Volume 42 Issue 10

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40 •años•

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747

Volume 42 • Issue 10 •March 10 - March 16, 2022

El fútbol mexicano se mancha de sangre L

Federación mexicana y la Liga MX imponen sanciones al Querétaro

Health• Salud

Federation, Liga MX tag Queretaro with penalties

a Federación Mexicana de Fútbol y la Liga MX están haciendo que el Querétaro Futbol Club pague por los disturbios ocurridos el 5 de marzo, cuando Querétaro recibió al Atlas en By Chara la jornada 9 del Torneo Clausura de


he Mexican Football Federation and T Liga MX are making the Queretaro Futbol Club pay for the riots that took place March 5, when Queretaro hosted Atlas in Round 9 of Liga MX’s Clausura Tournament.


Voces Consulares•5A> Immigration• Inmigración Community• Comunidad


New Tool for Checking the COVID-19 Community Levels County-by-County

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow–I

Igualdad de género hoy para un mañana sostenible- I

Nueva herramienta para verificar los niveles comunitarios del COVID-19 condado por condado


Mattie Rhodes celebrates Women’s History Month with art exhibit

It’s time to file your taxes!

¡Es momento de declarar tus impuestos!


Mattie Rhodes celebra el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer con una exhibición de arte

Mes de la Historia de la Mujer: Amanda Villarreal By Chara

l trabajo actual de la empresaria Amanda Villarreal está a un mundo de distancia de su primer trabajo. Nacida en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, Villarreal llegó con su familia a Estados Unidos a los 5 años. Su familia era “muy pobre”, dijo. “Vinimos a Estados Unidos y nos instalamos en California”, dijo. “Vivíamos en un tráiler y yo ayudaba a mis padres a recoger uvas”, dijo. Eventualmente, la familia de Villarreal se mudó al área de Kansas City. Se graduó de Olathe North High School, convirtiéndose en la primera de su familia en graduarse de la escuela secundaria. Villarreal luego asistió a Brown Mackie College, donde estudió para ser asistente legal. Al decidir



ntrepreneurAmanda Villarreal’s current job is a world away from her first job. Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Villarreal came with her family to the United States at age 5. The family was “very poor,” she said. “We came to the United States and got settled in California,” she said. “We lived in a trailer, and I was helping my parents to pick up grapes,” Villarreal said. Eventually, Villarreal’s family settled in the Kansas City area. She graduated from Olathe North High School, becoming the first in her family to graduate from high school.


Mes de la Historia de la Mujer: Isabel Gutierrez By Tere Siqueira

Gutiérrez lucha por defender las Women’s History Month: Gutierrez necesidades de las familias fights to meet families’ needs ada marzo, para honrar el Mes de la Historia de


la Mujer, Dos Mundos honra a las latinas cuyos logros han ayudado y/o inspirado a la comunidad. Una de las ocho homenajeadas de este año es Isabel Gutiérrez, quien ha dedicado su vida a defender a los niños y las familias hispanas. Gutiérrez trabaja en la educación de los niños y brinda referencias a las familias sobre recursos para las necesidades de sus familias. Parte de su trabajo incluye la colaboración con el Distrito Escolar en el Programa Migrante, un programa que asegura que los


ach March, to honor Women’s History Month, Dos Mundos E honors Latinas whose accomplishments have helped and/or inspired the community. One of this year’s eight honorees is Isabel

Gutierrez, who has dedicated her life to advocating for Hispanic children and families. Gutierrez works in early childhood education and provides families referrals to resources to meet their families’ needs. Some of her work includes collaborating with the School District on The Migrant Program, a program that ensures students and parents have the supplies to support their children to graduate; and her work with KidsTLC, where she leads a Spanish-speaking parenting class. Gutierrez’s work with families to ensure they get equal opportunities to succeed academically and otherwise stems in part from her own experiences in education.


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Villarreal then attended Brown Mackie College, where she studied to be a paralegal. Deciding to go into management, she earned a bachelor’s degree in management at Friends University and an MBA at Baker University. “I saw a big opportunity and I decided to do more,” Villarreal said. After working in the corporate world, Villarreal started her company, PLEX Capital, in 2019. The company provides “the cash flow based on the receivables of … work completed,” she said. Villarreal, a single mother of two boys and the owner of a dog, takes pride in being Latina. “There is a sense of being original,” she said. “I work in a world that is

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Emprendedora busca despertar Entrepreneur looks to una mejor versión de la mujer en spark a better version of la comunidad women in the community

Page 2A. 2A. DOS DOS MUNDOS MUNDOS •• Volume Volume 33 42 •• Issue Issue 41 10 •• October March 1010- March 16, 16, 2022 Page - October 2013

Queretaro Continued from Page 1A

la Liga MX. Querétaro deberá jugar sin aficionados durante un año, reportaron varios medios de comunicación. El club también debe pagar una multa de $70,000 y aceptar una derrota por 3-0 ante Atlas como resultado final. El juego es considerado perdido por Querétaro, CBS News y otros medios de comunicación reportaron el martes (8 de marzo). El juego de de fútbol profesional masculino comenzó sin problemas con los fanáticos. Tampoco hubo problemas en el descanso, a pesar de que Atlas ganaba 1-0 con un gol anotado en el minuto 29. Pero durante la segunda mitad, los fanáticos comenzaron a ponerse agresivos. Cerca del minuto 57, un hincha queretano corrió por la cancha para provocar a los hinchas contrarios. Una pequeña pelea estalló en las gradas poco después de eso. Las cámaras de televisión mostraron a los aficionados de Querétaro que estaban en el lado opuesto del estadio moviéndose hacia donde estaba la pelea. Ambos bandos estaban separados por barreras. Sin embargo, esas barreras se rompieron y comenzó una pelea más grande. Los fanáticos del Atlas que no formaban parte de las peleas comenzaron a invadir la cancha para escapar de la violencia, pero debido a que no había seguridad para controlar el acceso al campo, los fanáticos de Querétaro los siguieron y comenzaron a atacarlos. Los videos en las redes sociales mostraban a familias corriendo por seguridad, madres quitando las camisetas de Atlas a sus hijos para evitar ser atacados, y cuerpos inmóviles en las gradas y en el campo recibiendo patadas en la cabeza y el cuerpo. Los fanáticos que estaban en el estadio dijeron a los medios que vieron a los policías ayudar a los alborotadores e incluso a participar en los combates. Algunos medios de comunicación informaron que 15 fanáticos murieron. Las autoridades mexicanas, sin embargo, negaron esos informes y afirmaron que había 26 personas heridas, algunas en estado crítico. A pesar de los videos y las fotografías que identifican a los involucrados en los enfrentamientos, no hubo arrestos el día de los disturbios. Las autoridades mexicanas y los funcionarios del fútbol prometieron una investigación a fondo. El lunes (7 de marzo), 10 fanáticos fueron arrestados. Además de las sanciones impuestas a Querétaro, se impusieron prohibiciones de asistencia de diversa duración a las hinchadas de ambos clubes, reportaron este martes medios de comunicación. Para evitar que ocurran incidentes similares, será necesario identificar a los grupos de seguidores de todos los equipos antes de que se les permita el acceso a los estadios de fútbol mexicano. Aquellos que no puedan ser identificados no podrán acceder a las secciones de grupos de aficionados. El incidente se produce cuando México está seleccionando lugares para albergar los juegos de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2026 de hombres con Estados Unidos y Canadá. Según los reportes, muchas personas están pidiendo a la FIFA que impida que México sea el anfitrión.

Amanda Villarreal

Queretaro must play with no fans for one year, multiple media outlets reported. The club also must pay a $70,000 fine and accept a 3-0 loss to Atlas as the final score. The game is considered a forfeit by Queretaro, CBS News and other media outlets reported Tuesday (March 8). The men’s professional soccer game started with no fan issues. Nor were there issues at halftime, even though Atlas was leading 1-0 on a goal scored in the 29th minute. But during the second half, fans started getting aggressive. Around the 57th minute, a Queretaro fan ran across the field to provoke opposing fans. A small brawl erupted in the stands shortly after that. TV cameras showed Queretaro fans who were on the opposite side of the stadium moving to where the brawl was. Both sides were separated by barriers. Those barriers were breached, however, and a bigger brawl started. Atlas fans who were not part of the fights started to invade the pitch to escape the violence, but because there was no security to control access to the field, Queretaro fans followed them and started attacking them. Videos on social media showed families running for safety, mothers removing Atlas shirts from their children to avoid being attacked, and motionless bodies in the stands and on the sidelines being kicked in the head and body. Fans who were in the stadium were quoted as saying they saw police officers aiding rioters and even participating in the fighting. Some media outlets reported that 15 fans died. Mexican authorities, however, denied those reports and claimed there were 26 people injured, with some in critical condition. Despite video and still images pinpointing those involved in the fighting, there were no arrests made the day of the riot. Mexican authorities and soccer officials promised an in-depth investigation. On Monday (March 7), 10 fans were arrested. In addition to the sanctions imposed against Queretaro, attendance bans of varying lengths were imposed against supporters groups’ of both clubs, media outlets reported Tuesday. To prevent similar incidents from happening, supporters’ groups from all teams will need to be identified before they can be granted access to Mexican soccer stadiums. Those who cannot be identified will not be able to access the supporters’ group sections. The incident comes as Mexico is selecting venues to host men’s 2026 FIFA World Cup games with the United States and Canada. Many people are reportedly calling on FIFA to stop Mexico from hosting.

Continued from Page 1A

dedicarse a la administración, obtuvo una licenciatura en administración en Friends University y una maestría en administración de empresas en Baker University. “Vi una gran oportunidad y decidí hacer más”, dijo Villarreal. Después de trabajar en el mundo corporativo, Villarreal fundó su empresa, PLEX Capital, en 2019. La empresa brinda “el flujo de efectivo basado en las cuentas por cobrar de… un trabajo terminado”, dijo. Villarreal, madre soltera de dos niños y dueña de un perro, se enorgullece de ser latina. “Hay una sensación de ser original”, dijo. “Trabajo en un mundo en el que predominan los hombres blancos. Siento que en el momento en que interactúan conmigo se sienten como en casa. Creo que ser original y auténtica me lo trajo el ser latina. Hay (un) sentido de autenticidad y lo acepto al máximo”. Esa autenticidad, junto con la “originalidad”, han ayudado al Villarreal a tener éxito, dijo. “Traigo algo a la mesa que la gente no ha experimentado y que me fue dado por mi origen étnico”, dijo. Villarreal también atribuye su éxito en parte a sus modelos a seguir, que incluyen a Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins y Warren Buffett. “No tuve ningún mentor, pero seleccioné a mis mentores a través de podcasts, libros y YouTube”, dijo. También atribuye su éxito a su fe y a la Biblia. “Cualquiera que decida tener éxito tiene que tener la Biblia”, dijo. “Te da orientación, visión, te hace más humano. Te da sabiduría y te muestra cómo encontrar la sabiduría”. Villarreal espera inspirar a la gente con su historia de éxito. “Es una esperanza para mí que alguien que lea esto se convierta en una mejor versión (de sí mismo)”, dijo. Ella aconseja a las mujeres que no piensen menos de sí mismas. “Creo que tiene que ver... (con) cómo te presentas”, dijo. “Si te presentas sabiendo que te mereces lo que traes a la mesa, serás tratado así”.

male white-dominant. I feel the moment they interact with me they feel at home. I think that being original and authentic was brought to me for being Latina. There is (a) sense of authenticity and I embrace it to the fullest.” That authenticity, along with “originality,” have helped Villarreal succeed, she said. “I bring something to the table that people have not experienced that was given to me because of my ethnicity,” Villarreal said. Villarreal also attributes her success in part to her role models, who include Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins and Warren Buffett. “I didn’t have any mentors, but I selected my mentors through podcasts, books and YouTube,” she said. Villarreal also attributes her success to her faith and the Bible. “Anyone who decides to have success has to have the Bible,” she said. “It gives you guidance, vision, makes you more human. It gives you wisdom and shows you how to find the wisdom.” Villarreal hopes to inspire people with her success story. “It is a hope for me that someone who reads this becomes a better version (of themselves),” she said. She advices women to do not think less of themselves. “I think that it has to do … (with) how you show up,” she said. “If you show up knowing that you deserve what you bring to the table, you will be treated like that.”

Savoring the benefits of spring cleaning Saboreando los beneficios de la limpieza de primavera



l clima puede sugerir que todavía es invierno, pero el calendario advierte sobre el final del invierno y abundan las señales de la nueva temporada. Estamos a días del equinoccio de primavera; el canto de los pájaros temprano en la mañana está de vuelta; las hojas en ciernes anuncian el final de la latencia invernal; el olor dulce y

he weather may suggest it’s still winter, but the calendar warns of winter’s wane, and signs of the new season abound. We’re days away from the spring equinox; early morning birdsong is back; leaves budding herald the end of winter dormancy; the sweet, earthy smell of the outdoors signals nature’s reawakening; and, the days

terroso del aire libre señala el despertar de la naturaleza; y, los días son cada vez más largos. Es hora de embarcarse en un ritual anual consagrado: la limpieza de primavera. La tradición se remonta a los tiempos bíblicos, según los investigadores, y tiene sus raíces en la biología, la cultura, la neuroquímica, la psicología, la religión y la espiritualidad. La limpieza de primavera es un esfuerzo interior/exterior. Aquí hay listas de verificación compiladas por varios expertos en jardinería y mejoras para el hogar. Adentro, limpie las ventanas y persianas; lavar o limpiar cortinas; pruebe las alarmas; desempolve los ventiladores de techo y las lámparas; desinfecte las perillas de las puertas, las manijas de los gabinetes y los interruptores de luz; limpie el horno; cambie filtros; organice cajones, armarios y espacios de almacenamiento y deseche o done artículos no deseados o inutilizables; rote colchones; desinfecte los juguetes de los niños; y gabinetes de cocina y baño vacíos y estantes de lavado. Afuera, limpie las canaletas; revise el techo y las rejillas de ventilación; dé uso a la cortadora de césped; limpie y afile herramientas de jardín; retire las hojas muertas y el mantillo protector de alrededor de la flora ornamental; recoja ramitas y ramas; arbustos caducifolios y enredaderas perennes que florecen en verano; bulbos de plantas para flores de verano; siembre semillas de tomates, glorias de la mañana y otras plantas amantes del calor en el interior; friegue las macetas de jardín con un cepillo duro y bicarbonato de sodio y agua; lave a presión los porches, patios, terrazas y muebles de exterior; limpie con manguera los botes de basura y los contenedores de reciclaje; lave los vidrios de las ventanas; vacie y limpie con manguera el garaje; y limpie la parrilla de gas o carbón. La Semana Nacional de Limpieza de Primavera comienza el cuarto domingo de marzo. La celebración anual almacena el invierno y da la bienvenida a la primavera; “celebra la importancia, el valor y el impacto positivo que tiene la limpieza en la salud pública, el medio ambiente y la economía”; y crea conciencia sobre el valor de los espacios limpios, según NationalDay.com. “Es una semana... para marcar el comienzo de un nuevo comienzo con la primavera”.

are getting longer. It’s time to embark on a time-honored annual ritual: spring cleaning. The tradition dates back to biblical times, according to researchers, and is rooted in biology, culture, neurochemistry, psychology, religion and spirituality. Spring cleaning is an indoor/outdoor endeavor. Here are checklists compiled by various home improvement and gardening experts. Inside, clean windows and window shades or blinds; wash or dry-clean curtains and drapes; test alarms; dust ceiling fans and light fixtures; disinfect doorknobs, cabinet handles and light switches; clean the oven; change filters; organize drawers, closets and storage spaces and discard or donate unwanted or unusable items; rotate mattresses; disinfect kids’ toys; and empty kitchen and bathroom cabinets and wash down shelves. Outdoors, clean out gutters; check the roof and vents; service the lawnmower; clean and sharpen garden tools; remove dead leaves and protective mulch from around ornamental florae; pick up twigs and branches; spring prune summer-flowering deciduous shrubs and perennial vines; plant bulbs for summer-blooming blossoms; start seeds of tomatoes, morning glories and other heat-loving plants indoors; scrub garden pots with stiff brush and baking soda and water; pressure wash porch, patio, deck and outdoor furniture; hose out garbage cans and recycling bins; wash window screens; empty and hose out garage; and clean gas or charcoal grill. National Spring Cleaning Week begins the fourth Sunday in March. The annual observance warehouses winter and welcomes spring; “celebrates the importance, value and positive impact that cleaning has on public health, the environment and the economy;” and raises awareness of the value of clean spaces, according to NationalDay.com. “It’s a week … to usher in a fresh start with spring.”







Dos Mundos




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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 10 • March 10 - March 16, 2022

Hablando con la abogada

Commentary by Tere Siqueira

Rivergate Building 600 Broadway Blvd; Ste 250 Kansas City, MO 64105. Tel: 816.895-6363

Part 1

It’s time to file your taxes!

¡Es momento de declarar tus impuestos!


s tiempo de impuestos y muchas familias esperan ansiosamente su reembolso de impuestos. ¿En qué gastarás el tuyo este año? Considere iniciar su caso de inmigración para asegurar el futuro de su familia. ¡Es un buen momento para seguir adelante con su caso de inmigración! ¡Bajo el presidente Biden, ha sido más fácil ganar su caso! Comience ahora antes de que sea demasiado tarde. La regla de carga pública ahora vuelve a la normalidad. Las oficinas de USCIS están abiertas para entrevistas. ¡Nuestro equipo de más de 25 profesionales puede enviar su caso al gobierno de inmediato! Vemos familias que han esperado para iniciar su caso porque no han podido reunir los miles de dólares que pensaban que necesitaban para comenzar. En nuestra firma, la mayoría de los casos requieren un depósito de $2000 o menos. El resto se puede pagar en cuotas mensuales. Iniciar el caso le permite al inmigrante tener prueba de que está en proceso de obtener su residencia permanente. También es un buen momento para tomar acción para abrir opciones de futuro. Muchos beneficiarios de DACA tienen cónyuges ciudadanos estadounidenses o residentes permanentes legales que podrían solicitar su residencia permanente. Es fundamental tener una entrada legal para que eso suceda. Si solicita un permiso de viaje ahora, abrirá la puerta para un proceso más fácil. No es necesario viajar a tu país, puedes ir a cualquier parte del mundo. La entrada legal es la clave para poder pasar a la residencia permanente. Finalmente, es un buen momento para solicitar la ciudadanía estadounidense. En estos tiempos inciertos, convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense brinda seguridad para usted y su familia. Muchos de nuestros clientes califican para no pagar las tarifas gubernamentales. El IRS anunció que la temporada de impuestos de la nación comenzó el 24 de enero de 2022. La agencia tributaria está aceptando y procesando las declaraciones del año fiscal 2021 hasta el 18 de abril de 2022. Este es un momento que puede aprovechar para estar al día con tus impuestos Este año use su reembolso de impuestos para asegurar el futuro de su familia. ¡Nuestro equipo puede presentar su caso de inmediato! ¡Llámenos hoy para hacer una cita al 816-895-6363!


t is tax time and I many families are waiting anxiously

on their tax refund. What will you spend yours on this year? Consider starting your immigration case to secure the future for your family. It is a great time to move forward with your immigration case! Under President Biden, it has been easier to win your case! Get started now before it is too late. The Public Charge rule is now back to normal. The USCIS offices are open for interviews. Our team of more than 25 professionals can get your case sent to the government right away! We see families who have waited to start their case because they have not been able to gather the thousands of dollars they thought they needed to get started. At our firm, most cases require a deposit of $2000 or less. The rest can be paid in monthly payments. Starting the case allows the immigrant to have proof that they are in the process of obtaining their permanent residency. It is also a good time to take action to open future options. Many DACA recipients have US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident spouses who could apply for their permanent residency. It is critical to have a legal entry for that to happen. If you request a travel permit now, you will open the door for an easier process. It is not necessary to travel to your country, you can go anywhere in the world. The legal entry is the key to be able to move to permanent residency. Finally, it is a great time to apply for US citizenship. In these uncertain times, becoming a US citizen provides security for you and your family. Many of our clients qualify to not pay the government fees. The IRS announced that the nation’s tax season started on January 24, 2022. The tax agency is accepting and processing 2021 tax year returns until April 18, 2022. This is a time which you can take advantage of to be up-todate with your taxes. This year use your tax refund to secure your family’s future. Get started on your immigration path today to protect yourself from the coming immigration enforcement efforts. Call us today to make an appointment at 816-895-6363!



Isabel Gutierrez Continued from Page 1A

estudiantes y los padres tengan los útiles necesarios para ayudar a sus hijos a graduarse; y su trabajo con KidsTLC, donde dirige una clase para padres de habla hispana. El trabajo de Gutiérrez con las familias para garantizar que tengan igualdad de oportunidades para tener éxito académico y de otra manera se deriva en parte de sus propias experiencias en educación. “Cuando vivía en México… quería ser maestra”, dijo Gutiérrez. “Ese fue mi objetivo desde que era una niña y luego, cuando nos mudamos aquí, ese sueño parecía imposible. En mi mente, no parecía viable. Pero pude ir a la universidad y graduarme con el apoyo de tanta gente: familia, amigos, maestros y todos. Ese fue el momento en que me encontré con el sueño que había desechado cuando era niña”. Esa pasión también se deriva de las luchas que la familia de Gutiérrez experimentó al crecer. “Toda mi familia es muy humanitaria y muy servicial con los demás”, dijo. “Y creo que tiene mucho que ver con la valentía de nuestros padres cuando decidieron traernos aquí y algo que nunca hubiéramos pensado o aprendido si nos hubiésemos quedado en nuestro país de origen”. Gutiérrez también se ofrece regularmente como voluntaria con varios grupos cada vez que ve que existe una necesidad. Y ella se educa a sí misma para ayudar a satisfacer esas necesidades. Un ejemplo de esto es cuando se certificó para enseñar una clase que otorgaría licencias para niñeras de habla hispana. “No había forma de que pudieran obtener una licencia, incluso si quisieran”, dijo Gutiérrez, quien es bilingüe. “Después de tocar puertas y conseguir licencias para todo, accedieron a dejarnos dar la clase en español. Quiero que escuchen la clase en su lengua materna. Entonces pasé por mucho entrenamiento porque nadie estaba dispuesto a enseñarlo. Y dije: ‘Entonces enséñame y yo lo haré’”. El deseo de Gutiérrez de obtener la certificación para enseñar la clase se basa en la idea de que “no hablar el idioma (inglés) no debería ser un castigo” y que los hispanos deberían “estar equipados para proteger y mantener a nuestras familias. Gutiérrez se ha ofrecido como voluntaria de otras maneras, como cuando se ofreció a enseñar una clase con el Departamento de Bomberos de Olathe a través de su Equipo de Respuesta a Emergencias Comunitarias. En celebración de marzo como el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, Gutiérrez quiere que las latinas aprendan que pedir ayuda es una fortaleza, no una debilidad. La mujer dijo que una vez que logramos ayudarnos a nosotros mismos, podemos ayudar a otros.

“When I lived in Mexico, … I wanted to become a teacher,” Gutierrez said. “That was my goal since I was a little girl; and then when we moved here, that dream was, like, out. In my mind, it didn’t seem possible. But I was able to go to college and graduate with the support of so many people – family, friends, teachers and everybody. That was the moment that I was meeting the dream I had lost as a little girl.” That passion also stems from the struggles Gutierrez’s family experienced growing up. “All my family are very humanitarian and very helpful to others,” she said. “And I think it has a lot to do with the bravery of our parents had (when they) decided to bring us here and kind of something that we would have never thought (of) or learned if we would … (have stayed) in our home country.” Gutierrez also regularly volunteers with several groups whenever she sees a need not being met. And she educates herself to help meet those needs. For example, she got certified to teach a class that would get Spanish-speaking baby-sitters licensed. “There was no way that they could become licensed, even if they wanted to,” said Gutierrez, who is bilingual. “After knocking on doors and licensing everything, they agreed to let us teach the class in Spanish. I want it for them to hear the class in their native language. So I went through a lot of training because no one was willing to teach it. And I said, ‘Then teach me and I (will) do it.’” Gutierrez’s desire to be certified to teach the class is shaped around the idea that “not speaking the (English) language should not be a punishment” and that Hispanics should “be equipped to protect and provide for our families,” she said. Gutierrez has volunteered in other ways, such as offering to teach a class with the Olathe Fire Department through its Community Emergency Response Team. In observance of March as Women’s History Month, Gutierrez advises Latinas that asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Once we can help ourselves, we can help others endure, she said.


Tune In or Livestream Thursday, March 17 | 7 p.m.

A new documentary about a group of women in 1980s Kansas City who defied gender norms to transform 14 city blocks in the Longfellow neighborhood into a revolutionary community by and for women.

Cómo evitar que te den gato por liebre al comprar un carro usado Los carros usados subieron mucho de precio durante la pandemia. Vale la pena que te prepares y te informes antes de comprar uno, así te sentirás listo para la compra. De hecho, comience investigando el precio de los carros que te interesan. Luego, busca información sobre la financiación antes de comprar el carro. Consulta con bancos, cooperativas de crédito y compañías financieras: no tienes que financiar un carro por medio del concesionario.

Cuando encuentres el carro que quieres: ■ Llama al concesionario que lo vende. Asegúrate de que el carro está realmente en el concesionario y pide que te den el precio total por escrito, antes de siquiera ir a verlo. ■ Obtén un informe del historial del vehículo y consulta la Guía del Comprador. El informe te dirá el historial del carro, y la Guía te dirá si tiene garantía o se vende “como está” (“as is”). ■ Si quieres hablar de financiación con el concesionario, primero define el precio total. Es decir, el precio total debe incluir los impuestos y cualquier otro costo, y antes de la financiación.

Entre más pronto reconozca las señales, antes podrá ayudar a su hijo. DeteccionDeAutismo.org kansascitypbs.org/womontown

■ Está bien decir que no a las opciones “extra”, o al menos preguntar su precio. Las opciones “extra” son cosas adicionales que los concesionarios ofrecen al vender el carro, como por ejemplo extender la garantía y contratos de servicio. Asegúrate de saber en qué consisten, cuánto cuestan y cómo podrían afectar tu pago mensual. ■ Revisa las condiciones antes de firmar un contrato de compra y la financiación. Asegúrate de que todo lo que has acordado está por escrito. Las promesas verbales son difíciles de hacer cumplir. Obtén más información en ftc.gov/carrosusados. Si detectas una estafa o una práctica comercial engañosa, denúnciala a la Comisión Federal de Comercio en ReporteFraude.ftc.gov.

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 10 • March 10 - March 16, 2022

Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) Shares New Tool for Checking the COVID-19 Community Levels County-by-County UGPHD comparte una nueva herramienta para verificar los niveles comunitarios del COVID-19 condado por condado


hora puede verificar el nivel de COVID en la comunidad en el condado de Wyandotte con sólo presionar unas pocas teclas y obtener guías en “tiempo real” sobre los pasos a seguir para ayudar a protegerse a sí mismo, a sus amigos y familiares y a su comunidad de la propagación del virus. Una nueva herramienta lanzada en febrero por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) permite al público buscar los niveles de COVID en la comunidad condado por condado. El UGPHD ahora ha adoptado la guía y las recomendaciones a nivel de condado de los CDC sobre las precauciones de COVID para el condado de Wyandotte. Simplemente ingrese su estado y condado, y la base de datos mostrará el nivel de la comunidad de COVID-19 en su condado y una lista de recomendaciones de acuerdo con el nivel de amenaza de la comunidad. Los niveles de la comunidad se determinan al observar la cantidad de camas de hospital que se utilizan, las admisiones al hospital y la cantidad total de casos nuevos de COVID-19 en un área determinada. Puede acceder a la función de búsqueda condado por condado visitando https://www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-bycounty.html. Por ejemplo, actualmente en el condado de Wyandotte, el nivel comunitario de COVID-19 es “Alto”. Para los condados con altos niveles de COVID en la comunidad, los CDC recomiendan las siguientes acciones: *Use una mascarilla en lugares públicos *Manténgase al día con las vacunas contra el COVID-19 *Hágase la prueba si tiene síntomas *Es posible que se necesiten precauciones adicionales para personas con niveles altos de riesgo de enfermedad grave. Para los condados con niveles comunitarios de COVID medios o bajos, la guía pública se ve así:


ow you can check the COVID community level in Wyandotte County with just a few keystrokes and get “real time” guidance on what steps to take to help protect yourself, your friends and family, and your community from the spread of the virus. A new tool launched in February by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lets the public search for community COVID levels on a county-by-county basis. The UGPHD has now adopted the CDC’s county level guidance and recommendations on COVID precautions for Wyandotte County. Just enter your state and county, and the database will show the COVID-19 community level in your county and list guidance according to the community threat level. The community levels are determined by looking at the number of hospital beds being used, hospital admissions and the total number of new COVID19 cases in any given area. You can access the county-bycounty search function by visiting https:// www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-bycounty.html. For example, currently in Wyandotte County, the community level of COVID-19 is “High.” For counties with high community levels of COVID, the CDC recommends the following actions: Wear a mask indoors in public Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines Get tested if you have symptoms Additional precautions may be needed for people at high risk for severe illness For counties with medium or low COVID Community levels, the public guidance looks like this:


Medio Medium * Si tiene un alto riesgo de enfermarse If you are at high risk for severe illness, talk gravemente, hable con su proveedor de atención to your healthcare provider about whether you médica sobre si necesita usar una máscara y tomar need to wear a mask and take other precautions otras precauciones. Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines *Manténgase al día con las vacunas contra el Get tested if you have symptoms COVID-19 Low *Hágase la prueba si tiene síntomas. Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines Bajo Get tested if you have symptoms ¿Quién puede recibir una vacuna de refuerzo? Independientemente del nivel de la comunidad de COVID, los CDC y el UGPHD alientan a todos a mantenerse al día con sus vacunas contra el COVID, incluidas las vacunas de refuerzo. Las vacunas de refuerzo COVID-19 ahora están disponibles para personas mayores de 12 años. Consulte las recomendaciones de vacunas y refuerzos aquí para comprobar si está al día: https:// www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/ stay-up-to-date.html.

Who Can Get a Booster Shot? No matter what COVID community level, the CDC and the UGPHD encourage everyone to stay up to date with their COVID vaccines, including booster shots. COVID-19 booster shots are now available for people ages 12 and older. See vaccine and booster recommendations here to check if you are up to date: https:// www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/ stay-up-to-date.html

El Departamento de Salud Pública del UG Las vacunas COVID están disponibles sólo con cita previa para cualquier persona de cinco años o más en el departamento de UGPHD en 619 Ann Avenue en KCK. Las citas están disponibles de lunes a jueves de 9 a. m. a 4 p. m. Llame al (913) 573-8855 para hacer una cita. Las vacunas contra el COVID también están disponibles en las antiguas instalaciones de Kmart en 7836 State Avenue en KCK solo los viernes, desde el mediodía hasta las 6 p.m. Además, también puede buscar sitios de vacunación por ubicación y tipo de vacuna en vacunas.gov. Las pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 también están disponibles en las instalaciones de Kmart, de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. ¡No se necesita seguro para pruebas o vacunas!

UG Public Health Department COVID vaccines are available by appointment only for anyone five years and older at the UGPHD department at 619 Ann Avenue in KCK. Appointments are available Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call (913) 573-8855 to make an appointment. COVID vaccinations are also available at the former Kmart facility at 7836 State Avenue in KCK on Fridays only, from noon to 6 p.m. In addition, you can also search for vaccination sites by location and vaccine type at vaccines.gov. Free COVID-19 testing is also still available at the Kmart facility, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No insurance is needed for testing or vaccines! Community Calendar Here are details on upcoming COVID-19 vaccination and testing events in our community: Cross-Lines Community Outreach at 646 South 7th Street is providing free COVID testing and/or vaccinations every Monday through the end of March. Hours are Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Booster shots are available for those age 12 and older. No appointment needed. El Centro, in cooperation with Swope Health and the M.E.R.C. Co+op, is hosting a vaccination clinic on Monday, March 14th, from 4 to 7 p.m., at the M.E.R.C. Co+Op located at 501 Minnesota Avenue in KCK. Vaccines are available for anyone 5 years and older. Youth 5 to 17 must have consent from a parent or guardian. No appointment is needed, and there is no cost. In addition, event organizers will have $25 gift cards for any Wyandotte County residents who get vaccinated for the first time or who receive their booster shot. The Juntos Center for Advancing Latino Health is hosting an event on Saturday, March 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at 2646 S 34th St, Kansas City, KS 66106. Attendees can get first, second or third doses of free COVID-19 vaccines. First and second dose vaccinations are available for kids ages 5 and older. Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and free COVID-19 testing, will be available. Sign up online at https://sacredheart31922. timetap.com/

Calendario de la comunidad Aquí hay detalles sobre los próximos eventos de vacunación y pruebas de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad: *Cross-Lines Community Outreach en 646 South 7th Street ofrece pruebas y/o vacunas gratuitas de COVID todos los lunes hasta finales de marzo. El horario es los lunes de 8 a.m. a 1 p.m. Las vacunas de refuerzo están disponibles para personas mayores de 12 años. No se necesita cita. * El Centro, en colaboración con Swope Health y el M.E.R.C. Co+op, está organizando una clínica de vacunación el lunes 14 de marzo, de 4 a 7 p.m., en el M.E.R.C. Co+Op ubicado en 501 Minnesota Avenue en KCK. Las vacunas están disponibles para cualquier persona mayor de 5 años. Los jóvenes de 5 a 17 años deben tener el consentimiento de un padre o tutor. No se necesita cita, y no tiene costo. Además, los organizadores del evento tendrán tarjetas de regalo de $25 para cualquier residente del condado de Wyandotte que se vacune por primera vez o que reciba su vacuna de refuerzo. *El Centro Juntos para el Avance de la Salud Latina está organizando un evento el sábado 19 de marzo, de 9 am a 1 pm, en 2646 S 34th St, Kansas City, KS 66106. Los asistentes pueden obtener la primera, segunda o tercera dosis de COVID-19 gratis. Las vacunas de primera y segunda dosis están disponibles para niños de 5 años en adelante. Las vacunas de Pfizer, Moderna y Johnson & Johnson, y las pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 estarán disponibles. Regístrese en línea en https:// sacredheart31922.timetap.com/.




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Page 5A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 10 • March 10 - March 16, 2022

Mattie Rhodes celebrates Women’s History Month with art exhibit

Mattie Rhodes celebra el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer by Tere Siqueira and photos by Facecon una exhibición de arte Story boock-MattieRhodes Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow–I

Igualdad de género hoy para un mañana sostenible- I


l Día Internacional de la Mujer es una oportunidad para reflexionar que “sin la inclusión de la mitad de la población mundial, es poco probable que mañana se hagan realidad las soluciones que nos brinden un planeta sostenible y un mundo en el que

By Alfonso Navarro Bernachi


nternational Women’s Day is an opportunity to reflect that “without the inclusion of half of the world’s population, it is unlikely that tomorrow the solutions that provide us with a sustain-


l 4 de marzo, el Centro Mattie Rhodes celebró Marzo como el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer al abrir una exhibición de arte enfocada en las latinas. Titulado “MUJER” y presentado como una “inauguración preliminar” para el Cultural Arts Building de Mattie Rhodes, la exhibición presenta obras de arte de artistas latinas del área de Kansas City. Estará disponible hasta fin de mes. “Esta exhibición se enfoca en conmemorar y honrar a todas las mujeres”, afirma Mattie Rhodes en Facebook. “Todas las mujeres.” El evento sigue a la finalización del trabajo en el Cultural Arts Building, ubicado en la calle 1701 Jarboe en Kansas City, Missouri. La construcción se completó a fines de 2021 como parte de un plan de remodelación elaborado en 2010. En 2016, Mattie Rhodes lanzó una campaña de capital que recaudó más de $3.1 millones para la construcción. Según John Fierro, presidente/CEO, se gastaron más de $500,000 en la remediación ambiental de las tres parcelas de tierra en la calle 17 y Jarboe. Durante una entrevista anterior con Dos Mundos, Fierro explicó que el centro cultural estará disponible para varios usos comunitarios, incluyendo clases de español, debates sobre libros, foros comunitarios y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional para los educadores del área. Fierro agregó que la instalación ayudará a continuar con los programas de larga duración de la agencia y ofrecerá actualizaciones tecnológicas de última generación. La gran inauguración del Mattie Rhodes Cultural Arts Building está programada oficialmente para el 1 de abril. Para obtener más información sobre able planet and a world in which there is el nuevo edificio y la exhibición “MUJER”, visite haya igualdad de género”. www.mattierhodes.org. En todo el mundo, dice la Organización de gender equality will become a reality.”

las Naciones Unidas para el empoderamiento de las mujeres (ONU-Mujeres), las mujeres asumen a menudo “una responsabilidad desproporcionada como encargadas de asegurar el suministro de comida, agua y combustible”. El 8 de marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer, hablamos en Voces Consulares Radio con dos mujeres en posiciones de liderazgo en nuestra comunidad. Ellas aportaron valiosos testimonios, así como información muy útil para mexicanas. En esta primera de dos partes, quiero presentarles el caso de Geovannie Gone, directora Administrativa de Genesis Family Health, un sistema de salud comunitaria en Liberal, Kansas. Geovannie emigró de México a Estados Unidos con su familia a los 15 años de edad. Ahora, cuenta con más de 12 años de experiencia en trabajo comunitario en áreas rurales de Kansas, una maestría en Salud Pública y es terapista en prevención de alcoholismo y adicciones. Sobre el lema de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer este 2022, “Igualdad de género hoy, para un mañana sostenible”, Geovannie reflexionó: “Si queremos sostener ese mañana, si queremos continuar progresando y educando a nuestras hijas a amarse, a continuar su escuela, a tener mejores familias con mejores valores y fundamentos, tenemos que comenzar por nosotras. A veces queremos educar, queremos enseñar, pero el ejemplo y el cuidarnos, el tener ese amor propio comienza por uno. Es muy importante que hoy hablemos sobre las mujeres pero esas mujeres significa también nosotros.” La Mtra. Gone habló también de los obstáculos en su trayectoria académica y profesional, y de la importancia del autocuidado, para evitar caer “en este círculo donde estamos constantemente sirviendo a las demás personas, preocupándonos de nuestros hijos, de sus actividades y a veces nos olvidamos de nosotras mismas”. Siendo estudiante universitaria debió realizar esfuerzos adicionales para mejorar su nivel de inglés. “Claro que sí puedo”, se dijo entonces. “Tenemos que recordar de qué somos capaces y qué podemos llegar a hacer. Ese amor propio quiebra cualquier tipo de barrera y cualquier tipo de obstáculo que a veces se pueda atrevesar en nuestras vidas”. La entrevista con Geovannie Gone la puede escuchar en el podcast Voces Consulares en Spotify o en Facebook.com/ConsulMexKan.

Around the world, according to the United Nations Organization for the empowerment of women (UN-Women), women often bear “a disproportionate responsibility as those responsible for ensuring the supply of food, water and fuel”. On March 8, International Women’s Day, we spoke on Voces Consulares Radio with two women in leadership positions in our community. They provided valuable testimonies, as well as very useful information for Mexican women. In this first of two parts, I want to present to you the case of Geovannie Gone, Chief Administrative Officer with Genesis Family Health, a community health system in Liberal, Kansas. Geovannie emigrated from Mexico to the United States with her family at the age of 15. Now, she has more than 12 years of community service experience in rural areas of Kansas, a Master’s degree in Public Health, and is an addiction and alcohol prevention therapist. On the motto of the commemoration of International Women’s Day this 2022, “Gender equality today, for a sustainable tomorrow”, Geovannie reflected: “If we want to sustain that tomorrow, if we want to continue progressing and educating our daughters to love each other, to continue their school, to have better families with better values and foundations, we have to start with us. Sometimes we want to educate, we want to teach, but setting an example and taking care of ourselves, having that self-esteem begins with oneself. It is very important that today we talk about women, but those women also mean us.” Geovannie Gone also spoke about the obstacles in her academic and professional career, and the importance of self-care, to avoid falling “in this cycle where we are constantly serving other people, worrying about our children, about their activities, and sometimes we forget about ourselves”. As a university student, she had to make additional efforts to improve her level of English. “Of course I can”, she told herself then. “We have to remember what we are capable of and what we can do. That love for oneself breaks any type of barrier and any type of obstacle that can sometimes get in our way in our lives.” The interview with Geovannie Gone can be heard on the Voces Consulares podcast on Spotify or on Facebook.com/ ConsulMexKan.

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n March 4, the Mattie Rhodes Center O helped honor March as Women’s History Month by opening a Latina-focused art exhibit. Titled “MUJER” and staged as a “soft opening” for the Mattie Rhodes Cultural Arts Building, the exhibit features artwork from Kansas City area Latina artists. It is scheduled to run through month’s end. “This exhibit focuses on commemorating and honoring all mujeres,” Mattie Rhodes states on Facebook. “All women.” The event follows the completion of work on the Mattie Rhodes Cultural Arts Building, located at 1701 Jarboe St. in Kansas City, Missouri. Construction was completed at the end of 2021 as part of a redevelopment plan crafted in 2010. In 2016, Mattie Rhodes launched a capital campaign that raised more than $3.1 million toward the facility. According to John Fierro, president/CEO, more than $500,000 was spent on the environmental remediation of the three parcels of land at 17th and Jarboe. During a previous interview with Dos Mundos, Fierro explained that the cultural center will be available for various community uses, including Spanish classes, book discussions, community forums and professional development opportunities for area educators. Fierro added that the facility will help continue the agency’s long-running programs and offer state-of-the-art technology updates. Officially, the grand opening for the Mattie Rhodes Cultural Arts Building is set for April 1. For more information about the new building and “MUJER,” visit www.mattierhodes.org.


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Page 6A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 10 • March 10 - 17, 2022

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All Care Services está contratando Técnicos de Mantenimiento

Las responsabilidades incluyen conducir camiones barredores y realizar trabajos de limpieza en diferentes lugares de Kansas City. • Posiciones disponibles para turnos de día y noche. • Busco Jornada Completa y NO estacional. • Ubicado en Kansas City Kansas. • Pago inicial de $17 por hora ¡El empleado calificará para un excelente paquete de beneficios! Incluye seguro médico, dental, de la vista y de vida, vacaciones pagadas y fondo de ahorro 401K igualado por el empleador. En este momento también estamos ofreciendo un bono de firma de $500.


All Care Services is hiring Maintenance Technicians Responsibilities include driving sweeper trucks and performing cleaning jobs at different locations in Kansas City. • Positions available for day and night shifts. • Seeking for Full Time and NOT seasonal. • Located in Kansas City Kansas. • Starting pay at $17 per hour Employee will qualify for an excellent benefits package! Including medical, dental, vision and life insurance, paid vacations and employer-matched 401K savings fund. Right now we are also offering a $500 signing bonus.

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Page 7A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 10 • March 10 - 17, 2022 HELP WANTED



The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions, incl: Sr Mngr @ Plaza – manage Plaza & Westport locations. Public programing an promotion, superior planning, organization & communication skills, and exp leading team. Branch Sprvsr @ Westport – sups team, collaborates w/ other depts, BA/BS & library or custmr service exp. Assoc, & Asst openings - view site for listings For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/ jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO HELP WANTED

INTERNAL AUDITOR (Job Opening ID #514735) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Office of the City Manager, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Establishes and schedules audit programs directed toward the maintenance of ethical standards, performance, behaviors and business practices and to identify internal weaknesses, deficiencies or irregularities. Conducts audits, reviews records and other documentation, and interviews management and other personnel to obtain needed information. Investigates allegations of fraud, public corruption, and perceived irregularities in the contracting process or any other indicators which give the appearance of unethical behavior or practice patterns. Investigates allegations of misconduct and violations of code of ethics on the part of officers and employees. Performs analyses, critiques, and evaluations to determine legal, contractual and financial compliance. Promotes economy, efficiency, and performance effectiveness of the activities of departments and of associated outside agencies. Assists in the designing of systems to prevent unethical behavior or practices. Manages ethics hotline complaint system. Reviews cash handling procedures or test procedural internal controls relating to the Administrative Code, AR’s and MI’s. Prepares oral and written reports of audit findings and recommendations for corrective actions and operational and managerial improvements; presents findings to affected managerial personnel and high level municipal officials, explaining findings and encouraging implementation of recommendations; provides advice on internal controls, acceptable practices and procedures. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in accounting, law, business or public administration or other related field and 6 years of progressively responsible experience in internal auditing, compliance review, administrative investigations, fiscal and administrative regulations governing municipal financial matters and ethical obligations of elected officials and employees, government or public accounting or auditing work. Preference given to candidates who are Certified Public Accountants (CPA) in Missouri. Salary Range: $4,945-$8,552/month. Application Deadline: March 14, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.








ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Job Opening ID #514720) Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Health Department, Healthy Homes Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to submit or provide documentation of receiving an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. Assists walk-in and phone customers, including tracking sign-in sheets daily and reporting by spreadsheet to management monthly. Reviews submitted rental property applications, including accepting all required supporting documents and payments. Maintains payments, provides receipts, logs payments, and prepares deposits for fiscal office daily. Provides calculator slip to manager daily with the total amount of deposit. Enters complaints received daily into MyCivic system and internal Program database. Schedules inspections on public health specialist calendars. Prepares outgoing mail daily. Maintains inventory of stationary forms and general storage rooms, including stocking shelves and alerting management to forms or supplies needed. Assists in preparation for meetings and trainings as requested. Retrieves files and makes copies for records requests. Follows up with incomplete applications daily, including making phone calls, and checking for appropriate payments or supporting documents. Sends letters to operators or tenants as needed. Checks main phone line voicemails and responding to customer concerns daily. Performs additional duties as assignment by management. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of increasingly responsible, secretarial and/ or clerical experience; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Preference given for bilingual (English/ Spanish) candidates. Salary Range: $16.05-$24.31/hour. Application Deadline: March 21, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. PUBLIC NOTICE



Bilingual Support Coordinator Job Opening Pay range for starting salary: $18.61 per hour, more possible based on experience. Plus, a generous benefit package! • Health, vision, dental, life insurance; short-term and long-term disability • 22 days PTO earned your first year and 12 holidays + 1 floating holiday per year • Eitas is a qualifying employer for most student loan forgiveness programs Location: Kansas City and Jackson County – Working from home is possible after 90 days introductory period in office with successful job performance. Eitas is a mission driven organization serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Jackson County. We strive to support choice and community inclusion for the people we serve. Eitas is seeking passionate caring people to provide support coordination services in Jackson County. We live our values of: Grace, Excellence, Nothing About Me Without Me, Teamwork, Learning, Embracing Eitas Mission. Eitas maintains an inclusive work environment that is welcoming to all people, particularly those with a passion for social justice and equity. Eitas Bilingual Support Coordinators (SCs) carry a caseload of 3540 individuals whose primary language is Spanish. They help those individuals to access community resources, therapies, housing, community integration services, employment, transportation and more. The SC assists the individual by requesting funding and providing oversight of the services. The SC monitors the implementation of those services to ensure quality and efficacy. Due to federal requirements, this position requires a minimum of a bachelors’ degree in any field or an RN certificate. A degree in any human services area and at least one year of relevant experience is preferred. This job is a good fit for people who are highly organized, able to convey information clearly and succinctly in writing, and able to work with teams to communicate and cooperate in the best interests of the person served. How to apply: Send cover letter and resume to eitashr@ eitas.org Closing date: March 31, 2022 For information on eitas, including more information on our services and our company culture, visit our website at Eitas. Eitas is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. PUBLIC NOTICE





MBE/WBE INVITATION TO BID: A.L. Huber, General Contractor, is seeking bids from qualified KCMO CERTIFIED MBE and WBE subcontractors and suppliers for the Zhou B Art Center in Kansas City, MO. Approx. Start Date: May 2022. Division of complete scope requirements into smaller tasks or quantities will be considered as will consortiums made up of multiple firms which are capable of performing larger scopes of work. The project is subject to compliance with the City of Kansas City, MO requirements and includes but is not limited to MBE/WBE participation and Workforce Utilization. To comply with all KCMO minority contractor participation requirements through the CREO KC office, the specific goals are as follows: MBE = 15%; WBE = 15% A.L. Huber will use its best faith efforts in utilizing MBE/WBE firms and contractors. Note: The Kansas City, MO CREO office is in the process of finalizing overall project participation goals. To comply with all KCMO construction employment program requirements, the workforce utilization goals are as follows: Minority – 20%; Female = 4% Scopes of Work: Concrete, Tuckpointing, Masonry, Structural Steel, Rough Carpentry & Finish Carpentry, Millwork, Waterproofing & Joint Sealants, TPO Roofing, Asphalt Shingle Roofing, Sheet Metal, Pedestal Pavers, Doors/Frames/HW, Plaster, Drywall, Tile, Acoustical Ceilings, Wood Flooring, Resilient Flooring, Carpet, Painting, Toilet Partitions, Accessories, FEC’s, Elevator, Wheelchair Lift, Trash Chute, Fire Protection, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Voice / Data Cabling,Press Earthwork, Piers / Piles, Asphalt Paving, Unit Pavers, Missouri Service 802 Fences Locust & Gates, Landscaping, and Site Utilities

INVITATION NOTICE TO BID Bids for Change In Scope Rebid - HVAC Repairs, Multiple Will Jaquelyn Borjas & Assets, Missouri Jeisen J. Avila of the following trailer come forS t a t e H i g h w a y ward to 3401 Metropoli- Columbia, MO 65201 tan Ave., Kansas City, Bids are due no later than 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 28th, - 573-449-4167 P a t r o l G e n e r a l KS 66106 with proof of PHONE ownership for their trailer FAX 573-874-5894 2022. E-mail bids to Jason Schram jschram@alhuber.com Headquarters, Project by March 26, 2022 or property will be sold. No. R2110-01, will be Plans and specifications are available for review at A.L. Huber’s office, received by FMDC, El Monte, Overland Park, KS, KCMO Plan Room, and Demand Dos10770 Mundos Star. State of MO, UNTIL col.4/7/2022 x 1.5 col. = 2.5 col Ad Code: REBID_R2110-01 1:301 PM, AdContacts: Size: 1x4 via Special MissouriBUYS. of $14 col. inch = $35.00 Per issue. Jason Schram, Estimator jschram@alhuber.com or Phil Thomas Bidders must be PublictoNotice to run on 2/17, pthomas@alhuber.com 2/24, 3/3 & 3/7 Office: 913-341-4880 registered bid. A. L. Huber is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate ForTo specific runproject 4 issues for a total of $140.00 based upon race, color, sex, national origin, age, religion, sexual information, go to: orientation, and disability. Each applicant is reviewed on their ability http://oa.mo.gov/ to perform the position advertised for. facilities


Page 8A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 10 • March 10 - 17, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE










MBE / WBE INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding SMSD Westridge Middle School Renovations & Addition, 9300 Nieman Rd. Overland Park, KS 66214 and request your bid proposal for applicable material and/or labor. In particular, we are soliciting M/ WBE Subcontractor/Supplier Bid Proposals for the following scope(s) of work including, but not limited to: - Selective Demolition - Building & Site Concrete - Structural Steel - Doors, Frames, Hardware, and Specialties - Finish Carpentry - Joint Sealants & Firestopping

Infórmate, Actualízate, Hazte la Cahills Construction, Inc. seeks subcontract proposals from Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Cahills Construction, Inc. seeks subcontract Prueba. proposals from Minority Business Women Business Enterprise Enterprise (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and or Veteran (MBE), Women Business (WBE),Veteran OwnedObtén una prueba de VIH / for: ETS Supplier Diversity,Enterprise with Service Disabled Business (SDVE) GRATUITA Y CONFIDENCIAL con Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and nuestro equipo de prevención. or Veteran Supplier Diversity, with Service ESTAMOS ABIERTOS TODOS LOS DÍAS DE 11 AM A Project: #RC000425 Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVE) for: 5 PM Y LOS MARTES TARDE DE 11 A 6:30 PM. Medium Voltage Research Lab Project Project: #RC000425 NO SE NECESITA CITA. th St. Rolla, MO 500 W. 16 Gratis, Rápido y Confidencial Medium Voltage Research Lab66401 Project 500 W. 16th St. Rolla, MO 65401 · To view plans and specifications  To view plans andelectronically specifications electronically at no charge from: at no charge from: http://www.adsplanroom. http://www.adsplanroom.net net To request an invite for a Link to the plans and specifications please email or call: · To request an invite for a Link to the plans bids@cahillsconstruction.com and specifications please email or call: bids@ or 573-426-5305 cahillsconstruction.com or 573-426-5305 Subcontractor bids are due Subcontractor bidsby are1:00 due byp.m. 1:00 on p.m. on March 16, 2022 March 16, 2022 Bids can be emailed to bids@cahillsconstruction.com or faxed to 573-362-3562 Bids can be emailed to bids@ cahillsconstruction.com or faxed to 573-362If you have any questions: 573-426-5305 3562 4309 E. 50th Terrace, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64130 (816)778-0772 If you have any questions: 573-426-5305

- Roofing and Sheet Metal - Glass and Glazing - Drywall & Ceilings - Painting and Wall Coverings - Resilient Flooring and Carpet - Resinous Flooring - Plumbing - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning - Electrical - Landscaping We would appreciate your indication of the scope of work you will include in your proposal by 03/22/2022. Final proposals must be submitted via Building Connected by 03/25/2022 at 10:00 am. PRE-BID CONFERENCE - A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at Westridge Middle School. 9300 Nieman Rd. Overland Park, KS 66214 at 9:30 am on 03/16/2022, for the purpose of answering any questions regarding the above scopes of work on the project. JE Dunn invites M/WBE subcontractors to call if any assistance is required or questions arise concerning work segmentation, work and contract requirements, or the form of proposal requested. Questions should be directed to Austin Panko, Project Manager, by phone at 816–588 -4283, or by email at Austin.Panko@Jedunn.com. EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity


HISTORY BIDS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY USING BuildingConnected by March 29, 2022 at 2 PM Please contact McCownGordon Construction at s&tteam@mccowngordon.com for getting connected to BuildingConnected.

NOTICE OF VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING KANSAS CITY BROWNFIELDS COMMISSION 1:30 – 2:30 pm Friday, March 11, 2022 For Zoom Meeting Link, Please Contact Andrew Bracker at (816) 513-3002, andrew.bracker@ kcmo.org

A virtual public meeting of the Kansas City Brownfields Commission will be held 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. on Friday, March 11, 2022. The Commission will meet to consider Resolution 002-2022 to reallocate funding of a previously approved brownfields loan for the Zhou B Art Center project in the 18th & Vine Jazz District. In addition, applications to seek up to $6 million in supplemental RLF funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be discussed. Brownfields are idle or underused properties whose reuse is complicated by real or perceived contamination. The Brownfields Commission is a Mayor-appointed body created by City ordinance to support the cleanup of brownfield properties for redevelopment and reuse. Kansas City, MO, as advised by the Brownfields Commission, uses EPA grants to provide loans and subgrants to clean up brownfields. Stakeholders, including community residents, neighborhood organizations, businesses, professionals, non-profits, and government representatives, are all encouraged to attend, learn, and share. The meeting link, agenda and materials are available by contacting KCMO Department of City Planning and Development, Andrew Bracker, at (816) 513-3002, andrew.bracker@ kcmo.org.

Bids will be publicly opened and names of bidders will be read aloud over a Zoom webinar. Please contact McCownGordon for the link to the opening. McCownGordon is proud to be a part of history as the prime contractor for the construction of the Student Experience Center located at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Opportunities are available for MBE/WBE/DBE/Veteran/ SDVE firms with McCownGordon Construction. Learn more online at https://mccowngordon.com/mst-tradepartner-info/.



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