16 minute read
Endesa and As Pontes
Páxina 6 · EOI Ferrol Número 18 · ANO 2020 www.eoiferrol.org
cruzaron moi frecuentemente cos nosos cans autóctonos e que colocaron a súa pervivencia ao bordo da extinción pola crenza errónea de que “sempre o que vén de fóra é mellor”.
Palleiro Marelo
A recuperación desta raza iníciase no ano 1999 pola inquietude da Xunta de Galicia, que se propón comprobar a existencia deste can de pastoreo, polo que inicia o seu labor entregando aos veterinarios do servizo de saneamento gandeiro un cuestionario para que identifiquen o tipo de can que atopan nas granxas nas súas visitas. Unha vez recompilados estes datos e descartando as valoracións máis discordantes, efectuáronse visitas in situ ao resto de exemplares, dando como resultado a constatación fidedigna da existencia do mesmo tipo de can en distintos lugares de Galicia, de distintas capas e con distintos nomes pero que realmente son o mesmo tipo de animal e coas mesmas funcións.
Nesta prospección inicial recibíronse 279 enquisas e foron seleccionados 45 exemplares (38 machos e 7 femias) e iniciáronse xa as primeiros cruces.
Posteriormente no ano 2001 publícase o Estándar Oficial da Raza e é recoñecida oficialmente polo Ministerio de Agricultura como especie autóctona española.
No ano 2002 constitúese o Club de Raza do Can de Palleiro, única entidade recoñecida oficialmente pola Xunta de Galicia como colaboradora na recuperación da Raza e que se ocupa da parte práctica de todo este proceso e son a súa Xunta Directiva e os seus entusiastas socios os que hoxe en día están a conseguir que o censo de animais continúe en ascenso, grazas ás camadas programadas en pureza racial e á identificación de novos individuos localizados en prospeccións que se continúan realizando por todo o agro galego.
Actualmente existen 1700 exemplares rexistrados no Libro de Orixes do Can de Palleiro (cuxo propietario é a Xunta de Galicia), e a súa presenza esténdese por toda Galicia, polo resto de España (País Vasco, Andalucía, Cataluña, Madrid, Estremadura, etc), e tamén polo Brasil, Arxentina, Noruega, Francia, Holanda, Alemaña, Irlanda, Ucraína, Marrocos e outros países. É de destacar a súa presenza no Brasil, onde se está utilizando na súa primitiva función de “condutor do rabaño” en distintas explotacións vacúas dese país, tal e como se utiliza aínda hoxe en día na nosa comunidade.
Aínda que a súa función orixinal é, como comentabamos, a de ser condutor do rabaño, hoxe en día hai exemplares adicados a distintas funcións con excelentes resultados. Así hai animais destinados ou ben a axudarlle aos discapacitados ou a ser axentes en terapias de axuda aos nosos maiores; ou ben ao agility, a ser can de salvamento para procura de persoas en grandes áreas etc. E é que o Can de Palleiro non é o primeiro en nada pero é o segundo en todo e como dicimos en Galicia, SÓ LLE FALTA FALAR.
Despois de todo isto, animámosvos desde estas páxinas a que coñezades este incrible e descoñecido can para o que nos poñemos á vosa disposición desde a nosa páxina www.clubcandepalleiro.com , porque se hai algo tan galego como as “ Meigas” ou o “Polbo á Feira”, iso é o Can de Palleiro. --Orgullo de Raza--.

Palleiro Alobado
Endesa and As Pontes
Students - As Pontes 7
EOI Ferrol
Número 18 ANO 2020
Decarbonization? Of course, but in a fair and rational way
The C1 Students at EOI As Pontes were asked at the beginning of the year whether they wanted to contribute with a feature article about Endesa for the school magazine. It was thought of as a collaborative project where they would be able to practise their writing and mediation skills whilst enjoying themselves working as part of a team.
This is what they have produced…

Photograph by Pilar Polo
The early days

Photographs reprinted by permission from Endesa
The discovery of the coalmine in As Pontes dates back to 1790. The first name of the company as a state-owned business was ENCASO, in the 1940s.
Later on, it was renamed ENDESA in the 1970s and it becomes the largest and most powerful power plant in the country.

Photograph by Juan J. Laguardaº
In the background: Endesa thermal power plant.
In the foreground: the artificial lake which now fills the mine’s original extraction site.

Photograph by Juan J. Laguarda
Endesa has been the driving motor for the economy of not only As Pontes, but many other neighbouring towns.
Páxina 8 · EOI Ferrol Número 18 · ANO 2020 www.eoiferrol.org
The political decisions
After becoming the public company that brought more benefits to the Spanish state, Felipe Gonzalez’s government decides ENDESA’s entry to stock market in 1988. Ten years later, the work would be completed by J. María Aznar’s government to turn the company into a completely privatised one. At the end of his position as president of the government, Aznar was hired by ENDESA as a reward for his management. A coincidence indeed..!
But some years later, in 2007, the Spanish company Gas Natural, under an obscure plot with the government led by J. Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, tries to buy ENDESA by means of an IPA (Initial Public Offering) resulting in one of the biggest business battles in the history of Spain. Manuel Pizarro, president of the company at that time and an expert in financial systems and stock markets, tried to defend the company by offering the German public electricity company E.ON. to invest in ENDESA. Such option was not to the liking of the government. Finally, after several questionable manoeuvers, the Italian public company ENEL takes control over ENDESA’s after buying 92% of its stocks in trade.
The plundering
From that moment, ENEL starts the dismantling of ENDESA by cutting up, selling assets to clean up the accounts of the Italian state and share benefits among its executives at the expense of dismissing rights and benefits of Spanish workers. This financial operation was a plunder affecting Spanish citizens, who, by means of the electricity bill, had been funding during seventy years the investments that turned ENDESA into one of the most important business groups in Europe and the most powerful electricity company. In fact, the company strengthened and universalized electricity supply in the country, in addition to contributing with its benefits to strengthen the electricity sector and the financial wellbeing of other industrial sectors. Indeed, one of the most important sources of income for the Spanish state.
The plunder and exploitation that ENDESA endured from ENEL, allowed the latter to initially to recover the great investment that the purchase entailed, and right now to use the profits to turn round and improve the Italian state budget. Another inexplicable paradox that arises from political and economic decisions and vested interest.

Photograph by Pilar Polo
EOI Ferrol Número 18· ANO 2020· Páxina 9
The outcome
The Industrial Emissions Directive: ENDESA undergoes several refurbishments to comply with the rules,… the latest still being under construction, and the future seems to be granted…
Decarbonization: Carbon dioxide is to blame for global warming, making it necessary to reduce it as soon as possible. The Spanish government decides to be a pioneer in taking action, so dioxide rights prices peak. As Pontes power plant can no longer be competitive in the market, and ENEL announces its intention of closing the plant. The is no ‘plan B’ for the area, no industrial alternatives,…
Possible future solutions: implementing a circular economy to take advantage of the power plant technology and its capacity as waste disposal facility.
Workers from an ancillary company have left their overalls on Endesa’s fence as a sign of protest:

Photograph by Pilar Polo
» Juan J. Laguarda C1.2
An Interview with the Mayor of As Pontes
As Pontes has made headlines in the local and national press, but this time not for a good cause: protests, demonstrations and statements by all political representatives. The shutdown of the thermal power plant, which sustains hundreds of families in the village and vicinity, seems imminent. In fact, the latest news points to 2022 as the year of closing.
To learn more about the situation, we interviewed the mayor, Valentín González Formoso. He regrets how things have happened and demands more answers from the Government. Nevertheless, he is optimistic about the economic potential of the village, even without the thermal power plant.
Two lorries used for coal transportation to the power plant, parked at opposite sides of the town hall as a sign of protest.

Photograph by Ana Dopico
Was the shut down of the power plant expected?
Not really. But then, you observe that out of fifteen thermal power plants in Spain, twelve request their closure, and these do not undertake the necessary investments for their adaptation to European regulations. And that is when you think of the Spanish saying “...when you see your neighbor’s beard being cut off...”. But, on the contrary, you see that Endesa is investing 220 million euros in the power plant, so you trust in its operating forecast for another minimum 15 years.
Páxina 10 · EOI Ferrol Número 18 · ANO 2020 www.eoiferrol.org
Given this background, there seems to be no business logic in undertaking such an economic investment, if the plan is to shut down the power plant, isn’t it?
That is what really misleads most people, as the situation does not allow a minimum rational analysis, since €220 million have been wasted in As Pontes and other €220 million in Almería!
What has happened, then? There have been two fatal circumstances in the varying costs of these plants. On the one hand, natural gas is cheaper than coal and this has never been the case before. On the other hand, and most importantly, the price of emission rights that the plant must acquire to operate has increased from €12 to €26, and it may even soar to €35 in the future. This, basically sums it up.
So, is it likely that the plant will not be working
in the short term? Due to costs, it does not seem that it will have its current position in the market again, but the company is carrying out tests to incorporate new biofuels that do not emit CO2. Nevertheless, it is complex, due to aspects such as procurement.
What can the Government do in this regard? The Government can be more involved in making viable this other alternative fuel, which would guarantee the sustainability of at least a part of the plant. Besides that, the country’s ministries, the regional government and the European Union, all of which actually created the problem, must develop aid plans for a fair transition. This would allow the creation of alternative employments in these areas.
How do you foresee the future of As Pontes if
this shutdown becomes a reality? It will obviously cause suffering in all those sectors which work in some way or another with the power plant, ancillary companies, transporters, etc. Nonetheless, the future of our town does not lie solely in this company. As Pontes has shown that it is able to develop a variety of business and entrepreneurial projects. There are currently 870 companies registered here, of different types and sizes. And it will continue to be so in the future.
To be continued...
» Juan Carlos Montero C1.2
EOI Ferrol Número 18· ANO 2020· Páxina 11
Was the shutdown of the power plant expected?
The closing request has been a surprise especially because in 2016 the company informed that the necessary reforms would be made to adjust to European regulations on industrial emissions and in recent years the work has been carried out to achieve this.

Photograph by Juan J. Laguarda
Is there any chance that the plant will continue
to be active? We hope so. Test are being carried out replacing carbon with biofuels, mainly sewage sludge and agricultural waste with very positive results. According to European regulations, from July 2022 sewage sludge will become landfill material, which entails a storage problem. The possibility of burning it at this plant would be a solution.
Is there something that the different adminis-
trations can solve? Their support in this process is important. The management of permits as well as the coordination with the different managers of this waste is the responsibility of the administration, which includes environmental authorizations, the application of fees, taxes, etc.
Will the use of other fuels be viable for this plant?
The tests that have been done confirm this. So far, 40 percent of the coal has been successfully replaced by these biofuels and tests with much higher replacement percentages are going to be carried out shortly. These tests are supervised by a technical committee composed by Endesa workers, the Galician Energy Institute (INEGA) and the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE).
Are there other exits if the power plant finally
shuts down? Well, it is hard to know. The company is unclear regarding its investment intentions in this area. Their message focuses on renewable energy. On the other hand, we know that the Government is managing aid from the European Union for an energy transition in areas where thermal power plants are going to be closed.

Photograph by Juan J. Laguarda
Conclusions Drawn from Interviews with Local Businesses
X Companies that sell nationally or internationally are unlikely to be affected by the shutdown of Endesa. X On the other hand, local stores, bars and other small businesses are distressed and they believe that if Endesa finally ceases its activity completely, many will have to close. X Some of them, such as transporters, bars and clothing stores have already noticed the stop that Endesa has maintained since March 2019 in their profits.
» Ana Formoso C1.2
Páxina 12 · EOI Ferrol Número 18 · ANO 2020 www.eoiferrol.org
An Interview with a Local Business Association
Carolina is the general director of SEARA, the industrial companies’ association of As Pontes.
When does Seara become involved in the new situation regarding
Endesa?In July we were involved in the creation of a commission to deal with this problem. It was focused on searching for accurate information related to the matter, and on the other hand, taking actions to raise awareness among society.
What is on the table, right now? The only option for the power plant is to operate by combining coal and renewable fuel, reducing CO2 emissions and improving the financial viability as well.
But you have to work with other alternatives, for
sure… Accompanied by the different Administrations involved in the matter, we are working on a reindustrialization plan, looking for new projects beyond the power plant.

» Miguel Teixido C1.2
Which are the industrial areas that are being con-
sidered? If renewable fuel turns out to be unsuccessful, we must ask for energy transition help, a specific European budget for those territories who are leaving coal-operated power generation. The idea is to acquire further industrial land and attract new projects. We would try to continue linked to electric generation, as biomass or other renewal systems. Another interesting sector would be the forestry chain, taking into account the reality of our territory.
How do you foresee the future of As Pontes if
this shutdown becomes a reality? Firstly, some employees would relocate to other facilities owned by Endesa. At the same time, we would lose employment from the ancillary companies who work at or for Endesa. As a result, we will suffer a reduction of the general income of the town’s population. Finally, we will see a drop in population but especially in young people, becoming an elderly community as in other rural areas, with fewer resources and services. Not only businesses in the town centre, but also smaller companies in the town’s industrial estates will be affected by the power plant’s closedown.

Photographs by Silvia Fernández
EOI Ferrol Número 18· ANO 2020· Páxina 13
Reflections of a Townsperson: As Pontes, a town of bridges
Igrew up in As Pontes until I went to University and started to make my living in another town. However, I never left As Pontes; every weekend I would come back and now, in my early forties, I’m living here, working as a teacher and studying English at the School of Languages. I have always wished for my son to have the same childhood that I had in As Pontes, so I couldn’t believe my eyes when they decided to close down the factory which has given us so much.
When I was young, I remember the big chimney everywhere. When you arrived to As Pontes on the old road, you were so close to it that whenever I looked up I would feel dizzy. You could go into the chimney as well. It had an elevator, but I never did it because I suffer from vertigo. As a child, I only knew that my father worked there. He told me many times that his first pay slip was a very small amount in comparison with the salary that he used to earn in Switzerland, where he had emigrated a few years earlier, and he felt the temptation to go back there and give up the job in town. But shortly after, the salary started to rise. At that time, many people who had refused to work there initially because of the low salary tried to get a job in the factory, but it was late for some of them.
When the mine closed as an open pit mine, the landscape looked as if you were on the moon. I didn’t expect it to become a lake, which has now transformed our moments of leisure in town.
Now, at the end of 2019, after the factory had been making changes to increase its efficiency to produce less CO2 by means of a huge investment, the owner suddenly decided to close it down. It is heart-breaking to cut off our future like this. Today, the majority of people in town work there. Those who don’t, thanks to the factory, can make a living in As Pontes and its surroundings.
I still can’t believe that all this has happened so fast. This is the word: unbelievable. But we won’t keep silent, we’ll fight for our town. As Pontes is a place which still deserves to be alive!

Photographs by Amparo Bermúdez » Amparo Bermúdez C1.2