Let's Talk About the Throat Chakra By" Andrea Sipcic
The throat chakra, or Vishuddha (meaning pure or purification), is the fifth major chakra found in the area of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid. It is represented by the colour blue and predominantly governs communication, self-expression, and speaking your truth to both yourself and others. Furthermore, it is also related to your ability to speak from your heart and mind with clarity and to listen with compassion.
How to know when our throat chakra is out of balance Common causes, signs, and symptoms of an imbalanced throat chakra include: Not expressing yourself with ease and clarity Being afraid of saying what you really feel and want and sometimes lying about it Not having a balance between listening and speaking (commonly over talking and not enough listening) Inability to speak up and stand up for yourself Not setting reasonable boundaries for yourself Not admitting your truths to yourself or others Sore throat or laryngitis Jaw pain or grinding your teeth Neck pain or stiffness
Ways to balance your throat chakra If you sense your throat chakra is out of balance, here are some easy ways to bring it back into balance: Practice silent mediation Sing, chant, or simply listen to a mantra specific to balancing/clearing the throat chakra Listen to uplifting music you enjoy Use crystals connected to the chakra Practice speaking up to yourself and others and speaking your truth Create balance between speaking and listening Repeat uplifting affirmations for the throat chakra, spoken out loud, in your head, or written (see our throat chakra affirmations here)