Volume 42 Issue 02

Page 1





Todas las personas de 12 años o más pueden recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19.






No se require ser cuidadano para que las personas reciban la vacuna contra el COVID-19.






La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es gratuita.

40 •años•

Volume 42 • Issue 02 • January 13 - January 19, 2022

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747

Omicrón y el clima profundizan los problemas de suministros

l nuevo año no ha detenido la escasez de suministros. E La escasez en las tiendas de comestibles de

todo el país se ha profundizado en las últimas semanas a medida que el país experimenta la

Inside• Adentro


CDC issues new isolation guidelines

CDC emite nuevas pautas de aislamiento

propagación de omicrón, la nueva variante de COVID, y las tormentas de invierno se suman Omicron, weather deepen supply a los problemas existentes en la chain problems cadena de suministro y la escasez By Roberta Pardo de mano de obra.





Health• Salud


Boosters available for People Ages 12 and Older in Wyandotte County

Holidays at a glance: Martin Luther King Day

Refuerzos de COVID-19 disponibles para personas mayores de 12 años en el condado de Wyandotte!

Día festivo se acerca: Día de Martin Luther King

Sports• Deportes

Deportes y más deportes

Chiefs vs. Steelers, por el comodín


Consejos para encontrar a un mentor E

n cualquier etapa de tu carrera, un mentor puede ayudarte a tomar mejores decisiones profesionales. Las investigaciones han demostrado que las personas con mentores ascienden más rápido, ganan un salario más alto y están más satisfechas con sus carreras. Los siguientes consejos te guiarán para encontrar el mentor adecuado para ti. *Se claro con tus metas: Identificar tus metas es esencial antes de buscar un mentor. Aunque están podrán cambiar en el camino, el tener claro hacia donde pretendes dirigirte te dará una vision mucho mas congruente de la persona que puede llegar a ese cambio. Es importante preguntarte en donde te gustaría estar y buscar a personas que tengan las posiciones que algún día te gustaría ocupar. *Donde encontrarlo: Sólo algunos profesionales experimentados invierten tiempo y esfuerzo en ayudar a los recién llegados, y muchos de ellos no anuncian su disponibilidad. Algunos lugares donde puedes encontrarlos incluyen redes de mentores en línea, eventos y congresos de networking profesional, eventos de voluntariado, reuniones de la industria en la que trabajas y redes sociales como LinkedIn. *Entiende que es un mentor: Existe


By Tere Siqueira

Tips for finding a mentor

mentor can help you make better career A decisions at any stage of your career. Research has shown that people with mentors move up faster, earn a higher salary, and are more satisfied with their careers. The following tips will guide you in finding the right mentor for you. *Be clear about your goals: Identifying your objectives is essential before seeking a mentor. Although they may change along the way, being clear about where you intend to go will give you a much more balanced view of the person who can make that change. It is essential to ask yourself where you would like to be and look for people who have the positions you would like to be in someday. *Where to find them: Only a few experienced professionals invest time and effort in helping newcomers, and many of them do not advertise their availability. Some places you can find them include online mentoring networks, professional networking events and conferences, volunteer events, meetings of the industry you work


Cómo cuidar a alguien con COVID-19 en casa


Commentary by Chara

ith COVID-19 continuing to spread, it is W important that you follow certain guidelines to protect yourself and others, particularly

if you are caring for someone with COVID-19 at home. To help the person who is sick, you should follow the doctor’s instructions. Make sure the person who is sick drinks enough fluids and gets plenty of rest. You can help the ill individual in other ways, such as by getting prescriptions filled and with grocery shopping. In case you see conditions worsening, call 911 or get in touch with the person’s doctor. To protect yourself, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises limiting contact with the person who is sick. Ideally, the person who is sick should use a separate bedroom and stay isolated. If you share spaces with the person who is sick, however, make sure the room has good airflow and wear a mask when you are in the same space. In addition, avoid eating in the same space. Wash dishes with soap and gloves, and clean your hands after handling the utensils that the ill person has used. And avoid sharing household items such as silverware,


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How to care for someone with COVID-19 at home

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108


ado que el COVID-19 continúa propagándose, es importante que siga ciertas pautas para protegerse a sí mismo y a los demás, especialmente si está cuidando a alguien con COVID-19 en casa. Para ayudar a la persona que está enferma, debe seguir las instrucciones del médico. Asegúrese de que la persona enferma beba suficientes líquidos y descanse lo suficiente. Usted puede ayudar a la persona enferma de otras maneras, por ejemplo, surtiendo recetas y comprando comestibles. En caso de que vea que las condiciones empeoran, llame al 911 o comuníquese con el médico de la persona. Para protegerse, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomiendan limitar el contacto con la persona enferma. Idealmente, la persona enferma debería usar una habitación separada y permanecer aislada. Sin embargo, si comparte espacios con la persona que está enferma, asegúrese de que la habitación tenga un buen flujo de aire y use una máscara cuando esté en el mismo espacio. El CDC alienta a las personas que están enfermas a usar una máscara cuando comparten espacios con otras personas que no lo están.

Page 2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 33 • Issue 02 41 • January October 13 10 - January October 19, 16, 2022 2013

Omicron Continued from Page 1A

La escasez reportada es generalizada, informaron varios medios de comunicación, lo que afecta las selecciones de productos y carnes, y productos envasados como cereales. “Creo que, como empresa, todos hemos aprendido a administrarla”, dijo Vivek Sankaran, director ejecutivo de Albertsons, durante una llamada de ganancias de la compañía con analistas el martes (11 de enero), según informó CNN. “Todos hemos aprendido a asegurarnos de que las tiendas sigan estando presentables, dar a los consumidores tantas opciones como podamos”. Las tiendas de abarrotes de Estados Unidos generalmente tienen entre el 5 y el 10% de sus artículos agotados en un momento dado. Pero ahora, esa tasa es de alrededor del 15%, según el presidente y director ejecutivo de Consumer Brands Association, Geoff Freeman. Sin embargo, este no es un problema exclusivo de Estados Unidos. En todo el mundo, a medida que el mundo alcanza la marca de los dos años de la pandemia de COVID-19, escasean más artículos debido a las interrupciones de la cadena de suministro global, como la congestión en los puertos y la escasez de camioneros y trabajadores de servicios. La pandemia también ha cambiado los hábitos alimenticios de las personas. Según Phil Lempert, analista de la industria y editor de SuperMarketGuru.com, un número cada vez mayor de personas se ha dedicado a cocinar y comer en casa durante la pandemia, lo que está contribuyendo a la escasez de suministros de comestibles. “No queremos seguir comiendo lo mismo y estamos tratando de variar la cocina casera”, dijo Lempert. “Mientras hacemos eso, estamos comprando aún más productos alimenticios”.


The new year has not stopped supply shortages. Shortages at grocery stores nationwide have deepened in recent weeks as the country experiences the spread of Omicron, the new COVID variant, and winter storms pile on to existing supply chain issues and labor shortages. The shortages reported are widespread, multiple media outlets reported, impacting produce and meat selections, and packaged goods like cereal. “I think, as a business, we’ve all learned to manage it,” said Vivek Sankaran, Albertsons’ CEO, during the company’s earnings call with analysts on Tuesday (Jan. 11), as reported by CNN. “We’ve all learned to make sure that the stores are still very presentable, give the consumers as much choice as we can get.” U.S. grocery stores typically have 5-10% of their items out of stock at any given time. But now, that rate is at around 15%, according to Consumer Brands Association President and CEO Geoff Freeman. This is not, however, an America-only problem. Worldwide, as the globe reaches the twoyear mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, more items are becoming scarce because of global supply chain disruptions, such as congestion at ports, and shortages of truck drivers and service workers. The pandemic also has changed people’s eating habits. An increasing number of people have taken to cooking and eating at home through the pandemic, which is contributing to the grocery supply crunch, according to Phil Lempert, industry analysis and editor of SuperMarketGuru.com. “We don’t want to keep eating the same thing and are trying to vary home cooking,” Lempert said. “As we do that, we’re buying even more food products.”

Continued from Page 1A

una creencia común entre confundir a un mentor y un padrino. Pero ambos son muy distintos. Un mentor responde a las preguntas y ofrece consejos, mientras que un padrino utiliza sus contactos para impulsar a un empleado más joven o con menos experiencia y participar activamente en su crecimiento profesional. *Compromete con la relación: Para que una mentoría sea efectiva y logres conectar con la persona que la ofrece es importante que demuestres un compromiso con dicha relación. Valorar los consejos y llevarlos a la practica es esencial para que la relación con tu mentor se fortalezca y veas cambios significantes en tu carrera. *Se honesto: La honestidad en tus debilidades y fortalezas es esencial para que tu mentor pueda ayudarte. Si eres claro al acercarte a la persona que buscas que te de una mentoría en lo que esperas, está persona podrá tomar una decisión más acertada sobre si cuenta con las capacidades para guiarte y el tiempo para hacerlo. El ser honestos desde el inicio puede ahorrar mucho tiempo y malos entendidos en el futuro.

in, and social networks such as LinkedIn. *Understand what a mentor is: There is a common belief between confusing a mentor and a sponsor. But the two are very different. A mentor answers questions and offers advice, while a sponsor uses their contacts to push a younger or less experienced employee and actively participate in their professional growth. *Commit to the relationship: For mentoring to be effective and to connect with the mentor, you must demonstrate a commitment to the mentoring relationship. Valuing advice and putting it into practice is essential for the relationship with your mentor to strengthen and see significant changes in your career. *Be honest: Honesty about your weaknesses and strengths is essential for your mentor to help you. If you are clear in approaching the person you are seeking to mentor you on what you expect, that person will be able to make a more accurate decision about whether they have the skills to mentor you and the time to do so. Being honest from the start can save a lot of time and misunderstandings in the future.

COVID-19 Continued from Page 1A

Es importante que las personas que no están enfermas o las que están enfermas se laven las manos, usen desinfectante para manos y eviten tocarse los ojos, la nariz o la boca con las manos sin lavar. Si usted, como cuidador, comienza a sentir síntomas, es importante que se haga la prueba. Si es necesario, póngase en contacto con su proveedor de salud. Cuídese a sí mismo y a quien lo necesite para que lo cuide hasta que recupere la salud.

towels and bedding with the person who is sick. The CDC encourages people who are sick to wear a mask when they are sharing spaces with other people who are not. It is important that either people who are not sick or the ones who are sick wash their hands, use hand sanitizer and avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. If you as a caregiver start feeling symptoms, it is important you get tested. If necessary, get in touch with your health provider. Take care – of yourself and whoever needs you to nurse them back to health.

Finding the right short-term rehab care Encontrar la atención de rehabilitación a corto plazo adecuada

na vecina mía anciana y viuda se rompió n elderly widowed neighbor of mine U la cadera este otoño. Fue operada al broke her hip this fall. She underwent A día siguiente. Después de una breve estadía surgery the next day. After a short hospital en el hospital, la transfirieron a un centro de rehabilitación/enfermería especializada. El seguro pagó por una estadía de tres semanas allí. No lo suficientemente fuerte o lo suficientemente estable como para regresar a casa, fue al centro de atención asistida a corto plazo más cercano que podía aceptarla. La estadía de 27 días de mi vecina allí le costó miles de dólares de su bolsillo. Después de regresar a casa, se enteró de otra instalación local con vacantes, quizás menos lujosa, pero también menos costosa. La historia de mi vecina sirve como advertencia para todos. Como lo demuestra su historia, no todas las estadías de atención de rehabilitación para pacientes hospitalizados están planificadas con anticipación. Algunos resultan de una lesión o enfermedad inesperada en lugar de un procedimiento programado, como un reemplazo de rodilla. Tomar decisiones críticas en un momento en que las personas pueden no estar pensando con tanta claridad o sintiéndose mejor agrava el estrés y la ansiedad. Para estar preparado y evitar tener que tomar decisiones no estudiadas e improvisadas que pueden no ser lo mejor para el paciente, los profesionales de la salud y las organizaciones ofrecen consejos. Encuentre un centro de rehabilitación convenientemente ubicado que brinde servicios personalizados a corto plazo para personas mayores. Recorra el centro y examine las habitaciones, el comedor y los menús, los programas y las instalaciones de terapia física y ocupacional, las habitaciones y los baños de los residentes y las salas comunitarias. Averigüe qué niveles de atención se ofrecen. Hable con miembros del personal en diferentes áreas de servicio. Pregunte sobre las calificaciones del personal, los planes de atención personalizada y los tipos de terapia que se brindan. Pida a los residentes actuales y, si es posible, a los ex residentes del centro de rehabilitación que evalúen la calidad de la atención y los servicios que recibieron. Obtenga un programa de tarifas que incluya cualquier cargo adicional por servicios y comodidades adicionales. Conozca cuál es la política de descarga/mudanza. Averigüe qué planes de seguro de salud, así como Medicare, acepta el centro y luego conozca qué servicios cubrirá el seguro o Medicare, junto con los límites. Verifique el registro del centro con el Better Business Bureau y el departamento estatal sobre el envejecimiento. Una vez que se selecciona un centro de rehabilitación/enfermería especializada a corto plazo, verifique las admisiones periódicamente, especialmente mientras persiste la pandemia. Vale la pena diseñar un plan de preparación para emergencias para enfermedades o lesiones inesperadas, tal como se nos anima a hacer para otros desastres. Para las personas mayores y sus seres queridos con el lujo del tiempo, elegir un centro de rehabilitación o un centro de enfermería especializada a corto plazo antes de que sea necesario les da a todos la tranquilidad y la confianza de que han tomado una decisión acertada. Nota bene: Acceda línea al Directorio de Hogares para Adultos y los Informes de Inspección del Departamento de Servicios para Adultos Mayores y Discapacitados de Kansas en https://kdads.ks.gov/ Obtenga referencias en línea del Departamento de Salud y Servicios para Personas Mayores de Missouri para servicios basados en el hogar y la comunidad para personas mayores en línea en https://health.mo.gov/seniors/.




stay, she transferred to a skilled nursing/ rehabilitation facility. Insurance paid for a three-week stay there. Not strong enough or steady enough to return home, she went to the nearest short-term assisted care center that could take her. My neighbor’s 27-day stay there cost her thousands of dollars-outof-pocket. After returning home, she learned of another local facility with vacancies, less luxurious perhaps, but also less expensive. My neighbor’s story serves as a cautionary tale for everyone. As her experience demonstrates, not all in-patient rehab care stays are pre-planned. Some result from an unexpected injury or illness rather than a scheduled procedure, such as a knee replacement. Making critical choices at a time when folks may not be thinking as clearly or feeling their best compounds stress and anxiety. In order to be prepared and avoid having to make unstudied, spur-of-the-moment choices that may not be in the patient’s best interests, healthcare professionals and organizations offer tips. Find a conveniently located rehab center that provides personalized short-term services for seniors. Tour the center and examine the rooms, dining area and menus, physical and occupational therapy programs and facilities, resident rooms and baths, and community rooms. Find out what levels of care are offered. Talk with staff members in different service areas. Ask about staff qualifications, personalized care plans and types of therapy provided. Ask current and, if possible, former rehab center residents to assess the quality of care and services they received. Get a fee schedule that includes any additional charges for extra services and amenities. Learn what the discharge/moveout policy is. Find out what health insurance plans, as well as Medicare the center accepts and then learn what services insurance or Medicare will cover, along with limits. Check the center’s record with the Better Business Bureau and the state department on aging. Once a short-term rehab/skilled nursing center is selected, check admissions periodically, especially as the pandemic persists. It pays to design an emergency preparedness plan for unexpected illness or injuries, just as we’re encouraged to do for other disasters. For seniors and their loved ones with the luxury of time, choosing a rehab center/short-term skilled nursing facility before it’s needed buys everybody peace of mind and confidence they’ve made a sound decision. Nota bene: Access the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services’ Adult Home Directory and Inspection Reports online at https:// kdads.ks.gov/ Get the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services’ Online Referrals for Home & Community Based Services for Seniors online at https://health.mo.gov/seniors/.




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Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper is published every Thursday. Preferred deadline for press releases is the Tuesday before the week of publication. Subscriptions are $45 for one year and may be sent to the above address. Deadline for advertising copy is noon on the Tuesdayimmediately preceeding per column inch. For mechanical information for display ads, or to reserve space for advertising, call Manuel Reyes at (816) 221-4747.

Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 02 • January 13 - January 19, 2022

Holidays at a glance: Martin Luther King Day

Día festivo se acerca: Día de Martin Luther King

elebrado el 17 de enero de este año, el tercer bserved Jan. 17 this year, the third lunes de enero, el Día de Martin Luther King C Monday of January, Martin Luther O es una celebración en donde los estadounidenses King Day is when Americans remember and

By Tere Siqueira

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las personas que luchan por los derechos civiles debido al liderazgo de King en el Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles de las décadas de 1950 y recuerdan y celebran “la vida y el legado del líder de celebrate “the civil rights leader’s life and 1960. King lideró protestas no violentas exigiendo los derechos civiles”, como afirman diversos sitios legacy,” multiple websites state. Here are a few la igualdad de derechos para los afroamericanos y web. Aquí hay algunos datos que quizás no conozcas facts you might not know about this annual otras minorías. Sus protestas abordaron cuestiones de derechos civiles como la separación de asientos sobre este feriado anual: holiday: *Proceso de aprobación: Pasaron algunos años antes de que el gobierno federal aprobara el Día de MLK como feriado. En 1979, nueve años después del asesinato de King, el representante de los EE. UU. John Conyers y el senador de los EE. UU. Edward Brooke presentaron un proyecto de ley en el Congreso para convertir el cumpleaños de King en una fiesta nacional. Dicho proyecto no pasó. En 1983, la representante estadounidense Katie Hall propuso otro proyecto de ley. El cual finalmente pasó. *Primera celebración: La festividad finalmente se observó por primera vez el 20 de enero de 1986. *Número récord: los activistas recolectaron 6 millones de firmas para pedir al Congreso aprobar que el Día de MLK fuera un feriado federal, lo que se considera “la petición más grande a favor de un tema en la historia de los EE. UU.”, afirman CNBC. com y otras fuentes. *Fecha de celebración: Según diversas fuentes, se eligió el tercer lunes de enero, en lugar del cumpleaños de King (15 de enero), porque sigue las pautas de la Ley Uniforme de Lunes Festivos. *Formas de celebrar: La gente celebra el día con marchas, desfiles y discursos. Además, se alienta a los ciudadanos a ser voluntarios para una causa que ayudará a mejorar sus comunidades. Además, las agencias gubernamentales y muchas empresas *Approval process: It took a few years before en los autobuses públicos, los derechos de voto y la privadas cierran durante el día. the federal government approved MLK Day desigualdad salarial, en particular los salarios más bajos que las minorías suelen recibir en comparación *Feriado singular: Esta efeméride es la única celebración federal con estatus de día nacional de as a holiday. In 1979, nine years after King’s con sus contrapartes blancas por hacer el mismo assassination, U.S. Rep. John Conyers and trabajo. servicio. *Importancia: Este día es significativo para U.S. Sen. Edward Brooke introduced a bill in

Congress to make King’s birthday a national holiday. It did not pass. In 1983, U.S. Rep. Katie Hall proposed another bill. It did pass. *First celebration: The holiday was finally observed for the first time on Jan. 20, 1986. *Record number: Activists collected 6 million signatures to urge Congress to approve making MLK Day a federal holiday, which is considered “the largest petition in favor of an issue in U.S. history,” CNBC.com and other sources state. *Date of observation: According to many sources, the third Monday of January was chosen, rather than King’s birthday (Jan. 15), because it follows the Uniform Monday Holiday Act guidelines. *Ways of celebrating: People celebrate the day with marches, parades and speeches. In addition, citizens are encouraged to volunteer for a cause that will help improve their communities. Moreover, government agencies and many private businesses close for the day. *Unique status: The holiday is the only federal holiday with national-day-of-service status. *Importance: The holiday is meaningful to people fighting for civil rights because of King’s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s. He led non-violent protests demanding equal rights for African Americans and other minorities. His protests addressed such civil rights issues as segregated seating on public buses, voting rights and wage inequality, particularly the lower wages minorities typically received compared to their white counterparts for doing the same work.





Se renta


Todas las personas de 12 años o más pueden recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19.

La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es gratuita.

No se require ser cuidadano para que las personas reciban la vacuna contra el COVID-19.

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 02 • January 13 - January 19, 2022

Now COVID-19 Boosters are Available for People Ages 12 and Older in Wyandotte County! ¡Ahora los refuerzos de COVID-19 están disponibles para personas mayores de 12 años en el condado de Wyandotte!


El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado ahora ofrece vacunas de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 para personas mayores de 12 años en el condado de Wyandotte! Esto sigue a la nueva autorización de la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) y las recomendaciones de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Kansas (KDHE, por sus siglas en inglés) que se anunciaron la semana pasada, que autorizó refuerzos para niños de 12 a 15 años de edad.


he Unified Government Public Health Department is now offering COVID-19 booster shots for people ages 12 and older in Wyandotte County! This is following new authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) that came late last week, which authorized boosters for those ages 12 – 15 years of age. People ages 12 – 17 can ONLY get a Pfizer

*Vacunas sólo con cita previa. Llame al 913-5738855 para hacer una cita. *Las vacunas contra el COVID son gratuitas. No se requiere seguro. Encuentre los últimos horarios y más información en WycoVaccines.org. Encuentre sitios de vacunas adicionales en vaccines.gov (o en español vacunas. gov). Otros cambios en la guía de vacunas y refuerzos El período de espera para los refuerzos se redujo a 5 meses para las personas que recibieron la vacuna de Pfizer. Cualquier persona de 12 años o más que se haya vacunado por completo con la vacuna de Pfizer es elegible para un refuerzo 5 meses después de su segunda dosis (acortada de la guía anterior de 6 meses). Los niños con inmunodepresión moderada o grave de entre 5 y 11 años ahora pueden recibir una dosis primaria adicional de la vacuna contra

No insurance is required. Find the latest hours and more info at WycoVaccines.org. Find additional vaccine sites at vaccines.gov (or in Spanish vacunas. gov). Other Changes to Booster and Vaccine Guidance The waiting period for boosters was shortened to 5 months for people who received the Pfizer vaccine. Anyone age 12 or older who was fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine is eligible for a booster 5 months after their second dose (shortened from the previous 6-month guidance). Moderately or severely immunocompromised children ages 5-11 can now receive an additional primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine 28 days after their second shot. This change follows a January 4 announcement

by the CDC.

Las personas de 12 a 17 años SÓLO pueden recibir una vacuna o un refuerzo de Pfizer en este momento. Las personas mayores de 12 años que recibieron previamente la vacuna de Pfizer ahora son elegibles para recibir una vacuna de refuerzo 5 meses después de su segunda dosis. Los refuerzos contra el COVID-19 para personas mayores de 12 años ahora están disponibles en los lugares de vacunación de la UGPHD durante el horario normal de vacunación. Estos son: Antiguo sitio de Kmart (7836 State Avenue) *Vacunas contra el COVID disponibles los viernes de 12 p.m. a las 6 p.m. *Las pruebas de COVID están disponibles de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. *Tanto las vacunas como las pruebas son gratuitas, no se requiere cita ni seguro. Edificio del Departamento de Salud Pública de la UG (619 Ann Avenue) *Vacunas COVID disponibles de lunes a jueves, de 9 a. m. a 4 p. m.

vaccine or booster at this time. People ages 12 and older who have previously gotten the Pfizer vaccine are now eligible to receive a booster shot 5 months after their second dose. COVID-19 boosters for people 12 and older are now available at the UGPHD’s vaccination locations during normal vaccination hours. These are: Former Kmart site (7836 State Avenue) *COVID vaccines available on Fridays from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. *COVID testing is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. *Both vaccines and testing are free, no appointment or insurance is required. UG Public Health Department building (619 Ann Avenue) *COVID vaccines available Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. *Vaccinations by appointment only. Call 913-573-8855 to make an appointment. *COVID vaccinations are free of charge.

el COVID-19 28 días después de la segunda Table adapted from the CDC: https:// inyección. Este cambio sigue a un anuncio del 4 www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vacde enero de los CDC.


Community Calendar Tabla adaptada de los CDC: https://www.cdc. gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/booster-shot. Here are some places where you can get html. free COVID-19 testing this month: Calendario de la comunidad

Aquí hay algunos lugares donde puede obtener pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 este mes: *Vibrant Health Care ofrece pruebas en la Iglesia Bautista Oak Ridge, ubicada en 9301 Parallel Parkway en KCK. Las vacunas están disponibles los lunes, martes y miércoles de 8:30 a.m. a 3 p.m. y el jueves de 8:30 a.m. a 2 p.m., hasta el 12 de enero. La clínica permanecerá cerrada el 13 y el 17 de enero. *KDHE ofrece pruebas The Armory, ubicado en 100 S. 20th Street en KCK -Lunes – Viernes, 11:30 am a 8 pm -Sábado/Domingo, de 9 am a 3 pm *Cross-Lines Community Outreach ofrece pruebas en 736 Shawnee Avenue en KCK los lunes de 8 a.m. a 1 p.m. NOTA: esta clínica estará cerrada el lunes 17 de enero.

*Vibrant Health Care is offering testing at the Oak Ridge Baptist Church, located at 9301 Parallel Parkway in KCK. Vaccines are available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., through January 12. The clinic will be closed on January 13 and January 17. *KDHE offers testing The Armory, located at 100 S. 20th Street in KCK -Monday – Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. -Saturday/Sunday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. *Cross-Lines Community Outreach offers testing at 736 Shawnee Avenue in KCK on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. NOTE: this clinic will be closed on Monday, January 17.

Go Behind the Headlines Each Week with Host Nick Haines

Tune in to KCPBS 19.1 or livestream each Friday at 7:30 p.m. kcpbs.org/livestream An audio version of each episode is available wherever you get your podcasts.

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 02 • January 13 - January 19, 2022

SECCIÓN B Deportes y más deportes….

Pulido queda fuera por lesión El Sporting Kansas City anunció que Alan Pulido estará fuera de las canchas por todo el 2022 debido a una lesión en la rodilla. El delantero mexicano se someterá a una cirugía el 17 de enero en Los Ángeles pero Peter Vermes dijo que no espera contar para la siguiente temporada. Pulido ha estado batallando con problemas en su rodilla y ya se ha perdido varios partidos la temporada pasada. Pulido, de 30 años, lleva 15 goles y dos asistencias en lo que lleva con el Sporting. Chiefs vs. Steelers, por el comodín Los Kansas City Chiefs se enfrentarán a los Pittsburgh Steelers en la ronda de comodines de

la Conferencia Americana. El partido será la revancha que los Steelers querrán cobrarse tras la derrota en Kansas City por 36-10 en diciembre pasado. En aquel entonces, los Chiefs no contaron con Travis Kelce, quien sí será de la partida este domingo. Los Chiefs quedaron segundos en la Conferencia Americana, con récord de 12-5, igual que los Titans pero los de Tennessee tenían ventaja por haber ganado el partido de temporada regular. Tecatito a la sevillana Jesús Corona se convirtiría en nuevo jugador del Sevilla en las próximas horas, según medios españoles. El extremo mexicano que actualmente milita



en el Portio, le seguiría los pasos al Chicharito, quien militó en el equipo andaluz antes de llegar al LA Galaxy. Se sabe que el mismo Julen Lopetegui ha pedido al “Tecatito” para reforzar el equipo y firmaría por unos tres años. Corona ha estado en el Porto desde el 2015 y donde ha ganado dos ligas portuguesas, dos Supercopas y una Copa de Portugal. Djokovic jugará el Australian Open El tribunal de Melbourne permitió la entrada

a Australia a Novak Djokovic y podrá participar del torneo. Aunque, según medios australianos, Novak sigue siendo investigado por mentir en su petición de entrada. El serbio reconoció que cometió errores a la hora de presentar sus documentos pero que no hizo nada malo. Novak dijo que había dado positivo al COVID-19 el 16 de diciembre pero que no supo de los resultados hasta el día siguiente de acudir a un evento con varios jóvenes. Djokovic estuvo recluido en un hotel por las autoridades australianas luego de que su entrada al país fuera suspendida.


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Classified Information

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Johnson County Housing Services is recruiting an Assistant Grants Manager and an Accounting Assistant. Please apply online at www.jocogov.org/careers HELP WANTED

The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions, incl: Customer Serv Mngr – Effective verbal & written communication w/ staff and public, knowledge of public library principles, motivated, supervisor exper. Sr Mngr @ Plaza – manage Plaza & Westport locations. Superior planning, organization & communication skills. MLS, exp leading team. Librarian, Assoc & Asst openings - view site for listings Finance Mngr – maintain system controls to safeguard assets in compliance with GAAP, file timely tax reports. BS Acct. or related and 7 yrs exp. Librarian, Assoc & Asst openings - view site for listings For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO




Johnson County Housing Authority is recruiting an Occupancy Specialist. Please apply online at www.jocogov.org/careers.



Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc...


Rau Construction Company is accepting bids for the West Bottoms Flats Phase II historic renovation project at 1515-1527 W. 9th Street, Kansas City, MO. The project is a historic conversion of the existing Cooper-Basket Building to 103 apartments. We are requesting bids for the following scopes of work: demolition, site work, landscaping, concrete, gypsum floor topping, masonry, steel, carpentry, glass & windows, sheet metal, roofing, drywall & metal studs, cabinetry and millwork, countertops, flooring, ceramic tile, painting, shelving, specialties, toilet accessories, building signage, mailboxes, fire proofing, elevators. Certified MBE/WBE firms are strongly encouraged to bid. The project goals are 15% MBE and 7% WBE. There will be a walkthrough of the existing building at 9am on Friday, January 14th. Requests for pricing documents and questions should be directed to Rena Manixai rena@rauconstruction.com or Andy Meyer andy@rauconstuction. com at 913-642-6000. Bids must be submitted to Rau Construction no later than Monday, January 24, 2022, by 10am.

Systems Engineer positions available at Revolutionary Business Concepts, Inc. d/b/a RBC Medical Innovations in Lenexa, Kansas. To apply, submit resume and cover letter to: Corbin Reagan, Director of Engineering, 13715 W. 109th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66215 or by email to creagan@rbccorp.com. Job Duties: Research, design, develop, test, the manufacturing and installation of electrical equipment, components, or systems for medical device technology. Supports technical success of engineering team in all stages of new product development from requirements management and system architecture to product commercialization. Operate computer-assisted engineering/ design software, including JAMA to handle requirements management and testing. Acts as integrator between engineering teams as primary technical contact for both client and internal team members; coordinates closely with a broader team of engineers including electrical, software, mechanical, and test to resolve multi-discipline issues and develop medical devices. Ensures resolution of electrical systems engineering issues including architecture, hardware, and software design tradeoffs. Applies electrical/biomedical engineering theory, methods, and techniques to overcome technical and process related challenges in medical device product development; executes research methodology to apply principles of electrical theory to engineering projects. Prepares technical drawings (architecture and isolation diagrams) for electrical systems implemented by designers to conform to standards and customer requirements. Designs, implements, maintains, and improves electrical instruments, equipment, facilities, components, products, and systems for medical device systems. Coordinates manufacturing, construction, installation, maintenance, support, documentation, and testing activities to ensure compliance with specifications, codes, or customer requirements. Compiles data and write technical reports regarding existing or potential electrical engineering studies or projects. Performs detailed calculations to compute and establish manufacturing, construction, or installation standards or specifications. Prepares specifications for purchases of materials or equipment used to test and develop medical devices. Minimum Education Requirement: Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, electronics engineering, or related field. Minimum Experience Requirement: 2 years’ experience in systems engineering for electromechanical and embedded systems product development.


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Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc...



MBE / WBE INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn has been preselected to bid the Early Bid Packages for RaymorePeculiar 2021 Bond - Ninth Grade Center project. This portion of the project is for the following scopes only: Earthwork, Site Utilities, Precast & Steel. All other scopes of work will be bid in early February. Overall project is a ground up construction of a new 9th Grade Center for the freshman of Ray-Pec School District. Project is located next to existing East Middle School in Raymore, MO. Project will include classrooms, music room, Gym/locker rooms, cafeteria and main entry. Building skin will be precast concrete panels (both architectural & structural), curtainwall, storefront, metal panels and masonry. Sitework will include rammed aggregate piers under foundations, new parking lots and a connection to the existing drive lane at the middle school. Work will start in Spring 2022 and building will be open for classes in Fall 2023. MBE/ WBE participation is encouraged. Bidding Documents for the Early Package may also be viewed and/ or obtained electronically at www.buildingconnected.com Bids for the Early Package will be received until 2:00 PM on 01/27/2022 by JE Dunn at Raymore-Peculiar School District 21005 S School Rd, Peculiar, MO 64078. Please direct all Bids to the attention of Molly Lyons. Bids can also be submitted via Building Connected with the exception of precast, which must be delivered in a sealed envelope. A Pre-bid Conference will be held virtually at 10:30 AM on 01/18/2022 for the purpose of answering any questions from prospective Bidders regarding the Early Package Scopes of Work on the Project. Attendance is strongly recommended. No other Pre-Bid Conference will be held. Please email molly.lyons@jedunn. com for a link to the invitation. Bid Opening will start at 2:00 PM. on January 27, 2022, via YouTube if you would like to join. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCmvxertsjnZp2jLCUOQlXkA EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled PUBLIC NOTICE

Heenan Construction LLC is requesting Certified MBE and WBE Diverse Suppliers to contact us to bid work in Reference to the KUMMER FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE BOARDROOM – PHASE TWO", project number RC000488, located in Rolla MO. You may reach us at 573-736-5275 or chrystal@heenanconstruction.com


ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Newkirk Novak Construction Partners is seeking Subcontractor Bid Proposals for the Northland Sports Complex – Field House and Concession Buildings. Bids are due no later than 2:00 PM CST on Thursday, January 20, 2022, and shall be emailed to jake. morris@newkirknovak.com. The goals for this specific project have been set at (10%) MBE and (5%) WBE participation. If you have any questions or need access to bidding documents contact Jake Morris, Estimator, at (913)312-9535 or jake.morris@newkirknovak.com.

Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...





Bids for Upgrade Fire Alarm and Security Systems, Center for Behavioral Medicine, Kansas City, MO Project No. REBID M190301 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, February 10, 2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

BidsforConstructions Services – Electrical, Central Region, Project N o . Misso 802 Locust IDIQMCA-2007, Columbia, will be received by PHONE - 57 FMDC, State of FAX - 573MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, 1/25/2022 via Dos Mun MissouriBUYS. Bidders must be Ad Code registered to bid. Ad Size: For specific project information, go to: https://oa.mo. gov/facilities/bidopportunities/bidlisting-electronicplans


Garney Companies, Inc. is soliciting sub bids from qualified MBE/ WBE firms for the Birmingham Headworks and Electrical Improvements located in Kansas City, MO. Bids Opening: January 25, 2022 at 2:00pm. Bids are requested to be turned in no later than two hours prior to the bid opening time. Please provide certifications with your bids. Scope of work includes, but is not limited to: Site Clearing, Erosion Control, Concrete Paving and Markings, Chain Link Fencing, Landscaping, Rebar Installation, Masonry, Miscellaneous Metals, Roofing, FRP Doors, Overhead Doors, Painting, Fire Protection, Aluminum Canopies, Instrumentation, Conveying Systems, HVAC, Plumbing, Pipe Insulation, and Electrical. Garney Companies, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is available to assist where needed. We strongly encourage all MBE/ WBE firms interested in this project to submit a competitive bid. Garney Companies, Inc. fully intends to meet or exceed the participation requirements for this project and is prepared to assist all subcontracting firms in achieving their highest quality of work while maintaining the industry’s most competitive values. The established participation goals for these projects are 10.4% MBE and 9.6% WBE. Documents can be found on our Upcoming Bids list, located at www. garney.com. Further information is available by contacting Audrey Schultz at audrey.schultz@garney. com

MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue • January 13 - 19, 2022 PagePage 3B. 3B. DOSDOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 02 • 02 January 13 - January 19, 2022 FOR SALE






FOR SALE Mercedes-Benz G550 4MATIC $25000 I want to sell my Mercedes-Benz G550 4MATIC, I am the first owner of this car and it is barely used for five months, No accident record and there is no mechanical or engine fault. Mercedes-Benz G550 4MATIC..................$25,000 2015 Mercedes-Benz G550 4MATIC Mileage: 10,812 Fuel: Gasoline Exterior Color: Black Interior Color: Black Transmission: 7-Speed Automatic Engine: 5.5L V8 32V MPFI DOHC Drivetype: AWD I need to sell it urgently contact me through email pinpointsale@ gmail.com PUBLIC NOTICE



MBE/WBE INVITATION TO BID: A.L. Huber, General Contractor, is seeking bids from qualified KCMO CERTIFIED MBE and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the demolition and abatement for the Zhou B Art Center in Kansas City, MO. Approx. Start Date: February 2022. This invitation to bid is limited to the demolition and abatement scopes of work.


MBE/WBE INVITATION TO BID: A.L. Huber, General Contractor, is seeking bids from qualified KCMO CERTIFIED MBE and WBE firms for the environmental oversight services for the Zhou B Art Center in Kansas City, MO. Approx. Start Date: February 2022. This invitation to bid is limited to the environmental oversight scope of work.

The project is subject to compliance with the EPA Brownfields Program and the City of Kansas City, MO requirements and includes but is not limited to MBE/WBE participation, Workforce Utilization, Prevailing Wage and Certified Payroll.

The project is subject to compliance with the EPA Brownfields Program and the City of Kansas City, MO requirements and includes but is not limited to MBE/WBE participation, Workforce Utilization, Prevailing Wage and Certified Payroll.

To comply with all requirements of the EPA Brownfields Cooperative Agreement, the specific goals are as follows: MBE = 10%; WBE = 5%

To comply with all requirements of the EPA Brownfields Cooperative Agreement, the specific goals are as follows: MBE = 10%; WBE = 5%

A.L. Huber will use its best faith efforts in utilizing MBE/ WBE firms and contractors. Note: The Kansas City, MO CREO office is in the process of finalizing overall project participation goals.

A.L. Huber will use its best faith efforts in utilizing MBE/ WBE firms and contractors. Note: The Kansas City, MO CREO office is in the process of finalizing overall project participation goals.

Prevailing Wage Requirements: Comply with all prevailing wage requirements pursuant to the Jackson Annual Wage Order MO20210045 dated 10/29/2021

Prevailing Wage Requirements: Comply with all prevailing wage requirements pursuant to the Jackson Annual Wage Order MO20210045 dated 10/29/2021

Scopes of Work: Demolition and Abatement Bids are due no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, February 7th, 2022. E-mail bids to Jason Schram jschram@alhuber.com


Scope of Work: Environmental Oversight Bids are due no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, February 7th, 2022. E-mail bids to Pam Opyd popyd@gatewayadvisorsllc.com Documents are available for review via dropbox link, KCMO Plan Room, & Demand Star. Contact:

Jason Schram, Estimator jschram@alhuber.com or Phil Thomas pthomas@alhuber.com Office: 913-341-4880

Pam Opyd – Development Manager, Gateway Investment Partners 312-734-1582

A. L. Huber is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based upon race, color, sex, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. Each applicant is reviewed on their ability to perform the position advertised for.

A. L. Huber is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based upon race, color, sex, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. Each applicant is reviewed on their ability to perform the position advertised for.

Advertising doesn’t cost, it pays!

For pricing and more information about advertising in the Dos Mundos classifieds, please contact Veronica by email at : classifieds@dosmundos.com

CDC issues new isolation guidelines CDC emite nuevas pautas de aislamiento By Chara

os Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) han emitido nuevas pautas de aislamiento para personas con COVID-19. “La variante Omicron se está extendiendo rápidamente y tiene el potencial de impactar todas las facetas de nuestra sociedad”, afirma la agencia en su sitio web. “Las recomendaciones actualizadas de los CDC para el aislamiento y la cuarentena equilibran lo que sabemos sobre la propagación del virus y la protección proporcionada por la vacunación y las dosis de refuerzo. Estas actualizaciones garantizan que las personas puedan continuar con seguridad su vida diaria. La prevención es nuestra mejor opción: vacúnese, recupérese, use una máscara en lugares públicos cerrados en áreas de transmisión comunitaria sustancial y alta, y hágase una prueba antes de reunirse”. Según los CDC, las personas con COVID-19 deben aislarse durante cinco días si son asintomáticas o sus síntomas se están resolviendo, seguidos de cinco días de usar máscaras cuando estén cerca de otras personas para minimizar el riesgo de infectar a otros. Además, los CDC recomiendan a las personas que no están vacunadas o que aún no han recibido una vacuna de refuerzo que se pongan en cuarentena durante cinco días, seguido de un uso estricto de máscaras durante otros cinco días. Las personas que han recibido una vacuna de refuerzo no necesitan ponerse en cuarentena después de una exposición, afirman los CDC.


Division of complete scope requirements into smaller tasks or quantities will be considered as will consortiums made up of multiple firms which are capable of performing larger scopes of work.

Overland Park, KS, KCMO Plan Room, and Demand Star.



Division of complete scope requirements into smaller tasks or quantities will be considered as will consortiums made up of multiple firms which are capable of performing larger scopes of work.

Plans and specifications are available for review at A.L. Huber’s office, 10770 El Monte,

Sealed bids will be accepted by the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Joseph, Missouri for Bid # CD2022-05 Community Development Rehabilitations – 4 locations Until February 2, 2022 at 3:00 P.M., at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. A prebid conference will be held on January 24, 2022 at 9:00 A.M. in the 1st Floor Conference Room at City Hall, 1100 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, Missouri. Specifications will be available from the Purchasing Division, 1100 Frederick Avenue Room 201, St. Joseph, Missouri, or by calling 816.271.5330. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. This project is funded 100% by CDBG funds. The City of St. Joseph is and Equal Opportunity Employer. (s) Summer Deatherage Purchasing Agent


he U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new isolaT tion guidelines for people with COVID-19.

“The Omicron variant is spreading quickly and has the potential to impact all facets of our society,” the agency states on its website. “CDC’s updated recommendations for isolation and quarantine balance what we know about the spread of the virus and the protection provided by vaccination and booster doses. These updates ensure people can safely continue their daily lives. Prevention is our best option: get vaccinated, get boosted, wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial and high community transmission, and take a test before you gather.” According to the CDC, people with COVID19 should isolate for five days if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving, followed by five days of masking up when around others to minimize the risk of infecting others. In addition, the CDC recommends people who are not vaccinated or have not yet received a booster shot to quarantine for five days, followed by strict mask use for another five days. People who have received a booster shot do not need to quarantine after exposure, the CDC claims.

Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 02 • January 13 - January 19, 2022

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