Volume 40 Issue 26

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Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020






1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Immigration• 3A> Inmigración• Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra 3A>

DACA safe for now but fight continues Decisión de la Corte Suprema sobre DACA es primer paso, pero la lucha aún no termina

l 18 de junio, la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos falló en contra del presidente E Trump por su intento de terminar con el programa de inmigración de la era Obama conocido como Acción Diferida para


Local News•Noticias locales International•

3A> Internacionales

Hispanic DJ La Jarocha dies

Fallece La Jarocha, locutora de radio


7.4-magnitude earthquake hits southern Mexico

Sismo de magnitud 7.4 en el sur de México

n June 18, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against President Trump over his attempt to end the Obama-era immigra-

tion program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). However, supporters warn that, though the program is safe for now, the decision suggests Trump

Inside• Adentro

Local News• Noticias locales

By Angie Baldelomar


Trump suspends certain work visa programs

Trump suspende ciertos programas de visas de trabajo



Garcia resigns as KDOL secretary

García renuncia como secretaria de KDOL


COVID-19 survivor wants to create awareness


few months ago, Maria Beatriz Gonzalez A was skeptical about the existence of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

That changed when the virus attacked her and her family. It started when Gonzalez felt dizzy. Because she suffers from high blood pressure, she thought that was causing her dizziness at first. One night after fainting, she went to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with COVID-19. “I felt horrible,” Gonzalez said. “I felt everything was moving around me. I thought it was my blood pressure, but no, it was … COVID-19.” Gonzalez’s other symptoms included body aches, a lack of appetite and depression. “It was the worst feeling ever,” she said. “I didn’t want to live. I wanted to die. I didn’t care about anything and I didn’t want to talk to anyone.” Once Gonzalez tested positive, her family had to get tested, too. Her other family members tested positive. “I felt guilty,” she said. “My husband, my daughter and my son tested positive … (for) COVID-19, and I felt it was my fault.” Gonzalez’s family members did not all have the same symptoms. Her daughter could not smell anything and sometimes felt dizzy. Her husband had difficulty breathing. Her son had diarrhea and headaches. When Gonzalez was diagnosed, she was afraid of being rejected


Beatriz González, Jose González, Karina González and Katie Gonzalez.

Dos Mundos celebrates anniversary by adapting to COVID-19 crisis Dos Mundos celebra aniversario adaptándose a la crisis del COVID-19


os Mundos no está celebrando su más reciente aniversario de forma típica. En lugar de organizar una gran fiesta, como suele ser el caso, el periódico bilingüe está observando su aniversario este mes al hablar de un problema que está


By Chara

os Mundos is not celebrating its latest D anniversary in typical fashion. Rather than staging a big party, as is

often the case, the bilingual newspaper is observing its anniversary this month by dealing with a problem that is affecting the rest of the world: the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. COVID-19 has affected the way staff members work to present the community with the latest news. During a typical production week, many of the staff members work at the Dos Mundos offices in Kansas City, Kansas. Because of COVID-19, however, all employees are telecommuting. “I do miss going to the office and seeing my colleagues,” reporter Angie Baldelomar said. The pandemic has affected the


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ace unos meses, María Beatriz González tenía dudas sobre la existencia del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19). Eso cambió cuando el virus la atacó a ella y a su familia. Todo comenzó cuando González se sintió mareada. Debido a que sufre de presión arterial alta, al principio pensó que eso era la causa de sus mareos. Una noche después de desmayarse, fue a la sala de emergencia. La diagnosticaron con COVID-19. “Me sentía horrible”, dijo González. “Sentí que todo se movía a mi alrededor. Pensé que era mi presión arterial, pero no, era … COVID-19”. Otros síntomas de González incluyeron dolores corporales, falta de apetito y depresión. “Fue la peor sensación de la historia”, dijo. “No quería vivir. Quería morir. No me importaba nada y no quería hablar con nadie”. Una vez que González dio positivo, su familia también tuvo que hacerse la prueba. Sus otros miembros de la familia dieron positivo. “Me sentí culpable”, dijo. “Mi esposo, mi hija y mi hijo dieron positivo ... (de) COVID-19, y sentí que era mi culpa”. Los familiares de González no tenían todos los mismos síntomas. Su hija no podía oler nada y a veces se sentía mareada. Su esposo tuvo dificultad para respirar. Su hijo tenía diarrea y dolores de cabeza.

By Chara

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Sobreviviente de COVID-19 quiere crear conciencia

Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • June 10 25 - October July 01, 2020 Page 2A. 2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 33 •40 Issue 41 •26 October 16, 2013

DACA Continued from Page 1A

los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés). Sin embargo, los partidarios advierten que, aunque el programa es seguro por ahora, la decisión sugiere que Trump puede terminar el programa a través de un camino más legal. En su declaración después de la decisión, el capítulo de Kansas de la American Civil Liberties Union dijo que la victoria es temporal. “La opinión mayoritaria, escrita por el presidente de la Corte Suprema, John Roberts, dejó en claro que la administración de Trump, a través del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, tiene la autoridad de rescindir DACA con una justificación sólida”, se lee en el comunicado. “El problema aquí fue que la forma en que su administración trató de terminar el programa fue ‘arbitraria y caprichosa’ y, por lo tanto, violó la ley administrativa”. El gobierno de Trump ya ha anunciado que todavía busca “poner fin a un programa ilegal”, como lo expresó el secretario interino de Seguridad Nacional, Chad Wolf, el domingo (21 de junio). A nivel local, Latinos of Tomorrow está organizando una actualización de DACA con Jessica Piedra, una abogada de inmigración del área de Kansas City, al mediodía del sábado (27 de junio) a través de Zoom. Para registrarse, visite https://tinyurl.com/daca-event-register.

COVID-19 Survivor

can terminate the program through a more lawful path. In its statement after the decision, the Kansas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union said the victory is temporary. “The majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, made it clear that the Trump administration, through the Department of Homeland Security, has the authority to rescind DACA with solid justification,” the statement read. “The problem here was that the way his administration went about trying to end the program was ‘arbitrary and capricious,’ and therefore violated administrative law.” The Trump administration has already announced it still seeks “to end an unlawful program,” as acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf put it Sunday (June 21). Latinos of Tomorrow is hosting a DACA update with Jessica Piedra, a Kansas City area immigration attorney, at noon Saturday (June 27) via Zoom. To register, visit https:// tinyurl.com/daca-event-register.

Continued from Page 1A

Cuando González fue diagnosticada, temía ser rechazada o juzgada, y evitó el contacto con su familia y amigos. Y al principio, no quería hablar con el personal del Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas, que se puso en contacto con ella para ver cómo se sentía. “Una vez que me sentí mejor, pensé en compartir mi historia y alentar a las personas a cuidarse a sí mismas”, dijo. Ahora que está completamente recuperada, González quiere crear conciencia sobre el COVID19 y alentar a las personas a cuidarse a sí mismas. COVID-19 ha cambiado su vida, le dijo a Dos Mundos. “Antes, no usaba desinfectante para manos ... (y) no usaba una máscara”, dijo González. “Ahora, es totalmente diferente; toda mi familia usa desinfectante para manos, desinfecta todas las manijas de las puertas de mi casa y uso mi mascarilla donde quiera que vaya”. Para alentar a las personas a cuidarse, Gonzales insta a las personas a pensar en sus seres queridos. “Realmente no quiero que pasen por lo mismo por lo que pasé”, dijo. “Quiero que las personas estén sanas y ... (no) sufran. Además, quiero que sepan que pueden transmitir el virus a sus seres queridos”.

Dos Mundos

or judged, and she avoided contact with her family and friends. And at first, she did not want to talk to Kansas Department of Health & Environment personnel, who got in touch with her to check on how she was feeling. “Once I felt better, I thought about sharing my story and encouraging people to take care of themselves,” she said. Now fully recovered, Gonzalez wants to create awareness about COVID-19 and encourage people to take care of themselves. COVID-19 has changed her life, she told Dos Mundos. “Before, I didn’t use hand sanitizer … (and) I didn’t wear a mask,” Gonzalez said. “Now, it is totally different; all my family uses hand sanitizer, I disinfect all the door handles in my house and wear my face mask everywhere I go.” To encourage people to take care of themselves, Gonzales urges people to think of those they love. “I really don’t want them to go through the same things I went (through),” she said. “I want people to be healthy and … (not) suffer. Also, I want them to be aware that they can pass the virus to their loved ones.”

Continued from Page 1A

afectando al resto del mundo: la pandemia de coronavirus (COVID-19). COVID-19 ha afectado la forma en que los miembros del personal trabajan para presentar a la comunidad las últimas noticias. Durante una semana típica de producción, muchos de los miembros del personal trabajan en las oficinas de Dos Mundos en Kansas City, Kansas. Sin embargo, debido a COVID19, todos los empleados están trabajando remotamente. “Extraño ir a la oficina y ver a mis colegas”, dijo la reportera Angie Baldelomar. La pandemia ha afectado al personal de otras maneras. Algunos miembros del personal han tenido que desempeñar funciones que normalmente no desempeñan. “Tuve que cambiarme el sombrero ... varias veces, de gerente de publicidad a recursos humanos, a contabilidad/presupuesto/planificación, y luego llamar y concertar entrevistas con líderes de la comunidad”, dijo Diana Reyes, gerente general de Reyes Media Group, que publica Dos Mundos. “Tuve que ayudar a conseguir entrevistas al aire y artículos para asignar para asegurarme de que nuestra comunidad tuviera la información ... (necesaria) durante este tiempo y en español. Además (de) hacer malabarismos con las responsabilidades laborales, (he tenido que ser) más activa en mi hogar y mi familia (para) ayudarlos a superar esta pandemia sin precedentes”. La parte más difícil de lidiar con la pandemia ha sido mantenerse al día con los últimos eventos y compartir las noticias más relevantes con la comunidad, dijo Baldelomar. La pandemia ha afectado a los miembros del personal económica y emocionalmente, como lo atestiguará el gerente de producción Héctor Pérez. Sin embargo, Pérez sigue siendo positivo y pide a otros que hagan lo mismo. “Me gustaría que la gente sepa que debemos cuidarnos a nosotros mismos”, dijo. “Esto aún no acaba”. Aunque esta no es una celebración típica, Dos Mundos aún conmemora sus 39 años en el negocio. Una forma en que los miembros del personal están marcando la ocasión es agradeciendo a los lectores del periódico. “Realmente quiero agradecer a todas las personas que cada semana van y buscan el periódico”, dijo el gerente de producción de anuncios, Luis Merlo. “Nos ayuda a estar motivados y continuar con nuestros ... (trabajos). Cuídense y manténganse a salvo”.

staff in other ways. Some staff members have had to perform roles they might not typically perform. “I (have) had to switch my hat … several different times, from advertising manager to human resources, to accounting/ budgeting/planning, and then calling and arranging interview with community leaders,” said Diana Reyes, general manager of Reyes Media Group, which publishes Dos Mundos. “I had to help in getting interviews on air and stories assigned to make sure our community had the information … (it needed) during this time and in Spanish. Apart (from) juggling work responsibilities, (I have had to be) more active with my home and family (in) helping them through this unprecedented pandemic.” The most challenging part of dealing with the pandemic has been keeping up with the latest events and sharing the most relevant news with the community, Baldelomar said. The pandemic has affected staff members economically and emotionally, as production manager Hector Perez will attest. However, Perez remains positive and asks others to do the same. “I would like to let people know that we need to take care of ourselves,” he said. “This is not over yet.” Although this is not a typical celebration, Dos Mundos is still commemorating its 39 years in business. One way staff members are marking the occasion is by thanking the paper’s readership. “I really want to thank all the people that every week go and look for the paper,” ad production manager Luis Merlo said. “It helps us to be motivated and continue with our … (jobs). Take care of yourselves and stay safe.”

Summer vacation, let’s go Vacaciones de verano, vamos


hora que las restricciones de la cuarentena están disminuyendo, la necesidad de un cambio de escenario se siente más aguda que nunca, pero los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades aún desalientan incluso los viajes interestatales. Por lo tanto, a medida que avanza la temporada de vacaciones de verano, no empacamos el automóvil de la familia ni nos dirigimos a sitios distantes ni nos subimos a un avión para ir a las montañas, las costas, los sitios históricos o pintorescos o los parques temáticos de todo el país. Eso no significa que no podamos tomar unas vacaciones familiares, cuyo propósito es relajarse y escapar de un entorno familiar. Los epidemiólogos aún aconsejan que mantenerse a salvo significa quedarse en casa, pero todavía podemos escapar. A un día en automóvil del metro de Kansas City, hay una variedad de destinos interesantes con atracciones para todas las edades, y la mayoría están al aire libre donde el riesgo de transmisión de coronavirus es menor. Prepare un picnic y visite uno de los muchos lagos de la zona. En el lado de Missouri, está el Parque Fleming con el lago Jacomo y el lago Blue Springs, el Área de Vida Silvestre James A. Reed, el lago Remembrance, el lago Longview, el lago Smithville, el Parque Estatal Watkins Mill, el Parque Estatal Weston Bend y más. La mayoría ofrece alquiler de

botes o kayak, pesca, senderismo, observación de aves, rampas para botes y acceso para visitantes con sillas de ruedas u otras ayudas para la movilidad. También abierto ahora en Missouri con restricciones están el Burr Oak Woods, Fort Osage National Historic Landmark, Gorman Conservation Discovery Center, Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, Powell Gardens y más. Vea todas las atracciones en la Guía de viaje oficial de Missouri 2020. Está disponible en línea en https://www.visitmo.com/ o llamando al 573751-4133. Kansas también cuenta con acres de lagos y maravillas naturales y kilómetros de caminos pintorescos a un día en auto. Estos incluyen el Clinton Reservoir State Park y Wildlife Area, el lago Cowley, Eisenhower State Park y Melvern Wildlife Area, Hillsdale Reservoir State Park y Wildlife Area, Kanopolis Lake, Lone Star Lake Park, Perry Reservoir State Park y Wildlife Area, y Prairie Spirit Trail, por nombrar unos pocos. Entre las maravillas naturales en Kansas se encuentran el Angel Falls, Cimarron National Grassland, Flint Hills, Geary Falls, Gypsum Hills, Mushroom Rock State Park, Mount Sunflower, Pillsbury Crossing, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve y mucho más. Nueve de los 12 rutas de Kansas son rutas panorámicas, tres son históricas y dos están designadas como rutas panorámicas nacionales. Kansas también tiene una abundancia de puntos históricos de interés y atracciones, jardines y arboretos, y zoológicos y parques de animales. Vea todo lo que Kansas tiene para ofrecer en la Guía de viajes de Kansas 2020 y el Mapa del estado. Haga su pedido en línea en https://www.travelks.com/ travel-tools/travel-guide/. Mientras se escapa de excursión, considere tomar nuevos juegos para compartir con la familia y empacar la canasta de picnic con algo nuevo y diferente. No tenemos que limitar nuestras excursiones a Kansas y Missouri. Hay puntos de interés en los estados vecinos de Arkansas, Iowa y Nebraska a viajes de tan sólo tres a cuatro horas. Guías de viaje de cortesía de esos estados también están disponibles para ordenar en línea. No hay forma de eliminar por completo la exposición al coronavirus cuando salimos de casa, pero hay precauciones recomendadas por los CDC que los viajantes pueden tomar para reducir seriamente el riesgo (https://www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel -in-the-us. html). Salir y ver nuevos sitios, especialmente después de la cuarentena, aliviará el estrés y mejorará nuestra salud mental, física y emocional, y las relaciones familiares. ¡Disfrutemos de una escapada!




ow that lockdown restrictions are easing, the need for a change of scenN ery is more acutely felt than ever, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still discourages even interstate travel. So as summer vacation season gets underway, we’re not packing the family car and heading for distant sites or hopping on a plane to the mountains, seacoasts, historic or scenic sites or theme parks across the country. That doesn’t mean we can’t take a family vacation, the purpose of which is to relax and escape familiar surroundings. Epidemiologists still advise that staying safe means staying home, but we can still get away. Within a day’s drive of the Kansas City metro, there’s a variety of interesting destinations with attractions to appeal to all ages, and most are outdoors where the risk of coronavirus transmission is lower. Pack a picnic and visit one of the many area lakes. On the Missouri side, there’s Fleming Park with Lake Jacomo and Blue Springs Lake, James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area, Lake Remembrance, Longview Lake, Smithville Lake, Watkins Mill State Park, Weston Bend State Park and more. Most offer boat or kayak rental, fishing, hiking, birdwatch-

ing, boat ramps and access for visitors with wheelchairs or other mobility aids. Also open now in Missouri with restrictions are Burr Oak Woods, Fort Osage National Historic Landmark, Gorman Conservation Discovery Center, Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, Powell Gardens and more. See all the attractions in the 2020 Official Missouri Travel Guide. It’s available online at https://www.visitmo.com/ or by phoning 573-751-4133. Kansas, too, boasts acres of lakes and natural wonders and miles of scenic by-ways within a day’s drive. They include Clinton Reservoir State Park and Wildlife Area, Cowley Lake, Eisenhower State Park and Melvern Wildlife Area, Hillsdale Reservoir State Park and Wildlife Area, Kanopolis Lake, Lone Star Lake Park, Perry Reservoir State Park and Wildlife Area, and Prairie Spirit Trail, to name a few. Among the natural wonders in Kansas are Angel Falls, Cimarron National Grassland, Flint Hills, Geary Falls, Gypsum Hills, Mushroom Rock State Park, Mount Sunflower, Pillsbury Crossing, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve and much more. Nine of Kansas’s 12 byways are scenic routes, three are historic and two are designated National Scenic Byways. Kansas also abounds with historic points of interest and attractions, gardens and arboretums, and zoos and animal parks. See all Kansas has to offer in the 2020 Kansas Travel Guide and State Map. Order online at https:// www.travelks.com/travel-tools/travel-guide/. While getting away on daytrips, consider taking new games to share with the family and packing the picnic basket with something new and different. We don’t have to limit our daytrips to Kansas and Missouri. There are points of interest in neighboring Arkansas, Iowa and Nebraska within a three-to-four hour drive. Complimentary travel guides from those states are also available to order online. There’s no way to eliminate entirely exposure to the coronavirus when we leave home, but there are CDC-recommended precautions roadtrippers can take to seriously reduce the risk (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019ncov/travelers/travel-in-the-us.html). Getting away and seeing new sites, especially after the lockdown will relieve stress and improve our mental, physical and emotional health, and family relations. Let’s enjoy a getaway!




Dos Mundos




El Periódico Bilingüe Para la Comunidad Hispana de Kansas City Desde 1981

Kansas City's Premier Bilingual Newspaper

1701 S. 55th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 • Phone: (816) 221-4747 • newsstaff@dosmundos.com • www.dosmundos.com President/Editor Clara Reyes Advertising Manager Diana Raymer Operations Manager Hector Perez Edit. Production Manager Hector Perez Ad Production Manager Luis Merlo IT Specialist Ed Reyes

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Dos Mundos no garantiza no respalda ni asegura los productos o los servicios que se publican en sus páginas. Esta responsibilidad corresponde al anunciante. Las expresiones de los columnistas, no son necesariamente compartidas por la publicacíon.

Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper is published every Thursday. Preferred deadline for press releases is the Tuesday before the week of publication. Subscriptions are $45 for one year and may be sent to the above address. Deadline for advertising copy is noon on the Tuesday immediately preceeding the publishing date. Classified advertising rates are $12.50 for the first 15 words and $2 for each additional six words, or $14 per column inch. For mechanical information for display ads, or to reserve space for advertising, call Manuel Reyes at (816) 221-4747.

Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020

Five dead after 7.4-magnitude earthquake hits southern Mexico

Hablando con la abogada Continued from Page 1A

Commentary by Tere Siqueira

Cinco muertos después de sismo de magnitud 7.4 en el sur de México


l martes (23 de junio), un terremoto de magnitud 7,4 golpeó la costa sur de México, dejando al menos cinco muertos, dijeron las autoridades. El presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, dijo que una persona murió en el colapso de un edificio en Huatulco, Oaxaca. El gobernador de Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat, confirmó que una segunda persona murió en un aparente colapso de casa y una tercera murió en circunstancias que no explicó. Las autoridades federales de defensa civil informaron dos muertes más: un trabajador de la compañía petrolera estatal, Pemex, murió a causa de una estructura de refinería; y un hombre murió en el pueblo de San Agustín Amatengo, cuando cayó un muro sobre él. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, el terremoto ocurrió a las 10:29 a.m., hora local, con un epicentro a 6.8 millas al suroeste del estado de Oaxaca. Los Servicios de Salud de Oaxaca también reportaron daños a hospitales generales en Pochutla, Puerto Escondido y Pinotepa Nacional, y algunos hospitales comunitarios en otras áreas. Las autoridades reportaron cortes de energía en toda la capital del estado y daños al exterior de un hospital en Oaxaca. El terremoto se pudo sentir hasta Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador. En la Ciudad de México, aproximadamente a 190 millas al norte del epicentro, se sintieron temblores.

By Roberta Pardo


n Tuesday (June 23), a 7.4-magnitude earthquake hit Mexico’s southern coastline, leaving at least five dead, officials said. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said one person was killed in a building collapse in Huatulco, Oaxaca. Oaxaca Gov. Alejandro Murat confirmed a second person was killed in an apparent house collapse and a third died in circumstances he did not explain. Federal civil defense authorities reported two more deaths: a worker at the state-run oil company, Pemex, fell to his death from a refinery structure; and a man died in the village of San Agustin Amatengo, when a wall fell on him. According to the U.S. Geologic Survey, the earthquake occurred at 10:29 a.m. local time, with an epicenter 6.8 miles southwest of the state of Oaxaca. The Oaxacan Health Services also reported damages to general hospitals in Pochutla, Puerto Escondido and Pinotepa Nacional, and a few community hospitals in other areas. Authorities reported power outages throughout the state’s capital and damages to a hospital exterior in Oaxaca. The earthquake could be felt as far as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. In Mexico City, approximately 190 miles north of the epicenter, tremors were felt.

Rivergate Building 600 Broadway Blvd; Ste 250 Kansas City, MO 64105. Tel: 816.895-6363

Part 1

Immigration offices re-open with limited staff

Reapertura de oficinas de inmigración con personal limitado


a oficina de inmigración reabrió sus puertas en junio, pero pronto enfrentará despidos severos. Habían estado cerrados al público desde mediados de marzo. Al mismo tiempo, el gobierno está pidiendo que hasta el 75 por ciento de los trabajadores se queden en casa debido a la falta de fondos. Ahora es el momento de presentar su caso antes de que las tarifas aumenten y los tiempos de procesamiento disminuyan. En la oficina de Kansas City, las entrevistas de naturalización se han programado primero. Las citas se extienden durante todo el día para que no haya una multitud en la sala de espera. Se requieren máscaras, pero el resto de los procedimientos son los mismos. ¡Asistí con un cliente la semana pasada y ella pasó la prueba y pronto jurará como nueva ciudadana estadounidense! Las huellas digitales deberían comenzar nuevamente en julio. El servicio de inmigración ha estado reutilizando huellas digitales anteriores para aplicaciones como DACA y ciudadanía. A los inmigrantes que aún no se les tomaron las huellas digitales se les retrasaron sus permisos de trabajo y sus decisiones. Una vez que puedan ir en julio, pueden esperar que sus casos avancen. Las entrevistas para casos basados en matrimonio para residencia permanente deberían reanudarse en algún momento más tarde en el verano. La buena noticia es que estos casos reciben un permiso de trabajo mientras esperamos la decisión y están protegidos contra la deportación. Mientras tanto, el Servicio de Inmigración sigue aceptando solicitudes. Ahora es el momento de solicitar su residencia permanente o ciudadanía. El gobierno amenaza con aplicar un recargo a las tarifas de presentación a finales de este verano. ¡Llámenos ahora para comenzar su caso de inmediato al 816-895-6363!



he Immigration office reopened in June, but soon will face severe lay-offs. They had been closed to the public since mid-March. At the same time, the government is asking up to 75 percent of workers to stay home due to a lack of funding. Now is the time to file your case before fees go up and processing times slow down. In the Kansas City office, naturalization interviews have been scheduled first. Appointments are spread out throughout the day so that there is not a crowd in the waiting room. Masks are required, but the rest of the procedures are the same. I attended with a client last week and she passed the test and will soon be sworn in as a new US citizen! Fingerprinting should start again in July. The immigration service has been reusing previous fingerprints for applications such as DACA and citizenship. Immigrants who have not yet been fingerprinted have had their work permits and decisions delayed. Once they are able to go in July, they can expect their cases to move forward. Interviews for marriage based cases for permanent residency should resume sometime later in the summer. The good news is that these cases receive a work permit while we are waiting for the decision and are protected from deportation. Meanwhile, the Immigration Service is still accepting applications. Now is the time to file for your permanent residency or citizenship. The government is threatening to apply a surcharge to filing fees later this Summer. Call us now to get your case started right away at 816-895-6363!




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HOW TO APPLY Due to Covid-19, our buildings are closed and we are only accepting online applications at this time. For detailed admission information and to apply, visit www.frontierschools.org. Student must live within the Kansas City Public School District boundaries to apply.

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Enthusiasm for Lifelong Learning

OUR TEACHERS: All teachers hold a valid teaching certificate issued by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Pre-kindergarten classrooms have 20 students with one certified teacher and one teacher aide.

PROGRAM: Our highly qualified school community is dedicated to providing our students with a curriculum that is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) focused, combined with effective instructional strategies to meet the needs of our diverse student population. We also provide character education classes to promote a peaceful, caring and safe community and guide our students to value integrity, and appreciate diversity by following our school-wide expectations to BE SAFE, BE RESPONSIBLE, and BE RESPECTFUL.

CURRENT AVAILABILITY FOR 2020-2021 Pre-Kindergarten


You can still apply to other grade levels and your child will be placed on a waiting list. As space becomes available, applicants will be called from the waiting list.

Strong Home to School Connection

TRANSPORTATION: Frontier Schools provides bus transportation for all students. Prekindergarten and kindergarten students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to and from the bus stop.

Although our campuses are closed during this time, we continue to accept online applications for the 2020-2021 school year. For more infomation or to apply, visit: www.frontierschools.org.

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020

‘Dreamers’ o cómo perder By Chara el miedo By Jorge Ramos (c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.)


a historia parece increíble: un grupo de jóvenes indocumentados le ha ganado al hombre más poderoso del mundo, Donald Trump, en la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Estados Unidos. Fue una batalla larga y que, al final, se decidió por un solo voto: el tribunal decidió que el plan del presidente estadounidense de ponerle fin al programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por su sigla en inglés) no tenía sustento. Lo he dicho varias veces: los dreamers son mis héroes. Como periodista he seguido muy de cerca su lucha de más de una década en Estados Unidos y no deja de sorprenderme todos los retos que han superado. En el fondo de su estrategia hay una idea central: perder el miedo. Como indocumentados en este país siempre han estado en peligro de deportación. Pero eso no ha evitado que hagan denuncias, participen en protestas y se enfrenten valientemente a los políticos más poderosos de la nación. Y nada como lo que acaban de lograr. El fallo de la Corte Suprema es una enorme victoria para los dreamers y un revés para Trump, quien en su campaña presidencial en 2016 prometió terminar con el programa. Esta es la manera en que lo lograron. Sus padres los trajeron desde niños a Estados Unidos y, en algún momento de su adolescencia, se enteraron de que eran indocumentados. Lejos de quedarse callados, abrazaron su identidad y salieron a luchar. Querían que los reconocieron como lo que son: estadounidenses. El problema es que necesitaban un papel para probarlo. Llegaron, en su mayoría, de países pobres y violentos. Aprendieron inglés y corrían el riesgo de ser regresados a naciones que desconocen por completo. Pero también aprendieron ese mantra de la cultura estadounidense: si te esfuerzas mucho, puedes lograr cualquier cosa. Estaban, como sus padres, ante un constante peligro de deportación. Desde los ataques terroristas de 2001, Estados Unidos se ha convertido en un país cada vez más hostil para los extranjeros. Los mayores habían aprendido a quedarse en silencio, a ser casi invisibles, para sobrevivir. Pero los dreamers rápidamente rechazaron esa cultura del silencio y la reemplazaron por una de activismo, vocal y rebelde (lo que en inglés llaman in your face). La mexicana Erika Andiola, por ejemplo, una vez enfrentó al entonces líder de la Cámara de Representantes, John Boehner, mientras desayunaba en una cafetería de Washington. “El primer paso siempre es perder el miedo”, reflexionaría Erika tiempo después. Un grupo de cuatro estudiantes salió caminando desde Miami hasta Washington el primero de enero de 2010 para denunciar la situación en que vivían.

El riesgo era enorme. “Era la primera vez que hacíamos algo así”, me dijo años después Gaby Pacheco, nacida en Ecuador. “Pero ya no íbamos a tener más miedo”. Ese mismo 2010, ante el fracaso en el Senado del llamado Dream Act, que no consiguió lo votos necesarios, la única alternativa era convencer al presidente Barack Obama de darles algún tipo de protección migratoria. En ese esfuerzo participó Lorella Praeli, quien nació en Perú y perdió una pierna en un accidente. “Cuando yo me caía”, me contó para un libro, “mi papá no me levantaba ni dejaba que nadie me levantara”. Esa perseverancia, y el esfuerzo de muchos más, ayudó a que Obama autorizara DACA en 2012. La idea era que esa orden ejecutiva beneficiaría potencialmente a más de un millón de dreamers. “Cuando yo empecé éramos un grupo de cinco, nunca pensé que fuéramos miles”, me dijo en una vieja entrevista Cristina Jimenez, cofundadora de United We Dream, la organización de dreamers más grande de Estados Unidos. Cristina, nacida en Ecuador, formó parte del primer grupo de estudiantes indocumentados que entró en la Casa Blanca y que le pidió al presidente Obama que detuviera las deportaciones. Sí, estaban agradecidos con Obama por DACA, pero sus padres y hermanos corrían el riesgo de ser deportados. Ese espíritu de solidaridad —de que estamos en esto juntos— es el que ha caracterizado a los dreamers desde antes de esa primera caminata de Miami a Washington. Es injusto sólo mencionar en esta columna a Erika, Gaby, Lorella y Cristina porque han sido literalmente miles de dreamers los que lograron la histórica decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia que les permite, por ahora, quedarse en Estados Unidos protegidos por DACA. Pero la lucha no ha terminado. El presidente Trump, en un tuit lleno de rencor, dijo: “Estas horribles decisiones, políticamente cargadas, de la Corte Suprema son como un tiro de escopeta a la cara de la gente que orgullosamente se llama republicano o conservador”. Si Trump hubiera ganado, hoy habría unas 700.000 personas más en peligro de deportación. En cambio, Joe Biden, el candidato de facto del Partido Demócrata a la presidencia, ha dicho que enviaría una propuesta al Congreso su primer día en la Casa Blanca para legalizar permanentemente a los dreamers. La elección es el 3 de noviembre. Mientras tanto, la mayor lección de esta histórica decisión en la Corte Suprema es que el primer paso siempre es reconocer el miedo para luego vencerlo. Cuando el silencio no es una opción, pueden pasar cosas maravillosas.

Help shape the future of transportation! Share your thoughts on an amendment to the region’s short-range transportation program that includes: • Adding 93 new projects including but not limited to bridge repair and rehabilitation at I-635 and K-5, I-435 at Renner Rd. and K-7 at 67th St. as well as drainage and pavement repair on I-435 from US-69 to 48th St. • Modifying the scope of 26 projects. Visit marc.org/transportationinput, call 816-474-4240 or email tip@marc.org for details. Deadline for comments: Friday, July 3, 2020. The Mid-America Regional Council serves as the metropolitan planning organization for eight counties in the Kansas City region. Many of our programs are funded with your tax dollars and may affect transportation in your community. Mid-America Regional Council 600 Broadway, Suite 200 Kansas City, MO 64105

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Celebrate the diversity that makes America, America. Add your photo to the true portrait of America at lovehasnolabels.com

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Trump suspends certain work visa programs through 2020

Trump suspende ciertos programas de visas de trabajo hasta finales de 2020 By Roberta Pardo


l lunes (22 de junio), el presidente Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva para suspender la emisión de visas H-1B y otras visas de trabajo temporales hasta fin de año. Trump dijo que las restricciones aliviarían el impacto económico del coronavirus y mejorarían las perspectivas de los estadounidenses que buscan empleo durante la pandemia. “El presidente Trump se está enfocando en hacer que los estadounidenses vuelvan a trabajar lo más rápido posible después de que hayamos sufrido este golpe en nuestra economía”, dijo un alto funcionario del gobierno a los periodistas durante una llamada, según CBS News. La orden suspenderá las visas H-1B para aquellos en campos especializados como el sector de tecnología y la mayoría de las visas H-2B para trabajadores de temporada no agrícolas. Otros programas restringidos son las visas J-1 de intercambio cultural para au pairs y otros trabajadores a corto plazo, visas para cónyuges de titulares de H-1B y H-2B, y visas L para que las empresas reubiquen a sus empleados a Estados Unidos. Las nuevas restricciones no se aplicarán a los titulares de visas que ya se encuentran en Estados Unidos o fuera del país a quienes ya se les han emitido visas válidas. La orden llega aproximadamente dos meses después de que Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva inicial que suspendió la emisión de nuevas tarjetas verdes. En aquel entonces, citó la necesidad de proteger los empleos estadounidenses en medio del gran desempleo debido a la pandemia.

n Monday (June 22), President O Trump signed an executive order to suspend the issuance of H-1B and other temporary work visas through year’s end. Trump said the restrictions would ease the economic impact of the coronavirus and improve the prospects of Americans seeking employment during the pandemic. “President Trump is focusing on getting Americans back to work as quickly as possible after we’ve suffered this hit to our economy,” a senior administration official told reporters during a call, according to CBS News. The order will suspend H-1B visas for those in specialized fields like the technology sector and most H-2B visas for nonagricultural seasonal workers. Other programs being restricted are cultural exchange J-1 visas for au pairs and other short-term workers, visas for spouses of H-1B and H-2B holders, and L visas for companies to relocate employees to the United States. The new restrictions will not apply to visa-holders already in the United States or those outside the country who have already been issued valid visas. The order comes roughly two months after Trump signed an initial executive order that suspended the issuance of new green cards. Back then, he cited the need to protect American jobs amid vast unemployment because of the pandemic.

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020


Longtime Hispanic DJ La Jarocha dies of coronavirus By Angie Baldelomar

La Jarocha, conocida locutora de radio, muere de coronavirus


sther Solís, conocida como “La Jarocha”, murió el 19 de junio después de semanas de luchar contra el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19). Nacida en Tres Valles, Veracruz, México, Solís fue una conocida locutora de radio del área de Kansas City durante más de 20 años. Trabajó para la estación de radio La Súper X por más de 10 años antes de pasar a la radio en línea. Tuvo tres hijos: Iliana, Viannette y Edgar. Iliana Estrada Solís, una de sus hijas, dijo que su madre comenzó a sentir síntomas el 1 de junio. Solís se hizo la prueba del COVID-19. Su prueba salió positiva. Según Estrada Solís, su madre la llamó a ella y a su hermana, que viven en México, para informarles que se quedaría en el hospital. El 4 de junio, Solís la llamó por última vez para despedirse. Solís estuvo en terapia intensiva desde ese día en adelante, luchando por sobrevivir. “Desafortunadamente el virus se apodero de todos sus pulmones y ya no pudo más,” dijo Estrada Solís. El hijo de Solís, que vive en Kansas City, arregló las cosas durante y después del fallecimiento de Solís. “Él solito hizo todo el proceso y a base de video llamadas de 3-way estuvimos apoyándonos”, dijo. Estrada Solís quiere que su madre sea recordada como “la mujer fuerte y feliz” que era, como su personaje de radio. “Quiero que la recuerden como alguien que nunca se rindió”, dijo. “Aunque estuviera mal siempre sonreía y hacia sonreír a los demás … Quiero que mi madre sea recordada como la TREMENDA JAROCHA, porque no era un personaje, esa era su esencia”.

sther Solis, known as “La Jarocha,” died E June 19 after a few weeks of battling the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Born in Tres Valles, Veracruz, Mexico, Solis was a Spanish radio DJ personality in the Kansas City area for more than 20 years. She worked for the radio station La Super X for more than 10 years before starting an online radio station. She had three children: Iliana, Viannette and Edgar. Iliana Estrada Solis, one of her daughters, said her mother started feeling ill on June 1. Solis was tested for COVID-19. Her test came out positive. According to Estrada Solis, her mother called her and her sister — both of whom live in Mexico — to let them know she was going to stay in the hospital. On June 4, Solis called her for the last time to say goodbye. Solis was in intensive care from that day on, fighting to survive. “Unfortunately, the virus got to her lungs and she couldn’t hold on any longer,” Estrada Solis said. Solis’son, who lives in Kansas City, arranged things during and after Solis’ passing. “He has been there through it all, and through three-way video calls, we supported each other during this time,” Estrada Solis said. Estrada Solis wants her mother to be remembered as “the strong and happy woman” she was — just like her radio persona. “I want people to remember her as someone who never gave up,” she said. “Even through the bad times, she smiled and made others smile. I want my mom to be remembered as the great Jarocha, because it was not a character; it was her essence.”

Be in the Know Important dates coming up! 2020 Census

Be sure to complete your 2020 Census and encourage your family and friends to do so. Your community depends on your response.

Voter Registration Deadline Online by Tue Jul 14, 2020 Postmarked by Tue Jul 14, 2020

Deadline to Request a Vote by Mail Ballot: Fri Jul 31, 2020 Request using a Smartphone: vob.jocoelection.org Deadline to Return Completed Ballot: Mon Aug 3, 2020

Kansas State Primary Election Aug 4, 2020 Early Voting: Jul 21, 2020 - Aug 3, 2020

Candidate Forums – Meet & Greets

Thanks to all who participated in the Meet & Greets for Rep. Sharice Davids and Senator Barbara Bollier. More Meet and Greets are in the works. If you have suggestions for future Zoom events with public officials, i.e. School District, Chiefs of Police, Health Department Director, let us know.


Check out Mainstream Coalition’s FaceBook Page and view the Zoom meetings. Timely discussions on race: Continuing the Conversation White Privilege and Unconscious Bias; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and many more discussions. Get information about candidates.

Trump rally attendance fails to reach campaign’s expectations By Tere Siquiera

La asistencia al mitin de Trump no alcanza las expectativas de la campaña


a participación en el mitin electoral del 20 de junio del presidente Trump en Tulsa, Oklahoma, fue mucho menor de lo esperado. En los días previos al mitin, Brad Parscale, jefe de campaña de Trump, afirmó que 1 millón de boletos habían sido solicitados. Cuando, según los informes, las inscripciones superaron los 800,000, Parscale declaró en una publicación de Twitter del 14 de junio que era “por 10 veces la mayor cantidad de registro y recolección de datos de todos los tiempos”. Los empleados de la campaña de Trump estaban tan seguros de una gran multitud que se construyó un gran escenario fuera del BOK Center, el sitio de la manifestación, para que Trump y el vicepresidente Mike Pence pudieran abordar la multitud desbordada. El día del evento, sin embargo, la oficina del jefe de bomberos de la ciudad reportó una multitud de menos de 6,200 en la arena. El Centro BOK tiene una capacidad de 19,000 asientos. Según The New York Times, Tim Murtaugh, portavoz de la campaña de Trump, atribuyó la baja participación a los manifestantes que impidieron que los partidarios ingresaran a la arena. Pero los periodistas presentes dijeron que hubo pocas protestas fuera del lugar. Los medios de comunicación han vinculado la baja asistencia a una campaña viral de usuarios de TikTok y fanáticos del pop coreano que se inscribieron en el mitin sin intenciones de asistir. Joseph Jarvis, que posee una maestría en estadística con un doctorado en ciencias políticas, por la Universidad de Rice le dijo a Dos Mundos que es difícil cuantificar el número de personas que se inscribieron en él mitin pero que no asistieron. «No hay pruebas de que haya cerca de 1 millón de confirmaciones de asistencia», dijo Jarvis. “Pero cuanto más exageración tenga un evento, más personas se presentarán. La campaña solía contar con multitudes masivas para aparecer dondequiera que fuera Trump y pensó que su primer mitin sería un éxito. Pero sus seguidores no estaban tomando decisiones basadas en RSVP. Ellos se preocuparon más por COVID-19 de lo que pensaba el equipo de Trump”. Jarvis también dijo que podría haber efectos a largo plazo debido a las personas que no asistieron pero proporcionaron direcciones de correo electrónico y números de teléfono. Los datos terminarán afectando la orientación publicitaria de la campaña en Facebook y Google y harán que la campaña pierda dinero de inversiones publicitarias mal ubicadas. Las elecciones presidenciales están programadas para el 3 de noviembre. Los residentes de Kansas que quieran votar en las elecciones y otras elecciones ese día pero no estén registrados pueden completar la solicitud de registro de votantes en línea en https://www.kdor.ks.gov/apps/voterreg/. Pueden obtener más información sobre cómo ser parte de las elecciones en https://sos.kansas.gov/ elections/registration-voting/.


he turnout for President Trump’s June 20 election rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was much smaller than expected. In the days leading up to the rally, Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, claimed 1 million tickets had been requested. When the signups had reportedly surpassed 800,000, Parscale stated in a June 14 Twitter post that it was the “biggest data haul and rally signup of all time by 10x.” Trump’s campaign staffers were so sure of a big crowd that a large stage was built outside the BOK Center, the site of the rally, so that Trump and Vice President Mike Pence could address the overflow crowd. On the day of the event, however, the city fire marshal’s office reported a crowd of less than 6,200 in the arena. The BOK Center has a 19,000-seat capacity. According to The New York Times, Tim Murtaugh, a Trump campaign spokesperson, attributed the low turnout to protesters stopping supporters from entering the arena. But reporters present said there were few protests outside the venue. Media outlets have linked the low attendance to a viral campaign of TikTok users and Korean pop fans who signed up for the rally with no intentions of attending. Joseph Jarvis, who holds a master’s degree in statistics with a Ph.D. in political science from Rice University told Dos Mundos it is difficult to quantify the number of people who signed up for the rally but did not attend. “There’s no proof that there were anywhere near 1 million RSVPs,” Jarvis said. “But the more hype an event has, the more people will show up. The campaign used to be able to count on massive crowds to show up wherever Trump went and figured that his first rally would be a success. But supporters weren’t making decisions based on RSVPs. They … (cared) more about COVID-19 than what Trump’s campaigners thought.” Jarvis also said there might be long-term effects because of the people who did not attend but provided email addresses and phone numbers. The data will end up affecting the campaign’s advertising targeting on Facebook and Google and cause the campaign to lose money from misplaced advertising investments. The presidential election is slated for Nov. 3. Kansas residents who want to vote in the election and other elections that day but are not registered can fill out the online voter registration application at https://www.kdor.ks.gov/apps/ voterreg/. They can learn more on how to be part of the election at https://sos.kansas.gov/ elections/registration-voting/.

Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020

Classified Information

To Place a Classified ad Call: 816-221-4747 by Fax: 913-287-5881

Hours: 10AM -5PM Mon-Frid Closed: Saturday and Sunday


Due Every Tuesday at Noon (12:00PM)


or email us to

We accept major credit cards

Professional, Technology, Business, Management, Retail, Sales, Health Care, etc...


Legals/Public Notices, Funerals, Memorials, Personal and Professional Services, etc...



Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc...


“We are looking for

gardening, cleaning pools, Fountains

Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc...




Mid-America Regional Council seeks a Contracted

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NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Using the Hagerstown ad asPUBLIC an example (Ad attached). Using the Hagerstown ad as an example (Ad attached). They would need to change the bullet points so that They would need to change the bullet points so that theytomatch the positions they are looking to hire for they match the positions they are looking hire for and change the photo out to a dockworker. and change the photo out to a dockworker. • Great Pay and Benefits

Tenemos una gran variedad de jabón para ropa y suavisantes de tela. Jabón para trastes y líquidos para trapear. Contamos con entrega a domicilio.

Empire Candle Company located in Kansas City, KS is the fastest growing candle company in the nation. We are hiring for all three shifts in our Production area making scented candles. We are also in need of stand-up or reach qualified forklift operators for Distribution. These positions are full time and we offer competitive pay and benefits. Come join our team! To apply for these positions, please visit www.empirecandle.com/careers If you have questions you may call (913)621-4555

Open House Display Ads: Three Open Display Ads:with Three Looking for House someone experience News: KC Hispanic News: in gardening, cleaning poolsKC- Specs: /Hispanic fountains 5x3 - Specs: 5 x 3 Ad in Color - Display Ad in Color and garbage. Hours 8 hours- Display a day from KC Dos Mundos: KC Dos Mundos: Monday to Friday. Now Hiring Full and - Specs: 2.562 x 3 - Specs: 2.562 x 3 - Display AdEva in Color - Display Ad in Color please contact Interested parties at Part Time Dockworkers Overland Park - 2mas2KC Overland Park - 2mas2KC . Payment 913-547-3251 starts at - Specs: 2.375 x 3 - Specs: 2.375 x 3 - Display Ad in Color in Color $ 12- Display / hr Addepending on experience. Details:



Interpreter. For more info and how to apply, visit www.marc.org/jobs. M/F/D/V.

Se busca persona con experiencia en jardinería, limpieza de albercas/fuentes y basura. Horario 8 horas por día de lunes a Viernes. Interesados (as) por favor comunicarse con Eva al 913-547-3251. Pago comienza a $12/hr dependiendo de la experiencia.

Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...

Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration.

calificados para Distribución. Estos puestos son a tiempo completo y ofrecemos pagos y beneficios competitivos.

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Buena paga y paquete de beneficios Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional Cheque de pago semanal

9:00 a.m. 234 Donovan Road Kansas City, KS 66115 Llama al 717-788-4834 para registrarte





he Kansas City Public Schools has Dockworker open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. INVITATION FOR BID


IFB C-21-01

RFP C-20022



PRE-BID MEETING: JULY 7, 2020 AT 10:00 AM CDT BID DUE DATE: JULY 13, 2020 at 2:00 PM CDT

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE











Kansas City Brownfields Initiative Meeting Friday, June 26, 2020 The public is invited to attend a virtual on-line meeting of the Kansas City Brownfields Initiative. The meeting is to be held on Friday, June 26, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Stakeholders wanting to attend are strongly encouraged to contact patricia.solis@ kcmo.org or call (816) 513-2080 for the meeting link. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants money to investigate and clean up properties, known as “Brownfields,” which often are vacant and underused due to real or perceived contamination. Community participation in this process is highly encouraged. The public is invited to learn, comment and provide input that will help improve grant proposals and assist in decisions that promote the removal of blight and contamination, create healthier places to live, work and play, and create jobs and new economic opportunities. For a meeting agenda, materials and more information, please contact Patricia Solis (contact above) or Andrew Bracker, Brownfields Coordinator, at 816-513-3002, email: andrew.bracker@kcmo. org. Brownfields Program information is available at http://kcmo.gov/planning/brownfields/. PUBLIC NOTICE

INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn Construction Company is out to Bid for the Warrensburg R-VI School District 2020 Bond as the Construction Manager Agency and requests your bid proposal for applicable material and labor. In particular, we are soliciting M/WBE Subcontractor/ Supplier Bid Proposals. Sealed Bids including bid bond are due July 1, 2020 before 2:00 PM CST at 1001 Locust, Kansas City, MO 64106. Bids will be read aloud via conference call: +1 469340-3667 Conference ID: 203 406 117#. Contact Susan.Black@ jedunn.com for video conferencing. This project consists of work located at a total of five (5) occupied School Sites. Typical construction methods, concrete, masonry, structural steel precast, framing and drywall and typical classroom school finishes. Scope of work at each site as follows: Middle School – 28,000 square foot Precast Gymnasium and Masonry Classroom Addition plus renovation of interior commons area.


MANUFACTURING JOBS Starting Pay $15.00 per hour!! Railroad materials supplier has openings: general laborers, welders, machine operators.

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Maple Grove Elementary - 5,400 square foot, masonry and steel classroom addition.

¡Pago empezando a $15.00 por hora! Compañía de materiales de ferrocarril está contratando: Trabajadores en general, soldadores, ayudante de mecánico y operadores de máquinas.

High School – 600 square foot masonry and steel bathroom with a Personnel Lift addition.


Ridgeview Elementary- 4,482 square foot, masonry and steel classroom addition.

High School - Activity Complex, Turf Football Field and Track with Press Box and Bleachers. Marten Warren Elementary - New secure entry.

Request for Proposals for St. Joseph Transit Bus Stop Shelter Replacement 2020

If you have any questions, feel free to email: jeremy.catlett@ jedunn.com


or (816) 283-9093

(Job Opening ID #512487)

EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity PUBLIC NOTICE

BID #460-400R Sealed proposals, addressed to: Purchasing Agent City of St. Joseph, Missouri 1100 Frederick Ave., Room 201 St. Joseph, MO 64501 Telephone: (816) 271-5330 The City of St. Joseph is soliciting bids from qualified vendors to upgrade shelter enclosures at bus stops for the Transit Division. Sealed bids will be received by the City until 3:00 P.M. on July 23, 2020, at the office of the Purchasing Agent. There will be no pre-bid meeting held for this project. Special Needs: If you have special needs addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the Purchasing Agent at (816) 271-5330 at lease five (5) working days prior to the bid due date. Information regarding the bid can be found at the office of the Purchasing Agent located at 1100 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, MO or by calling 816-271-5330. Information can also be found on the City’s website at www.stjoemo.info. The City hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation. In addition, interested bidders will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City has a DBE Goal of .1% and certified firms are encouraged to bid. Information relative to this procurement may be obtained from the Purchasing Department office at the above referenced address. Complete instructions to bidders and proposal blanks may be obtained at the same address and location and are a part of the preceding document. Proposals must include all forms provided that requires signature from the information packet, on the original forms themselves. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

PUBLIC HEARING ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS OF KANSAS CITY, KANSAS YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND a Unified Government public hearing to be held on Monday evening, July 13, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. The public hearing will take place in the Commission Chambers in the Lobby of the Municipal Office Building, 701 North 7th Street. For the most up-to-date information regarding virtual attendance and evolving changes to meeting format due to COVID-19 visit https://www.wycokck.org/BOCVirtual-Meeting.aspx.The public hearing is co-sponsored by the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas Departments of Budget and Community Development. The purpose of this meeting is to request public comment for the Unified Government’s revised 2020 and proposed 2021 budgets and the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan. The 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan includes the following program applications: Fiscal Year 2020 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), 2020 HOME Investment Partnership Grant, and the 2020 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs. The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas Department of Community Development is funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Department’s mission is to provide safe, sanitary, and attractive housing to the city's low and moderate-income residents and to preserve and revitalize the community's neighborhoods. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas will make reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities on an as needed basis provided adequate notice (48 hours prior to) is given to the ADA Coordinator. If you require accommodations, please contact the Office of Disabilities at 573-5680 (V) or 573-5681 (TTY).

Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Healthy Homes Program Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. This is a complex administrative, field, and supervisory grant-funded position managing the Lead Safe KC Program. Manages all aspects of up to two grants. Focuses on projects removing lead paint and other health hazards in single and multifamily residences. Applies assessment and construction skills. Approves work specifications and scopes. Bids and awards work. Communicates with construction and non-construction contractors and property owners. Educates the public regarding the principles of lead poisoning and lead hazard removal. Provides detailed reports, and collects, analyzes and reports data. Works on a multidisciplinary team and supervises two Housing Rehab Specialists and a Senior Administrative Assistant. Writes and submits competitive applications for lead hazard control grants on a regular basis. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree and 4 years of progressively responsible, applicable experience, including 1 year at the level of the City's Code Enforcement Supervisor; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must possess or be eligible to obtain required police commission from the KCMO Police Department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. For this position, must possess and maintain MO Lead Risk Assessor and MO Lead Abatement Supervisor Licenses and Healthy Homes Practitioner Certification by the National Environmental Health Association within one month of hire date. Salary Range: $3,957-$6,769/ month. Application Deadline: June 29, 2020. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

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Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 40 • Issue 26 • June 25 - July 01, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE

This intensive, MBA-style program is offered at no cost to Kansas City-based MBE, WBE, DBE, and Veteran-owned firms in the fields of commercial (vertical or horizontal) construction, consulting, commercial management and development, and/or final cleaning/ janitorial services.

The application process for the 2020-2021 class is open from June 1 – July 31. Visit cwcjv.com/kcspp to apply. Applications will be reviewed by the Edgemoor/Clark | Weitz | Clarkson team and top candidates will be contacted for virtual interviews in August. Those selected for the class will be notified no later than August 28.

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INVITATION García renuncia como secretaria de KDOL By Angie Baldelomar TO BID

Bids for Replace Fire Alarm, Infrastructure at St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Project No. M201201 will be received by FMDC, State of MO,




1:30 via

MissouriBUYS. Bidders



registered to bid. For specific project informationand ordering plans, go f a c i l i t i e s

The Strategic Partnership Program is designed to provide you with business and construction management fundamentals to help grow your firm and prepare you to take on larger projects. It is not a guarantee of a contract with the Edgemoor/Clark | Weitz | Clarkson team.

Clark | Weitz | Clarkson (CWC), a joint venture, is seeking qualified firms to participate in the development of The New Single Terminal and Parking at KCI. A Request for Proposals (RFP) is currently available for the following construction services known collectively as Procurement Package 08A. Interested firms may bid on any one or more of the following scopes. • 08A - Drywall & Ceilings • 08A - Misc Metals • 08A - Rough Carpentry • 08A - Doors / Frames / Hardware • 08A - Loading Dock Equipment • 08A - GC / CM for Finishes of Tenant Spaces The bidding documents for this RFP, and all subsequent addenda, will be accessible through Building Connected. To receive access to the bidding documents, or make any inquiries regarding this solicitation, please email Matthew.Schwabauer@CWCJV.com A preproposal conference for these bid packages will be held online at 10am on Thursday June 25. The online conference will be accessible at https://bluejeans.com/7458413666 Proposals are due no later than 4pm, CST on Friday July 10, 2020. This solicitation is open to all interested bidders and CWC encourages participation of underrepresented firms that would meet and or exceed the project M/WBE goals. The goal of the project is to achieve 15% WBE and 20% MBE participation across all professional and •construction Issue 26 •services. June 25 - July 01, 2020


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From bonding and estimating to scheduling and project management, this program delivers technical training and professional development to help small businesses realize their business objectives and confidently compete for new opportunities in the construction industry.


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Through the Kansas City Strategic Partnership Program (KC SPP), small business owners and leaders learn core construction management and business skills from industry experts.


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Bids for Replace Fire

10448 Metcalf Overland Park,KS 66212

Alarm, Infrastructure at St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Project No. M201201 will be received by FMDC, State of MO,




1:30 via

MissouriBUYS. Bidders



registered to bid. For specific project informationand ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ f a c i l i t i e s


Carmen Sevilla

•Cortes de Cabello (Para toda la familia) •Alaciado con Keratina •Color •Permanente •Luces (Highligths) •Dimensiones •Peinados Novias & Quinceañeras •Maquillajes •Tratamiento intensivo profundos con Keratina (Para cabello maltratado) •Enchinado Permanente de Pestañas •Alisado de cejas •Depilación

(913) 649-5685 cell (913)669-5288

Gracias por su preferencia


a secretaria del Departamento de Trabajo de Kansas (KDOL, por sus siglas en inglés), Delia García, renunció a su cargo después de semanas de dificultades para procesar los reclamos de desempleo durante la pandemia del COVID-19. La gobernadora Laura Kelly anunció el lunes (22 de junio) que había aceptado la renuncia de García, informaron varios medios de comunicación. “Como gobernadora, soy responsable del manejo de KDOL de las solicitudes de desempleo”, dijo Kelly en un comunicado de prensa. “Estoy tomando medidas inmediatas para garantizar que los residentes de Kansas que no tienen trabajo, sin que sea culpa suya, obtengan la asistencia que necesitan”. Durante el apogeo del brote de coronavirus, los residentes de Kansas que intentaban presentar reclamos de desempleo se encontraron con problemas como señales de ocupado en la línea de ayuda, largas esperas para hablar con representantes del servicio de ayuda, fallas en el sitio web y pagos retrasados. El estado finalmente se cambió a un sistema de compuerta para intentar reducir la carga sobre el sistema. Uno de los principales errores que se van a tratar es un problema con pagos duplicados a más de 4,500 reclamantes que solicitaron asistencia por desempleo relacionada con una pandemia por un total de aproximadamente $7 millones. Sin consultar a Kelly, KDOL trató de corregir el problema al revertir los pagos duplicados, lo que causó que muchos de los que habían solicitado la ayuda tuvieran un sobregiro en sus cuentas bancarias. Kelly dijo que el departamento estaba trabajando para identificar y reembolsar a cualquier persona cuya cuenta estuviera sobregirada y crearía una línea telefónica especial para que los afectados pudieran comunicarse. “Quiero agradecer a la secretaria García por su servicio a Kansas”, dijo Kelly en el comunicado. “Mientras que los estados de todo el país han tenido problemas para gestionar las solicitudes de desempleo durante la peor crisis de salud pública en un siglo, la secretaria García heredó una agencia que tenía su financiación, su tecnología y su personal destruidos por la administración anterior”. Kelly prometió trabajar con especialistas para buscar formas de mejorar los tiempos de respuesta, gestionar la carga de casos y mitigar futuros retrasos y errores. Ryan Wright, subdirector de personal de Kelly, se desempeñará como secretario interino de trabajo hasta que se nombre a un candidato permanente para el cargo.

ansas Department of Labor K (KDOL) Secretary Delia Garcia has resigned from her position after weeks

of struggles processing unemployment claims during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gov. Laura Kelly announced Monday (June 22) that she had accepted Garcia’s resignation, multiple media outlets reported. “As governor, I’m responsible for KDOL’s handling of unemployment claims,” Kelly said in a press release. “I am taking immediate action to ensure Kansans who are out of work, through no fault of their own, are getting the assistance they need.” During the height of the coronavirus outbreak, Kansans trying to file unemployment claims were met with issues such as busy signals on the helpline, long waits to talk to service representatives, website crashes and delayed payments. The state eventually moved to a gating system to try reducing the burden on the system. One of the major errors being addressed is an issue with duplicate payments made to more than 4,500 claimants who filed for pandemic-related unemployment assistance for a total of about $7 million. Without consulting Kelly, KDOL tried to correct the issue by reversing the duplicate payments, which caused many who had applied for the aid to have their bank accounts overdrawn. Kelly said the department was working to identify and reimburse anyone whose account was overdrawn and would create a special hotline for those affected to reach out. “I want to thank Secretary Garcia for her service to Kansas,” Kelly also said in the release. “While states around the country have struggled to manage unemployment claims during the worst public health crisis in a century, Secretary Garcia inherited an agency that had its funding, its technology and its staff gutted by the previous administration.” Kelly vowed to work with specialists to look for ways to improve response times, manage the caseload, and mitigate future backlogs and errors. Ryan Wright, Kelly’s deputy chief of staff, will serve as acting secretary of labor until a permanent candidate is nominated for appointment.

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