Volume 42 Issue 24

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41 •años•

Volume 42 • Issue 24 •June 16 - June 22, 2022



1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747

Los precios de la gasolina en KC siguen subiendo


os precios de la gasolina continuaron subiendo la semana pasada en todo Estados Unidos, incluso en el área de Kansas City, que tiene algunas de las tarifas más económicas del país.

Los precios han subido un promedio semanal de 19.6 centavos por galón, alcanzando sus niveles más altos en varios años. Según National Public Radio (NPR), 2A>

National, KC area gas prices keep climbing

By Tere Siqueira

continued their Gasclimbprices last week across the


Community• Comunidad

Health• Salud

Sports• Deportes


Graduations 2022 Graduaciones 2022

Be COVID Safe this Summer! ¡Protéjase del COVID este verano!

Deportes y más deportes…. Mexicana entre las mejores goleadoras del mundo

KC hosts mini-LEGO competition KC organiza competencia de mini-LEGO





Swope Health organiza ceremonia de inicio de construcción By Chara

l 9 de junio, Swope Health organizó una E ceremonia de inicio de construcción que el presidente y director ejecutivo, Jeron Ravin, calificó en un comunicado de prensa en línea como “un momento histórico para Swope Health y el primero para la región”. La ceremonia marcó el inicio simbólico del trabajo para construir el Centro de Bienestar para Adultos PACE KC. Programado para completarse en 2023 y estar ubicado en 4141 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. en Kansas City, Missouri, el centro será una instalación de $14 millones que ofrecerá servicios de salud y bienestar para mayores de 55 años. “Estamos ampliando nuestra misión de brindar servicios diseñados para las necesidades de los adultos mayores con esta, nuestra mayor inversión de capital desde el desarrollo del campus de Swope Health Central en 1995”, dijo Ravin en el comunicado. “Este desarrollo señala nuestro compromiso de aumentar nuestra presencia para servir a la comunidad de nuevas


Swope Health hosts groundbreaking ceremony

n June 9, Swope Health hosted a groundO breaking ceremony that President and CEO Jeron Ravin called in an online news release “a historic moment for Swope Health and a first for the region.” The ceremony marked the symbolic start of work to build the PACE KC Adult Wellness Center. Scheduled for completion in 2023 and to be located at 4141 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in Kansas City, Missouri, the center will be a $14-million facility that will offer health and wellness services for ages 55 and older. “We are expanding our mission to provide services designed for the needs of older adults with this, our largest capital investment since the development of the Swope Health Central campus in 1995,” Ravin was quoted in the release as saying. “This development signals our commitment to


Cómo celebrar a un padre difunto

astimosamente, muchas personas no tendrán la oportunidad de pasar un día con su padre este Día del Padre porque ya no está aquí en persona. Commentary by Chara Sin embargo, si su padre ha fallecido, adly, many people will not have the hay formas en que puede hacer frente a la opportunity to spend a day with their situación y tener un gran Día del Padre este father this Father’s Day because he is no longer domingo (19 de junio). Algunos consejos here in the flesh. que podrían ayudarlo incluyen los siguientes: If your father is deceased, however, there


*Haga algo que a su padre le encantaba hacer: trate de hacer cosas divertidas que solía hacer con él. Cocine una comida que amaba. Visite su restaurante favorito. Visite un lugar que solías visitar con él. Estos generarán conexiones con sus recuerdos y le ayudarán a sentirse mejor. *Haga planes: si no estar con su papá en el Día del Padre lo entristece, trate de hacer algo con su familia y amigos. Todavía puede honrarlo divirtiéndose y siendo feliz. * O rg a n i c e u n a r e u n i ó n familiar: invite a los miembros 2A> de su familia a pasar un tiempo

are ways you can cope with the situation and have a great Father’s Day this Sunday (June 19). Some tips that might help you include the following:

*Do something your father loved to do: Try to do fun things you used to do with him. Cook a meal he loved. Visit his favorite restaurant. Visit a place you used to visit with him. These will generate connections with your memories and help you feel better. *Make plans: If not being with your dad on Father’s Day makes you sad, try to do something with your family and friends. You can still honor him by having fun and being happy. *Hold a family reunion: Invite your family members to spend


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How to honor a deceased dad

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Page2A. 2A.DOS DOSMUNDOS MUNDOS• Volume • Volume3342• Issue • Issue4124• October • June 1610- June 22, 2022 Page - October 16, 2013

Area Gas Prices Continued from Page 1A

el precio nacional promedio alcanzó los $5.004 por primera vez. “Los precios de la gasolina han sido un gran impulsor de la inflación, que ha alcanzado su tasa más alta en casi 40 años”, declaró Brittany Cronin en un artículo para NPR. En el área de Kansas City, la gasolina en el lado de Missouri se está volviendo más cara que en el lado de Kansas. Los medios de comunicación y los datos de AAA muestran que el precio promedio en Missouri es de $4.49 y en Kansas, el costo promedio es de $4.43. El incremento de los viajes debido a la recuperación de la pandemia de COVID y la guerra ruso-ucraniana son dos factores clave para el repunte, informó NPR. Los analistas afirman que los intentos de liberar algunas de las reservas de petróleo de Estados Unidos no están provocando una disminución de los precios, y los esfuerzos para reanudar la extracción de petróleo en el país han tenido inconvenientes, afirmó la agencia de noticias. Carolina Méndez se encuentra entre los residentes del área que se han visto afectados por el aumento vertiginoso de los precios de la gasolina. Esta madre de tres dijo que el aumento ha cambiado la dinámica familiar. Debido a los precios de la gasolina, su familia ha buscado alternativas para mantenerse dentro de su presupuesto, dijo. “Los precios de la gasolina están afectando el presupuesto de nuestra familia”, dijo Méndez. “Ahora, debemos ser mucho más cuidadosos con la forma en que usamos el automóvil. La movilidad es una parte básica de nuestras vidas, pero se ha convertido en un desafío no reducir estos gastos. Así que compartimos viajes cuando todos van a la misma área”.

Swope Health

United States, including in the Kansas City area, which has some of the country’s least expensive rates. Prices have risen by a weekly average of 19.6 cents per gallon, reaching their highest levels in several years. According to National Public Radio (NPR), the average national price reached $5.004 for the first time. “Gas prices have been a big driver of inflation, which has surged to its highest rate in nearly 40 years,” Brittany Cronin stated in a story for NPR. In the Kansas City area, gas on the Missouri side is getting more expensive than on the Kansas side. Media outlets and AAA’s data show the average price in Missouri is $4.49, and in Kansas, the average cost is $4.43. Increased travel because of the recovery from the COVID pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine War are two key factors for the uptick, the NPR reported. Analysts claim that attempts to release some of America’s oil reserves are not causing prices to drop, and efforts to resume domestic drilling for oil have hit snags, the news agency stated. Carolina Mendez is among the area residents who have been affected by skyrocketing gas prices. The mother of three said the increase has changed family dynamics. Because of gas prices, her family has looked for alternatives to stay within its budget, she said. “Gasoline prices are hurting our family’s budget,” Mendez said. “Now, we must be much more careful with how we use the car. Mobility is a basic part of our lives, but it has become challenging not to cut down on these expenses. So we are sharing rides when they are (all going) to the same area.”

Recapturing safety & harmony: possible? Restablecer la seguridad y la armonía, ¿es posible?

he wholesale savagery of recent years l salvajismo al por mayor has failed to obliterate fond recollections T de los últimos años no ha E logrado borrar los buenos recuerdos de mis primeras visitas of my first visits to the United States in 1964.

a los Estados Unidos en 1964. Han pasado casi seis décadas desde que conocí y me enamoré de un estadounidense, Manuel Reyes y su país y su encantadora ciudad natal. En Kansas City, descubrí un centro de hospitalidad, y me encantó su ciudadanía trabajadora y seria, su seguridad, su belleza, su prosperidad y muchas atracciones y puntos de referencia variados, y su vida cultural. Debido a la habitabilidad saludable del área, Manuel y yo echamos raíces aquí para criar a nuestro hijo, Ed, y a nuestra hija, Diana. Asistieron a las escuelas de la ciudad de Overland Park donde no estábamos solos esperando que aprendieran y prosperaran. Nada nos había hecho cuestionar su seguridad en la escuela. ¡Cómo han cambiado los tiempos! En los últimos 58 años, hemos visto un deterioro sorprendente en el clima social, y está poniendo en peligro de manera escalofriante y trágica a los escolares K-12. Desde 1966 hasta mayo de 2022, hubo 15 tiroteos masivos en escuelas de EE.UU., que resultaron en 146 muertos y 182

Nearly six decades have passed since I met and fell in love with an American, Manuel Reyes and his country and charming hometown. In Kansas City, I discovered a hub of hospitality, and I was charmed by its earnest, hardworking citizenry and safety, beauty, prosperity and many assorted attractions and landmarks, and cultural life. Because of the area’s wholesome livability, Manuel and I set down roots here to raise our son, Ed and daughter, Diana. They attended Overland Park neighborhood schools where we weren’t alone in expecting them to learn and flourish. Nothing had ever caused us to question their safety and security at school. How times have changed! Over the past 58 years, we’ve seen a striking deterioration in the social climate, and it’s chillingly, tragically imperiling K-12 schoolkids. From 1966 to May 2022, there were 15 mass shootings at U.S. schools, resulting in 146 dead

Continued from Page 1A

maneras”. Las formas en que el centro servirá a la comunidad incluyen ofrecer un centro diurno, un gimnasio de rehabilitación, una biblioteca, un laboratorio de computación, un área de cuidado de la memoria de baja estimulación y una sala de artes y manualidades. Además, habrá un área de recreación al aire libre y salas de reuniones, informa Swope Health. “PACE KC ofrecerá un enfoque proactivo y práctico para abordar la atención integral de la persona: necesidades físicas, emocionales y psicológicas”, dijo Heath Rath, director ejecutivo de PACE KC, en el comunicado. El trabajo está siendo financiado en parte por Wesley Fields, junto con una subvención de $1.4 millones de la Fundación Mabee, afirma Swope Health News. McCownGordon Construction, con sede en Kansas City, Missouri, que ha trabajado en más de 1,100 proyectos, incluidos otros proyectos de salud, se desempeña como contratista general, según los datos de Swope Health. En su página de Facebook, McCownGordon Construction publicó algunas fotos de la ceremonia inaugural y dijo que está emocionado de participar en el proyecto. “El Centro de Bienestar para Adultos PACE KC tendrá un impacto en tantas vidas y estamos orgullosos de hacer realidad estos sueños”, decía la publicación.

growing our presence to serve the community in new ways.” Ways the center will serve the community include offering a day center, rehab gym, library, computer lab, low-stimulation memory care area, and an arts and crafts room. In addition, there will be an outdoor recreation area and meeting rooms, Swope Health information states. “PACE KC will offer a proactive, hands-on approach to addressing whole-person care – physical, emotional and psychological needs,” Heath Rath, PACE KC executive director, was quoted in the release as saying. Work is being partly funded by Wesley Fields, along with a $1.4-million grant from the Mabee Foundation, Swope Health information states. Kansas City, Missouri-headquartered McCownGordon Construction – which has worked on 1,100-plus projects, including different health projects – is serving as the general contractor, Swope Health information states. On its Facebook page, McCownGordon Construction posted some pictures of the groundbreaking ceremony and said it is excited to be involved with the project. “The PACE KC Adult Wellness Center will impact so many lives and we’re proud to bring these dreams to reality,” the post said.

heridos, según la base de datos de investigadores de Scientific American. El 1 de agosto de 1966, un hombre armado subió a la parte superior de la torre de observación de la Universidad de Texas-Austin y disparó al azar en el campus de abajo. Mató a 16 personas e hirió a 31. Y todavía estamos paralizados por el último tiroteo masivo en una escuela, que ocurrió el 24 de mayo, sólo dos días antes de las vacaciones de verano. Dejó 19 estudiantes de primaria y dos maestros muertos, y otros 17 heridos. ¿Qué motiva tan monstruosos ataques? Algunos perpetradores se inspiran en tiradores escolares anteriores; buscan fama y notoriedad, escribieron dos profesores de justicia penal en la edición en línea del 25 de mayo de la revista Scientific American. “Sin embargo, la mayoría de los tiradores escolares están motivados por una ira generalizada”, escribieron los profesores James Densley y Jillian Peterson. ¿Qué hemos hecho para crear esta distopia donde las escuelas ya no son instituciones prometedoras de aprendizaje e infancia sin preocupaciones, sino de peligro y muerte? ¿Es la proliferación y el fácil acceso a las armas de fuego? ¿Los problemas de la sociedad se manifiestan terriblemente en las escuelas? ¿No estamos, como padres y abuelos, asumiendo un papel activo en la vida de los niños, monitoreando adecuadamente su comportamiento y reconociendo cuándo es el momento de una intervención profesional? Al igual que otros, pienso con añoranza en la prosperidad y la seguridad que prevalecían cuando llegué a Estados Unidos, y me pregunto cómo, o incluso si, podemos restaurar nuestro mundo y nuestras escuelas. Y contemplo lo que personalmente puedo hacer. En memoria de Nevaeh Alyssa Bravo, 10 Jacklyn Jaylen Cázares, 9 Makenna Lee Elrod, 10 José Flores, 10 Eliahna “Ellie” García, 10 Uziyah García, 9 Amerie Jo Garza, 10 Xavier James López, 10 Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, 10 Tess Mata, 10 Maranda Gail Mathis, 11 Alithia Ramírez, 10 Anabelle Rodríguez, 10 Maite Yuleana Rodríguez, 10 Alejandría Aniyah Rubio, 10 Layla Salazar, 11 Jailah Nicole Silguero, 10 Eliahna Torres, 10 Rojelio Torres, 10 Maestras de cuarto grado Irma García y Eva Mireles




and 182 injured, according to Scientific American researchers’ database. On Aug. 1, 1966, a gunman climbed to the top of the University of Texas-Austin observation tower and fired randomly on the campus below. He killed 16 people and wounded 31. And we’re still transfixed by the latest mass school shooting, occurring May 24, just two days before summer vacation. It left 19 elementary students and two teachers dead, and 17 others wounded. What motivates such monstrous attacks? Some perpetrators are inspired by past school shooters; they seek fame and notoriety, wrote two professors of criminal justice in the May 25 online edition of Scientific American magazine. “However, most school shooters are motivated by a generalized anger,” professors James Densley and Jillian Peterson wrote. What’ve we done to create this dystopia where schools are no longer promising institutions of learning and carefree childhood but of danger and death? Is it the proliferation and easy access to firearms? Are society’s problems dreadfully manifesting in schools? Are we as parents and grandparents failing to take an active role in kids’ lives, properly monitor their behavior and recognize when it’s time for professional intervention? Like others, I think longingly of the prosperity and safety that prevailed when I came to the U.S., and I wonder how or even if we can restore our world and our schools. And I contemplate what I personally can do. In Memoriam Nevaeh Alyssa Bravo, 10 Jacklyn Jaylen Cazares, 9 Makenna Lee Elrod, 10 Jose Flores, 10 Eliahna “Ellie” Garcia, 10 Uziyah Garcia, 9 Amerie Jo Garza, 10 Xavier James Lopez, 10 Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, 10 Tess Mata, 10 Maranda Gail Mathis, 11 Alithia Ramirez, 10 Anabelle Rodriguez, 10 Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, 10 Alexandria Aniyah Rubio, 10 Layla Salazar, 11 Jailah Nicole Silguero, 10 Eliahna Torres, 10 Rojelio Torres, 10 Fourth-grade teachers Irma Garcia and Eva Mireles




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1701 S. 55th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 • www.dosmundos.com • Phone: (816) 221-4747 • President/Editor Clara Reyes Advertising Manager Diana Raymer Operations Manager Hector Perez

Honor Deceased Dad Continued from Page 1A

con usted y compartir recuerdos de su papá. *Escríbale una carta a su papá: El hecho de que su papá ya no esté aquí no borrará sus sentimientos por él. Exprese esos sentimientos en una carta. Dígale lo que extraña de él y por qué es importante tener su espíritu con usted. Recuerde, nadie puede quitarle la relación que tuvo con su papá, así que atesore sus recuerdos de él y disfrute el Día del Padre. Aunque no está aquí en persona, todavía está aquí, en espíritu.

some time with you and share memories about your dad. *Write your dad a letter: The fact that your father is not here anymore will not erase your feelings for him. Express those feelings in a letter. Tell him what you miss about him and why it is important to have his spirit with you. Remember, no one can take away the relationship you had with your dad, so cherish your memories of him and enjoy Father’s Day. Even though he is not here in person, he is still here – in spirit.

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Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper is published every Thursday. Preferred deadline for press releases is the Tuesday before the week of publication. Subscriptions are $45 for one year and may be sent to the above address. Deadline for advertising copy is noon on the Tuesdayimmediately preceeding per column inch. For mechanical information for display ads, or to reserve space for advertising, call Manuel Reyes at (816) 221-4747.

Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 24 • June 16 - June 22, 2022

Be COVID Safe this Summer! ¡Protéjase del COVID este verano!


El verano está aquí y eso significa salir y disfrutar del sol y divertirse! En muchos casos, esto significa reuniones grupales con personas con las que no vives. El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado quiere que esté seguro del COVID este verano, por lo que aquí hay información y consejos adicionales: Síntomas del COVID-19: Comience por conocer los síntomas del COVID-19. Estos incluyen dolor de cabeza, tos, dolores musculares, pérdida del olfato y el gusto, fiebre, escalofríos, secreción nasal, dolor de garganta, dificultad para respirar, diarrea o náuseas y vómitos. Protéjase a sí mismo y a su familia: ¡Hay muchas maneras en las que puede protegerse a sí mismo y a quienes lo rodean del COVID! Éstos incluyen: *Vacunas y refuerzos: vacúnese y refuércese para obtener la mejor protección. Las vacunas y refuerzos contra el COVID están disponibles para personas de 5 años en adelante. *Pruebas: Hágase una prueba si tiene síntomas o ha estado expuesto a COVID *Máscaras: Considere usar una máscara en espacios públicos interiores para reducir la propagación del virus, especialmente en lugares concurridos o con poca ventilación. *Distanciamiento social: haga todo lo posible para distanciarse socialmente: manténgase a 6 pies de distancia en los espacios públicos *Quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo: independientemente del estado de vacunación, quédese en casa si tiene algún síntoma. Además, quédese en casa si no está vacunado y ha estado expuesto al COVID. ¡Hágase la prueba! Si cree que tiene síntomas de COVID-19, realice una prueba simple y descubra los hechos. *Las pruebas de COVID le brindan información sobre su salud y ayudan a evitar que transmita COVID a otros. *Encuentre un lugar de prueba cerca de usted: -- bit.ly/WyCoCOVIDtest (o vaya a wycokck. org/covid-19 y haga clic en Información de prueba de COVID-19) -- KnowBeforeYouGoKS.com -- Tenga en cuenta: El Departamento de Salud Pública de la UG no administra pruebas de COVID en este momento. *Solicite kits de prueba caseros gratuitos: -- CovidTests.gov -- AccessCovidTests.org ¡Vacúnese! Las vacunas son la forma más importante de protegerse. Son seguras y efectivas. *Las vacunas pueden ayudar a proteger contra el contagio de COVID. Si contrae COVID después de haber sido vacunado, la vacuna le brinda protección contra síntomas graves, hospitalización y muerte. *Las personas de 5 años en adelante pueden vacunarse. *Se recomiendan Pfizer y Moderna, ya que son altamente efectivos y seguros. Recibirá 2 dosis con

ummer is here and that means getting out and enjoying the sun and having some S fun! In a lot of cases this means group gather-

ings with people you don’t live with. The Unified Government Public Health Department wants you to be COVID safe this summer, so here is some additional information and tips: COVID-19 Symptoms: Start by knowing the symptoms of COVID-19. These include headache, cough, muscle aches, loss of smell and taste, fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, diarrhea or nausea and vomiting. Protect Yourself and Your Family: There are a lot of ways you can protect yourself and those around you from COVID! These include: *Vaccines and boosters: Get vaccinated and boosted for the best protection – COVID vaccines and boosters are available for people ages 5 and older *Testing: Get a test if you have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID *Masks: Consider wearing a mask in public indoor spaces to reduce spread of the virus, especially in places that are crowded or have

unas pocas semanas de diferencia. *Alternativamente, las vacunas de Johnson & Johnson (J&J) todavía están disponibles para las personas que no pueden obtener o no quieren Pfizer o Moderna. *Obtenga una vacuna: -- Vaya a Vaccines. gov o WycoVaccines. org para encontrar sitios de vacunación y refuerzo cerca de usted. -- Llame al 913-573-8815 para hacer una cita en el Departamento de Salud Pública de UG del Condado de Wyandotte, 619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS, 66101. ¡Obtenga una vacuna de refuerzo gratis si es elegible! Como con la mayoría de las vacunas, la inmunidad de su cuerpo disminuye con el tiempo. Una inyección de refuerzo recupera esa inmunidad para protegerlo mejor. *Obtenga un refuerzo si han pasado 5 meses después de su segunda inyección de Pfizer o Moderna, o 2 meses después de una inyección de J&J. *Los refuerzos están disponibles para personas de 5 años en adelante (Nota: Pfizer es la única vacuna aprobada para personas menores de 18 años). *Traiga su cartilla de vacunación cuando vaya a recibir su refuerzo. *Obtenga un refuerzo: -- Vaya a Vaccines.gov o WycoVaccines.org para encontrar sitios de vacunación y refuerzo cerca de usted. -- Llame al 913-573-8815 para hacer una cita en el Departamento de Salud Pública de UG del Condado de Wyandotte, 619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS, 66101. Para obtener la información más reciente sobre vacunas, vacunas de refuerzo, pruebas y otras actualizaciones relacionadas con el COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte, visite WycoVaccines. org. Y ahora, también puede obtener información sobre cómo encontrar y hacerse pruebas de COVID-19 en el condado de Wyandotte, o cómo solicitar pruebas en el hogar visitando https:// ughealth.info/hometest.

poor ventilation *Social distancing: Do your best to socially distance - stay 6 feet apart in public spaces *Staying home when sick: Regardless of vaccination status, stay home if you have any symptoms. Also, stay home if you are unvaccinated and you’ve been exposed to COVID. Get Tested! If you think you have COVID19 symptoms, take a simple test and find out the facts. COVID tests give you info on your health and help prevent you from spreading COVID to others. *Find a testing location near you -- bit.ly/WyCoCOVIDtest (or go to wycokck.org/covid-19 and click on COVID19 Test Info) -- KnowBeforeYouGoKS.com -- Please note: The UG Public Health Department does not administer COVID tests at this time. *Order free home test kits: -- CovidTests.gov -- AccessCovidTests.org Get Vaccinated! Vaccines are the most important way to protect yourself. They are safe and effective. *Vaccines can help protect against getting COVID. If you do get COVID after being vaccinated, the vaccine gives you protection against serious symptoms, hospitalization, and death. *People ages 5 and up can get vaccinated *Pfizer and Moderna are recommended, and they are highly effective and safe. You will receive 2 doses a few weeks apart. *Alternatively, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccines are still available for people who can’t get or don’t want Pfizer or Moderna. *Get a vaccine: -- Go to Vaccines.gov or WycoVaccines.org to find vaccination and booster sites near you. -- Call 913-573-8815 to make an appointment at the UG Public Health Department of Wyandotte County, 619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS, 66101. Get a free booster shot if you’re eligible! Like with most vaccinations, your body’s immunity wanes over time. A booster shot brings that immunity back up to better protect you. *Get a booster if it has been 5 months after your 2nd Pfizer or Moderna shot, or 2 months after a J&J shot. *Boosters are available for people ages 5 and up (Note: Pfizer is the only vaccine approved for people under 18). Bring your vaccination card with you when you go to get your booster. *Get a booster: -- Go to Vaccines.gov or WycoVaccines.org to find vaccination and booster sites near you. -- Call 913-573-8815 to make an appointment at the UG Public Health Department of Wyandotte County, 619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS, 66101. For the latest information about vaccinations, booster shots, testing and other COVID19 related updates in Wyandotte County, visit WycoVaccines.org. And now, you can also get information about finding and getting COVID-19 tests in Wyandotte County, or how to order home tests by visiting https:// ughealth.info/hometest.

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Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 24 • June 16 - June 22, 2022



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Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 24 • June 16 - June 22, 2022


KC hosts mini-LEGO competition KC organiza competencia de mini-LEGO

Graduations 2022


Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Tamela Garcia are proud to announce the graduation of their son, Adriano Cruz Jesus Garcia, from Oak Park High School with a Gold Medallion Diploma on Friday May 20, 2022. Adriano had many accolades during his time at Oak Park: Blue Blood in Track, Captain of the football team, and Section Leader in the drum line just to

name a few. Adriano is an honor student, member of the National Honor Society and a Hy-Vee Scholar Athlete winner. In the fall he will be attending the University of Central Missouri majoring in Anthropology. Adriano also will be a member of the University of Central Missouri Track and Field team.

l 10 de junio, los jóvenes del área de Kansas City se reunieron para probar sus habilidades de construcción cuando el LEGOLAND Discovery Center Kansas City organizó su primera competencia mini-LEGO. Días antes del evento, niños de 5 a 11 años enviaron sus creaciones para ser parte de la competencia. Luego, de las 11 a.m. a la 1 p.m. el 10 de junio, cada uno construyó la casa de sus sueños. El ganador fue coronado Mini-Master Model Builder de Kansas City y representará al área en una competencia virtual para perseguir el título de North America’s Mini-Master Model Builder. El LEGOLAND Discovery Center está ubicado al sur de Crown Center Square en 25th y Grand Boulevard en Kansas City, Missouri. El lugar ofrece un espacio interactivo y educativo, especialmente para familias con niños de 3 a 10 años.

By Tere Siqueira

n June 10, Kansas City area youngsters O gathered to test their construction skills when the LEGOLAND Discovery Center Kansas

City hosted its first mini-LEGO competition. Days before the event, kids ages 5-11 submitted their creations to be part of the competition. Then, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 10, they each built their dream house. The winner was crowned Kansas City’s Mini-Master Model Builder and will represent the area in a virtual competition to pursue the title of North America’s Mini-Master Model Builder. The LEGOLAND Discovery Center is located south of Crown Center Square at 25th and Grand Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri. The venue offers an interactive and educational space, particularly for families with children ages 3-10.

Deportes y más deportes…

Meghan Adriana Arias graduated from Olathe South High School.

Danny Talavera Jr. graduated from Mill Valley High school.

Jahleel Martin Allen graduated from MCCPenn Valley.

Mexicanos destacan en el automovilismo Checo Pérez volvió a hacer podio en el Grand Prix de Azerbaiyán, el piloto mexicano de la Fórmula 1 quedó en segundo lugar por detrás de su compañero de equipo Max Verstappen. Checo tuvo una buena arrancada que en apenas pocos metros pudo superar a Charles LeClerc para ubicarse como líder de la carrera pero que a la postre tuvo que ceder su posición a Verstappen por indicaciones de su equipo. En el Nascar Cup, el piloto mexicano Daniel Suárez obtuvo la primera victoria de su carrera tras imponerse en el autódromo de Sonoma el domingo. Suárez es el primer mexicano en conseguir una victoria en un Nascar Cup Series y el quinto extranjero en hacerlo. El único que no pudo conseguir podio fue Pato O’Ward quien tuvo complicaciones en la vuelta 45 de la carrera Road America del Indycar Series y terminó en la posición 26. Warriors, a una victoria de la gloria Los Golden State Warriors ganaron el Juego 5 de las Finales de la NBA y se colocaron a una victoria de conseguir su cuarto título en ocho años. Los Warriors supieron sobreponerse de un tercer cuarto que por lo general lo saben manejar muy bien pero que esta vez fue todo para Celtics. Con un Stephen Curry apagado, el liderato del equipo tuvo que recaer en Andrew Wiggins, quien terminó con dobles dígitos tanto en anotaciones como en rebotes en dos partidos consecutivos. Stephen Curry rompió una racha histórica de 132 partidos conectando por lo menos un triple. El ‘Chef’ se fue con 9 de nueve el lunes por la noche. El juego 6 se juega esta noche en el TD Garden y los Warriors por lo menos aseguraron regresar a casa a definir la serie.

State Avenue Dental Office

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Tyreek Hill dice que Tagovailoa es mejor que Mahomes El ahora receptor abierto de los Miami Dolphins, Tyreek Hill, dijo en su podcast que ve a Tua Tagovailoa como mejor pasador que Patrick Mahomes y que los Chiefs sufrirán sin él en el equipo. Pero regresando a ver los partidos en los que Mahomes jugó sin Hill como receptor en 2019, el mariscal de los Chiefs completó 103 pases en 162 intentos con ocho touchdowns y ninguna intercepción.

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Yendo aún más atrás, en 2017 cuando Mahomes aún no era titular, él sustituyó a Alex Smith en el último juego de la temporada, Patrick lanzó para 284 yardas con una intercepción. Hill descansó ese día. Mexicana entre las mejores goleadoras del mundo Las buenas actuaciones de Alicia Cervantes durante el semestre pasado tanto con su club Chivas y la selección, donde ha anotado 23 goles en total, le han valido para ser considerada entre las mejores cinco del mundo. Cervantes es superada por Samantha Kerr del Chelsea, Marie Antoniiette Katotto del PSG y Tessa Wuallert del Anderlecht quienen llevan 26 goles cada una. Alicia Cervantes se coronó con Chivas campeona del torneo femenil en el Clausura 2022 y es considerada la mejor delantera mexicana del momento. Otras mexicanas que figuran en el top 15 del mundo son Stephany Mayor de Tigres en el puesto 10 quien sumó 17 goles la temporada pasada y Charlyn Corral, en el puesto 12 con la misma cantidad de goles. Peter Vermes sufre con el recambio generacional El entrenador del Sporting Kansas City dijo en una entrevista con MLSSocer.com que se siente un poco frustrado de no poder salir a buscar promesas en otras partes del país para hacer un cambio generacional en el equipo con sangre nueva ya que el área de Kansas City no es un territorio fértil para conseguir jugadores jóvenes. “Si dependiera de mí, abriría el territorio por completo como lo hace el resto del mundo,” dijo Vermes. Kansas City se encuentra en la última posición de la Conferencia Oeste con 13 puntos jugando casi con jugadores alternos. Los Jugadores Designados Alan Pulido y Gadi Kinda se encuentran lesionados por el resto de la temporada; además de que las otras estrellas como Graham Suzi, Johnny Russell y Nicolas Isimat-Mirin se han perdido varios partidos por lesión, esto sumado a los llamados a sus selecciones de algunos de los jugadores como Daniel Salloi y Marinos Tzionis. Esto no impide a que Vermes sueñe con llegar a la postemporada y para ello intentará fichar en el próximo mercado de verano.

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Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc...




Ridge Departamentos de 1 y 2 recamaras

CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISOR (Job Opening ID #515260) Full-time position available with KCMO’s Office of the City Manager, Corrections Division, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (evenings and weekends as needed). Performs responsible supervisory correctional work. Assists in the operation and management of the Corrections/Transportation Division of The Municipal Court. Supervises Senior Correctional Officers and Correctional Officers. Trains, schedules, places, and evaluates assigned staff. Must be skilled in problem-solving and exercising broad discretion and independent judgment to facilitate maximum care and security of persons in the custody of Kansas City. Maintains files on subordinates and documents their work performance for evaluative purposes and handles discipline of subordinates. Makes periodic inspection tours of officers while they are on duty to ensure they are alert and diligent in performing their duties. Effectively executes all orders of the manager. Maintains reports of daily incidents, training, or counseling of officers. Ensures all shifts are functioning correctly. Candidate should be skilled in modern principles and practices governing persons in custody and the methods and techniques used in enforcing the discipline of persons under restraint. Must be able to plan, assign and supervise all officers and command loyalty, respect, order, and confidence of custody and subordinates. Must enforce regulations with firmness, tact, and impartiality. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of increasingly responsible experience in corrections, including 1 year at the level of the City’s Senior Correctional Officer. Salary Range: $18.24$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: June 27, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/ jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST (COMPENSTATION & BENEFITS/EMPLOYEE RELATIONS) The Unified Government of WyCo/KCK is seeking to fill two HR Analyst positions. One for Compensation & Benefits and one for Employee Relations. For the position of HR Analyst (Employee Relations), responsibilities will include conducting workplace investigations regarding Title IV and other workplace matters. The HR Analyst (Compensation & Benefits) is responsible for Compensation Administration activities for Unified Government wide compensation programs. Duties include conducting annual and ad hoc market analysis for non-union and 13 bargaining units’ compensation plans. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources, Business or a related field and three years of Human Resources experience. Ability to multi-task. Proficiency in Microsoft office products. Professional certification through HRCI and/or SHRM a plus. For a complete job description, minimum qualifications and application instructions please visit www.wycokck.org/jobs. Salary: $4,411.34-$5,900.27/ mo. Deadline: June 29, 2022 EOE HELP WANTED

Tear Down Tech: ***Tech must have experience and own tools to work on dismantling of salvaged automobiles. Forklift experience is a must as well.*** Tech will dismantle automobiles assigned to him and will be paid top dollar per car torn down. Other responsibilities: loading and unloading parts with forklift, dismantles cores, handles aluminum, equipment maintenance, ect. Can easily make $600-1000 per week. Benefits: Lunches provided daily, weekly pay, one week vacation, and sign on bonus. Call 816-921-9999

515 S Clairborne Rd. Olathe, KS 66062 Departamentos Corporativos Disponibles

$200 de deposito • Las mejores escuelas • Alberca • Lavandería • Electricos • Camara de seguridad Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594


The Kansas City Public Library seeks multiple positions, incl: Tech Access Prog. Coord. – monitors hotline, ensures services, and maintains volunteer records. Advanced tech skills, exp w/ budgeting & asset management. Asst. Branch Mngr – schedules & assts staff, assts patrons, familiar with Library practices, MLS or equiv. exp. Assoc, & Asst openings - view site for listings For more details and for immediate, confidential consideration, apply online at: https://kclibrary.org/ jobs EOE/M/F/D/V/SO


HISTORY McCownGordon is proud to be a part of history as the prime contractor for the construction of the Student Experience Center located at Missouri University of Science & Technology. Opportunities are available for MBE / WBE / DBE / Veteran / SDVE firms with McCownGordon Construction. Learn more online at https://mccowngordon.com/mst-trade-partner-info/ or by contacting s&tteam@mccowngordon.com

BIDS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY USING BuildingConnected by June 23, 2022 at 2 PM https://app.buildingconnected.com/public/565cdb606895000f004164f2/projects/621554d8e2848800ab9ad00b


















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(Job Opening ID #515262)

(Job Opening ID #515258)

Several limited-term positions available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, Administration Division, 4600 E. 63rd St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Varies, work days rotate and include evening and weekends. Assists the Director of Parks and Recreation in the security, control, management and protection of all Kansas City, Missouri parks, park property, boulevards, roadways within the parks, community centers and all wildlife and natural/cultural resources of the park. Assures the convenience and safety of all persons using the Kansas City, Missouri parks as permitted by city ordinance. Educates the public regarding park rules and regulations, proper use of park facilities and park natural resources. Issues General Ordinance Summonses (GOS) and Uniform Traffic Tickets (UTT) when required. Writes incident reports and other reports as required to document incidents, damage, theft, etc. Directs traffic when needed. Obtains needed medical, rescue or other emergency assistance in the event of emergencies involving illness or injury, or danger to life. Removes motor vehicles or trailers parked in violation of any city ordinance or requires the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to do so. Removes persons violating any law, or the rules and regulations of the director of parks and recreation, or in any other way endangering the safety or property of others. Provides support to other divisions and law enforcement agencies as required. Patrols Park areas in radio-equipped vehicles, on foot, on bicycle and on all-terrain vehicles (ATV) assisting park visitors and protecting park resources. Checks Park visitors for appropriate passes and permits. Locks and unlocks gates at specified opening and closing times. Requests assistance from other law enforcement agencies, fire departments and emergency medicine agencies, tow companies, etc. Provides traffic control and crowd control services. Assists in searches for lost children, park patrons, etc. Closes hazardous roads and barricades roads during dangerous conditions. Assists with searches for possible drowning victims. Reports all safety, health, or environmental hazards to the Park Ranger Supervisor. Performs other duties as assigned. REQUIRES high school graduation. Must be at least 21 years of age. Must possess a valid state-issued driver’s license in accordance with City of KCMO policies. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Must be eligible to obtain a class A private officer’s commission as issued by the KCMO Police Department. Must meet one of the following 3 requirements: (1) Graduated in good standing and be in possession of a certificate of completion from an accredited civilian police academy whose curriculum consisted of at least 470 hours of law enforcement training to include handgun training at the federal, state or local level; (2) Graduated in good standing and be in possession of a certificate of completion from a military police training/MP advanced individual training or other military MOS that involves law enforcement, criminal investigation or security patrol on military installations that included handgun training; (3) 3 years of experience as an armed security officer in good standing. Preference given for a background in park police and/or park security patrol, have parks and recreation experience, have an accredited degree in a parks and recreation related field and can exhibit a strong general knowledge of the natural environment. Salary Range: $16.35-$17.31/hour (with health insurance); $16.35-$25.96/hour (without health insurance). Application Deadline: August 15, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Two full-time positions available with the Parks & Recreation Department, Brush Creek Community Center, 3801 Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd.; and the Athletics Division, 4600 E. 63rd St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Brush Creek: Sunday-Thursday; Sunday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday, 12:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.; Athletics: Tuesday-Friday, 12:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; some nights and weekends. Brush Creek: Oversees and delivers quality programming to center patrons as well as supervising staff in addition to administrative duties. This may include timekeeping, facilitating and coordinating senior programs, and supervising activities either within or outside the community center. Works with senior recreational programs such as Silver Sneakers, Pickleball, Badminton, Senior Committee, and other senior programming. Occasionally plans some special events. Completes and reviews PPG’s. Obtains quotes for supplies needed for programs. Remains familiar with the policies and procedures of Kansas City Parks & Recreation. Serves as the manager on duty with responsibility of facilitating rentals, supervising staff, and maintaining effective customer service when working with the public. Establishes community outreach goals set by their managers. Outreach activities may include but are not limited to meeting with members of other organizations, canvassing the neighborhood, delivering flyers, and contacting potential participants. Athletics: Delivers quality programming to City Patrons. This may include such activities as coaching, facilitating, instructing, or coordinating activities and programs either within or outside the community center. Plans and implements Youth and Adult athletic programs such as basketball, pickleball and softball leagues as well as other sport programs. Supervises full and part-time staff. Works with local schools’ districts and community groups to strengthen and maintain a positive and cooperative working relationship. Maintains excellent customer services when working with the public. Facilitates field rentals in civicrec. Establishes community outreach goals set by their managers. Outreach activities may include but are not limited to meeting with members of other organizations, canvassing the neighborhood, delivering flyers, and contacting potential participants. Attends cash handling classes provided by the City. Maintains and oversees inventory and supplies for athletics. Organizes and facilitates city wide leagues and tournaments. Maintains a working knowledge of all general and departmental policies. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in recreation, physical education, public administration or other area of specialization and one 1 year professional experience of a progressively responsible nature in organized recreation activities at the level of the City’s Recreation Director; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $21.88-$35.31/hour. Application Deadline: June 21, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/ jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.


Two full-time positions available with KCMO’s Office of the City Manager, Communications Division, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: MondayFriday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (with occasional evening and weekend hours). Manages daily operations as well as longerterm projects. Fills in for the City Communications Director as needed. Represents the City when talking to the news media, residents and in other public settings. Supervises a team of 6-12 employees to fulfill the responsibilities of each section. Works with a variety of City departments, projects and initiatives, and collaborates across all communications functions with the entire communications team. Serves as a leader in the office and while meeting with clients. Provides excellent customer service and utilizes proactive problem solving. Assists in developing communications strategies for various City programs. Manages multiple high-profile projects. Performs other duties as assigned. Each supervisory position will lead a team of employees in one of these sections: Media Relations or Video Services. Media Relations Manager: Manages media relations, including developing and delivering city messages to the news media. Serves as a main City spokesperson both in print and on-camera. Coordinates events such as news conferences and public hearings. Supervises social media messaging and strategy. Supervises the organization, promotion and staffing of community and employee engagement events. Video Services Manager: Manages Channel 2 operations, including 15-20 hours of live Council meetings per week. Manages video production to create approximately 300 original videos per year, as well as the City’s YouTube Channel and other streaming technology. Supervises videographers and assigns coverage for news conferences and city events. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in engineering, business or public administration PUBLIC HELP WANTED NOTICE PUBLIC HELP WANTED NOTICE PUBLIC HELP WANTED NOTICE or other appropriate disciplines and 7 years of experience in a PUBLIC NOTICE variety of programs requiring LEE’S SUMMIT HOUSING AUTHORITY specialized technical/professional ANNUAL PLAN 24 CFR 903 experience, including 3 years of progressively responsible The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority announces administrative and supervisory that on June 10, 2022 the PHA shall make available VIVENT HEALTH CARES experience; OR an equivalent Public review Housing aand Housing hoice Voucher of for public draft copy Cof components combination of qualifying The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority waiting Agency lists are oPlan pen tper o receive its Five-Year and Annual the applications education and experience, with at of H24 CFRw903, requirement ofhoice the Voucher for placement guidelines on the Public ousing aiting alist and Housing C three 3 years of progressively Quality Responsibility Act of or least waiting list until filled. THousing o apply, gand o to lWork eesummit.housingmanager.com, by responsible administrative and 1998.at hacls.org and choose the program you want to apply visiting our website for. supervisory experience at the Once full the w aiting documents lists will close and pplications will no lthrough onger be accepted. These will beaavailable Monday Obtén una prueba de VIH / ETS level of the City’s Administrative GRATUITA Y CONFIDENCIAL con Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at the PHA Officer. Preference for an nuestro equipo de prevención. Eligibility administration offices located at 111 SE Grand accredited Bachelor’s ESTAMOS ABIERTOS TODOS LOS DÍAS DE 11 AM A Current Avenue, income limits based on number of for persons in a hof ousehold. Lee’sare Summit, MO 64063 a period 5 PM Y LOS MARTES TARDE DE 11 A 6:30 PM. degree in journalism, NO SE NECESITA CITA. (Total h45 ousehold approximately days.income not to exceed) English, communications or Gratis, Rápido y Confidencial 1 PHA has 2 3 7 8 similar field and 5 years of The scheduled a4 public 5 hearing6 to be held Programs Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons experience in news media, on June 24, 2022 at 3:00 pm in the community public relations, government Section 8 $28,950 $44,700 $51,300 room at$33,100 111 SE$37,250 Grand$41,350 Avenue, Lee’s$48,000 Summit, MO $54,600 or a related field. Salary Public 64063. At this time, the PHA shall receive and Housing $46,350 $52,950 $59,550 $66,150 $71,450 $76,750 $82,050 $87,350 Range: $4,945-$8,833/month. consider all comments prior to finalization of their Application Deadline: June agency plan for submission to HUD on or before 27, 2022. Apply online at www. THE LEE’S SUMMIT HOUSING AUTHORITY DOES BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FAIR HOUSING LAWS AND IS 7/25/22. AN EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed 4309 E. 50th Terrace, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64130 to a diverse workforce. (816)778-0772

Infórmate, Actualízate, Hazte la Prueba.

Page 4B. 3B.MUNDOS DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 •24 Issue 24 14 16 • June April 07 1622, - 13, 22, 2022 Page 4B. DOS • Volume 42 • Issue • June - June 2022 HELP WANTED








(Job Opening ID #515236)


Several full-time positions available with KCMO’s Water Department, Supply Division, 1 NW Briarcliff Rd. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 3:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m. (may include weekends). Participates in various forms of training, such as classroom instruction, one-onone tutoring, workshops, video/ cassette tape study programs, home correspondence courses and on-the-job training. Inspects treatment facilities and pumping stations on designated routes to take readings, check equipment, pump scum pits, observe unit process performance and report unusual conditions. Operates equipment used in treatment and pumping operations. Operates sludge processing equipment such as sludge pumps, valves, dewatering equipment and incinerators. Operates various types of chemical unloading, handling, mixing and feeding equipment. Collects samples and performs routine tests such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, settle ability, percent solids, percent moisture, microscopic examinations, turbidity, alkalinity, hardness and chlorine residual. Operates line valves for in-plant water service and distribution systems, pump station header systems and filtration galleries. Performs well drawdown tests. Records readings and various plant data on standard forms and in computer programs. Maintains accurate operating records and log books on activities and plant data. Performs routine plant maintenance such as lubrication, preventive maintenance, minor repairs and general cleanup/ housekeeping. Troubleshoots problems with equipment and processes. Reports unusual conditions in plant processes or equipment. Prepares samples for transport to the departmental laboratory. Uses computer for monitoring and operation of various equipment and processes such as filtration, pumping and sludge incineration, as well as routine data entry and remote monitoring of facilities. Operates line valves for in-plant water service system, pump station header systems and filter galleries. Assists in the training of new Plant Operators. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES high school graduation. 6 months after date of hire, must obtain D-level operator certification in water/wastewater issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources.3 years after date of hire, must obtain C-level operator certification in water/wastewater issued by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Must pass a pre-employment drug screen and post-offer physical examination as prescribed by the City. Preference given for applicants with a Valid Driver’s License at time of interview. Salary Range: $16.64-$26.86/hour. Application Deadline: June 21, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

(Job Opening ID #515268) Full-time position available with KCMO’s City Manager’s Office, Communications Division, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. some weekends. Supervises the graphic design team within the City Communications Office. Facilitates the city’s creative processes from concept to completion, leading the creative direction of the city’s graphics and visual look while ensuring that the city’s brand standards are followed consistently. Works with City partners to ensure consistent branding and visual messaging and will work with city leadership on incoming projects. Provides creative leadership as the team produces the city magazine, newsletters, fliers, booklets, budget documents, social media and video graphics, etc. Performs technical and artistic skills needed of a Graphic Design Specialist, as they will also produce graphic design work daily. This position will be 75% graphic design work and 25% supervision/management work. Functions as key City Communications Office contact for projects and publications. Creates promotional materials for City events. Provides basic photo and video shooting and editing (in-phone and/or desktop). Creates social media graphics. Performs work on multiple highprofile projects. Performs other duties as assigned. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree and 3 years of progressively responsible, professional experience in business or public sector administration, with at least 2 years at the level of Senior Administrative Assistant; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience, with at least 3 years at the level of Senior Administrative Assistant. Preference given for graphic art techniques, familiarity with and skill in sketching, painting, lettering, photography, drafting, and other graphic arts. Applicable software including but not limited to Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe InDesign, Corel Draw, Macromedia Freehand, Microsoft Office Suite. Salary Range: $4,065-$6,769/month. Application Deadline: June 27, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.









(Job Opening ID #515260)

Full-time position available with KCMO’s Parks & Recreation Department, KC North Community Center, 3930 N.E. Antioch Rd. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. with some evenings, weekends and holidays as needed. Creates and implements youth, adult and senior adult programming. Coordinates summer camp activities, after school programming, athletic, fitness and all other programs associated with the community center. Creates and implements monthly special events. Provides assistance with community outreach. Maintains contact with community clubs, neighborhood associations, organized groups and interested participants or individuals. Manages front desk operations. Registers participants. Handles revenue and fees. Issues receipts. Assists with cleaning and provides supervision to the different areas of the facility. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in recreation, physical education, public administration or other related area of specialization; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $18.24-$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: June 21, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

Full-time position available with KCMO’s Office of the City Manager, Corrections Division, 414 E. 12th St. Normal Work Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (evenings and weekends as needed). Performs responsible supervisory correctional work. Assists in the operation and management of the Corrections/Transportation Division of The Municipal Court. Supervises Senior Correctional Officers and Correctional Officers. Trains, schedules, places, and evaluates assigned staff. Must be skilled in problem-solving and exercising broad discretion and independent judgment to facilitate maximum care and security of persons in the custody of Kansas City. Maintains files on subordinates and documents their work performance for evaluative purposes and handles discipline of subordinates. Makes periodic inspection tours of officers while they are on duty to ensure they are alert and diligent in performing their duties. Effectively executes all orders of the manager. Maintains reports of daily incidents, training, or counseling of officers. Ensures all shifts are functioning correctly. Candidate should be skilled in modern principles and practices governing persons in custody and the methods and techniques used in enforcing the discipline of persons under restraint. Must be able to plan, assign and supervise all officers and command loyalty, respect, order, and confidence of custody and subordinates. Must enforce regulations with firmness, tact, and impartiality. Performs related duties as required. REQUIRES high school graduation and 3 years of increasingly responsible experience in corrections, including 1 year at the level of the City’s Senior Correctional Officer. Salary Range: $18.24$29.44/hour. Application Deadline: June 27, 2022. Apply online at www.kcmo.gov/ jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. PUBLIC HELP WANTED NOTICE

INVITATION TO BID Bids for Repair Building Exterior, Howerton State Office Building Project No. O201501 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, July 14, 2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo.gov/ facilities


(Job Opening ID #515261)




MBE / WBE INVITATION TO BID JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding Vantage KCI Concessions and request your bid proposal for applicable material and/or labor. Currently we are soliciting M/ WBE Subcontractor/Supplier Bid Proposals for the following Scope of Work: NON-MEP ENABLING SCOPE We would appreciate your indication of the scope of work you will include in your proposal by June 24, 2022. Final proposals must be submitted to our office by June 24, 2022 10:00 AM (CT).

***PREBID CONFERENCE*** INVITATION A VIRTUAL PREBID TO BID CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULDED FOR JUNE 17, Bids for 2022 AT 8:30 AM (CT) Water System Bidding Press documents mayPress be Servi I m p r o v e m e n t s Missouri Service Missouri 802viewed Locust and/or obtained at www. 802 Locust Bennett Spring Columbia, MO 65201 Columbia, MO 65201 smartbid.net State Park, Project PHONE - 573-449-4167 PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAXJE - 573-874-5894 FAX - 573-874-5894 Dunn invites M/WBE No. X1807-01 subcontractors to call if any will be received assistance is required or Mundos Dos Mundos work by FMDC, State Dos questions arise concerning segmentation, work and contract of MO, UNTIL Adrequirements, Code: D&C_O2015-01 Ad Code: D&C_X1807-01 or the form of 1:30 PM, July proposal requested. Questions 14, 2022. For should be directed to Rich Wojcik, specific project Project Manager, by email at Rich.Wojcik@jedunn.com. information and ordering plans, go EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/ to: http://oa.mo. Veteran/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity gov/facilities

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