Volume 42 Issue 39

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hispana en KC lanza su primera cerveza

First Hispanic-owned beer company in KC launches first brew

City area’s business community.

Recently, the two founded Rizoma Liquid Creations, the area’s first known Hispanicowned beer company.

Ian golpea Cuba en su avance

El huracán Ian ya está causando estragos en el Caribe, luego de golpear Cuba la madrugada del martes (27 de septiembre) y avanzar hacia Florida.

El huracán tocó tierra justo al suroeste de la ciudad de La Coloma en el oeste de Cuba alrededor de las 4:30 a.m. ET, con vientos máximos sostenidos de 125 mph, según el Centro Nacional de Huracanes.

Al cierre de esta edición, el huracán Ian era un huracán de categoría 3 y se movía hacia Florida con pronósticos que predecían que podría convertirse en una tormenta de categoría 4 el martes por la noche. Sin embargo, se esperaba que se convirtiera en una tormenta de categoría 2 o 3 cuando toque tierra en algún lugar entre Tampa Bay y Charlotte Harbor.

Se esperaba que Ian trajera de 6 a 12 pulgadas de lluvia al centro-oeste de Florida, de 4 a 8 pulgadas al resto de la península y de 4 a 6 pulgadas a los Cayos hasta el jueves. Los condados a lo largo de la costa oeste de Florida habían emitido órdenes de evacuación.

Hurricane Ian hits Cuba as it moves towards Florida

press time, Hurricane Ian was a Category 3 hurricane and was moving towards Florida with forecasts predicting it could strengthen to a Category 4 storm Tuesday evening. However, it was expected to wane into a Category 2 or 3 storm when it makes landfall somewhere between Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. Ian was expected to bring 6 to 12 inches of rain to central-west Florida, 4 to 8 inches to the rest of the peninsula and 4 to 6 inches to the Keys through Thursday. Counties along Florida’s west coast had issued evacuation orders.

Roger Ortega lanza su tercer álbum

El músico Roger Ortega, quien acaba de regresar a su Kansas natal después de 23 años, lanzará su tercer álbum el 30 de septiembre.

El álbum, “Midwest Charm”, se estrenará exclusivamente en el sitio web de Ortega, RogerOrtega.com, y contará con unas 20 canciones. Todavía no hay una fecha para cuando el álbum llegue a las plataformas de streaming, pero cuando llegue tendrá menos canciones.

“Este álbum está escrito como una carta de amor a Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Kansas”, dijo. “Dejé Kansas en 1998 para dedicarme a la música y he tenido la suerte de hacerlo, de tener algunos logros en la música y ganarme la vida haciendo eso, por lo que este álbum es realmente la culminación de los últimos 23 años de mi vida”.

Oriundo de Topeka, Ortega se mudó en Nueva York en 1998 para

Ortega releases third album

Musician Roger Ortega — who just moved back to his native Kansas after 23 years — is releasing his third album on Sept. 30.

The album, “Midwest Charm,” will debut exclusively on Ortega’s website, RogerOrtega. com, and feature about 20 songs. There’s no date yet for when the album will hit streaming platforms, but it will have fewer songs.

“This album is written as a love letter to New York, New Jersey and Kansas,” he said. “I left Kansas in 1998 to pursue music and I’ve been blessed to do so — to have some accomplish ments in music and make my living doing that — so this album is really a culmination of the last 23 years of my life.”


Originally from Topeka, Ortega settled in New York in 1998 to pursue his music career. It wasn’t until 2012, however, that his career took off. He released his first album, “RnBPoP Wrytr,” which hit No. 62 on the iTunes chart. In 2016, his second album, “The Lottery,” hit No. 8 on the iTunes chart.

That success granted Ortega the opportunity to attend the Grammys in 2017. He described the experience as surreal.

Damon Arredondo y Edwing Méndez se han convertido en pioneros en la comunidad empresarial en el área de Kansas City. Recientemente, los dos fundaron Rizoma Liquid Creations, la primera compañía cervecera de propiedad hispana conocida en el área. “No tenemos un espacio para preparar cerveza”, dijo Méndez. “Es algo que también hemos estado averiguando. Damon es el que prepara toda la cerveza. Tiene experiencia como maestro cervecero”. Con Arrendondo elaborando Local 902-A Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 TWO WORLDS •BILINGUAL• Presort Standard US Postage Paid St. Joseph MO 64501PERMIT #2247 1701 S. 55th. Street, Kansas City, KS 66106 | (816) 221- 4747 Volume 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 - October 05, 2022 DeportesHealth• 3a> 4a> 41 •años• Huracán
hacia Florida 2a> Primera compañía cervecera
Eventos Comunitarios 1,4B> ‘Mistakes that shouldn’t have taken place’ hurt Chiefs in loss ‘Errores que no debieron haber ocurrido’ lastimaron a los Chiefs en derrota Sports•Salud 1B> Education•
Hurricane Ian is already wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, after hitting Cuba early Tuesday (Sept. 27) and moving its way to Florida. The hurricane made landfall just southwest of the town of La Coloma in western Cuba around 4:30 a.m. ET, with maximum sustained winds of 125 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center. At
Damon Arrendondo and Edwing Mendez have become pioneers in the Kansas “We don’t have a brewing space,” Mendez said. “It is something that we’ve kind of been figuring out as well. 2a>
seguir su carrera musical. Sin embargo, no fue hasta 2012 que su carrera despegó. Lanzó su primer álbum, “RnBPoPWrytr”, que alcanzó el puesto 62 en la lista de iTunes. En 2016, su segundo álbum, “The Lottery”, alcanzó el número 8 en la lista de iTunes.
éxito le valió la oportunidad de asistir a los Grammys en 2017. Describió la experiencia como surrealista. “Fue genial estar allí porque sentí que todo el trabajo que había hecho
affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
in JoCo SMSD primer afiliado de la Biblioteca de Imaginación de Dolly Parton en JoCo
How to escape domestic violence ¿Cómo escapar de la violencia doméstica? Communit y•Comunidad Community Events

cerveza, Rizoma Liquid Creations ha lanzado su primera marca de cerveza, El Sol.

“La idea era tener una cerveza que fuera ligera, fácil de beber todos los días”, dijo Méndez.

Entre sus planes también está el lanzar La Luna, una cerveza con un sabor profundo y robusto. Con esas dos cervezas, Arredondo y Méndez están tratando de llegar a la gente que quiere probar algo diferente.

“Queremos llegar a las personas que sienten curiosidad por los nuevos sabores y están dispuestas a probar”, dijo Méndez.

Su aventura empresarial pionera comenzó en 2021, cuando Arredondo comenzó a considerar abrir una cervecería. Se acercó a Méndez. Luego, decidieron el nombre de su empresa, Rizoma.

“Yo estaba como, ‘Es como una palabra que está en español, pero no es necesariamente como una palabra que está directamente unida a la cultura española. Así que es una palabra con la que podemos jugar y podemos jugar y hacerla nuestra”, dijo Méndez. “Así que esa era la idea, como si fuera una palabra lo suficientemente diferente, (pero) sigue siendo (una) palabra en español. Pero si hablas inglés, podrías decir simplemente Rizoma. No se siente raro. Se siente como una palabra diferente”.

Ser parte de la primera compañía cervecera de propiedad hispana del área es importante para Méndez.

“Kansas City tiene 100 años de cultura y comunidad mexicana aquí”, dijo. “Ha habido cerveceros que han hecho cerveza, probablemente, aquí. Simplemente nunca hemos oído hablar de ellos. Tal vez nunca se volvieron famosos o nunca llegaron a venderlo en una tienda. Entonces, para mí, la cultura y la elaboración de cerveza mexicana probablemente ya... (tenían) una larga historia aquí en Kansas City”.

“Pero supongo que la importancia es que somos los primeros en tener nuestra marca capaz de fabricar nuestro producto y ponerlo en los estantes”, agregó. “Para mí, también es como si asumiéramos un poco de responsabilidad al hacer eso porque podemos representar a la comunidad en ese espacio de manera muy directa”.

Rizoma se vende en Crane Brewing Co., 6515 Railroad St., Raytown, Missouri.

Damon is the one brewing all the beer. He has a background as a brew master.”

With Arrendondo doing the brewing, Rizoma Liquid Creations has launched its first brand of beer, El Sol.

“The idea was to have one beer that is sort of the light, easy-to-drink-every-day (beer),” Mendez said.

The two also plan to launch La Luna, a beer with a deep, robust flavor. With those two beers, Arredondo and Mendez are trying to reach people who want to try something different.

“We want to reach the folks that are curi ous about new flavors and are willing to try,” Mendez said.

Their pioneering business venture started in 2021, when Arredondo began considering opening a brewery. He reached out to Mendez. Then, they decided on their company’s name, Rizoma, Spanish for the word rhizome.

“I was like, ‘It’s like a word that it’s in Span ish, but it’s not necessarily like a word that is attached to Spanish culture directly. So it’s a word that we can kind of play around with and we can mess with and make our own,’” Mendez said. “So that was kind of the idea – of, like, it’s a different enough word, (but) it’s still (a) Spanish word. But if you speak English, you could just say Rizoma. It doesn’t feel weird. It feels like a different word.”

Being part of the area’s first Hispanic-owned beer company is important to Mendez.

“Kansas City has 100 years of Mexican culture and community here,” he said. “There have been brewers that have made beer, prob ably, here. We just never heard of them. Maybe they never got picked up or they never got to sell it in a store. So, to me, Mexican culture and brewing have probably already … (had) a long history here in Kansas City.”

“But I guess the significance is that we’re the first ones to have our brand be able to make our product and put it on the shelves,” he added. “To me, (it) is also like we’re carry ing a little bit of responsibility by doing that because we get to represent the community in that in that space very directly.”

Rizoma is sold at Crane Brewing Co., 6515 Railroad St., Raytown, Missouri.

Dos de cuatro candidatos a

gobernadores de Kansas tuvieron un acalorado cara a cara el 10 de septiembre en la Feria Estatal.

La demócrata, Laura Kelly, se enfrentó a su desafiante republicano, Derek Schmidt, en el primero de dos debates de campaña programados. El evento animado generó críticas porque ni el senador de Kansas Dennis Pyle, que se postula como independiente, ni el candidato del Partido Libertario, Seth Cordell, fueron invitados a participar.

El debate en Hutchinson vio a Kelly y Schmidt promocionando sus propios logros en el cargo y criticando los registros del otro. Schmidt, el actual fiscal general de tres mandatos, culpó a Kelly por hundir los puntajes de las pruebas de los estudiantes de K-12, culpándola por cerrar prematuramente las escuelas y luego prolongar el aprendizaje virtual. Se burló de su apoyo a las políticas ambientales y económicas del presidente Joe Biden y advirtió contra el intento de “convertir a Kansas en California”.

Los residentes de Kansas harían bien en reelegir a

Two of the four Kansas gubernatorial candidates had a heated face-to-face Sept. 10 at the State Fair. The Democrat, Laura Kelly faced her Republican chal lenger, Derek Schmidt in the first of two scheduled campaign debates. The spirited event drew criticism because neither Kansas Sen. Dennis Pyle, running as an independent, nor Libertarian Party nominee Seth Cordell were invited to participate.

The debate in Hutchinson saw Kelly and Schmidt touting their own achievements in office and lambasting one another’s records. Schmidt, the current three-term attorney general blamed Kelly for sinking K-12 student test scores, faulting her for prematurely closing schools, then prolonging virtual learning. He derided her support for President Joe Biden’s environmental and economic policies and warned against trying “to turn Kansas into California.”

Kansans would be wise to re-elect Kelly. Hindsight attests to the wisdom of closing


había sido validado porque logré ir”, dijo Ortega.

“Significaba que estaba haciendo algo bien”.

El último disco tiene un poco de todo, dijo Ortega. Las pistas incluyen una canción en español, titulada “Baila Toda La Noche”.

“Es por eso que hay tantas canciones en él, porque pensé que si este iba a ser mi último álbum de larga duración, quería poner todo lo que pudiera en él”, dijo.

Ortega no sabe qué vendrá después de su carrera musical. Por ahora, está concentrado en el nuevo álbum y en algunos shows que tiene programados para octubre en Nueva York y Nueva Jersey. También espera poder programar algunos espectáculos en Kansas.

Lo que sí sabe es que la música siempre será parte de lo que él es.

“Siempre haré música”, dijo. “Probablemente por el resto de mi vida”.

“It was pretty cool to be there because it felt like all the work I had done had been validated because I got to go,” Ortega said. “It meant I was doing something right.”

The latest album has a little bit of everything, Ortega said. The tracks include a song in Span ish, titled “Baila Toda La Noche.”

“That’s why there’s so many songs on it, because I figured if this was going to be my last full-length album, I wanted to put everything into it that I could,” he said.

Ortega doesn’t know what’ll come next for his music career. For now, he’s focused on the new album and some shows he has scheduled in October in New York and New Jersey. He hopes he can schedule some shows in Kansas, too.

What Ortega does know is that music will always be a part of who he is.

“I’ll always do music,” he said. “Probably for the rest of my life.”

Kelly. La retrospectiva da fe de la sabiduría de cerrar las escuelas K-12 al comienzo de la pandemia. ¿Cuántas vidas salvó Kelly tomando audazmente la iniciativa? Nunca lo sabremos, pero el bajo rendimiento académico de los estudiantes no se puede achacar a Kelly por suspender las clases presenciales. Es un problema post-pandémico a nivel nacional, según un informe nacional de educación del 1 de septiembre (https://nces.ed.gov/ nationsreportcard/).

¿Alguien realmente quiere volver a las políticas fiscales del ex gobernador republicano Sam Brownback? Su plan fiscal de 2014 arrasó con la economía, infligiendo un dolor fiscal del que el estado se ha recuperado, gracias a Kelly, una hazaña nada modesta en una pandemia. En 2017, la calificación de bonos del estado cayó en picada; los ingresos estatales se redujeron; los legisladores estatales tuvieron que lidiar con un déficit presupuestario de $900 millones; se agotó la financiación para la educación y la infraestructura; y las contribuciones a las pensiones cayeron.

Kelly dirigió sin problemas el barco del estado a través de una pandemia global y la recuperación con aplomo. Apenas cuatro años después de asumir el cargo, ayudó a liderar un acuerdo de desarrollo económico histórico con Panasonic para construir una planta de baterías de $4 mil millones en De Soto. Ella firmó la legislación que autoriza las apuestas deportivas legales. Dado un superávit de ingresos proyectado de más de $3 mil millones, Kelly aprobó el presupuesto de educación estatal en mayo, que financia completamente las escuelas K-12 hasta el año fiscal 2024. Y el mes pasado, anunció 11 nuevos proyectos de infraestructura, parte de un programa estatal que permite a Kansas “hacer mejoras muy necesarias” que podamos costear, dijo la secretaria de Transporte de Kansas, Julie Lorenz.

Cuando los residentes de Kansas acudan a las urnas el 8 de noviembre, se enfrentarán a una dura elección: resucitar el fallido experimento de reforma fiscal de Brownback y las políticas económicas corrosivas, que Schmidt apoyó, o mantener el rumbo de política fiscal sólida y superávit presupuestario del gobernador Kelly. Recordar el empobrecimiento estatal que provocó dolor de Brownback es un buen argumento para reelegir a Laura Kelly.

Nota bene: PBS transmitirá el debate final para gobernador de Kansas el 5 de octubre.

K-12 schools at the pandemic onset. How many lives did Kelly save boldly taking the lead? We’ll never know, but poor student academic performance can’t be laid at Kelly’s feet for suspending in-person classes. It’s a nationwide post-pandemic problem, according to a Sept.1 national education report (https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreport card/).

Does anyone really want to return to the fiscal policies of former Republican Gov. Sam Brownback? His 2014 tax plan laid waste to the economy, inflicting fiscal pain from which the state has recovered, thanks to Kelly – no modest feat in a pandemic. Back in 2017, the state’s bond rating nosedived; state revenue shrank; state legislators had to deal with a $900 million budget gap; funding for education and infrastructure dried up; and pension contributions fell.

Kelly smoothly steered the ship of state through a global pandemic and recovery with aplomb. Not quite four years after taking office, she helped shepherd a historymaking economic development deal with Panasonic to build a $4 billion battery plant in De Soto. She signed legislation authorizing legal sports betting. Given a projected $3-plus billion revenue surplus, Kelly approved the state education budget back in May, which fully funds K-12 schools through fiscal year 2024. And last month, she announced 11 new infrastructure projects, part of a statewide program enabling Kansas “to make much needed improvements” that we can afford, said Kansas Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz.

When Kansans go to the polls November 8, they face a stark choice -- resurrecting Brownback’s failed tax reform experiment and corrosive economic policies, which Schmidt supported, or staying Gov. Kelly’s course of sound fiscal policy and budget surpluses. Recalling Brownback’s paininducing state impoverishment makes a strong case for re-electing Laura Kelly.

Nota bene: PBS will broadcast the final Kansas gubernatorial debate on Oct. 5.

Page 2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volu me 33 • Issue 41 • October 10 - October 16, 2013Page 2A. DOS MUNDOS • Volu me 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 - October 05, 2022 Let’s re-elect Laura Kelly Reelijamos a Laura Kelly Kansas City's Premier Bilingual Newspaper 1701 S. 55th Street Kansas City, KS 66106 • Phone: (816) 221 4747 • • ww w.dosmundos com Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper is published every Thursday. Preferred deadline for press releases is the Tuesday before the week of publication Subscriptions are $45 for one year and may be sent to the above address. Deadline for advertising copy is noon on the Tuesdayimmediately preceeding per column inch. For mechanical information for display ads, or to reserve space for advertising, call Manuel Reyes at (816) 221-4747 Dos Mundos does not guarantee, support, endorse or ensure the products advertiser. The views expressed by our columnists do not necessarily Dos Mundos no garantiza no respalda ni asegura los productos o los servicios que se publican en sus páginas. Esta responsibilidad corresponde al anunciante. Las expresiones de los columnistas, no son necesariamente compartidas por la publicacíon D os M undos E l Perió d ico Bili ngü e P a r a l a Comu n i d a d Hispan a de K ans a s City Des d e 198 1 T W O W O R LD S President/Editor Clara Reyes Advertising Manager Diana Raymer Operations Manager Hec tor Perez Edit. Production Manager Hec tor Perez Ad Production Manager Luis Merlo IT Specialist Ed Reyes Account Executives Diana Raymer, George Acuna Veronica Raymer Irene Hernandez Advisory Board Elida Cardenas, Elias L. Garcia, Teresa Pacheco Accounts Payable Diana Raymer Accounts Receivable Patricia Fuentes-Molina Distribution Jaime Arroyo Staff Reporters Edie Lamber t, Shawn Roney, Chara, Rober ta Pardo, Yanis De Palma Teresa Siqueira Web Manager Hector Perez, Luis Merlo Proofreaders Alba Niño Shawn Roney Translators Teresa Siqueira, Rober ta Pardo Photographers Michael Alvarado, Rober ta Pardo Ad Manager Veronica Acuna Continued from Page 1A First Hispanic-Owned Beer
Continued from Page 1A



Si va a recibir el nuevo y mejorado refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID, ¡también es hora de pensar en recibir su vacuna anual contra la influenza! Incluso puede ahorrar tiempo y obtener ambos en la misma cita.

El Departamento de Salud Pública del Gobierno Unificado (UGPHD, por sus siglas en inglés) ya ofrece tanto el nuevo refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID como las vacunas contra la influenza con una sola cita. Las vacunas de refuerzo están disponibles para personas elegibles mayores de 12 años en la clínica del UGPHD, ubicada en 619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS, 66101. Las vacunas y los refuerzos están disponibles en el UGPHD sólo con cita previa. Llame al 913-573-8815 para hacer una cita para su refuerzo contra el COVID, una vacuna contra la influenza o ambas. También puede buscar proveedores de vacunas contra la gripe y el COVID cerca de usted en vacunas.gov.

Protege contra múltiples cepas de COVID

Las vacunas de refuerzo contra el COVID originales eran “monovalentes”, lo que significa que brindaban protección sólo contra la cepa original del virus del COVID. Estas nuevas vacunas de refuerzo, de Pfizer y Moderna, son “bivalentes”, lo que significa que protegen tanto contra el virus original que causa el COVID como contra las variantes Omicron BA.4 y BA.5 del virus (las variantes responsables de la más reciente Casos de COVID-19).

¿Quién puede recibir las nuevas vacunas de refuerzo?

Los refuerzos bivalentes contra el COVID están autorizados para personas mayores de 12 años que hayan sido vacunadas y hayan recibido su dosis más reciente hace al menos 2 meses. Esto incluye:

*Personas de 12 años o más que completaron la serie primaria de vacunas contra el COVID hace al menos 2 meses y aún no han recibido un refuerzo; y también *Individuos de 12 años o más que completaron la serie primaria y recibieron una o más dosis del refuerzo contra el COVID monovalente anterior hace al menos 2 meses.

Las personas mayores de 18 años pueden recibir el refuerzo bivalente de Pfizer o Moderna. Las personas de 12 a 17 años sólo pueden recibir el refuerzo bivalente de Pfizer en este momento.

Tenga en cuenta que las recomendaciones para niños menores de 12 años no han cambiado. Los niños de 6 meses en adelante son elegibles para recibir una serie primaria de vacunas contra el COVID. Algunos niños de 5 a 11 años son elegibles para el refuerzo monovalente original (sólo Pfizer en este momento). Obtenga más información sobre los refuerzos contra el COVID y las recomendaciones para personas de cualquier edad en wycokck.org/ COVID-19.

Se acerca la temporada de gripe: protéjase usted y a su familia

Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) recomiendan una vacuna anual contra la gripe para cualquier persona a partir de los 6 meses de edad. Vacunarse antes de que comience la temporada de influenza y gripe es el mejor plan, antes de que el virus de la gripe comience a propagarse en la comunidad. Los CDC dicen que septiembre y octubre son los momentos ideales para vacunarse contra la gripe y la influenza, antes de que los viajes de vacaciones, los eventos familiares y comunitarios reúnan a un gran número de personas que normalmente no viven juntas.

Nuevamente, para programar una vacuna contra la influenza con su refuerzo contra el COVID con el UGPHD, llame al 913-573-8815 para hacer una cita. El UGPHD acepta algunas formas de seguro médico para las vacunas contra la gripe. Para el pago por cuenta propia, las vacunas contra la influenza tienen una tarifa fija de $35.

Encuentre proveedores adicionales de vacunas contra la gripe y el COVID en vacunas.gov.¡Última oportunidad de participar en la Encuesta de Evaluación de Salud Comunitaria!

¡Se está acabando el tiempo para participar en la Encuesta de Evaluación de Salud Comunitaria del condado de Wyandotte! ¡La encuesta se cierra el próximo viernes 30 de septiembre! El UGPHD quiere la opinión del público sobre los problemas de salud clave en nuestra comunidad, ¡deje que se escuche su voz y tenga la oportunidad de ganar $100!

La encuesta está disponible en inglés y español en ughealthsurvey.org o llamando al 888-801-5368. Por teléfono, la encuesta se puede realizar en inglés, o las personas que llaman pueden solicitar un intérprete para idiomas adicionales. Alternativamente, hay líneas de interpretación directa disponibles para algunos idiomas, que incluyen:

*Español: 844-811-0411

*Birmano: 866-991-5302

*Nepalí: 866-991-5290

Los participantes de la encuesta también pueden participar para ganar uno de los cinco premios de $100. ¡No pierda la oportunidad de participar!

If you’re going to get the new and improved bivalent COVID booster, it’s also time to think about getting your annual flu shot! You can even save time and get them both in the same appointment.

The Unified Government Public Health Department (UGPHD) now offers both the new bivalent COVID booster and flu vaccines with one appointment. The booster shots are available for eligible individuals ages 12 and older at the UGPHD clinic, located at 619 Ann Ave, Kansas City, KS, 66101. Vaccines and boosters are available at the UGPHD by appointment only. Call 913-573-8815 to make an appointment for a COVID booster, flu vaccine, or both.

You can also search for COVID and flu vaccine providers near you at vaccines.gov.

Protects Against Mul tiple Strains of COVID

The original COVID booster shots were “monovalent,” mean ing they provided pro tection only against the original strain of COVID virus. These new booster shots, from Pfizer and Moderna, are “bivalent,” mean ing they protect against both the original virus that causes COVID as well as the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants of the virus (the vari ants responsible for the most recent COVID cases).

Who Can Get The New Booster Shots?

The bivalent COVID boosters are autho rized for people ages 12 and older who have been vaccinated and received their most recent dose at least 2 months ago. This includes:

*Individuals ages 12 and older who com pleted the primary series of COVID vaccina tions at least 2 months ago, and have not yet received a booster; and

*Individuals ages 12 and older who com pleted the primary series and have received one or more doses of the previous monovalent COVID booster at least 2 months ago.

People ages 18 and older can receive either the Pfizer or the Moderna bivalent booster. People ages 12 to 17 can only receive the Pfizer bivalent booster at this time.

Please note that recommendations for chil dren under age 12 have not changed. Chil dren ages 6 months and older are eligible to receive a primary series of COVID vaccines. Some children ages 5 to 11 are eligible for the original monovalent booster (Pfizer only at this time). Learn more about COVID boosters and recommendations for people of any age at wycokck.org/COVID-19

Flu Season is Coming – Protect Yourself and Your Family

The Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion (CDC) recommends an annual flu shot for anyone ages 6 months and older. Getting vaccinated before flu season begins is the best plan, before the flu virus starts spreading in the community. The CDC says September and October are the ideal times to get your flu shot, before holiday travel, family and community events bring large numbers of people together, who don’t normally live together.

Again, to schedule a flu shot with your COVID booster with the UGPHD, call 913-573-8815 to make an appointment. The UGPHD accepts some forms of health insurance for flu vaccines. For self-pay, flu vaccines are a flat fee of $35. Find additional flu and COVID vaccine providers at vaccines.gov.

Last Chance to Participate in the Community Health Assessment Survey!

Time is running out to participate in the Wyandotte County Community Health Assess ment Survey! The survey closes out next Friday, September 30th! The UGPHD wants the public’s input on key health issues in our community –let your voice be heard – and get a chance to win $100!

The survey is available in English and Spanish at ughealthsurvey.org, or by calling 888-8015368. Over the phone, the survey can be done in English, or callers can ask for an interpreter for additional languages. Alternatively, there are direct interpreting lines available for some languages, including:

*Spanish: 844-811-0411

*Burmese: 866-991-5302

*Nepali: 866-991-5290 Survey participants can also be entered to win one of five $100 prizes. Don’t miss your chance to participate!

SMSD first affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in JoCo SMSD primer afiliado de la Biblioteca de Imaginación de Dolly Parton en JoCo

El 22 de septiembre, Shawnee Mission Education Foundation anunció que se había convertido en la primera afiliada de la Biblioteca de Imaginación de Dolly Parton en el condado de Johnson, Kansas.

Ahora, los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años que vivan dentro de los límites del Distrito Escolar de Shawnee Mission (SMSD, por sus siglas en inglés) tendrán la oportunidad de recibir un libro gratuito apropiado para su edad cada mes, gracias a una asociación con Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund.

“(Este programa) significa que nuestros alumnos más jóvenes construirán una biblioteca de libros y tendrán oportunidades de alfabetización temprana incluso antes de que se inscriban en el jardín de infantes”, dijo Kimberly Hinkle, directora ejecutiva de Shawnee Mission Education Foundation. “Sabemos que tener libros en el hogar es un fuerte indicador del éxito académico futuro y queremos que todos nuestros niños de Shawnee Mission tengan esa oportunidad”.

Los padres pueden inscribir a sus hijos completando el formulario de registro en línea o completando un formulario de registro por correo, que se puede encontrar en inglés y español en el sitio web de la fundación. Los formularios por correo pueden enviarse a Shawnee Mission Education Foundation; 8200 W. 71st St; Shawnee Mission, KS 66204.

“Una de las cosas que más nos entusiasma es la calidad y diversidad de los libros”, dijo Hinkle. “Todos ellos son apropiados para su edad y cada año, cada niño recibirá al menos dos libros bilingües español/inglés. ¡Esta es una gran noticia para nuestras familias de estudiantes del idioma inglés! También es una gran noticia para las familias que hablan principalmente inglés que sus hijos estén expuestos a diferentes idiomas”.

Todos los libros vienen con una guía de lectura para padres para ayudar a inspirar a nuestras familias a leer juntas y discutir lo que están leyendo, dijo Hinkle.

Las familias recibirán el primer libro entre ocho y 12 semanas después de registrarse. Luego, los libros llegarán todos los meses.

Para obtener más información, visite www.smef. org/dolly.

On Sept. 22, the Shawnee Mission Edu cation Foundation announced it had become the first affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Johnson County, Kansas.

Now, children ages birth to 5 years old and living within Shawnee Mission School District (SMSD) boundaries will have the opportunity to receive one free, age-appropriate book each month, thanks to a partnership with the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund.

“(This program) means that our earliest learners will be building a library of books and will have opportunities for early literacy before they even enroll in kindergarten,” said Kimberly Hinkle, Shawnee Mission Education Foundation executive director. “We know that having books in the home is a strong indica tor of future academic success and we want all of our Shawnee Mission kids to have that opportunity.”

Parents can enroll their children by complet ing the online registration form or by complet ing a mail-in registration form, which can be found in English and Spanish on the founda tion’s website. Mail-in forms can be sent to the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation; 8200 W. 71st St.; Shawnee Mission, KS 66204.

“One of the things that we are most excited about is the quality and diversity of the books,” Hinkle said. “All of them are age-appropriate, and each year, every child will receive at least two Spanish/English bilingual books. This is such great news for our English Language Learner families! It’s also great news for families who speak primarily English to have their children exposed to different languages.”

The books all come with a parent reading guide to help inspire our families to read together and discuss what they’re reading, Hinkle said.

Families will receive the first book between eight and 12 weeks after registering. Then, the books will arrive every month.

For more information, visit www.smef. org/dolly.

Page 3A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 - October 05, 2022
Booster? Don’t Forget Your Flu Shot! ¿Recibiendo su refuerzo contra el COVID? ¡No se olvide su vacuna contra la influenza!
SI QUIERE BEBER ES ASUNTO SUYO SI QUIERE DEJAR DE BEBER NOSOTROS LE PODEMOS AYUDAR 913-371-3376 INFORMES 10448 Metcalf Overland Park ,K S 66212 (913) 649-5685 Carmen Sevilla •Cor tes de Cabello (Para toda la familia) •Color •Luces (Highligths) •Maquillajes •Alaciado con Keratina •Permanente •Depilación •Dimensiones•Alisado de cejas •Peinados Novias & Quinceañeras •Tratamiento intensivo profundo con Keratina (Para cabello maltratado) •Enchinado Permanente de Pestañas
Sevilla Estética

de los muertos

How to escape domestic violence

escapar de la violencia

Hay formas de escapar de una relación abusiva. Si estás en una relación abusiva, o conoces a alguien que lo está, los siguientes consejos pueden orientarte sobre cómo escapar:

*Reconocer las señales de abuso: Hay señales comunes a las que hay que prestar atención, estas pueden indicar la forma en que el abuso suele comenzar y desarrollarse. Al entenderlas, puedes saber cuándo actuar para prevenir el abuso - o detenerlo, si ya ha comenzado.

*Acudir a urgencias: Después de una agresión, se recomienda acudir a urgencias, aunque las heridas no sean visibles. Informa al personal de urgencias de que te encuentras en una situación de violencia

*Pide ayuda a las autoridades y a otros recursos competentes: Ponerse en contacto con las autoridades es esencial cuando se sufre violencia doméstica. Además, múltiples organismos gubernamentales y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro pueden ofrecerte orientación o recursos si necesitas ayuda.

*Prepare una maleta de emergencia: Durante un acto de violencia doméstica, las víctimas pueden encontrarse en situaciones de vida o muerte en las que deben escapar de su agresor inmediatamente. Por ello, es crucial tener preparada una maleta con las necesidades básicas: una muda de ropa para la persona maltratada y los niños, artículos de higiene personal, juguetes para los niños y medicamentos

*Apartar algo de dinero: La falta de autosuficiencia económica suele limitar las posibilidades de huida de la víctima, por lo que es importante mantener unos ahorros que permitan escapar en un momento de emergencia. Los expertos también aconsejan buscar asociaciones de apoyo que puedan ofrecer recursos financieros y ayudarle a crear su propio historial de

*Crear un plan de huida: Un plan de huida debe contemplar salidas alternativas y dónde se refugiará. Planificar un plan de huida con alguien o un grupo de confianza ofrecerá una mayor sensación de seguridad. Considera la posibilidad de crear un código que puedas comunicar a tu confidente o grupo de apoyo cuando necesitas ayuda. También es esencial decidir de antemano a dónde irás e informar al lugar de refugio que hayas elegido para que esté al tanto de

La violencia no debería estar justificada por ningún motivo, y es esencial que sepas qué no estás sola, ya que hay muchos recursos disponibles para ti. Esos recursos incluyen la Asociación de Violencia stica de Central Kansas. La asociación ofrece ónica gratuita, las 24 horas del ía en todo el estado. Puedes contactar a la Línea de Crisis de Kansas llamando al 1-(888)-3632287. La línea pone en contacto a las víctimas con profesionales de asistencia en una forma gratuita, y las conversaciones son confidenciales.

Para obtener mas información sobre los recursos contra la violencia doméstica, visite www.kcsdv.org/ find-help/in-kansas/dv-sa-services-map.

There are ways to escape an abusive rela tionship.

If you’re in an abusive relationship, or know someone who is, the following tips can offer guidance on how to escape:

*Recognize the signs of abuse: There are common signs to watch for regarding how abuse often begins and continues. By understanding them, you can know when to take action to prevent abuse – or stop it, if it has started.

*Go to the emergency room: After an assault, going to an emergency room is recommended, even if the wounds are not visible. Inform the emergency room staff that you’re in a domestic violence situation.

*Ask the authorities and other intervening resources for help: Contacting the authorities is essential when experiencing domestic violence. In addition, multiple government agencies and nonprofit organizations can offer you guidance or recourse if you need help.

*Prepare an emergency suitcase: During an act of domestic violence, victims might find themselves in life-or-death situations where they must escape their abuser immediately. Thus, it’s crucial to have a suitcase ready with the basic necessities – a change of clothes for the abused person and any children, personal hygiene items, toys for the children and regular medicines.

*Set aside some money: A lack of economic self-sufficiency often limits a victim’s chances of escaping, so maintaining savings to allow flight in a time of emergency is important. Experts also advise seeking out support associations that can offer financial resources and help you build your own credit history.

*Create an escape plan: An escape plan should consider alternative exits and where you’ll take refuge. Planning an escape plan with someone or a group you trust will offer a greater sense of security. Consider creating a code you can com municate to your confidante or support group that you need help. It’s also essential to decide in advance where you’ll go and inform the place of shelter you’ve chosen to be aware of your visit.

Violence shouldn’t be justified for any reason, and it’s essential to know you aren’t alone, as there are many resources available for you. Those resources include the Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas. The association provides a toll-free, 24-hour statewide hotline, the Kansas Crisis Hotline, at 1-(888)-363-2287. The line connects victims with trained advocacy professionals for free, and conversations remain confidential.

For more information about domestic vio lence resources, visit www.kcsdv.org/find-help/ in-kansas/dv-sa-services-map.

Page 4A. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 - October 05, 2022
(c) 2020 Jorge Ramos (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate.) El gobierno
doméstica? Commentary by Tere Siqueira Who Will Lead Kansas? The Kansas Governor’s Debate Kansas Governor Laura Kelly (D) faces off against Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt (R) in an hour-long debate from the Doubletree Hotel in Overland Park. Kansas City PBS news host Nick Haines will moderate the exchange. Presented in partnership with the Johnson County Bar Association. Wednesday, Oct. 5 Watch on Facebook Live at Noon or Tune In on KCPBS Channel 19.1 at 7 p.m. kansascitypbs.org/ontheballot Fines de semana (Sábado & Domingo) Sep. 3 - Oct. 16 • 10am -7pm Lluvia ó Sol • Estacionamiento “GRATIS” 913-721-2110 • KCRenFest.com Weekends (Sat. & Sun.) • Sept. 3rd - Oct.16th • 10am - 7pm Rain or Shine • Free Parking 913-721-2120 • KCRenFest.com 633 N 130th St • Bonner Springs, KS 66012


Latino Arts Festival

Hubo “algunos errores que no deberían haber ocurrido” durante la derrota de Kansas City 20-17 ante Indianápolis el domingo (25 de septiembre) en el Lucas Oil Stadium, dijo el entrenador de los Chiefs, Andy Reid, a los periodistas después de la derrota interdivisional de la AFC.

Reid no citó errores específicos. Pero algunos que podría haber mencionado incluyen los siguientes:

*Un despeje fallido en el primer cuarto: el novato Skyy Moore, actuando como devolvedor, vio cómo el primer despeje de Indianápolis pasaba por sus manos en la yarda 8 de Kansas City. Los Colts recuperaron el balón en la yarda 4, preparando el pase de anotación de 1 yarda de Matt Ryan a Jelani Woods y la patada de punto extra de Chase McLaughlin para darle a Indianápolis una ventaja de 7-0.

*Un punto extra perdido en el primer cuarto: después del pase de TD de 3 yardas de Patrick Mahomes II a Travis Kelce con 34 segundos restantes, el tiro de Matt Ammendola se fue desviado a la izquierda. Los Chiefs perdían 7-6 al entrar al segundo cuarto.

*Una jugada fallida de gol de campo falso en el último cuarto: con Kansas City ganando 17-13 y 13:34 restantes, los Chiefs se alinearon como si intentaran un gol de campo de 42 yardas. En cambio, el titular Tommy Townsend tomó el centro, se lanzó a su izquierda y lanzó, con la esperanza de que los Chiefs lograran un primer intento y extendieran su posesión con un pase completo. La pelota pasó por encima de la cabeza del ala cerrada Noah Gray, lo que le dio a los Colts la posesión en las oportunidades.

*Un gol de campo fallado en el último cuarto: Los Chiefs todavía ganaban 17-13 cuando Ammendola intentó un pase de 34 yardas con 8:41 por jugar. Al igual que el punto extra fallado en el primer cuarto, se fue de par en par a la izquierda.

El lunes (26 de septiembre), KMBC TV en Kansas City, Missouri, y otros medios de comunicación reportaron que los Chiefs habían despedido a Ammendola, quien había sido contratado menos de dos semanas antes para reemplazar a Harrison Butker, el pateador lesionado de Kansas City.

*Una penalización antideportiva en el último cuarto: luego del gol de campo errado, los Colts tomaron posesión en su propia yarda 24. Parecía que tendrían que despejar cuando Ryan fue expulsado por una pérdida de 8 yardas con los Colts enfrentando tercera y 9 desde la 39 de Indianápolis. Sin embargo, el veterano tackle defensivo de los Chiefs, Chris Jones, fue sancionado por conducta antideportiva, lo que le dio a Indianápolis un primer intento. Luego, los Colts lograron la anotación ganadora del juego, el pase de touchdown de 12 yardas de Ryan a Woods con 29 segundos restantes. McLaughlin pateó el punto extra.

“Cuando juegas contra equipos de fútbol realmente buenos como este, estás jugando contra un gran mariscal de campo que puede hacer jugadas... durante todo el juego, tienes que encontrar la manera de ganar, y lo hicimos”, dijo Ryan a CBS Sports después. “Luchamos duro.

Fue grandioso”.

*Una intercepción en el último cuarto: Mahomes llevó rápidamente a los Chiefs al territorio de los Colts, con la esperanza de ganarlo, o al menos establecer un gol de campo que empatara el juego para darle a Kansas City la oportunidad de ganarlo en tiempo extra. Pero en el primero y 10 desde la yarda 46 de Indianápolis, su pase destinado a JuJu SmithSchuster fue desviado, y el profundo de los Colts, Rodney McLeod, atrapó el balón. Luego, Ryan se arrodilló para agotar el tiempo, coronando una tarde que Mahomes consideró insatisfactoria para el equipo, particularmente ofensivamente.

“Tuvimos múltiples oportunidades de marcar. … Tenemos que encontrar formas de llevar el balón a la zona de anotación, y eso comienza conmigo”, dijo a los periodistas durante su conferencia de prensa posterior al juego.

Los Chiefs (2-1) verán si pueden anotar con suficiente frecuencia este domingo (2 de octubre), cuando enfrenten a Tampa Bay en el Estadio Raymond James en una revancha del Super Bowl LV. Los Buccaneers ganaron ese encuentro 31-9.

Nota del editor: Para videos completos de las conferencias de prensa de Reid y Mahomes, visite el canal de YouTube de los Chiefs.

There were “some mistakes that shouldn’t have taken place” during Kansas City’s 20-17 loss to Indianapolis Sunday (Sept. 25) at Lucas Oil Stadium, Chiefs coach Andy Reid told reporters after the AFC interdivisional defeat.

Reid didn’t cite specific mistakes. But some he might’ve men tioned included the following:

*A muffed first-quar ter punt: Rookie Skyy Moore, acting as returner, watched India napolis’ first punt go through his hands at the Kansas City 8-yard line. The Colts recovered the football at the 4, setting up Matt Ryan’s 1-yard TD pass to Jelani Woods and Chase McLaughlin’s extra-point kick to give Indianap olis a 7-0 lead.

*A missed first-quarter extra point: After Patrick Mahomes II’s 3-yard TD pass to Travis Kelce with 34 seconds remaining, Matt Ammendola’s kick went wide left. The Chiefs trailed 7-6 entering the second quarter.

*A botched fourth-quarter fake field goal play: With Kansas City leading 17-13 and 13:34 remaining, the Chiefs lined up as if attempting a 42-yard field goal. Instead, holder Tommy Townsend took the snap, bolted to his left and threw, hoping to get the Chiefs a first down and extend their possession with a completion. The ball sailed over the head of tight end Noah Gray, giving the Colts posses sion on downs.

*A missed fourth-quarter field goal: The Chiefs still led 17-13 when Ammendola attempted a 34-yarder with 8:41 left. Like the missed first-quarter extra point, it sailed wide left.

On Monday (Sept. 26), KMBC TV in Kansas City, Missouri, and other media outlets reported the Chiefs had cut Ammendola, who had been signed less than two weeks earlier to fill in for Harrison Butker, Kansas City’s injured kicker.

*A fourth-quarter unsportsmanlike pen alty: Following the missed field goal, the Colts took possession at their own 24. It appeared they would have to punt when Ryan got dumped for an 8-yard loss with the Colts facing third-and-9 from the Indianapolis 39. Chiefs veteran defensive tackle Chris Jones, however, was flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct, giving Indianapolis a first down. The Colts then drove for the game-winning score, Ryan’s 12-yard TD pass to Woods with 29 sec onds left. McLaughlin booted the extra point.

“When you play really good football teams like this, you’re playing against a great quar terback who can make plays … all game long, you gotta find a way to get it done – and we did,” Ryan told CBS Sports afterward. “We fought hard. It was great.”

*A fourth-quarter interception: Mahomes quickly led the Chiefs into Colts territory, hoping to win it – or at least set up a gametying field goal to give Kansas City the chance to win it in overtime. But on first-and-10 from the Indianapolis 46, his pass intended for JuJu Smith-Schuster got tipped, with Colts safety Rodney McLeod snagging the ball. Ryan then took a knee to run out the clock, capping an afternoon Mahomes considered subpar for the team, particularly offensively.

“We had multiple opportunities to score. … We have to find ways to get the ball in the end zone – and that starts with me,” he told report ers during his postgame press conference.

The Chiefs (2-1) will see if they can score often enough this Sunday (Oct. 2), when they face Tampa Bay at Raymond James Stadium in a rematch of Super Bowl LV. The Buccaneers won that meeting 31-9.

Page 1B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 October 05, 2022
Photo by Twitter @Chiefs Editor’s note: For complete videos of the Reid and Mahomes press conferences, visit the Chiefs’ YouTube channel.
‘Mistakes that shouldn’t have taken place’ hurt Chiefs in loss ‘Errores que no debieron haber ocurrido’ lastimaron a los Chiefs en derrota
Photos by Michael Alvarado


(Job Opening ID #515692)

Full-time position available with the Parks & Recreation Department, KC North Community Center, 3930 NE Antioch Rd. Normal Work Days/ Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. with some evenings, weekends and holidays as needed. Creates and implements youth, adult and senior adult programming. Coordinates summer camp activities, after school programming, athletic, fitness and all other programs associated with the community center. Creates and implements monthly special events. Provides assistance with community outreach. Maintains contact with community clubs, neighborhood associations, organized groups and interested participants or individuals. Manages front desk operations. Registers participants. Handles revenue and fees. Issues receipts. Assists with cleaning and provides supervision to the different areas of the facility. REQUIRES an accredited Bachelor’s degree in recreation, physical education, public administration or other related area of specialization; OR an equivalent combination of qualifying education and experience. Must pass a preemployment drug screen as prescribed by the City. Salary Range: $20.48-$30.71/hour.

Application Deadline: October 10, 2022. Apply online at www. kcmo.gov/jobs. EOE. The City of Kansas City, Missouri is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce.

LITTLE BLUE VALLEY SEWER DISTRICT, a quasipublic agency created in 1968, is a 52 MGD wastewater treatment plant that protects the public health & preserves the water quality of the Little Blue & MO Rivers in eastern Jackson County, & Cass County.

LBVSD offers competitive wages & comprehensive benefits: paid vaca/sick/ holidays; comp time; medical, dental, life ins.; paid vision, short-term & long-term disability ins.; paid training; tuition reimb.; retirement/ pension. www.lbvsd.org

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• Or, 5-7 years’ experience and/or training, or equivalent for those without bachelor’s degree. Preference given to those with governmental accounting experience.

• Experience in office environment with office communications equipment and software, i.e., spreadsheets and word processing.

• Able to work alone, unassisted, or as a member of a team.

• Must currently possess & maintain valid driver’s license & driving record satisfactory to policy.

Mon-Fri. Full-time. E-mail résumé/inquiries to jobs@lbvsd.org, or fax 816-866-9214. Position open until filled.




SIRCAL Contracting will be accepting subcontract and/or material bids for the following projects: Mizzou North Demolition, UMC Project #CP219078 bids due 10/11/22 by 12:00 p.m.; Critical Care Addition –C4012 Imaging Equip Replacements, UMC Project #CP220851, bids due by 12:00 p.m. on 10/12/22. Bids should be sent to email to bids@ sircalcontracting.com or fax 573-8935509. If you are a qualified MBE/WBE subcontractor or supplier or seek information on becoming qualified please contact SIRCAL Contracting, Inc. 1331 Monroe, Jefferson City, MO

The University of Kansas seeks an Academic Success Navigator to serve with Success Initiatives. Apply at http://employment. ku.edu/staff/23500BR

Application review begins Tuesday, October 4, 2022 and continues until a qualified pool of applicants is identified.

KU is an EO/AAE. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, national origin, disability, genetic information or protected Veteran status

To Place a C lassified ad Call: 816-221-4747 by Fax: 913-287-5881 or email us at classifieds@dosmundos.com We accept major credit cards C lassified Information Hours: 10AM -5PM Mon-Fri Closed: S aturday and S unday DEADLINES D ue Ever y Monday at 4pm (4:00PM) Professional, Technology, Business, Management, Retail, S ales, Health Care, etc... Legals/Public Notices, Funerals, Memorials, Personal and Professional Ser vices, etc... Auc tions, Pets, Ar ticles for S ale, Yard S ales, Antiques, Tools, etc... Home Repair & Maintenance, Houses, Lots, Manufac tured & Mobile Homes, Rentals, etc... Cars, Trucks, Classics, Recreational vehicles, Boats, Pets, Cycles, etc... Page 2B. DOS MUNDOS • Volu me 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 - October 05, 2022 HELP WANTED FOR RENT PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE HELP WANTED HELP WANTEDHELP WANTED FOR RENT PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE HELP WANTED HELP WANTEDHELP WANTEDHELP WANTED LINE CLEARANCE: TRABAJOS DISPONIBLES : Groundworkers | Trimmers | Crew Leaders KS, MO & surrounding areas Areas alrededor de Kansas & Missouri NOW HIRING Estamos Contratando APPLY TODAY! ¡APLIQUEN HOY! 785.213.1242 Horas de oficina: Lun - Vier de 8am - 6pm Fin de semana sólo con cita. 816-896-9594 Departamentos Fountain Ridge 515 S Clairborne Rd. Olathe, KS 66062 Departamentos de 1 y 2 recamaras Departamentos Corporativos Disponibles • Las mejores escuelas • Lavandería • Camara de seguridad $200 de deposito • Alberca • Electricos
Bid Reinhardt Construction LLC is Soliciting Bids from MBE/WBE/ DBE/Veteran/SDVE for the following: University of Missouri Healthcare Project CP221821: Patient Care Tower T3220C OR25 Light Boom Replacement Contact: Mike Murray ; mikem@ reinhardtconstructionllc.com Phone: 573-682-5505 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE DIVERSITY BUSINESS INVITATION
65101. Phone 573-893-5977.

Help shape the future of your regional transportation system!

Share your thoughts on amendments to three regional transportation plans:

• An amendment to Connected KC 2050, the long-range transportation plan, to add one project and adjust another.

• An amendment to the short-range Transportation Improvement Program that adds 25 projects and adjusts five others.

• An amendment to the Unified Planning Work Program that adds new tasks for two transit studies to be completed in 2022.

The Mid-America Regional Council serves as the metropolitan planning organization for eight counties in the Kansas City region. Many of our programs are funded with your tax dollars and may affect transportation in your community.


email transportation@marc.org or call 816-474-4240 for details.

Bids for Repair

Invitation to Bid

The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. is soliciting bids from interested bidders including certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Business Enterprises (WBE), and Service-Disabled Veteran Enterprises (SDVE) subcontractors to provide bids for the Missouri State University Temple Hall project in Springfield, MO.





JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding Shawnee Mission School District Rushton Elementary School 6001 W 52nd St. Mission, KS 66202 and request your bid proposal for applicable material and/or labor. In particular, we are soliciting M/WBE Subcontractor/ Supplier Bid Proposals for the following scope(s) of work including, but not limited to: 02 41 16 Structure Demolition, 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete, 03 41 00 Precast Concrete, 04 20 00 Masonry, 05 12 00 Structural Steel, 06 18 00 Glue Laminated Beams, 06 40 00 Rough Carpentry, 06 40 23 Millwork and Finish Carpentry, 07 52 16 Roofing & Metal Wall Panels, 07 92 00 Joint Sealants & Firestopping, 08 36 13 Sectional Doors, 08 80 00 Glass & Glazing, 09 20 00 Metal Stud & Drywall, 09 30 00 Tile, 09 51 00 Acoustical Ceiling, 09 64 66 Wood Athletic Flooring, 09 65 00 Resilient Flooring, 09 67 00 Resinous Flooring, 09 90 00 Painting, 10 11 00 Signage, 11 40 00 Food Service Equipment, 11 66 23 Athletic / Gymnasium Equipment, 12 24 13 Blinds & Shades, 12 66 00 Bleachers, 14 21 23 Elevators, 21 05 00 Fire


Logan Creek Slide Katy Trail State Park – MP 117.9 Portland, MO, Project No. X212001 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, October 20, 2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $30M with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.

The following bid solicitations for design-assist and construction services of select scopes of work will include the following contracts: Exterior Envelope, Fire Suppression, Mechanical and Plumbing, and Electrical & Fire Alarm.

JE Dunn Construction Company is bidding Jackson County Detention Center / Bid Package No. 02 –General Trades at Ewing Ave and E US Hwy 40., Kansas City, MO 64129 and request your bid proposal for applicable material and or/labor. In particular, we are soliciting MBE, WBE and VBE Subcontractor/Supplier Bid Proposals for the following scope(s) of work including, but not limited to:

Dunn invites

should be directed to Austin. Panko@jedunn.com . Mobile: (816) 588-4283.



Independence Housing Authority (IHA) is posting that the Section 8 Waiting List will be opening on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6 am and will remain open until IHA obtains 3,000 applications and then the waiting list will automatically close again. This Public Notice will be placed onto IHA’s website at www. iha1.org under IHA News and Public Notices.

Again, the Section 8 waiting list will be opening for anyone to apply for a Section 8 voucher on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6 am. The online application waiting list will remain open until we reach 3,000 applications and it will automatically close and you will not be able to apply again until we reopen the waiting list in the future years to come.

The last time we opened the waiting list was June 2021


The Mid-America Regional Council is accepting proposals for Operation Green Light traffic signal enhancement work, CMAQ project #3302 (424). Primary work on this project will be the installation of closed-circuit cameras, traffic signal controllers and traffic signal detection in seven municipal jurisdictions in Missouri — Kansas City, Gladstone, North Kansas City, Independence, Lee’s Summit, Belton and Raymore — and on MoDOT Right of Way. Proposals must be submitted by 2 p.m. on Oct. 20, 2022. For details about the bid requirements, visit www. drexeltech.com. Direct questions to Ray Webb at 816-474-4240, Mid-America Regional Council, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64105.

Interested Parties can find all the forms and files on WhitingTurner’s public plan room via Building Connected at the link below: https://app.buildingconnected. compublic/5430e8255cdc2e030 0ddf357/projects/6304f1a0935 637007b9f4b7b

Should bidders have any questions, they should contact Matt Jones at (816) 921-0100 or matt.jones@whiting-turner. com for further information.

Bids are due by 4:00 CST on October 6th, 2022

for Demolition of Gymnasium, Project No. O2245-01 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, Until 1:30 PM, October 25, 2022 .

specific project



Bids for Pavement Overlay, Missouri State Highway Patrol, Emergency Vehicle Operations Course, Jefferson City, MO Project No. R2302-01 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30

October 27,

Construction/Final Clean, Site Utilities, Asphalt Paving, Pavement Makings & Specialties, Irrigation Systems, Fences & Gates, Landscaping, Precast Structural Concrete, Precast Hollow Core Slabs, Precast Arch. Concrete, Structural Steel, Millwork & Finish Carpentry, Countertops, Waterproofing, Air Barriers, Metal Roof & Wall Panels, Roofing, Fireproofing, Firestopping, Joint Sealants, Doors/Frames/Hardware, Overhead Doors & Grilles, Misc. Special Doors, Glass & Glazing, Drywall, Tile, Acoustical Ceiling, Flooring, Carpet, Acoustical Wall Treatment, Paint/Wall Covering, Lockers, Wire Mesh & Operable Partitions, Toilet & Bath Accessories, Laundry/ Dry Cleaning Equipment, Loading Dock Equipment, Food Service Equipment, Residential Appliances, Athletic/Gymnasium Equipment, Blinds & Shades, Foot Grilles & Elevators.

We would appreciate your indication of the scope of work you will include in your proposal by September 27th, 2022. Final proposals must be submitted to our office by October 7th, 2022, by 2:00 PM CST. To receive access to the plans and specifications for this project please contact Samantha Moore at Samantha. Moore@jedunn.com

JE Dunn invites MBE, WBE and VBE subcontractors to call if any assistance is required or questions arise concerning work segmentation, requirements of the work (plans, specs, contract requirements), or the form of proposal requested. Questions should be directed to Nick Tuggle, Project Manager, by phone at 816.292.8536, or by email at nick. tuggle@jedunn.com

Request for Bids –

NE 48th Street Drive


Hunt Midwest Real Estate Development requests construction bids for street improvements to NE 48th Street between I-435 and Arlington Road in Kansas City, MO. All bid documents can be obtained by contacting Aaron Young at AYoung@huntmidwest.com

Affirmative Action goals for the project are 15% MBE and 15% WBE. This project is subject to prevailing wage. Please submit qualified bids to BBauer@ huntmidwest.com via email by 3:00 pm on 10-1-22.

Bids for Electrification Improvement Harry S Truman State Park – Devil’s Backbone Campground, Warsaw, MO Project No. X210701 will be received by FMDC, State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, October 27, 2022. The State of Missouri, OAFMDC, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry or national origin in consideration for an award. Federal Land and Water Conservation Funds are being used in this project, and all relevant federal, state and local requirements apply. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities Missouri Press Service 802 Locust Columbia, MO 65201 PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAX - 573-874-5894 Dos Mundos Ad Code: D&C_X2107-01 INVITATION TO BID
Suppression, 22 05 00 Plumbing, 23 05 00 HVAC, 26 05 00 Electrical, 31 20 00 Earthwork & Site Demolition, 32 10 00 Asphalt Paving & Striping, 32 90 00 Landscaping 32 30 00 Fences & Gates, 33 41 00 Site Utilities A pre-bid meeting will be held Wednesday, September 21, 2022 4:00 PM at Rushton Elementary 6001 W 52nd Mission, KS 66202 Bids will be received on Wednesday, October 5th. Bids are to be uploaded and submitted via Building Connected by 3:00 PM and will be read aloud via virtual meeting at 3:30 PM. To receive the link, please email susan.black@jedunn.com JE
M/WBE subcontractors to call with questions concerning work segmentation, work and contract requirements, or the form of proposal requested. Questions
EOE, Minority/Female/Disability/ Veteran/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity PUBLIC
Missouri Press Service 802 Locust Columbia, MO 65201 PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAX - 573-874-5894 Dos Mundos Ad Code: D&C_X2120-01 INVITATION TO BID Bids for Playground Replacement, Missouri State Parks West Region, Bothwell Lodge State Historic Site, Knob Noster State Park & Confederate Memorial State Historic Site, Sedalia, Knob Noster, and Higginsville, Missouri Project No. X2109-01 will be received by FMDC,State of MO, UNTIL 1:30 PM, November 1, 2022. The State of Missouri, OA/FMDC, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry or national origin in consideration for an award. Federal Land and Water Conservation Funds are being used in this project, and all relevant federal, state and local requirements apply. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities Missouri Press Service 802 Locust Columbia, MO 65201 PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAX - 573-874-5894 Dos Mundos Ad Code: D&C_X2109-01 INVITATION TO BID
2022. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities Missouri Press Service 802 Locust Columbia, MO 65201 PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAX - 573-874-5894 Dos Mundos Ad Code: D&C_R2302-01 INVITATION TO
information and
to: http://oa.mo. gov/facilities Missouri Press Service 802 Locust Columbia, MO 65201 PHONE - 573-449-4167 FAX - 573-874-5894 Dos Mundos Ad Code: D&C_O2245-01 Ad Size: 1x4 INVITATION TO BID RECYCLE ME!

Church group hosts baby shower for

Guadalupe Center organizes fundraiser

HBAGKC Scholarship celebrates


Page 4B. DOS MUNDOS • Volume 42 • Issue 39 • September 29 - October 05, 2022 State Avenue Dental Office 6708 State Avenue KC, KS. 66102 Hablamos Español / (913) 299-8554 www.stateavenuedentaloffice.com FastBracesKansasCity.com - KCFastBraces.com Youngjune Chang, D.D.S. General Dentist 8 kids a day are accidentally killed or injured by FAMILY FIRE. FAMILY FIRE is a shooting involving an improperly stored gun, often found in the home. ENDFAMILYFIRE.org
Milagros Photos by Clara Reyes El 3 de septiembre de 2 a 5, el grupo de la iglesia Holly Cross se reunió para celebrar el Baby Shower de Milagros, la cual recibio muchos regalos para el nuevo bebe. On Sept. 3, from 2 to 5 p.m., a group from the Holly Cross Church got together to celebrate a baby shower for Mila gros, who received a lot of gifts for the new baby.
Photos by Clara Reyes
Photos by Michae Alvarado

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