Volume 41 Issue 26

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40 •años•

Volume 41 • Issue 26 • July 01 - July 07, 2021

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Latin American, Caribbean countries struggle to contain COVID-19 Países de América Latina y el Caribe luchan por contener el COVID-19


i bien la pandemia del COVID-19 está By Roberta Pardo retrocediendo en muchas partes del mundo, hile the COVID-19 pandemic is incluidos Estados Unidos y Europa, receding in many parts of the world, la pandemia se está propagando por including the United States and Europe, the América Latina y el Caribe.





pandemic is raging through Latin America and the Caribbean. By May, the official death toll for Latin American countries combined was nearing 1 million people,


Local News• Noticias locales

Search for survivors continues following condo collapse Bibi Gaytan


Regresa a las telenovelas

Sigue la búsqueda de sobrevivientes del colapso del condo en Miami


Holidays at a glance: Independence Day


Día de la Independencia

Carmona’s Creations offers personalized home decor By Angie Baldelomar

Carmona’s Creations ofrece decoraciones personalizada para el hogar


n 2020, antes de que azotara la pandemia, las hermanas Elizabeth y Linda Carmona decidieron probar un nuevo emprendimiento: hacer camisas personalizadas para sus familias. “En realidad, nunca pensamos en convertirlo en un negocio; empezamos a mostrar nuestro trabajo, así que, de boca en boca, la gente comenzó a acercarse a nosotros para pedir camisas aquí y allá”, dijo Elizabeth. Eso llevó a las hermanas a dar el paso y convertirlo en un negocio, Carmona’s Creations. Su negocio se especializa en la decoración personalizada del hogar. Recientemente, abrieron una tienda ubicada en 1021 Pacific Ave., No. 15 en Kansas City, Kansas. Al principio, uno de los mayores desafíos fue hacer malabarismos con múltiples obligaciones, como trabajos de tiempo completo y familias, con el nuevo negocio. “No creo que el negocio haya sufrido alguna vez”, dijo Linda. “Era sólo que teníamos mucho trabajo y era difícil satisfacer la demanda de completar todo para nuestros clientes a tiempo y aún así mantener


n 2020, before the pandemic hit, sisters Elizabeth and Linda Carmona decided I to try a new endeavor: making personalized

shirts for their families. “We never really thought of making it as a business; we kind of started showing off our work, and so by word of mouth, people would reach out to us to order shirts here and there,” Elizabeth said. That led the sisters to take the plunge and make it a business, Carmona’s Creations. Their business specializes in personalized home decor. Recently, they opened a shop located at 1021 Pacific Ave., No. 15 in Kansas City, Kansas. At first, one of the biggest challenges was juggling multiple obligations like full-time jobs and families with the new business. “I don’t think that the business ever suffered,” Linda said. “It was just that we had so much work and it was hard to meet the demand of getting everything completed for our customers on time and still maintain our job and maintain our households.” The sisters have developed a system that works. For Linda Carmona, working


Increase in type 2 diabetes found among young people a tasa de diabetes tipo 2 en niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes ha aumentado durante la L pandemia del COVID-19, afirma la Asociación

Estadounidense de Diabetes. “Los nuevos datos muestran que la incidencia y la agudeza de la diabetes tipo 2 en los niños aumentaron significativamente durante el pico de la pandemia del COVID-19, con más pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados de marzo a diciembre de 2020 en comparación con el mismo período de tiempo en 2019”, señaló un comunicado de prensa de la asociación. Un estudio encontró que, desde que comenzó la pandemia, los niños habían reducido su tiempo de ejercicio, aumentado su tiempo de pantalla y conductas sedentarias, y tenían alteraciones en sus hábitos de


can Diabetes Association claims. “New data show that the incidence and acuity of type 2 diabetes in children increased significantly during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic, with more pediatric patients hospitalized from March to December 2020 compared to the same time period in 2019,” an association press release stated. A study found that, since the pandemic began, children had reduced their exercise time, increased their screen time and sedentary behaviors, and had disturbances in their sleeping habits. In addition, the study found that children were consuming more processed foods. “Unfortunately, COVID-19 disrupted our lives in more ways than we realize,” said Daniel S. Hsia M.D., associate professor at the Pennington Bio-


902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Aumento de la diabetes tipo 2 entre los jóvenes

he rate of type 2 diabetes in children, teens and young adults has increased T during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ameri-

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By Chara

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