Volume 42 Issue 11

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40 •años•

1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747

Volume 42 • Issue 11 •March 17 - March 23, 2022


Las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo celebran 10 años

l ministerio internacional -que tiene casas en América del Norte, Central y del Sur; Europa y África, según la información de la organizaciónestá celebrando 10 años de su presencia en los Estados Unidos con su primera casa en Kansas


Classifieds Secction•

Seccion de Clasificados

City, Kansas. Primero llegaron las hermanas de la comunidad. Tres años después, llegaron los frailes. A su llegada, los frailes vivieron en Kansas City, Missouri, y luego se trasladaron a

Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ celebrates 10 years 2A> in area By Tere Siqueira

Health• Salud

he Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ have an anniversary this year. T The international ministry – which has

houses in North, Central and South America; Europe; and Africa, organizational information

Voces Consulares•5A>


UGPHD to Close Mass COVID Vaccination and Testing Site on March 30

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow – II

UGPHD cerrará el 30 de marzo el sitio de vacunación y pruebas masivas contra el COVID

Igualdad de género hoy para un mañana sostenible- II

Mes de la Historia de la Mujer: Kathleen Ramon Venable


ach March, to honor Women’s HisE tory Month, Dos Mundos honors Latinas whose accomplishments have helped and/or inspired the community. One of this year’s honorees is former Kansas City area resident and current Texan Kathleen Ramon Venable, who defines her calling as serving people in need. Born in San Antonio, Texas, Ramon Venable received her bachelor’s degree in social work from Park University in Kansas City, Missouri, and a master’s degree in social work from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio. A volunteer at The Summit Senior Center in Grand Prairie, she also is


Mes de la Historia de la Mujer: Veronica Latas By Tere Siqueira

Mes de la Historia de la Mujer: Latas camina el camino

ada marzo, para conmemorar el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, Dos Mundos honra a las latinas cuyos logros han ayudado y/o inspirado a la comunidad. C Una de las ocho homenajeadas de este año es Verónica Latas, quien ha dedicado

su vida a ayudar a otros a hacer transiciones difíciles en la vida. Originaria de San Benito, Texas, Latas ha pasado gran parte de su vida en el área de Kansas City. Su vida gira en torno a la familia, el trabajo y el cuidado de su mamá, que tiene Alzheimer. “Mi vida siempre se ha tratado de ayudar a la gente”, dijo Latas. “Me encanta ayudar a la gente. Disfruto conocer gente y escuchar sus historias”. La herencia hispana de Latas le ha permitido apoyar a la comunidad en varios trabajos, comenzando con su trabajo en una agencia de empleo. Durante siete años, ayudó a muchos solicitantes, incluidos aquellos que sólo hablaban español, que buscaban trabajo y no sabían por dónde empezar. El deseo de Latas de ayudar a los demás la llevó a trabajar en la industria de cuidados paliativos durante 16 años. Comenzando como recepcionista, su experiencia en reclutamiento la promovió a un puesto de gerente voluntaria. Como administradora de voluntarios, ella contrataba e


Women’s History Month: Latas walks the walk

ach March, to observe Women’s History E Month, Dos Mundos honors Latinas whose accomplishments have helped and/or inspired the community. One of this year’s eight honorees is Veronica Latas, who has dedicated her life to helping others in making difficult life transitions. Originally from San Benito, Texas, Latas has spent much of her life in the Kansas City area. Her life revolves around family, work and taking care of her mom, who has Alzheimer’s. “My life has always been about helping people,” Latas said. “I love helping people. I enjoy meeting people and hearing people’s stories.” Lata’s Hispanic heritage has


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active with the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce and chair of the Latino Advisory Council. “We work directly with Arlington Mayor Jim Ross to identify economic and social solutions to issues that affect the Latino population,” Ramon Venable said. “My business efforts are in strategic planning and business development for my consulting group.” Ramon Venable, who worked in insurance in Kansas City, expanded into community involvement after finishing her education. She served with the Guadalajara Sister City Committee and volunteered with the aging population at Guadalupe Centers Inc. It is “important to give

902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108

Ramon Venable persigue la vocación de By Chara servir a los necesitados Ramon Venable pursues calling ada marzo, para honrar el Mes de la Historia of serving those in need de la Mujer, Dos Mundos honra a las latinas cuyos logros han ayudado y/o inspirado a la comunidad. Una de las homenajeadas de este año es Kathleen Ramon Venable, ex residente del área de Kansas City y actual tejana, quien dice que su vocación es servir a las personas necesitadas. Nacida en San Antonio, Texas, Ramon Venable recibió su licenciatura en trabajo social de Park University en Kansas City, Missouri, y una maestría en trabajo social de la Universidad de Our Lady of the Lake en San Antonio. Como voluntaria en The Summit Senior Center en Grand Prairie, también participa activamente en la Cámara de Comercio del Gran Arlington y es presidenta del Consejo Asesor Latino. “Trabajamos directamente con el alcalde de Arlington, Jim Ross, para


Page 2A. 2A. DOS DOS MUNDOS MUNDOS •• Volume Volume 33 42 •• Issue Issue 41 11 •• October March 1710- March 23, 16, 2022 Page - October 2013

Las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo Continued from Page 1A

“Naturalize 2 Million by 2022” “¡Naturalizar 2 millones para 2022!”


here’s a lot a stake in the mid-term T elections Nov. 8. All 435 U.S. House seats and 35 of 100 U.S. Senate seats are up

Hay un vigoroso impulso en todo el país para engrasar los patines para que dos millones de residentes inmigrantes legales se conviertan en ciudadanos naturalizados para fin de año. La campaña total cuenta con el apoyo de más de 50 grupos no relacionados. Entre ellos se encuentran sindicatos, coaliciones de defensa de inmigrantes y refugiados, organizaciones empresariales, asociaciones industriales y comerciales, líderes religiosos, grupos religiosos y más. Sus esfuerzos incluyen ayudar a los inmigrantes elegibles a través del proceso de naturalización y proporcionar materiales y recursos educativos. Estados Unidos es el hogar de unos nueve millones de residentes legales y portadores de tarjetas verdes. Incluyen trabajadores calificados y no calificados, así como profesionales en negocios, educación, salud, ciencia y tecnología. Tener estos trabajadores inmigrantes residentes ayuda enormemente a aliviar el empeoramiento de la crisis laboral de Estados Unidos. En todas las industrias, las empresas luchan por encontrar y retener trabajadores calificados y no calificados, así como profesionales. Hay escasez de trabajadores portuarios en los puertos de Estados Unidos para descargar barcos y escasez de camioneros para recoger y entregar la carga. Está tensando aún más una crisis de la cadena de suministro ya crítica. Los expertos en seguridad advierten sobre una creciente escasez de profesionales de la ciberseguridad. Los distritos escolares de Estados Unidos están desesperados por maestros, auxiliares docentes, personal de apoyo y conductores de autobuses escolares. Los hospitales, clínicas, hogares y otras instituciones se esfuerzan por llenar un número cada vez mayor de vacantes de enfermería. Apenas hay suficientes veterinarios de animales grandes y pequeños para satisfacer la demanda actual de atención médica para mascotas y animales de consumo. Y para 2030, la falta de veterinarios podría dejar sin atención a 75 millones de mascotas, advierten los expertos. El tentador corolario de “¡Naturalizar 2 millones para 2022!” la campaña es esta. En una elección intermedia en la que la participación es tradicionalmente baja, la afluencia de dos millones de nuevos votantes podría ser una bendición para los candidatos y las causas en las iniciativas electorales.

There’s a vigorous push nationwide to grease the skids for two million legal immigrant residents to become naturalized citizens by year’s end. The all-out campaign is supported by 50-plus unrelated groups. Among them are labor unions, immigrant and refugee advocacy coalitions, business organizations, industry and trade associations, faith leaders, religious groups and more. Their efforts include helping eligible immigrants through the naturalization process and providing educational materials and resources. The U.S. is home to some nine million legal residents and green card holders. They include skilled and unskilled laborers, as well as professionals in business, education, health, science and technology. Having these resident immigrant workers helps mightily to relieve America’s worsening labor crisis. Across industries, businesses are struggling to find and retain skilled and unskilled workers as well as professionals. There’s a shortage of dock workers at America’s ports to unload ships and a shortage of truck drivers to pick up and deliver cargo. It’s further straining an already critical supply chain crisis. Security experts warn of a growing scarcity of cybersecurity professionals. America’s school districts are desperate for teachers, classroom paraprofessionals, support staff and school bus drivers. Hospitals, clinics, homes and other institutions are scrambling to fill swelling numbers of nursing vacancies. There are barely enough large- and small-animal veterinarians to meet current demand for pet and food animal medical care. And by 2030, the lack of veterinarians could leave 75 million pets without care, experts warn. The tantalizing corollary to the “Naturalize 2 Million by 2022!” campaign is this. In a midterm election when turnout is traditionally low, the influx of two million new voters could be a boon for candidates and causes on ballot initiatives.

ay mucho en juego en las elecciones intermedias del 8 de noviembre. Los 435 escaños de la Cámara de Representantes del país y 35 de los 100 escaños del Senado están en juego. Kansas y otros 35 estados elegirán un gobernador. Los escaños abiertos en otras oficinas ejecutivas estatales, legislaturas estatales, juntas de educación y regentes, tribunales supremos y de apelación estatales y más estarán en las boletas electorales en varios estados. Varias jurisdicciones locales en todo el país elegirán funcionarios municipales y aprobarán medidas electorales locales y estatales. La elección presidencial del 2020 atrajo a más estadounidenses que cualquier otra elección en 120 años, según datos registrados por varias organizaciones nacionales, incluida la Oficina del Censo y Pew Research. Dos tercios, el 66,8 por ciento, de la población elegible para votar de Estados Unidos emitió su voto. Kansas rompió un récord de 40 años: el 67,5 por ciento de los votantes acudió a las urnas. La participación electoral en las elecciones intermedias suele caer. Pero este año, los partidos políticos de Estados Unidos podrían contribuir a romper todos los récords anteriores.

Kansas City, Kansas. Su casa de Missouri también funcionaba como refugio para las personas necesitadas del área de Kansas City. Un fraile actual es Israel del Amor Crucificado, que es miembro de la fraternidad desde hace casi 14 años. Del Amor Crucificado, cuya misión en Estados Unidos comenzó en 2018, dijo que la fraternidad ha establecido permanentemente una estrecha relación con la comunidad hispana desde que llegó a Kansas City. “La comunidad latina tiene una fe poderosa”, dijo. “Tenemos una buena relación y es bonito ver esa fé de los latinos: que la siguen buscando. Muchos también se dedican a ayudar a los demás. Se acercan a nuestra comunidad y les entusiasma ayudar a los demás. Al conectarse con nosotros, ellos... son capaces de llegar a los que están sufriendo también». Aliviar el sufrimiento es una piedra angular del ministerio de las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo. En concreto, la fraternidad busca conectar a la gente con Dios ayudando a los pobres, ofreciendo múltiples programas comunitarios. Entre ellos, uno en el que el grupo de consagrados y laicos se reúne los martes y sábados para distribuir víveres y alimentos a la gente de la calle. Otro programa es Set Sobrious, un grupo de apoyo que se reúne los miércoles en la Iglesia del Santísimo Sacramento de Kansas City, Kansas, para luchar contra las adicciones. La labor de evangelización también ha sido vital para establecer la fraternidad en la comunidad. Todos los lunes, las hermanas celebran la hora santa. Los jueves, es turno de los frailes. Además, las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo ofrecen el retiro para jóvenes «Rescatame”. Las entradas para el próximo retiro, previsto para el 23 y 24 de abril, están a la venta. La casa de las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo está abierta a todos los que quieran visitarla, dijo del Amor Crucificado. Los martes y los sábados se celebran reuniones en la casa de las hermanas, a las que puede asistir cualquier persona que quiera participar. Y las personas que necesiten ayuda pueden acudir a la casa o llamar a la fraternidad, dijo del Amor Crucificado. “Nosotros como los Pobres de Jesucristo queremos... agradecer toda la ayuda de la comunidad hispana y pedirles que recen por nosotros, para que Dios nos dé la gracia de perseverar en esta misión», dijo. «Si quieren conocer este trabajo con los pobres, vengan a conocernos y conozcan este amor de llevarlo a la gente y estar junto a los que sufren». Además de su presencia, la gente puede apoyar a las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo con alimentos y donaciones monetarias. Las hermanas y los frailes también se mantienen a sí mismos horneando pasteles de queso para venderlos los jueves y haciendo rosarios. La casa de las Hermanas Pobres de Jesucristo se encuentra en el 2226 de la avenida Troup en Kansas City, Kansas. Para más información o para hacer donaciones, llame al (913) 808-2884 o visite www. sisterspoorofjesuschrist.com.

states – is celebrating 10 years of its presence in the United States with its first house in Kansas City, Kansas. First, the community sisters arrived. Three years later, the friars arrived. Upon their arrival, the friars lived in Kansas City, Missouri, then moved to Kansas City, Kansas. Their Missouri home also functioned as a shelter for Kansas City area people in need. A current friar is the Rev. Israel del Amor Crucificado, who has been a member of the fraternity for almost 14 years. Del Amor Crucificado, whose mission in the United States began in 2018, said the fraternity has permanently established a close relationship with the Hispanic community since arriving in Kansas City. “The Latino community has a powerful faith,” he said. “We have a good relationship … (and) it’s nice to see that faith of the Latinos – that they still seek it. Many are also dedicated to helping others. They reach out to our community and are excited to help others. By connecting with us, they … (are) able to reach out to those who are suffering as well.” Relieving suffering is a cornerstone of the Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ’s ministry. Specifically, the fraternity seeks to connect people with God by helping the poor by offering multiple community programs. They include one in which the group of consecrated and lay people meet on Tuesdays and Saturdays to distribute groceries and food to street people. Another program is Set Sobrious, a support group that meets Wednesdays at Blessed Sacrament Church in Kansas City, Kansas, to fight addictions. Evangelization work also has been vital to establishing the fraternity in the community. Every Monday, the sisters celebrate holy hour. On Thursdays, the friars celebrate. In addition, the Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ also offers a “Rescatame” (“Save Me”), a retreat for young people. Tickets for the next retreat, scheduled for April 23-24, are on sale. The Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ’s house is open to all who want to visit, del Amor Crucificado said. On Tuesdays and Saturdays, there are meetings at the sisters’ house, with anyone who would like to participate welcome to attend. And people who need help are welcome to come to the house or call the fraternity, del Amor Crucificado said. “We as (the) Poor of Jesus Christ want to … (give thanks for) all the help from the Hispanic community and ask them to pray for us, so that God will give us the grace to persevere in this mission,” he said. “If you want to know about this work with the poor, come and meet us and get to know this love of taking it to the people and being together with those who suffer.” Besides their presence, people can support the Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ with their food and monetary donations. The sisters and friars also support themselves by baking cheesecakes to sell on Thursdays and rosaries. The Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ’s home is located at 2226 Troup Ave. in Kansas City, Kansas. For more information or to donate, call (913) 808-2884 or visit www.sisterspoorofjesuschrist.com.




for grabs. Kansas and 35 other states will elect a governor. Open seats in other state executive offices, state legislatures, boards of education and regents, state supreme and appellate courts and more will be on ballots in several states. Various local jurisdictions nationwide will elect municipal officials and approve local and statewide ballot measures. The presidential election in 2020 drew more Americans than any election in 120 years, according to data recorded by several national organizations, including the Census Bureau and Pew Research. Two-thirds – 66.8 percent -- of America’s voting-eligible population cast a ballot. Kansans broke a 40-year record; 67.5 percent of voters went to the polls. Voter turnout in midterm elections typically drops. But this year, America’s political parties could contribute to shattering all previous records.




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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - March 23, 2022

Veronica Latas Continued from Page 1A

interpretaba el idioma. Además, Latas se certificó como intérprete bilingüe. Eso le permitió apoyar a los trabajadores sociales, capellanes y enfermeras con pacientes de habla hispana, dijo. “El hospicio se trata de la muerte y el morir... pero también se trata de abrazar la vida y la familia y compartir sus historias”, dijo. “Mi trabajo consistía en reclutar personas y sentarme con los pacientes que se estaban muriendo y escuchar sus historias, sentarme con ellos para que no estuvieran solos. Se sintieron muy tranquilos al saber que no estaban pasando por esto solos y que alguien podría ayudar al personal clínico con la interpretación de principio a fin”. La experiencia hizo que Latas se sintiera más agradecida por su familia y su vida, dijo. También la preparó para apoyar a su madre cuando le diagnosticaron Alzheimer. “Estoy en un lugar completamente diferente”, dijo Latas. “Sin todos esos años… en la industria de cuidados paliativos, no podría estar cuidando a mi mamá,… como lo estoy ahora. Brindándole el amor y el apoyo, y... no sólo para ella,... otras personas en el hogar de ancianos donde se encuentra”. Latas siempre ha admirado a su madre, dijo. Trabajadora migrante cuando Latas era una niña en el sur de Texas, la madre de Latas superó una vida dura que le permitió viajar y mudarse para encontrar mejores oportunidades con esfuerzo y trabajo, recordó Latas. Desde que era adulta, la madre de Latas también había sido su compañera de conciertos, dijo. La relación que construyeron al asistir a conciertos le ha dado la fuerza para superar los desafíos potenciales que plantea el Alzheimer. Y todavía disfrutan de la música juntos. “Ahora le pongo música y bailamos juntas en el hogar de ancianos en el que vive”, dijo Latas. “¡A ella le encanta! La música nunca deja tu corazón, y es algo que podemos hacer juntos”. De igual forma, Latas ha creado relaciones con sus dos hijas. Está orgullosa de ellas y disfruta verlas aceptar su herencia latina, dijo. El esposo de Latas brindó un apoyo vital al hacer que su madre viviera con ellos hasta que tuvo que mudarse a cuidados especiales, dijo. Además de su esposo e hijas, Latas ha sido bendecida con tres hijastros que la aman a ella y a la cultura hispana, dijo. El consejo de Latas para las latinas durante el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer es que se apoyen mutuamente. “Deberíamos estar orgullosos de quiénes somos y de nuestras culturas y abrazarnos unos a otros,” dijo. “Deberíamos animarnos los unos a los otros. Hablar la charla, caminar el camino. No te limites a hablar.

allowed her to support the community across various jobs, starting with her work at a staffing agency. Over seven years, she helped many applicants, including those who only spoke Spanish, who sought work and did not know where to start. Latas’ desire to help others led her to work in the hospice industry for 16 years. Starting as a receptionist, her recruiting background got her promoted to a volunteer manager position. As a volunteer manager, she recruited and interpreted. In addition, Latas got certified as a bilingual interpreter. That enabled her to support social workers, chaplains and nurses with Spanishspeaking patients, she said. “Hospice is about death and dying, … but it is also about embracing life and family and sharing your stories,” she said. “My job was to recruit people and to sit with patients that were dying and listen to their stories – sitting with them so they wouldn’t be alone. They had a lot of comfort in knowing that they weren’t going through it alone and somebody that could help the clinical staff with interpreting from beginning to end.” The experience made Latas more grateful for her family and life, she said. It also prepared her for supporting her mom when her mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. “I’m in a whole different place,” Latas said. “Without all those years … in the hospice industry, I couldn’t be taking care of my mom, … (as) I am now. Providing her the love and support, and … not only for her, … other people in the nursing home where she’s at.” Latas has always admired her mother, she said. A migrant worker when Latas was a girl in South Texas, Latas’ mother overcame a hard life that allowed her to travel and move to find better opportunities with effort and work, Latas recalled. Since adulthood, Latas’ mom also had been her concert buddy, she said. The relationship they built through attending concerts has given her strength to overcome the potential challenges posed by Alzheimer’s. And they still enjoy music together. “Now, I play music for her, and we dance together in the nursing home that she lives in,” Latas said. “She loves it! Music never leaves your heart, and it’s something we can do together.” Similarly, Latas has created relationships with her two daughters. She is proud of them and enjoys seeing them embracing their Latino heritage, she said. Latas’ husband provided vital support by having her mom live with them until she had to move into special care, she said. In addition to her husband and daughters, Latas is blessed with three stepsons who love her and Hispanic culture, she said. Lata’s advice to Latinas during Women’s History Month is to support one another. “(We should) we proud of who we are and our cultures and embrace each other,” she said. “(We should) encourage each other. Talk the talk, walk the walk. Don’t just talk.”

Kathleen Ramon Venable Continued from Page 1A

identificar soluciones económicas y sociales a los problemas que afectan a la población latina”, dijo Ramón Venable. “Mis esfuerzos comerciales se centran en la planificación estratégica y el desarrollo comercial para mi grupo de consultoría”. Ramon Venable, quien trabajó en seguros en Kansas City, se aventuró en el campo de participación comunitaria después de terminar su educación. Sirvió en el Comité de Ciudades Hermanas de Guadalajara y se ofreció como voluntaria con la población de la tercera edad en Guadalupe Centers Inc. Es “importante retribuir a la comunidad y marcar una diferencia en la vida de las personas”, dijo Ramon Venable. El voluntariado brinda “una sensación de orgullo por ser parte de algo más que mis intereses” y “es gratificante”, dijo. “Creo que vives más, ya que es bueno para el corazón, la mente y el espíritu”, dijo Ramón Venable. “A todos nos vendría bien un acto de bondad, ya que necesitamos poner la energía de nuestro corazón y alma en lo que tenemos que abordar... las necesidades de la comunidad”. Una influencia en su llamado ha sido el movimiento laboral y su impacto en las latinas, dijo. “Fue importante ver el ejemplo de Luisa Moreno, que organizó a las trabajadoras locales para trabajar juntas”, dijo. “Mirando hacia atrás, allanó el camino para el beneficio de las latinas en la fuerza laboral. Es importante reconocer a la fuerza laboral latina de hoy y apreciar los logros que las mujeres han tenido a lo largo de los años”. Otra influencia es la jueza asociada de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos, Sonia Sotomayor. “Se elevó de los desafíos de su vida al nivel más alto. Su actitud y gracia son representativas de las aspiraciones que todas las latinas deberían encarnar”, dijo. Para Ramon Venable, ser latina es profundamente significativo. “Se relaciona con mis raíces y herencia cultural”, dijo. “Esto implica familia, tradición, cultura, fe, unidad, orgullo y la capacidad de hablar dos idiomas. A una edad temprana me enseñaron a trabajar duro y sentirme orgullosa de lo que hago; tener el coraje de… (no) tener miedo de decir que soy una latina orgullosa”. Además de seguir su vocación por quienes la han influenciado, Ramon Venable está casada con William Venable, profesor de la Universidad de Texas-Arlington. Casados desde hace 17 años, tienen cuatro hijos y cuatro nietos. En conmemoración del Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, Ramon Venable aconseja a las latinas que se sientan orgullosas de quienes son. “Respétense a ustedes mismas y trabajen para avanzar en el empoderamiento de otras mujeres”, dijo. Para Ramon Venable es importante celebrar a las mujeres y reconocer los sacrificios y desafíos que han enfrentado. “Es increíble ver lo lejos que han llegado las mujeres en el último siglo”, dijo.

back to the community and to make a difference in people’s lives,” Ramon Venable said. Volunteering provides “a sense of pride in being a part of something more than my interests” and “is gratifying,” she said. “I believe you live longer, as it’s good for the heart, your mind and your spirit,” Ramon Venable said. “We could all use an act of kindness, as we need to put the energy of our heart and soul into what we have to address … community needs.” An influence in Ramon Venable’s calling has been the labor movement and its impact on Latinas, she said. “It was important to see the example of Luisa Moreno, who organized local women workers to work together,” she said. “Looking back, she paved the way for the benefit of Latinas in the workforce. It’s important to recognize the Latina workforce today and appreciate the accomplishments women have achieved over the years.” Another influence is U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “She rose from the challenges of her life to the highest level. Her attitude and grace are representative of the aspirations all Latinas should embody,” she said. For Ramon Venable, being Latina is deeply meaningful. “It relates to my roots and cultural heritage,” she said. “This implies family, tradition, culture, faith, unity, pride and the ability to speak two languages. I was taught at a young age to work hard and to have pride in what I do – have the courage to … (not) be afraid to say I am a proud Latina.” In addition to pursuing her calling by those who have influenced her, Ramon Venable is married to William Venable, a University of Texas-Arlington professor. Married for 17 years, they have four children and four grandchildren. In observance of Women’s History Month, Ramon Venable advises Latinas to be proud of who they are. “Have respect for yourself and serve to advance the empowerment of other women,” she said. For Ramon Venable, celebrating women and recognizing the sacrifices and challenges they have faced is important. “It’s amazing to see how far women have come in just the last century,” she said.


Tune In or Livestream Thursday, March 17 | 7 p.m.

A new documentary about a group of women in 1980s Kansas City who defied gender norms to transform 14 city blocks in the Longfellow neighborhood into a revolutionary community by and for women.

Cómo saber qué es un trabajo real y qué es una estafa Los estafadores anuncian los puestos de trabajo de la misma manera que lo hacen los empleadores reales. Utilizan anuncios por internet, sitios web de empleo y redes sociales, y ponen anuncios en el periódico, en la televisión y la radio. ¿Cómo puedes distinguir qué es real y qué no? Las empresas reales con oportunidades de trabajo reales no te van a cobrar por darte un empleo. Y nunca te garantizarán mucho dinero por poco esfuerzo. Eso es siempre una estafa. Si estás buscando un trabajo: ■ Investiga lo más que puedas. Busca en Internet el nombre de la empresa o de la persona que dice que te va a contratar, más las palabras “estafa”, “reseña”, “o “queja”. Revisa lo que dice la gente respecto a esa empresa. ■ Tómate tu tiempo. Antes de aceptar una oferta de trabajo o enviar cualquier información a un posible empleador, revisa la oferta de trabajo o el anuncio con alguien de confianza.

Entre más pronto reconozca las señales, antes podrá ayudar a su hijo. DeteccionDeAutismo.org kansascitypbs.org/womontown

■ No envíes dinero “de vuelta” a tu nuevo jefe. Si alguien te pide que deposites un cheque y luego compres tarjetas de regalo o envíes el dinero “de vuelta” a tu supuesto jefe (o a otra persona) es una estafa. ■ Puede parecer que el cheque ha sido “depositado”, se ha “cobrado” y que los fondos están en tu cuenta. Pero ese cheque es falso. Una vez que el banco lo descubre, el dinero ya ha desaparecido. discovers that, the money is already gone. Para saber más visita, ftc.gov/estafasdeempleo. Si detectas una estafa, denúnciala a la Comisión Federal de Comercio en ReporteFraude.ftc.gov.

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - March 23, 2022

Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) to Close Mass COVID Vaccination and Testing Site on March 30

El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD) cerrará el 30 de marzo el sitio de vacunación y pruebas masivas contra el COVID


l Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que cerrará su sitio de prueba y vacunación masiva de COVID en el antiguo edificio de Kmart en 7836 State Avenue el 30 de marzo de 2022. El último día para las pruebas de COVID-19 en el sitio será el miércoles 30 de marzo. El último día para las vacunas en el sitio será el viernes 25 de marzo. “La primera dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID se administró en las instalaciones de Kmart el 23 de diciembre de 2020”, dijo el Dr. Allen Greiner, director médico del UGPHD. “Cuando las instalaciones de Kmart se abrieron por primera vez, era uno de los únicos lugares en el estado de Kansas que administraba vacunas contra el COVID. Ahora, sin embargo, las vacunas son mucho más accesibles y los residentes del condado de Wyandotte tienen muchas opciones sobre dónde ir para vacunarse o hacerse la prueba en toda la comunidad”.


was one of the only places in the State of Kansas administering COVID vaccinations. Now, however, the vaccines are much more accessible, and Wyandotte County residents have many choices about where to go to Dónde hacerse la prueba get vaccinated or tested, throughout the *Para conocer los lugares de prueba de COVID, community.” Where to Get Vaccinated There are several alternative ways in which Wyandotte county residents can get their free COVID vaccinations and COVID testing, including: • COVID vaccines are available by appointment only for anyone five years and older at the UGPHD department at 619 Ann Avenue in KCK. o Appointments are available Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call


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¡Todavía es importante hacerse la prueba y vacunarse! Según la base de datos en línea condado por condado de los CDC, que evalúa varias métricas para determinar el nivel comunitario actual de COVID de cada condado, el condado de Wyandotte tiene un nivel “ALTO” de COVID-19 comunitario. El CDC recomienda las siguientes pautas para ayudar a detener la propagación de COVID en nuestra comunidad: *Use una máscara en lugares públicos. *Manténgase al día con las vacunas COVID-19. *Hágase la prueba si tiene síntomas. *Es posible que se necesiten precauciones adicionales para las personas en alto riesgo de enfermedad grave.

arch 15, 2022 - (KANSAS CITY, KS) – The Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) announced today that it will be closing its COVID mass vaccination and testing site at the former Kmart building at 7836 State Avenue on March 30, 2022. The last day for COVID-19 testing at the site will be Wednesday, March 30. The last day for vaccinations at the site will be Friday, March 25. “The first COVID vaccine dose was administered at the Kmart facility on December 23, 2020,” said Dr. Allen Greiner, La importancia de las instalaciones de Kmart La instalación de vacunación y pruebas Chief Medical Officer for the UGPHD. “When the Kmart facility first opened, it masivas en el antiguo sitio de Kmart ha sido una

Dónde vacunarse Hay varias formas alternativas en las que los residentes del condado de Wyandotte pueden obtener sus vacunas y pruebas de COVID gratuitas, que incluyen: *Las vacunas COVID están disponibles sólo con cita previa para cualquier persona de cinco años o más en el departamento del UGPHD en 619 Ann Avenue en KCK. ---Las citas están disponibles de lunes a jueves de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. Llame al (913) 573-8855 para hacer una cita. ---Las vacunas de refuerzo para mayores de 12 años también están disponibles en el UGPHD. ---En abril se ampliará el horario de vacunación en el UGPHD. Se anunciarán más detalles a finales de este mes. *Encuentre otros sitios de vacunación contra el COVID en vacunas.gov. Encuentre información adicional en WycoVaccines.org.

visite www.wycokck.org/covid-19 y haga clic en “COVID-19 Test Info”. *También se pueden encontrar ubicaciones de prueba adicionales visitando https://www. coronavirus.kdheks.gov/280/COVID-19-Testing. *Ahora los residentes pueden solicitar dos juegos de 4 pruebas gratuitas de COVID en el hogar visitando COVIDTests.gov. Cualquiera que haya pedido su primer conjunto de pruebas antes del 7 de marzo de 2022, ahora puede solicitar un segundo conjunto. El UGPHD alienta a los residentes del condado

(913) 573-8855 to make an appointment.

de Wyandotte a mirar las redes sociales para o Booster shots for those 12 and older are obtener actualizaciones sobre eventos emergentes also available at the UGPHD. de vacunación y pruebas en toda la comunidad. oVaccine hours at the UGPHD will be Pueden hacerlo visitando las páginas de Facebook extended in April. More details will be y Twitter del UGPHD (@UGHealthDept) para announced later this month. obtener la información más reciente. • Find other COVID vaccination sites at

10448 Metcalf • Overland Park,KS 66212

herramienta importante para el UGPHD en la lucha contra la propagación de COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte. Algunas estadísticas sobre el trabajo realizado en el sitio de vacunación y pruebas de Kmart: *Al 10 de marzo de 2022, se han administrado 90,477 dosis en Kmart desde que abrió por primera vez el 23 de diciembre de 2020. *En todos los sitios de vacunación del UGPHD (que incluyen las instalaciones de Kmart, Armory, la antigua ubicación de Best Buy en Legends, el sitio del UGPHD en 619 Ann Avenue y todas las vacunas administradas por la Unidad Móvil de Vacunación), ha habido 148,020 dosis administrados y 70,380 personas vacunadas, desde el 23 de diciembre de 2020 a la fecha. Para obtener más información y las últimas estadísticas sobre el estado de COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte, visite WycoVaccines.org.

vaccines.gov. Find additional information at WycoVaccines.org. Where to Get Tested • For COVID Testing locations please visit www.wycokck.org/covid-19 and click on “COVID-19 Test Info.” • Additional testing locations can also be found by visiting https://www.coronavirus. kdheks.gov/280/COVID-19-Testing. • Now residents can order two sets of 4 free COVID At-Home test by visiting COVIDTests.gov. Anyone who ordered their first set of tests before March 7, 2022, can now order a second set. The UGPHD encourages Wyandotte County residents to watch social media for updates on pop-up vaccination and testing events throughout the community. They can do this by visiting the UGPHD Facebook and Twitter pages (@UGHealthDept) for the latest information. It’s still important to get tested and vaccinated! According to the CDC’s county-by-county online database, which evaluates several metrics to determine each county’s current COVID community level, Wyandotte County has a “HIGH” level of community COVID-19. The CDC recommends the following guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID in our community: • Wear a mask indoors in public • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines • Get tested if you have symptoms • Additional precautions may be needed for people at high risk for severe illness The Importance of the Kmart Facility The mass vaccination and testing facility at the former Kmart site has been an important tool for the UGPHD in combatting the spread of COVID-19 in Wyandotte County. Some statistics about the work done at the Kmart vaccination and testing site: • As of March 10, 2022 there have been 90,477 doses administered at Kmart since it first opened in December 23, 2020. • cross all of the UGPHD’s vaccination sites (which includes the Kmart facility, the Armory, the former Best Buy location in the Legends, the UGPHD site at 619 Ann Avenue and all vaccinations administered by the Mobile Vaccination Unit), there have been 148,020 doses administered and 70,380 people vaccinated, from December 23, 2020 to date. For more information and latest statistics on the status of COVID-19 in Wyandotte County, visit WycoVaccines.org.

Page 5A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - March 23, 2022

Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) Community Calendar UGPHD Calendario de la comunidad



quí hay detalles sobre los próximos ere are details on upcoming eventos de vacunación y pruebas de COVID-19 vaccination and testing COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte: events in Wyandotte County:

*Cross-Lines Community Outreach en 646 Cross-Lines Community Outreach South 7th Street ofrece pruebas y/o vacunas at 646 South 7th Street is providing free gratuitas contra el COVID todos los lunes hasta COVID testing and/or vaccinations every Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow – II finales de marzo. El horario es los lunes de 8 Monday through the end of March. Hours a.m. a 1 p.m. Las vacunas de refuerzo están are Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Booster disponibles para personas mayores de 12 años. shots are available for those age 12 and a conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer es una he commemoration of International Women’s Day oportunidad para aprender de experiencias de mujeres No se necesita cita. older. No appointment needed. is an opportunity to learn from the experiences of *El Centro, en cooperación con Vibrant El Centro, in cooperation with Vibrant en posición de liderazgo en nuestra comunidad y compartirlas women in leadership positions in our community and share Health, está organizando una clínica de Health, is hosting a vaccination clinic on para servir mejor a niñas, adolescentes y a todas las mujeres en them to better serve girls, teenagers and all women in our consular district. vacunación el sábado 26 de marzo, de 12 a 3 Saturday, March 26th, from 12 to 3 p.m., nuestro distrito consular. “Es muy importante que hoy hablemos sobre las mujeres, “It’s very important that we talk about women p.m., en la Academia para Niños de El Centro, in El Centro’s Academy for Children, pero esas mujeres significan también nosotras”, nos dijo la today, but those women also mean us”, told us last week th ubicada en 1330 S. 30th Street en KCK. Las located at 1330 S. 30 Street in KCK. semana pasada Geovannie Gone, directora administrativa en Geovannie Gone, Chief Administrative Officer at Genesis vacunas están disponibles para cualquier Vaccines are available for anyone 5 years Genesis Familiy Health en Liberal, Kansas. Family Health in Liberal, Kansas. persona mayor de 5 años. Los jóvenes de 5 a 17 and older. Youth 5 to 17 must have consent That is to say, the March commemorations to recognize Es decir, las conmemoraciones de marzo para reconocer las años deben tener el consentimiento de un padre from a parent or guardian. No appoint- aportaciones de la mujer y su lucha por la igualdad sustantiva the contributions of women and their struggle for o tutor. No se necesita cita, y no tiene costo. ment is needed, and there is no cost. In deben abarcar a todas y en todos los asuntos como educación, substantive equality must cover all of them and in all Además, los organizadores del evento tendrán addition, event organizers will have $25 salud, empleo digno y vida libre de violencia. issues such as education, health, decent employment tarjetas de regalo de $25 para cualquier residente gift cards for any Wyandotte County Esta semana hablamos sobre vida libre de violencia con and a life free of violence. This week we talk about a life free of violence with del condado de Wyandotte que se vacune por residents who get vaccinated for the first Elizabeth Canabal, trabajadora social bilingüe en SAFEHOME Elizabeth Canabal, a bilingual social worker at SAFEHOME en Kansas City. primera vez o que reciba su vacuna de refuerzo. time or who receive their booster shot. Con 14 años de experiencia profesional reflexiona: “Al in Kansas City. *El Centro Juntos para el Avance de la Salud The Juntos Center for Advancing With 14 years of professional experience, she reflects: Latina está organizando un evento el sábado Latino Health is hosting an event on cambiar la vida de una persona estas cambiando la vida de un “By changing the life núcleo de personas y 19 de marzo, de 9 am a 1 pm, en 2646 S 34th Saturday, March 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 of a person you are los ciclos St, Kansas City, KS 66106. Los asistentes p.m., at 2646 S 34th St, Kansas City, KS rompiendo changing the life of a de violencia que pueden obtener la primera, segunda o tercera 66106. Attendees can get first, second or vienen de generación group of people and dosis de vacunas contra el COVID-19 gratis. third doses of free COVID-19 vaccines. en generación”. breaking the cycles Las vacunas de primera y segunda dosis están First and second dose vaccinations are of violence that come Especialistas, from generation to disponibles para niños de 5 años en adelante. available for kids ages 5 and older. Pfizer, bilingües y latinas, generation.” Las vacunas de Pfizer, Moderna y Johnson & Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vac- c o m o E l i z a b e t h , Specialists, Johnson, y las pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 cines, and free COVID-19 testing, will o r i e n t a n y bilingual and Latina, proporcionan refugio, también estarán disponibles. Regístrese en línea be available. Sign up online at https:// Page 8A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume terapia 42 •y educación Issuea 11 • March 17 - 23, 2022 like Elizabeth, guide en https://sacredheart31922.timetap.com/. sacredheart31922.timetap.com/ and provide shelter,

Igualdad de género hoy para un mañana sostenible- II





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Ridge KANSAS CITY, KANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT FIREFIGHTER EMT, FIREFIGHTER PENDING PARAMEDIC & FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDIC Applications are now being accepted for Firefighter EMT, Pending Paramedic and Firefighter Paramedic with the Kansas City Kansas Fire Department. Applications and instructions to applicants may be obtained in the Human Resources Department of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas, 701 North 7th Street, Rm. 646, Kansas City, Kansas between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday as well as at www.wycokck. org/jobs. Applicants must be a United States citizen; possess a valid driver’s license; good moral character; vision with at least 20/100 correctable to 20/30; and be 19 years of age by date of hire. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications will be accepted until April 6, 2022. For additional information and application requirements, please visit our website at www.wycokck. org/jobs. EOE

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víctimas de violencia. Aunque la violencia PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ocurre entre personas d e to d o g é n e ro, afecta más a mujeres. “ R e co rd e m o s l o s recursos en este Día Internacional de la Mujer para ayudar y apoyar a quienes lo necesiten”, explica. Una persona sufre un ciclo de violencia cuando existe un patrón de agresión que puede ser física, emocional, sexual y económica y es la forma en que la pareja busca mantener el control de la relación. Es difícil salir de ella, advierte Elizabeth Canabal, “porque lo más seguro es que la relación no fue mala al principio y hay sentimientos encontrados: yo lo quiero, va a cambiar, la gente tiene la esperanza de que el abusador en algún momento cambie”. Algunas mujeres se quedan por los hijos, pero las estadísticas muestran que los niños que ven y crecen alrededor de la violencia son víctimas de abuso cuando son adultos o se convierten en abusadores. El mensaje de nuestra especialista: “las estadísticas no mienten, sálganse de ahí, no van a cambiar, no lo he visto nunca (…) que cambie una persona abusadora.” En su consulado de México y en organizaciones aliadas como SAFEHOME tenemos ayuda disponible. Recuerde: nadie se arrepiente de dejar a un abusador. Escuche la entrevista con Elizabeth Canabal en el podcast Voces Consulares en Spotify y en @ConsulMexKan en redes sociales.

therapy and education


to victimsNOTICE of violence. PUBLIC

Although violence occurs between people of all genders, it affects women more. “Let’s remember the resources on this International Women’s Day to help and support those in need,” she explains A person suffers a cycle of violence when there is a pattern of aggression that can be physical, emotional, sexual and economic and it is the way by which the partner seeks to maintain control of the relationship. It is difficult to get out of it, warns Elizabeth Canabal, “because it is most likely that the relationship was not bad at the beginning and there are mixed feelings: I love him, he is going to change, people have hope that the abuser will change at some point”. Some women stay for their children, but statistics show that children who see and grow up around violence are abused as adults or become abusers. The message from our specialist: “statistics don’t lie, get out of there, they won’t change, I’ve never seen it (...) that an abusive person changes.” There is help available at your consulate of Mexico and partner organizations like SAFEHOME. Remember: no one regrets leaving an abuser. Listen to the interview with Elizabeth Canabal on the Voces Consulares podcast on Spotify and on @ ConsulMexKan on social media.

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Page 6A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - 23, 2022

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All Care Services is hiring Maintenance Technicians Responsibilities include driving sweeper trucks and performing cleaning jobs at different locations in Kansas City. • Positions available for day and night shifts. • Seeking for Full Time and NOT seasonal. • Located in Kansas City Kansas. • Starting pay at $17 per hour Employee will qualify for an excellent benefits package! Including medical, dental, vision and life insurance, paid vacations and employer-matched 401K savings fund.

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Page 6A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - March 23, 2022


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Page 7A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - 23, 2022 HELP WANTED



RECREATION DIRECTOR (Job Opening ID #514774) Part-time position available with KCMO’s Park & Recreation Department, Athletics Division, 4600 East 63rd Street. Normal Work Days/Hours: Vary. Assists in planning, promoting and leading community groups in a variety of competitive and non-competitive games, sports, stunts and contests. Assists in conducting special recreation activities. Acts as official referee, umpire, scorekeeper, timekeeper and/or coach for organized games and sporting events. Maintains discipline in recreation facilities and on indoor and outdoor recreation areas. Issues, receives, and maintains recreation equipment used in recreation activities. Maintains and completes accurate records and logs. May act as a lead worker. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor's degree in recreation, physical education, public administration or other related area of specialization; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: March 21, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

RECREATION LEADER (Job Opening ID #514759) Several seasonal & part-time positions available with the Parks & Recreation Department, Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Emanuel Clever Blvd; Hillcrest Community Center, 10401 Hillcrest Rd; Gregg Klice Community Center, 1600 John “Buck” O’Neil Way; Line Creek Community Center, 5940 N.W. Waukomis Dr.; Tony Aguirre Community Center, 200 W. Pennway; Garrison Community Center, 1124 E. Fifth St.; Kansas City North Community Center, 3930 N. E. Antioch Rd; Westport Community Center, 3601 Roanoke Rd; and Southeast Community Center, 4201 E. 63rd St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Work hour varies. Assists the Community Center staff with summer camps. Leads small group activities at resident or day camps, playgrounds, swimming pools, and other aquatic or athletic activities and program units, including athletics, arts and crafts, swimming, sports and games, reading programs and field trips. Assists in implementing youth, adult and senior programs, and facility management. Coordinates athletic, fitness and education programs in an assigned area. REQUIRES at least 16 years of age OR high school graduation. May be required to possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $15.02/hour. Application Deadline: June 30, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.




SENIOR ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN (Job Opening ID #514736) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Public Works Department, Traffic Signals Division, 5310 Municipal Ave. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Provides technical and supervisory electronics work in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic control and signal devises, public address systems, telecommunications systems or electronic equipment associated with the city’s utilities or fire departments. Provides supervision of and participation in activities related to the maintenance of electronic signaling, controlling, lighting and telecommunications equipment and devices. Assignments are received orally or in writing and are inspected in process and upon completion. REQUIRES high school graduation and 5 years experience as an electronics technician OR an accredited Associate’s degree or its equivalent in electronics and 3 years of related experience. Must pass a physical examination as prescribed by the City. May be required to pass a preemployment drug screen. Salary Range: $21.88-$35.31/ hour. Application Deadline: March 28, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/careers. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. HELP WANTED

The Family Conservancy seeks the following (10) positions in KCKS Bilingual Therapist – MSW, LMSW license, Bilingual fluency written & oral, Eng/Span req’d. Early Childhood Mntl Hlth Specialist - MA pref. LMSW or related licensure to be obtained in a year of hire. Min (1)yr professional exp. Providing services to infants, toddlers and pre-school children and their families. Head Start Mental Health Specialist - BA in Early Education, Social Work or related field. (1) yr exp. working in Early Education. Head Start Home-Based Specialist - BA or MA in Early Child Education, (2) yrs exp working with children prenatal to (5) yrs. Bilingual fluency written & oral. Clinical Support Services Manager - 5 yrs of acct. reconciliation exp. Ins. & EAP billing. Claims processing req. (3) yrs database management ECE Consumer Experience Coordinator - BA in Early Childhood or related field. (2) yrs direct service exp. Head Start Mental Health Manager - MA in Social Welfare or related field, State MA level licensure req., (2) yrs prior exp and expertise in serving young children and families. Marketing Communications Specialist - BA or equivalent exp. (5) yrs exp in marketing or related field. (2) Outpatient/Virtual Therapist - MA in Social Work, Req KS/MO licensure (LMSW, LCSW, LPC, LMFT, LCPC) For immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://rb.gy/bm98p2 EOE/M/F/D/V/SO




Jackson County, MO (Kansas City, MO), Human Resources – Human Resource Analyst – Receives/ processes internal personnel complaints for investigation. Provides recommendations to improve programs and policies. Facilitates training and employee relations activities. Must have Bach degree in HR or related field & three years of experience working with employee relations, benefits/pension or Work Comp. Must be analytical and have valid driver’s license. Must submit/pass pre-employment drug screen/ background check Salary: $23.07/ hr. For more info please view & Apply online: www.jacksongov. org/jobs EOE


Jackson County, MO (Kansas City, MO), Human Resources – Benefits Analyst – Audits and processes confidential data and payments to carriers and agencies in support of the County’s healthcare benefits. Analyzes, reconciles and approves bi-weekly associate benefit deductions Prepares and submit payment vouchers and cash receipt forms. Must have a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Mgmt or Business Admin or related field. Three years of personnel and benefit program experience. Must submit to/pass pre-employment drug screen/background check. Salary $23.07/hr. For more info, please view & Apply online: www. jacksongov.org/jobs EOE


Software Developer position available at Retail Success, LLC in Overland Park, Kansas. To apply, submit resume and cover letter to: Jenny McElhany, HR Manager, 11230 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210; or jennym@ retailsuccess.com. Job Duties: Develop software for retail industry. Analyze user needs and develop Retail Success’ software with focus on backend development (.NET Core.) Verify and deploy software/ systems, maintain databases within the application. Determine software modifications, upgrade software. Develop testing and validation procedures. Confer with technical staff to design the system. Recommend and execute software improvements. Use ASP. NET C#, API both exposing and consuming RESTful Web Services, DotNet Technologies using C# Programming language, DotNet Core, AWS - Cloud Computing Services, Bless software, Microsoft SQL Server, PYTHON, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, MJML, Microsoft Azure DevOps Services, Data Modeling, knowledge of servers, networking, hosting environments, knowledge of highly available and scalable systems, AWS, .NET Core, React, Automated Testing. Minimum Education requirement: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Electronics & Communications Engineering, or directly related field or foreign equivalent, higher acceptable. Minimum Experience Requirement: 36 months experience in software development for retail industry using ASP.NET C#, API, RESTful Web Services, DotNet Technologies using C#, DotNet Core, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Bless, Microsoft SQL Server, PYTHON, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, MJML, Microsoft Azure DevOps Services.




MBE / WBE INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding the Blue Springs High School – Freshman Center Package 02 (Wood Flooring) and request your bid proposal for applicable material and/or labor. In particular, we are soliciting M/ WBE Subcontractor/Supplier Bid Proposals for the following scope of work including, but not limited to: A. Scope of Work 09G WOOD FLOORING Final proposals must be submitted to our office by March 23, 2022 at 2:00PM. JE Dunn invites M/WBE subcontractors to call if any assistance is required or questions arise concerning work segmentation, work and contract requirements, or the form of proposal requested. Questions should be directed to Darren Younker, Project Manager, by phone at (707) 327-6338, or by email at Darren.Younker@ JEDunn.com. EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/ Veteran/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity PUBLIC NOTICE

MBE / WBE INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding SMSD Westridge Middle School Renovations & Addition, 9300 Nieman Rd. Overland Park, KS 66214 and request your bid proposal for applicable material and/or labor. In particular, we are soliciting M/WBE Subcontractor/ Supplier Bid Proposals for the following scope(s) of work including, but not limited to: - Selective Demolition - Building & Site Concrete - Structural Steel - Doors, Frames, Hardware, and Specialties - Finish Carpentry - Joint Sealants & Firestopping - Roofing and Sheet Metal - Glass and Glazing - Drywall & Ceilings - Painting and Wall Coverings - Resilient Flooring and Carpet - Resinous Flooring - Plumbing - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning - Electrical - Landscaping We would appreciate your indication of the scope of work you will include in your proposal by 03/22/2022. Final proposals must be submitted via Building Connected by 03/25/2022 at 10:00 am. PRE-BID CONFERENCE - A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at Westridge Middle School. 9300 Nieman Rd. Overland Park, KS 66214 at 9:30 am on 03/16/2022, for the purpose of answering any questions regarding the above scopes of work on the project. JE Dunn invites M/WBE subcontractors to call if any assistance is required or questions arise concerning work segmentation, work and contract requirements, or the form of proposal requested. Questions should be directed to Austin Panko, Project Manager, by phone at 816–588 -4283, or by email at Austin.Panko@Jedunn. com. EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/ Veteran/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity

Page 8A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 11 • March 17 - 23, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE






Infórmate, Actualízate, Hazte la Prueba. Obtén una prueba de VIH / ETS GRATUITA Y CONFIDENCIAL con nuestro equipo de prevención.


Five Oaks Associates, LLC is accepting bids for the following project for the University of Missouri, Columbia: Naka HallRelocate Naval ROTC from Crowder, Project Number: CP219076. It bids Thursday, March 24, 2022. We would like to have your bids by 9:00 am. You may fax your bid at: 573-682-9514; email at: admin@5oaksassociates.com. You may also reach us at 573682-1314. PUBLIC NOTICE

4309 E. 50th Terrace, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64130 (816)778-0772

PUBLIC HEARING ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KS YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND a public hearing to be held on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. during the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas Board of Commissioners meeting. For the most up-to-date information regarding the ways to attend the meeting and submit comments, visit https://www.wycokck.org/Engage-With-Us/ Calendar-of-Events/Full-Commission-Meeting. The public hearing is being co-sponsored by the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas Departments of Budget & Strategy and Community Development. Citizens and organizations will have the opportunity to comment on budget priorities for the adoption of the Unified Government’s revised 2022 and proposed 2023 budgets. The public hearing is also being held to receive public comment on housing and community development needs for the 2022-2026 Consolidated Five-Year Plan which includes the following program applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): 2022 Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), 2022 HOME Investment Partnership Grant Program, and the 2022 Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG). To learn more about the Consolidated Plan visit https://www.wycokck.org/Departments/ Community-Development/Community-DevelopmentConsolidated-Plan. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas will make reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities. If accommodations are needed, contact Human Relations 48 hours in advance at 913-573-5460. DBE/MBE/WBE/SDVE/ VOBE INVITATION TO BID: Crawford Construction requests sub. & supplier bids on the following projects: 1) Naka Hall – Relocate Naval ROTC Bid: 3/23/22, 2) UMC Med. Science Bldg. – Update Morgue Facility, Bid: 4/18/22. Projects have a 10% MBE & 10% DBE/WBE/ VOB & 3% SDVE goal. Contact Crawford Construction, Inc., Columbia, MO, (573) 875-1250. ( crawfordmec@msn.com ) HELP WANTED

INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids for the 2022 Elledge Drive Improvements (Roe Lane to 47th Street) Project will be received by the City of Roeland Park, Kansas until 2:00 p.m. on April 7, 2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to the eDistribution plan room at www.drexeltech.com. Information regarding this project can be found under the “Public Jobs” link on the website. Bidders are herein notified that DavisBacon wage rates and reporting requirements apply to this project. Any questions regarding the project, plans, specifications, or bid documents should be directed to Lamp Rynearson, (816) 3610440.


DIVERSITY BUSINESS INVITATION TO BID SIRCAL Contracting will be accepting subcontract and/or material bids for the following projects: Naka Hall Relocate ROTC from Crowder, UMC Project #CP219076, bids due 3/24/22 by 9:00 a.m.; Demo Bldgs. for Strategic Space Reduction, Project #CP219051, bids due 3/29/22 by 12:00 p.m. Bids should be sent to fax 573-893-5509 or email to bids@sircalcontracting. com. If you are a qualified MBE/ WBE subcontractor or supplier or seek information on becoming qualified please contact SIRCAL Contracting, Inc. 1331 Monroe, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Phone 573-893-5977.




Public Notice Johnson County Housing Authority Opening of the Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List Effective Tuesday, April 19, 2022, the Johnson County Housing Authority will be accepting applications on-line for its Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List beginning at 9 am Central Time. The waiting list will be closed on April 19, 2022 at 5 pm Central Time. Due to limited funding availability, only the first 1000 applications (taken in time order) will be placed on the waiting list. Preference will be given among this initial 1000 to 1) elderly and disabled applicants, 2) applicants who live or work in our jurisdiction and 3) applicants who are victims of domestic violence. Any applications received after the first 1000 will not be placed on the waiting list. The Johnson County Housing Authority provides rental assistance to qualified applicants who wish to live within its jurisdiction. The City of Olathe is NOT within the jurisdiction of the Johnson County Housing Authority. Applications must be submitted on-line at https:// www.waitlistcheck.com/KS802. This website will not be available prior to April 19, 2022. Applicants must apply during the period the website is open. Status information regarding placement on the list will be available on-line shortly after the closing date. Instructions regarding obtaining status information are provided during the on-line application process. No applications will be provided or accepted at the Housing Authority offices (no walk-ins). Persons who do not have internet access must call 913-715-6603 prior to Friday, April 15, 2022 at 5 pm Central Time to arrange for assistance with accessing the internet on April 19, 2022. Johnson County Housing Authority 12425 West 87th Street Parkway, Suite 200 Lenexa, Kansas 66215


Soliciting Bid Reinhardt Construction LLC is Soliciting Bids from MBE/WBE/ DBE/Veteran/SDVE for the following: CP222011 MU Construction Labor Blanket Contract Bids Received until 1:00 PM March 24, 2022 Contact: Mike Murray ; mikem@ reinhardtconstructionllc.com Phone: 573-682-5505


Soliciting Bid Reinhardt Construction LLC is Soliciting Bids from MBE/WBE/DBE/Veteran/SDVE for the following: CP219076 MU Naka Hall- Relocate Naval ROTC. Bids Received until 10:00 AM March 24, 2022 Contact: Mike Murray ; mikem@ reinhardtconstructionllc.com Phone: 573-682-5505


INVITATION TO BID Yards II Apartments INVITATION TO BID State Line Road & American Royal Drive Yards II City, Apartments Kansas KS, 66103

Bids for Change In Scope Rebid - HVAC Repairs, Multiple Missouri Press Service Assets, Missouri State Line Road & American Royal Drive, Kansas City, KS, 66103 802 Locust Bid Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022 State Highway Columbia, MO 65201 Bid Date: Thursday, April 14, 202212:00 noon CT Bid Time: PHONE - 573-449-4167 Patrol General Pre-Bid Date: 3/24/22, 3 CT pm, at Hy-Vee Arena, 1800 Genessee St. KCMO 64102. FAX - 573-874-5894 Bid Time: 12:00 noon Headquarters, Project Conference room 103 at ground level – park at the north parking lot and enter the north Pre-Bid 3/24/22, 3 pm, at Hy-Veedoor Arena, 1800 Genessee St. KCMO 64102. Conference room No. R2110-01, will beDate: of the Arena. received by FMDC, at ground – park at the north parking lot and enter the north door of the Arena. Dos level Mundos State of MO, UNTIL MW Builders is the selected General Contractor on Yards II Apartments, Kansas City, KS. Ad Code: REBID_R2110-01 1:30 PM, 4/7/2022 II is a new apartment buildingKansas with 224 units 218,000 Yards II is a new 4-st MW Builders isYards the selected General on Yards II Apartments, City, KS.and Ad4-stories Size:Contractor 1x4 wood-frame via MissouriBUYS. sf, and associated sitework on 7 acres, located at intersection of State Line Road andlocated at wood-frame apartment building with 224 units and 218,000 sf, and associated sitework on 7 acres, Bidders must be American Royal Drive, Kansas City, KS, 66103. intersection of State Line Road and American Royal Drive, Kansas City, KS, 66103. registered to bid. MW Builders is soliciting bids from qualified subcontractors for the following trades: For specific project MW Builders isdumpsters, soliciting bids fromfencing, qualifiedsurveying, subcontractors for the following trades: dumpsters, temp fencing, temp cleaning, excavation, aggregate base, termite information, go to: surveying, cleaning, excavation, base, termite erosion control, piles, treatment, erosionaggregate control, auger-cast piles,treatment, site utilities, asphalt pavingauger-cast and striping, sitesite utilitie http://oa.mo.gov/ asphalt paving concrete, and striping, concrete, unit pavers, landscaping and bike irrigation, bike racks, concrete, unit site pavers, landscaping and irrigation, fencing, racks,fencing, concrete, polishing, facilities polishing, gypcrete, masonry, steel,steel, railing, expansion joints,joints, woodwood framing, finish finish carpentry and trim, gypcrete, masonry, railing, expansion framing, carpentry andstone tops waterproofing and insulation, metal and panels, membrane roofing, roof pavers, doors/frames and hardwa trim,caulking, stone tops, waterproofing caulking, insulation, metal panels, membrane roofing, roof pavers,vinyl doors/frames and patio hardware, doors, storefronts, vinyldrywall, windows and special doors, storefronts, windows and doors,special electronic hardware, stucco, tile/LVT/carpet, patio doors, electronicmailboxes, hardware, toilet stucco, drywall, tile/LVT/carpet, signage, appliances, fire painting, signage, fire extinguishers, accessories, shower doors,painting, closet shelving, extinguishers, mailboxes, shower doors, closetHVAC, shelving, appliances, kitchen and bath cabinets, window blinds,toilet pool,accessories, sprinklers, elevators, plumbing, electrical, lightning and systems. bath cabinets, window sprinklers, elevators, plumbing, HVAC, protection and kitchen low voltage Bids must be blinds, good forpool, 90 days.


electrical, lightning protection and low voltage systems. Bids must be good for 90 days.

Project participation goals: LBE = 18%, MBE Project = 15%, participation WBE = 7%. goals: LBE = 18%, MBE = 15%, WBE = 7%.

Drawings and Specifications can be viewedcan at our website and click on Drawings and Specifications be viewed athttp://mwbuilders.com/projects-for-bid our website http://mwbuilders.com/projects“Download.” Check our website for “Download.” addenda andCheck bid clarifications sendingand your bid. Standard subcontra for-bid and click on our websiteprior for to addenda bid clarifications toform sending bid. Standard subcontract form, on purchase order under form and insurance FORMS” form, purchaseprior order andyour insurance requirements are posted the website “STANDARD requirements are posted on the website under “STANDARD FORMS”.


Estimator Contacts for this Project: Estimator Contacts for this Project: nsteinke@mwbuilders.com 913-317-3711 Natalya SteinkeNatalya Steinke nsteinke@mwbuilders.com Divisions0, 1 913-317-3711 Divisions0, 1 rjones@mwbuilders.com Ryan Jones 913-317-3710 Divisions5, 6,12, 22, 22, 23, 26-28 Ryan Jones rjones@mwbuilders.com 913-317-3710 Divisions- 5, 6,12, 23,26-28 Jordan Bieberle jbieberle@mwbuilders.com 913-317-3708 Divisions- 4, 7, 9, 10-14, 21 Jordan BieberleJosh Ellis jbieberle@mwbuilders.com 913-317-3708 Divisions4, 7, 9, 10-14, 913-317-3707 Divisions- 2, 3, 8, 31, 32, 33 21 jellis@mwbuilders.com Josh Ellis jellis@mwbuilders.com 913-317-3707 Divisions- 2, 3, 8, 31, 32, 33

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