Energi Magazine - Issue 31

Page 3


Affirmations for Resetting

March Reading with Energi Empress Priya

Foods for an Energy Boost

06 Affirmations 07 Crystal Feature: Amazonite 10 March Reading with Energi Empress Priya 12 Foods for an Energy Boost Contents 14 March Moon Cycle 18 Deciphering Expectations and Desires 5 Quick Brain Resets 19

Editor's Letter

Editor’s Letter

This month marks the beginning of a new season Sometimes the winter can be a little bit of a downer Sure, it’s all beautiful when the snow has freshly fallen and everything is quiet It tends to lose its magic when the snow starts to turn to grey slush and you have to get out of your warm, cozy bed to trek through the cold slippery streets to get to work. But never fear! Spring is here! With Spring right around the corner we can use this time as a way to give ourselves a little bit of a boost. Use the tips, tricks and tools from this month’s issue to keep your energy boosted Wishing you a very happy month of March

With love and light, Aria

Alternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory. If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional.


Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning
S.C Lourie


Resetting & Starting new

I appreciate all that I am experiencing as I create something new

I am open and excited about new possibilities

I embrace the unknown with eagerness and positivity

I follow my heart as it leads me towards the new

I trust every step enriches my journey


A great crystal for new beginnings and fresh starts, especially in matters of the heart and relationships

A symbol of courage and success

Helps to identify your true desires

Encourages you to embrace the unknown and try something different

Helps to clear heart blocks and fears

Encourages trust, sincerity and self love

May be connected with abundance and prosperity

CrystalInfused Ene Bott

Hand engraved with a high frequency word Choose from our selection of Energi water bottles to find the perfect bottle for you. www energi love Crystals are cleansed and charged Made with tempered glass Easily accessible crystal chamber
The entire Universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want
Abraham Hicks

March Reading with Energi Empress Priya

Card: Our Lady of New Vision

This month our editor asked me to channel a reading around the theme of fresh starts and the Guides have given us the card Our Lady of New Vision. The Guides wish for you to know that in order to create something new, you require a new vision.

For some of you, the message from the Guides describes the need for you to let go of an old vision that you are holding on to. They see that you have imagined something for a long time, in a way that you think it should be or in a way that you think you want it to be. This vision is not in alignment with your highest good and you are encouraged to let it go. The Guides wish to reassure you that what is in store for you is far greater than what you had originally imagined. Trust and let go in order to allow things to come to you.

For some of you, the message from the Guides is that your vision is unclear. Either you are unsure of what you truly desire or you are creating a vision from an energy of desperation for something you feel or fear you are lacking. Take time to clarify what you want and why you want it in order to give the Universe clear direction.

For some of you, the Guides are seeing you at a crossroads leaving you uncertain as to which way to turn or move forward. Rather than trying to create a vision of how to proceed or solve a problem, you are guided to create a vision of what your ideal situation looks like. Trust and allow the Universe to fill in the details for you.

In order to manifest the new version of yourself, your situation or relationship, you will have to choose to think, speak and act like the new version of yourself. We need to grow to meet our vision. Without creating change in yourself, the Universe cannot deliver a change back to you. The Guides encourage you to imagine things as you wish them to be, filling in the details the way you would when colouring in a colouring book. The energies are very strong for making a fresh start, which could mean something brand new, or an improved version of something already in existence.

With pure love and appreciation, Energi Empress Priya

Card Deck: Mother Mary Oracle

Author: Alana Fairchild

Ilustrator: Shiloh Sophia McCloud

Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing

Foods for an Energy Boost

Do you ever have one of those days where it feels like you need a little extra boost? When we eat food, our bodies take the nutrients and uses them to produce energy in the body. It is commonly said to be "fuel" for the body. These food items are great for boosting your energy to help keep you going!


A great source of protein and healthy fats that can help maintain healthy blood levels


Contains omega 3 fatty acids which your body doesn’t produce on its own

Dark chocolate

Can increase attentiveness and alertness

01. 02. 03.


Contains protein and vitamin B as a great source of energy



Full of water, making it great for hydration


Extremely hydrating and good for your skin and flushing out toxins


Healthy source of iron


Contains fructose, glucose and sucrose for a quick energy boost

06. 07. 08. 04.

It’s very easy and common for us to go on autopilot with anything from our daily patterns to how we think. We can also easily get “lazy” in some parts of our brain (i.e. the right hemisphere vs the left). So ideally we want to shake things up a bit from time to time, especially and most importantly when we’re trying to implement some kind of change or newness within ourselves or our lives. These are also ways to “hit the ground running” so to speak, with your brain. They are prompts you are giving to instruct yourself of either a change or new course of action. The actions can seem very small, yet highly effective, especially when consistently maintained. The following are just a few examples.

Get up on the opposite side of the bed than you normally do Take a different route home or on your walk than you normally do Change up your morning routine or just the order in which you do them Splash cold water on your face several times

Change your movement (sit in a different position, go for a walk, stand at your desk, walk at a different pace, etc )

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R A I N R E - S E T S
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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MarchMoon Cycle

Waxing Gibbous - March 1st

Full Moon - March 6th

Waning Gibbous - March 9th

Waning Crescent - March 16th

New Moon - March 20th

Waxing Crescent - March 23th

Deciphering Expectationsand Desires

We are embedded with expectations from the time we are born. It’s everywhere, from everyone; our family, friends, life partners, the media, etc. When we’re a baby, we are generally expected to eat, crawl, sit up, walk, eat solid foods, talk and be potty trained by certain times and ages. When we’re in school we’re expected to learn certain things and acquire certain levels of education by certain times and ages. In the work field we are expected to have a job with a general expected income by a certain time frame. In our romantic life, there are a plethora of expectations from every angle, including getting married and how long you ideally should be together before marriage. Then of course there is the subject of having children and all the expectations that come with that. This is just for the first half of your life.

So it makes sense then that it may not always be clear what expectations and desires we actually have for and from ourselves and which are more from what others expect from us. It can often feel very unfulfilling when we are solely striving to meet others’ expectations.

So the first step in deciphering where your expectations and desires are coming from is to know what they really are. Then start looking into where they’re stemming from. You can ask yourself:

What expectations and desires do I currently hold for myself? (Specify a certain area in your life, such as career/job.)

How do I really feel about them?

If you have any kind of negative emotion around it: Why do I feel like this? Is this what I really want? Why?

If the expectations/desires are not really yours: Who’s are they?

If you find that the expectations and desires that you currently have are more to fulfill others and are willing and wanting to fulfill your own, consider identifying what your own really are and take steps to move in that direction. It may not always feel good or comfortable at first, but it’s a good idea to keep with it, as you want to make sure you are honouring yourself and what is most fulfilling to you.

Everything is Energi www.energimagazine.love

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