Omens as Animals

It’s spooky season! With Halloween right around the corner, this month we are focusing on facing and embracing our fears. I was watching a television series not too long ago where a couple of the main characters play this game called “worst case scenario.” This game works exactly how it sounds. When faced with a stressful or scary situation, the characters take turns sharing their worst imaginable scenario. There is no judgement allowed; it’s just a safe place to share their worst fears. Sometimes they are reasonable, but more often than not one’s imagination can get the best of them. For example, let’s just say you get a bad grade on a final exam in one of your high school courses. Worst case scenario, go! You don’t graduate high school, are never able to attend post secondary, you get really depressed, can’t find a job, end up homeless and your entire life is over. Seems crazy? That’s because it is. There are so many things that could happen to change the outcome and the one I just imagined is really unlikely. All of this is to say that having fears is ok but sometimes you have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Maybe you want to try playing this game with someone in your life who you trust. I hope this issue of Energi Magazine helps you with facing your fears.
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
Your passions will open gates of power
CAT Hidden forces and spiritual powers are near you.
Messenger of joy and good luck.
The universe knows what you are going through. Have faith.
Be aware! Something huge is coming to you.
Forces of nature are with you with abundance and fertility.
Your dreams reveal something important.
A friend is coming to provide help.
SPIDER DRAGONFLY Omen of fairy presences.Hand engraved with a high frequency word
are cleansed and charged
with tempered glass
Easily accessible crystal chamber
I align with confidence to embrace my truths and release my illusions
I radiate courage and selfassurance I believe in my abilities and utilize my power to change my perceptions and perspectives
Each day I become less attached to what others think of me
When I am scared, I remember that I have the power to create my life and choose its course
Helps to shift mental perspectives
Works with your heart chakra to help you grow through some “tough love” when you need it Encourages us to take risks
Aids in simplifying things - tasks, your mind, your life Works with you through fears stemming from childhood trauma Boosts the immune system
Facing your fears starts with finding motivation Followed by taking one step at a time And asking for help when confronting your fear becomes too big to face alone
By Chelsea L. Stailing
The Nightmare Before Christmas Practical Magic Death Becomes Her Beetlejuice
Ghostbusters (original & remake) Edward Scissorhands The Witches of Eastwick The Addams Family
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Little Shop of Horrors Casper Labyrinth Halloweentown
Over the years as a Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner, I have seen a number of people looking to face a fear. Some of them feared tangible objects like insects, animals or clowns. Some of them feared things like heights, bodies of water and enclosed spaces such as elevators. Some people feared experiences such as flying or public speaking.
Personally, I have a fear of being under water. When I would go swimming, I would tell people that I didn’t want to get my hair wet to avoid having to deal with it. We hear so much these days about facing our fears, but it’s not quite that cut and dry. When I coach clients through fear, facing the fear is when we acknowledge we have a fear. Once we can feel safe to acknowledge our fear, that is when we begin the process of embracing it. It’s the difference between someone throwing me in the pool saying, “face your fear” and me accessing the tools to allow me to joyfully accomplish something I couldn't before.
Under the “face your fear'' model, some may offer me a strong pep talk, usually including something to the effect of, “you’ve got this” or “you go girl.” None of these would spark any inspiration or reassurance to me whatsoever. What I recommend instead, is to perform something I call a fear analysis. This consists of asking yourself to identify what you truly fear. Take me for example and my fear of being under water. Am I afraid of rain falling on my head or water from the shower? No, I am afraid of being submerged under water. Is it the water itself that I fear? No, I am afraid that I cannot breathe when I am under the water. Are there any other situations where I have experienced the fear of not being able to breathe? Yes, during an MRI, sometimes when I’m face down for a massage and sometimes when I sleep.
about being under water, but a fear of not being able to breathe. I would then lead a client back to their first memorable experience with their fear. For me, that would take me back to 2nd grade, when as a class we went for swimming lessons. Up until this time, the only swimming or floating I had experienced was in a bathtub or turtle pool. I was amongst all my classmates and I was the only one who had no swimming experience. As a 7 year old, I was still very trusting of people in authority positions, so I just did as the swimming teacher said, but what I experienced was not what the swimming teacher told me would happen. When I went under I got a nose full of water, started choking and flailing, couldn’t breathe and became very panicked. You can see how this first experience became a reference point for me around being under water.
Fast forward to me being in my thirties, finally able to take that first step of acknowledging my fears. Then I did my homework and researched how the body functions under water. I discovered how to breathe underwater in order to understand how to successfully be under water. I practiced how I would do it before attempting to try it; a dress rehearsal if you will. I felt ready and jumped into the
water in the deep end of my pool. I went straight down and to my delight and more so my relief, I popped back up. I was ableto breathe and I didn’t die! Now I had new evidence; a new experience as my reference point. So does this article end with me now being able to experience snorkeling, scuba and cliff diving? Nope!
Embracing my fear by gaining knowledge, identifying the irrational parts of it and moving at my own pace has allowed me to build my confidence more and more. Embracing your fear is more about deconstructing the belief or story that you have created either from observing an experience or from a past experience of your own. It is about empowering yourself through digging down to learn what your true fear is. While physically my fear was related to not being able to breathe, emotionally it was about the loss of my freedom and control. So instead of succumbing to the pressures of society telling us to “fake it til we make it,” “stare fear in the face,” embrace your fears, acknowledge your fears, listen to your fears and most importantly, let your fears show you where you may have some deeper work to do.
We’ve all been there before. Clammy hands, knotted stomach and racing thoughts that are all triggered by just the idea of doing that “one thing” that strikes fear into our hearts and minds. Here are five ways to combat your fears.
Take some time to understand your fear better. Sit with it and allow yourself to experience the thoughts and emotions that it invokes. Your aim here is to gain insight into the root cause – the fear behind the fear. Some of the primary fears we often experience without realizing it are fear of failure, loss, not being in control, fear of the unknown, and fear of being judged. Most fears are rooted in one or more of these.
Become the observer of your thoughts. What does the conversation in your head sound like? The first step to creating the changes needed to address your fear is awareness. Be compassionate with yourself. That negative voice in your head is trying to keep you safe by any means necessary. You have the ability to choose different thoughts. Once you become aware of these limiting thoughts, you can re-word or reframe them.
Make a plan of action. This can be as detailed or as general as you want. For instance, you could write down a few steps that it would take for you to address your challenge, or you could plan it out in detail. If you thinking of starting a business, write steps required, then identify that you think are the research on those steps help if you need it. Making help to ease or alleviate your fears.
Just like we can talk ourselves doing something, we can talk INTO doing something. If different thoughts, it leads outcomes. If we catch ourselves fear-inducing thought cycle, choose a different thought. just be less negative or neutral not quite ready for a positive yet.
This is more than just a slogan from a sneaker company; this is the best advice for challenging your fears. You can outlast your fear!
The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free. Oprah Winfrey
“Florida Water” was first curated in the late 1800’s and used as a cologne, carrying a citrus and floral scent, bringing in the fountain of youth. This liquid then began connecting with mystical practices as offerings, cleansings and much more.
Creating and curating your own potion typically carries a higher vibration than store bought. The ingredients aren’t artificial and are made with many fresh/dried herbs, florals and essential oils that are hand picked by you, bringing in nature as well.
Despite the name, Florida Water is not a waterbased potion. Most people use vodka to steep the herbs and flowers. All you need is the less expensive stuff. You can use top-shelf vodka to make this, but you don’t need to spend the extra money, as it really doesn’t make much difference in the final result.
You can increase the vibration of this mixture even more by making it during the full moon along with setting your intentions during the process. Once all ingredients are added, it’s suggested that you let it sit for one lunar cycle (28 days) before you begin to use it in order to increase the potency and power. If you are feeling extra patient, try letting the mixture sit for up to three lunar cycles before using it.
Florida Water can be used for:
• Cleansing (Its effect is very similar to smudging.)
• Purifying spaces of negative spirits and energies
• Spiritual “disinfecting” - anoint doors and windows with it.
• Cleansing your aura and rejuvenating the senses by adding a few drops in your bath.
• Cleansing your magical items and crystals
• Raising your vibration and for a quick energy boost. Put some in your palms and rub them together.
• Quickly re-balancing your vibration and the perfect “chill out” tool after a long, stressful day. Grab that spray bottle and spray away! (Just be sure not to get it in your eyes.)
*Note: Florida water is flammable, so always be mindful when using it around candles.* There are dozens of recipes for Florida Water online. I have found a few great ones and you can customize this recipe according to what you have on hand.
Large glass jar with a lid (3 - 4 litres) *Note: If you are using a smaller jar (We recommend no smaller than about 2 litres), be sure to adjust the ingredient quantities accordingly.
Must-have ingredient - alcohol (Vodka or Ethyl/isopropyl 91% alcohol), enough to fill up about half of your jar. I decided to use Gin (750ml), made with Juniper berries and 2 bottles of 16 oz isopropyl. Feel free to mix alcohols as you like. The alcohol is going to draw out the essence of the ingredients; this is why it is key.
Citrus, for that clean, fresh scent. Slice two lemons, limes, oranges or grapefruit. cleansing, protecting, happiness, love, remove blockages
Fresh sage (4 - 5 leaves) cleansing, clearing, purifying
Palo Santo stick or essential oil (5 - 6 drops) attracts possibilities, cleanses, purifies
Fresh rosemary (2 - 3 springs) protects, removes negative energy, purifies
Fresh/dried rose petals (7 - 8) love, stability, passion
Star anise (8 - 12) divine healing, physic awareness, growth, protection, remove negativity
All spice (3 fresh or 3 teaspoons of powder) luck, healing, intensifies energy and determination
Fresh basil (5 - 8 leaves) good fortune, purifies the home
Dried lavender (8 - 10 sprigs) calmness and peace, love, purify
Fresh or dried bay leaves (6) blessings, clearing, strength
Cinnamon sticks/powder (5 - 6 sticks) success, healing, luck, protection, power Cloves (9 to 12)
banishing, protection
Sea/kosher salt (3 tablespoons) cleansing, grounding, purifying
1. 2. 3.
Place all your ingredients in the jar. Add the alcohol. I finished with adding in some crystals, then set an intention and left it somewhere special, on a shelf by a window and close to the outdoors where it can be exposed to the moonlight. After 28 days, strain it with a cheese cloth and put it in a glass container.
This month the Guides are inviting you to focus on solitude. Many of you associate solitude with loneliness. The Guides encourage you to consider thinking of being “alone” as “all one.”
For some of you, the message is to spend time becoming comfortable in your own skin and in your own company. The Guides have observed you requiring outside sources and forces in order to feel at ease, to feel loved or to feel safe. They wish to reassure you that by connecting to your higher self, you will never be alone and will always be protected and loved.
For some of you, the message is to turn down the noise in your life. The Guides see you relying on television, cell phones, social media, music and even the chatter of your ego to keep you distracted from your own self. This is keeping you scattered and cluttered in your mind, body and spirit. Making and taking time to experience some time in silence each day, will help you to break this addiction.
Being in solitude and silence allows us to connect to our higher self with more ease. It gives us an opportunity to open ourselves up fully and receive guidance, especially the more subtle messages. When you are learning to connect with and hear your inner being, it can be very helpful to turn the volume down on the rest of your being as well as your surroundings, to give you clear sounds.
Consider choosing an open mind towards solitude, perhaps seeing it as an opportunity to connect with yourself more deeply, or maybe for the first time ever. Use your time in solitude to allow yourself to access the essence of your spirit and the wisdom of your soul.
In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya
Card Deck: Oracle of the Fairies
Author: Karen Kay
Artwork: Ginger Kelly
Publisher: Hay House Inc.