ 4 It indicates the north at night. N_______________ S__________________ 5 It measures the distance east or west from Greenwich. l____________________________________ 6 The distance from the equator. l____________________________________
6 Pairwork Scegliete tre città ciascuno in tre
diversi continenti. Trovate le coordinate geografiche, poi fatevi domande e date risposte. Moscow.
Where is it?
It’s in the northern hemisphere.
What are its coordinates?
They are… t wo hundre d and six t y-seven
CLIL: Earthquakes and Volcanoes 1
Ascolta e leggi il testo, poi sottolinea l’equivalente inglese delle parole italiane del riquadro.
magnitudo • onde sismiche • placche • crosta • scossa • faglia l movement of Earthquakes involve the powerfu ic plates form rocks in the earth’s crust. Tecton release of the earth’s crust; with the rapid through the vel tra t energy, seismic waves tha thquakes. ear g earth move these plates creatin surface directly The epicentre is the point on the inates. above where the earthquake orig eds of seismic spe nt Seismologists use the differe thquakes. ear waves to locate the epicentre of Richter scale to They use seismometres and the measure the magnitude, or size, of earthquakes, and the Mercalli scale to measure the intensity, or damage.
2 Leggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi
For instance, it is very difficult to feel a magnitude 3.0 earthquake, which is mainly a tremor, but a magnitude 6 is a real earthquake and it can potentially cause a lot of damage. The damage caused by earthquakes also depends on their depth and the type of fault line. It is important that countries where earthquakes are very frequent such as Japan, Italy or South America build houses and buildings that react well to earthquakes. Good engineering practices can help stop buildings collapsing under the stress of large earthquakes. Earthquakes that occur out at sea can cause huge tsunamis capable of reaching land and endangering people.
sono vere (T) o false (F). T F 1 Tectonic plates form the earth’s crust. □ □ 2 The earth’s crust never moves. □ □ 3 Seismic waves are a form of energy. □ □ 4 The Richter scale measures the size of earthquakes. □ □ 5 The Mercalli scale measures the velocity of the earthquake. □ □ 6 An earthquake of 3.0 magnitude is a great earthquake. □ □
Richter magnitude scale
< 2.0
2.0-2.9 3.0-3.9
Earthquake effects Extremely difficult for people to feel it. Difficult for people to feel it. Sometimes people can feel it, but there isn’t any damage. Tremors cause objects to move inside buildings. People can sometimes feel it, but there is little or no damage.
It can cause serious damage to infrastructures up to about an area of 160 km.
It can cause serious damage over large areas.
It can totally destroy entire communities near its epicentre.
t wo hundre d and six t y-eight
Old or poorly built buildings can suffer major damage, whereas well-built buildings can experience minor damage.
Science 3
ES Ascolta e leggi il testo sugli tsunami, poi rispondi alle domande.
Tsunami is a Japanese word that literally means ‘port wave’. Tsunamis are huge waves of water that are usually caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. As a tsunami approaches the shore, water may recede from the coast; if it is shallow enough, the water can be pulled back hundreds of metres. If you are in the area and you see this, it is a good indication that a tsunami is on the way. Regions in tsunami danger zones often have warning systems in place to give people as much time to evacuate as possible. When tsunamis hit shallow water (often near the coast) they slow down but increase in height. Tsunami waves can reach height of over 131 feet (40 metres) in some areas, destroying coastal towns. In December 2004, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean near Indonesia and the tsunami which followed caused the death of over 200,000 people in 14 countries. Tsunamis are sometimes referred to as ‘tidal waves’ but this term is incorrect because tsunamis are not related to tides.
1 What does ‘tsunami’ mean in English? 2 Can a volcanic eruption cause a tsunami? 3 Are tsunamis fast in deep waters?
4 What is the maximum height of a tsunami wave? 5 Where was the tsunami of 2004? 6 Is it correct to call tsunamis ‘tidal waves’? Why? / Why not?
4 Quiz Sai che cosa fare in caso di terremoto? Indica (✓) le azioni corrette, poi controlla le tue risposte. In case of earthquake… take the lift and go outside
protect your head
turn on the lights
run under a table
don’t panic
2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
6 8
turn off electricity and gas
hold onto something solid go to the meeting point outside
Correct answers:
t wo hundre d and six t y-nine
CLIL: Earthquakes and Volcanoes 5 Pairwork Osservate le foto: riconoscete questi tre vulcani italiani? Abbinateli ai loro nomi. 1
□ Mount Etna
□ Mount Vesuvius
□ Stromboli
Ascolta e leggi il testo, poi verifica le tue risposte all’esercizio 5.
The word volcano originally comes from the name of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan. Volcanoes are openings in the earth’s surface. When they are active, volcanoes can let ash, gas and magma (hot liquid under the earth’s surface) escape in sometimes violent and spectacular eruptions. Volcanoes are usually located where tectonic plates meet. This explains why 75% of the volcanoes on earth are on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area around the Pacific Ocean. But they can also form in areas that contain extraordinarily hot rock inside the earth, such as the area near Hawaii.
The magma of a volcano is located in a chamber, or reservoir. When the earth’s crust moves, the gases inside the reservoir increase in volume and create bubbles. These bubbles push the magma out of its conduit. When magma goes up through the conduit and comes out of the crater, it becomes lava. Volcanic eruptions can send ash high into the air, over 30 kilometres (17 miles) above the earth’s surface. Volcanoes can be active (regular activity with steam, gas and lava eruptions, such as Etna in Sicily), dormant (recent historical activity but now quiet, such as Vesuvius in Naples) or extinct (no activity in recent historical times and unlikely to erupt again). While these terms are useful, scientists are more likely to describe volcanoes by characteristics such as how they formed, how they erupt and what their shape is. People often think of volcanoes as large cone-shaped mountains, but that is just one type. There are other types of volcanoes, for example with wide plateaus, fissure vents (cracks where lava emerges) and domed, round shapes. There are also volcanoes on the ocean floor, and even under icecaps, such as those in Iceland. There are also volcanic islands, such as the Canary Islands in Spain and the isle of Stromboli in Sicily.
7 K Completa le frasi con la parola mancante. The top of a volcano is the c_____________. When magma becomes liquid, we call it l_____________. The place with the magma is the r_____________. Volcanoes erupt because g_____________ create bubbles and push the magma out of its conduit. 5 When lava and gas come out of the crater there is an e___________. 6 Active volcanoes can produce s___________, gas and lava eruptions. 1 2 3 4
t wo hundre d and sevent y
Strange but true Pumice is a unique volcanic rock that can float in water. It can also be used as an abrasive and you can sometimes find it in beauty salons for removing dry skin.
Science 1 Abbina le parole alle definizioni corrispondenti.
4 INV Leggi le frasi e indica (✓) se sono vere (T) o false (F), poi correggi le frasi false.
1 earthquake 2 tsunami 3 volcanic eruption a
T F 1 Seismic waves create earthquakes. □ □ 2 Tsunamis are not related to earthquakes. □ □ 3 When tsunamis hit shallow water, waves become very high. □ □ 4 You can understand a tsunami is coming if the shallow water suddenly recedes. □ □ 5 75% of the volcanoes on earth are in Europe. □ □ 6 Only steam comes out of an active volcano. □ □
□ It’s a series of huge waves usually caused by
underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. b □ It happens when tectonic plates move because of seismic waves. c □ There is one when gas and lava come out of the crater.
2 Inserisci le parole del riquadro nella colonna corrispondente della tabella.
epicentre • magma • seismic waves • lava • reservoir crater • conduit • eruption • tremor • Mercalli • crust • magnitude Earthquakes
5 Osserva le foto di questi vulcani e decidi di che tipo sono: active, dormant o extinct?
3 Completa le frasi con alcune delle parole dell’esercizio 2.
1 _____________ travelling through the earth move the plates and create earthquakes. 2 The _____________ of an earthquake is the exact point above an earthquake. 3 _____________ is the size of an earthquake. 4 Richter and _____________ are two scales seismologists use to study earthquakes. 5 A volcanic _____________ can cause a tsunami. 6 The name of the liquid _____________ is lava. 7 The _____________ is the tunnel where lava comes out of a volcano. 8 A _____________ is a minor earthquake. 9 The _____________ is the round hole at the top of a volcano. 10 The hot liquid rock that comes out of the earth through a volcano is the _____________.
6 Inserisci questi nomi nelle etichette del disegno del vulcano.
crater • conduit • lava • ash / smoke magma chamber / reservoir 1 ____________ 2 ____________
3 ____________
4 ____________ 5 ____________ t wo hundre d and sevent y-one
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Vuoi metterti alla prova con una certificazione linguistica internazionale? Le attività delle pagine seguenti sono alla tua portata perché seguono il programma delle unità. Non avrai difficoltà ad eseguirle e comincerai a familiarizzare con il formato delle prove ufficiali. Enjoy a REAL exam! La certificazione internazionale A2 Key for Schools corrisponde al livello A2 del Quadro comune europeo per le lingue (Common European Framework). È un esame che si può dare sulla carta e anche online sul computer. L’esame è diviso in tre sezioni (Papers) che testano le quattro abilità: Paper 1: Reading and Writing Paper 2: Listening Paper 3: Speaking A loro volta, i papers sono suddivisi in parti.
Paper 1 Reading and Writing
1 Comprensione di 6 testi brevi 2 Comprensione di 3 testi brevi con test a scelta multipla 3 Comprensione di un testo lungo con test a scelta multipla 4 Comprensione con uno spazio da riempire (gap fill) a scelta multipla 5 Comprensione con uno spazio da riempire (gap fill) ma senza le parole date 6 Scrittura di un messaggio con un minimo di 25 parole 7 Scrittura di una storia sulla base di una sequenza di 3 immagini
1 Ascolto di 5 brevi testi, con attività di comprensione basata sull’abbinamento con immagini 2 Ascolto di un testo lungo con degli appunti da completare 3 Ascolto e comprensione di un testo con domande a scelta multipla 4 Ascolto di un testo con comprensione con domande a scelta multipla 5 Comprensione di un testo lungo con abbinamento di nomi a oggetti
1 Fase introduttiva con l’esaminatore 2 Fase collaborativa con un altro candidato, basata sull’osservazione e discussione di immagini
t wo hundre d and sevent y-t wo
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 1-2
Before you read 1 Leggi i tre brani. Sottolinea tutti i legami di parentela che trovi e inseriscili nella tabella. Kate
Paper 1 Reading – Part 2 2 Ora rileggi i tre brani e le domande 1-6. A quale dei ragazzi si riferisce ogni domanda? Who’s got a brother called Oliver? 1 Who hasn’t got freckles? 2 Who’s got very pretty cousins? 3 Who’s got a sister with blue eyes? 4 Who’s got a very strong father? 5 Who’s got an aunt called Lisa? 6 Who’s got long, brown hair?
Kate Tom Emma A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
Hi! My name is Kate and I am 12 years old. I’ve got a very funny family. Jane is my sister and she is 10 years old. My brother’s name is Simon and he is 9. My mother is Sandra and my father is Mark. Mary is my grandma and Bill is my grandpa. They aren’t old. I love my grandparents! David is my uncle and Lisa is my aunt. Tyler and Chloe are my cousins and they’re very pretty!
Hey there, I’m Tom and I’m 13 years old. I haven’t got a bother or a sister, I’m an only child. My mum’s name is Kelly, she’s tall and pretty and she’s got brown hair. My dad’s name is Jack, he’s not very tall but he’s really strong. He’s got red hair and green eyes. He’s from Ireland. My grandparents are Irish, their names are Finnoula and Frank. My grandpa is very strong too. We all have freckles in my family.
Hi, I’m Emma and I’ve got a big family. I’ve got long, dark hair and I’ve got freckles. I’ve got a brother and a baby sister. My brother is Oliver and he’s got short, dark brown hair and brown eyes. My baby sister is Louise and she’s got blue eyes! We’ve got a beautiful house in the country! We are a happy family.
t wo hundre d and sevent y-three
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 3-4
Before your read 1 Stai per leggere il racconto della giornata di Akin, un ragazzo di 13 anni che vive in un piccolo villaggio in Uganda. Sai dove si trova l’Uganda? Qual è la sua capitale?
Paper 1 Reading – Part 3 2 Leggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C)
My best friend Badu and I go to school outside the camp. We leave for school at 6.30 a.m. to arrive at 7.30 a.m. In my class, there are extra lessons before and after school, but they are not free. Badu and I haven’t got the money for that, so we stay out of the classroom. There’s no food at school and I get hungry, especially at lunchtime.
When I get home in the evening I’m very hungry. My family and I only have one meal a day. We eat vegetables with special sauces. Sometimes we eat fruit when it is in season and sometimes we have milk, but never meat or eggs. After dinner, I wash the dishes and help my aunt. At the weekend, I look for water in the next village, and wash my school uniform and the other clothes.
t wo hundre d and sevent y-four
Free time
When I have homework to do, I do it before it’s dark. We haven’t got a lamp, at home. I usually see Badu and my other friends at night. We sit and chat and tell stories. One of my friends has got a ball, so we play netball. If the radio is there, and we have batteries, we listen to music. Sometimes we listen to music in the local language, or singers like Ed Sheeran or Shawn Mendes, and rap music.
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 3-4 1
What time do lessons start? A at 7.30 a.m. B at 6.30 a.m. C at lunch time
Why does Akin get hungry at school? A because he gets up early B because he doesn’t like the food C because there’s no food at school
In Akin’s family, they have … A two meals a day. B one meal a day. C three meals a day.
5 At night, Akin and his friends A play football. B chat and listen to music. C have dinner.
After dinner, Akin A listens to music. B helps in the family. C washes his clothes.
Paper 1 Reading – Part 5 3 Leggi l’email di Ramona sul suo giorno preferito. Completala con UNA sola parola in ogni spazio.
From Ramona To
Hi, I’m Ramona. Let me tell you about my week. Wednesday
Tois (1) ___________ favourite day.
I start school (2) ___________ 10 − I don’t start at nine o’clock (3) ___________ Wednesday! I get up at nine o’clock and I (4) ___________ breakfast with my mum. Then I go (5) ___________ school. I study in the morning and then I go home for lunch at two o’clock. I do my homework in (6) ___________ afternoon and then I watch TV in the evening with my brother. We go to bed at half past nine. That's it for today. Write me soon!
t wo hundre d and sevent y-f ive
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 3-4
Paper 1 Reading – Part 3 4 Leggi il brano e completalo con l’opzione corretta (A, B o C). My family is very musical. Dad (1) __________ the piano, Mum plays the cello and my brother and sister (2) __________. I have violin lessons every (3) __________ after school and I practise two hours in the evenings and all day on Sundays. But I’m not (4) __________. I prefer football! All (5) __________ friends go to football matches at the weekend and I stay (6) __________ home. It’s unfair! 1 A play 2 A sing 3 A day 4 A unhappy 5 A my 6 A on
B plays B sings B hour B happy B your B in
C do C does sing C morning C nice C their C at
Paper 1 Writing – Part 6 5 Scrivi un’email a un nuovo / una nuova penfriend. Parla della tua routine quotidiana. Racconta: • a che ora ti alzi • cosa fai al mattino • cosa fai nel pomeriggio Scrivi un minimo di 25 parole.
From To From To
t wo hundre d and sevent y-six
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 3-4
Paper 1 Listening – Part 2 6 62 Ascolta la telefonata fra due amici e completa gli appunti. Dovrai scrivere una parola, un numero, una data o un orario.
DRAMA CLASS When: Tuesday Time: (1) ______________ p.m. Teacher: (2) ______________ Where: (3) ______________ Hall Teacher’s phone number: (4) ______________ Phone after: (5) ______________ p.m.
Paper 1 Listening – Part 3 7 63 Jungsun è una studentessa di 12 anni di Seul, in Corea del Sud.
Ci racconta della sua routine quotidiana. Ascolta il suo racconto e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
Jungsun’s standard school day is 8 hours. A 11 B 5 C 8
On Saturday... A they never go to school. B they only do 5 hours. C they do the usual hours.
Jungsun studies ____________ subjects. A 11 B 9 C 12
Jungsun doesn’t study ____________ at school. A History B Art C Geography
4 In Jungsun’s class there are ____________ children. A 40 B 14 C 30 5
In Korea school starts in ____________ A March. B September. C February.
t wo hundre d and sevent y-seven
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 5-6
Paper 1 Reading – Part 2 Before you read 1 Leggi i tre brani. Sottolinea tutti i nomi di cibi che trovi e inseriscili nella tabella. Mark
2 Ora rileggi i tre brani e le domande 1-6. A quale dei ragazzi si riferisce ogni domanda? Who prefers a Sunday roast? 1 Who says they eat a lot of peanut butter? 2 Who eats a lot of meat? 3 Whose country is famous for salmon? 4 Whose country is famous for junk food? 5 Whose family have lunch together on Sunday? 6 Who eats a dish made from animal organs?
Mark Lucy Diana A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
Many people think that Americans only eat junk food but it isn’t true. Every state has its own typical dishes and what people eat in California is very different from what people eat in Washington! But it’s true that we eat a lot of peanut butter – especially on bread or toast!
Here in London you can find restaurants from all over the world, but my favourite food is Sunday roast. That’s when all the family eat together at Sunday lunchtime. We have meat – usually beef, lamb, pork or chicken cooked in the oven with potatoes and different kinds of vegetables. It’s yummy!
t wo hundre d and sevent y-eight
A traditional Scottish dish is haggis. It is made with the sheep’s organs and cooked in its stomach. We usually eat this on special occasions together with vegetables and potatoes. Scottish salmon and beef are also famous all over the world.
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 5-6 Paper 1 Reading – Part 3 3 Leggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
It’s not so bad By Suzie Hall, age 14 People say that my country, Great Britain, has a bad reputation for food, but I don’t agree. With its multicultural population and popularity of cooking TV shows, it just isn’t true. One of the most famous British dishes is the classic Sunday lunch with roast chicken or beef, roast or boiled potatoes and usually two different vegetables. Another favourite is fried fish and chips but it isn’t a very healthy option. Dairy produce is usually of a very high standard and the milk, butter, cheese, cream and ice cream are excellent. Thanks to the number of Asian cultures present in the UK, hot and spicy curries with rice are popular and there is a wide choice of both cheap and more expensive restaurants. Many of these restaurants offer a take-away service so you can eat delicious food in the comfort of your own home.
1 What does Suzie think about the food in Great Britain? A It’s very bad. B It’s very healthy. C It’s not so bad. 2
What do British people eat on a Sunday lunch? A spicy curry B meat and vegetables C a take-away service
What is of a very good quality? A meat B milk and cheese C fish and chips
Where does foreign food in Britain come from? A Asia B France C The USA
5 What do you do if you want to eat in the comfort of your home? A buy fish and chips B eat Asian food C order a take-away service
t wo hundre d and sevent y-nine
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 5-6
Paper 1 Reading – Part 4 4 Leggi il brano sulla vita in Kenya e completalo con l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
Camel libraries in Kenya Many Kenyans live a nomadic life, they move (1) ___________ one place to another looking for pasture for (2) ___________ animals. So, it is often difficult for children to get to a library. But no problem! Camel library to the rescue! In the North East of (3) ___________ country there are three camel libraries. (4) ___________ libraries travel round the different nomadic villages. Each library has three camels, (5) ___________ 200 books, a tent, a reading mat, a small table and two chairs, a librarian (6) ___________ two assistant librarians.
1 A for 2 A their 3 A a 4 A These 5 A about 6 A have
B from B them B their B This B have B and
C to C some C the C That C and C but
Paper 1 Reading – Part 5 5 Leggi l'email su Pancake Day. Completala con UNA sola parola in ogni spazio.
From Jodie To
Hi Selma. This is what people do at Easter in England. During the famous food festival (0) in the village of Olney there’s a very strange run for women. What (1) ______________ they do?
They run in the traditional Pancake Day race. Each woman has (2) ______________ a pancake in a pan; she throws the pancake in (3) ______________ air and catches (4) ______________ in the pan while she runs. The first woman to finish the race without dropping the pancake, wins. The race is a very old tradition in Olney, in fact it’s over 500 years (5) ______________. Now it’s famous and people have pancake races (6) ______________ Pancake Day in other towns in the UK and the USA too. Write soon!
t wo hundre d and eight y
Units 5-6
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Paper 1 Writing – Part 6 6 Scrivi un’email a un nuovo / una nuova penfriend. Parla di che cosa si mangia di solito nella tua famiglia la domenica.
Racconta: • cosa mangiate per colazione • cosa mangiate per pranzo e dove mangiate • cosa mangiate per cena Scrivi un minimo di 25 parole.
From To
Paper 3 Speaking – Part 2 7 Osserva le foto e rispondi alle domande. • Do you like going to these places in your free time? • Which place is your favourite? Why? • When do you usually visit these places?
t wo hundre d and eight y-one
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 7-8
Paper 1 Reading and Writing – Part 1 1 Leggi i quattro cartelli. Scegli fra le opzioni A e B per completare le frasi.
On Tuesday A there’s a concert. B students meet to prepare for a concert.
Come on Tuesday at 6 p.m. if you can sing, play an instrument or dance!
You can’t swim A on Monday afternoon. B on Sunday afternoon.
Tuesday-Friday 8.30 a.m. – 7.30 p.m. Saturday-Sunday 10.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. Monday 1.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Julie, where are my trainers? I need them for my yoga class. , Don t use them for playing baseball!
Steffy A plays baseball. B can’t find her trainers.
Sports centre closed this week
t wo hundre d and eight y-t wo
New opening next Wednesday at 2 p.m. Call John at 038000 for more information
Until next Wednesday A you can’t use the sports centre. B you can call the sports centre.
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 7-8 Paper 1 Reading – Part 3 2 Leggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
Let’s get ready for the summer! Are the summer holidays too long? Are your friends always saying to you: ‘What shall we do today?’ There are lots of FREE activities around the city – something for everybody! Do you like playing team sports but don’t like getting wet when it rains? Try five-a-side football. You can play indoors or outdoors and there are always plenty of people to play against. Too active? Why don’t you have a go at playing tag rugby? It’s like rugby, but there’s no direct contact with other players, so it’s not dangerous. You try dodging your attacker, while he or she tries pulling your clothes and stopping you scoring. It’s great fun! Too tiring? What about playing frisbee? The rules say you can’t run when you’ve got it in your hands – so plenty of time to have a break! Too boring? How about trying street dance? Impress your friends with new moves and grooves from the streets! It’s new and exciting and really tiring!
The writer is making suggestions about A what to do in the summer. B what to see around the city. C what to say to your friends.
You can’t run A when you’ve got a rugby ball in your hands. B when you’re dancing in the street. C when you’ve got a frisbee in your hands.
Five-a-side football is good if A you like the rain. B you like rugby. C you don’t want to play outside.
Street dancing A isn’t boring. B is boring. C is dangerous.
In tag rugby A you touch the players. B you don’t touch the players. C you don’t wear clothes.
t wo hundre d and eight y-three
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Units 7-8
Paper 1 Reading – Part 4 3 Leggi il brano su una disciplina sportiva particolare e completalo con l’opzione corretta (A, B o C).
A VERY BUSY ATHLETE Heptathlon comes (1) _______ the Greek words for seven, ‘hepta’, and contest, ‘athlon’. That is exactly what young Tory Jones does. She (2) _______ in seven events in just two days! But does she like them all? This is what she tells us. ‘I really love running, so the 200-metre and the 800-metre (3) _______ are great! I don’t mind doing the long jump, but the high jump is really scary because I’m quite short! I don’t really like the javelin because it’s really difficult to concentrate on running and throwing at the same (4) _______. Why do I prefer competing in the heptathlon more than in (5) _______ events? Well, for a start it’s never boring... And I like visiting other countries when I’m competing. I also love feeling really fit all the time and I (6) _______ it when I’ve got nothing to do. I never ask questions like ‘What shall we do this weekend?’ because there’s always plenty of training to do! It’s brilliant!
1 A of B from 2 A competes B runs 3 A plays B games
C to C does C races
4 A time 5 A single 6 A love
B hour C event B individual C team B like C hate
Paper 1 Reading – Part 5 4 Leggi l'email sullo sport britannico rounders. Completala con UNA sola parola in ogni spazio.
From Thomas To
Thank you for your email about sports in your country. England’s national sport is cricket, (0) but football, rugby and tennis are also very popular among English people. Rugby originated at Rugby School (1) ________ Warwickshire, north-west of London. It is similar to football, but you use an oval ball to play it. If you like tennis, go (2) ________ ToWimbledon, south London, in June and watch the world’s most famous tennis tournament. From
There (3) ________ lots of other popular sports in England. Rounders is very popular among British and Irish schoolchildren. It is a ball game similar (4) ________ American baseball. You can play it outside in a park, a field, a garden or on the beach, but it also works well indoors if you have (5) ________ a big space. It is a team game with a bat, a ball and four posts in a diamond shape. You can use clothes instead if you (6) ________ got any posts. There are two teams of 6 to 15 players, but only 9 on the pitch together. That’s it for today. Write soon!
t wo hundre d and eight y-four
Units 7-8
Towards A2 Key for Schools
Paper 1 Writing – Part 6 5 Scrivi un’email a un nuovo / una nuova penfriend. Parla dello sport che pratichi. Racconta: • di che sport si tratta e quando lo pratichi • dove lo pratichi e perché ti piace • qualche regola semplice del gioco Scrivi un minimo di 25 parole.
From To
Paper 3 Speaking – Part 2 6 Osserva le foto e rispondi alle domande. • Which sport is your favourite? • Which one is fun? Which one is tiring? Which one is boring? • Do you prefer team sports or individual sports? Why?
t wo hundre d and eight y-f ive
Snakes and Ladders
START Say: What is it?
Say: What colour is it?
Complete: Bye bye! Have a nice ________!
Mime: Touch something red!
Complete: ________ name is Paul.
Correct? It’s a yellow chair.
Complete: No, you ________ 13. You’re 12!
Mime: Point to the door!
9 Correct? The books is in my bag.
8 Say: What colour are they?
Say: What number is it?
Say: What colour are her eyes?
Correct? It’s a orange book. Mime: Give me something yellow!
11 Correct? The giraffe has a long neck.
Mime: Show me your hands!
13 Correct? These are two mouses.
Mime: Touch your knees!
Complete: What colour ________ his hair?
Say: What animal is it?
Mime: I am a cat.
Complete: Those ________ three girls.
Correct? These are three sheeps.
Mime: Give me a book.
Say: Describe her.
Complete: My pencils are in my pencil ________.
Complete: My teacher ________ blonde hair.
Mime: Point to a tall friend!
Say: Describe the girl.
Say: What is it? Correct? That are my new trainers.
30 286
15 16 17 18 19 420
t wo hundre d and eight y-six
27 Mime: I am a frog.
Board Game
t wo hundre d and eight y-seven
REAL TIME 1 Student’s Book & Workbook Editorial project and coordination: Simona Franzoni Editors: Enrica Ferraris, Simona Bagalà Art director: Marco Mercatali Page design: Sara Blasigh Illustrated by: Luca Poli, Desirée Gedda Picture editor: Giorgia D’Angelo – Airone Comunicazione Production manager: Francesco Capitano Page layout: Sara Blasigh, Andersen Cover Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti Photos: Shutterstock © 2020 ELI S.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Paola Tite is the author of the Grammar Workshop pages.
Thanks and Acknowledgements The Authors and Publisher would like to extend a very special thanks to the following teachers for the invaluable feedback they provided during the development of the material: Lucia Bellini, Maria Laura Berti, Janet Bowie, Filomena Cappiello, Ida Cesarini, Valentina Chen, Laura Clyde, Angela Colopi, Raffaella Confalonieri, Leonilda De Rosa, Gillian Donnolly, Karen Dyer Silvestrin, Alessandra Fagnani, Silvana Fazio, Serena Di Gerolamo, Vanessa Gritti, Maria Antonietta Lovato, Raffaella Malverdi, Giuseppina Manca, Maria Massaro, Giuseppina Miano, Pasqualina Nazzaro, Silvia Papi, Lorna Monica Pisano, Giuliana Porcheddu, Elisabetta Romano, Giulia Rossi Dufour, Laura Storati, Francesca Trovati, Elena Zardini. Photo Acknowledgements Commissioned photography and production in London: Giuseppe Aquili Photography and production assistant: Anthony Dawton Giuseppe Aquili: p. 18, 22, 28, 30, 34, 48, 58, 60, 74, 86, 97, 100, 112.
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