Dear Readers,
Happy February! As you might have guessed, this month is being dedicated to LOVE. This issue of Energi Magazine is looking at how we can show, receive and celebrate all the different types of love in our lives This might be the mushy, gushy, “The Notebook” kind of love you have with a partner, the ‘Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants’ kind of love that you have with your friends and family members, or the ‘Eat, Prey, Love’ kind of love you have with yourself We hope this month and every month is filled with all kinds of love for you!
With love and light, Aria
de LimaWhat does unconditional love mean to me?
What are 10 things I love about myself?
What thoughts, words, images, sounds or memories bring me peace?
What is something I can do to show myself more self love?
What makes me unique or special?
Write a thank you letter to your body. What things are you grateful for when it comes to your body?
What does a healthy relationship look like to me?
What are 3 things I like about my appearance?
What is one nice thing someone has said to me and how did it make me feel?
What is one nice thing someone has done for me and how did it make me feel?
What do I love about myself?
Where do I feel the most at home?
What would the ideal day look like for me?
If I had unlimited money and time, what would I do with it?
Describe a time I felt confident.
What makes me a good friend?
Who is someone that makes me feel safe and why are they that person for me?
My best personality trait is…
My friends would describe me as…
How have I shown myself love today?
Why is it important to practice self love?
Something I am really proud of is…
What is the last thing that made me really laugh?
What is something I would like to improve about myself and why?
What is one of the healthy ways I use to cope with stress?
Who is someone that I really trust and why?
What is a habit I would like to start?
Who is someone I admire and why?
What is a challenge I have overcome?
What is something I am good at?
I deeply love and accept myself!
I give myself permission to put myself first.
I do what’s best for me!
I am whole, I complete myself.
I quiet my inner critic!
I make my happiness a priority.
Card: White Buffalo Calf Woman - The Prophetess of the Sacred Way
“My heart is a compass. The path of love is true abundance.”
This month I asked the Guides about self-love and they sent this card. In stating that my heart is a compass, the Guides are referencing the fact that we are being led by our minds rather than our hearts. In the month ahead you are encouraged to move through your days leading yourself from your heart.
For some of you, the message is coming through to raise your awareness surrounding how much of your life you are living from your head as well as under the influence of the opinions, views and beliefs of others. Many of you are experiencing struggles and disappointments because you are coming at your situation or relationship from your thoughts and attempting to force those thoughts into your heart. This creates conflict and ultimately puts you at odds with yourself. There is no need to make things happen or manipulate situations. The Guides encourage you to listen to your heart and allow it to be the compass to direct your mind.
For some of you, the message is to really dig down into what you're truly longing for. Some of you are misdirecting your energies, as you have yet to really ask yourself “Why do I want___?” The Guides see you seeking something outside of yourself that can only come from within you. They recommend you make time this month to uncover and identify what that is.
The Guides want us to know that when we operate from our hearts, we are more likely to act from a place and in a way that benefits others who may be involved as well as serve the greater good. They sense that many of you are confused with what self-love is. It is not always warm and fuzzy; sometimes self-love requires you to go through some uncomfortable growth periods. They wish to remind you that there are times when you listen to your heart and know in your heart that the thing to do, be or say is not easy, but rather necessary to honour ourselves.
In love and appreciation, Energi
Empress PriyaCard Deck: The Divine Feminine Oracle Guidebook
Author: Meggan Waterson
Artwork: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessman
Publisher: Hay House Inc.
I am love
I always find what I need within me I receive what is with love and grace
I look through the eyes of love to see the world
I love knowing the state of love is available to me in any and every moment
Recite or write affirmations that resonate for you
Point out and focus on what you love and appreciate about yourself.
Write in your journal (things you’re thankful for, your emotions, your day, etc.)
Meditation and/or
Take a class
Set goals for yourself
Move your body in whatever way feels good to you (a walk, the gym, swimming, stretching, home workout, dancing, etc.)
A salt bath
Self massage using oils that are invigorating to you
Enjoy a sunset
Take yourself out for dinner
Tidy and clean your space
SOUL Meditation
Deep breathing
Anything that makes your heart sing, like paint, draw or plant a garden
Volunteer for a charitable organization or cause
Listen to music
"Life is too fluid and the good and bad parts of our relationship change over time so it'd be difficult to have just one motto. Our relationship just works."
Ideal date night:
Rajiv: My ideal date night involves good food or doing an experience.
Devon: My ideal date night would be a hike or activity. I like being able to work on something while having lots of opportunities for conversation.
We met in December 2006 at Rajiv's best friends' parents house Devon is related to my best friend
How long have you been together?:
16 years, almost 17.
What is your favourite thing about each other?:
Rajiv: She's funny and makes me laugh.
Devon: He works hard and always tries to do the best for his family.
What is a pet peeve you have about the other person?:
Rajiv: Her not putting dishes in the dishwasher but leaving them in the sink (The sink is 2 feet from the dishwasher )
Devon: When he doesn't listen to me or attempts to guess at what I want.
Rajiv Daljeet & Devon Ryerse Anica Rasheed & Omar Rasheed"It’s not always easy; there are hard times. We choose each other repeatedly because at the end of the day we think that bearing witness to each other’s lives and life story is a beautiful thing and one that is unique to only us. Keeping that in mind is what gets us through the tough times."
Ideal date night:
A nice glass (or bottle) of wine and games. It’s fun to just unwind and have a good laugh together.
Where did you meet?:
We were set up on a blind date by Omar’s brother. I was so nervous about being alone with someone I had never met that his brother had to accompany us on our date
How long have you been together?:
23 years together, married for 17
What is your favourite thing about each other?:
Omar: I think Anica is funny in all settings or situations but is always her genuine self with me
Anica: Omar isn’t afraid to show his love for me
Sometimes this can happen in really big, often embarrassing displays or in the smallest gesture Either way I always know how loved I am by him
What is a pet peeve you have about the other person?:
Omar: Her selective memory and her hair shedding all over the house Anica: Omar’s inability to find things that are right in front of his face!
"Our relationship motto is be yourself and have fun!"
Ideal date night:
Doing something new neither of us have done, eating something delicious and enjoying each other’s company.
Where did you meet?:
At work
How long have you been together?:
6 months
What is your favourite thing about each other?:
Ty: She accepts me for who I am and only wants what’s best for me
Andrea: How kind and non-judgemental he is and how hilarious he is without even trying to be
What is a pet peeve you have about the other person?:
Ty: She thinks massages should feel like torture.
Andrea: The chewing noises he makes with his snacks when we’re watching a movie or show.
Andrea Sipcic & Ty Chen Stephanie Oresti & Chris Oresti"As long as we communicate with each other, and just have fun with each other, we will always figure it out."
Ideal date night:
Our favourite ideal date night is getting gelato downtown Oakville and taking a walk down by the lake It’s our for sure favourite thing to do during the summer
Where did you meet?:
We met in high school at Notre Dame, in grade 10 history class.
How long have you been together?:
We have been together for over 10 years, and married for almost 4 months.
What is your favourite thing about each other?:
Stephanie: My favourite thing about Chris is his kind heart, his smile and of course just how handsome he is.
Chris: My favourite thing about Stephanie is her smile and how bubbly she is no matter the time or mood of day.
What is a pet peeve you have about the other person?:
Stephanie: He leaves his clothes lying around Chris: She cracks her knuckles
Ideal date night:
Chantal: Something out of the house. A hike or something else that’s an activity.
Rydan: My ideal date night would be to go out for dinner somewhere new to both of us, ending up back at home to bury ourselves in blankets for a movie night with hot chocolate and desserts.
We met at university through mutual friends in our second year
How long have you been together?:
Just over 4 years
What is your favourite thing about each other?:
Chantal: I like how calm he is in all situations Helps to calm me down as well
Rydan: My favourite thing about Chantal is how helpful and caring she is for me.
What is a pet peeve you have about the other person?:
Chantal: He sometimes doesn’t take some things as seriously as he should at first and it leads to a bigger mess in the future that he needs to deal with
Rydan: How easily distracted she can get It can be confusing for me to try and follow her thought process sometimes.
& Rydan Powell"Our relationship motto is stop overthinking"
Chantal LeBlanc
There is a reason why Rose Quartz has the popularity that it does; it is one of the top (if not top) picks for promoting and aiding with love and all matters of the heart. It’s gentle, soft energy is soothing and opens, heals and mends the heart, which allows you to open yourself up to the energy of love. This of course is not limited to external love with and from others or a romantic love, but also, and most importantly, with yourself. Rose Quartz also helps in clearing anything that’s keeping you from loving yourself or others, while supporting compassion, acceptance and emotional healing.
Consider a few ways to incorporate rose quartz into your life this month:
Place around your home
Carry in your purse or bag and while travelling
Wear it as jewelry
Keep it with you during meditation and salt baths
Is it the feeling you get when you ' re so tight in that someone special's arms you can hear their own heart beat going to the same rhythm as your own?
Is it when you fight so much with siblings or even friends, but if you see anyone or anything hurt them you'd be the first one at their defense?
Is it when you see somebody dear to you for the last time who’s sick or even dying and you stay strong for them because you know deep down letting go is for the best?
Is it when you’d rather risk everything for someone else?
Is it when your newborn child is in your arms for the first time, feeling a mother's love?
What is your definition of love?
By Chelsea L. StailingSelf love and love in general can be different things for different people Getting to know what it is for you is key This usually comes from trying and doing and then feeling it out. What feels warm and fuzzy and like being in the state of love for you? That being said, love isn’t always just about feeling warm and fuzzy. Below we have a few ideas to consider of what can help to get you in the vibration of love:
Spending time with animals or your pet/s Spending time with loved ones (family, partner, friends, etc.)
Having ‘me time’ and giving yourself a break with self care rituals personalized to you.
Facing your negative emotions like fear, worry, etc. and taking a look at what’s really going on.
Setting some boundaries for yourself that serve your highest good. (I.e. Having a ‘tough’ conversation with a loved one about how you feel and/or what you need or don’t from them or the relationship.)
Oxytocin is the body’s natural love drug. There are so many different foods that are filled with it! It is often found in foods that are high in vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium and dietary fats. With love in the air this month, here are some foods that will let you work that love drug into your day, everyday.