Volume 41 Issue 14

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Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021



1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Immigration• Inmigración

Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra 3A>

Survivor shares abuse story to raise awareness Sobreviviente comparte historia de abuso para crear conciencia


os niños siguen siendo la población más vulnerable a todo tipo de abusos.

Community• Comunidad Black Agave hosts ribbon-cutting ceremony

Black Agave organiza gran ceremonia de inauguración 1B>

Esto se agrava cuando los padres no hablan By Angie Baldelomar con sus hijos sobre los límites y qué situaciones hildren remain the most vulnerable ameritan acudir a ellos en busca de ayuda, como population for all kinds of abuse. puede atestiguar el sobreviviente de This is exacerbated by parents not talking abuso sexual Gerardo. with their children about boundaries and what Gerardo, quien habló bajo



situations merit going to them for help, as sexual abuse survivor Gerardo can attest. Gerardo — who spoke on the condition of anonymity — said he was never told what strangers should or


International •

Community• Comunidad

Inside• Adentro

CDC issues travel recommendations for fully vaccinated people

What your Consulate can do for you

Pandemic hides child abuse problem as cases drop


CDC emite recomendaciones de viaje para personas completamente vacunadas 4A>

Lo que tu consulado hace por ti


Pandemia oculta el problema de abuso infantil mientras disminuyen los casos 3A>

NLRB sides with workers fired by Amazon NLRB se pone del lado de los trabajadores despedidos por Amazon


as denuncias de prácticas laborales injustas en Amazon se están convirtiendo en un tema común. De acuerdo a diversos medios de comunicación se han presentado alrededor de 37 demandas desde febrero del 2020. Y ahora, como reportan The New York Times y otros medios de comunicación, la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales (NLRB) podría presentar una denuncia contra Amazon, el segundo empleador privado más grande con aproximadamente 1 millón de empleados y una de las empresas más ricas del mundo. El despido de Emily Cunningham y Maren Costa por parte de Amazon es la causa de la posible denuncia. Cunningham y Costa, que trabajaban en la sede de Amazon en Seattle, presionaron para que Amazon redujera su huella de carbono a través de prácticas comerciales ecológicas. Cunningham y Costa también presionaron a Amazon para que abordara las preocupaciones de los trabajadores de las bodegas, informaron The Seattle Times y otros medios de comunicación. Desde que comenzó la pandemia de coronavirus, muchos trabajadores se han quejado de las condiciones de seguridad en Amazon, en particular sus empleados en las bodegas, que se consideran trabajadores esenciales y no pueden trabajar desde casa. Los empleados afirman que Amazon no está haciendo lo suficiente para proteger a los


By Tere Siqueira

laims of unfair labor practices at C Amazon are becoming a common topic. About 37 lawsuits have been filed since Feb-

ruary 2020, as media outlets have reported. And now, as The New York Times and other media outlets have reported, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) might file a complaint against Amazon – the company’s second-largest private employer at roughly 1 million employees and one of the world’s wealthiest companies. Amazon’s termination of Emily Cunningham and Maren Costa is the cause for the potential complaint. Cunningham and Costa, who worked at Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle, pushed for Amazon to reduce its carbon footprint through ecologically friendly business practices. Cunningham and Costa also pushed Amazon to address warehouse workers’ concerns, The Seattle Times and other media outlets reported. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, many workers have complained about the safety conditions at Amazon, particularly its warehouse employees, who are considered essential workers and cannot work from home. Employees claim Amazon is not doing enough to protect workers from coronavirus threats inside its facilities.


New mural in NEKC brings attention to peripheral artery disease new mural will be unveiled in the NorthA east area of Kansas City, Missouri, to help educate and raise awareness about peripheral

n nuevo mural adornará el área noreste de Kansas City, Missouri, para ayudar a educar y crear conciencia sobre la enfermedad arterial periférica. Comúnmente conocida como EAP, la enfermedad de las arterias periféricas es una enfermedad vascular que causa dolor en las piernas al caminar. Afecta a 8.5 millones de estadounidenses mayores de 40 años, pero sólo el 25% conoce la enfermedad. En 2018, un equipo de investigadores de St. Luke’s y la Universidad de Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) iniciaron un proyecto para crear conciencia sobre la EAP. El equipo, compuesto por la Dra. Kim Smolderen, anteriormente de St. Luke’s/UMKC, ahora en la Universidad de Yale; Christina Pacheco, del Instituto del Corazón Mid America de St. Luke’s; y la Dra. Janette Berkley-Patton, de UMKC, creó una plataforma en línea para compartir sus hallazgos con personas recién diagnosticadas. Financiado a través del Instituto de Investigación de Resultados Centrados en el Paciente, este proyecto incluirá el mural como otra forma de compartir los hallazgos de los investigadores con la comunidad. “No utilizamos métodos tradicionales,




artery disease. Commonly known as PAD, peripheral artery disease is a vascular disease that causes pain in the legs while walking. It affects 8.5 million Americans over age 40, but only 25% are aware of the disease. In 2018, a team of researchers at St. Luke’s and the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) started a project to raise awareness about PAD. The team, comprised of Dr. Kim Smolderen, formerly of St. Luke’s/UMKC, now at Yale University; Christina Pacheco, St. Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute; and Dr. Janette Berkley-Patton, UMKC, resulted in the creation of an online platform to share their findings with newly diagnosed people. Funded through the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, this project will include the mural as another way to share the researchers’ findings with the community. “We don’t use traditional methods, such as writing a medical paper or a decision aid for use at the clinic, but rather, starting a dialogue with

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Nuevo mural en NEKC crea conciencia sobre la enfermedad arterial periférica

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By Angie Baldelomar

Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • April 08 14, 2021 Page 2A.2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 33 •41 Issue 41 •14 October 10 - April October 16, 2013

Abuse Story Continued from Page 1A

condición de anonimato, dijo que nunca le dijeron lo que otras personas deberían o no deberían hacerle. Por lo tanto, no se dio cuenta durante años después de que fue abusado sexualmente durante meses cuando tenía 5 años. “Era tan inocente que no sabía que estaba mal; sólo sabía que no me gustaba”, dijo. En Estados Unidos, una de cada nueve niñas y uno de cada 53 niños menores de 18 años experimentan abuso o agresión sexual por parte de un adulto, según estadísticas de la Red Nacional de Violaciones, Abusos e Incestos. En la mayoría de los casos, los perpetradores están relacionados con la víctima. Gerardo fue abusado por su tío, quien vivía en su casa e incluso dormía en su habitación en ese momento. Después de meses de abuso, le contó a la familia en la cena lo que estaba sucediendo. “Recuerdo un silencio y después continuaron comiendo”, dijo. “(Mis padres) nunca le dijeron nada ni me preguntaron nada, pero poco después (el perpetrador) salió de la casa y nunca volvió a intentarlo”. Gerardo comparte su historia para crear conciencia sobre el abuso sexual infantil. “Espero que mis palabras, aunque fuertes, ayuden a los padres a cuidar a sus hijos”, dijo. “Uno nunca sabe de dónde puede provenir el abuso, pero generalmente proviene de los familiares más cercanos”. Gerardo todavía está atravesando el trauma de esta experiencia. Sabe que el camino por delante no es fácil, pero tiene la esperanza de superarlo. “Protejamos la inocencia de los niños y hablemos siempre con nuestros hijos y expliquemos lo que está mal, y que siempre deben decir lo que les sucede”, dijo.

should not do to him. Thus, he did not realize for years afterward that he was sexually abused for months when he was 5 years old. “I was so innocent that I didn’t know it was wrong; I just knew I didn’t like it,” he said. In the United States, one in nine girls and one in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault by an adult, according to statistics from the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. In most cases, perpetrators are related to the victim. Gerardo was abused by his uncle, who was living in his house and even sleeping in his room at the time. After months of abuse, he told the family at dinner what was happening. “I remember a silence and then everyone resumed eating,” he said. “(My parents) never said anything to him or asked me anything, but soon after (the perpetrator) left the house and he never tried it again.” Gerardo is sharing his story to raise awareness for childhood sexual abuse. “I hope that my words, although shocking, will help parents take care of their children,” he said. “One never knows where the abuse could come from, but it usually comes from the closest family members.” Gerardo is still working through the trauma of this experience. He knows the road ahead is not easy, but is hopeful he will get through it. “Let’s protect the children’s innocence and let’s always talk with our children and explain to them what is wrong, and that they should always say what happens to them,” he said.

Amazon Continued from Page 1A

trabajadores de las amenazas de coronavirus dentro de sus instalaciones. Amazon despidió a Cunningham y Costa en el 2020, el mismo año en que reportó un aumento de casi un 200% en sus ganancias. Las dos fueron a la NLRB. La NLRB determinó que las dos habían sido demolidas de manera ilegal. Si Amazon no llega a un acuerdo con Cunningham y Costa, la NLRB continuará con su queja contra la empresa, según han informado varios medios de comunicación. La compañía emitió un comunicado intentando justificar su decisión de despedir a Cunningham y Costa. “Apoyamos el derecho de todos los empleados a criticar las condiciones laborales de sus empleadores, pero eso no conlleva una inmunidad general contra nuestras políticas internas, todas las cuales son legales”, declaró la portavoz de Amazon, Jaci Anderson, en el comunicado. “Despedimos a estos empleados no por hablar públicamente sobre las condiciones laborales, la seguridad o la sostenibilidad, sino por violar repetidamente las políticas internas”. La noticia de la decisión de la NLRB surgió poco después de que Amazon comenzara a vacunar a los empleados en varios almacenes de todo el país, incluidos los de Missouri y Kansas. La noticia de la decisión también está surgiendo mientras la NLRB está contando los votos públicos para determinar si el almacén de Amazon en Bessemer, Alabama, estará sindicalizado. Varios medios de comunicación informaron que el almacén, que emplea a unos 6,000 trabajadores, sería el primer almacén sindicalizado de la empresa.

Amazon sacked Cunningham Costa in 2020, the same year it reported nearly a 200% increase in profits. The two went to the NLRB. The NLRB determined the two had been unlawfully let go. If Amazon does not settle with Cunningham and Costa, the NLRB will pursue its complaint against the company, multiple media outlets have reported. The company released a statement attempting to justify its decision to fire Cunningham and Costa. “We support every employee’s right to criticize their employer’s working conditions, but that does not come with blanket immunity against our internal policies, all of which are lawful,” Amazon spokesperson Jaci Anderson declared in the statement. “We terminated these employees not for talking publicly about working conditions, safety or sustainability, but rather, for repeatedly violating internal policies.” News of the NLRB’s decision emerged shortly afterAmazon had begun employee vaccinations at multiple warehouses across the country, including those in Missouri and Kansas. News of the decision also is emerging while public votes are being tallied by the NLRB to determine if Amazon’s warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, will be unionized. The warehouse, which employs about 6,000 workers, would be the company’s first unionized warehouse, multiple media outlets reported.

New Mural Continued from Page 1A

Prisoners are getting stimulus checks Los prisioneros están recibiendo cheques de estímulo

os presos estatales y he nation’s state and federal prisoners federales de la nación y L and local jail inmates who meet eligibility T los presos de las cárceles locales que cumplen con requirements are among millions of Americans los requisitos de elegibilidad se encuentran entre los millones de estadounidenses que reciben pagos de estímulo. Eso incluye presos condenados a muerte, delincuentes profesionales y presos condenados por asesinato, violación, abuso infantil grave, asalto agravado, incendio provocado, secuestro, tráfico de drogas, robo, hurto y otros delitos atroces. Para ser elegible, un recluso debe ser ciudadano estadounidense, residente permanente o extranjero residente calificado; tener un número de seguro social válido; no ser reclamado como dependiente en la declaración de impuestos de otra persona; y cumplir con los límites de ingresos. La Ley CARES aprobada en marzo de 2020 autorizó pagos de hasta $1,200 a personas elegibles. El segundo paquete de ayuda por Covid-19 aprobado en diciembre incluyó pagos de $600 para individuos. La Ley del Plan de Rescate aprobada el 11 de marzo de 2021 brindó pagos de hasta $1,400. Una enmienda para excluir a los presos de la cárcel y prisión de recibir pagos fue rechazada en el Senado. Ninguna de las medidas de ayuda financiera relacionadas con la pandemia hizo que los presos no fueran elegibles para recibir cheques. Sin embargo, el IRS y el Departamento del Tesoro se negaron a emitir pagos a los prisioneros, alegando que no tienen derecho a los pagos. Entonces los prisioneros presentaron una demanda colectiva. En septiembre, un juez federal falló

receiving stimulus payments. That includes death row inmates, career criminals and prisoners convicted of murder, rape, felony child abuse, aggravated assault, arson, kidnapping, drug trafficking, robbery, burglary and other heinous crimes. To be eligible, an inmate must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or qualifying resident alien; have a valid Social Security number; not be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return; and meet income limits. The CARES Act passed in March 2020 authorized payments up to $1,200 to eligible individuals. The second Covid-19 relief package passed in December included $600 payments for individuals. The Rescue Plan Act passed March 11, 2021 provided payments up to $1,400. An amendment to exclude jail and prison inmates from receiving payments was voted down in the U.S. Senate. None of the pandemic-related financial relief measures made prisoners ineligible to receive checks. Nevertheless, the IRS and Treasury Department refused to issue payments to prisoners, claiming they aren’t entitled to the payments. So prisoners filed a class action lawsuit. In September, a federal judge ruled in

a favor de los presos. Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein, con sede en San Francisco, un bufete de abogados que representa a los presos y defensores de los presos afirman que retener los fondos de estímulo de las personas encarceladas es “cruel con las personas y las familias más perjudicadas por Covid-19”. Además, los pagos ayudan a los reclusos a pagar los gastos en los que incurren mientras están en la cárcel o prisión, como la compra de bocadillos y artículos de tocador en la comisaría de la prisión y el tiempo telefónico y, cuando sea necesario, el pago de copagos médicos. El fallo del juez a favor de los presos les brinda “un alivio crítico y cierta medida de justicia”, dicen los defensores. Eso es sorprendentemente equivocado, escandalosamente incorrecto y perniciosamente injusto, y además abusa de las víctimas de delitos, argumentan los partidarios de impedir que los reclusos reciban pagos de estímulo federal. Los contribuyentes, entre ellos millones de personas víctimas de infractores de la ley, ya están apoyando a los presos. Según la Oficina federal de Estadísticas de Justicia, el país gasta más de $182 mil millones anuales para albergar a los presos, informó MarketWatch.com en agosto de 2020. Eso fue antes de que se tuvieran en cuenta los costos relacionados con la pandemia. Además, enviar dinero a los presos sólo alimenta el mercado negro de la prisión, lo que puede tener consecuencias mortales, escribió Chandra Bozelko, autora de Prison Blog Diaries en la edición del 20 de octubre de 2020 de The Wall Street Journal. “Hay un mercado negro en cada instalación correccional”. Las cárceles satisfacen las necesidades básicas de los reclusos, y el envío de dinero a los reclusos fomenta el mercado ilícito generalizado que incluye contrabando tan peligroso como armas, alcohol y drogas. Los pagos de ayuda de Covid-19 están destinados a estimular la economía; es poco probable que muchos de los cheques de los presos hagan eso. Es más, los pagos están destinados a ayudar a aquellos que perdieron sus trabajos o salarios debido a la reducción de horas o perdieron los beneficios de salud a recuperarse financieramente de la pandemia. Es una afrenta permitir que los prisioneros que han victimizado a otros se beneficien del alivio diseñado para mitigar la devastación económica de la pandemia para las personas honradas y trabajadoras. Missouri y otros estados han promulgado leyes para redirigir los fondos de estímulo de los presos para pagar la restitución de sus víctimas, los costos judiciales o las tasas y deudas de la prisión. Enviar cheques financiados por los contribuyentes a los prisioneros es irrelevante para el alivio del coronavirus, dicen los legisladores de Wisconsin que proponen dicha legislación. Los prisioneros no tienen dificultades para cubrir el alquiler, no se preocupan por perder su trabajo o luchan por llegar a fin de mes. Los dólares de estímulo deberían haber sido más dirigidos a personas con una necesidad real e inmediata, dice el senador del estado de Missouri que propone la legislación del estado. Seguramente el Congreso no tenía la intención de que violadores y asesinos recibieran cheques, dice. Enviar pagos de estímulo a los presos envía un mensaje equivocado. El crimen paga.

the prisoners’ favor. San Francisco-based Lieff, Cabraser, Heimann & Bernstein, a law firm representing the prisoners and prisoner advocates claim that withholding stimulus funds from incarcerated individuals is “cruel to the people and families most harmed by Covid-19.” Moreover, the payments help inmates pay expenses they incur while in jail or prison, such as purchasing snacks and toiletries from the prison commissary and phone time and, where required, paying medical copays. The judge’s ruling in favor of the prisoners brings them “critical relief and some measure of justice,” say advocates. That’s shockingly misguided, outrageously wrong and perniciously unjust, and further abuses crime victims, argue supporters of blocking inmates from receiving federal stimulus payments. Taxpayers, among them millions of the people victimized by lawbreakers are already supporting prisoners. According to the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, the country spends upwards of $182 billion annually to house prisoners, MarketWatch.com reported in August 2020. That was before pandemic-related costs were factored in. Furthermore, sending prisoners money just feeds the prison black market, which can have deadly consequences, Chandra Bozelko, author of Prison Blog Diaries wrote in the Oct. 20, 2020 edition of The Wall Street Journal. “There’s a black market in every correctional facility.” Prisons provide for inmates’ basic needs, and sending prisoners money encourages the pervasive illicit market that includes such dangerous contraband as weapons, alcohol and drugs. Covid-19 relief payments are intended to stimulate the economy; it’s unlikely that much of inmates’ checks will do that. What’s more, the payments are meant to help those who’ve lost jobs or wages through shortened hours or lost health benefits recover financially from the pandemic. It’s an affront to allow prisoners who’ve victimized others to benefit from relief designed to mitigate for honest, hard-working individuals the economic devastation of the pandemic. Missouri and other states have introduced legislation to redirect prisoners’ stimulus funds to pay restitution for their victims, court costs or prison fees and debts. Sending taxpayer-funded checks to prisoners is irrelevant to coronavirus relief, say Wisconsin lawmakers proposing such legislation. Prisoners aren’t scrambling to cover rent, fretting over losing their job or struggling to make ends meet. Stimulus dollars should’ve been more targeted, going to people with a real and immediate need, says the Missouri State senator proposing the state’s legislation. Surely Congress didn’t intend for rapists and murderers to receive checks, he says. Sending stimulus payments to prisoners sends the wrong message. Crime does pay.


como escribir un artículo médico o una ayuda para la toma de decisiones para usar en la clínica, sino más bien, iniciar un diálogo con las personas de la comunidad y encontrar formas de traducir nuestros conocimientos a la comunidad,” dijo Smolderen, líder del proyecto. Ubicado en la pared este del edificio en la esquina de Prospect e Independence Avenue en el noreste de Kansas City, el mural muestra visualmente cómo las personas pueden reconocer y abordar la PAD con proyecciones, caminar, dejar de fumar y demás. La organización socia Mattie Rhodes Center seleccionó a cuatro artistas locales para colaborar en este esfuerzo: Carmen Moreno, Jason Wilcox y el dúo de muralistas Isaac Tapia y Rodrigo Alvarez, de IT-RA Icons. Smolderen dijo que los artistas no solo leyeron sobre la enfermedad, sino que también recibieron comentarios de la comunidad sobre lo que a los residentes les gustaría ver incluido en el mural. También dijo que el equipo eligió un mural porque es una tradición muy extendida en Kansas City. “Es algo típico (aquí) que la gente ha llegado a apreciar”, dijo Smolderen. “(Los murales) son puntos de reconocimiento en la comunidad y son puntos fáciles de reflexión cuando pasas por ellos o pasas por ellos, por lo que son muy visibles y llegan a mucha gente de una manera más directa y emocional”. La ceremonia de inauguración comenzará a la 1 p.m. el sábado (10 de abril). El evento al aire libre contará con camiones de comida, música, creación de arte e información sobre la enfermedad. En caso de lluvia, la ceremonia se trasladará al 17 de abril. Para obtener más información sobre la enfermedad arterial periférica, visite https://showme-pad.org/.

people in the community and finding ways to translate our insights back into the community,” said Smolderen, the project lead. Located on the east wall of the building at the corner of Prospect and Independence Avenue in Northeast Kansas City, the mural visually depicts how people can recognize and address PAD with screenings, walking, quitting smoking and such. Four local artists were selected by partner Mattie Rhodes Center to collaborate on this endeavor: Carmen Moreno, Jason Wilcox, and muralist duo Isaac Tapia and Rodrigo Alvarez, from IT-RA Icons. Smolderen said the artists not only read about the disease, but also received input from the community about what residents would like to see included in the mural. She also said the team picked a mural because it is a widespread tradition in Kansas City. “It’s a typical thing (here) that people have grown to appreciate,” Smolderen said. “(Murals) are points of recognition in the community and are easy points of reflection as you drive by them or walk by them, so they are very visible and they reach a lot of people in a more direct and emotional way.” The unveiling ceremony will start at 1 p.m. Saturday (April 10). The outdoor event will feature food trucks, music, art-making and information about the disease. In case of rain, the ceremony will move to April 17. For more information on peripheral artery disease, visit https://showme-pad.org/.






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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021

Pandemic hides child abuse problem as cases drop By Roberta Pardo

Hablando con la abogada Mexican Head Consul in Kansas City Alfonso Navarro-Bernachi

Pandemia oculta el problema de abuso infantil mientras disminuyen los casos



a pandemia de coronavirus esconde casos de abuso infantil. Un análisis reciente de Associated Press (AP) encontró que los informes de abuso infantil se han desplomado durante la pandemia, ya que los niños están fuera de la vista del público y lejos de los reporteros habituales de problemas de bienestar. En comparación con 2019, se han reportado más de 400,000 preocupaciones menos por el bienestar infantil durante la pandemia, y 200,000 menos investigaciones y evaluaciones de abuso y negligencia infantil, según el análisis de AP. Eso representa una disminución nacional del 18% tanto en los reportes como en las investigaciones totales. Esta pérdida en los reportes puede traducirse en situaciones dañinas para los niños, como dijo a ABC News Amy Harfeld, experta en muertes por abuso infantil del Children’s Advocacy Institute. “No ha habido de repente una cura para el abuso y la negligencia infantil”, dijo Harfeld. “Los niños que están sufriendo abuso o negligencia en el hogar sólo están llamando la atención de CPS (servicios de protección infantil) mucho más adelante de lo que normalmente lo harían. Cuando las familias no obtienen lo que necesitan, hay consecuencias para todos.” El personal de las escuelas es generalmente el principal informador de abuso infantil. Sin embargo, dado que la escuela ha pasado a ser principalmente en línea, el personal capacitado no ha interactuado con los niños lo suficiente como para notar las señales. Eso ha provocado una disminución del 59% en los informes de abuso y negligencia infantil de fuentes escolares. “La pandemia y el aislamiento resultante nos recuerdan que no podemos depender únicamente de un sistema que sólo responde después de que un niño resulta herido”, dijo a ABC News Kurt Heisler, quien supervisó el Sistema Nacional de Datos sobre Abuso y Negligencia Infantil durante la administración de Obama. “¿Qué sucede cuando no tenemos reporteros obligatorios frente a los niños? Nos recuerda que necesitamos otra forma de apoyar y llegar a estas familias”. El problema también se ha convertido en una preocupación mundial. Japón, por ejemplo, ha reportado un número récord de víctimas de abuso infantil, y el Reino Unido ha reportado un aumento significativo en el número de muertes y lesiones graves sospechosas de maltrato.

he coronavirus pandemic is hiding child abuse cases. A recent Associated Press (AP) analysis found that reports of child abuse have plummeted during the pandemic, as children are out of the public eye and away from the usual reporters of welfare problems. Compared with 2019, there have been 400,000plus fewer child welfare concerns reported during the pandemic, and 200,000 fewer child abuse and neglect investigations and assessments, according to the AP analysis. That represents a national decrease of 18% in both total reports and investigations. This loss in reports can translate into harmful situations for children, as Amy Harfeld, an expert in child abuse deaths with the Children’s Advocacy Institute, told ABC News. “There has not all of the sudden been a cure for child abuse and neglect,” Harfeld said. “Children who are experiencing abuse or neglect at home are only coming to the attention of CPS (child protective services) much further down the road than they normally would. When families aren’t getting what they need, there are consequences for everyone.” School personnel are generally the top reporters of child abuse. With school moving mostly online, however, those trained personnel have not interacted with children enough to notice the signs. That has caused a 59% decline in child abuse and neglect reports from school sources. “The pandemic and the resulting isolation reminds us that we cannot rely solely on a system that only responds after a child is hurt,” Kurt Heisler, who oversaw the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System during the Obama administration, told ABC News. “What happens when we don’t have mandated reporters in front of children? It reminds us that we need another way to support and reach these families.” The issue has become a global concern, too. Japan, for instance, has reported a record number of child abuse victims, and the United Kingdom has reported a significant increase in the number of maltreatment-suspected deaths and serious injuries.

Nota del editor: si sospecha que se está abusando o descuidando a un niño, infórmelo de inmediato a la línea directa de abuso infantil en Kansas al 1-(800)922-5330 o en Missouri al 1-(800)-392-3738. Si el niño está en peligro inmediato, llame al 911.

Editor’s note: If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, report it immediately to the Child Abuse Hotline in Kansas at 1-(800)-9225330 or Missouri at 1-(800)-392-3738. If the child is immediate danger, call 911.

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Inscríbete hoy. jccc.edu/enroll

By Tere Siqueira

Rivergate Building 600 Broadway Blvd; Ste 250 Kansas City, MO 64105. Tel: 816.895-6363

Courts closed - explore other options Cortes cerradas: explore otras opciones


a Corte de Inmigración de Kansas City todavía está cerrada debido a la pandemia. Ahora es el momento de explorar otras opciones para su futuro. Podemos ayudarte a encontrar un camino para tu familia. Debido a la pandemia, la Corte de Inmigración de Kansas City cerró sus puertas a las audiencias a menos que el inmigrante sea detenido. Se han reprogramado cientos de audiencias y no sabemos cuándo volverá a abrir. Mientras tanto, su situación familiar puede haber cambiado. Si tiene un cónyuge que es ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente, ¡podría calificar para una tarjeta verde! Hemos ayudado a muchas familias a navegar por los complicados pasos hacia la residencia permanente. ¡También tenemos un nuevo Presidente y, por lo tanto, una nueva esperanza! Pronto será posible pedir a los tribunales que cierren los casos de personas que no sean una amenaza para Estados Unidos. También esperamos que el Presidente anuncie nuevos programas como Acción Diferida para Padres de Estadounidenses (DAPA, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Estatus de Protección Temporal ampliado para los centroamericanos que han llegado recientemente. No espere, actúe ahora y hable con nosotros sobre sus opciones. Los tribunales no permanecerán cerrados para siempre. ¡Llámenos hoy para hacer un plan para el futuro de su familia!


he Kansas City Immigration Court is T still closed due to the pandemic. The time is now to explore other options for your

future. We can help you to find a path for your family. Due to the pandemic, the Kansas City Immigration Court closed it’s doors to hearings unless the immigrant is detained. Hundreds of hearings have been rescheduled and we do not know when it will reopen. Meanwhile, your family situation may have changed. If you have a spouse that is a US Citizen or permanent resident, you could qualify for a green card! We have helped many families to navigate the complicated steps to permanent residency. We also have a new president and therefore new hope! It will be possible soon to ask the courts to close cases for people who are not a threat to the US. We also expect the president to announce new programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) and expanded Temporary Protected Status for Central Americans who have arrived recently. Do not wait - take action now and talk to us about your options. The courts will not stay closed forever. Call us today to make a plan for your family’s future!



Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021

New Saturday Hours at Armory Vaccination Facility Start Saturday, April 10! ¡Las nuevas horas de sábado en la instalación de vacunación Armory comienzan el 10 de abril!

Obtenga la vacuna Johnson & Johnson Get the One-Shot Johnson & Johnson cualquier sábado de este mes Vaccine Any Saturday This Month El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno he Unified Government Public Health ¡ Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas) tiene noticias T Department (UGPHD) has exciting news! interesantes! Ahora, la instalación de vacunación Now the Armory vaccination facility will be open Armory estará abierta los sábados de abril, de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. Cualquier persona que viva en el condado de Wyandotte y tenga 16 años o más puede hacer una cita o acudir para vacunarse el 10 de abril, el 17 de abril o el 24 de abril. Nota: ¡estas horas de sábado son SOLAMENTE en la ubicación Armory! Aún mejores noticias: los pacientes que se vacunen en las clínicas de los sábados recibirán el COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson de una sola inyección, es decir, una inyección y ya está, no se requiere una segunda inyección con esta vacuna. C ó m o programar una cita para vacunas en línea 1 . Va y a a WycoVaccines.org y haga clic en el botón azul que dice “Haga clic aquí para programar una cita en línea”. 2. Complete la información de contacto pertinente. 3. Seleccione un sitio de vacunación preferido. A continuación, se mostrará un calendario con las fechas disponibles. 4. Seleccione una fecha para ver los horarios de citas disponibles, luego haga clic en el horario que le gustaría programar. 5. Una vez programada la cita de vacunación, la aplicación muestra una confirmación, junto con las instrucciones adicionales. 6. Cuando asista a su cita, se le pedirá que muestre prueba de que vive en el condado de Wyandotte, como un correo dirigido a usted, licencia de conducir o similar. Tenga en cuenta que cuando los usuarios reservan una cita utilizando la herramienta de autoprogramación, eso significa que serán vacunados dentro de la hora de su cita. Por ejemplo, si un usuario selecciona “10 a.m.” como hora de su cita, serán vacunados entre las 10 a.m. y las 11 a.m. en la fecha seleccionada. Cómo programar una cita para vacunas por teléfono Los residentes del condado de Wyandotte que no tienen conexión a Internet pueden llamar al 3-1-1 (913-573-5311) para obtener ayuda para programar la fecha y hora de la cita de vacunación. Las vacunas también están disponibles sin cita previa Los residentes del condado de Wyandotte mayores

on Saturdays in April, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Anyone who lives in Wyandotte County and is age 16 years or older can make an appointment or walk in to get their vaccination on April 10, April 17 or April 24. Note – these Saturday hours are at the Armory location ONLY! Even better news – patients getting vaccinated at the Saturday clinics will receive the one-shot Johnson & Johnson COVID19 – meaning one shot and you’re done – no second shot is required with this vaccine. How to Schedule a Vaccine Appointment Online 1. Go to WycoVaccines. org, and click on the blue button that says, “Click here to schedule an appointment online.” 2. Fill out pertinent contact information. 3. Select a preferred vaccination site. A calendar will then be displayed with available dates. 4. Select a date to see available appointment times, then click the time you would like to schedule. 5. Once the vaccination appointment is scheduled, the application shows a confirmation, along with any additional instructions. 6. When coming in for your appointment, you will be asked to show proof of that you live in Wyandotte County, such as a piece of mail addressed to you, drivers’ license, or similar. Please note that when users book an appointment using the Self-Scheduling Tool, that means they will be vaccinated within the hour of their appointment time. For example, if a user selects “10 a.m.” as their appointment time, they will be vaccinated between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on their selected date. How to Schedule a Vaccine Appt by Phone Wyandotte County residents who don’t have an internet connection can call 3-1-1 (913-573-5311) for assistance in scheduling their vaccination appointment time and date. Vaccinations Also Available Without an Appointment Wyandotte County residents 16 years of age

de 16 años también pueden vacunarse sin cita previa en cualquiera de las tres instalaciones de vacunación del UGPHD. Tenga en cuenta: Si bien los pacientes sin cita previa son bienvenidos en cualquiera de los sitios, no se aceptarán pacientes sin cita previa después de las 2:30 p.m. Todos los residentes del condado de Wyandotte que deseen una vacuna (ya sea con cita previa o sin cita previa) deben traer un comprobante de residencia, como un correo, una licencia de conducir o algo similar. Se reducirán las horas de vacunación de los lunes Para acomodar las nuevas vacunas de los sábados, el UGPHD reducirá las horas en sus instalaciones de vacunación en los próximos lunes: *El sitio de la Armería estará cerrado el lunes 12 de abril. *El sitio de Kmart estará cerrado el lunes 19 de abril. *El sitio de Best Buy estará cerrado el lunes 26 de abril. Para obtener más información, visiteWycoVaccines. org o llame al 3-1-1.

and older can also get vaccinated without an appointment at any of the UGPHD’s three vaccination facilities. Please note: While walk-in patients are welcomed at any of the sites, walk-in patients will not be accepted after 2:30 p.m. All Wyandotte County residents who want a vaccination (whether by appointment or walk-in) must bring proof of residence with them, such as a piece of mail, drivers’ license, or similar. Monday Vaccination Hours Will Be Reduced In order to accommodate the new Saturday vaccinations, the UGPHD will be scaling back hours at its vaccination facilities on these upcoming Mondays: *The Armory site will be closed on Monday, April 12 *The Kmart site will be closed on Monday, April 19th *The Best Buy site will be closed on Monday, April 26 For more information visit WycoVaccines.org or call 3-1-1.

CDC issues travel recommendations for fully vaccinated people By Chara CDC emite recomendaciones de viaje para personas completamente vacunadas


l 2 de abril, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) emitieron nuevas pautas de viaje para las personas que han recibido la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Se considera que las personas están completamente vacunadas una vez que han recibido sus dos inyecciones de la vacuna Pfizer o Moderna, o una inyección de la vacuna Johnson & Johnson, y han esperado dos semanas. El CDC aconseja a esas personas que sigan las pautas de las aerolíneas y conozcan los requisitos de seguridad de COVID de los lugares que visitan. Se recomienda a los viajeros que usen una máscara en cualquier tipo de instalación pública o medio de transporte. También se les aconseja que sigan practicando el distanciamiento social, se laven las manos y/o utilicen desinfectante para manos. Cualquiera que viaje dentro de Estados Unidos no necesitará documentación de un resultado negativo de la prueba del COVID-19. Sin embargo, cualquier persona que viaje fuera de Estados Unidos deberá presentar una prueba de COVID-19 negativa que no tenga más de tres días antes de viajar. El CDC aconseja a los viajeros que se hagan nuevamente la prueba de COVID cinco días después del viaje y que se aíslen en casa durante una semana. Se recomienda a cualquier persona que desarrolle síntomas de COVID que se comunique con un médico. Liliana González de Shawnee, Kansas, se encuentra entre los residentes del área de Kansas City que planean viajar luego del anuncio de las nuevas pautas de los CDC. “Estoy muy emocionada”, dijo González. “Esta cuarentena ha sido muy estresante y ahora que me vacuné, podré viajar y visitar a mi familia. No puedo esperar para darles un abrazo y compartir con ellos un momento muy especial”.


n April 2, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new travel guidelines for people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. People are considered fully vaccinated once they have received their two shots of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or 1 shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and have waited two weeks. The CDC advises those people to follow airline guidelines and know the COVID safety requirements of the places they visit. Travelers are advised to wear a mask in any sort of public facility or mode of transportation. They also are advised to continue to practice social distancing, wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer. Anyone who travels within the United States will not need documentation of a negative COVID-19 test result. However, anyone traveling outside the United States will be required to present a negative COVID19 test that is no more than three days old before traveling. The CDC advises travelers to be tested again for COVID five days after traveling and to isolate at home for a week. Anyone who develops COVID symptoms is advised to contact a doctor. Liliana Gonzalez of Shawnee, Kansas, is among the Kansas City area residents planning to travel following the announcement of the CDC’s new guidelines. “I’m very excited,” Gonzalez said. “This quarantine has been very stressful, and now that I got my vaccine, I will be able to travel and visit my family. I can’t wait to give them a hug and share with them a very special moment.”



Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021


Black Agave hosts ribbon-cutting ceremony Black Agave organiza gran ceremonia de inauguración “Estoy tan emocionado de que la gente pueda venir y probar mi tequila; es algo nuevo para Kansas City”, dijo en septiembre de 2020 al Shawnee Mission Post. “Es fuerte, pero sigue siendo dulce, no como el tequila normal que te quema”. B lack A g av e es tá abierto de 11 a.m. a 9 p.m. lunes y domingo. Para obtener más información sobre Black Agave, visite https://blackagavekc.com/ home.


e ha abierto un nuevo restaurante mexicano. El 2 de abril, Black Agave Tequila Mexican Cuisine and Bar abrió sus puertas en 9720 Quivira Road en Lenexa, Kansas, cerca del Oak Park Mall, con su ceremonia oficial de inauguración. La Cámara de Comercio Hispana del Área Metropolitana de Kansas City organizó la ceremonia para dar la bienvenida al restaurante mexicano más nuevo en el área de Kansas City. La ceremonia contó con la música en vivo de Triple Impacto, El Veneno Norteño, Mariachi El Andariego y el cantante Eli Lugo. El menú incluye mariscos, carnes y pastas al estilo mexicano. Además, el propietario Ángel Martín Ortiz, nacido y criado en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, destila sus propios tequilas reposado y añejo.

Martin Ortiz — born and raised in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico — distills his own reposado and anejo (añejo in Spanish) tequilas. “I’m so excited that people can come and try my tequila; it’s something new for Kansas City,” he said in September 2020 to the Shawnee Mission Post. “It’s strong, but it’s still sweet, not like normal tequila that burns you.” Black Agave is open 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday and Sunday. For more information about Black Agave, visit https://blackagavekc.com/home.

Story by Roberta Pardo and photos by Michael Alvarado


new Mexican restaurant has opened. On April 2, Black Agave Tequila Mexican Cuisine and Bar opened at 9720 Quivira Road in Lenexa, Kansas, near the Oak Park Mall, with its official ribbon-cutting ceremony. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City organized the ceremony to welcome the newest Mexican restaurant in the Kansas City area. The ceremony featured live music from Triple Impacto, El Veneno Norteno (Norteño in Spanish), Mariachi El Andariego and singer Eli Lugo. The menu includes Mexican-style seafood, steak and pasta. In addition, owner Angel

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ALCANZA TUS METAS EN JOHNSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE JCCC ofrece: • Opciones en línea y horarios flexibles • El ingreso puede ser aun cuando las clases ya hayan iniciado, ajustándose a tus necesidades • Conmañana costos tan bajos, que no aquí Tu comienza comprometen tu estabilidad financiera

Cosmetología Higiene dental Estética Codificación médica Tecnología de uñas Enfermería práctica

PUEDES CAMBIAR EL ROSTRO DE LA COSMETOLOGÍA Y LA SALUD Descubre trabajos bien remunerados y gratificantes a través de los programas de educación técnica y profesional de JCCC en estos campos y más. Los tamaños de clase más pequeños, las tasas de matrícula asequibles y las opciones flexibles de impartición de cursos distinguen a JCCC.

Inscríbete hoy. jccc.edu/enroll

y ahora. ¡Inscríbete ya! jccc.edu/enroll

Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021

Classified Information

To Place a Classified ad Call: 816-221-4747 by Fax: 913-287-5881

Hours: 10AM -5PM Mon-Frid Closed: Saturday and Sunday


Due Every Tuesday at Noon (12:00PM)


or email us to

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Professional, Technology, Business, Management, Retail, Sales, Health Care, etc...


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Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc...



Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc...


Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...



INVITATION TO BID Bids for Improve 4-Plex Area Access Bennett Spring State

We’re Hiring

Landscape Laborers •Must have a valid Driver’s License •Be able to work in all weather conditions •Full time, permanent work year round •Have basic knowledge of plants desired •Willing to learn and grow within the company

Estamos contratando

diseñadores de jardines •Debe tener licencia de conducir válida •Debe ser capaz de trabajar en todas las condiciones climáticas •Tiempo completo, trabajo permanente todo el año •Conocimiento básico de plantas, un plus •Dispuesto a aprender y crecer dentro de la compañía


www.thegreensman.com 7213 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO 64131


Tuff Turf Landscape is seeking experienced landscapers! Drivers licenses preferred. Landscape, hardscape, mowing, maintenance positions available. Pay is based upon experience/ability to drive and perform to managers expectations.

Earn up to $22 per hour if you fit criteria!

Please call or text Matt at 913.283.1165 to set up a time to meet at our office in Merriam, Ks.

Park, Lebanon, MO, Project No. X200701 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, May 6, 2021. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

INVITATION TO BID Bids for Roof Replacement, Albany Readiness Center,

“We are looking for people to work in landscaping, cleaning and repairs”

Project No. T200101, will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, 4/29/2021 via MissouriBUYS. Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project


information, go to:





Buscamos gente para el equipo de RECAMARERAS!


El pago es de $13 la hora según la experiencia. Aplique en persona hoy mismo! 8551 N Church Road Kansas City, MO 64157 816.415.9600 Hablamos en español. ¡Únase a nosotros!


FOR RENT Departamentos


Ridge Departamentos de 1 y 2 recamaras

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$200 de deposito • Las mejores escuelas • Alberca • Lavandería • Electricos • Camara de seguridad Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594


Compañia en Overland Park esta buscando personas para trabajar en jardinería, limpieza y reparaciones. Debe tener experiencia previa. Interesados por favor comunicarse con Leticia al

913-239-0169 . El salario comienza a $12/hr dependiendo de la experiencia.

Company in Overland Park is looking for people to work in landscaping, cleaning and repairs. Must have prior experience. Interested parties please contact Leticia at RECYCLE 913-239-0169. Salary starts ME! at $12 / hr depending on experience.

Bids for Repairs to Exterior & Parking L o t s , Tr o o p G Headquarters & Crime Lab, Project No. R2008-01, will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, 4/29/2021 via MissouriBUYS. Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project information, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities

HELP WANTED NOW HIRING Groundskeeper Mowing, raking, operating small equipment Day shift Seasonal & Full time available. Apply at: https://www. lakequivira.org/ careers

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021 HELP WANTED






Several positions available with KCMO’s Public Works Department, Operations Division, 4725 Coal Mine Rd. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Operates trucks on road maintenance and street repair work hauling cold patch, hot asphalt, gravel, rocks and abrasives; drives trucks in transporting personnel and materials to designated work sites. Drives a truck engaged in street-cleaning activities. Participates in snow plowing and snow removal operations. Drives a truck with a flat-bed trailer for hauling construction equipment; drives construction equipment on and off lo-boy units. Operates a large construction tractor or crawlertype bulldozer in pulling a sheep's foot compacting street and road sub-grades. Operates medium grade tractors in the mowing of grass, parks and vacant lots, and chain saws in the cutting of tree branches and limbs. Operates spray equipment in conjunction with pesticide operations. Operates a heavy power driven roller in patching and ironing asphalt street surfaces. Operates a front-end loader up to 2-1/2 cubic yard in loading sweeper piles, broken pipe, dirt, rocks and debris; leads helper who assists in loading operations. Operates a backhoe/excavator in trenching, filling or other minor excavation; carefully plans and executes work to avoid damage to underground pipes and cables. Makes field repairs to equipment, and as necessary, assists machinists and mechanics on major repairs; services assigned equipment with fuel, oil, water and grease. Installs, removes and relocates roadway markings. Drives box truck, pickups, flatbeds and platform truck. Reports daily marking activities. Responds to emergency requests. Install signs and sets barricades. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES 6 months of experience in the operation of trucks and other specialized automotive equipment. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $14.82-$23.16/ hour. Application Deadline: April 12, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (Job Opening ID #513161) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Human Resources Department, Benefits Office, 414 East 12th Street. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m.-5 :00 p.m. Assists with the administration of FML for the entire City population. Assists with emailing and mailing FML packets. Reviews employee requests for leave and provides written responses. Meets with employees to provide assistance with FML form completion. Creates new employee processing packets. Presents benefits information to new hires. Processes new hires in PeopleSoft and closes out benefit events. Collects necessary paperwork from employees and inputs this information into the system. Answers all incoming calls and assists employees that come into the division with questions or issues regarding benefits. Completes the monthly arrears report and mails out the subsequent letters to employees. Handles all correspondence sent to the Benefits email box. Retrieves and processes mail. Assists with the annual Open Enrollment event and all other duties as assigned. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/ hour Application Deadline: April 12, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.





Equipment Operator (Job Opening ID #513159)


EEO INVESTIGATOR (Senior Human Resources Specialist/ Human Resources Specialist) (Job Opening ID #513162) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Human Resources Department, EEOC Administration Division, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. May require extended and/or weekend hours. Will be filled as Senior Human Resources Specialist OR Human Resources Specialist. Conducts investigations into internal EEO related complaints and allegations of Harassment/ Discrimination/ EEO Policy violations in accordance with City policy. Advises complainant (orally and in writing) of the City’s EEO complaint process where applicable. Interprets routine to semi-complex City/Department policies, employment laws, CBA provisions, etc. Submits written investigation findings to the Division Manager for review. Assists in developing/facilitating EEO related training for supervisors/ employees. Develops data/ metric reports. Utilizes excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Effectively facilitates discussions between individuals/ groups with differing opinions and articulates decisions to all parties in a clear, concise manner. Senior Human Resources Specialist REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree and 3 years of professional human resource experience in a business or public sector organization, including 2 years of experience at the level of the City’s Human Resources Specialist. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Human Resources Specialist REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 1 year of professional human resource experience in a business or public sector organization. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Preference given for experience conducting EEO and/or internal employment investigations. Salary Range: Senior Human Resources Specialist: $4,945-$8,833/month; Human Resources Specialist: $21.88-$35.31/hour Application Deadline: April 19, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST IV (Job Opening ID #513119) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, HIV Services and Community & Family Health Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. HIV Services: Provides support and oversight to case management providers. Ensures adherence to program guidelines, policies, and procedures. Provides information and educational opportunities for case managers and provides clinical support through case conferencing. Tracks system progress towards health outcome and ensure quality case management services are provided to Ryan White clients in the region. Facilitates recurring meetings to ensure coordination of care amongst sub-recipients and various stakeholders. Resolves issues and creating parity amongst subrecipient agencies. Represents the region’s HIV case management needs and the interests of the Kansas City Health Department at local, state, and federal advisory groups and committees. Performs effective written and verbal communication skills, with the goal of building strong collaboration and resource networks throughout the community. Maintains well organized records and documentation. Performs independent decision making, prioritizing activities, meetings goals and objectives in a timely fashion, and managing a significant amount of project details. Community & Family Health: Engages community groups, nonprofits, faith groups, businesses, and other sectors to promote the implementation of violence prevention strategies adopted by the City Council in August 2020. Develops tools and resources that support stakeholders' implementation of recommended strategies and manages relationships with contractors tasked with implementing prevention strategies that address the risk factors associated with household and community violence. Coordinates outreach efforts with community groups to promote the importance of COVID-19 vaccination. Improves KCHD relationships with partners through the development and maintenance of relevant, up-todate presentations and materials. Assists with the development of culturally-tailored communications and marketing materials. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 6 (OR an accredited Master’s degree and 4) years of responsible health related experience in the fields of public health with the federal, state or local government or in the private health sector, including 1 year at a level comparable to the City's Public Health Specialist III; OR a doctorate in veterinary science, health education or public health or Doctor of Medicine (M. D.) and 1 year of experience at a level comparable to the City's Public Health Specialist III; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. For HIV Services, preference for an accredited Master’s degree in social work or nursing, or Licensed Clinical Social Worker, or individuals with experience working in Ryan White Case Management or other social service/public health agencies servicing persons living with HIV, or 5 years in medical case management with at least 2 years in an administrative capacity, or 2 years of experience working closely with individuals with HIV/AIDS and their families, or 3 years of experience in supervising (supervision of three or more staff preferred). Salary Range: $4,848-$7,534/ month. Application Deadline: April 12, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

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Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 14 • April 08 - April 14, 2021 HELP WANTED








The Little Blue Valley Sewer District will accept separate sealed bids from qualified persons or firms interested in providing the following: BIDS FOR GRANDVIEW INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT FOR THE LITTLE BLUE VALLEY SEWER DISTRICT Atherton Wastewater Treatment Plant 21208 East Old Atherton Road Independence, MO 64058 Site Visit Required Prior to Bid Opening. COVID requirements are in place. BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AND WILL BE OPENED: Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 2:00 P.M. Local Time PLEASE MARK YOUR ENVELOPE: SEALED BID #10-2417-0321 “GRANDVIEW INTERCEPTOR REHABILITATION PROJECT” AND RETURN IT TO: Little Blue Valley Sewer District Tammy Prater 21208 E Old Atherton Road Independence, Missouri 64058 The District intends to secure bids from a qualified persons or firms to perform rehabilitation and repair of the Districts interceptor and manholes in one or more location near Grandview Missouri. Work to be performed includes but is not limited to manhole raising, manhole epoxy lining, cured-in place pipe liner and bypass pumping. Bid Documents are available on the Demandstar website, www.demandstar.com, or by calling them at 1-800331-5337. Direct all questions regarding this bid to Rachelle Lowe at (816) 760-2117, extension 2215, or Tammy Prater at 816 796-7660, extension 2130. The Little Blue Valley Sewer District (referred to as the “District”) reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive technical defects in bids, and to select the bid(s) deemed most advantageous to the District. BE ADVISED THAT THE DISTRICT IS A BODY POLITIC, IS TAX EXEMPT AND QUALIFIES FOR G.S.A. PRICING, WHEN APPLICABLE.

PUBLIC NOTICE The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC) will receive Proposals for the following: One-Stop Operator Staffing Services For the Kansas City & Vicinity Workforce Development Board Through the Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC), Managing Entity/Fiscal Agent The Full Employment Council is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide an OneStop Operator Staffing Staff for the Kansas City & Vicinity Workforce Development Board American Job Center. Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: Missouri Job Center, 1740 Paseo Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108, and by contacting Andrea Robins, Senior Director of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1255. Proposals can also be downloaded at www.kcvworks.org. A pre-bid conference will be held via Zoom on April 8, 2021 at 10:30 am. To receive link for conference, email B. Michael Long at mlong@feckc.org. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies are acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 4:30 pm on April 23, 2021. Proposals should be addressed in the following manner, Attention: Andrea Robins, Director of Planning, Compliance and Management Systems, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. This request for proposal is not to be construed as a contract or commitment of any kind. The Full Employment Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. It is the policy of the Full Employment Council not to discriminate in access to, or employment in, its programs and activities for any unlawful reason, such as race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability in Violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and applicable regulations. EOE/AA/M/F/V/ADA/E-VERIFY

The Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC) will receive Proposals for the following: One-Stop Operator Staffing Services For the Eastern Jackson County Workforce Development Board Through the Full Employment Council, Inc. (FEC), Managing Entity/Fiscal Agent The Full Employment Council is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide an OneStop Operator Staffing Staff for the Eastern Jackson County Workforce Development Board American Job Center. Copies of the RFP may be obtained at: Missouri Job Center, 15301 E 23rd Street, Independence, MO 64055, and by contacting Andrea Robins, Senior Director of Planning, at 816-471-2330, ext. 1255. Proposals can also be downloaded at www.ejacworks.org. A pre-bid conference will be held via Zoom April 8, 2021 at 2:00 pm. To receive link for conference, email B. Michael Long at mlong@feckc. org. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. To be considered, one (1) original and four (4) copies (4 CD copies are acceptable) of a proposal must be received and stamped by FEC no later than 4:30 pm on April 23, 2021. Proposals should be addressed in the following manner, Attention: Andrea Robins, Director of Planning, Compliance and Management Systems, Full Employment Council, Inc., 1740 Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64108. This request for proposal is not to be construed as a contract or commitment of any kind. The Full Employment Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to take any or all proposals under advisement, or to accept any proposals as may be deemed in its interest as meeting the standards of best and lowest proposal. It is the policy of the Full Employment Council not to discriminate in access to, or employment in, its programs and activities for any unlawful reason, such as race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability in Violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and applicable regulations. EOE/AA/M/F/V/ADA/E-VERIFY EMPLOYER

If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, report it immediately to the Child Abuse Hotline* or call 911. Missouri Hotline number: 800-392-3738 For hearing and speech impaired, please contact Relay Missouri 1-800-735-2466/voice or 1-800-735-2966/text phone. Kansas Hotline number: 800-922-5330 *The Children’s Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline Unit (CA/NHU) accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Reports are received through a toll-free telephone line which is answered seven days a week, 24 hours a day. If the child is in immediate danger, call 911.

Si sospechas que un niño ha sido víctima del abuso o la negligencia, repórtalo de inmediato a la Línea para Denunciar el Abuso de los Niños* o al 911. En Missouri: 800-392-3738 Para reportar el abuso por medio de un mensaje de texto: 1-800-669-8689 En Kansas: 800-922-5330 *La Línea para Denunciar el Abuso de los Niños de la División de Menores (Childen’s Division o CA/NHU, por sus siglas en inglés) acepta reportes confidenciales del presunto abuso de niños, negligencia o explotación. Los reportes se pueden hacer a través de su línea telefónica gratuita los 7 días de la semana, las 24 horas al día. Si un niño está en peligro, llama al 911.

What your Consulate can do for you/ Lo que tu consulado hace por ti nas 500 mil personas U que se identifican como mexicanas viven en

los estados de Kansas y Missouri, así como en la parte oeste de Oklahoma. Brindar servicios, proteger sus derechos y vincularse con esta comunidad es responsabilidad del Consulado de México en Kansas City, Missouri, que cubre un territorio de unos 500 mil kilómetros cuadrados, casi dos veces el tamaño del estado de Chihuahua. En este distrito o circunscripción consular hay mexicanas y mexicanos trabajando en investigación científica contra COVID19, en la Reserva Federal, en finanzas, ferrocarriles y telecomunicaciones, jugando en la MLS o béisbol profesional y, como comentaba la semana anterior, en labores esenciales en el campo, la construcción y en servicios y preparación de alimentos. Diversa y valiosa, esta población requiere servicios consulares todos los días del año y a toda hora: asistencia a quienes tienen familiares hospitalizados o que por desgracia fallecieron por la pandemia, orientación sobre trato con autoridades, oportunidades educativas, desarrollo económico y cuidado de la salud, y desde luego, trámite de documentos de identidad y nacionalidad. La pandemia ha ocasionado ajustes en la atención en el consulado para proteger la salud de nuestra comunidad y de nuestro equipo de trabajo, procurando siempre brindar servicio de calidad a quienes requieren nuestros trámites. Reconociendo que la documentación es el primer acto de protección a mexicanos en el exterior, se trabaja para garantizar acceso oportuno a trámites como matrícula consular y pasaporte mexicano mediante el sistema de citas MEXITEL en la modalidad en línea, https://mexitel.sre.gob.mx, por teléfono, 1877-6394835, y orientando a quienes en casos de urgencia probada escriben al correo electrónico conkansas@sre.gob.mx. Para solicitar asistencia y protección consular para DACA, así como en caso de detención migratoria, violencia contra la mujer, visitas a prisiones o situaciones de abuso o violación de derechos, está disponible el Centro de Información y Asistencia a Mexicanos (CIAM), 24 horas al día los siete días de la semana en el teléfono 520-6237874. Para el cuidado y fortalecimiento comunitario, el consulado tiene actividades regulares en la Ventanilla de Salud y le puede asesorar sobre finanzas familiares, oportunidades educativas y culturales. Siga Voces Consulares y entérese en de nuestras actividades en https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/ kansascity/ y en redes sociales, @ConsulMexKan en Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y YouTube.

bout 500 A thousand people who iden-

tify themselves as Mexicans live in the states of Kansas and Missouri and the Western half of Oklahoma. The Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City, Missouri, is tasked with providing services and outreach to this community, and with protecting their rights across a jurisdiction of approximately 500,000 km², almost twice the size of the Mexican State of Chihuahua. In this consular district, there are Mexican women and men doing scientific research to eradicate COVID19; working at the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as in finance, railroad and telecom industries; playing in the MLS and professional baseball and –as noted here last week, in essential activities such as agriculture, construction and food services. Diverse and valuable, this population requires consular services around the clock, every day: assistance to families of those hospitalized or deceased because of the pandemic, advice on dealing with local authorities, gaining access to education opportunities, economic development and health care and, of course, obtaining Mexican ID’s and nationality documents. The pandemic brought about adjustments to Consulate´s operation in order to protect our community and our staff’s health, always seeking to provide quality assistance to the users of our services. The Mexican practice acknowledges that Documentation issuance is the first act of Consular Protection to our nationals abroad and we work to assure timely access to Consular ID’s and Mexican passports through the MEXITEL online appointment system https://mexitel.sre. gob.mx, or by the toll free 1877-6394835 number. Those with proven urgent cases and unable to secure an appointment are encouraged to e-mail us at conkansas@sre.gob.mx The Center for Information and Assistance to Mexicans (CIAM) is a resource for DACA applicants or those in need of assistance and consular protection due to immigration detention, violence against women, visitations with incarcerated people, and possible rights violations or abuses affecting Mexicans. CIAM is available 24/7 with bilingual live operators at 520-6237874. In terms outreach, there are programs to empower the Mexican community such as the Window for Health, advice on financial literacy, education opportunities and cultural activities. I invite you to follow Voces Consulares and learn about our consular activities at https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/kansascity/ and in our social media, @ConsulMexKan, in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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