Volume 41 Issue 51

Page 1





Todas las personas de 12 años o más pueden recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19.






No se require ser cuidadano para que las personas reciban la vacuna contra el COVID-19.






La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es gratuita.

40 •años•

Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747

Residentes del área celebran navidad lejos de casa M

uchas personas no celebrarán esta Navidad con sus familias porque están fuera de casa. Ese es el caso de Rebeca Serna, residente del área de Kansas City, que no tiene familiares ni amigos cerca, excepto su esposo, a quien conoció durante una visita aquí, dijo.



Inside• Adentro

Chiefs close to playoff berth

Biden increases temporary work visas


Los Chiefs cerca de la plaza en los playoffs


Biden aumenta las visas de trabajo temporales

Area residents handle celebrating Christmas away from home By Chara

any people will not celebrate this Christmas with their families because they are M away from home. That is the case with Kansas City area resident Rebeca Serna, who has


Food• Comida


Uribe, Jarrar offer services for treating teen depression

Uribe y Jarrar ofrecen servicios para tratar la depresión de los adolescentes




De tamales Mexicanos

Hendrick Toyota y Reyes Media Group entregan juguetes a Kids TLC By Roberta Pardo


l lunes (20 de diciembre), Hendrick Toyota, en asociación con Reyes Media Group, entregó una donación de juguetes a Kids TLC. Tracy Mattis, directora de marketing y comunicación de Kids TLC, dijo que la donación garantizará que todos los niños reciban un regalo esta navidad. “Todos estos regalos asegurarán que tantos niños y familias tengan algo que envolver”, dijo Mattis. “Muchos de nuestros niños en nuestro centro de tratamiento residencial no tienen familias a las que ir a casa en Navidad o algunos vendrán esta semana y esto ayudará a garantizar que ningún niño tenga que pedir uno. ... Habrá un juguete para todos”. Kids TLC es una organización que tiene como objetivo “transformar las vidas de los niños y las familias que experimentan problemas de salud mental y conductual, traumas del desarrollo y autismo”, según su sitio web. Reyes Media Group y Hendrick Toyota organizaron una colecta de


Hendrick Toyota and Reyes Media Group deliver toys to Kids TLC

n Monday (Dec. 20), Hendrick Toyota, O in partnership with Reyes Media Group, delivered a donation of toys to Kids TLC.

Tracy Mattis, Kids TLC director of marketing and communication, said the donation will ensure that all kids receive a gift this Christmas. “All these presents will ensure that so many children and families all have something to wrap,” Mattis said. “A lot of our children in our residential treatment facility don’t have families to go home to at Christmas or some will be coming in this week and this will help ensure that no child has to ask for one. … There will be a toy for everyone.” Kids TLC is an organization that aims to “transform the lives of children and families experiencing mental and behavioral health challenges, developmental trauma and autism,” according to its website.


Los Chiefs cerca de la plaza en los playoffs


By Chara

Chiefs close to playoff berth

n AFC playoff berth is within reach of A the Kansas City Chiefs. With their 34-28 Dec. 16 overtime road vic-

tory over the Los Angeles Chargers, the Chiefs are 10-4, with a two-game lead in the AFC West and three games left in the NFL regular season. As BleacherReport.com reported Monday (Dec. 20), a win over Pittsburgh and a Chargers loss to Houston Sunday (Dec. 26) would give Kansas City the AFC West title. It would be the Chiefs’ sixth straight division title and 14th division title overall, including two titles before the AFL-NFL merger – one of them when the franchise was the Dallas Texans. The Chiefs, however, are eyeing more than a division title. Kansas City also holds a one-game lead over New England and Tennessee for the No. 1 seed in the AFC playoffs. By securing the top seed, the Chiefs would get the first-round bye and homefield advantage. If New England and Tennessee


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n lugar en los playoffs de la AFC está al alcance de los Kansas City Chiefs. Con su victoria como visitante 34-28 el 16 de diciembre en tiempo extra sobre los Chargers de Los Ángeles, los Chiefs tienen marca de 10-4, con una ventaja de dos juegos en la AFC Oeste y tres juegos por jugar en la temporada regular de la NFL. Como reportó BleacherReport.com el lunes (20 de diciembre), una victoria sobre Pittsburgh y una derrota de los Chargers ante Houston el domingo (26 de diciembre) le darían a Kansas City el título de la AFC Oeste. Sería el sexto título divisional consecutivo de los Chiefs y el decimocuarto título divisional en general, incluidos dos títulos antes de la fusión AFL-NFL, uno de ellos cuando la franquicia eran los Dallas Texans. Los Chiefs, sin embargo, buscan más que un título de división. Kansas City también tiene una ventaja de un juego sobre Nueva Inglaterra y Tennessee por el sembrado No. 1 en los playoffs de la AFC. Al asegurar el primer sembrado, los Chiefs obtendrían el descanso de la primera ronda y la ventaja de local. Si Nueva Inglaterra y Tennessee pierden cada uno al menos uno de sus juegos restantes, los Chiefs obtendrían el primer puesto

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108


Page 2A.2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 4133 • Issue 5141 • December 2021 Page DOS MUNDOS • Volume • Issue • October 23 10 - December October 16,29, 2013

Navidad Lejos De Casa Continued from Page 1A

“Solo somos nosotros y mis dos perros los que se mudaron aquí conmigo”, dijo. Para Serna, quien creció en California y es mexicanaestadounidense de tercera generación, la navidad generalmente significa una gran reunión familiar. “Nos reuníamos en familia y cocinábamos juntos y compartíamos historias y pasábamos tiempo juntos”, recordó. “Mis padres están divorciados, así que siempre pasaba el 24 y el 25 con los dos, cada uno en su propia casa. Era mucha comida y risas y un momento en el que simplemente disfrutaríamos de la presencia de mis seres queridos”. Una de las tradiciones familiares de Serna era hacer tamales. “Uno esparcía la masa, el otro llenaba (los tamales) y escuchábamos música y cantamos en el proceso”, dijo. “Entonces siempre comenzaba en la casa de mi padre, luego iba a la de mi mamá y de regreso a la de mi papá, donde intercambiábamos regalos en el rancho de la familia de su esposa, donde terminábamos la noche con música y bailando alrededor de la fogata”. Será un tipo de celebración diferente para Serna y su esposo. “Prepararé la cena para nosotros y abriré los obsequios que nos enviaron mi mamá y mi papá”, dijo. “Esos son los únicos regalos debajo del árbol, dos regalos para cada uno de nosotros. Una diferencia muy grande entre tener un árbol lleno de regalos de todos y para todos y solo verlos”. Pero Serna ve esta navidad como una oportunidad para crear tradiciones e incorporarlas a las de su infancia y planes para disfrutar de las vacaciones. Ella anima a otros que estarán lejos de sus familias a hacer lo mismo. “Si Kansas City es donde ahora ha plantado raíces o sólo está aquí temporalmente, lo único que queda por hacer es aprovecharlo al máximo, crear nuevos recuerdos que atesorará en su corazón”, dijo Serna. “Celebre la vida que está viviendo aquí y ahora con las personas que están con usted, incluso si es solo su cónyuge o sus amigos”. “Sé que no es fácil estar lejos de la familia y los seres queridos, pero no tiene sentido insistir en lo que no tenemos”, agregó. “Concéntrate en lo que tienes y da gracias a Dios por la vida que tienes. La mejor manera de mantener y compartir un poco de su hogar es a través de videollamadas, mostrarles a sus seres queridos lo que ha creado y ver a qué se han aferrado ayuda a unir ambos mundos, sin importar qué tan lejos se encuentre”. Angélica Pinto se encuentra en una situación similar a la de Serna. Originaria de Bolivia, Pinto se crió pasando las fiestas navideñas con su familia, dijo. Esta Navidad no podrá visitar su tierra natal. “Debido a la pandemia, no podré ir a verlos, pero una amiga mía ... (me invitó) a su casa para Navidad”, dijo Pinto. Como sugerencia para otras personas que están lejos de sus familias, Pinto les aconseja que vean sus películas favoritas. También les aconseja que aprovechen la tecnología para mantenerse en contacto con sus seres queridos.

no family or friends nearby, except her husband, whom she met during a visit here, she said. “It is just us, and my two dogs that moved out here with me,” Serna said. For Serna, who grew up in California and is a third-generation Mexican-American, Christmas usually means a large family gathering. “We would gather as a family and cook together and share stories and spend time together,” she recalled. “My parents are divorced, so it was always spending the 24 and 25th with both of them, each at their own houses. It was a lot of food and laughs and a time where we would just enjoy the presence of my loved ones.” One of Serna’s family traditions was making tamales, she said. “One would spread the masa, the other would fill (the tamales) and we would listen to music and sing in the process,” Serna said. “So I would always start at my father’s house, then go to my mom’s and back to my dad’s, where we would have gift exchanges out on his wife’s family’s ranch, where we would end the night with music and dancing around the fire pit.” It will be a different type of celebration for Serna and her husband. “I will make dinner for us and open the gifts that my mom and dad sent us,” she said. “Those are the only gifts under the tree – two gifts for each of us. A very big difference from having a tree full of gifts from everyone and for everyone to only seeing these.” But Serna sees this Christmas as an opportunity to create traditions and incorporate them into those from her childhood and plans to enjoy the holiday. She encourages others who will be away from their families to do so the same. “If Kansas City is where you have now planted roots or are only here temporarily, the only thing left to do is make the best (of it), create new memories that you will cherish in your heart,” Serna said. “Celebrate the life you are living here and now with the people who are with you, even if it is just your spouse or your friends.” “I know it is not easy being away from family and loved ones, but there is no sense on dwelling on what we don’t have,” she added. “Focus on what you do have and give thanks to God for the life you have. The best way to keep and share a little of home is through video calls, showing your loved ones what you’ve created, and seeing what they have held onto helps unite both worlds, no matter how far away you are.” Angelica Pinto is in a similar situation to Serna. Originally from Bolivia, Pinto was raised spending the holidays with her family, she said. This Christmas, she will not be able to visit her homeland. “Due to the pandemic, I won’t be able to go and see them, but a friend of mine … (has invited) me to her house for Christmas,” Pinto said. As a suggestion for others who are away from their families, Pinto advises them to watch their favorite movies. She also advises them to take advantage of technological advances to stay in touch with their loved ones.

Entregan Juguetes a Kids TLC Continued from Page 1A

juguetes Llena un Tundra a principios de diciembre para recolectar juguetes donados por la comunidad. Mattis dijo que los juguetes son una gran forma de apoyo para las familias. “Es una gran ayuda en un momento en el que las familias se ven estresadas y necesitan concentrarse en su salud mental y conductual y en el bienestar de sus familias”, dijo. “Esto proporcionará apoyo continuo incluso más allá de las vacaciones de Navidad”. Los juguetes ofrecerán a los niños una forma de canalizar sus pensamientos mediante el uso de juguetes, dijo Mattis, y expresó su deseo de continuar la asociación. “Estamos tan increíblemente agradecidos por esta asociación y el apoyo en esta época del año, y esperamos que crezca y, con suerte, volver a hacerlo en el futuro”, dijo.

Reyes Media Group and Hendrick Toyota staged a Fill-a-Tundra Toy Drive in early December to collect toys donated by the community. Mattis said the toys are a great form of support for the families. “It’s a tremendous help at a time when families are stretched as it is, and they’re needing to focus on their mental and behavioral health and the wellness of their families,” she said. “This will provide ongoing support even beyond the Christmas holiday.” The toys will offer kids a way to channel their thoughts by using toys, Mattis said, and expressed her desire to continue the partnership. “We are just so incredibly grateful for this partnership and the support this time of the year, and we’re looking forward to it growing and hopefully doing it again in the future,” she said.

Christmas brightens darkness of pandemic

La navidad ilumina la oscuridad de la pandemia



or segundo año consecutivo, la pandemia se cierne sobre la Navidad, amenazando con amortiguar la alegría navideña y descarrilar las celebraciones navideñas. El coronavirus sigue mutando e infectando a más personas. Omicron, la variante más reciente de Covid-19, es la que se propaga más rápido hasta ahora y ahora es la cepa dominante. Afortunadamente, sin embargo, esta Navidad no es una repetición de 2020. Hay tres vacunas contra el Covid-19 autorizadas en Estados Unidos que están disponibles para personas de cinco años en adelante. Hasta el lunes, el 61,4 por ciento de la población del país había sido vacunada. Y al menos dos medicamentos antivirales orales se muestran prometedores

or the second consecutive year, the pandemic looms over Christmas, threatening to muffle holiday cheer and derail Christmas celebrations. The coronavirus continues to mutate and infect more people. Omicron, the most recent Covid-19 variant is the fastest-spreading so far and now the dominant strain. Happily, though, this Christmas isn’t a reprise of 2020. There are three Covid-19 vaccines authorized in the U.S. that are readily available for people ages five and up. As of Monday, 61.4 percent of the U.S. population had been vaccinated. And at least two oral antiviral drugs show promise in clinical trials in reducing the risk of

en ensayos clínicos para reducir el riesgo de hospitalización y muerte relacionadas con el Covid, reporta la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard. Además, la variante Omicron puede ser menos mortal, sugieren los primeros signos. A medida que nos adaptamos y nos reajustamos a un estado de normalidad en constante cambio, buscamos pruebas de que la esperanza de que se ponga fin a la pandemia es realista. Esa esperanza será un invitado bienvenido a nuestras celebraciones navideñas. El domingo pasado, el Papa Francisco se basó en sucesos en la vida de María, la madre de Jesús, y animó a los cristianos a dejarse guiar por su respuesta a su llamado celestial. No se escondió en casa, preocupada por su situación y sus dificultades. Ella no miró hacia abajo a sus problemas, sino a Dios, dijo el pontífice. María no pensó en a quién pedir ayuda, sino a quién llevarla. Francisco instó a los cristianos a buscar formas de compartir la alegría del nacimiento de Jesús en lugar de torturar a otros con quejas. Quejarse no traerá a Dios a nadie, sólo “traerá amargura y cosas oscuras”, dijo. Compartamos ayuda y esperanza con nuestros seres queridos el sábado, honremos las queridas tradiciones y honremos las festividades del día santo con alegría, entusiasmo y precaución. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades reportan cómo celebrar de manera segura en esta página web, https:// www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/dailylife-coping/holidays/celebrations.html, última actualización en diciembre. 9. Además de las recomendaciones de sentido común, las sugerencias incluyen hacerse una prueba de Covid o usar una autoprueba antes de reunirse para navidad, ejecutar un purificador de aire HEPA para reducir la cantidad de virus en el aire, abrir ventanas y celebrar al aire libre, si el clima lo permite. Una observación de hace décadas del Papa San Pablo VI se ajusta a esta ocasión. Dijo: “Este mundo en el que vivimos necesita belleza para no caer en la desesperación”. Contenida en la bendita anticipación de la Navidad está el saber que experimentaremos la belleza a la que él aludió. Estará en los rostros de los seres queridos y en el gozo de la unión y la calidez del compañerismo. Feliz Navidad de parte de nuestra familia Dos Mundos.

Covid-related hospitalization and death, reports Harvard Medical School. Additionally, the Omicron variant may be less deadly, early signs suggest. As we adjust and readjust to an everchanging state of normalcy, we look for evidence that hope for an end to the pandemic is realistic. That hope will be a welcome guest to our Christmas celebrations. Last Sunday, Pope Francis drew from occurrences in the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus and encouraged Christians to be guided by her response to her heavenly call. She didn’t hide out at home, fretting over her situation and difficulties. She didn’t look down at her problems, but up to God, the pontiff said. Mary didn’t think about whom to ask for help, but to whom to bring help. Francis enjoined Christians to look for ways to share the joy of Jesus’s birth rather than torture others with complaints. Grumbling won’t bring God to anyone, it’ll only “bring bitterness and dark things,” he said. Let’s share help and hope with loved ones Saturday, honor beloved traditions and grace the holy day festivities with joy, enthusiasm and caution. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises how to celebrate safely on this Web page, https://www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/ holidays/celebrations.html, last updated Dec. 9. Besides common sense recommendations, suggestions include getting a Covid test or using a self-test before gathering for Christmas, running a HEPA air purifier to reduce the amount of airborne viruses, open windows and celebrate outdoors, weather permitting. A decades-old observation of Pope St. Paul VI fits this occasion. He said, “This world in which we live needs beauty so as not to fall into despair.” Contained in the blessed anticipation of Christmas is knowing that we’ll experience the beauty to which he alluded. It’ll be there in the faces of loved ones and in the joy of togetherness and warmth of fellowship. Merry Christmas from our Dos Mundos family.







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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021 de documentación, protección y vinculación comunitaria, para defender los intereses de México y promover los derechos de nuestra población, mientras seguimos luchando contra la pandemia.

The contributions of Mexican people to this country were also made visible, with the Ohtli Recognition awarded to doctor Bárbara Pastrana Pahud for her work in the fight against the pandemic and the development of vaccines against COVID-19 from her position A ustedes, amable lector, amable lectora, les in Kansas City.

deseo felices fiestas de fin de año y un próspero 2022.

With the very diverse communities within our consular district, collaboration and dialogue were deepened to identify and address Voces Consulares regresará a Dos Mundos el incidents and hate speech, promote tolerance, próximo 20 de enero de 2022 and educate on the importance of cultural diversity.

A look at our 2021

For 2022 we reiterate our commitment to provide special care to the daily operation and to the strengthening of our areas of documentation, protection and community outreach, to defend the interests of Mexico and promote the rights of our population, while we continue to fight against the pandemic.

Un vistazo a nuestro 2021


sta última entrega de Voces Consulares de 2021 me da la oportunidad de compartirles un breve recuento del trabajo del consulado en este año –el segundo de la pandemia- y de la colaboración que realizamos con instituciones y personas para reforzar nuestra misión de proteger y promover los derechos de mexicanos en Kansas, Missouri y el oeste de Oklahoma. Comenzando con la lucha contra la pandemia, el 30 de marzo llevamos a cabo la primera clínica de vacunación contra COVID-19 en el Consulado de México, con apoyo de University Health y la Ventanilla de Salud. Fue la primera de 14 clínicas que realizamos en Kansas y en Missouri, en las cuales aplicamos un total de mil 219 dosis (685 a mujeres y 534 a hombres) durante 2021. Para atender la demanda de servicios consulares y abatir el rezago, ofrecimos 13 jornadas sabatinas y seis consulados móviles, que en la práctica añadieron 25 días de trabajo para atención de trámites de pasaporte, matrícula consular y credencial para votar del INE en beneficio de miles de connacionales. En diciembre comenzamos la expedición del nuevo pasaporte electrónico, documento moderno que mejora la protección de la identidad y nacionalidad de nuestra población. Personas representativas de nuestras comunidades participaron en los principales foros convocados por el Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior a través del consulado: Dreamers, artistas, jóvenes y personas LGBTQ. También se visibilizaron las contribuciones de personas mexicanas a este país, con la entrega del Reconocimiento Ohtli a la médica Bárbara Pastrana Pahud por su labor en la lucha contra la pandemia y el desarrollo de vacunas contra COVID-19 desde Kansas City. Con las muy diversas comunidades dentro de nuestro distrito consular se profundizó en colaboración y diálogo para identificar y enfrentar incidentes y discursos de odio, promover la tolerancia y educar sobre la importancia de la diversidad cultural.

To you, kind reader, I wish you Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2022. Voices Consulares will return to Dos Mundos on January 20, 2022


his last article of Voces Consulares 2021 gives me the opportunity to share a brief account of the consulate’s work during this year -the second of the pandemic- and of the collaboration we carry out with institutions and individuals to reinforce our mission to protect and promote the rights of Mexicans in Kansas, Missouri and the western half of Oklahoma. Starting with the fight against the pandemic, on March 30 we held the first COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Consulate of Mexico, with the support of University Health and the Consulate’s Window for Health. It was the first of 14 clinics we conducted in Kansas and Missouri, in which we applied a total of 1,219 doses (685 to women and 534 to men) during 2021. To meet the demand for consular services and reduce the backlog, we opened 13 Saturdays and held six mobile consulates, which in practice added 25 working days to issue passports, consular IDs and voter registration cards for the benefit of thousands of nationals. In December we began the issuance of the new electronic passport, a modern document that improves the protection of the identity and nationality of our population.

Representatives of our communities participated in the main forums convened by the Institute of Mexicans Abroad through the Para 2022 reiteramos nuestro compromiso consulate: Dreamers, artists, young people and de brindar especial cuidado a la operación members of the LGBTQ community.

cotidiana y fortalecimiento de nuestras áreas

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021

Free COVID-19 Vaccinations Still Available During Busy Holiday Season

Siguen disponibles vacunas gratuitas contra el COVID-19 durante la época navideña


contra el COVID-19 autorizada para jóvenes de 16 y 17 años en este momento. *Las personas de 16 y 17 años deben tener al menos 6 meses de su segunda dosis de Pfizer para ser elegibles para un refuerzo. *Traiga su tarjeta de vacunación cuando vaya a recibir un refuerzo.

Qué debe saber antes de ir *Los niños deben estar acompañados por un padre o tutor. Nuestras enfermeras pediátricas, que tienen experiencia en el trabajo con niños pequeños, están en las instalaciones de Kmart para ayudar con las vacunas contra el COVID para los niños más pequeños. *Las personas de 16 años o más que vengan para recibir sus vacunas de refuerzo deben traer sus tarjetas de vacunación. Obtenga más información Dónde obtener la vacuna contra el COVID-19 sobre la elegibilidad para los refuerzos de COVIDCOVID-19 vaccine and booster locations 19 aquí: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019y su refuerzo El UGPHD proporciona vacunas contra el The UGPHD provides COVID-19 vaccines ncov/vaccines/booster-shot.html. COVID-19 para personas de 5 años o más, y for people ages 5 and older, and boosters for refuerzos para personas elegibles de 16 años o más


El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas en inglés) seguirá ofreciendo vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratuitas durante la temporada festiva ocupada! Y como muchos de nosotros estamos planeando pasar tiempo con familiares y amigos durante las fiestas, los expertos en salud del UGPHD recomiendan vacunarse contra el virus lo antes posible.

he Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) will still be offering free COVID-19 vaccinations throughout the busy holiday season! And with many of us planning to spend time with family and friends over the holidays, UGPHD health experts recommend getting vaccinated against the virus as soon as possible.

en el sitio de Kmart ubicado en 7836 State Ave, Kansas City, KS: *Horario festivo 20 de diciembre - 29 de diciembre: lunes a miércoles de 10:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. *A partir de enero, el sitio de vacunación de Kmart sólo estará abierto al público los viernes desde el mediodía hasta las 6:00 p.m. *NOTA: El sitio de Kmart estará cerrado por las fiestas de fin de año los días 23, 24, 30 y 31 de diciembre.

eligible individuals ages 16 and older at the Kmart site located at 7836 State Ave, Kansas City, KS: *Holiday hours December 20 – December 29: Monday – Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. *Beginning in January, the Kmart vaccination site will only be open to the public on Fridays from noon to 6:00 p.m. *NOTE: The Kmart site will be closed for the holidays on December 23, 24, 30 and 31.

El UGPHD también ofrece vacunas contra el COVID-19 para personas de 12 años o más, incluidos refuerzos para personas elegibles de 16 años o más, en el edificio del UGPHD en 619 Ann Ave en Kansas City, KS, sólo con cita previa. Llame al 913-573-8855 para programar una cita.

The UGPHD also offers COVID-19 vaccines for people ages 12 and older, including boosters for eligible people ages 16 and older, at the UGPHD building at 619 Ann Ave in Kansas City, KS, by appointment only. Call 913-573-8855 to make an appointment.

Detalles sobre refuerzos para jóvenes de 16 Details on Boosters for 16- and 17-Year y 17 años *Las personas de 16 y 17 años sólo son elegibles Olds *People ages 16 and 17 are only eligible for para un refuerzo de Pfizer. La vacuna contra el COVID-19 de Pfizer-BioNTech es la única vacuna a Pfizer booster. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-

¡Las pruebas de COVID gratuitas aún están disponibles! El UGPHD también continúa ofreciendo pruebas de COVID-19 gratuitas en el sitio de Kmart. Desde el lunes 20 de diciembre hasta el miércoles 29 de diciembre, las pruebas estarán disponibles de lunes a miércoles de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. NOTA: El sitio de Kmart estará cerrado por fiestas de fin de año los días 23, 24, 30 y 31 de diciembre. Transporte gratuito disponible ¿Necesita transporte para vacunarse o hacerse la prueba en Kmart? ¡No hay problema! Visite WycoVaccines.org para completar un formulario de solicitud simple para obtener transporte gratuito al sitio de vacunación de Kmart. Para obtener más información sobre dónde vacunarse en el condado de Wyandotte, visite WycoVaccines.org o llame al 3-1-1. Para obtener más información sobre los próximos eventos de vacunación móvil del UGPHD, visite su página de Facebook en facebook.com/UGHealthDept. Se pueden encontrar sitios de vacunación adicionales en vaccines.gov.

19 vaccine is the only COVID-19 vaccine authorized for 16- and 17-year-olds at this time. *Individuals ages 16 and 17 must be at least 6 months out from their second dose of Pfizer to be eligible for a booster. *Please bring your vaccination card when coming in for a booster.

What to Know Before You Go

Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Our pediatric nurses, who have experience working with young children, are on site at the Kmart facility to help with COVID vaccinations for younger children. People ages 16 and older coming in for their booster shots should bring their vaccination cards. Find out more about eligibility for COVID-19 boosters here: https://www.cdc. gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/boostershot.html

Free COVID Testing Still Available!

The UGPHD also continues to offer free COVID-19 testing at the Kmart site. From Monday, December 20 through Wednesday, December 29, testing is available Monday through Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. NOTE: The Kmart site will be closed for the holidays on December 23, 24, 30 and 31.

Free Transportation Available

Need a ride to get vaccinated or tested at Kmart? No problem! Visit WycoVaccines. org to fill out a simple request form to get free transportation to the Kmart vaccination site. For more information on where to get vaccinated in Wyandotte County, visit WycoVaccines.org or call 3-1-1. To learn more about upcoming UGPHD mobile vaccination events visit their Facebook page at facebook.com/ UGHealthDept Additional vaccination sites can be found at vaccines.gov.

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Page 5A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021

Uribe, Jarrar offer services for treating teen depression

Uribe y Jarrar ofrecen servicios para tratar la depresión de los adolescentes


uando los padres del área de Kansas City quieren buscar ayuda profesional para sus adolescentes que sufren de depresión, Carolina Uribe y Ada Jarrar están entre los profesionales que consultan. Uribe y Jarrar son terapeutas clínicas bilingües en el Centro de Salud Samuel U. Rodgers de Kansas City, Missouri. Uribe tiene más de 30 años de experiencia como trabajadora social clínica certificada y un máster en trabajo social. Jarrar es una trabajadora social clínica certificada con más de 10 años de experiencia trabajando con personas de diversos grupos. Jarrar presta servicios a niños, adolescentes y adultos. Principalmente, se ha especializado en el trabajo con familias y padres. La mayoría de sus pacientes forman parte de la comunidad hispana y latina, incluyendo niños y adolescentes nacidos en los Estados Unidos o traídos a América a una edad temprana. Basándose en sus experiencias tratando a jóvenes y familias con depresión y cambios de comportamiento, las dos han observado que “muchos de los adolescentes sufren un proceso de asimilación dentro de la cultura de sus padres y en la que ellos se han desarrollado, luchan entre estas dos culturas que causan muchos malentendidos y posibles tensiones en las familias, especialmente por la forma en que sus padres fueron criados y lo que quieren para sus hijos”, dijeron Uribe y

By Tere Siqueira


Jarrar. Ambas explicaron que las minorías tienden a sufrir un mayor riesgo de desarrollar problemas de salud mental debido a múltiples factores, como los estigmas culturales, las barreras lingüísticas entre las familias y la falta general de conciencia sobre la salud mental. Estos problemas también pueden hacer que las familias duden en buscar tratamiento. Los padres de las minorías también pueden ser escépticos a buscar tratamiento para sus adolescentes con depresión debido a las dificultades para identificar los síntomas. La mayoría de los síntomas pueden interpretarse como comportamientos propios de la edad, como estar de mal humor/irritable, sentirse incomprendido y actuar con rebeldía. Animan a los padres a observar los comportamientos de sus hijos adolescentes y a aprender a distinguir entre las actitudes típicas de los adolescentes y los cambios de comportamiento repentinos que podrían ser señales de alarma. “Los padres deben observar a su adolescente y hablar con é l sobre sus cambios y discutir con un especialista en salud mental sobre dichos cambios”, dijeron Uribe y Jarrar. “Los adolescentes están formando su personalidad, y es preocupante no solo si parecen ansiosos, preocupados e inseguros, sino también si muestran cambios de humor drásticos que incluyen ira, irritabilidad, aislamiento y pensamientos de muerte”. En muchos casos los padres pueden retrasar la visita al médico, ignorando la depresión y alcanzando niveles en que la situación empeora, por lo que Uribe y Jarrar aconsejan a los padres que observen el tiempo y la duración de los síntomas y la persistencia del comportamiento. Las señales de advertencia incluyen un comportamiento que dura más de dos semanas sin ningún acontecimiento notable y muestras de actitudes en varias áreas de la vida del adolescente, incluyendo en casa, en la escuela y al interactuar con los amigos. Establecer “relaciones sanas y sólidas” con los padres y otros adultos es clave para prevenir y/o tratar la depresión, según Jarrar. La terapeuta tienen otros consejos para ayudar a que los padres mantengan a sus hijos adolescentes con una buena salud mental. “Modele buenas relaciones y una comunicación sana, establezca vínculos de confianza y respeto, desarrolle la disciplina con amor y lógica, apoye a sus hijos en el desarrollo de un buen (sentido de) autoestima”, indicó Jarrar. Además, Uribe aconseja a los padres “abordar la salud mental a una edad temprana”. “La terapia puede aumentar la resiliencia y reducir el impacto que los eventos traumáticos tienen en la vida de un adolescente, lo que repercute también en su vida adulta», añadió.

hen Kansas City area parents want to seek professional help for their teens suffering from depression, Carolina Uribe and Ada Jarrar are among the professionals they consult. Uribe and Jarrar are bilingual clinical therapists at the Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center in Kansas City, Missouri. Uribe has 30-plus years’ experience as a licensed clinical social worker and a master’s degree in social work. Jarrar is a licensed clinical social worker with 10-plus years’ experience working with people of all backgrounds. Jarrar provides services for children, adolescents, and adults. Primarily, Uribe has specialized in working with families and parents. Most of their patients are part of the Hispanic and Latinx community, including children and adolescents born in the United States or brought to America at a young age. Based on their experiences treating young people and families with depression and behavioral changes, the two have noticed Nota del editor: Si le preocupa que usted o sus that “many of the adolescents suffer from a hijos estén experimentando un problema de salud process of assimilation within their parents’ mental o sufran de angustia emocional, póngase and the dominate culture, they struggle with and/or between these two cultures which en contacto con el Centro de Salud Samuel U. Rodgers al (816) 474-4920.

cause a lot of misunderstandings and possible tension in families, especially because of the way their parents were raised and what they want for their children,” Uribe and Jarrar said. Minorities tend to suffer a higher risk of developing mental health issues because of multiple factors, including cultural stigmas, language barriers among families and a general lack of awareness regarding mental health, the two explained. Those issues also can make families hesitant to seek treatment. Minority parents also might be reluctant to seek treatment for their teens with depression because of the challenges in identifying the symptoms. Most symptoms can be interpreted as ageappropriate behaviors, such as being in a bad/irritable mood, feeling misunderstood and acting rebellious, they explained. They encourage parents to observe their teen’s behaviors and learn to distinguish between typical teen attitudes and sudden behavioral changes that could be red flags. “Parents should observe their adolescent and talk with them about their changes and talk to a mental health specialist about their adolescent’s changes,” Uribe and Jarrar said. “Adolescents are forming their personality, and it is of concern (not only) if they appear anxious, worried and insecure, but also if they show drastic mood swings to include anger, irritability, isolation and thoughts of wanting to die.” Because parents can delay visiting a health provider to the point of ignoring depression until the situation worsens, Uribe and Jarrar advise parents to observe the time and duration of the symptoms and how persistent the behavior is. Warning signs include behavior that lasts more than two weeks without any notable events and behavioral displays in several areas of the teen’s life, including at home, at school and while interacting with friends. Building “healthy and strong relationships with” parents and other adults is key to preventing and/or treating depression, according to Jarrar. She has a few other tips for parents to keep their teens in good mental health. “Model good relationships and healthy communication, establish bonds of trust and respect, develop discipline with love and logic, support your children in developing a good (sense of) self-esteem,” Jarrar said. In addition, Uribe advises parents “to address mental health at an early age.” “Therapy can increase resilience and reduce the impact that traumatic events have on a teen’s life, which impacts their adult life, too,” she said. Editor’s note: If you are concerned that you or your children are experiencing a mental health concern or suffering from emotional distress, contact the Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center at (816) 474-4920.

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Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021


Americans urged to get boosters to fight Omicron variant

Se pide a los estadounidenses a obtener las vacunas de refuerzo para luchar contra la variante de Ómicron By Tere Siqueira


Ingredientes: 250 gramos de manteca de cerdo, (para la masa) 500 gramos de harina para tamales, (para la masa) 1 taza de caldo de pollo, (para la masa) 1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear, (para la masa) 1 cucharadita de sal, (para la masa) 1 cucharadita de pimienta, (para la masa) 1 litro de agua 500 gramos de tomate verde 5 chiles serranos 1 diente de ajo, sin cáscara 1/4 cebollas 3 cucharadas de aceite 2 pizcas de sal, fina 1 pizca de pimienta negra, molida 1 pechuga de pollo sin hueso, cocida y desmenuzada. 10 hojas de maíz, para tamal remojadas en agua. Preparación: Para la masa, suaviza la manteca con la batidora por 5 minutos.

Agrega el caldo de pollo a la harina poco a poco hasta formar una masa. (cuida que no te quede aguada) Agrega la masa a la manteca poco a poco y mezcla. Agrega el polvo para hornear y sazona. Reserva. Para la salsa, agrega el agua en una olla y ponla el fuego medio, agrega los tomates, el ajo y la cebolla cuece por 10 minutos. Retírales el agua y muele en la licuadora perfectamente. Calienta en una ollita, el aceite a fuego medio agrega la salsa cuece por 5 minutos y sazona. Reserva. Toma una hoja de maíz, agrégale dos cucharadas grandes de masa, extiéndelas muy bien, agrega una cucharada de salsa y una cucharada de pollo. Cierra la hoja de maíz perfectamente y dóblala de abajo hacia arriba. Amárrala con un pedazo de hoja para que no se desarmen. Así arma todos hasta terminar la masa. Agrega agua en una vaporera, acomoda los tamales y cuécelos a fuego alto por 55 minutos o hasta que estén cocidos. Pon a fuego bajo por una hora y listo a disfrutar

Biden increases temporary work visas

Biden aumenta las visas de trabajo temporal


l Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) anunció el lunes (20 de diciembre) que la administración de Biden pondrá a disposición 20,000 visas adicionales para trabajadores temporales no agrícolas durante el invierno, informó CNN. De acuerdo a CNN, las personas de Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador y Haití se encuentran entre los que recibirán las visas. La oferta se considera una forma de alentar la migración legal debido a que

By Tere Siqueira

la Patrulla Fronteriza de los EE. UU. ha detenido a más de 700,000 migrantes de esos países este año fiscal. Las nuevas visas H-2B se encuentran entre las emitidas, además de la asignación anual de 66,000 visas para el año fiscal. “El programa H-2B permite a los empleadores o agentes estadounidenses que cumplen con los requisitos reglamentarios específicos traer ciudadanos extranjeros a los Estados Unidos para ocupar empleos temporales no agrícolas”, afirma el sitio web de los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. Estos trabajos incluyen jardinería, hostelería y entretenimiento.

Border Patrol has apprehended 700,000-plus migrants from those countries this fiscal year, the offering is seen as a way of encouraging legal migration. The new H-2B visas are among those issued in addition to the annual allotment of 66,000 visas for the fiscal year. “The H-2B program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary nonagricultural jobs,” the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website states. Such jobs include landscaping, hospitality and entertainment.

he Department of Homeland Security T (DHS) announced Monday (Dec. 20) that the Biden administration will make 20,000 more


os dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 no son suficientes para detener la propagación de la variante Ómicron del coronavirus, dijo el Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci, asesor médico del presidente Biden y director del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, hizo ese comentario durante una reciente sesión informativa virtual en la Casa Blanca. Fauci indicó que una vacuna de refuerzo puede hacer que la resistencia del cuerpo al virus sea

wo doses of COVID-19 vaccine are not enough to stop the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci said. Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, made that comment during a recent virtual briefing at the White House. A booster shot can make the body’s resis-

más efectiva. “Lo único que está muy claro, y sin dudas es su extraordinaria capacidad de propagación”, dijo Fauci durante una entrevista con Chuck Todd en el programa de televisión “Meet the Press”. “Está arrasando el mundo”. Según los funcionarios federales de salud, la variante Ómicron es la versión que se propaga más rápidamente y es la variante dominante en los Estados Unidos, representando el 73% de las nuevas infecciones por COVID-19. Otros expertos en salud han alentado a la población de EE. UU. a recibir vacunas de refuerzo como parte de la respuesta de la administración de Biden a la crisis de salud. Múltiples medios de comunicación han informado que, aunque más del 60% de la población de EE. UU. está completamente vacunada, solo 1 de cada 6 personas ha recibido la vacuna de refuerzo. Se avecinan brotes de COVID y restricciones relacionadas con la enfermedad, basándose en brotes entre equipos de la NFL y nuevas reglas en California y Nueva York. De hecho, los viajes están comenzando a restringirse nuevamente, y la NFL, la NBA y la NHL han retrasado o pospuesto los juegos debido a los brotes de COVID-19. El área de Kansas City está lidiando con un aumento en los casos de COVID. Los hospitales están llenos nuevamente, y los médicos en Kansas City, Lawrence y Topeka han visto casos de COVID y hospitalizaciones duplicados, incluso triplicados en las últimas semanas. Como resultado, algunos hospitales están posponiendo la atención que no es de emergencia ni relacionada con el coronavirus para liberar camas.

tance to the virus more effective, Fauci said. “The one thing that’s very clear – and there’s no doubt about this – is its extraordinary capability of spreading,” Fauci said during an interview with Chuck Todd on the TV show “Meet the Press.” “It is just raging through the world.” According to federal health officials, the Omicron variant is the fastest-spreading version and is the dominant variant in the United States, accounting for 73% of new COVID-19 infections. Other health experts have encouraged the U.S. population to receive booster shots as part of the Biden administration’s response to the health crisis. Multiple media outlets have reported that, although more than 60% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, only 1 in 6 people have received the booster vaccine. COVID outbreaks and COVID-related restrictions are coming, based on outbreaks among NFL teams and new rules in California and New York. Indeed, travel is starting to shut down again, and the NFL, NBA, and NHL have delayed or postponed games because of COVID-19 outbreaks. The Kansas City area is dealing with a spike in COVID cases. Hospitals are full again, and doctors in Kansas City, Lawrence and Topeka have seen COVID cases and hospitalizations double, even triple in recent weeks. As a result, some hospitals are postponing non-emergency, non-coronavirus care to free up beds.

nonagricultural guest-worker visas available during the winter, CNN reported. People from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Haiti are among those who will receive the visas, CNN reported. Because the U.S.


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Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021 CC

Por María Marín

Encuentra pareja este nuevo año


ARIES (del 21 de marzo al 19 de abril):

Vaya más lento, infórmese bien y mantenga el ritmo. No permita que un problema emocional le impida pasar un buen rato. Su felicidad depende de usted. Disfrute de lo que la vida tiene para ofrecer, e ignore a cualquiera que lo moleste.

TAURO (del 20 de abril al 20 de mayo):

Un momento emotivo lo abrumará. Ganará si invierte en algo que le interesa. Alguien hará algo que lo tomará por sorpresa. Sea cortés cuando acepte una propuesta y las recompensas seguirán llegando. Se favorece el romance.

GÉMINIS (del 21 de mayo al 20 de junio): Un cambio no será lo que quiere o espera, pero resultará beneficioso. Siéntese y deje que las cosas se desarrollen naturalmente. Esté abierto a sugerencias y dispuesto a hacer su parte. No permita que la ira le arruine el día. i este Fin de Año ves a alguien debajo de una mesa a media noche, no te asustes S pensando que está temblando la tierra. Se trata


ARIES (March 21 to April 19):

Slow down, get the facts and pace yourself. Refuse to let an emotional issue stop you from having a good time. Your happiness is up to you. Enjoy what life has to offer, and ignore anyone who upsets you.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): An emotional moment will overwhelm you. You’ll gain if you invest in something that interests you. Someone will do something that takes you by surprise. Be gracious when accepting a proposal, and the rewards will keep on coming. Romance is favored. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20):

A change may not be what you want or anticipate, but it will turn out beneficial. Sit back and let things unfold naturally. Be open to suggestions and willing to do your fair share. Don’t let anger ruin your day.

fiesta. Y claro está, siempre hay excepciones.

Ten claro qué es lo más importante para ti: Escribe cuáles características deseas en esa persona y cuáles no. Puede que el amor de tu vida no tenga todo lo que sueñas, pero no puedes aceptar las características negativas que tarde o temprano te harán daño. Y jamás empieces una Se desconoce el origen de este ritual y relación pensando que puedes cambiar a alguien. me pregunto si quien lo inventó estaba tan ¿Qué piensas de ti misma?: Siempre he desesperado por encontrar amor que lo relacionó dicho: “Dime tu nivel de autoestima al desespero de sobrevivir a un terremoto. Y es y te diré quién te pretende”. Y es que precisamente, por el desespero de estar que, si no te admiras a ti misma, emparejados, muchos se equivocan al buscar ni te aceptas con tus defectos y pareja. virtudes, tampoco va aparecer alguien que te valore. Ámate y Independientemente de creer o no en serás amado. un ritual amoroso, la realidad es que son nuestras acciones las que atraen el tipo de Y más importante aún, pareja que llega. Y si estás en búsqueda, te mantente positivo pensando recomiendo lo siguiente: que en el momento menos esperado llegará el amor de Analiza dónde buscas tu vida. Si te pones a pensar pareja: Diversos estudios han que jamás encontrarás una revelado que hay lugares pareja, o por desespero te que por lo general son relacionas con la primera visitados para encontrar persona que encuentras, una relación a corto y podrías pasar muchas largo plazo. Puedes despedidas de año más encontrar el amor de debajo de una mesa. ¡Te tu vida en el trabajo, deseo un 2022 repleto de en la universidad, en amor! el gimnasio, en la iglesia, en un parque, en un grupo Para más motivación sígueme en: de voluntarios, ó tomando un Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ café. Mientras, una relación MariaMarinOnline casual puede ser encontrada Instagram: @mariamarinmotivation en un bar, una discoteca, un https://www.instagram.com/ concierto, una playa o una mariamarinmotivation/ de un nuevo ritual que se ha popularizado en las redes sociales y promete conseguirle pareja a todo a aquel que reciba el 2022 comiendo 12 uvas debajo de una mesa.

CÁNCER (del 21 de junio al 22 de julio):

Haga algo con alguien a quien ama. Hable acerca del futuro y establezca metas que puedan compartir. Combinar sus habilidades y esfuerzo lo ayudará a tornar sus sueños en realidad. Las empresas conjuntas mejorarán su vida y una relación significativa.

LEO (del 23 de julio al 22 de agosto):

Considere las mejoras que quiere hacer y empiece a hablar acerca de las resoluciones que planea poner en juego. Permita que su entusiasmo cobre fuerza y escuche las sugerencias que hagan los amigos y familiares. Estará un paso más cerca de la meta que se propuso.

VIRGO (del 23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre): Viva el momento y piense

positivamente. Reconozca lo que tiene, y dé una cálida bienvenida a sus amigos y familiares. La alegría que ofrezca a los demás será bien recibida y alentará mejores relaciones y un futuro brillante. El romance está en las estrellas.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22):

Do something with someone you love. Talk about the future, and set goals you can share. Combining your skills and effort will help turn your dreams into a reality. Joint ventures will enhance your life and a meaningful relationship.

LEO (July 23 to August 22):

Consider the improvements you want to make, and start talking about the resolutions you plan to put into play. Let your enthusiasm build, and listen to the suggestions friends and relatives make. You’ll be one step closer to the goal you set.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): Live in the moment and think

positively. Recognize what you have, and extend a warm welcome to friends and family. The joy you offer others will be received well and encourage better relationships and a bright future. Romance is in the stars.

LIBRA (del 23 de septiembre al 22 de LIBRA (September 23 to October octubre): sea cortés en cuanto a lo que 22): Be gracious about what you receive. recibe. Dé lo que tiene para ofrecer y sea consciente de lo que dice. Ayude a una causa y brinde alegría a aquellos que parecen tristes o perdidos. Sea la luz brillante que calienta la habitación.

ESCORPION (del 23 de octubre al 21 de noviembre): Calme las cosas. Encuentre

paz en la observación y alegría en lo que ofrecen los demás. Relájese y permita que la magia del momento lo lleve a encontrar las respuestas que lo han eludido en el pasado. Se acerca un cambio y las cosas buenas aún están por llegar.

Give what you have to offer, and be mindful of what you say. Help a cause, and spread joy to those who look sad or lost. Be the bright light that warms the room.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21): Tone things down.

Find peace in observation and joy in what others offer. Relax, and let the magic of the moment lead to answers that have eluded you in the past. Change is upon you, and good things are yet to come.

SAGITARIO (del 22 de noviembre al 21 SAGITARIUS (November 22 to de diciembre): Aléjese de cualquiera que December 21): Distance yourself from lo haga enojar. Mantenga la paz en las reuniones. Lo que más le conviene es tomar el camino correcto y mostrar paciencia y buena voluntad. No le dé a los demás algo de qué hablar; proteja su reputación.

anyone who makes you angry. Keep the peace at gatherings. It’s in your best interest to take the high road and show patience and goodwill. Don’t give others something to talk about; protect your reputation.

CAPRICORNIO (del 22 de diciembre al 19 de enero): Todo es cuestión de dar, compartir y

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): It’s all about giving,

hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. No permita que lo afecten las pequeñas cosas. Ponga una cara feliz y sea amable con los demás. Un cambio positivo que haga sorprenderá a alguien a quien ama.

sharing and making the world a better place. Refuse to let the little things get to you. Put on a happy face, and be kind to others. A positive change you make will surprise someone you love.

ACUARIO (del 20 de enero al 18 de AQUARIUS (January 20 to February febrero): Manténgase ocupado; demasiado 18): Keep busy; too much idle time will

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tiempo de ocio resultará en una pelea innecesaria. Mantenga su vida simple y sus emociones bajo control. Ofrezca bondad, comprensión y una mano amiga a los necesitados. El cambio positivo comienza con usted.

PISCIS (del 19 de febrero al 20 de marzo):

Un gesto bondadoso hacia alguien que puede influir en sus metas recompensará. Use su encanto y persuadirá a los demás para que lo ayuden a ganar terreno y revertir un asunto que lo inquieta. Sea parte de la solución, no del problema.

result in an unnecessary feud. Keep your life simple and your emotions under control. Offer kindness, understanding and a helping hand to those in need. Positive change begins with you.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20):

A kind gesture toward someone who can influence your goals will pay off. Use your charm, and you will persuade others to help you gain ground and overturn a matter that concerns you. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021

Deportes y más deportes….

Kelce, de Pro Bowler a la lista COVID Travis Kelce fue puesto en la lista de reserva de los Kansas City Chiefs tras dar positivo al COVID-19. Kelce, quien está vacunado, fue confirmado el lunes como 2022 Pro-Bowler por séptima vez en su carrera. El mismo día que se anunció que había sido puesto en la lista COVID. Junto a Kelce, los otros que tuvieron que ser puestos en la resera por el virus fueron el pateador Harrison Butker y Charvarius Ward. Se espera que todos ellos puedan estar el domingo ante los Steelers por estar vacunados.

el segundo título de su historia. El partido de ida había terminado 0-0 y tras empatar a 2 en el tiempo regular del partido de vuelta, tuvieron que definir todo en penales. Tigres venía de ganar dos títulos consecutivos y buscaba el quinto en su haber pero Monterrey se cobró la revanche de la final del Guard1anes 2020. Cabe destacar que esta fue la quinta final que disputaron Monterrey y Tigres. Eva Espejo, entrenadora de las Rayadas, se convirtió en la primera mujer en conseguir un título de liga como directora técnica.

Uri, de vuelta a casa Uri Rosell, quien ayudara al Sporting Kansas City a ganar la MLS Cup del 2013, regresa a casa. El volante español, que terminó su contrato con Orlando City al final de la temporada 2021, firmó con Kansas City por dos años con opción a renovar por un año más. Rosell jugó en el Sporting del 2012 al 2014 y aparte del MLS Cup del 2013, ganó el 2012 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup con el equipo. Uri Rosell se inició en el Barcelona de España y tras su paso por KC jugó en el Sporting CP de Portugal antes de llegar al Orlando City en el 2018. Uri es el segundo refuerzo con miras a la siguiente temporada tras la firma del defensor Ben Sweat que viene del Austin FC.

Kerr, nuevo entrenador del Team USA Steve Kerr, entrenador de los Golden State Warriors, fue anunciado oficialemente como nuevo entrenador del Team USA con miras a los Juegos Olímpicos del 2024. Kerr, quien ganara medalla de oro como asistente de Greg Popovich en Tokyo 2020, estará acompañado de Erik Spoelstra, entrenador del Miami Heat; Monty Williams, entrenador de los Phoenix Suns y Mark Few, entrenador de la Universidad de Gonzaga. Las labores de Kerr como entrenador del Team USA empezarán buscando la calificación al Campeonato mundial FIBA 2023 que se disputará en Japón, Indonesia y las Filipinas para luego enfocarse en los Juegos Olimpicos de Paris 2024. De lograr la clasificación, tendrá que ser aprobado por el Comité Olímpico y Paraolímpico de los Estados Unidos.

Rayadas destronan a Tigres Las Rayadas de Monterrey derrotaron a Tigres en penales en la final de la Liga MX Femenil y ganaron

Los Chiefs Continued from Page 1A

al ganar dos de sus últimos tres. Después de Pittsburgh, Kansas City visita Cincinnati y Denver. Los partidos restantes de Nueva Inglaterra son contra Buffalo, Jacksonville y Miami. Tennessee terminará con San Francisco, Miami y Houston. Según la calculadora de The New York Times, los Chiefs tienen más del 99% de posibilidades de llegar a los playoffs. También tienen un 94% de posibilidades de ganar la AFC Oeste, un 59% de posibilidades de pasar la primera ronda y un 19% de posibilidades de llegar al Súper Bowl. Si los Chiefs llegan al Súper Bowl, sería su tercera aparición consecutiva, empatándolos con Nueva Inglaterra y Miami en el segundo lugar en la lista de más apariciones consecutivas. Buffalo tiene el récord de más apariciones consecutivas con cuatro. Los Bills perdieron esos cuatro Súper Bowls.

each lose at least one of their remaining games, the Chiefs would get the top seed by winning two of their last three. After Pittsburgh, Kansas City visits Cincinnati and Denver. New England’s remaining games are against Buffalo, Jacksonville and Miami. Tennessee will finish with San Francisco, Miami and Houston. According to The New York Times calculator, the Chiefs have a greater than 99% chance of making the playoffs. They also have a 94% chance of winning the AFC West, a 59% chance of getting the first-round bye and a 19% chance of reaching the Super Bowl. If the Chiefs reach the Super Bowl, it would be their third straight appearance, tying them for New England and Miami for second on the list for most consecutive appearances. Buffalo has the record for most consecutive appearances with four. The Bills lost those four Super Bowls.


oseph Michael Alvarez, Jr., 48 of Kansas J City, MO died Monday, December 13, 2021 at the University of Kansas Medical

Center surrounded by his loving family. Mass of Christian Burial will be Saturday, December 18, 2021 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, 901 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Kansas City, MO. Burial will be in Mt. St. Mary’s Cemetery, 2201 Cleveland, Kansas City, MO. Visitation will be Friday from 5-8 pm at the McGilley Midtown Chapel, 20 W. Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO. AT ALL GATHERINGS, THE FAMILY HAS REQUESTED FACE MASKS BE WORN. Fond memories and condolences may be shared at www.mcgilleymidtownchapel.com. Joe was born October 1, 1973 in Kansas City to Joseph and Theresa (Gill) Alvarez Sr. He had been a firefighter for the Kansas City Fire Department for 28 years before retiring as Captain. Joe truly enjoyed being with his family, on the deck, at the lake or whenever they could get together. He loved to relax with a good cigar and a few fingers of a nice bourbon. Joe was a hunter and avid Chiefs fan. Joe was a man of his word, a man of great integrity. He had a commanding presence and a unique charisma, which drew people to him. He cared deeply for his fellow firefighter brothers and approached everything he did with pride and a meticulous attention to detail. Joe was selfless. He did everything in his power to help people-whether that was in his family, amongst his friends, or on the job. He had an infectious smile and his

Michael Anthony Salas

ichael Anthony Salas, 58 of Kansas M City, MO passed away Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at Research Medical Center surrounded by his loving family. Visitation will be Tuesday, December 28, 2021 from 10:00am-11:00am at Sacred Heart-Guadalupe Parish, 2544 Madison Ave Kansas City, MO. Mass following at 11:00am. THE FAMILY HAS REQUESTED FACE MASKS TO BE WORN. Michael was born March 24, 1963

ornery giggle could change the mood in a room instantly. Beyond the strong, tough, exterior was a gentle, loving, kind-hearted family man, whose world revolved around his love for his family. Joe was preceded in death by his grandparents. He is survived by his wife of seven years, the former Chrissy Higby; two sons, Emilio Alvarez and Max Alvarez; his daughter, Mia Alvarez; one stepson, Colby Anthofer; two stepdaughters, Riley Anthofer and Laney Anthofer; one sister, Stacey Camareno (Valetino, Jr.); one nephew, Ray Camareno; two nieces, Angelica Shaffer (Zech) and Olivia Camareno; one great- nephew, Dominic Shaffer; his parents-in-law, David and Evelyn Higby; grandparents-in-law, Wayne and Carolyn Higby ; one sister-in-law, Alicia Hazlett (Jesse); three stepnieces, Sophie Hazlett, Brighton Hazlett and Everly Hazlett. in Kansas City, MO to Jesus and Mary Salas. He worked for Simmons Mattress Company for 25 years and recently worked at Price Chopper. Michael was a big sports fan for the Kansas City Chiefs, Royals and MU Tigers. His biggest passion was spending time at the ballpark watching the KC Azteca’s Softball Team. Michael cared deeply for his twin boys, Michael Jr. and Jude. He did everything in his power to provide for them and be there for them. Michael had a big heart and a smile that everyone will remember. He enjoyed talking to everyone and laughing. Michael was preceded in death by his parents, Jesus and Mary Salas, sister Jessica Salas and twin brother, Mark Salas. He is survived by his sons, Michael Jr and Jude Salas; brother, Daniel (Natalie) Salas; sister, Loretta (John) Amayo; and many nieces and nephews. Michael will be greatly missed by everyone. If you would like to make a donation, please do so at https:// www.gofundme.com/f/cgmpt-funeralexpenses?utm_medium=email.

PagePage 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - December 29, 2021 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - 29, 2021

Classified Information

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VACANTES DISPONIBLES Pago base comensando $19.00 por hora Bono de iniciación de $2,000

11200 N. Congress Avenue • KC, MO. 64153

11200 N. Congress Avenue KC, MO. 64153

Starting at $19.00 an hour base pay $2,000 sign on bonus

HIRING EVENT Thu, January 6th • 3pm - 6pm

4309 E. 50th Terrace, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64130 (816)778-0772

Seeking President & CEO, Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri: The President & CEO provides leadership for the Corporation, executes the strategic direction of the Board, provides management oversight of all aspects of the Corporation’s activities, and maintains positive and productive relationships with all Corporation partners and stakeholders including the independent Statutory Agencies and the City of Kansas City, Missouri. See more and apply at edckc.com/presidentandceo HELP WANTED

Jackson County, MO (Kansas City, MO) – Director – Ethics, Human Relations, Citizen Complaints – Responsible for supervising the operations of the office and the work of a Complaint Officer and secretary. Investigates complaints of discriminatory acts or practices, unjust actions affecting the complaining party as specified in the Charter. Monitors progress of case investigations. Must have Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Law Enforcement, Sociology or related field; Six years of experience in community relations, including supervisory experience in guiding team staff work. submit/pass pre-employment drug screen/background check Salary: $59,010/ year. For more info please view & Apply online: www.jacksongov.org/ jobs EOE

EVENTO DE CONTRATACIÓN Jueves 6 de enero., • 3pm - 6pm

Full Time Night (Sun—Thu) 5pm - complete Part Time Night Shift (Sun—Thu) 5pm - 10pm *$1.50 an hour differential for night shift

Nocturno de tiempo completo (D-J) 5pm-Completo

• Climate Controlled • Medical and Dental • Paid Vacation • 401k • Tuition Reimbursement • Incentive Pay • Career Advancement

• Climatización controlada • Médico y dental • Vacaciones pagadas • 401k • Reembolso de matrícula • Pago de incentivo • Avance profesional

Pre-employment background and drug screen required.

Se requieren antecedentes previos al empleo y pruebas de detección de drogas.

Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/D/V

Empleador con igualdad de oportunidades, M/F/D/V




LITTLE BLUE VALLEY SEWER DISTRICT, a quasi-public agency created in 1968, is a 52 MGD wastewater treatment plant that protects the public health & preserves the water quality of the Little Blue & MO Rivers in eastern Jackson County, & Cass County. LBVSD offers competitive wages & comprehensive benefits: paid vaca/ sick/holidays; medical, dental, life, vision, short-term & long-term disability insurances; paid training; tuition reimb.; retirement/pension. www.lbvsd.org Wastewater Incinerator Operator Salary Range: $22.66/hr – $32.71/hr Starting Salary DOQ • Knowledge of operation and control of a wastewater treatment plant. • Knowledge of operation and control of sewage sludge incineration. • Experience with incinerator preferred but will train on-the-job. • MO Wastewater Operator Certification (A level) preferred but can be obtained within 18 months after hire. • Knowledge of office communications equipment and software. • Able to work alone, unassisted, or as a member of a team. • Must currently possess & maintain valid driver’s license & driving record satisfactory to policy. Full-time. Shift work. Union. E-mail résumé/inquiries to jobs@ lbvsd.org, or fax 816-866-9214 Position open until filled. EOE M/F/D/V

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For pricing and more information about advertising in the Dos Mundos classifieds, please contact Veronica by email at : classifieds@dosmundos.com


Nocturno medio tiempo (D-J) de 5pm a 10pm *$1.50 por hora de diferencia para turno nocturno


Developmental Disability Services of Jackson County—EITAS is seeking a FT Bilingual Support Coordinator to provide targeted case management services, within a person-centered support and planning framework, for a caseload of approximately 35-40 people who are primarily Spanish speaking with developmental disabilities. Primary responsibilities include: Facilitating the person-centered planning process, including supporting all assigned individuals and/or families in self-directing the process, contributing to the financial stability of the agency by billing for all case management service hours, and ensuring that individuals receiving support have access to and receive services that meet their needs. The Bilingual Support Coordinator will use proficient Spanish language skills to perform all essential functions as needed by the individual supported and/or the individual’s support circle. The qualified candidate will have a Registered Nurse license or a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, considerable knowledge of developmental disabilities, behavioral sciences and related fields, excellent verbal and written proficiency in both English and Spanish, and working knowledge of computers and basic Microsoft Office applications. Due to the COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions, the Bilingual Support Coordinator position’s current work environment is remote. During this time, there is limited physical access to the supported individuals. Please submit resume with cover letter to eitashr@eitas.org, (please list job title in subject line of your email). NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4:30p, 12/28/21



Hospital Responder (Job Opening ID #514339) Limited-term contract position available with KCMO’s Health Department, A i m 4 Pe a c e Violence Prevention Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Varies. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Responds to Hospital Emergency Department related to patients injured by violence. Responds to hospital referrals providing case management services. Communicates with patient family members and other visitors to diffuse further violence and provide wrap around case management and/or services as needed. Be committed to the Aim4Peace mission and public health approach to preventing violence in the target areas. Have street savvy and strong credibility to work in urban settings to establish and maintain relationships within the targeted areas. Helps to prevent shootings and weapons-related violence. Obtains and maintains a caseload of 10 clients within three months of hire. Works in nontraditional settings and works with non-traditional hours, including evening and weekend hours and frequently with confidential data that are needed to carry out responsibilities that are sensitive as well as highly confidential. Also, be able to complete all other duties as assigned and relates to violence prevention activities. Demonstrates a commitment and flexibility to the continuous quality improvement of programmatic goals and objectives. REQUIRES high school graduation. Bi-lingual ability a plus, but not required. Salary Range: $18.00-$22.00/ hour. Application Deadline Date: January 24, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Page 5B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 • Issue 51 • December 23 - 29, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE



Cahills Construction, Inc. seeks subcontract proposals from Minority Business Enterprise/ Women Business Enterprise/ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise/and or Veteran Supplier Diversity, with Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business for: Project: #RC000503 Parker Hall Restroom Improvements AND #RC000488 Kummar Foundation Executive Boardroom Phase II Both projects are located at 300 W. 13th St. Rolla, MO 65401 ·Plans and Specifications are on: http://www.adsplanroom. net or · View at our Rolla, MO office: 1704 E 10th St. Ste. D Rolla, MO 65401 · Please email or call bids@ cahillsconstruction.com or 573426-5305 for a link to plans and specifications. Bids are due: RC000503 Parker Hall Restroom Improvements: December 20, 2021 5 p.m. RC000488 Kummar Foundation Executive Boardroom Phase II: January 4, 2022 5 p.m. Email bids@cahillsconstruction.com or faxed to 573362-3562 If you have any questions: 573-426-5305

Garney Companies, Inc. is soliciting sub bids from qualified MBE/ WBE firms for the Birmingham Headworks and Electrical Improvements located in Kansas City, MO. Bids Opening: January 25, 2022 at 2:00pm. Bids are requested to be turned in no later than two hours prior to the bid opening time. Please provide certifications with your bids. Scope of work includes, but is not limited to: Site Clearing, Erosion Control, Concrete Paving and Markings, Chain Link Fencing, Landscaping, Rebar Installation, Masonry, Miscellaneous Metals, Roofing, FRP Doors, Overhead Doors, Painting, Fire Protection, Aluminum Canopies, Instrumentation, Conveying Systems, HVAC, Plumbing, Pipe Insulation, and Electrical. Garney Companies, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is available to assist where needed. We strongly encourage all MBE/ WBE firms interested in this project to submit a competitive bid. Garney Companies, Inc. fully intends to meet or exceed the participation requirements for this project and is prepared to assist all subcontracting firms in achieving their highest quality of work while maintaining the industry’s most competitive values. The established participation goals for these projects are 10.4% MBE and 9.6% WBE. Documents can be found on our Upcoming Bids list, located at www. garney.com. Further information is available by contacting Audrey Schultz at audrey.schultz@garney. com FOR RENT Departamentos


Ridge Departamentos de 1 y 2 recamaras


Public Notice CASE# 2116-FC03090 Angela Marie Avery is now Angela Marie Aguilar Name Change Hrng: July 19,2021 Division 27, 16th Circuit Court, Jackson County, MO PUBLIC NOTICE

Notice to Certified KCMO Minority and Women Businesses:

Miller Stauch Construction is seeking Certified KCMO MBE and WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers who are interested in providing proposals for Building 3 at Executive Park. Building 3 is a 423,000 sf Distribution Center. The MBE/WBE goals for this project are 14.7% MBE and 14.4% WBE. Plans and specifications may be obtained by emailing Greg. Dean@millerstauch.com Bids are due by January 11th, 2022.

515 S Clairborne Rd. Olathe, KS 66062 Departamentos Corporativos Disponibles

$200 de deposito • Las mejores escuelas • Alberca • Lavandería • Electricos • Camara de seguridad Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594






Miller Stauch is an equal opportunity employer.






SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Job Opening ID #514399) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, Contracts Administration Division, 4600 E. 63rd St. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Maintains good understanding of Peoplesoft, eBuilder and the ability to work with the Department’s financial processes and the capital project management program. Works closely with Parks Financial staff, Project Managers, Financial Officer, the Parks Department eBuilder Administrators, City Procurement Department and Buyers. Contributes to project delivery on millions of dollars of capital improvements for the department by processing purchase orders and payments. Works with outside vendors in the resolution of payment and questions, help administer processes in eBuilder and Peoplesoft Programs. Assists the division with project reports, payroll, audits, 311 cases, regular reports for the Director and Board as it relates to Parks Capital Improvements and other duties as assigned. Assists 10 project managers who are responsible for Park Capital Improvements with a portfolio of millions of dollars. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in public administration, business administration, liberal arts or a related field and at least 3 years progressively professional experience in governmental administration or in private sector administration at the level of the City’s Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Preference given to applicants with accounting and ebuilder experience. Salary Range: $19.34-$33.88/ hour. Application Deadline Date: January 10, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Community Engagement, Policy & Accountability Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Coordinates the quality management for the department. Implements program improvement plans and facilitates reaccreditation efforts for the department. Manages processes for Safety Net Contracts including drafting contracts, reviewing reports, conducting monitoring visits and coordinating annual audit process. Works with the Senior Information and Policy Officer to identify program strategies and efficiencies within the department for constant quality improvement. Oversees the documentation process for reaccreditation and works with internal teams to ensure submission of required documentation for defined standards and measures. Reports directly to the Senior Information and Policy Officer with some assignments from Director of Health. Interacts with department Executive Team, Division staff, Health Administration staff, Statistical Team, state/federal program staff, and staff from other City Departments, including DATA KC. Also interacts with vendors, external customers, and community-based organizations. REQUIRES an accredited Master’s degree in public or business administration, urban or regional planning, economics, accounting, finance or a related field; OR an accredited Bachelor’s degree in public or business administration, urban or regional planning, economics, accounting, finance or a related field and 1 year of professional experience in public or business administration, corporate or municipal finance, budget, research, accounting or a related field. Preference given for experience with quality management, contract management, program evaluation and compliance monitoring. Salary Range: $3,957-$6,769/month. Application Deadline Date: January 3, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

The Family Conservancy seeks the following (5) positions in KCKS Bilingual Therapist – MSW, LMSW license, Bilingual fluency written & oral, Eng/Span req’d. Early Childhood Mntl Hlth Specialist - MA pref. LMSW or related licensure to be obtained in a year of hire. Min (1)yr professional exp. Providing services to infants, toddlers and pre-school children and their families. VP of People Culture & Equity - MA pref. (PHR, SPHR, GHR, SHRM-CP, SHRM-SCP) FETI, Brave Space Certification; Bilingual fluency in written and oral English/ Spanish is preferred. Head Start Mental Health Specialist - BA in Early Education, Social Work or related field. (1) yr exp. working in Early Education Head Start Education/ Inclusion Specialist – BA in Early Childhood or related field, prior exp in low income and diverse populations. Bilingual fluency written & oral, Eng/Span req’d. For immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://rb.gy/bm98p2 EOE/M/F/D/V/SO




CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (Job Opening ID #514397) Several full-time positions available with KCMO’s Neighborhood Services Department, Neighborhood Preservation Division, 4400 MLK Blvd.; Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Conducts investigations and inspections of commercial and residential properties, and vacant lots to determine the nature and scope of environmental housing problems. Develops legal cases, perform extensive research, testify in Housing and /or Circuit Court, and attends hearings regarding Property Maintenance and Nuisance Code enforcement cases. Responds to emergency situations. Utilizes knowledge of municipal ordinances pertaining to nuisance and property maintenance and recognizes housing problems and hazards. Prepares clear and concise reports and expresses ideas clearly before public groups. Demonstrates excellent record keeping, writing skills and possesses an ability to articulate findings orally and grammatically is necessary. Demonstrates proficiency with computer skills due to the high volume of computer work that is required. Utilizes organizational skills and is able to grasp various City computer software programs. This position is critical for the service expected of Neighborhood Preservation from City Officials and citizens. It is vital to have a code enforcement presence in the neighborhoods to foster compliance; which contributes to the wellbeing, safety and welfare of its citizens. REQUIRES high school graduation and a minimum of 60 semester hours; OR high school graduation and 2 years of experience in institutional or community environmental sanitation or housing or building code enforcement. Must possess a valid State-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must possess or be eligible to obtain required police commission from the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $18.24$29.44.hour. Application Deadline: January 3, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/ jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. PUBLIC NOTICE




Bids for Replace

Bids for REBID:

HVAC Dining Hall

Sidewalk and Drainage

& Barracks Camp Derricotte, Cuivre River State Park, Project No. X211501 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, January 6, 2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

Improvements, First


State Capitol State 802 Locust

Columbia, M

Historic Site, Project PHONE - 573 No. X2101-01, will be FAX - 573-87 received by FMDC,

State of MO, UNTIL Dos Mund 1:30 PM, 1/6/2022 via MissouriBUYS. Ad Code: Bidders must be registered to bid. For specific project information, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities

Ad Size: 1

Page 6B. 8A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 41 37 • Issue Issue51 43••December October 2623- November - December01, 29,2017 2021

Community services

Meals on Wheels:

Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving our homebound, elderly, and disabled neighbors by providing a nutritious noon meal.

The Family Conservancy - Jackson County Family Center 4240 Blue Ridge Blvd #434, Kansas City, MO 64133 English 913-742-4357

7810 W. 79th St. Overland Park, KS 66204

About Advice and Aid Pregnancy Centers: Your pregnancy center, your friend OVERLAND PARK 10901 Granada Lane, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66211 Call: 913-962-0200 SHAWNEE Fenton Professional Plaza 11644 W. 75th St. (4D) Shawnee, KS 66214 Call: 913-498-9890

Consulado de México 1617 Baltimore Ave Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 556-0800

•Pasaportes •Matricula Consular •Actas de Nacimiento •Solicitud de Matrimonio •Nacionalidad •Poder Notarial •Testamento •Ingreso de Mascotas

•We offer bilingual (Spanish/English) case management services. •AIDS Drug Assistance Program •Health Insurance Continuation Program •Transportation Assistance •Transitional or Permanent Housing Assistance •Mental Health Counseling

Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With your support, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families. Through our 2020 Strategic Plan. 1423 E. Linwood Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64109 (816) 924-1096

United Way

801 W 47th St suite 500 Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 472-4289

Counseling and Therapy Services

Español 913-573-1110

(913) 642-0489

Habitat for Humanity

The Family Conservancy Leadership Experience—a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities like earning badges, going on awesome trips, selling cookies, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects. 444 Minnesota Ave. Kansas City, KS 66101 (913) 342-1110

•Healthy Beginnings. (Prenatal to Age Five) Healthy, Thriving Young Children Ready for School Success. •Prepared Youth. (Ages Six to 24) The Next Generation Ready for Career and Life Success. •Thriving Adults & Families: (Ages 24+) Adults and Families are Financially Secure and Independent.

Cross Lines 736 Shawnee Ave. Kansas City, KS 66105 (913) 281-3388

3030 Walnut St Kansas City, MO 64108 (816) 561-8784

•Parenting Classes •Healthy Relationships •Pregnancy and Infant Loss, •Counseling •A Support Group for Caregivers •Scripture Study •Affirmations Growth Group for Women

•Hope Totes, diapers, Kansas City Medicine Cabinet, Clothing, Laundry and Shower Program •Hunger Relief: Food Pantry, Community Annex Kitchen, CSFP Commodities, Cross-Lines Garden and Orchard. •Housing Stability: Utility Assistance, Rent Assistance, Rent Assistance, Homeless Re-housing, Case management. •Education: Computer Lab and training, Wellness Workshops, Nutrition Education and Community Engagement. •Christmas Store.

2220 Central Ave. Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 906-8990

Dos Mundos Newspaper • To Advertise Community Services • (816) 221- 4747

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