Sep / Oct 2021 EliteGen Toronto

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publisher’s letter

珍惜當下 The Time is Now 昨天晚餐時,和家人邊吃邊聊,說起我的閨蜜因為 疫情從多倫多回到滿地可的老家遠程工作,與家人團聚 令她感受到親情的重要,於是決定辭去多倫多的工作, 留在家人身邊。想起和閨蜜同哭同笑的日子不再,「珍惜 當下」四個字縈繞心頭。 這 四 個 字其實涵蓋了我們生活的方方面面,本期 eliteGen裡有新潮安瓶護膚推介,有多倫多新開的幾家 餐館,還有Pholc的精美燈飾 The Dalmore昂貴的威 士忌珍藏 ASUS神級電競手機 卑詩省的各種精釀啤 酒……。逛街購物,美容保養,品嘗美食,玩物珍藏, 探索自然……,我要帶領讀者們去領略當下的美好,和 讀者們一起,不論在怎樣的境遇之下,以自己的方式發 現生活的積極意義,享受「那一刻」的愉悅和滿足。 「珍惜當下」的另一層意義還在於積極進取,就拿 eliteGen今期的封面女孩孫仙易來說,從故鄉來到多倫 多打拼,所有的計劃都被新冠疫情擾亂,但她把困難 當作磨礪自己的機會,一步一步穩扎穩打。路易威登正 是看重她的這份努力,傾其「家珍」要令她光芒四射。還 有今期Rolex和Panerai腕錶故事中的主角—海洋攝影師 Sylvia Earle率領的極限探險者,及美國華裔登山家金國 威,這些傳奇英雄以征服大自然為樂,同時竭盡全力保 護大自然。正是「珍惜當下」給了他們信心和勇氣,每一 個「當下」成就了他們非凡的人生。 再看看時尚界,以創新的方式推出各種新品發佈大 秀,最新的2021-22秋冬系列和旅行系列時裝意念大 膽,型色繽紛;還有古馳的Hortus Deliciarum和寶格麗 的Magnifica高級珠寶系列折射出自然萬象。疫情的種種 負面因素成了激發創意開拓商機的原動力,不也是對「珍 惜當下」的最好詮釋嗎? 珍惜當下,生活中的每一刻都有意義,所有的喜怒 哀樂都會成為珍貴的生命記憶。

Have you heard of psycho-cybernetics? It’s a system of ideas put forth by Dr. Maxwell Maltz that we can have a more successful and fulfilling life when we have a positive view of ourselves. Here is a quote from him that I find very inspiring: “Live in the present. The past is gone; the future is unknown—but the present is real and your opportunities are now. You must see these opportunities; they must be real for you. The catch is that they can't seem real if your mind is buried in past failures, if you keep reliving old mistakes, old guilts, old tragedies.” I find this passage very relevant to our collective psyche. The past year and a half has affected everyone, leaving some of us feeling wounded and scarred. But we must not dwell on sad memories. It is time now to move on and start a new chapter in our lives. Our mandate at eliteGen has always been about helping you to look and feel your best. And so now maybe it’s time to try something new: how about the latest in skincare ampoules, a newly opened restaurant in Toronto or craft beer from British Columbia? And while you’re at it, refresh your wardrobe with the latest fashion-house collections, decorate yourself with sparkly stones, light up your living space with uber designer fixtures, reward yourself with a bottle of collector’s edition whiskey, and indulge your inner child with a top-performance gaming mobile phone. No matter what you choose, go find joy and savour the moment. You deserve it. Next, we work on the second part of the quote—seeking success through opportunity. Our cover girl SSUN has an inspiring story to tell. The Shanghai-born singer-songwriter relocated to Canada, hoping to ignite her international music career, but her plans were thwarted by the pandemic. Unfettered, and keeping her nose to the grindstone, this month she is releasing a new album. We can see her flying high— literally. Special thanks to Louis Vuitton and our creative/production team for this cover feature. Preseverence and determination. This spirit is also evident in the protagonists of our Rolex and Panerai watch features, ocean photographer Sylvia Earle and ChineseAmerican mountaineer Jimmy Chin. Their extraordinary achievements only reaffirm that you have to believe in yourself in order to achieve greatness. “Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become,” says Dr. Maltz. I hope that you will feel inspired and empowered by our pages, and I wish everyone a wonderful new start. Yours sincerely,

Leslie Yip Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Twitter, Instagram & Tiktok: leslieyip0911 10

E L I T E G E N. C A



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