Volume 40 Issue 25

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Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

U.S. surpasses 2 million coronavirus cases

Estados Unidos supera los 2 millones de casos de coronavirus


medida que los estados continúan levantando las restricciones, los casos de coronavirus (COVID-19) en Estados Unidos siguen aumentando.

La semana pasada, el número de casos confirmados en el país superó los 2 millones, de acuerdo a un rastreador de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. El virus ha matado a más de 115,000 personas. Según un modelo influyente, se espera que las muertes diarias disminuyan hasta junio y julio, luego se mantengan estables hasta agosto antes de aumentar bruscamente



Silvia Navarro Regresa en Telemundo


s states continue to lift restrictions, coronavirus (COVID-19) cases across the United States keep rising. Last week, the number of confirmed cases in the country topped 2 million, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University. The virus has killed more than 115,000 people.

According to an influential model, daily deaths are expected to decrease through June and July, then remain stable through August before sharply rising in September. “Even if we don’t have increasing cases, even if we keep things flat, it’s reasonable to expect that we’re

Inside• Adentro


Kansas public schools plan to reopen in August


Discover Acapulco


Conoce Acapulco

Escuelas públicas de Kansas planean reabrir en agosto


MLS returns in Orlando


Regresa la MLS en Orlando


Palacios discusses fatherhood and co-parenting

Palacios habla sobre ser padre y la paternidad compartida


onvertirse en padre ha sido uno de los mejores momentos en la vida de Edgar José Palacios. Nacido en Miami, Palacios es padre de dos hijos: un niño de 7 años y una niña de 5 años. “Ser padre es muy divertido”, dice. “Me encanta llevarlos a nuevos lugares, verlos aprender cosas nuevas y divertirse al mismo tiempo”. Palacios reconoció que también hay desafíos para ser padre, como asegurarse de estar presente y brindar apoyo de la manera correcta, además de las necesidades básicas, como asegurarse de que tengan comida en la mesa. “Y no se hace más fácil con el segundo hijo”, bromea. Hace unos cuatro años, Palacios se divorció y se agregó un nuevo desafío al trabajo de ser padre: la paternidad compartida. “Uno de mis mayores temores en el proceso de divorcio era que no iba a poder ver a mis hijos tanto como quería o no iba a tener la relación con ellos que quería”, cuenta. Palacios enfrentó esos temores junto a su ahora ex esposa para navegar a través del proceso de divorcio mientras los dos mantenían el mejor interés de sus hijos en el corazón, dijo. Aunque fue “difícil” al principio, dijo que han mejorado en la crianza compartida. Hijo de inmigrantes guatemaltecos, Palacios originalmente vino a Kansas City


By Angie Baldelomar

ecoming a father has been perhaps one B of the greatest moments in Edgar Jose Palacios’ life.

Born in Miami, Palacios is the father of two children: a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter. “Being a dad is a lot of fun,” he says. “I love taking them to new places, seeing them learn new things and have fun at the same time.” There also are challenges to being a father, Palacios acknowledged, like making sure he is present and supportive in the right way, in addition to basic needs like ensuring they have food on the table. “And it doesn’t get easier with the second child,” he jokes. About four years ago, Palacios got divorced and a new challenge was added to fatherhood: co-parenting. “One of my biggest fears in the divorce process was that I was not going to be able to see my kids as much as I wanted or I wasn’t going to have the relationship with them that I wanted,” he recounts. Palacios worked through those fears alongside his now ex-wife to navigate through the divorce process as the two kept their children’s best interest at heart, he said. Although it was “rocky” at the beginning, he said they are have gotten better at co-parenting. The son of Guatemalan immigrants, Palacios originally came to Kansas City for college to get his music degree at the University of MissouriKansas City. He then got his MBA degree and is CEO/president of


Hundreds protest against ICE in LA


everal hundred people marched Sunday S (June 14) in Los Angeles, going from Boyle Heights to City Hall, to call for the end

of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents holding children in cages. The event — named “Free our kids in cages” — was aimed at bringing attention to federal immigration policies that led to migrant children being detained at the U.S.Mexico border and other centers across the country. In the spring of 2018, immigration officials separated more than 2,800 families as part of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy to criminally prosecute parents who had illegally crossed the border. By the end of that year, children stayed in custody an average of nearly 100 days, compared to a previously yearly average of between 30 and 40 days. In June 2018, Trump signed an executive order addressing family separation at the border, but it kept the


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ientos de personas marcharon el domingo (14 de junio) en Los Ángeles, desde Boyle Heights hasta el Ayuntamiento, para pedir el fin retener a los niños en jaulas por los agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) reteniendo a los niños en jaulas. El evento, llamado “Liberemos a nuestros hijos en jaulas”, tenía como objetivo llamar la atención sobre las políticas federales de inmigración que llevaron a la detención de niños migrantes en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México y otros centros en todo el país. En la primavera de 2018, los funcionarios de inmigración separaron a más de 2,800 familias como parte de la política de “tolerancia cero” de la administración de Trump para enjuiciar penalmente a los padres que habían cruzado ilegalmente la frontera. A finales de ese año, los niños permanecieron bajo custodia un promedio de casi 100 días, en comparación con un promedio anual anterior de entre 30 y 40 días. En junio de 2018, Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva que abordaba la

By Roberta Pardo and photo cortesy by Erwin Recinos

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Cientos protestan contra ICE en Los Ángeles

Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • June 18 24, 16, 2020 Page 2A.2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 33 •40 Issue 41 •24 October 10 - June October 2013

Coronavirus Cases Continued from Page 1A

en septiembre. “Incluso si no tenemos casos crecientes, incluso si mantenemos las cosas planas, es razonable esperar que lleguemos a 200,000 muertes en algún momento durante el mes de septiembre”, Ashish Jha, director del Harvard Global Institute, le dijo a CNN. “Y eso es sólo hasta septiembre. La pandemia no terminará en septiembre”. Las nuevas infecciones por coronavirus están aumentando en al menos 17 estados, incluidos Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma y Arizona. Aunque algunos puntos críticos tempranos como Nueva York han visto una caída sostenida en nuevos casos, las hospitalizaciones por COVID-19 han aumentado recientemente en estados como Texas, Florida y Arizona. La semana pasada, Texas estableció récords de hospitalizaciones por COVID-19, con un total de 2,153 pacientes hospitalizados el 10 de junio, según lo informado por National Public Radio (NPR). Texas fue uno de los primeros estados en comenzar a reabrir. El gobernador Greg Abbott está avanzando con planes para aumentar los límites de ocupación de bares, restaurantes y otras empresas. Florida también está experimentando un aumento, con más personas con resultados positivos el 6 de junio que en cualquier otro día en los últimos dos meses. Además, el estado ha reportado más de 1,000 casos nuevos cada día desde el 2 de junio. De igual manera, Arizona había informado un promedio de más de 1,000 casos nuevos todos los días la semana pasada. El departamento de salud del estado dijo el 9 de junio que sólo una cuarta parte de las camas en las unidades de cuidados intensivos estaban disponibles. Los expertos en salud pública están preocupados de que las personas se vuelvan complacientes a medida que los lugares en todo el país continúen abriendo. “A medida que los lugares se han abierto, muchas personas lo toman como un mensaje de que todo está bien y de vuelta a la normalidad”, le dijo a NPR el Dr. Bill Miller, decano asociado de investigación de la Facultad de Salud Pública de Ohio State University. “Definitivamente estoy preocupado de que veamos algunas alzas, quizás no en todas partes, pero sí en muchos lugares del país”. Los expertos en salud están instando a las personas a seguir hábitos para disminuir la propagación, como lavarse las manos, usar máscaras y mantener una distancia física de al menos 6 pies de los demás.

going to hit 200,000 deaths sometime during the month of September,” Ashish Jha, the head of the Harvard Global Institute, told CNN. “And that’s just through September. The pandemic won’t be over in September.” New coronavirus infections are increasing in at least 17 states, including Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma and Arizona. Although some early hot spots like New York have seen a sustained drop in new cases, COVID-19 hospitalizations have recently increased in states like Texas, Florida and Arizona. Last week, Texas set records for COVID-19 hospitalizations, with a total of 2,153 hospitalized patients on June 10, as reported by National Public Radio (NPR). Texas was among the first states to start reopening. Gov. Greg Abbott is moving forward with plans to raise the occupancy limits for bars, restaurants and other businesses. Florida also is seeing a surge, with more people testing positive on June 6 than on any day in the past two months. Moreover, the state has reported more than 1,000 new cases every day since June 2. In that same vein, Arizona had reported an average of more than 1,000 new cases every day last week. The state’s health department said June 9 that only a quarter of the beds in intensive care units were available. Public health experts are concerned people will become complacent as places nationwide continue to reopen. “As places have been opening up, many people are taking it as a message that everything is OK and back to normal,” Dr. Bill Miller, senior associate dean for research at Ohio State University’s College of Public Health, told NPR. “I’m definitely worried that we’re going to see some upswings, maybe not everywhere, but in many places across the country.” Health experts are urging people to follow habits to slow the spread, such as washing their hands, wearing masks and maintaining a physical distance of at least 6 feet from others.

Edgar Jose Palacios Continued from Page 1A

para obtener su título de música en la Universidad de Missouri-Kansas City. Luego obtuvo su título de MBA y es CEO/presidente de Latinx Education Collaborative, una organización sin fines de lucro cuyo objetivo es aumentar la representación de los educadores latinos en las escuelas. Recientemente, Palacios se casó de nuevo. Fue deliberado y habló con sus hijos sobre la situación, como lo había hecho cuando su madre comenzó a salir (ella también se ha vuelto a casar). Esa comunicación abierta con los niños es importante para navegar cualquier problema y asegurarse de que se sientan amados y atendidos, dijo Palacios. “Todavía tenemos desafíos que se nos presentan a medida que los niños crecen, y mientras mantengamos un dialogo abierto, podremos superar algunos de esos desafíos”, dice. Al acercarse el Día del Padre, Palacios tiene algunos consejos para los padres primerizos: comprender que lleva tiempo hacer las cosas bien. “El tiempo hace que todo sea más fácil, y creo que cuando eres un padre primerizo, hay muchas cosas desconocidas”, dice. “Podrías leer todos los libros del mundo y luego tienes un niño frente a ti, y de repente, toda esa información desaparece”. Al final del día, a Palacios le encanta ser padre y ver “espejos” de sí mismo en sus hijos. “Por ... (muchos) dolores de cabeza que pueda costar, es un privilegio poder ser padre, así que trato de tomarlo muy en serio”, dice. “Feliz Día del Padre para todos los padres”.

the Latinx Education Collaborative, a nonprofit aiming to increase the representation of Latino educators in schools. Recently, Palacios married again. He was deliberate and talked to his children about the situation, like he had when their mother started dating (she has remarried, too). That open communication with the children is important to navigate any issues and make sure they feel loved and cared for, Palacios said. “We still have challenges that come our way as the kids grow, and so as long as we keep an open dialogue, we’ll be able to overcome some of those challenges,” he said. With Father’s Day approaching, Palacios has some advice for first-time fathers – to understand it takes time to get things right. “Time makes everything easier, and I think when you’re a first-time dad, there’s a lot of the unknown,” he said. “You could read all the books in the world and then you have a kid in front of you – and all of … (a) sudden, all that information goes away.” At the end of the day, Palacios loves being a dad and seeing “mirrors” of himself in his children. “For as … (many) headaches that it may cost, it’s such a privilege to be able to be a father, so I try to take that very seriously,” he said. “Happy Father’s Day to everyone out there.”


Celebrando el Día del Padre de forma segura


elebraremos otro día festivo a la sombra de una pandemia mundial. El domingo es el día del padre. Ya sea que este año estemos separados de papá por la distancia o por el coronavirus, o que estemos encerrados juntos, las circunstancias nos desafían a ser creativos de maneras únicas y alternativas. Comience con deseos sinceros y personalizados. En lugar de buscar en los pasillos de tarjetas de felicitación y comprar una tarjeta—para los que nos aventuramos afuera con cautela—deje que papá sepa cómo se siente sobre él en un mensaje hecho a mano. No tiene que estar en cartulina o papel de color. Las alternativas inspiradas incluyen madera, tela, collages fotográficos, un bordado de recuerdo, cerámica y vidrieras. Use su imaginación o busque ideas en Internet. Si una reunión en persona no es una opción, organice una fiesta “virtual” para celebrar a papá y mostrarle que lo aprecia. Zoom.com y HouseParty. com son plataformas viables de videoconferencia. Una ventaja de usar Zoom es que su fiesta virtual se puede grabar y ver una y otra vez durante hasta 30 días. Si papá es parte del hogar, comience el día con un desayuno de sus favoritos: huevos rancheros, tostados, panqueques, waffles, migas, fruta fresca, taquitos de desayuno, tocino, quiche, lo que sea. Sirva con elegancia en la porcelana en el comedor o en platos de papel al aire libre. Continúe los festejos con algunos juegos de mesa, rompecabezas, croquet, bádminton, baloncesto o béisbol, sean cuales sean los favoritos de papá. Es una oportunidad para establecer lazos valiosos y disfrutar el uno del otro. Si papá bebe cerveza o vino, compre una variedad de licores y disfrute de una degustación de vino o cerveza. Si papá es goloso, prepare una selección de sus dulces favoritos. Inscriba a papá para obtener un pase de acceso total a MasterClass.com. Puede tomar clases en línea de cocina, diseño, jardinería, fotografía, ciencia y tecnología, escritura y mucho más, o puede aprender un idioma. Cuesta $15 al mes y las clases son impartidas por “los mejores del mundo” en sus respectivos campos. Si papá es amante de las plantas, regálele un certificado de regalo a un vivero. Si está confinado en su hogar y no puede celebrarlo cara a cara debido a la pandemia, cómprele una planta o una flor en una maceta atractiva. Otra idea de regalo: BoomboxGifts.com reúne cajas de recuerdos personales y fotos recopiladas de seres queridos de todo el mundo. O qué tal un telegrama de canto. Por lo general, cuesta menos de $100, y si papá está en casa, toda la familia, junto con los vecinos, se entretendrán, del mismo modo si papá vive en una comunidad de retiro. Planea un desfile de autos. Invite a los miembros de la familia a que pasen junto a papá sosteniendo carteles que expresen amor, gratitud y apoyo. Este es un momento extraño y extraordinario, pero no nos impide celebrar y agradecer a papá. Todo lo que necesitamos es un poco de imaginación y creatividad, respetando el lugar de papá, posiblemente en la población más expuesta al riesgo de coronavirus. Los padres en nuestras vidas merecen el esfuerzo, y ahora, más que nunca, deben ser recordados. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!


Continued from Page 1A

separación familiar en la frontera, pero mantuvo el enjuiciamiento penal de entrada ilegal en los Estados Unidos. Un volante del evento dijo que era “también para poner fin a todo racismo y/o injusticia hacia todas las minorías”. Algunos partidarios dijeron que esperaban aprovechar el impulso de Black Lives Matter para protestar y unirse contra ICE. Sin embargo, esta fue una protesta separada de una gran marcha en Hollywood pidiendo justicia para las personas LGBTQ y afroamericanas.

Safely celebrating Father’s Day

criminal prosecution of illegal entry into the United States. An event flyer said it was “also to end all racism/injustice to all minorities.” Some supporters said they hoped to use the momentum of Black Lives Matter protesting to unify against ICE. However, this was a separate protest from a large gathering in Hollywood calling for justice for Black LGBTQ+ people.




e’re celebrating yet another holiday in the shadow of a global pandemic. Sunday is Father’s Day. Whether we’re separated from Dad this year by distance or by the coronavirus, or we’re thrown together in lockdown, the circumstances challenge us to be creative in unique and alternative ways. Start with personalized, meaningful well wishes. Instead of browsing the greeting card aisles and buying a card – for those of us that are cautiously venturing out –let Dad know how you feel about him in a handmade message. It doesn’t have to be on cardstock or construction paper. Inspired alternatives include wood, fabric, photo collages, a keepsake embroidery, ceramics, and stained glass. Use your imagination or search the Internet for ideas. If an in-person get-together isn’t an option, organize a “virtual” party to celebrate Dad and show him that he’s appreciated. Zoom. com and HouseParty.com are viable video conferencing platforms. An advantage to using Zoom is that your virtual party can be recorded and viewed over and over for up to 30 days. If Dad’s part of the household, start the day with a breakfast of his favorites – huevos rancheros breakfast tostados, pancakes, waffles, migas, fresh fruit, breakfast taquitos, bacon, quiche – whatever. Serve it elegantly on company china in the dining room or on paper plates outdoors. Follow up with some board games, jigsaw puzzles, croquet, badminton, pick-up basketball or baseball – whatever Dad’s choices are. It’s an opportunity for valuable bonding and enjoying each other. If Dad’s a beer or wine drinker, buy a variety of spirits and have a wine or beer tasting. If Dad’s got a sweet tooth, prepare a selection of his favorite confections. Sign Dad up for an all-access pass to MasterClass.com. He can take online classes in cooking, design, gardening, photography, science and technology, writing and much more, or he can learn a language. It’s $15 a month, and the classes are taught by “the world’s greatest” in their respective fields. If Dad’s a plant lover, give him a gift certificate to a nursery. If he’s homebound, and you can’t celebrate face-to-face because of the pandemic, buy him a plant or flower in an attractive pot. Another gift idea -- BoomboxGifts.com assembles memory boxes of personal memorabilia and photos collected from loved ones around the world. Or how about a singing telegram. It usually costs under $100, and if Dad’s at home, the whole family, along with neighbors would be entertained, likewise if Dad’s sequestered in a retirement community. Plan a car parade. Invite family members to drive by Dad holding posters expressing love, gratitude and support. This is a strange and extraordinary time, but it doesn’t prevent us from celebrating and thanking Dad. All we need is a little imagination and creativity while respecting Dad’s place possibly in the most at-risk population for coronavirus. The fathers in our lives are worth the effort, and now, more than ever, they need to be reminded. Happy Father’s Day!




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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

EducationEducación How to help children with the middle school-to-high school transition

¿Cómo ayudar a los niños con la transición a la preparatoria?


a transición a la escuela preparatoria es uno de los momentos más difíciles en el desarrollo de un niño y durante esta cuarentena inducida por una pandemia de coronavirus, este cambio puede parecer aún más abrumador para los niños. Afortunadamente, hay varias formas en que los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos a través de este proceso. Algunas formas útiles incluyen las siguientes: * Prepare una ceremonia en casa: Desafortunadamente, muchos niños no lograron marcar la transición a la escuela preparatoria debido a la pandemia. Al crear un ritual personal para marcar esta transición significativa, los niños sentirán que, incluso en medio de una pandemia, pueden encontrar el cierre y el significado de este importante logro.

* Comuníquese con ellos: Pregúnteles cómo se sienten, sea empático e intente incorporar lo que se está perdiendo en la rutina de su familia. Los expertos en salud mental creen que es importante comunicarse con sus hijos para hacerles saber que su progreso y su arduo trabajo no han pasado desapercibidos, así que felicítelos por sus logros para mantenerlos motivados. * Aproveche el verano: Muchos estudiantes de primer año luchan por mantenerse al día con las rigurosas demandas académicas de la escuela preparatoria. El verano ofrece el momento perfecto para aprovechar algunas oportunidades de aprendizaje. Tómese el tiempo para trabajar con sus futuros estudiantes de preparatoria en el desarrollo de habilidades que los ayudarán a administrar sus nuevos horarios y a maestros más exigentes. Encuentre a alguien que ya esté en la preparatoria para darles consejos sobre la mejor manera de tener éxito en enfrentar los nuevos desafíos. También puede inscribirlos en una clase de verano en línea para ayudarlos a estar más preparados. * Fomente el establecimiento de objetivos: La incertidumbre del futuro es uno de los mayores desafíos en la vida, particularmente durante una cuarentena como esta. Pero establecer metas puede ayudar a los niños a reducir la ansiedad causada por la incertidumbre. Puede hacer esto creando un tablero de visión para ayudarlos a enfocarse en sus objetivos. Otra forma es ayudarlos a establecer planes a largo plazo y alentarlos a trabajar en tareas pequeñas para ayudarlos a alcanzarlos. * Cuídate: Aunque establecer una estructura es importante para ayudar a mantener la consistencia y mantener un sentido de control para todos, recuerda que no todo irá de acuerdo al plan. Este es un momento difícil para todos, por lo que es normal sentirse estresado. Es por eso que los padres deben hacer tiempo para su propio cuidado y rejuvenecimiento. Encontrar tu propio espacio y trabajar en ti mismo hará que todos los demás en casa se sientan mucho más relajados.

Commentary by Tere Siqueira

he transition from middle school to high school is among the most challenging T times in a child’s development. And during this

coronavirus pandemic-induced quarantine, this shift can seem even more overwhelming to children. Fortunately, there are several ways parents can assist their children through this process. Some helpful ways include the following: *Prepare a ceremony at home: Unfortunately, many kids are not getting to mark the transition from middle school to high school because of the pandemic. By creating a personal ritual to mark this significant transition, children will feel that, even amid a pandemic, they can find closure and meaning for this

important milestone. *Communicate with them: Ask them how they are feeling, be empathetic and try to incorporate what they are missing into your family’s routine. Mental health experts believe it is important to communicate with your children to let them know their progress and hard work have not gone unnoticed, so praise them on their accomplishments to keep them feeling motivated. *Take advantage of the summer: Many freshmen struggle to keep up with high school’s rigorous academic demands. Summer offers the perfect time to cram in some learning opportunities. Take time to work with your soon-to-be high schoolers on developing skills that will help them manage their new schedules and more demanding teachers. Find someone who is already in high school to give them tips on how best to succeed at meeting their new challenges. You also can enroll them in a summer online class to help them be more prepared. *Nourish mindful goal-setting: The uncertainty of the future is one of the biggest challenges in life, particularly during a quarantine like this. But setting goals can help children reduce the anxiety from uncertainty. You can do this by creating a vision board to help them focus on their goals. Another way is by helping them establish long-term plans and encouraging them to work on small tasks to help them accomplish their large ones. *Take care of yourself: Although establishing structure is important to help keep consistency and maintain a sense of control for everyone, remember that not everything will go according to plan. This is a difficult time for everyone, so it is normal to feel stressed. That is why parents must make time for their self-care and rejuvenation. Finding your own space and working on yourself will make everyone else at home feel much more relaxed.

Unemployment claims reach 1.5 million Solicitudes de desempleo llegan a los 1.5 millones


tras 1.5 millones de personas solicitaron beneficios por desempleo por primera vez la primera semana de junio, el Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos informó el 9 de junio, lo que sugiere que algunos estadounidenses todavía están perdiendo sus empleos casi tres meses después de la pandemia de coronavirus. Además, casi 706,000 personas solicitaron beneficios bajo el nuevo programa temporal de Asistencia de Desempleo para Pandemias creado para personas que no son elegibles para los beneficios tradicionales de desempleo. Con esos empleados agregados, el número de reclamos nuevos presentados esa semana podría ser mayor a 2.5 millones. Aunque la tasa de desempleo cayó al 13.3% en mayo de un pico del 14.7% en abril, los expertos advierten que la economía tiene una larga recuperación por delante, aún más desafiante que la crisis financiera de 2008. La Reserva Federal proyectó el 10 de junio que la economía de Estados Unidos se contraerá en un 6.5% este año, y que la tasa de desempleo sólo caerá al 9.3% para fin de año. De conformidad con la Ley federal de Ayuda, Alivio y Seguridad Económica de Coronavirus, promulgada en marzo en respuesta a la pandemia de coronavirus, los estadounidenses desempleados recibirían $600 adicionales por semana en beneficios de desempleo. Esos pagos están programados para finalizar el 31 de julio. Ahora, el Congreso está preparando un debate sobre si extender esos beneficios más allá de esa fecha. La administración de Trump y los republicanos toman la caída de la tasa de desempleo como una señal de que la economía está en camino a la recuperación; por lo tanto, se oponen a una extensión del beneficio adicional de $600 por semana. Los demócratas quieren extender eso en el próximo paquete de ayuda. Sin embargo, la tasa de desempleo en mayo todavía estaba en niveles históricos no vistos desde la Gran Depresión. Los datos de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales indican que aproximadamente 6 millones de personas han abandonado su lugar de trabajo desde enero.

By Roberta Pardo

nother 1.5 million people filed for first-time unemployment benefits the A first week of June, the U.S. Department of

Labor reported June 9, suggesting that some Americans are still losing their jobs nearly three months into the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, nearly 706,000 people applied for benefits under the new temporary Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program created for people who are ineligible for traditional unemployment benefits. With those workers added, the number of new claims filed that week could be higher than 2.5 million. Although the unemployment rate fell to 13.3% in May from a peak of 14.7% in April, experts warn that the economy has a long recovery ahead — even more challenging than the 2008 financial crisis. The Federal Reserve projected on June 10 that the U.S. economy will contract by 6.5% this year, and that the unemployment rate will only drop to 9.3% by the end of the year. Under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, enacted in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic, unemployed Americans were to receive an extra $600 a week in unemployment benefits. Those payments are scheduled to end July 31. Now, Congress is setting up for a debate on whether to extend those benefits beyond that date. The Trump administration and Republicans take the falling unemployment rate as a sign the economy is on track to recovery; therefore, they oppose an extension of the $600-a-week added benefit. Democrats want to extend that in the next relief package. However, the unemployment rate in May was still at historic highs not seen since the Great Depression. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that about 6 million people have left the workplace since January.

A Multimedia Series Highlighting the National Legislation Aimed at Revitalizing “In-Need” Neighborhoods KCPT's Nick Haines tracks the issue in Kansas City with developers, investors and public policy experts.

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Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

La muerte de Giovanni no By Chara debe quedar en vano By Jorge Ramos (c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.)


tra vez nos enteramos de casos de brutalidad de la policía gracias a videos tomados en un celular. Esta vez, en México. El lunes 4 de mayo, alrededor de las 9:30 de la noche, Giovanni López, un albañil de 30 años, se encontraba frente a su casa en Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, en el estado mexicano de Jalisco, cuando lo detuvieron policías municipales. Su hermano Christian me contó en una entrevista que les preguntaron si traían cubrebocas. Como no los llevaban puestos, según su relato, arrestaron a Giovanni y lo golpearon. Christian se zafó de los policías y empezó a grabar con el celular lo que ocurría. A la mañana siguiente del arresto, los familiares de Giovanni fueron a buscarlo a la estación de policía y ahí se enteraron de que había muerto. “¿Por qué con tantos detenidos fue al único que quisieron pegarle hasta matarlo y darle un balazo [en la pierna]?”, me dijo Christian. Tras la muerte de Giovanni, el gobernador de Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, dijo en una entrevista de televisión que “no hay ningún elemento hasta ahora en la investigación que diga que este asunto tuvo que ver con el tema de los cubrebocas”. Pero Christian no está de acuerdo. “Eso es mentira”, dijo en nuestra conversación, porque por la pandemia “él dio la orden de usar cubrebocas obligatoriamente”. Por casi un mes, Christian guardó el video del arresto de su hermano. “Nos esperamos por las amenazas”, aseguró. Temía por su vida y la de su familia. Pero al sospechar que la muerte de su hermano quedaría impune, lo dio a conocer. Desde entonces se desató la indignación social. “No es abuso de autoridad. Es asesinato. El sinsentido —la locura absoluta— es que ocurra un asesinato a nombre de un asunto de salud pública”, escribió el director Guillermo del Toro en un tuit. No sería el único sinsentido: irónicamente, las protestas ciudadanas al asesinato de Giovanni terminaron en más represión violenta por la policía. El 11 de junio, después de la aparición del video y de las protestas, la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos de Jalisco emitió un informe en el que concluye, tras una investigación, que Giovanni fue víctima de “una ejecución extrajudicial” por parte de la policía municipal. El caso de Giovanni tiene un paralelo en Estados Unidos. Casi al mismo tiempo, el video del asesinato de George Floyd a manos de la policía de Mineápolis ya estaba provocando fuertes protestas. En México no fue distinto. El 4 de junio, cientos de manifestantes protestaron por el asesinato de López frente al Palacio de Gobierno en Guadalajara, la capital de Jalisco. Y lo que vi —gracias a reportes en vivo de la televisión local, videos subidos a YouTube y en las redes— son varios incidentes de abuso policial. En uno de los videos se ve a un joven con una

camiseta verde siendo arrastrado por tres policías. Uno de ellos le da una patada y otro lo golpea con fuerza por la espalda. ¿No es esa una franca violación de los derechos humanos? También se ve cómo varios agentes cargaron por cada una de sus extremidades a un joven que no ofrecía resistencia. Y se ve a un policía encapuchado poner su rodilla sobre la cabeza de un manifestante. Fueron sólo unos segundos, pero una llave parecida —durante casi 9 minutos— le quitó la vida a George Floyd. ¿Por qué la policía usa todavía este tipo de estrangulamiento contra civiles? Ante la actuación de las fuerzas policiacas en las manifestaciones, el gobernador Alfaro dijo que “la policía actuó con toda la prudencia [...] para resistir un embate de gente que venía a provocarlos. […] Lo que tuvo que hacer la policía fue un acto de disciplina y valentía”. En otras declaraciones, el gobernador también señaló intereses “desde los sótanos del poder” para infiltrar gente en las protestas y así dañar su a gobierno. Sí, en los videos de las protestas se ven patrullas quemadas, comercios pintados, oficinas dañadas y una grabación muestra cómo le prendieron fuego a un agente. La violencia es injustificable. Pero la conducta de los cuerpos policíacos fue de clara represión. No de prudencia. Esto continuó el 5 de junio frente a la Fiscalía del estado, a donde fueron llevados muchos de los detenidos del día anterior. De nuevo, videos de celulares y de televisión grabaron a supuestos policías ministeriales vestidos de civiles y sin placas golpeando con palos a manifestantes que exigían la liberación de los arrestados. Se hace evidente el patrón de brutalidad policíaca: primero con el arresto y asesinato de Giovanni, y luego durante las protestas en Guadalajara. No tiene ningún sentido que las manifestaciones contra los excesos policiales terminen en más violaciones a los derechos humanos y en más violencia impartida por el gobierno. Y no debemos olvidar que todo comenzó por el asesinato de un joven inocente. “El pueblo ya está enfadado de tantas injusticias que tiene el gobierno de Jalisco”, me dijo Christian antes de despedirse. “Yo desconozco si hubo infiltrados o no. Yo vi que era pura ciudadanía de Jalisco que pedía justicia”. En un país donde muchos mexicanos le tienen miedo a la policía, este es el momento de exigir un cambio. Pero ese reclamo tan legítimo no se puede reprimir y los hechos de estas semanas no se pueden politizar en un enfrentamiento entre un gobernador y el gobierno federal. Es hora de tomar medidas urgentes que eviten la brutalidad policíaca y la rampante corrupción. Y, si todo falla, tenemos los celulares en la mano y las redes sociales a un clic. La muerte de Giovanni no debe quedar en vano. ¿Es mucho pedir que en México la policía proteja y cuide en lugar de reprimir y matar?

Kansas public schools plan to reopen in August Escuelas públicas de Kansas planean reabrir en agosto


a Junta de Educación del estado de Kansas (KSBE, por sus siglas en inglés) planea reabrir las escuelas públicas de Kansas en agosto, reportaron varios medios de comunicación. Según la junta, esto significa que se deben tomar medidas para mantener saludables a los estudiantes y al personal. “Vamos a brindar pautas para las escuelas”, dijo a Fox4 Ann E. Mah, miembro de KSBE. “Como: ‘esta es la mejor manera de limpiar un autobús’, ‘esto es lo que creemos que funcionará para mantener sus aulas limpias’, ‘así es cómo los niños pueden pasar de una clase a otra para mantenerlos más seguros’”. Más de 700 voluntarios, formados por educadores, administradores, padres y miembros de la comunidad, están creando las recomendaciones para los distritos escolares. La orientación también incluirá cómo asegurarse de que los estudiantes estén encaminados en lo que respecta a la educación. “Sabemos que, cuando estos niños regresen en agosto, estarán en todos los ámbitos, porque algunos realmente aprendieron a distancia y otros no lo entendieron”, dijo Mah. Cuando la gobernadora Laura Kelly cerró todas las escuelas públicas en marzo, el Departamento de Educación del estado de Kansas tenía aproximadamente 48 horas para proporcionar a las escuelas orientación de aprendizaje remoto. Ahora, el departamento está escribiendo recomendaciones más detalladas, que incluyen orientación para el aprendizaje completamente remoto o el aprendizaje mixto, donde una parte de los estudiantes está en la escuela y el resto está aprendiendo desde casa. “Queremos asegurarnos de proporcionar alternativas buenas y viables para permitir que la educación continúe para esos estudiantes”, dijo Kathy Busch, presidenta de KSBE. Aún así, el objetivo principal de la junta es lograr que los niños vuelvan a la escuela en el otoño. “Es importante que nuestros hijos estén con nuestros maestros, es importante que nuestros hijos estén juntos, es importante que ese aprendizaje continúe; no sólo el aprendizaje educativo sino también el aprendizaje social y emocional”, dijo Busch. Las recomendaciones de la junta se enviarán a los distritos escolares a principios de julio.

Celebrate the diversity that makes America, America. Add your photo to the true portrait of America at lovehasnolabels.com

Celebrate the diversity that makes America, America. Add your photo to the true portrait of America at lovehasnolabels.com

By Roberta Pardo

he Kansas State Board of Education (KSBE) plans to reopen Kansas public T schools in August, multiple media outlets

reported. According to the board, this means measures must be put in place to keep both students and staff healthy. “We’re going to give guidance to the schools,” Ann E. Mah, KSBE member, told Fox4. “Like, ‘here’s the best way to clean a bus’, ‘here’s what we think will work to keep your classrooms clean’, ‘here’s how kids might pass between classes that would keep them safer.’” More than 700 volunteers, consisting of educators, administrators, parents and community members, are creating the recommendations for school districts. Guidance also will include how to make sure students are on track when it comes to education. “We know that, when these kids come back in August, they’re going to be all over the board, because some really took to remote learning and some didn’t get it at all,” Mah said. When Gov. Laura Kelly closed all public schools in March, the Kansas State Department of Education had approximately 48 hours to provide schools with remote learning guidance. Now, the department is writing more detailed recommendations, including guidance for completely remote learning or blended learning, where a portion of students are in school and the rest are learning from home. “We want to make sure we provide good, viable alternatives to allow the education to continue for those students,” said Kathy Busch, KSBE chair. Still, the board’s main goal is to get kids back to school in the fall. “It’s important for our kids to be with our teachers, it’s important for our kids to be with one another, it’s important for that learning to go on; not only the educational learning but also the social and emotional learning,” said Busch. Recommendations from the board will be sent to school districts in early July.

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Page 5A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

Por María Marín

Dime cuánto pesas y te diré a quién atraes



as mujeres vivimos obsesionadas con el peso, medimos nuestro amor propio de acuerdo al peso que aparezca en la báscula. Cuando el peso sube el autoestima baja, y cuando el peso baja la autoestima sube. Incluso creemos que hay una relación entre el peso y la suerte en el amor, tal vez has escuchado a alguna amiga decir “Yo sé que si bajo de peso podría conseguirme un novio”. Y es cierto que los hombres se enamoran por los ojos, pero si fuera que sólo quisieran mujeres delgadas, no habrían tantas “gorditas” felizmente casadas. Lo que realmente sucede en muchos casos no es el sobrepeso, pero si las inseguridades que tienen algunas mujeres consigo mismas, p o r q u e c u a n d o aumentan unas libritas comienzan automáticamente a sentirse inseguras y esto hace que no

exploten su sexapil. Así que si estas soltera ¿será que realmente no te sientes atractiva? Una mujer insegura es el mata pasión más grande que existe, ¿será que tu energía y actitud están espantando al hombre que quieres atraer? ¿Será que porque estas gordita ya no te quieres arreglar ni maquillar?. El sobrepeso es la inseguridad más grande que una mujer puede cargar, realza tu feminidad sin importar tu peso, ámate y esfuérzate cada día por ser más feliz que el día anterior, porque esto hará que irradies lo que sientes y sea un imán para atraer el sexo opuesto, pues cualquier hombre quiere rodearse de mujeres felices, realizadas y seguras.

Las infidelidades llevan el Covid-19 a casa

urante la pandemia he recibido invitaciones para hablar sobre cómo la cuarentena podría afectar a las parejas. El enemigo silencioso está generando divorcios y violencia en familias y parejas. Casi todos se preguntan: ¿afectará este demonio, convertido en un virus diminuto, la vida sexual de los humanos del planeta? En los años 90, trabajé mucho en temas de VIH, sobre todo en Puerto Rico y Miami. Lo que viví y aprendí entonces, ahora me ayuda mucho. El VIH sí está relacionado con la sexualidad, pues se podía transmitir sexualmente. El coronavirus se contagia fácilmente por el aire, si estamos muy cerca. Aunque no toquemos a otra persona, podemos infectarnos. ¿Cómo hacer el amor con alguien infectado, sin correr el riesgo de enfermar? Lo único que nos salva es un sistema inmune fuerte, pero casi todas las parejas y familias terminan contagiándose si no se aísla al infectado. Igual que el VIH en sus inicios, no hay nada que realmente ayude, excepto las células madre, aunque pocos medios de comunicación lo acepten. También es un tema que afecta los intereses de las grandes farmacéuticas. En esto se parece al VIH de los años 90, porque hoy poca gente o casi nadie muere. Ambos virus mutan, cambian, lo que dificulta muchísimo controlarlo o encontrar una vacuna. Pero sí tienen muchas

cosas en común: -La infidelidad, que es más frecuente de lo queremos y que va en aumento en las mujeres, es un peligro en estos días. Muchas personas han llevado al silencioso y pequeño enemigo a sus hogares, infectando a su esposa o esposo, y poniendo a sus hijos en la misma situación. -Los encuentros casuales, o sea, el sexo no-relacional, como deporte, sin afecto ni compromiso, sólo para sentir placer (o como yo lo llamo «tú me prestas tu pene para disfrutar, y yo te presto la vagina»), hoy se ha convertido en algo muy peligroso. Este virus, al igual que el VIH, usted puede tenerlo sin síntomas e infectar a otros. Pero, ¿cree que las personas cambiarán su vida sexual por ello? Mi respuesta es muy triste: no. Hoy recuerdo un entrenamiento sobre el tema en los años 90. Si queremos cambios en la gente, en el campo de la sexualidad, debemos impartir una verdadera educación sexual desde que los niños están pequeños. Los adultos difícilmente cambian la forma en que viven su sexualidad. No importa cuántos mensajes les demos, cuánto les repitamos la advertencia sobre el peligro. Esto es algo serio, porque jugamos con las vidas de los otros. Piénselo.


Sintoniza todos los miércoles “María Marín Live” por Facebook Live 8:00pm EST (5:00pm PST). Enciende tus notificaciones de video en vivo: https://www.facebook.com/ MariaMarinOnline



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Page 6A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

COVID-19 Numbers Trending Up in Wyandotte County Casos de COVID-19 en aumento en el condado de Wyandotte

*Pedir que los empleados usen tapabocas o cubiertas de tela para la cara y alentar a los clientes a hacer lo mismo. *Educar a los empleados sobre cómo usar un tapabocas adecuadamente, asegurándose de que cubra tanto la nariz como la boca en todo momento. *Si los empleados se enferman, especialmente con síntomas de COVID-19, deben quedarse en casa excepto para hacerse la prueba de COVID-19 en un sitio de prueba local. Todos pueden hacer la diferencia “Todos en nuestra comunidad pueden hacer una diferencia al ayudarnos a contener la propagación de COVID-19”, dijo Greiner. Algunas cosas que todos deberían seguir haciendo incluyen: *Usar un tapabocas para cubrir la cara con tela *Mantener al menos seis pies de distancia entre usted y otras personas en público *Los tapabocas no reemplazan el distanciamiento social: es la combinación de estas, además de una excelente higiene, lo que ha demostrado ser eficaz para frenar la propagación de COVID-19. *Las reuniones sociales están limitadas a no más de 45 personas. *Si se siente enfermo, visite wycokck.org/ COVID-19 o llame al 3-1-1 para conocer los síntomas de COVID-19 y obtener información sobre dónde puede hacerse la prueba.

face coverings and encourage customers to do the same. *Educate employees on how to properly wear a mask, ensuring it covers both the nose and mouth at all times. *If employees become sick, especially with COVID-19 symptoms, they should stay home except to get tested for COVID-19 at a local testing site. Everyone Can Make a Difference “Everyone in our community can make a difference in helping us contain the spread of COVID-19,” said Greiner. Some things everyone should continue doing include: *Wear a mask for cloth face covering *Maintain at least six feet of distance between yourself and others in public *Masks don’t replace social distancing – it’s the combination of these, plus excellent hygiene, that’s proven effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19. *Social gatherings are limited to no more than 45 people. *If you feel sick, visit wycokck.org/COVID19 or call 3-1-1 to learn about COVID-19 symptoms and get information on where you can get tested.

Las empresas pueden acceder a WyCo COVIDBusinesses can access the WyCo COVID-19 19 Business Toolkit en wycokck.org/COVID-19. Tanto las empresas como los individuos pueden Business Toolkit at wycokck.org/COVIDobtener información adicional en ese sitio o 19. Both businesses and individuals can get additional information at that site or by llamando al 3-1-1.

calling 3-1-1.


ficiales del Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas en inglés) anunciaron que, hasta el lunes, el número de casos de COVID-19 está en aumento en el condado de Wyandotte. El Dr. Allen Greiner, Director Médico de UGPHD, explicó lo que esto significa para la reapertura. “La gente está ansiosa por volver a una sensación de normalidad y están comenzando a relajarse con las medidas de seguridad”, dijo el Dr. Greiner. “Desafortunadamente, el COVID-19 sigue siendo una gran amenaza para nuestra comunidad. Estamos listos para permanecer en la Fase 3 de reapertura hasta al menos el 22 de junio. Si continuamos viendo que nuestros números aumentan, es posible que tengamos que extender nuestro tiempo en la Fase 3”. ¿Qué pueden hacer las empresas? Las empresas son responsables de mantener seguros a los clientes y empleados durante la reapertura. Ellos deberían: *Asegurar el distanciamiento social (al menos seis pies) entre individuos y grupos que no viven juntos.

fficials with the Unified Government O Public Health Department (UGPHD) announced that, as of Monday, COVID-19

numbers are trending up in Wyandotte County. Dr. Allen Greiner, Chief Medical Officer with the UGPHD, explained what this means for reopening. “People are eager to get back to a sense of normalcy and they are starting to relax on safety measures,” said Dr. Greiner. “Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still very much a threat to our community. We are set to stay in Phase 3 of reopening until at least June 22. If we continue to see our numbers going up, we may have to extend our time in Phase 3.” What Businesses Can Do Businesses are responsible for keeping customers and employees safe while re-opening. They should: *Ensure social distancing (at least six feet) between individuals and groups who do not live together. *Ask that employees wear masks or cloth


OPEN SEATS AVAILABLE! Frontier Schools is a tuition free, college preparatory, Pre-K-12 Public Charter School and is currently serving more than 1600 students at four locations in Kansas City. Our schools have a strong STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) focus, working with urban youth in the Kansas City area from diverse populations.

HOW TO APPLY Due to Covid-19, our buildings are closed and we are only accepting online applications at this time. For detailed admission information and to apply, visit www.frontierschools.org. Student must live within the Kansas City Public School District boundaries to apply.

PRE-K PHILOSOPHY: Our fundamental goal is encouraging children to learn and grow by providing a foundation of developmentally appropriate experiences where all children can succeed in a safe and nurturing environment. The Pre-kindergarten curriculum combines a Constructivist philosophy with a play-based, child centered approach that focuses on building autonomy where students learn to become independent thinkers and make selfgoverned decisions. Meaningful play encourages curiosity, discovery, and problem solving which allows individual growth and development of a positive self-image. Students have the opportunity to participate in both indoor and outdoor learning experiences through project work and self guided learning which promotes cognitive, social, and physical growth. Language & Literacy Skills

Math & Science Concepts

Social Emotional Skills

Cognitive Development

Letter Recognition & Writing Skills

Enthusiasm for Lifelong Learning

OUR TEACHERS: All teachers hold a valid teaching certificate issued by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Pre-kindergarten classrooms have 20 students with one certified teacher and one teacher aide.

PROGRAM: Our highly qualified school community is dedicated to providing our students with a curriculum that is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) focused, combined with effective instructional strategies to meet the needs of our diverse student population. We also provide character education classes to promote a peaceful, caring and safe community and guide our students to value integrity, and appreciate diversity by following our school-wide expectations to BE SAFE, BE RESPONSIBLE, and BE RESPECTFUL.

CURRENT AVAILABILITY FOR 2020-2021 Pre-Kindergarten


You can still apply to other grade levels and your child will be placed on a waiting list. As space becomes available, applicants will be called from the waiting list.

Strong Home to School Connection

TRANSPORTATION: Frontier Schools provides bus transportation for all students. Prekindergarten and kindergarten students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to and from the bus stop.

Although our campuses are closed during this time, we continue to accept online applications for the 2020-2021 school year. For more infomation or to apply, visit: www.frontierschools.org.

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

B N Ó I C C E S Silvia Navarro

Protagonizará novela en Telemundo

e ha dado a conocer que Silvia Navarro será protagonista en “La suerte de Loli”, la nueva Stelenovela de Telemundo que saldrá al aire en el

Pablo Alborán


2021. La noticia fue dada a conocer a través del portal de Telemundo y éste sería el debut de Silvia Navarro en el mercado estadounidense luego de que demostrara su talento actoral en TV Azteca y Televisa, las dos televisoras más importantes de nuestro país en la actualidad. Compartirá créditos con la actriz Jacky Bracamontes y Aaron Díaz. La trama consistirá en relatar la vida de Loli, una exitosa y soltera productora de radio que verá cambiar su vida cuando tenga que hacerse cargo de los hijos de su mejor amiga cuando ella muere.



ARIES (del 21 de marzo al 19 de abril):

La tentación conducirá a un camino que tiene mayor versatilidad y menos posibilidades de despidos y contratiempos. Se favorece reunir información, títulos, licencias y habilidades que ofrezcan mayor oportunidad para trabajar desde casa. La ganancia personal parece prometedora.

TAURO (del 20 de abril al 20 de mayo):

Busque una oportunidad y no se sentirá decepcionado. Considere lo que puede lograr para que lo coloque en un camino que ofrezca mayor prosperidad y autoridad. Lo que ofrezca ahora cosechará las recompensas más tarde. Honre sus promesas.

GÉMINIS (del 21 de mayo al 20 de junio):

No se rinda prematuramente. La disciplina y el poder de persuasión lo ayudarán a conseguir lo que quiere. Reúna información y prepárese para cualquier desafío que se le presente. Un cambio personal será e s c l a r e c e d o r.


ARIES (March 21 to April 19):

Temptation will lead to a path that has greater versatility and less chance of layoffs and setbacks. Picking up information, degrees, licenses and skills that offer greater opportunity to work from home are favored. Personal gain looks promising.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20):Look for an opportunity, and you won’t be disappointed. Consider what you can accomplish that will set you on a path that offers greater prosperity and authority. What you offer now will reap the rewards later. Honor your promises. GEMINIS (May 21 to June 20):

Don’t give up prematurely. Discipline and the power of persuasion will help you get what you want. Gather information, and prepare for anything challenging that comes your way. A personal change will be enlightening. You can put a commitment in place.

Sale del clóset

ablo Alborán salió del clóset a través de un video que subió a su cuenta de Instagram. “Estoy aquí para contaros que soy homosexual“, confesó el cantante malagueño en pleno mes del orgullo gay. Alborán dijo que seguramente muchos “ya lo sabían o se lo imaginaban”. Además, dijo que nunca se sintió discriminado, ni por su familia, ni por su compañía discográfica. “Espero que esto les haga el camino más fácil, pero, sobre todo, lo hago por mí. Siempre he pensado que la música es libre y quiero sentirme igual de libre. Intentaré seguir haciendo mi trabajo lo mejor que sé, desde las entrañas y con un respeto absoluto a la profesión y al público”, dijo el intérprete de “Solamente Tú”.

Kanye West


Mauricio Ochmann

Lanza su línea de belleza

l esposo de Kim Kardashian ha decidido ampliar sus negocios a la cosmética y cuidado personal. El rapero y productor musical Kanye West lanzará su propia línea de belleza vinculada a productos de maquillaje y cuidado del cabello. El músico parece que tiene intención de ampliar su línea de moda Yeezy, en la que incluiría una gama de productos de bienestar y estilo de vida -según adelanta el portal de noticias TMZ- a la que incorporaría, cremas de afeitar, perfumes o gel de baño, además de productos para el hogar relacionados con la aromaterapia. No es la primera vez que West intenta abrirse camino en el mundo de la belleza. En 2017 presentó una marca registrada, Donda Beauty, llamada así en honor a su madre, que no llegó a despegar.

Solicita el divorcio con Aislinn Derbez

VIRGO (del 23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre): Revise todas sus opciones y

ESCORPIÓN (del 23 de octubre al 21 de noviembre): Tendrá un momento de

Dará banderazo en la marcha virtual del orgullo LGBTTTIQ

será quien dé el banderazo de la marcha del orgullo LGBTTTIQ virtual de la ciudad de México, Tasíhalía lo dio a conocer a través de un comunicado el

publica The Guardian. La película, llamada “Spencer”, seguirá a Diana durante un fin de semana cuando decidió que su matrimonio con el Príncipe Charles no estaba funcionando. La película está escrita por Steven Knight, cuyos créditos van desde “Peaky Blinders” hasta “Eastern Promises”. “Spencer” será ofrecida a los compradores en el mercado virtual de Cannes de este año, y la producción comenzará a principios de 2021.

Haga más esfuerzo para hacer ajustes personales que mejoren su vida. No se deje engañar por productos que prometen lo imposible. Si quiere lucir lo mejor posible, haga el trabajo necesario para actualizar su aspecto.

de las responsabilidades y de las personas a las que ama puede ser laborioso, pero al final, estará agradecido de haberlo hecho, y las personas con las que vive estarán agradecidas. Sea el que salva el día.


risten Stewart interpretará a Diana, Princesa Kel aclamado de Gales, en un nuevo drama de Pablo Larraín, director chileno de “Jackie”, según

LEO (del 23 de julio al 22 de agosto):

CANCER (June 21 to July 22):

Do your best to make a difference for those less fortunate. Consider making a kind gesture, posting something thoughtful on social media or reaching out to someone you live with. An innovative suggestion will boost your reputation.

LEO (July 23 to August 22):

Put more effort into making personal adjustments that will improve your life. Don’t be fooled by products that promise the impossible. If you want to look your best, put in the work it takes to update your look.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): Check out all your options, and

make preparations to ensure that when the time is right, you’ll be ready to apply or take control of a position that makes you happy. Finding diverse ways to use your skills will pay off.

LIBRA (del 23 de septiembre al 22 de LIBRA (September 23 to October octubre): Participe y haga su parte. Ocuparse 22): Pitch in and do your part. Taking

de rescatar su matrimonio luego de que se diera a conocer que el famoso solicitó el divorcio en una corte de Los Ángeles por ‘diferencias irreconciliables’. Cabe señalar que muchos de sus fanáticos y seguidores aún creían que un regreso podría ser factible, pues la ex pareja, cuando dio el anuncio de su separación, señalaron que tenían la intención de rescatar su matrimonio, no obstante, también fueron sinceros al decir que de no funcionar, harían el proceso de divorcio formalmente.

Kristen Stewart

posible para ayudar a los menos afortunados. Considere hacer un gesto amable, publicar algo reflexivo en las redes sociales o comunicarse con alguien con quien vive. Una sugerencia innovadora elevará su reputación.

haga los preparativos para asegurarse de que cuando sea el momento adecuado, esté listo para postularse o tomar el control de una posición que lo haga feliz. Encontrar diversas formas de usar sus habilidades valdrá la pena.

l actor ya hizo formal su separación con la EOchmann madre de su hija. Aislinn Derbez y Mauricio han dejado enterradas las intenciones

Interpretará a la Princesa Diana

CÁNCER (del 21 de junio al 22 de julio): Haga todo lo

Comité Incluye T, organizador de este evento. “Hoy queremos reconocer tu trayectoria, tu música y la pasión por la que muestras como artista, eres una gran aliada a la comunidad LGBTTTIQ, por lo que queremos es que seas nuestra Estrella Aliada”, se lee en el mensaje. Debido a que este año la marcha en las calles fue suspendida por la pandemia del coronavirus, es que los organizadores decidieron llevarla a cabo a través de su cuenta en YouTube, Marcha LGBTI CDMX.

percepción que lo ayudará a superar los momentos difíciles. Un enfoque singular cuando trate con las personas con las que pasa más tiempo promoverá mayor respeto y amor. Los niños y los ancianos ofrecerán la verdad y la sabiduría.

SAGITARIO (del 22 de noviembre al 21 de diciembre): Mantenga una mente abierta,

pero no permita que nadie lo engañe con algo que no es bueno para usted. Tome un momento para observar a los demás, y pronto se dará cuenta de quién está de su lado. Se favorece la mejora personal.

CAPRICORNIO (del 22 de diciembre al 19 de enero): Haga ajustes en su hogar que

lo alienten a usted y a sus seres queridos a pasar más tiempo juntos. Mejorar su espacio para satisfacer las necesidades de todas las personas con las que vive los ayudará a estar más cerca. Una charla abierta dará sus frutos.

care of responsibilities and the ones you love may be laborious, but in the end, you’ll be thankful you did, and those you live with will be grateful. Be the one to save the day.

SCORPION (October 23 to November 21): You’ll have an

insightful moment that will help you get through difficult times. A unique approach when dealing with the people you spend the most time with will promote greater respect and love. Children and elders will offer truth and wisdom.

SAGITARIUS (November 22 to December 21): Keep an open mind, but

don’t let anyone trick you into something that isn’t good for you. Take a moment to observe others, and you’ll soon realize who is on your side. Personal improvement is favored.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19):Make adjustments at home

that will encourage you and your loved ones to spend more time together. Improving your space to fit the needs of everyone you live with will help bring you closer together. An open discussion will pay off.

Aquarius (January 20 to February ACUARIO (del 20 de enero al 18 de 18): Don’t lose sight of your goals. It may febrero): No pierda de vista sus objetivos. be difficult to follow through with your Puede ser difícil seguir sus planes, pero la preparación que haga ahora lo ayudará a avanzar rápidamente cuando sea el momento adecuado. Las mejoras físicas aumentarán su ego.

plans, but the preparation you do now will help you move forward quickly when the time is right. Physical improvements will boost your ego.

PISCIS (del 19 de febrero al 20 de marzo):

Taking a different approach to the way you spend your time and how you earn your income will open doors you never knew existed. Pour your heart and soul into something you enjoy doing. A new beginning looks hopeful.

Adoptar un enfoque diferente sobre la forma en que pasa su tiempo y cómo gana sus ingresos le abrirá puertas que nunca supo que existían. Vierta su corazón y su alma en algo que disfrute hacer. Un nuevo comienzo parece esperanzador.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20):

Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

“Hanging around the world” Turisteando por el Mundo

By Tom Sawyer

DEPORTES y más deportes

Conoce Acapulco / Discover Acapulco B W ienvenidos turistas, en esta edición vamos a hablar de uno de los lugares turísticos más populares de nuestro país vecino México, sitio que aunque en los últimos ha perdido algo de popularidad internacional sigue siendo uno de los sitios más visitados por todos los mexicanos: nos referimos a Acapulco, México. Fundada en el año de 1550 por Antonio de Mendoza, primer virrey de Nueva España, cuenta con una densidad de población de casi 700 mil habitantes mientras que su zona metropolitana alcanza casi los 900 mil habitantes. La ciudad tuvo una gran popularidad a nivel internacional a partir de la década de 1950. Era muy visitada por las principales estrellas de Hollywood. Actualmente sigue siendo uno de los sitios más visitados de México principalmente por los mexicanos, en los que destacan los habitantes de Ciudad de México ya que estos se encuentran a tan sólo 240 millas, siendo así la zona costera más cercana esa ciudad. Los vuelos redondos de Kansas a Acapulco tienen un costo promedio de $800 y, en su gran mayoría, cuentan con 2 escalas. La mejor manera de moverse por la ciudad es rentando un vehículo ya que Acapulco cuenta con más de 13 millas de

hermosas playas, por lo que si te deseas desplazarte fácilmente por varias de ellas lo más rápido es en automóvil. Otra buena opción para moverte es el servicio de taxis; te recomiendo acuerdes el costo de tu viaje desde antes de ingresar al vehículo. El hospedaje depende mucho de la zona en la que te hospedes. La más económica es en Acapulco Tradicional, la zona más popular para hospedarse es la zona de Acapulco Dorado y la zona más exclusiva es la de Acapulco Diamante. El costo promedio de una habitación en un hotel 3 estrellas es de $50 la noche mientras que en un hotel 5 estrellas los costos son de unos $200 la noche. La gastronomía de Acapulco se basa principalmente en el pescado y los mariscos. Te sugiero pruebes el pescado a la talla, que se trata de un pescado asado con distintas especias y chiles; el ceviche que se trata de pescado crudo en trozos el cual está marinado en limón y algunas verduras. También deberás probar la versión guerrerense del pozole. El costo promedio de una comida es de $12 con postre incluido. Los sitios que no deberás perderte en tu próxima visita por la ciudad de Acapulco son las siguientes: *La Quebrada: se trata de un acantilado de más de 40 metros de altura. Este sitio ha albergado una gran cantidad de torneos de clavados de altura y en donde no está permitido aventarse si no eres un profesional. De igual manera podrás disfrutar de los espectaculos en donde los expertos en la materia calculan el momento exacto en el que deben lanzarse para que al momento de caer estos no se golpeen en las rocas del fondo del mar. La profundidad de las aguas en esta zona es de tan solo 3 metros de altura lo cual lo hace un salto de extremo peligro. *Parque Papagayo: se trata de una grande reserva ecológica, turística y recreativa. En ella podrás encontrar una gran variedad de especies exóticas en cautiverio, tres lagos artificiales, zonas de recreación infantil que incluyen una feria, canchas deportivas, una pista de patinaje, una biblioteca, extensas áreas verdes y mucho más. Es considerado el pulmón de la ciudad ya que es el área verde más grande de la misma. La entrada al parque es gratuita, pero algunas de las actividades dentro del mismo son de paga. *Isla La Roqueta: se encuentra justo enfrente de la bahía de Acapulco. Esta es una de las zonas más ricas en vegetación y vida marina de toda la zona. La forma de acceder a la misma es en lancha. Las mejores actividades para realizar en esta zona son bucear y realizar snorkel ya que la vida marina que aquí puedes disfrutar incluye delfines, corales, caballitos de mar, erizos, estrellas de mar e incluso si tienes suerte alguna ballena. La isla cuenta con algunas playas que te permitirán disfrutar del mar y de la belleza de la bahía acapulqueña a la distancia. *Playa Punta Diamante: se trata de la mejor playa de todo Acapulco. Se encuentra en la antes mencionada zona de Acapulco Diamante y se caracteriza por ser una zona ecológica y con ecoturismo. Debido a esto es que podrás disfrutar a pocos metros de la orilla de parte de la vida marina de Acapulco con gran variedad de peces y estrellas de mar. No es necesario estar hospedado en uno de los hoteles 5 estrellas que rodean esta playa para poder acceder a esta playa, la cual cuenta con restaurantes, bares y centros de espectáculos. *Playa Condesa: es una de las playas más concurridas por todos los turistas. Esto se debe a que el oleaje de la misma es uno de los más tranquilos de toda la zona, por lo que es ideal para las personas que no saben nada y para las familias con niños pequeños. *Playa Revolcadero: esta es la playa ideal para los que gustan de emociones más extremas. Como su nombre lo dice aquí vas a sufrir de varias revolcadas por parte de las fuertes olas que aquí se dan, es la zona ideal para surfear. Sin más por el momento me despido no sin antes desearles tengan un excelente aventura cuando la pandemia termine, saludos y buen viaje.

elcome tourists! In this edition, we have to talk about one of the most popular tourist destinations in our neighboring country of Mexico, and the place where it is still one of the most visited by Mexicans, even if it has lost some international popularity in recent years. We are talking about Acapulco, Mexico. Founded in 1550 by Antonio de Mendoza, first viceroy of New Spain, it has a population density of almost 700,000 people, while its metropolitan area reaches almost 900,000 people. The city had great international popularity since the 1950s, when it was visited by many Hollywood stars. Nowadays, it remains one of the most visited places in Mexico, mainly by Mexicans, particularly from people from Mexico City since it is located only 240 miles being the closest coast near that city. Round-trip flights from Kansas to Acapulco have an average cost of $800 and most of them have two layovers. The best way to get around the city is by renting a car since Acapulco has more than 13 miles of beautiful beaches, so the fastest way to visit them is by car. Another

good option to more around is the taxi service. I recommend you agree on a trip price before getting in the car. Lodging prices depend a lot on the area you stay in: The cheapest one is Acapulco Tradicional; the most popular one to stay in is the Acapulco Dorado and the most exclusive is Acapulco Diamante. The average cost of a room in a 3-star hotel is $50 per night while in a 5-star hotel is around $200 per night. The Acapulco cuisine is based primarily on fish and seafood. I suggest you try the grilled fish, which is a roasted fish with different spices and chilies; the ceviche, which is raw fish in pieces marinated in lemon and some vegetables; and you should also try the Guerrero version of pozole. The average cost of a meal is $12 with dessert included. The places you should not miss during your next visit to Acapulco are: *La Quebrada: it is a cliff over 40 meters high. This place has hosted a large number of high diving tournaments where you are not allowed to dive if you are not a professional. In the same way, you can enjoy the shows where experts in the field calculate the exact moment in which they should launch so that when they fall they do not hit the rocks of the seabed. The depth of the waters in this area is 3 meters high, which makes it an extremely dangerous jump. *Papagayo Park: a large ecological, tourist and recreational reserve. In it you can find a wide variety of exotic species in captivity, three artificial lakes, children’s recreation areas that include a fair, sports courts, a skating rink, a library, extensive green areas and much more. It is considered the lung of the city since it is the largest green area in it. The entrance to the park is free, though some of the activities within it are paid. *La Roqueta Island: located just in front of Acapulco Bay. This is one of the richest areas in vegetation and marine life in the entire area. The way to access it is by boat. The best activities to do in this area are diving and snorkeling since the marine life that you can enjoy here includes dolphins, corals, seahorses, hedgehogs, starfish and even if you are lucky any whale. The island has some beaches that will allow you to enjoy the sea and the beauty of the Acapulco bay from a distance. *Punta Diamante Beach: the best beach in all Acapulco. It is located in the aforementioned area of Acapulco Diamante and is characterized by being an ecological area with ecotourism. Because of this, you can enjoy part of Acapulco’s marine life, with a wide variety of fish and stars, only a few meters from the shore. It is not necessary to stay in one of the 5-star hotels that surround this beach in order to access this beach, which has restaurants, bars and entertainment centers. *Condesa Beach: one of the most popular beaches for all tourists. This is because the waves are one of the calmest in the entire area, making it ideal for people who do not know how to swim and for families with young children. *Revolcadero Beach: this is the ideal beach for those who like more extreme emotions. As its name says, here you are going to suffer from several from the strong waves that occur here. It is the ideal area to surf. Without more for the moment, I say goodbye, not before wishing you have an excellent adventure once the pandemic is over. Greetings and have a safe trip!

Bayern manda en la Bundesliga Bayern Munich se coronó campeón de la temporada 2019-20 de la Bundesliga tras vencer de visita al Werder Bremen. Los bávaron conquistaron su título 30 de liga alemana y el octavo consecutivo. Robert Lewandowski anotó el único gol del encuentro y ya lleva 31 goles esta temporada. Bayern Munich además buscará conquistar su título 20 de Copa Alemana y recibirá en casa al Chelsea con ventaja de 3-0 en la ronda de 16 de la UEFA Champions League.

y empezarán a llegar a Orlando a partir del 24 de junio. El fase de grupos del torneo (que se jugará a estilo Copa del Mundo) iniciará el 8 de julio, seguido por la Ronda de 16 que se disputará entre el 25 y 28 de julio. Los cuartos de final serán entre el 30 de julio y el 1ro. de agosto. Las Semifinales serán el 5 y 6 de julio con la final a disputarse el 11 de julio. ¿Cristiano regresa a Inglaterra? El Chelsea quiere regresar a ser protagonista en la Premier League y en Europa y tras casi amarrarse a Timo Werner ahora habrían puesto sus ojos en Cristiano Ronaldo. Los ‘Blues’ estarían dispuestos a pagar los 120 millones de euros a la Juventus por el pase del portugués de 35 años. Cristiano Ronaldo estuvo siete temporadas en el Manchester United entre el 2003 y el 2009, donde anotó 84 goles en 196 partidos de liga antes de marcharse al Real Madrid de España.

Messi alcanza a Hugo Barcelona ganó 2-0 al Leganés de Javier Aguirre en el 2do. partido desde el regreso de LaLiga. Lionel Messi anotó el segundo gol del partido mediante la vía de los 12 pasos, con el que llegó a 21 tantos esta temporada. Con este gol de penal, el argentino alcanzó a Hugo Sánchez como el 2do. máximo anotador de penales en LaLiga con 56. En primer lugar se encuentra Cristiano Ronaldo que anotó 61 en su estancia con el Real Madrid. Sin miedo a Chucky Gennaro Gattuso no le tiene miedo al ‘niño diabólico’ Regresa la MLS en Orlando y le echó de los entrenamientos del Nápoli. La MLS reiniciará su temporada 2020 el próximo Según medios italianos, Gattuso echó al Chucky 8 de julio en el ESPN Wide World of Sports en Lozano antes de finalizar las prácticas del equipo Orlando en un torneo que se denominará ‘MLS is napolitano previo a la final de la Copa de Italia, por Back Tournament’. falta de intensidad con la que entrenaba. La temporada, con sólo dos fechas disputadas, fue Desde que Gattuso llegó a la banca del Nápoli, el suspendida desde el 12 de marzo a consecuencia Chucky no ha tenido muchas oportunidades y está de la pandemia del Covid-19. siendo relegado a la banca de suplentes. Los 26 clubes ya empezaron sus entrenamientos

NADIE OBTIENE UN DIPLOMA SOLO. Si estás pensando en obtener tu high school diploma, tienes más ayuda de la que crees. Encuentra maestros, tutores y clases gratis para adultos cerca de ti en


Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020

Classified Information

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Due Every Tuesday at Noon (12:00PM)


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Departamentos de 1 y 2 recamaras

515 S Clairborne Rd. Olathe, KS 66062 Departamentos Corporativos Disponibles

$200 de deposito • Las mejores escuelas • Alberca • Lavandería • Electricos • Camara de seguridad

Clark | Weitz | Clarkson (CWC), a joint venture, is seeking qualified firms to participate in the development of The New Single Terminal and Parking at KCI. A Request for Proposals (RFP) is currently available for the following construction services known collectively as Procurement Package 08A. Interested firms may bid on any one or more of the following scopes. • 08A - Drywall & Ceilings • 08A - Misc Metals • 08A - Rough Carpentry • 08A - Loading Dock Equipment


The bidding documents for this RFP, and all subsequent addenda, will be accessible through Building Connected. To receive access to the bidding documents, or make any inquiries regarding this solicitation, please email Matthew.Schwabauer@CWCJV.com


RFP # 20-7390 Software for Interactive student Learning for Radiology Images & Reports will be received online at www. publicpurchase.com by 10:00 A.M. July 6, 2020.


A Public Hearing on the Little Blue Valley Sewer District's Operating Budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 will be held on Thursday, July 9, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., at the District's Administration & Employee Services Building, 21208 East Old Atherton Road, Independence, Missouri.

• 08A - Doors / Frames / Hardware

Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594





Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...


• 08A - GC / CM for Finishes of Tenant Spaces

A preproposal conference for these bid packages will be held online at 10am on Thursday June 25. The online conference will be accessible at https://bluejeans.com/7458413666 Proposals are due no later than 4pm, CST on Friday July 10, 2020. This solicitation is open to all interested bidders and CWC encourages participation of underrepresented firms that would meet and or exceed the project M/WBE goals. The goal of the project is to achieve 15% WBE and 20% MBE participation across all professional and construction services.

Scope of Service, conditions of submitting proposals, requirements of the RFP, forms and any Addendums may be found at: www.publicpurchase. com.

Five Oaks Associates, LLC is accepting bids for the following project for the University of Missouri, Columbia: Lottes Health Science Library - 1st FLoor Phase One Renovation, Project Number: CP200671. It bids on Tuesday, June 30th, 2020. We would like to have your bids by 9:00 am. You may fax your bid at: 573-682-9514; email at: admin@5oaksassociates.com. You may also reach us at 573682-1314. HELP WANTED











(Job Opening ID #512451)



(Job Opening ID #512464)

(Job Opening ID #512450)

Full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Works under the direct supervision of an administrative superior, but may also receive daily direction or requests from other management staff within the Division. Supervises select clerical positions. Coordinates with the Division Manager and other managers in standardization of protocols for other clerical support staff. Assures back-up clerical support across the division as needed. Provides direction and day-to-day quality assurance protocols in numerous areas of the division. Exercises good judgment and initiative within the parameters of the Division. Utilizes excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as strong interpersonal and customer service skills. May be required to handle sensitive and confidential personnel issues of the Division. May require lifting up to 50 pounds when assisting with Record Retention or other community or clinic-based activities. May require wearing a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree in public or business administration, liberal arts or a related field and at least 3 years of progressively professional experience in governmental administration or in private sector administration at the level of the City's Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Salary Range: $19.34-$33.88/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Three full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Works varied hours to respond to public health emergencies. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Maintains the planning, evaluation, budget/finance administration, operational oversight and personnel management of assigned area. Manages a variety of health-related projects, including federal grantaid programs, related public health social problems and public health emergencies. Assists the Division Manager to assure prevention and control of communicable diseases and public health preparedness within Kansas City, MO through policy development and evidence-based practice. Assists Manager to represent the Division and Department to the media, elected officials, state/local public health officials and community partners. Demonstrates excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as strong interpersonal, change management and problem-solving skills. May require wearing a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 6 (OR an accredited Master’s degree and 4) years of responsible health related experience in the fields of public health with the federal, state or local government or in the private health sector, including 1 year at a level comparable to the City's Public Health Specialist III; OR a doctorate in veterinary science, health education or public health or Doctor of Medicine (M. D.) and 1 year of experience at a level comparable to the City's Public Health Specialist III. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $4,848-$7,534/month Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Full-time limited-term position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Financial Services Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Responsible for independently maintaining one or more complete sets of accounting records. May assist higher level accountants with more complex accounting functions and problems. Work requires independent judgment on technical accounting problems of limited variety, but account classifications and major procedures are determined by departmental regulations or by legal requirements. Assists in reporting, monitoring contracts, grant billings, entering payroll, entering payables, verifying payables, collecting and recording detailed COVID-19 expenses. Work is reviewed by a technical supervisor upon completion for overall standards of performance and is subject to periodic audit. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business administration, or a related subject area; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020 HELP WANTED






(Job Opening ID #512142)

(Job Opening ID #512321)

Several full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Environmental Services Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Conducts routine, follow-up, emergency response, complaint, and temporary event inspections on approximately 3,000 food establishments, mobile units and push carts, 600 pools, 100 lodging establishments, and 419 childcare facilities. Administers the City’s noise and smoking ordinance. Assists in educating the public on public health laws and regulations including teaching pool operator training classes and food handler training classes. Reviews plan submittals for new/existing facilities to ensure each establishment is in compliance with local health regulations/codes and other duties as assigned. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given for experience in the hospitality industry (i.e. food service, hotel/motel, swimming pools/recreational water, childcare) or prior facility inspection experience. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Applications accepted until positions filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Several full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Performs work directed towards the goals of risk assessment, risk reduction, and optimal sexual health status for individuals, families and communities with the Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic. Works with Disease Intervention Specialists to facilitate and navigate referrals and provide case management for individuals with high-risk behavior. Represents the department as a designated specialist or spokesperson for area of assignment in a wide range of contacts. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with individuals in other department programs, state and local agencies and the community. Must be able to work in diverse environments as cross training in all Public Health Clinic areas will occur. REQUIRES licensure as a registered nurse as determined by the Missouri State Board of Nursing or a state having reciprocity with the state of Missouri. Possession of a current license or temporary permit (for transfer from other states). Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $24.96-$39.40/hour. Applications accepted until positions are filled. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

CONTACT TRACER (Community Health Worker) (Job Opening ID #512448) Several limited-term contract positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Communicable Disease Prevention Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Assists with investigation, contact tracing, and tracking around positive COVID-19 cases. Most work will involve telephone follow-up directly with cases, contacts to cases, medical providers as well as the general public. Proficiency with computers and clear, detailed written documentation is also necessary. Responsible for direct data entry into various computer systems. Handles confidential information with extreme discretion. Uses excellent interpersonal skills to interact professionally with culturally diverse individuals during a time of crisis and distress. Critical thinking, sound judgement and excellent organizational and communication skills are essential. REQUIRES high school graduation; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Previous public health experience and/or proficiency in English and a second language is a plus. Salary Range: $18.00/hour. Applications accepted until positions are filled. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.



CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (Job Opening ID #512466) Several full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Utilizes excellent verbal communication with emphasis on providing optimal customer service to internal/external customers. Accesses Protected Health Information which must always be maintained and kept strictly confidential. Assists the call center with responding to scheduling appointments and registering clients for testing sites. Assists with organizing, compiling, processing paperwork associated with COVID cases. May require the wearing of a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of public or private sector experience in customer service work; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Salary Range: $14.35-$23.16/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.








Metropolitan Community College is interested in obtaining bids for Custom Face Masks


The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP C-20022 GRADES K-6 GUIDED READING PROGRAM BID DUE DATE: JULY 2, 2020 at 2:00 PM CDT




MCC will be issuing bids for this service/product at www. publicpurchase.com BID# 20-7391 - Custom Face Masks. The bid will close on June 25th at 2:00 PM. Specifications, conditions of submitting bids, requirements of the Bids, forms and any Addendums may be found at: www.publicpurchase.com EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled






(Job Opening ID #512453)

Full-time limited-term position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Ensures the efficient operation of the Division of Communicable Disease Prevention and Public Health Preparedness. Attends to a variety of highly complex difficult administrative work, freeing the Division Manager for planning and carrying out important executive responsibilities. Supervises assigned staff. Coordinates all assigned administrative work, including operations analysis, budget and personnel matters, operating rules and regulations. Gathers information, studies special administrative problems, devises improved systems, procedures and forms. Work may involve meeting the public, explaining city rules and policies, handling complaints. Utilizes considerable initiative and independent judgment. Utilizes excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as strong interpersonal and customer service skills. May be required to handle sensitive and confidential personnel issues. May be required to lift up to 50 pounds when assisting with Record Retention or other community or clinic-based activities. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. May require wearing a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree and 3 years of progressively responsible, professional experience in business or public sector administration, with at least 2 years at the level of the City's Senior Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience, with at least 3 years at the level of the City's Senior Administrative Assistant. Salary Range: $4,065-$6,769/month. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Communicable Disease Prevention Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Performs functional direction and programmatic oversight of the clinics. Maintains the Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention and Control Clinic program and the Sexual Health Clinic program. Performs coordination of care, education regarding transmission, and appropriate treatment of patients/ social networks affected by TB disease and sexual health related communicable disease. Conducts chart audits to meet program requirements prior to review by Clinical Manager and Medical Director. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with individuals in other department programs, state and local agencies and the community. Performs work in diverse environments as cross training in all Public Health Clinic areas will occur. REQUIRES completion of an ADN or diploma program in nursing and 2 years of experience as a registered nurse; OR registration or certification as a nurse practitioner or nurse clinician from a program recognized by the MO State Board of Nursing. Possession of a current license or temporary permit (for transfers from other states) as a registered nurse as issued by the MO Board of Nursing. A current license must be obtained by transfers within 6 months of the date of the permit issuance. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Preference given for an accredited Bachelor’s degree in nursing, 2 years of experience in public or community health nursing and bilingual in English/Spanish. Salary Range: $28.90-$46.29/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

(Job Opening ID #512456)

Page 5B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020 FOR RENT FOR RENT










HOUSE FOR RENT 9711 Elm, house, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car garage, $1195/ month, 816204-4302



PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST II (Job Opening ID #512460) Several full-time and full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Communicable Disease Prevention Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Works under the general direction of the STD Prevention/Intervention Epidemiology Specialist of the Division and works in close collaboration with other supervisors, clinicians and staff. Has wide latitude for the exercise of independent judgment and initiative within the STD Program. Directs, monitors, evaluates, develops Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) to enable the STD Program in meeting short/long-term objectives and increase program effectiveness. Performs highly complex supervisory, administrative, technical functions to ensure compliance with program objectives as defined by state and federal standards. Provides extensive training for new staff, assists DIS in developing productive work habits and establishes daily priorities. Develops and performs accountability measures, case reviews, audits. Is routinely exposed to explicit sexual language and images. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 2 years of health related work experience, including 1 year at a level comparable to the City’s Public Health Specialist; OR an accredited Master’s degree and 1 year of health related work experience at a level comparable to the City’s Public Health Specialist; OR an accredited Master’s degree in Public Health; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $21.46-$33.88/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.




NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RELCOATION COUNSELING AND SERVICES The Housing Authority of Kansas City Kansas is requesting proposals from qualified firms and individuals to perform relocation counseling and services. The Housing Authority is investigating options for disposition of one of its developments, and therefore is requesting relocation counseling and services for the occupied units in this development. Written proposals will be received in person, through the mail, or by email (tshomin@kckha.org) until 4:00 p.m., CDT, on July 6th, 2020 at the Housing Authority’s administration office, located at 1124 North 9th Street, Kansas City, Kansas. The selection process for contract relocation counseling and services will consider the information and criteria listed in the Request For Proposals (RFP). The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to waive any informality in the proposals and to request additional information from any of the respondents. A Pre-Proposal Zoom meeting will be held online at 10:00 a.m. CDT June 30th, 2020. Topic: 20-11-51 (1) Pre-Proposal Meeting Relocation Counseling and Services Time: Jun 30, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93825429155?pwd=SDkrRkZZREh1TmFycXR TeGlEQmRKdz09 Meeting ID: 938 2542 9155 Password: 230805 Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US Meeting ID: 938 2542 9155 Password: 230805 A copy of the RFP, which contains the instructions for submitting proposals, is available at the Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority Modernization Department at 1124 North 9th Street, Kansas City Kansas 66101 or on the Housing Authority’s website at www. kckha.org under Procurement Opportunities. Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Mr. Anthony Shomin, Director of Facilities Management at (913) 279-3436 or by email at tshomin@kckha.org.


MANUFACTURING JOBS Starting Pay $15.00 per hour!! Railroad materials supplier has openings: general laborers, welders, machine operators.

A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. 2131 S 74th St. KC, KS 66106




¡Pago empezando a $15.00 por hora! Compañía de materiales de ferrocarril está contratando: Trabajadores en general, soldadores, ayudante de mecánico y operadores de máquinas.


PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST TRAINEE (Job Opening ID #512449) Several full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Assists with investigation, contact tracing, and tracking around positive COVID-19 cases. Most work will involve telephone follow-up directly with cases, contacts to cases, medical providers as well as the general public. Proficiency with computers and clear, detailed written documentation is necessary. Enters data into various computer systems. Handles confidential information with extreme discretion. Uses excellent interpersonal skills. Possesses the ability to interact professionally with culturally diverse individuals during a time of crisis and distress. Critical thinking, sound judgement, excellent organizational and communication skills are essential. May be required to wear a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. REQUIRES high school graduation. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given for public health experience and/or proficiency in a second language. Salary Range: $14.35-$23.16/hour. Applications accepted until positions filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/ jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.



TENANT ADVOCATE (Senior Administrative Assistant) (Job Opening ID #512474) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Neighborhoods & Housing Services Department, Tenant Rights-Evictions-Fair Housing Division, 4400 Blue Parkway. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Coordinates with neighborhood leaders, HUD partners, public agencies that work with homeless, at-risk homeless, other vulnerable populations. Performs resource coordination regarding affordable housing, fair housing, tenant rights and eviction. Provides data analysis of the subject matter as it relates to the population around tenant rights/evictions and fair housing. Demonstrates strong skills in the areas of customer service, verbal and written communication, telephone usage, interpersonal relationships, information technology. Maintains the appropriate level of training as required by the department. Maintains and establishes effective working relationships with employees, municipal officials, the public. Collects/analyzes subject matter data and other information to evaluate efficiency and procedures. Makes recommendations to promote effective operations. Demonstrates knowledge of researching techniques, methods of procedures and practices. Assists with preparation of presentations, analyses, policy manuals, other projects. Assists with preparation of forecasts, schedules, annual billings, ordinances, fact sheets, accounting documents, project descriptions, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, oral and written reports to senior staff, external customers, other city departments. Prepares presentations for meetings. Assists in organization proposals, programming details, public notices, taking notes at meetings and reporting to supervisor. Provides information and data on numerous special projects and presentations. Performs other duties and special projects as assigned. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree in public or business administration, liberal arts or a related field and at least 3 years of progressively professional experience in governmental administration or in private sector administration at the level of the City’s Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Salary Range: $19.34-$33.88/ hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST III (Job Opening ID #512462) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Maintains operations, investigations, disease surveillance in accordance with prevailing public health practice. Supervises the COVID19 Disease Investigation Unit and oversees numerous levels of staff working to respond and slow the COVID19 pandemic. Assists with Division representation to the media as necessary. Maintains the direction, planning, analysis and coordination of public health programs alongside the clinical and preparedness managers to assure efficient and effective public health programs. May require wearing a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. May lift up to 50 pounds when assisting with community and clinic-based activities. Performs the mastery of a selection of basic clinical techniques and procedures, not limited to phlebotomy, administering and reading TB skin tests, sputum induction and the operating of an X-ray machine. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 4 (OR an accredited Master’s degree and 2) years of responsible health related experience in the fields of public health with the federal, state or local government or in the private health sector, including 1 year at the level of the City’s Public Health Specialist II; OR a doctorate in veterinary science, health education or public health or Doctor of Medicine (MD); OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience, including 2 years of experience at the level of the City’s Public Health Specialist II. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $4,147-$6,769/month Application Deadline: June 29, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Page 5B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 25 • June 18 - June 24, 2020 FOR RENT FOR RENT










HOUSE FOR RENT 9711 Elm, house, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 car garage, $1195/ month, 816204-4302



PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST II (Job Opening ID #512460) Several full-time and full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Communicable Disease Prevention Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Works under the general direction of the STD Prevention/Intervention Epidemiology Specialist of the Division and works in close collaboration with other supervisors, clinicians and staff. Has wide latitude for the exercise of independent judgment and initiative within the STD Program. Directs, monitors, evaluates, develops Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) to enable the STD Program in meeting short/long-term objectives and increase program effectiveness. Performs highly complex supervisory, administrative, technical functions to ensure compliance with program objectives as defined by state and federal standards. Provides extensive training for new staff, assists DIS in developing productive work habits and establishes daily priorities. Develops and performs accountability measures, case reviews, audits. Is routinely exposed to explicit sexual language and images. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 2 years of health related work experience, including 1 year at a level comparable to the City’s Public Health Specialist; OR an accredited Master’s degree and 1 year of health related work experience at a level comparable to the City’s Public Health Specialist; OR an accredited Master’s degree in Public Health; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $21.46-$33.88/hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.




NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RELCOATION COUNSELING AND SERVICES The Housing Authority of Kansas City Kansas is requesting proposals from qualified firms and individuals to perform relocation counseling and services. The Housing Authority is investigating options for disposition of one of its developments, and therefore is requesting relocation counseling and services for the occupied units in this development. Written proposals will be received in person, through the mail, or by email (tshomin@kckha.org) until 4:00 p.m., CDT, on July 6th, 2020 at the Housing Authority’s administration office, located at 1124 North 9th Street, Kansas City, Kansas. The selection process for contract relocation counseling and services will consider the information and criteria listed in the Request For Proposals (RFP). The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to waive any informality in the proposals and to request additional information from any of the respondents. A Pre-Proposal Zoom meeting will be held online at 10:00 a.m. CDT June 30th, 2020. Topic: 20-11-51 (1) Pre-Proposal Meeting Relocation Counseling and Services Time: Jun 30, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93825429155?pwd=SDkrRkZZREh1TmFycXR TeGlEQmRKdz09 Meeting ID: 938 2542 9155 Password: 230805 Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US Meeting ID: 938 2542 9155 Password: 230805 A copy of the RFP, which contains the instructions for submitting proposals, is available at the Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority Modernization Department at 1124 North 9th Street, Kansas City Kansas 66101 or on the Housing Authority’s website at www. kckha.org under Procurement Opportunities. Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Mr. Anthony Shomin, Director of Facilities Management at (913) 279-3436 or by email at tshomin@kckha.org.


MANUFACTURING JOBS Starting Pay $15.00 per hour!! Railroad materials supplier has openings: general laborers, welders, machine operators.

A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. 2131 S 74th St. KC, KS 66106




¡Pago empezando a $15.00 por hora! Compañía de materiales de ferrocarril está contratando: Trabajadores en general, soldadores, ayudante de mecánico y operadores de máquinas.


PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST TRAINEE (Job Opening ID #512449) Several full-time limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Assists with investigation, contact tracing, and tracking around positive COVID-19 cases. Most work will involve telephone follow-up directly with cases, contacts to cases, medical providers as well as the general public. Proficiency with computers and clear, detailed written documentation is necessary. Enters data into various computer systems. Handles confidential information with extreme discretion. Uses excellent interpersonal skills. Possesses the ability to interact professionally with culturally diverse individuals during a time of crisis and distress. Critical thinking, sound judgement, excellent organizational and communication skills are essential. May be required to wear a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. REQUIRES high school graduation. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given for public health experience and/or proficiency in a second language. Salary Range: $14.35-$23.16/hour. Applications accepted until positions filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/ jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.



TENANT ADVOCATE (Senior Administrative Assistant) (Job Opening ID #512474) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Neighborhoods & Housing Services Department, Tenant Rights-Evictions-Fair Housing Division, 4400 Blue Parkway. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Coordinates with neighborhood leaders, HUD partners, public agencies that work with homeless, at-risk homeless, other vulnerable populations. Performs resource coordination regarding affordable housing, fair housing, tenant rights and eviction. Provides data analysis of the subject matter as it relates to the population around tenant rights/evictions and fair housing. Demonstrates strong skills in the areas of customer service, verbal and written communication, telephone usage, interpersonal relationships, information technology. Maintains the appropriate level of training as required by the department. Maintains and establishes effective working relationships with employees, municipal officials, the public. Collects/analyzes subject matter data and other information to evaluate efficiency and procedures. Makes recommendations to promote effective operations. Demonstrates knowledge of researching techniques, methods of procedures and practices. Assists with preparation of presentations, analyses, policy manuals, other projects. Assists with preparation of forecasts, schedules, annual billings, ordinances, fact sheets, accounting documents, project descriptions, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, oral and written reports to senior staff, external customers, other city departments. Prepares presentations for meetings. Assists in organization proposals, programming details, public notices, taking notes at meetings and reporting to supervisor. Provides information and data on numerous special projects and presentations. Performs other duties and special projects as assigned. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree in public or business administration, liberal arts or a related field and at least 3 years of progressively professional experience in governmental administration or in private sector administration at the level of the City’s Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Salary Range: $19.34-$33.88/ hour. Application Deadline: June 22, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST III (Job Opening ID #512462) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. May be required to work varied hours to respond to this public health emergency. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Maintains operations, investigations, disease surveillance in accordance with prevailing public health practice. Supervises the COVID19 Disease Investigation Unit and oversees numerous levels of staff working to respond and slow the COVID19 pandemic. Assists with Division representation to the media as necessary. Maintains the direction, planning, analysis and coordination of public health programs alongside the clinical and preparedness managers to assure efficient and effective public health programs. May require wearing a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. May lift up to 50 pounds when assisting with community and clinic-based activities. Performs the mastery of a selection of basic clinical techniques and procedures, not limited to phlebotomy, administering and reading TB skin tests, sputum induction and the operating of an X-ray machine. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 4 (OR an accredited Master’s degree and 2) years of responsible health related experience in the fields of public health with the federal, state or local government or in the private health sector, including 1 year at the level of the City’s Public Health Specialist II; OR a doctorate in veterinary science, health education or public health or Doctor of Medicine (MD); OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience, including 2 years of experience at the level of the City’s Public Health Specialist II. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $4,147-$6,769/month Application Deadline: June 29, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

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