La apuesta de la integración del sector minero en la era de la posverdad The bet for the integration of the mining sector in the post-truth era
By Rosario M. Uzcanga Vergara
“Nunca antes tanta gente había tenido acceso a tanta cantidad de concimiento, y aún así ser tan reticentes de aprender algo al respecto”, Tom Nichols, autor del libro “The Death Of Expertise: The Campaign Against the Established Knowledge And Why It Matters”. "Never before have so many people had access to so much knowledge, and yet been so reluctant to learn anything about it," Tom Nichols, author of the book "The Death Of Expertise: The Campaign Against the Established Knowledge And Why It Matters."
a minería ha atravesado por diversas etapas, que incluyeron acontecimientos significativos durante historia de la humanidad, los cuales han transformado a la industria en temas de carácter operativo, de planeación, político, ambiental, laboral, económico, y social. Estos cambios han sido impulsados con empuje y complicidad de quien en ella opera, pero también se efectuaron impulsados por servidores públicos, el propio gobierno como regulador y por actores de la sociedad civil en aras de la mejora de los procesos. Si bien es entendido por los integrantes del sector que la minería se encuentra en zonas aisladas de nuestro país, hoy, en la llamada “era de la posverdad: realidad vs. percepción”, la minería ha sido sacada de su aislamiento territorial quedando expuesta a los debates de la opinión pública por medio de las redes sociales, masificándose los contenidos a una velocidad vertiginosa. Ello requiere de diversas estrategias. 8
ining has gone through several stages, including
significant events in human history, which have transformed the industry in operational, planning, political, environmental, labor, economic, and social issues. These changes have been promoted with the drive and collaboration of those who operate in it. Still, they have also been driven by public servants, the government itself as a regulator, and actors from civil society seeking to improve the processes. Although members of the sector understand that mining is found in isolated areas of our country, today, in the so-called "post-truth era: reality vs. perception," mining has been taken out of its territorial isolation and exposed to public debate through social media, with viral content being posted at a dizzying rate. This requires various strategies. I do not intend to suggest that the mining industry is responsible for changing ideologies, perceptions, emotions, or beliefs of public opinion, people, or various social actors. However, in this process,