Energi Magazine - Issue 6

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Issue No. 6 • February 1, 2021

Yoga for couples Yoga poses for you and your special someone

The Full Moon in Leo Romance in the bedroom Moon cycle reading by Savita Moon Child

Essential oils for the bedroom

February Affirmations

I love knowing that I can trust my intuition, always

I am aware that there may be more than meets the eye

I am willing to see things from a different perspective

I am connected to and a part of the infinite Universal wisdom

I am open to learning and growing through my experiences

I love being able to see the bigger picture

Amethyst Allows energy to flow through all of the chakras Helps improve quality of sleep Promotes self reflection Promotes spiritual, mental, and emotional balance

Black Obsidian Brings clarity Prompts curiosity Draws out mental stress and tension Promotes compassion Promotes strength

Labradorite Helps keep away negative energies Awakens intuition Helps get rid of fears Regulates metabolism Balances hormones

Healing Crystals for your Third Eye Chakra By: Aria de Lima

Lepidolite Helps release old behaviours Supports during change Reduces stress and depression Supportive in the release of addictions Encourages self love

Purple Fluorite Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy Enhances focus Increases self confidence Stimulates regeneration and reconstruction in the body

Feeding your Third Eye Chakra By: Aria de Lima

Breakfast - PB + J sandwich Toast 2 slices of a bread of your choice. Coat one slice with grape jam and the other with peanut butter. Stick the slices together and enjoy a classic.

Lunch - Purple cabbage salad In a large bowl, mix purple cabbage, kale, shredded carrots, toasted walnuts, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, and cranberries. In a separate bowl, mix together 1 tbsp dijon mustard, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp water, and salt and pepper to taste. Pour the dressing over the dry ingredients and toss well.

Snack - Yogurt with blackberries and granola Scoop 1 cup of any yogurt you choose into a bowl. Top with granola and blackberries for a yummy snack.

Dinner - Eggplant parmesan Begin by slicing 2 large eggplants into slices about 1 inch in width. Place the eggplants on a cooling rack or paper towel and salt generously, leaving them off to one side while you prepare the sauce. In a large pot, add 2 tbsp of olive oil at medium heat. Then saute 3 minced garlic cloves and 1 small minced onion. Pour in about 800ml of tomato sauce and mix in 1 large diced tomato. Mix in 2 large handfuls of spinach (optional). Bring the sauce to a boil and then reduce to low heat.

Next, beat 4 large eggs in a medium bowl and pour a generous amount of breadcrumbs onto a plate. Fully coat each piece of eggplant with the egg wash and then cover them in breadcrumbs.

Finally, take out a deep baking dish and spray with non-stick spray or oil. Scoop a thin layer of sauce into the dish and cover the base. Place the eggplant slices side by side on top of the sauce. Add a thick layer of sauce, then layer mozzarella and parmesan cheese on top. Repeat the layers again. Bake in the oven at 350F for 35/40 minutes and enjoy.

Dessert - Blueberry bundles Bring a medium sized pot of water to boil. Pour 1 cup of chocolate chips into a stainless steel bowl and using oven mitts place the bowl over the pot. Any kind of chocolate will work. Personally I like dark or semi sweet chocolate. Stir the chocolate chips until fully melted and smooth. Then mix in ½ tbsp of oil. Next, line a baking pan with parchment paper. Place a dollop of chocolate on the tray and then push 2-3 blueberries into the dollop to create the cluster. Drizzle chocolate on top of each cluster and then place into the freezer for about 15 - 20 minutes. Remove from the tray and enjoy.

@Chelsey Lynn

Monthly Movement

By: Tanya Mouland

Feet exercise: pick up marbles or stone with your with toes Winter means boots, heavier socks, and constricted movement of the toes. Here is an easy-to-do and simple exercise to do to lengthen the toes, loosen up the joints, and release muscle tension in the feet.

How to do this foot exercise: 1. Sit comfortably on the floor or on a chair. Socks off. 2. Have 8 – 12 marbles on the floor. Small cup or container in the centre. 3. With your right foot, using your toes, pick up a marble and drop it into the cup. 4. Continue until you have picked up all the marbles with your right foot. 5. Repeat with the left foot.

Benefits: 1. Very grounding. 2. Releases tension in the foot. 3. Improves posture and walking. 4. Reduces risk of injury to foot and ankle. 5. Can improve blood flow to feet and lower legs. (warmer toes!)

Variations: 1. With 2 people, you can have a race to see who can pick up their items fastest. 2. Use different items: wads of paper, scarves, bean bags. 3. Use a larger container so that you have to lift your leg higher and work on balance. 4. Do it standing.

Yoga for couples By Lisa Brenner

Looking for a fun new activity to do with your partner? Why not give couples Yoga a try? Working together with your partner to move into various poses has many benefits for you both, such as strengthening communication, stretching levels of trust, reducing anxiety and stress, and can help to improve both intimacy and your sex life!

Whether you are an experienced Yoga practitioner or completely new to the practice, this can be a great way to spend quality time together, release some tension, and have a little fun. Couples Yoga can vary from very simple and easy poses, all the way to very difficult, such as performing Acro Yoga.

Remember that the key here is in the connection between you and your partner, not perfecting a pose. Couples Yoga is a great way to bring in new challenges to work on together, which can help increase the overall quality of your relationship. Focus on your breath, take your time, and keep it lighthearted and fun!

Check out the following six poses to get you started.

Easy pose: Sit back to back with your partner with your legs crossed and hands resting in your lap or on your knees. Notice how your breath feels as you inhale and exhale. Can you match your breathing with your partner’s? Sit for 3-5 minutes before moving on to the next pose.

Seated twist: Staying in the same position as Easy pose, place your right hand on your left knee, and your left hand on your partner’s right knee, gently twisting to your left and looking towards your left shoulder. Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides; left hand to your right knee with your right hand on your partner’s left knee, looking towards your right shoulder. Again, hold for a few breaths.

Seated backbend and forward fold: Starting in Easy pose, one partner will slowly bend forward, bringing their hands to the floor in front of them, while the other partner will slowly lower backwards onto their partner’s back. Hold for a few breaths and then switch positions.

Wide legged seated forward fold: Sit facing your partner with your legs stretched out wide. Press the soles of your feet together, holding hands with the arms straight. You can stay in this position, or take turns slowly pulling your partner forward as you lean back.

Boat pose: Sit facing your partner a few feet away from each other. Press the soles of your feet together and slowly start to lift your legs into the air as you lean backwards. This may take a bit of shifting to get the proper position. You can start by practicing with one leg at a time until you find the balance. It can be helpful to have something for you both to hold on to, such as a yoga strap, a belt, tie, or a scarf. Hold for a few breaths and don’t forget to look into each other’s eyes and smile!

Gate pose: Come up onto your knees facing the same direction, extending your outside leg away from each other. Grasp your partner’s hand with the inner arm, extending the outer arm up overhead, reaching towards your partner. You can grasp each other's hand, place the palms together, or try to make a heart like we did here! Look into your partner’s eyes and enjoy being in this space together.

The Full Moon in Leo By Savita Moon Child

The Leo Moon will be standing alone and opposed by five other planets all in the sign of Aquarius. This creates a huge polarization, being T squared with Mars and Uranus in the fixed sign of Taurus, we may feel a little irritable, anxious, and restless. Mars comes in and represents the power of the individual. If we find ourselves dealing with negativity, it is time to pull up our courage and get confident. The Leo full moon is asking us, where does courage sit within us? It is better to stand alone than to engage in the negative energy of others or external influences? Our power depends and relies on how we take care of ourselves. We have no control of how to take on the system or what others choose to do; our powers are the choices we make. If we need to, talk with somebody that we trust, or if we find that our buttons are being pushed, it is best to step back and not react. Pluck up some courage at this time and pivot in a new and positive direction, with a different approach. Mars and Uranus are telling us to get out of our comfort zones or they will do it for us! Leo rules pride, where we feel like we do not need any help, and that we can do things on our own, yet if we take a humble approach and ask for help, we will release burdens off our shoulders, allowing for others to step up and be of service to us. Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun are all in Aquarius, whilst the Moon is Full in the sign of Leo. They remind us of truth, creativity, and reality. Using these planets’ energies in a positive way, remove the fear of the unknown to a more grounded reality. The support of others and of course, the Universe that always has our back, allows us to review any problems pragmatically. The Universe is here to support us, knowing how challenging this energy may be with the other planets in a battle and The Leo Moon standing strong alone. We want to move forward in an informed way, and with the Sun in Jupiter, this will empower us to gain greater knowledge and utilize our skills so we can take on these challenges. Let go of the ‘I can do everything all by myself’ mindset so we can see the creative potential that this Full Moon can offer. For the full ability to handle any challenge that may prove difficult, we need to break free from our old ways of doing things, releasing old belief systems that no longer serve us, moving into a greater mindset. Venus and Pluto are coupled together in the sign of Capricorn, whilst the Full Moon takes place in Leo. Venus rules love and relationships, and Pluto rules power and endings. This could mean a deepening of a relationship or an ending of a connection or financial endeavour. Full moons bring things to completion but as we know when something completes, something begins. This will be unique to us all, as we are all working with the same energies, but at the same time we all have our own unique life path destined for us. This Leo Full Moon is both dramatic and unpredictable. Whatever is revealed for us as a collective may have some consequences beyond four weeks from now. The moon in Leo can take our emotions to a dramatic level, where we can overreact and be over sensitized to everything that is happening around us. This will be an ideal time to practice being still, staying calm, taming our emotions, and stepping away from negativity. It is a time to be practical, grounded, and optimistic. This energy is moving through all the fixed signs- Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, meaning things can be challenging and require us to be more patient. Try not to react to the moment or what someone says or does. Resist. Full moons bring things to completion. If something is completing, remember that there were signs along the way; the job was ending, or the relationship is done, and it is time to move on.

A great way to work with this energy is to practice The Laws of Detachment by Kelley Rosano, listed below.

1. When it begins it is always right. 2. Who shows up is exactly who needs to be there. 3. What happens is the only thing that could have happened. 4. When it is done, it is done. Accepting that something is done, even if we do not like it, is freeing and liberating. This is an important factor to consider during this full moon. Accept what is happening and do not resist it. We need to move with this energy, not get caught up in the drama or feel responsible for things we have no control over. Uranus is here to liberate us, Saturn wants us to be practical, and Jupiter wants us to see the truth, own that truth, and it wants us to expand and evolve. The Leo moon is asking us to pull up our courage, own our bravery, and create power. If we find ourselves overwhelmed, communicate it with a trusted friend. This will help us to feel lighter by sharing our wants and needs to enhance our creative power and potential forward. Allow for what has fallen away to be revealed and create space for a new life to begin, a new you to be born, a new business, new relationships, and friendships to arise. Use this power and replace fear with faith. Whatever is being asked of us at this time, have faith. Jupiter is about faith. Trust that we are going to move through this energy with love and faith, that we will figure it out. Trust that the Universe is guiding and protecting us to our desired path. Mercury will be retrograding January 30, 2021, in the Air sign of Aquarius, a much more manageable energy, where we can focus on our intuition and insight. This energy will enable us to use the power of our minds to create what we want, an opportunity to reflect on all the insights we had gained in the winter solstice. Work with these energies, own your power, be courageous, and allow the Universe to reveal to us what it needs to. The Leo Full moon reminds us of our power and our choices of where we would like to be in life. As a ruler of the heart, Leo wants us to live fully and completely from it, to gain perfect clarity that we may have outgrown people, situations, jobs, and beliefs. Step into your power, realize and release anything that no longer aligns with our future self. As you begin to show up more for yourself, the goodness in life will start to show up more for you.

Show your bedroom some love By: Holistic House Coach Anja Lavigne Does loving your home have anything to do with how much you love yourself? Self Care is popping up to be the new tagline du jour, and rightfully so. Life is becoming even busier, and we are spending more time now than ever in our home. Ask yourself, do you like spending time at home? Close your eyes for a moment and walk through your home, envisioning it exactly the way you want it to look, then open your eyes and take in how you are feeling with your thoughts and what you see. Are you in love with your space? Does it reflect calmness and cohesiveness? If it doesn’t, then ask WHY? Now on a more specific note, let’s take it to the bedroom. As a place for sleeping, renewal, and retreat, the bedroom is a space for connecting with yourself as well as with your partner. The bedroom is usually the forgotten room, with after thoughts and somewhat neglect. Clutter in the bedroom causes unrestfulness. If you feel "wired and tired," creating order out of chaos in this most personal space can help you relax and let go of the stress of the day. This is often why so many people are attracted to high end hotel suites. Bring in the WOW factor that says self indulgence. Time to fall in love with your room! Here are some ways to help make your bedroom a better space for you. 1 Make Your bed every day. Walking into this space with the bed made makes all the difference. 2 Open your windows in the morning and even in the evening before bed for at least 10 mins. This circulates the air, removes stagnant energy, and removes pollutants. 3 A good, comfortable mattress is key to your sleep, which works into your health and wellbeing. It is also a good idea to flip your mattress every three months. 4 Have a stunning bed, night table, and lamp. Make your space feel as comforting and luxurious as possible through your choice of bedding. Using lamps, candles (real or battery operated) or lights with a dimmer also help set the mood to help you relax.



“I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make

This requires nurturing or it never fully shows up in our children. We nurture, teach, guide, and draw out the heart wisdom in the baby, toddler, child, and teenager.

it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.” - Whitney Houston

As we navigate this ever changing world, we worry about the development of the children, physically, mentally,

“The Greatest Love of All” is one of my favourite songs. To this day, every time I hear it, it gives me goosebumps! For over 30 years, I’ve had the honour of working with children of all ages, on three continents. It is absolute magic when I witness ‘the beauty they

emotionally, and more. The stressors from all the changes are impacting everyone, including the children. As a result, many are functioning in incoherence. The heart has incoherent patterns. The brain-body is not functioning optimally. There is a disconnect brought on by stress.

possess inside,’ shared with the world around them through performance, behaviour, friendship, sense of humour, or simply a smile.

Extra, planned nurturing may be required as there are many unknowns and so much uncertainty. Children and teens are missing the connection with friends. They are missing out

When a child’s heart is coherent, meaning that the child has a sense of safety in their body, their innate wisdom

on their favourite activities. Their whole world has been flipped upside down.

comes through and their ability to express themselves (age appropriately) is shared with the world.We are born with this innate heart wisdom and lots of self-love. Think of that lovely youngster modeling the outfit he

The best way to shift heart coherence and connection to self and others, as well as restore the sense of safety, is movement and play! It’s as easy as it sounds!

picked out for himself on that first day of school! There are so many wonderful and creative activities and The confidence, the joy of doing it himself; that’s selflove!

projects for all ages found online to engage and interact with your child. Below are points I wanted to emphasize for the Heart-to-Heart connections.

1. Be fully present

4. Get the body moving

Provide a safe, non-judgemental space for the child(ren) to

Movement keeps the muscles and joints loose,

express themselves, in their own way. Honour where they

decreasing muscle tension from sitting and looking at a

are AND honour where you are! Turn the phones off. Take

screen for any length of time. Explore movement on the

a few deep breaths. Have a few sips of water. Get yourself

floor, sitting, standing, in the air, or on a stability ball.

centered. These very important self-care actions also get

Pretend to be animals. Get the blood pumping with a

you into heart coherence and help release your own stress

dance party. Play a wide variety of music and let the

patterns. It opens up a space for loving connection.

movements flow. Teens might want to explore stretching, weights, or cardio. Decide together and have fun! Remember that movement also brings awareness

2. Listen. Engage and Interact. Listen some more!

back into the body. The playfulness of these activities returns the heart to coherence and makes learning a little easier.

Conversations can happen during any activity or when the child wants to sit and chat. When we are heard and seen, acknowledged and validated, we feel safe and loved. We can connect from and to the heart. It is really important to remember that your child might not be able to find the words to talk about feelings or what they are sensing and experiencing. It could be age related or what happens to them when they are stressed. Younger ones can be asked to identify if it is a happy or sad face and find out where in their body they are experiencing it. Ask if they’d like to talk about it more or simply acknowledge that it’s there. With older children, again go to body wisdom. What are they sensing in their body? Where are they feeling the emotions? Words are not necessary unless they want to use

5. Create something together

them. Otherwise, give the sensations and feelings a colour

When you work with your child, you are encouraging

or texture. Keep the dialogue going if they are not able to

them to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. This

find the words. Be present with your child. Offer advice if

can be planning a meal, then preparing it together. It can

asked. Listen with your heart. Their heart is looking to

be redecorating their bedroom. Listen, connect,


validate…build that heart connection! Be warned – this could lead to laughter, play, and feel-

3. Get back into the body

good moments together!

With so much happening online, we are disconnecting from our body. This in itself creates stress in the brainbody system and an incoherent heart. Our innate wisdom is in our body. Touch releases oxytocin, a wonderful bonding chemical, and endorphins. Use gentle and supportive touch through (foot) massages, back rubs, hugs, and cuddles. Other activities that stimulate proprioceptors and balance the system could be rocking, Brain Gym, tai chi, and swinging, all of which bring awareness back to the body. References: Dennison, Paul E. Brain Gym and Me: Reclaiming the Pleasure of Learning. Ventura, CA: EduKinesthetics, Inc, 2006. Hannaford, Carla. Playing in the Unified Field. Salt Lake City, Utah.: Great River Books, 2010.

6. Make time Schedule time in your daily routine for these Heart-toHeart connection activities. This could be done through morning stretches and Brain Gym exercises, playing together after school and work. Another option is to work some of these activities into your bedtime routine. Take some time to give a foot or back rub, reflect on the day together and practice gratitude or even listen to soft music together. A coherent heart allows for better sleep, and you’re going to sleep with a smile, feeling safe and loved!

What does self-love look like? By: Aria de Lima

With an increase in awareness surrounding mental health and self care, various platforms and companies have been consistently promoting a variety of products, techniques, and services to help you help yourself. I personally will be the first to declare my appreciation for many of them.

I can not deny, nor would I want to, how much I enjoy a good spa day or luxury soak in the tub with a glass of wine and a book. I have bought the fancy bubble bath, I have indulged in the expensive meals, and I have treated myself to the nail salons on multiple occasions. With that being said, a busy schedule and limited hours in a day can often make these movie moments of self-love far and few between.

Many of us overlook the success in making it through a day without actually pulling out our hair. We may think about it, but the fact that we didn’t do it is something I count as a win. Recognizing that you are doing the best you can, poses itself as a difficult task at times. It’s easy to watch other people and think that they have it all together but the truth is, nobody does. Each person is working through their own challenges and trying to keep themselves motivated to keep going. Loving yourself also means asking for help when you need it. It means acknowledging that sometimes you need assistance and not feeling bad about it or about where you are on your journey. Nobody is perfect and you won’t always get everything just right. However, appreciating and feeling proud of how far you have come and grown, as well as all you have accomplished, is important and a valuable component of self-love. In addition, despite our busy lives, it really is key to continue to do things that make us feel good as a way to motivate us. Think of them as little rewards for just being you.

These small rewards come in so many different forms but ultimately they are anything that bring you joy or make your life even a little bit better. This could mean going to bed earlier so you are not as tired in the morning, giving you enough time to make a proper breakfast. It could be sitting and watching your show or playing that video game. Going for a walk around your neighbourhood or on a local trail or on the beach, taking time to clean your space, calling your friend, or maybe not picking up the phone when you just want some quiet time. Take those extra 15 minutes to get ready for bed, use that lotion that smells so good, and put on those pajamas that you love. Have a dance party in your kitchen while you prepare your favourite meal or wait for your favourite take out to arrive. The suggestions are endless.

Find the things that bring you happiness and incorporate them into your everyday life. While they might seem simple, together they create a chain effect of moments that help you be a more evolved and a happier you. The most important part about all of this is to do it guilt free. Remember that taking care or doing something nice for yourself is not something to feel bad about. It is how you maintain the person you are, and allows you to grow further into a more joyous, love-filled life. It also allows you to be someone who can then help take care of others and inspire them to live a more love and joy filled life. This is what we all deserve.

Love Spells By: Priya Ali

Sachet of Love

This spell is to attract new love to you - one of great passion, devotion and affection. This spell is for men or women, and when completed correctly will bring you a partner who will naturally love you as you are. Do this spell after a bath or shower. Materials: 1 small organza bag/sachet Small Bowl Water 4 drops of rose oil or perfume 1 tsp dried red rose petals 1 tsp dried lavender 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 1/4 tsp ground chamomile (can be from a tea bag) 1 pink candle 15 to 20 inches of red ribbon (gift wrapping style is fine) Ritual: First begin by cleansing your sachet. Place the sachet in a clear glass or white bowl with enough water to cover it. Add the rose oil or perfume drops.Soak the bag for 4 minutes and 44 seconds. As they soak, say, “I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Raguel to bless this sachet with a white blessed love filled white light.” Visualize the white light shining upon and flowing through the sachet. Remove the sachet from the water and either pat it dry with a towel, dry it with a blow dryer, or allow it to dry naturally. Once it is dry, visualize yourself surrounded with a red light. Mix all of the dried petals and herbs together, and sprinkle them evenly into the bag. Light the candle and say the invocation 4 times:

"With the light of this fire, And Guidance of the Divine Lead me to my true love’s heart And lead their heart to mine Bring me someone who will love me As I am and as I be I vow a love of honesty, passion and sincerity Bring me the one who will do the same for me So mote it be"

Carefully seal the bag with a drop of candle wax. Place the bag next to the candle and allow the candle to burn down. Once the candle has burnt down entirely, take the red ribbon and tie a bow around it. Carry the sachet with you at all times and you shall find the love in your life. Be certain to look for love to show up. Once you have found love, take the ingredients from the bag and sprinkle them around a tree or in a garden. This will ensure that you will find the love of your life.

Self-Love Spell Materials: Body Lotion/Body Oil 4 Rose Quartz Crystals 1 Drinking Glass large enough to place the lotion bottle inside Pen and paper 1 Pink Candle Ritual: This spell is for anyone. Fill the drinking glass with water and place the lotion/oil bottle inside the glass. Write the words, “I love myself” on the piece of paper and place it under the glass. Light the candle and safely drop 4 drops of candle wax into the water in the glass surrounding the lotion/oil. Imagine that this oil is turning this lotion into a self love lotion and is infused with pink light. Imagine that you are covered in a pink light. Slowly start to run your hands over your body from your feet to your head. As you connect with your body, start the chant.

“I love myself from head to toe From my inner light to my outer glow This lotion starts the love to flow As it touches my skin my self love will grow I am love I am loved And mote it be"

Allow yourself to feel the pink light flow over you and through you. When you do, begin to use the lotion on your body and repeat the chant 4 times. Use this lotion daily or as needed, you can also put some in a travel size bottle and keep it with you as you go about your day. To keep the lotion potent and active, repeat the ritual once a month. The ideal time to charge or recharge the lotion would be during the New Moon Phase of the Moon Cycle.

Noah de Lima @intuitivemilennial


@savitamoonchild @savitamoonchild savitamoonchild@gmail.com www.thesportoflife.ca




Test It Out BERNARD JENSEN DRY BODY BRUSH PRODUCT REVIEW BY: ANDREA SIPCIC Most people are familiar with the concept of exfoliating

made of solid lotus wood. It is super sturdy, durable,

your skin. What may be more of a novice idea is dry skin

and looks and feels like a great quality product. The

brushing, although this has also gained quite a bit of

wood is not sealed, so it’s important to remember not

popularity and recognition over the years. The concept

to get it wet, except for every one to three months,

behind this is to use a dry bristle brush on dry skin,

wash the bristles with warm water and a gentle,

applying light to medium pressure using straight,

natural soap such as castile. Rinse well and air dry.

sweeping strokes against your skin, or circular motions

On a weekly basis, it’s also recommended to ruffle

on smaller areas like your chest and stomach area. You

through the bristles to dislodge any dead skin cells,

want to start from your feet and lower legs and work

hair, dust or debris. For the retail value of $25.48

your way up, focusing on stroking in the direction of your

CDN, I found it to be quite reasonably priced.

heart. Not a lot of pressure is required, as you don’t want to break or damage the skin. It is also important to avoid

Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

the face, as the skin in this area is more thin and

Exfoliates dead skin cells


Helps to unclog pores Improves blood circulation

The brush I love and have been using for years is the

Promotes lymph flow and drainage

Bernard Jensen Dry Body Brush. It is made of natural

May help reduce the appearance of cellulite

tampico fiber bristles from agave cactus with a long handle and brush head (measuring a total of 38 cm/15 inches)

When I first used the Jensen brush, it was also my very first time skin brushing, and I didn’t think I’d be able to handle it, as the bristles felt too harsh to me. It freaked me out, so I left it unused for months. I eventually came back to it and realized I was going too hard with something my skin needed some getting used to. So I started more gently and was eventually able to work my way up to medium firmness. It didn’t take long for my skin to be in love with it and found that I often surpassed the few recommended minutes of usage because it felt so good. That is really all you need- just a few minutes before showering. You can use it daily or less often if preferred. I love that the Jensen bristle head is so full; there are so many bristles and it’s not sparse at all. As soon as I got more used to brushing, I found my skin’s elasticity improved, it was more smooth, and just overall felt and looked better. I noticed my skin turning slightly red temporarily afterwards. This is a benefit for me as it indicated an improved blood flow. Furthermore, not only did my skin look and feel better, but I feel better overall and feel that it is a positive contribution to my health and well being.

YOUR THIRD EYE CHAKRA AND ESSENTIAL OILS By: Maleika Lacy Being that the third eye chakra is a human’'s connection to vision and intuition, it seems very appropriate to discuss as we are now a month into the new year. At the start of a new year everyone is filled with resolution and grand visions of making changes in their life. Then when February comes around, they often have fallen back into their old routines. Feeling stuck in your day-to-day life, losing vision for your future, and having lack of clarity has third eye chakra imbalance written all over it. With new global lockdowns and uncertainty at this point in 2021, it is easy to feel this way. So here is what you can do about it.

Use Frankincense to Create A Vision Board Create a vision board for yourself and instead of using a square poster board, cut it into a round shape to represent the third eye. Now most importantly, before you create your vision board, follow these steps: 1. Add a few drops of Frankincense to the palms of your hands and rub together. 2. Cup your hands over your mouth and breathe deeply for 30 seconds. 3. Place both thumbs gently on your third eye with palms together. 4. Meditate for at least 5 minutes in this pose. 5. Now you are ready to create your vision board with an open third eye.

Create a Blend for the Third Eye To create your own blend, you will want to choose one of these blends, add all drops to a 10 ml rollerball and top with fractionated coconut oil. Roll on your pulse point through the days to help manifest, dream, or inspire your new visions. Manifest Diffuser Blend ¡6 drops Wild Orange 5 drops Clary Sage 3 drops Cypress 2 drops Bergamot 1 drop Siberian Fir

Inspire 5 drops Cinnamon 5 drops Spearmint 3 drops Grapefruit 1 drop Bergamot 1 drop Siberian Fir

Dream Diffuser Blend 8 drops Wild Orange ¡4 drops Copaiba 2 drops Litsea 1 drop Spearmint

Diffuse for the Third Eye Choose one of these diffuser blends and diffuse constantly to help bring clarity, inspiration, and feelings of positivity.

Goal Setting 2 drops Frankincense 2 drops Peppermint 1 drop Ylang Ylang

New Year 2 drops Bergamot 2 drops Frankincense 2 drops Elevation (doTERRA product)

Planning 3 drops Lemongrass 3 drops Tangerine 3 drops Spearmint For more visit: www.maleikalacy.com/chakras

Looking into the Third Eye Chakra By: Andrea Sipicic

The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is the sixth major chakra, located between the eyebrows and encompassing the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. It is represented by a deep indigo colour and is often referred to as our sixth sense. As a spiritual chakra, it is the center of our intuition which leads us to an inner knowing that will guide us if we let it. Having an open Third Eye Chakra enables clairvoyance, expanded imagination, visualization, telepathy, and lucid dreaming.

How to know when your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance Humans have an intuitive sense. Sometimes we simply loose touch with it and our trust in it. The following are common signs, symptoms, and causes of an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra:

Headaches Brain fog Sinus Issues Lack of intuitive guidance Feeling uninspired and uncreative Overactive, overwhelming imagination Closed mindedness Struggling to see the bigger picture Inability to see one's own fears

Ways to balance your Third Eye Chakra If you sense your sixth chakra is out of balance or blocked, here are some ways to help clear and balance:

Listen to and honour the messages your body sends you Meditation (an option is to listen to one specific to the Third Eye Chakra) Getting more sunlight Hum or chant the sound “OM” Eat more foods that resonate with this chakra, such as purple cabbage, eggplant, blackberries, blueberries, and purple potatoes Use essential oils such as patchouli, frankincense, clary sage, sandalwood, and vetiver Use crystals connected to the chakra Incorporate affirmations daily that are supportive to the chakra Keep a dream journal or simply pay attention to your dreams Practice balancing postures like Tree Pose and Dancer’s Pose Wear the colour blue/indigo

Intuitive Goddess Priya February 2021 Reading By: Priya Ali

With Valentineʼs Day approaching, Spirit was asked for a love related card. The playfulness card is what came up. The message from the Guides is that some of you are taking love far too seriously. They have observed that between fairy tale stories, the relationships you witnessed growing up, self-help books, and social media influencers telling you what your love relationship should and shouldnʼt look like, many of you are trying to fall in love from your head rather than your heart. Whether it be through matchmakers, dating sites, or apps, the Guides invite you to move away from “checking boxes” and approach your potential love interactions and suitors with an energy of playfulness rather than strategy. Fun elevates your energies and allows your inner child to come out. For some of you who are in established relationships, the message is to reignite or finally ignite the fun fuse into our lives. The Guides have observed things becoming very routine, predictable, serious, and in some cases, boring. They encourage you to make and take time for fun at least once a week.

For some of you, the message is to take yourself a little or maybe even a lot less seriously and allow yourself to have some fun. They sense that you are deemed, either by others or yourself, “the responsible one.” Having fun doesnʼt equate shrinking your responsibilities, but it can certainly elevate your energy and provide stress relief. Also, the Guides suggest that lightening up a little will be beneficial to your soul and allow you to connect with and grow another side of your personality. In Joy and Light, Intuitive Goddess Priya Card Deck: The Romance Angels Author: Doreen Virtue Published By: Hay House Publishing Artwork By: Lisa Iris, Howard David Johnson and Corey Wolfe Interior Design: Nick C. Welch

Connecting to your Third Eye Chakra By: Premadasa Gangadeen

As we progress emotionally and energetically on the path toward selfawareness, we become more attuned to

What is selfless self-improvement?

rather, see other aspects and dimensions

When the mind/ego connection is

of who we truly are, thus liberating us

examined thoroughly, one may

from our self-imposed constraints and

eventually come to the realization that views. Instead of individually they’ve been fully identified with the

identifying solely with the ego, we

ego. When we authentically and firmly transcend this narrow perspective to a rest within the intention of self-

more holistic or universal view of

improvement so that we can be better

Oneness. This seemingly fleeting

versions of ourselves for the sake of

realization at first is a sign that we are

our family, friends, and community,

waking up or opening up to a state of

this is selfless self-improvement.

great potential and possibility. Consider

the action and behaviour required for

The ego, with its attractions and

further self-refinement. Like a self-

aversions, has been cemented in

cleaning oven, these processes are

place to maintain a narrow, yet

baking us to an optimum state of being

manageable view of how to be

and sustainability for our households,

present in the world. Our tendency to

community, and planet. This refinement

be solely focused on the ego comes at

of body, breath, mind, intellect, and

the exclusion of the total self, which

spirit is a by-product of consistent

is the sum of the body, breath, mind,

yogic practice and is accessible to all

intellect, and spirit. When we bring

who have an earnest yearning toward

about progress on all of these levels,

selfless self-improvement.

we have the ability to unlock or

this stage as a sign that the Ajna chakra or the Third Eye chakra is beginning to open. The more we practice the more we are able to remain in this state of seeing for longer periods of time until the concept of time bears no consequence on our practice. In many ways, the scientific practice of Yoga leads to deeper esoteric feelings and experiences which cannot be measured given the instruments that we currently

have access to. From personal

You may either lose or transform your

impenetrable to the ego. Otherwise they

experience, there have been periods in

relationships with other people and

wouldn’t be here! This is the main

my life where I have intensely practiced

things and you may also gain a whole

essence and lesson to being here right

Ashtanga Yoga philosophy daily, and

new set of relationships and values.

now - work through the ego

ultimately the practice led to deeper and

Trust that the process of transformation

identification and uncover our true self.

more expansive feelings of peace, bliss,

is delivering the practitioner precisely

The ego is a valuable tool and not the

and acceptance. The more I practiced,

where they need to be for further

master of us as we have deemed it to be.

the deeper I went until I could no longer


It is meant to serve us on our path. It is

identify with the idea of the person whom I was up until that point. I was able to let go into the flow of existence and simply enjoy the view, the ride, and the feeling of trust of being carried by something greater than myself. Should this happen to you dear reader, prepare to experience some remarkable things in terms of change and transformation. Sometimes this may appear in rapid surfacing events and other times it may come as slow, deep foundational shifts. Both are welcome for the greater good.

The advice and guidance that I’d like to offer is the same that was given to me: practice with diligence, discipline, and with no attachment for a desired result. Spend time in community with other like-minded individuals to build a

not something which needs to be destroyed, rather, it must be harnessed like a thoroughbred horse to take us to and through the ‘finish’ line (though we’re never finished; we’re always a work in progress).

stronger field of resonance. Seek out

There are and have always been highly

great teachers to learn from their lessons

exceptional beings of light around us to

and examples and you’ll benefit from

serve as our guides. Like a radio, we

their experience, energy, and aura. Once

can actively turn our dial to tune in to

one gets to the stage where they feel

their frequency as a result of our yogic

that they have ‘mastered’ a technique,

practices, which purify us to the state of

that is a sign to begin anew as the ego

becoming channels of light ourselves

has slyly managed to creep back in. No

for the benefit of others. This is our

practitioner here, no matter how

collective dharma, this is our Yoga, and

advanced they may seem, is

this is our time.

Valentine's Day For One Please By: Priya Ali Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that can spark extreme joy and excitement or dread and sadness. For some, it’s an ideal day to celebrate the love you have with your partner, and a happy excuse to do or buy something nice for each other. For others, it’s a sad, lonely day that only comes as a reminder that they don’t have a “special someone” in their lives. On most of the other days of the year, some may successfully bury these emotions as they keep themselves occupied with their day to day routines or quietly going about their business. On Valentine’s Day, love is not only in the air, it’s everywhere. For those finding themselves dreading Valentine’s Day, it has become increasingly common to get on the resentful “I don’t need anyone” bandwagon. That, along with “I’m good on my own,” and “men or women just bring me problems,” have all become some of the commonly grumbled phrases from so many single individuals, not only on Valentine’s day, but also throughout the year. This year, why not use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity for self-awareness? We may have adapted to a mindset that we don’t need anyone and that we’re good on our own. While all the chocolate covered hearts and candy love messages may say otherwise, it could be 100 percent true. We have been conditioned that we need someone to “feel complete” and have true happiness and love. With self development and self love awareness on the rise, many are turning within for true love. When we create an unconditional happiness within, we feel loved on our own, without being dependent on another to “complete” us. Through learning to support, nurture, encourage, and validate yourself, as well as becoming aware of your needs and desires, you enable yourself to be self-sufficient. By taking time to gain a greater understanding of what works for you and what doesn’t, to consider your beliefs, values, desires, goals, and all the other aspects of yourself that make you who you are, you develop a strong and healthy relationship with yourself. It is this understanding that will allow you to have a greater connection to your own Being, thus allowing you to connect with another on a deeper level. There are however, those of us who deny wanting to come home to rose petals and romance when it is completely what we desire. Whilst flower deliveries pass you by all day, this type of denial may seem on the surface an effective coping strategy, maybe this year a little self-awareness check may be more beneficial. In one of the modalities I use in my practice called Access Consciousness, it is stated that by uttering the word “Truth” prior to asking yourself a question leads you more often than not to a truthful answer. Yes, some of us do lie to ourselves. You can then ask yourself, with a willingness to be truthful, what do I truly want? Would I really like to have a fulfilling, loving romantic partner? If the answer is yes, remind yourself that it’s perfectly ok and healthy to want to have that partnership. You can allow your desires to exist, without the need to feel and demonstrate any type of shame, fear, or guilt about them. If you find that you truly do wish to have someone in your life, Valentine’s Day is a great day for changing your mindset around love. Consider looking at people who are in love and imagining that being you. Make a list of all the things you would love in a partner, and all the things about you that you love to be as a partner. Surround yourself with love, send yourself some flowers or chocolates, make a playlist of your favourite love songs, or even perform a love spell. The idea is to set yourself up with a mindset to open up to and receive love with positive expectations rather than past pain. Whether you go through Valentine’s Day solo by choice or not, a day of love for you, coming from you, is always a beautiful thing.

Romance in the Bedroom with Essential Oils By Maleika Lacy

Did you know essential oils can have powerful effects on libido? It is quite simple to add romance to the bedroom with these essential oils. 1. Passion Blend (doTERRA product) or Inspiring Blend Diffuse or apply like a perfume to feel sexy. 2. Ylang Ylang and Clary Sage Add to fractionated coconut oil and apply to your partner for a romantic massage that boosts libido. 3. Sandalwood Dilute with fractionated coconut oil and give your man a bit of extra support.


Valentine’s Day is upon us! Even though this beloved

sensation of euphoria experienced by people when

holiday is a celebration of romantic love, let’s take a

they take cocaine¹. Yes friends, love is indeed a drug.

few moments to celebrate all of the “loves”! Turn on

All of love gets you high, but this one feels the most

your favourite love song playlist and grab your

amazing. This one also has the most potential to fade

favourite bubbly beverage and let’s dive in. There are


as many as 12 different types of love but in this article we’re going to be considering the basic 4 types:

Affectionate Love - This is the most common form of love. It’s non-sexual in nature. Some would argue

Romantic Love - The most popular and most longed-

that it’s the most important type of love. This is the

for form of love. This love evolves into some of the

love that exists between family members. Friendship

other stages of love and initially elicits very strong

also falls under this type of love. Referred to as

feelings. The term being “in-love” usually refers to

platonic love, if you’ve ever been friend-zoned, this is

this kind of love. This is that, “buy you flowers and

most likely where you ended up.

candy” love. The euphoric “can’t get enough of you” love. The intimate, affectionate, passionate love that

Unconditional Love - the most spiritual of all of the

stimulates the pleasure centers in our brains and

love-types. Unconditional love means that you love

releases endorphins. This feeling is what so many

someone no matter what and this love is not attached

people are searching for. The majority of love songs

to any conditions. This is the type of love that truly

address this type of love. Falling in love affects

knows no limits. It is selfless. This is the root of noble

intellectual area of the brain and triggers the same

things like altruism - concern for the well-being of

others, even if you don’t know them personally. In

they provide a steady flow of unconditional love.

personal relationships, it’s a deep-trusting - a knowingness that you are deeply loved and accepted

Self-love allows us to give that validation for

as you are - the good and the so-called bad.

ourselves. Depending on our previous life experiences, we may have been telling ourselves that

Self Love - Exactly what it sounds like, love that you

we are not worthy of love or that we are unloveable.

have for yourself. Even though society is starting to

Self-love opens us up to receive all other forms of

come around, in times, past self-love was looked

love. We humans are in love with love because love

upon unfavourably. Some people associate self-love

assigns us value. Love causes us to value ourselves.

with being narcissistic, selfish, or self-centered.

Being loved and loving others says “you’re worth it.”

Society is starting to come to the realization that self-

Self love also teaches us how to love others and how

love is a necessary part of our love life. The term

we like to be loved. The love and support that we

“self-care” has become very popular. Many self-care

receive from our friends and family often inspires us

activities are indeed acts of self-love.

to reach amazing heights and achieve amazing things

We Need All Types of Love

- true inspiration.

Each type of love gives us a very distinct and special feeling. Romantic love has an intoxicating effect on the senses. This type of love feels good because you become the object of someone’s affection, the center of their world, and that feels really awesome. Affectionate love gives us stability. It makes us feel like we belong. The end-game for many ambitious business people is ultimately to enjoy more time with family. Major achievements and tiny victories are inspired by and celebrated with family and close friends.

Unconditional love is the fabric of our very existence. In contemporary religion, God’s unconditional love is the cause for His mercy and grace. Unconditional love causes those with more resources to help people less fortunate. It's always heartwarming to hear about a pro athlete, CEO of a fortune 500 corporation, or entertainer doing things like sending kids to college, providing a remote village with fresh water, or building hospitals in third world countries.

The most amazing feeling is when you establish that connection with another human being. To know that you are free to be your authentic self and not be rejected or judged - but instead celebrated, is the ultimate form of validation that indeed you are worthy. This is also why we love our pets so much;

Attract More Love There’s likely more love in your life than you realize. We inherently tend to focus on what we don’t want. Even if we say that we want something with our words, our inner thoughts are focused on the fact that we don’t have it. If you were to tune in, you’ll notice that there’s more love, but you may be taking it for granted.

Give more to get more. The common saying “be the change you want to see” holds true if you want to experience more love and appreciation for what is present.

Live and love without expectation. Allow love into your heart. Your heart is not capable of filtering out certain types of love and allowing only one type to flow. For instance, if you want romantic love but you keep others at arm's length, you’re a lot less likely to experience any type of love. This can be challenging for people that have had their trust betrayed or their hearts broken. Healing from the hurt of the past is a crucial part of allowing love to flourish in your heart. This magazine is full of very talented individuals and resources that can assist you with that process.

Shift your focus to what you like. We get fixated on evidence of the existence of what we don’t want. How many times have you heard people say (or said these things yourself):

All the good ones are taken! All women/men are ____” (dumb, manipulative, liars, gold diggers, etc.) Nobody loves me. I don’t have any real friends.

Try these affirmations instead: I am open to receiving love. I attract loving and caring people into my life. I let go of my past relationships and look to the future.

¹Syracuse University Journal of Sexual Medicine. (Medical News Today October 2010)

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