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EOI Ferrol Número 18 ANO 2020
This snack is called like this because most of the ingredients are Galician products.

Rye bread, mashed potatoes, “grelos”, cream of San Simón cheese, octopus and black garlic mousse.
Mashed potatoes are placed on a toast of rye bread (the potatoes were cooked in the octopus water). On top go the “grelos” with the cream of San Simón cheese and finally the octopus with the black garlic mousse.
The taste of the “Tosta Galega” is very good. The bread was very crispy. I liked the mixture of the ingredients, but I noticed a different flavour in the grelos because of the cream cheese.
Healthy score:
When grading if it is unhealthy or very healthy, I think it’s quite healthy, my rating is 4.
» Mª Luz Corral
‘‘Fusión’’ snack
This weekend in As Pontes the bars celebrated a competition of the best snacks in town.
I´m not an expert in gastronomy but I like to eat new foods. That’s why I went with my friends to a bar that offers a Colombian snack.
I had the snack called “Fusión” with a beer. Its ingredients are Colombian cornbread with scrambled egg, Galician cheese and chicken. The bar manager explained that it’s an interpretation of the original breakfast in her country. I think that snack was well presented and tasted good. As it had little cheese, it was not fatty, but perhaps for that reason its flavour wasn´t intense. I give it a mark of 3, “quite healthy”.

» Ana Barba
EOI Ferrol Número 18 ANO 2020

Last Friday I went for a beer with some friends to try “la tapa” at Trastoy. I like to go to Trastoy because it’s a nice place to have a drink and chat with friends.
Its name is “O valerón do acordeón”, but I don’t find much similarity between the name and its appearance, I don’t know what they meant. The different ingredients are placed on a base that looks like a waffle. I believe that the ingredients are products of the sea although I don’t know which ones they are exactly. It also has some green balls that look like olives and some other vegetables.
As for its taste, I can only say that it was pleasant. I am sorry I cannot describe it better, but I liked it a lot!
I think it is healthy, because it is handmade with natural products, so I would give it 4 points.

» Jose Sanjurjo
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Do profesorado da EOI de Ferrol conmemorando o Día Mundial da Alimentación (16 – 10 – 2019)
Ensalada de quinoa
X Quinoa X Tomates Cherry X Aguacate

X Queixo mozzarella
Lavar ben a quinoa e poñela a cocer en auga; a proporción de auga é sempre o dobre que a de quinoa (igual que cando se coce o arroz). Remover de vez en cando e cando se consuma a auga, deixala repousar e enfriar.
Mentres tanto, cortar en cuartos os tomates cherry e en tacos pequenos o aguacate e o queixo mozzarella.
Cando a quinoa estea fría, mesturar todo e aliñar con vinagre de Módena e aceite de oliva.

EOI Ferrol Número 18 ANO 2020
X 1/2 Liter Magermilch X 4 Eier X 90 g brauner Zucker X 150 g Mehl X 90 ml sanfter Olivenöl X 1 natürlicher Joghurt 0% Fett X 2/3 Bio-Äpfel geschält und in Scheiben geschnitten

Alles in das Mixglas geben und schäumig rühren und in eine mit Backpapier ausgelegte Form gießen. Darauf werden die Apfelscheiben ausgelegt und dann im vorgeheizten Ofen (180º) 45 Minuten gebacken.
Compota de mazá
O mais importante é usar mazas de horta orgánica, sen fertilizantes artificiais nin pesticidas. O tipo de mazá debe ser algo doce porque a receita é sen azucre. A cantidade de mazas depende de si a compota vaia tomarse no momento ou si é para conserva. Non recomendo conservalo moitos días porque sen azucre pode estragarse, pero durante 4 dias vai ben na neveira gardado en frascos de cristal .
Ponse unha pouca auga no fondo dunha pota, mais unha ou dúas culleradas de canela. Pélanse e cúrtanse as mazás en trozos non moi grandes. Na pota mestúranse as mazás coa auga quente e a canela e póñense ao lume lento. Cada tanto hai que remover ben. Os que prefiren unha textura suave poden pasar as mazas, unha vez cocidas ( 15 minutos máis ou menos) pola batidora. Vai de marabilla con iogur, para acompañar costeletas de porco, ou soia e pódese servir fría, quente ou morna.