T’was officially December and all through the air, the holiday spirit was swirling, bringing joy and laughter to share. Energy was buzzing, incense cleansing the spaces, in hopes that the month would be filled with smiling faces. Everyone is working so very hard, with such strong effort and drive, to just make it through another year alive. Though this time is meant for holiday cheer, it is also the time to reflect on the past year Take a moment to take a look back, you have done so much and that’s a fact. You have worked and healed and learned and grown. It wasn’t always easy, don’t worry we know. But now it’s time to celebrate, wrap the presents and eat all the sweets and cake. Add your crystals and journals to your wish list. Be sure to give your loved ones a big hug and a kiss. The month of December is finally here, so the Energi Family would like to wish you a happy holiday season and very Happy New Year!
Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.
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As we enter into what is a magical time of year for many, it’s an opportunity to set your mindset to magic as we head into a New Year. Many of us grew up with Santa Claus in our life, whether it be through direct first hand experiences with jolly old St. Nick, stories we read or movies we watched. Every year children around the world have a desire, they articulate that desire and then they excitedly await their special delivery. The naughty or nice components of the “Claus Concept” can be likened to being negative or positive.
The basic foundation of this process however, is belief. You have to believe to see. Is that a typo you ask? Didn’t she mean, “seeing is believing”? No, you have to believe to see. If you don’t believe in Santa, then you wouldn’t bother to go through the motions of asking, believing and receiving. When you stopped desiring, stopped asking and stopped believing, the gifts stopped coming.
Many people don’t truly believe in the magic. The magic of things that are beyond what we can see. The magic of sources, forces and resources beyond what we can imagine. By not believing, you cannot receive the results of the magic. Some may want to defend their non-belief with the concept of reality, and when they see others who believe and receive results from the magic, they chalk it up to being a coincidence, a fluke, pure luck.
As someone who strongly believes in and receives the magic, I love the results I continuously experience If you don’t ask Santa for a gift, he cannot have his elves to make it and prepare it for him to deliver on Christmas Eve Am I saying that Santa Clause does exist? I am not saying he does or doesn’t, but I believe in the magic of Santa Claus and I will leave it to you to decide for yourself Do you believe?
What gifts do you plan to give this year? Thinking of what to buy for our family and friends can trigger an avalanche of anxiety-inducing thoughts.
“They already have everything!”
“I can’t afford to buy everyone a gift.”
“What if they don’t like my gift?”
“This gift isn’t what they really wanted, I just know it.”
Learning which voice to ignore and which voice to engage is important. The voice that says “They’ll not like this gift” or “This gift isn’t good enough” is usually the voice of ego or our inner critic. Thinking back, what are some of the most cherished gifts that you’ve received?
One of my favourite gifts that I have ever received cost roughly 50 cents. It was a homemade card made with construction paper containing a picture and a brief handwritten note. Why was this inexpensive gift one of my favourites? Because it was thoughtful and appreciative. It made me feel seen.
It was given to me by a coworker that was admittedly a handful to deal with some days. I was always kind and cordial to this person, even when others had lost their patience. Our interactions were usually brief during our shift changes. I would greet her with a smile and a kind word, or some days a joke or two.
One day, as I was leaving and she was arriving, she handed me the holiday card. I tucked it into my work bag and forgot about it. The next night I opened the card and was moved by a heartwarming and sincere expression. The card said “Stick close to people that feel like sunshine.” There was a picture of us that I had never seen before; a great picture. An event photographer captured a picture of her and I at a work event mid-laugh. It was a fantastic picture and the message made me feel appreciated.
The most thoughtful and touching gift speaks to our love languages and creates a feeling of gratification and satisfaction. The true essence of the holiday is not the gifts that we give or receive. The true essence of the holidays is what we feel. The giving and receiving of gifts, spending time with loved ones, enjoying meals together, time away from the office - it’s a vibe!
Remembering that everything is energy, the exchanging of gifts of any kind is also an exchange of energy. That exchange raises our vibration and brings our body, mind and spirit into alignment with what we want. This is our fundamental nature as spiritual beings. We want to feel good; as good as we can. I’ll let you in on a little secret: you don’t have to wait until the holidays to feel your best, but it’s a nice start and a great reminder of how good life can be depending on what we choose as our main focus.
As much as amethyst comes up in our crystal lists, we just had to feature it for the holidays. With support possibly needed for balance, patience, centredness and maintaining calm this time of year, amethyst is definitely one of the most powerful tools
This crystal balances out highs and lows and helps center us emotionally. It dissipates anxiety, stress and fear and cleanses the aura. It is also amazing at keeping the peace and aligning our energy.
So whenever you may be feeling out of sorts, stressed or feeling like you have no more patience within you, consider meditating with some amethyst crystal and even having it around your space, cleansed and purified for all to reap the benefits of this gem.
By:AndreaSipcicIt is safe to say that the holiday season is one of the busiest, sometimes most overwhelming times of the year for most of the world This is often true when it comes to spending money, time at the malls, stores, planning for gift giving, cooking, eating, drinking, decorating and plenty more. This season is almost synonymous with over indulging, often with many of these listed.
For those of us who already have issues with self control, balance and moderation, this is the time we are usually “put to the test” the most. It can be so easy to come out of balance and either over drink, over eat, spend too much money, or overextend yourself in one form or another.
This is where practicing and having steps to maintain balance and moderation is key For this, it is first most important to be aware of your “pitfalls” or weaknesses and what your patterns around this are. Once identified, implementing some sort of plan or steps to practice going in the new, desired direction is the second part.
That said, the following are a few ideas that may work for you, depending on what area/s you need the most focus on and change to help maintain balance, sensibility and moderation:
Do a meditation for relaxation and peacefulness before, in the middle and/or end of getting together with family or friends where it tends to get chaotic and you feel out of sorts, etc
Have a budget for gifts and make a list of everyone to buy for, where to buy from and stick to just that list.
Plan the food or alcohol you will have for the specific days of the holiday. However, if you over indulge, relax and plan specific remedies and/or supplements that help to maintain balance within your body
If interacting with certain family members that tend to be at all overwhelming or stressful, know when your “tipping” point is and when you either need to back yourself up and out of the conversation or situation. You can also consider what will deflate the situation and how you can contribute to that.
In between all the events you have planned, also fit in breaks and down time to allow yourself the necessary time to relax and recharge so as not to burn out This also means that if you have a full schedule, know when to either say no or pull back when possible.
Things may not always go exactly as planned and you may have to tweak as you go, but the key is to keep going and see what works because no one knows what will work best for you except for you and your perseverance
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When it comes to gift giving, we love seeing our loved ones and friends open our gifts. Put together a list of everyone you want and need to give to. Before you buy for that person, think, do they really need it? Is it important to buy so many gifts just for the sake of opening them? One thing we have done in the last two years is declutter and understand what too much means, so it’s probably not very wise to start bringing more things in unnecessarily. Some gift ideas to consider:
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Ok imagine this. You’re 10 years old, outside with a bunch of your friends. It’s snowed heavily the night before and now you find yourself crouched down behind a well crafted wall of snow as you squeeze together little snowballs. You can hear the other kids screaming and laughing. You stand to see them all in an epic battle, throwing snowballs at each other. You grab your stash as you go running in to help save your team. Your nose is so cold you can’t even feel it, and you're doing your best to ignore the icy cold water that is dripping down your back from the hood of the winter jacket that makes you look like the Michelin man.
Or try this one. It’s late at night and you are curled up on the couch watching a holiday movie with your family. You’ve got your blankets and cushions situated just right and to top it off, a warm cup of hot chocolate with those mini marshmallows.
Did either of those spark a memory of joy? As we have grown, we sometimes forget to really appreciate the real meaning behind this time of year, no matter what you are celebrating. It’s easy to get caught up in things like cooking, cleaning, shopping and perfect decorations and forget about having some real fun. This time of year is the perfect time for embracing the idea of magic and imagination. The lights, the glitter, the way it gets all quiet from the snow absorbing the noise. The world becomes a different place. It is also a time to show kindness, love and compassion.
For children especially, this time of year is extremely magical. Think about it - families start coming together for big parties and gatherings, everyone starts showing up with gifts, there is always good food, everything is sparkly and for many they are actually waiting for a magical guy in a red suit to sneak into their home and give them a gift. It’s important to consider the big picture of the holidays and maybe get back to our childhood-like ways when it comes to having some fun.
“St. Nick is really important to me because he is a person who serves others. Someone who brought something to the children to show them how special they are. He represents service,” said Alicia Birong.
Alicia is the founder and owner of Guided Choices, which includes programs like ChatterGirls, a program which works to build self empowerment and acceptance among young girls. Through this program, girls are encouraged to use their imagination and inner strength to continue to build in all aspects of their life.
“Sometimes people will say, ‘help me with my imagination.’ And I will tell them, I can tell you a story or I can direct you in what we call in Chatter Girls, ‘journey to the mind’ but it’s your experiences that make up your imagination. There is no wrong to it,” said Alicia.
As many of us come together with family and friends, it is often said that we can use this time to spread the love. However, it is also a time to share love and kindness to those who may not be in our inner circle. This is a time for giving and sharing. Remember to take this time to give back to others in your community or even complete strangers throughout the world.
Through her organization and well as in her personal life, Alicia tries to encourage acts of service and kindness through her teachings to the younger generations. ChatterGirls allows for young girls to work through personal growth but also provides the girls to learn from each other. Girls who have worked through all of the stages, later have the opportunity to come back as leaders for younger members.
As a loving grandmother she also does this through 25 days of Christmas. This is an activity she does with her grandchildren, sending them 25 little gifts for each day leading up to Christmas. While the little toys and treats are part of the excitement, she also includes a challenge with each one such as opening the door for someone, or writing someone a kind note.
“I’ve raised my grandchildren to understand that service is the best part of Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever you are celebrating,” she said.
As we spend the next few weeks celebrating, it’s encouraged that you flex your imagination muscle a little bit. Your imagination is limitless and even as adults it is important that we keep in touch with the parts of us that keep the magic alive. Find fun ways to spark joy this holiday season and get creative with the ways you share kindness to those around you.
To learn more about Alicia and the ChatterGirls program, click here.
Although this year comes to a close at the end of December, the Guides recommend that we begin dreaming a new world into being, starting now. You are encouraged to allow old cycles to begin to fall and new energies and creations to begin to rise throughout this entire month.
For some of you the message from the Guides comes from them seeing old relationship partners resurfacing into your life or energetic fields. This may occur with physical contact being made or through your thoughts or dreams of them. The Guides see that some of you will see this as a sign to reconcile, when it is intended to serve as a reminder that the relationship ended for one or many reasons. Repeating patterns are often easier to do with someone else that was involved in the past, and the Guides ask that you keep your awareness heightened during this month.
For some of you, this message pertains to abundance. This can be a time of year where you spend beyond your financial comfort zone and fall into a large debt cycle. They encourage you to give more from your heart and less from your online shopping accounts. They invite you to ask yourself why you feel the need to give in a material way rather than give of yourself.
The Guides encourage everyone to end a cycle of noise. They are asking you to consider approaching the coming months with less noise, less chatter, less posting and less boasting. They sense an air of frivolity and sensationalism that is not serving humanity and encourage you to allow this cycle to fall and instead create from authenticity, simplicity, humility and from a place of service, but most of all from the light within each and every one of you.
In love and appreciation, Energi Empress Priya
Author: Rebecca Campbell
Artwork: Danielle Noel
Publisher: Hay House