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2018年 8-9月第 45期 No. 45 August - September 2018

尊尼获加 Johnnie Walker 苏格兰威士忌佳酿 The taste of Scotland


摩珀斯酒店 Morpheus hotel 澳门奢华酒店业的划时代新标杆 The icon of the new Macau

Richard Mille 极尽优雅的女士陀飞轮腕表 Elegance on the wrist

Macau MOP 50 Hong Kong HKD 50 Mainland China RMB 50

If she is a business leader

If she seeks information in Chinese

If she wants to go global

If she want to know all news before they’re printed

If she prefers to watch it on tv

If she wants the daily headlines in brief

If she is a fashion enthusiast

If she has a vision to share

If she needs creative marketing

All about communication

刘家扬 主编




澳门逸园赛狗场在近日结业,结束了87年的赛狗 历 史 。 而 600多 只 的 格 力 犬 的 未 来 让 澳 门 再 一 次 成为世界的焦点。就当我们想向澳门过去道别的 时候,我们确定准备好迎接未来了吗? 我相信答案一定不是太消极的,因为在这座城市 的另一边路氹城迎来了一次划时代的更新,由已 故著名建筑师扎哈哈蒂设计的酒店摩珀斯正式在 新濠天地开幕,充满现代的建筑合计和卓越的艺 术氛围及奢华的服务设施,相信会为澳门酒店业 吸引来自世界各地更多元化的客人。同时,随着 消费结构的改变,千禧一代已成为时尚产业最 大的消费者,为了贴合年轻一代消费者的需 求 , DFS在 新 濠 天 地 T广 场 设 立 环 球 设 计 空 间,汇聚来自世界各地超过35个品牌,其中更有 二十多个在这里进行澳门独家发售。同位于金 光大道,四季酒店就像是繁华都市中的世外桃 源,而里面有一位绝世厨艺高手,用他的创意为 顾客带来不断的惊喜。 近年来,除了博彩业,澳门的文化生活也十分值 得期待。早前,一部以澳门为故事背景的电影 《镜海》登陆了戛纳电影市场,这一期我们将会 走进编剧兼导演林毅炜的创作世界,了解他与澳 门的不解之缘。此外,伟大的俄罗斯画家夏加尔 的展览亦在城中展出,艺术迷们千万不要错过这 个难得的机会亲眼目睹这位艺术家在南法生活 期间的作品。回过神来,澳门有那么一位年轻 艺术家,在这些来自欧洲的艺术巨匠熏陶下,从 小学习艺术和油画,渐渐找到自己对于艺术的 表达方式,现在,她致力于跨界艺术,运用多 种媒介手法去表达心中的情绪,为世界展现更 多艺术的可能性。

After holding greyhound racing for 87 years, Macau Canidrome recently closed, with the fate of over 600 greyhounds grabbing worldwide attention. So, in bidding farewell to the old days are we ready for the future? I think the answer is not that negative. Some of us are surely ready. On the other side of the city, Morpheus - a brand new hotel designed by late legendary architect Zaha Hadid - has opened at City of Dreams. Designed as the icon of the New Macau, this high-end hotel features futuristic exteriors and interiors, setting a new benchmark for ultra-luxury hospitality. Not to mention an array of novelties designed to help Macau attract tourists looking for something entirely new. The consumption structure in recent years has changed a lot, with the Millennial generation becoming the main consumers of fashion. In order to target this group of customers, DFS has unveiled its new multi-brand concept store, World Design Space, at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams. It includes over 35 new and emerging adult and children’s fashion brands from international design houses from all over the world, including 26 that are exclusive to here. Also located on the Cotai Strip, Four Seasons is like an individual far from the madding crowd. In this mysterious area resides hidden master chef Benjamin who takes charge of the culinary delights of the restaurants in the hotel with unquenchable enthusiasm. Aside from the gaming, the art and culture of this city is also worthy exploring. The arts are flourishing in Macau. The movie Sea of Mirrors - using Macau as a backdrop to the story, and just finished shooting here - attracted strong interest from buyers at the recent Cannes Film Festival plus strong interest from buyers. On another level, Russian artist Marc Chagall’s exhibition is now showing in town, representing a rare opportunity to see the amazing works of this feted artist who created so much of his work in the south of France. While young local artist Sanchia Lau - strongly influenced by the great artists of Europe herself - has studied fine arts and painting since very young, to the point that she now devotes her enthusiasm to cross-disciplinary art to express her own perspectives on art.


Enjoy your visit to Macau!

专题特写 FEATURES 20

酒店 Hotel 新濠天地摩珀斯酒店树立超豪华酒 店新标杆



展览 Exhibition


澳门艺术博物馆举行“命运的色彩─夏加 尔南法时期作品展”



名表 Watches 理查德米勒首款自动上链女士陀飞 轮腕表问世





房产 Property 精品预制房革命,预制房地产行业 的全新理念



艺术家 Artist 刘欣珏及其在跨界艺术领域的卓越成就




艺术家 Artist








品牌 Brand



采访巴西著名泳衣品牌莱尼 ·尼迈耶创始人

商场 Store


DFS旗下澳门T广场新濠天地店全新 “环球设计空间”揭幕


佳酿 Drink 尊尼获加,全球最畅销威士忌




访谈 Interview 《精华》杂志对话电影导演林毅炜


潮流 Trends FOR

画家胡安·埃斯科瑞亚萨眼中的美 国城市景观




时尚 Fashion



名厨 Chef 林俊发,澳门四季酒店餐厅行政副总厨





美酒 Wine 中国红酒产业发展前景可观



餐厅 Restaurants 澳门正宗地道美味




新闻速递 News 酒店业新闻集锦


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创办人 Founding partners Bruce Hawker - Paulo A. Azevedo - 总监及出版人 Director and publisher Paulo A. Azevedo - 国际编辑 International editor Fernando Caetano - 编辑助理 Editorial Coordinator Cátia Matos - 編輯 Editor Edwina Liu -

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欢 度盛 夏 于 济 州 神话 世界 Celebrate this summer at Jeju Shinhwa World 還在 思量夏日度假去哪 里 ?就去 济 州 神 话 世 界 , 这 个 让 亲 朋 好 友 、 一家 老幼休 闲 欢 聚 的 圣 殿 ! For those planning a summer vacation, Jeju Shinhwa World is a wonderful place for relaxation and gathering with friends and family 14 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Essential RESORT


eju Island, off the southern coast of South Korea, has been since long the best healing place for Koreans. This island is famous for its beautiful geographical features, rich fauna and flora as well as its history and culture. Jeju Island is not only a treasured place for Koreans but also a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. To offer the best experience and entertainment to all visitors, Jeju Shinhwa World is an exciting and prestigious world-class integrated resort covering an area of approximately 2.5 million square metres.

LUXURIOUS ACCOMMODATION The unique collection of hotels is the crown jewel of this luxury playground, offering more than 2,000 rooms and luxury villas. From Land-

ing Jeju Shinhwa World Hotels & Resorts, a cutting-edge MICE resort for business travelers, to world-renown premium luxury resort Marriott Jeju Shinhwa World Hotels & Resorts and Jeju Shinhwa World Four Seasons Resort & Spa, to premium CONDOMINIUMS and hotels for families, Somerset Jeju Shinhwa World and Shinhwa Jeju Shinhwa World Hotels & Resorts, each of these properties offers top-notch amenities and personalized services to its guests.

LAND OF HAPPINESS Jeju Shinhwa world has the best locations for tourists of all ages. For youngsters, Shinwa Theme Park features the popular and lovely animated ‘Larva’ character developed by TUBAn, a Korea-based, global 3D animation studio. The

州岛位于韩国南海岸上,自古至今都 是韩国人的避暑胜地。济州岛以其美 丽的地貌、丰富的动植物资源以及历史和文 化而驰名。 如今,济州岛不仅是本国人心中的宝岛, 还是全球各地游客争相前往的旅游胜地。为 了给游客提供最卓越的旅游和娱乐体验,济 州 神 话 世 界 占 地 250 万 平 方 米 ,是 世 界 一 流 的综合度假圣殿。


一系列独一无二的酒店是济州神话世界 最 耀 目 引 人 的 所 在 ,共 提 供 2000 多 间 客 房 和 豪 华 别 墅 。从 专 为 商 务 人 士 而 设 的 尖 端 MICE 度假酒店:济州神话世界度假酒店–蓝 鼎,到世界著名的顶级豪华度假村包括济州 神话世界度假酒店–万豪和济州神话世界度 假酒店–四季,再到为家庭旅客打造的顶级 豪 华 度 假 公 寓 别 墅 :济 州 神 话 世 界 盛 捷 服 务公寓以及济州神话世界度假酒店–神话, 各家酒店都为宾客提供最杰出的设施和无与 伦比的个性化服务。 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 15

Essential RESORT


济州神话世界配有各式娱乐热点和项目, 适合所有年龄段旅客。青少年必定会喜欢又 潮又可爱的“爆笑虫子”(Larva)——角色造型 由 世 界 闻 名 的 3D 动 画 工 作 室 韩 国 图 班 娱 乐 公司打造。而神话主题公园由三个区域组成: “视 界 之 港 ”里 都 是 图 班 公 司 打 造 的 动 画 人 物 ;“ 奥 斯 卡 的 新 世 界 ”是 一 个 神 秘 丛 林 ; “爆 笑 虫 子 的 冒 险 村 ”则 最 受 孩 子 们 喜 爱 ,在 此他们可以和动画片中的经典角色相遇。主 题公园其实老幼皆宜,拥有 15 个游乐设施和 景点,适合全家共游。 济州神话世界与韩国最大的娱乐公司— — YG 娱 乐 — — 携 手 打 造 了 娱 乐 镇 ,汇 聚 蜚 声 国 际 的 韩 国 明 星 ,为 K Pop 粉 丝 提 供 顶 尖 的娱乐表演和活动。在这里,韩流粉丝有机 会 近 距 离 接 触 偶 像 的 设 计 ,例 如 ,K Pop 巨 星权志龙参与设计、并融合了个人品牌 Peaceminusone 的 早 午 餐 咖 啡 厅 “Untitled”,其 他热点还包括风格酒吧和摇滚主题保龄球酒 吧 AC.III.T,其 酒 吧 也 是 由 权 志 龙 设 计 ,里 面还有各式各样的美味餐饮供选择。


炎炎夏日,没有比在济州岛最大的水上乐 园戏水更爽酷的事了!八月份才开放的神话 世界水上乐园分为三个区域,设有各式缤纷 精彩的游乐设施和水上滑梯,包括亚洲首个 230 米 高 滑 梯 ,13 个 不 同 的 造 浪 池 、水 上 滑 道和游泳池,无比的刺激、痛快。这里还有 让人惊叹的人造海滩、人造海浪,让游客尽情 享受日光浴。此外,神话世界水上乐园还设 有 一 个 城 堡 状 水 疗 中 心 ,让 宾 客 享 受 一 段 深层次放松的悠闲夏日时光。


如 果 玩 够 了 海 滩 ,晒 够 了 太 阳 ,不 妨 休 息一下,水上乐园拥有各种美食餐厅,让您 随心所欲地选择自己喜欢的餐厅来放松和 大快朵颐。 今年夏天还有一个令影迷兴奋的消息,深 受喜爱的变形金刚汽车联盟中的角色如今也 在 济 州 神 话 世 界 亮 相 。您 准 备 好 了 吗 ? 在 展 览 上 完 成 包 括 真 实 刺 激 的 VR 游 戏 及 多 种 项目,与擎天柱和大黄蜂一起守护地球!

Theme Park has three zones: Rotary Park, showing all characters of TUBAn; Oscar’s New World, a mysterious jungle; and kid’s favourite Larva Adventure Village where everyone can meet the iconic characters. The park is also suitable for adults, featuring 15 amazing rides and various attractions for the whole family to enjoy. For K Pop fans, Jeju Shinhwa World teams up with YG Entertainment – one of the biggest Korean entertainment groups – to provide firstrate entertainment shows and events featuring world-famous Korean celebrities. In fact, fans can have close encounters with their idols at a wonderful brunch café “Untitled” infused with K Pop star G-Dragon’s identity brand, ‘Peaceminusone’. Other attractions include AC.III.T, a rock-themed bowling club that features a stylish lounge pub also designed by G-Dragon as well as a wide range of F&B options.

SUMMER ATTRACTIONS During the scorching summer, what's better than cooling down in water splashes in the largest water park in Jeju? Just opened in August, Shinhwa Water park has three areas with a great variety of rides and slides, including Asia’s first 230-meter high slide in and 13 other different types of waves, slides and pools. Additionally, an amazing man-made beach with waves allows realistic sunbathing, besides a castle-shaped spa for guests looking for deeper relaxing. And whoever gets tired of the sand and the sun can have a break and fill the belly at one of the varied dinning options there.

Essential RESORT 独一无二的豪华博彩体验

蓝鼎娱乐场是一个无与伦比的高端娱乐 场,内饰豪华气派,配备顶级服务,满足所 有赌客需求。 客人可以感受多种电子赌桌游戏和老虎 机,以及轮盘、21 点和骰宝(大细)等。由 于百家乐是最受欢迎的纸牌游戏,百家乐枱 占整个博彩区赌桌的一半有多。蓝鼎娱乐场 的另一大特色是设有扑克专区,除传统的扑 克 游 戏 外 , 还 可 以 玩 诸 如 蓝 鼎 3 卡扑克、 蓝鼎扑克、扑克 36 等特色游戏。 娱 乐 场 不 收 取 入 场 费 ,但 请 务 必 携 带 护 照 。韩 国 法 律 规 定 ,只 有 年 满 19 岁 的 外 国 宾客才许可进入娱乐场。


购物达人可以在神话购物中心尽情血拼, 中 心 网 罗 所 有 顶 级 奢 侈 品 牌 、流 行 时 尚 品 牌、美容美妆品牌,还有一个面积达 10,144 平 方米的大型免税商店。 想去体验这个精彩无限的神话世界?今个 夏天,快去全新的济州神话世界! 쐽

济州旅游资讯 签证:免签 航班: • 距离上海 1 小时飞行、北京 2 小时飞行、 香港及澳门 3 小时飞行 • 蓝鼎娱乐场提供澳门包机 –每逢周四及周日 澳门至济州 02:00-06:05 –每逢周三及周六 济州至澳门 22:00-00:30+1 • 其他国家地区包机服务即将开通

JEJU TRAVEL TIPS Visa: Exempted Flight: • 1-hour flight from Shanghai, 2-hour flight from Beijing, 3-hour flight from Macau/Hong Kong •

Landing Casino chartered flight from Macau –

Macau to Jeju 02:00-06:05, every Thursday and Sunday

Jeju to Macau 22:00-00:30+1, every Wednesday and Saturday

More chartered flight from other countries nearby will be launched soon


Jeju Shinhwa World 网站 | Website: 热线电话 | Hotline: 4006618866 蓝鼎娱乐场

Landing Casino 网站 | Website: 热线电话 | Hotline: +82 64 908 8880

And all movie fans, please take notice: this summer, beloved movie characters Transformers Autobot Alliances are staging at Jeju Shinhwa World. Get ready to be a guardian of planet Earth with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee to complete missions in different programs such as the virtual reality games for robot enthusiasts to interact with their heroes up at the exhibition.

DISTINCTLY LUXURIOUS GAMING EXPERIENCE Landing Casino is an exclusive, upmarket property with luxurious interiors and top-notch service catering to all gamers. Guests can enjoy a diverse selection of electronic games and slots, as well as roulette, blackjack and Tai Sai. Catering to players of the most popular game, tables of Baccarat account for more than half of the total. Another feature to

note is the specialised poker area offering a variety of poker games other than the classic, including Landing 3 card poker, Landing stud poker and poker 36. There is no entrance fee, but please make sure to bring your passport since, according to Korean law, only foreign guests aged 19 years and above are allowed into casinos.

MORE FUN FOR GUESTS TO DISCOVER... Shopaholics can also enjoy a full shopping therapy at the Shinhwa Shoppe, featuring from major premium luxury brands to popular fashion brands, cosmetic and beauty labels as well as a 10,144 square metres duty-free store. Can’t wait to explore this exciting world? Check it at the new Jeju Shinhwa World this summer! 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 17

Essential CHEF

总 厨 Andrea 呈 现全 新 意 式 美 馔 A New Italian Menu by Innovative Chef Andrea 温馨淳朴的 地道 意式 家常 菜餐 饗体 验 , 尽 在 「 澳 門 銀河 ™ 」 综合 渡假 城庭 园意 大 利 餐 厅 An unpretentious and family-styled dining experience awaits you at Terrazza Italian Restaurant at Galaxy Macau™ 行政总厨Andrea Fioravanti Executive Chef Andrea Fioravanti

政 总 厨 Andrea Fioravanti 堪 称 意 大 利 美 食 烹 饪 大 师 。 他 拥 有 逾 20 年 厨 艺经验,曾在意大利、西班牙、卡塔尔等世界 各地的顶级餐厅工作,也因此形塑了自己独 特的烹饪理念。他在高级餐厅方面拥有高超 的烹饪技艺,但又深谙意大利菜式简约而不 简单的精髓之道,并将这一理念实践于庭园 意大利餐厅。 为了给宾客带来前所未有的美食享受,才 华横溢的总厨 Andrea,不断探索和改良意大 利 传 统 家 常 菜 。他 以 自 己 的 家 庭 背 景 和 烹 饪生涯为灵感,精心炮制了全新菜单,让食 客美美沉醉于他的个性烹饪和意大利家庭 传统风味。 秘制烤猪肉卷是总厨设计的全新菜单上 的亮点之一,他巧妙地糅合了经典的烤意式 猪肉卷和西班牙伊比利亚猪肉。无肉不欢的 食客定会为意式烤乳猪的脆嫩和西班牙伊比 利亚猪肉的丰盈肉汁而赞不绝口。为了在新 菜单中呈现家乡特色,总厨 Andrea 还特意在


xecutive Chef Andrea Fioravanti of Terrazza Italian Restaurant is a master Italian chef with global influence stemming from more than twenty years of experience that includes working for top restaurants in Italy, Spain and Qatar. He has acquired sophisticated skills in fine dining while never losing sight of the simple values which make Italian cuisine great. Devoted to delight his guests from all over the world, Chef Andrea has concocted a new menu inspired by his family background and culinary journey for guests to indulge in his personality and family traditions. One of his new creations is the “secret” porchetta - a creative combination of classic Italian porchetta and Spanish Iberian pork. Meat lovers will be enthralled by the combo of marinated succulent suckling pig and savouries such as Iberian secreto. To represent his hometown, Chef Andrea prepares eggplant 18 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

千层茄子 Eggplant “Parmigiana”

辣肉腸手工披薩 Piccante Pizza

秘制烤猪肉卷 The “Secret” Pork

鲜制手工意大利细面配波士顿龙虾及柠檬汁 Fresh Tagliolini with Lobster and Lemon Sauce

全 新 菜 单 中 准 备 了 千 层 茄 子 ,这 道 经 典 的 南意菜肴是在煎茄片上放上奶酪和西红柿 酱 ,是 道 洋 溢 着 浓 浓 的 南 意 风 情 ,更 是 素 食人士的理想选择。 他的经典拿手菜式亦包括鲜制手工意大 利细面配波士顿龙虾及柠檬汁——手工意面 配 上 以 罗 勒 烹 饪 的 龙 虾 ,浇 上 圣 马 扎 诺 西 红柿酱(圣马扎诺西红柿是意大利最著名的 梅子西红柿,其鲜甜浓郁的口感深受喜爱) 撒 上 柠 檬 皮 碎 ,极 致 地 带 出 龙 虾 的 天 然 味 道。这款无与伦比的意面口感清爽、味道出 众。其他必尝菜式包括火箭菜沙拉及其最佳 搭档开胃拼盘和腊肉肠手工披萨。 品尝过庭园意大利餐厅的一系列甜点, 这次难忘的美食体验才算完美。餐厅的意大 利民族甜点——提拉米苏堪称一绝。提拉米 苏口感层次丰富,总厨 Andrea 将甜与苦平衡 得 恰 到 好 处 。另 一 道 甜 品 是 菠 萝 杏 仁 蛋 糕 (配 以 充 满 热 带 风 情 的 菠 萝 、杏 仁 饼 干 和 椰 子冰淇淋),口感清新,令人回味无穷,是绝 佳的夏日甜点 。 备受好评的庭园意大利餐厅位于 「 銀 河 酒 店 ™ 」 二 楼 ,餐 厅 环 境 高 雅 温 馨 , 提 供 地 道 正 宗 的 意 大 利 家 常 菜 式 ,是 一 家 老少、朋友相聚共享美食的完美之地。 地址:「銀河酒店」二楼 201 쐽

“parmigiana”, a traditional South Italian dish made with a shallow-fried sliced filling with cheese and tomato sauce on the top. It is also suitable for vegetarian guests. His classic dish also includes fresh tagliolini with lobster and lemon sauce - artisan pasta accompanied by fresh lobster cooked with basil,

提拉米苏 Tiramisu

topped with San Marzano tomato sauce, crafted from Italy’s most famous plum tomatoes prized for their sweet and intense flavour, sprinkled with lemon rind, allowing the natural flavours of the lobster to shine. It is an excellent, refreshing pasta dish. Don’t miss other must-try dishes such as rocket salad’s great companion antipasti platter and piccante pizza. Completing a memorable dining experience at Terrazza Italian Restaurant is an array of delicious desserts. As the national dessert of Italy, the tiramisu here is outstanding. Chef has perfectly balanced the sweet and bitter notes of the dessert to present a rich yet airy texture. Another dessert is the pineapple and almond - a tropical pineapple cake with pineapple, almond biscuit and cool coconut ice cream which is fresh and easy to eat. A perfect dolce for summer season. Located on the second floor of Galaxy Hotel™, Terrazza Italian Restaurant is the perfect venue for gathering with friends and families. Guests can enjoy the continual exploration and elevation of cherished Italian family recipes here. Location: Galaxy Hotel, 2F, 201 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 19


澳门 全新 地标 Icon of the New Macau 最让人 翘 首以待的新濠天地 全新 摩珀 斯 酒 店 已 于 6 月中 旬 盛大开幕。酒店集合各 行业 创 新 奢 华 精英,势必要成为“澳门 全新 地 标 ” The most anticipated new hotel Morpheus at City of Dreams was unveiled in the middle of June. In order to create the ‘Icon of the New Macau’ an array of talent was assembled from a variety of industries 文/by EDWINA LIU

筑风格决定了一间酒店留给宾客的第 一印象。因此,新濠博亚娱乐有限公 司(新濠)携手全球最著名的建筑师——已故 的 建 筑 女 爵 扎 哈 ·哈 蒂 德 (Zaha Hadid),缔 造出让人叹为观止的建筑杰作。 “2012 年 ,新 濠 集 团 联 络 我 们 ,问 我 们 是 否有兴趣合作设计新濠天地的新酒店。刚开 始,他们希望我们提供一些美学方面的构思 和想法。在我们这个行业,客户希望在漫长 的合作旅程开始前了解我们是否有共同的 愿景,是很普遍的。因此我们来到澳门做实 地 考 察 。1 月 份 ,我 们 在 首 次 会 议 上 讨 论 了


rchitecture decides the first impression of a hotel in guests’ minds. Thus, Melco Resorts & Entertainment (Melco) collaborated with one of the most renowned architects in the world - the late Zaha Hadid - to take up this important responsibility. “In 2012, Melco Group contacted us to see if we were interested in collaborating on a new building as part of City of Dreams. At the beginning, they asked us to come up with the aesthetics and idea. It’s quite common in our industry

提案后,合作就正式步入正轨,” 扎哈·哈蒂 德建筑事务所(Zaha Hadid Architects)副总监 Viviana Muscettla 表示。 摩 珀 斯 酒 店 以 玉 玺 为 设 计 灵 感 ,突 破 多 项建筑技术,是全球首座采用自由形态外骨 骼结构的摩天大楼。 ( “ 我们)最初提出的参考提案中有一项是 玉雕的设计灵感。随后又有了外骨骼结构的 想法——即是集合了客户对这栋建筑的期望 以及我们按照客户要求对美学的诠释。为了 能够尽量释放室内布局,我们就提出了外骨 骼结构的想法,”Viviana 继续表示。 “我们使用这种结构的另一个原因是,无 论什么时候,当我们设计一栋建筑时,都要 确保其符合建筑整体的稳定性规则,结构非 常重要;外骨骼结构就如同美女的骨骼。没 有这些骨骼,建筑也就荡然无存。” 摩 珀 斯 酒 店 有 770 间 客 房 、 套 房 和 别 墅,其中包括 3 套泳池别墅及 6 套复式别墅, 内 饰 全 都 出 自 世 界 顶 尖 室 内 设 计 师 Peter Remedios 之手。 “新 濠 希 望 酒 店 不 仅 要 设 有 出 众 的 设 施 , 还能在诸多方面呈献激动人心的元素。除了 客房外,他们希望酒店两座大楼能够有水溶 交融的效果,但不又单只体现在装饰方面。 这是一个与众不同的场所——无论是餐厅 还是贵宾廊都别具一格,”Viviana 表示。 “我们有个想法就是打造出最大空间。打 造最大空间从某种程度上让我们有机会尽可 能多地在角落位置加建房间。不仅大楼外侧 有客房,大厦中部和和中心位置都有房间。 这 种 既 满 足 了 客 户 要 求 、又 不 同 凡 响 的 设 计可谓天才的做法了。” 22 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

除了建筑设计外,扎哈·哈蒂德建筑事务 所 也 参 与 了 酒 店 大 堂 的 设 计 和 位 于 21 楼 和 23 楼的餐厅的设计。 ( “ 探索)这座建筑本身就是一趟旅程,人 们看到外观,会受到启发从而进入建筑内部 去 进 一 步 欣 赏 ,”她 说 ,“我 们 非 常 高 兴 还 有 机 会 参 与 设 计 了 某 些 室 内 设 计 。从 家 具 到 小元素,正是这种大处着眼、小处着手的做 法才能彰显尊贵与超凡卓绝。”

Viviana Muscettla

for the client to want to see if there is a common vision between the two parties before starting a long journey. So we came here to visit the site. Everything started after we had a first meeting in January with the initial idea of it,” says Viviana Muscettla, Associate Director of Zaha Hadid Architects. Inspired by jade artefacts, Morpheus is the world’s first free-form, exoskeleton-bound, high-rise architectural composition. “One of the initial references we used was the carving out of the jade. The idea of the exoskeleton came soon after - a combination of what the client wanted for this building in terms of what we wanted to do [with regard to] aesthetics. To be able to free as much as possible of the interior layout we came up with this idea of an exoskeleton structure associated with the outside of the building,” continues Viviana. “Another reason we used the exoskeleton is that whenever we design a building we have in mind that they only have to comply with steady requirements, they have to work truly structured; the exoskeleton is somehow the bones of a very pretty lady. Without those bones, the building doesn’t exist.” The hotel’s 770 guestrooms, suites and villas, including three ultra-luxurious pool villas and six duplex villas, were designed by one of the world’s top interior designers, Peter Remedios. “The client wanted this place to have many exciting [aspects] before common facilities.

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 23


Charles Pétillon


摩 珀 斯 各 种 魅 力 无 限 引 人 ,为 澳 门 超 豪 华酒店业树立起全新标杆,新濠邀请世界知 名 室 内 设 计 师 Peter Remedios 担 纲 室 内 设 计,处处洋溢无与伦比的尊尚奢华风范,位 于 40 层 的 天 际 泳 池 和 位 于 酒 店 41、42 层 的 复式别墅尤其豪华气派非凡。 摩珀斯水疗及个人护理中心也延续了 酒店尊尚奢华的风格,采用自家水疗管家理 念和雪园的装置——全球首个呈现真是雪景 的水疗理念。 为了完善宾客超凡卓绝的酒店体验,摩珀 斯酒店精心呈献诸多高端餐飨选择,并包括 多个全球餐飨界第一。是全球首间坐拥 “杜 卡 斯 品 味 世 界 ”的 酒 店 : 酒 店 联 袂 拥 有 “世纪厨神”美誉之殿堂级名厨杜卡斯(Alain Ducasse),共同打造全球首家以专属楼层特设 两间杜卡斯餐厅的酒店。;有“世界最佳甜点 师”之称的皮埃尔·艾尔梅(Pierre Hermé)为 摩珀斯酒店带来其崭新独特、充满味觉和感 官 体 验 的 Pierre Hermé 世 界 (The Universe of Pierre Hermé)。“天 颐 ”是 亚 洲 唯 一 主 打 日 本 omakase-style 方 式 料 理 的 高 级 中 菜 厅 。摩 珀 斯 酒 店 的 另 一 亮 点 就 是 设 在 酒 店 23 层 的 当


Apart from the rooms, the client wanted to combine the two buildings not only according to the décor. It is a special venue - whether restaurants or VIP lounge,” says Viviana. “We came up with the idea by carving out the maximum volume. And carving out the max was somehow giving us opportunities to build, as much as possible, rooms in the corners. You don’t only have rooms on the outside, you also have room in the middle part, in the centre of the building. This was a genius way to comply with the client’s requirements [whilst] doing something unique.” Apart from the design, Zaha Hadid Architects also got involved in the interior design of the lobby and the restaurants on the 21st and 23rd floors. “The building itself wanted to be a journey, from outside to inspired people to see inside,” she says, “We’re very happy that we got the opportunity to do some interior design for some areas. From the furniture pieces or the little elements, the transformation from the biggest cares to the smallest tells the stories.”

ULTRA-LUXURY HOSPITALITY Morpheus sets a new benchmark for ultraluxury hospitality in Macau and features an array of attractions, with Melco inviting worldrenowned interior designer Peter Remedios to design the ultra-luxe interior designs, especially the Duplex Villa on levels 41 and 42 and the sky-high reflective pool perched on level 40. Luxurious experiences continue with the world-exclusive Morpheus spa, featuring the in-house Spa Butler concept and Snow Garden installation – the first spa concept in the world to feature real snow. To perfect this unparalleled experience, the hotel’s alluring array of dining options includes a global culinary first: the World of Ducasse at Morpheus. In partnership with legendary chef Alain Ducasse, Morpheus is the first hotel in the world to feature an entire floor dedicated to two Ducasse restaurants as well as The Universe of Pierre Hermé, held by World’s Best Pastry Chef Pierre Hermé and Macau’s first omakase-style Chinese fine dining restaurant Yi.


Shinji Ohmaki

代视觉艺术艺廊,汇集了让人叹为观止的艺 术 装 置 作 品 。法 国 艺 术 大 师 Charles Pétillon 的《200 LITOFAIRHOUR》 (意指每小时 200 立 方 米 ,是 装 置 艺 术 品 所 需 之 空 气 量 ),以 六 米高的织物泡泡形成一朵朵巨型浮云,漂浮 在充满活力和激情的地面层之上。 日本艺术大师大卷伸嗣(Shinji Ohmaki)的 作品《Echoes Infinity》,由色彩鲜艳的花艺板 图 组 成 了 一 条 长 廊 ,花 艺 板 图 中 糅 合 了 各 种元素,如水晶、玻璃、矿物质及非常细微 的沙状颗粒。 “这是我自 2002 年起开始创作的作品系列 中的一部分;这个系列名为《Echoes》。从作 品本身就能看到其汇集了许多不同的植物图 案;作品象征着不同的文化是如何汇聚到一 起形成一种崭新的文化,无限延续,永不停 息。就如同澳门一样,澳门是不同文化、不 同族群的交汇点,”大卷伸嗣表示。 这 一 装 置 目 前 还 未 完 成 ,它 将 会 延 伸 至 15 米长的整个走廊;不光装于走廊墙上,还会 在地板上延伸。现在已经安装了 56 个花艺板。 这 里 还 有 一 件 巨 型 雕 塑 《Good Intentions》 (好 意 ), 出 自 著 名 涂 鸦 艺 术 家 KAWS 之手, 展现了他作品中两个著名的父子人物。 쐽

Another highlight of Morpheus is the breathtaking art installations of Art on 23, a contemporary visual art gallery. Leading the way is ‘200 LITOFAIRHOUR’ (meaning 200 cubic metres of air per hour, the volume of air required to put up the installation) by French

artist Charles Pétillon, in which six-metre high fabric bubbles create a floating cloud above the energy and excitement of the ground below. Another masterpiece is ‘Echoes Infinity’ by Japan’s Shinji Ohmaki, which comprises a corridor of exquisite floral panels featuring hundreds of fragments like crystals, glass minerals and very fine particles of sand. “This is part of the series which started in 2002; this series is called Echoes. You can see from the artwork itself there are a lot of different plant graphics together; it represents how different cultures come together to form to a new one, continuing onward without stopping. It’s also like Macau, Macau is a meeting spot for different cultures and different peoples,” says Ohmaki. This installation is not yet finished, It’s going to spread to the entire 15-some corridors; it’s not just the walls but also the floor. Right now, there are 56 panels. There is also a display of largescale sculpture ‘Good Intentions’ made by famous graffiti artist KAWS showing two of his famous character designs as parent and child. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 25


在達蒙太陽下的藍船 - 1951年 裱硬板紙本、水粉彩 高:39.2厘米,寬:57.8厘米 - 私人收藏 Blue Boat in the Sun, Le Dramont - 1951 Gouache on paper mounted on hardboard H: 39.2 cm, W: 57.8 cm - Private collection

命 运的 色彩 夏加 尔 南法时期作 品展 Light and colour in the south of France “ 我总画人类 爱情 溢 满于我 笔 下色彩 的 图 画 。” 马 克 ·夏加 尔 'I have always painted pictures where human love floods my colours.' Marc Chagall

罗斯艺术家马克夏加尔被誉为二十世 纪最伟大的艺术家。他也被视为是超 现实主义的先驱,尽管他自己并没有如此自 我标榜。事实上,夏加尔在他职业生涯中的 不同时期进行过许多激进的现代主义风格创 作,探索过立体派、至上主义和超现实主义 等,可能受到这些流派的影响,他的创作呈 现完全抽象的风格。 26 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

夏 加 尔 出 生 于 白 俄 罗 斯 ,长 期 在 法 国 学 习 和 生 活 。 20 世 纪 50 年 代 到 70 年 代 期 间 , 他居住于法国南部。其作品的风头与巴勃罗· 毕加索和亨利·马蒂斯的无异。 在 他 居 住 法 南 期 间 ,夏 加 尔 在 艺 术 界 享 有更高的地位,并参与了各种艺术活动。圣 经系列的绘画后,他创造了令人惊叹的彩色 石 版 画 系 列 《达 夫 尼 与 克 洛 埃 》,作 品 基 于


ussian artist Marc Chagall is acclaimed as the greatest artist of the twentieth century. He was also considered the pioneer of surrealism although he did not claim to be. Actually, Chagall worked in many radical modernist styles at various times throughout his career, exploring Cubism, Suprematism and Surrealism, all of which possibly encouraged

《美人鱼与鱼》水粉彩初稿 (尼斯与蔚蓝海岸,CS 28) - 1956-60年 纸本水粉彩、粉彩笔 高77厘米,宽57厘米 私人收藏 Preparatory Gouache for Sirenand Fish (Nice et la Côte d’Azur, CS 28) - 1956–60 Gouache and pastel on paper H: 77 cm, W: 57 cm Private collection

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 27




五枝蜡烛 - 1950年 厚画纸水粉彩、粉彩笔 高:78.7厘米,寬:57.2厘米 - 私人收藏 Five Candles - 1950 Gouache and pastel on thick - Arches paper H: 78.7 cm, W: 57.2 cm - Private collection 《生命》草稿 - 1963-64年 纸本墨染、水粉彩、水墨、铅笔、 拼贴纸及布料;分格 高:56.6厘米,宽:76.5厘米 - 私人收藏

Sketch for The Life - 1963–64 Ink wash, gouache, India ink, pencil, collage of paper and fabric on paper; squared H: 56.6 cm, W: 76.5 cm - Private collection

天堂 - 1961年 硬板油彩 - 高:43.5厘米 寬:58厘米 尼斯夏加尔国立美术馆收藏 - MBMC82

Paradise - 1961 Oil on hardboard - H: 43.5 cm, W: 58 cm Musée National Marc Chagall, Nice - MBMC 82

年轻牧羊人情侣达夫尼与克洛埃之间的牧歌 式浪漫爱情故事,捕捉了这段年轻的爱情的 荣 耀 和 悲 剧 。之 后 ,他 开 始 为 耶 路 撒 冷 和 法 国的教堂制作花窗玻璃。另一个杰出之作 是 1964 年 揭 幕 的 巴 黎 歌 剧 院 天 花 壁 画 ,蔚 为壮观。此外,他为莫扎特歌剧《魔笛》设 计了舞台幕布、服装和面具。 六月起,澳门艺术博物馆(艺博馆)举行 “命 运 的 色 彩 ──夏 加 尔 南 法 时 期 作 品 展 ” 。 展 览 共 展 出 艺 术 家 在 20 世 纪 50 年 代 至 70 年代创作的一百多件作品,包括油画、水

粉、石版画、舞台服装和挂毯,展现出明亮、 绚丽的光与色彩,将观众带往遥而可及的梦 幻境界。夏加尔从他的回忆和浪漫想象中汲 取创作灵感,因此他的作品经常呈现令人目 眩神迷的灿烂色彩。通过这次展览,公众可 以 深 切 感 受 艺 术 家 的 创 意 世 界 ,享 受 一 个 浪漫、诗意的艺术之旅。 为了让观众更多地了解夏加尔及体验其 艺 术 魅 力 ,艺 博 馆 还 将 举 办 一 系 列 相 关 活 动,包括六月二日起逢周六、周日及公众假 期下午举行的粤语导赏活动。 쐽

him to work in an entirely abstract style. Born in White Russia, Chagall studied and lived in France for a long time. From the 1950s to the 1970s he lived in the south of France. His works received the same popularity as Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. During the time he lived in the south of France Chagall enjoyed greater status in the art world and he got involved in various kinds of art. Followed by drawings for the Bible Series, he created the stunning colour lithograph series Daphnis and Chloe based upon the ancient pastoral tale of the two, which captures the triumphs and tragedies of young love. After that he started to make stained glass windows for cathedrals in Jerusalem and France. Another remarkable creation is the magnificent ceiling of Paris’s Opéra Garnier, which was unveiled in 1964. In addition, he made stage curtains, costumes and masks for Mozart’s The Magic Flute. During June, Macao Museum of Art (MAM) presents Marc Chagall, Light and Colour in Southern France featuring over 100 works by the artist created between the 1950s and 1970s. It includes paintings, gouaches, lithographs, costumes and tapestries, showing the pre-eminence of light and colour, transporting exhibition-goers to a distant realm of illusion. Chagall drew inspiration from his memory and imagination, which is why his works often feature dazzling, fantastic colours. Through this exhibition, the public can enjoy a poetic artistic journey at one with the artist’s creative world. In order to enable exhibition-goers to experience more about Chagall, MAM will also hold a series of complementary activities, including Cantonese guided tours every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday afternoon from 2nd June onwards. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 29

腕上 风华 Her amazing wrist Richard Mille 首 款 RM 71-01 自制 自动 上 链 女 士 陀 飞 轮 腕 表 问 世 Richard Mille debuts its in-house automatic tourbillon RM 71-01 for ladies 文/by EDWINA LIU


Essential WATCHES

士 制 表 品 牌 Richard Mille 一 直 以 从 赛 车 和 航 天 航 空 业 汲 取 灵 感 ,打 造 前 卫 、高 科 技 男 士 腕 表 闻 名 遐 迩 ,受 到 腕 表 收 藏 家 争 相 追 捧 。品 牌 深 切 意 识 到 女 性 客 户 市 场 的 日 益 壮 大 ,因 此 推 出 了 一 款 融 汇 超 卓 品 质 与 高 雅 气 质 的 奢 华 时 计 — — RM 71-01TALISMAN 自动上链女士陀飞轮腕表。 Richard Mille 先 生 表 示 : “众 所 周 知 , 我 们一直从赛车和航天航空业汲取灵感,推出 了 一 系 列 令 人 叹 为 观 止 的 高 科 技 、高 性 能 腕表,然而近几年来,品牌女士腕表的市场 份额,已占到了相当的比重。” 此 系 列 由 10 款 不 同 设 计 的 腕 表 组 成 , 采 用 玫 瑰 金 或 白 金 表 壳 ,每 款 腕 表 仅 生 产 5 枚 。由 于 该 款 腕 表 专 为 女 性 设 计 ,外 形 纤 细、优雅、重量轻盈。每款限量版腕表都搭 载了品牌自家打造的纤薄、超高性能的全自 动陀飞轮机芯,饰有夺目的钻石、珍珠母贝、 缟 玛 瑙 和 黑 色 蓝 宝 石 。品 牌 还 借 腕 表 展 示 了自家自制镂空肽金机芯 CRMT1,厚度仅为 6.2 毫米,重量只有 8 克。机芯底板可保护陀 飞轮旋转,同时保留了其可视性。 为 了 确 保 腕 表 拥 有 非 凡 性 能 ,散 发 让 人 惊 叹 的 绝 代 风 华 ,工 匠 们 付 出 了 长 期 且 艰 辛的劳动。 机 芯 技 术 总 监 Salvador Arbona 先 生 表 示 , “我 们 面 临 的 第 一 个 难 题 是 打 造 一 款 自 动 上链陀飞轮机芯,而且能放置在类似 RM 037 这样内部空间有限、弧线形的表壳中;第二 个难题就是它要符合我们的所有性能标准, 无 论 是 精 准 走 时 、自 动 上 链 或 是 抗 震 能 力 都能达到要求。” 全 新 RM 71-01 TALISMAN 自 动 上 链 女 士 陀飞轮腕表不只是一枚腕表,它是女性腕间 的一件珠宝,是神秘的护身符。Richard Mille 女 士 腕 表 系 列 总 监 Cécile Guenat 从 部 落 艺 术 和装饰艺术中汲取灵感,将二者完美融合。她 表示,正是天赋异禀的才华和对这份工作的 热情,才造就了一丝不苟、巧夺天工的细节。 为 了 让 每 位 Richard Mille 女 士 散 发 迷 人 光彩,每款腕表的表圈上都饰以交错排列的 钻石,数量、外形和大小各不相同,与表盘 设 计 相 得 益 彰 。 10 款 表 盘 如 同 瑰 丽 冠 冕 一 样,饰于陀飞轮中心位置。每款表盘都经手 工镶嵌,厚度仅有 0.9 毫米。 쐽


nown for its avant-garde and highly technical men’s watches inspired by automotive racing and aeronautics, Swiss watchmaker Richard Mille is one of the most acclaimed brands for watch connoisseurs. The brand is well aware of growing female client demand and has thus launched a luxury timepiece which exudes both quality and exquisite appearance – the RM 71-01 Automatic Tourbillon Talisman. “We are known for our incredibly technical, high performance watches that draw inspiration from the automotive and aeronautics industries, even though women’s watches have represented a considerable percentage of our sales for several years now,” said Richard Mille. This collection comprises 10 different designs in red gold or white gold cases, each limited to just five pieces. Created especially for ladies, the shape of the watch is slim, elegant and lightweight. Each limited timepiece is fitted with the first in-house automatic tourbillon movement, whih is slim, ultra-high performance and enhanced with sparkling diamonds, mother-of-pearl, onyx and black sapphires. This brand also showcases the skeletonised titanium calibre CRMT1movement, which measures only 6.2 mm thick and weighs a mere eight grams. The baseplate protecting

the tourbillon’s rotation remains open to preserve transparency. To ensure the performance and the aesthetics of the watch, the craftsmen painstakingly laboured for a long time. “The first challenge was to produce an automatic tourbillon movement that could be housed in the narrow, curved case of an RM 037. The second was to meet all our standards in terms of performance, be it chronometric results, automatic winding or shock resistance.” explains Salvador Arbona, Technical Director for Movements. The RM 71-01 is more than a timepiece. It is a piece of jewellery on the wrist and a ‘magical protection’ for every woman. The Ladies’ Collection Director Cécile Guenat – who drew inspiration from a magnetic alchemy at the intersection of tribal arts and art deco – says this demonstrates the meticulous attention to detail that conjures up luck by sheer talent and passion. To enhance the graceful temperament of every Richard Mille’s lady, each bezel is lavishly set with diamonds of different shapes and sizes in various radiating patterns that complement the design of the dial piece. All of the 10 dials crown the central portion of the tourbillon. Each dial, a mere 0.9 mm in thickness, is handset. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 31

鹦鹉螺腕表传奇:凡尔纳、 百达翡丽和鹦鹉螺的美丽交遇 百达 翡丽和鹦鹉螺的美丽交遇 Verne, Patek Philippe and the Nautilus 32 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Essential WATCHES

许多人认为法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳是科幻小说第一人。他的一系列经典作品, 预言 了许 多科 学发 现和 星际 探 索 , 其 笔 下 的 一 艘 传 奇 潜 艇 , 启 发 奢侈 钟表 品牌 百达 翡丽 打 造 出 最 让 人 叹 为 观 止 的 腕 表 之 一 The Frenchman Jules Gabriel Verne is considered by many to be the first novelist of a literary genre known today as science fiction. His books became true classics, foreseeing scientific discoveries and interplanetary exploration, among which is the legendary submarine that inspired the creation of one of the most stunning models by Patek Philippe 文/by CARLOS TORRES

潜 水 表 历 史 中 ,有 一 些 腕 表 超 群 脱 俗,史册留名,他们不但象征着一众 非凡表款,还为水下探险书写了最华美的篇 章 。英 国 很 多 表 款 华 丽 出 众 ,而 许 多 瑞 士 表 款 又 更 胜 一 筹 , 如 宝 玑 航 海 Marine 系列、 宝 珀 Fifty Fathoms 五 十 噚 系 列 、 劳 力 士 Submariner 潜 水 系 列 、欧 米 茄 Seamaster 海 马 系列、爱彼 Royal Oak 皇家橡树系列、劳力士 Sea-Dweller 海 使 系 列 等 都 得 到 了 广 泛 认 可 。 但若不列入历史悠久的百达翡丽,榜单就算 不 上 完 整 , 与 百 达 翡 丽 Aquanaut 腕 表 齐 名 的 Nautilus 鹦 鹉 螺 腕 表 , 在 一 众 超 凡 卓 绝 的运动腕表中地位无人能及。 鹦 鹉 螺 是 一 种 软 体 动 物 的 名 称 ,这 种 动 物如今看起来与遥远古生代时期并无甚变 化。据记载,古生代拥有最丰富的海洋生物 资 源 。鹦 鹉 螺 是 鹦 鹉 螺 目 家 族 最 后 的 幸 存 者,其贝壳形状像一条对数螺线,鹦鹉螺贝 壳中著名的腔室构造也按照对数螺线划分。


n the history of sports diving watches, there is a group of names that stand out because of the models they represent and which helped write some of the most beautiful pages in underwater exploration. English names, but at the same time eminently Swiss, such as Marine, Fifty Fathoms, Submariner, Seamaster, Royal Oak and Sea-Dweller, are widely recognised. This list would not be complete without the contribution of the historical Patek Philippe where, on par with the Aquanaut, the Nautilus occupies a leading position among the most prestigious sports watches. Nautilus is the name given to a cephalopod that looks like it has come straight out of the Palaeozoic, a remote period in history that registered the largest abundance of this fascinating floating mollusc. Its shell, which today is the last survivor of the Nautiloidea family, is shaped like a logarithmic spiral, responsible for the famous compartmentalised structure of the Nautilus shell. Described for the first time by Descartes, and later named spira mirabilis by the Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli, its form doesn’t 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 33

Essential WATCHES

seem to fit the divine (or golden) proportion, so well represented by the Fibonacci Sequence and which inspired the shape of the Patek Philippe cases in the Ellipse d´Or line. However, these compartments are responsible for the fascinating capacity that the Nautilus has in dominating the art of underwater imponderability, with four gills absorbing the air dissolved in the water and thus regulating their floatability. But those who think that the name of Patek Philippe’s historical model drew inspiration directly from this fascinating living fossil are very much mistaken. Rather, the analogy inspired by this cephalopod’s innate ability to regulate its ascension and immersion came to the American engineer and inventor Robert Fulton when christening his revolutionary submarine, built in France between 1793 and 1797. The Nautilus, the first functional submarine in history, debuted at a depth of 25 feet, where it remained for 17 minutes with two occupants on board, enveloped in a semi-darkness punctuated only by the flickering light of a candle. Robert Fulton’s Nautilus was the inspiration behind Jules Verne’s Nautilus, but in name rather than in form. That would come from the Plongeur, a French submarine powered by compressed air launched to the water on April 16, 1863, and whose scale model Verne admired during the Universal Exposition of 1889 in Paris, three years before publishing Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. A century after the book was published, Patek Philippe decided to present the public with the Genevan house’s first waterproof sports watch, attributing it the same name of the famous submarine captained by the mysterious Captain Nemo. Although in 1976, the shape of the watch didn’t exactly follow the industrial revolution aesthetic given to Verne’s submarine by the illustrators Alphonse de Neuville and

对数螺线由笛卡尔(Descartes)发现,后来 瑞士数学家雅各布·伯努利(Jakob Bernoulli) 将其命名为奇妙螺线(spira mirabilis),其形状 似乎并不符合黄金比例,但却完美诠释了斐 波 那 契 数 列 (Fibonacci Sequence),同 时 也 是 百达翡丽 Ellipse d´Or 系列腕表表壳的灵感源 泉 。腔 室 是 鹦 鹉 螺 成 为 水 下 失 重 艺 术 佼 佼 者 的 原 因 ;它 有 4 个 鳃 ,用 于 吸 收 溶 解 在 水 中的空气,由此控制浮力。 但如果有人认为百达翡丽的经典腕表鹦 鹉螺的灵感是直接汲取自活化石鹦鹉螺那就 大错特错了。确切的说,应该是美国工程师 和发明家罗伯特·富尔顿(Robert Fulton)受 到 鹦 鹉 螺 的 启 发 ,于 1793 到 1797 年 间 在 法 国建造了开创性的潜艇并为其取名为鹦鹉 螺 号 (The Nautilus)。鹦 鹉 螺 号 历 史 上 第 一 艘功能性潜艇,在其首次亮相中,它搭载着 两 位 乘 客 潜 进 25 英 尺 的 水 下 停 留 了 17 分 钟,他们被灰暗的海水包围,点点烛光是他 们仅有的光明。 34 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

正 是 罗 伯 特 ·富 尔 顿 的 鹦 鹉 螺 号 启 发 了 儒勒·凡尔纳,塑造了小说中的鹦鹉螺号潜 水艇,但作家只是采纳了鹦鹉螺号的命名, 而非形状。凡尔纳小说中的鹦鹉螺号形状灵 感来自法国潜艇普隆热尔(Plongeur)号,这 艘 由 压 缩 空 气 驱 动 的 潜 艇 于 1863 年 4 月 16 日 首 次 下 水 ,其 比 例 模 型 Verne 在 1889 年 于 巴 黎 举 行 的 万 国 博 览 会 上 饱 受 赞 誉 ,3 年 后,凡尔纳的《海底两万里》出版。 《海底两万里》出版 100 年后,百达翡丽决 定向大众推出品牌第一枚防水运动腕表,向 著名的鹦鹉螺号潜艇船长、神秘的尼摩船长 致敬。尽管在 1976 年腕表面世时并没有精确 遵循画家 Alphonse de Neuville 和 Édouard Riou 赋予鹦鹉螺号潜艇的工业革命美学理念,鹦 鹉螺腕表的问世依旧激发了摇摆在复兴主 义和纯粹创新之间的暧昧情怀。 百达翡丽第一款鹦鹉螺腕表由制表大师 尊达(Gérald Genta,1931-2011 年)设计,据 说设计构思(基于鹦鹉螺号的经典舷窗)是他

Essential WATCHES

在日内瓦一间酒店餐厅吃晚餐时忽然产生 的。在一次参访中,尊达表示,他当时在餐 厅里观察距离自己几米外、正开会的百达翡 丽管理层,然后没用 5 分钟就把自己的构思 画下来了。但我们也不确定这款腕表是否在 当 时 就 有 了 鹦 鹉 螺 这 个 名 字 ,或 者 说 凡 尔 纳的小说对设计的创作过程是否有影响。 事 实 是 ,在 爱 彼 推 出 皇 家 橡 树 四 年 后 (同 样 由 创 立 了 奢 侈 运 动 腕 表 理 念 的 制 表 大 师 尊 达 担 纲 设 计 ),百 达 翡 丽 首 次 推 出 了 ref. 3700, 其 独 树 一 帜 的 黑 色 表 盘 和 一 体 化 精 钢 表 链 让 人 耳 目 一 新 。这 款 历 史 意 义 非 凡 的 腕 表 ,当 时 的 市 场 价 大 约 1.5 万 法 郎 ( 如 今 约 9,300 欧 元 , 即 8.7 万 澳 门 元 ), 防 水 120 米 ( 396 英 尺 ), 纤 细 的 铬 钼 钢 表 壳 厚 度 仅 有 7.6 毫 米 。 尽 管 腕 表 搭 载 的 自 动 上 链 机 芯 28-255 C 摆 轮 为 精 钢 材 质 , 外 缘 转 陀 为 21K 金 材 质 , 依 旧 极 为 轻 巧 。 当 时 , 这 款 机 芯 在 积 家 920 机 芯 的 基 础 上 打 造 ,这 款 机 芯 也 用 在 皇 家 橡 树 及 江 诗 丹 顿 ref. 222 腕表之上。 该表壳结构成功申请了专利,采用一体成 形的中层表壳结构,表背和中部表体都固定 在一起。透过两侧的四个螺钉将经典的八边 形 表 圈 与 表 壳 牢 牢 锁 住 ,既 可 以 保 护 表 冠 , 也有效的提升了防水性能。八边形的表圈八 边形表圈的每一个棱角都是圆润的,构成了 一个完美的弧度,也是这款腕表定义未来的 特 点 之 一 。腕 表 直 径 达 42 毫 米 ,在 现 今 看 来 并 不 算 什 么 ,但 在 当 时 可 是 少 见 的 大 尺 寸 , 因 此 表 迷 们 给 它 取 了 个 昵 称 “Jumbo” (巨大的),也是当今收藏家们对它的爱称。 继 1976 年 首 次 面 世 后 , 鹦 鹉 螺 腕 表 历 经了一系列演变,包括增加全新的指示 窗 功 能 和 复 杂 功 能 等 。 2016 年 鹦 鹉 螺 迎 来诞辰 40 周年,2018 年鹦鹉螺首次以 Grand Complication 超级复杂功能时计腕表亮相,堪 称 达 尔 文 式 进 化 壮 举 。全 新 的 ref. 5740/1 包 含万年历、月相显示和 24 小时显示功能,洋 溢 着 浓 浓 的 运 动 风 范 ,并 包 含 了 一 系 列 彰 显 品 牌 超 卓 技 巧 的 复 杂 功 能 。腕 表 搭 载 了 240 Q 超薄自动上链机芯,是鹦鹉螺最新技术 成 果 。ref. 5740/1 表 壳 防 水 性 能 高 达 60 米 , 是品牌有史以来最纤薄的万年历表款。 在《海底两万里》故事结尾时,凡尔纳的 鹦 鹉 螺 号 在 1868 年 6 月 2 日 消 失 在 漩 涡 中 ,同 年 ,百 达 翡 丽 为 匈 牙 利 Koscowicz 伯 爵 夫 人 制 作 了 品 牌 的 首 枚 腕 表 (当 时 可 是 怀 表 盛 行 的 时 代 )。 至 于 百 达 翡 丽 的 鹦 鹉 螺 ,它 一 直 是 品 牌 最 受 人 追 捧 的 表 款 之 一。 百 达 翡 丽 总 裁 泰 瑞 ·斯 登 (Thierry Stern)的 第一款百达腕表恰恰也是一枚鹦鹉螺,是父 亲 菲 力 ·斯 登 ( Philippe Stern) 送 给 他 的 20 岁生日礼物。也许正是这个原因,鹦鹉螺 从 未 中 断 过 生 产 ,人 们 甚 至 认 为 这 款 带 有 万 年 历 功 能 的 鹦 鹉 螺 市 场 价 会 达 到 11 万 欧元(104 万澳门元)。 相信尼摩船长也不会对这么高的价值有 任何异议。虽然这位凡尔纳笔下角色从未透 露过自己的个人财产状况,但却曾扬言过, 他自己足以还清法国国债。 《海底两万里》出 版 发 行 时 ,法 国 债 务 是 460 万 法 郎 — — 在 今 天大约是 140 亿欧元(110 亿澳门元)。 쐽

Édouard Riou, the debut of the Nautilus still provokes ambiguous feelings that fluctuate between revivalism and pure innovation. The first designs of the watch were proposed by the virtuous designer Gérald Genta (19312011), whose inspiration – supposedly based on the classic hatches of transatlantic ships – is said to have come up at dinner in a hotel restaurant in Geneva. In an interview, Genta stated he didn’t need more than five minutes to transfer his idea onto paper whilst observing some Patek Philippe executives who were meeting at a table just a few metres away. It isn’t known if the Nautilus already had its name at this point, or if Verne’s novel had an influence on the designer’s creative process or not. The fact is that, four years after the launch of the Royal Oak by Audemars Piguet, whose lines drawn by the same designer founded the concept of luxury sports watch, Patek Philippe was debuting the ref. 3700, with its characteristic black dial and integrated stainless steel bracelet. This historic model, available at the time for 15,000 Francs (today around €9,300), had a water resistance of 120 metres (396 feet) and a slender case in nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel measuring just 7.6mm. It was incredibly slight, despite the presence of the steel oscillating weight with the 21K gold peripheral element of the self-winding calibre 28-255 C. At the time, it was a highquality movement based on the calibre 920 from Jaeger-LeCoultre, also used by the Royal Oak and the ref. 222 of Vacheron Constantin. The shape of the case, duly patented, comprised a solid monobloc that integrated the caseback and the central container in a single component. The typical octagonal bezel was fixed by four side hinges to keep the components in place and ensure the necessary water-tightness. Each one of the bezel’s eight sides was subtly curved, outlining the arch of a circle, a feature that ended up defining the future appearance of this 42mm watch. This was very large for that time, earning it the nickname “Jumbo”, to which the model is endearingly referred among collectors today. The model’s debut in 1976 was succeeded by a chronology of evolutions, which in some cases proposed new indicators and complications. It was a true Darwinian evolution, reaching the model’s 40th anniversary in 2016 and culminating in the presentation of a Grand Complication for the first time in 2018. The new ref. 5740/1 comprises a perpetual calendar with moon phase indication and a 24-hour cycle, which enables the model to blend its sports

essence with the technical sophistication that best defines Patek Philippe. Thanks to the calibre 240 Q, with automatic winding and an ultra thin profile, the latest evolution of the Nautilus, with a case that is water-resistant up to 60 metres, becomes the thinnest model with perpetual calendar produced to date by the Genevan house. At the end of Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Verne’s Nautilus disappears in the maelstrom of June 2, 1868, the same year that Patek Philippe produced its first wristwatch for the eccentric Countess Koscowicz of Hungary. As for Patek Philippe’s Nautilus, the model remains one of the brand’s most soughafter watches. The first Patek of the Genevan manufacturer’s current president, Thierry Stern, was precisely a Nautilus, given to him by his father, Philippe Stern, on his 20th birthday. Perhaps that’s why the model has maintained uninterrupted in the brand’s catalogue, even considering that the price tag of this last model with perpetual calendar reaches €110,000. This value shouldn’t represent any obstacle for Captain Nemo. Because, despite never having revealed the amount of his personal fortune, Verne’s character once confessed that he could pay the national debt of France. At the time of the novel’s publication, that number stood at 4.6 million Francs – around €14 billion today. 쐽

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 35

Essential CAR

悄然出击 Silent progress 捷豹 以高昂的姿态挺进 电 动汽车 市 场 大 战 , 誓 要 问 鼎 至 尊 之 位 , 品牌 的豪华纯电轿跑 SUV,以 其 原 创 、 革 新 的 优 势 独 领 风 骚 The Jaguar has entered the car market’s war for electric supremacy in great style, with a SUV that no one can accuse of not being original and innovative 文/by GUILHERME MARQUES


Essential CAR

动汽车改革风头正劲,就连最广为人 知的保守品牌也都纷纷加入其中,恰 是再好不过的证明了。捷豹(Jaguar)希望在 该领域领先其德国同行,占得先机,已经推 出了品牌首款纯电动轿跑 SUV——I-Pace。 I-Pace 的设计不仅打破了品牌自身所有有 关前进气格栅规则,同时也打破了其他品牌 的 规 则 。I-Pace 最 大 的 优 点 之 一 是 ,它 内 外 如一:焕然一新、具有开创性。

I-Pace 搭 载 的 锂 离 子 电 池 可 以 产 生 394 马 力 的 功 率 , 能 在 40 分 钟 内 将 电 量 从 0 充 至 80%。I-Pace 旨 在 满 足 热 爱 驾 车 的 顾 客 的 需 求 , 其 从 静 止 加 速 至 100 公 里 /小 时 用 时 4.8 秒 ,并 且 拥 有 SUV 汽 车 擅 长 的 跑 车 性 能 和足以穿山涉水的强大动力。 I-Pace 后 备 厢 容 积 有 656 升 ,内 饰 精 致 前 卫,没有内燃机的轰鸣声打扰,是现代家庭 的完美选择。 쐽


he electric car revolution is on track and proof of that is that even the most wellknown conservative brands are adhering to the movement. Jaguar wanted to anticipate its premium German competitors and has just launched its first 100% electric SUV, and has named it I-Pace. I-Pace presents a design that not only breaches all the brand’s rules with the exception

of the front grille, as well as all the rules of any brand. One of its great virtues is that it looks exactly what it is: new and revolutionary. The lithium-ion battery generates 394 horsepower and provides a range of 480 km and can be recharged from 0% to 80% in just 40 minutes. The I-Pace aims to please those passionate about driving, accelerating from 0-100km/h in just 4.8 seconds, making it an SUV capable of delivering sports-car performance and powering through mountains and valleys. With a loadspace of 656 litres and a refined and vanguard interior, the I-Pace is perfect for modern families who don’t want to hear about internal combustion engines. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 37

Essential PROPERTY

精 品 预制 房 革命 Revolution Precrafted 菲 律宾 房地 产 开发商 罗 比·安 东 尼 奥正 以全 新 概 念掀 起预 制 房地产 行 业的 改 革 大 潮 Filipino real estate developer Robbie Antonio is revolutionising the pre-fabricated property sector with a new concept 文/by CHRIS GRAEME

比·安东尼奥(Robbie Antonio)被福布 斯 富 豪 榜 列 为 菲 律 宾 第 28 位 最 富 有 的人(也是最年轻的)。 罗比·安东尼奥(Robbie Antonio)构思了 品牌大厦的理念,并与顶级品牌携手在菲律 宾开发房地产项目,包括米索尼(Missoni)、阿 玛 尼 家 居 (Armani Casa)、YOO by Philippe Starck、范思哲家居(Versace Home)和特朗普 集 团 (The Trump Organization)等 。41 岁 的 他已拥有许多引以为傲的成就。今年他囊括 了 2018 年菲律宾房地产年度人物奖(房地产 大 师 — — 菲 律 宾 房 地 产 大 奖 ); 在 2018 年 BuiltWorld 的 Mavericks 报 告 中 ,他 与 特 斯 拉 首 席 执 行 官 埃 隆 ·马 斯 克 (Elon Musk)和 WeWork 联 合 创 始 人 兼 首 席 执 行 官 亚 当 · 纽曼(Adam Neumann)入选“25 位改造建筑业 的先驱”;当选“全球房地产新星 40 强”。 他在预订房地产领域的革新理念非常 具有开拓性,走在时代前沿,因此他的公司 Revolution Precrafted 成 功 从 K2 Global 和 500 Startups 吸 引 到 风 险 投 资 。K2 Global 创 始 人 Ozi Amanat 以成功投资 Twitter、Uber、Spotify 声田和阿里巴巴等闻名遐迩;500 Startups 则 青睐于估值超过 10 亿美元的独角兽公司。


ccording to Forbes, Robbie Antonio is listed as the 28th richest man in his country, Philippines, (and the youngest). Robbie Antonio conceived the idea of branded towers and partnered with some of the leading brands for branded developments in the Philippines including Missoni, Armani Casa, YOO by Philippe Starck, Versace Home and The Trump Organization. At 41, he has a lot to be proud of. This year he bagged the 2018 Philippines Real Estate Personality of the Year Award (Property Guru – Philippines Property Awards), he is one of ‘25 Pioneers Who’ve Transformed the Built Industry’, alongside Tesla CEO Elon Musk and WeWork co-founder and CEO Adam Neumann, according to Mavericks Report 2018, and makes the ‘Top 40 Rising Stars of Real Estate Globally’. His truly revolutionary ideas for the prefabricated property sector are so innovative and ahead of their time that his company Revolution Precrafted attracted venture capital investment from K2 Global, a company founded by Ozi Amanat known for his investment in 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 39

Essential PROPERTY

Eden by Marcel Wanders

市场上有许多公司提供预制房屋。但是, “precrafted(精 品 预 制 )”一 词 在 描 述 这 种 独 特且在竞争对手中脱颖而出的差异化产品 时起着关键作用。这不是普通的产品。它是 第 一 个 将 艺 术 、设 计 和 建 筑 结 合 在 预 制 构 造中的概念。 “我希望打造出鼓舞人心、简约大方而又 高效实用的住宅。最重要的是,它们要与众

Butterfly Home by Elizabeth de Portzamparc


Twitter, Uber, Spotify and Alibaba, and 500 Startups which values the unicorn at well over US$1 billion. There are many companies offering prefabricated homes in the market. But the term ‘precrafted’ holds the key when describing this differentiated product that is unique and stands out from competitors. This is no ordinary

product. It is the first to combine art, design and architecture in prefabricated structures. “I wanted to create homes that were inspiring, simple and efficient. Above all, they needed to be special, which is why these structures are called ‘precrafted’ rather than ‘prefabricated’. My precrafted home concept was designed with a vision to simplify the process of owning a dream

Essential PROPERTY

Instrumental Home by Marmol Radziner for Architecture

不同、有特别之处,这就是为什么这些结构 被 称 为 “precrafted 精 品 预 制 ”而 不 是 “prefabricated 预 制 ”。我 的 预 制 房 概 念 就 是 ,把 人 们 拥有梦想设计师打造的梦中之家这一过程 简单化。这一革新让个人、企业或组织可以 从世界杰出建筑师、艺术家和设计师精心打 造的房屋设计中甄选出自己钟意的设计,无 论 客 户 身 在 何 地 ,都 能 为 其 打 造 出 广 受 欢 迎的设计师住宅。 罗 比 ·安 东 尼 奥 汇 集 了 超 过 80 位 世 界 顶 尖的建筑师、艺术家和设计师,包括 扎哈· 哈蒂德(Zaha Hadid)、藤本壮介、大卫·萨利 (David Salle)、让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)、马 塞 尔 · 万 德 斯 (Marcel Wanders)、隈研吾, 以 及 跨 界 名 人 达 芙 妮 ·吉 尼 斯 ( Daphne Guinness)、 海 莲 娜 ·克 莉 丝 汀 森 ( Helena Christensen)、 卡 米 拉 ·斯 塔 克 ( Camilla Staerk) 和 阿 马 雷 -斯 塔 德 迈 尔 ( Amar’e Stoudemire)等。 预制博物馆是公司的另一项创新。罗比· 安东尼奥采用了一种前卫的全新预制结构 方 法 来 存 放 和 展 示 艺 术 品 。他 与 普 利 兹 克 奖得主、法国建筑师让·努维尔和克里斯蒂 安·德·包赞巴克(Christian de Portzamparc) 合作打造了一系列所谓的“可 重 建 博 物 馆 ”, 花 费 不 到 一 百 万 美 元 ,在 短 短 六 个 月 内 就 可以建成。 Revolution Precrafted 也 为 办 公 室 、仓 库 和 零 售 单 位 打 造 空 间 。“对 我 们 的 住 房 和 酒 店

home by a dream designer Revolution allows an individual, company or organisation to handpick a design from a selection of carefully-crafted homes by world renowned pre-eminent architects, artists and designers, to make soughtafter designer homes that can be transported wherever the client is. Robbie Antonio has brought together over 80 of the world’s leading architects, artists and designers, including Zaha Hadid, Sou Fujimoto, David Salle, Jean Nouvel, Marcel Wanders, Kengo Kuma and celebrities such as Daphne Guinness, Helena Christensen, Camilla Staerk and Amar’e Stoudemire. Prefabricated museums are another innovation from the company. Robbie Antonio has a radical new approach for prefabricated structures designed to house and display art. He has teamed up with Pritzker prize-winning French architects Jean Nouvel and Christian de Portzamparc to create a series of so-called “reproducible museums”, which, for less than $1 million, can be built in as little as six months. Revolution Precrafted also produces spaces for offices, warehouses and retail units. “We have a full product presentation for prospective partners who have already expressed an interest in our housing and hotel units. They have also shown interest in our provision of pavilions and

pop-up retail spaces that would complement these developments. Our pavilions, for example, can be used either as gyms, spas or gaming pavilions. The retail spaces work for shops and restaurants, and we also have solutions for warehouses.” The company, which Robbie Antonio launched in December 2015, is growing. In the Mt. Batulao area of the Philippines he has plans to supply and co-develop over 8,600 homes ranging from $12,000 to $540,000. He further unveils that he has signed deals in Spain, Cyprus, El Salvador and Brazil, which create an opportunity for Revolution Precrafted to leave a significant footprint in the European and Central American region. Since the launch of the company’s first project in December 2017, it has bagged over $7.6 billion in project revenues in 20 countries.

A PROLIFIC ART COLLECTOR Robbie Antonio is one of the youngest and most prolific collectors of international modern and post-war contemporary art in the world and has received a number of awards from different organisations. In 2014, Artnet recognised him as one of ‘20 of the World’s Most Innovative Art Collectors’, while in 2015 and 2016, he became part of Artnet’s ‘Top 200 Art Collectors Worldwide’. 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 41

Essential PROPERTY

Hedera by Kenneth Cobonpue

表 达 了 兴 趣 的 潜 在 合 作 伙 伴 ,我 们 有 完 整 的 产 品 介 绍 展 示 。他 们 也 对 我 们 提 供 的 展 馆 和 快 闪 零 售 空 间 项 目 感 兴 趣 ,这 些 会 补 充完善开发项目。例如,我们的展馆可以用 作健身房、水疗中心或游戏场馆。零售空间 则 适 用 于 商 店 和 餐 厅 ,针 对 仓 库 我 们 也 有 解决方案。” 罗 比 ·安 东 尼 奥 于 2015 年 12 月 创 立 了 Revolution Precrafted, 如 今 公 司 正 在 发 展 壮 大 。他 计 划 在 菲 律 宾 的 纳 苏 格 布 山 (Mt. Batulao)地区供应并联合开发 8600 多套住宅, 价格从 1.2 万美元到 54 万美元不等。 他进一步透露说,他已经在西班牙、塞浦 路 斯 、萨 尔 瓦 多 和 巴 西 签 署 了 多 个 项 目 协 议,这让 Revolution Precrafted 有机会在欧洲和 中 美 洲 地 区 发 挥 重 要 影 响 。自 2017 年 12 月 推出第一个项目以来,公司已在 20 个国家获 得了超过 76 亿美元的项目收入。


罗比·安东尼奥是最年轻、也是藏品最丰 富国际现代艺术和战后当代艺术收藏家之 一,已经获得了不同组织的多个奖项。 2014 年 ,Artnet 将 他 评 为 “全 球 20 位 最 具 创 意 艺 术 收 藏 家 ” 之 一 ,2015 年 和 2016 年 ,

他 位 列 Artnet“全 球 200 强 艺 术 收 藏 家 ”。 罗 比 ·安 东 尼 奥 还 登 上 著 名 时 尚 杂 志 《Harper’s Bazaar》“艺术权威榜:艺术界风云 人 物 ” 和 “十 大 年 轻 艺 术 收 藏 家 ”( Larry’s List, 全球顶尖的从事艺术藏家编辑及智识的 公 司 ),以 及 荣 登 “收 藏 家 :40 Under 40”榜 单 (《阿波罗》杂志)。 “我 购 得 的 第 一 件 艺 术 品 是 安 迪 ·沃 霍 尔 (Andy Warhol)的《Camouflage》,它深深吸引 了我,并为我打开了艺术界的大门。他对我 产 生 影 响 ,因 为 作 为 一 个 不 循 规 蹈 矩 的 人 物,他在当时吸引了社会各阶层的观众,并 启发了来自所有媒体的艺术家:电影人、设计 师、时装设计师和音乐人。我从中学到并看 到,怎样把艺术、设计和时尚与房地产产品 从 本 质 上 融 合 ,创 造 出 一 种 既 有 功 能 性 又 具备艺术和设计性能的房产,”他说。 如 今 ,他 的 藏 品 已 是 亚 洲 最 具 影 响 力 的 现 代 和 当 代 艺 术 收 藏 品 之 一 。他 从 十 年 前 开始收藏国际艺术品,如今其规模之大、影 响力之重让人震撼,其中包括毕加索、培根、 达 米 恩 ·赫 斯 特 (Damien Hirst)和 杰 夫 · 昆 斯 (Jeff Koons)的 作 品 , 他 无 疑 也 是 菲 律 宾 藏 品 最 可 观 、最 具 影 响 力 国 际 现 代 和 战后艺术品藏家。 쐽

The art connoisseur is on Harper’s Bazaar ‘Art Power List: Movers and Shakers in the Art World’ and the ‘Top 10 Young Art Collectors’ (Larry’s List) as well as ‘The Collectors: 40 Under 40’ (Apollo Magazine). “The first piece of art I ever acquired was Andy Warhol’s ‘Camouflage’, which captivated me and was my introduction to the art world. He influenced me because, as a non-conforming figure at that time, he attracted audiences from all levels of society and inspired artists from all media: filmmakers, designers, fashion designers and musicians. I learnt from that and saw how art, design and fashion could be blended intrinsically into a real estate product and create a property that was as much about art and design as functionality,” he says. Today, he has amassed one of the most substantial collections of modern and contemporary art in Asia. His large international collection, which he started a decade ago, includes works by Picasso, Francis Bacon, Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons, and he is arguably the biggest collector of international modern and post-war art in the Philippines. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 43

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跨界 艺 术 家 Cross-disciplinary artist 澳门 青年艺术家刘欣珏分享 其 关于艺 术 及时装的独特 见 解 Young local artist Sanchia Lau shares her perspectives on art and fashion 文/by EDWINA LIU 图/Photo by SANCHIA LAU

门九零后艺术家刘欣珏(Sanchia Lau) 在北京中央美术学院学了 8 年的油 画 ,上 学 期 间 ,她 有 机 会 接 触 到 各 种 艺 术 (形式),并结识了许多才华横溢的艺术家。 “在北京上学期间,获得了连绵不断的创 作 灵 感 ,“她 说 。”8 年 的 学 习 对 我 影 响 很 深 , 让我以艺术的眼光去看待服装,让服装更具 艺术性和前卫风格。” 学 习 美 术 期 间 ,刘 欣 珏 发 现 自 己 对 时 装 设 计 情 有 独 钟 。 艾 尔 莎 ·夏 帕 瑞 丽 (Elsa Schiaparelli)是 她 最 喜 爱 的 设 计 师 之 一 ,对 她 的 设 计 理 念 也 有 重 要 影 响 ,她 说 ,“夏 帕 瑞丽与萨尔瓦多·达利合作的那个时期,让 我很是着迷。” 为 了 精 进 自 己 的 时 装 设 计 技 巧 ,刘 欣 珏 前往英国中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院进布料 设计和时装设计。 在 英 国 学 习 期 间 ,她 学 到 了 更 多 有 创 造 力的技巧,:“那里的老师更关注我们每个人 的个性和体验,然后鼓励我们探索自己的独 特视角和各种可能性。就好像是,一个球的 不同面,以前我们总习惯从正面思考看待设 计,而现在,我从事物的不同面去思考挖掘。” 学 过 美 术 和 设 计 后 ,刘 欣 珏 发 现 自 己 喜 欢透过结合不同的艺术形式来表现自己的 艺 术 视 角 ,她 说 :“没 有 多 少 人 能 负 担 得 起 1,000 万 美 元 去 买 毕 加 索 造 的 沙 发 ,但 我 们 可以把它印在衣服上。” 自那时起,她就开始全身心投入到跨界艺 术 上 。 “我 深 受 克 里 斯 托 瓦 尔 ·巴 朗 斯 加 (Cristobal Balenciaga)的 观 点 的 影 响 , 他 认 为 ,时 装 设 计 师 有 些 像 雕 塑 家 和 画 家 ,只 不过是用纺织品和色彩来创造艺术,”她说。 44 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


anchia Lau is a post-90s Macau artist who studied oil painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts for eight years, during which time she had the opportunity to observe a wide variety of art and meet many talented artists. “I got a lot of inspiration whilst studying in Beijing,” she says. “My knowledge of fine arts helps me have a different perspective on fashion design; my designs can be more artistic and avant-garde . . .” While studying fine arts Lau discovered her enthusiasm for fashion design. Elsa Schparellli is one of her favourite fashion designers, she says, and is the person who influences her design philosophy a lot, adding: “ I’m fascinated by the time Elsa Schparellli collaborated with Dali.” To perfect the skills of fashion design, she went to the UK to study textile and fashion design at the world renowned Central Saint Martin’s College. While studying in the UK, she learned more creative techniques, observing: “Teachers there pay more attention to our personality and experience, then encourage us to explore our unique angle and possibilities. It’s like there’s a ball which we get used to facing in the front but with their guidance I started to discover different angles.” After studying art and design, Sanchia found that she loved to present her own perspectives on art by combining different forms of art, saying: “Not many people can

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我希望通过挖掘当代艺术得创作手法与面料 设计得可能性和艺术家跨界互动去呈现一个 新的视角融入在我的时装设计里。 到目前为止,刘欣珏已经在伦敦、北京、 香港、澳门和多个城市举办过多次跨界艺术 展览,获得好评如潮。她的芭比系列——游 园春梦(Erotic Dream)系列——受到雕塑的启 发 ,入 围 了 RAHAM & Brown I – dott 印 花 设 计国际大奖。该系列灵感来自《牡丹亭》,呈 46 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

afford a one hundred million dollar sofa made by Picasso, but we can have it on the clothes we wear.” Since then, she started to devote her enthusiasm to cross-disciplinary art. “I was impacted by an idea from Cristobal Balenciaga, that a fashion designer should be a kind of sculptor and painter who uses textiles and colours to create art,” she says. “I want to combine the different

characteristics of different artists and textile design to create a new angle of fashion design.” To date, this young artist has held many cross-disciplinary art exhibitions in London, Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau and various other cities which have been well received by the public. Her Barbie collection - Erotic Dream in the Garden - inspired by sculpturing was listed as one of most important competition entries of

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现不同恋爱阶段的女孩的心声。刘 欣珏把自 己设计的童装系列的尺寸缩小,穿在芭比娃 娃身上。 刘 欣 珏 创 立 了 自 己 的 品 牌 Sanchia Lau, 以更好地诠释自己与众不同的时装和艺 术意念。 “服 装 并 非 只 是 可 以 穿 的 布 料 ,还 是 一 种 展 现 都 市 文 化 和 时 尚 的 重 要 方 式 ,”她 认 为 。 她的品牌理念其实是,运用不同的纺织品来 展示女性的情感与都市艺术。“我希望通过服 装和面料的创作这个没节结合当代艺术的色 彩构成去更加关注当代女性的精神世界。” 现在,品牌产品涵盖服装、手袋、餐具及 一系列生活用品。 六 月 ,她 携 手 10 位 艺 术 家 在 珠 海 首 个 海 岸文化中心——格力海岸,推出了一系列时 尚跨界活动,包括展览、工作坊、讲座等。 刘欣珏还对儿童教育充满无限热情。上个 星期,她联袂知名艺术家卢征远和蔡国杰举 行了一个讲座,分享有关跨界艺术形式的专 业经验。同一天,刘欣珏还展示了自己最新 的跨界艺术作品,其中包括一个迷人的下午 茶套餐。她通过印花幕布、花卉和亲自设计 的杯盘餐具,幻化出一个瑰丽的梦境,打造 了一场视觉、味觉盛宴。 쐽

RAHAM & Brown I – dott. This collection is based upon the different love states of girls, taking inspiration from The Peony Pavilion. The artist reduces the size of her children’s garments collection and puts them on Barbie dolls. In order to express her unique perspectives on fashion and art, Lau founded her own fashion brand Sanchia Lau.

“Clothes are not only wearable textiles but an important way to present urban culture and fashion,” she believes. The concept of the brand, in fact, is to employ different textiles to present female’s emotions and urban art. “I want to use the clothes and textiles of these mediums to combine urban artistic elements to express hidden emotions from females’ angles.” Now the brands comprise of outfits, handbags, tableware and an array of lifestyle products. In June, she collaborated with 10 artists to launch an array of events in the first coastal cultural centre of Zhuhai – Coastpark - featuring exhibition, workshops and lecture. This young artist is also enthusiastic about children’s education, and last week she delivered a lecture with artists Lu Zhengyuan and Cai Guo Jie sharing their professional experiences about crossing borders art forms. On the same day, Sanchia showcased her latest crossing border work featuring a beautiful afternoon tea set. Featuring screen paintings, flowers and her designed plates and cups, she has conjured up a feast certain to satiate both the palate and the eye. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 47

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无畏 艺术 家 眼中 的 美国城市 景 观 A bold artist and his American urban landscapes 十多年 来 ,西班牙艺术家胡安· 埃斯 科 瑞 亚 萨 一 直 痴 迷 于 美 国 的 城 市景 观 Spanish artist Juan Escauriaza has had an obsession with the urban American landscape for over a decade 文/by MARINA WATSON

然 胡 安 ·埃 斯 科 瑞 亚 萨 ( Juan Escauriaza)生活在家乡马德里,但他 的作品却以美国城市风景为主,是这种平凡 的美丽吸引了他的注意力。“几乎没有人在意 这 样 的 主 题 , 我 们 周 围 平 淡 生 活 中 的 美 ,” 他 表 示 。“这 类 主 题 在 我 的 美 国 系 列 作 品 中

颇具代表性。有些人喜欢,有些人则问我为什 么选择这主题。” 埃 斯科瑞 亚萨 指着他的 绘画 作品《 电线》 (Wires),此作属于他的作品系列《不凡的旧金 山肖像》 (Uncommon portrait of San Francisco)。 《电线》用压克力颜料描绘了一捆电线,展现


hough Escauriaza lives in his hometown Madrid, it is the American urban landscape that features in his work, and it is the beauty in the prosaic that captures his attention. “Almost no one looks for these themes, the beauty in banal elements around us,” he said. 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 49

了他是如何在城市的细微差别中发现美 丽,如何坚持将一天中的黄金时段用于 绘画和摄影。 “我的所有作品都与城市有关,都展现了 光线映照于物体上的光影交互之景。我的作 品 多 体 现 的 是 傍 晚 时 分 的 景 象 。当 太 阳 落 到地平线上时,色彩发生了变化,每样东西 都呈现出更为立体的效果,”他说。 他 的 另 一 幅 画 ,画 的 是 从 他 入 住 的 旧 金山市中心酒 店 房 间 看 到 的 部 分 城 市 景 色 。 “我真的很喜欢它,色彩的韵律、比例,每栋 建 筑 都 朝 着 不 同 的 方 向 ,一 片 片 的 黄 色 和 红色,建筑右下侧的阴影同时也被照亮。” 50 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

“That is very representative of my American series. Some people love it and others ask me why I do this.” Escauriaza points to his painting ‘Wires,’ belonging to his series ‘Uncommon portrait of San Francisco’ which depicts in acrylic a bundle of electrical wires, to explain how he sees beauty in the nuances of the city, and how he remains faithful to the golden hours of the day for painting and photography. “All my work has to do with the city and how the light falls onto an object. You can see in my work how it is always evening. When the

sun falls horizontally, the colours change and everything seems much more three dimensional,” he said. Another of his paintings shows a part of an urban landscape that he could see from the room of his hotel in downtown San Francisco. “I was really drawn to it, the rhythm of colours, the proportions, each building looking towards a different place, the cluster of yellows and reds and the shadows on the inferior right of the building which at the same time is lighted.” A turning point in Escauriaza’s career was when he was invited in 2012 to be repre-

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埃斯科瑞亚萨事业的转折点发生在 2012 年 , 当 时 他 受 旧 金 山 ZK 当 代 画 廊 邀 请展出作品。 他为人所熟知的是他在画布上绘画的 旧 金 山 景 观 。 人 们 常 拿 他 同 爱 德 华 ·霍 珀 (Edward Hopper)相 比 较 ,后 者 用 超 级 写 实 主义(photo-realism,也称照相写实主义)绘 画真实呈现战后的美国,不难看出埃斯科瑞

亚萨为何被列为超级写实主义画家——超级 写 实 主 义 运 动 源 自 60 年 代 ,绘 画 作 品 完 全 以照片为参考对象。但埃斯科瑞亚萨认为这 不 是 重 点 。 “我 的 作 品 远 没 有 照 片 逼 真 ,” 他表示。“其实,我试图摆脱这种逼真。我不 会刻意寻求正确无误地呈现物体,如果你仔 细 观 察 我 的 作 品 ,会 看 到 整 个 画 笔 的 笔 触 、 绘画中的失误和涂改。”

sented by the gallery ZK Contemporary, in San Francisco. That’s what he is known for: his canvases of San Francisco’s landscape. Often compared to Edward Hopper, whose photorealist paintings depicted post war America, it’s easy to see why Escauriaza is often assumed as belonging to photo-realism - a movement from the 60s

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其实埃斯科瑞亚萨认为自己是具象艺术 家,善于在平常事物中发现美。但具象艺术 目 前 并 “不 流 行 ”,他 悲 哀 地 说 。“这 令 我 担 忧 。”虽 说 作 品 在 美 国 有 买 家 , 他 说 欧 洲 市 场 目 前 对 他 的 作 品 需 求 不 大 ,尽 管 他 很 希 望欧洲市场对他的作品有需求。但他不喜欢 当代艺术在欧洲的发展方向。 观 赏 了 埃 斯 科 瑞 亚 萨 的 许 多 作 品 后 ,会 有 种 被 带 回 了 德 国 导 演 文 ·温 德 斯 (Wim Wenders)的影片《巴黎,德州》(Paris Texas) 的感觉,影片主要是讲述一个失忆的角色独 自在美国西南部荒漠中行走发生的故事。 52 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

characterised by paintings made directly from photographs. But Escauriaza says that isn’t the point. “My work is far from being photorealistic,” Escauriaza said. “In fact I try to flee from it. I don’t look for the correctness of the objects and if you look at my work closely you will see the whole process of brushstrokes, the mistakes, the regrets.” Escauriaza in fact considers himself to be a figurative artist, gifted in finding beauty in the ordinary. But figurative art “isn’t fashionable” at the moment, he laments. “That worries me.”

While his work is sold in the United States, he says Europe isn’t currently a strong market for his work, as much as he would like it to be. And he doesn’t like where contemporary art in Europe seems to be heading. Looking at many of Escauriaza’s paintings will take you back to the German director Wim Wenders’ film Paris Texas in which a humblelooking disorientated character wanders around the expanse of the southern western American wasteland. Just like Wenders, Escauriaza’s life and work is also a spiritual journey. And while

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同 温 德 斯 一 样 ,埃 斯 科 瑞 亚 萨 的 工 作 生 活 也 仿 若 一 场 精 神 之 旅 。他 的 作 品 一 直 以 来都缺乏人的角色,最近,他开始融入单个 的角色,如温德斯影片中漂泊不定、寻找自 我的游者。 “电 影 中 有 些 场 景 是 真 正 的 艺 术 品 。 我 也一直都被美国深深吸引,我热爱温德斯的 作 品 。没 有 人 能 像 他 那 样 展 现 美 国 景 观 ,” 埃斯科瑞亚萨表示。 对埃斯科瑞亚萨产生重要影响的另一 位 艺 术 家 是 安 德 鲁 · 怀 斯 (Andrew Wyeth), 后 者 一 生 只 在 两 个 地 方 作 画 ;他 的 家 乡 宾

夕 法 尼 亚 州 的 Chadds Ford,及 他 夏 日 度 假 的 缅 因 州 Midcoast, 多 年 来 跟 进 绘 画 同 样 的 人 物 。“引 起 我 注 意 的 是 ,他 倾 注 一 生 的 时 间 画 他 身 边 的 相 同 角 色 ,他 还 画 出 了 人 物的心理变化。” 怀 斯 同 埃 斯 科 瑞 亚 萨 有 很 大 的 不 同 ,后 者经常旅游,直到最近才开始投入到城市景 观的创作中,并且对描绘人物不感兴趣。 你也可以说埃斯科瑞亚萨是从地质学家 的视角来观察世界。这也不足为奇——他曾 学习地质学并想成为地质学家,但 20 年前, 他决定全身心致力于自己真正热爱的事业。

his work has always been void of people, recently he has started to incorporate lonely characters like the rootless travellers featured in Wenders’ films, in a quest for self-knowledge. “There are stills in films that are real works of art. And I am still under the American obsession, I love Wim Wenders’ work. Noone has been able to reflect the American landscape like he has,” Escauriaza said. Another of Escauriaza’s main influences has been the artist Andrew Wyeth. Wyeth spent his life painting solely in two places; in his home澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 53

Essential ARTIST


Essential ARTIST

“我没有在艺术院校进修过,因此人们说 我 是 自 学 成 才 。我 深 知 自 己 没 有 进 过 正 规 的 艺 术 学 院 , 但 我 真 的 不 是 自 学 成 才 ,”他 指出。“你可以通过观赏而学习,去展览和艺 术馆欣赏作品,阅读艺术家自传,了解艺术 家,了解他们为什么做或不做某些事,了解 他们的生活。” 在 做 全 职 地 质 学 家 时 ,他 利 用 全 部 业 余 时间作画,思考有关绘画的事,最终决定全 职 从 事 绘 画 创 作 。 “如 果 不 做 自 己 想 做 的 事 ,不 去 为 自 己 的 梦 想 奋 斗 ,我 会 死 不 瞑 目的,”他说。“为梦想奋斗让我如此快乐。” 但 他 承 认 ,作 为 一 名 全 职 艺 术 家 并 不 像 听 起 来 那 么 有 趣 。“你 总 会 在 做 一 件 事 的 时 候想着下一件是什么,”他解释道。 “你 生 活 在 四 面 墙 的 空 间 之 内 , 却 永 远不会感到满足,我觉得这是件好事。 (创 作 )过 程 非 常 艰 难 ,也 享 受 不 到 太 多 乐 趣 。但 是 ,你 留 下 了 自 己 的 印 记 ,透 过 镜 子去观察,然后每天都会看到它,直到你感 到 相 当 满 意 的 那 一 刻 ,那 一 刻 是 如 此 让 人 心满意足。” 쐽

town of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, and his summer home in Midcoast Maine, following the same characters for years. “What draws my attention about him is that he spent his whole life painting the same characters around him, and also the psychology of the characters he painted.” Wyeth is quite different from Escauriaza, who is an avid traveller, and until recently only focused on urban landscapes and had no interest in depicting people. You could say Escauriaza views the world through a geologist’s prism. And that wouldn’t be a surprise - he did study and train to be a geologist, working as a geologist until two decades ago when he decided he wanted to dedicate himself fully to his real passion. “I didn’t go to art school, so people say I am self-taught. And I am in the sense that I didn’t study art at an academy, but I am not really self-taught,” he points out. “You learn by looking, going to exhibitions and art museums, reading biographies about artists and seeing why they

did and didn’t do certain things and what their lives were like.” While he spent all his free time painting, and thinking about painting while working as a geologist full-time, Escauriaza eventually decided to take up painting full time. “I couldn’t die without doing what I wanted to do and without fighting for a dream,” he points out. “It was something that made me so happy.” Yet he admits that being an artist full-time is not as much fun as it may sound. “You are always thinking about the next thing you are going to do when you are in the middle of the one you are doing,” he explained. “You live between four walls and you are never satisfied, which I think is a good thing. It’s a difficult process and it’s not too much fun. But then, you put your signature on it, and you look at it through the mirror, and then you see it every day until the moment comes that you are relatively satisfied with it, and that moment is so gratifying.” 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 55


大 胆 追梦 无畏前 行 Dreaming without fear 近年 来 ,澳门日益成为受 人 钟爱的 电 影 拍 摄 地 。《 精 华 》 杂 志 本 期 对话 新加坡导演林 毅 炜,他 已 在 澳 门 执 导 过 两 部 电 影 In recent years, Macau has been a popular location for films. Essential Macau talks to film director Thomas Lim, who has made two movies in the city. 文/by EDWINA LIU

大多数导演不同,林毅炜并非自小就 立志做电影导演,其实他在学时主修 的是和电影完全无关的专业。 “我们从没上过电影学院。在新加坡上大 学时,我学的是金融,因为在新加坡,如果学 的是金融,不会有什么后顾之忧。后来我在 伦敦的一所顶级戏剧学院拿到了戏剧硕士学 位,专业是戏剧表演和导演,”林毅炜说道。 毕 业 后 ,林 毅 炜 并 没 有 立 刻 扎 进 电 影 行 业,而是大量旅游去体验不同的生活。 “我在中国大陆做过电视剧演员,在香港、 澳 门 和 新 加 坡 做 过 戏 剧 和 电 影 演 员 ,” 他 说 。 同 时 他 还 写 剧 本 。“我 的 灵 感 来 自 真 实 的 生 活。过去 18 年间,我在多个国家生活过,有 许多东西想透过电影来告诉世界。但有些想 法转瞬即逝,如果一个意念在我的脑海回荡 良久,可能就会在我的下一部电影中呈现。”


“2008 年 ,搬 到 澳 门 后 ,我 开 始 创 作 自 己 的第一步剧情片《轮盘》,”他说。“当时,我想 做电影导演,因为做演员的工作很被动—— 这 正 是 演 员 工 作 的 本 质 。但 我 想 掌 握 主 动 权。所以我想还是自己拍电影吧。自那时起, 我就深深爱上了拍电影这门艺术——后来 也探索电影中商业的一面。” 林 毅 炜 对 澳 门 情 有 独 钟 ,他 的 第 一 部 电 影的背景地就发生在澳门,今年夏天即将完 成的《镜海》也在澳门拍摄。对他而言,澳 门 就 是 座 电 影 感 强 的 城 市 。“澳 门 能 够 很 自 然 地 激 发 起 电 影 人 和 观 众 的 情 感 。无 论 我 去 澳 门 哪 里 ,几 乎 都 能 感 受 当 地 喷 薄 欲 出 的各种故事。” 林 毅 炜 的 最 新 影 片 《镜 海 》于 去 年 在 澳 门 拍 摄 ,故 事 随 着 一 位 日 本 男 演 员 的 视 角


nlike most directors, Thomas Lim did not dream of being a film director from the beginning and in fact he studied a very irrelevant major in school. “I never went to film school. I actually studied finance at university in Singapore because in Singapore you can’t go wrong with finance. Then I got my Masters in theatre from one of the top drama colleges in London, majoring in acting and directing for theatre,” says Lim. After graduating, Lim did not jump into the filmmaking industry directly but travelled a lot to experience different kinds of life. “I was a TV actor in Mainland China, and a theatre and film actor in Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore,” he says. At the same time he is also a screenwriter. “My inspiration comes from real life. I’ve lived in several countries in the past 18 years, and have lots of messages to tell the world through my films. But some of these messages come and go. If a message stays with me long enough it’ll probably find its way into my next film. “

MACAU - WHERE DREAM BEGINS . . . “I started writing my first feature film – Roulette City - in 2008 after I moved to Macau,” he says. “At that time I wanted to become a filmmaker because being an actor forces me to remain passive – it’s the nature of an actor’s job. But I like to be proactive. So, I thought I’ll make films. Ever since, I’ve fallen in love with the art of filmmaking and later embraced the business side of it as well.” Lim is so obsessed with Macau he chose the city as the background for his first movie and Sea Of Mirrors, which is finished this 56 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 57

展开,他去洛杉矶与一位过气的好莱坞女星 会面。男主知道该女星多年前曾去过澳门, 还结识了一位多年前去澳门见粉丝的日本女 星。男主想透过她(这位好莱坞女星)查出 前往澳门的日本女星到底发生了什么事,导 致她的孩子被绑架。 《 “ 镜 海 》是 部 心 理 惊 悚 电 影 ,结 局 让 人 震 惊 ! ”林 毅 炜 说 。更 让 人 惊 喜 的 是 ,该 电 影完全用 iPhone 拍摄。 “只 拿 到 50%预 算 的 资 金 时 , 我 就 开 始 拍摄了。我从不害怕这么做,但我也不建议 (其他人)这么做,因为电影永远不能“杀科” 完成的机会也会增加。我们就是因为这个原 因才用了那么久完成拍摄:后期制作时,我 们不得不筹集更多的资金”他说。 “由于我们的预算很低,我希望把这个劣 势转为优势,而不是去逃避它。因此,我想到 用 iPhone 拍摄的话会为影片制造话题,其实 最终成效远超于话题效应,”林毅炜解释说。 正如预期的一样,这样拍摄并不容易,摄 制人员要付出更多努力来达到理想的拍摄效 果,他回忆说:“这是我们第一次用 iPhone 拍 摄,虽然小巧方便,但 iPhone 并没有变焦功 能,因此我们不得不在拍摄时发挥创意,以 拍出通常通过变焦才能实现的镜头。实际上, 我们不得不加强背景的照明,并且在音效上 做更多的工作,来弥补 iPhone 相机的弱点。” 但最后还是有很多镜头的效果不尽人意, 林毅炜被迫删掉它们。虽是如此,影片质量 比预期的要好很多。“颜色分级完成后,影片 效 果 看 上 去 像 是 在 8 毫 米 或 16 毫 米 的 胶 片 上 拍 出 来 的 ,我 忍 不 住 对 调 色 师 说 :’我 真 想 不到一部 iPhone 可以达到这样好的效果!’” 58 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Summer. To him, Macau is a cinematic city. “The look of the place naturally evokes emotions in both the filmmaker and the audience. Everywhere I look in Macau I can almost feel stories calling out to be told.” Lim’s latest movie - Sea of Mirrors - was shot in Macau last year, with the story unfolding through the eyes of a Japanese actor who

goes to Los Angeles to find a former Hollywood actress. The actor thinks the actress went to Macau many years ago and befriends a Japanese actress who went to Macau to meet her fan. He wants to find out from her (the Hollywood actress) what actually happened to the Japanese actress in Macau that led to her child being kidnapped. “It’s a psychological thriller that leads to a shocking end!” says Lim. What is more of a surprise is that this film was shot completely on an iPhone. “I began shooting when I only had 50% of the budget. It’s always been something I’m unafraid to do, though I wouldn’t advise it because it increases the chances of never completing the film. That’s why it took us so long to finish: we had to raise more money during post-production” he says. “Since we were on a low budget I wanted us to use this limitation to our advantage and not avoid it. So, I thought filming on an iPhone would create a talking point for the film, and it has indeed done much more than that,” Lim explains. As expected, it was not easy to shoot this way and the crew paid much more effort in achieving the desired results, he recalls: “It was our first time shooting on the iPhone, and while it’s small and handy, the iPhone doesn’t zoom, and therefore we had to get creative on shots we’d normally zoom in to achieve. We actually had to light our sets even better and work


林毅炜总是鼓励大家不要受到器械的限 制 :“当 今 时 代 ,我 们 可 以 用 电 话 来 拍 摄 电 影,用手提电脑剪辑。因此绝对没有借口不 去 拍 摄 电 影 。让 人 们 止 步 不 前 的 主 要 原 因 是 害 怕 失 败 ,以 及 不 够 真 诚 的 电 影 制 作 态 度 。” 林 毅 炜 的 销 售 代 理 把 《镜 海 》带 去 戛 纳电影市场,引起了买家强烈的反响,他们 都想看看电影成品。 “我希望这部电影能够参加电影节并获得 奖项,最终能够在日本、澳门和新加坡的商 业影院上线。更重要的是,我希望这部电影 能够促进参与创作人员的事业发展,”他表示。 林 毅 炜 也 透 露 ,他 希 望 能 够 在 澳 门 拍 摄 第三部影片。 “我希望在未来的两三年内完成澳门三部 曲 。2008 年 ,当 我 第 一 次 在 澳 门 执 导 电 影 时,我认识的人不多,对电影拍摄也知之甚 少。这次拍摄,我感觉自己似乎认识所有人, 了 解 澳 门 的 每 个 角 落 ,希 望 也 学 习 到 了 更 多电影制作知识。”

你心目中的澳门: 1. 澳门哪个地方你最钟意? 林毅炜(下简称林):板樟堂巷,因为 2008 年 到 2010 年间我在澳门生活时曾住在那里。 2. 你最喜欢的澳门美食是什么? 林:位于营地街市市政综合大楼三楼或是四 楼熟食中心的云吞面。 3. 澳门最吸引你的地方是什么? 林:我的朋友们,我深爱他们。 4. 你在澳门最难忘的经历是什么? 林:太多啦!我现在能想到的是我第一次接 受澳广视的粤语采访。当时我特别紧张,因 为对讲广东话我没信心。 5. 你对下次的澳门之行有什么期待? 林:我希望能看到《镜海》在一间重要影院首 映,或者在澳门电影节上获得奖项。两者中 有一个愿望能够实现就很棒了——或者去蹦 极(笨猪跳),我从来没勇气去蹦极! 쐽

harder on sound in order to compensate for the weaker iPhone camera.” In the end, however, there were still many scenes that were not good enough, many of which Lim had to discard. However, the quality was much better than expected. “When the colour grading was done, the film looked like it had been shot on 8 or 16mm film and I found myself telling the colourist: ‘I can’t believe an iPhone can achieve this!’” Lim always encourages people not to restrict themselves by equipment: “In this time and age, we can shoot films with our phones, and edit them with our laptop computers. There is absolutely no excuse to not make films anymore. The main things that still hold people back are fear of failure, and an insincere attitude towards filmmaking.” Lim’s sales agency took Sea of Mirrors to the Cannes film market and attracted strong interest from buyers who wanted to see the final product. “I hope this movie gets into festivals and wins awards, and eventually is released commercially in cinemas in at least Japan, Macau and Singapore. More importantly, I hope this film improves the careers of the people who were involved in it,” he says. The director also revealed that he wishes to shoot in Macau a third time. “I want to complete a Macau trilogy within the next two to three years. When I first shot here in 2008, I didn’t know many people, and knew very little about filmmaking. This recent

time, I felt like I knew everyone, and every corner of Macau, and hopefully a lot more about filmmaking.” WHAT DOES MACAU MEAN TO YOU? 1. Where is your favourite place in Macau? TL: Travessa de S. Domingos because I lived there when I lived in Macau between 2008 and 2010. 2. What’s your favourite food in Macau? TL: It’s the wonton noodles in the food centre on the 3rd or 4th floor of Complexo Municipal do Mercado de S. Domingos . 3. What’s the biggest attraction of Macau to your mind? TL: My friends, whom I love so much. 4. What’s your most memorable experience of Macau? TL: There are too many! One that I can think of now was the first time I was interviewed in Cantonese by TDM TV network. I was so nervous because I wasn’t confident about speaking in Cantonese! 5. What do you want to experience in Macau next time? TL: I want to see Sea of Mirrors open in a major cinema, or win an award at a festival in Macau. Either of those - or maybe bungee jumping, which I’ll never have the guts to do! 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 59

Essential SHOPPING

环 球 设计 空间 时 尚 潮牌 聚集地 Get your hip gear here 全球顶 级奢侈品旅游零售 商 DFS 集 团 为 DFS 旗 下 澳 门 T 广 场新 濠天地 店全新“环球设计 空 间”揭 幕 , 以 吸 引 更 多 年 轻 消 费 者 To attract the younger generation, the DFS group has introduced its ‘World Design Space’ at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams 文/by EDWINA LIU


Essential SHOPPING

为世界级城市,澳门拥有琳琅满目的 奢侈品牌和购物商场。近期,街头潮 牌 迅 速 崛 起 ,成 功 吸 引 了 许 多 前 卫 的 年 轻 消 费 者 。 DFS 集 团 深 切 意 识 到 年 轻 客 户 群 的 发 展 壮 大 ,刚 刚 为 旗 下 全 新 多 品 牌 概 念 空 间 — — 环 球 设 计 空 间 揭 幕 ,为 年 轻 消 费 者提供精彩多元的多品牌街头时装和都市 时装及配饰。 环 球 设 计 空 间 内 拥 有 超 过 35 个 全 球 各 地 的成人和童装前卫品牌,包括最热门的新兴 国际品牌,其中有 26 个品牌独家进驻 DFS 旗 下澳门 T 广场新濠天地店,如 Anouki、Bijoux de Famille、Complet 及 Essentiel Antwerp。顾客

可以在此选购各种时尚服装及配饰等,如运 动鞋、背包、套装及珠宝等。 为了能够为游客提供一个更为动感活 力的购物环境,新濠天地还将创新科技作为 概 念 核 心 ,设 置 了 超 过 50 个 视 听 屏 幕 ,旨 在透过无限创意和灵感为旅客购物之旅增 加活力亮点。 该空间也适用于开展各种跨界时尚活动。 为 了 庆 祝 “环 球 设 计 空 间 ”的 盛 大 开 幕 , 著 名 台 湾 DJ、 制 作 人 和 饶 舌 艺 人 Dizzy Dizzo 还特别亮相,在科技糅合音乐、趣味和时装 的 氛 围 里 , 为 一 众 宾 客 和 VIP 贵 宾 主 持 了 音乐制作大师班。 쐽


world-class destination, Macau has no lack of high-end luxury brands and shopping malls to choose from. Recently, however, the street style has rapidly grown up, successfully attracting many young people. Well aware of growing the young client base, DFS has unveiled its new multi-brand concept store World Design Space, introducing a wider choice of multi-branded street and urban fashion wear and accessories. World Design Space showcases more than 35 adult and children’s fashion brands from international design houses from all over the world, with some of the hottest emerging international brands, including 26 that are exclusive to T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams such as Anouki, Bijoux de Famille, Complet and Essentiel Antwerp. Customers can shop for hip gear like sneakers, backpacks, outfits and jewellery. In order to provide a more dynamic shopping environment, City of Dreams also puts technological innovation at the heart of the concept, featuring over 50 visual and audible screens intended to transform the travelling customer’s journey through creativity and inspiration. This area is also designed for all kinds of cross border fashion events. To celebrate the opening, famous Taiwanese DJ, producer and rap artist Dizzy Dizzo recently made a special appearance at World Design Space, hosting a music production master class for guests and VIP customers in a space integrating technology with music, fun and fashion. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 61

流 金岁 月 As time goes by



外套 Blazer: 璞琪 Emilio Pucci 短裤 Shorts: J Brand 围巾 Scarf: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent 耳环 Earrings: Machado Joalheiro 戒指 Ring: David Rosas 包、鞋 Bag and shoes: 迪奥 Dior

连衣裙 Dress: Nuno Baltazar

连衣裙 Dress: 赛琳 Céline 长项链、手镯 Chain and bracelet: David Rosas 鞋 Shoes: 菲拉格慕 Salvatore Ferragamo

连衣裙 Dress: 奥斯卡·德拉伦塔 Oscar de la Renta 紧身衣 Body: By Malene Birger

吊带背心 Vest: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent 太阳镜 Glasses: 赛琳 Céline 戒指 Ring: Machado Joalheiro 手镯 Bracelet: David Rosas

衬衣、长裤 Shirt and trousers: 希尔瑞 Theory 长项链 Chain: Rosantica 凉鞋 Sandals: Alexandre Birman 太阳镜、手袋 Sunglasses and purse: 赛琳 Céline

连衣裙 Dress: 赛琳 Céline 耳环 Earrings: David Rosas 手镯 Bracelet: Machado Joalheiro

外套 Jacket: Maliparmi 长裤 Trousers: 赛琳 Céline 胸衣 Bra: Intimissimi

项链、戒指 Necklace and ring: Machado Joalheiro

T恤 Blazer: 圣罗兰 Saint Laurent 鞋 Shoes: Clergerie 长裤 Trousers: 赛琳 Céline 耳环 Earrings: Machado Joalheiro 手镯 Bracelet: David Rosas

Essential TRENDS

美 丽 时刻 Moments of beauty 巴 黎高 定时 装 周于 7 月 的第一 个 星期 举行 ,各 大 时装品牌的 18/19 秋冬高定系列纷纷精彩亮相。精致、 典 雅、 华美 的 高定服 装 成为本 届 时 装周 的亮 点 The haute couture collections for the coming Fall/Winter 18/19 were presented in the first week of July in Paris, the fashion city par excellence. Among the various shows were highlights of beauty and sophistication 文/by CATARINA VASQUES RITO


到设计师 Pierpaolo Piccioli 为华伦天奴 (Valentino)打造的最新高定系列,即 使品牌创始人本人坐到秀场前排,也定会拍 手叫绝。新系列不同往常,在数量、图案选 择、色彩(当然有些服装还是闻名遐迩的 “华伦天奴红”色),都非常出色(天哪,简 直太出色了)。这恰恰表明,在高定界,以 非凡美丽之名的创意是没有界限的。“对 成衣而言,你的审美与所处的时代息息 相关。但高定服装则涉及更深刻、更私 密 的 视 角 ,进 一 步 发 掘 和 展 示 你 本 身 对 美 丽 的 看 法 ,”Piccioli 表 示 。此 系 列 设计,品牌创意总监 Piccioli 从希腊神 话中汲取灵感,并借鉴了 17、18 世纪 的服装,同时受到 Pier Paolo Pasolini( 意大利电影导演,1922-1975 年)的电 影、Deborah Turbeville(1932-2013 年) 的 摄 影 作 品 和 《Ziggy Stardust》 (David Bowie 的另我身份,19472016 年 )的 启 发 。“文 艺 复 兴 遇 到 凡 尔 赛 ,再 遇 到 60 年 代 ,”在 解 释 自 己 的 作 品 时 ,Pierpaolo Piccioli 这样描述。 法国设计师 让 -保 罗 ·高 缇 耶 ( Jean-Paul Gaultier)是法


alentino couldn’t control his emotions at the front row of the brand’s latest show from designer Pierpaolo Piccioli. A little different to the norm, the collection excelled (boy, did it excel) for its volume, choice of patterns and of course some pieces in the renowned “Valentino Red”, showing that in haute couture, there are no limits to creativity in the name of extreme beauty. “With ready-to-wear, your vision of beauty relates to the times you are living in. Couture involves a deeper and more intimate perspective, to go further into your own vision of beauty,” said Piccioli after the show. The Italian maison’s designer drew inspiration from Greek mythology, along with references to 17th and 18th-century clothing and also the films of Pier Paolo Pasolini (the Italian filmmaker: 19221975), the photography of Deborah Turbeville (1932-2013) and Ziggy Stardust (the alter ego of David Bowie: 1947-2016). “Renaissance meets Versailles meets ’60s whatever,” explained Piccioli about the pieces he presented. The eternal enfant terrible of French (and global) fashion, Jean-Paul Gaultier explored the construction of one of the most charismatic pieces of a man’s wardrobe, which is the tuxedo. He brought in the talent of milliner Stephen Jones, who was sitting in the front row and was

Zuhair Murad 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 77

Essential TRENDS

Viktor & Rolf Schiaparelli


Essential TRENDS

国(乃至全球)时尚界永远的“坏小子”。此 次,他发掘了男士衣橱中最具魅力服装—— 男士无尾礼服的廓形。他在系列中融入了英 国 制 帽 大 师 Stephen Jones 的 作 品 , Stephen Jones 当时坐在秀场前排,被邀请走上 T 台, 但他谢绝上台。高缇耶将他的全新高定系列 与 Jones 精 妙 绝 伦 的 帽 子 进 行 共 同 演 绎 ,呈 现出一种威风凛凛、大胆无畏且颇具挑衅的 效果。高缇耶此次可能不像他多年来那样让 人震撼,但他仍然拥有那颗叛逆的心。 纪梵希(Givenchy)高定时装秀是巴黎高定 时装周上的亮点之一。不久前去世的休伯特· 德 ·纪 梵 希 (Hubert de Givenchy,1927-2018 年)与著名演员奥黛丽·赫本一齐成名,自 那 时 起 一 直 声 名 鼎 沸 。为 萨 塞 克 斯 公 爵 夫 人梅根·马克尔设计婚纱的英国设计师、纪 梵希艺术总监 Clare Waight Keller 曾与品牌创 始 人 合 作 过 ,决 定 以 该 系 列 致 敬 并 缅 怀 休 伯 特 ·德 ·纪 梵 希 的 才 华 与 创 意 。 这 是 向 非凡美丽致敬:她发掘品牌收藏,找回了奥 黛丽·赫本在电影《蒂芙尼的早餐》中穿过 的 服 装 , 以 及 纪 梵 希 在 上 世 纪 50 年 代 和 70 年 代 的 高 雅 设 计 ,以 此 为 灵 感 ,打 造 出 这一唯美的高定系列。 时装周上另一难忘的时刻来自迪奥 (Dior)。迪 奥 高 定 系 列 出 自 品 牌 女 装 艺 术 总 监 Maria Grazia Chiuri 之 手 。该 系 列 呈 现 了 设计师在构思和廓形两方面的杰出天赋和 才 华 ,别 忘 了 ,Chiuri 可 谓 主 导 着 高 定 制 作 技 巧 的 发 展 ,正 如 她 自 己 所 说 :“高 级 定 制 是神秘的世界;是魔法和非凡美丽的艺术。 高 定 意 味 着 懂 得 尊 重 时 间 ,知 道 欣 赏 手 艺 的人能看重才华和技艺。” 谈 到 香 奈 儿 (Chanel),就 不 能 不 提 到 一 种风格和审美视角,不管你喜欢与否,都不 能忽略打造这种风格和审美的品牌创意总监 老 佛 爷 卡 尔 · 拉 格 菲 尔 德 (Karl Lagerfeld)。 他在一定程度上并不关心世人对他的看法。 本次香奈儿高定系列向品牌创始人致敬,同 时 按 照 当 今 客 户 的 品 味 进 行 了 调 整 。“购 买 香奈儿的客户都很年轻,所以我必须要和青 春对话,但这并不等于我不承认,有时候我 不 得 不 把 创 意 简 化 ,从 而 满 足 更 成 熟 的 目 标市场,”拉格菲尔德强调。 在 更 具 欢 庆 气 氛 的 品 牌 系 列 中 ,艾 丽 萨 博(Elie Saab)和祖海·慕拉(Zuhair Murad) 的高定系列最为引人瞩目,而午夜蓝在各种 美轮美奂的色彩中又尤为出众。祖海·慕拉 高定系列是为品牌的一位俄罗斯客户设计 的,灵感来自俄罗斯传统服饰,让人眼花缭 乱的各种精彩细节让我们感觉在时光中穿 梭。既然说到时尚,当然也不能不提到那些 不 太 合 群 的 创 意 , 那 Maison Margiela 和 Viktor&Rolf 这两个品牌就值得一说。前者更 具概念性和艺术性;后者则更具戏剧和马戏 团兴味。两个品牌都采用了有趣的裁剪及廓 形,值得较保守的您穿上身演绎一番。 쐽


invited to walk down the runway, but declined the invitation. Gaultier combined his collection with some stunning hats made my Jones and which helped create an imposing, bold and provocative effect. The French designer may not shock as much as he has done for many years, but he continues to be a rebel at heart. One of the highlights of this fashion week was the Givenchy show. Hubert de Givenchy (1927-2018), who recently passed away, achieved fame beside the actress Audrey Hepburn and never left the height of stardom. Clare Waight Keller, the British designer and artistic director of the French maison, responsible for designing the wedding dress of the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, worked with the brand’s founder and decided that this collection was an homage to his talent and creativity. And it was an homage of extreme beauty: she dug out the brand’s archives and recovered the pieces worn by Hepburn in films such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s, along with all the elegance of the 1950s and ‘70s. The result couldn’t have been more delightful. Another memorable moment of this fashion week was delivered by Dior, at the hands of Maria Grazia Chiuri. The collection reflects the designer’s talent in both idea and construction, bearing in mind that Chiuri dominates the techniques of couture, as she herself noted: “Haute couture is the domain of the hidden; it is the art of magic and of supreme beauty. Working to

Ralph & Russo

measure is knowing how to respect time, it’s knowing that those who appreciate workmanship recognise talent and technique.” You cannot speak about Chanel without speaking of a style and aesthetic approach that whether you like it or not is indifferent to the man responsible for the intentions of the brand’s creative department, Karl Lagerfeld. Indifferent, up to a point, about what the world thinks of him, the Chanel collections stand out for their respect for the founder, as well as the adjustment to the tastes of clients today. “Those who buy Chanel are young and so I have to speak to that youth, which doesn’t mean I don’t recognise that sometimes I have to streamline the idea to fulfil an older target market,” stressed Lagerfeld. Among the more festive pieces were those from Elie Saab and Zuhair Murad, with marvellous pieces in various shades but where midnight blue most stood out. In the case of Murad, the collection was conceived for its Russian client, inspired by the traditional local dress richly enhanced by details that make us travel in time. And because talking about fashion also means mentioning the less consensual ideas, we cannot ignore Maison Margiela and Viktor&Rolf. The first is more conceptual and artistic, and the second more theatrical and circus-like. Both are more fun approaches that deserve the interpretation of the more conservative amongst us. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 79

Essential BEAUTY

白雪公主的美容秘籍 日本美妆产品一向更适合亚洲人肤质,日本高端美妆 品牌奥尔滨(ALBION)也是非常值得信赖的品牌。如 果您在寻找一款轻量级粉底产品,品牌著名的经典产 品 Snow White Chiffon 柔亮戚风雪肤粉饼是绝佳的选 择。此款粉底采用独特的液体干制法,让肌肤呈现完 美无瑕的如雪轻盈质地,无论出汗还是分泌油脂,肌 肤都可以数小时保持完美状态。为了打造卓越精致 妆容,建议您使用粉底专用海绵,朝一个方向轻轻 抹开,然后在整个面部均匀抹开。

Snow White’s beauty secret Japanese beauty products are always more suitable for Asian people. Products of Japanese high-end beauty brand ALBION are always trustworthy. If you are looking for a lightweight product, the brand’s signaturebased product Snow White Chiffon is your foundation. This powder foundation contains unique Water Liquid Dry Formula, which is able to make your skin a flawless powder-snow finish that is lightweight, fine-textured and remains for long hours regardless of perspiration and sebum. In order to create the perfect base makeup use the dedicated sponge by first applying and swiping the foundation lightly in one direction then evenly over the entire face.

荣光绽放 2018 年,圣罗兰美妆(YSL Beauté) 进军全新领域,推出了 Touche Éclat 家族的开创性产品。全新配方圣罗 兰 Touche Éclat All-In-One Glow Foundation 全效合一光泽润色粉底 液质感由乳霜状变成水状,即时为 肌肤注入源源不尽水分,绽放晨露 般光芒效果。粉底液用起来非常方 便,呈现水雾状妆容,肌肤绽放耀 人光泽。该粉底液为无油配方,共 有 6 种肌肤色号可选,让您瞬间打 造出完美肌肤。

Makes you glow In 2018, YSL Beauté ventures into new territory with the launch of a pioneering product that joins the Touche Éclat family. The new formulation YSL Touche Éclat All-In-One Glow Foundation offers you a cream-towater transformative texture, instantly quenching and perfecting dewy skin. It’s easy to apply and leaves a watery finish of a mist that supercharges skin glow. This oil-free foundation is available in six skin-slaking shades that perfect in the splash of a second.


Essential BEAUTY

自然原力与您同在 迪奥(Dior)发布了由约翰尼·德普主演的 全新广告大片,大量灵感源自品牌经典香 水 Sauvage 狂野。全新版本的 Sauvage 狂野 香水形象更为震撼:沙漠及其饱含的神 秘、乡村道路、野生动物及壮观的奇石峻 岩中彰显的自由精神。香水洋溢着清新的 木质香调,神秘、性感。该香水保留了香 柠檬、四川胡椒、薰衣草和降龙涎香醚— —并增加了其他香料,包括温馨的东方香 调,如八角、肉豆蔻和巴布亚香草。全新 狂野香水有 60 毫升和 100 毫升两款包装。

Force of nature Starring Johnny Depp, Dior has released a film freely inspired by the perfume Sauvage. This new version of Sauvage gives rise to powerful images such as the desert and its mysteries, the freedom of the open road, wild animals, and the rugged majesty of rocky landscapes. Its fresh woody scent is enveloping, mysterious, and sensual. It keeps the original notes like bergamot, Sichuan pepper, lavender and ambroxan - enriching them with spices and warm, oriental tones of star anise, nutmeg and papua vanilla. The new perfume is available as a 60ml and 100 ml.

美肌源自洁净的肌肤 大部分人都知道肌肤护理的第一步是清洁。但您能否确定肌 肤足够干净了呢?馥蕾诗(Fresh)Soy Face Cleanser 大豆精萃 卸妆洁颜凝露能够彻底帮您清洁肌肤。该洁颜凝露适合各种 肤质,爽肤、柔肤,让肌肤呈现健康光泽。 馥蕾诗赋予大豆精萃卸妆洁颜凝露全新妆容,以庆祝歌颂品 牌第一款也是最受欢迎的护肤产品。品牌携手纽约时尚插画 师 Blair Breitenstein,设计打造了全新大豆精粹卸妆洁颜凝露 限量版。Blair 受到洁颜凝露原始包装上的“Soy Girl”(大豆女孩) 的启发,透过自己对魅力风华的理解,用水彩笔和马克笔描 绘出自己心目中的“大豆女孩”,向全球各地的女孩致敬。

Good skin starts with clean skin Most people know that the first step in skincare is cleaning the face. However, can you be sure your skin is truly clean? Fresh Soy Face Cleanser can do it. Soy Face Cleanser is the best seller of the brand, sold every minute worldwide. Designed for all skin types, the cleanser tones, soothes, and softens for a radiant, healthy-looking complexion. To celebrate Fresh’s first and most popular skincare product, the brand has given Soy Face Cleanser a modern makeover. Partnered with NYC-based fashion illustrator Blair Breitenstein to create a one-of-a-kind design to adorn the new Limited Edition Soy Face Cleanser. Inspired by the ‘Soy Girl’ who graced the original tube and celebrated all women around the world with her understated glamour, Blair has created her own ‘Soy Girls’ using watercolours and markers.

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 81

Essential BAZAAR


魔法护身符 自由非洲 风华绝代红宝石 全新 Rubylou 挎包的灵感无疑来 自品牌设计师克里斯提·鲁布托 经典的红底鞋。品牌商标和红底 细节如同鞋子一样十分显眼。 Rubylou 全新挎包满足城市生活日 常需要。新款挎包配有真皮挽手 和铝链肩带,共有三个尺寸可 选:迷你款、小码和中码。

蔻依(Chloe)Sierra 系列太阳镜的 灵感来自自由的非洲沙漠。该系 列太阳镜专为品牌最新发布的香 氛 Nomade 打造。太阳镜散发着 复古风格,金属镜架上饰有可拆 卸真皮遮光罩。太阳镜采用渐变 卡其色镜片,同色系金属鼻托 异常瞩目,镜腿采用隐形铰链, 搭配醋酸纤维桩头,新颖独特, 彰显个性。

African freedom The freedom of the African desert is the motto behind Sierra da Chloe’s sunglasses. Designed especially to complement the latest fragrance launched by the brand, Chloe Nomade, this vintage-style model presents a metal structure, decorated with removable leather blinkers. Equipped with gradient khaki lenses, the sunglasses stand out for their tone on tone metal nose pads. The rods have invisible hinges and are completed with acetate ends.

Like a ruby It is in the architectonic silhouette of designer shoes that the new Rubylou shoulder handbag is inspired. The logo and red bases are details that stand out. Ideal for the city thanks to its adaptation to every-day needs, Rubylou is available in three sizes - mini, small and medium, and presents leather handles and an aluminium chain.


家庭一直都是 Mi Talismán 最大的 灵感源泉,西班牙珠宝设计师女公 爵 Eugénia Martínez de Irujo 为 Tous 打造的 2018 春夏系列依旧延续家 庭灵感。对 Eugénia Martínez de Irujo 而言,大象一直都是归属、 社区和家庭的象征。系列灵感源自 她的大象素描,由 7 款首饰组成, 运用了金、银、镀金银及珍稀宝 石等各种材质。

路易威登(Louis Vuitton)推出 Silver Lockit Fluo 系绳手链,支持联 合国儿童基金会的人道项目,旨在 帮助叙利亚及周边国家迫切需要帮 助的 1,100 万儿童。Silver Lockit Fluo 手链设计灵感来自 Georges Vuitton 于 1890 年发明的杠杆挂 锁,这种锁能保护客户最珍贵的 物品,因此象征着守护。 该挂锁象征诺守帮助弱势孩童的承 诺,因此被路易威登选用。纯银 挂锁手链的系绳共有 5 款颜色 (黄色、橘色、粉红色、蓝色和 黑色)。每售出一只手链,路易 威登就会捐 100 欧元给予联合国 儿童基金会,帮助那些迫切需要 人道援助的家庭与儿童。

Magic talisman Family is Mi Talismán’s greatest inspiration, a new collection for spring/summer 2018 by Eugénia Martínez de Irujo for Tous. For the jewellery designer, the elephant has always been a symbol of belonging, community and family. The collection arose from a sketch of this animal that she drew, and is composed of seven pieces made with a diversity of materials like gold and silver, vermeil silver and precious stones.

Commitment to Children Louis Vuitton has released Silver Lockit Fluo to support UNICEF humanitarian programmes oming to the aid of more than eleven million children in Syria and neighbouring countries. Inspired by the tumbler lock invented by Georges Vuitton in 1890 to protect clients’ most precious belongings, it is a potent symbol of protection. The piece has been chosen as a symbol of sealing one’s promise to help children in urgent need. The sterling silver padlock is held on a cord available in five colours (yellow, orange, pink, blue and black). For each sale, €100 will be donated to UNICEF to help children in emergency situations.

Essential BAZAAR

文具精品 葡萄牙奢华文具品牌 Fine & Candy 发布全新系列 Better Together,以 书写配件为主,完美糅合时尚风 格与实用功能。Better Together 全 新系列包含了各种既高雅又现代 的文具,造型简约、色彩时尚、 细节精致。该独特的系列全部手 工打造,无论是用材、设计还是 细节,处处卓尔不凡。

网球灵感 网球一直深受杰尼亚(Zegna) 热爱,品牌最新系列 Z Zegna 恰恰证明这一点。品牌推出的各 种夏季服饰彰显了网球世界的多 元风格。除了在运动服上融入杰 尼亚功能性的裁剪技艺外,全新 系列以柔和的色彩搭配图案形 成图块,与活泼生动的主色调 相得益彰。

休闲经典 珑骧(Longchamp)推出全新男 士配件系列,为夏日更添风彩。 Zanzibar 是品牌主推系列之一, 推出了真皮黑色和干邑色染色单 品,拥有光滑的粒面质感,极致 柔软。金属细节打造出随意休闲 的感觉。该系列包含两种尺寸的 挎包、一款公文包和一个背包。

Casual but classy

Better Together Harmony between style and functionality is the premise behind the new Fine & Candy collection, where the key elements are accessories for writing. The stationery luxury brand presents Better Together, a selection of timeless and modern pieces, that combine simple forms, a contemporary palette of colours and exclusive details. Unique and hand made, all the articles stand out for their attention to the quality of the materials, the design and finishings.

Longchamp presents a new collection of masculine accessories for this summer. Zanzibar is one of the featured product lines, presenting leather, black-dyed and cognac pieces, with a fine grain texture and excellent flexibility. The metallic finishings accentuate its casual look. A shoulder bag, available in two sizes, a document holder and a backpack are this French brand’s proposals.

致敬保时捷 为庆祝保时捷 70 周年诞辰,保时 捷设计(Porsche design)发布 1919 Datetimer 70Y Sports Car Limited Edition 限量版腕表。此款腕表仅 限量生产 1948 枚,融合并全新演 绎传奇车型保时捷 365 的经典元 素及特色(保时捷 365 是保时捷 911 前身)。该款腕表采用 42 毫米 钛金表壳,搭载高品质瑞士自动 机芯,动力存储长达 38 小时。

A tribute to Porsche To mark Porsche’s 70th anniversary, Porsche design is celebrating with the launch of the 1919 Datetimer 70Y Sports Car Limited Edition. Limited to 1948 watches, this new watch combines and reinterprets design elements and special characteristics of the Porsche 365, the predecessor of the emblematic 911. It comes in a 42mm titanium case, housing an automatic Swiss movement with a 38-hour power reserve.

Inspired by tennis Tennis has always been a passion for Zegna and the most recent collection Z Zegna proves that. The multifaceted pieces for summer reflect the versatility of styles that define the world of tennis. Combining performance-backed tailoring with sportswear, this new collection is filled with a collage of pastel shades and graphics, contrasting with vivid tones.

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 83

Essential BRAND


Essential BRAND

巴 西精 神 Inspiring Brazil 自从创 立自己的同名品牌 以 来,虽 然 已 经 走 过 了 近 30 个春 秋, 莱尼·尼迈耶 依 旧是泳 装 界 响 当 当 的 大 咖 After almost 30 years since creating her brand, Lenny Niemeyer is still one of the biggest names when it comes to beachwear 文/by EDWINA LIU

尼·尼迈耶(Lenny Niemeyer)天生喜 欢 画 画 。她 出 生 在 巴 西 圣 保 罗 ,于 1960 年代修读视觉艺术,第一份工作从事建 筑行业。她回忆,正是那段时间让她真正学 会了绘画。如今,莱尼·尼迈耶的同名品牌是 享 誉 全 球 的 泳 装 品 牌 。品 牌 目 前 设 有 19 间 . 专 卖 店 ,在 巴 西 各 地 250 间 多 品 牌 店 铺 设 有 柜台,并出口全球各地。她承认,“虽然这是 我创业之初的梦想,但其实我们最初没有计 划 大 规 模 发 展 ”。但 命 运 (以 及 她 的 创 造 力 和工作能力)决定眷顾她。 莱尼·尼迈耶接受《精华》杂志采访,分 享 了 自 己 创 业 伊 始 的 故 事 。“纯 属 巧 合 。我 一 直 都 喜 欢 画 画 ,大 学 专 业 学 的 是 视 觉 艺 术。我很想工作,但我只会画画。因此我得 到 了 一 份 建 筑 业 的 工 作 。我 很 热 爱 这 份 工 作,因为喜欢绘画,我从中学到了很多东西, 并 最 终 开 始 转 向 园 林 建 筑 领 域 。我 结 合 二 者,练习园林设计。那份工作我做了 6、7 年。 同时,我嫁给了一个克力欧卡(carioca,里约 热 内 卢 的 当 地 居 民 或 土 著 ),搬 到 里 约 去 生 活,因为没有办法运输所有的园艺作品。我 们的生活只得从头开始。” 那 时 ,圣 保 罗 的 朋 友 开 始 从 她 那 里 订 购 克力欧卡风格的比基尼泳衣。莱尼不想照原 样销售,想做些调整,让这种泳衣更适合保 利斯塔(paulista 即圣保罗)女性,风格上更 为 高 雅 ,但 却 大 胆 前 卫 。 “那 个 年 代 ,比 基 尼前后都是三角形,我觉得神秘感不够。 于 是 决 定 把 前 后 三 角 形 分 开 ,做 一 些 不 同 的 调整。 我就是这样起步的。 我买了件比基 尼,在上面加装了两个牛骨环。“ 她的成功很快达到了更高水平:70 年代后 期,她开始为 Fiorucci、Bee、Richards 及 Andrea Saletto 等知名品牌设计比基尼。“那段时间我 学到了最多、最主要的知识。当时,我学到


er passion for drawing has always been a part of her. Born in São Paulo, Brazil, she studied visual arts in the 1960s and her first job was in the architecture field. It was at that time, she recalls, that she truly learnt how to draw. Today, Lenny Niemeyer is an international name in the world of beachwear. Currently with 19 dedicated stores, the designer’s eponymous brand is also present in around 250 multi-brand stores spread across Brazil, and exports to the most diverse countries across the globe. She admits that, “although it was my dream at the start of my career, the business wasn’t created to grow”. But fate (along with her creative vein and resilience) decided to give her the run-around. The designer spoke with Essential and revealed how it all started. “It happened by chance. I’ve always enjoyed drawing, and my degree is in visual arts. I really wanted to work and all I knew was how to draw. So I got a job in the architecture field. I loved it; I learnt a lot and ended up changing to landscaping because I liked painting. I put the two things together and set up a landscape architecture practice. I worked on that for six or seven years. In the meantime, I married a carioca [a native of Rio de Janeiro], moved to Rio and didn’t have a way of transporting the landscaping work. We were starting a life.” It was then that her friends from São Paulo started ordering carioca-style bikinis from her. Lenny wanted to go further and adapt them to the paulista (São Paulo) woman, more classic in character but bold nonetheless. “In those days, bikinis were a triangle at the front and another at the back, and I thought there wasn’t much 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 85

Essential BRAND


Essential BRAND

了面向大众的销售理念。我开始明白人们想 要什么,以及海滩后时尚。里约热内卢实际 上 是 我 最 大 的 灵 感 源 泉 。典 型 的 克 力 欧 卡 (里约人) 常常大胆即兴发挥,从衬衫到裤子 改成短裤穿。保利斯塔(圣保罗女性)不知 道怎样才能即兴穿衣;她们没有对沙滩时尚 的知识和经验。所以我就开始为那些不那么 有创意的人做衣服。而且成功了!“ 她用了十年时间为其他公司设计泳衣,直 到有一次,巴西政府的一个规划终止了她的 产品订单。“我的库存中有很多莱卡面料。然 后一间位于依帕内玛(Ipanema)沙滩的商店 空了出来,我决定冒个险:要么把面料都卖

mystery. I decided to take that apart and do something different. That’s how I started. I bought a bikini and added two ox-bone hoops.” Her success quickly escalated to a much higher level, and in the late ‘70s, she started designing bikinis for well-known brands, such as Fiorucci, Bee, Richards and Andrea Saletto. “That was my main schooling. At the time, I learnt what it was to sell to the public at large. I started to understand what people wanted and what post-beach fashion was. Rio de Janeiro was actually my big inspiration. The typical carioca improvises a lot, from the shirts to the trousers to make shorts. Paulistas didn’t know 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 87

Essential BRAND

how to dress like that; they didn’t have that beach know-how. So I started to make those clothes for those who weren’t as creative. And it worked out!” She spent ten years designing for other companies, until a plan from the Brazilian government ended up halting orders for her products. “I was left with kilos of Lycra in stock. But then a store in Ipanema came up and I decided to risk it: either I sold them myself, or I’d be broke. I opened the store and in those days I did everything, from serving customers to creating each piece. The cariocas would come in and think that the use of silk for beachwear was brilliant, as well as the big patterns... When you do something with love, consistency and feeling, there is an audience for everything.” Comfort and quality are features that she highlights in her brand that has been going for almost 30 years. “I think what sets Lenny Niemeyer apart from others on the market is the modelling of the pieces. That factor means it reaches a vaster audience. People are always looking for comfort and quality. Patterns and timelessness are also qualities that customers like. I love seeing women with collections of mine from ten years ago.” When designing, everything serves as a basis, because “any theme is a theme as long as you want to tell a story”, but nature is in fact the Brazilian designer’s greatest source of inspiration. She admits that the biggest challenge she has faced throughout her career has been

掉 ,要 么 我 就 破 产 。我 接 手 了 店 铺 开 张 营 业,那些日子,我什么都做过,从接待顾客 到制作每件衣服。克力欧卡人进来,看到用 真丝制作的泳衣,会赞叹想法绝妙,还有大 块的图案……当你带着热情、坚持不懈与感 情去做某件事的时候,总会有人欣赏你。” 舒 适 和 品 质 是 近 30 年 来 其 品 牌 的 亮 点 和 卖点。 “我认为在市场上,Lenny Niemeyer 与 市场上其他品牌不同的地方在于其作品的可 塑性。这一要素意味着它会覆盖更广的人群。 人们一直都在寻找舒适和质量。迷人的图案 和恒久高雅也是客户喜欢的品质。看到有人 88 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

还在穿我十年前设计的泳装让我非常开心。” 设 计 作 品 时 ,一 切 东 西 都 可 以 成 为 创 作 灵感,因为“只要你想要讲述故事,任何主题 都能成为主题”,但大自然其实才是莱尼最大 的 灵 感 源 泉 。她 承 认 自 己 事 业 生 涯 中 遇 到 过的最大挑战是管理企业。“我进行创新、做 时 装 ,但 管 理 工 厂 里 的 200 位 员 工 其 实 才 是 很复杂的事。”其实她早已功成名就,40 年的 职业生涯中她收获了数不清的荣誉与褒奖。 最近,又在巴黎 Unique by Mode City 展会上荣 获 “2018 年 年 度 设 计 师 ”大 奖 , 该 展 会 聚 集 了国际公认的最具权威的内衣和泳装品牌。

Essential BRAND

“我认为,作品得到认可是件好事,在欧洲, 其重要性更是让人难以置信。我非常荣幸能 够 获 得 该 项 殊 荣 ,对 于 刚 刚 起 步 的 人 们 来 说,这更是一种激励和动力。” 谈 到 未 来 ,莱 尼 只 希 望 能 有 机 会 继 续 做 自己最热爱的事,但能腾出更多时间留给自 己和自己在意的人,这是她在漫长的职业生 涯中没有做过的。“我的结论就是,这一切都 值得。虽然放弃了很多时间,但我对自己的 职业非常满意。我期待能够继续工作,同时 也能享受自己的生活。短期内,我还没有退 休的打算,”她总结道。 쐽

knowing how to manage a company. “I create, I do fashion, but actually managing 200 people in the factory is complicated.” Regardless, her success has been guaranteed, having received countless distinctions over the course of her 40year career. Her latest award, Designer of the Year 2018, was presented at Unique by Mode City – Paris, the international fair that brings together the most prominent lingerie and swimwear brands. “I think that having your work recognised is always nice, and in Europe it’s incredibly important. I’m very honoured to receive

this award, and it’s actually an incentive for people who are starting out now.” For the future, Lenny just wants the chance to continue doing what she most loves, but with the difference of having more time for herself and those closest to her, something that she didn’t have during her long career. “The overview I have is that it was all worthwhile. I feel very fulfilled with my profession, despite giving up a lot of time. My expectation is that I can still enjoy my life without stopping doing what I’m doing. I don’t want to stop working anytime soon,” she concludes. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 89

Essential DRINK

行走 的绅 士 The striding man 他 身着摄政 时代 (乔 治时 代到 维多 利 亚 时 代 的 过 渡 期 ) 的绅 士 服 装 , 大 步向前, 虽然 看似 漫无 目的 ,却 远 在 他 人 之 前 , 走 遍 了 全 球 各 地 He dresses like a dandy from the Regency era. His wide step, without an obvious destination, took him to the four corners of the globe before everyone else 文/by JOÃO BARBOSA

翰·获加(John Walker)出生在苏格兰 西南部基尔马诺克郊外的一个村庄。 1819 年 , 父 亲 亚 历 山 大 ·获 加 (Alexander Walker)去 世 后 ,他 继 承 了 一 个 不 大 的 家 庭 农场。但他不想过那种生活;农业工作并不 适 合 他 。1820 年 ,他 用 卖 农 场 的 417 英 镑 在 基尔马诺克开了间杂货店。 开 店 的 最 初 几 年 ,威 士 忌 并 不 是 店 里 最 受 欢 迎 的 商 品 。其 实 ,威 士 忌 总 销 售 额 连 10%都 不 到 。 当 时 , 他 出 售 的 威 士 忌 名 叫 Walker’s Kilmarnock Whisky(获加基尔马诺克 威 士 忌 ),指 的 是 当 地 最 大 的 城 市 — — 而 今 天基尔马诺克只有不到 5 万居民。杂货店主 要出售单一麦芽威士忌,品质也时好时坏。 威士忌需要一个统一的规范和稳定的声誉。 约 翰 ·获 加 认 为 自 己 可 以 打 破 传 统 并 推 翻当时的法律(相关法律禁止调配威士忌, 直到 1860 才废除),他开始自己调和威士忌, 结果很受欢迎。 19 世 纪 下 半 叶 ,大 不 列 颠 和 爱 尔 兰 联 合 王国(当时英国的全称)——由著名的维多利 亚女王统治。由于工业革命的兴起和殖民地 的扩张,英国当时的国家经济蓬勃发展。 1857 年约翰·获加去世时,为后代留下了 繁荣兴旺的生意,接替他的是儿子亚历山大 (采 用 亚 历 山 大 以 祖 父 的 名 字 命 名 。英 国 的 国家中枢——铁路,促进了威士忌贸易的发 展 ,基 尔 马 诺 克 第 一 个 火 车 站 建 于 1812 年, 1843 年又被新车站取代。亚历山大·获加知 道如何充分利用铁路网络来销售自己的商 品。通过铁路,他的威士忌被运抵港口,为 90 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


ohn Walker was born in Ayrshire, in a village just outside Kilmarnock in south-west Scotland. After his father, Alexander Walker, passed away in 1819, he received the modest family farm. But he didn’t want that life; working in agriculture just wasn’t for him. He ended up establishing himself as a grocer in Kilmarnock in 1820, investing the £417 he’d earned from selling the farm. In the first years of trading, whisky wasn’t what brought recognition to the store. In fact, in total, the sales were below 10%. At that time, the drink was sold as Walker’s Kilmarnock Whisky, referring to the biggest city in that area – nowadays it has less than 50,000 inhabitants. The whisky sold was mainly single malt. The quality was inconsistent. It needed a unifying line to make it a stable name. John Walker thought that he could break with tradition and overcome the coeval legislation, which dictated that mixing whiskies was prohibited and which remained in place until 1860. He started to split the whisky into batches and the result was well received by the population. In the second half of the 19th century, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland – as the State was called – was governed by the famous queen Victoria. At that time, the country boasted a vibrant economy, a result of the Industrial Revolution and its colonial territory.

Essential DRINK

要航行到大英帝国众多海内外领土——其实 是全世界——的船只提供补给。 1867 年,亚历山大·获加推出了他的第一 个 商 业 品 牌 。这 种 名 为 “老 高 地 威 士 忌 ( ” Old Highland Whisky)的调和威士忌酒很快风靡全 球。为了有别于竞争对手,该威士忌采用了 独树一帜的标签。瓶子的选择也同样精明: 瓶身呈直线形,既节省了大量空间更容易储 存,还减少了瓶子在运输途中破碎的机率。 22 年后,他的儿子亚历山大和乔治接管生 意时,杂货店的生意红红火火。亚历山大成为 店里的首席调酒师——负责威士忌的品质和 口味稳定性。他就像葡萄酒界的酿酒师一样。 对其威士忌系列采用不同的颜色来区分, 是尊尼获加成功的决定性事件之一:1909 年, 尊尼获加红牌威士忌和尊尼获加黑牌威士忌 问世。为了彰显获加(Walker,意思是行走者) 威 名 ,威 士 忌 的 商 标 改 为 一 个 昂 首 阔 步 向 前的绅士形象。 那个时候,如今的设计师职业被称为插画 师。汤姆·布朗(Tom Browne)从获加(Walker) 的姓氏汲取灵感,画出了一位衣着讲究的翩 翩绅士,带着快乐而富于挑战的神气,快步 向前行走。这个决定性角色就这样诞生了。 到 了 1920 年 ,尊 尼 获 加 威 士 忌 已 经 远 销 至 约 120 个 国 家 ,成 为 第 一 个 销 往 全 球 的 威 士忌品牌。行走的绅士脚步遍及世界各地, 融入流行文化,并激发启迪着不同领域的艺 术家们的创作灵感。如今,尊尼获加隶属于 英国酒精饮料公司帝亚吉欧(Diageo)集团, 该集团拥有数十家苏格兰酒厂。 92 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

When John Walker died in 1857, he left behind a prosperous trading house. Succeeding him was his son, Alexander, named after his grandfather. The railway line, the country’s nervous system, optimised trade – the first Kilmarnock station was built in 1812 and was later replaced in 1843. Alexander Walker knew how to make the most of the railway system to distribute his merchandise. Through the railway, it arrived at the ports, and so supplied the ships that were on course to the territories of the vast empire, and indeed, to the world. In 1867, Alexander Walker launched his first commercial brand. The blend, called Old Highland Whisky, became global. To set it apart from the competition, the product was given a distinct label. The choice of bottle was no less astute: a container with straight lines, which allowed it to be stored more easily, saving plenty of space, but mainly to avoid the number of breakages. Twenty-two years later, his sons Alexander and George took the helm of an affluent general store. The first become its main master blender – responsible for the quality and regularity of the drink, the equivalent of an oenologist in the world of wine. One of the defining moments of the company’s existence was the adoption of a visual distinctiveness for the whisky: in 1909, the Johnnie Walker Red Label and Johnnie Walker Black Label emerged. Doing justice to the

Walker name, the whisky’s trademark became a gentleman striding confidently. Today, one would call him a designer, but in those days the profession was of illustrator. Drawing from the family name, Tom Browne drew a dandy walking quickly, with a happy and challenging air. The defining character was born. In 1920, the Johnnie Walker whiskies were already being sold in around 120 countries, becoming the first brand with a global expression. The dandy walked around the world, entering popular culture and inspiring artists in various creative areas. Nowadays, Johnnie Walker is part of the British multinational alcoholic beverages group, Diageo, which owns dozens of Scottish distilleries.

THE PATH TO SUCCESS Not only was Johnnie Walker the first business to understand the potential of continuous distillation, but it has also been a reference of regularity and consistency in its whisky blends right from the start. Today, the range is vast and maintains the colour system of the labels to indicate a specific product. The best-known classic range comprises eight references: Johnnie Walker Red Label, Black Label, Double Black, Island Green, Green Label, Gold Label Reserve, Aged 18 Years and Blue Label. In short: the Red Label is the pioneering whisky blend, which created the company’s

Essential DRINK 成功之路

尊尼获加是第一家意识到连续蒸馏威 士 忌 潜 力 无 限 的 威 士 忌 品 牌 ,并 且 从 一 开 始就是调和威士忌品质稳定如一的典范。如 今,尊尼获加威士忌家族庞大,也依旧保留 着以颜色酒标系统来指代不同风味产品的 传 统 。品 牌 这 一 最 广 为 人 知 的 彩 标 系 列 由 8 种产品组成:尊尼获加 Red Label 红牌、Black Label 黑牌、Double Black 醇黑威士忌、Island Green 岛 绿 、 Green Label 绿 牌 、 Gold Label Reserve 金牌珍藏、Aged 18 Years 铂金 18 年和 Blue Label 蓝牌。 简 而 言 之 :红 牌 是 一 款 极 具 开 拓 性 的 调 和 威 士 忌 ,也 是 最 早 在 全 球 闻 名 遐 迩 的 威 士 忌 之 一 ;黑 牌 采 用 苏 格 兰 四 大 产 区 不 同 酒厂、至少陈年 12 年的威士忌调配而成;黑 牌醇黑荟萃了苏格兰西海岸和岛屿威士忌 的 风 格 特 色 ;岛 绿 混 合 了 苏 格 兰 各 地 的 单 一麦芽威士忌,洋溢着浓郁的艾雷岛(Islay) 地区的风味;绿牌选用来自斯佩塞、高地、 低 地 、艾 雷 岛 区 陈 酿 至 少 15 年 的 麦 芽 原 酒 调 配 ;金 牌 珍 藏 完 美 融 合 了 来 自 斯 佩 塞 和 高 地 的 威 士 忌 ;铂 金 18 年 所 用 威 士 忌 酒 龄

至 少 为 18 年 ,是 尊 贵 场 合 的 不 凡 之 选 ;最 后 ,蓝 牌 由 苏 格 兰 珍 稀 和 特 殊 的 威 士 忌 调 和而成,万里挑一之选,被公司誉为“a work of art” ( 艺术珍品)。 不过,尊尼获加产品远超这些,还包括其 他非凡系列:Gold Label Reserve Limited Edition 金牌珍藏限量版:由西海岸的威士忌调配而 成 ;John Walker & Sons Exclusive Blends 礼 赞 系列:有些神秘——公司对其不作任何赘述, 只 推 荐 在 盛 事 时 饮 用 ;Blue Label Ghost and Rare Special Release 蓝 牌 幽 灵 和 稀 有 特 别 版 : 只在特殊时期推出,极具收藏价值。 2000 年 ,尊 尼 获 加 一 改 往 日 风 格 ,推 出 了 庆 贺 千 禧 年 的 专 属 系 列 ,包 括 一 系 列 有 如 艺 术 品 的 红 牌 、黑 牌 和 蓝 牌 。它 们 共 同 构 成 Johnnie Walker Artist Series Tristan Eaton Edition 尊 尼 获 加 艺 术 家 系 列 Tristan Eaton 特别系列。 品牌商标上的尊尼获加脸上挂着友好不 羁的微笑,充满活力和自信,欢快地大步走 向至尊之位,成为全球最畅销的威士忌。作 为 一 个 永 远 走 在 业 界 前 沿 的 品 牌 ,以 “永 远 向前”为口号是最自然不过了。 쐽

reputation; the Black Label results from the combination of different batches, aged for at least 12 years; the Double Black takes its characteristics from the whiskies from the coast and western islands; Island Green is a painting of single malts from across Scotland, with a strong influence from those from the Islay region; the Green Label combines the whiskies of the Speyside, Highland, Lowland and Islay regions, matured for at least 15 years; the Gold Label Reserve is a combination of the best spirits from Highland and Speyside; the Aged 18 Years, recommended for special occasions, comes from a blend of 18-year-old whiskies; and finally, the Blue Label is built from rare and exceptional whiskies, which the company describes as “a work of art”. However, the range extends to exceptional varieties: Gold Label Reserve Limited Edition, made with whiskies from the west coast; John Walker & Sons Exclusive Blends is something of a secret – the company says little about it but recommends it for exceptional moments; and lastly, the Blue Label Ghost and Rare Special Release, which is launched only at special times. Of a very different character, Johnnie Walker celebrated the year 2000 with an exclusive edition of labels with works of art for the Red Label, Black Label and Blue Label. They make up the Johnnie Walker Artist Series Tristan Eaton Edition special collection. Striding jovially, with his friendly and provocative smile, the trademark walker took the brand to the consumption podium as the best-selling whisky in the world today. As a company that is always ahead of the rest, it was only natural that its slogan would be “Keep Walking”. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 93

Essential CHEF

厨房 里 的 冒险 家 An adventurer in the kitchen 在澳 门 酒店中,四季酒店仿若 一 个远 离 喧 嚣 人 群 的 世 外 桃 源 。 在神 秘的 避 世 圣殿 里 有一位大师——Chef Benjamin Lim。 他 以 不 息 的 热 情 打 造 酒 店 餐 厅 美 食 Among the host of hotels in Macau, Four Seasons is like an individual far from the madding crowd. In this mysterious area resides hidden master chef Benjamin Lim who takes charge of the culinary delights of the restaurants in the hotel with unquenchable enthusiasm 文/by EDWINA LIU


hef Benjamin在 新 加 坡 长 大 , 他 原 本 是计划学习艺术,烹饪并不是他 的首选。父亲把他送去新加坡的烹饪学校学 习法国美食,他的烹饪生涯也就此开始。那 个时期,新加坡的烹饪教育和欧洲相似且互 动频繁,学校会安排实习期的学生去各个国 家 工 作 , 因 此 , Chef Benjamin得 以 前 往 法 国 等其他国家精进完善自己的技能。 “当 我 四 处 寻 找 工 作 时 , 我 遇 到 了 Chef Julien。也 正 是 他 启 发 我 做 这 项 工 作 ,” 他 说 , 接着又补充道,当时学习烹饪和现在天壤之 别,他们要在欧洲的餐厅中参与繁重和高强 度的工作。“( 欧洲餐厅)的工作非常严格和 繁重;团队很小,但经历却让人终身难忘。” 这些经验与经历也塑造了他领导的厨房 中 的 工 作 风 格 。“我 会 让 团 队 按 照 他 们 自 己 舒适的方式工作。只有这样,他们才能更具 创意,”他发现。 当 Chef Benjamin 返 回 新 加 坡 后 ,他 加 入 了希尔顿酒店。当时,希尔顿酒店中的法式 餐厅是新加坡仅有的三家法式餐厅之一。随 后,他在 Saint Julien le Restaurant 餐厅再次碰 到了导师 Chef Julien,不过这次是在新加坡。 为 了 进 一 步 磨 炼 烹 饪 技 艺 ,Chef Benjamin 不 仅前往欧洲,还在无与伦比的七星酒店—— 迪拜卓美亚帆船酒店(Burj al Arab)开设了一 间亚洲餐厅。在这里,他曾连续两年获得阿 布扎比年度最佳厨师。 Chef Benjamin 拥 有 在 全 球 各 地 工 作 的 丰 富经验,他认识到一个优秀团队可以带给餐 厅的价值:“我们团队的成员关系非常亲密, 因此我们拥有相同的愿景和目标。在工作中 94 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

寻找乐趣是我们的目标。我们必须要享受这 份工作并乐于互相帮助。“ Chef Benjamin 曾 在 多 家 拥 有 米 其 林 星 级 殊荣的餐厅工作过,曾代表国家在德国烹饪 奥 运 会 上 获 得 金 牌 。他 于 2015 年 加 盟 澳 门 四 季 酒 店 ,担 任 行 政 副 总 厨 。“如 果 你 问 行 业 中 的 任 何 人 , 他 们 都 想 加 入 四 季 酒 店 ,” 他笑着说。 Chef Benjamin 不仅是一位冒险家,还极具 创造力,他从不会给自己设限,擅长靠创意


rowing up in Singapore, cooking was not the first choice of Chef Benjamin, he had originally planned to study art. His cooking adventures all started after a decision by his father, who sent him to culinary school to study French cuisine in the Lion City. During this period, the system of culinary education in Singapore echoed that of Europe, with students working in a variety of places during their internship, which is how he came to explore France and other countries to perfect his skills. “When I was moving around to find a new job I found Chef Julien. He is also the person who inspired me to do this job,” he says, adding that studying cooking was quite different to today, with working in restaurants in Europe very busy and high tension. “The life there was very strict and busy; the team was small but this experience is memorable.” This experience has shaped his styles in his own kitchen although “I will let my team work in their comfortable ways. Only through this can they be more creative,” he finds. When Chef Benjamin returned to Singapore, he worked for the Hilton, which at the time housed one of only three fine dining French restaurants on the island. After that, he reconnected with his mentor Chef Julien at Saint Julien le Restaurant, but this time was in Singapore. To hone his cooking skills Chef Benjamin not only went to Europe but also the

Essential CHEF

和 技 巧 为 本 地 食 客 带 来 惊 喜 。“我 希 望 ,本 地 食 客 更 愿 意 冒 险 并 尝 试 更 有 趣 的 食 物 ,” 他说。“我想,我能吸引更多的顾客。” 考虑到本地食客的口味,Chef Benjamin 也 会调整他的食谱以迎来更多顾客,因此他获 得新菜单灵感的一个重要方法就是常去本地 餐馆吃饭。 “我 刚 到 澳 门 后 ,”他 说 ,“并 不 是 很 开 心 。 但现在我已经适应了这里的生活。我常去高 士德大马路和新益美食,因为我最爱吃那里 的咖喱大包。” Chef Benjamin 不 仅 负 责 酒 店 的 部 分 餐 厅 , 还负责所有相关餐饮活动之餐膳,例如会展 聚餐配餐,他解释说:“我会为特定客户准备 特别的晚餐,也可以更富创造力地达成他们 的要求。” 去年,Chef Benjamin 参与了汇聚潮流先锋 和美食家的活动 The Taste of Artistry,花了几 天的时间潜心研究,打造出一系列迷人的可 食用藝術品。“我们团队颇具艺术才华,我们 想做一些澳门没人做过的事情。 所以我想到 了这个主意。”他说。他还与一些时尚品牌合 作,比如,同珠宝品牌 Isabelle Langlois 携手, 推出了以品牌珠宝为灵感的精美下午茶。 Chef Benjamin 说 他 并 没 有 什 么 招 牌 菜 或 烹饪理念;他只希望诚恳、诚心烹饪。 “做自己擅长的事,并且把事做好,就是我 的理念。对我而言,招牌菜是人们想吃的菜, 不该是你反复做的菜。招牌菜算得上是厨师 的代名词,因此招牌菜应该是人们一直乐意 点的菜。招牌菜不可能是没人想吃的菜。” 从 7 月起,Chef Benjamin 在四季酒店华屋 餐厅为孩子们打造了全新的华屋儿童下午茶 ,提供各种可爱迷人、匠心独具的精致点心和 饮品。您可与全家老幼一起在这轻松惬意的 环境中,温馨宜人的自然光下,尽情宠溺自己 的味蕾,享受天伦时光。 쐽

amazing 7-star hotel Burj al Arab, Jumeirah, Dubai to open an Asian restaurant in the fabled hotel. He consecutively awarded Abu Dhabi Chef of the year in 2011 and 2012. With extensive working experience from all over the world, Benjamin learned the value a good team can bring to a restaurant, saying: “Members in my team are very close so we have the same visual and goal. To have fun at work is the goal. We have to enjoy what we do and be happy to help each other.” Having worked in restaurants with as many as three Michelin stars and wining so many awards includes a gold medal in the Culinary Olympics in Germany, Chef Benjamin joined Four Seasons Hotel Macao as Executive Sous Chef in 2015. “If you ask anyone in this industry, everyone wants to join Four Seasons for sure,” he laughs. Chef Benjamin is not only an adventurer but a very creative individual who never limits himself, using his creativity and skills to surprise local diners. “I hope local diners can be more adventurous and try more interesting food,” he says. “I think I can attract more customers.” Considering the taste of local diners, Chef Benjamin also adaptats his recipes to attract more customers, thus eating in local restaurants is one of most important ways for him to gain inspiration for new menus. “At the beginning after I came here,” he says, “I was not very happy. But now I’ve got used to the life here. I always go to Av. de Horta e Costa and Sun Yick as the curry bun is my favourite.”

Chef Benjamin is not only responsible for some restaurants in the hotel but also all relevant F&B events like MICE gatherings, explaining: “I prepared some special dinners for specific clients, then I could be more creative in meeting their requests.” Last year, Chef Benjamin got involved in the The Taste of Artistry, taking a few days behind closed doors to create an array of amazing edible paintings. “The team is very artistic; we wanted to do something that no-one in Macau had done before. So I came up with this idea.” he says. He also collaborated with some fashion brands like Isabelle Langlois to create a beautiful afternoon tea set inspired by the brand’s jewellery. Chef Benjamin says he does not have a signature dish or philosophy; he just wants to be honest. “Do what you know how to do and do it well is my philosophy. For me, a signature dish is what people want to eat, not a dish you keep cooking. A signature dish is your nickname as a chef, so it should be something that people keep ordering and ordering. You can’t create a signature dish that nobody wants to eat.” Available from July, Chef Benjamin has created a new kids afternoon tea set with an array of adorable mini-sized delicacies at Windows restaurant, where families will surely savour their tasty journey and enjoy the relaxing ambiance and warming natural sunlight of this culinary oasis. 쐽 澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 97

Essential WINE

中 国 葡萄 酒 市 场日 益 壮大 The great vine of China 中国葡 萄酒行业发 展持续 增 长。国 际 著 名 酿 酒 师 大 卫 · 巴伐斯托克透 过 本文解 释 了 个 中 原 因 The Chinese wine industry keeps on growing. David Baverstock explains why 文/by DAVID BAVERSTOCK, HERDADE DO ESPORÃO

国在酿制烈酒和葡萄酒方面历史悠 久。中国酿制粮食酒的技术已经至臻 成熟,葡萄酒酿制技术则留给外国人发展, 至 少 直 到 最 近 情 况 才 有 所 改 观 。过 去 几 年 间 ,中 国 各 地 的 葡 萄 酒 厂 如 雨 后 春 笋 般 兴 建,无论是云南的高山还是新疆的荒漠,都 能见到葡萄酒厂的身影。如今,中国的葡萄 园数量比法国还要多。 鉴于可参考的考古证据和历史记录很少, 人们相信,葡萄酒的生产大约在 4500 多年前 就已经存在了,唐代编年史记录了绝大多数 的 葡 萄 酒 饮 用 信 息 (620 年 至 910 年 间 )。但 葡萄酒早在这段时期之前就开始酿制了,酿 酒 葡 萄 是 希 腊 人 种 植 的 葡 萄 ,但 在 青 铜 时 代葡萄酿酒被取缔,取而代之的是用谷物, 如小米,高粱和大米酿制的酒类。 “真 正 的 ”葡 萄 酒 生 产 直 到 19 世 纪 晚 期 才 开始出现,欧洲葡萄品种被引进到了中国,自 那时起葡萄酒生产开始不断增长。在葡萄酒 生产方面,中国相当独特——他们在看似最 不可能种植葡萄的气候区域种植葡萄,如有 98 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU


hina has a long history of making alcoholic spirits and wines. However, while the country has perfected the art of making grain-based liquor, grape wine has largely been left to foreigners, at least until recently. Over the past few years, wineries have been cropping up all over the country, from the hills of Yunnan to the remote deserts of Xinjiang. Now the country boasts more vineyards than France. With only scant archaeological evidence to base history on, it is believed that wine made from grapes was in existence over 4,500 years ago with the Tang dynasty annals providing most of the information of its use and consumption during the period of 620-910. Grape wine was made however before those dates, using vines planted by the Greeks, but then obliterated during the Bronze age and replaced by wine made with grains such as millet, sorghum and rice.

‘Real’ wine production did not take place until the late 19th century, when European grapes hit Chinese soil, and growth has been continuous since then. China is quite unique in wine production – they manage to grow grapes in the most unlikely climatic regions, where icy winters prevail and vines need to be buried in soil to survive, sometimes in provinces that are thousands of miles from the nearest ocean. The Chinese strive to produce wines that are similar to Bordeaux, with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon the most widely planted grapes, as they believe these are the more prestigious wines. The Chinese people have an obsession with the colour red so it is no surprise that the majority of wine produced is red. It is also relevant that many Chinese confuse the generic category of white wine with the white wine spirit that is common throughout China. Domestic wine production increased in China from 0.78mhl (million hectolitres) to

Essential WINE

些地方寒冬凛冽,葡萄藤要埋到地下才能存 活;有些种植葡萄的省份距离海洋数千英里。 中国人在努力生产类似于波尔多葡萄酒 的产品,至于酿酒用葡萄,则广为种植梅洛 和赤霞珠,因为他们认为这两个品种能酿制 出最顶级的葡萄酒。大部分中国人都对红色 情有独钟,因此酿制的葡萄酒大多是红葡萄 酒也不足为奇。许多中国人也会把普通白葡 萄酒与中国常见的白酒混为一谈。 从 1980 年 到 2015 年 ,中 国 国 内 的 葡 萄 酒 产量已经从 0.78 亿升(mhl)增至 11.5 亿升;葡 萄 园 总 面 积 从 3.16 万 公 顷 增 加 到 83 万 公 顷 。 值得注意的是,在这些葡萄园中,只有约总 面积的 10%的葡萄用来酿制葡萄酒,其余用 于鲜食和葡萄干的生产。2015 年,中国是全 球 第 八 大 葡 萄 酒 生 产 国 , 产 量 为 11.5 亿 升 。 目前,国内生产的葡萄酒有 80%以上是干型 葡萄酒,其中又有 90%是干红葡萄酒。 随 着 中 国 的 经 济 的 发 展 ,新 兴 中 产 阶 级 对欧式葡萄酒的需求量巨大。如今,中国是 世 界 上 最 大 的 红 酒 市 场 — — 预 计 到 2020 年, 中国市场的葡萄酒销售额会达到 210 亿美元。 尽管葡萄酒消费总量巨大,但人均消费量却 很少——2014 年 中 国 人 均 消 费 仅 为 1.16 升。 因此,海外公司颇有兴致投资中国葡萄酒产 业,无论是投资于生产(葡萄园和葡萄酒厂) 还是开拓中国为出口市场。电子商务的繁荣, 近期中国经济发展放缓,以及政府的反腐运 动等新兴因素,给中国葡萄酒行业带来了挑 战和机遇。政府层面需要为该行业提供更多 的帮助,如更全面的普及葡萄酒教育,针对 整个产业的方方面面完善国家葡萄酒法律体 系,推广葡萄酒产区及提升葡萄酒品质等。 迄今为止,我品尝过的中国葡萄酒品质都不 算太好,打旅游牌的国内品牌如王朝、长城, 酒体单薄、酸度不高。但由于大批澳大利亚 和法国专业人士参与中国葡萄酒行业发展, 加上中国人典型的坚韧精神,他们大规模生 产顶级红葡萄酒只是个时间的问题。 쐽 100 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

11.5mhl and the total vineyard area scaled up from 31,600ha to 830,000ha from 1980 to 2015. It should be noted that of this vineyard area, only approximately 10% is for wine grape production, the rest being for table and dried grape production. In 2015, China was the eighth largest world wine producer with a volume of 11.5 mhl. Currently, more than 80% of domestic production is dry wine, of which 90% is dry red wine. China’s economic growth has led to a new middle class with a thirst for European-style wine. Today, China is the world’s largest red wine market – the value of Chinese demand for wine is estimated to reach a value of $21 billion by 2020. Even though the total consumption of wine is huge, the per capita consumption is tiny – only 1.16 litres in 2014. Hence the overseas interest in investing in the Chinese wine industry, both at a production level (vineyards and wineries) and also as an export destination. However emerging factors such as e-commerce, the recent slowdown of the Chinese economy and the government anti-corruption campaign present both challenges and opportunities for the Chinese wine industry. There needs to be a lot of help at government level to provide better wine education and a complete national wine law system targeting all areas of the industry, promoting wine regions and higher quality standards. The quality of wines I have tasted in China so far has not been too good, with touristy names like Dynasty and The Great Wall, fairly thin acid reds, but with a lot of Australian and French expertise involved in the industry and with typical Chinese determination, it is only a matter of time before they are producing top-quality red wines on a large scale. 쐽

享 澳门美食 品澳门历史 Savour the history and flavours of Macau 澳门 现 今已被联合国教科文 组织评 定 为 “ 创 意 城 市 美 食 之 都 ”, 这 里 不仅 荟萃 来自 世 界各地的美味佳肴, 还汇聚 各 种 历 史 悠 久 的 地 道 风 味 。 本 期 , 我们 邀 请您乘坐我们的时光机 器 ,和 我 们 一 齐 去 探 索 澳 门 的 地 道美 食 Now recognised by UNESCO as a Creative City of Gastronomy, Macau not only features a wide variety of cuisine from all over the world but has a cornucopia of delicacies with a long history. Take a ride in our time machine to experience the authentic flavours of this city 摄影 /photos INEZ NG 102 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

Essential FLAVOURS


龙 华 茶 楼 位 于 澳 门 地 标 红 街 市 附 近 ,是 了 解 和 品 味 澳 门 历 史 的 最 佳 地 点 。茶 楼 已 有 约 40 年 历 史 ,是 澳 门 现 存 的 两 座 老 字 号 传统茶楼之一。 光顾龙华茶楼的宾客可以在纯粹的茶馆 氛 围 中 体 验 特 别 正 宗 的 “饮 茶 ( ” “喝 茶 ”)。饮 茶是广东非常普遍和典型的聚会方式,亲朋 好友选在上午或下午相聚,边吃、边喝、边 聊 天 。饮 茶 一 般 包 括 点 心 和 茶 水 ,点 心 通 常 盛 装 在 竹 蒸 笼 里 ,份 量 不 大 ,都 是 蒸 、 煎或炸的食物。

龙 华 茶 楼 内 饰 装 修 质 朴 而 温 馨 ,摆 满 了 老板私人收藏的艺术品和古董,包括画作、 照片和各式各样的传统鸟笼。 茶楼会让客人从点心车上自选心仪的点 心 ,这 种 传 统 在 今 天 的 很 多 茶 楼 几 乎 绝 迹 。 这里的必尝品是手工点心,如烧买、猪肉饺、 叉 烧 包 (一 种 咸 甜 口 味 的 猪 肉 包 )、凤 爪 和 豉汁排骨等。搭配一杯热气腾腾的普洱茶, 在醉人香气中品味这些经典粤式美食绝对 是一大享受。 地址:澳门罅些喇提督市北街 3 号

LONG WA TEAHOUSE Located near Macau’s landmark Red Market, Long Wa Teahouse is the best place to come by to learn and savour the history of this city. Opened some 40 years ago, it is one of two traditional-style teahouses in Macau. Here, guests can enjoy a very authentic ‘Yum Cha’ (literally ‘drink tea’) with a true teahouse ambience. Yum Cha is a typical Cantonese way of drinking and eating undertaken in the morning or early afternoon. Yum cha generally involves dim sum, small portions of steamed, pan-fried, and deep-fried dishes served in bamboo steamers and tea. The rustic, yet homey interior is filled with an eclectic

mix of the owner’s personal art and antique collection - including prints, photographs and an assortment of traditional birdcages. Guests here are invited to choose dim sum from a dim sum cart, a tradition that is almost extinct today. Try traditional handmade dim sum such as shao-mai, a pork dumpling with chewy wrapper, cha siu bao, a sweet and savoury pork-filled bun, chicken claws and stewed pork ribs. All washed down with a steaming hot cup of Pu Er tea, complete with intoxicating scent. Address: 3 R. Norte do Mercado Alm. Lacerda 澳门精华 |澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 103

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茶餐厅(或称咖啡室)是澳门当地人日常 生活中最常光顾吃饭的地方。在过去的香港 和澳门,只有高级餐厅才提供西式食物,且 大部分都不接待本地人。二战过后,有人开 设茶餐厅为本地顾客提供价格适中的西餐。 如今,茶餐厅不仅供应西餐,还为公众提供 各式各样经济实惠的食物。 南屏雅敘位于内港附近的十月初五街,是 澳门首间安装空调的茶餐厅。如今,南屏雅 敘依旧保留着最初的装潢风格,也依旧深受 附近居民喜爱。 两层楼的南屏雅敘每天清晨开门迎客,供 应经典菜式和现烤面包,可以堂食也可以外 卖。招牌菜包括南屏文治(以叉烧、火腿和 蛋 制 成 的 三 文 治 )。这 是 店 里 最 受 欢 迎 的 餐 点,比普通三文治厚出两三倍。 鲜烤包点也很受欢迎,如果食客够幸运, 恰好买到刚出炉的面包,定会沉醉于手做面 包的迷人味道中。沙翁是一种中式甜甜圈, 油炸的面包圈上撒上糖霜,面团用鸡蛋、面 粉 及 奶 油 混 合 制 成 。即 使 吃 遍 山 珍 海 味 的 人,也会对它念念不忘。 地址:澳门新马路十月初五街 85-85A 地下


荣记隐身于大三巴附近的小巷里,是澳门 老字号之一。大约 50 年前,荣记创始人挑着 担子在大街小巷上售卖自己的招牌豆腐。如 今,荣记在澳门及氹仔共有 4 间分店,并且已 被列入米其林指南 2018 街头美食。 荣记以其嫩滑的豆腐制品闻名遐迩,豆腐 使用纯净水和明火炼制。荣记驰名的豆腐花 是传统的广东甜品。浇上又甜又辣的姜汁糖 水,软滑的豆腐豆香四溢,入口即化。豆腐花 有热豆腐花和冻豆腐花可选。 104 | AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | ESSENTIAL MACAU

NAM PENG CAFÉ In local people’s daily lives, a cha chaan teng (tea restaurant or café) is the most often visited place for eating. In former days in Hong Kong and Macau, only high-class restaurants provided Western food and most did not serve local people. After World War II, some people set up cha chaan teng to serve ‘affordable Western food’ for local customers. Nowadays, cha chaan teng not only serves Western food but also provides all kinds of economical food for the public. Located in Rua de Cinco de Outubro near the Inner Harbour area, Nam Peng Café was Macau’s first air-conditioned cha chaan teng. Today, the café still retains the original interior design and style - and is still popular with people who live nearby.

This two-storey café opens in the early morning to serve classic dishes and fresh bread for takeaway or eat-in. Signature dishes including nam peng sandwich - made of cha siu, ham and eggs – are a perennial favourite, with the enticing concoction two or three times thicker than a normal sandwich. Fresh bakeries are also popular, with lucky diners arriving when the baked goods are just hot out of the oven amazed by the flavours of handmade bread. Sa yung is a Chinese doughnut, featuring a deep fried dough, topped with sugar, made of eggs and flour mixed with cream mush. An unforgettable experience for even the most jaded palate. Address: 85-85A Rua de Cinco de Outubro, Macau, China

荣记的豆腐面绝对是无处可比。食客可以 自选配菜搭配豆腐面。店里的必尝单品当然 是豆腐面。弹牙面底搭配嫩滑豆腐,荣记特 意选用加拿大进口黄豆,严格控制水和黄豆 比例,制作出滑而不散的豆腐。 荣 记 的 所 有 菜 式 都 是 每 日 现 做 ,其 他 多 种小食,如纯鱼肉制成的鱼蛋、猪皮、猪红、 鱿 鱼 等 也 都 样 样 味 道 极 好 。如 果 想 在 一 餐 内尝遍所有美味,可以选择全餐,全餐乃以 8 种餐厅招牌小食搭配豆腐面。 地址:澳门果栏街 47 号地下

VING KEI Hidden in the lanes off the Ruins of St. Paul’s, Ving Kei is a time-honoured food venue in Macau. The founder started to sell its signature tofu some 50 years ago with shoulder poles. Today, Ving Kei operates four branches in both Macau and Taipa and is also included in Michelin Guide 2018’s street food category. Ving Kei is famous for its silky smooth tofu products, attributed to a painstaking cooking method using purified water and stove fire. Its best known dish - bean curd pudding - is a very traditional dessert in Canton. The soft bean curd bathes in the aroma of beans blending with the sweet yet spicy ginger syrup topping. Choose hot or cold. Noodles here are also divine. Diners can choose their favourite food to accompany the noodles. Must-try dish bean curd soup noodles is the ideal combination of chewy noodles with bean curd made of quality soybeans imported from Canada and the perfect ratio of water to soybeans. Everything here is made fresh daily, with more delectable food including fish balls which are really minced fish rolled together, pigskin, pig blood curds, squid and many other options. For those who want to taste all this delicious food in one sitting, the restaurant’s full board menu, which includes eight signature side dishes with noodles, might be just the answer. Address: GF, 47 Rua de Tercena

Essential FLAVOURS

HUNG HENG COCONUT ICE CREAM Located in the same lane as Ving Kei, Cocos Hung Heng coconut ice cream was founded in 1869 and has been a family business for four generations. This spot is no secret to locals, many of whom queue to buy the ice cream. Visitors can still find the historical signboard and some iconic coconuts in the store. The ice cream is handmade daily using fresh coconuts only, with no additives or flavourings explaining

its pure taste. The texture is soft and a bit frozen like sorbet, while the flavours of coconut are not too sweet although very refreshing. There are usually at least two flavours, one original flavour and changing options like mango and taro. In fact, at Cocos Hung Heng customers can also find all the ‘by-products’ of coconuts – coconut water, coconut milk, coconut flakes, coconut halves – all fresh and ready to eat. Address: 14, Rua de Tercena

LORD STOW’S BAKERY When it comes to Macau’s famous street food, Portuguese egg tarts should be at the top of the list. The first ancestor of egg tarts in Macau must be Lord Stow’s Bakery. The founder of the bakery, English pharmacist Andrew Stow, opened his store in 1989 in Coloane Village. Mr. Stow tried a delicious pasteis de nata (a kind of egg tart) in Portugal and wanted to bring this delicious food to Macau but did not know the recipe. Thus, he used his pharmaceutical knowledge to create his version of pasteis de nata and this is the Portuguese egg tarts we can eat today. The original branch of Lord Stow's Bakery is still located in

Coloane Village. Every day, locals and tourists alike line up to buy the takeaway egg tarts. The pastry is crisp while the egg custard filling is joyfully sweet, smooth and full of egg flavours. Customers can buy a hot and fresh egg tart then sit on a bench by the shore enjoying the tasty dessert with a beautiful view of the water. There are also two Lord Stow cafés near the bakery offering comfortable indoor seating and more options of drinks and food. Bought too many egg tarts and cannot finish them in a day? Don’t worry, just put them in the fridge. They are also really tasty to eat on the following day. Address: 1 Rua do Tassara, Coloane Village Square 쐽


与荣记在同一个巷子里的小店洪馨椰汁 雪糕创立于 1869 年,已经在家族中传承了四 代。本地人对这家店并不陌生,很多人在这 里排队买雪糕。游客也依旧能看到些古老的 招牌和店里挂的双喜椰子。雪糕每日现做, 都是采用新鲜椰子全手工制作,没有任何添 加剂和雪糕粉,只为保留最纯椰子口感。 雪 糕 口 感 软 滑 ,有 点 像 雪 芭 ,虽 然 椰 子 的味道不是很甜,但却非常清香。通常雪糕 有两种味道,原味和可选味道,如芒果和芋 头 味 。其 实 ,顾 客 还 可 以 在 店 中 品 尝 到 所 有的椰子副产品——椰汁、椰奶、椰肉、椰 丝,及开边半只椰子——全部新鲜十足。 地址:澳门果栏街 14 号


说到澳门最驰名的街头美食,葡式蛋挞应 该位列榜首。澳门第一间蛋挞店当属安德鲁饼 店。饼店创始人是英籍药剂师安德鲁(Andrew Stow),1989 年他的第一间店铺在路环开业。 安 德 鲁 在 葡 萄 牙 品 尝 过 一 种 名 为 pasteis de nata 的甜点(蛋挞的一种),想把它引进澳 门,却苦于没有食谱。于是,他利用自己的 药剂知识研发了独家配方的蛋挞,这就是我 们今天吃到的葡式蛋挞。 安 德 鲁 饼 店 首 家 分 店 依 旧 位 于 路 环 。每 天都有很多本地人和游客一样排队购买蛋 挞。蛋挞挞皮酥脆、蛋奶香甜、滑嫩,满是 鸡蛋的香味。顾客买了热气腾腾的蛋挞后, 可 以 坐 到 店 铺 旁 的 长 凳 上 ,边 欣 赏 美 丽 的 海景,边享受美味。 安 德 鲁 饼 店 附 近 还 有 两 间 咖 啡 厅 ,食 客 可 以 坐 到 咖 啡 厅 里 面 舒 适 地 享 受 饮 品 、糕 点。如果您买了太多蛋挞,一天内又吃不完, 也 不 必 担 心 。吃 不 完 的 蛋 挞 放 到 冰 箱 里 第 二天吃,一样非常味美。 地址:路环市区戴绅礼街 1 号 쐽

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 105

Essential NEWS

美高梅全力支持 “澳门节能周” 美高梅致力与本地社区合作,亲力 亲为分享环境保护措施。美高梅连续第 八年全力支持澳门特别行政区政府 能源业发展办公室(GDSE)于 6 月 10 日 至 16 日举办的“澳门节能周活动”。 除 了 参 与 “澳 门 节 能 周 2018”系 列 活 动 之 一 的 “齐 熄 灯 ,一 小 时 ”外 ,公 司 还 响 应 “便 服 夏 ,齐 节 能 ”,鼓 励 团 队成员在非必要情况下着轻装上班,减 低办公室冷气耗电量。 为培养下一代节能工程师,美高梅 迎 来 澳 门 大 学 机 电 工 程 系 的 20 多 名 学生到美狮美高梅进行深入的技术 研讨及实地考察。

MGM Supports Energy Saving Week MGM is dedicated to collaborating with the community and sharing best practices for environmental protection. For the eighth consecutive year, MGM has supported Energy Saving Week, organised by the Office for the Development of the Energy Sector of the Macao SAR Government (GDSE) from June 10 to 16. The company joined the ‘Lights-Off ’ activity organised by the GDSE as one of the highlights of Macau Energy Saving Week 2018 and participated in Casual Wear Day to encourage team members to wear cooler clothing to keep air-conditioning at acceptable levels. To educate the next generation of energy engineers, MGM also welcomed over 20 students from the University of Macau’s Department of Electromechanical Engineering for an in-depth technical seminar and site visit to MGM COTAI.

澳 门君悦 酒店 任命 博宇 时先 生为 酒 店总经 理 澳门君悦酒店宣布任命博宇时(Timothy Bruce)为酒店总经理,并立即生 效。博宇时拥有 30 多年酒店从业经验。他在 2013 年获委任为三亚海棠湾君 悦酒店开业总经理,自此带领这间拥有 435 间客房的酒店从开业前准备直至 开业及正式运营,并在几年间将酒店运作成海南顶级度假目的地。 博宇时如今已经从三亚抵达澳门,他将继续在澳门君悦酒店施展自己卓 越的领导才能。“在与杰出团队共同成功开业运营三亚海棠湾君悦酒店并积 累了丰富的经验后,我很荣幸能够加入澳门君悦酒店管理团队。我非常期待 接下来的挑战,也很期待把澳门当成我的新家。”他说。

Grand Hyatt Macau appoints Timothy Bruce as General Manager of property Grand Hyatt Macau has announced that Timothy Bruce has been appointed General Manager of the property effective immediately. Bruce has more than three decades of experience in the hospitality industry. In 2013, he was appointed as the opening General Manager for the 435-room Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay Resort & Spa where he oversaw the successful opening and subsequent operation of the property positioning it as a leading resort in Hainan. He has now made the short journey from Sanya to Macau where he will continue his leadership role at Grand Hyatt Macau. “After a very rewarding experience with a great team opening Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay, I feel humbled to become part of the management team at Grand Hyatt Macau. I am looking forward to embracing this next challenge and to calling Macau my home,” said Bruce.


Essential NEWS

新 濠组织 职 业安 全健 康 管 理工作 坊 澳门新濠博亚娱乐有限公司(新濠)近期举 办 工 作 坊 ,与 本 地 中 小 企 业 分 享 职 业 健 康 及 安 全管理认证的最新趋势以及新濠在这方面的经 验与专业知识。 工作坊吸引了各行各业的中小企业代表出席。 工作坊第一部分由澳门生产力暨科技转移中心 (CPTTM)标准管理培训与评估经理何丽妍女士 介绍职业健康及安全管理认证的最新趋势及 CPTTM 的支援服务。第二部分则由新濠博亚娱 乐保安部职安健助理经理陈嘉怡女士分享新濠引 领业界的职业安全与健康管理系统。 工作坊最后部分是个商务社交环节,让中小 企业向新濠供应链部门介绍其产品及服务。

Melco Organises Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health Management Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited recently held a workshop, sharing with local SMEs the latest trends in Occupational Safety & Health Management Certification and Melco’s experience and expertise in the matter. The workshop - attracting SME representatives from various industries and sectors - began with a presentation by Ms. Jenny Ho, Manager of Standards, Management, Training & Assessment, CPTTM, on the trends in OSH Management Certification and CPTTM support services, followed by a sharing by Ms. Garbi Chan, Assistant Manager, Occupational Safety & Healthy, Security, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, on Melco’s leadership in OSH System Management. The workshop concluded with a business networking session, where SME representatives had the opportunity to introduce their products and services to Melco’s Supply Chain Department.

澳 门J W 万 豪 酒 店 及 澳 门 丽思卡尔顿酒店双获大奖 澳 门 JW 万 豪 酒 店 及 澳 门 丽 思 卡 尔 顿 酒 店 在 万豪国 际集 团中 国市场 2017 年 年度评审 中 共 获 得九项殊荣。这些荣誉彰显了两家酒店在个性化 服 务 、企 业 社 会 责 任 及 财 政 业 绩 方 面 的 卓 越 表 现。万豪国际集团的奖项旨在表彰该酒店品牌旗 下卓越物业中最出类拔萃的物业。 澳 门 JW 万 豪 酒 店 及 澳 门 丽 思 卡 尔 顿 酒 店 运 营副总裁马立祺(Rauf Malik)先生表示:“能够 在 尊 贵 的 ‘万 豪 国 际 大 奖 ’中 赢 得 如 此 多 的 认 可,我们感到无上荣幸。 这一成就肯定了我们三 年前为澳门带来的令人印象深刻的奢华和服 务。展望未来,从财务业绩到慈善活动,再到为 宾 客 提 供 最 卓 绝 体 验 ,终 极 享 受 和 无 与 伦 比 的 服务,我们都将不遗余力地继续进步与提升。“

JW Marriott Hotel Macau and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau Win Awards JW Marriott Hotel Macau and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau collected nine recognitions in the 2017 awards by Marriott International for China. These prestigious accolades showcase the properties’ excellence in personalised service, corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Awards by Marriott International recognise the best of the best from amongst the hospitality brand’s outstanding properties. Mr. Rauf Malik, Vice President of Operations for JW Marriott Hotel Macau and The Ritz-Carlton, Macau, said: “It’s an exceptional honour to win so many recognitions across-the-board, in the distinguished ‘Awards by Marriott International’. This accomplishment underpins the impressive luxury and service our properties brought to Macau three years ago. Moving forward, we are continuously improving, from financial performance to charitable initiatives to providing guests with the finest experience, ultimate enjoyment and unparalleled service right in the heart of Macau.”

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 107


奢华精髓 Essential luxuries “精华”指南,澳门顶级购物商场奢靡品牌一网打尽 The Essential guide to luxury brands at Macau’s leading shopping malls

威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau

永利澳门名店街 Wynn Esplanade Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau

四季‧名店 Shoppes at Four Seasons The Cotai Strip, Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau

Abiste Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Alfred Dunhill 艾尔弗 雷德·登喜路 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Agnes b. 阿尼亚斯贝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Aquascutum 雅格狮丹 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Armani Collezioni 阿玛尼黑标 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Audemars Piguet 爱彼表 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店


永利澳门万利酒店 Esplanade at Encore Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau

四季酒店DFS环球免税店 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons

新濠天地 The City of Dreams

The Cotai Strip, Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau

Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau

金丽华酒店 Grand Lapa Hotel

澳门银河 Galaxy Macau Cotai, Macau

金沙城中心 Sands Cotai Central Estrada da Baia de N. Senhora da Esperanca, S/N, Taipa, Macau

Bally 巴利 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Bang & Olufsen 奢 华视听品牌 B&O One Central 一号广场 Bottega Veneta 宝缇 嘉 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心

956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, Macau

一号广场 One Central Avenida de Sagres and Avenida do Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Lot B of Block B of Zone B Nape, Macau

Breguet 宝 玑 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Brooks Brothers 布 克兄弟 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Burberry 巴宝莉 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地

Brioni 布莱奥尼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Bulgari 宝格丽 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Boucheron 宝诗龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Canali 康纳利 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Essential RETAIL

Carl F. Bucherer 宝齐莱 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Cartier 卡地亚 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店

Damiani 达米阿尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 David Yurman 大卫 ·雅曼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Céline 赛琳 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场

De Beers 戴比尔 斯 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店

Cerruti 1881 切瑞蒂 1881 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Diamond SA 南非钻石 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Chanel 香奈儿 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Diane Von Furstenberg 黛安·冯芙丝汀宝 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Chaumet 尚美 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Chloe 蔻依 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Christian Dior 克里斯汀·迪奥 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Chopard 萧邦 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Cigar Emporium 雪茄专门 店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 CK Calvin Klein 卡尔文·克莱 恩 One Central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Coach 蔻驰 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Cole Haan 歌涵 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

DKNY 唐娜·凯伦 纽约 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Dolce&Gabbana 杜嘉班纳 One Central 一号广场 Emporio Armani 安普里奥 ·阿玛尼 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Ermenegildo Zegna 杰尼亚 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Europe Watch Company 欧洲坊 One Central 一号广场

Franck Muller 法蘭穆勒 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Gieves & Hawkes 君 皇仕 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Giorgio Armani 乔治·阿玛尼 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Giuseppe Zanotti 朱塞佩· 萨诺第 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Givenchy 纪梵希 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Glashütte Original 格拉苏蒂 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 GoldVish S.A. Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Gucci 古琦 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Hermès 爱马仕 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Hublot 宇舶表 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地

Fabio Caviglia 法比奥 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场

Hugo Boss 胡戈· 波士 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 One Central 一号广场 The City Of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Fendi 芬迪 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场

IWC 万国 表 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河

Ferrari 法拉利 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Jaeger-LeCoultre 积家 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Francesco Biasia Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

澳门精华 | 2018年 8月- 9月 | 109

Essential JEWELLERY Shanghai Tang 上海滩 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Samsonite Black Label 新秀丽黑标 One Central 一号广场 Shiatzy Chen 夏姿·陈 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 S.T. Dupont 法国都彭 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 St. John 圣约翰 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Smalto by Paris Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Jaquet Droz 雅克 ·德罗 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Miu Miu 缪缪 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Juicy Couture 橘滋 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

Montblanc 万 宝龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场

Kate Spade 凯特· 丝蓓 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Kenzo 高田 贤三 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Lancel 兰姿 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 La Perla Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Leonard 李奥 纳德 One Central 一号广场 Links of London Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Loro Piana 罗洛·皮雅纳 One Central 一号广场 Louis Vuitton 路易·威登 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 One Central 一号广场 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Loewe 罗 威 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Luk Fook 六福珠宝 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Marc by Marc Jacobs 马克·雅 可布之马克 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Marni 玛尼 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Max Mara 麦丝玛拉 One Central 一号广场 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Maubossin 梦宝星 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Mikimoto 御木本珠宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Missoni 米索尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心


Officine Panerai 沛纳海 One Central 一号广场 Omega 欧米茄 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Sands Cotai Central 金沙城中心 Macau Landmark 澳门置地广场酒店 Macau Square 澳门广场 Pal Zileri 伯爵莱利 One Central 一号广场 Piaget 伯爵 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Esplanade at Encore 永利澳门万利酒店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河

Stefano Ricci 史蒂 芬劳·尼治 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Swarovski 施华洛世奇 水晶 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Tag Heuer 豪雅 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Thomas Sabo 汤武士世宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Tod’s 托 德斯 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 Tonino Lamborghini 兰博基尼 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Prada 普拉达 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Tourneau 唐龙 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心

Rado 雷 达 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 The City of Dreams 新濠天地

Tudor 帝舵表 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街

Ralph Lauren 拉夫·劳伦 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地

Vacheron Constatin 江诗丹顿 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店

Rich Jade 富御珠宝 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Richard Mille 瑞驰·迈 迪 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 Rimowa 日 墨瓦 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Roberto Cavalli Class and Cesare Paciotti Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Roger Dubuis 罗杰杜 彼 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Rolex 劳力士 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Salvatore Ferragamo 萨尔瓦托 勒·菲拉格慕 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地

Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅宝 DFS Galleria, The Four Seasons 四季酒店DFS环球免税店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Galaxy Macau 澳门银河 Versace 范思 哲 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Versace Collection 范思哲高级成衣 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Vertu 沃尔 图 Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian 威尼斯人大运河购物中心 One Central 一号广场 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Wynn Esplanade 永利澳门名店街 Vivienne Westwood 薇 薇恩·韦斯特伍德 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Yves Saint Laurent 伊夫圣罗兰 The City of Dreams 新濠天地 Valentino 华伦天奴 Grand Lapa Hotel 金丽华酒店 Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店

2017 8-9 39 No. 39 August - September 2017

No. 80 June / July 2017

BASTARDINHO The temporary end of a unique wine O fim provisório de um vinho especial

Summer mood The city's best swimming pools

PANTHÈRE DE CARTIER The rebirth of an icon O renascer de um clássico

REAL ESTATE LUXURY BOUTIQUE Quintela e Penalva celebrates 13 years 13 anos de Quintela e Penalva

Clube Militar de Macau Historical paradise

ESSENTIAL Luxury, style, business, people, property, places and more Luxo, estilo, moda, personalidades, imobiliário, negócios e muito mais!

Panthère de Cartier

June-July 2017 €4.00

Macau MOP 50 Hong Kong HKD 50

Returning to life

Mainland China RMB 50

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