Vernon Stewart | Executive Director of Communications 719.520.8851
Natalie Sosa | Deputy Director of Communications 719.520.6250
Communications Department 719.520.6320
El Paso County is a regional leader providing valued and necessary community services in the most cost-effective manner. We are recognized as a national model and proven leader in providing excellent citizen services reflecting our community’s values and traditions.
El Paso County strives for and embraces partnerships and innovation in developing a sustainable and vibrant regional economy. We deliver efficient, transparent, and effective services.
The use of El Paso County's logo, seal, and overall visual identity reflect our values, mission, and the role we play in the community we serve. Correct use and interpretation of our marks maintains consistency, representing the pure character and intention of our brand. Use of our logo and subsequent marks (our brand) act as visual ambassadors for who we are and what we do.
This document serves as a guide for both internal and external use of our brand, marks, and overall visual representation for departments which report to the El Paso County Administrator. Nothing in this policy should be construed as a mandate to an independent county-wide elected official.
We make a difference in our community by serving the residents of El Paso County.
We are responsive to community needs. We are good stewards of County resources.
We are open, honest, and respectful in our work and communication.
We foster a county government that works for all. We inspire employees to give their best while leveraging community partnerships for the meaningful benefit of our residents.
We listen to our community and act with honesty and respect in our interactions with co-workers and those we serve. We adhere to laws, policies, procedures, and professional standards.
The El Paso County logos and marks are designed as freestanding marks and must appear in an uncluttered space free of text, other logos, shapes, strong background patterns, or other competing design elements.
The selection of the color of the mark (blue or white) is dependent on the background the logo is applied to. Whenever possible, the blue mark is the preferred color.
Always surround the mark with sufficient free space:
Primary Logo: 50% of the height
County Seal & LOVE Logo: 25% of the height
To ensure maximum readability, do not reproduce the primary logo a size smaller than .63 inches. Also do not reproduce the seal at size smaller than .5 inches. Accordingly, do not reproduce the love logo at a size smaller than 1 inch for maximum readability.
Any alternate use of the El Paso County marks or the development of an alternate mark associated with El Paso County must have written approval from the Executive Director of the Communications Department prior to the development, use, and/or implementation.
When possible, the El Paso County main logo should be used as the primary county mark.
All placing of any El Paso County mark must maintain the integrity of the mark. Dimension or color distortion of any mark is strictly prohibited.
.5X .5X .5X
Min. Height .63 inches
The El Paso County seal is considered the secondary mark and should be used when the main El Paso County Logo distracts from the design of a communication.
All placing of any El Paso County mark must maintain the integrity of the mark. Dimension or color distortion of any mark is strictly prohibited.
.25X .25X
.25X .25X
Min. Height .5 inches
The El Paso County LOVE logo was developed as an alternate logo designed to communicate the affection and pride both employees and residents of El Paso County have in the work they do and the community as a whole.
Any use of the LOVE logo must have prior written permission from the Communications Department.
All placing of any El Paso County mark must maintain the integrity of the mark. Dimension or color distortion of any mark is strictly prohibited.
The primary approved font to be used in conjunction with El Paso County marks is Open Sans. This font is a universal font, with clean lines, and provides maximum readability. The alternative font logos, heading, and paragraph text is Times New Roman. Specific use of COPSE font is acceptable for headings only specific to the El Paso County website and graphic design materials.
El Paso County employee business cards must be ordered through the Communications Department by submitting a request HERE. The only approved business card design for El Paso County Employees is shown below.
Approval of individual employee business cards must be made by the respective department executive director. Orders will not be processed without written approval from the respective department executive director. Payment of ordered business cards will be billed to the employee's department.
El Paso County employee name tags must be ordered through the Communications Department by submitting a request HERE. The only approved name tag design for El Paso County Employees is shown below.
Approval of individual employee name tags must be made by the respective department leadership. Orders will not be processed without written approval from the respective department executive director. Payment of ordered business cards will be billed to the employee's department.
Approved Employee Name Tag (3.5" x 1")
An email signature block is a digital representation of an employees business card. The use of an approved specific signature block solidifies the unity of the organization and maintains the communication and branding consistency of El Paso County.
Employees must incorporate either of the approved signature blocks in their email signature. The specific selection of one of the approved signature blocks is at the discretion of the department executive director. Any alternate use of the El Paso County signature block or the development of an alternate signature block associated with El Paso County must have written approval from the Communications Department prior to development and use.
Employees have access to customize their signature block HERE. Makes sure you include "El Paso County" before your department name. The department website or email address must be hyperlinked. Once customized, the signature block should be applied to all new emails, replies, and forwards for both internal and external communications. Instructions for implementation are HERE.
El Paso County [insert department name]
Physical Address (optional)
Office Phone | Cell Phone
Department Website or email address
[Optional: Insert Pronouns]
El Paso County [insert department name]
Physical Address (optional)
Office Phone | Cell Phone
Department Website or email address
[Optional: Insert Pronouns]
Some departments have used logos developed prior to this policy. In order to achieve a more cohesive look and consistent branding throughout the organization, any approval of previous department specific logos is rescinded effective January 1, 2023. Any department specific logos used prior to January 1, 2023 must be re-approved by the Communications Executive Director.
Executive Directors may obtain permission from the Communications Executive Director to design a logo specific to a department. Any department specific logos may be disseminated in conjunction with County branding in accordance with the agreement reached between the requesting department and the Communications Executive Director. Individual departments must not use public resources or staff time to design their own logo without the express permission of the Communications Executive Director
To schedule a one-on-one regarding the brand guide, the development of any department specific collateral, or review of previous department logos, contact the El Paso County Communications Department by submitting a request HERE.
El Paso County Letterhead is specific to each county department, executive director, and employee (at the discretion of the department executive director). The Communications Department will distribute the approved letterhead to each department executive director. Further distribution and employee specific designation of letterhead within each department will be at the discretion of each department executive director.
There are two letterhead design options approved for use. Any alternate use of or any alternate design of the El Paso County Letterhead shown below must have written approval from the Communications Department prior to development and use.
HollyWilliams, District 1
CarrieGeitner, District 2
StanVanderWerf,District 3
Longinos Gonzalez,Jr., District 4
Cami Bremer,District5
All public signage for and on behalf of El Paso County which represents El Paso County in the form of signage, must include approved El Paso County logos, font, text, and color palette.
All public signage for and on behalf of El Paso County or in representation of El Paso County must be approved by the El Paso County Communications Department prior to production and implementation.
Ex: Public Signage
El Paso County has developed a social media style guide which complements this brand guide.
If you are authorized to post on County social media platforms, refer to the official El Paso County Social Media Style Guide when posting on behalf of or in representation of El Paso County.
Published Tuesday, March 12, 2022 at 11:01 am
Do you have an emergency kit packed in your car? It's always a good idea, especially in the winter!
Pack a kit with snacks, water, warm clothes, a flashlight and a phone charger. You never know when you could get stuck in a snow storm! For more tips on what to pack in your winter emergency kit, visit
All El Paso County employee uniforms, clothing, and other merchandise must include approved El Paso County logos, font, text, and color palette. If you need help or have any questions, particularly before placing a large order, please consult the Communications Executive Director.
Any public facing department newsletter must be designed and approved through the Communications Department prior to development and implementation. The Communications Department will work with each requester to develop a unique, on-brand newsletter template to complement El Paso County and the individual department.
Public Works Newsletter
ARPA Newsletter Internal Newsletter
El Paso County is committed to the services provided within and on behalf of the community. As a regional leader providing valued and necessary community services in the most cost-effective manner, we strive to bring awareness and consistency in the communication and representation of our brand.
Correct use and interpretation of our marks maintains consistency, representing the pure character and intention of our brand. Use of our logo and subsequent marks (our brand) act as visual ambassadors for who we are and what we do.
Therefore, any visual representation of our brand from 2022 forward must follow the guidelines. However, we recognize that some items may represent a significant cost and we are sensitive to department budgets on large items such as clothing. Nothing in this policy should be interpreted as a mandate to immediately replace non-compliant items. Any items out of compliance may be phased out over a reasonable period of time. Any new orders must be fully compliant after January 1, 2023.
We understand that over time, departments have expended resources on branded items which are no longer permitted by this policy. To help ease that fiscal impact, on large items (i.e. paint jobs on trucks, etc.) do not interpret this policy as a mandate to spend funds to immediately achieve compliance. Please use all existing items through their useful life and ensure that newly purchased, repaired, or maintained items meet this policy as soon as practicable.
Any and all additional considerations and alterations must be approved by the Executive Director of Communications or their designee.