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Inflación en commodities, esto apenas empieza
Inflation in commodities, this is just beginning
By Aldo Santillán Alonso
La inflación se volvió un tema en el mundo; el impulso de los precios generales ha prendido las alertas en las principales naciones así como en sus bancos centrales, también en los mercados emergentes.
Inflation became an issue in the world; The momentum of general prices has set off the alerts in the main nations as well as in their central banks, also in emerging markets.
Sin embargo, de acuerdo con las cifras y los análisis disponibles, no hay mucho por hacer, la inflación tardará un rato en ceder, posiblemente debemos acostumbranos a ver precios altos lo que resta de este año, y más allá.
En este contexto el mercado de materias primas es de suma relevancia, ahí es donde nace todo, el origen y la causa, o viceversa.
Son muchas las razones por las que los commodities suben, pero en este caso, paradójicamente es la recuperación económica la que los impulsa, estamos en un periodo de alta demanda de materia primas.
Unos más, otros menos, todo depende del tipo de materia prima de que se trate y su demanda en las economías, pero estamos ante una verdera alza masiva de los precios de los commodities, este aumento sincronizado no se observaba al menos en 40 años, ni siquiera tiene precedentes However, according to the available figures and analysis, there is not much to do, inflation will take a while to subside, possibly we should get used to seeing high prices for the remainder of this year, and beyond.
In this context, the raw materials market is extremely important, that is where everything is born, the origin and the cause, or vice versa.
There are many reasons why commodities rise, but in this case, paradoxically, it is the economic recovery that drives them, we are in a period of high demand for raw materials.
Some more, others less, everything depends on the type of raw material in question and its demand in the economies, but we are facing a real massive rise in commodity prices, this synchronized increase has not been observed in at least 40 years, the crisis prior to this one, the one a decade ago, is not even unprecedented.
The cause is also easy to know, in the crisis of 2008-2009 there was no confinement, it was a financial crisis; As we know, last year's recession was started by a health crisis, which led to finances and the global economy. In the particular case of mining, the sector is