Volume 41 Issue 38

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40 •años•

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS. 66106 • (816) 221- 4747

Volume 41 • Issue 38 • September 23 - September 29, 2021



Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra


Se intensifica crisis de migrantes haitianos entre México y EE.UU. M

iles de haitianos solicitantes de asilo que han cruzado a Estados Unidos a través de la frontera con México, o que están acampados en México, esperan ser procesados por las autoridades de inmigración.

Inside• Adentro

CNN y otros medios de comunicación Haitian migrant crisis at U.S.han informado en la última semana que un Mexico border intensifies campamento de refugiados instalado en el puente internacional Del Río, en By Tere Siqueira la frontera, ha crecido rápidamente



White House announces changes to international travel policies

La Casa Blanca anuncia cambios en la política de viajes internacionales


housands of asylum-seeking Haitians who have crossed into the United States through the border with Mexico, or are camped out in Mexico, are waiting to be processed by immigration authorities.


Voces Consulares•


The Fields of Lexington

Deportes y más deportes... Salvador Pérez hace historia en la MLB

Los Cultivos de Lexington



Van Kirk emplea su profesión para ayudar a la comunidad hispana By Tere Siqueira


ada septiembre, en honor al Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana (del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre), Dos Mundos honra a los latinos cuyos logros han ayudado y/o inspirado a la comunidad. Una de las personas reconocidas este año es Aracely Van Kirk, coordinadora de la oficina de salud del Consulado de México en Kansas City, Missouri, y del Centro de Salud Samuel U. Rodgers. Originaria de la Ciudad de México, Van Kirk llegó a Estados Unidos en 1994 con los dos hijos de su primer matrimonio. En 1995, comenzó su carrera como trabajadora social en el refugio para mujeres y niños Shalom House en Tucson, Arizona. Van Kirk se certificó como intérprete médica por el Programa Bridging the Gap, y estudió en el Instituto Técnico ITT, la Universidad Allison y la Universidad Baker. Finalmente, se estableció en la zona de Kansas City, donde conoció a su actual marido. “Llevo casada con mi actual


Van Kirk uses health care duties to assist Hispanic community ach September, to honor National HisE panic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15), Dos Mundos honors Latinos whose accomplish-

ments have helped and/or inspired the community. One of this year’s honorees is Aracely Van Kirk, health desk coordinator for the Mexican Consulate in Kansas City, Missouri, and the Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center. Originally from Mexico City, Van Kirk arrived in the United States in 1994 with the two children from her first marriage. In 1995, she began her career as a social worker for the Shalom House women’s and children’s shelter in Tucson, Arizona. Van Kirk became certified as a medical interpreter by the Bridging the Gap Program, and studied at the ITT Technical Institute, Allison University and Baker University. Eventually, she


COVID-19: Vacunas de refuerzo aprobadas para personas de la tercera edad hrough one of its advisory panels, the través de uno de sus paneles asesores, la A Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos T Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha aprobado vacunas has approved COVID-19 booster shots for de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 para personas de 65 años o más, y personas con un sistema inmunológico debilitado, Politico.com y otros medios de comunicación informaron recientemente. Pero como también reportaron los medios de comunicación, la aprobación siguió al rechazo del mismo panel a las inyecciones de refuerzo para mayores de 16 años. “No está claro que todos necesiten ser reforzados, excepto un subconjunto de la población que claramente estaría en alto riesgo de enfermedad grave”, dijo el panelista Dr. Michael G. Kurilla, citado por The New York Times y otros medios de comunicación. Kathrin U. Jansen, vicepresidente sénior y jefa de investigación y desarrollo de vacunas de Pfizer Inc., emitió una declaración luego de la votación de 16-2 en contra de las


ages 65 and older, and people with a weakened immune system, Politico.com and other media outlets recently reported. But as media outlets also reported, the approval followed the same panel’s rejection of booster shots for ages 16 and older. “It’s unclear that everyone needs to be boosted, other than a subset of the population that clearly would be at high risk for serious disease,” panelist Dr. Michael G. Kurilla said, as quoted by The New York Times and other media outlets. Kathrin U. Jansen, senior vice president and head of vaccine research and development at Pfizer Inc., issued a statement following the 16-2 vote against booster shots for ages 16 and older.


902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Vacunas de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 Booster COVID-19 shots aprobadas para personas de la tercera approved for elderly, not 16-older edad, no para mayores de 16 años

Presort Standard US Postage Paid Sedalia, MO 65301- PERMIT #210

By Chara

Page 2A.2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 •33Issue 38 •41September 2021 Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • October 23 10 - September October 16,29, 2013

Migrantes Haitianos Continued from Page 1A

hasta superar los 12,000 migrantes. Los haitianos huyen de la pobreza, la violencia y los desastres naturales, incluido un terremoto de 7.2 grados en agosto. Los residentes afirman que carecen de recursos, incluyendo el acceso a alimentos y agua. Mientras tanto, los agentes fronterizos estadounidenses han reforzado su seguridad, impidiendo la entrada de personas y dejando a muchas en el limbo. De acuerdo a The Guardian, los vídeos y las imágenes fijas de agentes fronterizos intentando expulsar a los haitianos hacia México han suscitado las críticas de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris y del senador estadounidense Chuck Schumer. Además Reuters informó que el gobierno de Biden ha llevado a algunos solicitantes de asilo de vuelta a Haití, una medida que ha suscitado críticas. Sin embargo, Associated Press reportó el miércoles (22 de septiembre) de que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha comenzado a transportar a los solicitantes de asilo a las ciudades fronterizas de Texas y Tucson (Arizona) para que el personal de la Patrulla Fronteriza los procese.

CNN and other media outlets have reported within the past week that a refugee camp installed at the Del Río International Bridge on the border has quickly grown to more than 12,000 migrants alone, as Haitians flee poverty, violence and natural disasters, including a 7.2level earthquake in August. Residents claim they lack resources, including necessities such as food and water. Meanwhile, U.S. border agents have stepped up their security, preventing people from entering and leaving many in limbo. Video and still images of border agents attempting to drive Haitians back into Mexico have drawn criticism from Vice President Kamala Harris and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, The Guardian reported. In addition, the Biden administration has flown some asylum-seekers back to Haiti – a move that has drawn criticism, Reuters reported. The Associated Press reported Wednesday (Sept. 22), however, that the Department of Homeland Security has begun transporting asylum-seekers into Texas border cities and Tucson, Arizona, for Border Patrol personnel to process them.

Pandemic fetters school staffing & supply La pandemia obstaculiza la dotación de personal y suministros escolares


Van Kirk Continued from Page 1A

marido desde el año 2000”, dice Van Kirk. “Juntos tenemos cinco niños, y luego adoptamos tres niñas. Así que ahora tenemos ocho hijos: los suyos, los míos y los nuestros. Además, tenemos cinco nietos y esperamos una en octubre”. Desde que se mudó a la zona y amplió su familia, Van Kirk ha trabajado para varias organizaciones, como Guadalupe Centers Inc.; Rose Brooks, un centro de violencia doméstica en Kansas City, Missouri; y Children›s Mercy Hospital. También a colaborado con el Consulado de México y Samuel U. Rodgers los últimos 12 años. “Después de llegar a Kansas City, empecé a trabajar con todas las demás agencias que asisten a la comunidad hispana”, dijo Van Kirk. “Me di cuenta de que las necesidades de la gente que vive en Missouri y Kansas son muy diferentes a las de la gente de la frontera”. Van Kirk reconoció que él ayudar a la gente ha dado un profundo significado a su carrera profesional. De la misma manera, explicó que la satisfacción de ver qué le va bien a alguien a quien ha ayudado hace que sea difícil encontrar un momento favorito en su carrera. “No puedo pensar en uno solo”, dijo Van Kirk. “Puedo decir que mi mayor satisfacción es cuándo ayudas a alguien y todo sale bien. Apoyar al que ha tenido un accidente y estás en sus terapias, día tras día, y empieza a caminar con el paso del tiempo. O cuándo mandas a alguien al dentista, y resulta que tiene cáncer en la boca y le ayudas a operarse, y acaba por estar bien”. Van Kirk aprecia su especial conexión con la comunidad hispana. Considera que ser una representante de dicha comunidad es una gran responsabilidad y una bendición. Van Kirk expresó que espera seguir contribuyendo con “su pequeña gota de agua” a la comunidad hispana, especialmente a través del programa Ventanilla de Salud en el Consulado de México. Por lo que anima a cualquier persona que necesite ayuda a dirigirse a la Ventanilla de Salud. Donde se les remitirá a profesionales de la salud como médicos, dentistas y pediatras. Debido a la cercanía que siente con la comunidad hispana, Van Kirk tiene un mensaje relacionado con el COVID que quiere compartir con los hispanos. “¡Por favor, vacúnense!” Van Kirk pidió. “No tengan miedo. Hay médicos en todas las agencias, clínicas y departamentos de salud de su área. Hablen con ellos; todos están dispuestos a responder a sus preguntas”. “Tenemos que acabar con la pandemia, y la única manera es que todos nos vacunemos”, añadió. “Esto no es una guerra política; es una guerra de salud, y tenemos que estar juntos para combatirla y dejarla atrás.

settled in the Kansas City area, where she met her current husband. “I’ve been married to my current husband since 2000,” Van Kirk said. “Together, we have five boys, and then we adopted three girls. So now, we have eight children – yours, mine and ours. Plus, we have five grandchildren and are expecting one … in October.” Since moving to the area and expanding her family, Van Kirk has worked for various organizations, including Guadalupe Centers Inc.; Rose Brooks, a domestic violence center in Kansas City, Missouri; and Children’s Mercy Hospital. She has served with the Mexican Consulate and Samuel U. Rodgers the past 12 years. “After I came to Kansas City, I started working with all the other agencies that assist the Hispanic community,” Van Kirk said. “I realized that the needs of people living in Missouri and Kansas are very different from the needs of people on the border.” Helping people has given a deep meaning to Van Kirk’s professional career, she said. The satisfaction of seeing life turn out well for someone she has helped makes finding a favorite moment in her career difficult, she acknowledged. “I can’t think of just one,” Van Kirk said. “I can tell you that my greatest satisfaction is when you help someone and everything turns out well. Supporting the one who had an accident and you’re in their therapies, day in and day out, and they start walking as time goes on. Or when you send someone to the dentist, and it turns out that they have cancer in their mouth and you help them get operated on, and they end (up) perfectly fine.” Van Kirk appreciates her special connection with the Hispanic community. She considers being representative of the community a great responsibility and a blessing. Van Kirk hopes to keep contributing “her little drop of water” to the Hispanic community, particularly through serving with the Ventanilla de Salud program at the Mexican Consulate, she said. She encourages anyone needing assistance to reach out to Ventanilla de Salud. They will be referred to health care professionals such as doctors, dentists and pediatricians, Van Kirk assured. Because of the closeness she feels to the Hispanic community, Van Kirk has a COVIDrelated message she wants to share with Hispanics. “Please get vaccinated!” Van Kirk urged. “Don’t be afraid. There are doctors in all the agencies, clinics and health departments in your area. Talk to them; they are all willing to answer your questions.” “We need to end the pandemic, and the only way is for all of us to get vaccinated,” she added. “This is not a political war; it’s a health war, and we need to stand together to fight it and put it behind us.”

Refuerzo COVID-19 Continued from Page 1A

vacunas de refuerzo para mayores de 16 años. “Agradecemos al comité por su cuidadosa revisión de los datos y trabajaremos con la FDA después de la reunión de hoy para abordar las preguntas del comité, ya que seguimos creyendo en los beneficios de una dosis de refuerzo para una población más amplia”, se lee en el comunicado. El Dr. Anthony Fauci, director del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, dijo que cree que el régimen completo de vacunación eventualmente será de tres dosis: dos inyecciones iniciales y un refuerzo. En otras noticias relacionadas con la vacuna contra el COVID, Moderna Inc. dijo que está trabajando para desarrollar una vacuna que combine una vacuna de refuerzo para COVID-19 y una vacuna contra la gripe. “Creemos que esta es una gran oportunidad que tenemos por delante, si pudiéramos llevar al mercado un refuerzo anual pan-respiratorio de alta eficacia”, dijo el director ejecutivo de Moderna, Stephane Bancel, según lo citado por Reuters y otros medios de comunicación.

or primera vez desde el año escolar 20192020, el regreso a la escuela significa Regreso a la escuela. Los estudiantes desde prekínder hasta la escuela de posgrado ocupan físicamente las aulas. El avance, sin embargo, ha traído consigo su propio conjunto de desafíos. Los distritos escolares de todo el mundo se están recuperando de las interrupciones causadas por la pandemia en la educación, el transporte y el servicio de alimentos. Están luchando para reclutar maestros, maestros sustitutos, consejeros, administradores, nutricionistas, trabajadores de la cafetería, personal de apoyo y conductores de autobuses; y luchan por adaptarse al impacto de los problemas de suministro de alimentos. Las escuelas están haciendo todo lo posible para hacer frente a esta situación. En algunos distritos, los padres envían a sus hijos a la escuela con un almuerzo en bolsa. Las escuelas que no pueden recibir sus pedidos de los distribuidores de alimentos escolares están recurriendo a distribuidores mayoristas, como Sam’s Club; otros cuentan con restaurantes como Pizza Hut. Algunos gobernadores están activando a la Guardia Nacional para conducir autobuses escolares. Otros están pagando a los padres para que lleven a sus propios hijos a la escuela o contratando administradores para que transporten a los estudiantes. Una institución local bien establecida es una de las que está lidiando con vacantes en educación, administración, servicio de alimentos y personal de conserjería. El Centro de Educación Infantil Temprana del Centro Guadalupe en Penn Valley está trabajando arduamente para mantener las puertas abiertas y llegar a los aproximadamente 90 niños en la lista de espera. La crisis crisis impulsó a Shirley Folch, directora de recursos humanos del Centro Guadalupe, a decirle a KMBC-9 News: “Estoy tan frustrada y siento que tengo las manos atadas”. Folch admitió no poder encontrar candidatos calificados. La escasez de mano de obra relacionada con la educación no es nueva, pero la pandemia ha exacerbado y expuesto críticamente la grave situación. La clave para el éxito de los estudiantes no es sólo llevarlos a la escuela y alimentarlos, sino que depende de una cantidad suficiente de maestros calificados y preparados para cada aula. Eso está en el corazón de una agencia del área. El Instituto de Educación Urbana de la Universidad de MissouriKansas City prepara y apoya a los maestros en las aulas urbanas. Fue fundada en 2005 para preparar a los estudiantes de pregrado, especialmente a los de color, para enseñar en las escuelas primarias e intermedias urbanas. Sigue teniendo esa misión con el objetivo de mejorar el éxito de los estudiantes urbanos. Además de ofrecer becas para especializaciones en educación urbana con destino a la escuela, el IUE apoya y alienta a los maestros nuevos y principiantes a través del desarrollo profesional, la creación de redes, la tutoría y las oportunidades para obtener créditos de posgrado. Eventualmente, la sociedad se recuperará de la pandemia; ahora el énfasis debe estar en ayudar a los estudiantes a recuperar el progreso académico perdido durante más de un año de aprendizaje remoto. Los estados están publicando los resultados de las pruebas estandarizadas del año escolar 20202021. Si bien los resultados varían entre los estados y distritos escolares, las caídas más abruptas se observaron en los grupos de riesgo: estudiantes con discapacidades, estudiantes de color y estudiantes económicamente desfavorecidos. Teniendo en cuenta esa triste noticia, la misión del Instituto de Educación Urbana nunca ha sido más relevante o urgente. Nota bene: Para obtener más información en línea sobre la IUE, visite https://education.umkc.edu/outreachresearch/institute-for-urban-education/.




school are physically occupying classrooms. The breakthrough, however, has brought its own set of challenges. School districts everywhere are reeling from pandemic-caused disruptions in education, transportation and food service. They’re struggling to recruit teachers, substitute teachers, counselors, administrators, nutritionists, cafeteria workers, support staff and bus drivers; and scrambling to adjust and adapt to the impact of food supply issues. Schools are doing their best to cope. In some districts, parents are sending their kids to school with a sack lunch. Schools that can’t get their orders from school food distributors are turning to wholesale distributors, such as Sam’s Club; others are counting on restaurants like Pizza Hut. A few governors are activating the National Guard to drive school buses. Others are paying parents to ferry their own children to school or recruiting administrators to transport students. A well-established local institution is one of those grappling with vacancies in education, administration, food service and custodial staff. The Guadalupe Center’s Early Childhood Education Center at Penn Valley is working hard to keep the doors open and get to the 90 or so kids on the waiting list. The crisis impelled Shirley Folch, Guadalupe Center’s human resources director to tell KMBC-9 News, “I am so frustrated, and I feel like my hands are tied.” Folch admitted being unable to find qualified candidates. Education-related labor shortages aren’t new, but the pandemic has critically exacerbated and exposed the grave predicament. Key to student achievement isn’t only getting students to school and feeding them, it hinges on a sufficient number of qualified, prepared teachers for every classroom. That’s at the heart of one area agency. The Institute for Urban Education at the University of Missouri-Kansas City prepares and supports teachers in urban classrooms. It was founded in 2005 to prepare undergraduate students, especially those of color to teach in urban elementary and middle schools. It remains such a pathway with the objective of improving the success of urban students. Besides offering scholarships for urban school-bound education majors, the IUE supports and encourages new and beginning teachers through professional development, networking, mentoring and opportunities for earning graduate credits. Eventually, society will recover from the pandemic; now the emphasis must be on helping students reclaim academic progress lost during more than a year of remote learning. States are releasing standardized test scores from the 2020-2021 school year. While results vary across states and school districts, the most precipitous drops were seen in at-risk groups -- students with disabilities, students of color and economically disadvantaged students. Considering that grim news, the mission of the Institute for Urban Education has never been more relevant or urgent. Nota bene: For more information online about the IUE, go to https://education.umkc.edu/outreachresearch/institute-for-urban-education/.




Dos Mundos




El Periódico Bilingüe Para la Comunidad Hispana de Kansas City Desde 1981

Kansas City's Premier Bilingual Newspaper

1701 S. 55th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 • www.dosmundos.com • Phone: (816) 221-4747 • President/Editor Clara Reyes

“We thank the committee for their thoughtful review of the data and will work with the FDA following today’s meeting to address the committee’s questions, as we continue to believe in the benefits of a booster dose for a broader population,” the statement read. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he believes the full regime of vaccination will eventually be three doses – two initial shots and a booster. In other COVID vaccine-related news, Moderna Inc. said it is working to develop a vaccine that combines a booster shot for COVID-19 and a flu shot. “We believe this is a very large opportunity that is ahead of us, if we could bring to market a high efficacy pan-respiratory annual booster,” Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said, as quoted by Reuters and other media outlets.

or the first time since the 2019-2020 F school year, Back to School means Back in School. Students in pre-K through grad

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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 38 • September 23 - September 29, 2021

Hablando con la abogada

Commentary by Tere Siqueira

El embajador que canta By Jorge Ramos


By Chara (c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.)

Rivergate Building 600 Broadway Blvd; Ste 250 Kansas City, MO 64105. Tel: 816.895-6363

Part 1

TPS Extended - Apply now! - TPS extendido - ¡Aplica ahora!


Excelente noticia para los centroamericanos! El gobierno de Estados Unidos anunció la extensión de los beneficios del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para los ciudadanos de Honduras, Nicaragua y El Salvador hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2022. La noticia de última hora es un alivio ya que el plazo de octubre de 2021 se acercaba rápidamente. Desafortunadamente, la prórroga no incluye a los inmigrantes que desean solicitarlo por primera vez. Animamos a esas personas a explorar otras opciones llamando a nuestra oficina para concertar una cita. Los actuales titulares del TPS podrán seguir permaneciendo y trabajando en Estados Unidos. Aunque no están obligados a presentar una nueva solicitud, pueden solicitar un nuevo documento de autorización de empleo que muestre la nueva fecha de caducidad de diciembre de 2022. La obtención de una nueva tarjeta puede facilitarles la vida en su trabajo y en la oficina de la licencia de conducir. A día de hoy, se calcula que más de 300.000 inmigrantes de Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haití, Nepal y Sudán disfrutan de los beneficios del TPS. Se espera que próximamente se debata en el Senado una nueva legislación para abrir una vía de residencia permanente a los titulares del TPS. Síganos en Facebook para conocer la última información. Mientras tanto, te invitamos a que solicites un nuevo permiso de trabajo que tendrá la nueva fecha de caducidad. Con esta nueva tarjeta podrás evitar inconvenientes laborales y te incluirá tu licencia de conducir también. ¡Llámanos al 816-895-6363 para aplicar ahora! (La elección de un abogado es una decisión importante y no debe basarse únicamente en la publicidad. No se hace ninguna declaración de que la calidad de los servicios legales que se prestarán sea mayor que la calidad de los servicios legales prestados por otros abogados. Los resultados anteriores no arrojan garantía de resultados futuros y que cada caso es diferente y debe ser juzgado por sus propios méritos).



xcellent news for Central Americans! The U.S. government announced the extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) benefits for citizens of Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador until December 31, 2022. The last-minute news is a relief, as the October 2021 deadline was quickly approaching. Unfortunately, the extension does not include immigrants who wish to apply for the first time. We encourage those persons to explore other options by calling our office to make an appointment. Current TPS holders will continue to be allowed to stay and work in the US. While they are not required to file a new application, they may apply for a new employment authorization document showing the new expiration date of December 2022. Obtaining a new card can make life easier at your job and at the driver’s license office. As of today, it is estimated that more than 300,000 immigrants from Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti, Nepal, and Sudan enjoy TPS benefits. New legislation to open a path to permanent residence for TPS holders is expected to be discussed in the Senate in the near future. Follow us on Facebook for the latest information. In the meantime, we encourage you to apply for a new work permit that will have a new expiration date. This new card will make your life easier with your job and your driver’s license as well. Call us at 816-895-6363 to apply now! (The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. Past results afford no guarantee of future results, and that every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.)




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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO —Estados Unidos no abrirá pronto la frontera a los mexicanos y el presidente Joe Biden tampoco va a visitar México a finales de septiembre, como quería el gobierno mexicano. Estados Unidos seguirá deportando de manera rápida a inmigrantes con la excusa de la covid —usando el llamado Título 42— y el programa conocido como Quédate en México se mantendrá de momento. Mientras tanto, México continúa reprimiendo y deteniendo a personas que, por decenas de miles, recorren su territorio para cruzar sin autorización a Estados Unidos. Pero, a pesar de este escenario desalentador, el nuevo embajador de Estados Unidos en México, Ken Salazar, está optimista. Y hasta canta. Él cree que se puede crear una nueva era de cooperación desde Canadá hasta Centroamérica. Llegó a su primera entrevista de televisión como embajador, en inglés o en español, con sombrero blanco, botas guinda, corbata y lentes. Ese es su atuendo típico. Lo conozco desde que fue senador por el estado de Colorado —el primer demócrata hispano en ganar un asiento desde los años setenta— y luego como secretario del Interior durante el gobierno de Barack Obama. Fue confirmado en agosto de este año y conversamos recientemente en los dos idiomas en el jardín de su residencia oficial en Lomas de Chapultepec. Me dijo que no hay fecha para reabrir la frontera con México, como una medida “para proteger a la gente de Estados Unidos”. La decisión se va a tomar, aseguró, “hasta que los expertos en salud y ciencia lo digan”. Pero su plan va mucho más allá de la frontera. “El presidente Biden quiere un sistema de migración que trabaje para la región: México, Estados Unidos, Canadá y Centroamérica”, aseguró. “Y en eso estamos”. Dijo que están buscando soluciones que se han necesitado “por muchos años”. Algunas de las políticas antiinmigrantes impuestas durante el gobierno de Donald Trump —como los mencionados Título 42 y el programa Quédate en México— siguen todavía en vigencia, ocho meses después de la toma de posesión de Biden. ¿Le molesta que comparen a Biden con Trump? “La comparación no tiene lugar”, me dijo el nuevo embajador. Joe Biden tiene “un corazón latino”. “Él sabe lo que es ser una persona que no tiene mucho dinero, él sabe lo que es sufrir”. Y agregó: “Él sabe que el futuro requiere de la integración”. Pero esa nueva integración ha puesto a México en el papel de represor. La Guardia Nacional de México, agentes del Instituto Nacional de Migración y soldados se han convertido, en la práctica, en la patrulla fronteriza de Estados Unidos: han bloqueado el paso a miles de personas de distintas partes de América Latina y el Caribe (como Haití). Así que le pregunté si estaban presionando al presidente López Obrador para que México se convierta en el muro de Estados Unidos. “La realidad es que debemos tener control sobre las fronteras de nuestros países”, contestó. “Tenemos que colaborar”. Ante las críticas de que México le estaba haciendo el trabajo sucio a Estados Unidos en la frontera, López Obrador dijo hace poco en una Mañanera que el país no era “pelele” de su vecino del norte. (No hay traducción exacta de “pelele” al inglés. Un diccionario dice que es “dummy” pero eso se traduce más como tonto, así que no es una interpretación exacta). Independientemente de la traducción, el embajador estuvo de acuerdo con

Kuno Becker lo interpretará en su serie AMLO: “México tiene su soberanía”. Cuba no es uno de los temas en los que están de acuerdo. El Presidente mexicano invitó al brutal dictador cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel a las recientes ceremonias por la Independencia de México. Díaz-Canel es responsable de la terrible represión a las protestas de julio en Cuba que exigían más democracia y libertad. ¿Esa invitación fue un desafío para Estados Unidos? “Los intereses de Estados Unidos no siempre van a ser los mismos intereses que los de él”, me contestó. Pero tenemos que enfocarnos en las grandes cosas donde sí podemos tener acuerdos”. Como en la lucha contra el tráfico de armas y drogas. ¿Tiene Estados Unidos parte de la culpa por la violencia en México? En México mataban en promedio a casi 100 personas por día en 2020. Muchas de las armas que utilizan los cárteles vienen del norte y Estados Unidos es un gigantesco mercado de consumidores de drogas que vienen del sur. “No tenemos que decir de quién es la culpa”, comentó el embajador. “La realidad es que las drogas que se consumen en Estados Unidos son parte de un problema que tenemos”, dijo. Las armas “que llegan aquí son parte del problema”. El periodista Alan Riding alguna vez definió la relación entre México y Estados Unidos como de “vecinos distantes”. Salazar no lo ve así, mientras recuerda a los más de 60 millones de latinos que viven en Estados Unidos. “Yo lo veo como un pueblo”, me dijo. “Dos naciones, pero un pueblo. Tenemos las mismas raíces. La frontera nos separó. Pero no separó el espíritu y los valores que tenemos de familia, de fe, de cultura. Entonces, lo que tenemos que hacer es unirnos más”. El entusiasmo y el deseo de cambio de Salazar, de 66 años, es genuino. Y sabe que no tiene mucho tiempo para empezar a buscar soluciones. La frontera se desborda. En julio pasado casi 200.000 personas cruzaron sin autorización a Estados Unidos, más que en las últimas dos décadas. ¿Es esa la nueva normalidad? “No”, me dijo. “Y digo que no porque hay cosas que podemos hacer a corto y a largo plazo”. El embajador coincide con el Presidente de México en que es necesario atacar lo antes posible las causas de la migración e invertir fuertemente en Centroamérica. Él cree que hay que enfrentar el problema de la migración de una forma “holística”. Al terminar la entrevista invité al embajador a caminar por la calle de Paseo de la Reforma y no lo dudó ni un segundo. Ante los ojos vigilantes de su equipo de seguridad —algo desconcertante para alguien que dice sentirse más a gusto en la libertad de su rancho de Colorado— me contó cómo la frontera cruzó a la familia Salazar: antes de la guerra entre México y Estados Unidos que concluyó en 1848, vivían en territorio mexicano y después, en estadounidense. Y por eso él se define como “mexicoamericano”. Es decir, la integración (incluso de opuestos o antiguos enemigos) es para él algo natural. Familiar. Al despedirme, le comenté la grata sorpresa de muchos al escucharlo citar a su llegada al país una canción de Jorge Negrete. Y, sin más, tocando la punta de su sombrero, se puso a cantarla: “México lindo y querido, si muero lejos de ti, que digan que estoy dormido y que me traigan aquí”. Me fui pensando que pocas cosas pueden desinflar el entusiasmo de un embajador que canta y que llegó en el momento en que más lo necesitan.

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 38 • September 23 - September 29, 2021 despensas y ropa, atención médica preventiva, y facilitando servicios como las visitas consulares. Aunque una amenaza de tormenta mantuvo en sus casas a muchas personas la tarde de nuestra visita a Lexington, el equipo del consulado informó sobre sus derechos a quienes pudieron asistir. También se orientó a alguien que desea pasaporte para su hija, a quien quiere registrar con la nacionalidad mexicana a sus hijos y a connacionales que prevén viajar por tierra a México a final de año. Avanzamos para informar, proteger y fortalecer a nuestra población en Missouri, Kansas y el oeste de Oklahoma.

The Fields of Lexington - Los Cultivos de Lexington By Alfonso Navarro Bernachi

a tarde del último lunes de verano un equipo del Consulado n the afternoon of the last Monday of L de México viajó a Lexington para visitar a trabajadores O summer, a Mexican Consulate team travagrícolas mexicanos, conocer sus necesidades y presentar eled to Lexington to visit Mexican agricultural información sobre nuestros servicios. Lexington es cabecera de una de las diez zonas de cultivo más importantes en Missouri, el condado Lafayette cuya producción de granos, oleaginosas, frijol y chícharo, entre otros, genera ventas por más de 130 millones de dólares al año.

Entre quienes contribuyen a generar esta riqueza hay personas trabajadoras mexicanas con visas H2A para labores agrícolas temporales que cada año se trasladan a esta y otras partes de Estados Unidos. De acuerdo con el censo más reciente del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos, 246 (21 por ciento) de las mil 175 granjas en el condado Lafayette contratan jornaleros. Las visitas a granjas y huertos son acciones de asistencia y protección consular para personas mexicanas. Ofrecen información y servicios a los que de otra manera no tendrían acceso por encontrarse en zonas aisladas y lejos del consulado. Contribuyen también a evitar abusos y a detectar casos que requieran orientación, asistencia legal o protección consular para nuestra población, sin importar su condición migratoria. Esta labor se fortalece con apoyo de organizaciones y personas aliadas, como Legal Aid of Western Missouri y su red de abogadas y especialistas, así como UMOS, entidad sin fines de lucro cuyos servicios educativos y comunitarios para la población migrante en Lexington son un factor de generación de confianza entre las personas trabajadoras y sus familias. Conforme lo permita el clima, en las seis o siete semanas entre el 20 de septiembre y los primeros días de noviembre, cada lunes por la tarde UMOS realizará estos encuentros con personas trabajadoras migrantes al final de sus jornadas, proveyendo

workers, learn about their needs, and hand them information about our services. Lexington is the county seat of one of the ten most important growing areas in Missouri, Lafayette County, whose production of grains, oilseeds, dry beans and peas, among others, generates sales of more than 130 million dollars a year. Among those who contribute to generate this wealth are Mexican workers who have been granted H2A visas for temporary agricultural work who each year move to this and other parts of the United States. According to the most recent census from the United States Department of Agriculture, 246 (21 percent) of the one thousand 175 farms in Lafayette County hire laborers. These visits to farms and orchards are consular actions taken to provide assistance and protection to Mexican nationals. They offer information and services to those that otherwise would not have access to them because they live in isolated areas and far from the consulate. They also help prevent abuses and detect cases that require guidance, legal assistance or consular protection for our population, regardless of their migratory status. This task is strengthened with the support of allied organizations and individuals, such as Legal Aid of Western Missouri and its network of lawyers and specialists, as well as UMOS, a nonprofit entity whose educational and community services for the migrant population in Lexington are a factor in trust building among working people and their families. As weather permits, in the six or seven weeks between September 20 and the first days of November, every Monday afternoon UMOS will hold these meetings with migrant workers at the end of their working day, providing pantry items and clothing, preventive medical attention, and facilitating services such as the consular visits. Although the threat of a storm kept many

people in their homes the afternoon of our visit to Lexington, the consulate team did informed those who were able to attend, about their rights. They also provided orientation to someone who wants a passport for a daughter, those who want to register children with the Mexican nationality and to fellow nationals who plan to travel to Mexico by land at the end of the year. We are moving forward to inform, protect, and empower our communities in Missouri, Kansas, and the western half of Oklahoma.

White House announces changes to international travel policies By Tere Siqueira La Casa Blanca anuncia cambios en la política de viajes internacionales

as nuevas políticas estadounidenses para los viajes ew U.S. policies for international travel internacionales entrarán en vigor a principios de noviembre, L N will take effect in early November, The según informaron el martes (20 de septiembre) The New York New York Times and other media outlets reported Times y otros medios de comunicación. Las noticias informaron que todos los extranjeros que visiten Estados Unidos deberán presentar una prueba de vacunación completa y un resultado negativo de la prueba del coronavirus tres días antes de volar a Estados Unidos. Además, los viajeros internacionales deben proporcionar números de teléfono móvil y direcciones de correo electrónico para el seguimiento de los contactos a los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de EE.UU. El gobierno de Biden también ampliará las restricciones a lo largo de sus fronteras terrestres con Canadá y México para detener los viajes no esenciales de los extranjeros. Además, la Casa Blanca anunció que los ciudadanos estadounidenses no vacunados d e b e r á n someterse a pruebas en el plazo de un día tras su regreso a Estados Unidos. Los cambios de política ponen fin a casi dos años de restricciones de viaje impuestas por el coronavirus. Bajo la administración de Trump, sólo los ciudadanos estadounidenses, sus familiares directos o los titulares de la tarjeta verde podían entrar en Estados Unidos desde la Unión Europea o Gran Bretaña. Además, cualquier persona que hubiera visitado Brasil, China, India, Irán o Sudáfrica debía esperar 14 días antes de viajar a Estados Unidos. Se espera que los cambios beneficien no sólo a las familias que han sido separadas, sino también a las empresas, en particular las del sector turístico. De acuerdo a Reuters, la Asociación de Viajes de Estados Unidos estimó que las restricciones costarían a la economía estadounidense 325,000 millones de dólares si continuaban hasta finales de año. Pero aún quedan algunas preguntas sobre los cambios, como qué vacunas serán aceptables. La Casa Blanca ha dicho que las decisiones finales dependen de CDC. Otra cuestión es cómo se definirá el término «totalmente vacunado». La portavoz de los CDC, Kristen Nordlund, fue citada por Reuters: «CDC considera que alguien está totalmente vacunado con las vacunas autorizadas o aprobadas por la FDA y cualquier vacuna que (la Organización Mundial de la Salud) haya autorizado».

Tuesday (Sept. 20). Per the news reports, all foreigners visiting the United States must provide proof of complete vaccination and a negative coronavirus test result three days before flying to America. Additionally, international travelers must provide mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses for contact tracing to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it was reported. The Biden administration also will extend restrictions along its land borders with Canada and Mexico to stop nonessential travel by foreigners. In addition, the White House announced that unvaccinated American citizens must be tested within one day of their return to the United States. The policy changes end almost two years of coronavirus-imposed travel restrictions. Under the Trump administration, only American citizens, their immediate families or green card holders could enter America from the European Union or Great Britain. Moreover, anyone who had visited Brazil, China, India, Iran or South Africa had to wait 14 days before traveling to the United States. The changes are expected to benefit not only families that have been separated, but also businesses, particularly those in the tourism industry. Reuters reported that the U.S. Travel Association estimated the restrictions would cost the U.S. economy $325 billion if allowed to run to year’s end. But some questions remain about the changes, including what vaccines will be acceptable. The White House has said that final decisions are up to the CDC. Another question is how the term “fully vaccinated” will be defined. CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund was quoted by Reuters as saying: “The CDC considers someone fully vaccinated with FDA-authorized or approved vaccines and any vaccines that (the World Health Organization) has authorized.”

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 38 • September 23 - September 29, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccinations Critically Important During Pregnancy

Vacunas contra el COVID-19 de importancia crítica durante el embarazo

Deportes y más deportes….

Las personas embarazadas tienen más riesgo de sufrir Pregnant People Are More At Risk for enfermedades graves y complicaciones Severe Illness and Complications

ueva información de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en N N inglés) deja aún más claro que recibir una vacuna contra el COVID-19 nunca ha sido más importante para las personas embarazadas. Los datos muestran que los beneficios de recibir una vacuna contra el COVID-19 durante el embarazo superan con creces cualquier riesgo conocido o potencial de la vacunación durante el embarazo. D e h e c h o, l a información de los CDC muestra que las personas embarazadas y las que han estado embarazadas recientemente tienen un “mayor riesgo de contraer una enfermedad grave por COVID-19 en comparación con las personas que no están embarazadas”. Las enfermedades g r ave s i n c l u ye n enfermedades que pueden requerir que sea hospitalizado, que lo pongan en cuidados intensivos o que necesite un ventilador u otro equipo especializado para ayudarlo a respirar. Las personas embarazadas que contraen COVID-19 también tienen un mayor riesgo de parto prematuro y es más probable que tengan otros resultados deficientes en el embarazo. Algunos otros recordatorios importantes de los CDC y el Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas en inglés) incluyen: *Más de 200,000 personas embarazadas han recibido una vacuna Pfizer o Moderna contra el COVID-19 sin ningún problema de seguridad. *La mayor propagación de la variante Delta altamente contagiosa y el mayor riesgo de enfermedad grave y parto prematuro entre las personas embarazadas que contraen COVID-19 significan que es más urgente que nunca que las personas que están embarazadas reciban sus vacunas gratuitas contra el COVID-19. *Actualmente no hay evidencia de que alguna vacuna, incluidas las vacunas contra el COVID-19, cause problemas de fertilidad en mujeres u hombres. *Los datos actuales no muestran problemas de seguridad para las personas embarazadas que reciben una vacuna de ARNm contra el COVID-19. Estos datos han sido analizados a través de múltiples sistemas de monitoreo de seguridad entre personas embarazadas en diversas etapas de su embarazo. *La vacunación de las personas embarazadas ayuda a desarrollar anticuerpos que podrían proteger a su bebé. El UGPHD insta a cualquier persona que esté embarazada y tenga preguntas sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19 y el embarazo a que hable con su obstetra (OBGYN) sobre las mejores consideraciones de atención específicas para su caso. Aquellos que necesitan atención prenatal y no tienen seguro médico pueden preguntar sobre la Clínica Prenatal del UGPHD. Simplemente llame al 913-573-8855 para programar una cita. Además, puede obtener más información sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 en WycoVaccines.org o llamando al 3-1-1 o al 913-573-5311. ¡También puede solicitar transporte gratuito al departamento de salud, farmacia, visitas al médico, clínicas de vacunación, pruebas de COVID y más! El COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte Mientras tanto, es importante recordar que el 41% de las personas en el condado de Wyandotte de 12 años en adelante (que ya son elegibles) aún no están vacunadas. Cualquier persona de 12 años o más puede vacunarse gratis, sin necesidad de seguro médico, en nuestro sitio de vacunación en el antiguo edificio de Kmart en 78th y State, de miércoles a viernes de 10 a.m. a 6 p.m. O puede ir a vaccines.gov para encontrar otro sitio de vacunación cerca de usted. Próximos eventos comunitarios Dos próximos eventos comunitarios en WyCo contarán con exámenes de detección de cáncer gratuitos, vacunas y pruebas de COVID-19 y una amplia variedad de otros servicios de salud, ¡todo gratis! Aquí hay detalles sobre dos eventos que se celebrarán el sábado 2 de octubre: *Biblioteca de Bonner Springs de 10 a.m. a 3 p.m.—Este evento tendrá vacunas contra el COVID-19, mamografías y exámenes de mama gratuitos y kits de prueba de cáncer colorrectal gratuitos. El evento se llevará a cabo en 201 Nettleton Avenue en Bonner Springs, KS. *Escuela secundaria JC Harmon (2400 Steele Road, KCK): este evento tendrá vacunas contra el COVID gratuitas para cualquier persona de 12 años en adelante (¡además de incentivos para quienes reciben su primera dosis!), pruebas de COVID gratuitas, vacunas contra la influenza gratis, exámenes físicos deportivos y dentales gratuitos, comida gratis y otros obsequios. El evento se desarrolla a partir de las 12 p.m. a las 3 p.m. Visite kckps.org para obtener más información. Para obtener más información sobre las vacunas COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte, visite WycoVaccines.org o llame al 3-1-1.

ew information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) makes it even more clear that getting a COVID-19 vaccination has never been more important for people who are pregnant. The data shows that the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccination while pregnant far outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy. In fact, the CDC information shows that pregnant and recently pregnant people are at an “increased risk for severe illness from COVID -19 when compared with nonpregnant people.” Severe illness includes illness that might require you to be hospitalized, put into intensive care or need a ventilator or other specialized equipment to help you breathe. Pregnant people who get COVID-19 are also at increased risk of preterm birth and may be more likely to have other poor pregnancy outcomes. Some other important reminders from the CDC and the Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) include: *More than 200,000 pregnant people have received either a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine without any safety concerns. *The increased spread of the highly contagious Delta variant and the increased risk of severe illness and preterm birth among pregnant people who get COVID-19 mean it’s more urgent than ever that people who are pregnant get their free COVID-19 vaccinations. *There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men. *Current data shows no safety concerns for pregnant people who receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. This data has been analyzed through multiple safety monitoring systems among pregnant people at various stages of their pregnancy. *Vaccination of pregnant people helps build antibodies that might protect their baby. The UGPHD urges anyone who is pregnant and has questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and pregnancy to talk to their obstetrician (OBGYN) about the best care considerations specific to your case. Those who need prenatal care and don’t have health insurance can ask about the UGPHD Prenatal Clinic. Just call 913-573-8855 for an appointment. Also, you can learn more about COVID-19 vaccines at WycoVaccines.org, or by calling 3-1-1 or 913-573-5311. You can also request free rides to the health department, pharmacy, doctor visits, vaccination clinics, COVID testing and more! COVID-19 In Wyandotte County In the meantime, it is important to remember that 41% of people in Wyandotte County ages 12 and up (who are already eligible) are not yet vaccinated. Anyone age 12 and older can get vaccinated for free, no health insurance needed, at our vaccination site at the former Kmart building at 78th and State, Wednesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Or, you can go to vaccines.gov to find another vaccination site near you. Upcoming Community Events Two upcoming community events in WyCo will feature free cancer screenings, COVID-19 vaccinations and testing and a wide variety of other health services – all free of charge! Here are details about two events coming up on Saturday, October 2: *Bonner Springs Library from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.: This event features free COVID-19 vaccinations, mammograms and breast exams and free colorectal cancer testing kits. The event will take place at 201 Nettleton Avenue in Bonner Springs, KS. *J.C. Harmon High School (2400 Steele Road, KCK): This event features free COVID vaccines for anyone 12 and up (plus incentives for those getting their first dose!), free COVID testing, free flue shots, free sports physicals and dental exams, free food and other giveaways. The event runs from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. visit kckps.org for more information. To learn more about COVID-19 vaccines in Wyandotte County visit WycoVaccines.org or call 3-1-1.

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Salvador Pérez hace historia en la MLB Salvador Pérez hizo historia este lunes al romper el récord de cuadrangulares logrados por un cátcher en una misma temporada. El venezolano conectó su jonrón 46 en la quinta entrada de la victoria de los Royals ante los Cleveland Indians en el primer duelo de una doble cartelera. Lo negativo del momento fue que el fanático que agarró el cuadrangular no quiso intercambiarlo para que Pérez pueda tener la pelota como recordatorio de su gran hazaña, por lo que fanáticos de los Royals y compañeros se mostraron enojados. Pérez superó a Johnny Bench, quien conectó 45 jonrones en 1970.

Koeman, ¿con las horas contadas? Ronald Koeman no lo pasa bien en el Barcelona. Luego de ser goleado por el Bayern Munich por la Champions, apenas pudo rescatar un empate ante el Granada por LaLiga. Tras estos malos resultados, el técnico holandés ha sido el más cuestionado de si es el ideal para estar en el banquillo blaugrana. Koeman salió el miércoles a decir que el club estaba con él y que están en proceso de reconstrucción. Además de pedir tiempo a la afición para regresar a los resultados positivos. Koeman dejó la conferencia de prensa sin aceptar preguntas de los periodistas. Barcelona buscará hoy sumar puntos en LaLiga ante el Cádiz, que marcha en el puesto 13 de la tabla.

¿Superliga norteamericana? Los 17 actuales equipos de la MLS (más los dos que se unirán en el 2022 y 2023) y los 18 de la Liga MX participarán de la Leagues Cup a partir del 2023. El objetivo es acercar a las dos ligas para ver si en un futuro se puedan unir en un solo torneo. Las dos ligas pararán durante un mes para disputar el torneo en un estilo tipo ‘mundial’ que se disputará en su totalidad en los Estados Unidos. Falta que la CONCACAF de su visto bueno, aunque se supo que la FIFA avaló la unión de las dos ligas en el pasado. La Super League del 2023 además dará dos boletos para la Liga de Campeones de la Concacaf.

Primer round del Canelo-Plant Saúl Canelo Álvarez y Caleb Plant protagonizaron una trifulca en la Conferencia de Prensa donde iban a presentar su próxima pelea de noviembre. En un careo previo a la conferencia, el Canelo empujó a Caleb que respondió con un golpe que fue bien esquivado por el mexicano, no sin antes responder con otro golpe que dio en la cara del británico dejándole una ligera cortada. Canelo dijo después que Plant había hablado de su mamá y por eso su reacción. Canelo y Plant lucharán por la unificación del título Supermediano del CMB, AMB, OMB y de la FIB el 6 de noviembre en Las Vegas.




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El periódico Dos Mundos estará rifando copias de la película “F9” Si estás interesado en participar manda tus datos un email a hector@dosmundos.com Dos Mundos is giving away copies of “F9” To be entered into the drawing send your information to hector@ dosmundos.com

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El periódico Dos Mundos estará rifando copias de la película “Cruela” Si estás interesado en participar manda tus datos un email a hector@dosmundos.com Dos Mundos is giving away copies of “Cruela” To be entered into the drawing send your information to hector@dosmundos.com

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The City of Overland Park has two full-time Planning Technician I/II/Sr positions available in the Planning & Development Services Dept. To apply, go to www.opkansas.org/ about-overland-park/careers/. EO/M/F/D/V


¿Cose? ¿O tiene experiencia en una línea de fabricación usando sus manos? ¡Rightfully Sewn está contratando operadores de máquinas de coser e indexadoras! Producimos ropa de alta calidad, como vestidos y camisas, con un salario inicial de $15 por hora, seguros, días festivos pagados, 401k match y un ambiente de trabajo agradable. Contáctenos al 816-442-8078. HELP WANTED

The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions, incl: Tech Access Prog Coord – admin management, relationship building, budget experience needed. Books to Go Sr. Asst – strong customer service skills, ability to obtain Class E drivers license Youth Service Assoc – knowledge of children and young adult literature, excellent customer service skills Library Asst and Assoc view site for listings For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO HELP WANTED

The Family Conservancy seeks the following (7) positions in KCKS Head Start Education/Inclusion Specialist – BA in Early Childhood or related field, prior exp in low income and diverse populations. Bilingual fluency written & oral, Eng/Span req’d. Early Childhood Mntl Hlth Specialist - BA pref. Proficient in Microsoft Office Word, Access, and Excel and familiarity with e-mail and internet functions. Bilingual fluency in written and oral English/Spanish preferred VP of People Culture & Equity - MA pref. (PHR, SPHR, GHR, SHRM-CP, SHRM-SCP) FETI, Brave Space Certification; Bilingual fluency in written and oral English/ Spanish is preferred. Early Care & Education Specialist - BA in related field pref., CLASS observer cert in (1) age level., (3) yrs exp. in child care field. For immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://rb.gy/bm98p2 EOE/M/F/D/V/SO


Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc...



Water Servicer $15.06-$24.31/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513509) Several full-time positions available with the KC Water Meter Field Services Division located at 1720 Wabash. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Work involves turning water service valves on or off at designated addresses, installing or exchanging water meters and related appurtenances, and checking water meters and appurtenances for leaks and/ or malfunctions, as directed. Uses maps and drawings to locate and dig up and/or clean out curb boxes or meter vaults. Written work assignments are received, in advance, from a central office or orally by an assigned radio dispatcher. Work requires considerable tact and courtesy in dealing with utility customers and complaints, as well as general knowledge of utility operations, policies and practices. Work is performed independently, but subject to occasional inspection by a technical supervisor. REQUIRES high school graduation and 6 months experience in general construction, maintenance, or repair work. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.


Maintenance Repairer $14.82-$23.16/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513495) Several full-time positions available with KC Water Wastewater Treatment Plant Division located at 7300 Hawthorne Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. This entry-level position involves the performance of a variety of maintenance jobs including pump repair, inspections, and installation. Must have basic tool knowledge, and assist maintenance mechanics in the installation of valves, blowers, pumps, basins, clarifiers, and all other necessary equipment. Maintenance and inspections of HVAC systems, ground maintenance. Requires the ability to be able to follow instructions from supervisor, mechanics, and other crew members. Can have automotive, contractor/ labor experience, plumbing, gas engine, machine repair and general labor experience. REQUIRES completion of a trade school or a shop training program; OR 6 months experience in general maintenance and repair work. May be required to obtain a valid MO Class A,B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.


Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc...


Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...


FOR RENT Departamentos



Crafts Person $17.19-$26.86/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled 515 S Clairborne Rd. Olathe, KS 66062 (Job Opening ID 513116) Departamentos Departamentos Full-time position available Corporativos de 1 y 2 with KC Water, Water Supply Disponibles recamaras Treatment Division located 1 $200 de deposito NW Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday• Las mejores escuelas • Alberca Thursday, 6:30 A.M. to • Lavandería • Electricos 5:00 P.M. Work involves • Camara de seguridad responsibility for the safe Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm and efficient operation of Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594 specialized compacting, sweeping. Digging, hauling, hoisting, loading and oil HELP WANTED HELP WANTED spreading units. The operation of this equipment entails considerable manipulative difficulty and employees Smoothie King, A Healthy Smoothie Bar. of this class are frequently Fun Environment, Great Hours responsible for the safety of Part Time or Full Time with other workers who assist with 6 locations in Kansas City Area. work performed by use of the Up to $15.00 hour equipment. In the absence of equipment operating duties, Visit us at: employees of this class www.snagajob.com participate in manual laboring Or Call 816-695-3610 activities. Performs a variety of manual labor and semi-skilled Auto tasks in the constructions, 2SScol. x helping 3 col. customers = 6 col get into vehicles for 25YEARS! maintenance, and repair of Offer financing no matter $14 col. inch what x 6your col. = $84.00 water treatment plants and credit looks like! related system facilities and We accept ITIN numbers. one - three issues or Down payments equipment by performing the as low as $99! following duties: dig trenches, $13 col. inch Letxus6showcol. = car$78.00 you what a great 2012 GMC Acadia AWD 4 dr SLT2 install shoring, set-up concrete buying experience can be like! 6417 North Oak Trafficway forms, and backfill open $78.00per issue for 4 issues Gladstone, MO 64118 trenches; operate washers, SE HABLA ESPANOL To Run 48200 weeks = $312.00 sandblasters, and other 816-468www.ssautokc.com maintenance equipment. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of2 col. HELP x WANTED 3 col. = 6 col experience in a relevant trade (e.g., carpenter, machinist,Spcial rate of $10 col. inch = $60.00 painter, plumber or welder);To run 3 ads per week for 4 weeks OR an equivalent combination Oferta de Trabajo of qualifying education and construcción experience. Must possess $25-$30/hr a valid state-issued driver’s Ubicado en St. Joseph, MO. license in accordance with the Sitios de trabajo en Tarkio, MO y City of KCMO policies. Must Clinton, IA pass a pre-employment para llamadas en ingles: drug screen and post-offer 816-652-2185 physical examination as para español, texto: prescribed by the City. 816-343-4313



SS Auto Inc.

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Starting at $16.00 an hour $2,000 sign on bonus

VACANTES DISPONIBLES Desde $16.00 la hora Bono de iniciación de $2,000



Thu, September 30th • 2pm - 6pm

Jueves 30 de sept., • 2pm - 6pm

Full Time Day (Mon—Fri) 5am - complete

De día tiempo completo (L-V) 5am-Completo

11200 N. Congress Avenue • KC, MO. 64153 11200 N. Congress Avenue KC, MO. 64153

Full Time Night (Sun—Thurs) 5pm - complete Nocturno de tiempo completo (D-J) 5pm-Completo Part Time Night Shift (Sun—Thurs) 5pm - 10pm

Nocturno medio tiempo (D-J) de 5pm a 10pm

• Climate Controlled • Medical and Dental • Paid Vacation • 401k • Tuition Reimbursement • Incentive Pay • Career Advancement

• Climatización controlada • Médico y dental • Vacaciones pagadas • 401k • Reembolso de matrícula • Pago de incentivo • Avance profesional

Pre-employment background and drug screen required.

Se requieren antecedentes previos al empleo y pruebas de detección de drogas.

Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/D/V

Empleador con igualdad de oportunidades, M/F/D/V

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 38 • September 23 - 29, 2021 HELP WANTED




Equipment Operator $14.82-$23.16/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513363) Several fulltime positions available with the KC Water Distribution Repair, Wastewater Repair and Wastewater/Stormwater Preventative Maintenance Division located at 1800 Prospect Avenue. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayThursday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. or 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Tuesday-Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. or 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Friday-Monday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. or 4:00 P.M. to 2:30 A.M. WATER DISTRIBUTION REPAIR : Enters excavation 4-15 deep or deeper to install, repair, and replace water mains, water lines, and other water service structures,. Participates in the installation of water mains, valves, and hydrants. Repairs leaks and breaks in existing pressured mains. Locates and manipulates valves and keys to regulate the water system. Operates tapping machines to make water line taps. Lays pipe by hand or using a backhoe, hoist, or crane. Hand digs excavations to locate underground utilities and repair water services. Uses hand tools and hydraulic saws to cut pipe. Uses jackhammers to uncover shutoff valves and isolate breaks and performs valve and hydrant shutoffs. Disassembles and reassembles hydrants for replacement, repair, or overhaul. Operates valve turning trucks. Participates in the restoration of work site locations including backfilling excavations, dirt work restorations, seeding or sodding, setup of erosion control measures, tear down and replacement of fences or landscaping. Utilizes proper techniques to minimize damage to existing utilities. WATEWATER REPAIR: Installs, repairs, replaces, cleans and/or maintains wastewater mains and lines. Transports materials to designated work sites. Drives a truck with a flatbed trailer for hauling construction equipment, drives construction equipment on and off lo-boy units. Operates a backhoe in trenching, filling, or other minor excavations. Plans and executes work to avoid damage to underground pipes and cables. Makes field repairs to equipment and as necessary, assist machinist and mechanics on major repairs. Services assigned equipment with fuel, oil, water and grease. Operates equipment for snow plowing and snow removal. STORMWATER PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE: Installs, repairs, replaces, cleans, and/or maintains stormwater inlets, channels and levees, and other related stormwater structures. Operates rodding and bucket machines in cleaning stormwater inlets. Operates flusher truck cleaning and flushing streets and thoroughfares. Drives trucks for loading brush and in general cleanup of areas such as levees and creeks where dead trees and brush are removed. Operates medium grade tractors in the mowing of grass, and chainsaws in the cutting of tree branches and limbs around and near levee systems. Drives a truck with a flatbed trailer for hauling construction equipment; drives construction equipment on and off lo-boy units. Operates a backhoe in trenching, filling or other minor excavations. Operates a front-end up to 1/2 cubic yard in loading sweeper piles, broken pipe, dirt, rocks, and debris. Participates in emergency flood response duties which may include sand bagging and filling log-gaps in levees, as well as any other activities that aid in the prevention of flood wall and levees breaches. Operates equipment for snow plowing and snow removal. WASTEWATER PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE: Operates rodding and bucket machine in cleaning and sanitary sewers. Installs, repairs, and maintains wastewater main and lines. Transports materials to designated work sites. Operates flusher truck for cleaning and flushing streets thoroughfares. Drives truck with flatbed trailer for hauling construction equipment and drives construction equipment on and off lo-boy units. Participates in snow plowing and snow removal operations. REQUIRES 6 months of experience in the operation of trucks and other specialized automotive equipment. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid Missouri Class A, B or C CDL prior to the end of probationary period. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. HELP WANTED

Maintenance Electrician $18.24-$29.44/ hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513766) Several full-time positions available with KC Water, Water Supply Treatment Plant Division located at 1 NW Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Thursday, 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. This position will troubleshoot, evaluate and make repairs to electrical components within our system. This position will also be responsible for working with medium voltage apparatuses up to 13,000 volts, motor controls, PLC’s, VFD, switchgear and understanding the NEC codes. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of progressively responsible experience performing routine and moderately complex electrical maintenance and repair work; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to possess a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given to applicants who are Master Journeyman.




Electronics Technician $18.24-$29.44/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513691) Several full-time positions available with KC Water Wastewater Treatment Plant Division located at 7300 Hawthorne Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Responsible instrumentation and controls trade work in maintenance, inspection, testing,calibration, troubleshooting and repairing a wide variety of industrial facility instrumentation and process control equipment/ systems. Sets up and uses instrumentation control equipment including PLC’s, laptop computers, process controllers, communication systems, level control systems, telemetry/SCADA systems, and emergency and any other on-line computers, remote sensing devices, digital multi-meters, pressure/ current/voltage calibrators, oscilloscopes, hand held programming terminals for radios, pressure/flow transmitters, and RF power meters. Exercises considerable independent judgment and initiative identifying and diagnosing instrumentation and control malfunctions to determine correction. Works with voltages including up to and including 480 volts 3 phase AC and 700 volts DC. If working with Electricians, may work with higher AC voltage. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of experience as an electronics technician or telecommunications technician; OR an Associate’s degree or its equivalent in electronics and 1 year of related experience. May be required to possess valid state-issued drivers license in accordance with the City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.


Maintenance Mechanic $16.64-$26.86/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513764) Several full-time positions available with KC Water Wastewater Treatment Plant Division located at 7300 Hawthorne Road. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 6:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Inspects, maintains, repairs, and troubleshoots equipment within the Wastewater Division. Operates various pumps, heating and air conditioning systems, and emergency power and transfer systems; operates multi-stage water system, multi-zone two pipe steam system and vacuum condensate system. Operates waste heat snow melt system. Repairs doors and locking mechanisms; repairs plumbing and drainage systems; performs snow removal. Utilizes various tools and equipment for snow removal at various facilities. Troubleshoots basic electrical issues. Uses knowledge of computers and possesses the ability to read blueprints. Understands the importance of proper safety habits and knowledge of “lock out & tag out”, and PPE. REQUIRES high school graduation and 4 years of experience in a variety of mechanical crafts; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. May be required to obtain a valid MO Class A, B, or C CDL prior to the end of the probationary period as determined by the department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.





Plant Operator $16.64-$26.86/hour Deadline: Open Until Filled (Job Opening ID 513248) Several fulltime positions available with KC Water, Water Supply Treatment Plant Division located at 1 NW Briarcliff Road. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Thursday-Monday or Wednesday -Sunday, 3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. This is an entry level to semiskilled position in the operation of the Water Treatment Plant and Pumping Facilities. Work involves learning fundamental concepts and practices used in water treatment including equipment operation and minor maintenance. Progressively more responsible for routine inspections and maintenance for a variety of plant equipment and facilities. As skills develop, will be responsible for some process evaluations and process controls to achieve optimum Plant Operator-513248(cont.) performance. REQUIRES high school graduation. Six months after date of hire, must obtain D-level operator certification in water/wastewater issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Three years after date of hire, must obtain C-level operator certification in water/ wastewater issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Must have a valid stateissued driver’s license in accordance with city policy. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City.


Public Health Specialist II (Job Opening ID #513871) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, HIV Services Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Works in the HIV Services Housing Program as the primary staff member responsible for projects with direct client interaction and service provision. Serves as the primary liaison between the KC-TGA HIV Services System and the local HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordinated Entry System (CES). Communicates client needs between the two systems. Educates and trains community partners about HIV Services and CES. Provides assessments to clients and staying informed on houselessness issues locally and nationally. Coordinates and serves as a short-term support specialist for two direct services projects, short-term housing and employment services. Follows federal guidelines for client and activity eligibility while creatively designing and facilitating local implementation. Attends and participates in various community engagement meetings including HIV Service Coordination, quality improvement work groups, and CoC committees. Utilizes local client-level databases for documentation, care coordination, and reporting. Supports other activities and projects of the HIV Services Program and overall Health Department. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 2 years of health related work experience, including 1 year at a level comparable to the City’s Public Health Specialist; OR an accredited Master’s degree and 1 year of health related work experience at a level comparable to the City’s Public Health Specialist; OR an accredited Master’s degree in Public Health; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen and post offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given for at least two years experience in non-profit case management, social work, client services, housing and/or employment counseling/services, serving populations including people experiencing homelessness, people living with HIV, the LGBTQIA population, racial/ethnic minorities, and immigrant populations and/or other related services and populations. Salary Range: $21.46-$33.88/hour. Application Deadline Date: October 4, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

Administrative Assistant Contigo Centro Legal, a rapidly growing bilingual personal injury law firm in North Kansas City, has an immediate opening for a full-time, bilingual Administrative Assistant to join its team. Excellent salary and benefits with the potential for advancement. Send resume to Beatriz Ibarra at info@contigolaw.com.


Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 38 • September 23 - 29, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE




Lee’s Summit Housing Authority Invitation for Bids

The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority (LSHA) will accept bids from qualified persons or firms for the Duncan Estates Exterior Remodel project in accordance with the attached drawings and specifications. Bids must be received by Veritas architecture + design 707 N. 6th Street Kansas City, Kansas 66101 before October 12, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. at which time and place all bids will be opened and read aloud publicly. The scope of work consists of providing all labor, transportation, equipment and materials for the Duncan Estates Exterior Remodel project as mentioned and shown in the drawings and specifications. This project will replace all siding, trim, fascia, soffits, gutters, downspouts, windows, exterior light fixtures and exterior doors for specific units listed in the drawings and specifications.




Funding has been made available under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Capital Fund Program (CFP) and under a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and must meet all applicable requirements for the CFP and CDBG grants and comply with the President’s Executive Order number 11246. Bidding documents are available with 24 hours of notice. To request a digital (PDF) or hard (print) copy of bidding documents and any addendums or notices of information documents contact: Travis Willson Veritas architecture + design travis@veritas-ad.com Hard (print) copies require a $50.00 refundable deposit; digital copies are also available for a $25.00 non-refundable and both can be obtained at: ArchiDigital Blueprint & Imaging 521-A SE 2nd Street Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 (816) 524-7120 Bidders are encouraged to view the work and complete field measurements during a pre-bid conference set for September 30, 2021 @ 9:00 a.m. at the project site in Lee’s Summit, MO. It is the responsibility of interested firms to check with the LSHA, for any addendums prior to the due date for this Bid. All addenda must be signed and included with submitted Bid. The cutoff date for any questions for this bid is October 5, 2021 @ 5:00p.m. All questions shall be directed to: Travis Willson Veritas architecture + design travis@veritas-ad.com Wages for work under this contract shall comply with the Prevailing Wage Rates as determined by Federal requirements of Davis-Bacon Wage Rates. The Contractor and his subcontractors will be obliged not to discriminate in employment practices. The nonPublic Housing and Housing hoice Opportunities Voucher discrimination stipulations and CEqual e Lee’s Summit Housing Authority inwthe aiting lists are documents. open to receive applications clauses are included contract r placement o n t he P ublic H ousing w aiting l ist a nd H Choice Voucher For any contract greater than $5,000, ousing the successful aiting list ubidder ntil filled. shall To apply, go to lwith eesummit.housingmanager.com, comply § 285.530 RSMo, as or by and byand sworn affidavit affirming it apply for. iting our wamended, ebsite at hacls.org choose the program you wthat ant to does not knowingly employ any person who is an nce full the waiting lists will close and applications will no longer be accepted. unauthorized alien and provision of documentation affirm its enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization Eligibility program with respect to employees working in connection this contract. Current income limits are based on number owith f persons in a household. The required documentation must from the federal (Total household income not tbe o exceed) work authorization program provider. Letter from contractors is 1 2 reciting 3 compliance 4 5 not sufficient. 6 7 8 Programs Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority reserves the reject any and$41,350 all bids, to waive Section 8 right $28,950 to $33,100 $37,250 $44,700 $48,000 technical $51,300 $54,600 Public defects in bids, and to select the bid(s) deemed the Lee’s Summit $46,350 advantageous $52,950 $59,550 to$66,150 $71,450 $76,750 Housing $82,050 $87,350 Housing most Authority. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days subsequent to the opening HE LEE’S SUMMIT OUSING AUTHORITY DOES BUSINESS of IN A CCORDANCE WITH FHousing AIR HOUSING LAWS AND IS of Hbids without the consent Lee’s Summit Authority. AN EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER.




INVITATION TO BID Bids for Missouri State Highway Patrol General Headquarters facility improvements, Project Nos. R210901 and R2110-01, will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, 10/21/2021 via MissouriBUYS. Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project information, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities


Kansas City, Kansas Hous 1124 North 9th Street Kansas City, Kansas 6610 (913) 281-3300 FAX (913) https://www.kckha.org

PUBLIC NOTICE Request For Proposal Missouri Press Service

802 Locust Columbia, MO 65201 Westside Housing Organization PHONE - 573-449-4167 at 919 W 24th FAX St -is573-874-5894 soliciting

Project Based Voucher Program

P The Kansas City Kansas Housing Authority (KCKHA) is seeking The Kansas Cityproposals Kansas Housing bids from qualified contractors to from interested parties with existing parties with existing multifamily multifamily developments requesting perform FederallyDos funded repairs Mundos Section 8 Project Based federal rent subsidies under the Voucher at Posada Del Sol at 1735 Summit Section 8upProject BasedofVoucher to 40 units PBV’s for existi (PBV) Rental Assistance The within Ad Code: in Kansas City Missouri and D&C_R2109-01 minor interested inProgram. units located KCKHA has available up to 40 units Ad Size: 1x4 home repairs on properties and currently not receiving of PBV’s areas for existing units in multiExpress Mail.The Applications are d family developments. KCKHA located within KCMO. MBE/ is interested units located within p.m.inFunding will be made avail WBE/Section 3 contractors are the City of Kansas City, Kansas, nonParticipation encouraged to bid and complete poor andProgram. non-minority areas and in the PB Opportunity (FHEO) requiremen currently not receiving PBV assistance. our contractor’s application to Applications may be submitted via receive notice directly. Scopes email or Express Mail. Applications Request For Proposals will are due Monday, November 1, 2021 are available on our website. and must be received by 4:30 p.m. http://westsidehousing.org/ • made Supportive Housing for H Funding will be available per the criteria established in the Project Based homelessness contractors.htm. Contact Voucher Program. Participation in the cpouppirt@westsidehousing.org PBV program requires compliance with Theand PBVEqual packet, which contains Fair Housing Opportunity or call 816-708-0586. is available on our website: (FHEO) requirements. Request www.kckha.org/current-bid-oppo For Proposals will be PUBLIC NOTICE competitively selected among the following For category: further information contact: DIVERSITY BUSINESS • Supportive Housing for HomelessINVITATION TO BID permanent supportive housing to help Housing Choice Voucher Section reduce homelessness SIRCAL Contracting will be accepting Kansas City, Kansas Housing Au subcontract and/or material bids for The PBV packet, which th contains the 1124 9 Street,for Kansas Cit application andNorth the instruction the following project: UMTH Update E-mail: cescobar@kckha.org submitting applications, is available Elevators, Project #CP192031, bids on our website: or visit our website: www.kckha due 10/12/21 by 12:00 p.m. Bids www.kckha.org/current-bidopportunities should be sent to fax 573-893-5509 or email to bids@sircalcontracting. For further information contact: com. If you are a qualified MBE/WBE Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 subcontractor or supplier or seek Program Kansas City, Kansas Housing Authority information on becoming qualified 1124 North 9th Street, Kansas City, please contact SIRCAL Contracting, Kansas 66101 E-mail: cescobar@ Inc. 1331 Monroe, Jefferson City, MO kckha.org 65101. Phone 573-893-5977. or visit our website: www.kckha.org







McCownGordon Construction is issuing a Request for Qualifications and Budget proposals for the Barney Allis Redevelopment project. This RFQ is for the Demolition & Shoring scopes of work under one contract. All other scopes of work will be requested/ issued at a later date. A virtual pre-bid will be via Zoom on Wednesday September 29th, 2021 at 2:00 pm. All responses are due no later than 2:00 pm on October 8th, 2021 through McCownGordon Construction’s online bid submission software, Building Connected or emailed to ehaskett@mccowngordon.com Please contact Eli Haskett at (816) 820-4698 or ehaskett@ mccowngordon.com with questions and access to RFQ documents.


DIVERSITY BUSINESS INVITATION TO BID SIRCAL Contracting will be accepting subcontract and/or material bids for the following project: Schweitzer Hall Renovate Lab 213, Project #CP211261, bids due 9/29/21 by 12:00 p.m. Bids should be sent to fax 573-893-5509 or email to bids@sircalcontracting. com. If you are a qualified MBE/WBE subcontractor or supplier or seek information on becoming qualified please contact SIRCAL Contracting, Inc. 1331 Monroe, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Phone 573-893-5977.

Advertising doesn’t cost, it pays! For pricing and more information about advertising in the Dos Mundos classifieds, please contact Veronica by email at : classifieds@dosmundos.com


Public Health Specialist (Job Opening ID #513903) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Environmental Health Services Division, 2400 Troost Ave. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Conducts routine, follow- up, emergency response, complaint, temporary event inspections on approximately 3,000 food establishments, mobile units and push carts, 600 pools, 100 lodging establishments, 419 childcare facilities. Administers the City’s noise/smoking ordinance. Assists in educating the public on public health laws/regulations including teaching pool operator and food handler training classes. Reviews plan submittals for new/ existing facilities to ensure each establishment is in compliance with local health regulations/codes. Performs other assigned duties. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: October 4, 2021. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

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