Volume 42 Issue 23

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41 •años•

Volume 42 • Issue 23 •June 09 - June 15, 2022



1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747

Felicidades Graduados 2022 Las graduaciones normales están de vuelta

Voces Consulares•

Celebrating our diversity Celebrando nuestra diversidad


n comparación con algunos años E recientes, la temporada de graduaciones de este año se 4A,1B>

Health• Salud


How to stay healthy in summertime ¿Cómo mantenerse saludable en verano?

Welcome back, normal graduations

Commentary by Tere Siqueira

to a few Compared recent years, gradua-


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Dos Mundos te invita a que mandes fotos de tus eventos sociales y graduaciones para que se publiquen en nuestra sección de comunidad. Mándanos tus fotografías con información del evento sin costo alguno y dile a Kansas que quieres compartir. “Que todo Kansas se entere”. Envía tu información a Hector@dosmundos.com

La profesora Stephanie Gonzalez es premiada por marcar la diferencia

tephanie González, residente del área y S maestra de educación especial, ha sido honrada por marcar una diferencia en la vida

de sus estudiantes, con otros posibles honores por venir. González, quien trabaja en la Center Elementary School del Distrito Escolar 58 de Center en Kansas City, Missouri, fue elegida por sus colegas como Maestra del Año por su edificio. Luego, un consejo local la nombró Maestra del Año del Distrito. Ahora, ella está compitiendo por Maestra Regional del Año. Supervisado por el Departamento de Educación Primaria y Secundaria (DESE), el Maestro Regional del Año es un honor en el Programa de Maestro del Año de Missouri de DESE. Como indica el sitio web de DESE, los ganadores del Maestro Regional del Año se elegirán entre el 15 de junio y el 15 de julio, y el Maestro del Año del Estado de Missouri 2023 se elegirá durante agosto y septiembre. Un banquete de


Teacher honored for making a difference By Tere Siqueira

rea resident and special education teacher Stephanie Gonzalez has been A honored for making a difference in her stu-

dents’lives – with other possible honors to come. Gonzalez, who works at Center Elementary School in Center School District 58 in Kansas City, Missouri, was voted by her colleagues as Teacher of the Year for her building. Then, a small board named her District Teacher of the Year. Now, she is in the running for Regional Teacher of the Year. Overseen by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Regional Teacher of the Year is an honor in DESE’s Missouri Teacher of the Year Program. As the DESE website states, Regional Teacher of the Year recipients


a enfermedad de Alzheimer puede ocurrirle a cualquiera, pero los hispanos y los afroamericanos corren un mayor riesgo de desarrollarla, de acuerdo a Kelly G. Loeb, trabajadora social y miembro de la Junta de Liderazgo Comunitario de la Asociación de Alzheimer-Heart of America Chapter. “Esos grupos tienen mayores riesgos de tener otros diagnósticos como diabetes y presión arterial alta, que son factores de riesgo para la enfermedad de Alzheimer”, dijo Loeb. “Por eso es tan importante correr la voz, particularmente entre la comunidad hispana, sobre qué buscar, qué saber y qué tipo de preguntas hacer”. Loeb y otros están haciendo un gran esfuerzo concertado para “correr la voz” en junio, también conocido como el Mes de la Concienciación sobre el Alzheimer y el Cerebro. Como parte de sus esfuerzos para aumentar la conciencia sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, están


Loeb pushing for greater Alzheimer’s awareness among Hispanics By Chara

lzheimer’s disease can happen to A anyone, but Hispanics and AfricanAmericans are at higher risk of developing

it, according to Kelly G. Loeb, a social worker and member of the Community Leadership Board of the Alzheimer’s Association-Heart of America Chapter. “Those groups have higher risks of having other diagnoses like diabetes and high blood pressure, which are risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease,” Loeb said. “So that’s why it’s so important to get the word out, particularly to the Hispanic community, about what to look for, what to know and what kinds


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Loeb impulsa una mayor concienciación sobre el Alzheimer entre los hispanos

Page2A. 2A.DOS DOSMUNDOS MUNDOS• Volume • Volume3342• Issue • Issue4123• October • June 0910- June 15, 2022 Page - October 16, 2013

Stephanie Gonzalez Continued from Page 1A

Timely JoCo public transit move

Movimiento oportuno de transporte público en el condado de Johnson

n movimiento recent move by the Kansas City Area reciente de la U A Transportation Authority (KCATA), Autoridad de Transporte del Área de Kansas which manages Johnson County, Kan.’s

Maestro del Año está programado para el 17 de octubre, según la información de DESE. González, quien tiene 2 titulos en educación regular y educación especial de la Universidad de Avila en Kansas City, Missouri, trabaja con niños con varios tipos de discapacidades, que incluyen problemas de lenguaje y discapacidades intelectuales. Missouri tiene 13 categorías de discapacidades y ella trabaja con un poco de todo. Como maestra de recursos, González apoya a dos o tres niños de cada año a partir de jardín de infantes hasta quinto grado. Mientras los niños son parte de un salón de educación general, ella los saca para regulaciones en matemáticas, lectura, escritura o habilidades sociales y comportamiento. A través de sus deberes, González siente que está “trabajando con los padres para criar a sus hijos”, dijo. “Es como un 50/50”, expreso González. “Los tengo durante el día, y ellos los tienen en la noche y los fines de semana. Estamos ayudando a enseñarles educación, pero también los valores de la vida y ser buenas personas en la sociedad”. Ser una mujer latina en la educación es importante para González. Mientras crecía, e incluso cuando comenzó a trabajar en el distrito, no se encontró con muchos maestros hispanos, recordó. Por lo tanto, cree que debe haber más personas que hablen español o sepan otros idiomas en la educación. “Vivimos en un país al que viene mucha gente, y ayudar a los niños a sentirse cómodos es un gran problema”, dijo González. “Llegar a la escuela y no entender lo que está pasando da miedo. Siento que es muy importante que haya alguien más que pueda ayudar. Si crees que quieres entrar en el campo de la educación, definitivamente hazlo. Los niños necesitan verlo, incluso si no es en ámbito educativo. Sólo necesitan ver que otras personas como ellos triunfen”. González no sólo dedica su vida a la docencia, sino también a prepararse para adquirir nuevos conocimientos, dijo. Ella también se dedica a su familia. Le gusta pasar tiempo con su familia y sus dos pastores alemanes, Athena y Stella.

will be chosen between June 15 and July 15, with the 2023 Missouri State Teacher of the Year chosen during August and September. A Teacher of the Year banquet is scheduled for Oct. 17, DESE information states. Gonzalez – who holds a dual degree in regular education and special education from Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri – works with kids with various types of disabilities, including language impairment and intellectual disabilities. Missouri has 13 categories of disabilities and she works with a little bit of everything, she said. Serving as a resource teacher, Gonzalez supports two to three kids from kindergarten through the fifth grade. While the children are part of their general education classrooms, she pulls them out for their services in math, reading, writing or social skills and behavior. Through her duties, Gonzalez feels as though she is “working with parents to raise their kids,” she said. “It’s like 50/50,” Gonzalez said. “I have them during the day, and they have them at night and on weekends. We are helping in teaching them about education, but also the values of life and being good people in society.” Being a Latin woman in education is important to Gonzalez. Growing up, and even when she started working in the district, she did not encounter many Hispanic teachers, she recalled. Therefore, she believes there needs to be more people that speak Spanish or know other languages in education. “We live in a country that many people come to, and helping kids feel comfortable is a huge deal,” Gonzalez said. “Coming to school and not understanding what’s going on is scary. I feel it’s very important that there is someone else that can help. If you think that you want to get into the education field, definitely do it. Children need to see you, even if it’s not in an education program. They just need to see other people (like them) succeed.” Gonzalez not only dedicates her life to teaching, but also to preparing herself to acquire new knowledge, she said. She dedicates herself to her family, too. She enjoys spending time with her family and her two German shepherds, Athena and Stella, she said.

Alzheimer Continued from Page 1A

educando a las personas en el sentido de que, aunque la enfermedad de Alzheimer es más común entre las personas mayores, las personas más jóvenes también pueden comenzar a ver los primeros signos. “La primera señal de advertencia suele ser la pérdida de memoria a corto plazo”, dijo Loeb. “Entonces, las personas comienzan con la enfermedad de Alzheimer teniendo más dificultades para recordar cosas que sucedieron recientemente (los últimos minutos, horas, días, semanas), pero por lo general son bastante (bien) capaces de recordar cosas de hace mucho tiempo como... recuerdos de la infancia”. Loeb y otros también están enfatizando la importancia del diagnóstico temprano. “Un buen diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Alzheimer incluirá observar muchas cosas, incluidas imágenes del cerebro, como una resonancia magnética o una tomografía computarizada”, dijo. “El médico observará lo que podría estar sucediendo en términos de sangre y otras cosas metabólicas”. Loeb aconseja a cualquier persona con familiares con Alzheimer que busque ayuda y el apoyo adecuado. “Hay muchas personas a las que puede pedir ayuda: su médico, sus otros familiares y amigos”, dijo. “La Asociación de Alzheimer, por supuesto, tiene una línea de apoyo disponible las 24 horas en muchos idiomas a la que puede llamar y decir: ‘Estoy preocupado por esta persona que amo. No entiendo lo que está pasando. Tengo miedo. No tengo suficiente dinero, todo tipo de cosas’. Puede pedir ayuda. Pero el mejor consejo que puedo darle es que no intente hacer esto solo”. Para obtener más información sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, llame al 1-(800)272-3900 o visite alz.org.

of questions to ask.” Loeb and others are making a concerted effort “to get the word out” in June, also dubbed Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. As part of their efforts to increase awareness about Alzheimer’s, they are educating people that, although Alzheimer’s is more common among older people, younger people can start seeing early signs of it, too. “The first warning sign is usually shortterm memory loss,” Loeb said. “So people start off with Alzheimer’s disease (by) having a harder time remembering things that happened recently – the last few minutes, hours, days, weeks – but they are usually pretty (well) able to remember things from a long time ago, like … childhood.” Loeb and others also are stressing the importance of early diagnosis. “A good diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease will include looking at lots of things, including images of the brain, like an MRI or a CAT scan,” she said. “The diagnostician will look at what might be happening in terms of blood and other metabolic things.” Loeb advises anyone with family members with Alzheimer’s to seek help and the right support. “There are lots of people that you can ask for help – your doctor, your other family and friends,” she said. “The Alzheimer’s Association, of course, has a 24-hour support line available in many languages that you can call and say, ‘I’m concerned about this person I love. I don’t understand what’s happening. I’m scared. I don’t have enough money, all kinds of things.’ You can ask for help. But the best advice I can give is, don’t try to do this alone.” For more information about Alzheimer’s disease, call 1-(800)-272-3900 or visit alz.org.

City (KCATA, por sus siglas en inglés), que administra el servicio de autobús del condado de Johnson, Kansas, hasta el 31 de julio de este año, se adapta notablemente a los tiempos. A fines del mes pasado, la agencia de transporte público anunció la extensión del servicio del condado de Johnson (conocido como JoCo) y nuevas rutas. Con los precios de la gasolina provocando máximos históricos y aún subiendo, los conductores están reduciendo las millas recorridas, consolidando viajes y considerando modos de transporte alternativos. Además, los comisionados del condado de Johnson aprobaron la semana pasada un préstamo de $1 millón para viviendas asequibles en Shawnee, uno de los 16 municipios de JoCo. Muchos trabajadores de bajos ingresos dependen del transporte público. Claramente, expandir los servicios de autobús ahora es oportuno.

Más del 72 por ciento de los más de 600,000 residentes del condado mayores de 16 años forman parte del mercado laboral. Muchos de ellos viajan diariamente a trabajos en áreas metropolitanas vecinas. Por el contrario, el condado de Johnson cuenta con varias sedes de empresas. Contiene seis distritos escolares, ocho campus universitarios, 20 hospitales, tres aeropuertos, ocho cámaras de comercio, varios distritos comerciales y decenas de empresas que representan diversas industrias. Todos atraen a trabajadores de las comunidades del área en ambos lados de la línea estatal. La KCATA ofrece rutas biestatales entre condados con horarios en expansión que los funcionarios esperan que “hagan que los autobuses sean más accesibles para todo tipo de horarios de trabajo”. Alrededor del 15 por ciento de los residentes del condado de Johnson tienen 65 años o más. Pueden aprovechar las tarifas reducidas a través de las Tarjetas de Tarifas Reducidas para Ciudadanos Mayores de KCATA, que están disponibles para el servicio local, así como para viajes de cercanías. Al igual que la mayoría de los estadounidenses, las personas mayores sienten una presión financiera. Para muchos, el aumento del costo de los alimentos, la gasolina, los medicamentos recetados, las primas de seguros y los impuestos sobre la propiedad está creando verdaderas dificultades. Tomar el autobús y dejar el auto en el garaje, siempre que sea posible, es una forma de ahorrar dinero. El rediseño de las rutas y el servicio de autobuses lo hace más factible. Los aspectos destacados del servicio ampliado de JoCo y las nuevas rutas incluyen un servicio limitado de siete días en horarios regulares y de micro tránsito; una nueva ruta 487 que une el centro de Overland Park con Center City Lenexa; paradas adicionales en las rutas existentes; nuevas paradas al mediodía en rutas seleccionadas; área de operación ampliada del servicio de microtránsito; y servicio de paratránsito complementario agregado a las rutas fijas. La inflación ha hecho girar la rueda de la fortuna. La expansión del transporte público de JoCo es una iniciativa que ya hacía falta. Nota bene: Para ver mapas y horarios de transporte público en el condado de Johnson, tarifas y pases, y una guía para pasajeros en línea, visite https://www. jocogov.org/department/transit-ridekc-johnsoncounty. Los comisionados del condado de Johnson votaron el 28 de abril para devolver la gestión diaria del tránsito del condado de Johnson de la KCATA al condado de Johnson a partir del 1 de agosto. Seguirá siendo parte del sistema RideKC y continuará colaborando con KCATA para iniciativas de tránsito regional, solicitudes de subvenciones y esfuerzos de coordinación.




bus service through July 31 of this year, is markedly well-suited to the times. Late last month, the public transit agency announced extended Johnson County service and new routes. With gas prices teasing record highs and still rising, drivers are curtailing miles driven, consolidating trips and considering alternative modes of transportation. Moreover, Johnson County Commissioners last week approved a $1 million loan for affordable housing apartments in Shawnee, one of 16 JoCo municipalities. Many low-income workers depend on public transit. Clearly, expanding bus services now is well-timed. More than 72 percent of the county’s 600,000-plus residents age 16 and older are part of the labor market. Many of

them commute to jobs in neighboring metro areas. Conversely, Johnson County boasts several company headquarters. It contains six school districts, eight college and university campuses, 20 hospitals, three airports, eight chambers of commerce, several shopping districts and scores of businesses representing various industries. All attract workers from area communities on both sides of the state line. The KCATA offers bi-state, inter-county routes with expanding schedules that officials hope “should make buses more accessible to all kinds of work schedules.” Some 15 percent of Johnson County residents are 65 and older. They can take advantage of reduced fares through the KCATA’s Senior Citizen Reduced Farecards, which are available for local service as well as commuter trips. Like most Americans, seniors are feeling financial strain. For many, the rising cost of food, gas, prescription drugs, insurance premiums and property taxes is creating genuine hardship. Taking the bus and leaving the car in the garage, whenever possible is one way to save money. The redesign of bus routes and service makes that more feasible. Highlights of JoCo’s expanded service and new routes include limited seven-day service on both regular and micro transit schedules; a brand new Route 487 linking downtown Overland Park to Center City Lenexa; additional stops on existing routes; new mid-day stops on select routes; expanded micro transit service area of operation; and complementary para transit service added to fixed routes. Inflation has turned the wheel of fortune. JoCo’s public transit expansion is an initiative whose time has come. Nota bene: To see Johnson County public transit maps and schedules, fares and passes, and a rider guide online, go to https://www. jocogov.org/department/transit-ridekcjohnson-county. Johnson County Commissioners voted April 28 to return day-to-day management of Johnson County Transit from the KCATA back to Johnson County effective Aug.1. It will remain part of the RideKC system and continue to collaborate with KCATA for regional transit initiatives, grant requests and coordination efforts.




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Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 23 • June 09 - June 15, 2022

How to stay healthy in summertime

¿Cómo mantenerse saludable en verano? Commentary by Tere Siqueira By Oscar Soberanes Benítez

Celebrating our diversity Celebrando nuestra diversidad


unio es el mes del orgullo, y como cada año, dedicamos un espacio para reflexionar sobre el lugar que ocupa la comunidad LGBTQ+ en nuestra sociedad. Esto incluye celebrar los avances en el reconocimiento y los espacios de reivindicación de la comunidad durante los últimos años. También es un momento para

une is Pride Month, and like every year, J we dedicate a space to reflect on the place that the LGBTQ+ community occupies in our society. This includes celebrating the advances in recognition of and the spaces for community vindication in recent years. It is also a time to


identificar las asignaturas pendientes y el trabajo que queda por hacer en favor del bienestar de las personas LGBTQ+ en México, Estados Unidos y en el mundo. México cuenta con un marco jurídico que prohíbe la discriminación motivada por la orientación sexual y la identidad de género, e implementa políticas para reconocer y fortalecer a la comunidad LGBTQ+ en el exterior. Entendemos que nuestro país y nuestra sociedad está formada por personas con perfiles muy diversos, en sus idiomas, cultura, tradiciones, así como en su orientación sexual e identidad de género. Nuestras diferencias nos complementan, reconocerlas fortalece nuestra comunidad. En el marco del mes del orgullo, el gobierno de México a través del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, celebrará el Segundo Encuentro de Comunidades Mexicanas LGBTQ+, los días 13 y 14 de junio, en Miami. Durante este evento se reunirán artistas, servidores públicos y líderes comunitarios para discutir sobre políticas públicas, acciones comunitarias y entablar un diálogo con los participantes para fortalecer a la comunidad mexicana LGBTQ+ en Estados Unidos. La comunidad mexicana en Kansas, Missouri y Oklahoma puede seguir este evento a través de las redes sociales del Consulado de México en Kansas City (@ConsulMexKan en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTube), así como el del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior. Es preciso destacar que las instalaciones del Consulado son consideradas Zona Segura, en el que ningún ciudadano mexicano es discriminado por su origen, clase social u orientación sexual. Contamos con servicios y programas enfocados a la comunidad LGBTQ+. En febrero de este año, se comenzaron a expedir actas de nacimiento por identidad de género, que permite a los connacionales Trans tener un documento con el género y nombre que corresponde a su identidad. Igualmente, durante el mes de julio, la nueva matrícula consular permitirá dejar vacío el campo de género. Nuestro compromiso es “no dejar a nadie atrás, no dejar a nadie afuera”.

identify the pending issues and the work that remains to be done in favor of the well-being of LGBTQ+ people in Mexico, the United States and the world. Mexico has a legal framework that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity which also implements policies to recognize and strengthen the LGBTQ+ community abroad. We understand that our country and our society is made up of people with very diverse profiles, in their languages, culture, traditions, as well as in their sexual orientation and gender identity. Our differences complement us, recognizing them strengthens our community. Within the framework of Pride Month, the Mexican government, through the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, will celebrate the Second Meeting of LGBTQ+ Mexican Communities on June 13 and 14, in Miami. During this event, artists, public officials, and community leaders will meet to discuss public policies, community actions, and engage in dialogue with participants to strengthen the Mexican LGBTQ+ community in the United States. The Mexican community in Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma can follow this event through the Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City’s social media (@ConsulMexKan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube), as well as the “Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior”. It should be noted that the facilities of the Consulate are considered a Safe Zone, in which no Mexican citizen is discriminated against due to their origin, social class or sexual orientation. We have services and programs focused on the LGBTQ+ community. In February of this year, we started issuing birth certificates by gender, which allow Trans nationals to have a document with the gender and name that corresponds to their identity. Likewise, during the month of July, the new Consular l.D. will allow the gender field to be left empty. Our commitment is to “leave no one behind, leave no one out”.



ara millones de familias, las vacaciones de verano conllevan un cambio de hábitos. Desafortunadamente, para millones de familias, eso significa cambiar sus hábitos relacionados con la salud. Pero las vacaciones no deben ser una excusa para abandonar hábitos saludables. Los siguientes consejos te ayudarán a mantenerte saludable durante el verano: * Mantén tu dieta durante todo el verano: Durante el verano, las personas a menudo se vuelven más permisivas con su comida. Por eso, ahora más que nunca, es fundamental seguir una dieta equilibrada. *Mantén tus alimentos refrigerados: Las intoxicaciones alimenticias son más comunes en verano porque las personas consumen más alimentos crudos y las altas temperaturas favorecen la proliferación de bacterias. Para reducir el riesgo de intoxicación alimenticia, no deje alimentos como la leche, la carne de res o el pescado a temperatura ambiente. *Mantente hidratado: Con la llegada del calor de verano, todos debemos estar más atentos a nuestro consumo de agua, ya que es un componente importante de nuestro organismo. Además, muchas facetas del verano pueden provocar deshidratación, como las prácticas deportivas rigurosas, la temperatura, la humedad, incluso el tipo de ropa. Tener siempre agua a mano es un aliado para combatir la deshidratación. Además, consuma muchas frutas y verduras, que se componen principalmente de agua y pueden ayudar con la hidratación, sin mencionar los beneficios en la nutrición. *Protege tu piel del sol: La exposición al sol es buena, siempre que se sigan unas normas básicas. Si estas no se siguen, el sol podría causar daño a los ojos y también puede causar quemaduras solares que pueden aumentar las posibilidades de que una persona desarrolle cáncer de piel. Para reducir sus posibilidades de sufrir daños en los ojos y/o cáncer de piel, evite la exposición al sol al mediodía. Además, utilice protector solar para todas las salidas diurnas, especialmente protector solar con un factor de protección solar alto, en la cara y el cuerpo. Aplique protector solar unos 30 minutos antes de salir al aire libre y vuelva a aplicarlo con frecuencia. *Protéjase de las picaduras y mordeduras de insectos: Evite usar ropa de colores llamativos y perfumes al aire libre. Use lociones repelentes. Las personas altamente alérgicas deben tener especial cuidado en caso de ser picadas por avispas o abejas y recordar que existen vacunas disponibles para picaduras y mordeduras de insectos, en caso de ser necesario. Una crema con antihistamínicos en el botiquín de casa es fundamental para tratar las picaduras o picaduras de insectos. *Manténgase activo: Este es el mejor momento para andar en bicicleta, nadar, caminar o jugar al aire libre. Cuanto más juegues este verano, más calorías quemará tu cuerpo y desarrollará músculo. Encuentra algo que disfrutes y hazlo un par de veces a la semana.

or millions of families, summer vacations mean a change of habits. F Unfortunately, for millions of families, that

means changing their health-related habits. Vacations should not provide an excuse to abandon healthy habits. The following tips will help you stay healthier during the summer:

*Stick to your diet all summer long: During the summer, people often become more permissive with their food. Thus, now more than ever, it is essential to follow a balanced diet. *Keep your food refrigerated: Food poisoning is more common in summer because people consume more raw food and high temperatures favor the proliferation of germs. To reduce the risk of food poisoning, do not leave foods such as milk, beef or fish at room temperature. *Stay hydrated: With the arrival of summer heat, we all must be more attentive to our water intake, as it is a significant component of our body. In addition, many facets of summertime can lead to dehydration, such rigorous sports practices, the temperature, the humidity, even types of clothing. Always having water on hand is an ally in fighting dehydration. Additionally, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are mainly composed of water and can help with hydration, not to mention nourishment. *Protect your skin from the sun: Exposure to the sun is beneficial, provided basic rules are followed. If they are not, the sun can cause eye damage. It also can cause sunburns that can increase a person’s chances of developing skin cancer. To reduce your chances of suffering eye damage and/or skin cancer, avoid midday exposure to the sun. In addition, use sunscreen for all daytime outings, particularly sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, on the face and body. Apply sunscreen about 30 minutes before going outdoors and reapply it frequently. *Protect yourself from insect stings and bites: Avoid wearing brightly colored clothes and perfumes outdoors. Use repellent lotions. Highly allergic people should take special care in case of being stung by wasps or bees and remember there are vaccines available for insect stings and bites, if necessary. A cream with antihistamines in your home medicine cabinet is essential for treating insect bites or stings. *Stay active: This is the best time to bike, swim, hike or play games outside. The more you play this summer, the more calories your body will burn and build muscle. Find something you enjoy and do it a few times a week.

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Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 23 • June 09 - June 15, 2022

Graduations 2022 Continued from Page 1A

From left to right: Emilio Lopez graduated from Shawnee Mission South, Gabriel Lopez graduated from Baker University and Enrique Lopez graduated from Park University.

ve distinta, en un buen sentido. En 2020 y 2021, las ceremonias de graduación no ocurrieron como las conocíamos debido a la pandemia de COVID. Este año, sin embargo, se ven como antes de la pandemia. Parecían normales. Para los estudiantes que se graduaron en mayo de los niveles académicos de preparatoria y universidad, la temporada de graduación con una apariencia normal debió de ser un alivio. En este momento podían estar emocionados de haber completado una importante etapa en sus vidas, con la visión de una educación adicional en la universidad -o tal vez la visión de una emocionante vida profesional que se acerca- sin que carguen con el peso de la pandemia. La floreciente temporada de graduación, a su vez, nos ha permitido a todos en el área de Kansas City ver que otras formas de vida están tomando su rumbo hacia la normalidad, llevándonos a probar el mundo libre de pandemias que todos anhelamos. Dos Mundos se une a la celebración de la clase del 2022 del área. En este periódico entendemos que las ceremonias de graduación permiten que las familias y los amigos se reúnan y celebren los logros. También entendemos que la graduación significa que uno ha realizado el trabajo necesario para pasar a la siguiente fase de la vida. Felicitaciones, graduados, por lo que han logrado y enhorabuena por llegar a disfrutar de esos logros con normalidad.

tion season this year looked different – in a good way. In 2020 and 2021, graduation ceremonies were unordinary because of the COVID pandemic. This year, however, they looked like they had before the pandemic. They looked normal. For the students who graduated in May Jacqueline G. Ramirez and Jasmin Ramirez, from area high schools and colleges, a normal- graduates of Turner High School. looking graduation season had to be a relief. They could be excited at having completed a milestone in their lives, with the prospect of additional schooling in college looming – or maybe the prospect of an exciting professional life looming – without the baggage of the pandemic looming over them, too. The booming graduation season, in turn, has let all of us in the Kansas City area see that other forms of life are taking their course toward normalcy, leading us to savor the pandemic-free world we all long for. Dos Mundos joins in celebrating with area members of the class of 2022. We at this newspaper understand that graduation ceremonies allow families and friends to come together and celebrate accomplishments. We also understand that graduation means one has put in the necessary work to move on to the next phase of life. Congratulations, graduates, on what you have achieved. And congratulations on getting to enjoy those achievements in a normal way.

Oscar Muñoz graduated from Los Medanos College with an Associates of Science in Automotive Technology.

Priscilla Munoz graduated from Park Hill South.

Kansas Attorney General Candidate Debate Nick Haines moderates a debate with all three Republican primary candidates for a very powerful position in this year’s highstakes election: Kris Kobach, Kellie Warren and Tony Mattivi.

Wednesday, June 15 Watch on Facebook Live on the Kansas City PBS Facebook page at Noon or Tune In on KCPBS Channel 19.1 at 7 p.m. kansascitypbs.org/ontheballot

Isabel Acosta Schumacher graduated from Park Hill High School.

Eduardo Moreno Weiss graduated from Shawnee Mission North High School.

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 23 • June 09 - June 15, 2022


Graduations 2022 Continued from Page 1A

Dr. Clara Hernandez graduated from the School of Pharmacy in University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Beya Valdez graduated from Aragon High School.

Carlos Farfan graduated from Missouri State University.

Samantha Soto graduated from Turner High School. Ana Calderon graduated from Guadalupe Center Charter Schools.

Enzo G San Juan graduated from Argentina Middle School.

Gerardo Ortiz-Marín graduated from Lafayette Academy.

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Antonio Olivarez and Diego Aguilar graduated from Guadalupe Center Charter Schools.

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Se renta

Miguel Ángel Corpus graduated from Oak Park High School.

Carmen Moreno graduated with a Masters of Arts in Nature Culture and Sustainability Studies

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Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 23 • June 09 - 15, 2022

Classified Information

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Professional, Technology, Business, Management, Retail, Sales, Health Care, etc... HELP WANTED

Legals/Public Notices, Funerals, Memorials, Personal and Professional Services, etc...




Auctions, Pets, Articles for Sale, Yard Sales, Antiques, Tools, etc... HELP WANTED


The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions, incl: Tech Access Prog. Coord. – monitors hotline, ensures services, and maintains volunteer records. Advanced tech skills, exp w/ budgeting & asset management. Assoc, & Asst openings - view site for listings For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO

Tear Down Tech: ***Tech must have experience and own tools to work on dismantling of salvaged automobiles. Forklift experience is a must as well.*** Tech will dismantle automobiles assigned to him and will be paid top dollar per car torn down. Other responsibilities: loading and unloading parts with forklift, dismantles cores, handles aluminum, equipment maintenance, ect. Can easily make $600-1000 per week. Benefits: Lunches provided daily, weekly pay, one week vacation, and sign on bonus. Call 816-921-9999


Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufactured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc... HELP WANTED

Job Description Summary: The Home Visitor provides intensive, home-based early childhood education, parenting education, and family support services to voluntary participants in accordance with Head Start Performance Standards. Please apply: https://apptrkr.com/3108576 444 Minnesota Avenue; Suite 100; Kansas City, Kansas 66101; Phone: 913-281-2648


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$200 de deposito • Las mejores escuelas • Alberca • Lavandería • Electricos • Camara de seguridad Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594






(Job Opening ID #515209)

Vander Haag's es líder en el mercado de partes para camiones. Tenemos una oportunidad para un representante de venta. La oportunidad sera de tiempo completo. Unase a nuestro creciente equipo de ventas en Kansas City, Missouri! El candidato adecuado debe estar motivado y ser capaz de brindar un servicio al cliente excepcional. El puesto requiere fuertes habilidades de comunicación y organización. Esta posición interactuará regularmente con clientes hispanos, por lo que se requiere la capacidad de comunicarse con fluidez en español (así como en inglés).

Full-time position available with KCMO’s Health Department, Administrative Division, 2400 Troost. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. As a condition of employment with the City of KCMO Health Department, all new employees will be required to provide documentation of having received an influenza (Flu) Vaccination. The Kansas City Health Department (KCHD) A d m i n i s t ra t i o n Intern will develop innovative approaches to addressing the social determinants of health. Assists with communication processes between KCHD and its customers, such as Mayor’s Office, City Manager’s Office, and community partners. Assists with the training of community wellness ambassadors. This position requires the ability to be flexible and adaptable to changing needs and situations. REQUIRES the ability to speak, read and write English. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference will be given to individuals who have completed at least 3 years of undergraduate studies and who reside within KCMO boundaries Salary Range: $15.02-$16.51/hour. Application Deadline: June 20, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Este puesto requiere fuertes habilidades informáticas y algunos conocimientos básicos de mecánica. No se requiere c onoc imie nt o/ e x pe r ie nc ia previa dentro de la industria del transporte por carretera. ¡Invertiremos en capacitación y desarrollo para el candidato adecuado!

8 Positions: Bilingual Early Head Start Home Visitor PARTTIME ($1000 Sign On Incentive)

Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...

Aplica online: https://www.vanderhaags.com/ employment.php PUBLIC NOTICE



Construction Pre-Bid Meeting

The Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council will hold a virtual pre-bid meeting on Tuesday, June 13 at 1:00 PM for General Contractors interested in our Heroes Home Gate transitional housing project. Send an email to Nailah at nailah@accomak.com for further information. Meeting Info: Topic: Heroes Home Gate PreBid Construction Meeting Time: Jun 13, 2022 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom. us/j/84350307638 Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Central Time)




Soliciting Bid Reinhardt Construction LLC is Soliciting Bids from MBE/WBE/ DBE/Veteran/SDVE for the following: CP221271 Agriculture ScienceRenovate 2-3&2-4 Contact: Mike Murray ; mikem@ reinhardtconstructionllc.com Phone: 573-682-5505

Page 3B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 23 14 • June April 07 09 - 13, 15, 2022 PUBLIC HELP WANTED NOTICE




Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher LEE’S SUMMIT HOUSING AUTHORITY e Lee’s Summit Housing Authority waiting lists are open to receive applications ANNUAL PLAN 24list CFR r placement on the Public Housing waiting and 903 Housing Choice Voucher Lee’sTSummit Authority announces that or by aiting list uThe ntil filled. o apply, Housing go to leesummit.housingmanager.com, June 2022 athe shall available forto apply for. iting our won ebsite at 10, hacls.org nd cPHA hoose the make program you want public review a draft copy of components of its Fivence full the Year waiting will close and aPlan pplications no longer of be accepted. andlists Annual Agency per thewill guidelines PUBLIC NOTICE

24 CFR 903, a requirement of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. Eligibility




Current income documents limits are based on nbe umber of persons in a household. These will available Monday

(Total hfrom ousehold income exceed) through Friday 8:00 amnot toto 4:00 pm at the PHA administration offices located at 111 SE Grand 1 2 3 4 64063 5 for a6 period7 of 8 Avenue, Lee’s Summit, MO Programs approximately Person Persons 45 Persons days.Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Section 8 The $28,950 $37,250 $41,350 $44,700 $48,000 PHA$33,100 has scheduled a public hearing to be$51,300 held $54,600 Public on June 24, 2022 at 3:00 pm in the community room $46,350 $52,950 $66,150 $76,750 $82,050 $87,350 Housing at 111 SE Grand$59,550 Avenue, Lee’s$71,450 Summit, MO 64063. At this time, the PHA shall receive and consider all comments prior to finalization of their agency plan HE LEE’S SUMMIT HOUSING AUTHORITY DOES BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAIR HOUSING LAWS AND IS for submission to HUD on or before 7/25/22. AN EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER.


Soliciting Bid Reinhardt Construction LLC is Soliciting Bids from MBE/WBE/ DBE/Veteran/SDVE for the following: CP220861 UMTH 1E17 CT Replacement Contact: Mike Murray ; mikem@ reinhardtconstructionllc.com Phone: 573-682-5505 PUBLIC NOTICE


Sealed bids will be accepted by the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Joseph, Missouri for CD Demolitions – 4 Locations Bid #CD2022-09

until June 27, 2022, at 3:00 P.M. Edgemoor Infrastructure & Real Estate (EIRE), on behalf of the at (KCAD) which time oor Infrastructure & Real (EIRE), on behalf(KCAD) of the Kansas Aviation Department andthey will be publicly Kansas CityEstate Aviation Department and theCity City of Kansas opened and of Kansas City, and production services read to aloud. City,Missouri, Missouri,isisseeking seekingaaqualified qualifiedfirm firmtotoprovide provideevent eventdesign design and production services to support opening festivities for the New CitySpecifications grand opening festivities for the New Singlegrand Terminal and Parking project at Kansas International and drawings are Single Terminal and Parking project at Kansas City International available from the Purchasing Airport. Division, 1100 Frederick Ave., Room 201, St. Joseph, Missouri, est for Proposals (RFP) is available for the GRAND OPENING CELEBRATIONS EVENT DESIGN A Request for Proposals (RFP) is available for the GRAND by calling (816) 271-5330 or on the RODUCTION SERVICES scopeCELEBRATIONS of work. OPENING EVENT DESIGN AND City website at www.stjoesephmo. PRODUCTION SERVICES scope of work. gov any under Government/Bids & P for this scope of work is available at https://www.kci-edgemoor.com/solicitations. To make The RFP for this scope of work is available at https://www.kciRFP’s. s regarding this solicitation, please email Kimberly.Wood@edgemoor.com. edgemoor.com/solicitations. To make any inquiries regarding this The City reserves the right to solicitation, please email Kimberly.Wood@edgemoor.com. als are due no later than 5:00 PM Central on Monday, June 6, 2022. accept or reject any or all bids. Proposals are due no later than 5:00 PM Central on This project is funded 100% by CDBG funds. The City of St. Joseph Monday, June 6,encourages 2022. icitation is open to all interested bidders. Edgemoor the participation of underrepresented is and Equal Opportunity Employer. at would meet and or exceed the project M/WBE goals. The goal of the project is to achieve 15% WBE This solicitation is open to all interested bidders. Edgemoor % MBE participation across professional of and construction services. encourages theallparticipation underrepresented firms that would (s) Summer Deatherage meet and or exceed the project M/WBE goals. The goal of the project is to achieve 15% WBE and 20% MBE participation across Purchasing Agent all professional and construction services. PUBLIC NOTICE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS DRAFT 2022-2026 CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND ACCOMPANNYING DOCUMENTS

INVITATION TO BID Bids for Overhead

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, KS (UG) is currently developing the five-year Consolidated Plan to improve housing options and encourage community development in the city and county. A second study, the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, will look at whether everyone has similar choices for housing regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, religion, disability, or whether they have children. These plans are required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Unified Government to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG; $2,189,834), HOME Program ($952,956), and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG; $195,473) funds. The UG will also submit an amended Citizen Participation Plan.

Paging and Security

The UG will hold a 30-day review and public comment period, which will begin on June 2, 2022 and end on July 5, 2022. The entire Consolidated Plan with accompanying documents can be viewed and online comment forms can be submitted at https://www.wycokck. org/Departments/Community-Development/Community-Development-Consolidated-Plan. Copies of the plans are available for review at the UG Community Development Department and the UG Clerk’s office. Those needing assistance should contact the Community Development Department, 701 N. 7th Street, Suite 828, Kansas City, KS 66101 or (913) 573-5100. Proposed activities and funds are listed below.

For specific project

DRAFT ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (subject to change)



CDBG Public Services Livable Neighborhoods Willa Gill Multi-Service Center

$20,000 $148,000

CDBG Acquisition/Rehab/Reconstruction Emergency Home Repair Program Project Delivery

$500,000 $583,868 $1,083,868

CDBG Public Facilities and Improvements - Area Master Plans


Curbs, Sidewalks, Infrastructure



CDBG Program Administration Administration



HOME Investment Partnership Program CHDO Set Aside (Rehab/New Construction) New Construction/Rehab HOME Administration

$333,831 $523,000 $95,295


Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) ESG Program Activities ESG Administration

$181,813 $13,660




Public Hearing: A final public hearing will be held on July 14, 2022, at 7p.m. for the 20222026 Consolidated Plan. The public hearing will take place in the Commission Chambers in the Lobby of the Municipal Office Building, 701 North 7th Street. More information will be released soon!





Systems Expansion, Project No. M212501 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, June 30, 2022. information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities

INVITATION TO BID Bids for 3rd Floor Renovation, Employment Security Central Office Bldg. (DOLIR), Project No. O22A2-01, will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, June 23, 2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities


Full-time position available with KCMO’s Municipal Court, Probation Division, 511 E. 11th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Provides wrap-around probation, case management and referral services to program participants. Assists the Offender Accountability Coordinator in implementing comprehensive procedures and policies for the domestic violence programs. Works closely with the Domestic Violence Judge in enforcing probation conditions ordered by the Judge and reporting violations in a timely manner. Links defendants to community resources, such as psychological testing and treatment, educational opportunities, job trainings, safe housing and other needs as identified. Cooperates with other agencies and professionals to coordinate services for Domestic Violence program participants. Establishes and maintains a chronological electronic record for each assigned participant, and tracks and documents referrals and results in the Community Care Link electronic record system. Assists in collecting data and providing data to research provider. Performs other predisposition or post disposition probation related duties as required by the grant programs, the Court and the grant partners. Demonstrates a knowledge of human behavior, mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence related issues, attitudes, and motivation and can apply this knowledge to casework and the rehabilitation Missouri Press Servi 802 Locust of offenders. Assists the specialty Columbia, MO 65201 court and probation divisions with PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAX - 573-874-5894 random urine analysis testing and machine maintenance. Maintains file violation reports Dos Mundos with the appropriate division and is available to appear in Ad Code: D&C_M2125-01 court on assigned probation dockets. Writes reports on matters related to domestic violence and probation related offenders, while ensuring that all database systems are promptly and accurately updated. Communicates and collaborates with external and internal customers to analyze safety impacts on victims and to enhance offender compliance with probation conditions. Needs to have comfort working closely with inmate populations. REQUIRES anMissouri accredited Press Servi Bachelor’s degree in public or 802 Locust Columbia, MO liberal 65201 business administration, PHONE - 573-449-4167 arts or a related and at FAX field - 573-874-5894 least 3 years of progressively professional experience in Dos Mundos or governmental administration in private sector administration Code: D&C_O22A20-01 at the level of Ad Administrative Ad 1x4 Assistant; OR anSize: equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Preference given for court, probation, domestic violence, victim advocacy or corrections experience. Salary Range: $19.31-$33.88/ hour. Application Deadline: June 20, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Page 4B. 3B.MUNDOS DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 •23 Issue 23 14 09 • June April 07 0915, - 13, 15, 2022 Page 4B. DOS • Volume 42 • Issue • June - June 2022 PUBLIC HELP WANTED NOTICE











HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST (COMPENSTATION & BENEFITS/EMPLOYEE RELATIONS) The Unified Government of WyCo/KCK is seeking to fill two HR Analyst positions. One for Compensation & Benefits and one for Employee Relations. For the position of HR Analyst (Employee Relations), responsibilities will include conducting workplace investigations regarding Title IV and other workplace matters. The HR Analyst (Compensation & Benefits) is responsible for Compensation Administration activities for Unified Government wide compensation programs. Duties include conducting annual and ad hoc market analysis for non-union and 13 bargaining units’ compensation plans. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources, Business or a related field and three years of Human Resources experience. Ability to multi-task. Proficiency in Microsoft office products. Professional certification through HRCI and/or SHRM a plus. For a complete job description, minimum qualifications and application instructions please visit www.wycokck.org/jobs. Salary: $4,411.34-$5,900.27/ mo. Deadline: June 29, 2022 EOE

From: Neighbors Construction Co., Inc. From: Neighbors Construction Co., Inc.

Address: 15226 W 87th St. Parkway Address: 5226 W 87th St. Parkway Lenexa, KS 66219 Lenexa, KS 66219

Project: Village West Phase III Apartments Date: 5/13/2022 Project:KCK Village III 1323 Apartments Date: 5/13/2022 UG West ProjectPhase Number KCK UGNProject 1323 & Parallel Pkwy 115th StNumber N 115thKansas St & Parallel Pkwy66109 City, Kansas Kansas City, Kansas 66109 Bids Due: Tuesday, June 7th Email To: nccibids@neighborsconstruction.com Bids Due: Tuesday, June 7th Email To:nccibids@neighborsconstruction.com Time: 2:00 PM Attn: Fletcher Harder Attn: Fletcher Harder Time: 2:00 PM

DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project of aof 324 unit multi-family apartment units spread throughout buildings (417,065 SQFT).(417,065 All scopes This projectconsists consists a 324 unit multi-family apartment units spread4throughout 4 buildings areSQFT). open forAll bidding, including but not limited to the following: Earthwork, Site Utilities, Structural and Site scopes are open for bidding, including but not limited to the following: Earthwork, Concrete, Site Gypcrete,Structural Masonry, and Structural Steel, Aluminum Railings, Rough Carpentry, Finish Carpentry, Wood Rough Trusses, Utilities, Site Concrete, Gypcrete, Masonry, Structural Steel, Aluminum Railings, Carpentry, Finish Carpentry, Wood Trusses, Waterproofing, Caulking, Insulation, TPO and Roof, Commercial Waterproofing, Caulking, Insulation, TPO Roof, Commercial Entry, Overhead Garage Doors, Glass Glazing, Flooring, Entry,Paint, Overhead Glass andShelving, Glazing,Appliances, Flooring, Window Drywall,Coverings, Paint, Portland Cement Drywall, PortlandGarage Cement Doors, Plastering, Closet Cabinets, Countertops, Plastering, Closet Shelving, Appliances, Window Coverings, Cabinets, Countertops, Elevators, Fireand Elevators, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Plumbing, HVAC Systems, Electrical, Telecommunications, Fire Alarm Systems Sprinkler Systems, Plumbing, HVAC Systems, Electrical, Telecommunications, Fire Alarm Systems and Final Cleaning. Final Cleaning. BID DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY BID DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY All bidders are to bid the project per the plans and specifications and will be required to fill out the bid form without All bidders are to bid the project per the plans and specifications and will be required to exception. Bids must of the limits of insurance. requirements canthe be limits found along with the bid fill out the bidinclude formcost without exception. BidsInsurance must include cost of of insurance. invitation and bid form on the NCCI bid found planroom. Email nccibids@neighborsconstruction.com be added to the bid Insurance requirements can be along with the bid invitation and bid formtoon the NCCI planroom. Plans and Specifications are also available on the KC Blueprint Online Planroom. Hard copies of the plans planroom. Email nccibids@neighborsconstruction.com to be added to the planroom. Plans andcan be purchased at KCare Blueprint. (816) 527-0900. Specifications also available on the KC Blueprint Online Planroom. Hard copies of the plans can be purchased at KC Blueprint. (816) 527-0900. PRE-BID REQUIREMENTS PRE-BID REQUIREMENTS This project is sales tax exempt. This project is sales tax exempt. • Bidders are required to examine bid documents when preparing their bidresponsibility and acceptfor all • Bidders are required to examine allall of of thethe bid documents when preparing their bid and accept responsibility for all information, conditions and requirements described in any and all of the bid information, conditions and requirements described in any and all of the bid documents. documents. • Any deviationsfrom from the documents must bemust specifically described on described your proposal.on your • Any deviations thebid bid documents be specifically • Neighbors Construction will assist subcontractors in understanding any required bonds for your specific scope of proposal. work. IfConstruction a subcontractorwill requires assistance with credit in and/or meeting the insurance requirements listed, • Neighbors assist subcontractors understanding any required bonds for please your reach out toofNeighbors office sorequires the correct person can assist that. and/or meeting the specific scope work. IfConstruction a subcontractor assistance with in credit insurance requirements please reach out to Neighbors • All questions should belisted, addressed to Neighbors Construction at (913)Construction 422-5555 or office so the correct personnccibids@neighborsconstruction.com can assist in that. • All questions should be addressed to Neighbors Construction at (913) 422-5555 or nccibids@neighborsconstruction.com




REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, MO ST. JOSEPH AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) MULTIMODAL CORRIDOR PLANNING STUDY SERVICES Bid #RFQ2022-07 The City of St. Joseph, Missouri is soliciting statements of qualifications from consultant firms to provide multimodal corridor planning study services for the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Joseph until 4:30 P.M. on July 12, 2022. Information regarding the request may be obtained from the Purchasing Department, 1100 Frederick Avenue, Room 201, St. Joseph, Missouri or by calling (816) 271-5330. Request Opportunities may also be viewed on the City’s Website at www.stjosephmo.gov under Government/Bids & RFPs. The City of St. Joseph reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The City of St. Joseph is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (s) Summer Deatherage Purchasing Agent

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR SECURITY PATROL SERVICES Port KC (Port Authority of Kansas City, Missouri) hereby invites you to submit responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Security Patrol Services. The RFQ can be viewed online at http://portkc.com/rfpsrfqs/ or a request for the RFP may be made by email at info@portkc. com. RFP submissions are due to info@portkc.com by June 27, 2022 at 12:00 PM (CST).


Soliciting Bid Reinhardt Construction LLC is Soliciting Bids from MBE/WBE/ DBE/Veteran/SDVE for the following: CP220691 Laboratory for Infectious Disease Research G20 Improvements Contact: Mike Murray ; mikem@ reinhardtconstructionllc.com Phone: 573-682-5505

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For pricing and more information about advertising in the Dos Mundos classifieds, please contact Veronica by email at : classifieds@dosmundos.com

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