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Volume 41 • Issue 10 • March 11 - March 17, 2021
1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747
KC protesters calling justice for Donnie Sanders Manifestantes de Kansas City piden justicia para Donnie Sanders
fiscal Jean Peters Baker en Kansas City, Missouri, Story by Roberta Pardo, Photo cortesy by pidiendo justicia para Donnie Sanders, según Darrius Smith/KSHB-TV reportó The Kansas City Star. Sanders fue asesinado a tiros por el oficial n March 6, a group of more than 50 l 6 de marzo, un grupo de más de 50 de policía de Kansas City Blayne protesters marched along Ward Parkmanifestantes marchó a lo largo de Ward Newtown el 12 de marzo de 2020. way from Arno Park to Prosecutor Jean Peters Parkway desde Arno Park hasta la casa de la La semana pasada, la oficina del fiscal
Education•Educación 5A> Economy• Economía 2B> Community• Comunidad
Northwest-Kansas City ofrece programas de finalización universitaria
House passes $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill
Cámara de Representantes aprueba proyecto de ley de alivio de COVID-19 de $1.9 trillones
ackie Acosta ha sido enfermera durante 14 años, pero nunca consideró la enfermería como una carrera hasta
By Angie Baldelomar
ackie Acosta has been a nurse for 14 J years, but she never considered nursing as a career until after graduating college with
another degree. “Nursing is my second career,” Acosta said. “I graduated from college and I still kind of wasn’t fulfilled, and (it) kind of took me a little bit to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.” Around that time, Acosta was the birth coach for her sister-in-law and was in the room when her nephew was born. “And I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life,’” she said. “It took me a while to figure it out. But when I figured it out, I knew that … this (was) the passion
López Galván persigue la misión de ayudar a la comunidad
l amor y la dedicación de Lisa López Galván por su comunidad la han inspirado a ayudar a muchas personas a perseguir
isa Lopez Galvan’s love and dedication for her community has inspired her to help many people to pursue their dream jobs. For 15 years, Lopez Galvan worked in the Roeland Park, Kansas, Police Department. Then, the Kansas City, Missouri, native decided to start a new career path. “I was a court clerk and I was helping people who didn’t speak English,” she said. “I used to help the district a t t o r n e y, and I also was on call
3A> 3A>
Jackie Acosta.
Lisa Lopez Galvan
Jessica Piedra
Olivas helping homebuyers through work at First Federal Bank
Olivas ayuda a los compradores de vivienda a través de su trabajo en First Federal Bank
Piedra empowering immigrants through the law By Tere Siqueira Piedra empodera a los inmigrantes a través de la ley
ada marzo, para honrar el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, Dos Mundos honra a las latinas cuyos logros han ayudado y/o inspirado a la comunidad. Una de las ocho homenajeadas de este año es Jessica Piedra, defensora y abogada de los derechos de los inmigrantes en el área de Kansas City. La madre de dos ha estado involucrada en los derechos de inmigración desde la preparatoria. Después de terminar la universidad en México, Piedra se unió a un bufete de abogados de inmigración como asistente legal. Poco después, comenzó la facultad de derecho y luego pasó por el proceso de inmigración con su esposo. “El hecho de que mi propia familia se enfrentara a la incertidumbre de ser indocu-
ach March, to E honor Women’s History Month, Dos
Mundos honors Latinas whose accomplishments have helped and/or inspired the c o m m u n i t y. O n e of this year’s eight honorees is Jessica Piedra, a Kansas City area immigrant rights advocate and lawyer. The mother of two has been involved in immigration rights since high school. After finishing college in Mexico, Piedra joined an immigration law firm as a legal assistant. Soon after, she started law school, then went through the
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Northwest-Kansas City offers college completion programs
Acosta helps community through Lopez Galvan pursuing mission her work at Truman of helping the community By Chara Acosta ayuda a la comunidad a través de su trabajo en Truman Med
902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108
Cepillín Descanse en paz
Baker’s house in Kansas City, Missouri, calling for justice for Donnie Sanders, as reported by The Kansas City Star. Sanders was fatally shot and killed by Kansas City police officer Blayne Newtown on March 12, 2020. Last week, the