Volume 41 Issue 32

Page 1





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40 •años•

Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - August 18, 2021

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Viviana Medellín Rest in peace

Dúo muralista se recupera del golpe de la pandemia


omo parte de #WhoNeedsArt, la nueva campaña de ArtsKC, Dos Mundos conversó con el dúo de muralistas Isaac Tapia y Rodrigo

Voces Consulares•

Inside• Adentro

How to cope with divorce Cómo lidiar con el divorcio

Muralist duo rebounds from 2A> pandemic hit

“Rico” Álvarez, más conocido como IT-RA Icons, sobre sus experiencias con el arte. Tapia y Álvarez comenzaron a


August: going the distance

Agosto: vamos con todo



By Angie Baldelomar

part of #WhoNeedsArt, AsArtsKC’s new campaign, Dos


Education•Educación 1b>

KCK school district rallies community to support students, prevent deaths


Deportes y más deportes....

Distrito escolar de KCK reúne a la comunidad para apoyar a los estudiantes y prevenir muertes

Viviana Medellín muere a los 74 V

iviana Medellín, de 74 años y residente del área de Kansas City, falleció pacíficamente el 10 de agosto, con su esposo Richard y su familia a su lado. Oriunda de Roeland Park, Kansas, Medellín nació de Ofelia y Antonio Rodríguez el 30 de noviembre de 1946, pero siempre celebraba su cumpleaños el 1 de diciembre porque ese era el día en que su padre le dijo que había nacido. Medellín fue un referente de la comunidad hispana en el área de Kansas City. Supervisó el entretenimiento de la Fiesta Hispana anual. También se desempeñó como presidenta de Azteca de Greater KC y vicepresidenta del Comité de Herencia Hispana de Greater Kansas City. Ella trabajó en el Hospital St. Luke durante más de 40 años. “Comenzó como asistente de enfermería (y) finalmente siguió su sueño de trabajar en el laboratorio cardiovascular junto a renombrados cardiólogos, como el Dr. G. Hartzler y el Dr. Barry Rutherford, quienes le enseñaron todo lo que necesitaba saber”, decía el obituario oficial. Medellín también incursionó como DJ de radio. Fue la DJ del martes por la noche en “A Taste of

By Roberta Pardo

Viviana Medellin dies at 74

ongtime Kansas City area resident Viviana Medellin, 74, passed away peacefully L on Aug. 10, with her husband Richard and

family by her side. A native of Roeland Park, Kansas, Medellin was born to Ofelia and Antonio Rodriguez on Nov. 30, 1946, but she always celebrated her birthday on Dec. 1 because that was the day her dad told her she was born. Medellin was a referent of the Hispanic community in the Kansas City area. She oversaw the entertainment for the annual Fiesta Hispana. She also served as president of Azteca de Greater KC and vice president of The Greater Kansas City Hispanic Heritage Committee. Medellin worked at St. Luke’s Hospital for 40-plus years. “She started as a nursing assistant (and) eventually followed her dream of working in the cardiovascular lab alongside renown cardiologists, Dr. G. Hartzler and Dr. Barry Rutherford, whom (sic) taught her everything she needed to know,” the



Montalvo comparte su historia de divorcio para ayudar a las mujeres a sanar By Chara


Montalvo shares story of divorce to help women heal

verland Park, Kansas, resident Ana Montalvo hopes she can help other O women heal from the pain that comes with divorce. Her healing method is to share her own story. Montalvo thought her marriage would last forever. Then, she realized she was married to an emotionally distant husband, she said. “We were married for 21 years and it was very hard for me because I never thought this was going to happen,” Montalvo said. “I felt I was speaking to a wall. I was trying the best I could, but I wasn’t seeing any response.” Montalvo had to face several fears when she divorced, including telling her children and other family members, and the fear of being alone, she recalled. “One of my biggest fears was to tell my children what was going to happen. Most of my children were in their late teens and I wasn’t sure how they were going to react,” Montalvo said. When Montalvo told her family, she was surprised at some of the


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na Montalvo, residente de Overland Park, Kansas, espera poder ayudar a otras mujeres a recuperarse del dolor que acompaña al divorcio. Su método de curación es compartir su propia historia. Montalvo pensó que su matrimonio duraría para siempre. Luego, se dio cuenta de que estaba casada con un marido emocionalmente distante, dijo. “Estuvimos casados por 21 años y fue muy difícil para mí porque nunca pensé que esto iba a pasar”, dijo Montalvo. “Sentí que le estaba hablando a una pared. Hice lo mejor que pude, pero no vi ninguna respuesta”. Montalvo tuvo que enfrentar varios miedos cuando se divorció, entre ellos contárselo a sus hijos y otros miembros de la familia, y el miedo a estar sola, recordó. “Uno de mis mayores temores era contarles a mis hijos lo que iba a pasar. La mayoría de mis hijos estaban en la adolescencia y no estaba seguro de cómo iban a reaccionar”, dijo Montalvo. Cuando Montalvo se lo contó a su familia, se sorprendió por algunas de las reacciones.

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108


Page2A. 2A. DOS DOSMUNDOS MUNDOS••Volume Volume33 41••Issue Issue41 32••October August 12 Page 10 - August October18, 16,2021 2013

Muralist Duo Continued from Page 1A

Covid, kids & messaging El Covid, los niños y el mensaje


Most current Mural, located inside Parkhill South.

trabajar juntos hace unos cuatro años, cuando se le encargó a Álvarez que pintara un mural para las Escuelas Públicas de Kansas City. “Me estaba demorando demasiado, así que llamé a Isaac y le pregunté si estaba interesado en unirse; y entonces, aparece con pintura en aerosol, otro medio más al que no estaba acostumbrado, así que sí, comenzamos a hacer murales desde entonces”, recordó Álvarez. Tapia y Álvarez asistieron a Paseo Academy, aunque no estaban en el mismo grado. Álvarez era un estudiante de último año cuando Tapia era un estudiante de primer año. Desde que empezaron a hacer murales juntos, han realizado más de 50 murales. En 2020 trabajaron en dos de ellos por la pandemia del COVID; sin embargo, Tapia dijo que la pandemia ha sido productiva para ellos en términos de su propio arte personal. “En nuestro trabajo personal, siento que definitivamente crecimos mucho”, dijo. El trabajo mural está mejorando este año. “Tenemos tanta suerte de que este año estemos haciendo esto a tiempo completo”, dijo Tapia. A finales de mes, los dos viajarán a Wisconsin para hacer un mural. Más tarde, planean ir a Las Vegas, Nevada, por la misma razón. Cuando se le preguntó qué significa su arte para el área de Kansas City, Álvarez lo ve como un tema de conversación. “Siento que genera una conversación, especialmente cuando la atmósfera actualmente está tan polarizada”, dijo. “Une las diferencias y une a la comunidad”. Para Tapia, una parte clave de su trabajo es llevar el arte a aquellas comunidades con más difícil acceso a él. “Para mí, siento que es llevar arte a una comunidad que a veces no puede permitirse el lujo de tener obras de arte o tener el lujo de salir y comprar una obra de arte”, dijo. Álvarez enfatiza que el arte, en última instancia, no tiene precio. “El arte está en todas las facetas de la vida, desde el diseño de la ropa que usamos hasta la forma en que representamos nuestros pensamientos”, dijo. Encuentre más información sobre el trabajo del dúo como muralistas en itraicons.com o encuéntrelos en Instagram como @itraicons.

Mundos spoke with muralist duo Isaac Tapia and Rodrigo “Rico” Alvarez — better known as IT-RA Icons — about their experiences with art. Tapia and Alvarez started working together about four years ago, when Alvarez was commissioned to paint a mural for the Kansas City Public Schools. “I was taking too long, so I hit Isaac up and I asked him if he was interested in joining; and so, he shows up with spray paint, yet another medium that I wasn’t really used to, so yeah, we started doing murals since then on,” Alvarez recalled. Tapia and Alvarez both attended Paseo Academy, though they were not in the same grade. Alvarez was a senior when Tapia was a freshman. Since they started making murals together, they have done more than 50 murals. In 2020, they worked on two of them because of the COVID pandemic; however, Tapia said the pandemic has been productive for them in terms of their own personal art. “On our personal work, I feel like we definitely grew a lot,” he said. The mural work is picking up this year. “We’re so lucky that this year we’re doing this full time,” Tapia said. By month’s end, the two will travel to Wisconsin to make a mural. Later, they plan to go to Las Vegas, Nevada, for the same reason. When asked what their art means to the Kansas City area, Alvarez sees it as a conversation-starter. “I feel like it sparks conversation, especially when the atmosphere currently is so polarized,” he said. “It bridges the differences and brings the community together.” For Tapia, a key part of their work is to bring art to those communities with harder access to it. “To me, I feel like it’s bringing art to a community that sometimes can’t afford to have artwork or have the luxury to go out and buy a piece of art,” he said. Alvarez emphasizes that art is ultimately priceless. “Art is in every facet of life, from the design of the clothing we wear to the way we depict our thoughts,” he said. Find more information about the duo’s work as muralists at itraicons.com or find them on Instagram as @itraicons.

Viviana Medellin Continued from Page 1A

Tejano” en 90.1 KKFI durante más de 25 años. El velorio se llevará a cabo de 5 a 8 p.m., con el rosario rezado a las 5, el domingo (15 de agosto) en McGilley Midtown Chapel, 20 W. Linwood, Kansas City, Missouri. La misa de entierro cristiano será a las 10 a.m. el 16 de agosto en la Iglesia Católica St. Agnes, 5250 Mission Road, Roeland Park, Kansas. Seguirá el sepelio en el cementerio de Maple Hill, Kansas City, Kansas. Quienes deseen dar el pésame o compartir r e c u e r d o s p u e d e n h a c e r l o e n w w w. mcgilleymidtownchapel.com.

Montalvo Divorce Continued from Page 1A

“Algunos se sorprendieron, otros me dijeron que se dieron cuenta de lo que estaba pasando con mi matrimonio”, contó. Algunas de las herramientas que ayudaron a Montalvo a hacer frente a su divorcio incluyeron establecer un presupuesto, crear un calendario y aprender a manejar las finanzas. También estableció metas y siguió motivándose. “Si me aparecía un obstáculo, solía decirme a mí misma: ‘Está bien, vas a resolverlo’”, dijo. La terapia era una de las mejores formas en que Montalvo se cuidaba, recordó. Comenzó a conocerse a sí misma y a realizar actividades que disfrutaba. Montalvo anima a las mujeres que están pasando por un divorcio a buscar terapia, si es posible, y vivir y concentrarse en el presente. Además, les aconseja que eviten hablar con sus hijos sobre lo que están pasando. Específicamente, “no deberían hablar de ‘trapos sucios’ frente a sus hijos”, dijo. “Es mejor encontrar un amigo para hablar sobre su divorcio en lugar de hablar con sus hijos”, dijo. Montalvo también cree que el divorcio podría no ser la solución para todas las parejas. “Creo que, si tienes un socio que está dispuesto a trabajar contigo y encontrar una solución a tus problemas, puedes hacerlo”, dijo. “Siempre hay obstáculos, pero si realmente quieren trabajar juntos, pueden hacerlo. En mi caso, no fue posible porque él no estaba dispuesto a trabajar ... (para solucionar) nuestros problemas”.

obit provided by the family states. Medellin also dabbled as a radio disc jockey. She was the Tuesday night disc jockey on “A Taste of Tejano” on 90.1 KKFI for more than 25 years. Visitation will be held 5-8 p.m., with the rosary prayed at 5, on Sunday (Aug. 15) at McGilley Midtown Chapel, 20 W. Linwood, Kansas City, Missouri. The Mass of Christian burial will be at 10 a.m. Aug. 16 at St. Agnes Catholic Church, 5250 Mission Road, Roeland Park, Kansas. Interment will follow in Maple Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, Kansas. Those wishing to offer condolences or share memories can do so at www.mcgilleymidtownchapel.com.

reactions. “Some of them were surprised, others told me that they realized what was happening with my marriage,” Montalvo said. Some tools that helped Montalvo cope with her divorce included setting up a budget, creating a calendar and learning how to handle finances. She also set goals and kept motivating herself. “If an obstacle came to my mind, I used to tell myself, ‘It is OK, you are going to figure it out,’” she said. Therapy was one of the best ways Montalvo took care of herself, she recalled. She started to get to know herself and do activities she enjoyed. Montalvo encourages women who are going through divorce to seek therapy, if possible, and live and focus on today. In addition, she advises them to avoid talking to their children about what they are going through. Specifically, “they should not talk ‘dirty laundry’ in front of their children,” she said. “It is better to find a friend to talk about your divorce instead of talking to your children,” Montalvo said. Montalvo also thinks that divorce might not be the solution for all couples. “I think that, if you have a partner who is willing to work with you and find a solution to your problems, you can do it,” she said. “There are always obstacles, but if you really want to work together, you can do it. In my case, it wasn’t possible because he wasn’t willing to work … (out) our problems.”


os niños toman sus propias señales de lo que los adultos que los rodean dicen y cómo lo dicen y de su comportamiento, nos dicen los expertos. Aprenden de lo que ven que sucede a su alrededor: cómo nosotros, como adultos, respondemos a las experiencias y situaciones. Cuando se trata de la amenaza siempre presente del Covid-19 y la variante Delta, los adultos tienen la responsabilidad crucial de moderar el lenguaje y los mensajes relacionados con los problemas y precauciones relacionados con la pandemia. Si bien queremos fomentar prácticas en los jóvenes para mantenerlos a salvo del coronavirus y sus variantes, debemos evitar el uso de lenguaje y mensajes que aterroricen a los niños y les hagan odiar, desconfiar o temer a las personas que los rodean. Los niños tienen una necesidad fundamental de seguridad y conexión. El papel de los adultos en sus vidas es satisfacer esas necesidades. Desde marzo de 2020, la pandemia ha interrumpido la escuela y otras actividades normales. Ahora, es vital para el desarrollo académico, social y psicológico de los jóvenes que regresen a las clases presenciales y reanuden sus actividades normales. Es fundamental para su salud en general y para evitar una mayor pérdida de

ids take their own cues from what the adults around them say and how they say it and from their behavior, experts tell us. They learn from what they see happening around them – how we as adults respond to experiences and situations. When it comes to the ever-present threat of Covid-19 and the Delta variant, adults have a crucial responsibility to temper language and messaging concerning pandemic-related issues and precautions. While we want to foster practices in youngsters to keep them safe from the coronavirus and its variants, we must avoid using language and messaging that terrifies kids and makes them hate, distrust or fear the people around them. Kids have a fundamental need for safety and connection. The role of the adults in their lives is to meet those needs. Since March of 2020, the pandemic has disrupted school and other normal activities. Now, it’s vital to youngsters’ academic, social and psychological development for them to return to in-person classes and resume normal activities. It’s critical to their overall health and to prevent further learning loss.

aprendizaje. La cobertura de noticias sin escalas proporciona un recordatorio constante de que la crisis del coronavirus es omnipresente y potencialmente mortal. Los niños no son capaces de filtrar noticias para que sean menos amenazantes o molestas. Pueden sentir que están en peligro inmediato y que todos los que los rodean representan una amenaza. Los padres pueden asegurarles a sus hijos que mucha gente está trabajando duro para mantenerlos a salvo, sugieren los expertos; señale que las personas se están ayudando unas a otras durante la pandemia, compartiendo actos de bondad y generosidad; y sea honesto y comuníquese usando un lenguaje mesurado y apropiado para su edad. Explíqueles a los niños que tienen cierto control sobre su propia seguridad frente al coronavirus: pueden lavarse las manos a fondo y con frecuencia y usar una máscara. Las máscaras para niños, y personas de todas las edades, pueden ser distintivos, personalizados y divertidos. Incluso para aquellos que encuentran que usar una máscara es un poco inconveniente o incómodo, es mejor que enfermarse con una enfermedad potencialmente fatal. El propósito de los padres al hablar con sus hijos sobre el coronavirus no es asustarlos. Más bien, el objetivo es impartir cautela, que da poder, no miedo, que es inmovilizador, peligroso e improductivo.

Nonstop news coverage provides a constant reminder that the coronavirus crisis is ubiquitous and potentially deadly. Kids aren’t capable of filtering news to make it less threatening or upsetting. They may feel like they’re in immediate danger and everyone around them represents a threat. Parents can reassure their kids that a lot of people are working hard to keep them safe, experts suggest; point out that people are helping one another during the pandemic, sharing acts of kindness and generosity; and be honest and communicate using measured, age-appropriate language. Explain to kids that they have some control over their own safety from the coronavirus: They can wash their hands thoroughly and often and wear a mask. Face coverings for kids – and people of all ages -- can be distinctive, personalized and fun. Even for those who find wearing a mask slightly inconvenient or uncomfortable, it beats getting sick with a potentially fatal disease. Parents’ purpose in talking to their kids about the coronavirus isn’t to scare them. Rather, the objective is to impart caution, which is empowering, not fear, which is immobilizing, dangerous and unproductive.







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Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper is published every Thursday. Preferred deadline for press releases is the Tuesday before the week of publication. Subscriptions are $45 for one year and may be sent to the above address. Deadline for advertising copy is noon on the Tuesdayimmediately preceeding per column inch. For mechanical information for display ads, or to reserve space for advertising, call Manuel Reyes at (816) 221-4747.

Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - August 18, 2021

August: going the distance/ Agosto: vamos con todo


n agosto el consulado de México ofrece actividades especiales para seguir atendiendo la gran demanda de servicios consulares, proteger los derechos de nuestra población y promover oportunidades educativas para quienes viven en Kansas, Missouri y el oeste de Oklahoma. Así, el día 14 el director general de Servicios Consulares de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Jaime Vázquez-Bracho, se unirá desde Kansas

City a la segunda jornada sabatina en América del Norte, en la que 57 oficinas consulares de México en Estados Unidos y Canadá tramitaremos pasaportes y credenciales para votar. El director Vázquez-Bracho se reunirá con representantes de comunidades de diversas regiones –Wichita, St. Louis, Springfield, Dodge City, Garden City y zona metropolitana de Kansas City, y dialogará en el consulado con personas que acudan a realizar trámites. Ahí podrá escuchar necesidades específicas de servicio y de oportunidades de mejora –incluyendo atención especial durante la pandemia, y presentará

uring the month of August, the Mexican D consulate offers special activities to continue to meet the high demand for consular

services, protect the rights of our population, and promote educational opportunities for those living in Kansas, Missouri, and the western half of Oklahoma. Thus, on the 14th the Director General of Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jaime Vázquez-Bracho, will be joining

from Kansas City the second monthly Jornada Sabatina (Saturday service hours) in North America, in which 57 consular offices of Mexico in the United States and Canada will be issuing passports and voter registration cards. Director Vázquez-Bracho will meet with representatives of communities from various regions - Wichita, St. Louis, Springfield, Dodge City, Garden City and the Kansas City metropolitan area, and will visit with people who will come to the consulate to get these Mexican ID documents. There, he will be able to hear about specific service needs and opportunities for improvement –including giving special attention during

From “maybe someday” to “right now.”

avances como la próxima expedición del pasaporte electrónico –uno de los más seguros del mundo. También desde Kansas City participaremos del lunes 23 al viernes 27 en la cuarta Semana Binacional de Educación, bajo el lema “Con Educación Avanzamos Todos y Todas” y de cuyas actividades y oportunidades le informaremos en Voces Consulares la próxima semana. El sábado 28 y el domingo 29, el Consulado Móvil visitará Guymon, Oklahoma, para expedir pasaportes y matrículas a quienes de otra manera no pueden viajar más de seis horas por carretera hasta el consulado. Este servicio esencial permite atender a personas mexicanas que viven en el distrito consular a cargo de Kansas City, cuyo territorio es casi dos veces mayor que el estado de Chihuahua. La Ventanilla de Salud acudirá también para informar sobre las oportunidades de vacunación contra COVID-19 a mexicanas y mexicanos en esa parte de nuestra circunscripción. Y del 30 de agosto al 3 de septiembre tendremos la XIII Semana de Derechos Laborales. Su mensaje: “Tus derechos nos importan, con o sin pandemia”. Pronto compartiremos su programa. ¡Pasa la voz! Vamos con todo gracias al apoyo y comprensión de ustedes y al trabajo de nuestro equipo, para mejorar y fortalecer la capacidad de servicio mientras seguimos cuidándonos de la pandemia. Le invitamos a seguirnos y a comunicarse con su consulado por nuestras redes sociales: somos @ ConsulMexKan en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTube.

the pandemic, and will also present progress updates such as the forthcoming issuance of the electronic passport –one of the safest in the world. Also from Kansas City we will participate, from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th, in the fourth Binational Education Week, under the motto “With Education We All Advance”, whose activities and opportunities we will divulge in “Voces Consulares” next week. On Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th, the Mobile Consulate will visit Guymon, OK, to issue passports and consular IDs to those who cannot otherwise travel more than six hours by road to the consulate. This essential service allows us to serve Mexican nationals who live within the Kansas City consular district, whose territory is almost twice as large as the state of Chihuahua. The consulate’s Ventanilla de Salud will also be traveling to inform about opportunities for vaccination against COVID-19 to Mexican men and women in that part of our district service area. And from August 30th to September 3rd we will have the XIII Labor Rights Week. This year’s message: “Your rights matter to us, with or without pandemic.” We will share the program soon. Spread the word! We are going the distance thanks to your support and understanding and the work of our team, to improve and strengthen service capacity while we all continue to take care of ourselves during the pandemic. We invite you to follow us and to communicate with your consulate through our social networks at @ConsulMexKan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.



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Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - August 18, 2021

Wearing Masks in Kansas City, KS is Key to Slowing Surge in New COVID-19 Cases Usar máscaras en Kansas City, KS es clave para bajar el aumento en los casos de COVID-19 Nuevo mandato de máscaras emitido para New Mask Mandate Issued for Kansas City, Kansas, y otras partes del Kansas City, Kansas and Other condado de Wyandotte Portions of Wyandotte County


os nuevos casos de COVID-19 están aumentando dramáticamente en el condado de Wyandotte, y la semana pasada la Comisión del Gobierno Unificado tomó medidas para tratar de frenar la propagación. Aprobaron una nueva orden de máscaras para Kansas City, Kansas, y el área no incorporada de Loring en el condado de Wyandotte. El pedido de máscaras ahora está vigente hasta las 11:59 p.m. del 16 de septiembre de 2021. La orden no se aplica a las escuelas públicas y privadas y también excluye las ciudades de Bonner Springs y Edwardsville, Kansas. Los comisionados de UG optaron por dejar la decisión de los requisitos de las máscaras a las juntas escolares y a los funcionarios electos de Bonner Springs y Edwardsville, respectivamente. En la reunión de la Comisión del UG de la semana pasada, los líderes del Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado y el Dr. Steve Stites, Director Médico del Sistema de Salud de la Universidad de Kansas, presentaron algunas estadísticas preocupantes sobre la propagación del COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte: *El promedio móvil de 7 días de casos por día es de hasta 77 casos nuevos por día, la tasa más alta desde fines de enero de 2021 y nueve veces más alta que el promedio de casos por día hace sólo dos meses. *La tasa de positividad (un promedio móvil de 7 días de porcentajes de pruebas positivas) ha subido al 32 por ciento, tan alta como a mediados de enero de 2021, y más de cuatro veces mayor que la tasa de positividad en mayo de 2021. *Dos tercios de los casos positivos actuales en el condado de Wyandotte se encuentran entre niños y adultos jóvenes menores de 40 años. *La gran mayoría de los casos hospitalizados de COVID-19 se dan en personas que no han sido vacunadas. Estos líderes de atención médica están especialmente preocupados por la presencia de la variante Delta en el

ew cases of COVID-19 are surging dramatically in Wyandotte County, and last N week the Unified Government Commission took

action to try to slow the spread. They approved a new mask order for Kansas City, Kansas and the unincorporated area of Loring in Wyandotte County. The mask order is now in effect through 11:59 pm on September 16, 2021. The order does not apply to public and private schools and also excludes the cities of Bonner Springs and Edwardsville, Kansas. UG Commissioners opted to leave the decision of mask requirements to school boards and to Bonner Springs and Edwardsville elected officials, respectively. At last week’s UG Commission meeting, Unified Government Public Health Department leaders and Dr. Steve Stites, Chief Medical Officer with the University of Kansas Health System, presented some concerning statistics about the spread of COVID-19 in Wyandotte County: *The rolling 7-day average of cases per day is up to 77 new cases per day – the highest rate since late January 2021 , and nine times higher than the average cases per day just two months ago. *The positivity rate (a 7-day rolling average of positive test percentages) has climbed to 32 percent, as high as it was in mid-January 2021, and more than four times higher than the positivity rate in May 2021. *Two-thirds of current positive cases in Wyandotte County are among children and young adults under 40 years of age. *The vast majority of hospitalized cases of COVID-19 are in people who have not been vaccinated. These healthcare leaders are especially concerned about the presence of the Delta Variant in Wyandotte County and the metro area because it spreads much more easily than other types of COVID. Because of low vaccination rates in

Ahora Matriculando LISTA PARA LIDERAR.

condado de Wyandotte y el área metropolitana porque Wyandotte County, the Delta Variant is causing se propaga mucho más fácilmente que otros tipos de significant spread of COVID-19 throughout the COVID. Debido a las bajas tasas de vacunación en el community. condado de Wyandotte, la variante Delta está causando una propagación significativa de COVID-19 en toda What is Covered by the Mask Order la comunidad. Individuals age five and older must wear masks Qué cubre la orden de máscaras over the nose and mouth when: Las personas de cinco años o más deben usar Inside any public space including businesses máscaras sobre la nariz y la boca cuando estén: and places of worship; *Dentro de cualquier espacio público, incluidos *Obtaining services from the healthcare sector negocios y lugares de culto; in settings including, but not limited to, a hospital, *Obteniendo servicios del sector de la salud en pharmacy, medical clinic, laboratory, physician entornos que incluyen, entre otros, un hospital, or dental office, vaccination site, COVID-19 testfarmacia, clínica médica, laboratorio, consultorio ing site, veterinary clinic, or blood bank (unless médico o dental, lugar de vacunación, lugar de prueba otherwise directed by an employee or healthcare de COVID-19, clínica veterinaria o banco de sangre provider); (a menos que indique lo contrario por un empleado o *Waiting for or riding on public transportation proveedor de atención médica); or while in a taxi, private car service, or ride*Esperando por o viajando en transporte público o sharing vehicle; and mientras está en un taxi, servicio de automóvil privado All businesses or organizations in Wyandotte o vehículo de viaje compartido; y County must require all employees, customers, Todas las empresas u organizaciones en el condado visitors, members, or members of the public to de Wyandotte deben exigir que todos los empleados, wear a mask or other face covering when: clientes, visitantes o miembros del público usen una *Employees are working in any space visited máscara u otra protección facial cuando: by customers or members of the public, regard*Los empleados están trabajando en cualquier less of whether anyone from the public is present espacio visitado por clientes o miembros del público, independientemente de si alguien del público está at the time; or *Employees are working in an indoor space; presente en ese momento; o Los empleados están or Employees are working in any space where food trabajando en un espacio interior; o Los empleados están trabajando en cualquier espacio donde se is prepared or packaged for sale or distribution to preparan o empacan alimentos para su venta o others; or In any indoor space where members of distribución a otros; o En cualquier espacio interior the general public are present or may be periodidonde el público en general esté presente o pueda estar cally present. presente periódicamente. Vaccinations and Incentives Still Available! ¡Todavía hay vacunas e incentivos disponibles! The UGPHD continues to offer free COVID-19 El UGPHD continúa ofreciendo vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratuitas para las personas que viven vaccines for people who live in Wyandotte County en el condado de Wyandotte de 12 años o más, en age 12 and older, at the former Kmart site at 7836 el antiguo sitio de Kmart en 7836 State Avenue. Los State Avenue. Hours for COVID-19 vaccinations horarios para las vacunas y pruebas de COVID-19 y las and testing, and childhood immunizations are as vacunas infantiles son los siguientes (NOTA: ¡Todos follows (NOTE: All of these services are free of estos servicios son gratuitos!): *Pruebas de COVID: charge!): *COVID Testing: Monday – Friday 9 am – 3 pm de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. *COVID Vaccines: Wednesday – Friday 10 *Vacunas contra el COVID: miércoles a viernes de am – 6 pm 10 a.m. a 6 p.m. *Childhood Immunizations: Wednesdays in *Vacunas infantiles: miércoles de agosto, de 12 August, 12 pm – 6 pm p.m. a 6 p.m. And now, the UGPHD offers incentives for ¡Y ahora, el UGPHD ofrece incentivos para quienes se vacunen! Para obtener más información sobre those getting vaccinated! For more information dónde vacunarse en el condado de Wyandotte, visite on where to get vaccinated in Wyandotte County, WycoVaccines.org o llame al 3-1-1. Para obtener más visit WycoVaccines.org or call 3-1-1. To learn información sobre los próximos eventos de vacunación more about upcoming UGPHD mobile vaccinamóvil del UGPHD, visite su página de Facebook en tion events visit their Facebook page at facebook. com/UGHealthDept. facebook.com/UGHealthDept.

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Page 5A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - August 18, 2021

Lecciones olímpicas By Jorge Ramos


By Chara (c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.)

Kuno Becker lo interpretará en su serie

Atilano Contreras

acido en San Pedro del Gallo, Durango; sus padres fueron Dolores Chávez y Juán Contreras; N viene de una familia conformada por cinco hermanos

e nos acabaron los Juegos S Olímpicos y lo siento como una pérdida personal. He pasado,

como millones de personas, dos semanas pegado a una pantalla a las horas más inverosímiles, maravillado de lo que el cuerpo y la determinación de un grupo de atletas pueden hacer. Estas Olimpiadas en Tokio —y estoy usando el término como sinónimo de los Juegos Olímpicos, como acepta la Real Academia Española, aunque algunos puristas recuerden que son cosas distintas— no fueron lo que tantos esperábamos: el fin de la pandemia planetaria con una colorida celebración. El retraso de un año del evento prometía una recompensa luego del sacrificio; si nos portábamos bien en 2020, 2021 traería salud y alegría. Pero no fue así. La altamente contagiosa variante delta, las personas que no han podido vacunarse y —lo peor— quienes sí pueden hacerlo pero no quieren, obligó a que se realizaran unos juegos sin espectadores. Los temores de que estos fueran unos Juegos Olímpicos “sin alma” quedaron desechados con el primer pistoletazo de salida. Viéndolos refrendé una idea en la que creo desde hace tiempo: los Juegos representan lo mejor de la humanidad. Paramos todo —conflictos y hasta pandemias— para ver a los mejores atletas del mundo hacer lo que mejor hacen. Hay muchas lecciones de estas olimpíadas. La primera es que si trabajamos juntos y somos cuidadosos, le podemos ganar al coronavirus. Ningún evento se tuvo que cancelar y se registraron relativamente pocos casos que entre los competidores y sus entrenadores. Creo, además, que nos vamos de estos Juegos con la clara impresión de que los atletas olímpicos no son superhéroes de cómics, impasibles e impenetrables, alejados de nuestra realidad. Al contrario, los sentimos más cerca que nunca. La valentía con la que la gimnasta estadounidense Simone Biles salió de varias competencias en Tokio y abordó públicamente problemas de salud mental va a salvar muchas vidas. “No solo somos entretenimiento”, dijo Biles en una conferencia de prensa después de regresar a la última competencia olímpica y ganar una medalla de bronce. “Somos humanos”, agregó. Las derrotas olímpicas de dos de los mejores tenistas del mundo —la japonesa Naomi Osaka y el serbio Novak Djokovic— ambos han reconocido en otros momentos, también, los enormes desafíos a su salud mental que enfrentan en competencias internacionales, han abierto la conversación para los que nunca pisaremos las canchas de Wimbledon o Roland Garros. La ansiedad y el estrés, sobre todo en medio de una pandemia, es parte de nuestras vidas. También lo es de la vida de los atletas de élite. Perdí la cuenta de los competidores que se echaban a llorar al terminar sus eventos olímpicos. No importaba si ganaban o perdían. Era el fin de años de entrenamiento, lesiones, sacrificios y retos que no solemos enfrentar quienes no formamos parte de ese pequeño grupo de deportistas extraordinarios. Vimos, en las pantallas, esos sollozos incontrolables que hacen temblar el cuerpo y cortan la voz. Un ejemplo. El italiano, Gianmarco Tamberi —quien compartió la medalla de oro en salto de altura con el catarí Mutaz Barshim— lloró inconsolable sobre la pista de atletismo junto al pedazo de yeso que tuvo que usar en 2016 debido a una lesión que le impidió participar en los Juegos de Río de Janeiro. Entrenó cinco años con disciplina y determinación.


Fuera de las Olimpíadas es difícil encontrar en otro lugar la perfección humana. Y en Tokio lo vimos: dos clavados perfectos —con 10 de calificación— desde la plataforma de 10 metros de la china Quan Hongchan, quien apenas tiene 14 años. El nacionalismo light de los Juegos Olímpicos es el único que soporto. Se vale irle a tu país en el futbol, basquetbol o waterpolo aunque en el caso de los rusos le pongan otro nombre al equipo. Rusia fue sancionada por un escándalo de dopaje a sus atletas, así que sus competidores —que no estuvieron involucrados en el dopaje— tuvieron que hacerlo a nombre del Comité Olímpico Ruso. A pesar de los nacionalismos, las celebraciones envueltas en una bandera y la implícita lucha política por tener más preseas, todas las atletas en el gimnasio le aplaudieron a Simone Biles luego de su última participación, y Simone le aplaudió a la gimnasta china que le ganó en la barra de equilibrio, y dos corredores —de Estados Unidos y Botsuana — se ayudaron a levantarse luego de una caída en la final de los 800 metros planos, se abrazaron y cruzaron juntos la meta. Por actos como esos es que amo los Juegos Olímpicos y es la razón por la que me desvelé para ver la competencia de salto de garrocha, ver el disparo de una flecha o a una niña de 13 años hacer piruetas sobre una patineta. Mi obsesión por las Olimpíadas tiene una larga historia. Yo también tuve un sueño olímpico. Cuando tenía 15 años fui aceptado para entrenar en el Centro Deportivo Olímpico Mexicano. Empecé en salto de altura —logré saltar varios centímetros por arriba de mi estatura, que no es mucho— y luego de que me diagnosticaron un problema en la columna pasé a correr 400 metros con vallas. Mi mayor objetivo por dos años fue prepararme para ir a unos Juegos Olímpicos. Pero la lesión—una fisura en una vertebra— no mejoró, los doctores me prohibieron seguir entrenando y eso terminó con mis aspiraciones olímpicas. Nunca he llorado tanto en mi vida. Y todavía hoy los ojos se me llenan de lágrimas al recordarlo. No haber podido ir a unas Olimpíadas es uno de los grandes vacíos de mi vida. Aún guardo, casi con veneración, la credencial que me expidió el Comité Olímpico Mexicano. Cubrí como periodista los Juegos de Los Ángeles en 1984, y asistí como espectador a los de Atlanta en 1996 con mi hija Paola, y a los de Londres en 2012, acompañado por mi hijo Nicolás, y con la secreta esperanza de contagiarles el espíritu olímpico. Mientras tanto, cada cuatro años tengo una cita con las Olimpíadas, como esos amantes que prometen verse en un lugar y a una hora específica. Limpio mi calendario. Me aseguro de que tendré una o varias señales con todas las competencias —no discrimino ningún deporte— y me siento por días frente al televisor, absorto, viajando en mi mente, a veces en un estado de absoluta concentración. Veo, admiro y aplaudo lo que yo nunca pude hacer.

Luis, Jaime, Efren, Tomas y Refugio y tres hermanas Margarita, Soledad y Leonor. Desde muy temprana edad comenzó a trabajar cuidando ovejas y mas tarde, por falta de recursos y a consecuencia de la sequía aproximadamente en 1949 emigró junto a sus padres y hermanos a la Ciudad de Camargo, Chihuahua donde conoció al amor de su vida María Luisa Talamantes, mujer con la cual formó una hermosa familia de siete hijos, Pedro, María, Pablo, Lucy, Rosalio, José Atilano (+) y Diana; dieciocho nietos y doce bisnietos. A principios de 1974 partió en busca del sueño americano instalándose en la Ciudad de Kansas City Missouri residiendo aproximadamente por veinte años en el Westside. Su casa sirvió de asilo a cientos de personas que vinieron tras el mismo sueño; por ésta razón, y por su solidaridad hacia los demás, tocó el corazón de muchos

Viviana Medellin

iviana Medellin, 74 of Roeland Park, KS, V passed away peacefully on August 10, 2021 with Richard and her family by her side. Visitation

will be held 5-8 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 15 at McGilley Midtown Chapel, 20 W. Linwood, KCMO, with Rosary at 5 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:00 a.m. on Monday at St. Agnes Catholic Church, 5250 Mission Rd, Roeland Park, KS. Interment will follow in Maple Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, KS. Condolences and memories may be shared at www. mcgilleymidtownchapel.com. Viviana was born to Ofelia and Antonio Rodriguez on Nov. 30, 1946, but always celebrated on December 1st because that’s the day her dad told her she was born. She was a graduate of Redemptorist Catholic High School in 1965. She was a parishioner of St. Agnes Catholic Church, belonged to the Altar and Rosary Society, and a member of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle for several years. She retired from St. Luke’s Hospital in December of 2014 after 40 ½ years of service. She started as a nursing assistant and eventually followed her dream of working in the

de ellos, haciendose de amistades incondicionales. Fué un gran ser humano, esposo y padre, y luchó constantemente para que a su familia no le faltara nada, motivo por el cual años mas tarde logró reunir a su familia en ésta Ciudad. Por muchos años trabajó en Kelly Hill Co. compañia de la cual se jubiló. Después de su jubilación y siendo un hombre tan activo solía manejar por las calles en busca de productos para reciclar. A pesar de haber vivido más de la mitad de su vida en esta Ciudad, él jamás se olvidó de su “ Lindo Camargo” como así lo llamaba, Ciudad que visitaba en cada oportunidad que se presentaba. Fué un hombre alegre; gustaba del baile, la música, el sabor de la cebada. Su habitual saludo era “Que pasa” Esposo, Padre, Abuelo y Bisabuelo, vivirás en la memoria de los tuyos para siempre y seguiremos tu consejo… “SI HACES UN FAVOR, NUNCA LO RECUERDES; SI LO RECIBES, NUNCA LO OLVIDES” Cardiovascular lab alongside renown cardiologists, Dr. G. Hartzler and Dr. Barry Rutherford, whom taught her everything she needed to know. Viviana loved her Latino community and actively participated in several organizations. She served as president of Azteca de Greater KC and vice president of The Greater Kansas City Hispanic Heritage Committee. She oversaw the entertainment for the annual Fiesta Hispana. She was the Tuesday night DJ on A Taste of Tejano on 90.1 KKFI for over 25 years. She enjoyed her trips to Mexico and, more than anything, loved to spend time with her children and grandchildren. Viviana was preceded in death by her parents, Ofelia and Antonio Rodriguez. She leaves behind her husband, Richard Medellin; her children, Monica Holman and Robert A. Frias; stepchildren, Sophia (Dr. Lowell) Byers and Ricardo (Jenny) Medellin; brother, John Rodriguez; sisters, Juanita Guzman, Rosemary (William) Barajas, Teresa Trejo, Rita Terreros; grandchildren, Brienna and Sarah Bustamante, Johnny C. Holman, Alyssa Frias, Dylan Veatch, Nathen, Natalie, Carly, and Olivia Medellin; and many nieces, nephews and cousins.






4:34 PM

Page 6A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - August 18, 2021

Descubra un cuidado médico que se enfoca en usted CenterWell Senior Primary Care es el consultorio médico que usted ha estado buscando, donde podrá contar con un equipo de cuidado que se dedica a cuidar de su bienestar físico, emocional y social • • • •


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Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - August 18, 2021

SECCIÓN B How to cope with divorce

Cómo lidiar con el divorcio Commentary by Chara


ara algunas parejas, divorciarse es una de las mejores decisiones que pueden tomar para ellos y sus familias. También es una de las decisiones más dolorosas que pueden tomar. Puede llevar mucho tiempo recuperarse de un divorcio. Aún así, este difícil período de la vida es algo que se puede superar. Si está pasando por un divorcio, pruebe los siguientes consejos que le ayudarán a seguir adelante con su vida: *Trate de ser positivo: Pasar por una temporada de dolor después de un divorcio es normal. Pero no debería impedirle tener pensamientos positivos. Para ayudarlo a mantenerse positivo, intente encontrar nuevas actividades y comuníquese con sus seres queridos para obtener el apoyo que necesitará durante este momento difícil. *Cuídese: trate de animarse a realizar actividades que disfrute. Tómese un tiempo para relajarse, hacer ejercicio y pasar el rato con sus seres queridos para ayudarlo a lidiar con su situación y mantenerse motivado. *Comparta sus sentimientos con sus seres queridos: los seres queridos juegan un papel importante cuando se trata de un divorcio. Su apoyo lo ayudará a superar este momento difícil. Recuerde, ellos están ahí para escucharte y apoyarte. Hable con personas en las que confía una vez que se sienta seguro. Escuche sus consejos. *Busque ayuda profesional: la terapia lo ayudará a lidiar con sus emociones. Un terapeuta lo ayudará a concentrarse en los problemas que desea resolver y lo guiará para enfrentarlo. Un buen terapeuta también le ayudará a sentirse mejor a la hora de elegir el camino para seguir adelante con su vida. *Deje que sus emociones fluyan: no se castigue pensando que ponerse emocional está mal y reprima sus emociones. Sea tan emocional como sea necesario. Le ayudará a superar este momento difícil y volver a su vida normal.

or some couples, divorcing is one of the best decisions they can make for themselves F and their families. It also is one of the most painful decisions they can make. It can take a long time to heal from a divorce. Still, this difficult period of life is something that can be overcome. If you are going through a divorce, try the following tips to help you go on with your life:

*Try to be positive: Going through a season of grief after a divorce is normal. But it should not keep you from thinking positive thoughts. To help you stay positive, try to find new activities and reach out to your loved ones for the support you will need during this difficult time. *Take care of yourself: Try to encourage yourself to do activities you enjoy. Take some time to relax, exercise and hang out with loved ones to help you deal with your situation and stay motivated. *Share your feelings with your loved ones: Loved ones play an important role when it comes to a divorce. Their support will help you get through this difficult time. Remember, they are there to listen to you and support you. Talk to people who you trust once you feel confident. Listen to their advice. *Seek professional help: Therapy will help you deal with your emotions. A therapist will help you focus on the problems you want to solve and guide you in coping. A good therapist also will help you feel better about choosing the path to keep moving on with your life. *Let your emotions flow: Do not punish yourself by thinking that getting emotional is wrong and holding in your emotions. Be as emotional as you need to be. It will help you get through this difficult time and get back to your normal life.



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KCK school district rallies community to support students, prevent deaths (Part 1)

Distrito escolar de KCK reúne a la comunidad para apoyar a los estudiantes y prevenir muertes Cortesy by The Beacon by Maria Benevento


l programa “Enough is Enough” busca crear conciencia, conectar a las familias con los recursos y elevar la voz de los estudiantes Sharita Hutton dijo que dejó el periodismo porque era difícil cubrir las muertes con tanta frecuencia. Pero durante el año escolar 2019-20, el primero en un nuevo trabajo en el departamento de comunicaciones de las Escuelas Públicas de Kansas City, Kansas, Hutton escribió 23 cartas a la comunidad escolar para decirles que otro estudiante había muerto. Once de las muertes fueron causadas por violencia armada. La respuesta del distrito, lanzada en octubre de 2020, se llama Enough is Enough, o Ya Basta en español. La iniciativa busca crear conciencia sobre los problemas y los recursos, recopilar comentarios de los estudiantes y la comunidad en general, y abordar algunos de los factores de riesgo que conducen a las muertes. El KCKPS está ubicado en el condado de Wyandotte, un área que el distrito escolar y los representantes de la comunidad dicen que todavía está lidiando con los efectos de las desigualdades históricas y el trauma, como la línea roja. Hutton cree que habría más indignación pública si una serie de muertes de jóvenes ocurriera en otro lugar. “Si esto sucediera en cualquier otro lugar, si esto sucediera en algunas de nuestras otras ciudades ... la gente se enojaría porque nuestros bebés están muriendo”, dijo Hutton. Ya Basta es un esfuerzo para informar al público de lo que está sucediendo y “motivar a la comunidad a unirse para asegurarse de que nuestros estudiantes tengan un futuro exitoso o incluso un futuro”, dijo. Las causas de las muertes de jóvenes Las estadísticas más recientes disponibles, de 2019, muestran que Wyandotte tiene la tasa de homicidios más alta de todos los condados de Kansas, dijo Hannah Conner. Conner es la epidemióloga de prevención de la violencia en el Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado. Las estadísticas de 2019 también muestran que el homicidio es la causa más común de muerte entre los jóvenes en el condado de Wyandotte, dijo Conner. Si bien no se dispone de datos sobre otras causas de muerte en 2020, los datos policiales proporcionados al Departamento de Salud muestran un aumento en los homicidios de jóvenes ese año, dijo Conner. El departamento incluye las edades de 1 a 24 en la definición de juventud porque el rango de edad de 18 a 24 es “un grupo de edad muy vulnerable a la violencia”, dijo. El homicidio no es la única amenaza para la vida de los estudiantes. En el año escolar 2019-20, tres estudiantes murieron por suicidio, dos se ahogaron en incidentes no relacionados con una semana de diferencia entre sí y otros murieron por causas naturales, dijo Hutton. Los recursos de Enough is Enough también destacan el abuso de drogas y alcohol como un peligro. El número de muertes en el año escolar 2020-21, durante el cual los estudiantes estaban en gran parte en aprendizaje remoto, no fue tan alto. Pero en una reunión de la junta escolar del 8 de junio, el presidente de la junta, Randy López, abrió la reunión con un momento de silencio para un estudiante que acababa de ser asesinado. Más adelante en la reunión, justo antes de una presentación sobre Enough is Enough, López pidió a la comunidad que se uniera para detener la violencia. “No podemos tener una muerte más de estudiantes, especialmente a causa de la violencia armada, en nuestra comunidad”, dijo. “Nos duele a todos cuando perdemos a un estudiante. ... Sólo estoy suplicando a todos los que miran, escuchan, por favor, trabajemos juntos. No podemos seguir haciéndole esto a nuestra comunidad. Tenemos que amarnos unos a otros”. En una entrevista con The Kansas City Beacon a fines de julio, López dijo que el distrito está trabajando con muchos socios comunitarios y le gustaría continuar expandiendo sus esfuerzos. Está interesado en contratar personal dedicado solo a Enough is Enough, pero también está abierto a que otro grupo encabece la iniciativa mientras el distrito asume un papel de apoyo. “Sé que no podemos ser la única fuerza impulsora en torno a esto”, dijo. Pero por ahora, dijo López, KCKPS está entusiasmado con tomar la iniciativa durante el tiempo que sea necesario. “Creo que es necesario que hagamos esto ahora mismo”, dijo. “No es normal que una comunidad tenga más de 20 muertes de estudiantes, muchas debido a la violencia con armas de fuego. Eso nunca debería ser algo aceptado”.


he Enough is Enough program seeks to raise awareness, connect families to resources and elevate student voices Sharita Hutton said she left journalism because it was difficult to cover deaths so often. But during the 2019-20 school year, her first in a new job with the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools communications department, Hutton wrote 23 letters to the school community to tell them that yet another student had died. Eleven of the deaths were caused by gun violence. The district’s response, launched in October 2020, is called Enough is Enough, or Ya Basta in Spanish. The initiative seeks to raise awareness of problems and resources, gather input from students and the broader community, and address some of the risk factors leading to deaths. KCKPS is located in Wyandotte County, an area that school district and community representatives say is still dealing with the effects of historic inequities and trauma, such as redlining. Hutton thinks there would be more of a public outcry if a spate of youth deaths happened elsewhere. “If this happened anywhere else, if this happened in some of our other cities … people would be mad that our babies are dying,” Hutton said. Enough is Enough is an effort to inform the public of what is happening and “motivate the community to come together to make sure that our students have a successful future or even have a future,” she said. The causes of youth deaths The most recent statistics available, from 2019, show Wyandotte has the highest homicide rate of any county in Kansas, said Hannah Conner. Conner is the violence prevention epidemiologist at the Unified Government Public Health Department. 2019 statistics also show homicide as the most common cause of death for youth in Wyandotte County, Conner said. While data on other causes of death in 2020 is

not available, police data provided to the Health Department shows a spike in youth homicides that year, Conner said. The department includes ages 1-24 in the definition of youth because the 18-24 age range is “a very vulnerable age group for violence,” she said. Homicide isn’t the only threat to students’ lives. In the 2019-20 school year, three students died by suicide, two drowned in unrelated incidents a week apart from each other and others died from natural causes, Hutton said. Enough is Enough resources also highlight drug and alcohol abuse as a danger. The number of deaths in the 2020-21 school year — during which students were largely in remote learning — was not as high. But at a June 8 school board meeting, Board President Randy Lopez opened the meeting with a moment of silence for a student who had just been killed. “We can’t have one more student death, especially to gun violence, in our community,” he said. “It hurts all of us when we lose one student. … I’m just pleading with everyone watching, listening, please, let’s work together. We can’t keep doing this to our community. We have to love each other.” In an interview with The Kansas City Beacon in late July, Lopez said the district is working with many community partners and would like to continue expanding its efforts. He’s interested in hiring staff dedicated only to Enough is Enough but is also open to having another group spearhead the initiative while the district takes a supporting role. “I know we can’t be the only driving force around this,” he said. But for now, Lopez said, KCKPS is enthusiastic about taking the lead for as long as it needs to. “I think it’s necessary for us to do this right now,” he said. “It’s not normal for a community to have 20-plus student deaths, many due to gun violence. That should never be an accepted thing.”

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Messi se muda a París El temor de todo fanático del Barcelona se hizo realidad. Lionel Messi dejó de ser jugador blaugrana y firmó por el PSG francés. Todo hacía suponer que el argentino renovaría con el Barcelona, pero, a pesar de reducir su sueldo en un 50%, el club no lo pudo inscribir debido al elevado costo de la plantilla. De esa manera Messi se unió al equipo parisino al inicio de semana donde se reunirá con su amigo Neymar. El PSG pinta a ser un equipo a temer, aparte de Messi, Les Parisiens se han hecho este verano con Sergio Ramos, Georginio Wijnaldum, Gianluigi Donnarumma y Achraf Hakimi, sumando a las estrellas que ya tenían antes como Neymar, Mbappé, Marquinhos, Mauro Icardi y Ángel Di María, entre otros. León destruyó al Sporting Sporting Kansas City salió a jugarle a León en los cuartos de final de la Leagues Cup con un equipo alterno y lo pagó caro.

El equipo de Peter Vermes fue superado fácilmente desde el inicio del partido y terminó encajando 6 goles. Lo positivo del partido para el Sporting es la experiencia internacional y los minutos que han sumado varios de los juveniles del equipo. Por otro lado, los Tigres de la UANL cayeron goleados por el Seattle Sounders en un partido donde el protagonista fue Miguel Herrera, quien dijo que el árbitro, que es panameño, “siempre tiene algo contra los mexicanos”. Los Chiefs regresan a las canchas Los Kansas City Chiefs inician la pretemporada este sábado en el Levi’s Stadium de California ante los San Francisco 49ers. Andy Reid ha mencionado que empezará con el equipo habitual para luego darle paso a los suplentes y jóvenes, a quienes quiere evaluar y ver como llegan a la temporada. El coordinador defensivo Steve Spagnuolo ha dicho que quiere que los jóvenes pierdan el miedo y lleguen

a la temporada regular en buenas condiciones para poder usarlos en cualquier momento. La buena noticia del día es que Darrel Williams se reincorporó a los entrenamientos luego de haber estado fuera por una lesión en la rodilla. Dončić hace historia en la NBA Luka Dončić extendió su contrato con los Dallas Mavericks de la NBA por cinco años y 207 millones de dólares. La mayor que se da en una extension de contrato de un novato en la historia de la NBA. Dončić, quien quedó en cuarto lugar con Eslovenia en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokyo 2020, tendrá la opción del último año, que, si no llegara a un acuerdo con Dallas, podría entrar a la agencia libre antes del mercado. Luka es uno de los jugadores jóvenes más prometedores en la NBA, ha sido votado dos veces al equipo All-NBA y fue Novato del Año en el 2018-19.

Page 2B.2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 •41 Issue 32 •32 August 12 -12 August 18, 2021 Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • August - 18, 2021

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We are looking for Class A CDL drivers and owner operators to do Intermodal work out of the Kansas City Railroad yards. Work is local and regional. All work is home same day. The work is 53 ft containers . We do not do international 20 ft, 40 ft work. Weekly pay is by direct deposit. The company trucks are 2018-2021 KW. The requirements for the position: • 25 years of age • 2 years consecutive with CDL • Clean MVR • Clean Safety record • 3 tickets in the last 3 yrs. • No DUI • No Revoked License Please Call 417-551-1749

Ramey Lawn Care and Landscaping is HIRING reliable and trusted individuals to fill open positions! They need Lawn Mowers and Landscapers! Duties include landscaping and maintaining grounds of property using hand or power tools and equipment. You must be able to perform the following: sod laying, mowing, trimming, planting, watering, fertilizing, digging, raking, mulching, aerating and lifting 50 pounds. Must be 16 or older. Work day begins at 7:00 a.m. Pay begins at $15 and is based on experience. Please contact Luke Ramey at 913-957-0706 to apply!

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C&C Produce ubicado en North Kansas City está contratando ahora mismo. Trabajo disponible de tiempo completo y permanente con tiempo extra disponible C & C Produce es un proveedor de productos agrícolas operado y de propiedad familiar que está contratando compañeros de equipo en todas las áreas de nuestra empresa de almacenamiento y transporte. Los puestos de día y de noche están abiertos en limpieza, producción, almacén y todos los tipos de puestos de conducción de clase E a A DOT están disponibles. Los salarios comienzan desde $14 para Warehouse con experiencia y $15-16 para clase E y $20 para conductores de clase A. Los experimentados y sin experiencia necesaria son bienvenidos para solicitar / entrevistar en persona en 1100 Atlántico NKC MO. 64116.

C&C Produce located in North Kansas City is hiring full time, year round, permanent positions with overtime opportunities. C & C Produce is a family owned and operated produce supplier is hiring teammates in all areas of our Warehouse & Transportation Company. Day and Night positions are open in Janitorial, Production, Warehouse and all types of Class E thru A DOT driving positions are available. Wages start from $14 for experienced Warehouse and $15-16 for class E & $20 for Class A drivers. Experienced and no experience necessary are welcome to apply/interview in person at 1100 Atlantic NKC MO. 64116.

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The Family Conservancy seeks the following 6 positions in KCKS The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions, incl: VISTA Proj Coord Solution finder, systematic thinker to help povertyalleviation programs. Café Supervisor. Previous food service experience and dedication to customer service required Library Asst, Assoc, & Subs positions view site for listings For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO HELP WANTED

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Clinical Dir. - MSW, LCSW-MO & LSCSW-KS license, 5 yrs. post-clinical exp. & prev. supervision exp. req’d. Bilingual Therapist – MSW, LMSW license, Bilingual fluency written & oral, Eng/Span req’d. Early Childhood Social Emotional Learning Specialist – Part-time BA in Early Ed/Social Work, (1) Year exp working in Early Education Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist - BA pref. Proficient in Microsoft Office Word, Access, and Excel and familiarity with e-mail and internet functions. Bilingual fluency in written and oral English/Spanish preferred Billing and Credentialing Specialist - Part Time, Exp. Degree in related field or (4) years of relevant experience For immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://rb.gy/bm98p2 EOE/M/F/D/V/SO HELP WANTED

INVITATION TO BID Notice of Apprenticeship Program Open Enrollment You may have what it takes to be successful in the construction industry if you are… - Dependable - Someone that enjoys hands-on work - Someone that works well in a team environment - Someone that is looking for a career with room for growth - Someone that wants to help build their community Associated Builders and Contractors Heart of America is accepting applications for it’s Electrical, Carpentry, and Plumbing Apprenticeship programs. All programs take place at our Kansas City Training Facility. In order to apply you must be 18 years or older, complete a math assessment, attend a scheduled interview and submit an application including the following documents in person:

Bids for Replace Salt Creek Bridge, Katy Trail State Park, Project No. X2102-01, will be received by FMDC, StateofMO,UNTIL 1:30 PM, 9/2/2021 via MissouriBUYS. Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project information, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities


Valid Drivers License

Bids for REBID:

High School Diploma with Transcripts or a GED Certificate

Improve 4-Plex

Current Resume

Spring State Park,

2 letters of professional reference

Lebanon, MO, Project

DD214 – Veteran Documentation (if applicable)

No. X2007-01 will be

Please visit www.abcksmo.org for more information and to complete an interest form in your trade of choice. Staff will contact you to schedule a time to complete an application on-site.

received by FMDC,

All minorities, including women, are encouraged to apply. The recruitment, selection, employment and training of apprentices during their apprenticeship shall be without discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, creed, disability or sexual orientation. All contractor members are Equal Opportunity Employers.

2, 2021. For specific

Area Access Bennett

State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, September project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 - 18, 2021 HELP WANTED







LEAD COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATOR (Public Health Specialist III) (Job Opening ID #513617)







Public Health Specialist IV

Administrative Officer

(Job Opening ID #513119)

(Job Opening ID #513667)

Full-time limited-term merit Full-time position available with position available until June KCMO’s Health Department, 1, 2023 with KCMO’s Health Full-time limited-term Quality Assurance/Contract Full-time limited-term Department, Community & position available until June Family Health Education Division, position available until June Monitoring Division, 2400 Troost. 1, 2023 with KCMO’s Health 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ 1, 2023 with KCMO’s Health Normal Work Days/Hours: Department, Community & Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.Department, Community & Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.Family Health Education Division, 5:00 p.m. May be required to Family Health Education Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ 5:00 p.m. As a condition of work additional hours to attend 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.community related meetings/ employment with the City of Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. May be required to events. As a condition of 5:00 p.m. May be required to KCMO Health Department, work additional hours to attend employment with the City of work additional hours to attend all new employees will be community related meetings/ KCMO Health Department, community-related meetings/ required to submit or provide all new employees will be events. As a condition of events. As a condition of required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an employment with the City of employment with the City of documentation of receiving an KCMO Health Department, influenza (Flu) Vaccination. KCMO Health Department, influenza (Flu) Vaccination. all new employees will Manages the Medical Records, all new employees will be Oversees and manages the be required to submit or required to submit or provide Vital Records, and the insurance implementation of two federal provide documentation of documentation of receiving an grants designed to build the billing program within the receiving an influenza (Flu) influenza (Flu) Vaccination. public health infrastructure within department. Supervises assigned Vaccination. Leads a team of Works to build the capacity within KCMO communities that have staff. Coordinates all assigned community health educators to Hispanic and low socio-economic been hardest hit by the COVID-19 support/build the health literacy administrative work, including status communities, as well as the pandemic. Promotes widespread and communications expertise operational analysis, budget and increase in COVID-19 vaccination sectors that engage them (e.g. of grassroots and professional rates, building the capacity of employers, schools), to respond, personnel matters and operating audiences. Develops and community sectors to extend mitigate, recover from COVIDrules and regulations. Maintains presents information to that build upon the work of the KCMO Health 19 and other disaster situations Protected Health Information capacity regarding health literacy. Department, and enrich the ability that impact their communities. for the department including Develops clear health information of the local public health system Supervises a small team of to prepare and deliver clearly and educational materials that being the department’s HIPAA Capacity Trainers who provide communicated public health are culturally appropriate. direct and grassroots-level Privacy Officer. Performs as the information. Coordinates with Collaborates with other Health services that build infrastructure Local Registrar of Vital Statistics other jurisdictions and programs Department programs to provide and support for community-based for KCMO Health Department. that have received COVID-19 up-to-date health information and vaccination events, assisting in funding to avoid duplication of Maintains working relationships facilitate cooperative partnerships finding resources to support efforts/assets towards reaching with physicians, funeral directors, with community groups. healthy economic recovery. program goals within the focus Collects, records, provides data medical examiners/coroners, Interacts with the contracted subcommunities. Collects, records, for required grant reporting/ recipients and provides navigation other persons required by law to and provides data and information documentation. Assists Project services to increase vaccination for required grant reporting prepare/file vital records. Oversees Director in managing grant rates within the community. and presentations. Provides the operations of the Medical budget, deliverables, and all Collaborates with supervisor to support for 2 community-based Billing Program which includes other required documentation. raise the concerns, challenges, coalitions and 4-5 large-scale encompassing medical coding, Utilizes significant initiative partner agencies. Coordinates success of the community as and independent judgement. all assigned administrative work, charge entry, claim submissions, a whole to build capacity and Coordinates all assigned including operations analysis, address public health threats. payment posting, accounts administrative work, including budget, personnel matters, and Assists with collecting/recording receivable, reimbursement operating rules and regulations. operations analysis, budget, data for required grant reporting. management. REQUIRES an Maintains well- organized records personnel matters, operating Maintains well-organized records/ and documentation. Performs accredited Bachelor’s degree rules/regulations. Supervises documentation. REQUIRES an independent decision-making, 3 Public Health Specialist IIs. and 3 years of progressively accredited Bachelor’s degree and prioritizing activities, meeting goal REQUIRES an accredited 2 years of health related work responsible, professional and objectives in a timely fashion, Bachelor’s degree and 4 (OR experience, including 1 years at experience in business or public and managing a significant an accredited Master’s degree a level comparable to the City’s sector administration, with amount of project details. and 2) years of responsible health Public Health Specialist; OR an Directly supervises 4 positions. at least 2 years at the level of related experience in the fields accredited Master’s degree and REQUIRES an accredited the City’s Senior Administrative of public health with the federal, 1 year of health related work Bachelor’s degree and 6 (OR an state or local government or in Assistant; OR an equivalent experience at a level comparable to accredited Master’s degree and 4) the private health sector, including the City’s Public Health Specialist; combination of qualifying years of responsible health related 1 year at the level of the City’s OR an accredited Master’s degree experience in the fields of public education and experience, with Public Health Specialist II; OR a in public health; OR an equivalent health with the federal, state or at least 3 years at the level of doctorate in Veterinary Science, combination of qualifying local government or in the private the City’s Senior Administrative Health Education or Public Health health sector, including 1 year at education and experience. Must Assistant. Preference a level comparable to the City’s or Doctor of Medicine (MD); pass a pre-employment drug Public Health Specialist III; OR a OR an equivalent combination given for an accredited screen and post-offer physical doctorate in veterinary science, of qualifying education and examination as prescribed Bachelor’s degree in health health education or public health experience, including 2 years of by the City. Preference for information management or or Doctor of Medicine (M. D.) experience at the level of the individuals who are bilingual in healthcare management and 1 year of experience at a City’s Public Health Specialist II. in Spanish and English. Salary level comparable to the City’s with a Registered Health Range: $21.46-$33.88/hour Must possess a valid state-issued Public Health Specialist III; Information Technician Applications accepted until driver’s license in accordance with OR an equivalent combination position filled. Apply online at City of KCMO policies. Must pass a (RHIT) certification. Preferred of qualifying education and www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. pre-employment drug screen and candidate should have a experience. Must possess a valid The City of Kansas City, Missouri post-offer physical examination state-issued driver’s license in certificate in either a Registered is an equal opportunity employer as prescribed by the City. Salary accordance with City of KCMO Health Information Technician committed to a diverse workforce. Range: $4,147-$6,769/month policies. Must pass a pre(RHIT) and/or Registered Health Applications accepted until employment drug screen and Information Administrator (RHIA). position filled. Apply online at post-offer physical examination PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. Salary Range: $4,065-$6,769/ as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $4,848-$7,534/month The City of Kansas City, Missouri month. Application Deadline: PUBLIC NOTICE Applications accepted until is an equal opportunity employer August 23, 2021. Apply online position filled. Apply online at committed to a diverse workforce. at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri The City of Kansas City, Missouri PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is an equal opportunity employer is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. committed to a diverse workforce. Cahills Construction, Inc. seeks Cahills Construction, Inc. seeks subcontract proposals from Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), PUBLIC NOTICE subcontract proposals from Women Business Enterprise (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and or Veteran Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Supplier Diversity, with EnService Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVE)PUBLIC for: NOTICE terprise (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID or Veteran Supplier Diversity, withProject: Service#RC000196 Disabled Veteran NOTICE TO BIDDERS MBE/WBE/LBE Subcontractors Owned Business (SDVE) for: Power Plant Abatement and Vendors invited to bid: The Olathe Housing Authority (OHA) will receive sealed bids online Project: #W1901-01 1300 N. State St. Rolla, MO 66401 Centric Projects is soliciting at app.negometrix.com, until 3:00 P.M. CST, on August 30, Repair Parking Lot and Loading 2021 for the Parkview Manor Security Locks (OHA 21-0128). Bids MBE/WBE/LBE bid proposals Dock Infrastructure 111 Fairgrounds Road Rolla, MO 65401 for all applicableatscopes for from: received after this time will not be accepted. At said time and place, To view plans and specifications electronically no charge and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be • To view plans and specificathe Turner Logistics Buildings http://www.adsplanroom.net tions electronically at no charge publicly opened via GoToMeeting. 9 located at I-70 and College from: http://www.adsplanroom.  To view at our Rolla, MO office: 1704 E 10th St. Ste. D Rolla, MO 65401 Parkway. Proposals must be The work consists of the following: net  To request an invite for a Link to the plans and office specifications submitted to our on or please email or call: • To view at our Rolla, MO ofInstallation of peepholes and locks. Multiple awards may be made to fice: 1704 E 10th St. Ste. D beforeorAugust 19th, 2021 by bids@cahillsconstruction.com 573-426-5305 ensure adequate coverage for the requirements. This project will have Rolla, MO 65401 3:00PM, via email to bids@ • To request an invite for a Link Davis Bacon Wage requirements. Community Development Block centric.build. Questions to the plans and specifications Grant (CDBG) monies awarded through the U.S. Department Subcontractor bids are due by 3:00 p.m. on August 16, 2021 please email or call: bids@ regarding work segmentation, of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be used to Bids can be emailed to to 573-362-3562 cahillsconstruction.com or bids@cahillsconstruction.com 573access to plansororfaxed other fund this contract. 426-5305 matters should be emailed to Subcontractor bids are due by There will be a Site Visit on August 16, 2021 from 10:00AMHeath.Henderson@centric. you have any questions: 3:00Ifp.m. on August 23, 2021573-426-5305 12:00 PM CST. It is recommended that all interested parties attend Bids can be emailed to bids@ build this Site Visit. cahillsconstruction.com or faxed Centric, 520 W. Pennway to 573-362-3562 Ste100, Kansas City, MO. Questions concerning this notice can be directed to Victoria Smith, If you have any questions: 573913-971-8926. 64108. 426-5305 (Job Opening ID #513615)










Public Health Specialist

Capacity Trainers

(Job Opening ID #512355)

(Job Opening ID #513668)

(Job Opening ID #513614)

Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Communicable Disease Prevention and Public Health Preparedness Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 18, 2021 p.m. As a condition a.m.-5:00 of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Performs various tasks that include researching, conducting/ documenting investigations/ interviews with individuals who have been diagnosed with various communicable diseases, providing educational presentations and assisting in community outreach events. Conducts field visits, medical record searches, solicits medical information from mandated sources, including interviewing clients in their home as necessary to obtain required information. Maintains data in numerous databases. May require the wearing of a high efficiency respirator mask and other personal protective equipment when delivering services within an area assessed as high risk for exposure to infectious diseases. Performs heavy lifting of up to 40 pounds when assisting with community and clinicbased activities. Performs basic clinical techniques/ procedures, not limited to phlebotomy, administering/reading TB skin tests, sputum induction, operating an X-ray machine. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: August 16, 2021. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Two full-time limited term contract positions available until June 2023 with KCMO’s Health Department, Community & Health Education Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. May be required to flex hours to attend community related meetings/events. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Dynamic and flexible individual to build public health capacity within Hispanic and low socio-economic status communities, as well as the sectors that engage them (e.g., employers, schools), to respond, mitigate, recover from COVID-19 and other disaster situations that impact their communities. Provides direct and grassroots-level services that build infrastructure and support for community-based vaccination events, assisting in finding resources to support healthy economic recovery. Interacts with the contracted sub-recipients and provides navigation services to increase vaccination rates within the community. Collaborates with supervisor to raise the concerns, challenges and success of the community as a whole to build capacity and address public health threats. Assists with collecting and recording data for required grant reporting. Maintains well-organized records and documentation. REQUIRES high school graduation. Preference for candidates who are bilingual in Spanish and English. Salary Range: $15.00$20.00/hour. Applications accepted until positions are filled. Apply online at www.kcmo. gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.






PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report A public hearing to review and discuss the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for the 2020 Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan, which includes the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnership Program, Emergency Solutions Grant Program and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) will be held at the following time and location: August 20th at 1:00 pm Virtual Zoom Meeting Sarah Cecil is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8761312863 0?pwd=ckUyRDdlSGtqSy9TL2tnNTJabi9 Gdz09 Meeting ID: 876 1312 8630 Passcode: 729835 Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 876 1312 8630 Passcode: 729835 The City’s Annual Performance and Evaluation Report summarizes expenditures and accomplishments of Consolidated Plan Programs during the period from May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022. The City Clerk’s Office on the 25th floor of City Hall has equipment for the hearing impaired. An interpreter will be provided for non-English speaking audience upon request at least 24 hours prior to a meeting. For more information about the public hearing, or for copies of the Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, please contact: Sarah Cecil Neighborhoods and Housing Services Department 4400 MLK Parkway, 2nd Floor Kansas City, Missouri 64130 Phone: 513-3036

Development Data Specialist (Senior Planning Technician) (Job Opening ID #513652) Full-time position available with KCMO’s City Planning & Development Department, Development Management Division, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Provides routine technical support for the division, including mapping of, collecting, and maintaining data about development projects throughout the city using GIS and other software programs. Maintains public-facing maps and websites including the city’s Development Tracker and their integration with other websites and software programs. Performs spatial and data analysis of development projects and prepares reports resulting from the analysis to the division manager. Creates and maintains a library of graphics and other visual imagery used to convey the division’s procedures and policies to the public. REQUIRES high school graduation and 5 years of responsible experience in the various phases and techniques of planning illustration, including cartography and map work; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying experience and education. Preference given to applicants with experience utilizing Geographic Information Systems software including ArcGIS, graphic imagery software such as Adobe products, and graphic design software. Salary Range: $16.64-$26.86/ hour. Applications taken until position is filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.





Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, Forestry Division, 1520 W. 9th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Plants, sprays, prunes, removes along public streets and Volume trees 41 • Issue 32 • August 12 on public grounds. Operates all ranges of equipment to include, but not limited to, aerial lift trucks, hauling trucks, clam trucks, chain saws, various types of pruning saws, chippers, backhoes, log trucks, tree spades, bobcats, forklifts, stump grinders. Inspects, evaluates, reports tree-related problems. First responder to storm events and tree related emergency call out. Ascends trees with a climbing rope/saddle or aerial lift truck. Works in high and hazardous locations. Assists in training less experienced trimmers in all areas of tree related work. Work may involve the responsibility for leading/ training other field personnel. Participates in a variety of tasks incidental to the work. Much of the work is hazardous and requires considerable strength and agility. Uses independent judgment when necessary to avoid possible hazards to personnel, private property, the public. REQUIRES 6 months of experience in tree trimming work. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $15.55-$24.31/hour. Applications accepted until positions filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.


The Olathe Housing Authority (OHA) will receive sealed bids online at app.negometrix.com, until 3:00 P.M. CST, on August 31, 2021 for the Parkview Manor Security Locks (OHA 21-0130). Bids received after this time will not be accepted. At said time and place, and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened via GoToMeeting. The work consists of the following: Installation of cameras throughout Parkview Manor. Multiple awards may be made to ensure adequate coverage for the requirements. This project will have Davis Bacon Wage requirements. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be used to fund this contract. There will be a Site Visit on August 17, 2021 from 9:30AM-11:00 AM CST. It is recommended that all interested parties attend this Site Visit. Questions concerning this notice can be directed to Victoria Smith, 913-971-8926. PUBLIC NOTICE

NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Olathe Housing Authority (OHA) will receive sealed bids online at app.negometrix.com, until 2:30 P.M. CST, on August 31, 2021 for the Parkview Manor Security Card Access Reader (OHA 21-0129). Bids received after this time will not be accepted. At said time and place, and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened via GoToMeeting.

Administrative Officer

The work consists of the following:

(Job Opening ID #513616)

Installation of swipe access readers. Multiple awards may be made to ensure adequate coverage for the requirements. This project will have Davis Bacon Wage requirements. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be used to fund this contract.

Full-time limited-term merit position available until June 1, 2023 with KCMO’s Health Department, Community & Family Health Education Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. May be required to work additional hours to attend community related meeting/events. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Oversees the fiscal and contractual aspects of a federal grant designed to build the public health infrastructure within KCMO communities that have been hardest hit by the COVID19 pandemic. Provides guidance and assistance for grant subrecipients regarding deliverables and reporting requirements. Maintains supplies, facilitates contract payments, and assists with arrangements for program events. Assists the Project Director and performs independent decision-making, prioritizing activities, meeting goals/ objectives in a timely fashion, and managing a significant amount of project details. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree and 3 years of progressively responsible, professional experience in business or public sector administration, with at least 2 years at the level of the City’s Senior Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience, with at least 3 years at the level of the City’s Senior Administrative Assistant. Salary Range: $4,065-$6,769/month. Applications accepted until positions are filled. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

There will be a Site Visit on August 17, 2021 from 9:30-11:00 AM CST. It is recommended that all interested parties attend this Site Visit. Questions concerning this notice can be directed to Victoria Smith, 913-971-8926.


The Kansas City Public Schools has open contract opportunities. The opportunities may be viewed at https://kcmsd.ionwave.net . Interested vendors should also register under Supplier Registration. INVITATION FOR BID RFP C-22002 Section 125 Administration Services Bids Due: September 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM CDT

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Henges Insulation a 89 year in business family owned company is now hiring additional applicators. Do you want to make more money? • Construction workers get off the dangerous highways, out of the sun and heat. • People with good work ethics make great money and benefits while working with an amazing team guys. • Starting at $18 with no experience and for experience installers earn $25. • Must be 18 and above.



913-275-6421 ¡ESTAMOS

CONTRATANDO! TRABAJADORES DE ALMACÉN TIEMPO COMPLETO MEDIO TIEMPO $15.00 POR HORA ¡Empiece hoy! https://www.ssactivewear.com/about/careers






7th and Nelson Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed proposals for the 7TH AND NELSON SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION, in the City of Edgerton, Kansas will be received from qualified bidders by the City of Edgerton, Kansas at 404 East Nelson (PO Box 255), Edgerton, Kansas 66021 until 2:00 PM on FRIDAY, AUGUST 27th, 2021 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read. Bids received after the designated closing time will be returned unopened. All contractors who plan to submit a proposal on the project are requested to attend. All proposals shall be made on a printed proposal form included in a bound Project Manual containing the specifications for the Work and shall be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the City of Edgerton, Kansas and marked “7TH AND NELSON SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION.” This project will 4321 linear feet of 8” cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) in the vicinity of 7th and Nelson in Edgerton along with other related pipe and manhole rehabilitation improvements. The Project Manual, consisting of the Bidding Documents (which shall include the advertisement for bid, instructions to bidders, proposal and statement of bidder’s qualifications) and Contract Documents (which shall include the proposal, performance bond, statutory bond, contract, general conditions, special conditions, technical specifications, and any addenda authorized by the Owner), and the Plans may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, Edgerton City Hall, 404 East Nelson, Edgerton, Kansas 66021. Copies of Project Manual can be seen or purchased on-line at www.drexeltech.com in their electronic plan room, additional assistance is available at distribution@drexeltech.com. At the web site, information regarding this project can be found in the 'Public Jobs' link. Contractors desiring the Project Manual for use in preparing bids may also obtain a set of such documents from Drexel Technologies, 10840 West 86th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66214, telephone (913) 371-4430. Any questions regarding the project, plans, specifications or bid documents should be directed to Dan Merkh, Public Works Director at (913) 893-6231. The entire Bid Advertisement may be downloaded at; https://edgertonks.org/bids-and-requests-for-proposal/. The City of Edgerton, Kansas reserves the right to reject any or all bids for any reason or to waive any informalities in the bidding.

Hiring bonus and top pay depending upon us. Call or text now for more information at 913.207.1247 or you may call


AHORA CONTRATANDO INSTALADORES Henges Insulation, una empresa familiar de 89 años en el negocio, ahora está contratando aplicadores adicionales. ¿Quieres hacer más dinero? • Los trabajadores de la construcción se bajan de las carreteras peligrosas, fuera del sol y del calor. • Las personas con una buena ética laboral ganan mucho dinero y se benefician mientras trabajan con un equipo increíble. • A partir de $18 sin experiencia y los instaladores con experiencia ganan $25. • Debe tener 18 años o más.

Bono de contratación y pago máximo dependiendo de nosotros. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto ahora para obtener más información al 913.207.1247 o puede llamar 913.764.4600


Now hiring day and night kitchen help!

$15-$17 per hour depending on references and experience. Also hiring night time dishwasher from $14-$16 depending on availability.


Please inquire in person.

4577 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, Ks 66223 Or call 913-681-1722 and ask for Dan. PUBLIC NOTICE




2 col. x 3 col. = 6 col Speical of $11 col. inch = $66.00 Run one week of 8/12/21 PUBLIC NOTICE

MBE / WBE INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding KCI Terminal Parking Garage and request your bid proposal for applicable material and/or labor. Currently we are soliciting M/WBE Subcontractor/Supplier Bid Proposals for the following Scope of Work ONLY: PARKING CONTROL EQUIPMENT We would appreciate your indication of the scope of work you will include in your proposal by September 8, 2021. Final proposals must be submitted to our office by September 8, 2021 02:00 PM (CT). ***PREBID CONFERENCE*** A PREBID CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 25, 2021. THE TIME AND LOCATION WILL BE ISSUED CLOSER TO THE DATE. JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding KCI Single Terminal and Parking Garage new Automated Parking Guidance System (APGS) and Parking Access Revenue Control System (PARCS). The areas of scope are the new single Terminal Parking Garage and Surface lots, Park Air Express, Economy (A, B &C), Existing Garage B and existing Garage C (alternate). Bidding documents may be viewed and/or obtained electronically at www.smartbidnet.com. JE Dunn invites M/WBE subcontractors to call if any assistance is required or questions arise concerning work segmentation, work and contract requirements, or the form of proposal requested. Questions should be directed to Mike Boyd, Project Manager, by phone at 816-426-8125 or by email at mike.boyd@jedunn.com. EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity


INVITATION TO BID Bids for Upgrade Fire

Crossland Construction Company is accepting bids for the Turner Logistics Center Building 9 located in Kansas City, KS. Scopes of work related to the building includes shallow foundation systems, concrete slab-on-grade, masonry, conventional steel framing and metal roof deck, load-bearing site-cast concrete wall panels, joint sealants, storefront glass, hollow metal doors and frames, overhead doors, dock equipment, drywall, painting, a mechanically fastened TPO roof system, and shall include a full coverage ESFR fire suppression system, as well as complete mechanical, electrical, fire alarm, and plumbing systems. Site work includes asphalt paving, stripping, concrete paving, sidewalks, retaining walls, fencing, landscaping, irrigation, utilities and earthwork. Crossland can help subcontractors in obtaining bonds and credit lines and/or insurance. Bids are due by 5:00 PM on 8/20/21. If you are interested in bidding on this project or would like to obtain plans & specifications, please contact Eric Nilges at enilges@crossland.com or at 620-429-1414.

Alarm & Security Systems, Center for Behavioral Medicine, Kansas City, MO, Project No. M190301 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, September 9, 2021. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

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