E EN rgim erything is energ TM IssueNo.25

14 17 28 32 Editor's Note Celebration Affirmations The Mindset of Milestones The Cycles of the Moon Poem by Chelsea L. Stailing Gemstones and Crystals Energi Celebration Playlist The 7 Chakras Celebrating Your Wins 5 Minutes of Mindfulness through Meditation/Yoga to Start the Day The Diary of a Young Entrepreneur Chris Lee's JoFara Podcast Intuitive Goddess Priya September Monthly Reading The Energiser with Premadasa Gangadeen Celebrate Your Space Everyday 03 06 08 11 12 13 14 16 17 22 25 26 28 32 Tableof Contents

Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
Aria de Lima
This month we are celebrating! Energi Magazine is celebrating its 2 year anniversary and I couldn’t be more excited. I am so thankful to all of the contributors who have shared their time, knowledge and energy to help put together each issue. I would also like to thank all of you for your support. While this issue focuses on celebrating, we are not just celebrating the completion of another year, but also the start of a new one. I encourage you to take this as a reminder to let yourself get excited for as many things as possible. Celebrate big events like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, but also the smaller events like family gatherings, assignment completions or even just waking up and getting to experience another day. I hope you enjoy this new issue, as we have some really fun and new content for you. With that I will say “Cheers!” to another year of Energi Magazine and to you. Thank you for sharing your Energi with us.

I S S U E N O . 2 5 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2


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I am mere weeks away from my 50th birthday, often referred to as the “golden year ” , and yes, considered to be a milestone. During a meeting with an event vendor to discuss my birthday celebrations, the vendor asked how old I would be. When I replied 50, they proceeded to tell me it was all downhill from here and questioned if my depression had kicked in. They then proceeded to tell me that since they turned 50 three years ago, their life felt like it was over. I shared that I was extremely excited to turn 50. With a perplexed look, they asked me, “Why?!” First and foremost, I’m alive and well. Beyond that, I still have so much life to live. When I reflect back on my 50 years of living, I am satisfied with the experience I had and with where I am currently in life, and I know there are still many satisfying years ahead of me.
I have reached a point in life with enough evidence to support that I can achieve anything I desire or set my mind to. What were once unknowns and question marks in my mind are now filled with life experience and memories. I love that I have lived through half of a century in a time period where I used to talk on a telephone attached to the wall, with a corded receiver, requiring manual finger dialing, but also the same time period where I can take a phone call from my watch!

We often start off excited about milestones. A baby’s first birthday, often filled with a plethora of milestones. First sounds, first smiles, holding their head up, first solid food, sitting up, first words, first tooth and first steps to name a few. Starting some form of education is generally considered a milestone. Things taper off a little after that until the age of 13, where we have reached the milestone of becoming a teenager. On to sweet 16, being able to drive a car. Somewhere between the ages of 18 and 21, graduation and legally able to consume alcohol. During the twenties and thirties we may see a post secondary graduation, first car, first “real” job, first home, marriage and maybe becoming a parent. As time goes by, the number of firsts may begin to decrease for people and therefore begin the mindset of less to celebrate, less to look forward to. As far as aging goes, we are seeing people as young as in their teens turning to cosmetic procedures to delay or hide the signs of aging, as aging in some societal circles is unacceptable. When we continue to live a life of learning, trying new things and evolving further, it becomes far more natural to feel like celebrating, rather than dreading future birthdays. Each milestone is a pit stop through this great journey of life. Our lives are a gift; each day we rise is a gift. When we appreciate the gift, it gives us reason to celebrate. Focus on the things or even one thing that you can celebrate. Whether it be something simple like your breath or a big birthday milestone, you and your life are worth celebrating.

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The Cycles of the Moon New Moon Waning Crescent Waxing Crescent Last Quarter First Quarter Waning Gibbous Waxing Gibbous Full Moon Waxing Crescent Waxing Gibbous Setting Goals & Planning (Sept 1/22) Reflecting & Meditating (Sept 5/22) Waning Gibbous Pursuing Creativity & Hobbies (Sept 12/22) Waning Crescent Planning Next Steps (Sept 20/22) New Moon First Quarter Self care & Setting Intention (Sept 25/22) Taking Actions & Working to Achieve your Goals (Sept 3/ 22) Full Moon Manifesting, Cerimonies & Divination (Sept 10/22) Last Quarter Clearing Energy, Releasing & Letting Go (Sept 17/22)

The Celebration of Living Life is worth celebrating no matter what path in life you choose. Make plans and focus on cycles life brings you but never forget to take care of your needs too.Trust your instincts and enjoy your growth, the successes and happiness that life has brought to you. You are the creator of your life and that is worth celebrating. Remember you are never alone in this life. Chelsea L. Stailing

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The7Chakras CrownChakra(Sahasrara) Iamadivinebeing Iamboundlessandinfinite Iamonewithallthatis Iamenlightened Iamatpeace Iamaspiritualbeing Alliswell ThirdEyeChakra(Ajna) Ifollowmyintuition Iamawareofmydreams Iaminsightful Iseeclearly Inurturemyspirit Itrustmydecisions Ithinkclearly Throat Chakra(Vishuddha) Ispeakthetruth Iliveanauthenticlife Myvoiceisimportant Myvoiceisclear Ihaveintegrity Iamhonestandopen Ispeakwithlove HeartChakra(Anahata) Ilovemyselfandothers Iamworthyoflove Iexpresslovewithease Iforgivemyselfandothers Iampeaceful Ireleaseallofmyfears Ifollowmyheart SolarPlexusChakra (Manipura) Ifeelmyownpower Ihaveunlimitedpotential Ihonourmyself Iactwithcourage Iamstrong Iaccomplishtaskswithease SacralChakra (Svadhisthana) Iamcreativeandjoyful Ihonourmydesires Iamplayful Iembracemysexuality Ideservejoyandhappinessinlife Iampassionate Iacknowledgeandexpressemotions RootChakra(Muladhara) Iamgroundedandcentred Ilovebeinginmybody Iamopentoabundance Iampresentandaware Iamconnectedtonature Iamsafe

Celebrating your wins
I recently started going to the chiropractor. I was wanting to improve my overall health and begin a more strenuous exercise regimen. After about 15 minutes of searching online, I found the perfect fit. This doctor was near my work, was open early in the morning and used the term “transformational health” on his website I set up an appointment and just as I suspected, this doctor was a perfect fit. We were around the same age, had a similar interest in alternative health, and had an abstract interest in politics We even recounted sneaking and listening to the same explicit rap albums as teens. As we began sharing details about our personal lives, I began to have a familiar sinking feeling. Why?”, you may ask. Things sounded like they were going great. Indeed the conversation on the outside WAS going great. However, the conversation inside of my head was not going so well. The thoughts went something like this:
An old familiar thought had found a new way into my head: The feeling that I should be further along in life and should have accomplished more than I have.
“You both graduated high school the same year? Cool. This guy has an advanced degree and his own office and employees You’ve bounced around over the years and never stayed at one job for more than six years. Did you hear that? He sent both his kids to college out of state. You only sent one of your kids to college and it was the one near your house. Speaking of houses, this guy lives in one of the nicest cities around here and he probably has a huge house. You live in a nice area, but your house is really tiny Internally I had begun comparing myself to the brotherly and kind chiropractor. As I went about my day I continued the mental abuse. I began asking all of the “Why didn’t I… ” questions along with the “If only I'd've… ” statements of regret. What had sparked this vibrational descent into self loathing? Why was I feeling so much resistance from what should have been an inspiring and uplifting interaction?
By: Chris Lee

As I pondered and reflected, I sat with the uncomfortable feelings, allowing myself to be exposed to my deepest insecurities. Then I realized the meaning behind the words! “You should be further along” was really just a different way of saying “I’m not good enough ” I was both disappointed and relieved. Relieved to have gotten to the root cause of what I was feeling. Disappointed, however, because a limiting belief that I thought I had conquered was back You see, not being good enough or not measuring up was an emotion that I have experienced for my entire life. I think it may have started in kindergarten. I remember sitting in my chair crying because it was almost time to go home and I wasn’t finished with my painting. All the other children had finished their painting and started cleaning up, and here I was, nowhere near completing my “masterpiece.” Everyone stared as I sat whimpering, tears and snot dripping down onto my picture. Over the years, whenever I experienced setbacks, that exact same feeling would well up in my being I was focusing on it and my subconscious mind was finding ways to deliver more of the same. That is the double edged sword that is The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction doesn’t punish you or judge you it simply delivers what we focus on The problem is, by nature, we focus mostly on negative things.
“I have been on this journey of speaking, writing and coaching for over a decade.”, I thought to myself “Why AM I not further along? Why am I not financially secure? Why have I bounced back and forth between working for myself and having to work a 9 5 job that I usually despise?”

Recovered from a brain injury. Ran a successful DJ business for 15 years. Lost 100 pounds. Won a rap contest in high school. Finished college despite So how do we fix it? Well, everything has an opposite. If it works in a negative manner, then it also has to work in a positive way. Our minds are always looking for proof or evidence of what we believe. Changing these thoughts require positive proof instead of negative proof I sat down and made a list of a few of my wins: When I reflect on what it took to manage each of these situations successfully, I was reminded of my determination, resourcefulness and natural gifts. This was an immediate vibe raiser for me! I encourage you to do the same. What are your wins in life? What have you overcome, defeated and pushed through? Big W’s and little w ’ s all count the same. Make a list of your wins and get that list out and read it often. Attract more to celebrate by celebrating your wins.

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Below is a structure of a program divided into three parts to allow for the 5 minutes as described above. However, know that one can extend their total practice time to whatever fits them and the available schedule. One thing to note is it’s important to be consistent!
Before beginning to practice, take a moment to witness the messages of the mind and body without getting engaged in the story or reasoning behind the messages. Next, find at least three things to offer gratitude for in the moment and either say it aloud, write it down, or hold your hands over your heart for a moment while reflecting. Finally, set an attainable intention that you’d like to realize at some point in your day.
5 Minutes of Mindfulness through Meditation/Yoga to Start the Day
By: Premadasa Gangadeen
Any amount of time that we can allocate within our day for Yoga and meditation is a valuable and treasured time for taking charge of our responses to the various stimuli that life presents.
Though the article title suggests 5 minutes, I suggest this to be a good temporary baseline time for introducing a Yoga and meditation practice into one’s daily lifestyle. Give yourself a running start by committing to the techniques below for at least 5 minutes for 3 5 days before deciding that this either isn’t working for you or if you need to do more. Stay the course and journal your experience once it has happened.

Part One: Movement 90 seconds 1. 2. 3. Remain seated with eyes closed. Focus on the forehead centre point located at the bridge of the nose between the two eyebrows. Stay established within your breath as in the step above. Visualize a white light or flame at the forehead centre as the breath flows and keep the attention fixed at this point for the duration of this segment. Should any thoughts or feelings come up, watch them come and go without engaging. Stay focused on the light/flame and imagine casting any distractions into it to set the stage for transformation.
Take a comfortable seat, whether on a chair, cushion, or Yoga block. Sit straight. Mentally count up from zero during a slow deep breath via the nostrils. Mentally count down and out to zero on the exhalation. Take as much time for a complete inhalation followed by an exhalation as the body and moment will allow. Repeat 5 10 times.
Part Three: Meditation 2 minutes 1. 2. 3. Be sure to journal your experience daily with each practice.
Part Two: Breath 90 seconds 1. 2 Stand straight and tall and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breath, slow deep inhalations and exhalations via the nostrils. Perform joint and gland movements in a sequence from head to toe. For example, lift and lower the chin 5 times, turn the head side to side 5 times, do gentle neck rotations in both directions for 5 times. Next move to the shoulders lift and lower them 5 times, rotate and roll them forward 5 times, then backwards 5 times, flex and extend through the elbows 5 times, rotate the wrists in each direction 5 times, and then spread the fingers wide and contract them into a fist 5 times. Slowly move down the body and gently rotate and/or move the joints for a count of 5 until you’ve activated all the joints in your body.

Intuitive Goddess Priya September Monthly Reading

Card: Listen Deeply During the month of September we will be experiencing Mercury Retrograde. The Guides are encouraging you to allow yourself to listen to what the Universe is speaking to you about. One of the ways you will be able to hear this is through what you are experiencing in your day to day life. Hear the feedback of the Universe as you observe things. It will either be going your way or seemingly in the opposite direction of what you desire. For some of you, the message from the Guides is to listen to our inner voice. Often this voice can seem intensely honest and direct with a truth we may not be willing to hear. Rather than putting our inner voice on mute, you are encouraged to turn the volume up. Although we may not like the truth of the guidance, blocking it goes against what is best for our higher good. When contemplating if you are hearing spiritual guidance accurately, ask yourself if what you think you ’ re hearing better serves your higher self or what your ego wants to hear. For some of you, the Guides are sensing you have received advice from someone else that you know in your heart does not serve you. They encourage you to allow yourself to embrace the strength and courage to listen to yourself instead. The connection to your higher self and your ability to hear its guidance will develop further as you continue to listen to it. In general, the Guides advise that this is a month to quiet the noise around you and within you. Time spent in silence, including a silent mind, will benefit all.
In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya Author: Kyle Gray Illustrator: Jennifer Hawkyard Publisher: Hay House UK Ltd.
In hindsight it fell into my lap but I will say that all that information that I received throughout my academic life, up until the point when I was about to graduate college, was germinating. As soon as I was about to graduate school, I no longer had a program to follow. There was a lot of stuff that was coming up for me about my growth and development that I needed to process and a lot of that had to do with getting back to my cultural roots and ancestry. Being born and raised in this country (Canada) and having some exposure to Caribbean culture and by extension Indian culture, I had the exposure but I didn’t have the awareness or knowledge or understanding of what it all meant. So ultimately those seeds that he planted began to sprout many many seasons later and when I began to realize they were sprouting he became a key resource. He also put me in touch with our family Pandit and I told him I wanted to learn Sanskrit and he was a little taken aback. He said, “Well, do you know Hindi?” I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought Hindi and Sanskrit were interchangeable. That’s how little I knew at that time. This Pandit then put me in touch with his daughter’s father in law because he was a Sanskrit scholar from Guyana. So I called him one day and he basically tested me on the phone and when he asked me why I wanted to learn Hindi Sanskrit I said, “because I want to get to my roots.” Once I said that, that was all I needed to say. He took me in, invited me in, gave me a cup of tea and before I even realized I had a Guru I had a Guru.”
“So I have a 94 year old uncle. I must have been maybe 6years old when I recall meeting him and he has been a very astute practitioner of Yoga and Meditation. We would visit often and whenever we would go to the house, him having an education background, he would always talk to me about my school and my academics, but what he really impressed upon me was that he really leaned into dropping little tidbits about Yoga and Yoga postures for Pranayama or Meditation. He wouldn’t even use Hindi Sanskrit. He was very masterful and would share a little about a Yogasta and then maybe after a few weeks I would go see him and he would talk about Pranayama. Slowly over time, I began to expect this from him. He would share spiritual knowledge or academic knowledge but somehow it always tied back to something Yogic. It would never be something directly Yogic but in hindsight when I look at it now, he was giving me Yogic lessons. It’s not just me either. A lot of my cousins in and around that age group would relate to him in that way and a lot of my Mom’s siblings knew him to be that figure promoting Sanatan Dharma. I feel highly indebted to him for giving me that time and that space and even the opportunity or the consideration to think that maybe I might be a receptive vehicle for this.
The Energiser
With Premadasa Gangadeen
What was your first interaction or exposure to yoga?

What’s a myth about Yoga that you think everyone should know?
My spiritual practice, and I say this with complete honesty because there was intention, was rock and roll and doing drugs and getting drunk. When we talk about spiritual practice, it’s something that we do on a regular basis and it’s something that we do to learn. I did those things and I gained a lot of insight around so many different things while growing up, but those kinds of things also landed me into a lot of trouble. That trouble gave some pretty intense life experiences at a pretty young age. But I will say that I had a spiritual indoctrination through all these various substances. As I grew up I studied various cultures that would use drugs or earth substances to attain certain heights of realization and awareness. It wasn’t until I found myself really deep into the psychedelics that I recognized there was something there and I was really curious about what it was.
One time, while in college, I actually did undergo a very intense mushroom trip and while on it, I literally had an enlightened experience. Anything, any problem and issue that was sort of in my life at that point, when I put it through this filter of the thought process I was in at the time, it totally balanced everything out. Everything was going to be ok. My life was going to be alright. All is forgiven and I’m actually on the right path. When I went home I gave myself a good look in the mirror and I was regretful that I had to have such a deep enlightening experience due to drugs, and in the morning I would wake up sober and be seeking it all over again. By the grace of God the next morning I woke up sober but I still had that burning feeling, that enlightened feeling, and that flame never really went out from that point on. I learned how to channel the energy somewhere else. I’ve done a lot of Yogic work with people in recovery, coming off of drugs or alcohol or even abusive relationships and those types of things. I look at my past experience and the things that I put myself through as sort of like my training ground. I actually had the ability to relate to these people as opposed to people who, with all due respect, were only studying from a book and then learning how to approach people with these various types of issues. I actually lived it and I got through to the other side, so that was training of a different sort but it’s not training that I would advise or prescribe for anybody. There were some pretty harry moments where my family and friends were not too sure what was going on. Growing up I always created that sort of impression as the weird one on both sides and thankfully I’ve maintained that.”
“The first one would be that you have to be flexible to do Yoga or meditation. Yoga inspires flexibility. Also, I swear, I get angry, I cuss, I don’t get drunk but I drink. Yoga is an adjunct to your lifestyle.”
What was your spiritual upbringing?
“There was no formal spiritual practice. Growing up, I was almost ashamed of my Indian background because I grew up in the mid 70’s and there was an extreme amount of racism that was very prominent in society and in schools. It was veiled. You knew it was there but it was strong enough to know that it was racism but subtle enough for no one to take action. I really shunned away from embracing my Indian roots, all the Caribbean stuff, even the food for protection sake. My parents never really had spiritual practice. My Dad, early on, got influenced by one of his friends in a Dojo whose family was very Christian. So by the mid to late 70’s our spiritual practice was learning about Christianity. Though I was baptised and I had a Godfather, who, rest in peace, just passed away, I didn’t have regular visits to the church or anything like that. As I grew up, I was “wayward.” I wasn’t well behaved, I wasn’t doing the things that were expected of me and I had a very rebellious nature.
“Pause, be still, take a deep breath, exhale and repeat. It involves a lot of sitting, a lot of introspection and a lot of meditation. Going back to my Uncle Sat, he used to impart the importance of reviewing your day before you fall asleep and then prepping your day in the morning. Stuff like this isn’t always taught in school even though it seems really simple and straightforward. When you think about it from a Yogic perspective, it’s really about processing and releasing.”
How has your Yoga practice changed from when you started to where you are now?
“My practice has become a lot more refined. There have been a few trips to India. There’s been multiple Yoga training sessions, either me taking training or administering training. My practice went from being a very shy, solitary, withdrawn child to someone who is a little more open, a little more into the community and more active in encouraging and promoting. My practice grows with me as I grow. My teaching used to be so rich with all of the various things that I wanted to offer. Now it’s very simple, very straightforward, very laser focused. I’ve developed the ability to actually feel what my class needs. A lot of teachers will ask if I go in with a lesson plan. Being a musician and coming from a musical background, I could say I am more of a Jazz Yoga teacher. I go in, feel the room and then I draw on my experience to then serve the people in the room, whereas before, I would be more classical. I would have a lesson plan. I had 60 minutes. The first five minutes I need to do this, the next seven minutes I need to do that. It was a little too regimented, a little too narrow minded and a little too uptight. Yoga is none of those things and then I realized that was actually my personality and it was coming out in the teaching. I’m still a little uptight, still a little regimented, still a little narrow minded, but less so.”
Premadasa with his Uncle Sat
What areas in your life have been impacted most by your practices? “Self love.” What is the “go to” practice when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

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Celebrating brings in many positive emotions such as joy, happiness, love and gratitude. These positive feelings lift us up and move us into a higher vibrational frequency. When we have these feelings the body releases dopamine and serotonin, two chemicals that are associated with the emotion of happiness. When we honour where we live, we can sometimes get caught up in the mindset of wanting more. When we are thinking in advance of the things that we want to complete a space, we lose the connection of being thankful right now; we slip into the future without realizing. Remember, this may not be your space forever, as we never know what the future holds, so it is best to stay present and enjoy your space now. We are creatures of habit and we humans slip into the mindet of wanting more, whether YOUR SPACE
it is a new sofa, a bigger closet, updated bathroom, a bigger house or moving from or sharing a home with roommates or parents. It is important to stay present and love the everyday aspects of your space. Each day can be a reason to celebrate if you choose. Sitting in a quiet space and listing areas and things you are grateful for in your home is a real joy booster. In addition, by taking this time you will be tapping into and promoting a healthier lifestyle This in turn strengthens your immune system, reduces stress and supports longevity. Keep in mind that a house is the structure and what happens inside is the key. Keep focused on the things that you can easily manage.
By HouseCoach Anja

Set yourself up to celebrate with success Your bedroom. Teach yourself to have clean, fresh sheets or mist with lavender spray. Lavender is known for its ability to calm the nervous system, lift the mood and even lower blood pressure. Making the bed every morning shortly after rising can offer a sense of pride and build momentum for the day as you work through other tasks. Since the bed is the biggest piece of furniture in the room, it automatically sparks up the space. You can adorn a room with a plant or fresh flowers. This act will instantly inject positive energy and create feelings of happiness as you connect to living nature in your space. Plants and flowers have long term effects on our mood and reduce stress If you don’t feel you have a green thumb, find a plant that doesn’t need a lot of attention such as the snake plants or cacti. If you have a garden, you can cut flowers and foliage, bringing your outside in.

For your wardrobe or closet, spend the occasional afternoon and see what you are not wearing or what needs repair. Be honest with yourself. If something has not had any attention in recent months, remove it from your closet. This is great for reducing the number of pieces and clears the energy for receiving. Opening a styled and organized closet will bring you joy. It is esthetically pleasing knowing where everything is You can categorize by colour, dark to light or have all sweaters in one section, dresses in another, shirts in another, all for easy access. Invest in matching hangers and baskets and create some space in between your clothes. It is then easy to select your outfit for the following day with ease, which prevents frustration and stress. This makes every day with your closet or wardrobe a pleasant experience. Shake it up by moving around furniture and your décor. This will instantly give the room a new energy and look Even though this can be a laborious task, it will spark creativity and will give you the opportunity to find another way to breathe new life into your space. Sometimes the effects of this can feel the same as moving into a brand new space. When rearranging a room, first determine the focal point of the room. Next, decide where the largest piece of furniture will be placed. Keep in mind the foot traffic and energy flow in the room. Remember mirrors are wonderful for opening a space.
The greatest aspect of being present in your space is clarity. This simple act will provide life, balance and harmony. Be proud of where you live today Celebrate you and your space and all the items in it.


Premadasa Mondaywww.playuyoga.comGangadeen @premadasa108YogaNidraClasses(SleepMeditation)eveningswithPremadasa9pm-10:15pmESTonlineviaWebEx SIGN UP!