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39 •años•
Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747
Local News•
Local News•
School poster contest winners
Capt. Luis Ortiz
Mexico’s Andrea Meza crowned Miss Universe Andrea Meza, coronada Miss Universo
iss México Andrea Meza fue coronada Miss Universo en el concurso anual 69, que se
Inside• Adentro
Missouri ending federal pandemic-related unemployment benefits
Missouri pone fin a los beneficios federales de desempleo
retrasó un año debido al COVID-19, el domingo por By Roberta Pardo la noche (16 de mayo) en el Seminole Hard Rock iss Mexico Andrea Meza was crowned Hotel and Casino en Hollywood, Florida. Miss Universe at the 69th annual “Me siento muy honrada de haber
pageant, which was delayed a year because of COVID-19, Sunday night (May 16) at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
National news• 4A>
JuanPa Zurita
Drought emergency declared in most of California
Alan Pulido
Noticias Nacionales
Lanza línea de ropa
Se declara emergencia por sequía en California
Regresa a los goles
Ortiz serves community through work with KCPD Ortiz sirve a la comunidad a través del trabajo con KCPD
l capitán del Departamento de Policía de Kansas City (Missouri) (KCPD) Luis Ortiz recuerda que cuando tenía 7 años le dijo a sus padres que iba a ser oficial de policía cuando fuera mayor. En ese entonces, El Salvador natal de Ortiz atravesaba una guerra civil. Ver lo que estaba sucediendo despertó el deseo en Ortiz de ayudar a otros, dijo. “Quería que la gente tuviera a alguien en quien confiar”, dijo Ortiz. Cuando era adolescente, su familia se mudó a Miami. Allí, terminó la escuela secundaria y estudió en la universidad, donde obtuvo su título de asociado en ciencias de la computación de Miami Dade College.
By Angie Baldelomar
ansas City (Missouri) Police Department (KCPD) Capt. Luis Ortiz remembers K being 7 years old and telling his parents he was
going to be a police officer when he was older. At that time, Ortiz’s native El Salvador was going through a civil war. Seeing what was going on sparked a desire in Ortiz to help others, he said. “I wanted people to have someone to rely on,” Ortiz said. When Ortiz was a teen, his family settled in Miami. There, he finished high school and put himself through college, where he got his associate’s degree in computer science from Miami Dade College. At the time, Ortiz also was applying to police departments across the nation. Kansas City was among them. “I (had) heard good things about
UGPHD announces school poster contest winners
Mia, Carlos, Mireya, Ruby and Anai Melendez.
l domingo (16 de mayo), el Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció los ganadores del gran premio del concurso de carteles escolares #IHelpedConquerCOVID. Celebrada en el James P. Davis Hall en Wyandotte Lake Park, la ceremonia de premiación celebró a los finalistas que representan a cada distrito escolar en el condado de Wyandotte y la Arquidiócesis de Kansas City, Kansas. Las obras de arte de todos los finalistas se exhibieron en el evento. “Ver las obras de arte de estos talentosos artistas jóvenes es asombroso y muestra cuán creativos y resistentes han sido nuestros estudiantes para hacer frente a la pandemia del COVID-19”, dijo el Dr. Allen Greiner, director médico de la UGPHD. “La creatividad puede ser una salida importante para hacer frente a un evento tan estresante, y estos estudiantes hicieron un excelente trabajo al expresarse en sus obras de arte”. Las selecciones de primer, segundo y tercer lugar de cada distrito recibieron un
n Sunday (May 16), the Unified Government Department of Public Health O (UGPHD) announced the grand prize-winners
of the #IHelpedConquerCOVID school poster contest. Held at the James P. Davis Hall at Wyandotte Lake Park, the awards ceremony celebrated the finalists representing each school district in Wyandotte County and the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas. All finalists’ artwork was displayed at the event. “Seeing the artwork of these talented young artists is amazing, and it shows how creative and resilient our students have been in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Allen Greiner, UGPHD chief medical officer. “Creativity can be an important outlet for coping with such a stressful event, and these students did a terrific job of expressing themselves in their artwork.” Each district’s first-, second-and third-place selections got a prize. The first-place finishers advanced to the final round
Presort Standard US Postage Paid Sedalia, MO 65301- PERMIT #210
Story by Angie Baldelomar and photos by Michael Alvarado
902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108
UGPHD anuncia a los ganadores del concurso de carteles escolares
Page MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • May 20 26, 2021 Page 2A. 2A. DOSDOS MUNDOS • Volume 33 • 41 Issue 41 • 20 October 10 - May October 16, 2013
Miss Universe Continued from Page 1A
sido seleccionada entre las otras 73 mujeres increíbles con las que estuve esta noche”, dijo Meza en un comunicado de prensa de la Organización Miss Universo. “Es un sueño hecho realidad llevar la corona del Miss Universo, y espero servir al mundo a través de mi defensa de la igualdad en el próximo año y más allá”. Meza venció a otras 73 mujeres, incluida Miss Brasil Julia Gama, la subcampeona; y Miss Perú Janick Maceta Del Castillo, la segunda finalista. Meza, oriunda de la ciudad de Chihuahua, es modelo y maquilladora con una licenciatura en ingeniería de software, según el comunicado de prensa. También es una activista que trabaja en estrecha colaboración con el Instituto Municipal de la Mujer, una organización que tiene como objetivo acabar con la violencia de género. Meza le dio a México su tercera corona de Miss Universo en la historia. Sus victorias anteriores fueron en 1991 y 2010. “MÉXICO ESTO ES PARA TI”, escribió en una publicación de Instagram.
Capt. Luis Ortiz Continued from Page 1A
En ese momento, Ortiz también estaba aplicando a los departamentos de policía de todo el país. Kansas City estaba entre ellos. “(Había) escuchado cosas buenas sobre el departamento de policía de Kansas City”, dijo. “Tenían una gran reputación a nivel nacional”. En 1999, Ortiz se mudó a Kansas City y fue aceptado en las fuerzas policiales en diciembre de ese año. Ha trabajado en el departamento desde entonces, convirtiéndose en capitán de las Unidades de Robos y Detención de Fugitivos de KCPD. Después de haber trabajado en las áreas del lado oeste y noreste de la ciudad, Ortiz ha estado en estrecho contacto con la comunidad hispana. “Quería ser un ejemplo para esos niños, para aquellos que se estaban metiendo en problemas, para que pudieran ver que esa no es una forma de vida”, dijo. Ortiz también quería que todos sintieran que el departamento se preocupa por todos los residentes de la ciudad, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. “No importa si estás aquí legal o ilegalmente”, dijo. “Lo que queremos es justicia”. Mientras trabajaba como oficial de policía, Ortiz regresó a la escuela y obtuvo una licenciatura en justicia penal y una maestría en administración de empresas. Casado y padre de tres hijos, agradece a Dios por la vida que ha podido llevar. “Sin la ayuda de mi Señor Jesucristo, nada de esto hubiera sido posible porque él es quien me guió (aquí)”, dijo Ortiz. También dijo que se siente más cerca de Dios hoy más que nunca, pero que es un trabajo en progreso. “La vida a veces te da altibajos donde tienes las opciones de acercarte a Dios o alejarte de él”, dijo. “Y en mi caso, me acerqué”.
“I am so honored to have been selected among the 73 other amazing women I stood with tonight,” Meza said in a news release from the Miss Universe Organization. “It is a dream come true to wear the Miss Universe crown, and I hope to serve the world through my advocacy for equality in the year to come and beyond.” Meza beat out 73 other women, including Miss Brazil Julia Gama, the runner-up; and Miss Peru Janick Maceta Del Castillo, the second runner-up. A Chihuahua City native, Meza is a model and makeup artist with a degree in software engineering, according to the news release. She also is an activist who works closely with the Municipal Institute for Women, an organization aiming to end gender-based violence. Meza gave Mexico its third Miss Universe crown in history. Its previous wins were in 1991 and 2010. “MÉXICO ESTO ES PARA TI,” she wrote on an Instagram post. Translated, it reads: “Mexico this is for you.” the police department in Kansas City,” he said. “They had a great reputation nationally.” In 1999, Ortiz settled in Kansas City and was accepted in December of that year. He has served with the department since then, becoming captain of KCPD’s Robbery Unit and Fugitive Apprehension Unit. Having worked in the city’s Westside and Northeast areas, Ortiz has been in close contact with the Hispanic community. “I wanted to be an example for those kids, for those who were getting in trouble, so they can see that that’s not a way of life,” he said. Ortiz also wanted everyone to feel that the department cares for all residents of the city, regardless of immigration status. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re here legally or illegally,” he said. “What we want is justice.” While working as a police officer, Ortiz returned to school and earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s degree in business administration. Married and a father of three, he thanks God for the life he has been able to lead. “Without the help of my Lord, Jesus Christ, none of these would have been possible because he is the one that guided me (here),” Ortiz said. Ortiz said he feels closer to God today than ever, but that it is a work in progress. “Life sometimes takes you … (on) ups and downs where you have the options to either get closer to God or get away from it,” he said. “And in my case, I got closer.”
School Poster Contest Continued from Page 1A
Mia Melendez Finalist USD 202
Anjeliette Resendiz Elementary Finalist USD204
Honoring our law enforcement officers
Homenajeando a nuestros oficiales de la ley
020 fue el año más 020 was the deadliest year forAmerica’s law mortífero para los agentes 2 2 enforcement officers since 1974. According de la ley de Estados Unidos desde 1974. Según un to a report released in January by the National informe publicado en enero por el Fondo Nacional en Memoria de los Oficiales de las Fuerzas del Orden, 295 agentes de la ley locales, estatales, federales, militares y tribales en Estados Unidos murieron en la línea de deber el año pasado. Sus nombres han sido grabados en la cara del monumento de piedra a los oficiales caídos en el Museo y Memorial Nacional de las Fuerzas del Orden en Washington, DC. Cada año durante la Semana de la Policía Nacional, este año, del 9 al 15 de mayo, se agregan los nombres de los oficiales caídos del año anterior. El monumento incluye dos paredes de mármol
Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 295 local, state, federal, military and tribal law enforcement officers in the U.S. died in the line of duty last year. Their names have been etched into the face of the stone monument to fallen officers at the National Law Enforcement Museum and Memorial in Washington, D.C. Every year during National Police Week – this year, May 9-15 -- the names of the previous year’s fallen officers are added. The memorial includes two 304-foot-long
de 304 pies de largo inscritas con los nombres de 20,267 agentes de la ley estadounidenses muertos en el cumplimiento del deber desde la primera muerte conocida en el cumplimiento del deber en 1786; una piscina reflectante; y dos estatuas de bronce de leones adultos y dos cachorros. El Museo Nacional de las Fuerzas del Orden se inauguró en 2018 para homenajear a los oficiales caídos, contar la historia de las fuerzas del orden estadounidense e involucrar a los visitantes a través de exhibiciones inmersivas y experimentales. Su colección incluye más de 21,000 artefactos de todas las épocas de las fuerzas del orden estadounidense. Por segundo año consecutivo, la pandemia obligó a eventos virtuales en el museo en conmemoración de la Semana de la Policía Nacional. Sin embargo, el museo está planeando eventos en persona del 13 al 17 de octubre “para ofrecer el mismo respeto, honor, recuerdo y apoyo comunitario que la Semana de la Policía Nacional”. Estados Unidos ha observado la Semana de la Policía Nacional desde 1962, cuando el entonces presidente John Kennedy emitió la Proclamación 3466: Semana de la Policía y Día Conmemorativo de los Oficiales de la Paz. Hizo un llamado a los estadounidenses para que observen el Día Conmemorativo de los Oficiales de la Paz en honor a aquellos oficiales de paz que, a través de sus valientes acciones, perdieron la vida o quedaron discapacitados en el desempeño de su deber. Los agentes del orden arriesgan sus vidas cada vez que se presentan al servicio. Durante la pandemia, estuvieron en primera línea sirviendo y protegiendo, y en el proceso, exponiéndose al mortal coronavirus, que se cobró la vida de 182 agentes del orden. Debido a la mala conducta a veces mortal en los últimos tiempos de un puñado de agentes del orden en enfrentamientos separados en varios lugares, ha habido campañas para demonizar y abolir a la policía. Es fácil perder la perspectiva cuando se consideran circunstancias altamente emocionales, que representan las confrontaciones violentas, pero es esencial mantener la perspectiva para comprender lo que realmente importa y resolver los problemas de manera efectiva. Los agentes del orden son falibles; como todos los humanos, cometen errores; también lo hacen las personas en todas las demás áreas de trabajo. No abolimos la educación formal por unos pocos maestros malos, o la atención médica por unos pocos médicos malos o salas de audiencias por unos pocos abogados malos. “Nadie odia a los malos policías más que los buenos”, escribió el veterano agente de la ley, Bob Angone. Los malos policías que cruzan la línea deshonran a la abrumadora mayoría que se toma en serio su juramento de servir y proteger, dijo. Señaló a dos policías a los que dispararon la semana pasada mientras corrían hacia los disparos y especuló “dónde estaría la sociedad si no tuviéramos a todos esos buenos policías corriendo hacia los disparos”. Los agentes del orden representan la autoridad civil del gobierno: nuestro gobierno de, para y por nosotros, el pueblo. Eso es lo que queremos pasar a nuestros niños para que le muestren a la policía el respeto que imponen como representantes de la autoridad civil de nuestro gobierno.
marble walls inscribed with the names of 20,267 American law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty since the first known line-of-duty death in 1786; a reflecting pool; and two bronze adult lion statues and two cubs. The National Law Enforcement Museum opened in 2018 to honor fallen officers, tell the story of American law enforcement and engage visitors via immersive and experiential exhibits. Its collection includes 21,000-plus artifacts from every era of American law enforcement. For the second consecutive year, the pandemic forced virtual events at the museum commemorating National Police Week. However, the museum is planning in-person events Oct. 13-17 “to offer the same respect, honor, remembrance and community support as National Police Week.” America has observed National Police Week since 1962 when then-President John Kennedy issued Proclamation 3466 – Police Week and Peace Officers Memorial Day. He called on Americans to observe Peace Officers Memorial Day in honor of those peace officers who, through their courageous deeds, lost their lives or became disabled in the performance of duty. Law enforcement officers risk their lives every time they report for duty. During the pandemic, they were on the front line serving and protecting, and in the process, exposing themselves to the deadly coronavirus, which claimed the lives of 182 law enforcement officers. Because of the sometimes deadly misconduct in recent times of a handful of law enforcement officers in separate confrontations in various places, there’ve been campaigns to demonize and abolish police. It’s easy to lose perspective when considering highly emotional circumstances, which violent confrontations represent, but it’s essential to keep perspective in order to understand what truly matters and problemsolve effectively. Law enforcement officers are fallible; like all humans, they make mistakes; so do people in every other line of work. We don’t abolish formal education because of a few bad teachers, or health care because of a few bad doctors or courtrooms because of a few bad lawyers. “No one hates bad cops more than good cops,” wrote veteran law enforcement officer, Bob Angone. Bad cops who cross the line disgrace the overwhelming majority who take seriously their oath to serve and protect, he said. He pointed to two police officers shot last week as they ran toward gunfire and speculated “where society would be if we didn’t have all those good cops running toward gunfire.” Law enforcement officers represent the civil authority of government – our government of, for and by we, the people. That’s what we want to impress upon our kids so that they’ll show police the respect that they command as representatives of our government’s civil authority.
Nota bene: Nota bene: El Museo y Monumento Nacional de las Fuerzas The National Law Enforcement Museum and del Orden se cerró debido a la pandemia de Memorial was closed because of the coronavirus coronavirus. Está programado para reabrir el 27 pandemic. It’s scheduled to reopen Aug. 27. de agosto. Mireya Melendez Finalish USD 202
Dos Mundos
El Periódico Bilingüe Para la Comunidad Hispana de Kansas City Desde 1981
Dr Allen Greiner, Chief Medical Officer Unified Government Public Health Department and Kay Sharp, Community Outreach Lead Unified Government Public Health Department
premio. Los que terminaron en primer lugar avanzaron a la ronda final de evaluación. De ese grupo, el panel de jueces seleccionó a tres ganadores del gran premio, uno de cada uno de los grados K-5, 6-8 y 9-12. En Facebook, las Escuelas Públicas de Kansas City, Kansas, felicitaron a dos de sus estudiantes por ganar grandes premios. “¡Felicitaciones a la estudiante de tercer grado Duab Thao de la escuela primaria John F. Kennedy y a la estudiante de último año de la escuela secundaria Washington por ganar los premios mayores en el concurso de carteles escolares #IHelpedConquerCOVID del Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado!”, el distrito escribió en su publicación.
Kansas City's Premier Bilingual Newspaper
of judging. From that pool, the judging panel selected three grand prize-winners — one each from grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. On Facebook, the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools congratulated two of their students for winning grand prizes. “Big congratulations to 3rd-grader Duab Thao from John F. Kennedy Elementary and senior Thi Thao from Washington High School for winning the Grand Prizes in the Unified Government Public Health Department’s #IHelpedConquerCOVID School Poster Contest!” the district stated in its post.
1701 S. 55th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 • Phone: (816) 221-4747 • • President/Editor Clara Reyes Advertising Manager Diana Raymer Operations Manager Hector Perez Edit. Production Manager Hector Perez Ad Production Manager Luis Merlo IT Specialist Ed Reyes
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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
We are a Safe Zone/ Somos Zona Segura
sta semana tuvimos la oportunidad de reafirmar que las representaciones de México en el Exterior, entre ellas el Consulado en Kansas City, son Zona Segura para todas las personas mexicanas, en ocasión del Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, Lesbofobia, Transfobia y Bifobia, el 17 de mayo. Esa fecha conmemora la eliminación de la homosexualidad de la lista de enfermedades mentales por parte de la Organización Mundial
his week we had the opportunity to T reaffirm that Mexican representations abroad, including the Consulate in Kansas City, are a Safe Zone for all Mexican people, on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, celebrated on the 17th of May. That date commemorates the declassification of homosexuality as a mental illnesses by the World Health Organization, and aims to create
orientación o preferencia homosexual, o que son percibidas como tales; mientras que la transfobia afecta a quienes tienen identidades, expresiones y experiencias trans; y la bifobia, por su parte, se dirige a personas bisexuales o que parecen serlo. La ley mexicana protege contra la discriminación y la política exterior de nuestro país promueve el objetivo de eliminarla por cualquier motivo, como parte de las labores de protección a personas mexicanas más allá de nuestras fronteras y en foros internacionales para crear alianzas con otros países, entre ellos Estados Unidos, para avanzar hacia el objetivo de no dejar a nadie atrás en materia de desarrollo social y sostenible.
or preference - or who are perceived as such. Transphobia affects those who have trans identities, expressions and experiences. And biphobia is directed at bisexual or seemingly bisexual people. Mexican law protects against discrimination, and Mexico’s foreign policy seeks to eliminate discrimination for any reason as part of the consular protection provided to Mexicans abroad, including the advancement of alliances in international fora with other countries -among them the United States- for leaving no one out of social and sustainable development.
Pasa la voz
Spread the word.
La estrategia Zona Segura es el compromiso orientado a la comunidad LGBTI+ para que asistan a realizar cualquier trámite consular y tengan la certeza de que recibirán atención amable y sin discriminación por parte nuestro personal. Es también la invitación permanente a organizaciones y personas con representación dentro de esa comunidad a conocer las actividades culturales, de empoderamiento y de atención a la población mexicana, a fin de seguir construyendo alianzas y colaboración para promover y defender los derechos de mexicanas y mexicanos, sin importar su condición migratoria, identidad y preferencias afectivas y sexuales. Si tienes dudas o has sido víctima de discriminación o violencia, llama al Centro de Información y Asistencia a Mexicanos (CIAM) al 520-6237874 y sigue nuestras redes sociales. Somos @ConsulMexKan en Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y YouTube. ¡Recuerda, tienes derechos por el simple hecho de ser una persona!
The Safe Zone strategy reassures the LGBTI + community that they will receive a welcoming and non-discriminatory attention from our staff when requesting consular services. It is also the permanent invitation to organizations and people in leadership positions within that community to learn about the cultural activities, empowerment and resources for the Mexican population, so that through alliances and collaboration, the rights of Mexican men and women are promoted and defended, regardless of their immigration status, identity, and emotional and sexual preferences. If you have questions or have been discriminated or attacked, contact the Center for Information and Assistance for Mexicans (CIAM) at (520) 623-7874 or find us in social media @ ConsulMexKan on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Remember, you always have rights!
OBITUARY Paulette Ortiz
de la Salud, en 1990, y se creó para llamar la atención sobre la violencia y la discriminación que sufren las personas con diversas orientaciones sexuales, identidades o expresiones de género y características sexuales. La homofobia consiste en discriminación y en diversas formas de violencia hacia la homosexualidad o hacia las personas con
awareness on the violence and discrimination suffered by people with diverse sexual orientations, identities or gender expressions, and sexual characteristics. Homophobia is the discrimination and the varied forms of violence towards homosexuality or people with homosexual orientation
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urrounded by her loving family, Paulette Marie Ortiz, S 51, of Kansas City, Missouri, passed away peacefully at home on Thursday, April 29, 2021. Paulette was born on
February 14, 1970 to Paul Ortiz and Rita Barrera Ortiz. She was preceded in death by her mother. Survivors include her father, and her sisters, Andrea (Joe) Arroyo, Monica Ortiz, Gerarda (Sam Sparks) Ortiz and Teresa (Ramon) Rodriguez; nieces and nephews who loved her very much, Sierra, Christopher,
Serena, Ramon, Anthony, Paul and Carlos. A visitation will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 5 at Guardian Angels Church, 1310 Westport Rd., with Mass of Christian Burial following at 11:00 a.m. Burial in Forest Hill/Calvary Cemetery, Kansas City, MO. Many who knew Paulette, knows that she has traveled quite the journey with her disabilities. She endured many operations for her cerebral palsy, and she had to leave home to go away to school to learn how to perform simple everyday functions that we take for granted. Paulette attended workshop at Developing Potential Inc. (DPI) for over 25 years. The staff and Paulette’s friends loved Valentine’s Day as it was tradition to celebrate with a big birthday luncheon for everyone. Paulette loved music, especially hip hop and R&B and would laugh and dance. We will forever miss her smiles, hugs and laughter, especially her infamous “Gaa’s”. Though she could not walk or talk, she in her own way taught us many things such patience, strength and most of all, unconditional love. Paulette was a gift sent from above and we are blessed that God chose us to be her family. She is no longer in pain and is free to run, laugh and play. Best of all, she is now reunited with our loving mother who is singing to her our childhood lullaby…Que Sera Sera Donations may be made to the Developing Potential Inc. and United Cerebral Palsy Condolences may be offered at www.mcgilleymidtownchapel. com.
Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
Drought emergency declared in most of California Se declara emergencia por sequía en California Gov. Gavin Newsom E California expanded a drought emergency on By Roberta Pardo
l gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, expandió una emergencia por sequía el 10 de mayo en la mayor parte del estado, cubriendo un vasto tramo de las regiones central y norte del estado mientras soporta su segunda gran sequía en menos de una década. “Con la realidad del cambio climático muy clara en California, estamos tomando medidas urgentes para abordar la aguda escasez de suministro de agua en el norte y en el centro de California, al mismo tiempo que construimos nuestra capacidad de recuperación del agua para salvaguardar las comunidades en las próximas décadas”, dijo Newson en un comunicado, según CNN. Aproximadamente el 98% de California está experimentando condiciones de sequía, según el Monitor de Sequía de Estados Unidos, y casi el 75% del estado experimenta condiciones de sequía extrema. La declaración de emergencia ordena a las agencias estatales que tomen medidas para aumentar la resistencia a la sequía, modificar las liberaciones de los embalses para conservar el agua y permitir transferencias de agua más flexibles entre los titulares de derechos. Newson también dijo que su oficina está trabajando con funcionarios locales y otros socios para proteger la salud y seguridad públicas y el medio ambiente y pidió ayuda a los californianos. El secretario de la Agencia de Recursos Naturales de California, Wade Crowfoot, también se unió a esta última solicitud. “Es hora de que los californianos se unan una vez más para ahorrar agua”, dijo Crowfoot en un comunicado. “Todos necesitamos encontrar todas las oportunidades para ahorrar agua en las que podamos: limitar el riego al aire libre, tomar duchas más cortas, cerrar el agua mientras se cepilla los dientes o lava los platos. Los propietarios de viviendas, los municipios y los desviadores de agua pueden ayudar arreglando fugas y otros tipos de pérdidas de agua, que pueden representar más del 30% del uso de agua en algunas áreas”.
May 10 across most of the state, covering a vast stretch of the central and northern regions of the state as it endures its second major drought in less than a decade. “With the reality of climate change abundantly clear in California, we’re taking urgent action to address acute water supply shortfalls in northern and central California while also building our water resilience to safeguard communities in the decades ahead,” Newson said in a statement, according to CNN. About 98% of California is experiencing drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, with nearly 75% of the state experiencing extreme drought conditions. The emergency declaration directs state agencies to take action to increase drought resilience, modify reservoir releases to conserve water and allows for more flexible water transfers between rights holders. Newson also said his office is working with local officials and other partners to protect public health and safety and the environment and called on Californians to help. California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot joined in this last request, too. “It’s time for Californians to pull together once again to save water,” Crowfoot said in a statement. “All of us need to find every opportunity to save water where we can: limit outdoor watering, take shorter showers, turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing dishes. Homeowners, municipalities and water diverters can help by addressing leaks and other types of water loss, which can account for over 30% of water use in some areas.”
La gran mentira By Chara
By Jorge Ramos
(c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.)
a niña de 11 años vio el nombre del expresidente Donald Trump en la pantalla de mi computadora y se asustó. L “¿Qué pasó con Trump?”, me preguntó preocupada, como si de
pronto se le hubiera aparecido un monstruo en una pesadilla. “Nada”, le dije, “no te preocupes; él sigue encerrado en su casa de la Florida”. Y se fue, poco convencida de lo que le acababa de decir.Estos días lo he pensado mejor y creo que debí haberle dado otra respuesta. Sí hay que preocuparse por Trump. Aunque recluido en Mar-a-Lago y sin redes sociales, debido a que Twitter y Facebook suspendieron sus cuentas, el expresidente sigue representando un peligro para la democracia de Estados Unidos. Ha impuesto sobre el Partido Republicano y sobre millones de personas que le creen una mentira que ataca uno de los mayores logros del sistema democrático estadounidense, la transición del poder y la confianza en sus elecciones. La gran mentira es que Trump ganó las elecciones presidenciales de 2020 y que hubo un fraude masivo para poner a Joe Biden en la Casa Blanca. Pero no hay ninguna evidencia —ninguna, incluso reconocido por su propio fiscal general, William Barr— de que eso ocurrió. Los resultados oficiales indican que Biden ganó con 306 votos electorales frente a 232 de Trump. Incluso en el voto popular, Biden —con más de 81 millones de votos— superó ampliamente a Trump, quien consiguió más de 74 millones de votos. Estos son los datos. No hay otros. Las declaraciones de fraude de Trump no tienen fundamento, pero parecen ser su modo de controlar al Partido Republicano y, quizás, su manera de tratar de regresar a la presidencia. Quizás si el expresidente pregonara sólo la gran mentira, sería menos desafiante a la institucionalidad estadounidense. Pero no es el caso: miembros del Partido Republicano se han doblegado para proteger los falsos argumentos de Trump y defender públicamente sus mentiras. Hoy, cualquier republicano que se atreva a cuestionar la visión trumpista de las elecciones corre el riesgo de perder su puesto en el partido. Así le ocurrió a la representante republicana Liz Cheney. Ella, hija de Dick Cheney —uno de los vicepresidentes más controversiales que ha tenido Estados Unidos y, en parte, uno de los responsables del inicio de la injustificada guerra en Irak en 2003—, fue una de las pocas republicanas que se negó a aceptar la gran mentira y ha sido firme en hacer un llamado a su partido y a los ciudadanos para que opten por la Constitución y no por una versión alternativa de la realidad. Tras el asalto al Capitolio el 6 de enero, ella fue una de los diez republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes que votaron para destituir a Trump, quien poco antes había incitado a la multitud a marchar hasta la sede del Congreso. Trump no la iba a perdonar eso. Y se la acaba de cobrar: Cheney, quien era la tercera en la jerarquía del partido en la Cámara, fue destituida de su puesto de liderazgo el 12 de mayo.
Después de ser destituida y reemplazada por una representante partidaria de Trump, Cheney no se quedó callada. “Hoy enfrentamos una amenaza que Estados Unidos no ha tenido antes”, dijo. “Un expresidente, que provocó un violento ataque al Capitolio para tratar de robarse la elección, ha continuado con su intento agresivo de convencer a los estadounidenses de que la contienda le fue robada. Está amenazando con incitar más violencia. Millones de estadounidenses han sido engañados por el expresidente. Han escuchado sólo sus palabras pero no escuchan la verdad, y mientras tanto continúa debilitando nuestro proceso democrático”. Sus colegas harían bien en escucharla. Una de las cosas que siempre he admirado de Estados Unidos es su certeza democrática. Gana la presidencia quien tiene más votos electorales. Esas son las reglas. Y aún en una elección muy cerrada —como la del año 2000, entre George W. Bush y Al Gore— el perdedor reconoce su derrota y, al hacerlo, reafirma la validez del sistema. Pero con Trump eso no ocurrió. Ni reconoció su derrota ni felicitó al legítimo ganador. Y todo pudo haber quedado como el desbordado berrinche de un ególatra. El problema es que la gran mentira está devorando a uno de los dos partidos que rigen la vida política en el país. Me ha tocado entrevistar a varios republicanos después de las elecciones de 2020 y cuando les preguntó sobre Trump y sus falsedades, parecen aterrorizados y evaden el tema. Hacen cualquier cosa con tal de no desatar la furia del expresidente. Este silencio, o ese pánico ante Trump o la complicidad de integrantes de un partido que ha sido fundamental para la institucionalidad estadounidense, no debería seguir. Ahora mismo millones de personas creen las mentiras de Trump. El 55 por ciento de los republicanos, según una encuesta de Reuters/Ipsos, cree que hubo un fraude en las pasadas elecciones presidenciales. El verdadero robo es a la confianza a la democracia de la nación. Quizás ayude a entender la importancia de esa confianza si ven otros ejemplos menos afortunados. Crecí en México, un país donde los resultados de las elecciones no importaban. Hasta antes del año 2000, el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) controlaba las elecciones e imponía a dedo al próximo presidente. Como muchos mexicanos, aprendí a no confiar en los resultados de las votaciones y aún arrastramos con fantasmas de fraudes. Por eso he admirado tanto la manera en que se realizan las contiendas electorales en Estados Unidos. Nada de eso ha cambiado. Estados Unidos tiene un sólido sistema para realizar elecciones y para contar los votos. (Aunque yo preferiría descartar el sistema de votos electorales por uno que le dé la presidencia al ganador del voto popular). Pero Trump insiste en crear dudas en el sistema. No hay nada más triste y vergonzoso que los miembros de un partido sigan siendo amplificadores de esa gran mentira. Al hacerlo, ponen en riesgo lo que hace que su nación sea grande.
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Page 5A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
Get used to new way of traveling
Acostúmbrate a una nueva forma de viajar Commentary by Tere Siqueira
un mundo con COVID-19, es fundamental aprender una n a COVID-19 world, it is essential to learn EEl nnueva forma de viajar. I a new way of traveling. Consejo Mundial de Viajes y Turismo ha desarrollado una The World Travel and Tourism Council has
Missouri ending federal pandemic-related unemployment benefits Missouri pone fin a los beneficios federales de desempleo relacionados con la pandemia By Roberta Pardo
amplia gama de protocolos para manejar la nueva normalidad para proveedores tan diversos como aerolíneas, tiendas, hoteles y restaurantes. Los viajeros deben acostumbrarse a seguir esos protocolos. Sí planea, por ejemplo, visitar un restaurante durante su viaje, esté preparado para hacer una reserva, ya que la mayoría de los restaurantes siguen siendo limitados en el número de personas que pueden atender. Si está completamente vacunado, podría pensar que no necesita cumplir con los protocolos. Sí, los viajeros completamente vacunados tienen menos probabilidades de contraer y transmitir COVID-19. Aún así, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de EE. UU. Recomiendan que los viajeros sigan las recomendaciones de los CDC para viajar de manera segura. Las recomendaciones básicas de viaje de los CDC incluyen usar una máscara sobre la nariz y la boca, mantenerse a 6 pies de los demás, evitar las multitudes y lavarse las manos con frecuencia o al menos usar un desinfectante de manos. Algunas agencias gubernamentales no están emitiendo recomendaciones; están emitiendo requisitos. La Administración de Seguridad del Transporte (TSA), por ejemplo, requiere que se usen máscaras en los aeropuertos y en los autobuses, trenes y vuelos comerciales.
ansas y Missouri están planeando cambios ansas and Missouri are planning changes en los programas de desempleo relacionados K K to pandemic-related unemployment con la pandemia. programs. El 11 de mayo, el gobernador de Missouri, Mike Parson, anunció que Missouri dejará de participar en los seis programas federales de desempleo relacionados con la pandemia, a partir del 12 de junio, con la esperanza de hacer que las personas vuelvan a trabajar y abordar la escasez de mano de obra. “De las conversaciones con los dueños de negocios en todo el estado, sabemos que están teniendo dificultades no debido al COVID-19 sino a la escasez de mano de obra resultante de estos excesivos programas federales de desempleo”, dijo Parson en un comunicado de prensa. La terminación se aplica a la asistencia por desempleo pandémico, alivio de emergencia por desempleo para entidades gubernamentales y organizaciones sin fines de lucro, compensación federal por desempleo pandémico, compensación por desempleo de emergencia pandémica, reembolso del 100% de los costos de beneficios de compensación a corto plazo pagados según la ley estatal y compensación por desempleo de ingresos mixtos. Missouri se une a Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana y Carolina del Sur para recortar la ayuda federal por desempleo. En respuesta, la gobernadora de Kansas, Laura Kelly, dijo el 12 de mayo que no tiene intención de poner fin a los programas federales de beneficios por desempleo relacionados con la pandemia en el estado antes de tiempo. “Si bien la gobernadora supervisará de cerca esta situación durante los próximos meses, su enfoque principal sigue siendo continuar los esfuerzos récord de su administración para reclutar nuevos negocios y empleos en Kansas”, dijo la oficina de Kelly en un comunicado a KMBC-TV (Canal 9). Kelly alentó a los habitantes de Kansas que busquen trabajo a visitar el sitio web de contratación de empleo del estado (https://www.kansasworks. com/) para obtener oportunidades laborales y asistencia.
On May 11, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced that Missouri will stop participating in all six federal pandemic-related unemployment programs, starting June 12, in hopes of pushing people back to work and addressing workforce shortages. “From conversations with business owners across the state, we know that they are struggling not because of COVID-19 but because of labor shortages resulting from these excessive federal unemployment programs,” Parson said in a news release. The termination applies to the pandemic unemployment assistance, emergency unemployment relief for government entities and nonprofit organizations, federal pandemic unemployment compensation, pandemic emergency unemployment compensation, 100% reimbursement of short-time compensation benefits costs paid under state law and mixedearner unemployment compensation. Missouri joins Iowa, Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana and South Carolina in cutting federal unemployment aid. In response, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said May 12 that she has no intention of ending pandemic-related federal unemployment benefit programs in the state early. “While the governor will monitor this situation closely over the coming months, her primary focus remains on continuing her administration’s record-setting efforts recruiting new businesses and jobs to Kansas,” Kelly’s office said in a statement to KMBC-TV (Channel 9). Kelly encouraged Kansans seeking work to visit the state’s job recruitment website (https:// for job opportunities and assistance.
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El periódico Dos Mundos estará rifando copias de la película “American Fighter” Si estás interesado en participar manda tus datos un email a Dos Mundos is giving copies of “American Fighter”To be entered into the drawing send your information to hector@dosmundos. com
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Si te preguntas si debes usar una mascarilla durante tu viaje, la respuesta es simple: úsala, incluso si te causa algunas molestias. Si viaja internacionalmente, debe investigar si deberá proporcionar una prueba (PCR) negativa o una cuarentena a su llegada. Tenga en cuenta que deberá hacerse la prueba para regresar a los Estados Unidos. Afortunadamente, la mayoría de los aeropuertos tienen centros de pruebas de PCR. No sólo es importante adaptarse a los nuevos protocolos / requisitos que debes seguir, sino también acostumbrarte a tomar iniciativas para protegerte. Al empacar, debe llevar gel antibacterial, jabón y un par de Cubrebocas de repuesto en su maleta. Si viaja con otras personas en vehículos personales, como camionetas o camiones, trate de sentarse en la parte de atrás para mantener una distancia de quien esté al volante. Además, solicite al conductor que mantenga las ventanillas abiertas o desactive la recirculación del aire acondicionado. Antes de viajar y durante el viaje, trate de mantenerse saludable, incluso si ha sido vacunado. Come sano, toma tus vitaminas y haz ejercicio. Mantener las defensas altas es fundamental para disfrutar al máximo de tu viaje. Todos esperamos con ansias el momento en que ya no sea necesario usar cubre bocas o seguir otros protocolos/requisitos y que la pandemia de COVID-19 sea sólo un recuerdo. Afortunadamente, ese momento se acerca a medida que se vacuna a mas personas. Pero hasta entonces, todos debemos acostumbrarnos a una nueva forma de viajar. Ese es uno de los precios que debemos pagar si queremos movernos con seguridad en un mundo con COVID-19.
developed an extensive range of protocols to cover the new normal for providers as diverse as airlines, shops, hotels and restaurants. Travelers must get used to following those protocols. If you plan to, say, visit a restaurant during your trip, be prepared to make a reservation, as most restaurants remain limited in the number of people they can serve. If you are fully vaccinated, you might think you do not need to comply with the protocols. Yes, fully vaccinated travelers are less likely to get and spread COVID-19. Still, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that travelers still follow the CDC’s recommendations for traveling safely. The CDC’s basic traveling recommendations include wearing a mask over your nose and mouth, staying 6 feet from others, avoiding crowds and washing your hands often or at least using hand sanitizer. Some government agencies are not issuing recommendations; they are issuing requirements. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), for example, requires masks be worn at airports, and on buses, trains and commercial flights. If you question whether you should wear a mask, even though the TSA re q u i re s i t , t h e answer is simple: use it, even if it causes some discomfort. If you are traveling internationally, you should research if you will need to provide a negative polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) or quarantine upon arrival. Be aware that you will need to get tested to get back into the United States. Fortunately, most airports have PCR testing centers. It is not only important to adapt to the new protocols/requirements you must follow, but to also get used to taking initiatives to protect yourself. When packing, antibacterial gel, soap and a pair of spare face masks should be in your suitcase. If you are traveling with others in personal vehicles, like vans or trucks, try to sit in the back to keep a distance from whoever is at the wheel. Moreover, ask the driver to keep the windows open or deactivate the recirculation of air conditioning. Before traveling and during the trip, try to stay healthy, even if you have been vaccinated. Eat, take your vitamins and exercise. Keeping your defenses high is essential to enjoying your trip to the fullest. We all look forward to the time when it will no longer be necessary to use face masks or follow other protocols/requirements and the COVID-19 pandemic will be a memory. Fortunately, that time gets closer as more people are vaccinated. But until then, we all must get used to a new way to travel. That is one of the prices we must pay if we want to move around safely in a COVID-19 world.
Page 6A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
Free COVID-19 Vaccinations Now Available for Adolescents Ages 12-15 in Wyandotte County!
¡Vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratis ahora disponibles para adolescentes de 12 a 15 años en el condado de Wyandotte!
vacunas infantiles adicionales los miércoles, a partir de la 1:00 p.m. a las 6:30 p.m. en el ex edificio de Kmart. Estas vacunas infantiles gratuitas son para niños que no tienen seguro o que están asegurados a través de Kansas Medicaid (KanCare). Si un niño tiene un seguro privado, las familias deben hacer un seguimiento con su médico de atención primaria o pediatra sobre las vacunas infantiles. Estas clínicas están destinadas a ayudar a los estudiantes a ponerse al día con las vacunas que se requieren en las escuelas de Kansas antes del año escolar 2021-2022. Los niños y adolescentes deben estar acompañados por un padre o tutor. Para las vacunas infantiles generales, las familias deben traer el Registro de Vacunación del niño o una carta de la enfermera de la escuela que indique qué vacuna necesita el niño. Esto no es obligatorio para los niños que reciben sólo la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Los niños y adolescentes de 12 años en adelante pueden recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19 al mismo tiempo que sus otras vacunas. Si los padres y tutores también quieren una vacuna COVID-19, pueden recibirla al mismo tiempo que sus hijos. Las diferentes vacunas infantiles (requeridas para diferentes edades o grados) estarán disponibles en diferentes fechas. Ver calendario a continuación:
cinations, the UGPHD is also offering clinics for additional childhood vaccinations on Wednesdays, from 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the former Kmart site. These free childhood immunizations are for children who are uninsured or who are insured through Kansas Medicaid (KanCare). If a child has private insurance, families should follow up with their primary care doctor or pediatrician about childhood vaccinations. These clinics are intended to help students catch up on vaccines that are required in Kansas schools before the 2021-2022 school year. Kids and teens must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For general childhood vaccinations, families should bring the child’s Vaccination Record or a letter from the school nurse saying which vaccine the child needs. This is not required for children receiving only the COVID-19 vaccine. Kids and teens age 12 and up may receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as their other vaccinations. If parents and guardians also want a COVID-19 vaccine, they are welcome to receive that at the same time as their children. Different childhood vaccines (required for different ages or grade levels) will be available on different dates. See schedule below: Help for Those Who Need Transportation
Ayuda para quienes necesitan transporte El UGPHD también ofrece transporte gratuito a los sitios de vacunación para individuos, familias y grupos. Para enviar una solicitud, vaya a Los residentes que no tengan conexión a Internet pueden llamar al 3-1-1 para realizar su solicitud de transporte o de vacunación en el hogar. Además, el acceso de autobús se ha ampliado para las clínicas de vacunación de los sábados en mayo en el Armory. Las rutas de autobús 102, 103 y 118 ahora brindan servicio a The Armory los sábados, cada 30 minutos. También hay una parada de transferencia especial entre la Ruta 106 y la Ruta 118 en 18th & Quindaro, Kansas City, KS. Tenga en cuenta: las clínicas de vacunación de los sábados son para personas mayores de 18 años.
The UGPHD also offers free transportation to a vaccination site for individuals, families, and groups. To submit a request, go to Residents with no internet connection can call 3-1-1 to make their transportation or homebound vaccination request. Additionally, bus access has been expanded for Saturday vaccine clinics in May at the Armory. Bus Routes 102, 103, and 118 now provide service to The Armory on Saturdays, every 30 minutes. There is also a special transfer stop between Route 106 and Route 118 at 18th & Quindaro, Kansas City, KS. Please note: Saturday vaccine clinics are for people age 18 and older.
l Departamento de Salud Pública del U Gobierno Unificado también ofrece clínicas E para vacunas infantiles adicionales los miércoles El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado informa que los niños de 12 a 15 años ahora están autorizados a recibir la vacuna PfizerBioNTech para protegerlos contra el COVID-19. No se requiere seguro para recibir la vacuna. Vacunas contra el COVID-19 de lunes a viernes Los adolescentes de 12 a 15 años pueden recibir la vacuna COVID-19 durante cualquiera de los horarios de vacunación del UGPHD de lunes a viernes en sus tres sitios de vacunación masiva. Deben estar acompañados por un padre o tutor. Un recordatorio: las vacunas COVID-19 se proporcionan de forma gratuita y los pacientes no tienen que tener seguro médico para vacunarse.
nified Public Health Department Also Offering Clinics for Additional Childhood Vaccines on Wednesdays The Unified Government Public Health Department reports that children ages 12-15 are now okayed to get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to protect them against COVID-19. No insurance is required to get the vaccine. COVID-19 Vaccines Monday-Friday Adolescents age 12-15 can get a COVID19 vaccination during any of the UGPHD’s Monday through Friday vaccination hours at its three mass vaccination sites. They must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. A reminder - COVID-19 vaccines are provided for free, and patients do not have to have health insurance to be vaccinated.
UGPHD Announces Clinics for Additional El UGPHD anuncia clínicas para vacunas Childhood Vaccinations infantiles adicionales In addition to these free COVID-19 vacEl UGPHD también ofrece clínicas para
INVITATION TO BID MBE / WBE J.E. Dunn Construction Company is soliciting subcontractor/supplier bid proposals for the DPS Arvest Bank - GKC Bannister. Proposals for this project must be submitted to our office on May 24, 2021 by 2:00PM CST.
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There When You Need It
Drinking Water Week is May 2-8 - an important time to remember the vital role water plays in our daily lives and in the quality of life we enjoy because of it. KC Water thanks our customers for the opportunity to serve you each and every day, and we invite you to enjoy and celebrate Kansas City’s high-quality tap water. You can find our new Annnual Water Quality Report, which details the reliable and great-tasting product we deliver right to your tap, online at Or, if you would like to receive a mailed copy, please call us at 816-513-1313 (Option 1).
Project consists of an approximate 5,000SF new branch office and associated site improvements located at 5630 E. Bannister Road, Kansas City, MO 64137 Project related questions should be directed to Ryan McConnell at 816-426-8132 / ryan.mcconnell@ Bid documents can be obtained by contacting Lorrie Smith (Hight Jackson Assoc.) via email Bid documents will not be allowed in public plan rooms or SmartBidNet. Project has MBE/WBE participation goals. Bidders are requested to actively solicit MBE/WBE contractors and suppliers. EOE
El periódico Dos Mundos estará rifando copias de la película “The Marksman” Si estás interesado en participar manda tus datos un email a Dos Mundos is giving copies of “The Marksman”To be entered into the drawing send your information to hector@
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Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
Ariana Grande
B N Ó I C SEC dula Farán
l 17 de mayo trascendió la noticia de que Ariana E Grande y su novio, el agente de bienes raíces Dalton Gomez, se habían casado en secreto durante
Chris Pine
Confirma romance
udrina Patridge admitió su romance con Chris Pine y compartió detalles sobre su relación, durante una nueva entrevista de podcast. La estrella de “The Hills: New Beginnings” confirmó el romance con el actor cuando le preguntaron quién era la “celebridad más grande” con la que salió y que nadie conoce, durante su aparición el 12 de mayo en el podcast de The Hollywood Raw. Los rumores románticos sobre Audrina y Chris surgieron en el pasado y la primera reveló que “salieron más de un par de veces” cuando ella estaba en la serie original de Hills. “No le gustó todo el lado de los paparazzi. Esa era mi vida, estaba saliendo y me seguían paparazzi”, explicó.
Se lleva la corona en Miss Universo 2021
on 26 años, la originaria de Chihuahua, se C convirtió en la tercera mexicana en levantar la corona de Miss Universo. Andrea Meza se une al selecto
grupo de Lupita Jones y Ximena Navarrete, quieres se coronaron en 1991 y 2010, respectivamente. Así celebró a través de su cuenta de Instagram, en donde cuenta con casi medio millón de seguidores; cifra que sin duda se disparará al cielo, tras su imponente triunfo del domingo en el Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino en Hollywood. Andrea demostró ser todo un ejemplo para la mujer mexicana, y no sólo gracias a su belleza, pues también lucha todos los días por la igualdad de género. Meza tiene una gran relación con el Instituto Municipal de la Mujer, el cual tiene como principal objetivo eliminar la violencia contra las mujeres.
Se casó en secreto
Juanpa Zurita
una íntima ceremonia celebrada en la casa que la talentosa cantante y ex estrella de Nickelodeon posee en Montecito, California. De acuerdo a información revelada por los representantes de la artista a la revista People, misma que La Verdad Noticias trae para ti, el enlace matrimonial se llevó a cabo el fin de semana en una pequeña e íntima ceremonia, a la cual acudieron menos de 20 personas. Hasta el momento ninguno de los dos ha hablado de su enlace matrimonial en las redes sociales, pero se sabe que la pareja ha tratado de mantener su relación en completa discreción.
Lanza nueva línea de ropa
a nueva marca de ropa de Juanpa Zurita es Zeta, L una moda hecha en México, urbana y juvenil, que pretende tener diseños únicos y que reflejan la
creatividad del Youtuber e influencer mexicano. Juan Pablo, a sus 25 años, está logrando ingresar al mundo de los negocios con sus diversos proyectos. Zurita además de ser una celebridad de internet también es actor, modelo y activista. Pero su faceta como empresario le ha traído diversas críticas, tanto positivas como negativas. El youtuber no sólo ha sido modelo e imagen de sus propias marcas de vestir, sino también de otras firmas de lujo como Pull and Bear, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana y Calvin Klein. Recordemos que el atractivo físico del influencer lo ha colocado como uno de los favoritos de las pasarelas y de las campañas de moda.
Karol Sevilla Regresa a Disney
uevamente Karol Sevilla se une a las filas de N Disney, ahora para formar parte de la campaña “Tiempo de celebrar”, la nueva e inspiradora
Lorena Herrera
Participará en reality show de HBO
orena Herrera será una de las participantes de “El Gran Pastelero Bake Off México”, según L reveló en su columna Sin Lisonja, Alex Kaffie, y Speedy González próximamente la veremos creando postres en el reality de HBO. El comentarista de espectáculos destacó que Lorena fue una de las doce seleccionadas para participar en el concurso de repostería que está por estrenarse por la plataforma de HBO y competirá con varios famosos. El programa será coproducido por Warner y HBO”. Entre los participantes, se encuentran Omar Fierro, Manu NNa, y la conducción del programa estará a cargo de Angélica Vale. El programa ya fue grabado en una hacienda localizada en el Estado de México y consta de ocho capítulos muy divertidos y llenos de sorpresas.
Regresará en Space Jam 2
n los nuevos pósters promocionales E de la película, se reveló que estrenará en cines y HBO Max el 16 de julio. “Speedy
González” se salvó de la cancelación” debido a la controversia, luego de que Charles M. Blow, un columnista del New York Times criticó a Speedy por “fomentar los estereotipos raciales contra los mexicanos”. Pero esto no afectó pues el personaje está más que confirmado para aparecer en
campaña global de The Walt Disney Company que, a lo largo de todo el año y mediante diferentes iniciativas, invita a las audiencias de Latinoamérica a conectar con las historias de las Princesas de Disney. Se estrenará el próximo 20 de mayo de 2021 por Radio Disney. La canción insignia de la campaña, refleja en su letra la importancia de confiar en uno mismo y celebrar los valores de bondad y valentía. “Oigan que tal que soy una princesa que jamás te des por vencida y que jamás le digas que no a tus sueños”, escribió.
“Space Jam: A New Legacy”, la secuela del éxito de 1996. Los personajes que formarán parte de este equipo son Bugs Bunny, Lola Bunny, el Pato Lucas, Piolín, el demonio de Tazmania, el Correcaminos y, sorpresivamente, Speedy González. El llamado “ratón más veloz de México” aparece, al igual que sus compañeros, con el uniforme del equipo, con una pelota de basquetbol, saltando a punto de encestar. En los pósters también se revela que será el 16 de julio cuando “Space Jam: New Legacy” se estrene en cines y HBO Max.
Deportes y más deportes….
Pulido regresa al gol Alan Pulido fue la gran estrella en la goleada del Sporting Kansas City sobre el Vancouver Whitecaps. El delantero mexicano anotó un doblete y sumó su tercer gol de la temporada. Kansas City se mantiene entre los primeros lugares de la Conferencia Oeste a sólo cuatro puntos del líder Seattle Sounders. Kansas City visitará al San José Earthquakes el fin de semana para seguir sumando y mantenerse en la lucha por conquistar una nueva MLS Cup.
Rafa Márquez regresa al Barcelona El cuatro veces ganador de La Liga con el Barcelona en la década de los 2000s está a punto de regresar a vestir la camiseta blaugrana. El ex defensor del cuadro culé y de la selección mexicana sería DT de uno de los equipos juveniles
El periódico Dos Mundos estará rifando copias de la película “Vanquish” Si estás interesado en participar manda tus datos un email a Dos Mundos is giving copies of “Vanquish”To be entered into the drawing send your information to
del equipo catalán. Se supo que Márquez se reunió con el vicepresidente del club el martes y el anuncio de su incorporación al club se daría en las próximas horas.
Albert Pujols cambia de casa en Los Angeles Albert Pujols, dos veces ganador de la Serie Mundial con los St Louis Cardinals, es nuevo jugador de los Dodgers de Los Angeles. El dominicano de 41 años llegó a un acuerdo con Los Angeles Angels para que lo dejaran ir por falta de oportunidades en el equipo de Anaheim y poder llegar a los Dodgers donde será suplente y jugador situacional. Antes de mudarse con los Angeles, Pujols jugó 10 temporadas en St Louis donde ganó dos títulos de Serie Mundial, fue nombrado 9 veces en el All-Star
(tiene 10 llamados en total) y fue nombrado tres veces JMV de la Liga Nacional.
Revolución blaugrana El nuevo presidente del Barcelona, Joan Laporta, anunció el fin de un ciclo y el inicio de una renovación en el club de caras a las temporadas futuras. Laporta dijo que la próxima semana, cuando ya haya terminado LaLiga, iniciarán una serie de toma de decisiones para formar un equipo competitivo para ganar una Champions League. Barcelona está a punto de cerrar una temporada donde el único título que lograron conseguir fue la Copa del Rey y a pesar de llegar con algunas opciones de luchar por el título de LaLiga, dejaron pasar esas opciones tras caer 1-2 en casa ante el Celta de Vigo el fin de semana pasado.
El periódico Dos Mundos estará rifando copias de la película “The Virtuoso” Si estás interesado en participar manda tus datos un email a Dos Mundos is giving copies of “The Virtuoso”To be entered into the drawing send your information to
Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021
NOW HIRING Joe’s Kansas City Barbeque is NOW HIRING at ALL 3 locations in Leawood, Olathe and KCK. Many positions and opportunities available. Apply in person at any restaurant or come to open interviews at 9AM – Monday – Thursday! Joe’s has more than just great barbeque, including a benefits package, low cost health benefits & consistent work schedules. Joe’s offers competitive wages and is CLOSED on SUNDAYS. If you are ready to join a fast paced, hard working environment apply today at your favorite Joe’s KC Barbeque today!
Joe’s Kansas City Barbeque AHORA ESTÁ CONTRATANDO en las 3 ubicaciones de Leawood, Olathe y KCK. Muchas posiciones y oportunidades disponibles. ¡Solicite en persona en cualquier restaurante o venga a las entrevistas abiertas a las 9 a. Joe’s tiene más que una excelente parrillada, que incluye un paquete de beneficios, beneficios para la salud de bajo costo y horarios de trabajo consistentes. Joe’s ofrece salarios competitivos y está CERRADO los DOMINGOS. Si está listo para unirse a un entorno de trabajo arduo y de ritmo rápido, inscríbase hoy en su barbacoa KC favorita de Joe’s hoy mismo. Joe’s Kansas City Original ‘Gas Station’ Location 3002 West 47th Avenue | Kansas City, Kansas 66103 Joe’s Kansas City - Leawood (Joe’s #3) Joe’s Kansas City - Olathe (Joe’s #2) 11723 Roe Avenue | Leawood, KS 66211 11950 South Strang Line Road | Olathe, KS 66062
Sherwin-Williams Sherwin-Williams is the largest paints and coatings company in the world. With the support of a global team, you can innovate, grow and discover a career where you can Let Your Colors Show. Full and Part Time Delivery Drivers
Part Time Sales Associate Drivers
•Commercial- 3155 Roanoke Road •Industrial-1737 Macon •North Commercial- 4151 NW Barry Road •Olathe Main- 1209 E. Santa Fe
•Harrisonville- 2007 N. Commercial St. •Leavenworth- 3425 South 4th Street •Saint Joseph- 2101 N. Belt Highway •Topeka Main- 3373 S. Topeka Blvd. •Topeka West- 5903B SW 19th Terrace
Part Time Sales Associates/Bilingual Sales Associates •Blue Ridge- 900 W. Blue Ridge Blvd. •Independence- 517 E. 24 Highway •Lawrence- New Store opening in June 2021 •Leavenworth- 3425 South 4th Street •Mission- 7000 Johnson Drive •North Antioch- 5500 N.E. Antioch Road •Olathe Black Bob- 14855 W. 151 Street •Overland Park- 8900 W. 95th Street
•Raymore- 2007A W. Foxwood Drive. •Raytown- 8602 East 63rd Street •Stanley- 7819 W. 151 Street •State Line- 10117 State Line Road •Saint Joseph- 2101 N. Belt Highway •Topeka Main- 3373 S. Topeka Blvd. •Westport- 4011 Mill Street
To submit an application, please visit our website:
Bilingual applicants are encouraged to apply. EOE of all protected statues, including disability and veteran.
Page Page3B. 3B. DOS DOSMUNDOS MUNDOS••Volume Volume41 41••Issue Issue20 18••May May20 06--May May26, 12,2021 2021
Classified Information
To Place a Classified ad Call: 816-221-4747 by Fax: 913-287-5881
Hours: 10AM -5PM Mon-Frid Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Due Every Tuesday at Noon (12:00PM)
or email us to
We accept major credit cards
Professional, Technology, Business, Management, Retail, Sales, Health Care, etc...
Legals/Public Notices, Funerals, Memorials, Personal and Professional Services, etc...
Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc...
We are looking for full-time help in our very busy woodshop! The hours are M-F 8-4:30. This job is specifically for a woodshop assistant. Included is sanding, routing, and various other woodshop duties. This job requires the ability to regularly stoop, squat, crouch, lift and standing for long periods of time. We need you to be: • prompt and dependable • focused and goaloriented • able to use power tool equipment • able to move quickly throughout the day • able to work without supervision • have reliable transportation • Job is available May 24th and is located in Gladstone, MO. • A high school diploma is not required but a good work ethic and being on time is. • Pay is $12 to start with increases based on performance. • Please email us at: lovemade14tm@ for more information.
Several full-time positions available with KCMO’s Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division, 5300 Municipal Ave. Normal Work Days/Hours: 6:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m. (some weekends). Drives refuse trucks on established route in picking up trash, recycling, bulky, yard waste, illegal dumping and/ or nuisance. Operates packing and dumping controls. Keeps time records and sees that assigned collection truck is serviced and maintained properly. May perform or assist in the collection of various types of waste. Operates and labors on recycling trucks, mowers, tractors, weed eaters, other equipment used for mowing. Operates trucks associated with snow plow operations. Must be physically fit and capable of lifting at least 40 lbs. and work in adverse conditions/locations. REQUIRES 6 months of experience in the operation of trucks and other specialized automotive equipment. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid Missouri Class A, B or C CDL prior to the end of probationary period. If moving from a non-safetysensitive position, must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given for a valid MO Class B CDL. Salary Range: $14.82-$23.16/hour. Applications accepted until positions are filled. Apply online at EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.
AHORA CONTRATANDO “Pinnacle Staffing está buscando trabajadores con horarios flexibles. Tenemos oportunidades de primer, segundo y tercer turno en todo el área metropolitana de Kansas City y Topeka. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al 913-353-5557, de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. ¡Se habla español! “Ven hoy y comienza a trabajar mañana !!!
Hiring $15-$20/hr LINE COOKS $500 sign on bonus & SERVERS, BUSSERS and WEEKEND HOSTESS full-time & parttime. Day shifts only from 7-2. Flapjacks ‘n more in Overland Park. Great place to work! Email contact info to : FOR RENT
“Pinnacle Staffing is currently looking for hard workers with flexible schedules. We have 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift opportunities all over the Kansas City Metro area and Topeka. For more information please contact our office 913-353-5557, Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm. Se habla espanol! “Come in Today and start work Tomorrow!!!
Departamentos de 1 y 2 recamaras
Bus Operator Trainee (Job Opening ID #513316) One full-time position available with the Aviation Department, Bus Operations Division, 400 A Panama City Ave., KCI Airport. Normal Work Days/Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. during training, then will be placed on shift according to bid. Attends classroom and on-the-road training. Learns how to maintain the vehicle. Obtains all customer service training critical to the Bus Operations Division. Once the Bus Operator Trainee receives their CDL, certifications, required experience, and any additional criteria, they may be promoted into a Bus Operator position after completing the initial 6-month probationary period. REQUIRES high school graduation. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must obtain a CDL permit within 30 days of hire. Must pass CDL certification and obtain airbrake and passenger endorsements within 4 months of employment. Must successfully complete a 10-year FAA background check. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $14.42-$18.88/ hour. Application Deadline: June 1, 2021. Apply online at www. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.
MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN (Job Opening ID #513325) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, Facility Maintenance Division, 3515 NE 63rd Terr. Normal Work Days/Hours: 7:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Maintains Parks & Recreation facilities including Community Centers, pools, fountains, cultural centers/museums, nature center and shelters. Performs electrical work on light ballasts, transformers, wire single and three phrase motors, plus a variety of electrical duties. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of progressively responsible experience performing routine and moderately complex electrical maintenance and repair work; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver's license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given to applicants that possess a Journeyman electrical certification. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Applications accepted until positions are filled. Apply online at EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.
The City of Merriam- Parks & Recreation Department is seeking a part-time Fitness Attendant. Must have evening and weekend availability. Bi-lingual a plus!
Range starts at $12.23/hour and up, based on experience The qualified applicant will be responsible for supporting the City’s mission by helping to present a safe, clean, friendly, and fun fitness environment for our patrons, performing duties in a safe manner, while promoting the City’s values. Essential Responsibilities: • Provides guest assistance on use of fitness equipment
• Tactfully control overuse of fitness equipment during peak workout hours
Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...
EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (Job Opening ID #513236)
Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc...
515 S Clairborne Rd. Olathe, KS 66062 Departamentos Corporativos Disponibles
$200 de deposito • Las mejores escuelas • Alberca • Lavandería • Electricos • Camara de seguridad Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594
• Inspects equipment regularly for damage/wear and report findings to supervisor • Enforces facility policies to patrons Minimum Qualifications: • Must be 16 years of age • Basic knowledge of a variety of fitness equipment • Must be good with people
Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021 HELP WANTED
MAINTENANCE WORKER (Job Opening ID #513237) Several full-time, part-time and seasonal positions available with KCMO’s Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division, 5300 Municipal Ave.; Parks & Recreation Department, North Region Park Maintenance Division, 1301 NE Chouteau; Park & Recreation Department, South Region Park Maintenance Division, 6901 Elmwood; Parks & Recreation Department, Central Region Park Maintenance Division, 1520 West 9th Street; Public Works Department, Operations Division, 2400 Northeast Russell Road. Public Works-Solid Waste: Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (some weekends). Collects refuse and loads into trucks on established route in trash, recycling, bulky, yard waste illegal dumping and/or nuisance. Operates packing and dumping controls. May operate mowers, tractors, weed eaters and other equipment used for mowing. May operate trucks associated with snow plow operations. Must be physically fit and capable of lifting a minimum of 40 lbs. and work in adverse conditions and locations. route in trash, recycling, bulky, yard waste illegal dumping and/or nuisance. Operates packing and dumping controls. May operate mowers, tractors, weed eaters and other equipment used for mowing. May operate trucks associated with snow plow operations. Must be physically fit and capable of lifting a minimum of 40 lbs. and work in adverse conditions and locations. Parks: Normal Work Days/Hours: work days vary, 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Performs general maintenance and some equipment operations. Performs grass mowing, groundwork for landscaping, playground repairs, shelter cleaning, walking trail installations and repairs, tree and limb removal, daily trash removal with packer truck, hauling, and snow operations. Performs litter control, landscape maintenance, graffiti removal, operating tractors, riding mowers, skid loaders, flatbed 2-ton trucks, packer trucks, and a variety of power and manual hand tools and performs general maintenance for parks. Public Works-Ops: Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Operates chain and hand saws in cutting up tree branches and limbs. Flags traffic, operates weed eater, picks up trash/ debris. Participates in the construction/maintenance of streets, bridges and culverts. Prepares street potholes/depressions for asphalt patching. Shovels hot or cold asphalt mix into potholes/depressions. Rakes asphalt. Rolls and tamps asphalt. Occasionally operates light to moderately heavy automotive and related equipment as necessary. Participates in snow removal activities. Performs related duties as required. Public Works-Operations/Street Maintenance: Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.4:00 p.m. Operates chain and hand saws in cutting up tree branches and limbs. Operates weed eater, picks up trash/debris and flags traffic. Performs construction and maintenance of streets, bridges, culverts. Prepares street potholes/depressions for asphalt patching. Shovels hot or cold asphalt mix into potholes/depressions. Rakes asphalt. Rolls and tamps asphalt. Operates light to moderately heavy automotive and related equipment as necessary to carry through assigned installation and repair work. Performs semi-skilled manual activities in the accomplishment of assigned tasks. Performs snow removal and other related duties as required. REQUIRES high school graduation; OR 6 months of general labor experience. May be required to possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. For Parks-Central Region, preference given to those who possess a Class A CDL and have experience with operating some light and heavy equipment. Salary Range: $14.82-$23.16/hour. Applications accepted until position filled. Apply online at jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.
Backhoe Operator (Senior Equipment Operator) $16.05-$24.31/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512390) Several full-time positions available with the KC Water Distribution System Repair Division located at 2409 E. 18th Street. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Thursday, 5:00 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. or Weekend Nights: FridaySaturday, 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. and Sunday, 5:00 P.M. to 5:30 A.M. Operation of heavyduty, complex, and specialized automotive construction equipment in the installation, repair, and maintenance of water distribution mains, lines, hydrants, and valves. Operates assigned heavy equipment and other equipment as needed. In absence of or in addition to equipment operation duties, performs labor duties related to the installation, repair, replacement, and maintenance of water distribution mains, lines, hydrants and valves. Operates heavy excavator in excavating deep trenches for the installation of water mains. Operates backhoe for excavating deep ditches for the repair, installation, and replacement of water lines and mains. Operates heavy tractor trailer to transport heavy equipment on heavy duty transport trailer. Operates valve turning trucks and participates in valve turning for main shuts to assist contractors, engineers, or a district, or for routine maintenance. REQUIRES 4 years of increasingly responsible experience in the operation of heavy and complex construction and maintenance equipment, including 1 year at the level of Equipment Operator. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the employee’s probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given to applicants with extensive backhoe experience and a high school diploma or GED. HELP WANTED
Water Servicer $15.06-$24.31/hour Deadline: June 1, 2021 (Job Opening ID 513267) Several full-time positions available with KC Water Meter Field Services Division located 1720 Wabash. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Work involves turning water service valves on or off at designated addresses, installing or exchanging water meters and related appurtenances, and checking water meters and appurtenances for leaks and/ or malfunctions, as directed. Uses maps and drawings to locate and dig up and/or clean out curb boxes or meter vaults. Written work assignments are received, in advance, from a central office or orally by an assigned radio dispatcher. Work requires considerable tact and courtesy in dealing with utility customers and complaints, as well as general knowledge of utility operations, policies and practices. Work is performed independently, but subject to occasional inspection by a technical supervisor. REQUIRES high school graduation and 6 months experience in general construction, maintenance, or repair work. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid Class A, B or C CDL issued by the state of MO prior to the end of the end of their initial probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.
Electronics Technician $18.24-$29.44/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512374) Full-time position available with the KC Water, Water Supply Division located at 1 NW Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayThursday, 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Installs, maintains, upgrades, and repairs complex electronic devices including: Programmable Logic Controllers, radio communication equipment, pressure transmitters, flow transmitters, and online process analyzers for PH, chlorine, turbidity, and iron, as well as gas monitoring devices for safety of employees. Also works on automatic access gates and intrusion alarms to provide safety for Water Supply facilities. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of experience as an electronics technician or telecommunications technician; OR an Associate’s degree or its equivalent in electronics and 1 year of related experience. May be required to possess valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. HELP WANTED
Maintenance Repairer $14.82-$23.16/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512658) Several full-time positions available with KC Water Wastewater Treatment Plant Division located at 7300 Hawthorne Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. This entry-level position involves the performance of a variety of maintenance jobs including pump repair, inspections, and installation. Must have basic tool knowledge, and assist maintenance mechanics in the installation of valves, blowers, pumps, basins, clarifiers, and all other necessary equipment. Requires the ability to be able to follow instructions from supervisor, mechanics, and other crew members. Can have automotive, contractor/ labor experience, plumbing, gas engine, machine repair and general labor experience. REQUIRES completion of a trade school or a shop training program; OR 6 months experience in general maintenance and repair work. May be required to obtain a valid MO Class A,B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. HELP WANTED
Maintenance Electrician $18.24-$29.44/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512060) Several full-time positions available with the KC Water, Water Supply Treatment Plant Division located at 1 N.W. Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayThursday, 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. This position will troubleshoot, evaluate and make repairs to electrical components within our system. This position will also be responsible for working with medium voltage apparatuses up to 13,000 volts, motor controls, PLC’s, VFD, switchgear and understanding the NEC codes. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of progressively responsible experience performing routine and moderately complex electrical maintenance and repair work; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid stateissued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a preemployment drug screen postoffer physical examination as required by the City. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department.
INVITATION TO BID BID OPPORTUNITY: the MO National Guard will have several projects across the state that will be open for public bid between June and September 2021. Bids will be received online through MissouriBUYS. The projects that will be bidding are as follows: REBID T2049-01 (30-Soldier Barracks Bldg. Camp Crowder) T2101-01 (60-Soldier Barracks Bldg. Camp Crowder) T2102-01 (60-Soldier Barracks Bldg. Macon Training Site) T2103-01 (200-Soldier Dining Facility Camp Crowder) T2104-01 (200-Soldier Dining Facility Camp Clark) T2105-01 (St. Joseph FMS Addition) T2123-01 (Utility Main Extension Camp Crowder) T212701 (Utility Main Extension Macon Training Site) T2030-01 (Construct Unheated Storage Bldg. Festus FMS) T2037-01 (Flight Line & POV Parking Area Improvements Jefferson City AASF) T2039-01 (Exterior LED Roadway Lighting Ike Skelton Training Site) T204001 (Replace Roof Ike Skelton Training Site USPFO) T2043-01 (Construct Mobile Vault Pad & POV Expansion Clinton RC). To view the bidding schedule and/or the plans & specifications, go to gov/facilities/
INVITATION TO BID Bids for Repair Stone Walkway, First State Capitol State Historic Site, Project No. X210101, will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, 6/3/2021 via MissouriBUYS. Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project information, go to: facilities
INVITATION TO BID Bids for Repair Building Exterior, Troop B Headquarters & Crime Lab, Macon, MO Project No. R2013-01 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, June 17, 2021. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: facilities
Page 5B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021 HELP WANTED
Equipment Operator $14.82-$23.16/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512653) Several full-time positions available with the KC Water Wastewater Collection Repair Division located at 1800 Prospect Avenue. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayThursday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., Tuesday-Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., or Friday-Monday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Installs, repairs, replaces, cleans, and/ or maintains wastewater mains and lines. Transports materials to designated work sites. Drives a truck with a flatbed trailer for hauling construction equipment, and drives construction equipment on and off lo-boy units. Operates a backhoe in trenching, filling, or other minor excavation. Plans and executes work to avoid damage to underground pipes and cables. Makes field repairs to equipment and as necessary, assists machinist and mechanics on major repairs. Services assigned equipment with fuel, oil, water, and grease. Operates equipment for snow plowing and snow removal. REQUIRES 6 months of experience in the operation of trucks and other specialized automotive equipment. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid Missouri Class A, B or C CDL prior to the end of probationary period. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. HELP WANTED
Plant Operator $16.64-$26.86/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513248) Several full-time positions available with KC Water, Water Supply Treatment Plant Division located at 1 NW Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: ThursdayMonday or Wednesday -Sunday, 3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. to 11:00 to 7:00 A.M. This is an entry level to semi-skilled position in the operation of the Water Treatment Plant and Pumping Facilities. Work involves learning fundamental concepts and practices used in water treatment including equipment operation and minor maintenance. Progressively more responsible for routine inspections and maintenance for a variety of plant equipment and facilities. As skills develop, will be responsible for some process evaluations and process controls to achieve optimum performance. REQUIRES high school graduation. Six months after date of hire, must obtain D-level operator certification in water/wastewater issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Three years after date of hire, must obtain C-level operator certification in water/ wastewater issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Must have a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with city policy. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.
Advertising doesn’t cost, it pays! For pricing and more information about advertising in the Dos Mundos classifieds, please contact Veronica by email at :
Senior Equipment Operator $16.05-$24.31/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512609) Several full-time positions available with the KC Water Wastewater Preventative Maintenance Division located at 1800 Prospect Ave. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday -Thursday or Tuesday-Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Responsible for the operations of sewer cleaning equipment, jet rodders, power rodders, and other equipment used in the cleaning of sanitary sewers. Must be able to read sewer atlas maps to locate sewer lines, manholes, and locations. Will be required to respond to all emergencies. REQUIRES 4 years of increasingly responsible experience in the operation of heavy and complex construction and maintenance equipment, including 1 year at the level of Equipment Operator. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid Missouri Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the employee’s probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. HELP WANTED
Maintenance Mechanic $16.64-$26.86/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 512056) Several full-time positions available with the KC Water, Water Supply Treatment Plant Division located at 1 N.W. Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayThursday, or TuesdayFriday, 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Inspects, maintains, troubleshoots, repairs, and services machinery and equipment, including: pumps, valves, motors, engines, compressors, generators, chlorinators, chemical feed machines, lime systems, filters, mixing machines, gear reducers, order abatement equipment, and other water treatment plant equipment. Performs preventative maintenance work on plant buildings and equipment by periodically inspecting and, where necessary, conducting repairs. Plumbing will be a large part of the assigned tasks. Must be able to troubleshoot and make repairs with little supervision. REQUIRES high school graduation and 4 years of experience in a variety of mechanical crafts; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to obtain a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. PUBLIC NOTICE
The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. Invitation for Bid IFB C-21-18 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF KANSAS CITY PARKING LOT PRE-BID: May 24 @ 9:00 AM BID DUE: June 3 by 2:00 PM
$18.24-$29.44/hour Deadline: May 25, 2021 (Job Opening ID 513143) Several full-time positions available with KC Water Laboratory Division located 2 N.E. 32nd Ave. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Performs a wide variety of duties in a division comprised of scientific, technical, and administrative professionals providing drinking water, wastewater, and surface water testing services for the Water Services Department and its customers. Performs routine analysis of water and wastewater samples using standardized chemical and/or microbiological testing methods. Operates specialized laboratory equipment. Documents test results, reviews data, and generates reports from the Laboratory Information Management System. Calibrates, maintains and troubleshoots laboratory instruments. Orders laboratory supplies, and shares responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the laboratory. Prepares solutions and standards by using accurate and precise measurement techniques. Responsible for collecting samples at designated locations at the Water Treatment Plant. Keeps detailed documentation on testing. Maintains a clean and safe work environment and complies with all safety and waste disposal policies. Complies with all quality systems policies, follows Standard Operating Procedures and takes corrective action as needed. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelors degree in Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology, Environmental Sciences or related sciences. Must possess a valid state issued drivers license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Preference given to applicants with complex instrumentation, laboratory software experience and/ or testing water and wastewater. HELP WANTED
Dispatcher $15.06-$24.31/hour Deadline: June 2, 2021 (Job Opening ID 513256) Full-time position available with KC Water Meter Field Services Division located 4800 E. 63rd Street. Normal Work Days/Hours: Sunday-Tuesday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. This position is responsible for dispatching work orders and requests for service to field crews by radio and telephone that are reported through the dispatch office and assuring that all emergencies are reported to the proper personnel by performing the following duties: Relays work orders, messages, and information to or from work crews, supervisors, and field inspectors. Demonstrates working knowledge of other City department procedures in regards to after-hour services for Animal Control, Park & Recreation-Tree service, Health Department, Public Works-Street & Traffic, Tow Lot, and Solid Waste operations. Maintains daily log of work orders, messages, and reports received and relayed. Other duties may be assigned. REQUIRES high school graduation and 2 years experience in the operation of radio transmitting and receiving equipment. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen as prescribed by the City. PUBLIC NOTICE
The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. INVITATION FOR BID IFB C-21-21 FRANKLIN GATE/CARD READER PROJECT PRE-BID MEETING & SITE VISIT 5/27/21 @ 9:00 AM BIDS DUE: June 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM CDT INVITATION FOR BID IFB C-21-22 PAINTING PROJECT AT J.A. ROGERS ELEMENTARY, FAXON ELEMENTARY & (IL) FIELDHOUSE PRE-BID MEETING & SITE VISIT 6/1/21 @ 7:30 AM BIDS DUE: June 9, 2021 at 2:00 PM CDT INVITATION FOR BID IFB C-21-19 HVAC AT BORDER STAR, JAMES AND TROOST ELEMENTARY PRE-BID MEETING & SITE VISIT 5/25/21 @ 8:00 AM BIDS DUE: June 4, 2021 at 2:00 PM CDT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IFB C-21006 ALTERNATIVE MODE PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BIDS DUE: June 3, 2021 at 2:00 PM CDT PUBLIC NOTICE
INVITATION TO BID MBE/WBE Subcontractors and Vendors invited to bid: Centric Projects is soliciting MBE/WBE subcontractors/supplier bid proposals for the new construction of an Arvest Bank branch at 5630 E. Bannister, Kansas City MO 64137. Proposals must be submitted to our office on or before May 25, 2021 by 8:00AM via email to Questions regarding work segmentation, access to plans or other matters should be emailed to Centric, 520 W. Pennway, Ste 100, Kansas City, MO 64108
Page 6B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 20 • May 20 - May 26, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE
Paric Corporation is seeking proposals for the following project: MU Middlebush Farm - NextGen Center of Excellence for Influenza Research. Proposals are due no later than June 2, 2021 02:00 PM The project includes ground up pre-engineered 8300SF metal building on 3.55 Acres, development of land, new building, and build out. Drawings, specifications, and other related contract information may be obtained at ad.html. Electronic bid sets are available at no cost and may be printed as desired by the plan holders. A prebid meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m., C.T., May 17, 2021 via web conference. A site walkthrough will be held at 1:00 p.m., C.T., May 18, 2021. Additional instructions regarding where to meet will be provided at the conclusion of the Zoom meeting portion of the prebid meeting. Those on site must follow the University’s ShowMe Renewal Guidelines. safety-expectations/ Join Zoom Meeting: 4766?pwd=SHFMcnByRzVHeGhBcWlqOVpRMzRwZz09 Meeting ID: 926 8352 4766 Passcode: CP191901 Call In #: (312) 626-6799 PUBLIC NOTICE
Through the Kansas City Strategic Partnership Program (KC SPP), small business owners and leaders learn core construction management and business skills from industry experts. From bonding and estimating to scheduling and project management, this program delivers technical training and professional development to help small businesses realize their business objectives and confidently compete for new opportunities in the construction industry. This intensive six-month, MBA-style program is offered at no cost to Kansas Citybased MBE, WBE, DBE, and Veteran-owned firms in the fields of commercial (vertical and civil) construction, consulting, commercial management and development, and/or final cleaning/janitorial services. Learn more at one of two upcoming virtual information sessions: • Thursday, May 27 @ 6:00 PM • Thursday, June 24 @ 6:00 PM Visit for links to the virtual information sessions or to apply for the 2021-2022 class. Applications are open from June 1 – July 31. Those selected for the class will be notified no later than August 31.
The Strategic Partnership Program is designed to provide you with business and construction management fundamentals to help grow your firm and prepare you to take on larger projects. Selection for the 2021-2022 class and/or participation in the KC SPP is not a guarantee of a contract with the Edgemoor/Clark | Weitz | Clarkson team.
The Little Blue Valley Sewer District will accept separate sealed bids from qualified persons or firms interested in providing the following: ANNUAL NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT FOR SEWAGE SLUDGE DEWATERING CHEMICALS COVID requirements are in place. PRODUCT TESTING DATES: BENCH TESTING: (by scheduled appointment) FLOOR TESTING: (by scheduled appointment)
*Call Keith Navarro at (816) 699-7348 or (816)-796-7660, extension 2215 to arrange testing appointment times. BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AND WILL BE OPENED: Thursday, June 24, 2021, 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME PLEASE MARK YOUR ENVELOPE: “SEALED BID #04-2415-0121”
Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority waiting lists are open to receive applications for PUBLIC placement on the Public Housing waiting list and Housing Choice Voucher NOTICE waiting list until fLEE’S illed. To SUMMIT apply, go to, or by HOUSING AUTHORITY visiting our website at a nd c hoose t he p rogram y ou w ant t o a pply for. ANNUAL PLAN 24 CFR 903 Once the Summit waiting lists will close and applications will no on longer e a2021 ccepted. Thefull Lee’s Housing Authority announces that Mayb1, the PHA shall make available for public review a draft copy of components of its Five-Year and Annual Agency Plan per the guidelines of 24 CFR Eligibility 903, a requirement of athe Quality Work Current income limits re based on nHousing umber of and persons in aResponsibility household.
Act of 1998.
(Total household income not to exceed)
These documents will be available Monday through6 Friday 7 from 8:00 am 1 2 3 4 5 8 toPrograms 4:00 pmPerson at thePersons PHA administration 111 SE Grand Persons Persons offices Persons located Persons at Persons Persons Avenue, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 for a period of approximately 45 days. Section 8
$28,950 $33,100
$37,250 $41,350 $44,700 $48,000 $51,300
The PHA has scheduled a public hearing to be held on June 4, 2021 at Public $52,950 $59,550 $66,150 $71,450 $82,050 Housing 3:00 pm in$46,350 the community room at 111 SE Grand$76,750 Avenue, Lee’s $87,350 Summit, MO 64063. At this time, the PHA shall receive and consider any and allLEE’S comments priorAUTHORITY to finalization of their agencyWITH plan for submission THE SUMMIT HOUSING DOES BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE FAIR HOUSING LAWS AND IS to HUD on or before AN 7/16/21. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER.
“Annual Non-Exclusive Contract Sewage Sludge Dewatering Chemicals” AND RETURN IT TO: Little Blue Valley Sewer District ATTN: Tammy Prater 21208 East Old Atherton Road Independence, Missouri 64058
The District intends to award renewable, annual, non-exclusive contract(s) for the purchase of Dewatering and Thickening Chemicals for four (4) separate processes on an as-needed basis. The chemical specifications are made a part hereof.
The City of Merriam- Parks & Recreation Department is seeking a full-time Facility Attendant. Must have evening, weekend, and holiday availability. Bi-Lingual a plus! Range starts at $12.23/hour and up, based on experience The qualified applicant will be responsible for supporting the City’s mission by helping to present a safe, clean, friendly, and fun patron experience, performing duties in a safe manner, while promoting the City’s values. Essential Responsibilities: • Front desk responsibilities including answering phones, registering new members, and providing basic information regarding events, programs, and the facility
The City of Merriam- Parks & Recreation Department is seeking a part-time Child Watch Attendant. Must have evening and weekend availability. Bi-lingual a plus! Range starts at $12.23/hour and up, based on experience The qualified applicant will be responsible for supporting the City’s mission by helping to present a safe, clean, friendly, and fun child care environment for children 6 weeks and older, performing duties in a safe manner, while promoting the City’s values. Essential Responsibilities: • Supervises children by providing safe, fun, clean, and nurturing environment • Provides positive partnership with parent/guardian of children Minimum Qualifications: • Must be 16 years of age • 1 year of experience working in preschool/early childhood education programs is strongly preferred • Must submit to and pass a Tuberculosis test HELP WANTED
• Greets visitors and members and provides a hospitable experience • Supervises the building and enforces the policies of the Center Minimum Qualifications: • Must be 18 years of age • High school diploma or equivalent • Ability to communicate verbally and in writing • Ability to follow instructions • Ability to use a personal computer and Windows-based software
All Star Auto Parts is looking for a bilingual auto parts counter sales person and parts puller with own tools. Automotive experience is preferred. Please call Robert or Alan at 816-921-9999 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.
The City of Merriam- Public Works Department is seeking a full-time Maintenance Worker Range starts at $14.76/hour and up, based on experience The qualified applicant will be responsible for supporting the City’s mission in helping to present wellmaintained city streets; including drainage systems, street signs, curb maintenance, and street lights, in a safe manner, while promoting the City of Merriam’s values. • • • • •
Essential Responsibilities: Heavy equipment operation Heavy manual labor Mowing Snow plowing Excavation
• Concrete repair Minimum Qualifications: • High school diploma or GED • Knowledge of equipment, facilities, materials, methods and procedures used in maintenance, construction and repair activities preferred, but will train the right candidate • Equivalent combination of education and experience • Working knowledge of heavy equipment • Must be able to pass CDL and its requirements within 8 weeks of hire Benefits: • 100% paid health benefit option • Low-cost dental and vision plans • Retirement plans • Life insurance and disability • Paid time off, paid sick time, paid volunteer time