
Sparks Fly when Passion
Unleashes Hidden Superpowers!
BehindSinging: HowMelodies

Sparks Fly when Passion
Unleashes Hidden Superpowers!
Dear Readers,
Welcome to April! Spring has officially sprung and for those of us who are experiencing the weather warming up I think we can all agree that the sunshine and temperature increase is definitely something to appreciate.
A little fun fact about me, I love to eat. You can ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I am always up for a chance to go get something to munch on. From ice cream to brussel sprouts, there are very few items you could put on a menu that I wouldn't want to try. I genuinely feel that feeding my body is a form of healing for me. I’ve always tried to maintain a balance in what I eat but I also realized it is important to feed myself with more than just food.
It is important to feed the mind, body and spirit. And even though I wish we could, using cookies, fruit smoothies and pizzas isn’t going to feed those other parts of us the way we need them to.
We can help feed and nourish our mind and spirit through mindfulness, meditation, and expanding our consciousness about the way we operate as an individual based on our personal traits and characteristics. This is why it’s important to take the time and really understand why we are the way we are and how our preconceived understandings of our environment impact the way we function in the world.
Then, we have to consider if the result of those understandings and beliefs are serving us or burdening us. This task may seem daunting at first and sometimes it can be very hard to do, but it can also be quite freeing to be able to understand your feelings. However, it is also empowering to learn how you can promote healing within yourself and also how to control and manage the emotions when needed.
I hope this issue of Energi Magazine encourages you to look into the way you feed your mind, body and spirit and how you can continue to nourish yourself from the inside out.
With love and light,
Aria de LimaAlternative practices and suggestions within Energi Magazine should not be used as a substitution to medical advisory If you are struggling with physical or mental health issues, please consult a medical professional
1. I honour my inner voice and nourish my soul with words of self-love and affirmation.
2. Each breath I take fills my soul with gratitude and appreciation for the present moment.
3. I choose thoughts that uplift and inspire, fueling my soul with positivity and optimism.
4. Every act of self-care and self-love is a nourishing gift to my soul, replenishing my spirit with joy.
5. Gratitude is the food that sustains my soul, filling me with abundance and contentment.
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Singingisn'tjustreservedforshower serenadesorkaraokenights;it'sa powerfultoolthatcanupliftyour moodandenhanceyouroverall well-being.Whilemanypeople intuitivelyfeelthejoyofsinging, scienceprovidescompelling evidencetosupporttheconnection betweensingingandhappiness Let'sexplorethefascinatingreasons whybeltingoutyourfavoritetunes canscientificallymakeyouhappier.
Whenyousing,yourbrainreleases endorphins,oftenreferredtoas "feel-good"hormones.Endorphins actasnaturalpainkillersandmood elevators,inducingfeelingsof euphoriaandpleasure.Research hasshownthatsingingtriggersthe releaseofendorphins,promotinga senseofhappinessandrelaxation.
Singinghasaprofoundimpacton reducingstressandanxietylevels.Asyou sing,youengageindeepbreathing exercises,whichpromoterelaxationand decreasecortisol,thestresshormone,in yourbody.Moreover,singingencourages mindfulnessandfocusonthepresent moment,divertingattentionawayfrom worriesandnegativethoughts.
Whetheryou'resinginginachoir,ata karaokebar,orwithfriendsarounda campfire,singingfosterssocial connectionandbonding.Participatingin groupsingingactivitiescultivatesasense ofbelongingandcamaraderie,whichare essentialcomponentsofhappinessand emotionalwell-being.Additionally, synchronizedsinginghasbeenshownto increasefeelingsofunityandcooperation amongparticipants.
Believeitornot,singingcanalsobenefityour physicalhealth.Researchsuggeststhat singingpositivelyimpactsimmunefunction byincreasinglevelsofimmunoglobulinA (IgA),anantibodythatplaysacrucialrolein defendingagainstinfections.Strengthening yourimmunesystemcancontributeto overallvitalityandhappiness.
Theactofsingingcanelevateyourmood andbolsterself-esteem.Whetheryou're performinginfrontofanaudienceorsinging aloneinyourroom,thesenseof accomplishmentandself-expressionderived fromsingingcanboostconfidenceandselfworth.Additionally,singingallowsindividuals toexpresstheiremotionsfreely,providingan outletforcatharsisandemotionalrelease.
Engaginginsingingexercisesvariousregionsofthebrain,stimulating cognitivefunctionandpromotingneuralconnectivity.Studieshave shownthatsingingactivatesareasassociatedwithlanguage processing,memory,andemotionalregulation.Regularparticipationin singingactivitiesmaycontributetocognitiveresilienceandmental agility,leadingtogreateroverallhappinessandwell-being.
Singinginvolvescontrolledbreathingtechniques,whichcanimprove respiratoryhealthandlungcapacityovertime.Bystrengtheningthe diaphragmandexercisingthelungs,singingcanenhanceoxygenflow andpromoteoverallcardiovascularhealth.Improvedrespiratory functioncanleadtoincreasedenergylevelsandagreatersenseof vitality,contributingtoahappierandmorefulfillinglife.
Inconclusion,thebenefitsofsingingextendfarbeyondtherealmof entertainment;theyencompassphysical,emotional,andsocialwellbeing.Fromreleasingendorphinsandreducingstresstofosteringsocial connectionandimprovingrespiratoryhealth,singingoffersamyriadof scientificallyprovenadvantagesforhappiness.So,thenexttimeyoufeel theurgetosing,don'tholdback letyourvoicesoarandexperiencethe joyousharmonyofmind,body,andsoul.
Have you ever felt that exhilarating rush when you're doing something you absolutely love? Those moments when time stands still, and you're completely immersed in the pure joy of the present? That, my friend, is the definition of the power of passion.
Because society seems to have indoctrinated the masses to chase success and stability, we sometimes forget the importance of feeding our passions. But here's the thing: our passions aren't just hobbies or interests. They're the keys to unlocking our superpowers and living a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Think of your passion as the fuel that powers your internal fire. When you feed that fire regularly, it grows stronger and brighter, illuminating your path and guiding you toward your true purpose. Whether it's painting, writing, cooking, or salsa dancing, your passion is uniquely yours, and it holds the key to unlocking your full potential.
Feeding your passion isn't just about indulging in enjoyable activities; it's about tapping into your innate talents and abilities. When you immerse yourself in what you love, you tap into a reservoir of creativity, inspiration, and energy that lies dormant within you. Suddenly, you find yourself capable of achieving things you never thought possible, unleashing your hidden superpowers for the world to see.
But here's where it gets really magical: when you feed your passion, you align yourself with your purpose. Your passion isn't just a fleeting interest; it's a calling, a beacon that guides you toward your true north. As you follow your passion, you begin to uncover your purpose— the reason you were put on this earth—and everything falls into place.
The Ripple Effect
Feeding your passion isn't just about benefiting yourself; it's about creating a ripple effect of positivity and inspiration in the world around you. When you pursue your passions wholeheartedly, you become a magnet for others who are drawn to your energy and enthusiasm. You inspire them to tap into their own passions and live authentically, creating a ripple effect of passion and purpose that spreads far and wide.
Of course, the journey of feeding your passion isn't always smooth sailing. There will be challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt along the way. But each obstacle is an opportunity for growth, and each setback is a stepping stone toward success. Embrace the journey, trust in your abilities, and know that every moment you spend feeding your passion brings you one step closer to living the life of your dreams.
So, dear reader, I implore you to take a moment to reflect on your passions—those things that set your soul on fire —and commit to feeding them regularly. Embrace the magic of passion, unleash your superpowers, and watch as your life transforms into a masterpiece of purposeful fulfillment. The world is waiting for you to shine your light —so go ahead, and let your passion lead the way!
In the realm of self-awareness and personal growth, the distinction between feeding your soul and feeding your ego plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, actions, and overall well-being. The journey towards a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit involves understanding the subtle yet profound differences between these two entities that reside within us.
The mind, body, and spirit are interconnected facets of our existence that influence each other in profound ways. While the mind encompasses our thoughts, beliefs, and cognitive processes, the body represents our physical vessel and the spirit embodies our essence and connection to something greater than ourselves. Nurturing these aspects of our being is essential for achieving holistic wellness and inner peace.
Feeding your soul involves engaging in activities and practices that uplift, inspire, and nourish your inner essence. It entails connecting with your authentic self, cultivating gratitude, and fostering a sense of
purpose and meaning in life. Nurturing your spirit involves practices such as meditation, mindfulness, spending time in nature, and engaging in creative expression. When you feed your soul, you align with your true nature and experience a deep sense of fulfillment and inner peace.
On the other hand, feeding your ego revolves around seeking external validation, approval, and gratification to boost your self-image and egoic identity. Ego-driven behaviors are often rooted in fear, insecurity, and the need for recognition and superiority. This may manifest as comparison with others, seeking material possessions for validation, or engaging in selfcentered actions that prioritize personal gain over collective wellbeing. Feeding your ego may provide temporary satisfaction, but it often leads to a sense of emptiness and disconnection from your authentic self.
Achieving a harmonious balance between feeding your mind, body, and spirit involves cultivating selfawareness, mindfulness, and conscious choices in daily life. By recognizing the difference between
nourishing your soul and gratifying your ego, you can make empowered decisions that align with your higher purpose and values. Integrating practices that nurture your mind, body, and spirit holistically can lead to a profound sense of wholeness, vitality, and alignment with your true essence.
The journey of self-discovery and personal growth involves discerning whether you are feeding your mind or your ego in various aspects of life. By prioritizing the nourishment of your soul and cultivating a deeper connection with your authentic self, you can transcend egoic limitations and embrace a more conscious and fulfilling existence. Remember, the choices you make today shape the reality you experience tomorrow. Choose to nourish your soul, and watch as your mind, body, and spirit align in harmony towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. Bon appetit!
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As we move into Spring the craving for the warmth starts to slowly lift and we begin looking for slightly lighter menu options. This salad is a great option as a side dish or even as your main meal with a protein of your choice. The amounts you use will be dependent on how many people you are serving. This recipe is also easily modified to your personal preference. All you need is:
Salad: Spinach
Feta cheese
Dressing: Honey
Balsamic vinegar
Ground black pepper
Olive oil
Step 1. Slice the strawberries into the desired size
Step 2. In a large bowl, add spinach, blueberries, strawberries, feta and chopped up pecans
Step 3. In a separate bowl, thoroughly mix together
¼ cup of balsamic vinegar
1 large, minced clove of garlic
¾ cup of olive oil
2 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of dijon mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
Step 4. Pour the desired amount of dressing over the salad and toss
Step 5. Store any remaining dressing in the refrigerator and enjoy!
Dear Kindred Spirits,
I want to share a piece of my heart with you a story that's woven with threads of tradition, love, and healing. It's about more than just knitting; it's about the profound emotions and mental health benefits that have become intertwined with this timeless craft.
My love-affair with knitting began in the gentle embrace of my grandmother's home. The click-clack of knitting needles provided the soundtrack to our cherished moments together. As a young girl, I found comfort in the rhythm of her stitches and the warmth of her presence an intuitive sanctuary of love and connection that shaped my understanding of the world.
As the years passed and life's challenges unfolded, I discovered that knitting held a transformative power one that transcended the mere act of creating garments. It tapped into something deeper within me. With each loop and twist of the yarn, I found myself unraveling the knots of stress and anxiety that had taken root in my mind and body, replacing them with a sense of calm.
Knitting became my lifeline a lifeline that offered refuge in times of turmoil, a canvas for expressing my innermost thoughts and emotions, and a bridge
cted me to the generations before us. Through this profound act of creativity, I embrace my vulnerabilities, y fears, and find beauty in ections of life.
tell you the mental health e nothing short of s. Knitting has been my mpanion on the winding aling, offering me moments rom the chaos of modern feel empowered to reclaim d responsibility over my l-being. It's a practice that e in the present moment, y frazzled nerves, and e that I am capable of g any storm that comes my
hose who find solace in the hm of the needles and the ce of yarn, I say this: s sacred space that you ' ve for yourself. Whether you ' re arves, socks, or simply ogether the fragments of know that you are engaging f profound self-care—one s your past, nurtures your nd paves the way for a ore resilient future.
titches be steady and your ght!
The message from The COLE (The Council of Light and Energy) this month, is to surrender. They’re calling upon you to liberate yourself from attachments. With the Eclipse and Retrograde energies in effect throughout this month, you may experience situations and circumstances that seem like something you may have dealt with in the past They are revisiting you to allow you to upgrade your perspective and awareness pertaining to them
For some of you, the message is to surrender to the final stages of transformation The COLE, see you have made most of the necessary steps to transform, but observe you losing momentum or resuming your connection to fear. You are encouraged to remain strong and focused.
For some of you, the message is to surrender your attachment to a timeline. Your focus on the timeline is actually strengthening your energies of lacking in having your desire rather than allowing the energies to align with you having and experiencing your desire in the physical reality.
For some of you, the message is to surrender your need or habit of attempting to micromanage the Universe The timing or fulfillment of your desire may come in a form or timeframe that you have not considered but will always be for your highest good.
Surrendering is a necessary step in many of the circumstances we experience in life Practicing how to surrender even in the smallest way, is a skill that will continue to serve you throughout your life.
With my pure love and appreciation, Energi Empress Priya
Card: Surrender
Deck: The Shaman’s Dream
Author: Alberto Villoldo & Colette Baron-Reid
Illustrator: Jena DellaGrottaglia
Publisher: Hay House Inc.
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