Volume 41 Issue 23

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39 •años•

Volume 41 • Issue 23 • June 10 - June 16, 2021

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Rosales and Yaquian recount experiences of fatherhood Rosales y Yaquian relatan experiencias de paternidad

Community• Comunidad

Vaccination rate among Latinos in Kansas on par with non-Latinos

Tasa de vacunación entre los latinos en Kansas a la par con los no latinos



ace más de tres años, Luis Daniel Rosales y Alfred Yaquian decidieron que estaban listos para ser padres.


Voces Consulares• Patrimony: It is best to be prepared (II)

Patrimonio (II): Semana de Educación Financiera 3A>


they were ready to be parents. After six years together, fatherhood seemed like the logical next step.



By Angie Baldelomar

ore than three years ago, Luis Daniel Rosales and Alfred Yaquian decided


New Supreme Court and TPS Updates

La Dosis

Entrevista exclusiva con el elenco y director


Nuevas actualizaciones de la Corte Suprema y el TPS


Jaramillo celebrates 40 years of priesthood El padre Jaramillo celebra 40 años de sacerdocio

By Angie Baldelomar

l Rev. Peter Jaramillo celebró recientemente 40 años de sacerdocio. El 23 de mayo, Jaramillo, párroco de la parroquia de Todos los Santos y St. Mary-St. Anthony en Kansas City, Kansas, celebró el hito con una misa en St. Mary-St. Anthony con varios sacerdotes de la Arquidiócesis de Kansas City en Kansas. “Después, tuvimos una buena recepción”, dijo. “Los feligreses traían comida de sus casas (como) taquitos, barbacoa, carnitas y todo ese tipo de cosas”. También hubo música de mariachi, recordó Jaramillo. Aproximadamente 250 personas asistieron a la celebración. Nativo de Topeka, Jaramillo se sintió llamado al servicio religioso cuando tenía 8 años, aunque entonces no sabía que lo que sentía era un llamado. Su familia era religiosa y él era monaguillo. “Mi madre me dedicó (al Señor) ya que fui el primogénito de mi familia”, recordó. “Ella me entregó al Señor; y sin que yo lo supiera, tuve la sensación de la llamada pero no supe de dónde venía hasta muchos años después, pero sentí el deseo de ser sacerdote”. Jaramillo atribuye su vocación a sus abuelos. “Criaron sus familias en un fuerte ambiente católico; y atribuyo mi

Parish and St. Mary-St. Anthony Parish in Kansas City, Kansas — celebrated the milestone with a Mass at St. Mary-St. Anthony with several priests from the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. “Afterwards, we had a nice reception,” he said. “The parishioners brought food from their homes (such as) taquitos, barbacoa, carnitas and all that kind of stuff.” There also was mariachi music, Jaramillo recalled. Approximately 250 people attended the celebration. A Topeka native, Jaramillo felt called to religious service when he was 8 years old, although he did not know it was a calling then. His family was religious and he was an altar boy. “My mother dedicated (me) since I was the firstborn of my family,” he recalled. “She gave me to the Lord; and without me knowing that, I had the feeling of the call but did not know where it was coming from until too many years later, but I felt the desire to become a priest.” Jaramillo attributes his vocation to his grandparents. “They brought their families into the strong Catholic environ-



he Rev. Peter Jaramillo recently celebrated 40 years of being ordained. T On May 23, Jaramillo — pastor of All Saints


Reyna hit with bottle by fan at CONCACAF Nations League final B

otellas y otros objetos fueron arrojados a miembros de la selección nacional de fútbol de Estados Unidos durante su victoria 3-2 sobre México el domingo (6 de junio) en la final de la Liga de Naciones de la CONCACAF. Las imágenes de televisión y los videos publicados en las redes sociales mostraron a los fanáticos arrojando objetos, incluidos vasos y botellas de agua, hacia miembros del equipo de Estados Unidos mientras el equipo celebraba su victoria en Empower Field en Mile High en Denver. El incidente tuvo lugar poco después de que el mediocampista Christian Pulisic anotara un penalti que ganó el partido. Gio Reyna fue golpeado en la cabeza por un objeto y requirió la asistencia del personal médico del equipo. Reyna anotó el primer gol de los estadounidenses en la primera mitad para empatar el juego. “No tiene lugar en el juego: que los espectadores lancen objetos al campo”, dijo a los periodistas el entrenador de Estados


ottles and other objects were thrown B at members of the U.S. national men’s soccer team during its 3-2 win over Mexico

Sunday (June 6) in the CONCACAF Nations League final. TV footage and videos posted on social media showed fans throwing objects, including cups and water bottles, toward members of the U.S. team while the team was celebrating its win at Empower Field at Mile High in Denver. The incident took place shortly after midfielder Christian Pulisic had scored a gamewinning penalty kick. Gio Reyna was struck in the head by an object and required assistance from the team’s medical staff. Reyna scored the first goal for the Americans in the first half to tie the game. “It has no place in the game – spectators throwing objects onto the field,” U.S. coach Gregg Berhalter told reporters. “Total lack of respect for what’s happening on the field and all the effort that both teams were putting into the game. So really


902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Golpean a Reyna con una botella en la final de la Liga de Naciones de la CONCACAF

Presort Standard US Postage Paid Sedalia, MO 65301- PERMIT #210

By Roberta Pardo

Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • June 10 - June 16, 16, 2021 Page 2A.2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 33 •41 Issue 41 •23 October October 2013

Rosales and Yaquian Continued from Page 1A

The origins of Father’s Day

Los orígenes del Día del Padre


very third Sunday in June, AmeriE cans nationwide get together to celebrate the fathers and father figures

celebración, pero se pospuso para el tercer domingo de junio. El primer Día del Padre se celebró en el estado de Washington el 19 de junio de 1910. La idea de celebrar oficialmente la paternidad se extendió rápidamente por Estados Unidos, a medida que más y más estados adoptaron la festividad. El Congreso reconoció oficialmente la festividad en 1956 con la aprobación de una resolución conjunta. Diez años después, en 1966, el presidente Lyndon B. Johnson emitió una proclamación presidencial en honor a los padres y designando el tercer domingo de junio como el Día del Padre. En 1972, el presidente Richard Nixon estableció permanentemente la observancia de la festividad. El Día del Padre generalmente se traduce en pasar tiempo con nuestros padres y darles un regalo para mostrar nuestro amor. En 2020, las oportunidades de dar un paso al frente fueron pocas. Este año, a medida que los esfuerzos de vacunación continúan y las tasas de vacunación siguen aumentando, hay más posibilidades de salir y celebrar con su padre, aunque no se olviden de seguir las pautas de seguridad como usar una máscara y el distanciamiento social. Aún así, quienes prefieren celebrar en casa tienen muchas opciones para hacer que el día sea especial. Cocinar la comida favorita de tu papá, por ejemplo, es una buena opción para celebrar. Quizás también pueda organizar una velada que incluya ver una película juntos. Ya sea que salga a celebrar o se quede adentro, una cosa es segura: lo que importa es pasar tiempo con tu padre. Si algo ha demostrado esta pandemia es que hoy más que nunca debemos aprovechar cada oportunidad para mostrar nuestro amor a nuestros seres queridos. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!

deferred to the third Sunday of June. The first Father’s Day was observed in the state of Washington on June 19, 1910. The idea of officially celebrating fatherhood spread quickly across the United States, as more and more states adopted the holiday. Congress officially recognized the holiday in 1956 with the passage of a joint resolution. Ten years later, in 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued a presidential proclamation honoring fathers and designating the third Sunday of June as Father’s Day. In 1972, President Richard Nixon permanently established the observance of the holiday. Father’s Day usually translates into spending time with our fathers and giving them a gift to show our love. In 2020, the opportunities to step out were few. This year, as vaccination efforts continue and vaccination rates keep going up, there are more possibilities to go out and celebrate with our fathers — though still following safety guidelines like wearing a mask and social distancing. Still, those who prefer to celebrate at home have many options to make the day special. Cooking your dad’s favorite meal, for example, is a solid choice to celebrate. Maybe you can also arrange an evening that includes watching a movie together. Whether you go out to celebrate or stay inside, one thing is for sure: What matters is spending time with your father. If this pandemic has proved anything is that today more than ever we should take advantage of every opportunity to show our love for our loved ones. Happy Father’s Day!

ada tercer domingo de junio, los estadounidenses de todo el país se reúnen para celebrar a los padres y figuras paternas en sus vidas. La festividad se remonta a principios del siglo XX, unos años después de que se celebrara por primera vez el Día de la Madre, cuando Sonora Smart Dodd, hija del veterano de la Guerra Civil estadounidense William Jackson Smart, propuso una festividad similar para honrar a los padres. Dodd quería celebrar a su padre, que era un padre soltero que crió a seis hijos. Inicialmente sugirió el 5 de junio, el cumpleaños de su padre, como fecha para la

Después de seis años juntos, la paternidad parecía el siguiente paso lógico. “Siempre quise tener hijos”, dijo Yaquian, cuya familia es de Guatemala. Yaquian era hijo único, por lo que sabía que quería tener una gran familia. Él y Rosales son padres de dos niñas, de 3 y 1 años, y Yaquian espera que puedan expandir la familia. Para Rosales, un nativo de El Salvador, su parte favorita de ser padre es que cada día es diferente. “Cada día es una nueva aventura”, dijo. Ser padre también le da a Yaquian la oportunidad de vivir la infancia a través de otros ojos. “Cuando te conviertes en adulto, pierdes la infancia y uno puede revivir esos momentos porque hay que ponerse a su nivel para ver las cosas, entenderlas y tener paciencia con ellas”, dijo. Ser padres de niñas es particularmente especial para ellas. Rosales dijo que sus hijas siempre están cerca de ellos, como verdaderas hijas de papá. Tener chicas también significa que hay mucho rosa alrededor. El mejor consejo de los dos para los nuevos padres es tener paciencia. “Eso es lo principal, especialmente para los papás más jóvenes”, dijo Yaquian. “Siento que, cuando eres padre a una edad más joven, te roba tu propia juventud”. Por eso, Yaquian siente que algunos papás pierden la oportunidad de disfrutar la vida antes de tener hijos. Esa es una de las razones por las que esperó hasta los 30 años antes de convertirse en padre. Cuando las personas se convierten en padres antes de estar listas, a veces no tienen la paciencia necesaria para la paternidad, reconoció Yaquian. “Con los niños, lo más importante es involucrarse en sus vidas y ser pacientes con ellos”, dijo.

“I always wanted to have kids,” Yaquian, whose family is from Guatemala, said. Yaquian was an only child, so he knew he wanted to have a big family. He and Rosales are the parents of two girls, ages 3 and 1, and Yaquian hopes they can expand the family. For Rosales, an El Salvado native, his favorite part of being a dad is how every day is different. “Every day is a new adventure,” he said. Being a father also gives Yaquian a chance to experience childhood through different eyes. “When you become an adult, you lose your childhood and one can relive those moments because you have to get on their level to see things, to understand them and to be patient with them,” he said. Being fathers to girls is particularly special to them. Rosales said their girls are always hanging around near them, like true daddy’s girls. Having girls also means there is lots of pink around. The two’s best advice for new parents is to be patient. “That’s the main thing, especially for younger dads,” Yaquian said. “I feel like, when you’re a dad at a younger age, it kind of robs you of your own youth.” Because of that, Yaquian feels like some dads lose the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest before they have kids. That is one reason he waited until he was 30 before becoming a dad. When people become parents before they are ready, they sometimes do not have the patience needed for fatherhood, Yaquian acknowledged. “With children, the most important thing is to be involved in their lives and be patient with them,” he said.

Jaramillo Celebrates Continued from Page 1A

Photos by Milagros Figueroa-Tetuan

historia, mi vocación a la fuerte fe católica que mis abuelos trajeron de México y vivieron aquí en Estados Unidos y (cómo ellos) formaron una familia católica fuerte”, dijo. Jaramillo ha servido a la comunidad de Kansas City durante 23 años. “He sido bendecido por la cultura de nuestra gente y la alegría de ver crecer a las familias”, dijo. “Particularmente durante este tiempo de la pandemia, he tenido la suerte de ver que la gente todavía ama su fe. Y la gente ama a su iglesia, ama a su comunidad”.

ment; and I attribute my story, my vocation to the strong Catholic faith that my grandparents brought from Mexico and lived here in the United States and (how they) raised up a strong Catholic family,” he said. Jaramillo has served the Kansas City community for 23 years. “I’ve been blessed by the culture of our folks, our people and the joy of seeing families grow,” he said. “Particularly during this time of the pandemic, I’ve been blessed to see that people still love their faith. And people love their church, they love their community.”




in their lives. The holiday dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, a few years after Mother’s Day was first celebrated, when Sonora Smart Dodd, daughter of American Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, proposed a similar holiday to honor fathers. Dodd wanted to celebrate her father who was a single parent who raised six children. She initially suggested June 5, her father’s birthday, as the date for the celebration, but the celebration was




Dos Mundos




El Periódico Bilingüe Para la Comunidad Hispana de Kansas City Desde 1981

CONCACAF Nations League Final Continued from Page 1A

Unidos, Gregg Berhalter. “Total falta de respeto por lo que está pasando en el campo y todo el esfuerzo que ambos equipos estaban poniendo en el juego. Realmente decepcionante de ver”. Más antes, el juego se había detenido brevemente debido a que los fanáticos usaban un cántico antigay. Se convirtió en la segunda vez en menos de una semana que un juego que involucraba a la selección masculina de México se detuvo debido a cánticos discriminatorios. El 3 de junio, el partido de semifinales de México contra Costa Rica en Denver también se detuvo debido a cánticos anti-gay. La gerencia de Empower Field anunció el lunes (8 de junio) que el lanzador de botellas había sido arrestado después de ser identificado por imágenes de seguridad del estadio. También han ocurrido varios incidentes similares durante los playoffs de la NBA. Un fanático de los Boston Celtics le arrojó una botella al escolta de los Brooklyn Nets, Kyrie Irving, mientras caminaba hacia el túnel durante una serie de primera ronda, y un fanático de los New York Knicks le escupió al escolta de los Atlanta Hawks, Trae Young, en el Madison Square Garden. Además, un fanático corrió hacia la cancha en Capital One Arena durante un juego Washington Wizards-Philadelphia 76ers, y otro vertió palomitas de maíz sobre el base de los Wizards, Russell Westbrook, durante un juego diferente.

disappointing to see.” Earlier in the game, play had been briefly paused because of fans using an anti-gay chant. It became the second time in less than a week for a game involving Mexico’s national men’s team to be stopped because of discriminatory chants. On June 3, Mexico’s semifinal game against Costa Rica in Denver also was paused because of anti-gay chants. Empower Field management announced Monday (June 8) that the bottle-thrower had been arrested after being identified by stadium security footage. Multiple similar incidents also have occurred during the NBA playoffs. A Boston Celtics fan threw a bottle at Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving as he walked into the tunnel during a first-round series, and a New York Knicks fan spat at Atlanta Hawks guard Trae Young at Madison Square Garden. In addition, a fan ran onto the court at Capital One Arena during one Washington Wizards-Philadelphia 76ers game, and another poured popcorn on Wizards guard Russell Westbrook during a different game.

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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 23 • June 10 - June 16, 2021

Hablando con la abogada Mexican Head Consul in Kansas City Alfonso Navarro-Bernachi

By Tere Siqueira

Rivergate Building 600 Broadway Blvd; Ste 250 Kansas City, MO 64105. Tel: 816.895-6363

Patrimony: It is best to be prepared (II) Patrimonio (II): Semana de Educación Financiera By Lee Wong Medina


os consulados de México en Estados Unidos fomentan de manera continua que las personas L mexicanas se integren plenamente a sus nuevas

comunidades de residencia en los Estados Unidos. Para este objetivo y entre otros esfuerzos, los consulados cuentan con programas y campañas de educación financiera, que operan con el apoyo de aliados locales. El objetivo es enseñar a las personas mexicanas a aprovechar servicios bancarios, de cajas de ahorro, uniones de crédito y las hipotecarias en los Estados Unidos, entre otros recursos, para mejorar su seguridad económica. Para subrayar dichos esfuerzos, la red consular de México realiza cada año una actividad especial: la Semana de Educación Financiera Integral para Mexicanos en el Exterior (SEF). La SEF consiste en una serie de talleres, presentaciones, entrevistas en medios de comunicación, y transmisiones en redes sociales sobre temas como ahorro para el retiro, la adquisición de vivienda, la apertura de cuentas de banco, la creación de historial crediticio, y la recuperación de AFORES en México, entre varios otros. En 2021, la SEF tendrá lugar del lunes 14 al lunes 21 de junio, y en el Consulado de México en Kansas City se han programado pláticas en español que estarán disponibles en redes sociales, y que permitirán atender dudas de la comunidad sobre crédito, ahorro, impuestos y AFORE. En reconocimiento a quienes vuelven a México, la SEF también incluirá información sobre cómo afiliarse a la cobertura del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, y sobre cómo abrir y administrar cuentas bancarias en nuestro país. Consulte el calendario completo de la SEF en nuestro sitio web http://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/ kansascity o escriba a imekan@sre.gob.mx de nuestra área de Asuntos Comunitarios. ¡Pase la voz y síganos durante la SEF 2021 en Facebook, YouTube, Instagram y Twitter: Somos @ ConsulMexKan

he consulates of Mexico constantly promote the full integration of Mexicandescent persons to their new communities of residence in the United States. To achieve this and among other efforts, the consulates implement programs and outreach on financial literacy, with the support of local allies. The goal is to educate Mexican-descent persons on how to take advantage of the services of banks, savings institutions, credit unions and mortgage products to increase their economic security. To highlight these efforts, every year our consular network implements a special activity: the Comprehensive Financial Literacy Week for Mexicans Abroad (or SEF, for its Spanish acronym). SEF is about a series of workshops, presentations, media interviews and social media streaming on topics such as retirement savings, home acquisition, opening bank accounts, creating credit history, and recovering 401K savings in Mexico (commonly known as AFORE), among many others. In 2021, the SEF will take place from Monday, June 14 through Monday, June 21, and at the Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City a calendar with informative talks in Spanish will be available at social media, with activities that will clarify any questions from the community on credit, savings, taxes and AFORE. Acknowledging those returning to Mexico, the SEF will also incorporate information on how to enroll to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS, in Spanish) and on how to open and manage bank accounts back home. You can look up the complete calendar of the SEF activities in our website http://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/kansascity or email out Community Outreach Department at imekan@sre.gob.mx Spread the word and follow us during the SEF 2021 on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter: we are @ConsulMexKan

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New Supreme Court and TPS Updates - Apply today!

Nuevas actualizaciones de la Corte Suprema y el TPS - ¡Solicítalo hoy!

l día de hoy tenemos noticias de interés para oday we have news of interest to immiaquellos inmigrantes que sean titulares de E T grants who are TPS holders and plan to TPS y planeen en un futuro, o estén próximos a, apply for permanent residency in the future, or solicitar su residencia permanente. En este sentido, la Corte Suprema votó 9-0 que los titulares de TPS sólo pueden obtener su residencia permanente a través de la familia únicamente si cuentan con una entrada legal a los Estados Unidos. Anteriormente, los tribunales inferiores estaban divididos sobre si podían solicitarla sólo con la concesión del TPS. Ahora se dio a conocer la noticia de que aquellos titulares del TPS pueden seguir solicitando la residencia permanente incluso si viajaron fuera de EE. UU. con un documento de Advance Parole, o si entraron con un visado. Al mismo tiempo, el presidente Biden ha añadido nuevos países al programa de TPS. Recordemos que, en 2001, EE. UU. concedió a los inmigrantes salvadoreños protección legal para permanecer en EE. UU. tras una serie de terremotos en su país de origen. Las personas de otros 11 países cuentan con una protección similar. Estas naciones son Haití, Honduras, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudán del Sur, Siria, Venezuela y Yemen. Recientemente, el presidente Biden anunció que los titulares del TPS de Haití pueden renovar sus tarjetas de trabajo. De igual forma, abrió el programa a los nuevos solicitantes haitianos que llegaron a los Estados Unidos recientemente. Venezuela y Birmania también fueron incluidos en el programa. Estamos a la espera de que el presidente Biden anuncie cuáles otros países pueden renovar sus permisos de trabajo del TPS y que abra el programa a más inmigrantes recién llegados. Mientras tanto, en la Oficina de la Abogada de Jessica Piedra estamos a tu disposición para ayudarte con tu proceso legal de inmigración. Llama al (816) 895-6363 y agenda una llamada con la abogada para que ella evalúe tus posibilidades de mejorar tu estatus legal en Estados Unidos.


are close to applying for permanent residency. In this regard, the Supreme Court voted 9-0 that TPS holders can only obtain permanent residency through family only if they had a lawful entry into the United States. Previously, the lower courts were divided on whether they could apply only with the grant of TPS. Now comes the news that TPS holders can still apply for permanent residency if they traveled outside the U.S. with an Advance Parole document, or if they entered on a VISA. At the same time, President Biden has added new countries to the TPS program. Let’s recall that in 2001, the U.S. granted Salvadoran immigrants legal protection to remain in the country after a series of earthquakes took place in their homeland. People from 11 other countries have similar protection. These nations are Haiti, Honduras, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. Recently, President Biden announced that Haitian TPS holders can renew their work cards. Similarly, he opened the program to new Haitian applicants who recently arrived in the United States. Venezuela and Burma were also included in the program. We are waiting for President Biden to announce which other countries can renew their TPS work permits and to open the program to more newly arrived immigrants. In the meantime, we at the Law Office of Jessica Piedra are available to help you with your immigration legal process. Call (816) 895-6363 and schedule a call with the attorney so that she can evaluate your chances of improving your legal status in the United States.



Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 23 • June 10 - June 16, 2021

OBITUARIES Charlotte Ann Garcia harlotte Ann Garcia Vidauri, 80, of Kansas City, MO, C beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and sister, passed away peacefully on Thursday, May 27,

2021 at Northcare Hospice House where she had been surrounded by family. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, 901 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Kansas City, MO, with burial to follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Visitation will be held from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. immediately preceding the service. The Rosary will be prayed at 10:30. Condolences may be offered at www.mcgilleymidtownchapel.com. Charlotte was born on February 7, 1941 to Frank C. Garcia, Sr. and Tempest (Arreguin) Rivera and was the eldest of five children. She retired after nearly forty years with the Social Security Administration. Charlotte was a strong, quiet, unassuming woman who cherished family above all. She loved the holidays, especially Christmas, and would binge on Hallmark Christmas movies whenever possible. Charlotte was an excellent cook best known for her sopa de fideo and deviled eggs. She was also an avid reader, often reading a book a day, numerous periodicals, and the daily paper from cover to cover. She read Frank Herbert’s, Dune, every year. She had an awesome sense of humor, loved to tease and had the best laugh ever. She loved listening to music and was an excellent dancer. In addition to her parents, Charlotte was preceded in death by her son, Christopher Robin Vidauri; her brother, Joseph Anthony Gonzales, III; and her stepbrother, David Anthony Garcia. She is survived by her children, Bernardino Vidauri (Yvonne) of Pflugerville, Texas, Michael Vidauri (Joyce) of San Diego, California,

Bee Herrera 1933 - 2021 January 15, 1933 - May 24, 2021 Kansas City, Missouri - Bee Herrera, 88 of Kansas City Missouri passed away peacefully at home on May 24, 2021. She was born in Fulton, Missouri on January 15, 1933. In addition to her mother, Bee is preceded in death by her beloved brother, Gerald Robinson. Bee was an elegant woman who was a meticulous and talented seamstress. She is survived by her loving husband of 67 years, Louis Herrera; her daughter, Catherine Scarf, (Robert) of Los Angeles; sons, John Herrera of Chicago and Thomas Herrera of Denver; grandchildren, Alexandra Miroff (Max) of New York City and Frederick Scarf of San Francisco. She also leaves behind her sisters, Barbara Hockmeyer and Bonnie Mann of Fulton. A memorial service will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Raytown and private burial will follow at Mount Olivet in Kansas City. To plant trees in memory, please visit our Sympathy Store.

Unified Government Public Health Department Offering Free COVID-19 and Other Childhood Vaccinations El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado ofrece vacunas contra el COVID-19 y otras vacunas infantiles gratuitas

Gabrielle Hernandez (Jimmy) and Stephanie Vidauri both of Kansas City, Missouri, Beth Jackson of Kearney, Missouri, and Charles Perez of Edwards, Missouri; sisters, Linda J. Lopez (Eduardo) of Kansas City and Marie D. Steiner (Danny) of Kearney, Missouri; brother, Charles J. Garcia (Regina) of Edinburg, Texas; step-brother, Frank C. Garcia, Jr. of Lutz, Florida; grandchildren, Christopher, Yvette, Simone, John (Veronica), and Steven Vidauri, Christina Johnson (Kyle), and Isabella and Liliana Jackson; great-grandchildren, Christian, Elijah, and Xavier Vidauri; niece and nephews, Diana, Joseph, and David (Greg) Lopez; and 5 great-nieces and nephews. The family is especially grateful for the care received at Northcare Hospice House and requests donations in lieu of flowers to Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Church, Mercederian Missionaries, or Northcare Hospice House.

Unified Government Public Health l Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno (UPGHD) has issued an TheDepartment Unificado (UPGHD, por sus siglas en inglés) updated schedule for when anyone age 12 and E ha publicado un calendario actualizado para cuando cualquier persona de 12 años o más puede recibir una vacuna contra el COVID-19 gratuita en una de sus instalaciones de vacunación. Además, el UGPHD publicó actualizaciones sobre las clínicas de vacunación infantil para niños sin seguro médico o niños asegurados a través de KanCare (Medicaid). Vacunas gratuitas contra el COVID-19 para personas mayores de 12 años Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratuitas están disponibles en el UGPHD en el antiguo sitio de Kmart en 78th y State Avenue o en Armory, en 100 S 20th Street en KCK. No se requiere seguro para recibir la vacuna COVID-19 gratuita. Ubicación de Kmart — 7836 State Avenue Lunes CERRADO Martes 11:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Miércoles* 11:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Jueves CERRADO Viernes CERRADO Sábado CERRADO *También se proporcionan otras vacunas infantiles los miércoles en las instalaciones de Kmart. Vea los detalles abajo.

older can get a free COVID-19 vaccination at one of their vaccination facilities. In addition, the UGPHD issued updates on childhood vaccination clinics for children without health insurance or children who are insured through KanCare (Medicaid). Free COVID-19 Vaccinations for People 12+ Free COVID-19 vaccinations are available from the UGPHD at either the former Kmart site at 78th and State Avenue or at the Armory, at 100 S 20th Street in KCK. No insurance is required to get your free COVID-19 vaccination. Kmart Location – 7836 State Avenue Monday CLOSED Tuesday 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Wednesday* 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Thursday CLOSED Friday CLOSED Saturday CLOSED *Other childhood vaccines are also provided on Wednesdays at the Kmart facility. See details below.

The Armory – 100 S 20th Street The Armory — 100 S 20th Street Monday CLOSED Lunes CERRADO Tuesday CLOSED Martes CERRADO Miércoles CERRADO Wednesday CLOSED Jueves 11:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Viernes 11:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. Friday 1:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sábado* 9:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. Saturday* 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. *Sábados: abierto sólo para mayores de 18 años *Saturdays: open for ages 18 + only (only (sólo vacunas Johnson & Johnson disponibles este Johnson & Johnson vaccines available this day). día). Las clínicas de vacunación los sábados se Saturday vaccine clinics are provided in partnerbrindan en asociación con Donnelly College. ship with Donnelly College. ¡Vacunas infantiles gratuitas disponibles! Las siguientes vacunas infantiles se proporcionan de forma gratuita a los niños que no tienen seguro médico o que están asegurados a través de KanCare (Medicaid). Estas vacunas están disponibles los miércoles a partir de la 1:00 p.m. a las 6:30 p.m. en el sitio de Kmart. Las siguientes vacunas están disponibles para estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria todos los miércoles de junio: *TDaP (tétanos, difteria y tos ferina) *MCV4 (meningococo/meningitis) *MENB (meningococo/meningitis B) *VPH (virus del papiloma humano) Las vacunas para estudiantes de escuela primaria estarán disponibles el 7 de julio, 14 de julio y 21 de julio a partir de la 1:00 p.m. a las 6:30 p.m. *DTaP (tétanos, difteria y tos ferina) *IPV (poliomielitis) *MMR (sarampión, paperas y rubéola) *Varicela (varicela) *Hep A (Hepatitis A) Los niños de 12 años o más pueden recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19 al mismo tiempo que sus otras vacunas. Con todos los estudiantes, traiga el Registro de vacunación del niño o una nota de la enfermera de la escuela que indique qué vacunas necesita el niño. Para solicitar transporte hacia y desde un sitio de vacunas, visite WycoVaccines.org o llame al 3-1-1.

Free Childhood Vaccines Available! The following childhood vaccines are provided free to children who don’t have health insurance or who are insured through KanCare (Medicaid). These vaccinations are available on Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Kmart site. The following immunizations are available for middle school and high school students every Wednesday in June: *TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria & pertussis) *MCV4 (meningococcal/meningitis) *MENB (meningococcal/meningitis B) *HPV (human papilloma virus) Immunizations for elementary school students will be available on July 7, July 14 and July 21 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. • DTaP (tetanus, diphtheria, & pertussis) • IPV (Polio) • MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) • Varicella (Chicken Pox) • Hep A (Hepatitis A) Children ages 12 and older may receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as their other immunizations. With all students, please bring the child’s Vaccination Record or a note from their school nurse saying which immunizations the child needs. To request a ride to and from a vaccine site visit WycoVaccines.org or call 3-1-1.


Wet Basements Foundation Cracks Sinking Concrete Nasty Crawl Spaces


Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 23 • June 10 - June 16, 2021

B N Ó I C SEC dula Farán

Elenco y director de “La Dosis” cuentan su experiencia trabajando en la cinta By Angie Baldelomar muy experimentada, ese fue el gran desafío. Conducir este barco y llevarlo a un buen puerto y también ir superando los problemas de producción y de guión.

a nueva cinta del director argentino Martín Kraut es un thriller L psicológico basado en una noticia sobre dos enfermeros que aplicaban eutanasia con y sin el consentimiento de las personas

en Uruguay. Del distribuidor Samuel Goldwyn Films, “La Dosis” debutó en el Festival de Cine de Rotterdam en 2020 y se estrena on-demand y digital el 11 de junio. Recientemente, Dos Mundos conversó con Kraut sobre cómo nace este proyecte y su experiencia al hacerlo. Dos Mundos: ¿Cómo nace esta historia? ¿De dónde sale la inspiración para “La Dosis”? Martín Kraut: La película nace a partir de leer una noticia que sucedió en Uruguay en el año 2012 sobre un par de enfermeros que supuestamente habían aplicado eutanasia a varios pacientes supuestamente por piedad, no quedaba muy claro… y a mí eso me atrajo desde el primer momento. Yo siempre estoy en busca de historias para escribir y ahí me puse a desarrollar este proyecto, primero tratando de seguir esa historia pero finalmente el caso nunca se resolvió, los acusados terminaron siendo absueltos y eso me permitió tomar mi propio camino. No quedarme en la historia real sino escribir mi propia versión. DM: ¿Cuál fue la parte más desafiante al grabar esta cinta? MK: En realidad lo que creo es que el desafío es saber que uno está debutando en un montón de cuestiones. Si bien yo ya había dirigido, hay que poder plantarse ante el elenco, ante un equipo y ganarse la confianza y transmitir seguridad … de alguna manera comandar un barco que está integrado por gente




DM: ¿Qué pueden esperar de la cinta las personas que van a verla? MK: Creo que “La Dosis” invita a un viaje con un personaje que como te decía nos va a incomodar, nos va a cuestionar, nos va a mostrar un espacio que hoy es muy temido como es una terapia intensiva pero al mismo tiempo que nos va a generar una ternura con ese personaje, que nos vamos a sentir identificados y que sobretodo nos va a generar un entretenimiento, … y cuando termine también nos va a dejar algo para pensar, para reflexionar, para cuestionarse y para mí eso es muy importante en cualquier película, que nos entretenga, que nos atrape pero que después o que durante nos cuestione y nos deje algo para pensar e incluso debatir. En el papel protagónico está Carlos Portaluppi interpretando a Marcos Roldán, un enfermero experimentado que trabaja en el turno nocturno en la unidad de terapia intensiva de una clínica privada. A pesar de su éxito y profesionalidad, pronto se sabrá que utiliza su puesto para ayudar a pacientes agonizantes a encontrar la paz de forma prematura. La llegada de un nuevo enfermero, Gabriel, interpretado por Ignacio Rogers, agitará el sector y la vida de Roldán. Dos Mundos tuvo la oportunidad de conversar con Portaluppi y Rogers en anticipación al lanzamiento de “La Dosis”. Dos Mundos: Carlos, tú haces un excelente trabajo externalizando la lucha interna que Marcos está pasando durante la cinta, ¿cómo se logra extrapolar esa lucha interna? Carlos Portaluppi: Está muy bien delineado también en la historia, en el guión de Martin Kraut, cómo propone dos personajes muy diferentes pero cercanos entre sí en cuanto a los fines en los que ellos trabajan donde logran por momentos una conexión y una empatía pero que va más allá del oficio. DM: Ignacio, tu personaje desde el momento en que aparece se nota que hay una onda rara, que algo oculta. ¿Cómo te preparaste para interpretar a un personaje así? Ignacio Rogers: Es muy interesante el personaje en muchos sentidos pero en uno en particular que es que en Gabriel nada es directo. Todo es, de alguna manera, especulado y mediado en su interior antes. Si es encantador, lo es quizás para lograr cierto objetivo. No es en realidad un hombre encantador, o quizás si

lo es pero sabe usar ese talento para lograr sus objetivos. Y sus objetivos son un misterio, de alguna manera, porque son objetivos muy oscuros, muy enroscados. Y eso me parecía muy interesante como un personaje que entra y empieza a manipular a todos con estos fines misteriosos y a jugar con estas personas que son a su visión ingenuamente humanas. La preparación tiene que ver con inventar en la cabeza esto. DM: ¿Qué puede esperar la gente al ver “La Dosis”? CP: Se van a encontrar con un thriller psicológico realizado en la Argentina con un presupuesto bajo, una película de presupuesto bajo. Pero en definitiva es una gran película, es un gran trabajo de Martín Kraut y de todo el equipo técnico y artístico. IR: Sí, y yo creo que esta cuestión de presupuesto no va en detrimento de la película sino que al contrario cómo lo limitado de los recursos obliga al director principalmente pero a todo el equipo de la película a ser muy precisos y muy ingeniosos. Entonces, lo que se cuenta en la película está muy bien contado y está estudiado y planeado de un modo muy puntilloso. … Y para mí lo que se van a encontrar en la película es en esta relación de estos dos personajes, que es muy particular y muy interesante, muy difícil de descifrar y que uno no puede definir con una sola palabra. Uno todo el tiempo se pregunta durante la película qué es lo que está sucediendo entre estos dos personajes y eso mantiene una tension muy fuerte durante la película que no va a dejar al espectador indiferente.

Vaccination rate among Latinos in Kansas on par with non-Latinos By Angie Baldelomar

Tasa de vacunación entre los latinos en Kansas a la par con los no latinos

he vaccination rate for Latinos in Kansas is on par with the non-Latino population, T according to information from the governor’s


a tasa de vacunación de los latinos en Kansas está a la par con la población no latina, según información de la oficina del gobernador. La Dra. Ximena García, asesora principal de equidad de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 para la gobernadora Laura Kelly, informó que, a partir de este reporte, el 45% de los latinos de 18 años o más habían sido vacunados en Kansas, en comparación con el 44% de los no latinos. Ahora que han comenzado las vacunas para las edades de 12 a 15 años, García dijo que las cifras “parecen muy prometedoras”. “Los niños de este grupo de edad casi se han puesto al día con los adultos elegibles en Kansas en las pocas semanas que han sido vacunados”, dijo. García también dijo que la gobernación está viendo números comparables entre los niños de color y los niños blancos vacunados. “Es algo que vamos a seguir de cerca en el futuro”, dijo. Las tasas de vacunación entre los latinos en Kansas son el resultado del trabajo realizado por los funcionarios estatales y locales. “Muchos (departamentos de salud locales) han sido muy creativos al ofrecer vacunas en la comunidad; (están)… no sólo esperando que la gente venga a los departamentos de salud, sino que (ellos) realmente llevan la vacuna a donde está la gente”, dijo García. A nivel estatal, el Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas ha desarrollado recursos sobre el COVID en español, incluida la traducción de gran parte de la información en su sitio web para que los hispanohablantes puedan tener datos disponibles sobre la vacuna. La oficina de la gobernadora también ha trabajado con grupos comunitarios que están interesados en llevar vacunas a sus comunidades. “Muchos miembros de la comunidad han podido vacunarse en lugares en los que se sienten cómodos, por ejemplo, iglesias, en lugar de tener que ir a… un entorno clínico”, dijo García. García dijo que muchas personas desconfían de los posibles efectos secundarios, pero les recuerda a todos que los efectos secundarios no significan que la vacuna no esté funcionando. “Lo que quiero enfatizar es que no es porque la vacuna no esté haciendo efecto o interactúe de mala manera con tu cuerpo; en realidad es porque está funcionando como debería”, dijo. “Cuando te vacunas, tu cuerpo produce anticuerpos que funcionan como protección contra el virus que causa COVID; y mientras su cuerpo está produciendo estos anticuerpos, es posible que no se sienta bien, pero significa que estará protegido del virus”. García anima a todas las personas elegibles a vacunarse. “La vacuna es gratuita para todos”, dijo. “Estar documentado o indocumentado no hace ninguna diferencia. La mayoría de los sitios de vacunación no requieren ningún tipo de identificación, y si lo hacen, es sólo para verificar que usted es la persona registrada para la vacuna”. Para encontrar un sitio de vacunación, visite https:// www.kansasvaccine.gov/160/Find-My-Vaccine.


office. Dr. Ximena Garcia, senior advisor for COVID-19 vaccine equity for Gov. Laura Kelly, reported that, as of this report, 45% of Latinos 18 and older had been vaccinated in Kansas, compared to 44% of non-Latinos. Now that vaccinations have started for ages 12-15, Garcia said the numbers “look very promising.” “Kids in this age group have almost caught up to eligible adults in Kansas in just the few weeks that they’ve been vaccinated,” she said. Garcia also said the government is seeing comparable numbers between children of color and white kids being vaccinated. “It’s something that we’re going to watch closely moving forward,” she said. The vaccination rates among Latinos in Kansas are the result of the work done by state and local officials. “A lot of (local health departments) have been very creative in offering vaccines out in the community; (they are) … not just waiting for people to come to the health departments, but (they) actually bring the vaccine out to where people are,” Garcia said. At the state level, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has developed resources about COVID in Spanish, including translating much of the information on its website so Spanish-speakers can have facts about the vaccine available. The governor’s office also has worked with community groups that are interested in bringing vaccines to their communities. “A lot of community members have been able to get vaccinated in places they feel comfortable – for example, churches, as opposed to having to go to … a clinical setting,” Garcia said. Garcia said many people are wary of possible side effects, but she reminds everyone that the side effects do not mean the vaccine is not working. “What I want to emphasize is that it is not because the shot is disagreeing with you or interacting in a bad way with your body; it’s actually because it’s working as it should,” she said. “When you get vaccinated, your body makes antibodies that function as protection from the virus that causes COVID; and while your body is making these antibodies, you may not feel well, but it means you’re going to be protected from the virus.” Garcia encourages everyone eligible to get vaccinated. “The vaccine is free for everybody,” she said. “Being documented or undocumented makes no difference. Most vaccination sites don’t require any form of identification, and if they do, (it) is only to verify that you’re the person registered for the vaccine.” To find a vaccination site, visit https://www. kansasvaccine.gov/160/Find-My-Vaccine.

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Page Page2B. 2B. DOS DOSMUNDOS MUNDOS• •Volume Volume41 41• •Issue Issue23 23• •June June10 10- -June June16, 16,2021 2021

Classified Information

To Place a Classified ad Call: 816-221-4747 by Fax: 913-287-5881

Hours: 10AM -5PM Mon-Frid Closed: Saturday and Sunday


Due Every Tuesday at Noon (12:00PM)


or email us to

We accept major credit cards

Professional, Technology, Business, Management, Retail, Sales, Health Care, etc...


Legals/Public Notices, Funerals, Memorials, Personal and Professional Services, etc...


HELP WANTED Roofing/Sheet metal Hiring and will train starting at $16.00 Sub Crews also needed. 816.703.9371 HELP WANTED

Kansas City PBS is seeking a Graphic Designer. This position is responsible for creating assets that support the promotion of various products, content and initiatives housed under Kansas City PBS’ three brands. This service position must work with various “clients” across all departments within the organization as well as with outside vendors to provide art direction, timelines and ensure deadlines are met and brand guidelines are followed. Ideal candidates will possess a creative eye with an attention to detail and will be able to remain organized and prioritize projects in a fast-paced, high-volume work environment. EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE REQUIRED: An equivalent amount of training, education and experience will be considered.


• Knowledge of Javascript, XML, CSS, Adobe After Effects a plus. • Experience in the Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office. If interested in this exciting opportunity, send cover letter, resume, portfolio and salary requirements to humanresources@ kansascitypbs.org. Please include in your cover letter how you learned about this position. KCPBS is an E-Verify, Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. HELP WANTED

DIRECTOR (COUNTY APPRAISER) The Unified Government is seeking to fill its’ Director (County Appraiser) position. Responsible for providing accurate and equitable values across all property classes as well as managing all divisions within the Appraiser’s Office. For a complete job description, minimum qualifications and application instructions please visit www.wycokck.org/jobs. Salary: DOQ. Deadline: June 23, 2021 EOE



The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions Systems Admin. BA/BS or equiv; project mngmt, server admin, network servcs, exp, $62k Data & Research Analyst BA/ BS, 3 yrs exp. or eqiuv. Able to distill statistics to narrative $49k For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO

Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc...


Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...





Cahills Construction, Inc. seeks subcontract proposals from Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and/or Veteran Supplier Diversity, with Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVE) for: Project #RC000453 Towne & Campus Apartment Complex PARKING LOT, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, MO 65401 • To view plans and specifications electronically at no charge from: http://www.adsplanroom.net • To view at our Rolla, MO office: 1704 E 10th St. Ste. D Rolla, MO 65401 • To request an invite for a Link to the plans and specifications please email or call: • bids@cahillconstruction.com or call 573-426-5305


PROBATION OFFICER The Unified Government is seeking to fill the position of Probation Officer. The Probation Officer will be responsible for managing, monitoring and/ or supervising a caseload of assigned offenders ordered to probation by the Kansas City, Kansas Municipal Court. For a complete job description, minimum qualifications and application instructions please visit www.wycokck.org/jobs. Salary: $18.47/hr. Deadline: June 23, 2021

Subcontractor bids are due by 3:30 p.m. on June 21, 2021. Bids can be emailed to bids@cahillsconstruction.com or faxed to 573-3623562. If you have any questions: 573-426-5305

5 col. x 5.25 col. Help Wanted Classified/Display Ad $14 x 21 col. = $ 294.00 per issue Next available date to run June 10, 2021


• Bachelor's degree in a related field. • Experience with broadcast graphic systems (Chyron, VIZRT, etc.) a plus.

Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc...


MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (Job Opening ID #513400) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, South Region Park Maintenance Division, 6901 Elmwood. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Installs, repairs and maintains parks facilities including community centers, pools, fountains, cultural centers/ museums, nature center, shelters, playgrounds, athletic courts and field structures. Performs a variety of duties including electrical, plumbing, carpentry, HVAC, welding, stone masonry work, electrical work on light ballasts, transformers, as well as the ability to wire single and three phrase motors. REQUIRES high school graduation and 4 years of experience in a variety of mechanical crafts and trade; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to obtain a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $16.64-$26.86/hour. Application Deadline Date: June 14, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

” B O J “ T X TE 22 TO 204 JOB” TO TEXTEAR “


Red Door is hiring for positions at all five of their locations in the Kansas City Metro! ¡Red Door está contratando ahora por posiciones a todas su cinco ubicaciónes en el metro de Kansas City! RDG offers competitive pay & excellent growth opportunities! ¡RDG está ofrecendo pago competitiva y oportunidades de crecimiento excelentes!

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Click “careers” on www.reddoorgrill.com to apply online. Click "careers" a www.reddoorgrill.com para aplicar en líneacocineros de línea

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 23 • June 10 - June 16, 2021 HELP WANTED










NOW HIRING HEROES CoreCivic is currently hiring Correctional Officers for our Leavenworth Detention Facility. Center. Leavenworth Detention Starting wage of $22.75 an hour Corrections is more than just a job; it’s a career. When you start your career in corrections, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of success. Start your career today and join our team of heroes serving our communities, our nation and those in our care. Take the next step today at Jobs.CoreCivic.com CoreCivic is a Drug-Free Workplace & EOE - M/F/Vets/Disability





We offer: • Competitive salaries • Paid Training, • Paid Time Off • Paid Holidays Our comprehensive benefits package includes: • Medical, dental, vision • 401(k) retirement savings

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Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Nurse Family Partnership Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Supervises a team of nurses who conduct home visits and provide education as an effort to improve outcomes for first time mothers and their babies. The public health nurse supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that the program maintains fidelity to the national Nurse-Family Partnership model. Duties include program planning, supervising, participating in collaborative public health initiatives across Kansas City, MO, and ongoing professional development. REQUIRES completion of an ADN or diploma program in nursing and 2 years of experience as a registered nurse; OR registration or certification as a nurse practitioner or nurse clinician from a program recognized by the MO State Board of Nursing. Possession of a current license or temporary permit (for transfers from other states) as a registered nurse as issued by the MO Board of Nursing. A current license must be obtained by transfers within 6 months of the date of the permit issuance. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies Preference given for an accredited Bachelor’s degree in nursing and public health, maternal/ child health experience. Salary Range: $28.90-$46.29/hour. Applications accepted until position is filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. FOR RENT

FOR RENT Departamentos


Ridge Sealed bids will be accepted by the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Joseph, Missouri for CD Demolitions – 5 Locations Bid #CD2021-09 until June 29, 2021, at 4:00 P.M. at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Specifications and drawings are available from the Purchasing Division, 1100 Frederick Ave., Room 201, St. Joseph, Missouri, by calling (816) 2715330 or on the City website at www. stjoemo.info under Government/Bids & RFP’s.


The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP C-21011 PRIME FOOD VENDOR AND OPTIONAL COMMODITY STORAGE BIDS DUE: June 24, 2021 at 2:00 PM CDT

The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. This project is funded 100% by CDBG funds. The City of St. Joseph is and Equal Opportunity Employer. (s)

Summer Deatherage Purchasing Agent



The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. Invitation for Bid

A Public Hearing on the Little Blue Valley Sewer District’s Operating Budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 will be held on Thursday, July 8, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., at the District’s Administration & Employee Services Building, 21208 East Old Atherton Road, Independence, Missouri. Jeff Shook Executive Director

IFB C-21009 Water Treatment Services Bids Due: June 21 by 2:00 PM Invitation for Bid IFB C-21-20 Fortinet FortiEDR Endpoint Protection Software Bids Due: June 22 by 2:00 PM

Lee’s Summit School District R7 and their CM, McCownGordon Construction are requesting trade partner proposals for additions and renovations to Bernard Campbell, Pleasant Lea, and Summit Lakes Middle Schools. Scopes bidding include Surveying, Signage, Fire Sprinkler, Plumbing, Landscaping, and Demountable Partitions. All bids are due no later than 2:00 pm on June 24th, 2021 through McCownGordon Construction’s online bid submission software, Building Connected. If electronic submission is not possible hard copies my be delivered to 850 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64105. Bid will be publicly read, Zoom invite will be available for submitting trade partners. Please contact Nate Frazier at (816)-715-1199 or nfrazier@ mccowngordon.com with questions and access to bidding documents. Construction Drawings will be available via buildingconnected.com on June 8 th, 2021.

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Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 23 • June 10 - June 16, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE







PUBLIC NOTICE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS DRAFT ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (2021-2022) The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas is required by federal regulation to publish a draft of the 2021 Annual Action Plan and allow for a 30-day citizen review and public comment period. The citizen review and public comment period will begin on June 11, 2021. The Annual Action Plan consolidates three formula entitlement grant programs into a single application that is submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The three programs and the allocations are the Community Development Block Grant ($2,362,404), HOME Investment Partnership Program ($882,359), and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program ($196,560) totaling $3,441,323. The full Annual Action Plan is available for review on the UG website at https://www.wycokck.org/CommDev/Plans.aspx Copies of the plan are available for review at the UG Community Development Department and the UG Clerk’s office. A summary of the proposed activities and funds are listed below. DRAFT ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (subject to change) CDBG Program Administration Administration Fair Housing CDBG Public Services Livable Neighborhoods Willa Gill Multi-Service Center CDBG Acquisition/Rehab/Reconstruction Emergency Home Repair Program Project Delivery CDBG Public Facilities and Improvements-NRSA Initiatives Curbs, Sidewalks, Infrastructure CDBG Public Facilities and Improvements Parks, Curbs, Sidewalks, Infrastructure HOME Investment Partnership Program CHIP Loan Program CHDO Set Aside (Rehab/New Construction) New Construction/Rehab HOME Administration Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) ESG Program Activities ESG Administration Total



$455,726 $10,000


$20,000 $148,000


$600,000 $524,908






$223,123 $380,000 $190,000 $89,236 $181,818 $14,742

$882,359 $196,560 $3,441,323

Virtual Public Hearing: A virtual public hearing will be held on Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 7pm for the Annual Action Plan. Detailed instruction for participating in the virtual hearing and providing comment for the public record can be found online at the UG Clerk’s webpage: https://www.wycokck.org/BOC-VirtualMeeting.aspx. The purpose of the public hearing is to hear public comment on the draft 2021 Annual Action Plan. Details for the meeting will be found online at the Clerk’s webpage outlined above.

The project is subject to compliance with the City of Kansas City, MO requirements and includes but is not limited to MBE/WBE participation, Workforce Utilization, Prevailing Wage and Certified Payroll. To comply with all requirements of the Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise Program, the specific goals are as follows: MBE = 15%; WBE = 7% A.L. Huber will use its best faith efforts in utilizing MBE/ WBE firms and contractors. Prevailing Wage Requirements: Comply with all prevailing wage requirements pursuant to the Jackson Annual Wage Order No. 28 dated 03/10/2021 Scopes of Work: Demolition, Concrete Foundations, Concrete Flatwork, Concrete Paving, Miscellaneous Metals, Carpentry, Joint Sealants & Waterproofing, Doors/Frames/ Hardware, Overhead Doors, Drywall & Framing, Painting, Loading Dock Equipment, Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Fire Sprinkler, Plumbing, HVAC, Fire Alarm, Electrical, Excavation, Earthwork, Asphalt Paving and Striping, Landscaping, and Site Utilities Bids are due no later than 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 8, 2021. This project is tax exempt. E-mail bids to Kara Condie kcondie@alhuber.com or Fax bids to A.L. Huber at 913-341-1940. Plans and specifications are available for review at A.L. Huber’s office, 10770 El Monte, Overland Park, KS, Building Connected, Minority Contractors Association of Greater Kansas City, Builders Association c/o National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), Hispanic Contractors Associations of Greater Kansas City, National Association of Construction Contractors Cooperative (NACCC), KC Blue Print Contacts: Kara Condie, Estimator kcondie@alhuber.com or Phil Thomas pthomas@alhuber.com Office: 913-341-4880 A. L. Huber is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based upon race, color, sex, national origin, age, religion sexual orientation, and disability. Each applicant is reviewed on their ability to perform the position advertised for.



Bids for Project No. C2007-01 Upgrade Water Treatment System, Power Plant, Farmington Correctional Center, Farmington, MO. will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, July 1, 2021. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

Bids for Expansion & Improvement Project, Jacksonville Veterans Cemetery, Project No. U210201, will be received by FMDC, State of


802 Locust Columbia, M PHONE - 57 FAX - 573-8

MO, UNTIL 1:30 Dos Mun PM, 7/1/2021 via M i s s o u r i B U Y S . Ad Code: Ad Size: Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project information, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities

Independence Housing Authority (IHA) is posting that the Section 8 Waiting List will be opening on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 6 am and will remain open until IHA obtains 3,000 applications and the waiting list will automatically close again. This Public Notice will be placed onto IHA’s website at www.iha1.org under IHA News and Public Notices. Again, the Section 8 waiting list will be opening for anyone to apply for a Section 8 voucher on Monday, June 28, 2021 at 6 am. The online application waiting list will remain open until we reach 3,000 applications and it will automatically close and you will not be able to apply again until we reopen the waiting list. The last time we opened the waiting list was June 2018. HELP WANTED



NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS MBE/WBE INVITATION TO BID: A.L. Huber, General Contractor, is seeking bids from qualified KCMO CERTIFIED MBE and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Bennett Packing Facility Addition in Kansas City, MO. Approx. Start Date: August 2021.



Please submit all comments about the 2021 Annual Action Plan by July 13, 2021 to Community Development Department, 701 North 7th Street, Room 823, Kansas City Kansas 66101.



Paric Corporation is seeking proposals for the following project: Missouri Psychiatric Center - Pediatric Assessment Unit the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO. This is the renovation of the Pediatric Assessment Unit with support space. The project consists of approximately 5,762 SF of space and includes but is not limited to demolition, carpentry, architectural woodwork, firestopping, doors/frames/ hardware, drywall, tile, acoustical ceilings, flooring, painting, fire sprinklers, plumbing, HVAC and electrical work. This project has a diversity participation goals of 10% MBE, 10% combined WBE, DBE, Veteran Owned Business and 3% SDVE. Bids for this project are due on June 28th, at 3:00 p.m. For any questions or would like to find out more detailed information on this opportunity, please contact Evan Chiles at 816-878-6003 or emchiles@paric. com. All bids should be delivered to Paric via e-mail (bids@paric.com) or fax (816-8786249). PARIC CORPORATION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


HELP WANTED Fritz’s Railroad Restaurant Now Hiring at Crown Center Full and Part Time Line Cooks, Prep/Dishwasher, and Front of House Servers Great Restaurant Hours, Flexible Scheduling, and Competitive Pay Apply in person or send your resume to info@fritzskc.com HELP WANTED


Do you love to paint, but hate your boss? Are they negative, no praise, no training, no raises? We are a customer-driven company focusing on quality and service. We are looking for quality painters. Come grow with us. 3 years’ experience required. Call or text now 816-560-1858.

2 col. x 1.75 col. Help Wanted -NO LOGO Classified/Display Ad $14 x 3.5 col. = $ 49.00 per issue - 1 -3 issues if you choose to run 4 - 7 issues - cost - $47.25 per if you choose to run 8-11 issues - cost - $45.50 per if you choose to run 12-15 issues - cost - $43.75 pe if you choose to run 16 -19 issues - cost - 42.00 pe Next available date to run May 13th

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